#this is also about persephone dw about it
mysterycitrus · 2 months
i could talk at length about how bruce kneels at the shadow of john grayson and remains terrified of calling dick grayson his son, both from the weight of loving someone that deeply and the fear of replacing dick’s parents. how they’re father and son and brother and brother and best friend and companion and confidante and confessor and they’re so tangled up in each other that they’re trapped in the cage they both refuse to leave. but people are still gonna try to convince me that dick is not bruces child in any real way that matters. cmon now.
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robots-are-kinda-hot · 6 months
I’ve been wanting to post these for a while!!
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((Anomaly by @htsan!!!!))
to be honest, either concept could just be for a reader in general, but the first thing I thought of was sansnomaly so!!! yeah
feel free to ask me stuff about either of these AUs!! The general info is down below but I do have more ideas for these! Depending on how well this does I might make more drawings, but if you want more feel free to ask!!!!
So the Hades AU is pretty simple. Sans is our Persephone, getting dragged down to the underworld with us!! I chose to make my Hades anomaly a lonely and nervous person, but the anomaly is literally us, so the personality is up to you!!! You can choose to follow the stuff I put in text, or not. Either way it’s more sansnomaly :)
The second one is a little more obscure- it’s a Coraline AU! We give Sans this little world where he can be happy for a while before he returns (we aren’t gonna hurt him or anything like the Other Mother dw!!!) to his own! Also, there are multiple anomalies!! Unfortunately, we’re all stuck in the Other World. This causes some anomalies to… become a little unhinged. They still don’t hurt Sans, but they take on more and more spiderlike qualities as they get more and more possessive of Sans :( The anomalies who have more doll-like attributes still want Sans to stay with them, but if he is put in harm’s way they will let him go.
Also, yes the spider anomalies have the Other Mother’s hands. Those things are fucking gorgeous how could I not
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space--rat · 2 years
Tim In The City headcanons
obviously tim is Persephone. obviously
Why though. That's the important question.
my headcanon. He wanted to wreak havoc on the City, but he doesn't take pleasure in pure violence like Jonny does when he's "depopulating it"
he gets to the city and violence is so boring here it's just Everywhere
so instead he gets ahold of brian's flowers and just starts fuckin throwing em around like a flower girl
and he's right it's WAY more destructive than killing ppl
the olympians get nervous there are FLOWERS in their STREETS they'll all technically dead of course because they've been picked but WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THESE FLOWERS COMING FROM
meanwhile this is looking to the lower classes like a sign of rebellion of some variety. some take to it, some don't. its risky to side with someone loudly pissing off olympians
obvs Hades™ gets wind of this and while it is objectively hilarious, it's also kinda messing with their steeze
So while the olympians are all pissy, Hades makes a show of """""capturing""""" persephone
oh good Hades has got it taken care of We're Good
they tell all the olympians, maybe even show them, that uh oh this thing doesn't die either.
now what
Hades steps up to take care of this!! dw y'all, they'll keep this Rapscallion locked up good and tight
well tim and ashes have a good hearty laugh about it but they are kinda in each others business
so they make it a game
tim's been caught, so he stays for six months. at the end of the six months, if he can get out, he's free for another six months to throw brian's poor flowers around to his heart's content. then ashes gets him captured again.
on and on and on
the olympians catch on, but ashes makes a very good show of convincing them that they're trying their best, really they are, and also in control of the acheron so literally stfu
maybe the other olympians step in eventually and try to capture him in his freedom time, but the mechanisms are decidedly bad at staying in custody and it never sticks long
eventually they just accept that the only person capable of keeping him in one place for any extended period of time is Hades O'Reilly and they're gonna have to deal with the fact that every six months flowers are going to just Be in places like skyrim cheese wheels
so it goes literally forever until they burn the acheron
bonus: "you bring your song to us" it's tim who goes Come on look at him. look how cute he is. he's singing, ashes. he's very stupid. we also sing and are very stupid and ashes offers the job to orpheus knowing he doesn't really have the stomach for it just so tim, who has decidedly no sense of how to properly be a crime boss god, will shut the everloving fuck up
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solar-halos · 7 months
spoilers for the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie down below!! but i just need to talk abt this in xtreme detail before i explode
1. i really liked the Baby Snow / Tigris inclusion. i was wondering if they’d include the cannibal scene
2. the beginning was just a straight up thirst trap sorry. like ik in the book snow was freaking out over his shirt but it didn’t rlly occur to me that he’d be butt booty naked. im not complaining bc i said it once and i’ll fucking say it again: i’m not watching someone be manipulative AND ugly for two fucking hours. it was just kinda a jump scare
3. also another concern was that you wouldn’t be able to tell how shitty of a person he was since he’s so outwardly nice but his internal monologue is slimy and ratworthy, so i thought they’d do the things movies do where he’s narrating his thoughts to the audience. yk like “hey persephone! <3. how are you??” and then his voiceover is like “i fucking hate this bitch. cannibalistic weirdo” but maybe that would have been too humorous
4. speaking of humor i actually loved lucky so fucking much. he rlly emulated the whole “what i lack in experience i make up for in personality :)” thing and just he kinda carried the fact that everything abt televising the games was so new. also that scene at the zoo where lucy gray asked him who the fuck he even was and the cameraman started laughing.. funny as fuck. enjoyed that part immensely
5. also she did in fact correct them that her name was lucy gray and not just lucy
6. loved the whole “how come she gets a mender” “MENTOR” part i’m also glad they kept that in
7. let’s go back to the beginning. i LOVE how closely they stuck to the book when it came to the shirt scene “that must be why it reminds me of my maids bathroom” THATS what i’m talking about
8. also clemensia is sooo pretty. one thing that irritated me was how OFTEN she and snow kept glancing over at each other during dean highbottom’s speech. like i know i’m being irrational abt this but most the time she would look over at him and he would NOT look back (or vice versa) instead of them BOTH hitting each other w the “what the fuck?” glance and something abt that did admittedly grind my gears
9. fucking love sejanus’ actor the first movie i saw him in was west side story and he ate here
10. speaking of that… coral fucking ate too every single scene i was on her side she was the victor to ME
11. anyway let’s go back a bit with the proposal gaul had snow (and clemensia) write up. to me, the way the scene unfolded was weird. it was supposed to show a contrast between clemensia mourning and snow not rlly giving a fuck, but clemenisa being the one saying “give me the bullet points” was strange. to me, i feel like the convo should have gone like: “how could gaul expect us to write that proposal i was crying over arcchane all night” “dw i already wrote it” “where did you find the time? i was too busy grieving” “do you want the bullet points or not?” or something. idk i’m not a movie writer
12. why did clemensia stick her hands in there maybe it was the same in the book but at that point she just needed to admit defeat
13. okay one thing i DO remember about the book is that no one at the cornocupia fought each other, reaper was literally the only one ready to fight. that kinda pissed me off bc i feel like they could have made it interesting in a emotional way (like showing how desperate the tributes are to escape in their own ways) instead of an action sort of way (bc GODDAMN where did they learn to brawl like that?? d4 makes sense but some of them were shooting ARROWS katniss everdeen style). but again im not a movie person so “interesting in an emotional way” is just me being pretentious
14. wovey </3. i’m not rlly sure why they had dill drink the water i think having wovey drink it like in the book would have packed more of a punch ESPECIALLY since lucy gray makes a comment abt how she reminds her of maude ivory / that scene where wovey holds her hand. maybe that was in the book too tho i’m not sure i haven’t read it since it came out. one change that i did remember AND tolerated was snow being the one to cause the whole fuck up w the drones “i wasn’t attacking the other tributes—i was just sending her water” VERY good scene, gave more insight to his character imo. like yes i would have loved a d3 moment but i think this tweak not only made sense but made everything much more nice and neat and smooth
15. okay the singing parts. loved the reaping, but lucy gray constantly being like “give me a second, boys” “let’s go, boys” reminded me of that one delaney video
16. “you can kiss my ass!!!!!!” she ate that
17. also oooo the song she sang abt billy taupe that made snow jealousssss. she was so good like ugh. idk something abt the >:( faces she made ignited something in me. which is exactly the point of lucy gray and rachel zegler literally did such a fantastic job playing maria in west side story so tbh what we were expecting if anyone could have played this role it was her
18. and then lawrence whatever saying this was a love story… okay. i’ve always had the opinion that lucy gray genuinely liked snow (like in a stockholm-y way) BUT snow was too blinded by control to actually love her back, so i could see where he was coming from. with that being said, i feel like in the books snow had a lot more moments where he was doing / saying “sweet” things to lucy gray, so the scene where they almost kissed and then her happiness at being reunited with him just seemed so awkward and out of place. like i get it they truly did not spend that much time together but the kiss before the arena was so important idk why they left it out. when they kissed after being reunited and when she was like :D after seeing him in 12 i was like “uhh yall don’t even know each other like that calm down”
19. let’s go back the arena. i like the little nod of lucy gray killing treech w rat poison, even if it was kinda anticlimactic
20. speaking of anticlimatic… the ending? sucked. like it would have been abrupt either way and maybe i’m just misremembering but the lucy gray showdown with treech could have been the action scene that replaced the bloodbath (bc the bloodbath didn’t exist back then!!! that was the whole point!!!). also i don’t remember gaul being so adamant about not wanting a victor at all, but i understand why they did that bc how else would they have incorporated the “get her out” chant
21. there were a lot of scenes that made me go “ohhh i wanna remember this forever that’s so good and clever.” of course i forgot abt most of it by the time the movie was over, but one scene that stuck out to me was when the capitol students got rlly fuckin angry when reaper tore down their flag
22. also i knew what happened to marcus but tell me why i gasped when i saw him hanging there anyway
23. i don’t remember lamina crying in the books??? also don’t understand why snow was against the alliance here i think him being confused abt it in the book was better bc i when i read it i remember being genuinely surprised that he was surprised that lucy gray wanted to team up w someone i was like ummm isn’t that common sense
24. “it isn’t fair i killed all those ppl for nothing.” GOOSEBUMPS
25. again maybe i’m misremembering but didn’t snow beat the shit out of bobbin even after he already knew he was dead?? even if that wasn’t the case and i’m just misremembering i feel like they should have drawn that out more to show snows descent into Psychotic Bitch Mode
26. that scene where billy taupe was pulling at lucy grays skirt and being like “ik u missed me” dragged out for WAY too long, esp since lucy gray kept repeating “get off me, billy taupe. get off me” like WAY too calmly given the context of the situation. again im not a movie person AT ALL, but i think her snapping and kicking billy taupe away could have been a nod to how she bit his hand in the book. then, after she kicked him, snow could have arrived and started being the shit out of him. idk her biting billy taupe was something snow mentioned when he was justifying how he was gonna kill her, so idk. i thought they were gonna do a ranting sequence / flashback scenes with snow remembering how lucy gray was “violent” / “dangerous” that would trigger him (no pun intended) to actually start shooting. like him beating up billy taupe for a longer time than he needed to was also an indicator that he’s in Psychotic Bitch Mode, but i feel like it could have been a 2-in-1. if that makes sense
27. why did billy taupe push mayfair in the TITS. go to hell
28. said it before and i’ll say it again: lucy gray is a fashion icon. i wanna crochet her bathing suit so bad
29. that scene where they were going to the woods and snow was slapping away the mosquito omg. he was PISSED
30. “it’s a mystery. just like me” oh my fucking god i love rachel zeglers portrayal of lucy gray
31. also call me classist but i fucking hate country music but rachel zeglers performances might have converted me. “cant take my paaaaaast” yee yee!
32. okay. so i think a big question was if snow was portrayed as properly slimy and ratworthy to ppl who did NOT read the books. in my opinion, i don’t think so. in the books, you can obviously tell he’s fucking awful. in the movies, he’s obviously shitty too, but i feel like there are moments where he’s portrayed way kinder than he actually is, like when he started crying over sejanus. they kept in a lot of stuff he said sympathizing w the tributes (like the part in the book where he was like “how could they punish marcus for trying to escape from certain death?” BUT they DID leave out parts that made him so intolerable, like when he genuinely convinced himself that lucy gray was more capitol than district / his gross thoughts abt the games and control and possessiveness in general. like remember when he said that having lucy gray locked up in the capitol was a better alternative than her being in d12 bc at least he’d know where she was at all times?? or when he was ready to give up on trying to reunite w her bc it was hot asf and SENJAUS had to be the one to convince him to keep going? wtf
33. ALSO something that bugged the hell out of me is sejanus’ death scene. bc in the book his last words were ma BUT in the movie it sounded so much like he said pa. idk if that was just me tho but it caught me so off guard bc this man has DADDY ISSUES and it would be so different if he said pa. Pa is money and wealth, Ma is comfort and compassion. wanting his dad = he rlly just wanted his dad to bail him out. wanting his ma = wanting comfort and stability. but it sounded a lot more like ma when the jabberjays repeated everything back so maybe i just misheard
34. snow glaring at the rainbow fucking sent me i know his ass was brainstorming (no pun intended) on how to control the fucking weather
35. okay sorry i need to talk more about how snow was portrayed. my sister went w me but i did not know that she didn’t know ANYTHING about the movie, she was just coming w me bc she felt bad that i’d have to wait another week to watch it and decided that she wasn’t even gonna read a summary abt it. like she did not know that coriolanus snow = president snow, but i was still hoping that she knew that he was a bad person. nope. as soon as we left, she told me how much she hated the ending, and i thought it was bc she was pissed no one found out about snow. nope again. in her words, “i thought they’d get married”
my live reaction to that information
to be fair, when i was her age, i thought heathers was a love story, so i had to cut her some slack. after a bit of INTERROGATION, this is what she told me:
1. at least she thought that HE’D move in with HER, and not the other way around
2. what would be his motivation for moving to the districts? cos obviously he hated the capitol
okay me when i write a lucy gray / sejanus fanfiction. but still. if that’s what she got from the portrayal of his character, i think it’s safe to say that they could have done a lot more work to ensure that he was perfectly ratworthy to the audience. like yes she’s young and yes she had no idea what the fuck was going on (in her words: “yeah i was like ‘i’ll just ask u to explain it to me after’”) but i feel like knowing that he’s an awful person who hates the district should be something u make GLARINGLY obvious, even if it would be cheesy. i know that shoving a hot person on screen and downplaying their characters HEINOUS crimes is rlly common when it comes to things like this, but i genuinely don’t think that was (quite) the case here. like he had the potential of being as horrible as he is in the book (not even hesitating to send the jabberyjay recording of sejanus to the capitol, telling sejanus he only said all that shit abt changing the world bc he just wanted to save his own ass) but it just.. felt very half-assed. in my opinion
36. look i know this post is already xtremely long but would u believe me if i said there were more things i wanted to talk abt but can’t remember bc i have goldfish memory?? bc i do. but that’s all i can remmeber for now. goodnight and goodbye
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godsofhumanity · 11 months
Okay, I don’t intend to sound rude, but do you actually like ANY of the gods? Feels like whenever anyone brings one of them up you’re like “mmm. don’t like that one either”
HAHA no dw not rude at all, good question. im sorry, i didn't mean to sound like a hater!!!!!!
there's plenty of gods i like!
to name a few: Prometheus, Helios, Oceanus, most of the titans really, Demeter, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Persephone, Gaia, Nyx, Thanatos, etc.
but there are a special three that i really REALLY dislike: Poseidon, Artemis, Dionysus.
now, everyone knows that greek mythology is full of confronting and gross and sad stories, that's just the way it was back then. so for most gods, i can kinda see "ok i sort of get why this myth goes this way". but Poseidon, Artemis and Dionysus in particular, i just CAN'T get over them. for Artemis and Dionysus this is mainly about the Aura myth. it's too gross, it's too bitter, and i can't rationalise it. but they're pretty popular. i know loads of people love Dio. and yeah, i do use him a lot in my quotes. but, in my heart, i can't really stand him, or the other two. so, sometimes when i see them in my inbox, i just feel sour about them and i don't really have an enthusiastic response.
anyways. that's just my peeve. hope this explains things!!!!!!!
edit: also btw. i love it when u guys share things with me. yes, even if it's something i disagree with. coz ultimately the cool thing about mythology is that there's so many different versions/interpretations. it's fun to see other ideas especially when they change your opinion about something. like, i never cared too much about Hera, but reading people's takes on her, and watching media that portrayed her differently made me change my mind about her, and now she's one of my favourites. so yeah.
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cutiesforsale · 9 months
Hello, cuties. 🍊 <3
Stuff I forgot to mention before,
- I will write gender neutral readers as my default writing style unless specified or asked. I don't have experience with male readers, but how will I have any if I don't try?
- Did I mention that I'm obsessed with yandere writings? Yeah, that will go well. Specifically thinking of Mom! Hera/Aphrodite/Hestia/Themis/Leto. Have fun with that. Also quite enjoy fluff, so some of that too. Maybe smut if I'm up to it/comfortable.
- These ideas will be scenarios/imagines, headcanons, semi-thought out oneshots or maybe even series? Who knows.
• Demon! Isekaid Reader (KNY's version of demons!)
• Foreigner! Reader who gets separated from their best friend in an unfamiliar country and language. They get taken in by the leaf Village, in return, they become a ninja/kunoichi while learning Japanese.
(Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Gaara)
• Demon! Isekaid Reader
• Cursed! Reader?
(Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, Geto)
MID (My Inner Demons):
• Dour Reader who actually helps the boys with Earth stuff and smiles sometimes
• Rejected! Reader, in which the boys socially/emotionally reject Reader and they isolate themselves from the boys, but then the boys start to like them/gain a crush
• Some Ava screen time in a fanfic?
(Asch, Rhys, Pierce, Leif, Noi, Ava, Lorelei)
KNY/Demon Slayer:
• Foreigner! Reader who has to learn Japanese
• Heavenly God/Goddess/Deity! Reader who helps the slayers
• Yan! Tanjiro?
(Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya, Kanao, Nezuko, Hashira)
Genshin (I really like sagau ok?):
• Eldritch! Creator
• Oracle! Reader
• Astro! Archon idea (Curious? Ask me about it!)
• Demon! Isekaid Reader
• Dad! Morax + child (probably daughter, that's how I imagined it but there will be two versions, dw.) made from his divinity/blood/scales/etc. and has a forest-state full of nymphs and spirit creatures in Liyue (Because father Geo Archon said so <3)
• Befriend Xiao as a demon
• Unaware special being from another universe?
• Newly made puppet of Ei, rejected, almost killed but sent down to Scaramoochie/Wanderer to tell him the truth (forget the Irminsul incident)
(Dad! Morax, Zhongli, Xiao, EI, Wanderer)
Greek Mythology:
• Isekaid into Ancient Greece and renamed into Aphmau (it's pretty ok? Mock me. Either way I plan to make it gender neutral)
• Demon! Isekaid Reader
---> Adopted! Brother Heracles
• Adopted child of Dad! Hephaestus + Cyclopes brothers
---> Reincarnation idea with Heph. + Cyclopes
• Mom! Hera/Aphrodite/Hestia/Themis/Leto
---> Deffo some yan moms eventually
• Nature Nymph idea
• Maybe a Yan! Apollo?
• Becoming a messenger/advisor/whatever for Apollo and becoming friends as well?
• Joining Artemis' hunting group after Isekai-ing?
(Apollo, Artemis, Dad! Hephaestus + Cyclopes, Mom! Hera/Aphrodite/Hestia/Themis/Leto, Heracles, Dionysus, Nike, Athena, Eros, Persephone/Kore, etc.)
Note: Characters may be written either romantically or platonically. Some ideas or characters have been added since the first post. Feel free to suggest any other characters, fandoms, or ideas. I would love to hear them. <3
Goodbye, cuties. 🍊🍊 <3
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ender-afton · 2 months
I have urge to do an rp on this blog.... WHO WOULD BE WAITIN TO JOIN?
@thelazyclown @imnotrealdeadass @alice-went-crazy and anyone else- Cause I duno who else
I'ma gather my OC's by color
JW, Pennywise, And their family (I'll do their brackets I have for em at the end) (JW = Jennywise, PW = Pennywise, Nightwise = NW, Dawn = DN, Lanawise = LW, Thunder = THDR L, And Midnight.... = MDN.) Jennywise's kids: Milo and Sonnet (ML, SNT) Pennywise's kids: Holly(wise), Persephone (HL, PHE)
Morrigan (Me) -MG, Kioshi (Me, Again) -KOSH (I'ma do none if it's just me-), Ezra, Athena, Saturn (EZ, AE, SU)
Glitchtrap/William, Delilah, Vanny/Vanessa, Kerrigan, Flare (GT, WA, DLH, VY, KRG, FRE)
Melody, Rain, Mareen, Daeva, Alex, Blaire (MD, RN, MIM, DPC, ALX, BR)
Vinnywise, Danawise, Kelseywise, Korawise, Iris, Cleowise, Tatum (VW, DW, KW, KW2, IR, CW, TM)
Uuuuh.... Glamrock Mangle, Roxanne, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Casey, Glamrock Bowie, Alvira, Rockstar Tangle, Sunshine, Roux, Madame (GRM, RW, GRC, GRC2, GRB, AVR, RTG, STF, RTR, MTW)
Suki/009, Jaylyn/048, Vivian/068, Sparrow/072, Lixius/097, Zeppelin/105, Xia/117, And Dai/281 (EPT, JY, EPX, SP, LX, ZN, XI, DI)
If I add anymore of mine I'll update this
Also, Anon is off, Just so I know who is interacting with me if I need to do something about it.
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baalzebubuu · 3 months
So. Why exactly do you think the head of HR would chastise and insult one of her bosses for doing something that, while risky, was the only thing that could be done at the time to keep Kronos locked away AND reawaken the Underworld? And WHY would they then treat said boss like a fool for being freaked out over her powers seemingly inverting when, 1.) her powers were working as they usually do up until spring, and 2.) there were few known precedents over what Erebos would do to those that make deals with them (i.e. as far as we can see, Hades didn't get his pre-king powers "inverted")? I understand that you have your gripes with LO (some I can even agree with), but damn, at least be fair with your critiques, and also maybe don't mock these characters for having certain bodily features that are often the focus of negative attention IRL...
(P.S. No Greek god/goddess would accept a nymph insulting them to their face like that - they've done far worse for lesser, and even indirect insults, and a nymph being the "Head of HR" in the Underworld OR Olympus realistically wouldn't save them from that wrath, ESPECIALLY if it's coming from the queens themselves; yes, I also saw your Hera post - Hera may be leery of Demeter at times, but she's far from being genuinely terrified of her (ep. 188 clearly shows this), and please remember that Persephone was in danger due to MINTHE'S jealousy over a damn tabloid photo, not Hera's (you know, the GODDESS OF MARRIAGE, who's allowed to play matchmaker if she sees chemistry between people since THAT'S ONE OF HER JOBS, and who also likely wanted to give Persephone experiences outside of the latter's sheltered life) decision to have Persephone intern in the Underworld.)
All good points! These comics are meant to be mostly skits just what the fans always wanted to say to the characters themselves so I don’t really take them seriously in terms of plot or any of that nature
Also I’m not really much for posting here on tumblr
But DW I’ll answer the best I can with some background lore I have currently in store
Originally Gunnarr was a Humble devoted loyal Mage Serving under Freya the most powerful revered goddess in the Norse Pantheon and they were sent Away under Mysterious Circumstances
And they’re placed in high regard by many connections with Justice goddesses due to their good behavior and devotion to them Which somewhat explains why they’ve gotten away with the BadMouthing certain scenes and if any god ever really does anything to HR Freya definitely won’t be too happy about it and would cause a whole dispute between pantheon
As for Getting away with badmouthing with Hades and Keeping him on his Toes HR and Hades have a very long history working for him for up to thousand or so years
HR and Hades Essentially had a relationship just like Bojack Horseman and Princess Carolyn
And HR essentially is completely done with his Foolishness and 99% of The Olympus Family
To the point of calling them out at with whatever legal problems the gods will cause as even if they DIE being called out HR gonna die knowing he was right and essentially their point proved
they don’t really care if they Die by Their hands
( till they eventually became nicer Because of their poly relationship)
As for the part about Persephone reaching That Tower because of Minthe
I was Planning on making a comic about it soon where HR talks to Minthe and gives her consequences but I never really had that much planning how to execute it right
As for how i usually draw Persephone I was mostly following along to how other creators were doing things, not much thought put into it
However that I will apologize for since i do admit they are in bad taste
Let me know if I’m missing a part that I forgot to explain
Edit: Also i am very sorry this post was poorly written I suck at explanations
And it’s the morning by the time I made this post and I’m heading to work atm
I very much apologize for this lackluster explanation
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suna1suna1 · 3 months
Hello! It's Wednesday and y'all know what that means!
I've made some progress on a WIP from a couple weeks ago, and I have some new ones too that I'm pretty excited about! And more of my fics have a definitive release date!
I'm also happy to say: To my Shadamy followers, I will have a new AU fic debuting for y'all in April! (and I continue to have fun with Heart of the Ark, so I shan't be abandoning it anytime soon, dw). I think @killingthecringe in particular will be excited to know I've been working more on the Hades and Persephone AU, so I'm excited to share the first chapter with y'all in a couple weeks! (April 1st, no it's not a prank lol) ^^
Don't forget to go check out @deadrabbithq 's blog! They have really cool Sonic AU stuff + a psychological horror webtoon they're working on that's off to a great start!
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Some Surgamy for @/sonicrarepairweek2024 (super excited for that btw, us rarepair enjoyers are always struggling lol). Hoping to get the colors done by the end of the week.
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Still chipping away at @/metamiie's WALL-E AU designs, but it's getting there! It's really hard, but I've been having so much fun! Plus, anything that gives me an excuse to put the film ost on loop is good in my book lol
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A sketch for Blaze's ref for Fire and Ice
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Sketch for Tails's ref in TCaH. He's quite a bit older in this AU, so he's in his gangly teenager phase XD
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Still chipping away at this test comic of my ocs. Pretty happy with how it's coming out so far though!
And now for my writing WIP word counts this week!
Shadamytober 2023 one-shots - Words: 23,754 (+ 124)
Sonadowtober 2022 one-shots - Words: 20,280 Chapter release date: March 31st
To Catch a Hedgehog - Words: 18,965 (- 4 (Worked on editing this week)) Chapter release date: March 31st
Angels and Demons - Words: 17,996 (+ 280) Chapter release date: March 31st
The Heart of the Ark - Words: 9,495 (+ 409)
All Our Love - Words: 6,303 (+ 123) Chapter release date: March 31st
L'histoire d'une Ladybug a Paris - Words: 6,179 (+ 1060)
Fire and Ice - Words: 5,164 (+ 6) Chapter release date: March 31st
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jankwritten · 11 months
Is Nico good at therapy in the hockey au?? Like he takes his medicines, talks honestly to his therapist, lets others help him?
As an autistic person I kinda suck at it sometimes so I was just wondering nicos feelings on therapy
Also I know I ask a lot of questions at once, so if you don’t want or have time to answer them please dw!! I can slow down if it becomes too much
I’d say Nico is fairly good at therapy. When he was younger, he was “better” at it in that he was easier to read - he was young and angry and, like most teenagers, was embarrassingly easy to read when it came to the things he tried avoiding. He didn’t like taking his meds at first because he thought they would fundamentally change him as a person, but Persephone kept alarms and would pester him about making sure he took them on time. Eventually, it just became a habit, automatic.
Modern Nico, 18/19, is a lot less open in therapy. He feels like his problems are “lesser”, now, and therefore not worth the same weight as the ones he had when he was younger. He trusts his therapist, and they have a good relationship, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. Nico gets away with hiding a LOT more from her nowadays. He’s not really good at deciphering his feelings, nor is he very good at understanding why he feels a certain way - he’ll assume things, but a lot of times that assumption will be way off base.
He’s gotten too good at masking, as well. His therapist hadn’t clocked his autism at all, and since Nico grew up in a household where autistic behaviors were the norm, he doesn’t realize that some of his stuff is tied back to such a thing.
(I’m thinking of also making Will autistic in hockey AU, because he’s inevitably the one who points it out to Nico)
Dude, I love all of your questions!! Ask as many as you want, I promise I’ll answer them when I have the time - I try to only answer asks when I’m at my laptop, since I can type faster there. Trust me, I would rather answer when I can sit down and think than try to rush out a response. :D keep the questions coming, I’ll answer as many as you’ve got!!!
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capybaraonabicycle · 5 months
Hello~ I found this ask game through your reblog and thought it seemed super fun 💚 I am also curious ✨ 16. Is there a subject/character/show you wish you had created more for? Why do you think you didn’t? OR 23. Are there any tips you would give yourself from one year ago concerning your art/work?
Thank you so much for the ask!! Sorry that it's been taking me ages to answer!
16. Is there a subject/character/show you wish you had created more for? Why do you think you didn’t?
Oh, yes!! I wish I had created something for @itlivesproject's beautiful visual novel It Lives Within, specifically something to honour the amazing Amalia de Léon. I made half a sketch of her and my MC being a badass martial arts/magic/gunpower couple but I never finished it. I have no idea why, really. I've played the game about - Idk - 10-15 times from start to finish since it's come out? So, I really need to do something about that eventually.
Here's the sketch in case you wanna see:
Tumblr media
[ID: simple crayon lineart sketch of Amalia and my MC in power poses. The MC is in the back, holding a gun in her left hand and raising her right as a fist. (There is supposed to be magic around the right hand, but the sketch barely shows that.) Lia is in the front, holding a bo staff with both hands. They are smiling at each other. end ID]
Well, okay, I kinda have an idea why I didn't make any It Lives Within art: As per usual, I have spent most my time and energy on Doctor Who. And, like, I am happy with that. Especially since I did branch out a little bit last year and covered a few more fandoms in writing, mostly.
Speaking of dw, I kinda wish I had created more for lovely Bill Potts - she got one short one-shot this year, that's so much less than what she deserves!
(Admittedly, I haven't written much for Bill in recent years either. The year before she only appeared in 2 fics but one was rather long and quite centered on her at least. And last year I have been thinking a lot more than usual about her, so I wish I had turned some of that into works. I didn't even finish the drawing of her that I made.)
Mainly, I wish I had started on the Doctor Who x Hadestown crossover fic featuring Bill as the main character. Both because Hadestown keeps occupying my brain and because Bill as the main character in a long fic would have been amazing.
Why didn't I? Well, mostly because of the 'long' part. I don't really write long fics and I tried my hand at two of them already last year. Both of which aren't finished yet. So, yeah, fear of starting something I can't own up to again. But also, the time never felt right? It was fun to think about and turn especially Persephone!12 in my head for hours, but I never felt like I had something I could put on the page NOW. But like, it will exist someday, I'll keep believing in it (and thinking about it while listening to the Hadestown album).
23. Are there any tips you would give yourself from one year ago concerning your art/work?
General tip: When things get rough and you feel like you don't have energy for anything anymore - ESPECIALLY THEN force yourself to sit down at least 10 minutes every other day to do art or write. You will feel so much better and be amazed how often 10 minutes turn into 30. It doesn't matter if you only produce nonsense, just do it for yourself.
Writing: Whenever you can, find a friend to write for. Someone who gets excited for your work! That is incredibly motivating and rewarding :)
Art: Like every year: your art teacher was right - mix and match techniques! It IS more fun and it DOES look better, usually. Also spend more time playing with colours. They bring joy :)
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seospicybin · 2 years
stumbled across venus ... literally gave me the feels the entire time i was reading. so beautifully written. i look forward to reading more from you <3
I'm grateful that everyone liked it, or most of you are, idk about the rest 🙃
I just thought of wanting to write something beautiful to write about Hyunjin for his bday, and I think the story that fits is this.
I think it's obvious what inspired this fic, I put it pretty much everything out there. But I happen to be doing nothing rn so let me explain hehe
It's inspired by the love story of Adonis and Aphrodite. Adonis is painfully beautiful and captivated Aphrodite, but not only her, but other gods and goddesses as well. Aphrodite had to share Adonis with Persephone, and I depict that into the fic as y/n had to share Hyunjin with his art.
The story of Adonis and Aphrodite is also a story of the origin of two flowers, anemone and red roses. Anemone born from a mix of nectar and Adonis's blood, its other name is windflower, and it's exactly like Adonis: beautiful, slender and short-lived. Well, in the fic, Hyunjin had paintings of anemone, so that's symbolizes that he is the Adonis in the fic. (He's beautiful and slender too. obvs everyone knows already)
Then later in the fic y/n received a bouquet of red roses. It is said that the first rose on earth was white, but Aphrodite pricked her foot on a white rose when she rant through the wood to save Adonis and stained the rose red with her blood, the flower symbolizes passionate love ever since, perfectly described y/n's feelings towards Hyunjin.
(But y/n didn't pricked her foot on a rose to turn the flowers red, she got her heart broken instead 💔)
I thought of writing a tragic ending but dw, I didn’t because I'm good like that. I hope I successfully captured that passionate love in Venus.
I hope this enlighten you and thank you for reading my fics, hope you like it here 😊❤
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aftgficlibrary · 3 years
Are there any AUs where renison or lailalverez is the main pairing?
there are quite a few but here you go -maz
Before All I Heard Was Silence by moonqueerdom (T | 7,430 | 1/1)
Allison's eyes widened and her face burned immediately, spreading to her neck and the tips of her ears. "Oh my gosh, Renee," she lowered her face and covered it with her hands.
Renee chuckled. "She is beautiful when she blushes, ok noted."
"Oh my gosh, Walker, stop that," Allison's voice was too wobbly and high-pitched even for her own ears, and there was a grin threatening to pop on her lips.
About to disappear in the afterlife, Allison Reynolds meets Renee Walker, who was ready to change her life even after death.
Last Café by uberimmortal (M | 4,802 | 1/1)
Like every weekend for the past year, Renee finds herself on a Saturday morning in front of the Last Cafe. She takes a deep breath, key still in her hand, shivering from the autumn breeze as she tries to muster up some energy to open the door. The sun is just beginning to poke over the horizon, lighting up the city in a blue haze, not close enough to this side of the earth to provide any real warmth. One by one street lamps flicker until they turn off completely.
The Gracekeepers by wishbonetea (M | 112,116 | 20/20)
The sea has flooded the earth. Allison lives on a circus boat, floating between the scattered islands that remain and trading dazzling and death-defying feats for food from the islanders. Renee lives alone in a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, with only the birds and fish for company. As penance for her past, she works as a gracekeeper, tending the graves of those who die at sea. A storm brings them together, but under clear skies they must part. When one of the Foxes goes missing, Renee joins to help. It’s meant to be a temporary escape, but Allison might be a reason to stay.
An AU of Kirsty Logan's The Gracekeepers.
she's got lips like wine not sugar by IzzyAguecheek (Not Rated | 8,561 | 1/1)
The coffee shop was mostly empty the first time Allison came in. It was too early for most people, specially on a Sunday, when most people didn’t have work and therefore didn’t need to stop by to grab a coffee to wake up. Allison, however, didn’t strike Renee as the type of girl to drink coffee before a shift at some boring company. She looked more like someone who had stayed up all night and now was trying to fight off a hangover with caffeine.
Dan was late, per usual, so Renee and Andrew were the only employees working. Andrew took one look at the car parked outside, right in front of the window, and firmly turned his back on the girl sitting at the corner booth.
“You take that one”, he decided.
(or: Renee works at a coffee shop, and, when Allison becomes a regular there, she is absolutely in love. It's just a Renison Coffee Shop AU.)
counting my blessings by quensty (T | 10,354 | 1/1)
The last letter is from Wymack.
Allison, it says. Forest Falls, California, has been having problems with a robber. Dan and Matt are too far, and Neil and Andrew are already working a job in Nevada. Get on it. -DW
“Motherfucker,” Allison says.
Real Gravity by loose_canon (T | 1,723 | 1/1)
[begin message]
Hey, Mom. You’re probably watching this and thinking about how much you want to kick my ass right now. Well, my butt, because you don’t say words like “ass,” much less think them. Anyway, I know you’re mad at me. I’m the ungrateful daughter who hijacked an emergency pod and zipped off into space in the middle of the eclipse service like a dumbass—sorry, dumbbutt—with another girl because I just had to go and open myself to the spirit of lesbianism. I’m not gonna lie, I’m mad just like you are. Part of me wants to just say that the spirit is a good fucking time and be on my way. But I need you need to know that I’m losing something, too.
A sci-fi one shot: Allison leaves a final message for her mother after she and Renee escape the generation ship they grew up on.
On Dragon's Wings (Under the Blue) by tinystreetlamp  (T | 8,417 | 3/3)
For hundreds of years the six kingdoms coexisted in peace due to a magical contract that prevents violence between them. Ever since Allison's brother Jean was kidnapped by Riko she has wanted to lead her armies to war against the Island of Night, but the contract prevents her from doing so. When crown prince Nathaniel arrives and asks for sanctuary, Allison sees her chance to unite four of the kingdoms against Riko and rain down her vengeance upon him.
(How to seduce a pirate: drag her underwater unexpectedly)
/Graphic Depictions of Violence
vengeance and death by cthulu_sun (M | 2,446 | 1/1)
legend says you have wax-dipped wings and golden fingernails and knives made of the blood you have spilled. legend says you are not merciful.
in which renee is a tired guardian angel, finds the foxes, and falls in love.
a hundred jewels on throats by ghvsts (T | 3,226 | 1/1)
"have you seen the goddess from the seafoam," they whisper, "she is more beautiful than anything."
(in which seth is ares, renee is persephone, and allison has had enough)
fabrication of a grand scheme by cloudghost (T | 13,787 | 1/1)
Renee was silent for a while. Then, finally, she said, “I want to try going outside.”
“I thought you were scared.”
She hummed her assent. “That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it.”
Since that was basically the philosophy Allison lived by, she nodded. Renee turned back around and met Allison’s gaze. In that moment, Renee looked unbreakable and unshakeable, like nothing that ended up in her way could ever stop her for long. Allison shivered.
Love You a Latte by ceilingfan5 (G | 8,465 | 1/1)
Allison's favorite barista is adorable Renee, so when she gets the news that she has to go on a terrible family vacation and bring an "appropriate plus-one", she decides to finally get herself uninvited from the rest of those events for all eternity. She and Renee go together, pretending to be a very much in love couple, stir shit up, and leave a lot closer than they ever expected. (Obviously they fall in love.) Allison may say "I decided love was fake a long time ago and it’d take a miracle to change my mind now,” but if anyone can be a miracle worker, it's Renee.
say you'll never harden to the world by orphan_account (T | 10,300 | 1/1)
Of course it’s when the knife finally doesn’t feel awkward in her hand anymore that Allison shows up.
Instead of the relaxed way she usually holds her wings, they’re pulled taut behind her back. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest and there’s a decidedly not pleased look on her face.
“Hey,” Natalie says, not interrupting the sequence of stabbing moves she’s been practicing. She has no time for the way seeing Allison makes her feel.
Safe – a joke. Not alone – Allison might not even be real. Cared about – impossible.
Those kinds of emotions aren’t meant for someone like her in the first place, and she’s not going to indulge them.
give me shelter or show me heart by hondayota (Not Rated | 4,720 | 3/3)
Renee had always thought of hope as a feeling, something she scraped out of her insides when she had nothing else to hold onto, but over the past months, hope had ceased to be a feeling and had become synonymous with Allison Reynolds.
the renison zombie au no one asked for
renee and allison are hella gay even when there's zombies
It's Called Fashion Hunty. Look it up. by theKristastrophe (T | 15,440 | 8/8)
Sara works for a company that she doesn't hate but doesn't love either. So she sits at the bar with her two other best friends and tries to get through the work week.
When a fresh lawyer stumbles into thier weekly Rant Club, Sara knows she's in for a wild ride.
Featuring gratious eyerolling, snark, and everyone's favorite Foxes.
Buckle up kiddies. It's time to Sashay, Sashay, Sashay...
Come Close by tinystreetlamp (T | 10,932 | 1/1)
Sometime around 200 BC in Ancient Greece, in a world where the greek gods are real, Laila is a warrior from Sparta. During her first visit to Athens she meets not only Jeremy of Troy but also falls head over heels in love with Sara, a daughter of Apollo and local poet. But Sara is cursed, and soon the three cross the Mediterranean on a quest to break the curse and save Sara.
Sara means Sun by tinystreetlamp (M | 27,739 | 8/8)
Five years ago, ships with black and red sails appeared on the horizon and wiped out all of the royal family - except one. The Raven King conquered Coralia and is doing everything he can to stay in power. Jeremy of Troia, the rightful heir to his kingdom, has been in hiding for the past five years, but he found something worth fighting for.
Laila, an Elven Warrior and Jeremy's best friend, will do anything to protect him. Meeting a cute stranger isn't going to change that.
/Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
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istantoomanypeeps · 4 years
The only problem I had with your review of Lore was your take on her big boobs. I’ve had big boobs since middle school (thanks no thanks puberty ugh) and while it is an artistic choice it’s also normal to have big boobs and be young? Idk if that’s what you were saying or not and this isn’t a criticism, just saying
i’ve got big tits too anon, dw i know it’s possible to be young and have boobs.
my problem isn’t really that she HAS big tits, one of them is that we get a lot of unnecessary panels kind of zooming in on them to the point where it feels that as a reader you’re leering at her. it feels even more concerning when we see persephone looking uncomfortable in her clothes (like at the party at the beginning) and we just gets shots of her boobs. combine that to the fact that nearly every male god so far (hades, apollo, zeus come to mind) has made comments about her body but also see her as childish/an object/a pawn that can be used it just doesn’t feel right?? it feels like she’s just being objectified.
what really makes me uncomfortable is how persephone is characterised as a really naive and young goddess in all this and no one seems to think it’s wrong to talk about her like this. in fact the only person who momentarily does is hades and that makes him the good guy bc he actually has to stop and think abt it for a second, even though he goes straight back to ignoring that afterwards. (with how he’s realising he knows nothing about her though maybe he’s starting to see her more as an individual than just a really pretty ass so i’m still hopeful).
i really hate how characters will bring up her age and say persephone is so young and then right after go back to ogling her big old booty like what??? and smythe doesn’t really show us the readers that this is a Bad Thing bc after any self reflection from the characters (mostly hades) abt how it’s wrong to just look at her this way is just brushed off later with more banter abt how sexy she is later. maybe this will change later but maybe it might not.
so really anon you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with her having massive boobs and being so young, it’s just that she’s characterised as a pretty vulnerable child who is standing on her own for the first time but also sexualised so much you can’t tell whether she supposed to be some kind of femme fatale instead. if persephone was written as a goddess who’s comfortable in her own body i wouldn’t have as much of an issue about this, but that’s really not the case.
that’s what comes to mind at first but there’s more i could add if you’d like
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purplesunrisefanfic · 4 years
Masterlist, Info & Recommendations
Talk to me here & Find me on AO3 here.
I’m Persephone. I’m 29, bi, and British.
I write The Last of Us fanfics, including a lot of BDSM and kink orientated fics.
I am autistic, have ADHD and am a bit of a genderfuck (they/them/theirs).
I often use the term AutDHD (and variations thereof). I made this up on a whim one day to refer to having both ADHD and autism.
Use #about to find out more about me.
I take limited requests, please read the the rules below before requesting. (Clarifying questions welcome!)
This blog contains explicit and sexually explicit (written) content throughout and contains kinks that may be triggering or offensive. Proceed with caution.
I will warn for literally any trigger if requested - no questions asked. Anon is on so please do reach out if it might help you 💛
My Fics
All my fics (except HCs et cetera) are posted on AO3 under my handle PurpleSunrise.
Note that the AO3 versions tend to be better quality as I redraft/correct my Tumblr requests before uploading. This means there may be a delay in crossposting from Tumblr.
TLOU Femslash Week 2020
Read all 7 fics on AO3 here.
🌊 Day 1 “Making Amends”: Abby/Ellie post-cannon enemies->lovers (Cali Soul Part 1, AO3)
🧿 Day 2 “Scars”: Forbidden love Scar/WLF poem with a reference to Dina/Ellie (Tumblr)
🌊 👩‍👩‍👦 Day 3 “Good Son Fluff”: Abby/Ellie try to figure out post-apocalyptic transistion options as they co-parent Lev. (Cali Soul Part 4, AO3)
💖♾🔫 Day 4 “Modern AU”: Everyone lives AU. Poly!Ellie Dina/Ellie and Ellie/Riley, focused on Ellie/Riley. Very meta with something for everyone. (AO3)
🧿 Day 5 “Apocalypse Wedding”: Dina/Ellie angst with a happy ending. (AO3)
🔫 Day 6 “Hunting Together” Ellie/Riley fluff (Tumblr)
🌊 Day 7 “Rest”: Abby/Ellie kinky date fluff (Tumblr)
My fics on Tumblr:
🌊 Abby/Ellie (alternate ending)
🌊 Abby/Ellie (angst to smut)
💪 Daddy! Abby/GN! reader (smut)
💪 Abby/GN! reader (fluff)
🤜🏻🤛🏼 Ellie & Jesse (banter)
🧿 Dina/Ellie drabble
🌊 Abby/Ellie HCs Part 1
🌊 Abby/Ellie HCs Part 2
🩺 sub!Abby/Dom!Nora HCs
💪 Abby Sexual Fantasies (Part 1?)
⚔️ Assassin’s Creed: “Stay” F!Evior/GN!reader (romance)
⚔️ Assassin’s Creed: “Just Relax” F!Eivor/GN!reader (hurt/comfort, sequel of “Stay”)
My Fics on AO3:
🎆🌅 My AO3 handle is PurpleSunrise.
🧿 Dear: I’m currently writing a multi-chapter letter/note based epilogue for Part 2 called “Dear.” It’s a long-game Dina/Ellie reconciliation fic focused on recovery and earning forgiveness.
🌊 👩‍👩‍👦 California Soul: A post cannon Abby/Ellie enemies->lovers series. Mixture of angst, hurt/comfort, fluff and smut. Direct link to Part 1 here.
🧿 Strength: My first fic was some Dina/Ellie BDSM times.
🎸 Aftermath: A part 1 Ellie & Joel hurt/comfort ficlet.
I take requests for:
Kinky smut or angsty kinky smut: 🧿 Dina/Ellie, 🌊 Abby/Ellie, or 💪 Abby/reader.
Fluff: 🔫 Riley/Ellie, 🦈 Abby & Lev, 🏹 Ellie & Lev, 👩‍👩‍👦 Abby/Ellie & Lev, or 🎸 Ellie & Joel.
Headcannons/similar: AMA about 🌊 Abby/Ellie or 🩺 Abby/Nora or Abby, Ellie, Dina or Nora individually bc I love thinking about them!
Abby/reader requests are limited: I basically started to take them on as a ⛓ kinky referral service 😅 sometimes when @kittycat-beans gets requests outside of what she’ll write. Please request Abby/reader elsewhere first (see recommendations below) unless either:
You are sure what you want is gonna be too obscurely kinky for other writers or
You’re wanting a Gender Neutral (GN) reader fic and/or are trans/enby/intersex/et cetera and are more comfortable requesting from me for that reason.
Things I don’t do:
Choking (overly normalised in so many fics when it’s actually hella dangerous irl, and I’m just bored of it)
Vanilla sex (I just don’t find it interesting to wanna write about)
Threesomes or group sex (Too many limbs and other body parts to keep track of)
Assume people are cis, assume people have particular body parts or combos thereof, assume people are not intersex or assume people are a given gender. If you want Abby/reader smut that explicitly refers to the body parts or genitals you have, you gotta tell me what those are. Ditto with gendered language or other language you don’t like. I can keep request details private if you let me know in your ask you don’t want it to be published. You can DM me requests to avoid the ask box limits if you’re comfortable doing so or dw about sending me a ton of asks to stay anon. I’ll write whatever body/gender/lack of gender you want, regardless of whether it’s common or not.
Ship hate (And I’m sick to death of people equating fiction about fiction with actual crimes against actual humans. Just DLDR (Don’t Like, Don’t Read), it’s not that fuckin’ hard.
Kink shame. (Fuck people who do this, but in the pejorative sense, not the sexual sense. I don’t know how well I’ll do at something until I try, but I’m open to having a go with basically any kink, even the ones most writers don’t take requests for, so go for it!)
Make fun of anyone (even actual dickheads) for how they write or speak ever. Please feel absolutely free and welcome to talk to me regardless of your level of English.
Mock any honest question whatsoever. Not sure what I mean? Perplexed by my weird British slang? Abbreviation got you like “wtf”? You can always ask. Please do.
Other things I can do:
I am open to beta reading TLOU fics: DM or send an ask and we can discuss this
Answer questions, give advice or offer feedback about writing autistic characters with sex lives, writing AutDHD characters, and/or other atypicalities that I have, DM or send an ask.
My Requests:
Requests I’ve made that were written by other wonderful writers:
Nora’s Office: Abby/Nora smut 🩺
Green-eyed: Ellie/reader smut 💚
You Can’t Keep An Eye On Me 24/7: Abby/reader bondage smut 🔐
Sweet Girl: Abby/reader hair braiding fluff 💆🏼‍♀️
Please Don’t Go: Abby, Ellie & Lev alt ending 💜
Love on the Brain: Abby/Ellie modern AU. 🧠This one wasn’t actually a request but a surprise gift 😍 that awww just all the good feels on many levels.
Other TLOU authors who I love and recommend:
Most of these writers also take requests! Make sure you check them all out and if you like them (spoiler: if you like my fics, you probably will) then please give them some love!
🐈 @kittycat-beans aka Queen Machine of Abby/reader. She has heaps of talent and heaps of fics to read. 🐈
🐇 @pinkchubbiebunnie Excellent Abby/reader author with some glorious longer reads. Writes disabled, autistic & chronically ill characters beautifully and accessibly to all. 🐇
🦸🏼‍♀️ @aka-patsywalker who is writing a unique and gripping post-cannon Dina/Ellie fic that I am loving. 🦸🏼‍♀️
👻 @hopelesslonelyghost Hot, hot, hot Ellie/reader, Dina/reader & Abby/reader stuff! 👻
📖 @f-society-arcade of Abby/librarian reader fame and excellence.📖
🧷 @punkrockmads Rightly famed for writing excellent Abby/reader modern AUs 🧷
😈 @lifeisfullofdirtysins Fellow Jesse fan who writes a huge range of glorious fluff, angst and smut for all our TLOU faves. 😈
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 @swatlesbian is currently working on some very exciting Abby/Ellie stuff, so watch this space! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
There are probably more to add
My Tags
I journal/ramble about writing sometimes, check #journalling
You can learn more about me from random asks and other things, check #about
I use the tag #help for helpful things
I RB a lot prompts, check #writing prompts
I also RB many ask games, check #ask games
I use the tag #writing for RBs of useful stuff for writers
Main tags I use for relevant original and RBed content: #Abby Anderson #Dina #Ellie Williams #Nora Harris #Joel Miller #Riley Abel #tlou Jesse #Abby/Ellie #Dina x Ellie #Ellie x Riley #Abby x Nora
(I know there is a lack of system or logic to these tags but I’m not changing them all now)
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drrba · 3 years
BIG BRO ZAGREUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Lol sorry for coming to yell in your inbox but I loved your Macaria and Melinoe (making Mel blonde was super spicy btw 100/10) and now I need Zag to just be the bestest big brother)
haha thank you so much!! also dw about i love receiving comments about my art ✨blonde melinoe was mostly because while i was designing her i realized she looked too much like hades and little like persephone, and i wanted to balance it out. i know people usually design her with split hair but i wanted to take a different path with my interpretation :)
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