#this is also an excellent opportunity for self-brag
gorogues · 2 months
How good are all the rogues cooking on a scale from 1-10 (head cannon question)
Len: 7. He absolutely knows how to cook because he had to care for himself and Lisa when they were kids, but it's not something he does much nowadays. These days he's self-sufficient, but never makes anything fancy.
Lisa: 4. It doesn't really interest her, and she always resented her family's idea that girls and women should be cooking. Plus, she typically channels her energies into skating and/or revenge, depending on the phase of her life.
Mick: 8 - it's canon that he's a good or at least a decent cook! And he likes to share his creations with people.
James: 9. I like to think he's an excellent cook. He learned on Italian cuisine, but is damned good at any type of food he turns his mind to.
Digger: 2. His mum tried to teach him when he was young, but he wasn't interested. He still isn't.
Roscoe: 5. He's probably competent though not great at it when he's stable, but that isn't always the case.
Sam: 7. It's not something he brags about, but he's actually quite good at it.
Mark: 4. He thinks he's too cool for it, and also doesn't like doing anything he's not good at.
Hartley: 6. He never had to cook growing up, of course, but once he made a commitment to socialism he was determined to cook for himself. He's not great at it, though.
Evan: 2. He had few opportunities to learn it in childhood, and was a complete mess once he ran away from the orphanage…it was all takeout and canned ravioli for him.
Axel: 1. Nobody bothered to teach him (neglectful parents), and at this stage in life he's far too badass to do boring normie stuff like that. One day, when he's grown and matured, he'll actually be pretty good at cooking and enjoy it.
Owen: 7. He's surprisingly good at it, and totally leans into the skill for dating purposes.
Roy: 5. Competent but not particularly skilled at it, because he's got other priorities in life.
Albert: 8. Cooking is just chemistry, after all!
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nehasharmamaantech · 2 years
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In Hyderabad, Telangana, India, there is a public university called Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance Education, formerly known as Andhra Pradesh Open University. The institution offers research, graduate, and undergraduate programs in the humanities and social sciences throughout its multiple campuses.
The establishment of this university, the first of its kind in India, marked the beginning of a new era of affirmative action on the part of the government of Andhra Pradesh to offer opportunities for higher education to all societal groups in order to meet changing needs for both personal and societal development. All of the University's programs have received approval from the New Delhi-based University Grants Commission. 
Dr B. R. Ambedkar Open University Distance Education has a branch in Delhi that was established by the Delhi government by a legislative act in 2007 and announced in July 2008.
It is required to concentrate on social science and humanities research and instruction, and it is inspired by Dr. Ambedkar's mission to bridge equality and social justice with excellence. The University is committed to creating an organizational culture that respects humanism, a collegial and nonhierarchical environment, teamwork, and the development of creativity.
Trade, education, hospitality, and tourism are just a few of the disciplines covered by Open University's extensive course offerings. Regular classes are not offered by the university. All of the courses are available for distance study. The prerequisites for undergraduate and graduate programs are, respectively, a 10+2 from an accredited board and an undergraduate degree from an accredited university. There are varying numbers of seats available for each course.
The Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University has a number of committees and cells that deal with student issues, including the Single Window Cell, the Women Development Cell, and the Statistical Cell.
DR BR Ambedkar Open University Distance Courses 
The School of Distance Education at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) offers a variety of distance learning courses. The list of Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance Courses is provided below.
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Master of Arts (MA)
Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
DR BR Ambedkar Open University Distance MBA 
The Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance MBA was started in 1993 with the intention of giving graduates specialized skills for managing their daily lives and successfully tackling major corporate difficulties. To suitable persons who already have a recognized MBA from this university, they also offer a second specialty. The fact that BRAOU has successfully run this program for 27 years in a row and can brag about the following amenities for applicants enrolled in its MBA program attests to its success.
Distance MBA Key facts 
All study centers have audio and video recordings.
Expert-designed self-instructional study material Professional advice is frequently offered. Teleconferences, video, and radio broadcasts on the Doordarshan and Saptagiri channels, as well as expert-designed self-instructional study material.
Access to the library at the Study Center
Course Structure 
A two-year curriculum with a potential extension of four years is available through Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance Courses. Both teaching and reacting take place in English. It is broken up into four semesters, with the final semester containing an entirely redesigned course that incorporates project work, a viva presentation, and the option to specialize in one of three areas: finance, marketing, or human resource management. There will be four exams at the conclusion of each semester, and even if a candidate does not pass an exam or is unable to take it, he or she may still proceed with the course by paying tuition for Year 2.
DR BR Ambedkar Open University Distance BBA 
There are many employment prospects in the interesting field of business management. Due to their widespread demand in today's world, administrative personnel is an appealing and hard subject for all firms. Setting standards, comparing performance to standards, and taking corrective action when deviations occur are all management responsibilities that are especially to fill in management gaps for decision-making purposes.
Eligibility Criteria 
Based on their performance in the ICET (Integrated Common Entrance Test for MBA & MCA), which is held in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, candidates are admitted to the MBA program by the university.
The Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance MBA Program only accepts candidates who have just graduated or who are currently employed. 50% of the seats available at each study center are available for the alumni of the university, with the other 50% going to candidates who are currently working professionals.
Applicants must have passed the qualifying examination with a minimum score of 50% (45% in the case of limited categories) in a recognized bachelor's degree examination that lasted at least three years.
Fee Structure 
The following are the Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance MBA Fee:
Year 1: 10,150 Rupees Year 2: 10,000 Rupees
OLD BATCHES Rs. 6,600/- II Year Rs. 6,600/- III Year
DR Br Ambedkar Open University Distance Admission 
For the academic year 2023, the Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Distance MBA Admission would start in June or July. Prospective students can register for admission by going to our website or getting in touch with us for a simple and hassle-free application process. A wide range of programs, including UG, PG, MPhil, Ph.D., diplomas, and certifications, are open to applicants.
Admission Procedure 
Almost all students' top concern regarding the admissions process is "how do we apply?" Even though the question irritates and teases you, you don't need to worry about it anymore. because we have given you the simplest and most uncomplicated application method to help you through the application process and pass it. The following blog provides a full explanation of the steps: register for DR BR Ambedkar Open University Distance Education. 
Visit the official DBRAU DDE website.
A form will appear at the top of your device's screen as you travel to the university's website.
Now, read this application form carefully to prevent mistakes by opening it in a separate tab.
Start off by choosing the desired course and answering the questions on the application form in the proper manner.
An online banking service, such as Paytm, PhonePay, or a similar, mode of payment can help to pay the application fee.
The institution's printed receipt will show up on your screen once the procedure is complete.
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akaraboonline · 2 years
Dating Yourself Is Underrated — Here's How
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All of your friends are bragging about how much fun they have with their partners or how many dates they get from dating apps. Meanwhile, you're sitting at home, perplexed as to why you're still driving alone and feeling sorry for yourself. Get out of here! You should not be depressed about the lack of a romantic partner. Instead, you should be dating yourself. Here's why — and how to get started if you haven't already. Dating Yourself Is Underrated — Here's How
Why You Should Be Your Own Date Sometimes
It’s a form of self-care. Taking care of yourself is essential for your overall health. You are practicing self-care and showing yourself love and appreciation by dating yourself. You're fantastic and deserve to be recognized. However, you do not need a romantic partner to accomplish this. Even if you're single, honoring your worth is a great way to boost your self-esteem and find fulfillment. You can do what you want. When you go on a date with yourself, you have complete control over what you do. You get to make the decisions about going to the movies, taking a walk in the park, or trying a new restaurant. While it's nice to have someone else plan a date for you, it's even better to never have to do things you don't want to do because you're too shy to speak up. It’s empowering. Dating yourself can boost your confidence and empower you. It demonstrates your ability to enjoy your own company and have a good time without relying on anyone else. To be honest, it feels great. It’s a great way to try new things. When you go on dates with yourself, you get to try new things that you might not have tried otherwise. You can discover new neighborhoods, try new foods, or watch a movie you might not have seen with someone else. You also avoid becoming bored or stuck in a routine. You can focus on yourself. When you're on a date with someone else, it's easy to become distracted by their wants and needs. When you go on a date with yourself, however, you can concentrate entirely on yourself and your own needs. After all, we could all benefit from being a little more selfish from time to time, right? It’s a chance to disconnect. It can be difficult to disconnect from technology and constant stimulation in today's hectic world. When you start dating yourself, you get to put your phone away and live in the real world. This is a welcome experience because we don't do it often enough. It’s a great way to de-stress. Life can be stressful at times, and we all need to unwind. A date with yourself can be an excellent way to de-stress and recharge. You can reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall well-being by taking some time for yourself. This is especially true if your dates are in the great outdoors. Did you hear shinrin yoku? You can learn more about yourself. Spending time alone and doing things you enjoy can assist you in learning more about yourself. You may discover new interests, hobbies, or passions that you were unaware of. It also makes you realize that you're actually in pretty good company. There's so much to admire about you. Keep that in mind. It can be fun. Dating yourself is more than just a form of self-expression. It can also be enjoyable! You have the opportunity to do something special for yourself and spend some quality "me" time. And, depending on what you're doing, you're probably going to have a great time. It’s an act of self-love. To be honest, this is probably the most important reason to start dating yourself. By demonstrating to yourself that you are worthy of time, attention, and care, you strengthen your relationship with yourself and lay an indestructible foundation of self-worth and respect. Read the full article
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davideldib · 2 years
The Four Leadership Styles
Different styles of leadership exist. Leadership styles include autocratic, situational, and fearful. To lead your team with the most excellent efficacy, it is crucial to understand the differences between different leadership styles. Situational leadership is ideal for delegation, whereas autocratic leadership necessitates total control.
Leadership that adapts to the current situation is known as situational leadership. They employ their leadership style to satisfy demands after taking into account a team's maturity level, readiness level, organizational structure, and objectives. Situational leaders are frequently brave and like the challenge of changing their management philosophies as circumstances demand. Situational leadership is an excellent tool for leaders, but it's crucial to keep in mind that it has drawbacks as well.
Situational leaders keep track of alterations in the environment and conditions. They can instantly modify their approach to fit the environment and their team. They can use their active listening abilities to better understand the requirements of their team. Because of the trust they earn from their followers, situational leaders are able to change their approach as needed.
Fearful leadership is characterized by its capacity to erode others' self-assurance. Fearful leaders bury their own insecurities behind a barrier of intimidation and organizational power. Employees may follow a leader's example if they start to question their intentions. This kind of leadership does not foster a climate of mutual respect and cooperation and may even have the opposite effect.
Leaders who lack confidence rarely engage in open dialogue and don't ask their teams for input. If they believe that accepting a recommendation could harm their reputation, they might not want to hear it and may even reject it outright. They frequently feel they pressured to brag about their credentials. People who follow a terrified leader frequently keep their opinions to themselves and are shut off, which leads to bad judgment and inaction.
In an authoritarian system of governance, the leader is more powerful and has the final say. A team's and an organization's growth may be constrained by this style. Little discussion or criticism is given, and decisions are made swiftly and with little input from others. It may also stifle originality. Regardless of the leader's effectiveness, authoritarian leadership has some drawbacks.
Decisions made by autocratic leaders frequently reflect their personal opinions. They don't encourage team morale and don't accept feedback. Low morale and high turnover rates are the results of this. Additionally, autocratic dictators forbid their staff from participating in decision-making. Employee morale may suffer as a result of this lack of trust, and they may leave the organization in search of better opportunities elsewhere.
A management approach is known as "delegative leadership" involves giving authority to others. This manner of communication can be quite powerful in business. The foundation of a lot of prosperous businesses has been the delegation of leadership. Intel is one such organization. To entice highly qualified engineers, the corporation employed a hands-off management approach. This contributed to the establishment of a brand-name business. For instance, engineers like Andrew Grove were able to succeed under Robert Noyce's leadership style of hand-off. This managerial approach also aided in the identification of Moore's Law, a development in computer architecture.
Delegating leadership has the additional benefit of empowering employees to make decisions for the business. This kind of leadership might be particularly beneficial for businesses that desire to utilize their people resources fully. Additionally, a delegation of leadership will promote an innovative work environment. Employees will have more freedom to choose their own actions, which may assist the business in identifying expansion prospects.
A transformational leader empowers his followers to overcome obstacles and forge strong personal identities. This kind of leader instills high standards in their followers and fosters trust through coaching and mentoring. Additionally, he fosters loyalty among followers and forges an encouraging future. Additionally, he exhorts the group to cooperate in order to achieve a common objective.
Leadership that is transformational is highly productive. By communicating their vision to followers, they primarily aim to inspire them. Through their capacity to inspire others and use simple language and imagery, they are able to persuade followers.
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hithelleth · 4 years
First Lines Of Your Last 20 Fics!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
I was tagged by @eveningspirit, thank you! I always like to walk down the memory lane of my writing exploits, they are a nice confidence boos. :)
The Ice King and the Star Boy (The 100 | Bellamy/Roan | E) (aka the monsterfic, as you know it ;))
Impasse (Revolution | CM2 | E)
Charlie finds Bass stretched all lion-like on the king-size bed, studying reports, when she enters the tent.
(Filling) Empty Spaces (Revolution | Jeremy/Charlie | NR)
Charlie was just going to drop off the files Miles had forgotten again, but Jeremy waves her inside as he opens the door.
Only Human (The 100 | various characters | G)
“You’re presenting a puzzle to Rani and Lana.”
Lost (Yellowstone | Jamie Dutton | G)
The plaque on the wall is like a signpost. So, of course he goes to Beth. Because he doesn’t know what to do, whether to accept Rainwater’s – a good man, Perry said, and Jamie might be naïve, but he is not that naïve to think that if everyone plays dirty Rainwater is an exception – patronage or not.
Homework (Station 19 | Vicley | G)
Homework: Write a 100 words about your family or about what you want to be when you grow up.
Now Is Not the End (Station 19 | Vicley | T)
Vic waits with baited breath for that moment she is not ready for. Waits. Waits…
Thoughts on the Future Pasts (Timeless | Nicholas Keynes/Emma Whitmore| T)
The future is... confusing.
Dominoes Falling (TVD/TO | Elena/Elijah/Klaus | NR)
It turns out sometimes late is worse than never.
Close Encounters (Revolution | Charlie/Bass | E)
Bass gets to work well after midnight when the hotel at last falls silent, the partying vacationers having tired themselves out and the early-rising business people not yet up. He is done cleaning the pools before dawn and he sits down in a shaded corner, enjoying the peace and quiet of those last dark cool minutes that offer reprieve from the summer heat.
Reasons to Fight (The 100 | Clarke/Roan | NR)
Roan comes round to something tugging at his hand, constricting his movement. Panic surges in his mind for a moment before he pushes it down and starts cataloguing his surroundings with the methodical precision he learnt as a boy.
Prompts Exist to Be Filled (Revolution, prompt collection, various)
She was a good woman – Jeremy sensed that, although he knew her life had been – perhaps still was – intertwined with Bass’ and Miles’, which also meant that it was fucked up, because those two managed to fuck up everything they touched and he only needed to look in the mirror to find an example; yet, whatever it was up with her and Bass and Miles and however fucked up it was, Jeremy saw her effect on Bass whose eyes lost the glint of craziness and paranoia the moment she appeared: Bass suddenly seemed the man Jeremy met fifteen years ago – the Bass with a sense of shame for his blatant lie and a remnant of naïveté that used to drive him to do the right thing, a man redirected to the path he had lost.
Alien Encounters, Changing Fates, Business as Usual (Killjoys, Revolution, Supernatural | various characters | NR)
After what seems like ages, the turbulence ends with one final jolt that rattles every single bone in their bodies, a clear signal that they have landed – somewhere.
It’s Us Who Own the Apocalypse (Revolution | various pairings | NR)
For the umpteenth time in her life, Rachel regrets getting involved with the goddamn DOD – and for the umpteenth time as well, she acknowledges that she would have done it again if it meant saving Danny – when she almost stumbles into her office from yet another meeting in which she had to fight tooth-and-nail against the bastards trying to use her work for their nefarious purposes.
Convalescence (Quantico | Clayton Haas | NR)
Clayton flinches when he hears the door being unlocked. He always flinches when someone is at the door, although he knows the chance of anyone finding him here is miniscule. The shame at his own cowardice makes him nauseous for a moment; he didn’t use to be one to succumb to fears, but he supposes a near-death experience would do this to a man.
When the Night Breaks (The 100 | Bellamy/Roan | E)
“I’m sorry about your arm.”
The Princess and the Pirates (Revolution | various characters | T)
“Sail out. My brother Miles is out there at sea. He’ll help you.”
Each of Us Is Broken, Always and Forever (The Originals | Elijah/Rebekah/Klaus | E)
“Good evening.”
Hollow (The 100 | Bellarke | NR)
He hadn’t realised it would be like missing a limb. Like in those stories he had heard on the Ark long ago, of a person’s left hand trying to scratch the right one that is no longer there, of phantom pain where there used to be a body part.
There’s a War… but All I See Is You and Me (Agents of Shield | Bakshimmons | E)
It is a stupid thing to wish, but if he were able to stop the time, he would freeze them in those minutes when Jemma giggles between kisses before collapsing on the bed and pulling him down with her.
Oh, this took me to 2015 and that shitshow we do not mention, although am sorry I haven't finished this particular fic (but I won't. Nope, nope. Because I'd have to rewatch S2 for that and no, no, no. No. Yes, that's how many no-s it deserves.)
Thank you for the tag, ES, it was nice remembering things I did well, if I say so myself!
It took me so long because on the day you tagged me I started writing it right away and then tumblr decided that e and l are not acceptable letters - I got scared my keyboard was dying, but nope, it worked just fine when typing in word or even into a search line on another tab in the same browser, but tumblr just wouldn't 'take' them.
Also, I remember doing something similar before but with only 10 fics and I could've copy-pasted that and just add the next ten, but do you think I remembered it before I'd already painstakingly did 10 fics? Of course not.
And then, as I think you saw I was too scatter-brained for anything.
Why I'm even explaining this? I think it's the lack of contact with like actual normal humans and this is the closest, so I over do it. Oh, well, if I've already put in the effort to type it all. ;)
Oh, right, patterns: I tend to really vary in style? Though maybe shorter openings are more frequent than more wordy ones.
And my favourite are those from Hollow, Dominoes Falling, and Convalescence. Which one is yours?
Tagging (if it helps you feel better, otherwise, feel free to ignore): @bea2me, @jadedbirch, @abedsmessedupmeta, @stargazerdaisy, @vesperass-anuna and IDK who ever is still writing, oh @blue-charlotte and anyone else who wants to do it! :)
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
hii!!!! i was wondering if you could do twst reader/Yuu as mafuyu asahina from project Sekai!!
some info:
Mafuyu is good-natured, reliable, considerate and academically talented. She's the only member of the group who attends daytime classes. She seems to have no flaws whatsoever... or is she just putting on a facade?
Mafuyu is an honor student, She is said to excel in both academics and sports, hence people often put high hopes for her to excel in everything she does. However, in reality she is heavily burdened and pressured by her peers' and her parents' (especially her mother's) expectations of her, who have pushed her to do what they want and think is the best for Mafuyu instead of letting her pursue her own dreams. Aside from her lost sense of self, she lost the ability to properly taste and enjoy food in middle school.
To everyone else, Mafuyu is a "good girl." However, to herself and behind the mask, she lacks emotion, empathy and apathy; abandoned by her true self a long time ago, she is desperately searching to find herself once again. Mafuyu’s "true personality" - or, at the very least, the person she is when there is no one else watching - is considerably more cold and blunt. Her voice is dull and her face is flat, both holding no feeling for she has none to show.
Characters are:
riddle, Jamil, Idia, and ace !!
Thank u in advance ❤️
[S/o like Mafuyu Asahina]
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-Likes how serious you take classes since he also sees lessons as something important.
-Makes sure you aren't alone in them.
-However since he is kind of similar to you, he knows that you have some kind of problem.
-When he started to date you and you two were more comfortable with each, he felt more drawn to you since you two have mother issues.
-He feels very sympathetic for you since you are truly cold and blunt.
-He would definitely try to help you find yourself again.
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-Like Riddle, he definitely admires the fact you take your opportunities seriously, it's not everyone who gets to study at NRC.
-But he did find it strange, you didn't even seem to struggle even for a little bit in any subject, even Riddle, one of the honor student struggle in something which is physical fitness tests.
-He isn't naïve so he knows maybe something is going on your life since you seemed too cold and blunt for an honor student and seemed to go with whatever others said.
-When he dates you and finds out what it is, he will allow you to do your own thing and assist you on finding yourself.
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-At first, Idia thought you were one of those smart snobs who continuously brag about their achievements pretty much all the time.
-But you seemed to get on with your own thing despite always having the top grades and being the best of the best.
-But it wasn't the matter of being left alone, it seemed that you genuinely didn't have feelings which was weird, not even sad, angry or being annoyed, just still.
-when he started dating you, he couldn't believe that he had a partner.
-But also how truly cold you were, as an introvert he always thought that quiet people were louder in private but you were literally silent 24/7.
-When he found out about your childhood, of course it made sense to you but he will help you somehow in finding yourself.
-Maybe Ortho could help too.
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-He saw how great you do on your grades so he was hoping you would tutor him.
-Anyone would do, that isn't Riddle of course.
-At first, he thought you were just shy, but he then started to realised that you rarely smiled or scowled.
-Literally nothing.
-When he finds out you were constantly being controlled and pressured to the point you had no emotions, he does feel bad for you since you are his partner and all.
-With his friends, he would show tough love, but for a partner it is a bit different.
-He would try to help you out in finding yourself; maybe finding a hobby would work.
-In exchange for the tutoring though.
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A Tale of Two Body Swaps
With the latest round of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds smut, I've put up a bookend to the Spock/T'Pring body swap. It started out as essentially achievement chasing: Spock Amok (S1E5) had a body swap, someone was going to write smut about it, so I did (and not to brag, but of the two authors who've written smut about that episode, mine's clearly better). But as I wrote it, it presented an interesting opportunity: how would I describe the experience, specifically the positive sexual aspects, of being a man to not-men? After thinking on it, I wrote it along themes of feeling overwhelmed by new sensory experiences, aggression/domination, impatience and friction. It did pretty well, although not approaching the hit tier of my Spock/Chapel or the Chapel/Ortegas of my fellow server member.
The second body swap was Spock's POV in T'Pring's body, and presented a bigger challenge. I haven't experienced sex as a woman, so the process of narratively showing it to non-women had some extra steps. Part of it involved going over my writing partner's excellent femslash for thematic and mechanical differences from how I had been writing female POVs in smut. I also researched the process of feminine sexuality/arousal, and consulted with several women who read smut about how it speaks/relates to them. After all that, I tried to present a different set of themes: receptiveness, hypersensitivity to hyposensitivity and back again, pressure-based sensation (as opposed to tension from a masculine POV), and multiple orgasms via stages of arousal.
Finally, a theme of both the one-shots was permission for self-interest. Both of the one-shots feature the POV doing and feeling things almost entirely for themselves, most notably in face-fucking the other partner. The intended framing was that this is the character's own body they were now having sex with, so it presents an opportunity: if you could do these things that often are presented as problematic or even selfish, and had enthusiastic consent...would you?
One of the things I've tried to do with smut is frame sex in that encouraging way: people can ask things from each other for themselves, and mutually enjoy it. The body swap was a useful device to explore that, and I'm interested in feedback especially on the second title from a "feminine" POV. Either way, enjoy.
Body Swap 1 (T'Pring POV):
Body Swap 2 (Spock POV):
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if I could get fluff alphabet headcanons for Erwin please?
Of course!! 
Look at me! Posting twice in one day!! If anyone has any requests lmk bc I actually have motivation I guess!
Fluff Alphabet: Erwin
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He’s a big fan of both the traditional romantic dates, as well as more creative, personal dates. I think he’d want to go for a nice walk, tour a museum, or maybe go to the library/bookstore, or for a special occasion, a really fancy dinner with candles and everything.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
In terms of a physical feature, he would probably first notice his s/o’s eyes because he makes intense eye contact, and because he thinks you can tell a lot about a person from their eyes. But in general, he admires their spirit, and he thinks they’re absolutely stunning when they’re passionate about something, or when they’re focusing hard.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s amazing at comforting his s/o, largely because he just knows them so well. He would be able to read what they’re feeling and know when they’re upset, first of all. He would probably put on their favorite movie or music, grab a giant blanket, and sit with them. If they want to talk, he has really insightful advice. If not, he’s content to just wrap his arms around them and physically comfort them. (which always works, by the way, because just try to name a single person who wouldn’t feel better after a hug from Erwin)
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
This man absolutely pictures the most simple, “boring” future with a nice house and a family, with family vacations and yardwork on Sundays. The idea of stability and calmness appeals to him so strongly, and even though he’d be content with just about any future that his s/o is involved in, that’s his dream.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
They’re equal when it comes down to anything important, but I think he’d lean towards being the more dominant person in the relationship. He’s a traditional guy, and unless it bothered his s/o at all, I think it’d make him happy to be the one to pay for dinner or make date night plans, that sort of thing. But again, they’re equal everywhere it actually matters.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights don’t happen often, but they can be a little bit intense when they do. If they’re arguing about something small, he’s immediately looking for some kind of easy compromise, which he’s excellent at. They only really fight over things that are especially serious. He’s too smart for his own good and he’s got impressive arguing skills, but he’s never setting out to hurt his s/o, just explain his perspective. Arguments can be heated, but they never last long, and again, they’re not common.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
I’m not the first person to point out that Erwin has a lot of self doubt, and his reputation has sort of brainwashed him into believing that he’s not deserving of good things. Because of that, their relationship surprises him all the time, and every day, he expresses to his s/o how much he appreciates them.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’s completely honest and open with his s/o. There’s no reason for him to lie, he wouldn’t want to hide anything from them. And on the off chance he screws something up, he would rather work through it with them beside him then hide and deal with it on his own. 
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Like I said, he has big issues with his image and self worth. His s/o and their relationship are slowly helping him to recognize that he does deserve to be happy, and they help him to become more optimistic (whether they realize it or not). On the other hand, I think he would be committed to helping his s/o recognize their own worth and importance in return.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’s not a jealous person in general, although he does get a bit protective. The only time he would interfere is if he can tell his s/o is uncomfortable or annoyed, in which case he’s more than willing to step in and scare the person off. But again, that’s more out of concern for his s/o than actual jealousy.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Just look at that man and tell me you don’t think he was a good kisser. Probably a bit more reserved, especially for their first kiss, but still surprisingly passionate? Like he’s trying to physically portray how much he cares about them, if that makes sense. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He definitely thought about it for a little while before hand, not because he was nervous or unsure, but because he wanted to make sure he said it in a meaningful way. He definitely set up a special little date, like a picnic or a dinner, and even prepared a short little romantic speech, and it was very sweet. 
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would LOVE to get married. If that’s not what his s/o wants, that’s perfectly fine, and he’d be happy to find a different way to express their commitment. But marriage sort of feeds into his idea of that perfect, stable future, and besides, he would jump on the opportunity to show his s/o how much he appreciates and cares about them. He’d come up with the most romantic, slightly elaborate proposal, probably not something public, but very grand. And of course, not much would change once they were married, but he would relish in that perceived sense of routine and stability.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Again, being the traditional guy he is, he’s big on traditional, slightly old fashioned nicknames. Mainly, it would be “angel”, but also “darling” or “love” (it’s very sweet).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s pretty reserved about his feelings publicly, so it wouldn’t be obvious to outside people. People close to him might notice that he becomes a bit more optimistic and laughs a bit louder. With his s/o, however, he’s totally transparent, and he tells them over and over how much he loves them. Not that he has to, of course, because his body language makes it pretty obvious to them as well.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Definitely not big on PDA. He’s upfront about their relationship as long as his s/o agrees, it’s not something that he would want to hide. He’s fine holding their hand in public or wrapping an arm around them, but not really anything more obvious.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a surprisingly good dancer? Like, ballroom dancing. When one of them has had a stressful day, they put on old music and slow dance in the kitchen (it’s so romantic).
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s so romantic!! If you haven’t already figured it out, I really think he would like some of the traditional cliche romantic gestures, like roses or a candlelit dinner. But he’s also really creative, and he’d plan gestures that relate to his s/o’s interests and such. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He absolutely supports his s/o in anything they do, and he believes in them probably more than anyone else. He knows they will succeed in anything they put their mind to, and he takes it upon himself to offer help and support, doing whatever he can to help them reach their goals. It makes him actually really happy to see them setting big goals because it shows that they are choosing to believe in themselves, and because he loves seeing that they are passionate.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s more a routine kind of person, he likes the stability and comfort in some level of repetition. With that being said, he’s also definitely open to being adventurous, so like trying new restaurants or traveling together, so it would probably be a mix of both.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s incredibly understanding, he just knows his s/o so well. Erwin has very strong observational skills, and he learns pretty quickly how to read their emotions. He does sometimes have trouble relating to their issues, but he will always sympathize and comfort them, even if he can’t understand it. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship is really important to him. Obviously, he’s pretty work oriented, so there genuinely might be some issues there if the two start to clash. But he also actively prevents that from happening, making time for both because he cares about his s/o SO much.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He really likes watching documentaries with his s/o. Learning about something new and interesting, and being able to share that experience between the two of them, makes him happy. And when he gets really into the topic, his s/o can see the excitement on his face, which is really cute.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He comes across a bit cold in general, but he’s actually very affectionate with his s/o. Especially when he’s stressed or upset, he just wants to curl up with them and forget about outside pressures. I also very specifically think that giving his s/o a quick little kiss would be part of his morning routine before they part for the day.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He misses them when they’re gone for a while, but he just throws himself into his work until they’re back, which he doesn’t mind at all. He’s busy, and his s/o probably is as well, so it’s unfortunately not unusual for them to go a little while without seeing each other. They always make up for it with an extra special date night afterwards, though.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s a strategist at heart, so of course he’d be willing to put in the effort and come up with ideas on how to keep their relationship strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes up with literal written plans when it seems like they’re a little out of whack.
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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The Crow (1994)
Alright Cult of Cult. Do I really need to introduce this one? Let's get all 90s and gothy and maybe brace ourselves for a bit of cringe, but like in a fun way. It's the Holy Grail of Hot Topic, 1994's the Crow Starring Brandon Lee.
Apparently before the auto industry totally crashed Detroit was already a total fucked to death pile of burning shit, or at least that's what the crow would have you believe. Sorry Bruce Campbell, and other people from Detroit, but mostly Bruce Campbell. According to the Crow the city of Detroit is the kind of place where gangs of warlock anarchist arsonists will bomb buildings, and murder and rape whoever they feel like and then walk around bragging about it the next day with absolutely zero consequences. Funny then that if Detroit was so bad they had to go to film this movie in Wilmington North Carolina which is definitely a fucked to death pile of burning shit. I can say that, I'm from there and I got the fuck out. My brother is going to kill me if he ever reads this. (It's okay, these are all jokes people). Did you know they also filmed the Super Mario Bros movie there ... also cuz they needed a really shitty looking distopia. Moving on ...
The ludicrous criminality of the Crow's Detroit is particularly on display on Halloween. In Detroit (apparently) Halloween is known as Devils Night and it's legitimately just a night of pure lawlessness and chaos and kids aren't even safe to get candy, except later when we do see trick or treaters. Eric Draven, hunky goth rocker who sort of looks like he could be Bruce Lee's Kid and his fiance are murdered by a gang of vicious criminals. One year hence, Eric is resurrected by a mystical crow (that is actually a Raven), to exact his revenge on the gang that murdered him.
He paints his face like sad Alice Cooper and refuses to listen to Joy Division, just covers. He murders Tin Tin (a knife guy) just for his long gothy duster, he murders Fun Boy and forcibly ejects heroine from her arms and tells her "Go be a good mom now" which actually works. (have I told you about our Lord and Savior Sting? He gave me the strength to get off drugs), he blows T Bird up dick first, and then comes for Skab? Scraap? Scooby? in a meeting of all of Detroits villains and just about kills them all.
He is supported by the most 90s little girl to have ever graced the screen, and I am here for it, and Officer Albrecht, who's played by Ernie Hudson but I like to call him Zeddemore: The Most Underrated Ghostbuster. The leader of the bad guys, who I cannot beleive wasn't played by Brad Dourif or Tom Waits, is pretty interested in the occult. He keeps his witchy girlfriend around and she makes him fun dishes like smoked eyeballs, and her main use is that she knows that the Crow is the Crows weakness. They set Tony Fucking Todd on the bird, and I guess you just have to hurt the bird and not kill it, and Eric loses his healing factor and other macabre undead powers.
The Crow, Jimmy the Raven, pecks out Dr. Girlfriends eyeballs, I honestly forget how Tony Todd gets offed, and Top Dollar gets Gargoyled (that is impaled on a gargoyle). Funnily enough that is more Gargoyle related impaling on screen then in the actual movie Gargoyle: Wings of Darkness where a Gargoyle is supposed to have impaled a guy.
The Benediction
Best Feature: Injustice League
In the Crow we have not only a set of super memorable villains but they are played by the bad guy all stars. John Polito as the most lowly of the bad guys as a kind of sleazy pawn shop owner who buys ill gotten gains. Tony Todd, who's size is really on display here, the freaking Candy Man is in this movie. T Bird is the head of Top Dollars goons and is played by David Patrick Kelly, you might know as the "Warriors Come Out and Play!!" bottle guy from the Warriors, or as Jimmy Horne from Twin Peaks, and of course Top Dollar himself is played by Michael Wincott. Wincott is not a particularly celebrated actor but has played villains effectively in Robin Hood, the Three Musketeers, and Dead Man.
Best Set Piece: Detroit Style Hot Dogs
The Set design of the Crow is perhaps one of it's most fantastic features. It's very moody and ethereal. It's just real enough to not take you out of the film, but fantastic enough to set mood and theme above realism. From Eric Draven's apartment, to the church where the final battle occurs they are all fantastic. I think that's why I really wanted to shine the spot light on a very minor set piece that would get nary a mention but just as effectively represents the qualities I was just talking about and that is the Maxi Doggs Hot Dog Stand, where a lot of the films exposition for audience surrogates takes place.
Worst Effect: Freeze Frame
At a few points in the movie the film makers made a strange decision to do these freeze frame transitions. I only noticed it twice in the movie where it was particularly stupid. I'm sure the film makers at the time thought it was a moody and atmospheric choice that highlighted the suffering that Eric Draven was going through, but it didn't age well. If you don't have the sensibilities of a goth girl from 1994 then it's very very hard not to laugh at just how self involved the movie is about it's super sadness.
Worst Feature: Tragic Accident
Solely based on the film itself, it is that very gothic and dated sensibility that hurts the Crow. The little sarcastic dance he does when he flees the police, quoting Edgar Allen Poe, and bowing to Albrecht. These affected behaviors that I'm sure seemed snarky and right on to the target audience only serve to make Eric Draven seem like an unbearable neck beard edgelord and not the troubled dark soul he's supposed to be. I'm sure at the time it seemed unique and gothy but that shit went out of style for good reason, people could see through it. It's a shame that the Crow himself was some of the cringiest parts of this movie now that I'm seeing it as an adult and not a 13 year old middle class boy with no real problems.
This however is not the low point of the movie. It's not news now and if you're reading some dudes review of The Crow on Tumblr then you probably already know the story. The worst thing about The Crow is that Brandon Lee was horrifically killed on set while filming this movie due to some negligible prop malfunctions. A series of unfortunate events that lead to the actor spending 6 hours in surgery fighting for his life before eventually passing. It was not a quick or painless death and it's really impossible to watch the movie without an appreciation for the fact that this kind of fun dark adventure was going to be a vehicle for Brandon Lee's career wound up taking his life. He was 28. I really wish I could have just bitched about the goofy goth stuff and moved on, but that's not the world we live in.
Best Effect: The Gargoyling
Maybe I should have called this best kill. But I'm not sure which it is. The slaying of Top Dollar at the Climax of the film was just super effective. The pointed wings impaling his chest and that horn coming out of his mouth, it was morbid and excellent and just fit the tone of the movie perfectly. I mean how many other movies can you say Cause of Death: Impaled on a Gargoyle.
Best Bird: The Raven
I tried very hard to look up the name of the bird that primarily performed in this movie and could not find anything. There was a Raven once upon a time called Jimmy the Raven, but that was in the 50s and I don't think birds live that long. There was a team of Ravens performing as the crow, they were chosen over crows for their larger size, and more imposing silhouettes. I just think it's so wonderful to see these often maligned birds get a chance to show off their talents. Corvids of all kinds are incredibly intelligent creatures. Im a sucker for animals, if you haven't already figured that out. I really liked seeing the ravens hit their marks, particularly the one whos job it was to drop the wedding ring into Sarah's hand at the end of the film. You can see that greedy little bastard do his trick and then look of camera at his trainer like "treat please!". It's very cute.
Best Actor: Top Dollar Performance
I'd love to take this opportunity to just put praise upon Brandon Lee, he truly gave everything for this role, but unfortunately with what was put to film we actually have very few character moments with Eric Draven. Stuff happens to him, and he does killings and fights. There's definitely some personality, but I felt like I walked away knowing almost nothing about who Eric Draven was. He was clearly a good dude but that and a few hobbies and a relationship and you don't really have a character yet. He's unfortunately not given a lot of acting to do, instead just relegated to stunts and action sequences. That were notably cool.
The bad guys in the Crow have a lot more character and among this who's who of character actors, Michael Wincott takes the cake. Hell he was standing next to Candyman himself, Tony Todd and still stealing the scenes.
Best Character: A Few Good Apples
Is the best character in The Crow really going to be the cop? The commissioner Gordon stand in? yeah, it is. Not to be political, but I don't like cops, but I guess in a world with magical birds and eyeball smoking I can suspend my disbelief and let Ernie Hudson be #1 cop dad. His character is really the heart of the film, since all Eric can do is brood and fight, we have to care about someone in this movie.
Best Sequence: Halloween Party
The best sequence of the movie is of course the scene where Eric Draven busts in on the Devil's Night party planning commission. I think Top Dollar brought Scrappy Doo there just so he could lure out the crow, knowing the baddest assholes in all of Detroit would be gathered it was likely that somebody was going to kill the beast, or if they couldn't at least Top Dollar could get a feel for his enemy. It's a bullet flying action sequence with a ton of weight. I can't put my finger on this all to common weightless third act problem that big budget super hero and action flicks have nowadays, but whatever that issue is, the Crow does not have that issue. From this point on the Climax feels earned and I am invested. For that reason, The Crow is honestly better in spite of its awkwardness, than many of the super hero movies out today.
Worst Sequence: My Guitar Gently Weeps
Speaking of brooding or fighting. The best sequence was fighting, the worst is brooding. I get that Eric was in a band or something, but didn't he have shit to do. It seemed like it was a cool idea for a shot, but for like a whole seen, watching somebody play an 80s guitar solo, that stood out so brazenly from the choices of music in the rest of the movie was extra corny. It felt like someone's( dad trying to relate to their kid. Oh you like Music. The Dresden Dolls eh? Oh man, then you're going to love Slash's Snake Pit!
The Crow is dated. It is iconic but I wonder how many of the people that hang that poster on the wall have watched that movie since they were kids. It's interesting how what i've liked and disliked about this film have changed so much sense I was a kid. It's a cheeseball fiesta. If you have matured at all beyond thinking that being sad is the same as being deep then you're going to like it a little less than you did when you were younger, but it is still solid. There's not much to hate on. I'd watch it over and over again. I was really afraid it would not hold up at all, but returning to The Crow was a completely positive experience.
Overall Grade: B
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nocturna-iv · 4 years
Descendants & Beauty and the Beast (2017)
This is one of the reasons why I think that in part (if not totally) Descendants is based on the Disney Remakes than the original movies (and I know D1 came before... But, you know. Just makes sense):
For me, King Adam and Queen Belle are the best examples.
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We all remember the original movie. For many, this was the movie that marked them for a long time in their childhood. And it was the movie that revolutionized Disney in hundreds of ways. Belle in the original movie is a very kind-hearted and intelligent character. An intellectual who uses compassion as one of her best weapons. And Beast is a character who succumbed to pain, loneliness, and abandonment that constantly haunts himself until Belle comes into his life and makes him feel human again. This is the kind of movie that can be analyzed in hundreds of ways and many people have done better than me.
But ... the Belle & Beast from the remake seem to be Ben's parents.
Let's start with Belle's town. In the remake, they are indifferent, ignorant, and even malicious people in front of someone good and intellectual. They don't even have a real bookstore/library. Belle is the only girl who reads there. The attitude of the people in the town is very similar to the attitude we see in the people who live on the Island of the Lost. And it is a good example of how a lack of interest in education is normal in Adam's kingdom and you can see it on the island too. In Descendants, Beast sent a good teacher there and only because he wanted the descendants to learn to use technology. And at the same time, he completely nullified access to good technology in there. But that's another topic. The rest of the teachers are villains. There wasn't even a guarantee that the descendants had an education. Belle's town (from Adam's kingdom) and the island are similar.
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Next, let's think about Belle from the remake. She's not very expressive. And I don't mean the performance level or the acting. I'm talking about the character. Her temperament is more docile and resigned. In the town, the people constantly push her and she accepts it. When in the original movie, Belle was too deep into her world to see the quiet country life. The Belle from the remake doesn't think a lot. From the second she offers to stay at the Beast's castle looks pretty chill about it.  I mean, this Belle knew that the servants would become inanimate objects and die, but still, she continued to live relaxed in the castle and then totally abandoned them. With that in mind, it's more credible that the Belle from the remake wouldn't stop her husband from doing everything he did with Auradon and the island. She may argue with her husband, but just like in the movie, she wouldn't be combative. Not even for compassion.
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And... this Beast/Adam. From the beginning, you see the huge difference between the character in the original movie and the remake. In the original movie, when Beast is deciding to make Belle stay in the castle, he is seen to hesitate. This is his opportunity, but he understands the complications of the matter. Belle, in the original, is also slow to accept, considering all angles before offering her life. In the remake, Belle immediately offers to take her father's place and Belle locks herself up. And Beast doesn't stop her. He didn't even think about the ramifications of this. In the original movie, it's Beast who, seeing Belle sad, offers her a better room and he really tries to be nice and sympathize with Belle until they talked about the West Wing. From the beginning, we know that the Beast is a character who has been through a lot. He isn't the villain. We know that. In the remake, it's Lumiere and Cogsworth who take Belle and give her a better room. This Beast was very willing to leave Belle in a cell. Remember this, the Beast of the remake was outraged that the daughter of a thief was in a good room. His servants had to remind him that she could break the spell. If you tell me that this is the same character who believes that the descendants of villains also deserve to be locked up in deplorable conditions, I would believe you! Also, the Beast of the original has a human side, he will be a brute for isolation, but he has feelings. The Beast of the remake is pushy, self-centered, and violent many times. This Beast was molded from a young age to be selfish and twisted like his father. Which would make sense for King Adam, even with good intentions, believe that his son Ben must be like him in every aspect. And another thing, the Beast from the remake doesn't give Belle the library as a gift, to make her happy. No, he brags of his library and criticizes Belle's taste in literature, so he decides to "educate her better" because obviously, he knows more about what is better for her. Doesn't this ring a bell in your heads with all the reign in Descendants? King Adam thinks he knows what is best for everyone and every kingdom.
Not to mention that in the remake the Enchantress not only turned the servants into objects that could die. Rather, she separated them from their families for years and erased their memory. When your Enchantress (one of the good ones) is so twisted and evil, it's no wonder that the Island of the Lost was born. I can almost imagine Adam consulting the Enchantress if the place is a good idea. And she said “Do you know what an excellent idea would be? Revive the dead villains and lock them up.”
Oh! And in the remake, Adam maintains certain characteristics of when he was a beast (like when he growls coquettishly at Belle). In Descendants both, Adam and Ben, have that.
For me, there is no doubt that Ben is the son of this Adam and Belle. Honestly, it's a miracle that our boy turned out the way he did.
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meteor752 · 4 years
Tilda of Mirkwood
This is the one I’ve been waiting for.
Out of the Bardlings, Tilda is easily my favorite and the one I think about the most, which is why she has a bit more info than the other two. Let’s just get into it.
Tilda was born on the hottest day Laketown had ever experienced since Smaug literally burned their city, so it should have said a lot about the ocean eyed girl.
Tilda quickly became known throughout Laketown as Bard’s troublesome child, that her siblings always could be found chasing after.
The young girl had always been a fan of climbing, and would try to literally climb anything she came across, including people. Her own da was her favorite, and he didn’t mind.
Tilda has always been a lot like her ma, assertive, stubborn, playful, and all over the place. Think five year old Yuki from Wolf Children, but spanning over the majority of her life.
Tilda was too young to remember anything about her ma, so she didn’t feel any sadness about her death, which she was happy about considering how many nights Bain has cried into Sigrid’s arms about her. It did make her feel a bit isolated from her family however, as they had something that she didn’t have.
During the battle of the five armies, this gal was hyped.
When the elves had arrived to help out the men of Dale, she basically bombarded every single one with questions, including the elven king himself.
And when her da and the king eventually fell in love and got married, she didn’t hesitate leaving dale to live in Mirkwood and get trained as an elf.
And I’m not going to talk so much about that, since I already covered that here.
But because of the fact that her da married the king of Mirkwood, it also meant that she was technically a princess of Mirkwood, and she hated that part.
Tilda is not one to just sit still and listen to when people talk. Either she will fall asleep, or she will start to babble about something irrelevant, causing quite a few problems here and there.
Legolas found her hilarious.
She’s not someone who holds her tounge while speaking with people she do not agree with, so more than once has she gotten into an argument with a council member about something, and she’s not one to hold back on the profanities.
Again, Legolas found her hilarious.
When it came to studying she was the same, mostly falling asleep during lessons or just not paying attention at all.
But when it came to more physical stuff, like hand to hand combat, or sword fighting, or archery, she was an expert.
She still stuck to her roots though, and could always be found climbing stuff, because she likes to feel tall.
It got out of hand for a while, as every time she traveled through a forest she would jump between the trees instead of walking on the path.
Because of the fact that she always stayed in Mirkwood and didn’t visit Dale much, she gained a much better relationship with Legolas than she did with her other siblings.
The two bonded over their total lack of self control, their love of nature and their archery skills.
Despite Legolas being her best friend, Tilda has other Elven friends.
There was Aria, the tailor who was a total snob but still kind enough.
Mambar, the soldier who had two daughters but no wife.
Taleki, the pretty much outcast who cuts his hair with a piece of glass so it looks jagged and spiky.
Kamarind, the fisherman that has never been clean in his life.
Vivian, the blind artist who lost her brother.
And Talalia, the kindest, most beautiful and most amazing person in middle earth.
Or, that’s at least what Tilda thinks.
Tilda is, to put it simply, a bit of a slut.
She sleeps around, she flirts with everyone, and she won’t shy to have sex with people of other races. What she’s attracted to changes every day, and she’s quite fluid in her sexuality.
And that applies to everyone except for Talalia.
Talalia is a tall, slender, pale, red haired elf, with soft freckles and a beaming smile. She works with the animals of Mirkwood, like horses, rabbits, elks, cats, and sometimes even spiders.
Tilda met her when she was about fifteen, when she’d found a small injured elk calf, and took it to Talalia for help.
Talalia helped Tilda nurse the small calf back to health, and while doing it they got talking.
Tilda ended up keeping the calf and named it Aloe, and Talalia was more than happy to help her take care of the small little fellow.
Aloe grew up beside Tilda, which made him very attached, and quite spoiled. Tilda often used to say that the only one who could rival the elks ego was Thranduil, so she always made sure not to give him to much praise or it would go to his head. She gave him plenty of treats though.
Anyways, back to Talalia.
Talalia was like Aloe’s other mom, as she was honestly the only other person he was okay with (He totally hated Legolas, always tried to bite his fingers off). She did not hold back on the praise and scratching, and Tilda always grumbled a bit when she did as she knew he would preen like hell the next few weeks.
Tilda didn’t know when she fell in love with Talalia, she just did all of a sudden, and to her own surprise she had a hard time confronting her feelings about it, but she just assumed that it would all work out fine.
It was when she received an invitation to Talalia’s wedding that she realized that it would not work out fine.
Tilda’s biggest personal problem in her life, was that she often felt coddled and felt that no one was taking her seriously.
Sure, she was a bit wild, but she was a master archer, a trained elven soldier, the daughter of a dragon slayer and a king, and one of the best climbers of middle earth, and yet people still one saw her as the family’s annoying youngest sibling.
It didn’t help that Legolas was one of the best archers in middle earth and the heir to the throne of Mirkwood, Sigrid was the queen of Dale and the best healer there was, and Bain was an excellent soldier despite his blindness and captain of the royal guard of Dale.
Meanwhile Tilda was just...okay in comparison. She was a good archer, but not as good as Legolas. She was an okay healer, but Sigrid was better. She had it easy to get along with people, but Bain was a master at it.
She could climb stuff fairly good, but that wasn’t much to boast about.
Plus, because of the fact that she was the youngest, and had a habit of getting herself injured, her family didn’t quite trust her. They didn’t want her leaving Mirkwood without an escort, and she always had to ask for permission, despite being way over an adult.
So when she was given the opportunity to follow Legolas to the council of Elrond, she turned it down just because she didn’t feel like doing something they wanted her to do.
And she regretted it ever since, because if she would have followed then she would have had the chance to really come out of the house and do stuff.
She still got Aloe and rode off when she got a message from Sigrid about coming to Gondor, without telling her da or Ada because they would have stopped her.
It was the feeling of total freedom as she rode to Gondor, that made her want to do this and never stop. Aloe was strong and quick, and only needed to stop a few times for about half an hour, so Tilda managed to arrive before Dale.
It was then that she met the hottest fucking person she’d ever met in her life, and she was just ready to go down on him right then and there.
Unfortunately, he was her brother’s loved one, so she didn’t make any moves on him. Well, she made a few, but it was just some light flirting.
Both Tilda and Aloe made it out fine, thankfully, and Tilda was already planning on letting everything go and just live in the woods with Aloe for the rest of life.
Which she did, after a long argument with both her Da and Ada and her siblings.
Tilda became known throughout small villages in Middle earth as the witch with the elk, despite not being a witch at all. She was just a weird girl with ocean blue eyes, wandering around with her elk and killing beasts that some Villages had problems with.
And one of those beasts was a Forest Dragon that had killed six people of the village, and had stolen a lot of their gold.
And Tilda didn’t even hesitate, she just grabbed the black arrow she stole from her da a long time ago and started to hunt down the dragon.
She didn’t think of The Dragon Curse for the moment, or of the consequences of her actions, she only thought of the idea of becoming a Dragon Slayer, meaning that she would actually be something other than the troublesome younger sibling of the family.
She killed the Forest Dragon, it wasn’t that hard they are pretty meek and doesn’t have too much of a defense, and Tilda didn’t think too much more of it, just that she could now brag about being a dragon slayer.
It was about three days later that she realized exactly what she’d done, in the middle of taking a step as well, so she fell to the frown in shock with a very confused Aloe beside her.
It took a few hours for Tilda to get out of the hole she’d fallen into, as she ended up having a panic attack right then and there, with Aloe just helplessly prancing around her, buffing her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.
Tilda then decided to not return to Mirkwood, or Dale, or Gondor, or anything like that, as she was to ashamed of what her pride had lead her to.
Instead, she decided to set out to find other Dragonlings and Dragons, that could teach her of what would happen to her exactly, as it wasn’t really widely known.
The first she went to was of course Moln, the ice dragon in the north that was known to not kill you, as long as you didn’t try to steal from him.
Moln was ancient, with little memory of the past couple millennials, and wasn’t too much help like that, but he did recommend to find a Swamp Dragonling, as they are generally not too agressive or deadly.
It took almost two years for Tilda to find another Dragonling, an at that point scales had already started to form on her hardened neck, and she was getting a bit impatient.
The Dragonling was a former elf named Reskal, that had killed a Swamp Dragon almost a hundred years prior. He told her about the pain of the wing formation, and the behavior differences she would experience, neither of which was something that she looked forward to.
And Reskal was right, around ten years after she’d killed the Forest Dragon she had the worst year of her life, and when her wings were finally out and ready to go, she was practically just skin and bone as it hadn’t been easy to hunt while in constant pain, so the meals had been rare.
Tilda has been forced to send Aloe away, as she feared what she might have done to him if the dragon instincts kicked in.
That turned out to be a mistake in her part, but also probably the best thing she’s ever done in the long run, as Aloe was quickly to run to Gondor to find Legolas.
Aloe didn’t like Legolas at all, anyone who would try to get the attention of his mama away from him was automatically evil, but his mama was in pain and he knew that the mean elf could help her.
When Legolas saw Aloe willingly come up to him, without Tilda by his side, he immediately knew something was up and Aragorn barely had time to follow after him when his husband got on his horse and rode after the elk.
Aloe led the two to a Forest, where they at first couldn’t find Tilda. It was first when she jumped out of a tree, her wings spread out and her teeth and claws barren, that they realized why Aloe had been so stressed.
Tilda had gone into beast mode, and it took a good while for her to fully catch Legolas’ scent and calm down, as he was a part of her treasure and she wouldn’t hurt him.
It took two days for Tilda to come back to her senses, and during that time Legolas and Aragorn managed to piece together what had happened, Tilda had become a Forest Dragon Slayer.
When Tilda had finally calmed down and had returned to her less animal behavior, she was held by her brother as she cried into his arms, scared of what she’d become, and what she might do.
After the two doing their very best to calm her down, which was not easy since Tilda was not one to show any vulnerable emotions so she’s been bottling up shit for years, they helped her up and separated, as Aragorn needed to go back to Gondor while Legolas would follow his sister to Mirkwood.
Legolas tried his very best to get out what had happened out of Tilda on their journey, as she knew the consequences of killing a dragon, and why in Valars name she did it anyway. Tilda didn’t feel like talking however, she just sat on Aloe as he walked, completely trapped in her own mind.
When they arrived at Mirkwood, Legolas took her straight to her da who just a few years prior had gone through his own wing transformation, though as a wyvern they had grown out of his arms instead of his back. Very painful indeed.
Her da was more than shocked when he saw his his daughter with wings growing out of her back, and horns halfway done on her head.
Bard forced Legolas to leave and sat down with his daughter, trying to comfort her while at the same time try to make her explain why she’d killed a dragon.
It took almost half an hour for Tilda to break, and explain that she’d just wanted to be something like her siblings, and that her pride had gotten in her way.
Bard was very comforting, and he told her that he wasn’t angry, just scared for her.
Tilda stayed in Mirkwood for a few years, just to be able to fully calm down and get a grasp of what had happened. She was gifted an enchanted cloak that could hide her wings, horns, and tail, so she wouldn’t get weird or scared looks while outside.
Tilda couldn’t stay in Mirkwood forever though, as she now had gotten a taste of freedom and felt like a caged bird. She grabbed her stuff one night, left a note, and then rode off on Aloe.
And it went okay. She continued to help small villages with their issues, and even taught a few kids how to fight with a sword.
It was during winter, when Tilda and Aloe had wandered through the cold weather for three (stinkin’) days, that she fully snapped, and when she came back to her human form, all that was left of Aloe was a bloody pile of bones and mush.
That day basically only consisted of her crying and throwing up.
The next day a dagger entered her chest, and after 346 years of constant hyperactivity, she finally got to rest.
If modern, Tilda would not really have a sexuality, as it’s constantly changing. Instead she would just get a lot of small pride flags from all the sexualities and sew them into a giant flag.
Tilda hater saddles more than anything else, as she found them restricting and uncomfortable. She would never use a saddle when riding Aloe, or reins for that matter, and she would just trust him of where to go.
Legolas made it his life mission after meeting Merry and Pippin to not let them meet Tilda, as he knew that it would be the death of them all.
Tilda absolutely loved Fire, and would always sit in front of it for hours when it was lit. She’s gotten a lot of burn marks because of it.
Despite being a fire lover, her favorite season was winter, as she found the snow so fun.
Tilda and Legolas would always have something to argue about, as siblings do. The most common thing was that one of them stole the other’s hairbrush.
Tilda absolutely loved Rivendell, as they weren’t so strict about what she could and couldn’t do, plus her favorite activity was to annoy Lindir.
Because of her amazing climbing ability and the fact that she never used a saddle unless forced to, she had gained an amazing balance.
AU Masterpost
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charliegreco · 4 years
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( ben barnes + cis male ) — have you seen charles greco ? this thirty-eight year old is a personal financer who resides in manhattan. he has been living in nyc for thirty-eight years, and is known to be charming and confident, but can also be conniving and arrogant, if you cross them. people tend to associate them with beaten italian leather boots and smiles that never meet his eyes. @codstarters​
triggers for neglect, drug use, gambling, & personality disorders.
general information.
full name: charles greco. handle: charlie. title: n/a. age: 38. date of birth: november 12, 1983. place of birth: manhattan, new york. zodiac: scorpio. gender: cis male. nationality: italian-american. religion: atheist. orientation: greyromantic heterosexual. relationship status: single.
physical attributes.
face claim: ben barnes. height: 6'1″. weight: 170 lbs. hair color: dark brown. eye color: dark brown. tattoos: none. distinguishing marks: deep brown eyes. outfit/clothing style: beaten boots, expensive jeans, dark shirts, worn leather, fitted suits.
background information.
hometown: manhattan, new york. current residence: manhattan, new york. past residences: manhattan, new york. spoken languages: english, italian, german, russian. financial status: upper class. education level: college graduate. organization: potential illegal ties.
familial information.
mother: alessia greco. father: unknown. siblings: none. children: possibly a few bastard children.
moral alignment: chaotic neutral. mbti: estp-a - the entrepreneur. enneagram: type 9: the peacemaker. temperament: choleric.
one thing was incredibly clear to charlie greco from the moment he could comprehend the hand that life had dealt him: nothing would come easy, and nothing would be worth the time if it was.
his mother always had the means of making a decent living for her son and herself, but squandered all of her earnings on selfish means instead. she was certainly a beautiful woman: alluring both physically and with a wit sharp as a blade’s edge, but all of her attention had always been selfish. surely it was habit taught to her from a young age, something she never bothered to break before she involved herself in other human interactions. but it was likely her beauty and charm that had seduced the man who impregnated her, and the likes of his name were never so much as whispered around offspring. charlie has never known the man’s name.
babies should be a joyous occasion, and yet alessia greco found a way to make it entirely self-involved. her body had to bear the pain, her child was what made everyone so pleased, her creation. anyone who dared to involve themselves in the mess of his mother’s life was sure to see how narcissistic the beautiful italy born-and-bred woman was, and yet no one pressed a finger onto the issue.
but such is the way of the world, so often are children abandoned to their fates.
he was a beautiful baby, but grew to be an awkward toddler, an awkward little boy. alessia made no attempt to hide her disgust at how her creation could be so gangly and ungainly, could stow away for hours with quiet toys that suggested knowledge more than play with other children. but perhaps that was for the better — she couldn’t very well brag and show up with something like him, her offerings would be meager in comparison to children who were the spitting images of their beautiful parents. simple genetics, the awkward transitional period of a child, were held against a child who knew nothing of the world or such disgust from his mother. charlie was six, and alessia greco was the love of his life. all mothers should be, for little boys.
but as he grew older, as his awareness developed, and as the blinders fell from his eyes charlie became aware of his mother’s feelings. while he was utterly devoted to her, drew pictures of her at school or told stories about my mom and me, she was ashamed of his too-long legs and chubby cheeks. his loss of innocence came across the dinner table (boxed macaroni and cheese again, so mom could go out again for the night), when he told her “i love you, mommy” and alessia heaved a sigh and responded with a purfunctory, “yea.”
grades meant nothing. educational achievements meant nothing. unconditional love from a child meant nothing, and charlie began to realize that if he wanted something more than boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner every night (if alessia even bothered to make it) he would have to get it himself. however it wasn’t as simple as taking it — simply taking things earned him a swift but stern slap across the face and if he hadn’t learned in his younger years, charlie surely understood alessia’s feelings with those.
he learned his charm from her, but it wasn’t easy being the odd child he was. still, with a desire to achieve, charlie applied himself to the art of manipulation. he discovered it was simple with the charm of a child: people were more likely to assist if you added a few tears, a little naievety. his teachers began to understand his plight as home as difficult when he spun the yarn of his mother having become deathly ill. his peers found him appealing when he shared goods pilfered or traded from others (without their knowledge for the former), and the reputation he earned himself in his youth formed the personality that perfected at puberty.
while all of these tricks worked outside of the household, charlie never managed to pull the wool over his mother’s eyes. but where unconditional love once stood in tolerance for alessia and her narcissism, now contempt remained. charlie fell out of love with his mother at twelve, and never looked back.
on the summer at the end of his freshman year of high school charlie left an odd-looking boy. in the fall of his sophomore year he returned transformed, as if the summer heat had been a chrysalis and the ugly caterpillar emerged a butterfly. now if you held up a picture of alessia greco beside charlie you could see he was her child, all it took was a shot of growth hormone and the deepening of his voice. abyss-black eyes were the stark difference between the two of them (ignoring the thick black hair that sprouted from his face if he didn’t tame it back to stubble every four or so days), and alessia noted how much she despised the way he stared at her now. it made her skin crawl if only because it seemed as if he was looking through her.
and he was. now he saw her for what she was: a selfish woman who had only wanted him to brag about her own achievements. but he hadn’t been worth bragging about when he was small, and now that he towered over her she wanted him to be seen with him. but charlie refused, perhaps a little too politely for her to understand at first, and it was only in a binge of some substance abuse that he took a stern hand with her. only when she struck him first out of a dead sleep — staring at him for near twenty minutes before lashing out at him. it was the threat of never touch me again that he punctuated so perfectly, threatening to hold back no means to defend himself should she raise another hand at him.
alessia mourned for herself the loss of her baby boy. all that was left was a man who was nothing more than a reminder of her failed relationships throughout the years. you’re just like them. you’re just like them.
but he was nothing like them. perhaps the only similarity being how much he despised her, as they all did in the end.
over-achieving won him an early high school graduation by one year and excellent grades a near free-ride through college. he was always good with numbers, always good at calculations and the choice to step into the mathematical field was easy. alessia was notably absent when he gained his college diploma, if only because charlie couldn’t be bothered to let her know of the date. any by now he’d escaped the clutches of her den and made his own home somewhere on the other side of the city. he was sure he would never purposely cross paths with her, and if they did meet it was purely accidental. purely venomous.
his first steps into the world of banking began the same as any other bland story: a teller whose talent for numbers opened gateways of opportunity. charlie was twenty-two when he was offered the position of personal finance. he was twenty-four when he began taking private, rich clients, and it was only a few months into that position that he met “slick ricky” dimatteo. the meeting wound up more fateful than any singular moment he had with his mother, at least it was opportunistic. silver-tongue and charm allowed for charlie to step into the world of second set of books, illegal numbers … extra money.
now he looked exactly like the son of alessia greco. fine suits, hundred-dollar hair cut, winning smile the smiles never met his eyes — that died in his childhood, with his innocence, but he when he wagged his tongue people listened and were apt to believe the words that oozed from his lips. honest life turned to opulence … he was sure he could have had more if he wanted it, but sitting on the outskirts of a life of real crime was comfortable for him. when he stole away in the middle of the night to confirm the collection of illegal debts owed he kept his own two hands clean (so what if his command got people hospitalized, right?) and charlie prided himself on the ability to forget what he had seen. things are so often lost in the black abyss.
potential connections.
clients: charlie works as a personal financer - he cooks two sets of books. this can either be a legitimate client or one that seeks to make bets or otherwise gamble their money in some form through his other connections. 
past flings: 30+ please. charlie is a one and done kind of person. he’s not at all unfamiliar with his needs and has never expressed romantic interest in any of the women he’s slept with.
arm candy: someone who attends high-class events with him. typically someone who understands his humor, and also understands that in the world of money appearances are everything. best suited to someone he’s more friends with than a stranger. (davina yueng).
friends: legitimate or otherwise. if they aren’t connected to his illegal business, they don’t know about it. if they are friends with him through said illegal business, obviously they know. (abby rosen).
i’m open to various other connections, these are just some ideas!
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monthrhythm06 · 4 years
Five Ideal Twitter Account Hacker In 2021
This information has provided you with a number of methods to hack into other people's profiles. When there are actually instruments that permit you to easily get into balances, the protection of the password remains the best way hack twitter account github to guard your self. Don't permit someone else access your account. Hackers makes it difficult or difficult to sign on. Preventing them from achieving this to you can keep your Twitter encounter protect. In conclusion, using social media is exciting, but it can be risky should you don't know what you're carrying out. Online hackers can get information about you and even make positive changes to private data. In order to be safe, then a very important thing how to hack a protected twitter account to accomplish is to apply among the two previously mentioned apps, or hack the Twitter password you currently have. Keep in mind, in the event you don't have confidence in one of these brilliant programs, then don't utilize it! Either way, you have to have exciting if you're capable of getting a person to hack your account.
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overthinkingfandom · 5 years
Detailed character analysis for every second Varian is on screen in “Great Expotations”
No, this is not hyperbole. 
Brace yourself, we’re in for a long ride. 
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Huh. Not even a minute onscreen and already we see Varian’s greatest virtue and flaw, he’s a proactive problem solver. 
Cass was tying a knot and when she left it, it started unraveling, and Varian's immediate reaction was to rush forward and fix it. This right here is the core of his character shown in five seconds. That both his best and worst actions come from a single trait is part of what makes him such a strong character.
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He smiles adorably at Owl afterward. Fixing things must feel pretty satisfying to him, especially when helping didn't cause a disaster for a change so there was nothing to mar that experience.
But let’s back up a bit to the beginning of his episode.
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Varian doesn’t have any experience in building a relationship with someone who is his peer and that shines through clearly in his dialogue here. He tries to catch Cass' attention by bragging about his invention, which makes sense considering his lack of experience leaves him uncertain how to go about relating to her and inventions is something Varian knows gets him excited (thus subconsciously assuming that other people will also be excited about it) as well as something he feels confident about. 
He goes on to say: "Rumor has it it is a shoo-in for the first prize in the contest," and stage-whispers to Cass, "I started the rumor." Initially, I was pretty confused about why he said that, but thinking about later episodes it's probably an early hint showing just how important honesty is for Varian.
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Later episodes show that Varian’s greatest desire is to be acknowledged in a positive way and here we can see how that desire tends to manifest as being acknowledged specifically for his skills. Varian would see it as wanting people to be impressed and appreciate his alchemy but when looking at his behaviour, it seems more like he wants to be acknowledged as a problem solver. It’s just that the way he sees it happening is mostly through his ability with alchemy and inventions.
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You know, before I did this analysis I thought Varian was just a high confidence/low self-esteem person, but now I think a more accurate way to describe him is that he lacks a fear of failure. Eugene saying to his face "Your last invention almost killed us. So glad you're here, with what looks like another invention." doesn't even cause him to blink.
It would also fit better with him being socially awkward despite his confidence as well as his scientific background. He's almost certainly mostly self-taught and we know he messed up a lot and it was probably worse while he still didn’t really know what he was doing. If he had fear of failure inhabiting him, there's no way he would have the skills he does today. 
It’s also a trait that ties with him being so proactive. Unlike other characters, Varian doesn't have that hesitation of "But what if it doesn't work/what if I can't do it" when facing a challenge, he just goes and does it and deals with a lot of mistakes as a result, yes, but also a lot of successes.
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Dawww, kid is embarrassed about his crush on Cassandra.
It's probably nothing more than how relationships are somewhat of a taboo subject for kids combined with his social awkwardness and lack of experience on the subject, but it is a point in the column pointing against him having naturally high confidence.
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Obstacles don't seem to slow Varian down a whole lot. He came to the expo with the intention of asking Cass to be his assistant and despite his faux pas in the first conversation (which he promptly fixes in the next conversation by making it a joke), the conversation being interrupted midway and Cass being distracted and kinda cold in the second conversation, Varian still goes through with asking her to be his assistant.
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There's a theory about learning I'm familiar with that says there are three levels of comprehension on a subject: memorizing, understanding and implementing. 
Memorizing constitutes of having knowledge about the subject, but not knowing how to use it (it’s the level required for classes like history in school). Understanding means the person can use the knowledge in a practical way with situations that were studied beforehand, learning how to recognize each situation and what to do in them (It’s the level required for learning stuff like languages, specifically the part like tenses and other grammar rules). Implementing means being able to successfully use the knowledge in a situation that was never encountered before (Math usually requires that level, which is why it’s so hard for a lot of people).
Despite what the show would like us to believe sometimes, it seems like Varian actually knows what he's doing in regards to science, because this moment shows us that Varian holds the highest level of comprehension about alchemy.
When he made the stain disappear it wasn't because he remembers that salt + water from the flowers would prevent grape juice stains. It wasn't because he understands that a certain combination of chemicals would prevent acidic stains. It was because he knows chemistry on a level that allows him to take all the theory and implement it into practice even in an unfamiliar situation. That level of comprehension, as well as his excellent problem-solving skills, allows him to figure out solutions to problems that he never encountered before and fast.
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(Lmao watch as our boy is enjoying seeing Cass' reaction to his trick so much. Me too, Varian.)
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Varian is very eager to agree to help Cass with her chores. While that eagerness can come from his crush on Cass, it doesn’t feel like the full answer. Following her around for a while to help her would be an easy way to spend time with Cass in a situation where he's not actually sure how to go about hanging out with her. It would tie back to why he wanted Cass to be his assistant in the first place, seeing as that's another easy way for them to spend time together. 
Plus, considering how one of his biggest desires is to be acknowledged as a problem solver, Varian probably sees it as an opportunity to impress Cass with his skills and not only be acknowledged in the way he wants, but also be acknowledged by a person Varian wants to impress.
There are a few moments in the episode where Varian acts and his brain only catches up a few moments later and here we the first of them. He realizes that being overeager to spend time with his crush is a faux pas mid-action and tries to smooth it over right afterward. 
This is also a moment that showcases his problem-solving skills. It only takes him a few seconds to figure out that it can be a solution to his original problem i.e. asking Cass to be his assistant.
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Boy is just glad he actually managed to succeed in his goal and spend time with his crush.
It’s yet another example of how he doesn’t really know how to relate to people who are (kinda) his peers. He's excited because this feels like a big achievement for him.
Nex,t we see a montage of Cass and Varian working together to finish her chores, which actually teaches us quite a few things about Varian's skills:
1) Varian has already created several functioning inventions that do exactly what he wanted them to.
1.1) The only reason he wouldn't be able to market them commercially is because they would not pass any safety standards.
1.1.1) Take safety precautions with your inventions Varian gdi
1.2) The reason he doesn't bother with safety precautions could tie back to his absolute lack of fear of failure. This small little ball cleans a corridor by putting everything on fire? Just don't get caught 4head (and when Varian inevitably catches on fire because he's a trouble magnet he just deals with it with some panicked screaming and a lot of flailing). 
1.2.1) Another possible explanation is that Varian doesn’t generally plan for failure. It tracks pretty well with what we see of his behaviour in the rest of the series and considering that he doesn’t fear failure, it makes sense that he wouldn’t think about the “what if something goes wrong” and plan for that.
1.3) The montage shows Varian using his inventions for more than one purpose. It shows that same kind of comprehension we saw earlier where he knows the theory so well he can use it in various different ways to solve problems he never encountered before.
1.3.1) It also shows that he possesses a flexibility of thought. He's not stuck thinking things have that one specific intended use for them, but keeps his mind open to other possibilities.
2) Varian can quickly construct devices from what seems like common everyday objects
2.1) There is that flexibility of thought again. Things don't have intended uses, just potential uses.
2.2) I'm not sure if I would put him at MacGyver level of impromptu devices but he definitely subscribes to that school of thought.
2.3) Varian is very knowledgeable not just in chemistry but also in engineering. 
3) He seems to think "There must be a better way to do this" a lot.
3.1) Because he's a proactive problem solver with the skills to make his ideas reality, he often just goes and tries to figure out or make that better way, regardless of the circumstances.
During the whole montage he's always looking to see Cass' reaction even when he should really be paying better attention to what's going on around him because he's lighting a whole corridor on fire, Varian. It's that recklessness of his again, the one that's born out of his lack of fear of failure. But it's also because the boy is thirsty for people to acknowledge his skills, his identity as a problem solver, so he drinks up every drop of it when Cassandra gives it to him in the shape of shock and amazement.
He's very similar to Cass in this way. Both of them have a strong self-identity they want to be acknowledged by society or the people around them, and the fact that it isn't can be traced back as the root of a lot of their problems.
Of course, for Cass, the biggest obstacle to that acknowledgment is society itself, while Varian is his own biggest obstacle.
But we already established that obstacles don't slow him down a whole lot, which is why he keeps trying regardless of any failure. His lack of fear of failure also takes some of the sting, since instead of framing it as a “bad end” he would regard more along the lines of “eliminated a way in which it doesn’t work”.
Not to say that all of the failures don’t take their toll, since they evidently do. We see in QfaD (Specifically, Let Me Make You Proud) that his self-esteem isn't the highest and that he's very aware of his many failures and how they sabotage his efforts to get acknowledged.
Something that seems quite evident but that I didn't mention it so far is just how confident Varian is in his skills. Then again he's very justified in that confidence. 
At first, I didn’t think it was honest self-assessment because of his later denial of blame and also the fact that he’s 14. However, there’s more to support for that interpretation than I realized at the time. Varian’s denial in SotS is less an issue of awareness and more of a coping mechanism, seeing as his other option is to face the possibility that he (in his mind) killed his own father which… yeah. Even then, he acknowledges in Ready as I’ll Ever Be that his actions are bad despite the way he refuses to take the blame (and responsibility) for the situation. Add in the awareness he shows in Let Me Make You Proud and his pretty accurate introspection later in this episode, and his confidence coming, at least partially, from honest self-assessment has a lot of evidence to back it up.
I would actually be pretty curious to know what came first for him: his confidence in his skills, or his lack of fear of failure. The first would mean he felt like he could deal with everything thrown his way so he didn't need to fear the consequences of failure. The second would indicate he didn’t fear to get things wrong, which is the root of a lot of insecurity.
The answer is probably that the two grew in tandem, each feeding into the other in a positive feedback loop. But I'm kinda still leaning towards the second more, if only because that initial lack of worry would mean his skills would develop at a much faster rate, which would better explain his current skill level. 
Now that I think about it, teenage feeling of immortality probably didn't help.
Poor Quirin, teen Varian must be a nightmare to deal with
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I'm kinda sad we didn't get proper friendship between Rapunzel and Varian. This episode shows how both of them are creative, productive and very knowledgeable individuals, to the point where Rapunzel was the one translating Varian's technobabble in the climax. They could have a lot of fun together if they ever tried.
In many ways, their friendship would be healthier than the one we’re shown for Rapunzel and Cass. Aside from having shared interests, their problems and strengths would complement each other’s quite a bit, without the destructive feedback loop Cass and Rapunzel can get to.
Rapunzel's high energy would go well with Varian’s creativity and proactivity. Varian's lack of fear of failure and proactivity would be good for Rapunzel with her avoidant personality. Varian wouldn't mind Rapunzel's lack of boundaries as much or have insecurity about his place next to her. Rapunzel would probably be glad to help Varian in proving himself and has an indestructible hair to protect them when explosions inevitably occur.
The major flaw with this friendship is that they can easily create a feedback loop of recklessness that would leave Eugene as the voice of reason in the party, so take that as you will.
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This may seem obvious, but Varian is pretty observant. As much as he didn't let it stop him, he did notice and understand what Cassandra's cold attitude was all about. This moment discounts the possibility that his social awkwardness comes from having difficulties understanding social cues, or that his lack of fear of failure in those situations came from him not understanding that something was a failure or a rejection. Considering his outgoing personality, it’s very possible that had he been socialized properly he wouldn’t experience that kind of awkwardness at all. Act like a weirdo? Sure, this is Varian after all, but it wouldn’t be because he misunderstood something or felt uncomfortable and out of his depth.
He also somehow knows that Cap is Cassandra's dad. It's not like it's a secret, but I checked and it definitely wasn't said in front of him in the episode. He probably keeps his eyes and ears open and notices stuff around him, his speed in connecting dots would help him make sense of the stuff he notices. Just in this episode we see this process. Earlier he saw Stan telling Cass about the Captain having open positions and how she got excited over it. Later, when Cass tells him that today is kind of a big deal for her, he immediately connects between the two things.
(Also, Sassy Boy is sassy and I love him for that)
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Varian is naturally pretty empathetic, in the mirroring emotions sense of the word. His expression falls both times Cass becomes upset, and he attempts to help her by offering up proof that he can relate and she's not alone. I use the word "naturally" here because trauma can suffocate empathy pretty quickly as a coping mechanism, so his levels of empathy in later episodes aren't really indicative of his personality.
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It's pretty interesting that his response to Cass being upset is an empathic reflection considering his problem-fixing nature. He only tries to offer up a solution when Cass brings up a concrete problem he can deal with.
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He seems to use humor, and snark in particular, to deal with situations pretty often actually. And in various ways as well. Here he uses it to turn around an uncomfortable and heavy situation. In later episodes he would use it to claim a measure of control over a situation involving enemies. Curiously both here and later he uses it to express anger. Granted his “anger” here wasn’t really anger so much as calling Cass out, but it still functionally fulfills the same purpose.
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Poor boy is so hopeful that he and Cass are friends. He's uncertain about how this friendship thing works and if they are actually friends which once again shows that he's pretty isolated and without any peer relationships. This uncertainty of his shows that just because he doesn't usually dip into the negative axis of doubt doesn't mean he is on the positive axis of confidence
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As much as his lack of fear of failure (and I got to find a better shorter word for it) can manifest as recklessness it can also manifest as what seems to be overconfidence at first glance. Yet when he says he has everything under control, we actually see that he manages to do exactly as he said. The only thing that sabotaged him this episode was not allowing a margin of error in his plans in case of unexpected complications, but if we're being entirely fair here, the vast majority of people only think about adding that margin for error once they're older and more experienced, so it's not like it's unique to him.
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I mentioned before Varian seems to have that thing where his mouth works faster than his brain sometimes. Here is instance 2 and 3 that we see in the episode.
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Varian doesn't seem to actually know what to do with people acknowledging his skills when he didn't set out to impress them. This indicates that something like this would happen rarely, if at all.
Just by themselves, those kinds of circumstances can teach someone that if they want to be acknowledged than they’re the one who has to go out and get it, because it’s not going to come to them unconditionally. In this case they also cause another "chicken and egg" situation in regards to Varian’s proactivity. Was he already proactive and when he didn't get acknowledgment for that, that tendency kicked in and cause him to actively seek it out, or did he want the acknowledgment first and when he didn't get it he learned that the only way he would get it is by actively working for it?
Once again it's probably a mix of the two that grew in tandem with one another, with him being naturally inclined to proactivity and problem solving but circumstances reinforcing it by teaching him that he won't get acknowledgment and his "solution" to that was to go out and get it rather than wait and hope it will come on its own.
Still, I'm a bit more inclined towards the second option. There is quite a bit that seems to imply that Varian didn't get as much attention as he needed growing up. From Quirin being a single dad and a village leader, to Varian's desperate need to be acknowledged, to the fact that a lot of the implied mishaps he had could've only happened if he was left unsupervised and how we saw walking around alone at age 5. I can see that desire for attention starting from a very young age and slowly growing to what we see today.
To be perfectly clear, I’m not ragging on Quirin here. He was doing the best he could and his best was actually pretty good. It’s just that “pretty good” doesn’t necessarily mean “enough”.
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For the record Varian being excited for the expo is adorable but his "Is this guy for real" expression when the judge is being dramatic is even better.
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"Don't worry about me. I am sure I can find another assistant in the next five minutes." 
There are a couple of things happening here. First is Varian putting Cass' ambitions above his own and trying to assuage her guilt, which is an early hint to his low self-esteem. The second is Varian's problem-solving tendency jumping up and trying to fix the damage only to be confronted with the fact that, no, there's no good solution for this simply because there isn't enough time.
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(I got to admit, I fall in love with the show's joke of "cutting edge equine technology"="horsepower" every time I see it.)
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We see Varian acting nervous and hesitant for the first time in the episode. It's unlikely to be a case of simple stage fright seeing as he was so confident not even a few minutes earlier when he spoke with Cass. I think here it's more of a case that he knows the solution he came up with is a bad one.
However, I still feel like it's worth noting that despite the very short time limit, he still managed to get an assistant. And that despite the subpar quality of his assistant, Varian still tried his best at the presentation. It tracks very well with how he doesn't let obstacles slow him down. It also speaks a lot about his mental fortitude and determination because it’s not uncommon for someone to just give up in a scenario like this, or at the very least panic and not give as good of a presentation as they could have as they already know it'll suck (because of the subpar assistant in this case) so there's not really any point in investing that much effort.
It's that same determination along with his lack of fear of failure that would drive a lot of his villain arc because frankly, most people would hesitate taking on a whole kingdom even if they think that's the only solution to their problem. Varian just thinks about how he would get it done.
Not about the if.
(Well he would think about if he should do it on a moral ground, but not if he should do it because failing would have major consequences)
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Varian naming stuff he invents after people is a cute joke, but it also feels a bit... childish in a certain way. It's a pretty blatant way to impress people and get attention, kinda a combination of flattering people by naming things after them and impressing them that he created this whole new never-seen-before thing, which is yet another way in which he shows he doesn't really know how to create relationships with peers. While it’s a bit weak it can also be taken as another hint to his low self-esteem because his first instinct is to name stuff after the people around him, which implicitly places more importance on those people rather than his own experiences.
Then again naming things in general is hard and I suck at it just as much lol.
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This line really emphasizes how much Varian is still a kid while showing some of his underlying assumptions about the world. Things should be as what they're presented to be. A science exposition should judge the science. A promise should be kept. Friends should try to help their friends. It ties very strongly to the importance he places on honesty and the truth, if something isn't what it's presented as that's a form of deception.
It’s this bit here that really cements Great Expotations’ place in Varian's character arc of disillusionment with authority figures. This is the first place he meets overt corruption in the form of the judge and the showy contestant who won. Even if he won't think of it as corruption at the time, at the very least he'll see how the irrelevant stuff decided the outcome rather than the important things. Which is very much the opposite of how the expo presented itself, after all it was supposed to be about science.
Even his time with Cass contributes to that arc. They had a deal, Varian will help her with her chores and in exchange she'll be his assistant. He even felt they grew closer during the time they worked together to the point they became friends, and when he asked it was something that Cass confirmed. Yet, Cass still backed out of the agreement at the last minute. And yes, she apologized and made it up to him but isn't that in some ways worse? Because it would mean people can still genuinely be friends while betraying his trust.
In many ways, it's a failure of truth that drives Varian’s arc just as much as it's a failure of action. Both are tied together and enable each other to happen.
People lie so they wouldn't have to take action and they cover their inaction with distortions of the truth.
Both are core parts of the corruption in the system of Corona that allowed the tragedy of his situation to escalate to the point it did.
Truth is actually something that's pretty central to Varian's identity. At his core he's a proactive problem solver, yes, but the way it manifests is through his interest and skill in alchemy, or rather science. The entire point of science is discovering truths about the world through action, by observing and researching and recording. He takes a lot of pride in his skills and in being scientifically minded, or else he wouldn't be so bothered when people think he's using magic.
And when that pride and respect for the truth is set on a crash course towards the corruption of authority, whether by lying or inaction or both, in a rather personal way. Well, that's how we get RTA. Add in his proactivity, determination and lack of fear of failure as well as his skills to the previous explosive mix, season with desperation, sprinkle a hefty bunch of trauma on top and shake well. That’s the recipe we were shown in SotS.
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Varian gives a rather accurate assessment of his motivations here with a level of self-awareness that surprised me the first time I saw it. It's much more than most 14 years old are capable of. In fact, there are many adults without that level of awareness. 
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It obviously does matter to him. He says that all he wanted was to impress Cass but he's clearly measuring his success according to his success in the expo. That expo is important to him.
The way he minimizes how it was important to him is another hint towards low self-esteem. As well as him calling himself dumb, especially since it seems to imply that he sees himself as being dumb for thinking he could ever impress Cass and get her to see something special in him.
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Varian panicking about safety should make people suspect the apocalypse is coming. In this case they would even be right, considering how things turn out.
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Another way in which this episode ties into Varian's character arc is that once again he's saying something important and is ignored. This time is about how the judge is messing dangerously with Varian's machine. Next time will be about how they need to find a solution to the black rocks. The one after that is about how his father is in danger. Until it culminates in Ready As I’ll Ever Be where the line describing his motivation is "I'll make them hear me".
He ends up saving everyone from a danger that could've been entirely averted had the judge only listened to him.
In fact, things are only solved because someone (Cass in this case) does listen to him.
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Varian's surprise at being the one saved by Cass can point to his low self-esteem, but it's just as likely to be because Cass doesn't have the best track record in choosing friendship over duty in this episode.
In either case, it sets up the basis for his later trust issues. Maybe he’s quick to lose faith in people after they fail him, or maybe he just doesn’t think highly enough himself to believe that someone will go out of their way for him at a cost to themselves. Neither option is particularly good for his mental health.
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I think it's very telling that when Cass asks "How do we stop it." Varian replies with "I gotta pull the handbrake". It shows another one of his underlying assumptions about the world, that he's got to be the one who fixes it (whether because it's his mess or just because he's used to being the only proactive problem-solver around). He even starts walking towards the doomsday machine without the thought that Cass might want to help even crossing his mind.
It's yet another example of how Varian just goes and does things without hesitating.
It also displays a somewhat self-centered view of the world that’s actually pretty typical for his age. Now to be fair, he really does seem to be one of the only (if not the most) proactive people around, so this attitude might actually have a basis in reality.
It's this somewhat self-centered view of things that would later cause him to mess with the black rocks after he sees Quirin lying to the king about them. He had faith that his dad would handle the problem and when that trust broke he felt like he was the only one trying to find a solution to the black rocks which I would normally say is robbing people of their agency but in the case of the series seems to actually be true.
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I'm not actually sure how to describe Varian's little laugh after Cass says that he's going to need an assistant but the words that come to me are "disbelieving", "a little bit hysterical" and "adorable". Whatever the case he clearly didn't expect Cass' offer, just like he didn’t expect her to save him instead of her assignment.
Although it’s pretty telling that as much as didn't expect Cass' help, he didn't hesitate to ask for it. The source of those self-centered assumptions isn’t pride for sure.
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Varian's immediate reaction to shutting down the doomsday device appears to be "enjoying the rush". The whole scenario would very much appeal to Varian's nature as a problem solver. He just solved an important problem, had people supporting him along the way, people who listened to him, everyone is acknowledging his part in the solution and not the problem for once.
Also, the literal adrenaline rush.
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Varian had a lot of curveballs thrown at him this episode. I’m willing to bet that his day ended absolutely nothing like he first imagined. He showed an admirable ability to adapt and roll with the punches while still working towards achieving goals. 
If we take a step back and consider all his stated and implied goals in the episode then we can see how he actually succeeded in doing everything he set out to achieve, even if it was done in a way he never planned on.
Get Cass to be his assistant? Check, although as an assistant to shutting down the imminent apocalypse rather than for presenting his invention.
Impress Cass? Check, only he probably expected to impress her with his amazing new invention that creates a whole ass new element rather than with helping her do her chores.
Give Cass a necklace of an element named after her? Check, and his small little while looking at the necklace indicates that he realizes it too. 
This pattern of events repeats itself most of the times when we see Varian sets himself a goal to work towards. He starts out with a plan, falls victim to the god of chaos that probably claimed his soul when he was a baby or something and somehow ends up succeeding in his goal in a way that blindsides even him.
In GE he impresses Cass all the big and small obstacles, but loses the contest. In QfaD he reaches the princess despite the blizzard, but she denies him help. In RTA he gets the flower despite the princess, but it no longer holds the magic. In SotS he gets the princess to do what he wants despite an entire kingdom, but her hair doesn’t work.
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The third instance of Varian being surprised at Cass going out of her way for him that cements the pattern.
At this point, the behaviour tells us a lot more about Varian’s underlying assumptions of the world, than anything about how he perceives Cass. The continuing surprise at the unprompted positive attention shows it’s an experience that’s out of the norm for him. Combined with what we know of his reputation, his lack of peer relationship and his busy single father, it paints a picture of a big part of Varian’s emotional needs that are going unfulfilled even before everything happened. 
Quirin is trying his best but he’s busy and as much as he loves Varian, he doesn’t really get him. Even without those challenges, one relationship simply isn’t enough to fulfill all the emotional needs of a person. However, Varian’s relative social isolation and reliance on his father give the events of QfaD a whole new layer. He didn’t just lose his dad and caretaker, but also his entire support network in one swoop. A support network that was full of holes and leaking, but one that kept him afloat so far nonetheless. Shhh, I know nets naturally have holes. It’s a metaphor.
But that pattern of behaviour tells us a lot more than just the size of Varian’s support network. Just like his proactivity grew from his need to actively seek out that positive attention and acknowledgment, so would his self-reliance increase the more he sees others won’t give him what he needs without him prompting them in one way or another, and we indeed see that Varian is very independent.
Now, self-reliance isn’t a bad trait by any means, at least when it comes from a healthy place. But that level of self-reliance in children and teens, especially when it comes to their own needs (whether emotional or physical), often comes from a place of distrust that those needs will not be met consistently if left up to another. Needless to say, it’s not the most healthy mindset.
It’s another part of the foundation of Varian’s later trust issues. Both come from a place of “I need to do this because no one else would do it for me”, but where the first is limited to getting acknowledgment and positive attention his later mindset grew to encompass things like “free Quirin”, “help me” and “protect me”. 
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Like before, Varian accepts how Cass asserted her own ambitions over his with very little fuss. After all, it’s not that hard to accept an apology if he didn’t put much weight on her putting her on ambitions above him. While his low self-esteem is far from the only factor at play here it’s yet another thing that hints towards it. 
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Cass words here delight Varian for much of the same reasons he reacted so strongly to all those instances of unprompted kindness. Except this time it’s much more validating than that. It shows that she listened to him, even if she rejected that nickname at the time. Plus, it was something that she didn’t like initially, so the only motivation she had to change her mind was that she genuinely liked him. It’s a tangible proof that he managed to earn Cass’ respect.
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Varian acting as if he’s the one that should be responsible for cleaning up, which is rather bizarre. He’s using the singular I we saw him use earlier when he planned on shutting down the doomsday device, which seems to be indicating he thinks he holds the main responsibility here.
It could come from his extreme proactivity, like with the knot at the beginning of the episode (6k words ago, feels like forever) or from that same self-centered worldview. However, if we look at the word choice we can tie it back to Let Me Make You Proud with its line: "maybe I make things a mess". The implication being that Varian is cleaning the mess because he himself (knowingly or not) to be the one responsible for creating it, despite his tangential role at best in the chain of events.
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Seeing how Varian and Cass bonded over trying to impress their dads and failing, Cass turning down a guard assignment probably seems like the equivalent to him turning down Quirin's approval in his mind. He knows this is a Big Deal.
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Based on everything we saw so far in the series, Varian seems to enjoy working with completely and totally new things. Whether it’s never-seen-before mystical rocks, the new element he invented and even reverse engineering long lost tech. Hell, even a lot of his own inventions qualify since he’s the first person to come up with them.
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This moment is a reflection of the earlier one when Varian asks “what does flair has to do with anything'', albeit this one has way more far-reaching consequences. And once again Varian’s instinctive reaction to what isn’t-that-far-off-from-deception is to be upset and question it. 
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A lot of people forget that QfaD wasn’t the first promise Rapunzel broke to Varian. Although to be fair the writers seemingly forget that as well, so most of the burden lies there.
Varian’s character arc up to the midpoint can be charted by the promises broken to him (with better and worse reasoning). In many ways, distrust and trust issues are a central and ever-present force in his arc. Separating him from others in a big dramatic like in the climax of RTA, to smaller quieter ways like how his need to act in order to achieve the validation he wants isolates him from his community, to overarching themes like disillusionment with authority figures.
The promise here is another data point to teach Varian to not trust in promises, but it’s also another, more insidious data point that paints Rapunzel as Fred’s accomplice in keeping the black rocks situation quiet.
Which… she kinda is. No, she never cooperated with any of Fred’s actions to silence the situation. She just held her own silence, when her words would’ve been enough to break the deception.
It is a crime of inaction, but those are not inherently less damaging or harmful than crimes of action.
But for Varian, who could later look at that moment with the hindsight of knowing the full situation with the black rocks, it would be so easy to see active cooperation in Rapunzel’s actions and use it as another point against trusting her.
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But despite any reservations Varian may have, at the moment all he sees is his friend trusting him with a secret. After being considered a walking disaster for so long, that trust (from the princess no less, a person with authority) would be very validating.
...If you reached this point you have my full respect. Any blame should be directed to the tangled server because they’re a bunch of enablers.
36 notes · View notes
sanjaysethi1 · 5 years
How Numerology can help you find the perfect job for you
Your Life Path number can tell you which career will make you happiest.
Did you know that the secret to a perfect career lies in one single number? We won’t blame you for taking this with a grain of salt (or consider it wacks doodle baloney with a side of crazy sauce) but many people truly believe that the study of numbers can unlock the knowledge of your destiny.
What in the world is Numerology?
For those who have never heard about it before, it is the belief that there’s a divine, mystical relationship between numbers and the projection of life and all life events. And apparently, your Life Path number is one of the most important numbers in the whole Numerology scene.
What in the world is a Life Path number?
Let’s get ostentatious for a moment: by revealing certain qualities, characteristics and fundamental traits of who you are, this special number can predict which job is perfect for you. It’s believed that your Life Path number can tell you which path you are walking on during your life; it represents your natural abilities and character.
Amazing, right? Our team couldn’t contain our excitement either! So we’ve done the research, summarised it for you, and now you can choose a career that’ll make you happy – you’re welcome (insert winking emoticon here).
Where can you get one?
Calculating your life path number is so easy – especially if you have a calculator – that we’ve added it all the way at the bottom of the page. Congratulations to all those who were able to do basic math. Your reward: The Amazing Revelation of what your dream career should be! (Or just, you know, lots of fun).
Unnecessary Disclaimer 1: phoning the editor claiming that it’s too early for maths is not allowed.
Unnecessary Disclaimer 2: Read this at your own risk. Careers24 shall not be held liable for any life-changing decisions based on these results.
Life Path Number 1
As a natural born leader, people see you as a source of motivation. You like to plan ahead and organise your own goals and have quite an inventive spirit.
Type of career:
You’ll thrive in an environment where you can function independently and autonomously. As the perfect leader, you are able to work in a team but you'll do much better on your own instead because it can be hard for you to compromise sometimes, especially if you strongly believe in your ideas when working on a particular project. You aren’t keen to always do things the way things were always done, and rather choose to blaze new trails.
You’d appreciate having a high status and being recognised by others for your achievements. People often look to you for guidance and you revel at the idea of being the authoritative figure.
Careers to pursue:
You have a good sense of direction and will no doubt excel as an Entrepreneur. Other opportunities for self-employment are as a contractor, craftsman, farmer, and freelance photographer or graphic designer.
You should also consider jobs in the military, law enforcement, as an executive, sales manager, politician, TV or radio producer.
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Life Path Number 2
You’re quite fair and can easily see both sides of any situation without any bias. You need to interact with others is huge which is okay since you genuinely enjoy listening to other people’s life stories. You’re also probably the one who co-workers run to for sympathy or when a dispute needs settling.
Type of career:
Make the best of both your social and negotiation skills, as well as your diplomacy by working in a helping profession. Remember, you’re good at working in teams, bouncing ideas off others, and also incorporating their ideas, combining it and turning it into a masterpiece.
2 are also quite creative and good with calculation. With such a busy brain you’d have a hard time adjusting to a career that has a fixed routine.
Careers to pursue
You should pursue a career where you can channel your sensitivity and mediation skills. You’d be a great diplomat, lawyer, minister, politician, teacher, counsellor, caregiver, doctor or nurse. Your social skills indicate that you’ll also enjoy being a bartender, waiter, physiotherapist and even a matchmaker.
Life Path Number 3
You possess a natural artistic and creative ability. People must’ve already told you that you’re good with words and have a high energy level. It’s no secret that you have great social skills and like careers where days are unexpected and somewhat unconventional – anything with a little variety.
Type of career:
You should fight for a career where you’re able to entertain others, travel and interact with diverse cultures and people. If you’re simultaneously able to express your beliefs then you’ve hit the jackpot!
Careers to pursue:
If you have musical, artistic and/or comedic talent then please do yourself a favour and choose music, TV, or theatre. Alternatively, you can do advertising or journalism. Only pursue an academic path if it's in a field where you’re able to interact with people, e.g. psychology, psychotherapy, biology, pharmaceutical and medical sciences.
Life Path Number 4
You have the most amazing organizational skills. Your attention to detail is envied. And your disciplined and down-to-earth nature means you'll do in well with a repetitive schedule.
Read More- Discover solution for your zodiac thrust with Dr. Sanjay Sethi (Gold Medallist) Astro – Numerologist
Type of career:
A career that offers a predictable and steady schedule is what suits you best. You will work hard to secure a stable income.  You’re happy with receiving detailed instruction with a set routine on how to complete your tasks. You would never resign half way through a difficult or boring assignment – never.
Chances are that you’ll excel in an organisation that has a clearly defined hierarchy, with clearly defined job roles. If you’re about to go for a job interview, you should brag about your organisational ability and strong work ethic. This and the fact that you’re able to help others get organised too. You really are a very valuable asset to any company.
Careers to pursue:
You’d make the ultimate engineer, industrialist, financial planner, and efficiency expert. Your organisational skills mean you’ll thrive as a project manager, while your self-discipline makes you an excellent accountant and lab technician.
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Life Path Number 5
The amazing thing about you is that your inherent persuasive skills. You’ve got a knack for communication, a love for travel. All that, coupled with your desire to live life to the fullest... yes, we know, you do get bored easily.
Type of career:
A career that allows you to explore the world and interact with people from different cultures is best for you. Capitalise on your excellent communication skills and your ability to sell by writing, teaching or doing something in marketing. Presenting ideas to the public is something you’ll do quite well too.
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself in multiple careers. You’re probably already a serial job hopper, and it works for you. Try a career working with facts and logic since you enjoy it so much – perhaps dabbling in science, computers or research is just what you need.
Careers to pursue:
You can be a jack-of-all trades and master of them too! You'll excel in advertising, radio and various writing and verbal communication fields, e.g. public relations and marketing. You are not ideally suited for a 9-5 job and fair better in freelance, contract or consulting work. Many 5s are stuntmen, firefighters and construction workers as they often pursue high-risk ventures - and it's no surprise that they're natural gamblers.
Life path Number 6
As a 6, you believe in harmony and unity. Your compassion and desire to be of service is a driving force in your life. You’re often attracted to teaching or healing and you have a special gift for selecting beautiful things.
Of all the numbers, you are said to be the most loving.
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Type of career:
You have an eye for beauty and have a creative flair. But it’s your compassion and your dire need to be of service to others that will define which career makes you happy. You love working with others, and you love working as a team.
You will also probably be stay devoted to one career path for a very long time.
Careers to pursue:
Use that compassion for life as a counsellor, nurse, hostess, rehab professional, paediatrician or even divorce attorney. Your eye for beauty is perfect for the fashion industry, graphic design and interior decorating. Or you can opt to spread your love by devoting your time to a charitable organisation, an NGO or social work. Even if you want to run your own organisation, you’ll be a successful business owner too.
Life Path Number 7
You are a problem-solving dreamer; excellent at analysing all kinds of things and discovering deeper reasons for why the world (and everything in it) works the way it does. You have a natural healing ability which is great because you are particularly interested in listening to people’s problems.
Type of career:
That problem solving nature you have leaves you with plenty possibilities. You can follow your literary interests, complete an advanced degree, or stay involved with an academic institution. Your love of research and knowing about the world means you should pursue a career that allows you to find the answers you seek - and get paid while doing so!
Read More- Basic Numerology- Calculate Your Life Path and Destiny Numbers
Life Path Number 8
8s are described as the philanthropists among the numbers. You are extremely ambitious and power, authority and business workings are appealing to you. As a bonus, you are in truth actually comfy with fame and public appearances and usually present yourself well. Secretly, you have a desire to be regarded as an expert in your field.
Type of career:
You would prefer to work for an established businesses and that’s great, because you’re perfectly suited for a life in corporate.  Choose a profession that allows you to climb that corporate ladder - you’ll no doubt work hard and deserve each and every promotion. If you play your cards right, you’ll reach that high status and powerful position in good time.
As one who shies away from risk taking activities, your colleagues will take comfort in knowing that you’ll follow the tried-and-true methods of the company. According to those you work with, you are the go-to person who knows how all things work. Please be careful and try not to sacrifice your personal life on your way up.
Careers to pursue:
Your hard work means you’ll be happy in accounts, finance, medicine, stock trading, pharmaceuticals, or surgery.
Other professions that’ll leave you satisfied: banking, law, psychiatry, investor, financier, and life coach.
Life path Number 9
You’re known to have a healing nature, and probably describe yourself as artistic and creative. You have an urge to make a positive difference in society, and care deeply for the well-being of others. You are a humanitarian at heart and wish everyone nothing but success.
As a natural born volunteer, you can sometimes be self-sacrificing.
Type of career:
Opt for careers that have to do with religion or spirituality and other humanitarian professions. You’re a great leader and a great teacher - take advantage of this. Make sure you’re able to stay within industries that ensure you’re able to help others in need. Your compassion and need for social justice is your biggest motivator, so best you do something that feeds into this.
You may have noticed that you are attracted to occupations that require diplomacy with a strong sense of justice.
Careers to pursue:
Writer, painter, psychic reader, musician, volunteer, human resources, social work, immigration attorney, civil rights activist, coach, and legal researcher. Go on, do the good you're destined to do!
How to calculate your Life Path number:
Your Life Path number is the sum of the numbers in your date of birth.
Have the calculator? Good. Please proceed to write your birth date out in numbers and add the digits until you have a single digit. Keep reading if you’re unsure (or a bit slow) and need an example. Not to brag but explaining stuff is kinda our forte…
If you’re born on 15 October 1989, this is what you need to do:
Month: October is the 10th month of the year. 10 is reduced to 1 (1 + 0 = 1).
Day: The date of birth is 15. 15 is reduced to 6 (1 + 5 = 6).
Year: The year of birth is 1989. 1989 is reduced to 8 (1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 26, then 2 + 6 = 8)
Now add the resulting single-digit numbers: 1 + 6 + 8 = 15, then 1 + 5 = 6
Your Life Path Number is 6.
Article Source: https://careeradvice.careers24.com/career-advice/job-hunting/find-your-perfect-career-with-numerology-20150821
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valeriannnn · 5 years
if youve ever wanted to think about what almost every major RWBY character would main in professional overwatch, then today is your lucky day! brought to you by hiatus, return of owl, and 3am delirium
RUBY - Star DPS.  Extremely flashy, always on the highlight reel.  Will play whatever is needed to pound the enemies into dirt, but also the type to say "fuck it ok guys trust me im gonna pop off" and swap to her signature widow/tracer to Pop Off.  Works unfailingly.  Team captain and emotional core.  Prefers mobile heroes and an unpredictable playstyle.
WhiteSnow - Flex Support/Flex DPS.  Put her on any sniper (including and especially Ana) and watch all hell rain down.  Methodical playstyle, favors high-utility heroes.  Aside from snipers, can often be found on Baptiste/Mei/Symmetra.  Enables teammates to make big plays, but often sacrifices her own presence in the killfeed for the benefit of the team as a whole.  Loves to maker opponents' lives a living hell with CC.  Line em up, knock em down.
Belladonna - Offtank.  Extremely attentive to her backline, constantly running interference and peeling for allies.  Impossible to catch off-guard.  Delights in thwarting the enemy team's plans and preventing them from making the plays they want to.  Excellent map awareness and always the one to touch point to preserve overtime.  Shotcaller.  Struggled with committing to risky/aggressive plays, but being on a reliable team has made her more comfortable performing her role and trusting her teammates to have her back.  Prefers mobile heroes but will adapt to any situation to work in perfect tandem with...
YangXiaoLong - Main Tank.  Could have been a DPS main but early on committed to tank role to enable her duo parter (and little sister) to pop off (and have shorter queue times).  Developed a real knack for controlling space and being a brick goddamn wall between her squishies and the enemy team.  Extremely aggressive playstyle, but has cooled down in recent years to be more of a team player.  Still loves to thrash about when given the opportunity.  Known for bold plays and phatty shatties.
Arc - Main Support.  Tried for years to be a DPS hotshot but was determinedly mediocre and got hard stuck in plat.  Persuaded by Pyrrha to pocket her for a few games, and discovered the depth and fulfillment of playing support to a well-coordinated team.  Nurtured his aptitude for assisting from the backline and quickly rose through the ranks.  Will play whatever is meta but will always be a Mercy main at heart.  Played Brig during GOATS.  Shotcaller.
Valkyrie - Doomfist.
Nikos - Main Tank.  Extremely methodical player, reknowned for big brain cerebral plays and unflappability.  Can be slow to push advantages, but never makes mistakes.  Loves the mind games in a Rein v Rein matchup, and unfailingly blocks the enemy shatter (delights in cucking the enemy Rein).  Will play Orisa For The Good Of The Team but takes no joy in it.  Terrifying on defense; takes a strong position and allows time pressure to force enemies into missteps.  When you make a mistake, she will be there.  Strategic backbone of the team.
RenLie - Flex Support.  Bloodthirsty support.  Likes the balance of damage potential and support capacity in Zenyatta, but puts forth strong showings on Moira and Ana as well.  First priority is of course keeping his team alive, but flankers trying to dive him in the back line tend to get sent home in tears.  Big Jjonak energies. :uwuknife: Can be susceptible to tunnel vision/desperation, and occasionally needs teammates to re-ground him.  Always nanos Nora.
PPolen - Offtank.  D.Va one-trick.  Absolutely notorious for eating ults; absolutely infuriating to play hitscan into.  Flawless mechanical skill.  Occasionally struggles with communication, but honestly so on-the-ball that it doesn't usually come back to bite her.  Always has gold objective time.
Qrow - True flex.  Exclusively solo-queues on ladder, just plays the leaderboards.  Played just about every role at some point (except main tank, fuck that), but currently on a flex support kick.  Holds world records for gravs/blizzards/immortality feels clipping through the geometry and falling out of the map.  The sort of Ana who will singlehandedly take out both enemy DPS when beset by flankers only to immediately die to an errant Moira orb.  Gamers can we get an F in chat.  Accustomed to playing on 200+ ping and is deeply unsettled when he moves somewhere with good internet and has to re-learn all his timings.
RWBY+JNPR+P All form a single 9-man roster.  Sub out roles with redundant players for map set strategies and for flexible plays.  Probably called the Beacon Huntsmen or something generic like that, who cares
Winter - Main Tank and Offtank.  Excellent mechanical skill.  Unparalleled when allowed to execute her set strategy, but struggles with adaptability.  Extremely self-sacrificial, and knows exactly how to leverage her health pool to buy time and/or space for her allies to make the plays they need to.  Will unflinchingly act upon callouts, good or bad, because the worst outcome is a split decision.  Especially fond of a quick reset.
Whitley - Doesn't play Overwatch, but holds several championship trophies in international Pokemon tournaments.  Minecraft youtuber.
Adam - Widow one-trick.  Highly overrated, inexplicably popular streamer.  Mechanically talented but poison in a team environment.  Picked up and quickly dropped from several professional teams.  Teabags.  Looks impressive on stream but crumbles against opponents with any semblance of coordination.  Eventually blacklisted from professional environments after one too many scandals in his personal life.
Ozpin -Franchise owner.  Has never actually touched Overwatch, but used to be a respected Starcraft player back in the day.  Took on a coaching role for a time, but now largely manages from afar.  Has a sparse and cryptic social media presence.  Makes business decisions largely at random, unbeknownst to all his subordinates.
Salem - Hates videogames. Will unplug the router if you piss her off.
Ace Ops - High profile roster hand-picked for perfectly complementary hero pools.  Hyped to fuck in the preseason.  Unparalleled individual play but poor communication, incompatible playstyles, and truly abysmal coaching staff keep them from being a top-tier team.  Widely considered a disappointment considering the talent and money backing them.
Harriet - DPS.  Exclusively plays flankers and extremely mobile DPS.  Tries to solo-carry; in her defense, it often works.  Unironically brags/complains about having gold medals.  Quick to tilt but often uses the negative energy to pop off even harder.  Overtime clutch god.
Marrow - Flex DPS.  Cautious player, often hesitant to commit to risky strats.  Flawless positioning, both personally and for thrown abilities.  Talent for projectile DPS; probably contributed not-insignificantly to scatter arrow being removed from the game.  Prefers to understand the enemy's strategy before acting.  Shotcaller.  Nobody listens.
Elm - Main Tanks (Except Reinhardt), Zarya.  Aggressive tank player, frequently found with gold damage.  Generally good natured but vulnerable to tilt if on a losing streak.  Highly momentum-based.  Makes tutorial videos on strategy and positioning for her youtube channel.  Wants to see the competitive scene develop and flourish, but sensitive to feeling threatened by new talent.  Helps them anyway.
Vine - Flex Tanks (except Zarya), Reinhardt.  Unflappable, regardless of quality of games or recent performance.  Good at reading enemy team and tracking ults.  Generally calls enemy plays before they happen.  Always sticks with Elm, largely out of obligation to bail her out when her aggression puts her in a dicey position.  Understated player, rarely in highlight compilations, but extremely consistent performance.  Plays off-meta in scrims so as not to reveal strats.
Clover - Main Healer. Can play any support, but Lucio main through and through.  Suffers from Reddit Lucio syndrome, but usually good enough (or lucky enough) to get away with it.  Loves to deny enemy followup.  Peel master, boop god.  PMA to a borderline-irritating degree.  Gives great pep talks at half time.  Tends to overcommit to strategies that are dead in the water; sometimes it's better to call it and switch comps while you still have time on the clock. Despite this, is opportunistic in the moment-to-moment sense and quick to capitalize on enemy vulnerabilities.
Flynt Coal - Lucio one-trick.  I mean, come on.
Wukong - ???  Exclusively plays off-meta heroes and weird shit.  Talented but remains on ladder because he doesn’t like the rigid structure of tournament play.  Refuses to be confined to a single role.  Hates role lock cause he can’t swap mid game anymore.  Despite all this, somehow tends to be more of an asset than a detriment.  Definitely a team player.  PMA king.  Occasionally finds legitimately competitive strata for underutilized heroes.  Nutty with hammond movement, godawful with mines.  Has the Winston skin equipped, of course.
Ilia - DPS.  Popular streamer.  Tried going pro for a bit, but didn’t like the schedule and retired shortly.  Frequently plays with the community and does weird custom game modes for a laugh.  Loves Daddy Rein Chases Tiny Torblets.  Refuses to open loot boxes, much to the dismay of her stream.  Plays Golfing Over It during long queues.  Draws all her own custom emotes.
Watts - DPS.  Mains Widow, Sombra; plays anything that lets him avoid ever actually engaging the enemy at close range.  Thinks the game stopped being good when Sombra GOATS stopped being a thing.  Spends all day on twitter heckling pro players and declaring Overwatch a dead game.  Suspected of cheating.  Considers himself a shotcaller but isn't very good at it.
Tyrian - Plays Junkrat and Roadhog exclusively.  Thinks it's bullshit that the game doesn't have friendly fire.  Thinks it's bullshit that Junkrat doesn't deal self-inflicted damage anymore.  Master of the bounce shot.  Tends to treat the game like a TDM and forget the objective in favor fragging out.  Targets a single enemy player and tries to get them to tilt.  Uses voice chat but only laughs.  Never makes callouts.  Trash talks in all-chat.  Considers it a personal victory if he gets someone to rage quit.
Hazel - No Role.  Doesn't really get the idea of the metagame; knows it's generally good to have a balanced team but thats about as deep as he chooses to go.  Was one of the old guards of PC gaming but now that it's a mainstream hobby has to refuses to confront that he's hot garbage at them.  Can't really parse everything that's happening onscreen in a fast-paced game like overwatch, so he just picks Torb (regardless of map or attacking/defending status) and uses the turret as a security blanket.  Godawful turret placement.  Still has a good time somehow.
Cinder - Main Tank.  Likes the importance of the role, and especially the way her team has to follow her calls for any chance of success.  A nice balance of aggression and craftiness, she makes a fearsome opponent.  Callouts could be more frequent/detailed, but her directions are always good when given.  Very susceptible to emotional ups and downs, and often takes out frustration on teammates.  Takes losses very hard, gloats about wins.  Happiest with an Ana pocket.
Emerald - Offtank.  Would be much happier on DPS or Support, but desperate to show off and live up to Cinder's expectations.  Sticks with her main tank except when it's absolutely necessary to peel for the back line.  Tends to be overcautious with ults; she's good enough mechanically to earn them relatively quickly, but fear of whiffing one makes her reticent to spend them.  Flawless bubble timing on Zarya.
Mercury - Support.  Still considers Symmetra a support.  Quick to whip out the blaster and try to fight off flankers instead of calling for assistance.  Knows all the angles for a narsty biotic grenade.  Plays as though he's got better positioning and backup than he does; frequently gets opponents to back off just by winning the mental game.  Will let allies die on ladder if they piss him off.
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