#this is basically a crack coda fic
bi-buck-coded · 1 year
Fuck it friday
Tagged by: @ebdaydreamer
Heres more of the first scene from the NPC fic bc teacher!Buck is in her planning era rn and has nothing written. Currently planning hard for criminal/detective too and im getting kind of excited abt that one ngl.
Here’s a part where Sara is telling Delia, Tom, and Stan what is in bucks hook up bio and also stan being me. Ive decided that stan is just me and my thoughts.
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Im going to be creating like character sheets and stuff for all of them to kind of get a better sense of how they would text and react. Possibly thats an inspiration saturday type thing but ya so the messages might change before the final draft but.
Tagging (with no pressure): @rose-buddie @911onabc @usercowboy @buddiearemydads @cowboy-buddie @eddiequinns @eddiescowboy @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @therapizededdie @wh0re-behavi0r @honestlydarkprincess @swiftiebuckleys @swiftiediaz
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masterwords · 11 months
can't cool down
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Summary: Coda to 4x24 - Amplification - Hotch and Derek are a little turned on by all the adrenaline after basically saving the world, and then they go see Reid in the hospital and things get weird.
Pairing: Hotch/Morgan
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: lots of sex talk/innuendo (with no sex), hospitals/illness (reid/anthrax), food
Notes: Day Two of @criminalmindsweek using the prompt “This is not what it looks like.”. I also used a kiss prompt sent in as a request by @toli-a for an added bonus! 41 -…because the world is saved) Wrote this quick and dirty, probably had too much fun with it. It's bonkers. Totally wackadoodle. Borderline crack fic. Don't take any of it too seriously okay? <3
Read on AO3: can't cool down
The look Derek gave him on the platform is burned in his mind. It was shock, it was sultry, it was a mixture of things that Hotch didn’t need to see as they followed the General out of the train station. There was heat in his eyes, desire written all over his features. They both felt it. Hotch knew the fire in his own eyes was sending the same signals.
A moment that charged has a way of bringing about certain changes in their bodies, the pheromones, the animal instincts that remind Hotch why he tries to separate them in the field. He’s pretty good at keeping his hormones in check, keeping his mind on the job, not letting his dick do any of the thinking but when they’re facing down a man with a bag full of a biological nightmare and he’s right there beside Derek and all he can smell is Derek it’s just really fucking hard to focus. He’s highly skilled, highly trained and he’s battling his own body for control of his impulses like a thirteen year old.
He was thinking about the anthrax, and he was really focused on it, but the moment it was secure and they turned to head up the stairs and out of the station it all vanished. Pfff! Into thin air. And now he’s only thinking about one thing. He wants Derek to fuck him until he forgets his own name. He shimmies his hips a little to adjust himself and takes a deep, shaky breath. Going up the stairs helps. The adrenaline pushes through him, he reaches for the railing and launches himself up one step after another, daring to take two at a time every few moments just to get to the SUV faster.
Derek is right on his heels. “Hotch! Slow down!”
No can do, he thinks. If he slows down it’s all over. The SUV is in sight, just down the road. He managed to park it at the end, away from people, but now it seems so far away. He lowers his head and ducks through the crowd of people gathered, wondering what was going on, why the military and SWAT were swarming the station. Derek turns to the side, tries to make himself smaller to get through the crowd in Hotch’s wake, suddenly acutely aware of why Hotch is moving so quickly.
An almost evil smile appears as he walks and he slows down. He’s going to make Hotch wait. He’s spent years training his body to wait for pleasure, to stretch it out. Never knowing where or when the next person will appear. He knows Hotch has never had to wait, he’s never wondered when he would get his next fix. He’d been with Haley since high school and everything was routine. Things are different now. After the divorce he found himself almost desperate, and the first time he and Derek hooked up he was so touch-starved, so eager that he lost it before they even started. He’s getting better now. They don’t have sex during cases, they’ve both drawn a hard line there. It’s easier to stay sharp if they don’t and that’s always been fine, it isn’t an issue...except cases like this. The ones where it seems like the whole world is on the line and wouldn’t it be damn good just to go at it one more time before everything burns? The cases that come with an almost superhero-like charge. The moment it’s over and that rush is making you vibrate out of your skin, that fevered anguish at not just being able to do what you want right away because you just saved everyone and there are expectations but the person making you lose your mind is right beside you and if you could just...well...Hotch is a man who has built his entire existence on the lie that he can have complete control and right now he’s learning that it’s all been a lie because he has so little control it’s laughable.
And the worst part is that Derek thinks it’s fun. It’s exciting. The only thing that keeps Hotch hanging on is that moment when they do finally get to the point where Hotch’s tie is in Derek’s teeth and they’re almost ripping their way through layers of clothing because they’re so desperate. Derek moaning that his t-shirt is expensive, don’t rip it, and Hotch muttering about Derek getting slobber on his Gucci. That’s always worth the wait.
But they don’t have time for any of that right now and they both know it. Hotch’s tie will remain in place for the time being and neither of them will be happy about it. Hotch slides into the driver’s seat and waits for Derek to get in, to put on his seat belt, to be ready to go. He turns on the air conditioner full blast and aims the fans directly at his pink fevered skin, willing the rush to dissipate even a little. He hasn’t been this out of control in so long...it feels like being a hormonal teenager again. It’s that bad. His skin feels tight and hot, he’s practically rabid. The engine purrs and vibrates the metal frame beneath them, it doesn’t help in the least. If not for the air conditioner, he would turn the engine off just so it would stop teasing him.
“We did it,” he says quietly, willing his mind to focus itself where it belongs: on the case. The anthrax. The innocent people around them that came closer to death than they could ever imagine. Derek hums in response, his voice resonating like the purr of a big cat.
“You think we wouldn’t?”
“I had some reservations about the General’s willingness to play along…”
The world looks brighter, the smells and sounds more intense. Hotch thinks he might be getting ready to pass out, the shift is that dramatic. There are bright flashes, bursts of red and blue and green across the field of his vision. A fireworks display in midday. But then Derek grabs Hotch’s tie and pulls him close, over the mound of the center console and kisses him heavy and bruising on the mouth. Hotch makes a strangled sound, hands flying up, cupping the sides of Derek’s head, holding him in place. In case he thought he was just going to offer one kiss and leave, Hotch is too desperate for that.
“Dude like that’s no match for us,” Derek breathes into the kiss, into Hotch’s lungs. His hand is wrapped in Hotch’s tie, pinning him in place. “We saved the world today like big damn heroes.”
“A train station full of people,” Hotch corrects with a small smile, his hands sliding down to Derek’s shoulders.
“Might as well have been the world. To those people it was.”
There are no more words. Hotch doesn’t want to talk, and even if he did it’s clear that Derek has other plans for their mouths. The windows are fogging up but the air conditioner feels good on fevered skin and the little sounds of pleasure Derek is making only drive him even more insane. He wants to throw the car in drive and find a little motel, rent by the hour. He’d pay any amount of money for a bed and a door that locks. He’s having an awfully hard time thinking about anything else.
But there isn’t anyone around where the SUV is parked for the time being, so they stay put. The engine idles and the fan blows cool air and they kiss. It’s about as much as either of them is capable of. Hotch isn’t sure he could drive right now, his mind is so far gone, his body in total control and wanting only one thing. So they let it play out like teenagers at the make out spot, until their phones are buzzing and they have to drop reluctantly back into reality. To the fact that they’re still technically working. Hotch glances around to find them still alone, the world having returned to some semblance of normal during their small absence.
“Strauss wants me back at Quantico,” Hotch rasps, his throat parched, lips dry. Derek is already reaching into his pocket for chapstick, slicking his own lips with the cherry balm. He offers the little tube to Hotch, but Hotch takes it directly from Derek’s lips with another kiss instead. “I’ll drop you off at the hospital. Sounds like Reid should be awake soon. The drugs worked.”
Derek shakes his head. “Come with me. I’m sure he’d like to see you too. Strauss can wait.”
Hotch has his doubts. He always does. Can’t imagine why the team would want him hanging around when they’re not working, Derek being the obvious and only real exception. Even Dave chooses other members of the team over him when he’s looking for someone to hang out with. And the thing is, that’s fine. It doesn’t bother him. Hotch has friends outside of the team, he’s got his family, he has plenty. But Derek isn’t content with that. The team are well aware that they’ve been seeing each other for a long time now, it isn’t news to anyone. It wasn’t news after the case in New York, when Derek’s jealousy and Hotch’s feelings clashed so mightily that the world shook beneath their feet.
Hotch hates hospitals, though. He’s spent too much time in them. For other people, for himself. The smells are overwhelming and turn his stomach. He’s still coursing with adrenaline when they pull up and park in the garage, Derek refusing once again to let him go off on his own no matter how hard he tries. He’s always pulling him closer, not letting him pull away.
The room is quiet. Reid is sleeping peacefully and he looks almost like himself again. The sheen of sweat is gone and his color has returned. They’re both relieved in a way that takes over their entire bodies. Hotch is no longer feral, he’s in total control of his faculties and for that he’s grateful. He clasps his hands behind his back and wanders around the room, pacing, still too full of adrenaline to sit down but his mind is working a mile a minute. He’s got reports to fill out, meetings with Strauss and her bosses, he’s going to be working well into the night on this one. His mind wanders to food when a cart wheels by with something that smells like tomato soup rattling around on top. He needs to eat, it’s been hours and that cipro he took is burning in his stomach. Food will help. Maybe he’ll take Derek to lunch...or dinner...it occurs to him that he doesn’t even know what time it is. He hasn’t bothered to look at a clock this entire time.
“Jell-O,” Derek says, pointing at Reid’s untouched tray of food. There are little saltine packets, a cup of jell-O and an ice water that’s half-melted. “I love jell-o.” Derek reaches for it, snatching it off of the tray quickly along with the plastic spoon that sits beside it.
“That belongs to Reid,” Hotch warns with a smirk as Derek peels back the foil lid.
“He doesn’t like jell-o, pretty sure he told me that once…”
“I don’t think that’s true. He only eats sugar.”
Derek inhales the artificial fruit scent with a smile. It’s been years since he’s had a jell-o. “No, I’m pretty sure he said he hates jell-o.” He takes a bite, slides the jello off of the plastic spoon and almost melts into the flavor. It’s sweet and tart, wiggles on his tongue before melting and tastes like childhood. Summer vacation, running through the streets, being bribed by the bodega owners to be good kids. It was an easy trade, don’t make trouble and you get a jell-o. Only it was never name brand, it was always some off-brand thing with the word “gel” in the title somewhere, and Derek always reached for grape.
He offers a spoonful to Hotch who shakes his head at first, on principal only because it belongs to Reid...but soon Derek is grinning and making airplane noises until Hotch opens up his mouth and takes a bite. Jack loves jell-o, and it’s a special treat he keeps in the apartment for the nights Jack comes to stay with him. Those nights are rare, special occasions filled with movies and junk food and other things his mother probably wouldn’t approve of. It feels good going in though, he hadn’t realized how lightheaded and dizzy he was feeling until that sugar hit his system. He takes another bite willingly and smiles into a jell-o flavored kiss. He almost forgets where they are.
“What’re you doing?” comes a hoarse voice, words strung together with very little enunciation. It’s muffled and soft, confused. They both stop mid-bite, Hotch with the spoon still in his mouth, Derek grinning like a mad man.
“It isn’t what it looks like,” Derek says automatically while Hotch pushes the spoon out of his mouth and tries to straighten himself up. Look dignified. This is a nightmare.
“Mmm,” Reid hums a little, propping himself up on his elbows to get a good look around the room. His eyes flicker over equipment and furniture, take in the sunlight streaming through the window and the two men involved in something that looks dangerously like fully clothed foreplay. He can’t think of a worse thing to wake up to. “Looks like you’re feeding Hotch jell-o…”
“Yeah, okay, maybe it is what it looks like…”
“Is that my jell-o?”
Derek, a deer caught in headlights, shrugs. He tries not to look too guilty. “I thought you hated the stuff.”
“That’s salad, Morgan. I hate salad. I love jell-o.” Reid’s voice is gaining strength as he speaks, the raspy phlegm sound dissipating as his frustration with the two men in the room with him grows. The heart monitor spikes for a moment before he settles himself.
“Oh. My bad. Well this one is spicy, anyway.”
“Spicy jell-o?”
“Yeah. Spicy jell-o, ya jerk. You wouldn’t like it.” Hotch has to stop himself from laughing by covering his mouth and turning away. He’s certain he should have gone back to meet with Strauss, now. This is just too much for him. Derek spends too much time with Jack, that’s his favorite trick. Jack will stay the night with them and catch one of them sneaking a piece of chocolate or a little bit of ice cream and the response is always that it’s spicy. He wouldn’t like it. Jack pulled the same trick just that morning with his cereal. “Iz spicy, you wouldn’t like it daddy,” he’d said when Hotch said his cereal looked good. Derek hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time, he thought he was going to break a rib. Watching Derek with Reid, he can’t help but see the way his default mode right now is dad mode and it’s so sweet he can hardly stand it.
“I’ll go ask the nurses to bring another jell-o,” Hotch says quietly, composing himself. He needs to make a phone call, he needs to gather himself, he needs to get out of this room. “What flavor do you like?”
“Just not the spicy kind,” Reid replies with a smirk in his most sarcastic voice as Derek sinks into the visitor’s chair. “So, any jell-o. Any jell-o is fine, Hotch. Thank you.” He’s glaring at Derek now while he finishes the little cup of jell-o, content not to have to fight for it. And even though the cup is too big, he pops it into his mouth and runs his tongue around the entire circumference like it was a jell-o shot, wishing it were in fact. Then he pops it out into his hand and tosses it into the trash can from across the room.
“SWISH! I’ll take another, too baby. Green please. This one was too spicy.”
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duckprintspress · 2 years
For This Week's Blog Post: We Need YOU!
One of our long-term projects at Duck Prints Press - something we've been working on on-and-off for a while but haven't made public yet - is a Fandom Lexicon. There are a lot of websites and blog posts that include parts of a list of fandom-specific language, but we've not been able to find just a simple glossary, so we decided to put one together. (We're not saying such websites don't exist...they surely do...but we also wanted to do our own!)
There are many challenges in making such a list (one of the most obvious being what to include - how general a term is "too" general for inclusion?) but we've been doing our best, casting a wide net, and picking the collective brains of people involved in the Press.
And...we've basically exhausted our own knowledge/memories/ideas, which is where you, yes YOU, come in!
We want your terminology! What are fandom words you've encountered and said "wait, what does that mean?" What's old fandom slang you used to use that you don't see anymore and know that some newbie would be confused by? What are words you wish you could have found on a list when you first joined fandom?
We've already put together a list of 222 general fandom terms and abbreviations (some definitely "fandom specific," others more "internet general slang") and 29 fandom-specific abbreviations (this list is, obviously, much more nascent). You can see the entire list here. (note: there is citrusy terminology on this list, both literally the citrus scale is on there, but also things like A/B/O, BDSM, etc. - it's a lexicon, after all.)
Currently, we are looking for:
general fandom terms/online terms that would be confusing to people out of context; and
over-arching fandom abbreviations (e.g., MCYT = Minecraft Youtuber, but we don't want every single abbreviation for every sub-part of the fandom - just the level that if someone saw the abbreviation "in the wild" they'd have at least some frame of reference).
Long term, we'd love to do fandom-specific lexicons as well (NOT wikis, mind you, literally just "this abbreviation often means this" with links to resources that can give more information) but that's a much larger project that would require recruiting people with enough fandom-specific knowledge for each fandom, and is not our current aim, so please don't send us stuff like that.
Have you been in fandom a long time? Do you just HATE when people use the word "drabble" wrong? Have you got a list of words you wish fandom still used, or a list of newer terms you regularly look at and go "wait wtf does THAT one mean?"? Send us your words, so we can incorporate them into our list!
You can add a comment! Put your words in a reply! Add your words to the tags! Drop us an ask! However you feel like sending the words our way, go for it.
You can see everything currently on our list HERE. (reminder: lemon text at this link)
Or, here's our current ones (as of July 24th, 2022) under a read more. No definitions yet - we're not even at that stage, we're still gathering words! (And a third reminder: yes there are lemony fresh words below the read-more. No pictures or definitions but just. The words themselves.)
(read more)
General Fandom Terms (some of which are more just general internet lingo, it's a difficult line to draw - many of these have more notes in the linked gdoc so we definitely recommend you go there instead of relying solely on this list):
[Person’s] A+ Parenting
Alpha Reader
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Beta Reader
Big Bang
Bird App
Camp NaNo
Canon Compliant
Canon Divergent
Canon Insert
Citrus Scale
Dead Dove
Eeby Deeby
Gary Stu
Glub Shitto
Horse Plinko
Incorrect [thing] Quotes
Jump the Shark
Kink Meme
Kink Tomato
Lik the bred
Mary Sue
NaNo or NaNoWriMo
OMG They Were Roommates
Plinko Horse
Plot bunny
Poor Little Meow Meow
Reader Insert
Reverse Bang
Rule 63
S (followed by a number)
Secret Masters
Sex Pollen
There Was Only One Bed
Our (VERY Preliminary) List of General/Overarching Fandom Abbreviations:
AD&D or D&D
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wild-aloof-rebel · 3 years
Some Favorite Fics from 2020
Like last year, I want to end 2020 by highlighting some fics that have become favorites over the last twelve months. Before I dive into it though, I just want to take a minute to send some love to all of the authors writing in this fandom.
As of the end of 2019, there were about 8.8 million words of fic on AO3 for this fandom. This year, more than 450 authors have added another 15 million more. That’s so incredibly impressive, especially in a year this difficult. Thank you, thank you, thank you to every single person who contributed to that, whether you wrote one fic or a hundred, a drabble or a novel. Thank you for giving this fandom the gift of your creativity and voice. Your work is so, so appreciated, and you’ve helped to create joy in a year where it was often in short supply. 💗💗💗
Okay, on to the fics. I’ve limited myself to no more than one work for any individual author to spread the love around as much as possible, and I’ve bumped up the number to 25 this time around because there was just too much fic this year for me to cut it down any further. 
So here we go. These are 25 fics I loved this year, and what I love about them...
Your heart is keeping time with me by yourbuttervoicedbeau • rated E • 33k+ confession before i start: i’ve never actually seen 50 first dates. but i thought this AU based on it was delightful. patrick’s love for david is so big, right from the start, and i love seeing david lean into trusting himself (and patrick) over and over again
will this ever get old? by startswithhope • rated T • <1k i just like seeing them domestic and soft and happy, okay? and while most of dee’s fics are like that, this particular one is a fave because of them thinking about their future and how they’ll change over the years but love each other right on through
Just to Hold the Hands I Love by DesignatedGrape • rated T • 20k+ it’s like a warm christmas hug, full of musical trolling, gentle pining, domestic nights in, and careful attention to fashion details, which are all absolutely the kinds of things i appreciate
A Case of You by DoubleL27 • rated T • 6k+ patrick is an absolute menace in exactly the way you would expect every valentine’s day. it’s funny and sweet and ends with them in exactly the kind of future we all want for them
Dulce by another_Hero • rated T • 1k+ original characters can be hard to do right. they have to be compelling enough to fit in with these characters we already know so well, and dulce is the kind of character who grabs you from the start. the whole series is lovely, but this first interaction with ronnie is my favorite of them
Tea-Kettle Love by ArabellaStrange • rated G • 5k+ even though this coda to “the pitch” isn’t technically canon compliant now, it still feels a lot like it is. it’s about the sacrifices we are and aren’t willing to make for the people we love, taking the new york discussion into more depth than we get in the show and still arriving in largely the same place
Vanquished by Codswallop • rated G • 3k+ if you’re looking for soft, fluffy sickfic, this is not it, lol. patrick is sick here but won’t let anyone take care of him. he’s stubborn and basically minor chaos ensues. it’s funny and sweet but not schmaltzy. the characterization is 👌, and it feels like the kind of thing that fits perfectly into the world of the show
To Come Out the Other Side by unfolded73 • rated T • 4k+ • warning for major character death i don’t want to read sad things about david and patrick very often, but sometimes the mood strikes. this one is definitely sad right from the start, but there’s hope and resilience through grief, and i think this year especially, there’s something to be said for stories that can make you feel like there is still good to be found after the bad
Hold Me Like You’ll Never Let Me Go by moodlighting • rated T • 21k+ i never would have thought that a fic would make me WANT to be trapped in an airport, but it’s 2020 and anything is possible, lol. this is what meet cute dreams are made of
Your mother keeps a spreadsheet by upbeat • rated G • 3k+ obviously i love a good spreadsheet, so this one was up my alley from the start, lol. but really it’s moira and patrick bonding through the cataloguing of her wigs (and all the stories that go with them) that makes this one an easy favorite
keep me in the pulses, keep me in the sound by dinnfameron • rated G • 2k+ this sweet little slice of a summer vacation made me ache to be with friends. plus, sometimes you just need some overwhelmingly happy david rose. he deserves it, and so do we
eggs and the flour, no higher power by withkissesfour • rated T • 1k+ i’m pretty sure this fic is the definition of sweet, in more ways than one. it’s a short piece, but the writing is lush and indulgent in all the right places, just like the cakes being described
sustineo by rockinhamburger • rated E • 10k+ before i was even done reading this fic, i wanted another 50k words set in this universe. the conversation between david and patrick is sharp in all the right ways, and because this david has such a hard shell to crack after being hurt in such a horrible and heartbreaking way, it’s that much more satisfying watching patrick break through it
All-Natural Care, Locally Sourced by Siria • rated T • 2k+ siria’s fics are always funny, with banter that’s so perfectly on point, and that’s certainly true here. but there are also care packages and photos and just so much love. it’s a perfect balance, just like the show
hold on to me as you go by helvetica_upstart • rated T • 3k+ i love a good look at just how long patrick has been head over heels in love with david and how much he was in this for life all along. this fic does just that through the framework of times that they saw their new house before they bought it, and it’s everything that you would want that concept to be and more
Exposed Brick by swat117 • rated M • 9k+ this is such a lovely look at david and patrick a few years into their marriage, steady in all the right ways, even when old fears try to rise up between them. it gives david a chance to be the solid and supportive one in the relationship, something i never get tired of reading
We Could Turn the World to Gold by middyblue • rated T • 27k+ as someone who also did c25k at one point, i def empathize with david’s plight in this fic, lol. as much fun as that part of the story is, it’s really the house and everything related to that part of the story that makes this a favorite in my book. this was posted very early in s6, so it’s not the house from canon, but it’s beautiful either way to see them so excited about building their future together there
Waiting on the Day by High-Seas-Swan • rated E • 22k+ this is another fic that makes me absolutely ache for things i couldn’t have this year, namely my favorite local brewery and all the nights spent there with friends. beyond that, it’s just a very sweet AU, and the scene with their first kiss and the rest of that night live in my head rent free
Pot o’ Gold by ahurston • rated E • 22k+ where is the leprechaun/love of my life who’s gonna take me out to eat all of the best foods that my city has to offer? this one is a slow burn but their relationship is so much fun to read right from the start that you definitely don’t mind taking your time getting there. also, the palm reading scene. good grief.
there is no design by the_hodag • rated T • 12k+ this fic gives us a look at some of david’s art, and all the loneliness and love that inspires it. it’s poignant and painful and hopeful and sweet in turn, and i think it does a marvelous job of capturing so many of the facets of david’s past that have made him who he is
A Little Broken, A Little New by nameless_bliss • rated G • 3k+ i’ve read this fic several times now, and david and johnny having a conversation about their own relationship through the guise of talking about patrick and his parents never fails to make me cry
Une très bonne table dans sa catégorie by cromarty • rated T • 23k+ just the concept of this one alone would have sold me on it—like, hello? michelin reviewer and chef? sign me the fuck up—but it’s written with the kind of attention to detail i always expect from claire’s writing, and the fact that it practically starts with a first kiss but then pulls back makes for a delicious dynamic as they build a friendship over that foundational attraction, both tempering and intensifying the wait for them to find their way back into each others’ arms
happy golden days of yore by blueink3 • rated E • 17k+ i literally stopped in the middle of this fic, sat down on my kitchen floor, and had a good cry. i hate thinking about them ending up divorced in the first place, but even as exes, they’re so careful and gentle with one another and so, so clearly still in a forever kind of love. that makes it bearable to see them apart because even if it weren’t tagged for a happy ending, there’s such a feeling of inevitability to it, you know exactly how it’s going to end and just get to enjoy the devastating ride it takes to get there
Fifteen Hundred Miles by MoreHuman • rated M • 30k+ this is one of those fics where everything comes together just right and achieves a perfect balance of introspection and action, courage and fear, despair and hope, forthright honesty and cautious reservation... MoreHuman makes it all look easy, which says so much about all the care that had to have gone into the planning and writing. this fic does everything well, and it’s an absolute pleasure to read from start to end
840 Havenwood Road E by Distractivate • rated E • 10k+ we barely see david and patrick’s new house in the show, so it shouldn’t be possible for me to be as emotional about it as this fic makes me, every single time i read it. but it’s the home they chose, the place they decided to build a life together, and getting to see flashes of that life through the years and how much love they clearly had for each other within those four walls just makes me cry again and again
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suzukiblu · 2 years
current projects’ current progress:
de-aged Witcher (2/?)
Witcher headcanons (0/5)
Geraskier kiss (0/1000)
“read the inscription” coda (1700/2000)
more “you make a really good girl” (100/5000)
even more “you make a really good girl” (0/10000)
Jedi Finn AU (3300/10000)
ODYDLB den mother Tony (700/10000)
Geraskefer soulmates (7100/????)
Viktor and the dragon (400/????)
omega!Darcy (50/2000)
clay kids (17/?)
original serial (6/?)
Yeah that's like . . . twelve or thirteen things to write and I STILL need to watch The Witcher and STILL kinda wanna take a crack at some Encanto fic, haha, dammit, brain.
I'd be further along with basically all of these but, like, the day jobs. I do count commissions as a side gig and consider them work, but unfortunately they have to take a backseat to the jobs that demand I follow a dress code and clock in at very specific times. I've been trying to cut back my hours with said jobs but so far it's a no-go, unfortunately. Gonna attempt to get different insurance so I can drop at least one gig, but that sounds . . . SO stressful, jfc. The getting the insurance part, I mean; dropping a job would be the literal opposite of stressful. Like . . . seriously, I would love to do that. All day every day would I love to do that. I could write so much more if I were not working literally EVERY DAY of the week.
Like, seriously, I just want time to WRITE and UNWIND and have a LIFE??
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controloffandoms · 3 years
Buck Begins Fic Recs
For @thisissirius 
Here are a couple of fics that I have written. And I’ll probably add a couple of favorites that I’ve read along the way!
Nothing I Ever Did Was Good Enough
Buck bit his tongue, looking away from his father. It was too early in their get together to have a blow out. He especially didn’t want to have that blowout in front of Chim and Albert. “You know, firefighting, until recently, has had a huge amount of off duty suicides due to improper care of mental health. The department has changed to help firefighters through hard times of losing patients or families in fires by hiring departmental psychologists and having service animals available for visits to the firehouses after really tough calls. If someone isn’t in the right mindset, we could lose more people, not to mention our own people and that person. Mental health is no joke,” Albert stated. Buck had to hide is smile, but he turned to Albert, giving him a knowing look and small smile. His parents spluttered for a few seconds before Phillip turned to Albert. “I don’t think I was talking to you. Mind your own business, this was a family matter.” “Don’t talk to him like that,” Buck nearly growled. “He is family.”
~~Or the one where the parents visit and Buck is in over his head...luckily his family has his back.
~~~~Part 1 in the Nothing I Ever Did Was Good Enough series
Nothing I Ever Did-
~~~~Part 2 in the Nothing I Ever Did Was Good Enough series
"Watch your attitude, Evan," Margaret glared. "Why should I? All you've ever done is put me down and compare me to Maddie and try to make me into her. News flash, I'm my own person and I'm different! I get that nothing I ever did was good enough, but I don't have to keep trying to appease you and let you walk on me or my family. So if you could kindly drop the attitude and rude comments regarding Eddie and Christopher, it would be much appreciated. They invited you into their home and you've been nothing but assholes since you got here! Clearly you came here with opinions and baggage and a want to have your way, but that's not going to fly here. You best just head out of town tonight, you're not wanted here in my life or Maddie's life. We don't want your toxicity melting into our families because I'll be damned if the shit you've said tonight will ever affect my niece or my kid!"
~~Or the one where Eddie hosts the Buckley parents and just tries to be supportive in general...but the parents are nightmares. Featuring cuddles with Chris, Eddie, and Buck.
Not The One You Wanted
“Evan, I don’t know what you expected us to do.”
“Love me anyway,” it had been said like his heart had been ripped out...which, it felt like it had. Because that was the truth, wasn’t it...all he ever wanted was for them to love him anyway. He wanted his parents to give a damn about him but they never did...it was like he was a responsibility that they never wanted.
Maddie had said that their parents had been different back then when they were sentimental and made a box for her...and now Buck knew why. Daniel. His older brother Daniel...a brother that he didn’t even know existed until he sat down with Maddie to look at all the baby photos in the box...and there were plenty...Buck can hardly remember ever getting portraits like these done during his childhood….but his parents were different back then.
-OR- Evan Buckley deserves love and hugs because of how shitty his parents are.
*This is honestly one of my favorites that I’ve written...it’s like a character study while Buck was trapped in the warehouse with some liberties surrounding the reason Buck’s in the warehouse*
He’d been lied to his whole life...Maddie had never thought to tell him about not being his actual sister...his parents were acting like it didn’t matter...like he should just get over it. Buck’s eyes met Chim’s...and his whole body went rigid. “You knew,” he whispered, looking directly at Chim. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?!” He rounded on his sister, “you told him, but not me?!”
“Evan, I was trying to protect you-”
“No, you don’t get to do that! You don’t get to try and protect me! I’m a grown ass adult, I deserved to know but instead of telling me, you told him and even though I’ve known him longer he still didn’t tell me!” Buck shook his head, backing from the room. “I can’t do this,” he whispered.
-OR- Buck finds out the secret Maddie's been keeping from him while his parents are visiting...he is understandably betrayed.
*Basically, Buck Begins and the Daniel scenes hadn’t happened yet and I wanted to know what the secret was, so I came up with this.*
Ambush of the Parents
Based off the new Promo (or the one I just saw) where we see Maddie, Chim, Albert, Buck and (who I believe) are Buck and Maddie’s Parents. Buck’s dad says “you’ve been seeing a therapist?” and Buck responds “Well, the job can be stressful.”
Disclaimer: Please don't read if verbal abuse from parents triggers you.
~~~~Or Buck’s parents  are absolutely horrible and Buck’s family defends him.
Buck Begins
Buck always tried to please his parents. He wanted to be recognized and loved. He tried to get their approval but it was never enough. *Includes flashbacks, this was before Season 4 was even in production*
~Evan had thought that the SEALs would make his parents proud. He tried out for the SEALs, he went through training, but it still wasn’t enough. Then he’d dropped out. That had been the icing on the cake. Evan had never had a big blowout with his parents. He’d always tried to appease them. He tried to be the perfect son…but they never thought he was good enough. So when he dropped out of the SEALs, having a shouting match with his father as a consequence, he left for South America. He bartended and had fun. Then he’d gone to LA and became a firefighter and he hadn’t contacted his parents since the blowout. 
Here are some fic recs that are not my own works
double vision wrapped in last night’s party clothes by amirlywritingfanficnow
"I have always been honest with you." When Eddie's voice cracks, Buck's composure almost cracks with it. "Why can't you just be honest with me?"
When Buck is let in on a long kept family secret, he doesn't know what to do. He almost ruins things with the one person that keeps him from feeling like he's floating away with no way to land, but it ultimately turns out okay with help of a little communication.
*This one pulled at my heart strings a little*
but i leave it in my heart, cause I don’t want to stay in the dark by neoncrayolas
Buck hadn't meant for the confession to come out like it did. He'd wanted it to be more eloquent and not so full of snot and tears.
But once it was out, there was no going back.
Or, part character study of Buck, part coda to 4x05.
*Basically, Buck isolates himself, Eddie gets worried, and Buddie is endgame
Learning to Breathe by TearsThisSideofHeaven
Boy, he thinks as the city lights blur a little in his vision, my therapist is going to have a field day with this.
*Short little fic that delves into Buck’s emotions with Eddie trying to support him
Finally Safe by WinterLioness
In the aftermath of finding out a family secret Buck finds himself going to Eddie. Christopher and Eddie use their Diaz charm to help.
*This picks up on the emotions Buck feels not only because of the family secret but because Maddie kept it from him (not full on hate, but what any normal person would need to work through) and Eddie is there to support him. Features cuddles with the Diaz Boys.
Not Related to the story line of 9-1-1 but has a whole ‘Buck Begins’ vibe because I was world building: The Life We Live
*The Old Guard AU no one asked for* "Athena had seen many a millennium and many men, women, and children die. She had seen the rise and fall of civilizations. She had felt the pain of loneliness and the happiness of community...but she’d never, in her many years of living, seen something like Eddie, Buck, and Chris. She’d never seen this profound of a bond, even between herself and Bobby. After Buck lost Abby and, later, Ali, Athena wasn’t sure he would have let his heart reach out to another person that he could lose...but she was proud of him. He built something that was hard to come by in their way of living. He built a home."
*I’m really proud of this one, it turned out well*
Not Related to the Story Line of 9-1-1, Fics by others!
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (because I might not say it back) by Queerfeministdork
"Say I love you loud, and say I love you often. It was an easy sentiment, and it was a beautiful background picture. But something clenched tightly in Buck’s chest when he saw it flash open as he handed Hen her phone. Because he knew it was a simple thing for most people, that most people could just let those three little words slip out without a care. But he couldn’t. They always got caught in his throat, stuck behind his chest. Tamped down before he could think to breathe them out."
Buck always wished he could just say the words. Turns out, maybe people just know.
*Basically, Buck can’t say ‘I Love You’ as easily as everyone else and panics about it...but eventually, everyone understands.
everything is blue by amirlywritingfanficnow
When Evan Buckley is ten, he discovers nail polish.
In which Buck paints his nails, Eddie is flustered, and May is a matchmaker.
*Basically Buck and Eddie saying fuck toxic masculinity. Buck enjoying painting his nails and Eddie is definitely in love with him.
Coming Home To You by kariberri13
The 118 want to know more about Buck, but the man won't give them many details. That is until the biggest detail walks through the station's bay doors.
*Not focused on his past, but a different story focusing on the fact that Buck is married to Eddie and has a kid that he didn’t tell the Fire fam about.
There are tons more, but this is what I could think of off the top of my head! 
Hope you like them!
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mikkeneko · 3 years
For that meta meme, 1, 7, 17 and 22 please!
Oh, so much! Let’s see.
1 - Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
*resists temptation to talk more about the Untamed In SPACE!!!! AU*
Current project is Coda,  the follow-up/expansion to my crack time travel fic Yakety Sax,  which basically took a crack premise and then sat down to work through what some of the actual, practical fallout would be of a dozen characters being displaced through time, many of whom were dead and are now alive again. It’s been fun. I’m pretty near the end, although the chapter count keeps creeping up on me.
I think the thing I love most about it is the fact that the main character, who is normally the character in these scenarios who is directing the orchestra, is now the only one in the room without a CLUE as to what’s happening or why, and all of the people who were forced to watch his spiral into destruction in the last timeline are now DETERMINED to protect him and stop that from happening again. People love him so much and he doesn’t get why!  It’s great!
2 - What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
I would say that my characteristics are snappy dialogue, pithy melodrama, an insistence on putting plot into absolutely everything, and an unfortunate tendency for flirting scenes to get derailed into discussions of comparative morality because I’m too ace for romance. I think others would probably mostly agree on the first three.
3 - Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Gosh. What a question. Hmm. Well, it’s easy to say “how can I know what my readers perceive, I’m not my readers” but they do frequently, y’know, leave comments telling me what they think. So I’m interpreting this question along the lines of “what do I sometimes hear from my readers that surprises me.”
I used  to get comments talking about how much readers loved my ‘concise’ style, but I haven’t gotten those since I left MCU fandom or so. I attribute that to the fact that for a long time I tended to start stories in media res,  largely as an attempt to cut directly to the part of the story that interested me and skip over parts that would drag and slow me down and make me less interested in completing the work.
I guess one thing that occurs to me is that my readers sometimes seem to think that I’m taking sides/taking a stand when I’m not, or that I dislike a character based on how I’ve written them. The truth is that if I dislike a character, I flat out don’t write about them unless I absolutely have  to, and then I keep it as brief as I can. This occasionally causes me problems because it means I’ll sometimes try to avoid or keep offscreen important antagonist or bad guy interactions. (For instance, Sebastian never showed up onscreen once during One Elegant Solution  even though he was the major antagonist for all of Act 4.) I just don’t enjoy  writing about characters I don’t like, and I write for enjoyment.
Point is, if I have written two characters in a conflict, chances are good I like both characters and see valid sympathetic points on both sides of their conflict. Sometimes my reader’s reactions make me think I’m not conveying the opposing side very well.
4 - Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
I do! On a fairly regular basis, even! I don’t know that I have any regular pattern, but sometimes something will remind me or I’ll get a comment on an old work, and go to re-read them. For the most part, while there are things I might do differently now, I enjoy them. I wrote them for me, after all!
Fun meta asks for writers
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diaryofageekgirl · 3 years
diaryofageekgirl’s 2020 year in review
2021 is almost upon us, and with it comes a retrospective of everything I’ve created this year. This is, of course, the first year I’ve done this, because 2020 is the year that I finally worked up the courage to start posting my stuff online!
I’ve done fanworks for three different fandoms, and in 4 different forms of fanworks. I’ll try my best to organize it:
Supernatural Fanfiction
Femslash February 2020: A Rainbow Bouquet - 8 works. Ships included are Alicia/Eileen, Claire/Kaia, Jo/Jess, Charlie/Hannah, Jody/Donna, Jody/Donna/Kathleen, Charlie/Gilda, and Impala/Pimpmobile. Total of 19300 words.
pas seul - written for Representation Week, hosted by @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover and @specialagentrin​. 1235 words, and my own personal bragging rights of the first fic (on Ao3) to include Stevie. Ballet-focused.
Tutti, ad lib. - also written for Representation Week. Bunker family, 4670 words, basically a giant love letter towards classical music.
Kat’s Mer!Verse - currently 3 works, main fic is Wave Over Wave. A total of 48153 words across those three works. Rather than hunting vampires and demons and ghosts, Sam and Dean hunt sea monsters along the coast, and instead of being an angel, Cas is a merrow. Destiel, Sabriel, Hanlie, Midam.
Witchcraft Shenanigans of the Tentacular Kind - basically crack!fic, based on a prompt from @specialagentrin​. Cas gets turned into an octopus, surprisingly less shenanigans and more fluff ensues. 3338 words. Destiel
Speak Your Truth - 894 words. 15x18 episode coda, written in a state of utter shock and euphoria at 2 am after the episode aired.
There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done - finale fix-it fic, currently unfinished. As of making this post, the current word count is 21888. Destiel, Midam, Saileen, everyone lives (eventually) and nothing hurts.
The Librarians Fanfiction
All of the following fics were written for The Librarians Prompt Month 2020 this past July:
That Now And Always You’ll Stay In My Heart - crossover with Supernatural, 4425 words. Focused on the familial relationship between Benny Lafitte and Simone Renoir.
Those Childhood Days - 1879 words. The LiTs get de-aged and Eve has to deal with the fallout. Equal parts angst and fluff.
...And the Gravity of the Situation - case!fic, 4579 words. Mostly focused on the group as a whole, but Flynn/Eve and Jacob/Ezekiel are present. Debut fic of my fave OC, Hira al-Massoud (who will be appearing in fics in the future!)
Hall Pass - missing scene/alternate ending of 4x05. 1815 words, Flynn/Eve and Flynn/Darrington. Mostly self-indulgent ridiculousness.
His Sword the Brave Man Draws - Excalibur PoV, 3357 words. Retells the events of the 3 movies, the first two episodes of season 1, and the season 2 finale. Don’t be scared of the Major Character Death warning, it’s just there for Excalibur’s death in 1x02.
Other Fanworks
Pride icons - I made various pride icon edits, based on either my headcanons or a character’s canonical identity. I made four sets for Supernatural, one for The Librarians, and one for Siren.
Aesthetic Collages - In addition to the collages that I made for my Femslash February fics, I also did a whole series of Food Aesthetics for Supernatural. Currently, I’ve made 38, but I have several more planned, as well as some for other fandoms.
Playlists - I’ve put together 13 playlists for Supernatural characters and ships. These include Dean, Sam, Cas, Gabriel, Charlie, Claire, Destiel, Sabriel, Sastiel, and Midam.
114639 words, 48 icons, 46 collages, 13 playlists. I’m proud of that.
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lonestarpost · 3 years
Tumblr media
Episode Review
A review of “Difficult Conversations”  by @lonestarbabe​
The Edits Edit
Some of the best edits this week that deserve all the love.
TOMMY VEGA in 911: Lone Star — Difficult Conversations by @buckleys-diaz is a wonderful gif set of Tommy Vega. A great one of Paul is PAUL STRICKLAND in 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 — DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS
This tattoo talk by @rafaelsilva is so amazing
marjan marwani || 2x05 - difficult conversations by @ivarhvitserk show off Marjan’s beauty so well.
TK Strand & Paul Strickland in 2x05 by @tarloss​ is wonderful and I love seeing these two as a pair.
911:Lone Star 2x05 by @bicepsie​ shows Carlos in action.All Right, Ryder.What the Hell’s Going on with You? by @shoenaerts​ shows the wonderful dynamic between Judd and Tommy. This one of Judd and Grace is also perfect.
Judd, kale? by @stevenrogered made me smile when I saw it, and I adored this moment.
Mateo making a mistake on his tattoo because of his dyslexia by @mymycorrhizae showed such a wonderful and heartwarming moment between Marjan and Mateo.
Fic Recs
Showing love to fantastic writing!
Brotherly Advice by @mtnofgrace (mtnofgrace)
Word Count: 1,707
Summary: TK gives Judd advice about talking to Grace. Coda to 2.05.
Reckless but honest words by @morganaspendragonss​  (hollyhobbit101)
Word Count: 2,281
Summary: And however much TK had thought he’d grown used to his parents’ shit, he’s far from prepared for the next words that come out of his dad’s mouth. “We’re - that is to say, your mom - well… We’re having a baby.” Or tk finds out about the baby. it does not go down well.
Carlos and Grace save the world by @bellakitse (bellakitse)
Word Count: 4,057
Summary: Carlos is surprised at first when Grace seeks him out, but when she explains that she’s worried about her neighbor possibly being abused by her husband, Carlos instantly agrees to help.
Lips are twitching, so you can crack a smile by @trkstrnd (trxtr)
Word Count: 6,629
Summary: He took an experimental step out onto his driveway, finding the sidewalk cool under his bare feet. His joggers licked at his ankles, brushing against the bone as he stepped, but TK didn’t care. He couldn’t feel anything other than genuine hatred, right now, for both himself, and his parents. or: TK overhears his parents talking about his mother's pregnancy. (i’m frustrated with the lack of communication in this family and it has manifested itself into 6.6k words of me basically calling owen strand a bitch.)
Fandom News
Hosting events? Have important announcements? You’re welcome to bring them here to keep people in the know.
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fanfic-corner · 3 years
Under 10,000 Words Pt 2
I promised (quite a while ago) and I’m finally delivering... more fics between 2k and 10k words! Same as last time, they are organised by word count for your browsing pleasure.
Walk Through Fire For You by purple_charlie on AO3. (2,335 words).
Tags: John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Angst, Pride, Marijuana Use, Polyamory, Gay Cas, Bisexual Dean, Bisexual Gabriel, Everyone is Queer.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Boyfriend. The word still feels foreign in Dean’s mouth, still brings back echoes of John Winchester’s thinly-veiled (if even that) homophobia. “Man up, don’t be a sissy, I didn’t raise a fairy”. It’s a swollen blister in the back of Dean’s mind, throbbing with pain whenever a stranger’s eyes linger too long on Cas’ hand in his, whenever a waitress double-takes at how close they sit in diner booths. But here, dirty dancing with Cas in a warehouse full of other queer folks, Dean wants to shout from the rooftops- I’m Dean Winchester, I drive the baddest car in town, I lift heavy things for a living, and this is my boyfriend.
Notes: This was so sweet it nearly made me start crying - Cas deserved to be told that he was loved!
Boneless Wings by PallasPerilous on AO3. (4,333 words).
Tags: Crack, Wingfic, Domestic Fluff, Canon Compliant, Angel Castiel, Suburbia.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: For those of you perving along at home, Dean could absolutely provide a list of the hundred or so ways that having a boyfriend with giant fucking actual wings is super hot and/or awesome. This is not that list.
Notes: The art is gorgeous and this is such a brilliant parody of so many wing fics out there, I loved it!
Stories Are Made Of Mistakes by wildhoneypie on AO3. (4,942 words).
Tags: Human Castiel, Diners, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bisexual Dean, Sharing a Bed, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Case Fic, Domestic, Didn’t Know They Were Dating. My Rating: 4 stars. Description: In which Cas is human and doesn’t understand basic concepts like: clothing, Mythbusters, moisturizer, and Greek food. Dean is…Dean and doesn’t understand basic concepts like: boyfriends, language, how to tell your friend that he’s a walking miracle, and when not to quip. Notes: This was so cute and I live for human Cas. I also love the recurring ‘no fucking quipping’ joke in this, although the idea of Cas swearing broke me a bit!
The Cry of Elisha After Elijah by intothesilentland on AO3. (5,844 words).
Tags: Episode Fix-It: s15e20 Carry On, Post-Episode: s15e20 Carry On, First Kiss, Reunion, Canon Compliant, Heaven.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: The kicker is, Dean had been trying to live. Really live. And not bite out in anger at the fraying of his heart: Cas, gone, Jack, gone—all that was left was him and his brother, and Dean had been trying to live, in spite, in light of that. In a world like the unsteady first steps of a child, apprehensive arms and hands cradling the air around them, ready for a slip, excited for a step, Dean had been trying to walk forward, too. Though every step had meant every pain. Upon his death, and arrival in heaven, Dean sets out to find the angel. He has to tell him. Cas has to know.
Notes: That poem at the start was really moving in this context, and the dialogue was so weirdly in character that everything was so real. It was definitely written better than the actual ending.
My Own Little World by tale_to_tell on AO3. (6,858 words).
Tags: Hurt Dean, Protective Castiel, Meet-Cute, Fluff, Pining, Coffee Shops, Implied Domestic Violence, Abusive Alistair, Abusive Relationships, First Kiss, Human Castiel, Protective Sam Winchester, Dean Has Self-Worth Issues, POV Castiel, Love Confessions, Implied Sexual Content, Light Angst, Happy Ending.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Castiel stumbles into a local café in order to avoid the rain, and during the process he meets a very attractive barista by the name of Dean Winchester. It doesn’t take long for Castiel to fall in love with Dean’s wit and charm.Too bad that Dean has a boyfriend.
Notes: This was fairly sweet, and I was not expecting the Sabriel content (always read the tags, folks). Also, return of Alistair being an asshole! I would have forgot he existed if he didn’t keep popping up in these fics.
broken when I’m lonesome by SailorChibi on AO3. (7,015 words).
Tags: Asexual Castiel, Demisexual Dean, Panromantic Castiel, Biromantic Dean, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Dean Has Self-Esteem Issues, Dean Has a Sexuality Crisis, Angst, Fluff, Touch-Starved, Comfort, Platonic Cuddling, Castiel is Not Oblivious, comments that could be taken as ace-phobic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: After being saved from hell, Dean’s old methods of coping aren’t working anymore: he’s not sexually attracted to anyone, and he’s not interested in sex no matter how many times he climbs into bed with hot, naked women. Sam is convinced that his brother is just depressed, but Dean knows this goes deeper than that. He still craves the intimacy that can make him feel safe. Fortunately, Castiel is there to both understand and provide.
Notes: This fic really hit home. I’m not sure if it is because almost every person I have ever talked to has had some form of this conversation, but it was still cute.
Lost and Found by whelvenwings on AO3. (7,762 words).
Tags: Writer Castiel, Mechanic Dean, Demisexual Castiel.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “Chuck Shurley? Sure, I’ve read his books. Kinda Vonnegut, but like, Kilgore-Trout Vonnegut, you know?” Dean took another gulp of his whisky, and smacked his lips like an adult. The guy sitting beside him at the bar, however, did not look suitably impressed. In fact, he was staring down into the bubbles of his cider, not even noticing the way that Dean was smiling at him, giving him the eyes. “I thought his stuff was pretty good, in a kinda metamodern way,” Dean added airily, and a little more loudly. The guy only nodded gloomily. Dean almost clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in frustration. C’mon, dude, I’m trying to impress you. Twenty minutes of talking and all Dean had to show for it was a weird first name, a series of dour stares and the strangest need to know more about this – Castiel.
Notes: This was written so well that I wanted to cry at Cas’ story of the stars, even though it wasn’t particularly sad. Now I want to go and stargaze with someone.
Say Yes by MaggieMaybe160 on AO3. (7,996 words).
Tags: Episode s5e4 The End, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Drug Use, Fluff and Angst, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence, POV Alternating, Love Triangles, Idiots in Love, Wedding Rings, Chronic Pain.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Endverse!Dean's life is going pretty well with Endverse!Cas until Dean's past self shows up.A look at the episode "The End" from Season 5 from Endverse!Dean's point of view.
Notes: Quite cute, almost entirely canon compliant, and the ending gave me chills.
Carry On by Castielslostwings on AO3. (8,039 words).
Tags: Coda, Episode Fix-It: s15e20 Carry On, Heaven, Castiel Deserves Better, Love Confessions, First Kiss, First Time, Reunions, Explicit Sexual Content.
My Ratings: 5 stars.
Description: “I think I’ll go for a drive.” This is what happened between that moment, and Dean meeting Sam on that bridge.
Notes: This was written beautifully and was genuinely the ending that Dean and Cas deserved.
Unknown Quantities by xylodemon on AO3. (8,570 words).
Tags: Future Fic, Getting Together, Didn’t Know They Were Dating, Human Castiel, Bottom Dean, Angst and Humour, First Time.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: No one ever tells Dean anything.(or: Dean Winchester and the not-relationship crisis of 2014)
Notes: There’s more smut in this than I expected, but Dean is so oblivious that it is really funny.
Bing Crosby’s Pennies From Heaven by twentysomething on AO3. (9,613 words).
Tags: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Death.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Sam always asks inappropriate, poorly-timed questions, so what comes out of his mouth doesn’t exactly surprise himself. “Where were you?”
Notes: This was brilliant - the little gifts that Gabe left for Sam were adorable, and I burst out laughing at the image of trying to get Bobby’s wheelchair on top of a toilet.
So there we are! I hope you enjoy these slightly shorter fics, and hopefully there will be another load of fic recs for next week!
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gwendeeagain · 3 years
Writing Fic Titles
Whoever who prompted the meta ask "Which is harder for you, titles or summaries (or tags?)" You know very well what the answer is.
I am always Unable to come up with titles. How do people manage to encapsulate the message or vibe of their fic in such a concise, clear way? I can't do it.
If I can't think, I ask my friends to drop me random words without contexts and I'll see which word fits the fic's exising vibes. The most notable fics I have named this way are Discography, Illuminate, and Colloquialism! I said to people, can you give me a random word? And I quite literally took the first/second word LMAO. but oddly enough I think they fit.
Sometimes I stumble across a word accidently and it has perhaps the strangest most far-fetched relatedness to your fic that would take forever and a year to explain?
How I named Accordion: Basically for my placeholder title I was just going to write "coda" but I wrote "a coda" instead and I thought hey that looks cool, so I took the space out and it became "acoda" and I thought of the word "accordion" when I read it and I liked the word accordion so this is named accordion now I guess.
Most of the times my fics have a title that came up because of a strayaway thought I had once, so it makes the bare minimum amount of sense to me but to you guys it's probably nuts.
(On) Par was named as such because I literally just wanted to put the word "par" in the fic. I wanted to use the word "par" in a dialogue line but it didn't fit. But par as a word meant to compare, and I did draw some par-allels (haha) between Gakushuu and Karma during the fic, so I decided par would be nice.
Canyon is my nice little Madoka Magica/Assclass angst fic and honestly I named it canyon because of the writing prompt that went something like "For every heartbreak, a crack appears in the earth. The larger the crack, the more painful the hurt. Tell me the story of the grand canyon." Yes, it's an angst fic. No, there isn't actually any mention of canyons in the fic.
The title of Jettison came about because there was one of those text adventure mobile games I played (it was called Seedship) where you were an AI on a spaceship and you had to make decisions to pilot it. One of the scenarios was having a meteor crash into one of your probes or something like that, and you watched it slowly jettison away into the nothingness of space, where it will remain drifting, orbitless, forever. My fic was about vampire Karma and water nymph Gakushuu. I have not played the game in years but it that specific text scene came to mind and I thought, "that's exactly the vibe I want this fic to have", so Jettison it was.
Another ridiculous example: Over and Under, which was a fic about trans Gakushuu, came about because I thought of Shrek. The moral of Shrek is to love who you are <3, which is relevant enough to the message of he fic itself? Anyways you know that scene in Shrek forever after where Shrek and Fiona tie a large shoelace knot over a dragon? One of their shoelace typing steps is "Over the castle and under the bridge" (or something similar) and it was stuck in my head, so there.
What am I even rambling about
I can go in depth about my title choices if anyone wants. Just @/ask me with whichever title that intrigues you HAHA
Anways I'm bad at titles. Tagging is pretty standard to me, and my summaries are just normally a short edited snippet of a chapter that I think discusses what happens in the fic. Rather straightforward - it's the titles that make me do so much mental gymnastics
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eddiediaz-buckley · 4 years
a thank you to my fanfic readers
idk how many of my fanfic readers are here on tumblr, but I just want to say thank you. almost daily, i still get kudos for all my 9-1-1 fics and honestly i can’t believe people are still reading and enjoying them. it really means a lot to me!
eventually I will likely get back to writing for the fandom, but I haven’t had much motivation to create fandom works lately (that includes giffing as well). but thank you guys so much for your support!
gonna make this a self-promo too and link all my 9-1-1 fics below:
1.) Here, Have My Heart (and My Apartment Key)
Words: 4859 | Rating: T | Summary: We all want to know how Eddie got into Buck's apartment during the premiere. This is my imagining of how that was made possible.
2.) Operation Get Two Idiots Alone to Do Stuff
Words: 1917 | Rating: M | Summary: Hen is really tired of walking in on Buck and Eddie in the firehouse and so is everybody else, so she hatches a plan. Basically crack.
3.) Unsubtle
Words: 823 | Rating: T | Summary: Eddie did not hide checking out Buck's ass in 3x04. Hen and Chim absolutely noticed and you bet they will be teasing him for it.
4.) Don’t Be Afraid, I Want This Too
Words: 1777 | Rating: T | Summary: Hen and Chimney really just want Buck and Eddie to kiss. And it's Christmas time, so you know what that means.
5.) Things the 118 Definitely Said
Words: 2450 | Rating: T | Chapters: 8/? | Summary: A series of drabbles based on the incorrect911quotes blog on tumblr! Each chapter will be based on a different incorrect quote. Will be updated periodically and will be ongoing. Tags will be added as needed. This will probably contain a lot of crack, so be warned!
6.) Time Stands Still and It’s Only Us
Words: 1451 | Rating: T | Summary: Just some self-indulgent Buddie fluff.It was a bad day at work and Eddie is in need of comfort. Buck is more than willing to provide that to him.
7.) I get scared when scared (but what else can I do)
Words: 1918 | Rating: T | Summary: 3x08 Coda. Eddie finally talks to Buck about what's been going on after some encouragement from his abuela. Lots of tears ensue.
8.) Be Your Everything
Words: 1348 | Rating: G | Summary: Before Maddie can do anything else tonight, it's time for her weekly "have you told Eddie you loved him yet?" call with her baby bro. This week, Chimney is there to help, and boy does he end up helping.
9.) Work This Out (crossover with S.W.A.T.)
Words: 2147 | Rating: T | Chapters: 1/2 | Summary: Chris and Street are babysitting for the Buckley-Diaz's and the Han's. They both claim they're the best in-law, but who really comes out on top? Chris/Street friendship, reminiscing, and cute kids.
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katsidhe · 4 years
Fic: games of skill; games of chance [14.17 coda]
Sam, and a head injury, and a car ride: one vessel considers another.
“You’re still looking green around the gills,” Dean tells him.
“I feel okay now,” says Sam. He is still nauseous, but it’s fading. Jack did a good job pasting his skull back together. Nick’s dead. Lucifer’s dead. Sam should be dead but, as usual, isn’t.
“We should have just ganked the guy,” Dean says. Dean is angry, of course he is. Sam doesn’t begrudge him. Sam is probably angry himself.
When Sam broke it to Dean, that Nick had survived and they’d been getting him back on his feet, Dean had told him that it wasn’t his responsibility. You don’t have to martyr yourself, Sam, he’d said, it doesn’t have to be you taking care of him, like Sam was making a sacrifice. But Sam hadn’t been. He really, really hadn’t been.
In fact, Sam’s pretty sure he was being fundamentally selfish.
Cas would have taken it on, if Sam had asked; Sam knows. Same with Mom. But Sam had been the one to bring Nick back, so Sam volunteered. He even told himself it was to spare the others. To spare Cas, who had spent months possessed; to spare Mom, who’d spent an uncertain amount of time in that other world one-on-one with Lucifer.
(When Sam had asked, vaguely, she’d been noncommittal with the details, said, oh, you know. Said, it wasn’t that bad, and hadn’t been long anyway. She’d smiled the way she often smiled, without her eyes, in a way which meant nothing at all.)
But he knows now it hadn’t been because of them, not really. Patching Nick up was—it felt good, like holding his breath and pressing on a bruise.
Dean deserves to enjoy an I-told-you-so, at this point.
The noise in his head is loud and long, strident, persistent, splitting him open. Sam tries to wedge himself upright on the wheel, lying across the horn: the noise is his lifeline.
Saving Nick’s life in that church was still the right thing to do, Sam knows that. He’d just about collapsed from the shock when Nick had tried to sit up, then crumbled back down, unconscious; but Nick so obviously wasn’t Lucifer. Not then, and not today either—not even when he’d been singing, goading Sam like a toddler, using familiar lines—there wasn’t ever really a moment that Sam got them mixed up. He’s sure it’s actually easier for him to see the difference than it was for Mary and Dean; even Cas, for some reason.
But everything that came after—the warning signs, of which there had assuredly been more than one; the mood swings, the harsh gestures and words. The obsession. Sam didn’t miss the signs. He was simply desperate not to see them. Desperate to believe that someone as indelibly ruined as Nick would manage to pull himself up out of that hole.
But he was wrong. He’d let himself think... it’s getting harder to think. He leans more heavily on the horn. The sound fractures his skull.
“So… what happened, how’d he get the drop on you?” Dean’s asking like he doesn’t actually want to poke at it, but he’s compelled to say something anyway.
Sam knows the feeling. The oppressive quiet is somehow too much like the drive up, with Nick in the backseat—even though Nick was anything but quiet; loud but benign, hallucination made solid. Intangible, until he wasn’t, until his human flesh crashed into Sam’s.
It was an odd slip in time, listening to that harmless off-key singing in the dead silence. It was funhouse-mirror strange to glance out of the corner of his eye and see that somehow Dean was grimacing at the off-color taunts—for a second, it was as if Dean could hear into Sam’s mind, or else that he’d taken up residence there too.
”I don’t know,” says Sam, several seconds too late. It’s not really a lie. It was stupid to think all that was behind him, and he’s not sure why he did it, why he assumed he could handle Nick in a fight.
Dean makes a noncommittal sound.
They drive in silence (actual silence, no sound in Sam’s head) for a few more minutes.
The car door rattles. Sam startles upright and falls off the horn; the noise in his head slackens.
“Dean,” says Sam. It’s Dean. Dean’s cursing, fumbling with the keys. Sam should help him. He fumbles for the handle, tries—
The door’s open. “Sam!”
“Nnngh,” he tries. He can’t make the words come out. “S’gone. He.”
“Sammy—you and your thick fucking head, come on, come on, big guy, you’re fine—”
“Lucifer,” Sam gasps. That one’s easier to get out.
“Not Lucifer,” says Dean, “Nick cold-cocked you good, but you’re fine, okay?”
“No,” says Sam, or he thinks he does. “Help.” Help, help, help. He’s being yanked out of the car, pulled out bodily. He struggles but not for long, the light cuts through his eyes, too sharp.
Dean’s pushed his arm under Sam’s, gripping Sam’s ribs. Sam blinks stupidly at the ground. He buckles forward and throws up, retching emptily onto the pavement.
“So, the blood I get, but where’d Nick get the grace? Is that something we need to be worried about now, secret fuckin’—horcruxes or whatever?”
Sam considers this briefly, with faint horror—thinks about vials of Lucifer stashed in his vaults like little phylacteries, contingency plans waiting for the wrong tripwire to spring. “I don’t think so,” he says. The possibility of his death hadn’t seemed to hit home for Lucifer even in the moment he was stabbed. “Nick must have extracted it himself.”
Sam suddenly remembers that Dean hadn’t been around when he and Cas had tried to get out Gadreel’s grace, for that spell. “Yeah. Remember Gadreel?”
Dean glances sharply at him, then looks away. “Right. Yeah, I remember now.”
The drive on in uncomfortable silence.
Dean rubs the back of his neck. “So. So, when Michael went through my psychic maintenance pipes—he left behind some grace, huh?”
“Probably,” Sam says. “That’s probably part of how he got back in.” He glances sideways at Dean, trying to gauge his expression. “I’m sorry,” he offers. It’s paltry next to the nausea of the realization, he knows, but he can’t bring himself to say anything else. Michael’s dead now. Lucifer, Nick, Gadreel—all dead now.
Dean says something. He’s shouting. There are hands in Sam’s hair, damp hot fabric pressing hard against his temple. The world does a dizzy loop and then he’s staring at the sky.
The air hurts, the gravel prickles on his skin like knives, he’s too stiff to move away. He’s going blind. Where did Lucifer go?
“The Empty,” says Dean. His face is blurry and worried, hovering.
“Lucifer, Lucifer’s, he’s gonna—”
Dean pinches him hard on the shoulder, Sam flinches away. “You seeing things? Hey. Stay with me, it’s just us. Okay. Donatello!”
Dean’s hands are a heavy, grounding weight. The world tilts on a nauseous axis.
“Wish I’d just let you kill him,” muses Dean, after another long minute.
“No, man, you were right,” says Sam. “I was out of line.” He’s looking out the window, at the dirty snow, broken through with patches of brown grass and scrub oak.
“You couldn’t have known,” insists Dean, apparently intent on easing Sam’s guilt.
Sam scoffs. Dean shouldn’t bother.
“Cmon,” Dean says, focusing in on his goal now, a dog with a bone, “you couldn’t have. How could you have guessed, huh? Everyone else on the planet, it takes two seconds of Lucifer’s smart mouth before they wanna shoot him in the face just so he shuts up. Who’d have guessed Nick’d be the one dick in existence to actually like the guy?”
Sam gives him a sharp glance. Shrugs. “He’s not the only one who does.”
“…What?” Dean stares at him.
Sam raises an eyebrow. “Most of Hell? Plus a fair chunk of Heaven, plus who knows how many sects of human followers.”
Dean’s still looking at him like he expected something else. It coils uneasy in Sam’s stomach.
“I really should have—figured, though,” says Sam, finally.
It’s a too-long, too-quiet drive, without anyone in the backseat.
It’s a slow-moving nightmare, this disconnect between his head and his mouth. The only thing preserved is the urgency, awful and bloody. But he can’t marshal it, can’t connect it, can’t remember how—he blinks dumbly at Dean, at the icy sky. “Nick’s getting him back, blood, grace, s’a ritual.”
Dean freezes. His hands go still. “Fuck. Shit, dammit—now? Where’d he go?”
“Dunno. He’s got—his grace—Jack’s blood—” The panic has him fighting, batting weakly against Dean’s tight grip. He can’t think through it, a molasses-thick dream where all he can do is writhe and struggle against the syrupy weight pinning him down, try vainly to push away the slimy stifling horror in time.
“Sam—focus, okay. Shit. Okay. We can handle—we’re on top of this—I’ll call—”
Dean knows.
Sam’s warned him.
He’s done it—Dean and Cas and Jack and Mom will—Sam lets his eyes slip closed, just for a second.
How long had Sam let Nick wander, unfettered, with a piece of Lucifer nestled in his soul? How well did Nick know Sam, how much had he seen? How well did he know Dean? How much did Sam let his stupid impulse to—to fix someone Lucifer broke, blind him to basic safety precautions?
And now that the damage is done, as always, Sam has the time and the hindsight to look back and see all the cracks in his intentions, the places where he’d thought his motives were pure and his actions were just, where he’d allowed self-delusion and selfish need to drive him onwards without caring about the fallout.
It’s that fucked up self-righteous part of himself, that need to be right, that need for something to go right, that lets him think that just because he has a worthy goal, he’s excusable.
It’s the reason for the near miss today. It’s the reason nearly everyone they saved from that other world is now dead, buried with too little ceremony in a mass grave in Kansas, far, far from their home. It’s the reason for a whole hell of a lot more, if Sam wants to go back a year or several.
He doesn’t know why he keeps wanting things like this for himself. The shame should be whittled to an unbreakable point by now, a mechanism to keep Sam from fucking things up irretrievably; and yet he keeps pushing through it anyway, and the blood keeps building up on his hands.
Nick flinching from his hands, glancing up at Sam from hooded eyes—how long did it take? How many of those times that Nick stared at him had been with twisted, insane jealousy and not deep unease, as Sam had assumed?
Sam noticed him looking; he couldn’t not. Sam was the one taking care of him, after all: feeding him, bandaging his wound, bringing him news and human contact that Nick had seemed to grasp at like a man drowning, his understandable awkwardness aside.
Sam asked after his nightmares. Sam asked him carefully if he remembered anything useful about Michael. Sam stitched together his flesh. Sam kept tabs on Nick, watching his human movements and his human posture. Nick ate, Nick slept, Nick hissed in pain under Sam’s hands, and Sam tried to keep his careful thrill quiet—he curled his toes and licked his lips and slowed his breathing.
Must be weird for you, helping me, Nick had said.
And it had been weird, Sam agreed. Just, not in any way that was quantifiable or straightforward. Being around him was like being suspended over knives, tense and perfect. Safe and unsafe. Proof that this wasn’t ten years ago, or seven, that Sam could inhabit his fear and come out unscathed and breathing hard and tingling—that Sam could shove all his issues into one box with one face, minimize and control whatever the world threw at him, lose sleep and come out the stronger for it.
Sam looked forward to visiting Nick, every time, with an anticipatory adrenaline like being ratcheted up the lift hill on a rollercoaster, waiting for that safe, sickening drop. Waiting to come out sane.
He’s a junkie, through and through—can he complain that it turned out the ride wasn’t up to code, after all, when he’s the one who tore through all the caution tape, who hotwired the car and ignored the brakes?
Everything’s dim and red like this. His pulse thunders sick and loud. No matter how many times Sam’s died, he can never shake the animal terror. There’s a point where mortal instinct takes over; the shift from pain-without-purpose to soul suffocation, the body’s last-ditch scream.
It’s okay, though. He’s done it.
“Stay with me, now. We’re just gonna play a little game.”
It’s happening. His brain’s clawing uselessly at life. It’s the last starbursts of agony.
Not so perfect now, Sam thinks. What he did to himself, what he would have done to himself. How many rocks, the ways he would have smashed his own bones apart if it would have changed a single thing.
“Just count with me,” Dean says.
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silviakundera · 4 years
MDZS fic Recs
These are recs of fics either partially or wholly centered in the novel canon.
Five Times Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng Had a Civil Conversation, and One Time They Didn't
Yes, this is about the brothers! But also about the next generation, Jin Ling making (his first) friends with the Lan squad, and great married WWX/LWJ. Basically just a wonderful coda to the novel, where life moves on and people start to heal. It's not a canon extra but it feels like it could be.
Canon Divergence
In which WWX and LWJ accidentally hatch a baby Xuanwu. Any fandom old will love & appreciate this masterpiece.
This Tornado Loves You
In the Jingshi, after Koi Tower. Same amazing author as Linger in the Sun, except this time doing MDZS. Love this author's Lan Wangji!
nothing gold can stay
LWJ rescues WWX from Wen Chao before he can be tossed in the Burial Mounds. They go on the run! The same author who did Tame. I am v sad they didn't write 25 of these things :(
treacherous in blue
what if MDZS!Lan Wangji was less of a failboat and made an effort to communicate during the Sunshot Campaign?
And Hide Him Away
Wen Qing listens to reason and Lan Wangji takes Wei Wuxian back to The Cloud Recesses and hides him away.
Seldom All They Seem
MDZS but with some elements stolen from The Untamed. In an AU where there is no homophobia in the cultivation world, YanLi is not the only Jiang sibing with a childhood political betrothal. This doesn't actually fix most things, at least at the start. (ah! A well written Lan Wangji just rips at my heart!!)
Dream of a funeral; hear of a marriage
I love when an author takes a crack fic concept and plays it straight. Plus, some fantastic WWX characterization and dialogue. This was a delightful retelling of the novel, with a twist.
"You are… aware of my brother's circumstances?"
"The whole cultivation partner, spouse, duel thing? Yeah, the people who kept attacking him when we were travelling was a giveaway that something was up."
Like the Setting Sun
Instead of the Wen Remnants rising from the blood pool in the 2nd seige, what if they had became ghosts who haunted the cultivation world? Continuing WIP series but 34K words written so far and worth reading as it is.
Neat AUs
A Theory of Creation
Automata were not to be sympathized with.
Steampunk rendition of MDZS!! Very good, cool concept that is well executed.
Into The Dark
In which WWX is adopted by the Wen clan instead of the Jiangs. Unfinished series but there's enough here to be interesting and worth your time even if nothing else is written.
The Terminus of Gravity
Space opera AU! This is a smart sci-fi re-imagining of MDZS.
And So My Heart Beats Wildly
The modern cultivators AU novel that everyone in fandom recs, because it's fantastic. I almost didn't include, as it's so known and obvious but. just in case.
@dangermousie the promised rec set 2 🙌
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foramomentonly · 4 years
Tagged by: @prouvaireafterdark
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Okay, I don’t actually have that many works, so this is basically also a list of all my fic.
1. Nail in My Coffin -- I mean, this is my baby. She just keeps on giving. I’ve yet to dry up of ideas for situations, dialogue, events in this verse. Writer’s block is not a thing in this verse. I love her. And she’s brought me so much amazing interaction with so many amazing people (you all!). And she’s getting me through quarantine. I’m so thankful for her.
2. Rewriting History -- I just think this one is super fun and crack-y. I deeply feel it was a missed opportunity on the part of RNM to not have Michael steal Kyle’s hubcaps for his boyfriend for whom he has a fatal case of heart eyes. This is also me incapable of not writing a little bitty bit of smut in an objectively not smutty story, and I make no apologies. I am who I am.
3. Hoarding You -- I love taking little details from our ridiculous show and running with them. This was one of those things. Alex hoarding rain-scented candles. And I’m Malex trash, so of course it turned into a reunion fic. And a quarantine fic. It contains multitudes.
4. Coda 2.04 -- Hey, I remembered this one and decided to include it! This was written in conjunction with #3 and I love it because we don’t get enough Liz/Alex interactions, IMO, and they really do have a lot in common and would have a really snarky dynamic. And, again, taking a little tiny detail and just blowing it completely out of proportion is my jam. 
5. The Thing Is -- I loved writing this because it felt like no other. It’s stream-of-consciousness and frenetic, and so, so petty. I love that about it. And I don’t often write from Michael’s perspective, and that was also really fun. Inhabiting his space and his brain is chaotic and a little like a really good high. I couldn’t live there, but it’s nice to visit.
I will tag @angsty-aliens, @sabrinachill, @jocarthage, @signoraviolettavalery. Hope I didn’t miss you all’s contributions to this one already!
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Masterpost of my writing, I guess
Because I don’t write quickly, or often, and I do a lot of reblogs in between.  Almost all of this is also on AO3 here. Follow me on Twitter - I basically only tweet when I post something new.
About Fanfic and Feedback, according to me. (TL;DR: It’s always l o v e d but never required)
Anything added in the current month will be bold.
Please do not add on to my fics without permission. I love inspiring people to write - if you want to write your own fic based off one of my ideas, please do! Tag me even, I’d love to see it. But don’t add it onto my fic. It really upsets me.
Perfect - weecest, wincest, daddycest, explicit
Unanswered Prayers - weecest, wincest, John knows
Maybe - wincest, 14.02 spoilers, 
Breaking - kind of a character study
Bela - Bela/John, wincest mentioned
Heart’s Desire - wincest, minor spoilers for ep 300 (like super minor)
Killing Things - Dean’s first murder, not wincest
be a good boy - j2, mockumentary style, explicit
please daddy - Sam/John, spanking, borderline explicit
In addition to amazing looks the Gypsy Vanner possesses a temperament that is friendly and engaging.* genfic, total crack, Jared is a horse
Infidelity - wincest, past John/Dean, smutty angst is a valid genre, explicit
Figure it out - weecest (part 1)
Always Yours - slutty Jared and possessive Jensen w/wincest roleplay - collab with @ohnoitsthebat (AO3 version)
Smoked - Season 1 wincest, from John’s POV, with past John/Dean - collab with @ohnoitsthebat
fevered - mild wincest, just kind of musing
“Good Boy.” - a dying dog and Sam.
nine plus infinity - counting kisses
Stitches - Sam and stitches. Genfic.
didn’t know ‘til you were gone - wincest, necrophilia, explicit
A Little Off - serial killer au, weecest, and things are a little off
Kill Me Again - serial killer au (I love them, can’t help it), consensual necrophilia and lucifer keeps resurrecting Sam, explicit
jacket - wincest, mutual pining, explicit
14 - genfic, angst around Sam’s birthday
Head Games - wincest, weecest, explicit, PWP blow jobs
Baby Boy - wincest, weecest, daddycest, explicit - it’s sam/john hatefucking and sam/dean making love
I don’t know how to be without you - wincest, time travel, explicit
grindr - wincest wherein castiel puts grindr on the boys’ phones and waits for them to find each other
blood - wincest, weecest, boyking!sam 
motor oil and leather - sam/jess, when jess smells like dean
sex ed - dean teaches jack about sex, using sam as a demonstration model
drunk dial - wincest, explicit. sam’s at stanford and he gets a call from dean.
Stretch - weecest and fisting from an ask, explicit
Surely Heaven Waits - coda to the finale. Spoilers.
Big All Over - John/Jack, because why not. explicit
Family Heirloom - Sam & Dean Jr genfic.
sammy and shoes - Sam in high heels, weecest & wincest. mature
ring - sam/john, underage, explicit
Like Nothing Else - jensen/OMC, explicit. Collab with @ohnoitsthebat
Haunt - What Emily Walker does as a ghost.
almost chivalrous - weecest, sam is roofies at a party, not explicit
Happy Birthday, Dad - post-finale, genfic
And one to grow on - wincest, spanking, birthday
Birthday Puppy - winkline, puppy play, explicit
On Camera - pre-wincest, Sam tries doing porn at Stanford
Disaster - j2, prequel-gate from Keegan Allen’s POV
Currently Thinking About Henriksen
(ficlets of Henriksen pursuing the Winchesters - serial killer! au style with a holiday theme)
“Currently thinking about”
 (various short things, united in that they are unpolished but otherwise unrelated)
serial killers! weecest
stanford era pining
rulers of hell wincest
weecest in a motel
pining weecest
smutty angst
breaking dean’s heart
sick!sam fluff
after the pilot
sam tempting dean
in honor of the 300th
slutty!sammy, weecest
valentine’s day, murder bros, outsider POV
sam liking dean’s lips
weecest in a sex shop
wincest in early s4, possessive!sam
weecest and a knife
weecest and sam feeling dirty
weecest and mutual pining
weecest and lipstick and head in bed
moc!dean and dubcon
weecest and sam’s a noisy little bitch
boyking!sam with wincest-if-you-squint
weecest and sam is an untouched little slut for dean
pining sam coming out to his girlfriend
boyking!sam and dean decide to rule hell
possessive serial killer wincest
budding serial killer sammy (no ships mentioned, but it’s always wincest)
dark!dean and sam’s eyes
daddycest, sam/john style
late season wincest after a hunt
pilot and pining!wincest (with sam/jess)
almost weecest and bruises
weecest and old movies
sam making dinner
petting hair
weecest and sam in lingerie
weecest and dancing in the rain
sam in makeup
after school special episode related
sam in a bath
weecest and john knows
weecest and dean catching sam
camboy!sam at stanford
crowley listening in late s5
post finale with sam
weecest and sam doing homework while dean talks dirty to him
sam and jess at stanford
sam and calling dean just to hear his voice
sam/jack and jealous!dean in highschool
john and “the talk” with weecest
“something wicked” season 1 pre-wincest
sam and mpreg right before stanford
weecest and drunk dean and first times - explicit
Currently thinking about... j2
j2 in the pilot ficlet
mistaken soulmark au - brief jensen/chad, endgame j2
jared hooks up with dudes when he’s drunk - s1 fic
as azure cuisine (on AO3)
Cursed - wincest, first time, set in later seasons, not explicit
Black and White - a series of character studies, sort of
Broken Things - non-con wincest and addiction. no happy endings.
And The House Burned - young Sam and a burning house, not wincest
#beardguy - early s14, the internet appreciates Sam’s grief beard
not crossposted to AO3
drabble - dean and feeling damned
sam/jack noncon after ouroboros
happily ever after - retirement
sam and dean and shakespeare - headcanon fun with @sorryimnotthatkindofdoctor
serial killer!dean snippet
demonic little sam in 3 sentences
early season wincest dynamics - from conversations with @ohnoitsthebat
at stanford, winchester mystery house
a/b/o for “It’s A Terrible Life”
sam and dean and using the internet pre-stanford
pre-wincest weechesters - headcanon fun with @ohnoitsthebat
unfinished snippet of sam and shaving
Fratboy!Dean when Sammy joins - submission to @wincestismyguiltypleasure
sam and dean end up at a drag show instead of a vamp nest - ficlet for @ohnoitsthebat
j2 as a hawk and a vulture - snippet of a fic i’m not writing
trans!sam having a bad period and dean being awesome
dean taking spankings for sam and giving them back later 
Wild Cards
The casino owner!Jensen and card counter!Jared d/s au that was unplanned but is turning out genius (putting all of it here including amber’s posts because... well, it’s nice to have it in one place)
bb jared at jensen’s casino - original ask from @wincestismyguiltypleasure 
discovering aftercare - by amber  
after security guard!chad tries to ‘rescue’ jared - by amber
introducing high roller!jdm - by amber
jared and bad dragon filling his slutty hole - by amber
jdm pushes too far, jensen has a few doubts, jared clears things up - by me
jared having a darker edge (and loving jensen’s more murderous side) - by amber
Chad (wherein the security guard attempts a rescue after jared takes things a bit too far) - by me
Disobedience (where jensen installs hidden cameras and jared doesn’t know he’s putting on a show) - by me
not fanfic
In the Dark - a Little Red Riding Hood retelling
Take Me To The Ocean - wherein Kelly writes poetry
an essay for an old class
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