#this is basically what happened it's not even technically an incorrect quote
j4zz4lop3 · 5 months
Incorrect quotes generator is back, baby. You know the drill already
Gale: I was arrested for being too cool.
Astarion : The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Gale: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
Astarion : If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky, they will be removed indefinitely from my life
Gale: Do you think you’d actually notice if someone didn’t cast a shadow? Or if their limbs were just slightly too long? Or if they had just a little too many teeth? like how many times have you passed Something on the street and you just didn’t Notice It?
Astarion : Stay woke monsterfuckers ur love is out there!!!!!
Gale: Yknow what? Not my point at all in any way whatsoever, but I’m glad I could be an inspiration
Shadowheart : I'm a reverse necromancer.
Lae'zel : Isn't that just killing people?
Shadowheart : Ah, technicality
Shadowheart : What is your biggest weakness?
Lae'zel : I can be uncooperative.
Shadowheart : Okay, can you give me an example?
Lae'zel : No
Shadowheart : *Gets down on one knee*
Lae'zel : Oh my god, it’s finally happening.
Shadowheart : *Falls over*
Lae'zel : The poison is kicking in.
Karlach : I'm incredibly fast at math.
Wyll: Alright, what's 30x17?
Karlach : 47
Wyll: That's not even close.
Karlach : But it was fast.
Karlach : Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Wyll: Oh, you’ve been?
Karlach : Once. In Monopoly.
Karlach : Welcome, fellow idiots
Wyll: Hello, Karlach
Karlach : No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Wyll: You underestimate me
Tav: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.
Tav: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?
Dark urge: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Tav: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Dark urge: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Dark urge: You kill people for money?!
Tav: I can explain!
Dark urge: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump!
Halsin: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Minthara : That's why I carry two swords.
Your prompt:
Halsin: Minthara ...
Minthara : Oh no, 'Minthara ' in b-flat.
Minthara : You're disappointed.
Halsin: Violence isn't the answer.
Minthara : You’re right.
Halsin: *sighs in relief*
Minthara : Violence is the question.
Halsin: What?
Minthara , bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Halsin, running after her: NO-
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oceangirl24 · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes
I started this yesterday and got hopelessly sidetracked doing it and never made a post.
Honestly, I'm glad now I didn't because I really needed the laugh tonight.
Onto the game.
@writingpotato07 tagged me for this. I am so thankful that you did. You have no idea how much this game has helped me.
Rules: Use this generator to generate incorrect quotes and tag people!
Tagging: @mikaharuka, @lena-hills @hylianjo @tsunderewatermelon
@bleepbloopbotz and anyone who wants to join in the laughs
What gets me about these is how accurate they were for the characters the majority of the time.
I chose my MCs: Jon and Audrey, and Jon, Shawn, and Audrey. There are so many good ones, but here are my favorites. And there are a lot!
Jon: Audrey and I are so close we even share a toothbrush. 
Audrey: We what?
Audrey: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand? 
Jon: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list. 
Jon: Audrey, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. 
Audrey, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky. 
Audrey: Is Shawn always like this when he loses?
Jon: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015.
Shawn: You bumped that table and you know it!
Audrey: Sometimes I like to place my hands on someone’s cheeks, look into their eyes... 
Audrey: ...And violently jerk their head until it snaps. 
Jon: ...That took an unexpected turn. 
Shawn: So did their neck. 
Jon: So, Shawn is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. 
Audrey: Why? 
Jon: Because I've caught him trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. 
Shawn, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass. 
Shawn: Is this your plan B? 
Jon: Technically, this is plan P. 
Shawn: Plan P? Is there a plan M? 
Jon: Yes, but I marry Audrey in plan M. 
Audrey: I like plan M. 
Audrey: I really like Eminem. 
Shawn: I prefer skittles. 
Jon: She's talking about the rapper. 
Shawn: Why would she eat the wrapper? 
Shawn: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. 
Audrey: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great. 
Shawn: Not when you’re playing with Jon, it’s not. He puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.” 
Shawn: You know what bothers me? Bats. Why can bats fly? 
Jon: Not again! 
Shawn: No. Seriously, who gave them the right? They're mammals! Mammals walk on land, no exceptions. 
Audrey: Just wait until you hear about whales. 
Shawn: What now? 
Shawn: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk? 
Audrey: The final boss. 
Jon: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right? 
Shawn: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer! 
Jon, at Audrey: Would you like to stay for dinner? 
Shawn, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?! 
Shawn: Hey, Audrey you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. 
Audrey: Have you ever been to a mortuary? 
Shawn: Yea, my grandma lives there. 
Jon: That is the worst response to that question. 
Audrey: Self-care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically. 
Jon: Self-care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self-care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self-care is the fear in your enemies' eyes. 
Shawn : Self-care is stealing someone's birthday cake just to eat the frosting. 
Jon: If you touch my birthday cake, I’ll make you eat your hands. 
Rugrats, anyone???
Audrey: Jon, what are you doing?
Jon: Making chocolate pudding.
Audrey: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding?
Jon: Because I've lost control of my life.
Jon: Here's your pudding, Shawn.
Shawn: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Shawn, to Audrey: …And I need you and Jon to help, and by "help" I mean "do everything."
Audrey: I have a bad feeling about this…
Shawn: What do you mean?
Audrey: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Shawn: No?
Jon: That actually explains so much.
Shawn: I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise.
Jon: What's the surprise?
Audrey: Blood poisoning.
Shawn: I don't like bugs. Jon, are you even listening to me? Jon: I seem to have misplaced my ant farm.
Shawn, at Audrey: MOOOOOM!
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xythlia · 2 years
it always irks me when ppl start saying incorrect shit about foster care/adoption bc as a former foster kid and an adopted kid I just wanna laugh at how wrong they are 99% of the time. like foster care in the us was constructed in such a way that it targets poor ppl & usually poor poc but what's more sinister is depending on the agency foster parents can fill out forms w their "preferences" for kids. like they can say they only want white kids. only kids that were raised christian. only kids below ten years old. there's lots & lots. when I was taken to the agency building the first time before they did anything else I had to answer about 100 questions about my background, religion, sexuality, ect and I was only ten. and that questionnaire was used to determine placement, not yk any real metric for gauging the appropriate fit for a traumatized child with mental health issues. then I was promptly told, while crying hysterically in the back of this caseworkers car that "you're never going home so stop with the water works". reunification is never the goal bc if it was these families wouldn't be put in positions where a judge tells them if they don't do xyz thing they will never see their children again when most times xyz thing requires resources a poor family wouldn't have to begin w so there's little hope right out of gate of getting their kids back. when I was eventually placed with the family that adopted me I was told to, quote, "lie cry scream say whatever you have to if you wanna stay here in our nice house with lots of food and animals you like. because you want to stay here right?" Like coaching kids to lie to the judge is just standard practice if the foster parents decide they don't want to have to give that child up & a judge will listen to those coached lies.
It's also even more sinister if a private agency gets involved (I was fostered + adopted through a private agency). bc they make damn sure those foster parents get those kids permanently if they say so, even if by all means that kid should be placed back with their family. at my adoption hearing neither of my biological parents were represented at the hearing for permanently revoking their parental rights to me. neither of them even knew that was happening. and I didn't know until I was older that that's illegal, they're entitled to at least having a lawyer present if they can't be physically present. so my adoption was technically illegal (which makes sense bc I looked into the rates and costs for adopting kids in our state & they're astronomical but my adoptive parents weren't rich so like how'd they adopt four kids then? bc the private agency was doing illegal shit & they basically got that stolen kid discount). Nobody even knew I had been kicked around between four different states all without any record of my "fostering" in all but one of them, again that's illegal.
anyways every single part of the entire foster & adoptive system is shady and purposely targets kids of color + kids from poor families and doesn't care about ruining their lives and if u believe differently ur actually delusional
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ask-beta-anders · 2 years
I used an incorrect quote generator and it yielded some funny results
Beta: you are my very best friend and I’ll do anything for you within reason! Ella: Okay, I want you to get a healthy amount of sleep, drink water, eat on time, stay safe and don’t get yourself killed. Beta: I said within reason, Ella. What about I kill that guy over there? Ella: So, killing someone is within reason but basic self-care isn’t? Beta: yes. ----
Ella: So, according to my university, it is, quote, “my responsibility if there is an internet outage to email the faculty and the department.”
Ella: Now, if you’re a critical thinker like me, you might be wondering one thing.
Ben: Hey, you want a tarot reading?
Beta: Those are Pokemon cards.
Ben: You got a magikarp.
Beta: ...
Ben: It means 'screw you'.
Josh: Beta’s gonna kill me.
Ella: No, they'll probably make me do it
Beta: Which is correct, seven and five IS thirteen, or seven and five ARE thirteen?
Ben: Neither.
Ben: Because it's twelve
Ella, when Beta walks in: Oh, hey, I'm just making pizza.
Ella: *accidentally smacks Ben in the face with the baking sheet*
Ben: Is this your plan B?
Beta: Technically, this is plan P.
Ben: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
Beta: Yes, but I fake marry Ella in plan M.
Ella: I like plan M.
Ella: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Beta: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Ella: ...
Ella: You mean ring bearER, right?
Beta: ...
Ella: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our fake wedding!
Ben: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper?
Josh: I feel like we've all done that at least once.
Ella: I ate it too-
Josh: See?
Ella: -On purpose...
Ben & Josh: ...What?
Beta: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
Josh: You, probably.
Ella: You are a solid 11/10.
Beta: Aw, thank-
Ella: Which is 1.1 because you look like you got hit by a truck. ---
Ben: I haven't seen Josh and Beta for fifteen minutes now.
*Outside a nearby window, a car without a driver inside is seen rolling down a driveway, with Josh and Beta running after it in a panic. Ella doesn't look outside at all.*
Ella: That probably means they're getting into trouble.
Beta: Who hurt you? Ella: *crying* What, do you want a list? Beta: …Yes, actually.
Ella: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!
Oh God, that's so funny and random,I love it
But I'll say in reality what would happen in these quotes:
1.I normally would take Ella's words,but like acting cocky about not needing them and Ella would go mad and bother me about it.
2.Ella is smart,I admit, she's like a Dr Eggman but female,but she has compassion and love for everyone.
3.Ben would do that and we would laugh about it,but being more elaborated on this one.
4.Josh would have killed me because they're much stronger than me, they're the muscle,and if they would kill me,they wouldn't ask noone to ask.
5.Normally I'll run fast to avoid such missed hits.
6.Yes,I do have a plan for everything, usually Ben and Ella comes with some ingenious plans, sometimes I do.
7.Hey! I'm the one making cheesy lines.
8.i can agree that we all did ate paper,just don't tell anyone I told you.
9.bruh, seriously?
10.She wouldn't know because I wear mask and glasses,even on my god damn sleeping sessions.
11.That's true,we would be in danger, we're like sonic and knuckles.
12.I am that specific.
Pretty interesting,thank for sending me this, anonymous person.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
D’leah and Kissai: *arguing AGAIN because a) D’leah is tired of him following her around like a lost Tuk’ata pup she can take care of herself she’s “the future fucking Empress!” end quote and b) She’s clumsy af and can’t saber-duel for shit and Kissai’s just trying to teach her how to fight with a saber so “he doesn’t have to swoop in and save her ass for the 50000th time if she’d just pay attention for one damn day and listen to him then he could get assigned to some other Sith and they’d never have to look at each other again If It So Pleased Her Highness /s”*
The Entire Pre-Valkoriate Empire, Behind Them, Who Can Cut the UST (tm) In The Air With a Knife & are, collectively, as a whole, Tired Of This Bullshit Now(tm):
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lexwritess · 4 years
incorrect quotes anon, i have a super angsty idea that i think you’ll LOVE. so basically michael x reader but she died at on of the outpost, and were basically the only good part about michael and him not caring about anything anymore (even more than usual lmao). and it’s just grief and sadness and anger. it’s fine if not, if you do i’d love to make incorrect quote for it also! have a great day/night!!!! ❤️❤️
broken promises [m.l.]
pairing: michael langdon x fem!reader
warnings: angst, death, swearing, blood, i don’t think this is accurate i tried to research on lilith but it was difficult but i liked the idea so this version of lilith is mostly based off the one from caos
a/n: i got a little carried away lmao
words: 1.6k
slightly au! i’m going to pretend michael can’t bring dead people back ✌️
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y/n is a witch. but she’s a different kind of witch. she was born for a very specific purpose, one that she didn’t even understand yet. she knew she was different though.
she really knew she was different when her supreme, cordilia, tried to kill her.
she ran away from her sisters that night. she didn’t need cordilia to kill her. she already felt dead. defeated. the only real family she’s had wanted her dead.
that’s when she met michael.
michael despised all witches, but there was something about y/n that dragged him to her. the two of them were like magnets and they both felt it. the world always pulling them towards each other.
she met michael when he was at a loss. y/n wasn’t the only one cordilia hurt that day.
y/n found michael in the woods, he looked ill and lost.
y/n brought him to a dark church she saw a couple days prior. they found a woman there that was eager to help them back on their feet and get them well and nourished.
that was a big step for michael. after that visit michael finally got sense of himself. unfortunately, y/n still didn’t understand her purpose.
“i want to help michael, i really do but i don’t know what i’m suppose to do. you’re the antichrist! i’m just a rejected witch.” y/n tells michael gloomily.
tomorrow was a big day for him, he was getting back his ms. mead. of course y/n was happy for him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that he wouldn’t need her anymore.
“you are so much more than that. you are more powerful than you think and you are a big help to me. and even if you don’t serve a purpose for the apocalypse i care about you and want you by my side.” michael looks into your eyes and grabs your hands.
that’s where y/n and michael shared their first kiss.
“can you help him or not.” you interrupt the two idiotic coke heads.
“oh. who’s this?” mutt said cockily.
“she’s a witch on my side. her coven tried to kill her. don’t get any ideas though she’s mine.” michael said protectively.
you can’t help but smirk to yourself.
“alright, sorry. please don’t light me on fire.” mutt says defensively.
this is the second time michaels been here. this time he decided to bring you along so maybe you could get an idea what to do next if jeff and mutt didn’t.
“do you have some special marking on you, or have demonic fire powers?” jeff asks you while mutt looks for something to help michael.
y/n shows him the upside down triangle that appeared on her wrist about a month ago.
“not going to lie, that’s kinda lame.” jeff says disappointed.
y/n gives the man a glare and with the wave of her hand the glass bowl of cocaine was now broken across the floor.
“WHAT THE FU-.” jeff yelled before mutt stepped in.
“we can worry about it later. look at the book of revelations. have you read it?” mutt asks.
michael looks at them before opening the book with his magic.
y/n flips through the book when michael is done looking for anything else.
“who is lilith?” y/n ask monotone.
“lilith is technically a witch. she was the wife of adam but refused to sleep with him. eventually she went and sided with the devil. the devil turned on her. lots of variations and stories of her. no ones quite totally sure.” jeff explains.
y/n looks at michael with a skeptical look on her face and he gives one back.
“holy shit, you’re totally lilith! but for the new world!” mutt exclaims.
y/n stands up and look down upon the two.
“how would you know?” y/n raised her eyebrows at them.
“you’re coven tried to kill you, you just so happen to be with the antichrist, the triangle on your arm...makes sense.” jeff says.
y/n stays still staring at them. they gulp under her gaze before she walks out of the room.
michael hurries after the girl, needing to know what’s on her mind.
“y/n, what is the matter dear?” michael asks, linking his pinky with hers.
“i do not want to be lilith.” y/n says strongly.
“if being lilith means i will lose you in the end i don’t want it!” she lets go of michaels pinky and storms off to the car.
“darling you will never lose me! i may have to follow my fathers plans to end this world, but i’m still in charge!” michael yells to y/n.
“promise me!” y/n yells back, finally walking towards micheal.
“promise me.” y/n repeats, this time her tone barley above a whisper.
“i promise.”
2 years later
present time
the apocalypse is here. the world is gone. hell is on earth.
and you’ve been by michaels side the whole time.
he kept his promise
and now you were standing in front of your ex-coven.
they were back to kill you, again.
“come back to finish the job?” you bitterly ask cordilia.
“i had no choice! you were made for evil, i was never going to be able to peel you away from him and you would always choose him over your sisters!” cordilia yells.
“well michael never tried to kill me like you did! you were the only family i had!” you yell back, tears brimming your eyes.
you furrow your brows trying to hear what cordilia was mumbling but before you realized it’s too late.
“ms mead!” michael cried.
cordilia had killed his ms mead again.
“fuck you!” you say angerly stepping closer to cordilia.
as you walk closer cordilia is pushed back by your magic, a trail of fire leading behind you.
“how are you doing that?” madison asks in shock.
“because i’m the new supreme.” you smirk.
cordilia laughs bitterly and you look back at her.
“you can never be the supreme. you are a demoness! you are and never will be a real witch!” cordilias words burn in your brain as the realization hits you.
“mallory.” you whisper to yourself.
“precisely.” cordilia smiles.
while michael was having his last moments with ms mead, in the corner of your eye you saw madison grab the machine gun and go to point it at michael.
“repellendum malum minitar, ut nobis!” you quickly shout the protection spell.
you repeat the spell and step closer to michael.
“tutela eorum vinculum!” cordilia starts chanting against your spell.
you repeat the spell but as she gets closer the sheild starts breaking.
“et defendat mea!” you shout louder. the shield starts breaking as the other witches join in on cordilias chants.
“amans vitae meae praesidium.” you say quietly before the shield breaks.
bullets shoot throughout the room before your bloody body slumps against the wall. you feel awful, they shot you enough to make you weak so you can’t heal, but strong enough to let you bleed out.
“y/n?” michael says quietly, before he is shot as well.
myrtle cuts a piece of michaels hair and walks back to mallory.
“hurry mallory, before he heals.” cordilia rushes, and the witches leave the room.
michael wakes and looks over to see y/n’s bloody body.
“y/n! no, no, no!” michael lifts you up so he can hold you.
“michael you have to listen to me.” you cough, as the metallic taste fills your mouth.
“i can save you, i know father can. just stay with me a little longer.” michael pleads.
you smile at him and shake your head.
“listen, don’t kill cordilia. i’m not the supreme it’s mallory. she will go back and kill you in a past timeline, so none of this will never happen.”
“i have to! look what they did to you!” tears fall from his face.
“michael baby, i’ll be okay. i’ll be okay, but you got to make sure you don’t kill cordilia. it’ll bring mallory’s powers to full strength.” you assure him.
michael shakes his head as more tears fall from his crystal blue eyes.
“i love you, i love you so much. i’ll be with you soon.” michael squeezes your hand.
“i love you too michael, so much.” you let out a shaky sigh and squeeze his hand back.
“goodbye michael.” you smile as your eyes start to close.
“no, don’t say goodbye! baby please open your eyes again.” michael weeps.
“fuck! i wasn’t suppose to lose you. i wasn’t suppose to leave you, i fucking promised!” michael screams, while his sobs continue.
“it’s too late langdon.” cordilias chill voice fills michaels ears.
michaels sadness quickly turns to anger as he turns around to see the bitches smug face.
“you killed the love of my life!” michael shrieks.
cordilia hums and stares back at michael before waving the knife out of his hand into hers.
before michael can do or say anything cordilia rams the knife into her chest.
michael is at a loss for words.
he have lost
“no!” he screamed as cordilia fell to her death.
“no.” he repeated while falling to his knees.
he puts his face in his hands and starts sobbing.
he has lost everyone and now he lost the war.
he lost everything because of a job he never asked to have.
“poor michael.” myrtal said quietly while walking over to him.
“please! please just kill me.” michael says defeated.
“you’re the antichrist at his full form. i’m afraid killing you is impossible. you’ll have to live knowing you’ll never have her again.” myrtal says while waking away.
michaels cries continue.
he’ll never see you again.
you’ll never see him again.
in the new timeline he doesn’t exist to you and never will.
that’s what truly killed him.
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felassan · 3 years
DA4 Lead Producer Scylla Costa’s BIG Festival talk, “Challenges of Dragon Age production during the pandemic”, can currently be rewatched on YouTube here starting roughly at timestamp 8:57:02 after a lil presenter blurb/intro. It’s 1 hour long. When it was streamed live, there was an English translation ‘voiceover’. There isn’t in this vid, however I want to post the link for Portuguese speakers, and also it’s neat for everyone to be able to see all the slides he presented with for themselves in context.
I don’t know if an English-language version will get put up so I’m sharing the notes I took during the talk below, in case anyone’s interested and because I might as well since I wrote them. The rest of this post is under a cut due to length.
Edit: Found a place to re-watch the English version of the talk
(Quick note: I didn’t note down everything, mostly things that caught my interest, so this isn’t exhaustive, and when I was watching I was real tired, so pls bear that in mind and don’t take these notes as bullet-proof 100% accurate gospel or direct quotes. If you watched it and think I’ve written down something wrong/misunderstood, let me know and I’ll fix. Also if you’re a Portuguese speaker and I’ve gotten something incorrect or missed something important etc, again just let me know.) **
** Edit: I’ve now gone through my notes while watching the talk again. I’ve filled in some of the gaps (although they still don’t cover everything said) and so forth, and now I’m no longer worried about there being possible errors in this post.
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For some context, this slide contained the breakdown of the talk’s structure. Bear in mind there are other slides present in the talk than the ones I’ve posted here, I didn’t include caps of all of them, just ones which were of note to me.
In the talk, chief Producer Scylla goes over challenges of DA4 production during the pandemic. He discusses the adaptations - necessary skills and learning from remote work - and he ponders on the future of teamwork.
After the launch of ME3 he became a producer, all his MMO and other experience helped a lot. He was on DAI for 3 years and MEA for 9 months, then Anthem. Today, on DA4, Scylla and another Lead Producer were the heads of the whole project, and there is his boss is the Executive Producer Christian Dailey. 
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^ the usual AAA game development cycle (brief introduction)
AAA games are games that are launched for several platforms simultaneously. 
In BioWare’s case, the pre-production phase of the game development cycle can have from 5 - 30 people, and up to almost 60 people when they’re just about to go through the gate to production. 
In the pre-production phase, they go through the game’s concepts and prototypes and start developing systems. They seek the game’s concept and focus, and its key features. They do lots of market research. In the case of BioWare, all their games are strong in narrative, so they have lots of tools related to game narratives and supporting the development of a narrative (cinematic design, dialogue system etc) that get focused on in this phase. Other parts of the team such as writers and cinematic design need these systems to do their own roles. 
In BioWare’s case, the pre-production phase through to launch can take 4 - 6 years, but it does depend on the size of the team during development.
With regards to Dragon Age 4, they were coming close to the time when they would shift from pre-production to the production stage when the pandemic hit.
During the production phase is when the development of content and features takes place, with the systems mostly already existing from the pre-production phase. A few new systems may be developed in this phase. In the production phase is when things start escalating, and the team really starts growing, to like 2- or 3-fold the prior pre-production phase size. 
(DA4 is currently in the production phase.)
In the alpha phase, features have to be fully implemented and systems all have to be running / working. All the game features should already be in the game by now. They test from pre-production onwards, but this phase is when they run heavy technical tests with lots of players trying to play at the same time. In the beta phase, the idea is that you should now have full content and that now you’re balancing it and running more and lots of different tests with players before launch. There are final tweaks and then the final launch, when in the weeks prior to launch, all the different business units and areas e.g. marketing team, technology team, publishing team, get together once a day and all of the game’s issues are reported and brought to the table to be prioritized. Then they decide the next steps re: these issues (this is known as ‘the war room’).
After the launch there are usually patches like day zero patches and other patches, this being standard industry practise. The last stage is the new content stage where there are DLCs and a game with more content.
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On March 12th 2020, the team gathered to review the DA4 story in the new office. Everyone was very excited. (They had spent over 10 years in their last building and had noticed that with the team growing they needed more space. In August 2019 they found the new studio in the city center.)
Anyway that evening, they got an email from the CEO which contained instructions and said that due to the pandemic, they should from now all start working remotely. They had known that this happening was a possibility so they had been planning on how to have all the devs working from home, but initially less than 50% of the devs were able to work from home successfully/efficiently due to various issues e.g. you need a VPN to be able to log in remotely to do your job normally, varying home office setups. The day after this, the office was basically deserted, except for Scylla, the IT infrastructure people and one or two odd devs.
Scylla was part of the team that was working on allowing the devs to work from home. They first started looking at the short-term changes they needed to make to allow this.
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“First, take care of our developers”. 
When the pandemic first hit, their and Scylla’s [as Lead Producer] first priority was to look after the devs. Many of them are parents (schools and day-cares were shut, children were studying from home), others have relatives living with them, others have other personal circumstances which of course need to be taken into account when it comes to assessing what needs to be taken into consideration for this new scenario. So, they looked at each dev on a case-by-case basis in order to evaluate, speaking to each one and asking them what they could do to support them.
One of the first changes/adaptations they could implement was flexible working hours and flexibility around deadlines. Generally speaking the devs got a lot of support, EA was really good and really supported the devs especially in the first months of the pandemic (and they are still supporting them). Initially not all devs had suitable office spaces at home, some were working from the living room from laptops or at the kitchen table. The whole covid situation basically just happened over night and nobody was really ready to deal with that change. So their first step was to enable their devs to work remotely. As a producer, Scylla’s main task is to communicate with the team such as via a number of daily meetings. He doesn’t depend so much on powerful hardware.
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“Enable developers to work remotely”.
This slide shows some of a BioWare audio team. Different teams have varying and specific needs in order to do their jobs and therefore in order to do them remotely. For example, the audio team need good-quality speakers and amplifiers, while the lighting and art teams need other specific equipment such as tablets and large screens. So there was a lot of work they had to do to go through each dev to understand their individual needs and what needed to be done for them. ‘Could they download the builds? Did they have the right performance [tech-wise]? Could they submit their changelists, their codes to the server?’
Some devs needed a more powerful internet connection as it would take 6-8 hours to download a build (some devs live rurally). Some needed a lot of cable, as they were working far away from their routers (sometimes up to 50m). As time went by things got better and better. 
The chair devs work from is also important; a kitchen able chair etc is not suitable to sit in for long-term desk work, possibly leading to health issues like back ache and blood circulation problems in the legs.
Every 3 months they had money given to help devs buy new mice, keyboards, monitors - anything they needed really in order for their office setting at home to be improved. For a while, because lots of people [generally, in society] were needing and buying them, it was quite hard to buy things like webcams and microphones.
On mid- and long-term changes:
In terms of DA, we have to look at this from 2 perspectives, the change in the personal and the professional environments. 
As a consequence of working from home, people tend to be less active during the day (even in an office, you go between meeting rooms, up and down stairs etc). Physical activity supports life quality and therefore work quality. Scylla noticed that he began to feel listless and such, and found that he needed to change his routine that he had initially developed when he started working from home, for example; having a normal start time (as in, have a semblance of structure in your day as if you were still working in the office site), get dressed at the normal time, not having meetings over lunch etc. This wasn’t just him, lots of other devs encountered this and had this experience too. Devs which adapted faster had better productivity and became more productive faster.
Scylla bought a stand-up desk which he can raise up and down, and at meetings he would be delivering a talk while standing or even while walking on a treadmill. Other devs also got stand-up desks. He tracked his body’s data on a Fitbit. These sorts of things helped improve physical and mental wellbeing. Other devs did similar things, like starting going out for jogs or began practising yoga. Essentially, everyone needed to make changes to their daily routine in comparison to what they had been doing prior to the pandemic. 
The pandemic has been a thing for over a year now. In their location, every couple of weeks a new restriction is put into place or a rule is changed, and every two weeks there’s a new thing that you can and can’t do. Scylla also started moving around his property. He worked on his desk, fixed it up and painted - taking up a new hobby. Other devs picked up new hobbies too. These are good ways to be active and also to be somewhere else, i.e. to break up the working day and not be spending it all in one home office-type location. Scylla found that when he made these sorts of changes to his routine to improve his lifestyle, the data output by his Fitbit as indicators of his health/wellbeing etc improved, e.g. number of steps taken in a day, heartbeats per minute while at rest. As stated many of the other devs went through a similar process.
On the professional side of things:
They had to improve remote delivery of builds. Accessing things from home as a dev requires a VPN. They need to download a build every day and then upload it to the server after making their changes to the game. They had to work with infrastructure and research other tech, such as streaming tech to allow remote console access, in order to better facilitate this process. For remote access, they also had to work on adapting communications channels.
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“Adapting channels of communication.”
In this slide, the team are working on the storyboards. Before you can implement motion capture & performance capture, you have to ‘run the storyboards’ like this. These are small illustrating drawings which reflect the drafts and are meant to quickly reflect the intention of the scenes that are to be built. Before the pandemic, the team would go to meeting rooms like this, sit down, talk and interact in person. After the pandemic, the question became ‘How do you do this over Zoom?’ You can, but it’s not quite the same; it’s harder to see peoples’ expressions, some people are embarrassed speaking over Zoom etc. Therefore they had to adapt their communications systems, and unlearn the ways in which they developed before in order to relearn and learn new ways of communicating.
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Slack was a tool that they adopted on this front. Communications channels can be confusing on Slack, so there was a need to develop structure. For example, how quickly should someone reply (as a recommended convention for the purposes of work)? They had to define the process/procedures for the channels so it was clear for the team as a whole how it would all flow (this is important especially if you have a team with say 30 people or as a whole hundreds of people). Before the pandemic, they had stand-up meetings where they’d go around in a circle every morning and talk about their activities - what they’re going to be working on, any roadblocks they had encountered etc. The question arose ‘How do you replace these?’ They ended up doing Slack messages at a certain time of day and updating their statuses with some details on what they’re working on and color-coding (green - fine, yellow - need help, red - busy/blocked out).
Another issue that they faced was unforeseen - the number of meetings that devs were having really shot through the roof. When there wasn’t a good structure of communications channels, any conversation would become a meeting. Everybody began scheduling meetings left and right, and at the end of the day they would have little time left in which to actually work on their to-do lists. Hence, they had to work with the team to really analyze and be very pragmatic. ‘Which meetings needed to happen? Which didn’t? Is a specific meeting really necessary? Which meetings should be recurring? What can be done over Slack?’ This guideline had to be given to the team to help, and it improved things a lot. The number of meetings decreased a lot and they got more effective. For example, by making sure to set an agenda for meetings beforehand, and by having meeting notes (then a dev who didn’t really need to be at a meeting could skip attending and just quickly review the notes output after instead). They also decreased the standard length of meeting times from the default Outlook blocks of 1 hour and 30 mins to 55 mins and 25 mins respectively. This 5 minute change gave devs time for things like bio breaks (also 4 hours in a row at a computer in a home office with one meeting after another just isn’t good for a person).
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“Adapting p-cap and mocap”.
On content:
From a content point of view, the most difficult thing in terms of the pandemic was adapting p-cap and mocap (performance capture and motion capture). They hire actors and it’s a large studio. The pandemic meant big limits to what they could and couldn’t do. The actors had to be masked and 5 meters apart in distance (although it doesn’t look like it in some of these shots due to angles). Also there could be no other person around in the studio - only the actors. The directors instead would ‘patch’ in remotely on big screens (you can see this in the second photo in the top right). 
Before the pandemic, they felt that they wouldn’t be able to do p-cap or mocap properly remotely, as the directors would usually stand right next to actors giving guidance on their performance. The techs would also usually be near. But they adapted! The keyword is adapting, changing process. It’s harder and it’s different, but it is possible, and people start rethinking what is possible. What was said to be impossible before now is possible.
P-cap differs to mocap in that it also captures voice and facial expressions.
On the future of work after covid:
There will probably be more working from home and more flexibility for workers e.g. being able to work say 3 out of 5 days from home. It does depend on what a dev’s specific job is however. For example, the audio engineers require lots of specialist equipment and said equipment is of higher quality and quantity in the office. So, depending on role, devs might be working more often or less often from home.
Another development is that lots of devs are moving house. In lockdown etc people started reassessing what’s most important in life. Some are moving further away from the studio to get a cheaper rent or for example couples who both needed an office space to work from home from but their current place only had one area. Others are moving closer to nature for a better quality of life, and still others have other different reasons for doing so. Over 10 devs that he knows in fact have recently moved, including Scylla himself.
The pandemic changed certain skills being used by people on a daily basis. Scylla used as an example of this one of his soft skills, being able to tell from looking/interacting in-person with someone if they are stressed out. Obviously it’s less easy to tell if someone is stressed out when you’re remote, so you adapt different ways of checking in with people in the new situation. To continue carrying out his role as Lead Producer, he began checking in with his team pro-actively on the new comms channels and asking how they were doing.
Also, now that companies are more open to working remotely, there is going to be increased competition for hiring devs. They saw both sides of this coin at BioWare. They were able to hire devs from many places that they couldn’t hire from before e.g. Montreal, Vancouver, the US, as there’s less need for devs to relocate to Edmonton or Austin. This opens up opportunities to hire really intelligent and skilled people that they would not have had access to before.
Question and answer segment:
The pre-production phase has been concluded. They’re in the production phase.
They are not giving out a lot of details yet but Scylla is really excited as a big fan of the whole series. He thinks that with DA4, they will have the opportunity/possibility to launch the best story out of all DA games. He feels that the characters they’re making are amazing. He’s dying to say more but can’t. 
When you work from home you need to keep your team as productive as possible. During the pandemic, when people started working from home, they noticed that some people became more productive and some people became less productive. They were analyzing it on a case-by-case basis so as not to make assumptions. They were interested in seeing what they could do to help. At the beginning of the pandemic, they were looking at the devs as people and seeing what they needed.
Production of DA4 still needed to continue during the pandemic because they want to be able to launch the game.
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This slide shows a writer. Writing is an example of a role which is more able to work from home easily.
Their productivity did go down in the first month of the pandemic. After adaptations, some people then became more productive than they were before (this was role and personal situation-dependent, examples of this being artists and coders who were able to art and code at home without being interrupted, thereby being able to produce more). Covid has affected productivity in general, but this is part of our new reality. They have adapted and adjusted some deadlines. They have enough data (Scylla LOVES data) now to understand how long it will take them/how long they’ll need to launch the game. They have always had historical data for this purpose, but they’re doing more of this sort of thing now to ensure that they are doing things at the right time.
Remote hiring opens up the door to more talent joining, so if someone has talent geography will hold them back less. Some companies though may choose not to hire people from other countries due to labor issues, cumbersome legal aspects, time zones. But even in such cases there are activities for example that can be carried out while the rest of the team is asleep such as testing or working on the build, or there are cases where those companies still will want to hire a specifically/highly talented person even in spite of the potential legal aspects and so on.
On mental health: People were affected. There is the mental, physical and social impacts of the pandemic situation on people. EA supported them during the pandemic in terms of their mental wellbeing, there are specific companies (services offered, speaking to a therapist) that they can contact if they need something or help. EA had always been good at supporting them with this sort of thing but this has improved further during the pandemic. Another change was that they could/can take a couple of days off if they needed/need to because of the pandemic e.g. to take care of children, who were obviously not at school at the time. As a producer he had to be very mindful of all of this. How much they were monitoring peoples’ wellbeing really went up during the pandemic.
A question that was asked - in terms of DA4′s storybeats, is there anything in there that they decided to change due to the pandemic as it wouldn’t be sensitive or appropriate to include anymore, for example a plague plotline or something? Scylla’s answer is that DA and ME are games in which they try to have narratives that are relatable, which include things which people will identify with, so that players understand what characters are going through etc. Nothing in DA4′s plotline/storybeats has been changed (in the frame of this question, relating to the pandemic), as it didn’t have anything in it that could be specifically or a directly connected to a pandemic-type situation or anything. Of course the DA story has Blights and the Taint, but these are different & fantastical things and existed long before the pandemic situation. So this wasn’t the case with DA4 and there was no need to change anything, but this has happened to other games where they decided to change a storyline due to a strong correlation with something in the real world.
There were then concluding/closing remarks. The message he wants to send is that a crisis will always spark opportunities. Look at a crisis and try to see how you can grow.
[☕ found this post interesting or useful? my ko-fi is here if you feel inclined. thank you 🙏]
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xxtha-blog · 4 years
Mayhaps you could explain everything you know about Nightmare, or point me in the direction of someone who has skill?
Well I am not passionate enough about Nightmare to go into detail about anything but my ego is too large to send you elsewhere.
So I’ll call uncorrupted Nightmare Night and corrupted Nightmare Nightmare.
Night is Dream’s twin brother (obviously) who takes on the role as the older brother and wants to protect him. He’s introverted and enjoys reading. Dream gives him books from the villagers to read at the tree, but he’s also protective, caring, confident around Dream, and a little show-offy to Dream specfically as well. He doesn’t know about what happens to Dream in the village anymore than Dream knows about what happens to Night while he’s away, because they’re both trying to save the other the trouble of knowing. They care for each other with their lives and Night knows Dream would never do anything to hurt him.
He’s in no way jealous of Dream. Rather, he takes the apple to try and show the villagers he’s capable of protecting the poositive apples, to prove he isn’t bad. Little did he know, touching the other apple would result in it turning to his own, and that, combined with his negativity, corrupted the entire tree. You see, Nim never told them about this. Nim never tried to warn them. Nim gave them very little info about the tree and their powers beyond the absolute basics. She set Night and Dream up to fail, to both punish mortals for their actions, and show Dream and Night mortals could never be trusted.
Only, turns out the tree was actually being inhabited by another person. Surprise, surprise, it’s who you know as corrupted Nightmare, otherwise known as the mortal who killed Nim. Likely sent by another guardians to kill her, he had a weapon that could murder a guardian, and was so corrupt his spirit got absorbed into the negative side of the tree and was causing all those bonus negative emotions for everyone in the village! :D
He’s now pure evil, purely corrupted by the powers and negativity of the tree, and he sees his opportunity. He uses Night, uses his fear, and the horror of the situation, promises him to keep him safe (which is technically true), and tells him to bite the apple. And he does. With that, he begins consuming the other apples, until there’s no Night left. Corrupted Nightmare has taken full control and Night’s very being is, for all intensive purposes, dead. But hey, the villagers can’t get him.
This is where you get corrupted Nightmare, a horribly corrupt entity that exists as the culmination of all negative energy in the multiverse, thus wanting all negative things to occur, help all negative things to occur, and someone so utterly corrupt with power he only wants to get stronger from there. He has only small parts of Night’s personality and barely any memories of Night’s life, and when he does get flashes of them, he loses his shit and murders everyone in close proximity, or at least gets really fucking pissed. Otherwise, he doesn’t like murdering because it doesn’t benefit his goals to increase negativity. Dream is accidentally turned to stone by his intense hatred toward him (which I think is great synbolism but I can’t go into that right now), and can’t get the positive apple right away. But don’t worry, he can wait. Waiting for the right moment to strike is something he’s very good at.
He’s cunning, crafty, doesn’t kill, never lies (only tells partial truths like the one with Night above), and is an absolute sickening person who would wholeheartedly support anything horrific that could yield negativity (even if he wouldn’t do it himself). In fact, a lot of the time he seems to get other people to do any heavy lifting for him, or at leasts gets others to get their hands dirty. He uses people’s fears, people’s doubts, people’s anxieties, twists them for his own gain. His very presence is so strong that being too close creates huge sensations of negative feelings like anger and panic and fear. His aura is immensely more powerful than Dream’s, and Dream already has trouble with his! The only time he ‘kills’ people is when he gets them to commit suicide from the sheer amounts of horror he puts into their mind.
His goop makes him essentially invunerable to attacks, save for positivity from Dream; he can morph his body and change his shape and size, though it’s based on how much negativity is around him; he’s fast and can move through shadows. I recall him being weak to light, though that could be a misconception I picked up somewhere, so don’t quote me on it. He can’t go to AUs that are too happy or positive, as they prevent his travel there. He needs negative emotions in a place to travel to said place.
I theorize (though it’s probably canon) the only ‘positive’ emotions he can feel are negative positive emotions ie positive emotions from the existence of suffering/pain/negativity, as I know he can’t feel genuine positive emotions like love, but does seem to be content/happy in his horrific actions. He’s only happy in the presence of negativity. He’s ruthless but surprisingly patient, and doesn’t seem to act out of sheer anger if it would get in the way of what he wants. I’d say he’s driven. Extremely manipulative as well, utilizing both his ability to tell half truths, his ability to strike fear into people, and his ability to play off people’s insecurities to achieve whatever he’s trying to. He kills Dream in one of the timelines. Dream kills him in two. So they aren’t messing around and Nightmare is not Dream’s brother anymore. He’s quote: like a zombie. Possessing his form. Making him dead. With only the slightest chance of ever bringing him back. And Dream doesn’t know it.
He’s also trying searching for his original weapon, as well as going after the other guardians, though I don’t want to spoil anything.
There’s a lot more unknowns, especially with the recent reveal Nim may be still be lingering in the back of Nightmare’s mind, as well as his role with the other guardians and past, so I’d say that’s most of what I have gathered for now, though I did generalize some stuff and Nightmare isn’t exactly my ‘specialty’ so to speak. I just know all this from learning about Dream, which means I probably have a higher chance of getting a few things wrong, but I’ll update it if anyone notices something incorrect.
Hope that helps.
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gabbysdawsons · 3 years
yes hello please tell me everything about rheya (i hope i spelled that right)
oh my god okay thank you so much for this ask I love Rheya so much, and you did spell it right!! I know it's weird spelling but i did that on purpose because the song Rheya by Wild Nothing was ike 80% of my inspiration for her and her powers.
for reference, I specifically mean the lyrics❝I still try to forget Rheya, as she cries out the ocean that gave her life. Touch me just one last time, I don’t want to remember this life.❞
okay so Rheya herself is a nymph, which is like sorta a spoiler because she's not 100% sure what she is at the beginning, I mean she doesn't even know she's supernatural, but she figures it out really quickly.
Her whole family is full of supernaturals actually, her dads sort of took it upon themselves to take in other supernatural creatures.
Her dad Christopher is just your run of the mill warlock, her dad Micah is really not clear on what he is but he does magical stuff so that's enough, her older brother Jesse is a werewolf, and her younger sister Mac is a tree sprite--they think.
anyway, enough about her family, onto Rheya herself.
for the most part her life is normal, she goes to Devenford Prep, and is on the lacrosse team with Brett and Jesse, and formerly Liam, she's mostly unaware of the mess that's going on in Beacon Hills.
at least until she happens to have the misfortune of walking down the wrong alleyway and comes face to face with Theo who is straight up just killing a guy.
now, Rheya is for all intents and purposes a nice person, she's chatty, amiable, people want to be her friend, but she also has the moral backbone of a Greek God, which is to say she has no morals. Though she is unfailingly loyal.
So instead of like... doing anything about this situation, she just fills herself in as Theo's accomplice, which he does not appreciate in any capacity. But he just cannot get rid of her, she's unshakeable.
honestly explaining her personality is a little hard for me, but I have a ton of incorrect quotes that are just too perfect for her.
Rheya: Ugh, there’s always that weak bitch in the group who isn’t down with murder. Rheya: *glares at Corey* Corey: Well, sorry I have morals!
Rheya: Who the fuck- Jesse: Language! Rheya: Whom the fuck- Jesse: No.
Rheya: Are you busy? Theo: Yes. Rheya: Cool, listen to this.
Theo: holding back literal years worth of unshed trauma tears whatever i don’t need you to care about me. love is for suckers and i’m Tough and Mean and An Actual Monster and i don’t even care if you never talk to me again, in fact you probably shouldn’t, it’s For Your Own Good Rheya: rolling by in heelies with leopard print sunglasses and a backward baseball cap that says Stubborn Bitch Disease in rhinestones** fuck yooouuuu!! i am gonna love you sooo hard. now get over here for your three o’clock cuddle and Words Of Affirmation or so help me i will tackle you to the ground
Theo: *reveals that he’s working with the dread doctors in a last ditch attempt to get rid of her* Rheya: if you think I didn’t do my homework on you, you’re dead wrong. I figured it out months ago Liam: so WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING?! Rheya, shrugging: nobody asked
on a much more serious note, Rheya is typically considered a harbinger like Lydia or Parrish because of how deeply her powers are connected to the Underworld and the Lethe (the river of oblivion).
she is like the flip side of Parrish's hellhound basically.
I guess she could also technically be considered an antagonist turned anti hero since she's always on Theo's side. He unwittingly won her loyalty and she's literally never betrayed anyone she deems herself loyal to, it's both a blessing and a fatal flaw.
she also adores the Chimera Pack, like sure Theo made them a pack but if you ask anyone Rheya's the real reason they stuck together beyond just plain fear of Theo.
well this got very long, anyway, Rheya is the love of my life and I'm so sorry if this makes no sense at all.
also here's the link to her spotify playlist cause it explains the vibes better than I can.
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Hi! I love love your blog and it reminded me of my love of queen. I see you talking a bit about your love for the band and was wandering how you got into them? I always love hearing about how people discovered them or who introduced them to them because it’s uaually really interesting
Okay, I’ve been spamming you all this week with a lot of not-incorrect-quotes content, but I hope you can forgive me for doing it yet once more because I actually really like this question and I could rant about Queen for hours (I’m not going to though, I‘ll try to keep it as concise as possible)
Okay so my first instinct is to say : my parents. Both my mom and my dad really like classic rock (and my uncle as well, he is a musician and he is the one that points out the technical aspects of music and the one who likes more indie bands like me). My dad has a sweet spot for The Beatles, and I went to a British school where I was basically taught English by listening to Beatles songs. So I always loved them. My mom likes them too but for her Queen is the be all, end all band. I can’t think of a time in my life when Queen wasn’t a part of it, or when I wasn’t aware of the members of the band. To my mom Brian May is the most perfect human being to ever walk the earth, and for me he has always been a kind of family figure (sorry mom, I now have a blog where I lust over him 🤷🏼‍♀️). I remember from a young age hearing about how devastated she was when Freddie died, and what the band meant for her. In any Rolling Stones vs The Beatles debate, my mom still chimes in and declares Queen the greatest band of all. Both her and my dad have different Queen-time periods that are their favorites (I have already talked here about the Hot Space vs Queen II discussions they still have to this day), but they always pointed out how ahead of their time Queen was. Flash forward to me being like twelve and choosing Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin and Bohemian Rhapsody as my favorite songs (they still are, to this day. Good call 12-yrl-old-me)
Then I guess I went through the normal phase every child goes through where you reject the music your parents listen to, but I would still sneak their Greatest Hits cd to my room and became obsessed with their lyrics, since that was the one aspect I could bring to the table that my parents hadn’t discuss with me Ad nauseam. My best friend also happened to love Queen so I think I have a mix tape cd made with Napster that we used to bring to hockey practice with us of Queen songs- also the time where I discovered, along with puberty, that Roger Taylor was HOT as hell.
As fate would have it, my very first intense crush was also a Queen fan so I devoted myself even harder to learning as much as I could about the band and specially Freddie to dazzle him. We also did a Queen recital at school where I sang don’t stop me now so off key it should be illegal and my crush played Too Much Love Will Kill You on the piano. I was gone and wrote a lot of angsty shit about that moment.
My parents had always made sure that I knew Freddie was an lgbt person and that I was aware that he had to struggle against a lot of prejudice, but it’s not the same to process that information at 10 than at 15. My admiration grew even bigger.
So maybe what I want to say is that Queen has always been a part of my life, and means connections to a lot of people that I love. There’s nothing better than to share a common interest, a common admiration, a common love.
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norcumii · 6 years
Reblogging a post from the prior blog, typos and all, because while I like the meta I am not comfortable sticking this on AO3.
Originally posted on 06/08/2018
I was kindly directed towards this post about the Mind Trick (it’s not a Jedi specific ability, so I’m not going to refer to it as the Jedi Mind Trick), because it’s one of my areas of interest and I can think of at least 3 of our stories where we’ve already planned on addressing the topic.
There is…rather a lot of this post that I take issue with. I’m making my own post because it’s a big fandom, everyone gets to view things how they want, don’t harsh the squee, etc etc.
Stuff under the cut, TRIGGER WARNINGS for: mind fuckery, gaslighting, victim blaming, and mention of various mental illnesses.
To start: mind fuckery is bad. I have a lot of personal experience with gaslighting, so I get twitchy about the notion of someone messing with my head. When I say gaslighting here, I mean both the vernacular (someone lying to fuck with a target) and the technical sense (from Wikipedia: “a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target’s belief”). So the possibility of someone coming in and forcibly changing my perceptions and memories is Very Not Cool. I think it’s an ability that canon does use a bit too casually for my own preferences, but the same could be said about how quick everyone is to pull out blasters.
Calling it ‘evil,’ though, goes way too far. As with many things, it’s neither good nor bad, it’s about how it’s used. So what good uses are there, you might ask?
Well, just off the cuff, we’ve got:
Breaking gaslighting
assisting with hallucinations and compulsive behavior
assisting with phobias
basically all the things cognitive behavioral therapy is useful for, now with a Force-assisted oomph
treating addictions
treating trauma, including PTSD
assisting with meditation and mindfulness
aiding memorization and learning
non-violent means to defuse potentially violent situations
Now, that last one in particular is questionable, and would vary as appropriate from situation to situation. Which is a greater evil, a security guard shooting and presumably killing a bank robber that could kill lots of people, or a Jedi using the Mind Trick to get them to surrender to authorities? People will probably give you different answers, but that’s the point about how this is tricky. It also doesn’t even get into ‘who decides how ethical a thing is’ and fears of authoritarian regimes, which I’m just not in the mood to tackle right now.
Moving on, we’ve got the OP’s interpretation of sources.
I. Well. Look, EU stuff is of questionable quality and level of canon in the first place. Secondly, there’s that weird split in both fandom and creators of canon where Jedi and Sith tend to be viewed as all good or all bad, not organizations what are fucked up and in need of reform. Third, I don’t have the texts they’re quoting so I can’t give you context, meanwhile it’s first person which is often used as an authorial mechanism to give unreliable narration and so immediately makes me hesitate to accept them whole-heartedly.
With all that in mind, I have a REALLY different interpretation than OP.
Jedi Order does not disclose their power, people don’t know how the Force works. All they know is that Jedi are good. That’s it.
Totally false. Both Jabba and Watto knew about the Mind Trick when it was being used on them. These are folks from Outer Rim areas – the boonies, where Republic education would not be standardized and taught – neither of them seems to be the type to either have extensive knowledge of fairy tales about Jedi abilities, nor a background in historical trivia. When Jabba declares he’s immune to Jedi mind tricks, no one around him acts confused or surprised – there’s no question what this is. Watto – a former soldier who now owns a junk shop – also knew the handwave was meant to indicate something, like he knew exactly what it would convey. So I’m pretty sure this means it’s common knowledge.
No, wait, it’s demonstrated in the next quote as to be known:
referred to by Jedi as affect mind and alter mind, but popularly known as Jedi mind tricks
JEDI refer to this ability as Affect Mind. OTHERS call it Jedi mind tricks. That doesn’t mean Sith, that means the general populace.
there are rumors but the victims are usually dismissed (or end up with brain damage) because they didn’t understand what happened to them and because this power was usually performed on “less influential” members of the Republic
Not backed up by their own data. The quote mentions “a relatively innocent subject” but there’s nothing that extrapolates to mean it’s more often used on the poor/disadvantaged. It IS typical Jedi sanctimoniousness, but it’s not about targeting more vulnerable beings.
The brain damage comment is also inaccurate for reasons I personally find frustrating. The quote is “the power can easily cause permanent damage”.
That doesn’t mean brain damage. There are plenty of ways to fuck with someone and ruin them without brain damage. IF the Mind Trick is extreme and unlimited in power, then you can make someone: perpetually anxious/depressed; so self-effacing as to never stand up for themselves; vulnerable to specific commands; all sorts of other nasty things.
That goes back to the whole ‘personal experience with gaslighting,’ and I need to point out that any of this can be done with time, patience, and willingness to fuck with someone. You don’t need the Force to do it. The Force is basically a shortcut, but vilifying the Mind Trick right off the bat because it messes with someone’s head and that’s something we norms can’t do is erroneous.
And the Jedi don’t see to care because they see their victims as weak-minded (like they had it coming).
That’s a deliberate spin on the text. Looks like I’m quoting the whole thing because I can’t pick out just one bit:
A Jedi can use the Force to manipulate the behavior and perceptions of weak-minded beings. Essentially, this power—referred to by Jedi as affect mind and alter mind, but popularly known as Jedi mind tricks—utilizes a combination of receptive empathy, projective empathy, and hypnosis. Jedi mind tricks can stop the understanding of what’s really happening by blocking the senses, and can also obliterate memories altogether or even replace them with false ones. [Star Wars Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force by Ryder Windham]
As a Jedi, you should be able to sense immediately whether the guard is prone to violence or susceptible to fear. This knowledge can be used to your advantage, and may direct your use of affect mind. Also, you must determine whether it is best to divert or subdue your target. Such decisions must often be made instantly, without hesitation. What would I have done in such a situation, you ask? I really can’t say. A Jedi is not proud or boastful, and I trust you will understand I am sincere when I say that it is hard for me to imagine that the guard might have spied me in the first place, had I not wished to be seen. But if a guard had seen me, I might make him believe I was nothing but a gust of wind, or the shadow of a soaring indigenous avian. A Jedi can do such things, for it is the will of the Force. [Star Wars Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force by Ryder Windham]
“Weak-minded” isn’t victim bashing, it’s back to sanctimoniousness. The narrator is describing who it can affect. It’s the exact same phrasing that was used in the Original Trilogy when we first encountered it. It’s not “those who are affected by the Mind Trick are weak willed and deserve it,” it’s “the Mind Trick only works on those with weak wills, and if someone isn’t weak willed then we’re just standing there waving a hand and talking like an idiot.” Which ALSO ignores that there are entire species who are resistant/immune to the Mind Trick and mental influences, and they can’t all be ‘strong-willed’ so that means the comment is bullshit anyways. It’s shorthand for “so this works on some people, but if they’re already on alert or tend to be stubborn you’re shit out of luck when it comes to making friends and influencing people even with your space magic.”
The “will of the Force” bullshit is more of the same. It’s a sanctimonious way of saying “I got lucky on the genetic lottery,” not “It’s the will of the Force I have this power and it’s the will of the Force this weak-minded being is here therefore it’s the will of the I remove their agency and do what I want to their mind.” Yes, some assholes are going to use that as an excuse for their behavior. Assholes are always going to find some excuse for their behavior, be it religion, substances, background, or whatever else might be in reach.
On top of all this, the Mind Trick is hardly a Jedi specific tool. In Rebels the Inquisitors use it. I want to say that Palpatine used it too but I can’t find anything convenient on Wookieepedia and I’m sorry, I’m not rewatching six movies and Clone Wars just to prove a point. Meanwhile, Mother Talzin DID visibly use it to manipulate both Asajj Ventress and Savage, so Nightsisters are obviously familiar with it. There’s no reason other Force users couldn’t do the same, it’s just that Jedi are the predominant group of such in the Republic.
In sum, the Mind Trick is a dick move, that post presumes a lot of incorrect things, and it really shouldn’t be called the JEDI Mind trick.
Finally, in criticism of the Jedi Order: Qui-Gon is so casual about his use in TPM, it makes me twitch. I love the guy, massive faults and all, but it often feels like this is the first tool he reaches for, not the last one. I get that this is a time-critical mission with an entire city going into prison camps, and those peoples’ fates rest on him getting shit done fast. I get that he has to weigh the Chancellor’s request vs planetary needs vs individual autonomy vs the lives of those he’s responsible for. (It’s still most often a dick move.) Meanwhile Obi-Wan’s…THING in Attack of the Clones with the deathstick dealer – I will never understand it, and I usually headcanon it as something other than what we literally see because WHAT EVEN you do not fuck with someone’s head like that. The casual “let’s raid Cad Bane’s mind!” thing in TCW is several massive types of awful. Given these charming examples (and there are others, but those are the ones I immediately think of), it’s no wonder that the Order has a reputation.
There was also a follow-up post the same day:
oft-goes-awry replied to your post:I was kindly directed towards this post about the…
   RE: Obi-Wan and the Death-Sticks Guy - Without going too deeply into the Mind Trick as a whole, I think we can break this moment into two parts, neither of which are GREAT, or good, even, but are mostly pragmatism and Jedi sanctimoniousness.  1) “You don’t want to sell me death-sticks” = “I am trying to remain undercover in this bar, without causing a fuss or getting people shot, and I have neither the time nor the patience to argue with you or risk a scene. …so please, GO AWAY.“ 2) "You want to go home and rethink you life.” = Jedi Sanctimoniousness, I know what’s good for you better than you do, and I don’t think anyone should be selling death sticks, so see, I’m HELPING you?  Because Jedi know better and I am a Jedi, peon!
Yes, thank you! Well said! And credit where (what little) credit is due: he tells the guy to rethink his life, not actually change it. If dude goes home, thinks on things, and decides nope, he’s already living the life he wants, then he can keep at it –
which still sounds awful and sanctimonious, but it’s not quite as skin-crawlingly horrible.
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aj-draws · 7 years
Future Sanders Sides Teacher AU Fic Ideas (Pt 1)
Just a little something I’ve been thinking about writing for a long time now??
 These are just ideas!! I might make oneshots here and there, but I want to try and make this into an actual story on Wattpad or something during summer vacation.
[[Thank you so very much for getting me to post this @royallyanxious you’re amazing :) Oh and btw I was that anon that said they liked your Logicality FBI agent AU fanfic. I’m super anxious but I hope you like this anyway!]]
[[Tag list: @izzynuggets, @diadrip]] 
Summary: The sides are teachers in a highschool that Thomas and his friends go to. 
-It’s also sort of a human AU as well. The sides will naturally have different last names, which I have not entirely decided yet. (+Afterschool they all have part time jobs across the street from each other but there’ll be more about that in a part two or three I’ll try getting to in the future)
-Science teacher (Living Environment honors and/or Chemistry)  
-Part time job as a librarian
-Wants to keep being a teacher
-Speaks fluently in salty
-His choice of wear is a mix between casual and formal. Slicked back hair (with hair gel), tightly fitted polo shirts, leather belts, jeans and his signature blue and black tie 
-Definitely wears different ties with a theme fitted for each and every holiday 
-Can accurately quote books off the top of his head
-When he's too tired to do anything, he just binges Doctor Who and Sherlock with his classes
-(Based on this one Logan skit on Thomas’ insta I think y’all know what I’m talking about) He brought an entire toaster that he keeps in his classroom just so he could eat toast with Crofter’s 24/7.
-He eats Crofter’s with everything he eats and it scares everyone sometimes. Like he’ll just be casually teaching as he spreads the jam onto a slice of pizza and everyone’s a little concerned 
-Once during a test he sees one of his students struggling and suddenly their stomach rumbles loudly and as everyone laughs he just makes them a sandwich and tells them that they could take the test tomorrow
-Whenever a student doodles on one of their assignments, he finishes the picture with a crayon and he loves it when they see it and smile it makes his day
-He’s that teacher that you’re terrified of at first but then you realize they’re awesome (He has a resting bitchface that scares the heck out of everyone on the first day of school)
-Him being a sort of psychologist toward his students and they come to him (and Patton) with problems and mental breakdowns. He’s terrible at the comforting part of what to do when a person’s crying, but he’s excellent at figuring out the students’ problem or problems at helping them change their schedule/bad habits to fix it
-Him reassuring his students that-no matter what society says-just because they aren't good at math or science doesn't mean that they're useless and stupid+grades are not everything
-His students adoring him for being so realistic and understanding that school can be stressful sometimes
-His students calling him mom
-Him being so sleep deprived one day that as he was writing something on the board, he used incorrect grammar and once he got corrected, he just slowly walks over to his desk and sits under it for a solid minute 
-He hardly ever loses his cool. Ever. He handles those few immature kids in his class with ease, threatening them firmly or just completely roasting them so that they’re too busy laughing/being stunned to disrupt class. 
-But once he just gave up. He silently turns around and s n a p s. 
-He lets out this unholy screech that echoes throughout the school and shakes the nearby classrooms and scares away the birds perched on a tree outside and the chalk in his hand breaks in half the students are terrified they’ve never heard a sound of that volume from Logan’s mouth and they’re wondering if this is is what they’ll hear when the pits of hell breaks open at their feet-
-And then Logan just pauses. He takes a long drink from the water bottle on his desk, sets it down, adjusts his tie, clears his throat, then continues on with the lesson like nothing happened. Everyone agrees that that’s the scariest thing they’ve ever seen and heard in their lives. 
-Art and home economics teacher (He has one homeroom art class in the morning, then a home ec class after lunch where he teaches stuff like cooking/baking, time management, money management, food, etc...)
-Part time job as a barista
-Wants to own his own bakery (or just be a stay at home dad)
-Speaks fluently in puns
-Whenever he has a student that he thinks is in a bad mood, he personally tapes some sort of dessert he baked to their locker on a plate with a nice post-it note taped to it
-His students call him dad
-During a rainy day, he sees some kid waiting for their late parent to pick them up outside at dismissal and he walks up to them and covers their head with his cardigan and invites them inside his classroom instead of waiting in the rain
-He frequently gets into pun/prank wars with his students
-Depending on how he’s feeling, when he sees a student sleeping in class, he’ll either blast an airhorn into their ear or lay a blanket on their back there’s no in between
-Once his class was so loud and rambunctious and he got so stressed out because he didn’t know how to deal with it that he just started crying and his students had to comfort him and no one dared to make him cry ever again
-He once forgot where he lost his glasses while he was cooking something and he asked his students to help him find them and they looked for them the entire period and no one could find it
-No one told him his glasses were right atop his head.
-Drama teacher (Sometimes subs for the Chorus teacher, who is always absent because she's very sickly)  
-Part time job as a florist/works at a flower shop
-Wants to be a future actor on broadway
-Speaks fluently in Disney songs/musical references
-The most fashionable out of the four. He has a bunch of different outfits depending on the season. For winter and fall, he wears lots of sweaters, leather jackets, dress pants, scarves and sometimes flannel around the waist. For summer and spring, he’ll be wearing button downs, sunglasses, loose t-shirts, and jeans/shorts. 
-During play rehearsal, he puts on a red sash (and his Princey clothing basically) because he claims he needs to get ‘in the play spirit’ (when in reality he just likes wearing his old prince costume from a play he was in in the past)
-Not all of his students like him (he can be vv loud and extravagant), but his theater kids honestly adore him. They love his passion for singing, acting and musicals.
-They cheer Roman on and completely support his dream of performing on broadway one day. They secretly (and shamelessly) support him every chance they can get on social media.
-That teacher that, when he sees an artsy student, will catch them drawing during class and instead of telling them to pay attention will fanboy over their art and tell them how amazing it looks so usually art students also love him
-Knows the latest gossip about a lot of the students in the school
-Purposely casts the two students he knows has a crush on each other as the two main characters that have to stage kiss 
-One of his students gave him a Burger King crown and he cried and wore it for the rest of the week and attacked any other teacher that tried to take it off his head (*cough cough* Virgil *cough*)
-English teacher
-Part time job as a tattoo artist/works at a tattoo shop
-Wants to be a YouTuber/blogger (and write stories online)
-Speaks fluently in sarcasm/memes
-On the first day of school he wears normal teacher like clothing, but then the rest of the year he wears hoodies and casual t-shirts and sweatpants that he hides under a long jacket (he’s technically supposed to be all formal and whatever, but he ain’t got time for that)
-He dreams to get this original story he's been working on for years published one day. This story is basically a fantasy AU involving characters based off him, Logan, Patton and Roman.
-When he reads excerpts from books, his kids go wild because he can do Thomas' narrator/storyteller voice (the one where his voice drops a million octaves) 
-Whenever a woman/girl speaks, his voice jumps up a million octaves and he purposely squeaks/sounds like someone on helium and it gets his classes cracking up
-The kind of guy that uses the dankest of memes on worksheets/in presentations
-A lot of students really love him. The ones who like ELA are in love with his writing and storytelling. The one who don't even like ELA still like his class because he's good at keeping them engaged.
-Just like Logan, he has a natural talent for mercilessly roasting those immature kids that fool around in his class
-He'll randomly ramble away and sink into a hole of existential crisis but his students still like that side of him because it's just relatable.
-He's incredibly flexible and he can be found sitting/lying on places that probably shouldn't be sat/laid on. Once he was just casually reading a book sitting in one of those pretzels on his desk and a student screeched.
-He constantly gets compared to a cat. He hisses at Roman when he's frustrated with him, the students find him on top of furniture that isn't meant to be sat on, he says perfect as 'purrfect' and his noise twitches a lot. He used to be like nahh whatcha talking about until Roman gifted him with a cat plushie one day and he finally admitted that cats were his favorite animal (Bonus-His students joke about him being a furry a lot)
-His artsy students draw him fanart all the time and he loves it sooo much. (Bonus-Someone drew him, Pat, Roman and Lo as cats and he almost cried)
((There’s part one! Part two will either be about their part time jobs, or their interactions with each other as teachers. Feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you!!))
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aftermathdb · 6 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Ryu vs. Jin.
Two martial artists with a dark side duke it out in the arena. We’ve got quite the battle on our hands, folks.
Ryu’s back in the ring. After a fight from Scorpion, the wandering martial artist is looking for another round against DEATH BATTLE Franchise newcomer: Jin from the Tekken series. And I guess if people get mad about the result, they can boot up Street Fighter x Tekken and do their own version.
Ryu′s Preview.
Ryu’s preview starts off pretty well. Going over a brief history, and background. We all know this by now. Gouken’s story, Sagat’s defeat, and the slightly modified Ansatsuken. We know how Ryu’s story goes by now, he’s already shown up before.
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We don’t get the fingerpainting joke, so that hurts the score by about .01 points, but I round up. So, it doesn’t make much of a difference. Also the lack of mentioning that using the incorrect Kanji for the Joudan Sokutogeri gives you “Darehha Joke Foot” is a tad disappointing, but I can’t really complain.
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The Dark Hado gets it’s own card, and it’s just really cool to see them get into more detail about it. It’s really cool to see it with more depth, and I hope that we can see more detailed cards about the super modes we see in the future.
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Ryu’s feats are pretty cool to see too. Especially that boulder feat, blowing up a skyscraper, and surviving Balrog’s Gigaton punch (His fight with TJ gets a nice callback in the episode itself. Since it was one of my favorite episodes of all time, it’s really cool to see previous fights being referenced like that. I kinda wish they’d do more callbacks like this).
They do point out that his record isn’t as impressive as it might seem, considering that he’s Street Fighter’s mascot, but it’s still worth noting that he still won plenty of battles.
And his end line is badass.
Jin′s Preview.
At this point, I think it would be surprising if Jin’s backstory were skipped over. We see a bit of his childhood, some of his family life, and a bit of his grandfather.
Jin’s fighting style is gone over, and we see a lot of the skills he’s got on his side.
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And this fighting style is pretty impressive. And we see a bit more about Jin’s backstory. Judging by it, it’s hard to determine where he falls in the morality scale. I mean, dragging the entire world into his own family problems is pretty bad, but he has good intentions. Road to hell I guess. Looks like I gotta update the team attacks doc I have lying around. Maybe I could take the route I did with Wonder Woman and Thor and just make a separate one for those two. Jin seems like the guy who only really has a kinship with Ryu in the crossover games.
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Much like the Dark Hado, Devil Jin gets a rundown as well. Overall though, at this point, Jin only really has speed on his side. Ryu in his base managed to lift 36 tons, while Jin has only managed a bit over 30 by virtue of scaling. 12,000 pounds can make all the difference in a fight.
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Even Jin’s feats are impressive. Aside from starting WWIII, a lot of these things are pretty standard for most protagonists…? - Where does Jin fall in the spectrum anyways? I mean, starting WWIII is a dick  move (putting it mildly), but it also seems that he would try to punch off Sephiroth’s head if given the chance. Maybe I’ll have him find some kinship in guys like Venom and Dante as well to help him out.
The end line that Wiz gives is slightly more badass than Jin’s “It will end with this bloodline!” quote.
The Battle Itself.
Torrian (Guy who animated a freaking lot) is taking this on. And the overall voicelines in the battle are recycled voice clips from their games. The music is Fight Like A Devil by Therewolf (music is unavailable on both youtube and iTunes as of me writing this). Lead on sound design is Chris Kokinnos.
The fight starts off pretty basically though. But the Pacing really picks up once Jin escalates the fight. They start in a dojo that looks like it came out of Tekken, but I’m not 100% sure. If someone knows the location of the first part of the fight, please feel free to inform me.
Overall, the fight is really well-paced. The music is really good, and seeing Ryu using his parrying move is just freaking satisfying.
And when Ryu unleashes the Hadoken, it just tells you that the fight is about to get real.
Ryu holds the upper hand for a good part of the fight until the location changes. With the Tatsumaki Sempukyaku just tossing Jin around like he’s a shirt in a dryer is badass. All of this is followed up by one of the most impressive Shoryukens to be seen, and the Shinku Hadoken to blast Jin in the face.
Of course, Jin goes Devil mode and more or less no-sells it, but for a moment there, one would think that Ryu ended it right there, and didn’t need to turn into Evil Ryu or use the Power of Nothingness.
Of course the battle doesn’t end. People would be asking what would happen if Jin entered his Devil form, and whether or not one of Ryu’s could defeat it.
Anyways, Jin uses his speed to gain the upper hand, and smashes Ryu through the floor…
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Apparently, the dojo was right above the Spring Maiden vault. Who knew? Lionheart would certainly have some explaining to do if he weren’t dead (Woohoo! RWBY reference FTW!).
Jokes aside, Ryu enters his Dark Hado mode after the crash, and we get to see a recreation of the Cinder vs. Raven fight… Only with fighting game characters, and in the sense that it actually feels like they’re trying to attack each other rather than throw power around like Poison Ivy throwing around spores. Also, it’s with martial arts, and not big-ass swords that would make Cloud say "Your swords are clearly compensating for something.” (Woohoo! Final Fantasy reference FTW!).
Regardless, both of them end up back on the ground as Ryu’s Dark Hado peters out after Jin’s assault. But not before he enters the Mu No Ken (Better known as “The Power of Nothingness”) and starts to fight back and push him back for the two of them to finish up.
Finishing blow in
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Goddamn! that is some DragonballZ stuff right there. 
Also, Ryu then says “I walk the path of a true warrior.” Which is a nice callback to his previous fight. Intentional or not, that’s really cool.
Verdict + Explanation.
So, Street Fighter finally ended their losing streak. That’s really awesome. Overall, the fight takes a bit to pick up speed. It starts out pretty slow and methodical, but that’s standard for most fighting games. Once one gets the rhythm down, the fight really starts to pick up pace and it gets faster as each player tries to get a read on their opponents, much like how both fighters here had to stay one step ahead of the game to keep the advantage. And throughout the fight, Ryu made the best reads, as highlighted by his parries in the early portion of the fight. The fact that it feels like a fighting game is really cool.
Also a factor was how their powers had limits, which had to be scaled to other characters with similar or the same powerset. Jin’s father, Kazuya could only survive a satellite laser blast in his Devil form, and cause volcanic eruptions. The latter of which had a generous amount of force given to it.
Ryu on the other hand, had to be scaled and compared to the other Ansatsuken Dark Hado wielding warrior, Akuma. Ryu managed to survive Akuma’s Island busting attack, and regularly trades blows with him as well. It helps to justify the scaling.
Personally though, I’m not a fan of power scaling unless it’s rightfully justified. And I’d say that this does it very well in the justification department. Ryu can trade blows with Akuma, and has beaten him before, so his strength should be around the same level when in his Evil Ryu or Mu No Ken forms. Not that it matters, he was tough enough to take on pretty much all of Jin’s attacks. And while we didn’t get to see the Raging Demon, it was still a fun fight. Even though it apparently wouldn’t have worked (As seen in the notecards), it still would have been nice to have seen them in action.
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Despite Jin’s speed edge, Ryu’s other stats just gave him the leg-up he needed to win in the end. And even when scaling Jin to a Gun-Jack Robot to try to give Jin an additional edge over Ryu in a scaling attempt that likely would have been in the comments section, they point out one little detail that ends the argument:
Akuma beat up a bigger meteor than the upgraded robot did.
Overall impression.
Like I said, I’m not a fan of Power Scaling. Though, given that there weren’t many other options to figure it out completely, I would place it as a “Necessary Evil.” But I would say that the word “evil” is a bit much. It’s still a great fight, with some pretty solid justifications for the reason.
8.3/10. It loses some ground since they had to use a lot of scaling to justify the feats and stats, but it’s still a great fight nonetheless.
Next Time…
……… Screw it.
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I will be a tad dissapointed if they don’t point out that Jack is technically a Ronin in either the episode proper or in his preview. Regardless, this is going to be fun.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it! 
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Ronin Jack vs. Number 1.
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savagenewcanaan · 3 years
Savage New Canaan| 5 Ways to Discover the Mistakes with Your Vehicle
Is your vehicle acting badly? Performing oddly? Then it is time to get to the bottom of it with this fast list of 5 alternate ways to locate the mistake with your cars and truck!
  There are sometimes when our autos may have uncommon niggles, traits, or complaints. But it is naturally vital to evaluate when these may be hazardous, or an indicator of something seriously incorrect. In these instances, please ensure you take your cars and truck to a reliable garage for a skilled opinion.
  However, or else, if you are eager to address a minor problem yourself, boost your motoring experience in addition to your general understanding of your vehicle, after that the 5 suggestions below are a wonderful starting point.
  1. Keep A Record
Problems with our auto may be subtle or insignificant initially. It can be difficult to maintain track or recognize what activates and also eliminates them without very first paying very close attention. That is why it is necessary to start keeping a document at the initial indicator of problem.
  This can include taking down any uncommon sounds, sights, or melting scents, as an example, as well as when they happen as well as what appears to activate them. It could be that you experience a trouble when speeding up, for example, or after a particular sort of weather condition.
Concerns with brakes or braking need to be taken straight to a professional or a garage to guarantee the safety of vehicle driver and travelers. Yet if the vehicle is otherwise functioning efficiently, then begin maintaining your own documents.
Savage New Canaan
After a few drives or days, you might have the ability to see a pattern that gives you a solid indicator of what is causing - or aggravating - the problem.
  2. Do Your Own Research study
Analytical and also troubleshooting can be enjoyable and fulfilling if embarked on smartly. After observing as well as maintaining a record of your problem, it can then be a great time to do your very own research.
  An excellent place to start is with the handbook of the car itself. This can typically include details that we might first ignore, such as what particular cautioning lights suggest on the dashboard, as an example, or various other issues to be knowledgeable about.
  The manufacturer internet site can also be practical, as can basic automobile maintenance as well as fixing overviews. It may not be as quick as merely typing your issue into an online search engine, but you will get the answer a lot more specific to your type of cars and truck and also be conserved the time of filtering through sites that may not matter.
  3. Ask Online
While filtering through online information can be a little frustrating, the benefit it has over information presented in print is that it can be easily upgraded. Looking into or inquiring about your issue online is bound to obtain one of the most current responses - especially if you make use of the producer's website or a well-informed discussion forum.
  Michael Savage New Canaan
  Inquiries can be both broad and also details, from the longest range on an electric car via to exactly how to alter a tire on your own, or even how the future of driving may look.
  When seeking the solution to a detailed trouble or question be as specific as you can; this will certainly help to make sure that you are not pounded with basic info. Be critical with reliable sources - relying on only trusted internet sites - and when doubtful do not hesitate to seek the recommendations of your garage.
  After that, you can proceed to tip number 4!
  4. Speak with A Professional
For numerous drivers, the most basic as well as most effective means to repair an issue with their auto is to take it straight to a specialist.
  Whether your concern is huge or small, one of the most trusted garages will be able to provide you with answers not just on what is causing the problem, but also how to handle or remedy it. If this requires specialist components, repairs, or upkeep, they can provide you a quote and advise how ideal to continue.
  With reading and research, you can end up being more educated as well as capable, however market specialists are always there to aid you also.
  5. Get Technical!
Whether at home or through a reliable garage, among one of the most sophisticated methods to resolve a problem with your car is to utilize diagnostic fault-finding or specialized software application. The most recent analysis tools and tools can check out as well as analyze fault codes from a variety of vehicle makes as well as designs.
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captainderyn · 7 years
How did Tucdela feel about meeting Flemeth/Mythal? What about learning the truth about who the creators were in tresspasser? Did these revelations affect her?
Ah yes…Mythal…the Creators…its a fun time. Tucdela is thrilled but these developments. @ofmistandrain
In regards to Mythal/Flemeth at the Well of Sorrows Tucdela is honestly just really, really confused. Her goddess of Justice is some…weird human witch lady who Morrigan’s calling mother and very unhappy with and is apparently also called Flemeth? She’s not sure what to take out of that. But she has control over Morrigan after she drank from the Well meaning that she somehow must be connected to Mythal..if we’re being honest she’s a little miffed that a human woman is the one supposedly carrying Mythal’s essence. Of all the beings to carry the essence of one of her gods/goddesses and its a human…the people that mistreat her people and treat them like nothing. 
She’s also not a real big fan of her beliefs being called into question by posing the question of whether or not Mythal was ever real. She doesn’t go around asking Andrastians whether or not the Maker is really just some legend with a name attached–that a) rude and b) technically true but all legends stem from somewhere. She’s also quite unhappy that if Mythal is truly linked with Flemeth (and that’s a bit if, a big part of her wonders if she’s being lied to.) that she’s never done anything to aid the Dalish when they send their prayers for aid. Especially when she gets the bullshit answer of “What happened can’t be changed.”. Actually, she’s more than unhappy–she’s angry, especially hearing that from a non-elf. She’s had it up to the top of her head with people telling her what happened to her people is in the past and nothing can be done about it. 
Overall, her opinion on Mythal is confusion mixed with a big dash of anger–she’s not sure what sort of hoax this is but she can’t believe that Flemeth was truly Mythal… there are too many things that don’t add up. And that would mean that the deities her and her people believe in don’t care because they do nothing except write the plights of the elves off as the past. 
(Want to know who’s real pleased to hear that Flemeth’s made a reappearance in the official “hey you should know this” reports from Tucdela? Ruinel and Baraneth. Ruinel just wants to disappear like “nope not dealing with that again.” while Baraneth I think is ready to blow a gasket because she killed Flemeth during the Blight how the hell is she alive again?” She’s really done with the witches of wild’s crap with Morrigan and Kieran and now Flemeth coming back. But I digress, as usual.)
The Creators though…that’s something else entirely. Everything Tucdela knows is torn out from under her systematically through her travels during the Exalted Council and thrown into her face by the friend she thought she could trust that vanished and ‘well now you’re Fen’harel’. She takes it well. Okay, no, she doesn’t take it well, she takes it with anger. 
I’m going to reiterate that by this time in Trespasser, Tucdela has reached her limit. At the exact moment she’s with Solas the Anchor is literally killing her, she’s in immense pain, it’s basically just Solas’ glowy-eyed magic that keeping her together. And that’s just the physical part pushing her to the edge, not even factoring in that Solas turned his back on her and the Inquisition as soon as the fighting was over, lied to her for years and now has the gall to stand in front of her and reveal himself as Fen’harel, one of the gods she believes in. 
It’s also worth noting that she and Solas–while having a rather rocky friendship–never have agreed when it comes to the Dalish. He pisses her off countless times with the dismissive, disdainful way he speaks of her people, as though he’s above them all. 
I don’t know if she’s so much angry at learning the truth behind the gods/false gods/whatever, its that she’s spent years with her beliefs being attacked and now she’s being told that what she’s been taught is more or less incorrect. By Solas/Fen’harel. Who’s betrayed her. Who’s lied to her. 
It’s the lying and the deceit that really make her angry, that’s what infuriates her the most, more than anything else honestly. It’s the fact that Solas is going to lecture her on what happened, after telling her for so long that her people are silly and disillusioned and blind, and tell her that he’s the one that took everything away from them by forming the Veil–for the greater good. That’s the thing, “the greater good”. She can see why the Evanuris could have gone too far had they not been sealed away, fine, that she can understand. That Solas follows that up with “well that was a mistake, I’m going to fix that by destroying this world and bringing the real elves back” is something she can. not. understand. That’s what really makes her furious, livid, angrier than she’s ever been. 
Because here we are again, talking about the old elves and surely this world just has to die to fix your mistake. And he won’t even give her a reason why. He literally tells her (and I quote this from game): “But the return of my people means the end of yours.” 
Also, the idea that she’s been Solas’ puppet in part makes her even angrier but that’s not really relevant to the fact that she’s livid. She’s just been told that her people are worthless in the light of Fen’harel’s people and that he’s going to try and destroy her world to bring the true people back. It isn’t about the gods anymore, its about this idea of worth–of some elves being lesser than others.
I’ve said it so many times but she’s furious. But more than that she’s left reeling, confused and uncertain what to believe. She’s left with everything she’s known shredded at her feet, spat on and ground into the dirt and expected to just accept it. Her faith is shaken, she just doesn’t know what’s right and wrong anymore. She feels like she doesn’t even understand her people’s history anymore, like she’s now stuck in the dark, detached from the faith she had once found comfort in knowing there was something watching over her and her people, withheld from that once comforting light by the lies and half-truths she’s left to try and sort through. 
By the end of Trespasser, she’s left out in an open sea with nothing to hold onto, slowly drowning under the weight of the lies she’s been told, all that’s happened, and what’s to come. In regards to the Creators themselves and the what’s revealed about them, she’s left angry. Oh she’s left angry. Because this has all been dumped on her with no explanation and Mythal especially felt very much like her culture and beliefs were being made a cruel mockery out of. 
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mikunology · 7 years
Mikunology File #4: Fanmade/Derivative Characters in Vocal Android
Forget those dumb character lists I made in the first two files, I don’t have the time to make icons/portraits for everybody.
But, I figured I might as well talk about the fanmade and deriative characters that will be featured in this series/comic/story/whatever, so here we go. And remember, some portrayals of characters are made up purely for storytelling’s sake--if there wasn’t a story to any of this, I’d probably portray some of these characters differently.
Info under the cut! (WARNING: A CRAPTON OF READING.)
Truthfully, unlike the Cryptons, who have a clear-cut role in the story (which is, duh, the main characters), a lot of the fanmade characters are sort of scattered throughout the story. Some are important, most are just little background characters that help populate this wacky, futuristic world the Vocaloids live in. But I have to say, I have the Friendship is Magic approach to background characters: despite being backgrounds, they probably have their own story to tell.
So what of them?
Akita Neru & Yowane Haku: Oh, these guys. As stated on a post I made on Incorrect Vocal Android Quotes, these two start out as low-tier villains, so low-tier I actually wouldn’t categorize them as such considering other characters fill the title of “villain” so much better. Why? Story-wise, these two do little more than make halfhearted attempts at antagonizing Miku and the Cryptons, and even then, it’s mostly Neru’s personal envy. That’s why I don’t consider it a spoiler that Neru and Haku end up joining the heroes--though Haku’s role gets expanded later on as we learn more about her creators.
Calne Ca/Calcium: Calcium, surprisingly enough, would have counted as a oneshot villain if it weren’t for the fact she’s just terribly lonely. Calcium, in reference to Deino’s concept, is supposed to be a robotic exoskeleton--and in this story, a robotic exoskeleton developed by a miscellaneous company for some shady reasons. She gains a Miku skin (thus becoming Calne Ca) after coming to idolize Miku’s music and deeds, and later on gets the more humanlike skin from Bacterial Contamination after Miku befriends her.
Zatsune Miku: As mentioned on Incorrect Vocal Android as well, Zatsune is definitely one of the more textbook supervillains in Sapporo. Created by a mysterious underground company, Zatsune’s mission is basically Kill & Replace--assassinate Miku, get all her glory and fame, maybe cause a robot uprising in the process, who knows. Thing is, curiously enough Zatsune’s specific function is more of an attack droid, not a singing one, and while at first she’s a bit more quirky and hammy she gets MUCH more serious when you see her...other design (aka her original one, if you’ve been to the Fanloid Wiki).
Dell Honne: Last I checked, I mentioned Dell quite a few times on Incorrect Vocal Android as well, and well...he’s not at all a nice guy, and arguably a worse villain than Zatsune depending on your perspective. While in retrospect I realize Dell was supposed to be a “Yowane Len”, so to speak, he’s actually a human character who is supposed to be Haku’s creator. He runs the large technology company Honne Corporation (a corporation I’ll go into more detail about later since I plan on making a post about companies in this story), and initially created Haku based on Miku’s success, and subsequently junked her when Haku failed to perform. But he’s not just a backstory character--he gets up to some evil plans later.
Hagane Miku: OK, OK. I’ll be honest that my portrayal of Hagane is a bit confusing, but I’ll do my best to be straight about it. (The problem with Miku’s derivatives is that I had to explain why she has so many lookalikes.) To start, I will say that I didn’t initially intend Hagane to be her own person in this verse--in one of the old drafts of this plotline, Hagane was simply a death metal alter ego Miku took on when people wanted her to be edgier. But in this current plotline, there are two Haganes, based on the H-side and M-side versions the Haganeloids were supposed to have. 
Hagane Type-H: The Type H Haganes are a line of attack droids sent to destroy Sapporo while simultaneously wrecking Miku’s reputation, supposedly created by a faction of Honne Corp. (though it’s unconfirmed). The thing is about the H-Haganes is that unlike the Cryptons, or heck, unlike Zatsune, they are mindless--they simply follow the commands whoever made them gives them. Which, to Miku and crew, makes them that much more dangerous.
Hagane Type-M: This is where the more confusing part comes. See, as more stuff happens, the Vocaloids end up inspiring a LOT of people, and not only do more singers pop up because of them, more heroes do, too! That said, it’s not uncommon for some of said new heroes to base their image on the Vocaloids themselves--and thus, M-Type Hagane Miku is a vigilante fighting bad guys on the lower deck in a punk-rock Miku image. Who she really is, no one knows, but she definitely helps the group when the H-Types show up.
Sakine Meiko: OK, this one is purely technical but I felt I should clear up some things in case someone tries to point it out--Sakine Meiko and the Meiko that features as a main character (MEIKO) are one and the same. Sakine as the derivative she’s known as was Meiko’s persona when she used to be a teen idol, being a one-hit wonder before retiring so Meiko could study science. Hence, that’s why I give Meiko the surname of “Sakine” even as an adult.
Shion Family: Yes, they exist here, too. The Shion Family is, as expected, Kaito’s crazy family of brothers (and one sister) that he occasionally goes to visit, or that occasionally visit him and cause havoc. I won’t go into detail about each one, but the family is pretty much made up of (in order of birth): Akaito (red), Kikaito (yellow), Kaito himself (blue), Mokaito (brown), Taito (purple), Nigaito (green), Kaiko, and finally Kageito (who I’ll go more into next). All this plus their unnamed foster father who I need to make. Zeito, as much as I wanted to include him, isn’t here simply because I haven’t figured out a role for him yet (as Kageito kind of has the role people would expect Zeito to have, knowing Zatsune).
Kageito Shion: You know how above I say that not all portrayals in Vocal Android are reflective of my image of the character, and that if this were ust a story-less random thing characters would be portrayed differently? This is definitely one of those times. Kageito, in this story, is Zatsune’s right-hand man and most loyal lackey, being a calm and sweet boy that was transformed into a devious and crazed monster after being possessed by a mysterious shadow being. He directly antagonizes Miku and the Kagamines numerous times but is routinely defeated, and goes into hiding with Zatsune sometime later (whom he’s infatuated with, by the way). Whether Miku actually brings him back to his original self is up in the air.
Hatsune Mikuo, Kagamine Rinto, and Kagamine Lenka: I was slightly iffy about adding genderbends in simply because it’d be hard to explain how they exist (because, like I said before, I’m trying to explain why there’s so many Mikus running around), but I gave in eventually. Kind of along the lines of how Haku was developed, the genderbends were made as knockoffs--created by a couple of random scientists who wanted a piece of the action. Mikuo, Rinto, and Lenka don’t have the powers that Miku and crew have, though, but they befriend them just the same. S’all good.
Kagami Kawaiine: Now we’re getting to the silly ones. Kagami, unlike most of the characters above, is simply a silly background character that pops up now and again to annoy absolutely everyone around her. She’s a human girl that tries to imitate Miku and interrupts random events by being a weeb.
Sasayaki Nerune: Another background character, and actually my OWN character--she’s a narcoleptic android that works random odd jobs and appears from time to time doing something weird. I just think it’s fun to have her cameo occasionally.
Hachune Miku, Tako Luka, Shiteyanyo and Larval Rin: The weird little mascots are characters that simply pop in now and again to do whatever, with Tako Luka officially being Luka’s pet in this story. Hachune shows up very randomly as a sort of a visual joke, but also offers Miku rather assertive advice (thus leading Miku to believe Hachune is simply a figment of her imagination). Shiteyanyo and Larval Rin I haven’t decided on yet, but maybe they’ll show up somewhere.
Mikudayo: Mikudayo, in all essence, is just a little running gag that exists solely to spook the hell out of the other characters. While I imagine it originated at a convention/concert kind of place (mirroring how it came to be in real life), it just stalks Miku relentlessly for some reason. Miku isn’t too sure it’s even just a human in a suit, either.
OK so that was a LOT of writing I just did. But yep, those are the plans for those characters, at least. And just so everyone knows, I’m totally open to suggestions on other derivatives as characters (I am NOT taking ocs, but if there’s a more notable fanmade I haven’t heard of then I’d love to include them). If you got to the end of this post, then I wholly appreciate your endurance of my weird ideas and your interest.
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