#this is it guys I've officially grown to powerful
one-flower-one-sword · 10 months
His fingers curled into claws, and he aimed directly for Hua Cheng's right eye!
It all happened in under a second. Hua Cheng dodged just as fast, but the attack still left two bloody scratches on his cheek.
For the first time, Hua Cheng faced an opponent he couldn't overtake in speed. His gaze turned sharp, and he changed tactics on the spot - he called forth millions of wraith butterflies, and they swarmed the man in a frenzy. The myriad butterflies wrapped the white-clad man inside a large, shimmering silver chrysalis, but that likely wouldn't last long. Hua Cheng was about to grab Xie Lian when the silver butterflies shrieked and exploded into sparkling powder!
Seeing the subtle change to Hua Cheng's expression as so many wraith butterflies were destroyed at once, Xie Lian knew that this wasn't good. The white-clad man had blown apart the wraith butterflies, and now he was hidden within the shimmering silver powder that choked the air. His newly grown hand struck out once more, aiming again for Hua Cheng's right eye!
TGCF Volume 6, page 76
In this previous post, I've speculated about the logistics of Hua Cheng being blind on his right side and his usage of the wraith butterflies as a sort of disability aid in some instances. This above scene of his first direct clash against Bai Wuxiang is another one of those moments where the text isn't directly stating something but it's possible to extrapolate from what is described and from what is implied.
Hua Cheng is extremely skilled at direct combat at a very young age already, evidenced by the way he manages to injure several of Qi Rong's lackeys when they capture him as he's only ten years old:
"I called for five or six guys, and they still couldn't catch the brat. He trashed and bit them until they were bloodied all over."
Volume 2, page 351
And then later as a young soldier in the army:
"Although the boy was carrying nothing but a worn sword, he was still highly effective and struck down many of the binu. [...] "You've never used a saber before, right? You use a sword, but the sword is tricky. Although it's fast and extremely aggressive, its range is fairly limited. If you've never used a saber before, try it next time. I think you might be even stronger with it."
Volume 3, page 124-127
(The horrifying thing about this is of course that while Hua Cheng probably possessed natural talent, the reason why he had to learn to defend himself against adults as a mere child was that he was so severely and frequently beaten by them)
Also in my previous post, I speculated that Hua Cheng always keeping his right eye covered likely meant he learned early how to compensate for his blind spot in combat, since that obvious weakness is something his opponents would immediately notice and try to take advantage of. Until Bai Wuxiang, we never witness him fighting anyone who can actually injure him, not since he's become a Supreme Ghost King. He defeats 33 heavenly officials in a row, and even fighting two against one with Feng Xin and Mu Qing, he defeats both of them with ease.
I would argue that, aside from being extremely skilled with a saber and having immense spiritual powers, it can be extrapolated from the above quote about his fight against Bai Wuxiang that it's also Hua Cheng leveraging his superior speed against his opponents that prevents them from taking advantage of his blind spot.
(As an aside, I would assume that even when Hua Cheng is in a fake skin that has both eyes and not in his true form, he's still blind in the right one because it's, well, fake. If the text ever actually contradicts that (I've not read volume 8 yet) I will add corrections)
But now, he's facing Bai Wuxiang, who is just as if not even faster than him. Judging by the fact that Bai Wuxiang aims his attack at Hua Cheng's right eye twice, he's correctly judged his blind spot to be the most vulnerable place to go for, thereby managing to bypass his defense long enough to injure him.
Hua Cheng immediately reasses the situation, realizes he needs to create more distance between himself and his opponent, and switches to use his wraith butterflies as a sort of distract-defend-attack combo. And against everyone else, this would have worked - we see this when he uses them to drive Feng Xin and Mu Qing back after they kidnapped Xie Lian away from him:
The butterfly deluge was blocked by the formless spiritual shield and shattered into shimmering silver light, which rapidly recrystallized into new silver butterflies and attacked once more. The onslaught was completely unstoppable - Feng Xin and Mu Qing gave ground slowly as they kept their shields up, and Hua Cheng steadily advanced step by step.
Volume 6, page 63
And then again to keep Feng Xin away and occupied while he faces Mu Qing with Eming:
Meanwhile, each arrow Feng Xin shot at the butterflies was snapped by their sharp wings. The sheer number of butterflies was ultimately too difficult to deal with!
Volume 6, page 64
But Bai Wuxiang is infinitely more powerful and simply destroys all the wraith butterflies at once, which then gives him the opportunity to immediately go for Hua Cheng's blind spot a second time and aim his attack there again.
If we continue to read the wraith butterflies as not only a weapon but also a disability aid of sorts, these fight scenes demonstrate both the possible uses of them as such and also their limits. While they're feared for good reason and have multiple functions - acting as his eyes and ears like spies, defending like a shield or cutting like a blade - they can help him make up for his blind spot to a certain degree, but they can't erase it. They're an aid for his vision loss, not a replacement.
(Which is a good thing imo, just to make that clear. I feel like it's always such a wasted opportunity when characters sustain a disability and then it's either magically fixed or they continue on as if they're still able-bodied. But Hua Cheng is disabled, and the ways he's found to empower himself and to navigate a world that's pretty hostile to people like him, don't take away from that)
Like I mentioned above I haven't read Volume 8 yet, where as far as I know there'll be more fight scenes, so I might come back to this post in the future to add further observations or correct previous ones!
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alice-after-dark · 4 months
One Day I'll Do a Proper Ship Meme But for Now Here Have My Vox Agenda
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Thoughts/headcanons/rambles under cut
TW for abusive StaticMoth and Vox having been a bitch to Sir Pentious.
Alastor/Vox - Do I really need to explain this one? Are you new here? I'll just direct you to search "radiostatic" on my blog. I̸͎̝͛́ ̷͙̲̊̄͐l̴̮̲̭̍͌͆ȏ̶̜v̵̞́̑͒̆e̷̡̡͉̰̍̽́ ̷̇͝ͅt̶̡̛̬̖͓̆h̴̠͎̞͕̑e̵͕̼̜̘͆̈́̃̔m̷̤̜̒
Valentino/Vox - Again, unless you're new here, you'll pretty much know my thoughts on them. Check out my "staticmoth" tag and you'll understand.
Charlie - I see so many parallels between these two and I desperately want them to officially interact in season 2. They're on completely opposite ends of the spectrum and aaaahhhhh I just want to see Vox's cynicism clashing with Charlie's idealism and it could be so good you guys. So good. I do also really like the idea of Charlie being the catalyst to Vox realizing just how much he's changed since arriving in Hell (like he used to enjoy the TV scene for the pure creativity of it and now that's all been replaced by the cold corporate greed).
Vaggie - Honestly, I just think it would be interesting. Also I really hope Vaggie doesn't have a carbon-copy reaction to him like she did Alastor. As I mentioned in a previous post, while yes, she might be cautious, she has less of a reason to be so hostile towards him. Plus their mutual dislike of Alastor would be a bonding moment, but also presents an opportunity for Vaggie to find out more about Alastor (albeit from a biased party).
Angel - I've brought up inklings of these two before, but I think them having a very complicated relationship due to their mutual connection and experiences with Valentino would be interesting, especially in regards to how they both handle it in similar yet different ways. They both bury their pain, Angel by leaning into the sexuality, drugs, and alcohol to forget how much he hates it and Vox by refusing to even acknowledge that he's in pain at all. And Vox's refusal to acknowledge it also makes him complicit in Angel's pain as well. He could do something, could try to stop it, but he doesn't to protect himself. I think seeing the two of them try to heal side by side, both from their issues with Valentino and the issues between each other, would be fascinating.
Husk - Knew each other from back when Vox and Alastor were still friends. Husk calls him "kid" (Vox was in his 30s when he died in the 1950s while Husk was in his 60s when he died in the 1970s) which annoys Vox as he doesn't think he's that much younger than Husk to warrant being called a kid. Vox knew him as an Overlord and was very shocked and kind of sad when he found out about Husk losing his soul to Alastor some time after their falling out (just one more thing to embitter him towards the Radio Demon).
Niffty - Anyone who has been on my blog when I started posting about Hazbin Hotel knows it started with these two. I think a dynamic between them would be fun and interesting to explore. Like Husk, she knew him from back when he was friends with Alastor. I like to think that Vox was literally there when Alastor brought her home with him ("What is that?" / "I'm calling her Niffty! Isn't she precious?" / "She is actively biting your arm." / "What a darling little thing!"). He was a little weirded out by her at first, but has since grown to care for her as much as Alastor does. Despite her size and lack of power, Vox fully trusts in her ability to take care of herself...he's seen things that can't be unseen.
Rosie - Vox definitely respects her for her ability to keep such tight control of a horde of bloodthirsty cannibals and actually turn them into a polite society. Despite not being very physically strong, her charisma and drive keep her on top and well respected. I like the idea that he met her through Alastor when they were still friends and though he hasn't really engaged with her too much since the fallout, he does still hold respect for her and frankly won't tolerate anyone disrespecting her. She is the only one outside of the Vees who knows about Vox practicing using his electrokinesis to heal.
Mimzy - They're not exactly friends, but she will not hesitate to approach him if she sees him. It's Mimzy so she absolutely expects special treatment. She's way more up front with him about wanting something than she is with Alastor simply because she knows Vox operates differently than the deer demon. If she wants something, she's gotta be prepared to pay up in some capacity, but Vox is usually willing to be flexible in terms of payment because she has her uses.
Sir Pentious - Okay, so I know this one is a bit awkward cause it would involve Vox actually apologizing to Sir Pentious for the cruel things he said and telling him to unalive himself, but I really think they'd be interesting. They're both innovators and creators and the two of them combining their skills would be both awesome and terrifying. I do think that Sir Pentious, while he does think all the Vees are incredible, idolizes Vox specifically for these exact reasons.
Velvette - They're both bitches, but they love the other for it. Can snark at each other for hours. They're the two who get shit done, even if Velvette can sometimes take her bitchsona a bit too far and Vox has to reign her in. Politics aren't her strong suit, but he can always count on her to take care of the business side of things.
Zestial - Based on my recent post about them, I like the idea that Vox has a respect for Zestial that he doesn't give to most other Overlords (Rosie being the other exception). Sure, he'll play nice and professional with them, but he doesn't truly respect them like he does Zestial and Rosie. I honestly see them having a mutual respect for each other (though Zestial wouldn't say he approves of Vox's choice in colleagues) and we do see in that Zestial can be a little sassy so I 100% believe if Vox had been present during the Overlord meeting in episode 3, Zestial literally would have ignored Velvette entirely to speak to Vox about the angel's death instead (and we all know how much Velvette would have just loved that).
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aita-blorbos · 17 days
AITA for murdering four people because a guy made a gross comment about my sister?
I, 13F lost my older sister, who I'll call A, 23F a few days ago. It was an incredibly devastating loss for me and was also deeply traumatic. She had been forced to assist in a murder by her boss R, 39M, who had an insane amount of influence and power over legal officials because he's been blackmailing them for 15 years. Since our country's legal system is incredibly fucked up, they refused to acknowledge the fact that she was under duress and sentenced her to death alongside R.
About six months ago, I found a childhood diary of A's from before I was born. I'm not going to go into detail about what I found, but it was enough to make me literally vomit. I felt really hurt that she, as well as my oldest sister, F, 33F, had completely hidden so much about my families history from me, as I knew SOMETHING had happened before this (A was in beauty pageants and on a reality TV show as a little girl as well as in incredibly sexualised ads and magazines and shit as a teen and barely an adult) and I knew A was plagued by nightmares, but I didn't know what they were about.
So, about three days after my sister's execution, two boys I knew, who I'll call W, 15M, and C, 17M, started to mock me and my beloved girlfriend D, 13F. The two boys had often gotten tried to bully me and my girlfriend for being weird emo lesbians, but that day W said something that made me see red. He told me, quote, "Damn, I wish I could've fucked your sister before she died."
I immediately start punching and kicking him and W, as well as C, start attacking me back. D didn't really get physically involved with the fight because she's always been incredibly anti confrontational and shy, but she did cheer me on. Eventually, our teacher found us and sent us to the vice principal's office and he suspended all four of us for a few days.
Now, D's parents have always been incredibly abusive and as soon as she found out she was being expelled, she burst into tears. D and I grown increasingly codependent over the past 6 months and I've let her know many times that I can and will kill for her, to which her response was usually, "please do not do that", but this time I actually wanted to kill her parents. So, we were dismissed and we went our seperate ways from the two men.
I took D to the apartment where I live and I convinced her to kill her parents with me to make sure they wouldn't kill her first. Eventually she agreed and we snuck into her home in the middle of the night and slit her parents throats in their sleep. Cue typical body hiding, dismembering, yada yada all that. I even got to take a nice, romantic bath with D to wash the blood off our bodies.
Anyway, the next morning, I wake up and I decide that last night was a really fun date and I wanted to do it again. So obviously the next people we kill were gonna be W and C. My girlfriend was MUCH more hesitant to follow through with this plan because W and C are still kids or whatever, they hurt her much less than her parents hurt her, beating them up was enough, and they both have little sisters who are in our homeroom at school who don't deserve to lose a sibling. I managed to convince her anyway, despite how reluctant she was.
We set up a false account under the name of a girl in our class called S, 13F, who had been severely bullying D and even sent her to hospital for a "prank". We added the two guys to a groupchat and managed to lure them into a forest by promising sex and weed because we know that they're both stoners and weird horny teenage boys.
I found them in the woods and stabbed W a couple times. C managed to get away and call the cops after seeing his best friend die so D went after him and stabbed him to death too. At some point the cops showed up and circled D and I with guns, to which I got really scared they were going to hurt my girlfriend and jumped at her, causing all the cops to fire at once.
So I'm currently writing this from the bullshit afterlife the wizard put us in (my bloodline is cursed by a wizard but thats neither here nor there) and W and C are REALLY mad at me. Also, apparently D was right because W's sister, T, 13F, just showed up on account of literally killing herself because she missed her brother so bad.
So, yeah, AITA?
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Spider-man: Across the Spider-Verse Trailer Thoughts
Can I just start this post off by saying that I am totally normal? Over this movie? Perfectly reasonable in my level of hype and mentally well in every way? Mhm, trust me. Anyway, onto the blurbs!
-Seems Miles is at his teenage rebellion stage
-Miles' teacher telling him he's not doing too well in Spanish in front of his Puerto Rican mother is an ouch (in that it's hilarious, but not for him. Sorry Miles)
-Seems there's gonna be a rift between Miles and his parents now that he's Spider-Man full time and very much keeping it secret from them; maybe this movie is where they find out?
-Across the Spider Verse seems to also have a core theme of Miles going against the grain and doing things his way, forging his own individual path for how he wants to do Spider-Man. Looking forward to seeing a more grown up Miles that is able to go further into his self-exploration now that he's reaching older teen/young adulthood.
-I think Gwen and Miles might get together this movie which... eh. Alright. No hate to the ship, but the first movie felt very platonic save for Miles liking her cause she's a pretty girl, and rip to cishet society but that ain't enough to sell me on a relationship. Maybe they'll get some development in this movie? Until possibly that I'm just gonna enjoy them as friends personally
-Apparently Oscar Isaac voices Miguel... Doctor Strange was not kidding when he said the multiverse got screwed in NWH
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-Here we have Jessica Drew, Marvel's first (continuous) Spider-Woman! She looks awesome, and based on how often she appeared in the trailer, I'm assuming she will play a key role.
-I also suspect she will help push the narrative around ATSV's theme of parenthood, with Miles having issues with his own, and Peter becoming a father.
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-Regarding the race change for Jessica, I earlier referred to her as the first "continuous" Spider-Woman, because she was the first woman to notably don the spidey title. However, the first official Spider-Woman was actually a one-off character named Valerie the Librarian. Originally, Valerie had no powers; she instead went around as a non-super helping Peter Parker's Spidey in any way she could. Spider Verse has always been by black people for black people, so it doesn't surprise me that they (allegedly) are honing back to Valerie, a black woman and the first official Spider-Woman, to base Jessica's appearance on. Goes to show the creators did their homework, which I'm pleased to see.
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She is so beautiful ma'am please take my hand in marriage; also, she's pregnant! She is literally hero-ing while pregnant, which I've realized is not something we really see like... ever. Granted, because its dangerous, but Spider Verse has always made strides to give more diverse female representation, and a pregnant spidey mirroring pregnant working women seems to be next on their list. Happy to see it!
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-We got Miguel O'Hara! Admittedly I'm not the most familiar with him, but one doesn't traverse Marvel comic fandom without having heard of this guy. Based on what I'm seeing in the trailer, he looks like a very fun character and I'm excited to know more
-"Don't even get me started on Doctor Strange and the little nerd back on Earth-199999." I am... so normal about the acknowledgment of the MCU in Spiderverse. The multiverse really is converging, which on a meta sense is something I absolutely love so I am very excited to see where the Marvel universe heads.
-Also people have been saying Feige stated the MCU was Earth-616 and Spider Verse went against that, which they're happy about, so if someone could fill me in on what happens in Earth-616 I'd appreciate it!
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Peter's back! And he has a spider baby! From what I've seen this is Mayday Parker, daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, and she does indeed get her father's spider abilities in the comics. Perhaps we'll see more of her in the future?...👀
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Stab me, it would hurt less.
(Looks like Gwen's backstory is being explored more, which is a hooray moment, but its exploring her trauma, which is less hooray.)
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And of course... the meme, made multiversal. (Is that fucking PS5 Spiderman)
That's about it, very excited for this movie, also afraid, but mostly excited! See y'all when it drops!
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
Bittersweet (Chapter 6—Lesson 4)||k.mgyu + j.ww
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Genre: neighbors to lovers, strangers to lovers, angst, smut
Warnings: cursing, kissing, oral (f.), mingyu gets blue balls, mentions of sex, jeonghan is lowkey mean
Summary: in which nothing seems to make sense anymore
Word Count: 3.7k
series masterlist
It's been about two weeks since baseball season has officially started. Much to Mingyu's suggestion, you did end up deciding to help manage the team. You've gotten to know all the boys a little better, thankfully.
All of them except Jeonghan.
You're unsure of what you did to him, but he refuses to open up to you. He hardly acknowledges your presence and does everything in his power to avoid you. He won't do so much as crack a smile when you say something funny. You swear he aimed the ball at you once during practice. It's a bit disappointing because you know you haven't done anything to him.
He just doesn't like you.
You really do try not to let it bother you, but you're bonding so well with the other guys and you have no idea what he's got against you. Nonetheless, you still go out of your way to be kind to him even though he doesn't return the energy.
Aside from that, you're living your best life. You're hanging out with the guys a lot more, inside and out of school. And you and Wonwoo are always together. You've both grown increasingly comfortable around one another. You tend to stray away with him in group settings.
The past few weeks have been a major shift for you. It was a bit scary at first, going from having no friends to an entire friend group, and such a large one at that. Thankfully they've made you feel welcome and accepted you instantly. Except well you know... Jeonghan.
The bell finally rings and you couldn't be more relieved. You're one of the first ones out the door, but to your surprise, Mingyu is standing outside the door waiting for you.
"Mingyu?" you question.
"Hey," he smiles. "You have second lunch right?"
You nod in response.
"Okay good, me and a few of the boys are gonna go to the diner. You wanna come with?" He offers.
A smile creeps onto your face. "Yeah I'll come. Meet me after class?"
"Of course," he smiles.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Lunch ended up being you Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Seokmin, and Jeonghan. The 6 of you grabbed a booth, you sitting between Wonwoo and Mingyu on one side, the rest on the other.
"You guys are so uncultured," you giggle. "It's literally the best thing in the world."
"Dipping your fries in your milkshake just sounds... gross," Seokmin responds.
You shake your head. "Mingyu back me up on this,"
Mingyu smirks. "I've gotta side with Y/N on this one. It's like... sweet and salty together. It's really good."
You nudge him lightly, picking up one of your fries and dipping it into your strawberry milkshake, and taking a bite. Seokmin scrunches his nose in disgust as he watches you. You smile at him teasingly before turning to your left.
"What about you?" you ask, turning your attention to Wonwoo.
"Hmm?" he takes a sip of his drink.
"Which side of the debate are you on?" you ask again.
"Oh," he scratches the back of his head. "Never tried it, can't really have an opinion."
"No way," you exclaim.
Without thinking, you pick up one of your fries, dip it in your milkshake and feed it to him. Your action takes him by surprise, but nonetheless, he smiles. A real, genuine smile appears on his face. Not to mention, you were totally right.
"Ohmygod that's so good," he laughs.
Again, your actions don't go unnoticed by Mingyu. The others at the table don't really seem to notice, besides Jeonghan. Mingyu doesn't know Jeonghan saw it too, he was too busy focusing on you. The two boys react very differently.
Jeonghan scoffs and rolls his eyes. Mingyu can't take his eyes off of you. His expression is unreadable, but his eyes don't leave you. He's somewhat proud of you. You've made good progress, and in a very short amount of time too. Less than a month ago, you could hardly look Wonwoo in the eye and now here you were flirting with and feeding him.
When you first became friends again, you were way more awkward. You've started to come out of your shell and grown increasingly comfortable around everyone. Because it had been so long since he'd really talked to you, he too fell victim to hallway talk.
He knew about your reputation as the nerdy virgin. People said things about you that he started to believe were true. "Oh Y/n, yeah she's like smart or whatever but she has no friends." "Y/n? She's like a total loser, I was only talking to her because I needed the class notes from her. "Yeah we had a group project once, I just let Y/n do the whole thing and aced it. Easiest A ever, and I didn't even have to talk to the chick."
It had been years since he talked to you aside from you occasionally getting locked out of your house and knocking on his door. He couldn't really confirm or deny those things about you because quite frankly... he didn't know you anymore.
What they said about you wasn't true. You were actually quite funny. You liked to tease, it was your humor. Talking to people came natural to you, you could carry a conversation for hours. They were right about you being smart, but you had a personality too. A great one at that, and even though it's late in the game, he's happy that he can experience it.
Jihoon finally snaps him out of his thoughts. "We gotta get back for class soon."
The table nods in agreement. Everyone finishes their food quickly before paying and heading back to school. The rest of the day goes as usual, class then practice and back to Mingyu's.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Shit," You let out as your back hits the bed.
Mingyu crawls on top of you, pinning your body on the bed below him. His lips attach to your neck, leaving soft kisses along your skin. He pulls away momentarily to slip your shirt over your head.
It's been weeks since he's touched you. You two haven't done anything since you sucked the soul out of him before Seungchol's party.
For once, both of your mothers are downstairs together. It's risky with both of them being just downstairs, but that's never stopped Mingyu before.
His lips start at your sneak, sneakily traveling down your abdomen and to your inner thighs. His breathing grows heavier as his lips approach your heat.
"Can I taste you?" he whispers.
You gasp at his question purely out of reaction. You cover your face with your hands out of embarrassment. Your face heats up immensely. He wants to what? Yes, you've been intimate with him before and you have intentions of letting him take your virginity. But his mouth, down there?
That's completely new territory.
He senses your hesitation, crawling his way back up so he's completely hovering over you, face to face. He gently pulls your hands away from your face so he can see you better.
"Hey kid," he breathes out. "We don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. I just wanna make you feel good. Just tell me if you wanna stop."
"No," you whine. "It's okay, I'm okay... just nervous."
He nods, placing a soft kiss on your lips. "You sure?"
"Yeah" you whisper. "I trust you."
He loves it when you say that. It means so much more when those words come from your lips. It's all the reaffirmation he needs and more from you. He'll never get tired of hearing it.
His head disappears in between your thighs again. You can't see, but you know he's smirking as he pulls down your panties. You've already soaked through the material from a few kisses and touches.
You gasp as you feel his tongue run across your folds. His tongue works absolute wonders on you, making sure to leave no inch of you untouched. He's sloppy, yet calculated. The warm muscle is everywhere all at once, flicking, licking, and sucking all over your most intimate area.
His lips wrap around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves. You're writhing and squirming beneath him. Your needy whimpers are keeping him motivated.
"Holy fuck, Mingyu," you moan, screwing your eyes shut and allowing your head to sink deeper into the bbed.
Your back arches above the bed, so he tightens his grip on your thighs to keep you grounded. He groans in satisfaction sending a wave of vibration through your body.
Instinctively, your hands fly to his head, gripping his hair tightly. He takes the hint of how needy you are, slipping two fingers in with ease.
"Oh fuck," you whimper.
He curls his fingers inside of yours, pumping them at the perfect pace without allowing his tongue to lose contact with your pussy. The pleasure continues to build in the pit of your stomach, warmth spreading all across your body.
He can sense you're growing close by the way you're throbbing and tightening. Your legs are starting to shake, and your moans grow weaker, turning into desperate whimpers and whines. He fucking loves seeing you this needy.
" 'M Gonna cum," you whine. "Fuckfuckfuck I'm gonna cum,"
You pull on his hair desperately as you grow closer to your orgasm. He pulls his fingers out of you, flattening his tongue across your folds. Using his hair to push his head into your heat, you roll your lips on his tongue.
He allows you to use him, to fuck yourself on his tongue, practically riding his face. You're moaning his name like it's the only word you know as you get yourself off on him. He's sure he's hard now, cock twitching in anticipation of all the dirty things he wants to do to you.
The slightest flick of his tongue sends you completely over the edge. It's quite the sight to see. Your head is buried deep into the pillow, your eyes are screwed shut, and you sound so beautiful as you enter a state of bliss.
You catch yourself, quickly covering your mouth with your hands to muffle how loud you are. You'd nearly forgotten that your mom and Ms.Kim were just downstairs. You can't see him frown, but he does. He understands of course, but fuck does he love hearing you moan.
It takes a few minutes for you to fully come down from your high. Your mind is still a bit fuzzy and as your eyes flutter open you're met with Mingyu's face. He's hovering over you again with a soft smile across his face.
"You good?" he asks. "That was pretty intense,"
You give him a small nod, allowing a smile to spread across your face. He licks his lips before placing his lips on yours again. You melt into his kiss easily. His lips are soft, making his kisses more addictive. He presses his body closer against yours, allowing you to feel his bulge pressing against you.
Before anything can get any more heated, a knock on the door startles the both of you. The two of you jump up, quickly scurrying to cover yourselves. You slip your shirt over your head, covering your exposed lower half with the bedsheets. He lies parallel to you, quickly grabbing a pillow to cover the very obvious tent in his pants.
"Come in!" he shouts, kicking your clothes under his bed so they're out of sight.
The door opens, revealing his mother.
"Hi mom," he says nonchalantly.
"Hey you two," she beams. "I know it's a school night and you both probably have work to do, but we wanted to all go out for ice cream and take a walk in the park. That sound good?"
You and Mingyu exchange a look before nodding. The door closes softly and you both let out a breath of relief. You quickly get up, redressing yourself. You glance back at Mingyu, chuckling to yourself as you see he's very much still hard in his jeans.
"It's not funny," he groans.
"Yes it is," you tease.
"No it's not," he deadpans. "I'm gonna have blue balls."
"I thought blue balls was a myth," you quirk an eyebrow.
He smirks. "Wanna come over here and find out?"
There's absolutely no way he just said that. You simply roll your eyes and scoff before walking out the bedroom door. Although, he doesn't see the smirk that's plastered on your face from his comment.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It really is a beautiful night. The sky has started to grow dark, filling up with bright stars to provide light. It's peaceful, and the park is relatively empty. The only noises are coming from nature and the bits of chatter from your mothers. They're walking way ahead of you and Mingyu. And quite frankly, you're slowing the two of you down more because you're distracted.
The conversation between you and Mingyu started off pretty strong, but as soon as your phone popped up with a notification from Wonwoo, you were a goner. Your attention completely shifted to your phone. You really only paid attention to Mingyu when Wonwoo didn't text back immediately, and even then you kept glancing down, waiting for his response.
In his mind, Mingyu tries to brush it off, but it bothers him. It bothers him a lot. It's not jealousy that he feels per se, rather frustration. He's right there in front of you and you're getting sidetracked by his best friend. Who wouldn't be annoyed?
Especially in the moments where he thinks you're listening to him, but then he hears you laugh and sees you're looking at your phone with the brightest smile on your face.
He hears you talk about Wonwoo all the time. And if it's not you talking, it's Wonwoo talking to him about you. He doesn't mind playing wingman, but when it's all he hears about, it gets a bit annoying. He likes talking to you, having your attention, making up for all the missed time he regrets not spending with you.
He hides his disappointment well and chooses not to say anything. You're finally getting what you want, what you deserve. He's not even entirely sure what it is that he's feeling, and even though he's comfortable enough with you to open up, he won't do it if it compromises your happiness. Especially if he's still trying to figure shit out for himself.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Jeonghan is less than thrilled when you walk down the stairs. You see the way his expression immediately changes as you enter the basement. It's Saturday movie night at Jun's. It's a tradition the boys do every time they win a Saturday game. Whether it's a party, karaoke, or a movie night, there's some event where the entire team gets together to celebrate.
Mingyu showed up as your door asking if you were ready to go, which completely surprised you. He barged in seeing you were very much not ready to leave the house and he realized he never actually told you about their tradition. After conversing and... other things, you and Mingyu did end up showing. Granted you were the last two arrive but it was only because of... personal reasons.
Some are seated on the couch, others on the floor and the different cushions decorating the carpet. Greetings are brief, but you're quick to sit on the floor next to Wonwoo. Mingyu sits further away, sharing a beanbag chair with Jeonghan.
Someone dims the lights and starts the movie.
"Are they together?" Jeonghan whispers to Mingyu suddenly.
"Huh?" Mingyu whispers back.
"Wonu and Y/n, are they dating?" Jeonghan repeats in a whisper.
"They're talking," Mingyu whispers back. "Nothing official though."
"Hmmph," Jeonghan acknowledges.
"Why?" Mingyu asks.
"No reason," Jeonghan replies.
From then on it’s pretty quiet. The only noise filling the space comes from the tv . Jun actually picked a pretty good movie, and everyone’s attention is on the screen.
Everyone except Mingyu’s.
Truthfully he was paying attention until about 30 minutes in. He shifted ever so slightly in his seat and you caught his attention. There you were cuddled up against Wonwoo. His arm was draped around your frame and you were leaning into his touch. Both of you look so happy and comfortable with one another. It's quite cute honestly, but extremely distracting.
His head is somewhere else right now. It's like there's no thoughts and a million thoughts running through his head all at once. Mingyu's not very good with his emotions. It's part of why he's allergic to commitment.
Wonwoo on the other hand, he's good with his emotions, good for you. He's more on the quiet side, but he doesn't struggle the way Mingyu does. Mingyu's happy for you, he really is. He knows Wonwoo's right for you, it's part of why this deal started in the first place.
He just doesn't understand why there's a part of him that feels off about it. But he's not good with his emotions, so he'll never explore it. Mingyu does what he always does, suppresses it until he doesn't feel it anymore.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
After the movie ends, conversation amongst the group picks up quickly. Mingyu's not feeling too social, but he sees that you are. He opts to go upstairs and get a snack rather than leave because he knows he has to take you home.
Mingyu stands up, briefly mentioning to Wonwoo that he's going upstairs to get something to eat.
"I'll come with," Wonwoo offers.
Although Mingyu's not feeling particularly social, he doesn't mind Wonwoo. Matter of fact, he prefers it. He hasn't spent much time one on one with him lately since you came around. You've spent plenty of one on one time with each of them, but the same can't be said about the two boys.
The two of them rummage through the kitchen, looking in the fridge, freezer and pantry as though it was their own home. "You think Jun would be mad if we use his air fryer?" Wonwoo asks.
Mingyu chuckles, "As long as we don't break it I don't think he'll care."
Wonwoo replies with his head in the freezer. "I found mozzarella sticks."
The boys exchange a smirk before emptying the bag of mozzarella sticks into the airfyer and turning it on. Wonwoo sits on the counter as Mingyu stands next to him, leaning on the marble surface as they wait for their food.
"I think I'm gonna ask out Y/n," Wonwoo states out of the blue.
Mingyu completely turns his attention to his friend sitting next to him. "What?"
"Yeah, on Monday after practice I wanna do it," Wonwoo says. "YOu think I shouldn't?"
"You like her?" Mingyu asks.
Wonwoo nods. "A lot."
"Then go for it."
"You think she'll say yes?" Wonwoo asks.
Mingyu shrugs, smirking at his best friend. Wonwoo punches Mingyu playfully. "C'mon man, you're way closer to her then I am. She doesn't like talk about me or anything? Give me something."
It seems like Mingyu is just messing around with his best friend, both truthfully he doesn't want to admit anything. If he says it out loud, then it's real. 'Oh yeah, she talks about you all the time and she's been in love with you since literally forever, if you did it right now she'd say yes!'
Yeah no way. It's easy to tell Wonwoo to go for it, it's vague. But the details are what messes with Mingyu. It's selfish, but Mingyu's not entirely ready to give the green light and give up what you and him have.
Yeah, you'll still be friends, but it won't be the same. You've already started ditching him for Wonwoo, how will it be when you guys make it official?
He didn't consider all of this when he agreed to your proposition. Matter of fact, he didn't expect it at all. As much as he's enjoyed it, he didn't think you guys would end up so close and so quickly. He was expecting you to be more like one of his flings.
But you weren't. You're just so... you and now he's grown attached.
"You're an asshole," Wonwoo chuckles. "I'm just gonna do it anyway."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The drive home is a quiet one. You're asleep for the majority, which leaves Mingyu alone with his thoughts. You look so cute when you're sleeping, completely and utterly peaceful.
When he pulls up in front of your house he feels bad that he has to wake you up. He ghosts his fingers over your face, pushing some of your hair out the way. He settles for a tap on the shoulder.
You stir a little bit, nonetheless still asleep. His hand rests on your shoulder, shaking your body lightly. Your eyes flutter open, remaining half-lidded as you look over at him.
"Hey," he smiles.
"Hey," you reply softly with a grin.
"Didn't want to wake you, but we're home," he informs you.
You turn your head toward the window, your house coming into view.
"C'mon," he opens his door. "I'll walk you in."
You nod sleepily as he walks to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door for you, walking you inside the house and to your bed. You're still visibly sleepy, moving slowly and lethargic.
He helps to tuck you into bed, to which you reply with a soft 'thank you.' He sits on your bed, running his thumb across your cheek softly. "You're tired now, but I wanna talk to you." he starts. "Can you come over tomorrow?"
Talk to you about what? You're extremely sleepy, but your curiosity may just get the best of you.
"I mean yeah, it's Sunday I'm not busy," you yawn. "But why can't we talk now?"
He gives you a lazy smile. "You're half asleep, and it's something important. Wouldn't be fair to have the conversation while you're basically sleeping right?"
"I guess," You yawn. "Did something happen?"
He shakes his head. "Nah, it's nothing bad, just important. Don't worry about it kid." He places a kiss on your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow yeah? Come over whenever."
this chapter felt so rushed i might go back and edit it a bit
-taglist- @knucklesdeepmingi @marksflute @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @heidilolx @listxn @misssugarlips @lizzylovesboo @haogyuslut @taestrwbrry @everyw0nu @luvthatleader-nim @luveveryonewoo @jakecaffe @xeezi @wasteitonserendipity @whyokoa @shapeofgyu @fixonbreakoff@notscoupy @boo-juns @superheros-and-others @mingkis-world @thesmolishbean @bobohumyonlyboo @deekayownsme
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
DR VA Tierlist:
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I made a Daganronpa Tierlist based on their Voice Actors performance, (THIS IS NOT MY OFFICIAL RANKING FOR THE CHARACTERS AND NOT HATING TOWARDS THE VOICE ACTORS AT ALL!!!) this is probably quite biased, and I haven't finished V3 so I don't have too much to say about that game! :)
Here we go! (quick notes bc alot of characters)
Did not hear you talk once blud:
51: Twogami: did not hear him talk once. Probs same as Togami.
50. Mechamaru: Same as last but with Nekomaru.
49. Kiyondo: Augh bb they gave you nothing before killing you off...
48. Rantaro: Not many voice lines, but his voice is satisfying when they are delivered. Ult. Wasted Plot Potential.
Nothing too noticeable:
47. Peko: I love her, but tbh her voice was quite bleh. Suited her character well though.
46. Sonia: I love Sonia but she was kinda mid tbh.
45. Keebo: Nothing much other than "ROBOPHOBIC!" but that might change I'm not sure.
44. Chiaki: I love her, her voice suited her, but there were no powerful lines.
43. Akane: I love her sm, one of the best DR girls, but she didn't have much going tbh.
42. Hifumi: I like how his VA portrayed the otaku thing e.g "booblust" which was funny, but honestly nothing noticeable.
41. Sakura: I like her, she's okay, I just don't think she did too much yk?
40. Toko: When she stutters she sounds like that one mf from "It" and that kills me every time I hear it.
39. Makoto: I dislike Makoto anyway, but saying "SHIT!" once is not a worthy performance Bryce.
38. Kyoko: Eh, her VA is good, but didn't do it for me ig
Wait I just realised I forgot to put Mukuro in the last section oopsies. And Junko should be in decent performance, mb guys don't come at me.
37. Mukuro: LOOK THIS IS WHERE SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY? Cool concept, good lines from what we heard, meant to put her in "didn't hear blud talk once"
36. Byakuya: Cool VA, nice delivery of the lines, I just think it's overrated.
Didn't Cut it For Me:
35. Yasuhiro: He was in 6 trials... and what did he give me? "OH NOOOOOO" sorry, he didn't cut it for me.
34. Chihiro: I like him (her, them? UGHH CHIHIRO GENDER DISCOURSE SUCKS BRO) but it didn't GIVE yk?
Decent Performance:
33. Ryoma: Very talented VA, but that's his normal range (a bit lower) and not many POWERFUL lines were delivered (unlike Tanaka's.)
32. Kazuichi (bc I alr did Mukuro): Ay I love Kazuichi, his performance was nice, just not the best yk?
31. Tsumugi: Haven't finished V3, I love Tsumugi but her performance is like her catchphrase. Just "Plainly-Plain" (might change later idk bro.)
30. Maki: I've grown to like her, (I'm up tp CHP.4 yippers!) but I'm WAITING for her to have her MOMENT where she's crying and screaming. I know she will. C'mon DR LET HER CRYYY-
29. Mahiru: She's decent, I like her, just not much giving yk?
28. Ibuki: Very talented VA, amazing and fun range, nice energy. Nothing jaw dropping, I enjoyed it.
27. Hajime: He drops some banger ass lines bro like goddam lil bro chillax buddy. I quite like it... I like when he realises it's Nanami and is in denial. Good job VA.
26. Mondo: AUGH HIS VOICE IS SO SATISFYING IMMA BE REAL- It's not the usual stuff his VA does but I enjoyed his performance.
25. Gonta: Ay better performance than his counter-part (same va) Hiro. He's pretty good so far, innocent too.
24. Aoi: I don't really remember trial 4 that well tbh... I didn't like it though. But I do kinda enjoy Aoi. She has nice pitch, and when she gets mad her VA puts alot into it, almost top of her tier gj.
23. Same VA as Aoi, I enjoy her performance. Her voice is fun and different, contrasting the rest of the cast with her accent. Bonus points for going from Aoi to Angie in 5 seconds.
22. Teruteru: Augh I love this stupid litte man for his stupid little voice. Even though he's a creep his lines are delivered VERY well, and even his accent is great. That's some talent that we NEED to talk about more often.
21. Sayaka: Babes talked three times in official-art moments and does NOT get enough credit. I enjoyed her scenes and wish that she was in a class trial.
20. Leon: Omg leosaya order?! /hj. Y'all sleeping on Grant George, like goddam. When he gets mad, he gets mad. Talk about Leon more, give this man some credit his performance was excellent!
19. Miu: Augh I don't know how to explain the itch Miu scratches whenever she speaks. Even her "VIRGIN WHORE" moment voice lines just AUGHHH. The VA was picked SO well here, it suits her perfectly and I'm tired of pretending Miu = Hifumi because they're both pervy characters. GODDAMIT MIU WAS USEFUL!
18. Hiyoko: I do not care what you say, she ATE. She fucking devoured that second trial bro, my respect went up when she did all'at. God bro I find Hiyoko mid, one of my least favourite characters, but god her VA is so talented.
17. Shuichi: I don't think I need to explain too much, but god SHUICHI!!! When Grant George is given the time to develop... augh. "Kaede... that's just so cruel..." YOU CAN HEAR THE PAIN. TALK ABOUT THIS MAN MORE!!!
16. Jill/Syo: I know she has tiktok sounds, but she did so well. She ate every single line up, she used all of her screentime so well! I genuinely love her performance, and I don't even like her!
15. Tenko: So talented... you guys please hear me out (I'M NOT BIASED AT ALL.) but when she gets official art and moments in trials that's when she flourishes. "QUICK! OPEN THE CURTAIN, ALREADY!" like so satisfying Idc what y'all say she ate it up.
14. Himiko: After Chapter 2 she just... utilised the rest of her screentime. SHE CRIED, SHE SCREAMED, SHE USED HER EMOTIONS LIKE TENKO SAID!!! I love Himiko, and she is super underrated.
13. KOREKIYO: <- THIS DUDE IS THE REASON I MADE THIS TIER LIST. GOD HE IS NOT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH!!! I don't care about the incest plot, his FANTASTIC voice acting lets him off the hook.Not just when he snaps, but when he screams!
He can also speak like a girl he gets bonus points for that. Holy shit. I just love this so much. "No. I will not acknowledge it." like yes bbg u ate.
*Chefs kiss!*
11. (I KNOW I SKIPPED A NUMBER I JUST NEED IT TO BE CORRECT!!!) Nagito: He goes insane, there's no reason for me NOT to put this here. He does so well, he went from Mako-Hoe to NAGI-HOEEE!!! He ate, I fear.
9. Nekomaru: "THIS IS NEKOMARU NIDAI'S FINAL FIREWORK!" "AIR CONDITIONERS?!?!?!?" "SHIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!" He put so much power and energy into every. single. line. EVEN HIS SINGLE-FILE VOICE LINES!!! He made it sound so natural like he talks like that every day, and props to the VA for such dedication. Respect for Neko-Nation.
8. Gundham: Augh he delivers every line so beautifully in his trial. "THIS IS FOR THE TANAKA EMPIRE!" the power behind his voice and his hero-complex make me so happy. Every time he lost it in his trial I got LITERAL CHILLS. A fantastic perfect performance oh my goddd.
7. Kaede: I don't care what y'all say she WAS SO GOOD. "I'm nothing but a cold-blooded killer!" and that scream at the end of argument anament was FIREEE! I love her sm, and her VA did so much better as Kaede then as Kyoko.
6. Celestia: I dislike Celestia, but oh my god she did so well. The quiet reserved character snaps is definetely a chapter 3 trope favourite. I hate Trail and Chapter 3 THH, but that just shows how well Celes performed, her VA went INSANE for this role, and I love that she ate it.
5. Kokichi: He deserves this spot, he does so well, every single trial, every single performance, every voice line, every interaction. It truly embodies the spirit of "chaos" yk? (Just finished trial 4 and he deserves to be 3rd on the list.)
4. Kaito: LUMINARY OF THE STARS! I don't need to say more do I? (I'm lazy pls send helppp)
3. Fuyuhiko: AUGH SO SATISFYING, ESPECIALLY IN THE SECOND TRIAL. He does an amazing job, has fantastic range and AUGHHHHH HIS VOICE IS SO SATISFYING.
2. Ishimaru: The amount of sheer power in every voice line astounds me every time he speaks. From "I assert that the one who was murdered was Miss Sayaka Maizono!" to "Why are you all trying to frame him?!" and everything in between, he deserves this spot on the list.
Kirumi: All we see of her is calm and reserved until she snaps. She KEEP FIGHTING until the very end. You can hear the pain in her voice, how she IS BREACHING HER LIMIT during her "I WILL NOT DIEEEE segment." also, YOU CAN HEAR HER SCREAMING IN HER EXECUTION, let me show you.
This exact moment is where you can hear her scream. JESUS CHRIST GIRL I CAN'T EVEN-
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floralovebot · 8 months
What would you write if DC hired you to make a tempest/garth comic? What would be the genre, mood, setting, etc? Would it be plot focused or lore focused?
well personally i would end up ignoring n52 and rebirth so,, sorry to the like two rebirth garth stans i know but ajdgjlh
but anyway i've had this idea for a more tempest centric series that feels very like,, scooby doo ish? not full on detective series cause that's not his vibe, but like a mix of stumbling into different magical mysteries, fighting a monster of the week, and discovering different magic things! in my perfect aquafam world, koryak never died and garth got with letifos so both of them would accompany him!
in my head, this series would have to take place after the tempest series and vol 5,, tbh i'm not sure where exactly it would fall on the timeline!! all i know is that it would definitely happen after vol 5
but anyway, the series would start with garth mentally reeling from defeating slizzath, and in a "what the fuck is life about" kind of way, he decides to learn more about shayeris and his family history. at this point, he does know things, but he would want to know more about the day-to-day stuff and the culture, not just the all-powerful wizardy stuff. anyway, letifos wants to go with him <3 they aren't together at this point, but the series would provide a nice slow burn for them to be official by the end. i Know garth usually jumps headfirst into his relationships, but i would want this series to be more introspective so he would be thinking things through a lot more and have some hesitance. Anyway, once he gets to the ruins of the city, some weird ass monster jumps out and they have to fight it!! oh no!!!
i'm thinking that garth doing his little ritual thing either freed other bad guys from the fucking underwater prison dimension OR garth just,, doing magic awakens a bunch of shit cause they go "owo? someone is using powerful magics 👀 time to rise and grind!!" aldgh
so anyway, they just get pulled into fighting random monsters and protecting random people with magic. it would definitely have a silver age vibe with each issue being its own complete story (maybe occasionally spanning two or three). in regard to the overall vibe though,, yknow the vibe of the first live action scooby film? literally that! like it's grown up and there's a lot of dangerous shit going on and it goes into serious topics and has serious, darker moments, but it's also just a little silly goofy aldhg the series would start being dark and angsty then gradually get lighter as garth not only leans more into his magic abilities but also allows himself to be happy and help people the way he wants to.
it would definitely be more lore focused! i would really want to go in on insane atlantean history, magical worldbuilding, etcetc. the aquafam has a lot of good characters for the audience to learn things through, but garth will honestly always be #1 for me in that regard. that's why i would want this series to be a little more scooby doo-ish, so that garth is learning things/figuring shit out at the same pace as the readers!
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averyangrytissuebox · 3 months
The issues with Vecna: Eye of Ruin are foundational because they got Vecna himself wrong
If you either didn't know about this book or only vaguely looked at it because it is part of the content run that Wotc is pumping out before dnd 6e comes out soon, I can't blame you. A brief scan of *shudders* reddit shows that the it wasn't very well recieved by the die hard fans of r/dndnext and I've seen very little buzz about it in the general dnd zeitgheist. While I have lots to say about why this is probably due to lack of trust in Wotc after the OGL, official adventures being underwhelming and the community being fractured as all fuck, but I want to focus on one very specific thing to show what is wrong with the adventure: Vecna's statblock himself.
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Here it is. If you downloaded the Vecna dossier a couple of years back, this will look very familiar and it isn't abundantly obvious where this goes wrong so I want to break it down.
The first is a flavour fail. Vecna in the lore is the archlich supreme, formerly a king and lich who ascended to godhood. Once considered one of the strongest liches to dwell in the Greyhawks setting, he has grown to be a scourge of the whole multiverse. An unmatched sorcerer and epic BBEG worthy foe (just ask Matt Mercer). Iconic to his appearance are four things: His eye and hand which were all that is left after he was betrayed by Kas, his right hand man. Just as synonymous to his appearance is the sword of Kas itself, the only blade capable of permanently destroying the hand and eye. Finally, Vecna created the most profane tome of them all, the book of Vile Darkness.
With all that established, there are some immediate flavour issues with this. Firstly, Vecna is not particularly intelligent as far as high level villains go. At 22, he is dumber than Auril (24), Zariel (26), Acererak (27), the demon lords and Manshoon (23), the guy who is well known for being paranoid enough that he created clones that turned on him. Notable wise guy. He isn't even the most intelligent character in his own book because Kas and Tasha are intelligence 23. Truly a bizarre decision for one of the greatest liches of all time.
Secondly, he isn't actually that good of a spellcaster. He is an innate caster and not a wizard for ease of use I assume but as far as spellcasters concern, he is lacking a lot of fire power that a CR 26 god should have. He doesn't have any 9th level spells, making him an inferior wizard to both Acererak and the humble CR 12 archmage. He doesn't have counterspell, instead having a non spell version (But I will come back to this later) and he doesn't have shield. He is not so sturdy that he shouldn't have it and there is no in lore reason why he doesn't have basic spell casting.
Finally, there is no mention of his eye or hand in the campaign itself. The blade of Kas gets an honorary "However, if the characters wish to find it and use it against the warlord, you might place the artifact somewhere in this adventure for them to find" in the introduction and can be acquired at the very end on an extremely high roll. The book of Vile Darkness is buried in his chest which is very cool though, I will admit.
The second and arguably bigger issue with the statblock is that it is bad to fight and lies to the DM because it is the wrong CR. Actual CR is calculated by averaging defensive CR (which is effective hit points and armour class) and offensive CR (damage dealt per round). So lets fact check those CRs to confirm the maths. [A quick side note before we continue, the closest approximation of Flight of the Damned is a dragon's breath weapon which assumes it hits two targets for offensive CR].
Offensive CR = 2(7+9+9) [From two attacks with afterthought] + 96 [Rotten Fate] + 10 + 10 + 10 [For all three reactions] + 10 [Vile teleport used offensively] = 186 dpr.
A very impressive but decidedly not CR 26. In fact, his offensive CR is only 23. Vecna's attack bonuses are higher than average which can increase CR by 1 but not that much. Also he never wants to cast a spell unless he has to because it is a massive damage loss on Vecna
Calculating Defensive CR is trickier. Effective health is calculated by taking his actual health 272 and multiplying it by 1.25 because he has immunities to poison and non magical bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage. Then we add 30 to that total for each legendary resistence. (272 x 1.25) + 150 = 490 which is CR 22. Averaging both of them gives you 22.5
The issue with this is twofold: It means the DM doesn't actually know how strong Vecna is and if they take it at face value, they might nerf them or pull punches when they shouldn't making the fight feel cheap. The second and much bigger one is that Vecna's defensive tools allow him to dispatch a party of spellcasters with ease because of 5 legendary resistance, impressive saves and dread counterspell which cannot be countered but he gets easily overwhelmed by any martial. This is further compounded by the fact that players win the encounter by reducing him to 50hp or less so two fairly optimised martials (e.g. took the relevant combat feat and have maxed out their main stat) can kill him on the first turn, ignoring magical weapons which this adventure has a lot of. This makes the fight swingy and not fun because the martials get to party like there is no tomorrow but if you are a full caster, you do not get to participate.
Overall, the stat block is a failure of flavour and balance, feeling like it was thrown together after the fact because they needed Vecna here. Ultimately, Vecna: Eye of Ruin is less about Vecna and more about going through the most iconic places in d&d's history to get the rod of seven parts, which is perfectly fine but then why put Vecna on the cover when he isn't even the main villain. It feels like they shoved Vecna into this book because recognisability from stranger things and Vox Machina rather than him being an integral part of the adventure and that is reflected in the stat block.
I have a lot more to say about d&d balance, official adventure design and homebrew fixes including how to make a Vecna that doesn't suck but this post is long enough as is so maybe another time
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heretic-altias · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 30 - Amity
I decided to wrap things up for FFXIVWrite with a little reflective piece for Akku. The nicest little guy for the friendliest prompt.
While not related to the prompt I'd also like to celebrate here that I did it! I did every single prompt for this challenge! This is something I've actually wanted to accomplish for a few years now, so I'm really proud of myself. I hope anyone following my page enjoyed it too and wasn't driven too mad by my blog suddenly becoming 99% fics when I rarely posted my writing usually lol.
Don’t know my characters? Here’s a basic breakdown to help you out!
As far back as he could remember, Akku simply wanted to be a good person. To be kind to everyone he met. Even before his echo power had manifested and shown him just how much suffering everyone carried, he wanted to make their lives better.
In his youth, his kindness was not repaid. In retrospect, he had simply been a pushover. Letting others walk all over him trying to make them happy. In the mind of a child, letting others act in the way that made them happy seemed like kindness.
He had still not entirely grown out of that when fate first dropped him in with Solar as a Warrior of Light. He had been the youngest one there, a boy of nineteen summers tagging along with proper adults. A bright eyed child hopeful about their role in the world. Heroes were always kind after all. Heroes made everyone happy in the end.
But he quickly came to see that simply wasn’t reality. Sometimes the greatest kindness was a harsh truth, sometimes people suffered and died no matter how hard you tried.
Sometimes in the end Altais, with her direct and blunt responses, had been kinder than his attempts to comfort people. Sometimes, even when the war was over and the people were saved, some still suffered endlessly. And many people didn’t even live to see the end.
In a strange way, Akku had learned to be kinder. He understood when he had to be direct and harsh for the greater good of someone’s well being. He had learned to respect himself and not just be tread upon, for his agency was needed to do good in the world. 
And in face of his failures, he continued to try.
Akku reflected on all of this as he relaxed by the docks in Sharlayan, a light snow starting to dust the ground. He had come to like this city a lot, there was something peaceful about it. And since being sort of adopted into a study group despite not actually being a student, he enjoyed spending time here with some new friends. With the Scions officially disbanded, and his friends in Solar spread out working on their own things Akku had been sort of drifting lately.
Should he be doing more than this? Maybe. Maybe he should enroll in the classes himself instead of just studying with some of the students. Maybe he should be going home and seeing if Zelda needed any help on the administrative side of things. Or maybe he should still be traveling, doing what he can to help anyone he meets.
But this was comforting. And he didn’t need to do anything just yet. Being a Scion and Warrior of Light had actually left him quite wealthy, even with his poor money skills. Not Ul’dah Syndicate level of wealthy, but wealthy enough where he probably would not want for anything for the rest of his life if he kept living as he did. And if he had the means to keep doing nothing for a little while, then why not? There was one person he had rarely ever been kind to: himself. And that person deserved this period of rest. Purpose would find him again eventually. Until then he’d continue to enjoy this. He’d keep trying to spend time with his friends, both new and old, simply because it made him happy. And he knew it made them happy too. What better way to spend his days than that?
He wasn’t dumb enough to think it’d last forever. Eventually his friends would need his help again, and he would answer because that’s who he is. But somehow he’d gotten that happy ending everyone wrote the hero having. It wasn’t as perfect as the stories, but it was his and he was happy.
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auspicious-voice · 2 years
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I posted 204 times in 2022
That's 204 more posts than 2021!
185 posts created (91%)
19 posts reblogged (9%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 204 of my posts in 2022
#utau - 150 posts
#utauloid - 132 posts
#fuwa maria - 102 posts
#fuwa mario - 94 posts
#personal - 36 posts
#youtube - 28 posts
#official cover - 24 posts
#official art - 22 posts
#news - 21 posts
#fan cover - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#let's be honest here i used to mix covers with beats headphones and cheap sony headphones and that was a bad idea
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
16 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Today marks 8 years since I first started using UTAU, so I made this cover to celebrate!! It also marks 8 years since Maria and Mario were made as OCs too.
I hope you guys enjoy this cover!!
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/btkv0kPRWIE
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/hira-png/utaugiga-ft
BILIBILI: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ir4y157DC
20 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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Happy 7th anniversary Fuwa Maria and Fuwa Mario!
My UTAU babies are getting old now, and it's crazy to see how much they've grown and changed over these past few years, considering the amount of times I've changed their lore and designs LMAO. At this point they're well on their way to turning 10 in the next three years.
In celebration, I have prepared a celebratory illustration of my UTAUs and my online persona, both with and without the text :3 Other than that, I have scheduled an anniversary cover that will be uploaded later this afternoon. :3 Please look forward to it! I know I didn't plan to release any voicebanks today, but I will make up for it in the future.
Also, Maria and Mario's in-character birthday is set to April 4, 1298. I guess that makes them 724 years old at the time of writing this post! (dear god they're so old)
20 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
UST by Mimisan15
Another short PNP (plug and play) cover for fun >:) slay Maria my child
21 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello hello! Maria and Mario's newest voicebanks, AUSPICE+ and OPULENCE+, are officially released!
These are multiexpression Japanese voicebanks in VCV, CV, and CV-VC format - with normal, power, soft, whisper, and screamo expressions. I hope you enjoy using them!
You can find the voicebank downloads under the cut :D
Fuwa Maria AUSPICE+ (不破マリアAUSPICE+)
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Voicebank Details
Multipitch VCV-CV-VC (VCV configuration only supports hiragana while CV-VC configuration supports both romaji and hiragana)
Consists of three expression sets: Lofty (normal/default; no suffix), Haze (soft; 弱 suffix), Burst (power; 強 suffix)
All expression sets recorded at A3, D4, F4, G4
Comes with two additional voiceless pitches exclusive to the full version (monopitch): Spirit (whispering/murmur; 囁 suffix) and Howl (death voice/screamo; 唸 suffix)
Add-ons include glottal stops, start/end breaths, and vocal fry (exclusive to Lofty set)
Also compatible with OpenUtau
Voicebank Downloads
DL (AUSPICE+ - full version): LINK
DL (LOFTY - standalone normal voicebank): LINK
DL (HAZE - standalone soft append): LINK
DL (BURST - standalone power append): LINK
Fuwa Mario OPULENCE+ (不破マリオOPULENCE+)
See the full post
26 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ramshackle-dweller · 2 years
Introduction + Rules
Nice to meet you, I'm the prefect of Night Raven College's "Historic" Ramshackle Dorm. Which is a fancy way of saying I'm the guy who keeps this busted old building full of ghosts from falling down on top of me and my talking cat. 
According to the Headmage I'm also his "Esteemed Assistant and Unofficial Ward" which is a fancy way of saying I'm his unpaid errand runner. 
You wanna know something specific about one of NRC's oh-so-big-and-scary students or faculty? I've got you! They don't call me the 'beast tamer' for nothing! 
Meet the Prefect! 
♡Hey! You can call me Prefect (They/Them) I’m pretty easygoing and a little bit of an airhead so don’t be scared to approach me, I promise you're not going to fail the social interaction with me! <3 
♡I’m a long time fic and rp hobbyist who's trying to get back into it (aka Twisted Wonderland is dragging me back into it by the ankles) so sorry in advance if I’m a bit rusty!
♡Also!!! Warning! I am not caught up on the game story/all events! I have also not read every available card story etc and I’m a fool who is waiting for new events to hit english Twist before getting deep into them! So if I don’t know about some detail in cannon or something, I apologize! 
♡ No worries about spoiling something for me by referencing it though, I’m not super pressed about avoiding ALL spoilers 100% It’s gonna happen. Just know I might be like “hmm idk how to write about that” <3
Welcome to Ramshackle! 
♡I am +18 so it is almost guaranteed some of what I write and say will not be squeaky clean D*sney approved fun! I’m an adult fan and I don’t own or represent the official Twisted Wonderland game and media!
♡ I’m also GAY and this blog will be full of extremely LGBTQ+ interpretations of the cast! (boyxboy, yaoi, don’t like don’t read!!1! etc etc you get the joke) 
♡ All that being said, I will absolutely offer you a heads up for what is in store for you on anything I write. That way you can stay safe and avoid content you don’t wanna see! 
♡ On the age thing, ANYTHING I write will be presenting the NRC boys as +18 college student versions of the characters. That's how I see them and it’s how I’ll be writing them! 
♡ I will write things about the babies (Ortho, Grim, etc) but it will be strictly things appropriate for the babies! 
♡ I will also write stuff about the NRC staff but if it’s anything romantic etc then it will be about them with other adult non-student characters! No underage stuff or weird power dynamics here, folks! 
♡I also might,,,break down and write stuff with my Twist Ocs here as well,,,maybe,,, they are my blorbos,,,, <3 
Okay kids, cover your ears! 
♡ Romance stuff is cool, Flirty stuff is cool, 18+ silliness is cool.
♡ I honestly can’t say if I want to write anything solidly NSFW here or not. I’m caught somewhere between being pretty shy online and going  “I’m a grown adult I can say and feel what I want as long as it’s safe and in an appropriate space!” Either way please bear with me while I feel out what’s comfortable!
♡  Oh and don’t worry about saying or asking about something that you're unsure about. If I'm not comfortable with something I’ll just let you know and not write about it (boundaries and communication, folks! That's how we interact with other humans safely! If someone as awkward and neurodivergent as me can manage it, so can you! <3)  
This is an all boys school…right?
♡ The stuff I write concerning the reader ('scenario’ type fics etc) will be written gender neutral and if I need pronouns for it they will be They/Them because hey I don’t know you so I won’t assume <3 
Oh no, he’s hot!!
♡ Ships!! I like Ship stuff!!! I will write Reader x Character stuff but also I like Character x Character stuff! Also poly ships!! As far as who I ship with who eeeee idk I think lots of the pairings have potential so i’ll just go ham. Just… no hard feelings if something you like isn’t something that clicks in my head enough to write about it, no hard feelings my brain is just fickle. 
♡ I for sure love Floyd/Riddle, Vil/Idia, Jade/Azul,  Kalim/Jamil and Crewel/Trein mostly because all of them are funny to me, ur honor. 
Off With Your Heads!! 
♡There are a few rules here in Ramshackle, but they're pretty basic, this isn’t Heartslabyul!
♡First off, don’t be rude! I’m doing this for fun just like you are!
♡I will not be writing Yandere or abusive relationships, non consensual anything, anything regarding incest or underage people in relationships, nothing super gross ( a lil blood and violence is fun of coarse, just no guts or gunk outta the body)
Wanna talk to the prefect? 
♡Feel free to send me an ask or tag me in a post! Like I said, don't worry about making a mistake or something! The worst thing thats gonna happen is that I’ll give you a friendly ‘no thanks’ and be on my way! As long as it’s Twist and I find it fun it’s a go!
♡Got a prompt idea? Shoot! Got a scenario or head canon that's rotting your brain? Pass it on over, friend! Wanna yell about silly Twist thoughts? I wanna hear them! Is your Dorm Leader acting weird and you're worried they're gonna Overblot? I’ll get back to you in 2-to-5 business days pal, I need a breather from the last one… 
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truckreincarnation · 8 months
Dead Reckoning || CH5 Trial
Moments after the two leave, a battered paper bird flutters haphazardly down from above. In its beak is an official-looking scroll, which it gently deposits on Alvarie’s head.
“Oh, a letter.” Ignoring whatever is going on, Alvarie reaches up and unrolls the letter on her head to read it to the class in full detail.
 “‘Alvarie, the situation has grown politically tense.’ Yatta yatta yatta. ‘Communication is a nightmare at the moment.’ A bunch of useless information. ‘The other rulers are either afraid of the supposedly regicidal incarnates or want to attack the weak Calamity under the guise of stopping them.’ More useless shit. ‘Apprehend the person or people responsible for this so that I do not have to invade Calamity. That would suck. I hate swamps. You are the hero, figure it out.’” Shrugging, she puts the letter in her pocket. “So, my Khan is stressed.”
In a jittery flash of blue, Manami settles on the ground in front of Alvarie, fiddling meekly with both sets of hands in the same manner she always has.
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"Aha, well, I've already confessed to the murder...! Do you, um... need it in writing? If you give me a minute, I can go put that together for you!"
“Normally all you would need is somebody to claim they did it and it would help if the Demon King Army took credit,” Alvarie muses. “But it says here that apparently some Calamitan nobles vying for power have begun claiming that it was a plot concocted by all the incarnates in the ritual with the goal of destabilizing the region. This idea was probably set up in tandem with foreign powers who are siding with those nobles and looking for an excuse to send armies to put the guy they want in charge. So… No idea how to handle that honestly. I guess I'll need to kill somebody.” 
As the Deputy stands up, Esmée loses the ability to be guarded in this moment. Instead scoffing at the others words; though the eyeliner stains on her cheeks don't exactly build her up to be threatening. 
"And we're just taking Nams word for it?" The nickname is back, at least. Some trust returning- the key word there being some. 
"The lynchpin still needs to take responsibility. And we likely want closure on that regard. While the political scene isn't my biggest strong suit, pressing someone til I get answers and seeking something selfishly is. Not that that's a bad thing." 
She flashes a smile Manami's way. 
"Sooo...I'm gonna put your words under doubt, kay? I know you got shapeshift business going on, but the claw and teeth marks were too...I don't know. Not You?" A beat, "They moreso matched how we saw the portrait of Calum look during the...case with explosive…" She looks away, "And from what I remember of alibis, you weren't near the ballroom, right? Plus~ what was discovered in the post office recently, the letters from Ocelot."
Her eyes narrow. 
"I'm accusing Ocelot of the crime of killing the king and suggesting that you lied about what you did, putting your words under question. If I'm wrong- I'm wrong. But hey. You gotta give me proof that I'm incorrect first, kay love?"
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An unreadable expression crosses the Deputy’s face for a moment. The way her body glitches and contorts makes it impossible to tell what she’s thinking or feeling, but it all seems to resolve itself a moment later.
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“Fine! That’s cool!! I’m sure if you just prove my involvement beyond aaany doubt, they’ll have no choice but to listen if they don’t want to start an all-out war with every other faction vying for control of this dump. Trust me - I will be walking away from this as the undisputed killer of King Calum IV.”
0 notes
maguro13-2 · 1 year
Justice For All ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 2 Pt.10 ~
[Subterranean Desert - Boss Area]
Ashley : Alright, we're here. This is it?
Ash Canaan : Yes, ma'am.
Kimial Diehl : [whistles] So, this is the only boss area in Ep4? A place big enough for one boss?
Ash Canaan : Well, the developer Sonic Team has created the one and only final boss to PSOBB, dubbing that this is the end to PSO for real, the original one that launch on the Dreamcast. This giant area where the Meteor struck into Ragol, is called the Meteor Impact Site.
Ashley : Quite the name for a boss area, this marks the end of the original PSO? It's only a matter of time that the private severs are still up and running since the officials of the company abandoned the original PSO.
Kimial Diehl : Quite So...I used to play PSO when I was this age. Yeah, I know your game alot. It was good times on the Gamecube, good times.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Kinda like the sound of a gamer girl.
Ashley : So...This is the meteor that crashed landed into Ragol. And that green stuff outside of it's shell. Is it an egg or something?
Kimial Diehl : Well, whatever it is. I bet it's useless or something. (Knocks on the meteor) See? Nothing happened. It's just a rock as a shell for that green stuff. Well, case in point!
Rupika (as the Green Spirit) : Sorry, fools! Because that Green Stuff hidden inside the shell isn't useless, it is a source for all D-Cell users that is a use for power. I heard that it crashed landed on Ragol for a quite sometime after finding out that I was the only NPC to have the D-Cells within my body! And with that, I shall destroy anyone who gets in my way and burn everyone for the sake of my life!
Ash Canaan : (gasped in shock) Rupika! (Sees the Green Spirit (Rupika) flies down as it head towards into the meteor, causing it to power up)
[The Shell's Desert ~Last Boss~ - Kenichi Tokoi]
Rupika (voice heard) : You ready, guys? Cause this will be much fun as this game! I will show you the true meaning of PSO!
[DBZ SFX : LOUD Explosion]
Ash Canaan : Rupika, don't tell me you mutated into...[the rubble begins to collapse as Saint-Million awakens]
(Saint Million Roars)
Rupika (As Saint-Million) : Behold! I am the creature that lived within the depths of Ragol. I shall be the beast that lay upon my power as a D-Cells User! I am the Ragolian Sandworm... Saint-Million!
Ash Canaan : Rupika! You don't know what you're doing! This isn't the way about your life here on Ragol! Leo had nothing to do with something about your family! Even everyone thinks you're born on Ragol, but you're the one that I can ever trust you as one of my best friends! Please, Rupika! Come back to us!
Rupika (as Saint-Million) : Never! (Jumps into the sand) I'll be like this and grant you the taste of my D-Cells power! (Laughs evilly)
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Okay, this NPC here...[outbursts] HAD HER MIND GONE OVER THE EDGE!
Kimial Diehl : If it's a boss fight you wanted, then it's a fight! Here we come, you Sand Landing freak!
Ashley : Watch out! It's spreading those axe-like spinning things!
Kimial Diehl : Yikes! Whatever those things are, it's going to cut us into pieces! Find the ones that will slow this thing down and then hit it's weakspots! That's how things work in PSO!
Ash Canaan : Got it! Yellow's the weakest, Orange is not the brightest, but Red will do just fine!
Rupika (As Saint-Million) : I hunger for the crying souls that devours everything I need, I happened to ever care that any of you can dish out the pain that lies within me. No matter how much I've grown stronger, I will make you all draw your last breath! You and me, Ash! I'm gonna make it to the top...until the very end!
Ash Canaan : (attacks the red spinner) Comeback to your Senses, Rupika! Everyone needs you back, everyone knows that it is not the way of who you really are, you are my friend, a friend with a big heart. There's no point in fighting against someone to avenge your family by becoming a monster like that! You're the only friend I've know you in my life since the days of Highschool!
Rupika (As Saint-Million) : Why should I care? Why does everyone knows about me?! The people, the races, the Chao that I've known and love, they mean nothing to me now! Being Saint-Million is the power that I've know a lot since I was a kid!
Ash Canaan : Well, I hope that you got alot of guts putting your luck into this! (Destroys the red spinner, causing Saint-Million to stop)
Rupika (as Saint-Million) : Gah! No! What are you doing?! This is a delicate body I am using! Don't go near it!
Ash Canaan : Now guys! Attack the crystals on the creature's tail!
Gang : Roger!
Rupika (As Saint-Million) : Please! I'm begging you! I'm begging you to stop!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : You guys step aside! I got eyes on this mutated f***ker! [destroys each of four crystals on Saint-Million's tail] This is wearing him down! Burn, wormy, burn!
[Saint-Million roars]
Rupika (as Saint-Million) : Yeouch! That hurts! Now you've done it! But I got something for you four! Here, take this!
Ash Canaan : Hey, no fair! Where did you go this time!?
Rupika (voice heard) : [chuckles] See if you can find me in one of these spots that I am hiding. The one over there is on the left, and the other is on the right.
Ash Canaan : And let me guess, you're in the middle of where you are.
Rupika (voice heard) : Now then, let's have a good look on you that is having a real battle this time! I want you to show me how great PSO is, Ash! This is truly my moment to shine on!
Ashley : You're on, Rupee! Let's see if you can go against us! Time to give us the main access, or face the might of me, Ashley!
~ Twenty-Fifth Scene : Battle in the Underworld Pt.1 ~
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Am I....
Am I about to write subby Dabi?
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Sunday, February 6th, 2022;
I haven't posted here since 2017, but today is the day. Today on February 6th 2022 W. Axl Rose turns 60. I have no words to describe how extremely happy I am. I owe my life to this incredible person. He is more than an idol to me. Axl has been through hell and back and I admire him no matter what. I am grateful that I am alive while he exists. He will always be in my mind, soul and heart. ❤️
Six decades ago...
When are these kids growing up?
I have the impression that I have just met this crazy and sensitive twenty-something, and today he is turning 60. 🎂
Isn't it surprisingly strange that I treat him at the same time as my own child, a grown man who could be my father and also as my platonic love, and officially since 2013 as my husband from an alternate reality?
(Yeah, that's me - I'm strange, but I love it.
I'm just a lost girl in her twenties who listens to rock music.)
But, let's get back to Axl;
I'm so damn proud of him. 🔥
And I will always be. This man has gone through hell, he struggles every day with the adversities that fate brings him, he experiences so much suffering, and yet he does not give up. He fights with disease, hatred, prejudices and himself. I admire him and I will always be. I'm glad to meet him. I don't know how to thank him.
For me, Axl will be much more than just an idol.
I love him, however it sounds.
I am really happy.
This is the first time in 3 years that I say I'm happy.
This is the most beautiful day.
It's been sixty years! Thank you. 🎊
And I know that yesterday, on February 5th was Duffs 58th birtday! I was actually celebrated that day, as I celebrated also January 22. because of Stevens' 57th birthday. And I celebrate birthday of every Guns N' Roses member! 🎉
And I don't care that I probably made tons of mistakes in this post (my english is bad as hell despite studying english philology). You know what I care about? I care about the people I love. This may sound weird, but I love Axl, Duff, Izzy, Steven and Slash. I met them when I was a baby. My dad listened to them since I can remember and I consider myself as a incredibly fortunate person who had met them when I was a little child. I learnt how to walk while listening to Guns N' Roses form vinyls. This is my happiest memory. I was raised in a house full of hate, violence and anything but not love. Guns N' Roses taught me how to love and fight hatred. They have always been a support for me. They have always been with me, are and will be. I remember when I was wondering in primary school, "Will I still listen to them when I will be in high school?" It's been years since elementary school, high school, and college, and guess what? I love them and I always be. Their music gives me hope, power and love. 🎸
I know the band is changing. It evolves. Its members change. Instead of complaining about changes in the band, ask yourself whether you are the same as you were a few or a dozen years ago? Some things don't change, but the fact is, we humans evolve. I am not the same girl I was couple of years ago. A lot has changed for me and just like Axl and the rest, I went through hell on earth to be where I am now. But that's not the end of the road. Every day I fight and there are many challenges ahead of me. Exactly like before the band. 💪🏻
I fell in love with them when they were still playing in the first line-up and I have them in my heart, but it doesn't mean that I don't love them now. I love them, I love GUNS N' ROSES. And we fans cannot expect it to be like 1987 or 1991 or any other year before. The changes that occur do not happen without a reason. And yes, I've been asking myself the question every day for years, "WHERE'S IZZY?" (AND STEVEN AS WELL!) But you know what? I grew up and realized that it is not always what we would like it to be. Remember that it's people. Only people. I don't know like you, but every day I learn how to be patient with these lovely crazy guys with wild hairstyles, talent and big hearts. 💓
I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to meet them. Theirs as people. They have always been perfect to me. I did not see them as " BIG ROCK STARS" and "ECCENTRICS WHO DRINK TOO MUCH AND SHOW OFF FOR FAME". No. For me, they are people of flesh and blood. People with passion, heart and soul. People who have their fears, weaknesses and strengths. People with their dreams, feelings and hopes. For me, they have always been, are and will be perfect. I will always support them. 💞
I'm so fucking proud of every one of them. You can say what you want, that the band is not the same anymore, that they made a lot of mistakes and that this or that member of the band was at fault in one thing or another, but guess what? I love them. No matter what. And I don't judge them. I messed up a lot of things, I ruined a lot of relationships, I am a terrible daughter, sister, grandchild, friend and cousin. A terrible person. I've made A LOT of mistakes, that's why I don't judge. I just love them as they are. I wasn't trying , I don't try and I won't try to change them in the future.
I could be writing all the time how much I admire these people but it would last my entire life and still it won't be enough.
I hope you all will find true love one day.
I found it.
60 years ago.
M. 🌹
PS This photo (below) of Axl is my favorite and I have it on the wall over my bed since years. Every morning the first thing I do is to give a smile and saying to that photograph "Good morning Will" and every night before I go to bed I look at that beautiful photo and smile and say "Goodnight Will".
Every. Fucking. Day. And. Night.
And yes, I call him Will (it's short for his actual first name William).
You know what I'm doing right now? I'm listening to my favorite song "Don't Cry", I'm sitting on my bed, hugging my pillow with GN'R logo on it, staring at this photograph of Axl and crying out of happiness.
Happy birthday Axl, my favorite redhead. ❤️
And I'm terribly sorry about the mistakes in my writing. English grammar is killing me.
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ranger-rai · 3 years
Full Team Introduction!
I've been meaning to give you all a full shot of my team, and here they are!
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Bliss (Beedrill) : She is my second in command, and is also known as the Queen of our Forests.
Her left eye has been damaged due to some past events, and as a result she needs a black lense to allow her some of her vision in that eye.
She's tough and takes command, but she's also very sweet and caring and makes sure her team and weaker pokemon are taken care of.
Kuriboh (Nuzleaf): He's scrappy, energetic, and too cool for his own good (at least he thinks so)
One of the younger members, he always wants to help, but tends to take on more than he is capable of.
But at the end of the day he's got a good heart and his heads in the right place.
Sylvester (Aggron): He's the baby of the group, and is very emotional, and for good reasons
He was brought to Sinnoh as a young Aron, and the family that brought him didn't seem to realize how big they would evolve.
Somehow the combination of rich soil and his high energy kick started his evolution much sooner than expected.
They decided to dump him in Mt. Cornet and those minerals along with his worried state just jumped him into final stage.
Sylvester became a fully grown pokemon with the mind of a young pokemon, he has grown a lot since, but he is still understanding his new body and power, but he is always energetic and willing to do his best.
Skip (Porygon): Skip is an older generation of Shiny Porygon, with a corrupt audio driver.
Skip doesn't work too well with newer technology but he does work well with lower waved technology like radios and tvs.
Skip is equipped with a voice box that allows him to speak and communicate (with a skipping glitch) making him a valuable asset to the team.
Rita & Runt (Purrloin & Lycanroc): These two are an unlikely pair who have been through a lot.
Runt was victim of a circus that was abusing and mistreating their pokemon.
Runt was a "special attraction" as a "Transforming Lycanroc" being able to switch between Midnight and Midday form, however that was a lie, and he was being forced to stand upright, messing up his back.
Rita was a displaced Purrloin who found the circus and Runt.
She's been very protective of him, and him of her.
These two have become a wonderful pair of paws in the team and in our family.
The Duke (Kingler): Technically not one of my Pokemon officially, but we do work together and have a mutual understanding.
He was injured prior to meeting us, with part of his right Claw missing, however this hasn't made him a push over in battle as he has adapted a sword and shield style of battling.
The Duke watches over the beaches near Sunnyshore, and tends to scare away people who are too noisy, causing trouble or worst, littering on his beach.
I make sure to see him at least once a week, and he requires that I battle HIM one on one.
I'll usually get a large stick and with lightly spar with him, usually resulting in him winning.
And of course I leave him with a little reward of snacks and nutritional foods.
Even though he hasn't been captured, he is a valued member of my team!
All of these guys are family to me, and I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.
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