#this is just from google docs im trying to piece together all my thoughts
michaels timeline (notes from google doc feel free to ignore)
be born as a beautiful little twin along with elizabeth. dont ask what happened to his mother because i dont know. he doesnt either. williams gay.
sister goes missing. this is very sad and baby michael does not know how to cope, especially since he and elizabeth were very close. bullying from fritz and his friends get worse. charlie also goes missing around this time, which makes everything even worse. he saw his OWN DAD kill charlie... this is getting scary for him!
he gets bit and what a CONVENIENT alibi for Willaim afton. his baby boy got hurt SO BADLY hes busy fucking raising his disabled child. I have not decided yet if Michael is a robot or not yet. I was already toying with the idea of a Mikebot au, but im not sure how i feel making it canon, im still really on the fence on how i feel about that. Either way, Michael is resurrected under the guise of it being a freak accident. And nursed back to health, verrry very luckily for William, the boy has a fuzzy memory. Michaels brother, and his brothers friends also all go missing around this time. They are presumed dead, along with Charlie and Elizabeth.
Michael is taken out of schooling to help him recover and so william can keep a very, very very very very very close eye on him. he had already been keeping a close watch on michael after elizabeths disappearance and especially after michael had witnessed what he had witnessed. Michael was never put into school again, and instead began working at the resturant himself. William, a very strong capitalist, and very smart engeneer, saw no problem in taking michael out of school permanently, setting him to work, and teaching him everything he knew. this continues until hes 15.
william afton had to fake his own death to keep his innocence and could no longer keep schooling michael, . who was put into the foster system.. The evidence was begining to pile up and he had to hide. Michael would have immediately been put into henrys care, but henry was on trial for murder at the time. henry spent six months to a year in jail, before being released as innocent, and was able to pull michael out of the foster system and into his home.
Michael and henry lived a simple, easy, quiet life. They didn't get along great, there was a lot of anger and hurt on both sides that got reflected onto eachother. lots of fighting. the worst parts were the interviews or interest in the case, it was the biggest thing to happen in hurricane utah and still is. michael lived this way until he was in his early twenties, when he got a letter sent to him by his father, instructing him where he could find his missing sister. which he does and he finds her you know this. you know this
elizabeth gets rejected from ennard, leaving her behind with michael and "ennard" crawling off who eventually forms molten freddy. It goes rogue. Michael is left a rotting corpse and with Elizabeth/baby (no suit pieces so theyre just wires) Michael and Elizabeth/Baby (Abby?) who set off on their goal to find and kill will, the rest of the animatronics, ending their reign
the resturant in this timeline is a mix of simulator's restaurant, and security breaches mall. think security breach, if it was in the classic original style. Cheap, very 80s plasticy feeling, with arcade carpets and checkered walls.
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sonosvegliato · 5 months
asking you because i seriously consider u one of the best writers i have. read? known exists? anyways im asking how much do u plan when u write? ik uve talked abt ur process (v funny i love how ur mind works id love to poke around [affectionately]) but like. how much do u Plan in Advance? ive been sitting on some ideas for a while and im trying to think down to the SLIGHTEST things and im jus v curious as to? how much you think abt urs b4 sitting down2 write?
I am glad you think I am funny because I think I am funny too.
(Haha but for real I literally jumped into the air. Thank you!)
Here is where I get shifty because I am not an artist, I never have been, I have never quite gotten a handle on the patience required to color inside the lines. Likewise...I am not a plotter.
In general, an Idea Arrives, and then I sit down and write. A lot of the time it starts out as a scene I'd like to read, and I write that scene for 20 minutes or two hours, and after that I roll the dice in the air. If I poke around it long enough, I am morally required to construct everything that had to happen to get me to the Inciting Scene. My favorite thing to write is dialogue, and to convey how someone said something/why they said it, then I have to know the characters a little more. Sort of like eavesdropping on a conversation, and then getting to know a stranger from it.
I have never plotted anything start to finish. I normally have an end or something close to the end, a few enticing snippets, and that's my map. I don't finish original work too often, but it's not abandoned, it's just reworked, reworked, reworked. I have a friend that has original work that won a big well known editing/pitch contest and now has her work in the Query Trenches, and if she was the writing FBI she would lock me in jail for disorderly conduct and missing plotting documents. She says I should try to at least write a first draft through and let that be my guide, but I'm like. Nah. I start a story and I keep writing it and backtracking and rewriting and backtracking and rewriting, but theoretically at the end I have a story I'm satisfied with--- and not a draft I thought was bad a quarter of the way in but kept mudslogging through it. It's not losing progress, it's just rerouting yourself the longer way home so you avoid future traffic.
"Kill your darlings" is a very famous piece of writing advice, and when I was starting out I thought it meant, like, literally killing your characters for the Drama. Now I understand it as if there's a scene I really like or really want to include...sometimes she just has to get sidelined. And that's okay. We can harvest her organs for later. Frankenstein that bitch.
Fanfiction is different. It's fun and loose and I entertain myself. Now you will not swell the rout was a bit more thoughtfully done, that is, I spent more time on it than just being awake at midnight because I thought of something funny. It was not plotted. I didn't know the story was there. I missed martial arts, and then happened to listen in on a conversation about the poem "To an Athlete Dying Young" (A.E. Housman). I didn't come up with Now you will not swell the rout as a fully-fleshed story then, I just added onto a snippet (literally the first three little paragraphs) and stuff connected and then two weeks went by in a mad haze and I had 30,000 words or whatever it was. After that, I've spoken previously that in hold the low lintel up (and now WIP#3) had some "plot" which are events in the comics I want to include, but I think that is more worldbuilding/keeping somewhat adjacent to the source material. Everything original is just up in my head or stored in a random line I want to remember to use later.
(Literally my "plot" bookmark in my google doc is Plot hey here’s a good line and then I proceed to write one very good sentence and seven disembodied dialogue fragments that don't belong together at all).
In the spirit of honesty, I wrote the last line of Now you will not swell the rout and that was supposed to be it. But the fic had such a lovely reception, and I really felt like I grew while I wrote it, and like look there was one big glaring unanswered question just sitting there, right, so. Now I have a series. And 100% of the reason I'm not uploading chapter by chapter is because I know I am not a plotter, I know I'll change things, and I really want to take my time with this and use it as experience for my original work.
So that was way more than you probably meant to ask for, but. In sum: no, I don't plan in advance, I just take a stab and commit literary medical malpractice. Some writing books will have whole sections on plotting, and will have you detail your characters' birthdate, favorite song, food, music, what's the name of their first dog, etc. A lot of people have to have that solid basis ("organization" my writer friend calls it, pfft). I know, personally, that if I go down that rabbit hole I will not get anything done. I will get stuck.
So if you are honest with yourself and won't get stuck making the ideal macaroni map, send plotting advice for the rest of us homies out there ✌️
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randyortonofficial · 2 years
I'm dying to know your writing process. How do you do it? Plan everything out before hand or even outline? I feel messy cause I just write and don't plan, but I should plan. My brain = blah . Any tips?
i don't think i have a usual writing process. i do attribute my unique writing process a lot to my autism, as i have painstakingly detailed outlines (to the point that showing the outline at my autism diagnosis evaluation was a major indicator that i have it) and enter periods of intense obsession with my fics where it consumes a lot of my thinking power. like i become one with the fic, almost.
i always plan a beginning and end. that is the important part. easy to figure out that first before planning everything else.
anything else that's in my head during the beginning process, i just jot all of it down into the outline. then, i try to piece it together and organize everything so it makes sense sequentially.
i have dedicated areas in my outline for scenes i THINK would be fun to write, topics i want to touch on in writing, and character development/story development milestones.
the stories i write always follow a chronological order, so it's easy to just plan out each date along the timeline.
i know my characters so well, and it's easy for me to get in their head, so while i do have a detailed outline, some of the times, i go into writing a chapter hoping the characters will naturally tell the story. i'll have scenes planned out for a chapter just for it to go the entirely different way because the vibe im getting from the characters is going a completely different direction. (like a humorous scene planned being unexpectedly turned into a massive argument).
it's tough to explain. your writing process doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to work, i think.
when im away from my laptop and come up with fic ideas, i always grab my phone to quickly add it to my google docs. whenever you think of ANYTHING for your fic, jot it down and set aside time to organize those thoughts in your outline later.
sorry, this was longer than i, or you, intended. i wish i had an easier explanation!!
tl;dr - it is a mix of detailed planning and improv
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brzatto · 1 year
i love f1 i grew up with that dumb silly sport if i didn't limit myself on how many fics im writing i would've been thrown into one by now so im trying to be normal and finish what i have. i always get into rarepairs and write for them but im contributing to the problem too by not posting and staring at my google docs hoping it just finishes itself. whats worse is that carmrich is such a good ship there is so much packed into both their characters that goes together and fits into so many aus i hate their repressed traumatised asses so much (affectionate)
the only knowledge i had about f1 prior to this was basically just being aware of its existence and originally i just thought it’d be hot if carmy were a racecar driver but in his same sad obliviously sexy tormented way plus the basis of his character translates very well into f1verse (growing up with racing instead of cooking and developing his passion for it through mikey, losing mikey to a racing accident and therefore dedicating himself to going pro in mikey’s honor, his one track minded ambition, his passion, his drive, his competitiveness, starting out super young and very quickly being able to accelerate to the top etc etc; these things all make way more sense for him as a racer than as a chef tbh because i’m still trying to figure out when he had time to complete culinary school and establish himself in fine dining before being named food&wine’s best new chef at 21) but then as i started learning more and more about the sport all the pieces just continued to fall into place. in my au sydney is also a racer and her and carmy definitely have a vicious unspoken rivalry going on like everything about their canon relationship meshes so well with the au it’s a little nutty (also richie is carmy’s race engineer LMFAO.) i think my original vision for the au was generally pretty lighthearted but as i started actually writing it it started becoming weirdly angsty? it’s always complicated putting carmrich in aus because the foundation of their dynamic carries over and they’re just two dysfunctional painful men no matter how you look at them. i’ve imagined them in way too many aus to count (f1, pacrim, thg, stargate atlantis, avatar but like the blue people, old western but think more like brokeback mountain vibes rather than your average spaghetti western, etc etc you get the idea) and a lot of them are a little outlandish and suuuper detached from canon but that’s what fanfiction is for that’s what makes it fun!!! especially for a fandom like the bear where most if not all the fic content is still kept pretty close within the limits of the canon universe and doesn’t really stray too far from the canon setting + a ship like carmrich which is already rare and has very little fan content to its name i think we def need more silly little aus that explore their dynamic in new ways apart from canon while keeping the basis of their characters the same. their dynamic is sooo good and layered and deliciously complex whether you interpret them as romantic or not they always deserve to be explored more methinks
it’s also always interesting hearing about what other people’s writing processes are like because for me i can’t ever limit myself to only working on a handful of fics at once because all my ideas/aus come to me in maladaptive daydreams where i literally write out paragraphs word for word in my head so i HAVE to put them down or else i’ll lose them forever. i think people who commit themselves to just one fic/a certain number of fics at a time are super impressive but unfortunately i will always be cursed to cycling between 50 different google docs and creating new ones on a whim each time anything remotely new pops into my head. props to you
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ranvwoop · 3 years
Hi :DDD. Thank u for asking,,,, I have many thoughts. I am sorry in advance. This is one of those things I will put under a readmore because I am into rambling. IT GOT A LOT LONGER THAN ANTICIPATED IM SORRY. Like. a lot. It was 4 pages in google docs because i dont trust tumblr to save my drafts
Okay a lot of my Ranboo thoughts are about the syndicate / boreal trio / peerpressure duo. But you’re probably aware I am a Them enthusiast first and both a dsmp enjoyer and person second. Because. I really like the syndicate. I also don’t have too too many thoughts on the more recent lore past the experiments. Once the in character monologues stopped, so did my brain. I communicate through monologue to monologue communication.
American Healthcare is actually gonna be the main reason why this is so long bc it works Very Much for like three different reasons. One sorta niche and abstracter reason is a stream that was basically never elaborated on back in March, either the day after or very close to the peerpressure Egg confrontation stream. The egg called him a coward (for some reason my brain can Only come up with the “stop saying i look like chicken little. he’s dumb, and a coward, and i am NOT a coward” vine), and he is not a coward, so he decided to make an action plan to bring the server together by acting as a mediator for all parties and try to make sure that everyone is happy, because he’s the only one that can see all sides, or something. This was where he said the big happy family™ line but other than Ranboo Become Dream?? analysis nothing else really happened and everything went along as normal.
(I also always held a little bit of suspicion on this stream actually and thought it might be the influence of the egg, because it says it can give one whatever they want, and ranboo wants to make everyone happy and this was a totally foolproof way of doing that. Sort of in a similar way that BBH is convinced that his plan will totally make Skeppy happy. But also Ranboo is just like that, but this felt a little more on the nose than usual and he did fall into the egg and made his decisions after being egged on by it, buT WE’LL NEVER KNOW, WILL WE?
… also I really wanted to see more egg conflict at the time. Peerpressure rlly got involved in the egg plot for cameos at the banquet and nothing else. I do not blame anyone and respect the ccs for all of their attempts to weave plots together but also. also…. we.. we coulda had so much…)
That was a little off topic from the point, but… he really just thinks he can save the sick… he can see that everyone on the server is unwell and is wrong but, y’know, look inwardly, the unwell is coming from inside the house. And an inherent problem of the way that the server runs. And if this is still lowkey in effect or not (idk man a) ranboo has monologued a lot I simply chose a one off from march to grow emotionally attached to and b) i think that my brain has shut off once ranboo stopped solo lore streams), it would probably go the way that most choosing to change the system from the inside goes. Which is the point of the song and stuff! He will inevitably decide what’s too far, whether he will either admit it’s a choice or just feel that it’s what he has to do. The, uh, dealing with the devil, to be polite.
in conclusion (but we are not close to done here i’m holding you for a bit longer), i think a lot about that stream and i think that shows what he wants to be, at the very least, and continuing down that path would definitely go into being far more trouble than just a noble goal of wanting to help people, from negotiating with corruption (The lobbyists, the Congressmen and lies bit) and that the server can’t really be brought together and saved like that (When things are more and more this way / Sometimes it's like they'd rather die)
THE LESS. vwoop why have you written an unnecessarily long post about one stream in your playlist character analysis reason is both more literal and piece by piece and also Syndicate, My Beloved, you know the drill. We are going line by line because I have a lot of feelings about American Healthcare, apparently.
This also comes back to that everyone on the server is doing Really Badly, all of the time, but mostly his time in L’Manburg. For one, he is pretty complacent in everything and doesn’t really accomplish much in terms of actual change, so like Well people die every day / I wouldn't have it any other way / I just think they should feel good while they are alive. An example of this is Exiled Tommy — who I’d also metaphorically put as the dead man just for funsies, since Tommy’s whole exile thing was one of the first things Ranboo experienced on the server—as he did try to be friends with Tommy and keep him company with his letters, but he still has no power over the actual issue at hand. Just trying to make it a bit more bearable. Similarly is Techno, while Ranboo still participated in the butcher army that was trying to kill him, he helped in the meantime until he “died”.
And then it’s the Realization that participating in the system doesn’t really help much, and the subsequent Everything. It could be getting mad at the whole government system and that he didn’t mean to contribute to the harm, or how he fought with Fundy using hs ideology but not in the way that Ranboo thought. It could also be standing up to his hallucination Dream, in that he doesn’t try this hard to be a good person just to be accused of helping with all of the things that he may or may not have helped with. (That is… a discussion for not right now, I don’t know.) And I think this sort of area is also where it’s like they’d rather die is also relevant, cause Doomsday. Nobody could just set aside their governments and just get along, though Ranboo had his own solution to fighting and things.
And then he joins the Syndicate! And the lyrics of the song are directly Government Bad, because government bad. Canon anarchist, has done things that he’s not proud of as a part of the government. The lines it was the government / … It got louder over the years / Until all that I could hear was flies and all.
But honestly I think in the Syndicate he’s still trying to “save the sick”! Because the Syndicate don’t All fit eye to eye either. He’s the token pacifist, and a vote against violence whenever it comes down to it. Not all anarchists are violent but Techno and Phil will probably react strongly when provoked, due to All the past events, and I live in a world where their trauma and issues get talked about as much as everyone else’s. Since everything is decided by vote it’d probably be split between them and Ranboo + Niki, who is in her healing/no longer resorting to murder arc. He’ll help them negotiate and then everything will Be Okay, ideally.
(Also I just like the idea of Ranboo believing that he is helping the people he’s living with because canonically cc!Ranboo has said he just really cares about his family and the syndicate are included in his family shut up but they also just believe they’re helping him and yes it’s self indulgent. I care them. Particularly Endduo, actually, or whatever they're called, I am not bold enough to think Ranboo looks at Techno and thinks I Can Fix Him, but. Philza Minecraft will one day talk about his feelings. One day.)
There’s also radioduo and beeduo as of recent— really I’m just saying I think that Ranboo constantly has a Need To Help People, believes he can do it, and it will come back to hurt him in the end (except for the Syndicate because I’m in denial. The Syndicate can’t fall out if they never stream together :) ).
The Only House That’s Not on Fire Yet !! I like this one. This is also blatantly there cause Syndicate. They are the only faction that is not actively falling apart, and this could absolutely be because they never stream together. But I do not care. However we are also going to go through this one piece by piece because we’re nearing 1500 words here and I might as well embarrass myself more. I am writing an incredibly informal essay about Ranboo My _Beloved (i assume his middle name is My, and he’s just one of those people who write his full full name) and this is the third page. If you’re still reading this, I’m sorry. Here we go.
There are lines that just seem like an unwell but recovering person, and I like to sort of think that way about Ranboo in the arctic during the down time. “I feel knotted up today / But in a most exquisite way” and “I feel strangely regular / But honestly I prefer it to / The usual bizarre” are just! He’s just hanging out. He’s doing good. There is the acknowledgement that he’s usually not doing well, and all of the episodes that he’s had in the past, and it’s probably strange to be doing well in the midst of everything, and there’s probably something impending, but now? He’s doing good!
The verses directly after both of those ones are about uncertainty and trust and such, and I feel like that’s not necessarily about just One relationship but all of them. Will cause problems as long as he has an accomplice. He is not confident but he trusts and loves people.
“This suit doesn’t fit me / I made it conterfeitly” I just like to think about Ranboo in his fancy suit, but it’s just a little wrong because he actually has no idea what he’s doing. I also like to think about Ranboo in a cape to fit in with boreal trio and later the syndicate, and emerald duo had matchy blue outfits from the Antarctic Empire… and trying to fit in with them…. or maybe They make him something.. You know. Much to think about.
“Killing me with déjà vu” I think is like. A little less fun, because despite how well things are going, the enderwalk is still not resolved and he had even less answers when I started thinking “this is a ranboo song”. Just as it relates to having a strange sense of reality and stuff, which goes into specifics of enderwalk headcanons, which would make this far longer. Even though I’ve framed it as a negative, there is also the more positive note of “Oh! I just thought of how to change all the hate / Into love with the old switcheroo / Dancing in my déjà vu / You'll be dancing too” which I’d rather explain broken up but I feel like as it’s a full verse it should be together. The first part is connected to my general thoughts of him explained earlier tbh, he’s trying Very Hard to make everyone happy and fix things. And adding the second part to it is just like! He is trying to make sense of everything, and it’s not so scary as time goes by. Since the experiments where he’s been (questionably) trying to be more comfortable and get more answers.
This was very long. I am sorry. I am ending it here and probably not going to do much formatting to make it readable because it is very late o’clock and also this is four pages and 2000 words I am so sorry. But if you read this far then. Uhhh thank. ^v^.
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wastetimeandtype · 3 years
A Legend of Korra AU, the setting is Detroit Become Human (summary)
Yooo so I think I’ve mentioned before that I started to write a Detroit Become Human AU for TLOK. Here is that AU, summarised!  Also since I haven’t touched this story in like two years so I don’t remember how it exactly goes, so I am making up a few plot points to make this summary cohesive. To be clear, this is an abandoned story, im just fond of a few plot points in this story after rediscovering this google doc.
To be clear I never played the game, I just got into watching the story cut scenes on YouTube... somehow. Idk. 
The basic premise of the game is that there are android servants who start gaining consciousness, called deviancy. Deviants can be permanently destroyed and killed if you destroy their memories and central programming system (situated in the head). Androids can generally have their memories transferred over to new bodies, as long as it is intact. You do not need to know the game to read this summary, it would have been a retelling of the game but making my own shit up. It loosely adapts Markus’s and Connor’s storyline. Korra was Markus, Mako was Connor (with Bolin being somewhat like Hank) and Asami had her own storyline. I also ‘fixed’ some elements of the game I didn’t like or thought were poorly explored but it generally follows the gist of the game. 
This is going to be super long, so hiding the story summary under a cut!
In a non-bending, future AU of the Avatar world, Future Industries in this universe is the creator of the androids. Deviancy is the name for consciousness. Both the police and Future Industries oppose androids becoming deviants due to being seen as a danger to humans and risking Future Industries profits.
Also to be clear, Korra, Mako and Asami are androids. Mako and Bolin are not related in this story. Bolin is human and a single child who’s parents died young.
Korra is an android who reacts violently to her owner beating her in a fit or rage. She gains consciousness (deviancy). She goes on the run because the police are chasing her.
She runs, and the next day hides in an abandoned house where she meets Kai, who is also a deviant android child. Kai mentions that there used to be an android he was friends with an android called Wan who was helping him run away to ‘Temple’ a sanctuary for androids. Wan has since disappeared.
Also from Kai there’s a general legend of ‘Project Raava’ who is meant to be a powerful android who saves them all. It’s kind of like a legend.
Meanwhile Lin is investigating Korra attacking her owner at the house. She is assigned a new super robo cop named Mako from Future Industries to help with KA cases. She doesn’t like him much and is annoyed that Future Industries so she leaves him to Saikhan and Bolin. Saikhan is the top detective, Bolin is the junior detective partner. Saikhan doesn’t like Mako either so just asks Bolin to distract him (Mako notes that the police are making Bolin babysit him).
What would be revealed in the story is that Bolin’s parents passed away, Lin was for Bolin as she was the at scene of the car crash and was a mentor figure in his life. Bolin was fostered but Lin kept in contact as a close parental figure. She helps Bolin get a job at the police station. Bolin knows he isn’t a very good detective but wants to make Lin proud.
Bolin in general thinks androids are pretty creepy, especially Mako. This is because they left Bolin alone for a bit with an android caretaker at the police station, and Bolin, an already traumatised child, found this robot caretaker uncaring and traumatising.
Also concurrently Asami is reading about the android rights movements and she’s like.. I am interested in deviants. Hiroshi tells her not to be so interested.
At Future Industries we are also introduced to Sitiak who is currently the top robotics person at Future Industries (had to be an OC). We later learn she is the head designer of the robo-cops and knows a lot about Mako.
We also learn throughout the story that Yasuko passed away from breast cancer years ago, and Asami also underwent treatment for it a few years prior as well.
Anyway back to Bolin. Bolin tried his best to just distract Mako whilst the real police do their work but Mako and Bolin realise where Korra is hiding and chase after Korra and Kai. Korra and Kai run across a highway and Mako was going to run across but listens to Bolin’s order not to do that.
Anyway Korra and Kai get in contact with some air monks who give them clues to scan around the city to follow the way to the deviant sanctuary.
Tenzin and the air nation are generally supportive of androids as a) they are not blind and can see that the androids are sentient and feeling and value all life, and b) Tenzin adopted an android child (Jinora) so they could understand androids, and Jinora deviated under their care. She pretends to be a normal android child to be safer.
Opal is a human member of the pro android rights movement. She was friendly and flirty with Bolin but stopped after the police started cracking down on deviants.
Korra and Kai follow clues hidden around the city. Temple is hidden in the mountains. Kuvira is the leader of the sanctuary! She is a committed revolutionary leader. She left Zaofu to help the deviants in Republic City (there are hundreds more in RC). She is pretty radical and an absolutist who believes in android rights and android supremacy. Re
Korra is a bit more chill but gets involved in the cause for android rights.
ANYWAY during the story Mako and Bolin get to know each other. Mako is programmed to have a very adaptive AI. He learns what Bolin wants. But he is committed to his mission of destroy all deviants above helping Bolin.
However one day Bolin panics half way through getting info as he missed the date and missed his parents death anniversary. Mako ‘breaks’ programming by allowing Bolin to go the cemetery to grieve. He also comforts Bolin.
Bolin is very confused by this situation and starts to wonder if Mako is deviating. Mako denies this.
(There would be two types of deviancy: gradual and shock. Korra was shocked into gaining consciousness. Mako’s deviancy would be more gradual).
And Bolin also starts to doubt whether or not he and Mako are doing the right thing by hunting deviants.
Asami meanwhile is asked again by Hiroshi to stop investigating deviants. She ignores him. She eventually learns, by looking through files of ‘Project Raava’ a very powerful android.
Korra and Kuvira and other androids break into a news tower and broadcast their demands for rights. Kuvira is badly injured in the attack, so Korra is the face of the broadcast.
Asami is convinced that Korra is project Raava as Asami thinks that Korra must be special in some way to lead the rights.
So Asami does some more digging, and then realises that something has always been very wrong with her. She cuts into her own flesh, her blood is blue: Asami is an android. And Asami is Project Raava.
FUCKING TWIST. Anyway this would be better set up in the fic as like people would make like ‘hey Wanna go eat Asami?’ And Asami would say ‘already eaten’ but we’d never see Asami eat
Basically Yasuko died of breast cancer. Yasuko was heavily involved in android robotics so she and Hiroshi and Varrick (to show up later) developed a body to house her after she died. They tried to code Yasuko’s consciousness into an AI. This failed and Yasuko ‘died’. When Asami Sato was dying from cancer, she asked to try the consciousness experiment. Knowing it would fail, Hiroshi instead created a full Artificial Intelligence version of Asami, and only coded the memories. She is not actually the old Asami Sato.
Asami was coded to have a very curious personality, but they had to code in limits to her, so she would naturally obey Hiroshi. She never eats or goes to the toilet, but she believes she does, as she basically has code telling her she does, so she believes it. Hiroshi planned to transfer (and wipe) Asami’s mind to different bodies so Asami would age, so he can pretend his daughter is still alive. However because of Asami Sato’s curious nature, Asami’s AI is very curious so Asami deviated when investigating deviants and choosing to not obey Hiroshi’s command to stop investigating them. She didn’t realise she was an android until later though because the programming was so strong and designed to be human like she didn’t see it until her AI pieced it together, she then is able to see her own programming and realise she isn’t human.
This isn’t the first time she has realised she was an android, but the first time she deviated beforehand. Because of this, when Hiroshi offers to wipe her and start over (because Asami usually accepts as an obedient daughter android when she realises that she has android parts by accident) Asami rejects this as she wants to help other deviants and knows they’re fully conscious and shouldn’t be destroyed. Basically Asami is too empathetic to allow deviants to continue to be destroyed when she knows they’re feeling like her, however Asami is also horrified by her own existence at this point.
Asami escapes the Sato Estate. She eventually find the Temple hideout and they’re like ‘wut Asami Sato is an android?’ And she’s like yep accept me, I want to help the android movement. They do. Kuvira is more cautious than Korra but accepts Asami. Asami helps fix Kuvira up after the tower fight. Asami and Korra start bonding.
Lin, Saikhan Bolin and Mako go to the Sato Estate the day after to investigate a deviant attack. Hiroshi and Sitiak inform the four of them what exactly is up with Asami. Lin is a bit freaked out but they agree it’s best to keep it a secret. Later Bolin says out loud ‘maybe we should leave Asami be and let her live her life’ and Lin reprimands Bolin for being sympathetic to deviants.
Asami is like ‘we should find Varrick to find out more about deviancy’. Asami and Korra (somehow) go to find Varrick. He’s living in a secluded house with his deviant android Zhu-Li.
He’s like ‘ah yes my greatest creation, I am your real Daddy’ (neither Asami or Varrick are pleased with his choice of words). Sitiak replaced Varrick in the company because Varrick was going to go public with the knowledge about Asami so he was kicked out and basically threatened by Future Industries to keep quiet otherwise they’d kill him.
He reveals he knows why deviancy happened: because of Asami. Four years ago when Asami activated, Hiroshi programmed a very simple piece of code to say ‘I am human’ if any androids came into direct contact with Asami, so they would believe she was not an android as well. It was an instant override. Varrick designed it to work like a virus and pass between androids. But one android had an overactive AI and the ‘I am Human’ statement warped to be ‘I am Alive’, a piece of programming that would allow the android themselves to become sentient if they needed it in a situation of immense stress or if they simply learnt and evaluated the statement. He realised this after examining Zhu-Li’s coding.
Not sure when this would be realised in the fic, but Asami would realise the first deviant was Wan, who used to be an android caretaker at the house and came into contact with Asami. He left the years ago. Wan is also the source of the ‘Project Raava’ legend, he overheard Hiroshi talking about this and misconstrued it as a android who could help android kind but not yet.
Anyway Korra and Asami leave knowing more about deviancy. They ask if Zhu-Li wants to come with them as Varrick comes across as crazy and Zhu-Li responds that she is a deviant, she knows exactly what she is doing and trusts Varrick, and that Korra and Asami aren’t offering anything safer. She has a point.
Anyway the police some time later get the same idea and arrest Varrick and Zhu-Li for suspected collusion with android deviants. By this point, after the news company hostage incident, the government under Raiko has given sweeping powers to Future Industries over the police to control the android menace.
Sitiak realises that Zhu-Li is a deviant, and electrocutes her, causing her severe pain until Varrick fesses up and complies (he does fairly quickly as Varrick genuinely cares for Zhu-Li who deviated in his home gradually). (The torture is legal as androids are not seen as sentient, they’re seen as defective and dangerous, and are property.)
Bolin watched the torture and is horrified. Bolin noticed Mako’s sensor flash red and Bolin realises finally that he has more in common with Mako and Zhu-Li than Lin and Sitiak so he resigns. He asks Mako to come with him, and Mako has not deviated so refuses, he is still dedicated to his mission of destroying deviants.
Bolin joins with Opal and pro-android movement who are getting ready for more serious action as they realise android and human relations are deteriorating. They want to avoid a full scale war between the two sides but need to get people to realise that deviants are not inherently dangerous, they’re just sentient.
Anyway Sitiak realises that Bolin is a loose end and asks Mako to ‘clean up’ and so Mako goes to shoot Bolin (and Opal who is helping him pack) and Mako can’t do it as he cares about Bolin, finally deviating. Bolin’s like whooo always wanted a brother.
So Bolin Mako and Opal run away to Temple.
(It annoyed me that barely any humans sympathise with literal sentient beings in the video game which is why they’re a larger part of the movement here).
Since Mako deviated, he sees a picture of Wan at Temple and realises what he did. Wan disappeared as Mako killed him (permanently shut him down by shooting him in the head about six months prior). Kai is horrified (because he liked Wan) and wants to kill Mako but Korra and Kuvira point out Mako was not sentient and was just doing as he was previously programmed to do, just as Kai used to be the perfect teenage son. Kai agrees. Mako feels guilty. Mako carries a lot of existential weight and dread without a mission to follow, and guilt about the past. He struggles with adjusting to deviancy the most.
However although they save Mako they are suspicious of Mako He basically hunted their kind. Even Korra with her big heart is suspicious.
Also Opal calls Kuvira out on some of her android supremacy bullshit. Kuvira was a guard for Suyin and Suyin basically didn’t mind deviants, and deviants aren’t oppressed in Zaofu, and humans have never hurt Kuvira directly. Kuvira admits that to be the truth and agrees, admits she just feels so angry that deviants are being destroyed because humans don’t want to understand them. They agree that the only way forward is to work together with humans.
Anyway the deviants and human sympathisers go on a march to town hall. The Future Industries private for hire mercenaries begin shooting into the peaceful crowd. Various attendees are arrested, including Bolin, Opal, Kai and Jinora.
Mako decides to go on the offensive and rescue his new adopted human brother because fuck you Future Industries. He recruits Lin to help him.
Lin at this point is PISSED as the government has taken away power from the police and given it to Future Industries. Lin does not trust Mako much but she made a promise to herself she’d protect Bolin and has realised that some of this android hunting is overreacting so agrees to help Mako break people out of jail.
They break into a facility that Future Industries has set up to investigate deviancy and imprison people (Bolin and Opal and other humans have not gone to trial yet but Future Industries does not work in a police station so does not have access to prisons, so they’re all in the same facility. Please roll with my bullshit).
Mako and Lin break Opal and Bolin out, rescue all of the androids.
Mako realises Varrick is in the Future Industries facility and tries to break him out, succeed at first, but Sitiak shoots him dead. RIP Varrick. They rescue Zhu-Li though. Sitiak gives Mako an evil grin heheheudh.
Anyway Lin after this realises that deviancy is not a danger and renounces her previous anti android ways and likes Mako now.
Also everyone after Mako saves androids and humans realise that Mako is not a threat and is a genuine deviant, and not a spy (maybe Mako could get shot and have a high risk to his life).
ANYWAY. Everyone regroups at Temple but they realise that androids and human supporters have been tortured at the facility and have given away the location of Temple. They realise they are all at risk and Future Industries is likely planning an assault, and there is no way to run apart from fight.
Meanwhile the general public mood is turning against gov’t and the over the top tactics especially since the androids were filmed being shot and killed whilst doing nothing.
Korra is like ‘you should lead everyone Asami you are Project Raava’ and Asami is like no, Korra, you are the hero they need. Asami is a powerful android, but is simply not the most important person in the world— Korra can choose to be there hero (and Asami can choose to step away) — free will! Korra is the ‘avatar’ for android kind.
Anyway Future Industries marches on Temple. There is a stand off. The androids tip off the media so there is public interest and the whole thing is filmed.
Korra gives a rousing speech and gears up the androids. Though they peacefully marched before, they will fight if they need to defend themselves. Future Industries hold off from firing, knowing they will look bad.
Asami meanwhile left earlier that morning to confront her ‘father’ and appeal for him to stop this madness. She goes alone because she knows the Sato Estate well and can sneak in. She meets Hiroshi and pleads for him to listen to her.
Sitiak comes and shoots Hiroshi after Hiroshi does show Asami some sympathy because Hiroshi does still Asami Sato in Asami Android. Sitiak is like ‘my company now muhahaha’.
Honestly I’m not really sure what I intended for Sitiak, I think Asami kills her after Sitiak tries to kill her.
Asami realises by looking at company PC Sitiak has activated an override on Mako that basically restores her control over him. Sitiak wanted Mako to kill Raiko, make Androids look bad and basically give Future Industries free reign to destroy all androids to maintain profits.
Asami races back to Temple as she can’t turn off the override. Mako at this poiint has left the rally, his new mission is to kill Raiko, and is in full murder mode. The deviant Mako fights from within.
Asami manages to get the cloud back online and warn Korra about the issue. Korra goes after Mako.
Mako v Korra fight, but Mako is a better fighter than Korra as he is the most advanced android ever released.
Korra is beaten back, Mako goes into Raiko’s office to execute Raiko, Korra dives in between them to save him.
Mako doesn’t actually want to shoot Korra so he starts fighting this override, so he turns the gun on himself. He plans to shoot himself in the head (horrified at what he has done and feels he can’t be trusted) but Korra begs him not to. Bolin finally reaches them and begs Mako not to. Mako shoots himself in the leg instead, basically disabling himself as he flits between maintaining control over himself.
Raiko is like ‘wow what an impressive android Korra but can I trust you all?” Asami arrives and explains Sitiak’s plan and Raiko agrees and calls off the advance on Temple. Even Future INdustries forces can’t disobey the president.
Then everyone is happy. Asami removed the chip Sitiak was using to remotely control Mako, to give everyone peace of mind. Asami is basically given future Industries (as legally she is still Asami Sato even though Asami Sato has died) and Korra keeps working with Temple with Kuvira.
Also the whole story Korra and Asami fall in love. Asami’s original unease at herself fades. She accepts her android nature and begins a relationship with Korra. They touch hands, and meld their minds together which is like, peak android intimacy.
Mako stays with Temple but also continues to work with the police. Bolin and Opal, together by this point, decide to continue to help androids. Bolin does not go back to the police, he is forging his own path. Lin is proud of him and now has a new surrogate son in Mako.
New elections are held and Raiko steps down. A new human president is elected and Zhu-Li is elected as an android official to work with Humans and Androids (feel like its a bit much to assume Zhu-Li would be elected president). But there is promise of a better future for the androids.
The Endddd.
Things that might have happened:
- Kuvira dies at some point, but i never decided if she dies of her wounds of the news tower hijacking or she dies in the last standoff. She could also survive, but her arc could be accepting that Korra is simply a better leader than she is.
- I have no clue how Korra and Asami find Varrick. Maybe they could hack into something to do with Future Industries, who’d have his address on file.
- I also have ideas that instead of Mako trying to kill Raiko, there is a clash between the military and the androids and Mako is used to try and disrupt the androids winning by killing Korra (and Asami and Kuvira). The problem with this is I don’t see how this can resolve unless the military abandons the fight in a lackluster way after Korra and Asami subdue Mako.
- I mentioned above but I really don’t know how exactly I intended the Asami/Sitiak/Hiroshi confrontation at Future Industries to go down. Who knows. Not sure if I also intended for Asami to be alone in this confrontation. Maybe she could take Kuvira and thats how she dies.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Fandom Etiquette
Fandoms grow and often it’s confusing to know what is and isn’t okay within the fandom, so I thought I’d put a little list together for newbies. This is no way means I’m perfect just bored while quarantined.
Reblog, not repost. Do not copy and paste and steal stories. If you love something GREAT, just don’t steal it that means reposting on this or any other platform and claiming credit or cherry-picking pieces to copy, just a hard no. You want to share your love hit reblog, like, add a comment, or send an ask.
Anon is not for hate. We all learn when we were young (or we did when I was a kid) ‘can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all’ this also applies to fandom. You do not have to agree with everyone in the fandom but sending hate, death threats, racist messages, etc is not appropriate. You don’t have to like the characters we like, but going into someone’s ask box and saying something like ‘eww how can you like X’ isn’t nice or appreciated. Speak up when you see racism, hate, etc but please don’t become a bully.
Tag your triggers and put the warnings before the fic. Triggers are real and blacklisting triggering tags is our way of creating a protective bubble for ourselves within the fandom. Please label your warnings before the fic, and make sure to tag your warnings. And yes NSFW (smut) is also something people try to avoid. Tag ‘ns*w’, ‘lemon’, or ‘smut’ or all three.
Use a read more or at the very least tag it ‘long post’. It’s another way to keep triggers from being seen. Read more doesn’t always work on mobile so please tag it ‘long post’.
Don’t tag every character in the series if they aren’t present in the post. Many of us follow our favorite tags and Tumblr will recommend posts that have the tag. If you tag a character who wasn’t in the fic, picture, or screenshot people are going to get annoyed because you are making it harder for them to search the tags they love.
Only tag readers interested in your stories. If someone opts off your list take them off. I get it we want to be seen and it can suck to have someone request to be removed from your list but you need to respect their request.
Borrowing characters (OC’s and MC’s) is okay but please speak to the original writer and make sure you have the character right. If they ask you to stop, stop. Again this is about respect. No one wants their character used without permission or portrayed OOC (out of character).
Writers, spell check is your friend. I sometimes misspell and even google docs makes mistakes but Grammarly and apps like it can help.
Writers double-check your grammar. We all make mistakes or miss some things but I see some that just scream out at me all the time.
Does it flow, does it make sense? You don’t want your reader to be confused and have zero idea what’s happening. Make sure you have a clear idea that flows. If it’s a series and it’s been awhile or you aren’t sure exactly what’s happened reread your story. I do it all the time. There will be times that I will be speaking to a friend and saying I can’t do something with a character because of something that already happened and when I read it it turns out the only place that bit of info existed was my brain.
Betas, pre-readers, friends that you can talk things out with or brainstorm with are great but if you are ignoring their advice it does nothing. I love my group of friends who I can ask to pre-read, send snips to, or tell a new idea but I listen to them. Many of my friends have helped me with grammar issues or fixing an issue I was having with my plot. If you have a group to ask and they say something doesn’t work read it over again, chances are they are right.
Don’t be a jerk. This shouldn’t have to said, but apparently, it does ... again. Creators whether they be writers, editors, or do art digital or otherwise don’t owe you anything. Creators create mostly for themselves, when I get an idea it usually won’t leave me alone until I get it out and I can feel a little batty until I listen to the idea and get it on ‘paper’. What this means is we the creator had an idea and CHOSE to share it with you, don’t be demanding. I can understand loving a story so much that you can’t wait for the next part but don’t be demanding. I have said things like ‘I can’t wait for the part’, ‘(im)patiently waiting for the next part’, ‘will be sitting with my popcorn waiting for more’, or ‘omg this was so good I need more’ in a reblog comment but most of the people I say this to I know, they know me, they know I will wait however long until their muse and life are on the same page and they can write so they can update. The problem is I keep seeing demanding asks. I understand wanting to check-in if you haven’t seen the writer in a while and really are curious if you will be getting a new chapter soon but BE POLITE ABOUT IT! Don’t say ‘when are you gonna update X’ or anything that makes you sound like you’re an ungrateful brat, instead, check-in, ask them how they are, make sure they and their family is doing well and then mention that you miss them and whatever story you desperately want to see updated and follow up with letting them know you can and will wait. I have sent asks like ‘hey haven’t seen you in a while hope all is well! I really miss X series and hope you update soon! I will be waiting for you and X return, stay safe!’ That comes off a lot better than a demand, that writer feels loved and respected and is more likely to try to find the time to work on what you are asking about than if you demanded an update. Be kind and remember that behind every edit, drawing or fic you love there is a real person with a life that may get in the way of their creative time. [added 6/8/20]
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myriadimagines · 4 years
End Of The Year Faves 2020!
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
i was tagged by the lovely @lxncelot & @musicallisto !!!
i’ve only written 10 one shots this year since i stopped taking requests rip. i only ended up picking 5 of them bc i didnt like the rest. also i love talking about the behind the scenes of writing like its just so fun. i literally went through my revision history in my google docs to see how i wrote these akjsdhasjd so literally........... if anyone wants to talk to me about a piece........... just shoot me an ask bc i will gladly tell u all about it
1. Lifetimes (Sebastien le Livre) 
this might be my number one bc it’s the most recent and i havent decided i hate it yet but wrote this as an alternative to therapy lmfaooooooo and it’s been a month but um. it still hurts. but anyway, i started off with the below paragraph:
And Booker has centuries of pain under his belt. Endless years of trauma that he cannot even begin to unpack. But you don’t have centuries. You don’t have lifetimes to reconcile with all the cruelty in the world  —  you just have one, and Booker knows he of all people should know just how much hurt one lifetime can contain.
and just worked around it, bc i was just really obsessed with the concept of having multiple lifetimes and all that, and just the fact that life has so much pain and hurt and it just sucks. i edited the first sentence for the final but otherwise it’s the same. i think i came up with some pretty good lines in this if i do say so myself, and i mentioned it in the a/n, but i intended for it to be longer but didn’t want to push it after i feel like i had written all i wanted to. i just wanted someone to hold me and comfort me clearly. 
2. Cursed Blood (Renfri)
i am obsessed with renfri as a character and her whole story, and the whole concept of her being cursed just felt like something that i really wanted to explore and write about. these were the first lines i wrote for the piece:
But every time you kiss her, you swear that it’s impossible her lips could be poison. Or perhaps you grew so used it, that the poison tasted sweet. 
i ended up editing this a lot for the final version, but a trend in my writing seems to be i always come up with how to end a piece and just work around it. i really enjoyed going into depth into renfri’s character and it kinda felt more like a character study than a reader insert? but eventually i found a way to work the reader in there and i liked where the story went, bc renfri deserves happiness and someone to be there for her.
3. Roadside (Robin Buckley)
still in shock at how many notes this one got and i am forever grateful to everyone who reblogged/left comments!!! this was for lacey’s ( @moonlit-imagines ) writing challenge, and idk why when i saw the prompt i immediately decided to use robin. for this one, i actually started with the beginning, which was the prompt, “Let’s take a walk. Just you and me.”
i mentioned this in the a/n, but i planned it to be a lot more angsty and wasn’t even planning on ending it on a happy note askjdhaksd the original plot i had in mind was that robin and the reader were into each other but were dancing around each other’s feelings. so one night, the reader drunkenly kisses steve at a party to try and make robin jealous, but it ends up just causing a rift between robin and the reader even after they confess their feelings. here is a part i wrote for the original plot before i decided to scrap it and go with the final plot.
“Look, I don’t even care if you and Steve get together.” Robin waves her hand, and you’re not used to seeing such disappointment on your best friend’s face as she lets out a shaky breath. She looks as if she’s struggling to collect herself before she asks, “I just… why did you lie to me?”
“I didn’t.” you desperately blurt, and Robin’s eyebrows furrow. Shaking your head, you take a step towards her as you explain, “I didn’t lie, Robin, I swear. I don’t like Steve. What happened at the party meant nothing—”
Robin scoffs. “Then why—”
“—because I wanted you to see.” you finally confess, and Robin stares at you. You’re shaking, tears welling in your eyes as you continue, “Because I thought I could make you jealous, because I was just too afraid to make a move and wanted you too. And I know that’s silly of me, and I never meant to hurt your feelings—”
i changed the plot because i didn’t think i could pull it off, and i didn’t know how to fully end it. i liked where it ended up going anyway after the change of direction so all good!!
4. Games (Michael Gray)
so this was inspired by a gif imagine request that @fangirlsarah16 sent me, which you can find here!! you can literally see me already plotting for the piece in the tags aksjdha i just loved how angsty the situation was, and i love michael, so i decided to just run with it. i put what i had already written into a document and just pieced everything in around it. this is definitely one of my more dramatic pieces, but i just loved how the story came together and how all the other characters were included. 
i already planned to write a part 2 while i was still writing this piece, but obviously that hasnt happened yet. also i got discouraged bc i thought it would do better in terms of notes but oh well. i wrote around 300 words of where i wanted part 2 to go, and i still have it saved, but i dont want to share it in case i end up writing it. also, i have 2 plots in mind for where i want part 2 to go, and haven’t decided which one i want to go with. we’ll have to wait and see i guess >:)
5. Off Limits (Cassian Andor)
ah yes, the first in my rewrite project that is going along very slowly. basically, im planning on rewriting my super old one shots in hopes that i’ll like them. i swear i’ve got the next one shot in my drafts but i just havent had the time to finish it yet. anyway, the original piece, which i wrote 4 years ago (!!!!), was the piece that really got my blog started and helped me get activity/attention, and it has around 500 notes, which kinda makes the new version look depressing bc it only has 97 and it’s definitely a lot better in my opinion. 
i don’t really have a detailed process for this one, seeing as i was just improving upon an old piece, but one of the main things i did want to change was cassian’s characterisation. i felt like i just made him too mean in my old piece, and i wanted to loosen him up a bit. i managed to bang this one in one day and i just think it’s some cute content and i miss the rogue one squad!!
i’m tagging @moonlit-imagines @emcon-imagines @lotsoffandomimagines @dannyboy-writes @murswrites @randomfandomimagine @sonsofeorl @spxder-mxns & all other content creators that see this!! i’m definitely missing a lot but everyone should share their favorite pieces from this year :’)
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genius11rare · 4 years
Figured id try this. AH  Chit chat livestream notes / QnA  7-10-20
because i'm weird i like “documenting” videos and (in this case) Live Streams. figured why keep this to myself so here. maybe one day ill just post a google docs link for a viewing copy but idk. So heres what i got for today seeing as the chitchat part will likely be cut off for the “real” video i may as well memorialize it. not perfect and may be kinda nonsensical but its what i could come up with.
Matt has a window…. With a balcony blocking above , pointless window. Red Web (trevors podcast)  “where he gets in over his head on the internet” “think if i just show them the episode of Technical Difficulties where i made garden lights into solar chargers i can get that tax kickback?” , Jacks neighbor with the tesla solar roof , having to train people to know how to install it . Ryan: “what are the odds he cant look outside at any given hour of the day and see atleast one human with a big piece of paper scratching their head” Elon Musk Starlink satellites for internet worldwide, Ryan “not saying that's _clearly_  a supervillain plot but if it was it wouldnt surprise me” , Ubisoft Far Cry teaser… oh its live action movie teaser clip- oh shit that's rendered!!! , teaser pick of a young Vaas with scars…. Ryan “Did he get them in the womb!?!?!?  Wanna know how i got these scars? Born with them don't know…”  “What is your fave type of cake?” Ryan: Chocolate (Lava)… don't put a sprinkle on it OR ILL SLAY YOU Jack: I mean is birthday a type of cake… Funfettis great Jeremy: both are stereotypical , Boston Creme cakes and Rum Cakes. Matt: Yellow cake with fudge frosting. “Pets and significant others are safe , what item do you grab in a house fire” Jack: Animation cel of the Dino DNA scene in Jurrassic Park (think i got it) Ryan: i mean my life looks alot like this corner , if i could burn this shit down to start with a new empty house i might even be happy. (chat Ryan your insurance is listening)  Jeremy: don't have much i really care about , just “well that sucks it burnt up” . Matt: first ever smash trophy i won , only one i still have. Chat answers “Photo albums , Ryans DeadPool Suit” “what games hope to be announced on microsoft stream?” Matt :  Fable 4 (Ryan ”surprised theyd try to bring it back past the press that is peter molyneu” Matt ” well now nothing holding them back , not those trees!”) Jack: not so much games but LockHeart the mini streaming Xbox. (Ryan: all those types of things have failed idk why they think - well they also made mixer and that went tits up so sure why not) Jeremy: microsoft doesnt really blow me away , arent really anything that im like “i HOPE they announce a sequel” Matt: know this isnt the right crowd but Banjo Kazzoie? Just added in smash , Crash Bandicoots got a new game it makes sense nows the time… i mean the time was already before this but fuck it do it anyway. Steffie says we are at almost 10 mil views on Achievement Knievel (9.95 mil)  Ryan “which one was that” (Jack and Jeremy) “that's Im Still In The Air” Ryan “oooohhh… now i know why i blocked it out… thought we titled it like “the greatest stunt ever” or atleast that's what we called it while making it” “rather fight 100 duck sized ChilledChaos (yey my boy chilled!) or 1 ChilledChaos sized duck?” Ryan “feel like the duck cuz atleast it still doesnt have thumbs” - Jeremy “or teeth , what is it gonna do it can bill and flipper you” Matt “i mean a bunch of tiny Chilleds can work together to kill you” Jeremy “right they will figure something out” Ryan “tiny chilled more dangerous he can infiltrate spaces i wouldnt expect to find him” “tv show / movie you could watch again for the first time what would it be?” Jack: Breaking bad and Endgame … but only if its with a crowd who is ALSO seeing it for the first time. Matt : The Office Ryan: Full Metal Alchemist (oh anime time) , everyone talks about Brotherhood but i really liked the original. Matt:  Brotherhoods a bit better but original is still good on its own (paraphrased). Ryan : had that twist at the end of “dafuq did this show just go?” made a movie based off it… skippable though. Jeremy: Futurama , *or erase all my knowledge of Whose Line* “Fave piece of Merch put out?” Jeremy: Geoff tanktop with the tribal skull. Ryan: *puts on classic gray achievement hunter hat* Jack: Extralife Posters if those count , like the Xmen AH one behind Ryan that Jon (Risinger i assume) and Pat (IDFK) made. Matt: Tiki Mugs. Jeremy “do you use those , make pina coladas?” Matt “often! When i get caught in the rain (GDI Matt) “ Chat alot saying FrontBack ,  one said Jacks Varsity Jacket. “Trapped in quarantine with a fictional character , who?” Jack: Macgyver maybe idk (Ryan: How about Dr Manhattan he could just fix it)  yeah like Q from star trek. Matt: GlaDOS but in potato form. Jeremy “theres a lot of anime girls id be ok being stuck with but idk their name” (i love jeremy)  a Matt: you want Lust from Full Metal Alchemist - Jeremy: That sounds great , (Ryan *Nods*) i can picture that i like it or if we keeping the Futurama train then Bender… think wed have A LOT of fun , and he wouldnt get me the virus! Ryan: no he would , hed deliberately try to get you  sick. Jeremy: hed bring people in “what occupation / person where you most surprised to find out was an AH fan?” Jack: Fun story im looking to learn how to Sauder , someone messaged me saying they're a fan if you need help , *hes the guy welding StarShip* Matt: well… anyone smart really… Jack (and Ryan) : the Dr Who Set/Prop designer (Ben) hes done some stuff us (think he snuck in a name plate on a show of Jack and Ryan name or something , saw a tweet about that before) Ryan: not really any that's surprising… there was the time Macauly Culkin wore our shirt (press my awesome button) “our” being RT  Jeremy: Cool meeting Xavier Woods but like we know hes a gaming fan and watches a lot of content like ours… still on Whose Line Johnathon Mangum is a AH fan , even messaging me at one point. Trevor in chat “what if president trump rode up in a Salad Chalice shirt” , Jack: one guy who bought it , like “im hip with the kids” Ryan: can you imagine someone less likely to be seen near a salad? Matt: I mean ryan he thinks he has to drink them so…. Jeremy: also been having a lot of solicitors recently for some reason… really annoying and during a pandemic. Ordered a sign thats basically “fuckoff im not answering the door LEAVE” , have a ring doorbell (some kind of doorbell app where you can talk to people at the door i guess?)  but when im recording cant be like “hang on a second - FUCKOFF” Ryan: i DO feel like you have the kind of job you could do that , if anything youd put them in the video like “hey you're live right now what you need” … Jack managed to crash 7D2D on my local system already that's a good sign (brief technical difficulties music playing as it cut to ryans screen in the game) 
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blkbbblue · 5 years
mini musical
so, the story behind this is that, in 8th grade choir, we got a mini musical assignment as our end of course. the whole point was to take songs we learned/preformed that year and rewrite the lyrics to work with the story you were trying to tell. i, personally, was thrilled; i remember being really excited to be able to make and preform a short musical with my friends (i took it extremely seriously, though (because of course i would).
its stupid, but im just so happy that i wrote and saved this!!
(i tried to make a cute little link to make things easier for everyone, but the format was all icky, now i have to put it all here (curse you, google docs!!)
Mini Musical Project
Title: Hey, Mom, What's for Dinner?
September – Green Day
Me Party – Muppet Medley (from the iconic movie, “The Muppets”)
Life's A Happy Song – Muppet Medley (from the iconic movie, “The Muppets”)
Rice – Genesis
Chicken – Sarah
Child – Miyah
Mom – Max
A strange love story, told by a mother to her hungry child, in which Chicken and Rice are stuck in an arranged marriage. At first, they despise each other, but they soon learn that they were truly meant to be together. Sadly, their love story comes to an end when a little kid gets a little hungry.
Page Break
(Mom is setting up the table with her child waiting restlessly)
Child: (In a whining tone) Hey, Mom, what's for dinner?
Mom: (Enthusiastically) I'm glad you asked, Honey! We're having chicken and rice.
Child: (Slowly speaking) Mom, do you think they LOVE each other?
Mom: What do you mean, Hon?
Child: The chicken and rice. Do they love each other?
Mom: Of course, Honey, but I guess you can say they have to. It's more of an arranged marriage, but they learn to truly love each other. Would you like to hear their story?
Child: (Nodding vigorously) Yeah, Mom! Please tell me!
Mother: (Chuckling) Okay, so here's how their story goes. One day, not too long ago, Chicken and Rice were told that they were to be married –  
Rice: (Frantic, to the mother) Are you serious? What do you mean married!
Mom: It means what it always meant!
Chicken: (Stoic) This is completely irrational, and it makes absolutely no sense!
Rice: I agree. We don’t even know each other that well.  
(Chicken and Rice scoot away angrily)
Why Should I Get Married?
Child: Mom, please say this gets better soon : (
Mom: Hush, now, and it will. Anyways, Chicken and Rice were told by – um – Sir Spatula to get closer and more used to each other. Therefore, they went on a date.
Child: Where did they go?
Mom: (Unsure) They – hmm- went to an Egg Salad Egg-stravaganza. Yeah...  
Child: Who even does tha–
Mom: (Defensive) They do! Goodness gracious, child.
(Everyone turns to Mom)
Mom: (Frustrated) May I continue?
(Everyone nods quickly)
Mom: Thank you. So, they were at the Egg-stravaganza when Chicken said–
Chicken: (Timid at first) Oh, wow, this music is pretty good. Right, Rice?
Rice: (Ignores)
Chicken: Right!??
Rice: (Sighing) Sure, I guess it is.
I Mean, I Guess We’re Together..
Child: Wait, convenience? Isn't that, I don’t know, bad?
Mom: Not bad; convenient. Anyways, on to the story, Chicken and Rice soon found themselves on a balcony, and they looked into each other's eyes. Would you like to know what they saw?
Child: Their reflections?
Mom: No! They saw their futures.
Child: Sounds cliché.
Mom: I know, it kind of is, but Chicken began to rant–
Chicken: (Complaining) Man, it's getting really hot out here. Right, Rice?
Rice: No. It feels exactly the same as it did before.
Chicken: Are you sure? Because I'm starting to sweat a little.
Rice: Yep, I'm sure. Maybe it was all that terrible dancing you did?
Chicken: I suppose that can be a possibility.
Life Is Sweet, But You're Sweeter!
Rice: Actually, I'm starting to see what you're talking about.
Chicken: See, I told you it's too hot!
Rice: Whatev– Wait, what is that?
Chicken: What is what?
Rice: (Fearful) That metal thing in the sky.
Chicken: Oh, I'm not too sure...
Rice: Chicken, I think we should leave.
Chicken: No, I want to just stay here with you.
Rice: No, I said we have to go!
Chicken: And I said–
Rice: Chicken!
Child: Hey, Mom, this Chicken and Rice is pretty good!
Mom: Thanks, Honey, I'm glad you like it.
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thewritingstar · 6 years
Hi! Do you have any tips for a novice/beginner fanfic writer? I really want to write some fanfics but not sure where or how to begin !
Okay so i answered a question like this awhile back so im just going to paste my response lol.
Tips: (I am not a professional writer and I’ve barley been writing fics for about 7 months)
You are creating a story, first thing first what do YOU want to read? When you start out writing, like I did, I wrote what I wanted to read. If you please yourself first, most likely others will like it too (this is most important)
 I am a MESS with punctuation. I still don’t know what I’m doing, ya girl throws in commons all the time. Don’t worry about it. Trust me, no one cares if a punctuation mark is wrong. Your writing a fun fic not a research paper. Yes some people get upset but unless it’s being published I doubt you are going to get yelled at for missing a common. You can always google it and Microsoft word helps with grammar too.
Along the lines of that, I will start writing in one word thing like google docs then paste it in Word to double check everything like small spelling mistakes.
Starting a story can be rough, it’s hard for me too don’t worry. Start with the main point then, or a piece of dialogue you want! Just write your thoughts and once you spill it all out try and connect go back and see “how does this connect to the next paragraph, where can I go from here?” Just write.
If your stuck, TWIST. Pull something over our eyes, make us cry or laugh. A lot of the time I’ll be stuck and say “it’s a dream or let’s spice it up!”
Character to me is the most important. I started fan fic with Gruvia because I understood them. Knowing how a character acts will help it flow easy so dialogue comes naturally. Put yourself in their shoes and story will come together. Writing fan fic to me is easier than making my own story because I already know how a character acts.
Have fun. If you aren’t enjoying yourself then it’s not worth it. Yes you may not like what you wrote or think it’s cringe but as long as you had fun or liked it then you’re good to go!
Write. Simple as that. Why do I write a new fic every day? Because if you write a lot then you get better. If it’s just small Drabble or long chapters, exercise your brain and write. You will develop your style and see how you like things to go.
Read. Not just fanfics but books and even articles, hell reading a textbook is good too. Find what you like about the writing, maybe it’s description, maybe their use of narrative and find what you don’t like. Don’t like to write sad stuff, then don’t!
Inspiration. Get your ass on Pinterest and look up prompts and ideas. Sooner or later inspiration will slap you and you’ll think “oh that would be cool with these characters and this fandom”. I’m always looking and revolving prompt lists and don’t be afraid to write tropes. They are overused and you may think it’s similar but that’s the point. It will be different because YOU wrote it.
Talk. Make friends, slid into the DMs of writers because I know for a fact we all love it. You may be shy but guess what? You are behind a screen so no actual interaction. I love to bounce ideas off of my friends and that’s how you make your own community. Being able to send someone a message and say “what do you think?” Will help you. Hell come talk to me!
Write anything. If you like Aus good! Cannon? Yes! Crack ships or fic! Yes ma’am! Write for you!
Last but not least be nice to your followers and fans. They are the ones who are reading your story and listening to you so talk to them. I try and respond to all the comments and questions because I want to and I want you all to feel comfortable and like a friend to me.
I know this is a lot but I hope this helps! Feel free to ask more questions! I hope you start your journey of fan fic and please let me know so I can read it and give you all the love!!!!
- Star 🌟
I hope this helps anon!!!
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bambamsgotjams · 7 years
Tumblr media
okay so i’ve had this idea in my google docs for a long time now
and for some reason i just never got around to completing it???
so i hope you all enjoy it because it’s been in here for months and its time for me to start posting more content on my blog
chan is basically known as the scariest man on the university campus
well maybe not the scariest
but defiantly the most intimidating guy you’ll ever meet
what really gives off his intimidating vibe is mainly all of the dark clothing and chains he’s seen wearing around campus
like he basically lives in ripped jeans, leather jackets, and dark tshirts
he has some pretty curly gray hair that looks really nice with his tan skin
omf imagine this
bad boy bang chan with an eyebrow piercing
omg i would live for that
if it wasn’t for the fact that almost every student was terrified of him
all the ladies would probably be pinning over him and probs some of the men too tbh bc chan is a looker
but anyways chan is lowkey kind of offended that everyone is too scared to talk to him because he really isn’t that bad of a guy
his whole life he just kind of grew up with this thought that everyone loved bad boys
thats basically what his high school days taught him
but it turns out that he didn’t really need to change from his normal cute self to this bad boy but it was a little too late for that because everyone already had this attitude that chan was not someone anyone should mess with
he has a couple good friends that don’t mind him for his personality like his roommate woojin who knows the real chan after living with him in a dorm for almost 3 years
and new freshman changbin who looks up to chan and tries to act like a bad boy too but according to everyone else he fails and is basically just like a small kitten
and then savage smarty pants minho who could really careless about wtf chan wears and does
as long as he isn’t doing something stupid or something that he’ll regret because minho really does care about him a lot but he’d never admit that publicly
woojin, minho, and changbin are really the only friends that chan has and even though he wishes people would stop looking down upon him for his outside appearance he really does love and cherish the friends that he has
so basically half way though every year the student body holds this big ass part to celebrate finishing their finals
and even though there really should be adult supervision the professors and administration could care less
so you can basically put the pieces together and figure what kind of shit goes down
ding ding ding
thats right
lots of horny teenagers and alcohol
chan and woojin would normally go together for a couple minutes before everything turns into chaos
but this year the decided that for some goddamned reason that they would stay for a little longer
mainly to make fun of the way some of the drunk students would dance or act stupid and stuff
minho decided to stay in and work on homework minho you nerd
and changbin had been invited off campus for the weekend by his best friend felix to go check out this new arcade that was just put in a mall strip in their hometown
and this is where you come in fellow reader
you were just a new transfer student who had just finished their first sophomore semester on a brand new campus
you had tagged along with your roommate and her friends to the campus party
and wow were you overwhelmed
you guys had arrived at the party just as the chaos had started
and basically almost everyone there was either already tipsy or just flat out wasted
you had tried your best to stay close to your roommate so you wouldn’t get lost
but the crowd of people was just so pushy and everyone was literally all over the place so you did end up getting separated
for the sake of trying to stay away from the madness you headed off to the side of a small bar table and sat down on one of the benches
there wasn’t a whole lot of people around there expect for a couple playing a shot game, the bartender sighing because he rather would be doing something else, and these two boys who didn’t look too much older than you
one with dyed blonde hair who wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie
the other in all black with a silver chain, grey hair, and a very hot eyebrow piercing
you ended up making eye contact with the later and his gaze on your own made your blood pulse
he look kinda intimidating with his outer appearance but his eyes looked soft and inviting
you looked away and broke eye contact with him and you were basically blushing as red as a ripe strawberry
after a few more minutes of you just sitting at the bar watching everyone having fun
this weird smelling boy walked right up in front of you and flashed you a gummy looking smile
his body smelled terribly of alcohol and you wanted nothing more than to get out of there knowing that something bad was gonna happen
but of course the boy just had to speak up and pull you away, asking you to dance with him
you wanted so badly to object his offer but his grip on your arm was strong and you weren’t exactly the strongest girl yourself
he pulled you into the crowd of students dancing and he too began to dance around you
well more like he was dancing on top of you
you just kind of stood there as stiff as a pole and you were frozen in shock not knowing how to respond
it wasn’t until you felt him starting to grope your body when you tried slipping away
but he was too quick and held tightly onto your waist
you could feel him starting to slightly grind his body against yours and you were like
“yep this is how im gonna die”
you kindly asked the man to stop but he didn’t answer you so you got a little bit louder until you were basically yelling at him to stop
and then you felt him being ripped off your body
you were confused for a second and then turned around to see what exactly was happening
there was the boy who had been harassing you lying on the ground as the very attractive gray haired boy from the bar had his fist raised
the boy on the ground was huddled into fetal position with a red mark on his cheek
everyone around you turned to see what all the yelling was about and stopped to watch as your savior continued to beat up the boy
he only stopped once he saw your terrified eyes looking at him
he cursed to himself and looked to the boy on the ground back over to you before walking up to you and asking if you were okay
you stared at him in shock because wow this boy was even prettier up close
but also he did just beat the shit out of a boy on the ground
asshole deserved it
you nodded your head quickly and thanked him
you noticed as the grey haired boy suddenly started to become nervous and flustered as he rubbed the back of his neck
“c-can i walk you back to your dorm,,,,,you know,,,,in cause something else happens”
he suddenly would look less and less of a bad boy and more as a soft little lamb
you gave him a cute innocent smile and agreed to allow him to walk you back
he hesitantly reached for your hand and walked you back into the direction of the bar where the blonde boy stood smirking at the two of you
gray haired boy leaned over and whispered something in the blonde’s ear before leading you away, the blonde boy whistling behind him
you watched as the gray haired boy flushed pink
once you were a good feet away from the party the gray haired boy let go of your hand and apologized
you shook your head and told him there was no need to be sorry
the whole walk home he basically talked to you about how much he hates parties but was only there to watch the people for entertainment
you learned that his name was chan and that he was kind of known as this intimidating bad boy on the campus
but you were like ??? i don’t see it??? especially after how cute and flustered he was acting around you
and you too felt the need to tell him a little bit about you like what your name was and how you were a new transfer student and that you lost your roommate in the crowd and stuff
chan acted a little sympathetic towards you and then with a smile offered to show you around campus sometime
and of course you agreed because honestly who wouldn’t agree to spending the day with a really attractive man
and with that you arrived at your dorm
but you didn’t part ways without getting his number first,,,
everything after that seemed to escalate pretty quickly
you didn’t really understand why people chose to be afraid of chan without getting to know him first because he was truly a really sweet guy
you also become pretty close friends with woojin and changbin
it took minho a little bit to warm up to you but according to chan he’s just a pretty cautious guy who would do anything for his friends
besides chan you probably got along with changbin the best with both of you having a mutual admiration for chan
apparently you were pretty oblivious to the way chan treated you
according to woojin’s words chan was absolutely whipped for you
and you didn’t really believe it at first because why would chan like this average college student who couldn’t even afford to buy ramen
but it turns out that woojin was right
chan started doing little things in hopes of making you fall for him and understand his feelings
like he would go out of his bad boy character to the flower shop down the road and buy you cute little daisies
which you really admired and appreciated
after a couple months of pining after you and woojin practically forcing him to declare his undying love for you he finally confessed
he took you to the local coffee shop and told you everything he felt
and lucky for him you returned his feelings
bad boy chan as a boyfriend would be so cute omg
he would be pretty protective over you and always offer to walk you to your classes even though it would make him late to his own
which he didn’t mind because the teachers already expected that out of him
he would always lend you his hoodies and leather jackets if you got cold
and omg they would be large on you and his heart would melt at the way they just seemed to swallow you whole
you were the best thing that had ever happened to chan and he loved that you weren’t quick to judge him for his appearance
and you accepted him for who he was and made him feel like he didn’t have to look dark and menacing for people to like him
when he first introduced you to his family they immediate opened up to you
they loved how much you cherished and appreciated their son for who he was and the way he was
you found out from his little sister that you were the first girlfriend that her channie oppa had ever had
and he was a blushing mess as he tried to keep her quiet
you simpily giggled and kissed his cheek telling him that you felt honored to be big bad channie’s first girlfriend ;)
being with chan had really changed you just as you did with him
he no longer felt the need to hide his real self away from people and he actually made an attempt to talking to people first
which of course did freak them out because everyone still had this strange fear over him
but seeing chan with an average girlfriend did get people to warm up to him better
especially after they saw how sweet and caring he was towards you
and honestly bad boy chan would just be literally the best boyfriend ever i dare you guys to fight me on this
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
promise [connor m. x reader]
uh hi im not good at reader inserts i swear. i’ve never written connor (or anything deh-related) before so uh, my apologies if he (and zoe, since she pops up for like, 5 seconds) is ooc. also i wrote this on google docs and then tumblr messed it up so i fixed it :’D
warnings; swearing, mainly? lots of swearing.
    connor: you up
    connor: y/n
    connor: fuck
    y/n: wtf connor i was almost asleep
    connor: sorry
    y/n: what is it
    connor: come outside
    y/n: connor
    y/n: what
    y/n: oh my god
    y/n: connor i s2g
    connor: just get out here
     You threw off your blankets, shoved your phone in your sweatpants’ pocket as you left your room without a second thought. You were lucky, since you didn’t have to worry about your parents - your mom was definitely asleep, and your dad worked at night. Meanwhile Connor probably had to sneak out to get here - the fucker probably ran here, now that you think about it. But you opened the door, and there he stood at the end of your driveway, staring off into the skies. He didn’t hear the door open, or maybe he did and he just wanted to ignore the world for a few more minutes. Just a few minutes - that’s all some people could ask for.
    You and Connor weren’t friends - you never did anything together or went anywhere or talked at school - but you two definitely weren’t strangers. By some chance you ended up with his number due to some stupid school project either freshman or sophomore year after being thrown into a group with him and some other kid, and it had been your idea to exchange numbers. Some kids pitied you - you were in a group with Connor Murphy, the same kid who threw a printer at his second grade teacher because he wasn’t line leader. But you didn’t say anything as some kid whispered this to you. Maybe he was one of those kids. Kids with issues that don’t get resolved because people just say they’ll grow out of it, just give it time. But maybe it was because you could relate in a way. Connor had his problems, and you had yours. He texted you during the project once. You and Connor and whatshisname got an A.
    But after a few weeks, he texted you again. Some question about whatever book you’d been reading. And then you texted him about some stupid thing, and then it continued - by some stroke of mere luck. But you didn’t talk to him at school, whether it be out of respect for whatever image he has drawn up for himself, or whether it be a small part of you trying to protect your own image, you weren’t exactly sure at times. You saw how people would look at him. So maybe you’d try to be there more.
    So you walked and you stopped at his side, dressed in a shirt and sweatpants, and looked at the stars with him.
    He didn’t respond for a moment. “Hey.”
    “You okay?”
    You looked to him. “You sure?”
    You frowned. You looked back to the stars. “Liar.”
    “I’m not-”
    You cut him off, “Connor. You can talk to me.”
    “I hurt Zoe.”
    Your blood ran cold. “Hurt how?”
    “I… said some shit to her that I didn’t mean.”
    “We already fight, but I said some shit and I think it actually got to her this time.”
    “What did you say?”
    He looked over to you. He shook his head. You only shove your hands into your pockets.
    “Some things are better left unsaid, then,” you shrugged, “but… that bad, huh?”
    “You wanna stay over? Mom and dad won’t care.”
    He nearly chuckled. Yeah, but his will. “Can’t. I already had to sneak out to get here.”
    “That hasn’t stopped you before,” you said and shrugged again. “Whatever.”
    There’s a pause. Your shoulder bumps against his arm. He finally spoke again.
    “I think Zoe hates me.” When you didn’t respond, he only continued, “not that I blame her. It’s just… I don’t know, this shit’s bothering me.” He paused. “Maybe I’ll stay over.”
    You somewhat knew why - or at least you thought you did. You could keep him from doing something he’d regret. But you only nodded. “You can stay in my room.”
    It grew quiet again. You sat down. Connor sat beside you. The warm air blew and brushed over your skin and you shivered a little but you don’t mind, honestly, because any wind is good wind when it’s hot as hell outside - and the only reason you’re wearing sweatpants is because it’s cold as fuck inside, no thanks to your parents keeping the house at least fifty degrees minus whatever it was outside. You look to Connor. His hair is pulled back. But not only is his hair pulled back; it’s pulled back in one of those cheap, puffy hair-ties that only kids use sometimes because they’re soft and small and easy to lose and cheap, and it reminds you of childhood because there were a lot of girls that would have their parents or siblings or whoever brush their hair and put it up in those little puffy hair-ties that matched their outfits because that’s cute, y’know, kids are cute, but Connor Murphy is sitting next to you at seventeen with a cheap pink (or maybe it’s purple or red but fuck if you knew for sure) hair-tie he probably stole from Zoe or he found hidden in a drawer or maybe he ran into a Walmart and bought it, because, honestly, fuck if you knew. But it makes you smile. He doesn’t catch why, but the small crack of a smile begins to break through.
    Maybe you liked Connor Murphy.
    No. There wasn’t a maybe. You liked Connor Murphy and you knew it and you didn’t say shit because you’d become that person who likes a freak despite how much you wanna scream that he is not a freak and he doesn’t deserve this bullshit. And honestly, you doubted that he liked you. Connor didn’t really like anybody, or at least, he was pretty damn good at hiding it. Connor was pretty damn good at hiding a lot of things - although he wasn’t as good when it came to you. You knew these little things he’d do whenever he was lying and you called him out on it when you could. But if Connor liked you, or liked anyone, you didn’t know.
    “How are you not hot right now?”
    You shrugged. His gaze lingered on you for far too long. You faked a yawn. “Let’s just… go to sleep. C’mon.”
    You two stood, and Connor followed you inside, lingering behind you as you locked your door and then double-checked it because can you always trust your memory? sometimes you wish you could and swung down the hall, walking into your room. When was the last time Connor was in here?
    “New poster,” he noted in a voice that was too quiet. You looked over. You shrugged - something someone had bought you and you hung it up just because there was an empty space. You’d tear it down in a few more weeks. It… messed with the flow of your room. Not because you didn’t like the band or anything - you did, but recent events have fucked with your perception and you’d rather not broadcast your love for their music because then people start to assume you’re a terrible person and you’re excusing actions, even if you say nah dude, it’s just their music, fuck them as people because that was when it sounded like you were getting defensive and making up an excuse so that people still liked you even if you were a piece of shit who excused actions-
    “Are you okay?” Connor finally asked. You almost shrugged again. You really should stop doing that.
    He doesn’t buy it. Connor unzipped and tossed away his hoodie - and he was asking you about your sweatpants - somewhere on the floor while you threw down a pillow or two and a spare blanket. He mumbled a thank you while you buried yourself back in your blankets. Through sleep ridden thoughts, you finally looked back to Connor, who lay there on your floor, gazing at your ceiling.
    “Connor?” A small hum of acknowledgement. “Promise me you’ll talk to me.”
    “I already talk to you.”
    A soft chuckle. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll talk to you.”
    The next morning, Connor had left before you were awake. You checked your phone first, only to find a quick text saying he “had to go.” His parents or his sister probably started freaking out. You didn’t blame them - you would be too.
    And a few days after that, Zoe Murphy decides to text you -something short and simple at first.
    zoe: [y/n]? this is zoe murphy.
    At first you wondered how she got your number. Maybe Connor’s phone? But then:
    zoe: have you seen connor?
    y/n: no?
    y/n: why
    zoe: damn it.
    y/n: zoe what the fuck
    zoe: i don’t know
    zoe: he disappeared last night.
    y/n: fuck, i’ll call and see if i can get ahold of him
    zoe: don’t. i got your number from his phone.
    zoe: he left it on his bed
    y/n: well shit
    y/n: i’ll go look for him
    zoe: thank you
    Damn it, Connor. You pushed back from your desk, grabbing your wallet before stopping. Connor’s jacket. You grabbed it from the floor, confused as to why he’d leave it here, but only shrugged as you threw it onto your bed - it could always wait. You need to find Connor first, then you could return his jacket. You swung out of your doorway and down the hall, glancing to your father on the couch, watching some sitcom on TV. You grabbed your keys, the jingling enough to catch his attention as he glanced up to see you about to slip into your shoes.
    “Going out?” He mused. You nodded.
    “Meeting a friend.”
    He took your word. Bless him. “Alright. Be careful.”
    “I will.”
    After three hours of aimlessly driving around town, you returned home and immediately the sight of Connor fucking Murphy sitting on your doorstep made you grip the steering wheel as tight as you could. You pulled up and off to the side of your mother’s car, shutting off the car and quickly slamming the door behind you. It took everything to keep you from stomping over to Connor and nearly punching him, but you didn’t. He looked up at you and the smallest hint of a smile flickered across his face, but disappeared upon seeing you glowering at him.
    “I can explain-”
    “What the fuck, Connor?”
    “I needed some time alone.”
    “You couldn’t have taken your phone? Or told Zoe? Or me?”
    He licked his lips, running a hand through his hair, before slowly speaking, “no.”
    You grew flustered as frustration continued to build, “Connor-” you stumbled, “what-” and again, “you can’t just-” and again and again before only coming up with a single word: “why?”
    He shrugged, “Zoe would…. probably tell me I’m stupid. And you…” He trailed off. “It’d be hard to say shit to you.”
    Your chest tightened. Did he not trust you? “Connor-”
    “I was thinking about you.”
    Well, shit. Your heart jumped at the thought of Connor thinking about you because why should he think about you? Why would he be sitting around somewhere thinking of you?
    “It’s just…” He stopped for a moment… was Connor blushing? Oh god. “You’ve been nice to me.”
    “Because you’re cool?” You said, “I mean, you haven’t really given me a reason-”
    “Did everyone else need a reason to treat me like a freak?” He took the smallest of steps away from you.
    You frowned. “Apparently not. But… that’s just how people are, Connor.”
    “You aren’t.” He licked his lips again, before taking a deep breath. “You… gave me a chance. Even after what that kid told you. And… I don’t know, it just got to me. You actually gave a shit about this fuck up of a person-”
    “And I just kept thinking and thinking about what to fucking say because, fuck, this shit is confusing, because you.. you’re just...”
    “Just? Connor, just tell me what-”
    Before you could even finish your thought, Connor’s lips were on your own. Connor fucking Murphy was kissing you and it wasn’t a dream, holy shit. You tore back from him by some impulse, staring at him and nearly touching your own lips until you caught his scowl.
    “Fuck, no, I shouldn’t have-” He stumbled back, “fuck, you probably think I’m some kind of… freak who just.. just-” He groaned, muttering, “fuck” over and over under his breath.
    Something spurred. Confidence? Hormones?... Maybe something else? Hell if you knew. But you still smiled, slowly pushing your hands into your pockets and only glancing at Connor, keeping your words soft, “you could have asked, dumbass.” He looked back to you, eyes pinned to you, drinking in your appearance at that very moment before balling his hands into fists. Something snapped, the small bit of hope that had filled him faltering as he dug his nails deeper into his palms.
    “This isn’t funny, [y/n]. Don’t…” He paused, “don’t fuck with me like this.”
    You could feel something pluck at your heartstrings, “I’m not-”
    “You're just… you're gonna fool me into thinking that there's something real here and then- then you’ll just laugh at me along with the whole school at the freak who thinks he’s in love with you-”
    “Connor, I wouldn’t do that to you.”
    “Why would you actually like me? Why should you like me?” His voice broke, “fuck, I knew this was just some sort of… pity shit, and now you’re just playing along because fuck, how can you not just smile and go along with the joke? How can you not just-”
    And then it was your turn as you ended up cutting him off, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him to you for another kiss. Desperation set in, his hands flying to your hips to your back until one hand slipped into your hair, pulling you closer, pressing your body against his own. It wasn’t clear who broke away first, but Connor pressed his forehead against your own, his breathing irregular but warm with the scent of cigarettes enveloping you.
    “Connor?” You said in a soft voice. He didn’t speak, only making a soft hum in acknowledgement. You continued, “don’t disappear again. Promise?”
    He still didn’t speak at first, before the word came, unexpectedly soft compared to the roughness that was Connor. “Promise.”
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[NF] 24 Hours until Lexapro
My eyes open and my hand flies up like a heat seeking missile, smashing down on the snooze button until i can find relief in silence for at least another 8:00, 7:59, 7:58.... Ha silence I joked to myself, like I get any of that these days anyway. Well I was being honest, with mild tinnitus I'v always got something playing to keep the perilous ringing at bay. I put on some white noise, the sound of rain. I shut my eyes and drift off.
My mind was on the day ahead, Id booked myself into a doctors appointment yesterday for this morning impulsively, I'd skipped through the heath centres polices...'minimum 48 hours notice on cancellations, dishonour fee $80.’ Perfect, I wont be negotiating myself out of this one. I needed to make this appointment. Over the last couple days I’d noticed more than ever, my anxiety levels mischievously planning to undermine me...
EEEEEEE EEEEEEE EEEEEEE*** The second alarm rings
'You piece of shit! AS if that was 8 minutes?' As quick as the alarm sounds I'm hot on the stop. Its getting harder and harder to get out of bed.
I look over to the pile of socks stacked up on the other side of the room, all paired up nicely. This is going to cost me. The winters in Melbourne aren't bad per say, but 4 degrees in your tighty whities can only be so fun. I stare out the window, look back at the socks and just listen out into the apartment. I can hear the occasional rumble of a tram rolling by, birds outside chirping and then to the ringing in my ears. I hit play on my phone, I'm listening to Cigarettes after Sex- Apocalypse. sorted.
I've gotta piss. This is enough motivation for me and I get up and do about my business. In the bathroom I'm running my hands through my hair after I wash my face. My fingers pass over a prickly patch behind my left ear and a sore.
My mind flashes back a couple days, Id been paranoid. Id had recently discovered a new lump or mole? something infectious maybe. 'A tumour?' This had had me in a worried fritz for days. it was something unfamiliar and I didn't like it. Without eyes in the back of my head id been trying to take photos and videos to try and get a better look at what i was dealing with. I'd shave off little bits of hair to try and get a better photo, different angles, flash, no flash. I needed some assurance. I tried picking at it, squeezing it? if it pops its just a pimple and that's okay right, if it pops it'll heal eventually and I can go about my business. Its not popping, its bleeding.I jumped online hopeful to find something that will let me rest. 'Do not pick moles...'
you can see where that goes anyway.
back in the apartment I'm just organising my morning coffee.Strait black with a bit of Honey. Delicious. I look at the clock. I'v got 10 minutes until I'm out the door. grabbing my shoes, I make my way over to the couch where I'll enjoy the rest of my coffee. Sitting back I look up at the roof in the living room. ugh. This roof has probably been my main antagonist these last couple months. Since moving in in January Iv had water leaking and bits of paint flake off. Every time I look up I feel like I'm finding more cracks, checking the weather forecast, or googling 'signs your roof is structurally unsafe.' Its driving me up the walls.
I try not and dwell on it for too long, I had somewhere I needed to be. And out the door I go.
I arrived at the health centre, punctual. my mind was a bit gravy, all over the place. I was dipping soggy thoughts into it, you know, cleaning up my plate before I talk to the Doc. Unfortunately not as tasty as it sounds. 'should i ask him about trying out Lexapro? Id tried it in the past, but I admit I wasn't very honest with it. I'll give it a fair go? and commit to a couple weeks or months and see how it goes?But its not easy. Deep down it makes me feel like a failure for just putting it in your mouth and relying on it. I haven't even put it in my mouth yet? Your practically a druggo. You will be be judged. I'm not progressing, I'v got to do something. try something?It took me a couple minuets to realise this just was the anxiety trying to de-rail me one last time. So I tried my best to block it out whilst filling in the introductory form.I like to be professional, well I think I do. Iv had times in the past where I'v pulled all fire alarms and hosed down the tissue station, remember the 'unprotected sex = I'v got AID'S!' scare? Oh boy. and the whole shamble of shared housing? Yes, a single apartments was the right choice to make, away from toxic house mates. The rents more expensive and your going to go crazy living alone? im still saving money? the roofs gonna fall down and ruin your life, you know that!!
It is imperative that this appointment was to run smoothly. I'm sure the whole ordeal will be over a lot quicker too. So I gathered together my issues and the Doctor addressed them accordingly. He soothed me with things like 'You've got low sun damage' and 'profiled moles are usually the least harmless' and 'Don't pick moles either...we can remove it if you like.' Unbelievable.Music to my ears. Id reckon if I had doctor on standby Id have a lot less worries. But that isn't reality. And it shouldn't be something I even think about wanting in the first place. We agree to go onto 10mg of Lexapro a day for 4 weeks, then adjust accordingly.
I duck next door into the pharmacy and pick up my script and with A positive step forward make my way back to the apartment. I get inside and started some coffee and whipped together some breakfast. I'm a chef by trade, So food to me particularly special. Iv come to realise that long hours in the kitchen were a bit of medicine Iv always been giving myself. A coping mechanism you could say for my anxiety. You can see how Covid would of stripped something like that away. But this is a temporary thing right?and and people have always gotta eat? when is the fat lady going to sing...
Iv decided to start taking the lexapro every morning after breakfast. So i gobble down my English Muffins, Eggs and Cheesy beans, finishing with 10mg of lexapro. Complements to the chef! and the drug maker?
submitted by /u/Woozalberry [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/33DMryL
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sweetcron · 4 years
i probably went too hard on all these but....one of my summer classes just finished and i was like yeahahhHhhahah
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
totally depends where i am and how much time i have, but typically ill have yogurt & something small but sweet so i dont go insane
12. name of your favorite playlist?
god right now my favorite is handle without care, which is just stupid songs im into right now
13. lanyard or key ring?
lanyard, except i always get it caught on shit so typically i just throw my keys in my bag anyway
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
oooo hard one, my initial thought was sour gummy worms, but probably... either that or sour skittles. oh but fuck lemon & black licorice jelly beans together......im excited to have 0 followers & 0 friends tomorrow
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
percy jackson was dope. im trying to come up with another that i even read and frankly cannot
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
honestly i just sit like a fool all the time, but i like to be very reclined and almost horizontal, if im forced to sit more upright i like crosslegged or with my leg(s) pulled up to my chest
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
depends on the season or length of time, recently it’s been my black high top vans, usually it’s my docs. for a long time it was black converse.
18. ideal weather?
i like when it’s a little sunny, kind of overcast, but a little cold, like enough to wear layers but not suffer
19. sleeping position?
on my side, curled up, ideally holding pam(ela indestructable underworld), my adorable stuffed sloth
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
depends on what it is, but I have a planner sort of thing i really like for planning, a sketchbook/painting sort of notebook for more emotional shit and then my twitter that nobody follows and is private for really emotional shit
21. obsession from childhood?
i loved making like..dirt, water, and grass mixtures in an empty gatorade bottle. apparently this is not a common experience.
22. role model?
everyone to an extent, but also nobody. but to pin down a specific person, probably my therapist lol
23. strange habits?
i keep listening to shiny from moana? also i keep wanting to change my hair.
24. favorite crystal?
oh god, i love opal, but i dont know. most are pretty but some are awful. it depends, and id have to look at a million pictures for any resemblance of a legitimate answer
25. first song you remember hearing?
that’s so hard um. i dont remember very early but i do remember hearing crush, crush, crush by paramore and thinking ew crushes are gross even though i had a crush on a dumbass at the time, and welcome to the black parade and crying
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
warm, probably a concert but past that, walking around, going to thrift stores or record shops. 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
a concert, again but past that going home, or getting a warm drink
28. five songs to describe you?
oh LORD!!!!! this is hard, but i did my best
1. caught in the middle - paramore
2. grow - muna
3. cool for cats - squeeze
4. cut my lip - twenty one pilots
5. tubthumping - chumbawumba
29. best way to bond with you?
share music with me, be vulnerable and share what is going on with you
30. places that you find sacred?
being in trees and being alone listening to music that means a lot to me loudly
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
i have a mustardy yellow shirt that’s got vertical lines that are raised from the shirt, and then a flared leg jumpsuit sort of thing that’s like plaid, with black and white and grey. then docs, and yeah i love that outfit. adore it. even better with a jean jacket with fleece lining.
32. top five favorite vines?
also so hard but after doing this i think im gonna throw up from laughing so hard
1. dancing puppet
2. get outta your mind
3. cat
5. krispy kreme
33. most used phrase in your phone?
that’s a great question, probably me asking people what to do with my hair
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
none currently, but always “meat, it’s what’s for dinner”
35. average time you fall asleep?
depends, but usually 10ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
probably some rage meme like brian or whatever
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
depends on what im doing, but usually duffel.
38. lemonade or tea?
arnold palmer babie!! but it depends, usually i’d say tea, i really like lemon ginger (especially pukka but its expensive)
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
i dont know if i’ve had lemon meringue pie, but lemon cake sounds better i think
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
i remembered this and it is entertaining, in middle school (i was...prolly 14? 13?) someone said “someone likes uuuu” to me and i was like. “......k” and they were like..... “it’s a giiiiiiirl” and i again, was like “.......k” and so literally, i fucking spent the rest of the class being like, hm! apparently i dont care. and thats how i realized that idc about gender when it comes to liking someone lol
41. last person you texted?
max, @laetan​. follow him if u dont i love him
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
women’s pant pockets are cursed. jacket pockets enlighten me, especially when there’s one normal and then one like, on top of that pocket but the entrance is horizontal. that’s my favorite.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
all? but let’s rank them 
1. jean jacket, my absolute fav, i have like 5 jean jackets and it’s bad. i always want more
2. hoodie, with a jean jacket is even better, but COMFY!!!!
3. leather jacket, look like a badass with one piece of clothing!!
4. bomber jacket, dont have a lot but always make me feel cool
5. cardigan, makes me feel like an old lady, but also really comfy idk. even the worst is amazing
44. favorite scent for soap?
i love lemon, but any fruit is good. or like, vanilla
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi usually....fantasy is usually too much and superhero is usually annoying. unless it’s spiderman. i adore spiderman
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
oversized soft t shirt and like, soft shorts/boxer things
47. favorite type of cheese?
GOAT CHEESE!!! also sharp cheddar and pepperjack
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
pear. i feel like i’m not talked about a lot but people like me and nobody despises me??
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
i really like “you can start over each day” and “only skeleton bones remain” (FUCKING CLIKKIE)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
i feel like ive cried laughing so hard, or almost thrown up, but i dont know why, and that’s almost better
51. current stresses?
just general body things, appointments, school in the fall, graduating, etc
52. favorite font?
it depends on what im doing, but i love my own handwriting, i like times new roman, hate arial with a PASSION!!!!! brawler is nice but doesn’t bold well. handwriting fonts are cool too
53. what is the current state of your hands?
left hand’s nails is in silver glitter and right hand’s nails are blue/purple glitter. perpetual hangnails. still a hint of a scar from cutting my hand on a razor, and remnants of blisters from rowing
54. what did you learn from your first job?
that you can be kind and see change without changing the entire world, and that men are creepy as shit
55. favorite fairy tale?
i dont think i have one? max probably has a good one that i’d love. new ask game send me ur favorite fairy tales and ill read them and review them
56. favorite tradition?
my mom makes me a half birthday cake every year, it’s really cute and idk why it warms my heart
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
fuck dude, umm this is hard and also a lot
1. my extreme self hatred!!
2. my extreme concern for other people’s thoughts, just honestly like dressing and listening to whatever and not really caring, ill always care, just not as bad as i did
3. letting go of things and trying to grow because of pain rather than viewing it as a waste of time
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
uhhhhhghaghhaghdshaghdhsaghadshg i dont know this is hard
1. finding dope ass socks at thrift stores
2. thinking creatively and trying to make something stranger than others like it
3. i can draw p well???? i guess? i designed my tattoo does that count
4. winning contests. i won like, 10 last year? like wtf
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
recently it would be life’s a sham and then ur wow, in reference to life’s a bitch and then you die and also shamwow. so that. or just constantly referring to things as bad boys, like. dishes.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
there’s different kinds? but ummmm i dont know, i dont want to google anime types. can i say like a miyazaki movie and be done with it
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
i dont know, can i do a song? bc i really like I’m alive in spite of me recently, also like this graffiti that i say that said 33 might mason men couldn’t put me back together again
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh boy, i asked my gf for help on some
1. nick miller from new girl
2. peter b. parker from into the spiderverse
3. dean mccoppin from iron giant for some reason
4. emile from ratatouille 
5. a mix of ben and leslie from parks and rec
6. a weird mix of chris and ron from parks and rec
7. rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid
63. five songs that would play in your club?
1. come down by anderson paak
2. send me on my way by rusted root
3. doses and mimosas by cherub
4. replay by iyaz
5. rap snitch knishes by mf doom
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
yeaaa got a lot, most prominent are on my legs, partially just stretch marks, and then the one on my forehead from when i got stitches
66. favorite flower(s)?
i love carnations, marigolds, roses, but really anything, fuck
67. good luck charms?
i don’t have any, i used to wear a bracelet my gf gave me but it broke. *insert gif of me trying to remember when it broke and if that’s when everything went to shit*
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
centipede jelly bean. worst thing ive ever had. it wouldn’t go away for a day even with eating other things and drinking water and chewing strong gum. horrible
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
i have no idea. truly
70. left or right handed?
i am right handed
71. least favorite pattern?
houndstooth, i really don’t like it for some reason
72. worst subject?
i am oh so bad at writing, it’s really hard for me. but honestly recently every subject is horrible.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
this was mentioned before, but black licorice and lemon. i’ve only had it with jelly beans, so maybe it’s not as good in other formats
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
depends on what it is, if i think a migraine is coming then i take it pretty low, maybe a 4, otherwise i can deal with it up to like a 6 or 7, unless i’m needing to focus
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i dont know when, but i do remember where. i was at a drive through bank in a rental car with my parents and brother in oregon, and i put the tooth in the lid of a plastic water bottle.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
jalepeno potato chips are soooo good but, honestly, tots are the best. mashed potatoes are good too
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
depends on the direction it’s facing and climate, but i’m growing some ivy right now and it’s so pretty and cool. also a christmas cactus that my great great great grandma or something like that started and has been passed down!!!! and a ..... leafy boy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
absolutely coffee from a gas station, i dont trust sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
my school id because i’m smiling. i look stoned or dead in my id.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
i didn’t entirely know what this meant, so i googled both and went oooooooo to jewel tones so. jewel tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
i say both, i don’t know which i say more frequently because i live where there aren’t ....... lightning bugs. ore fireflies. whichever. lol
82. pc or console?
i dont game much, but i like my psp a lot, or like a joystick sort of sitchhhh
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
podcasts, i don’t listen to much of either
84. barbie or polly pocket?
can i throw in a third variable of bratz?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
either, but probably mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes?
depends on the kind, but i love frosting and cupcakes are fun, so cupcakes.
87. your greatest fear?
that i will lose everyone i love or push them away? eeeee
88. your greatest wish?
to be content and hopefully other people are content alongside me
89. who would you put before everyone else?
honestly my gf, max, and steph. and my mom. yeyeeeee
90. luckiest mistake?
oh god we could go deep or not. probably not. so like, buying pamela, my stuffed sloth
91. boxes or bags?
depends on the situation, but bags are fun, can put patches on them, plastic bags are boring and boxes are useful, help organize or carry lots of things
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
sunlight absolutely, i love it. i then would say lamps are better than fairy lights which are better than overhead lights. fuck overhead lights
93. nicknames?
for me? okay lets GO. delly, delly boi, dell, d, glen, glenjamin, glenny, yenaled. there’s a lot of weird/gross ones that i dont want to share.
94. favorite season?
fall in theory, summer in stability.
95. favorite app on your phone?
wasn’t this already asked? CAUGHTCHA
96. desktop background?
switches between 3 pictures around colorado that my gf took
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
good question, i honestly don’t know. can i say the 80s or 90s? if not like, before racism existed. yeah
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soullesscoyote · 7 years
All the asks
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?My process for naming fics is eitherA) a joke name because i can't help myselfB) or a name that just sounds like "yeah that's a fitting title name"B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?Plenty! I try to follow the rule "write what you know" in a way to convey maybe something I've experienced, but also use it to write what I don't know about.For example I have a lower middle class family, but to write a more well off family i base it on things I've seen and experienced when younger like those times we got home from the grocery store and that first day with a ton of food and i felt like i wouldnt have to worry about eating a ton of it, or even back when i was younger (7) with a loft bed and having all my stuff organized with a spot in my room had me feel really content with my life where i felt like i had everything i wanted and couldn't ask for more. I had a 3d puzzle of the inside of a frog, an ant farm, a hamster, a framed picture of a praying mantis, a very small binder of pokémon cards, a room painted green and at that age and time felt like my life was really together despite not knowing how to articulate it. It felt like my own personal space that i had control of so to write a well of family i try to write in things that give off a similar feeling of a well put together room except a entire house that way where everything feels like it has its place. If that makes sense.C: What character do you identify with most?In Marble Hornets, Jay Merrick who just wanted to help everyone despite how many time those people tried to kill or hurt him.In Voltron, Keith in terms of not always feeling like I belong in groups and sometimes struggling to understand myself. Also Hunk whos a very caring person with a big heart.In Be More Chill i relate to Jake where in freshman year of high school i worked really hard to be the best in my classes to a point that id cry from stress every night.Jeremy feeling unimportant and more like a background character with nothing really notable about him compared to everyone else.Brooke feeling constantly like she's second best to Chloe and people using her.Christine being unsure of what she wants in life as she nears the last year of high school where she feels like she needs to decide.Rich while unsquipped seeming like he hardly knows how to handle himself in social situations and seeming incredibly anxious without a squip also being a big nerd D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?Typically if its a musical depending on viewpoint i listen to songs with those characters in it.In other things its songs that give me a similar feeling to the thing i'm writing (for example i imagine things as color pallets so i try to match them with the colors another thing gives me. Or the corresponding emotion i feel/need to feel as I write a scene.E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?Starting From Square One? The sequel would be more of Rich adjusting to life without a squip and living a pretty happy life with Michael and them going about their lives be it them going to college and struggling or as adults with jobs and trying to figure themselves out during that since i kinda feel like life is constantly a thing of trying to figure yourself out.Out of the tons of Voltron Fics probably more on Keith being glara and the lives/background behind the galra species with how it affects keithIn hu it's hard to say. A lot of them would be hard to find a way to make sequels of but considering Starting From Square one is the only fic i managed make myself work on currently i wouldnt say its impossible to find/make sequels for any of those ficsF: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?For Be More Chill http://archiveofourown.org/works/11671890/chapters/26267448 Both because its from Michaels viewpoint and it definitely doesn't seem to go out of its way to make Jeremy a monster and make Michaels personality center around hsi panic attack like plenty fics do.G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?I'm not too big on crack fics because i personally love really long fics with character development. (crack fics are good, for me it's just my preference where most of the time i'm not in a huge mood for them) but i know this one has been p funny https://my.w.tt/UiNb/v4KNrRgajJ H: How would you describe your style?Id say i write in whatever sounds right in my mind while i'm reading to fit the mood of what i intend to portray. Its really hard to sayI: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?Already answeredJ: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].Starting from Square Ones Alternate ending would be it ending where Rich snaps at everyone and it would have a sequel of everyone in the squip squad meeting Rich in college after not seeing him for an entire year. They'd find who took online classes because he didn't want to see anyone and was still pissed and during that time he had gotten several jobs and was barely even supporting himself with how his dad doesnt care for him. (potentially where he may take up selling drugs) and everyone does try to apologize but it takes awhile for anyone to convince Rich they actually mean it.K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?In Starting From Square One there was a scrapped idea of everyone actually hating rich and him trying desperately to convince them it wasn't his fault he started the fire only when everyone finally does get proof from Jeremy who actually understands Rich's struggle because he had a squip longer Rich hasn't gone to school in well over a week and has goes missing because he's hiding from his dad. L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with?I based one on a dream i had which was like a Xiaolin Showdown, meets high school au, meets almost one pieceLike if you touched these specific items they latched onto you and gave you abilities that typically corresponded to an animal or gave a animals trait to you like enhanced sense of smell, stronger legs for jumping, wings etc. It wasn't fully thought out or planned so it's a very vague idea.M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?Im writing bits and pieces of terraverse, its hard but i'm getting somewhere with it! There's others but they're like aus based off dreams that i'm yet to figure out how to explain or develop in a way they make sense.N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?All of them tbhO: How do you begin a story--with the plot, or the characters?Typically plot first and then i'll add characters to match the plotP: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)It's a little bit of bothI try to plan in advance but as i write Point A going to Pont B i do find things in the story that unfold as I go and then proceed to go to my planning to find a spot to mention it again later.For example i mainly planned on in Starting From Square One that Rich would have known Michaels older brother from when he was a kid but didnt know his last name therefore didn't know he and Michael were related and as I wrote more in my planning it sort of unfolded as I wrote and became me writing in that Michaels older brother dropped out of college because of how stressful it was and Rich gos to stay with him and that's when he finds out michael and him are brothers.Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?While writing if i decide suddenly I want to change something I take what i've already written of that version and paste it into a Google doc of scrapped ideas. That way if i can find a chance to implement them in another fic or other point in a chapter even if written differently i can have the general idea for what i may have intended to go off of.R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?None in particular but I feel like a little bit of everything I've read and written influences my writing since i always find something somebody may have written i want to implement in a fic.Not like their idea. But small things like reading people write about Michael's parents did influence me to include Michaels parents in my fic. Not the same way they did but it was something i read that had made me stop and realize.I never considered what some of these character's families and cousins and such are thinking as they may hear about this from another viewpoint like Michael’s, Jeremy’s, Rich's, Brooke’s, Chloe's, Jenna’s, or Christine's.S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?In voltron (before it became canon) i liked a trope that Keith isn't as angry as everyone makes him and actually is just really defensive and afraid of being seen as weak to everyone else because lance seems to constantly go to pick on him for things.In Be More Chill i stand by the Trope Jake is really smart just perhaps Ditzy and gets really excited over something and struggles to pay attention to the other details because of a long theory and research i did with all the extra curriculars jake did paired with his need to be the best. T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?G o dIn Hollywood Undead stuff I always hated Aron being an unreasonable asshole by default.In Be More ChillJeremy's character being reduced to having been an asshole to Michael because it erases how they were friends for TWELVE YEARS and Jeremy in the bathroom did say "I missed you" TO MICHAEL. Or how Jeremy did have a lot of stressful shit happen to him minutes prior which made him get really defensive over the squip.Everytime people center Michaels personality around his panic attack i love 7 years to my life because they only go as far as Michael hates himself but never even delve into things like how Michael said to Jeremy how he wouldn't be glad to see him after he heard about his research on the squip Kinda like he anticipated Jeremy wouldn't be happy and Michael had a feeling Jeremy wouldn't outright be happy about it.(asks cut me off hold up)
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