#this is my first post hiiiiiiiiii hi
saageleaf · 7 months
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post about neck kisses/hickey’s with Douma and I was curious how Enmu would do them with his s/o (human preferably) I think he’d be really into them!
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Enmu [X Reader]
In which Enmu just can't stop himself from marking you up.
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The worst or best part about this demon is that he has more than one mouth
On his hand? He has a crazy amount of reach, and you've learnt to be cautious when that hand is anywhere near you
It will bite, nibble, lick, kiss, and it always scares the hell out of you
You can predict it now, usually when he's string absentmindedly at you with a blush creeping up on his face, once you see that you have a fraction of a second to locate that arm and pin it down
Doesn't do you any good, if he wanted to he could easily throw you off
Enmu doesn't mind giving you hickeys along your more visible places, but he has a preferences for places no one else got to go
Its his way of telling himself that you're all his and no one else will ever get to leave kisses on the inner parts of your thighs, your hips, your chest, they're all his
Oh, you're sensitive there? That's such a shame, I guess you'll just have to get through it, princess!
From how often he does it he knows exactly which spots will make your thighs clench or hitch your breath in that way where you squeak, one of his favourite noises
So sweet about it in a condescending way, and usually dirty talks about how you are hopeless under his control
Probably marked his name into you, which took about an hour and bruised his name into your thigh for about a month
Oh yeah it also left you a squirming mess for the rest of the evening but that's what he expects of his lovely s/o 
Showy clothes or not, anything loose that can be pushed up will
He doesn't mind that anyone could walk in, even in a currently empty train cart he'll get on his knees in front of your seat and push his head under your skirt
Better keep quiet so no one come sin to check out what's happening, better look normal so the people outside the window can't see what a slut you are just from him nibbling your skin
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Authors Note - Hiiiiiiiiii Ink thank you for requesting 😳 I was going to say the request surprised me but you and Enmu go hand in hand /lh
Please enjoy, and thank you for requesting! Enmu was my first demon slayer crush and the entire reason I watched the show (saw a youtube video w him to the song lovegame) and I miss writing him </3
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trickstarbrave · 7 months
HIIIIIIIIII im very excited to share this wip. im so mad i wrote this out of order bc i wanna post it immediately. im looking forward tho to finally being able to edit and post it on ao3 normally
i got tagged by @caliblorn and @your-talos-is-problematic and im taggingggggg @woundjob, @thescrolls-haveforetold, @wellthebardsdead and my roommate @soundwavefucker69
here is smth for moon and star. lots of lorkhan talk. some chim. some trauma. even some dagoth ur
literally i was like "oh yeah. its all coming together" writing this also its long im sorry
also here is my god!nerevar sketch. can be interpreted also as just how lorkhan appears to neht and the ppl around him
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Malacath’s hand touched his chest and pain wracked his body. Nerevar could feel the blade cutting away his skin—cutting through the bone of his sternum and splintering it. It ripped apart and opened his ribcage, before that damn hand was then inside his chest. His anxiety spiked as he could feel phantom touches on his heart, a hand gripping it, long claws digging into the muscle as it continued to beat loud and sturdy. His whole body had gone rigid, nostrils flared and his breathing coming in quick pants desperate to get more air in his lungs. 
He was terrified. More than terrified, in fact. It was like being killed in the heart chamber but all the more worse somehow. He was choking now, gagging on blood—thick, black blood that was pouring from his chest, bubbling up in his throat.
And then Nerevar was overcome with the urge to laugh. To laugh besides the terror coursing through him, to laugh even though he was gagging and choking on his own blood. He knew he would die; it had been a part of his plan all along. He hadn’t known what death would be like, but he had anticipated it, at least on his own terms. And yet here Trinimac was, killing him himself. Ripping his heart from his chest. 
He had intended the first death to be slow and simple. A fading ember rather than a bright, all encompassing flame that destroyed everything with it. He had intended to bear the burden as the cause of the first death in their reality where death did not yet exist—was merely a theory. But here Trinimac was, unknowingly mantling that sin himself. A cruel irony he would be the one to blame for this. It was not his fault, but it would be his responsibility and duty.
He’d collapsed at some point, gasping, crying, and choking on blood as Voryn held him close. Voryn shouldn’t see him like this—not his beloved, sobbing and begging. He couldn’t hear his voice over the drumming of his own heart but he tried to speak despite all the gagging he was doing. His gorgeous, sweet lover, his beautiful hawk shouldn’t have to watch him die like this. Not when Nerevar knew this was coming, deep down. Not when he had doomed them both, sacrificed Voryn’s life on the altar just as much as his own. He was regretting it now, if only because he couldn’t apologize; how could he speak when Trinimac had already ripped out his heart? How could he explain he never wanted to hurt Voryn in truth? How would his beloved hawk even react to his death? Oh the fury he could bring down, how he could drown the world in blood and tears if he was pushed to the brink…
And what of Azura, his sister? His poor, vain, vindictive sister… She hadn’t agreed to help him, but he knew she would be in a rage over his death. And even the man killing him was sobbing and crying, apologizing despite his lord—Nerevar’s own brother—ordering his execution. How could he apologize to this man? To tell him he knew he didn’t mean for it, that Nerevar was the villain all along in this story? Would that soothe his grief? Trinimac, Kyne, Azura, all of the others… How would they fair without him? Tears were now spilling from his eyes not from pain but sorrow that he wouldn’t be there to comfort and love them. Ah, if only he could kiss his hawk one last time…
“Nerevar!” Voryn’s voice finally cut through, and a disconnect happened in the vision. He was untethered now, the sensation of falling back into his own body hitting him, and his ears were ringing loudly, a dizziness washing over him. There were no more feathers on Voryn’s face or on his cloak—why would there be? Voryn wasn’t… Voryn wasn’t a hawk, why would he call him that so fondly? There weren’t even tears streaming down his face like he had seen before, but his face was in a grimace, pained watching him writhe and flail choking on imaginary blood.
His hand came up to his chest as he felt around, but there was no gaping wound like he’d expected. Why had he felt it so clearly then? His whole body was still shaking from the terror and pain, unable to calm the trembling. 
“Do you remember now, Lorkhan?” Malacath asked, still standing over him. Vivec and Sil were currently being held back by the numerous orcs, though they were swearing up a storm and desperately trying to fight their way closer to defend him. Even Voryn had a spell prepared as he cradled Nerevar close to his chest, posed with the ferocity of a wild animal protecting its young.
“I-I’m not…” Nerevar began, though it felt like a lie on his tongue. He could still taste the metallic black in his mouth, the unnatural blood he was choking on. His body felt hot now, his mouth dry making the metallic taste all the more nauseating. “Lorkhan is dead!” He shouted definitively. Lorkhan was a dead god—long dead before Nerevar had ever been born as a lowly half blooded chimer in that ebony mine. 
“And yet, here you are, alive and in the flesh.” Malacath responded, his expression unwavering. “I would know that heartbeat anywhere. I would know how you battle more than anyone else.”
“Stop it!” Nerevar shouted, covering his ears, still shaking. 
“Why you deny it is my only question for you.” 
“I’m not Lorkhan!” Nerevar growled, teeth bared. His whole body felt like it was burning, just like in the heart chamber. That supernatural chanting from his dream came back too, at the edges of his senses, as he fought back the urge to vomit. “I’m not Lorkhan, just shut up, shut up, shut up!!” 
The next thing he knew, everything went black, the last thing he heard being his own heartbeat pounding in his ears and Voryn calling his name. 
Nerevar’s eyes snapped open. His hands frantically touched at his chest, once again checking for the wound, only to find nothing. Still, the unmistakable ache was there, however faint. 
“Where…?” He found himself someplace… Bizarre. There was stone architecture, that much he knew, but it seemed… Foreign, though they were in a state of disarray. It looked like some kind of abandoned tower, the roof having long since caved in, vines growing over stone. In the middle, where Nerevar was laying was soft grass and a few wildflowers. He sat up, looking around even further, confused. 
“Damn Trinimac, causing problems again…” Someone behind him muttered, and Nerevar quickly turned to see--
He jumped, panicked. No, no he could tell it wasn’t himself. He looked a lot like Nerevar, and sounded a lot like Nerevar, but there was something off about his appearance. He was taller than Nerevar--around Voryn’s height maybe? His hair was much longer too, not to mention he was wearing long robes Nerevar would never wear given how complicated and annoying they looked. Not to mention the longer he looked at him the more his appearance seemed to change--subtle ripples you had to focus on to know. His eyes subtly changed shape, along with his other features, sort of at random in moments where if you blinked you’d miss them. 
“Apologies for that.” The man said, walking over and plopping down to sit next to Nerevar. “I never expected his followers to summon him, nor that he’d do something like that…”
“Who are you?” Nerevar asked, his heart still racing in his chest. The other simply plopped his chin in his hand, staring back at Nerevar, amused.
“You and your lover--both just asking questions instead of even trying to figure it out for yourselves…” He tsk-tsked with a soft click of his tongue and a shake of his head. 
“How the hell am I supposed to know who you are?” Nerevar snapped. “I don’t even know where I am!” 
“Easy, no need to raise your voice.” He still looked amused, despite Nerevar’s anger. 
“Why in Oblivion do you look like me?” Nerevar demanded an answer now; he was in no mood to play games at the moment. He felt his heart being ripped out by that damn orc god and now he had someone playing mind games with him. 
The other sighed.
“I am Lorkhan.” Nerevar’s blood ran cold. 
“What…?” Nerevar stared in confusion and shock. “But Lorkhan is--”
“Dead?” He asked with a smirk and a quirk of his brow. “Don’t I know it.” Lorkhan then laughed heartily. “But when did that stop the dead from interfering with the living from time to time?”
“Why are you here?” Nerevar asked, leaning away from him. 
“I thought it would be only fair to show myself to you after that stunt Trinimac pulled.” He explained. “Though I imagine the fact you were stabbed through the chest once before only made it that much harder for you.”
Nerevar was trying to figure out the situation he was in, putting the pieces together the best he could. Several daedra called him Lorkhan, and here was Lorkhan looking remarkably similar to Nerevar. Was it possible people were mixing them up based on appearance? That didn’t seem quite right; it would make sense for Malacath and potentially Dagon, but Dagon didn’t call him Lorkhan initially, and not to mention it wouldn’t explain the nords. He doubted the elf hating people of Skyrim would so readily accept an elven appearance for their chief deity. Nor did it explain the strange, supernatural beating of his heart that drove him to accomplish strange feats out of sheer willpower alone. 
“... Why do you look like me?” Nerevar repeated his question again.
“Come now, I thought you’d be smart enough to figure that out.” Lorkhan laughed again. 
“Answer me.” 
“Well,” Lorkhan’s grin looked mischievous now. “It’s only fitting I look like you because I am you, don’t you think?”
This time a numbing tingle followed the chill in his blood. “Y… You…”
“Or well, I suppose it might be easier to understand if I say you’re a part of me.” Lorkhan continued. “You wouldn’t be the first mortal to be a fragment of me, anyways.”
“I’m not you!” Nerevar snapped, gritting his teeth. He did what he was best at: lashing out when he was truly scared and confused--when problems became too difficult to ignore or solve on his own. “I’m not you! I’m not Lorkhan!!”
Silence followed, the faint sound of birds chirping having vanished, the sky turning a stormy gray. He was panting from his outburst of yelling, but the screaming hadn’t really solved anything. Lorkhan was still sitting in front of him, looking at him with a serious expression, unphased. He was still in this crumbling tower, sitting in the grass. 
How long could he run from this? Daedric princes called him Lorkhan. The nords called him Shor. The strange visions he received that only made sense if they were Lorkhan’s memories, not to mention his heart--
Nerevar curled up, hands moving up as he felt a pain in his chest, clutching his shirt tightly. 
He was scared. He was scared and he didn’t know what was going on. He was terrified because ultimately, he didn’t know what this meant. He didn’t know what this made him.
Gingerly, two arms wrapped around him, pulling him up from the fetal position he curled himself into and into a warm embrace.
“Shh, it’s alright,” Lorkhan whispered, “Just let it out.” As soon as he said that, tears were flowing out of Nerevar’s eyes as he openly sobbing into his shoulder, holding onto him. Nerevar never really had a father--as the Nerevarine he was an orphan who didn’t really know who his parents were and as Nerevar his father was hunted down before the two of them ever met. But at that moment Nerevar couldn’t deny there was something paternal in the way Lorkhan held him gently, letting him cry and sob with arms that felt so much stronger than Nerevar could imagine. As alien as it was, he felt safe in his arms, the pain in his chest fading though he was still distraught and crying. 
Eventually though, his tears died down to soft whimpers rather than open sobs, Lorkhan stroking his hair all the while. 
“It’s alright.” He repeated, trying to reassure Nerevar.
“It’s not alright.” Nerevar countered. “If I’m just you that means I don’t really exist!” It was the truth; if he was just some shard of Lorkhan then he had no real identity of his own. He was just a piece of a larger whole, delusional in that it thought itself independent and separate. “No one really knows me. No one really loves me.” The person Voryn loved wasn’t even real, just a false identity of someone who denied who they truly were. Was the person Voryn actually loved just the pieces of Lorkhan that made up Nerevar? Lorkhan said there were other mortals like him--what if Voryn left him for someone who was a larger, better part of Lorkhan? “I’m just a part of you, an extension of you. I don’t have any thoughts or feelings of my own!”
“Hey now, that’s not true.” Lorkhan interjected. “If you had no thoughts or feelings of your own, how could you deny being me?” 
“You have thoughts and feelings and emotions of your own.” Lorkhan reiterated. “You have your own identity, your own history, your own relationships.” Lorkhan gently dried the tears on his cheeks, careful of the sharp nails on his hands. “You don’t have all the same traits as me, and likewise, how you act on things is entirely up to you.” 
“But then how am I you?” Nerevar asked, apprehensive. 
“Hm… How to explain this…” Lorkhan began, humming softly, trying to gather his thoughts. “... Do you know that sometimes people take cuttings from plants to make a new one?”
Nerevar did know that, though he’d never done so himself. He was bad at growing plants, but he’d heard of it a few times. 
“When they take a cutting from a tree for instance, it was once a part of that tree.” Lorkhan continued. “One of the many, smaller branches of it. But with care and cultivation, it grows roots of its own, and then spreads itself deep into the soil as a little sapling, before finally growing into a tree itself.” Lorkhan then smiled at him. “You’re like a cutting made from me that grew into its own tree. We might be made up of the same things and bear the same fruit, but you might have different branches than me and grow in different ways.” 
“... But what if someone only loves that tree because of its fruit?” Nerevar asked. 
What if Voryn only loved him for the parts of him that were Lorkhan? What if, when Voryn found out, he became disillusioned? Why would he bother with having Nerevar as a lover if he was just a part of a larger whole? What if there was a better piece of Lorkhan out there to love, or he could simply worship the dead god in earnest to get closer to the source?
Lorkhan responded by pinching his cheek playfully, pulling Nerevar from his mental spiral.
“Then someone doesn’t really love that tree specifically, now do they?” 
“Trees are much more than the fruit they bear.” Lorkhan continued, cutting him off. “They provide shade in the sun, and shelter in the rain. They are homes for birds, and the wind whistles through the branches to make music, or even children play in the branches and leaves.” Lorkhan was still smiling at him warmly. “Even if they love the fruit it makes too, not just any fruit tree can be their tree. And if they only love the fruit, wouldn’t you prefer someone who really loved the tree to take care of it rather than someone who only cared about what the tree produced?” 
Ah, Nerevar saw what he was getting at here. If Voryn only loved the parts of him that were Lorkhan and didn’t care about him otherwise, that meant he didn’t really love Nerevar. Nerevar’s hand reached over to caress the scar on his left shoulder gently, unable to really feel it through his shirt and armor, but comforted by the knowledge it was there nonetheless. 
Would Voryn have really asked Nerevar to carve his name into him if he didn’t love Nerevar? Perhaps the rest of Lorkhan didn’t appeal to Voryn. Perhaps the other traits other mortals shared with Lorkhan weren’t the same as how Nerevar was. Nerevar wanted to trust Voryn with his heart and make this work--he shouldn’t be assuming once again that Voryn would be quick to leave him and replace him with someone else. Voryn committed to Nerevar.
“There we go.” Lorkhan smiled, seeing his stormy expression fade. 
“... But I don’t know what any of this means.” Nerevar continued. “Why am I a part of you? What does any of this mean?” How was he supposed to move forward like this? How many other daedra would challenge him calling him Lorkhan? “How can I tell what’s my thoughts and abilities and what’s just yours? How can I tell if I’m even real?” 
That was the part Nerevar was still grappling with. If he was called Lorkhan and acted like Lorkhan and did what Lorkhan was supposed to do… Didn’t that just make him Lorkhan? When he was the Nerevarine he slowly just assumed Nerevar’s memories, thoughts, and identity after he was sent back in time--or was going back in time not real either. “The future--what about my memories of the future? Are those fake too or--”
Lorkhan smiled softly, almost knowingly. 
“Oh little star,” Lorkhan chuckled as though he was recounting something funny. “None of your memories of the future are real.”
“... Huh?” They weren’t… Real? “But Dagoth Ur--the Tribunal--” Didn’t Vivec have a vision of Nerevar being killed as king? That was in the future Nerevar saw as well.
“None of it was real.” Lorkhan was still smiling, but Nerevar was sent spiraling again. 
It was all so real. Nerevar could feel it. He felt Vivec’s spear ramming through him. He could hear the hurt and betrayal in Dagoth Ur’s voice, along with the cold anger as he revealed he would never be able to trust Nerevar even if Nerevar had agreed to join him. Almalexia had attempted to kill him a second time as the Nerevarine, and he remembered fighting her after discovering Sotha Sil’s mangled corpse. 
Panic set in then. If none of that was real then… Why did he not remember his past? Why had he dreamed up such a strange turn of events? Why--
“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Lorkhan leaned in close, a devilish smirk on his face now. “I’m not real either.”
Nerevar blinked in shock, only to find Lorkhan was gone. In fact, everything was gone now, leaving Nerevar floating in an inky, black void. 
Nerevar’s panic rose at that. It could have been Lorkhan just telling him he was a figment of Nerevar’s imagination and not actually the ghost of a dead god but… Nerevar knew that wasn’t the case. He could feel it, deep in the pit of his stomach, and the revelation was not a comforting one. He was left entirely untethered in this void, and looking down at his hands, he saw himself flickering in and out. 
If Nerevar was Lorkhan, and Lorkhan didn’t exist, then that meant that he didn’t exist either. Really didn’t exist. It was so much more comfortable to imagine himself as a shard of Lorkhan, living and moving on its own, ignorant to the fact it was part of a larger whole. 
A clawed hand touched his back and a sickening chill overtook him as he found himself in the heart chamber of Red Mountain once again. He was trembling as he continued to flicker in and out of existence. The heart’s rhythm was equally unsteady, stopping and starting at random, the sounds a disjointed mess. 
If the heart of the world was not stable--was not real--then what did that make the world?
What did that make his friends? The people he loved? 
What did that make Voryn?
A familiar voice called out to him, large, clawed hands gripping him tightly and pulling him in close.
“I told you once before,” Dagoth Ur began, “We are bound to the dreamsleeve together.” Nerevar knew that wasn’t right, but he didn’t know how to counter it either. 
“I am the dreamer,” Dagoth Ur continued, “And this is all my dream, my sweet Nerevar.” Nerevar didn’t like the fondness in his tone. This was a twisted version of Voryn, corrupted and maddened, fully delusional. He preferred Voryn sane and warm, affectionate and protective. He didn’t want the delirious, maddened version of him that was Dagoth Ur.
Then, the two had changed locations. Instead of the heart chamber with the unsteady heartbeat echoing around them, they were in what seemed to be a rainbow colored river, all the different colors flowing in strange, glowing patterns. They moved up and down, left and right, forwards and backwards, swirls of color that flowed like incoherent water simultaneously both much thicker and almost syrupy than pure water, and also like it was barely there as they caressed his legs. Each movement came with a strange, fragmented thought, emotion, or memory. 
“You are simply a part of my dream.” Dagoth Ur’s hands moved to the front of him now, caressing at his chest. “My most glorious, beautiful creation…” 
Nerevar knew that wasn’t true either though. It was an instinctive knowledge, perhaps, but he could tell that was simply not the case. If there was a dreamer, it certainly wasn’t Dagoth Ur. 
And then Nerevar looked to his hands to see he was a dunmer again, grey skin and all to match the equally grey hands on his chest. One of Nerevar’s hands moved to caress the scar left from corprus he got as a Nerevarine when he was forcibly attacked to infect him with it, sending him further in his quest, ironically. The scar was an ugly, messy thing--a gross mess of scar tissue trying in vain to form over an injury that wasn’t truly there, growing more mangled and grotesque by the day. Before he couldn’t remember where the attack was from Gares, as his memories of the Third Era faded more and more with his time in Resdayn like a hazy dream, leaving him unsure if it was on his chest, his stomach, his thigh, or his arm. But now he remembered it was--
All of them. He had been hit by the attack in all of those places, in different moments in time, in different versions of the same event. And in that way, it wasn’t one moment specifically but simply an event that could have played out differently, in a way bending and contorting around the flow of fate. And just as he realized it, the scar itself faded entirely. 
“Nerevar, stop this.” Dagoth Ur warned, his voice concerned. Almost frightened if Nerevar was being honest, though he knew the other wouldn’t admit to it. 
“It… Didn’t happen.” 
“Yes, it did.” Dagoth ur stressed, but Nerevar stepped away from his hands, walking along the multicolored river. “Do you doubt your own memories? My own memories?” Dagoth Ur insisted. “Just as that was my dream, this too is my dream. A dream where we get to be together.” His voice took on a facsimile of warmth and affection. “A dream where nothing can keep us apart--”
“No,” Nerevar countered, his voice soft. “It happened and… It didn’t. Just how this… None of this is real either.” The thought wasn’t as scary as it was the first time around. In fact, the revelation seemed to almost bring some relief. He dipped his hand into the liquid that pooled around his thighs, running his fingers through it in what seemed to be an arbitrary pattern, relishing in the feelings that washed over him. Like this, he could make them seem coherent. Like this he could move them until he could faintly hear a song--
“Nerevar Mora, return to my side at once.” Dagoth Ur’s tone was threatening again. It seemed that Nerevar had gotten under his skin. 
“You are not a god. I’m not a figment of your dream…” Nerevar could insist if anything he might be the one dreaming all of this up but… He knew that wasn’t quite right either. Lorkhan didn’t exist. Nerevar didn’t exist, so he couldn’t be the one dreaming. But he knew he wasn’t a figment of Dagoth Ur’s imagination, that was for certain. “... And you’re not a figment of mine.”
Dagoth Ur was in front of him again, clawed hands gripping his arms tightly while his teeth audibly grit from behind the gold mask. “If I am not the dreamer then you’re saying I don’t exist! Do you even understand what you’re saying?!” His hands gripped Nerevar’s arms even tighter, but Nerevar himself was unphased. “I exist because I say I exist. You exist because I allow you to exist.”
“Or have you forgotten your nightmares? The memories of me?” Dagoth ur changed gears now that he saw it wasn’t persuading Nerevar. “Have you forgotten the way you shuddered at my touch? Or the way I could make such sweet, passionate love to you that you forgot everything else?” Nerevar had to admit he did in fact enjoy those moments with Voryn; Nerevar loved nothing more than losing himself completely in Voryn’s body, of being unable to think about nothing else but how wonderful Voryn could make him feel. But Nerevar knew he couldn’t forget this whole mess even happened and fall readily back into Voryn’s arms, trying to delude himself that it was real. He knew he’d go mad even trying, unable to take joy from it as he tried to deny the reality he was confronted with before. 
“Do not make me rip you asunder and remake you.” Dagoth Ur threatened, venom dripping off his tongue. But at the threat, Nerevar reached his hands out, cupping the golden mask in them, before throwing the mask off entirely. 
His face looked like Voryn’s but so much older and more tired. His eyes were dead, glazed over and foggy, with only the third eye on his forehead seemingly capable of sight. His complexion was equally dead--ashen even for a dunmer. A dead sleeper who dreamed he was still alive, just as that wise woman said so long ago. 
Nerevar leaned up, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his lips. He didn’t like this maddened version of Voryn, but he knew he still loved him. He loved Dagoth Ur and mourned for him. As horrible as it was, it was a mercy for Nerevar to slay him as the Nerevarine. It was a mercy for things to return to the past so they could have a better future, one where Nerevar wouldn’t hurt him as cruelly as he did the first time around. 
Then, just as the gentle kiss started, Nerevar pulled away, whispering softly. The words tumbled out of his mouth before he even realized it, but the truth spoken in them was more real than anything else he had seen. 
“I already unmade you.” 
Dagoth Ur stared down at him in shock, before, like ash in the wind, he faded. And Nerevar was left standing alone in the dreamsleeve. 
Yet, something was gnawing at his psyche. If Dagoth Ur was not the dreamer and didn’t allow him to exist, then what was his purpose? If this was all a dream, then who was dreaming? 
Dread washed over Nerevar again, overwhelming him as he felt like someone or something was watching him. Like he was a tiny insect crawling where he shouldn’t have, about to be crushed by the figure that finally realized he existed. 
Yet, part of Dagoth Ur’s words made sense. He wasn’t real. None of this was real. Nerevar could either stand there and accept it and fade into the liquid around him and dissolve into nothingness…
Or he could insist he did exist. That he wanted to exist. That he wanted to continue on, in spite of how nonsensical it was. 
“... I exist because I will it.” Nerevar knew he wasn’t the dreamer, but he existed in spite of it. He refused to vanish and become nothing more than a disjointed collective of memories free floating around him. 
“Well done.” Lorkhan’s voice echoed, and Nerevar found himself once more in the black, inky void, outside of the dreamsleeve. “I was a bit afraid you might not be able to handle it,” He chuckled softly, “But I can see it was silly of me to worry. You already remade the world, you’d be ready to handle the revelation of the tower.” 
“Was that… You?” Nerevar questioned, wondering if Lorkhan took on the appearance of Dagoth Ur just to help him along. 
“No. What was in fact a remnant of Dagoth Ur, based on your memories.”
“My memories?” Nerevar raised a brow, as the crumbling tower and soft grass slowly came back into focus around him, real and present once more. It was more comfortable than just free floating anyways. 
“Things can’t exist if nothing remembers them.” Lorkhan explained. “But you remembered him, so he continued hiding and lurking…”
“Would he…” Nerevar began, apprehensively. “Would Voryn have become him again…?”
“No.” Lorkhan’s voice was firm and confident, making Nerevar relieved. “Your beloved has already rejected that path.”
“Then how could he exist?”
“He existed outside of Voryn. A part of him and also not. Perhaps in a way also part of you?” It was a confusing explanation, but Nerevar supposed that was in line with everything else so far. “I suppose it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t exist anymore--not as he did just now.” Lorkhan hummed softly again. “Now he’s merely a memory, returned to water once more.” 
“I… Don’t understand.” Once again, Lorkhan reached over to pinch Nerevar’s cheek.
“Yes you do, don’t lie to me about that.” 
“I mean I get that he’s no longer a problem since I just saw him vanish but I don’t… Know how I did that.” 
“He was mostly tied to you. It would have been very easy for anyone in those circumstances to cut him off.” Lorkhan clicked his tongue. “Then again, I suppose not everyone can be connected to the dreamsleeve and confront not existing as well as you did.”
“So I don’t exist?” It was a question, but not asking for an answer more so a confirmation that he was understanding it correctly. 
“You don’t. And yet, you do.” Lorkhan confirmed, before elaborating. “All of us exist in that state. But I made Nirn in the first place because I realized it was impossible to move beyond that revelation and actually do something about it without real growth--growth that can only come from trial.”
“... What?” Now he was losing Nerevar. Go beyond the revelation of not existing? How would you even move past something like that? 
“Dagoth Ur had a few things correct I’ll admit.” Lorkhan continued, almost rambling now given how little it made sense to Nerevar. “The trial of flesh is needed to overcome the dream…”
“Again, I don’t really understand.” Nerevar interjected, before Lorkhan sighed.
“Ah… Right. I’m getting ahead of myself.” He then reached over, pulling Nerevar into a hug once more. “We don’t have all day, unfortunately. Linear time still exists.” He gave Nerevar’s back a firm pat. “I would explain if I could but… Well, we’d be here for some time. I think your beloved is calling you.” A ringing was in Nerevar’s ears now, the rest of the dream getting fuzzier and fuzzier. 
“Voryn…?” Nerevar asked, before his eyes cracked open. 
He wasn’t in the grass, but laying on Voryn’s cot, blinking up in a confused daze. It was night, that he could tell from how dark it was in the tent. Beside him, he heard a gasp, as Voryn looked to him frantically. 
“Oh thank gods,” Voryn looked close to tears. “Nerevar, do you have any idea how worried I was?” He cupped Nerevar’s cheek, his hand warm and familiar. It felt like Nerevar had been away for ages and also hardly any time at all. “I thought I almost lost you again…”
“I’m alright,” Nerevar sat up slowly, but his arms felt weak. “How long was I out for…?”
“More than a day.” Voryn explained, before helping support Nerevar’s upper body, settling Nerevar to lean against him. “Nothing we did could wake you up. We wanted to raze that damn orc camp to the ground,” He could hear the anger in Voryn’s voice. “But Malacath said his people would assist us and that you would wake up in time.” 
Nerevar could tell Voryn hadn’t believed the prince--not after what seemed like an attack on Nerevar. 
“I’m fine now.” Nerevar insisted, stroking Voryn’s face. “I’m--”
“Is he awake?” Vivec asked from outside the tent, and Voryn stiffened under Nerevar’s weight.
“He just woke up--” Voryn began, “Give him a few minutes to regain his senses before you shake him down for answers.”
Vivec entered the tent now, his brow furrowed. “You swore I could ask my questions when he awoke.” 
“At least give him until the morning.” Voryn pleaded. Vivec looked between the two of them, and it seemed that Nerevar looked haggard enough for Vivec to relent, though he was unhappy about doing so. 
“Fine,” Vivec scowled, leaving the tent once more. “In the morning I want answers.”
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stormyoceans · 1 month
(regency au anon again) thank you so much for the kind and lovely words about what i sent! i was blown away that you liked it! and thanks to everybody who reblogged and commented as well, it was so sweet. i think i will end up posting that au on ao3! i actually wrote some more, so maybe i will wait until i have a semblance of plot before uploading it.
i wrote some of the tanfang backstory and made myself very sad lol. here, let me share my sorrow in a tiny snippet. i don't want you to feel obligated to comment ASAP so i won't keep spamming your inbox, but whatever else i write in this au is all dedicated to your wonderful idea and i hope i can do it justice!! and that i can post it soon.
[It would be so easy to say yes. He ached to say yes. But it was as if that moment in the shop had thrown a revealing light on the past summer of Fang’s friendship with Tan. As if he could finally see what this bond was growing into -- see what his feelings for Tan really were.
You love me, Fang thought, gazing at that beloved face. And I… I am my parents’ son.]
first of all, i must apologize for the really late reply!!!! going to the fanmeet last weekend kinda threw me off my (already usually very slow ;;;;;) rhythm and im taking way too long to catch up with everything ;;;;;;;;; i know you said it was okay if i didn't answer right away but still!!!!!! I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR WE ARE REGENCY AU AND NOT A MINUTE GOES BY WHERE I DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yo-aroleplayfinder · 7 months
Hi hi hiiiiiiiiii aaaaaaall so I don’t really have a good introduction, mainly because I go by nicknames… aahahhhhh lol but I’m an 18+ F (very gender apathetic tho) looking for other 18+ ppl who wanna RP some dark shyieeeeeet.
So I do have a few expectations for my RP partners that I hope aren’t too much!!
-pls be kind and patient
-I would like a mini paragraph, so like 10 lines tops (but it’s also cool if you can do more)
-communicate with me, even if it’s just a little bit!! I promise im friendly, just a little shy and awkward!
-I really only RP OC x CC, it’s just what I’m comfortable with :p I also only do doubles since it’s fair and I’m a people pleaser-
-you might have to be comfortable with a few dark themes (ofc tell me your limits and stuff! I have limits too, and I want us both to be comfortable!)
Now here’s what you’ll be expecting from me:
-there’s a slight probability I might make art of your OC’s XD
-I make 1x1 RP servers on Discord (it’s easier to manage that way :3)
-I might be a little nervous at first, that’s because I don’t often RP with other people (I’ve had too many bad experiences in the past)
-I DONT MASK ON THE INTERNET🗣️🗣️ I’m sorry, I might come off as a little too muchhh😖
-I might go a bit overboard with my responses, idk if that’ll be a good thing with you or not but don’t worry about giving me a really detailed response!!
Something I’ve been wanting to RP for some time now:
Fallout4 (this one will have plenty of dark themes, it’s Fallout after all! I’d like it if my partner could play as Paladin Danse :3)
Call of Cthulhu (this one will also have plenty of dark themes, because of Call of Cthulhu ofc! I’d like it if my partner could play as Edward Pierce)
Infamous (this one probably won’t be as dark as the others, but still contains some themes. I’d like it if my partner could play as Cole MacGrath)
Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea (This one will also ofc contain plenty of dark themes since it’s Bioshock! I’d like it if my partner could play as Booker DeWitt)
Assassin’s Creed (this one won’t be as dark as the other ones, but still will contain themes!! I’d like it if my partner could play as Shay Cormac, Alexios/Kassandra, whichever one they’d like :3)
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hiiiiiiiiii nyla!!! i'm in your askbox for the selfship game!!! might i have 🧸,🌠, and💎for my beloved sea otters?
i see we're both doing scientific research today. i haven't had enough ace brainrot either so here we go
🧸— favourite gifts from each other?
the kids. the first of which was an accidental gift
from ace i think my favorite thing i ever got from him was a turtle shell back when we lived on dawn island. it's a standout gift/core memory for me. being the 'weird black kid' growing up is... definitely an✨ e x p e r i e n c e ✨ so him indulging me in my 'weird ass hobbies' and picking up things he knew i'd like was a big deal. and from me... ace's favorite gift is probably an oyster shell with a unique interior after it was cleaned. i said it reminded me of him
he was a bit rough around the edges when we first met but there was a whole treasure trove beneath it
🌠 — if you or your f/o could make one wish come true, what would it be?
pre-sabo was alive the whole time reveal & post-reveal: i'd want ace to love himself more. considering my devil fruit ability, i have a better understanding of death than most and appreciate the time i have with the people i care about but i wouldn't want to upset that balance. sabo isn't coming back but ace and luffy are still around and that's enough for me. it would just be nice if ace could appreciate himself as much as luffy and i do
(then as it would turn out with sabo being alive the whole time, it would have been a waste of a wish lmao)
ace would probably wish for sabo to have never died in the first place pre-reveal, but post-reveal i think he'd probably wish for the dreams of his loved ones to come true because he is selfless like that
💎 — if you and your f/o were in a fake relationship/marriage, who do you think would lose at falling in love first?
well in the sea otters canon i fall for ace first, probably harder too but i think it's really a coin toss on the who fell harder part, so i will have to give the honor of being a clown to me
it's ace can i really be blamed?
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send a selfship ask
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acaciapines · 3 months
hiiiiiiiiii bestie :D for the ask game: 💖🎢
💖 What made you start writing?
it was so so so so long ago that i actually do not remember my life before writing. i was like three years old writing bad stories about my cats. i would spend Months playing with littlest pet shops and having all their buildings take over my room and write down whatever stories i told alone, in my room, playing by myself, so i would remember them for later.
but i do think that one big thing that pushed me to writing was this lack of seeing people like me in writing. while at that age i didnt KNOW i was a nonhuman aroace lesbian, i did know that like...sometimes i read books, and didnt understand why i wasn't there, too. there were other more personal things that contributed to this (you know my life circumstances ash <3 the rest of you stay guessing) and so eventually i was like, i want to see certain stories! and if nobody else tells them, i guess i have to!
which i do still do to this day! i mean, who else is out here writing 900k words of daemon aus in the year 2024. seriously please tell me i'd love to talk. but i tell stories because i have things in my head and heart that i cannot express in any other way. the only way for me to express it is THROUGH story. and so i write and keep writing. it's why im here, yknow? im a storyteller. the rest doesn't matter so much.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
hmmmmm i think in terms of my experience posting it, then i would have to say my madoka daemon au, because i had a BLAST seeing everyone theorize wildly in the comments and holding the amy reveal going :333 as everyone picked up clues but put them together in different ways, or offered it up and then dismissed it as a possibility, was so so SO fun.
my social media works too, i think...specifically the steven universe twitter au i posted, but that was more for me because. OH MY GOD. THE CODING. i think i crashed google docs a few times getting the coding for that together which was the first time i'd ever seen that happen.
i feel like my warrior cats au could also be seen as a wild ride for the audience. there are a lot of huge swings in there.
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if we’ve covered some red flags, what are some of your green flag ships? like of those “fuck yesssssss” ones that you really enjoy
AYO SELF CARE HOURSSSSSS. i do genuinely like talking about the controversial ships but thank you for the positive vibes anon! love that
under the cut, just because the post is a little long:
actually im not super into shipping i think? i definitely value being able to imagine a dynamic for even the nichest pairings and have a lot of fun stretching or emphasizing certain parts of each characters' personalities to get them to work the best while opening up the potential for some development on each characters' side (thats exactly why im doing the ship bingo! its a ton of fun!), but theres very few things i actually like. Ship beyond surface level thoughts tbh. and recently the things i actually do ship have gotten increasingly niche. so enjoy this ramble that mostly pertains to specifically me and only me LMAO /lh
metadede ofc is the big one. not niche obviously. extremely beloved by me hiiiiiiiiii. they just have so much to work with in canon it makes so many varied interpretations which are a blast to see honestly. in general i love seeing how people portray their friendship too. an idiot whos smart to smart guy whos an idiot communication. enemies to friends to lovers..... their personalities bounce off of each other really well and the content the community makes is always a+. actually im going to take the opportunity to share my favorite mtdd fic ever. this is like pretty much peak metadede to me if anyone wants to know what i hope my personal interpretation will live up to [link!]
people might be able to tell ive been getting very into dametaberge. oh my god im so insane. no one look at me. dmk+jambacult found family Real. i have like three comics in my drafts for them. its mostly dametaberge thoughts rn but i like to think susie joins them later to make a poly ship. dmk and susie are a little tense at first but susie is, "like so over her knight phase," as she says, which dmk is extremely conflicted about whether to be offended or relieved at. and then they learn how to relax around each other and are always the two in the relationship to have awful destructive ideas, which flamberge vetos or approves of on a case by case basis. they get very happy and excited when flamberge approves of their awful plans
and of course my beloved gsa ships.............. theres falsgato which i am incredibly insane about thanks to my friend dragging me into it and now its a thing in my animeverse. enemies to friends to lovers I KEEP SAYING IM SO WEAK FOR THAT. dragato was a huge asshole to falspar for Various reasons regarding the nature of the gsa and perhaps dragatos own personal insecurity, but once they lost the war they got to bond since dragato like, realized how little the shit he antagonized falspar for actually mattered in the first place. and falspars a guy who really sees the best in people and ahahahghdjk its a whole thing its a whole thing i wont go into it rn LOL
theres also metarthur which is my very very beloved longtime rarepair. which i um. uh. ahahahah............. i get very slightly nervous talking about on main because a lot of people hc arthur as meta knights dad or parental figure but i shouldnt be nervous about hc differences really....... anyways theyre supposed to be like parallels of each other. people who are opposites thematically (arthur being leader of the gsa; mk being a former deeply infamous demon beast) who find themselves in similar positions in that they both kinda struggle with their sense of purpose vs their sense of self. meta knight sees his past struggles in arthur and so he finds himself drawn to him. he cant really Solve his situation, but (during their war-time relationship specifically) he hopes to offer some solace to him which functions as a form of catharsis to mk himself too. the two get to connect and understand each other in a unique way. i wont get too into this one right now either lol since the dynamic changes a lot depending on if its their during-war relationship or post-war relationship but theres the basics. i have a comic expanding on their general relationship in my drafts too but its at the bottom of my to-do list tbh. maybe someday though
im only into this one casually nowadays but morphogala... you really cant go wrong with "knight of death saves the greatest warrior in the galaxy from their torturous fate". something something the themes of wishing for the release of death being subverted into yes, death itself releasing you but in a way that actually Saves and rescues you instead. the hope and love in spite of all of the hopelessness AHHHHGH the themes of this one make me so weak. theres so much potential...... i really love this one on an aesthetic level too
you know i take my comment on "not super into shipping" back i think my multishipper ass has disillusioned myself into thinking being insane about like 4-5 ships isnt enough or isnt the norm. maybe i am insane about shipping......... oops
ships that make my thumbs up list in that i like them in concept but dont ship myself would be: marxolor; any of wave 3 x each other tbh. i have them as just besties in my hcs but paired up in any way is very fun; i kinda like shadow metadede but im really particular about the dynamic of that one; fransoos gets a very big thumbs up from me for themes and concept+enemies/rivals to lovers; metagala is. i dont super get it myself but the aesthetics alone are absolutely on-point enough to put this one in the thumbs up category. yayyyyyyy. im sure theres more that im missing but i think that covers any that arent too niche
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remembertheskittles · 9 months
hi bestie!!!!
16, 17, 18 and 23 plsssss
hiiiiiiiiii 🥰🥰
16. post a picture from the beginning of the year
here's the first pic of pip i took this year!
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17. post a picture from the end of the year
the most recent one is a from out of my window at work, the magpie was molting and i'd never seen that before so i took a pic to show k
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18. a memorable meal this year?
not actually the meal, but the scenario that it happened! it was my granny's birthday and we were sharing the restaurant with about 30 people wearing stetsons 🤣
23. if you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
allow me to be cheesy for a sec. in january i knew i needed to try and put myself out there a bit a more, so i'd tell myself it was worth pushing through the anxiety of talking to new people because you'll make a truly amazing friend who has become such a key part of your life 💖💖 love you!!!!
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noetophat · 11 months
hiiiiiiiiii!! Saw your post, but I wanna know what are your rules/boundires before requesting if that is ok to ask.
hi anon!!! it's absolutely okay to ask <3 thank you!
i won't write smut because obviously miles is a minor and so am I, so I'd be pretty uncomfy with it! I've written it before but I prefer not to post any smut. n I'm not tryna get cancelled LMFAOOOO
I've never really written fluff but I'd be open to trying!
I'm awesome at angst, so angst is absolutely fine!
Writing for mental illness or physical illness is sorta complicated? I don't think I'll write for any experiences with health that don't align with my own because I don't want to end up upsetting someone because I don't portray the illness or how it impacts people's lives well! But if you ask about something health related to write about I'd let you know if I can't write about it !!
I usually do character x reader. On very rare occasions will I write character x character or oc x canon, but I'm open to suggestions!
For ATSV specifically I'd like to only write about Miles for now, I'm not very familiar with any other character 💔 but if you want me to try I will!! (Edit: e!42 miles and e!1610 miles are both fine :>)
I should probably make a boundaries post soon but I really wanna start writing first and then add the finishing touches to my blog because I'm excited (and a little lazy) :3
I wanna start writing series here some day :0 but I'll start off small for now.
Thanks for the ask! If you have any more questions feel free to ask again <3
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hiiiiiiiiii 🖤
📖🌊☀️ for the beyond evil asks, please and thank you!
Hello Roo!
📖 Give me a fic recommendation
I have a few that I could rec...
First I will rec my own (yes, I've written a fic for Beyond Evil)
Never Forget Me and Everything I've Done (T, 6.8K, post-canon)
Now, onto all the fics I have bookmarked for Beyond Evil
Subzero by blueberrycp (G, 1.3K)
until the gravity's too much by katierosefun (G, 2.5K)
good at this game by katierosefun (G, 16.9K, post-canon)
i carry my love for you like my teeth by 2ndstartotheright (T, 5.2K, post-canon)
the way home by whir (T, 16K)
the topography of your touch by pepperfield (G, 5.2K, post-canon)
and the day is clear by katierosefun (G, 3.1K, post-canon)
consign me not to darkness by reqvicm (T, 6K)
🌊 What moment makes you want to walk into the ocean?
Oh, absolutely when Han Juwon is cradling Dongsik in his arms as Dongsik cries over Nam Sang Bae
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Like, I legit had tears streaming down my face at this part, god...
☀️ What's your favourite episode?
I think another favorite episode of mine is where Juwon and Dongsik have a meal together and Juwon actually fucking eats after not touching every meal that Dongsik has invited/forced him to
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Like look at this shit. It's about time you fucking ate, you fucking grim reaper looking ass man. I also liked this part because it shows Juwon growing and softening...and it's one of the few times where everything's not going to complete shit
𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐀𝐬𝐤 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 | send me an emoji
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pass-the-salt · 2 years
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I posted 5,480 times in 2022
That's 2,986 more posts than 2021!
35 posts created (1%)
5,445 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,479 of my posts in 2022
#the witcher - 930 posts
#fanart - 615 posts
#art - 610 posts
#doctor who - 575 posts
#our flag means death - 494 posts
#classic who - 424 posts
#photography - 303 posts
#black sails - 281 posts
#witcher fanart - 258 posts
#dracula - 188 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#maybe i just have my rodney loving goggles on but good lord it is eminently clear to me how much rodney feels responsible for collins' death
My Top Posts in 2022:
hiiiiiiiiii it's me again, another prompt, here it goes “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” + either geraskier (cause i'm a simple bee) or your choice
hiiiiii again bee i'm a simple salt so have exactly 100 words of geraskier (implied, anyway) in a thunderstorm!! (send me a character/pairing and a prompt and I’ll write you a drabble!)
Jaskier hates getting wet. It makes his clothes stick to his body, which makes him want to crawl out of his skin. Unfortunately for him, it's started raining, and Geralt has stopped walking. 
"Geralt," Jaskier begins, "we're in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop and feel the rain?"
Geralt doesn't turn around. "Lighting's not going to hit us."
"That's not—"
Now Geralt does turn around. "You don't like the rain," he says, softly, like it's a revelation. "Okay. Let's find shelter."
If it wasn't for the rain, Jaskier would be rooted to the ground with shock.
20 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
hi. hello. how about 45. “Tell me a secret.” for some soft geraskier in these trying times?
hello. it's not mentioned, but the grass they're lying on is very soft, so I hope that suffices! (send me a character/pairing and a prompt and I’ll write you a drabble!)
“Tell me a secret,” Jaskier says. It’s a pleasant summer evening, and they’re lying next to each other in the grass, looking up at the stars.
“Why?” Geralt asks.
“I’ll go first,” Jaskier continues, undeterred. “I love you."
Geralt snorts. "That's not a secret."
"It is!" Jaskier insists. "There's a lot of people that don't know that about me."
"Not for lack of trying."
"Tell me a secret?" Jaskier says, again.
Geralt relents. "Okay. I love you too."
And Jaskier beams. It's no secret that Geralt loves him, but if it makes Jaskier smile like that, he will gladly pretend.
26 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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34 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Knight’s Spurs
G / wc: 857 / summary: When Geralt arrives back from a hunt, he gets a rather unexpected welcome.
also on AO3 here!
It's not often that Geralt comes back from a hunt being welcomed by the town that hired him, though it's been happening more often lately. He doesn’t quite understand it, but who is he to deny what the world sees fit to throw his way? Sooner or later, it will change, but he is in no hurry to see that happen.
(He’s not entirely stupid, he knows Jaskier has had something to do with it—what he doesn’t get is how Jaskier ever managed to do it, or why he even bothered to in the first place. Or why he’s still doing it.)
Perhaps the most baffling part of his welcome is, after he’s received the reward—which they gave to him, just like that—a child comes up to him (to him!) and offers him a tall purple flower. He freezes, unsure of what to do, acutely aware that the townspeople are all watching him. He wonders if the child knows no one’s ever offered him a flower before.
“Thank you,” he says softly, as he takes the flower in his hand. The child grins, then runs off, presumably to join their parents.
Then the moment’s gone, the people continue to go about their day, and it’s like nothing ever happened. Except for the fact he is still holding that flower.
“Geralt!” he hears a voice from behind him. It’s Jaskier, bouncing up to him, as if excited to see him. “You’re back! How did it go?”
“Fine,” Geralt replies.
Jaskier pouts. “How am I meant to write a ballad on just the word ‘fine’? Honestly, Geralt, do you not know how songwriting works?” Geralt raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t specify.” Jaskier huffs. “I’m not letting you off that easily, trust me, tonight I'll—why are you holding a flower?”
“A child gave it to me,” Geralt replies simply. “I accepted it.”
Jaskier blinks. “Why?” “You’d have to ask the child. I didn’t. Would have been rude”
“Right, yeah, that’s—never mind.” Jaskier runs a hand through his hair. “I expect you’re tired and dirty—” he pauses, quickly glancing at Geralt, “—yep, definitely dirty, so I’ve taken the liberty of asking for a bathtub and some hot water. Let’s get you bathed, and since it’s this late, it’s probably best if we stay the night, I’ve asked, they don’t mind, I just had to give a concert, quite enjoyable, really—”
Now that he’s mentioned it, Geralt would like a bath, actually. Jaskier prattles on all the way to their room, and Geralt lets him. So long as Jaskier doesn’t need him to pay attention to all of it, he can talk as much as he likes.
“...and so I thought... Geralt? Are you planning to hold that flower in the bath, too?” Jaskier’s voice cuts through his reverie, and belatedly, Geralt realises he probably expects a response to that question.
“...no,” he grunts, and lays the flower on the table next to the tub.
The rest of the evening proceeds as normal. Bathing takes a little less longer, because he didn’t get as dirty, but that’s not entirely out of the ordinary. A little more out of the ordinary is the flower, and if he carefully puts it next to his bedside, no one needs to know.
(Jaskier might know, but he doesn’t comment on it. Geralt appreciates that.)
The next morning proceeds as normal, too. Geralt wakes up feeling refreshed, but that’s not entirely out of the ordinary. A little more out of the ordinary is the flower, still where he’d put it last night, and if he carefully picks it up to take it with him, no one needs to know.
(Jaskier might know, but he doesn’t judge him for it. Geralt appreciates that.)
“I see you’ve still got the flower,” Jaskier says, smiling softly, and well, that answers that.
“I have,” Geralt confirms.
“I hadn’t thought you were one for flowers,” Jaskier continues, idly playing with his hair. “You continue to surprise me every day.”
Geralt shrugs. “I couldn’t very well refuse it, even if I loathed flowers.”
Jaskier knits his brows. “Couldn’t you?” he says, so quietly Geralt isn’t sure he meant to say it at all.
“Why would I have?” Geralt replies. “It’s not like the flower was going to hurt me. And besides, people probably would have gotten angry if I’d made the child cry.”
Jaskier smiles at that, but this time, it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Geralt doesn’t know what to make of it. When Jaskier stays quiet, he doesn’t know what to make of that, either.
No need to dwell on things he doesn’t understand. He tucks the flower behind his ear, so that his hands are free. “Are you ready?” he asks Jaskier, who nods—still not saying anything—and stands up. “Let’s go, then.”
After they’re out of town, Jaskier starts rambling on about something or other—Geralt isn’t quite paying attention, but he knows Jaskier doesn’t mind that—just as normal, and Geralt almost forgets he’d been silent for as long as he was. Almost.
See the full post
45 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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85 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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octocurse · 23 days
hi guys look at my cool elden ring fic I wrote for class abt me and my bffs ocs hi guys hiii I hope someone out there likes it besides my teacher who I know will like it because likes my writing sometimes anyways hiiiiii hiiiiiiiiii (this is my first time posting for a different fandom and im scared)
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thefandom-casserole · 5 months
sharks i am coming to you today asking for 1 million dollars (a fun conversation) and in return you will receive 2 mil (idk hopefully a fun conversation for you? i’m super awkward man😭)
but yeah HIIIIIIIIII!!!! you’re super cool and just a question: is the thing you’ve been posting about dnd 😭 because for some reason i thought it was real/a show for a few hours and i just was immensely confused 😭😭😭😭
many ways uhhhh fun fact: pretty sure i’ve sent every single comment you’ve posted on too sweet to my friends 😭 i am such a loser omg i’m realizing this rn 😭 and i literally write minecraft fanfiction 🧍
Avhahahajahaahhauahhshsjshheh IM IN STUDYHALL RN LOOSING MY MIND /pos
But first!!!! 1.) Yes! I’ve been posting about Dimension 20 which is a DnD show on Dropout. Recently their new season FHJY has been releasing and a new episode came out with a TON of lore. Sometimes I also post about a different DnD podcast called Dndads but usually I tag everything with that one
2.) Holy shit???? REALLY!??! Abajsbsbsnbse that makes me so happy. I adore reading your fic and I’m glad the comments make you happy. It’s pretty much just my thoughts being spewed all over the page because I can’t contain how excited I get while reading it 😭
I’m so insanely awkward don’t worry anything you do automatically seems insanely cool to me lol. I’m doing good!!!!! You’ve made my day so extremely better because of you talking to me so >:3
Hmmmm soemthing cool I get to do today is for a class we’re just playing board games because so many kids will be absent!!!!
feel free to dm whenever omg I love talking to you :>
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smallbabybubbles · 3 years
Sooooooooooo my sister got free home made edibles and last time they didnt do shit ... this time they did.... and i was already feeling small and sort of thinking about it lots... but i have also been extremely horny this weekend, extremely stimulated down there and this edibles making things a lil intensified.
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
–Haikyuu characters playing 7 minutes in heaven with you
(W/ Oikawa & Ushijima)
(w/ drawings :))
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Hiiiiiiiiii<3 Sorry if I haven't post in a while. Something happened in our family, and so. . . Yeah, I can't post the past few days. But here is an apology give for all of you😔❤️
⚠️Warning⚠️: Crappy drawings
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You rolled your eyes. What did you expect, silence throughout the 7 minutes?
It's Matsukawa and Hanamaki in that closet.
Ofcourse, they would bang the closet with their hands and moan out loud purposely.
Annoying really.
Iwaizumi was there fighting with Oikawa to let them out of the closet, saying that his parents might hear them from downstairs and he would be the one to get scolded. However, Oikawa was enjoying all of this.
7 minutes was up and Oikawa opened the closet.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa pretended that their legs were sore, so they stumbled across the room.
They plopped down on the each side of you, giggling to themselves.
"Y'all are bad actors," Your rolled your eyes. "Dramatic,"
Hanamaki and Matsukawa snorted.
Oikawa excitedly picked a paper from the bowl, flapping it open to reveal the name.
"Y/N," He announced, showing the paper to everyone.
You shrugged, acting unbothered.
"I hope it's Oikawa," Hanamaki whispered.
"If it isn't Oikawa, I would literally throw the both of you in that closet," Matsukawa added.
You ignored the boys and waited for Oikawa to announce another name.
"And her partner would be. . ." Oikawa picked another name from the bowl and flipped it open. He gasped, jumping on the spot.
"IT'S ME!"
Matsukawa and Hanamaki bursted into laughter. They high fived each other, on the top of your head since you were sitting at the middle of them.
"C'mon, my lady," Oikawa winked at you, opening the closet, waiting for you to go inside.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki howled like wolves and Oikawa gave them a flying kiss. Iwaizumi
Your world immediately went black.
Oikawa's confidence immediately drained him.
You blushed, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
"D-don't worry, I'll protect you from the m-monsters that lurk in this closet,"
Oikawa felt that he stepped in something.
You sucked in air through your teeth. "That was my foot, Oikawa,"
"Shit! I'm sorry!" He immediately apologized.
You sighed. Oikawa can be a play boy but he won't be. He always embarrassed himself when he tries to flirt with a person.
"It's fine, Oikawa-san,"
Two minutes roughly passed by and it was only filled by silence. There was only an occasional grunt from Oikawa whenever he bumped his head against the top of the closet.
Somehow, Oikawa got his confidence back in just a split-second. He switched into a seductive boy as quick as flipping a light switch.i
"Hey Y/N," He place this hand on the wall your leaning on, just above your shoulder. "Do you know what people do when they're in a situation like this?"
He raised your chin with his pointer finger.
"They kiss," Oikawa leaned in. "They make out,"
Your heart pounded against your chest and he softly swipe his thumb across your lips.
Oikawa leaned in closer, his minty breath tickling your senses. Just then, he realized what he was doing and he stepped back and leaned in his own side of wall, stuttering.
"I'm— I– Shit! I'M SO SORRY!" Oikawa looked around but your eyes. You could still see him shaking due to the small amount of light that peeked through the tiny gap in the closet.
You sighed. You were sick and tired of him flirting out of the blue and suddenly stopping thinking you won't like it.
You stepped closer to him. Pressing a hand on his collarbones, you slowly dragged it down his clothed toned chest and then dragging your hand on his pants.
You hooked your finger on those belt slots and then tugged him forward, making him whimper and weaken his knees.
You rolled your eyes. "Such an idiot,"
Your grabbed his collar and tugged him down, you pressed your lips fully against his.
Oikawa stiffened, before whining and pulling you closer. Feeling braver, you sneakily slipped your tongue in.
The brunette opened his mouth, giving more access, tongues swirled lovingly and he melted in your touch. Smugly, you pushed him off and Oikawa gasped.
"HEY!" Oikawa frowned, crossing his arms. "We're not done yet!"
He stepped closer to you, his ego shooting up when you kissed him. "Can you give me another one, love?"
Blushing, you gently pushed him off again. "As much as I want to, we can't. Time is almost over,"
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing Iwaizumi, squinting at the both of you suspiciously.
Oikawa held on your waist and kissed your temple, making everyone gasp.
"Be mine," He whispered in your ear.
Oikawa walked away and out the door, smiling softly to himself.
You smiled, he already knows what's your answer.
Ofcourse, Oikawa. I'll be yours.
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You giggled to yourself as you watch Semi and Shirabu get out of the closet, frowning but a deep blush flushed on their faces.
"How did it go?!" Tendou immediately interrogated.
Semi and Shirabu huffed, looking away from each other. "Bad," They said together.
Tendou snickered behind his hand, "I'm pretty sure if they get along in the first place, they would fuck,"
Before the two could curse, Tendou dug his hands in the bowl and picked up two pieces of paper.
"OH! How great! It's Y/N and our Miracle boy!"
The crowd cheered as your eyes widened. "Wait what—?"
Tendou grabbed the back of your collar and pulled you up. He happily pushed you in the old closet and you groaned in pain when you bump your head at the wood.
"Tendou-san—" A large built body stumbled into you and you were immediately enveloped in warmth as the person gently gripped your arms.
Ushjima pulled back, a flustered expression on his face.
"I'm really sorry about that, Y/N-chan," he grumbled.
He was once pressed again against you when Tendou pushed him in, closing the door and the small space darkening.
"Sorry again. . ." Ushjima quietly said, pulling his hands off you. Silence filled the musty closet, and the both of you stood at the other side against the wall, not exchanging a single word to each other.
"Are alright there?" Ushijima asked and you saw his shadow reaching up and scratching his nape.
You smiled. "Yes I am, thanks for asking,"
Silence filled again and seconds passed by, a heavy feeling sat at the bottom of your stomach making you nervous. Ushjima sat down on the floor, his legs pressed up against his chest not wanting to take your space.
You hummed in response, looking up once again at his mascular shadowy figure.
"Can I tell you something?"
There was a few momments of silence. You saw him turn away to stare at the door of the closet.
"Thank you for being a manager, Y/N, out team has become much more better with you," He silent said.
You smiled. "That's nothing Ushjima-san, I love being here, it feels like home,"
In the dark you could see Ushijima's shadowy figure look up.
"And I wanted to add that," A pause. "That over the time, I actually developed feelings for you,"
Your eyes widened and you choked on air.
Well that was unexpected.
"I know that you see me as part of the team, so I kept my feelings aside. But then, Tendou told me to confess to you," there was something distant about Ushjima's tone of voice. "I tried being a much more better man. . . Just for you," He said, his voice now merely a whisper.
You blinked in the dark. Your heart clenching when you finally realized he is being insecure.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my confession," Ushjima mumbled, his voice noticibly shaky. "I'm sorry,"
There was a ruffle as Ushijima slid down the wall and sat down. In the next few moments of silence, you were contemplating on what to do next.
Gaining some confidence, you slid down on your knees, facing Ushjima.
"You don't need to apologise, Ushijima-san," You softly said. "Because I like you too,"
"You do?"
You softly laughed. "Yeah,"
You leaned in, taking his soft cheeks in your hands. "I'm going to kiss you. Is that okay?"
Ushjima nodded frantically. Smiling, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and then to his lips. You gave out a giggle before pressing your lips fully to his.
The man below you gave out a groan, raising his hands up to keep place on your hips, running it up and down. He kept you closer, the pace of the kiss increasing.
Wet noises filled the small closet, it's not that both of you care, just as long as the both of you were close. Ushjima places one hand on the back of your thigh, bringing you closer and making you straddle him.
Soon, tongues were involved. A shaky hand went up to the back of your head pulling you closer, and at this position, your tounge went deeper to explore the mouth of Ushjima.
The both of you pulled back, pressing your foreheads together.
"I love you," you mumbled, running a hand through his dark green hair.
Ushjima shyly kissed the edge of your lips.
"I love you more," he paused. "Can you be mine?"
A giggle escape your lips. "Ofcourse,"
You were about to kiss again when a voice spoke up.
"Wow, congratulations guys,"
You and Ushjima slightly jumped and turned to the door, just to see Tendou peeking in between the door crack.
"I'm proud of you guys," he smiled.
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Guys I'm scared, I think I have covid.
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