#this is not a kill your gays moment don't be ridiculous
yourplasticpal · 11 months
Ok, but... this is the show that it is. Mark me as on Con O'Neill watch until season 3, same as I was on Nathan Foad watch. If Buttons is a bird, nothing is impossible.
If Izzy comes back as an animal too, what are we thinking? Literal unicorn?
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renthony · 9 months
OFMD has officially been cancelled, and I am once again thinking about all the people in the world who nitpick diverse media to hell and back when it isn't 100% perfect, as if having nothing at all would be preferable.
I'm so fucking tired of good, earnest, diverse media getting held to ridiculous standards by both networks AND fans, and then getting cancelled.
It was supposed to be three seasons. David Jenkins fucking said it was supposed to be three seasons. And then the network dragged its ass on renewing for season 2, and now...no season 3.
FUCK this shit. I'm so tired of media by and for marginalized artists getting fucked over. I'm tired of marginalized people fighting for scraps and then getting the rug whipped out from under us.
Yeah, OFMD isn't the only thing out there. There are other things to go enjoy, for the moment. But the fact that it's the shows that are queer and multicultural that keep getting cancelled is pretty fucking transparent, and I've seen quite a lot of concern from people in the industry about the direction we're headed. The outlook is concerning. It's more important now than ever to support marginalized artists, whether they're making indie art or trying to get something made by a mainstream studio.
Our Flag Means Death. Warrior Nun. One Day At A Time. Willow. Dead End: Paranormal Park. First Kill. Q-Force. The Owl House. Steven Universe. A League of Their Own. Vampire Academy. I could go on, but I don't need to, because there are entire lists that have been curated by news sites: Gay Times, Out, Autostraddle, Pride, Movieweb, Collider.
There's a reason I spend so much time and energy studying things like the Hays Code and the history of censorship. This shit comes in waves, and the only way marginalized artists survive it is through community support, mutual aid, and being really goddamn loud.
So be loud. Make art. Support your fellow artists and the artists you love. We need each other if we're going to weather the storm.
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nicole-alt-delete · 2 years
It was a hot summer day in Hawkins and the kids had dragged them into helping with some game once again. Eddie was more than thrilled to help, Robin had managed to escape with Nancy on a "supply run" and Steve was currently taking orders from Max, the only one of them who'd remembered to say please.
Eddie wasn't really sure what the end goal was but it seemed like they were one step away from LARPing- just changed the name so Max and El would still play. He was helping Will by carving this big fuck-all stick into a cane for him when the gravel behind him crunched under someone's feet, and a second later Steve was saying "Hey, I'm borrowing this- Thanks-" Not stopping for the answer before Eddie felt a tug at his back pocket.
He instantly whipped around, spluttering, "Absolutely not-"  and before Steve could even take a step he was fiercely gripping his black bandana taut between them like the world's saddest game of tug of war. Steve loosened his grip a little, making a point of not tugging on it or ripping it, just looking confused as he waited for an explanation.
Eddie blushed for a moment, realizing the position he'd put himself in, how protective he got over a little piece of fabric. He stammers for a second, "I- you can't just- I need that man,"
Steve quirks an eyebrow at him, clueless. "What do you mean you need it? It's been in your pocket every day and I've only seen you actually wear it once. C'mon just for today- the girls don't have any hair ties and I need to put my hair up, it's killing me,"
He sighs a little, fully aware there's nothing reasonable he could say to Steve here. He very much cannot tell him that he *needs* it just in case some hot guy walks by and happens to know what it means. That's ridiculous- especially when the guy he most wants to see it is the one tugging it away from him in the first place. Steve has no idea what it means and Eddie doesn't expect him to but it still drives him insane thinking that it could happen.
Alternatively, the idea of Steve putting his hair back with Eddie's bandana drives him a little insane too.
So he blushes, sighs, and lets go of it. Points at Steve firmly, "You better give that back Harrington, or I swear-"
Steve smiles and starts walking backwards with it, already rolling it up into a hairband as he cuts him off, "Yeah, I know Eds, you can hold it against me forever, promise,"
He runs off back to the other kids and Eddie shakes his head at him, flustered and annoyed, and forgetting himself until Will clears his throat behind him.
He doesn't say anything but he's smiling and making this little face as he looks away from Eddie, like he knows something.
"So uh. The stick?"
"Right- yes- stick- cane- it's a cane for a mighty wizard, let's go,"
He didn't think he'd notice it so much, but the empty feeling in his pocket is driving him crazy. He'd been wearing that stupid thing since he learned it was a thing people do- a stolen trip up to the city on a bus he snuck onto, a weekend as a runaway before he sucked it up and went back home.
Someone had called him queer and he turned expecting a fight only to see a group of freaks who stood out more than himself. They had smiled and asking him why he was all alone, and been worried. One wanted to make sure Eddie hadn't been kicked out. Another wrapped her scarf around him, and before he knew it he was in the back of a gay bar with people he'd never met and felt like he could tell anything to.
The idea of proudly wearing something that singled him out- but only to the right people- made his hart light up. It was like a new language, like thieves' cant, something secret and magic.
He'd spent hours asking about colors and being confused and rightfully embarrassed by more than a few of the answers. Some sounded better than others, some made his face flush. At the end of the day he felt better than he had in ages and he had the courage to go back home to Wayne.
Before he got back on a bus he stopped into a second hand shop and grabbed the first black bandana he could find. He debated the whole ride home which side to put it on. When he walked back up to the trailer door ready to apologize, it hung proudly out of his back left.
Eddie had let Steve wear it home and it was killing him, but they had stayed out late and he half forgot anyways, and Steve's hair did look pretty cute pushed back like that. Steve had promised to give it back anyways, and Eddie trusted him fully.
He just also really, really, really wanted it back as soon as possible.
So for once he got up before noon (barely- just after eleven,)  and made his way to Family Video and hopped Steve had left it in his car or something so that he could get it back then and there.
What he wasn't expecting was to walk in and see Steve bent over behind the counter with the damn thing hanging out of his right pocket, as if he had any goddamn idea what that meant.
Eddie nearly had a heart attack and was thankful the store was empty like it always was so he could sprint over, jump the counter and yank the thing out of his pocket immediately.
"What do you think you're doing wearing it like that?!"
Steve had barely registered the jingle from the door, let alone Eddie launching himself at him, and was thoroughly surprised to say the least, nearly knocking over a display as he reacted.
"Hey!  Jesus man- you can't be- what's the big deal??? That's exactly how you wear it all the time- I was just keeping it safe til I saw you again,"
He stared at Eddie properly confused, a little on guard still from how suddenly he had leapt over and how worked up he seemed.
Eddie took a deep breath and sighed, folding the bandana up in his hands and just holding it for a moment, debating what to tell Steve.
After a second Steve makes this little head movement like 'well? go on?' clearly waiting for an explanation and Eddie rolls his eyes and sighs.
"It's- Look, Stevie, you can't wear it like that, you're not- I mean it's. It's like- a symbol, okay?"
Steve leans on the counter and frowns, confused.
"A symbol?"
"Yes- yeah, like- like those little cross necklaces moms wear or Dustin's star wars shirts. They're symbols....for the same kind of people to pick up on,"
He struggles with the words, trying hard to insinuate just enough without giving it all away, still hesitantly afraid of Steve's reaction.
But Steve just looks thoughtful. Nodding a little, putting a finger to his lip as the gears turn.
"So- okay, what's it symbolize then?"
He'd been hoping Steve wouldn't make it that far.
"It's- uh. It's really not..."
Steve stares, "Man I'm not gonna judge you- just- why's it such a big deal that I can't wear it like that too?"
Eddie can't help but laugh, "If anyone who knows what it means saw YOU with it- you would- no, you'd set yourself on fire I'm sure of it,"
He shakes his head, holding the bandana tighter in his fists.
Steve only frowns though, "Eds, what's it mean? If you don't tell me I'll just get my own and wear it until someone else does,"
Eddie looks mildly terrified by the idea but laughs at it all the same. "No- No, god do not do that Harrington-"
"Then tell me,"
"I can't, it's really-"
"Eddie, I'm gonna steal it back,"
And he does, reaches for the bandana in his hands as Eddie pulls away, the two of them starting to bicker and wrestle for it, each equally stubborn until the point that Steve actually does manage to grab it.
The tension gets to him and Eddie can't help it anymore, he just blurts, "It means I'm gay, Steve!"
It makes Steve pause and Eddie uses the moment to grab it back and quickly shove it in his back pocket again, blushing furiously and hoping Steve doesn't take it too badly.
Steve's mouth opens a little to say something in response, but the door jingles and his head snaps to it, Eddie instantly hitting the floor because he's still behind the counter where he most certainly should not be.
A man comes in and asks where the new releases are and Steve happily helps him, leaving Eddie plenty of time to crawl out from behind the counter and sneak out. He almost gets away with it too, but the door opens again, jingles and Steve twists his head.
"Eddie, wait- We're not done- I'll talk to you about this later!"
Eddie doesn't look back at him as he runs out the door past Robin who had been bringing lunch back for her and Steve. She tries to greet him but he just blurts "Gotta go, Buckley," and darts past.
If he'd looked back he would have noticed how red Steve's face was. Part 2
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ohara-n-brown · 7 months
Sometime made a post going 'Love the trans women in your life while they're still here'
Someone added 'Trans men and Nonbinary too!'
And this was the response.
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My response: Cut this shit out, you're acting literally ridiculous.
First of all - no it's NOT an All Lives Matter moment.
ALL LIVES MATTER was created by white people who DON'T experience racism to silence the experiences of those who DO experience racism and die at the hands of it.
A transmasc or nonbinary person saying 'Us also!' is a not the same.
It's a group of people who DO experience transphobia adding to the experiences of those who ALSO experience transphobia.
It's A LOT MORE like a black person going 'BlackLivesMatter' and sometime commenting '#StopAsianHate too :)' and OP going 'wow fuck you read the room you're being racist.'
That's like a Gay person speaking out against homophobia and how it's wrong. And then a trans person says 'Transphobia too!' and suddenly it's 'Read the room. This isn't about y'all. Why do y'all have to bring yourself up always. This isn't about gender. Read the room-'
Sounds familiar to y'all? It should. I'm reading the room and the room is saying you just fucking hate another group of oppressed people lol
Another oppressed person who experiences the same violence as you adding their voice to your choir is NOT the same as white people using their privilege to silence others who experience racism when they themselves don't.
SECOND OF ALL - (tw death mention under cut)
YEAH THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO ADD 'Celebrate your trans brothers while there here' on a post you know..
considering a transmasc non-binary person got fucking beat to death on school grounds exactly a month ago.
Remember that??? The one whose death is being actively covered up by school, law, and state officials on a systemic scale??
Also - a fucking trans man from NJ is still missing as we speak (Elliot Ganiel)
But calling attention to that is like being a MRA??? Talking about a children deaths in a school bathroom and missing people are like being MRAs whose main concerns are women playing video games or some shit?
No. No it isn't.
Y'all misusing terms like MRA and yelling 'That's like all lives matter!!!' clearly show youdon't understand how oppression works in the slightest.
If you try to compare any white racist movement to an oppressed group of people - YTA.
One of us gets fucking killed with no justice, LGBTQ crisis line calls skyrocket, and when asked about it state officials say and I quote 'We don't want that filth in our state!!'
- and when we talk about it amongst people in our community it's 'read the room!!' or 'wow really MRA like'
Fucking bite me.
And before - 'Oh but they didn't have to put it on THAT post, they could've made their own'.
Did you not hear what I just said. A transmasc teen was beat to death and misgendered publically statewide.
Maybe transmascs would like to feel included by the community at this time? So they can feel safe? Safety in numbers? And maybe want to feel like the wider community cares when shit like this happens - which clearly.. y'all don't.
Cause when a transmasc kid is literally killed - and we see a post saying 'Love your transfemme friends whine they're here!' and add the same - only to be told to read the room - it tells us 'You only have a month or so to morn. They died last month? Why are you bringing it up now on a post about appreciating trans people before their death??? Read the room. That was for us only. Stop trying to hog all the attention'.
Like damn sorry for wanting to feel like my community would care if I got wiped off this fucking earth silly me. Silly us.
When we start the conversation on our own we're ignored. When we try to contribute our experiences to other conversations we're told to shut the fuck up and read the room and then compared to actual racists and sexists.
You constantly compare us to people who DO NOT face oppression - cis men and white people - in order to silence us, despite the fact you know we face oppression in ways both groups could never even imagine. You think you're slick. You're not.
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official212th · 19 days
ok so i just finished this book the eighth arrow and god knows nobody reads any of my posts so im just gonna put some thoughts here.
first of all: this book is so so so good yet such a fucking trip to read because it is written by a priest. and 90% of the time its a great take on greek legends and mythos and also has some truly ridiculous homoerotic subtext. but then every couple chapters you get a remind that wow. this was written by a priest. spoiler warning but odysseus legit converts to christianity at the end which is actually hilarious. and ok, the priest who wrote it works at a catholic school that is actually in the same city as i am and i will say i appreciated how he very clearly planned to use this book in either theology or english classes, because it was absolutely 100% a metaphor for redemption in catholicism and the idea of mercy and forgiveness. guys i know what im talking about i also go to catholic school. but the way he frames it as a story that's ostensibly not about christianity, but he sneaks in a few metaphors and buzzwords (the disclaimer at the beginning, in which odysseus says he actually made the whole story up, talks about how he was "judged worthy" and "redeemed" and talks about God's grace and providence. which is pretty standard fare for your average high school theology class.) specific to christianity and even catholicism (some of the beliefs regarding redemption in here are pretty unique to catholicism and i don't think some protestants would like this book very much)
second of all did i mention the homoerotic subtext? because wow. honestly it wasn't even subtext it was just text. the whole book is about odysseus and diomedes and their journey through dante's inferno. but it starts off talking about how the two of them are "imprisoned in a single flame" for 3,000 years (ok buddy not sounding too straight to me) and they kind of have a friends to enemies to friends thing happen but like the whole reason they become enemies is odysseus doesn't realize or acknowledge diomedes' love for him??? (GAY)
im going to back myself up with sources. proteus (weird old guy that's there like half the time) says to odysseus "that man really loves you. He loves you more than he loves his own father. More than he's ever loved anyone, I suspect. And that is a sacred thing, a love like that" and does the priest writing it maybe mean it in the way that God loves us? maybe but thats not how i'm interpreting it! anyways i really liked how (spoiler warning again although if you're avoiding spoilers for this book idk how you got this far) odysseus and diomedes are bffs but also fight. like really bad. like almost-killed-each-other bad. and then they have a really nice moment in which diomedes almost dies and odysseus is like "wait i love u youre my family pls dont die" and then they team up and save the day. its so sick. i love gay people.
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
Hey so just fyi the B*mmy stans are not happy about us commenting on the newest 911 post so maybe go leave a new comment about how much you're looking forward to Buddie in s8. Don't engage with the B/T shippers and try to keep your comments as something positive.
Despite what this👇 ridiculous post says and despite the bs their fandom tries to peddle I get that when people say they want T*mmy killed off you're just making jokes (people have said similar things about the female love interests too) but especially if you're posting on the official 911 social media make your comments about Buddie and make them something positive. Our fandom is about supporting the amazing love story between these two men. We have a lot of history and depth on our side we don't need to stoop down to the level of the same people who have doxxed journalists because they ship Buddie.
Most of that post I included is just out right lies and them grasping at whatever reasons they can find to defend their ship and explain things like why Oliver hasn't given one single solitary fck about promoting that ship. Ryan has never "shot gay Eddie (or Buddie) down". Calling Eddie straight in an interview doesn't mean he's against Buddie or that is 100% where the story will stay. Buck was straight up until s7 and even if no one ever used the word heterosexual in an article about him a lot of the language used was that way including stuff said by Oliver. Both Ryan and Oliver have always been very supportive of Buddie and both have said they'd be up for it if the story would be taken that way including during interviews that happened during s7.
Trying to use anything the other cast said as a gotcha moment for why Buddie isn't happening just makes them look stupid honestly. The only people who matter when it comes to Buddie happening are Tim, Oliver, and Ryan and they're all on board for it. Also no one else (besides Oliver and Ryan) are going to know it's happening until the scripts are written. The B/T kiss in season 7 was leaked so I'm sure they're going to do as much as they can to keep Buddie going canon (which is a much bigger deal) secret until it happens. So neither Kenney nor JLH would even know until s8 what's going on.
I can't help but laugh at them bringing up those embarrassing cameos. There's every reason to believe that Lou was told by Tim and ABC to stop making them because he kept giving his own headcanons on T*mmy and B/T and making that ship seem so much more important than it ever was intended to be.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 1 year
Hot Take On BNHA Chapter 394: I've Seen Gayer
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Okay, so I'm seeing everyone go on and on about this Togachako stuff, and hey that's cool, ship who you want you guys. Definitely hype up what you want and say it's your favorite gay ship, it's valid! Your ship is valid.
Hell, I keep hearing people say it's the "gayest thing ever".
I'm just here to share my opinion, because I'm thinking, nah, I've seen gayer.
Now for my critical take on the writing aspect of it all. This chapter was so spur of the moment it's honestly hard for my personally to feel anything for it. I don't buy for a second that there's anything that deep into this mess of a relationship between Ochako and Toga. I'm actually kinda proud that Ochako showed genuine sympathy and compassion for Toga... but what did that cost?
The rest of her sympathy and compassion for the people Toga hurt, and killed and impacted for the rest of their lives.
Why are people forgetting that?
I'm a Toga fan, I feel bad for her, she's a tragic villain and that's why I love her as a villain! She's an excellent villain with troubling motivations that would make her dangerous in real life, and watching her on screen is a delight.
But as someone who enjoys her villainous antics, I've made it a point to notforget that she's killed quite a few, some innocent people and just people in general who didn't really deserve it, Curious and her Squad is debatable but still comes into question. Even though Ochako says she isn't going to forget either, here she is, telling her that she's got the cutest smile?
That's kinda bullshit?
Or am I crazy?
This very disturbed girl who has shown NO remorse for attacking people, killing them and drinking their blood without any of their consent, has "the cutest smile"? Okay, I know there are fans who like the unhinged x cinnamon roll ship, but this is ridiculous.
I don't know. I guess there was no other way Hori could have written the end to this weak-as-hell Ochako and Toga final endgame conflict. I mean if it were me I would have tried something a little different that includes NOT... this. Not telling the girl who murdered people with no true remorse that her smile is cute. Especially since this is the same girl who attacked and hurt some of her friends.
To make matters worse, Hori strikes again with his 'crying child' imagery to invoke easy sympathy from readers and it's clearly working since everyone and their grandma is sobbing over it while forgetting that Toga is a murderer and Ochako now suddenly feels sorry for her despite how many people she's killed.
Whatever. I don't like it.
And just for emphasis, I've seen gayer. I greatly prefer Momojirou, an actually healthy lesbian pairing. And Tsuchako! A sweet friendship that is both healthy and heartwarming, because even though I'm not an Ochako fan at all, she deserves better than what she's getting in this story.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Ok based on your post, do you have an “oh. Oh.” rec list???? Absolutely love that trope (if it counts as a trope hahahah)
Hello anon! Gosh, I wish my memory was good enough to remember fics that actually include the italicized oh 🤌🏼 the best I can do is rec fics with feels epiphany/moment of realization, I hope that’s ok? I’m probably forgetting a bunch but these came to mind:
Still Life, orphaned (M, 3k)
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Closer by @pennygalleon (M, 5k)
All who know them are convinced that Harry and Draco are a couple. But that's just ridiculous.
the keys to your kingdom by thistle_verse (E, 7.5k)
It was nothing so elegant as fucking, the first time they came together. It was teeth just a little too sharp— against a collarbone, on the right-side curve of a jaw, drawing blood from the plushest part of a bottom lip.
Clear As Mud by scoradh (M, 10k)
Set post-war and post-Harry's-conscience...
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (E, 19k) - this one actually has the oh!!!
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Around You Moves by ignatiustrout (M, 29k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
Friends? Is That What We Are? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 33k)
What the hell is Harry even supposed to do when he finally realises that he loves Draco? He's an idiot and it takes him a while but he gets there. They get there.
Clouds That Veil the Midnight Moon by @drarrytrash (E, 36k)
According to Harry’s personal narrative regarding the incident, he’d hooked up with Draco Malfoy for purely self-destructive reasons, or out of convenience, or by some unlucky accident. Looking at him, sprawled in the moonlight, Harry is devastated to recall that he’d hooked up with Draco Malfoy because he’s hot.
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 (T, 38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
We Are Young (I'll Carry You Home Tonight) by Femme (E, 68k)
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre (E, 122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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sadhours · 1 year
Sixteen months have passed. Billy is an angry kind of bitter. ‘Cause he didn’t ever really open himself up to anyone. In preparation for moments like this, where he gave himself entirely to someone and loved them more than he loved himself. Which was kind of easy for him to, since Billy didn’t even like himself. The thing is, he resisted Steve. Yeah, maybe he started it back in basketball practice. But then Steve figured it out and Billy stayed away. Wouldn’t allow them to be alone together.
Steve grew persistent. So much so that Billy couldn’t ignore it and really, he was human. The second he saw those big, down turned puppy dog eyes and floppy hair he was certainly smitten. But those words his dad liked to call him flooded his mind whenever he looked at Steve ‘cause it was like Neil knew before Billy did. He smelled the queer on Billy before he could even figure it out for himself.
He remembers it down to the fucking socks Steve wore, how it finally happened. They were argyle, ugly pink and pale yellow. Golf socks probably. Steve’s mom definitely bought them. Billy laughed at them, in his dumb room with his ugly plaid wallpaper and his baseball trophies that can’t be hard to earn in a sweat stain of a city like Hawkins. Some semblance of a truce when Steve invited him over that night. Steve offered weed that’s laughable compared to what he was used to in San Diego but he still smoked it. Tried to fucking impress him with smoke tricks but Steve could do them all too. Cheap beers went down easy and then they talked. Steve complained about his parents and Billy was just barely intoxicated enough to admit the horror movie his own home life was like. Steve seemed concerned and Billy pushed it away, felt sober when Steve touched him. He confronted him, and Steve came clean.
“The hell did you even invite me here for? Soap opera bullshit?”
“I think you like me,” Steve had blurted out, “Or at least, maybe there’s a different reason you smashed my face up.”
“What the fuck are you saying?” Billy got all aggressive which looking back, he feels ridiculous about because Steve wanted him just as much.
“There’s like this look in your eye, it’s like, at first, I don't know,” Steve had exhaled, “You scared me at first, or annoyed me at least but then you almost killed me and after that, you looked at me different. Like you felt guilty. And I wracked my brain for why. Thought it was just like, you know, normal guilt but you didn’t apologize. Or like acknowledge it, and maybe… I figured maybe it’s because you were picturing your own face when you were punching mine.”
A beat of silence. Billy had no fucking clue what to say. But Steve said, “Then I realized you felt mad about it because you’d really rather kiss me than punch me and that scares you more than anything. And like, listen, I’m not gay. But I look at you and I find myself being attracted to you and I don’t question it. Must be natural if I’m feeling it.”
Billy stared at the stars after that but when Steve reached for his hand he didn’t recoil. He let him. And then Steve went inside, and Billy followed him.
So yeah, when Steve told him he didn’t feel that way anymore, it ripped his heart out. ‘Cause the reason they even got to where they were is because Steve’s stupid, pretty mouth got ‘em there.
Billy hadn’t liked anyone like he liked Steve. Hadn’t ever gone to bed, holding himself and imaging it was someone else. He was so used to being the only one there for him. And it became where he wasn’t home ever and it wasn’t because he was trying to get away from Neil. It was because he didn’t feel like himself if Steve wasn’t in arms reach. It was because Billy felt like he couldn’t breathe if he wasn’t in Steve’s company.
Like, yeah. It wasn’t healthy. Billy allowed himself to become utterly codependent on Steve. It was only a matter of time before Steve felt suffocated. Billy was up his ass, literally and figuratively.
For the dumbest shit. Steve said he missed women. And that just doesn’t make any sense to Billy. How can you miss something you don’t even have? Well, fuck, okay… he doesn’t have Steve and he misses him. Doesn’t have his mom and misses her. Fine, okay, it makes sense but Billy’s still mad. He didn’t even accept he liked men before Steve forced it on him, but he doesn’t miss women. Just misses the way Steve would play with his hair and the way his eyes crinkled and that little dimple in his cheek.
Billy discovers Nancy Wheeler is the reason for their break up. Jonathan’s out in California and well, Steve isn’t. Steve’s here. And Nancy’s still in school. Billy hopes she isn’t like her mom. That she won’t fold to the first love telling her he wants a family. Because Steve wouldn’t shut up about a family. Told Billy he wanted like, a fuckton of kids. Which like, Billy can’t physically give him. Maybe he’s cursing biology to this day for it, that’s his own business.
So Nancy and Steve pick up where they left off. Billy avoids them like the plague, can’t even fathom seeing Steve but Heather tells him all the gritty details. But he can’t avoid Steve forever. Because Maxine needs to rent a movie, and Billy’s still her designated chauffeur while he’s living under Neil’s roof. The BMW is parked outside so Billy insists he’ll wait in his car. It goes smoothly. He doesn’t see Steve. He stares at the fucking dumb car his daddy bought for him and thinks about all the times he spent in the backseat. A seething anger takes over him and he’s cruel to Max when she climbs back inside the Camaro.
But she keeps asking. And two nights he’s staring at the car under the horrible neon lights of Family Video.
Max takes a loooong time one night. Like thirty minutes. Billy chainsmokes until he can’t take it, too impatient as he storms through the doors. And then those puppy dog eyes meet his and it’s like a fucking freight train runs through him. His heart literally breaks again as his eyes catch the glimmer of a ring on Steve’s finger. Heather hasn’t told him this. There’s no common courtesy left in him as he grabs a hold of Max’s hood and drags her out of the store. Ignores the look on Steve’s face as he manhandles his step sister out of the fluorescent lit shop. Max doesn’t say a single word on the way home.
He’s having lunch with Heather when he sees the happy couple. He manages to keep calm. Mostly for Heather’s sake. Because Billy’s seeing red, wants to turn into a little tornado of destruction and Steve’s a pathetic trailer in his path. He lights a cigarette instead, tells Heather the most embarrassing things about Steve he can think of.
And then it’s calm for a while. Billy works an excruciating amount of overtime to distract himself. His dad finally tells him he’s proud. And Billy breaks then. Gets in his car and drives the familiar roads until he’s in Loch Nora. The BMW is parked where it always is, alone. He doesn’t even knock. Flies into the house with the anger he’s been bottling up for months.
Steve’s on the couch, stands upright and panicked when the front door smacks against the wall. Looks terrified. And Billy wants to be violent, wants to punch Steve’s lights out but he doesn’t. Instead he looks at him and cries, “Why?”
He’s cried in front of Steve before. It’s not new, but they haven’t talked in so long.
“Billy,” Steve’s voice is firm, like Billy’s a fucking dog and he just has to scold him.
“No! Fuck you!” he shoves Steve, but the taller man doesn’t budge. Grabs onto Billy’s biceps. “I loved you!” Billy cries, “You made me love you!”
“Hey, hey… woah,” Steve looks so alarmed, his eyebrows knit together and fuck, he still loves him.
“Why did you do this?” Billy blubbers, punching weakly against Steve’s chest.
Steve wraps his arms around Billy, pulls him flush and he can’t fight back. He’s where he’s wanted to be this whole time, in Steve’s arms. He cries, shoving his face in Steve’s neck as the sobs wrack through his body.
“I hate you!” Billy cries and cries, clutching onto Steve. He rubs soothing circles into Billy’s back. Still knows how to calm him down. “I can’t— I can’t— Steve!” he sobs, welcoming the tight embrace. “I love you…”
“I know,” Steve comforts him, squeezing hold of Billy. It’s wrong but it helps. Just being close like this again with him. He feels whole again.
“Why?” he cries a little softer this time.
Steve sighs, pulls back but starts petting Billy’s head, “Because... the way you feel about me… it’s how I feel about Nancy.”
Billy’s heart twists, Steve might as well reached inside his chest and wrung it out himself.
“No… Steve…” Billy hiccups, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his jacket, “I… what about me?”
Steve sighs, “Listen… I do love you, still. There’s always gonna be this place in my heart for you but it’s done. I’ve moved on, Billy.”
He sniffles, looks up at the man he loves but decides he’s embarrassed himself enough. He pulls back and straightens himself out, “Yeah. No. I’m… fuck, okay. Yeah, that’s fine. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be what you wanted. But you’re right. It’s done.”
“Heather,” Billy laughs, reaching for her hand. “C’mere.”
She laces their fingers as she leans into him. Okay, so he never saw this coming. And yeah, he sees Steve around. Sees Nancy and her huge belly. Sure it still hurts. But he’s got Heather. He thinks that’s all he needs.
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marmolao · 1 year
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I'm very dizzy so I'll show up here again in three years (this is my posthumous letter)
Inatober day 2 vampires but like just 1 vampire and today there isnt comic because im dizzy as fuck what is happening on my brain
This is a story about many things.
A clock. A bed.
He wanted to go with his friends.
But his dad had other plans for him.
"You will not leave this house".
Kariya yelled and cried.
But he was now captive on his bedroom.
They will be having happy dances,
And will trade gifts,
But he on his room will stay.
"Hewwo, my little friend Kariya",
He heard from his window.
And then saw the figure of what was supposed to be his friend.
"You are probably wondering why I wear this epic cape".
He was, indeed.
"Are you going to help me escape from home?".
"No, what? I am a vampire now. Look at my cape!".
But he couldn't care less-"Wait. A vampire?".
"A bloody vampire, my good little fellow Kariya".
"... You know that werewolfs are better, don't ya-"
"So shut up a moment, my friend. I got bitted on my neck. Now I am small vampire, but if I recruit another vampire, I become bigger vampire. You can be that small vampire I am looking for, or you can be my zombie friend. You can, like, eat your parent's brains, or something".
"Why I couldn't be a werewolf?"
"THAT'S-I dont know how that works. It doesn't matter".
"I want to be a werewolf!".
"I want to stop being a vampire so I can still play soccer with my friends, Kariya, but life is a bit difficult. We live in a constant crisis. I need a small vampire. Will you share this curse with me?".
Hikaru reached out his hand from the window frames. He was about to fall, but he still wanted to look cool.
"... No, that sounds gay".
"Well, you miss it. You are missing the best epic adventure ever".
Hikaru was about to let himself fall from the window, but then Kariya hold his cape, making Hikaru hang from it. Now Hikaru was looking even more ridiculous.
"Thank you for that", he didn't really wanted to die.
"It's okay, Hikaru. I will be your werewolf friend".
"Ah, I guess you can be my werewolf friend. But the clan will not hear anything about that, okay? That would bring shame to my name".
"Okay!". He let Hikaru fall.
Imagine a Clastevania story about Kariya going to kill Hikaru.
And a Kariya Belmont design.
But you know.
I have a math test tomorrow...
I am very dizzy.
The end.
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queersouthasian · 2 years
Uk one comment which often makes my blood boil till date is that one saying "yes kinnporse is definately changed bls/y series (sarcastic), it just shows how lgbtq people like me just have sex", the idea that queer stories cannot have queer characters fuck around and have toxicity because apparantly that's not representation is so ridiculously infuriating, i love how people blamed shows like bad buddy for "fanservice" cause it had no sexuality labels (even tough it was made sure that pran and ink are gay whereas pat and pa had a oh moment, and that goes for a lot of bls)and again there were many kisses as if the idea of casual intimacy and just queer characters existing isn't enough. I am tired of people pretending that queer representation is a one way road and everything else is just fetish for straight women, just cause it's a BL. Then when these people like a bl show SUDDENLY it's not a BL it's "queer media". The idea that a character cannot be queer or is just fanservice or even queerbaiting if they don't label themselves even if they had showed their sense of interest a million times puts especially young queer people under pressure to find a label for themselves. The idea is so toxic and so lowkey homophobic. Queer characters can just fuck around and kill eachother and that too would be representation, there can be toxic and healthy queer characters. Characters like porse, vee, pat, fahlan(fahlanruk), rain(he has showed interest in women before, and btw his realisation of how he likes payu was so well done, he realised he likes men through payu and he is still a bi man, doesn't change anything) etc are bisexual characters and THEY SPECIFICALLY DO NOT NEED TO SAY THAT FOR THEM TO BE "BI". Also the criticism was mainly towards KP concert, like wow, heteros have thousands of songs for them, specifically gendered but we cannot have this concert cause it's "hyoersexualised" why i don't see anyone say that about hetero shows?? I don't see people dissmiss kdramas then why bls?? Some of y'all need to reflect on your perspectives for fuck's sake.
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Les Trois Mousquetaires, Chapter Five
Athos and d'Artagnan meet up for their duel, and while waiting for Porthos and Aramis, they take a liking to each other. Shame, really, since they're also about to kill each other.
They're so polite, it's hilarious:
Athos, still ailing from his shoulder injury, apologizes to d'Art for having to fight him left-handed and possibly putting d'Art at a disadvantage.
d'Art offers Athos his mother's magical healing balm for his wounded shoulder
Athos: "...j'aime les hommes de votre trempe, et je vois que si nou ne nous tuons pas l'un l'autre, j'auris plus tard un vrai plaisir dans votre conversation." (I like men of your kind, and if we don't kill each other, I can see myself enjoying conversing with you later.)
“Décidément vous êtes un joli garçon”, dit Athos en serrant la main du jeune homme. (‘You really are a pretty boy’, Athos said and seized the young man’s hand.)
Get a room already, you two...! 😆
(And, JFTR, I know that Dumas didn't write them as gay characters, even if many of us take the liberty of reading them that way; Dumas was a romantic, and his heroes simply were very in touch with their feelings and not afraid of showing them. They hugged and kissed and cried, men and women alike. And I love how open to every kind of modern interpretation the stories are. I generally read the Musketeers as the biggest platonic bromance of all time. But anything is possible, and you do you!)
Athos refers to Aramis, Porthos and himself as the "trois inséparables" for the very first time. Little did Dumas know he'd coined an iconic OT4 name for all eternity.🤩
To everyone's surprise (but ours and d'Artagnan's), the Inseparables find out they're all dueling the same mercurial Gascon. Sangbleu! *slapsticky laughter*
More ridiculously heroic politeness from Athos: It's warm, but he's going to keep his doublet on while fighting so d'Art won't be put off by the sight of Athos bleeding through his bandages. (How kind of you, you idiot!)
Just when they're drawing their swords, the Cardinal's Red Guard arrive (great timing), and of course these morons want to arrest our four for illegal dueling.🙄
This is the moment that changes d'Artagnan's life. The moment where he has to chose sides. The moment where our brotherhood of Musketeers is born.
"Vous avez dit que vous n'étiez que trois, mais il me semble, à moi, que nous sommes quatre. [...] je n'ai pas l'habit, mais jai l'âme. Mon coeur es mousquetaire [...]" (You said your were only three, but it seems to me we are four. I may not have the clothes, but the soul. My heart is musketeer.)
"Eh bien, Athos, Porthos, Aramis et d'Artagnan, en avant!" cria Athos.
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A fine sword fight ensues with our four taking down five Guards and d'Artagnan saving a dramatically faltering Athos from getting skewered before Athos rallies and finishes the last bad guy off himself. Drama! Action! I love it all!🤩
Afterwards, our four triumphantly parade back to Tréville's, arms over shoulders, and d'Artagnan thinks that "si je ne suis pas encore mousquetaire, [...] au moins me voilà reçu apprenti, n'est-ce pas?" (If I'm not a musketeer yet, I'm at least an apprentice now, aren't I?)
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*happy sigh*
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invisiblegarters · 6 months
23.5 Episode 6
Halfway mark, here we come!
Last ep, Ongsa almost told Sun the truth about Earth but then bottled it like we all knew she would, and Sun was kinda dumb. Sorry not sorry but if someone just sent me a package to a random park I would have some questions.
Meanwhile Aylin was getting picked on for the crime of being herself and that did not sit well with Luna, who offered to be a safe space for her and then got very very bashful about it and it was the cutest. Aylin then wondered if she could feel human emotions and it was also the cutest.
Alpha is still a great big sis and cousin. Only "normal" one or not, that girl cares a lot about her family. If she also hooks up with a girl in this I might cry tears of joy.
Lol poor Aylin being pushed into interaction again. Or bribed. But Aylin veggies are delicious I don't know if I can get behind this part of you, lol.
Okay I think I might officially be over the Earth thing. I think it's because there's not enough conflict for Sun between her feelings for Earth and her feelings for Ongsa. I'm not getting enough of a Bruce Wayne v. Batman vibe and that was what I was most looking forward to.
Oh Ton. You were doing so well.
Lol my god did Ton just discover gay people exist? If he were less of a himbo I'd be madder about it. But as it is, he's just too dumb to be really mad at. Like a giant pretty puppy.
Oh Aylin no. But also it's sweet she trusts Luna that much. And she's lucky in that I don't think Luna has a mean bone in her entire body. Still. Not your secret, babe. That said, have more cute moments with Luna. Please.
Mawin's crush is adorable.
Open your mouth and use your words, Ongsa, that's how you tell her. Because when she finds out on her own it'll be worse.
Hahahaha oh man I don't mean to laugh but Sun, babe. They don't mean that he's not as attractive as you imagine. They mean that he's not even a he to begin with. Although in this case that's probably going to be a plus, lbr.
She's not gonna confess in front of people, Dear lord girls get it together.
Hahaha Aylin. Sun really is the most oblivious thing ever though, can she not see how strangely everyone else is acting?
Aw I knew Luna would find her way to sleeping in Aylin's room. Just accept she likes you, Aylin.
Aw I think Luna finally won her over completely. I swear I want to have things to say besides aaaaaaaw but well. They're too cute, the cuteness kills me. I am only human here.
It is probably that I am watching The Eclipse with a friend but I swear, sometimes this show reminds me of that one. Like Ongsa very clearly thinking the idea of angry Sun is hot. If you know, you know.
Spit. It. Out. Ongsa.
Ugh it is so frustrating watching her bottle it and bottle it and bottle it. I am not like that as a person so I just want to grab her shoulders and give them a good shake.
Oh thank god. Not sorry, I'm ready for some fallout already.
I am not mad at Ongsa. I want to say that right up front. But also, girl. All Sun was asking for was an explanation. At least give her that before running off.
Well that was quick. But well. I think we all knew Sun would be like that. Genuinely I wish I could be more like her. Maybe not the total obliviousness to things around me, but she's so positive and lovely and I...am not. I felt the same way about Sand's ridiculous patience and gentleness in OF. I have no clue what it must be like to be able to do that.
You know I'm more like Ongsa lol. Except for the not facing things head on thing. Optimism is not my default state lol.
Sun girl. You might have not registered your friends' shock that you were into a guy, but I haven't. You and Ongsa will do just fine.
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naruhinalife555 · 1 year
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No bitch you totally wrong Naruto not stuck with awufl partner Naruto loves Hinata, my headcanon is that it was hard for Naruto to get anything done when he first became Hokage cause his clones kept going MIA to see Hinata before he switched to controlling them all in real time.
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Bitch Kishi never thought about making Naruto and Sasuke together Sasuke didn't even exist until he was suggested by the editor to be Naruto's rival
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Instead of blaming Kishi for not developing characters maybe write your own manga what do you say? Hell he couldn't make sasuke and naruto meet because he already created hinata before her character existed before sasuke so the whole narusasu thing makes no sense
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simple and easy sasuke is a character suggested by the editor to be naruto's rival if they really had romance and feelings of love for each other kishi wouldn't have them fighting all the time
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Who said that the end would be better with Narusasu's couple??? When Kishimoto created Naruto he didn't make him a character that loves boys the fact that Sasuke and Naruto appear in most episodes does not make Sasuke a main character because the main character at least for me is only Naruto and Hinata is his love interest
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God help me because in Shifoden Sasuke didn't even appear at least until the arc of the Kage summit so how does he and Naruto have development?? The quest for Sasuke Naruto and Hinata got a moment where Naruto smiles at Hinata
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Man, go write a manga before you even give such a stupid review
Really sweet having someone try and rip your heart out when all your trying to do is help them. Who caring feelings for him by dropping me from a few thousand feet and head first into solid bedrock.
Spending years chasing after them only for them to try and plunge a sword into my back and then the next time I see them they say they are going to kill me. 
He would then try and carry out his death threat and we make vows under a great big waterfall by blowing an arm off each and even after everything we’ve been through he will still leave.
Yeah that is what real love, it’s not true in less you want to kill you partner for it. It's starting to get on my nerves all your nonsense Sasuke didn't even want Naruto as a friend because he was in the dark .By the way they both thought about killing each other is this called a healthy relationship?
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First of all, Naruhina and Sasusaku are not the same, don't even dare to compare them! No surprise really plus any scenes from shippuden are most bad any way with Sasuke treating Sakura like trash in most of them or her fangirling over him.
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and sasunaru not diffrent from sasusaku. It has nothing to do with what you wrote narusasu it just won't work when did naruto and sasuke have feelings for each other? Sasuke literally tried to murder Naruto, is that what you call a healthy relationship? Because if so then your head is screwed up
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Are naruto and sasuke so compatible why did naruto cry he was always alone? And he doesn't understand love at all, the proofs are shown in the manga, you don't have to invent it
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what? This has nothing to do with homophobia, the author of the series wanted to do something specific and it is completely his right, after all it is a manga for youth At the same time though gay ships tend to be ridiculous and over the top, like you can't have any friendship or brotherhood without people shipping and forcing it and throwing it in other people's faces. It's just ridiculous like even if they ship it they shouldn't act like it should have been when their friendship/sisterhood was never meant to be taken romantically. It really makes it hard to enjoy any same-sex friendships and camaraderie because people will keep pushing it to be canon and start a fuss over it.
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All they wanted was to fight each other because Naruto considered Sasuke his best opponent
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Both were in pain and loveless
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With Hinata Naruto felt happier I don't understand what your problems are??He took care of her and was always there for her their relationship was always positive why do they always have to be toxic couples if naruto and sasuke were gay kishimoto wouldn't think of letting them beat each other up have you thought about that?
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What selfishness is in your mind, there is no selfishness here. Naruhina is canon because that's how Kishimoto ran between Naruto and Sasuke. It wouldn't work. Did I say that you want to talk about selfishness? sasuke never thought about naruto's feelings after he left the village and naruto suffered so much that he broke down i think you don't even understand the characters pain
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put naruto single??? And what does it matter anyway he was always alone ugh the people in this fandom are so cruel haven't you seen Naruto? He never wanted to be alone
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Why doesn't Naruto deserve to be with someone who really supports and loves him? Like what's the wonder he's hiding only Hinata by his side.His moments with Hinata made Naruto feel less pain
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
A fiver :D Hector, Isaac, Leon, Mathias and Rosaly <3
Oh, it's on. >:3
Favorite thing about him: Hmmm, i'm not sure... his relationship with Isaac ? (the fact he spares Isaac in the PtR manga because he, apparently, can't get himself to kill his old friend... yet).
Least favorite thing about him: His seeming attraction for Julia >:l
Favorite line: Oooo it's a hard one... i have plenty. "Forgive me... it's not your sin." (Hector to his devils in the PtR manga) "Get away, you're bothering the lady" (Hector to crows also in the PtR manga LISTEN IT'S NOTHING BUT THE WHOLE PANEL IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE-). Also, from the other manga... "...Ha ha ! You... did you acquire your powers just so you could become Dracula's pawn ? [...] I am human. I sought this power so that i could remain human ! Not for anyone's sake ! For me !! For myself !! Not to be the pawn in some ridiculous plot for revenge !!" those lines are not only a great show of character, but also MULTIPLE HARD SLAPS IN ISAAC'S FACE LMAO
BrOTP: Isaactor. And also Hevor. <3
OTP: Isaactor BECAUSE I DON'T SEE WHY THEY CAN'T BE BOTH BROES AND HOES and also Hevor BECAUSE SAME THING (listen. i can't choose. leave me alone. >:c)
nOTP: Helia :')
Random headcanon: Hector always cared about Isaac in one way or another since they met and then he got Rosaly killed
Unpopular opinion: His 3D model's lips are ugly <3 (they always bugged me during the cutscenes i'm sorry :c)
Song i associate with him: Eeeeee I don't have any coming to mind eoirhgrsmgmlkresnglmskd (even though we already shared a few in DMs, smh)
Favorite picture of him:
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Remember when Rosaly thanked (a very traumatised) Hector for being born ? :') Yeah. :') Please Rosaly, give this man all the hugs for us... :')
Favorite thing about him: HIS WHOLE DAMN BEING LIKE FUCK. GAH. I LOVE HIM MUCH MORE THAN I EVER THOUGHT I WOULD- also the whole stabbing scene also his japanese voice also the whole stabbing scene WITH HIS JAPANESE VOICE <3
Least favorite thing about him: The fact he used a light saber for his final fight :/
Favorite line: I'm just going to do like Hector. "Why did you betray us ?!" he so cared :') His poor little gay heart has been broken :') "With a broken sword as a walking stick. Look at this pathetic sight. My body is the proof of your expectations of him. Ridicule me, scold me. Next time, it will be by any means. Everything concludes with you. The conclusion-" going with "Don't tell me it has nothing to do with your treachery. If my head had rolled, I would not have seen this, Hector...!". Sobbing and crying on the floor. Also, a line from the actual game this time: "You resurrected the Castle ! Hector... Bravo !" HE'S MOCKING HECTOR SO HARD OIERHGMSLDGRLKSDNG
BrOTP: Isaabel. <3
OTP: You may expect me to say Isaactor but NO. IT'S ACTUALLY ISAAVOR !! And Isaacula &lt;;3 and Maac and Graac
nOTP: Isaac x any woman, really.
Random headcanon: He used to be the one to teach Hector about the Dark Arts, until Hector started being better than him <3
Unpopular opinion: The same as yours >:( "He's far more than crazy gay joker and he wipes the floor with N!Isaac" >:(
Song I associate with him: Many, one of wich is The Master's Song, because he's that much of a simp for Drac <3
Favorite picture of him: Outside of every single screenshot you can get of him during the stabbing scene ? Probably this one:
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Look at him <3 Discovering his home absolutely destroyed for the first time <3 Not quite realising his dear Lord is dead yet... because the shock is just too great... and then this bat flies to him and it's a sign of hope. You can see it in his eyes, "if this bat is here then it means i'm not alone yet, it means He is still-" and then the next panel the bat dies :) And so does all his hope. Rage blooming inside him to cover the grief. :) This page is the last moment of Isaac's sanity before it starts sliping away <3 (in this version of the events, at least)
Favorite thing about him: This man has left his whole life behind to go save his betrothed. He turned his back on the church he has served for years and thought probably very highly of, because they'd rather fight other humans than monsters. And he was having none of this shit <3 He just left them, even gave them back their sword, and that's very sexy of him. He has morals, and he will follow them no matter what. <3
Least favorite thing about him: His 3D model >:( Especially HIS HAIR
Favorite line: "I see. Give him this message: You have become a cursed being and I will never forgive you. This whip and my kinsmen will destroy you someday. From this day on, the Belmont Clan will hunt the night." Ah, yes. The lines who closed the game... but started the whole franchise <3 The very moment Leon put his curse on his clan. <3 ("you wretched fool" is second place btw)
BrOTP: Matheon (mostly because of the things that happened only in my HEAD and some extremely rare fanarts), before Mathias betrays him, that is.
OTP: Leon x Mathias and Walter and Joachim and HE TOPS ALL OF THEM !! (Well. Leon x Sarah is quite cute and tragic too, from what we see <3)
nOTP: It's not much about having nOTP than it is about having a "tired of seeing Leon being either a bottom or turned female (wich is ALSO a bottom)" issue lmao
Random headcanon: Him and Mathias used to call each other "brother"
Unpopular opinion: Idk :(
Song I associate with him: His theme, ofc <3
Favorite picture of him:
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He has multiple very pretty art pieces that makes my heart go doki-doki, but something about this one in particular is making it go doki-doki harder <3
Favorite thing about him: Part of me wanna say his design (Pretty and tall porcelain gothic boy wearing FUR <3), but really, I think my favorite thing about him is that he's the man Dracula used to be. He's a glimpse of Dracula before he goes apeshit. He's the origin of it all. The Dark Lord before he becomes the Dark Lord. And I love to think about the contrasts beetween the two (even if lots of headcanon have to be involved). Especially when putting his and (any of) Dracula's design back to back <3 They're so different. And yet the same. <3 Or... are they...?
Least favorite thing about him: He doesn't get nearly enough screentime, especially with the big role he has in this game AND the whole franchise, as Dracula's origins story. >:l
Favorite line: "Then come with me. I will give you eternity, too." my man doesn't have much lines and his first ones are pretty cliché, but I like this little detail of him wanting to keep his dear friend by his side <3 (Though I also like how he talks about Elisabetha and shits on God lmao, he's so not okay)
BrOTP: Matheon.... but also Deathias. <3 (i did not make this post for nothing. The concept of Death getting attached to Mathias... attachment that will go on for centuries... They live in my head rent free. <3)
nOTP: Uuuuuh idk, it's not like he's shipped with a lot of people...
Random headcanon: His family was close to the Belmonts', so when they died, the Cronqvist took him in. Wich led to Mathias teaching Leon many things/helping him with his studies, cherishing him like his little brother <3
Unpopular opinion: He's not stupid (he just took stupid decisions <3) and he's a good and interesting character/concept. Sure the game doesn't give us much about him, but enough to let us make our own interpretations and headcanons.
Song I associate with him: Other than his theme ?... Autotheist <3
Favorite picture of him:
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Oh, hey... :) I've seen these flowers before. :)
Least favorite thing about her: If it wasn't for the mangas... she would be nothing but a name dropped two times in the whole game :')
Favorite line: "Hector... thank you... for being born." NNNNNGH NO NO. IT'S FINE. GO ON. STEP ON MY HEART WHY DON'T YA. I DON'T MIND.
BrOTP: ...yeah I don't have any for this one
OTP: Hectaly <3 Of course. <3
nOTP: Rosadeath..... this isn't about the character Death btw. This is about SHE DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE. FUCK.
Random headcanon: Uuuuuuuuuuh she wanted to have kids with Hector......? Idk ???
Unpopular opinion: She's a sweet character (way better than the pathetic excuse for a girlfriend N!Hector had <3)
Song I associate with her: Idk :(
Favorite picture of her:
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ok fine. More seriously.
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Look at her <3 She looked so happy... <3 (hesitated beetween this and the picture of her crying because she feels so bad for Hector, and the one where she hugs him right after)
THERE. I FINISHED !! Just send me multiple asks next time lmao i am BEGGING Very good choice for the characters though <3
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will80sbyers · 2 years
I cannot believe I just saw a Melvin say the Duffers have always intended Will to die from the beginning....? What the hell are they smoking lmao?
The entire show is based on finding and saving Will and keeping him alive dude. If anything it is the opposite way around. The Duffers have always intended Will to NOT DIE. That's the entire premise of the show.
Aside from that, killing Will is nonsensical writing. Because then it means that all of the things the characters have ever done, Joyce and Jonathan and Mike and the party's and El's trying to help Will and save him were for nothing. It means Will was just going to be eventually killed by Henry anyway. So it didn't matter when he got saved from Henry/the UD/MF prior by his friends and family. It kills an important aspect of the show and just is a slap in every characters' faces. I cannot even begin to describe how ridiculous some Melvins sound, not even going to talking about them actually thinking scenarios like El having to kill Will is good writing.
Not even going to talk about how they think the Duffers has ALWAYS intended to kill Will, their only confirmed mlm character, from the start. And the homophobic mindset in that that the writers would design and intent a Bury Your Gays moment FROM the very beginning of the series.
Just what the fuck lol
killing Will would be the most unsatisfying ending they could give to the show EVER
like you said it would have all been for nothing and it wouldn't make any sense, and more than half of the characters would not be able to continue living and be happy if he died
it would be doing something homophobic in 2024
and it would also be just a stupid choice in general and a great waste of potential
I'm sure they are not going to kill him lol
we should let the Melvins think what they want to think in the end I doubt the Duffers will follow any of what they want for the show because they have ideas that don't work for the narrative to be decent!
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