#this is not john krasinski hate
petcheeatah · 3 months
can’t stop thinking about how joseph quinn had his breakout role in a netflix show where he was a complete nobody working with a bunch of known stars and he only had like 1 hour of screentime where his performance blew the entire world’s mind. and now, arguably, he has one of, if not the, BEST acting career/opportunities out of literally everyone in the cast.
a thousand oscars for joseph!!!!!!!! a thousand emmys to him!!!!!!!!
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ladyelainehilfur · 24 days
In "If", imaginary friends become invisible to their kid if they stop thinking about them. I'm sure I'm not the first to notice this, but the movie is like a live-action combination of Toy Story and Rise of the Guardians. It works but all I could think about was Andy saying "I don't wanna play with you anymore" and Jack Frost doing a backflip when he realized Jamie could see him 😭
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fortunaegloria · 2 years
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John Krasinski in every episode of Jack Ryan – "Druz'ya i Vragi" (3x05)
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just-a-burning-memory · 7 months
the new fantastic four cast is actually atrocious
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Few of my favorite kisses. Because there is something magical in that kiss which might last only a second but feels like home. 
Movies included :
Tangled (2010)
Gilmore Girls series (2000-2007)
A Quiet Place (2018)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Alai Payuthey (2000)  
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via-fm · 1 month
“the suit is shit” mm well actually it’s miles better than chris evans’s or michael b jordan’s suit so
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criticalbennifer · 1 year
Ben is on the SmartLess podcast. You can listen to it this week if you want to pay, if not it will be available free next week.
I’m not gonna pay but I’ve heard clips, it seems like a suckers bet at this point but of course Jlo found a way to get her narcissistic ass in there. Remember when she kept making appearances on Project Greenlight for no f******* reason except that she was dating Ben?!
Same vibe.
As far as I’ve heard no one else’s famous spouse has felt the need to make a ‘special guest appearance’ (ex: krasinski/blunt). The well of neediness from this almost 60yr old woman is astounding.
Let him do his job! Focus on you’re own shit. Don’t you have a terrible album you need to release?!
If she’d left things alone, this would have worked for them PR wise. He’s been doing a good job selling them as a pair, better than she ever did since they got together. The Yellowstone anecdote? That was nice. It made them seem earth based. He’s been bigging her up even if some of it is not quite believable. Her popping in this makes it look like she’s monitoring him and telling him what to say (especially at the point she pops in at! Like…..what?!)
She has a certain rep in the business so I wonder if they (the hosts) had bets on whether she would try to pop in?
Ben seems to be the only one who learned from the last go round while Jennifer is out her making all the same mistakes. She’s doing all the same things as before. At a slower pace, but it’s still the same.
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salbei-141 · 1 year
A second chance (Emmett x reader)
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Part 2 (Good girl, stay quiet for me)
word count: 2.7k 
warnings: 18+ age gap (reader is early 20s and Emmett is late 30s), eventual smut in part 2, angst, cult like stuff, allusion/mentioning of sexual assault, death, etc. 
a/n: I watched ‘A Quiet Place II’ recently and I’m feral for Emmett y’all, they knew what they were doing when they casted Cillian Murphy. John Krasinski doing God’s work.
Seeing as I feel like I have an issue of rambling to fit description in, I’m making this 2 parts instead of like a 6k one-shot - don’t hate me lol
Enjoy my loves
You’d come across Emmett a few weeks ago now - you think. There was no real way to tell time anymore; the clock on your watch still ticked, but you’d lost count of the days long ago now.
You were on the run when you had come across Emmett’s safe place - you had been with a group - only for about 2 weeks - before you realised you needed an out, and you needed one quick; it was a shame because they’d managed to find a fairly soundproof bunker - you thought you were safe. With that, you spent the next few nights sneaking about different storage rooms and searching duffle bags, until you had enough gear to survive and run someplace else. It had been a week in this new group when you started to hear quiet whispers between its people - you couldn’t quite make out what they had been saying, but the looks you’d receive from people were enough to tell you whatever was being whispered was about you. One night, you had needed to go to their makeshift bathroom - it was risky, but you couldn’t wait. On your way you could hear quiet murmurings amongst 2 people - it was the guy who had found you - Alec you think his name was and their leader if you’d call him that - James.
“We need to initiate her soon James, it's almost been a week - you told me to go find a girl, bring her back, and we’d initiate her.” your heart paused, and there was a dull ringing in your ears - what the fuck were they talking about?
“You better keep that mouth shut of yours, who the fuck do you think you’re talking to like that”, James’ voice had venom seeping through each word he enunciated - he had spoken so gently to you on your arrival, something was off, and you felt your gut twisting with anxiety.
“Sorry Sir, I didn’t mean to disrespect you.” you could hear the tremble in Alec’s voice - he was scared, and it didn’t comfort you one bit.
“Look, we need another week, and then we will proceed with the initiation...we must follow the guidelines of the holy one Alec - she’s young and will be ready to take you when we are given guidance for you to do so. This cannot be rushed Alec boy, do you understand?” You had no clue what James was talking about, but it wasn’t hard to piece things together you were in the middle of some sort of religious cult, and you were chosen for some sick ‘initiation’ that you weren’t going to allow yourself to be apart of even if it meant you had to die.
“Yes Sir.” Alec had replied meekly.
Scuttling back to your bed, careful to make no sound as you heard the two men shuffling about, you ignored the need to empty your bladder and squeezed your eyes shut hoping no one had seen you.
Since that night you had noticed people were becoming more handsy with you, acting like they had a familial connection with you. Over the next week, you’d listen into conversations when you could, trying to figure out when the ‘initiation’ was. When you heard it was going to be at the end of the week, you had to make a guess as they had a single calendar in James’ office that you couldn’t enter. From the night you heard this, you had decided upon leaving the next coming night just to be safe - you had collected enough belongings and hid them outside in a bush one night when everyone was sleeping.  
It was the night, and you were trying your best to not appear jittery, but the reality was you were scared - you knew the moment these aliens or whatever the fuck they were invaded that the most primitive sides of people were going to be revealed - it was the sad reality of human nature. Going through the day with no issue, you were eventually sat eating some soup like everyone else in silence as usual - you had tried making conversation the day you got here and was immediately reprimanded - that should’ve been your first warning sign.
With the sun set and everyone in their makeshift beds, you lay upon your own, waiting to hear the quiet snores and breaths of everyone around you. You were probably waiting for around 2 hours before you decided you were safe. Since surviving for as long as you had, you’d become an expert at sneaking around, making no noise. Walking out of the room as you had done on several nights, you came to a set of stairs in the bunker and made your way up them, making no noise. Then came the door - it had been recently sprayed to loosen the hinges for when the men would go on runs, so it was an easy process too. Pushing it open, you were met with a harsh breeze of fresh air. Closing the door behind you, you crept to a bush in the far corner by a densely populated area of trees. Leaning down, you were careful putting the backpack on your shoulders. With a success, you took a hunting rifle you had stolen from the floor, hooked it on your right shoulder and made it through the trees.
Your heart dropped instantly - you were barely 5 minutes in and you found yourself on all fours, having tripped on a wire. The bastards, they’d set them up around the bunker - you felt stupid to have not thought about this, but you needed to pick yourself up and run as a shrill sound started to ring all around you. Suddenly you heard the door of the bunker crash open and there was shouting - they knew it was you, but you didn’t care - you could only think about running, your ears were concentrating on the beating of your heart as adrenaline pumped through your body - you couldn’t hear anything around you. That was until you heard it screech - was this it for you? Pushing your legs faster you heard as guns were shot - maybe or maybe not successfully killing those things, you didn’t care to turn around and look. Continuing to run as footsteps were gaining on you, you came across a train track and followed it up, noticing several large decrepit buildings - this could be your chance to escape them, and you were taking it.
Noticing a hole in a wire fence, you pushed your way through, not caring enough about the rattling of the metal as you went through. Unknown to you, there was a trap set up, similar to the one outside the bunker, and you yet again found yourself tripping over some wire, causing a clashing of metal bottles to go off. There it was again. The fucking screeches of those creatures. Picking your tired body back up, you made a beeline to the first building you could see. Halfway there though, you heard the metal rattle of the fence, turning you made eye contact with Alec.
“y/n get back here right now damn it! You ungrateful bitch, we were going to give you a good life you know!” he was screaming over the sound of the creatures and gunshots that were much further away - you were convinced they were going to attract every single one of them things in the country to your location.
Another screech sounded to your left, causing both you and Alec to turn. Without wasting any more time, you continued to the building with Alec hot on your heels.
“y/n I’m not -” Before the man could continue with his pathetic sentence, you heard a scream come from his mouth. You couldn’t find it in you to feel guilt, you were almost happy the thing had gotten him - you felt disgusted at the fact you believed he deserved it, but that was just the way of this new world. 
Getting into the building, still hearing Alec’s screams, you were praying it’d be enough for the creature to not follow you. Just as you were about to press your back against the wall, you felt a hand cover your mouth, and an arm trap you against someone’s chest. Fear shot through you again - they’d got you, they’d won in the end, of course they’d have. However, a new unfamiliar voice hit your ears as you squirmed in the foreign pair of arms, “Shush, follow me”.
Calming your movements, but still on guard, you turned to meet the eyes of this man - they looked tired, and kind almost, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to let your guard down. Watching as he quietly jogged through the building, you decided to follow him as he said to - you didn’t feel like you had much choice - it was either you follow him or you had a worse fate with the other surviving men of the cult, or the creatures.
Darting between metal barrels and concrete slabs, you came up to a drop - watching as the man jumped into the large pipe, you made no hesitation to follow suit. Landing on some broken sandbags, you weren’t given the chance to admire the room as you heard another screech emitted within the building. The man opened what looked like a vault of sorts and waited for you to jump in - it looked cramp, but again what choice did you have right now? Jumping in, the man followed and shut the door. The both of you were sat panting, heart rates accelerated at an unhealthy speed. As you watched the man open his mouth, your eyes immediately went wide - there was no way he was about to compromise the both of you after all of that.
“Don’t worry they can’t hear us down here.” his voice was muffled behind the mask he wore, but you heard.
Instead of replying, you looked straight in front of you at the wall, thinking about the last few events - still trying to catch your breath.
Hearing a beep, your head snapped up - you looked like a deer caught in headlights - every minor sound had you on edge. Watching the man stop it, he went to open the container, but not before you reached for his arm, “What the fuck are you doing?”, you shot him an incredulous look at his actions.
“We’ll be fine now, and if I keep it shut any longer we’re dead - it’s shut airtight in here.”, he continued to open the vault again as your arm came back to your side.
Your heartbeat still hadn’t calmed down, and you could feel the palpitations of it as the man exited the container. But nothing happened - he was walking about his room with ease - he looked relaxed. Taking a deep breath, you walked out too, standing still when you made contact with the concrete floor - you were safe.
“We can talk down here too, but only in whispers” You nodded in his direction, almost not catching quite what he had said.
Watching as he sat at a desk covered in drawings, you took the liberty to take the other seat further from him, but still close enough. You couldn’t bring yourself to take your eyes off him, and he must’ve known because he turned around looking you dead in the eye. Taking the mask that covered his features off, you felt yourself stop breathing - he was attractive, as attractive as a man could be considering the conditions everyone was currently in.
“So what was that out there?” he asked nonchalantly, leaning back against the desk, and spreading his legs.
“I was running.” your voice was much quieter than was necessary, almost impossible to hear, and your eyes glossed over - now that you really had the time to think things through, you realised just how dire of a situation you had been in, and how different things could’ve been.
“I see. They ain’t gonna come back here are they?” you couldn’t blame him for putting his own safety first - you were an intruder to him, and he had every right to worry.
“I don’t think so.” you inhaled deeply, musting up the courage you explain the situation, so he’d understand - you were worried he’d make you leave soon. “I think they were some sort of cult...they uh wanted me to uh go through with this initiation thing. I think they were going to do something to me...mentioned about how I was ‘young’ and uh ‘ready to take’ one of the guys.” you were playing with the slightly calloused skin on your hands, fearing his response.
“I’m Emmett.” is all he said...was that a good sign?
“Oh, uh I’m y/n.” you gave him one of those awkward smiles you’d offer to people you’d pass on the street.
You were just sat staring at each other - neither knowing quite how to interact with the other - you were 2 introverts in a room, and you weren’t going to be the first to speak up again.
After a few minutes of intensely holding each other’s gaze, you looked back down at your hands just as he spoke up again, “You been by yourself this whole time then?”, he was trying to understand how you’d gone for as long as you had out there - you didn’t look too old, so you must’ve had people before this group surely.
“uh I was with that group for about 2 weeks I think, then before them I...” your head started buzzing at the memories - what was going on? All you were envisioning was the death of your dad - neither your mum nor brother had even made it out of the house with a fighting chance. You remembered how your dad had stupidly dropped a bullet on the floor, you’d thought you were both okay - it was a silly mistake, and it wasn’t too loud. But you were wrong, so so wrong. You watched as a creature had jumped your dad and ripped him limb from limb as you stood in shock - hearing him scream out in pain between attempting to tell you to run, but all you could do was watch as the thing killed the last remaining person you knew.
Emmett furrowed his brows at your sudden silence, you look dazed. As he placed a cautious hand on your shoulder, he watched as you flinched at his touch - he felt a sudden surge of guilt, giving you a sorry look.
“uh sorry, was just thinking. I was with my dad before the group...he’s gone now.” you looked into his eyes, seeing the empathy he shared with you - he’d lost people too, you could tell. You wondered if that’s who the drawings were of.
“I...” He didn’t really have anything to say - a sorry wouldn’t fix things, wouldn’t make you feel better, so he chose to stay silent instead. He could tell you weren’t a threat to him, and against his better judgement he felt a sense of protectiveness over you now - he wasn’t going to let you out of his sight.
You think you had been sat there for about 30 minutes before either one of you spoke up again. “You can take my bed by the way, I think you could do with it.” he was right - your whole body had ached, and he somehow had a fairly okay bed down here considering the conditions you were all in. As much as you wanted to be polite and refuse, you found your legs taking control, and before you knew it, you were situated on his bed as he put some materials on the floor, so it was comfortable enough to sleep on.
With you curled up, Emmett started blowing the candles out one by one before laying himself down on the floor. With silence filling the room, you whispered a quiet goodnight to him.
“Goodnight y/n.” he quietly responded back with - it felt strange speaking to someone like this - he’d been alone for a while now. The both of you rapidly fell into the open arms of sleep, feeling secure with each other’s presence - you felt like you were safe here, and you hoped you were right this time.
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lilislegacy · 8 months
everybody loves percy
someone just asked me about my earlier post: why would percy be crowd surfing? people only put in the effort to hold up a celebrity or a rockstar
why you ask?
the long answer:
because everybody loves percy. no i don’t mean that literally. of course his enemies hate him. but like… come on! it’s percy! everybody loves percy! he’s hilarious! he’s a goofball. he could win the olympics in the sarcasm section. he has the biggest heart in the whole world. he’s such a blast to be around. he’s fun and nice and constantly dropping comments that make people laugh so hard that they cry and pee their pants a little. he’s just that guy. he’s awesome. he’s the actual best.
everybody loves percy
he’s the umtimate hero. especially at camp half blood. everyone who went to camp with him adores him, and everyone who came to camp after he left hears his name everywhere they go. he’s a legend there. he’s a renowned warrior and sword fighter. he went on multiple successful quests. there were TWO great prophecies about him. he was offered and turned down godhood. he led the greeks into battle numerous times and came out victorious every time. he’s their leader. their soul. he’s the heart of the greeks. alongside annabeth chase, the man fell into tartarus and walked out through the doors of death. the son of poseidon is a greek hero.
all the romans at camp jupiter have such a high respect for him. i mean he was only actually there for like a total of 2-3 days, casually interacted with 2 major gods, successfully led a high-stake quest, saved the whole camp, and was raised on a shield and made praetor - the highest of honors. even after he gave up his position, he is still good friends with reyna, their long standing praetor, and bffs with frank, their new praetor. in fact, percy is franks hero. frank looks up to percy. so even if a roman didn’t witness percy save the camp and become praetor, you think they wouldn’t think incredibly highly of him after seeing how much of a deep respect both their current praetors hold for the former preator? plus everyone knows the stories. the son of neptune is a roman hero
loyalty for percy runs deep at both camps.
then there are the people who have no idea who he is. strangers. teenagers. college kids. but even then, everybody loves percy. he walks into a room, is immediately accepting and kind towards everyone, and starts saying the funniest damn things anyone’s ever heard. he’s a ton of fun. always playful and joking around. plus, he’s just a cool guy. even if you don’t know how awesome he is in the world of the gods, he’s a tall handsome dude with the absolute best smile. not to mention he has a lot of cool skills. he skates, he rides horses, he can ride a motorcycle (albeit illegally), im gonna take a guess and say he’s become quite a talented surfer since moving to california, etc. girls all have huge crushes on him and guys all think he’s the most chill dude ever. he’s the guy who walks into a party, makes friends with the dj, the bartender, and everyone he talks to. hes just that guy.
the short answer:
it doesn’t matter if you’re a greek, a roman, or a typical mortal. percy jackson is always the coolest guy in the room. whether you’ve known him for years and fought alongside him in battle, or if you met him 10 minutes ago when he gave you a big smile and said something that made you throw your head back laughing,
everybody loves percy.
so yeah, if percy jackson jumps (or is pushed) onto a crowd to crowd surf, every single person is happily holding up him
the previous post, if anyone if confused ⬇️
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
Hope you don't mind me spamming you a bit. I appreciate your reviews and commentary! Other movies that came to mind which I enjoyed were Ready Or Not, The Invitation, Don't Breathe, Black Christmas, Last Night inSoho (technically this is a horror movie). And because it's popular, what are your thoughts on A Quiet Place?
I don't mind one bit. These are fun questions, especially this one. Buckle up lmaoooo.
Ready or Not - I liked it, and it inspired the wedding dress in one of my darker stories.
The Invitation - Hell yes, love a dark dinner party movie. Won't spoil why.
Don't Breathe - Loved. So depraved. If you haven't seen it I won't spoil, but holy shit lol. Kink alert.
Black Christmas - Yes! Prefer the original by a mile, but enjoyed the Blumhouse take too.
Last Night in Soho - Need to see this, it's on my list.
A Quiet Place -Just my passionate opinion: I fear there is no movie I despise more. My disdain is well-known among irl friends. I'm about to go off.
Krasinski referring to his film as "elevated horror" put him on my bad side from the start. Really low to put down others to promote himself. Dismissing an entire diverse genre, disrespecting everyone who paved the way.
Krasinski gets (takes) far too much credit for things that have been done and done better, including the climax which mirrors The Descent Part 2, shot-for-shot. Don't Breathe is another example of the have-to-be-quiet premise.
Huge hit among non-horror fans who didn't know better and raved about its originality. Meanwhile gushing, "I'm not even into horror." Soo maybe they hadn't seen much? Especially lesser known movies. The horror tent is big enough for all, but he brought new fans into it while infusing them with his condescending attitude.
Far too many gratuitous close-ups of himself going 🤫. This man's ego, stg.
Some of us detected a strong whiff of right-wing energy. Pro-life in a risk everyone's lives for a fetus way. Pro-gun in a rural, white, get off my land way (btw I'm obsessed with John Wick. it's not the use of guns in this, it's the energy).
He bragged about how his wife was so unaffected by her most intense scene (childbirth) that after it she said, "Who's ready for lunch?" Why is that so good, John? Is your view as a director that actors should snap in and out of character and not be affected by their roles? If she needed to cry or rest, would he think less of her? Personally I admire people who feel. Also, harder to imagine paying a man the same compliment.
I have one nice thing to say, which is that it's nice to see deaf/hard-of-hearing representation, and it was the least they could do good to cast an actress from the community as his daughter.👍
If they committed to total silence instead of using a dramatic score, that would've been cool.
You can do your own take on an old concept and make it good. But to meanwhile put down everything else to distinguish/promote himself?? That ain't it.
Anyway, I still hate-watched the sequel (not nearly as bad) and may do the same with the prequel 🤪.
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hfrpfanmail · 6 months
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This meme will run from 04/01/2024 until 04/08/24 at 11:59pm EST. If you have not signed up for this meme, please do not comment or participate in sending out asks. 
HONESTY HOUR: Ask me anything. Nothing is off limits.
Quick Meme Reminders: 
You will have until Monday 04/08/24 at 11:59pm EST to complete the meme. 
You must send out to all those listed below. If you have signed up more than one FC, you are to send out the appropriate amount of asks per mun (i.e. 3 FCs = 3 asks per FC on the list). 
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helslastangel · 3 days
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Scorpio Venus Celebrities
Some of these surprised me, I must say.
Aimee Garcia
Aisha Tyler (Lana Kane)
Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore)
Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy)
Alfred Enoch (Wes Gibbins)
Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes)
Anne-Marie Duff (Fiona Gallagher)
Anthony Mackie (The Falcon, Marvel)
Brie Larson (Carol Danvers)
Bruce Lee
Carly Rae Jepsen
Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister)
Chrissy Teigen
Christina Milian
Cicely Tyson
Dakota Johnson
Damon Wayans Jr.
Danielle Brooks
David Schwimmer (Ross Geller)
Denzel Washington
Eden Sher (Sue Heck)
Ella Mai
Ellie Goulding
Ellen Pompeo (Meredith Grey)
Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen)
Eugene Levy
Frank Ocean
Gerard Butler (Clyde Shelton)
Gordon Ramsey
Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth)
Hugh Jackman (Wolverine)
Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore)
Jamie Foxx
Janelle Monáe
Jason Derulo
Jeffree Star
Jim Caviezel
John Krasinski
John Legend
John Sanford (Sanford and Son)
Jonah Hill
Kaley Cuoco (Penny, Big Bang Theory)
Katherine Heigl (Izzie Stevens)
Kirk Douglas
Kit Harrington (Jon Snow)
Kris Jenner
Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)
Louis Tomlinson
Luke Goss
Tyrese Gibson (Roman Pearce)
Matt Damon
Mayim Bialik (Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler)
Milla Jovovich
Nia Long
Penn Badgley (Dan Humphrey; Joe Goldberg)
Regina Hall
Russell Peters
Stefanie Scott (Lexi Reed)
Steven Yeun (Glenn Rhee)
Taraji P. Henson
Tyler James Williams (Everybody Hates Chris)
Tyson Beckford
Winona Ryder
Zac Efron
Zoë Kravitz
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writermuses · 3 months
About Henrik Oliwa
Age: 44
FC: John Krasinski
Fears: Stalkers
Height: 6'3
Role model(s): Krysztof Oliwa
Things they hate: Montreal Canadiens... obviously
They will love you if... you love hockey and Boston
Favorite film(s): Miracle
Favorite tv show(s): Letterkenny and Shoresy
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Henrik Oliwa was always going to be a hockey player. A relative of Krzysztof Oliwa, The Polish Hammer, Henri always wanted to be able to carry on that family legacy. Born and bred in Boston, it only seemed appropriate that at eighteen that was the team he signed up with. Academically, Henri was mediocre. On the ice, however, his parents knew they had a star. Henri finished school online through a distance program and really didn’t put that much effort into it. As his career went on, he knew that there were some big changed to be made.
Near the end of his career he had one major goal, get the cup to Boston. Achieving that dream in 2011 put a fire under him to try and do more for the team. Playing until he was 35, he transitioned to coaching and completed two degrees in business and finance with minors in leadership and sportscasting make himself more marketable. Henri kept himself a public figure for the Bruins, through charity work, events, and continuing to travel with the team and shadowing the coaches. When the head coach decided to retire, it was a shock to the sport that Henri’s name was brought up as the one to possible change the game. They took the risk and gave him the biggest opportunity of his life.
With his career going well and seemingly set in stone, Henri hopes to find someone to share this adventure with. Traveling for the vast majority of the year with hard partying after wins has slowly worn him down. He has a great group of friends and family in Boston and even relationships that were going well were stamped out when they did not approve of them. As a person that identifies as Pansexual and regularly attends events for the NHL and the Bruins in support of LGBT+ players and fans, Henri is also reluctant to go out in public with whomever he is dating as it typically results in an uproar of media. Anyone willing to work around these challenges, however, will find him to be an honest, loving, goofball.
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whatyourusherthinks · 7 months
Imaginary Review
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I'm starting to get suspicious of movies we don't get any marketing for. Imaginary, say it with me now, got absolutely no trailers or posters before it came to theaters. When I saw it on the coming soon whiteboard at work I thought someone had misremembered the title of IF, the John Krasinski movie that is also about imaginary friends, but nope. This is a horror movie from Blumhouse. (IF comes out in May.) All I knew going in is that it has been getting trashed by reviews. But the premise seems interesting, maybe I'll like it despite what other say?
What's The Movie About?
Jessica is a children's book author who moves her new family into her childhood home. When her stepdaughter makes an imaginary friend, the family deals with some spooky shenanigans while trying to navigate past trauma and moving forward together.
What I Like.
I really like Jessica and the little girl Alice. I think making the main character of a movie about imaginary friends a children's book author is genius. And Alice is very cute and never got cloying. He's not in it much, but the dad in the movie was also pretty nice and sensible, which was a good change of pace. When eventually we get to see some creature designs, I thought they looked pretty freaky and the effects were good. There's a land of imagination that I also liked the look of. The monster also had a power where it could project the collective imaginations of all children through its eyes, and adult brains can't handle the strain of looking into them. That's really fucking cool idea. It's like unrestrained children's imagination is a Lovecraftian entity. The plot as a whole I rather enjoyed. There is themes of parenthood and protecting the innocent even if that means sacrificing yourself, and the moments when they touch on darker topics like self-mutilation are pretty unsettling. I also really like that Jess is the kids' stepmother and she actually loves them and is willing to put her life on the line for them, even though they don't always appreciate her efforts. I've heard this movie described as cliched, and while that is true, I also feel like they do some interesting twists on those cliches and I enjoyed it. There also quite a few plot twists that did take me a minute to fully appreciate, but I came around on them. The few moments of humor I thought were pretty good too. I liked the worldbuilding and how the imaginary friend operates, but admittedly that may be because it reminded me of two TTRPGs I think are cool. (Monsters and Other Childish Things and Little Fears, if you are interested in checking them out.)
What I Didn't Like.
I only have two substantive issues with the movie. One, while I liked the designs of the monster and the imaginary world, it felt constrained. Like if I told you a form the monster takes is of a spider-humanoid, the first thing you think of is probably exactly what it looks like. There's nothing too crazy in terms of the supernatural aspect of the movie, brain-melting imagination projection aside. (And that being said they don't really show any of the brain-melting stuff. It's just the monster projecting swirly lights from its eyes.) Two, I really fucking hate Taylor. She is the elder step-daughter and basically the secondary main character, but she a rude bitch to Jess the entire movie, causes a bunch of problems, and even when eventually getting on the same page as everyone else she's still sarcastic and barely helpful. At least the douchebag boy next door she flirts with ended up being so pathetic it was funny.
Final Summation.
I did like Imaginary despite the poor reviews! Maybe it's just something that appeals to me personally (I like kids and monsters together for some reason), but I was ruminating on why I liked it when no one else seemed to. I have two theories.
One, while I think Imaginary is a good movie, I don't think it's a good horror movie. It's not that scary. Shocking, I know, the movie with a stuffed teddy bear as the main antagonist is not the horror masterpiece we were all expecting. It wasn't as scare-less as Night Swim, but it's definitely not gonna be keeping me up at night. I can totally understand why someone walking into a Blumhouse would be annoyed that they aren't getting nightmares from it.
Two, I think maybe people misinterpreted what the movie was trying to be. Imaginary is not a serious movie. It does touch on some darker subject matter, but it still airs a bit on the fairytale storytelling method. The main villain, besides angry imaginary friends, is not trusting the adult. It isn't the most complex moral situation in the world but I don't think it was trying to be. I also think some of the goofier parts were intentional. The only death in the movie made me laugh, but it could have used one more comedy beat to make it completely clear I was supposed to be laughing. Honestly, maybe that's the best direction for a PG-13 horror movie to go. If you're already limiting how dark you can be by not allowing certain imagery, it might be best to just shoot for a lighter tone all together. I didn't watch it, but that what it seems like the Five Nights At Freddy's movie did. (Interestingly, the other movie title dropped on the poster is M3GAN, and the only thing I know about that movie is that the robot danced in a silly way. Maybe the filmmakers were trying tell everyone what kind of movie they were making and no one paid attention.)
In conclusion, give Imaginary a chance. Maybe you won't set your world on fire, but I had a good time.
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
Who should play The Batman in the DCU?
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This is a question that I think no one really wants to answer.
After the success of Matt Reeves The Batman, Michael Keatons return to the role, Kevin Conroy's Death, and Ben Affleck leaving it, I think it is safe to say people have had enough Batman, and enough good takes of the character.
Even so, Andy Muschetti is currently set to direct The DCU's Brave and the Bold, which will show a new Batman, now older and with his son, Damian Wayne.
Recently a popular fancast surfaced of John Krasinski for the role, to some fans love and some fans dismay.
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Personally, I don't think he was suited for Reed or for Bruce. I can see him more as a Green Lantern. But this did get my wheels turning, hopefully to do better. And I got some picks. But first, we need to answer a few questions.
What live action versions are we pulling from?
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We want to pull key elements from different versions, but there are so many iterations Jesus.
I am not going to go into all of them, I'll stick with 3. But know that I am a fan of most iterations of The Batman.
Ben Affleck
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Love him or hate him, Ben Affleck's Batman was memorable. Personally he has a lot of things I want to incorporate into our DCU Batman. For one, he is our older Batman. Our actor should be similar aged to Ben.
He is also a complete unit. After being Batman for so long, he has had to make himself more of a unit in order to properly take out foes.
This is also the best voice, suit, and fighting style I've seen for a live action Batman. The voice modulator works wonders.
I think Ben had a presence that made it clear he was a leader of the team, if not Thee leader. I want our Bruce to feel the same.
Robert Pattinson
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Robert Pattinson is a little weirdo. And I mean that in the best way.
This was the first time I think it was properly shown how uncomfortable it might be to be around such a presence as Batman. He is fear personified, and working with someone like that can and should be awkward.
Pattinson also took being Batman way too seriously, our Bruce should do the same. Batman's a religion to Bruce.
We need someone who can be a middle ground between these two as Batman.
Christian Bale
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While those two perfected Batman, no one has done Bruce Wayne better than Bale.
Bale by far did the act of Bruce Wayne most convincingly. It is one of my favorite aspects of his films. We need someone who can pull off charming douchebag when needed, but slip back into dark loner.
Bale was also funny in a way Batman hasn't been in awhile. We need someone when comfortable be able to joke with Clark.
You can see why casting a Batman can be extremely difficult. Balancing all these characteristics are crucial to making it work.
What ethnicity is Bruce Wayne?
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All iterations of Batman have been white.
Now, is there value in making him another ethnicity? Maybe. Making him a person of color could be part of why he doesn't trust the police and takes matters into his own hands. Perhaps maybe his parents being new money is why they are killed. Who is to say?
For now, I will say Batman can be any ethnicity.
Other Stipulations
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The DCU Batman is confirmed to have a son, Damian Wayne. Assuming he has already raised Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Jason Todd is already dead, this Batman has to be in their 50s. We're looking for an older actor.
George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, Robert Pattinson and Ben Affleck have all taken up the role, meaning we need a name. Someone who immediately you know, whether you like it or not. But we also need someone surprising.
We need someone who we can see doing this for awhile. At least 5-8 years. The DCU is just starting, so someone with longevity is a must.
He should probably be tall.
Finally, as always, someone not known for past superhero roles. Let's begin.
3. Jamie Dornan
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Jamie Dornan may be the safest and most controversial choice for The Batman.
Like Pattinson before him, Dornan is known for playing the love interest in some pretty bad movies, but since has made a career for himself full of wins. Projects like Belfast, Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar and the Tourist proves Dornan has the acting chops for it.
He is a little younger than we would like, but he can play older, and looks a lot like a classic Bruce Wayne.
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I have two main concerns for Dornan. One, would he be better off as a villain? In the DCU, he may make a fantastic Gotham City villain like Harvey Dent. But in the MCU, does he have the making of a fantastic Doctor Doom? I think so.
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Finally, the character he plays in Fifty Shades of Grey is BASED on Edward Cullen, who was played by Robert Pattinson, our current Batman. The comparisons will be built in from the beginning, and we something fresh.
I think Dornan can kill it, but there's too much against him for him to be my main pick.
2. Bradley Cooper
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Now I know what you're thinking, he's Rocket Raccoon!
Yes he is, but the Guardians movies are now finished. And unlike his teammates, Cooper doesn't really show his face when playing the character. In a way, he is oddly detached from Marvel.
He has also worked with James Gunn before, is currently producing Joker: Folie a Deux, and has an incredible career to back up him as a pick.
From American Sniper to Nightmare Alley to A Star is Born, Cooper consistently delivers. He can do suave, he can do loner, he can do troubled, and he can do comedy. I think he could be a spiritual successor to someone like Ben Affleck, and lead the Justice League in a way that feels natural.
He'd also be useful behind the camera, as he was the director of A Star is Born.
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My biggest concern with Cooper is whether he would want to do it. One of the benefits of playing a raccoon is you get to work from a booth for maybe a few hours and you're done. This would be a commitment.
There also comes the question of whether Cooper is bigger than the role. We want people to be lost in the story, so finding an actor who convincingly be Batman is crucial. Cooper might be just a little too big for this.
Of my three, I think Cooper is the most likely to land the role, and that may be for the best.
1. Alexander Skarsgård
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If we're looking for a surprising pick, with range, physicality, a name that is big but not bigger than the role, I give you: Alexander Skarsgård.
Known for roles in The Stand, Succession, The Northman and Infinity Pool, Skarsgård is one of those actors who is often forgotten but people are excited to see when he pops up.
He is a dramatic actor who can do funny, scary, and anything in between. He's played fantasy characters in The Stand, a billionaire asshole in Succession, and a warrior in The Northman, all praised. He has all the making of a great Batman.
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He is classically handsome, and at 6'3, 46 years old, he is just in the age range we're looking for, and towers over most heroes.
He doesn't feel like any other Batman before him either, which will help us stay away from those comparison conversations.
I don't think there really is a perfect answer as to who should be the next Batman. But of all my options, Skarsgård makes the most sense. I could see him and David Corenswet leading the league for years to come.
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rclldamage · 1 year
john krasinski
muse creation.
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David Shadowmoon is a half-elf (mother was a wood-elf and father was a half-orc) druid of the Wildfire. His father gave his life in the service of the god Kelemvor to save Baldur's Gate from an undead threat. He is named after a friend of his father and mother who died during that battle. His mother tells him that she also died in the battle but as a gift to his father, Kelemvor revived her and blessed her with him and his twin sister. While David's twin sister embraced the gods and became a Paladin of Kelemvor like her father (who was a sorcerer / paladin), David scorns them. He has an active distaste for them and hates the death god, Kelemvor for calling his father to his service and then taking him away. Never having met him.
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