#this is only kind of about hunter blushing at willow
the-owl-house-takes · 7 months
I am sapphic and I genuinely cannot stand Lumity. I'm happy for the Bi and Lesbian rep. But they were so terribly written it literally makes me cringe watching season one. Luz is committed to being this girls friend even after seeing her bully and torment a girl who was just kind to her. This same girl looks down on her. Then all of a sudden over one episode you see her change her mind. They are not well written, their whole 'chemistry' is placed soley on one sided blushing. They have literally only one thing in common and everyone goes nuts saying its enemies to lovers and its NOT. They were BARELY enemies and its resolved in like two episodes before Amity is crushing. And then as soon as they're together Amity's entire personality is 'Luz's girlfriend' and thats IT. Even in the finale Amity is not dressed how Amity would dress- she's dressed so she looks good next to Luz.
They suck. I hate that this is the first official rep we get for a Bi and a Lesbian character, and I hate how this fandom is full of babies who have no object permanence when it comes to shipping to the point of crying under ship posts with other characters and cringily rping about their poor beloved Lumity being erased because someone drew Luz smooching Willow or Hunter or Edric or Emira or Amity macking on Willow or Boscha. I hope every time an immature, spoiled Lumity fan sees a different ship in a piece of art they cry. Get over your weird attachment to these paper dolls and make your own content instead of harassing other fans.
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actually one thing that I think makes it the true reason I dislike huntlow as a ship is that it's not foreshadowed at all like how lumity was. both Luz and Amity expressly talk about romance in SOME way, even not in relation to eachother. Luz's wizard dream having a prince she was pseudo-into. Amity's diary and mentions of romance. both had clear romantic wishes, even if it was among the other ones such as be a witch and have a life outside of the blight name. willow and hunter *never* speak about love or anything like that, and if Hunter's like. aim was to have Belos love him, or *anyone* love him, I think it'd actually make the arc make sense and if Willow had that insecurity with being a teenage witch with no date or love to be found it'd make sense and I'd actually SEE huntlow being viable rather than shoehorned in where it made both of their personalities make zero sense for the scenes they were both in together
exactly! i always headcanoned willow as aroace because she literally shows no romantic interest in anyone? even her interest in hunter seemed so artificial. she just blushes and tells him he means a lot to her and… that's it? then they proceed to blush whenever they're around each other and there's literally nothing else to indicate a romantic interest.
meanwhile hunter seems less "in love" with willow, and more like he's worshipping her. it's a little reminiscent of how amity treated luz at first but even then, i feel like luz and amity were more on equal footing. we still see amity talking to luz casually, while all hunter does is blush and stutter around willow. i get it, young love and all that. but considering that hunter used to worship and idolize his abusive uncle, i can't help but feel like this kind of relationship is not right for him. i wouldn't say willow is a stand-in for belos or anything but i just don't think their dynamic works.
not to mention, both characters act horribly out of character with each other. willow was this kind but strong girl who only attacked or fought people who deserved it, but she's somewhat forceful and dominant with hunter. (i wouldn't go as far as to say toxic, i don't think she's abusive towards him or anything.)
meanwhile, hunter was this sassy and sardonic child prodigy who was trained in combat from a young age, but somehow he's always a damsel in distress when he's with willow. i have to clarify, i have no problem with women saving men or being stronger than men. but it just doesn't make sense for these characters because hunter isn't just some guy, he has supposedly gone through extremely torturous training and is a very proficient fighter. meanwhile, willow is just a normal highschooler who happens to be skilled at plant magic. how is she the stronger one here?
and of course, the fact that this ship was just shoved into the narrative with no development or chemistry just doesn't sit right with me. no hate to huntlow shippers but i really don't understand how people don't see how rushed and underdeveloped it is.
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kittiwittebane · 9 months
Emperor’s Ball AU!
Also posted on my AO3 account, Kittimoonshadow
AU where the rebels used Willow to bait Hunter from duties so they could be rebellious!
The school bell rang for the end of the day at hexside. Willow, Luz, Gus and Amity walked out of school together giggling.
“Tonight is the emperor’s ball.” Luz started. “It’s the only time that The Emperor’s chamber is unguarded by proper officials, such as the Golden Guard.”
Amity, Willow and Gus nodded.
“The only problem is, Luz, is that that is only true when he has a date to the dance.” Amity explained. “Leading a rebel mission would be useless as any other time.”
Luz thought for a moment. Then she began to speak, “Who would want to be the date for him? He probably has people all over the isles wanting to be his date to the dance, but we need to know this person and they have to be on our side so that we can make sure we aren’t caught.”
Gus looked in Willow’s direction way too quickly. Willow glared at Gus.
“No. Not happening.” she mouthed. Gus glared at her. This went on for about five minutes as Luz and Amity were brainstorming.
“What about Willow?’ Luz blurted out. This caught Willow off guard. She whipped her head around to face the duo, eyes like daggers.
“I am not going with him. I- I don’t know if i can trust him!” she stammered.
This was a complete lie. She wanted to go with him and was currently trying to get rid of this little developing crush she had, knowing it would be problematic. She wanted to but didn’t because she also hated the fact she thought he was kind.
“But Willlowwww… we need someone to do this and we know he’s got a soft spot for you out of all of the rebels. I don’t think he even knows you are one!”
Willow looked at the pleading faces of her friends. She sighed.
“O-ok.” she gave in pretty quickly. “I’ll ask him to the dance.”
Willow looked at the clock. 3:30. She grabbed her scroll and opened Penstagram.
Hunter looked at his scroll and then back at himself in the mirror over many times, deciding if he should ask Willow to the dance. She’d probably say no… but then again what if she didn’t and he got to go to the dance with her? He shook his head. Darius barged into his room unannounced and saw Hunter looking at himself in the mirror.
“So.. Little Prince, who’s getting asked to the ball?” Darius asked. But it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. That one girl he’d played flyer derby with that he liked all the Penstagram posts of.
“Uhm. Captain Willow Park would be a suitable choice for-”
“And how will Belos react when you bring a civilian to the dance. I know you are in love with her but…”
Hunter pulled an Amity. He scoffed. “I am not in love with her. Whatever that means.” Darius raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t you think she’s very pretty, Little Prince?” Darius began, internally hoping he wasn’t about to get another monologue on how amazing Captain Willow Park was.
“Well yes, Captain is-”
“Nope.” Darius put his finger on the blondie’s mouth. “Shh.”
“Well, how am I going to ask her?” the golden boy stubbornly asked. Darius sighed exaggeratedly.
“In person, of course.”
Hunter blushed at the idea.
Hunter nervously put on his formal suit, hoping he wouldn’t have to do his duty tonight and Willow would say yes.
“Should I bring flowers?” Hunter asked. “No, wait, she’s a plant witch. It’s stupid.”
“No, of course you should. Always do that when asking a girl to dance.” Darius informed him. “It’s common courtesy.”
Hunter nodded. He looked outside the window, staring into the direction of Bonesborough. He then looked at his Golden Guard mask, suddenly having the feeling to regret everything he was about to do.
“Um, on second thought this may not be a great idea.” he spluttered. “Why would she ever want to go to a dance with me? A-and what about her dads? They’ll hate me.”
Darius rolled his eyes and decided to just let Hunter ramble. The list of why he shouldn’t do this went on for ten minutes somehow, before the Golden boy ran out of ideas.
“How about you say why you should do it?” Darius suggested. Hunter looked at Darius as if that was the most despicable suggestion.
“Wha-what- wha is there?! She’s so-”
And then Darius endured a five minute monologue of Willow’s amazing qualities and another five minute monologue on how horrible he was compared to her.
“Oh just shut your trap, will you? Just do it. Now let’s get to Bonesborough so we can pick out some flowers.
Hunter looked at the wide variety of flowers that laid before him. Many colours, kinds, breeds and shapes. Then one caught his eye. He gasped.
“What are those?” He pointed to some yellow flowers that looked a bit like roses. Darius took a thorough look at the label.
“It appears to be something called a Fangnunclawlus.” Daries huffed. “‘Meaning: happiness, joy and positive feelings.’”
(Ranunculus/Persian Buttercup)
Darius refrained himself from saying the next part. He did not want to spend five hours looking for flowers that didn’t have a love meaning.
“Perfect!” Hunter smiled. Darius caught himself admiring the boy’s happiness. He shook it off. He didn’t care about Hunter’s little girlfriend crisis! That’s Belos’s problem!
Hunter had been to Willow’s house before and knew where it was and what it looked like. He walked around to it and stopped in front of it, putting his mask on and holding his Fangnunclawlus Bouquet in both hands. He took a deep breath in.
“Darius you know I’m having second- no third- or fourth thoughts about this, how about we- Darius what are you-”
Hunter didn’t have time to speak as Darius grabbed him and dragged him to the front door, knocking on it himself.
Oh Titan.
SAME TIME CORRELATION: THIRD POV: Primarily Willow and Hunter
A knock sounded at the door just as Willow went to pick up her scroll. Her dads were in the garden so she called out to them and went to open the door. She unlocked the rigid wooden door that needed to be replaced and opened it only to be greeted with the mask of no one other than the Golden Guard and Sir Darius Deamonne.
“What are you guys doing here?” she asked, stunned by their sudden visit.
“Sir Golden Guard! Sir Deamonne! How can we help you?” Gilbert asked, nearly scaring the living daylights out of his daughter. She turned to her dads and then back to the two high persons.
Darius sighed before speaking. “The Golden Guard wants to ask something.”
Hunter squeaked.
Willow’s head tilted slightly, but not before catching a glimpse of flowers behind the boy’s back.
Darius groaned. “He wants to know if…” and he pushed Hunter towards the Parks’, nearly having him topple over. He was frozen. What should he do?!
“Uh- Willow- me- uh- the ball, maybe? I don’t know this was a bad idea, I’ll just be going now!” he started before Darius grabbed him by the shoulders, turning him back to his plant girl and her parents.
“He would like to know if your daughter would go to the Emperor’s Ball with him. Have no worries on age, he is 16. And I’m pretty sure he has a-”
“YES THAT IS ALL THANK YOU DARIUS.” Hunter spoke loudly. He shoved the flowers into Willow’s chest aggressively, although of course it did not concern her in the slightest.
“I got them for you if you want them.” he stuttered. Willow was too stunned to speak. She wanted to say yes, but what about her dads?
“Well Willow?” Gilbert asked. She turned around.
“You’re going to let me?” she asked. Gilbert nodded.
“I think you will be in good hands with the emperor.”
Willow nodded. She texted her friends:
Time to be rebels 👍
Awesome work Willow!
I have to give you credit Willow. I didn’t think you’d pull it off. Hunter’s a pain.
Meanwhile on the other side of the screen, Willow cursed herself for what she was about to do.
And by soon I mean after January 20 because I’m going out of the country! (No internet lmao)
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huesofgoldensun · 8 months
Okay so my Huntceda/Luz and Hunter ship is canon compliant. A summary of it is: Hunter and Luz through the canon events developed mutual feelings. Luz still loved Amity ofc, and Hunter knows she's taken + Willow and him having that chemistry made him more uncertain despite the feelings being there. Luz pushes the feelings down because Amity is her first relationship + that bisexual fear of your sexuality not being taken seriously if you're with someone of a different gender. As they grow up, she's very close with hunter, and he is with her. Nobody thinks anything of it because all of the crew are pretty close. But they're both the only odd ones out so far as doing magic. Neither of them can perform magic normally. :readmore:
Amity and Luz have some common interests (the azura books, magic) but they're eachothers first loves. It's all new. We've seen the issues in their relationship throughout most of the last season, and meta-wise Amity became not much beyond supportive gf who blushes. In my huntceda set up Willow and Hunter don't date until like a few months before the finale when we see them together. It lasts about a year before they mutually break up. Luz and Amity's breakup is an attempt at a collected one but it doesn't end up being that. It's the product of a lack of trust, growing apart and Luz developing her relationships outside of Amity. All of them being just as excitable and caring from Luz's end. She also has a tendency not to really confide in Amity which makes her much more frustrated with Luz because she's supposed to be her girlfriend. Luz tends to curl in on herself in times of trouble, or figure it out on her own, but Amity assumes she'll be sought out, so is often unaware of the issues Luz is struggling with. This is where those mutual repressed feelings crop up because Hunter tends to seek out Luz when she's off on her own. And she ends up turning to him for support for those stressors. Amity and Luz both still love Alura, and grudgby. But outside of magic they tend to lack things to discuss or keep conversations going. Which isn't noticeable for a long time since they're both really into the books and analyzing them. Luz also tends to get Jealous of Amity because of how together she often seems, as well as wondering if Amity could do better. (hormones, teenage stuff). Her conflicting feelings, wishing for more support, as well as the slow diverging of their interests (especially with Vee being in the picture as her legit sibling, and likely spending more time in the human realm) I don't see them ending up together forever. Also because this show has a real 'your first love is your real forever one true love' bias and that's...... not realistic. So they have a huge blowup fight that starts as a reasonable, kind of backpedally request for a break, which then escalates on Amity's end, and then on Luz's end in response. Their friends are sure it's just a couples spat and they'll reconcile. They don't. At least not at first. (they eventually become friends again, but it blows up pt. 2 when Luz and Hunter finally address their feelings after about a year and a half.) Willow initially sided with Luz, but when that happens Willow ends up going with Amity/siding with her in the dispute. Gus is confused and acts as a messenger before getting fed up with his friends constantly dragging him into stuff. Willow is really hurt by it, Amity is hurt by it. Both Hunter and Luz feel guilty but also REALLY care about each other and both are so lost on what to do. They initially agree not to officially be anything until they can figure it out. Luz is conflicted on her feelings, Hunter is not. Willow is wonderful and pretty, and badass and cool but just not who he really had those intense feelings for. Luz DEEPLY cares for Amity still, but it's just... not how she used to feel. They became more different than they were similar. And that's normal, but she still struggles a lot with it because they're all meant to be a team. Luz and Hunter ultimately end up coming back together officially but quietly. It takes a while before everyone is talking fully again. It causes a lot of friction before Luz eventually breaks down and it brings everyone streaming in together because of the front she was putting up to try to seem together.
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Meeting the parents ✌️ read on AO3 or under the cut. I know it’s been a month since I updated don’t mention it I’m sensitive
It was so odd how a simple word can change everything and nothing at the same time?
When they saw each other at school, she still greeted him the same way. She’d either rush into his arms, laughing as he spun her around or she’d wrap him in a tight hug to spin him around (it all depended on who got to the other’s locker first). Hunter was surprised at first, he had assumed that them dating would change everything, but somehow it hadn’t. He realized that it meant that the way she felt about him hadn’t changed, that she really had liked him for awhile. It still made him blush like an idiot.
But now he didn’t mind if she noticed the blushing, because he was her blushing boyfriend.
When his hand would brush hers when they walked, she took it. She’d link their pinkies or laced their fingers and he didn’t have to make an excuse or it in his mind like she didn’t want him to get lost or something. She did it because he was her boyfriend and she wanted to be close to him, and she wanted everyone to know it. Because he was something to her that no one else was.
Nothing in his world had drastically changed. He still went to school, went to flyer derby practice, helped Dell with the palismen, but now everything he did he did as Willow Park’s boyfriend. He roamed the realm as someone Willow Park publicly liked as more than a friend. He knew he was someone, but now he was someone to her . He’d endure 100,000 “That’s Hunter, the old Golden Guard” for one “Hunter? Oh, you mean Willow’s boyfriend” identifier. It was the first title that did not make his heart feel tied down, but bursting and free. A title he hoped to never pass on, only to rank up.
He hadn’t changed; he looked the same, talked the same, dressed the same. And yet, he was totally different. Because he was Willow’s. He was Willow’s boyfriend.
And he did not get tired of saying it.
“Sorry, I can’t talk right now, I’m waiting for my girlfriend Willow. Since I’m her boyfriend, I wanted to walk her to class, ya know? Since we’re advanced friends. Just wanna make sure my girlfriend doesn’t need help carrying her books. And if she does, I can help. Since that’s a boyfriend job and I’m her boyfriend after all.”
“Okay… I literally didn’t say anything but I’m glad you two are happy,” said Viney, who was literally just walking by. “Tell Willow I said hi, okay?”
“As her boyfriend, I will be sure to let my girlfriend know,” he said proudly as Viney picked up the pace.
Willow’s hair had never been more full of flowers. The sight of Hunter waiting for her made her absolutely giddy and that unbridled joy manifested itself in flowers so vibrant and colorful she looked like a walking topiary. She was too enamored to be sly and her inability to hide her joy made his wide, toothy, dopey grin even dopier. Which made more flowers and it was just a never ending cycle. It was like every day was the first day.
The way he looked at her hadn’t changed but now the look lingered and he didn’t turn away when she caught him. He still got nervous around her but now it was a nerve he was confident about. Willow couldn’t describe it with words but she felt the subtle change between them. It was a new kind of uncertainty, a different brand of scary, it was more exciting and less heavy. She had been worried for awhile that it was all in her head, that she was misreading his blushes when she complimented him or misinterpreting the soft way he said her name, like it was something precious to him.
Willow made it clear that she was a fan of affection and Hunter made it clear that he loved receiving that affection. But as much as Hunter absolutely loved letting Willow know how much she meant to him, he sometimes still had trouble being a “just because” person. He was used to everything having a reason, a bigger purpose. So when Willow would lean over the table to quickly peck his cheek as he was sketching “just because he looked cute,” well he didn’t know how to adjust. He felt he hadn’t earned it. Granted, he was not complaining, but he was unsure how to return the gesture. If he went to kiss Willow every time he thought she looked amazing or was on his mind well… he may never stop.
But Willow was always ready and willing to validate him. Whenever he made a move, no matter how small, she made sure to show her approval. If he placed his hand on hers, she’d lace her fingers through his as though to say “I’m keeping you.” If he put his arm around her shoulders she would grab his waist as though to say “this is where you belong.” And when he embraced her, she would wrap her arms tightly around him and lift him off the ground to say “you are the best thing that’s ever been mine.”
So every morning when they eventually needed to part for class, Willow would quickly kiss his cheek and it was like a shot of caffeine. She had just kissed it to say hello minutes ago and just when he was shaking off the daze that brought, she lured him into another. He practically floated to class after that. She loved the effect it had and she loved that he was helpless to hide it. She wished she could dedicate her mornings to covering his whole face in kisses, but Gus was threatening to start charging them a snail for everytime their goo goo eyes distracted them from a group conversation. Willow knew he was kidding, but noticed the next day Hunter had brought some in a pouch, just in case.
They were insufferable to everyone around them and Willow absolutely loved it.
“So, what did Willow’s dads say when you told them?” asked Luz as she sat on the basement coach reading as Hunter worked on yet another gift for Willow at his sewing machine. He was adding pockets to a dress she had found at the thrift store ( Willow, my girlfriend, loves having pockets to keep things in , he had said proudly to the lady at the craft store who did not ask). Then on top of the pockets he was adding patches and stitches so there was no mistaking who the dress was for and who it was from.
“Told them what?”
“That you and Willow are dating,” said Luz like it was obvious. “They can be pretty strict, so you must’ve been pretty nervous when you asked for their blessing.”
Hunter stopped what he was doing and when Luz heard the sewing machine stop she looked up and saw Hunter staring at his hands in a panic.
“I was supposed to… ask them?” he said, beginning to sweat.
“Woah, uh hey! It’s okay!” assured Luz, jumping up from the coach to make sure he didn’t accidentally stab his hand with the needle while he was distracted. “You technically don’t have to ask them, that’s just something people sometimes do! But I mean as long as you told them that you…” the panicked look on Hunter’s face did not let up. “You haven’t told them, have you?”
“I… don’t think so.”
“I mean, you’ve told everyone else on the Isles,” laughed Luz. “Plus everyone in line at the supermarket.”
“I know I just… I mean, I wasn’t hiding it or anything but I’m weirdly scared of them?” said Hunter. It still baffled him, he had no reason to be but he knew that if he even suspected they disliked something about him he would throw himself into the boiling sea. But that was normal, right?
“Well, I’m sure Willow has told them,” said Luz, hoping to undo the stress she had summoned.
“But what if she hasn’t?” Hunter was beginning to spiral. “W-what if she just assumed I did that part right and they already know? I mean, I didn’t do anything else right but I would’ve if I had known-.”
“Hey hey hey, chill out hermano,” said Luz. “The Parks totally love you, out of all of Willow’s friends you’ve definitely gotten her in the least amount of trouble.”
“But… I kidnapped her when we first met.”
“Has she told them that?”
“Um…” Hunter knew she had told her dads about him, she had mentioned it here and there in the human realm but she never went into much detail. The subject hadn’t come up when they first met, he could recall the day in perfect detail. He had just helped Willow find her dads and was catching up with Darius…
“... and they’re pack animals which means they create families and they’re always-,” Hunter looked up and saw Darius’ eyes were elsewhere. “Sorry, I’m probably boring you, huh?”
“Hmm? Oh, no no little prince of course not,” Darius chuckled fondly. “I just think there’s a certain someone trying to get your attention.”
He followed Darius’ gaze and saw Willow talking excitedly with her dads, who looked over at him to suggest he was a topic of discussion. Willow’s eyes found Hunter’s and gave him a quick smile before turning away, her cheeks flushed.
“Something tells me she doesn’t need to try all that hard,” said Darius, giving Eberwolf a knowing glance. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
“Huh? What? Why?” said Hunter nervously. “Y-you know Willow, you’ve seen her before.”
“Hmm, that’s not who I meant,” smirked Darius, looking across the room somehow knowing that the flyer derby girl was having the same conversion with her fathers. He walked over as Hunter trailed nervously behind him, unable to help but smile at the way Willow’s fathers whispered more intensely the closer he got. Darius extended his hand to them and smiled.
“Hello, I’m Darius,” he said, the two men looking up at him as though starstruck before Gilbert took his hand and mumbled ‘pleased to meet you’. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sirs, I’m a big fan of your daughter. Though, I have to admit I think Hunter here will fight for the status of her biggest fan.”
“Oh, so this is Hunter,” said Harvey in a tone that suggested he had come up in conversation long before this. Suddenly all eyes were on him and all the grimwalker could go was offer a shy wave as he gulped. He knew how important Willow’s dads were to her and he suddenly wished he had more time to prepare. He wished he smelled better and his clothes weren’t so disheveled so they didn’t think he looked like this all the time.
But before he had the chance to say something embarrassing, he was pulled forward and was suddenly wrapped in a tight hug with the entire Park clan. Willow was right beside him as her fathers towered over them, and there was no room to be nervous here. This was just warmth and love and safety and gratitude.
Hunter chuckled nervously as the embrace only tightened, as Darius chuckled endearingly to the side.
“Thank you,” whispered Harvey and somehow Hunter knew he was talking to him.
“Uh, y-you’re welcome,” said Hunter as they did not loosen their grip around him and Willow buried her head in his chest. He fought the urge to let the tears fall again, somehow hopefully he had wordlessly made a good first impression. It felt undeserved. “What ah, what did you tell them about me?” he whispered to Willow.
“I just told them you mean alot to me,” she whispered to him as she gave him a smile.
Unlike most people, the Parks had liked him from the moment they met him. He was certain that no matter what they learned about him, they would still like him because Willow liked him and he made her happy.
But that just meant he had so much to live up to. It meant he had to do everything he could not to sully their opinion of him.
“You could do what Amity and I did for mom,” suggested Luz, sensing his mind was fabricating a mission.
“You mean make a video?”
“Yeah! Willow has tons of pictures of you two together, it’ll be easy,” said Luz. “Plus, they’ll see how happy you make each other.”
“And the video convinced Camila to give Amity her blessing?”
“Well, I guess so,” said Luz, jumping up to get the photo album Willow kept there. “It was actually more of just a cute way to officially tell her that I’m bi.”
“Oh,” said Hunter, getting up to help her select photos to start. “Good idea then, I didn’t know I had to officially tell them.”
Hunter arrived nearly an hour early. He was so paranoid about being late that he hadn’t considered being too early. But he hid the bushes and rehearsed what he’d say and how he’d say it. He wanted to show them he was a confident, capable boyfriend. He needed them to know he was worthy of the title.
When the time finally became appropriate for Hunter to knock on the door, the door flew open almost immediately as though Willow had been equally anxiously waiting for him on the other side.
“Hiya,” she said sweetly, beaming at the sight of him as though she hadn’t just seen him at derby practice a few hours ago.
“Hi,” he said, the sight of her looking so happy to see him easing him a little. He was worried he had overdressed, a light green dress shirt and bright, floral tie had been carefully selected to show how much he belonged in Willow’s world. But as she stood in the doorway in a golden sundress that matched her glasses, he felt validated in assuming the evening's importance. “Y-you look beautiful.”
She smiled and he could tell by her smile she was about to lean up and kiss his check, an action that never failed to make his ears flutter, when suddenly they were joined by two taller figures on either side of Willow.
“Well, that’s exactly what we said,” laughed Harvey as he put his hand proudly on Willow’s shoulder.
“Hello sirs! Pleased to meet you- see you! Haha, we have met before,” he said nervously as Willow tried to hide her smile, unable to help but to find the whole scene endearing. He held out his arm as he turned between the two men as though trying to calculate how to shake two hands at once while still concealing the bouquet he hid behind his back. Whenever he brought flowers, he tried to have Willow guess what they were, he’d give a fun fact about their land of origin or what they signified as a hint. It was a silly little game that allowed them both an opportunity to impress the other but for some reason it felt too silly to do in front of her dads.
After the managed to help Hunter pick an order to shake their hands, they welcomed him inside and Willow leapt up and whispered in his ear
“Primroses, iris, and zinnias,” she said softly.
“Correct,” he replied with a smile, revealing her prize to which she happily took. She smelled them, knowing he had spent a great deal of time selecting the perfect shades to balance the collection.
“And what’s this?” she said, noticing the laptop bag hanging from his shoulder for the first time. “Are you gonna have them watch the Cosmic Frontier movie? Because I think you should probably-.”
“Oh, no no,” said Hunter as his nerves caught back up with him. “I wanted to tell them we’re advanced friends in a special way, so they know I’m a good choice.”
“Awh Hunter, that’s so sweet but I promise-.”
“I know I was supposed to do this sooner, but you mean so much to me that I wanted to make sure I didn’t skip any steps,” Hunter said sincerely, and Willow knew he was determined to see it through. When Hunter liked something, he gave all of himself to it. Whether it was sewing or palisman or Cosmic Frontier or derby, being something he cared about meant you were something he did not give up on. And at the top of that list written in the most precious handwriting was her, and she could not deny the lengths he went to in order to remind her.
“Okay,” she said with a smile. “I’ll go help you set up.”
“Thanks,” he said, taking a deep breath. “I want to make sure I leave plenty of room after for questions before game night officially starts.”
“So what’s this all about, kids?” asked Harvey as they sat on the couch, watching Hunter set up the laptop as Willow adjusted the lights. “Showing off your human realm items? What’s this one do?”
“Oh! Is this the one that toasts things?” asked Gilbert. “Or the one with all the dancing?”
“Not exactly, Mr. Park,” said Hunter as he finally remembered Luz's Lessons on how to queue the video, as he turned to face them standing beside the laptop. “I um, want to thank you for having me over tonight because there’s something important I wanted to tell you, about how I feel about Willow.”
The flowers in Willow’s hands seemed to poof, as though literally elated by Hunter’s words. He locked eyes with her and became stuck there for a moment, finding another reason to hopelessly admire her every time he did, but he managed to return to the mission at hand.
“But uh then I thought, why just tell you when I can show you!” he said, his voice unable to shake the obvious memorization in his delivery as he pressed the spacebar to play the slideshow. He smiled nervously, hoping it would be to their liking, but when the song he had carefully chosen from Luz’s online music gallery did not begin to play he grew worried.
Because instead he heard his own voice.
“Are you recording?”
Which was not the plan.
“Yes, ” came Luz’s voice on the video. “ But don’t worry, I’ll edit this out.”
“That’s uh, haha t- the wrong video,” announced Hunter as he tried to make the computer go back. But Luz had preset it for him, unaware the wrong video file had been pulled up.
“Okay, now you just need to record a voice over,” came Luz’s voice, the screen black and trying to come into focus.
“Well what do I say?” asked Hunter’s voice on the screen.
The little button had disappeared from the screen and he didn’t know how to get it back. Oh, why hadn’t he watched the video all the way through before bringing it here?
“I dunno, say something cool?”
“Like about Willow?”
“Well, I’m sure they know Willow is cool but show them that you’re cool too!”
“They’re not stupid! They’re gonna know Willow is cooler than me!” said Hunter on the recording. “What if they think I’m too weird or sweaty to go out with her?”
“Awh, she makes you weird and sweaty?” Luz gushed sweetly on the recording.
Meanwhile, Hunter was frantically pushed every button he could but the torture did not stop.
“They’re not gonna believe she’s my girlfriend. I can’t even believe she's my girlfriend.”
“What if they don’t believe you? Are you gonna kiss in front of them to prove it?”
Hunter felt as though he was melting into the earth and in a moment of panic unmatched by anything else he had ever experienced, he threw the laptop across the room. Not so hard that it broke or became unusable but enough to render it silent.
Hunter’s eyes widened as the Parks’ eyes darted from the broken human technology back to him, trying to process what had just happened and why. Hunter was positive they’d recede any blessing they had been ready to give. Hunter was too embarrassed to speak or move or blink and the room was silent until Willow broke it with a sigh.
“Okay,” Willow said softly as though in defeat. “You guys can show him.”
Her fathers gasped at the same time. “Really?” asked Gilbert. “Are you sure, petal?”
“Yeah,” Willow said as though bracing herself. “Go ahead.”
“What are you talking about? Show me what?” asked Hunter, confused as her fathers ran into the next room, giggling like school boys. They were obviously excited about something. The uncertainty made Hunter nervous. Was this some kind of punishment for failing the advanced friendship announcement?
“Here,” said Willow, patting the seat beside her. “You’re gonna wanna sit down for this.”
Hunter confusingly obliged as he sat beside Willow, unable to read her expression. Her fathers rushed back in and sat on either side of the pair, as Harvey’s scroll floated in front of the group and a video waiting to be played.
“What is this?” Hunter whispered to his girlfriend.
“You’ll see,” she sighed. “They’ve been dying to show you this for months.”
“Okay, okay, shhh!” said Gilbert as though they were in a theater as he managed to press play, despite his giggling nearly overtaking his body.
“ The healer said we need to monitor her symptoms,” said Harvey on the recording, the camera failing to focus but Hunter could tell they were looking at Willow laying on the couch with a blanket and an army of pillows around her.
“Papaaaaa I’m fiiiine,” Willow groaned in a tone that suggested otherwise, congested and strained. “I need my scroll back please!”
“Sweetie no, you need to rest,” said Gilbert lightheartedly, suggesting she had made the request many times.
“Daaaaad, I need to message him back!”
“I’m sure Gus will understand if you take awhile to-.”
Willow in the recording started to giggle. “It’s not Gusss,” she smiled as she began to fiddle with her braid.
“Oh?” asked Harvey, trying to recall another ‘he’ in her friend group. “Wait, is this the boy from flyer derby?” Harvey set his scroll on the table, unaware that it was still recording, as he adjusted the quilt on Willow.
“Maaaaybe,” said the slightly delirious Willow, out of frame but still able to be heard.
“And does this boy have a name?” asked Gilbert’s voice with a smile that was audible.
“Maaaaybe,” Willow giggled once more. “He has a face though, and it’s veeeery cute.”
On the couch, the current Willow hid her face in her hands as Hunter’s face turned a matching shade of red.
“Oh, so he’s cute and he plays flyer derby?” teased Gilbert. “Sounds like you and I have the same type.” Hunter knew the Parks well enough to know through hearing it alone that he playfully nudged his husband’s ribs. “So when can we meet him?”
“Daaaaad stop!” Willow said, her voice too giddy to be convincingly irritated.
“I didn’t say anything, petal,” he laughed in response. “You know we like meeting all your friends.”
“ Something tells me he’s a little bit more than a friend,” teased Harvey.
“Papa!” Willow gasped as though the suggestion was utterly scandalous. “That’s so… I mean, why would you think…”
But Willow could not finish her accusation as she dissolved into a fit of giggles. She could not convincingly deny it, but it was still a new realization for her. The common mold did not offer her clarity, just the chance for her mind to entertain the notion unfiltered. Her fathers joined in her laughter, delighted to see her so delighted. It had been a while since their Willow had been so happy, so if there mere mention of this mystery boy caused such a reaction, well then how could they not approve?
“Why did you show me this?” asked Hunter delicately.
“I think it’s really sweet that you made a video to tell my dads we’re dating,” started Willow. “And I think it’s even sweeter that you were so worried about getting their approval, but I wanted to show you that you don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Basically every day since they took that video they’d ask about you,” laughed Willow. “If I had talked to you, how you were and then when we got back from the human realm it was always ‘have you asked him yet?’ or ‘has he asked you yet?’”
“Oh petal, it’s not like it’s the first thing we asked you when you come home from school,” said Gilbert as he got up to go to the kitchen.
“Yeah,” agreed his husband, following him to fetch the games from the cabinet . “It was the second.”
“I’m sorry, just to be clear,” said Hunter. “The boy you were talking about in the video was me, right?”
Willow just smiled and looked over her shoulder to make sure her dads weren’t close before darting up to kiss his cheek. “Of course, who else?”
“So your dads… approve of me?”
“Hunter, every time you come over they have to hold themselves back from making every single one of your favorite foods,” she said with a laugh. “I promise you don’t have to try so hard, they want you to like them just as much as you want them to like them.”
“Well, that’s easy for you to say,” he joked, taking her hand in his. “You already know everyone here likes you.”
She squeezed his hand. “And isn’t that the most important thing?” She teased with a grin. “It’s also really important to them that you’re comfortable.”
“Yeah,” she said as she heard her dads return, one carrying a tray of Hunter’s favorite snacks and the other a pile of board games almost blocking his vision.
“Plus they don’t want you to hold back when we divide into teams,” she finished quickly with a smile, too excited to be embarrassed as the coffee table became covered in boxes and plates. There was no question that Willow’s competitive nature was hereditary.
Hunter chuckled to himself as he watched the scene unfold, as Willow and her fathers debated about the order to play and who would be what piece and the rules they would follow (theirs or the ones that came with the box). It was loud and vibrant and warm and chaotic.
But one thing was not up for debate: Willow would always be on Hunter’s team
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fanboyvini · 1 year
i'm seeing a lot of posts about how huntlow is heteronormative or not canon, so here are my thoughts
First of all, "Heteronormativity is what makes heterosexuality seem coherent, natural and privileged. It involves the assumption that everyone is 'naturally' heterosexual, and that heterosexuality is an ideal, superior to lgbt."
A f/m couple is not heteronormative, it is something normal and will always exist as well as queer couples
"But it makes it seem like girls and boys can't be friends!"
Gus is friends with Willow, Amity and Luz. Hunter is friends with Luz and Amity
Luz and Amity being queer and being in a queer relationship is not like they are an exception for being queer, but exactly one of the reasons why the show (and huntlow) is not heteronormative, by using the right definition of the word
"They don't blush anymore"
Nor Raeda and Lumity. It's what happens in real life too, when we're in a long term relationship we don't end up blushing as much as we did at the beginning.
"But they didn't even kiss on the cheek!"
Well yes, but why can a romantic relationship only be confirmed canon if there's a kiss?
I honestly liked Dana's choice, and that's what happened with Shera 2018 season finale as well. In many media, queer characters are implicitly confirmed, but we all know they are queer canon. While non-queer characters and couples are explicitly confirmed.
Dana (and ND) simply reversed the roles by making f/m couples non-explicitly confirmed while queer couples are explicitly confirmed. This is brilliant!
"Willow becomes a damsel in distress who needs a guy's help!"
I'm going to have to stop you right here.
Willow's character arc is that she saw herself as weak and managed to get stronger physically and emotionally as time went on. On the one hand this is great, but as time went on Willow was no longer allowing herself to show "weakness" and talk about her feelings, because she didn't want to go back to being weak.
This also kinda happens with Hunter, the fear of being vulnerable.
Hell, this even happens to Amity in season one and even halfway through season two! (off topic i also want to make a post on amity about this later)
Being vulnerable with people who love you and not having that need to be strong all the time is not a bad thing! It's totally healthy!
And many times Hunter protects Willow, Willow protects him in others scenes too! (i can make a post about this scenes later too)
"Huntlow says that only romantic love heals!"
Eh... no? Hunter has several key moments with Luz and Gus (I think he would even have more with Amity and even Vee if the show wasn't cancelled).
Just rewatch Eclipse Lake (Amity tries to help Hunter), Hollow Mind (Luz and Eda tries to help Hunter), Labyrinth Runners (Gus helps Hunter with an anxiety breathing technique, and then Hunter helps Gus later in the ep), Thanks to them (Luz helps Hunter and then says he's family too) and For the Future (Gus and Willow talk about Flapjack and that they don't care if Hunter is a grimwalker, and then while Willow vents, Gus is there helping her too!!)
And what about Lumity and Raeda? Did the characters' problems go away when they got into a relationship and does the romantic love heal everything? of course not! the same goes for Huntlow
You're forgetting (or ignoring) the canon, and all the character development and their relationships
Just because the characters are in a romantic relationship doesn't mean they're implying that a romantic relationship is the only kind of relationship that matters or anything like that
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bumblebbyxx · 1 year
Hello! 😊 Can I request a fluffy long oneshot with prompts: "U-um, H-hunter? T-there are something n-new I want to t-try.", [she started to give her gentle kisses up and down on his neck and shoulder made his face went completely red with steam coming out of his adorable ears then he instinctively moved his head to the side to make more room for her], "S-should I c-continue?", "O-oh! Sorry! I d-didnt mean to make you uncomfortable, Hunter." & "No! *cough*, no I was just... Caught off guard, please keep going, Y/n." about what kind of reaction Hunter (TOH) has when his shy!female!human!reader shyly started to give her gentle kisses up and down on his neck and shoulder for love affections in guest room at Luz's home in Human Realm? Hint#1: Hunter's neck is so super sensitive. Hint#2: Hunter really enjoyed to receive her neck kisses from her. I really love to see Hunter's blushing reaction to it! 😆 I live for flustered and touch-starved Hunter! 💘 Please??
Thank you for your request, miss Butterfly ~
TW: mild self isolation, neck kisses, shoulder kisses
Contains: fluff
Prompt: In the Noceda’s guest room, Y/N has a plan to cheer her boyfriend up. 
It had been a long night. Firstly, everyone had gone out for groceries, and that got out of hand quickly. Then, Gus and Willow ran out of the house to get some ice cream from the truck, which panicked Camila greatly. 
Now, thankfully, everyone was calm and happy downstairs, eating from this strange ‘Mcdonalds’ food restaurant. Y/N didn’t quite like the smell of the greasy food, so she had excused herself from the table, instead deciding to make a little salad bowl.
Plus, she was getting worried about Hunter. He seemed very out of it, these days. Tired, perhaps. At least that was what Y/N told herself. Ever since the group had escaped the Demon Realm, he seemed to be isolating himself. She hated seeing her boyfriend like that. 
Now, he locked himself up in the guest room after grocery shopping. Luz, Camila, and Gus had tried getting him out, but he hadn’t replied to any of them. 
Y/N walks up the stairs, gazing at old pictures of baby Luz and newer ones with Vee. She smiles softly. Camila was really nice to let everyone stay. 
She reaches the end of the staircase, and moves to the guest room. Her curled up fist hesitates as it hovers from the wood. Would Hunter even reply to her? Would he tell her to leave in anger? She could feel little tears pricking up her eyes as she thought of the scenario. 
No. She had to at least check if he was okay. 
She knocks. 
“Miss Camila, I’m not really hungry right now.” she hears his muffled voice. 
“Hunter? Hunter, it’s me, Y/N.” she bites her lip, as if flinching for the trace of anger in his voice when he would address her. 
She hears footsteps, and the door opens. There he stands, towering over her small height, blonde hair a mess and eyes dark. 
“What are you doing here? I thought Luz and Miss Camila bought you guys food.” he asks, voice softening as he gazes at her. 
Y/N gulps. “I wasn’t hungry.” she replies. 
“But you have to eat. You must. Even a little.”
She shakes her head, “No, I had some salad. Everything’s okay with me.”
“Oh.” he glances down, but a little smile creeps onto his lips, as if relieved. “That’s good.”
“M-may I come in?” her lip quivers as she embraces the ‘no’ she knew would come out of his mouth. 
“Of course.” he moves out of the way, revealing the dark room, the only light a golden lava lamp illuminating a corner. 
She steps in. “Have you been asleep all this time?” she questions as she sits at the foot of his bed. Hunter nods a little, “I have. I’m, uh, a little tired,”
“It’s good you’re getting enough sleep now.” she gives him a quiet smile, and Hunter’s ears pinken slightly at the sight of his girlfriend’s lips upturning. A hand touches her cheek softly, 
“You always are so beautiful.”
“Hunter, I…” she gulps, face reddening. 
“Oh, Titan!” his hand melts off of her face, “Sorry, are you getting uncomfortable? I-I’ll stop.”
“No, no. Not at all.” she replies, flustered, “I was just….caught off guard. That’s all.” avoiding his eyes she adds, “I like it when you put your hand on my cheek.”
He blinks, then red spreads across his face. He slowly places his hand back, rubbing softly, and Y/N leans into the touch. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, dropping his voice down to a whisper, “For ignoring you. Ignoring everyone. I just….”
“I understand, Hunty.” She hopes the nickname will comfort him. And it does. A little laugh escapes his lips. 
“Y/N. Always an angel.”
And his eyes flick down to her lips, and hers gaze at his. She moves her head, closing the gap in between them. 
Hunter moves in, lips crashing with another. It was soft, it was shy. 
It was everything she dreamed of. 
They both pull away, for air. Hunter’s ears are fully red, whilst Y/N’s cheeks are pink. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t ask.”
“No, it’s quite alright. I-I think I want to do it again, actually.” she says shyly, tucking a stray hair under her ear. 
“Y-you do?” his eyes widened. 
She gives him a quick peck on his lips, “I do.” 
He sighs in content, before leaning on her shoulder. A few minutes of silence pass. 
“Yes, N/N?”
“T-there’s something n-new I want to try.”
“Go ahead.” he smiles at her. She takes in a breath, before moving her soft lips against the side of Hunter’s neck, kissing it.
He sharply sucks in some air, sighing. 
“Your neck is so sensitive.” she says as she moves to another side, kissing the skin. He shuts his eyes. 
“Is this alright with you?” she asks tentatively. He nods. 
“It's alright with me, N/N.”
He feels her warm lips move across his neck, mellow pecks that are lush and sweet. She shifts her head to his shoulder, slowly moving the fabric of his shirt away to land another kiss on it. His reddened face goes even deeper when she nuzzles her face in the crook of his neck, giving his jawline three gentle kisses. They both fall over, muffled laughs as Hunter props himself onto a pillow. 
With one last, chaste and soft kiss on the lips, Hunter wraps his hand around Y/N. 
“I love you so much.”
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For Huntlow Week day 2 (umbrella), I was inspired to write a little fic! Plus a sketch to go with it:
Tumblr media
Image description: A pencil drawing of Willow and Hunter standing under a tree. Willow is holding an umbrella over both of them and they're smiling at each other.
Read the fic on Ao3 or below! (745 words)
Willow's therapist had told her she didn't have to be the responsible one all the time, but right now, Willow wished she'd been a bit more responsible.
The first drop of boiling rain hit her shoe with a sizzle. Willow ducked under the shelter of a tree, not quickly enough to avoid another droplet on her arm. She hissed. She hadn't packed a first-aid kit, or an umbrella, or even a raincoat. It was just supposed to be a little walk in the forest. And now she was stuck in a surprise boiling-rainstorm, utterly unprepared.
Text friends, Clover buzzed. At least Willow's palisman was with her.
Willow pulled out her scroll and sent a message to the groupchat: "SOS caught in rainstorm"
Almost immediately, responses flooded in: "r u ok??" "Take shelter!"
"I'm under a tree," Willow replied, and sent a selfie. "just annoyed that I didn't think to bring an umbrella and now my dads prob won't let me go out alone again for a while"
"I cAN bring you an umbrella,. send location." Hunter's texting style had been getting better since Willow had first met him about a year ago, and at this point, she found the occasional errors endearing. (As well as his nerdiness, and his sense of loyalty, and a lot of other things... but that was another discussion.) Even though he was obviously the only one who could come rescue her, with his immunity to boiling rain, she couldn't help but smile at the offer.
Willow shared her location- a forest not far from Bonesborough- texted her dads that she was okay, and settled in to wait. Clover rested on her shoulder. It wasn't a heavy rainstorm, but drops occasionally filtered through the edges of the tree's canopy, and Willow pressed her back against the trunk to avoid them.
Soon, Hunter arrived on his mechanical staff. He wore a raincoat, but where the rain hit his bare hands and face, it slid off harmlessly like human-realm rain. "Are you okay?" he asked as soon as he'd landed. "I got here as fast as I could, but I had to find an umbrella first- here." He handed an umbrella to Willow.
She opened it, feeling much more secure under the boiling-rain-proof material. "Thank you. I'm okay, but I really appreciate you coming here."
"No problem." The tension in Hunter's body drained away, leaving him standing there awkwardly. He eventually asked, "Do you want to fly back to your house or stay here?"
"I was always taught it's safer to shelter in place till the rain ends," Willow replied, "and besides, it would be kind of hard to hold the umbrella while flying."
"If anyone could do it, it would be you, Captain. Or I could hold it over you if you want- I just don't want to leave you here alone."
Oh. "You could wait here with me," Willow suggested. That... would be kind of nice, actually, she thought.
"Oh yeah. I could." Hunter gave a soft smile.
"Come here." Willow beckoned Hunter closer. "I know the rain doesn't hurt you, but it's cozy under here."
Hunter obliged, and she shifted the umbrella to cover both of them. Their arms were touching... Then Hunter noticed the red mark the boiling raindrop had left on Willow's arm.
"You're hurt! One second, I brought a first-aid kit." Hunter rummaged through his bag.
"It's just a small burn." It didn't even hurt anymore, but Willow was touched by his care nevertheless.
With the precision of a field medic but the care of a friend, Hunter dabbed antibiotic cream on the burn and covered it with a band-aid. Willow tried not to focus on his hands on her skin, how close he was, the intimacy of him caring for her.
Hunter released her arm when he was done- was she imagining the blush on his face? "There you go."
"Thank you." Willow could tell she was blushing too. "I feel so silly for not bringing a first-aid kit or umbrella of my own."
"You don't have to be perfectly prepared all the time. I've got you."
Willow's heart was glowing and blooming and doing ridiculous somersaults. Did Hunter even know he had just said the sweetest thing ever?
"Thank you." Willow tentatively reached out and took his hand. It was warm and calloused and fit perfectly with hers.
And so for a while, they stood together under the umbrella, holding hands, watching the boiling rain.
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lollytea · 2 years
☕️ my best girl forever & ever luz noceda!!!
The protagonist ever!!! I love Luz so much!!! She's such a fun subversion of the "plucky girl heroine" thing that media really likes.
She's upbeat and silly and clumsy and hyper and cuddly and a sweetheart and everything you'd expect from that kind of character. But she's so much more than that. Luz is an insightful, curious and imaginative person who loves to create and learn. She's a brilliant artist!! She wants to be a writer when she grows up!!!
I've always adored the very realistic angle they took with her, being an adhd riddled teen who struggles in a typical school environment and how she uses fantasy books and fanfiction and anime as a form of escapism and how it gets to the somewhat unhealthy point where she has a hard time separating her coping mechanism from the world around her. It's just. It's so real. It hits.
And then!! And then!!! Luz actually does escape to a real living breathing fantasy world and she thinks this will be her opportunity to live out her YA protag dreams. But ironically, this fantasy world is the place that actually helps her to come to terms with the complexities of the real world. Like. She didn't exactly get what she wanted. But she got what she needed.
Her whole struggle with wishing she could be special. A "chosen one" but she's so consumed with fantasy tropes that she struggles to see things the way they are. But she learns!!! She learns to accept herself as nobody especially important and decides to make an impact on the world herself, rather than wait for somebody to give her a destiny. Idk I feel like it's a lovely lesson for kids.
And then once she accepts that she really starts to flourish!! Luz would not have made it this far in the series if she wasn't the person she was. She's so smart!! She figures out the mechanisms of glyphs and how they work. She experiments and tinkers until she masters all the tricks of the technique.
She wanted to be a witch so bad but she initially felt limited because she didn't have biological magic. But that's Luz!! She does stuff in her own way!!! She thinks outside the box!!!
She means a lot to me. A neurodivergent teen girl who's always felt so isolated in the world she was living in finally getting the chance to form real emotional bonds with people who care about her for the whacky messy flawed but genuine person that she is.
Just. Luz still having Camila and adoring her but there's still such a poignant emptiness left in her life after Manny's death. And Manny will never be replaced. But it must be so therapeutic for her to form those new familial bonds. Not only does Luz have Camila, but she now has Eda and King and Hooty and Lilith and Vee and Hunter AND AND AND!!!!
Luz being a social pariah at school at best and being bullied at worst, now having friends her own age like Willow and Gus who are also outcasts at school and welcome her with nothing but love. And they get to have all those fun teen experiences together that they've always been left out of!!!! The way Luz is so affectionate with them, calling them cuties and her babies and squishing their faces. Man it's awful thinking about her never having friends before this. There's so much love pent up in her and she's finally getting an outlet for it.
Luz, after being mocked relentlessly at school for being "cheesy" falling in love with a girl who is just as sappy and sentimental as she is who adores her antics and blushes from her smooches and flirting and its just!!! And getting to see Luz, this silly yet insecure and still deeply troubled girl navigate her very first romantic relationship and the mutual care and consideration they have towards each others' trauma....ohhh it's so sweet!! I love her!! I love them!!! The way they have the complete freedom to be their cringe sappy book nerd selves with each other because they found their cringe soulmate. Mwah. Lumity I'd go to war for you.
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roodles03 · 2 years
Huntlow Headcannons/Scenarios
Feel free to add your own, and feel free to make huntlow content based off these!
When sleeping in the same bed Willow sprawls out all over Hunter and Hunter doesn't mind one bit. She's nice and warm and she's like a blanket to him.
While cuddling, Willow listens to Hunter's heartbeat, as she hopes it will never stop again after he died on Halloween.
Willow sings Hunter lullabies when he has trouble sleeping. It almost always works.
Willow sneak attacks Hunter hugs from behind. Hunter adores this.
While cuddling, Willow runs her fingers through Hunter's hair and/or pets his head like a cat. This always lulls Hunter to sleep.
Willow and Hunter are cuddling and Hunter is falling asleep with his head resting on Willow's belly. However, her stomach rumbles causing Hunter to startle awake. Willow apologizes thinking she ruined the moment, but Hunter tells her not to worry because he's actually hungry, too.
Willow keeps Hunter company and takes very good care of him whenever he gets sick. Hunter, while a little more panicky and clingy, also does the same when Willow falls ill.
Willow cooks Hunter his favorite foods after a long day at school
Willow just cooks a lot of amazing food for Hunter in general.
Hunter feels bad that Willow always cooks for him, but he doesn't cook for her, so he tries to cook a extravagant meal that is far out of his skill level (he barely knows how to cook in the first place) as a surprise for her and fails miserably. He feels terrible that he has nothing to show for his surprise and tells her what happened. Willow then offers to give Hunter cooking lessons and she teaches Hunter how to cook.
Hunter often pushes himself too much during Flyer Derby, so Willow often encourages him to take breaks and will give him water.
If Hunter runs out of water Willow will sacrifice hers for him.
Boscha steals Willow's lunch money at school so Hunter splits his sandwich with her so she can eat.
This could also go the other way where Hunter forgets his lunch/lunch money and Willow offers him half of her meal.
Hunter is destroying his health to study so Willow offers him some snacks, water, and studies with him to make it more fun.
Hunter infodumping for hours about his special interests and Willow happily listens because she loves the sound of his voice. 
Hunter reading a bedtime story to Willow and she falls asleep at the sound of his soothing, handsome voice. (This could also be vice versa)
Hunter loses his voice one day and when begins to regain it its very raspy, hoarse, and broken up. He says to Willow that he can't talk much or else he'll lose it again, but he's sure she doesn't want to hear it anyway, as it's even more annoying than usual. Willow is stunned by his self-deprecating comment and goes on a rant about just how much she loves his voice. This causes Hunter to cry (in a happy way)
Willow tells Hunter "I love you" for the first time and Hunter immediately bursts into a sobbing mess since it's the first time someone has ever said that to him. In his mess of tears, he croaks back a "I love you, too"
Hunter kisses Willow for the first time and the feeling Willow gets afterwards shocks her. Her dads were the only ones who had kissed her before…but a kiss from Hunter just feels…different. A good kind of different. 
Willow kisses Hunter back and Hunter just breaks down into tears.
When Willow ends up confessing to Hunter, Hunter is stunned and breaks down into tears. He never thought that someone could love him enough to the point where they wanted him to be their boyfriend. Willow thinks she's said something wrong and frantically apologizes, but Hunter tells her he isn't sad, and that he'll be more then happy to go out with her.
Willow had feelings for Hunter long before she began blushing at him. She was just trying to repress it and thought that she had no chance with him due to her luck with crushes in the past. She never thought that Hunter would feel the same way about her, and denied any signs that she may of seen such as his constant blushing around her. Thinking that's just either how he is or he was just shy, but after Willow sees just how much Hunter cares about her during her meltdown in the dentention pit, she decides to no longer repress her feelings and embrace them. Maybe she can ask Hunter out some day.
Hunter meanwhile has had romantic feelings for Willow ever seen ASIAS. However, he had absolutely no idea what he was feeling. He was purposely isolated from everything and everyone for most of his life, and he definitely knew about romance and what romantic feelings were, but didn't know how those feelings felt. So when he begins to feel them he is extremely confused. And for some reason he's too embarrassed to ask anyone about it. He thinks he's sick or something, but he has no idea what he could be sick with. And wait sickness lasts weeks? He attempts to look up in books what he could possibly be expirecning, but no dice. It isn't until they get trapped in the human realm and Hunter realizes he's just in love, yet somehow realizing that was even more scary.
Hunter's love language is both verbal affection and physical affection. It's clear how strongly he reacts when people say they care about him, but being so touch starved his whole life, and the fact that most touch he ever got back in his GG days were when people were trying to hurt him, having someone hug him, cuddle him, kiss him, rub his back, rub their cheek against his own cheek, run their fingers through his hair, or lean against his shoulder is a very comforting, affirming kind of feeling. He loves the soft, warm, soothing kind of touch, nd Willow knows just how much Hunter craves affection and is always sure she dumps it all on him.
Willow tells Hunter that Boscha was the one who has bullied Willow for years and he gets pissed. However, Hunter can't connect the face to the name, but when he starts attending Hexside and Boscha tries to pick on Willow and tries to call her "captain half-a-witch" Hunter doesn't even let her finish her sentence before he tackles her and proceeds to beat the shit out of her. Hunter ends up getting suspended and thrown in the detention pit for a whole week straight but thinks it's totally worth it if it means he can get justice for Willow.
Boscha begins to pick on Hunter after that whole ordeal, to which Willow viciously defends him. (Hunter ends up beating the shit out of her again and then Boscha finally leaves them alone)
Hunter is hungry in class so Willow secretly gives him an energy bar and wraps it in vines so the teacher won't catch them.
Willow plays around with Hunter's hair and tries to doll it up. (Man-buns, braiding the forelock, giving him a little ponytail)
Now that Hunter has a mullet, whenever he's shy around Willow he plays with his hair. 
Willow will pull on her braids when she feels flustered around Hunter
Willow curls Hunter's hair forelock to flirt with him.
Hunter helps Willow find her glasses when she misplaces them
Hunter also helps Willow find her spare pair of glasses when she breaks her frames.
Willow brushing Hunter's hair in the morning (this could also be vice versa)
Willow discovers that Hunter is ticklish one day and constantly tickles him so she can hear his laugh. He doesn't laugh much and she wants to see him happy. Plus, his laugh is music to his ears.
The things that society considers "unattractive" (big hooked noses, glasses, being overweight, eyebags, scars) are the things that Willow and Hunter find the most attractive about one another.
Hunter runs very cold so Willow always has a jacket or blanket on standby for him, and if she doesn't have a spare jacket and she's wearing one, she'll take off hers for Hunter. She'll share her blanket with him too.
Conversely, Willow runs very hot, so she doesn't mind one bit when Hunter hogs the blanket at night. In fact, she encourages him too.
When Hunter is cold and/or Willow is hot, they will cuddle if they have the chance. Willow's body heat will warm Hunter up and Hunter's cool body will help Willow cool off.
If Hunter is hungry and there is no food available or nearby, Willow will grow food with her magic for him to eat.
Hunter and Willow are watching a movie, and Hunter accidentally falls asleep near the beginning of it. He eventually falls deeper into sleep and unknowingly rests his head against Willow's shoulder. Willow is flustered, but lets him stay like that. After the end of the movie Hunter wakes up and realizes that he had fallen asleep on Willow and frantically apologizes and asks why she didn't wake him. Willow's response is that he clearly needed that sleep, and he was so cute that she didn't have the heart to wake him up. Hunter goes slient and goes big bloosh mode.
Hunter is obsessed with stuffed animals but is embarrassed about it. Until one day he musters up the courage to tell Willow his secret. He expects to get mocked and be called childish but Willow finds it absolutely adorable and starts buying him plushies as gifts. Hunter will cuddle with the plushies if Willow isn't available to cuddle with.
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You should do some owl house HCs, I think it would be very cool! :)
Not sure this is a request or not buutt imma take it that way!
Characters: Luz, Amity, Hunter, Gus, Willow, King, Eda, Lilith
CW: None
Theme: General head cannons being their partner/friend/child
Reader: Gender Neutral
A/U: none
Premise: How you're relationship is with the toh characters (its platonic with king, eda, and lilith) and set before season 3
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The confession was sort of a mutual thing
You two confessed at the same time and it wasn't planned at allq
Luz is the kind of girlfriend to do all the silly things with.
She loves taking you on spontaneous dates and do random activities that don't really make sense
She loves to teach you how to use glyphs
Luz also loves to read her favorite book series with you
Nature dates are her favorite because it just means alone time between you two and nothing to overwhelming
She's great to have around when you're sad
Brings you anything you need
Loves to cuddle you when you're sad or crying
Words of affirmation are her best friend
Sometimes she thinks you're better than her and its a thought she doesn't like having
Will go to you about it though and you two talk it out
Cringy movie marathons are another thing you two would do together
When she's sad, she doesn't tell you on account of showing her feelings is something she struggles with
You do notice her patterns of when she is sad though after a few months of being with her
You confront her about it and help her talk it out
After you both watch silly internet videos and try to see which of your friends is like them the most
Her mom things you're the sweetest ever and loves to talk to you
She thinks of you as like a guard for her daughter emotionally wise
As in you report to her if Luz is feeling upset, only with Luz permission to share though
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You were the one who had to make the first move and confess because she didn't know how nor could she bring herself too
She thought you would find her weird at first but was in shock when you told her that you liked her
Amity is the kind of girlfriend who likes to chill at home or in a secluded spot like a library
Physical touch startles her so handholding is a good start for her
When you first kissed her though she lost her mind and tried to think of a reason why you would do that
Amity loves to read to you and tell you stories of her family, mainly Ed and Emira's shenanigans
She doesn't mind any date idea as long as your there with her
If you have pierced ears then you would get matching earrings
You two paint each other's nails and just talk
Amity doesn't know what to do when your sad since she wasn't taught how to healthily deal with them
But she will try and hug you and talk it out
Its hard for her to face you when she finds herself feeling sad
She doesn't want you to think she's weak and make fun or her
But once you catch on you reassure her and comfort her
She finds it weird and self deprecates herself in front of you saying she's weak for making you put up with her
You show her silly cat videos to help her feel better
She tries to deny the fact that it helps her, but it really does
She's afraid of you meeting her family but mostly her mom
You first met her dad and he actually liked you and would vouch for you if you were to meet Amity's mom
Whenever her mom asks about you, Amity sort of panics and tries to avoid her whenever she sees her when your with her
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She actually confessed to you first, but it was accidental
Willow just came up to you and you two started debating who liked who more and she accidentally said she loved you
Both of you were blushing so hard and so you said she won
As a reward she won you as a partner
It was a really cute interaction in all actuality
Forest dates and butterfly gardens are a must for her
She loves to gush about all the different plants that are around you both
She's the kind of girlfriend to just take things very slow and calm taking in consideration your boundaries
Whenever your sad she always brings you bright and color flowers that had silly inspirational quotes Luz gave her
She would also teach you coping skills that helped her
If she's sad, she's not afraid to tell you
She is really open about what is making her upset and you help her talk through it
Sometimes you help her go through the coping skills she taught you
To help her feel better you hold her and tell her how amazing she is
You two are plant parents all the way and you give the plants silly names
Once you named one of her plants Deryl that was when all the silly name saga started
Adores when you call her a witch and shut down any off hand comments about her
Her parents absolutely adore you
She was a bit embarrassed at first because they were telling you stories about when she was a younger kid
Warmed up to you and her parents interacting and loved having you over and talking with them
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He confessed to you first with Willow's help
It was planned out and sort of excessive but it was the best way he could get his message across
Lots of illusions were used as decorations and words that said "I Like You Y/n!" with firework hearts
You accepted his confession of course and he was over the moon
Gus is the type of boyfriend to want to go to amusement parks and concerts with you
Or just simple Cafes that he finds interesting
It all depends on your mood in all honesty
He loves to show you all his illusions he has been working on and all the goofy things you request becoming a reality
He loves hearing you praise him for all the hard work he has been doing since it's something he sort of needs to hear
Not many tell him that but hearing it from you is so heart warming
When you're sad, he catches on right away
He makes silly little illusions of things that make you giggle
And sometimes mini Guses to remind you how much he cares and loves you
When he's sad its hard to catch
He is sort of a master at hiding his emotions and isolating himself from others so no one can really catch him crying
But when you do find him you are quick to reassure him and help him breathe
He appreciates you greatly for being there and helping him through hard times
Meeting his dad was a tough thing to do
Since Gus's dad seemed to be pretty busy with work, it was hard to catch him on a free day
But once you and his dad did meet, it was an instant click and Gus is glad his dad approves of you
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You had to be the one to confess first
There was no way Hunter would be able to confess to you, especially with his pride
So when Flapjack was pushing Hunter to a place that wasn't near the city he was concerned
But when Hunter saw you he was put at ease
Literally cried when you told him you liked him more than a friend
Hunter is the type of boyfriend who would be happy just with you holding his hand anywhere
No matter where you go, he's content as long as you're there with him
He sometimes get insecure because there isn't much he can show you that is cool magic wise
But when there's a fight and your there, he does show off a bit
His top priority would be protecting you
Whenever you're sad, he is unsure what to do
The only thing he can really do is hug you and just shut down any negative thoughts you have about yourself with compliments
When it comes to him though, he is scared to be sad in front of you
He was taught to hold his emotions in and not be a burden to any one
So when you confront him about it, he just breaks and spills, with much regret of doing so
However you help him calm down and talk about what has been bothering him
You bring him outside to just watch the sky to help him feel better
He is afraid of his uncle finding out abut him being with you
Mainly because of the fear of his uncle hurting you or using you as a manipulative mechanism
So never ever going to meet Belos and he prefers to keep it that way
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Being King's bestest friend means that you are his number one
And being his number one means you being his 2nd in command
He loves when you play with him and give him 100% of your attention
His brain explodes when you actually want to learn about demons
Some one is actually interested and he didn't have to beg them?
He does make you take notes but nothing serious
Just your favorite demon and why
He does get sort of jealous when someone else occupies your time but he has his ways of distracting you
Plan A being throwing Francois at you and asking if you've seen his plush
Plan B would be sitting in your lap and just napping there forcing you to stay there with him
You just giggle at his antics because its not hurting anyone and he just wants your attention
Loves when you include him in your activities
Loves it more when you don't get upset at him for making simple mistakes
Cuddles are a must when you're sad
As well as a tea party with all his henchmen
If its a matter he can't really help with or has no knowledge in then he'll get Luz or Eda, whoever is closest and not occupied with something
Whenever he's sad, you are the first to know because he runs to you
He hugs you and you cuddle him really closely
You don't leave him alone until he feels better and when he does he still clings to you
Eda and Lilith adore you and thank you for keeping King busy while they have important things to do
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It was odd that you happened to worm your way into Eda's heart so fast
It was quicker than Luz and that's saying something
She loves having you around and not just because you're free labor to her
She feels at ease a lot more with you around and like the curse isn't there
She was scared when you first saw her owl beast form
You weren't scared of her though and listened to Luz to have the cure close to you
Whenever you go on adventures, she isn't far behind watching over you
She is always ready to jump in if a situation gets violent
People see you as her keeper in a sense of keeper her chilled out
She considers you her child at this point
She'll drag you to do chores with her or for her, it all depends on her mood
Whenever Eda's around people can expect you to not be so far behind
People also know to leave you alone unless they want an angry owl lady on their hands
Whenever your sad she ties to bring you whatever comfort she can
But of course is a bit awkward when it comes to hugging
Bring in the cheesy words Luz taught her
When ever she is sad though she hides it real well
It takes a lot of convincing to talk about her feelings but when she does you are there to bring whatever comfort you can
Eda knows King loves being with you and considers you his sibling
Lilith is concerned about you spending so much time with Eda and how she might be impacting you but none the less she thinks your a good kid and you'll make the right decisions (which you wont)
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Its even a bigger surprise to get Lilith to become so attached to you
She loves how attentive you are
You actually take interest in subjects that she learns and reads about
She teaches you all sorts of things and of course notes are a must
Lilith just doesn't want you to forget the information you were given
Loves to take you on small outings to little cafes and chores
She considered you her child after a month of knowing you
Protecting you is a must
Oh you're going somewhere? Well not without Lilith
It takes a lot to convince her to stay put and when she says she'll stay, she's actually lurking spying on you
If someone even lays one harmful hand on you she is out and ready to fight
You somehow get Lilith to lighten up and agree to more things that she really wouldn't
When Lilith finds you sad she is immediately there with a bunch of blankets and ice cream
Lilith is actually a really good person to gossip too and she always makes it funny
Finding her sad is a really rare thing though
She is used to dealing with her emotions on her own and that hasn't changed
But on the rare occasions where she shows you some vulnerability you give her all the comfort you can
Hugs and cuddles as well as words of affirmation and she is so grateful for you
Eda is glad that you're helping Lilith out of her stiff shell a bit and showing more emotion than she used too
Hooty becomes your closest friend as well as King but Hooty more because Lilith drags you to their conversations when she visits The Owl House
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haystarlight · 2 years
Hunter really liked working at the tattoo parlor. He got to meet interesting people, he got compliments on his talent and it paid really good. Most of his clients did make a point of letting him know he had a strange sense of fashion, but he always ignored them.
It was true, in a way. Most people expect a tattoo artist to be covered in black leather and piercings like some hot bad boy. Not a pair of crocs and a Hawaiian shirt in the middle of Connecticut autumn. Hunter was always quick to say, he liked wearing what was comfortable, not caring about style, letting his work speak for him.
He was getting ready for work when he heard the little bell, announcing his first costumer of the day.
"Welcome to The Owl House!" he said, smiling but not really looking at the client "what can I do for ya?"
"Oh, hi! I actually called ahead, I'm Willow Park," said the young woman, with a sweet cheerful voice that he did remember from the phone a few days ago.
The young lady was short but she looked at him with an air of determination that made him feel like she was not the type to get scared easy. And her smile was like sunshine, filling the room with warmth and light. The kind of person that made other people more confident by just being next to them.
Fuck, it was way too early for this shit.
"Oh, yeah! I remember, you had an appointment!!" he tried not to sound so loud "sit down, I still have to get my equipment ready."
Willow sat down and took off her jacket, which allowed him a better look at her. She was chubby, in a cute way. But her arms... fuck, they looked strong. Hunter briefly wondered if she'd be strong enough to carry him....
No! Nope! No! Professional!
"I'm Hunter Noceda, by the way,"
"Yeah, I know, you said your name when I made the appointment."
Fucking idiot.
"Y-yeah, you said you wanted a sunflower tattoo?" he tried to recall.
"Yup! Right here, on my left bicep!" she said, flexing to emphasize.
He was not going to survive this.
"Is this your first tattoo?"
"Well then, I should warn you. The pain can be a little too much for first timers," he always tried to be gentle when he said this "if you feel like you can't handle it, just tell me and I'll stop. No judgement and I won't charge you if you don't let me finish it,"
"That's sweet of you, Hunter," she smiled kindly at him "but I think you'll find I have a higher tolerance for pain than expected."
She fucking winked at him. This had to be a fever dream. Did Luz spike his coffee with something that morning?
"Yeah, okay, let's get started then."
He started, fixating on his work. Concentrating as hard as he could on the drawing and not on the muscles he was lucky enough to have his hands on.
It wasn't like this was the first beautiful customer he'd ever had. Most of his clients were young and attractive; Hunter had suffered many bisexual freakouts, especially if a client wanted a tattoo in an unusual place. But something about this girl made her seem different from the others. Like, this was going to be more than just a fleeting crush.
"So, how long have you been working here?" she asked, breaking the silence.
It wasn't out of the ordinary for clients to start conversation when they got bored. Tattoos did take a long time to get done and sometimes talking was the only thing they had to pass the time.
And he might as well get to know her better.
"For, like, 2 years," he said "what about you? What's your job?"
"Oh, I work next door actually," she revealed "Willow's Wonderful Weeds, the new flower shop. We opened up pretty recently, it makes sense we haven't really been introduced."
Oh yeah, he knew that place. Of course he did notice when they opened a new shop next to his a few months back but he never paid close attention. He'd certainly pay more attention now, that was for sure.
"Yeah, I wouldn't forget about you, you seem like an unforgettable person," he instantly regretted saying that.
And then he saw her blush and stopped regretting it.
"Sooo, Willow's Wonderful Weeds, huh? That's a funny name."
She laughed. He made a mental note to make her laugh again.
"Yeah, my friend Gus came up with it. I thought it was stupid at first but it grew on me."
"It GREW on you?" he smirked at the accidental pun.
She groaned, but she didn't actually seem upset with him. He allowed himself a laugh.
"Oh, you're just as bad as him."
"You should introduce us, I think we'd get along," totally normal suggestion, not weird at all.
"Please no," she begged.
He laughed a little more before returning to work.
"So, flowers, huh? Is that why you're getting a sunflower tattoo?"
"Yeah, I've always loved plants," she said "ever since I was little, I felt connected with nature and I knew that's what I wanted to have on my skin to represent me. I wasn't sure what kind of flower I wanted at first since there are so many pretty ones, but I knew for sure I didn't want a rose, that one's been used to death."
"Oh yeah, totally," he nodded "take it from me, I see a million roses a day, it gets boring real quick. It's like, there are other flowers, people!"
"Exactly! Valentine's Day is coming later and I'm thinking about all of the roses I'm gonna have to grow, as if other flowers aren't romantic enough."
Hunter didn't think of telling her how the sunflower perfectly fit her, as she seemed to shine brighter than the sun. He was totally not thinking that, no.
"And you? You got any tattoos?"
"Yeah, I have one on my back of the starship from Cosmic Frontier, I don't know if you've read that."
"My friend Gus read it," she said "he keeps trying to get me to read it, but it doesn't seem like my thing. Maybe I will introduce you to him after all, give him someone to talk about it."
He now actually wanted to meet this Gus, he sounded like a cool guy. And the idea of spending more time with Willow wasn't bad either.
"I also have this one," he showed her his left arm for an instant before going back to work.
It was a big gray wolf, howling at a full moon, surrounded by bright stars.
"Wow, it's beautiful," she said, starstruck.
Totally not a big deal that she just said something about him was beautiful. Totally normal. Yes sir. Nothing weird at all.
"And this one," he showed his right wrist, where there was a picture of a little red cardinal bird.
"Aww, he's so tiny," she cooed.
"I actually did this one to myself, the other two are from some friends, fellow tattoo artists," he explained "can't exactly draw on my own back."
"Wow, that's actually pretty badass, I didn't know one could tattoo oneself."
"You can if you know what you're doing," he tried not to sound too braggy.
Willow took a deep breath, almost like she was hipping herself up to ask the next question.
"You don't have any tattoos that you share with your partner?" she asked, kind of quickly. As if she was scared.
"Uh, no. I don't. I don't have a partner."
Willow tried to hide her joy. "Oh, okay."
"Do you have one?" he asked, his fear even more evident.
"No, I'm single."
He quietly celebrated in his head.
"I don't really like matching tattoos anyway, you won't believe how many couples I've seen come in and get matching tattoos only to come back and remove them," he told her, quietly.
"Aw, that sucks so bad," she frowned.
"Yeah, it's not fun thinking something is gonna last forever only to realize it won't."
"Definitely not getting a matching tattoo with anyone now," she decided with finality.
"Yeah, I didn't even get one with my sister when she suggested it."
"Your sister wanted matching tattoos?"
"Yeah, she wanted ones that said 'La Banda de las Chicas Malas', which means 'The Bad Girl Coven' in Spanish," he recalled.
"That's so dumb, I'm glad you didn't go through with it," she laughed again.
"Yeah, she's like that," he rolled his eyes "she's annoying, but I do love her, don't get me wrong."
"Aaww," she sighed "I always wanted a sibling. I guess I have Gus, he's kinda like a brother, but that's not exactly the same."
"You're not missing much," he promised her "just constant invasions of your privacy and walking in on her and her girlfriend, neither of which is fun."
Willow laughed again. Hunter was suddenly reminded that, if Luz found out he now had a crush on the girl next door, who owned a flower shop, he would never hear the end of it. Her little fanfiction loving heart would explode with evil plans trying to get him and Willow together and it would be terrible for them both. Mostly for him.
He would try his best not to let her find out, although part of him knew he would simply be delaying the inevitable.
"So, tattoos... science fiction novels... what else are you into?"
You, he might've said if he was braver. Or crazier.
"Well, the tattoos started because I liked drawing and I also know how to sew," he regretted not wearing one of his shirts with patches, he would've wanted to show them. Oh well, next time.
"Ooooooohhh, a man who sews, that's nice," she said, her tone light and flirty.
Holy shit.
Well, two can play that game.
"How about you? You work out? Because your bicep game is ridiculous," he tried to sound cool.
He also tried to sound like he didn't get that phrase from Luz.
She blushed again! Fuck yeah!
"Yeah, I do a lot of heavy lifting when I'm working the plants but I also go to the gym pretty regularly and I like roller skating and jogging and soccer."
"It's called fútbol," he muttered under his breath.
Curse his wonderful, latino family.
"Yeah, that," she nodded "I also love photography. I have a camera that I carry around everywhere. It's super old but I love it, I love developing the pictures and seeing them come to life. I have sooooo many photo albums back home, it's crazy."
"I'd like to see them," he confessed.
"I'll show you some time," she promised.
Not too long after, the tattoo was finished.
"Okay, it's ready. Look at yourself in the mirror."
She did and she immediately squealed at the sight. She spun around, looking at herself from different angles, her smile kept getting bigger.
"It's nothing, I enjoyed doing it," he admitted.
He told her the price and she paid for it. He did still need the money, unfortunately.
"So, I'll see you around, right?" she asked, hopeful as she put her jacket back on.
"Yeah, if you ever need me, I'm right next door. You can just let yourself in here or you can call me, you have my number."
"Yeah, I do have your number," she said, as if she had forgotten "so I guess I'll call you soon, then."
"For another tattoo?"
"No," she smiled, as she opened the door to leave "for a date."
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hero2222 · 2 years
Owl House "Thanks to them" thoughts.
So I have randomly decided to come back with these and I plan to do it with the other parts as well. So...
I love the new intro we got here, not only with new scenes but an amazing extended theme.
We also got tons of new Lumity scenes, with them choosing to go with couple costumes and both of them being there for each other. We've seen a lot of Luz supporting Amity when she was feeling stressed or upset but we got a whole lot of the reverse in this episode. Amity knew how Luz was putting way too much on herself and decided to try to surprise her.
And I adore Luz coming out to her mom as BI in the episode:
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Yeah, it was silly and adorable but it was the first time I think I have ever seen the word "bi" (in this context at least) in a cartoon. As someone who is bi and often feels like I'm forgotten whenever shipping is involved, it's so great to see a clear announcement in the show.
Speaking of announcements:
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A second non-binary character! It's a bit more subtle but I still really like the crew doing all they can to put these signs out there. Also, we have a name for them and Vee seems to have a crush!
Speaking of crushes....
Huntlow, Baby!
As someone who has been a huge fan of this ship for quite a while, it brings me so much joy to see the ship slowly progress and get hinted at.
Willow was so great in this episode, being understanding and kind around Vee with her trauma being a perfect example. She doesn't want to push her out of her comfort zone and is completely nice while doing so.
Hunter also was struggling for a good amount of the episode, with his own identity and what he feels like his own mistakes even if his previous life wasn't "him". This all comes together when Belos possesses him and attacks the group. When Hunter is able to take control, he talks about what he wants, what he truly desires. He finds himself and knows that he doesn't want what he has be taught for so long....but this is not without a sacrifice...
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Flapjack sacrificed themselves to revive Hunter, to give him a second chance to become who he wants to be, and a chance to finally prove that he is his own person.
Anyway on a more positive note, some huntlow moments:
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Willow winking at Hunter, causing him to blush.
And Willow straight up defending Hunter's...questionable fashion choices.
I honestly can't wait for the next episode and I hope to see you all there.
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stars-and-birds · 2 years
Huntlow week day three
prompt: stargazing 
Hunter took a sip of water as he glanced around in the clearing they had settled at, making sure everyone was there. Camila was taking the hexsquad camping in the woods outside Gravesfield, and Hunter had made it his duty to know where everyone was at all times and make sure no one got lost. It was the middle of a warm summer night, and they had stopped hiking and finally found a place to set up camp in a beautiful clearing surrounded by old trees where the full moon shone down on them. The clearing was lit up by fireflies, which were surprisingly not on fire. Hunter would have to ask Camila if that was normal. 
“Stop worrying.” Luz laughed from behind him. “Everyone is accounted for. Except- oh? Where’s Willow?” Hunter swiveled his head around, searching for the green haired plant witch. Luz burst out laughing. 
“I’m just kidding. She wandered past those trees a few minutes ago, she’s fine.” 
Hunter shot her a glare. “She should have told me first! How long has she been gone? I’m going to go check on her.” 
Luz rolled her eyes. 
“I’m telling you, she’s fine. But if you want to go check on her, go ahead. I’m sure she’d love your company.” She teased, her expression morphing into a smirk. Hunter found himself blushing. 
“It’s not like that,” he muttered and stalked off to go find Willow. After searching for a few minutes, he found her on a hill past some trees, gazing at the stars.
“Captain! There you are.” 
She turned around and smiled at him. 
“Hi, Hunter. Care to join me?” Her hair was undone, flowing freely in the passing breeze. Wow was the only thought in Hunter's head. She’s beautiful.
“The stars are different here.” She said as Hunter settled into the grass, leaning back to stare at the sky with her. He nodded, pointing up to a cluster of stars above them.
“That one should be a constellation. Magnus Titan, the great titan. It was discovered in the Deadwardian era by an oracle witch named-” he paused, noticing she had closed her eyes.  
“Sorry. Am I boring you?” he asked, concern weaved in his words. She laughed.
“No, not at all. I like the sound of your voice.” He glowed like a firefly, positive he was on fire like one (or at least like one should be) too. 
“So you know a lot about stars?” 
Hunter paused, unsure if she was teasing him. 
“Yeah, there were some books in the palace about them. I used to read them all the time.” She sighed wistfully.
“That’s cool. I wish I could do something like that.”
“But captain! You can do so many cool things! You’re the most talented witch I’ve ever met!” She laughed, a beautiful sound that melted Hunter inside and out. 
“Thanks Hunter. It wasn't always like that though.” She turned on her side to face him so that they were eye to eye. Titan, they were so close. A few more minutes and Hunter might actually faint. 
“When I was in the abominations track… I never felt good enough. Sometimes I felt like running away. Which I stupid, I know. I have two wonderful dads and I’m so lucky, but…” she got quiet for the moment, and Hunter didn’t interrupt. Willow was always so cheerful, Hunter figured she deserved to get this off her chest. She didn’t open up often, and he didn’t want to ruin the moment. 
“How about you? Did you ever think about running away?” She asked, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes.
“Oh, um. I don’t know. There was never any other place to go than the Emperor’s coven. I did… I did dream about a different life though.” He went quiet, the soft grass suddenly itchy under him, closing in. He understood how Willow felt, knowing you had it good but still wanting it better. Belos had constantly reminded him how lucky he was, how grateful he should be. Even after the months they had spent in the human realm, Hunter still found it hard to ask for things. He didn’t want to seem needy. He didn’t want to be kicked out. Which was ridiculous, he knew. Camila and everyone were so welcoming, so kind. 
“But then,” he continued, “I met Luz. And I realized it was okay to have dreams. I was lucky enough to meet everyone else, who made me feel special and loved.” He placed his hand on hers. 
“Especially you.” 
She smiled back at him.
“You’re right. Thank you Hunter.” She said,
“I’m lucky enough to have met you guys, to have come out of my shell.” She smiled, a smile that even in the dark could light up the whole sky, a smile that made Hunter's heart beat faster and ears turn bright red. And then Willow leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Something exploded in Hunter’s chest, a wonderful feeling, excitement and disbelief and love. She pulled away, smiling at him with that amazing smile of hers, then got up and offered him a hand. 
“You coming?” 
“Uh.. um” he fumbled, dumbstruck. “One… one sec. I’ll be right there.” He managed. 
“Okay, take your time.” 
And she walked away, her hair flowing freely in the summer breeze.
“Oh my titan” he muttered to himself. 
A million stars in the sky, but his eyes were focused only at the green haired one walking away. 
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the-nerd · 2 years
OH MY F**KING GOD (part 1)
For the future was so good but still so short, they left us some answers but there are so many things that we can get in "watching and dreaming"
We start with Luz in the interdimentional port, with the apparition of someone that looks like a titan?
Then we have the confirmation that the place where Eda found the portal door is the same place where the portal opens in the human world.
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Confirming that Evelyn had something to do with the Clawthornes, maybe that was Caleb and Evelyn's home....before Philip came.
I love the concept of the collector transforming all the inhabitants into puppets, implying how childish he is and why he was locked up so long ago, it is, as we had theorized, a spoiled child who is not aware of his power or the impact it has, in my work we have a child who is equal to the collector, he does what he wants without thinking about anyone, he just needs someone who is firm and tells him things clearly, that may be the goal of King, Camila or Eda...
And we see each couple dumbfounded by their correspondent, Hunter with Willow and Luz with Amity, but the two are overwhelmed or affected by their corresponding situations, Hunter trying to overcome the loss of Flapjack and the fact that Belos is still alive, and Luz with the fact that she is going to leave the Boiling Isles for her mother..
They arrive at the owl house and what strikes me most is how they have represented the repression of Willow's feelings towards this whole situation, causing her to gradually lose control of her powers, which is seen later in the episode.
The arrival in Boonesborough and the transformation of this gives us a clues, first that the collector just wants to play, have fun and have people to play with, much like Peter Pan in the neverland tale where, ironically, Peter also comes from the "stars".
We arrived at hexide where everything is chaos, which reminds me of a mix between the lord of the flies and rebellion on the farm, where Boscha, as it could not be another, acts as a dictator "leading" the teenagers and manipulated by Kikimora.... As it could not be otherwise, this woman does not learn at the end of the world. another who has learned nothing is Odalia, who instead of helping the citizens, prefers to save her skin.
Meanwhile we have Belos who is loosing control over his body and he needs another one, confirming two theories, the origin of the grimwalkers, that they come out of the earth like mushrooms and the number of grimwalkers he made, which is way more that we thought, like a lot more, dude this man left corpses everywhere, first in the skull of the titan and then in the laboratory Frankenstein mode.
We also see Caleb in ghost form, What I do not know is if it is a real ghost because Belos is dying or is only a vision caused by repentance, although he does not look very repentant, because he tries to possess another grimwalker, confirming another fact, the grimwalkers when leaving the earth, are composed of the same matter as witches, With normal muscles and bones and not sticks and pieces of stone as we thought, they have to be some kind of alchemy.
In hexide We see Willow collapse completely thanks to Boscha, causing her to lose control of her powers.
It also confirms a theory that we had been saying since thanks to them, Gus did know that Hunter was a grimwalker, hence the reference to Cosmic Frontier.
And here comes my best part HUNTLOW!!!!! i loved how Dana portrayed their dinamic as a healthy relationship, where the two partners help each other, When you are hurt I help you and when I'm hurt you help me, nobody is the therapist of anyone.
And we have not one or two but three blushes in one episode.
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We also have Amity and Boscha toxic relationship, where she wants to get her back even when it's not meant to be.
But I got to love Matt, he has matured a lot during the apocalypse, but he is still that little asshole we love.
There's so much going on in the episode that I think I'm going to do two parts.
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Oh my titan, more your work about the season 3 clip, im melting 🫠🫠
So the biggest headcanon that I want more than anything is Hunter going to tell Willow that he’s a grimwalker and she’s thinks he’s confessing. That’s the kind of misunderstanding I can get behind so here’s what I think/hope will go down with that. I’ve written a few different versions of this before, but given we have only 44 minutes to work with I’m trying not to get my hopes up.
“We don’t have much time, should we split up?” said Amity as the group made their way through the graveyard, flashlights in hand. “I know it’s safer to stay together, but we have the walkie talkies so maybe it’d be the better way to cover more ground.”
“We should stay together,” insisted Hunter.
“I don’t wanna split up either but there’s too much ground to cover,” said Luz. “We could go in groups of two, I could go with Amity and-.”
“I’ll go with Willow.” Hunter said.
“Look who’s all for splitting up all of a sudden,” teased Gus, crossing his arms.
Hunter’s face turned beet red. “I mean, uh, I can go with Willow. Er Willow would you like to go with me? Not that it matters! But I figured since-.”
“Nah bro, you’re good,” said Gus, cutting him off before he spiraled. “I’ll go with Vee, that way each group has someone with magic if we need it.”
“Good, I mean that’s exactly what I was thinking,” said Hunter.
“Hey,” whispered Gus, placing his hand on Hunter’s shoulder as he went to follow Willow. “This might be a good time to tell her.”
Hunter sighed. “Yeah, I think I’m ready.” He said softly with mild confidence. He had been able to tell everyone else about him being a grimwalker but with Willow it felt... heavier. He knew that if Gus didn’t treat him any differently then neither would Willow most likely, but Hunter valued her opinion above all others and was worried she’d be upset she was the last to know.
“So um Willow,” started Hunter, attempting to sound cool and in control. “H-How are you?”
“I’m good?” said Willow, sensing something was bothering him. “A little cold, but pretty much-.”
“Oh you’re cold? Here, hold on!” said Hunter, quickly removing his jacket. He did so in the most difficult way possible, pulling the sleeve while it was still zipped up neatly falling over to remove it but eventually he did. He timidly placed the jacket over her shoulders, and Willow smiled.
“You don’t have to-.”
“Oh, no I insist,” said Hunter, bringing her braids out from beneath the coat.
“Okay, well thank you Hunter,” she said, slipping her arms through, noticing how the jacket smelled like the body spray he had secretly asked Mrs. Noceda to buy him. “That’s very sweet of you.”
“It’s uh... no! It’s nothing, no.” He said, clearing his throat and steadying the flashlight.
“Hunter, is there something you wanna talk about?” Willow asked softly. “You seem... distracted.”
“Is it that obvious?” He blushed. “Well, to be honest there is something I’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile actaully.”
“And I’m sorry I waited so long but I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it,” continued Hunter. “Luz said I should wait until I’m ready but I don’t think I’ll ever really be ready because I don’t want it to change how you see or think about me but I want you to know because I really care about you and I trust you, but I just never knew how to say it...”
“Hunter I... I think I already know.”
“You do? How? Did one of the others tell you? I’m sorry I told them before you, but for some reason telling you seemed more important so I didn’t wanna mess it up but the longer it waited the more I thought about and I was just so worried that you wouldn’t like me after you knew-.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” said Willow, putting her hands on his shoulders. “Breathe, okay? Relax. There is nothing you could say to me that would make me like you less.”
Hunter took a deep breathe and steadied himself. “Okay,” he said softly, exhaling as Willow counted. “I’m okay, I can do this.” He inhaled and pushed on. “Willow... the thing is-.”
“Do you wanna go out with me?” Willow said as though the words were bursting to get out, needing to escape after being confined for so long.
“I- what?!”
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry,” Willow giggled as she covered her mouth, watching Hunter’s expression become gradually more confused. “I just... you can go. I just got excited.”
“You... wanna go out with me? With me?” Hunter repeated to himself as his mind tried to decide when he would wake up from what was clearly a dream. “Like... go out? Together?”
“Well yeah,” said Willow quietly, tucking her braid behind her ear. “I’ve... had a crush on you for awhile and I thought you might’ve felt the same but I didn’t wanna assume but then I noticed that you’ve been trying to tell me something so...”
“Well this is... I don’t even know what to say,” admitted Hunter, suddenly aware that Willow was staring up him with an expression he had never seen before. She was waiting for him to say something of substance and suddenly everything he had prepared seemed wrong.
“Well, you can say what you were in the middle of saying before I interrupted,” she laughed, taking his hand. “I have to admit, I never pictured this happening in a graveyard but the full moon makes it kind of romantic actually.”
“It is?” He said looking around, just seeing a dark dingy graveyard. But then his eyes went back to her, and the moonlight made itself known as it highlighted her eyes and he could hear the faint sound of wind-chimes in the distance. Any place could be made romantic by her presence. “Huh, it is.”
“So? Oh, uh right.”
Suddenly Hunter didn’t know what to do. In front of him was the girl he adored and admired telling him her secret, telling him she thought about him the way he thought about her and al he could think about was how he was a liar. He was no better than Belos or Caleb, whoever he was. Lying to witches to gain their trust and affection, only to deceive them in the end. Hunter had been deceiving people his whole life, whether or not he realized it, as although he wanted nothing in this world more than for Willow to look at him the way she was now forever, he couldn’t drag her down with him.
“Willow... that’s not what I needed to tell you...” Hunter said timidly. Her eyes widened in horror.
“Oh my Titan,” she said softly but Hunter could tell she wanted to scream, as she brought her hands to cover her mouth. “I... can’t believe. Oh gosh, why would I just assume that? I’m so sorry I thought-.”
Hunter realized she misunderstood his correction as rejection, and interjected accordingly.
“No! No, you’re fine! It’s not that-!”
“I should’ve let you finish, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable-.”
“-no, absolutely not! I would love to go out with you Captain! It would be an honor!”
Willow stopped and looked up at him, her mouth slightly parted as her brain tried to catch up. “Wait... I’m confused.”
“Willow,” started Hunter, taking her hands back in his. “I do like you.... like that. Like the crushing way. But...” he could hardly bring himself to look into her eyes. “But I’m not... real.”
Willow looked at him skeptically and gave his hands a squeeze. “You feel pretty real to me.”
“No, I mean I’m...” he took a deep breath. “I’m a copy of someone who... I’m a ... grimwalker.”
“I see,” said Willow calmly, not letting go of Hunter’s hands. “How does that make you not real?”
“Because I’m... a clone,” he had said the words many times already, grateful for the practice but it still do not make saying them to her any easier. “A clone of someone who hunted witches and hurt them and did... bad things. I was made to replace him. I’m not real.”
“I see,” said Willow again. “So the person you’re a grimwalker of... he played flyer derby too?”
“Um... I’m not sure? Probably not. But why-.”
“Did he spend hours researching recipes to find the human equivalent of my favorite meal to make me for my birthday?”
“Most likely not, but that’s because-.”
“And did he stay up all night sewing Gus a Space Trek costume from scratch when he couldn’t find one he liked in the store because he wanted him to have a perfect first human realm Halloween?”
“No, that was you,” affirmed Willow. “Maybe you look like him, maybe you sound like him, but you’re more than your origins. You’re smart and sweet and dorky. You’re organized and funny and you’re too hard on yourself.”
“But I’ve been lying to you.”
“You haven’t been lying to me,” she insisted. “You’ve been figuring out who you are. Everyone struggles with it at one time or another. You’ve had a hard time adjusting to things you’ve had to learn and unlearn so much recently. But you’re kind and brave and you’re so much more than Belos can take credit for.”
“But I shouldn’t exist...”
“Well I’m glad you do,” she insisted. “Where you came from or how you got here has nothing to do with you. You had no control over it. What you can control is what you do with that existence.”
“I...” Hunter didn’t have the words. When he told the others, they had said it wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t a big deal and it didn’t change how they saw him. But when Willow said all this, it almost made it seem like she was... proud of him? “
“A grimwalker is what you are, not who you are,” said Willow. “And... I really like who you are.”
“But... you....” Hunter continued to search for the words. He didn’t know what he expected or hoped for from Willow’s reaction but he knew he didn’t think it would go this well. “You still like me even though I’m a grimwalker?”
“You’ve been a grimwalker the whole time I’ve liked you,” she pointed out.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true...”
“Guys I am like so happy you’re having a good talk and everything but you’re supposed to looking for the portal door. Over.” came Amity’s voice from seemingly nowhere.
“What?” Hunter asked looking around for the source before finding the walkie talkie in his coat pocket.
“Blight! Were you eavesdropping?!”
“You’ve been broadcasting this whole time,” said Gus plainly. “You’re still not that great with human tech. Over.”
“So you guys heard... everything?”
“Hunter you have to say ‘over’ when you’re done talking. Over.” said Gus.
“It’s nothing that we didn’t know already. Over.” Added Amity.
“We should go on a double date! Over!” Said Luz happily.
“Shouldn’t we get back on task? Over.” offered Vee.
“Good point, there’ll be plenty of time to tease them later. Over.” Said Amity.
“Why is it so quiet all of sudden? Are you guys kissing? Over.” teased Luz.
“Not yet. Over and out.” said Willow softly, taking the walkie talkie from Hunter who looked absolutely mortified at the idea that this moment has been interrupted. She casually turned the volume down slightly before placing it in her pocket and extending her hand to Hunter who happily took it. He sighed, relieved the voices were dimmed though he could still hear them faintly frantically asking follow up questions. This had gone much better than he had expected. He looked at her fondly as she lead him through the moon soaked layout, lacing her fingers through his own like they were always meant to be like that. Under different circumstances, this would be Hunter’s idea of a perfect night.
“Hey, um, what did you mean by ‘not yet?’”
And then like I think Belos will appear and attack to ruin the moment because we can’t have anything that easy.
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