#this is really fun i love pouring my soul out under read mores
happilyfeatherafter · 3 months
Happilyfeatherafter’s ficrec Fridays
Back back back again, and I don't know guys, I think we should all just totally stab Caesar! Welcome back to a new fortnight of fics that I’ve read and loved recently.
If you want to find more you can see my previous rec lists here!
15 March 2024
Are You Writing From the Heart? by  @luckshiptoshore is now complete!! Congrats Luck! Full disclosure, Luck is one of my very best friends, but that just means I know not only how much of a talented fic writer she is, but also how much of her heart and soul she poured into writing this love letter to queer storytelling, season 4 Destiel as a romcom, meta text (and subtext), and finding out who you really are when society and your upbringing is fighting against you. Castiel is a ghostwriter for L.S. Shore's Supernatural novels about Neal and his brother. Caught in a storytelling rut, Cas finds himself adding the fallen angel character of Bel...what could possible go wrong? Meanwhile at his local writing coffee shop spot, he meets the handsome stranger Dean who is an up and coming standup comedian and Supernatural fanboy. They because firm friends, but that's definitely it because Cas is straight....right?! Following these two dummies as they FAIL TO USE THEIR WORDS is a total joy, as Luck's humorous and emotional writing paired with her eye for detail is so very on point, and I'm so excited more people will finally get to read this story in full.
Baker Six by komodobits because !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot tell you how goddamn excited I was to get this email notification and finally be back in 91w world, and to witness these early stages of Dean and Cas' relationship through Dean's eyes at last. This barely needs a rec because it's THEE 91w Dean, but komodobits hasn't missed a beat in getting back inside their heads and I was once again swept away by this iconic love story against the odds. Head the trigger warnings as always, this is truly on the front lines as a medic in a war zone. Baker Six was written for the very good cause of the fandom Palestine fundraiser, in support of the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. Please donate if you can!
Truth & despair by @shallowseeker was a recent discovery and such a fascinating read! It's set in a post-15x18 verse, but importantly it features a fun Sam narrative perspective that delights in his lens by...being a bit of an unsympathetic oblivious dummy (affectionate). I really appreciate a crunchy Sam characterisation and oooboy does this pay off. Dean is steeped in his grief for Cas, and Sam is oh so concerned. He reaches out to Mia Vallens to understand his own grieving, and that leads to him making a discovery...Dean's memories of Cas' death aren't what he claims happened. With the unwelcome reappearance of Chuck (he lost...didn't he?) and LITERAL sinkholes appearing in the fabric of the universe, can they figure out what's happening to save Cas and save the world? This wip plays with physics, theology and narrative fuckery in such intriguing ways. I can't wait to see how it wraps up in the next two chapters.
The Leap by @friendofcarlotta started reading this one when Tina reshared it on Leap Day...because of course. I'd actually read it before but it more than lived up to the reread. 'Castiel Krushnic is a police officer in Soviet-occupied East Berlin. He is also gay, in a city where that’s a dangerous thing to be. One night, he meets Dean Winchester, a mechanic from the American sector. Their mutual attraction is instant, and a convenient hookup quickly turns into a passionate love affair that defies all rules and expectations.' Meticulously researched, emotional, heartrending and thought provoking. I highly recommend taking the leap on this fic!
See you in two weeks and OMG it's @deancaspinefest time!!!! I'm so excited *clears calendar*
Tag list under the cut - let me know if you'd like to be added to be notified of future recs!
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tanenigiri · 23 days
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I'm floored that people are still liking and reblogging the collage of BL and BL-adjacent works that I reviewed two (!!) years ago. I haven't stopped growing my collection of manga, so I figured I'd make a sort-of Part 2 with a collage of some other fluffy slice-of-life BL and BL-adjacent titles I've enjoyed ever since I ended that project.
While I don't have time to give them full-fledged reviews like before, you can find some of my quick thoughts on each of them under the cut. I recommend all of these titles just as much as the 18 I included in the first collage - if you liked any of those, give these 10 stories a try!
Hirano and Kagiura by Shou Harusono - From the creator of Sasaki and Miyano and set in the same universe, this series revolves around one of Miyano's senpais and the roommate that he's been shipping him with since the start. This is every bit as charming and wholesome as Sasaki and Miyano, though I think this is a lot more chaotic considering the more hilarious take on the main pair's dynamic. I did a more comprehensive review of its first volume here if you wanna check it out.
Candy Color Paradox by Isaku Natsume - I'm not usually a big fan of enemies to lovers - the tropes they work with are rarely my cup of tea. This is one of the few stories I've read where that dynamic works really well, though, with these two reporters clashing a lot early on but finding out that they're exactly what the other needs. I wasn't too sold on the first volume but the second one really brought me onboard - I thought they treated the personal conflicts of one of the main characters incredibly well there.
My Brother's Husband by Gengoroh Tagame - More BL-adjacent than BL, this tells the story of a man reconnecting with the husband of his late brother (and no, there isn't any romance involved at all - this is a family-centric story first and foremost). It doesn't focus entirely on dealing with this loss, though - it's also a look into the protagonist's own family dynamics and troubles, with his daughter being a very prominent character here a la Tane in Our Dining Table. One of my favorites of this batch as it has a lot of heart and soul poured into it.
My Love Mix-Up by Watanu Hinekure and Aruko - The most comedic title here, this takes the misunderstanding trope to a really funny direction and builds a really good story out of it. The main couple is very adorable, and their dynamic with the side couple evolves in such a fun way that I ended up seeing this as a story about the four of them that just so happens to have two couples. If you watched the live action, the manga has a slightly different take on the story, and of course it spends more time on certain plot points, but it has the same chaotic and hilarious vibe.
Hyperventilation by Bboungbbangkkyu - I've only read a few Korean BLs, but this one is easily my favorite of the ones I've read so far. This is a lot steamier than most of the titles in this and in the previous collage, but those scenes are surrounded by a heartfelt dynamic between its two leads who are realizing that the connection they shared back in high school was a lot deeper than they thought. If you've watched the animation of this title, the manhwa's pretty much that but in book form, but I did notice some differences in the manhwa that made the story stronger in my opinion.
I'm Kinda Chubby and I'm Your Hero by Nore - I was slightly wary of this title since body image issues are quite difficult to tackle, but it turned out to not really be the focus of the story - one of the protagonists just happens to be chubby, and while there is some discussion on it, this story focuses a lot more on his growth as an actor and his newfound dynamic with the story's other protagonist. It's a really sweet story at its core, and the pun is definitely intended as the other protagonist is a pastry chef lol. (I'm also not sure if I would consider this as BL or BL-adjacent, coz by the second volume (which is the latest one so far) they aren't really together, but you can definitely sense that their dynamic goes beyond friendship.)
That Blue Sky Feeling by Okura and Coma Hashii - Picked this up mainly because the story is by the same person behind I Think Our Son Is Gay, one of my favorites in the original project. This has a slightly similar vibe, where it focuses more on exploring homosexuality and identity instead of romance, and it does so with the same interesting depth that Okura did in the other work. This one definitely has more BL tropes than I Think Our Son Is Gay though, and I'm more inclined to call it BL than BL-adjacent.
I Want to Be a Wall by Honami Shirono - "Marriage of convenience between a gay man and an asexual woman" is such an incredible pitch that I picked this up immediately, and I really enjoyed it for what it is. Said asexual woman is also a fujoshi, and the man that her husband is crushing on (who is straight) is a prominent supporting character, so you can imagine the hilarity that ensues. This isn't a comedy though - it's very much a heartwarming tale about identity and finding joy in a situation that isn't exactly the best.
Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher by Tama Mizuki - Already the second title here that has the same two-male-leads-plus-child dynamic as Our Dining Table - do you see the clear bias hahaha. This is quite far from that story and My Brother's Husband though, and I honestly thought that this was going to be trashier than it was because of the title, but I really shouldn't have judged this book by its cover as it's a great story about family and building connections with each other. It ended up being closer to Would You Like To Be a Family? in that regard, but this takes the time to flesh out the relationship between the two protagonists and the child, creating a silly but heartwarming dynamic.
Hello, Green Days by Ayu Sakumoto - Stumbled upon this short story online, and it has stayed with me ever since even if it doesn't have a physical English release (yet?). The dynamic between the protagonists is really sweet, and how it weaves in the plant talk (one of the main characters is a botany major) into the story is very clever. I also did a more comprehensive review of this before, so check it out here if you want.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope you found more titles to add to your to-read list.
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jaecheeese · 11 months
Music That Was Made For Us
| Jung Jaehyun! x Reader!written from third person pov! [short story! | music au]
A jaecheeese fanfic/imagine.
IN WHICH both souls became in love talking about music.
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❝You like music?❞
❝Yes and (you)❞
01 | rain
The tall brown hair male fastens his footsteps towards shelter as water from the sky had began pouring. By the time he reached the shelter, he was already wet enough. He looked around at the sight of other humans running looking for shelters just like him— he lips formed a curved. His soft brown eyes then landed to the store's shelter that he was under.
'David.J Record Store'
His eyes read, assuming it was the name of the store. He moved his body closer to the glass window and soon began to find himself entering.
"Hello, welcome!" was the first thing he heard as soon as he set his feet inside other than the door bells clinking.
Standing there was a beautiful— no, not beautiful. Beyond beautiful lady standing there with a warm welcoming gesture followed by a smile. Without noticing his ears turned red and his soft cheeks turned pink.
"Uh, Hello," he finally voiced back at her welcome.
"Looking for anything? I could use a help perhaps?" she spoke as she shot him her warm smile.
"Not really actually, just looking around, haha" he shrug those with an awkward laugh as he made his way further inside. Hating to admit that he wasn't usually this shy.
Nothing actually caught his attention when he was looking through the records. He admit it— her presence was the one, the one that had caught his eyes ever since he step inside. He looked through one by one still wasting his time. He then became engrossed with looking through the records to not be aware that she's had her eyes on him for a while now.
"Into Jazz?" he looked up and turn towards the soft voice speaking up.
"Oh, yeah kinda" he replied briefly, hands continued to look through the records.
"Cool, who do you listen to?"
"Classic one," she tilt her head—one hand on her chin trying to think of Jazz artists that she could think of to guess.
"Chick Corea? No?"
He shakes his head at her respond causing her to think further with a long hum.
"I know! Miles Davis?"
He nods vigorously
"got it!" she offers to fist bump her without even realising as she receives an awkward fist bump in return.
"Oops," she looks away pursing her lips. "Y/N, you can call me Y/N." she hands her hand out to him to shake with his.
And just like that the two new friends continued to talk about their favourite artists and loosening their awkwardness, getting more comfortable with each other.
"Are you usually this friendly?"
"No, not when you're my only customer right now," they both giggle.
Soon then group of people with guitars, on their back, entered which caused the door bell to clink.
for fun! I’ll make master list once im done!
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evansbby · 1 year
some thoughts I want to make clear now that the Bucky spinoff is out :) (SPOILERS under the cut! Don’t click read more unless you’ve read the poyt spin-off fic I just posted!)
• The ending was always supposed to be that way. I’m sorry if you feel like you’ve been let down, but honestly I always envisioned it this way. When you write a fic and write four chapters of one ship, it’s hard to write the reader with another character. It wasn’t working and I didn’t want it to work.
• For the sake of the spin-off, I made Bucky a lot nicer than he is in POYT. Would he realistically genuinely be this nice and sweet? I don’t know, probably not. But I just wanted to write a different type of boyfriend for once, and thought it would be interesting to explore. One of my fears was that because of this, you guys would start favouring him in the original poyt fic. But he is not the same character in the OG fic.
• I did want to show that, throughout the fic, the reader was yearning for something but she didn’t quite know what it was. But I wanted you guys to know what it was. Or who it was she was yearning for. Deep down. Even if she didn’t want to admit it. I left little hints throughout. I don’t know if anyone picked up on them but I’m sure you did.
• My biggest fear and insecurity about posting this spinoff was that it would put people off the original fic, or make people no longer want to read poyt 5 when it eventually comes out. I don’t know why, maybe I’m just overthinking it. I really really didn’t want to ruin the characters that I saw painstakingly have created over the past four chapters of poyt. I don’t think I did at all, since this is an alternate universe and COMPLETELY SEPARATE from the main fic, but I’m still so insecure about that.
• ⭐️ I really would love if people would remember to separate this spin off fic from the main poyt fic. They are two separate fics so please treat them as separate! I really don’t want this influencing the way you guys look at poyt ⭐️
• And finally, I did pour a lot of my heart and soul into this fic. I tried to make it fun and exciting and dramatic and funny. I really don’t know if I succeeded, but I do appreciate so much all the reblogs and messages I’ve gotten so far! I can’t wait to answer them. But yeah, I just wanted to address some things hehe
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official-alan-dabiri · 9 months
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This is just a bunch of bug fixes, and minor balance changes masquerading as bug fixes. A bunch of talents that could sometimes simply fail to work will now work all the time. A bunch of talents that could sometimes work too well will no longer do that. Probably.
But it's been so long since the last patch notes, I don't remember any of my gags. Who was I insisting the best tank was last time? Did I have a running joke about Chromie? How many times have they taken away Samuro's hearth trick now? Did Li Li have this many changes on the notes during her rework? Why did they say so many things about Sylvanas when it all basically comes down to a 2% overall damage nerf?
I honestly don't know how to do this job anymore. The last time we had a patch we were receiving the first operational images from the James Webb space telescope. And that was the "end of life" patch where they just changed the free hero rotation timeline and added the Epic Chaos Lizard Mount. The last time we had a real patch, we were still talking about the chess tournament butt plug thing.
I got sad and wistful for longer than I expected here. Me being a nerd under the cut.
What is there to say? A bunch of talented people poured their hearts and souls into a game. It was - and still is - a fantastic experience. Its production value is very high, it looks good, and it's fun to play. Those people did good work, and in response to that good work a community sprang up around it. And then that good work was squandered. The company neglected it. Forgot about it.
HotS is still a good game. You can still play it! You can still play it casually. You can still play it competitively. You can have deep thoughts about strategy and synergy. You can just point at a big chunk of orange polygons and call him Gary Heckyell. You can click meticulously around the map, making strategic use of creep wave manipulation tactics to win a statistically losing one-on-one lane matchup. You can click on a skin that puts a ridiculous - but beautifully rendered - costume on your favorite blizzard character and immediately blurt out loud "I'm so gay." You can find friends and enemies and mentors and students in the midst of a sincerely penned love letter to Blizzard's IPs. You can point out quite honestly and truthfully that the people who made HotS loved these characters more than anybody in charge of their respective IPs now.
I'm not gonna ask you to pour one out for HotS, and the hard work of the people who made it the best Blizzard game. If you were going to, you did that years ago. I'm not going to ask you to boot up HotS for another reminder of what those talented people gave us. Because if you were going to, you probably already did. If you loved the game like I do, and let it go rather than have it break your heart every week, you don't need me to pick at that scab.
But it's still here. Still kicking.
Except now Blaze's bunker isn't going to get one-shot by the Infernal Shrines Punisher anymore. And I think that's what really matters.
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empressofthewind · 5 months
HIIII can i ask 5 and 8 for the fic writer asks? 🥰
hiii 🥰 of course you can!! i'll answer these in reverse order, so i can put the snippet under a cut :-)
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you've never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Yes!! I have quite a few ideas for Meronia that are based around detective work, but I don't think I really have the skillset to write a compelling and well thought-out mystery. For that reason, I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever write those ideas, this year or any other, but I'm more than happy to share one! One that I think is a lot of fun is an idea in which Mello is a well-known musical artist and Near is the world's best detective operating under the name 'N'. Mello has a stalker who's been blackmailing him with information about his past, and though Mello is adamant that he can handle it himself, his manager hires Near to track them down. It's not the type of case Near would usually take, but he's a big fan of Mello, so he accepts. Mello is extremely difficult to work with at first because of his resistance to help, but ultimately romance does ensue 🥰
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
My absolute top priority for the year is Loving Can Heal as it's been 7 months since I last updated it, and per my original schedule, it was supposed to be finished in October last year 😭 but since I've already posted a snippet semi-recently (which you can find here), I am instead going to be super self-indulgent and share an excerpt from one of my all-time favourite WIPs I've been working on since August 2022, which I'd really like to get done this year. It's a two-part angsty Hanahaki Disease AU in which Near falls ill, and the surgery to cure the disease would mean losing all his memories of Mello. This is from the scene in which he decides to go through with the surgery (it's technically an excerpt from the outline, but I think the final version will end up looking pretty similar):
Finding the words to articulate his feelings is harder than he anticipated, but once his pen carves the first few clean, cursive letters into the paper, the floodgates are opened. Time slips away from him as he pours his heart and soul out onto the page. His message turns from a simple goodbye note to an essay-length recount of their first meeting, the first time they spoke, the first time Near realised he had feelings for Mello, the moment Near realised he was in love. He spares no details, and by the time the letter is finished, the clock reads 4:03am and the cramp in Near’s wrist is almost as unbearable as the sharp pain in his chest. He can’t mail the letter. It’s far too important of an item to have other people’s hands and eyes on it, even just on the envelope, or to risk having it lost in the mail. He’ll ask Rester to stop by Mello’s apartment in the morning, on the way to the hospital, so he can deliver it himself. He folds up the pages, slips them into an envelope and falls asleep, slumped forward at his desk, with all his memories of Mello lying beside him.
fanfic asks for the new year
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anywaythewinds · 1 year
[Translation] INTERVIEW: Park Kang Hyun of The Man Who Laughs says, “Gwynplaine, who dreams of a better world, is like me”
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By Park Min Hee February 8, 2020 Translated by @anywaythewinds
Translator’s note: This interview was conducted during the second season of The Man Who Laughs, an original production of EMK. Full disclosure that I am not a native Korean speaker, I just study it and translate for fun. Read at your own risk. If you find any mistakes please message me :) also please don't steal or quote without credit (link to this post) thank you
[some minimal notes from me are in brackets]
For the audience members that attended the premiere season of The Man Who Laughs, what do they remember? The cast was irreplaceable; even the most talented actors would have difficulty getting into its ranks. Musical production company EMK invested five years and a record 17.5 billion KRW into the production, saying, “We could not have created anything greater.” For a production of this scale, the casting of Park Hyo Shin and Suho made sense, but the appearance of Park Kang Hyun, who had barely grown out of “rookie” status, was unfamiliar and even brave. Park Kang Hyun says that while at that time it was scary, he now thinks of himself as a rising star working to become an even better storyteller. 
How do you feel about doing The Man Who Laughs again?  When it was confirmed that I would be in the second season, I definitely felt some pressure to perform better than in the premiere, but I was mostly excited to be doing it again. The order of some scenes got switched around so Gwynplaine’s journey is shown more naturally. I also had a hand in creating this work as a part of the premiere season of an original production, so I contemplated more deeply about the character’s layers. Since some time has passed, aren’t I at least one percent deeper as a person, too? From my love for Dea and my father [Ursus], to my conviction to change the world with my beliefs, I’m experiencing everything more powerfully and deeply. I thought that since it’s a musical that I’ve done before that it would be a lot easier, but it’s much more difficult both physically and emotionally. But I feel that as difficult as it is, the final product turns out a little better, too.  
The Man Who Laughs received a lot of acclaim during the premiere season - you must be a bit proud of yourself  From the beginning, I poured my soul into this show. I do the same for every show I’m in, but since it was an original production, it was much more challenging. When you’re creating something, it always ends up getting changed, and if you get a better idea it gets changed again. Perhaps because of that process, I’m even more attached to this musical - through this show, I received an award and a lot of people discovered me, so it became a really meaningful piece of work to me. 
Are there more reasons to why you felt that this show is physically and emotionally draining?  I feel it the most during the curtain call. It’s when I get to say thank you to everyone that came to see the show, but my legs shake so much that I can’t even stand straight. It shows that I’ve really poured my entire being into the show. I’ve never done another show where I’m having such a hard time during the curtain call. Of course it was already a struggle in 2018, but it wasn’t as hard as this time. I think because I know what to do now that I’m putting more of myself into it. I’m pouring my heart and soul into it but I still wonder if what I’m doing is right. Like, is it supposed to be such a struggle? But I shouldn’t feel like I’m already using up all the tricks under my belt, so it really feels like I’m crashing into the stage [to be honest, no idea what he’s trying to say here]. The other Gwynplaines also say it’s hard but I think I’m having the hardest time. 
During the premiere season, the other actors casted in the same role as you were extremely popular. Since then, as you’ve done more musicals, you’ve gained more fans and filled more seats - do you feel like you’ve proved yourself with just your skill? It was scary. I try not to feel pressured by it but it’s impossible not to. So I try to do even better, and I also hope that I can seal my place as the actor people think of when they hear about The Man Who Laughs. I’m not sure about what the ticket sales are like, but there should be more people that know who I am now, and there’s even people that watched the movie The Man Who Laughs and then came to the show. It’s cool and I’m very thankful.
It can be said that The Man Who Laughs is EMK’s representative work. It’s clear that in the art world, Korea is raising the bar for musicals. But there’s something missing in the narrative between characters. The main character is Gwynplaine - what do you think is the story that you’re telling? The one thing that is the most lacking to me is that the main theme is “The paradise of the rich is made by the hell of the poor,” but in the show you can’t actually see what that hell looks like. If the audience can see that hell then it’s easier for them to get the message, but that hell is only implied in the show. All the characters that perform inside the story are all impoverished people, but they don’t really look to be in misfortune. I try really hard to show with my eyes that I see those people and think, “Yes, we’ve lived like this until now, I have to change the way things are for them,” but it’s difficult to fully convey that since it’s implied. Given the show’s limits, all I can do is try my best. The plot development is quick, but we have to express everything within the limited amount of time. If it was a four hour long show maybe it could be explained better; if it was a movie perhaps we could efficiently transition between scenes, but I think this is also a part of the Korean musical industry’s development process. 
Was there anything that you suggested to the directing team that was put into the show? We are always communicating but the process of making something efficiently and well is not easy. I try to change stuff in scenes or in the lines, but when you actually perform a change it ends up different from what’s in your head, so I kept thinking that it really must be hard to be a director. There’s a part where Gwynplaine says this long speech after Lady Josiana comes to see Gwynplaine’s performance, and I changed the order of those lines. Gwnplaine also has this monologue before singing “I Could Change the World” when he’s expressing his conviction to change the world where he says, “Yes, I’m Gwynplaine, but I’m also Lord Clancharlie. Now I know the meaning of my fate. I got it, I can change it all!” I also changed the order for these lines so it sounded more natural. You know, actor Yang Jun Mo [Ursus] even now keeps thinking about the show even after he’s gone home. He thinks, “Today, I’m going to do this scene this way, won’t it be better if I do it this way?” and brings something new to the show every day. I’m really thankful for it and I also think it’s something I should emulate. It’s all a part of the creation process of The Man Who Laughs. 
It seems like you look more at the entire piece of work rather than just what you have to do. When I work on a musical, I usually think only about the entire musical. It’s okay if I’m not seen. If the musical’s message is properly expressed to the audience, then I don’t want to nor need to stand out. But Gwynplaine is a character that needs to stand out, since the message is communicated to the audience through my journey. It’s kind of like I’m trying to solve an impossible homework problem.
The two actors that play Josiana have different vibes. What’s different about working with each of them? Shin Young Sook pulls me along with powerful charisma, so powerful that you can’t shake off her seduction. Kim So Hyang has kind of a cute side to her since she has a small frame, but when she seduces you, she’s definitely not to be underestimated. I think that’s the biggest difference. I get seduced and I can’t break free from it. I decided that for my Gwynplaine, it’s the first time a woman has ever done something like that to him. He’s tempted by this excitement that he’s feeling for the first time, but since he’s been hidden away and separate from other people since he was young, he feels like he shouldn’t be feeling these emotions. And what he feels for Dea is a love even bigger than love, someone that’s even more precious than himself, that she could even be his entire identity as a person. A person more precious than Gwynplaine. But, in reality, I personally don’t love anything to that extent, since I have to exist to be myself. Dea’s like a unicorn in a fantasy world. I’m not a romantic person like that. Like I empathize with my friends if they’re upset, but since they’ll be okay after a while… (smiles) 
Since you grew so fast, you seem to be a role model for a lot of actors. One could say that I’m growing very fast, but I’m still in the process of learning and growing. There’s a lot still for me to do and a lot of mountains to climb, so I think I don’t quite deserve it yet. I think people that consider me their role model just don’t know better or something. But I’ll acknowledge it if they’re just wishing that they could also get the same opportunities so quickly. 
Anything interesting stories from the audition process? There’s been times where even though I feel confident going into an audition I get too nervous and get rejected, and times where I have no confidence but end up doing better than I thought and getting the role. The Man Who Laughs was like that. In May 2017, I auditioned for The Last Kiss and got to the final round. That was the first time that the EMK producers saw me. If I didn’t do that audition, it’s possible that I wouldn’t have been able to do The Man Who Laughs. I really didn’t feel confident about The Last Kiss, but even I think I did well. (smiles) Director Kim Moon Jeong must have thought, “It’s the first time I’m seeing this kid but he’s pretty good.” She’s a professor at Hanse University and I heard from my friends that she said in class, “Do you all know Park Kang Hyun? He’s pretty good.” I felt pretty proud of that. 
People say that you’re like blank drawing paper. What do you think of that?  I’ve said that I’m like that myself. I like it. It could mean that I don’t have any super special qualities, but I’ve always been that kind of person. I fit in wherever I go and don’t stick out. I personally think that I’m like running water. Those that say that about me, they’re right. That’s the kind of person I am. 
You have precise diction. Is that something you work hard on?  A performance is for the audience to watch, but at the same time you’re still having a conversation with the actor next to you. Actor Jung Sung Hwa said this to me: imagine while walking down the street someone picks a fight with you. There are bystanders that gather around you, so there’s a nuance where the one that decides who wins the argument is not the person you’re fighting with, but the bystanders. You’re speaking to the person you’re arguing with in front of you, but you also have to think that you’re speaking to everyone else that’s around you. When you have the intention to communicate precisely, and you also know precisely what you’re trying to say, then you’ll be able to communicate precisely. I also pay close attention to the Korean language’s short/long sounds, and I think I try to slow down a bit if it seems like I’m speaking a bit too fast to understand. 
Is there a role that you’ve done that you like the most?  For every role I take on, I create the character by finding the intersection between myself and the role, and I’ve never had any major struggle when doing this, but the easiest character has been Gwynplaine. He’s a free spirit and a bit mischievous. He has some sadness in him, and he also has a passion for going down the right path. Moreover, since it was the premiere of an original production and I could create this character, it was easier for me to play this character.
What does the director think of Park Kang Hyun the actor?  The director himself is great at acting - he was once an actor. He’s directed a lot of shows in Korea so I think he’s become quite Koreanized. He’s emotionally sensitive and detailed. He has us rehearse until the scene matches what he’s looking for. When I’ve rehearsed it a few times, I kind of get the scene he sees in his head. Starting from the second season, it’s been easy to carry out what the director wants. He’s older in age but he’s incredibly passionate. Sometimes he hits my head. In Korea, if someone hits your head you’d be shocked, but I guess outside of Korea it’s common to smile and hit people’s heads. (smiles) If Robert [the director] was Korean, he might not have been as easy and comfortable to work with. This season, Robert saw two shows and went back home, and he said, “Of all the shows I’ve seen so far, this one is the perfect performance. You’ve performed everything I wanted.” I was moved. He said that while hitting my head. (smiles) I feel like I can tell what he wants with just a look. My English has also gotten better thanks to him. 
Anything planned after this? Is there a role that you want to play? I think I’ll rest. I’m also thinking about what different roles I could try. I want to try Phantom [it's a bit ambiguous but I think it's likely that means ALW]. Raoul while I’m in my 20s, and Phantom in my 30s. I want to train myself. I don’t exercise at all except for my fingers. I need to improve my stamina and strength. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a proper rest. I kind of want to try TV dramas or movies, but I don’t think it’s time yet. I started out with a film so I think I want to try doing another film the most. 
Will Miraclass activities continue?  We made some organizational changes, so I think Miraclass will continue. A while ago, some fans sent a coffee truck to a The Man Who Laughs show and the Miraclass members kept making fun of the picture of me on the monitor. [I think he starts talking about his solo concert here, not sure how this part is related to the question lol] I really wanted to put on a good show for the audience members that came to see me, so if I’m able to do it again I think it’ll be fun. It was a meaningful time. While I was doing it, I thought to myself, “Park Kang Hyun has grown up a bit!” but at the same time I was like, “Is it real life that I’m having so much fun right now?” But I think my next solo concert I’m going to have to push to 10 years later. 
Self esteem is the trend. How do you take care of yourself mentally?  I work hard not to waver, when I’m extremely tired, when I’m out of it mentally, or when I’m tired but I still have to get to work. Like when you were in middle school and you really didn’t want to go to school. I think, “I wish I could disappear right now.” I’m super tired in the morning. There’s nothing worse. While I’m in a musical, I feel so tired that I want to disappear, but I think, I can’t be like this! And I break out of it and get up. In a way, it’s like I’m becoming a superhero. I feel like such a wimp when I start shivering in the winter cold, so even if I feel like my head is going to split open I take a shower with cold water. After showering, even if I go outside into the cold, steam comes from my body and I’m warm. I get stronger. Sometimes, if I ask myself questions it helps. Often when I’m contemplating something it’s just in my head, but if I say it out loud and hear it and answer myself, the solution appears clearly. 
Is there a question you asked yourself during the hardest times?  It was when I was about to graduate from university and I wasn’t doing well on my auditions. I was walking on an overpass on my way home, and I kept asking myself questions; after all I chose this career because I wanted to do it, so if I just give up because I’ve failed a few times then I’m just a weak willed person. So what am I going to do? I’m going to follow this path to the end, I remember saying. In reality there was nothing in front of me: I was failing my auditions and completely in despair, but if other people are making it, then what am I if I can’t make it too? I talked to myself like that. That’s another trait I have in common with Gwynplaine - I like imagination. And I’m actually a bit of a comedian. The rumors that I only tell dad jokes are wrong. 
Is there a belief or principle you hold with which you want to influence other people?  I’m a person that always wishes for a better world. From my present position, I think the only thing I can do is to express the message a musical holds to even just one person in the audience. So I always perform sincerely, every single show. I can’t know for sure how I’ve influenced others, but if someone came to see a show and then thought about it afterwards, then I think I’ve done my job. When I was in middle school and I prayed for the first time in church, I had nothing in particular to pray for so I just prayed for world peace. So that everyone can live peacefully. I saw a saying that was like, if everyone in the world had a pet dog then there would be no war in the world. I kind of see where they’re coming from. Dogs are so cute that you become kinder. 
Finally, how do you want to end this story?  This could be the last time you’ll be able to see Park Kang Hyun’s Gwynplaine. Come see one of my shows while my voice is younger. Perhaps everything could be resolved if Gwynplaine took a little more time to reach out to the audience when he appears. 
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kay-elle-cee · 6 months
✍️ ¿Qué estadística te importa más (si es que te importa): suscripciones, felicitaciones/favoritos, comentarios, marcadores, recuento de palabras o visitas?
Además, ¿crees que hubo un momento en el que James no quiso casarse? Los amo un poco, a veces me pregunto si no estuvieran pasando por una guerra (toda esa discriminación) intentarían la vida amorosa un poco más.
(I'll be putting the English Translations under a cut for anyone else who's curious!)
Hola, gracias por estas preguntas!
✍️ ¿Qué estadística te importa más (si es que te importa): suscripciones, felicitaciones/favoritos, comentarios, marcadores, recuento de palabras o visitas?
¡Ésta es una pregunta complicada y no sé qué tan satisfactoria será mi respuesta! En primer lugar, amo y valoro el tipo de interacción con mis historias, así que permítanme decirlo desde el principio, incluso si simplemente las leen y hacen clic, o las recomiendan pero no las leen, ¡GRACIAS!
Dejando eso de lado... Personalmente *me encantan* los comentarios, porque volveré y los releeré una y otra vez. Sólo por diversión, o cuando me siento estancado al escribir, o cuando me siento deprimido. ME ENCANTA volver a leer los comentarios y todas las cosas maravillosas que la gente ha dicho en respuesta a algo en lo que he puesto mucho corazón y alma.
(Dicho esto, si alguien no tiene ganas de comentar, o no sabe qué decir y deja felicitaciones, ¡sepa que lo veo, lo amo y lo aprecio tanto! <3)
Además, ¿crees que hubo un momento en el que James no quiso casarse? Los amo un poco, a veces me pregunto si no estuvieran pasando por una guerra (toda esa discriminación) intentarían la vida amorosa un poco más.
En cuanto a tu otra pregunta sobre James y si alguna vez hubo un momento en el que no quiso casarse, no está en mi cerebro, personalmente. Creo que tenía un ejemplo de una relación fuerte y amorosa y, como hijo único, realmente quería eso para él. Creo que la guerra definitivamente podría haber influido en lo jóvenes que se casaron (pero también eran los años 70 y la gente simplemente... se casaba antes), pero también creo que él era simplemente un hombre perdidamente enamorado. ¡Pero ese es solo mi James!
(No estoy seguro de haber entendido al 100% tu segunda pregunta; Google Translate no fue claro, ¡así que avísame si no lo entendí!)
¡Muchas gracias por tus excelentes preguntas!
Next Year's Writing Goals
✍️ Which statistic matters most to you (if at all): subscriptions, compliments/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or views?
This is a tricky question and I don't know how satisfying my answer is! First of all, I love and value and type of interaction with my stories, so let me just say that right off the bat— even if you just read and click out, or recommend it but don't read it, THANK YOU!
With that out of the way….I personally love comments, because I will go back and reread them again and again and again. Just for fun, or when I'm feeling stuck with writing, or when I'm feeling down. I LOVE going back to reread comments and all the wonderful things people have said in response to something I've poured a lot of heart and soul into.
(With that said, if anyone doesn't feel like commenting, or doesn't know what to say and leaves kudos, please know I see you and I love you and I appreciate you just as much! <3)
Also, do you think there was a time when James didn't want to get married? I love them a little, sometimes I wonder if they weren't going through a war (all that discrimination) they would try love life a little more.
As for your other question about James and if there was ever a time he didn't want to get married— not in my brain, personally. I think he had an example of a strong, loving relationship and as an only child really wanted that for himself. I think the war could have definitely played a role in how young they got married (but also it was the 70s and people just…got married earlier then), but I also think he was just a man hopelessly in love. But that's just my James!
(I'm not sure I 100% understood your second question— Google Translate was a little unclear— so let me know if I didn't!)
Thank you so much for your excellent questions!
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indy-gray · 10 months
Hello, there! Just stopping by to hear a little about your WIP! What, in your opinion, makes your WIP unique? What makes your WIP stand out?
Hi! Thanks for the ask :) sorry it's a day late!
I have a bunch of wips but I'll talk about At The Moon's Whim here.
Long story short, I wouldn't say my wip is totally unique, but I like the concept very very much. I wanted to write a romance about people like me, people who love like me, in a world where that's not considered weird or wrong.
The concept itself came to me in a dream, but I loved it by the time I woke up. A reluctant allies-to-lovers romance between a queen and the lovable rogue who accidentally rescues her from an assassination attempt during a burglary. They meet under such bizarre circumstances. Bellamy is just trying to steal a few coins for a beer later. Alessandra is running for her life. They collide and Bellamy finds herself wrapped up in Alessandra’s life so completely and immediately that she has no choice but to follow along. And after a little bit, she finds herself incapable of imagining her life without Alessandra.
This story, while probably not unique, just means so much to me to be able to write and read. Aside from the fun concept, Bellamy is important to me. She's annoying and brash, her moral compass might be a little broken, even though she will eventually get to the right conclusion. But also, I find a lot of myself in her. She lives so independently but there's a longing that she suppresses out of fear. Fear for the unknown and the rejection and the depth of her own feelings.
Bellamy loves. Bellamy loves so much, so deeply. She's got a depth to her that she likes to hide behind fist fights and sarcasm. But ultimately she needs a safe person to pour her love into. She loves the people around her so much that she hides her vulnerability because she lives in a world where love is dangerous.
And for me? I do too. I love love love and love some more in a world where love has burnt people like me more often than not.
Bellamy would never have imagined even meeting the queen, let alone saving her life or falling in love. She's so scared, so frightened, by the depths of her feelings for someone so outside of her own station. And when that person turns out to be not just reciprocal with her feelings, but safe? That's the dream, is it not? To love freely and to be loved freely? To confide and be seen by someone who would never hurt you, who would protect you even when you can protect yourself?
It's so often that we see the opposite story. The rogue, the bad boy with the heart of gold turns out to be safe, turns out to be loving and protective. But Bellamy needs protecting too, she's so scared. She's so loving. She can protect herself so easily, but she doesn't have to. She can trust Alessandra. Someone that the world around them views as far more valuable than street rat Bellamy sees value in her. Sees something worth loving even when Bellamy can't.
I think what makes my wip stand out the most is that it really is my bare soul written out for others to read. It's an act of bravery to me, to show the world just how much longing and heartache I feel, when that vulnerability has cut so deeply in the past. Bellamy and I have so much love to give, and I hope that comes through in the book itself.
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Hi love ❣️
How have you been ?!
Thank you ten thousand times for the new chapter, it made a mess of me to say the least 😭 The flash back was very interesting, I love the insight it gave to the groups’ dynamic as a whole as well as it’s separate parts! Getting to experience the time when Yeonjun (so sorry if I spelt that wrong 🤧) was around was heart warming, he’s definitely someone who always saw Y/n for who she was and I love his character a lot 🥹
Speaking of characters I love, Minho has always been one of my favs in this story, I love his suggestive jokes/comments, with his quick wit and smart ass comments, I feel the way you’ve written his character is like Minho irl! It was so so nice to have Y/n share a moment of conversation with just Minho, the fact that he told Y/n he loves the way she is now, and basically reassuring her that she has simply changed her behaviour from when they were in high school and that’s more or less the reason why Felix and Hana have been treating her differently, to put it nicely. (Aside from Felix’s hidden -but not so hidden- feelings for Y/n that has made him react certain way to Y/n and Hyunjin together).
OMG the bomb that Minho unknowingly dropped about Felix knowing Hyunjin’s name for all these years blew my mind…. Like excuse you Lix but you’ve got some explaining to do 🤨 I really don’t feel that he simply forgot to tell Y/n after he found out… There’s no way he would, when he brought it up to Y/n in chapter 8 and it shocked her that he made the connection… Little did Y/n or any of us know he’s known for years and kept his mouth shut, presumably in hopes Y/n would forget about the boy in the art store and never see him again? I’m eager to find out what he has to say about it in future chapters !
God love Y/n and her soul for the way she cares for Hyun, but I cackled during her texts to him about going to the event, once she stopped herself from sending him more messages 🤣🤣
Let me just say the Wine and Paint event was so so spectacular, I mean Y/n and Hyunjin teasing each other on the way there ??? Made me smile at my phone like a goofball 🫣 And I just about expired when Hyunjin asked if she could take off her coat and proceeded to helped her out of it 😮‍💨 Just a side note but I would love to attend a Paint and Wine event, i paint with watercolour, gouache and acrylic, it would be so so fun 🤩 I was so so excited we got jealous Hyun while Key spoke to Y/n…. Like yes punch this man in the face and get yo girl 😈
The shared moment outside under the stars was so so precious, the cuddling and the convo they had was everything 😭 Also I love you for referencing the time Hyun spoke of looking out over the city at night and imagining it was a concert full of stays 🥹 Also, was that moment perhaps a little nod to the title of the story?! I know Star Lost is a song from skz but I couldn’t help but feel that moment was a connection between the two.
Okay almost finished 😅 When they’re alone in the Château… oh my heavenly goodness……I’m loving how much more bold and accepting Y/n has become with her feelings toward Hyunjin 👀 It was delicious and I’m so happy that the kiss (and more 😈) finally happened 🤧 You’re ending me with Hyunjin loving the word please cause goddamn what an array of possibilities she will be able to use that 👀
But alas…. The heart break at the end when they had to stop and Hyunjin said they can’t, that unfinished sentence that he “shouldn’t have…” OH MY GOD my stomach dropped 😖 I have never felt such a quick switch of emotions when reading Istg 🫠 I felt for Y/n so much as she left the Château, I mean to pour so much emotion into someone and a show of those emotions in such a intimate way, just for the other person to say something like that, it’s soul shattering 😣 I hope Hyunjin can explain himself soon, cause we readers know that he was avoiding the kiss so he would fall for her more than he already has but our poor Y/n has no idea 😭😭😭
P.s I sent an ask with my thoughts for chapter 8 a little while ago, I was curious if you’ve received it ? Let me know and if not I will write a new one before I send more for chapter 9 and 10 ❣️❣️
All my love to you darling and I can’t wait to talk with you soon, I love talking with you 🥹❣️
hi love ! ive been good, just super tired with uni work 😳
im so glad you liked the flashback, it definitely was important to show their group dynamic when they were younger and how he’s always been there for her, even if unknowingly.
writing minho’s character is so fun for me too, but i didn’t want it to be a one dimensional that it may have been in the earlier chapters since his role isn’t too big but yeah he definitely cares a lot about yn :(
you want him to punch key 😭🫣 oh well…and yeah the stars moment is a direct nod to the story title too, and its a pivotal moment in their relationship !
hahahha definitely so many possibilities for yn now that she knows his “weak spot” ☺️
you’re so right 😭 yn does not know if hyun regrets it genuinely or not, and it is pretty soul shattering to hear that after such a special moment with him,,,,
i did receive your ask, i will be answering it soon as i have quite a bunch in my inbox 🥹 thank you so much for this review and for telling me your thoughts, love !
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mychaoticcryhole · 11 months
hi tumblr.
Hello again to my old friend. I used to blog all the time when I was in high school. Freshman, sophomore year my blog was the most perfectly curated version of myself. Always with a perfect layout and fun little things that made me feel special online. I overshared, of course. I showed myself, my friends, told everything. I cried writing my posts, I smiled, and I look back on those posts now so thankful that all those years ago I had nothing better to do than sit around and just throw all my thoughts into the universe and hope someone gave a shit to read them. I felt alone. I had one place to put everything and just leave it. Whether I was just sharing pictures that displayed words I couldn't think of or I was actively pouring out my soul and using my own words, my blog was a safe space. A true reflection of myself. And I really believe that outlet helped me in a time when I needed it most. So again I am here. Desperate to find a way to get back to me. Or to whatever me looks like these days.
Now I am 29. I began my last blog at 14 or 15. Things have changed so much, obviously. And I often think about what that 14 or 15 year old me would think about where I am today. As much as this is the life I would've wanted, it doesn't feel like that at all. I have a "good" job. I own my own house, own car. I am married to a wonderful man, my absolute best friend. I inherited his family and I have my family. There aren't many of us, but I have a relationship with them. I have a solid relationship with my very best friend and I get to watch her raise her own family (which is so crazy because looking back on my old blog, we never even imagined babies) and I am surrounded by so much love all the time.
But also nothing feels that good. At all. Everything kinda sucks. I have a lot on my plate. My "good" job feels like a lot more responsibility than I want. I know that I am overworked and underpaid. I feel invisible although I know the work that I do is important. I push myself so ridiculously hard to be the best because I know I can. And I know I can always do better. And my job takes full advantage of that. I am stressed all the time and feel like theres no rest. Ever. That place has taken a complete hold over what feels like every part of my mind. My family is dealing with their own shit. I feel like we are the perfect example of putting on a front for the world and just being the biggest shit show under the surface. I love my parents, and as I continue to get older I see them for what they are - just normal people who had kids and now just kind of have to figure it out. I see them move like normal people. Like I would move with my friends or in my relationship. And I see where things are hard. And I can see why things are falling apart in the way that they are. But I also wish they could just find a way to be done and both thrive. And I don't know how we do that. And I also don't know why I have allowed this to be such a large stressor on myself.
I think at this time I'm in a weird transitionary period of my life where I am ready to let everything go. I want to ditch every half-assed friendship that doesn't feel right to me. I want to surround myself with people on my same wavelength. I want people in my circle with my same energy, who think highly of me, like real, unconditional love. I don't have much faith in people anymore. And maybe I am just meant to be that person that only has the one best friend alongside my husband. And I am getting to a place where I am finding that to be okay. But I will need somewhere to dump all my shit. And this is that place.
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iridescentides · 4 years
spontaneity can be fun! and it's so sweet that you're starting traditions with your gf ❤️💚 this is probably warranting another Read More (which i love by the way and you shouldn't feel ashamed of) but i know how much lela from teen beach movie means to you and i wanted to hear why? 😊 - 🎅🎁🎄
hi again friend! sorry for responding so late but youre right this will be another read more! thanks for asking such good questions!
i think at the heart of it, lela is my favorite for the same reasons that i like a lot of my favorite characters: honesty, genuineness, and resilience. having the bravery to love openly, to explore, and to believe in yourself enough to keep going, even when other people may not support you. 
lela is unwaveringly kind, caring, and loving. in the first movie, we watch her dance around blissfully, spread compliments and positivity like confetti, and welcome mack and brady into her world like long lost friends. she is unafraid to show care and compassion, and she loves like its the most natural thing in the world for her to do. we watch her confront a fear and begin to learn how to prioritize herself, but shes a little hesitant. she is ready to grow, but she needs a little help. in the second movie we get to see her take agency over her own life and her own narrative, putting herself and her interests first, without sacrificing the loving aspect of her character. she continues to support and uplift others as shes learning to uplift herself. she wears her enthusiasm proudly, and she grabs every opportunity she can.
the thing that sets lela apart from every other character for me is the way that she truly exemplifies confidence. to me, confidence is the most important thing in the world, the most crucial trait for a person to have, and lela came to me at a particularly impactful and influential time in my relationship with myself.
i was 16 when teen beach 2 came out. i hadnt really cared much about the first teen beach movie; i liked it, but i wasnt obsessed. when the second movie came out, i was right in the middle of a very transformative 2 years of my life, where i had decided that i was going to learn to love myself at all costs. i made conscious efforts to step outside of my comfort zone, i read a ton of self-help articles, i wrote myself affirmations, and i just generally reworked my entire brain to become a more confident person. i started to lean more into media, music, and friendships that made me feel good, and to unapologetically enjoy things. i was also learning a lot of new things about feminism and about society as a whole. and for the person i was at the time (and the person i wanted to become), lela came at the exact right moment.
i understand that some people may see lela as an embodiment of surface-level, hashtag girl power disney channel feminism (esp with the “girls can do anything boys can do” line in the first movie). i know that she may seem cheesy and maybe unrealistic to some people. i get that. but as a role model for some of the important changes i was trying to put into place in my own life at the time, she was absolutely perfect.
society teaches women specifically not to like themselves. to never be “too much.” to never be too smart, too loud, or too into themselves. thats misogyny 101. we learn to conflate confidence with arrogance, and to worry that if we’re nice to ourselves, if we think well about ourselves, then it MUST be arrogance at that point, which is a bad trait to have. we learn that if we express ourselves, embrace our ideas, and push to be heard, that thats selfishness, and we’re taking from other people when we take up space. this is simply untrue; a confident person coexists on an equal plane with others, giving themselves the same time, attention, and care that they would give to other people. i was working to internalize this idea at 16 when lela became the perfect example. in growing her confidence and her power in tb2, she never gives up the person she was in tbm. she doesnt negate all of her wonderful qualities, like passion and care and genuineness, when she chooses to have new experiences. 
yes, she walked out of her movie and left the wet side story characters behind, but it wasnt for nothing. she left an environment that wasnt fulfilling for her anymore in pursuit of a fuller life. she still had lots of love to give, and she set out to find mack and transfer her love and energy into their relationship. (shes gay your honor!!! but the point is) she chose to live authentically and knew that she deserved to become her best self, and when she returned to the movie, she brought back the lessons that she had learned in the real world.
in the real world, she got to do calculus and chemistry, make new friends, wear new clothes, invent, create, and excel. she gained admiration for her skills and the content of her character, rather than for the role she played in other peoples lives. she can rebuild a motorcycle AND lead a musical number, and she learned those things could coexist. her femininity could be part of her strength, rather than being seen as a weak point or something that precludes her from going on the bigger adventures. i cannot stress how important it is to see her embrace all of these pieces of herself, unapologetically, in a positive light, and without losing the people close to her!!!
lela is a fictional character, but she has always been my role model for living an honest, passionate life full of love both for myself and for others. lela queen of the beach was a result of the positive impact she had on her world when she used her newfound power, skills, and self-assuredness to enact change. wet side story transformed from being an antiquated narrative that young people had never heard of and didnt enjoy, to being a movie (lela queen of the beach) that mobs of teenagers bought tickets to watch on the beach, passionately dancing along, unified, to the opening number. it became the movie that inspired girls like mack to surf, and girls like alyssa to talk to their crushes. it was subversive and progressive for its time period, making it a classic that remained prominent for 60 years. and all of that power and influence came from one young woman, who was inspired by another young woman. role modeling is a multilayered theme in the teen beach movies, and personally, lela provides motivation for me to give my all, unapologetically, in situations where i can exert a positive impact.
lela symbolizes beating your fears and doubts, stepping out of your comfort zone, creating your own power, and becoming independent, all while staying true to yourself and honest with others. for all those reasons, she will always be a source of warmth and comfort for me.
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Could you make part 2 for your Shang-Chi fic called New Neighbor??????
New Neighbour // 2
Tumblr media
Pairing: Shang-Chi x Reader
Summary: Who said fairytales weren't real?
Warnings: none
Note this is the last part for this fic!
Part 1 Part 2
"Okay you two, I have work in like five hours."
"Party pooper!"
Shaun and Katy were drunk off their asses from all the shots of patron and tequila they drank during kareoke night. Ever since that day we all met, Katy and Shaun made it their business to get me to tag along whenever they went out for drinks and good ol' kareoke, no matter which day of the week it is.
"Yeah, booo, I'm no fun, yada, yada, yada. Get your asses in the car or else I'm leaving you guys here." grumbling beneath their breaths they drunkenly gathered their stuff while I paid for the drinks.
"Let's go." I held the door open for them as they stublemd out onto the sidewalk. Thankfully I was able to get parking right around the corner becuase the rain was pouring down on us.
"Here, don't want you to get sick." Shaun put his jacket over my head, his eyes locked with mine under the street light, the cold water beating down on him seemed to sober him up a bit. Even soaked in the rain from head to toe he managed to be handsome. Movement of flouricent pink pants over his shoulder caught my attention.
She was dancing away in the middle of the empty street to whatever song she has stuck in her head.
I cannot deal with this
"The rain feels great guys!" giving up on trying to do a box step she proceeded to lie flat on her back, letting the rain drops hit her face first.
"She's right, it does." Shaun agreed with her moving to join her in the street. Realizing that I hadn't budged an inch he came back for me, scooping me up into his arms bridal style.
He carried me in his arms as if I weighed nothing, spinning us around in the pouring rain. I was fully drenched now, laughing and grinning like a total idiot in the arms of my crush.
Yes, for the past three months I've been crushing really hard on my neighbour since he helped me move in. He's become someone extremely important to me and I don't know what I'd do without having his goofy sense of humor around.
I could never tell if he felt the same about me so I never risked our friendship by trying to see if there was anything more between us. I'd rather be his friend than nothing at all.
"How does it feel now?"
And I wasn't just talking about the droplets hitting my skin
"Oh for the love of God, Shaun, kiss the girl!" Katy shouted and he stared down at me with a bashful smile on his face, eyes hopeful. I can feel his increased heartbeat in his chest, it was mirroring mine.
"What are you waiting for Shaun? Kiss the girl." my soft tone was enough to break whatever trance he was in, he lowered his head to meet mine and I met him halfway, locking our lips together.
There are no words to describe this kiss, except for the fact that it was magical. The rain, him holding me in his arms, it was perfect. Our lips molded together in a perfect fit, like they were made for each other.
"It's about damn time you love birds got together!" breaking apart I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as he continued to stare down at me.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that."
"Same here, I'm glad you finally did."
Smiling he kissed me again, this time dipping me as he did.
I could never get tired of the taste of his lips. Tonight is one for the books, I didn't think that I'd have one of those fairytale kisses like the ones I read in my books but by some twist in fate I finally know what it feels like.
All thanks to my new neighbour.
MARVEL Taglist:
@dorks2022 @n3ssm0nique @chrisfucksblog @sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217 @iiddaaa @mintphoenix @hardcoppizzasludge @panaitbeatrice @tanyaherondale @creatingjana @calimoi @rootcrop @louisianalady @thummbelina @vicmc624 @leyannrae @janaev4ns @queenofkings1212 @believinghurts @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @stumbleonmywords @inas-thing @blackcat420 @badasseddy @spiderlaufeyson @yesimwriting @blondekel77 @4-everm-0-re @sketch-and-write-lover @farfromjustordinary @haoluvver @garbinge
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hyunverse · 3 years
more than friends | gojo satoru
✧ part two for friendzoned
✧ gender neutral
✧ genre; fluff
✧ requested by anon(s)
✧ note. i swear i'll put a "read more" line later. i'm on mobile rn 🗿
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gojo satoru is late again. he arrives at jujutsu tech an hour late, a result of him stopping by a few shops to buy sweets. he could've teleported but for petty reasons, he didn't. "could use some fresh air", he'd reason.
you're standing by the field, monitoring your students' activities. you laugh as panda spin nobara around in the air, inumaki running after her flying body. they're currently hard at work, practising for the school event.
at the sight of you, gojo's reminded of your confession to him. he gulps, hoping the bitter taste on his tongue will subside. but it doesn't. the bitterness— harsher than the taste of dark coffee, doesn't leave his tongue. he hates that.
"they're working quite hard", gojo says, casually. as if acting like he's fine would somehow make things fine.
"yeah", you reply, doing the same thing he's doing. acting like the confession didn't happen. maybe if you tried hard enough it'll be like you didn't pour out your feelings at all.
gojo watches as you laugh at inumaki yelling "tuna, tuna" at the top of his lungs, chasing after nobara. he notices the way your eyes shine while you laugh and how you don't even try to hold back your giggles. gojo finds them cute. he wonders why he hasn't noticed those small details before. a voice in him screams, "it's because you're always saying you're attractive, you never notice others' physicals", making gojo frown. that's partially true and he doesn't like that.
"hey, we should get lunch after this", you interupt his thoughts.
the sorcerer looks up. looking into yours eyes, he tries to search for any sign of sadness, awkwardness— anything that'll show how you're affected by his rejection but he couldn't find any. shouldn't he be happy that you're okay? he knows he should, but something inside of him feels dissapointed.
"yeah, my treat".
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six times. gojo had glanced at you six times now, all in a span of an hour. the fact that he even counted shows just how self conscious he's feeling at the moment.
you're twisting noodles around your fork, vegetables abandoned at the side of your plate. gojo, sitting right in front of you eats his mochi quietly. an abnormal silence— the man usually always has something to say. you don't complain though, you needed some silence after hours of training your students.
"hey, look at this video", you break the silence, sliding your phone across the table for him to see. hands on the table, your pinky grazes against his. like it's a reflex, you pull away your pinky, leaving gojo even more confused.
the skin contact between you went by so quick, gojo's mind starts to imagine. a picture of you holding his hand pops up in his mind, and he feels goosebumps all over his body. but the memory of you flinching and pulling your fingertips away knocks out all the images out of his head.
they're acting like i'm poisonous, gojo monologues. he watches from the side of his eyes as you put your hands down under the table, tapping your fingers against the wooden table. gojo pushes your phone back to you.
"let's go", he gets up, and you do too. he holds his arm up to you— a muscle memory. he always does that, it's been a platonic thing all these years.
unlike always, you don't link your arms with his.
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day by day, gojo starts to understand his feelings. he had realized that they aren't platonic, but he only realized just how intense his feelings are one day at a meeting.
yaga sits at the edge of the table, scanning the reports in hand. you sit between nanami and gojo, legs crossed.
you've always been a professional shaman. you get shit done and you smile at your coworkers. you have fun, and you're dedicated to your work. "classic lovely y/n", people would say everytime one brings up your amazing mannerisms.
gojo knowing you for years is no stranger to those compliments. however, he draws a line when the "compliments" sound like flirting.
"you're a lovely individual, i'd love to work with you someday", nanami utters, before turning his attention back to yaga. gojo can see the blush creeping up your cheeks, and your fingers fiddling with your top.
"flirting in work now, nanami?", gojo wastes no time to call the male out. nanami looks at the sorcerer, an eyebrow raised.
"it's just a small compliment".
gojo grits his teeth. then why does the small compliment irks him so much?
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nothing annoys you more than people ringing your door bell when you're sleeping, not even stubborn curses. still in your pajamas you somehow make it to your door (by somehow, you'd stubbed your toe against a furniture and you walked while holding the wall).
"y/n", a drunk gojo slurs. you rub the sleepiness out of your eyes, inviting him in once you've established that it really is gojo.
gojo walks into your house, crashing right onto your couch. the couch you used to watch movies with him on, sharing laughters and screams together. one time you watched the conjuring with gojo, he spent the whole time during the introduction bragging over how he wouldn't be scared but he'd literally jump at the slightest scary things.
"why are you drunk at 3 am, satoru?", you ask, tossing a mineral bottle his way, "sober up".
he groans and tosses the bottle away, leaning his messy head against the burgundy couch. the leather couch lessens the heat he's feeling on his body.
you chuckle before sitting beside him, closing your eyes shut, too lazy to get into bed. you managed to dodge any private interactions with him for the past few months but since he's knocked out, it should be okay, right? plus it's been so long, you're sure (sort of) he had forgotten about your confession.
gojo suddenly hums a song softly, a song you couldn't quite recognize. he pulls your arm and links it with his.
"you're so beautiful", he says. flat out. just those words. knocking oxygen out of your soul.
"mhm. so pretty", he says again, making you look up at him to see him looking at you. there are some red hues in his eyes, clearly showing the fact that he's drunk.
that's why you're shocked; gojo satoru is an honest drunk. whatever that comes out of his mouth when he's drunk are truths.
"you think so?", you take advantage of his state. a nod of his head causes your heart to blossom.
"yeah like, i like you a lot. because you're like... really cute. especially when you smile. i really, really want to be more than friends".
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello! I love reading your works but can i have request?
If it's not too much i request for a mikey, draken, mitsuya,angry,smiley,ran and rindou (sorry if it's too much, i love them all i can't pick) with a s/o bakugou katsuki? But the s/o is a bit calmer since she have a angry management but when she snaps she became the explosive queen?(lmao) and called someone extras,nerd,shitty and when fight she keeps saying "DIEEE!"
Oh God! I love this idea so much!
And of course I can write for all of them! I really don't have that much of a limit on how many characters I'm willing to write about in one request 😅 I'm also really glad you enjoy my other writings :)
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!!
Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Smiley, Angry, Ran, Rindo with a fem!Bakugo Katsuki!reader
TW: mentions of language, anger management, violence, name calling
Just like Mikey, you would like to give others nicknames rather than call them by their actual name. However, while the blond would simply add '-chin' at the end of names or change the way it's said, you would create these nicknames by either how annoying they were to you or if you were friends, by their features.
You were like a firecracker. Short fuse and when it was lit, you were explosive in both your words and actions. Many of Toman had learnt this the hard way. Especially poor Baji. He had made a comment that had set you off, next thing he knew he was facing the sky as Draken and Mikey were holding you back. Never again did he make the mistake of saying something that would upset you.
While you were usually OK if not provoked, there were times when you couldn't hold back. This was especially true when it came down to fights. Even the Invincible Mikey knew to not get too close during these moments. After all, he had witnessed what happened to those that had.
You would be the loudest and most explosive on that entire battlefield. It was intimidating for the rival gang when you had gotten into the zone. Yells of you telling all those 'extras' to get out of your way, with each punch you would scream out for them to 'die'. Yep, the others are going to get as far away from you as possible.
Would be back to your calm self after letting all your frustrations out. This is what surprises your boyfriend the most. You could be yelling at people to die as you punched them only to become sweet and innocent afterwards. It did remind him to never provoke you to the point of you losing it.
No one could understand how Draken had ended up with someone as arrogant as you. You made it no secret that you believed in your skills as a fighter, even looking down on others you deemed too weak.
However, this was mainly to make sure others knew that you should be taken seriously. Being a girl in a gang, especially the girlfriend of the Vice Captain, had others looking down on you all the time. You were strong on your own merits. You didn't need to be dating Draken to get people to notice this.
Most of the time, you were pretty calm and people felt they could approach you without any harm coming towards them. After all, you were actually a nice person under all that harsh exterior. But they still made sure to watch what they said around you, remembering how short your fuse was.
When you snapped, the person who got you to that point best start praying for their life or running as far away as they could. You were known to be quite agile when it came to fights and this would be no exception. A swift punch to their face followed by you yelling for them to 'die you shitty extra'!
Ken would never admit it but you terrified him when you got like this. After all, he was the Vice Captain to one of the strongest delinquent gangs in Tokyo. He shouldn't be scared of a girl that was shorter than him. People reminded him that he could stop you by picking you up. Draken knew this wouldn't do anyone any good.
"Ken-ny, you not going to stop her?" Mikey asked, appearing at the side of the taller blond while munching on his dorayaki. Draken just sighed before explaining that he couldn't. In fact, he doesn't even believe that Mikey could stop you when you got like this. The best course of action was to just let you have your fill so you could calm down.
The poor boy who had lit your fuse was now lying black and blue on the ground, blood pouring out of his now-broken nose. You simply blew a strand of hair from your face before making your way to your boyfriend, not wanting to talk about the incident.
Being a pacifist, Mitsuya didn't agree with how fast you would turn to violence when you lost your patience with somebody. After all, he was a firm believer in that most situations can be sorted by talking it through. So people were really shocked when it came to light you were dating.
You were both the complete opposites of each other in how you dealt with overwhelming stress. However, you both did make a great couple when it came to other aspects in the relationship. It's just people hardly saw that. And nobody seemed to remember that you were actually quite a calm person who just so happened to have a short fuse.
What seemed to set your fuse of the most is when others looked down on you or your boyfriend. People seemed to think that because he didn't actively fight those he had a disagreement with.
So when someone dared to talk smack about your beloved Takashi, you were not going to take it. And so, that is how Mitsuya was trying his best to hold you back as you were shouting and trying to kick out at the person that had made you angry.
"Let go of me, Takashi! I'm gonna rip that shitty nerd's arms off, that's all!" You may have been trying to convince your boyfriend to let you go but the threat of removing the arms of the boy was keeping him from doing so. Even the boy who had annoyed you had begun to feel scared for his safety and so chose this moment to walk away.
"Oi! Get back here you damn extra! I'll kill you!"
Mitsuya simply held you until you calmed down, softly shushing you as you yelled out more threats. But when you finally had calmed down enough, that was when Mitsuya would begin to lecture you on how violence and threats were uncalled for in situations like that. Although he would express his gratitude that you stood up for him.
You both would get on so well together. Same energy and love for violence and threatening people. in fact, you both would tell each other "I'll kill you" (affectionately of course) when the other was being annoying. The best type of relationship.
You would definitely give Smiley a nickname that only you would call him. And Nahoya would reciprocate with his own nicknames he had for you. They would definitely just be affectionate insults.
When you would be on dates, Smiley would love how you muttered under your breath about all the extras and nerds that were getting in your way. Sometimes you may actually call them that to their face if it was a particularly bad day, scaring the poor souls at how aggressive you seemed.
Nahoya would ride his bike with you clinging to his back. You would both ride around Shibuya, speeding around corners just to feel that adrenaline high you both would crave. Sometimes you would both find yourselves in a fight against people that made fun of you both.
Smiley loved watching how intense you became. It was like a switch flipped in your mind, turning you into a small ball of pure rage. Shouts of 'DIE' could be heard throughout the streets of Shibuya as you delivered blow after blow against your opponent. This was when he knew you were perfect for each other.
You would remind Souya of a female Nahoya, just without the constant smile. No, instead you would usually appear unapproachable with your resting bitch face.
Angry would be the sweeter of the two brothers and so would do anything to keep you safe. But that was easier said than done. As you were a lot like Nahoya, you would get annoyed easily and quickly resort to violence.
The main reasons why you ended up In fights was to protect your cute boyfriend. One comment on how he looked stupid with his angry expression and the person was seeing stars. There was no way you could let someone get away with making stupid comments about Souya! These damn extras needed to learn their place in the world!
Your anger made your vision red. The word 'die' seemed to become a lot more frequent, to the point where your victim was beginning to genuinely fear for their life.
Souya had to grab your arm to get you to stop. He was scared that you could end up getting hurt or worse, you could end up going through with your threat. He didn't know what he would do if you ended up in juvenile detention. Especially if you could be there for 10 years.
"Please stop Y/N!" The fact his voice was so teary is what had snapped you from this rage-filled trance. Turning your attention to the blue haired Kawata, you got off the now unconscious boy and decided it would be best to continue your hang out in an attempt to calm down.
He would love how you had two sides to you. One side was calm yet arrogant, similar to his own, while the other side happened to be his favourite. You would explode and takedown a handful of gang members on your own.
Ran wouldn't admit it out loud to anyone but you, but he found the second side so hot. Maybe it was how you moved so elegantly as you dodged each punch before dealing your own? Or maybe it was the strength you used behind each throw you aimed towards your opponent? Either way, he thought you were a damn work of art.
It really didn't take a lot to get you to switch. However, you made sure not to explode when Ran or Rindo was testing your patience. You may have agility and strength but you were nothing against their combo. However, Ran would never hurt you and Rindo would only gently restrain your limbs. It would definitely be just to show you that you were not on their level.
You often followed the brothers when they were going to deal with gangs that tried to muscle in on Roppongi. That could not be forgiven. After all, Roppongi belongs to the Haitani brothers.
While the brothers were busy with the leaders, you would be left to take out the others. It would be a struggle but you could manage most of them.
"You damn extras need to learn not to take what doesn't belong to you!" Another one had fallen. This continued until Ran and Rindo finally dealt with the leaders. It was an obvious victory for the brothers.
"You look so hot splattered with blood, baby," he would whisper in your ear before leaning back and sending a wink. You rolled your eyes before starting the journey back to their home.
You were like his own personal guard dog. Not that he needed one but he did appreciate how you were always there for him. In fact, he loved that you didn't view him as the weaker brother and instead saw his amazing combat strength. You had to keep reminding him that Ran couldn't actually use his baton as efficiently without Rindo locking them down.
He had yet to really see you in action as the 'explosive princess' people knew you as. It did bother him a little but he never did express this disappointment outwardly. After all, he was a Haitani brother and so had to keep up appearances. Especially if he wanted to be viewed as an equal with Ran.
It was as he was on a date with you one day that he saw the mysterious explosive side of you. And he totally wasn't prepared for it.
It started when a high schooler had approached you both, telling you how you should ditch a weakling like Rindo to be with him. Rindo was about to kill this boy for even trying to get you to leave him as well as to prove that he wasn't weak.
However, he was left speechless when you had thrown a punch into the boy's stomach, causing him to double over and drop to his knees. You used your boot to push him onto his back before starting your assault on his face.
'Who do you think you are, you shitty extra! My Rindo is a hell of a lot stronger than your weak ass! Now do me a favour and die already!" Even as you were talking, fists smashing into his face as blood exploded from his nose and lips.
Rindo could only watch, not knowing whether to be terrified of you or to find this whole display extremely hot. The blood that covered your fists was a sight he wished he could see more often.
Once you were satisfied that the lesson had been learnt, you stood up and dusted your clothes. "Let's continue our date babe!" And now you were back to being the calm and sweet girl Rindo knew best.
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mindofharry · 3 years
Be My Baby
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In which Prince harry and Princess Y/N are set to marry and are more than happy about it. They celebrate in more ways than one.
AHHHH!!! ITS HERE!!! FINALLY! Prince harry is my guilty pleasure. pls treat him with the respect he deserves. these two are officially my favourite people ever.
fluff & FILTHY SMUT!!!!!! feedback is welcome as always! <3
“Princess Y/N is arriving soon, Harry” Anne, the queen of england said putting down her tea. Harry is the prince, next in line for the throne - Marriage is very important to the throne and for the throne. Anne has been very strict about that, preparing Harry for marriage. Princess Y/N of wales, is who Harry is meeting with today. Hopefully, to settle a deal. Harry has never cared for marriage or for a partner. He’s a lone wolf as his family would describe. But if he wants to be king, he needs to marry. And Y/N is looking like the only option at the moment.
Harry nodded putting the paper down and looking up at his mother. He pursed his lips leaning back in his seat.
“Is something the matter, dear?”
Harry shook his head “No, mother. Just tired” he lied, reassuring his mother. Anne didn’t press any further just got one of the servants to pour her more tea. She could read harry very well, she knew her son better than he knew himself. Y/N is perfect for him. Even if they do not marry, she will be a life long friend. But anne is sure they will marry within the year.
And Queen Anne is never wrong.
Y/N was late.
Harry was beginning to become bored, don’t get him wrong he loves his sister and mother. But he can only take so much. All he wanted to do was to be curled up with a book in the abandoned side of the castle - no one except for the young prince had been there. It was locked up for years before harry found the key, it was like a whole new world in there. It was dirty, messy, filthy - just how harry liked it. He decorated a room in there, and it’s like his safe place from all of this. All of these stupidly important responsibilities. His safe haven.
They were meant to be meeting, talking about their futures together. If his mother thought this was what was best for the country, then harry would push through. He hadn’t see Y/N in years, meeting when they were both much younger. No pressure, just the two kids playing in the fields. Y/N was beautiful, so care free. Harry wished he was like Y/N - the only think she seemed to care about were the moon, the sun and the stars. They never saw each other again after that, they have both obviously seen each other in papers and at events. But never talked. Y/N didn’t know why, neither did harry. They weren’t on the same chapter in life. But now, they’re both willing to do what is best for their country.
And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad marrying a soon to be king.
A servant comes into the dining room bowing at the styles family. Harry waits for him to speak - except a tall girl, bumps into him making the servant fall foward. Y/N (the tall girl) giggled, before clearing her throat and bowing at the styles family. Harry smirked and leaned back. Anne was standing a smile on her face as she saw her soon beaming for the first time in months.
“Your highness” Y/N said bowing, nearly falling down again. But she grinned covering it up. Her dress was long and tight - her mother made her wear it. She would much rather be in a nice flowy dress in the woods right now. Maybe reading about the sun. But her mother needed her to do this, so Y/N would.
Y/N’s father died a couple of months back, it was sudden and no one saw it coming. So her mother needed her to marry as Y/N is the oldest of four girls. They needed a man of the house and once Y/N married, harry would be that man. Y/N didn’t like that one bit. She could be the man of the house if she wanted to. She didn’t understand why they needed a man to pay for things, to do stuff for them. Women are just as capable. But there was no fighting with Y/N’s mother. And Y/N knew she was having a rough time without her husband and Y/N’s dad.
“Princess Y/N, it’s good to have you here” Anne said, as a servant helped her back into the seat. Y/N had the same treatment but she looked rather uncomfortable. She was seated infront of harry, which was glad of. It’s a nice view, she’ll admit. He had grown into his baby face, she thought. And that hair. Fuck, that hair.
“Thank you for inviting me, your highness” Y/N said smiling softly. “Your castle is amazing” She said and Anne nodded pointing around at the paintings. “I actually just got these new paintings in from a new artist in rome. Just beautiful, right harry?” Anne said, giving harry the look. His mother is giving him that look a lot recently, Anne just wants what is best for him and harry just doesn’t seem to care at all. It’s like he’s away from reality. In another universe half of the time. Anne was hoping Y/N would be able to bring him back down to earth, but from her entrance in here - Harry and Y/N are a lot more similar than she thought.
“Yeah, they’re beautiful” Harry said staring at the girl infront of him. Y/N blushed under his stare. She had never felt anything like this before for a man. Her stomach was in knots and her cheeks were getting hotter by the second.
The dinner was nice. It was quiet with Y/N trying to keep up the small talk - Anne was impressed with that. Everyone she had invited to the palace would only talk when spoken to, but Y/N had a certain way about her. She had manners of course, the kindest soul, but she talked. She could talk all day if she was allowed. She just never ran out of things to say. But the food was really good, so Y/N was quieter than usual. Harry had one question: did they feed her in the city? The way she was eating was like she had been starved for years.
“This is amazing” Y/N said putting her fork down. Anne grinned at the girl nodding to herself. She had found a keeper.
“Harry, why do you show Y/N around? She’s going to be staying here for the next couple of weeks” Anne announced and Y/N nearly choked on her water, she tapped her chest.
“I am?-“
“she is?”
Harry and Y/N both spoke at the same time, Anne tutted and ordered the servant to fill up her wine.
“Your mother and I have arranged it. Everything you have is here already, you’ll have your own quarters too. Your horse is being transported down here as we speak” Anne said making new room for arguing. “Y/N your mother said she would be happy for us to host you here if the dinner went accordingly. And i think it went more than accordingly” Anne continued sipping her wine.
Harry and Y/N looked to each other their eyes both wide with amusement and shock. Only their parents would do this.
“Now, run along. Gemma and I have some talking to do” Anne ordered, the servants came and helped the princess and prince up following them out of the dinning room. Y/N was rather uncomfortable with the servants being everywhere, she had a lot more freedom at home.
“Hey, you wanna do something fun?” She asked and harry raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Hey! Intruder” Y/N yelled and the servants looked around quickly, harry was startled when Y/N laughed loudly taking his hand in hers and running down the hallway towards the abandoned part of the castle. Harry grinned and laughed loudly as they ran together.
This girl, he thought.
The door was locked. Harry brought a key out of his pocket and Y/N laughed loudly making harry shush her as he unlocked the door. Quickly they made themselves into the abandoned quarters and giggled to themselves when they heard the servants feet making their way to this side of the castle - but immediately they turned away, knowing that they weren’t allowed on this side of the palace.
Harry was distracted with locking the door, but Y/N was amazed. She looked around at this place and couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her. This place is really fucking amazing, she thought. It’s obviously abandoned, that man she could tell - but it was still so beautiful. Paintings, upon paintings and books at every end. There was high ceilings and stained glass windows giving a nice hew to the room. Y/N brought her hands to her hips and spinned around her dress moving as she did.
“This place is fucking amazing!”
Harry laughed and finally got the door locked popping the key back in his pocket. He moved beside the beautiful girl and didn’t say anything. But Y/N knew.
“You come here often?” She asked and Harry nodded.
“Found it a couple years ago. Think it was my fathers” He said and Y/N sighed looking around.
“It’s beautiful” you’re beautiful, he wanted to say but he bit his lip instead walking in the direction of his safe haven. Y/N quickly caught up placing a hand on his, harry flinched at the touch. This definitely wasn’t allowed. If anyone saw they’d have to marry immediately. But nobody was here, he reminded himself. And with that he squeezed Y/N’s hand a little tighter.
Harry opened the door the room he had been coming to for years now. It had a few chairs, a huge window with curtains on each side, a fire place in the middle and blankets and pillows surrounding the room. Y/N smiled to herself as she saw harry become more himself. It was like this room allowed him to be himself.
“You come in here often?”
Harry nodded making himself comfortable on one of the pillows, Y/N soon followed sitting very close to the prince. Harry had no complaints at all.
“I come here most days. When i need to take a breath, escape my mother and the stupid royal family” Harry said and Y/N giggled leaning in to harry, their lips close.
“I can think of many ways we can escape reality. Why don’t we try one of them?”
Harry let out a sigh and placed his hand on Y/N shoulder, it fell down her arm to her waist. Harry had been with people before, he had kissed and pleasured many, many people. But never did he feel like this. He felt as if she was a goddess, and she would brake it the touch of his finger. She looked almost fragile, like a painting.
“Kiss me, Harry” She ordered and harry wasted no time, placing his lips on hers.
Her lips are soft and gentle, just as harry had expected. He moved his hands up her hips to her shoulders again, Y/N moaned letting harry's tongue into her mouth. Harry groaned and pulled away smirking at that flushed look on her face. He loved it.
Y/N bit her lip standing up, unzipping her dress. She turned around, the only thing she had was a small night dress and corset. Harry cursed under his breath standing up behind her. Everything felt so intimate. They both felt a lot of things, Y/N never wanted this to stop. Harry hugged her from behind, kissing the back of her neck. After a few seconds, Y/N turned around in his hold, holding his gaze. She began to take off her corset and night dress, now bare. She felt confident in Harry's glare, he made her feel good. He sucked in a breath looking down at her perky breasts, her nipples hard from the temperature of the room. He made a mental note to put the fire on after this, Harry knew you two would be in here for as long as you possibly could. He knew his mother would be beyond pissed that they had gone off alone together.
Harry placed a hand on Y/N’s breast, teasing her nipple with his index finger. His rings were cold on her skin making her whimper. Harry smirked at the sound, lowering his head and taking her nipple in his mouth his tongue swirling the nub of it. Y/N’s hands found harrys hair and she tugged on it hard.
“Fuck” She cursed and harry let go with a pop, again he smirked at the sight of the princess. So undone and flustered. Harry absolutely loved it. Holding her gaze, he began to undress unbuttoning his shirt and pants. Heat rushed to his penis, as Y/N watched him undress.
“Want to have you in my mouth” Y/N said, getting on her knees. She knew she would have bruises by the end of this - but she knew it would be worth.
“Don’t make me cum” Harry ordered, Y/N just smirked and pulled his underwear down almost drooling at the sight of his red, cock full of pre-cum. What a sight, she thought. And it’s fucking huge. Bigger than she thought that’s for sure.
She hummed, pumping harry’s rock hard cock. His head flew back, a moan filling the room. Harry wished her hair was pinned back, he needed some to grip. He took both of his hands and gripped the side of her head. Y/N spit on his cock, keeping eye contact with harry.
Y/N licked the tip, running her tongue over the slit, tasting the saltiness of his pre cum. Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“You taste so good” She moaned, finally taking his full cock into her mouth. Her hands began pumping the base of the shaft, as she sucked him off. Harry moaned, but tapped the side of her head.
“Need to be in you, no more foreplay” He said and Y/N pouted whipping her lips.
“But i like having you in my mouth” Y/N argued, harry smirked pecking her lips, tasting himself on them. He hummed in agreement. “Next time, let me fuck you” He said kissing her neck, Y/N sighed and placed her lips on his before crawling over to the fireplace - there was a white sheet layed out. Y/N lay down and harry kissed down her stomach, teasingly kissing her thighs. “You’re definitely wet enough for me, aren’t you princess?” Harry said slapping her pussy, Y/N moaned and nodded.
Slowly, harry thrusted into Y/N making them both whimper. “Fuck, you feel so good” Harry said, kissing your lips. Y/N just moaned, gripping his back and putting her legs around his waist. Harry began to move faster, his hands either side of Y/N.
“Faster” Y/N said and harry complied, pounding into her. The moans coming out of the both them were enough to make them both cum within seconds. And that’s basically what happened. They both climaxed, harry falling down into Y/N’s chest. Y/N only felt pleasure and ecstasy.
Shit, her mother picked a good one.
“Fuck” Y/N panted into harry’s mouth as he took against the wall. They were left alone for ten minutes, and this happened. They were looking at the new paintings and architecture Anne had got, browsing around the hall. Harry had convinced the servant that his mother was calling and of course the poor servant couldn’t dismiss it, so they had a good ten minutes while the servant searched for the queen.
Harry pounded into her the paintings on the wall knocking loudly, Y/N laughed loudly making harry put a hand over her mouth.
“Don’t want to attract any attention, do we princess?”
They continued their hot and very messy quicky and then made their way to the gardens. Y/N and harry soon found that the gardens would be another safe haven. Beautiful flowers and when the sun is shining a beautiful place to sit and relax.
They couldn’t wait to marry - seen as harry wants Y/N in his bed, all the time. They fuck like bunnies, it’s amazing how they haven’t been caught as of yet. When they get their own palace, harry will christen to the whole place. They’ll fuck in every corner. Every room. Every library and garden.
Y/N looked at harry smiling as he lay on the grass. No one was around as the servant hadn’t arrived back. Y/N quickly looked around before pulling harry into what she could only assume was a place to keep all the fruit and veg away from foxes. It was closed off and you could lock it from the inside.
“Jesus christ Y/N” Harry mumbled kissing your neck as you leaned back on a bench.
“Another round?” You asked with innocent eyes.
“Another round” Harry confirmed lifting up the bottom of her dress and pushing her down so she was flat on the bench. He kissed up her legs, biting down on her thigh.
He pulled up her night gown and saw her bare pussy, wet and glistening just waiting for him. He could cum at the sight. He moaned kissing her thigh, teasing her.
Y/N tugged at harry’s hair, giving him a warning. “Stop, teasing” She pouted and harry smirked finally making his way towards your pussy.
Y/N closed her eyes when she felt harrys breath against her core. “so wet, princess” Harry said, the vibrations going right through her body making her jerk up a little. Harry loved the affect he had on her, the littlest thing would make her jolt with pleasure.
Harry spread her legs a little more, his tongue licking up her slit. Y/N’s tugged on harry’s hair, moaning loudly. Harry watched her unfold becoming so flushed, but Y/N looked so very beautiful in this light.
He pressed his lips to your clit, flicking his tongue up and down. Your hips moved with his tongue movements, harrys hands made their way to your hips trying to get them to stay in place. You wrapped your legs around his shoulders and began to shake and moan.
“Fuck me” You murmured coming down from your high.
“Oh, i will princess”
The days went on and more fucking occurred. Again they fucked like absolute bunnies. They were sure everyone knew by now, but the servants were way too afraid to say anything. Anne would have everyone’s head if she found out what they were doing.
“I can’t wait to marry you” Harry said laying down beside her in their safe haven. Y/N smirked rolling over on her side. He was so beautiful. His eyes, his freckles, that one dimple that came out when he laughed. She was so lucky to call him hers.
“You just want to have me in your bed everyday” She said and harry pretended to think about. “Hmmm, yeah” He said, making Y/N laugh loudly before pecking his lips.
“Can’t believe you’re mine” Harry said pushing her into his chest. Y/N grinned pecking his neck and looking up at him.
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