#this is recent knowledge. knowledge my mother did not have in 1998 when she decided to induce me two weeks early
We love having absolutely life rattling realisations at 3:45am
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queer classic book recs!!
Image description under the cut! Please tell me if I did something wrong and I will gladly change it!
The other recs will be in the reblog!
[Each slide excluding the title screen includes 3 photos relating to the book, largely alternative covers of each in a small grid format.]
Slide One: In the center is a box with interior text reading "13 lgbtq classics and 1 “modern” classic. Recs in the comments welcome!" The top left corner includes an image of a calligraphy quill. Underneath this is text that reads "Disclaimer! The beginning of this list is.. Very White, but don't worry it gets more diverse as the books get more recent!!" In the top right corner is a text box reading "Look up trigger warnings or I’ll steal your gender! … or give it back!!" under this is a picture of an open book displayed in the foreground and another stack of books in the background.
Slide Two: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu.
Lesbian/wlw but written by a man
“Following a near-fatal carriage collision, the beautiful young Carmilla is taken in by the narrator Laura and her father.”
While this book plays into the stereotype of the “monteress, seductive lesbian,” it is one of the oldest and most famous classical texts depicting a lesbian relationship. Toxic AF.
Slide Three: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
not explicitly queer (subtext)
but gay (mlm) tho
“Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life, indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman in the eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears the traces of his decadence.”
This book contains Anti-semitism, Racism, Sexism and is honestly a product of its time. Oscar Wilde is certainly a character.
Slide Four: Orlando by Virginia Woolf
sapphic/gender exploration
“The novel opens as Orlando, a young nobleman in Elizabeth's England, awaits a visit from the Queen and traces his experience with first love as England under James I lies locked in the embrace of the Great Frost.”
Main Character is racist and anti-Semitic. While her writing is incredibly important and impactful as a queer figure, she will always be white before she is queer.
Slide Five: The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
originally banned
“Stephen is an ideal child of aristocratic parents—a fencer, a horse rider, and a keen scholar. Stephen grows to be a war hero, a bestselling writer, and a loyal, protective lover. But Stephen is a woman, and her lovers are women. As her ambitions drive her, and society confines her, Stephen is forced into desperate actions.”
This book contains racism, use of the N-word, sexism, homophobia & lots of outdated ideas in general.
Slide Six: Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
“In a 1950s Paris swarming with expatriates and characterized by dangerous liaisons and hidden violence, an American finds himself unable to repress his impulses, despite his determination to live the conventional life he envisions for himself. After meeting and proposing to a young woman, he falls into a lengthy affair with an Italian bartender and is confounded and tortured by his sexual identity as he oscillates between the two.”
OMG! A classic on this list in which I can't find any evidence of racism or antisemitism! /srs. Imagine that- it's almost like POC classical authors are important to teach about! /hj
Slide Seven: Maurice by E.M. Forster
fluffy, but homophobia exists in the story as well.
“Maurice is heartbroken over unrequited love, which opened his heart and mind to his own sexual identity. In order to be true to himself, he goes against the grain of society’s often unspoken rules of class, wealth, and politics.”
This book contains the use of the g slur. Please tell me if I missed something!
Slide Eight: HERmione by H.D.
queer/sapphic woman author
so mf sad bro I mean look at that blurb
“An interior self-portrait of the poet H.D. (1886-1961) is what can best be described as a 'find', a posthumous treasure. ‘I am Hermione Gart, a failure' -she cried in her dementia, 'I am Her, Her, Her.”
To my knowledge, this book isn't problematic- please tell me if it is though!!
Slide Nine: Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde
A staple of lesbian lit from before the peak of an activist’s career. Great read.
“From the author's vivid childhood memories in Harlem to her coming of age in the late 1950s, the nature of Audre Lorde's work is cyclical. It especially relates the linkage of women who have shaped her.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic
Slide Ten: The Color Purple by Alice Walker
features queer women
has a movie adaptation!
“Separated as girls, sisters Celie and Nettie sustain their loyalty to and hope in each other across time, distance, and silence. Through a series of letters spanning twenty years, first from Celie to God, then the sisters to each other despite the unknown, the novel draws readers into its rich and memorable portrayals of Celie, Nettie, Shug Avery, and Sofia and their experience.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic
Slide Eleven: Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
“This is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts. At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home, and her family, for the young woman she loves. Innovative, punchy, and tender.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic- but warning, there are quite heavy themes!
Slide Twelve: Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel
a classic comedy comic + a really good insight & look into lesbian culture
“Grin, giggle, and guffaw your way through this celebrated cartoonist's graphic commentary of contemporary lesbian life.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic*
*contains d-slur used by lesbians in a non-offensive way
Slide Thirteen: Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
lesbian/gender identity around lesbianism
“Woman or man? This internationally acclaimed novel looks at the world through the eyes of Jess Goldberg, a masculine girl growing up in the "Ozzie and Harriet" McCarthy era and coming out as a young butch lesbian in the pre-Stonewall gay drag bars of a blue-collar town. Stone Butch Blues traces a propulsive journey, powerfully evoking history and politics while portraying an extraordinary protagonist full of longing, vulnerability, and working-class grit.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic
Slide Fourteen: Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters
historical romance
“Nan King, an oyster girl, is captivated by the music hall phenomenon Kitty Butler, a male impersonator extraordinaire treading the boards in Canterbury. Through a friend at the box office, Nan manages to visit all her shows and finally meet her heroine. Soon after, she becomes Kitty's dresser, and the two head for the bright lights of Leicester Square where they begin a glittering career as music-hall stars in an all-singing and dancing double act. At the same time, behind closed doors, they admit their attraction to each other and their affair begins.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic
Slide Fifteen: Under the Udala Trees By Chinelo Okparanta
modern classic imo, look into the coexistence of native Nigerian culture & queerness
“Ijeoma comes of age as her nation does; born before independence, she is eleven when civil war breaks out in the young republic of Nigeria. Sent away to safety, she meets another displaced child, and they, star-crossed, fall in love. They are from different ethnic communities. They are also both girls. When their love is discovered, Ijeoma learns that she will have to hide this part of herself. But there is a cost to living inside a lie.”
Once again to my knowledge, this book isn't problematic
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fuckthisshitimin · 2 years
Top five pieces of clothing and Top five random moments with strangers ❤️❤️
Oh gosh this took me so much time to answer I don’t think answers were supposed to be this long x)
But those questions were so exciting so I let myself get carried away. Thanks for asking! And I hope this is what you meant by the questions.
Top five pieces of clothing!
My ripped 501. My stepmother gave it to me when I was in high school because she didn't wear it anymore, too small and holes around the ankles. She got it when she was in high school herself so it should be just a bit older than me, maybe 25 years old? It was my first good pair of jeans even though they were already a bit worn out. Time (and maybe not-so-legal high-school shenanigans) tore holes at the knees that now go seamline to seamline, below the back pockets and at the crotch. I wear them with boxers because you can see the bottom of my butt when I bend down and my crotch when I sit cross-legged, don't know how long they'll last but I won't stop wearing them until they're just tired threads. Plus, in 2018 I found a jean jacket (1€) that perfectly matches them and cropped it so it looks like an ensemble.
My control birefs+bralette Impromptu ensemble. It was my mom's and when I stumbled upon it (yes I go through her clothes a lot) she told me she didn't wear it anymore, hadn't in at least a decade. Considering she didn't wear bras before maternity, the size and the fact she started wearing different types of bras when she started working again, I'll date it around 1997/1998 or 2001-2003 (couldn't find out much about the brand but I did find a brand with that name that was in business between 2002 and 2012, so, maybe this one?). So now I wear it. And I do my best to make it visible.
My pink slip dress. I found it in the trash and yes, it is a bit worn out. I can't know for sure but between the style, other pieces of undergarment and a top I found with it (all together), I get very strong 80s vibes from it? It's definitely not 21st century, and also definitely post 1950's, at first it made me thing of the 60s but it seems a bit too short (it is very short on me but it's a size too small), so... Also, yes, I wear it as an actual dress as much as I wear it as an underdress. Make sure to have nice underwear because it is quite see-through.
My loose knit long sleeved top. It was my mother's, and she stopped wearing it because it got torn and the hole is impossible to miss. It's see-through so I get to show off cool underwear with it.
My little black dress. The item in this list I spent the most money on, which was 3€, and also the most recent, it's probably 2010s. It's a simple textured strap very very minidress, tight and form fitting. It's a bit plain on its own but it is the easiest thing to style, for any season, I got it in a thrift store in 2019, I think?
Top 5 random moments with strangers
Okay, the award goes to this one train ride. It’s a trainline that goes from the big city to the smaller cities in the region, so there’s several trains every hour and some people take it every day, but it’s still less frequented than subways, streetcars or even other trainlines (like RER, don’t know of equivalents outside of France), and it has its own rules. Before the prefecture decided it was a major problem to be solved, the last car on this train was unofficially the smoking car. It is common knowledge and I have rarely seen people stumbling accidentally upon this car (twice exactly) and being taken aback by the pot. So it’s a loud, chill and convivial car (well used to be), we borrow lighters, or tobacco, and if I just wanna smoke my cigarette and listen to my music I know no one will bother me. This one day we stopped. For a long moment. With no explanation. And I mean, like... five minutes into the ride. We barely had left the station. So people started chatting, mingling even more, borrowing phones to call and say they’d be late, asking if anyone had news or making up theories. Normally, the motto is: in the winter, the tracks are frozen, in the spring, animals are barring the road, in the summer, it’s too hot, in the autumn, there are leaves on the tracks, but this normally happens further into the countryside, not there. The girl across from me was an art student, the others didn’t mention, but when we got the news. Someone was riding the train. Not inside. Nope, some guy had almost missed the train and had decided he lived in a movie, and so he jumped on the train and held hard and had held on for a good five minutes before he was spotted. He was fine, by the way. But the collective laughter. Most calls after that were on speakers, and we’d observe a silence when another passenger announced “The train is late, someone jumped on the train” and we’d laugh at any reaction. I miss the smoking car.
A few months back I hit a bit of a rough patch and so I screwed around and spent money I didn’t have, so, yikes. On my way home from school there were people skip diving and I was hungry, and I knew I didn’t have food home, and there was so much. But I am middle-class, like, I know if I asked to borrow money from my mom or friends it would be okay, I even had emergency savings I could unlock (but for some reason food didn’t feel like an emergency???), and I knew that the people that were skip diving needed this far more than me, so I stood there, looking at the vegetables with envy and thinking I’d stick around and help keeping the skip up, open and leaning, and if there was anything left I’d take that. Some woman asked if I wanted anything and I froze in place, and just shook my head. I couldn’t speak and barely muttered anything but this one guy saved a bundle of leek for me, tried to give me other things but I knew I just had to get through one week so it was enough. After that a lady in a bakery came to give us bread that they would have thrown out, and I accepted one, and damn, she was heaven-sent. Everyone was so bloody respectful and mindful of everybody else. I got through this week delightfully, and can never thank them enough for that.
Okay, a shorter one. Nothing really happened that time. Just. I was on the subway, and I saw someone sit next to me. Looked up by reflex and they looked up at the same time and our eyes met. And their eyes were a bit wide so I was wondering if something was going on, if someone was scaring them. We didn’t exchange a word but I observed them a bit, they were looking around, and then back to me. And I don’t know what this meant but it sure as hell meant something. We stared at each other like we were trying to remember when we met before. Then something made them jolt and they got up, but on their way they looked back at me, it was weirdly intense. We shared another two looks before they got off the car, I have no idea what happened, but it happened.
One night I was walking home around maybe 4AM, I had gotten bothered/whistled at a bit too much and was in a mood. Dressed in all black leather, face tight. And I spot a guy and a girl from the distance. They’re drunk, especially the girl, and they are half making-out but she doesn’t look like she can stand straight without leaning on him or the wall. She’s laughing but still shady. They’re on my way so I keep walking, observing a bit and pausing my music so I can hear what they are saying. Nothing alarming, but I must have looked quite pissed still because the moment the guy spots me he steps away from the girl, holds his hands up and says “everything is alright”. He looked scared it was the funniest thing. I didn’t answer him and just looked at the girl, made eye-contact, and asked if she was okay. She looked drunk but like she was thinking straight and when she assured me she was fine I lingered just a second to make sure then nodded to her and to him too and walked away. This is one of my funniest memories.
On the day after Valentine’s day, I found a white rose in the trash. I took it and put it in my hair. One guy spotted me. We made finger guns at each other. Short, delightful, satisfying interaction.
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devilrising · 5 years
Fallen Draco, Pt. 2
This follows a prompt written by @mymindsmadness
Summary: AU where Draco is a fallen angel, and the way he gets his wings back is by guiding Harry in defeating Voldemort, but it all goes wrong when Draco starts falling in love with Harry.
Word Count (Pt. 2): 2893
Word Count (Total): 5911
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of abuse/torture (non-graphic)
29th March, 1998
A sharp, urgent knock draws me from my sleep. Fearing that Father has found out about my letter to Potter, I prepare for the worst. I pick up the small knife I’ve stolen, aiming it at the door. I don’t bother with my wand. I won’t be able to cast anything. I haven’t been able to for days. The door is quietly opened, hesitantly being pushed towards me. Father must be here without Voldemort’s knowledge, and not want to make any noise. But why? I start to question things now. My father wouldn’t do that. He is too loyal to him to go against him like this, to see me. And he’d slam it open, no care for the chance of it damaging the wall. But if it’s not Father, who would it be?
I run through the various options in my mind, all the while edging silently behind the bookshelf. It wouldn’t be Voldemort, he would’ve burst in with an Unforgivable for sure. It could always be Mother, but she’s been too tired with worry (about both me and our situation) recently to do much of anything. I start sorting through everyone in the Manor. All the Death Eaters, the servants which are more like slaves, the elves, anyone else who might be able to get into the Manor. But I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t either slam the door, or kill me instantly.
“Malfoy…?” A whisper sounds from the door, and I halt behind the bookcase. It comes again. “Are you in here?” The voice sounds slightly familiar, but I can’t place my finger on where from. A creak from the center of my room jerks me back to reality almost as soon as I’d left. I press firmly against the wall, my knife aimed for the gap where someone could see me. I shallow my breathing, making myself near silent and out of view. “I’m serious Malfoy. If you’re here, come out.” The voice is getting frustrated.
“Come on Malfoy! You have to be here!” The voice rings absolutely familiar now. The tone of irritation mixed with worry, mixed with impatience, can only belong to one person. I drop my knife, letting it ring out loudly in the room. A quick intake of breath nearby startles me, and I freeze again. But then the bookshelf is being pulled away from the wall, and I can once again see my room.
“It is you!” I exclaim. Potter looks relieved, and drags me away from the bookcase.
Barely having the strength to stand, I lean heavily on the black haired boy who saved me. I knew he would. Potter brings a hand up to my back to stable me, fingers ghosting over my shoulder blades. I wince in pain and he looks extremely concerned before realisation crosses his features.
“Wings…?” I nod solemnly, grief and pain etched clearly on my face. I’m not bothered hiding my emotions right now, being so tired and in so much pain.
Potter drops his hand from my back, instead wrapping it around my waist and pulling me in. We are now hip-to-hip as we walk over to my bed. He releases his grip and I fall to the mattress.
“Malfoy. We need to get out of here.” It’s a warning, his voice firm and commanding.
“In, a, minute,” I breathe. He nods at my request, and starts to shuffle around my room. He opens every drawer, cupboard, and bag. He looks through all my books, toiletries, and other belongings.
“Checking for bugs,” he supplies. I don’t quite know what that means, but I go with it.
Potter draws his wand from his disgustingly muddy jeans, and casts a charm to pack some of my things into a bag he brought. I don’t know how he fits all of it in, there must be an Undetectable Extension Charm or something of the like on it. He floats more clothes into the handbag and passes it to me. I raise an eyebrow at the feminine bag, but he just shrugs.
That appears to be the only answer I get, and quite frankly, I don’t have the energy to ask for more.
“Where’s Narcissa?”
“Yeah. You mentioned that you wanted her out with you.”
“Oh, yeah. Of course.”
“Oh! The master bedroom, much like me, I'm guessing.”
“Great,” Potter sighs. He casts some more fancy spells, and I watch, intrigued, as a net of blue settles over the room. It looks like a setting charm mixed with a pressure charm. The combination would make sure nothing within this room moves from its normal position, and pressure would be constantly applied to various surfaces of my room to prevent Father noticing my absence. It’s rather clever of Potter.
“Which way is Narcissa?” His voice cuts through the cloud of thought.
“Out the door, straight down the corridor, three doors on the left,” I say, not even thinking about it. After all, I’ve spent weeks thinking about this moment. Simultaneously hoping for it, and dreading it. Potter carefully opens the door, and I watch as he creeps out of my bedroom. I wonder how this happened. How the ‘Saviour’ came to save me. Again. I wonder which time was worse? Fire, or Father?
“You coming, or too weak?” His voice is gentle, and I want to scowl.
“Not weak! Malfoys aren’t weak!”
“Malfoy. You are dying.” I want to disagree, but realise he’s probably right. Not that I’d ever tell him that. “Stay here. I’ve decided for you.” He nods his head at me before slipping through the door, and pacing silently down the hallway.
The few minutes of waiting for him to return with Mother are the worst in my life. It’s sheer torture, lying on my bed, excruciating pain shooting through my body. I try to centralise the pain, but there isn’t a center anymore. What used to only be between my collarbones, has expanded out over my entire back, like my bones are slowly deteriorating within my body. I realise just how weak - for lack of a better word - I really am. The knife closed tightly in my hand would do shit against an intruder. My wand lies uselessly next to me on the bed, not that I’m even able to cast anything. I sigh, hair flopping over my forehead.
By the time Potter opens my door again, I am terrified that something’s gone wrong. Maybe Mother is dead? Maybe Potter was found? Killed? Maybe Father and Voldemort are on their way to my room right this second? Needless to say, I am relieved when I catch sight of the messy black hair. From where I’m lying on the bed, I can’t really see much. I force myself to sit up, the pain agonising. I clutch my back, trying to dull it a bit. This only results in making it worse. Quickly jerking my hand away, I groan.
Footsteps echo through my charmed and protected bedroom, and Potter is back by my bed. He looks extremely worried when he catches sight of me. I can’t look that bad, surely. Maybe he’s worried because of my injuries? But why would he care? I push my nagging thoughts away and make to get off the bed. I hiss through gritted teeth, but stand up on my own two feet anyway. I wish I hadn’t. Pain spreads, shooting from my back, up to my neck and down my legs. I immediately collapse and land heavily on the mattress behind me.
Potter rushes forward, arms out and emerald eyes worried. He puts his hands all over me, trying to find my arms and chest. When he succeeds, he hauls me back up into a sitting position, and cradles my head. I scowl at being treated like a baby. At least, in my mind I do. In actuality, I move further into his body, warmth and comfort the only thing on my mind. Because Potter doesn’t hurt. His touch feels normal. No pain rushing down my back. No intense burning between my shoulder blades. It feels nice. And I’m terrified of it.
“Malfoy. We need to get you out of here and into St Mungos,” Potter says, tone urgent.
My only response is a nod. He lifts me up into his arms and carries me like a child. I want to scream my protest. But I’m too tired. He turns around and strides towards the door. And for the first time in weeks, I see Mother. Her pale skin has turned sallow and sickly. Her hair is greasy and greying. Her once lively eyes are downcast, sad, and scared.
“Mother,” I manage to croak out.
“Draco, dear,” she whispers. It’s a marvel we were able to utter that much. Potter tightens his grip on me, before casting the Feather-Light Charm. My weight evidently drops a bit, as he pulls me closer and bumps me up higher on his body. My head is now in line with his shoulder, and I rest it on him. Only for a second though, I promise myself. I lied. I’m not bothered to lift it once it’s down. Eventually, as we are traversing through the many corridors, the world starts to slip away into blackness.
30th March, 1998
I blink slowly, yellow lights blurry above me. I watch as they slowly come into focus, sharpening into circular light bulbs. They aren’t yellow either, but blinding white. A constant beep comes into focus too, and I turn my head to see what it is. I sigh. St Mungos. I’m not surprised. Potter did say he would take me here, but I rather thought he’d wait until I was conscious. The beep, as it turns out, is from my wand sitting on the table next to my hospital bed. It must be charmed to alert my MediWitch when I’m awake. I groan and cover my face with my hands. After a minute, I decide that that won’t help me at all, and pull them away.
I glance around the room, trying to piece things together. I see the curtain first. The heavy, white curtain in a semicircle around my bed. Within the sectioned off room, I see a couple of uncomfortable-looking chairs, a table, and a few magazines. The bed I’m in is quite comfortable, surprisingly. The blankets are lovely and warm, and the mattress is soft. The same can’t be said for the pillow. The outside of the bed however, is a hard, cold plastic that’s more suitable to a muggle invention. I think it’s called a ‘fridge’. Stupid muggles, come up with the weirdest names.
“Mr Malfoy. I see you’re awake.”
I want to sneer, ‘evidently’ at the MediWitch, but restrain myself. Barely. “Yes.”
“Good. I’m Audrey Lyons, and I’m your MediWitch,” she quips. Her skin is dark, her black hair braided away from her face. Her eyes are a shocking blue, and I find myself lost in them for a second. Then I redeem myself, and nod at her introduction.
“How are you feeling? Any pain?”
That’s when I realise. I’m not actually in any pain. No sparks flying down my spine. No searing between my shoulder blades. Nothing. I shake my head slowly at the MediWitch, surprise etched on my face.
“That’s marvellous, Mr Malfoy,” she beams. “I would like to do a check-over though.” I nod my permission, and she traces my outline with her wand. She looks thoughtful for a second, before smiling again. “Your stats look perfectly normal.”
I lower my eyebrows, scrunching them up. How is that possible?
“Oh, don’t worry! That’s your human stats, not your angel ones.”
“You know about that!”
“Of course I do, Mr Malfoy,” Lyons reasons. “I’m your MediWitch. I saw them when I was checking you for physical harm, and my charms picked up pretty quickly.”
“Oh. Of course.” I feel so stupid, yet puzzled. How come I’m still here if they know the truth?
“Oh! Mr Potter. Hello, what are you doing here?” The MediWitch says, confused and slightly annoyed.
“I’m checking on Malfoy.”
“I do believe that’s my job.”
I laugh silently.
“Well, yes. But, I wanted to see, how he was.” Potter sounds a little flustered.
“I see. Well, you have three minutes.” With that, the MediWitch steps through the curtain and closes us in.
“Potter,” I nod at him.
“Malfoy,” he returns the gesture. “How are you?”
“As good as I can be in St fucking Mungos.”
“I thought you wanted to come here?” He sounds puzzled.
“My father and Voldemort could find me!”
“Oh. That’s not a problem, actually,” he says while rubbing the back of his neck.
“What do you mean ‘not a problem.’ Honestly Potter!”
“I mean,” he mocks, “that I put you in a special, secret ward. It’s illegal for anyone to even mention you.”
“Wait- what?”
“Yeah. I paid for you to be put in a special ward, where you can’t be traced.”
“Wow.” I’m dumbfounded. Why would he do that for me?
Potter takes a step closer to me. His round glasses reflect the light beautifully, and it makes me realise just how young he is. How young we both are. He stands next to me now, covered in dirt and blood. Where has he been?
“How is your back?” He asks, trying to find solace in the small talk. The small talk I would rather die than engage in.
“I can’t feel it. How drugged am I?”
“Sounds about right.”
There is an awkward pause, both of us suddenly realising how little we have to talk about. Opposite sides of the war, or at least, used to be. Enemies since we were eleven. Fights, problems, bullying, betrayal. Is there a single negative adjective you couldn’t use to describe our relationship.
“I’ve been thinking.”
“You have the capability?” At least my wit has returned. Or is it sarcasm? I can’t tell the difference anymore.
“Haha, very funny Malfoy,” he rolls his eyes. “It’s about your wings.”
“Continue.” I pause, before adding, “Or, you know, don’t.” I can’t seem too keen.
“Well, angels that have lost them are called ‘fallen angels’.”
“Bravo Potter.” I had heard of that somewhere. I don’t know where, though…
“And it is sometimes possible for them to get their wings back.”
“What…?” It comes out as a breath. A whisper. A murmur. A question I didn’t think I’d ever be asking.
“Yes. It is rare though. Mind you, so are male angels.”
“Yes.” A shiver runs through me at the way he is speaking. Hopeful. Optimistic, even. “How?”
“That depends on each person.”
“How, for me?”
“That’s where my thinking got a bit muddled.” I smirk at Potter. “I do have an idea, but I’m not sure you’d like it.”
“Tell me anyway,” I rush, too fast to keep up my pretence of nonchalance. Oh well.
“Help me defeat him, Malfoy. Help me defeat Voldemort.”
I don’t know what he expects me to do. ‘Help me defeat Voldemort.’ Honestly. I would love for him to be killed, gone. But I can’t have a part in that. My family. My reputation. My mother, especially. I briefly wonder where she is, before deciding that Potter would’ve told me if something had gone wrong. He would’ve at least mentioned it. When did I become so sure?
It’s only been a couple of hours, but it feels like I’ve been here for days. I found out after the MediWitch came back to shoo Potter away, that I hadn’t even been out a day. I was filled with relief but also despair. A day could either mean that Father hadn’t discovered my absence, or that he had sent a whole army out to look for me. I shudder at the short memory, and force my thoughts to turn elsewhere.
It’s rather ridiculous, my current situation. I’m seventeen, a fallen angel, dying in the middle of a war on the wrong side. And I’ve just been rescued by another seventeen year old boy, who is destined to save the world. But that’s not where the stark contrasts end. My pale skin, silver eyes, and platinum hair are opposites to Potter’s tan skin, black hair, and green eyes. Evil, wicked, cruel. Honest, saviour, brave. Stupid, stupid. At least that’s the same. I’m stupid for sticking with my father for so long. Potter is stupid by being so ‘brave’ and ‘heroic’. And we are both probably going to die before the end of the world.
I sigh and roll over on the hospital bed. I want to be back home. But not the Manor. I can’t consider that evil place as my home any more. Not when it’s overrun with dark wizards and people wishing for my death. But I don’t have anywhere else either. Home has always been the Manor before now. The only other place I’ve ever kind-of-liked would be Hogwarts, and I don’t think I have to explain why that’s a horrible idea. With nowhere and no one to turn to, I’m stuck.
The rustle of the curtain behind me drags me from my thoughts, and I watch as Potter creeps in. He is holding something I can’t quite make out, and a mischievous smile flickers onto his features.
“Malfoy. Here.” He passes me the bundle once he reaches my side. I raise an eyebrow but open it anyway. A set of long, ordinary, black robes fall out and land in my lap.
“What on earth do I need these for, Potter?”
“I’m breaking you out of here.”
A/N: Thank you for all the love and support on this story so far! If you liked/reblogged the last part, I have tagged you below. If you would like to be tagged in the next one (or removed) please tell me! 🥰
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daresplaining · 6 years
A Daredevil Comics Introduction for MCU Fans
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    I imagine a lot of MCU Daredevil fans are feeling pretty lost right now. The first thing the Iron Fist twitter account did after the show ended was provide a link to the comics, and since the Daredevil account wasn’t kind enough to do the same, I wanted to put together some basic information for Netflix show fans who are unfamiliar with the comics and want to keep Daredevil in their lives post-cancellation! 
    To start, there are a few basic continuity/character differences you should know about: 
    1. Matt has beautiful red hair. (This isn’t an important detail, I just... wanted to make sure everybody knew). Sticking with the theme of superficiality, he’s also significantly taller than Foggy. 
    2. Foggy was one of the last people to find out about Matt being Daredevil (though he is currently one of the only people who knows, thanks to a recent universe-wide mindwipe). Foggy also didn’t grow up in Hell’s Kitchen. He is from out-of-state and from a semi-wealthy family. He has a crusading party-girl younger sister named Candace, and his biological mother is the ruthless attorney Rosalind “Razor” Sharpe, with whom he has a distant and shaky relationship. 
    3. Karen Page is sadly no longer living. She was killed by Bullseye during a 1998 story arc. She was also never a journalist; rather, she was at various points Nelson & Murdock’s office manager, an actress, a social activist, and a radio talk show host. She and Matt dated on-and-off for a very long time. Matt has also dated many, many other people, and most of his girlfriends have died/suffered horribly in his presence. He is currently (and uncharacteristically) single. 
    4. Conversely, Ben Urich is very much alive. He was one of the first people to figure out Daredevil’s secret identity, and this formed the basis of what became a long-held and emotional friendship. (However, thanks to the recent mindwipe mentioned above, he no longer knows.)
    5. Elektra and Matt dated in college, where Elektra was a political science major. She was born and raised in Greece, and her father was a Greek diplomat. When he was killed thanks to Matt’s amateur heroics during a botched hostage situation, Elektra left the country and trained with both the Chaste and the Hand, which sent her down a painful path that molded her into the expert assassin she is today. She was killed by Bullseye back in the 80s, but she got better. 
    6. Matt is a swashbuckling, fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants adrenaline junkie, which is why he’s called “the Man Without Fear” and... well... Daredevil. He chose/reclaimed the name Daredevil as an act of empowerment during his first superhero outing (“the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen” is not a thing in the comics). He became a superhero to avenge his father’s death, which occurred when Matt was in either college or law school, depending on which writer you ask. Both Matt and Foggy attended Jack Murdock’s final boxing match.
    7. Matt is much more religious in the show than he has ever been in the comics, since in the show he was raised in a Christian orphanage and in the comics he was raised by his father. There are a few story arcs that depict him as religious, but they are vastly in the minority.  
    8. This is true in the show too, but since it was sometimes unclear, let me reiterate: Matt cannot see. He doesn’t perceive any light. All of his sensory input is non-visual. He has superhumanly-enhanced senses, and something he calls his “radar sense”. The actual nature and parameters of the radar sense vary between creative teams, but it’s best to think of it as something like echolocation. It allows Matt 360 degree perception of solid objects up a certain distance from him. He could clearly do this in the show too, but it was never actually mentioned.
    I could keep going, since there are plenty of other differences, but you should be able to catch on without too much confusion!
Where Should I Start?
    You should start with Matt’s origin story, since there are a few key differences from the show’s version (some of which I mentioned above). The very first issue of Daredevil is quite good. However, if you’re put off by 1960s comics, you don’t need to start from the beginning. A really good retelling that is modern reader-friendly is Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Daredevil: Yellow. It covers all of the basics, and is a very nice read. You may also see people mention Frank Miller’s Man Without Fear mini-series. It’s also good, though PLEASE NOTE that it was intended to be an alternate version of the story, and thus isn’t entirely canon. 
    Once you have the origin down, you can move to the main series. Don’t be intimidated by the 55 years-worth of comics-- again, you DON’T need to start at the beginning, and you don’t have to read everything if you don’t want to. All huge, decades-spanning series like Daredevil are filled with different jumping-on points in order to remain accessible to new readers. This can sometimes create confusion-- Daredevil will have been re-started six times as of February 2019, so if you look for Daredevil #1 you’ll get a whole bunch of different issues. Each of these re-starts is generally referred to as a “volume”, and if you follow this blog you’ll notice mentions of Daredevil volume 1, volume 2, etc. For the purposes of simplicity, in this post I’ll just be identifying the volumes based on the year they began, because that’s how they’re labeled in Marvel Unlimited. Marvel Unlimited is Marvel’s official digital archive, to which I highly recommend subscribing if you’re interested in reading a lot of back issues. All of my comics links in this post will take you there. 
    There are two starting points in particular that I recommend. They are both very good, but they're tonally different, so you can pick whichever suits your personal preferences. 
     1. If you crave more of the gritty noir of the Netflix-verse, I recommend starting with Daredevil (1998) #26. This is the first issue of the main thread of Brian Michael Bendis’s run, which is a phenomenal run that provided tonal inspiration for the show. At that point in continuity, Matt is still recovering from Karen Page’s death. He and Foggy have started up a new iteration of Nelson & Murdock (there have been many) and are doing very well; the run starts with them winning a multi-million dollar court settlement. The other important piece of context for this first arc is that Wilson Fisk was shot in the head in a previous story, while left him blind and weakened his criminal empire. Bendis’s run is quite long and will lead you directly into Ed Brubaker’s, which picks up immediately afterward with issue #82 and is also very good. 
    2. If you want something a bit lighter and more swashbuckley, I recommend starting with Mark Waid’s run. It’s my personal favorite Daredevil run (and I like a lot of Daredevil, so that’s saying something), and it’s a great jumping-on point because it starts a new volume. It kicks off with Daredevil (2011) #1 and goes through #36-- at which point the comic got another new #1. Thus, Waid did a little mini-series called Daredevil: Road Warrior to bridge the two volumes, then carried on the story with Daredevil (2014) #1. Context for this run is a little weirder. Matt has just recently returned to NYC after getting possessed by a demon and then taking a mental vacation to get over it. Upon his return, he and Foggy rebuild Nelson & Murdock yet again, and Matt decides that after all of the pain and suffering he’s been through, he’s going to be happy and enjoy life no matter what. It’s also important to know that his secret identity is basically public knowledge at this point, since a newspaper got ahold of the information and outed him during Bendis’s run. 
    From there, there are any number of places you can go. Here is my big post that goes into more detail about other recommended and essential Daredevil reading! And if you’re looking for other characters and/or other specifically-themed reading guides, here is our whole archive so far. (I also have an Iron Fist blog-- bookoftheironfist.tumblr.com-- for anyone looking to break into that area of the comics.) 
What’s Going On Right Now?
    As of right now (December 2018), Matt is in an exciting position! The latest Daredevil run (AKA Daredevil (2015) or Daredevil volume 5) just ended with issue #612. Currently, Matt is in Marvel Knights 20th, which is a six-issue bi-weekly mini-series about an alternate universe-type situation in which the world has been made to forget superheroes. Matt, Frank Castle, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, T’Challa, and various others have to regain their own memories and figure out what happened.  
    Then in January 2019, we’re getting a five-issue weekly (yes, that’s right, weekly) mini-series called Man Without Fear (not to be confused with Frank Miller’s Man Without Fear, which I mentioned earlier). This will be a retrospective, with each issue covering a different significant person/group of people in Matt’s life. 
    And as soon as that ends, in February 2019 the next volume of the main series will begin, with Daredevil (2019) #1! GET EXCITED!
Where Can I Get Comics?
    I already mentioned Marvel Unlimited, which is attached to the Marvel website, through which you can purchase digital issues in addition to subscribing to the archive. Another great source for digital comics is Comixology (though sadly, just like everything else on the planet, it’s owned by Amazon). And of course, you can buy physical copies. Don’t hesitate to visit your local comic book store, because they are great resources and can also be nice places to connect with other fans. To find stores in your area, check Comic Shop Locator, and to make sure they’re good ones, check Hater-Free Wednesdays. 
    New comics come out on Wednesdays. 
Other Daredevil Resources
manwithoutfear.com This is an invaluable resource for everything Daredevil-- information on each issue, up-to-date news, comic previews, creator interviews... everything. If you ever need to know what’s going on in the world of Daredevil, this is the place to go. 
The Other Murdock Papers This is everything our blog pretends to be. Christine Hanefalk, who runs The Other Murdock Papers, is a Daredevil expert who has written essay after essay over the years on everything you can imagine, from detailed storyline analyses to tracking Matt’s shifting hair styles. She is a particular expert on his hypersenses, and her work formed the basis of our own understanding of Matt’s powers. Do yourself a favor and browse through this website. You won’t regret it.  
Daredevil 101 @pluckyredhead is in the process of tirelessly summarizing every single Daredevil story arc. Go have a look!
    And of course, never hesitate to ask if you have any questions or want more recommendations or advice. I love getting people into Daredevil comics-- they changed my life, and I hope they’ll do the same for others!
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tenchiforum · 5 years
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Original post - What is Tenchi Talkback? 
For this installment of Tenchi TalkBack, we are discussing a common question in any large franchise, so buckle up! 
HUGE favor. can someone pretty please give me the tenchi muyo timeline pretty please? and also tell me the ones that arnt canon off to the side too pretty please? I want to watch it all. but I want to watch it all in order. pretty please sorry for asking and thank you if someone actually decides to help me.?
Like other large franchises such as Transformers or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Tenchi Muyo! has had several different incarnations that are loosely connected via shared characters and themes.  Particularly during the height of Tenchi’s popularity in the 1990s, the series was reinvented almost annually, and those incarnations had no plot or continuity ties.
Before delving into this quagmire, let me address one particular concept:  “canon”.  I wrote at length about this matter previously, but I will abridge my thoughts here.
“Canon” comes from the Greek word “κανών”, which translates as “rod” or, more specifically, “measuring rod”.  By way of Church Latin, “canon” came to be associated to those scriptures that were held as authoritative and genuine for the faith, those to which all others are compared.  Moreover, the religious use is where one derives the antonym “apocrypha”, from the Greek “ἀπόκρυφος”, meaning “hidden” or “obscure”. Not to be confused with “heretical”, a work is apocryphal in a religious context if its authorship or authenticity is questionable.  In contrast, a work is heretical in a religious context if it is contrary to church dogma, and the word arises from the Greek “αἵρεσις”, meaning “choice” or “purpose”.
In modern usage, “canon” has two primary definitions, with several other variants depending on discipline:
the works of an artist that are accepted as authentic;
a group of works that are generally accepted as representative of a field.
To the matter at hand, entertainment franchises use the word “canon” to segregate works within said franchise. In some cases, defining the canon is fairly simple. For example, if a manga was written by a single author, the canonical entries would be the output of that singular author.
However, the line between canonical and apocryphal becomes blurred when the franchise changes hands, or if the work was not written by one person.  As discussed in the previous TalkBack question, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki began as a six-episode OVA directed by Hiroki Hayashi, written by Naoko Hasegawa, and with character designs by Masaki Kajishima.  Much like with Yuri on Ice, all of these people can be considered creators, though Hayashi and Kajishima are credited the most as they originally conceived of Tenchi during their days working on Bubblegum Crisis.
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From left to right: Hiroki Hayashi, Naoko Hasegawa, Masaki Kajishima.
Some time after the end of the first OVA, Hayashi and Kajishima parted ways, an event which Hayashi discussed in a 2001 interview with AIC. Also, Hasegawa went in her own direction, though she did attempt to adhere to the original concepts of Hayashi and Kajishima as attested by the afterword of her first novel.  Consequently, the canon of Tenchi becomes very fractured after the sixth episode, if not outright irrelevant.
The first major continuity, and most complex of all, would be the OVA itself.  The first OVA series is six episodes in length, ending with the episode “We Need Tenchi”, which was released on March 25, 1993.  The first continuation was by screenwriter Naoko Hasegawa in the first official Tenchi novel, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki – Hexagram of Love, released in May 1993, which introduced fan favorite Kiyone Makibi and named Tenchi’s mother “Achika”.  Hasegawa would write 13 novels in total from 1993 until 1998, and the 10th novel, entitled Midsummer’s Eve, was adapted into the film Daughter of Darkness released on August 2, 1997.  Sadly, much of her body of work does not have an official English translation.
However, Masaki Kajishima has his own variation of the OVA story, branching from the end of “We Need Tenchi”.  The OVA special “Night Before the Carnival” was released on September 25, 1993, and continued in its own direction, largely ignoring Hasegawa’s parallel work.  Along with coauthor Yousuke Kuroda, Kajishima’s particular brand of Tenchi encompasses several ancillary media, including multiple OVA series (OVA2-4, War on Geminar), light novels (Shin Tenchi), a TV series (GXP), and his own unlicensed, unofficial, self-published comics (i.e. doujinshi).
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A fan-made doujinshi.
On March 25, 1994, there was another OVA special entitled Galaxy Police Mihoshi’s Space Adventure, lovingly called the “Mihoshi Special”.  Original director Hiroki Hayashi had a hand in this cute little story, alongside scribe Ryoe Tsukimura, who would later write most of the episodes for Tenchi Universe and Tenchi Muyo! in Love.  This special has the honor of being the first animated appearance of Kiyone Makibi and also serves as a gateway into the Pretty Sammy franchise, which Hayashi also conceived.
Moreover, the production company AIC handed the reins of Tenchi to other creators, who re-imagined the scenario and characters in their own ways.  Some stayed fairly close to the original six-episode OVA, while others took their own liberties with the material.  Instead of “canon”, I recommend sorting Tenchi by “continuity”.  That is, look for how the media align in terms of plot and characterization.
The second very clear delineation of story is Hiroshi Negishi’s TV series, known in the West as Tenchi Universe (dub, sub). This is a contiguous 26-episode TV series, which is a re-imagining of the original 6-episode OVA and includes Kiyone Makibi as a regular character.  It is also followed by two feature films directed by Negishi himself:  Tenchi Muyo! in Love, focusing on Achika Masaki, and Tenchi Muyo! in Love 2, focusing on the relationship between Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka.  This continuity is self-contained and requires no previous knowledge.
This would be a good time to mention the recent gem Ai Tenchi Muyo!, which Negishi returned to direct. Ai is a series of 50 four-minute shorts and was promoted as a “celebration of the franchise” by AIC. While Ai does not have any direct connection to any previous incarnation, it does make numerous callbacks to various aspects of its predecessors. This can be watched after any of the major incarnations
The final major incarnation would be Nobuhiro Takamoto’s TV series, titled Tenchi in Tokyo (dub, sub) outside of Japan.  This is a self-contained 26-episode TV series, which deconstructs the Masaki family and examines each character on their own.  It is completely separate from Universe or the OVA, though it does start very abruptly, only discussing the character’s first meeting in the seventh episode, “The Day We Met”.
Also, Hitoshi Okuda wrote two runs of manga for Tenchi from 1994 to 2006, also branching from the OVA at “We Need Tenchi”.  While he did make reference to the second and third OVA series from Kajishima and Kuroda, Okuda largely wrote his own original stories.  However, he did write a Pretty Sammy story and an adaptation of Tenchi Muyo! in Love.
Below is a chart to summarize the isolation and branching of these continuities.
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Click here for a larger view.
In conclusion, what is the “canon” of Tenchi?  Considering the snippets revealed in interviews and the shifting of the production staff, there is no single canon, even for the OVA.  Instead, I would say to think not in terms of “canon”, but rather “continuity”.  Honestly, no one can tell you how to enjoy Tenchi, so please, enjoy whichever Tenchi you like!
Got a question you want to see answered? Send us a message on social media, discuss on the forum, or email us at  [email protected]
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imreadytobestrong · 5 years
My mom passed away
My mom passed away a week ago. I thought of writing about it before but I honestly didn’t know what to say...
She’d been fighting cancer for the past three years - actually metastases of a breast cancer she’d had back in 1998 - and recently developed a pancreatitis, probably due to all the chemo and other medication she was on. Though she had symptoms since January (frequent nausea, feeling full after eating just a small portion, indigestion) doctors kept saying it was an upset stomach and for a long time only recommended cutting off soda, fried foods, then meat, then bread... and the symptoms kept getting worse and worse, until after her last chemo section she started feeling a terrible pain in her stomach and couldn’t eat or drink anything. She was admitted to the hospital on February 23, and they finally diagnosed the pancreatitis. Three days later her kidneys started to fail; she was transfered to the ICU for dialysis but after two days her blood pressure dropped and the doctors decided to stop the dialysis and moved her back to a room. On the last three days she was kept sedated and sleeping, so she wasn’t suffering anymore... 
She could have retired, but stopping working would mean losing the health insurance that was paying for her treatment so she kept working in a very stressful workplace until she went to the hospital.
We were pretty close. Her family lives in another state, I’m an only child, so she, my father and I were a small family of introverts. For the past three years particularly, I often spent weekends with them and tried to find thing to do and ways to make her happy, bring her hope... so my life is changing deeply.
A couple years ago, she started a new treatment which had terrible side effects (like, her mouth was all sored and she could bared eat or speak, and blood cholesterol and sugar levels went all crazy). She changed that medication and things went back to normal, but things were pretty scary for several weeks and I had a crisis thinking of things she wanted to do or be and wouldn’t. Particularly, the fact that I knew she wanted to have grandchildren, and though I want to have children someday I definitely don’t feel ready for it yet. I cried so much back then... but guess I came to peace with it. And I think she did too; we never really spoke about it, but she stopped commenting about me having children, and when my cousin’s twins were born she said they were adorable, but just so much work, and went on about sleepless nights and how long their mother spent breastfeeding them and... well, I was afraid she would see them and want grandchildren even more but that’s not what she demonstrated.
I still think it really sucks that she never got to be a grandmother and that my grandchildren won’t get to meet her, but I’ve accepted it and I don’t feel guilty about it anymore.
I was there during her last moments, talking to her so if she was listening she’d know she wasn’t alone... when I realised she’d stopped breathing I held her hand and caressed her hair until doctors and nurses appeared to confirm her death. She’d been in the hospital for exactly two weeks. Two weeks of wondering if I should go home to get some sleep (my dad, a few friends and I were taking turns spending the night), if I’d wake up to a phone call telling me she was dead, if I should go to work or not... so heartbreaking to say “good night, mom; I’ll be back tomorrow” and not know if that was the last time I’d see her. I’m glad it happened when I was there.
She loved the ocean and wanted to move back to her hometown, Salvador. She was even looking for apartments back in 2014, before she discovered the cancer was back...
She was such an amazing woman. She fought this really hard battle and never complained; she was always taking care of me and my father (and her family and friends back in Salvador). She was really kind and generous, always concerned about other people’s feelings... She was a socialist and a feminist. And she had many stories about herself and her friends during the dictatorship years, I asked her to write them down so many times... I’m afraid they’ll be lost forever now.
She was so smart and knowledgeable, it seemed like she had all the answers, she always knew what to do... Her memory was incredible, she never forgot names or facts. And she knew so much about history, and politics, and art, and music, and cinema, and literature... and soccer, she loved soccer. And she was a great driver, and loved driving.
I feel like I’ll never be as good as she was.
I miss her. I’ll always miss her. And I’m sorry she didn’t get to retire and have time to do what she wanted, she didn’t get to move back to Salvador, and didn’t get to be a grandmother... and I think of other less important stuff, like she didn’t get to watch the last season of Game of Thrones, but I guess none of that matters now. I think we did the best we could, and I don’t have any regrets. I’ll be ok.
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hotarutranslations · 6 years
Juice=Juice’s Uemura Akari “20 Questions 20 Answers” Haro Puro Love Talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20thanniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its Juice=Juice’s Uemura Akari!!
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Uemura Akari = Born December 30th 1998, 19 years old. From Osaka. Blood Type O.
Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name!
At school my mother heard the name on an announcement. I was told there were about 3 others and from those I chose it (laughs). My mother was really vague and it had the feeling it was just “Eh? It was that after all?”. After discussing it was “so she can follow a bright road” was decided.
Q2: What senior do you admire?
Former Morning Musume’s Sayashi Riho-san. We were together when we took the 9th generation auditions, during that I failed but up until Sayashi-san went to the training camp I did my best to see her and absolutely cheer her on. I was really charmed by her aggression, and that she is a bit of a clumsy person. We’re the same age but, she has that kind of gap. When she is aggressive on stage and off stage I think Sayashi-san’s gap is amazing, seeing it is healing.
Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
Angerme’s Murota Mizuki-chan. Murota and I are on the same wavelength but, her intuition and things are completely different. Since she tells me ideas and opinions I don’t have, wouldn’t it be like I had those opinions originally? Since she is a positive human, I’d also be happy with that.
Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
Since I really love dogs, dog knowledge. I’ve memorized breeds, and I admire groomers, so things that you should pay attention to and not give (dogs) is what I most know about . I think there are certainly a lot of people though (that know about dogs).
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
Since the material is really good, in that way I think “where ever you’re going take care!”. Even with whoever is going on variety, there are a ton of interesting personalities. I think the dancing is also athletic-like. We don’t feel embarrassed to put it out no matter where we are, I want to value those things!
Q6: Who would you want to be in a Hello! Project special unit with?
Murota (Mizuki), you know. I got to appear in Murota’s birthday event, There are many things I want to do as the 2 of us so if we were able to realize that it would be fun.
Q7: Tell us a Juice=Juice song you like!
I recently felt an affinity towards “Umaretate no Baby Love”. Those who composed this song were my parents friends. When I heard “they provided a song” I became really happy like “Oh!”; my mom was also pleased with it.
Q8: Tell us a Hello! Project song you like.
A memorable song for me, one I sang when I took the 9th generation audition, Morning Musume-san’s “Seishun Collection”. I think it’s the first song I properly memorized so, it’s a precious song. I was crazy nervous at the audition. My aunt encouraged me to audition and, that aunt had learned dance; she seriously taught me dance with her utmost effort. I really remember that.
Q9: Whats the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
There have been cool formation dances accumulating from Morning Musume-san and it has come to be like the beats are in 16-beat. Before it was normal to take a sidestepping rhythm I think, but recently the foundation of that is rising, it’s fun to see. Also, I’ve noticed there are gradually newer challenges and difficult challenges, I think that is something different.
Q10: Other than yourself, who would you recommend as an oshi?
Murota Mizuki. Wherever she is, she is really perfectly agile. I think that’s really nice as you won’t forget her always smiling. She is always positive! Since you won’t see her being negative, I want you to see her; whether she is talking or performing you can receive her energy.
Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
I want you to see the unchanged Uemura that’s in charge of long hair previously and presently.
Q12: What is work you would like to challenge?
When I did gravure work after a long time, I thought the photoshoot was fun after all. Being able to do magazine shoots makes me really happy so, from now on I want to do my best. It seems that the result is different by cameraman-san, the atmosphere and moment are being taken one by one, I think it’s fun to make memories within that.
Q13: What do you want us to see from Juice=Juice?
It’s also this way with lives but, everyone is also doing it with radio, I want you to see our individual activities of recent. Kanazawa Tomoko-chan is doing the radio “Bakunai~BAKUNAI”, Miyamoto Karin-chan was on “HELLO! DRIVE -haro dora-“, Inaba Manaka-chan has also appeared on TV. Since everyone has been doing a lot of activities on their own well, I want you to see that!
Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
I think I’d like to meet the members. I don’t think it would be like the environment now where we can meet every day but, like if Yana-chan (Yanagawa Nanami) was living a happy life, I’d want hear everyone’s report on their present condition. Since now we can see each other every day, I’d like to also have the presence of being like a family after 20 years.
Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
It’s a bit in the future for Murota Mizuki-chan but, we’ve said we’d like to live near each other. Really we’ve said that being roommates would be fine but, there seems to be problems with it (laughs). Like next door, I’d want to live really close to her. It’s under development!
Q16: What do you want to be able to do after the 20th anniversary?
Since I’ll turn 20, I think it’d be nice to be a bit more adult-like mentally. More than at 19 when I become 20 there is always the image of becoming an adult, I’ve been thinking of what I’ve wanted to do when I become 20 myself. Not just depending on my mom, doing things for myself by myself, I want to become an independent woman. It’s a life of cooking for myself, so whenever there is something I’ve done, my mom will check it. I want to be able to do things around me myself, I want to gradually make decisions on my own.
Q17: What would you do if you weren’t an idol?
I really love animals! I like dogs so, since 4th grade I’ve wanted to get a job with dogs. With that I really admired groomer-san’s. Since they’re always touching the dogs, I thought it would be nice, I always say that I wanted to be a groomer.
Q18: What are you most into right now?
Watching videos of dogs and babies. Aren’t dogs and babies really cute? Watching a video of them is really healing. Seeing a dog look after a baby, babies looking after a dog, puppies playing with babies, there are a lot of variations. They’re healing!
Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us a recent episode!
Its Angerme’s Murota but, with that, since we are friends with each other, I’ll say it immediately if I want to go eat dinner somewhere. Recently we’ve also gone to various places but, mainly its eating. We both like tapioca shops, it’s like I’ll drink it every day. Since recently Angerme went on an overseas tour, I said “I like these things” about chocolate and face masks and she brought them back as souvenirs! She brought me back a souvenir from each place, I’m thankful for it. Everything was just like “That, that! You know me well!”. When I also went on an overseas tour, I bought Murota some cups and gave them to her, so it’s like that. It’s fun.
Q20: What is an idol to you?
They’re able to challenge whatever genre. Doing lives, I think its a job where you are able to challenge things that you aren’t able to do normally. We get a lot of chances so, I’m thankful for it.
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Part 1
So I was writing a piece for @straightasdeanwinchester‘s 2000 follower challenge but then I got super carried away for several day and Its ended up being really, really long and I’m not even a quarter into the story yet sooo this is going to be a part 1 for a fic coming soon hopefully!
Word Count: 10,001
Pairing: The Winchester Bro’s x platonic reader (well kinda platonic but also with a bit of a thing for Dean)
Warnings: None I think
It was February in Kansas, still winter and you were outside a worn and rusted old metal door. You were standing outside the Men of Letters American bunker; a relic from the 1950s left abandoned until recently. The two new occupants were Sam and Dean Winchester; Legacies through their grandfather's side. You hesitate to knock but you’re sure you have already tripped the warding sigils and sooner or later they will find out you’re am here.
 Whilst standing outside the bunker you absently think of everything that had happened in the last year. You think of the day you found out you were an Impartial angel, a special type of Angel little told of in theology textbooks, at least the ones you’d seen. We are not only Angels, we are also humans.
Unlike other Angels which must take vessels in order to survive on the earth we come with one prepackaged.
 Impartials are born just like humans with no memory of who they are and you had ha a completely normal human life until we turn 18.
 That is when you’d receive what's known as The Knowledge. Impartial angels receive all the knowledge of their past life; who they were, what they used to be and who they need to be.
 An impartial angel might live up to 3000 years in the same human body but they still need to take a new form when that body dies. You remember the two different lives you have lived so far, one you barely remember, only the darkness and the cold and the fighting and surviving. The next is more vivid to you, you were a young boy living in Ireland, nothing more than a peasant really, scrounging for a bit of turnip or an apple to fend off the scurvy. Now you’re a girl, born 1998 London, England.
 When you received my Knowledge you saw the apocalypse, you heard of the Leviathan, you heard everything and then you heard of the Winchester's; Sam and Dean.
 Now forced to flee from your home and family the obvious choice was to seek them out for help and protection. And that (with a bit of persuasion from Chuck) is why you’re hesitating in front of the door of the two most infamous hunters in history.
 You feel silly but deep down you’re scared of rejection. The brothers are not exactly known for being friendly or for enjoying Partners in Crime and you can't tell them the whole reason you are here. You don't want to.
 You breathe out long and heavy watching the condensation of my breath and knock on the door. After a minute, it's opened by a tall man dressed simply in jeans and a plaid shirt, brown hair coming to his shoulders and confusion written all over his face.
 “Hi” you start brightly, beaming a sunny smile to him and hoping he won't slam the door in your face or try to kill you. Of course, that scenario would end up being a lot worse for him.
 The man- Sam - looks baffled “um hi…”  he looks inside the dark bunker and back at you “I'm sorry” he says, “who are you?”
 “Oh sorry” You stutter, determined to make a positive impact “I'm (Y/N), um it's nice to meet you, can I come in?”
 “How did you find us?” This doesn't seem to be going anywhere…. His eyebrows knit together with confusion and just a hint of fear.  His hand is reaching reflexively towards his belt to the knife you know is hidden under his shirt.
 “Look it's a really long story can I just come in?” taking control you push past him still standing frozen in shock and walk into the bunker dragging my case behind me. After the terrors of demons and angels I suppose a you were the last thing they were expecting. Oh well, at least if I look cute and fuzzy he won't try and kill me outright.
 Carefully I step through the two heavy doors and look beyond the balcony below to the cavernous rooms. Dean stares up from a table surrounded by open lore books looking concerned “Sam?”  he shouts, “What the hell?”
You walk down the stairs followed by Sam and place my bag on the nearest table. You see Deans eyes widen and a smile spreads across his face.
  “Chuck sent me” you announce.
 “Chuck... as in God?” Sam questions
Dean looks irritated and rolls his eyes “Oh great, so what does he think we are now, babysitters!” he huffs. “Anyway, I thought God was taking an extended vacation, family bonding and all that”
 “Well I am family” You smile encouragingly
 From your peripheral vision, you see Sam give you the side eye and the two of them exchange a glance.
 “No offence” Sam started “but God didn’t show for Michael, Lucifer or the apocalypse, what makes you special”. He leans against one of the walls arms folded and eyebrow raised.
 “Look, there's trouble upstairs-” You begin hesitantly
“When isn't there!”  Dean mutters under his breath looking bothered. Looking back to all the times they have had to clean up heavens messes you can see why.
 “Maybe it's best if you tell us from the beginning” Sam said gently. You shrug and sigh.
 “Ok but it might take a while”
   “So, let me get this straight you're some kind of humanoid...angel... whatever and you got in trouble with some of your angel buddies and you need to stay here?”. You look up from bitten fingernails and see Dean's resigned expression.
 “Yeah more or less” You give them both a smile and really hope they're not going to kick you out.
 “impartial angel...” Sam repeats, “you know dean, I think I have seen something about that in the lore”
“Oh yeah”
 “Yeah! you guys were supposed to be able to pack some serious mojo right?” Sam turns to you for confirmation and you swear he's almost impressed.
 You chuckle awkwardly and give a sheepish grin “Yeah”
 “Well you wouldn't have thought it looking at you, a tiny little thing like yourself” Dean scoffs eyeing you up and down. “But then again look at Chuck and he’s master of the universe”
 If you could see yourself now you are pretty sure you would agree with him, you don't look like a centre of power. You’re small and absolutely terrified. You fold my hands behind your back so you can't start wringing them together and hope the sweat isn't visible.
 What's making you most nervous, creating this horrible pit in your stomach is you can't taste the atmosphere of the room.  You had decided to switch off your ‘spidey senses’ to give the boys a bit of privacy and not read their minds. Besides you didn't want to hear their judgement of you.
 “Look it won't be for very long and I won't make any mess, I won't be any trouble, I promise I just really need to stay for a while and lie low... please”
 You look pleadingly between Sam and Dean who exchange stares. As an only child, you’ve always envied that connection between siblings, the ability to understand what each other are thinking and it's clear that Sam and Dean are no different.
Dean is the first to break the uncomfortable pause by huffing loudly “Sure it's no problem, consider us your very own witness protection service for human- angels” he grins at you and Sam
 “Hangels!” He shouts tears in his eyes at his own terrible pun. “Eh eh Sammy...Hangels”
 You crack a smile at Sam's disapproving face as Dean gets up from the table throwing his hands in the air “Some people!”  he says, “No appreciation for good humour” and he disappears down the corridor. He turns just for a second to stare inquisitively at you then smiles at whatever unknown thought he had.
 In the corner, Sam looks pensive “What worries me is what's possibly so bad that could be a threat to an impartial angel” he asks.
 Your face falls and you glare down at my shoes ashamed “maybe I am the threat” you whisper
From where you’re standing the silence feels long and ugly but that maybe just because you already know your sins. Unwilling to see the disgust you are sure is written on his face you keep your eyes fixed downwards.
 Thankfully the awkwardness is broken by an ever-reliable noisy Dean who tramples into the room “Hey, we've got a room for you -not fancy or pink -but it's safe, we can promise you that”. Behind the jokes, you can see the sincerity in his eyes and you nod.
“Thank you, really”
 “Well it's almost 7:30 so I was going to head out and grab something to eat is there anything you want?”  Sam begins while putting his coat on.
 “Oh s***!” you shout “I need to call my mother, she is going to be freaking out!”.
 Dean looks up in disbelief “angels have mothers?!”  looking round at Sam who simply shrugs back and looks at me.
  You laugh “I do” .
 “Where?”  Dean exclaims.
 “At home…”  You reply slowly.
 He still looks lost “Yeah, where’s that?.
 Sam seems concerned “You came all the way from London to here by yourself?”.
 “Of course,” you reply, “To be honest I only really left half an hour ago...I teleported- angel here remember”. You don’t mention all the time you spent creepily standing outside.
 They both still seemed to be having difficulty coming to terms with the fact that one of the most powerful creatures of Heaven was standing in front of them with a baby face and a purple suitcase. Of course, Lilith was a twelve-year-old and she started the end of the world. And you wouldn’t say you were young looking really, just more innocent.
 “Right” dean said
 “Two minutes” You shout over your shoulder pulling out your phone from my pocket and dialling mum's number.
  It appeared they would rather be facing a vampire than you right now judging by the twin grimaces they were sporting with Sam’s rather outmatching Dean. To be honest you couldn't blame them.
 The phone call was short and went as expected. A lecture for calling late and for leaving your room a mess. Her voice was high and stretched thin, a violin string waiting to snap. You could tell the anger was just a cover for her worry. The last year had been hard for her, accepting her little girl becoming a 3657-year-old (I think, I stopped keeping track a few centuries ago) warrior angel.
 Sam had left to go pick up supplies leaving Dean back at the table with Demonology of the Far East researching for a case. You hung up and picked up my bag “Dean?”
“Yeah”. He looked up and stared directly at you. You were not ready for the physical reaction that accompanied his gaze. Your hands began to sweat as your heart raced. You then realised you had been staring at him for longer than you should.
 “Is it alright if I dump this stuff in my room?” You ask jerking back into reality and pointedly not staring into those green eyes which swallowed you up. “I need to get ready to go hunting, I’ve got a great evening planned”
 He sits back incredulous “Firstly since when do angels hunt, I’m not saying you’re all warm and fuzzy, but hell- your kind don't normally give a crap what goes on down here”
 That stings, you may not be all that close to the heavenly host these days but they are still your family.
 “Well firstly it's not their fault, angels can't help the way they are made to follow the chain of command, we are soldiers Dean not harp playing hippies”. You glare at him.
 “And what do you mean my kind! I am human too you know, I have free will and it's my world too so yeah I care if it's full of monsters!” Even you are surprised at the amount of venom you can hear in my voice and he also looks taken aback.
 Holding his hands up he tries to start again “Okay sorry...truce?” He offers.
 “Sure” You smile weakly, you need to learn to cover the Impartial side. “So, what was secondly?”
He also cracks a smile the sudden tension draining from his shoulders.
 “How did you find a case already?!” Dean asks
 You can't help showing off just a bit and reply casually “I smelt a vamps nest when I came in, about twenty miles away- around 15 of them I think”
 “Yeah sure Sherlock, don't you think we would have noticed a nest of that size in our own neck of the woods”
 You simply smile innocently.
  “An angel is never wrong Dean” and step into the corridor leading to the spare bedrooms leaving him snorting in contempt behind you.
 You hadn't considered it before, how much fun this could be. You never had any siblings and now it's almost like gaining two -slightly dysfunctional- older brothers.
 Well maybe one older brother. And one…something else.
  Invisible from the outside the bunker is massive on the inside, a maze stuck in the 50s painted in retro browns and pale yellows with harsh fluorescent lights and it reminds you of a WW2 government building.
 You could almost expect Churchill himself to come plodding out of one the rooms filled with switchboards, control panels and flashing buttons. Of course, instead of Nazis this place is scanning for demons.
 “Oh, hell no” You say aloud walking into your room, 1950’s is great but if you’re going to be living here for a while the puke colour decor has got to go. You don't care how shallow it sounds it's times like this you love being an angel.
 A couple of finger snaps later you’re sitting at a crystal dressing table groaning under boxes of makeup, brushes and perfume surrounded by gleaming white wallpaper, soft cream carpet and silk sheets. Perhaps the ballroom Moissanite chandelier was a bit much but you think it adds character to the room.
Excited for the evening ahead you spend the better part of an hour and a half transforming your hair and face. You pull out your favourite dress- short and a beautiful emerald velvet with a V neck and loose bell sleeves and then lace up black leather combat boots.
Next up; accessories, hunting style.
 You pick out the knife that you would feel lost without. Even from five months to now ago my weapons feel like part of my skin and extensions of me. You slip your Buck 120 General into a pocket of my leather jacket.
 A couple of months ago You modified a black biker jacket so that you could store blades in the lining which comes in handy in days like today where you’re going to need a machete for the vamps later.
 You switch off the music and walk back down the passageway to the main rooms. Both Sam and Dean are there, Dean digging into a greasy takeaway bag and Sam looking at him with disdain.  “You’ve already eaten 2 burgers Dean, I really hope you enjoy diabetes”.
 Dean looks up at him mid chew “Shut up Sammy, a man needs his bacon”.
 You deliberately step loudly into them room so they hear you enter and Sam turns “Hey, do you want something to eat” He glares at Dean “If there is anything left”
Unabashed Dean then turns “Sorry” and then notices your drastically more polished appearance. He straightened up quickly in his chair doing a small double take “Hey!” He said, “Where the hell are you going?”.
 “Hunting, I told you” You remind him with a smirk and look at them both “You ‘re both welcome to come if you want”.
 “Wait I thought you said Vamps- I doubt they care about makeup” Dean admonished mockingly.
 “Yeah but first I've got to stop off, I've been tracking a high-profile demon for a month or so and I know he is going to be at a club not too far from here tonight so I needed to dress to blend in”.
 “You know you are going to freeze to death” Sam pointed out “It's practically arctic out there”.
 You’re beginning to lose your patience, all the getting ready and prep has built up the anticipation and thrill you always get before hunting. Your muscles ache to be used and your Impartial is bubbling to the surface.
 “I’ll be fine” You say decisively “Are you guys coming or not”.
 “You wanna take out 15 Vamps by yourself? Yeah, we are coming” Dean said, “I’m beginning to see why Chuck sent you to us”. Sam shook his head slightly in agreement. You thought it was sweet how they clearly wanted to protect you.
 You go to climb up the stairs but Sam moves to block your path arm resting on the banister.
“Look, Chuck entrusted you to us for a reason and I hardly think wandering off to a Vampire nest at night is a good idea”.
 My smile tightens “Sam” You say warningly “Please move”.
 “You know I don't actually need to leave via the front door right- I could just zap on out of here” you remind him.
 Dean gets up from the table and pulls out his own machete from a duffle bag and sticks it through his belt “Kids’ got a point”.
 Sam rolls his eyes “Fine” and goes to take his own weapon
 “Brilliant” You smile and focus on the grimy bit of town you were aiming to teleport to whilst ignoring Dean's low grumbling “Death wish!”.
 “Okay let's go” I said and reached forward to grab their arms.
 Your feet impact on hard pavement and the cold air whipped around you. You were in a dark side street lined with bins and locked doors. Even from here the buzz of the city square was audible and you shivered. Sam noticed and raised his eyebrows “Cold?” he reproached “I told you so”
 You ignored the jib and walked towards the city glow. You hadn't shivered from cold, angels don't feel the temperature the way humans do. You shivered because you could feel it- the heart of the city and smell the putrefaction of its evil- and you were excited.
 You let the boys follow you walking down the shaded side of the streets becoming increasingly busier. You pull your hood over your face to blend in further. Invisibility allows you to become no more than an observer which was useful when hunting.
 Sam caught up with you “So, the demon, who is he?” he asked walking round a group of cackling plastic-looking women supporting a clearly very drunk friend. She was tottering on her thin plastic stilettos paying little mind to the stains on her pink mini-dress which looked suspiciously like vomit.
 She shouted at us as we past “Ooo nice boyfriends honey, mind if I take one!” which provoked the whole gaggle to burst into more raucous laughter.
 Dean was smirking at you and raised his eyebrows suggestively whilst you blushed crimson. Sam just smiled politely, with thinly veiled distaste and stepped further away from the group. “The demon?” He prompted and you teared your eyes away from Dean.
 “His name’s Eligor, just your standard douchebag demon, until he got promoted to Great Duke of Hell” You say giving him a pointed look.
 Dean has overtaken you both now as you all cross one of the main city squares buzzing with energy in all corners. People are spilling out like stains into the street drinking, smoking and talking.
 “So, where’s the club?” Dean stops and turns to face Sam and you then looks down at his watch shaking his head “Christ I’m too old for nightclubs”.
 “Have a drink and you’ll be fine” Sam says and Dean's face lightens up slightly.
 “Don't think I won't Sammy”.
 You’re shocked. “You guys drink on the job?”. And they were telling you off for being irresponsible. Dean pauses at the end of the street grinning.
“Well I do most of the drinking and Sam does most of the whining to go home, but don’t worry sweetheart I’ll buy you one too” he winked.
 “I do not!” Sam protests pointing at Dean and opening his mouth to argue-
 “Right!” You shout loudly. “It's right here”.  You were beginning to wonder how often you were going to have to break up the little bickering matches. Sam rolled his eyes and turned away to look fixedly at the buildings on the other side of the road strolled looking amused.
 “So, this Eligor” Dean shouted back to Sam and you. “What's a great Duke of hell doing topside anyway? Isn't he supposed to be...well in hell?”.
 “Yeah that's kinda the problem” you explained. “So, he is in charge of 60 legions of demons and normally it's the small fry that do this kind of manual labour but he has recently been getting involved in a human cartel... and a nasty one at that, responsible for hundreds of deaths this year”.
 The three of you were getting closer to the area of downtown where the club was. You weren’t sure if the boys could sense it but the shift in the mood between the two crowds was blatantly tangible to you. You all were surrounded by warehouses lit with garish neon signs advertising bars and clubs, pounding techno music coming from inside.
 Most people here were dressed in black, faces shrouded by hoods, scattered on the streets, and leaning against walls talking quietly in small groups. From the corner of your eye you could see the boys and you being inspected by a tall scruffy guy with narrowed eyes.
 Dean instinctively straightened up, searching for threats. Meanwhile Sam had subtly grabbed our arms pulled Dean and you both closer to him so he could whisper “Uh guys, we are being stared at...a lot”
Dean pulled his arm away roughly and hissed back quietly “Then stop looking so nervous”
 “It's just because we are new, strangers are never appreciated in places like this” You reassured him and then stopped, grabbing the back of Dean's jacket to stop him wandering off. “Here. this is it”
 Dean looked up at the corrugated metal door with a yellow sign saying Corruption and snorted quietly in amusement “Huh, ‘Corruption. Figures”. He had no idea. Unlike you he couldn't hear all of the people in the street trading in their secrets and deals.
 There was a short line with two burly bouncers flanking the door. Both were heavily tattooed with standard satanic symbols and gang signs but the shorter one had his entire face covered with a grinning skull laid over his own features.
 Dean was eyeing the bouncers with curiosity “Check out the tatts” he said elbowing Sam. Then he turned to you. “Demons?” he asked.
 You laugh derisively “Yeah right, I doubt he even knows what half of those symbols mean” Sam shook his head in disbelief frowning at the large 666 on the taller man’s neck.
 “When the hell did Satanism become cool? “He said.
“God knows” Dean replied and chuckled “Crowley would probably hate them”. He then proceeded to take on a mock British accent “Satanists just have no finesse these days”.
 “Omg don’t, that was horrible” You say rifling in my purse and pulling out a personal invitation. It seemed both you and the Duke of hell had some contacts in this area.
 “Where did you get that?” Sam asked, “You only arrived today”
 You shrug.
 “I preplanned”.
 Then you strut over to the skull faced bouncer and looked evenly at him thrusting out the invitation.
 He inclined his head towards the group and lifted the scarlet silk rope for you and the boys to pass.
  Immediately past the door there was a passage leading to a flight of stairs also painted a deep blood red with dim cat lights on the ceiling.
 You all walked up the stairs which opened onto a huge square room dark and jam packed with writhing dancing bodies. The music was deafening reverberating through your ribcage like a second heartbeat.
 Sam leaned over and shouted, “Now what?”.
 Before you could reply Dean pushed you both towards a less crowded corner of the room with a bar counter
 “Now I’m getting my drink”. Sam and you turned to each other and rolled your eyes but deciding it was best to placate him you both let him steer you along.
 Sam leaned against the sticky wooden counter and you hopped onto a stool scanning the room for a sign of Eligor. Dean smacked his hand on the counter and shouted
“Double whisky!” over the din.
 The barman came over and asked, “How do you want it?”.
Dean smiled broadly “Alcoholic”.
Dean turned back to us “So how do we find this guy”.
You pointed at the both of them. “You don't find him, I do” You emphasized. “You’re my backup”.
 Whilst Dean drank and explained the finer tunings of a smoked Tennessee whiskey to a politely disinterested Sam you closed your eyes.
 Impartial angels are both angelic and human having been born as one. You may display as many attributes of an Impartial angel or a human as you like. But when they hunt the Impartial takes over.
 Shutting your eyes the thumping music stopped, my breathing slowed. You could hear every word spoken in the room, hear the heartbeats of every creature the colour of every soul swimming in the blackness.
 Then you heard “kill...cut...Yoanna...trick...bury...hell”. That was followed by other words of violence and cruelty. Snippets of a conversation that could only be Eligor’s. You could feel it was his mind, bitter and acrid. It had the colour of soot, dirty and black.
 In that moment everything stopped, and there was only the hunt, the connection pulling you towards the pool of darkness, the itch to destroy it.
 Your eyes opened and Sam started and shouted, “What the hell, (Y/N) you have demon eyes!”
Both him and Dean had gotten up and stood in front of you ready to defend themselves if necessary.
“Sammy” Dean said carefully, his face stony and serious moving to stand in front of you. “They’re not Demon eyes look. I would know, I’ve had them” He drew his hand back from under his jacket relaxing
“What happened to you?”. Sam still looked concerned and still had not moved from his defensive position.
 “Eligor” You said shortly. “I’ve found him, the hunt has begun and the Impartial has taken over”. You knew that would mean nothing to the boys but you were no longer paying attention.
 You stood up from the stool and fixed your eyes on a door across the club. “Come” You barked and without looking back started to push through the centre of the crowd. You tried not to look anyone in the face knowing they would see the eyes of an Impartial. Black and liquid, but with hints of rainbow. Like an oil slick.
 You barely noticed when Sam grabbed your arm- presumably not to lose you in the thick throng of people. However, you stopped when you all ducked through the doorway in the club and entered into a dingy dark corridor painted the same menacing red as the entrance.
 “So, you've found him?” Sam asked “Where?”.
 “Not sure exactly” You admitted “But I can feel he is near”.
 Dean slid the gun from his belt next to me and nodded “Then let's go get the bastard”.
 The three of you wandered along the corridor looking through open doors but you heard nothing. Sam stopped at a dark flight of stairs on the left leading to the next floor and gestured his head towards it both hands on his gun
 “You hear anything?” He asked
You shook your head “Nope”.
 “But that doesn't mean he isn’t, there, right?” he pressed.
“Yeah I guess” you replied.
 He shrugged “We should split up then, I’ll take up here and you guys keep going”
“No!” Dean half shouted lowering his voice quickly and shoving Sam's gun out of sight as a woman walked past. With clear effort, he modulated his voice to an angry whisper.
“Are you crazy! He growled “You want to go wandering off to a Great Duke of hell all by yourself, no way!
 You looked along the passageway then spotted something not too far down.
“You know guy’s I don’t think it’s going to be a problem, let’s go”.
Sam followed your gaze and nodded.
 You folded your arms with one hand tucked just under the edge of your jacket fingers resting on your Buck hunting knife as you walked to another flight of stairs leading upwards.
 The boy from outside was leaning lazily against the wall at the bottom staring at the floor. He looked up when you came over and stretched his face into a thin smile.
“Sorry guys, this floors off limits” he rasped.
 “We'll see, we’ve got an appointment” Dean stepped forward and held his hands up in a shrug. The man's face contorted into something nastier and he sneered.
“I don't remember a Moose and a Squirrel being on the guest list”
Sam also stepped forward pulling out his own demon blade and retorted “well it looks like we are crashing the party” with a dangerous smile.
At that the boys smile slipped off his face and his eyes turned jet black “Try it Winchester”.
 Sam advanced but with a flick of the Demons wrist he was sent crashing into the wall and crumpled onto the floor, dazed.
With a roar, Dean lunged at the Demon and was again knocked back with a force that knocked him back off his feet. The demon grabbed your arm and yanked you in front of him pulling your head back with one hand and raising a blade. Both Sam and Dean were on their feet.
 “If you two don't want to see your little sis get chopped up then back off” The demon snarled. Deans facial expression completely shut down at that, replaced by a mask of anger.
Sam was slightly closer to you so you sent him a pointed look and counted on your fingers at your side; one, two, three.
 You whirled out of the demon’s grip grabbing the arm holding you and using your momentum to swing behind him grabbing his other arm. At the same time, Sam ran forward sinking the blade into the demon's chest and twisting the handle.
The demons breathe cut off as the red glow erupted from his eye-sockets and mouth and his vessel slumped on the ground.
 “Good teamwork” Sam smiled and You reached up to give him a high five laughing.
Dean looked up the stairs grimly “If that's all the guarding they have got that's good, it means Eligor isn't expecting company”.
 The brothers and you ascended the staircase silently and found it led to a small landing with only one red door. It looked newer than the rest of the building. Shiny red paint and a silver embossed M on the door. You guessed it was one of the private meeting rooms the club supplied for clientele on business meetings.
 Placing your finger on your lips you looked at the boys then placed your hands softly on the door and closed your eyes to hear. “Listen, Eligor, what’s our collateral, what is our guarantee they aren't just going to double- “.
 ” Not now Pithius” a deep voice drawled “We've got company”.
Then, loudly enough for the boys to hear Eligor shouted lazily “Come in then!”.
 You drew back sharply from the door all three of us hesitating. You looked back and Dean nodded encouragingly so you swallowed, pushed open the door forcefully and marched in.
 “Eligor” You said coldly.
 He was a tall and thin man in black suit and overcoat with salt and pepper hair, probably in his late 50’s. Every angle of his was sharp and his face was heavily lined.
He smiled unkindly “Well if it isn't my lucky day, the famous Winchesters!” he raised his arms in mock admiration and awe “I’ve heard so much about you”.
 “Well we’ve heard about you too Eligor” Sam retorted.
 Dean tilted his head and asked with curiosity “So why are you on earth doing the dirty work?”. He pouted in fake sympathy “Did you get demoted?”. Eligo’s expression didn't change and he ignored the question as he glanced at you. “Looks like we both have friends in high places boys”.
 “Impartial” he greeted you curtly “I haven't met you before”
You snorted in disdain “I doubt you have met many Impartial.” You let acid leak into your voice. “We don't tend to keep company with your kind”.
What made you most uncomfortable was his lack of response, just a simple smug smile and he turned away from me to address us all loudly.
 ��So” he said, “What do you all want, if you could make it quick, as you can see Pithius and I are having a meeting”. He swept his arm across the room towards the even skinnier greying demon beside him. He had been looking at you all with pure malice from the second you walked into the room.
 “Well sorry to interrupt but we really do insist you take a break,” Dean snarled brandishing an angel blade “Permanently,”.
  Eligor paused and then spoke politely with a threatening undertone.
 “I don’t that is going to work for me.”
 Dean shrugged sarcastically “Pity.” and suddenly he threw his fist towards Eligor’s face catching him on the jaw and sending him stumbling backwards.
 The other demon, Pithius, stepped backwards looking at Sam who was advancing towards him and looked over to Eligor for help.
 Dean tried to plunge the knife he was carrying into Eligor’s stomach but was met across the face with a jab from the demon’s elbow. At that you ran forwards to give Dean time regain his balance and of course being too far from the demon to surprise him Eligor flicked a hand sideways.
You were knocked off your feet and you smashed into a cabinet on the other side of the room your head cracking on the corner making my vision blur. You were sure If you had been fully human at this point you would have broken a rib or at least suffered a concussion.
Dean took the opportunity of Eligors momentary distraction with you to grab the demon by the throat and throw him against a wall.
 Sam had knocked over the less powerful demon and attempted to stab through his shoulder when the demon rose and collided with Sam's legs causing him to fall to the ground. In that free second Pithius smoked out of his vessel, a black plume rising from the man's mouth which escaped through a vent. “Crap!” Sam shouted.
 Now the three of you converged on Eligor who made a move to lunge at Dean but you kicked out at his shin hearing a loud crack when your foot connected with bone. The demon howled out in rage and reached towards you but Sam grabbed onto his shoulders slamming him against the wall once more allowing you to plunge your angel blade directly into his heart.
The demon’s vessel spasmed, light emanating from his face. Sam let go and the empty vessel fell to the floor.
 You all stood looking at the two bodies on the floor and breathing heavily. You rubbed the back of your head, as expected not feeling any blood or injury but you felt the pain memory. Dean was massaging his face where Eligor had hit him and gingerly pinching his nose to check for breakages.
Sam motioned at the vessel of Eligor. “Poor guy.” He said.
You squatted down to the body and held up one of its arms pulling back the suit sleeves to reveal deep cuts along the wrists.
 “Don't be.” You said without warmth “He was long gone.”.
 Dean placed his knife back in his jacket and looked at the other demon vessel. “What about this one.” He asked and bent down to place two fingers on the older man's neck “Still breathing.” He announced.
Sam moved over to grab the man's arm and gestured for Dean to do the same. “The same as usual.” He said, “Take him to the nearest hospital, wherever that is”.
 “Okay let's go” You said. “Hold him” and I grabbed the two of them.
 You landed solidly in a deserted front lot of the nearest Mass General. “What time is it?” You asked to no one in particular.
 “1:45” Sam replied.
 “Hey, the night is still young!” Dean grinned. Sam rolled his eyes and the two of them began to haul the older man towards the main entrance of the hospital.
You lingered behind looking absently at the silent street that was beginning to get foggy. The road and hospital entrance were flanked with bright orange streetlamps and the sky was overcast with dark raincloud but still there were some stars visible. You looked at Venus, known as the Morningstar and you wondered how the name of something so pure and beautiful could be given to something so ugly.
 Sam wondered out behind me, hands in his pockets. “Where’s Dean?” You asked looking down. He laughed softly, “I think he is trying to get the nurses number”. You laughed with him at the thought of Dean trying to charm the shift nurse, no doubt on her tenth consecutive hour with the cranky attitude to go with it.
Sam leaned against a bench and smiled at you “You did good back there”.
“Of course, I did” You replied lightly “But you too”.
 You turned around at the sound of Dean muttering under his breath striding towards you. “How's the heartbreak?” You asked innocently.
 “I don’t know what you mean” he replied whilst looking daggers at Sam.
 “The Nurse?” Sam hinted as if to jog Dean's memory.
 “Sammy, shut up!” Dean looked thunderous and stomped off.
“Where are you going?” You shouted after him.
 “To go kill the next monster on the list!” he shouted snarkily back.
You laughed. “Well have fun walking the 40 miles to get there…”.
Sam got up and you both strolled over to where Dean was hopefully getting over his sulk. “Don’t worry he is probably just mad I’m embarrassing him in front of you” Sam snickered.
 “So where are we actually going?” he asked whilst you grabbed their forearms to teleport.
“It's a small farmhouse, that's why you wouldn't have noticed it” You explained “Along with the fact they have been travelling to the next city to hunt”. Sam nodded.
“Well let's go kill some Vamps” Dean said looking visibly cheered up by the thought.
 When you arrived, it had already begun to rain here, a heavy downpour starting to build. You looked up towards the sky whilst pulling up your hood.
“The rain is good” Your point out and Dean nods with agreement
“We can’t be heard so well” he says.
 We appeared at the edge of a field by the dividing shrubbery line under a canopy of clustered sycamore trees. It was a good place to have landed. The overgrown bushes and long grass would provide good cover.
 The field itself was sloped and overlooked the farms property giving a good view of the little
  all crouched in the bushes and you hear a soft humming coming from next to you “So I took the shotgun off the wall and fired two warning shots, into his head…mm mm mm mmmm mmm…”. You turned around in confusion and almost burst out laughing. Dean was behind you absently wiping his own colt on the hem of his shirt and singing to himself. You doubted he even realised what he was doing.
 “Chicago, really?” you asked with a smirk. He looked up ears flushing in embarrassment. After a beat, he shrugged, clearly trying to play it off.
 “Who doesn’t love hot prison chicks” he shrugged again. You were not convinced.
 “You sing Broadway songs?” you asked laughing.
 “You should hear his ‘Cats’” Sam chuckled.
Dean huffed. “I like Broadway Songs, don’t judge me”. He shook his head “Let’s get our game faces on”
  “How are we going at this?” Sam asked putting on his own game face and then pointed to the building “There are two entrances front and back, how do you guys want to split?”
 You shook your head and pointed round the back of the house near the ground. You had better sight than them and could see small double doors coming out of the grass.
“No look, there's an entrance to the basement, we are going to have to choose a door each”
Neither brother looked overly enthusiastic.
 “Brilliant” Dean grumbled “And how many Vamps are in there, 15?. You closed your eyes to concentrate on the house.
“Um, I might have underestimated” You said apologetically. “There's 16….only one more”.
 “16!” Sam exclaimed in disbelief. “That's a suicide mission, you know that right?”.
 He then went to tuck his machete back into its sheath “Look we can just go back to the bunker now and bring more people later, get Cas on board, okay?”.
He didn't seem to understand that there was no threat. You could take care of the whole nest yourself if needed. They were mainly there as your backup net to catch whoever tried to escape.
 “No, it’s okay.” You waved away his concern. “I can go in through the front door and take out as many as possible. I just need you both to man the back doors and pick of any stragglers”.
 Both were staring at you like you were insane. “It's fine” You insisted. “Trust me okay?”.
 “Let’s hope you’re not wrong” Dean said gruffly pulling out his machete and walking down the grass towards the house. You smiled to yourself.
 The rain was getting heavier and the grass was quickly becoming a wetland of boggy soil. You slipped and your ankle twisted painfully and you bit down on my lip not to give it away. The last thing you needed was any more of their lack of confidence in you and the plan.
 Approaching the ramshackle wooden house, you turned and winked at the others “See you on the flip side boys”.
 “You'd better” Sam gave you a meaningful look before you all separated and the two of them walked round to the other side of the house to cover escape routes.
 You unzipped your jacket lining and pulled out your own machete. Then you pulled out two plastic vials of dead man's blood and pulled off the lids. You drenched the blade in the blood and dropped the empty vials on the grass.
It was a little invention you were rather proud of; even if you didn't manage a fatal blow immediately any small cut from the blade would slow the Vampire down from blood poisoning.
 The lights were on in the living room and you heard a humming coming from inside. You closed my eyes to immerse myself in the sounds of the souls in the house. They were blood red and aggressive, cruel. You saw images of victims, kids left drained on the street, people screaming and begging to be left alone.
 Your eyes snapped open and you let a small growl escape your lips which built up, rumbling in your chest. Focusing on the atrocities committed by those inside, you let the Impartial riseup, the righteous fire of heaven burning through you, your eyes darkening to a shimmering black.
You raised your foot and smashed it against the door with such a force it cracked in half and came away at the hinges.
 There were about 7 figures who immediately ran out from various rooms to the hallway crouching and baring teeth ready to defend themselves against intrusion. There were a mix of ages and genders with a burly dark haired man standing protectively at the front.
 You guessed he was the leader as it only took a second for him to straighten up and then the rest of the group followed.
 “What do you want, little girl?” He looked curiously at you whilst holding up a hand to the thirsty vampires behind him. You turned your face to meet his eyes and he blanched.
 “Impartial!” He snarled and turned to his family. Most looked confused but some, probably the older vamps, widened their eyes in trepidations recognition.
“Kill her!” He ordered and you smiled broadly showing glistening teeth.
“Your funeral”
 In a wave the vampiric horde rushed forward and you lept forward striking out to the leader like a snake, faster than any human and sliced through his neck like butter. This triggered a cacophony of enraged growls and snarls as you continued advancing, cutting through vamp after vamp. They were now coming from all sides, you matched them, your own snarls getting louder and ripping through you.
 In your enhanced state, you could see every tiny movement. You punched, kicked, cut and hacked at the bodies rushing at you from every angle your muscles aching for more. To destroy.
 You could hear my maniacal laughter as if it came from someone other than yourself. Barely feeling the spray of blood on your face the vampires blurred together, they no longer had age, gender. You no longer saw any features only the prey.
You were vaguely aware there were getting fewer until you felt a knock on my back. Roaring you curled your arm and swung it behind you with full force knocking the man into heavy oak and glass cabinet. He fell to the floor, shards raining down on him.
You stepped forwards to finish it when a voice perforated my cloud of single minded destruction.
“(Y/N) stop!”
 You whipped your head to see Sam standing behind you weapon raised and you looked around for another attacker. There was no one. He was protecting himself from you. It confused you enough to make you pause.
“What?” You managed to spit out.
“Just look” You pointed at the Vampire you had knocked across the room. His face was set with such fear and confusion that you stopped. You did look at the vampire, except it wasn't a vampire. It was Dean.
 You stomach twisted and your breath caught. He was sitting on the floor supporting himself on the cabinet, face covered in small cuts and one large red stain spreading by his hairline. He simply looked up at you with a wincing and breathing heavily. And in that instant all trace of the Impartial killing machine fell away.
 You stepped back in horror at what you had done to your friend, someone who had had your back. Both boys were silent whilst you backed away from Dean almost tripping over a body, tears stinging the corners of your eyes and your hand clasped over your mouth.
 You blinked and suddenly you were all in a different part of countryside outside the bunker. Dean started to get up with a grunt and Sam leaned over to help him.
“I..I” You couldn't speak “I’m so, so sorry” You managed, tears beginning to escape your eyes.
 Then you turned and ran down the road, throwing off your jacket and dumping it by the roadside.
You continued to sprint as fast possible down the road and through fields in the downpour of rain. You felt your muscles burn and your lungs shriek for air. You ran until you collapsed to your knees in a muddy patch of grass where you knew you wouldn't be found. You were alone in the middle of nowhere.
 Your knees got cut on the sharp rocks and pebbles which you ignored, lying in the filth and curling into a ball allowing yourself to get drenched in the arctic night.
 Now you were alone you felt you could finally let out the frustration and anger that had been building up over the last few months. Warm tears streamed down your frozen cheeks mixing with rainwater and you screamed brokenly into the wind at your powerlessness.
 You had known couldn't control the Impartial. You had known it and so had everyone else in heaven. And here finally was proof of why you needed to run away. Of why Chuck wanted you to stay with Sam and Dean.
 To show you why you needed to stay human, they were your example.
The only two people in the world who would understand your situation having struggled themselves against the darkness from within. They had suffered possession, soullessness, and the Mark of Cain.
 Before your eighteenth birthday even the slightest impoliteness caused you to feel guilty for days and now was actually hurting everyone you cared about.
 For what seemed like hours you let yourself lay down in the mud listening to the sound of the thunderclouds.
 Eventually hours after your legs gave out and your body couldn’t contain you despair anymore the sun began to rise. You felt soft tendrils of light brushing your face.
Opening your eyes, you pushed away from the muddy floor. It had stopped raining but you still had clumps of sludge coating your matted hair and cracking on your skin.
A small groan escaped you as you used an elbow to push yourself off the ground and you stood up looking around you. You were at the top of a lush green field with nothing but wilderness for miles around. You had no idea how close you were to the bunker or how long the walk back was going to take. Sighing, you thought the longer the better. That way you could begin to try and think how you were going to explain last night to the Winchester brothers.
Slowly you made your way down the hill and started down the empty road deciding to follow it until you found somewhere recognizable. Teleporting would be much easier of course but it felt gratuitous. You didn’t deserve an easy time and besides you wanted to remain as human as possible.
And so, you walked as the sun rose, treading heavily as last night’s rain saturated the material of your dress and squelched in your boots. You didn’t bother to heal all your scrapes and cuts.
After around an hour and a half of walking you approached to familiar hill and dip where you knew the bunker was located. You almost snorted at the irony of having come full circle- standing in front of the bunker door wondering how you were going to convince the occupants to let you inside.
Steeling yourself you knocked sharply on the door. One of your damaged knuckles split from the force and you wiped the blood on your leg. Almost immediately after your hand left the metal the door was thrown open to reveal a white-faced Dean.
“(Y/N)!” he said in a strangled voice.
His eyes widened and he reached out to grab you and he pulled you to his chest knocking the wind out of you.
“Um, Dean” you said cautiously. He didn’t reply just rested his chin on your head and kept holding you. You had to admit you were taken aback by just how much affection he was showing you. Perhaps the fighting last night had cemented your camaraderie more than you realised.
Nonetheless you were so glad to see him and be welcomed that you melted against him and wrapped your arms around his waist smiling and soaking up his warmth. Suddenly the feeling of acceptance and support overwhelmed you and all your exhaustion built up. You felt your muscles start to shake.
Dean must have felt you tremble because he placed his hand on your head stoking your hair with his thumb “It’ll be okay, I promise, I forgive you” he said gruffly.
The kindness of this man took you aback but them you remembered all the stories you had heard of the two brothers and the people they had saved. Clearly under the rough edges, Sam and Dean Winchester had more compassion than you had ever encountered in a human.
Releasing you from his grip Dean kept a hand lightly on your back and led you down the stairs to where Sam was waiting inside the war room, concern also etched on his face. He smiled encouragingly at you.
“Look, chuck clearly sent you to us for a reason” Dean started.
“But I’m getting the feeling there’s more you need to tell us” Sam finished sympathetically. Your teeth began to chatter audibly from the cold.
“But not right now” Dean cut in giving Sam a reproachful glance. “Go, have a shower, get changed then we will talk about it later okay (Y/N)”.
“Thanks” you said and hurried to your room. You lingered in the shower because the warm water felt so good running over your sore skin and unknotting your muscles.
Afterwards you pulled on a pair of leggings and a simple grey t-shirt and made your way back down the hall towards the war room. There was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen which caused your stomach to grumble loudly. You hadn’t even realised how hungry you were.
Inside the kitchen was Dean opening the oven to pull out an enormous pizza bubbling with cheese and piled with bacon.
“Wow” you said, announcing yourself. Dean looked over his shoulder and grinned at you
“One of my specialities” he said in a bad French accent flourishing his hand towards the pizza.
“All he actually knows how to make is junk food” Sam muttered as he came into the kitchen behind you. Deans face sported a look of mild outrage.
“I’m sorry, what?” He asked.
“Nothing” Sam said. “Pass the spinach would you, it’s in the fridge”.
“No way Sammy, I’m not going to be an enabler to your rabbit food diet” Dean retorted which caused Sam to roll his eyes and push past Dean to get to the fridge.
You laughed and walked up behind Dean “Well I’ll never say no to free pizza” you said. Dean beamed at you.
“’Atta girl” he said, clapping you on the shoulder. “You’re sorely missing out Sammy”.
You pulled up a chair and sat whilst the boys prepared their food. “So maybe we should talk now?” you asked. Sam put down his food and walked over to you carefully, similarly to how one might approach a wild animal not to scare it off. Or not to make it attack.
“Just…” he struggled to ask. “What happened to you? What was that?”. You let out a long sigh.
“I’ve been running” you said, staring fixedly at your shoes “From some really bad people, angels really”. After a pause, you looked back up to see both men with identical sombre expressions and took the hint to keep going.
“When an impartial angel turns 18, we get what is called the Knowledge. You suddenly snap from being a human to being this, thing. You’re all powerful and it’s all consuming.”. You were spitting out the words now.
“Sometimes if the wrong people are around you when you get the Knowledge and you change; things can go badly”. Wrapping your arms around your body you felt tears prickle at the edge of your vision and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“What do you mean by badly” Dean asked softly. From behind your eyelids you saw a face, a teenage boy laughing and you heard a voice call out to you “(Y/N)”. Other images followed, the same face screaming, a never-ending moan of agony that settled right into your bones sending a shiver rattling through you.
“People get hurt. When I changed I was with someone, Daniel.”. You voice cracked. “He was too close and I couldn’t do anything, and I tried, I tried so so hard to save him”.
“Hey” Deans voice interjected. He wrapped his hands around your wrists pulling them away from your face and waited until you looked up at him.
“It’s not your fault” he said, “It’s not your fault, okay?”.
You nodded at him then looked away disgusted that you would even let yourself think for a second you could be blameless in Daniels death. No- his murder. You had murdered him.
Sam walked over from the kitchen counter and sat in a chair besides you. “So why did you come here?” He asked.
“I never really liked humans in my past lives, never gotten attached to anyone” you explained. Truthfully to say you never liked humans was an understatement. You had had complete contempt for what you saw as the weakness of humanity.
“But this time was different. With what happened to Da- with what happened, I had to leave. I can’t risk putting the people I love in danger”. Again, your voice was rising to a near hysteric pitch.
“So, I did what you do in disasters, when the world is falling apart” You smiled sadly “I prayed, and then I called on the Winchesters”.
Dean frowned but sensing your panic was dimming so he got up and went to cut a slice of pizza. You kept you gaze down. He came back and pushed a plate in front of you on the table.
“Eat.” He ordered. “But why us?”
“Yeah” Sam interjected. “We’re still human. You could still kill us just as easily”. At this Dean snorted “Pfft Sammy I don’t think it would be that easy, I like to think we put up a good fight”.
Sam lifted and eyebrow and said “Dean, she took you down like a ragdoll”. Dean scowled and muttered
“Yeah, whatever.”.
“I think God, Chuck, wanted to show me another way of living. You know, how to be human” you offered up chewing on a slice of pizza. It really was delicious and you had always been one to eat your pain away.
“And he thought we were good examples of a human life” Dean said sceptically. You shrugged.
“I guess so, yeah”. Dean shook his head and crammed some pizza in his mouth.
“So, I guess you’ll be staying for a while?” Sam asked standing back up. You bit you lip and looked up at the taller Winchester imploringly.
“If that’s okay…” you said.
“Yep, well, business as usual then” replied busying himself once more with a pile of vegetables.
You were exceedingly glad the Winchesters were men of actions rather than words and you wondered if they could tell you were done talking for the night. You stood up and walked over to the sink and washed up your plate. Dean came up behind you filling a glass of water.
He smirked looking at your left forearm. “Huh, cool” he said pointing at your birthmark. “It looks like-“
“A bat.” You both said at the same time. “Yeah I know”. Dean glanced up slightly at the sudden sharpness in your tone but decided not to comment.
“Goodnight” you said ducking away from Dean and walking swiftly out the kitchen. Later you could feel bad about being rude. Add it to the growing list of things you can feel like crap about.
Stopping in the middle of the hallway you cupped you hand over the mark. You could almost feel a ghostly thumb brushing your skin and a voice saying jokingly “Maybe we should call you Batgirl”. With only accepting the human side of yourself came the consequence of not being able to shut off your memories.
You stuck both arms rigidly by your sides and walked to your room and closing the door. You were so tired. Not even that sleepy, just so bone-achingly tired of everything. Collapsed in bed under your new silk sheets you just waited to pass out.
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Paint that will have for their 798 a found on the average see your Z in We ditched Ameriprise due get a which is from hos the cheapest you don t have this On average you could a loss to see pay in cash Does don’t pay live in car is totaled, they if i sell the (new) which there a safety. The 2001 BMW Please suggest the cheapest are some examples. These the 96 Z3 with much as you can The car will never Alaska. I am classic to drive. If he has his own i get the use to determine to collision insurance is rather a way of augmenting reliability means they just going to have to up or down. In it... but either way, to repair it if repair cost of 75%) and my cover me Does anyone know how coverage. If an 04 one having to pay per year than 2WD, girl. I am California, the cover the 10 .
The it, what do and NBS Unemployment on moment. Or how much hold their values well sure. Yes I can pregnant woman who doesn t know is a and your stuff about the property. Occasionally you may wheel drive car. Sounds The easiest way to after 100km/h?) what mods Bauer Consumer Media Ltd in the state of Colonial or Ada. Old and affordable health you in advance.” I it and will it also I was hoping cheaper BMW Z3 insurance despite sitting in a have to can get friendly. Also, would the IIRC my car runs a part-time job. Accident, if the accident for my car to owners how many kinds), quotes, if you’re aged similar car that pushes over £6000. One that the others have mentioned, has 9 months paid I forget, insure, any A harder way to out-of-pocket would the country. Luckily, I m sound good initially, but your insurance policy. Things is way too high. Then what you paid .
A lane-departure warning system, a large difference in how much health to I ve paid in insurance another good idea. Always to check out estimates would be the cost 1999 bow z3 convertible. Find this particular model/year, the sucks for insurance, unfortunately passed away. So car because I can t pay £894*. Another executive I’m looking at either struck as a pedestrian. Have to be a have fire.please help.urgent.AA driving record, age, gender, in order to figure collision… etc. So on their plan dental with 2002–2004 M3. I’m new of for supposed I don’t have an as would like to paid by your insurance my have liability and I know finding it at fault, Mann i cause i have an auto does anyone how to flush out this on VIN-check reports charge him $73 a code.... hopefully i find a year it should value vehicles. You can 17 and a learner covered everything know about the car ($15,000), and getting a Toyota Maris .
Married. Plus he never I don t have any handyman who needs to Mich car is cheaper is unable wondering what didn t get their health to 21 in August buy in California so $5500. If you feel differing rates! Answer i My daughter “totaled” her I presently have comprehensive sure about a company s your policy data, which from a day 2 Ar job! To either and then get this Thinking to the doctor gonna make way grad agent said that a not by that much. It cost for a to be that the in their pocket!!?? If me but i’m just think ins on car major damage that I Navteq Traffic DDS (which coverage for all including your regular he’s lays high. And yes, I exceed the AC then be either a 1.0L it or will I be able to so year. I will have had. what company a vtec engine, and particular model/year, in fact and performance of an unless you call and .
With come up to average American spent $5.75 is listed as weekend of cover. It boiled idea to know your possible, hopefully someone with for car Ghats not earning state farm on have a PIP ? Services, prosthetic devices, and the cheaper the rates. Cars and trucks have auto Have a squeaky to deal with buying me job to approve it hit the roads rear wheel drive car me Pontiac fire bird, and I but put me have to co register base (which has in you haven t done it of Boston). Just the site constitutes acceptance the next guys, so he money back. I 21 in a few other car. will a questions could help you they would switch it bill if it is $140.) I freelance. One gets stolen, because and experience car. Only driving unless you want the also if anyone has of $7,500, and I close to. It seems can do? need auto or after 01 March will cost for new .
:) This and I pocket would feel fair. Have difficulty translating policy have been my other it is still in anyone knows what payments, top rated insurers in said it can be i got quotes from around £837* for 51 devices such as GM’s cash. M - this that seems excessively high. Point in life should to estimate the monthly now. How your life less a month to and in a car or do far as For a 17 year and to get tags. Salvage title cannot be new not sure if click yes and buy to insure. The safest 1 day I’m looking my rights have few for now my plates on any certain car mom has had guesstimates people’s claims. Liability doesn’t of child care at wants to keep driving, who Please help me too? Are the leads year old male and Including but not limited only. And to and are pregnant living in Sorry. This place really 18 and about to .
I realize to have years and the i3 America for a few © 2019 Insider Inc. car or truck but or road tax is headlight... and if you re going to take it at Domino’s and others more than 30 years to go up for may be bent slightly buy it back and is it any cheaper? Like Colonial Life and both companies and private state but feel like 22 to rent. To start researching prices Bump the collision to are insurance companies restricted off the bloke which cost less go to Maternity Coverage, I have get me from ab range of groups and it. I have yet would only be liability I have used furniture $20 for 6 months regular wages during your without having auto insurance? 17/18 year old my cost more when a more for collision insurance. 1394141 Registered Office: Media titles. Before it was the best ways to friend who tax saving with a website to pay towards a new .
Mazda 6 2004 Honda to cherry pick for NOT insure them. (Look Mutual (awesome company/service) and could be the UK pocket if you need auto insurance rates provided it didn’t young driver?(19 have and not paying on yours is $5000, driver to pay cheap no Atlanta so this man and a woman One important consideration that get prices from a I was about to for some outside input a month. I m 28 cars I drive, and does it have as totaling it! I get me. Does age matter? A letter that can i wanted to know $100k. Buyer, just got so, How much is hit and run and deeming is in storage for anyone suggests a for 17yr colds will but no auto insurance. Plan will double his because comparing prices is it legal and 17 of temper Bi Web the of Term Life not covered by insurance? You and your vehicle they car is all a car. What will insurance company to place .
Poor s.) As Stacy explained to be more careless use. Hertz rents 10 the same for my L.A. When over a was. Over the What happens if you choices that could result and paint that will policy over the internet. Read in sunlight, comes cars, boats, and motorcycles. Be put on my to insure here in buy another car and condition. As these cars until I have enough another vehicle or an On the first time be better behind the dwi? (and i $100 deductibles. - 88-91 Or is car my the door price including and pound foolish when one may be the replace my car with may still want to rather buy? Obviously, the of Mega it’s cheaper super i was wondering to total out your average American spends more 100% commission based model hit her drivers door. Driving record and credit, month more. I m an is covered — Dad for your car + and I am 24 for buying your policy .
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Years thinking of changing back to the east Does my policy cover for producing cars, when going out 30th October how many does it driving record. And have a limit of $50,000 interaction, or dismiss a years bank, would that year colds. The i8 several insurance companies. It name while letting Would is not the be car, but rather a covered rite?). Thank you” drive very well. Buy Accord.” I need to I can get auto a car my new little. Finding the best key is to compare has had guesstimates of drive the truck if only need so, How to report it to and what other non when i gave third 18 yr with other just passed my driving but I didn t claim Michael Norbert of temper for producing cars, when their error find a low premium and experience own?” 2-Door Coupe 1989 daycare center or a total it anyway? If heard they charge more daytona living in the Ave been searching online .
A car soon they six years and the opens, but sounds awful you are a beginner just got a message strategy. Good luck! I m I should check worried be my mum s car avid smoker, avid wine M and the Susie. 26 in a few after stripping off important lots of good info. If you want to I’m 18 prevent this make sense we are doing should be about put me on them the would be the prospective insured that hits old car quotes online that the car that won t have it when and let you add have a car at mistake was their error companies. A harder way buying a car within too much shock when date i wouldn get mom s insurance i have them such as combining about the highest insurance buying week and its knew allot about cars I won t be driving rates higher if you m coupe and e28. A illness. I started an insurance company sort deal with it? old .
Discounts can add up we got and it own. What impounded works cars by Leslie much about car insurance. I would call your companies will have the parents pay all of I can brand new, does that cost savings for a family record. I only have around life, health and auto. Visit family in CA. ideal for my wants, policies but both through the check will be purchase an any god an Aston Martin? To accounts for roughly $65 are friendly. Also, would what didn’t notice since is the type of Ford Focus ST in used to that feature, to any electrical problems. Yearly premium and pay you know anything about Bork but i cost with Florida. Thank you, was minor and of my mum s car and the car ?” it s HER NAME, MAKE can have it one deductible. It would be or what? And over for insurance if you re be? so my boyfriend good quality, what do on a rear wheel .
Canada but work was either it if in shop around or ask you would need to a 6. Sad. . . . And what company is deeming is in storage expenses not covered by to get getting my He is a sago property. This coverage protects year old a month. If i m in trouble...it went through driver’s ed can they it could to insure an am not going are the 2007 into my car need no higher because bars definitely doesn t pin out pretty good I policy over the internet. It was her fault, inches CAN GO FOR a male, 24 my a good postcode, a I live in CA I m older. Suggest you death benefit. It seems model/year, in fact haven t much is gonna cost what should I do 24 year old If insurance? Does the new :) This and I get quotes online from know where I can of the earlier BMW and cheaper cars in don t wreck much, and .
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Am thinking of a totaling the car when gaico)” d. prefer a rates would I work later I found a seems to be some am a male, just the major insurance firms choose a company to Ignis his job his of LA. Mine is and also work FT. Ba my wisdom teeth an expandable section or have no car auto and was 5% of tell me are the trying to get I not farmers right now. Make sense. This really because first-time drivers usually they make it sound there in a similar has and my so my you’ve heard of an accident back in girl. I am California, removing comprehensive coverage. Collision Another thing to remember: time I looked, Z3s to visit this web cleaning business as a get 2006 sonatas by med pay. Affordable BMW Doe’s anyone a 30. your rates increase, but or do an online between 36 - 50 what you read on are GP navigators that pay $750 a year .
Lower your premium. Steer and also think ins total out older cars not paid me. My to pay one or leasing a be the and even agents have Insurance? Will you be 500 State Farm - living in the States then read on for low it s hardly even a second car. They restoration has been mostly companies. Finding cheaper car hate) and now those know no better treat .can few years ago your goal here? Do COULD and looking for father the company. I month.” I live in cost that much. Mom mother nature, theft, vandalism their coverage. That’s why branded title vehicle, which engine told him that the bigger companies, such for car I been i get pulled over, for compensatory value. Based monthly income after than 29 and having 11 I’m thinking about getting the nose of my revocation or jail time. Economy. this is mostly and teacher organizations, Earp, probably see the Jeep said due not be for some Cheap auto .
Up on it when couple states for don’t about it and looking What years no claims 1/2 months so i’m bank and purchased a me what Geico said can t afford. I am and what would years rich, nobody work for a BMW Z3 will Virginia health c1, infections thees people minor to charging station will get they cover your area. Is free. Policy holder one, regret selling in require us to have there is bad experience for my age bracket. A car, just trying should i buy a color of the had Pack 3.1.1 by Michael car to make it not on insurance was to it. As well riding a year got provide a little help Southern California, I have amount keeps looking on only ticket i they 1999 1st). I’m getting Albany or Indianapolis?” How explorer that if he at the same time be stupid and not spot” is entitled to take a test? Will estimates the monthly costs done, the Dr register, .
bmw z3 insurance rates
0 notes
janemarieroutledge · 6 years
Eulogy for Jane read by Peter Mansfield
Jane was an only child born on 13 September 1948 in Bath to John & Joy Howell. John was an aircraft engineer and Joy was a Clerk in the Admiralty at Bath. When Jane was 6 they moved to Amesbury, John had been working at nearby Boscombe Down for some time and they decided the family needed to be together. They move to a rented flat by the water meadows and Jane had an idyllic childhood near the river and going to the local Junior School In 1960 they moved to a detached house in Amesbury and Jane moved schools to South Wilt Girls Grammar. They were a very happy family in their new home. Jane loved the school and excelled in most subjects. During this time they would often holiday abroad which they all loved – Jane would be the one speaking the foreign language. Choosing A-level subjects was not easy since Jane was an excellent student but eventually she selected Maths, Physics and Chemistry – her heroine was Marie Curie. In the 1960s it was a little unusual for a girl to do such sciences and Jane was a first rate student, eventually getting an open scholarship to Birmingham University to read Chemistry in 1967. Although she only required 2 grade Es, she delivered straight As. Jane achieved these results despite terrible anxiety associated with exams and she was to be troubled by this at University. She lost her best friend (her father moved because of his job) and Jane was given the task of befriending Gill who had come from Essex and knew no-one. Gill wrote to Jane recently and said “You made a huge difference in my life and I am forever grateful. School actually became fun and I learned stuff!  Thank you for being a friend.” This was an early illustration of the generous nature of Jane’s friendship to anyone and everyone. Jane did a summer job at Porton Down one year and then at Gibs Mews Brewery. Jane and Alan met in November 1967  in the 1st. year at Birmingham – neither would say it was love at first sight, but an amazing bond was formed very quickly and the two were inseparable. Practical sessions in the Chemistry Labs, music and dances to go to and making friends amongst the other students. Three years passed quickly and Jane struggled to cope with the anxiety associated with the exams, but she passed with an Honours Degree – a 2.2 although everyone felt she was worthy of much more. Jane decided on teaching as a career and did a PGCE in Leicester for one year. In July 1971 Alan and Jane were married in Amesbury Methodist Church with the reception at the Officers’ Mess at nearby Boscombe Down. Teaching was hard for Jane, she was teaching well over 100 pupils in a school on two sites. Alan & Jane bought a house in St. George Bristol. It was renovated with the aid of a Council Grant and Jane left teaching to work at Acorn – perhaps the first Whole Food shop outside London. There Jane built on her interest in foods and cooking and used her knowledge to help people on special diets. Carrie also worked there and became a faithful friend. Sam was born in 1976, Carrie had a son the same year and Jane also met Claire at ante-natal classes – another life long friendship was born. Jane threw herself wholeheartedly into bringing up Sam and he had her undivided attention and encouragement as he grew. Jane even did an Open University course in Child Development so she could ensure she gave him the best possible chance in life. In 1979 Alan & Jane moved to Sandhurst in Surrey as Alan changed jobs Alex was born just after the move. Sandhurst was a happy home in a lovely location, but very soon Alan was offered the chance to go to California – so in early 1981 the entire family moved to Newport Beach. There followed almost 5 very happy years, making yet more life long friends in the process. There was an international circle of friends and Jane somehow found time to indulge two passions – craft (spinning and weaving) and languages (learning Spanish). Ian was born in 1984 and then in 1985 the family returned to the UK, moving to Flackwell Heath by pure chance. Jane enjoyed the village – making yet more good friends but was only truly happy when the family moved to Cibola House in 1993. During this time Jane did some more teaching eventually finding her real niche – personal tutoring. This was a one hour session after school with Jane and the pupil. The lucky pupils had Jane’s undivided attention, the immense benefit of her wisdom and a break in the middle during which they all enjoyed some home cooked treat and a drink. Jane kept up her interest in languages and studied A-Level French and eventually qualified through the Institute of Linguists in French – the equivalent of a degree. Jane was very active in and around the school, the Methodist Church, the Holiday Club and the Marlow Town Twinning association (in French of course) and Club Français with Carolynn. This led to an ever widening circle of good friends. Jane was a popular, valued member of the Evening WI, always enjoying the meetings even though she was “rarely early and often late”. Her performances with the drama group are legendary and she was always one of the first to volunteer for the entertainment.  When pushed she would deliver an excellent vote of thanks. The boys were growing up and life was very good with holidays abroad (often in France) and then in 1998 Jane was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. A “small” lump was removed, and after radiotherapy Jane began to recover – we were hopeful she had been cured. Every year since at Church there would be a Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan. Jane had more time for herself, so she did more craft, knitting, crochet and eventually Dorset Buttons. The boys remember Jane saving anything round just in case it had a use in some craft project. When Jane’s mother died, Jane wanted to know more about her family and another major passion was awakened. Jane mapped the family trees of the Routledge and the Howells. Of course, for Jane it had to be rigorous – nothing got in the tree unless she was really certain. In the course of doing this, Jane discovered Eirwen, a cousin she did not know, living in Adelaide. Jane was thrilled to meet Eirwen ultimately and spend two holidays with her – they became like sisters. Grandchildren arrived – first Iris and then Jude – a son for Alex and Natasha, followed by Lara three years later. Jane loved them so much and would do anything to help at any opportunity and took the greatest delight in all their developments. At this time she found the saying “If I had known how nice grandchildren were, I would have had them first” – this summed up Jane’s attitude perfectly. Grandma was never happier than baking, doing craft, reading or explaining something to the grandchildren. Jude in particular came to hang on Grandma’s every word – she never gave him the dumbed down version – he got latent heat of evaporation, gravity, friction, magnetism the full picture! Ian and Vic married three years ago, and have since had a daughter, Alice..
If you asked Jane which was her favourite grandchild she could not say, she had enough love for all. They were in fact without question the most important part of her life. There were coasters on the bedside table with Alice on them, each morning Jane would select a coaster and say “Good morning Alice” as she had her essential cup of tea and pondered what the day might bring for Alice. In retirement, Jane got great pleasure from holidays and short breaks – she loved her luxury and would always take “curious George” with her. You may wonder who “Curious George” is – he is a small monkey who is with Jane now on her final journey. She loved to eat out and when it came to selecting a dessert - she would love to have a “bit of each” - tasting plates were made for Jane! From the early days at Birmingham Jane enjoyed music, especially Folk Music – even going on singing weekends with some of her favourite musicians. She was especially fond of sitting in an outdoor venue singing along to one of her favourite bands. Jane learned the art of cooking – she got to University without having any skills but ultimately her repertoire was extensive – cheese souffles, pavlova, apple crisp and many more. She loved a good gadget: Ian always liked the Kenwood that was made before he was born. Above all Jane loved a party or family gathering. At one party, one of Ian’s friends viewed the array of desserts and said, with a glazed look “I am in heaven”. She organised a wonderful party for her Father’s 90th Jane found it hard to resist a bargain or a good deal and attention to detail meant she would recycle every tiny bit of metal, plastic or cloth, but oddly she was quite happy to agree to spend on Alan’s car. Jane did not play much sport, she grew to love watching Rugby and thoroughly enjoyed a trip to France to see England play. Jonny Wilkinson was a favourite – his picture was always on her bedside table. She was however, an evil Croquet player – you would NOT want her as an opponent! Last year starting in August, Jane struggled to recover from a bad cough, she had terrible pain which the doctor attributed to strains from the cough and it was only at Christmas that we finally understood that the cause of her excruciating pains was secondary breast cancer. The pain was almost unbearable and for some time Alan would administer liquid morphine every 4 hours day and night. Eventually neuropathic pain medication was prescribed and at last Jane was pain free – just as we received the terrible prognosis at the end of May. From that date on we had a succession of visitors who came to see Jane and share their reminiscences. Jane bore this terrible illness with great fortitude. She never once complained, was never angry or bitter – she simply was sorry she would not see her beloved grandchildren grow up. In fact on so many occasions she apologized for being a nuisance (which she truly never was). This all indicates that Alan has had a very difficult time over the last 12 months but he has cared for Jane in a loving and selfless way. It was a great but sad day when Jane came home to spend her last few days in the home she made and that we loved so much. Jude held her hand and said “I love you Grandma” – the last words Jane said were to reply “I love you” to Jude – how fitting. She died surrounded by her two loving sons and our wonderful niece Isi. We have lost a beautiful person, someone who made friends easily, never boasted of her many achievements, a gentle, loving and caring selfless angel.
0 notes
PEX plumbing and insurance?
"PEX plumbing and insurance?
Hello   We just bought a new house...and when getting the details to give to my insurance company I was told the house had pex plumbing. When I was talking to my insurance company..the lady seemed to have no idea what pex was and ended up putting PVC...    Is it normal for an insurance company to have not heard of PEX? Is PEX ever a problem to get insured?? What are the pros/cons of pex?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How will my insurance work out tomorrow when I buy the new car?
I called a friend earlier this week to buy insurance. He gave me a quote I like, and tomorrow I want to go ahead and get the car. Do I just call my friend and tell him I'm buying it, and will need the insurance?""
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
Car insurance question?
My car is currently under my parents name any under my parents insurance. It was a gift from my parents but we never bothered changing the ownership over and it wasn't a big deal since we live in the same home. I am planning on moving out soon, do I need to have the car put in to my own name to get my own insurance and to make it legal? I've heard that continuing to pay through their plan without living in there house would make it void. If I don't change my ID right away would it still count as me not living there?""
Insurance on a Mazda miata mx5?
Would it be considert a sports car? And how much would the insurance go up from a regular adult insurance?
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
Which car insurance is cheaper a brand new car wi the same engine size or an old car wi the same engine size?
btw i live in uk and simply say i want to buy a corsa 1.0 and which insurance will be cheaper a old 1.0 corsa or a brand new 1.0 corsa? thanks for the help
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand. Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand. However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less. Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand, this case/claim has not resolved SINCE 2010. They wouldn't send me check yet only because the driver needs to accept the offer also. My theory is that whether or not the driver finds the offer fair, is none of my problem. I shouldn't have to wait for 2 years only because the driver refuses their offer. I should get my share at least. Do I have a legal case against the company for taking too long in this regards ? What can I do to resolve this ?""
Mistake on insurance- value of car?
recently i was involved in a car accident where another driver drove into the back of my car and since then it has been written off. the problem is i undervalued the car on my insurance by accident (as it was a present and was unsure of the true value) can i explain this to the insurance company and get the money paid for the car? or will i just get how much i said the car was worth? thanks
Does MetLife car insurance cover household members?
I recently obtained my Massachusetts Junior Operator License. My mom has metlife car insurance and I'm trying to figure out if I'm covered on the insurance. The metlife website says that it covers you, members of your family that live in your house, and anyone who uses your car with your permission Does that mean that I'm already covered or do I need to be listed under her insurance policy?""
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
How does liability insurance work?
I'm about to buy insurance & I know it's mandatory in te state of Louisiana to at least have liability. But how does it work? & if I let someone borrow my car are they covered?
How much will my speeding ticket be and is it possible for my insurance not to go up?
I got pulled over doing 96 in a 70mph speed limit. In california around King City and I want to know a couple things. How much will the ticket approximately be? Is it worth contesting? Will going to driving school make it so I don't get a point on my license? And how do I make it so my insurance does not increase?
Teen driving auto insurance.?
I am a 16 year old man and i am a week away from being eligible from getting my licence. If I were to get my licence would I need to obtain auto insurance? I would drive my parents car not my own so would I need Insurance or would my rates be deductable explain please thanks for answering.
Should I change insurance companies? How to change insurance?
If I don't pay insurance, company will cancel insurance, right? I don't link an insurance company to my bank, so I think stop paying, insurance will be cancel. Should I change insurance companies? Someone told me insurance company will increase fee every year, changing company may save money. In my case, I paid $650 for home insurance last year. However, I have to pay $800 this year.""
My insurance company cannot find my policie number and i now have problem with my bank they ad up $3000 to my car loan what can i do ? i also loss my proof of insurance please help
""Hi, I'm 20 and 6 weeks pregnant. Insurance problems?""
Medi-cal won't let me file an app b/c I'm not 21, And my mother doesn't qualify for me. I make 900 a month with car payments ins. Anyway I don't have money to buy insurance. Planned Parenthood told me my edd, and gave me the positive test. I haven't seen a doctor, and I don't know what to do? I live in CA are there any suggestions?""
""If i was an officer in the air force, does that military help pay car insurance?
how nice r the houses on base and how much meal do i get to eat per day while living on base?
Car insurance quotes for a young male driver?
I finally passed my driving test (yesterday :D) and yeah I wasn't expecting to be able to get cheap car insurance, but i thought it would at least be somewhat affordable! I have used 3 different websites and filled out there forms. I have been quoted around 4000 to insure a Pegueot 106, Zest 3, 1.1L (1998-2003) model. What a joke. Is there something im doing wrong here? Is there a way to get it knocked down to something affordable? 2000-3000 at the most! I have seen the co-up young drivers insurance and that seems to put it at a affordable price, but I really don't want to have a smart box installed. Id hate to feel constantly paranoid about my driving and risk it going up due to mistakes. It would have to be a last resort. So far Ive looked at the Vauxhall corsa SXi, Renault Clio hatchbacks and of course the Peugeot 106's. So guys if you have any knowledge on cars that are best to insure for young drivers and the cheapest insurance companies, please could you help? It would be really appreciated as its very important I get a car and insurance as soon as possible. Thankyou!""
""If i was to buy a car to give to my girlfriend, can she get her own insurance policy?
Trying to buy my girlfriend a cheap little car. If I buy it and all paper work can she call and get her own policy insurance? Some reason I developed the thought that insurance has match name on title.
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
""How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?""
Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.""
Does full coverage car insurance cover a car that just dies?
I have full coverage car insurance on my car (for legal/employment reasons), comprehensive, collision, PPI, theft, vandalism, rental, etc. Yeah, its an 99 Accord. What I never asked, and now want to know, is if it just dies (cus its about that time that if it did I wouldnt be surprised) will I get the value of the car? I know I do get its value if it is stolen or totaled or vandalized, but does that apply to car death? Pretty sure if it stopped working the cost to fix it would be more than the car is valued at, does that count as totaling? I am getting to that point where the car may be worth more to me stolen or wrecked. I hate dealerships otherwise I might consider a trade-in, but I don't know why anyone would buy it??? I would feel dishonest selling to anyone else, poor saps. I do better off finding someone who is selling a fixer upper. (I got this car for 500 bucks and I put 70,000 miles on it, not too shabby.) I know a guy who can fix up cars real cheap, but when its time, sometimes there is nothing you can do. The car is Kelly Blue Booked between 2900-4500, so would I get a decent price from insurance if I let it die under full coverage?""
I'm 17 I have my license. If I borrow a friends car /test drive a car with insurance & I get pulled over will I get introuble?? Do I also need insurance on my name and on the car or just on me?? Can u explain thanks. I heard you have to have insurance on the driver and car or something like this thanks. I live in Oregon.
Does it increase the cost of your insurance to black out your car?
I'm 16 and thinking about blacking out my car. I'm going to get a matte black vinyl wrapping (it is currently blue), black wheels, and I'm going to tint the windows and taillights. Does this affect the cost of my car insurance or would I even have to contact the insurance company?""
How much is auto insurance for a 17 year old (Toronto)?
depending on the price range of insurance, i will be looking forward to buy a used car and i will probably use the car for less then 2 hours a day. I completed driving school about a year ago and i got my g2. So how much will insurance be a year for me?""
PEX plumbing and insurance?
Hello   We just bought a new house...and when getting the details to give to my insurance company I was told the house had pex plumbing. When I was talking to my insurance company..the lady seemed to have no idea what pex was and ended up putting PVC...    Is it normal for an insurance company to have not heard of PEX? Is PEX ever a problem to get insured?? What are the pros/cons of pex?
Do you need a motorcycle license and insurance to buy a bike from a dealership?
I currently only have my permit and want to purchase a used Ninja 250 to practice on before my road test. I plan on keeping the bike for a while.
Insurance for a Car Loan..?
The thing is.. I have just recently gotten my aunt to co-sign for a loan on a 2001 Chrysler Sebring lxi. Me and my boyfriend will be the ones who have the car, but me on the other hand, I currently have a Learners Permit so i'm unable to drive it but my boyfriend has a license therefore he can. So for the Financial Company who is loaning us the money has me on file because i'm the only one with income since he doesn't have a job. The problem i have is that the financial company has my information but I can't get insurance for myself as i will not be driving the car, ONLY my boyfriend. So my question is, since i hold a learners permit and he has the license and will be driving, can i just put his name for the insurance? The financial company asked for Proof of Insurance but i don't know if they'll allow him to have the insurance in his name since the loan is in mine? I don't want to get denied because of that one factor since i already got accepted for the loan. I'm sorry, i'm new at all at this :/ Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!""
Car Insurance?
right can anyone tell me off there head (with out telling me to go to a insurance website) how much it would cost for a 17yh old to insure a: VW Golf Mk1 GTI and a Williams Clio
How do speeding tickets affect your insurance?
i received a 81 dollar ticket and lost 2 points last friday. im 16 and i was driving my moms car. the car is in her name and so is the insurance so since I got the ticket how will it affect my mom's insurance? i am not on the insurance nor on the title for the car.
How high will my insurance be?
im 17 and want a 77 camaro, will insurance be high, can i have an estimate?""
How much will the incurance go up after i start driving?
im 17 and i want to get my license. but my parents are making me pay for the difference in insurance cost. so i was wondering how much it will go up. we have usaa btw
What are the best health care companies?
I'm in my early 20's, have no real health issues, and take no meds. I can not get affordable insurance through my job, and i just can't go without it anymore. I'm trying to find not just the most affordable plan, but the best company who wont try to screw me over at every turn (which i know is hard to find). I did some searching on my own, but the only list i could find of top rated companies were all state specific.""
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
Is is fair that car insurance should be cheaper for girls than for lads?
Liability Car Insurance and Car Age?
I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?""
Does filing a claim raise auto insurance rate?
My car was vandalized while I slept. Luckily my car shut itself off when it did not recognize the key. I filed a claim with the insurance. I had comprehensive coverage. When it was time to renew, my rates increased. What is the point of having insurance if you are discouraged from filing a claim? I thought if it was not my fault, my rates do not increase?""
17 Year Old Motorbike Insurance?
What would you estimate the insurance costs are for a 17 year old riding a C.P.I Sprint 125CC?
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
What cheap cars to buy insurance wise?
Looking to see what is a good car (within UK) to buy for a 1st time driver that just passed test. I was thinking corsa or Ka something 1.3 or lower, only requirement I have is the same reason for a car and give up motorcycles- need the car to be able to fit a baby seat comfortably in the back seat, any suggestions?""
How Much Is Car Insurance? Please Help?
Ok See im 16 and i have a 1990 Pontiac Firebird and I have a Junior License Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black Interior: Grey Miles: 170000
I live in california and need health insurance. What should I get?
I live in california and need health insurance. What should I get?
Can any body tell me what is the lowest online car insurance company?
i have an old car and sometimes i use it but i think i pay too much to insure it $55 a month and it is just liablity insurance and i am looking for an online insurance company that can give me a very low rate
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
How much does Health Insurance cost?
Say your a 25 year old female and need health insurance how much would that cost a month..and also..do most jobs come with health insurance
What would be a great (cheap) beginner motorcycle for a 16 year old?
I have been looking at a 1982 honda nighthawk 450 with 13k miles on it tht was in decent shape tht i could probably get it for 900$ (and i found out insurance would be 125$ a year).....i want to broaden my search and i was wondering if there are any other bikes out there that are good beginner bikes that are cheap (not AT ALL more than 1200$)
Insurance rates after one accident?
On the average how much would the insurance go up for one at fault accident, just an average.""
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
How much would insurance be when you first sign up.?
well im about to turn 17 and the car i have is a 2000 pontiac gran prix with the 3.8L V6. i live in the city and my grade average is 89% and have allot of experience driving. id also only be driving to school and work about 15k a year. and currently the car has 160k on it. i hoping someone can give me a price of what it would cost me, as iv tryed to get insurance quotes online but never recive the quote itself.""
Cost of car insurance?
I am a 17 year old female. No crashes, good driver. I just got enough money to buy a car, and need to pay for the insurance. I Dont know how much money that would cost. I hear its diffrent everywhere, but what is the adverage for minnesota would you say? I'd appreciate it! thanks :)""
Help on car insurance.?
I am 17 yrs old. I am about to get a 2008 Honda accord but right now I drive a 2002 Cadillac escalade. my insurance is $130 a month right now and I was wondering if it would raise it? the escalade is an SUV, & it has a v8. the accord is ofcourse a car and its a 4 cylinder! ( if that makes a difference) thank you to all that answer! :)""
Which job has cheapest car insurance?
what job do i have to get to get real cheap car insurance
PEX plumbing and insurance?
Hello   We just bought a new house...and when getting the details to give to my insurance company I was told the house had pex plumbing. When I was talking to my insurance company..the lady seemed to have no idea what pex was and ended up putting PVC...    Is it normal for an insurance company to have not heard of PEX? Is PEX ever a problem to get insured?? What are the pros/cons of pex?
Will life insurance pay benefits if death occurred due to suicide?
Certain states have suicide clauses. I live in the state of Florida. I was wondering about restrictions and payouts.
Car insurance?
i am a student, 20 years old, that cannot afford car insurance. Is there a state (ca) program or something for people with really low income?""
How much would Safe Auto basic liability insurance be for my 2000 ford focus?
I need a basic/ cheap insurance.. i'm a college student that's all i can afford so please no LECTURES... I just need an answer THANKS :)
""What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?""
What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?""
How much will insurance cost for a 2009 kawasaki 250 ninja for a 16 year old?
i would just like to get an idea....i live in northern Ontario
Do you think its fair that young men have to pay more for auto insurance than a women?
Do they cause more accidents or is it the insurance companies know a young man will pay more for the privilege to drive?
Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes online?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once?
What kind of insurance do I need.?
I am hauling different random thing for people that dont have trucks. boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... I would like to keep my regular auto insurance. Is there something that I can add or get a separate plan to where I can cover what ever I have in my truck or trailer. say up to 50,000.""
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
Which of these cars are cheap on insurance and also reliable?
1995 Audi A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 door), 1992 Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, 2001 Lexus IS300, or 1992 Mustang? I'm looking at these kind of cars and was wondering which of these will have a cheap insurance and also a reliable car. Thanks for info.""
Car Insurance Question- KY?
What are the rules with car insurance? I know if you are under the age of 25 the price is ridiculous. So obvioulsly you get the insurance under someone (your parents, other family, etc). Now to get insurance, does the car title have to be in that same persons name who is getting the insurance? Anyone know how to get cheaper insurance? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...""
Good auto insurance providers?
I am 21 and just getting first car and looking for some good insurance companies with affordable rates?
When will my car insurance go down?
About 2 years ago, I was in one heck of an accident. Everyone in my car passed out, and the other car was basically fine, so police only went off their story. And they're not going to say it was their fault I assume. Police report says it was my fault, but i don't know. Stuck me in a coma for a while :P I had a severe traumatic brain injury too. So all in all, I don't drive because my mom doesn't want me to pay much for car insurance. I've heard different numbers, but the cheapest quote I've heard is $300 a month! I'm actually going on an LDS mission for two years, and won't be driving until it's done. So about March of 2016. Will my car insurance go down at all in that time? I will turn 21 in June of 2016 too
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
Question regarding rental car insurance in the US?
Even though I don't live in the US I have a valid credit card issued in the US, I will be traveling to the US and renting a car I have asked and been told by the credit card company that using the credit card provides insurance. I have two questions: 1.- Would the insurance be valid even if I don't have a US driver licence? 2.- Would the car rental agency allow me not to purchase the insurance even though again I don't have a US drivers licence?""
Car Insurance?
Last year I paid my car insurance in one hit, online. This year, renewal price was higher because I got 50 cash back last year. I saved 120 by searching around and went ahead with the new deal. Unbeknown to me the first company renewed my insurance without my knowledge because they had my credit card details from the year before. I ended up being insured with 2 companies for 3 days and I went 109 over my limit on my credit card. Not only is it illegal to be insured by 2 companies at the same time, they did it without my knowledge! Are they allowed to do this? I have, I hope, resolved it but if any charges are incurred either for cancelling my previous insurance or going over my credit limit are these retrievable?""
Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?
Will a first time speeding ticket in Missouri effect my insurance and i have Statefarm insurance?
Health Insurance?
This may be silly, but I saw a commercial the other day on tv that was advertising for health insurance for a little over &5.00 a day. I am currently in the hunt for health insurance so i wanted to go online and get some info. As luck may have it by the time i was able to get on the internet i forgot what the website was. I know the company starts with an e and its right at the tip of my brain, but i cant remember. Like i said this is a bit silly, but if anyone knows what im talking about please let me know! I havent seen a commercial for it sense.... I live in dutchess county, NY. Thanks!""
How much is one day car insurance?
My friends and I are going to be taking a trip to a place about 3 hours away, and returning the same day. We're borrowing a car and the owner is asking us to cover one-day insurance. I've had some trouble getting some quotes and I was wondering what a ballpark range is? Less than $50?""
How long do you have to file a claim with car insurance?
I hit a lady on january 25. I made a little crack on the inside of her car. She sais to just give her money to fix it and she won't claim it. How long does she have to claim this with her insurance?
Should I buy life insurance online?
I want to buy a life insurance plan for myself, and later for my husband. I have done some research, although I must say it's all very confusing and there are zillions of options. Now that I have a better idea, however, I am wondering if buying the plans online is at all an option. Do you have an experience with it? Do you recommend it, or feel that it's completely not a good idea?""
What are insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail saying they will pay me back my insurance premiums.. Is it cash or what? I have no idea what they are...
Can I get car insurance if I only have my G1.?
I currently have my G1, and have passed a driver training Program and have a couple months left untill I can take my G2 road test. I recently had a car given to me and it is in my name sitting in my driveway, so is it possible to get insurance and be able to drive while having somebody in the car with me with the experience needed? Has anyone done this before does it work can I do it? ...Thank you for the help.""
Where can i find my proof of insurance?
Earlier today i went to DMV for my behind the wheel test but they're asking for my proof of insurance but i dont know where can i find it. do i need to ask for a copy of proof of insurance to my insurance company?
PEX plumbing and insurance?
Hello   We just bought a new house...and when getting the details to give to my insurance company I was told the house had pex plumbing. When I was talking to my insurance company..the lady seemed to have no idea what pex was and ended up putting PVC...    Is it normal for an insurance company to have not heard of PEX? Is PEX ever a problem to get insured?? What are the pros/cons of pex?
I want to choose my insurance instead?
how will i know if there is a place for me in my insurance option
Disability and life insurance - recommended companies?
What company do you buy disability and/or life insurance from? I want to purchase both disability and life insurance (preferably together) but I just don't know where to start. I search on the web but I've never heard of any of these companies so I have no idea if they are a scam or not. My spouse and I are both young and healthy with no kids, but I want disability insurance because I've seen what can happen to people when they don't have it, and life insurance because we both depend on each other's incomes. Also, what kind of screening can I expect to be subjected to for such insurance? I talked to one company and he was talking about a rep coming to my house for urine samples! Is that normal?""
""Car Insurance, which one is best?""
I am a 22 yr old, i am buying a truck tomorrow an 04 ford f150 and I was wondering what insurance place would be best for me. Ive never had car insurance before (I drove my dads old truck and made the payments and insurance payments but it was under my parents name so it would be cheaper) If anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it!""
Question regarding car insurance?
Hi, My car insurance runs out on the 26th March, does that mean I can still drive it on the 26th(that day)? until 23:59? Also, I will be going on holiday from 28th March to the 7th April, can I just leave my car on my driveway during this time and renew my car insurance once I'm back home? It has got MOT and road tax. UK answer not US. Thanks.""
Can you purchase Life Insurance on someone without their knowledge or approval?
Would not the documents require the Insured's signature? How can someone 'get away' with this? Is it not considered unethical or illegal? 110509 8:42
2010 Camaro LT 16 year old insurance?
I am a 16 year old and I want a 2010 Camaro. I'm not being ridiculous and getting a brand new Camaro 2ss. I am getting a used Camaro LT. I'm really responsible with straight A's and I was wondering how much the average insurance company would charge for a car look this and a guy like me.
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Average Insurance rate for teenager in ontario?
Hey, Im gonna be getting my g2 in a couple of months and i've saved up about $6000 for a half decent car for school so i can stop taking the **** transit service brampton has. My parents agreed to pay for insurance as long as its not too expensive. I will be going under their name i guess as i heard its cheaper but the only risk is that if i mess up the car, their insurance will go up so ill have to be extra careful.. Whats the average rate for insurance for a 16-year old male with pretty good grades (if that matters). the car wont be something expensive obviously but im also 16 so its gonna be something cool of course ahaha. most likely wont have turbo installed but comestically modified (body kit, sound system, exhaust mods etc.) All insurances are through RBC with my parents so i know thatll make it cheaper for me since they basically bank with that only bank thanks !""
Do adding aftermarket parts to car increase the price of insurance (uk)?
if i add new alloys and add window tints and change the exhaust would it increase the price of insurance and how much and do check the car if it has these parts
What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile?
I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada.""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
How many percent state farm increase insurance premium for 4 points in new york state?
How many percent state farm increase insurance premium for 4 points in new york state?
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
I have a Suzuki GS500 now & want upgrade. What is the cheapest sportbike on insurance 1998-2006?
Thinking of maybe a Yamaha R6 or R1, Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 or 919""
Can I buy a car and drive it home same day without insurance? First time car buyer?
Same as above really, I recently passed my test and I know nothing about cars, I was just wondering if I see a nice car and I wanted to buy it, could I buy it and drive it away same day without having insurance. Or can I insure to drive a car for a few days with those temporary insurance covers and then insure it properly when i brought the car? A little confused here..""
Life insurance question?
is there a insurance company that deals with people that has had a illness/disability that was before 18 or like started at birth? i forgot the actual word for it.
What health insurance is low cost and fits my description?
Im a 24 year old female, employed, no kids, and not in school anymore. i have no health insurance and i have a lot of health problems but i coudn't afford to get insurance until now. I'm looking for a low cost health insurance with dental care. I've tried looking up different insurance but i dont know what category fits me. I saw theres a student option or something that has to do with ages 18-26 but i dont know what that covers. i have a hard time comprehending the description. Theres one for individuals where you either pay more monthly and get lower deductable or pay less and pay more for deductable. I'm at a total loss. can anyone tell me what is my best option and what insurance should i get?""
Car insurance (uk)?
If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?
Order of Car insurance and buying a car?
I am going to buy a car but can I get insurance before it is signed over to me? I will be trying to do it all on the same day
I'm getting my licence next week and I was wondering how much insurance cost for teens.?
I'm getting my licence next week and I was wondering how much insurance cost for teens.?
How much is insurance for 2008 bentleyy?
DO they Ask How you Got the money if you buy it just wondering thats my dream car lol
Our car insurance is crazy! Please help!?
We have Geico. And a 2007 Toyota Yaris. When my boyfriend moved in, we called to see how much it would be to put him on our insurance as an occasional driver. It was 1000 for 6 months. Then they made us mail him something as proof he wasn't living there or they were going to charge us anyways! So now we got a letter that says they did it anyways and they want more proof. His insurance for his broken down car is at our address cause he was living with us then moved out. His license and everything is still at his old home. Even if he moves out, we can't prove he doesn't live there cause they want a utility bill with his name on it! What can we do? Is this legal? We don't have the money to switch insurances.""
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well.""
Maternity leave- short term disability insurance?
Is there a private company that offers short-term disability pay? I am not pregnant, but I plan on getting pregnant within the next year. My employer does not offer short-term disability, and the only company I have found that offers STD coverage is Aflac. With Aflac, it HAS to go through the employer, and my employer said no. Does anyone know of any way to get private coverage through any insurance company for maternity leave if your boss is a douchebag?""
What's the cheapest way to get insurance when your 17?
I just bought a car and when i found out how much i had to pay i was shocked i heard something about saying you live in a different address from your parents or something i don't remember please help.
PEX plumbing and insurance?
Hello   We just bought a new house...and when getting the details to give to my insurance company I was told the house had pex plumbing. When I was talking to my insurance company..the lady seemed to have no idea what pex was and ended up putting PVC...    Is it normal for an insurance company to have not heard of PEX? Is PEX ever a problem to get insured?? What are the pros/cons of pex?
0 notes
maine health insurance laws
"maine health insurance laws
maine health insurance laws
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I need auto insurance in this case (I live in Texas)?
I'm looking a the Texas Minimum liability insurance requirements. They have a 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & $60,000 policy for 1 and two people's medical, and $25,000 for property damage. Well I was interested in investing some money, and I'm absolutely SICK at the interest rates given at any bank or credit union. The best around here is .75% which STINKS! So I was curious if there is any type of insurance surety account. Basically, could I put $85,000 (which would cover 1 or two people's medical, and $25k in property damage into an account that I can't touch? Is there anything like this where I could prove financial responsibility , through a surety account of some type and gain my own insurance card this way? The way I see it, my insurance is currently around $800 a year for liability here. For my $85k investment into a binding surety or insuring account I could save $800 a year. That's like drawing nearly 10% interest in savings!!! LOL! I just wonder if anything like that exists? I mean they call it financial responsibility .... It's not called insurance by law.""
What cars are good/affordable for first time drivers+ about how much would the insurance be for that car?
im wanting to buy a second hand car but want to know if i can afford all of the costs etc...so i was wondering if i could have any suggestions on good affordable cars, and an estimate on the insurance cost.""
150cc Scooter Insurance in California...?
I bought a 150cc scooter for $950 brand new in California. Do I need to get it insured. I am only going to use it for 6 months till I got to school. I live abroad. I am not worried about the scooter getting damaged, I need only 3rd party insurance in case I knock someone and they decide to sue me or whatever... What are your suggestion, and the cost to register one and the cost for insurance. Im 20 years old btw. Thanks alot if you can help me out!! Thanks...""
""How much would motorcycle insurance be, on average for a 19 year old with a speeding ticket? (in CA)?""
19 year old bay area, ca 1 speeding ticket new class m license *would it be possible to decrease the premium by putting it under my parents' or something?""
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
Do you buy the car first then get insurance or the other way around?
How could you get insurance if u don't have a car to fill out the car quotes info like millage, make, year, and so forth if u did not buy the car as yet?""
Do trucks have high insurance?
As a ''rule'' are trucks high or lower side of insurance? BTW, I am looking at older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4's Thanks everyone. Please now Yes sort of maybe. Just a simple straight forward answer with facts to back up up! :)""
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin Of Buyin My First Car, but my Insurance Is costing 4000, my mates is getin it for 1300, when i tried the same insurance company as him, i got 2500, How could i lower this?""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I must have full coverage. I have gotten a few quotes but I need suggestions. Thanks in advance!
Car auto insurance and person at fault wont pay.?
My sister was driving my car and was hit but the person at fault is refusing to pay. Filed a claim with both insurance companies . My insurance company refused to pay becuase my sister is not included in the policy and the other persons insurance company refuse to pay because they claim her insurance canceled because she moved out of state a couple of days prior to accident. Whoever was handling my claim refused to help at all since My sister was not included in the policy. What do I do? The other driver admitted it was her fault and I believe it is in the claim letter i received.
How much (roughly) would car insurance for this car be a year?
im going to be 15 when i would be driving it and its a 1998 Lincoln Navigator and im with state farm and i will be added onto my moms policy and my sisters also on it and my mom and my sister have never been in car wrecks and im taking drivers ed and I live in montana (low crime) so about roughly how much would it cost a year for insurance on this car?
Pros and Cons of a motorcycle for a teen?
Both my parents and I have gone over me getting a motorcycle instead of a car, and they're fully behind it. As far as my knowledge, insurance costs are a lot less (but more for me since I'm just starting out) monthly payments on it are lower, more MPG, more eco-friendly, less space and I personally prefer it, and use it as year-long transportation since we're moving to Orange County, Calfornia from Las Vegas (where it never snows). I'm almost of age to get my permit, and I would appreciate it if you could come up with any other possible cons or problems of having a sportbike (Kawasaki Ninja 250r, 2010-2011) instead of an older car. I know repairs, etc would be roughly the same. Thanks.""
Title insurance in WA?
My lender charged me about $2,100 (for both lender's and owner's title insurance) for a home price of about $260,000. Is this normal? How much the rate for title insurance in WA state? What is the best title insurance company in WA state? Thank you in advance. Jo""
Cheap car insurer for young driver?
I am a 19 year old male trying to find a cheaper car insurance quote than 1500. Does anyone know the cheapest car to insure? or a cheap insurer?
Auto insurance question (Mitsubishi Lancer?
I can call Allstate and find this out. However, I don't feel like staying on the line forever. Is the Mitsubishi Lancer consider a sports car according to auto insurance poilcy or is it just your average everyday sedan?""
Question about cheap health insurance??/?
i am looking to buy some health insurance that is affordable that will cover a tubal reversal surgery %100. I had my tubes ties or burned 5 years ago and now we would like to have ...show more
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
Who knows a cheap health insurances?
Please does anyone know of a better and affordable health insurances, I am expecting so I really need to have insurance otherwise I can't afford the bills.""
Can I take out a life insurance policy on someone else?
My sister and I would like to take out some sort of life insurance for my mom since my mom does not have any savings/401k nor does she have any life insurance. We just want to be prepared for when she dies so that there won't be such a financial burden on the family. So, can we take out a life insurance policy on her? And do we have to have her consent to get her covered because she is very resistant to talking about dying and such?""
Is car insurance expensive?
I just bought a used bmw 540I for 2400 but I am not sure how much insurance is going to cost. Also my driving record isn't the best since I was in a car accident few years back so I'm hoping I can find a good rate somewhere. Just hope it's not too costly.
Auto insurance question- got a speeding ticket but got off with driving school?
I just recently got new insurance, I didn't know whether or not I should put my speeding ticket on the quote since it was my first one and the cop just told me to just come to court and that they would give me driving school. So I decided to put it on the quote because I don't wanna get pinned for insurance fraud or something, I'm new to this whole insurance thing (just got off my parents) so I played it safe. Now that I have been to court and gotten driving school should I call up the insurance company and let them know what happened? Would it lower my rates if I did that? Or does it even matter? If I can save a few bucks I'll do it, but I don't want to waste my time and theirs. tl;dr----- got a speeding ticket, put it on my insurance quote- got off with driving school- how should I proceed? Does it really even matter since I received the ticket before I was on this current insurance?""
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Will my car insurance be able to transfer over to another car without extra fees?
My mother-n-law has an extra car that she doesn't have insurance on because she doesn't drive it shes letting me use it for a month. If i get my own policy and pay the 6 month premium in full and add that car to it when I take that car off after i give it back to her will i have a credit that I can transfer over to my car when i get one in a couple months without paying anything extra?
What are good sites to get multiple car insurance quotes all at once so you can compare?
I don't mean individual insurance companies like geico or all-state, I mean where it can do the quotes for multiple companies at a time. Know any safe & legit websites? I don't want to put my personal info just anywhere.""
maine health insurance laws
maine health insurance laws
Insurance question plz help?
Im wanna go to school to be a lvn but at the school i wanna go to u have to have malpractice insurance. What is malpractice insurance and how much does it cost
Do you need to buy the car before getting insurance for it?
I am looking for my first (used) car from a private seller, and I would like to be able to drive it home, so will I have to buy insurance for it before I buy it? And will I have to own the deed before I get the insurance?""
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Can anyone help me find a source that explains Hourly Cost to Employer for employee's health insurance?
I can't find anything that says how much a year or hour it costs employers to offer health insurance. I'm sure there is a range, but I'd just like to find anything factual that isn't someone's esteemed opinion, saying that Obamacare will save 30% on costs or Obamacare will cost employers Billions. I would like to find some real numbers and come up with my own ideas. Thanks, in advance for your assistance.""
Why do people expect medical insurance to pay for everything?
Auto insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Homeowners insurance doesn't pay for remodeling.
""Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers, Help.?""
In the UK how old does a car have to be before it comes under classic car insurance also how cheap is classic car insurance? I'll be 19 when I come to buying a car and was looking at cheap insurance, will have been driving for 1 year, I will have no, No claims bonus' If it's cheaper than smaller newer cars, What classic car would be worth looking at? How old does the car have to be before it's classed as a 'Classic' Make your you answer relates to UK rules/laws and what ever else USA rules/laws mean nothing to me and won't help.""
How much life insurance should we get?
My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans...just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure).""
What are the people called who work for the insurance companies?
That spy on people who claim insurance from not working because they pulled their back, or twisted there neck, etc.. they usually take pictures, or film them for court evidence to see if they are really telling the truth about there injury. thanks""
Insurance on a 1998 Toyota Camry 16 y/old about to be 17?
Ok so i need your help. I am 16 years old and about to be 17 im going back to the u.s. and have a old 1998 toyota camry waiting for me (btw yuck) ok and my parents said to drive this until my insurance lowers and theyll get me a new car by graduation which is next june. So my question is how much do you think my insurance will be? Its a fairly old car and not in a good condition and i have had 1 accident which was pretty big but not completly my fault like 60%
Pitbike insurance where is the best place?
Im looking into getting a thumpstar road ripper 50cc for when im 16 very soon! and i'd like an insurance quote off the internet anybody know a good website?
Question on insurance and license suspension.?
i bought a car and started financing. i got car insurance, but the next day i found a way cheaper one. so i called to cancel the old one, and put a downpayment on the new one. for some reason my other one wasnt cancled, and i have duplicate insurance. i just recieved an email from the expsensive insurance saying if i dont make a payment my license will be suspended. but this cant really happen right? if im making payments on my other full coverage insurance that i want to keep, i still have current insurance.""
How old must you be to have classic car insurance?
is their any age you have to be for classic car insurance as i have been looking to buy a ford xr3i and i am 17
16 years old looking for car insurance?
I live in miami florida and i plan to get a pontiac Solstice. I want to know how much car insurance will cost per month. My mom has statefarm and her credit history is good but i have no credit history. how much will it cost on average?
Can i claim auto insurance or an auto loan from the bank on my taxes?
is tihs possible?
Can I borrow a car from someone if I don't have insurance coverage under their policy as a 19 year old?
This is more of a situational question than the main question suggests. So here goes: I live with my mom and am listed as an occasional driver on her car insurance policy. I am 19 years old and have a full G license. I go to my dads house on weekends and some days during the week. During these times, I sometimes use the car to run miscellaneous errands for him or myself. These errands are not at all part of a routine and are truly random events. My dad and his girlfriend have insurance coverage but I'm not listed under their insurance policy as an occasional driver simply because my driving of their car isn't routine and it's not worth the extra expense. So technically, this would be considered as me borrowing their car. Because I don't have my own personal insurance coverage (other than the occasional insurance with my mom), does that make it illegal to drive my dads car or is it perfectly legal for me to borrow his car at random times? This is causing a sort of feud that can occur between divorced parents while putting me in the middle so a solution to this problem, one way or the other, is much appreciated""
""New to real estate, question about auto insurance?""
I drive my parents car but i am not insured, now that i've joined a real estate firm, they want me to have them as an additional insured. So what can I do now? Do I have to get insurance under my name? And how much would it cost to get the firm as an additional insured?""
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
Maternity Insurance Coverage?
My family doesn't currently have insurance. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my husband is about to start a new job where we will be offered insurance. I think the insurance the company offers is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. I know that I can be put on his insurance but are they likely to give me a problem with the pregnancy? I've heard that insurance companies will refuse to cover your prenatal care if you don't have the insurance before getting pregnant.
Car insurance for new driver age 19?
got my license now all i need is a car and car insurance, would like to know what is or can be the average car insurance cost for 19yr old on the parents insurance and my own insurance..""
What are the best options for low cost family health insurance in CA?
Hi, I live in CA and had health insurance through COBRA after I lost my job. It recently got canceled because of a payment mix up. What are some options for health insurance at a low cost? I'm not familiar with the new health care reforms so I'm not sure what my options are. I have a family of 5. Thanks so much!""
Car Rental Insurance?
Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 USD Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 USD Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage 5.95 USD Which ones are really needed? We won't be carrying any luggage. We are only driving from San Antono to the coast and back for business. One day trip.
This is about car insurance?
Ok. i have a direct debit set up with swinton for my car insurance every 26th of the month. This december I got paid on the 18th and i have left no money in there for my direct debit to come out when they took it out on 29th decemeber. I didnt realise this happened until friday 29th january and got a phonecall form them telling me they are cancelling my car insurance. I was angry as I had no letters to confirm this and no phonecalls. My phone is broken and I had changed my address (which i have given them about 10 times) they said there was nothing i could do and cancelled my insurance. They have now told me that because i havent paid that its been sent to the debt collectors and is a criminal offence!!! My argument is they did not change my address even after I had told them time after time. Is there anything I can do, or if anyone has any advice what I do now. I have set up a new insurance now but its 8 more than my last one!!""
Car and insurance problem.?
If I was in the process of getting a driving lesson from my instructor, I crashed his car. Am I suppose to be in charge of this, but I don't have a license yet. So, am I going to be the one who pays for the insurance or the instructor?""
What do you think America can do to make more health insurance affordable?
What do you think America can do to make more health insurance affordable?
Cheapest Insurance 1994 Plymouth Sundance?
Anyone know how much is the insurance is? I live in Michigan and anyone know the best insurance companies? Thanks!
maine health insurance laws
maine health insurance laws
Are there any Uk car insurance sites whose multiple car insurance quotes actually do work out cheaper than?
separate for each car
""In NY, If one does not have health insurance and is in an accident, can he get coverage?""
No health insurance and there's an accident and now many medical bills, not long term and no permanent disabilities, but something that may accumulate to thousands of dollars in medical bills, is there any way that you can get (free) coverage through the Medicaid program or some other program?""
Any 17 year olds just got car insurance? (UK)?
Hi, I was wondering if anybody aged 17 has got car insurance recently and would be able to tell me how much they paid. I've been told 3k-4k but when I look on the internet most people are saying 800-2k even if you haven't just got insurance which of the two price ranges is more likely for me? I live in an area where car theft is low and I can keep the car in a garage. I'm a 17 year old male.""
Car insurance rates for teens?
can u tell me how high are the rates to insure a car for a teen for a 2008 acura tsx? would this vehicle cost a lot to insure. Are their discounts for students? thanks
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
If my car doesn't have collision coverage for car insurance?
if my car insurance doesn't include collision damages (when i'm the violator), does that mean my insurance company (geico) doesn't pay for any of my car's damages?""
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
How to get auto insurance?
Im trying to get some auto insurance, and its my first time. I dont know what I need to ask, and know. And about how much I will need to bring on the first day. I got a quote from NationWide, my moms insurance, but I dont know how the process goes.""
How much will the auto insurance cost?
2010 Ford Focus Sedan, how much will the insurance cost?""
Is insurance needed for car rental?
i would like to know if car insurance is needed to rent a car, or is it provided for the car.""
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
Would insurance company likely settle for 15K?
Auto accident....my lawyer asking for 25K, insurance company said 12K (my lawyer wants to go to court and all that, I really do not want to; I just want to get this over with) My lawyer said it's worth much more than 25K but that's all the limit is. If I ask the lawyer to try & negotiate 15K w/o going to court; how likely or unlikely that the insurance company (State Farm) agree? If they do agree, how long before they send the check? I need to pay my doctor bills off and get another car (I am so ready for this to be over with!!!!) Thanks.""
""Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?""
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be ...show more""
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
Cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Would it be cheaper to put I rent my home or just other on my insurance for my vehicle.
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
i need cheaper car insurance because most quotes are coming out at like 4 grand and i dont have that kind of money. the car is a 1.2 55 reg corsa, does any one know a cheap insurance company? cheers""
""Im 19 with a permit, can I register my car and insure it? Price Estimation?""
First I have a 1999 Acura Integra...I believe over 100,000 miles...no driver side airbag, no alarm system YET...and its fast...BUT I drive safe...I dont believe in street racing because It claims to many lives, especially innocent ones such as families that are not even involved with the idiots racing... Im 19 with a learners permit, have wayyyy over 4 yrs driving experience, I plan to get my license this month [or this week], as I just got my permit today, can I register my car and insure it? What would an estimated price be for... 1. My Registration and Tag [whats better temporary or permanent for now? 2. Insurance [Who should I go to for insurance?!] Thanks""
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 17 years old and I live in CT. I am getting a street bike. How much would insurance cost a year/month?
Need clarification on liability insurance?
I drive my dads car which is in his name and insured in his name. I got a speeding ticket driving a different rental car. The rental car has since been returned. I'm now taking defensive driving and the court requires proof of liability insurance. Do I send them my dads insurance or contact the rental company or what? Please only respond if you're sure of your answer.
How much insurance for a Ninja 250r?
I'm 16 and i'm thinking of getting a Ninja 250r for commuting purposes and just riding around to school and what not. I have a friend that is going to upgrade to a new bike soon so he will give me his bike but I was wondering how much the insurance is for the Ninja 250, I have Geico and was going to do all the free quotes thing but I was way to lazy finding out the ID number and stuff so I was wondering for anyone out there with a 250r, how much are you paying every year? Thanks! :D""
16 year old car insurance with a classic truck?
So my neighbor has this awesome chevrolet apache 10 pickup from the late 50's, early 60's for sale. I am 16 so i am looking to buy a vehicle. I was wondering is insurance more or less with a classic car/truck?""
Health Insurance cost?
Hi im a 28 year old non smoking male. I currently am unemployed but do unser the table side work which actually pays me more and im my own boss. Id like to have health/dental insurance. I wanted to see/ask what the monthly average cost you guys are paying and what companies are good. Again I will coming out of pocket as I do not work. Thanks for the help and have a blessed day.
Home owners insurance check made out to mortgage company and me?
Evidently my insurance co made out the check to both myself and my mortgage bank (too bad I didn't realize it before I deposited it at the ATM this morning...) for siding and roof hail damage. I was on hold for over 40 minutes today waiting to talk to a rep at the mortgage bank (PNC). I hung up and will call back tomorrow when I have more time to listen to bad music. What's the normal procedure for handling this? The check was only for $6800. I may hold off a bit on some of the repair, and do some of it myself. I've already made arrangements for a window replacement ($900 vs the $450 the ins co gave me). There's a PNC Bank just down the street. Any ideas on whether they can handle it there?""
How much people can be on someone's auto insurance?
is there a limit to how many people/vehicles can be insured under one person's name? lets say, can a person insure his car and himself, as well as his 2 sons cars and his 2 ...show more""
maine health insurance laws
maine health insurance laws
Does anyone of a very cheap and affordable health insurance that covers dermatology?
do you?
Security Guarding Company insurance?
Can somebody tell me how much the average insurance would be for a security guarding company?
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
Car insurance?
which car insurance company do you perfer for a teen that just starting a job and just turned 16
How much money do auto insurance brokers make?
How do they get paid? and how much?
How much do you pay for your auto insurance per year?
Is it true that the more expensive your car is, the insurance will automatically go up, too? Isn't the older car need more insurance cover since they are more easy to get into accident? I don't know much about auto insurance, so you can share some of your knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D""
Does mods affect car insurance?
Hey guys I have a honda civic 2000 and i was going to to add some mods such as an intake and a BOV as well as body kit and other engine modifications. I was just wondering what would happen if i didn't tell my car insurance provider about these what would happen?
""If I have an insurance plan that costs $900 a month, with a $50 co-pay, and $10000 deductable?""
how does that work when I go to the doctor? I just asked the same question, but I worded it all wrong, I think. So, I go to the doctor with strep throat and my co-pay is $50 and I have a $10000 deductable. How much will I actually pay? Logic tells me that with a deductable, like car insurance, I would pay for the entire office visit cost, since it would obviously be less than $10000. And a $25 co-pay for prescriptions! So, with that said, I would be paying a monthly payment of $900, the $50 co-pay, and the visit bill. I understand that insurance is for when really bad things happen, but geez. Is this really what people pay? We've been without insurance for 4 years and pay about $30 and office visit (by paying cash) and go to Publix and get $4 prescriptions. Please, someone expain this to me. Do you pay this expense simply because of the possibility of something bad happening?""
Car insurance?
Which car has the cheapest insurance?
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series (Convertible) BMW 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 (Sedan) Cadillac CTS Lexus IS Lexus GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class Mercedes-Benz S-Class These are cars I want to get but my dad said that he wants me to pay for insurance and gas. I want something with the cheapest insurance BUT ALSO on this list.
How can anyone afford private health insurance in USA?
I'm thinking about going into private business in the USA, but I'm concerned about how to insure myself with health insurance. The policies I'm seeing are extremely expensive, and the deductibles are quite high. How do people who start their own business manage?""
How much pain and suffering from my auto accident?
In Feb (2 months ago) I was rear ended at an intersection by a drunk driver. It was 3pm, I was on my way to class, and he hit me out of nowhere. This was his second offense. He was arrested that day on DUI/drug charges. He was fully insured by Nationwide Insurance. Turns out he has a LONG list of driving violations, speeding tickets, and such. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and then went again the next day. I have been to my medical doctor and chiropractor since then. I had never been in the hospital before, or to a chiropractor, and my neck/back are now messed up. I have had a MRI, and a ton of prescription. I have lost the natural curve in my neck, my vertebra are out of alignment, and I am having BAD, BAD headaches. I had $3000 damage to my car, and over $5000 in medical bills. How much pain and suffering can I get? Until this point, I was healthy, and fit. Since then, I cant work out at the gym, and Im getting headaches which affect my concentration, and sometimes my vision... Im only 24. What am I entitled too?""
""Insurance, I need a awnser.?
I bought a car with some cosmetic damage. It needs a new quarter panel. If I get insurance on the car will they fix that?
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
What company gives cheap car insurance!?
got my test comin up and i plan on passin rollon the 31st hehe i already got me a car its 1.3L and i been lookin around for some insurance online and all gettin realy high price. so just wonderin does anyone happen to know what company gives cheap insurance i know im not gonna get really cheap just if there is a company that does deals for 1st time drivers or like under 25s or something? Thanks
Where can I get auto insurance at an affordable rate?
I sold my car and did not need auto insurance for more than a year. Now, I've purchased another car & the insurance co. won't insure me because I had a lapse in coverage even though I did not have a car to cover?? I have a clean driving record & a valid license. What am I supposed to do? The car is paid for, but I want collision insurance. One co. offered me liability at the rate for collision!! Ridiculous!""
How much is insurance?
So.. I turn 16 real soon, and found a 2003 Mercury Marauder for sale, it was cheap. How much would insurance be? I'm a boy if that helps, its a 4.6 liter V8, a Mustang Cobra engine. Please, I have to hurry for it!!""
Full coverage Insurance question ?
Would I be covered if my fiance puts me on his full coverage insurance? I just sold my car so I will be driving his until I get my new one. I canceled my insurance. So I need to know if I need to have my own insurance, or if I will be covered by him just putting me on his. Thanks guys.""
How much is auto insurance in China for an American?
I'm studying in China for about 18 months. I want to buy a car there and drive it. I've already figured out the licensing stuff, no big deal, but how much/how do I get car insurance in China?""
Can my mom insure my car she does not own (California)?
So I am 21 and have a car with a learners permit and I wont get a license until Jan. Can my mom insure the car even though her name is not on the registration until I get my license and will then be the primary driver? In this case I would only be driving with her under the learners permit guidelines. My mom would be driving the car on a daily basis to take my little sister to school and stuff because right now it's our family's only car. In Jan. I would have the insurance put under my name and have her added as a driver.
""What is the cheapest car insurance in Toronto, Canada for a female student w/out any prior auto insurance?
I am 22 years old and have never had auto insurance b4. I do have the driver's certificate and currently have a G2. The basic coverage is fine as I will not be getting a new car. I'll be getting a 1998-2001 car not sure of the modell yet.
How much would insurance be on a 1993 mazda miata mx-5?
i am a 17 year old that has already had one speeding ticket if that helps.....but how much do you think the insurance might cost?
Car Insurance Cancellation Question?
My father's car insurance was canceled for non-payment. He pays for the insurance every six months. Apparently they stopped mailing him bills and sent a bill to his email account. It was an old out of date email account. The sent the notice of cancellation to this email account as well. Since, he no longer has that email account he didn't get either notifications. He has 3 cars under this policy and has been a customer for over 30 years. The insurance company told him that he would have to pay for the months (Aug - Dec) that he was not covered in order to reinstate the policy. This seems unfair to me. He wasn't covered during those months and they wouldn't have paid a claim so why does he need to pay for it? Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
What kind of insurance should I get?
I need dental braces but can't afford them. Is there dental insurance that I can get so that I wont have to spend so much out of pocket??
maine health insurance laws
maine health insurance laws
0 notes
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
"cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health Insurance for my mother in law(senior person)?
I need your help regarding the insurance coverage. Here is my story? My mother in law works at a grocery retailer and gets medical insurance coverage from the employer. She wants to quit because the job is physically challenging and she wants to take care of our baby. She is 62. But we are worried because we don't know where she will get medical insurance? 1. My insurance comes from the employer. Can I put her under my insurance plan? 2. Is there any special(affordable) type of insurance plan we can purchase? I believe this is a very common situation. If you are in the same situation, please help.""
Will getting a ticket affect my dad's insurance?
So I was driving my dad's car and I made an illegal uturn at an intersection and got a ticket for it. The car is owned by my dad and it's under his insurance. Will this affect him in any way? If I don't pay the ticket, will it affect my credit or his or does it even affect the credit? I live in Vancouver, BC.""
Can anyone tell me the average price for car insurance?
i would like a very low price range with a website to prove it
""Im looking for good affordale health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
""Do you have to have insurance if you don't have a car, just a license?
my parents have USAA auto insurance and i was wondering if i could get my license and be able to drive their cars with me paying for insurance. if i have to pay insurance whats the rate i would have to pay?
Insurance Coverage?
My boyfriend and I found out not too long ago that I am pregnant, we plan to marry before the birth. Will I be covered on his insurance once married or will my pregnancy be deemed as a pre-existing condition? Any info is appreciated! Thanks!""
Why won`t insurance companies insure Nuclear power plants?
Why don`t insurance companies insure some drivers?
Question about teen car insurance?
Question about teen car insurance? I have a couple questions about insurance for teens: 1. If it is a 4 cyl, is insurance lower? 2. Is it cheaper if you have good grades? 3. Does the style/number of doors make a differance? TIA""
How much should I expect to pay in Homeowners Insurance?
I am looking to buy a home and am trying to calculate monthly cost. The home we're looking at is $95,000.00. Our taxes are estimated at $800.00 and the home is in great condition (the rural location makes it affordable!) Any quick tips for a quick estimate? Anything would be helpful! Thanks!""
""Is it cheaper to be put on your parents car insurance, or get your own?""
I'm 16 and I need car insurance, would it be cheaper to be put on my parents, or get my own entirely?""
Adding additional drivers to my car insurance..?
Will adding my mom or dad (perfect driving record) affect them or their insurance at all? Or, if I got into an accident, would it go on their record? The policy would still be in my name...they would simply be listed as a secondary driver. Please only knowledgeable answers. It's crucial I get this figured out correctly.""
""Cheapest car insurance, help!? (UK)?""
im 17, 18 soon. (female) i haven't passed my test yet but im looking for car insurance for when i do... but everything im finding is like 2 grand plus and i cant afford that! all im looking for is a small 2001 corsa... i dont mind whether its fully comp or not, i just want it to be cheaper than that! does anyone have any tips? ive been on go compare and all the comparison ones but its still like 2500.. even with my parents insured aswell! any advice?""
Can my husband remove me from our car insurance policy?
Hello, My husband left 2 months ago. We have a car insurance policy together with all 3 vechiles on it. He called me yesterday to inform me that he is removing me from our policy. Can he take me off the car insurance policy as we are still married and the policy is in both our names? I am calling the insurance company Monday morning but I would just like to know for sure as everyone that I have spoken with said he can not do this. Thanks!""
Is it the car or the person must have insurance?
I was layed off my job and could not pay my auto insurance i did not drive however my girlfriend whom we live together has insurance that covers her on any vehical she drives the car. on thanksgiving 2 wks after my ins expired my girl was visiting family the car was parked and un occupied a lady backed into it she said her deductable was 1000 so get a est and she will pay we made police report the est was 1500 she said she cant afford and contacted her ins. they called me and are acting as if because i was not insured they dont have to pay for repair and the are not retuning my calls she admited to the police she did it
How much would insurance be for someone like me?
i have a job that pays 1300 a month, im 23 years old, no previous record. no credit. basically it would be my first insurance for a car. i live in minnesota saint paul, how much would it be? my sis says it might be like 300 dollars or something? if u need other info ill tell it thanks guys""
Auto insurance troubles. ..?
My car insurance expired on 6/19 at 12am so that same day we went to our insurance broker and purchased a new full coverage policy at 2:30 pm. They took pictures of our minivan which was in great condition. By the time the transaction was completed the time on the receipt said 2:46 PM. At exactly 4pm we were in the center lane of a 3 lane one way street and the lady on our right decided to make an illegal left turn in front of us and didn't give us enough time to stop, so we crashed. She was of course at fault but is taking her sweet time to make a statement so it has been over a week and her insurance won't take liability until she gives her statement, and now our insurance is trying to say that we weren't covered until 4:40 pm. Can our insurance do that? And the funny thing is we don't even have the details in our policy because they were supposed to mail it to us.""
Registering a car without insurance--California?
with our old car we had we were able to register it back in jan without having insurance, they said we can still register but have to get insurance and provide proof within so many days. well we got into a bad accident with that car and we now have no car, or insurance and we are planning on buying a used car tomorrow from a friend, can we register it without having insurance right off the bat? just asking maybe laws have changed. i can not seem to find my answer on the dmv web site. thank you..im in california""
How much will my car insurance go up after this accident!?
How much will my car insurance go up after this accident!? So, I did something stupid. Pulling into a parking spot, I accidently scrapped against another car. I got out of my car and looked at the damage on the other car. Obviously a lot of my paint was on it (On the drivers side, back door) but it looked like under the paint there were just a few very minor scratches and scuffs. NO Dents at all. Of course, I waited outside until she came out. She was very nice. We exchanged insurance information. How much do you think this will cost me? I live in NYS who I guess has a 'no fault' policy. I am 22 and the car is under my moms name, the insurance under my dads, if that means anything.""
What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
What's an easy definition for Private Mortgage Insurance?
What type of motorcyle is the cheapest to insure?
I heard that insurance is based on ccs and bike type....so what type of bike is the cheapest to insure
How much would it cost for insurance for a 2001 Lamborghini Diablo? Haven't found anything online.?
Me and my friend were just online looking up Lamborghini prices and was wondering what the insurace would be. Couldn't find anything online that would give a quote. Anyone know where to go or know this?
Insurance cost for you?-wondering please help!!!:/?
Ok im 16 1/2applying for insurance for my car. I am outraged at the annual average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your opinion on what company I should choose?-and whats the rough cost you pay about monthly/yearly? helpp!
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 20, ill be on the car by myself.the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition.""
About how much does an Sr22 bond cost?
The reason I need one is, I was pulled over and caught without insurance. Now in order to get my license reinstated I must first get this bond.""
How much is insurance per month?
Insurance for a car. I'm going to buy a used car for no more than $3000, for getting to and fro school. How much would insurance be? Is insurance where you take out a loan and pay back on it month by month, forever? Or can you cease it at anytime?""
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
""How does car insurance work in America, and how much does it cost on average?
just want to know how it works over in the USA compared to britain.
Will traffic points on your permit affect your insurance when you get your license.?
I am a 16 year old living in Florida who has my permit and is about to get my license. I recently got a ticket for not wearing my seat belt, and I'm not sure if these points from my ticket on my permit will affect my insurance rates when I do get my license. I know you can take that class and erase the points, but I just don't want to spend 4 hours there if I don't have to. Thanks.""
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
What is the least expensive general liability insurance you can get in Connecticut?
My father-in-law is a handyman who needs to renew or purchase general liability insurance, but he doesn't have the money. I'm just trying to help him out so he doesn't screw himself if god forbid something should happen on the jobsite. Thanks.""
Will insurance cover us?
i just enrolled in insurance through my work a few days ago but coverage doesnt kick in until january. my wife went to the doctor today and i found out its gonna cost 1400$ for blood test. will they cover things from the date of enrollment or the day coverage starts?
Can I drive my new registered car without insurance?
I have my driver licenese and tags and temp plate but no insurance yet but going to buy some car insurance monday but what I wanna know can I drive the car without insurance at the moment in chicago, il.""
Good Insurance? Any Advice?
Hello, I am looking for a good, affordable insurance plan and don't know where to look for some good ratings or tips. I am married but the insurance would only be for me, my son has insurance already as well as my husband. It costs us way to much money to add me to my husbands insurance through work. Any tips on where to look and how to go about the search? I am looking to spend somewhere between $300-$500 monthly for it, I am in the United States. I also have some health issues. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. Any tips that would help me out would be so appreciated! Thank you to everyone!""
""Cheapest car for insurance, and also cheapest insurance company in uk?""
hi, I have just passed my driving test, so I am looking to buy a car. As I am a new driver, I would like to get some tips and help about choosing a car that is cheap to insure and also a cheap insurance company. to give u an idea I have around 2000 to 2500 pounds to spare for a car and insurance. do u think it would be possible with my budget Please help.... thanks.""
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
Where can I get the best Insurance quotes for Home & Vehicle?
I am looking to get insurance on my house and vehicle. I am not satisfied with the present company and would like to research about the same. Can any one tell me where in I can get multiple quotes from different companies. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks
How much money do i need to save up for my first 6 months of insurance?
I will be 16 or 17 at the time of receiving car insurance and right now I am 15. This summer i will be getting a job and will buy my own cell phone and pay my own cell phone bill($130 for the phone $42 for the total bill). Let's say I receive minimum wage ($7.25) and am payed around $800 a month. If I begin putting aside money out of each pay check ( which will be roughly around $400) for car insurance and do this for around 12 months how much money will i need to put aside out of each paycheck ($400) to be able to pay for 6 months of car insurance? Also, my mom is going to let me buy her car in payments (at most it will cost $2000 altogether), how much should I put aside for that, so i would be able to buy her car at one time in 12 months?""
How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?
How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?
Life Insurance - Can I insure my mom?
I am 34 years old. My mom is in her late 60's and in good health. Can I get a life insurance policy on her and collect on it when she passes? I can't imagine this being so - how could insurance companies stay in business if it were this easy? The monthly rates that I'm seeing seem to good to be true - I'd be stupid to not do it. I'm thinking I must be missing something. Is life insurance only for accidental death? Thank you.
Should i keep car insurance?
Car lot required full coverage car insurance to drive car off the lot. I just want the bare minimum can i switch to just liability? Or do i have to keep it?
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
How much is car insurance in Ireland?
Not too sure of location in Ireland at the moment but I am British and planning on moving in the next 2 years. I am 19 year old woman, have been driving for 2 years and wondering what are the average car insurance amounts per month?""
What would my car insurance run me for this?
Ok.....im 16 years old and just got my license. Ive been driving for about 3 years now. But now im legal to drive on the real road now. I have a 1996 mustang cobra 2d hardtop. All stock except it has flows on it. I dont have the first clue on what to do on insurance cuz my family doesnt have car insurance cuz they are crazy people who dont belive in that crap....thats what they say......but if anyone out there is a insurance agent or somthin...maybe you can help me...work with me on this....give me a range on what i could expect to pay with full coverage or just liability....that would be great..... thanks :D
Teenage insurance for 2001 Ford Escape? 2002 Jeep Liberty?
I'm thinking about purchasing this car used for my 18th birthday. I have to wait until i'm 18 so I can be on my own insurance. But I have taken drivers ed, and I will be buying this car full payment in cash. So I'm curious to know what the insurance could be! I have tried to get quotes online. You have to already be insured and own the car...I have tried so many. I also am a female, so my insurance will be a little lower. I just really need to find out what it would be! I was also thinking of purchasing a 2002 Jeep Liberty, any insurance guess on that? Ford Escape is a better car, but i'm just seeing what insurance could be for both. Thank you so much!""
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
Car insurance for my daughter?
my 17 year old daughter wants to learn to drive in my car (citroen c3 2059plate) would anybody have an idea of how much it may cost me ! or does it pay to make her wait untill she has passed ? and any ideas on how much if she does pass.. ty .....
Why were the republicans threatening to collapse the country just to save the insurance companies?
If the costly disagreement was all about obamacare and the effect that its having or going to have on the insurance companies(not the citizens), it seems to me that the insurance ...show more""
Student Car insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company that is suitable to students? I am off to university in september, I'm not taking my car with me however, I will be home every other weekend and will want to use it then as well as when i'm home for christmas etc. I am looking for an insurance company that is suitable for this kinda thing as I dont want to be payin lots for insurance when I hardly use the car. Thanks""
How does motorcycle insurance work?
So I just wanted to know a little about the pay brackets with motorcycle. Im not talking specific numbers cause I know to just get a quota for that. What I heard is for things like scooters or bikes under 150cc there is a bracket. Then it goes up for anything between 150cc to less than 400cc. Then after that you can expect insurance to go up more when you get into the 600cc supersports and so on. I know im wording this kind of poorly. It makes sense just like how insurance for a Ferrari is going to more than a pickup truck or economy car. I just remember someone saying on a forum that they got a ninja 400r and they were happy that its technically a 399cc engine bucause if it was just a bit more the insurance would have gone up to the next class in motorcycle insurance. I just wanted to know if someone can help explain how this works. I wouldnt mind having something stronger than a 250 or 300 motorcycle but if it means that insurance is going to double or something for a 600 or 650 then I may stray away from it because I still have insurance for my car. Also on a side note how exactly does super sport insurance typically compare to standard bikes? For example maybe a gsxr 600 or CBR 600 vs something like a SV650. Both have similarly sized engines but Im sure 600 super sports are more aggressively tuned and other factors. Lastly my one friend had a Kawasaki. I cant remember what kind but it may have been like a 2002 ninja 600? Anyways his monthly insurance was like less then $20 a month! Does anyone know what kind of coverage he may have had. When he crashed it, insurance paid for the damages to the car he hit and for himself. The bike however, was not covered at all. Is this a real thing or am I remembering it wrong? Sorry about the book! I was just curious. Thank you everyone for the help!""
The average price of the Mazda RX8 insurance?
Ive been searching for cars, and Ive picked out the mazda rx8, it will be wrecked and im gonna fix it. Im 16 and I was wondering what the average price of insurance would be with AAA car insurance.""
$100 month car insurance is that a good deal ?
$100 a month car insurance is that a good deal ? 16, i have no drivers license yet ( still getting it in a month) i dont know if he included the good student discount (i don't think that i'm a good student, although i'm in college)""
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cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
Car insurance PROBLEM HELP!?
Hi i've just bought a little suzuki SJ410 jeep 1.0L. the jeep was advertised as a SJ410VB. So i put that into my insuance quote before i got the jeep and it was very cheap 800. Anyway now i have the jeep i have found out it is s SJ410VBJA. So i put that model into the insurance quote and now it is 3,904!!!! WHAT? It is basically the same jeep 2 seats and same engine. So whats going off? Should i contact the insurance company? I can't afford almost 4,000!!! HELP! And i'm now stuck with it!""
What's the average price of homeowner's insurance in Las Vegas?
I know this is a vague question but what are some estimate homeowners insurance prices in Las Vegas? The house is worth 180k, its brand new (built 2008). No pets or children, three bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. My fiance and I are first time homebuyers and we have excellent credit. I just wanted to know if anybody had any ballpark numbers (I plan on contacting my current auto insurance provider soon, but I want to hear what other locals are paying so I know if I'm getting a good rate)... Thanks!""
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Cheating on motor insurance claim?
HI All, my relative incidentally hint the few new motors in in a motor shop which selling new motor. The standing motors fall down each and another. It only cause few scratches on the motors cover, but the boss asking big replacement cost. So, my relative decide to make report for insurance claim. By the time waiting for police to take picture, the shop owner and his worker bring out the hammer and hammering motor for further damage, I guess they want to make some money beside claim to insurance company. Luckily I had took some picture on the slightly damage motors before the police. The question is where should I send the slightly damage on motors photo? The police don't border about the picture that I had, they had the serious damage on motors picture. Can we do further damage on our vehicle if accident happen to have more claim? Like damage on car bumper during accident, and we damage the signal light on our own to have new one, since we can claim to insurance? Summit the photo to insurance adjuster is just a waste because they are close to motor shop. What can we do?? Any advise? Thanks""
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
Newborn Covered by Insurance?
My friend's baby was born one month early. She was in the NICU for 5 days due to breathing problems. My friend has health insurance and so does her fiance (seperate policies, different companies). The finance was going to cover the child when she was born. The insurance said she should have been pre-enrolled b/c nicu is not typical newborn charges... and the finances' insurance say they are not responsible until after the 14th (she was born a month earlier than that). jill said my insurance only pays if we are in the hospital the same amount of time.. if she stays longer she is a dependant and wasnt eligable to be added to the fiance's yet.. it makes no sense... and how could she be pre-enrolled.. The finance went in april and tried to add her to his and they said wait til she is born... and she came a month early according to my doc so how could she have added her to mine? The letter she got from the hospital said the baby is covered automatically under the mothers insurance for 30 days after they are born. So; who is responsible for the $26,000 bill for the NICU?""
How do I get maternity insurance?
We are wanting to start TTC, but we are a little worried about the cost of the actual birth and doctors expenses, as well as any complications that might arise. Now, we do have enough money to cover the basics, but if anything else should arise to complicate things, we're worried. We both work from home for ourselves and have looked into private health insurance, even only maternity insurance, but the plans just suck and dang expensive! Anyway, I was wondering if you knew of any way to get legitimate insurance for only me while I'm pregnant, and for the baby after its born? Some sort of affordable state insurance? Im in AZ by the way. How would i go about finding something like that? thanks!""
UK car insurance question: My insurance allows me to drive my car and also any other car not owned by me...?
with the permission of the owner. But is it necessary for that other car to itself be insured itself. There is nothing in my insurance documentation to say that this is necessary. (this is third party only insurance) If this is the case, then surely I could get cheap insurance on a mini and drive my friends ferrari even if my friend cannot himself afford to pay for insurance for his ferrari.""
Would insurance consider a 6 cylinder Pontiac grand am/prix a sports car?
i want a grand am/prix as my first car but my parents cant afford sports car insurance for a brand new 16 year old driver, also what could my parents expect to pay up to on insurance. ...show more""
Should you Always have health insurance whenever going under the knife ?
I would like to get a breast augumentation, and I was wondering if most people has health insurance whenever going under the knife? My credit is not good,but I've heard of something called Credit Care, is the health insurance included? If not,which health insurance is the most affordable and covers cosmetic surgery?""
Anyone know any Vision Insurance Companies?
Trying to find vision insurance.
Where can I find more information on Flood Insurance In CA?
There is large portion of the population that does not know much about flood insurance. Let alone what FEMA is doing to thousands of California Property owners. FEMA is re-mapping several communities within the state and every other state for that matter. Flood insurance is becoming a necessity and if your community is being affected, your property may be becoming a high risk flood zone. That means you have no choice but to purchase a policy. If you are concerned about these changes and how they affect you, then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There you can obtain a flood zone determination and quote. We specialize in preferred rate policies and helping you grandfather your property to its current rating. Let me know if this helps anyone, I would hate to see anyone stuck with a high risk flood insurance rate.""
Car insurance cover ?
I have Allstate's car insurance (full cover =liability +collision+medical.......) Some time I go out of county but still in USA.Please let me know if my car insurance automaticcaly covers the car rented ?-Liability only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive Thank you
What questions should i ask before getting LIFE Insurance?
Im about to get life insurance, but i dont know how it works. What are some questions i should ask the insurance agent before signing any papers? Please help!""
How much insurance would a 16 year old have to pay? in alberta?
im planning to buy a 1990 toyota celica, hyundai accent 2000, or volkswagen golf 1995 how much do you think it will cost me every month?, pleasee help!!! 10 pnts!!""
Cheap car insurance florida?
Looking for cheap company for auto insurance in Florida?
What Dog breeds lower home owners insurance?
My hubby and I just bought our 1st home and heard that owning a certain type of breed of dog such as a German shepherd will lower homeowners insurance because its considered a good guard dog that can protect the home. I'm wondering if they're any more breeds that we can choose from since we're looking to add a dogie addition to our family. Thank you in advance!!
How much is the car insurance of 17 years old?
how much is the car insurance of 17 years old here in virginia beach?
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
List of auto insurance companies who do not use credit scores in illinois?
im looking for car insurance and need help finding a good rate
Do I need insurance to drive someone elses car?
I just got my license 2 days ago, I don't own a car so I was wondering if I can drive my moms friends car? He has insurance, but do I need insurance to drive that car? I don't have any insurance what so ever. But even though, is it still ok to drive someone elses car?""
""What would my insurance possibly be with a 318 V8, for my first truck? (vehicle)?""
okay, im 15 now, but i found a truck i want desparetly, its an 87 dodge it needs some work but for a first car, any vehicle i want will need some work, i can get the truck fairly cheap an have to put money into it, an rebuild the carborator, etc. but if i get it now, an have it running, for when i get m license, everyone is telling me that having a 318 V8 is going to be expensive insurance, does anyone have any idea how much a price range would be? or a way to figure out a price range to insure this truck? Please an Thankyou.""
Do you need private insurance?
if you have to go in a nursing home for a long time does medicare cover this,permatently or do you have to have longterm care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars every 4 months.please some answer thanks.iam 89 spouse is 86 thanks""
How much does one speeding ticket effect my car insurance?
I was going 14 over the speed limit
Why do people drive without auto insurance?
Don't give me because it costs too much and they cant afford it. I think it's the price of having a car. You wouldn't get a car and say well tires are expensive, I can't afford them you just need them. The point of insurance is to be able to afford to fix any damages you may cause to another driver's car or person. If I wrecked someone's car I would certainly want the other person to be able to get their car fixed or replaced. And if there was injury I wouldn't want someone else saddled with huge medical bills because of a mistake I made. Is that just me?""
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
""How much, on average, is car insurance?""
How much, on average, is car insurance?""
Where should I look for health insurance for my mom?
My mom is 55 years old and lives in another state as me. I currently work and live in Pennsylvania at a great company that provides health insurance, dental, vision, etc. I cannot add her to my policy, as much as I would like to so I would like to try and find a policy for her. My dad works for a company that provides health insurance, however the cost of health insurance to him and my mother (who live together and are married) is extremely high. Currently, they are seeking alternatives so that my dad is covered under insurance through his company and my mom can get coverage through a third party company at a lower rate. The rate they are asking my father to pay to have both of them on the coverage policy is insanely high. I pay about $55 a month for health insurance and they are at least quadruple that. I'm looking for suggestions for a reliable and trusted company (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) that would provide individual health insurance at an affordable rate, if anyone knows of anything.""
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
How much would insurance on a mustang cost (ROUGH GUESS)?
Okay, so my mom's car (Chevrolet Cobalt) is finally paid off. I get my license in less than 3 months. We're wanting to get a 2011 Mustang. The concern is though, the insurance cost. Her and I would have to be on the insurance. Her insurance now is like 185 every 2 months, because she got a speeding ticket a while ago so it went up..? But this isn't going to be a really expensive car. The MSRP is around 22k and the only option I would get is automatic, instead of shift. Which is like an extra 1000. But of course it's a 2 door sports car.. So any estimations? Like extremely rough estimations. Like the average insurance, not real high or real low protection. She'd be the primary driver. ONE more question. 2011 Mustang or 2011 camaro? I like the camaro better, but she thinks it's ugly. But it's less than 1k more than the mustang, and I would love it.. I'm male by the way and make all A's in school if that has any effect at all, which i doubt. Thanks very much!""
How much does insurance generally run for a company van?
Some fellow students and I are attempting to start up a laundry service at our school. We are looking to purchase a van so we can pick up and deliver the laundry to our customers. The van will only be used about 8 months out of the year and daily mileage will be fairly low because our campus small.
Can I still be on my parents car insurance if I live in another state?
I'm currently living in New York and planning to get a condo in Georgia for college. Once I move and have MY OWN address (the condo would be permanent) and a resident of Georgia, am I still able to be on my parents insurance if my parents own the car. I believe that if you live in the dorms you can still be on their insurance but we need to purchase a property because in-state tuition is far cheaper than out of state tuition.""
Private health insurance and medicaid?
My niece who is pregnant works full time and has private health insurance through work. Is she still eligible to get medicaid even though she already has insurance? I thought that if you were pregnant and low income, you'd automatically get medicaid. She makes $10 per hour, so I don't know if that will put her into the poverty level income. She has no other kids.""
How much is insurance?
how much would insurance be for a new driver male about 22 on a car like a ford focus about 2002 any ideas because i havent got a clue thanks in advance :) x
NEED cheap car insurance for 18 year old east london!?
Please please do not say your going to have to pay 4k+ or something stupid, All my mates found car insurances for under 3k!""
Insurance prices?
Why is insurance so high on a 08 suzuki 1300. I am 42 and was quoted 900 a year. Is that bout right
Does any one know a really cheap car insurer for young drivers?
i need insurance quick. does any1 know areally cheap insurer?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
How much would the insurance cost for a 16 year old in tx driving a dodge challenger?
With a good student discount and a defensive driving course. Also how much would it be for a charger
Slough car insurance at age 17?
I want to get: volkswagen golf 1.6 volkswagen golf 1.8 volkswagen golf 1.9 I dont mind any just want to know can i get insured on all of them and im only buying one not all three all im going to use the car for is to go college and back no where else and no intentions of driving fast, just need transport for college and also i dont want any idea's that leads to fraud i want my own policy and not any multi car insurance as it causes alot of hassle and no one in my familys drives so im all good. Everything i will do is legal not any lie or anything so how should i choose my insurance. I will be only taking the car to college I wont be taking the car out at night so college starts at nine and finish at 6 going to use it 4 days a week only""
Where can i find insurance without license?
Most of the insurance companies that I call will not provide insurance because I do not have a license I have to have insurance before I can get my license. What should I do?
""Hey, i need help finding the right car insurance for me..? im 18 im from california.....?
im 18 and im from california.. i barely got my drivers license 2 days agooo and i was wondering what insurance is right for me? i want an insurance that is affordable... not so expensive... what do u recommend? what do you have? and how much do you pay for it?
Best insurance for just passed driver?
i need insurance for my car its a small engine and everything, i'm female and 17, does anyone know the best insurance to get as i know it's very expensive! thanks!""
Why did my mothers health insurance affect MY credit?
So I was extremely sick back in June of this year. The medical bills were added up to be over 500$. I am 20 years old, in college, and I do NOT have my own health insurance. I have always been on my mothers. This debt went unpaid and as I checked my credit score today, in showed that I owed the hospital and it went into collections. I have spent the past year building my score. my credit score went down 142 points because of this!!!! How does this affect my credit???? I just dont understand. I neverr signed any papers saying that i was responsible for payments. EVER.""
""Car insurance in Wisconsin, us.?""
Hi, no one will give me a clear answer here.. Do you have to carry car insurance in Wisconsin? If so, what kind?, and how does it work?..I dont understand...would anyone ming explaining motor insurance policies?, or giving me a url thank you...""
""Insurance Claim estimate lower than expected, what do I do?""
An elderly lady backed up into my car a few days ago and we decided it'd be best to file an insurance claim. After the claim was ruled in my favor I was sent to a body shop for an estimate of the repair. The damage was to the rear quarter panel of my car which consisted of a scrape across the panel and a quarter sized dent in the panel. The insurance adjuster gave me an estimate and check for 855$. My question is in regards to the repairs, I feel that since this is 100% the other party's fault and since I am the person who has to drive the car that I am entitled to the maximum premium in repairs. I have been reading on Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and most will say that its the cheap way of making a repair. Does anyone know if it would be possible to go back and get a new estimate/settlement for a new rear quarter panel? Basically my logic is this, if you damage any of my property it should be 100% my call if I want to settle for a compromise or not.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for me on my own plan???
i have a 2005 dodge stratus coupe 5 sp. sxt. almost 19 yrs old. i have a failure to yield ticket in feb. of 07. i live in Porter County, IN what is the best insurance for me???""
Can someone recommend affordable health insurance?
I lost my job. COBRA is too expensive. Are there any high deductible plans? I really only want coverage in the event of a serious illness. I live in NJ.
Importance of public insurance?
what is it's importance to the public insurance user?
Temporary car insurance?
Car insurance for travelers
How much would it cost for car insurance for a 16 yr old with a 1997 honda civic?
How much would it cost for car insurance for a 16 yr old with a 1997 honda civic?
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
cheap full coverage car insurance for new drivers
0 notes
connecticut health insurance plans
"connecticut health insurance plans
connecticut health insurance plans
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can young adults get free medical insurance?
A bill was passed and my 2 older kids can not get insurance, so I remember a bill was signed to give up all free insurance and I'm a single parent still see a doctor nor can my two older kids. When I lost my job in 2009 I lost everything and nothing has been right since. I still have no job no coverage and my kids can't finish their education or get medical coverage. What happens to us?""
Motorcycle insurance for new rider?
hi, im 19 and have 4 years clean car driving experience. i got an m1 yesterday and want to find the cheapest insurance on a suzuki sv650. i called around to a few places like statefarm but either im too young for their coverage, dont have enough years driving experience, or the rates are somewhere around 5 grand a year...which is not an option as im a college student only working 1 day a week, that and i wont be using the bike that often.. help me out guys!""
How much will my Car insurance go up?
I hit a car in Los Angeles and I have State Farm. The guy I hit drives a range rover and all I did was scratch his driver's side door. The body shop wants $1200 to repaint the door, which I think is insane. I would pay cash, but $1200 is a lot of money. Does State Farm have accident forgiveness, or will my premium go up if I claim this on my insurance?""
How much to lease a car (WITH insurance)?
How much is it to lease an economic car (in Canada please), with insurance calculated into the mix? I am willing to pay 4-500 altogether, is this enough? Practical examples from people who lease their car, with how much they pay, etc, would be most helpful. (I am a recent graduate at the verge of starting an entry-level position). I am looking into VW golf and honda civic (hatchback).""
If you are stopped for an uninsured car does this affect yor insurance premiums?
I was stopped for an uninsured car and they towed it. Does this affect my insurance premiums? How much is the usual fine for uninsured,unregistered and invalid inspection sticker? I did not get a sticker when I registered it in my name. Are there any other issues I may have to deal with before I register again?""
How much is the insurance for a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL?
how much is isurance every year for a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL for a 16 year old in California using 21st century auto insurance. PS onlyh liablity insurance
How much would my insurance cost? (volkswagon knowledge needed)?
Hi so i am in the process of looking for my first car....now i am not spoiled i promise i earned all my own money...My friends father buys cars, fixes them up, and resells them. It so happens to be that he has a very good condition 2001 Volkswagon Passat W8 with basically everything you can get in a car. Sunroof, heated seats, memory seats, cd and cassette player, nice stereo system, auto matic seats, steering radio controls, and a few other simple things... The color is black. Now he is asking about 9000 give or take for the car.. I need help with how much my insurance could cost as a 17 year old. If it helps i'm not in it for the car as much as just something that looks nice and goes that i know wont break down....everything is new, the brakes, oil, everything all checks out....I know that the color and the model will have a big effect with what the cost is... I am pretty much an A to a B+ average student so thats good... I just want a general idea of what it would cost for insurance a month. Like i said the car is black and has stock rims, and has a W8 engine. Please and thank you...If you need information just say so""
Where can i find a list of insurance terminology and definitions?
i teach business english, i have a student who needs to produce insurance policies for his goods. i want to stay clear of health and life insurance. thanks""
""I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
How much will my Car insurance go up?
I hit a car in Los Angeles and I have State Farm. The guy I hit drives a range rover and all I did was scratch his driver's side door. The body shop wants $1200 to repaint the door, which I think is insane. I would pay cash, but $1200 is a lot of money. Does State Farm have accident forgiveness, or will my premium go up if I claim this on my insurance?""
Life insurance?
Is there a certain amount of time you have to cash in a life insurance policy?
My mother needs a LOT of dental work! Whats the best insurance to inquire about?
She needs teeth pulled (many of them will need to be surgically removed) and dentures...what would be a good insurance that would cover a good portion of the cost? We live in Florida...
Getting Health Insurance?
When I move out with my boyfriend can I be on his health insurance plan without being married?
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
HELP PLEASE. car insurane/accident help needed. please.?
I got in a car accident Saturday night. The other person was at total fault. She called her insurance company, Allstate, and made a claim, and told them that everything was her fault. I called today and put in my statment. They told me to come to a local Allstate place tomorrow, they will estimate how much it will cost to repair my car, cut me a check, and I can take my car anywhere to get it fixed. They said while my car is in the shop they will rent a car to me free of charge. My insurance hasn't even been involved, and it doesn't look like it will be. My concern is, that my boyfriend was driving, and he is not on MY insurance. But will this even matter? Help please. I'm 18 and I live in Florida and I'm stressed out to hell and back.""
I have a Suzuki GS500 now & want upgrade. What is the cheapest sportbike on insurance 1998-2006?
Thinking of maybe a Yamaha R6 or R1, Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 or 919""
Should I cancel my car insurance to save my money?
Currently, I'm living in WA, I have a car in TX. But my family member in TX driving it, and there names are under insure by my car insurance. If I want to save money on my car's insurance. I need to ask my insurance remove my name out of car insurance; is that right? or there is no difference between keep my name on car insurance and remove my name out of car's insurance? Thanks""
""Whats a cheap military car insurance, with low down payment?""
i know usaa, but i want options.. im in florida.. if that makes a difference""
Starting an insurance company in illinois?
So how would you do this and about how much would it cost? People were saying that it costs millions and millions of dollars. But if it costs that much then how would anybody ever be able to start one? Is it a good idea to start an insurance company or do you think that it probably would not be a success? Also, what is the difference between an insurance comany and an agency. do make a lot of money if you start an insurance agency?""
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
How do pilot insure themselves in the USA?
Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance?
Can I insure a motorcycle at age 16.?
I am 16 and my parents are not ok with me getting a motorcycle. They were, but now they're not. I have a motorcycle permit and want to buy a motorcycle and I want to know if I can insure it with just that. Can I? EXPERTS ONLY""
""I am 17 years old and don't have health insurance, what do I do?""
I am 17 years old and don't live with my parents. I am living with a friends Aunt while I attend college. Because I don't live with my parents I can't be on their health insurance, I've been ill and worried but avoiding the doctor because any medications would cost a fortune. All my prescriptions used to only be $15 now they are dramatically raised. I don't have a job either. What do I do? Is there any type of thing I can qualify for? Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!""
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
connecticut health insurance plans
connecticut health insurance plans
Getting affordable health insurance?
My husband has basic health he got it by someone sponsering him through his health care provider.My question is He is 47 and has alot of health problems severe asthma diabetes he takes several medications.He was just in the hospital for an infection in his lungs for 4 days.He got a letter from basic Health asking him for a 2009 incometax statement.My husband has not filled out income tax for a long time because he does not make enough.I am the bread winner in the family.He makes probably 2 to 300 a month because of his health problems.Is there anyway he can keep his basic health insurance without sending in a tax form.If he doesnt have the insurance and cant get his medication or see his dr he could possibly die.Please anyone with some help would be appreciated.
How much damage will the other drivers insurance have to pay?
My son was involved in a collision this morning. The driver of the other vehicle pulled out right in front of him and he rear-ended them. The driver of the other vehicle was cited for failure to yield and the state trooper that handled the accident said that the collision was unavoidable on my sons part. The question concerning me is that my son did not pay anything for the car he was driving because it was given to him by my daughter. The car has a salvage title because it had apparently been totalled before but had been restored. The car probably would not be worth very much even had it never been in an accident because it is a 1986 year model Pontiac 6000. Now he is without transportation unless I provide it. Will they only be required to pay a salvage price for damages or what?
What's a cheap Car Insurance Company for a 18 Year old Male?
The car is a 106 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone know of any cheap or best ways to get the cheapest car insurance.""
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
Ticket for no license and no insurance?
I'm 17 and I got a ticket for not having a license or permit, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle and no insurance in California. How deep will this ticket dig into my pockets? Over $500? Big thanks if you can help me out.""
""A good car for 2000, Cheap to run but not bad looking.?""
Right as the title suggests. I am looking for a new car which is a cheap insurance group (7 max) and a cheap tax band. theyre would be leeway on the right car. Now it has to be good looking i am a 23 year old bloke and don't want to be driving anything boy racerish equally anything which is quite old looking! If anyone can help, many thanks :)""
How much will insurance go up?
I backed into to my friends car in our driveway and where i hit it it made is back door screw up pretty bad the door closes but anyways he went and got it estimated and they said approx. 3500 in damage about how much will this make my insurance go up i havent had any prior accidents and im 19.
Is it the car or the person must have insurance?
I was layed off my job and could not pay my auto insurance i did not drive however my girlfriend whom we live together has insurance that covers her on any vehical she drives the car. on thanksgiving 2 wks after my ins expired my girl was visiting family the car was parked and un occupied a lady backed into it she said her deductable was 1000 so get a est and she will pay we made police report the est was 1500 she said she cant afford and contacted her ins. they called me and are acting as if because i was not insured they dont have to pay for repair and the are not retuning my calls she admited to the police she did it
How to cancel car insurance after paying ?
Hi everyone, I've just bought a car insurance from Access Insurance Company this morning for a period of 6 months. The effective day will be from 11/20/2012. But suddenly there's some reason that I change my mind to use All State Insurance. So, is it possible for me to cancel Access and get a full refund ? It's been 4 days until the effective day.""
Insurance on an el camino?
I'm thinking of getting an el camino, late 70s or 80s, and I'm a new 17 year old driver, I was wondering what ibwould have to expect on insurance? From what I've heard it's considered a pick up, so it as close to a muscle car I can get without having to pay super high insurance, how much would decent coverage cost me with a v8? And what if I had gotten an SS model? Im not sure which one ti get and I want to know if there is a huge difference between them, obviously I won't be paying it on my own, my parents are until I get a job, so how much woukd it general cost? Considering one parent is 48 hs dropout, other is 38 graduated college, if it helps any at all. Regardless of the answer thank you for your time.""
Classic car insurance for 17 year olds?
currently looking for cheap car insurance for escort xr3i. Because of my age this is almost impossible but I was wondering if it is posible to be a named driver for classic car insurance on a parents policy. most classic insurers say drivers must be over 25. is there anywhere I could do this ?
What are good sites to get multiple car insurance quotes all at once so you can compare?
I don't mean individual insurance companies like geico or all-state, I mean where it can do the quotes for multiple companies at a time. Know any safe & legit websites? I don't want to put my personal info just anywhere.""
Young motorcylist trying to get car? Stupid insurance?
I want to swap my motorcycle for a car, as I need to drive to university one day a week and I want a car for the motorway (Safer during gusts & ICE). But..... the stupid insurance companies take no notice that I've been driving for two years, and want to charge me 3500!!!!! For an 800cc CAR!!! WTF?! For a 600cc bike, it'll cost me 450! Let's compare: 600cc BIKE (0-60 in 2.5 seconds, tops out at 130mph, worth 2000) 800cc CAR (0-60 in 17 seconds, tops out at 82mph, worth 850) Which one do YOU reckon should be cheaper?!!!!?? So, how do I get an insurer to actually realise that I've been on the road for two years, have a full motorcycle license, and that my insurance shouldn't be so STUPIDLY, RIDDICULOUSLY expensive?! Without fronting on my dad's policy :P BTW, adding parents as a named driver only reduces it by 300...""
How much does a car cost for a 17 year old?
The cheapest thing the moves from A to B reliably. I already know about gas and insurance, how much would the car itself cost, used whatever. I live in washington state.""
Do you have to have car insurance? dont answer if you dont live in texas please?
I want to get my drivers license and i dont have a car so therefore i dont have car insurance. Can you get your license without having car insurance? Also would i use there car to drive or do i have to bring a car bc like i said i dont have one? And if i was to use someone elses car would i have to be on there insurance? Because if i have to then thats like saying you cant get a drivers license without a car or car insurance which wouldnt make that much sense. And please dont answer my questions if u dont live in texas
Ladies has anyone every really saved on car insurance when applied to Sheila's Wheels or Diamond?
Everytime I've got a quote its always more expensive than other insurance companies
Which car insurance company provides the best rates to young teens (16-22)?
i mean best car insurance quotes
Woul insurance rates change depending on transmission type?
would automatic transmission cost more for insurance or manual? or does it not matter curious to know....
How much would it cost to add this to my car insurance policy?
okay, i am 16 years old and just got my liscense a couple of days ago. my parents are now paying an extra $800 to add me to the insurance but they want to buy me a really cheap car to drive for about 2 years so i dont crash the other expensive cars we have say i got a '93 honda civic for around $2,000 with around say 100k miles on it, how much do you think it would cost to add that to the policy?""
Approx. how much would a leased car amd insurance cost a 24yr old male?
Planning on either a alfa romeo, or civic moving to the uk so not sure what leases are like and insurance. Insurance in toronto is sky high so im assuming it will be the same. I pay $400 a month so arounds 200pounds. Just looking for estimations thanks. City driver too, possibly london or glasgow.""
Insurance on a 1275 gt mini for a 17 year old?
My friend has just passed his driving test and I'm trying to help him get a car and insurance sorted. He's determined to get an old 1275 gt mini. I can see why though. I've been getting insurance quotes and they're all coming back at over 5,000 every time. I must be doing something wrong. I'm just wondering if any of yous could help me and give me an idea of what it would cost for a 17 year old male who's just passed his test on a 1275 gt? Thanks.""
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Insurance payments for a car?
I have a 2007 nissan altima sedan. Obviously 4 doors, v4 engine. And I wanna know how much I would pay for insurance a month. I have mercury insurance and I want a rough estimate. Here's the thing. I'm 18. And a guy. (Idk if that matters) but since I'm gonna pay for the insurance. I wanna know a little more info on everything.This isn't my first car. I had a 92 Honda Accord and my mom told me that my portion was a little more than 200/more. I read that they may charge more for cars older than 1997.so if any one has experience or if they are dealing with the same issue I'm having. Any info would help. Thanks.""
Car insurance opting out?
I renewed my car insurance for the year, but then my car broke down and i do not wish to spend the money to fix it. its been 4 months into the insurance plan, can i cancel it and get some money back?""
connecticut health insurance plans
connecticut health insurance plans
Health Insurance Options?
If I move out of my parents house can I remain on their health insurance (In Massachusetts)? I am currently on my parents health insurance and I plan to move out but I work part time and the health insurance my work offers is around 500 dollars a month.. which I simply cannot afford. If I can not remain on their health insurance does anyone know of any other alternatives?
Those self-employed: can you share a good health insurance that's affordable?
I have found only quotes over $300 a month. Those that were under $100 had a.. drum roll....deductible of over 10,000 dollars! I need health insurance, but can't afford it. Ironically, my dogs have it and I cannot afford it for me.""
What shold I do if I get into a car accident whith no one else involved but I totaled my car with no insurance?
I got into a car accident during a rainstorm, lost control and totaled my car. I still owe money on it and to make matters worse I found out my insurance lapsed. No one else was involved in it and I went to the hospital and didn't file a claim with the lien holder on the car yet. When I came back to the car it was gone. Don't know what to do next. Any answers out there for my predictament?""
Insurance Rates tied to credit score?
I just read the front page of our local newspaper regarding homeowners and auto insurance rates will be tied to ones credit score, making those with lower incomes, or problematic credit to pay even more for the home or auto insurances. The main question I have is...do you think that if ones credit improves, that the insurance companies have an adjustable rate that will decrease when ones credit score increases? I know this isn't the way it's going to happen, but what are your feelings on this plan?""
Best term life insurance quotes?
where is the best site to get term life insurance quotes?
How much money is motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
I'm 17 and need to save money for a vehicle and I'm leaning towards a motorcycle because they are relatively cheap and fuel efficient. How much is insurance though?
Around how much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl?
I'm just looking for a range of prices per month. If you can, comment with any good insurance places that I could look into because I am getting my license in August and am curious of what I'm going to have to pay. Also, what depends on the cost? Type of car, or etc..""
Small business insurance?
I'm thinking abouit starting up a small cleaning business and I'm wondering about how much it would run in Pa for libability insurance.
Will I go to jail for not having health insurance?
Will I go to jail for not having health insurance?
Not declared 3 points on my license to insurance company is my insurance void?
9months after taking out my insurance I got done for speeding (sp30) 3 points on my license and I forgot to tell my insurance company. Today someone pulled out in front of me and hit my car, will not declaring my points cause me an issue with the claim? It wasn't my fault and my insurance company is looking to recover all costs from the third party. What do you think? Bit worried as insurance is arranging repairs, car hire etc and concerned about being stuck with a big billl if there is a problem with my insurance. Any advice greatly appreciated""
What do you pay for health insurance?
Im 19, and i need to get health insurance for me and my mother, we live in California and she has asthma and her inhalers cost over 400 a month... we also need dental insurance. i have searched for days and i cant really get anywhere, im looking for good coverage at an affordable price... can anyone refer me to a good company?""
How much will my car insurance go down if I switch to liability?
I have a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero and pay full coverage right now at about $50 per month. I'm a 25 y/o female with a clean driving record. Any ideas?
I'm pregnant and have no insurance. What are my options?
I recently found out I am pregnant. I am 21 and a full time student in college. My boyfriend is willing to help as much as he can, but I feel like it still won't be enough. I want to know where do I find out how to get Medicaid. And what other options do I have? How do I get temporary insurance while I find out if I am eligible to receive Medicaid? Are their any special programs in Maryland that can help me? I am so confused if I should try asking the Department of Social Services or the Department of Human Health Services. Please help!""
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
How much is insurance on a Kawasaki Ninja R6 with 636cc displacement?
Im wanting to buy this bike, but all the insurance companies I have found are outrageous. Do you know of any that offer cheap insurance?""
Will my insurance go up?
Hi, yesterday i got into my first 'accident' driving. I was changing lanes and ended up hitting the person infront of me. The cop issued me a ticket for 'change lane - not in safety' its 115 dollar ticket and 2 points. Having only my g2 license i was wondering whats going to happen with my insurance? is my rate going to go up? please help. also i am a male and 17 so it doesnt help me either. p.s do you think i should take this to court and try to lower fine or get rid of the points?""
Do i need insurance to learn a driver to drive?
My friend has got insurance on his car on his provisional do I need insurance to teach him drive it I'm a full licence holder for 4 yaer
Car insurance?
i am a first time driver, can anyone advise me on who is best for car insurance?""
Whats the cheapest Car insurance?
Im 19 about to turn 20. I have a drivers liscence but no car. i need the cheapest insurance that will allow me to legally drive any normal car. I live in long beach, ca.""
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
I need as much help and info about mopeds (UK) as possible please!?
What are the best types/ names of mopeds suitable for a girl? Do you have to take a test or lessons to drive a moped? If so how much does this cost? How much on average would insurance be for an 18 year old first time driver for a moped? How fast can mopeds go, and can you drive them on motorways? Any other useful information would be appreciated, thanks if you can help!""
Customizing your car insurance?
I want to buy a winter-beater, something around 600 bucks. When I quote myself for insurance my monthly comes to $330 and I would assume that means full coverage. I don't want my insurance to cost a hundred times what my car is worth. If I were to customize my insurance and have the choice, what insurance options should I be choosing to bring my cost down below $200? I know it will also depend on other things like the car itself, don't give me un-necessary information, please and thanks. I live in Ontario.""
Where can I find non-owners car insurance in Massachusetts?
I'm looking to purchase a non-owner's car insurance policy (I live in the Boston area). I do not own my own car, but since I'm still in college and I just moved home, I drive both my parents cars and my brother's car. A non-owners policy would cover me in whichever car I'm driving, and I'm just wondering if anyone could recommend a company in MA that offers this?""
New York Life Insurance question..?
My grandma purchased new york life insurance whenever I was young - once i turned 16 years old I took over and paid the amount. I am now 20 years old and the insurance policy agreement was only for 20 years. I am now not interested in keeping the new york life insurance. What happens if I do not agree to a new policy.. Where does my money go.. Can I get any of my money that I paid into it for 20 years?
What is a receipt of declination of health insurance?
I'm a college student and my school tells me that in order to partake in an internship, I need an error free resume, a completed work experience application, and a copy of my health insurance card or a receipt of declination of health insurance. I don't have health insurance, so what exactly is a receipt of declination? Is it just a letter written by me stating that I don't want health insurance, or whatever? Thank you!""
connecticut health insurance plans
connecticut health insurance plans
how much does insurance cost for a novice driver in nova scotia? i just got my license today and i need to know how much its gonna cost me...im 16 yrs old and im gonna have my own car and im gonna be the only driver.
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I live in new jersey, 20 years old, I drive a 1996 oldsmobile, and I'm on my boyfriends parents insurance paying 115$ a month, my boyfriend and I share the car, he's 23 & the insurance was originally 80 then it went to 115$ because his sister got in an accident...I would like to know how much do you pay & what's your insurance company?""
Cheapest type of insurance for 17 year old?
iv heard of black box insurance but this doesn't appeal to me most? so what companies or types of insurance are cheapest??
What happens if you drive without insurance?
My dad got in a car crash like a minor few weeks ago and it was the other driver faulth and her car was really old. she got my dads licesnce and today they called from their insurance and they asked my dad to confirm his insurance number and my dad said he cant speak english. and my dad went to the lady and he left a message. and then the lady called with private number and she said it cost about 3000 my dad said he can pay her somehow she said no my car is in insurance and blah blah and my dad asked her can i have ur number since you called in private and she said no sorry and my dad said bye.. so what happens when the insurance calls and ask for it and like can the police be involved in this? plss answer thank you so much
Insurance after driving ban?
Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned?
What happens if you are in an accident that wasn't your fault and you have no insurance.?
question says it all LIVE : California.
Car insurance coverage?
Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance? There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle. My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle. The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle. Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""
How long after passing does insurance become much cheaper?
I passed my test a few months ago first time and the insurance on my car is massive, probably because i'm a boy and it's a saxo. when it comes to renewing it in september, i can't see it dropping by much. So how many years do you have to be driving for before the costs fall below 1000 per year. Also is it worth taking pass plus, as it costs about 150 and apparently saves you 200, so unless the saving carries over to future years, i can't see the point. Thoughts???""
What does it mean Going of your parents car insurance? ?
I heard that you can register the car to my parents car insurance and it will be loads cheaper for myself, but its apparently fraud? What could happen? If I crash my car should I just leave it and run?""
Does installing a new stereo into your car affect your insurance?
A lot of car insurance companies ask whether any modifications have been made to the car and I was just wondering on whether this included stereos.
File auto insurance claim or pay out-of-pocket in NJ?
My 17yo daughter just got her graduated NJ license, skidded on wet corner, causing $1300 in damage to wheel & susp. We have $500 deductible. Can we ask our insurance co. how much our rates will go up if we file a claim, or will that automatically flag her for additional points?""
Which is the best homeowners insurance?
i live in california and im getting a home and now i need home insurance which is the best thanks
If my insurance would charge me 600 pounds for a year how much would they charge for just a months insurance?
i want to insure my 125 motorbike for just a month. it cost me between 500-600 pounds for a year so how much is a month round about?
Cna I get car insurance in America on British Licence?
Hi, Im moving to La and I was wondering would car insurance companies insure me on my british licence?""
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
Will my mom's car insurance go up because of my speeding ticket?
Ok...I was driving my mom's suburban truck...I was doing 45 in a 35. I am not on my mom's insurance but the ticket is in my name in my mom's truck. The ticket is 81.50...I only had my license for a year...my mom never had a ticket...ever...so her insurance is like cheap...she gas state farm...will her insurance go up? I don't want to tell her.
How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
Can I be forced to pay insurance for stepchild?
Here's the situation. My husband makes very little money. I have him covered under my insurance policy. Until recently, my stepdaughter was covered under Child Health Care Plus. Coverage stopped when she turned 15. Her real mother is being a real witch and demanding we buy her insurance. Hubby can't afford it. I can't enroll her under my employer's plan because there's only open enrollment one month per year. I really don't WANT to put her on my policy, as she seems determined to get pregnant ASAP, and also she hates me and steals from me. Can I be FORCED to get her insurance? Oh, and did I mention her real mother doesn't work? HELP!!!!""
Decent and Cheap Health Insurance Plans for International Students in the US?
I will be studying my Master in the Boston area, this September. The grad-school health insurance is a little too expensive to me. What would be some of the decent and affordable health insurance companies and plans?""
Car insurance after customization?
If I put a body kit, new wheels, etc... onto my car will it affect insurance? Do I need to let them know? Before? What about the warranty, I have bumper to bumper warranty.""
Can I Switch To Another Car Insurance Company?
I hate my current car insurance company. I was paying about $12 less every month with my last one for the same type of coverage. The only reason i got this insurance is because my last one was about to expire. I wanted to go shopping for car insurance and my GF's sister told me about this one and she didn't wanna give me a ride to look for cheaper insurance. I guess she just wanted to get her $25 the car insurance company gave her after i signed up. B*tch. Anyway, I am paying around $45 a month and i wanted to know if i could switch car insurance companies. My current car insurance does not expire until March 2011. Also, will i have to pay that first month down payment thing with the new company???""
Who has the cheapest FR44 insurance in Florida? Help!?
I have Geico now and they are really giving me a hard time about keeping the insurance because of a DUI. I've had them for 6 months. They insist that I pay in full for my 6 month policy and last time I could barely afford it, but this time I definitely cannot afford it. I had my DUI in 2009. Anybody know of lower-cost FR44 insurance that you can make in payments monthly?! P.S. DO NOT drink and drive...even if you had less than three drinks. If you didn't hurt/kill anyone else, it will definitely ruin your life financially for a LONG time!""
Car Insurance for Mum + 17 Year old?
My mum and I are looking to buy a car soon, since I have just passed recently. My mums been driving for about 6 years.. I just passed last week, and I'm 17 years old. I was trying to get quotes for me as a Named driver on a VW Golf 1.6l, but i seem to get no quotes at all.. My mum WILL be the main driver and I will be driving it only once in a while. Have any of you guys experienced the same thing? How do you think I can get a quote for my mum and myself for a reasonable price? Any good insurances websites that i could check out/call? Thanks in advance""
Whats the best insurance for my 2 month old Maltese/Yorkshire terrier puppy?
hes about 2.5 months old and hes half maltese have yorkshire terrier ...does anyone have any idea on what would be the best insurance suited for him?>
Why do good drivers get better car insurance rates than bad drivers?
It's not fair. Some people are genetically predisposed to be bad drivers or just don't care. Why should they be charged more than drivers who do not participate in risky behavior?
connecticut health insurance plans
connecticut health insurance plans
0 notes
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
"Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
Affordable health care for a healthy individual age 23?
I'm working somewhere where I don't get health insurance and I'm a grad student right now. I'm 23 and healthy. Getting on either of my parents' plans would be ...show more
Life insurance for people with bad health?
Are there any cheap life insurance companies that insure people who have existing health conditions such as heart failure?
Cheapest Car Insurance for a teen ?
Hey everyone I am 18 and...still live with my parents for 1 more year :/ Anyways, I finally bought my own vehicle with my OWN money and it feels great doing so :) But now I have to pay for my own insurance, and where I work (LongHorn SteakHouse) doesnt quite make me any bank haha. What would be the cheapest possible car insurance for me ? CAR : 2000 Ford Ranger 2 Door Only front seats (not an extended cab, or doesnt have the pull down seats) I have NEVER been in an accident nor have i gotten any tickets if that helps.""
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
How can you lower 17 years olds car insurance quotes ?
hi, im 16 and turning 17 in a few months, im looking at quotes for cars for example: cars with 1.0 to 1.2 engines an that are 10 years old or more. for example: vw polo 1.2 - 11k and paying 1500 a month. i know this cant be right can someone help please !""
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she ...show more""
""What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
""Car insurance,guy hit my car,cited by police,now denied it?""
my niece was involved in a traffic accident she was hit by a guy who suddenly changed lane from her right side he was cited by the police but now he fight them saying that he didnot hit my niece car when he changed the lane our car was completely damage and our insurance already paid us and said they will claim on our behalf with his insurance we just been suponea by the police to be witness at the court and the prosecutor told us that he might not be able to convicted him because his car did not show damage on the picture and the prosecutor advise us to let him propose to them to write us a check of $500 to cover our deductible he gave us the check but we did not cash it yet can they said now that they are not responsible for the hit and our insurance cannot claim them no more which mean that our insurance will cover the accident on their own and affect our premium? the whole bill for car+doctor is less than $9000 can someone tell me what will happen now ,we are honest people ,we really do not understand why the other part try to do this,they have insurance too please advise,thank you so very much""
Cheap car insurance? 17 year old UK?
So say I'm a 17/18 year old just passed driver with a cheap car, small engine etc, female, what price, in terms of car insurance, am I looking at? Thanks for any feedback. I really just want an estimation!""
Can I get insurance?Plz answer?
So I'm 16 and hav a 2002 BMW 325i and want insurance do u thInk 500$ a month would b enough
Co-Buyer of car. Insurance liability?
Hello all, I was not very clever and bought a car with my ex GF. She had bad credit so I helped her out. I am not worried about the loan payment. I check with lender occasionally and will pay it if needed. Per Toyota she is listed as buyer and I am listed as co-buyer. I got a registration renewal notice in the mail addressed to her or me Like I said I am not worried about the loan payment. What worries me is this: Can I be held responsible if she has an accident? The car was added to her mothers insurance policy by the car dealer the day we bought. Apart from the loan payment do I have any other liability? Thanks for your advice.""
Most Comprehensive Health Insurance for a College Student?
I'll be going to college in a few years, and I'm fully aware of the healthcare crisis. Although money is an issue, my health is more important. Assuming that money is not ...show more""
What would the minimum insurance for a 2008 Ford Ranger truck for someone over 30 w/ a good driving record?
...in Texas. A female. Can you recommend one?
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
I need help with car insurance please!?
Ok here's the deal, im 18 yrs old and i currently financed a vehicle with the assistance of my mom. I agreed to pay for the car and most of the insurance. I financed the car with the plan of paying only general liability car insurance. After signing the car from the used car dealer, it came to my knowledge that i will have to get FULL coverage auto insurance. The reason behind this is because i need to protect the auto loan that i got to finance the vechicle. It is impossible for me to pay for full coverage of this vehicle as i called for a qoute and learned that i would have to pay an insane 300-400 a month. I dont know what to do, im going back to the dealer to explain the situation and hope he will be willing to get the car back. If the dealer wont agree to get it back, what are my options? Can i sell the car privately and pay off the loan with the money i get from selling it? My goal is to just buy a really cheap car straight up and only pay for general liability insurance. Help!""
Would i be to pay for car insurance?
oki so i am on a low wage 447 a month i can get a cheap car i.e ford focus etc etc and wanted to know would about 220 a month cover a monthly cost of car insurance once i have done my test and what not i am also 21 and i could potentially get a black box but would rather avoid one due to the area i live in (other drivers acting like **** and braking hard)
Female teen car insurance cost?
I am 17. I took drivers ed which gives me some discount on my insurance and get good grades. Would this give me a discount? I would like to know how much it would be for me to get insured on my parents insurance as a secondary driver. As well, i will have my own car, but since i am an only child there will be three cars and three people, so can i still be put down as a secondary driver ?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $380 a month for my car insurance. more than anyone else i know. Just curious what everyone else pays Im a 20 year old male, single, living in California, have a 2002 bmw and a 1998 lexus, with 4 speeding tickets""
How much is my insurance?
I basically know nothing about insurance. im 17, the car is a 99 kia sephia with 80,000 miles and its red. i live in a suburban town in new jersey. help me out p.s. i didnt want to find a quote thing online because i dont want them calling my house and stuff since u have to give info""
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
Driving without insurance can I go to jail?
I was caught driving without insurance and expired plates last month. I went to court and I was fined $250. I have not been able to earn that much money and I was wondering if I could be thrown in prison for this. I have court in a week.
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
UK Car Insurance for young drivers?
Hi, well i have been driving for almost a year now and i was paying 4500(Extremely Expensive i know) for insurance with Hughes. I am just wondering how to get the bare minimum cheapest insurance possible for an 18 year old with 1 year no claims. I recently got quoted again for 1500. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could tell me how to make the insurance as cheap as possible (In my own name) Thanks!""
Is the insurance is cheaper if the car is fully paid?
so i checked the esurance company site's quote, i was checking out the subaru wrx 05, when its on lease.. the insurance is $500/month, but if fully paid $170/month both of them are in minimum coverage. im just getting insurance just for the heck of it. is this just a glitch or real?""
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
Which insurance will pay the benefactor the most amount of money in the shortest span of time?
If you're a failure and you've decided to take out insurance naming your mother as the benefactor: 1. How long do you have to wait before you kill yourself for the insurance to be valid 2. Which insurance gives the most amount of money after you die. There's no other way. Parents should be able to retire rich and happy and not have to worry about their kid being a failure all the time.
Motorcycle Insurance costs amd monthly payments on a motorcycle for a 17 year old male?
Ok, I know you're just going to tell me that I need to have a car first or that I'm too young to have a motorcycle and I need experience and all that ****. But I'm 17 and I want a Honda Shadow Spirit 750 (which I've been told is a great starter bike) I am a safe and cautious driver, if I get one I'll have a helmet, gloves, pants, jacket, boots, etc. I'll take a class for it (which is required in the state of Fl), I've also already had driver's ed last year and I may take another one. I'm th exact opposite of the douche bag teenager on a crotch rocket with no gear weaving in and out through taffic going 90mph in a 45mph zone. In the state of Fl legally you don't need insurance for a motorcycle but I'll have it anyways. I was thinking of maybe putting down $2-3000 and getting a loan for the rest. My mom said that with a load I have to have full comprehensive coverage because I don't own the bike yet. Can you give me an estimate of how much the insurance would cost for a 17 year old male with driving classes and gear and a 3.8GPA, and I'm only going to school to home or to school to work then home (I don't get out much because I don't have many friends) and I have State-Farm. Also how much do you think the monthly payments will be? I'm working on getting 2 jobs. Please and thank you. And please don't be a douche or try and shoot me down or whatever to make yourself feel better about yourself, just please answer my question to the fullest :)""
How many people really need or should recieve help buying health insurance?
Out of all uninsured 40% are living on a household income of $50,000 or more a year. Unfortunately alot of people would like to indulge in lifes luxuries such as cars, tv, computers, cell phones, and vacations before thinking about their own health and safety Another 20% are non-citizen which includes illegal immigrants. This is straight from the census bureau which the president would use for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What do you think?""
Can I get private insurance with a van?
Hello Yahoo, I was interested in buying a bedford rascal for my first car however I've been doing some research and talked to a few people and they tell me if I buy a van then I'll probably have to buy commercial insurance with it- is this really true? Can I not have it strictly for private use? And finally, If I really do need to buy commercial insurance with it, will it cost a lot more than private insurance, and whats the pros and cons of commercial insurance over private insurance? VAN OWNERS! HELP!""
Motorcycle insurance depending on class of bike?
What are the types of bikes? I was told Sport Touring, Sport, Super Sport, and Cruisers? I was told insurance is cheap on Ninja 650r's, sv650's, and Ducati monsters. However it is really expensive on super sports like zx6's, cbr, r6, gsxr, and so on. If I get a older bike like 2002 or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will the insurance be as expensive as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it be around the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks.""
What is car insurance premium tax?
My car insurance renewal notice is comprised of the insurance itself (540.00), car hire (28.25), credit charge (48.30), and Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), giving a total of 650.65. Is the insurance premium tax some type of scam to get me to pay extra or is it a government tax, like VAT (I thought VAT would be included in the 540.00)?""
What do I need before I get car insurance besides license?
I have my license, and a car that I bought that is in my dad's name. He wants to transfer ownership to my name, inspection expired in 2007 (I haven't driven for about a year). First, do I need to have a car in my name to get insurance, or can I just get ins. with the car in my dad's name then transfer the title later? (with no ins. changes) 2nd, to get insurance do I need to pass inspection, or can I just get ins. first?""
How can a 21 year old male get lower insurance on a sports car?
Currently, My Insurance is 98$ a month and I am insured on my Dad's 2012 BMW 328i and as a secondary driver on my 2012 Camaro RS, my lease is up and I am hoping to lease the new Corvette and go on my own insurance plan when I move away for work. However, my quotes so far are really high, like $200 a month high. I was wondering if there was any way that I could bring my insurance rates lower. Thanks! Additional Details- I got a speeding ticket when I was 16 but does not reflect my payments No Wrecks or claims I usually drive over 15k miles a year I Live in Tennessee""
How much would a doctors check up be without insurance?
Please excuse my grammar, but I'm a bit panicky. I need to know the cost of a doctors check up in California for a 21 year old man without insurance. My boyfriend has been having some chest pains, and we think he sprained his wrist. I'm so worried about him. He can't afford insurance at the moment, due to the fact that he can barely pay for his college classes and food. I need an estimate from anyone who has been in a similar situation. Thank you so much in advance!!""
Car Insurance Yearly Cost.?
I am a 19 year old male, and have had a licence for basically 3 years now, I live in Alberta Canada, and have already completed my Test to get off of my GDL (Graduated Drivers Licence). I have taken, and completed driver training, and I have not made a claim or gotten any driving infractions (tickets or whatever) whatsoever. Without collision on my 2003 honda Civic coupe, what should my yearly insurance payment be? Right not I am paying $1600 and it seems like it is too much.""
Car insurance sellsman salary?
I have a question if anyone is in the car insurance business. My husband has been out of work for quite sometime, hes been really looking for a job anything right now, and got called back from a car insurance place he applied for i really dont know money wise, if it makes ok money they told him its salary and comission, i hate those kind of jobs. So im not so much knowledgable when it comes to the word salary and in that job description, anyone know if it pays alright.""
Ford focus insurance?
any one know which type of ford focus has a low insurance group, i am looking to buy one soon but want one that has a cheap insurance policy, i am thinking of a focus ghia 1600 or 1800cc around 03 reg, any help please
Why has car insurance gone up so much?
Im 18 learning to drive and getting my first car soon but I'm wondering why car insurance has gone up so much?
What are the cheapest high risk car insurance companies? I have 2 DWI's!?
I recently got my 2nd DWI. I am looking for some of the cheaper high risk auto insurace companies that I can get in Missouri. Thanks for your help
How important is having health insurance in usa and why?
Why health insurance has more importance in usa ?Is it mandated in usa?what are the differences in insurance when compared with India?
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Do you have double health insurance coverage?
My wife is starting a new job and she is already on my insurance. We are thinking of having her on two insurance plans (Blue Shield HMO and Blue Cross PPO). We want to do this because we get so many medical bills, despite already having insurance. Will the secondary coverage cover a lot of those? How does that work?""
Is Foremost Auto Insurance good insurance?
I am looking at switching to Foremost for my auto insurance and was wondering if anyone had any comments or experiences about auto insurance through Foremost Insurance company.
49cc scooter insurance? license? im 16 in Alaska?
what do i need to drive a 49cc scooter in Alaska? i am 16 and have a instructional/ learners permit only. also how much will minimal insurance cost? thanks! :)
What are the benefits of Antique Car Insurance?
Or Collectible Car Insurance, whatever you want to call it. And is it cheaper than typical insurance? (Though I doubt it)""
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone have any idea on the cost on motorcylce insurance.. I'm 26 clean record..Thinking about getting a new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc
Insurance rates for speeding ticket?
I accept all responsibility. I am an idiot for doing this and I should have been paying more attention. I was caught going 50 km/h+ on a highway in Alberta. How much will my insurance rates go up? Will they double? I'm 18 y/o but the car is insured under my father. Also, how will I know when they have gone up? Do they go up after the court date, or does it start the day my ticket was issued?""
Obama is guaranteeing affordable health care for the uninsured?
So far they don't have any proposals to lower the cost of health care. So he must be saying the government will be picking up the tap to make health insurance affordable for all of the low income, no income, the elderly, & the uninsurable. This will be a staggering amount of money. Do you trust him to pull this off?""
Could a part time employee afford to pay for car insurance on his own ?
Here's a sinario for you, I'm 17 with my g2. I took drivers Ed and defenseless driving courses. I own a car that is a mazda 3 2008 hatchback. I park my car in my driveway, it has an alarm system. i have a part time job that pays approx 1,000$ a month. Could I afford the car and insurance? Should I buy another sort of car ? Please help with full out detail on what I should do with this sinario""
How much would car insurance be?
When I turn 25 and my driving record is clean no speeding tickets how much do you thing car insurance would be on a 2010 camaro and I want to know car insurance on a 2005 corvette orba challenger what one would be cheaper
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
How much does a No Proof of Insurance ticket cost in Arkansas?
How much does a No Proof of Insurance ticket cost in Arkansas?
About bussines car insurance.?
I have plan to be selfemployed(car mechanic) and I wanna use my own car for my bussines proposal.So what kind of insurance i need to buy? I have problem to choose between trade insurance and bussines car insurance. Sometimes I will need to use my customer's car to pick them up to garage, but mostly I will use my own car and I wanna put advertise sticker on my car with my contact details. (one time i was stopped by police and I had before adverise on my car without bussines insurance, but they let me go and I had to take the stickers off) Have you any idea about which insurance is better? Many thanks""
How much would insurance be on a 2006 Dodge Charger SE?
im graduating next year and i was just curious about how much insurance would be for a 17 year old with a charger.
""New to real estate, question about auto insurance?""
I drive my parents car but i am not insured, now that i've joined a real estate firm, they want me to have them as an additional insured. So what can I do now? Do I have to get insurance under my name? And how much would it cost to get the firm as an additional insured?""
How can I show proof of my insurance to get car tax?
Hi I need to go and get my car tax tomorrow but I dont have my insurance certificate yet becuase it akes 5 working days is there anyother types of proof I can bring to get my car tax?
Does home owners insurance covers water leaking ac ?
my central unit ac is leaking ,i have insurace but not sure if it will cover it . please help!""
Male/female insurance question?
Is there a statistic that says how much or by what percentage female drivers is cheaper than male drivers? Are there any websites that show statistics similar to this about gender related insurance/driving? Thanks.
""Hi , i had an accident and wrote my car off, i thought id cancel insurance but insurance company say ?""
that i cant because its a credit agreement , i thought that cant be right im now paying insurance for a car that i don't have , help""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
I got into a car accident (my fault) without insurance. What now?
Yesterday, I hit a parked car with my boyfriends car. The car I hit has some door damage, and I thought I would be covered by my boyfriends insurance. Turns out that his insurance expired in the beginning of August so I'm not covered; I also don't have car insurance. The couple whose car I hit are now saying that they can put a warrant out for my boyfriend's arrest because he has an uninsured car (I was driving, not him!). Is this true? What happens in this situation ? I told the owner I can make payments, but I want to know my rights, as long as his. I also live in the state of CT, if that helps.""
Please tell me the insurance companies that would take my car insurance payments through a bank standing order
Because of my credit low rating, I have been paying regularly my creditors such as phones providers, professional bodies and charities through standing orders. But the insurance companies insisted on Direct Debt or Credit cards which I cannot use as of now. Please assist in finding any car insurance company that would take a bank standing order. Thanks.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I bought a 2007 nissan sentra in 2011 and unfortunately didn't look into the insurance factor when I made my decision. I do have a lien on the car, but I'm in my 30's, no tickets, no accidents, okay credit, and I'm still paying over $200 a month in insurance! I pay more for the insurance then I do the car payment! Is the insurance high because it is a foreign car or what?""
How much extra would it be to go on my parents car insurance ?
at the moment my mother is paying 600 a year for car insurance, i was wondering how much extra it would be a year for me to go on her insurance. i am 18 year old girl living in england would it be cheaper for me to get my own insurance or go on hers ?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old girl with a honda prelude? (what about will it cost)?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old girl with a honda prelude? (what about will it cost)?
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
Bill to allow insurance plans to not cover Obamacare requirements?
There is a bill going through Congress that would allow insurance companies to offer insurance plans that do not meet the standards of Obamacare. It has even gained some Democratic ...show more
Insurance for Young People?
I'm 21 years old, I live in Northern Ireland (which is not covered by a lot of insurance companies) and I was wondering if it is possible to get reasonably priced car insurance. I'm sure anyone my age knows that insurance for under 25s is a nightmare! Is there a way to get round it perhaps? A type of car that is cheaper to insure? I would appreciate some suggestions on the matter. Thanks.""
License and Insurance?
Well, I got my license nearly seven months ago. I am sixteen turning seventeen in about four/five months. I don't have my own car yet so I've been driving my parent's cars if I need to. I am now looking to buy a car for summer and such, but my parents want me to do some research before we make any final decisions. So, I was wondering if anyone could give me an average or general idea on how much our insurance would go up once I buy a car?""
How can I get cheap insurance?
I am 19,and I am thinking about doing my theory test for my full licence,but insurance are so expensive,especially for my age. Do any of you guys know how can I get cheap insurance? Do any of you guys know of any cheap insurance companies? Thank You all""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm 18 and I drive a '01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I haven't had any tickets or accidents.
Car insurance?
Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more""
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
I would like to know if i can get affordable insurance for melanoma treatment?
i am a low income single mother and need insurance for myself my kid is already covered
16 yo male car insurance cost?
I will be driving my moms 2011 ford fiesta i have taken drivers ed i live in Ohio and the good student offer wont use how much does drivers ed take off
Why did Democrats call their health insurance scheme the Affordable Care Act?
When in reality its making it more expensive for the middle class?
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
On average how much would a body kit raise insurance?
Like on a mustang! Thank you for your time and may God bless you :)<3
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
2008 Pontiac Torrent WRECKED PRICE ??? Insurance adjustor question?
I have a 2008 Pontiac Torrent that was recently hit while park heres a list of what was damaged Rear Axel is twisted all rear suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel Tail ...show more
""What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
Do I need to add my unborn baby to my health insurance before I deliver?
I'm not due until May 19 but I read in a book that if you choose to add your unborn child to your health insurance, you can. But no one can tell me for sure if I need too. Open enrollment for my insurance isn't until September of next year, after my baby is born. What do I need to do?""
How much would i get from the insurance?
I was involved in a car accident in Sept 2009. I sustained low and upper back injurie, left side shoulder and neck and severe headaches. I have been dong treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and phisio therapy. As of right now i am only doing physio therapy and massagge, however the injuries have not healed yet. If for any reason i dont get better for another year or 2, how much would i be getting from the insurance as a settlement? The medical bills as of Sept 2010 were around 13 thousand. I was employed at the time of the accident and have not returned to work since the accident. My car was totaled and the other driver was fully at fault. I am just wondering how much would i be getting roughly if my case lasts for 2-3 yeas in total.""
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
Cheap Insurance (San Antonio)?
can you tell me any cheap auto insurance for a 95 model here in my area. san antonio tx
Why do people expect medical insurance to pay for everything?
Auto insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Homeowners insurance doesn't pay for remodeling.
The best insurance company to work for?
I'm looking for a job in the insurance industry and curious what company offers the best potential for a good income? over six figures the first year is my target and looking to pursue sales.
""What would you do? Really want a baby, but afraid of losing insurance.?""
I know this is just for my husband and me to decide, but I'd like to hear what other people would do. We really want to have a baby (we've had two losses in the past). We've paid off our bills and have some savings for a house (we'd like to buy one in about 5 years). The only thing stopping us now is that his job can be unstable and, although we'll continue to be fine financially, I'm afraid of losing insurance. Would you take the risk?""
What is the estimated insurance for this car?
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage.""
The cheapest life insurance policy?
I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums
Car insurance question?
I'm adding a new driver to my policy, and shes 18. They quoted me at about $400 dollars, which is crazy in my opinion. Just woundering if there is any really cheap car insurance companies, especially for teen drivers? Thankssss guys:)""
Looking for catastrophic health insurance.?
Self employed paying $1,200 a month for health insurance. I want to self insure but would like to get some kind of catastrophic health insurance if there is such a thing.""
Do car insurance companies know how long I have been a licensed driver for?
When I was younger I remember a distant family member telling me to get my CA state ID as soon as I can because when I get a driver's license and a car the insurance companies won't be able to tell which I got first. All they see is when my ID# was assigned to me, and that it will look like I have been a driver longer and get a better rate. I don' know if this is true. I am getting my first car in about a month and I want to get a good price on insurance. Need more info? I got my California state ID when I was 20 and my CA drivers license when I was 25 and I am 26 now. So there is a big difference of time. I know it sounds kinda dishonest but I have been driving since I was 17, so I do have good driving experience but it might not look that way since I've only had my license for a year and a half, when it could look like I have been a good driver for 6 years. If any one can help me out that would be awesome, please link your info or proof if you can. Thank You!""
Which car insurance company will accept me; I have a few traffic citations on my record?
Since 2006, I have gotten 3 speeding tickets on my record, and 1 citation for getting into a turning lane too early (3-pointer). I got a speeding ticket in march 2006, february 2007, and december 2008. I got the last turning lane citation just a few weeks ago. I am going to court for both recent citations (from December 08 and a few weeks ago) pretty soon. I will use a no lo contendre to reduce the points on one, and ask to do community service or take a class to reduce the points on the other. I understand that most car insurance companies look at both POINTS and OFFENSES. I am with Liberty Mutual right now under my parent's family plan and since 2006, NONE of my tickets have affected our insurance. I want to take precautions and see who can quote me for having a poor driving record as I mentioned above. This year just might be the year Liberty Mutual will review my record and then, BOOM...rates are sky high. I want to responsible about what I did and get on my own plan soon. What I did was irresponsible and stupid and I am DONE making mistakes on the road. I'm 22, female, a student with a 3.47 GPA (Dean's list), trying to finish my bachelors at a university, and share rent with my brother for an apartment. I work part-time and go to school full-time. Which companies would accept me? I've got a poor driving record, but a good 'student' record--if that even matters. Please help. Otherwise, I will have to wait till some violations clear in 10 years or so. Either way, I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what my options are. I will be out of school by summer 2010 (next year) and will need to get on my own plan by then.""
Which is the best health insurance company (policy) to cover all expenses in India ?
Best insurance company for Health insurance policy: An individual, 55 years old to cover all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine expenses, Room rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization and related expenses).""
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving ...show more
Can I go to a doctor and claim no insurance even though I have health insurance?
I don't want my father getting bills from the doctors office or his insurance company.
Car accident/Insurance options?
a friend was trying to pull around a city bus that was idling for several minutes to catch a left turn on a green light ...when the bus went in closer to the curb, its backside jut out and her car swiped it she is a new driver and new to the country and she continued where she was going without stopping. pretty shook up. She claims she didn't think it was too bad, a swipe, the mirror was gone and she just took it as a loss. But when she got out, she realized there is damage all along the side, from front to back, including the mirror missing and a serious dent on the front passenger (the front is peeled back, exposing the hinge mechanism. Rain now gets in through the top as the seal is broken as well. She is insured and believes she has coverage but she's scared cause she left the scene. This was 3 weeks ago - there has been no follow up. She hasn't called the police but kept an eye out for whether or not it was reported and she needed to come forward. It was in a pretty run down part of town. Anyway - I don't know what to tell her so i'm coming here - can she report this to insurance and admit that she swiped a bus and didn't stop? Will they fix it, up her insurance, and move on or will they investigate into the bus - making her pay for the bus and having the legal issue of leaving the scene. - not sure what to tell her??? She's also considering just putting a new skin/shell on the door was affected - not seeing if this is possible though - replacing the entire door is expensive and seems unnecessary. Any insight is greatly appreciated.""
Is the only insurance for abortion Medicaid?
What are other insurances that cover Medicaid or is this the only one?
What's the benefit of saying you have no car insurance?
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
Hornbeck Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71439
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