#this is silly to complain about but its my blog and i do what i want
darkcircles4lyfe · 6 months
it's a story about hands (reprise)
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Yeah, okay, today's the day.
I gave my blog that title for a reason, you know, and it has loomed over me for years because the hand motif is absolutely everywhere and you could go on about it forever.
Maybe that's something I'll never actually attempt to do, but this chapter, we reached a breaking point.
Before I continue, I need to give a big, big disclaimer: I do not have a physical disability, so I'm not able to speak about that from the standpoint of representation as a first-hand perspective. I have at least listened to enough disabled people to know that fictional characters who become amputees only to miraculously gain their limbs back is, um, a trope. Disabled people in general being "healed" is a conception we would really prefer to avoid here. Not to call people out, but I don't think we're giving enough space to acknowledge that.
I don’t feel comfortable making the judgement call about what should happen. I’m leaving that open. I also don't want to downplay people's emotional reactions. Honestly, I don't know if I can accurately define the line between acknowledging real pain vs. ableist pity. But I’d like to talk about the possibilities of what could happen. Other characters have definitely gotten permanent disabilities as a result of their hero work, or even just the side effects of their quirk. But, for better or worse, I don't think this case is really about representation. Not that Horikoshi won't do that justice. He might. What I'm saying is that's not his purpose for having Izuku lose his arms. It's meant to be symbolic, so we can explore what it means. The other thing I’m keeping in mind here is that Horikoshi is notorious for playing with our expectations, like, alllllll the time. I mean, just take a few chapters ago for a classic example. Eri appeared at the end, and we all assumed she was about to take some sort of action to save someone with her quirk. Then, immediately following, we were given an explanation for why that wouldn’t be happening. And now it’s clear he wanted to do that “fake out” not just as a silly cliffhanger prank, but specifically so we would know not to suspect that Eri could be the miraculous solution to Izuku’s loss of his arms. Rest assured, there is no easy way out of this.
The expectation at play in this particular instance is an old one. It’s very understated, but its subtext has burned so brightly, you’d be a fool not to notice it. It sits with anticipation like one half of a call and response. Man, I was so certain. Lots of people still are. I was really looking forward to printing the panel where it happened onto a t shirt and wearing it proudly. All the hand motifs in this story radiate thematically from a single moment, the one that started it all for Izuku.
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It raises all kinds of questions about the act of saving, who needs saving, why, what does it mean, what are the dynamics of power, politics, honesty, exploitation, compassion, pity, disdain, sacrifice. Katsuki has dealt with many of these since he first rejected Izuku’s hand. While Izuku was the one who was convinced Katsuki would keep on rejecting him…
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…Katsuki was the one who kept that moment in his mind all these years and eventually came to regret it.
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Katsuki is the one yearning for that hand-hold, the one who has imbued it with so much more weight than it ever originally had. Izuku, in contrast, does not allow himself to dwell on what he wants. To illustrate this difference, we need to look at another piece of foreshadowing:
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Ugh, do y'all remember when lots of folks were complaining about how there never seemed to be actual consequences for Izuku's destructive treatment of his own body? I don't blame them, I was concerned and confused about it too. There were several "fixes" along the way. Recovery Girl healed him, but left a physical reminder. Then he started training to fight with his legs… sometimes. Then he got support items. All of these were unsatisfying non-conclusions because they didn't present Izuku with a lasting enough impression to change in a meaningful way. They didn't address his core, his origin.
Of course, that all changed this chapter. Now it looks like our frustration was inflicted intentionally. With the current context in mind, all of these moments look more sinister, like this day was always gonna come because they kept putting bandaids on a deep emotional and psychological wound. The problem is pretty much spelled out for us here:
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As Katsuki put it, he just doesn’t take himself into account, ya know? He doesn’t care what happens to him. And he lies about it, to keep others from worrying, to keep them safe. To keep them from returning the favor and putting themselves in harm’s way for his sake. His motivations are noble,
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…but what about the little boy inside Izuku? Who saves him?
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This is all about Izuku giving himself up to the point that he literally has no more to give. The thing is, I bet he saw this coming. He knew his limits and decided to keep going anyway, because his personal safety and wellbeing are not important. Now that way of thinking has come back to bite him because the fight isn’t over yet, and he’s already made his sacrifice. So now we know who will be more distraught over this. Not Izuku—Katsuki.
It’s not about Izuku becoming disabled, it’s about how Katsuki wanted to use the intertwining of their fingers to communicate that he would never let go. Never stop valuing him most. Never let himself make the mistake of rejecting him again. Never let Izuku be so reckless with his life. To say: “we are in this together.”…if only Katsuki believed he deserved to be able to say such things. To reach out his hand would have been the ultimate way to simply imply them and let Izuku be the one to decide. Then, to feel their hands clasped together would be more than either of them dared hope for, but so beautiful, so right. A moment they’ve waited their whole lives for.
Yeah. That’s what we were expecting. We’ve been so comfortable. Horikoshi gave us all the signs. He tempted and teased us over and over. BUT. You know he does this thing were he gives us a desirable, completely plausible and simple thing to look forward to, and then he snatches it away. And THEN he replaces it with something much better, something we were not expecting at all because it seemed too good to be true. That’s exactly what happened when Himiko snatched Izuku away, and we were robbed of the chance to see him and Katsuki fight together. In hindsight, though, I’m glad things went a different way because now there’s so much more depth and angst on display. Likewise, in the present moment, we may consider how, as one door closes, another opens.
As wonderfully meaningful as the hand-hold would have been, perhaps it is still too simple a resolution for Izuku, for his and Katsuki’s relationship. Tbh, it could have been done like 100 chapter ago. At this point, there’s so much more potential. There are a couple of ways it could go. If Izuku stays armless, Katsuki will be forced to use other methods to get his point across. He’ll have to do something else, or say what he means, or both. Yes, I’m talking about what you think I’m talking about. If I say it, I just might jinx it (lol), but I mean it. I’m being serious. Either way, if Izuku did get his arms back in the end, I’m sure that it wouldn’t be an easy fix. It would be hard-won against Izuku’s self-destructive mindset, and/or by Katsuki’s conviction. Again, I say this knowing it is not meant so much as a representation of disability, but as a representation of Izuku’s greatest character flaw taken to the extreme. I know this might sound harsh, like, hasn’t he been through enough? I get that, but… I’ve said it before and I say it again: Izuku is stubborn as hell.
I wish I had a resounding final note to end this on, but I kinda don’t. I’m not sure what’s best. Now we just have to wait and see what Horikoshi has in mind.
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sugaryplum · 11 months
broken ankles and middle names
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader summary: after a silly accident involving the hogwarts' infuriating moving stairs, you're found by a certain quiet boy (whom you not-so-secretly adore). warnings: no good exposition whatsoever, language mistakes, chaotic+flirty reader i want to be her!!! notes: this is part of a bigger story that i will probably never finish writing, let alone publish, so if it seems completely out of context, that's why. this is also the first thing on this tumblr blog and the first written thing i'm ever showing to tumblr besides poetry!!🤭 i hope you like it 🤍 let me know
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“what on earth happened to you?”
the situation is silly and absurd, so you laugh, despite the sharp pain that almost makes your eyes water. theo is kneeling beside you with a confused expression on his face, looking from your swollen ankle to your face.
“can you help me to the hospital wing? i can’t walk.”
all you have to do is look at him and he carefully picks you up from the cold floor. you put your arms around his neck for support. “i was walking up the stairs. and then the stairs moved. and then i fell. you know, i’m glad you’re here, there’s not a single soul on the corridors at this time of day, i was just going to get some books, i have free period–”
“you should watch where you’re walking.” his voice sounds like honey and if you weren’t basically laying in his arms right now, your knees would definitely go weak. but you act unbothered. “maybe i should’ve. but then you wouldn’t carry me. maybe this is a win after all.”
“you’re infuriating.” the small smile that cracks on his face doesn’t go unnoticed, especially when you can see his lips from up close.
“infuriating is my middle name.” there’s a lot of things you can see from up close. his eyelashes are long and he has more freckles than you thought. you like how the ends of his hair twist and fall on his forehead.
“middle name.”
“stop with the middle names.”
after no more than a minute of silence you speak up again. “you’re so quiet.”
“you think so?” a normal person who doesn’t talk to theodore on the daily basis, probably wouldn’t be able to tell if he’s being sarcastic or not. but you are not a normal person. you pay way too much attention.
you come up with a response and giggle before you even get the chance to say it. “you could say that quiet is your middle nam–”
“if i dropped you right now, i bet you'd be whining like crazy.”
“there’s no need to test that.” you hold on to his neck a little tighter. “besides, you’re lucky i’m not whining right now. i’m in enormous amounts of pain.”
“i can tell. your ankle is twice its normal size.”
“you seem to know my ankles pretty well.” theo chuckles more audibly at your words and your heart flutters.
“that's my secret. i've been staring at them since fifth year.”
you gasp, pretending to be shocked. “i never knew my ankles were so desirable! now you got me worried, that fall might’ve been a threat to my beauty…”
“oh, very much so. you're lucky you had me there to carry you and take care of you in such a tragic moment.”
you never thought hogwarts' insanely big castle was exactly convenient. you’re constantly late for classes, walking takes up half of your daily life and you never know what is creeping around the corner. but now, when you’re being carried through it by the boy you like so much, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise?
“how far away is that wing?” you ask in a whiny tone just to get this attention, but in your mind and in your heart you thank merlin for the long corridors.
“don't you dare even start to complain now, after i carried you all this way.”
“i’m not complaining about you, i’m complaining about the castle. although i’m sure i could find some complaints about you…”
“oh?” he looks at you, slightly amused. “go ahead, do your worst.”
“well, for starters, you make weird comments about my ankles.”
“your ankles are my favorite thing about you.”
“that’s an insult.”
“you’re an insult.”
he sighs and he calls you insufferable and you smile. you can expect the hospital wing right around the corner, but you wouldn’t mind staying in the pretty boy’s arms for a little longer.
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livelaughlovesubs · 16 days
Heeeeya, Nini! How's it going? I can't believe its already been a year! I've been here since before that time you accidentally deleted your blog XD. Congrats! you've dominated the sub! bsd tag for forever and I'm living for it XD. For the event, can I please request Fyodor (bsd) with the prompt, 'Keeping their hands bound to make basic tasks difficult or impossible. Bonus: punish them for failing or making a mess'. Bro, I have an inability to be all that sadistic, even in fiction TwT, so for the punishment part, can I request something like tickling? Is that allowed?! LMAO- As always, feel free to delete/decline this if it makes you uncomfy, and have an awesome day. And again, congrats on one year!
AHHHHH DONT REMIND ME OF THAT TIME can’t believe how dumb I was 🥲 but thank you for being a long time follower hehe, the idea with tickling is very cute I love it
Dom!reader x sub!fyodor - reader is gn
Warning: humiliation, teasing, a tiny bit of degrading, tickling >:)
Anniversary event
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Thud thud thud
Someone was hammering on your door in the middle of the night, and they just didn’t stop. You’ve been trying to ignore it for the past minutes, but the sound only got louder.
Thud thud thud
“Ahhhh which fucker is it?!” In the end, you gave in and cursed, stomping to the front door before opening a small crack. “What is-” to your surprise you knew the person behind the door, it was fyodor, your boyfriend. “Huh?? Fedya? Why didn’t you use the bell?” You immediately swung the door open and invited him in, he gave you a bashful smile before entering. Then you shut the door behind him.
“You see…” he said, while he let his coat slip from his shoulders, revealing his hands which were bound tightly behind his back. “It proved to be pretty difficult to ring the bell three times, so I thought kicking the door would suffice.” That was the secret code you two agreed on, so that you’d know if it was him who’s standing on your doorway. “Ah…” you stared at his restricted limps, then at him, giving him a questioning glance. He didn’t provide any explanation or answers.
The male turned around to face you, who were still standing next to the door. “Well? Aren’t you going to help me?” He rushed you, but kept his soft smile. “Actually no, not yet.” You replied, crossing your arms in font of your chest. That attitude, were you mad with him? “…y/n, what do you want.” Finally he dropped the good-guy act, seemingly irritated by your behaviour. Normally you’d help without being this difficult, except when you aren’t in a good mood, something that seems to be the case here.
You walked past him and sat down on the couch, making yourself comfortable before saying, “bring me the remote.” Fyodor looked a tad baffled, though he didn’t think too much about it and walked to the shelf to the left of you, pondering for a moment on how to grab it, before using his mouth to bite the object. Then he brought it to you like an obedient puppy, right into your hand and cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. “Good job.” You praised him, scratching the underside of his chin a bit, intensifying his blush.
“Now bring me a scissor to cut those ropes. You can find it in the kitchen.” He glared at you when you didn’t stop ordering him around, especially since he found his actions pretty shameful. Nevertheless, he bit back his complains and went to the other room to get whatever you wanted. Once he found the scissor, he bit the handle of the tool, and carefully got back to your side. “That took you a while.” You chuckled, to which he scoffed, “are you done with the games now?” How furious he sounded, he wasn’t having half the fun you had huh?
You tilted your head to the side, acting like you were thinking about it, then said, “one last thing.” Before giving him a big smile. The male rolled his eyes at that, at least internally. “Bring me a glass of water, that’s my last request, promise.” After you finished your sentence, you raised your pinky finger, then said, “ah silly me, you can’t reciprocate it after all.” Fyodor mumbled, “you are unbelievable.” Then he made his way back to the kitchen. What else was he supposed to do, he needed your help.
Through much resilience and great efforts, he managed to get a cup out of your shelves. And he even managed to fill it with tap water! Afterwards he bit the handle of the cup, finding that to be the easiest course of action, and slowly walked over to you. This was now his third time running a stupid errand for you, and he really hoped this would be the last. On his way back, he accidentally spilled the water in the cup all over himself and the floor, causing him to yelp a little, “hmmm..!”
You turned your head to the source of the noise, giggling at the sight but not helping him. His blush darkened even more, and he closed the last bit of distance between you two. Without any commentary, you took the cup and put it on the table, grabbing the scissors and cutting through his binds. He didn’t expect you to not make fun of him, so consider him grateful.
Though after you were done, you got up from your seat, grabbing his shoulders as you sneered, “gosh, fyodor, you couldn’t even bring me a glass of water?” Guess he jinxed it. Even though considering the circumstances he was in, failing his task was a very possible outcome, he still felt humiliated by your words, or at least embarrassed. He wanted to argue, to try and keep some shreds of dignity when you bested him to it, saying, “shouldn’t you get a punishment for that?”
“A punishment?” As soon as these words left his mouth, you pushed him into the couch and tickled him. Attacking his stomach while responding through a huge grin, “yep! A punishment you can’t evade!” “What- ha- ahaha.. no, wait haha…! Stop!” He laughed involuntarily, kicking his legs around and trying to peel your hands off his body. “Haha.. s-stop, hahh.. really, hahaha~ I can’t-!!” Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes already, his clothes and hair all disheveled. “Hehe.. alright, the punishment is over.” You eventually said, reaching out to his face to wipe his tears away.
As if hit by the realisation, he abruptly stopped smiling, still blushing furiously as he gasped for air. When he breathing calmed down, he pouted, then wrapped his arms around your neck as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips, “you-… you better make it up to me for being mean.”
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myfandomrealitea · 4 months
I had to check myself recently because I'm so used to being in discord servers with vent channels, that when I ended up joining one *without* a vent channel, I realized Holy shit, where can I go to complain about the day-to-day things that piss me off? And I thought of your post & took a step back, like You know what? I can complain on my own time, on my own blog, or in private to a close friend who offers to listen. I can just let this server be fun.
Anyway, I think people are still furious over your post because (and forgive me if someone's said this before) the availability and reach of the internet has conditioned ppl to believe that it's acceptable/required/encouraged to vent in any space, at any time, to anyone, and that the audience should willingly receive it. It's like a form of brainwashing.
Honestly, the single major response I've gotten is people screaming that I'm an evil racist white bitch oppressing people of color because I'm asking them not to talk about genocide or police brutality in fandom spaces.
There is a huge, huge difference between stopping someone who is actually, actively being racist within a public space and asking people not to force others to constantly engage with and expose themselves to the horrors of the world, especially in spaces where they have retreated specifically to recover from those things.
Its basically like going to a wellness and recovery retreat and forcing everyone there to watch the news and read articles and watch videos about world horrors.
Almost everyone in a Discord server has profiles on other social medias. Everyone on the internet sees, willingly or not, what is happening in the world right now. We all know these things happen. We are not blind. We are not ignoring it.
When I go onto Discord and go into my silly little fandom servers, its after I've spent an hour on Tumblr on my main blog reblogging aid posts. Circulating information. Doing my best to connect people to people who can help them. Its after I've spent my lunch break at work listening to my colleagues talking about the latest knifing or child kidnapping. Its after checking Snapchat only to see headlines like MAN BRUTALLY STABS DOG IN PUBLIC PARK.
When I go into those servers, its because I need to get away from all of that. I need to have that time away where I can recover and recharge or I simply won't go online because I know there is absolutely nowhere online where I can simply enjoy something without other people grabbing me by the head and forcing me to look elsewhere at things that are horrific and upsetting.
And the thing about those spaces is they themselves need protection and moderation in order to remain safe. And you know what that means?
It means preventing racism and homophobia. It means if someone is being unpleasant, they get shut down. If someone is being bigoted, they get removed. Because they are making that space unsafe.
Literally nobody except these idiots screaming about racism are suggesting that we just outright allow racism to keep happening.
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exiledelle · 4 months
in honor of recent monster hunter wilds news, i have something to say, rant incoming with not a lot of effort and not really any real character analysis or anything, just random thoughts in no particular order: monhun world handler was good actually, and i dont get why shes so overhated.
i can absolutely see some frustrations with her, my biggest issue is more with the game than with her, and thats the constant "hey dont forget to do the main quest" every single time you return to base (handler is NOT the only one who does this, dont put all the blame on her), but it upsets me that what everyone typically seems to complain about with her is everything thats NOT an issue.
- "shes ugly/fat" no shes not, shes just not Extra Cutesy
- "she eats too much" her love of food is a character trait, youre mad at a character in a silly video game for having a silly personality.
- "she gets into trouble a lot" you are the hunter and her teammate. your job is to attack the monsters. its not her fault that shes trying to do her job and research the field. she could be smarter about it, yea, but no one has any problem when the exact same could be said about felynes since i think monhun 1. this is not a serious franchise, and characters will be a little goofy when it comes to monsters
- "well what about the deviljho" that is entirely not her fault, the questline makes a massive deal over this
- "she stole my hug from the cat" your palico is just as happy to see her as they are to see you, shes simply the one who crouched down to return a hug, not the hunter
you dont have to like her obviously, but i dont think she deserves to be treated like the scum of the earth for such small reasoning
anyway rant over, im excited for wilds, im excited to see what almas like, i just wish worlds handler wasnt being burned at the stake over it for little to no reason
i would like to do other things on this blog than just talk into the void tbh, i probably will someday, theres just some thoughts like this that i get a bit too passionate about and cant help wanting to toss into the wind and hope it reaches some people
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 7 months
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౨ৎ ⁺ . Dolly n Honeys Collab .ᐟ 🎀🍯🐬
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Hii Dolls!! im soo soo 2 do this collabs with one of my favorite blogs @honeytonedhottie !!! basically we’ll be talking about persistence and being limitless!!🧁🎀 Enjoy!!!
Honey 𝜗𝜚 ! 🍯🎀
HOW TO PERSIST ; persisting simply means reminding urself that u already have whatever it is that u want. when u persist, you decide what it is that u want and you STICK to it.
the oxford definition of persistence simply means to continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
your 3d literally has no choice but to catch up and reflect the new thoughts that ur thinking in ur 4d so just KEEP GOING. if ur gonna whine or complain every step of the way and think thoughts like "persisting is hard" or "theres lots of resistance/difficulty with manifesting" then thats what ur going to experience.
manifesting is easy, effortless, and instant. when u catch urself thinking thoughts that perpetuate the old story, remind urself that no matter what, whatever u persist in will harden into reality simply because it HAS to. stop getting in your own way!!
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Dolly ୨୧ ! 🎀🫧🍨🛼
Limitless > Imagination!! 🎀🧁
Limitless Definition; Possesing power of an immeasurable rate a perfect way to describe your power your literally the god of your reality and you know you might think thats silly or “delusional” its so true though like ever since birth people are conditioned to believe that being negative is the more “logical” and “realistic” way to think than positive whoch is such a stupid revelation because all throughout life you meant to believe that you have to bring yourself down to earth about achieving something and that you’ll never have “__” because of “__” but that makes no sense seeing all of the extraordinary achievements that humans have done like
- build rockets and do rocket science
- walk on the moon
- build the great wall of china
and so many others including the human body its self your cells in your body healing and protecting wounds and your organs being able to stay in the designated spot no matter what and you think “logic” actually matters? everything in the human mind is projected i mean everything you use on a daily basis started off in the mind it all stems from imagination i mean just think about how everything around you started put as an idea in someones head!!
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Decisions!! 🎀🍨🫧
deciding is the final decision and the final outcome no matter what no questions asked like if you went too a sushi restaurant and ordered and decided that you want a shrimp tempura roll you will have the shrimp tempura roll no matter what
Concepts !! 🎀🧁🐬
“if the concept of something can exist then that can be achieved no matter” literally something i think about alot and a direct quote from yours truly like most people do think that you can have something because its quote “unrealistic” or it “doesn’t exist” but if that were really the case than why is the concept of it allowed to prosper like if those things really didn’t exist then the concept of Billionaires or Superpowers and Superheroes wouldn’t exist or even time travel everything single one of those things are a product of imagination!!! 💭🎀
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hello !! may i ask lost with solomon 😔💍
Hi there, anon!
Okay, so it's fluffy Solomon hours on my blog again with this one. Just in case anyone wasn't already aware, I am in love with him. I always write him in the Nightbringer timeline, too. I think it's because there's more opportunity for fluff when MC lives with him lol.
Thanks for the request!
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GN!MC x Solomon with prompt Lost
Warnings: none!
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It was a cold day in the Devildom, the wind thrashing against the windows, the cloudy sky threatening rain. Solomon didn't want to go out in that weather, of course, but he really saw no way around it. He needed some potion ingredients and he really couldn't delay getting them.
Well, if he was going to go out, he had better dress warmly. He made sure to wear his trench coat, long and thick enough to help with the wind, as well as a thick pair of socks. He tucked some gloves in his pocket just in case, though he might not need them. Then he rummaged around the coat closet, looking for his scarf.
Solomon pushed aside various jackets and things, looking for the scarf that normally sat on the high shelf in the closet. It wasn't there. Had he lost it?
Solomon thought about it for a minute and found he couldn't even remember when he last wore it. You had complained about its hideous pattern, so he made sure not to wear it around you too much. But it still had to be in Cocytus Hall somewhere, right?
He sighed and cast a little tracer spell. If the scarf was in the house, he would be able to locate it this way.
The spell manifested for only a brief moment before dying out. It did not lead him anywhere, indicating that his scarf was not actually in the hall anywhere.
Well, he had tried. He wondered briefly if you had tossed it because you thought it was so ugly. The thought made him chuckle. Either that or it was lost for good. It didn't matter too much. He could always buy himself a new one. Perhaps he had better let you pick it out for him, just so he didn't have to worry about accidentally choosing a pattern you didn't like.
Solomon set out into the blustery weather, the wind pushing his silver hair all over the place. He managed to get everything he needed fairly quickly. Checking the time, he realized it was about when you normally started home for Cocytus Hall. He decided to surprise you by waiting for you outside the House of Lamentation.
Solomon watched as you waved goodbye to the demon brothers on your way out the door. You pulled your own jacket closer to yourself in the chill, the wind clearly making it slightly difficult for you to walk.
As you got closer to where he stood, you saw him and smiled. Solomon smiled back, but then he noticed something. A hint of color around your neck… was that…?
"What are you doing out here?" you asked him.
He focused his gaze back on your eyes. "I happened to be out already and I thought I'd stop by to pick you up."
You shivered a little. "You came out in this weather? It's going to rain soon, I think."
Solomon cocked his head, his smile becoming teasing as he looked at you. "Is that why you stole my horrible scarf? I was looking everywhere for it."
Solomon was rewarded by the blush that rushed to your cheeks. Your fingers brushed the fabric of the scarf that was tied around your neck and tucked into your jacket. "I couldn't find mine," you said, frowning.
Solomon chuckled. "And here I thought maybe you finally threw it away when I wasn't looking. How did you describe it again? Ghastly?"
You folded your arms. "I stand by it. This thing is truly offensive. But it was the only option."
Solomon couldn't resist tugging it out of your jacket, revealing the bright clashing colors of it, a sort of argyle combined with paisley that he had to admit was rather unsightly. He used it to pull you closer to him. "It's all right, MC. You're welcome to use my scarf any time, though I think I'll do a better job of keeping you warm myself."
Solomon laughed gently as the expression on your face revealed just how silly you thought this line was. You laughed, too, and let him pull you into his arms. "You're welcome to try, magic man."
Solomon couldn't keep the grin off his face and both of you laughed into the kiss you shared before starting off toward home.
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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anonzentimes · 3 months
abt your previous ask!! i agree that komahina gets hate sometimes in 2024 but also remember that kmhn is debatably the most popular ship of the FRANCHISE lmao?? imo to take the “kmhn is toxic” argument to so much heart is a nothing burger… search hinata’s or komaeda’s character tag and its like 99% kmhn art. i genuinely dont think its an issue of homophobia or stupidity or anything i think it just comes down to hinata being a Player Surrogate and komaeda being the antag thats constantly in your face and mocking you. people think the ship is toxic because their player experience w komaeda is toxic that’s it 😭 the malice you’re seeking isn’t there. no hate to you or the OG asker ofc but this is a very niche problem in current year to be so haunted by… kmhn isn’t going anywhere trust me
Anon with all due respect, one part of it it is people who have had a bad experience with komaeda or don't understand him, one part of it is people being homophobic, and the biggest part that's more common in this day and age is undermining Komahina due to shipping wars. Just because it's not a major thing there are still people who exist who think and say things against it. There are still people who misunderstand it or deny it for any of those reasons. I feel like you're denying the fact that these are collective issues that happen that result in the same conclusion that's misunderstanding the text. The text is something I care about dearly and I was asked about it. Komahina isn't going anywhere just as the people who perceive fiction differently aren't going anywhere. Whether or not you see these instances as a major issue that hinders the entirety of being able to enjoy the ship itself easily or not these people who misunderstand it do exist as long as the text does. That's just the nature of quite literally Everything SUBJECTIVE. As long as people exist who can interpret it in a way that misunderstands the text, have beliefs against the core aspects of the concept, and have interpretations that impact their views due to preferences there will be instances where it's frustrating for people like me. You can say it's a nothing issue all you want but that doesn't mean it will ever stop happening just as people like me won't ever stop loving it. You're coming into MY HOUSE and MOCKINGLY claiming that it really isn't such a big deal when this whole blog is about my special interests, of course I'm passionate about these instances that are frustrating. Not only that but I was ASKED about it, ASKED. I'm allowed to complain about people who frustrate me when they misunderstand or deny the text that I love regardless if it makes it physically impossible to enjoy it.
Just because I can enjoy my apples doesn't mean I can't complain about the people who are hating on my fruits, even if they can't force my fruit to rot I can still feel frustrated at them for not getting it like I do, denying it's existence, or simply hating on it. You're coming into my garden where the other gardeners are having a shared emotion of frustration. Like, that maybe a silly example but does that get the point across enough for you? You're coming into the territory of people who care and probably see it more because it's such a big thing in our lives. Like, Yeah, I know they can't make my fruit rot, that doesn't mean I can't express discontent over those who don't get it, misunderstand, or most of all are outwardly hating on what I love. By your definition of Niche this is literally the corner of that niche, we are the ones who still see it sometimes because that's how invested we are. Again, it's subjective, we're allowed to express disagreement and discontent with what those people say. And again, this is about one of my SPECIAL INTERESTS, Literal definition that makes it hard for me to comprehend how people see something that is so special to me in such a different and even negative way is hard for me to comprehend sometimes. I'll express that emotion caused by that, and proven by it being an ask I'm not alone in, as much as I want. I'm not harming anybody when I express my emotions between people who agree.
You say you have no malice and I'm sure you may have not intended it that way but you came up to the people who care and said in a mocking tone, "it's not that big of a deal why even care, the only thing that happens in 2024 is people misunderstanding them due to their writing roles," Like, seriously? How rude of you Honestly. And the cherry on top that's the worst of all, in the process you display that you misunderstand their characters. Nagito is just an annoying mocking antagonist to you? Are you SERIOUS? Hajime is half of a player surrogate but you're making the wrong conclusion about it, he's meant to be relatable but he isn't a complete self insert. We're meant to be able to put ourselves in his shoes and understand his relatable experiences, he's not a complete player surrogate though? You're saying people say it's toxic because, "We are Hinata and Komaeda is the mocking annoyance to us," WHAT??????? Before you try to say something like this again go understand their characters better by, perhaps, quite literally READING MY ANALYTICAL POSTS??? I'm certain they'd be helpful because you clearly need them, I'm not writing an entire essay right here and now just so You can understand them I make them for myself and answer questions I want to. If you have questions that you can word in a more respectful tone I can help you understand that way too.
I would have tried to make my words a little kinder but the way you come up to MY Blog with your false claims, misunderstandings, and disrespectful tone pisses me off. You went anonymous not because you might be a bit embarrassed about your interests like most of the questions I get, no, you went anonymous because you didn't want yourself to be known because you Know you were being Blunt with your Disrespectful tone. You have the luxury of the fact you said this anonymous, and I have the luxury of being as blunt and uncaring about your feelings with my response as I want. Kindly, once again, do more research on these characters and develop more media literacy before sending me something in such an inconsiderate tone again.
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
Yes, Honedge!
Something i'd like to point out about its face:
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It doesn't have a goofy face, the holes in the scabbard just make it look that way. In reality, it just has a single eye.
With that in mind, could you please do a version without the scabbard?
iiii figured this was common knowledge enough to not warrant an additional form, but alright:
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some of the guard disappeared but it's okay. i never even saw that part of the scabbard as a face—the blue eye is very obviously an eye. i don't know if anyone actually thought that was its face. however, i do find it interesting that even after removing the scabbard textures, it still has textures for that "face" remaining:
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which implies it's a face more than anything i've seen of the matter before this point
anyway there's so many asks in the box right now so let's just go through all of them:
in order from oldest to newest, here we go:
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this is true. most of the models are shiny, unless they have a "colladamax" variant
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ahh it's fine. i considered it might have been a request but i also doubted it considering pangoro was literally next so i assumed you were just excited. me complaining about requests was unrelated—another ask i got around the same time
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well then maybe it's not a bad thing. you certainly phrased it like one, it seems, but that might just be unfortunate connotations with the way you said it? glad we could clear up the confusion i guess
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we do need more snakes, but i also like the bipedal pokémon, as a furry. back when everyone was begging sprigatito not to stand up, i saw through their thinly-veiled furry hate and was begging sprigatito to go against the grain and stand up anyway. and then they did and now meowscarada is one of my favorite pokémon. get fucked, normies (i am sorry for saying this)
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↑ i didn't know this until i looked it up! this is interesting. stuff like the male version learning misty terrain but the female version learning more type coverage. this is very strange but i like it. only girls can use magical leaf and charge beam sorry boys
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thank you! i can explain it. it is because pokémon are getting very close and staring at you as for the inspiration for this blog, it was mostly snivy. i remember one day thinking that snivy's big nose would make it look very silly from the front, and being like "damn. someone should compile a list of what every pokémon looks like from the front. damn. that would make a good tumblr blog bc some of those would be really funny. damn. i should do that" and then i did. but that was back in 2020—pretty soon after i ended up starting college which didn't allot me a lot of time for updating this blog, and although i kept swearing i'd go back, somewhat soon after that i went through a breakup and just wanted to take a while for myself. a bit after that, tumblr user sewatari reblogged one of the posts on this blog again (the weedle post, i believe?) and singlehandedly revived this blog by reminding me that they still cared about it. and that's fucking awesome?? tbh?? so thank them for this blog's continued existence. if you scroll waaaayyyy back far enough in the archive, you'll probably see that miniature saga. the images back from the first gen and onwards were a little bit icky as i got grips on how to actually go about this blog and manipulate the models in the right way to get them to work, which is why i can never really recommend folks scroll all the way back in the blog, but it's a look back into my own personal history, i suppose
apologies for breaking the magic, although i don't think anyone keeps up with the "i am a pokémon taking real live pictures of other pokémon with the camera right in their face" lore because no one pays attention to the backgrounds of the images (which used to change much more than they do now, but that's just because no one ever noticed or pointed them out. the background is not the focus of the image—it's the pokémon itself; thus, why look at the background? staging the pokémon in a setting used to be important to me, but now i don't worry about it and cycle between the same few backgrounds) or the asks, really. it's the commentary in the tags everyone comes here for, of course
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she's a fully-grown woman with a house
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then you'll love the top of this post
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they probably wouldn't think it looks like anything because they aren't familiar with what honedge looks like so they would just picture nothing in their head. or they would just make up what they Think honedge might look like based on its name, or something, and then imagine that front-facing
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i don't know which one of these is the real one. but we have some discrepancy here. also apparently this is a wider-spread belief than i thought
OKAY. i think that's all of them. if you read all the way here to the end, that's. powerful. for those of you who stuck around this long, i'm live right now with a test stream having some breakfast and playing pokémon. come join in, if you're bored this morning!
edit: it's over but i'll probably do it again some time, more likely at a more reasonable hour next time. considering the idea of doing a fully voiced pmd series—perhaps that'll be the next stream. or i'll leave another test one for it. who knows!
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discord-emote-customs · 8 months
Pinned Post/Info!
Welcome to my emoji drawing side blog! Here you can request for me to draw any discord emotes you'd like. Everything is free to use for its original purpose, if used for other purposes please credit this blog!!
Will not draw: NSFW, slurs (reclaimed or not), heavy gore, non-emoji people, discriminatory emojis, backgrounds to emojis (does not apply if it is the emoji itself), asl/hand emojis, and animations.
Will draw: Basically everything else, but this can change! This includes wordmojis, emoji people, animals, pride stuff, and anything disorder/neurodivergent/mental illness/medical condition related. Will draw religion/belief related emojis.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, so if you see something you don't like, don't complain! Simply block the tag!
I can and will refuse anything I don't want to do, so please don't take it personally.
Main blog: @arunningjoke
About me: You can call me Zen/Chara/Knife/Vela/Zaniah/Mira/Fulu and my pronouns are she/they/it/he with any neos (no emojipronouns!)
DNI: NSFW/kink/paraphillia/fetish blogs, no LGBTQ+phobia, ableism (of EVERY kind!!!), and those with gacha/Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) profiles (just request with anon, gacha is a trigger for me and Noelle makes me extremely EXTREMELY uncomfortable T^T")
The emoji archive carrd
Other stuff to know:
If you send me anything to base an emoji/emojis on and dont give a creator + don't have proof of permission, I'll either ask for creator/proof of permission via private answer, or if you're on anon, I'll just delete your request.
If you want to edit/recolor my emojis and put them anywhere but discord, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. When using for Discord, put EDITED or NOTMINE in the name. If someone asks who made it, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. Never never NEVER edit my emojis for hate speech or harassment or anything in my DNI. It's absolutely unacceptable behavior no matter what/who you are using them for/towards.
If you want to send in a lot of requests at once, please wait. At least one or two days between each request. On the other hand, you can put a bunch of stuff in one request. If it gets to be too much for me I'll post a bit and then reblog later with more/the rest so that people get their turn.
Requests are currently closed!
What I'm currently working on:
More samoyeds
Happy goldfish & taiyaki
Little holding highland cow plush
Little holding fox plush
Little cuddling mary meyers marshmallow stegosaurus plush
Little holding personal plush frustrated/overwhelmed/happy
Event stuff:
Frodo Baggins & Hobbit stims (ears, kicking feet) (Lord of the Rings)
Cupid (Kaitou Joker), Yatterchat
Marcy Wu (waving & hand flap stim) (Amphibia)
Martin & Jon (Magnus Archives)
Young Greg (basic emotions) (Steven Universe), Don Lothario (Sims 2)
Kangel (Needy Streamer Overload)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Sherlock Holmes (autism smile (???), "what's wrong with them"), Draco Malfoy (sipping coffee/tea in muggle cup), Agata Katsuhira ( "numb right now") (Kiznaiver) Noriko Sonozaki ("too much pain") (Kiznaiver), Lucifer Morningstar ("I'm better than you") (Lucifer Show)
Sprinkle & Blue (stims & wags) (Blues Clues)
Xion (hand flapping) (Kingdom Hearts)
Solar drinking out of a cup with a comically large silly straw (will make extra silly for friend)
The Shroud Siblings & Ortho Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
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getsusekaii · 2 months
Name / Alias: rubii, wubii, roob, puppy all fit haha
Pronouns: they/them
Blog type: single muse | multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (headcanon based canon characters like tengen and rika)
Triggers people MUST tag: extreme eye gore, insects, trypophobia (for the love of god please)
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | [space for eventual additions / explanations]
i have adhd which means my communication in the beginning is staggered and all, but by no means does it mean i dislike you or anything. i'm actually really shy af too even though i'm also trying to loosen up and be more open to talking to ppl more. more often this results in mild burn out, i just ask for your patience, and to never be afraid to reach out to me (sometimes i just forget to reply to dms bc my life is weird af)
do NOT, do not, do not, do not pressure me into writing ships. there are a select few moots who you may see i add and have an instant shipping connection with, and it's often times bc the mun chemistry is peak, but never forced.
no drama. idc if i follow someone you dislike based off of a tiny fight. unless it's something egregious and serious and something i should 100% be on the look out for, i don't wanna know why you dislike a person based off of something silly or they hurt your feelings. it had nada nothing to do with me. i just wanna write.
do not pester me to reply to threads. i work graveyard shifts, working 9 blogs here and there. a casual reminder here and again is cool, but please don't rush me
force ship, even if it's my OTP
thinking im scary, 'anxiety is preventing me from' etc. etc. idk why this bothers me so much, but it does. i don't know why you follow or anything if you're too scared to interact with me, or anxiety is your reason for not reaching out, esp if you followed me first. its a little strange.
weird ass ships.
too much complaining on the dash, e-begging, gaslighting.
following for follow count. i want people to write with.
strange head canons, general things i just don't vibe with. no offense but we're entitled to our opinion and safe spaces
weird behavior, persistent annoying communication, soft gaslightling regarding threads/life/why don't my mutuals/followers blah blah.
i dont see ourselves vibing in general.
no age/rules/about page that's easily accessible.
"problematic" ships (adult/underage)
tagged by: yoiked by @hazubekimono tagging: you're it now
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crazy-pages · 18 days
I've been blogging a bunch about AI and copyright today, and it comes down to this:
I think that if an artist says "I would like to be compensated fairly for a big billion dollar company using my art", that's reasonable. Any legal framework where that isn't the case isn't fair. I think that's especially reasonable when the big billion dollar companies in question claim their product will end all demand for the artist's work. And fair negotiations require the right of refusal, which means artists also need the ability to reject use of their work (yes even if you think what it's used for will be important).
I think that claiming big generative machine learning companies aren't really using artist's work is silly on its face. But it could hypothetically be equated to human inspiration, where we recognise that the vast majority of the creative work is happening within the human mind as opposed to the work used for inspiration, and be given an appropriate legal carveout ... if the artificial intelligence gets the profits. If something is the creative work of an intelligent agent, that intelligent agent has the right to benefit from its work. And if we are not at the point where machine learning algorithms can be said to have that kind of agency, then it doesn't get a special carve out for the act of expressing creative agency.
Does this bring up complex and novel questions about how to address the legality of non-human agents? Absolutely! Of course it does! But anybody in the machine learning space who genuinely thinks they are creating novel creative intelligence with its own agency, who complains that the resulting legalities are complex, does not get to be taken seriously. Anyone claiming that this is a justification for it taking the money derived from its work doubly does not get to be taken seriously, and anybody arguing that the creative labor invested in creating artificial life gives them a right to the profits of its labor ... but somehow not the creatives whose work it is comprised of ... is so far from the realm of serious debate it can only be darkly funny.
If you want to claim machine learning algorithms are so intelligent they can only be legally treated as human equivalent creative processes, but you don't want to deal with the legal complexities of them as human equivalents, I'm just gonna call that slavery and be done with it.
Now I'm not a legal expert. My limited understanding of copyright law is that generally you don't get to do things with copyrighted material that the copyright owner doesn't want you to do, except where it satisfies certain exemption criteria which are in the public artistic interest or general good, and that this should apply to scraping data for machine learning training purposes. But ultimately my expertise is kind of a moot point because the European Union clearly does think this falls under copyright law and is enforceable, and that generative machine learning companies need to get permission from copyright holders. And they do get to decide what their own copyright law is.
I also don't think enforcement of this needs to be particularly draconian or should be. For example, it would be draconian to say that accidental hosting of a bit of pirated media posted to a public forum in a training data set is legal grounds to shut down a company. However I think it is very reasonable to say that companies should be subject to reasonable regulations about trying to prevent that, and that intellectual property owners like artists should get to insist companies remove their works from datasets and apply machine learning methods to minimize their impact on generative outputs (a thing machine learning companies already do to deal with poisoned or improperly tagged data).
And because this is a case of a few billion dollar companies versus the copyright protections of millions artists, I think it's reasonable to have the onus be upon machine learning companies to double check the copyrights of the material they are using and to have it be illegal with very significant penalties to knowingly use copyrighted material. Which could be determined by either the difficult legal process of demonstrating deliberate action and intent and also through simple escalating penalty frameworks where the more people who point out you're using their copyrighted material, the more the penalties escalate.
Oh hey, that's what the EU is doing! Neat.
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ryuichirou · 7 months
One serious one and a bunch of kind of silly shorter ones.
Anonymous asked:
Hi!  I hope you don't mind me asking this but I had a question about fandom stuff since this is my first time in an active fandom.  Almost every time there's fanworks, mostly fanart, of the TWST first and seconds years in sexual positions/sexualized, there's a lot of people dramatically freaking out because they're "minors/16/17!" and "you're not allowed to do that/it's illegal so stop that!" (Sometimes in all caps too). Are these people common in fandoms with younger casts?  Sorry for sounding anxious, I just keep running into people like this and anti-shippers and they really bring my mood down...
Hi Anon! Sure, I don’t mind talking about fandom stuff.
I think it’s not a matter of titles having younger casts, but a matter of fandoms having younger people in them. There are some shows that aren’t very popular/have fandoms that mostly consist of people that are older than 25, and you’d see less of this type of attitude there. Like, drastically less. I don’t think there are a lot of people complaining about characters of Prince of Tennis being 14-16 year olds, for example.
But if a show is popular with teens or younger people in general, chances are, there are going to be quite a number of antis. For example, SK8 got a big chunk of its popularity on tiktok and boy is it obvious lol
I want to stress that this doesn’t mean that all the anti-shippers are young: this absolutely isn’t the case, and unfortunately a lot of pretty much adult people participate in harassment, write call-outs and do this type of crap in general. Also obviously, not every teenager is an anti (not that it matters to us of course, all of our blogs are 18+ so the majority of teens shouldn’t even be here).
So yeah. I think of it as a subculture, albeit a very aggressive one. There are people who are legitimately uncomfortable with this type of content, but I’m pretty sure the majority of antis just love using their non-existent high moral ground to harass and try to control people and their art. They either don’t understand the magnitude of their actions or don’t care if they hurt real people over fictional minors.
I am very sorry that you stumble upon this type of people and that they make you feel bad. I always say this, but: block everyone. Even if a person is just mildly uncomfortable to you or you don’t like their vibes, block them just so you see less of this type of stuff.
Your art and any art that you enjoy doesn’t hurt anyone as long as people are being responsible about posting and interacting with it. So absolutely don’t feel like you’re doing something wrong just because someone doesn’t understand how fiction works. I hope this type of crap disappears as soon as fandoms become less popular, like they’ve been before things got out of hand. Some people should’ve never been here in the first place – sorry for gate-keeping, but they don’t get it and don’t care about getting it or at least being respectful to others, so why should we be better people.
Anonymous asked:
Idia: Yay, crotch view!
(related to our Lilidia drawing from yesterday hehe)
Lucky boy! Got to see Heavens right before his demise…
Anonymous asked:
What do you think about Neige x Epel?
Replied! Also talked about them a bit in this reply + some other replies that I can’t find…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on liliaxepel?
Definitely replied before, but I can’t find that reply, so: they’re cute, gotta love two short feisty cuties together; we really liked that one vignette in which Lilia shows Epel that you don’t have to be tall or big to be scary and strong. It teases a very interesting potential dynamic both in a shippy and in a platonic sense: Epel has a lot to learn from Lilia, and it would be fun if they interacted more often.
It isn’t a ship that we’re massively passionate about, but they’re fun together! Could be very hot.
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Snippet (read as: literally all I wrote) of a scenario where someone with the power to literally rewrite reality abuses this power to... give Sunshine an ideal belly rub.
⚠️ stuffing (retroactive?), belly kink, weird existential magic
"I can make this... more enjoyable for you, but..." The starry figure hesitates, and as Sunshine's curiosity is piqued, so is his concern.
"Hey," he says softly, "what's up? What is it?"
"It'd mean..." Its brows furrow. "It'd mean making an edit to your story, should you choose to accept my offer. Nothing major, nothing that would too greatly affect your life- but your recent memories will be slightly altered to accommodate."
That's... a little scary. Every time he's reminded this gentle being can literally rewrite reality, it gives Sunshine chills.
"...nothing bad?" he manages to venture.
"Nothing bad," it echoes, cradling his face with a soft smile. "Oh, sweetheart, I wouldn't hurt..."
...it trails off, looking guilty, then recollects itself. "All I want to do is make sure you had lunch before you dozed off."
He did drop off as soon as he got home earlier, didn't he. It's... a kind offer. Characteristic of this being. After a moment, he nods his assent.
When the god next speaks, its voice sounds... different. More authoritative, richer, expressive, like it's reading from a storybook. It's soothing to Sunshine- he hasn't been read to since he was a kid.
"When Sunshine came home from work just past noon, rest was the only thing on his mind. It had been a draining day."
He definitely recalls that much.
"He let his bag slip from his shoulders, paying no mind to it as it thudded to the floor. He shuffled for the couch like a zombie, ready to lose consciousness the second he was in a horizontal position...
"But then his stomach snarled, halting him in his tracks."
What? Sunshine blinks. That hadn't-
No. It had. He'd frozen in place as an almighty growl seemed to fill the room, and he realized all at once how starving he was. It had made him shudder, made his face feel strangely warm. A similar blush rises to his cheeks now.
"Shocked by its audacity, Sunshine pressed a paw to his empty belly, telling it to be at ease. Sleep could wait- he needed to eat first, or he'd be miserable later."
Sunshine's breathing quickens a little as the god continues.
"He had to wait for his food to cook, so as he was teased with the aroma of fresh hot rice, he soothed his complaining stomach with tender words and touches. Soon, he promised, soon."
Sunshine's face heats further as the memory of talking to his tummy is slotted in. It feels natural. It's entirely something he'd do, so long as he didn't have witnesses- and he hadn't, in that empty apartment. Hearing the starry god acknowledge that silly aspect of him so fondly is giving him butterflies, making his tail quiver.
"When the rice was finally done, he hastened to season and butter it after scooping it out of the cooker... but he hesitated. He was very, very hungry... surely, another serving could be in order?"
He groans. He doesn't know why he keeps making that mistake. He'll cook himself a second batch of rice when he feels particularly ravenous, then either can't finish it, or tries to and regrets it. And then he does the same thing a couple weeks later, not having learned his lesson at all.
"So he filled his rice maker up with a second serving, letting it cook while he scarfed down the first."
And suddenly, there's a warmth in Sunshine's belly.
He squeaks sharply as the faint ache of emptiness, too mild to care much about, evaporates on the spot. He squirms slightly, feels a little weight in his stomach- he's not full by any means, but he's been retroactively sated. Just like that.
It's... extraordinary.
The starry being beams at him. "Still okay? That's not too much?"
"Y- Yeah," he stammers, head spinning. "M'good. Great."
"You're doing wonderfully." Its touch, both warm and cool, smooths over his forehead. "Just a little more."
The words make his heart swell.
"Not long after he was scraping the bowl for the last grains, the cooker chimed again. He got up for a refill- he wasn't full yet. But, halfway through the second serving..."
Sunshine jerks as the warmth in his belly redoubles. Suddenly, he's comfortably full, even a little moreso. It makes him feel heavy and satisfied. This would be the point to stop, if there weren't food at risk of being wasted.
"...any more and his stomach wouldn't be happy with him." The god turns its shining eyes to Sunshine. "So... he had a choice to make."
"...me?" he squeaks, ears lifting.
"You," the god answers patiently. "You have the choice to push yourself- would you?"
He swallows as he considers his options. There's spice on his breath, and a grain of rice stuck behind one tooth that wasn't there a minute ago. He takes in the comfortable warmth currently in his belly, and thinks about how it would feel beneath those starry hands.
But then he considers the ache of overfullness, how he never hated it enough to avoid it the next time, how it sent confusing shivers up his spine that he can recognize now as arousal.
"I..." Sunshine gulps again. "I can take it. I'd do it."
He shudders as the god smooths a hand over his still-clothed belly. "Good," it says, "good boy. It's going to ache, so brace yourself."
Sunshine tenses as anticipation and arousal fill him from the words.
"After a moment's consideration, he kept going. He didn't want his cooking to go to waste."
A pang seizes Sunshine's middle. He gasps as his shirt slightly, but visibly tightens around his belly as it firms up. It lets out a displeased gurgle, one that sends lightning up his spine.
"He regretted it, of course," the god says gingerly, "but not enough to stop himself. And the ache felt good."
It did. It does. Sunshine moans.
"He wasn't sure how he found the strength to stand and put his dish in the sink- his exhaustion had crashed down upon him again, twofold with how overly full he was.
"But somehow, he managed. And even with the ache in his tummy, he was asleep the second he hit the cushions.
"...oh, sweetheart, are you okay?" The ethereal quality fades from his benefactor's voice altogether, its brows knitting with concern. "Did we overdo it...?"
His stomach cramps, and he sucks in a breath through his teeth. But it's a good kind of ache. "No," he grits. "No, this- this is good..."
"Let me help you," the god offers, and reaches down to pluck his shirt open.
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glitched-dawn · 4 months
General blog info
Since I said I would do this (actually I am just bored and no one knows wtf is going on in this blog) Imma make a masterpost with the general info of the blog and what's going on here. and also a little info about myself because ppl need more info abt me to send hate anons:
im a writer, obviously. im also a demiromantic apothisexual transmasc. i like baking, going out in the woods, writing (obviously), drawing and making art, playing instruments and singing, and im also a big fan of either napping half the day or staying up all night.
im not in very many fandoms but i like hollow knight, inmost, lethal company, terraria, bramble the mountain king, and ive recently gotten into heartstopper (in other words i began watching it with my more or less heartstopper-obsessed cousin, she is very sweet and yes i think the show is pretty cute too). other than that, im gonna watch more horror movies and series as that's what i write too.
(DNI is very small. do not interact with me if your intentions have anything to do with sex. thats it. i am SEVERELY sex-repulsed and will be triggered by anything that society has made sexual. its easier in text but for the fucking love of god do not send me pictures.)
now, onto the content:
writing snippets
aspec posting
stories and poems
a little bit of venting/storytime/complaining
talking to ma homies
a little bit of art
a series of writing snippets called "new/out of context quotes and quips"
probably something else i forgot
(also the reason i dont have a venting blog is bcuz hot topic i think ill keep everything in one place cuz im one person and i feel different things lmfao (yes i am also surprised by the fact that i have emotions apparently))
now a masterlist of my writing:
Novels and works-in-progress (AKA everything i write):
My main novel series, Broken Promises, currently contains ten novels:
Breached Containment
Twisted Betrayal
The Final Hunt
The Madman's Strive
Broken Strings (AKA Bring Us To Life)
Pinky Promise?
Too Late
Welcome To My Mind
A Last Promise
and here's the main characters, main cast and the main side characters:
Ambrose Blackthorne
Ace Dawn
Caleb Whitlock
Dylan Hunter
Jason Godfrey
Juan Moreno
The Shadow Reaper (he has a name but its revealed in the seventh novel so im waiting with it)
Zafirah Satar
Kierce Cadell
Joseph Clayton
Blake Campbell
Steven Zhai
Silly Sally
James Forest
Phoenix Loughty
Rahmah Abdullah Aziz
Rick Davis
Zane Hawklum
Gabriella Roseware
Alicia Wood
Rose Andersson
Eleanor Dawn
Michael Godfrey
(there are probably a lot more that are either family to the mcs or minor side characters, so im not including them here)
other than that, i have a few standalones that i work on every now and then:
Misplaced Faith
One Last Time (AKA Your Memory Will Live On Forever)
That's Me
Missing 4II
DRAMA (with my cousin as a co-author)
Blades of Rose (with several co-authors, including @ang3lic-t3ars and @daredevil-arty)
We All Eventually Drown (with one co-author)
then, of course, i have a bunch of smaller projects, most of them related to my novel series:
The Solic AKA the new bible
GUTS AND GLORY - a collection of every gory scene in BP
Realms of Selinc - A Beastiary
Memories On Paper - a collection of every letter/hand-written text in BP
A whole lot of music. just a doc named Music
The Anomalies, the start of a horror skit yt channel
PHOBIA, a video game that im not working on at the moment
I Was Born With A Gift - a prologue to the animation channel where I will animate my novel series on streams and such
All of the Darkrimm, Lumancyid included (hell and heaven lore)
A bunch of rituals. Do Not Question
Two D&D campaigns, one a homebrew and the other just. heaven and hell from BP (the novel series)
And since im extremely bored ill make an ask game so yall can ask me abt stuff (mostly the writing i gotta get more active in that)
have me tell you about one of my novels/works
ask about a character
ask about something you've seen in a snippet (specify)
wait actually you could just ask yourself from what youve seen and then ask extra info if youre curious about something
yeah acc just know my inbox is open for absolutely everything except stuff that goes against my DNI so u go ask stuff homies and thats it
well thats all i had to say so buhbyeee
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hylianane · 1 year
i really dont like using my blog to vent or complain cause idk thats not what social media is about to me its just a space to be silly about the things i like. that being said. im just gonna do a mini vent in the tags abt smth that isnt even half as serious as im making it sound
#Listen. i found live action Zoro jarringly serious and edgy at times. Very juvenile. But its very telling to me that the ppl complaining-#-the loudest abt his characterization and scenes with luffy are the same zosan shippers constantly putting him down in their works#genuinely every other fic is filled to the brim with characters constantly talking down to him like a toddler and mocking him#and even telling Sanji shit like omg youre so brave for being in love with him it must be so difficult#and suddenly as a reader Im not rooting for the relationship im rooting for Zoro to get better friends#so like are you guys SURE opla zoro is this edgy oc or does it seem that way bc you flanderize him just as much in the opposite direction#taking his goofy scenes and exaggerating them to make him seem barely functional#when in the anime he IS competent and people trust him and find him very cool when he drops badass lines all of the sudden#sometimes he even actively tries to be cool and edgy. its not rare or unheard of. we were all there when he started posing in the wax#its the execution of these traits in the LA that seem juvenile and jarring and OOC but lets not pretend like the guy youd find-#-on ao3 is better written or accurate to animanga zoro at all. the criticism itself is valid but from some zosan guys it sounds silly#youll notice casual or non shipper fans tend to rlly like LA Zoro and thats because fanon can truly TRULY be a disease#i’ve had this opinion of fanon zoro for a while but just seeing him pitted against opla zoro really brought back my unhappiness with him#if i had to pick between the two of them…
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