#this is so crap i'm sorry folks </3
grimm-writings · 27 days
HI IT'S EAVESDROP ANON YOU GAVE ME AN IDEA what if izutsumi and reader faced the succubi together, and izu sees that one of reader's succubi looks like chilchuck !! maybe she promises to keep it a secret, but also talks to reader about it? bonus points if izu and reader have a sort of unspoken mother/daughter relationship :')
to the grave
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…ft! chilchuck x fem! reader, izutsumi & reader
…tags! headcanon format, slight suggestive points, motherly reader
…wc! 623
…notes! give it up for One Whole Request Complete omfg. sorry for how short it is eavesdrop anon it’s been a rough few weeks for me 🫶 this is absolutely not my best work, but i did what i could!
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“Come on… I know you always thought about how I’d look underneath you.”
Hearing the words come from his mouth renders you still.  It’s his face, his voice, yet completely wrong.
You had thought he had somehow recovered and came back to help you, but of course it isn’t as easy as it appeared.
You’re lucky to have Izutsumi with you.  If it weren’t for her pushing you out of the way to claw at the succubus, you probably would have dropped all pretence and leaned down to where you had Chilchuck – or the succubus, rather – pinned to the floor to kiss.
Still, you can’t miss the look of absolute disbelief she gives you.
Silence fills the air as the succubus is reduced to nothing more than slob on the floor.  You refuse to look at what, to you, is eerily similar to Chilchuck’s visage.  Disturbingly so.  For just a second, you consider reaching out to it (him?) again.  However, Izutsumi is quick to swat you away. “Hey, we have a mob incoming,” she tells you.  You are about to retort, interrogating if she even felt remorse for hurting someone that looks like your ally, but Izutsumi’s quick to interrupt.  “We’ll discuss this later.” She leaves your side.  Preparing your weapon with a deep breath, you prepare to fight off the waves of succubi ahead.
It’s only when you and Izutsumi assemble all the bodies of your allies does she finally speak up.
She really isn’t interested in the ‘hot gossip’ like Marcille would be.  In her own rough way, Izutsumi is more just expressing worry for you.
She doesn’t overall react to the fact it’s Chilchuck that you saw.  It was just sort of an “Oh!” before she remembered that this succubus will steal your life force.
“So, you just wanted to protect me?” At your conclusion, Izutsumi growls.  She faces away from you as she drags over a succubus to drain into Senshi’s pot. “When you put it like that,” she grumbles, “it makes it sound all virtuous and sappy.” You laugh, reaching over to pat Izutsumi’s head.  “I appreciate it very much, thank you Izutsumi.” Maybe it’s the fact she just had to confront this ‘mother’ the succubi took the form of, but the cat girl feels at ease when you show affection to her.  She sighs, giving up on the argument quicker than she normally would.
That is to say… she wouldn’t not tease you.
She’d hand you some of the milk, poured into a bowl.  “Here, for Chilchuck.”
Your face contorts in confusion.  “Why me?”
“So you can get all close and intimate and stuff.”
She wants to support you both!  She just… doesn’t really care.
The party has woken up, and by now Marcille has spoken up, “what were your succubi like?  Laios?  Oh, what about yours?” She turns to you, her green eyes glimmering with curiosity.  Cheeks and tip of her ears flushed, it’s hard to miss what exactly she’s on about. You sheepishly laugh anyway, your mind recalling the lowered eyelids, the words spoken to you by the succubus.  “I don’t know if I…” “Hey, don’t pressure her to say things like that.” Chilchuck’s voice cuts through the air, and makes you jump.  He’s at your side, shooing Marcille away.  “That stuff’s usually private for a reason.  If she wants to say, she will.” It doesn’t go unnoticed how Chilchuck doesn’t say a word when Marcille instead asks Laios for details on his succubus, though. Though you should be glad Izutsumi isn’t awake to see this.  If she was, she’d be rolling her eyes and bemoaning how nauseating the pining was to herself.  So, maybe taking things to the grave is for the better.
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murfeelee · 8 months
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This upload is inspired by one of my favorite vampire tv shows, What We Do in the Shadows. (It was supposed to be my Simblreen gift this year, but I'm hella late cuz IRL suuuuuucks...blood. 😅)
The DL folder includes 4 zip files:
My WWDITS INSP CC Set, including 37 wives items.
The WWDITS INSP Vampire Residence Lot to go in your Sims 3 > Library folder (in-game it'll be in the empty lots bin in Edit Mode)
A MERGED CC file of allllll the other CC I used on the lot (brace yourselves 💀) to go in your Sims 3 > Mods > Packages folder
Granthe's OMSP from MTS, cuz I wasn't sure if I could merge it or not and decided to play it safe.
WARNING: The lot uses a ton of CC. I have all of the EPs, and a lot of the Store CC too, so if you don't have EA's crap & items are missing, that might be why. But if you're not seeing any of the the 3rd party UGC, then I done goofed, sorry--it's been YEARS since I've shared my lots.
🦇 Enjoy! 🦇
Download folders (package files) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:
Vampire Residence
IIRC, this is a 50x50 fully furnished lot.
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The Library
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The Fancy Room
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Guillermo's "Closet"
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Nandor's Coffin Room
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Laszlo & Nadja's Coffin Room
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Music Room
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Other Rooms
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Colin's Robinson's Bedroom (Basement)
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This set includes 37 fully recolorable items:
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EA Handy Jar REDONE as Candy (ARSIL Bag of Chips Mod REQUIRED) V2 (misc appliances)
Wall Rack with Decor Slots (SN EP) (misc surfaces)
Horn Rack Frankenmesh (wall art)
Tile Pattern (found under Tiles, duh)
Colin Robinson Roomies Portrait (Surfaces -- the Walls version's included in Nadja & Laszlo Painting (Ruffs))
TS4 to TS3 TheJim07 Versailles Stool as Dining Chair
EA Aurora Skies Spiral Stairs FLIPPED as DECOR (misc decor)
Oval Bucolic Flowers in Glass (Pets EP) (wall art)
Octagon Bucolic Flowers in Glass (Pets EP) (wall art)
Column Round Skinny (columns, duh)
WWDITS-IWTV INSP Vampire Themed Newspaper Clippings (wall art)
EA Farm Fresh Folk Desk REDONE for 1 Tile
TSM Bear Rug as Sofa Throw (misc decor)
Nandermo Glitter Portrait (misc decor)
Goth Posters (UNI EP)
Primitive Hunt by Piero di Cosimo Wallpapers (found under Paneling)
EA DV Celtic Wallpaper REDONE PLAIN (found under Misc IIRC)
Spiral Stairs Tasselled Drapes as Decor (curtains)
EA Boudoir Feathers RECOLORABLE (plants IIRC)
RD's Giant Plumes Decor RECOLORABLE (plants IIRC)
3 Display Cases as Wall Lights with Slots (Reg | Smaller | Taller)
TS2 to TS3 Beck's Doll Dressed as Teddy Bear V2
Nandor's 37 Wives Painting (Walls | Surfaces)
ATS3_object_funeralparlor_coffin3_open_sims4to3 RETEXURED (misc decor)
ATS3 Coffin Table REDONE WIDER as SN EP Altar (beds)
Framed Hook Swords (misc decor)
Vampire Residence Portraits
EA TS2 to TS3 Apartment Life Table Lamp (Shorter | Taller)
Annev Animal Skin Rug REDONE as Wall Art ( + FLIPPED)
Hanging Knives (misc decor)
EA Topiary Pattern V2 (found under IDER)
Most of the items are self explanatory; there's nothing crazy going on, really.
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And that's that!
🦇 Enjoy! 🦇
Download folders (package files) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
154 notes · View notes
hotcat37 · 4 months
deaf! Jere x Tommy concept drabble i wrote for @gigshoe <3 (for details, they're in their early 20s here and the setting is in Finland)
Tommy was admittedly already in a pretty cranky mood when he woke up that morning. He's got another day of long unpaid hours for his internship waiting for him. He knows it's a great opportunity and it's the experience that counts but still. Knowing that he's got another two months of hard unpaid work ahead of him isn't exactly motivating.
So when the Estonian feels a gentle tug at his sleeve while waiting for his train, his first instinct is to feel annoyed. He'd been minding his own business staring off into space and hoping no one would bother him. No such luck it seems.
Tommy turns his head towards whoever has disturbed him, not attempting to hide the scowl he knows he has on his face, ready to hit the unsuspecting person with a "I don't speak Finnish." But his eyes meet big blue ones and the brunette momentarily forgets all about his plan. He stares into the winter pale face of a man whose jet black eyebrows furrow together in concern at whatever look is on Tommy's face.
Oh crap. The stranger looks a bit intimidated, fiddling with the yellow phone in his hands, clearly too nervous to say anything now that he's been scowled at. Tommy's eyes involuntarily soften at the sight of the other man. Poor guy. He probably just spend a while working up the courage to approach him and here Tommy is fixing him with his resting bitch face.
"Hello." He greets the guy in English, trying to encourage him with a smile. "What's wrong?"
Big eyes stupidly blink back at Tommy for a second before they redirect their focus to the phone screen. The Estonian raises an eyebrow when the stranger starts to delete and re-type a text but otherwise uses the moment of distraction to get a good look at the man. The guy appears to be around Tommy's age, youthful face flushed slightly with a blush.
The next thing he notices is the somewhat silly haircut the young adult is sporting. Tommy can admit that he somehow makes it work, though. And even if he didn't, the brunette would appreciate the eccentric hair anyways. Then he spots specks of neon green in between the black and when Tommy squints he realizes that they must be hearing aids. Aha. The man's behavior makes more sense now.
Is this train to Joensuu? Sorry if is a weird question, I never go there 😅
The deaf Finn still looks rather timid and Tommy surprises himself with the overwhelming feeling of wanting to comfort this cute guy. Must be the oversized black coat making him look extra small. As if Tommy could easily scoop him into his arms.
"Yeah, man. It's the third stop. I'm actually going there too." Tommy confirms, hoping it's enough to reassure the other man that there's no need to feel intimidated.
The small Finn seems....weirdly surprised. As if he didn't expect Tommy to actually answer him. Damn. Is his bitch face that bad? How many hot folks has he scared off with just his expression alone without even knowing it?
But then the stranger beams at him with such a sweet smile that Tommy involuntarily mirrors it, feeling his chest buzz with something warm and happy.
Thank you so much!! :D You are going to work in Joensuu?? :0
And where usually Tommy hates random small talk, with this guy he's very much eager to keep the conversation going.
"Eh, kind of?" The Estonian shrugs. "I mean, it is work but I'm not getting paid."
At the concerned frown on the stranger's face, Tommy hurries to clarify.
"It's an internship so-" The man doesn't seem to know that word, cocking his head to the side like a confused dog. "Ah, uhm, so I do work for a company but I'm not getting paid at the moment 'cause I'm not a real employee. It's just for experience, y'know?"
The small Finn makes a little noise as if to say oh. It's the first sound he's made so far and Tommy can't help but soak it up like a sponge. This guy is fucking cute, he can't deny it.
Experience is good yes yes but is shit that you not get money 😢
Tommy quirks a grin at that, amused by the stranger's bluntness. "Yeah, it is shit. But are you getting paid or you a poor intern like me?"
Delicate fingers fly across the keyboard, Tommy very much endeared by the other man's enthusiasm to conversate. He can't remember the last time he's had such a fun interaction with a random person.
I get paid! ^_^ Today is my first day as photo man 📸🔥
For a guy who doesn't speak, he sure is expressive. Tommy is quite enjoying the use of emojis.
"You're a photographer?" At the other man's nod, Tommy beams. "That's so cool!"
For a split second the deaf Finn looks genuinely surprised again, staring back at Tommy with wide eyes, before his lips also split into a wide grin. It's kind of funny how quickly things have progressed between them in less than 10 minutes. Just as Tommy is about to pipe up and say more, a distant honk alerts him that their ride is headed towards them.
"Train is here." The Estonian informs as he points to somewhere behind the guy.
The man turns his head, just for a second, and Tommy is painfully aware of how he immediately misses having those big blue eyes focused on him. There's just something about this stranger that draws him in.
The Finn in question seems oblivious, turning to face Tommy with that infectious smile of his.
Let's go!! 🏃💨
He dutifully follows after the shorter man as they head towards the train. People are steadily streaming into the wagons and Tommy tries not to smile when he feels the stranger press against him to avoid being shoved in all directions. The Estonian spots an open seat in the back and doesn't hesitate to sit down. His companion does seem a little unsure, though, likely wondering if it's okay to sit next to Tommy. If their interaction was just a one time thing.
The brunette pats the seat beside him with an inviting smile and it's enough to get the Finn to finally move.
Their shoulders brush against each other and it's rather surprising that Tommy doesn't immediately feel the urge to pull away like he always does whenever he has even the slightest physical contact with a stranger. With this guy it's very much welcome.
"Hey, what's your name?" Tommy gently nudges the smaller man by extending his hand once the chattering on the train has settled down. "I'm Tommy."
The stranger seems quite relieved by Tommy's introduction, eyebrows knitting together into a hopeful expression. He types something at lightning speed, holding up his phone so Tommy can read the message with one hand while the other takes the hand extended towards him. Very soft, the Estonian notes.
I'm Jere! :D
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amberjazmyn · 8 months
matthew gray gubler one-shot
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - instagram 
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - legit none, just some fluffy couple instagram posts 
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - a series of instagram posts from users gublergram and yourusername. 
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - i just wanted to get another chapter out so i thought this would be a cute idea but if anyone has any ideas, please let me know as i am struggling to come up with original ideas rather than recycling older chapters. 
part two masterlist
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Liked by yourusername, shemarfmoore and 1,280,31 others
gublergram sorry folks but, my girlfriend, who is also my best friend, is better than you! 
view all 34k comments
ynfan1 omfg you two are so fucking cute stop it right now!
shemarfmoore this is so rude! i thought i was your best friend :(
yourusername shemarfmoore ha, ha, ha! suck it where the sun doesn't shine, chocolate thunder! i told you that gube has always loved me more because i'm a two-in-one! 
kirstenvangsness the literal loves of my life and i'm not even joking
mggfan1 can we please talk about the comments between shemar and y.n, please?
mggfan2 you two are adorable just stop it right now! yourusernamepls help a babe out and tell us where you found your mgg. asking for a friend
 yourusername mggfan2 awe you're so sweet and, truthfully, he honestly found me and i fell in love straight away but, i promise, when the time comes, you'll find your special person <3 
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liked by gublergram, kirstenvangsness and 1,300,80 others 
yourusername teddy time reunions! yoursistersusername it's an utter privilege to watch little teddy grow up and what an amazing mother you are and what an amazing father your husband is as well. you two have blessed matthew and me with the sweetest nephew and we could not be more in love with the little man. thank you, truly, for giving us the honour of being teddy's godparents, we love you and your little family more than words can express and we would move the sun and moon for you three. 
view all 3,890,98 comments
gublergram it shocks me how much i have cried since y.s.n announced her pregnancy with little teddy has been an embarrassing amount. teddy turns me into mush but i love him so much
yoursistersusername gublergram gube, don't be lyin' babe, you have always been emotional and soft, way before teddy! however, before i had teddy, i was literally emotionless and now, i feel like my tiny heart has grown tenfold lol
ynfan2 this is the sweetest thing in the world but, are we seriously going to ignore the fact that y.n's sister just straight up exposed gube so casually? i love it! 
kirstenvangsness omfg, teddy is absolutely precious! this little boy is gonna break hearts one-day y.s.n 
ynfan3 am i the only one who now wants y.n and gube to have children?
yoursistersusername ynfan3 you are not the only one babe. the rest of the cm family, me and y.n's family and matthew's family are now all just waiting for them to announce a pregnancy or anything at this point really lol. but, when it does eventually happen, it'll be the best day ever! 
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liked by joemantegna, pagetpagetgram and 3,498,40 others
yourusername hey, babe, should we get married gublergram?
View all 85,435,90 comments
joemantegna i swear to god, you better not be joking otherwise i will be very unhappy! 
gublergram i'm already prepared for the tears but i am so excited! 
pagetpagetgram hold on, what now? are y'all actually serious? 
kirstenvangsness wait wait wait... is this real? 
shemarfmoore hold the fuckity fuck up? i was not prepared for this today! 
ynfan4 holy crap omg omg omg omg! 
mggfan3 it's happening y'all stay calm omg omg omg omg! 
mggfan4 woah woah woah! omg, is this real? i'm actually going to cry rn! 
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liked by yourusername and 7,498,30 others
gublergram y.n, you are the life and light of my life as well as my soulmate.
first things first, i don't think in my entire existence on this earth i've felt the same love for you with anyone else.  you are my favourite person to ever walk this earth. you always know how to make me laugh and smile. but you always remind me that i don't have to be happy all the time. you always remind me that it's okay for me to cry and to be anxious when i am anxious or sad. i knew from the very first day i met you that i was going to fall in love with you and one day marry you. you care for me in ways that are unimaginable and it warms my heart because you can do it so easily as though it's the most natural thing for you. i love the way your eyes and nose crinkle up when you smile or when you're having a laughing fit. i love the way you pull your hair back with your extensive collection of colourful claw clips. i love how you try to blow strands of hair from your face when i mess up your hair on purpose or when you tuck some of my own hair behind my ear. i love how you always maintain eye contact when you're in conversation with somebody, even when it's a thing you're still learning. i love how kind you always are to everyone, no matter if they were rude or nice to you. i love how positive you are even when times are tough. i love how you take care of teddy and i can already see what an amazing mother you'd be to our future children. i love how fearless you are. i love the way you always steal my clothes. i love the way you always wear mismatched socks and kimonos with me. i love the way you square up to anyone who feels like they need to say how nerdy or weird i am like it's something you'd be disgusted by. i love how you aren't embarrassed at all by the weird things i say do or portray on tv. i love how you love me for me. "thy grace, thy more than beauty, shall be an endless theme of praise, and love - a simple duty." edgar allan poe
view all 22,785,30 comments
pagetpagetgram fuck me, y'all weren't joking omg i am actually crying! 
ajcook oh my gosh i am literally about to cry right now! 
yourusername i love you so much more gube. you literally light up my world like nobody else and i cannot wait to marry you! 
shemarfmoore oh fuck you guys were serious! y'all should have warned us before you hard launched! 
kirstenvangsness omg omg yesss! it's happening! my loves are getting married! 
joemantegna well, seems like i need a licence to ordain because i will be officiating this wedding! 
mggfan5 this post is so sweet omg, this is going to be the best wedding of the entire year
- - - 
i'm making a part two. the continuation after this will be the wedding photos, and maybe a small surprise teehee 
ok ily bye xx
word count; 1248
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 year
also, trans HCs??
Gladly. (This will be a very long post btw)
(I know I said this at some point but idk when so sorry if im not answering this properly)
My ftm headcannons:
Peter Parker (Marvel Universe)
He knew ever since he was little
The spider bite gave him free testosterone
He also has adhd (hc) and before getting top surgery would hyperfixate and forgert he was binding
Because of this Aunt May would have to check on him and set timers ect
the scene where Tom's spiderman is like "I'm not a girl I'm a BOY- I mean I'm-I'm a MAN" is pure trans-ness
he's also bi (hc) and really terrified of getting a boyfriend and then having him not see him as a man and is actually a straight dudes
So he only dates girls
(mj/the girl Andrew's one was in love with is mtf [but she doesn't really care about her gender but knows its feminin and calls herself mtf] and always reminds him he's a real man and when he goes "but what if-" MJ hits him with a "well then aren't you saying I'm a man then?" or something)
Luke Patterson (from Julie and the phantoms)
Part of the reason his mom and him fought so much
his parents said that the band made him trans and hanging out with boys was turing him into one
But after he died they saw that he was a guy and dedicated the rest of their lives to helping (especially young) trans folk
He wasn't diagnosed as autistic or with adhd (hc) because he was seen as a girl which gave him problems in having to get his parents to listen to him about both his brain and gender
Hates sleeves = trans
The beanie. No I will not elaborate. He wore a beanie. He is trans.
The way his hair is styled is like it was grown long and cut short instead of grown short and cut to stay that way, meaning that he is very likely to have had long hair and probably cut it short himself
When he became a ghost his soul was a guy so his ghost form became a guy, meaning he had a cis guy's appearance and "biological" situation or whatever
My Name Is Luke. He wrote a song called my name is Luke.
Jake peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Gina helped him come out to his mom
Did you SEE how he looked in highschool? The long hair and earring? Litterally in denial. Plus he was best friends with a girl (not saying straight guys can't have female friends but c'mon)
He wears about 3 layers
He met Rosa in the academy and i like to think that it was transohobic and put him in a dorm with her
she didn't care but was really mad about the academy being transphobic
prison was difficult, but Caleb was also trans and it made it easier (they look down in the shower and jake says samsies, I refuse to belive it's about circumcision and think it's trans instead.)
When Jake came out to Holt they had a kinda father-son type moment and Holt said that he understood and if Jake ever needed anything to come to him
He was still wearing a binder in the first few seasons (screw the scenes where he's shirtless) and the pain is unbearable because he's irresponsible (cue Gina and Rosa basically grounding him and everyone finding out he's trans)
Hiccup Haddock The 3rd (How to train Your Dragon)
He's 15 in the first movie. 15. My boy looks like he's 12
He's not as buff as the other guys his age and in one of the episodes where he's 15 bucket does a painting of him and Stowick and makes him extra buff, Stowick likes it more and Hiccup feels like crap (because he's trans)
Everyone sees him as a screw up and won't even let him ououtside
We never see him shirtless
"But he grows a beard eventually!" Yes but how long did that take him? My guy invented a flaming sword i think he'd be able to get testosterone from sosomewhere.
Kids? Sperm doner! (yes i know they're vikings but they could always just like... yk)
He doesn't have a bulge in his pants
He felt like an outsider and seeing toothless be the only nightfury made him just feel really connected to him
He didn't change his name
When he meets his mom she's obviously suprised but understands what's going on
My mtf headcanons:
Carrie (Julie and the phantoms)
Trevor understood fully because of Luke and asked her if she wanted a new name and what pronouns to use
He sometimes messed up with her pronouns at first but he tries really hard to get them right
When she came out he game her his credit card to buy new clothes with and quickly learned that was a very bad idea
She figured out her gender but was still figuring out her sexuality
She started dating nick as a power move to try and gain popularity (it worked)
She went on puberty blockers at 13 and it meant she was able to get a high voice but still does voice training as well (i dont know much about mtf voice stuff im sorry 😭)
After season one the boys were able to become visible to lifers when they want to be and she and Luke become trans bff's
loves pink
(I'm sorry I cant think of anymore mtf ones mainly because im ftm and those hc come from projecting onto charichters)
Oh my gosh I forgot their name 🤦 (from jatp)
(The member of dirty candy who Reggie likes)
Idk. But they are. She goes by they/she pronouns too, and I cant really say much else because they're a side character.
And also MJ from the Tom Holland spidermans is a genderfluid girl
Im sorry im too tired to elaborate any further I will think of more tho C:
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stedipace · 1 year
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"What if?" My Pitch for the Dreamcast 2
So after the bird app got bought by a rich moron, I got to thinking: what company would I impulsively buy if I had more money than common sense? I mean I wouldn't, I'd probably try and end world hunger or something but if there was anything left I'd just buy SEGA.
Like, for a laugh.
This started out as a design exercise for coming up with a launch title library but I got carried away...
So here's my plan:
The Actual Console
I think I'd like to honour VMU of the original Dreamcast and seeing Sony's recent announcements, we wouldn't be the only ones hopping on the Nintendo Switch Bandwagon.
The Actual console could stand to be a bit more powerful than the Switch but it doesn't have to be a top of the line behemoth. focus on making it fun, rather than powerful, thats how Nintendo sold a buttload this generation.
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Launch Titles
Sonic Adventure 3
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Ok, so right off the bat this one is a bit tricky.
Let me be clear: I LOVED Sonic The Hedgehog when I was a kid, but I'm sorry, I'm beginning to think there has never actually been a good Sonic game. Even my favourite ones haven't aged gracefully. Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are a bit crap, I think we can all agree there. I love them games but the lack of polish on display, considering its SEGA's flagship title, is inexcusable. And since a SEGA console needs to ship with a "mainline" Sonic game (we've seen what happens when it doesn't), I say we go with Sonic Adventure 3 but maybe, like... good?
The idea of a 3D, momentum-based mascot platformer isn't a bad one. In fact, it's kind of a resurging genre in certain indie dev circles.
Twitter user @Cornf_Blue has been developing what looks like the best Sonic Adventure game Sonic Team never made. Actually, let's just hire this dude to run the project.
I'd also refer you to Spark The Electric Jester.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about my idea for SA3 cause I might do another "What If?" post specifically about that at some point but basically, here's the gist of it:
3 Playable Characters are Sonic, Tails & Knuckles
Stages connected by a hub world the player can explore as they like in SA1 but make it bigger and more open to exploration like Sonic Frontiers
3 Kinds of stages: Sonic "speedy" stages, Tails shooty mech stages and Knuckles treasure hunting stages like in SA2 (but keeping it to 3 characters instead of 6 so the team isn't spread itself thin and can focus on delivering quality over quantity).
Special challenge modes like Boss Rush, Speedrun mode etc..
In fact, just put in a bunch of speedrun-friendly features and modes.
Chao Garden! (but more on that later)
Power Stone 3
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You need a big, fun multiplayer game in your launch titles and what's more fun than a 4 player fighting game with items and (kind of) platforming elements? It'd be fun to have a big co-op story mode and an online lobby system for multiplayer matches, but mostly, if you've got more than one kid and you're buying them a console for Christmas or whatever, this is the game you'll want to get with it.
Jet Set Radio: Legends of Tokyo-To
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Another SEGA IP that started on the Dreamcast, this game was just a ton of fun. The game had a VERY distinct 1999/2000 timestamp on it and I think we're juuuust starting to see the nostalgia wave from that period swelling, so instead of going to the future like the game's sequel, it continues immediately after the plot of the first one. Get Hideki Naganuma, Cibo Matto, Guitar Vader and the rest of the gang back to do the soundtrack, keep the cool cel shading art style BUT make it an open-world game, having all of Tokyo-To available to roam around in, with different gangs controlling different territories, skating and tagging challenges, customizable art (players can make their own tags), and a faction system with rival NPCs (kind of like the nemesis system in those Lord of The Ring games but with graffiti instead of murdering). Heck, get the folks who did Bomb Rush Cyberfunk to make it.
Phantasy Star Online II
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So it turns out this game already exists! And it's free to play! I didn't know that before I started making this post but honestly, that's perfect. If there's already a community of players, however small, that's already a lot of the legwork out of the way. Get some crossplay in there and you're set! Imagine getting the new console and your launch title but then, on the home menu, you see Phantasy Star Online II available to download for free! Old school players can enjoy the influx of new blood, revitalizing the game with a massive story event like new colonies being discovered or something, to explain the arrival of all the new players.
Crazy Taxi 3
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Everybody loves Crazy Taxi, there'd be something wrong with you if you didn't. Honestly, there's not much I'd do in terms of changing up the formula except maybe add a company management element to it, like you're trying to build a little taxi service where the main characters work. Upgrading cars, drumming up business and expanding to new areas. Just something to balance out the relentless fast-paced arcade gameplay. Online leaderboards for challenges and a local multiplayer with a versus mode (see who makes the most money) and a co-op mode (try to reach a set goal together) too, for good measure.
Bayonetta 4
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Bayonetta isn't an OG Dreamcast title but IS currently an extremely successful franchise that would absolutely help sell some units on launch. I'm putting it in here because it's published by SEGA so I guess it's technically their IP? But it's also a Nintendo exclusive so I don't know how that would work. Platinum Games has a 4 contract deal with SEGA, but whatever, for this little exercise, pretend SEGA keeps the publishing rights to all their stuff as they move back into making consoles.
Virtua Tennis Pro
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So we need a sports title in our launch library and I think it should be Vitrua Tennis. EA Sports games aren't exclusive anymore so you would eventually your FIFAs and whatnot, but it'd be nice to have a proper SEGA sports game again. For this one though, it would have a big, cinematic NBA 2K17 style where you're a rising young tennis star on your way to the top, singing deals, beating rivals etc... Get some competitive online multiplayer in there too of course.
Skies of Arcadia: Dusk
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I've always loved the idea of Skies of Arcadia, a big, bright and colourful swashbuckling adventure, and you need one of those in your launch library, but I only played a little bit of the GameCube version unfortunately.
That doesn't matter cause I think I know exactly what to do with this one. Make a traditional RPG title, honouring the franchise's heritage BUT, since we now know how to make a fun pirate game thanks to Assasins's Creed IV: Black Flag, we add in the ship boarding/crew capturing mechanics from that game! So imagine you have the trusty, old-school dungeon crawling/battle systems when you get of your ship but you can get back in and sail through the skies, looting other airships and slowly building your fleet!
Chao Garden
Kinda like Nintendo Land but with Chaos!
Remember the Mii characters in Nintendo consoles? What if they were cute instead of creepy? Every console would have a Chao Garden where the player would create, customise and raise their own Chao. That Chao would also serve as the player's online avatar when connecting with friends and shopping in the SEGA store or whatever.
Players would be able to meet other Chaos, have them compete in minigames and lots more. Essentially the SA2 Chao garden but online. And of course, this would also connect to our Sonic Adventure 3 Chao Garden.
Obviously, this would extend to the console's portability function, like how the 3DS could actively search for the profiles when the user would walk around with it, letting you meet other Chaos!
Make a mobile app for it too so you can check in on your Chao.
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These videos were massively helpful to me when writing this post:
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cheecats · 1 year
hey, i’m genuinely not trying to be rude at all, but may i ask why you use such a small font size as your default? it’s really hard to read :( if i’m on your blog on desktop it’s not as much of a problem because i can zoom in and out, but on mobile i have to take screenshots of your posts to be able to pinch and zoom to read them - and i already have my font size as big as the tumblr app will go, which isn’t much. :( i’m really not trying to be mean or nasty or anything, but that font does make your blog pretty inaccessible to folks with low vision 3:
Oh crap I'm so sorry about that! I honestly just use it out of habit bc I personally thought it looked "neat", but I didn't realise it was creating an accessibility issue on my blog for people with low vision. I'll stop using it for my text posts from now on. Thank-you for pointing that out to me, I hope you have a nice day ❤️
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grigori77 · 9 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 72
Mortal Kombat? Oh dear ... what will Sam do for THIS promo? Are we safe? Oh yeah, Mokap WAS just a dude in a Mocap suit, that was so embarrassingly true ... guest characters? Hmmmm ... oh, this is going so badly ... Sam: "There is no winner so I will get the prize!"
Ooh, nice accidental Ace Ventura reference, Laura! XD ... cue numerous enjoyably lowbrow jokes ...
The pixie frogs, of course ... Matt: "You befriended some, and invited others to shit upon you." Oh yeah ... dear gods that really did that, didn't they?
Chetney: "You're really just making up the rules there. They're not backed up by science ..."
I'm sorry ... BEEF serpent? You sure about that?
They won't want money, no ... Ashton: "Laudna, what do ghosts want?" Laudna: "Closure." Hmmm ...
FCG somewhat blsnks on how a compass works ... or was it Sam himself?
Travis ' map nonsense ... LOL
Ashton: "I feel like there are THE SEEDS of a decent plan in here ..."
Oh shit, IS Ratanish still in the Hole? Yeesh ...
Questioning corpses? Oh ... OH!!! Speak With the Dead? Yay! I love this spell ...
Ashton: "You can stitch a skull onto a dead rat and THIS is a problem?"
Oooooh ... spooky stuff ...
Deception check? Okay ... 21? Blimey, Laura!
Thul's still at the Key. Okay ... Travis losing it over Matt having to hold that ridiculous face ... XD Unity? What ... "keep them scattered"?
Whoa ... they're REALLY gonna try interrogating Ratanish? Okay ...
Oh boy, here we go ... yuck ... Matt goes HARD with this description ...
Another deception check ... 21 AGAIN?!!! Fuck ...
Old fashioned communications ... so THEY'RE having the same problems with Sending and stuff? Okay then ... "The Moon Folk have kept eyes as well"? Interesting ... bollocks, that's a question! Damn it ... ask about the monk snd the wizard! Damn it! Tell us about Beau and Caleb!
"Mzin pit entrance"? Hmmm ... agh, he's getting wise ... Insight check! Whispers! Aaaaaah!
FINALLY!!! But his head's off so it's quite the anticlimax ...
100 strong Reilorans loose ... hmmmm ...
Ratanish teeth? Fearne's getting her creepy Baba Yaga thing on again.
Chetney's incantation ... XD
Oh, here we go ... it's going all first POTC movie here ... oh okay ... is this the Black Pearl slouching out of the mist? Or maybe the Flying Dutchman?
Eagle's Splendour? Cool ...
Aaaaaah! Ghost pirates! Creepy!
Holy fuck, it really IS the cursed crew of the Black Pearl ...
Roll initiative? Crap!
Battlemap time! Yay! OH MY GODS!!! AND a ghost ship! Awesome!
Orym's up first? Nice ... go off, wee man! Badass! Damage, too! Nice ...
Ashton Rages! Oooh ... he's see-through! Okay ... takes a swing! Boom! Rocking up two big hits! Nice ... falls in the water? Wait ... EHAT did he just do? That's so cool ...
Uh-oh ... what's happening? Wait ... A PISTOL?!!! How the fuck? What ... AN ICE GUN?!!! Are you kidding me?
Minor Illusion? Hmmm ... a deception check? Okay ... 21! Nice, Travis! Oh bollocks, against a NAT20?!!! Ouch ...
Chetney: "They don't leave ... (Scottish accent) survivors!" XD
Form of Dread! Yeah ... and FIREBALLS!!! Nice ... wow ... that's A LOT of fails ... 26 fire damage! Fuck ... Laudna is ANNIHILATING these guys!
Shadow Cant? Ooooh ... and a NAT20!!! Whoa ...
Oh ... Parley? Or maybe not ... hmmm ...
Command From the Grave? Ooooh ... AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! No! Not Imogen! Phew ... Nice save ...
Spinning rocks ... okay ... very Magneto! Nice, Imogen! Boom!
There's one in the crow's nest? Hmmm ... oh fuck, what's THIS thing? TWO crossbow shots? Damn ... Nat20! Ouch ... crits on BOTH Chetney znd FCG! AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Oh fuck, that's NASTY!!!
Fuck ... the dead are getting back up? CRAAAAAAAP!!!
Yes! Punch a ghost! Very Beau of her ...
All this Cold damage is SO not fun at all ... fucking undead!
Coin flip? Hmmm ... oh I know what he's gonna do ... Turn/Destroy Undead! Yes! About time! Go, Letters! Wait ... LAUDNA'S afraid of FCG now? Ah shit ... that's problematic ...
Fuck ... and there's NO FIX for this situation, either ... crap.
Do something FLAMEY Fearne! Burn these arseholes! Fire Shield? Not quite what I expected ... oh, resistance to Cold damage? That's okay ... she's running to Laudna? Oh, okay! Mirthful Leap! Yay! 9 on athletics? Crap ... and now she's blocked ... she sends Mister instead, then ... Dimension Door Laudna? Maybe not ... no, just shooting shit fire instead ... bah, and it's a miss! Crap ...
Orym starts running under legs znd goes straight for the ship, then uses Seedling to drag himself onto it! Nice! Whoa ... crazy skeleton girl! Eep! Oh ... what, a rewind? Hmmm .. and now I'm just lost ...
Okay, attacking instead! Let's go! Goading Attack! Yes ... "A flea"? Really? I mean it's not THAT dissimilar, but still ...
Ashton is going after Laudna? Okay ... I mean OF COURSE he is ... oh my gods is he just headslapping her? Wow ... but yeah, that works ...
Oh yeah, she's pissed ... FCG: "Respect the gods!"
Imogen! No! Aaaagh ... and on Orym ... another Crit? Ouch!
Wolf Chetney gets hit breaking off but he's just BOOKING IT for the boat too ...
Laudna's going for it too ... and pretending she's still afraid? Nice ...
Imogen casts Shock Flare? Ooooh ... 2d6 Lightning damage ... 12 each! Nice ... one down! Yeah ... and she damn near drops in the Hole too ... whoops!
Gah ... the Sniper again! Crap ... shooting for FCG ... and it's a hit! Noooo! Ouch ... oh shit, he's DOWN!!! Fuck ...
Second shot at Orym ... oh thank FUCK that's a miss ... phew ...
They're coming for Imogen ... and just FALL IN THE HOLE!!! Nice ... XD
Creep little skittering halfling zombie ...
Fearne casts Cure Wounds at on FCG ... 8 points, and HE'S UP!!! Yes ... and she's STILL pissed at him for what he did to Laudna ... only can't rips for a bonus action? No joy ... just going for the boat, then ... oh, Fire Shield causes damage if they hit her? Nice ...
Mister shoits flame at the fucker next to FCG ... 13 damage! Nice ...
Orym uses the stuck bolt to swing around and ACROBAT himself into his foe ... that would have be so nice if they hadn't rolled better ... nuts ...
Reckless Attack! Yeah, Ashton ... BOOM!!! Smash that fucker to pieces ... Teleport? What? And a Wormhole Strike on the Sniper? Oooooh ... lots of damage maths, nice ... 23 points and it gets shoved hard ... and it DROPS onto the deck! So that's MORE damage ... another 15! Nice ...
Right back to FCG? Ashton's really shifting this fight ...
The whirlpools can MOVE?!!! What the fuck?
Orym gets SHOVED ... oh, nice save! Stabby instead ... oh, that was SO disappointing ... phew ...
Wolf Chetney CLAWS his way onto the ship ... atracks the Sniper and tries to drag the crossbow out of its hands ... and he rips it away! Nice ... he chucks it into the water! Yeah ... oh ... these things don't have blood? No Curse of Bloated Agony ...oh, he can use HIS OWN blood? Oh, well THAT works ...
Spiderclimb! Yay! She's on the boat! Is she going to parley? No, she opens her ribcage, puts his hand in it ... what the hell is she doing? Oh, she's APPEALING to him, one undead to another? Interesting ... the Strife Emperor? What?
Well, at least that means he's still distracted ... and TAKING HIS TURN to continue the parley ...
She's offering up Chetney's cursed sword as a bonus? What?
What even IS this out-of-context conversation about?
Is Imogen close enough to the ship? I'm sorry ... "cheese wiz"? What? Going for Orym's attacker ... oh NICE SAVE!!! You go, girl! 29 points of Psychic damage ... oh they are DONE!!! Nice ...
FCG prone and under attack again! And he's OUT again! Fuck! And a death save already? Wait ... he's using his FLASK as a dice tower? Seriously?
Fearne is IN one of the whirlpools ... oh nice, she's out! Okay ... and she doesn't know if FCG's out again ... okay, she's GOING BACK to him again ... a SECOND Level Cure Wounds ... 13 points znd he's up AGAIN!!!
Orym does a jack rabbit kick and boots this thing RIGHT OFF the ship, goes after the one attacking Chetney ... 17 points of damage! Nice ... and it's down again ...
Ashton dies a reckless on the little shit attacking FCG and ANNIHILATES the fucker. Then teleports onto the ship ...
Chetney gets his sword out, and it gets chatty on him again ... oh, he's just trying to PERSUADE the captain instead? Hmmm ...
Oh shit ... Chet didn't know she offered up the sword too ... awkward ...
Another persuasion check? Hmmmmm ... roll good, Marisha! Fuck ... 10? Shite ...
Wow ... he's giving it up? Oh yeah, cursed sword is NOT HAPPY and neither is Chetney ... but at least the captain accepts ...
And they got their ride!
Time for a break ...
Laudna (waving like a queen): "We're friends now! We're going for a ride!"
Fearne doesn't like having GUILT. That's hilarious. XD
Oh yeah, actually technically they are kind of pirates themselves, actually. Yeah. They're smong peers! Woedders? Cool. Keith? No ... KYLE ... hmmm ... "I've been with you for a hundred years!" XD
Chetney's staying as a wolfman cuz he doesn't trust this lot. I don't blame him.
How does an undead die MORE, Fearne? I'm curious.
Oooh, SAM gets a Whispers ... and it gets weirdly flirty ... what the fuck? XD
He sounds honest. I THINK we can trust him ... Laudna's trying to get snippy about it ... oh, okay, they're shaking on it? This is getting weird ...
Laudna SCARES Chetney back into halfling form. Wait ... is he trying to trick them with the fake? Crap ... the sniper's a bit too sharp for him.
Okay, they hand the real one over, and ... yeah, that's that. And they're going to let them off in one piece too, apparently.
No food on board ... I mean really, what were you actually expecting?
Hunter's Bane ... but I mean what is he REALLY trying to find out?
So the ship's is a total wreck? Sounds about right ... and it's SAILING ITSELF!!! Oh boy ... proper ghost ship here ...
Oh wow ... is Fearne FLIRTING with the captain now? Really?
The Solstice has had NO EFFECT on them? Now THAT is interesting ...
The Strife Emperor is Betrayer God ... okay ... not sure if that's a good thing for us, then. He might be more on Ludinus' side ... or maybe not ... hmmmm ...
Clearly he doesn't like question ...
Interesting ... he's looking to strike up a BOND with Chetney's sword ...
Find out what the boots are about? Hmmmm ... FCG's not sure he can do that. But he has time ... oh, there's a card! Double speed for ten minutes? That's not bad, actually ... oh yes, Ashton could FUCK SHIT UP with those ... oh, Rollies with Chetney ... okay ... oh, that's it. They're Ashton's, then.
The ship is literally REPELLING marine life ...
Ashton's going up to the crow's nest to talk with the navigator. She carved her own eye out? To make a point? Wow ...
Woedders: "Anger's good. It makes things happen."
Oh ... the mention of Ruidus gets her attention ... she hasn't seen it in weeks? Well it is STUCK in position now ...
The others are going exploring ... oh, it is FREEZING down here. Okay ... oh, so when they sleep they LITERALLY just fall apart. Charming ...
"Is it warmer in the hole?" Oh boy ... this conversation is getting dirty ...
The Whitts Twins ... oh, the halflings? Okay ... so they just like go gamble? For no real purpose any more. Not that there's any reason to.
No natural threats to the ghost ship on the High Seas, then ...
Sanjay? Okay ... ooh, he's a fancy one, clearly.
"Who hasn't heard of Scanlan Shorthalt?" Cute ..
Beads of Love ... ye gods ...
A pile of Kyle ... XD
Oh, the guns are NEW acquisitions? That's interesting ... Percy's legacy has spread FAR ...
Is FCG really suggesting they try a thief-off with Fearne? Really?
They're trying to introduce Rollies to them now ...
Oh no, Marisha, please don't ... oh, it's sll getting a bit meta all of a sudden ... Matt: "And that wax the last anyone saw of Bells Hells."
And now they're playing Rollies ...
Ah, secrets ...
Wow, this is spreading now ... and now they're addicted to Rollies, that's hilarious and adorable ...
And that's it for the night. Yup ...
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
A03 Posts On My Dash
Okay I'm not going to win any points but I'm just gonna say it. I'm sick of seeing all this crap about what A03 should and shouldn't do.
#1: Censorship and A03 needing to protect people from reading stories they find offensive or that 'trigger' some issue you as an individual may have.
Nope sorry I call bullshit on this. This whole needing an algorithm to filter stories you don't want to read...newsflash just bypass the damn story.
I have plenty of things come up when I click on tag that I don't want to read (and yes, some people tag horrible but that's life folks) and guess what I read the synopsis of the story and if it's nothing I want to read I do this amazingly difficult thing. I click the back button and move on. I know shocking isn't it.
#2: A03 needs better safeguards so children can't read inappropriate stories.
Ummm kids have always gotten their hands on inappropriate stuff (long before the internet). Everything is clearly marked and it's up to the adults in these kids' lives to put the parental filters and safeguard their own children.
Please I've listened to parents make comments like this and then in the next breath tell me which video games they've picked up for their precious child that are all Mature Rated where they are killing, raping and committing other violent acts in these games. Reading a dirty fan fic is going to scar them...not those violent video games...nope of course not.
#3: A03 is just a money-making machine. Go back to paper zines.
Ugghhhh spoken by people who never paid for physical zines, lugged said zines around a convention, housed said zines or had to get rid of them once you were done with it once in their life.
Guess what you can't just lurk on a physical zine if you can't pay for it, so you miss out on great stories. Nobody is holding a gun to anybody's head to donate.
I donate to help keep the sight running smoothly because as an adult with a decent income I choose to donate. I know that it is expensive to run servers and to keep legal counsel who protects our rights as writers and readers. I also vote in the elections because I do feel it's part of my responsibility as a paying member. I read everyone's bio/platform and make the best decision I can.
If you are so offended by A03 asking for donations from their members (again if they can afford it...this isn't mandatory), then go to FF where you can have a flipping ad between every other paragraph.
Basically, nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head to use A03.
If a story comes up because of a tag you clicked on that offends you...don't read it. Don't want to pay for the site...don't. They don't have it set up for subscribers only.
So, continue to lurk and if you aren't going to pony up to help keep the site running that's fine but don't complain to the people who do donate and certainly don't treat the people who pay as the 'suckers/assholes' stupid enough to pay.
If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have A03 without ads, without real support staff and just have another FF site that goes down every other week. I use both sites and A03 is a thousand times better than FF in my opinion so I'm willing to support it.
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also i'm sorry for flooding everyone with all this crap. I'm stepping away for a while. I know folk are heading to bed about now, so it'll probably quieten down. I just want to say how much I love you all <3 You're unbelievably kind. Thank you!!!!
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papirouge · 17 days
You wanted a verse that stated women are inferior to men, and I provided. So why are you arguing when you believe it is true? Here are a few more for you to heart:
Timothy 2:11-15 11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
1 Corinthians 11:7-9 7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
And you "provided" wrong. I answered why this verse didn't answer my question, so I'll repeat myself :
- show me one verse saying woman is "INFERIOR" to man.
Not a single verse you pulled out says that.
When anti religious folks claim that the Bible says that women are "inferior" to men, it's not on the physical condition, but regarding aspect of their worth. And sorry but 1 Peter 3:7 ain't about it. Being "weak(er)" =/= inferior. The greek word that's been translated as "weak" in that verse is ἀσθενής (asthenes) which systemically refers to a PHYSICAL condition - not worth. If anything, this verses points out the fragiity of women's body which is non debatable. Otherwise the men in women's sports wouldn't be such a debate.
Telling women to be modest and quiet doesn't mean they're inferior.
Telling women to be quiet IN THE ASSEMBLY doesn't mean they're inferior.
The women being the "glory of men" doesn't mean they're inferior (and something tells me if one verse said "men are the glory of women" yall would screech about how misogynistic this verse is for calling men our "glory" lol)
Saying that Eve sinned FIRST doesn't mean women are inferior. That's just...what actually happened (and pls don't get me started on this stupid Lilth copium)
Saying that woman comes from man doesn't mean she's inferior (that's literally how Eve got created)
Telling women to cover their head IN THE ASSEMBLY doesn't mean they're inferior.
Telling women to obey their husband doesn't mean women are inferior fun fact, while the wife has to obey her husband, the husband is compelled to be willing to DIE for his wife, funny how you guys NEVER bring that up because it would show the wife has definitely the easier part of the deal lol)
You're the one projecting "inferiority" onto those verses because of your own bias. There are plentiful of non-married Christian women not attending church who don't abide to those (very contextual) prescriptions. How are you gonna argue they're also "inferior"? inferior to who? and from how?
You are so male identified that the second a woman it advised to do something, you immediately jump in to put her against men. But Christianity doesn't work like that. Women are not in competition with men. The only competition we have is against our own flesh to win the race of eternal life (1 Corinthians 9:24)
The Bible is actually FULL OF PRESCRIPTION TO MEN how they should behave : James 1(:16-26) actually has a bunch of them, and Paul wrote most of the New Testament rebuking moids. ...but you try to act like the Bible has this one-sided beef against women.... The persecution complex is HUGE with yall.
Maybe this crap flies among anti religious folks who have no idea of what they're talking about, but I'm an actual Christian who knows her book more than you, and I'm absolutely unfazed by your lame attempt to gotcha me about something that can be refuted by anyone's who remotely savvy about Christian theology 101.
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom Fic 23/23
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This is the end, although there are many (shorter, of course) sequels, not to mention all the other stories I could share here ^^' thanks for reading <3 Summary:
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treats it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Our beloved guys start their living together and plan lots of stuff… Epilogue: Home. Our home.
The American tour ended. Chris, Matthew and Dominic are heading towards the airport, inside a limousine.
"I promise that, next time I see you, I'll get accustomed to your tender attitude, but now... could you please stop it?" Chris gently asks them, a little embarrassed by the fact that Dominic is insistently cupping Matt's ass, set off by his white, skinny jeans, and the brunet is showing him how much he likes that, peppering his nape with kisses as one hand slips through his black shirt.
"Oops, sorry. We did it again!" Dom apologizes, also for Matt, as the brunet parts from him, snorting to show his disappointment.
"How can it be that you're unable to keep some distance from one another?" Chris grumbles.
"Try to understand. It's already so hard to resist during the shows. Today is gonna be even harder, because of the queues at the airport, the check in, the flight, the landing, the return... a whole day surrounded by people!" Matthew complains.
"You're right, but, Mattie, just think about all the privacy we'll get once we arrive to your house." Dominic makes him notice.
"That's not correct. *Our* house. From now on it will be our house." Matthew smiles at him, as he holds his hand.
Dominic smiles back at him.
Finally, they recall that Chris is still there with them.
"Sorry, Chris, are we allowed to hold hands, at least?" Dominic wonders, concerned.
"Yep, you're allowed." their friend rolls his eyes, giving in.
His only consolation is that it will be a short ride.
They reach the airport and at the check in they split up, taking two different directions: Chris heads towards UK and can't wait to come back to his beloved wife and kids, as Matt and Dom's destination is Italy.
"So, big guy, see you soon. You can come to pay a visit to us, whenever you want." Matt greets him, hugging him, and then Dom does the same.
"You're welcome to my house, too. Sure, you just have to ...err... avoid too explicit attitudes!" Chris states, a little bit awkwardly.
"We'll try our best to resist!" Dominic solemnly promises.
The trio says the last goodbyes, but before queuing, Chris prefers to go to the Duty Free, heading towards the DVD area.
He grabs the DVD of 'Brokeback Mountain', 'The Birdcage' and the first season of 'Queer as Folk'.
< Just to get accustomed to this kind of things... > he reckons, but before he reaches the cash desk, his ego has something to say.
< Wait a minute. I can't let someone see me as I buy this crap! OK, I'll get accustomed to that just downloading this stuff from the web. > Chris decides, more wisely, putting the DVDs back on their shelf, with discretion.
In the late afternoon, Matthew and Dominic get off the taxi, giving a very generous tip to the Italian driver, before heading towards the brunet's huge mansion.
Dominic has been reading the names of the roads, trying to find some reference points all time long.
Matthew is showing him the way, but he notices that.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"It's simple. I'm trying to memorize the way. If for some reasons you won't be here with me sometimes and I'll wander through these lanes all alone, I'll have to remember the way that leads me home, don't you think so?" Dom justifies.
Matthew smiles, caressing his face and taking advantage of the fact that they are in a private, isolate alley.
"Repeat it..." the brunet murmurs.
"What? That I'm memorizing the way?"
"No. The other part: home. Our home." Matt clarifies.
This time it's Dom who smiles at him.
"Home. From now on, every time I come back home, it will be here."
"That's not exact. This is just an alley, we must still walk a little more to go home." Matt pinpoints.
"Damn you, Bells, you broke the magic of this moment!" the blond snorts.
"I had to break it, we were becoming way too sickeningly sugary!" Matt states.
"Maybe you're right. So, how far is home? I'm sick of walking!" Dom complains.
"But... we've left the taxi nothing more than three minutes ago. " Matt strikes back, as he resumes showing him the way.
"That's it, we've been walking for ages!" Dom insists.
"C'mon, it's not very far from here. Just stop memorizing the way. You know what? For the first times I'll make you wander here with a GPS!" Matt makes fun of him.
"It could be a cool idea. Do you think that the GPS will understand if I set as destination 'The love of my life'?" Dominic murmurs.
Matt turns to face him.
"Uh! Yeah, sorry, I did it again. Too sugary." the blond rolls his eyes.
"Maybe. But it was so cute!" the brunet smiles, giving him a peck on his lips. "Dom, are you sure you will like living in Como?" he asks for confirmations.
"To live next to one of the most fashionable towns of the whole continent? Do you even have to ask me?! No matter how much I love you, just forget about me during the Fashion Week!" the drummer answers, making him laugh.
After something like fifty steps they finally get home. Matthew draws out the keys, opens the door and lets in to assure himself that everything is fine, as Dominic prefers waiting for him, outside.
A few minutes later, Matt comes back to him, pretty satisfied.
"Gaia kept her word and took away all her stuff, there's not a single trace of her anymore." he asserts, letting Dom in. "Now, you must help me. This house has been closed for a while, we have to get busy and arrange it better. Don't even try to tell me you're tired. After all, we've slept for more than half flight, I'm dying to invest my energies in something!" he explains, as he opens the windows, to let the sunlight in, so he can switch off the artificial lights.
"What?! You're kidding! Firstly, you made me walk for miles and now you even expect me to work hard? It's not the amazing life together I've been dreaming of, you know?!" the blond snaps, as he let himself sink on the comfortable sofa. "Anyway, Mattie, there are other ways to invest your energies..." he adds, immediately after, looking at him seductively and lying down on the sofa.
But his attitude doesn't seem to impress Matt at all.
"C'mon, Dommie! I don't want to call a clean-up crew, it's so annoying, so impersonal! Don't you want to feel exhausted, but because of a nice tiredness that comes from the big satisfaction of being the maker of the benefit you got from it? It's such a priceless feeling!" the singer rambles, speaking scarily fast and very excitedly.
"I haven't the slightest idea of what the hell you blathered about, but my answer is still 'No. Fucking. Way!'" the drummer grumbles, getting up.
"What if I tell you that it's gonna be fun?" his partner winks at him.
"I just can't see how..." the blond replies, doubtfully.
"Wait for me, here." Matt orders, mysteriously, before going upstairs.
Dom hears Matt messing about for a while, and then one of his stereo begins to play 'I want to break free', by Queen.
When Dom sees Matt going downstairs, he's breathless: Matt is holding a motorised, rolling duster and is dancing and singing along the song. He waves his pelvis and butt and pretends to play the duster as if it was a guitar.
What is really shocking Dom is the way he's dressed up... or rather not dressed up, because Matt is wearing just a pair of pink sunglasses, heart-shaped, and a pink, housewife apron, with flowers printed on it... and nothing else.
That's what leaves Dom with no salivation.
"Matthew... you're wonderful!" he approaches him, with a predatory attitude.
"Told you it would be fun!" the frontman states, lowering his sunglasses. "And there's one rule only to help me: take off your pants and shirt. You don't want to spoil your nice, designer clothes, do you?" Matt exhorts him, as he takes his partner's clothes off, good and proper.
"You know, I must admit that, suddenly, out of the blue, I feel like helping you, very, very willingly..." Dom whispers in his ear, nibbling his lobe.
"Do you realize that it's March and we both risk getting pneumonia?" Dominic pinpoints, as he's wearing his boxers only.
"I just know that, whenever I'm with you, I feel fire burning inside me!" the other replies, as he explores the blond's chest with his hands.
"Me too. What can I say? We'll save money of the heating!" the drummer remarks, wittingly, as he grabs a cloth and the window cleaner, ready to clean the windows.
He kisses ardently the brunet, pressing him against the window he's cleaning.
Maybe is not the most efficient cleaning system, but they surely find it intriguing.
And among dusting, cleaning, sweeping and floor washing, every occasion is perfect to jump on each other, in every corner of the house.
A couple of hours later they both lay down on the sofa, drained, worn out, but because of that satisfying tiredness Matthew blathered about.
"Matt, you told me that Gaia took away all her stuff, right?" Dom wonders, with his head on his mate's lap, as he toys with the apron he still wears.
"She did. Why?" the other asks him, passing a hand through his blond, now messy hair.
"Does it mean that this is *yours*?" Dom figures out.
"Yep, this is my official apron for chores or when I cook. As you can easily guess, usually I happen to wear also clothes under it." Matthew clarifies.
His only answer, Dom bursts out laughing.
"What? What did I say wrong?" the frontman gets agitated.
"Nothing. You're just amazing!" the drummer wraps his arms around his neck, stealing the umpteenth kiss.
At evening they have a shower, because it's dinner's time.
Matthew grabs his phone to order two pizzas from his trusted restaurant, hoping to talk with someone who speaks English.
Dominic takes care of the drinks. He knows that Matthew's fridge never lacks beer, but he finds also something unexpected.
"Matthew, is it one of your purchases?" he calls him out.
The singer reaches him, satisfied because he managed to place his order.
They both stare in awe at the huge, red wine flagon that towers the base of the majestic two door-fridge.
"Nope. Quite the contrary, I didn't even imagine that such giant flagons could exist." the brunet grumbles in confusion, as he tries to touch the flagon.
He notices the piece on paper next to it.
"'This is for you, guys, to celebrate your new life together. Enjoy it. From Gaia and Jessica. P.S. We hope it will go down the wrong way!!'" Matthew reads loudly.
"Aww, they were so nice!" Dominic squeals.
"They understood and this is a sort of armistice. " Matthew states.
They exchange a doubtful look, recalling how the girls found out about their relationship, what they said, how they reacted.
"I'm sure it's poisoned. We'd better get rid of it!" Dominic decides.
"I have a better idea. I could make a present for my dear, neighbour Clooney..." Matthew suggests, with an evil smirk.
"No bloody way, I don't wanna spend the rest of my life seeing you behind bars and taking oranges to you. Let's just get rid of this flagon!" Dominic insists and, even if unwillingly, Matthew obeys.
"After all, you're such a connoisseur of intoxication attempts, aren't you, Bells?" Dom questions him, reproach in his voice.
"Enough with that story! Are you still angry? After all, nothing big happened." Matthew shrugs.
"Well, My Chemical Romance doesn't think so. They had to cancel two gigs and it's just your fault!" the first snaps.
"But I didn't do anything bad. I've just brought some pancakes to them, as offer of peace. You know, the rules of a good neighbourly relation." the second justifies, with all the innocence he can show.
"Yeah, sure, and *casually* those pancakes were stuffed with laxative!" Dom crosses his arms on his chest.
"Yep. I swear I thought it was maple syrup. Gee, I'm so absent-minded!" Matt acts dumb.
"Nope. You're just evil!" the blond strikes back.
"Well, I'm the VladyMatt who turns you on so badly..." Matt replies, shrewdly.
After all, he knows that it's always a winning move. As a matter of fact, Dom stops arguing and resumes smiling at him.
At late night, after seeing TV together, because they're too tired to go out, they're ready to go to bed.
Dom prepares himself in the bathroom, as Matthew waits for him, skimming through the pages of a book, absently.
When Dom comes back, Matt is almost tempted to throw the book against him.
"Where the hell did you fucking buy that bloody shit?" the brunet growls, narrowing his eyes as he observes his mate.
"Well, you know, on the last two gigs I paid a visit to their official merchandising stand and... I guess it was something cute, a souvenir from the tour with them!" Dominic explains, showing proudly black boxers matched with a black My Chemical Romance t-shirt.
"Dom, gee, no! Dammit, you chose just a t-shirt with their faces printed on, like a teenager in heat!" Matthew protests, lively.
"What can I say? They have such pretty faces that look good on t-shirts, especially the frontman's pretty face!" the blond teases him.
His only answer, Matt leaves the bedroom and comes back a few minutes later.
"You know, Dom, I guess that I'll finally make you happy, since you've been craving this for so long..." he exclaims, showing him something that turns Dom on like hell, as soon as he sees it. "This time we are really gonna make love, using a knife!" he warns him, with a maniac look, smiling in anticipation only at the thought of tearing that t-shirt to shreds.
His only answer, Dom jumps on the mattress with an excited yelp, waiting for Matthew to make the first move.
< I knew it would work! > the blond thinks, satisfied, but, as a proper calculating person, he doesn't dare to tell Matt about his very well plotted, wicked plan.
Matthew wakes up abruptly, hearing a deafening noise that has a regular and measured rhythm.
< It keeps time way too much to be an earthquake! > he reckons, as he glances at the alarm clock that informs him that it's 7:00 a.m. .
The noise goes on, louder and louder and finally Matthew realizes what, or rather whom, its source is.
Unwillingly, he gets up and rushes furiously towards the studio he has inside the house, where he finds Dominic, engrossed playing at the drums.
"Honey, finally you're awake, it's wonderful!" the blond welcomes him, cheerfully.
"What the fuck are you doing, why the fuck are you doing that and why just at this fucking time of the fucking day?"
Dominic has a sudden flashback about how unpleasant Matt can be at early morning.
"I... I couldn't sleep anymore, so I went here and... I was sure it would be something nice, that's why I left the door open, on purpose. I know you love waking up with music. As a matter of fact, it's you the one who usually plays at very questionable time of the day or the night!" Dom justifies, very calmly.
His calm does nothing but making his listener angrier and angrier.
"OK, but I play the piano, it's bloody different! This is not music at all, it's just a hellish racket! You can't compare that to the sweet notes of a piano!" the brunet snaps.
Dominic looks at him guilty, and then he pouts.
Matthew becomes powerless.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it. Drums have a marvellous sound, but maybe I'd appreciate that more in the afternoon." Matt tries to make him reason, with a softer tone, as he sits on the drums, in front of him.
The blond stares at him with expectations.
"Don't have any dirty thought, I've just sat down!" the brunet clarifies.
"It's impossible to look at you without having dirty thoughts!" his partner strikes back.
"I don't give a fuck. Just keep them to yourself. It's already a miracle that I manage to speak right now!" Matt makes him desist, as he yawns.
"As you wish. Anyway, instead of going back to sleep, we should take advantage of the situation. By now no one will be around, so why don't we go out and take a walk?" the blond suggests to him.
"What? Look, walking is even more laborious than shagging! Plus, you are the guy who hates walking, aren't you?" the brunet makes him notice.
"Just after a journey, with the suitcases and everything. Oh, c'mon, Matteh, let's take a walk! It would be so cool. Think about that: you and me, holding hands, across the Bellamy Lake..." Dom insists, already knowing that he pushed the right button.
As a matter of fact, Matthew lights up, grinning at Dominic, madly.
"How did you call it?" he asks for confirmations, staring at him with sparkling eyes.
"With its proper name." the blond winks at the brunet.
"OK, give me five minutes and then we'll go out." the other states, fully reawaken, disappearing in a heartbeat.
Dom goes changing clothes, as well, as he sneers, proudly.
< My dear Matty, it's even too easy to subdue you. >
It's afternoon. Matthew is allowing himself the rest that has been denied to him during the morning and the blond lets him sleep peacefully, but a few hours later he reaches him in their room.
"C'mon, sleepyhead, open your amazing eyes, I have a little something for you..." Dom whispers to him, as he scrapes his mate's nape, lightly.
The brunet gets the sweet awakening he hoped for.
He immediately notices the little box that the blond is holding.
At the beginning, Matt smiles at Dom, but then, recalling the previous night, he becomes diffident.
"If it's a My Terrible Lost Chance key-ring, I swear I'll make you gulp it down!" he threatens Dom.
"Shut up and open the box!" Dom exhorts him.
Matt obeys and stares in awe at the silver necklace that there's inside.
"Dommy, it's wonderful!" he exclaims, wearing it, immediately. "I'm gonna wear it at Wembley, for sure!" he promises.
"I'm glad you like it. Anyway, you figured out what it is, didn't you?" Dom wonders.
"A necklace?" Matt looks at him, puzzled.
"Of course it's a necklace, you, ninny! But It has a symbolic meaning. What is it a necklace? A jewel. And you know what I think about jewels." Dom makes him notice.
"Does it mean that... you want a serious relationship?" his listener figures out, beaming with joy.
"The most serious ever!" the blond assures, pecking his lips.
"Gee, we're rushing things. If this is only our second month together, what will we do after our first year together? Will we get married?" Matt jokes, giggling.
Dominic amazes him with his answer.
"Why not? And to think we've even been in Las Vegas! But I don't care, I prefer Spain as location for our marriage, it's more suggestive!"
"Alright! I see that you are already planning that day." Matt smiles at him.
The most beautiful thing is that that possibility doesn't scare Matthew, either.
"So, if you already chose the location, I'll choose the song, because you know that I find the wedding march boring, banal and bloody predictable. The soundtrack of our wedding will be 'Sober'." Matt suggests.
"Bells, in that song you do nothing but keep screaming 'You are so solid/It burns inside me'. I don't think it's the most proper soundtrack for a ceremony!" Dom makes him notice, resorting to all the patience he has.
"That's a pity, it has such a cool groove. OK, let's choose 'Super Massive Black Hole' then, and I won't accept any compromise on it!" Matt summons him and Dom doesn't even try to protest.
After all, he likes that choice, a lot.
"Alright. We still have to pick up the best men: I want Chris!" Matt adds.
"No way, *I* want Chris!" Dom complains.
"But I've been faster than you!" the other laughs.
Dominic can do one thing only: pout.
Matt's reaction is instantaneous.
"OK, OK, you can keep Chris." the frontman surrenders. "So I'll pick up Tom and Pinkie!" he adds, enlightened.
"What? No way. I don't want a suitcase to participate at *my* wedding!" the drummer protests, lively.
"Thank your lucky stars that now Pinkie is in front of the computer, as he checks his my-space page and didn't hear you. He hates being called 'suitcase'!" the singer scolds him.
Dom is almost scared of asking him that.
"Pinkie has a my-space page?!"
"Sure. I've subscribed him last week and now he already has more than one-hundred and twenty friends!" Matt explains, with a proud grin.
"But... how?"
Dom doesn't complete his question, He prefers not to investigate.
"Anyway, Pinkie will participate!" Matt insists, resolutely.
"If you want Pinkie, I want Jamie as my best men. We'll just have to put a big mirror in front of the altar!" the blond decides.
"Reflections can't be best men!" Matt grumbles.
"Neither can trolleys!" Dom strikes back, bitterly.
"I don't think so. Pinkie would bring us the rings, impeccably." Matt insists.
"Whatever! Anyway, I made my decision. Jamie or not, I want a big mirror in front of us, so I can see how good I look as I'm marrying you. After all, all the grooms are always beautiful!" Dom states.
"All the *brides* are!" Matt corrects him.
"It's the same!" the blond shrugs.
"By the way, we can't be both grooms, there should be a bride." Matthew points out.
"Well, let's say I'll be a... gride." Dom suggests.
"So, that makes me a ... broom. I like it!" Matt approves.
"Anyway, don't you find it funny? I mean, we don't even know what to do if people find about us, and if we carry on this way it's gonna happen soon, and yet here we go, daydreaming about our wedding day!" Dom chuckles.
"If people find the truth, we'll face the consequences, together. Dominic James Howard, I have you by my side. I couldn't care less about the rest of the world." Matthew murmurs, caressing Dom's face with the back of his hand.
"Aawww, another sugary moment. I begin to like that..." the blond smiles, crawling on Matt and straddling him. "Let me show you how much I do."
Yep, this is the end. :(
I'll miss this story a lot.
OK, some quick notes:
- I don't know abroad, but in Italy visitors bring oranges to the prisoners, it's a sort of tradition! ;)
- About My Chemical Romance, the intoxication news is true (poor, dear guys!) ... but not the fact that it's Matt's fault, of course. Well , it could be, lol!
- About the silver necklace, Matthew wore it for real at Wembley (and also at Florence and Verona) and I don't know why, but as soon as I saw it the fangirl in me screamed in my mind 'That's a gift from Dom!!!!'
- About the 'Sober' song I had hypothesized a BellDom one-shot, but then I changed my mind and compress it all in that sentence. I just have to quit hypothesizing stuff, lol!
As I said before, this is the end of the story, but not of the series (In Italian, I also wrote a Christmas sequel and much more ^^) . Yeah, truth is that I love those crazy, absurd, parodied versions of them way too much to abandon them! ^^
So there's gonna be a sequel, a mini-series/ spin-off about them living together in Como.
It will be a collection of very short (and stupid) one-shots.
Hope you had fun with this story as much as I had fun writing it.
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littlepadika · 3 years
Frankie, 🌸🌻, yearning and innocence kink please 💞 Congratulations 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Thank you nonnie <3 Frankie + Yearning?!? My FAVORITE SONG!!! hope you enjoy...
500 follower celebration
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff, innocent reader. Slight innocence kink
AN: So Sweet Pea and Frankie are my jam but I am NEVER without Frankie ideas! I'm squealing at this one!
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source: @uuuhshiny
Frankie was master of his fear. On the battlefield, in the air, but not right now. Not when he's standing in line about to meet you. This was all Pope's fault. Pope had seen all your books on Frankie's book shelf, well worn from multiple reads, pages dog-eared and marked up. He got Frankie passes to meet you at your new book launch.
To say you were his favorite author was an understatement, you were his anchor. You understood him in a way he couldn't explain, but your words calmed the storm inside him. Your characters felt like family. He started reading your series when he was at his lowest point. Kicked out of his ex's house, detoxing from drugs, and miserable. You shone through the darkness like a lighthouse. He knew you were a best selling author, there were millions of people who probably liked your books but you felt special to him. When he would crack open one of your books Frankie felt like it was just you and him.
Frankie moved up a few steps. He could hear you talking to the person at the table. You were signing their book and laughing. He felt like he was going to pass out. He had watched a bunch of your interviews like a stalker but you sounded even sweeter in real life.
"Hermano, relax." Pope chuckled. "I don't want to do CPR on you in front of your future wife."
"Shut up." Frankie hissed turning red. Future wife. He wished. He stared down at the battered copy of your first book, his favorite. Bringing it didn't seem like such a great choice to have you sign now that he was in the fancy book store. "I can't do this-This was stupid. She's gonna think I'm weird. She's gonna hate me." He had dressed up for this. A new pair of jeans and a button up that felt too tight. What had he expected to happen? He felt like a lovesick idiot. He tugged on his hat trying to disappear inside of it.
"She won't, Fish, geez. She may think you're a freak if you keep fidgeting." Pope fought back a smile, he wanted to stay sympathetic but he had never seen his friend get so worked up over a girl.
Frankie and Pope moved up another foot. He was so close. He was excited even though he was nervous. He wanted to see you in the flesh. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you- your books. He wanted to stand in your gaze even just for a minute.
"I'm sorry folks, we're gonna have to shut this down." A bookstore staff member announced. Frankie felt his heart sink. You were being ushered away, taken further away from him. He couldn't even see your face. Just your small form retreating to the back room. Angry tears stung his eyes.
"What the fuck?" Pope shouted, not giving a crap about being friendly. There were a good 20 more people in line who looked wary at Pope, starting to disperse. Frankie didn't say anything. He wanted to shrink into a little ball. This always happened to him. He had the worst luck. He lost his once chance to meet you.
"I'm sorry sir-" The attendant was arguing with Pope now. "We said it ended at 2pm and we have to stick to that."
"Bullshit there's no one here but us!"
"Sir-I understand your frustration."
"We should get a fucking refund or something!"
"Pope stop..." Frankie started to feel embarrassed.
"Fuck I'm sorry, Fish. I wanted you to get your girl." Pope patted Frankie's shoulder sympathetically.
"It just wasn't meant to be." Frankie fought back the emotion in his voice. It would be stupid to cry over this. He didn't even know you. He would just have to throw himself even harder into your books. Trying to forget this ever happened.
"Excuse me- sir?" Someone tapped Pope on his shoulder. A young girl, who had been standing beside you. Your assistant maybe?
"I was sent out here to tell you, she can finish signing at 5pm today if you have time. Here's the address." She handed Pope a business card to a coffee shop.
"Thanks!" Pope grinned. The girl went off to relay the same information to other people.
"Well Fish, seems all my bitching paid off" Pope handed Frankie the card.
Pope dropped Frankie off like a mom dropping her kid off on his first date.
"Have fun but don't have too much fun." Pope teased much to Frankie's embarrassment.
"I got it." Frankie grumbled, tugging his hat forward over his eyes more.
"You brush your teeth?"
"Fuck you, yes I brushed my teeth." Frankie groaned, slamming the door closed.
"And deodorant? I got some in my glovebox." Pope shouted out the window.
"Yes I did ¡Dios! Will you leave before you cause a pile up?" Frankie gestured to the line up of cars building up behind Pope's car.
"Alright fine. I'm going. Buena suerte, hermano. Call me when you're done."
Frankie tried to slow his racing heart before pulling open the door to the cafe. The crowded atrium of the bookstore and the security all around had made you out to be some celebrity so Frankie melted at the sight of you sitting by the window, reading, looking like an ordinary person. Only you weren't an ordinary person. You were beautiful. Ethereal. Pensive and soft and everything Frankie hoped you would be. In his wildest dreams he wanted to meet you like this. Single you out and make you feel special the way you made him feel special every time he read your books.
"H-Hi." Frankie cleared his throat, causing you to look up from your book.
"Hello." You perked up, noticing your book in his hands. "Are you from the reading earlier today?"
"Uh yeah." Frankie rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You smiled wider. Frankie didn't look like your usual fan. Most of them were young women your age, certainly not attractive men.
"Thanks for coming."You extended your hand introducing yourself. Frankie laughed nervously. He knew very well who you were.
"Frankie." He shook your small hand, hoping his own hand wasn't too sweaty.
"Frankie." You repeated the name with a renewed smile. You liked that name. "I'm so sorry I didn't get to you earlier. We were running a little late."
"It's fine." Frankie blushed, trying not to remember how upset he was. This was far better. A quieter place. He looked around at the mostly empty shop. "Am I the only one here?"
"Looks like it." You shrugged, not minding the low turn out, especially with Frankie in front of you. There was something about him that felt so familiar to you. His deep voice was so like your favorite character. His mannerisms, the way he was so broad and strong, was like the character too. In the story he was a farmer turned nobleman. Frankie was all of that, but even more attractive. You adored how the apples of his cheeks were such a cute red and how his hair curled under his ball cap.
"Please sit." You gestured to the empty seat across from you. Frankie fell into it, still unable to look away from your face. He placed the book between you two on the table. No wedding ring, you observed.
You took a moment to admire the bent cover on the book, the yellowing pages, the little sticky notes sticking out of it. He hadn't just read your book. He had ravaged it. You felt your tummy heat up.
"So you liked the book?" You asked tilting your head to the side, your eyes bright with curiosity.
"Yeah-" Frankie shook his head trying to remember what he came here for. He was caught up in your scent and your warm eyes that he spaced out for a moment. "Yeah! I love it. I don't even think love is a strong enough word. I've read it like eight times. I just love all the characters and the story. And your voice- your narration- it's so powerful. I feel like-" He blushed realizing he was rambling. You only nodded for him to continue. You found his excitement endearing. You had esteemed journalists sing your praise but none of their flowery language sounded as real as Frankie's praise. "I feel like you're there with me-right next to me."
"Wow... eight times." You laughed suddenly feeling very nervous. Were you what he hoped for?
"Yeah- I mean eight times all the way through. I mark chapters I like and sometimes I'll just read a specific chapter again. So honestly probably more than eight times if you count that." He thumbed through the bright colored sticky notes.
"And what's your favorite chapter from that book?" You asked, trying to determine from where it was in the book based on clump of sticky notes. A little over halfway…
"Uh." Frankie turned bright red. There was no reason to lie to you but it didn't make him very manly. "Chapter Eight."
"Ah where they confess their love for each other." You nearly exploded from how sweet he was. Such a humble, rough, gorgeous man, who also loved a good love scene. He had to be your soulmate.
"It's just- you write it really well." Frankie scratched his beard, trying to hold eye contact though he was feeling embarrassed.
"I'll be honest. I haven't ever had that kind of love with someone." You chewed your lip, always insecure about your lack of experience. "I'm just basing it on what I hope happens to me."
"Really?" Frankie sits up straighter at that. "I would have thought someone like you would have- well..." He blushes again, crossing his arms "It seemed so real."
"Yeah." You looked down at your lap, looking away from him for the first time. Frankie felt like the sun just disappeared behind a cloud.
"That's fine though. It's sweet- I mean- you don't want to do all that with the wrong person." He grimaced stopping himself from oversharing. You were perceptive enough to figure out he was speaking from personal experience. Frankie, in an evil way, liked that you were innocent. It meant there wasn't anyone before him that had felt your love. He had a chance to make all your dreams come true.
You and Frankie chatted for another hour about the book, exchanging favorite scenes and lines. He almost forgot that you were a famous author. You were just a pretty girl in a cafe who made him laugh.
"So Miami...Do you like it here?" You asked him after a comfortable moment of silence.
"Yeah. I mean- the weather is great and the people are nice." Frankie shrugged.
"I'm thinking of moving down here." You confessed.
"Oh." Frankie instantly wished he gave a more enthusiastic answer. "It's amazing here. So much to do. Beaches and there's diverse people and-and-"
"And you." You teased feeling bold.
"Me." Franke gulped, suddenly hyper focused on you. Your eyes were dilated staring at him. Your cleavage rose and fell shallowly. Your plump bottom lip was bitten between your teeth.
"Where would you recommend for a good dinner spot?" You asked, hoping Frankie was catching your drift.
"Uh-OH." Frankie's eyes widened and you laughed. "there's uh-there's this Mexican restaurant a couple blocks away. It's authentic and good."
"Tables for two?" You flirted.
"Yeah." Frankie felt like punching his fist into the air. Was this really happening? "Table for two but it's a little tight. We'll have to sit pretty close together."
"I think we can manage." You giggled. Frankie felt the sound go straight to his tender heart. You stood up holding your hand out to him. "Shall we, Frankie?"
My masterlist
Permanet Taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy
Frankie Taglist: @floraandfrost, @agingerindenial, @heythere-mel, @icanbeyourjedi, @linnie0119, @thisshipwillsail316, @peterhollandkait , @leias-rebelion, @phoenix-of-loki, @hnt-escape , @kennedywxlsh, @punkerthanpascal, @the-witty-pen-name , @twentyfirstcenturyfox , @madslorian , @sarahjkl82-blog, @bison-writes, @lightning-fast54, @maievdenoir, @nicolethered, @kenoobiwan , @danniburgh, @janebby @dihra-vesa , @yespolkadotkitty y, @ilikechocolatemilkh, @headinthestarz @tanyaherondale , @christina-loves @dobbyjen, @fangirl-316, @evildxad @a-skov @pasckles
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retro-radio · 2 years
Nicky shenanigans
Scenario 1:
Maritza: When I am rich you are all getting therapy *points at Enzo* Your getting therapy *Points at Nicky* Your getting double Therapy everyone here needs therapy
Scenario 2:
Nicky: I have PTSD, anxiety crippling depression there is no question you should ✨ kill me✨. Let me be with caramba I feel like shit every day I'm asking nicely do it by drowning ✨under the sea✨.
Mr Peterson: *concerned dad noises*
Scenario 3:
Ted: What are you doing?!
Nicky: I and Aaron made a homemade catapult so were going to test it.
Ted: You're going to what?!
Aaron: Ok it's ready now *presses button*
Ted: NO-
To be continued-------->
Scenario 3:
Demon: so what do you guys like to do for fun around here?
Ted: sometimes we throw shit at Nicky
Demon: Who's Nicky?
Ted: Nicky!
Nicky: *Looks up and gets hit in the head with a screwdriver*
Scenario 4:
Aaron: hey dad how long can someone survive in a washing machine
Ted: ... Where is Nicky?
Aaron: You already know the answer to that.
Scenario 5:
Ted: *has a broken leg*
Nicky: Hey Ted *Walks past him and mock limp* haha
Ted: *throws a book at him* Go to hell Nicky!
Nicky: *runs off laughing*
Scenario 6:
-In a café in Raven Brooks-
Diane: What do you think the boys are doing?
Ted: I don't know you know you look stunning-
Nicky: *runs past covered in spray paint and had no pants on while screaming*
Aaron: *Following him* HI DAD!
Ted: *tired dad sigh* I know what they are doing.
Scenario 7:
Ted *holding a potted flower* Just why?
Nicky: *Stood on the roof* I'm Stuck
Ok, this is an idea for an actor au I have.
Scenario 1:
Director: Ok Theodore I need you just really creepily say 'Night Night Nicky'
David (Ted): Ok
Director: Ok Action
Ted: Night Night N- *coughing* I'm sorry *laughing*
Sam (Nicky's younger actor): *laughing*
Scenario 2:
David: *Chasing Nicky's older actor Alex* You damn bra-
Alex: *trips and falls down the stairs* Owww
Ted: *breaks character and gets really concerned* Hold crap are you ok? *helps him up while trying not to laugh*
That's all for now folks *looney tunes cartoon music*
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cacodaemonia · 3 years
Hi Caco!! Thank you so much for answering all of these asks you’ve been getting and I’m sorry to add one more 😅
I was wondering if you had any tips for engaging more with fandom content besides reblogging with tags and comments. I’m not the greatest at doing that but I’m definitely working on it. And I want to try to get more involved as much as I’m able to.
I’m a writer mostly and definitely can’t draw people so it’s been a little hard for me to put myself out there besides joining big discord’s (which are a lot of fun and I have met some cool people and friends on there).
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love your art and you as well as @leeleebee @alamogirl80 @anstarwar @cobaltbeam and @three-fold-symmetry have inspired me to start trying to draw again. I’ve made a few fun designs on Paint and I’m thinking of putting a few on Redbubble just for fun. I love art and I love seeing your wips and how a piece is developed. Plus all of your stories. I wish I could write long fics and world build half as well as you. Anyway, I just really admire you and thank you for being a bright spot in the fandom and making this little corner more enjoyable for everyone.
Hello! :D
Aw, no, thank you for the ask! They are a bit time consuming because they all make great points and I think about my replies for a while, but I don't mind!
Hm, I dunno! Personally, I really love screamy tags, haha, but I don't usually reply to those. I do reply to all the comments I get on Tumblr and AO3, so maybe that's more the type of engagement you're talking about? Other people might feel differently though (if anyone has any tips, maybe comment and anon might see them? <3).
I've always been a fandom artist, until less than a year ago when I started writing, so I really don't know what it's like to not get the kind of attention that art tends to get (versus writing) on Tumblr. But I imagine it's a lot harder to encourage interaction on here if you don't post art. That said, there are quite a few folks I know on here who either don't create content, or only write (and of course I don't say 'only' in a belittling way, as I personally value writing over visual art, but anyway), but because I read their tags or they comment on my stuff, when I see their usernames I'm like, "MY FRIEND!" XD
As or discord, I have trouble engaging on big servers because I just can't keep track of constantly changing usernames and conversations and 50 channels blargh. What's been really great for me is having a tiny little server with just some close friends - but of course, you have to find your people, first, which can be hard.
I'm totally rambling now, but if anyone has advice, again, please comment!
Okay so now I'm just going to scream incoherently about that last paragraph you wrote! T___T Too kind!! I'm in such good company... *sobbing* Seriously though, when I read this ask before bed last night I got teary eyed, haha.
I know visual art isn't for everyone but it makes me so happy when people are willing to try, even though we all suck when we start out and it's frustrating as hell most of the time, haha. But if you enjoy it enough to push through the frustration, then that's great! <3
ghakgh;rkg as for writing, I literally wrote one crap fic in... idk maybe 2001? And I never wrote fiction again until a little less than a year ago. So while I still have no idea what I'm doing, I can confidently say that, a year ago, I was telling friends, "I wish I could write long fics and world build half as well as you." And I'm sure I still don't, but I'm doing it and enjoying it, so :D
This is getting ridiculously long, but I just have to say that without all the nice people in the fandom, I wouldn't bother with it at all! So I share credit with you and every other lovely person in our little corner. <3333
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Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 3
"Her heart belonged to someone who couldn't stay"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 5,300
Warnings: mild angst, violence, badly written missions(I'm sorry), fluff
A/N: this song is so fun, and as always with this series I suggest listening to the song of the chapter. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
A/N: a big thank you for @chrissquares for making these amazing dividers! And thank you @nacho-bucky for beta reading this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and on YouTube
Tumblr media
"Hydra is moving fast and advancing, tomorrow they are going to make a move on a not so secret lab in Germany which works on energy cores, we do not know the exact thing that they are after but we are going to stop them from getting it. Reindeer games you are quite familiar with Germany so try not to take over it this time." Tony projected then the layout of the place. You didn't dare look at Loki, you already knew the scowl he had on his face, barely distinct but you knew it was there.
"Why can't we just warn them today and ambush Hydra?" Clint asked from the end of the table. But you didn't look at him.
You strategically chose your sit, no temptation to look at Loki, not returning the looks that you knew he would send you. No memory of just earlier today. Hell, you still felt the ghost of his lips on yours.
"We suspect that with the knowledge, they might try to strike a deal with Hydra and in exchange of money, they will give them the supply they want. It's safer for us if they start on bad terms and we step in to make sure it all ends."
"We only got a handful of the weapons they created, so be aware of that and stay safe. That lab is intricate and big. Bucky and Clint will be on guard outside, take out any Hydra agents that may lurk guarding outside. The rest of us will spread out to protect and evacuate the relatively innocent folks, and the others take out the Hydra super guilty folks. Point Break, Horny Head," you bit back a laugh. "Try to see if there is anything Asgardian in the Hydra weapons."
You were the first out of the door after it ended. You were not going to wait to see what will happen. You almost felt like a prey, his prey, and he was about to catch you any second now.
"Y/N, are you not going to stay?" Steve asked when you were about to head out making you turn to face him, your eyes couldn't help but momentarily wander who Loki who thankfully had his eyes lowered. "We were going to review the mission details."
"Oh no, I'm feeling a little tired today," you tried to hold Steve's eyes but you knew he knew you better than anyone here, well almost. "Just fill me in tomorrow."
You did not see the look Steve gave the raven haired god when he watched you leave.
How could Loki not stare?
Just a couple of days ago his life was empty of you, and then you entered it again knocking the breath out of him just like the first time he saw you.
And just a couple of hours ago you were in his arms and he was kissing you like he did that one time he came home to you after a hard day with his father, and hel, you kissed him like you did that time he came back from a long fight after a week of being absent from your touch. Your kisses always reminded him what he was fighting for, despite the treatment from his family, he fought through to get to his solace, to get to you.
And now he is back to nothing.
And you are back in an empty room where his presence still lingered. Just like the night he left.
Out on the hanger, you were on the open quinjet ready to go when you felt a presence behind you.
"What exactly can you do?" you turned to him after you tightened the dagger strap on your leg.
"Why does it matter?" you went further inside the quinjet, at the very least you didn't want wondering eyes on you.
"I want to know what happened to you." The question made you look back at him. You couldn't figure him out now, he was just as different as you were but that's not it- he left you, no explanation, and now he is here kissing you and wondering about you as if he actually cares. But then again, why would he leave if he cared?
"I don't know what happened, I started to feel bad and I thought it was just a virus or something, but then I started seeing things… and then I just had these powers." You sighed, there were too many incidents before you understood what was happening.
"Nothing prompted it?" he pressed. He was almost towering over you now as you stood against the wall.
"No, not that I know of at least."
"What are they?"
"I can manipulate people's vision and emotions. I alter their reality as I like and control what they'll feel." You looked down then. "That's what I did to you."
"You put me in the invasion in New York, making me scared." You only nodded to him, you didn't like using your powers but sometimes they are needed. As if he read your mind. "You know that it's-"
You saw Natasha and Tony walk into the quinjet then, followed by the two supersoldiers who found you in the corner. You saw the strange look on their faces.
"I know exactly what it is Loki, now we need to focus on the mission." You walked around him and went away, sitting in the co pilot seat next to Natasha.
"Anything interesting happened today?"
"No Nat, nothing. Let's just get to that lab." You helped her start everything, ignoring the look she gave you at the answer.
"Thor?" Steve called to the god as the two went aside to talk out of earshot.
It was colder than you thought. Now you could only pray to any god out there, maybe Greek just strictly out of spite, that the lab will be much warmer.
"At this point, I think we lost the element of surprise boys." Natasha said through the comms as you drove towards the lab, snow covering the ground mostly white but as you got closer and more agents appeared it started to look red.
Bucky and Clint were on top of the trucks, shooting the guys that were securing the lab building from a distance.
With Thor and Loki taking down the guards on the tower, blasts came from besides you.
"Bucky, on our right, take them out." You yelled to Bucky who turned and blasted the vehicle and the agents in it.
"They're out, now could you just try to keep us steady? I don't want to fall off of this thing." He complained as you made another twisted turn, avoiding getting wrecked into a tree or a guard tower.
"You're a goddamn supersoldier, I'm sure you'll manage. Plus, it seems like we will have to leave the vehicle behind soon." You looked at the blockade just before you and Natasha.
"In three?" she asked and you nodded to her, pulling out your guns and shooting the men in front of you.
Then the blockade hit the cars. Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and you jumped out of it and over the blockade, knocking some of the guards.
You looked up and saw Loki fight. You've never seen him fight before.
He brought down yet another tower, pulling out knives out of nowhere and then disappearing behind the guards and he knocked the tower to the ground, its wooden form breaking down in pieces.
"Y/N look out!" you heard Steve calling out to you, he came in with his motorcycle, knocking out a Hydra agent who was about to attack you.
"Thanks Steve!" you called him and went to move away and fight.
"No, hop on, I need coverage." You nodded to him despite his bowl of crap. Hopping on the motorcycle behind him, you shot whoever was in sight. You got closer to the lab and in front of you a new rush of agents lined up. "Thor, we need you here."
"Oh no," you groaned. "You're going to do something really stupid, aren't you?"
"He always does something stupid, Y/N you should know him better." Bucky retorted and you laughed.
Thor came up besides the two of you. Getting down behind some rocks you guarded them.
"It seems like they are lining up for us."
"How kind of them" Thor raised his hammer and Steve his shield and it pounded as they hit each other, the energy sending the guards and the tank flying, obstructing them and their weapons.
Almost at the lab, a tall man stood in front of you, he had a weird shaped weapon in his hand, before you could advance and use your powers on him, the sky suddenly turned dark, you saw lightning and then his pointed weapon shot lightning energy towards you. It was too fast but you were whisked away before it could hit you. One of Loki's hands covered your head while the other snaked around your middle.
He pulled a long spear and was about to shoot it forward when he saw the man had disappeared.
"Brother have you seen that?" Loki called to Thor who ran next to the two of you. Loki still held you, but you pushed him away with a small thank you, looking at Thor instead and taking a few steps backwards.
"What was that?" he looked at his brother.
"It can't be, I destroyed it long ago." Thor shook his head.
"You saw what happened, it had to be it. Nothing else could do it." The blue eyes turned to you. "Are you okay darling?"
"I'm just fine, I can take care of myself." Pulling out your own knives, you saw Natasha and Pietro up ahead. "And don't call me that."
After you left Thor came up to his brother.
"What are you doing? What is going on with her? Loki were you-"
"That is not your business, stay focused on the fight. We need to find that weapon they used."
The inside of the lab was quieter than outside. Tony and F.R.I.D.A.Y detected the German scientists and you split up to look for them, and hopefully take whatever energy core Hydra was here for.
Jumping a story down, it was weirdly quiet.
"Hey guys, I'm in the east wing, something feels wrong." You waited but nothing came back but static, "Guys? Fuck."
Turning around you saw Hydra agents coming out of a door you hadn't seen before, they started to shoot at you, coming from both of your side, you used one guy for coverage, making them shoot at each other. Locking eyes with one of them, he soon fell with a scream, eyes foggy. You slit the throat of the guy you used and focused on him instead. In a field of enemies, he got up and shot everyone he saw around him. Once satisfied you let him fall down alongside all the others he shot.
You saw other agents coming your way but there he was again, Loki pulled you behind him and shot daggers forward and duplicating himself. You saw a couple running away to what you only assumed was another secret door but you lost them as you turned a corner.
"Guys, there's nothing here." The captain voiced through the comms.
"The comms are working again, great." You sighed.
"What do you mean there's nothing here?"
"I'm saying that this was a trap, there wasn't anything special that these scientists were working on, this is not what we thought it was."
"How could we have been wrong here?"
"I don't know but we have to go now, I don't like this."
Soon enough on the quinjet you tended to Clint's wound, he took a nasty shot. And your wounds weren't near as bad.
"Could they have had something that seemed insignificant to them but Hydra needed it for something?" you heard Tony talk to Steve.
"No, they weren't working on anything right now. The lab was for research, not for weapons."
You picked up on another conversation then.
"We have to tell father what we saw, Loki."
"No, I searched the building, and I didn't see the guy nor his weapon. Father will just send an army here when we don't even know what it is we are searching for." Loki reasoned.
You just tried to clear your mind and focus on helping your friend.
The sunset painted the rooms a lovely shade of orange from the windows. It was quiet as people were either resting, or in the infirmary. You walked through the hallway leading to the Avengers elevator to take you to your room.
He came in front of you from the corner.
"Hi." You didn't know what to say now, he saved your life twice today.
"Are your wounds alright?" you let him inspect your hands and arms. This was new to him too, seeing you fighting like this.
"Don't worry, they'll heal." He still didn't take his eyes off of you, his delicate petal out here fighting and risking her life.
"Let me heal them." You leaned on one wall as he stood in front of you, covering your wounds with his hand. You heard him mumble a chant and your skin tingled. You told yourself it was from the spell.
Then he looked up at you, and the look in his eyes was one straight out of your daydreams.
"I should just tell you to leave but-" your breath shuddered, your mind trying to make peace with your heart's will.
"I never stopped thinking about you and I." He admitted, you put your hands on his chest and slowly they slipped up to his shoulders.
"I heard that you have some other girl now, I heard they'll be a wedding soon." The pain in your voice did not go unnoticed.
"It's true, but I never thought I'd find you again. That was arranged, nothing happened yet and nothing will happen."
"I never stopped thinking about you too." You bit your lip and pulled him closer to you. "We know exactly where this leads, why go in circles?"
"My love, we can just call it even. We can't ignore this forever." His hand caressed your cheek now, you leaned into him.
"We're always going to come back, aren't we?"
"I'm afraid so, my dear." Your lips finally met, and you let every worry and fear go away, kissing him back with just as much passion and love.
And there it was again.
The first kiss.
"Will you stop messing it up?" you laughed at Loki as he tried to get the music player to work until he finally gave up and let you do it.
"That thing is just stupid midgardian technology, there is no use to it!" he complained as you magically managed to get it to work, a soft melody fell upon the room.
"I finally got you to agree to teach me, this is far from useless!" you laughed as you came up to him, playing with your dress as you twirled in it. You moved the furniture so you could dance in your living room.
"I don't understand why you even want to learn it, no one on Midgard knows it and it is not like you have balls around here anymore." It was quite barbaric to his taste.
"Yes but I want to learn this dance, I bet it is super pretty and elegant," just like you, you thought but didn't speak up. "I bet the balls there are amazing."
Loki showed you the right position and took your hand. He brought you close and prayed that you won't be able to hear his heartbeat.
"They are. Maybe one day I'll take you to see it," you had a bright smile on your face then. "You know, just so that these lessons won't be for nothing."
"Of course, whatever you say." You held onto him tighter as you almost fell. "I expect a nice dress too, I can't come to Asgard with a human earth dress."
He laughed at you, but it turned into a groan when you stepped on his feet, supposedly it was accidental.
"While you look beautiful in this dress, I bet you'll look just as beautiful in an Asgardian dress," you looked up at him surprised, you forgot how close you were, hel you forgot completely about the dance as you just stood there and swayed back and forth. "Like a true Asgardian goddess."
Loki didn't mean to say that but once it left his lips he couldn't even feel embarrassed about it, no he didn't even feel vulnerable when he saw the way you looked back at him. You moved your stare between his lips and his eyes.
"Do you really think that?" you whispered, scared to break whatever it is you have built in this room, in this moment.
"Absolutely." He closed the small distance and he already knew that he was a goner, you took his heart and mended it with your own. He could feel your passion in it, in your first kiss. He'll be damned if it will be your last. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him ever so closer, deepening the kiss. He smiled then before you pulled away just a bit, a huge smile graced your face and you lit up the room. Your red lipstick was smeared a bit, your bottom lip was swollen, and he wondered if he ever told you how much he liked it when you put this lipstick on.
"This was inevitable, wasn't it?" the smile never left your face and he didn't know what he did to deserve you.
"I'm afraid so." You couldn't keep in the giggle that escaped you, this man will be the death of you, you were sure of it.
He had never felt as loved as he did in that moment.
The kiss after a bad meeting.
Loki got to your home as soon as he could, he couldn't wait to be in your arms. His father was- well, his father as usual. He just needed some peace right now, and that was you.
He walked into your apartment, he saw your computer open on your desk with various papers all around it but he didn't see you.
"Darling?" Loki called you and you pocked your head out of the kitchen. You immediately took off the apron and went to him, he smiled at you even though he knew you'd see right through it- you always did.
When you reached him, you gave him a tight hug, playing with his hair until you felt him relax under you.
Then you pulled back and kissed him so delicately but it was all he needed. Your kisses surely had some magic laced in them, because you somehow made him feel completely content.
"I love you." He whispered to you.
"You what?" you must've heard wrong. You told him you loved him months ago, but you understood that he needed more time, it was harder for him to open up like that. But while he didn't say it, he surely made sure you felt it that night. Sleeping was not included in that.
"I love you." He repeated and you smiled, going to say it back, "Do I smell smoke?"
The kiss after he came back from war after a week of not seeing you.
The moment you saw the green shimmer from the living room, you got out of your bed and all but jumped on your boyfriend as he took off his armor. He managed to balance himself and you, but then you pulled away from the hug and attacked him with a bruising kiss, you gave him easy access to your tongue and tried to pull him closer by his hair.
"I missed you so much." You leaned your head against his forehead, you both panted heavily. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
He could see the moment the light bulb in your head lit up and he chuckled, he shook his head but he let you see for yourself, he knew it would calm you down.
You lifted his shirt up and saw the small cuts on his stomach.
"You're not okay! Loki come on, I need to clean these cuts." You dragged him to the bathroom and pulled out your first aid kit.
"Darling, I'm a god, these small cuts don't affect me." He rubbed your back but you didn't listen to him.
"And I'm your girlfriend so shut up and sit down. Maybe you got hit by a poisoned spear or something that is like- I don't know what's up there but I don’t care!" he saw how worried you were, eyes bloodshot, he hated to leave you. So he nodded and let you take care of him, his hand raked through your hair calming you down. He had never felt more cared for, or loved.
You swore at him all kinds of curses, telling him to stay safe and be more cautious.
He swore he was going to marry you someday.
Asgard felt different now. After you went back to your room, with a smile that you tried to hide but he caught, he and Thor went back to Asgard- they needed to check some stuff to make sense of what they saw. It was night now so luckily most of the people were sleeping. Most but not all.
As the princes walked through the corridors, lady Iyllir was there with her maids, which she quickly pushed away when she saw them.
"My princes, I am so glad to see you back in Asgard, it's almost midnight now how come you are still with your armor?" she frowned at the cuts and light bruises she saw in the dim light.
"We just got back, and we are both very tired so we are going-" Thor put a hand, keeping Loki in place.
"It is really late, I'm sure my brother will be happy to escort you back to your chambers?"
"Oh that would be great, thank you my prince, have a good night!" she bowed to Thor and took Loki's outstretched arm. He sent a nasty glare at his brother but walked with Iyllir towards her chambers.
"I hope you are okay, your cuts still haven't healed." She took his hand, gently examining the cuts.
"I assure you I am fine, these cuts will be healed soon. Midgardian weapons cannot wound me badly." He gave her a smile and she only nodded.
"I miss our time together, you are great company. I hope you are staying longer this time."
"We will be staying for a couple of days I assume."
"Oh, great, so tomorrow we can go to that nice garden that you said you will take me to!" she gave him a kiss on the cheek quickly before turning around and walking into her room. "Goodnight, my prince."
He groaned to himself, he did promise to take her there. He pondered about it as he went back to his room. The lady and he had quite a good time- that was before you came back into his life. He walked the long way around to his room.
"This place really is beautiful like you said." The redhead looked around at the flowers that were around them and the tall bushes that created a barrier from the outside of the garden.
"They have been using magic to grow the bushes around the entire ground, making them into walls of this place." He remembered what his mother told him about this place.
"Thank you for bringing me here, I never knew this place existed." She smiled at him and sat on the ground next to him.
"It's my pleasure," and for a moment those barriers made him go back to a couple of months ago, when he would wander around in thought about the lovely lady his father brought for him to meet, soon to arrange a marriage. "Did you manage to finish the book I gave you?"
"I did, it was really interesting. I find history fascinating so the book was splendid to read."
They talked like this for a few more hours, talking about books and exchanging stories.
Before he knew it, Iyllir got closer and closer to him, sitting right beside him. The silver tongued prince went silent when he saw her lean in, all the while smirking at the look on his face before returning her gaze to his lips.
He considered his options. You were his only love, perhaps you always will be, but will you stay after all that is over? Can he still come back to you? He remembered the reason he left, the moment was scorched in his mind but now things were different. Maybe this time he will be able to stay, would you let him? After all, all you agreed about was temporary, just for old times' sake.
Their lips touched now.
"I can't." Loki said, before leaning back from the offended girl in front of him.
"Why not? Our parents brought us together to marry."
"Perhaps yes, but while you are great company I am not ready for this yet. We should go back, I have a meeting to attend to soon."
When they got up, she refused to take his hand. It was a silent walk back.
"Thor, are you sure you checked it all?"
"I did Loki, the vaults were lacking multiple weapons. They were old ones. Do you think you could tell exactly what is missing?"
"I'll do my best." The vaults closed behind them and Loki started to scour the items present, while trying to find the missing.
"I saw you were taking a walk with lady Iyllir today."
"What about it?" Loki went deeper into the place, looking at the empty stands and mentally taking note of all the items that should be there.
"I also saw you were around Lady Y/N a lot. You still haven't told me how you know her." Thor studied his brother, following him to the big closet.
"I was on earth and I happened to meet her, I did tell you."
"I'm not as big of a fool as you think I am, I can see the way you look at her. And the way she looks at you."
Loki didn't know if he was relieved or frightened as he found a way out of this conversation when he opened the doors.
"My wand, Thor my wand is gone!" Loki's eyes went wide alongside Thor when they saw the other weapon that was missing.
"This is ridiculous, why is he throwing a party in the middle of this mess? We can't waste time Thor, we need to tell them what those Hydra mortals have." Loki scowled as he got through the people dancing in the crowded room.
"Will you keep it down Loki? These mortals don't know a thing. I'm sure Tony will listen to us when we find him.
Looking around the room, he saw several other faces he recognized, and then he saw you- grinning and laughing with a guy he did not recognize. One of the mutants- was her name Wanda? She came up to you with a hug, and joined in on the conversation. Maybe it wasn't like what he thought. He hoped so, when you looked straight at him. In the daze, he looked at the tight little skirt you wore, his mind was lost and didn't notice when you reached him. The crowd seemingly closing around you, a barrier that let you be alone without watching eyes.
"See something you like?" you smiled at him, he couldn't help but return it, not ashamed of looking at every inch of your body before answering you.
"Yes, very much" he put his hands on your waist, bringing you closer. You put your arms on his shoulders, keeping him close.
"We said we will start anew, right?"
"Yes." You leaned your head on his chest, and the two of you started swaying not along to the music but to your own heartbeats.
"I missed this, Loki. I missed us." You confessed to him, he didn't have to answer, you knew.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love that red lipstick of yours?" you chuckled and lightly kissed the side of his. He sighed at the contact and your heart fluttered at the red mark your lipstick left on him.
He brought your chin up with his hands and didn't spare a second before attaching his lips to yours. He didn't know how he survived without your kisses, without your touch. He actually did know, it was hel. He would go sleepless at night, conjuring up figures of you beside him but that could only help so much. When he missed you most, he would go to Heimdall and ask about you. He was the only one that knew after all, he was the only one who knew about his only weakness. But then so many things have happened, some distracted him from the loss of you until he got used to it, and some… some he had to keep you in his mind just to survive through the very worst things that were inflicted upon him.
But now that you were in his arms again, he knew it will be even harder to let go of you if you asked him to leave afterwards. And he made sure to show you how much he still loved you in the kiss until you parted and looked at him, your eyes begging.
"Take me home, Loki. Take me away."
With the temptation, it was something he couldn't deny the both of you.
The minute he teleported the two of you to your room, your lips were back on his, pulling him with you until you hit the bed.
You made quick work on taking off the white shirt he wore, as he unzipped your skirt, letting it fall to the ground before he picked you up and laid you beneath him on the bed.
You looked up at him, feeling whole again remembering all those other times you were just like this, he always had the same James Dean type daydream look in his eyes, right before he made sure you remembered who your heart belonged to.
He promised himself to show you how much he missed you, and make up for all those years apart.
You spent the next few hours devoting yourself to each other, you were sure everyone could hear you scream his name in pleasure. But you didn't find it in yourself to care when he made you feel this good.
"What do you mean you didn't get the weapon?" the agent backed away, scared.
"We didn't expect it, and besides- he was there!" begging for his life, he hoped he will get out of these woods alive, the weapon in front of him was powerful enough.
"Who was?"
"There were more of them than usual, we didn't expect him to be there- we couldn't get the weapon!"
"You will be given one last chance to do this right, if you fail I will make sure you pay the price for it."
He was then handed the weapon, wrapped in a cloth.
"Do you remember how to use it?" the agent considered it, before he grabbed it in its hilt.
"And this stone heals it, right?"
"Exactly, use it when I'm gone."
He did just that, pulling out the sword, examining the weight of its powers, looking at the gem stone, then turning back and stabbing the other agent behind him. He let him bleed, before finally taking out the stone, and he watched in wonder and the wound healed. This will be fun.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love
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