#this is so much longer than i meant it to be lmao oops
miasmaghoul · 1 year
Miasma, im a lil sick and if its not too much to ask could i get a lil fic of sick dew with mountain and swiss and cumulus taking care of dew? It'd mean a lot 🥺🥺❤️❤️. (Ty in advance for your consideration)
Sick little guy ahoy.
I hope you feel better soon! ♡
"Has anyone seen Dew this morning?" Cumulus pokes her head into the common room, searching for a telltale blond head.
Mountain shakes his head, not looking up from the pan of eggs he's in the middle of scrambling.
"Not yet," he rumbles, cracking some pepper into his breakfast. "He missed sunrise."
Well that's concerning; Dew never misses his early morning coffee with Mountain and they all know it. A grunt sounds from the couch, and Swiss's head appears over the arm of it.
"Haven't seen him since yesterday," he says, stifling a yawn. It's still early, and Swiss has never been a morning person. "Why, he owe you money or somethin'?" Cumulus rolls her eyes.
"He's supposed to help me organize the storehouse today," she informs them, watching Mountain pluck a few fresh chives from the base of one of his horns. He snips them into the pan, and her mouth waters. Mountain makes the best eggs. "I can't find him anywhere. I think he's hiding from me."
Swiss snorts out a laugh, shoving himself up and stretching both arms over his head.
"Sounds about right," he scratches at his chest, sauntering towards the kitchenette to steal a sausage link from the plate Mountain has prepared. He earns a wooden spoon to the knuckles for his trouble, but it's not enough to dissuade him. Mountain grumbles, but doesnt whack him again. Swiss plants a wet kiss on his cheek in thanks. "You check his room?" He leans against the counter, munching on his prize. Cumulus nods.
"I knocked," she confirms, crossing both arms over her chest, "he didn't answer." Swiss rolls his eyes, smirking.
"C'mon, Lus," he chides, popping the rest of the sausage into his mouth and licking grease from his thumb. "You really think he'd answer if he's hiding?"
That's...a fair point, actually. Cumulus pinches the bridge of her nose. She'd like it noted that it is still very early, and she can't be blamed for her brain not firing on all cylinders.
"You're probably right," she sighs, running manicured fingers through her curls. "I guess I'll go try again."
"Do you want breakfast first?" Mountain asks it over his shoulder, stirring a spoonful of creme fraiche into his eggs. "It's just about ready."
"I'll be right back," she assures him, giving the pair a wave. Hopefully with a grumpy little fire ghoul in tow. Swiss pushes away from the counter and pads his way over.
"I'll come with," he offers, "in case you need backup." Mountain trills in discontent and Swiss ruffles his hair, gives him a chuckle. "Hush, grasshopper. We'll be back before you know it."
Mountain grumbles regardless, but doesn't argue further. Swiss hooks an arm around her shoulders and Cumulus does the same to his waist, the pair of them striding down the hall towards the stairs that will take them to the dorms.
"It's not like Dew to miss sunup," Cumulus murmurs after a moment, chewing the inside of her cheek. She can count on one hand the number of times this has happened, and it's never been for anything good.
"I wouldn't worry," Swiss replies, giving her shoulder a squeeze, "you know how he gets when it comes to chores."
That much is true. If anyone is going to shirk duties, it's Dewdrop. Cumulus hums, but something in her isn't convinced. There's an unease in her belly, something not quite right. She doesn't speak on it though, the rest of their short journey made in silence. Soon enough, she's knocking on the little ghoul's door once again.
"Dew?" Cumulus calls through thick oak, Swiss leaning against the wall nearby. "You in there, sugar?" There's no response, and that wiggly feeling in her stomach grows.
"C'mon, firecracker," Swiss says, louder than Cumulus had been, "rise 'n shine, you got shit to do!" He wiggles the doorknob, but it doesn't move. Locked.
"I don't think he's here," Cumulus mumbles. Swiss is less convinced.
"One way to find out."
Swiss drops to his knees and presses a large palm just below the lock. Cumulus watches wide-eyed as tendrils of shadow leak from the tips of his fingers, slithering up into the keyhole like tiny snakes. Seconds later there's a clunking noise, and Swiss fixes her with a grin as he stands.
"That's new," she comments. Swiss gives her a wink that makes the little hairs on the back of the neck stand up.
"I'm full of surprises, sweetheart." The way he says it has her stomach fluttering for a different reason, but Cumulus tries not to think about it. She clears her throat, knocking one more time.
"Dew? We're coming in, okay?"
Once again, no response, and Cumulus pushes the door open with no further warning. They step into the little ghoul's room, and are greeted by darkness. Dew's curtains are still drawn, the only light leaking from between cracks in the heavy drapery. Swiss crosses the room to throw them open, letting the sun in and revealing an empty bed piled with messy blankets.
Now that they're in the room, though, she can hear water running, and it makes sense why Dew hadn't responded. He's in the shower. Of course he is, it's the only place he could be. She feels silly for being so worried in the first place.
Something, though, still doesn't feel quite right. She'd last knocked nearly thirty minutes ago, and Dew isn't the biggest fan of long showers. The worry bites at her again, and before she can stop herself Cumulus's legs carry her to the bathroom door.
"Dew, baby? You in there?" She knocks, presses her ear to the door, and over the rushing sound of the shower she hears...something. Soft whimpering. Then,
Cumulus shoves the door open without a second thought, spurred by the weakness in Dew's voice. She finds him sitting in the corner of his shower. Fully clothed, drenched and shaking like a leaf. Hugging his knees. There's steam rolling off of him in waves, and it takes a moment for her to realize that it isn't coming from the water itself.
It's coming from Dew.
"Lulu," he rasps, voice as shaky as he is, "p-please..."
Cumulus reaches through the spray and finds it icy cold, turning the faucet off before stepping into the stall, dropping to her knees.
"Dew? Dew, sweetie, what-"
Cumulus sets a hand on his shoulder and immediately puls it back with a gasp. Dew always runs hot, but right now he's boiling. The little ghoul stares at her with foggy eyes, blinking so slowly.
"It's okay, lovebug, I'm here." She rests a hand on his cheek despite the heat, stroking too-pale skin. "Swiss!" Cumulus calls, trying to keep the encroaching panic from leaking into her voice. It's a skill she's developed over the years, staying calm on the face of even the worst things. "Need a hand in here!"
Dew doesn't seem to know that she's speaking, breathing shallow though his mouth and leaning heavily into her hand. He looks half dead, pasty and gray. Swiss pads in a moment later, and Cumulus hears him suck air through his teeth. She doesn't bother acknowledging it.
"He's roasting," she says gently, eyes never leaving Dew's face. She's not sure he can see her, but she's not going to risk it. "Help me get him out of here, would you?"
Swiss doesn't hesitate, stepping into the stall to scoop the suffering ghoul up in strong arms and hissing at the heat of him.
"You aren't kidding," he murmurs, carrying Dew back to the bedroom. Cumulus follows close behind, shedding her now-soaked leggings along the way.
"He must have finally picked up the bug we had the other week," she says, mostly to herself. Dew is their defacto caretaker when sickness hits, his natural heat keeping him insulated from the ills that float around the abbey from time to time. When it does hit him, though, he suffers. Mightily.
"Guess so."
Swiss sounds concerned now too, a rare tone. He sets Dew down in his desk chair, the little ghoul whining and clinging to him with weak limbs. He strips Dew with careful hands while Cumulus gathers a change of clothes from his dresser - an old shirt of Aether's and a pair of sweats that must have been Rain's at some point. They're too long, but they'll be warm and that's what matters.
She and Swiss work together to get him dry, Swiss channeling his fire to blend with her air and pulling the moisture from his skin and hair. Dew shivers through it, and through the pair of them getting him dressed again. He looks so tiny in the oversized clothes, and Cumulus's heart clenches. Poor thing must be miserable. She certainly was when she was stuck with this garbage.
"You'll be okay, bug," she assures him, tucking a stray hair behind his ear. "You'll be okay."
Swiss picks him up again once he's dressed, the little ghoul unconsciously burying his face in Swiss's chest for comfort. He deposits Dew on the mattress, only stepping back long enough to pull off his own shirt before crawling in after him. He hauls Dew onto his bare chest, that slight body limp and obviously heavy. Cumulus follows, organizing the blankets enough to get the pair of them covered. Swiss is already sweating by the time she's done, focusing his own power to draw some of the heat from Dew's trembling form.
"He's in bad shape." The other ghoul strokes Dew's back under the covers, and Cumulus nods.
"Yeah," she agrees, tucking a blanket around Dew's shoulders. "Where's Aether when you need him?" Of course this would happen the one week their resident healer was away, he and Rain accompanying Papa on a press junket.
"Seriously," Swiss huffs, forcing a chuckle. He presses a kiss into Dew's hair. "Guess it's up to us to play doctor for a change."
Cumulus sighs, perching herself on the edge of the bed and rubbing Dew's leg though the blanket. They sit in silence for a few long minutes, the quiet broken only by the little ghoul's soft, distressed whines. Swiss keeps his lips pressed to temple, gauging his temperature through thin skin.
"There you are."
The voice makes them both jolt, and Dew makes the saddest little sound until Swiss settles again. Cumulus turns to find Mountain in the doorway, a large tray in his hands and a crease between his brows.
"I figured I'd find you all in his bed, but uh. Not quite like this."
Cumulus can't help her sad smile.
"Little guy's sick," she says, barely more than a whisper. "Nasty fever, like we all had."
Mountain's frown deepens. He sets the tray on Dew's desk and Cumulus sees that's it's full to bursting with a wonderful spread. Eggs, sausages, toast and fruit. It's easily enough food for for all of them, and alongside it all are four steaming mugs. Two have teabags, the other two black coffee. The ideal breakfast in bed.
She hopes it won't go to waste.
"I can help," Mountain says, eyes slipping closed.
Cumulus raises an eyebrow, but before she can ask how she's greeted by small clusters of white flowers blooming at the crown of Mountain's head. He plucks them carefully, crushing the tiny blossoms between his palms and dropping them into one of the mugs of tea.
"Elderflower," he says by way of explanation. "It's a natural fever reducer." Mountain gives the concoction a stir, licking his spoon clean with a satisfied nod. "Tastes nice too. Can he sit up?"
"Dunno," Swiss rasps, now visibly drenched in sweat. Dew has more or less stopped shaking, though, so that's a positive. "He's pretty weak."
"We have to try," Cumulus whispers, biting her lip, "before his brain poaches."
Swiss chuffs out a laugh, one echoed by Mountain, and together they work to get Dew into the proper position. Swiss moves himself to the headboard, and Mountain lifts the little ghoul with no effort. Arranges him to sit against Swiss's chest, head tipped back against his shoulder. Cumulus gathers the mug and spoon while Mountain climbs in next to them, getting a large hand on the back of Dew's neck to keep him upright. Cumulus settles herself between Swiss's legs, kneeling and giving the drink in hand a stir.
"Dew? Sweetheart?" Swiss gives the little ghoul's waist a squeeze as Cumulus speaks, Mountain rubbing a thumb along his hairline. Dew blinks up at her, hazy and lost.
"Mngh...Lus?" Cumulus smiles, stokes his cheek.
"That's right, baby," she coos, offering him a small smile.
"Wha...wha's goin' on?" He squirms a little in Swiss's arms, but he has no energy to fight.
"You're sick, Sparky," Swiss breathes into his ear, kissing just behind it. Dew makes a soft sound, drooping against Swiss's chest. "Don't worry, we're here to help."
"Mount made you some medicine," Cumulus tells him, tapping the spoon against the rim of the mug. "It'll help. I'm going to feed it to you, alright?"
Like he's in any condition to argue.
Dew gives a weak nod, and there's no more talking after that. Cumulus feeds him the tea spoonful by spoonful, the floral scent of it permeating the air around them. Dew hums after each sip, licking at his lips every now in then. It takes a while to get the full mug into him, and by the time they're done Dew's barely conscious.
He's boneless between Swiss's legs, supported only by his arms and Mountain's hand. Cumulus sets the mug to the side once he's done and the others waste no time in getting Dew settled back into the bed. Laying him out on the center on the mattress, Swiss molding himself to the little ghoul's back. Mountain gets up long enough to take his shirt off, and in the process Cumulus catches him glancing at the breakfast tray he'd brought. She rests a kind hand on his bicep.
"I'm sorry," she says, a genuine apology. "We should have come and told you what was happening, but Dew-"
"Shh," Mountain soothes, dropping a kiss between her horns. "It's alright, Lus. There are worse things than cold eggs." She smiles up at him.
"I'll make it up to you," she promises, and Mountain will certainly hold her to that. She knows from experience. She stands on her tiptoes to kiss his collarbone, and Mountain gives her ass an affectionate squeeze.
"Lulu," comes a sad little voice from the bed, and the ghoulette turns to find a spidery hand reaching for her. "'mere."
Who is she to say no to that?
Cumulus climbs in where Mountain had been earlier, pressing a soft kiss to the little ghoul's forehead. It's a touch cooler than it was earlier. That's a good sign. Dew snakes an arm around her waist, nuzzles into the softness of her chest, and to their shared delight a rusty purr kicks up in Dew's chest.
Swiss wraps his arm around the both of them, and Cumulus hums. The blankets shift and Mountain makes himself comfortable at her back, mirroring Swiss's position and getting them all tucked in.
"Rest, now," she whispers, knocking her horns against Dew's affectionately. "You'll feel better soon." Dew whines, tired eyes searching hers.
Cumulus kisses his cheek.
Dew drifts off quickly after that, and the rest if them are content to let him. Content to care for him as he cared for them.
It's the least they can do for their favorite little fire ghoul.
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skiller0dani · 2 years
Secrets | Part 3
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
smut | shy!hufflepuff!reader requests info w.c | 3.9k summary | You begin to discover that moving on from Sebastian isn't as easy as you thought it would be.
This was always meant to be more of a Sebastian story, but Garreth is having a bigger role than I expected. Oops lmao but that's why this might seem Sebastian-biased. It was always intended to be a reader x Seb story. Who knows how the story will evolve as I write it though! I never plan the parts ahead of time, I usually just wing it when I sit down at my computer.
I know some of you wanted this to be slower, but I didn't plan on this being longer than 4 maybe 5 parts (knowing me it will be lmao). Perhaps I'll write a slow burn Sebastian story in the future, this was never going to be long enough for that. I hope you still enjoy this anyway!
Song This Song too lol
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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The worst part about a breakup is catching yourself falling into old habits that you don't need anymore. Like how you only realize you don't need to go to the Slytherin common room before lessons when you're already halfway there. Or that you don't need to grab an extra muffin at breakfast because Sebastian slept in again. Taking notes twice in Defense Against the Dark Arts, unnecessary. Reaching for his hand in the hallway only to remember he isn't there hurts more than you'd care to admit. You could feel Sebastian's eyes on you sometimes, whenever he was actually at school. According to Ominis, Sebastian has spent a lot of time disappearing from the castle and leaving the grounds altogether. Not that you were asking about Sebastian, you were just...making conversation.
You tried not to worry about him, after what he lied to you about. You tried not to even think about him at all, because when you did you thought about Solomon Sallow. Thought about Sebastian killing him, thought about his poor sister who was all alone now. Thought about how Sebastian kept this from you for the entire 18 months you two were together. He pursued the Dark Arts, taught himself the Unforgivable Curses and used them. All of them! Thinking about it made you want to cry all over again, made your stomach twist and turn. You felt so angry, heat and rage engulfing you at the mere mention of Sebastian's name. Beneath the anger is sadness unlike anything you've ever known. You feel like your heart has been crushed, left in pieces and you have to dig them out and put them back together. You didn't even know how.
Garreth helped, you spent all your free time with him, like you used to before you and Sebastian got together and he practically banned all contact with Garreth. Now you know why. Sebastian knew Garreth would tell you the truth, he knew Garreth would do what he couldn't. Sebastian felt threatened by Garreth, that much was obvious. Oddly enough, Garreth seemed threatened by Sebastian too. You mostly helped him with his potions, the two of you spent a lot of time wandering the castle grounds looking for ingredients. Which is where you found yourself currently, slowly strolling the grounds. Fall was in full swing, the leaves slowly turning orange and falling from barren branches. The wind had a cool edge to it, slowly sweeping in winter.
"You think Leaping Toadstools would be easier to find...seeing as they're leaping and all..." Garreth complained, his eyes scanning the ground for the red caps of the mushrooms. Your shoulder was pressed against his, your cheeks tinted pink from the chill. Neither of you mentioned when you kissed him...but you thought about it more than you cared to admit. You were beginning to think about him more often as well, your mind drifting to places it hadn't been since before Sebastian. You hate that this happened. That moments in your life are now categorized as 'before Sebastian' and 'after Sebastian'. You never wanted there to be an after.
"Perhaps they shrivel in the cold. Or simply burrow further..." You muse, the grounds were oddly bare of Leaping Toadstools. They usually gave you quite a fright- leaping out when you least expected it. Now you couldn't hear the thump thump thump of their enthusiastic leaps.
"What do you need them for anyway?"
"They have a powerful healing property, along with other effects. I'm hoping to dilute them into a new drink I'm making." Garreth explained, his eyes lighting up suddenly.
"Aha! Gotcha." He smiled victoriously as he pulled a few Toadstools from the ground, tossing them into the bag he brought along. You felt the cold breeze now that Garreth had knelt down, his body heat had kept you at a comfortable temperature.
"C'mere, I'm cold." You whined, bringing a smile to his face.
"Patience, brilliance takes time." Garreth retorted, making you laugh.
"Brilliance? Anybody can pull Toadstools. It'll take more to impress me I'm afraid." You tease, feigning an unimpressed tone.
"Yeah? Guess I'll have to make such an amazing drink, you'll be begging me for more." Garreth rose to his feet then, his green eyes a shade darker as he looked down at you. Your cheeks flushed, though you didn't know if it was from the cold or his close proximity. His chest was nearly touching yours, and there was this look in his eyes. It made butterflies erupt beneath your skin. Yours and Garreth's friendship had this new dynamic that was different than before...this tension. It wasn't something you were protesting however.
"It'll take quite a lot to make me beg Weasley." You fired back, slightly breathless as your eyes glanced down at his lips for a second.
"I'm never one to shy away from a challenge." Garreth shot back, playfulness gleaming in his eyes before he briefly glances over your shoulder. He's angry with himself as soon as he does because he knows you'll follow his gaze. Sure enough you look behind you and your eyes land on Sebastian, who was walking through the main gates from beyond the castle grounds. You take a step away from Garreth subconsciously, your gaze not leaving Sebastian. Sebastian's eyes meet yours, but he looks away just as quickly. He kept his gaze on the ground, he seemed different. Utterly defeated. It crushed him to see you with Garreth, but he usually saw you with him more often than not.
You almost wanted Sebastian to lash out, to yell at Garreth, to break something, to do something Sebastian would do. But this? Slumped shoulders, and not even a word spoken to either of you? He's completely given up, and you wanted him to at the very least fight for you. But he isn't. He's accepting your choice, which you should be grateful for. But it's just so unlike him, so unlike the man you fell for. The man who isn't afraid to defy the law to fight for the people he loves. Where did that man go? Garreth watched your eyes linger on Sebastian as he walked into the castle and he grit his teeth. It's been weeks and you were no closer to letting Sallow go than the day you kissed him in the Gryffindor common room. He knew this would take time, knew that when you fell you fell hard. He just needs to give you more time, your heart was opening up to him day by day.
"Ready?" Garreth asked after a few more moments of silence. You quickly nodded, following Garreth back inside to his potions station in the Potions Classroom. Luckily Professor Sharpe was seen making his way to Hogsmeade so you wouldn't have to think of a way to get rid of him. He didn't exactly appreciate Garreth's creations being brewed in the classroom. Actually he probably didn't want Garreth to brew them at all. The castle was cozy and warm when you entered, and the heels on your shoes clicked softly on the marble flooring. You were ashamed to admit this, even to yourself, but you scanned every face you passed. Hoping you'd see Sebastian, hoping he would stop you and Garreth. Hoping you could yell at him, and that he would still be standing there after you did.
But you didn't see him, because he never waited. Never confronted Garreth, never tried to talk to you. It made you so angry, did you really mean so little to him? Were you just a piece of ass for him? Someone he can say he conquered? Another notch carved on his bedpost?
"...you in there?" You heard Garreth's voice then, looking at you with concern. Maybe pity. Had he said something to you?
"Yes. Sorry." You apologize sheepishly as you make your way down the hallway to Potions. You follow him to his table, and sit down on one of the stools as Garreth drops the bag he was holding onto the floor. He turns the burners beneath the cauldron on, letting it warm before he turns to you.
"What's got you in your head so much?" He asks softly, his worried eyes on you. His gaze was making you feel all hot and tingly.
"Sebastian." You said honestly, much to Garreth's dismay. He was hoping the more time you spent with him the less you'd think about Sallow. You really are under his spell. Garreth was trying to be understanding, and maybe he was just biased because of how deeply he dislikes Sebastian.
"Eventually, you won't think of him at all. Just give it more time, you're heart is still healing." Garreth says gently, turning back to face the cauldron once the water starts to bubble. That's what you're afraid of, that someday Sebastian won't even cross your mind when once he was your everything. You have a hard time letting people go.
"I hope so. I just want to feel okay again." You say softly, and Garreth hums in agreement. An idea hits him then, perhaps this is you extending an olive branch.
"Speaking of which...I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend. We could go to the Three Broomsticks, get some sweets at Honeydukes. I'll buy you anything you like." Garreth tries to play it off casually, but you can see the blush dusting over his cheeks.
"Like...a date?" You ask for clarification, your heart thumping heavily in your chest. You feel a rush of excitement shoot up your spine, and you try to keep the smile off your face.
"Yeah, like a date." He confirms, throwing you a smile that makes your insides melt. You feel the tension growing in the room, it's nearly suffocating. You wished Garreth would just touch you, the way Sebastian had. Like how Sebastian ran his hands over your bare skin, how he pressed his lips against your-
Why are you thinking about Sebastian?
"I-I'd love to go on a date with you." You say, suddenly feeling bashful. You want to kiss Garreth so badly its nearly consuming you, but you don't want to rush things for him. You don't want to rush things for yourself. He had a point when he turned you down that day...your heart is still trying to heal from Sebastian. You might just be emotional and confused, and you're still thinking of Sebastian. Even now, the very moment you agreed to go on a date with Garreth.
"Great! I'll meet you outside your common room after lessons on Friday." Garreth beamed, and you couldn't fight the smile as it made it's way onto your face.
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You know what Sebastian would say if he knew what you were doing. You knew the look he would give you, arms crossed with one brow raised. You used to take night walks all the time before you started dating Sebastian! You knew how to bat your eyelashes at the prefects, and you knew which prefects harbored a crush on you. You knew of these roses that had begun to grow just outside the castle grounds, and you thought they'd made the perfect base for a blush. You weren't one for makeup but your date with Garreth was this weekend and you wanted to give makeup a try. So after Garreth had said goodnight, you waited until he was far enough away and snuck out of the castle and into the night.
Though, in hindsight, that may not have been the wisest decision.
Perhaps Sebastian was so protective because he knew of the dangers that lurked beyond the castle grounds. Clearly he'd had more run ins with danger than you previously anticipated. Maybe if Sebastian hadn't gone and screwed everything up, you wouldn't be off wandering a little too close to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. You blame all of this on him, and you hate yourself for still loving him. The moon was shining brightly overhead as you searched the prickly rose bush for the reddest rose, you needed the color for your rogue to be perfect. Maybe if you hadn't been so enthralled you would have heard the twigs snap in front of you. Maybe you would have seen the dark silhouette looming in the trees.
"Look what we got here boys..." You hear a voice say, making you jump. You feel a sickening chill run down your spine as 3 dark figures emerge from the trees. Poachers, you recognize the leather jackets they're wearing. You glance behind you, the castle is still in sight, but too far away to run to. You'd never make it. You raise your wand, you know the defensive spells but have never actually had to use them. The roses in your hands drop to the ground, your entire body is shaking.
"You're out late, breaking the rules naughty girl?" One says, his teeth yellow and his breath reeking of booze. You skin crawled when he said naughty girl. The sultry tone made you feel sick, you could see their eyes raking your figure up and down.
"Was j-just about to head back. Goodnight gentlemen!" You say hurriedly, keeping your tone light and polite so as not to offend or enrage them. You try to hurry past them, hoping they let you leave.
They don't.
"Where are you going in such a hurry? Don't care for our company?" Another man asks, taller than the other one.
"N-Not at all, I don't want the prefects to notice-"
"To notice what, love? That you're a dirty slut who likes to tease older men?" The shortest of the three says, his voice low and his pupils blown. You felt sick with the way he spoke to you, and panic was slowly taking hold of you. What would Sebastian do if he were here? Show them no fear and attack first, probably. Unfortunately for you, you were nothing like Sebastian. Your palms were shaking as you glanced over your shoulder, the only thing behind you was the Forbidden Forest. You were sure to die if you tried to escape through there.
One man grabs your wrist, yanking you against his body. You scream, fighting and thrashing against him. He reaches up and slaps you hard, your cheek splitting open just under your eye. He sneers at you, clearly entertained by the terror on your face. You feel tears pushing at your eyes, leaning away from him as he begins to inch his face closer to yours.
"Stop! Let me go!" You're yelling and crying, watching with panicked eyes as the other 3 men slowly close the circle around you. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing this to be over. For them to let you go.
"Confringo!" You hear someone shout, and the 3 men are blasted off you. Fire ignites their clothing as they scramble away from you, and you nearly cry from relief when you see Sebastian quickly yanking you behind him.
"S-Sebastian!" You cry, your hands instantly grasping onto the back of his robes.
"Mind telling me what you're doing out here, dove?" Sebastian asks incrediously, his shoulders rigid as he uses his body to shield yours.
"T-Trying to make blush!" You squeak as the 3 men rise to their feet, fury in their eyes.
"You've got to be kidding. Blush?" Sebastian asks, exasperated. The shortest of the men got burned worse than the others so he turns and hightails it as soon as he's on his feet. The other 2 look Sebastian right in the eyes, their wands raised.
"Stand back sweetheart, let me deal with them." Sebastian orders and you don't hesitate to follow his instructions. You press yourself against one of the trees, standing at a safe distance with your heart lodged in your throat.
"Bombarda!" One man shouts, an explosion bursting from the tip of his wand.
"Protego, Stupefy!" Sebastian is quick to send the blast back at him, sending the tall man flying backwards. Luckily these men are all drunk, and while they were itching to pick a fight they weren't exactly in the best condition to do so.
"Confringo!" Sebastian yells, sending a blast of fire at the last man who turns and runs after his friends with his britches still on fire. With the immediate danger gone, Sebastian turns to you again.
"Are you alright?" He's distant, won't meet your eye. His shoulders are still slumped, and there's a hollow look in his eyes. You nod, feeling adrenaline rushing through you. Your entire body is thrumming with anxiety and this tremendous need. He eyes the cut on your cheek, reaching up to gently wipe away blood before it runs down your cheek.
"Y-Yes." You stammer, slowly gravitating towards him when you hear sounds coming from the forest.
"Risking your life for blush eh? What's the special occasion?" Sebastian is making small talk, he knows you're still angry with him. You've spent the last 4 weeks completely ignoring him, you're just scared. Which is why you're opening up to him now.
"D-Date with Garreth!" You rush out before you have a chance to remember who you're talking to. His jaw locks.
"Sorry." You say instantly, sometimes you're too nice for your own good. You suddenly remember that Sebastian killed someone, he explored the Dark Arts. He almost lost himself to Dark Magic and worst of all he lied to you about it. You feel rage simmering under your skin, your palms twitching.
Your palm makes contact before you realize you even moved at all. You see a red palm mark on his cheek, but he doesn't look angry. He looks sad, which is how he usually looks these days.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I even did that!" You explain hurriedly, but Sebastian shrugs you off.
"It's okay. I deserve it." He says softly, his eyes briefly meeting yours. He's right, he does deserve it. That doesn't mean you want to hurt him, that's not who you are. You still feel your body shaking with adrenaline, can feel it coursing through your body making you squirmy and an uncomfortable heat to surge through you. You eye Sebastian as you take a step closer to him, your body thrumming with energy. You've never been in danger like that before. Never seen Sebastian fight anybody before other than a duel in the hallway. It was...hot. His cheeks were slightly flushed, one still red from your palm. His lips were parted, his eyes downcast as if he were afraid to make eye contact.
Perhaps Sebastian had rubbed off on you, perhaps he awakened an animal inside you that day in the Undercroft. Perhaps you wanted to slap him, kiss him, and then slap him again. Perhaps you just might.
"What are you oomph-" Sebastian is cut off when you fiercely press your lips against his, taking him entirely by surprise. Your lips move hungrily against his, your arms winding around his shoulders while he holds tightly around your waist, crushing your body against his. You kiss him with an intense need, your lips moving against his. You part for air briefly before pressing your mouth against his once more, desperation driving you. You're angry with him, so angry you can feel it burning beneath your skin. You feel so deeply betrayed, and you don't know if you'll ever forgive him. Luckily for you, you don't need to forgive him in order to kiss him. Sebastian will happily take any contact you give him, anything at all is better than the icy nothing you've been giving him the last few weeks.
"Been needing you Seb, needing you to make me come." You whisper against his lips making him groan as he gently presses your back against one of the large trunks of the tree.
"Thought you hated me." He says against your lips.
"I do." You confirm, your hands pulling desperately at his belt. Your words sting, and he would be lying if he said they didn't crush him. But he deserves it. Deserves every ounce of anger you have and more.
"Please touch me, do something. Please." You beg breathlessly and instantly Sebastian is dropping to his knees before you. He'll do anything to earn your forgiveness. Anything. Before you can comprehend what he's doing, he's throwing your legs over his shoulders to hold your entire weight as your feet dangle off the ground. Your back is still against the tree and you feel a heartbeat from between your legs as you gaze lustfully down at Sebastian.
He's turned you into an animal.
Sebastian pulls your panties to the side before leaning forward, instantly latching his mouth onto your cunt. He buries his face into you, his tongue already lapping at you and drawing sweet moans from your mouth. One of your hands winds tightly into his hair and the other reaches up to find purchase against the tree.
"Oh fuck, S-Seb don't stop." You whine, and Sebastian swears you've never looked more beautiful. You grind your hips against his face, shamlessly using him for your pleasure. You've been so pent up the last few weeks and you couldn't as easily jump Garreth's bones. You tried, and he said to slow down. You feel guilt prickling at you when you remember your date with him in a few days, and you're here with your ex-boyfriends head between your legs and you're whining and begging for more.
Sebastian suckles your clit, his tongue licking long stripes from your entrance to your clit before he circles it with his tongue. He continues the motions that make your heels dig into his back, continues to flick his tongue against your clit, causing you to yank on his hair as your orgasm approaches. Sebastian moans against you, his eyes closed and he looks like he's in absolute heaven between your legs. You grind against his mouth as your orgasm builds, and Sebastian lets you use him. He wants you to use him, its far better than not having you at all.
"G-Gonna come Seb, don't stop. Don't you d-dare stop." You warn weakly as you moan softly. Sebastian smiles against your folds, which are puffy and glistening with your slick. He's gonna be nursing a hard on the entire way back to the Undercroft, where he's been sleeping every single night. He continues to swirl his tongue against your heat, dipping it inside and making you come instantaneously. You release all over his face, and he makes sure to lap up every drop until you're shaking and convulsing. Sebastian carefully places your legs back on the ground, his hands holding your sides to help you stand on wobbly legs.
Your palm makes contact with his other cheek, and Sebastian looks both stunned and turned on as he turns his worried gaze back to you. He looks almost afraid you'll hit him again, you just might.
"I hate you." You spit at him, readjusting your skirt and heading back towards the castle, leaving a confused Sebastian behind. He realizes at once that he brings out the absolute worst in you, but you bring out the best in him.
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"Are you alright?" Garreth asks you the next morning as he walks you to lessons. Your mind had been drifting, he could see it. Could see the dazed look on your face, the faraway look in your eyes. You hug your books to your chest, a blush searing hot on your cheeks. You're certainly not going to tell Garreth you had been thinking about Sebastian's head between your thighs last night, or that you were wondering how long you would last until you caved and sought him out again. Your eyes caught Sebastian's as you turned for Charms, but you quickly glanced back at Garreth.
"Yep, fine!"
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TAGLIST: @weezley @eddiemunson4ever @idcabouttumbl @saturnawa @valyrra @cerulione @dilucente @riokunova @theknightssecrets @rinascere-di-fiore @sallowapologist @kaixoly @cosmicmadwoman @turnip-milk @tarirose
214 notes · View notes
airenyah · 9 months
QL Wrapped 2023
i was tagged by @nongnaos and @ranchthoughts thank youuu <333
i meant to upload this at the latest by december 31st, but the thing is when i saw the tag i was a little overwhelmed at first bc i didn't know how to fill it out and then once i had it all written out i had a super hard time deciding on what to gif and then it all ended up taking soooo much longer than planned. and now it's already 2024. oops. well, better late then never...
so without further ado:
You watched 12 QLs this year that's about 264 hours!
(i'm counting only qls that started airing 2023 bc i didn't keep track of every single show that i watched and it's a lot easier to count all the 2023 dramas on mdl lmao)
You primarily only watched QLs from Thailand
i blame my bachelor thesis for this which i was writing on the translation strategies of thai to eng and also the fact that i'm learning thai, so any time i watch a series i'm like "do i watch something from a country other than thailand tonight??" only for a little voice in my head to go "yeah but you COULD be spending your evening practicing thai listening skills" so yeah...
You spent way too much time thinking about these characters: Pat Napat Jindapat
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listen. LISTEN. i know ok, i know bad buddy is from 2021 not from 2023. however!!!!! bad buddy was part of our skyy 2 and that included my boy pat and so i'm counting it!!!! i'm always thinking about pat napat jindapat ok bye
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no for real tho. i am NOT kidding when i say i have spent hours on end thinking about pat in the year of our lord 2023, two full years after the show dropped:
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maybe in 2024 i'll finally sit down and write that meta that's been in my head for two years now
Your favorite show was Moonlight Chicken
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it's gotta be the chicken show for me. yeah. it just felt so... idk, real in a way. idk how to explain it. i'm not even obsessing over mlc all that much but any time it pops into my head i go all kinds of 😭😭😭 and 🥰🥰🥰
not to mention the firstmix
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the heartliming
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and most importantly earth and fourth as an uncle/nephew duo??
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i am so🥺🥺🥺
special shoutout also to jimbo the cat (left) who looks almost exactly like coco, my family's cat (right):
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Another one of your favorites was Last Twilight
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just. the way p'aof shows relationships on screen okay. yeah.
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i cry
You are still stuck in this hallway:
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yeah i've been thinking about the yank-kiss-yeet scene from hidden agenda and joke breaking down afterwards in that very hallway for 19 weeks straight gay. bye.
The soundtracks you listened to the most were:
(according to my spotify wrapped top 5)
Just Friend? (Bad Buddy)
Our Song (Bad Buddy)
น้ำลาย (My School President Cover)
Secret (Bad Buddy)
yeah. i've given up on the "only 2023 media" thing. if we're talking songs only from series released in 2023 then i've got love love love (our skyy 2) on no. 32 and no more empty nights (our skyy 2) on no. 46 on my spotify wrapped
also if you're wondering what the 5th song (on no.3 in reality) from my top 5 was that's missing above where i only mentioned four songs, well, it's none other than tilly birds' same page? which yeah. is also bad buddy related. surprise surprise 🤭
Your overall bl mood was P'Aof
You created 15 gifsets (of which "only" 1/3 were about making other shows about bad buddy)
you can find them here
You shazammed 295 royalty free background music pieces/songs from thai dramas
fun fact: i haven't mentioned this publically yet but since thai dramas keep using the same music over and over again in various series i've actually started collecting the different songs/pieces and i'm planning on making a side blog about it. i just want to go through some more dramas first before i publish anything. so this is something you can look forward to in 2024 dkjfkfdj
currently shazamming my way through bad buddy (you may have seen my blorbo breakdown about pran in the ep4 sleepover scene the other week that was triggered by me shazamming all of ep4). next on the list: theory of love and the eclipse. it takes ages tho, so don't expect it any time soon
Your favorite acting pair was JoongDunk
(is anyone even surprised by this lol)
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no but for real whatever these two have going on, i'm intrigued:
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i just. i love their energy ok. they're fun. and they're clearly having fun
i couldn't decide on what to gif so here's a little compilation bc fuck it, this is my post and i get to do whatever the fuck i want
(actually there's more that i could have put in there but i didn't wanna waste any more time with posting this tag game and also i was trying to keep the compilation somewhat short lmao)
they are such silly little idiot boys ("little" says the 155cm tall short person about the 180+cm giants 🤭) and i adore them &lt;3
their energy is essentially this meme and i'm so here for it:
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and they just communicate so well when they're performing and you never feel like either of them is "alone" on stage (doing his own thing in his own little bubble), it's SUCH a joy to watch!!!! once again plugging two of my all time fave performances that i've been rewatching over and over again for the last 3 months:
also dunk is just SO little brother-shaped to me idek!! looking at his face just makes me go into big sister mode. it doesn't help that he's only like a month or so older than my actual little brother. AND he reminds me a lot of one of my fave kids from my youth group that i used to go to for years. dunk natachai has klein-andi energy and you all don't know what that means but i know what that means as does my mom and she agrees. so.
i feel so ashamed for not making it in time before 2023 ended so i'm not gonna tag anyone but if you see this and you really wanna do it bc you haven't done it yet then please do so and tag me because i say so!!
and mutuals, send me yours bc i'm not sure i saw everyone else's!!!! (@celestial-sapphicss @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @telomeke @waitmyturtles @dribs-and-drabbles did you guys do this already and if yes, send me yours? i must have missed it 🥺🥺🥺)
12 notes · View notes
“Glad you’re here”
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Summery: Kevin needs some comfort one day and you reassure him. a long chat right next to you is just what he knows he needed. thats great, but somehow it leads to him in your bed and your mouth on his. you know... cause you know... you really wanna make sure he knows his worth and how much you love every part of him. oops I guess approximately a 40 min read
a/n: idk what this is man. Tumblr wouldn't let me post a longer than like two sentence post and so it's a little late. I had a dream about something like this happening like months back and now it's finally come to life! or.... not really to life but life enough lol I told one of my moots on here about the dream and she said "that's perfect fic inspo" so here we are. at this point I can't remember if the smut part was in my dream but oh well I aint complaining. I don't know if this is any good cause I haven't written smut in a minute but pleas enjoy and let me know if y'all have any hard thots or future fic suggestions. (it was so exiting when I got my first request you have no idea I felt like real writer who people actually enjoy content from and not much could top that feeling ya know) I probably won't get to them for a month lmao but still id love to hear them!
warnings/info: cursing, Kevin had a bad week, comfort, reader and Kevin’s type of relationship is never specified in this fic if that’s makes sense, kissing, smut, low key body worship, like a little bit toward Kevin from reader, oral sex (reader receiving), also Kevin fingers reader, reader is afab when it comes to smut but is gn otherwise, mentions of having to go get a condom but no sex is described, think that’s it! misspelled words and incoherentness im sure, ill fix them soon, Pls lemme know if there’s anything these
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in no way meant to be taken as an actual and real representation of anyone.~
a familiar knock on your door brings you out of the daze you once were in. For once you weren’t doing anything. Comfort flowing through your veins as you relaxed. You weren’t expecting anyone…. You glance at your phone to see Kevin’s profile picture pop up. A candid photo you took of him while he was laughing at something or the other on a Ferris wheel when you two were just friends. The message simply said “hey it’s me” weirdly dry and weirdly simple coming from him. but your heart still leaped for joy out of you chest when you read it. Somehow more peacefulness coming over you as you walked to let him in, though you were scared something was wrong.
you swing open the front door, still halfway looking at your phone. I mean, if you had a cute picture of him that was at your disposal at all times in your phone, you'd be looking at it still too. it was one of those pictures were only you could see. something for your eyes only... that sentiment seemed to be a running theme in your relationship. not that you minded, though. you welcomed it. relished in the feeling of being so damn close to him.
you don't even get to let out a word before his arms are around you, his head is in your stomach, and his heavy breath his flattening out your shirts wrinkles. he's on his knees as first but when he gets up you stumble backward further into your place, shutting the door with your foot. he steps back, half to regain his composer he lost the second he saw you worried about him, and half because he realized he was probably too forward. he kicks off his shoes and before you know it you can hear little quiet sniffs coming from the man.
"you good?" you ask, even though you knew that he wasn't.
he peels his face off your shirt as you tuck your phone into your back pocket so as to not have any distractions. you wanted, no needed to be fully there right now. completely zeroed in on him and whatever he needed. In a flash it was like a full 360 realization came onto Kevin. In a flash he's pulling away from you and trying to compose himself. "God, im sorry. I-I didn't mean for my visit to turn out like this." he just wanted to see your face, talk a little bit, not to break down the second he saw you. His eyes dart around as he plays with his own fingers.
You take his hand, guiding him to sit down where you previously were. and god does he really want to scoot himself as close as physically possible to you. but he doesn't want to come off too strong, or like he was needy or anything. but now he's sitting here in arms reach of you and he's nearly screaming inside for you to pull him closer. "Don't be sorry. I’m glad you’re here.” you tell him, softly but firmly. it was more than that thought, and he took the opportunity you'd given him to tell you why he was upset. "I dunno, it wasn't one big thing or anything. but sometimes... sometimes I feel like im too much, you know? or that im not doing enough all at once. But hat probably doesn't make any sense though. kinda stupid, right?" your eyebrows creased together like you were asking what the hell he meant.
Over the course of the better part of an hour he tried so so so damn hard to explain to you what he was feeling and why he thought his entire body felt like it was aching because of it. You listened for a while until you got up to bring the both of you a snack cause he looked a little hungry. he wanted to stay close to you, though, so he followed you to where you kept your snacks and back. and though he was siglent on your short walk, you could almost feel the heaviness that was within him. it seemed to seep through his pores and straight into the air. but you still listened to him, trying to put in what you thought when he needed it.
through broken sobs and quivering lips he had to bite to stop from betraying himself and what he was feeling, he stoped abruptly. "...Like right now." he said simply. "What do you mean?" You prompted. "Are you..." he needed to collect his thoughts and pick himself up, now. "Are you embarrassed of me?" You crained your neck forward, as if you somehow hadn't heard him properly and your ears had tricked you into thinking he had said what you thought he had. "um excuse me? yeah, im gonna need an explanation." you chuckled. and he couldn't help but smile along with your slight laughter. it was infectious. he didn't know why but it seemed like whatever you where feeling he started to as well.
"So far you've spent at least thirty minutes here with men trying to help me." you said. but you still weren't understanding. that was just something you'd do for him. as he'd readily do for you. it came as sedan nature to the both of you and you liked it that way. how you both were so close that either of you could just drop whatever you were doing and help the other. "Does that not seem bad to you?" you simply shook her head. "I had a dream that you were embarrassed of me and how...." he searched for the right words, "you know, needy I can get. And I know it was just s stupid dream, ok? But then I actually started thinking about it." scenes flashed through his mind, burried deep into his heart of all the times you've cared for him. whenever he's feeling insecure and he either came to you about it, or you noticed it, you helped him out of his rut. All the times he's felt sick you've rubbed his back and brought him a cold compress and Vix vapor rub. and sure, he's done these things for you as well... but right now it seemed like he was all the work and you just had to pick up his pieces.
he hated the feeling of causing you so much trouble. and he knew what you would say, too. that "oh no you're not. you need to stop thinking that way about yourself." and he knew it did. he really did know that. but what he also knew was who it seemed like he was acting. no, how he was acting. he wasn't coming to you for every single little thing but sometimes it felt too close to it for his comfort. and not only thing, but, though he knows how you've told him a million times that he's welcome and encouraged to talk things out with you or even just ask for some comfort, he's also well aware how much he's been doing it this past month.
How was it not driving you nuts already? it was sure making him pace around his living room thinking and hoping that you weren't mad at him for it. And he had tried to hold out, ok? he really did today. But then he started thinking about how you probably felt a little suffocated by his latest actions and how it portably looked to outsiders and it made him get all up in his head and that made him only want to come over more. eventually, though, he broke and now here he was feeling bad about even being here.
"you look guilty." you note. "that's cause I am." he admitted, "im sorry that its probably a little weird me coming over like this. or at least me calling you for like an hour because of these things." he swallows thickly, looking at his swinging feet, unable to stop their moving by the floor. you were about to say something but he grasped your hand, blinking a few times and you know you should just let him talk for now. "Is this not embarrassing to you? like, when you talk to people how the hell do you even mention me doing this? I wouldn't blame you if you don't.... you just, seem so happy even when im acting like an actual wreck and y-youre not tired of it? or ashamed? or--" you pull him into your chest, leaning back and bit and letting him fall into a half laying down position, wanting him to be more relaxed.
"you do this for me too, you know?"
"Yeah, but im not the now showing up and the others door like a mess right now. making you take time out of--"
"yeah, but..." you trail off for a moment as he lifts his head up to look you in the eyes. His dark soft hair is sticking up, almost comically, from you pulling at his. more massaging his scalp than anything though, but by the way you gently tugged at his strands he seemed to melt into you easier. "that's what the both of us are here for, no?" you feel him nod into your chest and your small laughter from it causes a vibration to go through your upper chest where he lays his head and into it. you take a deep breath, spurring him to do the same. and for some reason, it really calmed him. air filling his lungs along with you, it felt-- at least to him, that it connected the two of you. releasing, but really it felt like releasing all the negitivity and heaviness that weighed him down. stuck to him like a sickness, and felt like a glue on his lungs that made it hard to breath.
but now, with a clearer head, he listened to you. listened when you said there was no place you'd rather be than with him right now. listened when you told him that no, he's not embarrassing just because he has feelings and lets them out. and he even listened when you told him you're proud of him for still coming to you to talk it out. you wiped the tears from his cheeks with your thumbs and ran your hands through his hair so much it stuck up almost like from electricity. and among talking about other things, the day grew along side the both of you and your chatting. eventually his mind was eased and now taken off of what was bothering him.
He wondered how you could even do that, as he lay practically on top of you, wanting to fuse your skin together if he could just to get impossibly closer.
He leans in to whisper in your ear, “please. I-I I really need you closer” you look down at your bodies practically fused together, him basically on top of you, chest to chest and his warm nose, reddening from crying pressed into the crook of your neck. Puffs of air from his heavy breaths tickle your skin and you can’t help but smile as you pull him closer. “We’re already so close, Kev” but really, you knew what he meant. You felt it, too. His hardening dick pressing against your thigh. You could tell he’s trying to be inconspicuous about it, scooting away but you just pull him closer, fingers slicking around his back, thumb padding against his spine.
but you can feel him shiver against you. and not in the typical "I feel so good im practicluy purring" type of way. "You cold?" You ask. Though you know he wasn’t. The sound of him moving further on top of you come to your ears before his voice does. “You made me feel so good.” His face presses further into you neck, pressing a kiss into your rapid pulse. “I wanna make you feel good too… that ok?” You didn’t even need think about it before you nod.
a second later you're in your bed and he's laying on top of you just like before.
He keeps kissing at your neck. the pecks getting longer and more sloppy as the hand ticks on the clock, the only other soul in the room with you. he pulls you up with him so he can circle his hands around your back as yours travel under his shirt, riding it up and feeling his bare skin like it was second nature to you, but exploring like it was new to you all the while. a small smile graced his face and pulls his lips upwards ad he closes his eyes and just feels. feels your fingers on him and relishes it. his lips detach from your neck when he feels you on his lower abdomen. god he really looses his focus too quickly.
But how could he not with you, you and all your splendid glory right in front of him, feeling him up and now slipping your hands underneath the waistband of his pants, making him see stars when you start rubbing his hip bones. it made him get all tangled up in the moment it doesn't even register how you start laying him down. and at this point he doesn't really care as you capture his lips in a searing kiss that leaves the both of you feeling woozy. "open your eyes." you purswade gently. he does so, only for him to tug at the hem of your shirt. "Please," he sounds way too whiney and out of breath for the little that you have done, but he can't help it, getting a little ovewelmed by the thought and look of you, "I need more." you sit up on him, legs swung over either side of him and already dripping heat right above his.
You toss your shirt to the side and within a millisecond he's pulling you back down to him, wanting and needing to feel you on him. your chest presses against his and even though you're still wearing a bra he feels like he's in heaven. and "more" is what you start to give him; kissing down his body and telling him everything you love about him. starting with his shoulders, "you carry so much weight, mediforecly but still. Iove that bout you; how you're so willing to help shoulder a burden." you look up at him for a second, taking a break from just mumbling against his skin, "It also helps how they're so nice looking too. Gorgeous." you move to his chest, "I love you chest, know why?" he shakes his head, "its where one of the few biggest hearts I know is kept." you kiss right by where his heart is, hearing it beat rapidly under his burning hot skin. you go a bit further down his torso to his lungs, "these help you take deep breaths to calm down. im happy when you're calm so I love them." his eyes squint in a smile form your words
but suddenly he realizes as you start to kiss your way further down that-- “This is supposed to be about me making you feel good.” He pulls you up to his lips into a searing kiss that your body can't help but freeze in place from. his hips snap up into yours and you let out a surprised groan from the feeling. the pants you were wearing were thin, but still too much of a barrier from him. he stays underneath you, but now he's a bit more in control, wanting to make you feel above and beyond the love and want and all around good feeling you made him have all up until a moment ago. he sits up and his hands brush up and down your bare back, landing at your hips and keeping them there.
he just wants more. more more more until the both of you bursts. his mouth moves against yours in a way that made you think he was a dream. he sensed it too. and he only wanted to build on that feeling. he moves down to your collarbone and he has to tare himself away so as to not leave a hicky. he has to suppress a loud moan when you start moving your hips on him, grinding on his dick. he grips your hips tighter, thumbs pressing into your sides and the both of you parting lips just for a minute to look deep into each others eyes. he's knows that stare on you, though. a look of longing he wants noting more than to satisfy.
His hand hand travels down your torso to palm your throbbing core needing attention. the heel of his palm rubbing at your clit while his lingers work on your interance. even through the clothes you can't help but sigh in pleasure from his actions. Eventually you just can't take it anymore and you start humping his hand, wanting to realize but also not wanting to peel yourself away for more than a moment to take off your bottoms. under you, Kevin, hard as ever now, let out a whine into your mouth at your lust for him. it seemed like you no only had one thing on your mind and he loved it, chased after that need you felt and tried to expound on it.
you break away from him a moment later though cause, fuck this really isn't getting me anywhere. And help him tug his shirt up and over his head he complies it in his hand and puts it to the side to be long forgotten as you link your hands behind his neck and lean back with him as he chases your lips. he smiles into the kiss and it makes you do the same; a quite moment that wasn't ruined by him gently pulling at the waist band of your bottoms in question and you nodding against him. "oh yes please," you breath out, almost relieved, "I have to have you. thought you'd never ask." your tilt your head back, though you're not quite sure what for until he plants another open mouthed kiss on your sweet spot and you feel like blushing and moaning at the same time.
"Me too," he admits In your ear almost as a whisper, a secret only the two of you were able to share. "I wan-- need you closer." his fingers dance down, down, down, until he finds the wet patch you've made on your underwear. God he fucking needs it on his face, tasting you, smelling you, feeling you around him. better yet, why not get it straight from the source? damn it now he needs you on his face too. all the while he's rubbing you just how he knows youll shiver with pleasure and writhe on top of him, you're eyes are closed. and now thinking of it... and wanting you to know about it, makes him get a little bit bolder. "eyes on me, darling," he mimicked what you had said to him earlier. except this one was less commanding. he starts rubbing faster on your clit, making you pull him closer.
he can't take it anymore; with his free hand he begins to palm himself over his pants "I need you to see how you make me feel." you open your eyes to see the erotic sight right in front of you. his head thrown back and stroking himself over his sweats. you can tell he doesn't know what to make or do with himself. and to be completely honestly neither do you. his tongue is poking out to wet his lips as a high pitched keen meets your ears.
He feels like he really does need to-- need to show you how hard you make him. how else is he supposed to help you to understand all that he wants you to right now? You scoot his hand out of the way and replace it with your own "do I get you like this?" he presses his lips together and nods, barely able to form words with your hand moving on him now. "mmhm only you." the confession made you smile but you weren't able to continue the moment when he shifts so that you drop your hand and lay down further. "remember? you." he chuckles. he returns his hands to your heat, you tugging down your bottoms in the process.
Now that he sees you clad in just your underwear and bra, he can't help but crawl back up to eye level and give a quick peck to your lips. it was too fucking sweet to describe. with a cute smile pulling at his lips, he backs up and his fingers return to pleasure you. your underwear was sticking to your pussy uncomfortably now, wet patch now more visible. and as much as he wanted to tease you more, he also knew what you needed. he rolls down your underwear just as he would any other time. that was one of the things you loved about him, you thought as he dips his fingers into your wetness, testing the waters. you didn't know he was going to come over, you deffintly didn't know that it was going to turn into this. it wasnt like you wore anything special and dressed up, but he still loved it all. noticed was amiss, noting changed.
that was one of the reasons why you didn't mind having to spend so much time comforting him. cause he does the same for you an no matter if you dressed up or not he still gave you what you needed, not just sexually but in general. so of course you'd treat him the same way.
You make a sound of pleasure and now he's hooked, chasing more form you. dropping his entire body down further, he comes face to face with your glistening cunt. the fact that he made you like this-- god can barely think because of it. he takes an experimental lick up your folds and holds his tongue at your clit, putting hot, wet, and steady pressure on it. the muscle moves a bit more, kitten licking at your hole, sucking at your clit, and doing all the things that makes you wanna combust.
his tongue goes in and out, poking inside your gummy walls. and he feels like he's in heaven with you right now. He can barely handle it as he feels you clench around noting and you whisper out his name over and over again, pulling at his hair, tighter than before, bringing him impossibly closer. he grasps your hips to pull your up and even closer. the new angle hitting just right you can't help my moan. "fuck-- I-- I need--" you don't even know what you need at this point you just want more of this, more of him. He's eating you like a starved man, already drunk on how you taste on his tongue, wanting more.
While his tongue works on in between your folds his nose is getting wet bumping at your clit. His hands on your hips makes it perfect to grind on his face. but he doesn't mind, invites it, actually. He just holds out his tongue and lets you grind your way dangerously close to your high. He starts to move along with you, matching your movements as his dick twitches in his pants. the added pressure is just what you needed to go over the edge. you start to slow your movements on him, him picking up the pace so to help you ride it out. his hips rock into the mattress, wanting and needing to feel more. you're sounds proving to be too much without himself feeling something. You're moaning and groaning and whining along with him against you as you feel pure euphoria rush through you like a wave of perfection.
You try to even out your breath as he rubs at your hip bones, sitting up to keep himself from grinding on the bed, he can already tell he's not gonna last long enough to have you later too. "You--" you don't even know what to say as he brings you up with him, you know sitting on his thigh and you don't know if you can take it anymore. neither can he, seeing you cum-- it took everything in him not to follow along with you. he can't help but thrust his hardness up, barely feeling you in the end but he needs something, anything. just the thought of himself feeling your slick on his cock. that's all he needs, really; your wetness on him. he just needs to feel it. so he keeps going, angling his thrusts towards your pussy. he fucks himself into you, needing to feel you on him.
he locks his lips on yours as you rut yourself on his thigh. your fingers that were in his hair unties his pants and inches them down enough so that he get thrust up, getting his tip wet through one less layer. The feeling makes him press his lips harder on yours. he whines into your mouth and you don think you've ever heard a sound prettier. his hands are griping your hips, traveling to your back to bring you closer. you're grinding on his thigh as he tries to grind onto yours, the slick that travailed down your thigh making it easy to slide, rubbing up and down, his mind blank.
he's almost looses sight again with his lips moving in sync with yours. He breaks the kiss to watch his own hand go down to capture your release on them, fucking it back into you when you urge him to hurry up. he curls his fingers right where you want him to, pumping them in and out at the same pace he was thrusting into your thigh. you had just came so the feeling was ten times stronger than before. He senses what you're feeling and pecks your lips one more time before driving his fingers back into your heat. "give me one more? please I know you can." he nearly pleads with you.
You hump his palm, chasing your own high. a slow and intimate grind but enough to get you what you want and need. he feels woozy because of the feeling of your cream lathering up his fingers and forming a ring around the base, now dripping onto his palm as he watches his fingers roll in and out. a moment later and you're releasing all over his hand, his whining while he humps your leg taking it to a whole new level as you moan out in pleasure. and now he's rubbing the slick you've given him back into your pussy
your lips are back on his in an instant, unable to stay away for long after the leg shaking orgasm he gave you. he looks down at his boner. not realizing he had cum along with your with his release making a wet patch all on the front of his boxers. "you're still hard?" you chuckle. "For you? always." he smiles, more of a smirk than anything, back at you. breathing heavy and labored and eyes squinted.
"Do you have a condom?" he asks, half actually asking and half wondering aloud if you wanted to go any further, "I don't think I can keep on seeing you look so perfect without doing anything about it any longer." he wonders if he's even making sense. but when you peck his lips and reach over to your nightstand. he freezes, but he's back to life in a second when you turn to him with one.
“aren’t you glad you’re here?” You laugh, “you get to share you feelings and we get to have each other.”
He’s sure the way you said it must be a joke I’m some way but yeah, he's really glad he came over.
please leave a comment or reblog if you enjoyed!!
taglist: @itz-yerin
©️2023copyrightofshutupheathersorryheatherr do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works even if you give me credit
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togalnu · 11 months
Do you have any specific hcs for fem togainu or just fem nitrochi as a whole? I'd love to hear them! ^^
Oops I meant to answer this earlier. Anyways yes! I will be putting this under a read more because. Lol. Enjoy!
You wanna know a secret? Earlier this year I was researching parodies and the legalities of them because I had the grand idea to make a togainu remake but yuri and with some story changes. A whole ass visual novel. I was seriously planning on making it. Suffice to say I have put in some thought in turning these yaoi boys into yuri girls.
We will be here all day if I list every little thought and headcanon I have! I'll def make more posts about my visions in the future, but for right now I need to talk about Shiki. I NEED TO TALK ABOUT SHIKI.
First and foremost, my overall thoughts about Shiki: wasted potential. His route was a huge disappointment when I finally got to it. It was fumbled so fucking badly and it pains my soul because Shiki is hot and I love the concept of his character but.. man. What a let down. I ended up thinking about him a lot because of this. What I would do if I were in charge of writing his route, parts of his characterization that I'd rid of or ameliorate, and maybe even giving him some new quirks to not make him so one-dimensional-evil-villain type. And then along with this, I started thinking about what if he was a woman. because I am attractdd to women. Typical thought process.
First, his design. I am a sucker for black haired red eyes bitches. I love black and red. I'm dying my hair black and red at the end of the year. The majority of my wardrobe is black and red. I do not play around #EMO. I love the almost leather gothic look he has but unfortunately it is not enough for me. I felt that he needed more unnecessary accessories and belts and other clothing items, as any goth should have. I've had a few ideas in mind for Shiki girl outfit and they all lean into these more, like giving her extra bracelets, belts, necklaces, crosses, whatever. I want her DECKED OUT!!! But I also struggle coming up with outfits so I can't really decide what looks good LMAO
Things I love about Shiki's outfit:
- The gloves. UGHHH gloves are so fun. The longer the gloves are the better.
- His stupid coat
- The spikes and crosses. The silver adds a lot to his appearance
- Turtleneck<3
Things I don't like about Shiki's outfit:
- those stupid ass notches on his pants. I can't tell if he has insane thigh-high boots or strange pants, and neither can a lot of artists it seems like? Though it seems pants are the consensus. SAD!
- Turtleneck should have long sleeves
- Or his coat should have long sleeves. One of those two
- What the hell is going on with his belt. It'd look fine if it didn't have those strange hanging.. circle... things
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I like the idea of her having a corset and fishnets, so I've been including that in whatever iteration of her design I'm working on. I gotta keep the coat too as it's like, a Shiki classic. I've also been trying to decide how a skirt for her might look (I love the idea of it having a slit so you can see her fishnets and thigh high boots).
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But I'm torn on including the turtleneck as much as I love it.... I feel like it kinda clashes. Idk maybe i should just move her skirt up so it's not hanging off her ass but also it's fun to draw it that way.
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Although adding another belt with the skirt could work too, and have the fishnets peaking out from the skirt slit... not gonna draw that rn though im just brainstorming here
Like I said earlier I'd love to give her way more accessories than base Shiki has but I need to definitely play around with outfit ideas more bc I don't want her to look too cluttered either. Also sorry all the pics are torso only because for some reason I struggle HARD with drawing calves and feet
I don't have much to say for hair ideas.. I just like the idea of it flairing out + two long.. idk what to call them... strands of hair? Down her cheeks?? Okay well u see what I mean in the pic. Bangs pretty much stay the same
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And ohhh my god I know togainu is set in the post-apocalyptic future, but considering it came out in 2005 I feel obligated to rework some of the designs to be a little more y2k.. Akira with low waisted flared jeans... making Shiki even more gothic... it's so fucking fun HOW CAN I NOT!!
Also the other day I saw this one corset that I LOVED and wanted to see if I can Shiki-fy it but hmm... idk... I definitely need to play around with the idea more but here's a quick sketch i did just for funsies so you get the idea
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Okay moving on
Second, his characterization. I love the idea of what they were going for in terms of his relation to Nano. I wish so badly they had expanded on this past Shiki just hating line users and killing them because he's unable to kill Nano (although I do think this is a pretty good bit of characterization). I'm pretty sure the Chayamachi manga goes more into this but idc we are talking about the game so I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist.
Shiki is smug and cocky. Incredibly so. But a big part of his character is how hateful he is, so much so that it's this hate that motivates everything he does.
I love it. I love his hatred. I wish the game went more into it sooo badly and like if he found out Akira had anti-line blood before the end of the game and there was time given to show his reaction? Would he hate Akira for it??? Would he feel any kind of resentment?? If I was Shiki I'd definitely feel complicated as fuck over it!!!
Anyways I'm still working out how fem Shiki could be improved upon in terms of this, and I LOVEEE LOVE LOVE LOVE writing personality and backstories and relationships with other characters and how they all interact with each other. I have very deep oc lore because of this but i will not get into my ocs rn because they have nothing to do with togainu.
This post is already long enough however and if I were to talk about all the ideas I had for Shiki characterization upgrade... well it'd take even longer. To say the least. One day I'll talk about it though! In a more comprehensive post including other characters and whatnot. It's something I definitely also need to work out in my head more tho
It's been a pretty fun project so far that I hope to do more with in the future. Side note that doesn't really matter but there's this song that I always imagine fem Shiki amvs too oops.. RIDE IT by LustSickPuppy... this part especially.......
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(the part is around 1:17 if you don't feel like listening to the entire thing. But u should)
Urggghhhh I love lsp ugh ughhhhhfuhrhhcuuhfhuufghh sorry for posting lyrics and a spotify link. It will happen again
I do not give a fuck if all of this seems too self indulgent. If anything it's supposed to be!!! It's a labor of love!!!
Thank u to anyone who read this far. I appateciate it
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Seb my dear how are you?? Hope you’re doing okay and had a nice weekend! 🥰 @sugarcoated-lame here (you can call me Kricket btw, figured you should know my name since I’m always dropping in your inbox lmao! 💕) currently cannot stop thinking about a lazy make out session in your dorm room with Finnegan! It starts with the two of you cuddling in your little twin bed, you clinging to him because his large frame takes up much of the space. He’s gotta hand softly running through your hair while your face is buried in the crook of his neck, as he quietly rambles on about some random, obscure topic. After a while of letting him go on about whatever it is he’s talking about because you just love the sound of his voice, you place a soft kiss to his throat before removing your face from the crook of his neck, looking up at him as he tilts his head down towards you. The two of you just staring into each other’s eyes for a brief moment, enjoying the calm before his gaze trails down to your lips and back up to your eyes. With a silent nod from you, Finn’s leaning in and pressing his lips softly against yours. It starts off soft and slow, the two of laying on your sides facing one another, lips and tongues languidly tangling together. Eventually the kisses grow deeper, hungrier, and your hands are in each other’s hair, beginning to roam each other’s bodies. Eventually finding their way under shirts, then into each other’s pants, just lazily, gently working to get each other off, Finn’s mustache tickling your skin as he whispers against your lips, “so wet, always so wet for me baby.” Sorry this turned out much longer (and filthier) than I meant it to oops 💜
my dear kricket!! i’m okay thank you, i hope you’re doing okay and had a nice weekend yourself? 🥹💖
but…….. i’m burning the FUCK UP AFTER READING THAT
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no because make outs with finn would always start a little soft and a little giggly as you both move yourself along each other’s bodies and feel the vibe. but then he’s looking deep into your eyes and you both feel something lick at your stomachs. a flame that burns so deep and suddenly he’s got his hands wrapped in your hair and tugging you so close against him.
don’t even get me started on his tache tickling at your skin with, “so wet for me baby, always so wet” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
jesus wept!! thank you so, so much for this insane thot my love!! i’m forever in your debt!! 💌
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greetings! i have made a thing! ✨️two✨️ things!
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✨️ sketchboooooooooooks! ✨️
it took longer than anticipated (I've been trying to get this done since the end of last year, oops) but I finally finished putting these together today. all that's left to do is decorate the covers and start drawing in 'em!
they are slightly–moderately wonky and pretty clearly handmade, but I love them. gives em charm. these are only the second and third books I've made myself so I'm still learning.
if you're interested I'll drop a few more photos and babble a little about the process under the cut! (definitely not a tutorial if that's what you're hoping for lol i was winging it the whole time)
okay so we'll start with the little guy. this is meant to be more of a travel sketchbook.
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I wanted something fairly small that I could take on the go without it being too much of a hassle, because I'm also hoping to get out more and like... go for walks to the park or the cemetery or w/e and try doing some studies and life drawing and such. or just get some fresh air and doodle while I make a valiant attempt to get some vitamin D.
both sketchbooks are made out of materials I just had lying around, but this one is even more "recycled" lmao
i took the inside pages from an old sketchbook, and about half of them had previously been used, so I went and erased my old sketches as much as I could (they were bad and low effort, so it's no loss I assure you) and that was a boring and frustrating endeavor but it was worth it because, well, I get to use the paper again! I did a very poor job the first time around, I almost never drew on both sides of the page and so many pages were just one shitty sketch and nothing else 🙈
i sorted the pages into signatures (tried to mix up the used and new paper because it'd annoy me if I had just like one big chunk of ghost drawings and then the rest of the book was good and clean lol) and stitched those together and then put just a couple layers of glue on the spine to hold it together.
I made the cover by gluing two pieces of thin cardboard together for each part (front cover, back cover, spine) to make em sturdier, and then I trimmed them down to size and glued the pieces to a paper shopping bag. I didn't have the patience to try flattening the cover under a heavy book or anything, so it's a little warped and will kind of open up on its own so I'm just using the binder clip to hold it closed. plus idk it looks cool!
once the cover was done and dry I just... glued it all together! added the end pages i cut out of construction paper to the.. chunk of book? the book brick? (is there a technical word for it when the signatures are all together....?) and then glued the other sides of the end pages to the inside covers.
now for the second book! the big boy!
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this fella was intended to be the grand, improved follow-up to the first sketchbook I put together, and I started working on it right when said first book started running out of paper.
this one is the wonkier of the two but I think it's definitely a few steps up from the original, and I'm pleased with it. this is gonna be my everyday sketchbook, so I wanted it to have a ton of pages so I can use it for a good long while. I think it's at least twice as thick as my first sketchbook. 😂
...basically the same as the travel sketchbook, just bigger! the pages are sourced from a different sketchbook, one I started using in high school and promptly forgot about upon graduation.
fun fact: the end pages are covered in countless tiny little hatch lines that i drew by hand while I watched/listened to something on my computer. I don't quite remember what I was watching at this point, but it was almost certainly something from Starkid... probably VHSCC on repeat, since I did this part back in november/december. it might sound tedious but I shit you not I was thrilled to do this part and it was just a blissful neurodivergent turn the brain off and vibe kind of time.
the biggest difference in this process was doing the cover; it's not cardboard, it's some kind of particle board.. thing that was salvaged from the back of a busted picture frame. it is VERY stiff and sturdy and I did not cut the pieces out so much as score the board with my box cutter as deeply as I could, bend it back and forth, and pray it didn't break. 😅 the cover-cover is from the same bag I used on the smaller book!
most of the wonkiness comes from the fact that the cover is sliiiiiiiightly too small for the book brick inside. I had limited material for the cover so I couldn't stretch that at all, I made the cover as big as I possibly could, but I also did not feel like trimming the inside pages so that they would fit better because that would have taken FOREVER and also probably killed me. 😫 soooo the pages stick out a little bit, but that's fine and it doesn't bother me much. 🤷🏻‍♂️
and that's my two sketchbooks! finished em both up over 3 days after procrastinating for at least a month. and now that they exist I can finally draw again!!! been wanting to do that for WEEKS.
if you read all of this I hope you got something out of it, lol. whether you did or didnt, here's a skull for your troubles.
enjoy!! <3
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
Ok and now the more important task of finding Tav where I'm not sure he is.
What is birds? That's the one I can't place at all. And what is Shadows and Smoke? It feels familiar but I don't think my memory is accurate
@abysskeeper hilariously (and obviously) tav is in all of the pieces except the ones specifically named for other characters, lmao. its like .either the character's name is in the title OR its about tavon. oops.
under a readmore because it got long.
birds i may have told you about, but also not. i open birds a LOT for how short it is, just a little dialogue snippets. i really want to make it bigger but whenever i open it, i feel like im Not Clever Enough, so then it gets closed. i looove it though.
birds, aka, why Tavon made them a little honeymoon suite on Rishi:
"So, out of all the places you could've set this up--all the little corners of the galaxy that are great for hiding--what made you choose Rishi?"
"The sights, the smells, the locals. The danger. The fact that its so easy to put on another face here--that I have already done so and have a little powerbase."
"…the nature as well, admittedly." "The nature? It isn't even cold." "No--I know that wouldn't be suitable for you. But, temperature isn't what I meant. I meant the birds." "The birds?" she asked, raising a surprised eyebrow. "Yes. I quite like birds. Not that I have an interest in studying them or suchlike--I simply find them pleasing, and Rishi has a good amount of them."
aka. my 'tavon likes birds and finds them pleasing' propaganda. tavon is a character uninterested in having pets (outside of his childhood dog) and even in universes where it works to have animal companions, it isn't really an angle he goes for. despite that, and how much tavon is also not a fan of most nature (being a snow and tundra kinda guy), i've always wanted him to like an aspect of the outdoors that was bigger than climate or just, being outside in general.
anyways. he likes birds. they aren't creatures for the cold, so they're something that don't really exist in his favorite climates. but he still likes them. likes how they sound, likes to see them. could go birdwatching but probably wouldn't be into it enough to be a fully hobbyist, just like, a casual.
i never get to make him a bird fan. so that's what 'birds' is for. trick learns something new about Tavon. the end.
Shadows and Smoke
this story is about tavon's worst fear becoming reality! he volunteers for a long-cover mission that ends up being longer than it was supposed to be. His loyalty to his side remains intact even though he was behind enemy lines, but somewhere along the way he loses himself. He starts thinking of himself as his cover name, and he feels as though his identity has left him. He isn't sure what to do or how to regain the man he was, and he regrets deeply what has happened. Guilt gnaws at him throughout the story, and he keeps having flashbacks to his original training, where he was molded to be a man bereft of identity.
Shadows and Smoke, aka, the story where Tavon becomes Marc. i'll share a few scenes from this one b/c tbh its so fucking Good i love it so much:
scene 1, aka, Trick, as his wife, notices he is strange upon his return:
The first night they were able to share their bed again, she expected him to flirt with her, to charm her off her feet and out of her clothes. That was similar to how it had usually gone when he had returned from a longer mission.
But, this time he was strangely quiet, almost unsure. He responded well whenever she spoke, but left to his own he seemed to be...in doubt.
It perplexed her, and she wondered just what it had done to him, to have been on such an intense mission for so long.
She sat up when he laid down beside her, leaning over to gently kiss him. He accepted the gesture, but made no move to make it more, and so she didn't either. She pulled back, her hair trailing over the pillow, a curtain between them and the world.
She was going to say something, to ask him what was wrong, but he spoke before she could.
"I'm tired," he said quietly, and the words did match some of what she saw in his eyes. "I feel as though I've been away forever, and that this is but a dream."
"It's no dream," she soothed, brushing her thumb across his cheek, "You're home, and I'm here. I waited, just as you asked."  A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, "I even kept myself out of trouble. I figured you were in more than enough for the two of us."
"I was," he replied softly. He was looking at her in that way where it made her feel like she was the only other person in his world--the only person who got to know him like this, hear him speak like this.  It softened her while also making her sadder--she knew it must have been impossibly difficult for him, to have been under so long. She listened as he continued, "Every day felt like another test to see just how far I could stretch.  I waited for an inevitable snap the longer I remained."
"And did that time come?" she whispered, "The snap?"
His voice was strained, his eyes lost. "I don't know."
scene 2, aka, Marc and Tavon are different, Marc exists as a truth Tavon has never been. They are, in some ways, antithetical:
Who was Marc Hinan?  Certainly he was more honest than Tavon ever was, especially once he had returned to where he belonged--with the mission complete, secrets could fall away.
From what Marc remembered, Tavon was never really one to drop the secrets. There was always something hidden away, something that was only for him to know. He didn't share all of his burdens, even with those he trusted.
Marc, though, had no such qualms. He had, of course, while hiding. But, he was out now. Finally free to be...
To be Marc, he supposed--the Marc that was hiding even within the identity of himself. The underlayer of Marc, of which he had *thought* had been Tavon, but now he was realizing, that somewhere along the way Tavon had been scraped out, covered up, set aside.
It had been to dangerous for Tavon to be the truth.  And so...he wasn't.
scene 3, aka, a flashback. tavon has been conditioned and molded to be a certain way, to be a perfect tool. Only now has the harm that has done to him really become clear--ripping him asunder.
The voices of those who trained him stay with him, their names long forgotten, but their words and teachings, echoing in the hollow shell of his mind. (these scenes are second person, they are dreams)
Feel nothing. No pleasure, no pain. Whether you're warm and safe or on the threshold of death, what you feel is the absolute same. You are a shell, to only be filled with a mission. Unless duty calls for it, you will have nothing inside.
No happiness. No relief.
You remembered the feeling of the cold barrel of a gun pressed against your forehead. You stared straight ahead, unflinching even as the acrid scent of gunpowder entered your nostrils.
No fear.
there's so many good scenes in this story. I am so utterly fond of it.
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highdwightofmylife · 5 years
I saw the Susie ask where the s/o turns into a killer, can you please do the same thing with Amanda(the pig),thank you!
Of course!! I admit I’m not really,,, very knowledgeable about Amanda as much as I am with some of the others, but I’ll try my best! I hope this is okay!!
Amanda Young with a Survivor/Killer S/O
- Amanda was never the most accepting when it came to initial contact. Your interactions with her started out the same as everyone else; her mission was to kill you. Over time, you begin to show her that you weren’t afraid of her. You weren’t going to turn tail and run whenever she approached. She found that fire in you absolutely fascinating. Endearing, even. 
- Your relationship is... Well, it’s rocky, at first. She isn’t the most affectionate and isn’t used to being so coddled. Don’t just hug her out of no where. She has to know it’s coming! Approach with caution or suffer a knife in the gut. 
- Point is, it takes time, but she grows to adore you. You’re so helpless and cute and her heart? It has 100% been sold to you. You’re the proud owner of one pig heart, hope you’re happy. Look after it, please. No returns. She doesn’t initiate much of the loving, but she doesn’t have to! You can! And she’ll pretend to be annoyed when you smother her with kisses when she’d really die for them. 
- Things start getting dark for you. Trials seem harder than ever. The thought of a killer’s mercy is futile and you slowly begin to descend into a dark, dark place. Amanda catches on quick; she sees that blank look on your face and she feels a wrench in her gut. She tells herself that hey, it’s fine, you’re just going through a funk. You tell yourself that too. 
- It gets worse. Instead of talking to her, you just lie with your head in her lap and let the silence consume you. Everything seems pointless. It’s all a wasted effort. Why do you bother in trials? If you escape, so what? You’re just going to be hauled back into another one for an extra dose of manic fear and pain. If you die? Fantastic, you’re going to have to do that again and again and again. There’s no escape. You’re losing the little hope you had and Amanda can do nothing but sit back and watch.
- She feels useless. She doesn’t know how to fix it. She tries to pat your head and soothe you, but that’s as far as her comforting knowledge goes. She tries. She really does. 
- And just like that, you’re gone. The Entity has whisked you away to who-knows-where, and Amanda feels empty. She thinks about your hands running through her hair and she thinks about your face. She refuses to talk to anyone about it. This was between you and her. She became bitter and angry at the lack of you. Extra vicious in trials, extra vigilant. Anything to distract her from that emptiness.
- You’re back? She watches you stumble into the Killer’s Campfire and she’s... Confused. You’re different, that’s obvious. But you feel closer to her, somehow. Despite having all hope ripped from you, it’s like you’re new again. As if you’ve been given a purpose. And she suppose you had; the Entity had given you a reason to function. It wasn’t the best reason, but it was something that you now shared with her. It’s like a bridge had been built over a gap that she didn’t even know was there. 
- You sink into her arms and although you’re not the same, you’re also not entirely different. She holds you for a long, long time. She doesn’t care what you’re like now, she’s just glad you’re here. Glad you can play with her hair and stare into her eyes and make her feel that slight, slight glimmer that there’s something worth fighting for in this bleak world.
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silentmoths · 3 years
~Love bites~
Featuring: Diluc, Zhongli, Childe, Itto & Gorou reacting to a reader who's love language happens to be biting their significant other.
Content warning: these are all pretty suggestive lmao.
askbox is always open for prompts~ all image's credited to their owners in the image descriptions!
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Diluc: touch starved winery tycoon.
¤ It's like, three weeks after you'd started 'officially' dating, ie: the people of mondstadt realised that perhaps their most eligable bachelor was...no longer eligable.
¤ You casually lean over on the couch one evening and bite his arm, not hard but enough for your own brain to produce that lovely, saught-after, happy chemicle.
¤ Diluc flinches hard at first, obviously not expecting it, eyes wide as dinnerplates as he looks to you like you'd just insulted his family line.
¤ which is why you're taken aback when you notice the winery tycoon's ears burning red. oh, OH.
¤ As it turns out, Diluc Ragnivindr (to no one's surprise at all) is rather touch starved, and very much enjoys biting and being bitten.
¤ Your body reflects this rather obviously when you wake up the next morning, particularly your thighs, oops.
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Zhongli: Dormant dragon god of Liyue.
¤ Ok, perhaps biting him wasn't a smart decision, you knew what he was, what you didn't know, is what something as simple as biting his finger when he moves to brush some hair from your face, would do to him.
¤ The way his golden eyes dialate, pupils contracting to mere slits the moment your teeth press down, the way his eye twitches ever so slightly. Had you upset him?
¤ The second you release him, he stands, and the apology on your lips dies immediately. Oh dear, that was quite the strain happening in his trousers...
¤ As it turns out, dragons take any sort of nip from their mates as an 'I am horny' signal, it's not something he can control, it comes with his innate nature. This does not mean he apologises for grabbing your hand and letting his long, draconic tongue slide around your fingers, making you impossibly flustered.
¤ Nor does he apologise for the way he all but throws you over his shoulder and carries you up to his bedroom with a predatory growl that promises you're going to be feeling muscles you hadn't felt in a very long time tomorrow.
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Childe: dangerous pawn of the Fatui.
¤ You weren't exactly surprised when you bite Childe and his immediate reaction is to bite you back, this guy had siblings after all, plus he was a giant kid himself.
¤ Although you find that things get out of hand quickly, something that you really should have expected from the harbinger. Innocent, affectionate bites to fingers and arms quickly turn posessive, claiming, marking his way up your neck until he finally gets to your lips.
¤ you're lucky he remembers you need air, and you're pretty sure it's only because he too, also needed air.
¤ when had your clothes gone missing?
¤ To be fair, if this was how he reacts, you'd give as good as you get, if only because you know it's just egging him on further, you'd like to think of this as a battle, but you know you've already lost the second you see that bloodthirsty look in his eyes.
¤ Yep, the moment he bites anywehre close to your sex, you're a goner, but that's alright.
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Itto: Delinquent red Oni
¤ Honestly? he think's your attempts at nibbling on his arm are adorable, you barely leave a dent in his skin, you're so damn tiny that he tries not to giggle becaus it tickles.
¤ Probably takes more enjoyment out of you biting him than he should, his usual response is to laugh and kiss you on the head, that was fine, that was his own way of showing affection.
¤ that is until curiosity gets the better of you and one day, while sitting in his lap you shiffle upwards and gently chew on one of his horns.
¤ How were you meant to know they were erogenous zones? you only find this out after you've done the deed and his enormous hands circle your waist and he growls about showing you what a real love bite is that you think you may have made a mistake.
¤ To his credit, Itto is great at after care, apparently not many have ever managed to get that much of a rise out of him.
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Gorou: Fluffy general of watatsumi.
¤ Gorou is surprisingly open to a lot of different forms of affection, he's even somewhat partial to a nip himself when he's feeling a little more playful, if you point it out though, he gets awful flustered, it's a dog thing!!
¤ His reactions to your own love bites are, for lack of a better word, adorable, the way his eyes scrunched with happiness, ears standing at full attention, tail wagging happily, it was amazing.
¤ It's as you're toying with his hair one day and you do it, you gently nibble on his ear. Much to his horror, he had a particularly lovely reaction to having his ears pet, so the reaction he gives when you gently nibble along one? Oh you'd pay good mora to see that again for the first time.
¤ He makes a light, squeaky noise at first, body going rigid, tail sticking straight up, and then the gaspy moan? mmh, you could go to celestia happy after hearing it. Face flushed a lovely shade of pink as he stammers and attempts to keep his cool, but it's too late, you'd seen it, you'd most definitely heard it; and you were going to do it again.
¤ He falls to putty in your hands, one ear being nibbled, the other being gently rubbed with one hand while the other scritches right at the base of his tail has him begging, pleading for you.
¤ You try not to employ the ear bite too often after that, but you keep it there as a trump card, for when he's working a little too hard, not taking enough of a break. Loyal general he may be, but he doesn't usually heed the advice he gives to the soldiers about proper rest.
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creepycassidy · 2 years
Hi yes! i meant how alternate albert would react to reader feeling jealous and insecure in their relationship.
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Yes!! Of course!! I hope you don’t mind that I set the scene a little bit (this turned out longer than expected)
also lmao at my use of a gif but there’s not enough content for what I would consider “Alt Albert” to look like aka without the mask 😭 I swear I’m about to start using Arthur Harrow as a fc for him
Alternate Universe!Albert Shaw x Jealous Reader - HCs
Warnings: None
Read below the cut! ⬇️
Honestly, Al doesn’t do much to make you jealous!! (On purpose, at least)
He doesn’t really have friends or people he’s close to other than you and Max (sorta) and he’s never been one to catch someone’s eye.
Sometimes he can get a bit chatty though, but it’s innocent. He likes to talk a lot and tries to be friendly. He’s a magician and he works in retail. It’s basically his job to be charismatic. He can also be incredibly scatterbrained at times.
So, Al would be absolutely oblivious if someone other than you was flirting with him.
It does happen from time to time though, mostly with a single mom at a child’s birthday party here and there. He’s good with kids, can you really blame them?
They usually saunter up to him, giggling at his jokes and batting their lashes as they give compliments and ask questions about the performance.
“Oop, eyeah, no…I can’t tell! Magician’s secret!Would you like to see another one, though?”
He’s totally blind to their true intentions.
So, if you started acting funny after a particular party, Al would be so confused to say the least.
“Hey…hey, (Y/N). What’s up? I think we did pretty good today! Did you see the kids’ faces when Snowball came out?” He’d ask, giggling as he tapped you on your shoulder on the way home.
Your unusual silence would be deafening for him, and he’d take it as a hint to quiet down for once.
Al would spend the rest of the night worried and unable to focus on anything as he’d rack his brain for what he might have done wrong.
He always jumps to the worst conclusions.
That doesn’t mean he’d exactly leave you alone, though.
Throughout the night, he’d silently perform little acts of service for you like heating up your dinner and wrapping a blanket around your shoulders.
He’d sit on the other end of the couch, glancing at you through misty eyes. He wants to reach out and touch you so badly, but keeping himself at a distance is an act of service, too.
If you were still silent when the two of you went to bed that night, Al wouldn’t be able to handle it anymore.
He’d roll over, brushing the hair from your face. “Are you- um, did I do something bad?”
When you come clean about why you’d been acting so strange, he’d feel like such an idiot for not realizing.
“Jealous…? Please, don’t be upset at me, but I don’t really get it…Why?”
Even as you explained yourself, Al wouldn’t quite be able to wrap his head around the fact that you felt jealous or insecure over him.
You’re so wonderful! And gorgeous! And he sees himself as such a fool. It’s a blessing to be loved by you, in his eyes.
Al would scoot closer as he sat up in bed, looking at you incredulously.
“Sweetie pie, I- I don’t even look at anyone else. I don’t know where you got that idea but y’know if anything I should be the one worried…”
He’d be so sincere in the way he speaks to you, his eyes soft and understanding.
“I’m a big ol’ goof but not that big! Pinkie promise, okay? I never ever, ever break those.” Al would reassure you as you linked pinkies and he rubbed his nose with yours for a bunny kiss.
“I love, love, love you bunches, silly.”
Al would hold onto you extra snug that night with his face pressed into your neck while you spooned, not letting go of your hand as he slept.
In the future, he’d try to be extra aware of things that might bother you.
He was already super clingy with you, e.g., holding your hand everywhere you go. This would prompt him to become a little extra affectionate, though.
Catch him trying to introduce you to everyone new he meets.
He’d tug you over by your hand, proudly proclaiming just how wonderful you are.
“This is (Y/N)! We’re sorta two funny little peas in a pod, huh?”
Al loves you very much, and he wants to know that you know it.
Enjoy this? Like, reblog, or buy me a coffee! ☕️
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katyasrussianaccent · 4 years
i don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips (corpse x reader)
Summary: Corpse suggests you flirt with each other to mess with the fans. What happens when you suddenly catch feelings?
Authors Note: This has been in my brain for so long so I decided to write it. May or may not write a part 2, im not sure. Lemme know what you think! My requests are open for fic/headcannons aswell 💖
It should have been simple.
Flirt, mess with the fans a little, sit back and relax.
It should have been simple.
You remember Corpse coming to you with the idea.
“Why would we do that?” you had asked, frowning at your phone screen. It had been another late night phone conversation with him; something that was starting to become a regular occurrence.
You pictured him shrug as he answered. “Fun?”
“Are you so bored you wanna make a fake relationship with me?”
“Not a relationship. Just do what we do now, but like, more.”
You had agreed before your brain had even registered it. On paper it was straightforward. You already flirted a little anyway, you were naturally a flirtatious person, and so was he. It made sense; or at least you had told yourself that it did. You knew the fans already shipped you together, you saw the things they tweeted as you occasionally lurked the ynhusband tag on Twitter. It was just innocent fun right? No-one was going to get hurt.
For a little while that was true. For a little while he called you baby and you called him darling and it meant nothing. Your face didn’t feel flush when he commented on your latest Instagram post and your heart didn’t do a little flip when he would call you just to see how you were. The phone conversations were your favourite; curled up in bed with the phone on your pillow, trading secrets into the night. He had suddenly become this constant in your life, this almost routine familiarity like brushing your teeth or going to get milk.
You weren’t sure what changed, when it had gone from being innocent fun to meaning something. It was like someone had flicked a switch, and Corpse was no longer a warm glow but this bright, blinding light that hurt your eyes to look at too long. It was almost cruel, the way you wanted something so unobtainable; the universe’s idea of a joke had no humour in it. The thing with Corpse was he was so unaware of the power he had. He was mysterious yes, but he was faceless among a sea of faces; of course people were drawn to him. And you were just another.
You started to pull away. You played different games with different people, you ignored his tweets. It was easier, if you never interacted with him, you could pretend there was nothing but shallow feelings instead of the crashing waves that threatened to pull you under. The fans had started to notice; your streams were filled with questions that you refused to answer.
“Where’s Corpse?” you read aloud as you scrolled down the chat. “Probably in his house? Go ask him.” Your tone was bitter even to you and you inwardly cringed. He hadn’t contacted you in 2 weeks, and while you were thankful, you were hurt by it. It was stupid and hypoctritical of you to be upset by something that was your own doing, and you weren’t sure what you had expected from him. He had other friends, other people to talk to, why would he have cared about you anyway?
Your phone lit up next to you, and you ignored the pang of disappointment at Rae’s picture flashing up.
Rae: Among Us???
You hesitated for a second. The likelihood of Corpse being there was high, but you knew deep down he wouldn’t say a thing to you, not on stream or in front of your friends. You could just ignore him, like you had been doing and it would be fine. You weren’t sure you believed yourself anymore.
“Guys, you want to watch me play Among Us? I’m not sure who’s playing, other than Rae.” You looked at the fast flowing stream of affirmatives and emojis. Guess you had to do it now. You opened up the game and joined the lobby.
“-yeah she looks really fucking cute,” you heard Corpse say as you logged in. You looked down at your outfit,; he definitely wasn’t talking about you in your oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. You had been on stream for a few hours now; your eyeliner was smudged a little and any lipstick had worn off with the constant drinking and licking your lips. No, he definitely wasn’t talking about you.
“Hey guys,” you said tentatively, swallowing down the feeling of jealousy at Corpse’s previous words.
A chorus of greetings hit you, and you smiled at their enthusiasm. You had played with Rae, Sykunno and Toast a few times before, but Felix, Jack and Ash were new to you, though you knew of them.
“Hey Y/N,” Corpse said. You had hoped after 2 weeks he wouldn’t still affect you so much, but the way your stomach turned said otherwise.
“Hey Corpse,” you replied, hoping your tone was casual.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?” he asked.
“Oh. Uh yeah, I’ve been a bit busy I guess, how are you?” You looked down as you answered, picking at your nail polish. You glanced at the chat that was filled with messages.
corpsesbaby: You can always tell when someones lying coz they look down” llamadelrey: why is this so awkward lmao arent they friends??” simpsforrae: This is like is a breakup i swear
“I’ve been okay, thanks” Corpse answered, drawing your eyes off the chat and back to the game. You nodded as you muted your mic to go back to your stream.
“I hope I don’t get imposter, I always suck at that so much.” You watched as the screen counted down and the word IMPOSTER flashed up alongside Corpse’s name. “Guess I jinxed it guys.”
Great. Not only were you imposter, you were imposter with Corpse, which meant you would have to actually speak to him. Maybe you wouldn’t have to.
You both followed Rae as she walked up towards Greenhouse, and you cornered her while she did her task, killing her quickly.
“Everyone seemed to go right, so we should vent back towards cafeteria to avoid suspicion,” Corpse said.
“Okay,” you answered. You vented together, and you muted your mic to laugh. “This is kinda cosy guys.” You said to your chat. You briefly imagined what it would be like in real life to be so close to him.
You moved to Admin where Toast was doing his task. Before you could say a word, Corpse had already killed him and you both vented outside Cafeteria. “Fuck, that was so close,” you muttered, chuckling a little.
“Don’t worry, I got your back,” he replied, making your heart sing a little.
“Oh my hero,” you said, making a point of swooning to your chat, your voice high and airy. “How will I ever repay you?”
He chuckled, “You shouldn’t ask questions like that.”
You flushed at the suggestive tone he had taken, and you hoped it wasn’t noticeable but judging by the comments in your chat, it clearly had been. This was another issue you had with Corpse; he always made these type of comments with you and it was really annoying. You knew there was no chance he was being serious, and sometimes you wished he would stop it purely because it got your hopes up.
delilah: shes BLUSHING dreamofme: uWu yn uWu
You opened your mouth to respond when Dead Body Reported flashed up, bringing your thoughts back to the game.
“Toast and Rae are dead,” Sykuuno said. “I found Rae in Greenhouse and Toast in admin.”
“I was in balcony, I went there from the cafeteria,” you said confidently. You hated being Imposter, especially being teamed with Corpse, who was so good at the game, you had a lot of pressure to do well.
“I was in MedBay, I didn’t see you YN,” Ash accused.
“You only see if they enter through the left door. She entered through the other door,” Corpse answered for you.
“And how do you know that?” Felix asked.
“I was in Cafeteria,” Corpse replied.
“You could’ve vented YN,” Jack said.
“No I couldn’t have, if Ash was in MedBay, she would have seen me. Unless she wasn’t in MedBay,” you suggested, smirking to your cam as you muted. “It’s not going too bad I don’t think? Always feel like I’ve been arrested when I’m Imposter.”
“Little sus of you Ash to say you were in MedBay when you weren’t,” Corpse said. You gaped a little at how easy it was for him to manipulate the situation, it was almost scary.
Ash argued as the other players began to agree and discuss among themselves. You smiled in success at the text on the screen.
Ash has been ejected.
You split up this time, and while you hadn’t really spoken during the game, you kind of missed Corpse’s astronaut next to yours, and you said that to your chat. “Haha, our colours did look cute together, I agree.”
Any previous trepidation you had had disappeared as soon as you had heard his voice; and you realised how much you had missed him. You would simply just need to deal with your feelings; they would go away eventually anyway. You just hoped it wasn’t too late for you to start again with him.
You walked to MedBay with Skyunno, making small talk as you did.
“I’m glad to see you playing with us, it’s been a little while,” he said and you felt bad that you would have to kill him. As you turned towards him, ready to kill as he did his task, Jack walked in. You mouthed oops at the cam.
“What’s going on here?” Jack asked, suspicion in his voice.
“I was just saying how nice it was to have YN here,” Sykunno replied. You stood and faked your task, watching the green bar fill as you did. It would be too risky to kill here.
“Ah yeah, Corpse has been asking after you constantly,” Jack said. You blinked at the response, it had caught you off guard.
“Oh?” you replied simply. You mentally shrugged it off. Of course he would have asked about you, you were friends, that was all.
“Felix was dead in Reactor,” Corpse announced. “Oh Corpse, you’re taking a risk here” you said to your chat.
“I was in MedBay with Jack and Sykunno,” you replied, smiling as they agreed. “Where were you Ash?”
She sighed sadly. “I was in Labs, but I was doing a task, I swear!” You all agreed quickly that Ash would be the next voted out.
“2 to go,” you said triumphantly. “I thought I was gonna drag Corpse down, but it’s going okay!”
The round started again and you could feel yourself getting tired. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too much longer to finish the game.
You circled round Corpse a few times, hoping that he would understand your signal. Luckily he did, and you both vented to Decontamination where Skyunno and Jack were. The room had already started to emit steam, making it extremely easy for you both to vent unnoticed and kill them both.
You grinned at the Victory message that flashed up.
“Good game guys!” you said. The others congratulated you and Corpse on your win and you smiled at the sound of your names together. You had it bad.
“It was all YN,” Corpse said.
“Pfft you ssh being humble, it was all you,” you replied, taking your hair out of your ponytail and running your hand through it.
“Your hair looks nice,” Corpse commented and your eyes widened. Your heart started to beat a little quicker. How long had he been watching your stream?
“It’s bad to watch someone’s stream without telling them,” you replied, making a show of pouting for the camera.
He laughed a little. “What can I say, I’m a bad guy,” he said, singing the last words. You laughed at the sudden Billie Eilish.
“Guys, either play another game, or get a room,” Felix interrupted. You blushed a little and rolled your eyes, the chat going crazy from the corner of your eye.
“And that’s my cue to exit,” you said, yawning. “Bye guys, have a good night!” You wished everyone and your chat goodnight before closing the stream and leaning back in your chat. You couldn’t believe Corpse had been watching you. You hadn’t said anything too incriminating, but still.
You prepared for bed, settling back into the softness of your pillows as you grabbed your phone - a terrible habit you really needed to stop.
Corpse: Can I call you?
You gulped at the message that appeared on your screen, a gnawing feeling of nervous clung to your throat as you typed yes. His name came up almost instantaneously and your hand shook as you pressed to accept the call.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“Hey, what’s up?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even while your heart beat erratically in your chest.
“It was nice playing with you again,” he commented.
You sat up a little as you held the phone against your ear. “Did you call me to tell me that?”
“I haven’t spoken to you in a while.”
You sighed a little. “Yeah, I’ve been a bit busy, sorry - “
“You’re lying to me and I don’t know why,” he replied. You had never heard his voice like that before; so angry and hurt. You tapped your foot against your mattress as you thought what to say.
“I -”
“Did I do something?” he asked. You had been so selfish; blocking him out to avoid being hurt, but you hadn’t thought about his feelings. He was more popular than you were, you had assumed he would be fine, that he wouldn’t care if you were around or not.
“No, you didn’t do anything, I swear -”
“Then what? Because I thought we were friends, close friends and then suddenly you pretty much disappear. But you’re still streaming with other people. It’s pretty shitty of you.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek and looked up, the sting of tears threatening to fall. “It was really shitty of me, I’m sorry.”
“What happened?” he asked. “Please just tell me.”
“I don’t know what I’m meant to say,” you replied softly.
“What do you want to say?”
You blinked, the anticipation of unspoken words caught in your throat, making it hard to swallow. The taste of them was bitter on your tongue. “I...I have feelings for you.”
There. You had said it. There was no taking it back now, and you felt like your heart was about to shatter with every single second of silence that passed. You could hear him swallow on the other end of the phone. “Are you saying you’re in love with me?”
You bit your lip, taking in the meaning of the question he had asked. It wasn’t something you had thought of, you hadn’t conceptualised your feelings for him, not put them in a box labelled love or anything. “I don’t know. I feel something for you. And it kinda sucks being your friend and having those feelings. So I pulled away.”
“Why does it suck?”
You laughed bitterly. “Why wouldn’t it? Feeling something for someone that doesn’t feel the same is fucking shitty.”
“I asked you to flirt with me YN -”
“Yeah, for fun,” you interrupted.
“No, I said for fun, but really I just wanted you to,” he replied. “I feel something for you too. How could I not? Has anything I’ve ever said to you sounded like it was just for fun?” You smiled at his response, your heart no longer on the fit of breaking, but suddenly doing flips and soaring through your chest, radiating warmth through your body.
“Oh,” you said, your brain was overloaded with thoughts, and was apparently no longer capable of coherent sentences.
“Oh? That’s a great response, thanks,” he teased, but you could tell he was smiling as he spoke.
“I wasn’t expecting you to say that, I don’t really know what to say honestly,” you replied.
“Well, baby, how about you say yes to a date?” he asked.
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lunarblazes · 3 years
i. i forgot to answer this until i was ALMOST ASLEEP but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER I GUESS??
this is probably going to get long SO. here is a lovely read more!
so uh! for those of you who don’t know, at the end of evolution smp (at least for grian, a lot of the members continued without him), grian was chosen to become part of a group known as the watchers. his text at the end, where he becomes a watcher, is in bright, vivid red, probably because that’s his signature color.
surprisingly, despite the name, the watchers themselves don’t really appear much in this… interpretation? headcanon? au? concept? what does matter is that they are universal beings of peace and balance, and they need their balances. they’re pretty omnipresent, yet distant. the consequences of their choices are really the biggest thing to deal with here. the root of the red watcher concept is basically just tying grian’s end text color to the idea of red lives, something something a watcher of violence, something something balance keeper, something something oops now i have an entire concept and brainrot on my hands!
now i’m gonna copy-paste the explanation i wrote out on discord and sprinkle in some elaboration as needed! here we go, mario:
“the red watcher is a title, passed down between mortals and given by the watchers. each red watcher is given the full scale of watcher abilities, appearance, and an extended lifespan. in exchange, the red watchers must maintain balance for the watchers, essentially acting as a hand for the watchers to control. a pawn, of sorts.
naturally, the watchers select grian to be the next crimson-seeing at the end of third life, hence why i drew that one piece of him and scar kneeling in the lake, where he’s almost blinking back the yellow eyes that are following him. the gifts continually fuck with him throughout the course of that series (some of you might know that he was completely human before the series started), changing his appearance and basically everything about him. this interference from the watchers, grian’s rejection of said gifts, appearance, and interference, and the mutilation of the world work together to create the perfect storm of last life. the curse is spreading among the players because grian refuses to accept anything he’s been given, so restlessly, the mantle skips among the participants, never quite settling completely because the one who’s meant to take the role just *will not.*
but i mean. he’s the first victim of his own curse. the red watcher is also called the angel of violence.”
and here is a description of what exactly his defiance does to him (plus a general description of his design and its progression, including how he lost an ear!):
“okay so what changes first are the wings, obviously, uhh those grow in pretty soon after he first joins the world. the most fucked up things about 3L!grian are is slight talons, his wings, and his right ear. his right ear was blasted off in the battle of the red desert, and the wing-like replacement that grew back isn’t an ear so much as a reminder about how fucked up things are getting lmao. so this man is very hoh; him and scar invent a sort of shorthand signing system for battles where grian can’t hear him, but since he can still sort of hear with his other ear usually they talk to each other in casual situations. the talons are a formation that happens on his red life (one change per life hahaaa, wings on green, ear just before yellow, and talons on red). they’re not bird talons cos he’s a dragonfly, they’re harder and more spike-like, with better articulation than dragonfly spikes, but they’re still sort of coated in an exoskeleton because that’s sick as hell. in last life, he wakes up the same, but once they’re assigned their lives shit starts going south again, probably because he’s immediately yellow and because the watchers are impatient after being evaded for so long. his talons get longer and more armored, and as you can see his feet are now funky lil bug spikes because i think that looks neat! sorta took an inspiration from hollow knight for this design, though that’s more based on beetles. his eyes are prismatic like a dragonfly’s and it gives him a massive headache sometimes. i didn’t draw this part but! scar tore out a chunk of his wings during the finale of third life, so they shouldn’t be that complete. those wounds stayed, though eventually they might heal over, maybe. maybe.”
concepts from this also bleed into my hcs for other members! for instance, the inhuman progression isn’t necessarily limited to grian, though it works a bit differently for him. nearly everyone on the server experiences the same progression at different rates as a side effect of being on a server run by such a physically volatile being. grian’s will be near constant changes, but for the rest of the crew, it’s usually limited to life loss and change occurring then. some players— notably scott and martyn— are not human to begin with but have their inhuman features deepened over time (martyn is a moon spirit with dragon features and scott is a wind spirit with nymph-like tendencies). i have a progression planned for nearly every member because i’m a huge dork, so. if anyone’s curious! this post is the most in-depth one, though, because i am a fucking fool. this universe isn’t really connected to hc/empires or other servers, it’s self-contained! not sure if evo is even canon yet, though it probably is.
so yes! if you see me mention the red watcher concept, that’s what it is. it’s been a few times; i should make a tag for it, honestly. i get massive brainrot over this shit and i KNOW it’s overdone but MAN.
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yeojaa · 4 years
gaming under the influence.
[ read angels & airwaves ]
pairing.  jjk x f!reader.  rating.  explicit.  tags.  just some sweet cockwarming lmao.  wc. 0.5k.  beta reader.  nada so...  excuse the mistakes.  author note.  this is for @lcksndkys​ even though that request is now #hella old.  oops. 
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“Are you winning?” 
You’re not sure how you ask - how the words make any sense tripping off the tip of your tongue that feels heavy and useless within your mouth.  You’re strung impossibly tight, warmth branching from the pit of your stomach and extending into every limb.  
“I am.”  It’s almost as stilted as your own voice, a little breathless and a lot whiny.  You want to tease him for it, how his voice pitches too many octaves and makes him sound like a brat.  Not nearly the cool and collected Jungkook he normally is.
This had been his idea, after all.
“Getting all the headshots?”  A question punctuated by a roll of your hips, a minute adjustment of your burning thighs that allows you to sink further down upon him, hard cock snug within your fluttering walls.
He tries to answer - you feel his chest rise and fall, the movement of his lips dislodging strands of hair from the loose braid down your back.  It’s a spectacular fail when it finally comes, more a broken breath than anything articulate.
“What was that?”  Your head turns just enough, mouth level with the delicate shell of his ear.  His hair’s back - pulled into a sprout of a bun held together with your hair elastic - and he flinches at the touch, terribly light and somehow like a thousand volts of electricity right to his groin.
He bucks into you then, stutters another sound that muffles against your shoulder.  (It’s not anywhere near enough, just the barest hint of stimulation, and yet you’re keening, grinding against him.)
“Angel, stop moving.”  It’s meant to be a seething reprimand but you can read everything he doesn’t say - all the words caught behind his teeth and swallowed down.  Can read it in the tension that threads through muscle and sparkles in his stare, bouncing from your face to the television screen.  
He’s struggling just as much as you are, five seconds from saying fuck this and pounding you senseless into your couch.  It’s almost comical how hazy his stare is, how the dark of his pupils have all but engulfed the usual warm chocolate hue.  It’s so different from how he normally is, insistent on treating you like a princess, littering you with love and praise.
But for once, there’s no rush.  No obligations that hang above his head, threaten to drag him from your arms with just one call.  For once, there's only the two of you, held in your little piece of carved out paradise. 
As hard as it is, you want to take your time and do this right - enjoy this closeness, this quiet. 
“Just be good for a little while longer,”  he begs so sweetly, one hand releasing from the death grip on your PS4 controller to grip your waist, squeeze your hip affectionately.
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pemfrost · 3 years
For the bingo what about spideydevil hogwarts AU . Good luck on your bingo!!
Thank you if you do it.
Thanks for the prompt :D
So, this is like 3 times longer than I wanted to make these bingo fics lmao. Oops 🤷‍♀️. It still could use some polishing, but I'm terrified that Peter will find another plot thread if I poke at it anymore.
Bingo fic 1/?
As much as he devoted himself to studying, Peter could not bring himself to care about Divination. The whole class reminded him of cringe inducing hacks he'd seen on t.v. growing up. Except, no one was jumping out with hidden footage to debunk it. Everything appeared hollow: randomness assigned meaning. And, while Peter didn't often procrastinate, he found it harder and harder to work on his Divination homework the more weeks that passed. 
There was one silver lining, though. Another student, one he'd held a torch for from afar, was in the class with him. That too, turned out to be hollow and meaningless until today. Despite having a class together, Peter still had no real reason to approach Matt. However, he stumbled into the opportunity in his usual Parker way: completely on accident. 
His procrastination on his Divination assignments reached a plateau, and, despite his ability to work quickly under pressure, Peter was late to class. When he'd finally made it -ten minutes late and scribbling the last lines on his essay- he'd thought the repercussion would be a lecture. Or detention. The usual stuff Hogwarts professors liked to through his way.
Instead, the professor welcomed him to class in her airy way and quietly assigned him a partner for the project she was currently guiding the class through. "Ah, Mr. Murdock, please join Peter for the remainder of class." 
By stoke of luck, Matthew Murdock had been an unlucky third wheel in another group, and made no fuss about changing seats. His usual partner was in the infirmary; the exact cause was the subject of many rumors. Peter was rather fond of the theory that Foggy was involved in a fight with the group of slytherins who often tired to bully Matt, but anyone involved was keeping their lips zipped tight. 
It wasn't a glamorous impression, but Peter was thankful for the opportunity. 
"Do you know what you're doing?" Matt crossed his ankle over his knee and leaned back in the cozy chair across from Peter. He nodded to the steaming cup of tea in front of him, raising an eyebrow. 
Peter nodded, then mentally kicked himself and verbally answered, "Yeah. I read over the basics last night." 
It was a basic tea leaf reading, and the set up was quite straightforward. The professor was kind enough to provide hot water and a selection of tea leaves at each table. Though, she did note they would have a better reading with their own supplies. 
"Good. I started my tea already, so you can read mine while yours-"
"Mr. Murdock." The professor tapped the cup in front of him with her wand. "You must start over. The leaves are easier for your partner to interpret when they are brewed just for them." With a flick of her wand, his cup was replaced with an empty one and she glided off towards another set of students. 
Matt sighed and reached for the tea selection, deftly selected Earl Grey and pinched a healthy amount of leaves into his cup. Peter followed suit, choosing one at random without reading the labels.
"Don't you care for tea?" Matt's gaze was slightly to the left of where Peter sat, his face not giving away his thoughts. 
"I do, I'm just not picky." His pulse quickened. This was the most they'd spoken in years. He watched Matt's hands as he poured the hot water into their cups, tracing the calluses earned from long hours in the greenhouse. 
"Now we wait." Matt sat the pot back to the side of the table and leaned back in his chair. 
The tea would need to steep for at least three minutes. There were many things to do during that time to ensure a good reading, or so the professor said. Holding the cup and thinking about what you wanted the leaves to tell you seemed like a good option, but Peter really didn't believe in fortune telling enough to meditate over his tea. Another method was to talk to the person who was going to do your reading. And the third, and one Matt seemed keen on, was to silently wait and let what happens happen. 
In Peter's opinion, silence was something to be broken
"Uh," Peter shifted nervously as watched the steam rise from his cup, "how is Foggy? That was a hell of a match last night, shame he missed it."
"He's fine." Matt's voice was flat. "He should be discharged in time for dinner."
"That's… good to hear." Peter eyed him nervously. Matt was a year ahead of him and in a different house, meaning they had very few direct interactions. Yet, Peter knew a good amount about him. Or, rather, he knew what the Daily Prophet said and what he'd observed with his own eyes didn't always match and had drawn his own conclusions. 
Coming from a muggle family meant Peter had very little frame of reference for most things, and he could only try to compare having an Auror as a father to having one who was a cop. Matt was a third year when his father was targeted by a group of dark wizards and Matt was caught in the crossfire. 
Peter, always in search of knowledge, desperately wanted to know which curse caused Matt to lose his vision, and which spells gave him a sense of the world around him. As far as he could tell there was no braille equivalent in the Wizarding World. He didn't ask, of course. He had more sense than that, even in the pursuit of knowledge. He wanted to know Matt first, because he seemed like a cool -and handsome- guy.
Even if he was callous enough to just ask, it wasn't like he had many opportunities to do so. This was actually their first class together in Peter's six years at Hogwarts- and would be the only one since Matt would be graduating in a few months. 
Despite having no real social interactions, Peter was well aware of Matt, and would have been even if his story wasn't in the papers for months. The very first time Peter stepped foot into Hogwarts, he was so enthralled with the majesty and magic of the castle -- until he spotted Matt. It was silly, and, even though Peter couldn't name the sensation back then, that moment stuck with him. 
Peter had read everything he could prior to entering Hogwarts, dreading being behind his peers who grew up in the Wizarding World. His heart was set on Ravenclaw, drawn in by the lure of knowledge and like-minded students. That was until he locked eyes with Matt from across the hall and, for a brief moment, yearned to be adorned in red and gold. Reason won, and he was proud to be sorted into Ravenclaw. But, part of him always wondered. 
"Thank you." Matt's voice jolted him from his reminiscing. 
Peter wasn't sure what he'd done to deserve thanks, so he deflected with a joke. "Hey, I'd be thankful too if someone rescued me from the 'Dream Couple'. More like 'Most Annoying Couple'." He tapped his index finger on the table towards students Matt was originally teamed with, rolling his eyes at how closely they sat together.
A small chuckle escaped Matt and Peter's chest puffed with pride. Matt was such a serious person, he hardly ever smiled or laughed, and then it was almost exclusively with Foggy. 
"For that, too, I suppose. I meant to thank you for being the only person in this class… probably the school… who hasn't ask me… about… it."
Oh. Peter looked away, embarrassed by how many questions he truly wanted to ask while simultaneously reeling from the fact Matt apparently paid enough attention to notice. "It's not my business. Besides, there's way more things I'd like to pick your brain about."
Matt raised an eyebrow, "Like?"
Peter opened his mouth to list off a litany of botany questions, but was cut off before he managed a single syllable. The professor stared down at them, "It's been long enough, time to drink your tea, be sure to do your rotations. Read the leaves immediately, take notes on your findings before looking up their meanings. Then, give your reading to your partner. Ideally, you will know each common symbol by heart by the end of the term, but for now use your books."
They dropped the conversation, following her instructions and downing their tea. Peter was pleased with his random choice, noting hints of citrus. 
"Here," he pushed his empty cup towards Matt. As he took Matt's cup, he wondered how Matt would read his leaves, but didn't ask. 
Peter peered into Matt’s cup, trying to find patterns in the chaos of leaves. Eventually, his eyes focused on the task and he could make out what he thought were symbols. He wrote down his list and set the cup and notebook on the table. 
Across from him, Matt was focused on Peter's cup. He ran his wand over it, then his hand, then with a flick of his wand his quill automatically made a note. 
"You'll have to teach me that sometime," Peter said before he could stop himself. 
Matt paused, lips pursed.
Peter continued, "If I could direct my quill to write, it would save a lot of time when I'm trying new potion ingredient substitutes. The constant starting and stopping to note every step and change I make is such a juggle."
"That's pretty dangerous," Matt said with an amused lilt to his voice. "Though, I suppose teaching you that would make it slightly more safe."
"Yea, it would be negligent for you not to," Peter's heart raced as he teased the handsome student across from him. 
"We should probably do the readings." Matt shifted, "But we'll figure out a time that we're both free, yeah?"
Peter nodded, "Yeah."
"I'll start, if that's okay."
"Uh, yeah. Did you need to look up your symbols? 'Cuz I have no idea what some of these mean."
Matt heaved a large reference book into his lap, "I'm doing it on the fly. Let's see…" He waved his wand over the pages and ran his index finger over the text. 
Peter didn't put much stock into fortune telling, but he was curious what Matt would read in the leaves. 
"So, your leaves are interesting. There is a small ring or letter 'O' at the top, so either a love interest is close or you have something important with someone with an 'O' name." He continued on without waiting for Peter's reaction or input, "There is a spider that spans both the present and future, which could mean you have a choice to make soon which will have a huge impact on your life. But, there is a smaller thing that could be a spider, too? So maybe you have a lot of choices to make?"
Peter shrugged. The close love interest piqued his interest, though he was more curious what Matt would say about it. Maybe he would be given a beacon of hope, a sign that Matt noticed him too. 
"Ah, and this at the bottom! It's a very clear anchor, meaning a stable future." Matt tilted his head towards Peter, "You do not seem impressed with your reading."
"Nothing personal, I just don't think these things are more than carnival tricks and fun games."
"Fair enough," Matt chuckled and set his notes to the side, folded his arms on the table and leaned in. "Now mine."
Right, Peter had to figure out Matt's. He pulled out his own book and looked over the page of symbols. "Well, let's start with what I know without reading paragraphs of contradictory symbology. So, there is a ring -or 'O'- at the bottom and it's pretty big. Future relationship? Or someone with an 'O' name? And there is a smaller one of the same in the present."
He paused to look at his notes. "Uh… I think this is a ladder? Which means travel in your future. And a Knife in the future meaning a fight. Umm, I wrote down a snake, but it could be a worm? Which… is a bad omen or a secret enemy."
Peter glanced up at Matt, and was about to apologize for accidentally reading a bad future for him when the Professor approached their table. 
"Ah, let's take a look, then, shall we?" She gently plucked Peter's tea cup up from in front of Matt and swept her eyes over the leaves. "Oh, my. You have a small romantic notion towards someone that has lasted a while but hasn't grown into anything more. You have several challenges which will appear in the near future and your decision to take them on or ignore them will drastically shape your life. Those choices are why a lot of your future is fuzzy, but if you remain true to yourself there is great prosperity and even greater love waiting for you."
She looked over Matt's notes and pointed out the symbols he missed. Peter sighed, he was ready for the class to end. At least he had his study not-date with Matt to look forward to. 
"Let's have a look at the other one," She said as she lifted Matt's cup from where Peter set it. "You have a recent romantic notion, it is small and very new, but you will have a journey before it can grow. There are a lot of small victories in your future, but they can be overshadowed by betrayal. I see a powerful romance in the future, but it could be lost if you're not careful."
Matt seemed to hang on every word, but quickly folded his arms when the Professor finished her own reading. Was he taking it seriously? Peter made a note to ask later. There were some interesting parallels between their readings, giving Peter a sliver of hope of his feelings being returned despite the absurdity of fortune telling. 
"Overall, not bad for your first times. Keep studying, there will be a practical component to the final." With that, she drifted towards another group, leaving Peter and Matt to clean up. 
"You're a muggleborn, aren't you?" Matt wasn't looking at him, but Peter could feel the weight of his attention pinning him to his chair. "Foggy is too," Matt added quickly, "and has the same opinions on this," he waved his hand generally. 
"Ah, yea. It's a bit… "
"I get it. Don't worry, no judgment here. Still, the reading was a bit uncanny."
Peter huffed. "It's easy to assign meaning to a vague set of events."
"Is that so?" Matt tilted his head. 
"We're teens, so it's not uncommon to have a crush. And everyone has a journey at some point, or choices to make. That's life. And it's not unusual to get married later in your life."
"True." He calmly began to clean the table. A swish of his wand and his cup was clean. "So, you do not deny liking someone."
Well, that was unexpected. Peter sputtered, searching for a string of words to put together as his pulse raced. "I- well- that's- I-"
Matt had the audacity to laugh at him, and the sound alone was almost enough to make Peter's embarrassment worth it. Almost. "Why so embarrassed, I thought it wasn't uncommon?"
Peter busied himself with clearing his side of the table. "So, you're not denying it yourself?" He leaned into the hope the conversation sparked, imagining his feelings being returned. Tea leaves be damned, Peter made his own fate, and if he was given the chance there was no amount of future-telling that could ruin what he felt for Matt.
Their conversation dropped when the professor requested everyone's attention for a short lecture before the end of class. It was important information they would need for their test, but Peter's attention drifted to Matt. By the upward tilt of Matt’s lips, he was well aware of Peter's distraction. 
There was a flurry of activity after class, and Peter didn't have any chance to speak with him further. However, Matt was true to his word and sought Peter out over the weekend. The weather was fair, creating the perfect opportunity to study together outside and away from the prying eyes of their classmates. They found a shaded area and set up their makeshift study session under the shade of a tree.
"I think I got it." Peter waved his wand over a fresh piece of parchment, whispering the spell Matt taught him. The tree bark dug into his back, and Matt’s cologne was distracting, but he could feel the tingle of the spell working. His quill sprung to work, jotting down a few lines of potion ingredients before sputtering out and falling to the page. As it rolled to the side, he sighed and leaned his head against the tree. 
"It takes practice to keep it writing longer, but you've done more than I expected for your first lesson. You really are every bit the genius they say."
"People talk about me?" Peter was top of his class, but he didn't think his grades warranted discussion with the 7th years. 
Matt shrugged and knocked his shoulder into Peter's. "I may have asked around."
Peter's heart somersaulted. "Oh? What, uh, else did 'they' say?"
"That you're a smart ass."
Peter nodded and leaned towards Matt, "Go on."
"Peter…" Matt's breath ghosted over his cheek sending a thrill up his spine. 
"Matt…" Peter continued forward, gently pressing his lips against Matt's. For a brief moment, Matt pressed back; then suddenly there was a large distance between them. 
Peter's lips felt cold. 
"Sorry. I-"
"Don't be, I-I kissed you." Peter fumbled to put his quill and notebook into his bag. "I thought-"
"Peter." Matt's voice was soft, unsure. "It wouldn't be fair to you."
Peter stared down at his notes, trying to make sense of what Matt was saying. 
"I graduate in a few months." He held up a hand when Peter started to protest, "and I've just been accepted into a school in Germany. I leave right after graduation to get a head start with their summer law program."
"We would have an expiration date, Peter." Matt's eyes were closed. There was a rigidness to his posture which made Peter suspect there was more he wasn't saying. 
"Ok. Then just friends."
Matt inhaled sharply, like he hadn't expected Peter's reaction. "Friends. Yea, I'd like that."
With that, they settled into a rhythm for the rest of the school year. Studying together when time allowed, ignoring the tension between them whenever they accidentally touched. Whenever the tightness in his chest returned, Peter reminded himself of their tea readings and imagined a future where they shared a happy ending.
Woo, thanks for reading!
There is a part two I'm working on where they reunite as professors several years later. I actually started that first then switched gears when Peter made a reference to their past. Hopefully I'll finish it soon so it's not so much of a cliffhanger lol. 
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satendou · 4 years
ʜɪᴛ sʜᴜғғʟᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ
→ do not disturb ;; halestorm
⥓ iwaizumi/reader/oikawa
»»————-  ————-««
⥋ hit shuffle masterlist
»»————-  ————-««
⥓ word count: 1.8k
⥓ warnings: dubcon ;; alcohol consumption, smut, stranger sex, spitroasting, creampie, unprotected sex
⥓ a/n: i didn’t want to make this longer than the others but i failed anyway. i had more ideas for this but it was already too long so oops lmao
i’m on the very top floor, room 1334 // there’s a king size bed but we can do it on the floor // turn your cell phone off, leave a sign at the door that says // do not disturb // and if i were you, i’d bring your girlfriend too // two is better than one, three is better than two // leave a sign on the door, the whole night through that says // do not disturb // do not disturb //
you glanced up at iwaizumi curiously as he wrapped on the door. you’ve never seen his hands shake before and wonder why he even agreed to this if he was so nervous.
on second thought, why did you even agree to this when you had never seen this person before? it was iwa who met them in the bar, suggested you go up to their room, and you had no idea what was in store for you. this was dubious at best, dangerous at worst, and iwa had to be more drunk than you thought to agree to it in the first place. not that you were much better since you had agreed as well.
the door opened and your heart caught in your throat, nerves flaring up and making the already wobbly hallway start to spin.
oikawa tooru, the international volleyball superstar, stood in the doorway, sans shirt and smirking as he eyed you up and down.
“well, i didn’t know your girlfriend was so pretty too, iwa-chan,” he purred, and you could hear the slur to his words indicating he was from sober. “but i’m glad you decided to come.”
he stepped back, allowing iwaizumi to draw you further into the room and you looked around at the royal suite. oikawa’s hand rested on your back, guiding you through the living room area towards a door on the right, which turned out to be the bedroom. the curtains were open on the city night sky and two bottles of champagne sat in a bucket of ice beside three glasses on a table in front of it.
“are you sure you’re alright with this?” oikawa asked as he walked over to the table and picked up a bottle. the cork popped and the alcohol fizzed as he poured each flute full and, against your better judgement, you took it when he handed it to you.
iwa’s arm around your waist tightened for a moment and when you looked up, you registered the silent question in his hazy eyes. 
maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the way oikawa’s muscles rippled beneath his skin with every simple movement he made, or maybe it was the dark and promising lust in his chocolate brown eyes that made you nod, but either way you found yourself suddenly pinned between the two men.
you were already warm from the alcohol, but the heat radiating off the two of them made you feel faint, and oikawa snickered.
“you look warm, princess,” he cooed, and his fingers were rough and calloused as they grazed under your shirt, pushing it up. “let’s get this off, hm?”
you gulped harshly and blurted out, “my name is _____.”
iwa chuckled behind you, teeth nipping the lobe of your ear while oikawa said, “that’s pretty, but i don’t think we need it tonight, princess.”
your shirt was pulled up over your head and another pair of hands swiftly unzipped your skirt, letting it and your panties fall to the floor uselessly, already forgotten as fingers skimmed up between your thighs.
you weren’t even sure whose hands were whose now, your head unable to process anything but the brief touch against your lower lips. it was too hard to hold your head up, and you let it fall back to rest against iwaizumi’s shoulder. he was fiddling with the buttons of his shirt against your back, and you barely registered that that meant it was oikawa who was touching you so intimately, his fingers circling your clit while his mouth latched onto your neck.
“oh, what’s this?” he murmured against your skin, gathering up the rush of wetness against his fingers. “am i making you feel good? you’re so wet all of a sudden.”
you whined, squirming against iwaizumi’s chest as oikawa prodded at your dripping hole, slipping one long, thick finger inside. he smirked at the noise, curling it inside you and you jumped when a second finger slid in beside his, moving against oikawa’s.
“h-haji,” you gasped, hips jerking in his hold. the alcohol was both helping and hindering you, sending you careening towards your orgasm every time oikawa’s thumb swiped your clit but it was impossible to think beyond it. the fingers inside you moved out of rhythm against your spongy walls, one focusing on one particular spot inside you and you came with a loud cry, tangling your fingers in oikawa’s hair.
“she’s even prettier when she comes,” oikawa commented, withdrawing his finger from you and slipping it into his mouth. “and her taste. hajime, you’re so lucky.”
iwa chuckled behind you, placing kisses all over your shoulder and neck before turning your head to claim your lips. “i know it, tooru. why don’t you get on your knees and thank him for making you come, princess?”
“o-okay,” you whisper, letting him push you down to the thick carpet. 
oikawa smirked, looking down at your wide, glossy eyes as you waited patiently, lips already parted. “oh, you’ve got her well trained,” he commented, pushing his sweats down his muscular legs. 
he wasn’t as big as iwa, but he was just as rough, gripping your hair in a fist and guiding your mouth to the tip of his cock. strings of precum were already trailing down his shaft and he groaned when you took him halfway before stopping, gagging lightly around him.
“you can do better than that, princess,” iwa said, the encouragement laced with warning, and tears pricked your eyes as you took him further still, relaxing your throat as much as you could. oikawa’s cum was bitter and unfamiliar on your tongue, almost unpleasant, but the way iwa was watching you and stroking his cock made you forget about it. “you know your safe word if you want to stop.”
all you could do was blink in response, hands wrapping around oikawa’s thick thighs as he fucked your mouth as he pleased. the room was filled with your gagging and choking, drool spilling down over your chin. your vision was blurry with tears, turning them into fuzzy outlines as iwa guided oikawa into a kiss. you recognized the sound of iwa’s moans mixing with oikawa’s and whined, earning a sharp jerk of his hips which forced your nose into the neatly trimmed curls at the base of his cock.
“fuck, that’s good,” he grunted, pulling away from iwaizumi to look down at you. the sight earned a groan from your partner, who was looking down at you with a dark gleam in his eyes. “why don’t you take her from behind? i wanna feel her moan around me while i come down her throat.”
to your surprise, oikawa pulled from your mouth, coaxing you to follow him towards a chair by the window. as soon as he was seated, he filled your mouth again while iwa settled between your knees. pulling on your hips, he positioned you until he could slip his cock inside you, filling you with one quick thrust and you cried out his name. it was muffled and unrecognizable with the cock filling your mouth, but he understood all the same while oikawa moaned.
grinning up at oikawa, he said, “i forgot to warn you-- she’s a screamer.” 
the smirk oikawa tried to offer was wiped away, his head tipping back to rest on the chair as iwaizumi set a brutal pace, his hips slapping against yours and drawing a litany of muffled moans from you. your scalp was on fire from oikawa’s grip, but you didn’t even think* about asking him to stop, too focused on the mounting pleasure between your legs. the sweet sting of two cocks stretching you out and oikawa’s girth cutting off your oxygen caused you to go cross-eyed, struggling to keep your eyes open until iwa’s hand wrapped around your throat, applying the lightest pressure.
he groaned and called oikawa’s name. the dishevelled male gave him a bleary look, following iwa’s arm down to your throat. “i can feel you fucking her throat.”
his hand was quickly replaced with oikawa’s and he choked upon feeling his cock move against his palm. 
“fuck, fuck,” he snarled, pushing your face down against his pelvis as he came, forcing you to swallow and gag around every drop of his cum. 
your vision swam, already fucked up due to the alcohol, and the light pressure he applied around throat narrowed your focus down to the slide and stretch of iwa’s cock inside you, grazing your tender g-spot as his balls slapped against your clit and you cried out around oikawa’s softening cock as you came.
iwa cursed behind you, continuing to slam into you even though you were trembling in his hands, squirming to get away. “ah, ah, princess. i haven’t come yet, so sit still and take it.”
your nails bit into oikawa’s skin, his grip keeping you from pulling away from his cock sitting soft in your mouth now. it was already stirring to life again as you whined and begged, words slurring around him and he snickered.
iwa snarled at last and stuffed himself all the way inside you, rocking his hips as he came inside your oversensitive cunt. like oikawa, he remained inside you after he was finished, using you as a cockwarmer from both ends while they talked above your head.
“i’m not leaving until tomorrow afternoon,” oikawa drawled, petting your hair and massaging your scalp where he had been holding. your eyes fluttered to half-closed, staring up at him with glittering eyes, makeup smeared down your cheeks from your tears. you were the prettiest sight he’d seen in a while. “and i could use some company in that king size bed.”
“what do you say, princess?” iwa asked, pulling you off oikawa’s cock by the hair at long last. 
it took you a moment to process what he’d asked, and he gripped your jaw in his other hand, repeating his question. 
“u-um, okay,” you whispered, forcing your glazed eyes to focus on oikawa, reclining in the chair wearing a leisurely smirk. “that sounds good.”
both men snickered at your blissed out, slurred words, wondering if you even knew what you were agreeing to. iwa lifted you up, depositing you on top of the egyptian cotton sheets adorning the bed. it was probably the nicest you’d ever laid on, and you were too fucked out to even appreciate it.
the two men hovered over you, sharing a look before climbing on beside you, and oikawa considered extending the room payment for a day, just to compensate for what he intended to do to you tonight.
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