#this is the FUNNIEST idea yet in this au
thesunwillart · 2 years
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i changed my mind, reggie’s weapon is actually a pogo stick that turns into a spear in the jatp rwby au >:)
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triglycercule · 2 months
which sans aus do i think would believe in climate change challenge GO
horror: really sans (and by extension any classic variant) would believe in climate change due to being former scientists. like what type of scientist DOESN'T believe in climate change. so horror would believe in climate change but he'd be really damn pessimistic about it (because he's an asshole!) like he genuinely wouldn't care at all. sometimes on bad days he purposely litters. on really hot/cold days as a result of climate change he'd complain and start considering bring environmentally friendly. but he never does. horror wouldn't care at all
killer: he would believe in climate change but he similarly to horror wouldn't care. because he simply has more important things to care about (kities :3 nightmare :3) he thinks those things are somehow above climate change (dumbass!!!! nightmare would melt like wax because of climate change) but when faced with the reality that things are actually being affected by climate he'd be like damn.... this shit id actually happening and i'm contributing to it.... but then he'd immediately move on and get back to more important business
dust: climate change believer but he just does not care. like he tries not to be wasteful and litter and he probably properly uses a recycling bin but in the end he doesn't really give a shit if his efforts are really helping. also he kinda forgets sometimes and that's really not helping the globe. dust would bring it up in fights that he recycles and then people (horror an killer) would shit on him for A. being a pretentious stuck up dick who thinks hes better than everyone for being environmental and B. because he's a goddamn hypocrite that doesn't even stick to his own recycling goals. goddamn asshole
nightmare: he's smart enough to know that climate change does exist but he purposely pretends that it isn't real to piss people off (and get those delicious delicious negative emotions :3) and he'd do it so confidently and he'd belittle you so much that either you get so pissed off and irritated at him or you start questioning yourself and if climate change actually IS real? he'd make up fake sources for climate change being fake and site the mtt as his source because they used to be scientists 💀💀
ink: this fella doesn't even know what day of the week it is do you think they would remember climate change??? absolutely not. anyways ink probably has it scrawled down on his scarf: CLIMATE CHANFE EXISTS. IT WILL KILL THE CREATORS/CREATIONS. but then he still doesn't manage to remember it!!!! but if they could genuinely remember everyday i think ink would try to use less earth harmful stuff for his art and try to be environmentally friendly. key word TRY. this is the guy that goes around teleporting and fighting with ink they would litter the substance everywhere
dream: he really really struggled with grappling with the concept that YES climate change exists. YES there is enough trash out there to kill the earth. YES there is not much he can do about it. like every moral dilemma question about climate change was asked by dream (to swap) and he's very upset about climate change prior to maturing. but after maturing he knows that he can't do much to help climate change but he is FERVENTLY environmentally friendly and tries to remind everyone around him to help the earth (without shoving it down their throats because he's nice like that). if dream had the time he would probably start a nonprofit for helping the earth. he would start a nonprofit for everything actually. modern au dream where he has several nonprofit organizations to help various causes. someone out there's gonna love this idea
swap: he does. i think he would make a joke about it at first when being asked like CLIMATE'S CHANGING? I HOPE HER NEW OUTFIT LOOKS GREAT! or some dumbass fucking joke like that but this guy is even more environmentally friendly than dream. he goes to RALLIES for the environment. he would use environmentally friendly soaps and even fucking kitchen utensils. this guy is just here for saving the earth. he wants to really really believe that big corporations don't mean bad with pollution but he knows. theres no convincing himself that big corp wants to save the earth. even someone like swap who always has hope can't convince himself of that shit
cross: he would obviously believe in climate change. i actually don't know if theres someone here that i don't thinm believes in climate change yet. anyways cross would and he'd recycle regularly and try to be good at it. but accidents happen and he messed up his recycling sometimes and then he feels bad for it because the goddamn earth is gonna die if he doesn't at least contribute his part. cross is baffled by people who don't believe in it the same way i am at flat earthers. like HELLOthe rising temperatures are right there!!!!
error: doesn't care. he lives in the antivoid climate change doesn't effect him. also it would just make his job easier :3 error LAUGHS in the face of rising temperatures
now you may ask why did you decide to post this. but what you should really be asking is why not shouldn't i have posted this. the question was clearly on everyone's minds. i was just the only one brave enough to step up and determine if these fictional characters would care about our world melting to death (OBVIOUSLY)
#this may be the most brainrotted dumbass post i've come up with yet#CLIMATE CHANGE??? FUCKING CLIMATE CHANGE???? have i really run out of ideas already#no i havent but GODDAMN i was CACKLING thinking about this#there are definitely more sans aus that i could've considered but no way in hell am i doing all that#YOU CAN COME UP WITH YOUR OWN IDEAS FOR THOSE I FORGOT 😒😒😒#when mtt get into fights they bring up the most irrelevant details about eachother like this. how much do they contribute to climate change#mtt fighting about climate change would be one of the top 10 funniest fights#killer would instantly lose that fight btw because he doesn't even CONSIDER recycling#but dust definitely gets shit on the most in that argument#killer and horror gang up on him because he's a prick. and then horror and dust gang up on killer for not even doing it#and then dust and killer gang up on horror for not making up his mind on environmentalism or not#it's just a big fucking loop of trying to see who's the worst#nightmare would take the objectively wrong stance on ANYTHING just to piss people off and i really love that about him#yessss king go out and be a hater. we needed someone to be the worst person in existence anyways ❤️❤️#this might be my first post about more than just the mtt + nightmare. what the hell????#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#nightmare sans#ink sans#dream sans#swap sans#cross sans#error sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#star sanses#utmv#sans au#tricule hc
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
im glad that despite being on the backburner for . years. i can still think of my main aus like i never stopped :] kh on the brain forever
#looked thru one of my note for the pmd au and immediately got new ideas for it . i am so fucking back#made me wanna expand whats going on w Terra n Aqua since they dont have much going on besides. well. be legendaries basically#(they take the roles of rescue team Groudon n Kyogre as well as Latios n Latias in psmd. n technically also Entei for Terra in psmd)#that seems like a lot but i know what im doing i swear 👍#maybe i should find a way to include the khdr kids since i havent gotten to that yet.. could be fun#oh ! also been working on ways to connect Terra w Ansem n Xemnas :] probably gonna be more canon-esque than most other things#but it kinda works w the rescue team part of the timeline#and i really need to figure out how exactly to work around Xehanort bc of what he can and does do both in canon and taking his role here..#ironically these things are also backed up by pmd iq groups . now that i think abt it#i also need yo do more work on the psmd part of the timeline since its arguably the most altered part so far#since i dont really cover gates or rescue team anyway . explorers and super just connect a lil too well#i mean tbf gates and super are way too easy to also connect to each other bc like. come on.#but who would be the duo for that .. or maybe it could be earlier in the pmd timeline than it is .. hm.#that Could line up a something else i have planned actually. could be funky. theres two (2) different duos i have in mind#maybe more depending on who else i could slap in here#ok yeah. i have objectively the funniest duo to put in gates. thats happening now <3
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bubblegum-blackwood · 5 months
Fandom Ask Game!
Some are specific to writers or artists, but I made sure to include questions for everyone!
Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Out of all your fanworks that include [character], which is your favourite?
Show us a bit of a WIP!
Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
What's your favourite piece of fanart for [character]?
What's your favourite piece of fanart for [ship]?
What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
Have you noticed your style change over time?
Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
What's a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
Type [charater]'s name and tell us what the autocomplete suggests as the next word
What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
When did you first join Tumblr? How long was it between that and finding [fandom]?
Go onto your AO3. Which ship have you written for the most? The least? Does this correspond to who you consider your "favourite?"
Give us a headcanon for [character]
Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
What's your favourite thing about [character]?
What's your least favourite thing [character] said or did?
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askgametime · 2 years
fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
Send a fruit emoji for an answer!
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo...)
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc...
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
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delcakoo2 · 2 years
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ema’s fic rec’s ₊˚⏃⊹!
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i decided to make a lil’ masterlist of fics i thoroughly enjoyed for you guys to also read and support these amazing authors <3 make sure to give them lots of feedback and love; do not be a silent reader T-T! also, there will be no social media aus or smut in any fics below. have fun!!
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⚠︎ yang jungwon:
http-do-you-luv-me? ★!!! (16k, jock won, e2l, f, a)
i have reread this masterpiece countless times and it’s p much my comfort fic T-T i could rant about it forever, even if u dont read enha/longfics just read RNNN, all time fav fs <3
for any price ★ (9.4k, assassin won, f, a)
saw assassin and clicked immediately jshsjs, very unique and exciting!! plus yeonjun is featured.. *stares*
in your dreams ★ (10k, dreamwatcher? won, e2l, f, a)
you cannot find any other fic like this one, very creative idea and has a bit of everything !!
love that blooms (demigod au, f)
chasin’ your pretty thoughts (22k, mindreader won, f, a)
lost cause (8.5k, classmate won, f, a)
would you be so kind? (3.7k, classmate won, f)
crepuscule (11.5k, vampire won, f, a)
closer (4.7k, ravenclaw won, f, a)
war tactics and kisses (demigod au, f)
attention, please! (9k, jock won, f, a)
⚠︎ lee heeseung:
always been you (16.5k, badboy/bestfriend hee, f)
my camp counselor is kinda hot (demigod au, f)
attention, please! (8k, jock hee, f, a)
⚠︎ park jay:
study lessons (12.3k, jock jay, f, a)
⚠︎ sim jake:
none for now <\3
⚠︎ park sunghoon:
the 7th sense (10.3k, dragon hoon, f, a)
marriage discount (2k, fake dating, f)
reasons to date (2.8k, classmate/friend hoon, f)
enchanted (3k+ ongoing series, prince hoon, f)
⚠︎ kim sunoo:
none for now <\3
⚠︎ nishimura riki:
sixteen eighty-five ★! (6k, e2l jock/newsclub riki, f, a)
another all time fav, everything about it is just what i enjoy in a fic and i could reread it over and over <33 niki is so mean but then so nice it’s just auhsjs aww
dear bus-noona ★ (0.8k, stranger riki, f)
i barely read short drabbles, but this was absolutely adorable and had me laughing and smiling even with just 800 words <3
kitty got your tongue (14.6k, assassin riki, f, a)
sucks to be you, sleepyhead (demigod au, e2l f)
all i want for christmas is you (5.4k, e2l, fake dating, f)
attention, please! (10.8k, jock riki, e2l, f, a)
lucky charm (2.6k, classmate riki, e2l, f)
behind the net! (9.8k, jock riki, team manager reader, e2l, f, a, plugging my own fic cuz why not)
⚠︎ ot7:
silenced ★! (20k+, zombie apocalypse series)
i just love apocalypse aus so when i found this i KNEW i’d love it <3 the boys are all so loveable and unique in their own ways and mc is so chill but also a badass <3 very high recommend!!!!
⚠︎ choi yeonjun:
steal my heart (19.6k, royal + arranged marriage au, f, a)
i said “why won’t you forget?” (2.7k, runaway beomjun, f, a)
mr. vice president (7.3k, frenemies/academic rival yeonjun, f, a)
⚠︎ choi soobin:
actions have consequences (4k, lifeguard au, f, a)
⚠︎ choi beomgyu:
the prince and the jackal ★!! (11.8k natureprince gyu, f)
AAH ANOTHER ALL TIME FAV, i could talk about it forever, but it’s just so unique and close to my heart and the bantering is so cute, idc if u dont read txt read rn it’s amazing <3
the only exception ★ (12.4k, stranger gyu, f)
this fic is just so warm and homely? it made me smile lots T-T
i said “why won’t you “forget?” (2.7k, runaway beomjun, f, a)
favor (4k+ twoshot, classmate gyu, f, a)
⚠︎ kang taehyun:
none yet <\3
⚠︎ huening kai:
none yet <\3
EXTRA ! (i don’t read bts anymore, but i wanted to include these since they’re still favs of mine!)
so you wanna be the best ★ (8.1k, POKEMON TRAINER JUNGKOOK! f)
I GREW UP WITH POKEMON, DIGIMON ALL THAT. so when i saw this??? i genuinely screamed this. one is vv close to my heart <3
lifeguard ★ (12.6k, lifeguard jungkook, f)
this fic will get you to giggle at least once, istg one of the funniest fics i’ve read it is HILARIOUS i’m not over jk putting sunscreen on mcs back and her thinking it was tae the whole time T-T
thank you for reading!! again, make sure to give the authors lots of love :D
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holylulusworld · 7 months
Designed by pain (Prologue)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, implied break-up, sadness, rejection, Mary being a bitch, sleazy John
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
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Live was great. The man you loved proposed to you in the most romantic way. And later, you made love in his old Chevy Impala. The only girl he loved as much as he loved you; according to Dean.
Butterflies still fluttered in your stomach whenever he looked at you.
Everything was fine, great even. Until he invited you for a family dinner to get to know the rest of his family.
You already knew his younger brother. Sam was easy to be around. 
Dean never talked much about the rest of his family. All you knew was his mother came from old money, and his father was a made man. 
The moment you stepped into Mary Winchester’s house, your relationship with Dean was doomed.
Not only did she ignore you for most of the day, but she always invited Dean’s first love, the girl next door. The one and only Lisa Braeden.
You knew that Dean never got over her and accepted that he had a past. Everyone has a past, right?
It felt like someone stabbed you in the back and ripped your heart out at the same time.
But you never were a quitter. Instead of sulking in a corner and watching your fiancé talk to his ex, you decided to remind him what he’s going to lose if he doesn’t get his shit together.
“No, wait. He’s my man. His mother can’t do this to me,” you cursed under your breath." Dean was your man, he even proposed to you. His family just didn’t know yet. “I’ll beat you with your own weapons, bitch.”
You walked back upstairs, entered the room you shared with Dean, and threw on your most sexy dress, killer heels, and no underwear. – To hell with the girl next door. 
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When you walked back down you put on a faked smile and confidently entered the living room again.
Your eyes scanned the room for you man only to watch Dean still talk to Lisa. They laughed, and she touched his arm, giggling like he said the funniest thing she ever heard.
You saw red but didn’t want to act like a jealous bitch in heat. So, you took a deep breath and brushed your concerns off.
“A nice party, huh?” Dean’s father stood a little too close for comfort. “Can’t believe my son got his hands on someone like you.”
John Winchester stank like booze and desperation. You assumed he didn’t get any from the ice queen his wife seemed to be.
“Mr. Winchester,” you excused yourself to walk toward Dean. 
You stopped in your tracks and took another deep breath. Dean ignored you calling his name, even when you put your hand on his shoulder. “Dean, I’m a little tired and I got a terrible headache.”
He didn’t react, too engrossed in listening to what Lisa had to say.
“Later,” he grumbled and didn’t even spare you a glance.
You knew there and then that Dean wasn’t ready to marry you.
Maybe you only were a rebound to him. A woman he could use until Lisa came back into the picture thanks to his mother.
“I thought you have changed. Dean, I believed you moved on from sleeping around when we met. Please don’t prove all the people telling me not to marry you right,” you grabbed his hand and tried to make him face you. 
“Y/N, not now,” he didn’t even hear what you said and waved you off. “Later.”
“Please…We need to talk Dean…it’s not only us any longer,” you whispered the words not daring to speak any louder.
You dropped his hand and stepped away, catching the attention of his whole family when you turned around to run upstairs.
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You cried for what felt like an eternity when it was only a few minutes.
Sam came by after the scene you made in your opinion, but you didn’t open the door.
“I don’t know what to do now,” you wiped your eyes and choked out a sob. Dean changed so fast only because that woman was around. He didn’t act like the man you fell in love with that night.
It took all the strength left in you to change clothing again and pack up all your belongings. If he didn’t come to his senses tonight, maybe tomorrow when he found you gone.
You hastily wrote a few lines, and placed the piece of paper on the bed, along with your engagement ring.
Rereading the lines you choke out another sob.
One night of passion, a life-long responsibility. This is your decision. Are you in or out?  I got a job offer in London and will accept it if you don’t want to be a father yet (or at all).  If you are still the man you made me believe you are, call me tomorrow. If not, have a nice life…
Part 1
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the-roo-too · 1 month
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morrow lily x reader; non-idol au
warnings: mean girl lily; mentions of underage drinking
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getting into your dream university was a struggle, one that you expected. growing up, money was always tight and you were used to having less. never complaining, only accepting what you could get. that taught you to be grateful and kind to others, two important character traits you’d always be thankful for.
the only way for you to get into that prestige school was by getting a scholarship. at first when you were notified of the opportunity, you were overjoyed. it meant you could fight for your dreams, something you’ve worked so hard to achieve. there was nothing that could ruin it for you.
until you met lily. one of your three dormmates. lily jin morrow, the daughter of some sickeningly rich people. maybe if you grew up visiting auction houses often, you’d know who the morrow family was. to you, it was just another name in the crowd, people like all the others. to everyone else, the morrow’s were one of the most influential families in the whole south korea.
she grew up without every worrying about money, something you were kind of jealous of. sadly, she also was unreasonably mean to everyone less fortunate. going to a prestigious school like yours, she probably didn’t expect to meet people like you.
enough about your one dormmate, you still had two others! one of them was nakamura kazuha, a lovely girl on a sport’s scholarship. her family could easily afford the school but she was accepted specially into the football’s team. kazuha was the girl you were fortunate enough to room with. despite being absurdly spoiled, much like lily, she was a true sweetheart.
the last girl, lily’s roommate was yet another girl from an awfully rich background. an english major, pham hanni, the funniest girl you’d ever met. she joked a lot that if her parents would let her, she would do comedy major. hanni was the perfect game buddy when you were busy after studying the whole day. she and kazuha would absolutely smash you in mario cart any time they could.
then again, lily wouldn’t ever join you. she wasn’t outright mean or anything, but you could feel that distance she forcefully tried to keep between the two of you. when she found out you were in the school on scholarship because you wouldn’t be able to afford it, she made a point to keep away from you. avoiding you between classes, stopping her conversations when you were in the room. she never said anything too bad to your face, but you had a feeling she did talk being your back.
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lily never thought she was a bad person per se. she just didn’t like people who were below her league. growing up in luxury, she was just used to having everything her way. getting randomly assigned roommates was bad enough, but one of them was awfully pretty to top it of? it’s not like lily was against any type of love but the idea of coming out in college…
just thinking about it made her head spin. when she looked at you, she couldn’t help but think about how pretty you were, even for someone her family would consider below her. she thought that you looked good in those stupid sweats you liked to wear on colder mornings, but you’d look so much better in one of hers. that thought didn’t sit well with her. of course people would notice if you wore her clothes. why did she even like that idea? thinking you were beautiful was one thing, but thinking about you like that…?
maybe because it was the first time lily found herself liking a girl, or maybe because she never before liked someone poorer than her, she didn’t know how to behave around you. the easiest way out was of course to avoid you.
talking shit to her roommates made her feel better too. they were like her, they should understand.
“i just don’t understand how we got roomed with her.” she mumbled while rolling her eyes and sitting down on your dorm’s couch, next to hanni. kazuha was currently on practice and you were wherever. she didn’t care at all, according to her at least.
“she’s nice actually.” hanni responded finally. she liked lily a lot, the older girl was normally super nice but whenever she was moody, she’d feel the need to shit talk about something. usually you. “i don’t know why you’re so mean to her always.”
“y/n? i’m not mean to her!” she huffed in response. “we barely talk. i could be mean to her, but i avoid her.”
“sure. that makes your case so much better.”
then, they both turned their heads as the doors to the dorm opened. in came kazuha, clearly tired after practice. she had her gym bag slung over her shoulder and her phone in her free hand.
“hey girls.” she greeted them both, cheerful as ever despite having probably ran miles during the practice. “y/n just texted me that she’s finishing her shift in the campus cafe, do you guys want anything? she offered to bring some coffee.”
hanni could hear her roommate scoff at that. “that’s lovely actually! ask her to get me lemonade please? i think that nice boy is on duty with her today and he makes it the best!”
kazuha wiggled her eyebrows at her friends before notting that down. “and you, lily?”
“i don’t want anything from her.”
“gosh, stop being so stubborn!” hanni groaned and punched the older girl’s shoulder. “she never did anything to you.”
“if she’s so rich she wants to buy me coffee, why is she here on scholarship?”
“can’t you just appreciate it when a girl does something nice to you?”
kazuha shook her head in disapproval before sending the text. “don’t bother, hanni.”
“i don’t know why you guys like that girl so much.”
“she’s nice. unlike you.” hanni stood up and walked closer to kazuha. “wanna play mario in your room? just take a shower first, you kinda stink.”
the japanese rolled her eyes but a small smile appeared on her face. she nodded her head and the two went their ways, leaving lily to sit on the couch all by herself.
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aside from gossiping with her friends, the one thing lily loved was going to parties. it was just yet another chance for her to dress up and let loose.
imagine her surprise when she saw you out of all people, at a party in the senior’s dorms. how were you even invited? why’d you look like you were having so much more fun than her? how could you look so good?
then, kazuha noticed her. lily knew her and hanni would be here, so that wasn’t much of a surprise.
“hey, lily!” the japanese pushed through the sea of bodies, a red cup in her hand. “good to see you.”
“you thought i wouldn’t be here?” kazuha rolled her eyes subtly before shaking her head. “exactly.”
“never mind that. how are you?”
“i just arrived.” lily glanced at the cup before taking it from her roommates hand. “alcohol? i didn’t take you for someone who drinks underage.”
before kazuha could reply, she the liquid quickly and wincing. “no- i don’t drink. just some tonic.”
“ew. that’s why it tastes like shit.”
“have you seen y/n?”
lily followed the japanese girl’s. you looked good, even she could admit that. “i didn’t think she’d be here.”
“i think chan invited her. they’re friends, you know?”
“oh. right.” lily placed the empty cup on the counter. she wouldn’t use it again anyway. “she’s friends with everyone, isn’t she.”
“y/n is actually nice.” kazuha glanced back at you, but you weren’t standing in that spot. she quirked her brow in surprise before resuming her speech. “you should give her a chance.”
“i don’t like poor people.”
the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. “yeah, why?”
lily winced as she heard your voice. there you stood, in that ravishing dress. she turned to you with her neck mocking smile. “y/n.”
“lily.” you acknowledged her with a nod of your head. sensing the shift in the air around you, kazuha decided to head back to her friends. she didn’t want to be a witness to whatever went down.
lily leaned on the counter, scanning you up and down. “i didnt expect to see you here.”
you glanced down at the cup you were holding before taking a sip and humming. “chan invited me.”
“tonic?” she pointed to the red solo cup.
“nope.” you gave her a small smile and took another sip. “some cheep bear. it’s kinda disgusting, but one has to let loose somehow, right?”
“let loose?” lily chuckled quietly and moved closer to you. you felt almost uncomfortable with the sudden proximity. “did you know underage drinking could get your little scholarship cancelled?”
your cheeks turned a little red at her comment. she wouldn’t do that to you, right? “come on, lily…”
her hand suddenly landed on your waist. “you’re so pretty in that dress, you know?”
“hmpf.” you tried to move away from her, but her hand was keeping you in place. “i thought you didn’t like poor people.”
“i don’t.” she leaned even closer. so close in fact, you weren’t sure if your cheeks were red from embarrassment or from how close a pretty girl was to you. “but you’re a little different. you’re so annoying.”
“but also so beautiful. i could maybe fix you.” before you could say anything else, she lightly kissed your cheek. stupid rich people. her breath didn’t smell like alcohol when she leaned in though. “shhh, don’t talk baby. you didn’t like me being mean, right? i’ll play with you a little then.”
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so that was a couple months ago. now, you and your girlfriend of two weeks were sitting on the couch in your dorm, kazuha and hanni on the opposite side of you. lily had her face buried into your neck as she slept, the ‘l.m.’ necklace she gave you after your first date adoring your skin.
“can’t believe that’s how she got you. you like them mean, huh y/n?” hanni wiggled her eye brows at your and your cheeks turned uncomfortably red.
“i thought she was a little annoying…”
“excuses. i knew you two would end up together. speaking of which…” kazuha turned to hanni and reached out her hand with a knowing look. “you owe me 10$.”
“huh?” with a baffled expression, you glanced between your two dormmates.
hanni groaned loudly before reaching into her pocket. “i was betting you’d end up with chan…”
“you guys were betting on us?!”
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petrifiedperi-au · 1 month
I think the funniest possible way for cosmo and wanda to find out their pookie bear did in fact die and got better is Dev or Hazel casually mentioing it in earshot of them unaware that this is new information cosmo and wanda. I'm talking, long enough in the future that for the people in the know, it's practically something to joke about.
[AU info here!]
THIS WOULD BE HILARIOUS, ACTUALLY, OH MY COB. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I'm... still unsure of how I want that scene to go, to be honest, HAHA. Like, I'm on the fence of comedic vs angsty and I'll probably find a good balance between the two... once I actually figure the specifics out.
CAUSE THAT'S. A BIG MOMENT. SO it's gotta be PERFECT [my brain is SOOO picky augh...] AND THIS IDEA IS REALLY FUNNY AND FITTING ACTUALLY... I'm still not FULLY sure what I wanna go for yet, but this has been put into my daydream queue...
ALSO. ALSO. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS AND HOW IT GOES, I know for a FACT that there'd be a scene that's just—
Cosmo, on the verge of tears: It's like I can still hear their voice...
Peri: DAD! I'm right HERE!!!
Cosmo: NOT NOW PERI! I'm busy crying over Peri!!! *Sobbing.*
I LOVE LOVE LOVE asks like this. Never, ever hesitate to keep them coming!!! :D I'm gonna think about this one forever and ever... /pos
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frozenjokes · 2 months
Hey, I binged read your cubscar(ian) hotguy au
And I LOVED it,
Cub's characterization is so precious, he's so autistic to me (I'm autistic so I kin heavily) the way you write him, chef's kiss and all that. Is Cub Demi? xx
Scar is so strong and yet so broken but he doesn't know it yet, I'm so glad he's in therapy now <3. I love that you wrote him this way, he's disabled (just like me) but he's not a child, he's whimsy but so life smart, I value so much when authors write him like this and his plurality is very relatable <3. And his friendship with Mumbo <3
Grian, well he's just so real, his need for a job ever tho Cub was happy looking out for him <3, his friendship just reconnecting with Mumbo so easily, warmth. I love how self aware he is, and the angst you wrote for him is heart strings shattering I loved.
Cub and Grian's relationship ahhhhh yessss. The commitment and devotion, how they are so connected they didn't notice it sliding from platonic to romantic. This just IS for me.
Cub and Scar, well (yes again 🤣) they are so sweet, and Cub holds 51% of the cards lol but Scar's 49% is really doing things for Cub wink wink. Some of the reasoning behind Cub's love is being loved. And Scar loving him because of his round edges and softness 🥹
Scar and Grian. I hope the flowers he got for them were poppies and lilacs /lh /nf; Scar's fear because of his sharp edges, Scar in other works has his weakness but he can always find in in himself to want to protect Grian almost as a superior?, but you write Scar so vulnerable and equal to Grian. They are enemies to frenemies to ... But really it's caused by the lack of knowing, eachother and their personal experiences. Again Scar and his plural view of people <3 I think Grian thought of Scar as stronger emotionally, physically, mentally then Scar ever was, and Grian used him because of this misconception. I'm glad they're getting there, truly. Did Grian feel dejected? when Scar didn't help with his wings? Angst <3
thank you!!! Cub could be Demi. So could Grian! They can be whatever your heart desires. Personally I don’t care to label any of them because it isn’t very important to me. I do think Cub would refer to both Scar and Grian has his friends even after years of being together and it drives Scar absolutely nuts. Why are you doing that. What do you Mean. Cub it’s been twenty years you can introduce me as your boyfriend I Promise no one here is going to judge you and cub just goes: ? oh right. and then he never does that. the word friend just comes easier. it’s cozy.
It’s very silly to me you pointed out scar’s friendship with Mumbo because they are not friends scar is Coping. /silly. I actually forget very often I write a lot of angst of these characters because that’s just not really how my brain categorizes turmoil. It’s always a jumpscare to see it pointed out /light hearted, joking. funniest instance of this happening 🔽
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(from chapter two of the Jimmy decked out fic)
I was on call with a friend while reading this for the first time and for the life of me I Could Not think of what /nf meant and he didn’t know either so we came up with some ideas: NOT FUNNY. no fingers. non fungible. nut fart. NO FUN. no friends. Nice feet. never forget. nice flowers. new friend! NOT FAIR
it means not forced. we had to look it up LMAO /silly silly silly. thank you for the laughs
Grian thought of scar as a piece of shit self absorbed celebrity and this is true however it’s not everything. inside is a deeply, deeply, extremely deeply, unimaginably kicked puppy. he’s sad and pathetic and has big wet eyes. also he cares.
Grian wasn’t too affected by Scar’s not wanting to touch his wings, and in general the experience was a little more overwhelmingly confusing? Neither he nor Cub expected him to have such a strong reaction, especially when things between all three of them are getting better, but Scar is still carrying the weight of a lot of Grian’s poor treatment of him for weeks on end, and even though Scar’s forgiven him and understands where he was coming from, those aren’t things you can just brush off, especially when many of Grian’s gestures (good and bad) are sweeping and intense and unpredictable, and people pleasing for someone as unstable as that (less so now, but before it was bad) is Extremely Stressful. dealing with cuteguy (evil version) for months beforehand Did Not Help. there’s a reason Scar views Grian as Sharp and that’s because they have both beat the piss out of each other hundreds of times.
To a point Grian is aware of this. It’s a thing he’s discussed in therapy a thousand times, and something he had to confront directly with Jimmy. In his eyes, his friendship with Scar (despite blunders on both sides) is an act of Scar’s good will towards him as given with Scar’s forgiveness, and if Scar is having problems, then it’s not really something Grian can hold against him. Obviously that doesn’t stop feelings from being hurt, but this was more a result of The Panic Attack than the wing touching refusal. Which Grian dealt with by Pushing Minigolf Pushing Pushing Pushing Pushing. Grian’s reaction to guilt and/or rejection is I NEED TO MAKE UP FOR THIS RIGHT MEOW!!!!! and in doing so often fails miserably to read the room, which is why Cub steps in in that particular instance.
as far as wings though, if I were Grian, scar would be The Last Person I want touching them. Clumsiest motherfucker alive who in the case of this au, tends to be rougher with his affection because he literally can not tell what is too little or too much. Having someone nervous at your back probably isn’t a great feeling either, and for an activity that’s supposed to be relaxing, Cub brings a Much steadier aura. Cub also has the capacity to focus. Scar would probably need at least three other sources of stimulation to do a good job. And it would still hurt. Regular wing grooming is not supposed to hurt 💔
my rambling service comes free, well, perhaps at a small cost of a seemingly benign question. normal about her ocs frozenjokes back at it again
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leggerefiore · 7 months
I am in love with your pokehybrid au's
Not exactly a request (I already sent one about pokehybrids and a s/o who reciprocates their courting methods) but I must know more of your thoughts
What pokemon do you headcanon for each character (for any characters you haven't yet covered or characters where you have more possible pokemon you hc for them)
And what behaviours do you believe they exhibit as part of their pokemon nature?
Archie would be a Sharpedo hybrid, obviously. The most unfortunate and obvious behaviour he has is a strong sense of smell for blood. It can prove itself useful as despite the usual nature of Sharpedos, he doesn't like see people or pokemon injured or not as if his mate has certain anatomy, he will freak out thinking they're injured when it's just their period. He also goes catatonic if you flip him on his back.
Giovanni is a character I'm torn on. For legendary au, he's a possible candidate for Mewtwo, which I guess he reflect by being cruel and powerful. But normally, it's hard to pick between Persian and Nidoking. Assuming Nidoking, he certainly has the temper the poison/ground type has, but keeps it controlled to the best of his ability. He also probably has the funny trait of being calmed by a long-term partner (if he can even manage having one).
Cynthia is a Garchomp hybrid, naturally. She can be a bit wild from it – The urge to savagely hunt down prey does always buzz in the back of her mind but she resists – but mostly remains her usual self. She also sometimes has to fight an urge to burrow which is not fun, especially when she has things she needs to do. At least the digging urge comes in handy for excavating at archaeological sites. She is also has the unfortunate dragon trait of being possessive of her mate, but she is careful to monitor it.
Houndoom Cyrus is endlessly tormented by his pack urges and how he unconsciously gets enough food for him and his partner. He also hates the all consuming urge that he should be resting with them when he wants to work. Poor guy ends up cuddling with his partner most nights and hates it (actually, he loves it. He's just frustrated and feels like he's not in control). Also if he ever wags his tail, he wants to simply be consumed by the void (again).
Pyroar Lysandre is the funniest situation imaginable. He seems more unaffected by whatever instincts it draws out. The idea of living in a "pride" is not something he desires at all, but he does have the protective nature granted by his hybrid genetics. Both his partner and Sycamore can attest to him getting terrifyingly aggressive to protect them. This also feeds into his madness about this world being horrible ugly and unsalvageable.
Metagross Steven is a confusing existence. A massive intelligence does not stop one Steven Stone from wanting his rocks. No, rather, it makes it easier for him to know where even more rocks are. His behaviour is barely noticeable, but he does hates to usual urges to pin down things with his limbs. He almost feels like he's a hybrid with a Galvantula or Ariados when that happens. His torment is unending since that does not really mesh with his general personality.
Camerupt Maxie would unfortunately have a similar disposition to his pokemon counterpart. Granted, he stops himself from spewing lava. He would also prefer to live in volcanic crater, but his human needs unfortunately drag him away from that. At least his base has magma in it to remind him of his preferred home. There also is a sense of desiring a pack within in him, which blends quite well with being in with his team.
Zebstrika Elesa ironically does not have tok mant problems with the herd instinct. She likes being with people! She only hates how nervous she gets after being alone for a while. Though, the downside is her temper is unfortunately afflicted with a Zebstrika temperament. At least it makes paparazzi and creepy fans get scared off. There are upsides and downsides to everything she supposes.
Rika would be a Clodsire hybrid and it really does not affect her too much. But, she maybe seems like she enjoys carrying around Poppy more than usual. Perhaps its the urge to tote around Woopers being fulfiled in a different way. Poppy is happy to get a piggy back ride, at least.
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annabelle-creart · 3 months
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Because I needed it and because I ALWAYS confuse them, here are my designs for Life of Rescue Bots Au: Frenzy and Rumble.
Backstory: compared with the TfP and IDW Tf, Rumble and Frenzy are twin-sparks and sparklings that, like Sissi, were made during the the war, just a little before the orphanages stopped their functions. Rumble is a really energized little fembot and the one of the ideas, she likes to make plans, is smart and agile and is the voice of the reason when threatened, Frenzy is a little bot more of following, but is also a little headache because he is always making disasters and experimenting with Soundwave´s tools, also, can be kind of rude when feels on danger. In human years they should have 10-12 years old and are really hyperactive and almost impossible to calm down, unless you´re Soundwave, they´re like Soundwave´s sparklings, and are also spies, like Lazerbeak and Ravage. They transform into drones and I´m thinking if, with the time, made them transform also in some dinosaur, like a velociraptor, to match the "dino modes" of the Rescue Bots.
As Soundwave´s sparklings, they are also Heatwave and Shockwave´s niece and nephew, and can difference them easily, compared with the rest of the population, both human and cybertronian. (let´s remember they´re triplet-sparks)
Now, details, if you ask why they look like Soundwave, is because I wanted, it just felt right, but I also used a part of Shockwave and Heatwave for their designs, because their dynamic remembered me of their uncles, Rumble is a girl who likes leadership and is always prepared for trouble, but is also really sentimental, like Heatwave, while Frenzy is as curious, rude and caring as Shockwave before the empurata.
Also, fun fact: Rumble is like the older sister and Frenzy is like the youngest brother, but they both share the same brain cell.
Same happens with Shocky, Heaty and Sune, Shockwave is like the oldest, Heatwave is the middle one and Soundwave is the youngest, but when they´re together it seems like they share the same processor.
Also, funniest fact if you noticed: Why Frenzy´s eyes and leg are like that? because they´re damaged, Frenzy lost his leg in the same accident that costed Soundwave´s legs and face scars, and his eyes are a factory defect, making them part purple like Soundwave´s eyes and part blue like Shockwave´s eyes before the empurata, also, making Frenzy have the a really weird type of vision, because:
Headcanon time: For Cybertronians, purple sclerotics are the equivalent of human daltonism or color-blindness, specifically the one that makes you unable to see the red color, so, he can see normal colors in a part, but can´t see reds in another, the purple-pink pupils are normal and okay.
Also funniest fact if you noticed: Why Rumble´s eyes have red sclerotic and white pupils? because just like I wanted them to match with Shockwave and Heatwave, I wanted to match them with Soundwave and Megatron, because, in my humanformers context, Megatron is the father of these kids...
Yeah, I´m into this type of divorce angst (It´s so funny!!!)
So, cause of my Megatron x Soundwave brainrot I decided to also add some of Soundwave into Frenzy and some of Megatron into Rumble. And yes, Soundwave and Megatron were something, but Soundwave leave Megatron when stopped Shockwave permanently and leave decepticons to became an autobot (also, marrying Optimus but Soundwave doesn´t know that yet)
That´s all, good night
spoiler: This is the post that started the divorce angst SJKAJSKAJS
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floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 16.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 7,234
warnings/includes (!) I’m sorry, but we’re back in angstville for this one, be strong, everything will be ok!!!! There’s like 10% fluff, then 90% angst, conflict, they tell Oc’s family and it couldn’t go any worse if they tried tbh, Oc’s dad is not happy to put it lightly, he goes OFF, mentions of parent death, prepare to feel really sorry for Seokjin lmao, but he also gives the dad what for, our man needs a hug, but also Oc deserves one too! 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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↪︎ series index
SEASON TWO ⇤ previous | next ⇥
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Yesterday had been a busy day altogether, because after your appointment with Dr. Choi, you’d visited Yuna and Jimin to share the news, then three (unplanned) hours later, you had to whisk off to meet up with Hoseok, Kang and Jungkook, the latter making reservations for dinner. You’d thought about gathering all your friends together to tell them, but you’d both decided quite resolutely, that you weren’t ready for Yuna and Jungkook to meet just yet. You would save that for the baby shower Yuna kept going on (and on) about. 
You’d texted Namjoon to tell him he’d lost the betting pool, and also Yoongi to let him know he was on the winner’s team, who floated the idea of Globbina for a name – which had made Seokjin laugh a lot when you’d told him, followed by a ‘please, God no.’ You’d also let Yuna’s parents know the news, feeling guilty you’d managed to forget about them when Boyoung’s text had come through politely asking if she could find out. In the general scheme of things, you probably didn’t have that many people to tell, but to you it seemed like hundreds. 
The day after, you both made the drive down to visit Seokjin’s parents again, his brother and Seohyun already there with Taeoh and Jiu, all of them excitedly waiting to find out whether Glob was a girl or boy – well, maybe minus Jiu, who didn’t understand what was going on (but, was successfully warming to you more!) Mikyung teared up as soon as you told her the news and showed her the sonograms. She couldn’t wait to meet her second baby granddaughter. Sangwoo smiled and clasped Seokjin’s shoulder proudly, Seokwon brought him into a hug, just as Seohyun did the same to you, which should have felt awkward, but you were just so happy to share the news, so happy everyone was happy too, you didn’t bat an eyelid. Taeoh squealed and wrapped his arms around the tops of your thighs, happily yelling HI GIRL GLOB COUSIN to your bump, while Jiu looked at him oddly. 
(Deciding to tell him that nickname was the best thing you’d ever done. You were pretty sure it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.)
“Is your brother silly?” you’d asked her, crouching down as much as you could in an attempt to be eye level. You’d been rewarded with your first smile and a shy chuckle. You’d have this whole mother thing down in no time! 
Then on Monday, it was the office’s turn! Two days later they surprised you with a little party and a cake that said: ‘It’s a girl!’ in stereotypical pink icing, not that you didn’t love and appreciate it – cake was cake, and it was a very delicious cake at that! You were further surprised when you saw Seokjin walking through the door, Namjoon having secretly invited him, and your jaw practically dropped when later you saw him having a friendly conversation with Yoongi by the water cooler. 
The only ones you hadn’t told yet, was your family. The guilt had started to creep in when you’d told Seokjin’s, and had gradually, but surely grown worse as the week went by. They didn’t even know you were pregnant! The cruise had been out of your control, however you couldn’t help but wish you’d told them earlier. It had been a mistake to keep it from them this long. 
Thankfully though, your dad and Yeonja were now home, and you were almost certain that as soon as Yeonja had gotten through the front door – no, maybe sooner than that – she had lunged for the phone, calling you to organise lunch for Saturday. Every time you thought about it you felt a little sick. Of course, as it usually seemed to be, Saturday rolled around way too fast, and you had no other option but to put on your big girl pants (which were actually really stretchy ‘granny pants’ as Yuna called them.) You left to make the hour’s drive at half 11, your stomach twisting in anticipation. It was finally happening. 
Seokjin seemed nervous too, which wasn’t a surprise. He’d been quiet ever since he’d gotten a phone call from Hoseok as you were finishing off your makeup. You hadn’t heard the entire conversation because he’d slipped out of your bedroom to continue it, and when you’d asked him if everything was all right, he’d nodded and smiled. Maybe he’d been confiding in his best friend how anxious he was, not wanting to burden you. To show him you were in this together, you reached over to squeeze his thigh every once in a while, earning you a smile each time. 
The car journey too, seemed to go too fast. In no time at all Seokjin was pulling into the familiar driveway. 
“This is a really nice house,” Seokjin awed, as you rounded the car to meet him, a bottle of champagne in one of his hands. 
“My dad built it,” you explained, smiling as he continued to gaze up at it, an almost silent woah, slipping past his throat. 
It wasn’t anything elaborate, your father didn’t like anything over the top, but it was a great looking house. You’d been so jealous of it when you were a kid, although you could never work out why. As you got older it all made sense. You wanted to live in a house your father had built. 
Casting his gaze over to you, Seokjin smiled warmly. “Do you think he can build us a home one day?” 
He was joking, you thought, or maybe not, the glint in his eyes almost hopeful, earnest? It made your insides feel all funny, hard to describe the feeling, but you were grinning, your hand finding his free one, laughing quietly. “Ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The sound of the door knocker hitting the wood matched the banging of your heart, and you took a slow, deep breath, psyching yourself up. These past few months had been a series of new and nerve-wracking situations, what was one more to add to the pile? 
Yeonja was on the door like a flash, yanking it open, smile wide. “____, honey.” Her eyes were on your face for a second tops, before they flew to your right, taking in the man wrought with discomfort beside you. “This must be Seokjin. Oh my,” — back at you again, a raised eyebrow of approval. You’d told her his name on the phone and she said it now with a practised ease. 
And then, the moment you’d been waiting for. Her gaze dropped, briefly, to your stomach, barely taking it in before she was directing that smile back to Seokjin, and then…then she had to do a double take. “Oh—” she exclaimed, the sound sharp and cutting off abruptly. 
“Surprise,” you sang, internally cringing at yourself. You might as well have added jazz hands. 
You nodded, pretty sure she had guessed you were pregnant by now. The hug she threw your way confirmed it, but it was over surprisingly quick, and she just stared at you in wild disbelief, her hands gripping your shoulders. You offered her a feeble smile, unsure what else to do, or to actually say. 
Yeonja turned her head, looking behind her, then snapped her neck back to you. She repeated. Then hugged you again. When she pulled back you were afraid she might be malfunctioning. “Minsoo!” she suddenly cried in hysteric excitement. “Look!”  
Your stomach twisted. Yeonja was one person, you still had three more to go, your father being one of them. Your stepmom ushered you both inside just as you heard your dad’s footsteps coming into the hallway. You smiled at him sheepishly when he came into view and stopped by the staircase. Instantly, his eyes found your bump. “What’s this?” 
He said it so quietly, so calmly, you needed a moment to collect yourself and remember how to speak. “Surprise,” you sang once again (WHY), weaker this time. You’d expected him not to have much of a reaction, but the instant disappointment you felt made your heart feel as though it weighed a ton.  
“Minsoo,” Yeonja gushed, “isn’t this amazing news?” 
Before he had a chance to respond, or to grunt his response, your brother appeared from the living room, a baseball cap on his head back to front. “What’s going on?” he asked, brows furrowed, and you noticed the game controller in his hand.
“Your sister is expecting,” Yeonja beamed, the back of her fingers pressed to her mouth in a bid to control her excitement. 
Jihoon’s brow only seemed to crinkle more, obviously confused by the word ‘expecting.’ Expecting what? A delivery? Then, he looked at you, really looked at you, his mouth dropping open. “Holy fuck.” He said each syllable emphatically. He tilted his chin, ignoring his mom’s whispered scolding, and shouted up the stairs. “Joo, get the hell down here now!” There was a pause. “JUEUN!” 
Then just as loud: “I’m still getting ready, asshole!” 
Beside you, Seokjin shifted, but you felt strangely stiff, unable to turn to acknowledge him. Yeonja tutted, no doubt embarrassed. You knew Seokjin wouldn’t bat an eyelid at this kind of behaviour, he and Jungkook often acted in the same way and they were in their thirties, not in their late teens. He was probably just feeling uncomfortable because you father hadn’t taken his eyes off you both since he’d appeared. You chose to pretend you hadn’t noticed. 
“You’re gonna wanna see this,” Jihoon shouted back. 
“See what? Is ____ here?” Ten seconds later you heard a door open and just as quickly, your sister was running down the stairs to greet you, smiling as she did so. She noticed almost immediately, stopping on the second to last step. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “You’re pregnant?!” With a squeal, she was launching herself into your arms. 
“Jueun, not too hard. You might hurt her,” Yeonja warned, but it didn’t stop her from joining in. A laugh bubbled from your throat as you wrapped your arms around each of their waists, making the three-way hug work. “Jihoon,” Yeonja beckoned, pulling away. “Congratulate your sister.” 
He reluctantly made his way over, obviously embarrassed, because you guessed showing a little sibling affection was mortifying for an 18-year-old. Still, he gave you a short hug, mumbling, “Congrats, ____.” 
As he stepped back, you realised Jueun had belatedly taken note of Seokjin’s presence, her face a little flushed as she pushed some hair behind her ear and smiled up at him shyly. “Joo, Ji, this is Seokjin,” you introduced, trying to control your amused smile. 
Seokjin raised a hand adorably. “Nice to meet you guys.” He seemed a little overwhelmed, but kept a smile on his face, glancing at your father. “You too, sir.” 
Yikes, probably a little too formal for your father’s liking. Not that he said. Well, not that he responded at all, actually.
Yeonja cleared her throat before it could get anymore awkward, probably picking up on the atmosphere. “Let’s all sit down. Lunch is almost ready and you need to be off your feet as much as possible, ____, standing in the doorway like this.” She shook her head, as if chiding herself. “Jihoon, set the table.” 
“Why me?” he whined. “I was in the middle of a game.” 
“Just do it,” she said forcibly, no room for argument, before beaming over at Seokjin. “Let me take this off you, Seokjin.” She reached for the champagne, pausing to read the label. “Oh, how lovely. Thank you. Very fancy,” she giggled. Giggled. 
Of course. You should have known Seokjin could win her over with only his face. 
“Jueun, go help your brother,” she directed at your sister, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to lead you inside the front room – the room that was reserved for guests. “I have so many questions.” 
“I want to hear the answers as well,” Jueun grumbled, looking put out. 
“Well, make it snappy then,” Yeonja suggested primly, before laughing so loudly it pierced your ears. 
Yeonja kept you talking well into lunch, it was a wonder you managed to eat at all. You filled her and Jueun in on all the little details of your pregnancy so far. How many months you were, that you were having a girl, what symptoms you had been, and were, suffering with. Even Jihoon listened with interest (until the symptoms part, that was.) Your father on the other hand stayed practically silent, sitting to your left at the top of the table. Any words he did say were few and far between, and always (reluctantly) prompted by Yeonja. A little voice in your head told you this was more than just being uninterested. He hadn’t cracked a smile once, his jaw set firmly. He was mad, everyone at the table knew that, but you couldn’t for the life of you understand why. 
“I wanted to tell you sooner,” you were telling Yeonja now, who was sat the opposite end of your dad. “But then I found out you and dad were going on that cruise and telling you on the phone seemed…” You trailed off guiltily, offering an apologetic smile. 
“That’s no problem, darling” Yeonja said with a smile. “How long have you known? Not long?” 
“Um. Actually, we’ve known quite early on,” you said awkwardly, now feeling even guiltier. “We didn’t want to say anything until it was safe, I guess. I didn’t want to jinx anything.” 
“Oh, ____, of course. We understand,” Yeonja replied, even if she did look a little shocked by your revelation. She turned her attention to Seokjin who was beside you. “And your parents, Seokjin, do they know yet?” 
“We told them around a month ago.” 
Yeonja shook her head. “That stupid cruise. I mean, it was a great cruise – We had a great time, didn’t we, honey?” Your dad grunted in response. “But I could have found out the news sooner!” 
“I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt!” Jueun exploded, seated in front of you, making everyone laugh – sans one person. 
“What is it your parents do?” Yeonja asked Seokjin. 
“They’re retired actually,” he replied, wiping his mouth with his napkin. (A napkin?? Yeonja had really pulled out all the stops.) “Um. I own my own company, so I’m able to help out and provide for them. When they need it, of course,” he added awkwardly. He rarely liked talking about himself or his accomplishments, you’d long realised. 
“Oh. So filial,” Yeonja beamed, looking impressed. “Jihoon, are you taking note?” Jueun snicked beside him. “Are you going to own a company in the future and look after us?” 
Ignoring her, Jihoon asked Seokjin: “What’s the company?” 
“It’s a gaming company. You may have heard of it…Alpaca Gaming Studios?” 
Jihoon’s jaw dropped. “No fucking way!” 
“Language!” Yeonja clipped. 
“Mom, he owns one of the best gaming companies in the world,” Jihoon cried. Swearing was justified. 
“That might be a bit of an over exaggeration,” Seokjin chuckled. 
“This is fu—I mean, this is freaking crazy!” 
“So you’re famous?” Jueun asked, eyes wide. 
Seokjin full on laughed now. “Not quite. The games I helped create, maybe.” 
“They’re next level, dude,” Jihoon gushed. “I’ve been playing your games for years. Ever since I was a kid!” 
“They’re not just my games,” Seokjin stated modestly, but your brother was too far gone in his excitement to hear. 
“I’m googling you right now!”
“Let me seeeee,” Jueun whined, trying to look over his shoulder. 
“Get lost.” Jihoon nudged her away. “Woah. It really is you!” Holding up his phone, Seokjin’s face filled the screen. The same image you’d been met with when you too had googled his name all those months ago. 
“Oh, I should have my glasses…” Yeonja muttered. “Hold it closer, darling.” Yeonja practically leaned over the table. “A headshot! How handsome!” She glanced over at your dad. “Minsoo, are you seeing this? Your daughter’s boyfriend is a CEO.” 
“I see it.” 
Your stomach dropped at your dad’s tone, and you shared a surreptitious look with Jueun, who looked as unsure as you felt. Your dad seemed to have a problem with Seokjin? How and why? Seokjin shifted uncomfortably beside you, picking up on the vibe too, and you felt a twinge of embarrassment. How could your dad act this rude? 
“Jihoon, if you want, I can show you around the AGS building some time?” Seokjin suggested, trying his best to carry on as normal. 
“Foreal, dude?” Jihoon’s eyes were wide. 
Seokjin grinned. “Foreal.” 
“Can I come too?” Jeuen asked. 
“You don’t even play video games,” Jihoon shot, pulling a face. 
“I do!” 
“The Sims doesn’t count.” 
“Oh, come on,” Seokjin laughed. “It does. It’s a simulation game, just like BT21.” 
Despite the animosity radiating off your father in waves, it was nice to see Seokjin getting along with your siblings. You caught Yeonja’s eye and smiled. 
“BT21? That’s one of your games?” Jeuen asked. “Maybe I’ll buy it.” 
Seokjin shook his head. “No need to spend your money.” 
“She doesn’t have any money,” Jihoon scoffed. 
Seokjin chuckled. “I mean, I’ll get you a copy.” 
Jeuen beamed over at him. “Thank you, Seokjin.” 
You all managed to finish your meal, but conversation animatedly started back again halfway through dessert. This time however, it seemed your father wanted to join in… 
“Tell me more about your relationship,” Yeonja urged Seokjin. “How did you guys meet? When was it?” 
Jihoon groaned; the topic not nearly as interesting as AGS. 
“Oh,” Seokjin guffawed, put on the spot. He wasn’t the best at this, as you’d already established. Ten seconds of questions from Yeonja and he’d end up spilling all the sordid details. “We met at a bar.” 
“____ is always so secretive,” Yeonja joked. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been hiding you away for years.”
“Hah, not quite.” 
“How long?” 
You were so surprised to finally hear your dad’s voice unprompted, it didn’t register at first. Seokjin’s eyes were slightly rounded when he met his gaze, swallowing before he replied. “Well…” 
“How long have you been together?” your dad repeated flatly. 
“Minsoo,” Yeonja said, the smile on her face painful looking. 
“I just want to know how long he’s been dating my daughter.” 
Jihoon fidgeted in his seat, sensing the atmosphere immediately. Jueun looked at you, wincing. 
“It’s more than dating, dad,” you said as casually as you could manage. Practically the first words you’d uttered to him all afternoon.  
When his palm hit the table, you jumped. It hadn’t been loud, but it took you by surprise anyway. “Will someone just answer my question, please. How long has it been?” 
Frustrated and growing angry, you knew you needed to at least leak some of the truth. Your father wasn’t like Yeonja, happily blinded by the news of your relationship. He’d already guessed the answer. “A couple of months. Okay?” You hadn’t meant to raise your voice, but you were suddenly feeling defensive. “I got pregnant when we weren’t together. Not that it matters, because now we are and are very happy.” It felt as though you had to justify yourself, and you hated it. It felt forced. 
“Oh, well,” Yeonja started, trying for damage control. “That doesn’t matter at all—”
“I can’t believe this has happened. How could you let this happen, ____?” 
Your father’s words burned shame across your face, your skin prickling. Or maybe it was anger. Red hot anger. He sounded so disappointed in you. 
“Minsoo,” Yeonja warned lowly, no longer smiling. Beside you, Seokjin was stiff. 
“No, Yeonja. I’m sorry for doing this, but do you really expect me to just sit here and listen to all this nonsense?” 
Seokjin cleared his throat, speaking respectfully. “I know it’s a shock but—” 
“I don’t need you to tell me what’s a shock.” 
“Dad!” you cried, incredulous. How dare he speak to Seokjin like that. 
“How, ____?” he demanded again. “How could you have a baby with a stranger?” 
“Seokjin is not a stranger!” you shouted. You looked around the table, your siblings silent and nervous. Yeonja was glowering at your father. “This is ridiculous. I’m nearly thirty years old!” 
“You are still my daughter!” 
“Minsoo, please. This is not the time and place,” Yeonja hissed. 
“Then what is? After she’s had the baby?!” your dad yelled. “After this man has grown bored of her, moved onto the next woman who catches his eye, gets them pregnant too, maybe?!”
Too stunned, too hurt, you didn’t know what to say to that, you could only stare at him open mouthed.
“That is never going to happen,” Seokjin said beside you, addressing your father’s ridiculous claims. Despite everything, he still spoke diplomatically. “I understand I’m a stranger to you right now, but you have this situation all wrong. I care about ____ and our baby very much.” 
“I have nothing wrong, believe you me. I know your type. You think you can come inside my home and charm my entire family right in front of me? All while I’ve been oblivious to the charming you’ve been doing to my pregnant daughter this whole time. Do you think I’m a joke?” 
You realised then that your eyes were stinging with tears, but you held them back with all your might. 
“That’s enough!” Yeonja yelled, standing up. “Jihoon, Jueun, get upstairs. I need to talk to your father.”
For once, neither put up a fight, standing quickly and leaving the dining room in silence. As you heard them walk upstairs, Yeonja came over to you and put her arm around your shoulders. One hot tear slid down your cheek, and you wiped it away quickly. “Look what you’ve done. This is so embarrassing, Minsoo!” Yeonja cried. “Would it kill you to be happy for her? For them?!” 
“Happy?” he roared. “Happy for what? That some rich, pompous ‘CEO’ has impregnated my daughter?! Oh yeah, I’m over the fucking moon, Yeonja.”
When you sniffed, Seokjin turned to look at your face, realising that you were crying. “Maybe we should talk alone?” he suggested to your father calmly. “You’re upsetting your daughter.” 
Your father’s eyes flashed with anger, before softening briefly when they found yours. He looked down at the table and snarled. “Fine.” 
Before Yeonja could help you up, Seokjin reached over and rubbed your back. “You’re okay.” You tried to let his soothing voice reassure you. “It’s all right, I promise.”  
A few moments later you were sat on the couch with Yeonja, a protective arm still around you as your tears fell silently. “Oh, ____, honey. Don’t cry. It’s all okay.” 
“How is it okay?” Your voice broke at the end of your question. “Dad is so angry.” ‘
She squeezed your shoulder. “Not at you.”
“Being angry at Seokjin doesn’t make it any better,” you sniffed, and just thinking of him made your heart clenched. This was so unfair to him. You wiped your eyes defiantly. “I need to go back in there.” 
“Just leave them for a moment. It’ll be fine.” 
The sick feeling in your gut didn’t tell you the same, but you knew that your father wasn’t an aggressive man. Then again, you’d never seen him this angry before. His reaction was still shocking, you hadn’t processed it. He was usually quiet, even when furious. When you were a child, one stern look from him had you instantly behaving. He had never even raised his voice at you, and even when arguing with your mom, he chose to leave and cool off instead of continuing the verbal confrontation. 
Yeonja brought you into a hug, and you let yourself close your eyes. You could smell her familiar powdery perfume. Ever since you’d known her, twenty-two years, it had always been the same one. It made you feel comforted, even if just for a moment. 
“Your emotions must be all over the place with all the pregnancy hormones,” she murmured. “Mine went haywire with Jihoon and Jueun, your dad didn’t know what to do.” 
It’s not really the same though, you wanted to reply, but stopped yourself. Your emotions had been perfectly fine until you’d shown up here today, but you knew that wasn’t Yeonja’s fault. Right now, she was only trying to make you feel better. To distract you, even. So you just let her. 
Seokjin took a deep breath, trying to be as discreet as possible. He wasn’t afraid, but he still needed to steel himself. If he was being honest, he’d expected a not so warm welcome from your father, call it intuition, despite how much you’d believed he would be indifferent. Still, he hadn’t imagined such anger. Seokjin couldn’t recall a time he’d been so unfairly judged, couldn’t recall someone being this incensed with him. He had never been in a physical altercation in his life, and while he didn’t actually believe your father would hit him, this day had been full of surprises. So, his default was to diffuse the situation. 
“I understand why you’re so angry, I would be too if I was in your shoes.” 
It wasn’t exactly the news every dad wanted to hear, was it? Their daughter pregnant by a man they hardly knew at the time. By a stranger. He’d said so himself. How could you have a baby with a stranger? You’d long stopped feeling like strangers, but at the time, it was the truth. Seokjin tried to envision the same thing happening to him in the future. His daughter, all grown up, telling him an identical story. Minsoo’s reaction wasn’t unjustified. He too, would be furious. 
Minsoo stayed silent, regarding him stonily from the other side of the table, so Seokjin continued uneasily. It was up to him to sort this out, to make your father see he had nothing to worry about. “I get it, I really do, but… What can I do to make you see it’s not like that at all?” 
In all honesty, he wasn’t so confident this approach would work, according to Minsoo, he was a master manipulator… 
“Nothing,” he replied gruffly, and Seokjin let out a frustrated breath. That was it? This man wasn’t going to give him a single chance to change his mind? 
“Then that’s a shame, because I plan on being in your daughter’s life for a very long time,” Seokjin said as effortlessly as he could manage. It didn’t matter if Minsoo didn’t like him, didn’t want to accept him. Yet even as Seokjin thought that, he felt uncomfortable. Seokjin liked being liked. Many a therapy session had made that clear. 
More silence followed, and while Seokjin was sure it wasn’t a good silence, at least your father didn’t seem as heated anymore. Seokjin followed him with his eyes when Minsoo suddenly stood up, making his way over to a wooden mini bar. He reached out for a bottle of whisky, but didn’t open it, only stared down at it. 
“How well do you know ____?” 
Seokjin swallowed, unable to tell if that was a dig at him because he hadn’t known you very long, or if it was a genuine question. Before he could reply, your father continued. 
“When she was six, me and her mother got divorced.” Seokjin nodded, showing he knew this already. Not that Minsoo could see him, his back still turned. “We weren’t together very long before we found out Hyesoo was pregnant, we rushed things, thought it was the right thing to do. It wasn’t.” 
Seokjin’s eyebrows pinched together in realisation. Minsoo was telling him the same would happen to you and him. 
“____ didn’t take it very well. She didn’t take my second marriage very well either,” Minsoo continued. “She never said anything, that’s not her style. But I knew… She wanted to be there for her mom, be on her side. I understood that. I still do.” 
“Her and her mom seemed very close,” Seokjin offered, trying to show how engaged he was in this conversation. 
“They were,” Minsoo nodded, finally turning around. “Like two peas in a pod. ____ even stayed at home for university, just so she didn’t have to leave her. They had a close relationship, but it was also very…dependant.” Minsoo paused, thinking how to continue. 
“I don’t know if ____ sees it like that.” 
“No, she doesn’t,” Minsoo agreed. “____ was all Hyesoo had, and I think that made ____ feel as if Hyesoo had to be all she had too. Or maybe I’ve had it wrong all these years.” He chuckled dryly, shaking his head. “Maybe my own daughter just really can’t stand to be near me too long.” 
Seokjin frowned, he didn’t think that was the case, remembering back to the semi-fond way you’d spoken about your father the morning after you’d finally slept together again. But was it his place to say? Your relationship seemed complicated, both you and your father under false presumptions. 
“My daughter is admirably independent and so emotionally strong. Just like…” Minsoo trailed off, starting again. “But that doesn’t mean she’s not sensitive, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t hurt. After Hyesoo’s death, she wasn’t right for a long time, had to get counselling.” 
Seokjin’s eyebrows lifted in surprise; he hadn’t known that. Although, what happened after your mother’s passing didn’t exactly come up in conversation very much. 
“Even then, she withdrew from me even more. I let it slide because I knew she had her friends, Yuna mostly and her family. She was doing well again, but…” Minsoo stared at him, warning written all over his face. “She doesn’t deserve anymore heartbreak. She’s already had enough of it to last a lifetime. No child should lose a parent that young, but she came out the other side. Always does, because she’s incredible like that.” 
The corner of Seokjin’s mouth lifted, a sad smile. “Have you ever told ____ all those things? I think she would like to hear them.” Everybody craved and enjoyed being praised by a parent, no matter how old they were. 
Minsoo shook his head and turned towards the mini bar again. 
Seokjin opened his mouth hesitantly. He didn’t want to speak for you, but some things needed to be said. “She wasn’t expecting your reaction today.” 
He could tell it had taken you by surprise and upset you greatly. Just seeing you cry had physically hurt him, as it always did, and he knew it had hurt your father too. Your family dynamic wasn’t at all what he’d imagined. It was normal, and loud, and…fun. (Minus the angry father part, but Seokjin knew that was all because of himself.) It was obvious Yeonja adored you and you seemed to have a good relationship with your siblings. Maybe you weren’t so close with Jihoon, but with Jueun, he’d felt that sisterly bond, noticed your shared glances, doing that telepathy thing you and Yuna did, the kind he wanted with you. It didn’t matter if you didn’t see them all that often, they loved you all the same, and you loved them too, and it was so glaringly obvious now, that Minsoo loved and cared about you deeply. He showed it in the wrong way, anger never got a person anywhere, but Seokjin could see it. He wanted you to see it too… 
When Minsoo didn’t reply, Seokjin tried again. “She was so certain you’d be unbothered by the news.” Seokjin didn’t want to overstep, but he thought you were under that impression because your father showed no active interest in your life. 
Minsoo whirled around incredulously. “Unbothered?!” He was angry again. “Why would I ever accept this? I’m not my wife who romanticises everything! This wasn’t how I wanted things for her.” 
Seokjin looked down at the table, the sight of dessert making him feel sick. He’d been doing so well, getting somewhere possibly, and now he was back at square one. 
“I don’t want to watch a repeat of everything that went wrong with me and her mother.” 
Seokjin’s eyes flew up, just like the anger that suddenly collected in his chest. “I’m not going to hurt her.” 
“How do I know that?” 
‘She knows that.” That was all that mattered. He had to keep reminding himself. 
“Why does she think she knows that?” Minsoo countered. “What did you promise her? All that money… You think you can just buy her affections? Fuck, I thought she was smarter than that.” 
Seokjin tried to get a hold of himself. It would do him no favours if he started raising his voice too, but he hated hearing what your dad was saying. You were smart. Getting pregnant didn’t erase that. He took a deep breath. 
“I don’t think that at all. I don’t need to buy anything, and ____ would never let me.” He chuckled humourlessly. “How well do you think you know your daughter?” The question rushed from his mouth before he could stop it, but he didn’t feel regret. Instead, anger spurred him on. “Five months. That’s how long I’ve known her, and in that time, I’ve never once seen you call her, text her, anything.” 
All the fight seemed to zap right out of Minsoo, shoulders hunching. When he spoke, he sounded embarrassed. “We don’t have that kind of relationship. We don’t do talking on the phone, messaging… I can just about use a phone.” 
His excuses made Seokjin’s nostrils flare. “All ____ wants is a family. Me, her and our daughter. I want that just as much.” If not more, at one point, Seokjin thought privately. He had hoped for this, wished, for this outcome. How dare this man assume otherwise. “Maybe if you had done more, you’d know that all already.” 
Seokjin was playing with fire, he knew that, but he was glad he’d said it. It was how he felt, how he’d silently perceived the situation for weeks now. How were you supposed to know how your father really felt when he never told you a thing? Yes, maybe you had always been distant, taking your mother’s side, but you had been a child. You were his child. He was the adult. He should have made more of an effort, instead of letting his daughter think he didn’t care about her life all that much. He would say this too, if he had bigger balls. 
Big balls have nothing to do with it, he heard Jungkook’s voice say, but it did little to lighten the mood. 
Minsoo narrowed his eyes accusingly. “Who are you to tell me what I should have done? Are you an expert on our life? You’ve known her five minutes, not thirty years.” 
“I may have only known her for a short amount of time, but it doesn’t feel like that. We, she—we talk to each other a lot. I know things. We’ve really gotten to know one another.” You opened up to him. It had taken a while, but you trusted him now. “It’s been intense,” Seokjin continued, less defensive now, “with the pregnancy, but it’s made it better, it’s worked out. It’s continuing to work out.” He held Minsoo’s gaze, expression severe. “I care about your daughter a lot—more than a lot. She’s strong, so clever, admirable. I don’t…maybe I don’t deserve her, she’s amazing, but I want to try, I want this. So maybe it doesn’t matter if you don’t accept us.” 
If you don’t accept me, he thought. 
He didn’t need it, he tried to remind himself. He was thirty-four years old, and he didn’t need everyone to like him. He didn’t need to be accepted by everyone. Other people’s acknowledgement wasn’t everything. But it was hard to believe when the one person he needed that approval from was unwilling to give it. This was your father. However, because of that fact, he wasn’t going to let Minsoo see how much being liked by him mattered. It would do him no good to come across as desperate. He’d said his piece, and he’d lick his wounds when he was alone. 
He'd have plenty of time to be alone next week, he remembered glumly, his phone call with Hoseok this morning yet another issue in now a sea of many… 
The car ride home was made in silence. You leaned your head against the window and closed your eyes almost immediately, but you weren’t really asleep, just mentally exhausted. Seokjin only concentrated on the road, his jaw set tight and visibly tense. 
After Seokjin reappeared, Yeonja had apologised profusely. He’d assured her it was fine and wasn’t her fault, but he seemed subdued, and wouldn’t look you in the eyes properly when you told him you wanted to leave. He was upset, and that just made this entire situation worse and hurt you even more. Yeonja tried to persuade you to stay and talk to your dad, but you refused. He hadn’t even left the dining room, which told you all you needed to know. Telling Yeonja there was no need for her to call you tonight because you didn’t feel like talking, you asked her to say goodbye to Jueun and Jihoon for you. You couldn’t face doing it in person right now. 
When you finally arrived outside your house, you tugged the door handle, unsure what you would do when you got inside, but needing it all the same. You needed the comfort of your own home, the familiar smell, the furniture that had always been there. You realised then that Seokjin hadn’t moved at all, even though he’d switched the engine off. You turned to look at him quizzically. 
“Hey, I think I might head back to my apartment.” His voice was hoarse, not having spoken for over an hour. 
“Oh,” you managed. Rejection hit you, but you tried really hard to ignore it. You forced yourself to smile reassuringly. “That’s okay.” Seokjin didn’t respond. “Listen Seokjin, I am so sorry about what happened.” 
He finally looked over at you, disbelief on his face. “It’s not your fault.” 
It felt like it was. “I was the one who told you he wouldn’t care. I thought it would be fine.” 
“Why did you think that, ____?” he asked softly. “Because you don’t realise how much your father loves you?” 
Frowning, you didn’t understand what he was getting at. “What?” For some incomprehensible reason, your first instinct was anger. “I know my dad loves me, Seokjin. He’s just—I thought he’d be okay with it.” 
You thought he’d be happy with the news, in his own roundabout way. How wrong you were… That’s why you were so upset. His reaction had been the complete opposite of what you’d imagined. Indifference was so much better than rage. 
Seokjin said nothing, so you asked: “What did he say? When you were alone?” 
Seokjin bowed his head and shook it slowly, both hands gripping the wheel. He was reluctant to tell you, and all you could do was worry about all the things that had been said. 
“I think maybe he should be the one to tell you,” Seokjin said finally, glancing at you. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You didn’t want to take your frustration out on Seokjin, but he was the one you trusted, the one you felt comfortable with, like you could share anything with him. So why couldn’t he tell you what had happened when he and your father were alone? Unless… 
Maybe Seokjin was too hurt and embarrassed to repeat their conversation. You reached over, a reassuring hand on his knee. “I don’t care what my dad thinks. You understand that, right?” you told him gently. 
Seokjin stared down at your hand, looking visibly exhausted. “I’m just feeling very overwhelmed right now. I need to be alone, to sort through everything.” 
You tried not to feel hurt by what he was telling you, you tried to understand, but right now he wanted to be on his own, and you didn’t. You had become used to being your own support over the years, but Seokjin by your side had helped reinforce you. You wanted to be with him, so it was painful to know he didn’t want your support right now. 
“Will I see you tomorrow?” you asked. 
You watched him shake his head, your mouth parting in shock, and you removed your hand from his knee. “I mean,” he rushed, noticing and sounding remorseful. “I mean, shit, that phone call I had with Hoseok this morning? I need to leave for Japan tomorrow afternoon.” 
“What?” Surely he was playing a joke on you. 
He closed his eyes. “There’s a gaming convention next week. I was due to appear by video, but there was a change of plan this morning. They need me there.” 
“You’re leaving for an entire week?” you asked in disbelief. 
“I was going to tell you as soon as we got back. I didn’t want to ruin today…” 
You both lapsed into silence hearing the irony of that now. 
“So you’re just going to leave,” you whispered after a few moments. “Without talking about this? Jump on a plane tomorrow, and then what?” 
You’d act as if nothing had happened when he got back? Or worse, what if your father’s behaviour scared him off? As soon as you thought that, you shook it away. You were being ridiculous. That would never happen. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologised. “I’ll message you every day, check in. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to phone, but I’ll try to—,” 
“It’s fine,” you interrupted, trying to be understanding. “Messaging is enough if you’re very busy—Well, of course you’ll be very busy.” 
He nodded, not meeting your eyes, and you were suddenly overcome with a feeling of hopelessness. You were usually the closed off one, not Seokjin. Seeing him like this was disconcerting. You felt sick with unease. How had this day turned out so terrible? Yeonja had been happy for you, your brother and sister had been happy for you. Everyone you knew was happy for you. So why couldn’t your own father be? 
“Seokjin, talk to me,” you pleaded, trying once again and taking one of his hands. “I don’t care what my dad thinks,” you repeated slowly. 
“But I do,” he said with a resigned sigh. 
You wanted to tell him he didn’t have to. You wanted to feel frustrated, but you couldn’t, because if things had been the opposite way around, his family not accepting you, you would have felt the same way too. Those few scary moments when his mom had found out, they were nothing compared to your dad’s reaction today. 
“I’ll see you in a week then?” You wanted it to be an assertion, but it came out more like a question. Seokjin nodded. “Message me before your flight takes off?” 
“I will,” he replied, managing a small smile. 
You hesitated, wanting to reach over and hug him more than anything, but you settled on a quick kiss to his cheek and slowly got out of the car. You hadn’t missed the way he’d sadly closed his eyes as he felt your lips on his skin, as though attempting to savour the feeling. 
Your legs felt wobbly as you walked to your door. 
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Written 2022. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2022
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mayorofcattown · 7 months
Just had the funniest possible AU idea: Natsuyuu warrior cats AU where Natsume is a kittypet living with the Fujiwaras who keeps getting hassled by Natori and Matoba to join the clan cats in the area, because he's the child of Reiko, a stray who used to challenge everyone, cat or otherwise, to battle, and somehow always won. But Natsume wants none of that and just wants to enjoy his comfy bed and wet food in peace.
I haven't decided what the youkai would be yet, they'd either be the Spirits of other animals/cats that Natsume can connect with thru starclan bullshit, or just non cat animals that Reiko fought with. The second one is funnier but the first probably fits better with canon? But also I remember like nothing abt the warrior cats starclan Lore lol
Matoba is obviously the head of shadowclan (I considered changing the name but tbh shadow clan just works best either way) a strong but ruthless clan of cats that live in the area that banded together to defend against wild animals in the area. Maybe there's a bear or something in the area that has beef with them and keeps trying to attack the clan leader, and gave Matoba a scar on his eye?
Natori is the "head" of windclan, a clan that consists of him, sasago, urihime and hiiragi. Windclan used to be a big clan in the area, but got chased out by Shadowclan and retreated to being strays/kittypets. Natori is the child of a former windclan cat and a bougie purebreed showcat, and was never able to make it as a show animal because of a weird lizard shaped birthmark on his leg, so ran away to bring back windclan himself.
Natsume's highschool friends are just other kittypets in the neighbourhood he hangs out with. Tanuma is the cat of the local monk (he found him as a kitten under his porch), Taki and her brother are the pet cats of a local wealthy family, and her (cat) father was always interested in clan cats but could never meet them. Nishimura and Kitamoto are just average kittypets bought from a pet store.
Of course their names would all be different, I haven't decided on all of them but I think Natsume would be named 'Nutmeg', Tanuma would be 'Tuna' and Reiko would be 'Ghost' or 'the ghost'. Natori would call himself like. Sparklefur or something.
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h-didanart · 5 months
I had an idea and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem
so I was sitting in class, doodling, trying to figure out a design for Stitchwraith in my swap au.
AND THEN! and then—
the greatest idea ever.
Immediately jumped to my top three funniest swaps for this AU I’ve thought of (I think, I am yet to rank them)
it just made no sense but at the same time it also kinda made sense. It’s just so silly
But who exactly does the swap involve?
Jack-O Moon and Hatsune Miku
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feel free to yell at me over the cursed thing I made you see ;P
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
One piece AU everyone is marine except for Luffy. He gets into a fight with every single one of them and has to befriend and gain their trust in order to be a part of his crew. They all have their own personal vendetta against pirates.
It's a work in progress but please add some of your intake on this AU I want to hear it
Oh! That is such an awesome idea??? I love it!! Mmmm I would love to give you my thoughts on every mugiwara, but it's kind of difficult when it comes to characters like Robin or Franky. Or Zoro, even- But I'll try to tell you how I think Nami/Usopp/Sanji would become marines because it's tbh pretty easy.
Nami is an easy one: When Bellemere dies and Cocoyashi Village is invaded by Arlong, Nami just decides to follow her mom's steps and become a Marine to save the village because she manages to escape from Arlong. Then the story is basically the same, tbh. She becomes a marine, goes to the village to help from time to time, but she can't do anything bc of the corruption within the marines. She wants to help but she isn't actually free being a marine, yadda yadda yadda. Luffy appears. Same old story. She joins Luffy.
Usopp is an easy one too, tbh: He hates his father and pirates bc Yasopp left him to become one. He becomes a pirate to see the world and become stronger and also bc he thinks it's the only way he has to make Kaya proud and be able to tell her stories, and, well, bc he hates pirates. He goes to Syrup Village from time to time to visit her. And the story is basically the same, tbh. Luffy helps Kaya when Usopp can't do it on his own and he realizes that perhaps Yasopp had a (semi) valid reason to leave, and he wants to have a taste of those adventures too!
Sanji's story is a bit more complex, but hear me out: Everything is the same, except that the marines are who find him and Zeff on that rock. Zeff, ofc, being a pirate and all can't talk directly to the marines so he just manages to steal a boat. Don't ask how, you're the one with the AU, I'm just here for the vibes, bestie. And so Zeff wants Sanji to have a better life bc he's, you know, a kid. And even if he doesn't like marines, he still think the pirate life for this little eggplant isn't the best. But Sanji wants to stay with him!!! So Zeff says very mean and horrible things to him to make the kid hate him and make him go with the marines. Long story short, Sanji becomes a very skilled cook for the marines and he ofc can also fight. He hates pirates bc Zeff left him, but he has mixed feelings for the man bc he saved him. Uhhh, not sure how he meets Luffy. Perhaps they somehow find each other at the Baratie when Sanji just happens to be there too. Maybe he finds Zeff there again and they end up making amends after saying he hates pirates for so long. Perhaps making amends with him and meeting Luffy is what makes him join the straw hats!! Idk. I need time to think about that.
The other crew members are hard af so PLEASE I'd be so happy if you sent me an ask (or a DM, if you don't want people to know about your AU details yet) explaining your ideas <3 My friend said Chopper is just Sengoku's other goat and Chopper keeps telling him that he's not a goat and he becomes a doctor for the marines and I think that's the funniest thing-
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