#this is the only time 'i can fix him' has not ended in complete disaster. good for them
t4tdanvis · 11 months
I enjoy the vylene I am looking respectfully
im really really normal about the fictional guys i put in situations (<- lying)
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yutagfr · 3 months
Can you do one where bakugo is a first time dad? 😭 and he doesn't know what to do please!
A/n: uh It was kinda difficult at first but I hope you enjoy, it's also really short.
"The monster gone, he's on the run and your daddy's here"
The dim glow of the nightlight cast an eerie light on the bedroom, illuminating the exhausted faces of Bakugo and You as you lay in bed. The air was thick with the scent of sleep, and the only sound was the gentle hum of the city outside their window.
As you both lay in bed, Bakugou's snores were interrupted by a loud wail. He fluttered his eyes open, his gaze snapping into focus as he noticed you were awake. "What's wrong?" he growled, his voice rough from sleep.
Your expression was tired, but a hint of amusement danced in your eyes. "The baby needs feeding," You whispered.
Bakugo groaned, throwing back his head against the pillow. "Great. Just what I needed. A middle-of-the-night wake-up call."
You sat up, rubbing your temples. "You're on duty tonight, Kacchan."
Bakugo's eyes narrowed as he fixed his eyes on you. "I thought we had a system. I'm not exactly a morning person."
You handed him a diaper bag slung over your shoulder. "We did have a system, but you forgot, didn't you?"
His jaw clenched in frustration. "I'm not exactly known for my memory, okay? But that's not the point."
You raised an eyebrow and rolled your eyes. "What's your point?"
"My point is that I'm not exactly thrilled about being woken up in the middle of the night to deal with a screaming brat," Bakugo snarled, flinging off the covers.
You sighed, getting out of bed as well "I know it's not ideal, but someone has to do it."
The baby's wails grew louder, and your patience wore thinner. "Fine," Bakugou muttered, throwing off the covers and stumbling out of bed. "I'll go take care of him."
Bakugou followed you to the nursery, still grumbling under his breath. As you reached the crib, he peered down at the tiny human wailing in front of him.
"What do I do now?" he demanded, the diaper bag hanging off his shoulders.
You handed him a bottle and a pacifier. "Just...try to calm him down and feed him."
Bakugou scowled at the unfamiliar equipment. "This is ridiculous. Can't we just use...I don't know...magic or something?"
You flicked on the lights to the babies room. "It doesn't work that way, Kacchan."
Bakugou huffed and tried to take the bottle from your hand, but ended up dropping it instead.
"Great," he muttered under his breath. "Just perfect."
You patted him on the back, feeling bad but you knew he had to learn today or never.
Bakugou glared after you before turning back to the baby. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on calming down the tiny human in front of him.
He stood there, feeling like a complete failure, as he stared at the wailing baby. He let out a deep breath and tried to compose himself. This wasn't exactly the first time he'd been in this situation, but it still didn't make it any easier.
He picked up the baby and tried to rock him gently, but his awkwardness was evident. The baby's wails only grew louder, and Bakugou's scowl deepened. "Come on, kid, calm down already!"
You had given him a pacifier, which he held out to the baby with a scowl. "Here, shut it up already," he muttered.
To his surprise, the baby quieted down slightly, and Bakugou felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this parenting thing wasn't going to be a total disaster after all.
The baby's tiny fists waved in the air, and Bakugou winced as one of them accidentally poked him in the chest.
You chuckled from behind him. "Maybe try rocking him?"
As he stumbled around the room, trying to find a comfortable spot to rock the baby, Bakugou's clumsiness only seemed to get worse. He stumbled over his own feet.
You burst out laughing at the sight of him stumbling around like a newborn giraffe. "Kats, maybe you should try sitting down?" You suggested.
Bakugou glared at you. "I don't need your help! I'm a professional...or at least, I will be once I figure out how to hold this brat with without dropping him."
You chuckled and handed him a pillow from the couch. "Try sitting down with him on your lap.
Bakugou grudgingly nodded and sat down in the rocking chair beside the crib. He awkwardly began to rock the baby back and forth, trying to find a rhythm that would soothe him.
The baby immediately quieted down, gazing up at him with big, round eyes.
Bakugou struggled to find a comfortable position. His arms ached from holding the baby upright, and his back hurt from trying to sit up straight. But he refused to give up.
As he rocked the baby, Bakugou couldn't help but think about how tiny and fragile this little human was. He was used to dealing with explosions and Quirks, not delicate babies.
But as he continued to rock, something strange happened. The baby's wails began to slow down, and eventually he quieted down altogether. Bakugou's eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms.
Whoa, did I actually do it?
He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him, and for a moment, he forgot all about his grumpiness. He gently swayed back and forth in the rocking chair, feeling the baby's soft breath on his chest.
As he sat there, something unexpected happened. He started to relax. His tense muscles eased up, and his breathing slowed. For the first time in his life, he felt...calm.
And before he knew it, his own eyelids grew heavy. The last thing he remembered was feeling the baby's soft head against his shoulder before everything went dark.
"Maybe this whole thing isn't shitty after all."
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy.
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imdead770 · 10 months
The Outsiders x Reader - Making a Gingerbread House With Them
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Warnings - Swearing, the basics
Darry -
I think Darry is one of the few gang members who isn't a complete disaster. He'd probably put some effort into making the gingerbread house. Only problem is, he's strong. Too strong. So whenever he underestimates his strength, a whole wall gets split in two. Let's say the two of you are unboxing.
" so are we making a house or- "
" Seriously, Dar? That's the third time! "
Might actually end up looking decent. 9/10.
Sodapop -
Pure chaos. That's it. I feel like Sodapop is the type to eat all the frosting. He threw up after.
The gingerbread house itself is a complete mess. The frosting is smudged, there's just candy thrown on, it falls every 17 seconds. He's definitely one of the funnest to make it with, though.
" Hey, darlin! I made a gumdrop garden! "
It looked like shit, but we don't need to tell him that. In the end the gingerbread house is a mess. 10/10 experience, though.
☆ 100% put frosting on your lips and kissed it off.
Ponyboy -
He tries, he really does, but gingerbread houses have never been his thing. He is a Curtis, after all. It's not his fault he grew up with Soda. He breaks a few pieces, gets frosting everywhere, all that. It probably collapses at least 4 times. The decoration is really good, though.
" Hey, babe.. the roof's uh.. sliding.. "
" so fix it. "
" ..what if I said we're out of frosting? "
Looks pretty good in the end, what's standing up, at least. 9/10.
Johnny -
I think he surprisingly has a knack for this type of thing? I just feel like Johnny can make stuff. So yeah, it's one of the only houses that stand up. He probably gets frosting everywhere, though. In his hair, smudged on his face, even on you.
" Um.. baby? You got somethin right.. "
" How did you even- "
" I don't know, okay!? "
Turns out decent. You have to go take a shower to get the frosting out of your hair, though. 10/10, though, he's really sweet the whole time.
Dallas -
He probably wouldn't even do it. But with enough convincing, a bit of flirting, and an ass ton of luck, he'd do it. I feel like he's never really done this, it's just not his thing. So it's a complete mess. Frosting goes everyone, he probably gets mad somehow and breaks a roof piece.
" Dal! I needed that! "
" And I need a million dollars, but I ain't got that, do I? "
Turns out like shit, it's really fun though. 9/10.
☆ You know those movie scenes where someone gets a bit of frosting on the other, then it's a full fledged war? Yeah. That's basically what this is.
Two-Bit -
Jumps at the opportunity. He's been waiting. This man chugs the frosting. You thought Sodapop was bad? You haven't met Two. It's a mess, but it's the most fun you'll ever have making a gingerbread house.
" Babe! Heh, look. I made a penis on the gingerbread man. "
" Two.. what the heck? "
There'd definitely be a small food fight. Again, you'd have to take a shower. Turns out decent, it's not standing, but hey, there's a penis on a gingerbreadman. 10/10.
Steve -
Chaos. He'd eat everything. Nothing is safe. The frosting? Gone. The gum drops? Digested. The fucking roof? It's already in his stomach. It's sugar, it's what he lives for. You won't even have anything to build after 5 minutes. It's gone. Dissolved.
" Hey Steve where's the wal- Jesus Christ! "
" what? "
" that's like.. the fifth wall? "
" ...want some? "
Thats basically it. There's no house to judge. 7/10.
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
Thoughts upon finishing Master and Apprentice! A good double read with Padawan; the ending of that leaving Obi-Wan slightly hopeful about his relationship to Qui-Gon makes for a very sad yet hilarious ‘Local Padawan loses last little bit of hope he didn’t even know he still had’ sort of vibe to the beginning of this one, which is set one (1) year later and Obi-Wan is So Done with Qui-Gon’s whole deal by this point (correctly btw). Also if you can’t tell already I will not be objective or free from bias in this because I love Obi-Wan so much and some of the stuff Qui-Gon pulled made me incandescent with rage on his behalf <3 let’s go
- 'oh obi-wan, you're so mature for your age, I keep forgetting you're only seventeen years old,' qui-gon says, word for word, repeatedly, in master and apprentice, apparently willfully deaf to the industrial-sized warning bells about their relationship dynamic that should probably be setting off in his head. qui-gon believes in vibing with the living force and being in the moment right up until the moment requires him to pay attention to the kid he's raising for more than oh, one and a half minutes of self-effacing inner monologue and then he's like 'well unfortunately there is simply no time for that right now there are prophecies to be pondered'. (the fact that the admission that obi-wan has essentially been left to raise himself emotionally and the resigned reframing of that as 'and maybe that is a good thing!' is part of the olive branch they extend to each other towards the end... will my sadness never end)
- most of all it's so heartbreaking to me that qui-gon seemingly never understands just how much obi-wan as a person is rooted deeply in shame. I don't think that's a feeling that's particularly prevalent in qui-gon's own inner world so he doesn't recognize how central it is in obi-wan's psychology and completely misunderstands and misaligns with him again and again and again and then gets annoyed with obi-wan for that, thus making the shame even deeper. doubly painful because he does see the way rael lives so much of his life out of shame now and feels sad about it, but can't see the way he's contributing to obi-wan doing so. this is what fucks me up so bad about the generational trauma in star wars -- no one here meant to be cruel. for all his faults I do think qui-gon does love obi-wan and doesn't mean to hurt him. but the original sin of the prequels as far as I'm concerned is qui-gon tenderly drying away obi-wan's tears as he's dying even while completely failing to see him, his eyes too fixed on anakin's future to actually be with obi-wan, who's there right now and needs him.
these are simply very different people trying and failing to understand each other, and the harm that can still happen in that… 'if you love me, you don't love me in a way I understand', all the way through the disaster line, even when the love is there, it is there, that’s what hurts the most, it just doesn’t reach where it’s needed, there’s a connection that doesn’t happen. (ironically I think ahsoka doesn't doubt that anakin loves her, it's just uh everything else that went down. so y'know family curse broken! new even more fucked up curse achieved now with more child murder. I mean there already was some child murder in this family but anakin upped the game exponentially) 
- a lil guy who's basically tarzan except the gorillas are replaced with protocol droids and then he becomes a jewel thief is one of the funniest star wars concepts I've ever heard and I hope pax and rahara get to pop up in more star wars media, they’re great fun. (also an idea I think would be super fun to make a character/campaign around in Edge of the Empire or something, everyone playing different droids and then one person being robo-parented lol) 
- was not prepared to have rael posit a theory of what essentially seems to be the jedi version of predestination in his despair, but I do love to see it haha. especially interesting since he, qui-gon and dooku must be among the people alive who've studied the prophecies in most depth, and they've all reached different conclusions -- dooku decides to join the war of light and dark on the side of dark for some reason, qui-gon (possibly the stubbornest fucker the jedi order ever produced) 'turns towards the light not to win some great cosmic game, but because it is the light', and rael in the middle falls into the depressed apathy of 'it doesn't matter what we do here, the outcome is already decided; for there to be true balance there has to be as much dark as light in the world so we're fucked'. but in the end he does take qui-gon's words to heart and turns towards the light rather than accepting dooku's offer, even if he might not believe it makes a difference in the long run. man I love rael. hobo-looking sonofabitch living in a castle for eight years will just suddenly fling out some deep jedi theology huh
- master rael 'I'm gonna make up for the big terrible mistake I made on accident by making an even bigger more premeditated mistake on purpose' averross (affectionate)
- the added layer to dooku’s fascination with prophecy after reading dooku: jedi lost — that his best friend in the world was a seer who couldn’t turn it off and it destroyed him……….. dooku you’re not getting him back if you just understand what he saw you know that right
- the more I read of master and apprentice the more I realize that the reason yoda and qui-gon don't get along is that they're two of the judgiest bitches the jedi order ever produced. They’re like two cats scowling judgmentally at each other from opposite sides of the room pretending to live and let live while going ‘you’re wrong tho’ internally. 
- I dunk on him constantly (not entirely without affection, however grudging), but Qui-Gon is genuinely a really interesting character. He’s so… he’s so. He’s infuriating but he’s infuriating in an equidistant sort of way. You feel me. He’s pissing everyone off equally and he just doesn’t care because again, he’s the stubbornest judgiest bitch around and thinks he’s right all the time. I would be free to just enjoy his ornery ‘no actually I’m right about this’ ass and the chaos he wreaks so much more if Obi-Wan didn’t have to live with the emotional consequences of it lol. 
- poor rael closing in on fifty with his puriteen middle-aged little brother clutching pearls about his getting laid once in a blue moon fhdskjahfas. again a really interesting insight into different ways of interpreting the jedi code, though, I love seeing the jedi not be an ideological monolith. to be fair to rael, having sex sometimes does seem to be the indulgence he has that causes the least conflict with his principles or loyalties so you know what honestly force speed you my friend why not. (and then there's qui-gon 'noooo sex is only okay if you're In Love (implied: like I was)!!!' jinn lmao. I wonder what he'd think of anakin and padme's relationship, would that pass the 'being sufficiently purely in love' test for him) I do like how consistently it’s shown that rael doesn’t mean to be cruel or unkind in anything he says, he always notices something landing too close to home and then pulls carefully back from it instead of pushing on. He seems to be the emotional intelligence powerhouse in this lineage (as long as he doesn’t have his feelings too tangled up in something, at least). 
Dooku: jedi lost also shows us that dooku absolutely knows rael is out there in the galaxy laying pipe and is, at worst, softly amused by it. So in this little family unit it’s only qui-gon losing his mind over it fjsdkafa I’m so used to having qui-gon be the wild card maverick compared to obi-wan ‘*in tears* but what are the RULES master’ kenobi, it’s so fucking funny that within the context that raised him he’s the stick in the mud 
I guess. the book also had a plot and it was not bad! some interesting insights about how the republic interacted with the big corporations and just how fucked everything already was by this point. I'm a pretty character-driven reader so that's what sticks with me for the most part
- obi-wan’s big teenage rebellion here being that sometimes. Occasionally. When he really loses his temper and gets hot under the collar. He’ll say something slightly passive aggressive out loud instead of keeping it contained inside his head. And qui-gon still can’t handle that gracefully AT ALL he snaps right back fdjskfhas. (I guess he also snitches on qui-gon to the council but well, you know, qui-gon was breaking republic law pretty brazenly at that point I think that moves beyond teenage angst and into ‘...master that’s a wholeass felony’ territory). Obi-Wan does go for a couple of low blows, but like. Nothing that’s not actually true, is the thing. And mostly he blames himself for not being good enough, because surely if he were qui gon wouldn’t treat him like this. Augh. hngh. Pain. suffering. 
- I am not one of the people who think everything would have automatically been just hunky-dory if only qui-gon lived and could have been anakin's master (in fact I would have given it a 50/50 chance of going exponentially worse way faster; being more similar as people is not always a guarantee that a relationship will go smoother and qui-gon is an incredibly difficult man to be close to for any length of time), but the way this book basically presents how the dynamic between dooku, rael and qui-gon could have gone on in the next generation too... it would have been incredibly unfair to obi-wan (as always I think that's just an universal constant lmao) but I think the odds of it turning out okay would have been better if you had him in the mix to run crisis control for both qui-gon and anakin, as he does for each of them individually as best he can anyway. at least he could have been free to be anakin's brother and friend purely in that scenario, without all the added mess of grief and having to take on a parental role there so young. he does basically fill that role in ahsoka's apprenticeship, after all.
- qui-gon finally hugging rael before he leaves the planet (and especially since when they were younger he wanted to, but held himself back from it)... that's still his big brother even with all the shit that's happened since ;_____; when someone teaches you how to swim (literally and symbolically) that shit stays with you I suppose
Relatedly: DOOKU getting hugged, and gladly. What the fuck. Are you all seeing this shit. I’m gonna cry or laugh I’m not sure which one why am I emotionally invested in the galaxy's most problematic grandpa now this sucks
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The timing and occasion on which MC made the pacts with Lucifer and Belphegor should've been switched and here's why:
I don't know if anyone has ever posted something similar to this but it's something I've been thinking about it for a while. I've never quite liked the way these two pacts were formed and to me, they were both timed weirdly and overall had little to no weight on the story, which sort of irritates me in a way.
I think our pact with Lucifer should've taken place at the party where MC was celebrated instead of the end of the season, it would've been much more meaningful that way and left way more impact than the disaster of a scene that lesson 20-14 was in my opinion. Because here's the thing:
Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride, one of the most powerful beings in all three realms, someone who's led an entire army through war and was maybe the first of his kind to rebel against its own creator. It's not easy to gain his respect, much less his trust, so for him to put his pride aside and offer a human the power to control his entire being, it's much more than a simple "possessive and horny confession", t's him placing his ultimate trust in someone, it's him showing just how much he's grown to care for you.
Because you deserve it. You were the human who put his dear family back together, who willingly ran head first into danger more than once just for the sake of protecting his brothers, who gave your life trying to help fix what he broke. You were much more than a simple exchange student, you were someone he had slowly come to cherish, who so gradually approached his heart that he didn't even notice you come in and before he knew it, all the irritation and distrust he felt towards you had turned into love and admiration. You were a precious presence in his life that he felt the need to protect but failed to do so.
So Lucifer offering to make a pact with you just shortly after all you had gone through was a way to let you know just how immensely grateful he was for all you had done for him and his family, to show you that you had not only earned his respect and trust but also his love. It was an apology for every time he had put you in harm's way and for not being there for you when you needed him the most. Lucifer offering you a pact it's him letting you know that he will never ever let anyone hurt you again and that he'll always be there for you from now on, it's him saying that you can lean on him as much as you need because you're now part of his family — the one thing he puts above all others and will do anything for.
Lucifer asking to make a pact with you it's him showing you mean the world to him while having no qualms about letting the whole three realms know you were remarkable enough to make the prideful Morning Star let go of his sin and give you all of him.
Now, let's talk about Belphegor. As I've seen many point out, the reaction to MC's death after lesson 16 as whole was terrible. There was barely any acknowledgment of what happened, no apology coming from Belphegor, and the weirdest thing of all: MC was not only completely okay with being close to Belphegor but also the only one trying to help him when all the brothers were more than rightfully being awkward around him. So let's just put it this way: the whole situation was beyond bizarre and we all like to pretend it wasn't canon.
But back to the matter at hand: Canonically, MC's pact with Belphegor is formed at Diavolo's birthday party. After he disappears from the main hall where everyone is and MC goes to find him on their own. That itself already seems wrong, I mean, I don't know about you personally but if I had just been murdered by someone a few days/weeks ago, I definitely wouldn't want to leave the side of those I'm safe with to go find that person alone. But Canon!MC is very dumb and we can't do anything about it so our only choice is to follow him.
We are also not given the choice to refuse the pact when it's proposed nor MC has the chance to speak a word about it. Now the way I see this, it's a clear sign that MC doesn't want a pact with him. They are scared and pressured into making a pact with Belphegor because they're not sure what could happen if they refused. Because then again, this is the guy that murdered them not that long ago and laughed at their dead body like he was having the time of his life. And the last time MC refused to make a pact didn't exactly go well either, with Satan shoving them into a bookshelf and threatening the hell out of them.
And if Satan reacted like that, imagine Belphegor. And there was no one around either, Canon!MC had made the stupid decision to go find Belphegor on their own and had no one to protect them at the moment. So they have no choice, they are frozen with fear and are ""forced"" to make a pact with him even though they dread the idea. It's just awful and I hate that scene so much I can't even put it into words.
MC's pact with Belphegor shouldn't have been formed so early. They should've had the time to heal from all the trauma, time to distance themselves from Belphegor, and to process everything they had been through. And then only later they would slowly start to warm up to him again, after they know for a fact he's truly sorry for what he did and deeply regrets it. After they are ready to face him.
And for Belphegor's pact with MC to be formed on their last day in the Devildom, it would've simply been beautiful. Because then Belphegor would've also had the time to learn to appreciate MC, to realize how special they truly were, for what he did to become one of the biggest regrets he's ever carried. Belphegor would've had the time to see right in front of him how you treated those you had a pact with, time to realize that to you, a pact wasn't about gaining power and status, but about forming a deeper connection with someone.
The pacts you shared were proof of your strong bond with his brothers and all the love you had for them. And honestly, it broke his heart to be the only one in the family who didn't have that kind of connection with you. But he wouldn't dare ask for it, he couldn't ask for it. He didn't have the right, not after what he did to you that day. You were nice enough to forgive him, to treat him with kindness when all he deserved was your hate and loathing. He couldn't ask for more, no matter much he wished to.
So when you come around and ask him for a pact on your last night in the Devildom, he couldn't have felt happier. To know that you had come to trust him like that again even after all he did, for you to love him enough to want his pact mark on you for the rest of your life, it felt nothing short of incredible. He wondered what he had done to deserve you, because someone as caring and sweet as you should have no business staying close to someone as rotten as him. But he gladly accepts the pact after you confirm to him that's truly what you want. Belphegor then hugs you as tight as he can, sobbing in your embrace as he is filled with both the happiness of your newly formed pact and the sadness that you have to leave.
MC being the one to ask for a pact with Belphegor shows that they've come to trust him just as much as his brothers. And the pact itself is a sign that they've both come to overcome their past traumas and now feel more than comfortable with each other. It's proof of the strong and unbreakable bond they have.
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cheekyowldraws · 5 months
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Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Main plot: Murdock, Friede Minor part: Rockruff, Mollie, Orla, Ludlow Mentioned: Katy, Liko, Dot, Roy, Blanca
Ships: FriedexMurdock also called Capncrunchshipping or Airfryshipping
The story plays right after the fight against BlackRayquaza and before the Trio offically start their training at the Orange academy.
Murdock seems to work in Katys bakery and logically should stay in this town during that time. So I wanted to explore his feelings about being away from everyone, especially Friede and how they spend their last night together before being apart for a while. Lots of emotions, kisses and a little suggestive part at the end <3
Three days have passed since the big fight against BlackRayquaza, were the Brave Asagi got heavely damaged. It is heartbreaking to see their home being in this terrible state, but luckily nobody was injured during this incident and that's the most important thing. The ship can be fixed after all...even if it might take a while until they can go back to what they are used to...until the ship is filled with chaos and laughter again instead of silence and working noises. For the time being Liko went back to her parents house and Dot and Roy were able to stay at Blancas place until they can officially start with their Terastal training at the Orange academy. Only the adults stayed at the ship for now, but as soon as Orla officially begins with the repair they gonna have to stay at a hotel to not be in her way.
Murdock was sitting in his room heaving out a big sigh. He was glad that at least the kids could stay at a more positive environment right now. Seeing the damaged ship everyday just would make them relive this scary experience over and over again. Or that what he is believing anyways, knowing that he himslef is still struggeling with getting that disaster out of his head. He kept a brave face in front of the children, but in reality the cook was as scared as them, not knowing what happens next. Can the ship really be fixed completely? What are they gonna do if it's not possible? Will this the be end end of the RVTs? The cook couldn't help himself but worrying about these questions. Friede seems more faithful then him or at least knows how to overplay such thoughts. "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Murdock scolded himself while he slapped his own hands against his cheeks, squeezing them with a slight agression. "You are not a child anymore, so don't act like one!" Murdock remaind in this position for a while before he loosened his grip, letting out another deep sigh.
The chef inhaled and exhaled sharly several times to calm his nerves. There is no time to feel scared. He knows exactly what he has to do. In fact everyone knew repairing the ship wont be an easy task and will keep Orla busy. But for the mechanic to even being able to start with this endeavor, she needs materials and that in turn means they need money. Lots of money. So Murdock already decided what he personally can do to help. After all working hard is something he can do best.
A small smile formed on his lips while he looked at his phone. Only yesterday he mailed an application adressed to Katy's bakery in Cortondo, hopeing she gonna accept him and allow the pastry chef to work there until the ship is as good as new. To Murdocks surprise she personally called him back this moring to tell him he's hired. Needless to say that the chef almost dropped his phone, because he was so nervouse and honestly didn't expect such a fast answer, let alone a positive one. And on top of that he was told he can already start working in five days. Though the cook needs to leave a day earlier to get the keys for the small room he rented near the bakery, right after this hopeful phonecall earlier.
His smile fastly shifted to a more sad one. Working there means he need to leave for a while and live in that town...thinking about that fact alone made him feel wistful. Murdock don't even wanna think about getting seperated from everyone for an extended period of time that he cannot yet grasp. Especially being apart from Friede fills his thoughts with horror. Having him around all the time feels so natural and became part of his daily life. Being able to go to the other man whenever he wants, just to hang out or when he feels overwhelmed or just needs a safe place. Simply just having him by his side, to feel his touch, his warmth. Before Murdock completly got comsumed by his fear he felt something cautiously licking his hand. The cook was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed his puppy climbed on his lap. Rockruff knew somethings was wrong and visible was worried about it's dad. "Sorry I didn't wanted to worry you." Murdock automatically wore a soft smile and gently patted his puppies head before he lifted it up to pepper it with kisses. Cuddeling with his little angel certainly helped to ground him and let him tackle this decision rationally. The chef knew that he had to tell Friede at some point, but he also didn't want his boyfriend to start brooding about this and having to go through all those feelings for days now as a result just like him...one suffering is enough. Murdock settled to only tell Mollie, Orla and Ludlow about his plans for now.
As expected the two woman appreciated his plans but side-eyed him when he pleaded them to not say a word to Friede about that. Nointhenless they gladly did respect his wish who he was very thankfull for. From this point on Murdock tried to tell Friede as well several times. When they were shopping together, when Friede was keeping him company while cooking, when they went for a walk...he tried to tell him...he really tried but everytime he chickened out the last second and brushed it off, finding a silly excuse for his strange behaviour. There was no way that the professor didn't started to get sceptical.
And before Murdock knew it the day before his departure had arrived. It already was dinner time to be exact. The chef was spending most of the day in the kitchen to make everyones fave meals. He just had too, because he doesn't know when he will be able to cook for them again. Murdock could feel tears filling up his eyes, but hastely blinked them away, before he served it all up. "Hope you all are hungry, because I made plenty!" the chef voiced with a bright smile while watching everyone slowly gathering around the table.
"That smells great!" Friede took in the scent a bit more before sitting down and filling up his plate. Orla and Mollie digged into the food as well. Ludlow on the other hand just silently watched the scene for now, sipping his tea, observing, already knowing something gonna happen. And he didn't have to wait long. "So delicious! I gonna miss Murdocks food!" Orla spouted out, mouth full. "ORLA!" Mollie promptly scolded her, but the brown-haired woman didn't realized what she just said. Murdock on the other hand froze in place, wanting to run away. "Please don't let Friede have heard that!" the cook was pleading in his mind. But the white-haired man DID hear and now looked at Orla with a very confused look on his face, swallowing down his food before asking "Hmm? What do you mean you gonna miss his food?" Realisation hit Orlas brain like a thunder bolt. She didn't meant to say that and tried to hastly come up with an excuse. "Ah that...well I mean when we start staying at the hotel he won't be able to cook there right?" Orla cleared up while slightly laughing awkwardly. "Right Murdock?" she then added hoping he gonna help covering her white lie but to everyones surprise his seat was empty. The tall man must have taken the oppertunity to leave while all eyes were on the mechanic. Friede felt like a fool and was visably confused. The professor hated when he didn't know what was happening and didn't realized how his face got very serious. "What is this all about?" he now asked with a slighty annoyed sound in his voice. The damage was already done so there was no reason to keep up this farce. "We promised Murdock to not tell you, I don't know why he asked for that though, so it might be better to ask him yourself." Mollie finally explained. The conference room was now overshadowed by a negative vibe.
"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows." Ludlow spoke with a calm and encouraging voice, breaking the uncomforteable silence that had settle over the group. Friede stared at his gramps for a moment before his eyes wandered back to his plate of food. His face slowly shifted into a sad but also concerened and betrayed expression. What did Murdock felt comforteable enough to tell literally everyone but him? He needed to know but...if he haven't told him yet why should he tell him now? Friede suddenly started to heavily shake his head, trying to get rid of those unwanted thoughts. With his eyes now filled with determination, the professor promptly finished his fill and then headed to the kitchen, were he was sure to find his 'target'. Ludlow was smiling as he saw the young man leaving the room ready to clear things up. When Friede entered the kitchen Murdock was busy washing the dishes not daring to look at the smaller man. The professor didn't knew how to start the conversation, he wants to know what the chef is hiding from him, but he also doesn't want to pressure him either. The white-haired man is certain that the cook must have a reason why he haven't told him yet, so he tries to approach the subject slowly. "That was delicious as always. I'm full!" Friede praised, putting on a smile. It wasn't a fake smile though, he meant what he said. Murdocks food is always the tastiest, still he felt more like crying right now. The taller man was taken abakt by that, because he was sure Friede straight up gonna confront him and ask him questions. "I'm glad to hear that. It means a lot to me. Thank you." the cook looked at Friede for a short moment to return the smile, before focusing at the dishes again. An awkward silence filled the whole kitchen. The only sound left was the suttle cliring of the table ware Murdock kept cleaning.
With every minute passing the chef started to get more nervouse. "That's your last proper chance to tell him you idiot!" Murdock started to scold himself in his thoughts. "COME ONE JUST TELL HIM YOU COWARD!" his thoughts went further and the cook got so angry at himself, that he abruptly stopped in his tracks, starteling Friede a little. Murdock was snapped back to reality by a gently touch on his shoulder. It was Friede who now was giving him a worried but warm glance. The cook took a deep breath and slowly let out the air again.
"I'm gonna leave tomorrow to work at Katy's bakery in Cortondo and wont be back for a while. We need that money or Orla can't fix the ship so it's unavoideable." Murdock started to explain, pausing for a moment to inhale deeply before continuing. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but the more I tried the more I couldn't bring myself too..." his voice now started to tremble "If..." he had to clear his throat before being able to continue. "If I had told you four days ago, you surley couldn't have helped but brood about me leaving all these days...and I didn't want you to go through the same thoughts that kept haunting me over and over again...I gonna miss you ya know?" the cook couldn't hold his tears back anymore and started to sob bitterly. "I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you until now I'm..." before he could speak any further he was pulled into a tight hug, while a hand gently caressed his back. "You idiot..." the small man said with a shaky voice himself. "You choose to keep all this feelings to yourself because you didn't wanted to make me suffer but..." Friede now had teary eyes as well "But imagine how you must have felt all those days, being all alone with those thoughts...that's what breaks my heart!"
"I'm so sorry...i didn't mean to hurt your feelings...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Murdock's voice softened as he continued to apologize, hugging Friede even tighter, but gentle enough so the smaller man could still breath properly. "Shhh it's okay I'm not mad at you." The smaller man kept stroking Murdocks back in gentle and firm circles to calm him down. This went on for quite a while until Friede felt that the other mans sobbing eased. He then proceed to sat down Murdock on the small wooden stool, who was busy wiping away his tears and was still softly sobbing.
"I want to apologize myself...No I need to apologize to you!" the white-haird man stated while he rubbed the back of his head. Murdock just looked at him with wide eyes, waiting for Friede to continue. "The words gramps said to me before had me thinking. I mean you did act a bit strange all of a sudden, but I refused to question it any further believing you surley gonna tell me if somethings the matter and..." "So you did notice..." Murdocks eyes wandered to the side in embarressment. Friede had to giggle at that sight. "Are you kidding me? When we went for a walk yesterday you literally kept staring at me with such an intense look , that you ended up running into a street lamp!" Friede now started to chuckle. "You should have seen your face!" and with that he bursted out into laughter. "STOP LAUGHING THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" Murdock tried to complain, but the moment he saw Friedes genuin smile while laughing like crazy he couldn't help himslef but join, laughing away all their worries. A few minutes passed and they now were sitting on the floor, right next to each other, tummies still hurting from their laughing fit. "Guess we are both idiots!" the cook stated while beaming a smile at Friede who returned the favour agreeing with a cheerfull "Yeah!"
And without a warning Friede was leaning in for a passionate kiss, making the tall man shudder in surprise. As soon as their lips touched Murdock literally melted into this sensation. The cook gently layed his hands around the other mans arms to pull him even closer. Both of them let themselve fully taken in by this moment, there hearts are pounding in synch, hoping this pleasent feeling would never fade. They tried to delay the unavoideable, but unfortunatly they had to break the kiss at some point to breath again. Now staring into each others eyes with such warmth.
"Soooo we can either have some fun now or just cuddle all night." Friede now looked at Murdock with playful eyes and a cheeky smile. The cook just looked at him with wide eyes, cheeks still rosy. He tightened his grip a little, his eyes nervousely flickering back and forth from looking into Friedes eyes to staring into the void. Friede just amusingly watched his future husband getting all flustered, while waiting for an answer. "Wh-Why not both?" the cook finally managed to declare, taking the professor by surprise, not that he is complaining though. He kinda was hoping for that outcome, because he wants both of them to enjoy this night to the fullest. "Never thought you can get greedy." the smaller man sassily returned, while purposly coming closer to Murdock's face who then started to pout a little "So what if I'm a little greedy?" the chef playfully growled back. "Nothing wrong with that." Friede assured while trying to kiss Murdock again. The emphasis is on 'trying' because his attempt got stopped by a big hand gently pressing against his lips. "W-Wait! N-not here!! Besides I need to clean the kitchen first and..." the cook got cut off mid-sentence by Friedes lips sealing his once again. It was only a short lived kiss this time meant to stop Murdock from blabbering nonsens. Friede now was looking into Murdocks eyes dead serious. "As if I would let you do the chores right now, the dishes won't run away, I gonna deal with them tomorrow." the yellow-eyed man explained. "But...!" Murdock tried to argue, but this time it was Friede pressing his hand against the cooks lips. "No buts! I already let the others know so don't worry!" the professor replied with a snippish grin while holding up his phone to show Murdock that he in fact send a message.
»Just put your dishes in the kitchen later. I'll deal with them tomorrow. I have to take care of Murdock tonight <3«
"T-Taking ca-care of me?" Murdocks cheeks turned into an even more intense pink admitting his defeat "G-Guess I have no choice then!" he stutterd softly. Pleased to hear that, Friede then purposely placed his hand on Murdocks crotch, making the cook jump at the sudden touch. His whole head turned into a bright red now and before the professor could make his next move he got lifted up by Murdock, bridal style. The cook now was dashing into his room, while gently carrying the smaller man in his arms, locking the door behind him before he allowed himself to be all over Friede.
At the same time in the kitchen:
"Guess we better sleep with our ear plugs in tonight." Mollie said after she read Friede's message while looking at Orla, who visibly was relieved about this outcome. With their minds at peace the two woman continued eating. Ludlow did join them as well now and was seemingly happy.
The next morning:
Friede and Murdock layed in bed cuddeling together. The smaller man was resting his head againsts the cooks chest, while the taller man wrapped his arms around him. Both were snoozing softly, enjoying this harmonic atmospehere until Murdocks alarm rang. The chef turned it off as fast as he could so Friede not gonna get waken up from it. He had to blink his eyes open several times before his vision was clear and he could see Friedes peaceful face, thankfully still sleeping. The cook decided it won't hurt to stay in bed for five more minutes, before he cautiously climbed out to not wake up the other man. He didn't want too, but he needed to leave soon so he had to dress up and get ready. When he came back from the bathroom he found Friede right were he left him and couldn't hold back a smile. He looked cute when he was peacefully sleeping. Murdock than hastly pulled out his phone to snap a shot he can look at whenever he misses Friede. Not that he already has a full album full of that. Happy with the result he now was thinking about waking the professor up to properly say goodbye for now. But wouldn't that be selfish? To tear him from his sleep just to catch another kiss? As Murdock was mostly silently debating with himself to either wake up the other man or not he suddenly got hugged from behind. The smaller man tightly wrapped his arms around him. "Good morning!" Friede muttered while letting out a big yawn. "G-Good Morning Friede. Did I wake you up?" the cook replied. "Nah I was already awake before you climed out of bed, but I wanted to let you get ready in peace." The white-haired man explained while he released the hug trying to catch a glimpse of Murdock's cell phone "Sooo did you get a nice shot?" Friede asked with a cheeky voice resulting in a high pitched scream leaving the cooks mouth, while the latter tried to hide his phone. But that just made Friede even more curious, now wearing a big grin on his face "I know you made a photo of me while I was supposetly asleep." Murdock was now trying to hide his blushing face behind his phone. "M-Ma-Maybe!" he managed to stutter out. "Good thing I also got a cute shot from you." the smaller man joyfully chirped. A small chuckle left the professors mouth when he saw the chef getting all flustered. Friede then took his chance to pull his boyfriend into a kiss, which immediately made the bigger man calmer. Both closed their eyes and enjoyed this delicate moment. Taking in every second, burning this feeling into their brains. They whined a little when they had to part, but they knew it was now time for Murdock to go. " Don't overwork yourself okay?" Friede wanted to make sure and with a "Don't be too reckless okay?" and a warm smile Murdock then left for his new temporary job.
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Crowley should have stepped in earlier. He couldn’t have known what would happen before, but he certainly knows now. All he can do is blame those black rocks he saw Grim eat once and heard he kept doing.
Currently Grim was causing absolute destruction. How a single cat was this powerful was beyond Crowley’s knowledge, but he was. All you had to do was look around and see the buildings completely destroyed and the people lying there in desperate need of medical attention. Even Crowley and the powerful few left standing were loosing to this cat. All he they could hope to do was stalk Grim until help arrived.
That was all he hoped until he had an idea. Crowley’s unique magic wasn’t known to many as he kept it hidden unless needed, but now seemed like the perfect time. It was called Bird’s Flight and would create a crow made of pure magic that, while having its own thoughts, Crowley could command it to do anything within reason, even better, Crowley could imbue the bird with what he knows and take knowledge from what the bird has learned while away. All he had to do was try to send the bird back to the beginning of the year to prevent any of this. To do that, he just needed to add an extra spell it and something to send it through so it could be out of the school and start searching somewhere immediately. Something like…
Something like the Dark Mirror behind Grim.
The only issue was spells like that are incredibly dangerous and cost a lot of magic. If Crowley went through with using both a time manipulation spell and his unique magic, he might not survive.
While his odds may be slim, the school, and how ever far Grim may reach before he is stopped, have a better chance if he does.Crowley just hopes the timeline ends up how he wishes.
One utterance of the spell for his unique magic and the bird was in front of him. He shared what he knew of Grim, the seven stones Grim ate, and how Canis brought Grim into the school. Crowley gave the bird two orders, bring whoever could fix the future to the entrance ceremony before Grim showed up, and guide them into helping. He added a spell to let the bird travel through time, giving as much magic as he could and not caring about specifics, and sent the bird off.
The last thing he remembered was distracting Grim as the bird flew around and through the mirror.
It was a simple day as a black bird flew. It didn’t stop for food, water, or rest. It only flew and looked at all the people it passed over. It flew and flew until his heard the tiny frustrated growls of a small child. Through glass of a window the bird saw a young boy, about three, watching woodland animals scatter around, occasionally reaching out in an attempt to grab something despite the distance between any animals and the window.
The only thing was, the bird had knowledge of who the boy was. Canis Woods-Vargas. He wasn’t supposed to look as he did. He wasn’t supposed to be so young. The bird should have been sent only a year back. It seems something had gone wrong.
Or gone right.
If Canis wasn’t the same during the time Grim was there, maybe the overblot wouldn’t be the same as well. Perhaps it might not happen at all.
The bird landed on a branch to oversee the boy as its black feathers only reflected the magic inside the child. It didn’t take long for him to notice the bird, and with that it decided. It flew down only to make contact with the boy. It would send him where they were needed and guide him
Once the bird and boy made contact, they both started to shift to a new place. The bird knew the boy would land in a coffin, but the bird’s world changed to be on the roof of Night Raven College. All was going correct. Now it just needed to guide the child to prevent disaster.
(Slight context for things that I think I might have made hard to understand: The bird was sent too far back in time because Crowley completely dumped it with magic, causing him to overshoot the time he meant. Also while the years are different, the specific day was the same. The day bird found Canis causing him to go missing and the day Canis reappeared are on the same day just 13 years apart.)
(Also, yeah, this probably isn’t Crowley’s canon UM, but I thought this was fun. So technically Crowley is responsible for all this but the current Crowley doesn’t know that yet. He can retrieve memories/knowledge from the bird, he just hasn’t done that yet. He doesn’t even know the bird is out there.)
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beevean · 6 months
I think I can finally pinpoint what bothers me so much about the Lenector ship - not even how it was treated in the show, but the very idea of making it "nuanced".
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Long story short, I found an author that promised to flesh out the Lenector storyline in the show, including getting a better insight into Lenore's thought process and rewriting some of the dialogue (I appreciated that they fixed the "interrogation" in S3 to make Hector specify that he never cared about a reward, it made him look less stupid)
Author never rewrote the rape scene, which disappointed me but oh well, but they did write Hector and Lenore finally talking about the ring, a discussion sorely missing in S4. It was more or less what I would have written: Lenore swearing that she had no choice and it was for his own good and protection, and Hector lamenting that she still tricked him and made him into a pet and she could have been honest because he would have agreed to work with them.
... but he's still in love with her. He kisses her gladly. And his "conflict", his anger at the betrayal, is framed as something in the way of his love, an obstacle that he'd have to get over it.
And there it is.
Even with the acknowledgement that what Lenore did was horrible, there is the assumption that Hector, after a good talk, is bound to forgive her. That it still makes sense that he'd be attracted to her. That it's okay, because she meant well. That it's okay, because she didn't technically lie, only twisted the truth to wear down his mental defenses (already worn down by imprisonment and abuse)! Oh, I guess I must have dreamed Lenore saying that she wanted to run away with him before kissing him :) to be fair, it was a terrible piece of writing. Good thing it wasn't real, apparently!
Yes, Hector's forgiveness should have taken time, but it should have happened. Because Lenore is not a bad person and they deserved to be together. Because what she did, which was deliberately push her prisoner in a delicate mental state into having sex with her so that she'd put an enslaving ring without his consent, was just an honest mistake and doesn't speak at all of her morality.
She's the best he got. She's nice to him, because she makes cute dick jokes and goes to whine to him. She's better than Dracula, who lied to him (Lenore never did), and better than Carmilla, who was violent with him (Lenore never was). This is not to be taken as a sign of how horribly this man has been treated in life, and how he'd be happy with the smallest of crumbs because he has been broken that badly. Lenore is the happiness he deserves. Ignore how "your life could be worse" is literal textbook abuser logic, it's true in his case.
The problem with S4 is not that it excused Lenore's rape by deception. It's that it rushed the forgiveness that was due and didn't allow them to be together. Lenore's suicide was Ellis hating this character that completely overtook Carmilla's already established role and was treated far more magnanimously than the similar Japanese not-twins, clearly!
And this is the impasse I cannot get over. Every time, every damn time, even when fans agree that S4 was a disaster, all arguments funnel to this one part: Lenore raping Hector for her plans is not a moral event horizon. Hector loving her makes perfect sense and it is a tragic, "nuanced" romance that should have ended with the two kissing in the sunset, finally having in their arms someone who truly respects them.
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^ the face of someone who only wanted to protect and take care of the prisoner whom she tricked into sex. She should have been happy with him forever and ever, really 🥺
I'm not judging the shippers' morality, obviously, I don't know any of these people. But the arguments they use make me sick to my stomach, which is made even worse by the fact that the show itself pushes this narrative, just in a way that was so shitty that even the fans were like "bruh".
I won't bother rewriting this trash, because I can do better with the gameverse. But if I ever did, I'd only ask for Hector to at least be conflicted until her sunning (which is not as nonsensical as fans seem to think lol, it just needs to be worded better). Like he recognizes that she did improve his life, but she used unforgivable means for no good reason. You want a tragic romance between two kindred souls? Remove that despicable, cruel act. The Lenore of S3 and the Lenore of S4 are irreconcilable and trying to do so always degenerates in rape apologism whether you mean it or not.
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xanthippe74 · 9 months
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The mood this year, as this header photo demonstrates, was Le Tired. Just physically and emotionally slogging along. Brain stuck on perpetual static. A pull-the-covers-over-my-head sort of year. I read a few books, watched a lot of shows, found new songs to listen to on repeat, and spent way too much time futzing around on Tumblr.
But that's not what this post is about! This is to remind myself that I did accomplish writer-ly things this year, even if it didn't feel like it sometimes. So here's my 2023 Fandom Year in Review:
🐈 A Dreadful Invasion (of the Feline Persuasion) rated G | 6K words
Most of the time, it’s easy for Harry to forget that Draco Malfoy is his next-door neighbour—until the night Malfoy seemingly goes round the twist in his back garden. Of course Harry has to investigate. A birthday gift for @caroll-in.
🍷 Under the Table rated T, 4K words
A string of nearly-insufferable dinner parties has made Draco acquainted with Harry Potter’s completely insufferable, social-climbing boyfriend. But tonight it seems like Potter’s finally had enough, and Draco’s more than happy to watch it all play out from across the table.
Microfics: Different  |  Thalassophile  |  Role play  | Careless |  Mama’s Gun  |  Raven  |  You Should Probably Leave  |  Afraid of the Dark  |  Eerie
WIP progress: I added about 25K to my Drarry retelling of Howl's Moving Castle. The working title is "Skybound" and it will be about 55 to 60K words when complete (by spring 2024, god help me!). Featuring: lots of banter, secret identities, adventures and misadventures in a floating house, a plucky house-elf, and (of course) a fire demon who wants to make a bargain.
9-1-1 fics, HP recs, and 2023 highlights under the cut!
🌧️ It pours, man it pours rated T | 11K words
An endless rainstorm. A head-on collision on a dark canyon road. Eddie and Buck find themselves stranded with a woman in labor after they’re cut off from the rest of the 118 by a flash flood. With the fate of their team unknown, can they weather the night ahead—and mend the rift Buck caused by trying to kiss his best friend?
💣 A Few Good Pranks rated T | 4K words
The firefighters of the 118 decide to give Bobby a turn at pranking them after seeing how disappointed he was to be left out. And since two heads are better than one, why not three? Or four? If only they could figure out who's pranking and who isn't, and who the intended victim is. It's all in good fun, though—as long as everyone is too distracted to notice that Buck and Eddie keep sneaking off alone.
❤️‍🩹Let It Be Me rated T | 1.8K words
After another Buckley Family reunion-turned-disaster, Buck makes a decision about his parents. Of course the 118 has his back. Or, Bobby employs some LAFD equipment to help Buck out—and tell him something he needs to hear.
Episode codas/fix-it ficlets: 1x01 | 1x03 | 2x01 | 2x03 | 6x10 | 6x11 | 6x12 | 6x13 | 6x15
WIP progress: First chapter of a season 3/canon divergence Buddie fic. Featuring: angst with a happy ending, a secret marriage of convenience, and pandemic bed sharing.
HP Rec List
I was inspired by this post to rec twelve favorite fan works from 2023 in twelve days in December. It actually took fourteen days, but I did it!
💖 12 Favorites from 2023 💖
(after posting those twelve, of course I thought of a few more faves that I missed. I'll try to share them soon!)
2023 Highlights
I'm so very grateful for the wonderful, funny, imaginative people here who shared their creative works, the memes that made them laugh, photos of their pets, gif sets of shows I didn't know I needed to watch, and insights into the characters we love. You all got me through the year, honestly.
I had a good time doodling some Halloween treats for Inbox Trick-or-Treating. I hope it will become an annual Tumblr event! Thanks to the folks who rang my doorbell that night and the other blogs who gave out treats.
I truly treasured every kudos, comment, and rec I received this year. I was also very fortunate to receive a few special gifts:
🎙️ EllaMcSmellBella recorded a Podfic of "Spooked in Salem," my Drarry 'Round the World fic.
🎙️ Spades/bumblingbees recorded a Podfic of "Crimson Neon."
📕 @cheriecherishchen wrote a lovely rec for "Vortex" and designed gorgeous book covers for that fic and its sequel, "Riptide."
✏️ @saijordison drew this incredible piece of art for "Riptide."
And finally, if you read all the way to the end of this post, I'm grateful for YOU. 😁
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and an excellent 2024!
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 month
I’ve been bored so have a writing thing about the ‘That time I adopted a god AU’
Anger Capabilities:
Basically what happens if you anger one of the gods. And the consequences that will happen when it comes to it.
Now it takes A LOT to anger the gods, they get annoyed sure but to anger them completely is like a rare phenomenon and is used as a learning experience for everyone.
Ranked from Least Destructive to Most Destructive.
Strawberry Cookie.
Now Strawberry Cookie is still the shy and considerate Cookie she is, so she won’t fully express her anger, but if you do anger her or insult her ways she will leave you. Like love, if you treat love or the one you love horribly they will eventually leave you. Either through death or hatred. As the manifestation and the goddess of love Strawberry will leave your life forever.
The consequences of this is that you will forever be revolted both romantically and platonically. Everyone is repulsed by you unless you seek her forgiveness. This can range from the person responsible for angering her to a whole village or crowd angering her. Usually the cookie ends up dying alone or killed out of hatred.
I know, shocking. But Gingerbright just straight up gives you the silent treatment and ignores you and your prayers. She doesn’t answer nor does she care if you’re hurt unless you ACTUALLY change. The only reason it came to desperation for Poison Mushroom is because they lived in the dessert where food was not abundant. In addition to this, Gingerbright lets you fend for yourself. She won’t deny you crops or water however she will basically leave you to your own devices. Aka if your crops are no longer growing that’s your responsibility to fix it not her. In addition to this, if you fail to get food outside your living area you won’t be getting answers from her. Instead she’ll just focus on other villages for the time being.
The Consequences of this differ as either people find success through hardship or suffer more hardship, usually the latter. There is no more ‘fun’ or ‘joy’ just constant work just to get food or water or even money. ‘You are alone in this’ is basically her motto if you anger her completely.
Wizard Cookie
Of course Wizard Cookie is one of the ones you definitely do NOT want to anger. Most likely he’d be the one to physically retaliate. Wizard Cookie would be the most likely to send storms against those who wronged him or curse/summon a monster against the cookie. He is the one who is most likely to send disasters and hoards of beasts against those who dared to anger him and basically give you a lifetime of bad luck.
The Consequences are obvious, you cannot hide, you cannot run, you can only fight or seek forgiveness. Angering Wizard Cookie is no joke.
Now Gingerdozer is more than the god of the darkest night, he is also the god of death itself, but letting you feel the abyss of death is probably too merciful. First he’ll let you experience what your life after death will be like if you do not change your ways. If you continue he will send crows and ravens to alert your time of death. Then in the crowd you will see his angel come forth lurking and telling you that your time has come.
And as you try your best to avoid him, suddenly he appears and sends your soul down where you belong.
The Consequences of this is usually unexplainable anxiety, fear and paranoia as well as subtle hallucinations. The reason as to why this is most destructive is because the angel (Licorice) showing up is unable to conceal himself in front of his victim, and as a bonus, if multiple cookies from the same area anger Gingerdozer, they will get the fright of seeing Licorice. As though the ravens and crows might just mean anyone, Licorice showing up is the final nail on the coffin that you are going to die.
This also causes slight insanity.
So now we have the one god that is incredibly difficult to anger, Nameless is unfortunately a really really kind god who tends to lean under the goodness of cookies’ hearts, so to anger him is like unleashing the very wrath of the Witches he slew.
Nameless is more than the god of light, he is the god of life, all cookies were made by him, the dough, the flavor and life powder. The other Five handle the rest (Wizard is the Mind, Strawberry is the Soul, Gingerbright is the Heart and Gingerdozer is handles mortality.) As such if you take advantage of life, Nameless will slowly take it away from you.
He first takes away your abundance, your mortal wants and desires, then he takes away your needs, your food your water anything that gives you life and nourishment, next he takes away everyone closest to you, leaving you alone in your wake and lastly, he appears before you, and takes away your power, your will and your mortality. He makes you relive the way cookies were originally baked. Into the realm of fire you go and never wake again.
Consequences? Usually other people around you are affected, and though Nameless feels sorry for those people they needed to find the motivation to see what wrongs that the person caused. Sometimes this unfortunately leads to others dying, but it is an ultimate consequence for when you anger the god who worked hard to keep others at peace.
Also land destruction at best…Nameless will actually STOP making plants grow, he will contaminate the waters and cause plagues in the process with the help of the other gods.
I mean damn he kicked out the Wizards what did you expect?
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tchaikovskym · 4 months
Wangxian fic recs pt4
(pt1, pt2 & pt3)
Losing My Mind by pupeez4eva
On a drunken dare, Jiang Cheng drinks a potion that allows him to hear other people’s lustful thoughts. It’s just his luck that he’s stuck in close vicinity with the guy who is completely and utterly besotted with his idiot brother.
One thing's for certain - there is no way he's leaving this with his sanity intact.
(Or, where Jiang Cheng has a lot of regrets, Lan Wangji is having an ongoing sexuality crisis, and Wei Wuxian is as oblivious as ever).
Really sweet and funny fic, made me grin all the way thorough it
The Light That Fails to Dim by glowingreverie
Wei Ying lost his parents in a night hunt. Cold and alone, he wandered the streets of Yiling for nearly two years. However, one fateful night, a tall, scary man finds him and takes him back to a place he calls Qinghe. Later Wei Ying, now known as Wei Wuxian, discovers that that tall, scary man is not bad at all. And his cowardly brother makes an even better friend than he initially thought he would. With a content feeling in his chest every day, Wei Wuxian can only hope these peaceful, happy days with his new family will last until the end of time.
Or, in which Jiang Fengmian is unaware of what happened to Wei Wuxian's parents and Nie Mingjue takes him in and the story continues from there...
A brilliant fic that broke my heart in pieces and glued it back together. Multiple times. I would call it a fix-it fic that takes into account all the things that were broken beyond repair in the original story and leaves them like that.
I hope that you will come and meet me by feyburner
The second time Lan Zhan said 'Wei Ying, come back', Wei Wuxian did.
Absolutely lovely fic about how much Wei Wuxian loves Lan Wangji and is being loved back by him until they both notice that. This was really sweet and warm and I love it with all my heart.
null hypothesis by chinxe
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji practise kissing. With...each other.
Exactly what it says on the label. Very sweet and lovely with lots of kissies
between two lungs by fruitys
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan says again. He leans forward, just a little. His hand is still wrapped around Wei Wuxian’s wrist. “You promised that you would let me take care of you.”
Wei Wuxian swallows. “I never said that, specifically,” he tries.
(Or: three days in the jingshi.)
Lovely post untamed canon hehe
Falling to the Rhythm by Selenay
"So it's a bet?" Jiang Cheng said. "Dance the showcase if you get him, fancy coffee machine if you don't?"
Wei Wuxian considered the machine. "Fine. You're on. I want it in red."
"Don't start planning your caffeine overdose yet."
"It's in the bag," Wei Wuxian said cheerfully. "There's no way they'll match me with someone like Lan Wangji."
Teaching Lan Wangji to dance in front of the nation for twelve weeks, how hard can that be? Wei Wuxian is about to find out.
Did I know anything about ballroom dancing? No. Did I know anything about the Strictly Ballroom show? Also no. Did I enjoy this fic with all my heart? Yes!!!!! Wonderful fic!!!!
nothing you confess by PorcupineGirl
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have both been told since childhood that if you are lucky enough to have a soulmate, a red string will appear on your wrist the day you meet them. This is common knowledge.
What nobody ever told them, likely because nobody knew, is that if your soulmate loses their golden core, you can feel it happening.
I really love how everyone loves Wei Wuxian here. As he deserves. Mwuah.
mianmian the disaster lesbian saves the cultivation world by likehipsonthesea
Luo Qingyang’s expression suddenly shifts, her eyes widening once again, lips parting. With some measure of disbelief, she says, “You’re a cut-sleeve.”
Lan Wangji stiffens. How did she—?
Apparently decided without need of confirmation, Luo Qingyang sighs deeply on a smile. Leaning back against the bookshelf behind her, she says emphatically, “Thank the Heavens.”
In which Mianmian is a disaster lesbian (yet still the only one with a braincell), Jin Zixuan was just trying to help, and Lan Wangji suddenly finds himself in possession of two shiny new best friends.
They're all better off for it, in the end.
Would the world have been a better place if lwj had some friends? Yes! Lovely story!
Bet Your Heart by Vamillepudding
Wei Wuxian grins. “I’m going to use this summer to seduce Zewu-jun, and I’m going to get his brother to help me do it.”
Or: To win his bet against Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian has to kiss Lan Xichen. Who better to ask advice from than Lan Zhan?
Very sweet and lovely fic. It involved a lot less lxc than I expected lol, but in a good way
And Fall to Desire by cqlorphan
Wei Ying makes a small, anguished sound. It is not a refusal. Slowly, so that such a refusal may still be voiced, Lan Wangji brings up his hand and places it flat on Wei Ying’s stomach. A quiet gasp is muffled hastily, and hands curl into fists.
“Yes,” Wei Ying grits out. “Please.”
After a nighthunt, Wei Wuxian takes a curse meant for an inadequate husband. Lan Wangji happens to be in the wrong (right) place at the wrong (right) time.
Listen I know fuck or die trope is sort of messed up, but this one solves itself so beautifully, leaving you lighthearted at the end.
you are the you who has dyed my lifetime red by Quixiote
Lan Wangji was born with a gift.
Really nice fic that will hurt you in the right places and put you back together afterwards.
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths
Wei Ying leaves. He follows.
Very lovely and shows the hardships of Burial Mounds, and the absolute devotion lwj has for wwx
If It's You by etymologyplayground
"Good morning," Wei Wuxian says. He is trying to figure out how to get Lan Wangji to kiss him.
Wei Wuxian sneaks back into the Cloud Recesses after a year away.
This fic fed my cats, wrote my thesis, fixed my car, and bought me a house in this economy. For real though, very sweet and lovely
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane
It’s a really unfortunate thing, developing a crush on your husband. Wei Ying had assumed this would be easy. Lan Zhan had been so icy and unpleasant to him, it had never occurred to him that he might end up spending the next however many years with this dumb, burning feeling in his chest whenever he looks at him.
“Okay,” says Wei Ying. “But tell me if I…if the pretending gets to be too hard, okay?”
“It will not,” says Lan Zhan, quietly certain.
This is the best "marry for green card" fic I have read. The pining!!! The mutual pining!!! And it doesn't have long drags of miserable miscommunications and suffering. Yes, it has some expected communication issues expected for a mutual pining fic but just the right amount. Love this fic.
through the warmth, through the cold (keep running til we're there) by fleurdeliser
Five months into his travels, Wei Wuxian gets word that Lan Wangji has disappeared. Everything changes.
Absolutely lovely
lightning in a bottle by nighimpossible
Wei Wuxian does not need a bodyguard, thank you very much.
Your good old hot bodyguard fic.
Dimples by bodhan
Wei Wuxian sees something very interesting on Lan Xichen's face when he smiles, and concludes that Lan Zhan must share this feature. So begins his mission to make Lan Zhan smile.
Lan Xichen is mischievous.
Lan Qiren suffers.
And Lan Wangji is fondly exasperated.
Short and sweet
F.U.N Run by malkinmalkout
Track star Wei Ying finds the positive side of his leg injury when it offers the perfect opportunity to befriend his physical therapist roommate Lan Zhan.
Or modern AU where Lan Zhan seduces Wei Ying with medical massages.
Very nice fic where the idiots in question just need a little push.
say my name by fruitys
“Wei Wuxian, what have you done,” he moans aloud, anxiously carding his hands through his hair. If the discarded drafts are anything to go by… he had said… well, he had said everything he had been so careful not to say. For the past year, for the month at the Cloud Recesses after Guanyin Temple, for every moment when he had looked at Lan Zhan and felt flowers blooming in his chest. For every moment he had wanted to say: Lan Zhan, don’t leave me. Let me stay with you.
Or: Wei Wuxian has a revelation, and then he does something about it.
Very, very sweet
The Ritual by nightwalker
Lan Xichen asks Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to participate in a ritual for the protection of the Cloud Recesses. There may be some ulterior motives going on.
You know I think this is the best of like. Ceremonial sex.
180 centimeters by Ceta
Wei WuXian is not small or short or anything of the sort, but Lan WangJi looks at him at times and takes in his slighter shoulders, how easy it is to press his lips to his forehead, the way his arms can wrap around Wei WuXian and envelope him completely, the way he is allowed to do this — and he thinks, and he is overcome.
Lan WangJi’s world is 180 centimeters tall.
They are in love your honor, that's the fic
Take Root, Come Home by piecrust
Living with Wei Ying is a dream come true – Lan Wangji has nothing to complain about…
Except one thing. A small… thing.
Mhmm yeah a good fic. Really unpacks their happily ever after
Look Not With The Eyes by Spodumene
Wei Wuxian returns from his travels to join Lan Wangji on a routine night hunt, but when things take an unexpected turn, Wei Wuxian will have to fight for what he's really looking for.
The good old The Untamed post-canon where feelings are unravelled.
Tripped at Every Step by brooklinegirl
Wei Wuxian knows that Lan Zhan is the same Lan Zhan as before, but also so, so different. This Lan Zhan is soft for him. This Lan Zhan has a set jaw and a steely look in his eye, ready to fight anyone who gets in Wei Wuxian's way. This Lan Zhan puts up no fronts - it almost hurts to look at him, he's so open.
Wei Wuxian looks at this Lan Zhan, and he wonders.
(i.e., Wei Wuxian tries real hard to use his two brain cells to figure out if Lan Zhan likes-him, likes-him or not.)
This fic was basically lwj making out with wwx and wwx being like hmmm is this like a bromance or what. Multiple times with the making out part rapidly growing more and more intimate.
Nothing But Trouble by brooklinegirl
"I don't want to really date anyone. It's so stupid, I just need to pretend date someone until Jiang Cheng gets his act together, then go back to my own life." He stares at his empty coffee cup.
"Date me," Lan Zhan says. Then he looks at Wei Ying's empty cup. "Would you like another cup of coffee?"
"Always," Wei Ying says automatically. "But wait, what."
"I'll get you another cup." Lan Zhan rises smoothly from the table.
"No, wait, hang on." Wei Ying grabs his wrist before he can take the cup and Lan Zhan freezes up, staring down at where Wei Ying is hanging on to him. "Fuck, sorry, I'll—" Wei Ying hastily lets go of his wrist. "Sorry, I—what did you mean?"
"I can pretend to date you," Lan Zhan says. "You take it with cream and sugar, correct?"
Mwuah your good old fake dating fic that got everything fake dating trope brings in all the right ways
The Pearl by musicmillennia
A dragon's pearl has untold power. Perhaps enough to replace someone's golden core.
Very cool dragony fix-it
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imacaprisun · 1 year
Epic Mickey Headcanons because I am so starved for content (warning: most of these are Gremlin related).
Prescott looked up to Mickey after he defeated the Blot in the first game. Since it is implied that the Thinner Route (or at the very least a Neutral Route) is canon, it would only make sense for Prescott, who can be quite violent himself, would look up to someone who saved Wasteland using destruction as his means to do so. Mickey was also the one to free him from the safe, so it was only natural Prescott would see Mickey as his hero. He built the whole diorama to show his appreciation to Mickey but then abandoned it soon after the Mad Doctor started to manipulate him.
There were so many ‘toons that lived in Wasteland before the Thinner Disaster happen that when it did hit, no one could be sure whether someone was just missing or straight up dead because the wave of Thinner left barely any trace of the ‘toon left, if it did at all. Most ‘toons started to assume that everyone who was missing was just dead and that if they were alive, they’d show up sooner or later and left it at that.
It was one thing to be forgotten by time, but being lost to time was a whole different story. Becoming lost media meant not only being forgotten, but your entire existence being wiped away. Many ‘toons who have lost pieces of media that have been completely destroyed in the real world cannot remember those pieces. If a piece of media that served as a 'toons whole existence were to be completely destroyed, they and all the memories surrounding them would vanish, leaving no trace behind. It's almost like they never existed in the first place.
Prescott may be mechanically smart, but he is very, very gullible. For crying out loud, the very reason he ended up trapped in the safe in the first place was because he was told there was a present waiting for him in there. Prescott may have a distaste for most ‘toons, but he trusts them all with his life, even after he’s been betrayed and abandoned by so many. If he thinks something is going to benefit him, he’ll trust just about anyone. Being isolated in a factory for years, maybe even decades, left him impressionable and gullible.
Adding on to the whole impressionable thing, Prescott will adapt anything he likes into his personality. One of those things happened to be pirates, which is why he put on a whole pirate accent during his battle with Mickey and Oswald. Much like he did with Mickey, Prescott looked up to pirates due to their violent nature, because pirates are known for being rebellious against authority, and got whatever they could ever dream of with a slash of their swords. Prescott thought that if he sounded like a pirate, he’d be just as cool as them. He spent some (and by some, I mean a lot) time planning out catchphrases and practicing his pirate accent before the battle.
Out of all the attractions, the rotating planes has to be Gus’s favorite. It reminds him a lot of his human counterpart who was a pilot during WW2. In a way, the planes are very nostalgic to Gus, reminding him of a simpler time before he and every other Gremlin were forgotten and ultimately sent to Wasteland. It would mean the world to Gus if Mickey decided to fix up the attraction rather than destroy it.
Julius the cat (if he is alive) is downright pissed at Oswald for taking his spot as King of Wasteland. It infuriates him that Oswald and every other ‘toon believes the rabbit was the first to be forgotten and thus making him king. What makes matters worse is that Julius spent a long, long time alone in Wasteland before any other ‘toon due to being one of the first cartoon characters forgotten by time. Seeing Oswald complain about Mickey taking his spot fills Julius with unbridled rage. It was most likely that Julius would’ve been involved with the Pete’s in the third game, working together to take back their spot as the first ‘toons that came to Wasteland. Even though Pete was Julius’s sworn enemy, he would do anything to take back what should’ve been his since the very beginning.
After the events of the first game, Mickey became an insomniac due to fear that he would be dragged back into Wasteland by the Blot. He doesn’t hate Wasteland, but the circumstances in which he first arrived there has left him more than traumatized enough to be afraid of falling asleep almost every night. Even when he does fall asleep due to complete fatigue, he has nightmares of the Blot returning to seek vengeance. Afraid for his life, Mickey started doing everything he could to prevent his nightmares from becoming reality, such as moving the mirror to another room and even keeping a weapon nearby that would do no actual damage to the Blot, but it was the thought that counts.
Most if not all the background ‘toons named themselves. Even before they were forgotten, they didn't have names. When they arrived in Wasteland, they had nothing to call themselves. The background characters tried giving themselves the most extravagant names so that they stood out amongst the crowd, hoping to be seen as more than a character that takes up background space.
The reason why we see no Fifinellas or Widgets in the game is because the Gremlin Village was hit the worst by the Thinner Disaster, killing each and every one of them. The Gremlins were expected to work (this was the early 1900s, what do you expect?) outside their village, so most if not all of them were away from the village. Out of any of the Gremlins, Gus was the most devastated by this discovery, believing he was entirely responsible for the death of every Fifinella and Widget.
To further that, Jamface and Prescott were one of the only members of his family Gus had left. One of the reasons why Prescott was ultimately sent to work in the Gag Factory is because Gus hoped it would be the safest place for him to be. Prescott was his youngest son (he doesn’t appear in the original Gremlins book, so it's assumed he is younger than Jamface, who did appear in the 1940s book), so Gus wanted him out of harms way and in a place surrounded by what he hoped would be friendly ‘toons, believing Oztown would be his safest bet. This is also why Gus acts more like a father figure in the games than he did in the books. He felt so guilty for the deaths of every Fifinella and Widget that he tried to act more fatherly towards not only his fellow Gremlins, but other ‘toons such as Mickey and Oswald. Seeing how Prescott grew to resent Gus because he felt abandoned in the exact place Gus felt Prescott would be the safest absolutely crushed him more than anything, reminding Gus of how he let down all the Fifinellas and Widgets on the day of the Thinner Disaster.
The reason why older ‘toons are in black and white while others like Oswald are in color is because those who are colorless were last used before colored cartoons. Even though he doesn’t know it, Oswald has color (albeit, the bare minimum) because he continued to be used by Universal after color was added to cartoons. Though, Oswald did not change in design very much, sticking to the original design he was given while Disney still owned the rights to him.
Prescott was not the one to come up with the idea of a self-destruct glove. Rather, the Mad Doctor did and convinced him to wear it as a ‘last resort.’ The Mad Doctor knew how trusting Prescott could be, so he hoped that he would go along with the Doctor’s plan. However, Prescott ends up not using it, leading the Mad Doctor having to incapacitated him before he could reveal any of the Mad Doctor's plans.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Current WIPs: April 2024
Active WIPs with most recent updates posted in the past month featuring awkward hospital room conversations, a hospital room meet-cranky, and hospital whump... I'm sensing a theme, here. More fake-ish dating, Mama Fuller wisdom, Professor Hawk, a couple road trips, some time travel and a few modern AU's. There really is something for everyone!
Happy reading!
✨ Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
🌺 Remember Our Love - Remember Me by Larnee💠[G, 638] Tim Laughlin - the love of Hawkins life is gone. Hawk struggles to move forward until someone unexpected shows up at his doorstep. Tim has never left Hawk, not now, not ever.
🌼 Chances Are by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove [G, 3K] After a family Thanksgiving, Estelle and Hawk talk. Then she meets Tim.
🌺 I Know I’ve Never Lived Before by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove [G, 3K] Wherein Hawk completely accidentally and through no fault of his own intentionally ends up dating the man he's sleeping with.
🌼 Within The Heart of Me by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 3K] Lucy goes to the hospital to talk to Tim. When she arrives, Hawk is already there.
Otherwise known as, a prompt fill that wanders a bit off the mark, but is close enough in spirit to give credit where credit is due as far as inspiration goes.
🌺 Darkness Before the Dawn by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [NR, 350] It’s June 1944, following the US offensive against the German-led Caesar line that tore through a small squad of the 141st Regiment, killing two men and wounding others, along with Sergeant Hawkins Fuller. Following the blast of the Nazi’s K5 railway gun, he underwent surgery to repair sustained shrapnel damage and is now recovering in the Army’s 32nd Evac Hospital. In the bed next to him lies Corporal Marcus Gaines from the 85th Infantry Division, also wounded in action.
Or, the story of how Hawk and Marcus met.
🌼 A Disaster Beyond Measure by drabbleswabbles💠 [NR, 23K] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
🌺 Who Are You (who am I?) by Anonymous [G, 2K] AU- Hawk fails his security clearance after Tim goes to the army and Senator Smith locks him in a mental hospital where he is lobotomised
Or, Tim receives a letter from Mary saying Hawk needs him.
🌼Too old to play (and too young to mess around) by @bejeweledmp3 | ninav [M, 61K] Kimberly Fuller goes on a two-week vacation to San Francisco, in which she: drinks excessive amounts of tea, gets betrayed, cries more than she should, eats donuts, and seeks out truth with the help of a man she only knows from a presentation card; not necessarily in that order.
But mostly, she finds her father in every least expected place. And learns to make her peace with what that means.
🌺Sands of Time (Turn Backwards) by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 22K] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
🌼 Is it over now? by @satelarry | satelarry [M, 43K] Seeing the love of your life walk away without being able to tell him that you love him has to be one of the worst situations a person can go through. But Hawk decided to fulfill Tim's request, knowing it will be the last. What happens when he wakes up, 18 years before, with the knowledge of what's going to happen if he makes the same decisions? Does the ending always stay the same?
Or, the Time Travel AU in which the only thing ruining Hawk's plan is Tim's stubbornness.
🌺 Again, only better by @madsmeetsmisha | madsmeetsmisha [M, 17K] Hawk had no idea what was really going on here. All he knew was that he was back in 1954 and a completely distraught Tim was standing outside his door. And he also knew that he certainly wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
🌼 🪴His great consuming lovage* 🪴 by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [T, 2K] Tim's potted plant has a story to tell...
🌺 We'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 4K] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Or, Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
🌼 Educate Me by @fullerthanskippy | fullerthanskippy [E, 13K]  A Hawk x Tim AU in which the timelines jump from 2012-2014 to present day 2024. When present day Tim receives an invitation to the 10-year reunion of his Georgetown graduating class, he is filled with both hope and dread that he will run into one particular professor.
One man who was the through-line of his two years in grad school. The man who taught him more than he could have ever learned in the classroom.
When Tim is re-acquainted with Professor Hawkins Fuller, he immediately flashes back to 12 years prior, when he first encountered the man that he had no idea would be the greatest love and loss of his life.
Or, tons of garbage filthy smut sprinkled in between pining, angst, and fluff. Contains explicit material including but not limited to the likes of top!hawk, bottom!tim, top!tim, bottom!hawk, dom!hawk, sub!tim, bratty!tim, and much, much more. Enjoy!
🌺 I Sing the Body Electric by telescape8💠 [M, 28K] Modern AU. It all starts on Election Night 2016. Tim falls hard. Hawk falls harder.
💠Authors: if your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it! Or, if you’re linked already and would prefer not to be, please contact me to remove it.
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ikamigami · 3 months
What irks me so badly is that the whole situation with people blaming Sun is nothing new, people often blame the victims and not perpetrators when it comes to situations like this, especially when its family, and especially if the perpetrator is their favorite character, their blorbo, or whatever, completely ignoring the fact that said character is doing awful things, literally they invented the character of Hatsune Miku to make fun of fans like that, who blame Sun for the bad stuff that happens to Moon or OG Eclipse despite the fact that its not Sun's fault, at most Sun makes mistakes because he's often left without help and is so thoroughly traumatized by everything he can't think straight, and I do emphasize mistakes since when has he ever done something out of genuine malice? The closest we get is him hunting OG Eclipse, but Eclipse was a genuine threat gunning for the star, which would make him a god, and who was at-large, needed to be stopped, and Moon…You know, the one solely responsible for Eclipse's existence and if anybody is responsible for Eclipse's treatment it would be Moon…Not taking Eclipse as seriously and not fixing the issue earlier or even following Sun to prevent what ended up happening, and Sun killing Moon was a freak accident that he's only partially responsible for, it's so clear through flashbacks and visits to other universes how utterly broken Sun is compared to his old self, that all this trauma and abuse has turned him into a husk, but he still tries so hard to do the right thing even though nobody helps him or respects him, look at all the times Sun tried to peacefully talk Moon down, support and show his love for Moon, forgive Moon for things he really shouldn't forgive Moon for, try to reason with OG Eclipse, and give it his all trying to be good and prevent disasters that Moon or OG Eclipse were usually the cause of, and yet he's blamed for it all instead of the characters, Moon and OG Eclipse, who caused the disaster to begin with, and blame him for the actions of Monty, Foxy, and Puppet, when Sun spoke out against what they were planning for Moon and those three did it anyways without his consent despite trying to force that choice on him, how can somebody look at a character who's life has been mostly, mostly as there have been good moments but that's the exception not the rule, horror show from the day he came online and has been all but powerless to stop, who despite everything never stops trying to do the right thing even though he has no idea what he's doing and never once used the excuse of "snapping" to act greedy or hurtful, and go "it's their fault" and "he just didn't try hard enough"? And people love to say "Earth disowned Moon" which just isn't true, but Sun was still there trying to convince Moon after that to stop what he was doing and refused to make the decision to end Moon's life even when Puppet threatened him, he even decided he was willing to try this one more time when the old Moon returned! After ALL of this! Also wanted to point out that Sun realizing his relationship with Moon was not great and that he doesn't have to be okay with Eclipse is a good thing, he's finally starting to realize he never deserved being used as the universe's chew toy and that he should not be obligated to adhere to that "blood is thicker than water" nonsense considering how badly he's been treated, it should be celebrated that he realizes after all this time that he wants to not be hurt anymore and doesn't deserve to be hurt anymore, and still note how he still doesn't abandon either Moons, even after everything, despite having every right to never want Moon near him again, he still chooses to stay and try again
You're absolutely right, dear anon.
Sun is always trying his best despite everything he went through and is continuously going through.. and also with the knowledge that he has..
If Sun had better idea to how to stop New Moon he'd definitely do it..
No one helped Sun to deal with New Moon's situation..
When Jack was still looking for New Moon.. Sun went to Monty and Foxy but their ideas just weren't helpful.. this whole idea with Bloodmoon attacking Sun to snap New Moon out of this state was stupid and later ideas of Sun and Moon's "friends" were even worse..
But at least they were trying to find Bloodmoon.. so we can't say that no one was trying to do other things.. but also Sun had to find New Moon so 1) he wouldn't be first to find BM or Ruin and 2) he wouldn't hurt himself because there was a high chance that it could happen..
Another thing is that I don't know if the way NM was locked in that cell can count as a solitary confinement.. but if it is then there's much more bigger issue that people forget about because it's not about their favorite which is..
How NM was treating both Eclipse and Ruin.. especially Ruin who was locked similarly to how Old Moon trapped Sun in magic box - they could'nt move at all - but for far longer..
If fans don't consider Ruin's situation as being in solitary confinement I don't see any damn reason how New Moon was in solitary confinement when he's situation was the best out of the three (counting with Sun)..
New Moon's mental state didn't seemingly worsened.. if showrunners wanted to show how NM's state got worse after being locked they did a poor job with that one.. at least with Sun we saw how much worse his mental state got after spending time in magic box..
Even Sun trying to kill Eclipse I personally don't consider as done out of malice because at least to me Sun was very detached from reality due to major psychotic episode..
Sun wasn't aware that what he was doing was and will cause a lot of harm.. New Moon on the other hand was aware that what he was doing was and is causing a lot of harm..
I mean I get it that he was more aggressive but at the same time NM trying to kill Earth isn't justified at all.. like if you're lashing out and hurt everyone because of your mental issues that's a you problem not anyone else's..
I'm tired of people who justify every awful action just because of mental issues and "scary disorders" because this is what further stigmatize mental disorders.. I wish people aknowledged their shit and own up to it and not pretend that they're the victim in every situation even if they were the one who caused the problem in the first place.. and the worst thing is that we're talking about damn fiction.. about damn fictional characters..
I wish that people who suffer from mental disorders stop excusing everything and blaming everything on their mental disorders.. cause most of the time the real problem is that damn egoism.. and damn egotistic personality.. not mental disorders..
Like I think that New Moon's main problem is his selfishness which caused most of the issues in the first place.. not his mental issues..
I hate when people confuse these things.. like NM isn't egotistic because of his mental issues.. like he was always like that.. but people refuse to aknowledge his flaws.. and treat him as if he was saint before he snapped..
Also another important thing is that NM thought that he's treated like a villain due to the fact that he was treating villains very awfully.. but ofc he didn't learn damn thing from it and he didn't think that maybe he was in the wrong this whole time.. but he had to keep going further this stupid path despite knowing that what he's doing is wrong.. he had to decide that he's the villain because he's stupid egotistic asshole..
New Moon didn't even hacking try to fight with himself.. he gave up so quickly because trying very hard to do good thing is hurting him too much..
But let's look at Sun who like you pointed out, dear anon, despite being hurt by most of characters and suffering from depressive psychosis (if you disagree then at least from a mental disorder) still tries to do a good thing.. even if doing these good things and being a better person always cost him more than many would consider it being worth it..
But maybe that's why people blame Sun so much and are often angry mostly at him.. because he's still trying to do good, he doesn't constantly try to find excuses for himself, he always admits to his wrongs, he always apologizes even if he doesn't have to, he gives another chance after another chance despite many broken promises and broken trust, he still feels bad when someone gets killed even if it he's enemy someone who hurt him badly, he still couldn't and didn't give up on any of Moons even if he has every right to and he blames himself for every bad thing that happened even if most of it (almost all of it) isn't his fault at all..
He lives with guilt without shouting out oh how much bad he has and how such a victim he is even if he is a victim in most of these situations.. but doesn't have a victim complex..
And also people like to say that New Moon was learning from bad examples.. but I wonder why they don't apply the same logic to Sun who had only bad examples on how to deal with things.. but apparently only Moons can be excused from anything and Sun can't..
And you're right, dear anon, that it's something worth applauding that Sun is finally realizing that he was in toxic relationship with Old Moon.. that he was hurt even when he didn't do anything to deserve this.. that he deserves to stand up for himself and stand firmly with his boundaries.. and yet like you said.. he still gives another chance to Old Moon.. even if he's still afraid to make Moon angry on accident..
Because sadly I think that Sun blames himself too much for everything (due to his delusions - again you can disagree) and thinks that he deserves to suffer through those bad things, through bad treatment because it was his fault he brought it on himself and everyone else.. he's bad so what good he deserves?
I hope you don't mind, dear anon, things that I added to what you said. I completely agree with you and I wanted to add a few things ^^
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agent-8449 · 11 months
Agent Logos CJverse chatroom summary.... REAL!!!!
Clears throat. This may be a long post, be warned. Actually, yeah. Bwoink.
The OG AU: Voice of Reason
Whole: Dead as fuck. Sort of. Way before the events of the comic, their Whole 'died'. We refer to not-dead Whole OOCly as 'Hope', but he also sort of exists afterwards as a figment of himself-- the 'shadow' called Cast. Cast can only speak in song lyrics, and currently resides in... the TMAverse, as a cursed item. Woaw.
Heart: Would kill you if you called him Heart. Ozzy/Oz/Ozymandias is a real piece of work. Sourceless guilt incarnate, magically influenced by a cursed mirror to eat it, in a symbolic attempt to erase himself. He's so chill. So fine. So cool. Definitely not so close to collapsing at all times. Got glasses though.
Mind: Tinker/Ulysses. So violently soggy, but hides it under his inexplicable British accent and polite demeanour. Made the transmitters that allow Thirds to traverse between their Surrealities. He half-regrets this. The only one of the three fully aware that Cast is an actual sentient guy. Hid his Soul's trident in his hand after the comic, and so that hole is very much still there <he's 'fixing' it atm...>
Soul: Coda. Coba. Coba Cola. What a disaster. After the comic, it <he/it> was kept in his room as much as possible. Then Oz left, and he completely lost it. It was a big storyline, so feel free to ask about it. Coda is really fun because he's not sane
Me-only AU 2: The Negatives
Whole: Eris... also known as Chase. The Negatives are a sort of "reversal of personality". Eris is a shitty content farm-making YouTuber, and generally hates this too. He also has to deal with the Cold War he sort of constructed with his own Thirds. He remembers what his Thirds do, which is good because he split <past tense> often... like. Every day. They called it 'shifts'. Yeah.
Heart: Phobos, ahhhhh my horrible boy Phobos. Personification of egoism, self-aggrandization, imagination, and intrusive thoughts. Green. Mean. A bitch and a half. Generally sadistic. The de-facto leader of the Negative Thirds. Wears crocs. Idolises Whole.
Mind: Deimos. That is all. Personification of logic, reasoning, and thinking ahead. He is also an absolute goon and pushover. All too happy to be Phobos' lackey.
Soul: Nemesis, though he hates that nickname. Personification of 'cringe culture', self-doubt, second-hand embarassment, and critical thinking. Basically ignored by the other two. Does all the work in the Vessel. Clinically annoyed by everything all the time. Very spiteful.
ASSORTED GUYS <from co-op AUs>:
Allen: Soul from Voib, Andy, Shade and I's AI AU, also known as Reification Initiative: Apotheosis. Yeah I came up with that. My bad. Allen is shitty. So very shitty. Ran away. That's all I can say for now.
Valentine: Heart from WAAAILSSSSSS IT'S ONLY ME BUT HIS COUNTERPARTS ARE ALL DEAAAAD. The Bachelor AU, a 'Lonely' AU. He is trying to live his life now that he fucked up and he's alone. He committed arson. He has to go to government-mandated therapy. He is beloved.
Nyx: Whole from Xanadu AU. Haven't done much with him, but he's in space, and he's an idiot.
Vlinder: :>
Thyme: Mind from the Aonaran/Apocalypse AU. The world ended. It be like that sometimes. And the stress got to their Whole. Thyme killed multiple people.
Pursuit: Heart (2) from Voib's Labyrinths AU. He is big kitty cat lad. Does eat people. Tries to maintain the status quo. Genuinely satisfied with the state of things.
Magna: Mind from Demersal AU. Basically, he got pitted instead of Heart for being a delusional little shit. He did not get any less delusional. Conspiracy nut, drowning 1/4th of the time, and generally horrible person.
Brevity: Soul from Voib and I's Syncopation AU. Olde Mann. No legs, they froze off. He is not mentally well at all, but he's got to keep it together if he wants to continue being 'him'.
Crawl: Heart from the Asides AU. Fourth-wall breaking eldritch horror. Collector of things. Collector of extinct things. Full name 'Crawl of the Horizon'.
"Quinn": Soul from Good Day. Very new AU with me, Voib, Q-ott, and Ledge <@/nitroish>. Meant to be close to album guys. He's denying his halves exist and matter atm.
There you go! Not including the alternate timelines because jesus christ
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epicstuckyficrecs · 2 years
Weekly Recap | November 14th- December 31st 2022.
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Happy New Year everyone!
One thing I did not have on my bingo card for 2022 was loosing interest in Stucky in favour of a four month old Stranger Things ship of all things, but alas, here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I still love Stucky and I will always ship it, but unfortunately my brain has latched on to this shiny new ship and it just sparks more joy at the moment. So I guess what I'm saying is... I don't know how frequently I will be updating this blog in the future, if at all. I'm not deleting anything, the ask box will remain open, and I'll still be around! But I'm afraid this is the end of the Weekly Recaps as you've known them for the last... three to four years. I hope you've enjoyed them!
Work Husbands by darter_blue/ @darter-blue (Modern AU, Office Romance, Christmas | 4K | General): 5 times the office calls Bucky and Steve work husbands and one time they forget the 'work'
The stars look very different today by Bittersweet_in_Boston (Post-TFATWS, Endgame Fix-It | 3K | Explicit): “So what’s the mission?” he asks Fury once his belly is full. “Do I get a briefing or what?” “Patience,” Fury says, maddeningly calm. His utility suit is, of course, black, and Bucky has a brief, hysterical thought of him wearing a giant leather duster over it. “You’ll be briefed when we get there.” “Where is there? And why me?” Bucky doesn’t know why he’s being obstreperous, except that he’s flying through space at thousands of miles an hour with a dead man who won’t tell him anything. “Someone’s been asking for you,” says Fury, answering only his second question. And again Bucky thinks of Steve.
Bucky Barnes and the Christmas Spirit by this_wayward_life/ @wayward-lives (Modern AU, Christmas | 3K | Teen): Bucky's never celebrated Christmas. Steve sets out to change that.
sugar, spice and everything nice by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle (Modern AU, Christmas | 3K | General): A couple of confused baristas, two cat adoptions and a cuddle pile later, Bucky has a perfect Christmas.
Dashing Through the Snow by HaniTrash/ @hanitrash (University AU, A/B/O | 7K | Explicit): Steve hates Bucky. Bucky hates him, too, so that’s fine. But when they’re forced to work together and co-teach a class, that anger begins to fade as they slowly learn more about each other. A work trip gone wrong, though, forces them to become much closer than either one ever expected…
Jingle Bell Rock by mxaether, Oh_i_swear/ @oh-i-swear-writes (Modern AU, Office Romance, Christmas | 19K | Explicit): Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes both work for Stark Industries and are lucky enough to have been invited on the company Christmas retreat. Unfortunately, neither of their partners can make it. Thanks to a mess up with the room booking it seems they're going to be spending a whole lot more time together than either had planned or wanted, but they seem pretty determined to 'lighten' things up, somehow...
💙 hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle (NHL Hockey AU | 18/? | 55K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
All the Ways to Say I Love You That Don’t Work by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle)/ @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (Post-WS | 7/10 | 15K | Explicit): Finally free from the grips of Hydra, Bucky Barnes needs all the help he can get to acclimate to life in the twenty-first century. Steve’s always at Bucky’s side, providing support, explaining things, and throwing a reassuring arm around his shoulders, which gives Bucky all kinds of warm feelings. The other Avengers notice their closeness, as well. When Bucky overhears a discussion about whether or not Steve and he are dating, he isn’t bothered. He likes being with Steve, and he likes being treated respectfully. Determined to let Steve know how much Bucky cares about him, he uses his research on modern dating to woo his best friend. As he ratchets up his campaign to catch Steve’s attention, sparks fly. Or maybe those sparks were there all along.
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