#this is the result of 1 am Reddit discussions
twisted-in-underland · 9 months
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I have no self control…I made a TWST!Genie 🫣
Meet my lovely Maram Grant! I’m still fleshing out my idea for the genies as a species but I’ll include some of my current ideas later in this post! [edit to make include link to coloured info card]
Note: did this one traditional because I didn’t have my iPad with me, sorry if it looks a little messy and that it’s not in colour 😅.
Some basic info about Maram;
They’re genderfluid, and have no pronoun preference, but will make “did you just assume my gender???” jokes with people they’re close with.
Maram is a Djinn/Jinn, aka a genie. Since my take on genies is fae adjacent/are an offshoot of the fae species, genies live much longer. Maram’s actual age is unknown, but they would be considered 17 in “human” years so to speak.
I chose the name “Maram” because, from my research, it means “wish” or “desire” in Arabic which I thought was fitting for a genie! It’s also gender neutral which I thought fit for a genderfluid character
Someone on my Reddit post about genies in TWST had mentioned the idea that TWST!Genie was one of Jamil’s middle school friends and I’m rolling with it.
Maram is friends with both Jamil and Kalim. They met Jamil first and then met Kalim through Jamil. Jamil and Maram had a bit of a falling out before they moved on to high school and haven’t really hung out since.
Maram is also friends with Amir Ali (my TWST!Aladdin) and they hang out often when they’re not at school.
Maram’s personality is very similar to Genies in both the live-action and animated movies. They’re a fun-loving and loyal person. They can be a little bit of a prankster but their pranks are all in good fun and never cause harm. Maram is also very invested in pop culture and will make movie/TV show references all the time. They’re also the type to use humour to ease tension or comfort a friend.
Maram is also a sucker for romance novels and love stories. They’re often the ones Amir goes to for advice on how to impress TWST!Jasmine (I haven’t come up with a name for her yet :’D)
Because of Maram’s outgoing personality, they make friends rather quickly. However, they don’t throw around the term “best friend” willy-nilly; there are only a small handful of people Maram would consider their best friends.
In terms of overall appearance; Maram generally takes a more humanoid form to blend in better. Their appearance is similar to the live-action version of Genie in terms of skin tone and general hairstyle, same with their clothing colour palette.
Maram also loves to sing and dance, I think it’s one of the things they bonded over with Jamil originally. I also love the idea that Maram gets introduced to some of the other NRC characters through a fun little rendition of Arabian Nights (the 2019 version b/c I really like that one). Perhaps Maram was doing some kind of performance in the bazaar when the NRC group passed by or something.
Maram is claustrophobic and hates tight spaces; being at the bazaars when it is busy is not fun for them. They also hate guavas; Maram got sick after eating one once as a kid and developed a full-on food aversion to anything guava-related. They can’t eat or drink anything with guava, even the smell makes them gag 🤧
The info I have on genies as a species will be under the cut!
Like I said before, I’m still fleshing out genies as a species, but here is what I have in mind so far;
The real names for genies are Djinn or Jinn (depending on who you ask), though the term “Genie” became popular due to the Scalding Sands legend of the Beautiful Princess and the kindhearted thief (ie, the TWST tale of the Aladdin film) which used the word “genie” to describe the being that helped the thief. The Djinn don’t have a preference over what their species is called since it’s all relatively the same. I'm going to use "genie" for the sake of ease.
Genies are fae-like magical beings who have a wide variety of abilities. It’s said that they are notably skilled in conjugation and illusionary magic due to their “vivid imaginations”.
I imagine a genie's ability to shapeshift is similar to Lillia's ability to fly without a broom; it's a natural ability that doesn't require much magical energy.
Genies share a few physical traits with their fae cousins such as sharp nails, pointed ears, short fangs, and occasionally slit pupils. Genies can also sometimes show traits similar to scorpions, snakes, or lizards, though not ALL genies have these traits.
Genies can change their physical appearance to whatever they desire and not accumulate blot. There are rumours that genies have naturally colourful skin (ie. Pink or blue) but change their appearance to appear more human-like to blend in.
This is true of Maram, who has a naturally blue complexion but often changes their skin tone to match humans so they stand out less.
Genies live incredibly long lives, so it’s not uncommon for some to become sentimental and even take on traits of friends or loved ones that have since passed to stay connected to them.
While there are slight differences, Maram’s hair colour and the little fringe they have are reminiscent of Jamil’s. Even though they aren’t close anymore, Maram still values Jamil’s friendship and this is one way they feel connected to Jamil.
Genie magic is similar to fae magic with the strongest genies having magical powers similar in strength to Malleus or his grandmother.
When it comes to normal spell casting (think the conjuring spells Genie did on his own, separate from Aladdin's wishes in the movie), blot accumulation isn’t that different from the fae or even other mages. Genies are not “all-powerful” though they do tend to possess a lot more magical powers than humans or beastmen.
One difference, however, is that genies don’t rely on mage stones to deal with blot. They actually use a combination of their lamps and bracelets to cast magic and decrease blot.
The lamp is what accumulates blot - the more tarnished the lamp looks, the more blot there is - while they use their bracelets similar to how NRC students use their magical pens.
Genies almost ALWAYS have their lamps on them to keep them safe. The lamps are very important to them so if they lose them it can be terrible for the genie.
The lamps can also act as “recharge” stations of sorts, but only for the genie who’s connected to the lamp. Maram cannot enter another genie's lamp to recharge their magic or diminish their blot and vice versa. They can only use their own lamp.
Now this is where I don’t have everything completely fleshed out; schooling and the three wishes idea.
I mentioned in my discussion post on genies in TWST, but how would their schooling work? Part of me thinks that genies wouldn’t attend normal mage schools like NRC or RSA. Their magic is different enough that it's easier to learn from other genies.
This is particularly true when it’s taken into consideration that they use lamps and bracelets to cast magic and monitor blot rather than mage stones and magical pens.
I think perhaps young genies start schooling when their powers start getting stronger. This is also when they would first receive their lamp and bracelets. Though this concept is open to change, I don’t have much figured out yet.
For the wishes things; I have this idea that genies can access more powerful magic through the use of their lamps. This would be something unique to genies and would be similar to a mage's unique magic. Genies refer to this magic as “wishes”
I mentioned earlier that genies aren’t all-powerful, normally. This magic they can access through their lamps, however, is a lot closer to “all-powerful” than their normal magical powers. However, because of the strength of these spells, it’s easy to overblot.
This is kind of why there’s the “three wishes” rule; typically it takes three wishes to reach the stopping point of build-up up, any more and overblot is likely to happen.
The thing I don’t have figured out is how to tie in the classic “the master rubs the lamp and makes a wish” troupe to this. I think that having a “master” (ie. Someone that is not a genie) being a requirement to access this power helps to make it less overpowering.
It would mean the genie has to find someone they trust with their lamp to be able to access more powerful spells. I just don’t have the specifics figured out yet.
I do think it would be funny if Maram tried to play off this ability as their unique magic by calling it “Friend like me” or something. That or maybe some younger genies think it would be cool to give this power a name or something like other mages. Idk, it’s just a silly little hc of mine.
This is all I have figured out so far! Like I said I’m open to ideas or suggestions because this seems like such a fun and vast topic to me! This is just my take on genies and isn’t anything set in stone 100%. I tried to stick close to the movies while also fitting it into the Twisted Wonderland lore without it being over powered. I have a tendency to try and balance out seemingly over powered abilities with really specific limitations and/or drawbacks.
Let me know if anyone would want to see a proper info card for Maram!
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teaveetamer · 1 year
I am curious, I've been watching the discourse going on for a bit without getting involved and at this point I feel like I have to ask.
What is the desired result here? Why are you engaging in the discourse at all? Clearly this is not a discussion, so what do you gain from interacting at all?
(I will send this to several people, just out of curiosity)
Alright anon allow me to explain what's been going on with me on my end.
The year is 2019 (yes, we're doing this). FE3H has just come out. I play it and rather enjoy it actually. I've got a couple of ships that I'm into, some fanfic I want to write, etc.
I go onto Reddit to chat with people about the game. Now I don't really like Edelgard, but I'm chill, I'm open to discussing the game and getting alternate viewpoints. Initially it's more or less fine.
Then some posts start coming up. People start getting really aggressive about this. I'm trying to have a conversation, but it feels like their goal is just to shout me down. I get in arguments, I get in fights, I get misgendered, I get called a bigot, I get frustrated, I get ablest rhetoric spewed at me, and I waste my life.
Stop. Take a look at myself. I'm literally sitting here arguing about Edelgard von fucking Hresvelg for hours of my day. I'm annoyed, I'm irritated, I'm always in a bad mood. Ugh.
Now it's 2020, early times I think. I resolve to stop looking at Reddit so much with regard to this game. It's not worth the hassle and the frustration. I should be, like, out doing things and having fun not wasting my time arguing with a bunch of weirdos on the internet. I want to have fun again, not be angry. I delete the Reddit app from my phone and install a blocker on my web browsers, even.
Start using Tumblr for more than just shippy stuff, and find people who agree with me, who are saying the things I've been saying. I stop feeling crazy for liking the game the way I like it. I make a few posts on my main blog but you know what, I don't really want my main blog embroiled in this shit, though I want to add my voice to the conversation. So I make this side blog.
Make some posts. I get flooded with asks from other people about the game, saying they agree with me and they're thankful that they aren't the only ones who think the way I do. I think within like a month of existing this blog had double the posts of my main blog (which has existed since 2016, so for four years at that point), most of them from asks.
The blog was initially for me to vent and throw in my two cents here and there, but I figure I'll keep it around in regular use because people seem to be benefiting from it.
Early on I tried to establish a rule for myself that 1) I wasn't going to go looking in any main tags (e.g. the Edelgard or Edelgard Positive tags) for stuff to reblog or talk about, and 2) I wasn't going to go into any Edelgard specific spaces looking for stuff to talk about (e.g. r/Edelgard or even Dimitri-critical tags). However, anything maintagged that was looking for a fight (e.g. a Dimitri-critical post in the main Dimitri tag) was fair game.
I'm not perfect, but I did try to stick to that rule. I talked about things that happened on the main FE Sub or FEH sub. I did my best to encourage my anons to not go seeking out stuff to bring back to me from Edelgard spaces. After all, this blog was meant for venting and having my own personal space where I could talk about my views without getting accosted. I thought it would be petty for me to go bring back stuff from other places.
Moving into 2021, I was kind of done with 3H. I was still getting like dozens of asks a day about 3H discourse. I'd answer one and five more would pop up in their place. By now we're like, well beyond 3x or 4x the amount of posts I have on my main blog. I'm getting kind of tired of it. It's a lot of the same points over and over and over. We're in pandemic times, so I can't even walk away from it and do something else IRL for a while before coming back to it. I feel like I'm wasting my life again. I feel like I've said anything and everything I could have possibly said about the subject. I ask people to stop talking to me about Edelgard. Eventually, everyone mostly obliges.
I still chat about it here and there, but I'm chatting about other stuff too. This blog is still about venting just about venting about more than 3H. A lot more petty fandom shit in general.
Now we're in, like, 2022. I don't remember exactly, Pandemic Time makes some of this a bit of a blur. I notice a new kid on the block, doing basically what I'd noticed happening on Reddit. Going into the wrong tags. Picking fights. Posting things in the wrong tags. Picking fights.
I'm over it, I'm done, I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. I block the dude. Most people I know block the dude or ignore him. We figure he's new here, he just hasn't learned the etiquette.
He gets increasingly hostile. I'm not really paying that much attention, just getting info about it from the fringes. Again, we figure eventually he'll just go away if we ignore him.
Then Nilsh gets harassed off the platform.
My mutuals are getting increasingly hostile anons and combative reblogs.
At this point I'm relatively unaffected. I guess because I don't tag anything, so he didn't find it.
And you know what? I'm still like "he'll get bored. He'll leave eventually." We were all like "just ignore him, he'll leave eventually."
People try to explain tags to him. Try to help him curate his experience so he quits arguing with people who don't want to talk to him all the time.
Then Moonlitboar gets harassed off of the platform. They take the URL. He's bragging about having done it. He's spreading this vitriol to other platforms and convincing others to join in on the harassment.
And I'm like. Okay. This dude isn't leaving. This is what he wants. His goal isn't to talk about this game—his goal is to hurt us.
I unblock him and respond. We go back and forth. He stops... for a time.
Here's the thing. I didn't re-block him after that, and I didn't do that for a couple of reasons. First, because at this point I'm still hopeful that he's just unaware of what he's doing, and that he'll acknowledge how messed up it was and apologize. I'm all for second chances. The second, because he's dangerous and I'm worried that if I don't keep tabs on him, he's going to try to hurt me.
It's not long until he's doing the same shit again. He tries harassing BWIIDT, he tries harassing FantasyInvader, he tries harassing Ezra, he tries harassing RandomNameless, he tries harassing Emblemxeno, he tries harassing Gascon, he tries harassing people I've literally never even heard of. I keep calling him out, and he tries harassing me. He calls me hysterical, accuses me of acting like a victim. Tries to make me feel stupid and small by saying I don't have anything worth his attention to respond to.
(By the way dude, my point about that was that you were being misogynistic but treating discourse like it was only worth responding to if it came from a man. See, I noticed that you only liked to attack people you thought were cishet white men like yourself, even if we were saying basically the same things at times. The fact that you continue not "debunking" any of my posts doesn't upset me; it proves my point)
He blocks me. I can't say for certain why, but my bet is that he realized people were actually listening to what I had to say, and having a queer woman question the actions he purported to be for the benefit of queer women wasn't a great look for him.
He's still trying to harass me. He's taking screenshots, he's using my name, he's @ ing me. He's casually lying about me. He's using sexist rhetoric implying that I shouldn't be listened to because I'm just too ~in my feelings~ and he's the true victim of my hysterical victimized martyr complex (geez, you sure a a feminist ally for that one, aren't you?)
You know, I did actual research when one of my anons accused him of being a trump supporter and tried to lie about him? I burned an entire evening on that, because I didn't want to be spreading lies about people. Meanwhile he lets his anons casually and repeatedly misgender me without so much as a passing correction, and he hangs out with people who spread lies and slander accusing others of heinous crimes.
And you know what? If I knew it was going to be like this? I'd still waste that evening and correct that anon. It's not about getting a petty win or convincing people he's a bad person for me. It's about being respected.
So to get back to your question. Why am I doing this? Because I have to. Because I know that if I don't he's going to hurt someone else, just like how he hurt Nilsh and Moonlitboar. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, after all. We ignored him and he didn't leave, so now we have to say something.
What's the desired result? I want to be respected, like I've tried to respect them for almost the entirety of this blog's existence. I want my boundaries acknowledged. I want him to stop hurting people for no other reason than to hurt them, because they don't agree with him.
When will I stop? When he stops.
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exeggcute · 2 years
okay I am Still thinking about mr. tumblr CEO's post and my own speulation about ad-based revenue in the context of adult content, and I'm only just now realizing that matt didn't talk about advertising at all when discussing tumblr's potential revenue streams (except to mention that ad-free browsing subscriptions are one of the main ways automattic makes money off of tumblr atm), which is very interesting and more or less adheres to some of the patterns I've noticed in the new monetization features that tumblr's rolled out since the automattic takeover.
imo, this is also a good sign for the long-term longevity of this website, considering that we know that digital advertising is a mess, behavioral ads really don't work, and the programmatic ads ecosystem itself may or may not be a bubble. automattic, being a company that primarily makes money off of woocommerce and wordpress subscriptions, is certainly well aware of this; they also stand in contrast to tumblr's previous owner, yahoo/verizon media (although verizon itself got rolled back into the yahoo branding again in recent years… confusing) is itself a demand-side platform first and foremost. so verizon media would have been naturally more inclined to focus on an ad-based revenue model, both because they have faith in advertising in general but also (potentially) because verizon as a DSP stands to gain the most by facilitating programmatic ad purchases.
the real winners in the digital advertising ecosystem are the platforms that buy and sell ads on behalf of publishers (i.e., the people who own ad space to be sold); my understanding is that SSPs/DSPs/ad exchanges in general take a pretty big slice of the pie and the publishers themselves only make a small amount of money comparatively. this is also one reason that advertising fraud and ineffective ads have gone unchecked for so long—ad exchanges make more money the more ads are bought and sold, so they have no incentive to cut down on bad traffic and unnecessary ad spend. (there are other reasons too, among them that it's just hard as fuck to sift through traffic data at scale.) but as brands are wising up to the pitfalls of the digital ads ecosystem, they're less likely to buy ads or are more likely to implement cheaper, more tightly-controlled campaigns; tumblr, being a publisher, is therefore selling less ad space and generating less revenue.
(this is where we start to get a little out of my knowledge range, because I still find the programmatic model confusing as shit, but my guess (and take this with a grain of salt) is that a verizon/yahoo-owned tumblr, being in cahoots with its sister DSP, would potentially have been making more money from the ad space it was brokering through the DSP than from the publisher revenue itself, but part of me is like "wait, wouldn't that make more sense if verizon/yahoo was an SSP??" so honestly I don't know. the possible-maybe-unclear takeaway here is that pre-automattic tumblr might have been making their ad money by being both the shopkeeper and the manufacturer, so to speak, which possibly-maybe implies that they would have been incentivized to sell by volume rather than offering particularly high-quality inventory, although that might not even matter here.)
anyway. so if we look at New Tumblr's (i.e., automattic's) answer to the programmatic nightmare, we see two interesting things. one is the ad-free upgrade, which we can take to mean that tumblr is probably making significantly less than $40 per year per user in terms of ad inventory; they're smart to still show ads in general, since that (1) at least generates some revenue for non-paid users and (2) provides an incentive to upgrade to a paid plan. the other thing is tumblr blaze, which is essentially a direct-to-buyer ad model that removes all the middlemen involved in programmatic ads. reddit recently moved away from programmatic ads entirely with great results. so instead of generating revenue through a relationship that looks like this:
Tumblr media
you can generate revenue through a relationship that looks like this:
Tumblr media
(with stripe in the middle taking a cut as their payment processor, but I'm sure it's not much.)
tumblr blaze isn't quite on reddit's level (at least not yet), and my hunch is that it'll remain more of a thing for actual tumblr users to "market" non-traditional advertising posts (e.g., pictures of your cat), but this signals a willingness to look beyond the programmatic ecosystem in advertising-related matters.
tumblr has also dabbled in non-advertising monetization models with things like post plus and whatever nascent ecommerce-adjacent thing is going on with artistalley (I guess the latter is sort of advertising-y but less blatantly so). artistalley in particular is interesting to me and I'm curious to see if this signals any kind of plan to create a tumblr/woocommerce integration so people can sell stuff directly from their blogs but that is a whole other animal.
now, with that said, shying away from programmatic-based revenue models (or ad-based models entirely) doesn't resolve the whole "we still can't host porn" problem; stripe includes adult content on its list of restricted businesses; their FAQ notes that "due to various reasons including requirements that apply to Stripe as a payment processor, requirements from our financial partners, and the potential risk exposure to Stripe, we're currently not able to work with businesses that sell or offer adult content or services."
and yeah, you could argue that reddit sells ad space despite hosting lots of adult content, but they're operating on a wholly different scale with far more leverage (remember, their parent company is conde fucking nast) and we don't know how exactly money is changing hands here. even if reddit were using a major payment processor and that payment processor is just choosing to look the other way, unequal enforcement of the rules isn't proof that everyone else will be able to evade enforcement, either in the short or long term. don't forget that we're talking about tumblr here, a website that yahoo sold for less than 0.3% of what they paid to acquire it. reddit- or twitter-level leverage is basically nonexistent.
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caitlynnrosespn · 1 year
Another Rant. More Like A Response.
So I was going to make a video about this because I have a lot to say. But I realized that the stutter I thought I had gotten rid of Freshman years comes out heavily if I'm pissed, which I currently am, so I'll just save use the headache and type this out.
Also tagging @apexious cuz they wanted to see this.
Look. I could totally tag people. I could name names. But I'm not going to. Because at this point everyone has probably either seen this post or knows who this person is. And goddamn do I have a lot to say about them.
Number 1: If you're gonna call me out call me out bestie. Coming after me for a post I made expressing discomfort at a NSFW self ship is fine and all, but then you go ahead and say stuff like "adult people can have adult thoughts about other adults" when my post was referring to a fanfic written by a KID? Get your facts straight before you say anything that's public. Here's the thing, was my post in poor taste? Quite possibly. Was there an adult way to handle it and get the results you wanted? Oh yeah. Did you do the adult thing? Nope! Instead of either A. taking it to a private message and explaining what was wrong or B. making a respectful post that highlighted what was wrong in a mature way, you made a disrespectful, arrogant, self righteous post bashing an entire fanbase despite the fact that only a few people were at large. So now, instead of placing the responsibility of accountable parties, which I would have been included in, and allowing to own up and apologize, you have now not only included yourself into the problem, but also blown the problem wayyyy out of proportion. May I remind you that we are a fairly tiny fandom based on a video game directed at children? I've been playing since 2012, so believe me when I say these games have come a long way. Hell, these characters now in fanfics didn't have names until The Traveler season happened. Remember the days of referring to characters as "the coach from One Kiss" or "Jessy's guy in Swish Swish" or "P1 in Lean On"? Yeah, that was surprisingly not that long ago. So it is responsible to believe that the concept of NSFW or self shipping in a fandom is relatively new to us. Shit, we are not going to act like a normal fandom! This fandom is very different then others, so if we make a mistake like bagging on things that are all normal in other fandoms, then be fucking patient! Call it out in a respectable way, and let us fix it! We always do!
Next, the other problems you discussed? Are they currently in the room with us? I have not seen these problems like, at all. There is no mass shitting on people who have comfort characters. People who fetishsize and disrespect characters? Hell yeah (we took care of people like youngjackissohot and others), but not genuine comfort/kinny characters. The vast majority of us have a comfort character and that's why we are in this fucking community in the first place! Maybe i'm just blind as a bat, but I have not seen anyone tear apart anyone watching maps on Youtube. Bitch, most of us don't have a Switch so those maps on Youtube are our saving grace to stay in this community. Is this happening on another site, like Reddit or Twitter? Cuz if so maybe you should have gone and bitched to them instead of complain on here.
And you don't think we should benefit from your presence in this community? Ok Jesus, sorry you're leaving! Seriously though, while I appreciate everyone in this community and think you make an impact no matter how big it is, this is a classic case of "someone got a little too big for their britches". Sure, we hate to see you go. But like you said, you haven't been active since Lover Coaster (which you couldn't even remember the name of btw-how in the absolute fuck are you going to get involved with Fandom matters if you can't even name the last season you remember?) and we all survived without you. So don't pretend all of a sudden you're some hotshot celebrity whose mere absence in this community will affect anything. I have a few good fics that I am updating frequently that I know people will enjoy, and I've active for a good while, but I know if I fell of the face of the earth right now my absence in the fandom won't cause any major issues. Get a reality check.
Lastly, you're dealing with a fandom here. A group of humans who are all flawed and all make mistakes and all have their moments. If you're not happy with the ugly sides of that, then I'm sorry but you don't deserve to benefit from the many good sides. We are by far the least problematic fandom I have so far heard of. For the most part, we are kind to each other and care for each other and we love each other. If we make mistakes we make sure to fix them and then we carry on. If you have a problem with us not always getting along and us sometimes having our moments then don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I'm sorry you have to see this side of me, but come after this family and call us nothing more than a group of fucking assholes and see what happens next bitch. Cuz next time I won't hesitate to nane names.
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lilliaace · 7 months
Breath Play 101
This text below is courtsey of Reddit because I couldn't really make a better document about this. So if you're interested in breath play, PLEASE read the following below.
There is no safe way to do breath play, period. You risk death and serious injury, every, single, time. Below is an in depth discussion of different methods to engage in breath play. It goes over in depth anatomy and risks of each type of breath play. A "blood choke" when you apply pressure to the blood vessels and not the windpipe is just as dangerous, if not more so than applying pressure to the wind pipe due to how anatomy and physiology work in this area of the body.
The complete Manual of Breathplay BY DUNTER EDITION S.LECLERC
Page 1 The goal of this manual is to provide information, not to encourage or discourage people from engaging in breathplay. I do not take any responsibility for any practice inspired by this manual. This is not a training guide, reference manual, or compendium. The practices mentioned below can lead to serious injuries or even death. I hope this book will inform you about some of the most dangerous BDSM practices, and help you and your community recognize the risks associated with these activities. Word from the author: Who I am and why I wrote this book
Firstly, I am not a doctor, black belt martial practitioner or a professional in breathplay. Therefore, readers should not take the knowledge presented in this book as absolute truth, and must conduct their own research. However, I have witnessed the tragic loss of many friends who engaged in breathplay activities, and my goal in writing this book is to save lives by sharing my knowledge and experiences.
Prior to conducting breathplay classes, I conducted extensive research on the topic and provided awareness on the dangers this practice can pose. Additionally, I have been involved in the BDSM community for many years, and have attended conventions across Canada and the United States, learning from a wide variety of people and classes related to this domain.
As an ex-military personnel and martial arts enthusiast, I have knowledge in areas that are not commonly discussed or shared, and I believe this information can be valuable to others.
I truly believe that sharing my knowledge is better than simply saying, 'Don't do it.' It's important to understand how and why something is dangerous so that we can explain how to mitigate risks as effectively as possible.
Page 2 Introduction What is Breathplay? Breathplay encompasses various activities within the realm of BDSM. For the purposes of this manual, breathplay refers to controlling the flow of air or blood. These activities range from choking to strangulation and are generally considered dangerous. When engaging in breathplay, you are playing with a vital aspect of your body's function, and some of these activities have resulted in fatalities in the past.
What are people seeking by engaging in breathplay, also known as erotic asphyxiation, and why do they do it? This activity has been present in the kink community for a long time, but it is not exclusive to fetish environments as both young and older individuals participate in it for various reasons. There are different motives that drive people to engage in erotic asphyxiation, ranging from experimenting with fear to psychological needs, while others are interested in physical sensations such as having a hand on their throat. Some individuals seek to experience passing out, while others are drawn to the effects produced by hypoxia. For some, the experience of waking up confused after the pass-out effect is what they desire. Thus, people use it to satisfy different needs, from physical sensations to mind games.
What is the danger and what is the safe way to participate in breathplay? Firstly, it is important to understand that breathplay carries inherent dangers and cannot be considered safe under any circumstances. Even those who are experienced in such activities cannot completely eliminate the risk of accidents occurring. The body may react differently to the practice and may be damaged as a result. Accidents can occur from both direct and indirect application of these techniques, and cumulative use can lead to long-term harm.
Those participating in breathplay may seek the feeling of hypoxia, caused by a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the air. The air we breathe contains approximately 20% oxygen, and when the oxygen concentration falls below 10-15%, individuals may experience a state similar to drunkenness. This affects judgment and coordination, making it dangerous to continue the activity. Those who attempt to push through this state are at an increased risk of accidents and may be unable to recognize their limitations.
Many cases of individuals dying in relation to breathplay occurred when they were alone. With impaired judgment and coordination, such scenarios become accidents waiting to happen. It is vital that those engaging in breathplay do so with the assistance of a trusted partner who can monitor their physical and mental state, and intervene if necessary.
Page 3 FIRST RULE: NEVER DO THESE THINGS ALONE. At oxygen levels lower than 10%, we may experience a loss of consciousness, and levels lower than 8% can result in death. Please keep this in mind, especially if you are using bagging or rebreather techniques. Different methods, such as a change in blood pressure, can trigger the "passing out" effect. The lack of oxygen can also cause the body to react by shutting down non-vital activities to try to protect itself. Some people may enjoy the comeback effect, such as confusion. The sensation of passing out under control is intense and may include tunnel vision, loss of all senses, and loss of muscular control.
The definition of edge-play involves playing with someone's life, which is not legal in Canada. It is prohibited to give permission to be injured or hurt. Therefore, if such activities result in a person's death, it would be considered manslaughter even if the individual provided consent. When deciding to engage in such activities, please consider the impact on loved ones or dependents. Additionally, most fetish events, like dungeons, do not permit edge-play due to the potential danger involved. Please check the local rules and regulations of the venue to confirm whether edge-play and breathplay are allowed.
Before attempting breathplay Before attempting breathplay, questioning is an important part of negotiation. Common sense medical inquiries should be made, such as asking about any issues with blood pressure, breathing, or heart conditions. It's also important to ask about the sought type of activity, the desired effect, any limits the person may have, and how to communicate the safe word or signal to stop. If the person has consumed alcohol or caffeine, this could impact their body and change their blood pressure. Additionally, it's important to ask about any previous experience with these activities and the person's age, as engaging in edge or breathplay at ages 20-30 is not the same as doing so at 50-80. If there are any factors that increase the risks associated with these activities, it's best to try something else.
Before engaging in any risky activities such as breathplay, it is advisable to take a First Aid and CPR class in case of emergencies. It is better to be prepared for the worst than to be caught off guard if something goes wrong. These activities require your undivided attention, so stay focused at all times and avoid taking breaks. Leaving someone unattended during these activities is considered irresponsible, and if they cannot help themselves, you will be held accountable for any harm that may come to them. It is crucial to monitor their level of consciousness by observing their "thinkable reactions", such as giving an answer to a question or holding a limb in a particular position, their eye movements, breathing, and grip on objects - especially when lighting conditions are unclear.
Page 4 Anatomy The larynx is our airway and is made of cartilage, which can be damaged by pressure. If a foreign object is placed in the mouth, it can trigger the gag reflex, resulting in light coughing or even vomiting. The Adam's apple should also be avoided when applying pressure, as it can cause discomfort. The carotid arteries, located on both sides of the airway, provide blood flow to the brain and have a sinus with a baroreceptor that controls heart pressure. Consistent pressure on the carotid sinus can cause the heart to slow down or even stop. Backup arteries in the spine provide 30% of blood flow to the brain, making it crucial to understand how the lungs work and how pressure on the abdomen can make breathing difficult. Body modifications such as implants, surface piercings, and dermal piercings can cause issues with this type of play. Two nervous systems, sympathetic and parasympathetic, play a crucial role in the body's functioning.
When conscious, you have control over certain bodily functions, such as breathing. However, when you lose consciousness, your nervous system relies on mechanical information to keep working. For example, if you're underwater and holding your breath, but you pass out, your nervous system will try to make you breathe in water. It's important to note that every person's body is unique, with individual differences accounting for up to 15% of variance, from the shape of their ear to the complete inversion of their internal organs. Just because you know where something is located on one person doesn't mean it's in the exact same place on another.
Before engaging in any activity, make sure you have the proper tools and equipment, like safety shears, in case an issue arises. It's also a good idea to have a charged cell phone nearby to quickly call for medical assistance if needed. Additionally, always have a first aid kit and use common sense.
It's crucial to recognize the effects that come with breathplay and use them as indicators to stop or take a break. For instance, if someone experiences headaches, it may be a sign to stop the activity. Petechia, which is characterized by blood traces in the white of the eyes or on the skin due to ruptured blood vessels, is a well-known effect of breathplay.
If someone experiences an atypical effect, such as memory loss, during the activity, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional. Breathplay involves controlling someone's breathing. One way of doing this is by manipulating the cycle of respiration. Many marksmen have learnt how to control their breathing patterns to improve their accuracy. People can hold their breath for some time before releasing the air. If you prevent them from taking another breath, panic and fear will swiftly take over. It is important to note that the cycles of respiration speed up when the cardio kicks in from stress and fear. Understanding this is crucial in breathplay. You
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You need to be aware that your partner needs to breathe, but you should also know when to stop them from doing so. Avoid blocking their exhales too forcefully. This is known as the Valsalva manoeuvre. Instead, focus on playing mind games to control their breathing, rather than intentionally causing hypoxia or hyperventilation.
-Valasalva maneuver: This technique is known to people who dive or use airplanes. The goal is to balance the pressure in the ears by blowing through an obstructed nose when the mouth is closed. This technique, when pushed to the extreme, can have negative effects, so never block the exhalation of air of someone.
-Gag reflex: The gag reflex is activated when a foreign object that represents a risk to breathing safety is detected by the body. The reflex can range from coughing to vomiting until the obstruction is cleared. This is important to understand when playing with objects in the mouth, such as ball gags or other toys of that type. Some ball gags have holes in the ball that allow saliva to flow out, but some do not.
-Thumb versus tongue: A swinger who likes breathplay during sex taught this technique to me. It should not leave any marks. Place both hands as if strangling someone, with fingers on each side of the neck. Then, raise your thumbs to place them where the tongue is, under the chin and one inch below it. Push up in that direction toward the throat to make breathing more difficult but not impossible. Do not put pressure on the neck or trachea.
-Face sitting: This can be a dangerous thing to do since you cannot see the face of the person. Always use other ways to verify your partner’s consciousness. The obstruction can be done from the front (vagina smothering) or even with the buttocks of a person. It can be done clothed or naked, and some materials like latex can add a layer of fun to this kind of play. Also, consider the weight of the person doing the sitting.
-Nose blowing: I always see this as a punishment. Blowing in someone's nose, like canine mouth-to-mouth, can give some people unpleasant sensations. Be careful not to over-pressurize your blow.
-Bathing cap: Latex can be used to create a sensory deprivation experience, however, it's important to ensure the person can breathe comfortably throughout the play. It is recommended to allow them to take deep breaths before applying the cap, and to only use it for a short duration.
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-Smothering: Smothering can be a light form of play, however, it's important to be mindful of the need for air during intimate moments. Blocking the nose can increase the effects of oxygen deprivation, but it's crucial to not block the exhale. Some individuals may enjoy using gloves during this type of play.
-Positional asphyxia: This is a highly dangerous form of play that has been used to torture and kill people in the past. It is vital to avoid any form of play that could result in the restriction of breathing or harm to the individual. Examples of ties that can potentially lead to this effect include the ebi-tie, full body suspension by the wrist, crucifixion, and hogtie. It's of utmost importance to prioritize safety during BDSM play and to only engage in activities with proper knowledge and consent.
-Compression: Breathplay through compression can be executed in numerous ways. For instance, sitting or placing a knee on someone's belly can restrict their breathing, while compression ties that compress the thoracic cage can have the same effect but take more time to execute and undo. Additionally, some people may feel that corsets are effective when it comes to compression. However, it's critical to remember when to undo these methods. It's worth noting that in certain choking games, kids often force hyperventilation before having their chest pressed against a wall. When they release, the change of pressure can cause them to pass out, which can be extremely perilous due to the fall that follows.
-Belly compression with legs or scissors-legs: Compression on the belly can make it harder to breathe. In some antiquated cultures, putting rocks on the belly was a type of torture that led to death. This practice can be just as risky as the others, but it's relatively quick to undo. It's important to be careful not to apply too much pressure on the ribs or bladder and to aim for the mid-belly.
-Gas Mask: As a former military individual, I am aware that gas masks can be used in breathplay. They make breathing more difficult due to their filter. A hose can be added to aid with the play. Blocking the intake is simple, and you can observe the mask approaching the face as a result of the vacuum. Some individuals use the hose to experiment with various scents or for sensation play. The masks offer limited visibility on the person's face who is wearing it, hence, it's important to monitor their consciousness carefully.
-Re-breather: These are bags that go along with some gas masks. They recycle the air, which becomes increasingly low in oxygen concentration, creating the buzz of hypoxia. While these games can be thrilling, they are also highly dangerous. Some re-breathers come as part of latex equipment, which means that the visibility of the user's face may not always be optimal.
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-Tape: Playing with tape can be popular for smothering play, pictures, and videos; however, it's important to be cautious of potential indirect effects. Sometimes, people can have allergic reactions to the glue on the tape, and removing it can be difficult. For a safer option, 3M Microfoam tape is recommended, as it is soft and easy to remove with less toxic glue than duct tape. Non-adhesive tapes that stick to themselves can also be used, but keep safety shears nearby just in case.
-Saran wrap (plastic wrap): Saran wrap can be used for breath play, but it's recommended to wrap it around the nose up so that the person can still breathe through their mouth. To create a blindfold, tape can be used over the Saran wrap. If you want to have control over the person's breathing, cut a small square that can be removed as needed. When removing the wrap, cutting it on the side of the head is best, being careful with hair.
-Bagging with a hard bag: Using a plastic bag over the head can be overwhelming, so hard bags are recommended. These can be secured to the head using tape, or nonsticky tape. As with rebreathing, the circulation of air can lower oxygen concentration in the bag. Hard bags can have a hole cut at the top to let air in or suck air out. This hole can also be used for cigar smoke or to fill the bag with water, which is very scary. Be cautious of condensation inside the bag that can decrease visibility.
-Bagging with a soft bag: Hotel mini garbage bags are a strong option for this type of play. Inflate the bag slightly before placing it over the head and closing it at the neck. This creates a scarier sensation as the bag gets closer to the face. Rebreathing is dangerous, so use caution when playing with this technique.
-Gags: Gags are a common item in many sex shops. Some are very basic, such as ball gags, while others are shaped like a small penis. Most do not have holes for drooling, but some have large holes that allow for breathing. The important thing to watch out for is the gag reflex, and you should always be prepared to monitor any issues that may arise with these implements.
-Kiss of death: The Kiss of Death is a romantic way to engage in breath play. When sealing lips with your partner, you can control the flow of air by blocking their nose with your hand. You can breathe through your own nose and give your partner some of your air, or you can steal some of their breath for a short moment of sensation play. It's important to ensure that your partner does not panic in this position.
-Hyperventilation: Hyperventilation can lead to passing out and is a dangerous activity. Some school choking games involve hyperventilation, then you get into a ball position and then rapidly rise to your feet. This can be dangerous due to the risk of falling.
-Nose plugs: Similar to those used for swimming, nose plugs are used to simply block the nose. They become a part of breath play when coupled with kissing or fellatio.
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-Latex band: Latex bands come in different sizes and are used by the Top to block breathing for a moment. The band takes the shape of the face and seals the area it is applied to.
Breathplay: Blood
Breathplay: Blood Strangulation, in this sense, is about altering the amount of pressure the brain receives from blood flow. The change in pressure can cause most people to lose consciousness. When a person passes out, you release the pressure. The person should regain consciousness once the pressure is released. It's important to note that playing with either blood or air can be equally dangerous. Most of these techniques are referred to as bilateral carotid compression.
-Pinch of Death: Apply pressure with a finger and thumb on each of the carotid arteries. Use your other hand to turn and lift the head by holding the hair to block pressure from the backup arteries. Remember that a person who passes out has no muscle control, so it's your responsibility to prevent injuries and protect them at all costs.
-Rope Neck: This topic is highly controversial. Rope neck techniques range from a simple rope passing in front of the neck like some Hojo-jutsu ties to a leash with a noncollapsing loop or a single column. It can be used for decorative or sensation purposes. Watch out for rope marks around the neck as they can be seen by others and lead to misunderstandings. Applying pressure on the carotid arteries can induce sensations or cause someone to pass out. Be mindful of the trachea and avoid attaching the noose to a solid object around the neck.
-Fake choke: Some people enjoy a hand on their throat as a way to enhance their passion, but it's important to be gentle and apply light pressure. To do this, place the palm of your hand over the hollow in the middle of the collarbones with fingers on each side.
-Rope and scarf choke: This technique is a good way to apply even pressure around the neck without focusing too much pressure on the baroreceptor. To do this, place the middle of the scarf on the front of the neck and wrap both sides around the back of the neck. During intercourse, the receiver can hold the scarf themselves and apply pressure while the partner monitors for safety.
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-Belt: Belts can be used for strangulation, but it's crucial to be careful with the locking mechanism as it can pinch the skin or cause harm. It's important to position the top of the belt bite in the direction of pulling to allow for some space. Neck play should focus on holding rather than squeezing the neck. While this can be a thrilling experience for some, it can also be dangerous, so caution is advised.
-Rear naked choke: This technique, borrowed from martial arts, applies bilateral pressure on the carotids using the bicep and forearm, and is very effective in making most people pass out in less than 15 seconds. Some call it the 'sleep-holder'. Make sure to take a class on these techniques with a professional. Just because there have been no accidents recorded in the records of judo and jiu-jitsu for this practice does not mean it is 100% safe. Ensure that you hold the person well because a person who passes out has no muscular control. If the technique is still not working after 10 seconds, let go. You may be holding it the wrong way, or the anatomy of the person may be different, with their carotids placed further back or if their backup arteries are bigger. I have met three people out of a thousand who cannot pass out, so there is no need to try harder than usual.
-Leg triangle choke: This technique can be very dangerous because it uses the most powerful group of muscles. Even well-trained practitioners can over-contract these muscles. It can also be seen as an erotic activity due to the close proximity of the head to the other person’s genitals. Seek advice and training from a professional to learn this technique safely.
-Recreational hanging: This activity resembles lethal punishment and is not recommended in any way. The neck is not designed to handle this kind of stress, and it can result in compression on vital organs. This type of activity was common in many countries in the past, but it should be avoided for safety reasons.
-Water boarding, drowning, and wet towel: These techniques were used as forms of torture in the past and can be dangerous. It is recommended to take a class and use caution when practicing these advanced techniques. Breathing through a wet towel is difficult, and when it comes to waterboarding, using very cold water can be more effective in achieving the desired effect of a make-believe drowning sensation without causing harm to the person. The goal of these techniques is to play with the mind, not to cause harm.
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Last part In the "Don't" section:
-Arm bar: The arm bar was a technique used by police forces for a long time, but due to many deaths, they decided to use the "naked choke" technique instead. The arm bar compresses the trachea using the forearms, which can lead to damage to the air pipes, and it doesn't help to calm anyone down.
-Overpressure: Applying too much pressure with any technique will lead to injuries, and you don't want that.
-Solid hanging: Never attach a noose or loop to anything over your head that can lead to hanging. Never attach your neck to something that can move or fall.
-Other: Never engage in any of these practices alone; never mix these activities with drugs, alcohol, fatigue, or exacerbated negative emotional states. Remember that even if it's safer when you know what you are doing, it does not necessarily make these practices safe.
Death Death cases: Every year, many people die from practices like edge and breathplay, but not enough education is provided to help people mitigate the risks. Therefore, I strive to take a step forward and raise awareness.
-Autoerotic asphyxiation: David Carradine, the lead actor in 'Kill Bill', was found dead from what appeared to be autoerotic asphyxiation. This kind of death is sadly common, and often happens when people practice alone and make bad decisions.
-Obstruction incident in St-Julie: A paramedic who was engaging in heavy bondage and using a ball gag with his wife failed to notice that she vomited and was choked to death by her own vomit. This case was ruled an accident, as no breathplay was intended.
-Alone in St-Bruno: A fireman engaging in an intense session with his partner left her in a predicament alone. She couldn't move due to a metallic solid collar that was loose around her neck. The woman suffered from positional asphyxia, passed out, and choking herself to death with the collar.
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-Vacbed in Toronto: A friend of mine was using a vacbed with a small opening for his head. The latex collar was pressing on his baroreceptors, reducing his blood pressure, making him fall unconscious. Even after he was unconscious, the pressure continued to send a message to his heart to slow down until it stopped. This is a warning never to practice alone or apply continuous pressure there.
-Predicament in Italy: In the rope community, this incident is well-known. A rigger tied two intoxicated girls by the neck to each other. They had to stay on their toes to avoid choking, but one of them collapsed, choking the other to death. Both girls lost consciousness, still choking each other. The rigger was also intoxicated and had left his safety shears in his car, delaying the rescue attempt.
-Bag of death: Some countries use an 'exit bag' in conjunction with neutral gases like helium for legal suicide. This puts the person unconscious quietly, and the re-breathing inside the bag does the rest. However, it's important to seek help rather than resort to this solution as it is irreversible.
Appendix Glossary: • Erotic asphyxiation: The intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for the purpose of sexual arousal. • Auto-erotic asphyxiation: Self-induced effect of erotic asphyxiation. • Passing out, syncope, also known as fainting: Defined as a short loss of consciousness. • BDSM: Bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism. • Safe word: A code word used to communicate an official instruction to stop the play. • Edge-play: Activity that endangers the life or health of the person receiving the play. • Ball gag: A fetish sex toy that consists of a mouth-insertable object with textile or rope to hold it in place. • Vacbed or vacuum bed: An envelope spanned by a frame, and a suction pump or a floor vacuum removes most of the air from the envelope. It is a restriction device. • Top: The person who administers the play. • Bottom: The person who receives the play. • Hypoxia: A condition where the body or a region of the body is deprived of an adequate amount of oxygen. • Adam's apple: The structure of the Adam's apple forms a bump under the skin. It is typically larger in adult males. Page 12
This book was inspired by: TSURUMI, Wataro. The Complete Manual of Suicide, Japan,1993. ISBN 978-4-87233-153-0
References: KOIWAI, E Karl. Deaths allegedly caused by the use of «choke hold» (Shime-Waza), Judo Info, Online publishing date unknown (original paper publishing 1987), (Online), http://judoinfo.com/ chokes6/ KNIGHT, Bernard and Pekka Saukko. Knight's Forensic Pathology Third Edition, CRC Press, United States, 2015. ISBN-10: 0340760443 LYLE, Douglas P. Forensics For Dummies, For Dummies, United States, 2016. ISBN-10: 0764555804 ,ISBN-13: 978-0764555800 Images from: Gray Anatomy, 1918. This book is dedicated to all the people who touched my heart and left too soon. Page 13 It is the result of the collaborative work of many friends.
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selfmadebd · 5 months
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negative-ease · 5 months
sunrise... sunset... sangria... dance sweat
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project diary cast on entry follows ~
oooooo it's driving me crazy how uneven that square is!!! but that's just test square #1 so it's ok. I sort of figure I'll redo it at the very end -- I never crochet and I've just picked it up again after many years, so my tension is bound to improve over the course of the few dozen of these I'm about to make.
Here are the stats.
-it's a throw. it's for my sister's bday in 4 months.
-it uses the bones of the citrus slice pattern from "the modern guide to granny squares"
-all squares will have the same background (same color as the pith) and a gradient border
-after assembly, the blanket will reverse the gradient border, so another sc row of yellow going back out to the darker pink
-squares are 8x8. to make throw-sized i believe it'll be 6x7, or 42 squares. this feels very doable; i can easily do one square in a day without any clue what i'm doing. once i have the hang of it, 2-3 squares in a day would be fine.
-the yarn is "scheepjes soft fun". i looked at sooo many options before going with this one, but i'm really happy with it. i just couldn't find any natural yarn that had all the specific colors i wanted... i didn't want to mix and match, and i was also wary of price because crochet is so yarn thirsty compared to knitting. the scheepjes skeins are less than $4 for 140m which is fantastic. it's 60% cotton and 40% acrylic. i never work with cotton and i never work with acrylic. but i am enjoying it and really happy with my choice.
-to start with i ordered 5x of the pith/bg and 3x of all other colors. i know i will need more. according to my kitchen scale, after the first test square i'd used about 10g of the pith/bg and about 5g of the slice color. i'll need to do a little more before i'm confident enough to make a second (hopefully final) order. i'm not too worried about dye lots because the squares are discrete, so if i wash before assembly (for example) i should be able to offset any color variance during assembly.
-here was my planning before the yarn search... after confirming i could actually crochet this, i mocked up a really basic diagram and then pulled out the colored pencils. was testing on 2008 babette blanket cascade 220 yarns.... yuuuuup!
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-the book has been great to practice reading charts & written instructions, which were always sort of bewildering for me. because i've made a few changes in the outer rounds, i figured i'd try to rewrite the chart (also there are a few minor errors in the printed charts I think? not positive. but to my untrained eye it seems so.) so i've been messing with stitch fiddle with... interesting results lol. placing symbols individually..... i'm sure there's a better way to do it but what am i gonna do, read a manual? grow up. i might just bust out the colored pencils again.
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just showing a small part because i'm only rewriting, but... lol. god it's a mess. but i'm learning!
-the lime green i have is on the yellowish side so i think it will work. that's the second test square i'm working on now.
-fun fact: the real reason i picked crochet up again was that i am desperate to make this mosaic throw. but my first attempts were awful, so i decided i needed a lot more practice to get the muscle memory back (and TENSION!!!! ugh). so that's how i ended up here. there's a couple other stashbusting projects i have in mind, too. i'll try the mosaic again eventually!
-last thing for now, it feels criminal that this book, which is super colorful - and does not use varigated yarns in its examples - does not even discuss methods to avoid or mitigate weaving in ends. come on! in my first square, i didn't weave in any. in my second test, i'm working over the ends to see how that looks, works, and how secure it is. so far so good! thank you to the many reddit posts about the pros and cons of all these methods... for me... i know i will die if i'm weaving in 20+ ends per square. ...x42... and it's going to a childless, catless adult so like. i think it will be safe.
everything else about the book is lovely and i'd recommend it to beginning & intermediate crocheters in a heartbeat! i'm a sucker for rainbow colors... the charts and instructions are great and the reference in the back is also very clear.
ok... bye until there is fun or interesting progress to report!
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madhukumarc · 11 months
Can You Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Following?
Yes, you can do affiliate marketing without a following, but it requires different approaches and strategies, though it is strongly recommended over time for income stability, and sustainability.
One of the main advantages of having a following is that you already have an audience who trusts you and values your opinion.
This makes it easier to recommend products and convince your followers to make a purchase.
However, if you don't have a following, you can still leverage other effective and proven methods to generate traffic and sales. In order to give you more information, let's go deeper.
“Treat Affiliate Marketing as the business that it is. There is no easy money to be made! AM is a serious business with all its pros and cons, so treat it like one. Be ready to invest, be ready to fail, and be ready to work!” – STM Forum
Doing Affiliate Marketing Without a Following:
While having a following can help promote affiliate products and generate sales smoothly, it is not the only way to succeed in affiliate marketing. Let's explore your other options.
1. Use Website or Blog:
First, you can focus on creating high-quality content.
By consistently producing valuable and informative content related to the affiliate products you are promoting, you can attract organic traffic from search engines.
This means optimizing your website or blog with relevant keywords, providing in-depth reviews and tutorials, and offering useful tips and advice.
By doing so, you can reach a wider audience who may be interested in the products you are promoting.
“Affiliate marketing SEO is your ticket to engaging content and increased revenue. Align SEO with affiliate marketing for content that sparks engagement and resonates with your audience” - DailyZoo Newsletter
Begin harnessing the power of AI content generation tools as your assistant to enhance your content creation and marketing efforts.
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2. Collaboration with Influencers and Content Creators:
You can collaborate with other influencers or content creators who have a good following.
By partnering with them, you can tap into their audience and gain exposure for your affiliate products.
This can be done through guest posting, co-hosting webinars, doing sponsorships, hosting podcasts, or even collaborating on social media campaigns.
It's important to find influencers whose audience aligns with your target market to ensure better conversion rates.
“While macro-influencers have dominated the affiliate marketing scene, micro-influencers are on the rise. With more specialized, engaged followings, micro-influencers boast 60% higher engagement rates than their macro counterparts” –DailyZoo Newsletter
3. Use Social Media Platforms:
Yes, you are going to leverage social media platforms. Here's how to maximize your use of it.
While you may not have a large following initially, you can still build your presence by engaging with relevant communities and participating in relevant discussions.
By providing valuable insights and being active on platforms such as Facebook groups, X [Twitter] threads, Reddit communities, Quora, or industry-specific forums, you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
This can help drive traffic to your website or blog and ultimately lead to affiliate sales.
Of course, it is not easy, as it is a time-consuming process, but very effective in the long term to grow your personal brand and following.
“If you aren't optimizing social media content for mobile users, there's a good chance that you aren't maximizing results for your account” – Social Media Examiner
If you have experience making and editing videos, look into creating a YouTube channel. Start focusing on publishing a few videos at least once a week if you want to gain popularity.
4. Paid Advertising:
Lastly, consider investing in paid advertising.
Although this may require some upfront investment, it can be a viable option for driving targeted traffic to your affiliate offers without relying solely on having a following.
Platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads allow you to target specific demographics and interests, ensuring that your ads are shown to the right audience.
This can help increase visibility and generate sales even if you don't have a large following.
Keep in mind that if you're new to this, consider undergoing training to learn the ropes of paid advertising.
It's also important to acknowledge that there might be some initial loss of money involved while learning practically, which actually helps you to gain confidence and proficiency in running successful campaigns.
Pro-Tip: Right from the beginning, prioritize the development of your personal brand and build email lists to effectively and profitably run affiliate marketing.
“Because you own your email list and control the timing and messaging of your emails, no other communication medium—including social media and paid advertising—allows you to reach your audience quite as effectively as email” – Klaviyo
Affiliate Marketing Do's and Don'ts:
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Image Content Source - Generated through ChatGPT
In conclusion, while having a following can certainly help in affiliate marketing, still it can be done without it, with hard work and dedication.
By focusing on creating valuable content, collaborating with influencers or content creators, leveraging social media platforms, and investing in paid advertising, you can generate traffic and sales.
Remember to constantly analyze and optimize your strategies to maximize your results in affiliate marketing.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – How do affiliate links work?
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rigelmejo · 1 year
no ok i read my original ask but i used the wrong word - not condense but like including an outline? a summary then explanation and details? idk obviously whatever floats your boat.
just thought that maybe I'll take your big comprehensible input post and do it that way!! the first bit did sound very interesting
I get you but. I am extremely bad at summaries. That post was my summary ;-; it was gonna be like 5 times longer and I tried to summarize lol. I wish I could do it like "10 sentences to cover the 10 main steps" but then I feel like I forgot to add a detail or a point and it grows. I sucked at Twitter, I'm really not good at stating stuff in small ways. I try to make tldr areas in post where I summarize. ToT but agh those usually still end up being at least 3 sentences.
I'd recommend my links posts or shared resources posts for actual summaries by other people. Other resources tend to summarize way better than me, and I am getting all these method steps from what other people have done and discussed on their sites, youtubes, forums, books. Like for comprehensible input, Ayan Academy youtube summarizes the method well, r/Refold reddit summarizes the method as does their site (their site is still like 20 pages but its more compact info than me), French by the Nature Methodamd English by the Nature Method textbook (and most nature method and direct method textbooks) summarize the teaching style in their 3 page introductions. Listening Reading Method... I probably have summarized in 6 paragraphs somewhere, which is shorter than the like 100 page site I read about it on (some people did summarize L R Method on language forums in 4 sentences but the directions felt unclear so i took a lot of notes rip).
Also just... a lot of my posts are notes on current process and experiences. Not so much summarized guides and steps, but steps in action/experiencing them and their results just a lot of details and observations on the process. So those ones really wouldn't be summarized except like "in progress, it's a mixed bag" maybe again idk I'm not good at summaries I just tldr for myself if I got notes like read 300 more pages by end of month.
Edit: for my notes that have "guides/plans" I do try to summarize in the first sentence, and end tldr sentences of a paragraph or section. So in theory one could just read the first 1-2 sentences then skip to the next section if they wanted to just see the "guide" portion and ignore the rambling notes.
0 notes
swinstudent · 2 years
Tumblr case study-the good and the bad...
I am here on Tumblr posting this today, because I know for a fact if I posted it on Facebook I would have my family on my back probably telling me i’m too woke…
Coincidentally, this post draws evidently to an analysis of Tumblr and the platform's distinct personality which I would personally analyse as a result of its long-lasting youth-based audience and lack of censorship in comparison to other platforms, like #Reddit.  
Due to Tumblr’s lack of personalised profiling, “many “Tumblrs” are anonymously created and owners are difficult to identify.” (Keller, 2019) - Ultimately, this aspect allows for, females in particular, to speak on and discuss certain topics that may be more difficult on other platforms. #feminism #sex & #bodyimage for example...
The highly discussed and controversial topic of Tumblr in its glory days #2014tumblr, is that of its stagnate prominence among some girls youths, facilitating the exploration of the more explicit and controversial topics, “the  girls’  discussions  of  Tumblr  in  relation  to  Facebook  and  Twitter  suggests  that  maintaining  some  social  privacy  is  necessary for teens to do feminism online.” (Keller, 2019) 
This time period of Tumblr, for me and peers I have spoken too, or seen discussing online, still gets brought up years later, in conjunction with our age at the time and the issue of what we were presented, with and how it was ultimately destructive. For example, the glorification of eating disorders.
Going further, one of the 'Public Spheres' qualifying points when discussing social media is to feel safe, and therefore comfortable posting, without this sense of safety, eventually platforms will decline. When analysing whether it is a negative or positive thing that Tumblr facilitates such discussions, it could therefore be argued that Tumblr still exists solely as such a result. After all, as mentioned by Keller, 2019 “Girls and women use digital platforms to explore their emerging femi-nist identities” and Tumblr lets them. 
How can this feminism and confidence be seen today on Tumblr? Through hashtags! For example: “One hashtag often occupied by feminists is #bodypositive, a movement that aims to reconnect people with their own body image.” (Reif et al., 2022)
References - 
Keller, J. (2019) “‘oh, she’s a Tumblr feminist’: Exploring the platform vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms,” Social Media & the Self: An Open Reader [Preprint]. Available at: https://doi.org/10.32376/3f8575cb.30dbf3b9. 
Reif, A., Miller, I. and Taddicken, M. (2022) “‘Love the skin you‘re in’: An analysis of women’s self-presentation and user reactions to selfies using the Tumblr hashtag #bodypositive,” Mass Communication and Society, pp. 1–24. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2022.2138442. 
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jeffhulswit · 2 years
Social Media Experiment - Blog Post 2
For my social media experiment, I have decided to eliminate all my social media intake for 1 day. I decided to restrict all the apps that have a negative impact on my daily productivity and my mental health. I am aware that at time, when I have feelings of anxiety, it is easy to open an app and check out instead of dealing with the source of the anxiety. The specific apps that I eliminated from my phone for 24 hours are, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram. I also silenced my notification for my messages and emails in which I checked at scheduled times at 10 am, noon, and 3 pm to stay on top of work-related activities.
My first test came early in the day. I usually get my daughter up for the day and put on some cartoons and I’ll flip through me phone and get caught up on news. Not having that was a big eye opener. My daughter noticed immediately that I was more present and asked to come sit with me while she watched her morning show and sipped her milk. It was a great moment in my day, that, without eliminating my phone may have never happened.
Throughout my workday I find myself often sitting at businesses waiting for people to meet with me. These waits can be from 10 to 45 minutes. When I arrived at my first stop for the day, I had to wait about 30 minutes for my contact to meet me. During this time, I would usually be looking at my phone, wasting time essentially. Instead of being buried in my phone, I interacted with two people who saw me sitting there waiting. From these two interactions I gained some valuable new contacts that discussed new opportunities at that facility. Usually if I was sitting there staring at my phone, this interaction would not have happened. Finally, when my workday was done, I put my phone away in the bedroom until 9 pm. My wife and I talked more, and I got a lot more done around the house without the distraction. It was remarkable to experience the effects of limiting technology use for one day. I am going to continue to implement these small restrictions for a month and see what the results yield. If my production increases at the rate it did over this one day experiment, I cant imagine what the results will yield after one month
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happyobjectfest · 2 years
Undeniable Proof That You Need what is thco acetate
Thc-o Is The Semi-legal Psychedelic Cannabinoid - The Facts
Table of Contents7 Simple Techniques For Thc-o-acetate Reviews / ReportsThe Only Guide for Thc Acetate/thc-o (The Psychedelic Cannabinoid) UserNot known Facts About Best Thc-o Carts 2022: Delta X Acetate Review
No concerns merely attempting to locate if a number of folks are actually preforming the formation and if any kind of have a COA however for potancy 5 Ases if Intend I can easily determine on my own. Who has a requirement I was quite enticed that the acetate was actually thermolabile at dabbing temperatures. thc-o acetate experience. Interested - did your dab preference like white vinegar at all? 4 Ases if Had some from Medusa last opportunity I threw him for dinnertoo considerably being swabbed on state what possessed what results lol yet swabbed an entire g over a time or twono crazy way of life changes or profound amounts of information led hahaha From what I know at the very least when in justed the body system makes use of that particle to metabolize anandamide 4 Likes I kept in mind "dmt" like tastedso potentially alkaline heavy tastes? 1 Like I likewise understand it has a pretty quick degeneration contour perhaps 1 Like Possessed a very very extremely super Small tip of heptane along with a menthol/limonene resemblance in scent. what is thco acetate.
1 Like It definitely worked with my body as well as thoughts for my 2 timed bits for a solid hour. I will check as a safe to eat soon. Carries out anyone know why it's so easy on the lungs? Is it the thickness? I don't presume I've ever smoked or vaped just about anything that felt so benign on the lungs without totally numbing heading in.
The secondly was actually, "That's not what I counted on." Some minor subtle light colour switches. A restful unwinded catholic high, peaceful with the universe. Short service life along with some acetic acid bite as it weakens. 14 Ases if Pretty area on to my recent take in 1 Like I recently received a batch of acetate from a trusted supplier that i will certainly be actually publishing an evaluation as well as questions about below soon, yet i would like to discuss my two cents about my thought and feelings on THC-o until now.
Due to the opportunity the pizza was performed i was actually taken out, devoured the entire trait and also had such a heavy couchlock i possessed to battle myself to get out of bed and also clean my teeth. I am actually not a significant man and haven't been obtaining munchies off the bits lately however still possessed area for half a pint of ben and jerrys after (how long does thc-o last).
Yet when you integrate it along with various other cannabinoids it performs take it to the upcoming amount (how long does thc-o last). I may have a low strength set of d8 which i are going to be posting ready to find what i am in fact smoking on 9 Likes I possessed their batches as well as an additional laboratories batch. Similar impacts to each, no visible variation although i was notified that a person set was actually pure d9 OA and also the various other was a 70/30 D9/D8 OA litre - thco acetate for sale.
The lab really did not possess the requirement for d8 thco as well as merely possessed d9thco. They seemed to be to have identified the top for d8 together with 7 other materials. 8 Ases if.
What Does What Does A Thc-o High Feel Like? Mean?
Yet our experts carry out certainly not question as opportunity progresses, this will alter. Yet, in the meantime, you may check out if you acknowledge any one of these brand names as well as if you have actually presently had a Delta 8 pushcart coming from all of them, it is actually a fairly excellent proxy to 2nd guess what kind of quality to expect when it relates to THC-O vape containers - thco acetate review.
For those of you supposing, that's Reddit, youtube, and also various other deep-seated, steamy smoke-filled bunny gaps. Our experts have actually devoted hrs reviewing subreddits and seeing what current users are actually pointing out about the most up to date THC O carts. Therefore in the event that you wish to fraternize us THCO fans, most likely to the THC-O subreddit (thc-o acetate).
Yes, you've been actually notified! Now wherefore you have actually been actually awaiting. If you intend to reach the heavens as prompt as possible, then maintain going through for our recommendations on the most ideal THC O cartridges 2022. Binoid is a reputable player in the alternative Hemp area. Initially from The golden state, the label right now has a few of the best distribution we've seen.
This consists of D8/D10, HHC, as well as several of the best THC-O pushcarts you'll discover on the marketplace today. Best Choose: Many Well-known Brand Name PROS (+) Recognized Hemp company, Powerful THC-O cartridges, Highly ranked on discussion forums Free freight on all orders CONS (-) Cannabis acquired terps cart prices even more Terrific for: Folks after the best THC O Vape ink cartridges with worth costs to match as well as a great label online reputation (how long does thc-o last).
When it happens down to value, Binoid is actions in front of the competitors. If you acquire wholesale (4 or even 8 carts) and utilize our 20% off special rebate code it exercises to approx For circumstance, the ordinary prices our experts have actually observed for a THCO vape cartridge is actually around $0 (thc-o acetate).
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So you'll spare about 60% reviewed to the competition. The factor for this is actually mainly as a result of the range Binoid now possesses and the amount of consumers who come back to buy from all of them on a monthly basis. In the event you seek the (online material) marijuana acquired terps possibility go here. Altogether, if you desire any type of kind of item originated from the Hemp vegetation our experts 'd encourage you visit Binoid (thc-o acetate experience).
what is thco acetate >9 Easy Facts About Best Thc-o Carts 2022: Delta X Acetate Review Explained
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Why? Since they make use of optimum all-natural terpenes! Related Read: Ideal HHC Carts If you're an individual of D8, you'll be actually cognizant of Delta Extrax aka the D8 specialist. Normally, they've lately extended right into THCO non reusable vape pens (thc-o acetate). And also yes, it's not as centered as the final selection yet this is still a spaceship compared to D8 by itself. how long does thc-o last.
While this vape consists of only Hemp-derived THCO distillate as well as terpenes it's certainly not as effective as our various other selections. Nonetheless, it still attacks tough and also hases plenty of taste as well as cannabinoids. The Fascinating trait regarding Extract Labs is the do it yourself bundles you can easily generate to save twenty%! Yes. thc o acetate near me. You know that right.
Not so suitable for: Any person not interested do-it-yourself! With 7g-1000g every bottle, this is the place to equip up on the best THCO distillate. Utilize it to create your own THCO pushcarts, edibles, or even for tremendously strong bits. Accessible unterped ideal for dabbing along with the enhancement of your personal terps - thco acetate review.
Although state rules may differ thus always perform your personal as a result of diligence before getting THC-O vape carts. I think our company have actually all of existed - how long does thc-o last. Smoked a doobie also difficult as well as found yourself couch-locked or in a brand-new dimension of space. But, after an even though, the buzz comes to be, effectively, not as almonds as it made use of to be actually.
Disclaimer: This article includes associate hyperlinks to products (what is thco acetate). Our company might get a compensation for purchases produced through these web links. If you are looking for a thorough THCO customer review, you have actually pertained to the correct spot. Within this short article, our team will definitely go over everything you need to understand! Therefore, whether you are actually thinking about acquiring THCO items or even merely intend to discover more concerning them, this article is actually for you.
THCO, on the other hand, might have a variety of end results based upon the person it influences (thco vs hhc). Although this is true for every individual, some influences seem common as well as have been found by THC users. THCO is actually a blend of THC, or other cannabinoids, and oxygen (as in "THCO2") that is actually originated from hemp oil and also marijuana.
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nervouscandypeace · 2 years
The Pros and Cons of what is thco acetate
The Definitive Guide for Thc-o Is The Semi-legal Psychedelic Cannabinoid
Table of ContentsGetting My Thc Acetate/thc-o (The Psychedelic Cannabinoid) User To WorkThc Acetate/thc-o (The Psychedelic Cannabinoid) User Things To Know Before You BuySome Ideas on Thc-o Is The Semi-legal Psychedelic Cannabinoid You Need To Know
No worries simply making an effort to uncover if numerous people are actually preforming the formation and if any have a COA however for potancy 5 Suches as Intend I can easily learn on my own. That has a specification I was quite persuaded that the acetate was thermolabile at dabbing temperature levels. what is thco acetate. Curious - performed your https://diigo.com/0q4hji bit preference like white vinegar at all? 4 Suches as Possessed some coming from Medusa last opportunity I organized him for dinnertoo considerably being actually wiped on to claim what possessed what impacts lol however wiped an entire g over a time or twono untamed way of life changes or deep degrees of knowledge led hahaha From what I know at the very least when in justed the body utilizes that molecule to metabolize anandamide 4 Likes I noted "dmt" like tastedso perhaps alkaline massive tastes? 1 Like I likewise know it possesses a rather fast deterioration curve probably 1 Like Possessed an extremely tremendously extremely extremely Small tip of heptane with a menthol/limonene resemblance in scent. thc-o acetate.
1 Like It absolutely worked with my mind and body for my 2 timed bits for a sound hr. I will definitely test as a consumable not long. Carries out anybody understand why it's thus quick and easy on the bronchis? Is it the viscosity? I do not assume I've ever smoked or vaped anything that experienced therefore favorable on the bronchis without totally numbing on the means in.
The secondly was actually, "That is actually not what I anticipated." Some small refined light-toned color changes. A restful loosened up catholic higher, at tranquility along with the world. Quick rack lifestyle along with some acetic acid bite as it diminishes. 14 Just likes Pretty spot on to my current take in 1 Like I recently obtained a set of acetate from a trustworthy vendor that i will definitely be publishing a testimonial as well as concerns concerning listed here soon, but i intended to discuss my 2 cents concerning my thought and feelings on THC-o thus far.
Due to the opportunity the pizza was actually performed i was eliminated, feasted on the entire thing and possessed such a hefty couchlock i had to battle myself to receive up and comb my pearly whites. I am actually certainly not a large guy and haven't been receiving munchies off the bits recently but still had room for half a pint of ben as well as chamber pots after (thc-o acetate experience).
But when you combine it with other cannabinoids it carries out take it to the next amount (thc o acetate). I may have a low potency batch of d8 which i will be actually publishing ready to find what i am in fact smoking on 9 Likes I possessed their sets as well as yet another labs set. Similar results to both, no noticeable difference although i was actually updated that a person batch was pure d9 OA and also the various other was a 70/30 D9/D8 OA litre - thc o acetate near me.
The laboratory didn't possess the standard for d8 thco and also simply possessed d9thco. They seemed to be to have actually identified the height for d8 in addition to 7 various other compounds. 8 Ases if.
The 6-Minute Rule for The Secret Cannabinoid 300 Percent More Potent Than Thc
But our team carry out certainly not question as time proceeds, this are going to change. However, meanwhile, you may look into if you realize any of these companies and also if you've actually had a Delta 8 cart from them, it's a pretty really good substitute to second hunch what kind of top quality to anticipate when it pertains to THC-O vape containers - thc-o acetate experience.
For those of you guessing, that is actually Reddit, youtube, and various other deep, dank smoke-filled bunny gaps. Our company have actually spent hours reading subreddits and finding what current individuals are actually saying about the current THC O carts. So just in case you wish to socialize with our company THCO followers, go to the THC-O subreddit (thc o acetate near me).
Yes, you have actually been advised! Now for what you have actually been waiting on. If you wish to reach the skies as quick as feasible, at that point maintain reviewing for our recommendations on the most effective THC O containers 2022. Binoid is a well-known player in the alternative Hemp area. Initially coming from California, the brand name now has a few of the widest circulation our company've found.
This features D8/D10, HHC, and a few of the strongest THC-O carts you'll locate on the market place today. Leading Decide On: Many Well Established Company PROS (+) Recognized Hemp company, Effective THC-O cartridges, Very rated on discussion forums Free of cost freight on all purchases drawbacks (-) Marijuana derived terps cart expenses even more Great for: People after the best THC O Vape cartridges with worth prices to match and an excellent brand credibility and reputation (thc-o acetate).
When it boils down to market value, Binoid is steps ahead of the competition. If you get wholesale (4 or even 8 pushcarts) as well as utilize our twenty% off special savings code it works out to approx For circumstance, the common prices our experts have actually viewed for a THCO vape container is actually around $0 (what is thco acetate).
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So you'll save all around 60% compared to the competition. The reason for this is actually mainly considering that of the scale Binoid now possesses and also the amount of clients that come back to buy from all of them each month. In situation you seek the (real-time material) marijuana obtained terps possibility click below. Overall, if you seek any sort of sort of product stemmed from the Hemp vegetation our company will recommend you examine out Binoid (thc-o acetate).
Some Of What Is Thc-o Acetate? What You Must Know
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Why? Since they use the finest natural terpenes! Relevant Read: Greatest HHC Carts If you are actually a user of D8, you'll be actually cognizant of Delta Extrax aka the D8 specialist. Naturally, they have actually lately extended right into THCO non reusable vape markers (thco vs hhc). As well as of course, it's certainly not as concentrated as the last pick but this is still a space rocket contrasted to D8 by itself. thc o acetate.
While this vape contains merely Hemp-derived THCO extract as well as terpenes it's not as powerful as our other selections. However, it still reaches hard as well as has plenty of taste and also cannabinoids. The Exciting feature of Extract Labs is actually the do-it-yourself packages you may generate to save 20%! Yes. thco acetate for sale. You know that right.
Certainly not so excellent for: Anybody certainly not interested do it yourself! Along with 7g-1000g every bottle, this is the area to fill up on the best THCO distillate. Use it to produce your very own THCO carts, edibles, or for very powerful bits. Readily available unterped perfect for swabbing with the addition of your very own terps - thc-o acetate.
Although state regulations may differ therefore always do your own due diligence prior to acquiring THC-O vape carts. I believe our company have actually all of existed - what is thco acetate. Smoked a doobie too challenging as well as finished up couch-locked or in a brand-new measurement of room. However, after an even though, the buzz comes to be, effectively, not as almonds as it utilized to be.
Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate hyperlinks to products (thco vs hhc). Our team might get a percentage for acquisitions produced via these web links. If you are actually appearing for an extensive THCO testimonial, you have actually involved the right spot. Within this post, our team are going to go over every little thing you need to recognize! So, whether you are actually thinking about purchasing THCO items or even simply desire to know more concerning them, this write-up is for you.
THCO, meanwhile, might have numerous end results based on the person it affects (thco acetate for sale). Although this holds true for every person, some effects look widespread as well as have been found out through THC customers. THCO is actually a combo of THC, or other cannabinoids, and air (as in "THCO2") that's stemmed from hemp oil and also cannabis.
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20 Fun Facts About thc-o acetate
What Does Thc-o Acetate: Everything You Need To Know About Thco Mean?
Table of Contents9 Simple Techniques For What Is Thc-o Acetate, And Why Is It Getting Attention?Not known Details About D8 Thc-o-acetate Experience And Discussion Fascination About Thc-o: The Psychedelic Cannabinoid
No worries simply making an effort to uncover if various individuals are preforming the synthesis and if any kind of have a COA however for potancy 5 Ases if Expect I can determine on my own. That possesses a standard I was actually rather encouraged that the acetate was actually thermolabile at dabbing temps. how long does thc-o last. Interested - did your bit taste like white vinegar in any way? 4 Likes Possessed some from Medusa last time I hosted him for dinnertoo considerably being dabbed on say what possessed what impacts lol but swabbed an entire g over a time or twono untamed way of life improvements or even profound amounts of enlightenment resulted hahaha From what I know at minimum when in justed the body uses that molecule to metabolize anandamide 4 Likes I noted "dmt" like tastedso potentially alkaline hefty tastes? 1 Like I additionally recognize it possesses a pretty quick destruction arc perhaps 1 Like Possessed an extremely tremendously super extremely Minor reminder of heptane with a menthol/limonene resemblance in aroma. thco vs hhc.
1 Like It most definitely focused on my body and thoughts for my 2 timed bits for a strong hr. I will definitely evaluate as a safe to eat shortly. Does anyone recognize why it is actually therefore effortless on the bronchis? Is it the viscosity? I don't believe I have actually ever smoked or even vaped anything that experienced thus favorable on the lungs without completely numbing en route in.
The secondly was actually, "That's certainly not at all what I counted on." Some slight subtle light-toned shade changes. A calm rested catholic high, https://app.gumroad.com/maettewkmq/p/what-would-the-world-look-like-without-thc-o-acetate-near-me at peace along with deep space. Brief life span along with some acetic acid snack as it degrades. 14 Likes Pretty spot on my recent encounter 1 Like I lately received a set of acetate coming from a trusted vendor that i will be submitting an evaluation and also inquiries about here shortly, but i desired to discuss my two cents regarding my ideas on THC-o so much.
Due to the time the pizza was actually performed i was actually eliminated, gorged the entire point and also possessed such a hefty couchlock i needed to battle myself to receive up as well as clean my pearly whites. I am actually not a huge man and haven't been obtaining munchies off the dabs recently but still possessed room for half a pint of ben and jerrys after (how long does thc-o last).
But when you integrate it with various other cannabinoids it carries out take it to the upcoming level (thco acetate review). I may possess a reduced effectiveness batch of d8 which i will certainly be actually uploading ready to see what i am really smoking on 9 Likes I had their sets and yet another labs batch. Identical results to each, no detectable difference although i was updated that set was actually pure d9 OA as well as the various other was actually a 70/30 D9/D8 OA liter - thco acetate for sale.
The lab failed to possess the standard for d8 thco and also only had d9thco. They seemed to have determined the optimal for d8 alongside 7 various other compounds. 8 Suches as.
The Best Strategy To Use For What Does A Thc-o High Feel Like?
But our team perform not doubt as time progresses, this will change. However, for now, you can have a look at if you identify any one of these brand names as well as if you've already had a Delta 8 cart from them, it is actually a relatively great substitute to 2nd estimate what sort of quality to anticipate when it relates to THC-O vape cartridges - thco vs hhc.
For those of you supposing, that's Reddit, youtube, and various other deep, dank smoke-filled bunny openings. Our company've devoted hours going through subreddits and finding what current individuals are pointing out regarding the current THC O carts. Thus in the event you wish to associate our team THCO supporters, go to the THC-O subreddit (how long does thc-o last).
Yes, you've been actually cautioned! Now of what you've been expecting. If you intend to connect with the heavens as prompt as possible, then keep going through for our referrals on the greatest THC O cartridges 2022. Binoid is a well established gamer in the alternate Hemp area. Initially from The golden state, the brand name currently possesses several of the largest distribution we've observed.
This features D8/D10, HHC, and also several of the greatest THC-O pushcarts you'll locate on the marketplace today. Best Choose: The Majority Of Recognized Brand Name PROS (+) Well established Hemp label, Effective THC-O containers, Highly ranked on discussion forums Totally free shipping on all purchases downsides (-) Marijuana derived terps cart prices more Fantastic for: People after the toughest THC O Vape cartridges with value costs to match and an outstanding company credibility and reputation (thc o acetate).
When it boils down to value, Binoid is actually measures in advance of the competitors. If you buy in majority (4 or even 8 carts) and also use our 20% off exclusive discount code it exercises to approx For situation, the ordinary prices we have actually seen for a THCO vape cartridge is around $0 (thc o acetate).
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So you'll conserve all around 60% compared to the competitors. The cause for this is actually greatly given that of the scale Binoid right now has and also the amount of clients that come back to purchase coming from them monthly. Just in case you seek the (real-time substance) cannabis obtained terps alternative visit this site. Altogether, if you want any kind of product stemmed from the Hemp plant we would certainly suggest you take a look at Binoid (thc-o acetate experience).
Thco Review: Everything You Need To Know Fundamentals Explained
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Why? Because they make use of the finest organic terpenes! Relevant Read: Greatest HHC Pushcarts If you are actually an individual of D8, you'll be actually aware of Delta Extrax aka the D8 specialist. Naturally, they've recently broadened right into THCO non reusable vape pens (thc o acetate). And also yes, it's certainly not as strong as the last selection but this is actually still a spaceship matched up to D8 on its personal. how long does thc-o last.
While this vape consists of simply Hemp-derived THCO extract and also terpenes it is actually not as effective as our various other choices. However, it still reaches challenging and also hases plenty of taste as well as cannabinoids. The Interesting feature of Extraction Labs is the do-it-yourself bundles you can easily generate to conserve 20%! Yes. how long does thc-o last. You read that right.
Certainly not thus helpful for: Any individual not curious do it yourself! Along with 7g-1000g every container, this is the spot to keep up on the finest quality THCO extract. Utilize it to make your personal THCO pushcarts, edibles, or even for tremendously effective dabs. Accessible unterped ideal for wiping with the add-on of your own terps - thc-o acetate experience.
Although state laws may vary thus regularly perform your very own due diligence prior to getting THC-O vape carts. I believe our company have actually all been certainly there - thc o acetate. Smoked a doobie also difficult and also finished up couch-locked or in a brand-new dimension of space. However, eventually, the buzz comes to be, effectively, not as almonds as it made use of to become.
Waiver: This short article consists of associate links to products (thco vs hhc). Our experts might obtain a payment for purchases created through these links. If you are actually searching for a complete THCO assessment, you have concerned the right area. In this particular post, our team are going to explain everything you need to understand! Therefore, whether you are thinking about purchasing THCO items or even just would like to know even more regarding them, this write-up is for you.
THCO, however, may possess a variety of outcomes located on the individual it has an effect on (thco acetate for sale). Although this holds true for each and every individual, some impacts look common as well as have actually been found out through THC customers. THCO is a blend of THC, or even other cannabinoids, as well as air (as in "THCO2") that is actually derived coming from hemp oil and marijuana.
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thco acetate for sale: It's Not as Difficult as You Think
Getting The Thco Review: Everything You Need To Know To Work
Table of ContentsSome Known Details About What Is Thco & Should I Try It? 10 Easy Facts About Thc-o Acetate: Everything You Need To Know About Thco ShownGetting The Thc-o Acetate: Everything You Need To Know About Thco To Work
No worries simply making an effort to track down if various folks are determining the formation and if any type of possess a COA however for potancy 5 Likes Intend I may figure out myself. Who has a specification I was actually rather enticed that the acetate was actually thermolabile at swabbing temperature levels. what is thco acetate. Interested - performed your bit taste like vinegar whatsoever? 4 Just likes Possessed some from Medusa last time I threw him for dinnertoo considerably being actually wiped on to mention what possessed what impacts lol yet wiped a whole g over a day or even twono untamed way of life changes or even deep levels of knowledge resulted hahaha Coming from what I understand at minimum when in justed the body system makes use of that particle to metabolize anandamide 4 Likes I took note "dmt" like tastedso possibly alkaline heavy flavors? 1 Like I additionally understand it has a pretty fast degeneration curve probably 1 Like Possessed a super incredibly incredibly incredibly Small reminder of heptane along with a menthol/limonene similarity in scent. thc o acetate.
1 Like It certainly worked with my mind and body for my 2 timed bits for a sound hour. I will certainly check as a usable quickly. Does anybody understand why it's so quick and easy on the bronchis? Is it the viscosity? I don't assume I've ever smoked or even vaped anything that really felt therefore benign on the bronchis without absolutely numbing on the way in.
The second was, "That's not what I anticipated." Some small subtle light-toned shade changes. A tranquil rested catholic high, serene with the universe. Quick service life along with some acetic acid snack as it diminishes. 14 Suches as Pretty spot on my latest experience 1 Like I recently received a set of acetate from a trusted provider that i will be actually publishing a testimonial and also concerns about below not long, yet i desired to discuss my pair of pennies about my thoughts on THC-o so much.
Due to the opportunity the pizza was done i was actually taken out, devoured the entire point and had such a hefty couchlock i needed to fight myself to get out of bed as well as brush my pearly whites. I am not a huge man and also have not been actually acquiring munchies off the dabs lately but still possessed space for half a pint of ben and jerrys after (thco acetate for sale).
But when you mix it with various other cannabinoids it carries out take it to the next amount (thc o acetate). I may possess a low potency set of d8 which i will be actually publishing willing to view what i am in fact smoking on 9 Likes I had their sets and also one more laboratories batch. Similar results to each, no recognizable distinction although i was updated that one set was pure d9 OA as well as the other was actually a 70/30 D9/D8 OA litre - what is thco acetate.
The lab really did not possess the requirement for d8 thco and also simply had d9thco. They appeared to have actually identified the optimal for d8 in addition to 7 various other compounds. 8 Likes.
The Best Strategy To Use For Thc-o-acetate Reviews / Reports
However our experts carry out certainly not doubt as time advances, this will modify. However, meanwhile, you can easily take a look at if you realize some of these brand names and also if you have actually actually had a Delta 8 pushcart from all of them, it's a relatively good substitute to 2nd guess what sort of top quality to expect when it concerns THC-O vape cartridges - how long does thc-o last.
For those of you guessing, that's Reddit, youtube, and also various other deep-seated, soggy smoke-filled rabbit openings. Our experts've devoted hours going through subreddits as well as viewing what current customers are mentioning concerning the most up-to-date THC O carts. Therefore in situation you intend to socialize with us THCO supporters, most likely to the THC-O subreddit (thco vs hhc).
Yes, you have actually been warned! Currently of what you have actually been expecting. If you desire to reach the skies as rapid as achievable, after that keep reviewing for our recommendations on the greatest THC O ink cartridges 2022. Binoid is a recognized gamer in the alternative Hemp room. Initially from The golden state, the company currently has some of the best circulation our experts have actually viewed.
This includes D8/D10, HHC, as well as a few of the best THC-O carts you'll discover on the market place today. Best Pick: Many Well-known Brand Name PROS (+) Well established Hemp brand name, Effective THC-O containers, Strongly measured on discussion forums Free of cost shipping on all orders drawbacks (-) Cannabis acquired terps haul expenses a lot more Terrific for: Folks after the toughest THC O Vape ink cartridges with value pricing to match and an exceptional brand credibility (thc-o acetate).
When it happens down to market value, Binoid is actually measures in front of the competitors. If you acquire wholesale (4 or 8 pushcarts) and use our 20% off special markdown code it exercises to approx For context, the ordinary pricing our team have actually observed for a THCO vape cartridge is around $0 (thco vs hhc).
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So you'll conserve all around 60% matched up to the competitors. The factor for this is actually mainly as a result of the scale Binoid right now has and the amount of consumers that go back to acquire from all of them monthly. In the event you're after the (online resin) marijuana derived terps alternative click on listed here. Overall, if you seek any kind of type of product originated from the Hemp plant we will advise you look into Binoid (thco vs hhc).
The Basic Principles Of Thco Acetate - Delta 8 Thc O Acetate Oil
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Why? Given that they use best natural terpenes! Associated Read: Ideal HHC Pushcarts If you are actually an individual of D8, you'll be aware of Delta Extrax aka the D8 expert. Normally, they've just recently expanded in to THCO disposable vape markers (thc o acetate near me). And also yes, it is actually certainly not as powerful as the final selection but this is still an interplanetary rocket contrasted to D8 by itself. thc o acetate near me.
While this vape contains only Hemp-derived THCO distillate and also terpenes it is actually not as effective as our various other selections. However, it still strikes tough and also contains flavor and also cannabinoids. The Fascinating aspect of Remove Labs is actually the do-it-yourself bunches you can make to spare twenty%! Yes. thc-o acetate. You are actually reading through that right.
Not so great for: Any person not interested do-it-yourself! Along with 7g-1000g per bottle, this is actually the place to equip up on the best quality THCO extract. Utilize it to develop your very own THCO carts, edibles, or for tremendously strong dabs. On call unterped excellent for dabbing along with the enhancement of your personal terps - what is thco acetate.
Although state rules might differ thus regularly do your very own as a result of persistance prior to buying THC-O vape pushcarts. I presume our team've all been there - thc o acetate. Smoked a doobie also challenging and also ended up couch-locked or in a new size of area. But, after an even though, the buzz ends up being, well, not as almonds as it utilized to become.
Disclaimer: This write-up https://dallasyokz456.exposure.co/the-advanced-guide-to-fresh-bros?source=share-dallasyokz456 has partner hyperlinks to items (thc-o acetate experience). We might acquire a percentage for acquisitions created by means of these hyperlinks. If you are actually looking for a detailed THCO assessment, you have actually involved the best place. Within this article, we are going to discuss everything you need to have to know! Thus, whether you are actually looking at obtaining THCO items or even merely desire to discover more regarding them, this article is actually for you.
THCO, however, might possess different outcomes based on the individual it influences (thc-o acetate experience). Although this is actually accurate for every person, some effects show up to be actually common and also have been found out through THC users. THCO is actually a blend of THC, or various other cannabinoids, as well as air (as in "THCO2") that's originated from hemp oil and also marijuana.
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5 Vines About thc o acetate That You Need to See
Some Known Facts About Thc Acetate/thc-o (The Psychedelic Cannabinoid) User.
Table of ContentsOur Thc-o Acetate: Everything You Need To Know About Thco DiariesThe smart Trick of Thc-o: The Psychedelic Cannabinoid That Nobody is Talking AboutNot known Incorrect Statements About D8 Thc-o-acetate Experience And Discussion
No stress only trying to locate if multiple people are determining the formation and also if any kind of possess a COA yet for potancy 5 Likes Suppose I can determine on my own. That has a specification I was fairly encouraged that the acetate was actually thermolabile at wiping temperature levels. thc-o acetate experience. Interested - did your dab flavor like vinegar in any way? 4 Ases if Had some coming from Medusa final time I organized him for dinnertoo much being actually wiped on state what possessed what results lol but dabbed an entire g over a time or even twono wild way of life changes or even profound amounts of enlightenment resulted hahaha Coming from what I know a minimum of when in justed the body system utilizes that particle to metabolize anandamide 4 Likes I kept in mind "dmt" like tastedso potentially alkaline heavy flavors? 1 Like I also know it has a pretty simple degradation contour potentially 1 Like Had a tremendously super tremendously super Minor tip of heptane along with a menthol/limonene similarity in fragrance. thco acetate review.
1 Like It definitely dealt with my mind and body for my 2 timed dabs for a solid hr. I will evaluate as a usable shortly. Does any individual recognize why it's therefore easy on the bronchis? Is it the thickness? I do not presume I have actually ever before smoked or even vaped just about anything that felt thus benign on the bronchis without totally numbing heading in.
The secondly was actually, "That's never what I expected." Some slight subtle pale color switches. A calm kicked back catholic higher, tranquil with the world. Brief life span with some acetic acid bite as it deteriorates. 14 Just likes Pretty spot on to my latest experience 1 Like I recently obtained a batch of acetate coming from a credible vendor that i will be actually posting an assessment as well as questions concerning listed below soon, however i intended to discuss my pair of cents concerning my notions on THC-o up until now.
Due to the time the pizza was carried out i was taken out, ate the entire point and had such a heavy couchlock i must combat on my own to get up and also clean my teeth. I am actually certainly not a significant guy and also haven't been acquiring munchies off the bits recently but still possessed space for half a pint of ben and chamber pots after (thc-o acetate).
However when you combine it along with other cannabinoids it performs take it to the next amount (thco acetate for sale). I may possess a low strength batch of d8 which i will certainly be actually uploading willing to view what i am really smoking on 9 Likes I had their batches and also an additional labs batch. Comparable impacts to each, no obvious variation although i was actually educated that people set was pure d9 OA and also the other was actually a 70/30 D9/D8 OA litre - thc o acetate.
The lab didn't have the specification for d8 thco and just had d9thco. They appeared to have actually identified the height for d8 alongside 7 other materials. 8 Just likes.
Fascination About Best Thc-o Carts 2022: Delta X Acetate Review
However our experts do certainly not question as time advances, this are going to modify. However, for right now, you may browse through if you acknowledge any of these companies and if you've already possessed a Delta 8 cart coming from them, it is actually a reasonably excellent substitute to second assumption what type of top quality to expect when it involves THC-O vape cartridges - thc-o acetate.
For those of you thinking, that's Reddit, youtube, and also other deep, steamy smoke-filled bunny holes. Our team have actually devoted hrs reviewing subreddits and finding what present users are actually claiming about the most recent THC O pushcarts. Thus in the event that you wish to socialize with us THCO followers, most likely to the THC-O subreddit (thc o acetate near me).
Yes, you've been advised! Right now for what you've been awaiting. If you prefer to reach out to the sky as rapid as achievable, then maintain reading for our referrals on the greatest THC O containers 2022. Binoid is a well established player in the substitute Hemp space. Originally coming from The golden state, the label currently has a few of the best distribution our team have actually viewed.
This includes D8/D10, HHC, as well as some of the strongest THC-O pushcarts you'll locate on the market place today. Best Decide On: The Majority Of Well Established Company PROS (+) Established Hemp label, Potent THC-O ink cartridges, Very ranked on forums Cost-free shipping on all orders drawbacks (-) Cannabis https://brooksalqv863.exposure.co/why-people-love-to-hate-thc-o-acetate?source=share-brooksalqv863 derived terps haul prices a lot more Wonderful for: Folks after the toughest THC O Vape containers along with worth rates to match and also a great brand name reputation (how long does thc-o last).
When it happens down to worth, Binoid is actually actions in front of the competitors. If you buy in mass (4 or even 8 carts) and use our 20% off special markdown code it exercises to approx For context, the average costs we have found for a THCO vape cartridge is actually around $0 (thc-o acetate).
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So you'll save all around 60% matched up to the competition. The main reason for this is greatly as a result of the range Binoid currently has and also the lot of clients that come back to purchase coming from all of them monthly. In the event you want the (online substance) marijuana acquired terps alternative click on this link. Overall, if you want any kind of product stemmed from the Hemp plant our team 'd suggest you browse through Binoid (thco acetate for sale).
Indicators on What Does A Thc-o High Feel Like? You Should Know
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Why? Because they utilize the finest natural terpenes! Associated Read: Absolute Best HHC Carts If you are actually an individual of D8, you'll be cognizant of Delta Extrax aka the D8 professional. Normally, they've lately expanded into THCO non reusable vape markers (thco acetate for sale). And certainly, it is actually not as strong as the last pick however this is actually still a spaceship contrasted to D8 by itself. thc-o acetate.
While this vape has simply Hemp-derived THCO distillate and terpenes it's not as effective as our various other selections. Nevertheless, it still hits difficult and is actually complete of flavor and cannabinoids. The Exciting aspect of Extract Labs is the DIY bundles you may produce to save 20%! Yes. thco acetate for sale. You read that right.
Certainly not thus great for: Any individual certainly not curious do-it-yourself! Along with 7g-1000g every bottle, this is actually the place to keep up on the finest THCO distillate. Utilize it to develop your very own THCO carts, edibles, or for tremendously strong bits. Readily available unterped best for wiping with the add-on of your personal terps - how long does thc-o last.
Although condition rules may differ thus regularly perform your very own as a result of diligence before purchasing THC-O vape carts. I presume our company've all of been there - thco acetate review. Smoked a doobie as well difficult and also found yourself couch-locked or in a brand new measurement of space. However, eventually, the buzz ends up being, properly, certainly not as nuts as it utilized to be.
Please note: This article has affiliate links to products (thc o acetate near me). Our experts might obtain a percentage for purchases produced via these web links. If you are looking for a comprehensive THCO review, you have come to the appropriate area. Within this post, our team will talk about every thing you need to recognize! Thus, whether you are actually considering buying THCO products or even just would like to learn additional regarding them, this short article is for you.
THCO, however, might possess numerous results based upon the person it impacts (how long does thc-o last). Although this holds true for every person, some impacts show up to be actually prevalent and have been found out by THC consumers. THCO is actually a combination of THC, or other cannabinoids, and oxygen (as in "THCO2") that's obtained coming from hemp oil and also cannabis.
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