twisted-in-underland · 9 months
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I have no self control…I made a TWST!Genie 🫣
Meet my lovely Maram Grant! I’m still fleshing out my idea for the genies as a species but I’ll include some of my current ideas later in this post! [edit to make include link to coloured info card]
Note: did this one traditional because I didn’t have my iPad with me, sorry if it looks a little messy and that it’s not in colour 😅.
Some basic info about Maram;
They’re genderfluid, and have no pronoun preference, but will make “did you just assume my gender???” jokes with people they’re close with.
Maram is a Djinn/Jinn, aka a genie. Since my take on genies is fae adjacent/are an offshoot of the fae species, genies live much longer. Maram’s actual age is unknown, but they would be considered 17 in “human” years so to speak.
I chose the name “Maram” because, from my research, it means “wish” or “desire” in Arabic which I thought was fitting for a genie! It’s also gender neutral which I thought fit for a genderfluid character
Someone on my Reddit post about genies in TWST had mentioned the idea that TWST!Genie was one of Jamil’s middle school friends and I’m rolling with it.
Maram is friends with both Jamil and Kalim. They met Jamil first and then met Kalim through Jamil. Jamil and Maram had a bit of a falling out before they moved on to high school and haven’t really hung out since.
Maram is also friends with Amir Ali (my TWST!Aladdin) and they hang out often when they’re not at school.
Maram’s personality is very similar to Genies in both the live-action and animated movies. They’re a fun-loving and loyal person. They can be a little bit of a prankster but their pranks are all in good fun and never cause harm. Maram is also very invested in pop culture and will make movie/TV show references all the time. They’re also the type to use humour to ease tension or comfort a friend.
Maram is also a sucker for romance novels and love stories. They’re often the ones Amir goes to for advice on how to impress TWST!Jasmine (I haven’t come up with a name for her yet :’D)
Because of Maram’s outgoing personality, they make friends rather quickly. However, they don’t throw around the term “best friend” willy-nilly; there are only a small handful of people Maram would consider their best friends.
In terms of overall appearance; Maram generally takes a more humanoid form to blend in better. Their appearance is similar to the live-action version of Genie in terms of skin tone and general hairstyle, same with their clothing colour palette.
Maram also loves to sing and dance, I think it’s one of the things they bonded over with Jamil originally. I also love the idea that Maram gets introduced to some of the other NRC characters through a fun little rendition of Arabian Nights (the 2019 version b/c I really like that one). Perhaps Maram was doing some kind of performance in the bazaar when the NRC group passed by or something.
Maram is claustrophobic and hates tight spaces; being at the bazaars when it is busy is not fun for them. They also hate guavas; Maram got sick after eating one once as a kid and developed a full-on food aversion to anything guava-related. They can’t eat or drink anything with guava, even the smell makes them gag 🤧
The info I have on genies as a species will be under the cut!
Like I said before, I’m still fleshing out genies as a species, but here is what I have in mind so far;
The real names for genies are Djinn or Jinn (depending on who you ask), though the term “Genie” became popular due to the Scalding Sands legend of the Beautiful Princess and the kindhearted thief (ie, the TWST tale of the Aladdin film) which used the word “genie” to describe the being that helped the thief. The Djinn don’t have a preference over what their species is called since it’s all relatively the same. I'm going to use "genie" for the sake of ease.
Genies are fae-like magical beings who have a wide variety of abilities. It’s said that they are notably skilled in conjugation and illusionary magic due to their “vivid imaginations”.
I imagine a genie's ability to shapeshift is similar to Lillia's ability to fly without a broom; it's a natural ability that doesn't require much magical energy.
Genies share a few physical traits with their fae cousins such as sharp nails, pointed ears, short fangs, and occasionally slit pupils. Genies can also sometimes show traits similar to scorpions, snakes, or lizards, though not ALL genies have these traits.
Genies can change their physical appearance to whatever they desire and not accumulate blot. There are rumours that genies have naturally colourful skin (ie. Pink or blue) but change their appearance to appear more human-like to blend in.
This is true of Maram, who has a naturally blue complexion but often changes their skin tone to match humans so they stand out less.
Genies live incredibly long lives, so it’s not uncommon for some to become sentimental and even take on traits of friends or loved ones that have since passed to stay connected to them.
While there are slight differences, Maram’s hair colour and the little fringe they have are reminiscent of Jamil’s. Even though they aren’t close anymore, Maram still values Jamil’s friendship and this is one way they feel connected to Jamil.
Genie magic is similar to fae magic with the strongest genies having magical powers similar in strength to Malleus or his grandmother.
When it comes to normal spell casting (think the conjuring spells Genie did on his own, separate from Aladdin's wishes in the movie), blot accumulation isn’t that different from the fae or even other mages. Genies are not “all-powerful” though they do tend to possess a lot more magical powers than humans or beastmen.
One difference, however, is that genies don’t rely on mage stones to deal with blot. They actually use a combination of their lamps and bracelets to cast magic and decrease blot.
The lamp is what accumulates blot - the more tarnished the lamp looks, the more blot there is - while they use their bracelets similar to how NRC students use their magical pens.
Genies almost ALWAYS have their lamps on them to keep them safe. The lamps are very important to them so if they lose them it can be terrible for the genie.
The lamps can also act as “recharge” stations of sorts, but only for the genie who’s connected to the lamp. Maram cannot enter another genie's lamp to recharge their magic or diminish their blot and vice versa. They can only use their own lamp.
Now this is where I don’t have everything completely fleshed out; schooling and the three wishes idea.
I mentioned in my discussion post on genies in TWST, but how would their schooling work? Part of me thinks that genies wouldn’t attend normal mage schools like NRC or RSA. Their magic is different enough that it's easier to learn from other genies.
This is particularly true when it’s taken into consideration that they use lamps and bracelets to cast magic and monitor blot rather than mage stones and magical pens.
I think perhaps young genies start schooling when their powers start getting stronger. This is also when they would first receive their lamp and bracelets. Though this concept is open to change, I don’t have much figured out yet.
For the wishes things; I have this idea that genies can access more powerful magic through the use of their lamps. This would be something unique to genies and would be similar to a mage's unique magic. Genies refer to this magic as “wishes”
I mentioned earlier that genies aren’t all-powerful, normally. This magic they can access through their lamps, however, is a lot closer to “all-powerful” than their normal magical powers. However, because of the strength of these spells, it’s easy to overblot.
This is kind of why there’s the “three wishes” rule; typically it takes three wishes to reach the stopping point of build-up up, any more and overblot is likely to happen.
The thing I don’t have figured out is how to tie in the classic “the master rubs the lamp and makes a wish” troupe to this. I think that having a “master” (ie. Someone that is not a genie) being a requirement to access this power helps to make it less overpowering.
It would mean the genie has to find someone they trust with their lamp to be able to access more powerful spells. I just don’t have the specifics figured out yet.
I do think it would be funny if Maram tried to play off this ability as their unique magic by calling it “Friend like me” or something. That or maybe some younger genies think it would be cool to give this power a name or something like other mages. Idk, it’s just a silly little hc of mine.
This is all I have figured out so far! Like I said I’m open to ideas or suggestions because this seems like such a fun and vast topic to me! This is just my take on genies and isn’t anything set in stone 100%. I tried to stick close to the movies while also fitting it into the Twisted Wonderland lore without it being over powered. I have a tendency to try and balance out seemingly over powered abilities with really specific limitations and/or drawbacks.
Let me know if anyone would want to see a proper info card for Maram!
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rooksamoris · 3 months
With his name meaning coming up, if Jamil ever seriously got on Magicam it would be over for Vil and Neige
jamil would fucking eat magicam up omg. im pretty sure it was vil in fairy gala who said that jamil and kalim (and leona) were pretty.
imagine he gets caught in some of the backgrounds of some of the others's photos??? like cater is taking a selfie with kalim and you can see jamil doing something in the background. kalim is probably on magicam, sharing all sorts of fun that he has, and in the background jamil is always there.
he ends up with his own set of fans who scour the hell out of night raven college student pages to find more of him because of just how pretty he is.
they make collages of him, and its mostly blurry pics, and he's just so baffled when someone shows it to him. he scrunches his nose and looks away, muttering something about how its weird, but deep down his ego is being very stroked by people writing shit like 'bro is majestic' and 'who's the pretty boy in the back' under images of him.
guys please spoil him with words of affirmation.
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
Something I keep coming back to when thinking about Jamil is that, among the OB! Students, he might be the one who’s twisted from a disney “good guy” as much (or even more) than from the respective villain. And yes, I’m well aware that none of the characters are very one-note Disney villain, but with Jamil it just strikes such a chord with me.
Of course, he represents Jafar who has always resented being second best and who betrays the sultan to overtake the Nr. 1 position and all the power that comes with it. And during Book 4 (and now also Book 7), we can see Jamil equally backstabbing Kalim and planning to continue with the other housewardens and the headmage. That’s not a hot take, I understand that (whaaaat Jamil is twisted from Jafar?? Who would’ve guessed /j)
But with Jamil, I feel like his motivation for striving for power is a little different. For someone who has grown up in the world of the Asim family and has been with Kalim his entire life, I believe Jamil equates power with his actual goal in life: freedom.
So when he says “You really are my genie of the lamp, Azul” it felt sooo ironic to me, because it’s you! You are the genie, Jamil!
Just like the Genie’s “phenomenal cosmic power, but itty-bitty living space”, Jamil objectively has a lot of intelligence, talent and drive to excel at something, yet the space he has in which he can live and cultivate those aspects of his personality is very, very limited.
Both characters are also forced into their prison by the circumstances of their birth. Jamil was born into the Viper family, Genie was born a genie, and now they have to spend a lifetime of granting the wishes of other people.
For them to gain the freedom they so desperately want, both characters rely on the mercy of the people they serve, who they are useful to. But deep down they know their wish won’t ever be granted.
Genie has been promised his freedom a lot of times, just for the person’s third wish to be for their own gain after all when push comes to shove. Jamil has heard Kalim call him his best friend, just to turn around the next second and demand something else of him, wielding his power over him once more.
Besides, even if Kalim did give Jamil his freedom (if he even can, considering his family might step in), it’s shown that Jamil cares very deeply for his family, so I don’t think he would consider it “freedom” if his family was still serving the Asim household, which has an even slimmer chance of ever changing.
So yeah, I find the inspiration Jamil’s character takes from the Genie so interesting and at the same time it makes me want to tear out my heart. Please, he deserves so much (peace and quiet most of all) and I want to give him everything ㅠㅠ
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greenapplebling · 6 months
Kalim: What do you mean genies can ruin your life? Don't they grant you 3 wishes??
Jamil: Yes, but they twist them in ways that makes you wish you never wished them in the first place
Kalim: Huh...
Yuu: Is Azul a genie?
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frie-ice · 4 months
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This Disney Twisted Wonderland collage is a parallel comparison to showcase Jamil Viper and the classic Disney villain that his character is based on upon and inspired from, Jafar. In which has Jamil be seen as his TWST counterpart. After seeing Tumblr posts of the TWST Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens being featured beside the original Disney characters that they represent, I wanted to do a series of collages that work on the same idea. Although Jamil isn't the dorm head of Scarabia, he is the one that is focused on in those posts I mentioned, since Kalim's character is modelled after The Sultan.
Similar to how Jafar, Jamil is cunning and meticulous, and no longer wants to be a slave to those who are higher than him. I think that is why Kalim was made the Housewarden, so he and Jamil can have a similar relationship that Jafar has with the Sultan. Although I have titled this collage as "Jafamil," I can assure you this isn't a ship collage, ship titles can be given to friendships and familyships as well.
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lisaas2418 · 1 year
Jamil mentioning about his sister to the Aladdin cast?
Jamil: Also I have a sister.
Aladdin: Do you like her?
Jamil: She is annoying sometimes bur yeah I lover her as my little sister.
Genie (wispers): Good that he has something goodness in his heart
Jamil: What was that? 🤨
Genie: Oh nothing 😅
Jasmine: Is she nice?
Jamil: Yeah she is-
Yuu: And sassy like Jamil 🙂
Jamil: Yuu!
Yuu: What? It's true.
Jafar: Say boy is the rumor true that you and Yuu consider yourslef siblings?
(Jamil proceeded to choke of his drink of water, cuz he ain't saw that question coming)
(And it is true in my AU, but it only happend post-book 4)
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I still think about TWST!Iago being teased but never revealed OTL
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cecilebutcher · 20 days
『⚝Amin Mufti⚝』
!!Likes do nothing, Reblog instead!!
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The full length character was drawn by my amazing friend @drdepper . Thank you again for drawing them<3
Click the pics for better quality
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Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Based off: The Genie (Aladdin)
Sexuality: unlabeled
⊱Sᴘᴇᴀᴄɪᴀʟ Mᴀɢɪᴄ⊰
Please stand by.....
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⊱Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs Oɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs⊰
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎: I heard he’s really strict or something?
𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚢: I got to visit his parents bakery once, just thinking back to it makes my mouth water.
𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊: Ah young Kingscholar. He has a lot of potential and you can tell he does care for his country.
𝚁𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎: I’ve never met this Ruggie guy before, but I’m sure he’s amazing.
𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖: Kalim! Ah, I love the kid. He’s such a sweetheart and was just the cutest kid ever! ⁿᵒᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶠᵃᵗʰᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ʰⁱˢ hmm? No, I didn’t say anything.
𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕: Jamil has had a rough life. Being told your entire life that you’re lesser than someone just because you weren’t born a certain way isn’t easy. I just hope he finds himself one day.
𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕: I took Kareem to his mom’s restaurant once, we had a blast.
𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎: I’ve known the leech family for as long as I can remember. But I’m not too familiar with the twins.
𝚅𝚒𝚕: truly a beauty inside and out. Though the little stunt he planned to pull on Neige is a big no no.
𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚔: he seems fun, hunting has always been fascinating to me, though Kareem doesn’t like him.
𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚊: Ah the Shroud heir. What can I say? Something's best left unsaid.
𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜: I remember when he was ever so tiny, good days good days.
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊: Lilia! I’ve known him for years now! He’s a great friend of mine, and it pains me to know what he’s going through and will go through.
𝙽𝚒𝚎𝚐𝚎: Niege, such a sweet kid. I hope everything goes well for him.
Positive traits: nice. Generous. Clever. Wise. Creative. Imaginative. Reliable. Independent. Loyal. Cheerful. Dedicated. Supportive. Helpful. Easy-going. Open minded. Funny. Witty. Passionate. Friendly. Social. Charismatic.
Negative traits: fearful. Anxious. Impatient. Jealous. Envious. Foolish. Disorganised. Cunning. Irritable. Touchy. Pushy. Hesitant.
Neutral traits:energetic. Sarcastic. Lighthearted. Agreeable. Complicated. Sentimental. Private. Secretive. Strange. Talkative. Curious.
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irafuwas · 1 year
i always figured silver probably freaked out a bit when he heard his father was going to sunset savanna for tamashina mina, just 'cause of how hot and sunny it is over there and everything. so the fact a couple people who attended twst fest reported silver getting worried about his father going to the beach makes me feel so vindicated skjfghdjfkg
i didn't come across this fan's report until this morning so the whole convo isn't in my post i did on my translation blog last night, but they said the following exchange occurred during the first live stage reading the voice actors did. (the characters were discussing going to the beach together during summer break.)
Lilia: I'll need to make sure I get a swimsuit before we go. And I'll finally get to wear that genie t-shirt Malleus bought me. 🎵
Silver: How about you first focus on making sure you've got a hat and a parasol and whatnot? To protect yourself from the sun.
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mothmanperson · 2 years
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azul: stop eating crab legs! how would you feel if someone cracked your legs open and ate your insides??!
genie!reader: .........
genie!reader: ..see me personally-
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riddlerosehearts · 2 months
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love that they paralleled kalim with jasmine here by having him accidentally steal juice LMAO
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twisted-in-underland · 9 months
I am just now realizing the irony of Maram being claustrophobic and fact that my concept of TWTS genies can enter their lamps to recover their magic faster 💀
Maram would rather magic recover slowly than be “trapped” in their lamp and honestly that’s to valid of them 🤧
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rooksamoris · 3 months
Absolutely need to tell someone about this idk why it took me so long to figure it out but thanks to my job and having access to an Arabic textbook (In southeast asia where non-muslims dont use Arabic) i am bamboozled and flabberghasted to find out Jamil is the transliteration of beautiful in Arabic
i honestly adore his name because of it!! jamil <33 i can imagine him getting flustered when being called jamil, and it not being his name
"oh, ya jamil (oh, beautiful)~" he pulls his hood down over his face and averts his gaze, "you aren't as sly as you think," he mutters. his face and ears felt so warm all of a sudden.
sometimes i also wish they gave him an arabic or farsi last name too?? hanash means snake in arabic, and i literally know people with that last name.
on that topic, i do wanna mention that snakes being evil are a western concept. islamically, they have been used in various forms of art (such as in hospitals), but they are also depicted as stinging away evil spirits. the islamic tale of adam and hauwa(eve) does not have a snake that tempts them to eat from the tree, so snakes were never evil. islam also advises against killing animals, unless it is in an act of self-defense, such as during ancient times when they were used in assassination.
i could not find the article i read it from, but snakes are also used to symbolize motherhood and the divinity of mothers. the act of shedding skin is like bringing in a new life and all that jazz.
there's also the middle eastern story of shahmaran (i believe her name is 'queen of snakes' in farsi. shah = king, but her name is always translated to 'queen of snakes), a half-snake half-woman. in "one thousand and one nights" or 'alf layla wa layla', shahmaran is not portrayed as bad nor good. in some of the stories, she was respected and people wanted to earn her respect, or she was like an oracle who warned people of danger.
to this day, in kurdish folklore, shahmaran symbolizes good luck, and depictions of her can be found in some homes. even in the stories where she dies, she is more sympathetic.
anyways, i rambled a lot. here's some art of shahmaran by turkish artists, sibel dogan. dogan does a lot of traditional turkish and middle eastern artwork on saatchi art btw
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
Since Jamil's birthday, especially his latest card on the JP server, people have been comparing him to Aladdin characters personality wise. Obviously, Jamil is based on Jafar. A lot of his negative traits are taken from him. They're both scheming, manipulative, competitive, have the desire to show off their "greatness" and intelligent to the point of over thinking things. They also both have mind control powers. (Though, it comes from the staff in Jafar's case while Jamil's is his Unique Magic.)
A lot of people in the fandom say that he pulls a lot of elements from Jasmine. Honestly? I kinda see it. Jamil takes a lot of design elements from her like the long black hair. They are both bold, quick thinking, capable and more intelligent than what they let on. Where they greatly differ is that Jasmine is a sassy, outspoken and bold princess while Jamil is reserved, cunning and fiercely loyal to a limited few. Hell, the fact they share some similar traits, but still greatly differ is why I ship him with my own Yuu, who is like a mixture of Jasmine and Dipper Pines. I see him and a Jasmine based character being compatible partners. One comparison that isn't brought up nearly as much is the Genie, especially thematically.
One of the key themes of the movie is freedom, and it's what ties all of the characters together. Aladdin is a poor thief, so he wants to break out of poverty. Jasmine wants freedom to make her own choices, since she feels like she's trapped in a gilded cage. The Genie fits this theme as well. He is arguably the most tragic. Genies in the Disney universe are powerful beings. However, the catch is that they are forced to carry out the wishes of others whether they like or not with only a few exceptions for eternity. Jamil fits that idea to a tee. With Jasmine, while she is trapped in her circumstances, she still has some freedom to make some of her own choices, albeit very limitly. She also breaks out of the palace. If Jafar didn't see Aladdin and her in that weird contraption, I think she could've left her old life for good. The Genie doesn't have ANY. The same goes for Jamil. He's from a poor family and is forced to be a servant of the Asims from cradle to the grave whether he likes it or not. He has to do every task that family asks of him, including completely vile ones like being a poison tester as a child and killing assassins out to get Kalim, or I think is heavily implied in the Japanese version. The only way for him to be free is if Kalim makes that choice. He must make it in order to have an actual character arc and be a dynamic character. But, I disgress. Plus, the Genie has the desire to travel the world like Jamil while Jasmine doesn't as much.
This is also why I think the Scarabia Dou's character arcs should've ended with Kalim promising to free Jamil and his family when he becomes the family head at the end of Book 6 and them going back to exactly the way things were is terrible writing. If Kalim set Jamil free, it would be like how Aladdin freed the Genie. It would actually show that Kalim has matured after his character development in Book 5. Going back to the way things were rips any of that away.
I think everyone in the fandom can agree that the Iago comparison is bullshit. I can't think of anything they have in common!
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neoninky · 4 months
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So I had another silly idea following up the previous one.
What started out as an attempt to actually establish some form of character designs for my girls and put them in cute outfits quickly turned into stick person clown town tomfoolery cuz tbh I’m trash at drawing people 😂
That and I just wanted to do a silly lil comic so meh.
Petra (my fem!Prince Phillip OC) is the most resistant of the group to falling in love and general feminine things, but she’s getting there….kicking and screaming BUT progress is progress lol.
And since it’s officially Pride Month - I felt like the girls would absolutely include the boi waifus as well whether it be their gay sons from the 2nd Generation short stories or still in development characters that don’t have a face and/or name yet. (Comment what you think his temporary name should be lol) He’s getting some work done. He’ll be showing up as a full fledged character later, no worries.
As long as you aren’t a corrupted queen/mob boss/parent/rival/general asshole existing only make everyone as miserable as you are, all are welcome here 👍✨🏳️‍🌈
@nuitthegoddess @foxwitchaine @iscarlettappel @wysteriadelights @honeyuuyuu @evieyouknow @ladyrosemoon @victoria1676 @therealmalleusdraconia @aiimee9 @yunaemiya
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rwbyofmyheart · 3 months
“Your wish is my command…No, I can’t kill anybody. (Although some people deserve it)…”
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Name: Alodie Spectre
Dorm: Scarabia
Twisted from: the Genie
Class: 1B (No. 25)
Birthday: October 6 (Libra)
Age: 16
Height: 5’9” (175.26 cm)
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
From: Scalding Sands
Club: Film Studies
Favorite Subject: Animal Languages
Hobby: fashion design
Likes: sincerity, giving advice
Dislikes: bad people, being used
Favorite food: baklava
Least favorite food: broccoli
Talent: dancing
Signature Spell: “As You Wish”
Voice claim: Sua (Dreamcatcher)
Despite her demeanor, Alodie is actually a really powerful mage. No, she’s not Malleus-level powerful, but she still has a lot of magical prowess. Orphaned at age 13, she was taken in by the Asim family because her parents were close to Kalim’s mother. However, Alodie knows she never would have been taken in if not for the fact she could grant wishes. She doesn’t care about being used because the one thing she deeply cares about is protecting who she loves.
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