#this is the second reference to this drabble wow look at me making connections and shit
holocene-sims · 1 year
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august 12, 2003 12:00 a.m. st. francis catholic cemetery
things you said at my grave 📗
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pinkykitten · 4 years
are you bored yet?
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synopsis: with uncertainties in life you cant say for certain if you and fred being together is a good thing or bad thing. so many things are running through your mind as you spend watching the sunset with the love of your life, fred weasley. 
pairing: fred weasley x female! reader (i swear im like obsessed w him i need therapy fr) words: 1,503 genre: fluff omg so much, romance, song based, writing challenge, one-shot
a/n: so this is based on the song are you bored yet by wallows. and this is for the writing challenge of @lunalovecroft​. i had so much fun writing this and as u can tell im currently in a fred spiral and its out of control but idc tbh. he is so beautiful and yes he is invading my dreams every night. enjoy yall and hope u like also thnx for liking my recent fred drabble so much it means a lot to me and requests are open! ps i also tried to incorporate the words and meaning of the songs lyrics to the story hope that makes sense. 
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The ocean waves crashed against the soft, cool sand. It would simmer and relax, but then the pent up frustration mixed with wind would allow it to meet and kiss the earth. 
The future always scared you. Somedays you looked forward to it and other days just the unknown was filled with anxiety. It was the feeling of not being able to control loss and love, happiness and sadness. You would find yourself some nights thinking about it, almost losing your mind. 
The sun was setting so peacefully and beautifully. It was something so simple yet something so divine and of such importance. You had faith in the sun and space. Yes, everything around you may be changing and things might be going wrong but one thing was for certain was that the sun was going to rise and set every day, when the sun rises that will be your new chance at starting anew. 
It was so peaceful. The smell of sea was so inviting and comforting. What was more comforting was how Fred let your head rest against his chest. The feeling of worn out cotton against your cheek, as you heard his heart beat almost at the same rhythm as yours. It was if you two were in perfect sync. The faint smell of cologne that Fred always used to try to impress you made you feel at home, along with a small smell of something unknown to you but only Fred had that smell. Maybe it was gingers own scent. 
You sighed, relaxing. 
“So, love, what do you think about the muggle world?” Fred asked, wiggling his brows like he was the man.
You looked up at his freckled face, from his chest, giggling, “You know I’ve been here before.”
Fred laid back down and enjoyed the moment with you. But something was eating you up inside. It was starting to bug you that everyone had a someone. Ron to Hermione. Harry to Ginny. You were starting to feel left behind in the crowd. Again with the uncertainty. Everyone was with their soulmate and you felt lonely. 
You didn’t realize Fred was eyeing you this whole time you had this battle in your head. He could tell something was off. “What’s wrong?”
You very much disliked confrontation so you pretended to fall asleep. 
“I saw you were awake Y/N,” Fred sat up. He was patiently, quietly waiting for your answer. 
You sat up, kicking your feet against the peak you two were sitting on. The warmness from the sun making you smile just a bit. “I wish we didn’t have to leave. That we could sit here for the rest of our lives.”
Fred chuckled, scooting closer to you and resting his head against your shoulder. Something sparked within you at the contact. You could feel his breath on your neck, feeling the hair stand up on its own. You leaned your head against his and sighed once again. 
“I wish I could sit here with you forever too sweetheart. But unfortunately we’re really not supposed to be here and I bet some muggles would find us and we’d be toast.” Fred kissed your knuckles. 
You distanced yourself away from him, worrying Fred with wide eyes. You couldn’t bear the physical connection you two had and not have something from it. Yes, you and Fred were friends but you were wanting more than that. You yearned for more than that. “There is just so much on my mind,” you said quietly. You can tell you hurt Fred’s feelings but you needed to know what Fred was doing to you. Why did he kiss your hands? Why did he want to be with you daily? You needed support, something stable in your life. 
“Feels like I've known you my whole life I can see right through your lies,” Fred was worried seeing you so distant. 
He was right. He knew you in and out. He knew when you were okay and when you were not. You leaned back, “I like this guy and I’m afraid he doesn’t like me.”
“That’s bonkers! Who wouldn’t like you Y/N?” Fred tried not to grit his teeth at his jealousy. This man was so lucky. 
“I’m afraid Fred. I don’t know if he’ll feel the same way and when we get older will he still feel the same way about me? There is so much to think about. What if something happens to him? I would fall apart, I would be living in fear and paranoia.” You clenched your fists. 
“Wow, you do really love this man?”
You huffed as you looked into Fred’s eyes for a split second, hoping he would get the hint. “I do, I really do.”
Fred was silent. He was playing with his fingers. He usually had always something to say, seeing him like this was odd. 
“If you could tell me how you're feeling,” you held Fred’s hand. 
“I don't know where we're going But I'd like to be by your side,” Fred blurted out. You gasped as you took your hands away and held onto to your skirt, holding in your breath. “I can’t go on living knowing I didn’t at least try to stop you from being with that other guy. I know you love him Y/N but I love you. I can’t do this anymore. Kiss only your cheek when I want to kiss your lips so bad. I can’t make believe that every time you hold my hand I don’t feel a spark. Or when you come to my room every time you have a nightmare. When we cuddle, how I carry you on my back. I can’t make believe that those things don’t affect me. I can’t keep putting this wall between us and making believe we’re not something worth fighting for. Tell you the truth baby, I’m smitten with you. I’m so madly in love with you.”
Your lips trembled as tears fell down your cheeks. Fred couldn’t help himself and also found himself emotional, wiping his tears with his jumper sleeve. Nobody knew what to do. “Why are you crying love?” Fred whispered. 
“Because the man that I was referring to and talking about was you Fred,” you said with tear soaked lips. The wind carried your tears away. “I love you Fred Weasley.”
You both were knew in this territory of love. Love that you would sacrifice everything and risk more. Love that was unconditional. It was awkward the air funnily. 
“So are we more than friends then? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?” Fred was so shy. You both just confessed your loves for each other, nobody knew what to do. You both were just friends for so long. 
“When we get old, will we regret this?” You asked, bashfully. 
“I will never in my whole existence ever regret meeting you and being your love. No matter what tough trials come, I know I will always be by your side.”
“I will forever love you Fred. There is not one person on this world I love more than you. I’m so grateful I was sent to Hogwarts because you’re my favorite person.” You gave a small, genuine smile. “Maybe we'd get through this undefeated Holding on for so long.”
In one swift moment, Fred’s lips came crashing down against yours. It was with such passion and fire. Like Fred was preparing his whole life for this one spectacular moment. His lips moved against your and you couldn’t help but deepen the kiss by running your fingers through his orange locks and pushing him more towards you. You wanted everything he got. 
Fred pushed you back and wrapped his warm hands on the back of your neck. Your hands fell to his collar and you clutched onto it with all your might. You felt you might explode. Fred went from your lips to smothering you in kisses all over your face. You heard his laugh and saw his toothy smile but it was better because his freckled covered cheeks were such a cute pink. He was blushing the whole time. Fred kissed your nose and you and him laughed together, simply in love. He leaned his head against you for one moment and leaned back in his spot on the cliff. 
You were out of breath and stunned. Did that just happen? You were so happy it did. You sat there surprised by the amazing kiss, touching your lips and feeling them sting a little from the contact. It was incredible. The best sensation of your life. 
Fred saw you the whole time, smirking. He coughed to get your attention and your eyes traveled up to see the most amazing view. He was leaning back, his lean neck resting back against his shoulders as his adams apple bobbed. But what got you choked up was his lips were plump and wet from your twos make out session. His skin was flawless with his freckles and his eyes were bright and light from the sunsetting. The sun’s rays hit his face just perfectly to make him look like a prince. Like he came down from heaven. You were so dumbfounded at how a man could look this beautiful and handsome. 
Fred smirked as he bit his lip, winking, wanting to tease you, “I don’t know if you wanna get out of here or maybe go get a bite together as I’m your new boyfriend. I mean 'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset But I can't help from asking, Are you bored yet?"
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a/n: ive been listening to this song on repeat and know its in my head and i just want to make an edit of fred for this song cuz he is so bf material. thnx for all the love and support stay safe guys and tysm. 
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wavesmp3 · 3 years
directors cut: oasis
[doing this entirely for myself, out of pure self indulgence lol] [this will be very messy/poorly organized and there will be spoilers]
okay so where to even begin omg..... we will start with the origins of oasis:
its actually, techinically a spin off of the world from this drabble with dino from svt. which the world in this drabble is what the world from oasis would look like very far in the future. but i changed a lot between writing that drabble and creating oasis. but there should be a scene in the drabble that is very similar to a part in oasis (hint: the first vision they got from saskila was not just a random vision with no meaning.......hehe)
but that drabble (its titled dreamscapes) was inspired by a mix of this post on tumblr about how nuclear waste warning signs sounded very cool and the book that i was reading called the children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi
and then after i had made that drabble i saw dee’s (@/atbzkingdom’s) post about the time capsule collab, and i had a couple ideas of what i could do for it but i ultimately decided on what would eventually become oasis !! so i guess we really have dee and that collab to thank for this piece lol
now for the timeline of me writing:
so i started outlining this piece in the first couple days of january, and normally outlines take me a while to come up with just because i struggle in coming up with plot, but i knew that my spring semester of classes would be starting soon and that I didn’t have a lot of time so i just sort of grinded an outline out as well several paragraphs of pure worldbuilding. 
and then i started writing
and wow i was Really writing!! at my peak productivity i was easily getting down like 2k a day which for me is insane (for reference, i wrote 1k a day for tsiytt and i struggled my way through that) 
but then life happens classes had begun and my writing for oasis slowly become nothing... 
i really only found the time to work on the piece every other weekend, so i was really nervous that i wouldn’t finish in time (which technically i didn’t cause it was supposed to come out march 1st) but luckily i did
and at some point in february, i had lost so much of my momentum and motivation for this piece that i almost gave up on it. (at this point i was writing the scenes after they find the seat of wisdom destroyed) but again luckily i did not, but i personally can definitely see a decline in the quality of my writing towards the end (i mean maybe its in my head, but its sort of like i can see the loss of love for the wip in my writing at the end of it)
but don’t misunderstand, i still love oasis!! and in all honesty, i’m already considering starting a second draft to it, which is way sooner than i thought i would lol
also when i started writing this piece, i began writing it in the order that it would be read, but then halfway i switched to writing chronologically
anyways, something i learned while writing this piece, is that writing is a marathon. whereas, even with my longer pieces, i always viewed writing as a sprint. so as i start venturing into original works and more lengthy pieces of writing, i think this was a very valuable lesson for me to have learned.
okay now to the good stuff lol: [the first word of the bullet about the next chapter (?) is bolded for some crumbs of an organized commentary]
so this is jumping to the first past bit... but when i first wrote farah i had a very different plan for her character than who she ended up being. i had imagined that she’d be a lot more cold and a tough love sort of person. so that’s who i was writing when she’s first introduced in the flashback, but she very quickly become a much kinder full of love sort of person. but anyways i mention this because whenever i read that first part and the introduction of her character, i’m always a bit taken aback by how like mean here character is to crown then lol
also zoar !!!! its a terrible place, but i love that underground city
i also wrote the first flashback after i had written the scene where crown and chanhee are talking at his place in andhor, so the whole “fearless” connection was done very purposefully here since i knew how it’d be referenced in the next scene. someone mentioned this small connection in their reblog but i cant remember who 
also rashi is my favorite character xD
i personally think how crown and chanhee became friends (the running thing) is so cute 
this first bit of conversation between crown and chanhee when it switches back to the present and chanhee is giving them a tour of andhor is actually quite important to me, in the sense that its the first glimpse of how their actual relationship works and how they act together and just like their dynamic despite the fact that they havent seen each other in so long 
and yeah i think kyu mentioned this and a few others, but i love how awkward it is when chanhee and crown are in his home in andhor, cause one: they havent seen each other in years! but also: anyone else find going to someone’s place for the first time oddly intimate, like wow you’re opening up your home to me and now suddenly idk how to sit or stand or what to do with my arms... maybe just me LMAO
DUDE i struggled so hard with making it so that chanhee knew how impossible this whole mission was going to be without actually revealing that he knows about the mirror. it was so hard for me, hopefully it came out alright though. if anyone is reading this, did the twist(s) come as a shock to you? did you see it coming? or did it feel like it came out of absolutely no where and not in a good way?
yes i did name the desert after the department store kohls .....
i was so excited to explain all the mage types, i had so much fun writing this whole chapter 
fun fact: there was originally another sub group of psyche mages called dream mages who had like powers with dreams and stuff, but it ended up being irrelevant and really underdeveloped so it took it out
if anyone else was raised catholic or is catholic then i’d hope you recognize the names of all the relics.... i stole them from a prayer in the rosary whoops
it took me very long time to figure out exactly how the whole soul for the relic business would work, and idk if im a 100% satisfied with what it is/how it works/how it plays into rashi giving chanhee the locket
the note new gives crown.... the first slice of their friendship blooming, bro i eat that shit up 
this part where crown and rashi are talking after the lesson is actually one of my favorites. (like i said i love rashi, but i just really love her interreacting with crown, i think they have such an interesting dynamic and one that i’ve seen irl a lot between students and teachers, where the student adores the teacher... i’ll get more into this later) but moving on, i like it for a number of reasons. one: it’s the first time we as readers get to see rashi talk outside of her role as lesson master. two: i love crown getting this validation from rashi. it’s not really expanded on a lot, but crown’s magic is definitely a bit of an insecurity for them, in the way that they don’t feel like it belongs to them. but here rashi comes, this person that crown looks up to so much, and telling crown that they’re a bit similar when it comes to having magic. and surprising crown by comforting them. and... idk i just really love this moment for crown.
okay this line: “You call your mom Rashi?” is a lowkey reference to game plan,, if anyone knows what i’m talking about then please come clown me for nearly having the entire movie memorized 
oh, i also find the capital really cool. in my head the capital was always one huge building that contains an entire city but i realized while editing that i never really explained that, so idk if i successfully described the capital as cool as it is to me 
also the five friends part.....CUTE
when chanhee says “i know. i remember.” !!! girl i felt that line with my entire chest. idk why
okay wait this part: “But that knowledge seems to fall flat right now. Because despite everything, curiosity won the war.” i love it so much, its that tiny of sliver of hope that gets me personally
i think this part where crown’s pride is so hurt by no one telling them about chanhee’s healing magic is quite important because its a glimpse of how stubborn and prideful and headstrong of a character they can be 
also this : “ ‘and do you believe everything rashi says’ / without hesitation, you answer, ‘yes, of course’ “ this is another example of how highly crown thinks of rashi while growing up, almost to a fault. to the point where crown thought rashi could do no wrong. which i think is so interesting to think about when contrasted with the fight crown and chanhee have in the jungle where crown is the one discussing how rashi was wrong. i just like how much growth crown has had between all these years. and their opinion / perspective on rashi is one of the largest indicators of that growth. 
I also just really like that paragraph where shadow vs healing is explained... I think chanhee’s magic is so sick
oh also the names thing.... I can’t remember where I got the idea to do that from but im so glad I did. its one of my favorite aspects to this world, and it looks like a lot of other people enjoyed it as well. but apart from the intimacy of it, i love how the use of names affects one’s magic. and that paragraph where they go through all that a mage could do with a name. it gives me chills. just cause.... the possibilities
so many people have mentioned this line.... but I must too, so this part: “magic always comes with a price. this is new’s” ..... crazy
saskila scares me omg
again the first vision they see is not a random scene.... the easter eggs I planted with that mwahaha
yeah that scene where they’re outside the tent discussing who should give their name to saskila..... I love that scene chanhee’s “I don’t have anyone but you” and crown deflecting all that tension with the pinky promise and the saskila calling them lovers.... mwah
this random scene about the hot summer and laying with Farah and new in the gardens is another one of my favorite, it’s just so sweet
but this next scene makes me so sad
like I know what happens and I know that everything turns out okay but I get so scared for crown
yeah just that entire part after Rashi gets to them and when they’re going to the infirmary and before crown passes out... I love that whole part. i think i did an effective job of writing the gravity of that whole moment. cause it makes me a little stunned every time I read it. and I was pretty nervous about not being able to do that scene and that moment justice so I’m glad it turned out like it did
and again this line: magic always comes with a price, and in your case, it comes with several.
okay this part after they jump out of the ship and crown is talking to Chanhee but that other dude is talking too... I hope it’s not too confusing. I really wanted to show through the writing that this was all happening at the same time, but idk it came out well. like in my mind I have such a clear picture of this scene, but I have no clue if I did effective job of showing you guys what I’m seeing through the writing
oh yeah, crowns thing about dual wielding and engulfing the blades in flames.... I find that so cool. they’re so sick for that
yeah also the part where crowns hurt and they give Chanhee their name and they use it.... great moment, but I feel like my writing is a bit lacking here. i just know it could be better.
I think at this point of writing my classes had started, and again the disparity in writing quality is so obvious to me 
but the line where chanhee is describing how it all feels, and it says “chanhee feels golden” was inspired by daylight by taylor swift, theres a line in that song that goes “i used to think love would be burning red, but its golden” and like hello the parallels between that and crown’s fire magic.... something to think about 
so this next part where it’s back to the past and crown is getting in trouble (as crown does) but the part where crown is like asking but not directly asking for rashi’s name.... that part is so crazy to me cause it’s feels so out of place. but it was purposeful. i was trying to show that crown’s growing and that they’re at this weird age where they feel invincible. and also i wanted to put more emphasis on how being royal and the heir to the throne kind of effects the relationships crown has
and the last line of this part when rashi says “never abuse it” it gives me chills whew
the next part ... another part that i had high hopes for in the outlining stages of writing, but when it came to actually writing, this scene totally flopped, i’m gonna try not to dwell on this part too much cause i just know most of my comments will be about how much i don’t like it. but just overall, this scene could have been SO MUCH BETTER !
omg this little interaction: ““Look!” Chanhee deadpans, shooting you a glare. “The match is about to begin.” / “Wish me luck.” /  “I hope you lose.”” i think its so funny and cute
“ Your eyes immediately got to Rashi “ another example of how highly crown regards rashi 
“In Wurltan.” hmmmmmm sus.... *laughs in i love mentioning things that won’t make sense to reader until later*
okay this: “Yes, but not just any mage. I…” your voice trails off, pulling at your fingers and looking anywhere but at him. “I wanted you to know.” i cannot stand these two omg 
okay this part: “Chanhee thinks and overthinks the words spoken between you both. His mind drifts off to last night as well, that moment in the tent where you shared your warmth. He doesn’t even realize he’s staring at you until you give him a funny look. He quickly looks away and wonders if you’re overthinking everything as relentlessly as he is.” this part makes me think about what ina said about how chanhee shows his love by keeping you in his thoughts and YEAH chanhee’s love language in this piece is thinking about you and staring LOL
i hate this next part, not cause i don’t like it or anything it just makes me sad 
but this line: “Like if someone shoved you from behind right now, you wouldn’t push back; you’d let yourself fall straight to the ground.” i actually love that line
also this next entire bit i see SO clearly in mind, i hope i wrote it well enough so that you all saw it clearly too
when chanhee wipes the dirt.... girl i’m wiping my tears 
this line : “We’ll lean on each other.” mini love declaration sighhhhhh
yeah that whole part i love so much 
the seat of wisdom :(((( no!!!!!
so about this line: “He stares at his palms, at all the lies buried under each nail and at all the secrets shoved in every crack. He watches as they all blow up in front of his face.” >> i had like ten different versions of it before i settled on this one lol
okay so the first part of the last past flashback with crown realizing their true feelings... so soft 
news gone, rashis’s dead, :((( it makes me so sad
gosh okay this paragraph..... “I’ve always wondered why the gods blessed me and you the way that they have. They entrusted you with such great power. The only person to be both a healing and shadow mage in centuries. And then,” a tear falls from her eye, “they entrusted you to me.” Chanhee thinks this might be the first time he’s seen Rashi cry. “But now I have reason to believe that this was no accident. I’m beginning to think that the gods have always known it would come to this. And I’m starting,” she falters there, “I’m starting to spite them for it.”  it hurts so bad im sorry 
the first confrontation with harlan took me so long to write, and i’m still not sure if i actually like it, so again i will refrain from commenting lol
but the part where crown screams : “YOU LOST THE MIRROR OF JUSTICE!”  I think i told kyu this but this line makes me laugh because in my head its said the same way bella says: “you nicknamed my daughter after the lochness monster” whenever i see that line i smile lol
honestly this argument scene..... one of my absolute faves,,, everything lina said about it in that reblog just yes!yes!yes!! i can’t even comment about a particular part because all of it i love so much. its another part that leaves me slightly speechless.
but my favorite part of it might be how it ends hehe
these next couple parts were a bit diffucult to write because obviously the air between crown and chanhee is not very light right now so it was just hard to navigate their dynamic at these moments until they apologize but hopefully it turned out alright
i really like this line: “But this moment—with the scent of Harlan’s wine under his nose and the chill of Harlan’s blade against his neck—this moment feels nothing like those. It feels empty.” 
“ Chanhee just stares at you.“ -- staring as a love language exhibit b 
this whole part... chills bro 
“Chanhee exhales because for the first time since this afternoon he looks at your face and sees you.” -- exhibit c ....
okay wait another one of my favorite parts here: the spilled glass metaphor!! again please reference lina’s rb on this because everything said there... could not have said better myself. inspired by this writing advice by ocean vuong and yeah i just think the metaphor speaks for itself, one of my favorite lines (well paragraph) from the entire piece, actually from ALL of my works 
it was so hard to think up all of yumi’s different names, i was struggling
them talking about how farah will be happy to see chanhee...... how do i break it to you crown.....she’s dead...... awkward
red streak q! yesss. also i’m so sorry for killing off farah 
also kyunyu bestiessss
tbh this whole paragraph: “I get this overwhelming burst of honesty. As if what you both speak of is more than just a simple truth, as if it’s a commandant you blindly follow. What’s even odder is that I only feel that burst when you speak of each other.” Q stops walking and turns so that he faces Chanhee directly. “You speak of Crown constantly. And last night, when I met Crown, your title never left from the tip of their tongue. Humans are so simple really. We mention what we love.” Q pauses for a moment, bringing a hand under his chin. “Do you love Crown?” --i wrote it for myself no regrets
oh wait this bit too : “Quietly, Chanhee says, “I know.” / “Have you been watching?” / “I’ve been waiting.” / “For what?” / He meets your eyes. “For you.”” -- sometimes i do things that live rent free in my own mind
okay im so sorry for just quoting myself but this too : “ He sits back slightly. Shocked. Not by his love for you, but rather by how easily love walked into his heart and settled between his lungs “
lol the part where they try fooling q... why are crown and chanhee like this
the running !!!
yeah also every part after that... tears okay
yumi’s magic !!! its so cool to me, i love it so much 
i surprisingly don’t have much to say about the end... i mean i like it, but i just don’t have any comments. the last line tho... good one shawna
okay im done for you sake i hope no one read this lmao 
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fakeyellow · 5 years
Anya and Kamilah finally meet. 
Summary: Kamilah and co. win the war against Gaius but at great personal cost. Fifty years have passed since their pyrrhic victory when a stranger, looking exactly like the woman they lost, enters their lives.  Part 1. Part 2. Part 4.
“Kamilah’s expecting you. Don’t worry. She liked you enough to offer you a job without so much as an interview and she’s a woman of her word. She’ll just want to make sure you’re as impressive as your resume says you are,” Gabriel said reassuringly before he left and Anya took a moment to compose herself before she pushed the door and stepped into the office.
Normally, Anya would have been drawn to the myriad of seemingly authentic Egyptian artefacts and weapons decorating the room: the curved khopesh of the New Kingdom sitting innocently on a shelf next to a golden mask of Bast, the ornate fan-axe mounted on the wall… It was a collection that wouldn’t have seemed out of place in a museum.
But she took one step into the office, making eye contact with the woman sitting at the head of the desk, and Anya was simultaneously lost and found in a single, breathless moment.
When she’d landed in New York, she had been consumed with a sense of complete rightness that had quieted the restlessness she’d carried with her for the past five years. 
Her chest thrummed with that feeling now amplified, as if things had finally fallen into their right place, as if at long last, she was finally where she was supposed to be. 
And then the moment passed and Anya was left to make her way to the desk, still shaken by the intensity of her emotions. There was no mistaking it: this was the woman she’d seen on the streets of London a week ago but why had she evoked such a visceral response?
“Ms. Sayeed,” Anya said with a smile, holding her hand out with a confidence she didn’t feel, “I wanted to thank you for giving me this opportunity to work for you. 
The woman stared at her offered hand and after a second during which Anya feared she had been too forward, she shook it.
“Ms. Altomare,” she spoke, her voice elegant and husky.  
“Please, call me Anya,” Anya quickly said, causing Kamilah’s eyes to flicker up to hers and then all Anya could see and hear was Kamilah, Kamilah, Kamilah. 
She snapped out of her brief reverie, dropping the woman’s hand and Anya tried to ignore how her heart clenched at the loss of their contact, the warm, velvety feel of her skin. She settled into the chair and tried to regain her composure, appreciating the vast window across her that let her feel the familiar warmth of the sun’s rays on her face.
It surely had only been a few seconds but it felt like an eternity before Kamilah finally broke the silence, each word spoken with precision.
“Anya, I am a private woman,” she said and Anya nodded (she hadn’t been able to find a single picture of the CEO online), “And my collection is of great personal value to me. I was very impressed by your resume and references but I want to be sure of your skills before I give you access to my collection.”
“Of course,” Anya said emphatically and she leaned forward with excitement as Kamilah displayed three artefacts on her desk: a jewel-encrusted scarab, a golden ankh, and a wooden horse.
“I’ve brought some items from my collection and I’d like to hear your ideas if you were to create an exhibit centred on these,” Kamilah said, her eyes focused intensely on Anya. 
But Anya was blind to the attention, overwhelmed with awe as she took in the sight of the precious items in front of her, her head moving around to see all of their angles. She was visibly bubbling with excitement as she restrained her hands from reaching out to touch them
“Oh wow. Ptolemaic Dynasty... and they’re all in such exquisite condition,” she breathed and then as if a switch had been turned off in her, Anya straightened in her seat, “Well, it depends on your purpose. What are you trying to convey, who is your target audience?”
“Let’s say it’s only for me. What would an exhibit catered solely to me look like?” 
Anya furrowed her brows in thought before answering. 
“Well, I would center the exhibit around this ankh. As the symbol of life and the natural force that interconnects all living things, it would serve as the centrepiece and multi-faceted theme of the exhibit. And the scarab would be one of the focal points of the exhibit. It’s beautiful, it’s opulent, it’s dripping in jewels. While it was used primarily as a fashion statement, it’s also a symbol of rebirth and I’d surround it with other such objects. Now, this horse would serve as the counterpoint to the scarab, not a symbol of rebirth but of life as it is in the moment, moments that become precious memories later on. It’s wooden, much simpler than the jewelled scarab, but it’s been extremely well preserved and it’s no less precious. This horse is filled with the joy of the children who played with it, their love, their happiness…” Anya’s eyes turned starry as she envisioned the exhibit, “The displays could be in rooms that are connected via intertwining hallways to embody the nature Ankh, and there could be warm-toned lights…”
“Of course, I just came up with this and if you were to give me more time and information, I’d be able to come up with a more well-developed plan,” Anya finished, trying not to be nervous at the strange look on Kamilah’s face.
“No, I liked it,” Kamilah reassured Anya but there remained something off about her, as if she was shaken and unable to recover.
“Yes, that’ll be fine. I’ll set up your access to my collection soon,” Kamilah dismissed her distractedly and Anya made her way to the door when Kamilah suddenly called out again.
She turned around, trying to quell her uneasiness- surely she wouldn’t be fired. Not when she hadn’t even had a proper first day of work. But Kamilah only scanned over her with those intense, brown eyes of hers.
“Never mind.”
Anya closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh as if she was trying to expel all of her tension and anxiety. She hadn’t known what to expect from her first meeting with her new boss in New York but she certainly hadn’t expected the maelstrom of emotions that currently swirled inside her. 
Kamilah Sayeed…
She wanted to know so much more about her.
Still deep in thought, Anya continued on her way to the elevators when suddenly, she bumped into a solid wall of muscle. She stepped back, more alarmed than anything.
“Sorry-” “I- Laia?!”
“Excuse me?” Anya asked at the man’s exclamation. He was dressed professionally in a well-tailored suit but he stared at her with unabashed shock. He seemed to notice her growing discomfort when he shook his head and offered her a lopsided smile.
“I’m sorry. You reminded me of someone I knew,” he said and Anya smiled back at him.
“I get that a lot. I guess I just have one of those faces,” she joked and he laughed, even as he didn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Adrian Raines,” he offered his hand and Anya shook it.
“Anya Altomare.”
“Well, it was nice bumping into you Anya,” he said and Anya politely nodded before hurrying away into the elevator as he stared after her. 
Could she truly not be Laia?
Kamilah had watched the woman closely, had picked the three items specifically because of Laia’s connection to them. But there hadn’t been a single sign of recognition in Anya’s face, only a reverential awe at the old artefacts. 
And yet if she weren’t Laia, how could she have so keenly discerned the value of the items, their meanings to her? How could she have reached so deeply to Kamilah’s core?
Kamilah sighed deeply, rubbing her temples in frustration when Adrian burst into the room.
“Who is she?” he exclaimed but Kamilah merely gestured at him to sit across her.  
“I-she said her name was Anya but she looked and sounded exactly like Laia,” he said agitatedly, running a hand through his hair. 
“Did Laia somehow Turn?” Adrian asked before he finally seemed to see Kamilah’s face, see how she was only barely keeping herself together, “I’m sorry. I know this must be difficult for you.”
Kamilah pulled out a decanter of gin and two glasses, pouring him a generous amount of liquor and herself an even more generous amount. She took a slow sip of the liquid, half-wishing that vampires weren’t so immune to the effects of alcohol.
“She’s not a vampire,” she declared definitively and Adrian made to interrupt her when she continued, “I turned off the window shade so she sat with the sun directly on her for fifteen minutes. She wasn’t affected at all. Even Gaius would have shown some sign of irritation after that much exposure.” 
Adrian slumped down in his chair, “I just don’t understand. Is it possible that a random woman could look so much like her?”
Perhaps, if they had still been close like they’d been 50 years ago, Kamilah might have mentioned the empty casket, the doubts and suspicions and questions that incessantly plagued her mind. She might have mentioned how it was killing her to be so close to a woman who looked, talked, smelled like Laia, how her heart couldn’t help but hope against hope that the gods had somehow brought Laia back to her, how she couldn’t bear to entertain these thoughts because if she ended up not being Laia, she’d fall apart...
But they had grown distant from each other after her desperate ploy with Gaius and so Kamilah merely said, 
“I don’t know.”
A/N: Thanks for all of the support! I hope you’ll continue to read although this was a bit of a slow chapter. There’ll be 2 more parts and I’m excited for the upcoming revelations. If you haven’t seen it, here’s a short Kamilah x MC drabble that takes place during the 50 years to tide you over.
I ended up doing a lot of unnecessary research for the weapons in Kamilah’s office. If you’re interested: the khopesh was out of use by Kamilah’s time period but I don’t know what else the curved sword in her office could be. The fan axe has only been seen in hieroglyphics, and they’ve never unearthed an actual axe, but PB decided to put it in her office so whatever. And I wasn’t sure what the golden mask was so I just said it was a mask of Bast. For the exhibit, I had no idea what I was doing so lol my bad.
I’m saying Kamilah has high tech shade thingies on her window that she can control so they either block the sun or let the sun in. She turned it off for Anya, got distracted, had Anya turn around so she could confirm Anya wasn’t affected by the sun, and then turned it on so Adrian wouldn’t be affected when he came in.
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mintymiknow · 5 years
Simplicity [Hyunjin]
This drabble is part of the 50 Kisses Drabble Challenge! [Requested: Number 48 + Hyunjin]
Number 48: One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s
A/N: This drabble is part of the universe where Whimsical (my other Hyunjin scenario) takes place! 
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The air felt crispy and fresh as the wind tickled your face. Being in the Air Kingdom was always like going on a trip to paradise. Of course, it was paradise for you because Prince Hyunjin was there. The charming and whimsical prince of the kingdom was your lover, and you both often visited each other’s kingdoms, causing Prince Jeongin to tease the two of you.
“Get married already, jeez.” Jeongin would joke, a playful grin on his face.
You remembered those words as you and Hyunjin watched the sunset at his palace’s balcony. The pink and purple hues painting the sky were preparing for the moon’s arrival. “Hyunjin, remember what Jeongin said?”
Hyunjin lightly laughs before answering you, “Y/n, your brother says a lot of things. Which one are you referring to?”
You laugh as well, your shy eyes refusing to meet the prince’s gaze, “You know…about getting married.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin blushes, “That one.”
You nod and frantically wave your hands, “Yeah, but hey, I don’t mean to insinuate anything! I’m just…curious about something.”
Hyunjin sits on the marbled balustrade and swings his long legs, “Entertain me.”
“Well,” you start, “Have you ever thought about it? Marriage? Yes, we’re princes and princesses, but marriage is usually handed to us, already arranged. Woojin got lucky when he was allowed to choose who he was betrothed to. Others aren’t so lucky.”
Hyunjin hums for a while before turning his bright eyes to the dimming sky, “I’ve thought about it a few times or so, but it’s never been my priority I guess. I’m still young, y/n.” The prince flashes a small wink your way, “Of course…until I met you.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “I have half the mind to push you off the balcony right now.”
Hyunjin smirks, “Well, I’m the Air Prince for a reason. I can float remember? No harm done.”
“Show-off.” you mumble with a pout.
You flick your fingers at the prince, a splash of water aimed at him. Hyunjin counters with a wave of his hand, and the stream of water hitting the empty space beside him. “You never get tired of doing that, do you?” Hyunjin laughs.
You smile and shrug with nonchalance, “I thought you’d be used to it.”
Hyunjin lets out a chuckle before hopping off the balustrade. He doesn’t say anything when he wraps an arm around your waist, with his other hand gently gripping yours. Automatically, your arms find their way around his neck as if that was right where they belonged. The soft fabric of your blue gown swept the floor as you both started to sway gently. Somehow, you end up resting your head against his chest as he pulls you closer to him. He gently sweeps you across the balcony’s white floors with fluid and graceful movements.
Your little dance comes to an end just as the moon has made its appearance. Hyunjin looks into your eyes, a gentle smile making its way to his lips. “Someone looks really happy.” he chuckles.
You fight back the huge grin forming on your lips and pretend to play it cool, “Well, it just so happens that someone here makes me happy.”
Hyunjin pretends to cringe, but upon you slapping his arm, he laughs, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!”
“You are such a child.” you joke.
“But you still love me.” he wiggles his eyebrows.
You playfully roll your eyes at him but end up laughing anyway, especially when Hyunjin is smiling at you with that twinkle in his eyes. You lean closer to each other as if some natural force is pulling you closer. Just when Hyunjin’s nose brushes the tip of your own, he flicks his finger, and a gust of wind tickles your face. “Hwang Hyunjin!” you lightly shove him
Hyunjin laughs at your pouty face and cups your cheeks gently, “Ok, ok, I just had to. You’re so cute when you pout!”
“Way to ruin a kiss, Prince Hyunjin.” you grumble.
He shrugs, “If you want to kiss me so badly, go for it. I’m perfectly open to that.”
You sigh and shake your head. This was your prince? You simply stand there, gaze fixated on your silver heels. Wow, what an interesting shimmer. Hyunjin clears his throat and opens his arms wide as if expecting something, “I’m waiting, Princess y/n.”
You blush and look to the side, a pout returning to grace your features. “What’s wrong, Princess? Not feeling it?” Hyunjin continues to tease.
You cross your arms, “You’re too tall, Hyunjin. It’s not fair.”
Hyunjin lets out another hearty laugh before joking about how you were still pretty short despite wearing heels. “But it’s ok. Petite is cute.” he winks. “Come on, kiss me.”
You groan but who wouldn’t want to kiss Hyunjin? You firmly place your hands on his shoulders and stand on your tip-toes, but alas, the prince was gifted with height, so you still couldn’t reach his lips. Your lips tickled the skin of his chin, and Hyunjin simply smirks, “A little more, y/n. You can do it!”
Just as you were about to give up and slap his arm for the hundredth time that day, Hyunjin decides to bend down to give you some help. As soon as he bends lower, your lips connect with his. You both remain still with the kiss being soft and light, but as seconds pass, Hyunjin’s arms wrap around you as he lightly lifts you off the ground. The kiss deepens and for a moment, you’re lost in the sensation he gives you until he switches up and kisses you with a feather-light feel. When you both pull away, Hyunjin offers you a bright smile that was almost child-like, “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this.”
You mimic his expression, “Neither will I.”
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diegoh4rgreeves · 5 years
Butter Peekin
Story Summary: Reader is a music director of the Netflix series, The Umbrella Academy. One day the main cast initiate a lunch break together only to have David Castañeda and reader unable to find them at their supposed meeting spot. Reader and David decide to spend their lunch break together with ice-cream and they start to feel a connection. They’re so into their time together that they run late back to work. Their coworkers tease them over it, including Gerard Way! The next day, David asks reader out on a date and gets their number. This prompts reader to try and kiss him until they get cock-blocked by Tom Hopper. The day after that, David kisses reader just days before their date.
Pairing: David Castañeda x Fan
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 3,263 words
Warning: Fluff
A/N: I referenced a podcast David was recently a guest on (x). I was originally going to make this a drabble that ends when the lunch break does. Then it just got so cute. I couldn’t stop typing! I hope you all get the same warm and fuzzy feelings I did when I wrote this. Also I made this gender-neutral hence the lack of details for the reader and referring to them in they/them pronouns. Enjoy!
The ice cream shop on Queen St. E is cramped, just as any other place in downtown Toronto is. The whole colour scheme is pale yellow and primary blue; some walls are painted one colour or the other. There’s a chalkboard with the specials written on it.
Out of all the places you could have been hanging out with your celebrity crush in, you never thought it would be Ed’s Real Scoop.
“A butter pecan on a cone, and whatever they’re having.” A tall and built man with a beard signals the ice cream shop server to you with his wallet. He is wearing cargo shorts, a grey sweatshirt, a cap, socks, and running shoes.
You never thought of David Castañeda wearing something like this. He’s Diego Hargreeves in the Netflix series, The Umbrella Academy! Diego wears leather clad and swings knives at targets. Then again, David is David. The actor must be different from the character. Also, he wore this same outfit in an hour-long podcast you so watched in the summer. The podcast happened when he was in Thailand.
Now, he’s filming for season 2 of The Umbrella Academy, which gets you out of your day job. You are a music director on the show and that pays your bills. David and you are acquaintances, or so you think.
You shyly smile at David and thank him for offering to pay for your ice-cream. Then you tell the server your order of choice.
As the server prepares both your ice-creams, you look the opposite direction of David. David and you get along in the studio. You’re just used to seeing him with the rest of the cast and crew. You only have this alone time with him because theoretically the rest of the main cast ditched you both. You all originally planned to have lunch together. David and you failed to find them once lunch started, so David decided to take you out for ice cream.
Just as you are accepting this silence between David and you, he lets out a laugh. You look up at him and can’t help but to laugh along. His smile and his laugh are so cute and contagious. You just love his teeth. “What, what is it?”
He takes a moment before laughing again. “Okay, I wanna tell you something and you have to promise not to laugh. You swear?”
You giggle. “No promises.”
He beams up at you. “Y/N, please. This is top-secret info, okay?”
You hold your hands up and let out some incoherent sound. You weren’t sure if to say Okay or Fine.
I promise probably would have cut it. You let it go. He’s still smiling so hard.
“Okay…” He begins. “So, you know that I was born in Mexico, right?”
“Uh huh.” Of course, you know that. You’ve only googled him a hundred times.
“And that I went to high school in LA.”
You nod again. God, you really hope that David doesn’t know about your big crush on him.
“Right, so I could speak English fluently then. I just couldn’t pronounce certain words. Like, butter pecan!” He shudders. “Why do people say it like pikahn? That sounds so bougie!”
You actually remember hearing him tell that fun fact in the podcast. You’re not sure how to react to something you’ve already heard before. You decide to tell him another fun fact. “You know that you can say pee-can.”
He looks at you in amazement. “Wait, really!? Why didn’t anyone tell me that?” He looks the opposite of your direction and mutters the other pronunciation for his favourite ice-cream flavour. Then he looks at you and laughs once again. “Pee… can. Can of pee.”
You choke out a laugh. Right now, he’s just as fun-loving and weird and gross as he is to you with the group. You wonder why you were so nervous and anxious just a few seconds ago. He’s such a lovely human being with good energy. You decide to confess something to him. “I actually listened to the podcast you told the butter pikhan story.”
He beams up. “Oh really? What did you think of it?”
You’re oddly relieved at his response. Come to think of it, why did you think that watching the podcast would be a bad thing? “Well, I mean… the butter peekin story was great.” You realise you didn’t let him finish his story. He used to pronounce butter pecan as butter peekin. He chuckles anyway. “Can I… be honest about the podcast guys though?” You ask.
David smirks. “What is the tea?” He makes a sizzling noise.
You roll your eyes and laugh. “Can you ever give a serious answer to anything?”
“Sorry,” he laughs.
“No no, it’s fine! It’s entertaining.”
He gives you one last smile before the server calls you both for your ice-creams. David walks to the end of the counter where the cashier is. He takes out a $20 bill for both your ice-creams and he puts some of his change in the tip jar.
“Do you wanna stay here or take a walk on Woodbine Beach?” He takes a lick of his butter pecan ice-cream.
You give him a puzzled look. “What about fans? They’re going to stop you and ask for your autograph!” You take a lick of your ice cream and accidentally get a big chunk of the frozen treat in your mouth. You let it melt inside. You like the numbness on your tongue.
He leads you both out the shop and you passively follow him. Then he rolls his eyes and chuckles. “Y/N, you flatter me. First you watch my podcast and now you believe I have fans.”
You spit out your ice cream from a burst of laughter. You didn’t even care he pointed out the podcast. His self-deprecating humour reminded you why you love him so much.
“You okay there?” He chuckles.
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Yeah, thanks, David.” It was your turn to be sarcastic.
“Here, I picked up some napkins.” He pulls some out of his shorts pockets. You let out a hand with the assumption that he’ll hand you the napkin. Instead, he stops you both on the sidewalk outside the shop and he wipes your ice-cream covered lips with it. This might be the closest you’ve ever gotten to him besides a hug. He’s touching your lips and it’s great, even though he’s not touching them with his lips.
He lets go. You clear your throat and thank him.
It feels like a movie moment. You think that you should let the tension last as the streets had their usual noise of honking cars and beeping bus stops. In that sound, he’d think of kissing you. Instead, he picks up your conversation from the ice-cream shop. “So, what didn’t you like about those interviewers from the podcast?”
“Hmm?” You look at him as you try and adjust to a new conversation topic. “Oh right.” You’ve processed what he said. “Well, call me a social justice warrior, but I thought they were so politically incorrect, you know? Like… after you said the butter peekin story and you called an old friend a coconut. They thought that was racist? Seriously?”
David rolls his eyes. “Yeah… I was confused by that.”
“You seemed it!”
“I wanted to ask them how was that racist, and they just said that we weren’t gonna get into it. I mean, I couldn’t really do anything after that, you know? I didn’t wanna cause a scene, especially in my big break!”
“I thought you didn’t have fans.”
He opens his mouth and leaves it hanging. “Touché.”
You chuckle. Gosh, does he have such a good sense of humour. You look at him with a serious look. “There is another thing I wanna point out about those guys.”
“More tea!?” He grins. “Damn Y/N, I never took you for a gossip girl!”
You guffaw. “Wow okay! So that’s how you see me now?”
He chuckles. “Maybe… I like it anyway. You’ve got spunk and don’t take shit from anybody.”
You blush. David paid you a compliment and you’re trying so hard to see it as a friendly comment. “Yeah, well…” You play off your bashfulness with an exaggerated hair flip. “You know you love me.”
He lets out a hearty laugh, and that only makes you feel overwhelmed. Have you always been this funny? Does anyone else laugh this hard at your jokes?
You’re having such a good time with him that you never mind the talk about the podcast anymore. Who wants to rant about two white guys when you’re with the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen!?
David and you take a stroll on the beach. It isn’t until you’re walking on it and feel the cool air from the lake that you felt how hot it was outside earlier. The beach really soothes you. David and you are still on a sugar high from the ice-creams, and you rush finishing them so that the sand doesn’t rush up on your treats from the wind. You’re laughing so hard as he slurps his cone and tilts it up. It’s probably a disgusting view to the people around you, and that makes it more entertaining for you.
David turns around to see if anyone’s looking at him. There does appear to be an irritated family sitting on some lawn chairs. He looks at you. “And you thought I had fans.”
You hold your stomach from laughing. “Don’t kill me!”
He smiles along with your laugh. When he finishes his ice cream, he rubs his hands to get the crumbs off. He pulls out his smartphone and gasps. “Uhh… Y/N.” He shows you the time. “I think break was over looong ago.”
You gasp. “Oh fuck… You have some missed calls too!”
“It’s okay! We’ll get an uber.”
“Yeah?” You check with him. “Will it cost much?”
He slings his wrist and purses his lips. “It’s on me, it’s fine.”
“You already paid for ice-cream. Let me split this with you.”
He shrugs. “Okay. Whatever. We’ll figure it out. Let’s just get back now!” David opens the Uber app on his phone and starts ordering a ride. You both wait at the parking lot of the beach together until your ride’s here.
David and you come back to the studio in a panic. You only see the main cast and crew laugh at your dramatic entrance of running inside. David and you freeze as you look at them. You’re especially worried over what Gerard Way thinks.
“Why are you guys running!?” Emmy Raver-Lampman looks like she’s about to cry from how hard she’s laughing. You’re quite embarrassed by that. You’ve also had a bit of a crush on her. Now this woman with goddess-like features and long curly hair is seeing you all sweaty and covered in ice-cream stickiness and you’re heavily breathing.
“Yeah, you’re late, you’re late.” The 16-year-old actor with a page-boy haircut lets out a chuckle. Aidan Gallagher is like his character, Five, in real life. He’s stoic.
Robert Sheehan, the tall and scrawny man with the messy brown hair, green eyes, messy black eyeliner, and funky and colourful clothing chimes in. “David and Y/N sittin’ in a tree…”
“Honestly, where did you guys go?” The short girl with the brown hair and button-like eyes cuts in. Yes, this is your idol since tweenhood, Ellen Page. “We waited for you.”
“Where!?” David yells out.
This gets everyone to bicker over the original plans of where to meet up at lunch time. Before this can go on, a tall and burly man with long dyed-red hair and bright blue eyes cuts in. “Alright, guys. David is back. Now you can film again!” He looks over at you. “Well Y/N, you don’t have to work again for another while, unless there are scenes you can add music to right now.”
You nod your head. “Yes sir. I’m on it. Sorry we’re late!”
He rolls his eyes and laughs. “I don’t even wanna know what David and you got up to.”
This gets the cast to make scandalised faces at David and you. “As I said!” Robert calls out. “David and Y/N sittin’ in a tree!”
“Robert!” Gerard calls out. “Go back to filming.”
You lose David in the crowd of the main cast, so you don’t get to wave goodbye and thank him for a fun lunch break, which had a surprisingly pleasant and wholesome ending.
It’s the day after. You enter the lounge room of the studio. You put down a box of doughnuts on a table there. On top of the box, you leave a sticky note. It reads, Sorry I was late yesterday. I got an assorted range. Hope you all enjoy these. -Y/N
You take one last look at the box and then turn around to see David. This makes you jump up. You didn’t expect to see him in. In fact, you didn’t even hear anyone come in! “Hey David.” You let out a breath.
He looks at you all confused. “Did I scare you?”
“Kind of. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Oh, my bad.” He chuckles. He looks over you and takes notice of the box of pastries. “What’s this?”
“Hmm?” You turn around to see what he’s looking at. “Oh.” You turn around back to him. “Just an apology gift for yesterday.” You laugh nervously.
He nods. “Can I split the money with you since I wanna apologise too?”
“Are you mocking me?” You scoff.
He laughs. “I mean I do feel bad about yesterday actually and I don’t wanna be late again from getting a box of doughnuts. So…”
You shrug. “It’s on me. You did pay for the Uber.”
“Thanks.” He nods.
You nod back. You’re not sure what to say next. “I should probably head to my department.”
“Yeah, sure. But first…” He looks down at the ground and then back at you. “I just wanted to say that I had a lot of fun yesterday.”
Your heart warms up and you open your mouth. You know that you should say something. “Yeah. Me too. I mean, I had a lot of fun too. With you.” You clear your throat.
He smiles. “If you… ever wanna do this again some time, I’d be down.”
You cannot believe what you’re hearing. You have been asked out by other people in the past year, and you were just irritated. You could sense the bad vibes from those people. David though, he reminds you of your crushes back in high school. You are purely excited. “Yeah. Yeah definitely.”
“Something longer than a lunch break.” He smirks.
You giggle. “Yeah, I hear that. Do you want my number by the way?”
“Oh.” He beams up. “Right, yeah. I was going to ask for that next.” He chuckles and takes his phone out of his jeans pocket.
You smile and accept the phone. He has the page for you to add your name and number on. You type everything in and hand the phone back to him. “Okay, text me at your own will.”
He laughs. “I will. I might call after work actually. Is that okay?”
You open your mouth and wanna exclaim something. You remember to play it cool though. You just love phone calls so much. They’re so intimate and they’re one of the few old-fashioned things you value. Instead of freaking him out, you simply nod your head.
He smiles one last time before saying bye and heading out the lounge room.
You know that you won’t see him in another while. He’ll be working the whole day, and so will you. You look back and forth to your side and then to his direction. You want to kiss him. But is it too soon? You don’t know, but you decide to go in for the kill. You head out the lounge room only to be stopped by Tom Hopper, the tall and muscular actor with the buzzed haircut. He shows you a photo of his babies that his wife just texted him. He’s British. It’s 1pm in England. You go along with his excitement and compliment his babies on how cute they are.
You’re in your apartment after a long day of work. You decided to stay in at the studio for your lunch break. You ate a sandwich you brought from home and watched a few finished scenes of The Umbrella Academy. You brainstormed which songs would be fitting for all of the scenes you watched today. There was a meeting for it afterwards.
You change into your comfy clothes at your apartment and get a sense of relief. You prepare some food and plop on the couch. You turn on Netflix and watch the TV show of your choice. You can’t really get into what you’re watching though. You’re too busy mindlessly munching on your food and zoning out. You wonder if Tom cockblocking you was a good idea. Chasing after David for a kiss would have definitely been a desperate move. You also try to justify your decision with the fact that you’ve known David for a while now. There are romantic implications. Maybe he wants to kiss you too.
Before you can ponder on this, you hear your phone quickly vibrate. You pick it up and see a text letting you know that it’s David. You beam up and immediately save his name and number on your phone. You text him “Hey!” He texts and asks if it’s okay to call you right now.
You text a thumbs up emoji. You anticipate the call as you look at the text thread. Your phone gives longer vibrations this time, which shows that you’re getting a call. You pick it up. “Hello?”
“Y/N.” There’s that sexy deep voice. “Hey. How’s it going?”
You can feel your heart fluttering. You’re relieved that you didn’t kiss him. It would have scared him off. Tom cockblocking you made all this worth it.
You see David the next day at work. You’re both in the lounge room before your times to start. You’re the only ones in the room and smile at one another as you walk in. “So, I guess we just awkwardly look at each other before Friday?” You quip. Friday is your date with David. You’re getting dinner and plan to go back to the beach.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He smirks. “That or…” He looks away and sighs.
You furrow your brows. “Or what?”
He walks over to you from the coffee machine and holds your face. He rubs one of your cheeks with his thumb and leans in. He eyes the room before touching your lips with his.
You’re quite surprised over this. You still close your eyes and go along with it. He tastes like the black coffee he just made and sipped. He smells really good from his body spray and you get a whiff of his shampoo. He must have showered before coming here. Your lips are so relaxed on each other until he presses harder and holds your waist to lean you in. You wrap your arms around his neck. You both sigh in the kiss until he decides to let go.
He looks at you and rubs your cheek with his thumb one last time before pecking your nose and walking out the room.
You are stunned. Much to your luck, he also had an urge to kiss you.
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sigynpenniman · 5 years
Tea and a Croissant - a quick little aged-up Julian Real Life AU
Inspired by the girl and the doctor I saw on campus walking together with coffees and pastries. The whole thing made me think of Julian and I was already planning to write some little thing or other based on that scene. When @xserpx said she’d like to see a fic too it quickly became something I absolutely had to write. Since I went for the real life AU I decided to age up Julian to something closer to Sid’s age now; it more closely matches the age difference in the pair I saw and helped make sense out of the relationship my characters have. If anyone is unfamiliar with the reference to “the greek loves”: Greek Words for Love on Wikipedia. This is just a short, sweet little conversation - I hope you all enjoy my self indulgent drabble of the week!
“Black tea. Lemon, and as much sugar as you can put in it. And a hibiscus tea with the same. And 2 croissants.”
The barista punched the requests into the register.
He turned to me, clearly looking forward to seeing exactly what I was about to ask. I suspected he might have anticipated my question.
“Or...Julian? Is it alright if I call you Julian?”
“We’re standing in a Starbucks together. I think we passed that particular threshold a long time ago.”
I had to admit he was right.
“Thanks. How did you know my Starbucks order?”
The look on his face told me that he had, in fact, anticipated the question.
“You told me once, a long time ago. The hibiscus tea was distinctive, so it stuck with me.”
“Ma’am?” The barista’s voice was suddenly audible in my ears. I turned to look at her and she met me with a face that suggested she had been trying to call me for a not insignificant amount of time.
“Sorry. Yes?”
“What would you like?”
“Nothing, sorry, I-” Exactly what I was about to say suddenly crystallized in my mind, and the words felt as if they weighed 1000 pounds in my lungs. “...I’m with him.”
I felt a confused smile creep across my face as I said the words and quickly reset my face to a semi neutral expression. The barista handed Julian two large paper coffee cups and two small paper bags. He thanked her, and transferred one of each of them to me. I removed the croissant from its bag and bit into it, quietly thinking that every moment I spent chewing was one that I didn’t have to spend trying to figure out what to say. Julian motioned to one of the tables, and we sat down across from each other. The 30 second silence that felt eternal. It was only when I looked up from staring awkwardly into the lid of my tea that I realized Julian was staring at me. He looked...amused.
“Is something funny?” I asked, sheepishly.
“No - not funny like that. But I must admit, this whole thing is rather amusing.”
“You were the one who suggested this, and you suggested it with such clarity and simplicity. I would have never guessed, from the way you asked me if I wanted to come here with you, that it was a request you had any trouble with. But unless the fine print on that lid is particularly riveting, I do believe you’re nervous. And I’m not entirely sure why. It’s not like we’re on a date.”
I laughed.
“Among other things, you’re a little old for me.”
I wasn’t sure exactly how old he was, but I guessed he was probably pushing 50, and the hints of grey in his beard and hair agreed with me.
“Just a little”, he answered with a warm smile. “So why, then, are you nervous?”
“I didn’t confirm that theory.”
“I’m a doctor. I’m also your doctor. I know what nervous people look like, including what a nervous you looks like. And I’m looking at it. So no matter how hard you try, you’re going to have a hard time convincing me that you’re not nervous.”
I took another bite of pastry. Chewing, again, bought me a few seconds of plausible deniability while I collected my thoughts. All uncomfortable conversations should be had while eating, I thought to myself.
“The relationship that we have is very specific. This relationship is always very specific. Doctor, patient - it’s a preset relationship that exists in the great catalog of ways humans can know each other.”
Julian worked on his croissant and nodded, listening dutifully.
“When I had the flu, a few months back...I realized something. About you, and me, and the relationship we have. I drug myself into that clinic, feeling like I was dying, and far too sick for anxiety or shame. There was nothing stopping me from saying exactly what I wanted to say. And I was so sick that it felt like I was in a dream state. So when I spoke to the receptionist, I asked, specifically, if I could see you. I don’t even think it was me asking - I remember that whole week in the third person. But whatever primitive part of my brain that was keeping me going latched onto a single thought: if I can see Doctor Bashir, I’ll be okay. I was so sick I felt like crying, then and there. But as soon as you walked in that room...I was okay. I knew I was going to be okay. I didn't really get a chance to analyze that reaction until I got better, but when I did, I realized that it wasn't just a simple, logical thought. Seeing you wasn't comforting because I was sick and you're a great doctor. I was too far removed to even make the connection that this person could make me feel better. Seeing you was comforting…because I find you comforting. It’s a weird thing to say out loud, but…you make me feel safe.” I paused to take a sip of my tea. “I…like you. As a person. It’s not like it took me long to realize that – I knew that the moment I met you. But I thought you should know. Talking to you…being around you makes me happy. I think that’s called love. But like – do you know about the Greek loves?”
Julian nodded.
“I’ve always loved that philosophy, and the terms.”
“Me too. And I need them in moments like this, because I’m sitting in front of my middle-aged doctor and I need a way to make the fact that I just told him I love him not seem as weird as it does right now. I mean philia. I…wow this is hard to express.”
Julian reached across the table and wrapped my hands in his.
“I think you expressed it beautifully.”
“Thanks. It’s a weird thing to say, but I had to say it, so I can stop pretending I don’t smile like an idiot whenever I talk to you. That’s why I seem nervous, though. I fully expect you to be weirded out after this conversation.”
Julian squeezed my hands.
“Let me put that fear to rest right now.
I love you too.”
I let out the breath I was holding. Julian grinned at me.
“You think I didn’t adopt you in my heart the moment I met you? The fact that I’m the only doctor you see isn’t a mistake. I know you’re alone here. I’ve always felt like it’s my job to take care of you.”
“Can we be friends, then? Real friends? If we’re both admitting we’ve been quietly caring too much about each other since we met?”
“Absolutely” Julian answered. Our tender moment was interrupted by the alarm on my phone, piercing through the background noise. I glanced at the time.
“I have class in 15 minutes. I have to go. But I feel better about...everything, now. Can we make this a thing? I want to have more of these conversations.”
“Whenever you want! You know where to find me. I should be getting back to the clinic too. Where’s your class?”
“I’ll walk with you.”
Julian and I scooped up our teas and stepped out of Starbucks and into the cool afternoon. For once in my life, I had nothing to say. We walked together in a cozy, comfortable silence. With every step I found myself wandering a little closer to him. I had a tendency towards physical affection, and now that he knew I cared about him, my natural instinct to cuddle everyone I cared about was even harder to hide. I took another step that wandered slightly towards him, and Julian transferred his tea to his other hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
“This is nice” I said softly.
“Absolutely lovely.”
I pulled myself away from him in front of the math building. I had barely taken two steps towards the doors when I heard him calling after me.
“Love you!”
I turned back to grin at him.
“Love you too!”
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occasionalfics · 6 years
Sexy Pirate Angel Baby (Thor X Reader)
drabble masterlist | main masterlist | taglist 
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For Anonymous: For Anonymous: “Thor is really self conscious about his eye patch and thinks the reader won't love him anymore but it's like fluffy comfort when she asks him what's wrong?” Also @captain-ariel-barnes and @thortillas insisted on knowing EXACTLY when this went up! 💖💖💖
A/N: THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO INFINITY WAR SPOILERS IN THIS AT ALL, despite the title and the gif. This one specific reference just fit. Really well. And if you’ve noticed, I’ve been keeping the shorter, fluffy drabbles without a read more cut because I have a theory that people in safe mode might be able to view them on their dashboard or in the thor x reader tag but not on my blog so...let me know if this theory is correct please!
Oh plus, Odin did, in fact, give his eye for Wisdom. That’s how he got an eyepatch. It’s a whole thing.
Warnings: Nada. Super cute. Super touchy. Super fluffy with a dash of angst because...Thor’s got a lot to deal with all the time.
Words: 1,999 (wow i couldn’t just add one more and make it even? awesome.)
You’d never seen Thor like this before. Sure, he got serious when he needed to, but normally he was bright and sunny and enthusiastic. Normally he was all about holding your hand and showing affection openly. Normally, he wasn’t weighed down with a whole kingdom on his shoulders. And you tried to understand that, but this was a whole personality shift.
He sulked. A lot. He was quiet when he’d usually be boisterous. He was contemplative, rather than running his mouth and tripping over himself. And you missed your happy, sappy, romantic God of a boyfriend. Desperately.
You just wanted to talk to him. You reminded yourself that asking him to open up and trust you to listen to him wasn’t a lot. It was part of the deal of being together. So you sighed, pushed his door open without knocking, and entered the room. He hadn’t even gotten out yet, but he was awake and shirtless.
“Hey baby,” you whispered, shutting the door behind you softly.
He didn’t look over at you. The fingers of his right hand played with the metal eyepatch that replaced one of his brilliant blue eyes as he faced the ceiling. You went over to the bed, got under the sheet with him, and tried to duck under that arm at its bend. He barely reacted except to shift so you fit.
“You hungry?” you asked, knowing he was almost always hungry. He was a big man, after all. “I could make grilled cheese or something.”
He shook his head. But that was it. And you felt your stomach tighten and your heart sink. You couldn’t stand seeing him like this anymore, so you turned over so you were facing him, which forced you to throw an arm over his torso.
“Thor, baby, what’s wrong?” you asked, bending your arm so you could reach to scratch the hairs on his chin.
“I look like my father,” he said after another whole minute of silence.
That was all he gave you, so your brow pinched up in the middle and you asked, “And? Is that a bad thing?”
“Maybe?” he said. “He wasn’t a great person. Good leader, but made some awful mistakes-”
“Okay, but you’re not your father, Thor. You just look like him - which, for the record, I can neither confirm nor deny, given I never saw your father myself.” You said it just to state a fact, not to rub it in his face.
Still, he sighed and shut his eye. He never lifted his fingers from his eyepatch, so you reached out and pulled his hand away yourself.
“What’s all of this mopeiness really about?” you asked softly, just trying to get some answers. Real answers to problems that you could turn into solutions. When he didn’t answer again, you pulled his hand to your lips and kissed each knuckle, and in between you said, “You - know - you - can - tell - me - anything.”
“You’ll think I’m being ridiculous,” he said, not so much a warning as it was a statement. “Or maybe that’s just me hoping.”
“You really need to be more straightforward, Thor,” you said, a little hint of a laugh in your tone. You missed hearing him laugh so much, you’d even take a single chuckle at that point.
He took a second, but then he finally made eye contact with you. You bit your lip and tried to make it look like you were waiting patiently, but you weren’t. You were anxious, and when you got anxious, you got antsy. You tried to focus on drawing patterns on his skin, just to expend some energy.
“Ragnarok didn’t change me, but being put on the throne did,” he said.
You wanted to tell him that that didn’t matter to you. You thought he was an amazing king - and honestly, you tried not to think about what that meant for you more than who it made him. But you stayed quiet and let him speak, since it was what you’d asked for in the first place.
“I had to face my people and swear I’d protect them, and I’ve tried… But then I got a glimpse at my reflection. I thought I’d seen a ghost, (Y/N),” he said. “I look like my father. I’ve taken his seat and his title and his responsibility, but I can live with all of that. What bothers me still is that I look like him.”
You stared, because he wasn’t getting to the point. You still wanted to give him the opportunity to talk if he had anything else to say, but apparently, that was it. So you said, “I don’t see the problem here.”
“Odin gave his eye for Wisdom,” he said, as if it was supposed to make sense in a Midgardian context. “He wore an eyepatch most of his life, and all of mine.”
You blinked fast twice, then once slower, for exaggerated effect. He was right. You thought he was being ridiculous.
“Thor, are you trying to tell me you’re sad all the time because you have one less eye?” you asked, trying your best to be sensitive. You didn’t think you were successful, especially when he turned his eye away from you.
“I’m not sad because I have one less eye,” he insisted. “I’m upset because…”
“Because?” you asked, your fingers stopping their ministrations on his chest.
“Because what if you can’t see past it? What if the loss of my eye makes you see me differently? What if-” he sighed, still unable to look at you. “What if you change your mind about me?”
You almost laughed, but you bit your lip to keep the feeling in. You knew it would only make him more upset, so you waited until you could calm down. You let out the tension from the laugh in a long breath, then sat up until you were kneeling in the space between the side of his arm and his torso.
“Thor Odinson,” you said softly, “you should know me well enough by now to know that a piece of metal, a crude haircut, and a few extra scars are not going to make me fall out of love with you.” You picked up the hand you’d kissed moments ago so he couldn’t bring it back to his eyepatch. Shoving your fingers between his large ones, you waited until he did meet your gaze to continue. “You could have a metal arm like Bucky. You could’ve been shrunk four feet and be shorter than me. But as long as you’re still the man I love enough to wait around for whenever you go back into space, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
It took him a second, but he let out a long sigh of relief. You swore you saw his lower lid fill with tears before he shut his eye again. Letting his hand drop to your thigh, you leaned down and kissed the rough scarred skin around his eyepatch, one little bit at a time until you’d made your way all the way around the socket and back to the start. Then you trailed kisses to his lips, and when you met there, he let out little breathy laughs, like he couldn’t believe his fortune.
When you pulled away to sit back, his hand followed you, attached to your cheek. His palm was almost larger than your head, so you leaned into him with a smile.
“Maybe I do see you differently now,” you said, but without breaking connection with him. “But that’s not a bad thing.”
“What do you see now?” he asked.
You raised your eyebrows. “I’m only gonna tell you if you’re sure you wanna hear.”
He let one tear fall sideways down his face. You couldn’t tell if it was residual from the flood before your kisses, or if was new. It didn’t matter. He nodded, and you turned your face to his palm and kissed it once before turning back.
“Before all of this Ragnarok stuff, you were sunny. All the time. Bright and happy and - god - so wonderful. I’d get distracted on missions watching you fight. Have I mentioned that before?”
He laughed, though the sound was cut short. He seemed overcome with emotion, as his eye kept filling and spilling and filling again. “You have. I’ve seen it happen, too,” he said.
“Yes, and I’ll deny this conversation ever happened if you tell anyone,” you said, never losing your smile behind the threat.
Thor nodded, not losing his, either. That was a good sign, you knew.
“So, anyway, yeah. When you came back this time, things were different. It wasn’t the eyepatch. It was the way you carried your shoulders and...I don’t know. You walked like you were missing half of you - took me a bit to realize it was because Mjolnir was gone, but still. Yeah, I saw you differently. I saw you physically vulnerable. Do you know how often mortals get to see Gods like that?” you asked.
He didn’t have an answer, or at the very least, he didn’t give one.
“Pretty much never,” you told him. “And, you know, when I think about it like that, I’m kind of honored. Because for so much of our relationship, you’ve taken care of me. You’re stronger and faster and...whatever else, so I just let it happen. Then you stepped off that ship and you looked like you were gonna fall apart and, yeah, Thor, I saw you differently. I saw you as someone I got to take care of. And I’m more honored for that than anything else.”
Silence fell. You bit your lip again, watching as a mix of emotions passed over his features. This was one of those times you wished you had powers like Wanda’s, so you could see into his head and hear his thoughts. Thor was normally open, but you’d already considered how that had changed. You weren’t surprised, even as the silence dragged on.
But then he sat up, leaning on one arm. He was practically draped over your lap, but you made no sign of discomfort. It was his turn to say whatever it was he had to say.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I should’ve come to you sooner about all of this.” He couldn’t even meet your gaze, so you moved your hand to his cheek, bending slightly to meet him halfway.
“You have nothing to apologize for, baby,” you told him. “And nothing to worry about - not when it comes to me, anyway. I know you’ve got a lot else on your mind.” You sat up again and kissed his forehead, then pulled his head against your chest.
His arms went around you as he relaxed. You felt the tension leave every muscle in his body. Somehow he managed to put most of his weight on you without knocking you backward while also relaxing, but you didn’t question how that worked. You just let it happen. You kissed his forehead again, then put your cheek against it so your hair fell over his shoulders.
“Can you say it again?” he asked quietly.
“Say what?”
“That you love me,” he whispered. He sounded a lot like he had when he’d come back to Earth after Ragnarok, and it broke your heart a little.
You knew this was going to be a slow climb up a long, treacherous hill, but you were willing to make the climb with him. That was what made it so easy for you to shut your eyes and say, “I love you so much, Thor.” You heard him hum, then you let the air hang between you for a minute. Of course, you couldn’t let that last too long, though. “And not just because the eyepatch makes you look like a super sexy pirate or anything.”
He laughed, and the vibrations from his chest shook and warmed you at the same time. “Good to know,” he said.
Global/Permanent: @infinityblogger @champion-ofthe-sun @hopefulblazetriumph @httpmcrvel @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @sunigyrl @yeahbutmarvel @mysweetcookie99 @ourdreamsrealized @tinyfistwarrior @punkrockhufflefluff @lady-thor-foster
Thor: @thewayilookatbacon @athorable-and-deanlicous @baileythepenguin @girlwhoisfearless @loveavengersandspn @loverofthor @eyesfixedonthesun22
Drabbles: @athorable-and-deanlicous @esoltis280
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iamacolor · 7 years
So when does Sana tell Yousef about the time she got jealous and emailed William and how does he react?
Ithappens when Yousef is back from Turkey on Sana’s first day ofschool.
Youseftextsher when she getsback home from school asking her if she hasfinished school already, saying he doesn’twant to call her if she isn’tat home. Instead of replying, she calls him
-Hello! Are you done with school yet?
-Yes I’m at home right now, just arrived.
-Ah good! I wanted to know how your day had been, did it went well?
She’stouched that he thought of calling her, made sure she wasn’t atschool and is genuinely curious about her day. She starts telling himabout her different teachers, her timetable and before she knows itthey’ve been on the phone for 30 minutes and are now telling eachother stories about high school and their classmates.
Heistelling her the story of a girl in his class who during the last yeargot a revenge on her crush, who had kissed another girl at a party,by putting rotten fruits in his locker every day for a week as wellas the locker of the girl he had kissed .
-The guy had no idea who had done it and when he found out it was herand confronted her, she dragged him in front of the whole school!
-Oh wow
-Yeah, it’s crazy the things that jealousy makes you do
-Jealousy eats you up from the inside until you have to let it allout. And you don’t even realise what you’re doing. Trust me, I know.
Whenhe doesn’t reply right away, she realizes what she just said andbites her lips.
-What do you mean by that Sana?
Sheisn’t sure that she’s ready to answer that question. Maybe it is timeafter all. She doesn’t know how to start
-Sana? Are you ok?
-Yes, I just…
-What is wrong?
-Remember what we talked about the evening before you left?
-Of course I do
Shecan hear that he is getting worried and is lost
-I told you I hadn’t been good during Ramadan. I told you aboutgetting bullied when I was younger and having troubles dealing withmy anger when things like that happen to me. Well the bad things Idid weren’t only related to that. Some of it had to do with jealousy.
-Ok… Sana, can you come out now?
-Yes, can you come out so we can talk about this face to face?
Afew minutes later, she iscoming out of her building and he iswaiting for her outside. He smilessoftly and she isn’treally sure what to say. He proposesto go to the nearest park. They walk in silence as she triesto prepare her words. She looks at him regularly and he seemsconcerned even if he smiles ather.They reach the pitch and sit down in front of each other, legscrossed. She takes a deep breath as he says :
-Alright, tell me everything, I am listening.
Butwill you understand? she wonders.
-I first got jealous of Noora at that first party we all went totogether. The one where you brought the balloons remember? I went topray in one of the rooms and when I came out and arrive in the livingroom you were sitting next to each other and you looked like youreally enjoyed each other company. That’s when I first got jealous ofNoora. Because of you.
Shecan see him trying to remember the party and realizingwhat it means about how she felt about him back then. She continuesbefore he can say anything.
-It happened a few times again. When she mentioned you and said youwere nice, when the girls said you were cute and that you’d be greatfor Noora,when we brought Elias at her place and you were laughing together.
-But Sana…
-Please let me finish.
-Before I tell you what happened next, I am going to tell you whathappened with the girls that you saw at that party at my house.
Sheexplains everything to him. The story with the Pepsi max squad andthe girls, the fact that Vildewas bus boss, how she herself became boss and how things were goinguntil that evening at the karaoke. She hesitates before telling himabout the pictures she took of isak’s conversation with Sara and theInstagram account that she made, aswell as theone made against Vilde. She didn’t plan on telling him all thesedetails and yet, here she is pouring her heart out to this boy who islistening so intensely to her, brows furrowed and tension in his jaw.He doesn’t interrupt her flow of words. She doesn’t think she everexplained the situation in asmany details as she does now. He is angry she can see, angry becauseof her pain, because of what she had to go through. He doesn’tapprove of her actions but she knows that he understands.
Whenshe is done, she takes a deep breath, preparing to tell him aboutwhat happened with noora. Before she talks, he says :
”-What you did was not good Sanabut what they did, Sara, as well as the other girls, it was awful. Ihope you realize that you are not the bad one in this story. I am soangry at them right now and I can’t believe you invited them to yourEid party. You’re too good Sana,you truly are “. He says these words so softly, to make surethat she understands. He doesn’t blame her, he supports her andthat’s all she needs tocontinue.
-Thecrazy thing I did because of jealousy, was using Noora’spassword to hack her email address and send an email to Williamasking him to come back even if she didn’t want to send it. I diditat a time when I was in a really dark place and I know it wasn’tright, even if she is happy now. I should not have gone behind herback. And the reason why I was feeling so bad, wasn’t because I hadseen you laugh with her but because of what happened at the karaokebar.
Shecan’t say it. She just can’t. It’s hard enough to think about it evennow. He understands after a few seconds what she is referring to andhe looks terrified at first. Then remorse kicks in and he puts hishead in his hands.
-This is the thing I regret the most Sana I promise, I…
-I know it didn’t mean anything. Noora explained it to me. But backthen I didn’t and it hurt me so much. And from that moment, I justcouldn’t get it out of my head. The idea of you two being together,added to what hadjust happenedwith the girls for the bus. It was too much and so when the boys saidyou were on a date with her, rightafter she told me she had good news, I lost it and emailed William.And I didn’t regret it at first because I just wanted her to.. Idon’t know what I wanted really, to separate you I guess. I’m gladshe’s happy with William now, but I still feel bad about doing it.
Shewaits for his reaction.
Insteadof talking, he stands up and come to sit down next to her. He slowlytakes her hand from her lap and holds it between his own hands. Hebrushes his thumbs softly on her palm sending shiversall over her body. She can see that he is having trouble finding hiswords. He locks eyes with her and says:
-Going behind your friend’s back was a bad thing to do. And you knowthat. After hearing all the things you had to go through, it’s awonder you haven’t done anything worse. Actually it’s not, becauseyou’re a good person, no,you’re a great person and you’re one of the best and most interestingperson I’ve ever met. Knowing I caused you that much pain, it…burnsme inside. I apologizefor all the pain I’ ve caused you and I’ll keep on apologizingfor a long time. I regretted itassoon as it happened. But I want you to know that I never thoughtabout anyone else the way I think about you. You’ve been on my mindfor so long it’s like you’ve always been there. But this isn’t aboutme. This is about you. You and how strong you are. What you did waswrong but you came out of it. And you are so good to your friends andso kind. You reacted badly, yes. Sometimes you can be really sharpand harsh but it’s because of what happens to you, it is not who youare. You are not what happens to you. And I…I wouldn’t changeanything about you.
Shedidn’t realizehowmuchshe needed to hear him say these things to her before now. How muchshe needed him to apologize,to tell her that he regretted what had happened, that he understoodher pain, that he didn’t think she was a bad person, that hesupported her and that he accepted her. She feels asthougha weight is lifted off her shoulders. She doesn’t think she ever feltmore connected to him that she does in this moment after going backthrough the pain together. She takes a deep breath.
-I wouldn’t change anything about you either.
-Really. Thanks for making me talk about this.
Histhumbs are now tracing patterns on her hands. The tension is slowlyfading away as they smile at each other.
-You’re dangerously close to being a hacker though, you’ve got skillsgirl.
-Shutup or I’ll hack you.
Asthe sun sets, they keep on laughing and talking. Simply enjoying thefact that they have each other now.
Hello Anon! I don’t know if you were asking for my thoughts or headcanons or a drabble or a fic but as soon as I started thinking about this I knew it’d be a one shot so I hope you like it! I’m not used to writing these two with a little bit of angst but this is a really important moment
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mizmahlia · 7 years
#5 with Jason Todd
Oooo was this one fun. ;) Thanks for requesting this one- I hope it’s angsty enough for you!
(Also? AU drabble is very AU.)
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#5: Jason Todd – “How funny. You thought I cared.”
Batman had the Red Hood and a mob hitman cornered in an alley on Miagani Island. The man Red Hood had his gun trained on was stupid enough to cash in on a hit put on a city official. Just as the Red Hood drew his gun to fire a warning shot in his direction, Batman pinned the gun to the wall behind him using his own grapple gun. But then he’d drawn a second weapon faster than Batman thought was possible and now he was dangerously close to finishing off his hostage. The man was on his knees, hands behind his head, facing Batman. 
“Try something. I dare you. I make Boy Scouts look lazy.”
Bruce stopped at a safe distance. He could hear the amusement in Jason’s voice, even through the voice modulator in the helmet. The second gun was pointed at the back of the man’s head, his arm steady and the hammer cocked.
“You can’t see it, but under this helmet? I’m enjoying this.”
“You know I can’t let you do this.”
He didn’t move, choosing to give himself enough room to carry out any number of the scenarios in his head. The problem was that most of the scenarios he was considering wound up with the man dead on account of Jason’s accuracy and reflexes. And my hesitation to do what I have to, he thought.
“Ah, yes. ‘The Bat Talk’. Are you really going to do this again?” He tilted his head and sighed theatrically. “You realize the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” He shoved the barrel of the gun against the man’s head and he yelped in surprise.
Bruce bit the inside of his cheek. Jason had always had a knack for pushing his buttons, but this was different. This wasn’t some sparring session at home or a bored Robin on patrol with nothing to do. This was a man, a young man, with a myriad of issues to deal with and a nasty grudge, and that made him more dangerous than Bruce cared to admit.
“And you’re a model example of sanity?” Bruce gestured to the man who was now shaking violently and had wet himself. “This isn’t the way we do things and you know that. I taught you better than this.”
The man looked up at Batman, shocked at the realization these two knew each other.
“Nightwing said something similar nights ago, except he told me I’m 'unhinged’.” He shook his head and looked down to his left. His voice grew quiet. “I guess we’re back to you guys all calling me crazy, huh? Good to know.”
Something in Bruce’s chest lurched at the wounded tone to Jason’s voice. He stepped forward, one hand out in front of him.
“Listen, I…”
Jason cut him off. He holstered his gun and dropped his hands to his sides, balling them into fists.
“You want to know if I’m any more sane or rational than you? Christ, that’s not hard. I have no illusions about what I am and why I am this way,” he said pointedly. “And before you give me any more shit about it, I know what you’re gonna say. You’re gonna tell me that killing someone who took a life not forty-five minutes ago just for money, let me remind you, doesn’t make me any better than him.”
Bruce stayed silent and let Jason talk. He’d holstered the gun under his arm, not at his thigh, and his drawing speed from beneath his arm was slightly slower. He just might have a chance to save him. A small voice in the back of his mind asked which man he was referring to and he told himself he could save them both. But he’d been so exhausted since the siege, both physically and mentally, and he couldn’t deny that the murderer in front of Jason was the least of his concerns.
“It doesn’t. And you know that.”
Jason released the catch on his helmet, the face plate shifting with a hiss. Bruce steeled himself, surprised at the move and not at all prepared to see Jason’s face again. He hadn’t seen him since the night of the siege and his eyes went straight to the scar below Jason’s left eye. Jason knew Bruce would stare and he grinned, ghosting his fingers over the red, raised skin.
“Yeah, this one hurt like a bitch. But it wasn’t the worst thing he did to me.” A bitter chuckle died in his throat and he shook his head. He looked up at Bruce, his piercing blue eyes locked onto the lenses in his cowl.
“The worst thing he did was only a few months in. He showed me a photo of you and the new kid. Sick, right? So everything that happened after that- the beatings, the meds from Harley, the weird psych experiments. They all paled in comparison to what you did to me. You left me.”
Bruce felt the color drain from his face and his stomach rolled. He’d long had suspicions of what happened to Jason, but the only evidence he had to work with was the video Joker sent of Jason’s apparent execution. He’d studied that footage repeatedly, seeing the burns and the bruising and the scarring, and the terrible condition of Jason’s suit. He analyzed the bruising patterns to determine when they’d been inflicted, but there were so many in varying stages of healing it was nearly impossible to tell. In the end, the video showed him everything but told him nothing.
But none of that mattered anymore. None of what the Joker did to Jason could hold a candle to how a photo of a new Robin would hurt him. As difficult as it was for Bruce to admit, the Joker had finally done what he’d been trying to do for years: he destroyed Robin and by extension, Batman. And he’d taken a son from his father.
Jason was staring at him now, anger replaced by smugness at Bruce’s lack of response. He noticed Bruce’s posture stiffen when he mentioned the photo and he took a small measure of satisfaction in the fact he could throw some of his pain back in Bruce’s face. He took advantage of Bruce being distracted and continued talking.
“Anyway. We can reminisce some other time.”
Jason stepped behind the hitman again, grabbing a fistful of his hair. He pulled him to his feet, putting him between himself and Bruce. “One man killing another doesn’t change much, so you’re half-right. But when you’ve killed as many of these assholes as I have? That’s called making a difference.”
His eyes never left Batman’s face as he gripped the man’s chin in one hand and the back of his head in the other, twisting violently. Bruce darted forward but he knew he was too late. Jason let go and the man dropped to the ground in a heap.
“Wow, old man. You’re getting slow. Did you even want to stop me?” 
He dusted his hands together and yanked the grapple line from the wall next to him to retrieve his gun. He studied the dents in the barrel before returning it to his holster. He wasn’t at all surprised when Bruce spun him around, fists latching onto his jacket, and he allowed Bruce to slam him against the building behind him. Jason wasn’t looking at Batman at that moment. He was looking at Bruce. And it was Bruce’s voice shouting at him.
“Do you remember any of what I taught you? Do you remember any of what we accomplished together?“ Jason didn’t react and simply stood there, savoring the fact he was nearly the same height as Bruce now. He looked at his former mentor and partner, an empty smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Oh, how funny. You thought I still cared.”
He didn’t move, his eyes boring into Bruce’s.
“You think I still care about any of that? That after everything Joker put me through, everything you let him do to me and countless others, that I would still follow your rules? That I would care about saving the lives of criminals who will never change?”
He slammed his knee into Bruce’s solar plexus, sending him backward and forcing him to let go. Jason then swung one of his massive arms, his gloved fist connecting solidly with Bruce’s face.
“Jason, we don’t cross that line. We don’t take lives. We can’t.” Bruce swiped blood from his cheek. “You used to believe in that.”
“Yeah, well, I used to believe in a lot of things. Like family, for instance. But a year of physical and psychological torture tends to shift your perspective a little bit. The Jason you knew before all of this is long gone. You can thank the Joker and Harley for that.”
Bruce opened his mouth to speak, but the words were lost. He had no idea what to say because he had no idea what his son had been through. Jason looked down at the dead man between them and shook his head.
“You all think I’m crazy, that I need to be saved and sent to Arkham, the place that turned me into… this.” There was so much venom in his words at the mention of Arkham. He looked up at Bruce and his voice wavered ever so slightly.
“I’m a lot of things, B. Angry. Confused. Hell, I know I’m damaged.”
He touched his fingers to a hidden button on his helmet, once again covering his face and the capital ‘J’ on his cheek.
“But I’m not the lunatic you all think I am.”
He fired his grapple at a nearby rooftop and disappeared into the darkness. Bruce again looked at the dead man at his feet. He had to call Gordon and report the incident. But before he could call Gordon, Alfred’s voice was in his ear piece.
“Sir, as much as you don’t want to hear it, I believe that young man has a point.”
“You can’t be serious, Alfred. He’s killing people.”
“You know that’s not what I mean. I disagree with the permanence of the results from his method of crime-fighting, as I know you do.”
Bruce didn’t say a word. He continued staring at the man on the ground, eyes open and fixed on the street lamp above them. He knew Alfred was watching the feed from his cowl live on the monitors back at the cave, looking into those same dead eyes. He knelt down and closed them.
“He said it himself; he isn’t insane. Master Jason knows what he’s doing is wrong and he’s aware of the consequences of his actions. As it stands, in a court of law he would be considered sane.”
“He can’t be allowed to take his issues out on Gotham. I won’t let him continue operating this way.”
Bruce shook his head and stood up, sending Gordon a message about the incident and its location. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of that anymore tonight.
“I know you won’t. Master Bruce, was there truth to what he said? Have you and Master Dick told him he’s crazy?”
There was a reproachful tone in Alfred’s voice and Bruce didn’t answer as he launched himself up out of the alley and into the night sky. It wasn’t that simple. They all thought Jason was dead until that night of the siege two months ago. To find out he’d worked for years planning such a horrendous event was too much to process at first. Jason, his partner, his son, had wanted him dead and went to terrifying extremes to try and make that happen. Bruce couldn’t bring himself to consider Jason would have made that decision while he was of sound mind. Jason wouldn’t do that.
But he’d seen the video. And the scar. He’d heard the taunts from Harley about the “fun” she’d had with him. And then there were the flashbacks the Joker had shown him, the ones he told himself weren’t real, couldn’t be real. After tonight, he realized they may have been much more real than he cared to admit.
“Sir, while I agree he’s emotionally volatile and unsteady, he’s been severely traumatized. Please consider the possibility he may be reaching out for help. Even if he doesn’t realize it.”
Bruce turned off his ear piece without responding and glided over the river toward the movie studios. He had to find a way to help Jason, to try and fix the years of damage and abuse. To show him he hadn’t been simply cast aside and written off.
He put on a pot of coffee and sat down at the main computer terminal, locking down the movie studios and disabling all of his communication devices. He couldn’t afford the distractions and didn’t want anyone interfering. It was time to talk to Harley to find out what they did to his son and how to repair the damage.
But if that didn’t work, if his plan failed, he would need a way to stop him. Either way, Harley would give him what he needed. He didn’t fail to see the irony in that and with a grim smile, he started typing.
We can fix this, Jason.
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iphoenixrising · 7 years
Forward Momentum Drabble:  Observation
I’m trying so hard to get the next chapter, just! >.< Ah and I love this little thing. It’s Thor and Tony talking about the “right thing” all the others know about but are letting play out.
Two weeks ago:
Thor is looking wrecked; the poor guy is shirtless, pajama pants with little Cap shields all over them—one pant leg caught around his knee and the other twisted, hair one hell of a mess with no braid, bruises all over his shoulders (which Tony has no explanation for whatsoever because no Missions this week and just c’mon, God), dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, and he’s biting into a sandwich like he hasn’t eaten in days.
“Whoa. Greased Lightning. What the hell happened to you?” Tony’s already moving around the island of the communal floor, wondering if the guy got pummeled by someone other-worldly or Midgard-approved.
Thor, mouth stuffed full, just turns his head slowly in Tony’s direction, eyes still hazy, and manages a huge grin while still chewing.
Oh. Oh.
“Good for you, Big Guy,” he gives an easy punch to the the massive bicep and moves around him to the fridge, pulling out things for a sandwich since mere mortals and all. “I take it you got to see Jane for a few days?”
A nod of the epic bed head, still chewing while Tony makes two more sandwiches. Guy looks like he could use another. Four. Another four.
“I have missed her so,” Thor admits softly around the food still in his mouth, “she is my balance.”
A small smile graces Tony’s mouth, “I see how you are when she’s here. It’s like, a different guy in the Tower. Not in a bad way.”
Tony hums as he puts the rest of the sandwich supplies back in the fridge and lifts one of the two on Thor’s plate before taking the second one for himself. “Sure,” he shrugs, leaning back against the counter, “it’s like electrons and protons.” A bite and yeah, that’s the stuff.
A blonde brow rises in confusion.
“So, in an atom, like the smallest thing, makes up everything, everywhere, and all, there are electrons which have a negative charge and then there’s protons, with a positive charge and they exist in this infinitesimally small place.” His hands (sandwich included) span away from one another, “and the second they come within range,” his hands come together, giving him an opportunity to dip his head down and take another bite, chewing while he talks, “they automatically attract. Just like that.”
He holds his hands apart again, “you,” he wiggles the hand with the sandwich, “Jane,” he wiggles the other and brings them together. “Attract.”
Thor blinks with understanding and has a soft grin on his face, “I will accept your explanation, Tony, Jane will indeed get enjoyment out of this metaphor.”
“Sure she will, just lose the sandwich and it becomes so much more romantic. We’re Science people, we think sciencey things are sexy.” Tony wiggles his eyebrows while pointing a finger.
Thor takes a few moments to chort around the bite in his cheek, “well, I shall take your advice to heart and learn more sciency things. However, I do listen when she talks of the universe and how it is understood here. Her knowledge is…fascinating. I have only ever believed the stars to exist because they simply must or eternal darkness will reign over us. To hear they are balls of gasses that eventually perish, that they are life, within itself, is not something our people of knowledge found necessary to teach.”
“Well, you lucked out hardcore, Big Guy. It could have been a gym teacher that ran you over or something.” With a last bite, the sandwich is gone and he can make his coffee before going back down the dungeon and starting on the next big SI thing.
“It seems I have the luck of fools as Loki always said,” Thor turns to lean his elbows on the counter, watch as the cups come out of the cupboard and the brew is poured. “It seems you have found yourself quite fortunate of late as well, Brother Tony.”
“Hm? Lately? I’ve got a Tower full of people that rock my socks, Thor. It’s not a ‘lately’ kind of thing, you know?” He looks over long enough to give a wink.
Thor laughs, loud and genuine, making Tony that much happier about life in general. “Oh, come now. You needn’t be shy of your…recent discretions.”
Sliding a mug over the counter to Thor, Tony turns with his brows furrowed and catches that same huge grin (sans sandwich) flashes white. And, oh…oh
“Uh, well, I mean, there’s really—“
“It does makes sense,” Thor points out, simply rolling over the stumbling, “the three of you are like Yggdrasil and the Well of Urd. The Well waters the tree so it may gain strength and eventually bloom its’ leaves, and thus the leaves nourish the well with dew. This cycle is what maintains the Nine Realms, what keeps the worlds alive. For you, the Steven and James are the leaves and the well, they nourish you, care for you, uphold you when it is needed. In the same fashion, you are their tree, helping to connect them, to nourish them in your own way.  And the three of you are able to maintain this cycle, to uphold when one is weak, and to be held when you are weak.” Thor leans up to make a circle with his hands, “it is a balance. You three are very fortunate to find such stability.”
And Tony is just staring at him, mindlessly stirring his coffee because that was well, “that’s a pretty good metaphor too, Thor, I mean, I’m going to put that one in my pocket and save it for a rainy day because wow, mythology—“
“You needn’t cover yourself,” Thor waves a hand, taking up the mug.
“It’s, uh, not a very…there’s no women involved, you get it?”
Thor just shrugs, “who has claimed there must be?”
Ah, oh. “Well, isn’t that a little strange where you come from?”
A blonde brow raises, “Tony, I come from a land where some of our celebrations involve massive festivals of sexual intercourse. Males, females, it is about pleasure, not about form. Love, however, love is in itself, love, regardless of what gender it may take.” He sips his coffee, “the important question is, are you content?”
And that…the engineer has to look away, has to clear his throat and hide himself behind the Stark mask because the truth isn’t always going to set you free.
Now the god is curious since (he assumed) the arrangement was mutually satisfactory for all. “It seems not. What about this bond does not suit you?”
And Tony, completely stops everything. His whole body pauses because he can’t just admit to it, to give it power by speaking aloud. He’s apparently been too still and too quiet because Thor is bending down a little, leaning in with a furrowed brow, concerned at whatever he’s seeing.
“I have to do the right thing by them,” Tony hurries along, bringing his mug up to sip, to keep his mouth occupied. “I’m happy as long as I’m doing that.”
“In regard to your feelings, you are a terrible liar,” Thor deadpans, just completely flat and he’s not really wrong, but excuse me, because if there was a triathlon of liars, Tony Stark would be right the hell up there for the Bronze, maybe the Silver…
“You are crushing part of your heart, Tony, causing yourself undue pain.” Thor puts the mug down and takes his arm, turning Tony to face him. “Is this because Steven and James do not want--?”
“No! No, no, this one’s all on me.”
And Thor…doesn’t look a bit surprised. At. All.
The God hums, looking directly at him. “Perhaps you should come back with me to Asgard. Our seers may be able to give you some…perspective as to how you must be appeased.”
Tony’s brow arches up, “wow, you’d take me all the way across, like, infinity to see a palm reader? You are such a swell guy.”
“Ha, ha, I’ve been studying this world for the last few years, Tony. I have references to your sarcasm now.” Thor just tisks at him.
“Aw, that just ruins a whole lot of fun for me,” with that twinkle of mirth, Thor can’t help but grin back at him.
“Very well, then. I shall stand back and watch the three of you fumble around even more than you currently are. I must admit it is somewhat entertaining to see you trying to hide something so obvious. But, once you are ready to make yourself happy, it will be good to see that end as well.”
With a shake of his head, Tony just takes his coffee and heads off to the elevator, mindset already switching gears into octane because yeah, he’s got the holiday season coming in the next month and things like New and Improved need to be making their way to R&D.
This talk? He’s going to forget about it (never) in an hour.
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