#this is what we mean by slap in the face just in case anyone on the team is reading this
rocksalt-and-pie · 2 months
I am subscribed to youtubers with bonus content behind a paywall (Rachel Maksy for example has recently started releasing every other video she produces to patreon and like, good for her even if i can't watch them? I still can watch the rest of her videos because she values her audience enough to continue to share half of her content for free). I am even subscribed to content creators who only put out two or three videos PER YEAR because the majority of their content is for their paying audience (Christine McConnell for example is almost exclusively on patreon/netflix and only posts very rarely on youtube and yet the free content she posts on occasion is always very high in production quality). Again, getting paid for their content isn't the issue here. It's the blatant disregard of their audience's demographic, values and interests, and the way this was communicated by pretty much laughing in our faces and basically telling us to fuck off if we can't afford to keep carrying them.
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luveline · 9 months
Hello Jade! I have a request for hotch if that’s okay, I was thinking something like he’s dating sunshine!reader who goes to a police precinct with the team and the sheriff/deputy insults Hotch in front of her (maybe she’s not part of the BAU so he doesn’t realise she knows Hotch?) and she snaps and punches him/pushes him to the ground and afterwards she’s really quiet and refusing to tell anyone what happened cause she doesn’t want Hotch to hear that people were bad mouthing him. Everyone is confused cause she’s usually so bubbly and it’s disconcerting to see her so stern but she has to protect her man damnit 😤
(Ps I’m the anon who got confused about rules n you’re right I was looking under guidelines not requests 🤦🏼‍♀️ sorry!)
hi babe, thank you for your request! (and no worries at all, no sorry necessary!!)
—hotch is dumbfounded when you slap a deputy sheriff, but you have your heartfelt reasons. fem, 2k
You're not specifically BAU, but when Hotch calls, you answer. You don't look BAU either in your skirt with your blue laptop carry case; twice you're asked what you're doing in the precinct and if you need assistance, but eventually you get to the centre of the action upstairs, meandering through the detective's desks toward a conference room with a sticky-taped sign that says to knock before entering. 
"Hey, Spencer," you say, shouldering open the door. "They leave you behind?" 
Spencer turns away from his white board. "I'm more useful here right now. Did you bring the ethernet cable for Garcia?"
You put your laptop case on the table and pull out her desired cable. "Where is she?" It's hard-pressed for Penelope to be found anywhere away from her computer during case times. You must get twenty or more rejection emails a month from your fellow tech analysist. Sorry, working a case :'( 
"Bathroom. There's a kitchen if you need coffee. You have a badge?" 
You flash your visitor's badge at him. "Get you one?" 
"Four sugars. Thanks, L/N." 
You flash him a smile. The kitchen is back the way you came and to the right. It's nowhere near big enough for the workforce, three tables and one microwave next to a sink full of mugs. You smile at anyone who looks at you and beeline for a coffee pot. No one questions you. They must be used to outsiders invading their space this week. 
"Mean fucking guy." 
You tilt your head to the side, hand paused in their cup cabinet above the sink. You shouldn't be nosy, but they're not being very quiet, either.
"He has to be mean, I guess. That's a tight ship to run," says a second voice.
"I'd understand it if I thought they were getting somewhere. It's been four days, and between the string bean and his pushpin map and that tech girl who won't shut up? They're doomed. The boss is either too stubborn or too damn stupid to realise." 
You close the cabinet and turn around. 
"I fucking hate this shit. Ties in their suit jackets coming into our investigation and chasing the wrong leads. We could've had Miller in cuffs two days ago if Hotchner hadn't shut us down, two days ago! And now another kid is dead, and there's not a drop of remorse on him. He doesn't care about doing his job, he–" 
"He what?" you ask. Your heart is beating hard before you've so much as parted your lips, your hands trembling. You screw them into tight balls. 
"Excuse me?" 
Your opposition is a rough hewn man in a deputies badge, a cup of coffee held between two paws. He narrows thick salt and pepper brows at your question, his mouth screwed into a telling snarl. 
"You think Agent Hotchner doesn't care about his job? So why is he here? Why did he agree to take the case?" 
"Who the fuck are you?" 
You shake your head in annoyance and take the FBI badge from your little cross body bag. You toss it on the table, your beaming face looking up at him a juxtaposition to the glare you wear now. 
He stands up from his table. The lunch room hushes but the riot of precinct cacophony stays strong just outside of the door, a thrum that battles your roaring heart. You're so angry you can barely speak, and it'll only get worse. 
"I'm sorry you have to hear it from me, darling, I am, but your boss out there? Agent Hotchner?" The deputy scoffs. "He's a fool running blind. He turned away from the real issue here. He's a prideful, narcissistic idiot who's let the power of his paycheck get to his head, and as far as I'm concerned? So long as he stops us from arresting Jaden Miller? He's a murderer, too. The blood is on his hands." 
You know you're going to slap him from the moment he says 'murderer', but the knee to his crotch straight after is a surprise even to yourself. All you're thinking for one horrible white-hot moment is How can I hurt him? It's shameful, and you slam your knee up a second time anyhow. 
"You can tell me what happened now or later, but it's going to be much easier on you if you tell me now." 
Hotch hates this part. What he wouldn't give to have someone else here to reprimand you. He understands why Gideon left and he wouldn't want him back unwillingly, but Hotch thinks your nightly phone call may go over smoother tonight if it were Gideon standing in his place. Half the time Hotch finds he's uninterested in scolding you. It's why you stay firmly in your department and away from his bias in the BAU. He can't be optimal at his job while you're around. 
It's not limited to telling you off, of course. When you're near, he wants to act like it. He wants to take your hand, hold your arm, rub a palm between your shoulders. He wants to pull you into his lap, or pinch the soft lobe of your ear between his fingers to watch you shiver, blow warm air at the back of your neck to hear your laugh. This cold silence is his worst nightmare, but he can't cross the line. 
Well, he can't cross the line too much. 
In the privacy of a cordoned, borrowed office, Hotch can sit beside you. The blinds are closed, and his intimidation act wasn't getting him anywhere anyways. More flies with honey than vinegar. 
"I can't show favouritism here, do you understand? Especially when you're being physically violent against the deputy sheriff." Hotch watches the soft pillow of your bottom lip tremble in a private terror. "I know you wouldn't do this for no reason. I know. Give me a reason to take your side and I will." 
"I don't want to talk about it." 
"Did he say something inappropriate?" 
You don't answer.
"Did he?" Hotch can feel the anger he's been pushing down start to rise. When a woman like you, happy-go-lucky, pretty, and always smiling, turns to violence, it's not hard to picture why. He knows full well the horrible things a man can say to a woman. "Please, trust me to take care of this." 
"Hotch, I really don't want to talk about this. You can reprimand me, send me home." 
"No. Tell me what he said." 
You glare at him. Hotch finds with a heart-skipping hurt that it's the first time he's been on the receiving end of your disdain. "No. I don't want to." 
"And I don't want to send you home." He knows how he looks, stony-eyed and furrowed brow. He has to try hard to relax into a more neutral expression. "I won't. Not when I know you'd never hurt someone." 
"Well, I did." 
"We all do things we don't mean to in anger." 
In the quiet, he can hear Emily asking loud questions about what happened, and her almost comedic gasp as someone informs her of the situation. Morgan couldn't find the words to tell Hotch over the phone what happened, just told him to hurry back, and it was doubly difficult to get the story out of Spencer, who'd been the one responsible for standing in your way. 
"He called her a bitch," Spencer told him. "I didn't want to hold her back after that." 
The sheriff deputy has a good hundred pounds on you, so no matter what he called you, Hotch is glad you were pulled away. 
Hearing that you'd been called a bitch set his nerves aflame. When Spencer explained that this was said by a man on his knees after a swift jab to the crotch, Hotch was more confused. 
He follows a whim. He's biassed for sure, but he knows you're the most beautiful woman in any room that you walk into. It doesn't shock him that a high-ranking authority figure would take advantage of his position to make a pass at you. 
"You have nothing to be ashamed of," he says softly. "Whatever he said to you, I– I'm not supposed to support violence, but I understand if it got too much. Sexual harassment is unjustifiable, and I'll stand with you and your actions completely." 
"He didn't harass me, Aaron," you say, looking down at your knees. You're wearing dark stockings, pinching at the fabric distractedly. 
"Did he touch you?" 
"No, Aaron–" You sigh frustratedly. "I don't want to tell you what he said because it's not true." 
"He insulted you?" 
"He insulted you." You glance at him and then away. "I couldn't stand it." 
If there weren't cameras in the room he'd bundle you into his arms and kiss the slope of your cheek, because how is he supposed to handle this? You're hitting people when they talk bad about him now? 
Hotch doesn't need to ask to know it was bad. You're a well-meaning, well-adjusted person. You'd hardly hit somebody for calling Hotch a jerk. Something severe would've been said to have pushed you over the edge, but, to his detriment, Hotch has heard a thousand awful things about himself from a thousand different mouths, and he doesn't worry about what it was. 
"Alright. Listen to me carefully." Your shoulders stiffen. "I don't want you hurting people over me. I don't need you to defend me. I don't want you to fight my battles for me, and I certainly don't want you assaulting people on my behalf." 
Your lip again begins to tremble. "I'm sorry." 
"No. Don't be sorry." He covers your knee in his hand gently, ducking his head to meet your glassy eyes. He's gone about this the wrong way, upsetting you unnecessarily. He rushes to correct it. "I love that you want to defend me, I love that you did, and it isn't lost on me how much it means to have you at my side, but… You could have been seriously injured. Honey, picking on someone your own size is a double-sided coin. What if the deputy hit you back?" 
"I'm not afraid of getting hurt." 
He leans down more, imploring, desperate to be heard. "I'm afraid of you getting hurt. Me. I'm worried someone's going to hurt you when I'm not around." 
"He was saying all this stuff about you and it wasn't true–" 
"It's okay," he says, shaking his head slowly from one side to another. "It doesn't matter. I know what people like him think of me, and he's not in an easy position." He drops his voice to a murmur for your ears alone. "I'm not saying you should agree with him, I can't tell you that I like him much." 
You laugh weakly, the sound quickly melding to a sniffle. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I shouldn't have hit him. I don't know what came over me." 
"We get angry for the people we care about." 
He can't kiss you, really, not at work, but he can show you some heavy affection. It's a boundary crossed. Luckily, Hotch knows you won't report him. 
"Thank you for defending me. You can stay on the case if you promise not to do it again," he says, squeezing your smaller hand in his, drawing a lopsided heart with his thumb into the back of it. 
"I'll promise not to do it again if he promises to keep his stupid mouth closed," you mutter. 
"Is it wrong of me to like this version of you?" he says. 
You look him straight in the eye, your usual lightness restored, if dimmed just a touch. "I like all your versions, Agent Hotchner." 
"Good. Remind the version that's your boyfriend to treat you accordingly tonight. Okay?" 
You nod emphatically, both relieved and chastened. "Okay. Thanks, handsome." 
You look tired. Tonight, he'll kiss you like he means it, maybe a touch too rough but apparently you're a hard ass now who can handle it, and he'll hold you close even if he can't give you the attention you deserve until the case is done. He'll make sure you know how much he appreciates your protection, rub your back for hours just the way you like it while sleep fails. 
"You're welcome," he says. He has more to say but there's no more time to waste. There's still work to be done. 
It'll come easier with you at his side, he's sure. 
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Borderline (JJ Maybank x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, jealousy, seemingly unrequited feelings, secret relationship, semi public sex, non canon ages, underage drinking
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @silkholland​​
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summary: The three times you had sex with your best friend...and the one time you didn’t.
JJ’s hips pressed into yours, his bare chest brushing against your own with every thrust. His blond hair was damp from both water and sweat, not an unusual look for him, but seeing him from this angle? Yes, that was pretty unusual for you. You gasped when his cock hit a sensitive spot in you, clenching around him and pressing your fingers into his arm. The action made him hiss, and he leaned in to nip the skin of your chin with his teeth.
Having sex with your best friend in the back of your other friend’s van was not planned.
You and JJ were as thick as thieves, and partners in crime were all you had ever been. Breaking into buildings together, jumping off of boats together, and even getting into fights together. If he couldn’t count on anyone to back up whatever stupid idea he’d concocted, JJ knew he could count on you. You were always happy to go along with whatever…except for this.
As he pressed a hand into your stomach, holding you down and in place to take his thrusts, you fought to remember how you’d gotten in this position in the first place. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to wrack your brain and think about what you’d been talking about only an hour ago. It was so hard to do with JJ pushing into you and making you lose your train of thought.
You’d been talking about some Pogue, some Pogue you’d been seeing and the way he’d practically begged you to take him back at the ice cream shop. He was nice enough and cute enough, but the relationship, if it could even be called that, hadn’t been going anywhere. JJ wasn’t supposed to be listening in, but he’d never done what he was supposed to a day in his life.
“That sounded awkward,” he’d said, glancing at you and taking his eyes off of the road. “Poor guy was basically offering his soul to get back together with you.”
You’d rolled your eyes, grumbling to yourself and annoyed with him for eavesdropping.
“You got the holy grail between those legs of yours or what?” he’d teased, poking your side with a chuckle and you’d slapped his hand away.
“Don’t be gross,” you’d complained. “Believe it or not, but I’m actually a great girlfriend, JJ. Sometimes people are sad to see me go.”
You hadn’t had the chance to hear his response because one of the front tires on the Twinkie blew, forcing JJ to pull off of the road and into the grass. Between his anger at discovering John B.’s lack of care to keep a spare tire and John B.’s anger at discovering JJ blew one, your ex had been the last thing on either of your minds then. At least, that was the case for you.
You were both sitting in the back of the van and waiting for John B. and Pope to show up with his dad’s truck and a tire when JJ brought it up again.
“Pervert comment aside, I was serious, you know.”
You’d turned to him, a questioning look in your eyes. Seeing that you had no idea what he was talking about, the blond had rolled his eyes, pushing his hair away from his face and trying to keep cool in this heat.
“Any guy you date always acts like it’s the end of the world when you break up with them,” he’d explained, and your mouth had fallen open in offense.
“That’s not true,” you’d scoffed. “I resent that.”
JJ had chuckled to himself, shaking his head.
“It’s so true. We talk about it all the time,” he’d laughed.
You’d straightened at that, frowning at him. We? Did he mean ‘we’ as in him and your friends sans you? That was news that you found hard to believe, and you told him, and JJ shook his head.
“No, we do,” he’d drawled, half laying down with his head against the inside of the van and one leg bent. “Not all the time obviously, but sometimes to just laugh at the lovesick fools you leave in the dust.”
“You make me sound like some kind of man-eater,” you’d mumbled. “…and I’m not. I just… I don’t know.”
You’d shrugged, not liking this conversation.
“When I’m not happy, I leave. I’m not one of those people to stay just to say I have a boyfriend or something. Sorry,” you’d pointedly said, thinking hard about what he’d told you.
It was then that JJ could tell you were genuinely a little bothered, and he’d sat up, hurrying to move closer.
“Hey, hey, no. It’s meant to be funny,” he’d assured you. “We don’t mean anything by it.”
You knew that. It still didn’t stop it from bothering you a little though, wondering if that was how other people viewed you since your own friends did.
“I know you don’t,” you’d sighed. “I’m being silly, I know, but now you’re just making me rethink my methods, I guess.”
JJ huffed, scooting closer to you until his shoulder brushed yours.
“It’s not your methods we’re laughing at, I promise,” he’d lightly said, bumping your shoulder with his. “We just think it’s funny how you seem to give these guys the best time of their lives that they’re always ready to beg for you back on their knees.”
You’d given him a look at that, and JJ wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’m not talking to you about that,” you’d chuckled. “Who do you think I am? Pope?”
“I’m just saying,” he’d dragged out. “I don’t think I’ve ever slept with any girl that had me down that bad.”
JJ was laughing to himself, and your smile fell a bit, eyeing him with a frown. You could feel it deepening the longer you stared at him, and you’d suddenly reared back a little.
“You sound almost curious,” you’d blurted out, a light laugh in your throat as you shook your head at him.
You knew that wasn’t true, but the thought had been funny, nonetheless. However, you hadn’t expected there to be any truth to that, let alone the actual truth.
“Maybe I am.”
JJ’s words had shocked you, making you freeze in place, and his even expression didn’t match your horrified frown, at all.
“Be serious,” you’d said after a while, feeling like you were in the midst of some elaborate joke.
Your best friend tilted his head at you, arms resting on his knees as he ran his gaze over your face.
“What makes you think I’m not?”
The lack of humor on JJ’s face had stumped you, and you blinked at him. For a moment, words escaped you, and the van felt entirely too small and entirely too quiet as you just stared at each other.
“JJ,” you’d slowly said, lightly hitting his arm. “Come on…”
He’d taken your hand, making your stomach drop, and your eyes widened as he fully turned to face you. There was a glint in his eye that you’d never seen before. At least, not directed at you.
“Come on what? I can’t be curious?” he wondered, voice dropping.
“No, you can’t,” you’d almost yelled, pulling your hand away and looking away in disbelief. “You’re my best friend. I bet you don’t wonder what John B. is like in bed.”
“I might! You don’t know that…”
You’d rolled your eyes at him, prepared to pretend this weird turn of events had never happened when you felt his fingers brushing your jaw. You had turned to face him in shock, eyes wide as he touched you with a gentleness that felt strange. JJ was your best friend, and his blue eyes were drinking you in in a way that felt suffocating.
You could see him leaning in, and you hadn’t exactly done anything to stop it. In truth, you didn’t know why. JJ had never been anything but your best friend, never even tempted to think of him in that way. Finding out that wasn’t the case for him was shocking, sure, but not enough to keep you from pushing him away at the very least.
His lips brushing against yours had your heart skipping a beat, and for a few seconds, you didn’t kiss him back. You just sat there, letting him kiss you and getting the feel of his skin on yours in a way that was foreign. You’d blinked just as JJ deepened the kiss, clearly taking your lack of action as the okay, and you hadn’t been able to swallow down your gasp. When you hesitantly kissed him back, you’d felt JJ’s hand on the small of your back, the other fingering the strap of your top.
Everything after had been a mess of lips on lips, hands pulling at clothes, and finally skin on skin.
Your eyes flew open at a particularly hard thrust, JJ’s cock stretching you out so addictingly. Sweat clung to your skin, your clothes thrown somewhere in John B.’s van, and you couldn’t even find it in you to care about how hot it was. JJ’s hands were wrapped around your calves now, your feet pressed against his stomach as he slid into you over and over.
It was so hard to breathe for multiple reasons, but especially because you were having the best sex of your life and it was because of your best friend. The thought was enough to completely drag you out of the moment. It felt weird and good at the same time, and you couldn’t understand how that was. You couldn’t even find it in you to feel guilty over making a mess of your friend’s vehicle, feeling yourself dripping around JJ and smearing down your skin.
You’d actually almost forgotten that your friends were on the way with help and another tire. You’d almost forgotten they existed entirely until you heard JJ’s phone vibrating. You were on top of him, now, hands pressed into his shoulder and pushing yourself down onto his cock, fucking yourself onto him and chasing your high.
“They said they’re down the street,” he panted, one hand pressed into your waist while the other held his phone. “They’re close.”
As he said that, you could feel yourself getting close too, and your eyes rolled as you circled your hips.
“Fuck,” JJ breathed, and you could feel his eyes on you, but you were too preoccupied with coming.
When you finally did, you literally froze, lips falling open and a choked moan escaping just as you felt JJ’s hands tighten on you. Your nails were pressing into his skin, but if the way he deeply moaned was anything to go by, he didn’t seem to care. You could feel him stilling too, twitching inside of you, and the feel had you shuddering.
He was lazily moving your hips over his as you milked him, and you literally whined when you were forced to move off of him. Your back met the floor of the van, and you stared up at the ceiling, blinking in disbelief. You could faintly hear JJ hurrying to get dressed, but you couldn’t move.
You’d just had sex with your best friend…and it was great.
You felt yourself frowning, a myriad of emotions washing over you as you tried to process this. It didn’t seem real, and yet, the evidence was quite literally on you and in you. JJ called your name, and you realized he’d called it several times. You looked at him as he put your clothes in your hand, hurrying to help you sit up, and you felt like you were in a daze.
“Hey, hey,” he said, touching your face and making you look into his eyes. “We gotta get dressed, okay?”
He was right, and yet that still didn’t stop you from running your eyes over him, drinking him in. He both looked and didn’t look like your best friend, and it was an odd thought to wrap your head around. You couldn’t believe what you’d just done, and deciding that now was not the time to analyze your actions and the ramifications of them, you got dressed.
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“Fuck, baby…”
JJ’s breathless voice in your ear only made you wetter, and you pushed back to meet his thrusts.
It had been weeks, almost three months actually, since the incident. That was what you liked to call it because what else could you possibly refer to it as? How else would you identify the day in which JJ had convinced you to sleep with him in the back of the Twinkie? What could you possibly call the day in which you realized that JJ’s feelings about you weren’t always so platonic, and that sometimes, just sometimes, he was actually very curious about what his best friend was like in bed?
You had thought that it would be weird, disastrous even. You had actually cried yourself to sleep that same night, so scared that you’d made a huge mistake and that it would ruin your friendship with JJ forever. You’d told yourself that you should’ve spoken up, been the voice of reason when you were both careless and clearly delirious from heat.
After all, some moments of pleasure were never worth the loss of a friendship.
However, when JJ had shown up at your door the next morning, dressed and looking like his normal self as he offered to drive you to John B.’s like he often did, you got the sense that maybe you’d overreacted. Nothing about his words, tone, or expression had even hinted at what had taken place the previous day, and you’d actually frowned.
Somewhat dazed, you had nodded with a small okay, telling him you needed to get dressed. You had given him a strange look when he came inside, flopping on your couch and scrolling through his phone like everything was normal. Like shit was sweet.
Shit wasn’t sweet.
You and your best friend had quite literally rocked the van, and he was pretending like it never happened.
“Um…JJ,” you’d said when you followed him outside.
He’d been in the process of climbing onto his bike, and he’d turned to look at you, face inquiring. You had actually scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Are you just…going to pretend like yesterday never happened or…?”
He’d blinked at your words, features softening some as he climbed off of his bike. You’d swallowed at his close proximity, kind of unsure of how to act around him, now. He looked the same as he always did, but it was so different, now. You’d held that blond hair as he kissed down your frame. You’d looked into those blue eyes as he’d pinned you between him and the floor of the van. You’d held onto those arms as you came around each other.
You didn’t know how to pretend like you hadn’t.
“I didn’t think you’d want it to ruin our friendship,” he’d finally said.
“I don’t,” you had spoken up, straightening. “That’s the last thing I want, but…I don’t know. You’re pretending like it didn’t happen. Aren’t we going to at least talk about it?”
“…and say what? That it was great? That you were great?” he’d moved closer, looking at you from beneath his lashes. “…because you were.”
You’d swallowed at that, glancing away and feeling heated.
“Look, I know that it wasn’t your idea of how to spend the afternoon, and I just feel a little bad.”
You’d frowned at his confession.
“JJ, I’m an adult. If I didn’t want to have sex with you, I could’ve said so,” you’d told him, shoulders sagging. “No…it definitely wasn’t my first choice of how to pass the time, but I don’t think I regret it. Not unless it’s going to make things weird…”
You were trying your hardest to prevent that from happening, and when JJ chuckled, you did too.
“We were friends, and we’re still friends. Just friends who had sex one afternoon in a hot van,” he’d said with a shrug.
The way he’d worded it had made you feel better, and you were relieved when he pulled you into a hug. After hugging him back, you’d happily climbed onto the back of his bike, writing the previous afternoon off as that weird day when you and JJ decided to have sex.
He was right, of course.
You and JJ were still the best of friends who just happened to fuck each other one time. Once you were around the rest of your friends, it was easy to relax and sink back into familiar dynamics. You were teasing each other and throwing things at each other and finishing each other’s sentences again in record time. While there’d been the stray thought or two that your friends would be able to tell what went down between you two, that had soon passed after about a week.
After a month, it really did seem like nothing even happened.
You couldn’t deny that it had crossed your mind on occasion. After all, it was hard to look at your best friend and ignore the fact that you’d had sex with him. It was usually a stray thought in passing, like a little reminder notification in your head, and sometimes it was accompanied by the afterthought that it was the best sex you’d had. That was still something you had a hard time grasping, but it wasn’t long before even that fact didn’t feel weird to you.
Nights at The Chateau and on boats had accumulated into literal months since that day. It was something that you really didn’t even think about, now. Not when JJ hugged you or when he pinched your side or even when he held you close with an arm around your neck. Why would you? Nothing about your friendship had changed, something you were beyond grateful for.
So, it was kind of a shock to you when JJ had cornered you against John B.’s fridge one evening.
You were getting something to drink, and you’d gasped when you felt a chin suddenly resting in the crook of your shoulder, a chest pressed to your back. He’d startled you more than anything, and JJ had laughed to himself at your reaction.
“Anything good in there?”
Your answer was on the tip of your tongue when you felt his hand on your waist, fingers kneading into your skin where your shirt had ridden up. You’d frowned to yourself, stomach twisting a bit before slowly pushing his hand away.
“Just the usual,” you’d dragged out, slipping from between him and the fridge.
You were making your way past him when he reached out, a finger hooking in your belt loop as he gently pulled you back. You’d given him an odd look as he pulled you closer, a nervous chuckle escaping. His blue eyes were fixated on you, and he’d pulled his lip between his teeth as your frown deepened.
“JJ…what are you doing?” you’d slowly asked, worriedly eyeing him.
Your question had made him pause, pressing his lips together as he stared at you. You’d watched him blink, his face pinching together just a tad before he’d let you go. If you had known better, you would’ve noted how reluctant he’d seemed to do so. The air had felt so weird as you studied him, and just like that, he’d chuckled and broke the spell.
You had watched him scratch the back of his head.
“I don’t know,” he’d confessed, shaking his head before brushing past you, throwing a small sorry over his shoulder.
That had been days ago, and as much as the interaction had concerned you, you’d forced yourself to let it go. You’d been glad you did because in the days that followed, it was like it’d never even happened…
…but then JJ had driven you home...and he’d gotten off of his bike with you, and before you’d been able to thank him…he’d kissed you.
So shocked by it, you had stumbled back, looking at him with wide eyes. It was hard to place the look on his face, like he was confused by his actions just as much as you were, but it didn’t stop him from reaching out and gently taking your arm.
“JJ, what-?”
“I don’t…I don’t know,” he’d softly mumbled, moving closer as he pulled you closer. “I don’t know.”
He kept repeating that as he leaned in, kissing you again, and his breath was shaky as he did. You’d placed your hand on his chest, and he reached up, holding it there as he moved his mouth against yours. Before, you’d told yourself you should’ve been the voice of reason, recalling how scared you’d been that night that your friendship as you knew it was over. You didn’t want a repeat of that, nor did you want that to come true, and so you’d pulled back.
“JJ, we can’t-.”
“Why?” he’d breathed, licking his lips. “…because we’re friends?”
“Yes,” you’d slowly told him. “…and I want to stay friends.”
The desperation in his gaze threw you.
“We did it before, and we’re still friends…”
You’d faltered at that, looking away when JJ had forced you to look back at him. One of his hands slid down to your waist, trailing over your back and side, and you shuddered at the feel. You could hear how uneven his breathing was.
“I…haven’t really stopped thinking about that day,” he confessed, making your heart skip a beat.
“What? Y-you said…”
“I know what I said,” he blurted out. “I know, but…”
JJ leaned in, nipping at your bottom lip before kissing you again.
“I want you so bad,” he breathed against your lips. “You get me so hard, and you don’t even know it.”
All of this was overwhelming news to you, and when JJ deepened the kiss, you could feel yourself traveling back to that afternoon in the Twinkie. The voice of reason in your head was fighting against the heated feeling that was slowly consuming you. You were thinking of what his skin had felt like on yours, what his hands had felt like on you, and what he’d felt like inside of you.
This wasn’t supposed to happen again.
Never mind the fact that you and JJ were friends, but you weren’t this kind of girl. Casual sex was never and had never been your thing. You liked relationships, always had. You liked having boyfriends, and getting flowers and gifts, and having sex with someone you could call yours. You’d written that afternoon off as the one wild thing you’d do for the next three years.
It wasn’t supposed to happen again.
…and yet, you found yourself leaning on JJ’s bike, one leg raised with your knee resting on the seat as he pushed into you from behind. Your shorts were around one ankle, your underwear long ripped off, and JJ’s hands were curled into your hips as he dipped his cock into you.
You couldn’t even stop yourself from gasping and moaning, trembling at the feeling of him fucking you from this angle. The bike shook from his movements, and one of his hands moved to hold it steady. His lips grazed your ear, and despite the fact that he was literally inside of you, you were still supposed to be just friends, but the words he whispered didn’t indicate that, at all.
“You’re so tight,” he groaned, cursing when he sank into you again. “I’ve been thinking about this all week, you know that?”
You suddenly thought about that day at John B.’s, JJ’s weird behavior, and you frowned through the haze.
“Just wanted to feel you wrapped around me…choking me…sucking me dry…”
A high-pitched gasp escaped your lips, and you struggled to stay upright. The sound of skin slapping against skin could be heard in your yard, and you prayed to whoever was listening that your neighbors didn’t decide to get curious today of all days.
JJ’s free hand traveled along your frame. Kneading your waist, squeezing your breast, curling around your throat. It was too much, and to your surprise, you could feel yourself coming. If JJ was shocked too, he didn’t show it, fucking you through it and turning you into a babbling mess. You were so wet, the sound of it meeting your ears every time JJ pushed his cock into you, completely sheathing himself inside of your walls, determined to find his release there.
You were meeting him thrust for thrust, determined to come again. You felt like a woman possessed, fucking yourself onto him and squeezing his cock. You didn’t even care that you were fucking your best friend again, only concerned with wanting to feel him come inside of you. The aftermath was something you couldn’t focus on, right now, and you knew you’d come to regret that line of thinking. When JJ came, he came before you this time, spilling into you and pushing into you so hard it jostled his bike.
The feel of him coating your walls sent you over the edge, squeezing him so tight that he cursed over and over, hand tightening on your neck as you struggled to breathe. You saw stars, and unlike last time, there was no rush to get dressed. JJ remained inside of you for a while, just holding himself there and basking in the aftermath of what you just did…again.
When he finally did pull out, you weren’t as dazed this time.
Instead, you frowned.
You were still shaking as you pulled up your shorts, a million thoughts running through your head. What did this mean? What were you? Were you friends who just happened to have sex twice…or did JJ intend for this to be a regular thing? You couldn’t stomach the latter, knowing the kind of girl you were and hating yourself for going against what you knew you were comfortable with.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
One time could be a mistake, a lapse of judgement or just an afternoon of fun, never to be repeated. Twice? Twice was a choice on both your parts. JJ for making the move again, and you for allowing it. You stepped away from him when you were fully dressed, and you didn’t know what to say. You could still feel him in you, both figuratively and literally, cringing at the way he dripped out of you and into your shorts.
He was saying something about hanging out at Sarah’s place tomorrow, but you couldn’t really focus on it. You were too in your own head, but JJ didn’t seem to notice, leaning over to place a brief kiss to your lips before starting his bike. You watched him drive away, and you found yourself feeling incredibly…alone.
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You sipped on your drink with a frown, heart clenching at the sight before you. The sound of partygoers would’ve normally been music to your ears, but all you wanted in this moment was some time with your own thoughts. That and to be far away from JJ Maybank.
Realizing your cup was now empty, you forced yourself to look away from the sight before you. You turned your back on blond and blonder, stumbling across the beach to get another drink. You almost tripped over your own feet and probably would have if it weren’t for Kie.
“Woah, hey! You okay…?”
She steadied you, and when you glanced up, the concern in her eyes was evident. You’d never been much of a drinker, and especially not to the point of inebriation, but you weren’t exactly yourself. You hadn’t felt like yourself for a while, now.
“I’m fine,” you told her, but it was a lie.
You weren’t fine.
You were in love with your best friend…and it was all his fault.
JJ had always been attractive. Even if that had never meant anything of consequence to you, you could still admit it. He was funny, charismatic, kind, and way too forgiving for his own good. He was always the life of the party, and he’d never failed to make you smile. He’d always been that way, so none of that was enough to make you fall for the guy, but then he had to go and start having sex with you.
Granted, it only happened twice, but twice was enough.
You weren’t a casual girl. You didn’t even know how to go about being a casual girl, and now that he’d added sex to your dynamic, it was hard to keep seeing him as your same best friend. It was hard not to stare, not to linger on the way his laugh traveled through the air or the way he shook his hair out of his face when it got wet. You’d found yourself drinking him in on more than one occasion when he was fixing his bike, swallowing at the sight of his stomach when he used his shirt to wipe his face.
In the months since the last time you’d had sex, it had snuck up on you.
You felt more excited to see him more than any of your other friends. You found yourself hanging onto his every word, and when you weren’t with him, you’d absentmindedly wonder what he was doing…and who he was doing it with. The thought always made your stomach turn, and you’d get the feeling like you’d be sick.
Like now, for example.
You poured yourself another drink, frowning at how close he and some girl were standing. They hadn’t stopped smiling since they met, and you wondered to yourself just what was so damn funny. You blinked back tears as you downed the drink in seconds, quickly getting another. You ignored Kie’s voice as you disappeared into the crowd, wanting to be as far away from JJ as possible.
You felt so stupid…because you knew this would happen.
You knew yourself, and you knew this would happen, but no. You just had to listen to JJ and let him in your head and convince you that everything would remain the same. Now, here you were, months later and dreaming about and sulking over your best friend. Every time he so much as touched you these days, it was almost enough to do you in. You were torn between feeling grateful you hadn’t had sex with him again since that evening in your yard or feeling sad that you hadn’t.
“Woah, hey, where…where are you going?” John B. wondered as you moved past him and Sarah.
“Home,” was all you said.
You could hear footsteps behind you, and you grumbled when the brunette stopped you.
“Like this? Y/N, you’re so drunk,” Sarah said from beside him, reaching for your drink.
You gave her a look as you held it out of reach, daring her to try and take it. She threw John B. a pleading look, and he sighed.
“It’s getting late,” he said. “Why don’t we all just call it a night, and you can crash at my place…”
You both loved and hated the sound of that, but your desire to collapse and cry yourself to sleep won. You reluctantly nodded, allowing Sarah to take your hand as John B. disappeared behind you. You weren’t in a talkative mood, and you were so glad that Sarah respected that. She was helping you into the van when you heard the last voice you wanted to hear.
“Why did you let her drink that much?”
“I’m not a child,” you answered before John B. could.
Everyone seemed shocked at your tone, but you couldn’t find it in you to care, opting to lie down. You closed your eyes, ignoring everyone until you felt a jacket being placed on you. The smell of it was familiar, and you didn’t even open your eyes as you shook it off.
“Y/N, it’s like 60 degrees-.”
“Why are you even here?” you wondered, opening your eyes and fixing your gaze on JJ. “What happened to your girl of the night?”
The blond didn’t respond right away, looking at you strangely, and for a moment, you almost thought he could see right through you. It made your heart skip a beat, and he slowly shook his head.
“That wasn’t…that wasn’t anything. Besides, even if it was, you’re drunk,” he said, like you were more important or something.
You rolled your eyes at that, closing them and forcing back tears.
This wasn’t like you. At all. You didn’t cry over guys and get so drunk you could barely stand and snap at your friends. JJ was turning you into someone you didn’t recognize, and you hated it. A year ago, your friendship was as strong as it could’ve been, and now…now you could barely look at him. Before, you wouldn’t have even given a second glance to JJ and some girl, but now the thought was almost enough to send you spiraling.
Why did JJ even have sex with you in the first place?
Everything was fine.
When you blinked, you took in the change of scenery, and it wasn’t hard to guess that you’d fallen asleep somewhere along the way. You were in a familiar living room, and you didn’t need to sit up to know you were on a familiar couch. How you got there was a mystery, and you could faintly hear the voices of your friends from down by the water.
You wouldn’t be joining them, preferring to isolate yourself, and the thought made your eyes water. This thing with JJ was even affecting your other friendships, and you sniffed, sitting up. Your mouth felt so dry, and you were just about to journey to find some water when you were startled.
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong with you?”
You jumped at the familiar voice, and you pressed your hand to your chest. You hadn’t even noticed JJ to your left, lounging in the dark like some creeper. You didn’t answer him, simply huffing and attempting to stand. You probably would’ve collapsed if it weren’t for the blond.
“Nothing is wrong-.”
“I don’t think I can ever remember a time when you were drunk…especially this drunk.”
“Why do you care?” you loudly wondered.
You didn’t miss the frown that covered his features, and you knew you were being a bitch. JJ was your best friend…of course he cared, but you were so lovesick and frustrated and drunk and angry that you weren’t thinking straight. Sleeping with JJ had changed too much for you because now you wanted him to care about you the same way you cared about him…and because he didn’t…sometimes it felt like he didn’t care, at all.
…and that wasn’t true.
“Of course, I care,” he softly said, forcing you to sit down.
He sat down with you.
“You’re my best friend…”
Those words had you closing your eyes, and you couldn’t stop your head from dropping.
“Hey…” you felt his hands on you. “What’s wrong?”
You could only shake your head, and you felt his hands on your face, now.
You always told each other everything, but your relationship with him was so different, now, and you genuinely didn’t know how he’d react if you told him the truth. You didn’t think you could take it if he got that look on his face, the one where he looked both sheepish and in pain all at once, before telling you he didn’t feel the same. You knew it was true, but you couldn’t handle it if he told you outright he’d only wanted you for sex.
In your drunken state, you couldn’t handle that…so you kissed him instead.
If JJ was surprised, you couldn’t tell. Especially not with the way his hands tightened on your face. The presence of your friends right outside and down by the water was so far from your mind. Your drunken brain could only focus on JJ’s hands running down your sides and pulling at your dress. He seemed just as eager to be inside of you as you were to feel him there. You let out a sharp moan when his fingers brushed over you, and the blond shushed you.
“You have to be quiet,” he whispered, fumbling to release himself.
You pulled on his shirt as you laid down, pulling him on top of you, and you shuddered when you felt the tip of him poking against you. He was so hard already, and your heart clenched as you wondered if that was for you or leftover from her. JJ’s lips were hungry against yours as he reached down to push your panties to the side.
Your mouth parted into an O shape against his lips as he slowly pushed into you. It had been months since he’d stretched you out this good, and you almost couldn’t contain yourself. When he was fully inside, hips firmly pressed to yours, he held himself there for a while. It was as if he was basking in something he’d missed too, and you were too impatient, lifting your hips against his and letting out a small whine.
At that, JJ pressed his hand to your mouth before pulling his hips back. Only the tip of him remained inside of you before he surged forward, pushing into you with a force that made your eyes roll. Your fingers tightened in his shirt, and you breathed through your nose.
Every push of his cock had you shuddering and clenching around him, missing this and him so much. You felt so full when JJ was fucking you, more than you had with any of your previous boyfriends and the thought had you faltering.
JJ wasn’t your boyfriend.
He never would be, and as he fucked you against John B.’s couch, a few tears escaped. You wanted him to be, but this was just sex. That had been established since the beginning, and it was your fault for giving into something you knew you weren’t cut out for.
You felt like you couldn’t get close enough to JJ, wrapping your legs around him and lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. His fingers were digging into you and holding you so tight there was no doubt they’d bruise. His face was in the crook of your neck as he curved his hips into yours, breathing labored as he stuffed you full of his cock.
When he lifted his head, he removed his hand, kissing you on the lips before his lips traveled to your cheek and then jaw and then neck. He was kissing you and tasting you, and you couldn’t stop yourself from shuddering at the words that escaped his lips.
“You feel just like heaven,” he breathed. “You always do.”
You softly moaned his name, wrapping your arms around him and holding onto him.
“Always keep this pretty pussy nice and tight just for me,” he mumbled. “…always fit me so perfectly.”
He was murmuring incoherently, fucking you and kissing you and biting you. You could hear the squelch of him plunging into you, gasping as he hit something inside of you that made your back arch and toes curl. You were so drunk and he felt so good and you were on cloud 9.
“JJ…” you breathed. “I have… I have to tell…”
You trailed off, sinking your teeth into your lip to swallow down a moan. You were shaking beneath him, legs falling from around him, now as you let him fuck you. You moved your hand, reaching under his shirt too run your fingers across his torso.
“Oh my God,” you gasped, head thrown back as he grinded against you. “JJ, I have to tell you something.”
He cursed, looking down to where he disappeared into you.
“Fuck,” he hissed, slowly pushing into you. “You can tell me tomorrow.”
You wanted to tell him, now, but you could feel yourself hurdling towards the edge, and your drunken brain was too focused on trying to remain quiet. JJ’s hand covered your mouth again as he felt you getting close, his face buried into your neck as he became determined to make you come.
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You kept your eyes on your drink, the same drink you’d had for the better part of an hour. Ever since that night a few weeks ago, you’d been kind of scared of alcohol, and ever since that night days ago, you’d been scared of JJ. Not genuinely, of course, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be around him and act the same around him.
You still remembered the feel of his hand on your waist in the water. Everyone else had gone inside, oblivious to your pleading gaze as the last thing you wanted was to be alone with JJ. Not because you were afraid you’d have sex with him again, but because of the opposite.
Waking up alone and still in your clothes from the previous night on John B.’s couch hadn’t made you feel as worse as knowing that you’d had sex with JJ again, and this time, you were the one to initiate it. The level of disappointment you’d felt had been astronomical, and you’d wanted to cry for being so weak and pathetic and cowardly.
You’d had sex because it was easier than telling him you were in love with him.
It was easier than facing rejection.
You’d officially hit rock bottom, and it was that morning that you’d decided something had to give. You’d gone straight home to shower, and you’d developed some resolve by the time you got out, telling yourself that this couldn’t go on like this forever.
Seeing JJ after that third night had definitely felt like a punch to the gut, but you told yourself you needed to get over this. He acted the same as he always had, you guessed, and you swallowed down any feelings that arose when he hugged you or grabbed you. You reminded yourself that once upon a time, you’d felt nothing at all at his touch, and that it needed to be that way again.
You’d been mentally preparing yourself to have the inevitable talk whenever that came up again.
You hadn’t expected to have it so soon.
Before, where there’d been literal months in between, this time, it was only mere weeks. His hand on your waist in the water after everyone else had gone inside had startled you, and while the sight of his wolfish grin did elicit butterflies, it also made your stomach churn in a negative way too. It was hard to miss the slight from on JJ’s face when you’d pulled away.
You’d been able to hear him following you to the edge and out of the water.
“What’s wrong?” he’d wondered, and you’d swallowed, slightly miffed because you thought you’d had more time.
JJ had never wanted to have sex again so soon, and you didn’t want to linger on what that could mean. It was just sex to him, anyway, and you didn’t doubt that he’d be disappointed, but you knew he’d get over it. For the sake of your friendship, you both needed to get over it.
“I don’t really want to do that anymore, JJ,” you’d slowly murmured, grabbing your towel.
The silence that met you was loud, and when you looked over, you confirmed that he was deeply frowning at you. It was hard to place the look on his face, but the surprise was easy enough to spot, and you wrapped your towel around you as he came near. Water dripped from his blond hair and down his face and onto his chest.
“I don’t… I don’t get it,” he lightly chuckled, but it lacked humor. “I thought everything was fine. Did I do something-?”
“No,” you had assured him, shaking your head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, trust me.”
You’d watched him run his hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face as he studied you. His blue eyes hadn’t looked so warm then, and he’d scoffed.
“The old ‘it’s not you it’s me’ thing, huh,” he’d drawled, rolling his eyes towards the sky. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are…”
“Then why aren’t you being honest?”
“I am,” you’d firmly told him. “I don’t want that anymore, JJ.”
You’d shrugged, glancing away.
“It was fun…sure, but we knew it couldn’t last and…”
“That’s the best you’ve got?” he’d wondered, tilting his head. “It couldn’t last so might as well end it, now, right?”
If you hadn’t known better, you would’ve said that he was angry, and his reaction confused you. You’d shaken your head at him, holding your towel around him.
“Why does it matter? It’s just sex to you, right?”
JJ had blinked at that, like he’d forgotten that, and you’d pulled your lip between your teeth. The whole ordeal was hard enough, and you hadn’t understood why JJ was making it harder. When he hadn’t said anything more, only nodding, you’d finally decided to join your friends inside.
That had been days ago, and your hopes that things would go back to normal had been squashed when JJ had been giving you the equivalent of the cold shoulder ever since. He wasn’t cruel, of course, and it certainly wasn’t noticeable by anyone else…but you knew.
You knew it in the way he didn’t direct his jokes towards you or in the way he didn’t hug you anymore or how he didn’t even offer to drive you home. It was little changes that completely flipped what you knew of your friendship, and it had taken you by surprise.
…because JJ was mad at you.
…and you didn’t know why.
Your friendship had wound up in the one place you hadn’t wanted it to be, and more than you ever had before, you desperately wished you had never slept with him in the first place. Here you were, at a party and fighting with your best friend, only you couldn’t understand why. To add insult to injury, you had to leave your other friends in the dark about it. You couldn’t even imagine taking it from the top with them, dreading to hear Pope go on a whole ‘I told you so’ rant about Pogue on Pogue macking.
Feeling utterly alone and filled with regret, you decided to just cut your losses and go home.
You wondered if JJ took the whole thing personally, like it was specifically him you were rejecting and not the casual sex of it all. Surely, he had to understand that this whole thing should’ve never started to begin with. Had things been so peachy from his side? Had he had none of these thoughts, none of these doubts about what you were doing? At all? You found it hard to believe, and then you remembered Kie saying something once about men being simple creatures.
Maybe JJ really had thought that everything was perfect, and why wouldn’t he? He could sleep around with whoever he wanted and still turn around and get it from you too. From his point of view, he was probably on top of the world.
You were halfway to your house when you heard it, the sound of a bike, and you really didn’t think much of it until it started to slow. Looking over, the last person you expected to pull up beside you was JJ, and you paused. You eyed him as he stopped, and you watched his shoulders heave with a heavy sigh.
“Hop on,” he said.
You opened your mouth to say something when he continued.
“It’s late and…you shouldn’t be walking home…”
He wouldn’t look at you, and you found his behavior so odd. Still, as weird as he was being, he was right. It was late, and no matter how much of a weird place your friendship was in, you weren’t going to turn down his offer to take you home.
You swallowed at the feel of wrapping your arms around him. It reminded you of both the simpler times of your friendship, and the more complicated where your feelings for him were literally making you miserable. When he parked at your house, you were surprised to see him getting off the bike too, and you eyed him, watching him sigh again before looking away with a taut jaw.
“Can I come in?”
You blinked, taken aback, but unable to refuse.
“Of course,” you softly told him.
You had a feeling this conversation wouldn’t be light, and you wondered if you should play pretend at first and offer something to eat or if you should just tell him to get right to it. You turned to face him just as he locked the door, and you blinked at him.
JJ looked…troubled as he leaned against the door, just frowning at you.
“I don’t…I don’t want to break it off…”
That admission didn’t really shock you, and you nodded.
“Yeah, I gathered as much,” you mumbled, recalling his reaction that day.
“I thought things were good,” he quietly said.
“For you, maybe,” you scoffed. “Not for me…”
You crossed your arms over your chest, plopping down onto your couch.
“So, that’s it,” he said it more like a statement than a question. “Just like that you decide its over.”
You swallowed down the words you really wanted to say, confessing to him how you felt, but you knew it would only hurt you. You reached up, rubbing your temples as you stood. JJ was still leaning against the door, staring you down, and you shook your head.
“I don’t understand this, JJ,” you whispered. “You can and do sleep with whoever you want. Why does it matter that I don’t want that to be me anymore?”
“…because the thought of you sleeping with anyone else makes me sick,” he sneered, shocking you.
The vitriol and malice in his tone had your eyes widening, and before your eyes, it was like a mask dropped, revealing the angry guy underneath. You scoffed, glancing away with a shake of your head.
“We’re not together, JJ,” you slowly started. “…and besides you don’t have to worry about that anytime soon.”
Only God knew how long it would take you to get over your best friend, but as he approached you, you wondered if that day would come sooner rather than later. You gasped at the way he grabbed your arm, and again, there was that troubled look in JJ’s eyes, like his own actions shocked you just as much as they shocked him.
“I didn’t…”
His voice was quiet, and he trailed off, releasing a shaky breath through his nose as he stared at you. You watched his blue eyes rake over you, drinking you in and studying everything about you. You watched his face fall some, and he stepped closer. His hold on you kept you from taking one back.
“I thought I could sleep with you and that would be it,” he started, huffing to himself. “I didn’t know I’d be thinking about you almost every day since…fighting the urge to fuck you in front of all out friends…”
Your eyes widened.
“I didn’t think I’d drive myself crazy thinking about the day you finally got another boyfriend, and you wouldn’t…you wouldn’t be mine anymore.”
You were at a loss for words, somehow both hearing what you wanted and what you didn’t.
“I tried to just let it go, fight it, but I couldn’t…and I…I had to have you again, and I tried to fight it again, and then you…you kissed me this time,” he said through clenched teeth. “You wanted me and then you just broke it off.”
You furiously blinked, trying to gather your thoughts, but JJ kept talking.
“I wanted to break something. I wanted to break someone’s neck,” he spat, moving closer. “Now, that I’ve had you… I don’t think I can just let you go.”
Both of his hands were on your arms, now, and you pressed your hands to his chest.
“JJ, wait-.”
He swallowed your words, kissing you, and any fight against him was futile. Your mind was trying to make sense of this turn of events. There wasn’t anything to be happy about because you didn’t know if JJ actually felt something for you, or if this was pure possessiveness. Ownership. You wanted to talk about this, but the way he ignored your protests and resistance had you rethinking everything.
JJ wouldn’t let you get a word in, keeping his lips on yours, and you yelped into his mouth when he tore at your shirt. You sucked in air when you turned your head away, pushing against him.
“JJ, stop-! What are you…?”
You gasped when he shoved you onto the couch, and you felt like you were having an out of body experience. The very same best friend that you loved was pinning you beneath him, pulling your skirt down because you dared to put a stop to whatever this casual fling was.
Any thoughts entertaining the revelation that maybe he actually felt the same way this whole time was gone. This wasn’t love. This was about a guy feeling like you owed him something, owed him a part of you, and you yelped in pain when his teeth sank into your chest.
“JJ, stop,” you tearfully pleaded, pushing against his face.
“Why? Huh?” he wondered, hovering over you and holding you down.
His blond hair hung into his face, and his blue eyes were hard, staring you down like you’d done something wrong.
“So things can go back to the way they were before we slept together? If I say I don’t want that then what?”
You sniffed, trying to close your legs, but it didn’t prevent him from pushing into you, stretching you out in a way that was so familiar. You shuddered at the feel, and JJ pressed his tongue to the inside of his lip, watching himself slowly disappear into you.
“You don’t have half a clue what you do to me,” he murmured, leaning down and pinning you beneath him. “You don’t even get how you’ve ruined me for anybody else.”
He snapped his hips against yours, a harsh grunt leaving him, and you gasped. One of his hands had your wrists pinned to your stomach, the other forearm was pressed into the couch beside your head, holding himself up so that he could alternate between looking at your face and looking down to where you two connected.
“I…I’m sorry,” he whispered, brushing his lips over yours. “I’m sorry, I really am, but I can’t… I can’t let you go.”
You turned your head away.
“I can’t let you end this.”
Your face crumbled at that, wondering if you’d just told him how you felt, if it would have ever come to this. Then again, it was better to know what JJ was really like, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it better to know that he wasn’t the sweet and caring guy you always thought he was? Surely, it had to be better to know that he was capable of anything under the right circumstances too.
That was what you told yourself, but as he plunged into you, sliding his cock into your now slick walls, you almost wished you’d remained in blissful ignorance. As you shuddered beneath him, you wondered if this was where you would’ve wound up eventually even if you had refused him that day in the van.
“Fuck,” he cursed, slowly thrusting into you and forcing a whine to climb out of your throat. “Just imagine…”
He pushed into you to the hilt, holding himself there and reaching up to brush his fingers along your jaw.
“If you had never shown me what I was missing.”
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retroellie · 6 months
NSFW Alphabet w/ Spencer Reid
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Summary: NSFW alphabet w/ spenice poo
A/N: Ovbiosuly i have to introduce a new character with an NSFW alphabet... it's become my thing yall I know. Also, i wanted this one to be like spencer in the earlier seasons because I'm a whore for him then.
Warnings: NSFW, BDSM, pegging, loss of virginity, Sub!Spencer Reid
Word count: 3.8K
A= Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Dr Spencer Reid is a sweetheart and we all know this, so obviously he's going to be the sweetest boy after. The first couple of times y'all have sex, he's kind of awkward afterward... like he feels weird about the fact he was just inside of you and now he has to talk to you like nothing happened. Eventually, he warms up to it and gets better at taking care of you. Now he always makes sure he has a soft rag and some water in his nightstand so when you stay over he doesn't have to get up. To be completely honest though, he's the one who needs the aftercare...
B=body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
He likes your boobs, like really likes your boobs. He likes them because they're just so versatile, you know? Like he can lay his head on them while you read to him, he can stick his dick in between them, he can suck on them... I mean, what more can this boy need?!?!? Mostly he likes how he can still see them when you guys are in public, maybe not in their entirety but he loves when you wear low-cut shirts. You do it on purpose sometimes, just to see him squirm in his seat while trying to go over statistics on a case. But overall, Spencer just really likes your body. It's just one of those things that Spencer doesn't have to think about or understand, it was just so easy to fall in love with it.
Spencer doesn't really like his body, I feel like he's a very insecure person. He thinks he's too scrawny, too thin, and extremely out of shape. You try to tell him that he's perfect but he can't get over his insecurities. If he did have to choose, it would be his mouth, if he's good for anything... it's for talking and giving mind-blowing head.
C=Cum (anything to do with cum)
Spencer has the worst pull-out game ever, I mean seriously. It's mostly because he just loves cumming with you. The way he'll be deep inside you, literally inside your guts... then he just releases it all into you and watches as your face controls into pure pleasure. He loses all control when you cums, his vision goes white and the only thing he can think of is how pretty you look on his cock.
You had to go on birth control because you couldn't deny Spencer Reid of his favorite thing to do, plus he went on this rant about how birth control is better than condoms because condoms can break blah blah blah. You knew it was simply because he wanted to cum inside you... and it felt way better without a condom.
D=dirty secret
Spencer Reid loves to research things alright... so obviously he has watched massive amounts of porn for research purposes. At first, he tried to tell himself it was for profiling purposes, he needed to know what every kink was so he was able to apply it when needed... well, then it turned into more of his own interest. He wanted to know what he liked, especially when he met you. I mean he's watched almost everything, BDSM, humiliation, sadism, choking, slapping, even pissing. A lot of those things he found he didn't enjoy, but he's honestly found some stuff that makes his face heat up at the thought of it. What's even weirder about this is that Spencer has never jacked off to any of it, to him... it is completely for research.
E=experience (How experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You were his first and he hopes you are his last :). He hasn't even really kissed anyone before you. However, as said above, Spencer has done a lot of research so he definitely knows what he's doing. But porn is completely different than the real thing so he was confused that it didn't go how he expected it to go. What's really nice about Spencer is that he has an eidetic memory, so if something makes your toes curl once... he can do it over and over and over again the exact same way which honestly makes him seem so much more experienced than he actually is.
F=Favorite position
He loves it when you ride him. Not only does he get the perfect view of your boobs and your face, but he loves letting you take control. I feel like Spencer is a bottom so he enjoys the feeling of you towering over him, taking everything you need, and controlling if he gets to cum or not.
He also loves taking you from the back but not in the way you would think. He likes being able to lean against something and you do all the work, like you thrust yourself back on him. He likes that so when you get too tried or frustrated, he can help you fuck yourself on him. Also, I feel like Spencer would like to be experimental with positions, especially since he knows almost all of them from his extensive research. So he tries to switch it up and try new positions every once in a while.
G= Goofy (Are they serious at the moment or are they humorous?)
Everything spencer does is goofy as fuck, so sex is not a serious thing for yall. You can't do anything without spencer shooting out some statistics which makes you laugh, cause his dick could be down your throat and he'd talk about how "43% percent of women say they like giving oral more than receiving it." Sometimes you have to show his face between your own legs to get him to shut up. In short, spencer has to be serious all day at the BAU, so coming home and having to seriously fuck you is just not something he wants to do. He's gonna have some fun with it.
H= Hair (How groomed are they down there?)
Spencer is a bit of a germaphobe, he doesn't like to shake people's hands for god sake. He is definitely either clean-shaven or very well-groomed. He makes sure to clean his junk thoroughly, again with the whole bacteria and germ blah blah... You get it, he just feels more clean if he's groomed well down there.
As for you, I feel like he's gonna care if you're shaved down there or not. I mean he's obviously still going to eat your pussy even if you haven't shaved, but he does prefer you to be groomed down there. Again it's a germaphobe thing for him, but like I said... it's not the thing that determines if he'll fuck you or not.
This boy is touch starved as fuck. He usually doesn't like touch, he's scared of it if I'm being honest. So when you came along and touched him in every way possible... he craves it now. He wants to be close to you at all times when he's reading, on a case, or showering. He wants to be touching you in some way. Sex is intimate as well, especially since you were his first time. Losing his virginity was a huge thing for him, so the intimate part was important to him.
He loves the cringey romance things, I mean like buying you flowers or going on expensive dinners every anniversary or birthday. He only ever got his romance beliefs from old romance books and cheesy romance movies. He sure did know how to make you feel like a princess.
J= Jack off (Masturbation headcanons)
Spencer never really masturbated much before he met you, he never really felt that way either. Like being horny was something that he never felt, never got hard, or had a wet dream. Even while doing his research, he never popped a boner... not even once! That was until he met you, now a bus could go by and he is stiff. He can only jack off to the thought of you though, he only needs his mind and his hand to get him off when you aren't there.
I also think he likes to watch you masturbate, he's a little creep like that. Obviously, you'd know he was there, but he likes for you to pretend he's not there. He loves watching you tease yourself, moaning his name while he sits in a chair in the corner of the room. It gives him a small power rush, knowing he's getting you off without even touching you.
K= Kinks
Alright, he has quite a bit... he's a little dirty dog once you get him going. He definitely has a mommy kink definitely, I mean he has mommy issues so it is inevitable for the word mommy to slip out during sex. He says shit like "You make me feel so good mommy..." or "Can I cum mommy?" In his most pathetic voice as he whimpers so loud.
He's a kinky little fucker, to name a few...Prasing, bondage, role-playing, orgasm control, Voyeurism, humiliation. The list goes on and on. He was so embarrassed to bring them up to you starting off, he felt wrong for liking these things. You basically had to fuck it out of him but when he did, he felt so comfortable with you. Sex gets rough and a bit chaotic, but it was for you guys and you guys only so it didn't really matter. As long as you two were both comfortable and enjoying it, it didn't really matter.
L= Location (favorite place to do it)
This is where Spencer Reid lacks alright. He likes to be in his own bed when doing it, I mean he can't really afford to be too adventurous in this area. He's an FBI agent... he can't get caught doing it anywhere else. That's not to say y'all haven't done it in other places, the hotels he stays at on cases have been a regular thing for you guys, but he just doesn't feel safe doing it anywhere else but his own home.
M= Motivation (What turns them on?)
Like I said earlier, he never really got turned on before you. He always thought there was something wrong with him when it came to sex, but girl... you opened a floodgate to him. What turns him on the most is when he thinks of you. Especially if he sees something, let's say he sees a desk... he can't help but imagine bending you over it. It's just you, when you creep up on his mind randomly... he turns into putty.
He also gets so flustered and turned up to the max when you humiliate him in public, like teasing him in front of the team. He gets so sexually frustrated, hearing you joke about him in front of Morgan or teasing him with Garcia about how smart he is... especially calling him "pretty boy"... just gets him going.
N= NO (Something they wouldn’t do/ turn offs)
As an agent of the BAU, constantly around murder and gore and pure violence... Spencer is really picky about violence in the bedroom. He wants sex to be light and fun, not dark. He doesn't mind degrading or hitting... but he wants to keep it at a minimum. I mean he sees it all day, every day. So he'd just rather keep it upbeat in the bedroom, he'd much rather praise you than anything else.
That is a gray area for him, however there is something that he will never do. He hates bodily fluids, so spit and blood... etc. is just off the table for him. Not only is he around it all day, but he doesn't like the germs and bacteria it comes with.
O= Oral (Giving or receiving, skill etc.)
This man could go down on you for hours, I mean... hours. Like I feel like this man jumps up and down when you let him eat you out. This man will attempt to tease you but he gets so eager when he eats your pussy, so he always ends up letting you cum the second your orgasm comes. His favorite after-work activity is to come to the hotel or your shared apartment, pull your panties down, and eat you out like a hungry man. Not to get all psychological (I'm telling y'all I have been watching too much criminal minds lately) but I feel like it's definitely a control thing. I mean his entire life has been out of his control, his entire career is about fighting for control... so the only time he feels somewhat in control is when he goes down on you.
Spencer Reid obviously enjoys receiving as well, I mean what man doesn't like getting some head? He finds you so pretty on your knees, trying desperately to get him off which doesn't take too long for him when you're like this. Spencer just prefers giving simply because he wants to make you feel good, I mean he so desperately wants to make you feel good. Plus he's really good at it, I mean really good...
P= pace (are they fast or rough? slow or sensual?)
As said before, Spencer is eager. He is extremely fast with it, I mean to the point you have to tell him to slow down sometimes because he's going crazy. "Slow down Spence.." You moan into the pillows as your face down, ass up. "Sorry... it... you... fuck... you just feel so good" He stutters out, probably the only time spencer reid gets twisted up with his words is when he fucks you. You would have to be the one to go slow with it, you want him to feel the love in the act. You want him to understand sex doesn't have to be a scientific act, it isn't just for procreation or for the orgasm... it can be an act of love.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies)
He probably loves them more than eating you out, actually.. I wouldn't go that far. It's a close second to it. He's a busy man, always on a case or trying to finish a book. They are especially good when y'all are traveling for cases like y'all only have 8 minutes before you have to get back to work... he can make you both cum 3 times in 4. He loves long drawn-out ones too, he likes making you feel good for hours but they are rare occurrences simply because he's always getting called into the office. So honestly quickies are how y'all survive.
R= Risk (Are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
He loves experimenting! Like I said before, he has done his research and he probably made a list of things he would like to try with you. He had to get comfortable first to be able to experiment, it was a long process of breaking Dr. Spencer Reid out of his shell. But now it feels like you guys are always trying new things, I mean like every time you guys have sex... Spencer asks if he can do something new to you.
As for risks, he is not for risks. If it genuinely is risky, causing harm to either one of you or something that will cause Morgan to tease him every day for?? It's off the table like I said before... His entire job is about risks, he just wants your guy's sex life to be healthy and normal.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Spencer can go all night. Let's be honest, it's how he stays fit. Like I said, Spencer gets horny quickly so after every orgasm he has... he's already hard again. I feel like the most rounds y'all have gone is like 8 or 9, it was all in the course of 3 hours too. Again it's a rare occurrence for you guys to have long drawn-out sessions, it mostly happens when spencer has the day off or after a case and y'all spend the day in the city the case was in. When days like this do come, spencer goes crazy and full-on out. He'll light the candles, he'll have a tub of lube, he'll have bottles of water for you guys because he knows y'all will need lots of water after.
I feel like Spencer doesn't last very long, maybe 5 minutes but like I said... he gets hard really fast and he'll edge himself over and over again just so he can make you feel good. I feel like you also help him build up his tolerance, so he slowly starts to last longer and longer. When y'all first started having sex, he couldn't last over 2 minutes... let's be honest now y'all.
T= Toys (do they have toys and who do they use them on?)
ooooh, this is a fun one because spencer reid loves experimenting, so toys are definitely something he likes. He's really into vibrators, especially when you let him watch you masturbate... he just loves watching you tease yourself with it. However, when you use vibrators on him... makes him weak in the knees, for obvious reasons but also because of the sensation of the vibrating and then your hands or pussy?!? He can't help but cum every single time without fail.
Alright y'all I know, spencer reid likes to be pegged. He went completely feral when you bought it for the first time, he begged you to destroy him with the strap. He is a bottom, he likes to be dominated... It goes without saying that he likes to be pegged. You do this thing though, where you're taking him from the back and you use a vibrator to hold his cock. You have him screaming with that move you do.
As for other toys, I feel like he has a pair of handcuffs or bondage toys laying around.
U= Unfair (how much do they tease?)
He doesn't do much teasing but you do, you tease him so much that he is begging to be fucked by the time you guys are alone. He's used to being teased by literally everyone in his life, but something about your teasing... no matter if sexual or not, never fails to make him all flustered.
His teasing isn't really teasing, to him it is but every time he tries teasing you, you end up getting so confused. He'd be like, "You look good in that shirt, it would look way better off though... You know statistically, women in shirts...". Just a very Reid thing to do. You always feed on his teasing though, you want to make him feel good about himself so you just smile and nod.
V= Volume (How loud are they?)
This mf is loud as fuck. Sometimes you have to push his face into the pillows or make him bite down on your panties because he's just so loud. He doesn't moan either, he whimpers and whines. There's a time when you love making him whimper, you encourage it actually. You love seeing his red, flustered face as he whines for you to let him cum. Then there are times, like in hotels, that you have to keep him quiet. Unfortunately, Spencer Reid doesn't do quiet. You shoving your wet panties in his mouth is a regular thing in those times, he can't complain because he loves the taste.
He is also very vocal, he loves praising and being praised. He will whimper out "Fuck... make me feel good.." or "wanna cum in you.." You always cave into his wants, I mean his little whimpers are so cute how can you not?
W- Wild card (Random headcanons)
We all know that spencer reid loves books and statistics, so he will definitely multitask when fucking you. He loves when he's at his desk at home and you come in, wearing nothing but one of his sweaters. You'll crawl down on your knees and suck him off under the desk. You force him to do work as you make him cum, over and over and over. He also likes it when you cockwarm him, asking him questions about the case and if he messes up or stutters... you snap your hips down and make him whine. One time, when you were riding him in his office chair... he was reading a book, like an old literature book. "Are you reading right now?" You asked him, confused because like what? and he replied. "yeah... it's okay, you can keep going. I'll be done in a minute." He smiled so innocently, you wanted to fuck him harder after that.
Also, he uses his statistics to make you feel good, he read in a college textbook about female anatomy that girls like their nipples played with during sex so he tried it on you. You had no idea you liked that until Spencer Reid started pinching them. He'll also tell you the statistics while doing it, which I think is kinda funny. "Statistically, 76% of women have never stimulated they're g-spot," He says as he thrusts up, hitting yours perfectly.
X= X-ray (What’s going on in their pants)
Spencer Reid is a very scrawny and skinny man, so I know he is packing. He's probably a little over average, not too much but enough to make you nervous if you'll be able to take it all. He has a very pretty dick too, very well-groomed and very clean. He doesn't have much girth too, but honestly, size doesn't matter.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Very high sex drive, that's why quickies are so important to him. He didn't really understand Morgan's obsession with women at first until he actually had sex... now he always wants to be inside of you. He begs a lot too, if he's horny... all he will do is beg and plead for you to touch him. "Spencer we just got here, settle down." You scold him as he tries to get you to the private bathroom. "Please y/n... you look so pretty in your dress and... it's making my stomach hurt." Eventually, spencers whining gets you all hot and heavy, and you end up fucking him in the bathroom.
Z= ZZZ (How quick do they fall asleep after?)
Spencer passes out after his balls are empty and he is worn out from everything. Like I guess anyone would be exhausted after 7 to 9 rounds of desperately trying to get off. Not only but he has a very mentally and physically exhausting job, so he's out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow. 
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josibunn · 10 months
“All mine, right?”
fem!Reader x possessive!Euronymous ^_^
Warning!!! This is NOT about the real, teen girl edge lord Euronymous. This is about Rory Culkin’s portrayal of him in Lords of Chaos, because he just looks too scrumptious :)
heavy(?) smut, euronymous being so mean, noticing Varg trying to flirty with you, making him blow up on you, you getting the bigger first :( hitting (spanking, slapping), fingering, orgasm denial, name-calling (slut, dirty girl, dirty pussy, sir, pretty thing, good girl etc.), dacryphilia&breeding if you squint, use of ‘pussy’, semi-public sex, you’re in his office, a bit fluffy in the end :33
a/n: my first fic here! reposts r really appreciated :3 minors dni
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* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*༺♡༻ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
you sat pretty on the couch of Øysteins band den, a drink in hand. You were here to support him since he just released his newest album with his band, but he was hosting a party, so he was nowhere to be seen.
he knew this wasn’t your usual scene, you didn’t really know anybody but his band mates, but he told you it'd be fun, and he needed you there. that’s what drew you in, he was never really affectionate with you, always keeping up his edgy, dark hearted attitude. so when he said it you knew he meant it.
you messed with your skirt you wore for him, you stuck out too, probably the only outlier here. pretty in pink with your cute little purse, skirt and cropped shirt, which so happened to be his merch. he loved it, and he loved how opposite you two looked when you went out.
and everyone knew you were his, I mean, he never expressed that you were his girlfriend to anyone that wasn’t you or his family, but everyone knew. you followed him around like a puppy, and he wasn’t one for pda, but you always held the sleeve of his leather to keep up with him.
he was possessive. you could feel yourself getting wetter as you reminisced, making you rub your thighs together. there would be times where he’d go off on someone for talking to you, and then you for giving them the time of day. he was obsessed with you. he couldn’t help it.
he especially didn’t want you talking to his band mates. It’s not that he thought you’d cheat on him, god no. but he knew why they acted how they acted around you, he hated it. a pretty, dolled up thing like you? they can’t be civil, making crude jokes at you when you turned your back or left the room, it made him clench his jaw.
so when he slipped through the crowd of people in his den, seeing Varg suddenly sitting closely next to you, whispering something in your ear, he thought back to all the times Varg had said he’d take you from him straight to his face, talking about the nasty, awful things he’d do to you if you were his. Euronymous never told you about the things they said about you, he just told you to stay away from them.
Varg always said it was a joke, but they both knew it wasn’t. and Euronymous could see it now that he wasn’t joking as he watched his hand trail up your thigh. he finished his beer before throwing it to the ground, standing tall in front of you two.
you felt relieved, you never liked Varg, he made you uneasy, especially with the way he was touching you just now before Euronymous showed up. even then his hand was still going higher, rubbing your flesh in circles, making you blush uncomfortably.
“hi baby,” you sighed softly, thankful he was here to save you. but he looked at you with a nasty glare, a look he only gave you when he was really angry. What’d I do? You thought.
“the fuck are you doing??” he pulled you up by your arm and next to him, and you didn’t know if he was talking to you or Varg.
“we were just talking, she looked bored.” said Varg, Euronymous gripping your arm more tightly now. “oh yeah? talking, with your hand up her fuckin’ skirt? do you think I’m fuckin’ stupid??” he called him something as he walked off with you, dragging you through the crowd.
“we-we really we’re just talking, I swear.” you plead your case, seeing and feeling just how angry he was as he pushed through people.
“i bet you were, so what were you talking about? with Christian?” He threw you onto the floor of his office, making you land on your knees. you whimpered at the sting of hitting the floor, standing yourself to the best of your abilities.
“I..I don’t know he was just talking, I wasn’t even paying attention, I swear. I-i was waiting for you, I didn’t do anything..” you propped yourself up on his desk, watching him take off his jacket, throwing it onto his couch and walked you behind his desk, moving the chair. He scanned your body, watching you fiddle with your shirt nervously.
“turn around.” he demanded, and you wasted no time, facing the door as you waited for his next command or move, but it was quiet.
before you could look back he bent you over by the back of your neck, his boot kicking your legs open with ease. “it just had to be Christian, huh? what, you fucking like him or something? is he better than me??”
“no! n-no, he just came up to me, I didn’t know what to do,” you frowned, he bent you further onto the desk as you looked back at him, hoping he could see some truth in your pouty, scared face as he hiked your skirt up.
he didn’t care, though. he was only focused on that wet spot pooling in your panties, it only made him angrier, his jaw clenching and his brows raising slightly. “you’re a dirty fuckin’ girl, you know that?” he slapped your ass, making you yelp.
“does getting touched by another man turn you on? huh slut?” he rubbed where your wetness pooled, making you snatch back your breath and let out a tiny moan, pushing back onto his thick fingers.
“n-no baby it wasn’t like tha-” “so now you’re lyin’ to me? you’re fuckin’ soaking.” you heard the snap of the delicate panties you wore before feeling him throw them down to the ground, pushing a finger into you quickly.
“Euronymous!” you moaned out, fingertips gripping his desk and your lips perched against one of the stack of papers on his desk. “were you hoping he’d do this to you? sneak you off somewhere, fuck you in the bathroom? my bathroom?” he shoved his other finger into you, making you choke out a moan at the stretch.
in all honesty the thought alone made you cringe, you didn’t know why he was acting like this over Varg, you’d expressed many times about how he grossed you out.
“dirty fuckin’ pussy,” he watched you suck him in, moaning and clenching around him as he drilled his fingers into you, your slick coating his fingers. “you don’t even know what he’d do to you, do you? he’d treat you like a real whore, he wouldn’t even think about being as nice as I’m being.” he pulled you back up, biting and sucking on your neck, his other hand pulling up your shirt and grabbing at your nipple.
“doesn’t even know how to handle a pretty thing like you, wouldn’t know how to make this pussy feel as good as I do.” he huffed, teeth grazing your jaw, and he could tell you were close in the way your moans got airier, the way you grabbed onto his wrist and the way you bounced back onto his fingers, even though you knew you couldn’t take the overstimulation you got when you did.
your legs shook as you moaned out, throwing your head back against his chest, mumbling curses as you felt your release creep onto you. “he probably wouldn’t even make you cum,” he pulled his fingers out and pushed you back onto the desk. “like that.”
you gasped and whined, feeling your release fade away. “Euronymous! Øystein, baby, please,” you whined, grinding on his jeans, feeling his bulge pressing against your wet heat. “please I-I wanna cum, wan’ you to make me cum,” you pleaded, but he held your back down, stopping your grinding.
“oh now you want me? thought you were all wet for Christian,” he taunted, watching at how your ass wriggled under his grip, trying to find some relief again, a small smirk on his face.
“no baby, no, just you, jus’ you I promise,” you slurred, looking back at him, and this time he kept the eye contact, his eyes low and his head tilted slightly. “just me?” he repeated with faux sympathy, still pressing down on your back.
you nodded, “only you Øystein, not him, never, please baby please..” you whimpered, spreading your legs further. he groaned, seeing your pretty, soaking pussy on display for him like that, begging him to be used, claimed.
“you promise?” he smirked, unlatching his belt quickly, pulling his pants down to his knees. you gasp, nodding frantically. “yes! yes I-I promise, I promise,” you watched his dick spring free from his boxers, god you loved how pretty it was. he had a nice great length on him, probably why he was so short, girthy, beautiful bulging veins and a pretty red mushroom tip oozing with pre cum as he held it at the base, teasing your hole that clenched around air, waiting for him.
you gasped when he pushed his tip in you, holding you down so you wouldn’t push back on him like you usually would. no, he wanted you to work for it, even though he knew he couldn’t resist you in your needy, whiny state for too long. he was already over his breaking point. “you gonna be my good girl?” he cooed, sliding his tip in and out teasingly, hearing you gasp and moan each time he glided out.
“uh huh, yes sir I-i’ll be good for you,” you nodded, swallowing back the drool pooling in your mouth. “you’re all mine, right? not that poser?”
“no, never, never ever. m’all yours Øystein-aah!!” he pushed all of himself in you with one smooth glide, the stretch of his cock making you let out an almost pornographic moan, arching your ass up to him, his hands still holding your back down, gliding down your hips.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned, bowing his head as he gripped your hips, his thumbs making deeper imprints on your back dimples. Euronymous was never one to be slow and gentle, but he’d usually give you time to adjust to his size.
he didn’t do that this time, no :( he wasted no time, slamming his hips into yours recklessly, each blow hitting deep inside you, making you moan out, your face flushed hot at how loud you were being. anyone that walked by could definitely hear how much of slut he’s making of you. if anything, the thought got you wetter.
“that’s right baby, all mine, huh, pretty girl?” he huffed, pulling you further back onto him, hitting even deeper, knocking wind right out of you. your moans toppled each others, though you knew you were much louder.
he grunted and pulled you up against his chest, his right hand snaked around your neck. you yelped when he smacked you across the face, “baby. m’talkin’ to you.”
“s-sorry, m’sorry,” you apologized quickly, and god he loved when you got like this, all cock drunk and sloppy, barely able to hold yourself up, your legs shaking under him as he fucked you remorselessly, so eager to cum. it just sent him more and more over his own edge.
“yes, yes i’m all yours, only you—f-fuck—baby all yours, yoursyoursyours,” you fucked back, trying to messily match his thrusts as your orgasm approached, sharp whines and moans leaving your mouth. the paperwork on his desk was long discarded because of how rough he had been with you, Euronymous grunting above you, bending you back over with your head pressed against the desk, angling his thrusts to hit that spongy spot that always had you falling apart under him.
“that’s it baby, who do you fuckin’ belong to? huh?” he slapped your ass again, definitely leaving marks to pair with the other bruises on your body.
“you, all you Eur-ah-onymous, only yours I swEar,” your voice cracked as you moaned brokenly, hiccuping and sobbing with each deep thrust.
“yeah you fuckin.do.” he groaned, punctuating his words with a sharp deep thrust, making you cry out. and then the damn broke. your orgasm ran you over as he abused your sweet, spongy spot, your moans high pitched and airy.
nobody knew your body like he did, and he wanted to you know that, remember that, just in case something like earlier happened again. “oh fuck baby, o-oh! oh!!” you moaned, gripping the desk, clenching down on him.
he groaned, “I know baby, I know. you still think anyone could make you feel as good as this?” he grunted, though he knew you couldn’t pay attention as you shook below him.
he listened to your sobs, they egged him on, fucked up his rhythm, making his thrusts sloppy and unkept as he grew closer, digging his nails into your skin. “that’s it baby, cum on this fucking dick,” he leaned over, toying with your clit, drawing fat circles.
you were so overwhelmed with pleasure you almost forgot where you were as you squirted all over his floor and thighs, pornographic moans flying off your tongue as you squirmed under him, trying to collect yourself but he just kept toying with you, overstimulating you, pushing you over your limit.
he knew you couldn’t handle it when he played with you like this, but he loved hearing you cry, as nasty as it was. “Øystein it-it’s too much, too much!” you’d cry, cheeks puffy and stained, lips swollen, tears sitting pretty on your lashes, and he revelled in it.
“fuck baby, gonna ruin this pussy for anyone else, no one’s gonna have you,” he gripped your body as he chased his release, fucking you faster, his eyes glued to where your bodies connected, watching you suck him in each time, the squelching of your fluids and your own moans flying through his head.
“all mine, all mine, you got that? not his, oh fuck, oh fuckfuckfuck,” he kept slamming into you before you felt the hot ropes of cum shoot into you, shaky whimpers being heard from above you, his breath heavy as he tried to calm himself down with you.
he sighed, rubbing a hand down your back affectionately. “talk to me, you ok?” he whispered, pulling out of you gently, trying not to hurt you. you whined, feeling empty as he watched the globs of cum seep out of you. you nodded, flipping on your back, your legs open on the side of him as he put himself away.
“you were so good, my good, good girl,” he kissed your face and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the corners of your mouth, making you smile weakly. “you’re not gonna talk to him anymore, yeah? I know you didn’t mean to make me angry,” he cooed, rubbing your back.
you nodded, resting your head on his shoulder. “that’s my girl, sit tight,” he grabbed a old shirt and your underwear off the floor, realizing he ripped it. he cleaned you up and slid your underwear back on, tying the side that was ripped until you guys could get home for a new pair, he promised to replace them anyway.
to your surprise he walked out holding you close, his hand around your arm, people coming up to him asking where he was, and you know you two smelt like hot sex and sweat, but he didn’t seem to care, eyeing everyone down that looked at you.
a/n: i’m so sorry that was so long!! I got so carried away, but you guys don’t put in for R!euronymous like you should bc he’s SOOOOO hot!! but thank u for reading :3 dm for tag list or moots <;33
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c-nstantine · 7 months
"Oh, my God, my parents are swingers!"
Description: Dick finds out about his parents extra-marital activities
Word Count: 0.7k
Warnings: Hella references to sex and threesomes, foursomes, extramarital activities, Y/N is bi, Bruce is bi
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The manor was supposed to be empty. Tim and Duke were at some gaming convention and Cass decided to tag along. Damian was staying with the Kents for the weekend. Dick was meant to be home in Bludhaven and Jason was out with the Outlaws. Little Thomas and the twins were with Y/N's parents. Alfred took this as an opportunity to see an exhibit that he wanted to see and took the weekend off. Y/N and Bruce wouldn't've had Selina over if anyone was coming over, and they sure as hell wouldn't have let her in their bed if they knew Dick had forgotten his keys.
"Selina?" Dick asked, noticing that Selina was in the kitchen. She just wanted a cup of coffee after the night that Bruce and Y/N had put her through. She wasn't exactly dressed for company and wrapped one of Y/N's silk robes around herself tighter. 
"Hey, Dick," She tried to say as not awkwardly as possible. It's not like she just had sex with his parents or anything.
"Why are you here? Where your clothes at? Is Bruce cheating?" Dick asked questions one after another. He wasn't very sure what was going on but he was sure he didn't like it.
"Um-" Selina was a bit too discombobulated to answer but the hickies on her neck weren't helping the case.
"Dick, what are you doing here?" Bruce said walking into the kitchen with only his boxers. He got Selina her cup of coffee but when he turned to grab the mug from the cabinet, Dick gasped from the marks on Bruce's back. Bruce had a lot of scars from his time as Batman but these were fresh and looked more like nail scratches than injuries.
"You're cheating on mom?" Dick asked waving a finger at his adoptive father.
"No, I'm not cheating on your mother. Do you think I'm dumb?" Bruce spoke with wide eyes. He couldn't dream of his life without Y/N and he knew for a fact if he ever thought about cheating, Y/N might cut his dick off but in a loving way. 
"Oh, hey Dick, How's my eldest boy?" Y/N said coming around the corner in a silk nightie. Dick was confused and none of this was making sense to him in the moment. 
"Mom?" Dick called out, bracing himself against the counter.
"Yeah, Dick," Y/N responded handing, Selina cream, and sugar. Selina simply thanked her with a kiss on the cheek. 
"Why are none of you properly dressed?" Dick asked with his face burning a bright red. 
"See Dick when two people like each other very much and they want to share that love," Y/N tried to break it down for Dick as if he was a small child. 
"Oh my God, you guys are swingers. My parents are swingers," Dick rubbed his hands through his hair. He felt sweaty for some reason like his parents caught him having sex instead of the other way around.
"We're not swingers. We just enjoy extra company on occasion," Y/N tried to justify and she was probably doing a terrible job at it.
"Yeah, Dick. It's not always me," Selina spoke softly after drinking her coffee. Y/N lightly slapped her thigh and Selina simply smirked at her. 
"Selina, you are not helping right now," Bruce grumbled into his hands before walking around the kitchen to find bread before toast. There were only two things Bruce could make by himself, coffee and toast.
"What do you mean by that? What does she mean by that?" Dick regretted the question as soon as it left his mouth. 
"Dick, sometimes your father and I have extra-marital affairs but together. What Selina meant is that we sometimes have relations with Oliver and Dinah, or Diana, or Hal Jordan, or Clark and Lois, etc," Y/N listed out a few too many names and Dick internally gagged. At this point, he just wanted to find his keys and leave. 
"That's the definition of swingers. I'm gonna leave now and pretend I never heard any of this," Dick said grabbing his keys. Selina waited until she heard the large door slam before speaking again.
"So, round four?" Selina asked while hopping on the counter and removing the robe. Bruce and Y/N made eye contact before moving towards the woman in between them and it was that day that Dick learned not to show up unannounced if he could avoid it.
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sleepyangelkami · 2 months
pls do more of carl grimes😭🙏🙏 (can be smut or fluff idrc🤭)
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 2.1K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - there was a heavy difference between travelling the roads filled with dead people walking and alexandria, a place that you fear is too much like the old world. you have some trouble adjusting, luckily your boyfriend carl doesn't mind you using him as a human shield.
 ☆ WARNINGS - anxiety, social anxiety, obvious attachment issues, aged up characters, (2) use of y/n, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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the roads were unlike anything you'd ever experienced in your entire life.
the prison wasn't exactly the best option but it was safe and it was secure. it kept the dead out and the living in. when you were at the prison, you were never told to leave the grounds. perhaps that was why the road had been such a shock to you and not the others.
you thought when you and the others got off the roads and found a new place to settle down, things would mellow out.
and by things, i mean the elephant in the room between you and carl.
you and carl had been dating for quite some time now. you'd always been close, you supposed. but on the roads? he was your safe haven. you slowly began isolating yourself into just you and him.
though he never minded, of course.
if anything, it put carl a little at ease, knowing you were always so close to him. during the prison, he worried tremendously about you, where you were during the night, what you were doing. you two weren't permitted to sleep in a cell together, at that stage.
but rick's rules began to disappear when death began to slap him in the face over and over. if anything were to happen to any of you, he'd like to think you lived doing what you wanted, what made you happy.
besides, you didn't really have anyone other than the grimes' family.
michonne and you had moved into the large grimes' house in alexandria. rick and michonne were at one end of the hall, judith's room somewhere in between and then it was carl's room. you didn't like to call it your room seeing as it wasn't your house. but the grimes' let you know that it was as much your house as it was theres.
"you wanna go for a walk or something?" carl questioned causing your head to move from his shoulder.
you and carl had this sort of ritual of reading comic books together since the beginning of the breakout. you were thankful that at least that didn't change now that you were in alexandria. "do you want to?"
carl shrugged, debating. sure, he wanted to. at the same time, he worried for you. it was evident that the change hadn't been good for you. once so bubbly and outgoing, you'd sort of shrunk into yourself. now, you didn't even feel all that comfortable talking to rick. "why not? the place is huge."
that much was true.
you'd never seen a place as huge as this, even before the breakout. you only worried that you may run into someone on the way.
"what's going on up there, baby?" his finger tapped against your head, bringing you back.
with a bitten lip, you tried your best to conceal the obvious anxiety bubbling in your chest. "i don' know... i jus' don't wanna see anyone."
"we don't have to." he shrugged his shoulders. "we'll just keep reading the comic." before relaxing back into the pillows of his bed.
but you couldn't leave it at that. "but you want to. you should go without me." feeling bad that you were restricting him from doing the things he wanted.
he could only chuckle lowly. "don't be silly, angel. wouldn't go nowhere without you." he didn't realise it, but truthfully, it had been the most comforting thing you'd heard all week.
you'd had so much worry caught in your throat about going out and meeting people that you began to think you were weighing the others down, too. "but i feel bad." you mumbled, voicing your feelings to the only person you felt like you could.
carl was quick to shush you. "i was just suggesting, maybe another day. y'know, now that i think about it, i'm kind of in the mood for hot coco and a movie, what d'you say?" though he was already getting up from the bed.
you sat criss-cross legged on the bed, practically pouting at him. "you don't like hot coco." you informed him, knowing what he was getting at.
"why can't you just let me do something nice for my pretty girl, hm?" lifting out his hand to you and letting you take it.
carl would never force you to talk to anyone.
a couple more days in the new community passed and rick was beginning to get worried. of course, he knew you and carl weren't normal teenagers, you never would be after the things you'd experienced in your lives. but he wanted you to be as normal as could be, and that included at least trying to make friends.
obviously, the man hadn't picked up on the obvious anxiety that followed you like a dark cloud over your head. so, he made arrangements with the blonde woman who lived down the street who had a son about your guy's age. who had a girlfriend and another guy friend. rick thought there would be no harm in at least meeting them. and if you came back to the house, not liking them, then he wouldn't force you guys to go back.
or at least it should have been.
you were sure you were shaking like a leaf by the time you made your way to the white door from across the street. worried you'd be looked at oddly, you didn't hold carl's hand, though you stayed silent, behind him.
the woman, jessie anderson, let you in with a smile on her face.
then you met her son, ron. "so mikey and enid are upstairs waiting for us, got some cool games if you play."
"uh, sure." as much as carl wasn't the awkward type, he still felt sort of odd in someone else's house. perhaps that was because he never experienced the whole 'teenager sleepover' thing.
you followed carl up the stairs, staying eerily close to him. you heard ron talk, even crack a joke. carl laughed and made a joke back. but truthfully, their words fell on deaf ears for you. your eyes travelled around the house, glancing to the family portraits hanging and so on.
you didn't look back until ron opened his bedroom door, allowing you both in and shutting it again. "hey guys." a boy with black hair whipped around and the girl who was sat on the bed, comic in hand, didn't bother looking up.
"oh, hey." the boy didn't exactly say hi to ron, more so to carl and you.
"hi." the girl spoke, not so much as looking away from the pretty coloured pages.
"so, this is mikey." pointing to the black haired boy who nodded swiftly before turning back to the gaming console he'd been playing on. "and enid." the girl who finally glanced up, eyeing the two of you before nodding. "and guys, this is carl and... sorry, what was your name again?"
three pairs of oggling eyes on you. you felt your own eyes widen and your mouth part, a little dry. suddenly, your own name was caught in your throat.
"y/n." carl responded for you, loud and proud as if he'd wanted to boast about you. "her name's y/n." instinctively, you found yourself shuffling closer to the boy, trying to make yourself as unseen as possible.
you swore you didn't leave his side the entire time you spent there. he got comfortable on the ground, back against the bed while ron sat above you two, at the edge, mikey on the desktop chair and enid, now on her second comic.
"so, how long you two been together?" you glanced up at the sound of mikey's voice. he was a well put together boy, expensive sweater and a collared shirt beneath. you were suddenly thankful for carl's dirty boots, cowboy hat and loose flannels. "been third wheeling these two for like forever. i know a couple when i see one."
carl and ron both huffed out a laugh, you did not. "yeah, we've been together for like forever too." carl's head turned to give you a graceful smile, one that had your cheeks turning a light pink before smiling back ever so softly. "hey, where's the, uh, where's the bathroom?"
you were almost tempted to grasp his arm and tell him you were coming with.
"just out the hall, first door to the right." ron answered, without taking his eyes off the screen.
"thanks, man." carl's baby blue's turned back to your nervous face. "i'll be back in a second, okay?"
you nodded, though you could feel the colour drain from your face without even looking in a mirror. carl left as quickly as he could, deciding that the quicker he left, the quicker he would be back. "so..." ron voiced again. you suddenly wondered how much he liked the sound of his voice, seeing as he wouldn't stay quiet for longer than a full minute. "not much of a talker?" you nodded your head softly before hearing the loud crash on the video game, jumping a little. "jumpy too huh?" you breathed out a sigh, shying in on yourself.
"don't worry." enid voiced, only now choosing to speak. "you get used to the noise again."
this caused your head to spin, what was she talking about. and without even having to ask, ron answered your question. "enid was on the roads too. i heard your group was on the road for a while, how was it?"
how was it?
"scary." you answered shortly, turning backwards and feeling your hands become clammy.
if there was one thing you wanted to forget, it was the roads. every day, it seemed as though you were loosing someone else. every day, you faced death and it stared you back right in the eyes. panic would come over you, wheeze it's way through your lungs.
carl would always hold you back, close to him as he stabbed his way through walkers with the others. but even that was a comfort to none.
every day, you were living, wondering if it'd be your last.
"i'll bet. i couldn't imagine living without my xbox." he snorted before pressing the shooting button again and letting bullets fly. it was now that you wished carl was next to you again, at least then you could squeeze his hand 'til it turned purple.
you wondered if everyone here was that shallow. if everyone only worried about their xbox or their stupid assets that in the long run, meant nothing.
"so, what do you think about alexandria?" this time it was mikey who'd asked the question.
"scary." you huffed out again. "but a different kind of scary."
"intimidating." enid answered for you. "it'll be like that for a while but you get used to it, just like the noise." you could tell that she was one of the good ones. the ones who don't care about silly things like objects. you could tell she'd seen the horrors you had, too.
"thanks." you mumbled, sheepishly glancing down to your fingers.
soon enough, carl returned from the bathroom, catching onto your face full of anxiety. he excused you both, stating that his dad needed help rearranging furniture or something or other. stupidly enough, the others believed you and soon bid a goodbye.
when you left, it felt like you could finally breathe again. you let out a breath of relief, fluttering your eyes shut and opening them again. carl was careful to peer at your face. "what'd you think?"
"the girl's nice." you mumbled.
"yeah? think so?" you could only nod in response. "well that's good, maybe you guys'll become friends. and the guys?"
you shrugged. "ron talks a lot." this caused carl to grin, a laugh puffing out from his cheeks causing you to do the same. it was much easier to laugh when it was just you and carl, even after everything you two had been through. "did you like 'em?"
"i guess." he gently nudged his nose against your cheek. "nothing compared to you, though." you couldn't help but roll your eyes, pretty smile dancing on your cheeks.
you huffed out again, noticing the way your chest suddenly felt clear of knots. "that was scary." you spoke honestly.
carl nodded his head, understanding that it wasn't exactly your thing. "it'll get better, though. just takes some getting used to." you couldn't agree more. "you're just having a little trouble adjusting, that's all. but you got me, right?"
the boy's elbow nudged you causing you to giggle softly and lean against his shoulder. "yeah, i got you."
he pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of your hair. "c'mon, let's go pick out another comic."
now that sounded like fun.
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main masterlist/carl's masterlist
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writeyouin · 1 year
I had an idea for the new transformers movie, and like
Imagine being taken by Mirage with Noah, maybe they'd agreed to help him with the job, maybe they had experience, or some other reason, not the point
But as soon as they're both out the car, and Mirage is transformed, what do they do?
While Noah is waving around with a pipe, they're just staring at Mirage
When he finally turns his attention to them it's just
Mirage: Hey! Ya ain't screaming, ain't that nice? Hey man why can't you be more like them?
Y/N, in an obviously flirty tone: Hey~
Mirage: Oh! Oh it's like that ;) why hello you awfully adorable alien
Noah: What- what are you doing?
Y/N: Shut up I'm trying to get a man
Mirage X Reader – Flirtatious Meeting Part 1 of 2
A/N - I should technically be getting to other, older requests, but hey, when inspiration bites you in the ass, you don't question it. So, thanks for this great request, it was a lot of fun. I'm obsessed with Mirage now.
Warnings - None.
Rating - T
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You gasped as you were thrown from the Porsche that you had accidentally stolen with Noah. Honestly, you weren’t sure how you had gotten into the situation with him, only that you were trying to stop him from making a stupid mistake, and instead you had gotten taken on a joy-ride by a self-driving car.
At this point you were pretty sure the vehicle belonged to some kind of insane billionaire who had driven it via remote control and that you and Noah were going to some secret, privately owned prison wherein the billionaire in question would have the last laugh.
“Oh my God,” You panted, rolling onto your side.
Behind you, you heard a whoop of delight, followed by a comment about how fun that joyride was. You pushed yourself up, ready to yell at whatever jerk had hijacked the car that you had admittedly been part of hijacking yourself.
“(Y/N),” Noah stuttered your name as he tapped your shoulder trying to get you to turn around.
From your peripheral you saw him bend down to pick up a busted pipe and you spun quickly to face your assailant, gasping again when you saw a giant robot.
You could have described him by his height, or his demeanour, or by the fact that you had no idea where he had come from, or who, if anyone had built him, but instead all you could think was that he was… kind of cute. No. That wasn’t it. He was straight up hot, and he seemed to have a sense of humour, which complimented his arrogant nature well.
“Noah,” You hissed. “Put down the pipe.”
“Yeah, Noah,” Mirage mocked, having revealed his own name in his self-serving speech. “Put down the pipe.”
When Noah refused, Mirage’s hand transformed into a cannon of some sort, pointing straight at Noah.
You didn’t dare speak in case things got any worse, but as it happened, Mirage was just toying with Noah, testing his bravery.
“Hmm, tough guy. I like that. I like it a lot.” Mirage mocked playfully, before turning his gaze on you. “And what about you? I mean, you ain’t screaming, that makes a nice change from the movies.”
Mirage looked back to Noah, “You see that man? Your friend ain’t taking a swing at me. You could learn a thing or two from them, so, what’s your deal cutie?”
You didn’t say much past a bright smile and a small flick of your fingers in a half wave, “Hey~”
“Oh! Oh, it’s like that, yeah,” Mirage winked at you. “Well, you ain’t so bad yourself, even if you are an alien.”
“Wait!” Noah demanded, holding out his hands to stop whatever weird flirtation was going on. “You’re an alien?”
“Well, I mean, to me, you’re the aliens,” Mirage countered.
“This is our planet. That makes you the alien.”
You slapped Noah’s arm, “Be nice.”
“Be nice? We just got kidnapped, and you want me to be nice?”
“Hey, we stole him, remember?”
“And he stole us right back! What are you doing anyway?”
You smiled awkwardly at Mirage, “Hey, can you give up a second, please?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Mirage nodded casually, then began whistling, looking away to pretend that he couldn’t hear you.
You grabbed Noah’s shirt and pulled him close to you, “Look man, I was just trying to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life tonight. The least you can do is let me have this, okay?”
“Let you have what?” Noah asked desperately.
“Hey, that alien up there is cute, funny, and I don’t have to ask if he has a vehicle, because he is one. Do you know how many men there are like that? None. So, you can freak out all you want, but I’m trying to score myself a date, okay?”
Noah didn’t get a chance to respond as Mirage interrupted your not-so-secret conversation, “Hey not to bother you but the big guy’s coming now, so you might wanna chill and you know, not threaten him with a pipe or he might squish ya.”
“I’m sorry, someone’s going to squish us?!” Noah demanded incredulously.
“You, maybe, your friend though, (Y/N) was it?”
You nodded, smiling brightly.
“Yeah, (Y/N) not-so-much. See, (Y/N) seems more chill than you Noah, oh and if all goes well, I know a little drive-in cinema we can visit.”
“We’re not going to a drive-in,” Noah deadpanned.
“Ew, no of course not bro. I meant me and (Y/N) there. You’re not gonna be third-wheeling.”
“Consider it a date,” You grinned.
Mirage nodded along happily, and then you, he and Noah were faced with the other Autobots currently residing on Earth.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hello, I love the headcanons of blue lock and reader being their manager and they being simple, I don't know if you can make one where they see how reader someone is flirting with reader it could be Kaiser or sae I want to see them jealous only if it's to your liking write this idea if it's not right
Author: Sorry! I let my imagination wander a little, but it stayed close to the theme in some way! Hope u like it and thanks for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Manga spoilers. No other warnings really. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock is owned by: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
If the Blue Lock building was busy before, then it sure was bussier now with the teams of Bastard München, Manshine city, PXG, Barcha and Ubers coming together to train with the Blue Lock members. The staff was pretty busy and (Y/n) tried her best to help then up, but with the fact that she has to be with the team majority of the time, it was hard.
Right now it was one of the rare moments when (Y/n) got to sit down in the past few days. In the dining area we're just her, Anri, some Manshine and München players eating or just talking.
"Fill out this form, (Y/n). (Y/n)?" Anri called out as the girl kept staring at a certain table being occupied by the Bastard München players.
"He is kind of cute..." (Y/n) muttered shyly to Anri, who immediately looked up from her papers. She barely ever heard (Y/n) talk about anyone in such a way, let alone a guy, so this was a very important information to her!
"Who?" Anri wondered, looking at the table with the German team as (Y/n) snapped out of her daydream and covered up her red face.
"The Bastard player over there.... his smile is so adorable." (Y/n) admitted, not noticing the sly smile on Anri's face.
"My my... is (Y/n) in love?"
"No! I mean... I never even talked to the guy."
"Well, you can change that. Didn't you spend some time in Germany for a exchange program?" Anri questioned as (Y/n) nodded her head. The woman slapped her on the back and gave her an encouraging look.
"You will have something in common then. Just try it out."
"Maybe you are right..."
As the two talked, neither noticed Nagi's frozen form nearby. Although he wasn't someone who would evesdrop, especially on (Y/n), he couldn't help hearing the part of her possibly liking a Bastard München player. The boy gulped and as quietly made his way to the exit, hoping he will find the other Blue Lock players before (Y/n) could make a move on Kaiser.
'Seriously?! Why that bastard of all people?! He is so obnoxious!' Nagi thought as jealousy made its way into his heart.
"Kaiser, I think the manager is into you. She has been staring at our table for a while." The blonde boy stopped his conversation with Ness and both looked at the said table. Kaiser made eye contact with the girl and she immediately looked away, face red from embarrassment.
"Is that so?"
"Well, you do get a lot of looks from girls in Germany Kaiser, not surprised that it's the same case in Japan." Ness added truthfully, feeding his ego more than needed. The boy thought for a moment and looked back at the table, watching as she followed the older woman out of the room.
"Well, might as well give the fan the attention she wants. When are we playing against Yoichi?"
"In about 3 hours." Another player answered, dreading Kaiser's plan already.
"Kaiser?! Michael Kaiser?!" Reo and Hiori yelled in shock as Nagi finished explaining what he had heard in the dining hall. Baro and Kunigami already were cracking their knuckles and Rin was about to rip his hair out.
'Great! While I am over here trying to keep my bastard brother away, that dude had to catch her attention.'
"What about Kaiser? Are we talking about how much of a clown he is?" Isagi laughed as him, Chigiri and Bachira walked into the locker room.
"No! He might be a clown, but he seems to be (Y/n)'s type!" Karasu said as he fell to the floor dramatically and Aryu huffed in disgust.
"He isn't even worthy of her glancing at him, let alone being the object of her affection. Oh I need to give (Y/n) a lesson in class and taste." Aryu said, ready to rip the blonde boy's hair out.
"You... you are joking, right?! Is it April 1st or something?!" Bachira yelled but Reo shook his head, pointing at a shaking Nagi.
"Nagi heard her say that to Teieri-san. He said she was pointing at his table and blushing. This is a tragedy." Yukimiya said sounding more upset by each word.
"We need to stop this from evolving into something more than just a crush." Niko said as Kurona and Gagamaru nodded their heads.
"And how will we do that? It's not like we have any rights to tell (Y/n) what she can say or do." Chigiri said.
"I will just beat Kaiser up, that will keep him away!" Bachira said with a wide grin.
"No, you will get in trouble for it! We need something else." Isagi argued, mad that one of his worst rivals had to catch their manager's attention.
"Well, if we all know (Y/n) correctly, she will stop he activities as soon as one of us needs help. We just got to pretend to be helpless with some tasks." Otoya said, and the rest thought it over for a minute.
"That's not so bad. (Y/n) isn't the kind of girl to abandon her work or friends for some guy, much less Kaiser." Gagamaru finally spoke up, earning a nod from Rin.
"Alright then. For the next few days we are pretending to be stupid, although some of you don't need to pretend." Rin said as he rolled his eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Baro questioned.
"Some of you will call (Y/n) at any opportunity when you have basic tasks to do, for example tying your shoelaces."
"Now you aren't the one to talk, you always pretend to not know how to put bandages properly on." Kunugami added, earning a laugh from Hiori and Bachira.
"That happened once!"
"Not even you believe that." Chigiri and Gagamaru snickered. Isagi kept quiet during the whole ordeal, already preparing to beat Kaiser on the field.
'I am not going to lose (Y/n) to that obnoxious guy. Why did he have to get her attention of all people.'
"Let's just hope Kaiser's lap dog won't catch onto us." Yukimiya's comment caused the rest to laugh, finding the name fitting for Ness.
"Hmmm... and the towels are here! I think everything is ready for the match. I wonder how Isagi feels knowing he had to play against the guy he despises the most and the one he adores." (Y/n) chuckled, remembering how much he insulted Kaiser before the teams arrived.
'Well he does seem full of himself sometimes.'
The girl cringed a little at the thought of the blonde, and just as her luck wanted it, he walked up to her.
"Hey, you must be the manager. (L/n) (Y/n), right?"
The girl blinked a few times and nodded her head, wondering why he walked up to her.
"Yeah... do you or the team need something? I can go get someone!" (Y/n) said, hoping nothing was missing. Kaiser chuckled a little and shook his head.
"Not really, well now that I think of it I might do need something."
"Huh? What is it? Water, towels? Do you want to talk with-"
"Actually, your number would be a good start."
(Y/n) stopped in her rambling and looked at the smiling boy blankly.
"Why would I give you my number?" The girl wondered.
"Well you seem like just my type, so why not get to know each other. I don't offer this to anyone, you know."
"I-" (Y/n) was too stunned for a moment. While yes Kaiser was objectively good-looking and talented, he wasn't that important to her.
"I-I got to go. If you need something else a staff member will help you."
Kaiser was left confused for a moment, thinking she was shy, but that wasn't it.
'It's like she doesn't care? As if she wasn't eyeing me this morning.' Kaiser was offended by now and as (Y/n) was about to speak again, the Blue Lock members interrupted her.
"(Y/n)! Can you help me with my knee brace?"
"I need help with my laces too!" Chigiri and Nagi yelled and Reo pulled her away from Kaiser, who watched the scene in confusion.
"Sure, where is your brace?" (Y/n) asked, shaking her shock away as she looked at Chigiri. Reo and Nagi used the opportunity to glare at the German.
"Don't you have a warm-up with that team of yours? Leave our manager alone." Baro and Kunigami warned as they stood in front of Kaiser, blocking his view at the girl.
'Where did they come from? And moreover, why was she so nonchalant now?' Kaiser wondered.
The game went better than Ego expected, his team didn't have a hard time catching up to the others and they even scored some great goals. The team was quite bloodhugry after they heard Kaiser tried to make a move on (Y/n), so they did their best to intimidate him on the field, which was mostly thanks to Rin, Isagi, Baro and Nagi. After (Y/n) and Anri congratulated them, they started cleaning up, not noticing Kaiser approaching them.
"Not him again...and the lap dog is here too." Otoya rolled his eyes as Isagi and Rin got up.
"Maybe we should go and get something to drink!"
"Yeah, I am thirsty!" Hiori and Kurona said quickly, earning weirded out looks by the girl.
"I just gave you water. You know Ego-san doesn't allow you any sugary liquid right now."
"Yeah, but we need more water!" Bachira suddenly said. Anri rolled her eyes at their childish behavior and pulled (Y/n) by the arm.
"Use this opportunity now." Anri whispered, pushing (Y/n) towards where Kaiser was.
"I... I don't know. He will probably think it's weird."
"Shut up."
Anri said harshly, sending a glare towards Yukimiya who tried to say something. The two approached the 3 arguing boys and the silent one.
'This is a bad idea...'
"Hey, you are Ness, right?" The magenta haired boy raided his eyebrow and looked away from Kaiser.
"(Y/n) here wants to speak with you." Anri said as she left the girl in front of Ness and pulled Rin and Isagi away, embarrassed at their behavior. Kaiser kept quiet, wondering why she was acting so nervous around Ness of all people.
'What am I missing?'
"How can I help you?" Ness asked with his usual smile.
'It looks so cute!' The girl thought.
"I-I wanted to say you did a very great job today. Y-you are really talented!"
"Ah? Really? Thank you, but it wasn't anything special. I do way more during official games." Ness said, a little bit embarrassed by the compliments.
"That must be great then! I hope I will get to watch you play for real soon. Oh!" (Y/n) took her phone out and showed it to Ness.
"I wanted to ask if I could get your phone number. You seem really nice to talk to."
The magenta haired boy blinked a few times, then looked at a flabbergasted Kaiser and then back at (Y/n).
"Aren't you interested in Kaiser? I saw you staring at him today." The boy asked in confusion. (Y/n) felt her already red face get even redder and she shook her head.
"Well... I was staring, won't deny that. But I was actually looking at you, Kaiser was just in the way you could say..." (Y/n) admitted.
'I?! I was in the way of Ness?! What movie did I wake up to?' Kaoser thought as he watched Ness nod his head and typing in his phone number. Feeling a small boost in confidence, Ness spoke up as (Y/n) put her phone away.
"Hey, dinner is in about an hour or so, want to eat together? Since you want to get to know me."
"S-sure!" (Y/n) answered with a shy smile.
Anri cheered as Ego watched the scene in boredom, wondering what the big fuss over it was. Meanwhile the boys were left defeated at the fact that (Y/n) picked Alexis Ness over all of them. Their only saving grace was that the German team will stay in Japan for 2 more days and then leave. After that they can use the time to get (Y/n)'s mind off of the magenta haired boy.
"I need (Y/n)'s eyesight to be checked..." Yukimiya muttered as Aryu nodded his head, refusing to admit defeat.
"Will you stop filming, Shidou?" Loki warned the pink-eyed boy, who was fighting back the urge to laugh.
"What are you talking about? This is gold, Loki! I need to show this to Sae."
"Why him?" The coach of PXG asked in confusion as Shidou put his phone away.
"He has been trying to get close to (Y/n) for a while and failed each time. Imagine his face when a newcomer did it so effortlessly."
Loki sighed in defeat at Shidou's immature behavior.
"Let a brother breath..." He muttered.
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continuation of this story that is still as yet untitled but has been labeled as #FreeRei in my notes app
The fact that Rei had nothing in the way of backpacks, bags, or even a purse due to her seemingly permanent residency at the hospital was both a blessing and a curse.
Navigating the ledge and tree back down to the ground with his mother in tow was a harrowing enough task without luggage complicating matters, though not quite as difficult as Dabi had assumed because apparently his mother was nimble as all hell.
"The hospital offers pilates classes." she told him as he helped her cross from the ledge to a large sturdy branch of the tree. "I go every day, I thought it would be smart to stay in good shape in case I got the chance to escape." she giggled airily. "I guess my instincts were right."
However she now had nothing to her name but the clothes on her back, meaning Dabi was going to have to steal her a bunch of new clothes and shit while trying to lay low and not draw attention to himself because he just kidnapped the number 1 hero's wife.
This is the stupidest thing you've ever done you soft piece of shit, she says a few nice words and you melt into a fucking puddle, pathetic.
Rei left the lump of pillows she had stashed under her bedcovers in place so Dabi knew they had at least until morning before she would be reported missing, enough time to drop into a 24hr corner store and grab a few essentials.
He zipped his collar up over his chin and pulled on his black cloth facemask and hood before going into the thankfully empty store, he wasn't sure if having a gently smiling older woman on his arm made him seem more or less suspicious with his face as hidden as it was. Though in the end it mattered little as long as he wasn't recognised as Dabi, Rei having last been seen with a mysterious masked figure wouldn't be very useful information to anyone trying to find her, but Rei being seen with a member of the League of Villains could cause trouble.
Especially since they had The World's Most Obvious Spy in their midst.
Keeping the bird around had seemed like a good idea at the time, they always knew where the Commission's eyes were, and could feed him information as tainted as what he gave to them, and seeing as he hadn't ratted out their location (after a few trial runs at various decrepit fake bases) his goal seemed to amount to more than simply capturing the League.
But Dabi couldn't guarantee the Commission wouldn't cut their losses on the whole infiltration thing if they found out the League was harbouring someone of such a high profile, there was every chance raising the stakes this way could jeopardise their tentative safety with their hero mole. He was going to have to keep Hawks at arm's length for a while.
"What colour?" he asked Rei as she browsed the shelves for a toothbrush, almost giddy in excitement over something as simple as shopping for toiletries.
"Colour?" Rei asked, peering at the boxes in Dabi's hand.
"White hair's too eye catching and recognisable, if you want to go out in public you'll have to hide it." He held up the two boxes. "Red or black? Forget about blonde or brown, the cheap stuff doesn't set well in our hair."
Rei tapped on the box of black dye. "This one, so we match!" she smiled.
Dabi felt a sudden flood of something warm in his chest before mentally slapping himself and putting the red dye back.
Keep it together for fuck's sake you're a god damn villain, you have literally murdered people.
He smoothly slipped a couple of chocolate bars into his pockets and some wrapped sandwiches into his coat before heading to the counter with the hair dye, a toothbrush, and a packet of cheap medical face masks.
Rei grabbed at the items. "Oh can I buy them? Please?"
Her childlike wonder and excitement pulled at something in Dabi's chest, once upon a time it was him tugging at her sleeve and asking to pay for their groceries like a grown up. He could feel heat gathering beneath his skin.
Fuck he stole so much from us.
Dabi may have risen from the grave to a life of chronic pain in a fragile immunocompromised body that was kept alive by virtue of artificial quirk induced fevers and spite, but it was a price paid for the freedom his death had granted him. Rei was not awarded that luxury, fit and healthy she may be but her life had been reduced to barely more than a small box for over a decade, Dabi didn't know how it hadn't driven her even more batshit insane than Endeavor had.
Well, she did run off with a wanted criminal, maybe them docs didn't fix her up as well as they thought they did.
"I... yeah, yeah sure." he passed her the items and the last of the money in his pocket. "I need to make a call, meet me outside alright? Don't take too long."
Shiggy was gonna fucking dust him if he showed up with a stranger out of the blue, he was going to have to call ahead with some warning.
Shit, he really hadn't thought this through, at all, the League's base was the only safe place he could possibly take Rei and it was filled with unhinged lunatics that would probably scare the poor woman to death.
Although she had been married to a complete monster for half her life, and had enough guts to escape with a villain at the first opportunity. Maybe she wasn't any more frail than she was sane.
Maybe he broke you but he broke me too, yet here I am, parading around in this shattered husk, pretending I belong anywhere but six feet under.
Dabi had worked hard to maintain his mysterious image, the man with no name or past, a ghost in the system. It was necessary, a requirement for his master plan to have any kind of satisfying impact. He'd maintained the act for this long by keeping people at arm's length, trust no one and no one can betray you.
All of that would come crashing down if his mother spent any more than five fucking minutes with Himiko Toga.
The last thing he wanted was to drag his entire lifetime's worth of baggage into the League's hideout in one condensed human sized package, but he'd already started digging this hole, there wasn't anywhere left to go but down.
He opened his phone and scrolled down to 'Crusty Bitch' in his contacts before pressing call.
"Do you have any fucking idea what time it is?" Shigaraki's groggy voice poured through the phone like sand through an hourglass, grainy and impatient.
"I need a favour." Dabi said, his voice a careful mask of apathy.
"...Holy fuck you must be in real deep shit if you're asking me for a favour." Shigaraki said, the venom in his voice leeching away in his surprise. "The fuck have you gotten yourself into?"
"Aw you almost sound worried about me, that's adorable." Dabi smirked.
"Fuck you. I'm hanging up, sort out your own mess." Shigaraki snapped, all venom returning in an instant.
"Wait shit hold on, I'm-" Dabi ran a nervous hand through his hair as he watched his mother chat idly with the cashier through the store window. "I'm bringing a... friend... to the base, they need a safe place to crash and I need everyone to not ask questions."
"...You're fucking joking right? We're not a hotel Dabi, you can't just-"
The phone fell dead silent for an agonising moment, Dabi's head fell back as he squeezed his eyes closed in silent prayer to whatever god might listen.
"Okay, you can bring them to the base, but you're going to tell me exactly what the fuck is going on. If I don't like their story I'm dusting this friend of yours where they stand, got it?"
Dabi let out a relieved breath he hadn't realised he was holding. The threat was an empty one, or at least it would be when Shigaraki discovered that Dabi's 'friend' was just an innocent civilian woman escaping a domestic abuser. The man was deranged but even he had some sympathy for those let down and left behind by hero society, it was why he tolerated the absolute lunacy of the dysfunctional codependent family he'd managed to form around himself.
"Got it, see you in an hour, and..." Dabi paused and rubbed at his eyes, suddenly feeling very tired. "And thank you, I owe you one."
"Ugh, don't thank me, you'll give me hives."
part 3 ~
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Jets of panic.
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader. 
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Summary: After a bad case Reader has a bad panic attack on the Jet and Spencer helps calm them down. 
Warning: Panic attacks, anxiety, mental health, bombings, death, blood, school bombings, slapping, crying, angst, fluff. (If I have forgotten anything let me know)
Words: 1.8k
A/N: I rewrote this/ edited this in 10 minutes and then got bored near the end so I'm sorry for the rough ending but I tried its been a long day. I wrote this last year before I knew how to write (spoiler I still can’t write) so yeah I would love some feedback, thank you enjoy.
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As you sit there on the jet couch, staring off into space. Beginning to daydream as the team starts their debriefing of the last case. Your head is buzzing, with the events of the last few days, still trying to process everything you have been through. This case wasn't the worst that you have had, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. It's never easy when you watch someone you were meant to save die right in front of your eyes, and manage to get out of the situation, with only a concussion and small scratches.
You can’t help but let the bombing replay over and over again in your mind. The way you fell to the ground, unable to move for a good minute. Only able to open your eyes and watch as the student you were escorting out of the building lay lifeless in front of you, her eyes staring straight into your soul. Everytime you try to close your eyes, you just see her face staring back at you, a feeling of helplessness and guilt filling you up, knowing it should be you instead. The room is a blaze, you can feel the room starting to heat up, but still your body refuses to move. Your ears are ringing from the loud blast, your mind unable to process what is happening in the moment, until you feel a pair of hands on your body pulling you up. Your eyes shoot over landing on a pair of scared eyes belonging to Morgan. Who you know must have run inside the building, after the explosion. 
“Save her, we need to help her” Your words are a mess, as you try pulling away from him, your strength suddenly returning to your body.
“We need to go, there’s no time,” Morgan says firmly. Wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you along with him. Ignoring your pleas to go back and help the girl, his mind is more focused on the second bombing in the building. 
Your mind stays centred on replaying the scene over and over again, focusing on the girl's face. Never hearing Hotch call out to you repeatedly, the whole team now watching you worried. They all know you’re taking this case hard, going internal rather than speaking about your worries. Morgan, who's sitting beside you, places a hand lightly on your shoulder to get your attention. You jump quickly, so far away in your own mind, you didn’t even notice that your hand had gone up as you turned round to face him. Only realising when the smack echoes around the jet, a gasp leaves your lips as your eyes widens. Fear and panic spreading throughout your body.
“I'm so sorry” You squeak out, As you spirit off to the bathroom, before anyone could stop you. Locking the door as you fall to your knees.
Tears are flowing down your face, as you lean against the door. Heart racing away in your chest, as you struggle to breathe. You're fully aware that you're having a panic attack, but your team is right outside the door, so you know you have to do your best at staying quiet. Pulling your knees up to your chest, hiding your head between your knees, allowing the tears to roll down, as your mind continues to race. You didn't mean to hit Derek, you just got startled. One of your reactions is to spin around, but your hand was already up and apparently had different plans. Morgan must hate you now, why wouldn't he? You slapped him for no reason. You never wanted your team to see you like this. 
There's a gentle knock on the door, making you jump slightly, you don't respond. 
“Hey (Y/n) can you open the door please, we just want to make sure you're okay” JJ's soft voice comes through. Shaking your head as a response, deciding to stay verbally quiet. You weren't ready for everyone to see you like this.
“Come on (Y/n) please, just let us check on you okay?” JJ sighs softly, knocking again. The whole team became filled with worry, when they saw you run off to the bathroom, after slapping Morgan. Morgan was shocked when he realised you had slapped him, more concerned than anything else. He got up straight away, wanting to go after you. But Hotch stopped him, wanting to give you some space to calm down first.
You wipe the tears off your face, but somehow they seem to keep flowing. You hear more footsteps approaching as a harsher knock comes against the door.
“(Y/n) open the door now, I don't want to have to kick it down but I will” Morgan sighs, looking at JJ with concern. “Come on kid, you're worrying us” Morgan's voice calls out, gentle but harsher than JJ. You close your eyes tired, pulling at your hair feeling stressed out. You don't want people to see how broke you are. You get that they are worried about you, but you just can't deal with it, not right now. Hearing more rushes footsteps quickly approche, the talking outside, sounding like an argument beginning to break out. It soon goes quiet as you hear the footsteps walking away.
It stays quiet for a minute, before you hear a soft knock on the door.
“Hey (Y/n/n) its Spence, I've sent the others away, can you just unlock the door for me?” Spencer speaks softly, his voice calming you. Slowly you reach up unlocking the door, moving out of the way so he can open it. The door opens quietly, he slips inside before closing it behind him. He looks down, spotting you leaning against the wall. Staying silent, he joins you on the floor, breaking his heart as he sees you like this. Your face stained with tears, your hair a mess where you were yanking at it. 
“Are you alright?” He asks after a bit of silence, turning to watch you. Shaking your head faintly, your tears having finally stopped. Spencer places his hand carefully on your knee, rubbing a circular pattern. Gradually you lean your head on his shoulder, your heart still pounding away. While your mind now just feel empty and froggy. Feeling like you can’t even think straight even if your mind has just fallen quiet all of a sudden.
“Morgan okay?” You finally speak, your voice is rough due to the crying.
“He's fine, he's worried about you, everyone is” Reid speaks gently. His hand is still drawing patterns on your knees, the sensation helping calm you. 
“I didn't mean to slap him” You let out a heavy breath, closing your eyes. 
“We know, It was a good hit though” Spencer smiles at you gently, earning a small laugh.
“I don't want to go out there, not yet” 
“We don't have to, we can stay in here as long as you need” Smiling weakly as you listen to Reids breathing, matching his. Helping slow your racing heartbeat down to a normal pace. 
“Spence, can you tell me something, just anything please?” You ask faintly. Feeling tired and weak, keeping your eyes closed. Reid stays quiet for a bit, thinking.
“I was thinking about entering a chess tournament this weekend, but I think that would be a bit unfair seeing as I would easily beat everyone,” Reid laughs lightly, earning a small chuckle from you.
“You really think you can beat everyone, don't ya Dr Reid” Smirking slightly, opening your eyes. 
“Well I mean, I can easily calculate what moves they will make and be able to beat them in less than 5”
“That is why I don't like playing games with you” You laugh slightly, teasing him.
“It's not my fault you're easy to read (Y/n/n)” Reid teases you back smiling. Happy to see the colour returning back to your cheeks.
“Are you ready to go back out?” Reid asks, removing his hand on your knee, you nod. Ready to stand up, as your heart starts beating faster and your mind decides to start spinning once more. They are all going to ask you questions, staring at you. What if they are already talking about you, who knows what they could be saying. What if Hotch doesnt think you're fit for the job anymore, and fires you. You can’t lose this job, you don't want to lose your team, your family. Your breathing picks up speeds, finding it hard to breathe once more.
“Hey hey, (Y/N) look at me, look at me” Reid speaks gently, placing his hand on your knee again. You shake your head refusing to look at him, while your mind starts to spin. Spencer places his hand on your cheek softly, turning you to look at him. Tears slide down your face again.
“I'm sorry , I'm so sorry” Crying out, your head dropping, trying to get away from him. Reid doesn't let you, wrapping his arms around and pulling you into his body. Your face hides away in his chest, snuggling into his touch.
“Don't be sorry, it's alright, just listen to my breathing okay” His voice is calm but firm. He starts taking deeper, calming breaths. You start doing the same, keeping in time with him. Listening to his heart beat, closing your eyes, finding peace in his heartbeat. You stay there for a while in silence. Soon he starts humming your favourite song, earning a faint smile from you. Slowly moving your head out of his chest, resting against his shoulder. 
You two sit in the bathroom, for close to an hour. Once you are fully calm down, thanks to the help of listening to Spencer , talk about random facts. Earning smiles and small comments from you.
“Okay Spencer, I'm ready” Smiling weakly, he smiles back, getting up. He holds a hand out for you, taking it, pulling yourself up. You fix your hair before walking out.
It's been over an hour since you locked yourself in the bathroom. The team has been extremely concerned about you, but decided to give Reid and you some space. Rossi and JJ are still sitting in the same place talking and laughing, while Morgan and Emily have moved to sit at the back. Emily is reading her books and Morgan has his headphones on staring out the window. Hotch is doing his usual round of after case paperwork, on the table opposite them. Morgan looks up as you walk past, giving you a small smile. Reid takes your hand in his, leading you towards the couch. Taking a seat on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder. Positioning yourself, so that you're half laying down, with your leg out on the couch. Spencer wraps his arm around you, holding you close, as your body begins to relax, feeling at home in his arms. Closing your eyes, knowing you need to deal with everything that has happened. But, you can do that when you land, as you let yourself drift off to sleep in Spencer's arms.
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Gethsemane, Bill Scully Apologia, and Maggie the Emergency Contact
Dialogue and Play-By-Play Analysis:
Bill: "I picked up the phone when they called Mom. I thought you could use a change of clothes."
Scully: "Thank you... where's Mom?"
Believing her cancer is still a secret, Scully automatically places Bill's importance below her mother, wanting to talk freely with Maggie (without Bill.) Bill sees and understands this; and is hurt that she still won't open up to him despite being here, now, for her. As of yet, he doesn't act on that hurt.
Bill: "I didn't tell Mom what happened...."
Scully: "...But I'm okay. Luckily."
Bill: "You're not okay, Dana."
Scully: "I told Mom not to tell you."
Bill: "Why?"
Scully: "Because it's very personal. Because I don't want sympathy."
For all of the just criticism against Bill later in this arc, here he is holding back his anger (an expression of his hurt) and listening, really listening to his sister. He keeps quiet, giving Scully room to fully explain herself; and even sympathetically locks eyes, giving her his full attention.
Another thing of note: he is staring at Scully with the exact look of sympathy she wanted to avoid. Mulder and Maggie know her enough to acquiesce to her "I'm fine"s; but Bill is her life-long peer, and siblings can't hide truths from each other as effectively as they can their parents or partners.
"You think you can cure yourself."
Bill realizes that his sister never told her own family-- him-- about her cancer because she does, even now, believe she can cure herself. He's stunned, shocked, even appalled; and that leaks into his voice, coming across as judgmental.
Scully doesn't deny it, caught; and sighs, frustrated, that he divined and overly-simplified something she hadn't expressed to anyone and probably would not have been able to without a beautiful speech prepared ahead of time.
"Mom tells me that you've gotten worse. That your cancer's gone into your bloodstream."
This explains why Maggie told Bill in the first place: she cracked under the strain Dana's edict of secrecy put her under, watching her daughter slowly die without any apparent attempts to circumvent that death or even to bond over their shared tragedy. Bill became her only recourse... and Bill spilled the beans (as he does, again, in A Christmas Carol.)
Scully is shaken by his bluntness, unable to shy away from the truth spoken so baldly to her face.
"What are you doing at work getting knocked down? Beaten up? What are you trying to prove-- that you're going to go down fighting?"
Scully: "Now, c'mon Bill--"
Scully is deferring back to an old sibling dynamic: Bill misunderstanding, or only understanding enough to feel she's acting out of turn; and her attempting to draw him away from his preconceived notions. In this case, however, he's right; and she's avoiding the truth of that (subconsciously.)
Bill stops her by slapping down the clothes, getting her full attention.
"Y'know what Mom is going through? Why do you think I didn't tell her when they called?"
"What should be doing?"
Bill: "We have a responsibility-- not just to ourselves, but to the people in our lives."
And he's absolutely correct here: Scully has been so focused on work and its promise of a cure that she's forgotten to give space to those suffering alongside her.
"Just, just because I haven't bared my soul to you or to Father McCue or to God, it doesn't mean I'm not responsible to those important to me."
Here Scully reveals she thought emotional distance and soldiering on was her way of protecting her loved ones from her burdens, providing them strength in the face of her worsening health. In reality, it worsened their fears and burdens; and furthered their isolation... except for, ironically, Mulder, who wasn't ready to face the implications of her impending death, anyway.
"To who? This guy Mulder? But where is he, Dana? Where is he through all this?"
Bill is less right here: from his perspective, Dana has (once again) wrapped herself up with a man whose authority and work ethic supersedes Bill's love and concern for his sister-- another in the pattern of their late father and Daniel Waterston and Jack Willis. Bill isn't stupid: his above reproach also reveals he knows Mulder knows about Scully's cancer; and the fact that her partner did and still left her alone to deal with it to "pursue his career" while Bill hasn't been able to be there to support her at all eats away at him, makes him hate the man. (And still he's civil when he meets Mulder, even talks with him in terms he believes a workaholic will understand-- "Let's keep the work away from here"-- only getting rough when he misinterprets Mulder's blank face in response-- "Let her die with dignity.")
Despite being wrong here, Bill still hits the mark; because Mulder did wander off on a quest. But Scully can't argue for Mulder without betraying her own reticence, her own need to keep Mulder in the dark for Mulder's sake-- because that would betray her feelings in a way that she doesn't want to discuss with Bill, especially after Mulder has consistently dodged that serious conversation for years now. So, she picks up her clothes and ends the conversation.
In-Depth Analysis
Maggie Was Scully's Emergency Contact
The hospital called Maggie when Scully was rushed in, unconscious; and while this doesn't outright disprove the theory Mulder might also be an emergency contact, it certainly fits in with the pattern of him being called to the hospital and let into Scully's room by Maggie and not the other way around (i.e. One Breath and Wetwired.) Furthermore, Mulder isn't alerted (that I know of) to a missed call from the hospital after his return to civilization, meaning the hospital didn't notify him at all.
Bill the Bully?
Is Bill a despicable figure? Most definitely... in a deleted Memento Mori scene-- which is why I think they cut it. Though his words are brusque, even cruel in their blunt honesty, Bill, apart from that scene, doesn't seem to willfully inflict or weaponize guilt against his sister, wielding it only as a reminder of how much her family is left out of her life, how much they want to be there for her and don't understand why she won't let them in. It's a fundamental difference in how they approach life; and both are forceful about their insistence on doing things their own way.
Scully is used to being everyone's source of strength (Maggie places her on a pedestal even above her brothers in Memento Mori), which hinders her from opening up or betraying her weakness. Being "the strong one" for so long turned into a fear of failing others; but this reticence has the opposite effect, ostracizing and distancing her family (and Mulder) in her struggles to keep them unaffected. Their divide grows as the years go on (though it seems an equilibrium of sorts has been reached after Emily, since she mentions them fondly in How the Ghosts Stole Christmas and indirectly in Millennium.)
Bill Is Right (in This Instance)
On its face, Bill's speech is unrelenting and out of left field... but is it, really?
Bill is told about his sister's cancer only when it has become irredeemably terminal. He arrives on land, either before or after Maggie's revelation, and finds the rest of the family ignorant and his mother having to shoulder that burden, alone, because his sister refused to let her tell anyone else the news-- meaning, Maggie has been suffering in silence the entire cancer arc, trying to abide by her daughter's terms for space and silence on the topic. However, Scully's definitive terminal diagnosis broke her; and Maggie, having no one to turn to support because Dana still refused to talk about it, finally confessed to her priest and reached out to her son for strength. Bill sees how hard this has been on her and tries to alleviate that burden by adopting his sister's methods: keeping Maggie in the dark as much as possible. It honors what he knows to be his sister's wishes and his mother's fears.
In this scene Bill is absolutely in the right. He and his sister, while not incredibly close, have no ill will between them; and he finds out that not only has she been slowly dying for months and sworn their mother to secrecy but she also still refused to tell him, even when he dropped everything to bail her and Maggie out with this act of kindness. This is wrong-- it is-- and his speech rebuking his sister is as deserved as Scully's are to Mulder whenever he acts only in stubborn self-interest.
Bill is hurt, Bill is grieved; and Bill drives that home, peeling back his sister's denial by exposing her true intent: "You think you can cure yourself." The ludicrous nature of her expectations-- cure incurable cancer and never tell a soul so she won't have to 'suffer' the shame or embarrassment of their sympathy or pity-- galls him; and he's right. It's Scully's struggle and her burden; but it's not just her struggle or burden: her family and loved ones are losing her, too, and that pain is just as powerfully frightening. Bill wants more from her than an immovable pillar of strength-- and that's a good thing. Maggie needed her to be "the strong one", and Mulder needed her to keep fighting; but Bill just wanted his sister to tell him the truth and let him in.
A last note: Bill grew up with Dana-- he knows her propensity to get lost in father figures and demanding authorities. He probably sees Mulder as another Daniel Waterston or Jack Willis, an extension of her undisguised adoration for their late father. He's naturally protective (as we see in Redux II, though grossly misplaced) and thinks Scully is losing that stability in herself the more engrossed she becomes in her work (ex. Gethsemane-Redux II and A Christmas Carol.) These fears and concerns are expressed in overbearing finger-wagging and anger rather than communication, a (sadly) common affliction in a family growing a more distant with time and lives necessarily apart.
Scully Believed She Could Cure Herself
Since Memento Mori, Scully's modus operandi has been to avoid, avoid, avoid the topic of her cancer (and the death of her father, her abduction, etc.) The following cases rarely touched on her illness unless she had a concerning diagnosis or needed further treatment, i.e. Zero Sum and Elegy. Radiation was likely ruled out as ineffective since the skirmish with Dr. Scanlon (and was a drain of her valuable energy and health without any chance of helping, regardless); so, Scully probably opted for more obscure treatments, buying time while she and Mulder chipped away at their work.
In the back of her mind, she believed, truly, that she wouldn't die: that her cancer could be tucked away from her family and cured before Bill or the others ever found out. As we know, Maggie bore the brunt of her daughter's edict of silence alone, finally caving when the cancer reached Scully's bloodstream. When Bill waits for an explanation-- staring at his sister's defiance and stubbornness and pure conviction that she's fine and that the family shouldn't be worried about her at all-- he figures out her blind expectation and avoidance-bordering-on-denial and says, appalled: "You think you can cure yourself." Scully dips her head, exposed and embarrassed.
The beginning of Gethsemane proves Scully was still denial: "my dying wish" she professes on the one hand only to reject the priest and shake her head at Bill with the other. No, Scully did not expect to die alone without her family there. When Bill demands, "We have a responsibility-- not just to ourselves, but to the people in our lives", she parries, "Just because I don't bare my soul to you or to Father McCue or to God." Scully thought she was doing her duty by keeping her loved ones in her thoughts while carrying out her solitary battle. When Bill strips her of her further excuses-- "Who? To this guy Mulder?"-- it peels back her hyper-focused perspective, reminding Scully that it's not just her and Mulder fighting the world.
She did her family and Mulder and herself a disservice by pushing them all away to "protect them", as she realizes in Redux II: being "strong" stripped them of the ability to support each other and was damaging in the long run. In this, Bill is undeniably correct. However, where Bill is wrong is that he doesn't see that Scully believes in Mulder's ability to save her, that by following him she is doing what is best for herself.
Her partner's fervor and hope give her strength; and his inability to break under defeat keeps her fighting even in her darkest hours (and does end up saving her life.) Scully put such faith in Mulder and his abilities and his theories that she kept council only with herself (as much as possible) to keep him going, to keep the weight off his shoulders (and her mother's and her family's) so that they could move forward as a well-oiled machine, ready to snatch the cure whenever they got their hands on it. And Mulder did get his hands on it... and then it failed.
She's dying; but it's not until the cure fails that the dam breaks: everything Scully had been fearing comes rushing out of her. She gives in, crying to her mother about her crumbling lack of faith-- because the miracle cure didn't work, because her months of waiting and hoping in private were all for naught, because she's going to die and there's no possible way to escape. But it's also freeing: she can own her fear, hold onto her mother, clutch Mulder's hand, cry with the priest, finally lean into and start to heal from the weights she's been holding on her back, alone.
And she prays: death is near.
Scully Wanted to Please Bill, Too
As she told Ed Jerse in Never Again, "There are other fathers."
The ouroboros twirls on and on in her personal life, goading her to both make a stand for herself and to placate Bill's expected reactions. In this situation, she did deserve his anger; however, this dynamic continues to play out in Redux II and A Christmas Carol, separate circumstances that are outside Bill's scope of understanding or perspective. After each confrontation, her brother always backs off and begrudgingly acquiesces his sister's boundaries; but it's easy to see why he clings to his late father's behaviors-- viewing them as the only way his sister will confide in him-- and why Scully automatically responds to-- albeit with more guilt than openness-- and rejects his methods.
It's an aspect of their relationship that fell to the wayside as the series barreled onward; but there are hints of resignation on his part after the events of Emily unfolded the way they did (silent support in the courthouse and true remorse in the church.) Scully, however, is locked in grief and unwilling to open back up, yet. We're never shown on-screen what happens next; but he seems to have caused her no further problems in spite of her professional and personal scares in the future (including almost being burned alive, an unexpected trip to Antarctica, job demotion, and getting gut shot all within the span of a few months.) Perhaps he gave her up for loss, perhaps he stayed close but distant, perhaps he withdrew from the drama all together. We'll never know; and, ultimately, it's up to individual interpretation.
This scene sets up the hinge upon which the cancer arc (and any future Scully family drama) twists and turns.
I don't believe Bill is bad, or even malevolent: he, like any other person in a family strained with distance and death, doesn't seem to blame Scully entirely or for long; and only wishes to get through to her somehow. We saw him bully her as a child but we also saw him gift and teach her how to use a bb gun. Scully, meanwhile, balks at and softens over Bill's bluster and overstepping, always effectively putting him in his place after courteously listening to his opinion. We saw her yell and shove him as a child but we also saw her gleefully play alongside he and Charlie.
In conclusion: like all sibling relationships, there are headbutts and there are fights; but it seems, at least by their conversation here and succeeding ones in the future, that any hitch or bump in the road is smoothed over, ironed out, or fixed before it becomes permanent. Bill makes excellent points that Scully takes into consideration, changing her future dealings with Maggie and Bill and even Mulder (namely, her willingness to open up in Detour); and Bill, having said his peace, supports his sister in her decisions the rest of this arc and later in S5.
That we know about.
Thank you for reading~
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st4rb3rr13s · 10 months
1+1=2 chp 2
Warning: cowgirl, public sex (tell me if I need anymore warnings.)
It was your last session before handing in the project and he wasn’t going to see you again, or was he?
You sat in the library, waiting for Eren. He said he was going to be a little bit late. As you read what you had started on for the project, you couldn’t help but remember what had happened last time you were here. Your eyes closed, remembering the feeling of his rough fingers touching every part of you. You couldn’t help but pinch your legs shut.
Why were you thinking of this? You needed to be focused on the project. Finishing this project could make or break your grade. You weren’t about to fail your brother’s project. But ever since then, you couldn’t get it out of your mind. The way his hands feel around your waist, his scent inching you closer towards him. He was just like that, every girl felt the same way as you did. Every girl had been hypnotized by him, so why did you think you’d be any different?
“Princess, what are you thinking about?” Your eyes opened? Seeing Eren sitting next to you. You took a breath. “What? You thought I was a librarian or another student? Does my pumpkin have a crush on someone?”
“Eren, shut the hell up. Did you do your end of the project?” You asked.
“Yeah, Yeah. That means we won’t talk to each other again after this, right?” Eren asked, sending you what he wrote.
“If that’s what you want.” You responded. Eren hummed, looking at you.
“If that’s the case, then can I have a goodbye kiss.” Eren smirked.
You looked at him before taking a deep breath. Your body leaned in towards him, smelling the scent he so dearly loves. Your lips leave a soft peck before pulling back just as quick. His eyes looked into yours.
“Are you going to keep staring?” You asked.
He laughed, a smile beaming on his face. It was a different smile to the ones he normally puts on. His smile is normally like a boyish grin. One you’d see from the boy next door, you guess. You never had a boy next door.
“Maybe I am. Why? Are you nervous because your crush of 1 year is staring at you! Oh no, poor you.” Eren teases.
You rolled your eyes, looking the other way. He wasn’t wrong, but how could he know? You never even paid attention to him until this project? Did the way you speak to him give it away? You don’t know but you're too nervous to ask. You take a deep breath, looking at your computer. You scroll to his work, looking to see if it was like how you asked.
Eren watched as you read away. He couldn’t help but admire your hard work. It was like his eyes couldn’t stop watching you. He jokes about you having a crush on him, but in reality it’s the other way around. How couldn’t it be when you were just too cute. He looked to see you were wearing a skirt and tight t-shirt.
“That’s a new outfit. Trying to show off what’s mine?” He asked. You looked at him. To someone who took a quick glance, you wouldn’t see anything wrong with him. But his ears showed his true emotions.
“Who said I was yours?” You asked back.
He stiffened, his whole body tensing. His cheeks started to heat up, making you laugh. His eyes perked up, hearing that sweet sound. He never heard it come out from anyone, not even Levi. His head turned, seeing you push your glasses back up.
His mouth fell onto yours, giving you no time to react. His lips moved roughly against yours making your brain fuzz out. Why was he being so rough with you? And why did you like it so much? It was different from how gentle he was before.
He pulled back, seeing your fucked out expression. It was surprising to him, because he hadn’t even touched you yet. He pulled you back in to bite your bottom lip. You gasped against his lips, before his tongue entered yours. His tongue twisted against yours, leaving you out of breath.
He didn’t waste any time, pulling your body on top of his. His hands grabbed your ass, squeezing and slapping the flesh. His mouth was biting your neck, painting hickeys all over. Your body wanted more, and he could feel it. He could feel the way your pussy had dampened on his sweatpants. He’d be surprised if there was a wet spot there.
His hands moved your hips, making your grind on his hardened dick. It left you whimpering in his ear, as his head fell back. Your clothed pussy on his clothed dick felt so good. He remembered how tight your pussy felt. The way it was hard to move, and it was just his fingers.
“Fuck, I need you so bad princess.” He muttered. You hummed in agreement.
Your body was aching. It felt like something was missing, something needed to be inside of you. Only Eren had what you needed. You heard from rumors how great his dick was. Only a couple girls have been with him. He’s a slut, but he’s not willing to give it out for free.
He took something out of his sweat pants before pulling them down. Your eager eyes awaited as his hands swiftly pulled down his boxers. Your eyes widened when you saw his length, it was bigger than any dick you’ve ever seen. His hand went onto his shaft, pumping it twice. Precum fell, making him throw his head back.
“Fuck, can’t wait to feel this pussy on my dick.” Eren sighed. He opened the wrapping before putting a condom on.
“Oh, so you planned to fuck me?” You asked. Eren laughed, holding your hips.
“Yeah, and I plan to make you my wife as well.” He spoke.
Before you could register what he said, his hands pulled you onto his cock. All air left your body as he slowly pushed you down. You couldn’t believe how big he felt inside of you. The men you had been with weren’t this big. Not even close. Your eyes stayed shut as his dick inches closer.
Finally once his dick was inside, he took a deep breath. He couldn’t have ever imagined how tight you are. Your pussy was so warm and wet, it was so different from everyone he had fucked. It was like you were made just for him. Or maybe it was the other way around, he was made just for you. He felt like he was going to cum just from being inside of you.
His hips thrusted into you, making you gasp. He hit right at your g-spot with his first try. His dick was perfectly made for you. He thrusted again, making you moan out of pleasure. It felt way too good for both of you.
Your pussy tightened as his hips started to thrust faster. His stamina was high as well, not letting you take a breath without feeling his cock ram into you. Pure bliss took over you, moaning loudly. Librarians and students could probably hear you, but you didn’t care at that moment.
Fingers plunged into your mouth, making you gag and choke. You looked to see Eren forcing his fingers into your mouth and he kept abusing your pussy. You moaned against them, sucking them off like it was his dick.
“You’re such a fucking slut, aren’t you supposed to be the teacher’s sister? And your over here fucking in a library, hope they report this to your brother, fuck.” Eren moaned, feeling your pussy clamper onto him. “You wanna get caught? That’s why you were moaning so loud, right? So they could catch us in the act? So we could be banned from the library? Would you like them to go to your brother, and tell him how much of a slut you were on my dick? Knowing how disappointed he’d be knowing his little sister was fucking a frat guy, right?”
His fingers plunged into your throat, making two wet sounds. His balls kept clapping against your ass, letting anyone who was close know what was happening. You felt fat tears fall down your face, knowing how good he was fucking you. The way his dick carved right into that spot you so love. You wanted to cum, you wanted the knot to come undone. Your legs started to bounce on his cock, feeling that knot come undone.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” You whimpered, an overwhelming feeling coming above you.
“You’re gonna cum? Cum all over my cock baby, wanna feel you cum.” Eren moaned, feeling a knot starting to come undone.
Your legs moved faster as his dick kept hitting your sweet spot over and over again. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you let out a scream. Eren couldn’t give a shit in that moment, feeling himself losing it. His mouth fell open, making an o-shape but nothing came out. He kept your hips still, as your body saw stars.
He took a deep breath, looking to see cum all over his hips. Your eyes fluttered open, watching as he chuckled. He carefully took you off his dick, sitting you down in your chair. You pulled up your thong, feeling satisfied. His hands lifted his boxers and sweats, before he took another breath.
The two of you sat quietly, contemplating what to say next. It was the best sex both of you ever had, and neither of you wanted it to end.
“So did you mean what you said?” You asked. Eren hummed in confusion, looking at you. “About making me your wife?”
“Of course Princess. Why would I lie about that?” Eren asked. You felt warmth inside your whole being. Before you could say anything a librarian came up to you both.
“Hi, we heard screaming from over here and wanted to know if it was the two of you? We don’t think so, knowing Mr.Ackerman wouldn’t be too pleased knowing his sister was making a ruckus, but we don’t want to be unfair.” The librarian explained.
“No, we heard something from upstairs, though.” Eren lied. The librarian hummed, smiling before leaving. “So, you free tomorrow?”
✎ I really wasn’t gonna write today tbh but I got inspiration !! Hope y’all like this chapter it was kinda rush but I’m not trippin.
Tags: @blushblossomsblog
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piratefishmama · 1 year
For One Night Only | Part 2
Eddie remembered a lot about Steve Harrington, so to get this fresh new perspective on him… it was wild. He remembered a jock, the king of Hawkins High, the king of Hawkins in general, women wanted him, men wanted to be him, or in some cases men also wanted him. Rich, popular, kind of a jackass at times but never mean enough to warrant dislike. Would have never associated with Eddie’s kind, but yet there he was, comfortable on Eddie’s hotel bed, one long leg crossed over the other as they moved on from pleasantries to business.
Steve wasn’t there as a social call, no matter how fun it might have been to catch up. He had a job to do, and Steve was good at his job.
“Alright, considering our history, or what little of it we have, it might be a good idea to use it if asked on the carpet how we met, I can spin a story about us being secret high school sweethearts who recently reconnected as friends if you want, really big you up to the paps.”
“As lovely as that idea is since high school me would have been thrilled to have been your secret sweetheart” Steve grinned “shut up, I was a nerd with a crush leave me alone” the snigger that followed only made Eddie smile, it wasn’t a hurtful laugh, and Steve’s smile was just to radiant to be mad at. “I said shut up!”
“Shutting up” the smile stayed though as he mimed zipping his lips. Adorable bastard.
“Anyway, as lovely as that idea is, too many people knew us in high school, if the press got word that it was a lie from one of our mutual past acquaintances, eh it’s a hornets nest I don’t wanna poke. Too many what ifs, but we could say that we went to school together, it’s true, we could say that we reconnected recently and… y’know, hit it off…”
“We are hitting it off.” Steve mused, tapping his finger to his chin in thought. “I like it, easy, close to the truth, very little room for mistakes. So I’m to be your date, not just a friend joining you for the evening?” That was what the invite had requested but… Steve was clearly amusing himself by making Eddie squirm a little.
“Mmmhm, yep. Steve Harrington, my date, Can time travel just exist already?”
“Haha, why?”
“Teenage me could do with a visit right this second to tell him Steve Harrington is gonna be our date someday.”
Steve covered his mouth as he laughed so sweetly, the picture of perfection as always. His nose scrunching just a little as he laughed. “Were you always this cute, Eddie?”
“Mmhm, once upon a time, I was even cuter, I swear.”
“I’ll believe you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“I know, thousands wouldn’t, but I’ve always been a sucker for cute brunettes with big ol Bambi eyes, can't help but believe everything they say.” Eddie hadn’t felt his cheeks warm in years and yet there he was, hiding behind his hair, his complexion turning as red as a fire hydrant, stupid pale skin.
Speaking of brunettes, and incredibly convenient subject changes for the safety of his own composure. “Wait, YOU’RE who Nancy knows!”
“You know Nance?”
“She’s our manager now, man, gets us all the best shit! I met her in a bar after she totally blew off the journalism thing, something about sexist work environments and bosses who wouldn’t know a real story if it slapped them directly in the face. They kept giving her fluff pieces.” Nancy Wheeler, a fluff writer, the audacity of anyone who ever made that assumption. “Now she’s the most badass manager in metal history. I swear to god she’s made many a producer pale in fear at the very mention of her name.” She read all the fine print, with a goddamn magnifying glass. She’d made a grown men cry multiple times, it was badass. “She’s the coolest.”
Steve’s smile was so fond Eddie could have swooned just having it aimed at him, even if the fondness wasn’t for him, it was beautiful enough for it to be swooned over anyway. “She is, cool. I’m glad she found her people.” Even if they no doubt made a funny looking group, little not so primp and proper Nancy Wheeler among a bunch of metalheads. It fitted, in a strange kind of way, she’d always wrangled Mike easy enough.
“How did you uhm… y’know… it’s probably none of my business and I keep changing subjects so stop me if I keep jumping around I’m still a little flabbergast from seeing you at my door but uh… how’d you—y’know… what’s this uh… the whole thing like?” Steve tilted his head like a confused puppy and Eddie just kind of wanted to melt into the floor. “The escort thing.” He added on, for clarification.
“Oh, uhm. Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham, cheer captain of ’86?”
“I know her, she and Gareth have this—”
“Thing! Yes, she talks about him regularly with Robin.” Robin? He doesn’t think to ask, Steve and Robin, Robin… who would be associated with Steve a Robin whom Steve would just mention as if expecting him to know. He only knew one Robin from those days, and he didn’t even really know her.
Just kind of… existed near her in band for a few months until his style of music pissed the teacher off enough to kick him out. Couldn’t be that Robin, right? Not important.
“Oh my god don’t tell me that and expect me to keep it a secret that’s brutal of you.”
“God, tell him, please, I didn't even know who he was but she keeps talking about him and waiting for him to ask her out. Eventually she’s just going to pin him against something and kiss him so—”
“Tell her to do that but god wait until I have a camera please!” Eddie Munson was not against begging, his grin wide and eyes shimmering with gleeful mischief. “It’s reciprocated, totally and completely one hundred percent reciprocated, he is so gone on that girl, it’s adorable.”
“I will let her know, at least now I know he's one of yours and a good guy." Gareth was the best guy in Eddie's opinion, like a brother to him, not that the others werent too, but... Gareth had known he was gay since Hawkins High. Just him and Uncle Wayne in the know, and he'd always been there to support him, Gareth was good. "Anyway… we ran into each other in this café that I’d gotten a part time gig at in Indy, she looked good, healthy…” he didn’t need to say that Chrissy had had a problem. But she had, and that problem began with ‘M’ and ended with ‘other,’ hers to be specific. “She was already doing it, loving it, I was dubious, asked if she was okay, if she needed help, but no she was loving it, thriving actually, and well… I like making people feel good, both emotionally and physically” oof that was a tone that went straight to a place it shouldn’t do “why do it for free, y’know? She got me set up and the rest is history.” He enjoyed himself.
He loved his job, his love language had always been acts of service, he liked making people feel good, liked making them feel wanted, feel loved, feel seen and heard. Eddie couldn’t help himself “ever do anything… y’know…?” He really wished he could help himself sometimes.
“Sex related?” The red in his cheeks only deepened, Steve didn’t seem offended, or upset, in fact his smile only warmed, eyes crinkling at the corners, gods above and below he was beautiful, how did anyone survive after a night with him, having to let him go? “Sure, like I said, if I’m good at something, why do it for free?”
“Even with…” Eddie motioned to himself
“N-No! No, Men—wait sorry—that’s—that’s none of my business” he turned away to move, to pace, so much energy in his body suddenly there with nowhere to go “none of this is any of my business, I don’t usually ask these kinds of—I mean it’s really wrong of me to even ask this sort of—" Steve was just there so fast, hands on Eddie’s biceps, holding him in place, Eddie hoped he couldn’t feel him almost vibrating out of his skin.
“It’s okay, Bambi” Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet Steve’s, his wide and unblinking, like a deer in headlights in the face of Steve’s so warm and understanding, Bambi really did suit him, Steve thought, his left hand lifting to rest on Eddie’s cheek as if to ground him, it worked. God it worked. “Ask all the questions you like, but maybe save some for later, we don’t have long before we have to go.”
“…Later you’ll be leaving though...” he didn’t want Steve to leave. He didn’t want his next time seeing Steve to be part of a lottery, would he come next time? Would someone else who Eddie didn’t recognise appear in his place?
“We’re hitting it off, remember? I’m sure there’s going to be an afterparty we can both be caught sneaking away from to hang out, right?” Eddie kind of felt like he was flying. He felt like a teenager again, a nerdy, virginial teenager. He refused to acknowledge that little goblin voice telling him that Steve was actually probably just doing his goddamn job, he was on the clock dammit. He just wanted to have this. “You can ask me questions then, I promise I’ll stay.” He didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be.
“…Yeah… if that’s okay with you.”
“More than. Now how about you introduce me to the rest of Corroded Coffin, we all need to be on the same page before we get there.” Work now, catch up later. “Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can ditch the after party to hang out.” Eddie giggled, an honest to gods little giggle. He really did feel like a teenager again, only Steve was looking at him. Holding him. Grounding him. Steve Harrington was seeing him.
Teenager Eddie would have shit a brick.
“Alright, I’m warning you though, I think you let Tommy H. stuff Jeff into a locker once so don’t expect a warm welcome.” Steve grimaced a little but nodded. He was a different person now, but that wouldn’t erase the mistakes he’d made as a stupid teenager. Plenty of bridges to rebuild and apologies to give. Jeff wouldn’t be the first or the last.
“Bring it on, Bambi.” Eddie could only hide behind his hair again, bashful and flustered.
Part 4
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
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A/n: This was initially supposed to be the beginning of a longer fic but I ended up changing the plot a bit and this little thing doesn't fit in there anymore. So there's basically no plot here, just 3 bff's minding their own business when one of them decides to ask for a hickey :) you know, like all friends do.
Warnings: there's no smut, but I still wouldn't be comfortable with anyone underage reading it, so 18+ PLS. Also they're just friends but there's a hyunjin x reader x felix type of thing implied... idk... I love them both too much :/ (highly unedited, don't look at me, I just want it out of my drafts thank you) 1.4k
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"Ok, I know this is gonna sound stupid, but bear with me for a second?" Hyunjin said, breaking the 10 minutes of silence that followed yours and Felix's relentless complaints about work and the last minute tasks you had been given. Once that topic had been exhausted, you each settled in a corner of your queen sized bed, entrapped by your phones. That was until Hyunjin spoke up.
"Yeah, what is it?" Felix answered but Hyunjin waited until he had your attention too before continuing.
"Can one of you give me a hickey?" 
Felix didn't even bother trying to answer, confusion just fell upon his features as he stared ahead, then at Hyunjin, who didn't even bat an eye, and then at you.
"Um?" you frowned, "Can you elaborate?"
"There are these girls at work that like me, I mean I think they do, and I've basically done everything to tell them I'm not interested but like… they don't get the hint, and they're very sweet, so I don't wanna be rude to them.. I figured this would be the best idea"
"You figured this would be the best idea?" Felix deadpanned.
"Yeah… they never walked up to me and told me they like me, so what kind of entitled asshole would I be if I just went to them and said 'Hey, I get that you're obsessed with me but I'm not interested'?"
Felix just blinked. "First of all, obsessed is a little bit too much, don't you think?"
"I agree. That's why I want a hickey"
"Just say you have a girlfriend"
"But I don't" Hyunjin shook his head, "That would be a lie. A hickey is just a hickey, and it'll make them assume I have someone"
"Or you could just talk to them" Felix tried again.
"Or you could just shut up and give me a hickey"
"I've never given anyone a hickey, I'm not doing it"
"I can do it" you offered, much to Felix's disappointment. It seemed that for whatever reason he assumed you'd be the rational one, but if anything, you understood very well what it was like to want to avoid difficult conversations.
"Thank you!" Hyunjin exclaimed.
"Come here"
"What? Now!?"
"What? Do you need to get ready? Need a moment of silence?"
"Um, no?" Hyunjin shily mumbled as Felix laughed in the background, "I just didn't expect you to do it now"
"We can do it later"
"No, no, no. Now is good"
"Ok, lay down" you instructed and shuffled closer to him. 
"Oh my god" Hyunjin chuckled as he let his weight fall back onto his shoulders while you straddled his hips. He watched you tuck your hair behind your ears and lick your lips, which made nervous giggles break past his lips as he threw his head back. "This feels so professional"
"Yes, y/n, the hickey master" you mocked and grabbed his hands, one forceful pull later and he was down flat on his back against the mattress. "Tell me if it hurts"
"I've gotten hickeys in the past, it wasn't that bad"
"Yeah because you were turned on and it was sexy. Now that's not the case"
"Hey, you're sexy" he grinned which made you slap his face away so you wouldn't have to see his eyes anymore.
"Oh god, I need to see this" Felix giggled and crawled closer, settling right next to you and directly above Hyunjin.
"You're breathing right into my face"
Felix wasn't having it, so he just smiled down at his friend. "You like it"
With your lips inches away from Hyunjin's exposed neck, you found yourself struggling to find a starting point. Something felt off, a bit unnatural, and it made your ears tingle. "Ok, this is weird, but I don't know how to give hickeys without kissing too, so-"
"Kiss me, I don't mind"
"You're willing to make this sacrifice, huh?" Felix teased.
"Ok, but tell me if this starts to feel awkward, ok?"
"Y/n, you're both basically on top of me, one about to bite me and the other one looking at me like I'm a science experiment, awkward doesn't even begin to explain it"
"I'm sorry" you laughed, and despite the hurricane of thoughts that rushed through your brain at that exact moment, you shook your head one last time and finally closed the distance between the two of you.
Doing this robotically and by the book was never going to cut it, no matter how much experience you had and how many techniques you knew. So putting your faith into Hyunjin to tell you in case you went too far, you decided to do this right.
With your back arched and your body fully pressed against his, you snaked one hand up into hair, curling your fingers up around his roots as your lips started working on his still intact skin.
The kisses that initially started off as gentle and soft, turned fervid in a matter of seconds, your lips mercilessly sucking his perfect skin, morphing his light complexion into a perverse shade of red. 
Unconsciously, as you worked on the hickey on his neck, the hand that had been previously lightly tugging at his roots traveled down, gripping his chin and caressing its way down to his shoulders. 
Completely lost in the taste and feel of your best friend's skin, you failed to register the unnatural feeling of his hands on your thighs. You knew they were there, you felt their warmth down to your bones, but it never occurred to you that that had never happened before. So you let yourself get driven by his touch and refused to show any signs of slowing down as his curious hands made their way to your hips and then to your ass.
Fully engrossed by everything that was going on at once, you failed to notice the way Hyunjin was panting beneath you - his chest heaving up and down as his shaky, hot breath ran against your ear.
Once you figured you had him warmed up enough, you gave his neck the last bit of preparation which came in the shape of you licking up his jugular before you returned to your initial spot and sunk your teeth into his skin with no warning.
"Holy f-" he grunted, more than surely involuntarily bucking his hips up into you as his fingers dug into your hips. 
But it didn't deter you, you kept going - sucking, biting and licking all the right spots, keeping a steady pace until you felt satisfied with your work.
"Ok-" you said a bit out of breath before returning to pepper his traumatized skin with feather light kisses, "I think this should do it"
When you pushed yourself up to admire your work, Hyunjin hurried to hide his face behind his hands. "Oh my god"
"Was it good?" you grinned, placing your hands on his waist, ready to tickle a compliment out of him in case you needed to.
"I need a minute," he panted.
Deciding to give him the space he said he needed, your eyes moved to Felix. Despite not uttering one word, his face said a lot, his red cheeks, wide eyes and shy smile were enough to get the message across. 
Instantly, you opened your arms calling for a hug, but he just mirrored you and welcomed you when you finally crawled over to him. He gathered you close against his chest and pulled you down, the two of you now tightly wrapped together next to a still speechless Hyunjin.
"Was that awkward for you?" you whispered, hiding your face in the crook of his neck from the sudden wave of embarrassment that washed over you. 
"No, don't worry, it wasn't awkward-" he assured you with a kiss on the top of your head. "It was a… good tutorial"
"I still find it shocking that you've never given a hickey before" 
"I think the reason for that is because I always hated receiving them," Felix confessed, which prompted Hyunjin to come back from the dead, one long pointer finger up in the air.
"That's because you've never gotten one from her" 
"Ok" Felix laughed, "Can we stop with the hickeys? I feel like I'm high-school all over again. Adults don't have hickeys"
"No," you corrected, "Adults don't have hickeys in places others can see. Except that one" you pointed to Hyunjin. 
"You're just jealous"
"Of what? The hickey I gave you?"
"I don't know" Hyunjin gave up with a sigh and lazily rolled off the bed, "I'm gonna have a shower"
"Have fun!" you both laughed and then settled back into a tighter cuddle once the room fell into silence again.
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What is this abrupt ending? Idk either, I'm sorry 😖
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vampgal202 · 11 months
Detention. (James Franco x Female Student)
summary: When Y/n catches detention after school, she's sure to do anything to get her way out of it, and he's sure to give her a punishment of a lifetime.
Warnings: student x teacher, thigh riding, being tied up, slapping, daddy kink, teacher kink
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The smoke from the cigarette between my lips blew toward me, covering my clothes in the ashy scent of cigarette butts. I took one long drag leaning my head back against the brick wall of the school. The cold wind blew against my exposed arms, making my hair raise up. My eyes started to close, and my head still rested against the cold brick foundation. I started to hear footsteps approaching, not bothering to open my eyes. Whoever it was they were walking closer and closer towards me, kicking the gravel under their feet. "Smoking on school property and skipping class?" I hear a familiar voice say. I finally open my eyes and lift my head off the wall to be met with my English teacher, Mr. F.
"Fuck- I mean I'm sorry," I say frantically, dropping my cigarette to the ground and crushing it with the bottom of my shoe. "What class are you in?" He asks me, slightly turning his head and putting his hand in his pocket to grab a cigarette case of his own. "Math, are you kidding me?" I say to him as I watch him put a cigarette between his lips. "You got a light?" he mumbles as the unlit cigarette hangs out of his mouth. I pull out my lighter and light his cigarette for him.
"I thought no smoking on school property was a policy for everyone," I say to him, annoyance laced in my voice. "it is, but I don't think anyone in this school actually abides by that." He replies back to me, scanning over my face as he responds. "Anyway..." he clears his throat handing his cigarette over to me. "Detention, for skipping. After school today." He says to me, almost a smirk appearing on his face while he says it.
I say nothing back, I just take a drag out of his almost burnt-out cigarette and blow it in his face, not bothering to turn my head. He shakes his head slowly, now fully smiling. "Don't make it 2 days of detention Y/n." he chuckles. He turns around, walking now away from me. "Fucking weirdo," I say to myself, throwing his cigarette onto the gravel and walking back to class.
"So, you coming to my place? I'm having a few people over." My friend Sasha says to me leaning against the closed locker next to me. "I would but I can't, stupid fucking Mr. F caught me skipping so now I have to spend detention with him all night," I say to Sasha, slamming my locker shut. "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? I'd so fuck Mr. F. Are you kidding me?" She admitted to me, grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh come on Sasha. Yeah, he's hot but he's probably married or something." I say back to her, trying to picture Mr. F in a relationship. "Well, why don't you ask him before you fuck him tonight?" Sasha sticks her tongue between her fingers symbolizing a crude gesture. "fuck off!" I slap her hands down from her face and we both begin to laugh. "Later bitch," I say, yelping as she jokingly slaps my ass as I walk away.
The halls are now empty, and almost all the classrooms are dark and locked. Except for Mr. F's classroom. The yellow-toned desk light illuminates his classroom door. "Mr. F?" I knock before entering. I open the door to see Mr. F. His feet are kicked up onto his dark brown wooden desk, he's wearing the same outfit from earlier but this time his suit jacket is off. Leaving him in a white button-up with a loosened tie around his neck and black slacks. A book covers my vision of his face.
"Y/n. Take a seat." He replied, kicking his feet off his desk and setting his book down. I walk towards him, taking a seat at the desk closest to him. "You can do homework, study, anything really, no texting or smoke breaks though. Fair?" he says to me, standing up and walking from behind his desk to in front of it. "How long am I here for?" I respond to his list of rules. Watching as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against his desk. He looks down at his watch. "Couple of hours, at least." He looks back down at me in my seat.
Staring up at him I got the idea that maybe I could talk my way out of this detention. So I decided to pop some questions to loosen him up a bit. "Do you got kids?" I say to him, almost holding back a laugh at how blunt that was. "No? Do you?" He asks me, making him and I both break out into a laugh. "No. Are you married?" I ask him, watching his hand trail up to his face, rubbing the scruff on his jaw as he smiles.
"No. Enough with the questions, what are you trying to do?" He says to me, bringing his arms back down, crossed over his chest. "Please Mr. F, how could you just let a hopeless teen girl be locked in these four walls for the rest of the night. I'm supposed to be out seeing the world." I say dramatically and sarcastically. "Oh stop Y/n. You did something bad, and now you face the punishments and repercussions. That's how the world works." I groan at his comment.
As time passed by I started to think about what Sasha said. And he was pretty fucking hot. I looked up from my study notes to see him sitting in his desk chair reading that book again. His legs were spread wide and the yellow lampshade on his desk made his eyes look almost hazel. Curse you, Sasha,, I thought to myself as I slid out of my desk chair and strided over behind his desk.
Once I was standing right in front of him I rested my hip against his desk. "Y/n," he says to me in a stern tone not looking up from his book. "tell me something Mr. F. What is a handsome guy like you, not wifed up with a kid already?" I say to him in an attempt to get him going. He sets his book down and folds his hands on his lap, dragging his tongue subtly on his bottom lip.
"Is that any way to talk to your teacher, Y/n?" He responds back to me. His tone was laced with lust and amusement. "I hope this doesn't mean another night of detention, sir," I say to him moving closer to him. His eyes darkened and moved forward, resting his elbows on his knees. I walked even closer, pushing the teacher and student boundaries overboard.
I was now standing between his parted legs, standing over him. In one swift motion, he grabbed the back of my legs, lifting me up to straddle his lap on the chair. As he let me slam onto his lap his already forming bulge pushed against my clit. His large hands grabbed hold of my hips, his eyes dark, filled with lust looked into mine. He left no time grabbing a hold of my jaw and smashing his lips into mine.
His tongue circled around my mouth, the feeling sending shock waves over my whole body. I started to rock my clit against his tight slacks, needing some sort of relief. The feeling made me break our kiss and grab onto his shoulders, giving me leverage to rock against him harder. "Not so fast." He says to me grabbing hold onto my hips to stop my rocking. "Fuuck," I say, almost whining at the loss of friction. "You were a bad girl, so what makes you think you just get what you want?" He says to me lowly, grabbing my jaw roughly to look at him.
"I'm sorry sir, punish me, hurt me, do anything," I say back to him looking at him through my lashes. He grabbed a hold of my face again, kissing me deeply. He stood up out of his chair, grabbing my ass to keep me staddled onto his body. Before I knew it, my ass was hitting the cold wooden surface of his desk. He broke our kiss and in one swift motion swiped everything off his desk. The sound of breaking glass filled my ear as he laid me down on his desk.
"You're so fucking bad. Breaking the school rules, now begging to be fucked by your own teacher." He says to me as his hands make their way up to his tie, loosing and removing it off from around his neck. "This is your punishment." He says to me as he grabs my wrists and pins them above my head, fascinating them together with his tie. His hands roughly push my shirt to reveal my bare tits.
He grins at the fact that I was wearing no bra. His mouth latches onto my nipple making me cry out. "Fuck, Daddy." I moan out. The new nickname makes him smile around my nipple. His hot mouth makes its way down my stomach. He undoes my shorts with one hand, pulling my shorts and my underwear down at the same time, revealing my wet pussy. "You're so fucking wet, you like being punished? You want it?" He says to me looking up at me, licking his lips. "Yes." I choke out, arching my back and letting out a moan as I feel him lick up my pussy. "Yes, what?" he responds pulling back. "Yes, Daddy. Please fuck me." I say, practically begging him at this point.
Before I know it his mouth is attached to my clit, flicking at it with his tongue making me try to bust out of the restraints. "Oh, my god." I moaned out. My head was thrown back onto the desk. "Fuck I'm close Daddy, dont stop." His tongue was thrusting in and out of me at this point, my hips were pushing against his face begging for more. To my demand, he brings his fingers up that massage my clit and a rapid pace. Since the school was empty, I was a screaming mess.
"Fuck I'm gonna-" I pant out. But before I could finish he completely stops. I lift my head up to see him grinning, "Did you think I would really let you cum?" He says to me. "Fuck you," I say back at him, consumed with sexual frustration. "Fuck me?" he responds, his smile dropping and his eyes narrowing. Before I know it, I'm being flipped over onto my stomach on the desk. "Fuck me? Okay, you'll regret that." He mutters out, the sound of his belt undoing quickly along with the sound of his zipper being pulled down excites me. Before I can say another word, his dick harshly slams into me making me yelp a cry.
He wastes no time thrusting in and out of me at a rapid pace. His dick is big, thick. It's almost too big. I can feel myself trying to stretch and adjust to the size. "You fucking take it, you whore." he says to me, noticing me practically screaming at the size of him. His palm makes contact with my ass, slapping it. The stinging sensation of the slap with the mix of his cock stuffing me, makes me closer and closer to me finishing. "Fuck me harder Daddy," I say challenging him. He was fucking me just hard enough, but I just wanted to test him.
His hand makes contact again against my ass before it trails up my back and grabs a hold of my hair, pulling it from the root. "Yes, fuck." I cried out at the sensation. I could hear his subtle moans from behind me, indicating he was getting close to finishing. All it took was one last slap against my ass and I was a mess, unfolding under his touch, coming undone everywhere. "Fuck I'm cumming." He moans out. I feel him fill me up as I came all over his cock. The sounds of our pants fill the room.
I feel him slide out of me a grab the tissue box that fell on the floor to clean up. I was too exhausted to move, to think. He slowly flips my body over so he can clean me up. Leaning over my body to undo my wrists from his tie restraints. "You okay?" he looks up at me as he cleans my thighs. "Yeah." I pant out. "or should I say, yes Daddy." I say, making him and I both fill the room with sounds of laughter. I liked this, more than I thought I would. "So, did I face my consequences?" I say acknowledging the whole reason I was here. "You definitely did."
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