#this is why i can't do math 💔💔
dizzystqrs · 2 years
i wonder how much space would clear up in my brain if i didn't know so much about h2o just add water. like what would i be able to learn if i didn't know that the show frames the full moon as passing over the moonpool exactly and perfectly every month even though the moon irl changes location in the sky each night and the only time it would pass directly over the moonpool would be at its zenith of that spot which could take, reasonably, 19 years
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duskymrel · 4 months
Part 5 of TWST as my friend group quotebook
austism go crazy. also anything with a '^' was something said or done by yours truly <3
^Jade: *sneezes*
Azul: Why do you sneeze so politely but also violently
^Idia: I'm pretty sure the nacho cheese at school will give me cancer
Cater: The urge to be an independent woman leaving my body the second I see my math score. (I'll need to marry rich).
Malleus: *makes his Kahoot name 'thing'"*
^Leona: You're literally objectifying yourself. Whatever happened to feminism?
^Ace: What is Crewels last name????
Jack and Epel:
^Ace: I hope you all choke and die on holy water
^Ruggie, doing Leona's makeup: What's your eye shape?
Leona: Black
Jamil, to ^Azul: I fee bad for whatever prehistoric fish evolved into whatever you are
Jade: B- but Azul 😔
Floyd: What do you mean we can't sit on your lap while you take a shit? 💔💔💔
Sebek: stop showing me ads for SEX WEED 1!1!2!1!!!!!1!1!!!1!21!1!1!1!
^Epel: Oh my GOD its hotter than Satan's sticky, sweaty, puckering asshole in here.
^Floyd: If I rip your dick off and above it up your ass, is that masturbation or gay sex?
Ruggie, to ^Leona: How you got all that in the front but nothing in the back?
^Ace: But I'm too pretty to die. 💔
Jamil: I think your ego is killing you faster than this run ever could.
Lilia: Are you and Malleus dating?
^Yuu: Uh... No???? Why?
Lilia: You were nice to him.
Vil: If someone says I have a red flag I'll just say "well, at least I look good in red"
This was so silly !!!1!1!11!1!1!! (We're all delusional)
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daisys-reality · 10 months
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@klayleyism Well, for me personally, I mainly used subliminals for academic stuff, for learning skills more easily (playing instruments, being better at tarot readings as well - how do you like my readings?😂) or manifesting specific things. In my last years of school, I ended up graduating as the best in my whole grade!! I was literally called 'too smart' and 'nerd' by my classmates and even teachers (- still feels unreal😭). I ended up having straight A's in math (!) and history which was impossible for me before that💀 like all my grades improved from average grades (mainly Cs, + a few Bs) to only A grades - in ALL subjects!!! But I also manifested things like entering my desired university or finding ideal opportunities (ex. ideal apartment, ideal internship) afterwards!
I sometimes used beauty subs, but I already liked my overall appearance before that so I just used them for enhancing my natural beauty you could say (ex. better skin, hairfree skin lol, healthier hair but also like specific charm/aura subs you know😏), other than that I think I also used to use subs like 'have more self discipline' or 'be better at setting boundaries' because i used to be a huge people pleaser irl but that's luckily all in the past now... Oh and I think you could also count my exchange year in South Korea back in high school as a result, I only used to listen to something like 'make my wish come true' subliminals at that time but it ended up working out so yeah😂
I don't really have a favourite sub maker but I remember using subs from baejin cafe, ¡naeka and enchanted workshop a lot !
I'm afraid my all time favourite subliminal for my academic life has been deleted...idk why but I can't find the sub maker account on yt anymore :( the sub was called something like 'elite student life', it had a pink aesthetic and there was a long and a short version... it was already an older one but it was one of the first subs that I used and kept using💔 - If any one knows the sub I mean or knows what happened with their account pls let me know :(
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ms-trashcat11 · 1 month
Birthdays are Overrated
DISCLAIMER: chocolate cakes 🎂 aren't overrated, presents that I like are the best, I love my friends and family who celebrated my birthday for me!!
I mean
today was
the news that all my BAD math scores💔 will be exposed on a parent teacher meeting
knowing that my classmate got full total scores on all subjects (exclaiming ANXIETY)
a freaking suprise bio test🙄????
even after my official birthday at 1:23pm (yes the minute that I was born in)
getting hit in the arm by a football..?⚽🤦‍♀️ (which I managed to convince my self that it traded off another bad thing that was meant to happen)
so ok honestly
not that lucky or happy on this supposedly magical day
I do recognize that the world won't stop for you because its your birthday
you are still bad at math
won't magically not be so because its YOUR BIRTHDAY
but To be honest, why birthday?
What did I do to deserve a birthday celebration?
living and breathing?
continuing to exist?
it obviously does't matter to the world that I (in particular, out of 8 billion people) was born
it matters even less that this is an anniversary of the day that I was born on
and to be honest with the perhaps overly optimistic attitude you can live anyday as a birthday
but why BIRTHDAY🥳???
I came to the conclusion, after a day of contemplation and a life of observations
that birthdays are not important
it is a human made holiday (well yes of course all holidays are human  made) to give us a day
a day that's for us
presuming no one in extreme close proximity of your social life share the same exact birthday - down to the hours - with you, your birthday is the day that people celebrate you for you.
people will wish you to be happy. 🎉And though they could have done that any other day or every single day, it's a day to remind us to do that!
you should be happy without any guilt or burden because its your birthday
its a day where you are supposed to be able to choose whatever you want to do
It is a basic form of contract with life and people around us that sets us free from my life of anxiety and duties (*out of the very real concern that MOST of us can't be happy and free from responsibilities for everyday)
so maybe the world would stop for me for a little moment
some would stop and congratulate me for moving on to the next age, wishing genuinely that I am happy.
birthdays are overrated
but I won't mind having more of it 🍰
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waskojey · 2 years
I'm trying to bake cookies but I changed the recipe and I can't do the math to figure out how long to bake them for.... why was I given a baking hobby and also made so fucking stupid 😭💔
im an art major and yet the horros and agonies (math) are always chasing me...
bake them for as long as you remember and trust god (< anne boonchuy)
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boplee · 3 years
Sink or Swim 🌊
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Part 1: You Come in Waves 🌊
Part 2: Tsunami 🌊
Jaehyun x reader
| Angst 💔 |
Synopsis: After months of a seesaw love affair, Y/n finally ends things with Jaehyun. But what will the two do with the lingering feelings for one another?
But no matter how loud your feet thumped, you could still hear the voice of Jaehyun saying to you:
“ I love you y/n. I do.”
To stay afloat you must remain calm. Any minor inconvenience could send you deep into the unknowns of the water. The slightest nudge, tap, or even a quick break in concentration could cause you to fall and sink. Staying afloat was all your mind could think of. Regardless of any past events, you must stay afloat.
Between school and your personal life, you weren't sure what kept you up late at night. Your days were filled with cramming last-minute information in your head and Jae- dare you even say it. Let alone think it. You cringed at yourself every time you even allowed your mind to think of him. Why can't you get rid of him?
You tapped your pen lightly against the table as your eyes scanned over the textbook before you. If there was anything in this world you hated more than Jaehyun, it was Math. It didn't matter how hard or much you studied, you never could grasp the concept of it all. And as the minutes ticked away, so did your will to continue. You promised yourself you'd spend 2 hours in the library today and you just prayed your time was up. You let out a deep sigh as you checked your watch. “I’ve only been here for 10 minutes.” You planted your face into the book and sighed.
You didn't even bother to wrestle with yourself as you felt your eyelids growing heavy. Instead, you embraced the feeling of drowsiness that took over you. You had finally grown comfortable when you heard the sound of a chair beside you. As you popped your head up you were shocked to see the slightly embarrassed smile of the person taking the seat next to you. “Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.” You motioned that it was okay and straightened yourself up. “It’s fine, I should be studying anyway.” A small giggle of relief filled your ears.
You picked up your pen and began to attempt a problem. Sadly you failed yet again and verbally expressed your disappointment. You lightly tap your head against the table. Maybe then you could knock some sense into yourself. “Hey, you okay? You seem very irritated?” the stranger beside you questioned. “Yeah, it's just this stupid class. I feel like I never get these questions right.” You whined as you dragged your head back up. “What are you studying maybe I can help?” “Calculus.” you huffed out heavily. “Really! I love calculus, show me the question.” You looked slightly confused at the boy before you as he excitedly read the question. You watched him closely as he stared off into the open. “The answer is 360. Check me.” You hesitantly flipped to the answer key at the back of the book, and sure enough, he was correct. “How did you do that?” you swapped glances between the book and the boy as he gave off a cheeky grin. “Told you I love calculus.” You clasp your hands together and bow your head slightly “Teach me thy ways, oh great one.” The boy let out another shy giggle before agreeing to help you.
In what felt like only a few minutes, you finally learned and understood calculus. “Oh my gosh thank you so so much, you just don't know how grateful I am.” You say as the both of you begin packing your things to leave. “It was no biggie. I don't mind helping a struggling stranger.” You smile softly as you look at him. “There’s this cafe right off-campus. Let me buy you something as a thank you.” He nodded softly as he expressed how much he'd appreciate it.
As you headed out the door you began to get to know your savior. “I don't think I caught your name earlier? My name is y/n, and yours?” The boy stuck his hand out to you as he spoke “Jungwoo. My name is Jungwoo.” You grasped his hand and gave it three light shakes. “Well nice to meet you Jungwoo.” The two of you share a laugh as you walked along the sidewalk. You quickly found out that the two of you share many similarities, except for his love of Math. It felt great to have such a refreshing conversation with someone. You could tell Jungwoo was a sweet soul.
Everything about him was just so cute. From his smile to the way he'd speak, it all made you giggle. He was funny too, the type of funny that made your sides hurt from laughing. It seemed that in the short walk you took the two of you had grown close. The two of you were so giggly an older lady asked if the two of you were dating when you entered the cafe. The inquiry kept the two of you laughing even as you sat down together. “Order anything you'd like, my treat.” You say boldly as you tap the menu. “Well, then I'll take one of everything.” As you both locked eyes you began another fit of laughter. “Hi, welcome to Shellie's what can I get for you today- Oh wow now who is this?” You smile shyly as your eyes meet the face of your best friend Haechan. “Y/n is this Mr. Man that you've been crying over cause-” You hurriedly cut off Haechan by introducing him to a confused Jungwoo. “I promise you I'm not Mr. Man,” Jungwoo says as he shoots a nervous grin towards you. “We just met today I'm buying him lunch as payback for helping me.” You began to bury your focus into the menu before you hoping Haechan would move on to another table. “You come here every day, you've read that menu forwards and backward by now. What do you want?” You rolled your eyes at Haechan’s inpatients.
You decided on two frappes and a share of churros for you and Jungwoo. You felt slightly embarrassed that Haechan spoke of Jaehyun in front of Jungwoo. Did he have to mention that you cried over him? “I don't want to seem intrusive but are you okay?” Jungwoo placed a hand on the table as he searched your face with concern. “Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a little embarrassed that's all.” You tried to stare everywhere but at Jungwoo. But it felt like no matter how hard you tried you still found yourself staring into his eyes. “We don't have to talk about it. I mean you just met me,” he spoke as he left off a soft giggle. “Whoever Mr. Man is, he must’ve messed up bad to make Haechan dislike him. Sounds like a jerk to me.” You both laugh lightly as you hum in agreement. “Oh trust me he is,” Haechan says as he comes back with your drinks. “Like how dare he hurt my best friend. You know I should beat him up for you. Give him one of these.” You couldn't help but laugh as you watched your best friend prance around like he was fighting someone. “Channie he'd crush you, babe. So try plan B instead.” You watched as Haechan made a face as if he was thinking before he agreed. “Still someone should smack the guy.” You laughed again as Haechan cocked his hand back as if to slap someone. “You got customers dude go do your job,” you giggle out as you heard the chime of the doorbell.
“Oh hey it's my roommate, do you mind if he sits with us?” You motioned that it was okay as Jungwoo hurriedly left his seat. You sat peacefully sipping your coffee as Haechan came and stood by your side. “Welcome to Shellie's.” You looked up at your friend to see why he spoke so softly. His voice sounded less excited and more worried. Your head followed the direction of his eyes and sure enough, you lost your excitement as well. There he stood with Jungwoo wrapped around his shoulders. You felt your heart sink with each close step they took to your table. “Y/n this is Jaehyun, my roommate. Roomie this is y/n.” Jungwoo excitedly took a seat as you and Jaehyun both tried to not make eye contact with one another. You could feel Haechan slightly nudging you as Jaehyun took the seat before you.
Maybe Jungwoo could sense the atmosphere around him or maybe he didn't care. “So,” Jaehyun began “h-how do you two know each other.” You could tell Jae was nervous by the way he cleared his throat almost as if his words got stuck inside him. “I'm her new calculus tutor.” Jungwoo flashed you a smile but you could only give a half-grin back. You nervously shook your leg while praying the moment would soon be over. “Oh. Do you already know her?” Your eyes cut a glance over to Jaehyun as his ears began to turn a slight pink tint. “Uhhh yeah, we um had a class together last year,” Jaehyun spoke as he cleared his that again. “Oh, really what class?” You rolled your eyes as you spoke up “I think it was Human Anatomy, wasn't it?” Your eyes locked on Jaehyun’s as he seemed to struggle with keeping up with his lie. “Yeah, Human Anatomy. Right.” He let off a nervous laugh as he began to look around the room. “Yeah, Jaehyun here loves to learn about human bodies.” You huff out as you take another sip from your coffee. “Since he knows so much about them then, why haven't you been able to get over this cold of yours?”
Your ears perked up as you ranked over Jaehyun’s appearance. You began to notice just how sick he appeared. The rim of his nose burned a bright red and his eyes were on the brink of sealing themselves shut. “I told you I don’t get sick often. It’ll pass” Jae sassed as he yanked a napkin from its holster. In the few years, you've known Jae not once has he ever been sick. Not even a single cough. Your heart wanted to take pity on him but your brain kept yelling at how much he deserved it. “Well we do have a chamomile tea...maybe that’ll help,” Haechan spoke attempting to break the silence. “Make it hot, please” Jae’s voice trailed off as he set his head down on the table. “So I believe we were discussing the unknown fellow Mr. Man,” Jungwoo spoke as he diverted his attention back to you. Your eyes bucked as you nearly choked on your beverage. “Oh...yeah...right,” you began as you tried to regain your composure. “You know Mr. Man isn't important...you know I'm over him.” You made sure to emphasize the ending of your statement just so it cod reach Jaehyun’s ears. A small part of you grew excited as you noticed him shift slightly to better open his listening path.
“Oh really?” Jungwoo’s posture perked up as he leaned in closer to you. “Most certainly.” In the short time, you've come to know Jungwoo it is evident that he isn't very good at reading you. No one was ever good at that, well no one but Jae. If there was a book written on you he had read every single word of it. He knew how to turn you on, how to make you giggle, even how to piss you off. You hated the fact that he could read you so well, yet you couldn't even tap the surface of his mind. It wasn't that he was a complex individual, just inconsistent. Or maybe you were making excuses again. You may hate his guts right now, but you could help the soft spot that had formed in your heart for him.
“Well if that's the case...” Jungwoo speaking brought you back to reality. Your eyes locked on him as the boy seemed to sink into himself slightly. “If you're free...I'd like to take you out Friday...on an actual date.” Jaehyun’s head popped up at the bold declaration that had come from his roommate's mouth. Even Haechan stood in shock as he placed Jaehyun’s beverage on the table. You couldn’t do much but blink as the pink-cheeked boy shyly began to smile. “Most certainly she is...I'll have her ready by 7,” Haechan spoke as he slapped a hand on your shoulder. You franticly looked between him and Jungwoo before your eyes landed on Jaehyun. As you looked into his red eyes you made your statement agreeing to a date with Jungwoo. No sooner than the words left your mouth was Jaehyun grabbing his things to leave. “Great, and I'm sorry to cut this meeting short but I have class in 30 minutes I should get a move on.” You smiled and said your goodbyes as Jungwoo quickly left the cafe. “Mr. Man certainly did not like that.” Haechan chuckled as he walked away from you.
To stay afloat sometimes you must grab ahold of other things. Driftwood. Abandoned tires. The roommate of your old fling. You didn't rag on yourself too much for doing it, it wasn't like you knew they were roommates. It didn't matter cause over 3 months Jungwoo had changed your life for the better. Every date was spectacular and he always seemed to outdo himself every time. He even gifted you small things just to let you know he was thinking of you. He was the sweetest boy you had ever met. Yet, something just would let rid yourself of Jaehyun. Sometimes you'd find yourself reading old messages between the two of you. Not to mention the countless nights you cries at the thought of you lost him forever. No date, nor gift could convince your heart that Jungwoo is who you want. You could fool your mind all you wanted, but your heart knew where home was.
Even now as you sat across from the sweet boy your mind ran wild with the thought of Jaehyun. You couldn't bring yourself to let Jungwoo down, but you knew it needed to be done. And you knew you'd be the villain of the story for even playing along this long. You honestly thought you could convince yourself to like Jungwoo, and you did, but you just didn't love him. Not like you loved Jaehyun. You didn't want to throw yourself back into the endless cycle but you found yourself being drawn back in. It felt wrong that you even allowed yourself to entertain the thought of being with someone else. And it didn't matter how much you poured your thoughts out your friends all say stick with Jungwoo. If your mind wasn't such a mess making this choice wouldn't be so hard. “You must be thinking on so really heavy stuff over there. Want to talk about it?” Your eyes flickered up as you watched Jungwoo sip his water. Maybe you should air it out to him, he might understand.
“Well, I have a friend. She caught feelings for this shitty guy.” You began to drag your dinner fork over your food as you stretch the truth about what was racing through your head. “There’s this other guy that we all love and think is perfect for her, but she won't stop whining about the shit bag she caught feelings for.” You went on and on airing out every thought that came to your mind, even the parts that didn't need to be said. Jungwoo just sat and took in every word you spoke. You didn't realize just how much this situation weighed on you until you began to speak to him about it. It felt good that you could at least get this part of the problem out the way. Your rant finally halted as you looked at the slightly shocked facial expression of Jungwoo. “Sorry, she's been stressing me out with all this.”
You drank from your glass to avoid the embarrassment that crept onto your face. “Well,” Jungwoo cleared his throat before he continued speaking. “We can't control who we love. If we could the world wouldn't be such a complicated place. But if her heart is with the shit bag then she should go be with him.” Your eyebrows raised as you took him Jungwoo’s statement. “Wait...what?” Jungwoo laughed lightly before he continued talking. “See we men often have trouble communicating our feelings. The shit bag isn't a shit bag. He's just afraid to put his feelings out there cause he thinks they won't be reciprocated.” Your mouth widened as you motioned for him to tell you more. “From what you've told me it seemed he only agreed to that type of relationship because he thought it’d be the best way to keep her. If he was a true shit bag he would've left after the first time they had sex. And you say she doesn't give in easily to him which means he's not using her for easy access.”
The more Jungwoo spoke the more since it all made to you. Although none of this excuses his behaviors you could see why he acted the way he did. “However,” Jungwoo started catching your attention again. “She must know that being with him is going to come at some kind of price. Whether it is the heartbreak of losing someone who could love her correctly or being done wrong by shit bag, she’ll be buying shit bag’s love at a price.” And that one statement is what lingered on your mind for the rest of the evening. Was Jaehyun worth it? Did you want to lose Jungwoo? What if he didn't mean what he said to you? What if he doesn't feel the same?
Unexpected turbulence can cause you to lose your balance when floating. And this was that moment for you. You couldn't stop your mind from racing even as Jungwoo parked in front of your door. “Y/n I have a question.” Your head turned to face Jungwoo as he took your hand in his. “This wasn't how I was going to do this but I think I should get it out the way.” You felt your heart rate increase as Jungwoo began to fumble over his words. “I kinda said a bunch of nonsense but in short I want to ask you...if you would...” he cleared his throat before making eye contact with you. “Will you be my girlfriend?” It seemed all time had come to a stop as you stared at Jungwoo. You started thoughtlessly as you tried to gather your thoughts. The longer you stared mindlessly you faster Jungwoo’s face softened. He gave your hand a firm hold before returning his back to the wheel. It was completely silent until he left out a soft sigh. “It’s Jae isn't it?” You snapped your attention to Jungwoo as he slowly lifted his face to look at you. “The shit bag. It's Jae right?” Your head dropped and you began to stare at the floor. “You don't have to explain. I found out a week after we first met. I didn't know that things between the two of you were that serious until you told me about it tonight.”
You facepalmed yourself as you realized that your cover-up wasn't the best he had ever heard. “Yeah, I had to stop him from drunk calling you one night. Most definitely wasn't my happiest night. I was just hoping that maybe just maybe I could make you forget about him. And that I could make you love me. But I know myself that you can't change what your heart wants.” Tears slowly filled your eyes as Jungwoo spoke. You didn't want to hurt him. “Look Jungwoo I'm sorry okay.” You choked out as you looked at him. “I really do like you it's just...” you paused momentarily as you look into his eyes. It seemed he too would cry at any given moment but he was holding it all in. “I love Jaehyun.” The words felt unreal as they left your mouth. You could finally admit that you loved Jae. With every inch of your body and spirit, you loved him. You loved the bright shade of pink his ears turned when he was embarrassed. You loved the way his nose scrunched when he’d laugh hard. Everything from his head to toe you loved. And you could finally admit it. “You don't have to apologize okay. And don't worry you didn't say anything that I didn't know already. Y/n I’ll be fine I promise. Besides, I wouldn't mind still being your friend.” You smiled softly as you wrapped Jungwoo in a soft hug. “Thank you for everything Jungwoo.”
You kissed his forehead lightly before exiting the vehicle. The soft sound of rain on your window was just what you needed to help ease your mind. You sat alone on your couch sipping at a glass of wine you had poured yourself. You finally found peace with yourself. Finally, your heart and mind relished in the thought that you loved Jaehyun. You didn't need to fight it anymore, but you still could help the pain you were feeling. Deep inside you knew that there was a very slim chance that he even felt the same. You were finally free from the chains of denial but not the shackles of rejection and reality. You wrapped your blanket tighter around you as you felt the familiar sting of tears pricking your eyes. You didn't want to let them fall but slowly they rolled down your face. You didn't bother to wipe them instead you left them fall. You didn't know what else to do to cope with the fact that you lost both Jungwoo and Jaehyun.
The rain picked up and so did your tears. Soon you found yourself wrapped into a ball crying your eyes out. Why did love have to be such a shit show for you? Suddenly three rapid knocks on your door tore you from your pity party. You wiped your tears as you asked the guest to announce themselves instead they only delivered three more knocks. You fixed yourself as you dragged your feet to the door. You didn't know what shocked you more as your door opened. The quick flash of thunder and lightning or a soaked Jaehyun standing at your door. “Jaehyun what the hell!” You looked at the boy who stood before you. His skin seemed flushed and dull as he stood before you and his nose glowed a bright red. “You look horrible Jaehyun what are you doing out here.” Since the last time you saw Jaehyun, it seemed his condition had worsened.
“Look if you're just going to stand there I'm going to leave you out here. Now answer me.” Another clap of thunder sounded as you looked at him. The longer you stood the more irritated you became. “Goodbye, Jae.” As you turned to shut the door you felt the cool damp hand of Jaehyun on your wrist.
“Y/n do you really love him? Tell me it isn't too late for us.”
This whole time you had been worrying about staying afloat. You fought the waves every time they came in. But for some reason, fighting the wave never gave you as much pleasure as falling into them did.
The long-awaited part three. I'm so sorry this took so long upload but I've been really busy with school that it slipped my mind. Since I'm on Christmas break I finally had some time to sit down and finish it. Think of it as a Christmas gift ☺️. Anyway hope you guys enjoy
P.S: There will be a part 4. That will be the end of the series.
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atsudesu · 4 years
includes. atsumu, osamu & suna.
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this prolly has done so many times already yeah yeah ik but i wanted to write?? so i did HA. btw this excludes art, music, pe etc. only main subjects.
also this is p half-assed so... sry 💔
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✧ | miya atsumu
the best ─ math;
i think we all agree that he's not that into school stuff.
BUT he cares about his academic achievements to not to be exempt from club activities!
math is one of his biggest struggles, that's why he tries to fix that. (he could cheat but he gets caught every single time he tries to do so, that's why he gave up on it 🤧)
if we take into account his hard-working nature and desire to be the number one, i believe he gives his weight to math for the sake of volleyball !! and to show his grades off to osamu lol
i just feel like he's generally better at numeric/quantitative subjects.
i mean yeah, he's not fond of solving problems and puzzles but still he's better at them!
bc the likes of literature kinda bore him. he can't keep his focus on the lesson if teacher just keeps talking and talking and talking.
that's why he prefers math, which lets him think efficiently and use his brain actively!! ahh, my diligent husband, i love him <33
the worst ─ history;
as i've mentioned, the subjects which makes it a necessity for him to just listen to the teachers are BORING.
due to that he doesn't understand a shit.
he knows he has to study history but he didn't even look at the history teacher in the class he was thinkin abt u hehe
and now, even if he grabs the book to read a couple of lines he'll be like 😐
he can't remember the dates and the important details about wars, migrations, rulers...
he doesn't give a damn about why mehmed the conqueror was so important for ottoman history or how the ii. world war started.
he can't pay attention to something he doesn't find interesting.
he'll occasioanlly ask you to come over to help him won't make u tell everything all over again to watch ur pretty face more ofc
if he decides to study properly he'll manage to get the minimum passing score or a lil higher but still meh :/
✧ | miya osamu
the best ─ literature
contrary to common belief
he's not the smarter twin or smth
he's almost same as atsumu
he has neither a best nor a worst subject,
math is too complex, english is too confusing, science is... don't even mention (yeah maybe he does have a worst subject 🙁)
he's a literature guy!
he's not that into it but i feel like he kinda enjoys reading paragraphs about stuff he's interested in.
learning about important literary works and authors may be a little hard for him since his memory is- ....bad (ik he has a bad memory & no criticism pls)
but his scores are pretty good at literature.
the worst ─ physics
okay, as i've said;
he sucks at it; atsumu's even better at physics
in an exam that's his line of thought;
"ok so i divided 9 to 00,7 then... well this must be the cubage. no it's momentum, are you an idiot? but this test isn't about fundamental forces? what- i-" this is so shitty ik i can't be funny
he can never keep the formuls in mind bad memory
unlike atsumu, he doesn't attempt to fix it, he's a good cheater 🥴
if he ever asks you to study with him i don't think it's just to watch your pretty pretty face like atsumu
he will really put effort into it to impress you hehe
✧ | suna rintarou
the best ─ history
it's not like he likes history or smth
he never seems to pay attention;
he leans back against the chair, taps his fingers on the desk loudly and stares at teacher's face CONSTANTLY to make him uncomfortable
sometimes teacher just pauses and stares back and,,,, HE HATES SUNA OMG-
well, he may not specifically pay attention or listen but he doesn't do something that can occupy himself and take his attention off the class fully.
he still hears and that's enough for him 🤷‍♀️
also mocks atsumu for not getting it
the worst ─ biology
i do not have a valid reason for this,, i'm sorry
he just seems like the type to ask the most stupid questions in the middle of the biology classes and no i don't have any example bc i cannot be funny
he's kinda scared of that teacher bc once he made a joke about gamogenesis and teacher roasted him thus he embarrassed himself in front of his crush
he never makes jokes in biology classes ever since
but please you cannot tell me he's not the type to pull the lamest jokes just to make his crush smile i wanna kith him pls
i don't think he puts effort into lessons even if he's bad at them. he couldn't be care less.
bc another good cheater ;)
also, if he notices that you're having a hard time w any exam, he's willing to let you see his sheet.
he'll ask you to study w him at school's library but you guys will end up kicked out bc you laugh at his lame jokes lol
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wincore · 2 years
Ooh okay ai sounds cool. I'm into stem too !! I've chosen math, phy, chem and computer science but I only have a vague idea (?!) ab what I want in college and it's kinda freaking me out bc most of my friends are so clear ab what they want to do later on in life 😭 😭 For now I'm rewatching high school musical for the 7830487474th time just to de-stress myself from the whole 'think about the future thing' bc I'll be starting senior year after in 2 weeks (smth ab coming of age Disney movies are calming) OML MOON YOU LIKE OCHEM ?!?! JDKDN  I've been learning it for over a year now and still haven't gotten a hang of it 😩 I'd choose calc over ochem in a heartbeat bc calc doesn't suck the few braincells I have like a vacuum cleaner. So I'm gonna use the 2 week break I have from school to understand ochem once in for all 😤 Gintama sounds interesting <3 animes with comedy are literally the best thing ever. As for one piece I've always wanted to see it but I freak out when I see the number of episodes it has 🥴 to quote lana's i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (during a battle to the death) one piece is like the grey's anatomy of anime and YES I'VE READ THAT FIC ENOUGH NUMBER OF TIMES TO QUOTE IT AND HDJSKDK SHRUBCHENG READING ONE PIECE FOR YOU, MISS MOON, HAS GOT TO BE THE CUTEST THING EVER but !! I don't blame him for being whipped this is miss moon we're talking about 💞 nct finally did smth for ppl who can't keep up with them lol nct news is a v v v smart idea + the little spoiler news anchor!jeno gave for the dream comeback in March made the vid even better ksjdj. Also, we're getting a rv comeback this march so it's gonna be one crazy month <33 AND I FINALLY FINISHED READING CORDUROY ANDBFKKDNDMD OKAY I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FIC 🤩 bff2l is one of my fav tropes <33 the fic made my yangyang brainrot phase even more intense. I'm in the process of binging all of your yangyang works <3 beginning from troublemaker bc it's such a classic (okay your whole 00line 'bad boy' series is a classic) to the wayv + Sci fi au. Now my brainrot has escalated to the alien!yangang state jdndi the tags made me cackle so loud XD 
p.s. header for corduroy is so cute why is it so yang2x of him to not figure out what playing ts' you belong with me means 😭 talk about hopelessly oblivious cutie idt even cupid can help him - 👻
honeypie, i am so so so sorry for the late response 😭 my life has been swamped and i've been feeling overwhelmed for a while now </3 
it’s alright to figure it out along the way!! that’s kind of what i’m doing too?? it’s a mix of ‘yeah, this is fun, this is what i want’ vs ‘life allows me only these few paths at the moment’. don’t stress too much and make decisions as best as you can 💕
honestly i binge disney to destress too hsdskh but sometimes i end up crying as the cherry on top 🤩 (cough cough encanto and turning red) but they are such a comfort spot for me !! i hope you’re doing better now though, sweetheart, and taking enough breaks like this!
SDDJDSJGJ it’s been a while since i’ve done ochem ngl but it was fun when i did it bc i actually used my brain back then 😩 the only thing i remember rn is grignard’s reagent ?? i got fun, sexy vibes from the reaction idk <3 and i absolutely ADORE calculus !!!!! it’s kind of the reason i love ai, because neural nets use a bunch of calc, even tho it drives me insane sometimes LOL and yes, on the occasion, i solve problems on differential equations just to feel something 😔 (like just 1 bc it drains me)
god, if a man reads one piece for me i will get on one knee so fast. lana knows my type too well 😩 and right???? i’ve read that fic so many times i could write my graduate thesis on it miss lana’s talent is unmatched 😤 pls do give gintama a try tho bc it’s so funny, it cheers me up every time ❣️ it’s more so for one piece, but it def looks a little daunting to newcomers 😭 1.5x is your friend if you ever wanna watch.
i can’t keep up with nct once again 💔 but omg the rv comeback!!!!! my queens never disappoint and my gf standards have once again been raised to miss kang seulgi and miss kim yerim 🥰
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH, LOVE !!! it’s been so long since i’ve written anything and this put back the will to write in me piece by piece ugh 💖 yangyang is lovable in a rat kind of way idk it’s so much fun to write him hshdk omg the scifi au brings back memories it was so FUN to write!!!!! god, i’m gonna do something like that again if i ever have the time hhh thank you so much for compliments on the header!!! i think i gave up when i was making it but i’m glad it gave off cute vibes 🥰
hope you’re doing well this week, love!!! have a good time and stay safe 🌙
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jayflrt · 2 years
aww <3 you are literally the sweetest akka, do we have a big sister day as in mother's day and father's day?? you need to get the big sis award!! rlly 🥲 you always help me in everything which makes me wanna help you back, but how? i'll figure a way out for that and don't you worry i'll make you the proudest big sister i think i ever have (hypothetically)
thanks for the study tips, i just can't get to focus because of the construction work beside my apartment 😔 but if i do have that concentration, i can complete my whole math textbook in one sitting 😎 that's how fast i am but i'm lazy 🙄
ah~ even me, guitarist!jay and bassist!reader 😲 lmao, i wrote that in flow, well!! then let's make it come true or yk, oh! fuck just got an idea, sjdishfas i'm great!!! 😭😭😭 akka, just wait till i get my life back on track and start writing, i'm sure this story will be a cliche type but more better with many misunderstanding!!! (🤫i'm a sucker for enemies to lovers and fake dating aus 🥺💔)
but the fact that jay had that guitar since his high school *cries* and he still has it, it means that jay is that dude who keeps every gift/thing he loves till it's broken/spoiled or till eternity.
huhu! chennai city girl </3 i'm your local jay simp 😔✊🏻 wah~~ chennai is really pretty and calming yet bustling with the crowd. i wish to visit chennai once again :(
akka 😭😭 not you explaining everything about my mbti, i know about that but i just asked you for the ennaegram one </3 lmao you just help and can't do anything :( you are the sweetest <//3
and what's the mbti test you did with enha, give me the link too and i'll picture mine too, can i send it to you through anon? like there is an option where you can send pictures, videos and links when you on that switch, do you have that option on near the ask settings?
with ddeonu it's perfect and jay it's good, lmao. but i think sunoo would suit you because he needs appreciation and compliments and you give them so well </3 yup! that's right :) normally guessing, i might be compatible with jakehoon or heeki?? just guessing though, hehe. akka once you send the link, i'll do the fucking test.
and thinking about 11:11, just think about 22nd feb (two's day) like the date and time—22/02/2022, 22:22 and then let's go back to the 2011 and the eleven's day—11/11/2011, 11:11 🤯 wow!! and think about the people born on that same date and time, like no wonder it's a wonder or a miracle...
so you knew treasure before that's good, yea- take your time to stand them or just ask me because i've been with them fore three fucking years and the reason they took so long to debut was because of yg's scandals and they delayed their debut many times!! it's sad knowing it and i cried when they debuted </3
and get ready for me to spam you with yoshi pics </3 and why don't we trade pics of each other's biases? you send me my jaehyuk pics and i'll send you yoshi pics... deal?? 👍🏻 or 👎🏻
i'm happy you enjoyed your trip with friends </3 something about them feels different when we get closer to them, be it a 1 year, 3 year, 5 year or 10 year old friendship, it's just different than a romantic relationship. i never had friends since young and it was just me not until my sister was born.
i think i'll rant about this friendship and love scenario after some time later, just you hanging out with your friends gave me a nostalgic feeling.
my weekend felt good but it's just my parents in a quarrel is suffocating my chest, they are in the urge of signing each other's divorce papers 🥲 lmao i mean like just fighting daily and they are in separation from each other...
— 🦔
PLS THATS SO NICE :’’) 💖 and i think august 1st is national sisters day !! HAHAH <3 but omg you dont have to worry ab helping me back or anything, love, it’s my pleasure !! 😭 
also omg have you tried listening to music while you study?? :o that distracts me tbh but it might be better than having to listen to construction :’) also i feel you HAHAH i get so lazy with studying 🤧 in fact i have a lot for this weekend that i need to finish before friday so i need to get my act together and Not procrastinate 🏃‍♂️ 
ahh yes take your time with writing !! and omg i adore fake dating aus as well ♡ friends to lovers is my all-time favorite but enemies to lovers is so so good in a more intense(?) way as well :’) 💘 pls jay is soooo sweet 😭 he’s so sentimental it just makes me love him sm more <33
and omg yeah chennai is v pretty :’) i miss it v much and i hope you can visit again one day 🌷💕 and omg PLS i didn't realize you just needed to understand the enneagram !! i just went on a whim and tackled two birds with one stone <3 also i don’t think you’re able to send photos/videos off anon love 🤧 but i can do it for you here !! 
Tumblr media
and omg actually words of affirmation is my least used love language so i don’t think i’d be good in that aspect at all !! 😭 im good with gift giving, acts of service, and quality time 🥰 
also omg i remember ygtb too and i followed for a little but it took toooo long 🤧 but im glad they finally debuted !! and i heard jikjin hit 50 mil :’D and i ALSO hope they enjoy their first win as well 🥰💗 AND HAHAH SOUNDS LIKE A DEAL :’)
you can rant about friends/love whenever you’d like/feel comfortable, so take your time !! and yes i agree it’s much more fun with friends :’’) i have a friend group i’ve known for close to a decade and they’re so close to me ♡ but i have other friends here and there who are close as well 💗 
and omg im sorry ab your parents anon :(( it feels that way a lot sometimes but i do hope that things get better between them! 🌷 do you have any plans for this week? :o
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
So , to clear things , in my country we have this thing that's like an special exam that if you pass it you get the chance to go to a school with much higher education that only people who get to pass the exam can go to .
You pass it as 6th grade (the subjects are math , science , English, French, and Arabic) and it's about everything you've studied in the entire year and it's hard as fuck but ya girl passed hers 3 years ago cause she's smart 😌 💅. And the school that I got moved to is pretty far away so I stay at the dorms (yes ever since I was 12🙂) , that's why im busy the entire week .
And if I don't pass then they'd send me back to my city thats more like a village cause its tiny , and because of that if I don't make it every single person's gonna know... do u see what I'm getting at.
Still I am taking the situation lightly because I'm pretty sure I can make it , also the exams are in June (wich is getting closer da fuck ?)
And yeah that's it. I can't wait for this year to end imma keep ya updated cause congrats you're 🌟big sis shrimp level🌟 now
but congratulations on passing that exam, i am so proud of you sweetie, even if it was three years ago! you worked really hard in school, and i am happy about that. exams are tough; you got this though, push through it all and you'll make it. i understand why you're taking lightly only because exams are still far away, but it's still good to acknowledge how important it is for your education. i am happy you passed though, but cheers and good luck to the future ones 💖🥰
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sketchguk · 3 years
I'm so excited to brainstorm with you!! Also I'm in my last year of uni! I study sociology 🙈 it's very easy! What do you study? And do you go to college or online??? ahhhhhhhhhh okay for the brainstorming now, youre so correct to be thinking about library headcanon! That one is so sweet. I was thinking that maybe he waits for her to close up and walks her back everyday :( and she says he doesn't need to but misses him if he doesn't come :( abt confessssssssing ahhhhhhh I think it should be so angsty 😭😭 also that he might be get little angry that she doesn't think his feelings are valid?? Cuz he knows she likes him too but shes just ignoring. cuz how can she not trust him??😭😭😭 I know you read chocos fics, in that one fic called wish, he calls her out when she's with Jun and confesses ! But then he gets little angry and says why shes always with him if she likes Jun and " youre with him but what do you really feel" 🙈🙈😭😭😭 it could be something like that!!!! If he gets upset it will shock mc cuz hes always so sweet and understanding :( and she taking it for granted that he wont argue with her 😭 idk if this make sense??? But I think he'll fight for their relationship, cuz hes a gryffindor 😭 anyway ahhh :( gryffindor soonyoung has my heart too. and also everyone likes him 🙈🙈 I saw anons saying you should write the fic! I agree! You can ask your friend if she feel bad that you write the fic for bts member? :( She sounds nice, maybe she won't mind! But if you make a new blog too I will follow you there or if you write here, thats so nice too! Anything you do will be good! - 🌴
Ahh congrats on your last year !!! Sociology is such an interesting subject !! I took an intro class back in my freshmen year :') Do you know what you want to do career-wise??
I major in math education !! I finished my 4th year, but this fall, I'm doing my fellowship for student teaching :D I'll be done with my graduate program at the end of the year !! We've been online since February of 2019 :/ I think my class this semester will be hybrid, but student teaching will be all in person !! I'm highkey nervous for that lol. But I think work this summer has been preparing me for what's to come. I haven't been in a classroom in over a year :/
THE LIBRARY !!!!! She would totally expect him there everyday because he established a routine !! It's like an unspoken agreement between them 💔 That he would wait for her and walk to the Great Hall/dormitories together. But maybe he can't make it to the library one day because he has to stay late for quidditch practice :/ she could be locking up, and he runs up to her all hot and sweaty with an apology on his lips. But she's all pouty because he wasn't thereeee :-( As soon as he asks her about her day, she'd go soft for him ! Her pout is then replaced with a bright smile because who can resist?? She doesn't notice it, but Soonyoung definitely does !
GOSH I love miss choco and her fics !! Wish is one of my favorite ones of all time LOLL. This confession will DEFINITELY be angsty !! I don't think I see this story reaching its climax in any other way beside confrontation. They're both stubborn individuals, so they might have an explosive argument aha. I don't think sweet, natural confession is in store for them :/ just because of the nature of their relationship
Ahh maybe Mingyu can play a bigger part in this hMmMm. You're right that Soonyoung is very sweet to mc, even when she rejects him with every attempt. I wanna see Soonyoung mad !!!! I really do !!!!! That's kinda hot. He could probably sense their relationship slipping away the more time she spends with Mingyu (although she doesn't mean to do it on purpose!).
I definitely see Soonyoung as the jealous/petty type. He probably overthinks a lot despite how confident he is, but he won't share his feelings with anyone ! Most people see him as the perfect dude, basically the house heart throb / golden player of the quidditch team. He'll be damned if anyone finds out he has these insecurities, and he'd be absolutely f*cked if he has to ask anyone for help 😭 A part of him questions whether mc likes him or his actions. Is it the affection that she adores?? He'd drop almost anything for her, but what would she do for him? It's frustrating to read all these mixed signals, and he's not great at reading between the lines :-(
Now the question is: does their relationship get resolved through one explosive argument? or is mc going to sit back and think about her actions and her feelings >.<
aha everyone knows Hoshi !! The infamous Gemini. I hope I can write the story one day and give it justice !! I know this character better than some of my published ones aha. I've made up my own mind that this Gryffindor AU is for Soonyoung only :-(( It feels wrong for me to swap the character for a different idol, so I won't :/ Ahaha I have a svt url saved that I realllyyy like, but I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to use it aghh. Although.. I have had this current url since the very beginning LOL
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
OML I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T SENT AN ASK IN A WHILE ;-; covid decided to come for ya girl's ass and i've been stuck in isolation for the past week and a half JHDFDNMF
the workload is... a lot </3 we have school six days a week for nine hours + a three hour exam every sunday, either just math or physics, chem and bio combined :') but that's what you get when you're too ambitious and decide to take up medicine as a career </3 i'm still in junior college, soon to be graduated from the eleventh grade and when i tell you sometimes i feel like pulling my hair out from the sheer amount of studying i have to do, i mean it :')
omg i saw you're working on jeno's fic?!?!?!?! AAAAAAAA FINALLY MY BIAS' TURN!!!! i can't wait to see son of ares jeno ngl, i think that's such a concept <3333 don't rush it though, take as long as you want :D
my mothertongue isn't hindi though </3 i had to learn it compulsorily for eight years at school D: that's the only reason why i'm fluent in it JBDJF and it's also the reason why i can't read or write my own mothertongue but i can speak it </3 because our school didn't have that as an option to learn even though it's the regional language around here <//33
i do want to learn other languages though!! currently i can speak five - english, kannada, hindi, tamil and sanskrit in that order of fluency LMAO it gets so confusing sometimes ;-; do you like learning languages?
~ samoyed <3
sigh i'd written so much and now i can't remember it :(
~ samoyed <3
JDKSFKJDSF NO IM SORRY IT JUST TOOK ME FOREVER TO ANSWER BC I WAS FOCUSING ON TRYING TO FINISH DEMIGODS 💀 (unless you sent in another ask bc then yes dumblr unfortunately did end up eating it </3)
omg are you feeling better now?? were your symptoms really bad?
WTFFFFFFFFF omfg you are a trooper 🧎‍♀️ school six days a week AND an exam on sunday??? i hope your school has therapy dogs bc i would've ended it all by now 😭 but i'm proud of you for pursuing medicine!! that takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice and you'll make an amazing healthcare worker!!
yes omg i worked on it for a week straight with very minimal teeth plus i got braces in the middle of it so i was delirious from the pain bc my teeth were so sore ✋😩 but it's finally over and i've never felt more relieved <3333 i hope you enjoyed it if you read it, my love!
you're studying medicine AND you know 5 languages?? omfg god has his favorites i see 😔 i'm like that with mandarin too! i can speak it but i can't read or write it bc i left china around kindergarten but i still speak it with my mom and my family in shanghai 🤧 it's so cool that your school made you learn a new language at such a young age though! i took two years of latin in high school and three semesters of french in uni but i've retained nothing 💔 i would love to learn new languages but at this point i don't think i have the time or patience for it rip. that's why i wish the american school system would make us learn a second language starting in elementary school or younger !!
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bleedingink3 · 3 years
FORGIVE ME ANGEL 💔 " I wish this never happened. I wish, I wish this day wouldn't come," Mini said to herself and sighed. " Why did I go ? ," she said. " You know how monstrous the world is with you." She was crying." Fucking I don't have anyone to support me. I can't even tell mother ", she cried out loud. She was wailing.Mini was a third year college student. She had failed in her previous semesters. " I have to do this, I have to , I'm so sorry my baby, my angel ", she cried, rubbing her right hand over her belly . " I'm so cruel to you I know but what can I do ? Your dad has fled. Fucking your dad has fled. That bastard has disappeared. I'm fucking alone, I'm so alone ", she cried, still keeping her hand over her belly. Her third semester was kicking in. She was so weak in Mathematics. She had failed in first and second semesters. " If I don't pass this time, what will happen to me? ", she said to herself, holding the textbook and the maths copy. " I'm a fucking disappointment to my family. To everyone around me. What will happen to me? ", she covered her face with her hands. Her hands were trembling. She ran to the washroom, bent over, knelt down and puked. It was the fourth time she was puking that day. Her head was spinning. She looked at the window. " Are you with me dear God? ", she started crying again. She stood and washed her face and let out deep breaths .She sat down on the bed with her textbook ,the sample question papers and her copy. " I have to pass this time. No matter what happens", she said to herself and started solving. She solved five questions and sighed.Her eyes fell on the pregnancy kit that was kept on the side of her bed. She held it close to her breasts. Yes, two lines. Pregnant! She was pregnant 9 weeks, 2 days already. She felt suffocated. She stared through the window. It was 1 pm , a sunny Tuesday afternoon. She had nobody to tell what she was going through. Her elder brother was studying MBA and was distant from her. Both of them disliked each other. She was not like him, studious and well-behaved. Not a good daughter, not a good sister. The sky was so blue. Life was going on. She let out deep breaths.Suddenly, her phone vibrated. She was startled. She took it and saw a text. Mifepristone and misoprostol, mifepristone first and misoprostol after one day. And it would be done. It came from an anonymous number. " Hate you bastard , you coward, sending me text but fled in the right time, you bastard ", she was cursing. Pulling out a t-shirt and jeans from the wardrobe she went to the pharmacy.Finally, the medicines were with her. She felt triumphant. As if she had already done it. Her face lit up. She was feeling hopeful. " Finally I'll get the relief I deserve . Finally I'll get rid of it ", she said to herself. She gulped down the mifepristone tablet. " I'll be free from this misery finally, I'll be free ", Mini said to herself , taking deep breaths. She was running her fingers over her belly. " I'll be free , I'll be free , you too will be, I don't deserve you ", she said, tears rolling down her cheeks.Wednesday She woke up with a start. It was 11 am. She had to take the second medicine. Her hands were trembling. She gulped down cold coffee and cookies nervously. She touched her forehead. She had fever. " Finally I'll be free ", she said to herself and opened her wardrobe. The misoprostol was lying there. It looked wicked. Her head was spinning.She opened the half- emptied water bottle and gulped the misoprostol. " Finally, I'm free ", she said to herself, her voice breaking, tears were rolling down her cheeks.Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her tummy. Her eyes were bulging out , it was so severe. " It's working then ", she said nervously and sat down on the bed. Her limbs were trembling. The pain was sharper this time. She kept her hands over her chest and cried out.Something was flowing from her vagina. She rushed to the washroom. She opened her pants and saw blood. There was a pool of blood in her panty already. " It's happening ", she cried out. " I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry,
please forgive me, I'm so sorry . I don't deserve you ", she cried out . The pain was so sharp she sat down on the floor. Blood was gushing out from her vagina. " God forgive me , I've sinned to save my name, my life , God please forgive me ", she cried out. She was perspiring heavily. The floor was bloody. " Help me please, help me somebody ", she cried out keeping her hands over her belly. " Why the hell was I so hungry for some work ? I have fucking played with my body, my life." She was wailing.An hour passed by. She was lying down on the bloody floor. She was naked. Her clothes were on the floor, filled with blood. Another sharp pain, Lumps of red came out. Her heart was beating fast. " What the hell ? ", she cried out. Putting her fingers inside her vagina she felt something fleshy. She took her fingers out and saw tissues. She passed out.Another hour passed by. Mini was lying, her body was trembling. She couldn't feel her legs. Blood was flowing cruelly. " I'm free, Im finally free, I have to be strong ", she said. Somehow she stood up and leaned against the wall. She turned on the shower and stood quietly. She was not crying. Her tears had dried. She closed her eyes and felt her body.Cleaning the washroom she wore pad and fresh clothes. It was a heavy period. She placed a hot water bottle over her belly to reduce the pain. " A death in the family but nobody knows ", she said. She was hungry for modelling job and got her lesson. She was tricked. She paid the price. A death in the family and no sign of grief. A problem aborted but no relief.
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