#this is why they team up at the end and temporarily defeat the Big Bad Guy of the season
muddy-snows · 9 months
I’m still trying to figure out what I want to share about my AU so I figured I’d do this just to put something down(cause I felt like it)
I also just wanna say that I am planning on doing art for this eventually but I’m still pretty new to drawing the turtles so until I get more confident I’m not going to post it.
I’ve kind of been imagining this AU split up into seasons to make it easier to tell when what happens, this also means that each turtle gets a season where they are the focus. I currently have 5 mostly planned seasons, 1 that I’m still figuring out, and an idea for a bad future timeline(cause every Tmnt needs a bad future!)
Season 1 is Raph focused. The Shredder takes center stage as the villain with some minor Kraang activity, I also kind of cut down Karai’s ark(sorry Karai lovers) so that it could fit with and go side by side with Raph’s.
Season 2 is Mikey focused. With the Shredder having been temporarily defeated at the end of season 1 the Kraang take over as the main villains of this season. This season also ends with the Triceritons showing up and blowing up the Earth, basically the start to the space arc.
Season 3 is Donnie focused and is also basically the space arc but a whole season. The Kraang and Triceritons are both big enemies sooooo… this also ends with Shredder and the Kraang teaming up and forcing the turtles out of New York.
Season 4 is Leo focused. Yeah, the space arc basically transitions into the Barn arc cause that one is my favorite. The barnyard arc doesn’t take up the whole season but it lasts a bit longer cause why not. The second half of the season is devoted to stopping the Shredder and the Kraang.
Season 5 was going to the be the last season for a while until I had an idea that I really liked. I don’t want to get too far into it because it has some surprises but here’s the basics. Someone new has taken on the title of “the Shredder” but are they friend or foe? What do they want? And could they forever break apart the team? :)
Season 6 is still in the super early stages of being planned. I’m pretty sure it will be the end of the thing but I’m sure I’ll have stuff concerning the future of the turtles and the rest of cast.
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miredball · 2 years
I think the duffer brothers forget that THE beating heart of this series the reason it had gotten as big as it has is the bond between the KIDS
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bimboficationblues · 4 years
mx. what’s up with bionacles? What is the lore? What do they want from me? Why do bionacles?
Bionicle lore is told through a series of books written almost exclusively by Greg Farshtey, with a few by Cathy Hapka. (There are also movies and comics but they follow the books.) 
It’s initially presented as a dualist, cosmological battle between good and evil. This plays out in the context of one island populated by biomechanical life who represent various elements (fire, water, air, ice, stone, earth). But eventually the narrative escalates to interplanetary teleportation by way of diabolus ex machina, repeated mutations of the central characters, and a side-story where assorted villains from previous arcs assemble into a Suicide Squad and attempt to capture a historical war criminal.
Okay, so this is the basic plotline: 
Essentially, Mata Nui (who is also known as “the Great Spirit” and is kinda like God) is asleep. His “brother” Makuta (who is initially presented as being like, the Robot Devil but later revealed to be more like a robo-dictator or supervillain) is making a ruckus on the island by corrupting the local wildlife into attacking the local civilian population (called Matoran).
Around this time, six pods wash up on the beach containing amnesiac elemental warriors called Toa. They don’t really get along but eventually they put aside their differences to fight Makuta and his various minions, master the elements they represent, and collect “Kanohi masks,” which are the little masks that most Bionicles wear and have unique powers like shield-barriers or X-ray vision. At some point they all fall in a vat of goo that allows LEGO to sell redesigns gave them new powers. They mostly fight various brainless, palette-swapped enemies like the Bohrok (bug-bots that curl up into a ball) and Rahkshi (mechanical suits that contain gross worm things). The Toa finally defeat Makuta temporarily with the aid of some plucky civilians and the power of the Mask of Light, as documented in the classic film Bionicle: The Mask of Light.
It’s at this point that the series did a very long loredump through flashback that’s basically Bionicle: Secret Histories. It turns out that within the Bionicle universe, there’s a bunch of different islands out there with all sorts of culture, and the civilians of Mata Nui actually originated on a completely different island called Metru Nui. This flashback basically explains how Makuta forced Mata Nui to fall asleep, called “The Great Cataclysm,” which is basically the driving plot that results in the world as it currently exists in the Bionicle universe.
The set of six Toa who watched over Metru Nui were basically outlaws who fought the Dark Hunters (an organization of bounty hunters and assassins), Vahki (mindless robotic police officers), and the Morbuzakh (a corrupting mind-control plant). At the current point in the timeline, these “Toa Metru” are now the village elders on Mata Nui (the island), because after Makuta caused the Great Cataclysm, the Toa Metru had to help everyone become amnesiac refugees and gave up their powers in the process. This is the plot of Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui.
Okay, so then there’s a little interlude where during the process of transferring the amnesiac refugee citizens of Metru Nui to the new island, they get trapped and mutated into bestial versions of themselves, called the Toa Hordika, by robot spiders who have taken over Metru Nui, and they have to deal with that or whatever. This is Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows, and then the flashback is over.
After the village elders reveal this secret history to the current set of Toa, the heroes form a plan to save Mata Nui (who is dying from oversleep I guess), and the new set of hip, cool Toa in town--ex-Matoran called the “Toa Inika--head out to find “the Mask of Life.” This set of Toa are the reason that people my age associate Bionicle with the All-American Rejects’ “Move Along,” for the record.
Anyway, first they fight the Piraka, who are silly little bounty hunters, and then some idiot drops the Mask of Life in the ocean, so the Toa Inika have to go underwater, where they get mutated (noticing a pattern?). There they fight the Barraki, who are ancient criminal warlords trapped and mutated in an underwater prison called The Pit. This is where shit starts getting buckwild: the preceding two “arcs” are fairly straightforward but then things go really off the rails.
Basically the Toa Inika of Ice, Matoro, canonically dies by disintegration after donning the Mask of Life and sacrificing himself to keep God alive. This eventually results in the Mask of Life becoming like a sentient, embodied entity which hangs around for a while. 
Also, somewhere in the mix it’s revealed that “Makuta” is not a name but a title within a centuries-old secret society of Bastards called “the Brotherhood of Makuta,” which originally were created by Mata Nui to help populate the world with wildlife but eventually began plotting a deicidal coup. 
This society has just launched an invasion of another island called Karda Nui and the original six Toa go to help out, getting another new set of mutations in the process. Everything gets hyped up as like this big final battle…and then the bad guys win, because it turns out that during the moment where the Mask of Life was used to resurrect Mata Nui, Makuta (*sigh*) integrated himself into the Great Spirit’s CPU. The original Makuta destroys all his former allies, takes over the body of Mata Nui, expels the latter’s consciousness, and sends it to another planet called Spherus Magna. Spherus Magna has an entirely different set of problems: it’s a desert planet besieged by monsters and warring tribes, and the main protagonists are bloodsport warriors, but all of that stuff kinda gets chucked aside because Mata Nui shows up and starts mucking around.
It’s at this point that I kinda lost the thread of the narrative but basically all the good guys teleport to this other planet, team up with the locals, and destroy the God-Devil. The end. That’s Bionicles.
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jpegjade · 4 years
Confessions - Spencer Reid
frens and ferns, IM OUT OF SCHOOL FOR A MONTH. so here’s a new fic about something i’ve been struggling with lately...
summary: With emily gone, Spencer is having a hard time coping with her death. After a little prodding, he finds comfort in y/n, who is struggling with their own demons.
gender: neutral (i think. i tried not to point to any gender terms so hopefully i did okay at it bc i dont feel like proofreading.)
Warnings: talk of addiction but nothing more
Getting home from a case was always, hard on you. There were days when it was harder to get up in the morning because of the physical and emotional toll the job put on your body. Ever since that un-sub broke your ankle, everything has been even harder.
“Y/L/N, nice to see you back." Morgan said as you exited the elevator.
“You too, D." You said, plastering a fake smile on your face. In truth, you wished that you were off for one more week but the world wasn't that kind to you.
The doors to the elevator were slowly closing when you heard Spencer shuffling quickly toward your direction.
Before you had the chance to throw your arm in the way of the elevator sensors, Spencer's slender body slipped through.
You were a newer member to the team. Well... You were the only new member to the team. Being a replacement for agent Emily Prentiss, the team getting to know you was a process. Derek trained you so he already knew what you were like in action but this was the first case the rest of the team saw you on.
The silence in the elevator was loud and thick with anticipation. Spencer was looking over at you in quick glances when he wasn't staring at his converse.
“You didn't press a number." Spencer said, barely loud enough for you to hear.
"Oh... I guess that explains why if felt like I was going nowhere." You chuckled at your joke and winced when you met Dr. Reid's blank gaze.
"Do you..." He paused.
Spencer shook his head, clearing the thought from his mind. You continued staring but he dropped his gaze back to his shoes as if he hadn't started and dropped a question.
The elevator doors opened, showing an empty garage. The two of you gestured for the other to exit first but you ended up going first.
“Did you want to ask me something. Dr. Reid?" You said, watching him hesitate.
"Spencer." He said, ignoring the question. "My friends call me Spencer."
"I didn't think we were friends yet." You blankly. It wasn't meant to be funny but you couldn't help but smile.
“My team consists of my friends. As you are on my team, we're friends." Spencer's face never changed.
"Okay, Spencer." You looked at him. If you weren't so worried about getting home, you would've indulged in the moment. But all you wanted to do right now was be alone with some pizza and take the edge off from today.
"If that's all..." You tried to close the interaction with him by taking a few steps back but Spencer took just as many slow steps forward.
"Actually," Spencer began, "how do you do it?"
You faked a chuckle. "Do what?"
“Hide your addiction so well." Spencer was so pointblank sometimes.
"What are you talking about?" You tried to control the beads of sweat that threatened to pool.
"Everybody knows.” It's your ankle that started the painkillers and you couldn't stop. It took you away from the pain, the humiliation.
“How could you be so stupid as to get caught? You're even dumber for finding solice in the feeling when you've got all of this support around you? You've got a family who..." Spencer trailed off.
Your head was still reeling from the beginning of his statement. Everyone knew... But how could that be? It wasn't obvious but something was off about the distant look in Spencer's eyes. It was like he wasn't looking or talking to you. The anger laced in his tone wasn't for you...
“Spencer," you took a step towards him, "Are you talking about you?" Spencer stopped talking. You weren't used to seeing him so quiet.
"It's been a while." Spencer looked down at his converse. "Emily was there. When it got bad, I would cuddle up with her cat on her couch and try to forget the thoughts. She wouldn't make me feel like a burden at 2 a.m., when I was screaming myself awake. She always told me to stay as long as I needed, even when I was positive she was fed up with me. I wish I believed her. I wish I stayed." Spencer tapered off into silence, sniffling.
A pipe dripping. Footsteps in the stairwell. A car alarm chirping. All of those things sounded louder than they normally would. This wasn't Spencer cornering you. This was a confused and hurting boy that was begging for help. He just didn't know how to say what he needed right now.
“Do you..." You started but stopped because it didn't feel right.
Where do you start with someone who is just like you: broken, hurting, and alone.
How do you comfort someone without enabling them to do something destructive that might make everything worse?
How do you avoid hurting someone when all you wanted to do was hurt yourself, in a way.
"Do you like pancakes?" You asked, startling him out of his thoughts. "Pancakes? Sure." Spencer slowly lifted his head and shrugged.
You started walking to your car, motioning for Spencer to follow.
The car ride with Spencer was filled with silence. The whole time, you were thinking about ways to explain the situation to Spencer without making it worse. Spencer was trying to decide if talking to you was a good idea after all, considering you were taking him somewhere pancake related.
Pulling up to the run-down diner, you looked over at Spencer, who was staring out the window.
"I promise the pancakes are better than the place looks." You chuckled, getting Spencer's attention.
"I wasn't really worried about the taste of the pancakes..." Spencer trailed off.
"Good, I guess." You said, a little bit defeated.
You and Spencer walked into the diner, where you were greeted by a friendly older woman named Janice. She knew your name by heart, since you were a regular, and she seated you at your normal booth.
"Actually, would you mind seating us at 12? This is Spencer, the guy I've told you about..." You blushed, hoping you said everything low enough for Spencer not to notice. His mind was elsewhere so he wasn't listening as he normally would. A part of you was grateful for that.
Janice did a once-over at Spencer, softly grinning, and brought you to table 12.
Despite the outside looking dingy, the inside of the diner was cleaner than Spencer thought it would be. He wasn't really fond of booths but these weren't the pillow seat booths where children could hide things between the bottom seat and the backrest. This was the plastic seats that hurt your butt after a little while. But what he noticed that was different about the seating at the table was that one half was a booth and the other half consisted of two four-legged chairs.
"I know you don't like the germs in booth seats so I figured this would be a better option." You said, unable to meet his eyes.
Spencer was shocked as you slid into the booth seat, avoiding his eyes. Spencer pulled out his chair, temporarily distracted by the fact that he never mentioned how much he hates booth seats. You paid attention and noticed that about him. What else had you noticed?
"So..." Spencer folded his hands in his lap nervously.
"Let's order and then we'll talk." You said, trying to focus on the task at hand.
Placing your orders, you went with your usual breakfast at midnight and he just ordered the same thing you ordered.
"It'll be good, I promise." You said, giving him a small smile.
"You never answered my question." Spencer said, looking up at you.
"I know." You were getting nervous again. The nerves hadn't stopped since Spencer asked that question in the parking lot but you were trying really hard to find an answer to it.
"How do you do it?" Spencer asked again.
"Spencer, it's not that simple. I can't give you an answer like that over something so complex. Why do you want to know?" You asked, trying to focus on meeting his eyes.
Spencer's gaze was intense when he wanted it to be so you settled for staring at the tip of his nose.
"I'm struggling, y/n. Emily was... She was family to me. If Hotch is the dad, Rossi is the cool uncle, JJ is the mom, Derek is the older brother, and Emily is..." Spencer's voice caught in his throat. "Was the big sister. I lost a sister the day she died and I'm lost without her."
"Spencer, I'm so sorry..." You said, wanting to hug him.
A tear slipped down Spencer's face as you watched him frustratedly wipe it away.
"It's not fair, you know?" Spencer continued. "I survived the worst days of my life. I got to live after experiencing torture and she didn't do anything but fall in love with someone who wasn't..."
There was a moment of silence as you let Spencer get his feelings out. While the two of you said nothing, Janice brought your food and drinks to your table. She must have sensed the tension between you and Spencer because once you thanked her, she didn't hover or make additional conversation.
"It just hurts and I don't... I don't want to feel it. I just want to escape the constant pain and be happy again, just for a little while. It doesn't have to stay forever but I don't want this pain to hurt like this for now." Spencer cut into his pancakes, taking a bite. His face changed into something of contentment.
"I come here when I have a... I guess you could say craving." You started, "Carbs and sugar are good for the itching feeling you get when you really need a fix."
A moment passed as the two of you enjoyed the food in front of you. After downing half of your food, you decided to speak again.
"What's your drug of choice, if you don't mind me asking?" You quietly said, your eyes staying trained on the way your butterknife slowly cut into your pancakes.
"Dilaudid." Spencer was so upfront about it. You thought you would have to pull it out of him but he made your job easier.
"Ah... Opioids are a bitch to kick. Controlled substance so I won't ask how you got it but I understand it's not easy. There was this study we had to do in training. This one agent got captured and tortured and the BAU had to watch as he was drugged, tortured, and almost died... I guess you would know them, right?" You asked, trying to figure out which team member it was.
"That was me." Again, Spencer being upfront.
"Oh...Spencer, I'm so sorry... I didn't know." You were remorseful, you shouldn't have brought it up.
"That's where it began. I begged for him not to do it the first time, not wanting the drugs. But after that? After the torture and pain and... Everything? I craved that release. And even after he died, I just wanted to get away from all of the stress in life. Feel warmth in my veins, mentally zoning out for just long enough to reset my mind and be reminded that there was something good in the world..." Spencer looked over your shoulder but his eyes weren't fixed on a particular spot.
That's the thing about being an addict... You don't realize how much it hurts to be alive until the high sends you crashing back down. And, especially in our line of work, all you want is to stay up for as long as possible because the horrors of reality will tear you apart..." You finished.
Spencer's attention came back to you as you spoke, making you a little uncomfortable. You couldn't meet his eyes.
"I went to a couple meetings in the past." Spencer said, thinking about his experiences there. "I didn't feel like I belonged. I have a good life. Stable job. I'm fortunate enough to have a roof over my head. My mom is taken care of by capable people. I don't have to worry about anything. And the guys there? They're struggling in many cases. They're fighting for the things I take for granted and I didn't know how I could stand to be in the same room with my privileges and pretend like my problem was important..." Spencer trailed off.
"Spencer, your addiction is valid." You were finally able to look him in the eyes and emphasize your point.
"Is it, though?" Spencer stared back at you, a challenging tone laced his voice.
"It's not fun..." You started, unable to look at Spencer any longer. "I don't do it for fun or because I want to stay high. I don't do it for the feeling it gives me. I do it because I feel like I have to."
"What do you mean?" Spencer tilted his head like a puppy who was trying to understand a new word.
"After I broke my ankle, I was prescribed these... Off brand pills. They didn't really help unless I snorted them. And even then, they didn't help my ankle or me. So I found something stronger. A friend of mine is a doctor and when I go to see him, I'm able to... I guess manipulate him into giving me the good stuff, the stuff that makes my thoughts slow down, calms the voice, gives me a sense of peace and not this constant anxiety." You said, hands tapping the table.
"Oh..." Spencer said, taking in what you were saying.
"I'm an addict not for pleasure but for pain. And my struggle is no greater or lesser than yours." You said, fingers still tapping away. "I struggle, like you, except the difference is I'm newer to the team so they don't know what it's like to see me in my chaotic neutral state. What did you do when you had cravings before? You must have been clean for a couple years now, right?"
"I went to Emily... I always went to Emily. I play back these moments when I snapped at her for wanting to help and I wish I just..." Once again, Spencer's voice was caught in his throat.
"She was your safe space when you felt like you couldn't turn to anyone else." You said, understanding. "You don't have to be romantically inclined to have a safe space with someone. It's whomever you find solace in, for any reason under and over the sun."
"I wouldn't feel this way if she were here..." Spencer said, more to himself as if he were trying to be convincing.
"Spencer, you have to be honest with yourself. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. And that something else might not have landed you with someone who was willing to assist you in your recovery to stay clean." You said, finishing your pancakes.
"What?" Spencer did a double take. No one had ever offered to help him. He always had to be the first to make the move but even then, everyone was reluctant to take on the responsibility of Spencer.
"Isn't there an unspoken rule about addicts not being with each other?" Spencer asked, genuinely concerned.
He hoped not because he would love to have someone he could finally confide in, someone who wouldn't make him feel like a burden.
"No, that's about addicts not dating each other. But I think that as friends, we can understand each other in ways others cant. We can fight together. Have you notiiced the craving is gone, for the most part?" You asked, sure that Spencers single slice would be gone in a moment.
"Okay. Deal. We can confide in one another and maybe it'll help us get a grip on reality when we feel ourselves slipping.”
taglist: @goldentournesol @averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
What was the first moment or scene that made you suspect or realize Will can alter reality? 🙋🏾‍♂️
Hi, anon. :) I think it wasn’t 1 thing in particular but an amalgamation of things. S3 was probably what made everything ‘click’ in my mind. But there were A LOT of things in prior seasons that made me scratch my head - such as the connection/parallels of certain human/nonhuman characters to Will. And I was trying to figure out-what the narrative explanation was for all of this.
But I think what made me think of Will altering reality ...was  mostly how the media Will consumed affected the supernatural plot specifically .  And how the mf was connected to Will’s emotional state and “Will the wise”.Of course this is all unconscious on Will’s part-and he’s unaware. I won’t mention outside film inspos just what’s in the show- for this post.
s1: the demogorgans are connected to Will playing the game.Like how rolling the 7 in d&d caused him to be captured by the demogorgan in the game and real life. And how in the game the demogorgan is attracted to blood so it is irl. The weakness of the demogorgan being fire. And in a s1flashback- Will mentions Will the wise using fire powers against the bad guys. Duffers (in interviews) and Nancy saying the demogrogan was like a shark- and Will has a Jaws poster in his room. And in s1, Will watches poltergeist and is thrust into the same scenario as the little girl (being trapped in another dimension- where the mothers can only hear their voices and communicate to them through electronics ). The fact Will can mess with electronics similar to other psychics, and the monsters.In s1 Mr clarke describes the vale of shadows (later the upsidedown) as being created by “necrotic” (’dead’-zombie boy) and “shadow” (shadow monster/mf) magic.  
s2/3: Mike says he was Venkman. And Will is thrust into the same scenario as Venkman’s love interest.Dana finds a demon-dog in her fridge, and hires the ghost busters. And right before Venkman goes on a date with her she is possessed by the big-bad, Zuul, and is transformed into the gate-keeper (who controls demo(n)-dogs). Venkman proceeded to try to talk to the real Dana , ignoring her possessed form and eventually realizes how serious her condition is, is forced to sedate her. Eventually with the help of his team, Venkman closes the gate to Zuul’s dimension, rescuing Dana in the process. 
-In s2 Will also plays dig dug which is about underground mazes- so the supernatural underground caves are made in s2. And it’s a callback to the s1 d&d game with “troglodytes “ (cave men). And in s3 the Russians had the underground lab too - sort of being the troglodytes in a way.
-Will is called ‘zombie boy’ and in s3 when Will watches a zombie movie and writes a d&d story about juju zombies- the mf creates zombies and creates a monster resembling the thing (because when Will was writing his d&d story he was next to the ‘the thing’ poster in s3). When Mike hijacks Will’s d&d story saying ‘they’ll torch the chambers, sacrificing themselves killing the juju ’. Will gets angry and yells “Fine, you win.” And then Joyce and Hopper do just that- when they pull the lever, and Hopper ‘dies’ sacrificing himself, and the Russians literally are eviscerated.
-Will says ‘will the wise’ is a wizard ( writing on a music tape in s3 “will the wise-wizard mix’ and having his password for castle byers be ‘rhadaghast’- a lotr wizard.) In d&d Mindflayers are created by inserting a slug in a humanoid (like Will at the end of s1). And similar to Will’s s3 d&d story-Will says in s2 the mf drawing was for a story he was writing (which isn’t exactly the truth, but close to what is happening).The way they describe d&d Wizards matches Will/mf perfectly “Wizards are adepts and magicians . wizards are able to create spells of explosive fire, sparking lightning, subtle deception, and gross mind control. Their magic summons monsters from other planes of existence, predicts the future, and turns defeated enemies into zombies. Their most powerful spells can transform one substance into another, summon meteors from the sky, and open portals to other worlds”. Dustin says the mf uses it’s “highly developed psyionic powers for mindcontrol.” Nancy in s2 says: “So this thing is like a brain that’s controlling everything.” And accidentally calls the mind-flayer the mind-flamer ( WW had fire power).Hopper then says “So how do we kill this thing shoot it with fireballs?”And Dustin says “ No, No, fireballs you summon an undead army.”Referencing Will (fire)and foreshadowing of the zombie-esque people Will caused in s3.But Mike actually nails it on the head when he says, “If the brain dies the body dies … closing the gate will kill him(referring to Will).Because it’s not the mindflayers’ brain - it’s Will’s brain- that both Will and the mf share! 
Joyce  describes the tunnels Will draws as “like lightning” (a power Will the wise was shown to have in s1  and mf has in s2).And note in s1 we are told Lonnie taught Will baseball (and this was when Jon told Will not to mimic him)- and suspiciously there is a baseball and baseball-mitt next to the ‘shadow monster’ (mf) drawing in s2, and a bat (next to the ww drawing in castle byers in s3). Cause mf= ww.  Will lies and says the mf is just a sketch for a story he’s writing- but even if that’s not exactly true. The mf is still something he unconsciously created. And the mf comes in s2 during Will’s PTSD “anniversary effect” and in s3 everytime Will is thinking of his romantic feelings for Mike (why the mf shows up in the summer despite light being his weakness). 1st time it’s on one of their ‘movie dates’, 2nd time when Will is sad when Mike and El walk off together down the hill to make-out, , 3rd time right after he smashed castle byers after Mike says “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls”, 4th time (after the fight with Mike) when Billy is yelling to open the door (a trigger) and confides in Mike, 5th time when Mike asks him to go away so he can talk to El in the hospital waiting area, and 6th time when Mike says he loves El. 
-Susie in s3 references the ‘A wizard of Eathsea’ -it’s about a male wizard Ged (Will) who casts a powerful spell, but the spell goes awry and instead he releases a shadow creature! The new Archmage, Gensher, describes the shadow as an ancient evil that wishes to possess Ged. But the ‘shadow’ turns out  to be a representation of the darkest aspects of his personality. And the only way for the chaos to stop is for ged and the shadow to merge.
-‘the dark crystal’ movie poster in Mike’s room is about a race called urSkeks who inadvertently divided themselves into two separate beings; the violent, materialistic Skeksis, and the gentle, contemplative urRu. It was only when they merged back together as one could harmony and peace be restored to the world.
- Montauk Project’- The original title for Stranger things was “Montauk”- in reference to the Montauk Project. Where Duncan could “open portals to other dimensions-  and lets loose a monster from his subconscious.”
- In s1 Hopper says he likes the book cujo , that one of the guards is reading, and at the end of the book they replace the dog Cujo with a dog named Willie. A ref to Will creating the demo-dogs. The fact in s2 Chester (Will’s dog) died at the same time the demo-dogs appeared is probably not a coincidence.
- Susie has a wizard of oz poster & in s2 when murray mentions the supernatural he references the movie.He references Wizard of Oz by saying “people don’t like looking behind the curtain” (in the movie what was behind the curtain was a wizard-Will).
-in s3 Will & El parallel (sebastian & Atreyu from neverending story). Which Dustin references in s3.“Atreyu (who was deemed the ‘chosen one) is thrown  into the sea of possibilities (beach in cali). There he wakes on the shore of abandoned ruins (junkyard for El). There Gmork (The Mindflayer) reveals himself, having been lying in wait.He explains that Fantasia represents humanity’s imagination and is thus without boundaries, while the Nothing is a manifestation of the loss of hopes and dreams. And then latches his jaws onto Atreyu’s leg (like what happened to El).The Empress in the story later tells Atreyu, that despite being told he was the chosen one (he never was). And that it was always Bastian (Will) who was the chosen one -that could save them, all along! And that Atreyu’s (El’s) story, and “others” (the rest of the st cast) are following Bastian’s (Will’s) story all along, making them all part of his neverending story. The Empress tells Bastian that he has the power to save them using his imagination.”*Bastian has a bowl cut, appears to be a normal human, and from a single parent house hold. Bastian even temporarily goes evil after he loses his memories (just like Will).
* There’s also A LOT more evidence - like the many other correlations/parallels/eastereggs to Will and other human characters (El, Kali, Terry, Brenner, Max, Billy, Hopper, Alexi, Etc) who I believe Will created. As well as the parallels to Lonnie and the demogrogan(which in d&d is called “the deep father”).  I recommend reading my THEORY HERE for all that other evidence. It also includes the cited inspos  for the show there too (which i didn’t mention in this post). It’s a very long post-but I believe worth reading.
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 37
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Carry On My Wayward Son
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The NINE Engines
Site Hotel Bravo - Lab
Kicking the door open, Alex quickly dashed through the squeaky halls while Jack held on to his shoulder for support. The alarms echoed through the facility and everyone else was gone. Whoever was compromised among his teammates must be in a pinch right now, and the best thing the duo could do is plant the charges.
Alex paced through the halls and checked every corner, Jack continued guarding his six and they checked each room for intel. Luckily, they stumbled upon a framed layout of the building.
"Thank Goodness, a goddamn map." Jack sighed and looked at the thing, starting at the huge red star that said "You are Here"
"Any idea where the engine room is?" Alex turned to him, while leaning by the door, his body angled to peek at the hallway.
"Well for starters, this is an engine room." He turned and squinted his eyes in disbelief.
"But it's empty." Alex pondered.
"Shit. They already loaded this one." He continued.
"There are 9 other engine rooms out here. And with 10 engines on a single rocket, this thing was meant to go far." he explained and ran back to Alex.
"The next one's just on the other side of this corridor." He muttered and they immediately kicked open the second engine room.
"Empty. Eight more. Let's get a move on." Alex sighed as they continued kicking more doors and discovering more rooms. It looked like they were all empty.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Alex?" Jack asked as they slowly creeped on the stairs down to the lower floor of the facility.
"If you're thinking about Samantha right now, then yes. But I hope you're not because that would be weird." he retorted as the ground shook violently. The two of them felt the heat emanating from the area below them and it didn't bode well for the duo.
"Focus, kid. Now do you see where I'm getting at?" He replied, proving his point. Alex slowly nodded and stepped further down the stairs.
"How can we attach an explosive charge on a whole rocket?"  Alex asked the million dollar question and was greeted with complete silence, other than the sound of their footsteps descending the stairs.
"If only we still have one engine… It could be enough to start a chain reaction of explosives." Jack hummed at the last step. The underground floor was where the rumbling was coming from. From the looks of it, the rocket was about to launch.
The launch grounds were already deserted and Shepherds Research team were already in a sheltered bunker somewhere far away from here. 
"Fuck. How did Shepherd afford this bullshit off radar?" Jack cursed and looked at the towering rocket as it slowly hummed to life.
"There!" Jack pointed at the doors on the other side of the launch room. 
"I trust you could stop those bastards from pushing that button." He nodded. Alex wanted to reason with him and stop his heroic act, because he was living proof that it won't end well for him, but the urgency of the matter at hand made him press on with his orders. It was the only shot they could do it.
"I'll see you on the far side." Alex muttered and Jack nodded, as he assured him that they both will make it out of this one.
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Alex thought Jack's task was the hard one, it turns out that his 'stop the launch' mission was harder than he'd expected.
He peeked his head behind the glass of the launch room, as he surveyed three researchers who looked eager for the launch and the three big guys they once met back at the ship. Apparently, they survived the sinking ship part and here they are now.
He could go guns blazing, but the reinforced glass begged to differ. Standard bullets won't penetrate through these kinds of glass even at point blank range.
"Seriously, why do the bad guys always get the good stuff?" He complained, tilting his head to the guards.
The researchers looked unarmed while the big guys wielded AK-47s, which slung across their backs. The smiles on the researcher's faces lit, and that didn't mean well for Alex and his team. He needed to act fast and halt the launch. But he doesn't know how.
They were already mouthing the countdown when Alex knocked on the door and immediately hid. He never expected someone to open the door but he was glad someone did.
A huge blast shattered the room, sending enemies unconscious on the floor, struggling to get up. Alex's eyes focused and looked for the red button but it looked like he was a second to late. The ground shook as smoke billowed from the rocket, covering the whole area with smoke.
Alex knew he had to stay low for oxygen and he did, pressing the button for their comms he tried to alert Jack about the situation.
"Jack! I was too late! We need to get out of this place now! Jack?!" He roared as the loud rumbling noise of the launching rocket filled his ears making him temporarily deaf to any other noise.
He couldn't see the rocket rise up to the sky but he could sense it using the sound of the engine. It was getting away without the bang they were expecting.
"Run kid! Away from that place!" Jack warned, panting as he did it. Alex quickly got up to his foot and swung his hand, clearing away the smoke as he dashed to the exit.
Halfway through the dark tunnel from which they entered, Alex heard a mighty booming noise, assuming it was the rocket that exploded to pieces. But he had no time to celebrate as the cave started to crumble and collapse just above him.
His elbows and arms sensed the pain of the rocks poking through his shirt as he crawled. 
"Shit." He muttered as he felt the rocks fall from where he came from and his foot felt the heat of the now enclosed area.
"I got ya." Jack caught his hand and pulled him up but his metal leg was already stuck between the rocks, making it hard for him to escape.
"I can't pull you anymore!" Jack yelled and Alex let go of him, as he quickly removed the lock of his metal leg, as Jack pulled him free of the collapsing tunnel.
The two panted heavily and Jack supported Alex as they made their way to the other side of the base and met up with the rest of the squad. They didn't need to tell them how their task ended as it was already evident based on the falling rocket debris from the sky.
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Extraction was the hardest part of the trip. With Alex losing his metal leg, he wasn't able to help the heavily injured Ghost and Roach and the weakening Alexandra. He frowned at the view as he sat there by the plane, looking at the pained expression from his comrades. Shepherd was also with them, all tied up and his face was expressionless. Alex's blood boiled at the sight of him, making him want to beat him up for another round, but he knew it wasn't necessary as the man would not cooperate. The former general's defeat was too fresh and he still had little pride to keep information from the team.
With Roach continuously bleeding, Nikolai decided to stop by a small town he once belonged in, the team settled on a small hospital which housed troops whom Nikolai deemed were his allies.
From there, they helped patch up Roach and tried to add more blood in him as he lost a lot. Luckily, he was able to hang on and is now resting.
"Rough day, huh." Soap sighed, sitting beside Alex and crossing his arms as they rested in the Hospital's waiting room. 
"Yeah. I already missed my leg." Alex commented, tapping whatever's left on his thigh, chuckling at how it looked.
"Well, your leg could be replaced, you know. I know a guy. Actually, I'm not supposed to tell this to you yet, but… Samantha kinda asked me for help. Not me technically, but you get the idea." Soap rambled and all Alex did was look at him quizzically.
"Listen. She - OW!" Soap winced in pain as France teasingly pulled his ear.
"I knew you couldn't keep a secret. Okay Alex, what did he spill?" France looked at Alex seriously, and smiled as soon as she realized Alex doesn't know anything.
"You're lucky he didn't catch up on your babbling." France rubbed Soap's hair and smiled, leaving as soon as Price once again asked for her help.
"Hmm.. Seems like she had you on her ropes." Alex teased.
"On the outside." Soap added confidently. Alex didn't bother decoding what that meant, but he was glad they found each other in a situation like this.
"Hey Soap."
"Do you have international minutes?" 
He nodded and fished his phone from his pocket and handed it to Alex. And after thanking the man, he quickly typed the numbers he memorized and dialed Samantha.
"Hello?" Her voice filled his mind almost automatically. He was indeed smitten by this woman as he smiled goofily on the phone.
"God, I miss that voice so much." Alex exhaled.
"Alex. I miss you too. How are you? Is everyone safe? Are you hurt?" her questions flooded Alex's ears.
"I'm fine Samantha. We had a few injured people but we're fine. We got General Shepherd."
"Oh thank goodness! That's one step closer to ending this war." She excitedly said over the phone.
"I wish I could hug you right now." Alex said out of the blue.
"Yeah. Me too. I'm with John's Mom downtown. We're helping her up with her shopping." she said and he could feel her snickering on the other side.
"Looks like fun!" 
"Yeah. I'm seeing a lot of places here, and all I ever imagined is walking around the place with my arms wrapped on yours." Alex couldn't help but blush at her words.
"I love you." He muttered.
"I love you too. I gotta go, duty calls." She chuckled and hung up the phone, leaving Alex in a dreamy state. 
He fished a small box from his bag and opened it, showcasing a beautiful ring that he'd been keeping for quite a while now.
"When this war is over…" he muttered, looking at Soap who he forgot was beside him all along. But the guy was already peacefully asleep, so he kept his phone with him for a while so as to not disturb the resting soldier.
Next Chapter : The EIGHT-Thirty Appointment
Notification Squad my Beloved
@ricinbach @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @whimsywispsblog @bumblingbee1
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What if in earlier seasons, Crowley was written as an amiable ally for the boys, rather than them disliking him. Imagine Crowley being established as “not as bad as other demons” in the Winchester’s eyes, as a semi-reluctant ally who – yeah, on occasion, puts his own interests first, but never directly threatens and even occasionally helps the boys. He’s still snarky, and he can still be an arse. But the boys know that as long as they don’t cross him, Crowley won’t mess with them. From Crowley’s end, that’s because keeping good relations with the infamous Winchester brothers is to his benefit. But then, they start to grow on him. And maybe he’s a little more lenient with the flannelled nightmares than he should be, a little indulgent, rolls his eyes and does a few favors for them. Which only further encourages the Winchesters, and later a less willing Castiel, to view him as a frenemy.
The rest of the early seasons is the same, except now, moving into season 6, the boys are willingly working with Crowley and Cas. They don’t like the idea of opening up Purgatory, but they understand that Hell and Heaven really do need to be taken in hand – and who else are they going to trust to do that? As things start to look really dark throughout that season, the boys start pushing back, start testing their relationship with both angel and demon, and Cas still betrays all of them and takes the souls for himself. And now there’s season 7, with Crowley working with the boys to stop Cas – Dean wanting to save him from himself, Sam and Crowley unhappily planning to kill the angel – Sam because he doesn’t think Cas can be saved, and Crowley because he wants his share of the Purgatory power. Unleash the Leviathans, and now we’ve got the King of Hell working closely and willingly with the boys to stop this new threat. Demons at their disposal, even. Which doesn’t put Crowley in a very good position in Hell, but he pushes on because it’s this or let the Leviathans eat the world. The Winchesters plus Crowley and a now restored Castiel manage to defeat the Leviathans, just as the demons rise up and dethrone Crowley. Hell is a free-for-all, and demons are loose in the world.
Then have all of season 8 be about demon in-fighting and the human casualties along the way. The boys work to get Crowley back on the throne, so he can restore some order. But that also means he’s temporarily dependent on them, in hiding with them from his former minions. Leads them to the Men of Letters legacy, which in turn leads to the bunker. Bring the British Men of Letters back in seasons earlier, alerted to the awakening of one of their old establishments in the States. Throw Abaddon into the mix, providing a competitor for Crowley laying claim to the throne, which would make him more susceptible to the help offered by the Winchesters, and unfortunately to the supposed support of the BMoL as well. By now, Crowley’s an unofficial member of Team Free Will, the boys well aware he chose saving the world (and them) over giving his full attention to Hell, leading to all this. There’s the sense that the four of them – plus Kevin and Charlie, at this point – are all in it together. Maybe even Meg is still around, maybe she’s trying to lead one of the demonic factions, and there is this whole I-care-about-you-but-we’re-on-opposite-sides between her and Cas. Crowley has softened, the same way Cas softened over time with exposure to humanity and the Winchesters.
Of course the tablets and Kevin came into play with the Leviathans. The BMoL reveal they have the demon tablet, and suggest Kevin might be able to find something on it to control demonkind and restore Hell. Big dramatic reveal to the Winchesters only, the BMoL admit that there is a means of closing the Gates of Hell permanently on the tablet – learned from a previous prophet whom, ahem, did not survive their duty – and now the Winchesters are torn between sparing the world from demons and betraying Crowley. Crowley, who is counting on them to help him get his throne back. Crowley who has begrudgingly and then more willingly worked cases with them while they’ve tried to find an answer to all of this. Crowley who led them to the MoL and the bunker in the first place. Who isn’t as bad as the rest of his kind, who Dean likes to go for a drink with and might even consider a friend. And just as the Winchesters decide they can find another way to close the Gates, Kevin discovers the necessary spell, and the BMoLs take advantage that there is a demon close at hand, and snatch Crowley to perform the demon trials.
And by the time the Winchesters race to his rescue – torn, because ending the trial means not closing the Gates, but damn it, he’s had their backs, so they’re going to have his – Crowley is in the last hour of the cure. Tells them to let it happen, let the trial be complete, the Gates slammed shut. His own soul restored. But there’s that whole thing with Metatron and Cas and the angels going on, so of course this is the moment the angels are cast out of Heaven. And Abaddon bursts in, maybe Meg comes to challenge her. And in all the chaos, the cure is never completed, time’s up, too late. The boys defeat the BMoLs, rescue Crowley, escape. Cas is lost somewhere in the world, human after what happened in Heaven.
Season 9 would be almost completely the same – Crowley’s blood addiction, searching for the Mark and the Blade, Abaddon, the angels, all of it – except, the Winchesters actually sympathize with Crowley. They express concern, ask after him, say maybe having regained something of his soul is a good thing. And Crowley is torn, because he can now really feel that affection he has for the boys, and he might very well have the option of a place among them, but also he knows Hell needs a ruler to keep demonkind in line, and he still likes power. The boys help him overthrow Abaddon, help him get clean of his blood addiction. Maybe there’s a scene where Crowley and Meg compare notes – he who went through the cure, and she who cares for an angel, neither of whom really fit with demonkind anymore. And by the time the season reaches the later episodes, with Crowley back on the throne and the boys working cases while trying to figure out what to do about Metatron, Crowley is an acknowledged, secret extension of Team Free Will. Makes changes to Hell, keeps demonkind under tight control, helps here and there on cases.
All of this, all of this headcanon, just to get to the point where the boys are always making side comments to Crowley about, you know, how if he wanted to give up Hell and join the three of them full time, he’d be welcome. Come on, just work one more case with us. Just this one about hellhounds. Just that one with vampires. Just one more, one more, one more. And Crowley acquiesces more than he knows he should. Cares about the boys and Cas more than he knows he should, hates Hell and demons more than he knows he should.
So that by the time the Mark takes Dean and turns him into a demon, it’s not only Sam and Cas that are hurt by it. It’s Crowley, too. Crowley who sees Dean turning into something truly evil, something worse than Crowley himself is now. And he agrees with Sam and Cas that he’ll take demon!Dean under his wing as his second-in-command in Hell until they find a cure, a cure for the Mark as much as for being a demon. Season 10 is all about Cas (who’s grace is fading) and Sam working to find a cure while working cases, and Crowley trying to keep Dean occupied with hunting down rebel demons and the like. He even sends the Knight of Hell after angels, to capture more grace for the fading Castiel. Throw Rowena – as Fergus’ ex-wife – in there, attempting to convince Crowley to share his throne with her, causing mischief. He would feel this deep sense of loneliness – demon!Dean isn’t the companion he was before the Mark, Rowena only wants power for herself ultimately, demonkind hates and is in open rebellion against him – and Crowley is beginning to admit to himself that he just doesn’t have this in him anymore, to be the kind of monster it takes to rule Hell. Maybe Dean even tries to take the throne from him, with Rowena’s help, and the acceptance by the demons of this alternative ruler is everything Crowley needs to finally break from old loyalties and the desire to rule, from demonkind entirely.
Realizing the situation is entirely out of control, Crowley, Cas and Sam work to capture Dean. They convince Rowena, who has now taken the throne of Hell for herself, to remove the Mark, thus removing a threat to her reign. Crowley makes an oath that if she will do this, he will never seek to retake the throne. An enraged demon!Dean is forced through the demon trials, in which he says the most horrible and hurtful things to Sam and Cas. And to Crowley, cuttingly demanding to know why the former king will put Dean through this, restore the hunter’s humanity, but not his own. Crowley doesn’t have an answer. He doesn’t have an answer because he realizes that, once, he would have said it was important he hold Hell, or that he wanted the power that came with being a demon, or that he was scared of facing what he’s done as a demon. In light of everything that has happened – the complete rejection by demonkind and the loss of Hell, the revulsion he feels after the aborted cure and Dean’s own time as a demon, and knowing he has a place here on Team Free Will – Crowley realizes he no longer has a reason not to complete the cure.
And in the last hour of the cure, with Dean almost entirely restored to himself, the hunter understands the demon better than ever before. Tells him, one of these days, it’s going to be Crowley in this chair, the cure coursing through him, the three of them gathered around him, supportive. And Crowley knows he’s right. It’s no longer a question of if – only when.
Once they’ve completed the demon cure, the boys set about removing the Mark, with Rowena’s help. And removing the Mark unleashes the Darkness in the world. In season 11, the Darkness should have been something much more insidious, and dangerous. A force which slithers into people, bolsters the innate darkness that is in everyone, turning people into their worst selves. And it controls demons utterly. They are mostly formed of the Darkness, after all.
And for Crowley and the cure, “when” is now. It is that, or fear turning on the people who used to teasingly ensnare him in “just one more case,” who would embrace him as one of them if only he’d allow it. And now, he’s finally ready for that.
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everyothermouse · 4 years
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Made some designs for my old superhero au for funsies, enjoy
I am going to take this as an excuse to talk abt this au, some backstories and design details under the cut :)
Tw: suicide attempt (peters backstory) and abuse (hash’s backstory)
Also, i gotta warn you that the backstory descriptions get longer as we go on, as the longer i write for, the worse i get at being concise. My apologies!
Power(s): control over the shadow realm
Power triggers: fear, depression, sadness, anger, focus
Relationships: hash (daughter/apprentice), genny (ally), ms. Garner (friend/ex nemesis), gabby (ally), prince (assistant/nemesis) princess (nemesis?)
Backstory: Tried to die in a vat of Poisonous Liquidtm but due to the nature of the experiments Done by damian at Unnamed Lab Owned By Damiantm, instead of dying his misery manifested through shadow powers. He was a shadow for a bit before he was able to start being a person again, and he was so upset about being alive that he decided he needed to consume the entire city in shadow so everyone else would have to be miserable like he was. He would be repeatedly thwarted by a superhero in the city named flower girl, who would eventually (over the course of like 3 years) forcibly found family him. He now has a job and uses his powers for good, and has recently taken up a superhero apprentice :)
Design notes: the heart clasps on peters cape and arms were originally by Ms. Garner before she retired as a superhero. They are tools used to help focus magic, making it easier to stay centered and to direct magical forces. The heart in the middle changes color based on the magic surrounding it/running through it, for peter it is black, but for Ms. Garner it was red/pink. Peters crown is made of the same material, but is not quite as strong. Peter mainly focuses his magic outwards using his palms and the soles of his feet, thus why they are uncovered. Villain peter looks a lot less alive than current peter partially because of being magically exhausted, but mostly just because he is in very bad physical health, having dipped himself in a vat of poison and proceeding to get 0 medical help, and then also not eating or bathing and living on shadow magic and depression. The boots previously used for villain-ing are now his work boots :)
Power(s): super strength
Power triggers: N/A
Relationships: nut (son), mellisa (friend), gabby (ally), Ms. Garner (friend?), hash (ally), peter (ally), damian (enemy)
Backstory: genny was a single mother and teacher living a normal life when she was caught in a catastrophic event as the city’s super villain the week was wreaking havoc in the middle of town. When a car came flying at her child, she had no choice but to rush forward and try to get him out of the way. Usually this would have ended in disaster, but thanks to a mix mothers hysterical strength and the strong magic energy radiating out of one of the destroyed buildings (it was U.L.O.B.D., because its always fucking damian isnt it) she was suddenly imbued with the strength to block the car and escape. Soon she would realize that this effect wouldn’t go away, and thus she decided to try and use this ability to help protect the city from all the dangers which threaten its safety.
Design notes: the knife on her leg is attached with a very strong magnet, it is difficult for others to remove but easy for her to thanks to her strength. Her body armor is all much stronger than the other three’s, as having armour that is lightweight isn’t a priority for her in the same way it is for the others, due to her strength. Genny doesnt actually have that much more muscle mass than a normal reasonably fit person, as her super strength is not connected to this. She wears contact lenses in her daily life, but after the event in which she got her super powers her eyes are entirely white (nut’s eyes are also lightened, but not to the same extent as genny’s, you can actually see them from more than 2 inches away.)
Power(s): control over earth/rocks
Power triggers: fear, excitement, focus
Relationships: Peter (parent/mentor), genny (ally), gabby (friend), prince (annoyance),
Backstory: Hash has had the ability to move the earth since she was born, but her parents always shunned her for it, saying it was destructive and evil, and so was she. She was forced to repress her powers and was often neglected (and occasionally hurt) by her parents, as well as frequently being forced to socially isolate herself from peers and teachers due to her being “too dangerous.” She tried to run away from home, feeling as though she was a danger to her parents, but when she was caught she freaked and accidentally used her powers towards her parents out of fear. Her parents called the police, making her more afraid and causing her to become more destructive. After a couple days of chaos and no one being able to defeat her, she would eventually be talked down by [whatever tf peters superhero name is], a superhero in the city who had previously been a villain but was changed through kindness and love and what not. It took a while after that to convince her that she wasn’t some horrible monster, and to get her a way from her previous household for good, but now shes a lot happier and has moved in with peter. She’s also started practicing using her powers, although its pretty hard for her given she spent all the time that her powers were developing not using them, and thus doesn’t know how to control them at their new level. She likes to tag along and try to help out on superhero missions, but honestly her main focus right now is trying to make friends and become accustomed to normal daily living, which is difficult when you’re constantly afraid of everything and have no idea how to talk to people.
Design notes: her small cape/cloak is an old one of peter’s. She hand painted on the rock pattern and the green inside, and its not perfect but she likes it. Just like normal hash, she cut the sleeves off of all her shirts, even the ones that weren’t damaged, back when she was at her old household. After moving in with peter though, shes started wearing more long sleeved shirts :) . Hash may lift rocks from the ground and stick them to her body as impromptu armour when shes distressed, although she usually doesn’t purposefully do this as its not actually very good armour, its just annoying.
Power(s): fire manipulation, lizard stuff
Power triggers: lizard: N/A Fire: focus, anger
Relationships: peter (ally), hash (friend/ex-rival), Dario (nemesis/enemy/rival), Akira (friend/ex-rival), genny (ally), Ms. Garner (mom/mentor), Mrs. Harvey (ally/girlscout troup leader), the other Mrs. Harvey (Girl Scout troup leader/ally)
Backstory: ever since she could walk gabby was convinced she had the ability to control fire, But none of the other kids at her orphanage ever believed her, and neither did anyone at her school. One day though these powers were put to the test, when the orphanage took fire and she rushed in to help the local super hero evacuate the other kids while the fire fighters were still on their way. It was at that moment she decided that she could be a superhero too, and that the poor superhero present at the time, flower girl, would be her mentor. She followed her everywhere being the annoying curious child she was, but all flower girl wanted was her to stay out of danger and go home to her parents (which she would eventually realize gabby didn’t have.) But when gabby proved her worth and saved flower girls life, flower girl finally caved and decided to start training her, as long as she promised to try to be more cautious, and to stop skipping school to follow on dangerous missions. From then on they were an amazing super duo! Together they fought villains and used the power of kindness and pretty flowers to brighten peoples day :) and after a while ms. Garner would even end up adopting gabby, yay!
Eventually gabby’s lizard features started growing in, which was pretty scary. But her mom showed her that they weren’t all that bad, and gabby realized she could use them to help out on super hero missions! Peter, who was flower girls nemesis, would move in with her and her momma temporarily while he was getting better, as he was very sick while he was a super villain. She decided to adopt him as her new second parent, which he never agreed to, but I mean hes never denied it so its basically true. Several villains and other hero’s have also been added (and removed) from gabby’s growing list of parents. After her mom got hurt really badly in the hash incident, she decided to retire from being a superhero, deciding that she needed to put more focus on her safety so she could take care of gabby. Gabby has continued fighting crime, now taking up a more independent role as a superhero because she’s a preteen and thinks shes mature, but she usually works alongside other superhero’s in teams or as partners, as her mom requires she have adequate supervision (bcus shes LAME.) She still gets somewhat serious treatment from other superhero’s given that she technically does have more years of experience in the field than like half the cities heroes and she has had a major role in taking down multiple big villains, but she’s still a child and is generally not to be trusted on her own, as she is minority stupid and majorly reckless.
I’m sorry that was so long,,,,,, it could’ve easily been 1 paragraph but i have failed 😔
Design notes: gabby isnt wearing shoes under the legwarmers in hercivilian design, she likes the good grip her feet give her. Sidekick gabby’s stick can make fire just like her current one can, but it does not have the other functionalities. Her stick is not just for magic stuff, she also wacks people with it, and knocks them off their feet and stuff, its quite sturdy. The thick line on her face is just face paint for funsies and to make her a little bit less recognizable (only barely tho.)
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maskedprepperkid · 4 years
You all wanted the Sads. You’re getting the Sads!
@naddynyy​, @argetlam007​, @team-trash-panda​, @dirty-higgs-confessions​,
If you’re like me and so good at melee that Higgs basically didn’t even get in any damage till he choked Sam, then this might be especially interesting for you because turns out he can do quite a few things if you let him. He can even bite off a chunk of Sam’s ear. Who would’ve thunked. Look, he never stood a chance, the moment he dropped his gun It. Was. Over. For our bastard man.
The first thing you can notice in his final fight is that he ducks when he evades Sam’s punches. Let’s have a look.
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Okay, that’s- He didn’t get hit so that’s good. Or bad. Depending on how you look at this, but let’s backtrack a bit here. Higgs ducks? And not just a little, he almost kisses the tar. *smooch* But... that just strikes me as werid. The game uses motion-capture so there’s a good chance Troy and Norman had to act a chunk of this fight out. So someone who knows how fighting works explain to me why the hell Mr. 6′3″ has to duck for tiny Norman?? Wouldn’t it be more efficient for Higgs to evade to the side or block Sam’s punches? What he’s doing here seems like too much effort for someone so big and strong, consideirng that Higgs has the additional advantage of his height so, shouldn’t blocking and evading be easier for him than Idk doing anything but that??
It’s weird, but okay. He’ll live. He didn’t get hit. So whatever, I guess, but you may be asking yourself the same question as I did after thinking that. Does Higgs... block? Surely he blocks at some point in the fight, it would be ridiculous if he didn’t haha. But he doesn’t. Higgs never once blocks a single punch Sam throws at him. He either tries to duck or takes it. There’s no in between for him. None. - And right now we’re just gonna try and remember that as we move forward in his fight.
At some point, Higgs will do what i think we all decided is our favourite thing about the fight and I’ve dubbed the Grapple Hug. Here’s a picture.
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THIS COMPLETELY SENSELESS MOVE WHERE HE’S TRYING TO IDK SQUEEZE THE LIFE OUT OF SAM?! What the hell is supposed to be threatening about this?
Take a look at the position of his body for a moment. Take a look at his shoulder placement. Higgs didn’t mean to hug Sam, that just... sort of happened because of how long his arms are now. He barrelled right into Sam, shoulder first. Classic move to try and push somebody over or throw them off balance. Cool, so that makes somewhat more sense now. Still looks a little weird though. I mean, I bet there are easier ways for someone of Higgs’ size and weight to push somebody over or off balance.
Weight and size. Weight and size, huh?
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If Higgs was half his size and weight that move would make so much sense. Even the fact that’s basically hugging Sam in that scenario because the arms of a kid often don’t reach that far. He’d just be trying to get some distance between them. Kids don’t have anything other than their own body weight if they try to do some damage in a fight against someone bigger and badder. Just throw your everything against them and hope for the best. Probably doesn’t do a lot but might make you feel better about the situation.
Oh wait, that also explains why he ducks because down is so much easier when you’re small and up against someone taller. Their punch is very likely going to miss.
He does another thing if you depleat a lot of his health and allow him to munch a cryptobiote, he will not punch Sam to gain the upper hand for the moment and get his food, he’ll just shove Sam’s face away. Which also strikes me as something that kids are more prone to do in a fight.
Higgs fights like he’s half his size and weight. Higgs fights like he’s still a kid fending off yet another beating. That’s why he’s not exactly doing what we might expect him to in that fight.
And eventually it leads to this.
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It’s the exact moment before Sam can headbutt his lights out temporarily. It’s also the moment Higgs has given up. And you can see it in his body language, his shoulders are slumped and his head just hangs down and he does nothing more than to sway slightly. He doesn’t even try to move his head when Sam headbutts him.
After that Sam drags him to the shore of the tar puddle and Higgs once again affirms that he’s given up his fight against Sam. Not only that, but he basically gives Sam full permission to either kill him, lock him up or whatever the hell else he’s planned for him. It doesn’t matter what, but as long as Sam is the one to do it Higgs has accepted his defeat.
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He’s clearyl expecting something here. Although it’s not specified what, we can guess that he’s telling Sam to exact his justice, or more likely in Higgs’ eyes punishment. Either way I’m convinced that if Fragile wouldn’t have shown up Higgs would’ve been a poster boy all throughout the ending.
Cause here’s the thing. He didn’t try to start shit again till Fragile showed up and they started bickering. She wasn’t part of his giving-up-equation and his reaction shows it. He was willing to surrender to Sam, but not to her.
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And yet when Sam gets around to tying him up one final time, while he visibly isn’t comfortable (sore muscles and bruises galore I reckon), he doesn’t stop him. He doesn’t even try to run even though Sam only ties his hands behind his back. He just sits there like a good little duckling. Not happy with what’s going on, but glaring really is his worst offence during these moments. He doesn’t even get up to stand, although he does make an effort to keep his back straight instead of slumping down. Might, however, also have something to do with how Sam tied him up. Dunno.
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So overall, Higgs can’t fight. Please God, nobody let him into MULE territory without at least a sticky gun, he’ll get his ass handed to him quicker than you can yell his name, because he seems to think to fight means to fend of a beating. Somebody give him a hug.
And because this was all sorts of horrible let’s finish it with my favourite quote from the game. Even Sam thought it was funny.
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supertvngames · 4 years
Naruto AU - Shuji Uchiha Scenarios Part 1
Shuji Uchiha is the adoptive brother of Naruto Uzumaki. And the half-brother of Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha from their mother’s side, and half-brother Shisui Uchiha from their father’s side. And as well as my OC.
-Pre OS-
Mikoto Uchiha adopted Naruto but has to move out of the Uchiha Distract and into the late 4th Hokage Minato and his wife Kushina’s with the newborn child. Over a while, an Uchiha man was given permission to help Mikoto. The Uchiha man is the father of Shisui Uchiha. They accidently conceive a child, the child was named Shuji. Weeks after Shuji was born, his birth father died.
While growing up, Shuji had a big brother worship towards Shisui as Sasuke towards Itachi. Shuji and Sasuke tend to argue who’s the better big brother, Shisui or Itachi. However out of all his big brothers, Shuji actually favors Naruto because Naruto took the time to listen to him and play with him. Shuji is also seem patient with Itachi than Sasuke is. Even if Shuji likes Shisui better, he looks up to Itachi. And Shuji even considers Sasuke to be most relatable.
Shuji even met Izumi, Itachi’s lover. Shuji sees Izumi as a big sister-figure, mainly due to Shuji not being as stingy as Sasuke especially when it comes to Itachi.
Shuji is practically a mama’s boy, he is always seen with his mother Mikoto. Shuji learn about not just cooking and cleaning, but learn about Mikoto’s fighting skills at a very high level. Mikoto is a role-model to Shuji.
Shuji doesn’t get along with his stepfather Fugaku. Mainly due to Fugaku not being the type to open up his feelings and being a hardass.
Shuji, in-person, witness the death of his mother Mikoto and his big sister-figure Izumi in the hands of Itachi. Naruto was staying for afterschool after a prank gone messy. Shuji and Sasuke found each other as they see Itachi, as he spares them seeing the potential of them obtaining the Mangekyou Sharingan. Both Shuji and Sasuke try to fight off Itachi yet they had no progression. Shuji had to break down the news to Naruto about Mikoto’s demise.
Shuji did his best to enter the academy, to be with his remaining siblings, so he wouldn’t be alone at the house. He was then accepted.
Shuji tries to convince Sasuke to move into his and Naruto’s house because they’re family, and they’re all that’s left for each each other. Sasuke, however, prefer to live in an apartment, to which Shuji visits to keep his half-brother company and see how he’s doing. They train from time to time.
Shuji along with Naruto have been oppressed and discriminated by the Konoha villagers. Shuji has notice that this has happened before the Uchiha massecre, however now, it’s more nasty. Shuji simply doesn’t understand why they hate him and his big brother but he definitely wish the villagers are dead.
While with Naruto, Shuji noticed a girl who has been looking from afar. The girl was Hinata Hyuga. To Shuji, she seems rather cute and nice. Shuji encourages Hinata to come and hang with him and Naruto. Shuji even noticed another girl, Hinata’s little sister Hanabi Hyuga, to which both Naruto and Shuji convinced her to stick around as well.
Shuji helps Naruto train, especially when it comes to preforming the ordinary beginner jutsus.
Shuji does make time to make food and clean, and Naruto does his share as well since the two are working together.
-Original Series-
Shuji and Sasuke may have hold resentment towards Itachi for what they did to their parents and clan. However, Shuji wants to put the revenge mission on hold. After all, there’s nothing they can do for right now. Both he and Sasuke had some disagreements. Yet they still train together.
When Shuji sees that Naruto failed the graudation exams, he purposely funk himself so they could be ninjas another time. Shuji simply doesn’t want to leave his big brother’s side, until Naruto told Iruka that Shuji failed the graudation on purpose because he knows that they need the money.
When first meeting Konohamaru Sarutobi, Shuji thought he was some sort of strange kid even for the grandson of the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. Shuji, like Naruto, began to befriend Konohamaru. Naruto and Shuji played with Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon. Even invite Hanabi after convincing Hiashi that she needs to stimulate her mind in order to be an effective fighter. It’s the only way to have her live her life better.
Instead of a three-man squad, it’ll be four-man squad for each team: Team 7 - Naruto, Shuji, Hinata, & Sasuke Team 8 - Kiba, Shino, Sayuri, & [A new girl character, a non-clan one] Team 10 - Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, & [A new girl character, possibly a Sarutobi] Same could be said for Team Guy/Gai, and two more teams in the same year as them. One team would have three girls and one boy, both teams have females senseis
Shuji overheard some girl’s talk about Naruto, how she is badmouthing him as an orphan. Shuji pummels Sher to the ground. Enraged that someone is making of his brother after he and Shuji lost their mother.
When seeing he’s on the same team as his brothers and the girl he loves, Shuji was rather happy that they got to stick together. Shuji can fight along side with his relatives and his love, he reassures Hinata that they can all protect each other, they all have each other’s back. Yet, Shuji couldn’t help himself to protect Hinata (and his brothers).
When visiting the Hyuga District to pick up Hinata, Naruto and Shuji get violently angry at Hiashi for badmouthing his own daughter Hinata, being stopped by Kakashi. Hearing Hiashi says that Hinata is a “failure” and that the Hyuga, Shuji remarks that if she was a failure, she’d be taking after him, a lousy good-for-nothing selfish man who is nothing more than someone who brought two girls into the world only to refuse to take responsibility as a father.
After seeing Hinata having a bad situation at her household, Shuji offers to invites Hinata to his and Naruto’s house, at least dinner so he could cook, maybe once every afternoon as a getaway and to get to know each other.
There are times in B rank missions that Shuji ends up in trouble to which Hinata comes to his aid, although, Shuji isn’t upset. Shuji is, in fact, happy to see Hinata becoming stronger and more confident.
Shuji would even help out Naruto and Sasuke from danger as well, especially if it seems over his head, yet he doesn’t want to bear losing his only family he has left.
Shuji would grow from 1 tomoe at the early of the original series, to 1-&-2 tomoe, then 2 tomoe at the middle, later 2-&-3 tomoe, and then fully mature 3 tomoe at the end of the original series.
Shuji did run into Orochimaru at a different place and time, possibly on a mission soon before the Chunin Exams arc with a mix members on Shuji’s part. However, unlike with Sasuke who woke with the power up, Shuji woke up yet he is technically dying but manage to fight on.
It was until later on, Shuji was at death’s door compare to Sasuke when receiving the Curse Mark, until something alerting happens to either of his brothers or Hinata. Shuji finally overcomes the mark’s effects on him and began to have a murderous anger.
When Shuji sees how horrible Neji went through, being enslaved with a mark that can kill you, losing a parent, all that at such a young age. All the while, Shuji holds a grudge against Neji for looking for an opportunity to kill Hinata, yet Shuji still sympathize Neji.
Shuji sees that Gaara, like his big brother Naruto, a special power (although, it’s the power of a Tailed Beast) to which his own village fears and hates him for something that can’t be helped, yet also sees that Gaara got it worse than him and Naruto especially since he has his own father trying to kill him, unable to communicate with his siblings properly. Shuji pities Gaara.
After the Invasion on Konoha by Suna and Oto, Shuji’s speech patterns became more aggressive, especially after the mark reactivates. In Japanese, at first, Shuji’s 1st person pronoun was “Boku”, then it became “Ore”, to show how aggressive Shuji became.
Shuji begins to see that things between him and Hinata aren’t going anywhere. He sees Hinata showing more visible affections towards Naruto.
Shuji and Neji are having a rocky relationship. Until later on, when Hinata becomes temporarily blind, seeing Neji took care of her and even go out to help her condition, Shuji finally fully forgives and trusts Neji, and even tells Neji what’s on his mind, which is vowing that he will find a way to free him and the Side Branch family.
When he and Sasuke heard that Itachi return, and is after his big brother Naruto, Shuji was scared and furious. By the time he and Sasuke run into Hinata, Shuji explains to her on the way that Naruto is in danger and that they need to find Naruto as quickly as possible.
Shuji have to remind Sasuke that they have to run away with Naruto and nothing more, they can’t take on Itachi since he did defeat Kakashi. By the time, they did met up with Itachi, Shuji tries to think of how to escape with Naruto, only to see Sasuke charges at Itachi with a Chidori with Shuji thinking “What a dumbass”. Shuji tries to help Sasuke out but Itachi beats the crap out of Shuji and put him in a coma as well.
By the time both Shuji and Sasuke woke up from their coma, like Sasuke, Shuji became different than he was before. Shuji became rather moody, bitter, and has guilt. The encounter with Itachi and Kisame haunts him. He, his brothers, and Hinata were in a no-way-out situation to which they all could get killed. Shuji tries to rationalize and justify his failure only to see the fact he wasn’t good enough. Shuji finally begins to see why Sasuke couldn’t put the revenge mission on hold, so Shuji then train with Sasuke more than ever.
Naruto and the others began to see Shuji is becoming more and more bitter after each mission and those missions was that they either failed or even success through dumb luck. Especially since he and Naruto seen the suffering and unfortunate events in different places. Shuji ask them how many times they are going to get beaten before they wise up and they realize that being a ninja isn’t a game. Think of Leo from TMNT 2003 Season 4, I admit he was a jerk but he has his reasons.
When Kakashi told Shuji let go of his revenge like Shuji did once before he was put into a coma. Shuji told him that he didn’t let go, he put it on hold, and that Itachi plan to take his older brother Naruto away from him. Shuji already lost his mother, his big sister figure Izumi, and eldest brother Shisui, he not planning to let Itachi go around free. Kakashi tells him that he too lost his loved ones and he only look into the past. However, unlike Sasuke, Shuji doesn’t buy it, his response is “you no longer seek retribution? You dishonor your loved ones. I will honor the memory of my fallen”.
Well, that’s it for the scenarios for Shuji Uchiha for now. I might have more plans for him, some I having a bit of a mix feeling, but I’ll discuss them another time. Until then, see ya.
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smartzelda · 4 years
Okay, so now that that's out of the way, here are all my thoughts on the khmom
So starting out, I know some were hoping this was the big Kairi game, and I'm sad it didn't live up to my hopes in that regard, but we also have to remember that Nomura said in interview before it came out not to expect too much, and then we learned that the story mode is an average of 10 hours.
As a fandom we need to remember that KHMoM was never advertised as "the big Kairi game", so while you can be sad that the game didn't live up to your hopes and dreams, Nomura did not "basically" tell us we were gonna get a big Kairi game and then let us down. With all due respect, this game is only a "Kairi game" in the sense that she's on the front cover and the story cutscenes at the end show her side of searching for Sora. Even the advertisements and interviews about this game were mostly focused on the rhythm game aspect, so besides cutscenes, the only talk about Kairi was the change from Chirithy to her doing narration
Now let's continue on keeping in mind that this is all my opinion and analysis, and there are various opinions out there.
Let's start with Kairi, since most of this game is about her. I haven't played the game myself yet (I watched cutscenes for now), but although it's sad Kairi herself wasn't part of any teams (which honestly makes sense since she wasn't a main character focused on in any of the games as much as those chosen for teams. KH1, CoM, and KH2 really were Sora, Donald, and Goofy, Days really was our sea salt trio, wayfinder trio was obviously the main protagonists for BBS, and even though Sora was in DDD, Sora is already on a team and Riku got a bigger charactsr focus in that game, so why not include the dream eater pals. And then honestly kh3 was Donald and Goofy and Sora again), at least we get her in the end. And her getting a small playable section at the end honestly makes sense considering the cutscene portion is the part of the game about her/following her/focuses on her, and she's been getting better as a keyblade wielder.
Now, this section shows us the pink flower thing from remind, and I'm even more convinced that it isn't her heart. For one, in remind, it was used in kh2 fashion, like an object to create a pathway to the next world or in this case Kairi herself. Then, in this game, while she's sleeping and in the final world, she finds it and it breaks apart. If it was Kairi's heart, would it make sense for it to break apart inside of her and not have an affect on her or her body? And what convinces me more is that after you collect all these pieces of the flower with Kairi, she clutches her head and has a memory moment.
What is the pink flower thing, then, you wonder? Well tbh I wonder too, but I had a thought. It's not essential enough to her state of being to be her heart, but it's definitely a part of her or a representation of part of her. My thought is that it could be a semi-physical representation of her memories or a physical metaphor of her state of being at the time it shows up. For example, in remind, it could have been scattered pices of her memory, because we remember that in kh3 they learned that a person (like Roxas, Xion, etc) couldn't completely come back or wake up from wherever their hearts were until their memories were returned to them too. So if the flower is representative of her memory, it then would make sense why it needed to be gathered, why it made Sora feel Kairi, and why it can also act as an object related to Kairi that can pave a path to her. It could also be a metaphor for her state of being at the same time since just like the flower, Kairi's body is shattered. This also makes sense for KHMoM, because if it's partly a metaphor representation of Kairi's state of being, then her "state of being" in this case refers to her repressed childhood memories and the links in those chains of memories that have broken apart. And so if the flower is representative of her memories, it would make sense that when she gathered all the pieces she remembered these memories because it brought these repressed memories to light and essentially pieced them back together when she gathered the heart pieces. If not because the flower has to do with her memories, at least in this case, why else would she remember repressed memories after gathering the flower pieces?
Continuing on from here, when Kairi holds her head and begins to remember, we get this interesting turn of the camera that flips Kairi and her reflection in the water before transitioning to the memories. I don't know much about camera techniques, but it definitely symbolizes or means something.
So we get the memory of Apprentice Terranort taking young Kairi (I honestly laughed when it showed him reaching for her just because of that "gimme your phone" meme) and it transitions to showing the scene with Kairi in one of the pods. This scene tells us a few things. For one, somehow, Apprentice Terranort knows about "unreality" or what's essentially a parallel universe to the KH universe, you can somehow get there with a strong enough connection to it (like using someone who's from there like Riku did or your heart resonating in some way with someone there. For example, if Kairi's poh heart resonated with a keyblade wielder from the alternate universe instead of Riku on Destiny Islands). It also may tell us that it's possible that Apprentice Xehanort knew the stuff we learned in the kh3 ending with the Luxu reveal would come to pass. Obviously Xehanort knew by doing what he did with Kairi that he would cause Sora's disappearance, but since we know (from Dark Road I think?) that the ancient wielders went to another world and all that, we know the stuff with Kairi was his final plan, and we know Xehanort got his peaceful death, I don't think Xehanorts final plan with Kairi was a ploy for him to do more summon kingdom hearts or a petty go at removing Sora since he might win. More than likely this "final plan" has to do with preventing a possible future and setting things up accordingly. Apprentice Terranort told 4 yr old Kairi her mission as if it's success would affect the future of the universe. And on one hand it makes sense because they needed a keyblade wielder to defeat the heartless and restore the worlds and lock their keyholes, but what if it's double meaning is that making sure the worlds last past that is dependent on making sure "the keyblade wielder" would also be in the position to prevent a future crisis? Because I doubt Quadratum is gonna only be important for getting Sora and coming back. This place is gonna have some significance, and if preventing or battling the crisis also hinges on the Keyblade wielder going to the alternate universe as Xehanort's backup plan to balance the worlds or keep them safe, then the foretellers, Luxu, the box, and that whole thing are more connected to what's happening in the alternate universe as we would've thought. Anyways, to sorta summarize that, I think that Sora had to have ended up in the Alternate universe to give our main crew a chance of dealing with something big, and if Xehanort couldn't make a new world with the keyblade, he at least had to make sure Sora could be in the right place to make sure things happen as they should to save all the worlds.
Then we get Kairi faced with the man in a cloak who's revealed to be Xehanort. This part also honestly made me laugh because we knew it would be Xehanort, but also on behalf of those who insisted it was MoM (no offense to them btw because I get their thought process. It just kinda made me laugh). I liked this sequence in the khmom trailer (especially in og Japanese because what Kairi says there is better put), and I like it because it essentially serves as Kairi facing her fear and the one who changed her fate head on, channeling all those thoughts and feelings and letting them out. So, whether or not this Xehanort is real or fake, Kairi takes him head on.
Now the fight sequence has a variation of thoughts on it, and here are mine. For one, I spent this whole sequence being so excited because she was fighting so good and hard to the best of her ability. Second, this is memory Xehanort created from her heart, so I like the explanation that he too is influenced by her personal fears and doubts, mainly an insecurity and doubt in her own abilities. So the reason Xehanort is so easily able to catch her keyblade and dodge hits from her (the first time he grabbed it I honestly thought he would insult her and snap it like Xemnas did with Lea) is because no matter how much she wants to defeat him, deep down she doesn't believe she's strong enough, and so here leads into when she turns into Sora.
Now, to preface, if the literal explanation of this from Nomura is "Kairi isn't strong enough so Sora's sleeping heart sensed her danger and possessed her to do the boss fight for her", then I think this sequence is 1000% bad, unnecessary, and people have every right to be mad. However, my thoughts on this scene is that it also has to do with her memories and anxieties. Remember that memory Xehanort says that everything in this specific version of the final world was created by Kairi's heart. And so if her doubts are on her own strength, my thoughts are that it was these doubts and feelings of inferiority that had her become Sora (or a memory Sora more specifically) because she doesn't believe she can win or beat Xehanort with out him yet. In other words, she still felt dependent on him, so in that moment her heart responded by temporarily turning her into Sora to reaffirm her fears (like when she was losing against xehanort) and beat Xehanort for her. If this is true, then that gives some depth to Kairi's character in how she currently percieves herself as of khmom, and maybe how she believes others view her. And with Xehanort's comment, I think it may reaffirm that this Sora is a projection. Because if Sora came there through his bond to Kairi, then there's no reason Kairi would've disappeared or there's no reason why he wouldn't have talked or just something. So then, Xehanort's line about Sora being where his voice cannot reach them has a double meaning. The first is that this Sora that fights memory Xehanort does not speak (and also he's fighting like a controlled puppet without a will of it's own like, did you see his soulless face?), which affirms to him that Sora is in the alternate universe, and the second may be that he realized it's a version of him from Kairi's heart (just like he himself is), and he being there instead of the real Sora affirms that Sora's bonds in this world have broken and he couldn't have been there himself, meaning he must've been in the alternate universe (if not dead, which Xehanort knows he isn't because he knows his final plan with Kairi).
Side note, also during the earlier battle with Xehanort, Xehanort told Kairi she wouldn't find Sora in her heart and that the key to him is in memories long gone. And part of my reaction to that is that I felt validated and angry, because we've been saying that Kairi wouldn't find Sora through the search of her heart and dudebros and s/ks and the like said that we were thinking about our ship and being misogynistic in thinking Kairi wouldn't have that role, and then Xehanort himself, created from Kairi's heart said "You won't find anything here". My other reaction was to "memories long gone", and it honestly made me wonder if it meant that Kairi had some of Sora's memories in her heart that he lost and they're not there anymore, or that the key to Sora is memories of his he not only lost, but are literally missing and in someone no one can reach currently (like within Yozora or something)
So anyways, Xehanort gives Kairi a clue about how to find Sora through that line referring to the alternate universe (again it being brought up in the future for a different thing is why I think Apprentice Terranort gave his speech as a double meaning in the past), and she finally wakes up where the whole lab crew work it out
As for AtW and crew assuming the alternate universe is fictional, that may or may not be true. They worked it out by saying "The opposite of our reality is unreality or fiction", but we also know that could be referring to a parallel universe, meaning both universes could very much be real. As for Yozora telling Sora "this isn't the real world", I'm not gonna go far into it as others have, but if Sora is theoretically inside Yozora's heart, hence how he can visit him in his dream, then Sora is technically not in the real world, but the alternate universe is in the real world. And if the alternate universe is a fake world, it's not impossible, but it's still odd to me how Yozora would be self aware that the world he was born in wasn't real.
Forward from here, Riku enters, Kairi and Riku have their leads to Sora (tbh one of my hopes was that Kairi and Riku would have a real talk about the odd status of their friendship and how it's honestly not great, but maybe it'll happen in the future), and Fairy God Mother magics Kairi and Riku and herself into the final world (sorry this is a bit passive aggressive, but no, we knew that Riku wouldn't need to dream dive into Kairi's dreams to make it into the final world so they could get to Sora). FGM then starts talking about the final key, alerts the two teens about the hearts in the final world, and takes them to Nameless star. It was about this point I literally had a moment over how beautiful Kairi and Nameless star's respective voices sounded because they both sounded so pretty. This is also where they learn that shibuya in the other universe is named Quadratum (haha another square reference I see, square😂), and FGM says that you can get to the other universe with the power of waking and Nameless Star's strong dream and will. I honestly can't wait until we get to see Nameless star for real and hear her name. It's honestly so sweet that Riku wanted to make her dream come true (in like a "Riku is so nice and sweet" way, not in a shippy way) and was also willing to help her not just because she could lead him to Sora.
Then, FGM informs the crew that this is as far as she goes, and leaves the rest to Riku. This is another widely opinionated section of MoM's story, because here Kairi expresses her wishes to go and is ultimately rejected. I have seen people rant about how Riku is a misogynist and explain this scene as if Riku literally told Kairi "You're too weak", shoved her aside, and called her useless, but here's an analysis of the scene with some of my pov. That part wasn't nearly as bad as people exaggerated it to be. When Kairi expressed her wish to go, Riku literally stuttered, failing to actually say she can't. He didn't even really say anything before Kairi sighed and was like "I know". So to say Riku is misogynistic for that?😬 Also, this is a completely new universe, one where Yen Sid didn't even let Mickey Mouse follow, and as FGM said you have to have the power of waking to get there. Kairi is strong, as memory Xehanort said, but she's not to master level (or at Sora or Riku's level for that matter), not strong enough to deal with a whole new world, especially since her only real experience was being plunged into war just after some training (like Sora and Riku got this whole experience starting with dealing with low level heartless and getting used to it all, and they had been practicing and self teaching themselves how to fight since they were kids, to which Kairi did not), and she doesn't have the power of waking, so no matter how much Kairi wants to go with Riku, as he was trying to tell her and failing, it's not possible for her right now. It's like how Sora wanted so badly to join Riku and Mickey in the RoD on saving Aqua, but he hadn't regained his strength yet and didn't have the Power of Waking. Example one of the Kingdom Hearts fandom's double standards: Sora being denied access to also go to the RoD to save Aqua because he doesn't have the strength or PoW is fine, but Kairi being denied access to also go to the alternate universe with Riku for the same reasons is Misogyny🙄.
And also on Kairi's rejection to go with Riku to the alternate universe, I felt like this moment was a parallel to kh1 that showed that Kairi is beginning her character development. In kh1, Kairi insisted to go with Sora to save Riku, and Sora outright said she would be in his way so she couldn't go (idk what it says in the jp version), and after being told this, Kairi accepts her situation and resigns to wait on the islands for Sora to return with Riku. During this whole time she also makes no effort to train. However, in this moment in khmom, when Riku fails to stutter out "No", Kairi very visibly and audibly is frustrated when she says "I know". She's been here before, but it says something that her being left like this, waiting to the side, isn't something she wants anymore. She wants to go, and she's frustrated that she still can't. And I know this came off to people as "Nomura is just shafting Kairi again", but in my opinion if he wanted to toss her aside, he wouldn't have done this. He would've had her okay with Riku going by himself from the get-go and had Kairi just kind of go "well, back to training with Merlin again". Heck, if he really wasn't doing anything with her, he would have just left her while FGM and Riku met Nameless star in the Final World. But what he did was present us a Kairi that is strong, but knows she needs to be stronger. He gave us a Kairi that is visibly frustrated in knowing she can't help her best friend. And her response after accepting she can't go currently? She takes the initiative to train under Aqua (a real keyblade master), meaning that she really wants to take the steps to get stronger now, and she tells Riku that one day she'll stand by him and Sora (not just Sora). The girl has resolved to take her own path and take real responsibility for her training so she never has to stay behind again. It's showing Kairi's shift from "Sora and Riku are leaving me behind and I'm struggling to catch up so I try to make sure they come back to me or I do the bare minimum to still be around them" to "I take control of my own destiny, and I'm gonna close this gap myself, by my own efforts, not by waiting for them to do something". I'm fully aware Nomura could still shaft Kairi, but I truly feel like this little we got in khmom is the beginning of her development as a character. And I feel this way because while remind at times arguably came off as pandering to people who wanted K to do something, khmom, taking into account all the things Nomura could have done instead of what he did, felt more genuine, and actually made me hopeful and excited for her character and what she does in the future. Also, example two of the Kingdom Hearts fandom's double standards: Riku struggling to tell Kairi she can't go with him (and him not actually saying it) is considered misogynistic by this fandom, but Sora in kh1 bluntly telling Kairi she would be in his way and therefore couldn't go is "UwU he's protecting his love! So cute!"🙄
Anyways, going forward, I'm so excited to witness some actual development for Kairi amd seeing her interact with the wayfinder trio! Like training with Aqua? Yes!
Also, not to be passive-aggressive, but I know a number of S/Rs who would like an apology for being told that believing that Riku would be the one to save Sora was us reaching and being delusional and thinking Kairi wouldn't go is misogynistic🙂
Anyways, besides that, Soriku endgame actually?! Like Sorikus and Riku stans how you feeling about all this? Like, can you believe we were right when we said Riku would go save Sora? Can you believe in the same week we got confirmation Riku would be the one to go save Sora, we learned that there would be three sets of Soriku Nendoroids? Like we just keep on winning and honestly that makes me so happy. I honestly can't wait to see not only Kairi's training and possible future development, but also Riku's journey! This may have just been a bridge game, but I'm so excited!😊
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hournites · 3 years
Oh, yeah! Definitely! And the start of Season 3 could be about Cindy being the new Stargirl, but in a much darker and edgier fashion. Meanwhile, with the help of Yolanda and her parents, Courtney could slowly start to heal emotionally, but still refuses to take back her Stargirl role. That is until, Cindy as the new Stargirl kills a villain in the middle of a fight, making Courtney realize that she has to take back her mantle. But Cindy (who was framed for the murder) is still too powerful with the staff and refuses to give up being Stargirl. She could tell Courtney: “I’m a better Stargirl than you ever dreamed of being! I can do you better than you! This was always who I was meant to be!” So, Courtney goes back to the ISA old headquarters and reads all of Dragon King’s files on Cindy. Which he had been keeping since she was born. Courtney then goes to whoever is using the pink pin/thunderbolt and asks them to wish for the thunderbolt to temporarily give her all of Cindy’s Shiv abilities. Which works and Courtney starts training to master these new powers and even steals the Shiv suit and Dragon Staff to battle Cindy. When Courtney approaches Cindy saying: “If you’re so determined to be me... then I thought that I’d be you. So, let’s see if you really can do me better than me.” Which leads to the new Stargirl and Shiv battling it out. They’re almost evenly matched, but Courtney manages to injure Cindy and orders her to give back the Cosmic Staff, but as soon as Courtney turns her back to Cindy, she blasts Courtney and is ready to kill her, but stops when Courtney brings up Cindy’s mother. The two then form a truce and team up to take down the real villain who framed Cindy (who is also the season’s big bad). Who Courtney defeats by wielding both the Cosmic Staff and the Dragon Staff. Cindy then returns the staff and Stargirl mantle back to Courtney, who tells her just because she’s not Stargirl doesn’t mean she still can’t be a hero. Thus inviting her to join the JSA. What do you think of this idea? Really just kind of thought about it. But would be an awesome two-season arc! Love to hear your thoughts!
The question I have here is ... who does Cindy have to prove herself to? Why exactly would she want to be Stargirl instead of herself? I can see from the angle that she wants to take what Courtney has to hurt her, but for Cindy to then want to be Stargirl ? I feel like at some point if it was out of necessity, this could work for a little while, but eventually the staff would stop working for Cindy.
Another thing that you bring up is the whole Cindy killing thing. It’s interesting you mention, because now that it’s brought up Cindy really can really parallel Rick. The only ACTUAL kill that Cindy intended was Dragon King’s. And for that, what he’d done to her was good motive for her to be so full of hatred for him. However, this rivalry that Cindy has with Courtney is actually somewhat superficial. Why has Cindy REALLY wanted to kill Courtney?? Because she wanted to please her dad. But her dad is dead so I’m just wondering if a lot of the fuel behind her anger actually still there for her to justify killing Courtney...someone she probably prefers to torment rather than end the life of (in a cruel kind of twist of irony ... like her father). Like, I do think Cindy LIKES having Courtney to be against just for the hell of it. Not because she really has a legitimate reason. I’m rambling at this point.
So I think it might be possible that a storyline like this wouldn’t have to drag out so long but idk! Also I’m not too sure if the pink pen’s wish can grant powers 🤔
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atamascolily · 4 years
Unicorn Chronicles, Book 3: “Dark Whispers,” by Bruce Coville
Whenever people grumble about how long it's been since their favorite fanfic updated, I can't help but smile a little in sympathy. As someone who's read a lot of CLAMP manga, I've grown used to the stutter-stop of hiatuses and discontinued stories that will never be finished. To quote the Princess Bride, "Get used to disappointment". It's just an occupational hazard.
I know people who only read completed stories, but I would have missed out on a lot of great material and works that really matter to me if I followed their example. It also meant that I got really good at imagining what happens next.
So it was a delight to discover that Bruce Coville had actually finished the Unicorn Chronicles when I was busy with other stuff (i.e., life) and there were two more volumes. Coville specifically thanks readers for nagging him about finishing, which is simultaneously #hilarious and #relatable.
Song of the Wanderer came out in 1999, right on the cusp of the Harry Potter boom that shook up the juvenile fantasy genre. (Both series are published by Scholastic.) Dark Whispers came out in 2008, and you can see how much the genre has shifted in the cover art alone:
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This is gorgeous art by Petar Mesedlzija, but it only tangentially fits the descriptions in the books: Cara doesn't really wear anything like this outfit, and the story emphasizes she keeps braiding her hair to keep it from tangling. She has a sword, but she doesn’t really ever use it?
Furthermore, the layout, design, and chapter headings of Dark Whispers are clearly meant to capitalize on Harry Potter: Grimmwold has a looping signature reminiscent of Dumbeldore's in the opening prologue, for instance. It's a very different feel from the way the first two volumes were presented, and tbh, I miss the old way that has gone the way of the dinosaurs now.
Inevitably, with such a long gap between volumes, Dark Whispers ended up with a very different style and tone than its predecessors. The most obvious difference is that it's REALLY LONG--464 pages in hardcover. Some of this increase in length is attributable to Harry Potter proving that giant fantasy tomes can sell like hotcakes, and some of it is the fact that the storyline is now really big, with a lot of different players moving in different directions.
Inevitably, this means that instead of following Cara's POV for the entire book, as we did in the first two volumes, we are constantly shifting narrators. It's completely understandable, but as a reader, I find it really annoying--like I am suddenly reading an entirely different series with overlapping plot and characters. It's not that this new series is bad, per se, it's just... not what I imagined when I was making up the ending in my head in the early 2000s. I do not know if this disjunct would be so obvious or unsettling to someone who was reading all four volumes together for the first time.
Anyway, so since it's been literally a decade, Coville makes the sensible decision to open with a recap from Grimmwold, in his role as the keeper of the Unicorn Chronicles: unicorns and human hunters are at war; the latter are lead by an immortal woman named Beloved with a personal grudge against the unicorns, and she just got an amulet so she can invade Luster.
In Cara's plotline, she is still coming to terms with the fact that her grandmother, Ivy Morris, was a unicorn in disguise, and is now Queen Amalia Flickerfoot. Her grandfather Jaques is super depressed (because literary references, yo) and also because this is super-weird for him, too. As they prepare for Beloved's assault on Luster, Grimmwold reveals that pages from the Unicorn Chronicles are missing, and that others reveal an unsettling prophecy about unicorns confronting their own darkness and a mysterious figure called the Whisperer.
Another human, Alma Leonetti, comes forth and suggests that the centaurs might know more details. The Queen sends Cara and her friends to investigate, while Jaques and Thomas the Tinker go on separate missions. Thomas does give her a watch that marks the days and also explodes, so you know right away she's gonna need both on her trip. M'Gama the geomancer is trying to determine where and when the Hunters will invade: the date is the forthcoming Blood Moon, but she's still working out the details on the place.  
Grimmwold tells the group a story about Alma Leonetti, and how she tracked down the wizard Bellenmore, who opened the gate to Luster for the unicorns. Bellenmore has a snarky talking lizard and great tastes in decorating:
On the mantel above the fireplace stood a row of earthenware mugs with hideous faces. One of them winked at me; another leered and rolled its eyes; a third stuck out its tongue and made a rude noise. Then they began to sing a bawdy song until Bellenmore waved a hand to silence them.
Alma bluffs her way to Luster and eventually persuades the unicorns to keep one of their kind on Earth so humans don't forget true beauty and goodness and the spark is kept alive. The hunters keep trying to kill the Guardian, but they always replace the fallen with a new one and the cycle repeats.
We also learn that Ivy summoned Moonheart to heal Cara as a child, which is what alerted Beloved to her presence, forcing her to kidnap Cara and flee because Beloved wanted the child, too. Ian Hunter was a first grade teacher who had no idea about any of this until Cara disappeared and he was radicalized by Beloved and went through an intensive training camp she's built up for her army.
Meanwhile, Ian is in India, tracking down the Rainbow Prison where Beloved has imprisoned his wife. He makes a deal with a mysterious entity, the Blind Man, trading occasional use of his sight for the knowledge he needs. Beloved's men attack Ian, but he is saved by a street urchin named Rajiv who is eager for adventure, and the mysterious Fallon, who is trying to find a doorway to Luster. The three of them team up and head for the Himalayas to find the doorway to the Rainbow Prison while Beloved's forces pursue them. We learn that Fallon is super-hot and also seeking his best bro Elihu, in a relationship that I'm pretty sure was sexual although it's never stated directly.
There's also a plotline involving the delvers - the evil dwarves we mostly forgot about in Book 2. The King keeps talking to the Whisperer, and sending his subjects to do Evil Things as the alliance with Beloved continues. (The delvers do not love humans, but they hate unicorns and so the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" at least temporarily).
The plotlines converge when the delvers attack M'Gama the earthmancer's house and steal a macguffin and kill Flensa, M'Gama's servant. Cara's party splits up, with Finder and Belle hunting the macguffin while Cara and Lightfoot continue on. Finder is killed (sob) and Belle regrets being a jerk to him. Cara's group is attacked by delvers and she is captured and taken underground. (The delvers either don't know Beloved has an amulet already/don't care/want one for their own purposes.) Cara tosses the amulet into an abyss when it fails to transport her to earth, and she is imprisoned in the dungeons with a delver dissident who has had his name ritually stripped from him for defiance.
Cara renames the delver "Rocky" and the Squijum shows up with the amulet and steals the key. They meet up with Grimmwold, and escape. They also encounter the gryphon Medafil, who is lost below ground, only to wake a monster known as the schwartz, a Terminator-like blind dragon that never gives up pursuit. Cara defeats it using the expanding light sphere from Medafil's nest, and they emerge in the centaur's valley, where Belle is waiting for them with the news of Finder's death.
The centaurs are standoffish, but eventually Cara persuades their leader Chiron to spill the beans: after the war with Beloved began, the unicorns decided to expunge all the darkness from their souls with the aid of a magician named Elihu (hi!), which gained sentience and has been egging Beloved on ever since. It's also corrupted the delvers,which is why they hate unicorns so much. In exchange for the info, Cara agrees to mercy-kill Chiron, which none of the centaurs can do for personal reasons. Cara reports this story to the unicorns, who are all :shrug emoji: about it.  
Meanwhile Ian and company are stuck in the Rainbow Prison, the Dimblethum is being tormented by the Whisperer, and ends up taking the macguffin the delvers stole and placing it at the Axis Mundi, the world-tree of Luster, so that Beloved and her forces can enter there. Lightfoot tries to stop the Dimblethum but isn't in time. And the book ends on the seriously metal note of Beloved opening the portal beneath the blood moon and invading Luster with her army. *cue 'Bad Moon Rising'*
[Which, I may note, is pretty much where the LAST BOOK also ended.]
SO. That was a lot.
Once again, the core group of characters from Book One gets broken up. Thomas the Tinker gets sidetracked pretty quickly and isn't seen again; the Dimblethum gets a few brief sequences, but doesn't do much until the end. Lightfoot and Cara are separated fairly early on and don't have much time together, though their musings about their sudden familial connections at the beginning are nice, even though Cara also keeps shipping Belle with Lightfoot. Lightfoot himself doesn't get to do much, Finder dies, and Belle is likewise sidelined by the narrative for a decent chunk of the story. Coville also keeps emphasizing that Lightfoot is a Prince, which just grates on me, too.
I would also like to see more of Cara? She has plenty of scenes, but after two books of focusing solely on her, it's so strange to suddenly be jerked in different directions and it makes me grumpy.
It's great to see Medafil again, but I found the whole delvers/underground plot to drag on too long for my tastes. I'm glad Coville brings back that one delver from the first book who let Cara go because he thinks (rightly) his king is batshit crazy.
I like Alma Leonetti's story, but it feels unrelated to the plot, so I'm not entirely sure why it's there. I think it was originally a stand-alone short story, and I think it's better suited as one, because I can't figure out what its narrative purpose is. Or is it just that Grimmwold is contractually obligated to tell at least one story per book?? Or maybe this is something that will pay off in Book 4.
Ian Hunter's story basically bores me, and I found that whole subplot extremely tedious. He's been more or less retconned to be sympathetic and a victim, and I just don't know how I feel about that.
I HAVE SUCH MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THE BIG REVEAL. On the one hand, it's a great twist to see the psychological shadow as the literal villain; on the other hand, it takes away some of the delvers' and Beloved's agency as villains in their own right because they're now Pawns of a Bigger Bad. It also just seems like such a weird thing for the unicorns to do--and maybe that's a way of making them more alien, but I don't know.
Coville explicitly uses the word 'hubris,' so it also feels weirdly victim-blaming to me because the unicorns are doing it to themselves (and this isn't just a war, but genocide we're talking about here!). For better or worse, this twist muddies the black and white/good vs. evil paradigm into shades of gray: the unicorns are beautiful and good but also arrogant assholes; Beloved is homicidal but also in terrible pain; the delvers are misunderstood and need to be embraced rather than ignored.
Alma Leonetti consistently delivers the best lines - I guess she's taken over the role Ivy Morris used to play, since Ivy is now a unicorn:
"Perhaps the unicorns need to try to recover some of what they have lost?... You face a dedicated enemy who has shown no mercy, one who will stop at nothing to destroy you. And what have you done? Gathered together, which is good. Prepared to defend yourselves, which is good, too. But is it enough? How fiercely are you willing to fight to save your lives? How strong can unicorns be? ... Maybe you need to take in some of that darkness you once released."
I remember feeling oddly disappointed on my first reading, which unfortunately persists on re-read. This story has now moved in a very different direction from the one I expected, and while that's not necessarily bad, it is unsettling and strange. As I mentioned earlier, some of that might just be that the final result doesn't match the story I made up in my head; or it could just be the inevitable result of such a long gap between books and the changes in the fantasy market post-Harry Potter. I don't know.
(I wish I had written down my thoughts about an ending--aka fanfic--because while I could write one now, it’d be reacting to canon, rather than creating it.)
Either way, major kudos to Coville for writing this book, because I had assumed the series was dead and would never be completed, and he fucking did it. That’s such an inspiration, honestly.
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theheightofdishonor · 4 years
@asilhalawadi  I retyped it from memory. 
There’s a lot of things the Beyblade Metal Saga get wrong (do not get me started on how dirty they did Yu) but when they got it right, it was brilliant and the connection between Ryuga, Tsubasa, and Kyoya, is one of those things. 
So starting in Metal Fusion, these three are set against each other as Gingka’s rivals- I single them out specifically because these are the only rivalries that span the entire Saga. You’ve got Kyoya who starts out intimidating but is quickly established a reliable ally-no matter what he says on the contrary. There’s Tsubasa who you can’t quite get a read on until well into the third act of Fusion but ,eventually chooses a side and sticks to it. Then there’s Ryuga, the “big bad” who never chooses Gingka’s “side” even as Gingka saves his life, he’s a wild card and they often emphasize his untrustworthiness throughout the Saga.  Green, Purple and Red respectively. 
It’s easier to split this up and discuss the inner dynamics first so Imma start with Kyoya-Ryuga. Controversial opinion but these two are just slight variations on all the same characteristics;their personalities are centered around individuality, mistrust, arrogance, a lack of manners, and a specific honor code that they don’t like revealing- they’re mirrors.It’s interesting to note that their respective colours (the colour of their auras, Kyoya’s green and Ryuga’s Red) are complementary colours. On a colour wheel, Red is directly opposite from Green. Even as they go through the same things, they’re on different sides. In Fusion, they’re both manipulated by Doji and fight to truly develop their own personality but they’re pitted against each other. In Masters, their developments take place mostly off-screen, never meeting and in Fury, they’re once again major players on opposing sides. There is exactly two points in the series where these two collide (other than Ryuga’s death) 
The first is Battle Bladers. Their match in Battle Bladers is fundamental in understanding how their characters connect. Seriously watch it, it’s one of the best battles in the Saga. Ryuga begins by trashing the stadium before the battle begins, a move that Kyoya counters by destroying the stadium even more. It’s a statement of power as much as an intimidation tactic and neither backs down. Their battle continues the same way as they snark back at each other and exchange blows each with the force of a special move. It’s very “fight fire with fire”, “eye for an eye” and it works better than anyone would have thought.  Tsubasa may be the first person to ever withstand the Dark Move but Kyoya’s the first one Ryuga fully takes seriously. It’s a fascinating battle. Kyoya taunts Ryuga to force him to use his full strength and Ryuga complies-knowingly. (The implications of him temporarily pushing back the Dark Force just because Kyoya asked-I) Kyoya has full confidence that his taunts will work, he admits as much. Ryuga, for his part, verbally praises Kyoya for being the only person to ever push him this far. (Granted, the way he says it, it’s more of an insult but.) They’re so equal in power that the battle was actually up to toss before Ryuga got possessed. But the thing with fighting fire with fire is that it leads to a lot of people getting burned. Ryuga gets thoroughly possessed (and would likely have stayed that way if not for Gingka) and Kyoya is impaled by a demon spirit. (Remind me to speculate on Hikaru and Kyoya’s response to the Dark Power). It doesn’t end well for either of them- but they’re equals. 
In Metal Masters, they’re both demoted to secondary characters. They get lives outside of Gingka and don’t meet face to face until Metal Fury. Like I said, their arcs are parallel so it makes sense that the next time they battle toe to toe- they’re both on the verge of a series long personal conflict that has direct consequences on the fate of the world. This time, Ryuga is the self-assured one, he had an entire (mostly)Gingka-free season to sort out his issues and grow in power. Kyoya, on the other hand, isn’t even comfortable with his new bey yet and it’s almost depressing how quickly Ryuga wins that match. Ryuga even marks on it,  that although their beys may be equal in power, they themselves no longer are equals. Their maths are set into motion and that’s the last communication between the two of them.
Their individual conflicts in Fury are actually the same exact problem- stemming from the fact that they are both horrified at the thought of selflessness. They have to justify their actions as something that directly affects them and being tied down by caring about something else is one of the worst things imaginable.  By this meeting in Fury, Kyoya was a ticking bomb that had its roots all the way back to the beginning of Masters. In Fusion, they had become friends, but when Masters starts, Kyoya forces their relationship strictly back into rivals and does his bet to keep it that way. (I feel so bad for Gingka who literally gets nightmares about this moment) Even when he shows up to stop Ziggurat like some kind of guardian angel with impeccable timing - he’s quick to clarify that he’s not there for Gingka and only showed up because he thought Ryuga’s presence in the World Championships was suspicious. Like he’s right but ouch. It’s important to note that no one ever calls him out on this behavior where even as he helps and fights alongside them, he’s denying that he cares. I can’t even blame them for it because it wasn’t worth the effort. 
When Kyoya actively joins Gingka again in Fury to search for Legendary Bladers, he’s obviously uncomfortable  with the situation. I mean, there’s only so much you can pile under the justification of doing it to secure your rivalry. Let’s be real, that excuse barely worked even all the way back in Fusion when Kyoya joined forces with a couple of people he can’t stand to follow Gingka all the way to effing Koma Village. So him going batshit was inevitable, Aguma was just the spark. 
Ryuga is in the same boat, except when he professes to not care, it’s much more believable unless you take a good look at his actions. His help in defeating Ziggurat could be attributed to his canon reason of dealing with ghosts from his past. But that doesn’t explain why he practically forces Gingka to realize his bey’s power before his battle with Julian or him advising Tsubasa on overcoming the Dark Power and even making sure Tsubasa gets back to his team. When Fury starts, the audience has a reluctant hope that Ryuga will help- a thought that is promptly and swiftly crushed with a sledgehammer. You’re given a bit of hope again as we explore Ryuga and Kenta’s bonds and are barraged with scenes of Ryuga displaying consideration if not concern for the actual child following him around. But it’s not to be. In a scene that’s actually very similar to Ryuga’s OG battle with Kyoya, Doji taunts Ryuga who allows that taunt to influence his actions and again, it ends badly for him. Not only does he fully revive Nemesis, it ends up leading to his own death.
However, Ryuga does a 180 in death and his affection for Kenta/honour/guilt that this kid’s going to kill himself because he blames himself for your death brings Ryuga back to life (?) to hand the Star Fragment to Kenta. But it’s already too late and Zeus’s barrier doesn’t hold even with a replacement Summer constellation bey. His grand gesture, which is actually super emotional when you watch the entire thing, ends up doing nothing other than prolonging the battle. 
But, but, but. In that very last moment when all hope is gone and Pegasus is the only bey left spinning, Kyoya admits what he’s been denying for years- the effect Gingka has had on his life and that he cares for the guy. In a show of trust that Kyoya from even a couple days previous would never have done, Kyoya offers his bey spirit along with that of his precious Leon’s to Gingka. This, of course, prompts everyone else to do the same and Gingka defeats Nemesis and saves the world. But it wouldn’t have happened without Kyoya doing that. One lives, one dies. 
Now, Kyoya-Tsubasa. No worries, the rest of this is going to be significantly shorter. Green and Purple, both cool/secondary colours, are on the same side Despite this, Kyoya and Tsubasa kind of end up playing tag throughout the Saga. In Fusion, Kyoya’s the one at Gingka’s side until Doji switches the battle order in Battle Bladers and suddenly, tag, Tsubasa’s the one facing Ryuga. He loses, tag, Kyoya’s turn. In Masters, Tsubasa’s “tagged” and is now the one who travels with Gingka while Kyoya takes off and then there’s a brief pause for the Season Finale™. In Fury, Kyoya gets the star fragment, tag, he’s the one traveling with Gingka now and out of the two, Kyoya’s the one in the limelight for the rest of the season. 
On a superficial level, Kyoya and Tsubasa are opposites. Kyoya’s brash where Tsubasa is reserved. Kyoya clashes head on, Tsubasa keeps his cool. Yet, under the surface, they’re alike- moody, antisocial, and emotionally constipated. Jk, that part’s not til later. Really though, they’re pretty alike. Despite Kyoya’s abrasiveness, he’s almost always got some kind of plan in battle (even if they’re occasionally dumb things like let’s start a tornado which could potentially sweep away the helicopter that’s our ride out of here) and Tsubasa is no stranger to winging it -hacking the Dark Nebula without planning it beforehand, anyone?. Their differences balance the other person out. They’re almost foils in a manner.
With these two, Fusion is the place to be. (two pints of Sam Adams and I’m workin on three) Specifically, Tsubasa’s match with Ryuga and Kyoya’s attitude about it.That clip displays it better than I could explain. Tsubasa spends most of the actual battle avoiding El Drago- his plan is to draw out El Drago’s full strength and then attack when Ryuga’s at his weakest. (it makes more sense in the story) Everyone in the stadium is against this- the crowd is booing, even Gingka and the rest of their friends are unsure but Kyoya doesn’t lose faith for a second. He urges Tsubasa to not pay attention to the crowd-to trust his instincts and at that moment, he’s the only person that believes in Tsubasa. His faith is rewarded as Tsubasa becomes the first person to withstand the Dark Move. 
Despite having never battled each other, Tsubasa and Kyoya are established as equals in skill, power and intellect. And then the World Championships Qualifiers starts and along with it, Tsubasa and Kyoya’s one and only match.. The episode actually does most of the work for you by reflecting on these two, their skills and personalities. If you hadn’t thought of it already, you have now been spoonfed that Kyoya and Tsubasa are equals. The battle starts and them being equals is hammered in some more as they comment on how they know all of each other’s moves. But they don’t and Kyoya crushes him. Whether Kyoya would still have won if Tsubasa wasn’t possessed is up to debate. But the scales tip, nonetheless, and although Tsubasa overcomes the Dark Power, we’re not given a marker of any sort to tell if Tsubasa got stronger by the end. This is further complicated because in Fusion, Tsubasa never shows the extent of his power, so we don’t know if the Tsubasa that defeated the Dark Power is stronger than the Tsubasa before it. Either way, this battle marks the end of them as Tsubasa stagnates and Kyoya continues to grow stronger. 
Next is Tsubasa-Ryuga, also known as my shortest section because there is exactly one thing and one thing only that ties them together- the Dark Power. Initially there are two reasons because it’s Tsubasa’s job to spy on Ryuga but the Dark Power’s more important and they didn’t interact much because of that job, anyway. Although the weakest pairing in this triangle, they have the most significant meetings, a grand total of 4, 1 of which, notably, is not a battle. The first one occurs when Doji attempts to feed Tsubasa’s power to Ryuga once Tsubasa is revealed to be a spy. It ends in a draw because Phoenix saves him from imminent failure. The second one is the Battle Bladers Match-the one where a bit of the Dark Power latches on to Tsubasa’s soul. The third is in Metal Masters. Under instructions from the WBBA, Hyoma tracks down Ryuga who then finds Tsubasa and gives him advice on defeating the Dark Power (while destroying Excalibur for the hell of it) and safely delivers him to Gingka and co. It’s the weirdest episode- plays straight out of an alternative universe. In Fury, they meet for the last time in a completely random tournament while both are searching for Legendary Bladers. They battle, Ryuga wins and again, it’s straight out of an alternative universe because Ryuga’s almost cordial- at least compared to his usual version. Like if you look at his other battles, Ryuga in this clip can even be called nice. If you watch it, you’ll note the exact second Tsubasa determines that Ryuga’s crazy. It’s also got the line “The Dragon Emperor just is The Dragon Emperor” which cracks me up for no reason. Personally, I do think Ryuga’s a smidgen softer on Tsubasa because of the shared Dark Power thing but they don’t interact nearly enough to confirm it. 
(When I say last time, I do mean face to face confrontations, and not them just happening to be at the same place) 
Between the three of them, they’ve got this complicated push-pull dynamic despite very limited interaction between them. They’ve also got a long list in common; from personality traits:prickly, hard-working, skilled, smart, mistrustful/suspicious, pessimistic, confident if not overconfident, antisocial,  habits: most at home in the wild, unusually strong connections to their beys, and the weirdest of all; Yu who has idolized all three of them right around the time of their biggest self-crisis; Ryuga, Tsubasa and Kyoya in that order.
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beholdthemem · 4 years
Sally Face ATLA AU 
(You know who has brilliant SF ideas AND ATLA ideas? @vulpixen . She is so clever and amazing!)
Sal is (naturally) the Avatar by virtue of being the main character, and is out to restore balance to the world as best he can. As in canon, he’s kind, patient, a little snarky, and beneath the very mellow front he presents to the world, stressed beyond belief, good GOD. He tells his friends he appreciates them all the time, but they really do not understand the extent and intensity with which he means it, because if he had to defeat the Fire Nation and fix over a century of war damage by himself, he’d-
...well, he’d still try and do it, but he would very much go crazy and end up either working himself to death or renouncing humanity and going to live somewhere in the middle of nowhere as a hermit in the process.
Gizmo is Sal’s Animal Guide. The adults in Sal’s life were... dubious about exactly how useful a catowl would be in such a role, and tried to subtly encourage him towards maybe picking a more thematically appropriate creature. Sal, who was seven, had only just discovered he was the Avatar, lost both his mother and his face the year before and had already bonded with Giz, did not want to hear it.
It is very difficult to counter, “Because I’m the Avatar, and I say so” even if the person saying it IS only forty pounds soaking wet and roughly the size of a bag of shredded cheese. That means nothing when he starts levitating rocks and hovering. He might be polite and relatively obedient ninety percent of the time, but that other ten where he decides something’s not up for debate, what he says goes.
...the matter was never discussed further.
Ash is a firebender from one of the earlier colonized areas in the Earth Kingdom.
She hears rumors about Sal and the others long before she ever meets them- that kind of news travels fast- and unlike the Fire Nation citizens on the mainland or in the richer areas... does not find herself having the automatic reaction of This Is A Bad Thing.
She leaves home in the dead of night on a one woman quest to find them and teach Sal firebending, because the only way he's possibly going to win this war is if he knows all four elements and it's in the Fire Nation's best interest that the avatar Not Learn Fire.
It's the highest treason there is. She can never go back home, and if anyone catches her and brings her back, her family won't even receive enough of her to bury.
But she goes anyway, because despite what every Fire Nation citizen is led to believe from birth till death, what they're doing is wrong. And she may be a gangly scruffy nobody, someone who in the old days would not have even been CONSIDERED to be anywhere NEAR worthy of teaching the Avatar anything, but she knows what's right, and whether they like it or not, she's the best hope they've got.
(Sal is the only member of the team willing to accept a firebender from the get-go. The others are... less than pleased, but Ash is here to do a job, and while she understands their misgivings, she’s not going anywhere until it’s done. So frankly, they might as well get used to each other and at least TRY TO GET ALONG.)
(She is going to get these stubborn bastards to accept her if it kills them both.)
(Make friends with them. Make friends with them until they BEG FOR MERCY-)
She’s also got a shirshu- one of those giant angry mole creatures with the paralyzing spit like June had- named Mo, and leaves home with him, which is a big part of the reason why nobody successfully manages to catch her. 
...they leave a lot of angry, temporarily paralyzed Fire Soldiers behind them. 
Larry and Neil grew up together. Larry’s a waterbender, Lisa’s an earthbender, Neil’s a nonbender, and it’s the three of them against the world.
Lisa, as in canon, is a Woman Of Action. When she finds a problem, she does something about it. What that means in this particular scenario, is that a year or two before Avatar Sal comes on the scene, she hears about the Fire Nation army sending out forces closer and closer to home, and decides that the Fire Nation has officially become a Problem. She and as many other earthbenders she could muster have been off holding the line and ensuring the Fire Nation never gets close to their city ever since. Neil and Larry miss her as they hold down the fort back home, but they’re proud of her all the same.
Larry has only ever known one other waterbender in his life.
This means he got approximately six years of training, starting from the day Jim and Lisa first discovered him making soup tsunamis at age four, and ending shortly before the Widow Gibson got him thrown in jail for two weeks. 
When he got out, Jim was gone, and Larry was forced to teach himself to the best of his abilities from then on. He’s very talented, which is fortunate- there’s only so much you can get from scrolls alone if you don’t have much of a knack to start from- but even so, he does very much have limits. Team Sal-vatar’s first order of business is to head north in order to find a teacher for both Sal AND Larry.
Todd is a proud citizen of Kyoshi Island, and sort of the armorer for his village’s band of Warriors. It’s not really an official position- he’s just always had a gift for putting things together and thinking outside the box, and over the years that’s transformed him into a brilliant inventor. 
A brilliant inventor who likes to ensure that his girls are equipped with the absolute best possible gear while patrolling and dealing with any Fire Nation scouts stupid enough to make it this far.
The Warriors in his village kind of half raised him. As in canon, Todd’s parents were always, uh... easily distracted... so as a little kid, Todd was largely left to his own devices. 
Which... more often than not ended up with him finding new and exciting ways to get himself potentially killed or maimed in the name of discovery. He has so many questions, about EVERYTHING, all the time, and since nobody else seemed to know or care about finding the answers, Todd took it upon himself to find out how the world worked.
The Kyoshi Warriors having to rush in and save him from whatever he’d gotten into this time became something of a biweekly event. Yanking him out of the ocean just before he became fish food as he tried to observe and record how exactly the Unagi’s water-jet defense mechanism worked, snatching him up just in time to ensure that only his eyebrows got blown off after he somehow managed to make WATER EXPLODE, (”It’s simple!” He insisted, tucked under a very grouchy Azaria’s arm like a parcel while they trudged back to the dojo. “Most of the rocks around here have flecks of metal in them- and some of them react to water. If you take some time to break the rocks up and sort them, you start to notice the metals can be filed into distinct groups. If you use any one of the five in this jar-” “WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE THEM?!”) putting out the fires caused by Self-Lighting Lantern prototypes one through three- they saw a lot of each other.
They used to bring him back to Janis and Ray (Who generally hadn’t noticed he’d been gone) with some stern words about keeping a closer eye on their child- but eventually came to the realization that it was never gonna do shit and stared just bringing Todd back to the training house with them, where at least they could be relatively certain he wasn’t going to end up destroying the village before the Fire Nation did. 
In a strange way, they kind of ended up thinking of each other as family. The Kyoshi Warriors all consider one another sisters in arms, and gradually started collectively thinking of Todd as a little brother. Todd, who had kind of gotten used to keeping himself company, liked having people who would let him talk about whatever he’d learned today, and, (once he’d explained it again in a way that made sense to people besides him) would even ask questions.
Todd grew up with the Kyoshi Warriors protecting him and teaching him how to protect himself. Now he makes weapons and armor for them, because he knows whatever he makes is the best there is, and ensuring the Warriors have the best tools possible is how he can protect them.
Leaving Kyoshi Island to go with Sal and company hurts, but he’s always wanted to know what’s out there. He has so much he wants to know about the world, and he and the Warriors both know he’ll never find out if he stays in this one corner all his life. Todd goes to see the world, and save it, and because whether they know it or not, Sal and the others need somebody to protect them the way only Todd knows how to do, too.
Maple is a sandbender. 
Her family was not happy that she decided to leave with the Avatar.
The people dwelling in the Si Wong Desert enjoy a kind of safety that comes from having lived for generations in one of the most inhospitable places in the world. The desert is not an easy place to live- so if it can’t kill you, you’ll be hard pressed to find something that can. 
They’re aware of the Fire Nation’s steady progress conquering shit throughout the course of the war- after all, who isn’t?- but rather than the grim fear or untroubled ignorance the majority of the Earth Kingdom feels, the sandbenders’ feelings on the subject are limited merely to vague wariness. In general, they continue about their business and day to day life much the way they have for thousands of years. 
The people of the Si Wong Desert don’t fear the Fire Nation the way the rest of the world does because they have no real reason to think the war is ever going to end up affecting them on a personal level. And to be fair... they ain’t wrong. There are no resources in the desert that the Fire Nation has any use for. There are people in the desert, sure, everybody knows that- but sending troops out there to conquer them when they know the area and how to survive in it a million billion times better than you do is pointless. You are effectively wasting money and lives that you could be putting elsewhere trying to hunt down people that you can’t catch, and aren’t likely to attack you anyway. It’s just more effort than the regime feels like expending, and the sandbenders KNOW this. It’s the same reason why, even though the rest of the Earth Kingdom talks about oh-so-helpfully removing the sandbender tribes from the desert, stripping them from their culture, and teaching them to live like “CIVILIZED people”, they never actually go through with it. The potential payoff is just never worth the risk.
As far as the sandbenders figure, either the Earth Kingdom will continue holding out against the Fire Nation and they’ll remain as Earth citizens, or the Fire Nation will eventually topple Earth Kingdom armies and claim its territories for their own, at which point Si Wong will (in name only) be annexed, and the sandbenders will go about their lives as technically-Fire-citizens. Either way- nothing’s really going to change for them.
...granted, the Fire Nation’s not really known for placing value on human life- even the lives of its own soldiers. And... yes, they have been known in the past to waste incredible amounts of fuel, weapons, and money and sending thousands of their own to die just to make a point to whoever they’re attacking. ‘You should be afraid’.
So.... while it’s not LIKELY that the Fire Nation would ever bother trying to root out the sandbenders... if they did something to catch their attention, it could... just in theory, of course, but it COULD... potentially happen.
So the sandbender tribes mind their business, keep their heads down, and ensure that nothing happens to ever make the Fire Nation decide that actually, a desert expedition Might Be Worth The Effort.
The Avatar and his entourage showing up in their midst is alarming, but after he establishes that they aren’t there to stay and would really be just as happy to LEAVE the desert, they calm down. In fact, just to speed things along, Maple and her family, known to all as A Credit To The Hami Tribe, offer to help them navigate through it safely! C’mon, let’s go, no time to waste, please get out of here.
Even with experienced guides and appropriate transportation, (Todd is fascinated with their sand sailer. Ingenious! Absolutely ingenious!) it’s not a short journey. There is plenty of time for Sal to work his weird magic that makes even the most suspicious of people willing to talk to him, and Maple finds, much to her own bewilderment, that by the end of day two, she’s teaching him the basics of sandbending.
In sandbender culture, taking on a student is not something you do lightly. The link between teacher and protege is near sacred- once you agree to teach someone, you two are permanently connected from there on out. Teaching someone the way you understand bending is sharing an incredibly important part of yourself, and someone trusting you to teach them is that person trusting you to help shape who they are. 
It’s not something you really do with outsiders, because they don’t see it that way. It doesn’t mean anything to them, so why would you bother? You’re wasting your efforts on somebody who doesn’t even understand the significance of you trying in the first place.
But Sal is... different.
Not even because he’s the Avatar, really- just because he’s... Sal.
He cares about people. Even people he doesn’t really know, even people who don’t particularly like him. He wants to hear what you have to say, he wants to learn about you, and your culture, and the things that are important to you- not to do anything about it, to try and change you, or act like you’re more connected than you are- just... to understand. To understand you better.
What he wants, more than anything, is to help people, and that is why Maple decides that yes, this is the person she wants to teach. 
Because he’s a kid in way over his head, fully aware he’s grappling with responsibilities that should never reasonably have been given to one person, much less a teenager, but shouldering them anyway because someone has to. 
Because if you have the ability to help people, then you do not have the option not to do so.
Because even if he WASN’T the Avatar, after one day of knowing him, talking with him, and breaking bread with him, Maple knows without a shadow of a doubt that he would still be out here trying to find a way to end the war anyway.
The world is cruel and unfair, they both know it is, but rather than hiding away from it and just trying to make it through the day, Sal’s trying to make the place a little better, and in the end, Maple decides to go with him because she wants to give him a fighting chance to do it.
Chug is a swampbender, and originally had absolutely no intention of going anywhere outside of the Foggy Swamp at any point in his life. Nope, no sir, no thank you. The world outside is a fucking mess, nobody has any connection to nature, you can’t hear your environment communicating with you like you should be able to (what the fuck), there are firebenders attacking people left and right- no. No, absolutely not. Chug is going to stay RIGHT HERE, where he is relatively safe and things make SENSE.
And then he meets Maple.
Team Sal-vatar comes by the swamp with new member Maple in tow, run into Chug (Who was originally trying to chase them out through water-controlled-plant-life, but hey, misunderstandings happen) and the two of them really hit it off. 
When the team asks if any of the swampbenders are willing to join them, Chug’s initial reaction of FUCK NO, YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO DIE is abruptly eclipsed by the realization that oh God no, that sandbender girl is a part of this nonsense.
Those guys are going to die, and THEY’RE GONNA GET HER KILLED WITH THEM.
And he cannot think of anything he wants to do less, but he leaves
for her
so he can PERSONALLY ensure she doesn’t die.
This is not a meaningless gesture. Chug is actually a pretty talented bender objectively speaking, he’s just been hampered all his life by the fact that he’s scared of everything. It’s something he makes an effort to work through as he goes with the team, though, because now it matters. 
Originally he’s just in this to ensure Maple has back-up when she needs it, but as time goes on, Chug finds himself growing to care for the others, too. He downplays it to himself at first- this is a suicide mission, these people are nuts, no matter how nice they are you do NOT get attached to folks who are going to get themselves killed- but the first time they all hit a major battle together, when Chug sees a fireball coming Todd’s way, he doesn’t even think about it: pushing him out of the way and taking the fucker who tried it into the next world is just instinct.
They’re kin. They all are. There’s no point denying it when he knows, deep down, it’s genuinely how he feels. These people are nuts, but they’re a part of his family now.
And family protects each other.
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lemonagaga · 4 years
Chapter 4: House of Mystery
The battle was over. The titans rested on the cold hard ground gasping for air, unable  to process what just happened. They've been fighting non-stop for hours, killing off every parademon they see. It seemed like it would never end at first, and they feared that they might not be able to hold them off any longer. But then, to everyone's surprise, all of the parademons suddenly shut down.
"What just happened?" Beast Boy asked,  shifting back to his human form. His left arm was broken, his legs and face bloodied and bruised. A look of confusion covered his face, not knowing if he should be happy or terribly worried. 
"They're all down!" Superboy said in disbelief,  he sets himself down on a piece of metal that fell off from a building. "I can't believe it..."
"That must mean they succeeded." Damian said matter-of-factly. He wanted to look calm and collected but his face betrays him. A wave of relief hits him, his lips curving up.
Everyone cheers. They hugged each other, cried tears of joy, and healed each others wounds. Now it was a matter of waiting for the justice league to come back.
Three hours passed and finally a boomtube appears on the sky. The familiar faces of heroes fly down and land softly on the ground. Their bodies were badly wounded too, but they seem to be holding up better now.
Damian runs towards his father but says nothing. He looks around, noticing the lack of numbers. 'Where is she?' he thought.
"They will follow us shortly. Cyborg couldn't handle opening a boomtube big enough for everyone to enter. Constantine will be opening a portal anytime soon for the rest." Batman announces to everyone as if reading his son's mind.
"Were there any heavy casualties?" Donna speaks up, worried about Diana who stayed behind to teleport with Constantine's group. 
"None." Batman answers. "There's no need to worry, it was a success. Everyone did a great job."
The titans let out a sigh of relief and cheered again. "Let's celebrate!" Beast Boy shouts happily, Shazam and the others join him.
"We'll celebrate after we fix up the mess." Superman said, killing the atmosphere. "Don't get me wrong I'm not against it, after we're done with this we'll have a big celebration sponsored by Batman." he adds quickly, feeking guilty for ruining the mood.
Batman glares at him but he doesn't protest. Everyone cheers again and chatter excitedly about the future party.
"What's taking them so long?" Damian asked. He didn't care about the party, instead he felt impatient and uneasy. He worried about Raven, his chest hurt thinking about  her. 'Is she injured too? Did Trigon hurt her? Is she healing now?' Countless thoughts run in his head wondering if she's alright.
"Be patient dude." Superboy said, patting Damian's shoulder. "Raven's a strong girl, I'm sure she's fine."
"I know she's strong." Damian felt offended that Superboy thought he saw Raven as someone weak. "But you've seen how Trigon has hurt her,  and that's him being trapped in the crystal imagine if he was set free."
"Well Batman said everything was fine. If something bad happened to her I'm sure he wouldn't lie about it especially to you. " Superboy shurgs. He enjoyed seeing Damian being a lovesick fool, it's a fresh breath from his usual rude and cold demeanor. Whenever he teased her about Raven he would always get annoyed but he could see that he didn't actually hate it. Although he worries that his friend is clearly still in denial of his feelings and how this may become a hindrance in developing their relationship.
"I suppose you are right." Damian admits with a defeated sigh. He didn't understand why he felt so overwhelmingly worried about Raven.  He didn't understand why seeing her made him feel so at ease. Lastly, he didn't understand why he didn't feel those same emotions towards his other team mates. 'Why do I feel like I'm being biased towards her? Why do I have these feelings?'
Suddenly a bright golden circle cuts through the air, and in it John Constantine steps out carrying Raven, with the the other heroes following behind him. Panic swells in Damian as he watches John carry her seemingly lifeless body.
"Calm down boy she's asleep." John said quickly, noticing Damian's look of horror the moment he steps out of the portal. At first he thought he looked horrible and disheveled to the point of shocking the boy, then he remembers who he was dealing with, why would Damian care about he looked? He followed Damian's eyes which landed on the girl he carried and he remembers. 'Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. That boy fancies this girl.'
Damian releases his fist, he wasn't even aware he was clenching it so hard. Behind him Donna rushes forward towards Diana. They hug and nod at each other, having an unspoken understanding.
"Why is she in that state?" Damian's voice was calm but terribly cold. "You said there were no casualties father."
"Trust me, it could've been worse." Batman replies. "Be thankful Zatanna and Constantine knocked her out before her unstable magic cause any damage to herself and to others."
Damian felt frustrated at how only Raven seemed to be the only one carrying the burden of this whole plan. "Let me carry her."
"Yeah about that..." John hesitates, looking at Zatanna for backup.
"Damian," Zatanna speaks up. "We sense something strange about Raven's magic so for the moment John and I will take care of her at the house."
Damian was speechless. 'I dont have the right to protest.' he thought. He simply stared at Raven's sleeping face and memorizing every detail, scared of never seeing it again. "Make sure you take care of her well." He shuts his eyes and force himself to turn away, looking for any distraction.
"When can we see her again?" Starfire speaks up. Damian felt thankful for her voicing out exactly what he wanted to say. 'When will I see her again?'
"She's still part of the titans. We need to know when we can have her back or when we can see and visit her." Nightwing supports Starfire.
"We're not taking her away forever, she's your team mate and if the house lets you in then sure you can visit." Zatanna explains.
"Since you want to hold her so badly,  carry her for a minute while I summon the house of mystery." John said to Damian.
Damian doesn't hesitate to carry her, he held her as if she was the most precious treasure in the world. "Quite heavy isn't she?" John jokes.
"Not really." Damian replies. "Maybe your arms have gotten weak."
John rolls his eyes and proceed to summon the house of mystery. A few seconds later, a huge wooden house appears out of thin air. "Viola! This is the base for the Justice League dark,  where Raven will be staying temporarily."
Damian was amazed but he wouldn't admit that. The other heroes gather around the house, wanting to seek refuge where they can rest properly. "All of you can try to enter, if you're accepted by the house then you can relax but if you're rejected...well you better use that flying skill of yours."
John steps in the house first, followed by Zatanna. A couple of heroes entered too but many of them were sent flying out a few seconds later. Damian was relieved to have his feet remaining on the floor, the house accepted him and Raven.
"Where's the bedroom?" Damian asks.
"Aren't you a little young to be doing such things?" Green Lantern teases, much to everyone's surprise he wasn't kicked out of the house.
"Not cool dude." Flash comes to defend Damian. "That joke is so not appropriate right now."
Damian ignores them and proceeds to go upstairs. Somehow it felt like the house was guiding his feet to go to the right direction. Soon enough he found himself in front of a dark door labelled 'Bedroom'.
He opens it, and to his surprise the room was furnished nicely. He carries Raven to the bed and placed her down carefully. He sits on the bed, watching her sleeping figure. 'It doesn't seem like she's having any nightmare.' he thought. 'Trigon really is no longer trapped within her crystal.'
Seeing her sleep so peacefully made him feel drowsy too. The tiredness from the fight earlier seemed to finally settle in his body. He rubs his eyes and slaps himself, trying to fight off the fatigue. Too bad he couldn't fight it off any longer, eventually his eyes close and his body fall on the bed right next to Raven's.
'Only for a few minutes.' This was his last thought before he succumbed into deep slumber.
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Anyway I wrote this when I was sleepy af last night so I hope this chapter isn't a complete mess.
Hope you enjoy it :)
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