#this is. a lot longer than i expected. uhhh enjoy
l3viat8an · 5 months
HI RO!!!! it’s been forever since I’ve been here oh my 😭 how are youuuu???
I’m just having. many a thot thought. abt poly MC getting praised and pampered and overstimmed just getting all the sweet, gentle (soft dom??? I guess??) vibes from the bros after doing really well during the semester/term at RAD.
maybe they tease or double down on praising bc they know it makes MC shy but also that they actually enjoy it 👀 maybe getting tied up is involved 👀
but overall they’re not mean, they just want MC to know they’re proud of them, so what better way to do that than going to the extremes to show them?
anyway that’s my little rant, I just thought it was cute and wanted to share 😋🫶🏻
have a good day, and happy holidayssss!!! make sure you take care of yourself <3
- ♈️ anon
Hiiii ♈️!!! I’m good! Tired from holiday prep but good lolol how have youu been??? + it’s late for me so ignore if this has any typos as usual jsjsj
Just imagine Asmo getting all excited when he sees how well you did! His sweetheart is soooo smart and that deserves some kisses right~ he he’s going to cover your face in quick little kisses, giggling the whole time! It doesn’t matter who else is around, you deserve the praise and the blush on your cheeks is so cute!
Then Satan walks over and basically pushes Asmo out of the way- completely ignoring Asmo’s pouting and saying that if anyone praises you it should be him. after all he’s the one that tutored you all semester and helped when you didn’t know something about Devildom law- his kiss is deep and would’ve been a lot longer if Mammon and Levi weren’t yelling whining about how they helped you too!!! This is all just Asmo and Satan looking for an excuse to act all lovely dovey!! they’re both jealous and would prefer to have you alone- whispering sweet praise in your ear and placing soft kisses all over your body <3
Belphie just laughs, obviously you’re enjoying the attention so what’s the big deal? Beel’s nodding along- tho he really wants a kiss too, he’ll wait his turn.
and while he’ll let them indulge you for a few minutes Lucifer is quick to end it all, saying that you did wonderful as expected because; they all helped you. He walks over and kisses the top of your head, whispering just loud enough that you can hear him “I’m proud of you, darling.” and chuckles when he pulls away and sees your face is bright red.
Nsfw bit below here <3
Oooor Lucifer joins in on praising you!! You really did so well and Asmo’s right, that deserves a reward~ but what should it be?
Mammon shouts something about how you should just spend the day with him! He’ll spoil ya as much as you want!
Levi cuts Mammon off, stumbling over his words but promising that he’ll do whatever you want….uhhh if you want to spend time with him….to celebrate- and Satan cuts right back in saying that he’s the one that’s going to spoil you! It’s only fair!
‘n so on- obviously they’re not gonna agree right away, but it’s cute to watch you get excited over the way they fight for your attention!
Eventually it’s Belphie that has the best (?) (depends on who you ask tbh) idea. They could just share you-
Asmo whines that it’s not fair!! He didn’t get to say that first but Belphie just rolls his eyes and continues; after all, you worked so hard to get good grades~ it’ll be his…..their reward to you, kissing, praising and touching you until you can’t think anymore.
Just let them worry about you, yea? You know it’ll feel good too….all they want to do is make you feel good, spoil you, fill you up with cocks and cum until the only thoughts left in your cute little head are about them and how good it feels to be spoiled-
and for once the others all agree- if it’s what you want ofc <3
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sabo-has-my-heart · 5 months
Holding You Again
Okay, I lied, the smut isn't going to be in this part, it's going to be in... PART 3!?!?!?! I got so carried away writing what happens next, I didn't have enough words for the smut, lol 😅. I guess after being so sick for 2 weeks, I had a lot of pent up creativity. I should have part 3 out later today.
Part 1, Part 3
Warnings: suggestive
Word Count:1410
     It was a sudden thing, how the two of you went from having never seen each other to seeing each other everywhere. Instead of spending meals with the rest of the nurses, you’d often wander to eat with the rest of the crew, Ace in particular. Any time off that had previously been spent reading, was now spent up on deck talking with him or, more often than not, flirting with him, and nights spent staring up at the stars thinking about him, were spent talking to him about stars and constellations. 
     While you had no problem striking up a conversation with Ace, the poor fire user was quite the opposite, not quite sure how to talk to you. The boy was nearly bursting at the seams in excitement at seeing you again and wasn’t quite sure how to proceed without scaring you off. He wanted to simply pull you into a kiss, hold you tightly, and make up for lost time, but at the same time he was terrified that you didn’t remember him, that he’d be moving too fast for you. It tested his patience as he tried not to move too fast for you, particularly when you flirted with him. Were you actually flirting with him or was he seeing what he wanted to see? Did you remember him and were trying to give him hints or did you just find him attractive? Did you even realize how crazy you were driving him? How much he longed for you, longed to hold you close? Should he ask? Maybe if he brought it up, he’d at least know where he stood. At the same time, did he want to know? What if he didn’t like the answer? What if it was all just coincidence? He was tearing apart and he didn’t know how much longer he could take it.
     You, on the other hand, were enjoying the teasing, enjoying watching his internal struggle as he tried so hard not to do something that might drive you away. It wasn’t that you enjoyed torturing him, only that you found it sweet that he was trying so hard for you, trying so hard to not drive you away, to make sure you cared for him. Despite the years, despite how he was part of a different crew, despite everything, he was still the same sweet man who’d stolen your heart that night as he held you close, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he brought you to your climax again and again. Another division commander had approached you, Izou, inquiring about who you were and where you were from, chuckling when he heard you were from Wano as well, revealing that Ace had asked him to talk to you, to see if it was really you. You’d told him the truth but asked the man not to say too much more, you wanted Ace to take that step naturally, without somebody’s interference. Even if that interference was simply telling him that you remembered him. As an oiran, it had been easier for him, all he had to do was literally buy your time, pay for an afternoon and night with you, but as a Whitebeard nurse, things were trickier. He couldn’t just go up to you and say “Hey, I want to pay to spend time with you.” and not expect to get slapped. Not that he thought he could ‘buy’ a woman, you were a person, not property that he could just buy and own. It was just easier when he could pay for your time. 
     Taking a few deep breaths, he stared at himself in his bedroom mirror.
     “Y/n, I was wondering, do you remember me? No, no, no, that doesn’t make sense, we’ve been talking for weeks. Phew, okay. Y/n, This is gonna sound a little weird, but I actually met you a few years ago. No, that sounds so… forced. Uhhh…. Y/n, I… damn it.” Ace growled to himself as his head fell to rest against the mirror. He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to know if you remembered him, had to know if he needed to start courting you from scratch or if he had some sort of foundation to work with, “Y/n, I- fuck! Thatch, what the hell?! Knock next time!” Ace shouted, spinning around to glare at the man who stood in his door, doubled over in laughter.
     “What? Does the newly appointed commander think he’d got a shot at the cute little Wano nurse?” Thatch teased, making the boy glare.
     “As a matter of fact, yes, I do. And unlike the rest of the crew, I’ve got an advantage. She might have turned everyone else down, but you don’t know her like I do.” Ace boasted, making the man raise an eyebrow.
     “Oh? Do share. What exactly makes you different from all the rest of the guys she’s turned down?” Thatch asked, crossing his arms, leaning against the doorframe.
     “Simple. She and I have history. I… I don’t know if she remembers, but the first time I met her wasn’t on the Moby Dick, it was back in Wano. Back when she was an oiran. I promised to pay off her debt back then, to free her from that life. She ran away before I had the chance, but I promised her I’d see her again, it might not be in Wano, but I’m not going back on my promises to her.” Ace said, readjusting his hat, glancing back into the mirror as he took a deep breath. Turning back around, he shoved Thatch out of his room before heading out himself, closing his door behind him as he went in search of you. 
     It didn’t take long for him to find you, bumping into you not even 10 seconds later as he rounded a corner to literally bump into you, arm wrapping around your waist to stop you from falling.
     “Y-Y/n! I… I was just about to go looking for you, actually.” Ace said, surprised at how quickly he’d run into you. He’d wanted to find you quickly, but he’d thought he’d at least have a couple more minutes to mentally work things out in his head before running into you. You giggled, your mouth hidden behind your hand like it so often had back in Wano, a fact he hated. He loved seeing the smile on your lips when you laughed, always pulling your hand away from your mouth so he could see your smile. 
     “What a coincidence, I was looking for you as well.” you said softly, smiling up at him. His cheeks flushed pink, quickly and gently pulling you into his room; he didn’t want any of the crew seeing him stumble and blunder his way through his confession to you. 
     “Y/n, I… I know this is going to come off as strong and weird and confusing, but it’s been driving me crazy and I really need to know… Do… Do you remember me? From, you know, Wano?” Ace asked nervously. It wasn’t exactly what he’d hoped, but with you in front of him in his bedroom, he didn’t have time to make sure it was perfect. Giving him a soft smile, you placed your hands on his freckled cheeks, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Your lips were still as soft and smooth as when he’d first felt them on his own.
     “I was starting to wonder if you’d ever approach me about our time in Wano. I need to know, did you ever go back for me? I know I ran away before you got the chance, but did you still try to keep your promise?” you asked, Ace just nodding dumbly as he stared at you, his hands finding a place on your hips as his heart threatened to pound out of his chest.
     “Yeah, I did. Even paid off all your debts even though you weren’t there anymore. I… I made a promise to pay off all your debts and free you from that life, whether or not you were there, I wasn’t going to break that promise.” he whispered, leaning back in for another kiss. After so much time apart, he needed to feel you against him again. Ace had you nearly melting in his hold as he pulled you closer, your arms wrapping around his neck, fingers tangling in his soft, black locks. It felt so good to hold each other again, to feel each other again.
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daughterofthequeen · 2 years
Under the Stars
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Parings: Steven Grant x gn!reader
Warnings: Episode 3 spoilers of Moon Knight(pretty sure everybody in this fandom at this point has watched the show but none the less), First time writer, Little Angst, Fluff, Layla(her beauty alone is a warning)
Summary: It has been hours since you’ve had Steven in your arms, but with everything that has been going on it might take even longer to have that sensation again. Well that’s what you thought until you get to see him again under the stars.
A/N: This is basically just a rewrite with my own little twist to it because after all these months I am still absolutely IN LOVE🤍with this scene. This is also my first time writing a fic so take it easy on me and I’m hoping you guys enjoy it.
After a long hot day in the desert, the sun has finally gone down. But the day turned night is not stress-free. After making it out of Moggart’s, you, Layla, and Marc are parked in a random spot in the desert with the material from the sarcophagus and tape on top of the hood of the car trying to figure out this confusing star map thing, which seems impossible without Steven. You’re helping as much as you can, but mainly tagging along for Steven and moral support and you wouldn’t take no for an answer. Call it crazy but you care about him just that much.
“Try that.” Says Marc handing a piece of material to Layla hoping it would be the correct piece to at least start the puzzle map.
“Maybe, actually,” Layla said while she taped the piece given to her to the piece she already had. You on the other hand had nothing, trying your best to stay awake and contribute for the world’s sake, and for yours, you didn’t need another annoyed glare from Marc and his attitude towards you.
“This one?” You said handing a piece you had to Layla.
“Uhhh no, anything else?”
“I’m not getting any whole constellations it’s just little pieces and fragments.” Marc slams his hands on the car hood in aggravation. Which woke you up pretty quickly, causing you to almost jump out of your skin, not expecting him to have such an outburst. “This is gonna take forever,” Marc mumbled out loud to himself but also loud enough for it to be directed at the two of you.
“Marc we need Steven. He understands all of this I really think it’s worth giving him a shot.” Layla suggests.
Marc looks up towards the top of the car roof like somebody or something was there to catch his attention, but when you looked up nothing was there. So you could only assume it was Khonshu(Layla explained everything on the plane ride to Cairo. Khonshu, Ammit, the magical white suits Marc and Steven wore, all of which helped a lot in keeping up with all the situations you’ve been in before getting on the plane and after.)
“Marc, we can’t wait. It’s ok just let go we don’t have time!”Layla raised her voice a little trying to be heard over Marc’s aggravated grunt and him ripping off the car's left-side mirror. “What are you doing?” Layla asks after Marc sighs in surrender and reaches across the car's hood to grab everything off and walks a few feet away from the front of the car. Layla looks over at you like you would have some insight into what was going on, but all you could do was shrug wondering the same things she was. After Marc stops walking he drops everything into the sand and holds up the mirror to talk into it. “Alright, go ahead you’re in.”
All you could see was the relaxing of his shoulders from the bright lights the car provided, but you knew that closed-stance anywhere, that was Steven, your Steven. “Cheers, thanks a lot. Alright. Yeah.” Steven says looking down and dropping to his knees in the soft sand and starts to work on the map that you guys spent what seems like forever trying to figure out. You looked over at Layla before moving to make sure it was ok with her before moving, no matter how bad it hurt to stay away from Steven, you wanted to be respectful, imagine if it was the other way around. She nodded in understanding and it took you less than a second to start moving. You were actually quite nervous. You don’t know why it’s only Steven you get butterflies every time you were around him, but these weren’t butterflies. This was fear. You were afraid. Afraid that after learning everything he did in the last few days he wouldn’t want you anymore. He had a wife. Who of which was the strongest, boldest, and most beautiful woman you have ever seen. How could you compete with her? And you were afraid Steven would be thinking the same way too. But here you were standing behind him unsure of what to do or say. So you just settled with his name.
Steven did a double small double take to make sure it was indeed you, he was looking at. And when he was sure that it was you he stood up and sprinted the 2-3 feet that was between the two of you. How you missed staring into those big brown chocolate eyes of his and only seeing love and adoration in them. Instead of the cold hard ones full of annoyance you have had to deal with for a whole day now with Marc. But it wasn’t just annoyance behind his glare towards you. There was more, something softer, and kinder. Almost like the cold shoulder, he was giving you was a mask to throw you off of how he truly felt.
“Y/n” Steven breathed out and put his head on top of yours as he breathed in the smell of your shampoo. How he missed having you in his arms, and how you’ve missed having him in yours. You were there for him when no one else was and gave him a chance to love when no one else did. And he was not letting you go again, never, not unless you wanted him to. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed holding you.”
“Just as much as I missed holding you.” You said with a chuckle. You wanted to kiss him so badly but held back because of your respect for Layla and because of how overwhelmed Steven must be. “How are you feeling?”
“Whole of a lot better now that I’m back in control of my body and can actually touch you. It’s been crazy lately hasn’t it?” Steven leans back to look into your eyes, and when he looks at you it’s like he is seeing the beauty of the world for the first time like he is so in love with you that just one look would fix everything, and it does. He is too good and pure for this world and you hate he has to go threw all of this but that is the reason you came, for he wouldn’t have to go through it alone.
Steven rests his forehead on yours and closes his eyes with a deep breath, finally relaxing. Holding your hips a little tighter he opens his eyes to look directly into yours and he starts to slowly lean in, but no matter how much you want to you can’t, you know how it feels for the love of your life to be there in front of you but still completely out of reach, and Layla has been through enough of that.
“Wait, Steven.” You say as you lean your head back a little putting your hands on his chest lightly.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” As he frowns a little in confusion and worry.
“Nothing, I just-.” You drop your head, your shoes looking a lot more interesting all of a sudden.
“You don’t want to kiss me. That’s fine I-I just thought that actually, I don’t know what I thought, I’ve just missed you so much in the last few hours. I’m sorry I know you’re probably going through a lot at the moment that was inconsiderate of me, I’m sor-.”
“STEVEN!” You have to raise your voice just to be heard over his nervous rambling. “That is not what’s happening.” You say in another little chuckle. “I do want to kiss you, I want nothing more in the world right now, but. . . that wouldn’t be fair to Layla.” You look down again as you whisper the last part in sadness.
Steven frowns a little and nods in understanding glancing over at Layla. He then rests his forehead back on yours and uses his nose to rub against yours, wanting to get close to you in some kind of way. You smile at that, fluttering your eyes open, and return the gesture. You’re both in your own little world smiling until you hear Layla speak.
“Y/n”, she says a little louder than a whisper, which caused you to look over at her, to see her nod her head. You know she is telling you that it’s ok, to let go, and do what your heart so desperately desired. So giving her a look back that says “are you sure”, to double check. She nods again letting her lips turn up into a little grin of reassurance.
And with that, you turn your head back towards Steven and kiss him with every single ounce of love you had. Taking him by surprise he pauses in question. “It’s ok”, you say quietly and that was all he needed to kiss you back tenfold with an intensity you’ve never felt from him before, with your hands tangled in his luxurious hair that you loved so much, and him with one hand tight on your waist and the other softly on your cheek. You two kiss until all the breath in your lungs were gone before you both pulled back gasping for air.
“I love you.” You pause and look up into Steven's eyes. Neither one of you had been brave enough to cross that line of your relationship, but it seems that kiss gave Steven the boost he needed to let those three words out. And those three words coming from him made your heart burst into more admiration and love you have had for Steven than any other relationship you have been in. Smiling as big as you can on cloud 9 with tears starting to well up in your eyes, you say it back.
“I love you too.” Which triggered the same reaction for Steven. The both of you basking in the bliss a little longer until you pull back to peck Steven's lips two, three more times before you remind him about the map. This brings his focus back enough for him to grab your hand and call Layla over to start explaining everything about the map and how it was meant to be used.
You don’t know what the future holds, but you do know this, nothing is going to separate you from him, not again, not after being reunited under the stars.
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vegalustirra · 3 months
[Self Ship Drabble] Sweet Kisses
It wouldn't leave my mind hahaha... So uhhh... Enjoy my rushed writing. 😅
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“Alright, let's see how you like this one.” Vega picked up a piece of chocolate that she had made. The both of them were just sitting on his bed this evening. The assortment was certainly a bit vast. Never did Sabo expect to see a pink piece of chocolate, let alone a few in the box he was given. He had insisted on having Vega feed these to him, seeing as she put so much love & care into them.
He would have the next piece of confectionery settle in his mouth, letting it gradually melt. The piece of dark chocolate had an orange filling in it, yet he didn't say anything to her in terms of what he thought about it. His silence was a bit longer than usual this time around, which concerned Vega.
“Is something wrong with it?” There was just this worried tone in her voice, as if she was scared that she might have messed up. Surely, it was fine… right?
Sabo would soon lay one of his gloved hands on her shoulder, giving her a gentle smile before speaking.
“No… I just think that I shouldn't experience the taste of this one by myself… So…” He would get closer, not letting Vega say anything more as he suddenly kissed her. Taking advantage of her parted lips, he would make this sweet kiss go deeper as he closed his eyes. The flavor of the orange filled dark chocolate would linger within their mouths as their tongues mingled.
The taste of the chocolate was creamy & bittersweet, with the orange filling adding a refreshing note to it all. During this, slight sounds of delight would come from Vega. It was clear that she did enjoy the sudden gesture.
After about a minute or so, he parted from the kiss. His eyes opened once more to see Vega all flustered. She would cover her cheeks, still processing what her boyfriend had just done.
“W-well… Oh my…” she started, averting her gaze from Sabo, who was now laughing at her reaction.
“That was wonderful, my honeybun. I really enjoyed that a lot more than I expected to.” His tone was light, almost melodic to some degree. Whether he meant the kiss or the chocolate was anyone's guess. “I feel like we should do this with the rest of the confectionaries you made, don't you agree? Maybe… we could do something more afterwards as well?”
Vega didn't say anything as she gazed into Sabo's gray eyes once more, noting that they were half-lidded now. If she had to admit, she was practically speechless from the French kiss. All she could do was nod at him, a slight whimper escaping her lips as she did so.
“Good! Shall we get started again? I think we should try one of the ruby chocolate pieces next…”
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
Sub Steve gooning fic fkgjgjfj any more uhhh … any more thoughts on that ….
related to this
And specifically this part of the above ask:
Steve gooning* fic where Bucky comes home from a mission with Sam to see Steve whimpering and barely able to touch his own cock, he's so sensitive. He looks so young and soft, like those rarely snapped photos of him from fresh out of the ice. Soft and hazy and a little confused. Even though he's got long hair and a beard and wedding ring on one finger...
*for reference the idea of "gooning" is essentially the solo activity of someone with a dick (gooning specifically I've only heard in reference to being a thing you do with a dick but you can do it with whatever genitals I assume, I haven't tried) edging themselves (usually via fist-fucking with lube/lotion, toys are usually not involved they could be if you wanted, I suppose 🤷‍♂️) to the point that the person jerking off goes beyond edging. It's more intense than edging. It takes a super long time to work up the state of mind- jerking off but not orgasming until the person gets to a state of spiritual connection between their mind and dick. Nothing matters but their dick and their eventual orgasm- eventual because it's such a trance that you don't entirely feel like you need it anymore.
I mean... I just am very hot over the idea of Steve being so sensitive that he gasps, whimpers, and all his muscles jerk everytime his fingertips so much as brush his cock. Acting as if he's never been touched before despite his long, detailed history with Bucky, trying everything they can whenever they were alone and horny (although, lets face it,, they were and are always horny lmao). Acting as if he's never been touched before like he's all downcast big blue eyes, trembling voice, pink freckled cheeks, angel-soft blonde hair, arms covered in goosebumps, thighs squeezed tight together because he wants to spread them but is too shy to expose himself, and all that. All delicate. When... in reality, that is not the Steve Rogers that exists when this happens. When Steve pushes himself to this head space it's because he's got all the time he can stand to himself. He's retired. Finally. It took him years and years to get there but he's there.
Retired and letting his hair grow out, dirty blonde and lengthy enough it curls around his ears and puffs up into a quaff because the closest thing to styling Steve knows is combing his hair outta his face after a shower (washing that glorious mane with 3-in-1 body wash, shampoo, and conditioner that makes Bucky itch imagining using it on himself). Retired and letting his beard do it's thing; he trims it, keeping it fairly short, but never shaves it off, so it's thick and rugged looking. Retired and keeping up with workouts to drain all the excess energy the serum gives him but saying to hell with it with eating to survive, now he's eating to live, enjoying what he's consuming and robust with it. He's got an off-season beefcake look going that turns Bucky FERAL every time he wraps his legs around Steve's waist and finds it wider, not as cut but much bigger because of it. Retired and never taking off his ring because why the hell would he? He gets why Bucky does, he's still in jeopardy of losing it on the job, but Steve isn't. So he happily develops a stark tan line on his ring finger...
So, yeah, Steve is quite the big, rugged man. Always looking like Bucky's wet dream of a farmer or lumberjack to come home to, ready to haul him up over his shoulder and carry him, kicking and squirming with delight, to bed. Planning on breaking him or the bed, whichever gives out first. Always, well, except for this one time.
This one time he comes home later than anticipated after texting Steve his approximate ETA. An estimate that was entirely wrong because the debrief for the most recent mission went a hell of a lot longer than expected. Not just the typical, oh, they took longer than expected by 15, maybe 20 minutes as usual because nothing is perfect but, like, holy shit, we just got yelled at and told we're shit at our jobs after Fury dismissed the rest of the crew, chewing us up and spitting us back out to slink away and lick our wounds for an hour. An hour after an already extra long debrief that means I'm 2... okay, fine, 2.5 *cough* or 3 *cough* hours late home.
So, Bucky is frustrated and hoping Steve is still in the cheeky mood he seemed to be in when they shot a couple texts back and forth before the debrief to blow off some steam. Somewhere in the back of his mind he feels like he deserves a treat for getting through everything- the part of him that feels like that is Steve's voice. Perhaps that better part of it. But when he calls Steve's name and gets no response... Bucky is sure that Steve is upset with him too. Not calling back on purpose.
It's not on purpose.
Not on purpose as Bucky quickly learns because when Bucky leans up against their bedroom door frame with a sigh, tugging off his still tied up boots harshly, he is forced to look up sharply at the sound of a breathy, overwhelmed gasp. Instantly Bucky is reminded of all the tiny, itty-bitty sounds Steve made before his lungs were fixed. Precious and so, so hot (not that his deep, rumbling growls of sounds aren't hotter than sin these days, because they are). Instantly, eyes up, Bucky can't believe his own eyes-
Steve is splaid out on the bed. Positioned like he must've been, at one point, propped up against the headboard, sitting with his legs stretched out straight in front of him but has since melted down. Now his head is barely lifted up from the flat mattress by a pillow. Lolled back but still turned to the side so Steve can look at Bucky like he's drunk.
He looks drunk.
Bucky honestly searches his mind for any knowledge of Steve and Thor meeting up (and Thor bringing down enough hard liquor to get Steve drunk because, fuck. That's a shit-faced too drunk to know what to do and too horny to know what to do look if he's ever seen one.
His big, brawny Steve, so masculine with his age, aging like a damn wine, and-
And just... such a man. He's such a man these days but right now he looks so soft and needy. And pathetic in the best way. His huge muscles and thick body hair seem to fade away with the desperation pouring off of him. There is nothing but need pouring off of him. Hot and squirming need that permeates the air like an aphrodisiac.
Steve looks like he's in heat. He's melted into a puddle on the bed, his fist by his dick and, jesusfuckingchrist, his dick. Bucky’s mouth waters, shit, he could weep over the sight of his dick right now and over the fact that his dick is not inside him.
It's so hard, thick, heavy, and wet. His fucking cock.
It's so hard and thick and heavy and wet, more so than normal, like, fuck, he's always fucking huge and he's always been a leaker, dripping honey. Always, after the serum, so large that his dick doesn't really go up all the way like a regular dick does, it's too heavy. But right now he's so hard his dick is nearly purple and it's laying up against his stomach, visibly twitching and swollen. He's so hard. Engorged.
Also, Bucky is half bent to get at his shoes but he's still standing up enough to see his balls. They're hairy and hanging low between his thick thighs; low but just as impossible swollen and tight and heavy looking as his cock. Looking just like how they look when he's about to cum but even more than usual. Hes not only close to cumming but has been close. Close for a long time. Bucky knows just from looking at him- just from his eyes feasting on his man that he could breathe on his wet, throbbing cock and he'd bust.
Yet there's so much more to tell him the same damn thing. So much more of Steve screaming that he's ready to cum. To explode. Like how there are tears in his eyes, making his eyes shiny and hazy. He looks hazy. Drunk with his own denial. Or how his face and nearly his entire body is flushed red with arousal from his face to his heaving chest to his thighs and how he's pouring sweat. Body slick and glistening over top of their now ruined bedsheets. And those signs of nearly falling off the edge aren't even to mention how he can't stop whining in the back of his throat, high and pathetic. He's not even doing it for Bucky's benefit. Those little sounds just won't stop slipping out of him, impossible sounding when compared to Steve's huge chest. And poor Steve can hardly keep himself from curling around his poor throbbing, achy cock- his hand twitching, reaching for his dick but stopping at the last second with a particularly desperate, hurt sound. He wants to cum but also... he really doesn't want this feeling to stop.
Bucky has never been so instantly, impossibly turned on is his fucking LIFE. His head is broken. No thoughts. Spinning out of control watching how Steve grasps at empty air, warring between getting himself off or not getting himself off. Shedding all of his regular cocky, confident dick game for nothing but stripped down, bare need. Desperation. Choking on his own spit and broken, heaving breaths. He looks so delicate. So fragile. It makes Bucky so horny. He wants to ruin Steve. He wants to watch Steve finish this off himself. He wants to watch Steve finish himself off after hours and hours of edging himself, knowing Bucky would come home and wanna sit on his dick and knowing that Bucky loves it when he sits on Steve's dick after he's been hard for ages, throbbing inside him, harder than steel, and ever thicker than normal because he's so engorged. He just wanted to give Bucky something good but now he's got himself stuck and he can't get out-
He can't do it himself.
He can't make himself cum, pathetic and needy, so Bucky has to tug Steve's shaky hands away from himself and spread his dead weight out on the mattress even more. But he can't stop trying and failing to finish himself off, trembling, sweaty hands sliding between his thighs where he hurts- he aches. He can't stop. Panting. Not sobbing because he's been at this for so long that he's run out of sound, tears down stream down his face anymore, they pool in his hazy eyes. He can't stop, even as strung out as he is.
So, Bucky, obviously, has to tie Steve down to make sure he can't try anymore- not because it isn't hot as fucking hell to watch him try but because he's getting in the way, stupid with his strung out arousal.
Bucky ties him spread eagle. Arms and legs wide and anchored down, showing off all those glorious shaking, weak muscles.
And like that Bucky stares at the feast in front of him. So so hungry but unknowing where or how to tear into him. He could get him off in probably just one or two easy strokes. Hell, he could lean down and breathe on his full, twitching, leaking cock and he'd cum, just from the tiny brush of stimulation and from the delicious threat of being taken into Bucky's soft, lush, wet mouth. How does he do this? But... does it matter how-? Because Bucky's SO making Steve do this again. He's gonna make him do this again and he's gonna do everything he can to poor Steve.
But when Steve does cum this time, in Bucky's lube slippery fist, it's a damn religious experience.
Steve shudders violently- he convulses. He drools, gone with it. Gone. Out of his own body, seeing heaven's fucking light and hearing the angel's chorus as his cock gushes. He cums enough to drown himself and Bucky.
Cumming and cumming and cumming.
It's release like nothing else Steve has ever felt.
There are no words he can use to describe it once he wakes up from his blacked-out nap after his orgasm. Crashing hard. He doesn't have words, only a bashful, embarrassed blush and full body shudder to describe it to Bucky. He's still overwhelmed by it- he didn't mean to do it, he just got caught up and couldn't... couldn't do anything but keep going, telling himself, at first, that Bucky would be back soon and he just had to hold on a little longer but eventually it was just hold on hold on hold on hold on and orgasm seemed impossible. As much as he wanted it. All it was was his fist and the throb of his cock 🥴🥴 he didn't want it to stop. He wanted it to stop. He wanted.
He wanted so bad.
Anyway, me rn:
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tenpixelsusie · 1 year
What're some Brett HCs? :3
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i'm the brett-meiser i see... like the snow meiser for brett hand
HEEHEEHOO <3 tw for food mentions??
- Brett can bake! when he moved off of his family's property in college, he had to learn to cook for himself (and his roomates) in a little rinky dink apartment off campus, and during that time, he learned how to make the most MOUTH WATERING chocolate chip cookies.
his secret? he paints melted butter onto them as soon as they're out of the oven. the cookies taste like heaven, and they always bring tears to anyone's eyes the first time they take a bite.
...he can also make a damn good lasagna. old recipe from the butlers and maids that raised him in the old hand manor.
- HE LOVESSS RPGs. especially ones where you can befriend the characters??? augh. lovely. perfect. his favorite in particular is the classic MOON RPG (y'know the one that toby fox got inspiration from when working on undertale? speaking of,)
he's also played the utdr games. he ABSOLUTELY cried at the true pacifist ending (i have a headcanon for andre that ties into this actually! he played ut bc of the sans memes back in 2016, then reccomended it to brett a couple years later.)
he's played deltarune OF COURSE. and his favorite characters were sweet cap'n cakes :-] (scc ties into my next thing heehee)
- H☆R fan!!! while he is- and always will be- a fan of almost exclusively 1980's media, he found joy in the homestar series back when it was in its early stages. his favorite character is strong bad! (and he really enjoyed scc in dr bc when they introduced themselves in game he was like "wow! just like homestar!" lol)
- OVERBITE!!! he has an overbite. he had to get braces to fix it in middle school, but it never fully went away.
- y'all've most likely heard his voice. he's got a bit of a southern twang to him (just like me a bit :3), and his parents made him go to speech therapy to get rid of it when it was a REALLY strong accent. but nothin' can keep a country boy down, amiright folks!?
...tough crowd.
- GREATEST PERSON TO HUG EVERRRR. he's got a lot of lovin' in his heart and a lot of it is expressed through physical affection and words of affirmation, both things he excels at! brett can give the most comfortable hugs in the galaxy, from a quick squeeze around the shoulders to a literal pick me up!...and spin around. and nuzzling cheek... hehe. (he actually made reagan fall asleep in the middle of one of them, so he kinda just carried her to her lab to snooze <3.)
- uses fidgets quite frequently, especially those rings that you twist <3 he's got a glittery one that he wears on his right ring finger and it works well for him. he uses chewlery as well and both of these things help him focus quite better than without.
- hmmmm hmmm... he loves to hum. humming is good. nice noise. he's got a groovy tune in his head at all times and he ain't afraid to show it! well- hum it, in this case.
- i like to think that if you messed up his hair all the way, he'd have kind of longer hair. that's how he had his mullet in the brettfast club episode...!
- mr bisexual... probably bi ace or bi aro. either way he swings! (personally i think he's arospec AND aspec. maybe demiro and demisexual (TOTALLY not making all my faves aro/arospec WHATTT. nooo.))
- unlike what'd you expect, he actually doesn't like milk chocolate! he prefers dark chocolate. richer taste, y'know (smthn smthn uhhh run and tell that from hairspray)
brett can sew!!!! he repairs his and his friends' clothes a lot AND makes stuff too (cough cough. hand puppets and such)
- can also do makeup SO WELL. his goth phase really had some results... the guy knows how to do eyeliner. it's basically second nature for him.
- sleeps with a teddy bear. the guy likes cuddling. probably has on o' those those special ones that you can easily heat up in the microwave or dryer!!
- paints his nails on the occasion :)
that's!!!! mostly it!!!!
OH AND @niceysboy since i screenshotted your ask!
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menaceanon · 10 months
Ask meme! 4, 18, and 20?
Oooooh okay!
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
This is always such a tough question to answer because the sources are functionally infinite, right? There are all the usual places, like books and music, but sometimes it’s as weird as the tone of someone’s voice being out of sync with their words, or a kooky dream with a kernel of something interesting buried in it.
The one consistent thing is that a given piece of inspiration is always going to ping off of the topics I’m already fascinated by, even if only in a very roundabout way.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Uhhh generally during, at least for the longer ones. I was already a few chapters into Chiaroscuro when I decided to post on AO3 and realized I needed something. It was also very much a case of knowing immediately that that was the right title, and then the choice wound up affecting the prose itself as the story went on.
For Chromatophore, since I was working on a timeline, I plotted out the whole fic ahead of time and picked the title when I was almost done writing it because it fit the themes (and, I gotta be honest, because it felt like it was in conversation with the title of Chiaroscuro).
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Anyone who says they haven’t is lying lol.
I’ve known for a long time that I like to give mothers stories. Mothers are one of the most sidelined characters in fiction—dead before the story begins for the sake of her husband and/or children’s plot line, dead after the story begins for the sake of her husband and/or children’s plot line, a nagging harridan for the sake of her husband and/or children’s plot line, completely forgotten by the narrative in favor of her husband and/or children’s plot line, fundamentally character-less except for whatever is needed to further her husband and/or children’s plot line… you get my drift.
The infuriating devaluation and disinterest in the “domestic” really gets my goat, and so I enjoy teasing out these characters and giving them life. Fic, by its transformative nature, gives me a really intriguing way of doing so.
The other major recurring theme in my stories is… I dunno, I guess I’d call it, “know thyself” but even more than that, “make fucking peace with thyself.” My stories tend to reflect my own experiences of trying and failing for decades to be something I’m not (neurotypical) only to find happiness and success by steering into the skid. There’s a lot to say about the tension between the expectations and demands of the world around us and the need to be authentic.
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dyed-red · 2 years
get to know the blogger
tagged by the lovely @applecrumbledore to do a 20 questions and 20 tags game. a bit late with this reply but better than never!
About Me
Name: phyn, phynali, redhead
Sign: capricorn and it shows
Height: under 5 feet, yes it is a curse
Birthday: Jan 3
Time: this is getting weirdly specific
Favorite band/artists: i’m literally So Bad at picking favourites i honestly don’t know. uhhh Fleetwood Mac? carseat head rest? idk guys music is good go listen to lots of it
Last movie: The Gray Man
Last show: the Sandman (it was really good!)
When I created this blog: like several several years ago with the username ‘theregoestheneighbourhood’ but eventually changed it to dyed-red to match my ao3 pseud. but i only started using this blog actively in like early 2020 and at the time refused to tag anything or interact with folks haha (sorry i’m a curmudgeon)
What I post: a lot of wincest, weirdcest, and some gencest, but especially content about sam and dean. stuff i think is interesting about characterization especially
Last thing I googled: John Cena’s filmography (i was trying to remember the name of the show Peacemaker)
Other blogs: @/phynali is my main, @/coldtomyflash is the side for my former massive hyperfixation, coldflash
Do I get asks: sometimes? i really love getting asks though so please send them. i do have one unanswered one in my inbox from a million years ago about the episode ‘ask jeeves’ that i haven’t rewatched and can’t reply to properly (yet) but i TRY to answer the ones i get
Following: i’m at 144 which is way too high. for the first 8 years i spent on this site i kept it under 100 except for little blips. since joining the SPN fandom it’s it’s 1.5x what it was before and i keep itching to cull it but also don’t want to
Average hours of sleep: ~7, but i genuinely need like 9 so sometimes i crash for 11-13 hours
Instruments: i’m the least musical person i’ve ever met
What I’m wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
Dream job: my existing one with more job security and autonomy, and fewer demands and expectations. my industry needs an overhaul
Dream trip: through southeast asia
Nationality: canadian but i don’t live in canadia-land any longer
Favorite songs: we’ve been over how bad i am at this favourites thing right? right. okay go listen to Clam Crab Cockle Cowrie by Joanna Newsom
Last book I read: A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik, because i decided i should probably read astolat’s original works and holy hell did i enjoy this book, can’t wait for the third in the series (holding off on reading the second so i can read all 3 when the last one is out)
3 fiction universes I’d live in: steven universe, dctv-verse (the flash, etc), uhhh... star wars?
tagging: okay 20 people is way too many and idk who all has done this and who’s currently active, but let’s see how many i can think of... @fandom-hoarder, @brotherwives, @trials-era-sam, @catboyjohnwinchester, @theangiediary, @redmyeyes, @hi-im-dazey, @peach-coke, @jaytwo, @ruinedsam, @themegalosaurus, @youchoseeachother, @brother-in-a-g-string @prince-of-elsinore
(no pressure if this isn’t your thing, and/or if you’re the type of person who likes being tagged in stuff like this don’t hesitate to drop a note here and i’ll try to remember you for next time)
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gatesofember · 2 years
when was the last time Will and Nico dated in the clichecore au because it sounds like theyve been single for a while? but it also sounds like they have several exes?
Neither of them have dated for a while. Like, they haven’t really dated since college. Part of that is because of the pandemic making meeting people hard for the past couple years. Also Will’s job has demanded a lot of time from him and he’s honestly so tired when he gets home and dating would take a lot of effort. Nico’s had more free time than Will and he’s gone on some dates since college, but the last relationship he was in…uhhh…wasn’t good (we’ll get to that later) so he kinda needed to take some time to recover and didn’t get around to finding another boyfriend before lockdown happened.
(Also. I think both of them dislike some things about dating. And by “things” I mean “their significant others expect them to stop cuddling and spending so much time together and demand attention when they’d really rather hang out with each other.” Like their SOs would ask them on a date and they’d be like “nah I was thinking that I wanted to watch movies with Nico/Will tonight” or they’d cuddle with their SOs and think “:/ Nico/Will is so much better at this.”)
They’ve probably dated about the same amount, maybe two or three long-ish-term or “real” relationships each, but neither of them have ever gotten super serious. Their number one person has always been each other (both of them have thought “it’ll be so weird when a significant other moves in with us and we have to figure out how to add them to our routine.” They would think of the SO as a third wheel to their platonic relationship.) I think Will did some casual dating to get to know people a little more often than Nico did and Nico’s relationships might have lasted a little longer than Will’s on average (but still not super long, he’s never dated anyone longer than maybe a few months or so?) Will is more likely to look at a relationship and say “hm I’m not really enjoying this” or “I don’t see this going anywhere” or “this isn’t working out” whereas Nico is a little more desperate for approval and long-lasting bonds so he’s willing to stick with a relationship that isn’t making him happy or even to overlook red flags. Nico’s usually the one who’s broken up with whereas Will tends to do the breaking up (although interestingly, the most detailed stories of their exes that I can think of atm are about guys Nico broke up with and a girl who broke up with Will). Nico’s much more of a romantic than Will is. Will’s first crush was probably years after Nico’s first crush. He doesn’t get as invested in romantic plotlines as Nico. The only couple he’s ever shipped is his moms. When Will dates someone he’s just like “I like this person, let’s see where this goes” whereas Nico will be like “I’m doodling their name in the margins of my notebooks and planning our fairytale wedding where Will is obviously going to be my best man of honor and he’ll probably tag along for the honeymoon too because I don’t want to be apart from him for too long, then my husband and I will move into a beautiful house and have lots of dogs and Will will be there too because I’m not going to stop being roommates just because I got married.” So...yeah. Nico’s priority has always been Will, but he’s also kinda clingy and moves fast and guys have broken up with him because of that. He’s very conscious of his tendency to uhhh get a bit too invested early in a relationship. (But Nico also has been accused of being too distant because he’d rather spend time with Will so really his exes needed to make up their minds. They were just mad that he didn’t behave the way they wanted him to when they wanted him to. Nico doesn’t pick the best guys. We’ll get to that later.) (But I think Nico’s tendency to switch between “I NEED ATTENTION” and “nah I wanna hang out with Will” came across as manipulative sometimes? Like he was punishing boyfriends for not paying attention to them by purposely trying to make them jealous? Which was NOT his intention at all.) (Also, Nico’s clinginess extends beyond romantic relationships. He’s that way with friends and family, too. Like I said, he’s kinda desperate for approval and affection.) (Will loves giving Nico approval and affection. Nico gets everything he needs in a relationship from Will, so he’s not so desperate and clingy with him. Or at least, it seems reciprocal? And he’s not so insecure with Will because he knows Will cares about him.)
Did I answer the question or just ramble? Whatever. This is the answer you’re getting.
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valdemart · 2 years
Dez is a Pretty Decent Table
I realize the masquerade was in June, but some of us have ADHD so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also only like three people are going to read this, which is fine, but it hurts my motivation. That being said, Melody, My Love, enjoy your dumbass OC being turned into sexy furniture. 
Dez couldn’t help but be nervous as he descended the stairs. With all the noise upstairs, he assumed he’d still be able to hear it in the dungeon, but the further he descended, the more muted the merriment became. He wasn’t really someone that enjoyed solitude and he couldn’t help but compare his venture downwards to entering a cenotaph. Honestly, if Flossie was in a bad mood, that might as well not be a metaphor.
By the time Dez reached the bottom, it was deathly silent. Being an unquiet person in such a quiet environment unnerved him to no end, to the point where he seriously considered turning around and running up the stairs on all fours, he heard quiet shuffling around the corner.
He hoped it was Flossie. If it was someone else, he could be in very serious trouble.
It was Flossie.
“Hey! There you are! I-“
Dez stopped dead in his tracks, his pupils dilating even more than they had in the low light of the stair well.
Did Flossie really have that much hair? He hadn’t ever seen it out of her trademark bun, but now it was spilling out all over her shoulders and back. And her back! Her skin! All of it! Obviously, she had as much skin as anyone else, but he hadn’t seen so much of that either.
She turned to him; her face as blank as one of his grandmother’s creepy porcelain dolls. Not that Flossie was creepy, of course! Well, she was, kinda, but she made it work! She was a serious scientist and surgeon, after all.
Besides, it was what was below her face that really called his attention. She was in her underwear. A mauve taupe number. The color suited her perfectly. It contrasted her milky skin like dried blood on a white tablecloth. It held her modest bosom up, making it swell deliciously under the sharp juts of her collar bones.  The panties were a modest bikini cut that left a lot to the imagination and Dez felt his pants tent.
“Were you quite finished staring?” Flossie asked, not sounding the slightest bit upset at his ogling. She only sounded as bored as she usually did.
“I’m sorry! I, uh, I just didn’t expect,” Dez stammered, trying to explain himself. He knew his face was red by how hot it felt. “I didn’t think you’d be in your, uh…Why are you in your underwear if you aren’t attending the masquerade?”
“For the same reason I decorate for holidays.”
Dez was quiet as he waited for her to elaborate, but she didn’t.
“And why are you not in attendance?” She asked after a moment before returning to her tray of tools.
“Oh, I am. Was, I mean. I was looking for you and Misery said you’d be down here.”
“And why were you looking for me?”
Because I like you? Because I have zero self-preservation? Because I’ve never been so attracted to a woman with such narrow hips?
“I just…wanted to say hi.”
“Oh. Hello.”
She didn’t look up from her very painful looking instruments.
Dez wasn’t sure what he expected. He had hoped Flossie was at the masquerade and willing to sit on his face, but he knew better. Still, getting to see her in her practical, unembellished underwear already made this trip a win in his book.
“You know, people aren’t actually going to start the, uh, ‘activities’ for another hour. Did you want to get something to eat quick? It’s an insane spread.”
“No, thank you. I have several jars of eggs I just pickled down here.”
A doctor and a homesteader. Dez’s cock twitched hard.
The problem with trying to talk to Flossie was the giant expanses of silence to navigate. It made Dez feel like he was in a barrel trying to navigate rapids. It was painful, even for Dez, but he just wanted to bask in her presence a little longer. And see her butt if he could. Gods, please give Flossie a reason to turn around!
“Right! You grew up on a farm, didn’t you? Lots of things to pickle on a farm.”
She said nothing in response and Dez couldn’t blame her. What the fuck kind of conversation starter was that?  
“So, what made you want to become a surgeon?”
Flossie stopped her work and stared at him for a moment, observing him. Taking stock of him? Dez was used to being stared at, but her unreadable expression made this instance unbearable. Did he anger her? Upset her? Amuse her? Was it just too clique of a question? Too personal?
She started to speak just as he opened his mouth to apologize for asking.
“I had several siblings growing up, but I was only ever close to one of them: My youngest sister, Ettie. She was born incredibly ill and suffered greatly until she died of respiratory failure.”
She turned back to her tray of instruments.
“Even now, our understanding of cystic fibrosis is in its infancy. There was nothing I could do for her then and little I could do for her now. But like any machine, the human body can be taken apart, repaired, and then reassembled.”
Flossie held up a trephine, allowing Dez to get a good look at the sharp crown.  
“I will learn how to repair it. I will fix every mistake the gods have made.”
Dez was taken aback. He really hadn’t expected an answer so, well, human. She became a surgeon to stop the disease that killed her youngest sister? Not to play God? Not to unravel the mysteries of the universe? Not for the endless supply of riches and bitches being a renowned doctor granted you?
“Wow, Flossie, that’s really beautiful. I’m sorry about your sister.”
“Enough. I wouldn’t have divulged that if I had known how mawkish you’d be.”
“I…think my response is exactly what most people would have...you know what? I’ll drop it. I’m sorry.”
That was a pretty personal story, even by the standards of someone not as guarded as Flossie. Did that mean she trusted him? It had to. It’s not like the holiday was making her sentimental, after all. If it had been Christmas and not an orgy, maybe.
“That’s…really cool,” Dez said, trying again. “That you want to fix people. I wish I was in a more helpful profession.”
“A barber is a perfectly respectable profession.”
Dez perked up like a duck that had heard the word ‘corn’. Flossie thought he was respectable? Him? Damn, this pilgrimage to the dungeon was really paying off.
“Thanks. I mean, I think I do alright.”
Dez ran his hand through his luscious mullet and smirked, cocksure. Until he saw Flossie wasn’t looking. He fumbled with his hands for a moment before letting them fall to his sides.
“I guess, maybe I just wonder if I’m doing enough, you know?”
Of course, Flossie didn’t know. She was out here trying to perfect organ transplants. And she didn’t seem the type to suffer from Imposter Syndrome, either.
“It’s very easy to become a surgical assistant, if it’s something you’re truly considering.”
She was so pragmatic. Flossie could probably find a solution to any problem, couldn’t she? What a total babe. Dez didn’t kid himself into thinking she was asking him to be her assistant. Flossie worked alone, even if she had decided that Dez was respectable.
“I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I don’t think I’d be any help in that department. I think I’d be more helpful as a table.”
“Then do that.”
Flossie held a trocar out, getting a little too close to Dez’s eye for his comfort. He flinched, but he didn’t move away.
“Be a table. If that’s all you can do, then do that.”
Dez laughed nervously, not really sure he was understanding the joke. Flossie did tend to have an…interesting sense of humor, to say the least. And it’s not like his autistic ass was the grand master of understanding intent.
“Get on your hands and knees, Dez.”
Dez couldn’t remember the last time his dick had been this hard. Gods, it was like his boner was made out of diamond. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. Mouth still open, he lowered himself to the floor. The stone was uncomfortably hard and cold under the hardness of his kneecaps, and he knew he’d be bruised in the morning. Although, most in attendance of the mascaraed probably planned to be bruised in the morning.
He tilted his head up, excited blue eyes meeting indifferent golden brown. Flossie looked at him for a moment, before turning around. And there it was, her butt, it all of its tiny glory. Dez’s elation was short lived, however, when Flossie set her metal tool tray on his back. The second the ice cold metal touched his back, Dez’s elbows buckled and he yelped. Flossie snatched the tray back up before any of the tools could spill.
“Drop my tools and I’ll make you eat them,” she hissed. Dez nodded and took a deep breath, bracing himself to feel the chill again.
“Sorry, Mistress.”
“Don’t call me that,” she replied with a slight grimace.
The tray was set on his bare back and Dez swallowed a scream. Fuck that was cold! So cold he shouldn’t still have an erection, and yet…
Flossie started to walk around him, her shoeless feet keeping her footsteps completely silent, like an ambush predator. She leaned over slightly at his side, no doubt taking stock of said erection, before continuing to circle. As she stood behind him, Dez could feel her staring directly at the back of his head.
“I had heard of this paraphilia before, but if anyone save for Misery had explained it to me, well, I don’t suppose I would have believed them.”
She paused for a moment and, despite not being able to see her face, Dez just knew she had the tiniest smirk.
“But here you are. I didn’t threaten you, and I have a perfectly good table right there. So, tell me, Dez. Is the floor so terribly comfortable that you couldn’t resist the opportunity?”
Dez grit his teeth so hard he could hear them squeak when something else cold touched his back. It was so cold but so much softer. It was Flossie’s foot. She had brought her right foot to his back, her heel resting on his tailbone.
“Or is it that you were excited to show me how obedient you’re capable of being? Did you want me to tell you that you’re a good boy?”
Dez’s dick jumped so hard at that praise that he was certain his soul was trying to escape his body via his urethra.
“Dez, this is…fascinating.”
She had said his name. Dez sometimes wondered if she even knew his name, but she did know it and she had said it. Gods, could a person come without being touched? Was he really going to nut while cosplaying as a fucking table?
Dez really thought he might.
Then, as suddenly as it had all happened, Flossie removed her foot and snatched the table off his back.
No! No! I was being good! I was holding still!
Even though he was screaming inside, Dez was silent as he looked up to Flossie for an answer. Obviously, if someone was uncomfortable with a scene, Dez would want them to stop right away, but Flossie had seemed to be enjoying herself.
“Unfortunately, one must use metal tables to avoid contamination. As good as a table as you are, I’m not interested in getting your body’s flora and fauna all over my instruments.”
Ok, that made perfect sense. But Gods above, Dez was ready to grind his dick into a crack in the floor at this point.
Please touch me again, Flossie. Oh, please please please please please please…even just your foot again! You can stab me if you want, just touch me! Fucking please please please please please…
He couldn’t stop the little whimper that left his lips. He was simping in sub space hard. It hurt.
Flossie returned to him and crouched down as he hadn’t gotten up. She pinched his face in between her thumb and fingers and observed him like a body part on a cadaver. Dez nuzzled into the touch like a cat too stupid to realize the touch wasn’t affectionate. But he did know. He just couldn’t care at that moment.
“I supposed,” Flossie started as her eyes scanned the planes of his face, “I could give this holiday a try.”
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titoist · 2 years
7 am. looking off to the side & seeing faint light starting to shine in through the curtains, slowly making itself apparent as it claws through the sides of the windows to pour in. hhhrrrmmmhhh(sound of very vague pondering, like a very puzzled grunt-sigh). i think that i hold an intense & often cyclically-torturous habit of instinctually conflating... passivity, with boredom. if i am not constantly seeking to occupy myself with something, be it an activity or a thought, then it speaks to me that i might not be seeking those thoughts & activities for the genuine purpose of finding enjoyment in them... & if i take that logic and apply it to all of the things i may or may not feel inclined to do, then it suggests to me that i secretly do not find enjoyment in anything. which is concerning to consider.... i feel that i am unable to find enjoyment in simply staying still, being quiet, unoccupied, that i am unable to appreciate the extreme serenity there is to be found in being bored. like my enjoyment of a single moment or place is simply its reflection of how it serves as a connective tissue between the past & the future. i am unable to find a joy in simply being someplace, like i once did when i was a child... it is confined to my perceiving it as being "where i soon wasn't, & where in a moment i'll no longer be." my writing certainly seems diffuse & meandering, at the moment. i apologize, as it is 7am, as noted. likely a fruitless endeavor to be attempting to pin this down, at this hour... let me try another line of thought. i have spent a lot of my life... spending my time simply envisioning affection. laying down in bed, & letting daydreams & fantasies of sociality & love & kindness wash over me in waves, writhing as i drift off to la petite mort. this is to be expected, as it's proven to be... my only possible source of such situations, only in dreams, &, of course, to live a life without love is impossible. a function of necessity, i suppose. but i fear that via this occurence, i've unknowingly driven myself in a tight corner where... after years of imagining affection while laying down, it is my instinctual reaction to recede into far-flung fantasies whenever i am sleeping, whenever i am simply performing the action of resting... it's a hard & perhaps silly situation to describe, but it is a hard & silly situation to be in, so i suppose it's only fitting. what's dangerous about this, of course, is that one can easily become convinced of the superiority of the dream-world... to decide that reality is droll, that its cynicism & bleakness is so sharp as to kill people - where your instinct becomes simply to fantasize about living life, & instead of actually living it. but what i am actually more concerned about.. & i guess this is tangential & silly in comparison... is that i fear i am sucking out all the simple joy & contentment that i could be receiving from the simple act of laying down, without replacing it & appropriating it with all of these abstractions about affection, all the mental traps, and so on... because... it feels like laying down is something so simple, so universal, that... if i am unable to simply enjoy the act of laying still & closing my eyes for what it is, without imposing other circumstances on it... then that might certainly speak to some sort of conditioned... uhhh... reification of the overtly un-visceral, maybe. i seem to be getting strung in some seriously confusing circles so let me try putting it more simply. it feels like the simple act of laying down has become distorted, my own morbid fetishization of affection overtaking the actual enjoyment i could be receiving simply from its simplicity. and that makes me sad, because i do want to be unconditionally appreciative of it, regardless of how banal, how common it is. i want to be unconditionally overtaken by my boredom, & i want to be able to find joy in the listlessness... rather than seeking to fill it. goodnight
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bythebonefire · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, do not reblog!
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name: Spacy
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: Discord once we get into a flow of plotting, but IMs are fine too
name of muse(s): lol a bunch of ‘em now. W. D. Gaster (both Undertale verse and Mafiafell verse), Grillby, Ferno (Underfell Grillby), Flambeau (Underswap Grillby), Luciano (Mobtale Grillby), Orion (Outertale Grillby), and Papyrus specifically from Mafiafell.
rp experience / how long (months / years?): I first started RPing Sailor Moon OCs based on my gal pals when I was in 5th grade so uhhh coming up on 25 years?
platforms you’ve used: AIM, Livejournal, Discord, and eventually Tumblr
best experience: Meeting two of my best friends, @abracaxfuckxyou​ and @puzzlebones​, after joining the UT fandom, and doing a two-week road trip with them along Route 66 last summer. We got lost on spooky backroads! And stayed at kitschy motels! We visited the World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle! It was a highlight of my life frankly lmao
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers:  People not having any indication of their age anywhere on their blog. I don’t need to know your exact age, but at least whether you’re 18+. Other than that, let’s see... this doesn’t happen too often, but does happen occasionally writing a character like Ferno--I’ve written with some folks in the past who even before we directly interact, seem to go into it with the expectation of a ship because he is very flirtatious. I do love ships! I love Ferno ships! But just because a character is very charismatic and charming doesn’t mean a ship between my muse and someone else’s is going to work out. 
fluff, angst or smut: I enjoy a healthy, balanced diet of all three. 😌
plots or memes: I enjoy both! I’d love to do more extended plotlines, but I think memes are a great way to build dynamics that can be fleshed out in plots. Sort of like how good filler episodes in a series develop the relationships between the characters that enriches the story around it. 
long or short replies: Both are good! I tend towards medium to longer. 
best time to write: It really varies lol, my day-to-day schedule is a joke for a lot of reasons. But I would say usually right after waking up in the morning--during my recording days I’ll usually try and bang out a post or two while I’m hydrating and warming my voice up--and late at night. 
are you like your muse(s): In some ways. I’m not as neat and tidy as Grillby for sure, though I relate a lot to the anxious tendencies he’s developed over my time writing him. I also tend to bottle things up until I am a powder keg of stress, and it is definitely not good for either of us, lol.  What’s kind of interesting to me is the feedback loop that’s come out of writing my muses? Grillby’s love of music that gradually became a part of his character wasn’t like necessarily autobiographical--music is still really important to me, but I play it up with Grillbz past the point I’d take it partly because sometimes it’s really funny to see someone so put together be just really weird and excited about something? But also because I think it emphasizes one thing I love about my version of Grillby, which is that he gives the impression of a stoic, silent gentleman, but deep down inside is an overly passionate nerd who can get so swept up in something he adores that he struggles to keep that composed image. It shows his hand as a bit of a closet romantic and a dreamer, and it’s something that endears him to me. But also (to get to the original point of this tangent), I think writing that out through Grillby has given me a greater appreciation for music, and enhanced my own love of it as a medium of art and communication.  So I guess I do see a lot of myself in my muses sometimes, but I feel like writing my muses in some ways has altered the way I see the world and appreciate things too, and that’s just kinda neat. 
tagged by: Stole from @megalobonia​ 
tagging: Take it, nerd
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ujuro · 3 months
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Here is a list of all albums I’d consider my favorites I know it’s very long and it could be longer lmao I know no one cares but I’m mainly making this for me since my “favorite music” list on rym is pushing 400 entries
Some notes:
-I’m picky about metal like I enjoyed kayo dot thought opeth blackwater park was alright liked that first ulver album but yeah none of the extreme metal stuff has really, truly stuck with me (except for maybe kayo dot choirs of the eye). Maybe someday.
-my rap picks are extremely basic mainly bc I don’t listen to a lot of full rap projects honestly I get the most enjoyment out of listening to random underground stuff on SoundCloud and that doesn’t lend itself well to lists like this. I’ll probably start a hip-hop listening project after I finish my current one (which may be a few months still oh well)
-theres less kpop than you’d expect mainly because imo kpop still doesn’t lend itself well to full, cohesive projects but tbh thats a post for a different time. Off the top of my head I could probably add at least two more releases though so I’ll go through my faves more deeply at some point
-there’s a quite a few albums on this list that are harsh noise or free improvisation or have lyrics that deal in disturbing subject matter or are generally unpleasant so uhhh don’t pick one randomly without looking it up aldjfhdhdh im generally of the opinion that music doesn’t need super specific content warnings the way other media might but some of these albums really push it
-I will not apologize for the rateyourmusic core stuff a lot of that shit slaps and also the jpop idol albums make up for it
-the shame corner are albums where it just wouldn’t be accurate to my life to not acknowledge them but well. I don’t listen to these albums a lot if at all for obvious reasons. Grimes should maybe be there too but whatever . I consider myself a bit on the lenient side when it comes to the music version of separating art from the artist (since I have no promotional clout I measure stuff like this in terms of financial impact and it’s very easy to not financially support musicians in this day and age like even a legal Spotify stream means little to nothing) but I have my limits
-I could probably update this to add a couple more tbh. Maybe in a few months.
That is all
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yin-yanglulu · 11 months
Adventure Of A Lifetime: Chapter Two
Rating: General Audiences
Catagory: M/F
Fandom: Skylanders (Video Games)
Relationship: Cali/Flynn (Skylanders)
Characters: Cali (Skylanders), Flynn (Skylanders)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Road Trips, Romantic Comedy (Kinda), Romance
Cali woke up the next morning, forgetting that her and Flynn fell asleep on the couch whilst snuggling.
After getting up and ready for the day, she stood outside for a moment, admiring the sky.
“Heh, you’re up already?” Flynn asked as he walked outside.
“It’s not early!” Cali replied.
“I knew that” Flynn answered, “hm, must’ve enjoyed snuggling on the couch with me too much huh?” He chuckled.
“Your hugs are really snuggly, must be snuggly enough for us to have fallen asleep!” Cali said.
“How far are we from the first destination?” She asked.
“Let me just check!” He said walking to the cockpit, “Huh, guess we’re here!”
They landed the ship and started walking around the place, until it seemed like Flynn had stepped on something.
“Uhhh, did I just activate something?” He asked as they heard a rumbling sound coming from the ground.
“I’d step back if I were you!” Cali said to him, motioning for him to move.
When the rumbling revealed something, Cali jumped across to catch him.
They both sighed in relief.
“Wowsers, heh, well, this is embarrassing!” Flynn said teasingly, noticing that Cali had dipped him slightly.
“You been taking dance lessons or something?” He asked.
“Heh, maybe!” Cali replied.
“I could tell~” Flynn said and proceeded to wink at her, Cali laughed as she rolled her eyes.
“Look!” Cali said letting go of him and pointing at what the island had revealed.
The island had revealed a waterfall.
“Woah…heh, reminds me of when I told you that a waterfall sounded romantic!” Flynn said nudging her.
“You wanna go in?” He asked.
“It’s best we probably don’t, my species of Mabu don’t react well to this kind of water!” Cali said nervously.
“Oh yeah, forgot about that!” Flynn mumbled.
“Wait! I have an idea!” He said.
He took off his jacket and invited her to come stand underneath the waterfall.
“Your jacket’s gonna get wet y’know!”
“It’s fine, I’ve packed more than one!”
She joined him underneath the waterfall, he was using his jacket as protection from the water.
“This is kinda stupid!” Cali said.
“But it’s cool though right?” Flynn asked.
“Yeah, I guess so!” She replied.
After about a minute of standing under the water, gazing into each other’s eyes, Flynn’s jacket obviously wasn’t enough to protect them for long.
The jacket got damp, which resulted in them getting drenched.
Cali’s reaction was not that pleasant for her, as she stopped moving for a moment.
“Damnmit, Obviously wasn’t enough to protect you!” Flynn said as he pulled her away from the waterfall, “you okay there Cal?”
Cali laughed “It’s not as bad as i expected, but I’m really cold!”
“Heh, let’s get outta here!”
“Yeah, I’ll write my document on this place later, I need a towel first!”
They quickly walked back to the ship and headed into their cabin.
“Phew, thanks for pulling me away from there, if I stood there any longer, I’d never be able to move properly!” Cali joked as Flynn gave her a towel.
“I guess I’ll go dry myself, you sure you’re gonna be fine?” Flynn asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine!” Cali said as she draped the towel over her shoulders.
After they warmed up and Cali had finished her document, they sat on the couch again to snuggle.
Cali sighed as she snuggled up next to Flynn “Y’know despite getting absolutely drenched out there, I had a lot of fun!”
“What did they tell you about what would’ve happened if you got wet?” Flynn asked
“My parents told me that i’d freeze to death!” Cali replied.
“Yeesh, what kinda parent tells their kid that?!” Flynn asked jokingly.
“Mine obviously!” Cali replied.
They laughed for a moment, and continued to snuggle, until Cali fell asleep.
“Huh, guess i’ll start snuggling you even more!” Flynn laughed.
He eventually fell asleep as well, snuggling up against her whilst purring.
They spent the rest of the night holding each other.
To be continued…
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goldrushzukka · 3 years
4 with yueki? 💕
kiss #4: an accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
It's a little chilly out here on the porch, but inside is - inside is a lot. A lot of noise, a lot of heat, a lot of drunken renditions of songs that may never be heard the same way again. No one is happier than Yue to see Sokka and Zuko in love and building a life together, but it's the kind of happiness that requires a moment of peace and quiet to really feel. And besides, it's not like she isn't used to the cold.
She takes a seat on the porch swing - an excellent touch, she'll have to find whoever's responsible and thank them - and stares up at the sky for a while. It's only clear enough to see random smatterings of stars, and the moon is a ghost hiding behind a cloud, but it's nice. It's calming. It's quiet, is what's important.
At least - it's quiet for a little while, until the door opens and the cacophony of celebration bleeds out into the night. The door closes again, and the beast is contained, and Suki takes slow, careful steps to the edge of the porch, leaning her elbows on the wooden barrier.
Yue gives her a moment, and then says, "You too, huh?"
Suki nearly jumps out of her skin. She swears, loudly, and then twists around to glare at Yue.
"Don't do that," she says, and Yue laughs.
A sliver of moon peeks out and casts Suki in pale blue loveliness, and Yue's smile freezes on her face.
"I just needed a breather," Suki says. "You know what Sokka's like, he'd marry us all if Zuko would let him."
"Has he started crying yet?"
Suki laughs. "I've got a wet patch on my shoulder."
Suki crosses over to the other side of the porch on unsteady legs. She looms over Yue for a second, impressive and statuesque, before dropping down into the seat next to her. And drop is the right word - she might be a little tipsier than expected, or maybe she doesn't know the bench can move, either way, she ends up half on top of Yue.
"Oh!" she says. "Sorry - I'll just -"
"No, hold on, let me -"
There's some shuffling and shifting and holding on for dear life when someone drifts too close to the edge of the bench, but they manage to settle, eventually, even if Yue does end up pinned where she sits by Suki's legs draped over her lap.
"There we go," Yue says.
Suki throws her head back and laughs, "You're a peach, you know that?"
Yue looks at her, eye closed and glowing under a combination of moonlight and Azula's show-off bursts of blue fire on the other side of the window, and says, a little breathlessly, "Thanks, Suki."
Suki still has her eyes closed when she kisses Yue.
Her eyes fly open and she jerks back immediately, lips finding lips where she clearly expected a cheek, and flushes bright red. "Oh," she says again, barely more than a squeak.
"Oh," Yue echoes. She can still feel it on her lips, that sweet-soft tingle of almost.
Suki's eyes are on Yue's mouth, even as she's apologising. "I'm sorry," she says, "I didn't mean to -"
"Hush," Yue tells her, and she does.
Yue leans in, nose bumping nose in question, and when Suki's answer is caught breath and a fingertip coming up to trace Yue's jaw, she closes the distance.
If almost was sweet, this is a sugar rush. This is cotton candy and maple syrup and a head full of cavities. This is on purpose, on purpose, on purpose.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
best nest
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: 6.2k
Keigo's never been able to properly indulge his instincts, though you're more than willing to help him change that.
warnings: avian, feral keigo. rut/heat cycles. nesting. wing kink. breeding. horny shit, i tell u what
beta’ed: @keiqos​ 
wow :’^) this is a collab with the wuv, @keiqos​!! we each worked on a fic that was our own take of keigo during his rut, and now y’all get the fun results. here is hers!!! enjoy this feast!!!
Keigo had been acting particularly weird for the past few weeks. 
He was hardly a skittish person, yet he had been avoidant and downright shy in the last month or so. Despite living together, you had hardly seen or heard from him, and when you tried to address his absence, Keigo continually brushed you off.
He was hardly meeting your eyes when you managed to be in the apartment at the same time.
Finally, one night, he came in late. You sat, waiting on the couch, very awake circa three in the morning.
His eyes went wide, knowing he was caught.
“I know it’s late, but can we talk?” You asked softly, patting the couch next to you.
Keigo nodded stiffly, wings folded timidly against his back as he sat. In his big, tough hero uniform, he looked so odd with his hands held so nervously. 
“What’s going on, love?” You spoke quietly, lowering the volume of the TV to a hum. “Talk to me.”
Keigo silently picked at the threading of his gloves, then pulled off his visor. He stayed silent, eyes wide and far off.
You sighed, bringing your knees up under your body to face him. You tried to sound strong, but there was a twinge of weakness in your voice, “Are you... seeing other people?”
That notion brought Keigo right back, head snapping up to meet your own before gripping the sides of your face (harder than you would’ve expected) and rapidly shaking his head.
“No, no, no, not at all,” Keigo scooted closer to you as he spoke. “I promise, not that.”
“Then what?” You were frowning, despite Keigo’s contact feeling aloe on a burn.
Once again, Keigo seemed to stumble. His eyes averted, going glassy.
“It’s embarrassing,” His hands slip from your face, back into his lap. “Very embarrassing.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Keigo Takami was many things. But, shy and passive were not in that repertoire. 
You deadpanned.
“Please, just tell me,” You huffed at him, crossing your arms. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, Kei’. Feels weird.”
“I know, it’s just— fuck.” His gloved hands dragged down his face, flushing a bright red. 
You figured he was a bit warm.
Carefully, you reached forward, going to pull them from his hands. He stiffened harshly, watching you with... slitted eyes— (had they always been like that?). You gingerly freed Keigo’s fingers and palms, intertwining your own. 
“You can tell me, Keigo,” You smiled at him, squeezing and feeling pricks of pain in the flesh of your own hands. 
You noticed then, that Keigo’s fingernails were longer, pointed even. Though, they didn’t look manicured. They seemed to grow darker at the cuticle.
Your eyes widened as you looked up at Keigo as he turned his head away, half hiding his face in the fluffy collar of his jacket. 
“You know how I go on a ‘business trip’ about this time every year?” Keigo asked, rubbing a clawed thumb over the back of your hands. 
You nodded, “You go on lots of business trips, Kei’. What’s different about this spring one?” 
Keigo shifted his legs, wings twitching at his back. His entire form emanated his uncomfortable energy. From the tension rolling off his shoulders to the way he clenched and unclenched his jaw, Keigo was visibly very anxious. 
“Okay, uh, how do I explain this—” Keigo dropped his head, then looked back up at you, blinking slitted pupils at you. “You know how I’ve got wings?”
“Duh, dummy,” You rolled your eyes, reaching out to brush some fingers over one of the large, external feathers. 
Oh, but you got a reaction you weren’t expecting. You hadn’t thought anything of your action, yet Keigo audibly moaned with the contact. Something loud, high, and sinful as his thighs clenched together.
Both of your eyes went wide. 
“So,” You began slowly, “You have wings.”
“I have wings,” Keigo’s voice sounded tense and held in his throat, shaking just a bit. “And, I have some other avian traits as well.”
“Like...?” You coaxed. Whatever it was must’ve really made Keigo uncomfortable if he was being this resistant to talking about it. This man was the number two hero, yet he was mincing about like a kitten. 
“Uhhh... They’re more behavioral. Some physical,” Keigo bit his lip, shaking his head. “What do birds do in the spring?”
“Is this a riddle?”
“No, straightforward question.”
You really thought he was pulling your leg, but based on Keigo’s words and grave expression, he was dead serious.
And you had a dead serious answer.
“Oh my god, Keigo, you migrate?!” Your mouth fell open. Keigo’s eyes went wide and he seemed to stifle a laugh before shaking his head, feathers ruffling. 
“No, oh my God, no,” Keigo carried some mirth in his gaze now. “Not at all.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing with him. The tension seemed to be somewhat out of his shoulders until you set a hand on his knee and squeezed. 
“Keigo, out with it,” You rolled your eyes. “I know it’s scary, but I promise, no matter what it is, I’m here for you okay?”
You let your eyes soften as you sighed, squeezing his hands. 
Keigo looked you dead in the face, “We fuck, (Y/N).”
You choked on your own spit, before leaning back with a small laugh, “I know it’s been a minute with your schedule, but we do indeed do that outside of spring.”
“No, no, not like that,” Keigo ran his hands down his face, shaking his head. “I’ve been avoiding you because this whole conversation is going to be weird and embarrassing. You up for it? Because it only gets weirder.”
“Lay it on me, tailfeathers,” You rubbed your thumb over his knuckles. 
Keigo took a hand to sheepishly rub the back of his neck, “One of my more... avian traits is this... I don’t know, the Commission called it a ‘rut’, but I’ve done my own research and I’m not sure if that fully encompasses all of what it is.”
You weren’t entirely unfamiliar with the concept, but you certainly weren’t an expert.
“What happens during it?” 
“Uh, to be frank, exactly what happens during a bird’s mating season, and then some.” Keigo’s long nails dug into the fabric of his cargo pants. “My feathers grow in a bit differently. I nest. I get weird and territorial, possessive. I cannot tell you how much I’ve wanted to leave your neck covered in bite marks, just fucking claiming you—”
You both swallowed.
“And... You’re insatiably horny on top of all of this?” You asked, trying to ignore the way your insides were heating up.
Keigo nodded, waiting for you to reply with a softened, gooey gaze.
Oh, this was a little weird, right? Keigo was avian in some ways, but you never thought he had a whole ass mating season-
“Wait, so, in the spring, the ‘business trips’,” You used air quotes with a frown. “You’ve been just disappearing for your ‘rut’ and then coming back? Alone?”
Keigo waved his hands between the two of you, feathers fluffing up defensively behind him, “No, n-no, not like that. Never once. I’d just hole up in my apartment and fuck my hand like it was God.”
You choked. 
It made sense, you and Keigo moved in together at the end of last spring. Looking back, the timing now seemed to be intentional. 
“When did it start?” You asked, getting semi-intrigued by Keigo’s odd biology. 
“I was sixteen, I think,” Keigo did the mental math and bit his lip. “The Commission didn’t really know what to do with me, so they would just lock me up in my room with two extra blankets and call it good.”
You choked again. 
“So, you just disappear, deal with it, then come back?” You frown. “Keigo, I would’ve helped if I would’ve known.”
“I don’t know, (Y/N), it’s a lot to ask,” Keigo’s nails bit into his wrists as he squeezed. “I’m basically a horny, possessive, feral birdman for two weeks, not too mention the time leading up to it. That’s why I’ve been all distance. I’m sorry, I should’ve at least told you.”
“I would have appreciated it if you had, but I understand,” You grabbed Keigo’s hand again and squeezed. “This doesn’t exactly sound like a thing you’ve really ever been able to deal with comfortably, huh?”
“N-not really,” Keigo got all sheepish again, scooting a bit closer to you. “I haven’t really known what to do about it this year, so I’ve just been putting off facing you. I was just gonna get a hotel room or something, run off for two weeks, and then come back.” 
“Another ‘business trip’?” You raised an eyebrow as Keigo looked down, all sheepish and blushy. You tutted, shaking your head. “Well, babe, not this time. I’ve got you. I’m your live-in partner and I will not let my sweet, bird boy handle horny hours alone. I haven’t made you before, right?”
That made Keigo laugh, softly, some of the stress being held still in his wings falling away.
“I appreciate that, angel, but I don’t want you to agree to do this until you fully understand it,” He beamed you a smile. God, the man was like sunshine and candy when he chose to be. 
You nodded, giving him a(n) (over)confident smile, “Lay it on me, babe.”
Keigo had amassed quite a detailed understanding of his biological clock over the years, and he was able to spit it all back onto you.
“It’s basically two weeks of time where my only thoughts are ‘nest’, ’fuck’,’protect’, ’breed’—” Keigo cut himself off when your eyes went wide. 
“Wait, like, have children?” You asked, gut feeling unsettled. 
You and Keigo had been dating for a while, but the topic of children had never been seriously brought up. 
Does helping him mean to commit to having kids?
“No, not exactly. Like, I’m trying to protect a mate and breed, but that doesn’t mean the outcome needs to be children. At all,” Keigo assured you, patting your knee. “I know, it’s weird. I definitely am not into getting you pregnant, but that instinct part of my brain is.”
“Well, I’m on birth control, so we should be good there, right?” You laughed, relieved, squeezing his hand. “What do you mean by nesting?”
 “A literal nest. A spot that just smells like me and you to keep—” Keigo clicked his tongue, sighing in what seemed like relaxation, “you safe. And mine. It usually ends up being just like... my entire apartment, lots of shredded pillows, feathers, blankets. It’s honestly a nightmare.”
A nightmare, yes, but a very necessary one.
So, a plan was made. 
 Keigo sent you off to a hotel for the days leading up to his rut. He had to prepare, get things ready and he wanted to be careful not to trigger it earlier and risk ruining what would more than likely be his first proper rut. 
You took his lead, pampering yourself for a few days and letting Keigo handle the details. 
(Considering how wrecked your body was going to be in the coming weeks, it was more than smart to give yourself some time to rest.)
When Keigo called you to tell you he was ready, he was sounded elated, wings audibly flapping into the receiver. 
When you arrived back at the apartment, the ride up the glass elevator was daunting.
You were perfectly happy to help with Keigo’s rut, but you were a bit nervous about what he was going to be like. Though he reminded you that one of his hormonal brain’s functions was to ‘keep you safe’, it also sounded like he was going to be a bit out of his mind. You trusted him with your life, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t nerve-wracking. 
The elevator dinged, sliding open to the top floor. 
Keigo stood just outside. 
You couldn’t help jumping back in surprise, taking in Keigo’s... state.
He looked positively feral, just on sight. Though had been warned of this, you hadn’t fully expected how visible his state would be.
Keigo apparently decided to forgo any sort of a top today as his chest was entirely bare to you. A pair of grey sweats was slung low on his hips, likely put on in a rush based on the uneven settling of the waistband. This was not even to mention the very obvious imprint of his dick against the fabric, hard just from seeing you. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, skin pink with rushing blood.
“Angel,” Keigo purred, yanking you from the elevator and crushing you into his chest, smothering you with kisses. Stray feathers flew to pick up your bags, carting them off to your nearby apartment. 
Speaking of wings—
In the few days it had been since you’d seen Keigo, his feathers had almost entirely changed. They were still their usual bright crimson, but the filaments of the plumage seemed to be almost... shiny? You couldn’t quite place it, but there had been some sort of change in their anatomy that made his wings appear iridescent when they moved. The patterns almost seemed to swirl and streak through the plumage. You wanted nothing more than to admire them.
Without thinking (or responding to Keigo, mistake), you reached out to grab one of the feathers, “Oh wow, Keigo, they’re so pretty.”
The moment you wrapped your hand fully around the plume, Keigo clawed his... talons (?!) into your shoulders, shuddered, and screamed.
You hissed as pain radiated from your shoulders, but managed to hold both you and Keigo upright as he twitched against you.
“Fuck,” He cursed against your neck, panting.
You felt a vague, wet spot on your leg.
You blanched.
“Did... you just cum? From me touching your wings?” 
Keigo nodded against, still shaking.
The shame in his tone made your frown, pulling away from him to press a harsh kiss against his half-parted lips.
“Nope,” You murmured against his lips. “Nu-uh, you have nothing to be sorry about. I’m here to help, dummy.”
He sighed in relief, pressing into you.
It was going to be an interesting two weeks.
 The apartment was a nightmare. Keigo really hadn’t been lying when he told about how extreme nesting was. 
Notably, nothing was dirty. Keigo was actually an immaculately clean person due to his time with the Commission, but he was disorganized. And the nest of an apartment was testament to that.
There were stray feathers everywhere. Stuck in cupboards, tucked behind the TV, wedged in pillowcases and blankets, even a few under the bathroom sink. Newly purchased blankets and pillows were strewn over every surface. It appeared like you could simply fall in any area of the house and be entirely cushioned. Not to mention that Keigo’s feathers could sense every single motion in the house.
It was a sweet gesture and testament to the protective element of the rut that Keigo described. 
In addition to the many layers of softness, a new, far larger mattress had even been dragged to the living room and placed on top of a high frame set against the wall of windows that overlooked the city. It was heaped with pillows, fluffy blankets, and downy-looking, glimmering feathers. All of, despite its inherent chaos, was the comfiest looking corner of the apartment. 
“Oh, wow, ‘Kei,” You breathed, running a hand along a soft-looking blanket over the back of a chair. “You did such a good job!”
With that, he was pressed against you from behind.
“I... I did? You like it?” Keigo never asked for validation so openly. The implication of his inherent fear around his rut continued to make your heart ache. From what he had told you (and what you read in the days prior about avian behavior), you needed to ‘accept’ the nest he made for the two of you. 
I’ll make this good for him. 
“Yes, so much.” You leaned back against his chest, loving the way the heat of his bare chest seeped so well through your clothes, “I can’t wait to snuggle up with you in it and so much more.” 
Your last word was more than enough to get Keigo chirping into your ear.
Yes, bird-ishly chirping.
It was a mix of high and low clicks, maybe a bit of cooing thrown in as well. As far as his avian adaptations went, this one was newer to you, but remarkably cute. You turned around, pressing a kiss to his neck without thinking.
The contact made Keigo’s aforementioned talons dig into the meat of your hips, a hot breath rolling over your ear, “Please let me fuck you.”
It was abrupt, his shift in tone, but based on the way his cock was nearly burning your backside, it was a necessary step. 
“Well, I certainly won’t stop you,” You didn’t realize the unintended weight of your words, but Keigo sure as fuck did. 
He roughly grabbed your wrist, dragging you across the room to the mattress in the corner.
“W-wait, not the bedroom?” You asked. Keigo pressed at your shoulders, pushing you down roughly, though the softness of the bed dressings insulated your fall. 
“Nope, here, best spot,” Keigo’s words were clipped as he straddled your waist, silencing any other words you might have with a soul-sucking kiss. His tongue wormed its way into your mouth, licking at your gums and receding to suck at your tongue. All the while, you could hear and feel his feathers shudder.
He pulled away, eyes half-lidded and vertical pupils blown wide. 
“You have no fucking idea how much I missed you.” Keigo’s teeth nipped at your pulse point. 
Were... his teeth sharper?
You craned your neck away from him, pulling a nasty growl from his chest. You watched his feathers, both the one’s still fixed to his back and flared upwards and those scattered around, shudder and writhe. 
Keigo’s canines were longer, maybe even a little sharper. 
This rut thing... it was an avian thing, right?
Birds... don’t have sharp teeth... Do they?
 You dismissed it, much more focused on Keigo’s hand as it slipped lower, futzing with the waistband of your pants. 
“Sorry, dove, I’m a little impatient,” His voice was rough and strained, like he was holding back. 
His normally nimble hands struggled with the button of your fly, and with a nasty growl, he snatched up one of his nearby feathers, hardening it in an instant, and slicing your pants off.
“Keigo!” You shrieked, squirming, and sitting up as he tore off the ruined garment. “I liked those! That wasn’t nice.”
 “I think I’m done being nice to you for a bit, dove.” He shot you a dark look. 
You blinked at him.
Keigo had warned you that he would be a bit feral... but you weren’t expecting his nasty attitude. 
You also weren’t expecting to be turned on by the rage-filled spikes in his words. 
“Get on your hands and knees.” Keigo’s voice was clipped as he slipped off his sweats.
Keigo’s cock was nothing to fucking sneeze at. It was pretty, long, with nice girth and a perfect curve for your pussy. He tended to keep his body hair well kept and groomed, an old remnant of the militancy of his youth. 
Oh, but ‘fuck you until you’re pregnant’ Keigo? 
His dick was a bit bigger, engorged with what had to be painful blood flow. Heavy balls hung below, ripe and flushed, in desperate need of contact, let alone release. Maybe it was the ambiance (or, the smell and pheromones unknowingly being inhaled into your endocrine system), but his dick looked immaculate. 
“Is your dick bigger, babe?” You asked, half-drooling in your mind at your lover’s cock. It certainly wasn’t hard to. 
Keigo normally would’ve clawed at the opportunity to schmooze you for stroking his ego so directly, but your current version of Keigo was far less into flattery.
“I said, get on your hands and knees.” He didn’t wait for you to reply, just flipped you onto your stomach, straddling your upper thighs. You yelped at the shock of sheets hitting your front, fabric tearing behind you as Keigo made quick work of your shirt.
You gulped as Keigo’s hands, talons, raked their way down your bare back as he let loose a loud, quaking sigh, “Oh, Angel, holy fuck.”
He said the pet name like it was a prayer to God and you let him. 
You shivered under him as his nails drew lines up your neck, all the way into your scalp. Without warning, he pressed the heel of his hand into the curve of your skull, shoving you deeper into the plushness of the nest below you.
Oh... Fuck. Were you about to sloppy fuck in the sheets you’d be spending the next several weeks in?
 The somewhat gross revelation was quickly forgotten as Keigo’s hot breath shuddered against your ear, his (oh my fucking god slightly pointed?) tongue curled along the soft skin of your pulse point.
You both choked down a moan as his exposed cock rubbed against your backside.
“You’re so pretty like this,” For being feral, and for the blood that was quickly rushing to your head and sex, Keigo sounded very nice. “Gonna look so cute with my cock inside you, right?”
You nodded into the sheets, struggling to raise yourself up on your elbows as Keigo hauled your hips up.
Stabilizing yourself on the softness of the sheets and feathers was much more difficult than one would think. You were already slipping, no matter how you tried to hold yourself up.
“I can’t begin to tell you how much I want to fill you up, right now,” His voice takes on a dreamy lilt as he shoves you back, further into the nest. You crawl on your hands and knees, succumbing to Keigo’s hand on your neck after arriving to the middle of the massive mattress. “But, I also really don’t wanna hurt my angel. Gotta make sure you’re good and ready.”
The sentiment was nice enough, but you stiffened, remembering that Keigo’s nails were not only sharpened, but slightly hooked. You tried to turn, but quickly stop when you felt Keigo’s hot, hot breath over your sex.
You shuddered, biting your lip as his pointed tongue ran up and down your slit. From his hold on the meat of your thighs, you could tell he was trembling and burning. Whether it was from how much he needed you or how much he was holding himself back, you couldn’t be sure. 
Keigo’s pointed tongue ran up between the lips of your cunt, both of you moaning at the sensation. You felt his wings raise behind the two of you, casting shadows down on your display in some weird show of dominance. 
It made your skin run hot.
What made it run even hotter was the jolt you received Keigo pressed his face into your cunt with absolute zero shame. 
His tongue slicked up the lips of your pussy, dipping around your opening with absolutely sinful sounds falling around the two of you.
When you tried to adjust your arms, you caught a quick slap to your ass, pain only pushing your eyes to roll back in your head as Keigo sneered against you.
“Greedy.” It was a rich line, coming from him, king of gluttony, but you weren’t about to argue with him.
His nails dug into your thighs, dragging your cunt and his face together to the point where it felt like there was no space between them. You were helpless to do much other than grind back on his tongue as he tongue-fucked your cunt.
Keigo drew away, grabbing you by the hips and spinning you. Your back hit the nest, eyes spinning as you weren’t so used to him outright manhandling you. You sucked in a breath as you stared up at Keigo, his face slick with your juices and enlarged wings spread out and upwards. 
The slits of his eyes were blown wide, a toothy smile beaming down at you. It seemed sort of sweet before two of his clawed-fingers (thankfully, somewhat gingerly) spread the lips of your cunt. He spat onto your exposed clit, no reverie in his actions as his avian glare slipped over you.
A harsh clicking came from the back of his throat, feathers fluttering.
“B-Babe? Are you okay?” You asked as Keigo refused to look away from your splayed-out body.
“More than okay,” He shuddered, looking a bit more grounded for a moment. He swallowed, shaking his head.
Surprisingly, he reached out to cup the side of your face, rubbing a thumb over your cheek, “If you want me to stop, can you tell me now?”
“I don’t want to, Kei’,” You laid your words on thickly, knowing you had his lucidity. “Can you please fuck me? Fill me up, Kei’.”
He growled, something from deep in his chest, nodding, feathers shimmering in the light of the room.
He was on you instantly, wings flapping to shove his body into yours, lips on yours and tongue pressing into your mouth. The tapered appendage licks and literally fucks your mouth, robbing you of air as you weave your hands into his sweaty tresses and pull.
The pain spurred him on, one of his hands sloppily going between the two of you to line his fat cock with your cunt. He was considerate enough to rub circles on your clit as he rammed into your insides in one single motion.
Your eyes went wide, snapping open and you tug the bite of your nails into the back of Keigo’s head, held by the burning stretch and pleasant ache of your insides. 
Keigo had been fairly quiet during this entire ordeal, an odd thing considering he normally ran his mouth dry with praises, filth, and sweet nothings when he was half this close to your cunt. Yet, he’d hardly spoken through most of it, and most of your reading of him had been based on body (and wing language).
But, when he did finally bottom out, shaking and straining, it clicked.
Based on the sweat that was rolling down his temples, the veins bulging in his forearms, and the rigid tension in his shoulders, he was holding his rut-crazed body back.
You frowned, trying to ignore the kiss of his cock head against your cervix.
Recalling some of the things Keigo told you about some of his more animalistic desires, you decided to egg him on to breaking. Based on the rapid twitching of his wings, he needed it.
Keigo just barely moved, biting his lip and harshly exhaling.
“Baby,” Your own voice broke as you spoke, falling back into his mutant desires as well. “Please, please, fuck me how you need. Please.”
“S’fine, this is enough,” Keigo gritted out as he dragged his cock almost entirely out of your dripping cunt.
To emphasize your need, you grabbed a fistful of his feathers at the base of his wings and tugged, making sure to press your nails to the bone.
Keigo threw his head back, moaning high into the air, a coo mixing with the sound as his wings shuddered in your grip.
You buckled down. 
“No,” You whined, hooking your legs behind the small of his back, thumbing at the plumage as he writhed from your touch. “Fuck me, like you mean it, Keigo. Fill me up.”
He paused, freezing, eyes darting up to your own.
“S-say that again.”
You grinned, dragging his stiff neck down to your mouth, dragging your tongue to his ear, “I said I want you to fill me up. Stuff me full of your cum and breed me so good, please, Kei’.”
You’d never spoken like that to him during sex, and you quickly understood why.
The moment the words left your lips, Keigo slammed his hips back into you, wings fanning out as wide as they could. 
His lips found your neck, cock rearranging your insides with the immediate force and pace of his thrusts. His hands grappled at your hips, your tits, your shoulders, and your legs, anything to get to ram himself into you. Each thrust was punctuated by growls and clicks from the back of his throat, filthy words finally fell from his lips without a trace of shame.
“Oh, baby, I’m gonna breed you so good,” Keigo’s voice was breathy as he raked his nails down your neck, light lines following as he bottomed out in you once more. He roughly grabbed one of your tits, pinching your pebbled nipple. “Gonna make you gush for me, yeah, I am.”
You could’ve given an equally horny response, but Keigo’s tongue was quickly in your throat, groaning into your mouth as his pace picked up to something inhumane.
It was short-lived, the wet slapping of his heavy balls stalling as he damn near screamed into your mouth, coming deep in your throbbing cunt.
You shuddered, feeling his load already dripping from your cunt onto the sticky sheets below you.
Keigo’s lips parted from yours, half-lidded eyes looking glazed and dreamy.
You thought that nutting twice so closely together would slow him down, but you were remarkably wrong. 
You rolled your hips up, smiling, “Feeling okay, Kei’?”
Keigo blinked down at you, lowering his head to nose at your jaw. You tilted your head for him, spine curling when you felt him begin to move again, still fully hard.
“I’m not done yet.” His words were curt and sharp as his arms caged around your head. The sharp peaks of his canines caught on the skin of your neck, dragging and sucking. “Gotta make sure you’re fucked nice and good with my brood, dove. So good.”
You swallowed, eyes rolling back when Keigo bit down at the base of your neck.
Keigo’s hips slammed back into yours, his pace picking up and the squelching of your slick and his cum ringing around the room. You could hardly focus on it, or anything as he quickly threw your legs over his shoulders, moving his licks and bites to your calves and thighs.
Your clit throbbed with each thrust, wet and craving contact. When you reached down to play with yourself, Keigo swatted your hand away with a growl, a red feather from the bed replacing it. The small, soft crimson feathers lapped at your clit, making quick circles as it became wet with slick. 
With the hold on your legs, he hauled you upwards, your lower half lifted off the bed and held by only Keigo’s grip and the curve of your spine. You keened with each of his thrusts, listening to the wild words that spilled from his lips while he rammed your cunt raw. 
They were mostly incoherent, half-sentences about how he was going to ‘breed you until he’s shooting blanks’, ‘fuck you full with his brood’ and ‘reem you until you grew feathers’. Each phrase got your breath going fast, his grip and pace forcing your lungs to fill faster and faster. 
The feather against your cunt grew sloppier, nearly vibrating with its jerky movement. A well-timed swat to your clit by Keigo’s own hand while he talked about your ‘life-giving pussy’ was what sent you over the edge, cunt tightening around his cock. 
His words reached peak incoherency as he rammed into your cervix, spilling into you with a harsh wail, wings stretching upwards and bumping against the ceiling. 
You expected a moment of reprieve, but before you could even think, still spinning with your own orgasm, Keigo flipped you onto your tummy once more.
Despite signing up for this sort of treatment, your insides already ached. The friction of Keigo’s fat cock had stretched you perfectly, all for him, but the deep ache in your core was getting a bit distracting. This was not even mentioning how sore your muscles were getting, pulling from the pacing and positioning Keigo chose at whim.
You didn’t voice your pains, buckling down on your psyche (or, what you had left of it), as Keigo slid into you once more.
“Oh baby,” His voice was slippery as he wound his hands through your hair, pulling and forcing your back into a severe arch. “You feel that?”
He fucked into you harshly, the squelch that followed serving as a reminder of how he’d already more than filled you up.
“So pretty and round with my seed...” Keigo’s words got dreamy and slow, just for a moment as he smoothed his hand over your hips, “Just need to make sure it takes...”
The feather from earlier was back on you as he started up once more, babbling and flapping his massive wings as he fucked you numb. 
You came as he did the next time, your legs giving way under the pressure and sensation. Keigo was quick to tsk, two more of his feathers moving to hold you up as he started to move again, cock never leaving your spent cunt. 
The parts of your brain that were still working and not reduced to a pile of mush wondered how the fuck he was still hard, but all things considered, it shouldn’t have been surprising. Besides, he deserved to satiate himself properly, fucking your gushing cunt, considering he’d never gotten to indulge in his instincts like this before. 
Despite how you burned all over, you let him finish inside you yet again.
And again.
And again?
You lost count at some point.
Keigo apparently really liked you face-down, ass-up, and kept you like that as he fucked you full over and over again. After having his taloned-hand stuck into your hair holding you to the duvet and pillows for so long, your head was spinning. What made all of this all the more overwhelming was the small feather that never fucking stopped moving—
“Kei’, please!” You screamed, voice hoarse and dry. You’re spinning, aching, and yet you still want more.
Keigo’s pace increases, using his wings to rut against your cervix over and over. 
The tempo of the feather increased, Keigo’s growls falling away into his own shriek as he pushed forwards once more, hot cum spraying your walls all over again.
The sensations, all of them, pushed you over the edge, a shriek tearing from your throat as hot tears soaked the nest below. Your orgasm curled your toes to the point of pulling muscles, back bowing and straining as broiling pleasure swallowed you once more. 
Keigo might’ve kept fucking you after that, you couldn’t really remember. With the plumes of feathers under your knees, he could’ve and you wouldn’t have known.
Your body and mind were spent, trying to keep up with his appetite. Your eyes rolled back behind your eyelids, and lucidity was gone to you. 
 You awoke to soft cooing sounds and the smell of sweat.
It was jarring, shifting the slightest bit and feeling aches and pains you didn’t even know you could have.
The cooing stuttered, falling into a chuckle.
His rut.
“Oh my god, Kei’, did you fuck me unconscious?” It came out almost as a growl, voice cracking and low. 
A hand carded through your hair as you opened your eyes, taking in the state of yourself, Keigo, and the nest.
You were both sweaty, sticky and smelling all sorts of musky. It was intoxicating, lulling you. It must’ve been those pheromones that Keigo had mentioned way back when.
Keigo had nestled you to his chest, wings spread behind him and shimmering. The windows outside showed only the neon of the city below, night having long since fallen.
He beamed down at you with a clear fondness, a lot of the tension gone from his body, and looking significantly less stressed. But, there was a sad quirk in his brow.
“Sorry about that, angel, I got kind of out of hand there,” Keigo replied sheepishly, smile turning a little sad. 
You frowned.
You couldn’t have him thinking that.
“Nope, no, not at all,” You pushed yourself on an elbow, wincing at the pain, but recovering to peppering his stubbly chin and cheeks with kisses. “None of that, silly. I am happy to help, whatever that entails. I love you, you know?”
Keigo relaxed even more, falling against the nest and pulling you to his chest, “You gotta stop being so sweet, dove. Gonna get me riled up again.”
You hummed, kissing the tip of his nose, “That’s more than fine, just rub my shoulders a bit first. I think I pulled something.”
He kissed at your sweaty hair, rubbing his hands up and down your sides, “I’m more than happy too, dove. Thank you.”
His hands met your shoulders, rubbing at the sore muscles, careful to avoid pressing his talons into the skin. 
You heard him say so softly, more to himself than to you, “I’m gonna keep you so safe.”
The grin that came across your face rivaled the sun in its brightness and honey with its sweetness. You melted into his touch, dissolving blissfully into the smells and feel of your nest. 
Keigo left kiss after kiss against soreness, cooing and clicking as his rut-based needs were more than met. 
For once.
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