#this isn't even the good part i'm just. GAH
bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
He hadn’t realized how badly he didn’t want to be alone.  No--that wasn’t right.  He hadn’t realized just how badly he wanted Tam to stay.
GRRR GRR BITING CLAWING SCREAMING Y'ALL have NO idea about this titz fic it's been in my head for SO long i'm going to need you all to lose your minds about it when I finally post it okay? okay??!
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syn0vial · 1 year
BG3 Companions' Reactions Following Scratch's Permadeath
The following lines are triggered when a character throws Scratch's ball after he's been permakilled (AKA, killed at camp rather than just as a summon).
Good riddance to the dog. Who'd miss that waggy little tail... (devnote: Pretending not to be sad and failing)
Does it have a sad squeak now? Is that even possible?
I suppose I'll just pick it up myself.
Can't believe the stupid dog isn't here to get the stupid ball. (devnote: Pretending not to be sad and failing)
You were an excellent friend, Scratch - and that's coming from a cat-lover.
I hope there's balls and bones galore, wherever you are...
Poor Scratch. I'm lucky to have met you.
I hope Scratch doesn't miss his ball, wherever he is...
I miss my dog.
Here, pup. (devnote: Sadly. The dog is dead and she knows this.)
Why am I doing this to myself?
Scratch should be here. With his family.
It's not much fun alone.
I really don't know what I thought would happen.
Solo fetch. A miserable pastime.
Can't believe I'm going to say this, but - I miss Scratch.
I need to stop doing this to myself...
I didn't do this enough, when I had the chance.
I hope Scratch has a new ball to play with, wherever he is...
It's silly... part of me felt like Scratch might still show up for his ball.
Fetch isn't much of a solo game.
Damn. I miss the furry fellow.
For old times' sake.
I miss you, Scratch.
I hope you are happy, wherever you are.
I am sorry, Scratch
I torment myself - Scratch is not going to come
Poor Scratch. I hope he is at peace.
Enough. This isn't helping anyone.
You deserved better, boy
Gods, but you'd miss the fuss. The noise. Gods above, even the smell.
Pointless, without a pup to chase it.
Scratch, come and... oh. How could I forget he was gone, Boo?
No game of fetch will bring Scratch back from death.
I know he is gone, Boo, but... perhaps this is a way of keeping him alive, no?
I miss him, Boo.
Everyone assumes I killed the dog. I liked the dog. (devnote: talking to herself. Comic edge to this.)
Scratch reminded me of my first displacer beast. A noble creature.
Withers! Be a good skeleton and fetch that ball. (devnote: joking—doesn't actually expect Withers to fetch the ball she just threw)
Gah. I miss the damn dog. (devnote: surprised by her own feelings)
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bellerocks4 · 6 months
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The boy and his hats!!!!! Look at them all :D
This is like a little counter-part to the one i did of Six's masks. Also I rated the hats, which i will go into more detail about below the cut ;P
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The Classic, The Original, The Paper Bag!!!!
I have like an emotional attachment to this hat, i kid you not. My favorite by far, he just looks so good <33333
5/5 hats
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Gonna be real with you, i hate the way this hat looks in game. I made it look good because I'm awesome but for real he looks so fuckin goofy in this hat, it has its charm but still
1.5/5 hats
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✨Rain Cap✨
I don't love love this hat on him but i can't overlook the fact that he matches with siiiiiiixx thats just sO CUTE GAH!! Twinsies,,,
3.5/5 hats
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Postman Cap!!!
Kay i actually love this hat on him it's hella cute, lost points because its fucking HUGE in game. Like how is that thing not eating his whole head jfc
4/5 hats
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Mokujin Mask
This is a pretty good hat i just,,, don't get the reference,, if there even is one???? maybe its a historical kind of mask hm- ok no i just looked it up, it is a reference. Anyway, yeah good hat overall but im not the target audience so
2.5/5 hats
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Flat Cap! or Gatsby Cap, the way superior name
I love this hat so much he looks so cute in it, like i didn't even do it justice its so cute
5/5 hats <3
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Nome <3
ok yeah I took some liberties with this one, this isn't really what it looks like in game. but that's because the in game version looks kinda lame so i made it better <3 Minorly disappointing after the wild goose chase i had to go through to get it >:(
1/5 hats :(
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Hunter Hat :D
First hat in the game, it's ok,, i just think its a bit boring is all. I favor hats that cover his whole face anyway so im a bit biased. The tail is fuckin adorable tho, i love the way it trails after him :)
3/5 hats
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Stuffed Bear Hat of evil
ok when i said i favored hats that covered his whole face i did not mean this one- I did amazing drawing it✨ but its horrifying in game. Which i assume was the point, so kudos ig, but this is my personal how much i like it scale and the bear's ugly >:P
1.5/5 hats
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I... its- .... *starts crying*
5/5 hats
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Tin Can Hat
Ok when i said that I favor hats that cover his whole face I meant this one <3 Got that charm from the paper bag but he kinda wonky. So cute :D
4.5/5 hats
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Mummy Hat
Listen- its cool ok? cool and creepy but cool. If you haven't guessed already all my favorites are hats he looks cute in and this? yeah this ain't it...
2/5 hats
OK!! Thats all folks!!! Thanks for indulging my silly little hat scale <3
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Puppy Fight: Chaggie ft. Emily
Puppy Love part 3 / Jazzercise part 2
Charlie: (hyping herself up and shadow boxing as she walks into the new hotel gym) Alright! I got this! I've been working on my cardio. Just a few more sessions before- *SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!!*
Vaggie: (wearing even shorter spandex shorts than last time, wrist wraps, and her sports bra, grunting as she works through a set of Muscle Ups, body absolutely slick with sweat) Eighteen!!!..... Gah, fuck! .......Nineteen!!!
Emily: (hair tied up in a messy bun, powder blue, long sleeve, skin tight exercise shirt, and navy blue shorts that cut off just below her glutes) Come on, Vaggie! You got this! One more!
Vaggie: (takes a deep breath, scowls as she grits her teeth, and nearly roars as she muscles her way up and over the bar into a full extension) Twenty!!!
Emily: (jumps and squeals excitedly) Woohoo! You did it! (makes another check on a whiteboard) That's three rounds of twenty muscle ups, fifty mountain climbers, and 100 jump-ropes!
Vaggie: (drops to the floor with a sigh, wipes her face with her black sweat rag, and takes a drink of water) Thanks for helping me push through, Emily. I was kind of surprised you even showed up. Charlie didn't have another group exercise planned for a couple more days when the next meeting with Heaven came up.
Emily: (staring bashfully at Vaggie's muscles) Oh! Well, you know! I figured it would be good to come down early! You know. Catch up with Charlie. (eyes scour over Vaggie's abs and shoulders) See the sights.
Vaggie: (suddenly feeling a little naked) Riiiiiiiiight.... Well, I'm gonna go hit the showers. Thanks again for the help. (quickly jogs towards the door and stops as she sees Charlie) Hey, Babe! I didn't know you were going to be working out today. You should have said something. I would have waited for you. (shifts her eye back at Emily)
Emily: (awkwardly looks around to make sure she isn't being watched before she sneakily takes the sweat rag Vaggie left behind)
Vaggie: (whispering back to Charlie with a slight blush and a wink) We could have shared a shower after.
Charlie: (heart throbs painfully) Dammit! How did I not think of that before now?!
Vaggie: (chuckles before kissing Charlie lightly on the cheek) Another time. I'll be sure to save you some hot water. Love you. (slips through the door and jogs up to their room)
Charlie: Love you too~ (eyes dart to Emily as soon as the door closes and she zips over to the pull up bars with a smile painfully plastered on her face) Hi, Emily!
Emily: Yipe! (jumps and hides Vaggie's rag behind her back) Oh! H-Hi, Charlie! H-How are you?
Charlie: I'm good. I'm good. (obviously not good as her tail slithers along the floor behind her like a snake ready to strike) I wasn't expecting to see you for a few days.
Emily: Oh! Yeah, well, l-like I told Vaggie. I figured I'd come down a little early so we could catch up!
Charlie: (sickly sweet tone) Well, what better way to catch up and build a bond than by exercising together?! (wraps an arm around Emily's shoulder tightly and leads her over to the treadmills) How about it, Emily? I'm sure you guys up in Heaven exercise all the time!
Emily: (balks) Actually, Charlie, I'm suddenly not feeling the greatest. I think I got teleportation sickness.
Charlie: Then a light jog should help you get that good airflow that you need. (pushes Emily on a treadmill and takes the one right next to her before turning them both on and ramping up the incline and speed to 5/10 and 6/10) This should be a good warmup, right?
Emily: eeep!
Charlie: (sitting and soaking her dead legs in an ice bath with a whine-growl)
Vaggie: (brings in a protein shake and hands it to Charlie) And what did we learn?
Charlie: (growling and baring her teeth like an angry puppy as she takes the shake) To mark every last inch of your skin the week Emily arrives. (all sad and sappy) She's still my friend! (back to snarling as she takes a sip of her drink) But she needs to remember that you're MINE!!!
Vaggie: (blushing) ......Did I completely miss something?
-In one of the guest rooms-
Emily: (whimpering as she soaks her noodle legs in a hot bath) Owie.... (stares at the sweat rag on the bathroom sink) ......*sigh* Worth it. I'll have to apologize to Charlie later. I think she liked those rainbow sprinkles back in Heaven.
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 7 months
Lee!Alastor Headcanons Let's Gooooo
so sorry for the word wall... but I cannot be concise about the scary demon man 😅
Words cannot describe how much I love the idea of Alastor's accent slipping when he's tickled. It's hard for me to picture it in my mind because it never really slips on-screen (although his "WELL! Looks like I need a visit t' the TAY-ler!" line gets pretty close lol) but GAH the man was born and raised in Louisiana, he's gotta have at least a little southern drawl buried under that Transatlantic thing he's got going on.
{ helps that I grew up in the south, and I know how common it is for folks with very faint/non-existant accents to suddenly go FULL TWANG if something gets them riled up (or, ya know, ✨flustered✨) I don't even have a southern accent myself but I still start to drawl my vowels a little bit if I get wound up enough. }
I'm also a huge fan of the hc some people have suggested that Al loses his static filter when he's tickled, falling into genuine laughter. I have a bit of a hybrid version: I feel like as he resists and tries to suppress his giggles the radio filter gets thicker and thicker, the way it sounds when you're losing a radio station... but then once you REALLY get him good and he can't fight back the hysterics anymore, it'd just drop out completely, and all you can hear is his genuine laughter.
I expect there'd definitely be more and more of that crackling radio background static too (not the voice filter, but the lil buzzy crackle noise that happens when he's not speaking) the more flustered he gets, since that seems to happen pretty consistently when he's nervous.
Ya know that lil squeaky noise Al makes at the very end of "Stayed Gone" (literally the last sound you hear before Vox's "FAHAHAHAHACK!!")? I picture his voice doing a lil compressed version of that noise if somebody sneak-attacks him at juuuust the right moment. Basically his version of a squeal of surprise.
That said.... Alastor seems to have a pretty strong hold on his startle reflex. I mean, a fucking chandelier falls directly in front of him and his expression doesn't falter. So I have a theory that Al is able to keep such a tight hold on his startle reflex because his knee-jerk response to being startled isn't fight or flight, but freeze... a literal "deer-in-the-headlights" if you will 🦌
THEREFORE I feel like that deer-in-the-headlights instinct means that he'd be completely disoriented by tickling, anticipated or not. So few people touch him at all that the mere sensation of being tickled would likely overwhelm him very quickly. Add the tension between his panic and the equal and opposite reluctance to stop it (because, lee)... being tickled would just completely short-circuit the poor guy's brain.
I'm SURE there will be a part 2 to this in the future, so stay tuned! 😁
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ordinaryschmuck · 16 days
Full Family AU Part 15
Camila sat at her computer, rocking back and forth in her rickity, swirly chair that's probably older than her at this point. She had her hands over her eyes, letting out a long dragged out groan, frustrated to no end by the torment that is doing her own research.
"Daddy's home!" Manny announced as he stepped into the computer room. "I brought home pizza and, good news, Vee loves it. I gave her one slice and she gobbled it down in seconds. Bad news, her puppy dog eyes are as irresistible as Luz's, so she had to have three slices. Hopefully that's fine."
Camila said nothing. She just grunted, not changing her position in the chair. She barely even acknowledged Manny putting a plate with her slice of pizza next to the computer.
"Take a break," he told her. "Your brain is fried, so enjoy some pepperoni, my Pepperoni."
Camila removed her hands from her face and gave Manny a quizzical look. "Your Pepperoni? What does that even mean?"
"...It means I was trying something."
Camila groaned some more as she took her pizza. "I've hit a wall, Manny. I've hit a major wall..."
"What are you even researching?"
"Well, after that...heartbreakingly tragic backstory Vee told us, we agreed, we have to let her stay here. Because, I mean, where else would she go, right?"
"Right, I know. I was there."
"Well, I figured that if she stayed with us, people would ask her who she was. I can't say Luz's cousin because what if family visit? What do I tell them? So the only logical thing I could think of is daughter."
"Makes sense."
"But..." Camila paused to take a bite of her pizza. "Mm, that is good. But I would have to prove she's our daughter. Because then people will ask, 'Why isn't she in school?' And I can't send her to school without papers or stuff like that. And I'm not her birth mom, so I don't have her birth certificate or whatever. So I thought, 'Oh, maybe we could adopt her.'"
"I mean, I'm not opposed to that," Manny said. "We always talked about having a second kid and Vee...needs a home."
"Of course she needs a home, I want to give her a home, but unfortunately I can't give her a home!" Camila takes a bigger, frustrated bite of this pizza. "MAN, this is good! Did you go far from town to get this?"
"There's actually a place by--Actually, let's circle back to that," Manny said with a shake to his head. "What do you mean we can't give her a home?"
"Because to adopt a child you need adoption papers," Camila explained, sounding exasperated between her bites of pizza. "And to get those, you need to go to the county clerk's office, petition for adoption, get that in the system, go to the judge, and let the judge approve your adoption and--GAH!"
She leans further back in her chair, munching the rest of her pizza.
"Can you get me another slice?" Camila asked Manny. "Mami needs more stress food..."
"I think Mami needs a breather," Manny suggested. He then went behind Camila and started giving her his signature shoulder rub, Camila responding with a light hum because of how nice it felt. "You're overworking your brain, trying to figure things out as soon as possible. We don't need an immediate solution. Just gotta take things step by step."
"I know," Camila sighed. "But you heard what Vee said. All those horrible things that happened to her. She needs us, Manny. She needs to...be apart of something that shows her what love really is. And I want to give that to her. But...all those fictional stories that just show a child that had no home to begin with being adopted into a family tends to leave out all the paperwork necessary to make that process legitimate."
"Of course," Manny said. "All that stuff is boring."
"Manny..." Camila whined.
"But we'll get through it. Focus on stuff we can solve right now instead of things that we'll have to consider in the future."
"Of course we'll have to consider that future stuff. We can't just ignore the other steps."
"I'm not saying we ignore the rest. Just...look at what we have to do and focus on what we can do right now."
Camila hummed in thought. "I guess...I guess one thing we can do is make sure Vee can change into other outfits. That sundress is adorable, but she can't just wear the same thing everyday. This isn't a cartoon."
"And we can easily figure something out." Manny gave the top of Camila's head a kiss. "Until then, how about I get you that second slice of pizza."
"That'd be nice...Where'd you leave the rest?"
"On the kitchen table."
"You...didn't make it easy for the other kids to get to, did you? Especially the one kid who apparently loves pizza."
Manny was silent. Loudly silent. Next thing Camila knew he ran out of the room, quick as a flash.
"That's a no." She chuckled, shutting off the computer for now.
That's enough research for tonight.
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
emberfaye replied to your post "choose violence ask game except its just me complaining about fic tropes..."
am going to do my absolute BEST not to ramble too much here, but okay so!! 4 Chay things that will have me back-flipping out of a fic at the speed of light:
babyfication of Chay
i just. ugh. ugh. he is not a baby. he's a 17-18yo guy who half-raised himself due to some shit circumstances and took care of himself entirely by himself for minimum several months. the only difference between him and an adult is that he's not making his own income. Porsche and Arthee doing their best to give Chay as much of a childhood as they can afford him still doesn't change the fact that Chay grew up young and fast just like the rest of this cast. if he acts uwu innocent baby i'm gone. if the author calls him an uwu baby in their notes i'm gone. ugh.
being weird about Chay's or Barcode's age, specifically in regards to sex
as above, i'm pretty shirty about people babying him in general, but fandom is plain weird about Chay having sex. esp him and Kim having sex. 1. their age gap is not that big, and their circumstances have left them on pretty equal footing re the growing up too fast thing. 2. please assess why you think 18 fixes whatever your concerns are with 17yos having sex. 3. teens have sex. dunno what tf was happening with the rest of you but i knew kids even young as junior high who were already fucking. sure, i thought they were fucking idiots for it, but my concerns about people having sex young are rooted in the fact that sex is an inherently very vulnerable act and that's a lot to put yourself thru emotionally during the age range when everything's a wild emotional cocktail. but like. teens still do it. teens are gonna experiment with adult things and sometimes that means experimenting with sex. i personally might not think it's a good idea, but something not being a good idea doesn't inherently make it a bad one either. please stop being weird about it thanks.
calling Chay "bambi"
i just really don't like it. part of it's related to the babyfication thing, but mostly it's just one of those silly things my brain went nOPE on and oh well. back click. 😂
mischaracterizing Chay's anger
so like. this one is tricky because a lot of it comes down to personal interpretation of canon, but also like. a lot of my mischaracterization gripes involves people writing tropes or drama anger instead of Chay's anger, so. yeah. 😂 a lot of people default to writing explosive anger because it's easier to write, but in canon Chay is just. so completely not explosive. and it's not because he's bottling up anger (which!! even if he was, suddenly exploding due to pressure isn't a good thing, gah).
a lot of Chay's personality stems from Needing To Be Okay. a lot of Chay's personal motivations are trying to help Porsche with his burdens and when Porsche won't let him take on extra responsibilities, Chay does what he can to not add to Porsche's plate. and part of not being a burden is quietly dealing with his anger and resentments on his own time. (another factor playing into that is Porsche and Chay really only have each other-- Porsche deals with his anger very quietly too, and it's very characteristic of how they really don't want to hurt each other because they don't have many other people they care about, so they remove themselves from tense/bad situations best they can to reflect on their anger and return to talk about it after they've calmed down.)
Chay is fierce in his anger, but he withdraws when he's pissed and he always tries to talk it out with the intention of achieving clarity. and if i don't feel like a story's going to handle Chay's resentment/anger in a way that feels true to how it was shown in canon (there's a few litmus tests but mostly i'm going by vibes), i just click out because i already know any plot conflict won't feel fully or properly resolved to me in the end :/
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal opinion, I'm not going to be mean
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Okay, maybe not. There are parts worth saving.
Friends and family.
The pleasure of contemplating art!
I've got Kim.
I might. I just need to find them.
I did, but I lost them.
DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - Just make sure you don't lose him. You'll not find another like him...
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - It's true in more ways than you know.
DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - But then what does this book know? It's just a poorly made piece of pulp garbage, made to be consumed and discarded.
4. I don't have any more questions. I've figured it all out.
DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - So who did it, detective? Who killed Charlie Spillane and Deanna Deneuve?
Love did them in.
The dirty police captain?
The junkie art collector?
The politician's twat son?
Uh... Dick Mullen?
You know what? I don't even care. (Close the book.)
DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - What? That doesn't even make sense. There's never a straight answer with you, is there? You just get hooked on random stupid notions and then repeat them every chance you get.
Now go on, find out who *really* did it.
Finish the book.
DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - You begin furiously flipping through pages. Even as you know these books follow a series of well-worn tropes, you find yourself completely engrossed. You're turning pages so fast you don't even notice the ancient spine coming unglued...
REACTION SPEED [Impossible: Failure] - You try to grab the pages as they come loose but your fingers aren't quick enough... they're gone.
DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - Dozens of pages scatter across the floor. The last fifth or so of the book seems to have been lost. It's possible that you could gather and reassemble the pages, but it would take way too long.
"Stupid old horse glue."
"Gah! Now I'll never know!"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Too bad, detective. If it's any consolation, the resolution is almost never very satisfying..."
"And on that note, perhaps we should get back to making sense of our own case?"
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Last year, more than 71% of murders in Revachol went unsolved. In Revachol West, that number was closer to 85%.
Level up!
This point is going into Half Light.
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DICK MULLEN AND THE MISTAKEN IDENTITY - In your hand, you hold four-fifths of "Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity."
Fuck, hold on, we can salvage this.
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ANNETTE - "Hi, ace detective." She smiles warmly. "Are you here for more books?"
"Little girl, help. My Dick Mullen book ripped before I could get to the end. Do you know what happens?"
ANNETTE - "Which book was it, sir?"
"Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity."
ANNETTE - "Oh..." She frowns. "I'm very sorry, sir. I haven't read that one yet. I wish I could help you."
2. "Okay, bye. See you around, Annette." [Leave.]
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PLAISANCE - "It's always nice to see you here. You bring good energy."
2. "Uh, this Dick Mullen book fell apart before I got to the end. Do you have another copy?" (Show her the item.)
PLAISANCE - "Oh, I'm very sorry, sir. Some of these old paperbacks just don't have the durability. I would be happy to sell you another one, but unfortunately it's the last copy we had in stock."
Damn. I guess there really is no way to know.
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In the spirit of Dick Mullen, I equip the fedora and pinball coat.
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LOGIC - Give up. You'll never find the answer. There's no other copy of "Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity" here.
But, why?
There's got to be a way to solve this.
I guess that's it. Maybe it's better this way. [Finish thought.]
LOGIC - Because that's how the world works. Some stories never get finished. You shouldn't expect there to be a tidy, satisfying ending.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - But... but... what if you never find out how *your* story ends?
There's got to be a way to solve this.
LOGIC - There isn't. If only you had more time... more resources... who knows what you could have come up with?
Maybe if there had been more money... and less speed...
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Or *MORE* speed!
LOGIC - Or *that*, yes. Either way, you might've been able to come up with an answer. But not like this.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Challenging: Success] - Hang on, you can do this. *Use your imagination*. You know who the suspects are, just... make it up.
So, who killed Charlie Spillane and Deanna Deneuve, detective? Just fucking pick one.
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spaceorphan18 · 6 months
I just finished listening to K and J's podcast with Darren -- guys, it's so good. Even if you've stopped listening to the podcast, I would recommend this one.
Other than a few tidbits, there isn't anything fully new or ground breaking. But Darren is such a passionate person and such an engaging story teller that it's so captivating to hear him talk about things. I love when he gets into the weeds about music and you get a real understanding of everything they went into.
He is also so complementary of the show and everyone on the show and everyone who worked on the show. His joy about being a part of it really shines through.
(Could you imagine if /he/ did the glee recap podcast? lol)
But Kevin and Jenna clearly are very fond of him, and that's nice to hear, too.
As an aside - I was looking at instagram comments (why, idk, because I'm sadistic) and while 99% were positive, there were a few people who were being kind of a jerk about it - and I'm just amazed, because I'm not sure I've ever seen such negative feedback on any other guests. And most of it was related to not Darren, but to Blaine. And I'm like seriously? Seriously??
I also swear I'm banging my head against the wall every tie people get upset about Blaine cheating when every other single character on the show did the same thing. Gah. This is why I should stay away from the mainstream internet.
Darren is a delight, as he always with. I definitely recommend this one!
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Alfons Sylvatica
Story Event: I'm his cherished doll
Chapter 2
Prologue (@/archiveikemen ♡)
Chapter 1
Pardon me, dear Al loving frens. I had an eye infection last week and had to take it easy. But here we are, slowly descending into Alfons flavoured debauchery. He tries hard not to trap Kate.
~~Part 1~~
Alfons: "Hahaha!"
Kate: "Y-you don't have to laugh so much..."
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Alfons: "Hah ... you really don't disappoint."
(Now my whole body is sticky with cream and sugar...)
After my unsuccessful attempt to scoop the cream with a spoon, I ended up completely covered in it.
Kate: "Is there anything I could use to wipe myself..?"
Alfons: "Mhm, here."
He stuck out his tongue.
Kate: "...? There's nothing of use as far as I can see."
When I tilted my head, he leaned in closer,
Just enough to lick my cheek clean with the tip of his tongue.
Kate: "Wah!?"
Alfons: "Mmm, delicious. As expected from Victor's homemade sweets."
Kate: "...I-I meant a cloth, not the tongue...!"
Alfons: "Why don't you try licking it too?"
After these words, he scooped up the cream from my body with his little finger,
Only to shove it into my mouth a moment later.
Kate: "Mmph!?"
Alfons: "See? Isn't it delicious?"
Kate: "Uh....huh...!"
Alfons: "Ah, even my little finger is filling your mouth...haha, so cute."
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Alfons: "I can clean all the cream for you... with my tongue."
Kate: "Wha!? What!?"
Alfons: "No need to be shy."
Kate: "Gah --!"
~~Part 2~~
After getting rid of the cream in such an outrageous manner,
I washed my body in a tub filled with warm water,
Then buried myself in a fluffy towel and finally took a deep breath.
Kate: "Ahh..."
The scent of the towel and the warm sunlight made me feel relaxed.
Alfons: "... Does it feel good?"
Kate: "Yes... I want to forget everything and go to sleep..."
Alfons: "Most excellent."
It looked like he wasn't going to do anything insolent this time; he just gave me a smug smile.
(...he truly does a lot of outrageous things, and yet...)
Just as he had declared at the beginning, there were many moments when I found this situation strangely enjoyable.
(I was far from having fun most of the time...)
(But... thanks to him, I finally feel I can face this situation calmly)
Kate: "I'd like to thank you, Alfons."
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Alfons: "For dressing you in a lewd outfit and then shamelessly playing with you? Please, don't mention it. It was my pleasure."
Kate: "Not that..."
Kate: "...I was worried and overthinking things, but now the weight is finally off my shoulders."
Kate: "Thanks to you for taking my mind off it."
Kate: "Still... I don't like the idea of just sitting and waiting."
Kate: "Can you help me figure out how to get back to normal?"
Alfons: "My word, are you still fixated on this?"
Alfons: "It will be fine even if you have to stay like this for the rest of your life. In the end, appearances are inconsequential."
Kate: "But... being like this, I'm worried that I won't be able to help anyone if I need to."
Alfons: "You're worried you won't be able to help anyone?"
Kate: "It's frustrating... and a little bit troubling."
Kate: "If you collapsed right now, for instance, I wouldn't be able to call for help."
Kate: "That's why... I'm rather worried."
Alfons: "...... ha."
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Alfons: "You're so serious."
~~Part 3~~
Alfons: "...... ha."
Alfons: "You're so serious."
He looked at me with a thin smile as he rested his chin on his hand.
Surprised by his expression, I felt my heart skip a beat and my face heated up.
(W-Why... am I feeling flustered?)
Kate: "... anyway! Please, take me to Roger."
Kate: "There must be something I can do to help even now."
Alfons: "I don't like the idea of going to that guy's lab."
Kate: "... I've been thinking about this for a while now, but you don't like Roger, do you?"
Alfons: "False! I'm not the picky type when it comes to people."
Roger: "Al? It's unusual to see you here."
Roger: "Normally, you wouldn't come anywhere near the lab when I'm here, even if you got injured or caught a cold."
Kate: "Is that so?"
Roger: "Yeah, this guy sneaks in when I'm not around and administers his own treatment."
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Alfons: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
The room that served as Roger's laboratory and medical office was a bit more cluttered than usual,
Filled with various chemicals and notes containing formulas.
Kate: "... I know you're looking for a way to get me back to normal. I'm sorry for being careless."
Roger: "Don't worry about it. I'm not exactly blameless myself."
Kate: "I was wondering if there's anything I could do to help."
Roger: "Oh? Is that why you dragged Al in here? Impressive."
Roger: "I don't mind a woman who doesn't give up in the face of adversity."
~~Part 4~~
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Alfons: "Shall we concentrate on the matter at hand?"
Roger: "You want to help.... Actually, there might be something you can do ---."
According to his words, Roger was waiting for a chemical reaction between the drugs,
And couldn't leave the room until he got the results.
However, if they were satisfactory, adding one more component would likely complete the mixture.
Roger: "I was planning to get it after seeing the results,"
Roger: "But if you pick it up at the same time..."
Kate: "The medicine will be ready sooner...!"
Roger: "Exactly."
Kate: "Alfons..."
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Alfons: "...don't look at me like that."
Alfons: "I'll do it if there's something in it for me."
Kate: "Like what..."
Alfons: "Let's see... If you promise to let me have my way with you tonight."
Kate: "...... huh? Have your way with me...?"
When I hesitated, Alfons narrowed his eyes, clearly trying to lure me into something questionable.
Alfons: "Then, let me sweeten the deal a little."
Alfons: "I'll have my way with you tonight only if you're not back to normal by then. How does it sound?"
~~Part 5~~
Alfons: "I'll have my way with you tonight only if you're not back to normal by then... How does it sound?"
(If I'm not back to normal...)
Kate: "Roger... how long do you think it'll take to complete the medicine?"
Roger: "If you bring me the drug before the nightfall, I should be able to finish it tonight."
Roger: "It's difficult to gauge how much time it'll take for it to work or if it's going to work at all."
He looked at me and Alfons, then ostentatiously raised his eyebrow.
He was a rationalist, focused only on the quick completion of his task and therefore not particularly willing to interfere in my dealings with Alfons.
(If the medicine takes effect before the nightfall, I can escape Alfons' clutches)
(If it fails or is slow to take effect... I'll be at his mercy)
But no matter the outcome of the situation, without Alfons' help
I can do nothing by myself.
(Rather than being idle, I want to take action...)
Kate: "Fine. I promise..."
Alfons: "...... you're a fool, after all."
Kate: "Huh?"
Alfons: "All you had to do is to ask someone else to accompany you."
Kate: "......! That's true ---"
Alfons: "Oops, you missed your chance."
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Alfons: "Our deal still stands. Now, let's go."
Alfons: "Will you be my toy tonight? Or will you go back to normal? ... this is fun, don't you agree?"
Chapter 3 Premium
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triangularitydubs · 22 days
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Act 1 Part 1
Awoken in a field of grey and purple flowers, he stood confused. His eyes were adjusting to the light. He stood up and took a look at his hands...
"Gah!!" He exclaimed, his voice was raspy and coarse. That wasn't usually the case. But, his hands were skeleton hands. They were in leather gloves but still skeleton hands.
"Do not be afraid," a voice spoke. "Welcome to The Cross Digital Circus!"
"My name is Xaine, and here you will endure the most mind bending, jaw crushing, heart stopping paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't thay right Bubble?"
"Sure is boss, I can't wait to see this skeleton man get beat to a pulp!" The one referred to as Bubble spoke, excitedly.
Xaine scoffed, "Now Bubble let's not scare him off too fast. Don't wanna traumatize him from the get go."
Xaine cleared his throat. "Sorry about that. Bubble can be a bit.. extreme."
The skeleton spoke in his raspy voice again, "This is all so confusing, I...I just put on the headset for...this...fighting rpg game and.."
"Exactly, you made it!" Xaine crossed his arms.
"R-Right, but I didn't pick this skeleton-"
"I picked that for you! You see, now that this is your new permanent life-"
Skeleton interuppted, "PERMANENT?!"
"It is rude to interuppt people while they are talking." Xaine cleared his throat. "Yes, permanent. That was the terms you agreed to upon entering was it not?"
"No one reads those things.."
"Hmm..perhaps you should've. There is no turning back now." Xaine hovered closer to the skeleton.
"Do you have a name? Or a preference for a name?"
"No." Said the skeleton.
"Alrighty then," Xaine gets a good look at him. "I shall call you Bone Pastor!"
Xaine put his hands together and beamed, "Now then, you're the only one here, so I recommend you start training. There's an abundance of weapons within The Digital Fighting Grounds.."
There was silence for a moment. "Follow me." Xaine floated off and Bone Pastor felt like he had no other choice to follow.
"Welcome to The Digital Fighting Grounds, not to be confused with The Digital Training Grounds." Xaine explained.
"I wish to see your Battle experiences. To test your strength from the get go, you'll battle a bunch of Mannequin gaurds, followed by Sir Knightood, a special boss I made.
"I don't even have a weapon." Bone Pastor snapped back, his voice monotone.
"Do you PREFER weapons?" Xaine asked quizzically.
"I'm clearly a skeleton, any hand to hand combat will probably break me."
"Well, I've got the perfect weapon for someone like you!" Xaine summoned up a claymore that had a bone as the handle and a few fancy designs. "It's called Marrow!"
"You're serious? A Claymore? My arms will-"
"No worries, Bone. Your arms will not break I promise. Now let's see what you can do!"
Thus a horde of Mannequins cam barreling out towards Bone Pastor, he swung the sword a but shaky and wobbly, but soon enough got the hang of it.
Mannequin parts flew left and right and Bone seemed to be getting a bloodlust.
After all the Mannequins were defeated out came Sir Knighthood, Xaine's first NPC boss. Bone readied his sword.
Knighthood lunged at Bone making him struggle to keep a steady hand, Xaine put his two cents in finally, and began to give information on Knighthood as the two fought.
"Sir Knighthood, isn't he just a bundle of armor? Heh heh." Xaine chuckled. "Sir Knighthood is designed to train your agility, he is very fast as you are currently experiencing. He is also VERY relentless. I'd bet if you knock him down, he'd be up almost instantly."
Bone Pastor struggled to keep up with Knighthood, as he got pinned to the ground. Knighthood had been stepping on his ribcage hard and had his long sword pointed at his head.
"Time!" Xaine exclaimed. "Understood that you are not ready for such a strong boss. This, my skeleton friend is what the Triaining Grounds are for."
"Rest up for now. It is a big day tomorrow."
With Bone Pastor in tow, Xaine showed him the Living Quarters within a giant purple,white and black tent.
His portrait was on a door, it was the only one of many doors that had one.
Bone Pastor lies to rest while Xaine looks over a big purple button.
"Let's hope I don't have to use this."
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nthngtoseehere-blog · 9 months
Spoilers for episode 6 of The Sign ahead.
I love how this show is playing out. Things that stood out:
So Tharn HAS told Phaya about his visions? I would have liked to see that conversation.
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Oh no, is Tharn now telling people about Phaya's dreams? Or are they common knowledge among the friend group after Yai found out?
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Also, Tharn has a dead ex, ouch. Between that and his parents, no wonder he feels cursed.
The Khem/Thongthai back story killed me. Khem is such a dumbass, and the fact that Thongthai is apparently into that actually makes me like him more. Thongthai: angel in the streets, freak in the sheets ("freak" in this case meaning hot for a big sexy blockhead).
So probably Dao is not going to be a bad guy? Which yay because Dao & Nee would be SO CUTE together.
I love the sibling relationships in this show (Yai might not be Tharn's bio brother, but they're obviously brothers in all the ways that matter).
So are Phaya and Nee orphans too? They live with their grandmother, but their parents aren't mentioned at all. Dao too, actually - she only mentions an aunt.
Oh holy shit the past life vision that Phaya had!!! Aaaaaaagh I need MORE of that! MOAR. Seriously, I cannot wait to see more, it's so! Just! Gah! Want!
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Wi the art dealer is clearly dealing with some shit, professionally, and I'm going to put my vote in right now that it will tie into a case coming soon.
OH WOW there's a picture of Chalothorn in the old mythology history book??? Will Phaya and Tharn be in it too?? Wansarat??
Ok, I do NOT blame Tharn for punching Phaya. Phaya is acting unhinged, and Tharn doesn't know why. Yikes.
I LOVE Chalothorn using magic to lock Tharn in the car. And! OMG this:
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I'm SCREAMING! Dammit, I love me a creepy evil magical scene-chewing villain.
And now we're getting back to the Lt. Tam case, woo! Which ties into the previous murder-of-rapists case. And! POSSIBLY! Into Tharn's parents' case???
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I'm starting to feel like Inspector Akk has an agenda, and he's brought these guys in to further it. I'm getting "good cop frustrated by a corrupt system" vibes here.
Oh boy Tharn having more visions of crime things!
The show is half over, and so far it hasn't wasted any of its episodes. I feel like the pacing is perfect. Obviously it could go off the rails at any point, but there are so many things going on with the crime element, the reincarnation/mythology element, and the romance, that we've needed all six episodes to give the stories time to develop and weave together.
Even if it does fall apart, I gotta admit that I'm having so much fun watching this show that it's possible I might not care if it imploded.
I love all of these characters. I love that this show isn't just a romance, that the characters are adults with serious jobs, that their jobs are not only exciting but also a big part of their stories and characters. I love the scraps of the past lives we've gotten so far.
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 1 month
Hey Hank! I am just getting into leatherworking (you inspired me a lot tbh) and I have some qs! If you can't or aren't inclined to answer them thats all good I just thought I would ask you :)
1) Do u know if its like... weaker to have the flesh side out on part of a project? I'm considering riveting straps around loops so that the like... shorter flap bit is on the front with the flesh side out but idk if theres a reason other than aesthetics that ppl don't do that?
2) Do u like working with veg or chrome tan leather better? This one I'm just curious about ur process lol
3) have u ever used tandy rivets & do you know if they're okay? I'm nervous about their hardware quality but idk if I have reason to be 😓
Anyways I love ur work a lot & seeing it has made me stop putting off my leatherworking journey which I am v grateful for ❤️
Gah! I'm so happy to hear this!
As far as I know it's gonna be down primarily to aesthetics but it's also gonna be harder to clean and care for the flesh than the grain, especially if it's a lower quality piece that has a pretty fibrous flesh. Burnishing isn't like, a permanent process so even if you have those fibers slicked down really well, after long enough, they'll start to loosen again. Id also guess (and really, I still consider myself a novice so I could be wrong) that the flesh is a lot more permeable so will weather worse, even if it's a quality, non fibrous piece
I actually have very limited experience with chrome tan, the only chrome I've really worked with is garment leather. Dont do much with it. Almost everything I've done in the last 9 months at least has been undyed vegtan. I do have a chrome tan side somewhere (my car I think lol) that I've been meaning to use for a flogger but have yet to get around to it.
I really like latigo, which isn't exactly vegtan or chrome tan, it's kinda it's own thing, but I don't really buy it anymore since it's a lot more expensive plus u can only really buy it by the side, and my natural double shoulders are a lot easier for me to work with + way more cost efficient.
I don't have experience with Tandy rivets, but for the most part, rivets are rivets. Like as long as theyre not aluminum or like, zinc, they'll be fine. OTB is the only exception, their rivets are fucking incredible but they're also like 16$/100... The rivets I use are 16$/1000. I get it from an Amish company but I'd guess their supplier is the same as tandys, as most of their hardware is, so I'd say go for it
Thanks for the questions lovely!
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Cater Diamond Halloween Personal Story: Part 3
"What a bunch of lies"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Hall of Mirrors]
Silver: Please don't push. There is no entry permissible into the Hall of Mirrors
Man A: Eeeeh, come on! I came all this way out the remote Sage's Island just to see Malleus Draconia.
Man B: We're trying to do the Draconia Challenge! C'mon~
Woman C: He's inside, right? The real Draconia! The Malleus!
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[lightning flashes]
[thunder rolls]
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Silver: This was supposed to be a special event. And Malleus-sama himself stepped up to help host these guests…
Silver: And yet for this sort of thing to happen…
Silver: You all should leave now. Malleus-sama is extremely angry.
Man A: We all spent a ton to travel all the way here. Doesn't he know the meaning of noblesse oblige?
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[Exterior Hallway]
Cater: So, even Malleus-kun's gotten pissed off at all the Magicam clout chasing guests, huh?
Sebek: Correct. At first, he was so calm that he was even telling me to settle down…
Sebek: But then one fool grabbed at his horns and did some sort of pantomime.
Lilia/Cater: GAH!!!
Cater: Don't know if that was brave… or just reckless…
Cater: So then, all those dark clouds and lightning that's looming over the Hall of Mirrors is Malleus-kun on a magical rampage?
Cater: Wait, he wouldn't overblot over something like this, would he…!?
Lilia: Don't fret. He won't overblot just by using that amount of magic.
Lilia: This is a mere temper tantrum. Back when he was a wee one, he would also completely reduce crags to mere pebbles with his lightning whenever he threw a fit like this.
Cater: Hahaha… He's just on a different level entirely.
Cater: It was smart that we sent Kalim-kun along to go call for a professor.
Sebek: When Vil-senpai realized what was happening, he evacuated my liege, and is putting up barriers to make sure to no harm comes to the visitors.
Sebek: Also, it seems Jade-senpai is working on trying to persuade the young master to come back to his senses with his own tactics…
Sebek: All of these humans who still don't understand just how grave this situation has become are just causing further ire to my lord, and things are spiraling out of control.
Lilia: We'll have to use our last resort.
Lilia: In order to keep the "worst outcome" from happening, we should forcefully try to subdue all these rubberneckers.
Cater: Wait, Lilia-chan. I got an idea. 'Cause it's not like they all are here 'cause they hate Malleus-kun.
Cater: But that doesn't mean they really like him, though… More like, they're just trying to stick with what's "in" right now.
Cater: Basically, just like how my old acquaintances are doing.
Lilia: ?
Cater: Alright, first, I'm gonna snap a pic of you, Lilia-chan, since you're dressed the same as Malleus-kun!
[shutter clicks]
Cater: Next, I'll use the tool that every influencer needs. This photo editor'll stretch Lilia-chan's picture vertically!
[swipe, swipe]
Cater: Then, I'll just quickly slap some text on there. And then upload it alongside the picture!!
Cater: #MalleusEncounter #DraconiaChallenge #UnexpectedMeetingOnTheSchoolGrounds #NRCHalloween
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Man A: H-Hey. Look at the DraconiaChallenge tag.
Man B: Looks like he's at the sports field right now. That's Malleus for ya. He's so much faster than us!
Woman C: Ooookay. Let's head over there, everybody!
Silver: What is going on? Malleus-sama should still be within the Hall of Mirrors.
Cater: Whew. The storm should calm down now… Right?
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Vil: For goodness sakes. Accidents are an unavoidable part of being on stage. To react as such to instigating visitors is such an amateur move.
Vil: Well, this is where I leave you, I will be heading back to my dorm for a moment to freshen up my appearance.
Jade: Well now, that was touch and go for a moment there. Malleus-san's power is quite mighty, isn't it.
Jade: I had wanted to persuade him to stop by utilizing good, strong eye contact, but it was much too far out of my depth.
Jade: And now, I shall also leave to return back to my station. Have a pleasant Halloween, everyone.
Malleus: I fear I almost stoke the coals on the relationship between our species during a mere school event.
Malleus: I must learn to control my emotions better…
Sebek: There is absolutely no blame that should fall on your shoulders, my liege! The fault purely lies at the feet of those indecent humans!
Silver: Malleus-sama just said he did not wish for any hostility between species. What do you hope to gain by exacerbating that hostility?
Lilia: Malleus. Have you forgotten the promise we made when you were naught but a wee one? Whenever the emotions in your heart are tumultuous, you should call for us.
Lilia: We may not be connected by blood, but we are family. Understand?
Malleus: Lilia… My apologies. And to everyone else, as well.
Silver/Lilia/Sebek: ……。
Cater: …Family…huh.
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Lilia: ―I think I understand you.
Lilia: Just as you professed earlier, Cater, perhaps one truth to it all is to avoid becoming too attached to certain people.
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Cater: (What a bunch of lies.)
Cater: (Lilia-chan's built up these priceless relationships from being with them together for a long while…)
Cater: (How can he even hope to understand my stupid, pathetic little feelings?)
Cater: Hi, Trey-kun. What's up?
Cater: Eh? Our night-time rehearsal for our stamp rally site's starting now?
Cater: And my fellow committee member Deuce-chan's so shorthanded that Ace-chan's helping out?
Cater: Augh, Ace-chan's definitely trying to get me in his debt!
Cater: Gah! And Riddle-kun's on the verge of exploding? I'm on my way right now, Trey-kun, so try to calm him down for me!
Cater: I was just caught up in what could have been the biggest, most terrible crisis of this Halloween Week!
Cater: No, really! I'm not lying. Come onnn, don't be so cold to me, 'kay?
Cater: Alright, now that the Diasomnia fiasco has calmed itself down, time to get hyped again.
Cater: It'll be the same here, anyway. Once four years pass, we'll all go our separate ways. …Well, guess not if I get held back~
Cater: So, I gotta make sure I enjoy the "now" as much as I can!
Cater: I'm gonna rock this skeleton costume and scare everybody!
Cater: I'll show 'em all just how hard Cay-kun can go.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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aihoshiino · 1 year
chapter 128 thoughts!
a little late because i have been fighting for my life against sleepy bitch disease all week but HERE WE GO
Right off the bat, the little power level rankings for everyone are such a cute visual while also being a great way to quickly and immediately get across some super important and interesting info about everyone's capabilities going into the chapter. I won't comment on everything but there is some stuff I want to make a note of before going into things!
Ruby's acting skills being ranked as D and accordingly as her biggest weakness is pretty interesting. I was worried that might be left hanging but I'm glad to see the story continuing to acknowledge how much is riding on the movie's success and how Ruby's acting might not be able to bear that weight. That combined with One Other Thing really does have me start to seriously wonder if we won't have a lead actress switcharoo on our hands at some point in the future.
Melt's acting skill being ranked as B (the same level as Aqua, even!) made me go <3. He really has come such a long way from where he first started and the blood, sweat and tears he wrung out of himself during Tokyo Blade seems to have really paid off. Melt, my beloved!!!
Moving onto the chapter itself, I was really surprised to see Aqua playing Kamiki! I guess I shouldn't be with how hard that family resemblance has been played up but for some reason, I was really certain he was specifically playing Ryosuke, not Kamiki... I guess because it was originally stated he was 'the culprit'? Anyway, Aqua playing Kamiki is part of why I'm starting to wonder if either he or Ruby will end up backing out of their roles – having a pair of twin siblings play a real life couple who Definitely Fucked seems like the sort of things that uh, might put a dampener on the movie's intended reception, just from an in-universe perspective!
This chapter also finally gives us a name for the Crow Girl - Tsukuyomi! I felt SUCH a thrill when I saw her use that name because I had wondered last chapter if her pointed reference to the moon might be some indication that's who she was but at the time it felt like a stretch, so I didn't voice it. Gah, I should've put it in my chapter thoughts so I could be extra smug about calling it!
In general, I'm really surprised by how many of my long-term issues with OnK were specifically touched on in this chapter to a really eerily specific degree lol? But holy shit! Somebody actually acknowledging the huge bombshell of Aqua and Ruby's connection to Ai! Akane, specifically, finally fucking acknowledging that Ruby was also traumatized by her mother's death! Akane acknowledging Ruby exists at all!! Akane interacting with characters that aren't Aqua!!! Thank god!!!
I'm also becoming increasingly curious about the DVDs the kids saw. They're a pretty transparent retcon and I imagine we'll eventually see them for ourselves but I'm still itching to know wtf Aka was even cooking when he added them.
For all that was good about this chapter, though, I do have a pretty major issue with the way a lot of the emotional stuff is being skimmed over purely to not let the reader in on the content of the movie too early. This info isn't necessarily new to all the characters but there are some major bombshells about the culprit and Ai's relationship with him that we get no commentary on from the characters.
The biggest and most baffling missed opportunity here is Taiki, honestly??? Based on what Aqua says to him and the fact that Frill is going to be playing Airi Himekawa we can probably guess that her abuse of Kamiki will be laid bare in the movie. If that's the case then Taiki has just found out, possibly just from this fucking script, that his mother is a child rapist and he himself is a product of rape. The fact that we do not see any emotional response from him about this information beyond "that's on my mom you caught her slippin" genuinely fucking blows my mind! Completely insane!!! Was there really absolutely no space in the story for Taiki to have literally any time or room to process an incredibly traumatic dump of information like that???
that said, for my complaints... I won't pretend it didn't kick me in the gut to see Ruby all dressed up as Ai on that final page. Definitely her mom's daughter.
Break next week..........................................
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fnafsbheadcanon · 5 months
Bonnie bro: "Hey there beautiful! How was school?"
*Bonnie bro twirls Cassie up into a hug, making her giggle in the process*
Cassie: "It was good dad! I even saw Gregory!"
Bonnie bro: "Aww really? That boy from your birthday? That's great! Now c'mon, I only have half an hour 'till my lunch break ends-"
*Both Cassie and Bonnie bro start to approach Bonnie bro's car*
Bonnie bro: "-and you can do your homework in Faz-Pad. I'll give you some money in case you get hungry, okay darling?"
Cassie: "Okay!"
*Unknowingly to them, a young boy in a blue striped shirt is sulking, watching them as they leave*
Gregory: "..."
Gregory: (Man, I wish for somebody to twirl me up like that too... Cassie's lucky...)
*As they continue towards Bonnie bro's car, Cassie notices Gregory, who seems to be upset*
Cassie: "Hm? Gregory?"
*Bonnie bro turns, wondering what interested his daughter enough to stop*
Cassie: "Hey dad, can I talk to Gregory real quick? It'll be just fiveeee minutes. Please?"
Bonnie bro: "I don't know. I mean, you know how my job hates it when I'm late-"
Cassie: "-Please!!! Please please please please please please plea-"
*Cassie continues to tug on Bonnie bro, not stopping until he complied*
Bonnie bro: "-Okay! Okay! You little tornado! You're all over the place!"
*Cassie gives Bonnie bro a tight hug, to the point where he almost can't breathe*
Cassie: "Thank youuuuuuuu!!!!"
*Cassie quickly runs off while Bonnie bro, who's still shaken, makes sure to keep an eye on her*
Bonnie bro: "Just be quick! I don't have forever!"
Cassie: "Will do!!!"
Bonnie bro: (Gosh! Whatever I wouldn't do for this girl...)
*Gregory continues to sulk, not hearing the rapid footsteps coming to him at an alarming rate*
Gregory: "..."
Cassie: "Gregory!!!!!!"
Gregory: "Huh!?"
*Cassie jumps on him, capturing him in the same hug that she gave to her father*
Cassie: "Hey!!! How are-... you..?"
*Cassie stops in her tracks, now noticing that Gregory was crying*
Gregory: "I- I'm fine! Really! Nothing to worry about..! Totally!! Haha... ha..."
Cassie: "No you're not! Tell me what's wrong, please."
*Gregory doesn't answer, instead nods his head over to Bonnie bro and Cassie looks back, now realizing what's going on*
Cassie: "Oh... I'm sorry Gregory! I didn't see you so I didn't realize that-"
*Gregory perks up, realizing that Cassie is blaming herself for something that clearly wasn't her fault*
Gregory: "...No."
Cassie: "I didn't mean for that to happen so I- huh?"
Gregory: "No. You didn't do anything. Stop blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault."
Cassie: "But I- You're homeless! You don't have parents! How am I supposed to not feel guilty for having that when you're standing literally right there!?"
Gregory: "..."
*Both Cassie and Gregory are quite now, unsure what to tell each other*
Cassie: "I'm sorry..."
Gregory: "You're fine... Stop taking the blame. Whatever happened to me is unfortunate, but that doesn't mean you should be guilty for having something I don't. I'm just... Unfortunate, that's all..."
*Both are still silent, until Cassie comes up with an idea*
Cassie: "Hey Gregory."
Gregory: "What?"
Cassie: "I have an idea! How about you go join me and my dad over there to the PizzaPlex? He still has his shift, so we can go while he works. We can hang out in Faz-Pad, and order some food there while we work on homework!"
Gregory: "Really!? I- You'd do that for me!? But I don't even have money and-"
Cassie: "Don't worry. It's all on me."
Gregory: "But what if your dad won't like me?"
Cassie: "Won't like you? Pfft! Now that's the part where you'd be bluffing! He has been asking me questions about you non stop!"
Gregory: "I think he's doing that because I'm technically you're first friend, seeing as you never had friends before."
Cassie: "Well, true...- But still!!! Trust me, everything will be fine."
Gregory: "If you say sooaaAAHH-"
*As Gregory says that, he gets dragged by Cassie back to where Bonnie bro is, who's still waiting*
Gregory: "GAH!! I'm gonna puke! Never do that again Cassierole!"
Cassie: "Hey! Rude!"
Gregory: "Well you deserve it!"
Bonnie bro: "There you are! And here I thought I was gonna be late for work!"
*Both Cassie and Gregory perk up as Bonnie bro speaks, startled by a third voice interruptoling their bickering*
Cassie: "Hey dad, meet Gregory. Hey Gregory, meet dad."
*Bonnie bro and Gregory shake hands, finally able to meet one another*
Gregory: "Hey Cassie's dad. It's nice to meet you."
Bonnie bro: "Hey there little man! Nice to meet you too. How are you?"
Gregory: "Thanks! And I'm... Fine. Ya."
Bonnie bro: "Well, that's good to hear. Again, nice to meet you. Cassie has been taking about you non stop!"
Gregory: "Wait, really?"
Cassie: "Daddddd!!!!"
Bonnie bro: "What?"
Cassie: "Stop it! You're embarrassing me!!!!"
Gregory: "PFFT-"
*As Bonnie bro and Gregory giggle, much to the annoyance of Cassie, Bonnie bro realizes something*
Bonnie bro: "Actually, I think you should be heading home. Your parents might start to question where you are. Welp, I'm not gonna hold you back. You're free to go. Nice meeting you."
Gregory: "I-..."
*Cassie, sensing Gregory's destress, decides to change the topic before things escalate*
Cassie: "Ermmm, actually dad? Gregory and I were wondering if he can join us to go to the PizzaPlex! Would that be okay?"
Bonnie bro: "I mean, I wouldn't mind, but what about Gregory's parents?"
*Bonnie bro then turns to Gregory*
Bonnie bro: "Have you told your parents yet? I wouldn't want them to think that anything bad happened to you."
Gregory: "Ermmm, yeah actually..! I texted them if it would be okay for me to stay with you guys and they told me that it was okay as long as you're there, AND if I manage to finish my homework! Haha.."
*Bonnie bro questions Gregory's behavior, but doesn't dwell on it for long*
Bonnie bro: "Okay. But I wouldn't want you to stay there for too long. My shifts there are kinda... Over the top. I think Cassie told you that."
Cassie: "Yeah I did."
Gregory: "Yeah she did."
Bonnie bro: "Well kid, I'll try to ask for some free time, and if you remember your address, I can take you home, okay?"
*Gregory is shocked at Bonnie bro's behavior towards him, as many adults in his life so far have been nothybut cruel to him*
Gregory: "O-okay! Thanks!"
Bonnie bro: "Alright then. I'll try to take you home by 6pm. Now let's get moving, shall we? I really don't wanna be late-"
*Both Gregory and Cassie giggle at this as they climb into the car, with Bonnie bro reminding them to put on their seat belts and double checking if the did*
Cassie: "C'mon Gregory! That'll be fun! Maybe dad will let us try out a ride that hasn't been opened yet! That'll be so exciting!"
Bonnie bro: "Hey! Hold your horses there, Cassierole! I never said anything about testing new rides!"
Cassie: "Oh c'mon! Not you too!"
Gregory: "Wait. You call her that too!? Haha!"
Bonnie bro: "Yeah. She hates when we do that, doesn't she?"
*Bonnie bro and Gregory look back at an angry Cassie, much to their amusement*
Cassie: "Okay! Okay! I get it! Can we just go now!?"
Bonnie bro: "Hehe, okay."
*As the trio arrived at the PizzaPlex, much of what was promised happened. They ate at Faz-Pad while doing homework, and much to the dismay and surprise of Gregory, Cassie did indeed pay for the food. After they were done, they chatted a bit before deciding to go to Bonnie Bowl for some fun. By the time they finished bowling, much like Bonnie bro promised, he managed to convince his boss on a 1 hour break. Enough time to drive Gregory home and back. As they were leaving Bonnie Bowl, Bonnie bro decided to get Cassie and Gregory an ice cream as a little treat. With how much care Bonnie bro gave to Gregory, Gregory wondered that maybe not all adults are like that.*
Cassie: "Well, today was fun, wasn't it? I hope that we can meet again some other day!"
Bonnie bro: "Hey little man, enjoying your ice cream?"
Gregory: "Yeah! Thanks dad..."
*Both Bonnie bro and Cassie stop in their tracks and look back, making Gregory wonder what he just said until he fully registered what had just happened*
Cassie: "Did you just-!?"
Bonnie bro: "Hey! It's okay! It's not the end of the world!... Son..."
Gregory: "Huh!?"
*Bonnie bro giggles, finding it adorable that Gregory would think of him as his own*
Bonnie bro: "What? You think I wouldn't carry some humor? C'mon, we still need to get you home."
Cassie: "Awww!!! Gregory! That was adorable!!!"
Gregory: "No it wasn't I-"
*As Cassie gushers and Gregory continues to grumble in frustration, he grabs Bonnie bro's hand as they go through the main entrance of the Plex, with Gregory telling Bonnie bro that his house is near by Cassie's, and with Cassie 'confirming' this false statement. Gregory told Cassie to not tell her dad, to which she complied to since there was nothing she could do, and she didn't want Gregory to be stuck at a foster home, hearing horrible stories about how kids were mistreated there. So with that, Gregory was dropped off on a nearby curb, with having one thought in mind*
Gregory: (Maybe things weren't so bad after all...)
Anon this very wholesome. But I can't just laughing at Cassie's dad being Nicknames Bonnie bro and idk why.
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