#this isnt about anyone specific. maybe. cough
bonesrbleaching · 7 months
me: hey i wonder what the sanders sides fandom is up to these days
old tss mutual: SINCE WHEN IS THOMAS HOT
creator i idolized: i hate this fucking stupid youtube series i hope everyone who liked it or likes it dies in a thousand fires
artist who posts once every 4 months: hey guys here's just a sketch of remus lol *16000 notes*
person i blocked for being weird about it: welcome to rpf kinktober that im going to tag thomas sanders himself in for some reason
other old tss mutual: Normalize despising all canon characters and instead reducing them to the fanon interpretations. Also Patton is an abuser and is the worst character and if you like him you need to step back and think about how horrible you are.
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honeynclove · 5 months
noble bell npc hcs
me n @localanimeidiot’s hcs that we’ve been working on since like…. mid October 😭😭 sprite edits were done by us both
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robinette auclair - student council aide
transfem lesbian <3 18 NO IDEA what a student council aide does but I googled it and got… nothing! so in my mind she does what a treasurer does which is maintain financial records / work with the budget / plan fundraisers etc she lives close to the school in the city with her mother <3 they originally lived in a small town near fleur city when she was little and moved after the death of Robin’s father to be closer to family and so her mother could get a better job her mom either owns a local business or works high up in a big one and helps sponsor school events + taught Robin how to handle money properly and is partially why Robin got the treasurer spot very silly but also very competent has a gf based off of esmerelda ‼️ CANNOTTT flirt for shit tho. girl is NOT smooth she is very fashionable though :]
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august lavigne - student council vice president
transmasc 18 as well gay and in love with Rollo Flamme 🤢 idk it’s just a silly (not) unrequited crush he’ll probably get over it hopefully Lives in that same small town mentioned before, more specifically though it’s based on the town from beauty and the beast and we hc Vargas to be from there along with many ocs!! his family owns a small winery that dates back a few generations his family is HUGE tons of cousins aunts and uncles etc has a tooth gap and is insecure about it, covers his mouth partially when he laughs he had braces to fix it, but stopped wearing his retainer after and the gap came back his home is like… an hour drive from nbc so he stays in the dorms
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best friends !!!
were originally childhood friends when they were little they would play in the vineyards together <3 WERE HEARTBROKEN WHEN ROBIN HAD TO MOVE <//3 they don’t recognize each other when they meet again at NBC, but they do become fast friends one day one of them shows a childhood photo and the other goes… “HEY THATS ME” …/hj probably bc they were little still identified with their agab and added to the whole not recognizing each other thing attached at the hip it’s rare to see them without the other because robins family lives in the city she’ll go back to her home over the weekends instead of staying at the dorms and her mom insists August stays with them <3 her mom ADORES august rollo not so much Augusts family returns this kindness and invites Robin and her mom over during holiday breaks <3 overall very wholesome
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greenish-black hair? yellow eyes??? bird name???? potential history of deadbeat dadism?????? ( cough malleus cough ) MAYBE HER DAD ISNT DEAD /j 😭😭 I pinky promise Crowley isn’t her dad
if anyone actually read this who wants part two and three 😬😬 also I posted this unedited and unchecked so if there’s any errors do please ignore
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short-and-ugly · 2 months
here hold on im gonna make a thing no one besides me is gonna care about
skoodgeisms dependent on company:
skoodge with zim: fully open and way too eager (genuinely has fun, silly business) doesnt actually salute to zim, ive noticed. he respects him but i think that respect is the kind that puts them around the same level as each other. (doesnt mean skoodge Doesn't put zim on a figurative pedestal -- just that he sees him as more 'equal' than, say, the hobo sergeant or the tallest) funny little guy with funny little words :3
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(added the entire danceghost segment here because i love it dearly. look at him. panic boy ultimate. supreme.)
skoodge with irkens/irken-adjacent (squad sergeants/commanders/figures of authority): quick to salute fun words (hoo-ah) and out of place body/hand motions happen only when he gets in over his head/too excited. feels a lot more plain and "conformed" (as though attempting to fit in?)
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even with zim involved, skoodge is... kinda dramatic throughout hobo-13 in a way that he isnt in any of the unfinished episodes. like. serious-dramatic. trying too hard to be a stone-faced irken brute that he thinks everyone else thinks he should be.
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(Yes sir! I am your loyal- [gets his ass punted and sent careening down a cliff])
... kinda like how he is with the tallest during battle of the planets!
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(the dialogue is wrong in this transcript... anger >:( )
So Zim involvement does not override other-irken-company involvement, but it does override other-not-irken-company. so say, skoodge is with the other invaders on conventia during the assigning and zim walks up next to him -- he quickly and quietly backs away because that is a public space, and doing anything to imply that he might have somewhat of a cordial relationship with zim would put him on... hot burning coals. to put it lightly.
and when skoodge is with the hobos, he treats zim with respect, but that's because zim is the leader of the group -- skoodge is probably at least somewhat aware of the fact that the tallest (and others) are watching him right now. he is treating zim... a lot like a stranger. curt words and mostly not talking to him directly unless addressed or thinking his skillset might be useful to zim.
... at the end, though, you see some of his actual personality start to leak through!
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(Zim -- I escaped from the canyon -- I made it! I'm aLiiive! [immediately gets crushed by the sergeant])
(seeking validation -- he didnt need to come all the way out here, to say that to zim, specifically. he was still doing the test for the tallest the same as zim was, yes, but youd think if anyone knew to keep their mouth shut around zim for the sake of their own luck/lives/whatever, it would be skoodge. and yet! he doesnt!)
im feeling like... the adrenaline high from running through the entirety of the hobo-13 course, with a hogulus still chasing after him, probably made him a little excitable and lose his cool composure.
anyways that was a tangent. uh.
when skoodge is with other company. he is. awkward. (see: ghost scientist scene). though this is undoubtedly because of the situation (undercover during a supposed mission) hes still noticeably different from how he behaves on hobo-13! i think maybe this is just because earth is foreign territory that hes yet to learn. still thinks of it as a hazardous filthy wasteland of a planet with threats he hasnt properly assessed.
i think... if he were with company, not irken, and without the looming threat of being discovered and dissected (earth, humans, blorch, rats) then he would still be plain and awkward, honestly? kinda like sizzy when he fails to match zim's energy ('i wasnt laughing?') lots of ums and awkward silences and coughs and flies buzzing and crickets chirping.
hmmmm. yeah. good stuff <3
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madsfrank · 10 months
This isn't a request or anything just some thought sharing but I-
I'm kinda obsessed with the thought of Sole going to the glowing sea all alone. They couldn't possibly ask anyone else to come there with them, not when they know the risks. So they go alone. One night they and their companion go to sleep only for the companion to wake up alone with a note (or a holotape) next to them explaining where Sole had went, what they planned to do.
Sole knows it's near suicide to go there, alone or not, they won't let anyone but themselves to take that risk
The synths and robots aren't immune to deathclaws, the rest are at risk of radiation poisoning and deathclaws, and frankly they don't want to risk Hancock going feral just because they dragged him in there, so they go alone
Maybe the companions go after them only for them to get to the edge of the sea just as Sole is coming back
No, I absolutely agree with this idea. I’ll add that sole knows they have been exposed to the least amount of radiation. They have the best chance of walking out alive.
Now, the question is, does sole wear power armor? I’m gonna go with they do…cause it’s suicide in game if you don’t, lol.
Anyways…(idc if it’s not a request you’re getting your damn reaction lol)
Not including cods or strong or any of those guys bc this is more of a romance prompt sooo.
X6 also isnt included because he wouldn’t have met sole yet…so…
• Cait
Waking up…feeling that emptiness beside her that she was so used to…sole’s absence didn’t even alert her at first. She was so used to being alone.
Now, frantically, she searched around their shred room in sanctuary, before finding a holotape hidden between some detective cases on sole’s personal desk.
When she heard…in sole’s own voice say not to follow them…and that they love her…her breathing became shallow and fast.
Screw what sole says, they aren’t leaving her behind.
(Basically running like the flint Lockwood meme) she makes it to the edge of the Glowing Sea. She forgot most of her gear and was basically just clutching a few bags of radaway
Looking beyond the mess of fog and broken trees, she sees a massive form…
…more specifically the shape of power armor.
“Sole! You bastard!”
She’s crying as sole steps out of the power armor…collapsing onto the ground…coughing up blood and gasping for air.
She gladly tosses Sole all of her Radaway…basically pouring it down their throat.
When sole wakes up…against a tree nearby..Cait is punching their arm…asking them why…why they would leave alone…that there could have been another way.
Sole knows the truth though, it had to be them.
• Curie
In her new body…she was so used to sleeping next to sole…feeling their warmth…now gone suddenly.
She jolts awake, quickly feeling herself go cold…even colder when she saw the private note written to her.
She figured as much, she calculated it. They were gone…most likely out there…suffering or even…dead.
Quickly, she gathered a supply of stimpacks and radaway from their shared home and took off towards the Glowing Sea.
…seeing them…at the edge of the sea…collapsed next to a suit of power armor…she thought it might have been too late.
She wasn’t strong enough to draw them away by herself so she utilized the power armor
Once out of the danger zone, she began stimming them and inserting the Radaway into their veins.
Hearing them cough and moan in pain nearly broke her heart. She payed on top of them in exhaustion, having rested for the first time since she set out for them.
Sole will drag their arm over her form…thinking about all the pain they just put her through and having to remember that there was no other way.
…the only other way would’ve meant losing her.
And they just couldn’t risk that.
• Danse
Danse is a military man. Waking up alone had never bothered him before.
He didn’t wake up immediately. When he did awake, he didn’t even put together that sole had went to the Glowing Sea
But that damn holotape…
He wasn’t sad…he was angry…he could’ve grabbed a suit and followed him
He’s a damn synth he should be able to handle more radiation. He should…he…
Danse grabs a supply bag for himself and for sole before leaving their homestead.
The trek was long…but Danse prayed it wouldn’t be too long.
Reaching the edge of the glowing sea…he saw them. Their damn near lifeless form nearby a suit of tattered power armor
A deathclaw had gotten to it
“God no…no no no…sole…”
He easily carried them out of the irradiated area and into an abandoned home…laying them on a bed full of dried blood.
He felt them breathing and instantly got hit with adrenaline…he quickly gave them Stimpacks and Radaway. Then, he just sat nearby in silence and prayed silently to whatever deity would listen.
When they awoke..he’d be right there…his eyelids heavy but soles safety was much more important.
He’d never watch them die…never…not like this…
…he knew it would always be him first.
• Deacon
Being alone for so long…he wondered why he woke up so fast…noticing the warmth next to him gone.
“Christ, no”
He already knew though. He already knew…even without the handwritten note next to his pillow…
He couldn’t even bring himself to read it. He was so…upset? He basically threw it away.
He didn’t even try to make sense of his emotions as he gathered a heap of railroad supplies to track them down with.
His mind was racing with thoughts he couldn’t make sense of the whole trip…they couldn’t just leave him like this…even if it WAS because they cared.
Coming to the edge of the sea…he spotted them.
They were covered in blood…power armor long abandoned.
He wasn’t a hugger, but literally forced them into his arms…not even caring about how heavily irradiated they were.
Pulling them against him and out of the Glowing Sea, he applied what he brought with him…bringing them out of their pain and suffering.
“Don’t ever do that again…I…Dez…someone could have helped you…don’t leave me behind here.”
Sole had to go though…they knew they had the best chance…and they could risk loosing the only man in this whole damn wasteland with hope.
The only man…who they loved.
• Gage
He already knew when he woke up.
He knew sole was a damn hard head and this just proved it…
“Leaving alone to protect some damn raider?” He said aloud as he read sole’s note to him.
He was pissed that sole would not take him with them…he could have protected them…
It’s not even worth it to go out there alone…there has to be another way…there just had to be…
He’d gather up a few supplies before storming off…prepared to give sole a earful
However…when he found them…laying in the dirt face down…his expression shifted.
“Shit…hey, boss?”
He’d soon try to focus on their faint breathing before hurriedly giving them Stimpacks and Radaway to ease their pain.
He then prop them up and take them in a tight grip
“Sole, you idiot…let me go with you…I’m just a raider…I’m expendable…your not”
Sole would shush him before trying to convince him that it had to be them…
But sole knew Gage would never believe them…because sole knew that gage really cared…
…maybe he was the only one that did.
• Hancock
Hancock’s late-night jet trip kept him asleep well after sole left.
Waking up, he didn’t register the fact they had gone. When it did though..he felt more hurt than when he started becoming a ghoul.
The holotape only made things worse.
Gathering up what little supplies they kept within their home, he took as much as he could carry and began the not-too-far hike to the Glowing Sea.
They were collapsed against a tree…breathing shallow enough they could have been mistaken as dead.
Luckily they were already out of the high amounts of radiation.
He gave them much needed care, as much as a man like him could figure out how to do without needing an actual doctor.
“Don’t you dare do that to me again, sunshine. Now I’ve gotta haul your ass to a doctor”
Truthfully, he understood why they left without him…he could go feral.
But that doesn’t mean they should have gone alone.
Sole had never been happier to see him, but they felt that familiar pang of guilt. They knew they had to be the one…so why…why did seeing hancock’s expression hurt them so much?
After a while of Hancock just holding them close, he looked up at them:
“Your the only damn thing I care about…don’t go taking off on me now”
There was that smile…that damned smile
And soon, all their pain felt small again.
• Maccready
Maccready was a very, very light sleeper. Duncan being young and his past trauma made sure of that.
It’s a wonder he didn’t catch sole climbing out of bed before they left…but seeing as how well they knew him…they also knew how to stay quiet.
He played that damn holotape on loop and could believe anything that he was hearing.
He felt…hurt and..betrayed? He didn’t know.
He was always open with how he was willing to walk to the ends of the earth with sole.
But…he knew in his heart that they were more well equipped…
“Don’t think like that!”
Shaking off the fact that they may have been right to go alone, he gathered supplies and began his own way to the glowing sea…and being a traveler himself…made it in record time.
…oh god…
They were covered in blood and laying at the edge of the Sea.
He didn’t know a damn thing about wound-tending…and he all he could think about was how they were gonna die…how it was gonna be Lucy all over again and then he’d be alone…
His mind found his hands already getting to work on half-assedly patching the love of his life up. Hitting them with Stimpacks and Radaway as needed.
His eyes would lock with theirs:
“Don’t do this to me, beautiful…don’t you dare…I..”
Sole would shush him and draw him into a hug. Holding him tight and near sobbing into his shoulder.
“Never again…never..don’t do that, sole”
But sole would do it., again and again, if it meant keeping Mac out of danger.
• Nick
They had stayed over at the agency, Nick had awoken in the middle of the night, per usual as he really didn’t sleep…only to find them gone.
The handwritten note…
Oh boy…just them he knew what happened
“Trying to protect an old bot like me, huh?”
It’s not like he could very well be upset, he’d have done it for them…he was…going to do it for them.
Deathclaws ran wild out in the Glowing Sea…and he knew sole was just trying to protect them as they had the only set of power armor.
However, Nick was worried, very worried. So, he gathered up supplies from Ellie and took of to the Glowing Sea.
When he made it to the edge of the green-hazed air, he saw sole limping back through the thick fog.
“Sole! Over here!” Nick called, praying they would hear.
They did hear.
Nick then would catch them in his arms…not minding the blood from their clawed leg on his coat.
He gently applied a Stimpack followed by his Radaway supply.
“Don’t you go getting yourself killed. I’ve been out here a lot longer, I would have gone instead of you.”
Sole just nods into his shoulder, smiling.
Nick meant it too, he’d do anything for sole.
• Piper
Piper was used to sleeping with one eye open. This was because of Nat. If something ever happened to her…Piper would be listening.
So it’s no surprise that she felt sole’s absence in their shared bed.
She’d call sole’s name to no response and would quickly become frantic.
“Blue…where are ya blue?”
Again…no response. That’s when she’d find the holotape and play it.
Without thinking she’d grab the supplies she had available and would make her way to the Glowing Sea…hoping she would make it in time.
Upon reaching the edge of the green hellhole, she’d see sole, decked out in the remaining pieces of power armor.
Sole would basically fall out of the suit upon seeing the familiar red trench coat. However, the were to weak to stand and embrace her.
Piper would do the rest. Giving sole need medical care and telling them that they were safe.
“Don’t do that to me…please…you and Nat are all that I have left”
Sole knew it wouldn’t be the last time they pulled something stupid…after all, they had a son to find and someone to protect.
• Preston
Preston wakes up at the crack of dawn pretty much so he quickly would realize sole’s absence… and immediately knew why they were gone.
Preston is a very emotionally open man with sole and sole alone. So he actively discussed the trip to the glowing sea with sole the night before.
This was all to sole brushing off the question with “we can talk about it later”
He knew that they didn’t want him to worry about him…but he did worry…in fact he was rather upset that they had up and left…leaving only a note behind explaining what they planned on doing.
He’d silently curse, leaving sanctuary with all the supplies he could muster as he headed out into a cold, early morning
Along the trip, he began to think about his emotions…he was upset and worried, yes, but…
Anyone else would have made him go…the settlers would have…but sole…
They cared.
Upon reaching the wide open area before the Glowing Sea…he saw sole tending to their broken power armor
They would greet him…before coughing and nearly collapsing.
To that, Preston would apply Stimpacks and Radaway.
“Sole…babe…I know you want to keep me safe and I’m so..very grateful for that…for you…but please, next time, wake me at least?”
Sole agreed to his surprising light terms with tears in their eyes.
Preston knew sole, they weren’t gonna stop caring. They needed to do everything they could to find their son…he just hoped next time the would communicate better.
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Hi, i was wondering if you could write a fic in which (criminal minds) reid is really sick and hes late into work and so morgan goes to check on him and finds him glassy eyed and confused, he probably dosent realise hes late so morgan takes care of him and thinks about all the times reid as a kid would have had to take care of himself and like times he shoukd probably have been in the hospital but his mom couldnt take him because of the scitzophrenia (sp?) And so he isnt used to being taken care of and gets really confused as to everything morgan is doing (like morgan puts his hand on his forhead to measure his fever and reid is really confused and dosent understand why he is doing it or why he is there at all.) Sorry if thats too specific and feel free to take your own liberties, just thought it would be interesting and i think it would work great from the writing of yours i have read. <3 thank you.
Thanks for the prompt! Hope it was what you were looking for. I'm not even gonna apologize for how long this took to get out lol. This is just who I am. I will probably never change. But I appreciate that some of you still care enough to send me prompts.
CW: Canon typical mentions of k*illing and unsubs. Very brief.
Maybe Tomorrow Will Be Better
Spencer Reid was asleep on his couch when he was awakened by a knock at the door. At first he was very confused to find himself on the couch at all, since he wasn't the type to fall asleep in places that weren't his bed. It all came flooding back, though, when pain seared through his throat as he tried to swallow. Right on cue, his head started to throb and a chill raced its way up his spine– of course. He was sick. Had been for a while. He'd been asleep on the couch for a while, too. At least a day, he thought. Time was foggy ever since the fever kicked in. 
The person on the other side of the door knocked again, making Spencer jump. He'd almost forgotten about them. He got his feet underneath himself and stood, shuffling to the door with a chesty cough. The nuisance that had started it all. He'd really been hoping he wouldn't need breathing treatments this time, but it was seeming more and more inevitable, as the cough was getting worse, not better. 
At last he reached the door and unlocked it, swinging it open, too tired to bother with his usual safety rituals. If an unsub was going to kill him, today he'd go down without a fight, awful as he felt. 
But of course it wasn't an unsub. It was Derek Morgan, which was somehow even more unbelievable. 
"Morgan? What are you doing here?" Reid croaked, his voice only a husk of what it usually was. 
"I was going to ask you the same question, kid. But I can see the answer for myself." Morgan quickly assessed his teammate, from the disheveled hair to the fever flush over his cheeks, to the way he clutched the doorway for support, trembling faintly. He'd never seen anyone looking more sick. "Still, you should've called someone. We were all waiting for you, and we got worried when your phone was turned off."
"Waiting where? Where was I supposed to be?" Reid asked groggily, panic rising in his chest.
"... At the bureau? Just like every Monday?" Morgan said with a worried frown.
"Wait, it's already Monday?" Reid's eyes widened as he ran a shaking hand through his hair. "I– I thought it was only Sunday…." His breath began to whistle in his chest in panic. 
Now it was Morgan's eyes that widened. He reached out to clasp Spencer's shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, hey, take it easy kid. It's okay. No harm, no foul. It happens. Everyone misses things when they're sick. Calm down."
Reid sagged weakly against the door frame now, too tired now to support his own weight. "I don't miss things. I can't miss things," he mumbled, barely audible. 
Morgan's eyebrows furrowed. "C'mon, let's get you back to bed. You need to lie down."
"I can get there myself," Reid muttered. He pushed himself off the door frame and shuffled over to collapse onto his makeshift bed, heaping the blankets back over himself with a miserable cough. 
Without hesitation, Derek followed him in and perched on a chair across from him. "Do you need anything? Water, medicine?"
"I've got it under control," Spencer said huskily. "You can go, Morgan. Give the team my apologies. I'll be back to the office as soon as I can. Hopefully tomorrow."
"You're not going anywhere like this," the other agent said. "You can barely stand, man. Have you been to the doctor?"
"Haven't gotten that far yet. I will today if it doesn't start to clear up," Reid managed around a yawn.
"I'll take you right now. I can already see this isn't going to clear up on its own." Morgan stood quickly. "What can I grab for you? The sooner we go, the better." 
“You don’t have to grab anything for me. I can handle this on my own.” 
Spencer’s frustration was evident, weakened though it was behind the sickness and fatigue, but instead of being annoyed by his stubbornness like he usually would have been, Morgan’s heart softened further. He sat back down on the chair, scrutinizing the other man. 
"I guess you're pretty used to doing the sick day thing by yourself, aren't you?" Morgan said slowly. "Not me. My mom wouldn't let us lift a finger if we had even a little cold. I kinda like being taken care of when I'm sick, so I guess I assume everyone else feels the same way." 
Spencer was quiet for a long time. So long, Derek wondered if he fell back asleep, until he coughed long and hard. 
"My mom… couldn't do that kind of stuff. I'm used to taking care of myself," Reid finally croaked. 
Morgan nodded. "I get that. But I gotta wonder… your mom would have taken care of you when you were sick like this if she could have, right?"
"Of course!" Reid said indignantly. "Of course she would have. It was just her mental health. She didn't have the capacity back then." 
"Exactly. Because everyone wants to make sure the people they care about are taken care of. Sickness brings that out in all of us. That's why I'm still sitting here right now, and why I'm taking you to the doctor before I leave. I care about you, Reid. That, and my mama taught me everyone should get a little extra attention when they're sick." 
Instead of replying, Spencer broke into another harsh coughing fit. In no time he was struggling to breathe, so Derek rushed to his side and helped him sit up with a gentle arm behind his shoulders, holding him up until the coughing subsided. Even when he was quiet, though, the hectic flush lingered on the sick man's face, and the dizzy look in his eyes worried Derek. Before he could second guess himself, Morgan pressed a broad palm to the younger man's forehead. 
From under his hand, Reid gave him a confused look. "What did you do that for?" the doctor asked after Morgan pulled his hand away. 
"Haven't you ever had anyone feel you for a fever before?" came the reply. 
"If you wanted to check my fever, you should have used a thermometer. That would be far more accurate than your hand," Reid said, still clearly confused. 
Morgan chuckled. "You may know more than me about a lot of things, Reid, but there's some things I'll need to teach you about being taken care of when you're sick. Now let me help you up and find you a coat so we can take you to urgent care. That is the nastiest cough I've ever heard."
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spikedru · 2 years
darla for character ask <3
favorite thing about them i love a good evil femme fatale shes so pretty and haughty and also she does care deeply she just cant ever let herself show that bc she has to be above it all in order to be seen as strong and shes so pretty and you know she has such a history shes 400 years old for gods sake i love her
least favorite thing about them that she died </3 in the literal worst way possible specifically designed to piss me off
favorite line of course GOD DOESNT WANT YOU BUT I STILL DO hits like a pound of bricks to the face but i also always think of 'i promise not to throw anyone out of the car..... at least while its moving' while shes going into fucking labor its so funny. ALSO i think its when she is talking to lindsey about angel and shes like 'do you know what he and i are now?' and lindseys like "enemies?' and darla says 'oh no.... much worse.... we're soulmates.' and has this tragic little laugh miss benz i think about that constantly.
brOTP darla/dru .......... girls night girls night girls night *coughs up blood* girls night. also the idea of darlaspike being the mean bitchy blondes of the family and bonding over that is rly funny like darla is very much the haughty thinks shes above it all kind of bitchy to him but as soon as spike snarks back at her shes like. hm. okay this one is fine he can stay
OTP dangel in the most fucked up twisted evil messy exes type of way
nOTP it has been so long since ive watched ats but i hate the idea of lindsey/darla like lindsey get away from herrrrr get a jobbbbb
random headcanon i like the idea of in fics that darla would sometimes meet up with and check in on spike and dru after angel leaves them. like not often. maybe a few times every few decades. but enough to be like. okay. theyre still find. theyre okay. bc angel v pointedly tries to avoid all of them but darla, if she hears about something happening with descriptions of spike n dru she'll try to find them and in her standoffish way reassure herself theyre fine.
unpopular opinion i know its probably not unpopular but i hate mystical pregnancy soooooo soso so soos os so fucking much it makes my blood boil and to have a strong interesting femme fatale vampire taken down and DYING from a pregnancy to forward the destiny of just some guy ??? infuriating i wish there could have been a way that like. either dont have her die in fucking childbirth or find a way to make her infected with some semblance of a soul in order to kick start a kind of redemption arc for her. also if you are going to try and redeem her, DYING IN CHILDBIRTH ISNT THE WAY TO GO ABOUT IT GOD FUCKING SHIT
song i associate with them ohh im not sure but at least sound wise i think two shots of happy one shot of sad by nancy sinatra feels like a vibe for her and the first one i thought of
favorite picture of them
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shes pretty !!!! i lov u darla
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We meet again? Boy wonder.
tags: No smut, more or less fluff but not pathetic fluff, gender isnt specified because im nb and that would be hypocritical.
‘ My my, retired the robin attire Mr Grayson?’
Dick Grayson attempted to break himself out of the restraints he woke up in.

An hour or so before, Dick Grayson was thoroughly enjoying a cup of whiskey, the amber liquid shining in the lights of his kitchen.
He done this often after your sudden disappearance, your apartment completely empty and your workplace haven’t heard much either.
Yet now, here you both were, him tied by rope onto one of his smaller chairs, trying to look at whoever had put him in such a situation.
‘ What? You don’t remember me now?’ You asked with a more deadpan tone, his eyes widening as he looked at you. You’ve certainly changed.
Unlike your original, loose fitting black ‘work’ attire which consisted of a long leather jacket, black doc martens and various gun holsters, you wore a tight-fitting white suit that also contained a hood which drooped over most of your forehead and maybe even your eyes.
‘ H-How did you get into my apartment?’ He wondered with furrowed brows, now deciding to not wriggle against his current restraints seeing as though it was only you.
Your question caused you to laugh, now removing the white mask that covered your mouth, even taking out your white eye contacts.
‘ Out of all the things you’d ask me after all these months- you ask about how I got here?’ You arched your brow as you spoke, finally making eye contact with Grayson after many months.
His lack of response had said enough, he was still fairly adamant to know how you got here. Understandable.
‘ You gave me a spare key when we first started talking more, insisted on me popping in to check on you’
‘ Yeah I meant check- not smoke up my house and tie me up’ he almost exclaimed, looking up at you as you stepped closer towards him.
‘ My my, we meet again boy wonder, you miss me at all?’ You asked with your signature smile, finally allowing yourself to be off guard seeing as though you left a broken bottle of whiskey right next to his chair.
‘ I’d be lying if i said i didn’t’ He admitted with a slight smile, his auburn eyes transfixed on you with admiration.
You carefully took your white brass-knuckled gloves off, revealing the new scars that decorated your fingers, causing Grayson’s eyes to widen.
‘ What happened? and could you get me out of these restraints for god sake?’ He inquired, both eager and concerned. Willingly, you cut him out of the multiple ropes you tied him in.
‘ Sorry about the ropes boy wonder, I wanted to surprise you’
‘ You certainly did’
Once Grayson was fully released, he aggressively pushed you into him, hugging you with a breath of relief.
‘ I thought you fucking died’ He admitted, your mouth curling into a slight smirk as you bit your lip at his words.
‘So you really did miss me, I mean I was told you even came to my work place Grayson’ You relayed to him, his eyes averting from yours in embarrassment.
Not listening to any muttering he may have shared, you slowly walked around his house, observing the pictures he had placed around his house, eventually getting up to a large board about your disappearance.
‘ Went all FBI on me? Jesus you could’ve just waited’ You almost laughed, leaning back on your leg as you crossed your arms, Dick Grayson eventually walking towards the board in referral.
Scanning the board diligently, you came across the various ‘villains’ and anti heroes you’ve ever come across in your career- post it notes with words in annotations surrounding their pictures.
‘ Did you interrogate all of these guys? Do you want me killed?’ You asked, turning to his direction, his posture almost nonchalant at your questions/complaints.
‘ It was a last resort’ He admitted, causing you to role your eyes before going back to his half drank glass of whiskey.
‘ What’s the drink for? I was just gonna sleep on your couch to surprise you but I saw you were awake- mind telling me what you were doing?’, Your words caused Grayson’s eyes to wonder around vigorously, almost as if he was dreading the question.
‘ Thinking’ He answered dismissing any excess discussion, in which you continued regardless.
‘ About what? you know you can talk to me Grayson’, your face softened, an expression that Grayson hadn’t gotten the privilege to see in what seemed like forever.
‘ I was thinking of you’
‘ As you do.’
‘ I thought you were in serious shit, and by the look of your eye-bags and scarred knuckles you clearly have been’ He stated, taking his hand in yours in order to look at the scars dusted across them.
‘ Had some unfinished business’
You removed your hand from his, opening the lid to a bottle of red wine.
‘ In Gotham’ You added on before taking a swig of wine; not caring enough to pour it into a glass. Grayson was displeased by your words, eyes narrowing in slight disappointment.
‘ What? with who?’ Grayson asked with almost wide eyes, hands now placing themselves on his hips.
‘ You aren’t going to like what I’m saying, and I’m letting you know that it was because I had to’ You disclaimed, tone breathy as you built courage to say the name.
‘ I don’t care- just who?’ Dick asked with furrowed brows, curiosity occupying him.
‘ Deadshot’ You spoke with a sigh, eyes closing as Grayson began to speak.
‘ What? Do you know how dangerous that man is? Are you asking to be killed?’ He whisper shouted due to the time at night.
‘ It was his daughter okay, she was in danger and I owed him a few favours’ You excused, hearing an almost disappointed sigh.
‘ Listen, as long as you’re alright and have no loose ends- you’re okay’
‘ About that- I may or may not had been arrested at some point’
Grayson’s eyes widened, if it wasn’t for the time he would’ve shouted his head off; but you could already tell that he was fucking pissed.
‘ I know I know it was only for interfering with evidence alright God- It’s why I was out for so long and so off radar’ You admitted, now taking your nth swig of wine.
‘ I could’ve bailed you out’ He spoke confidently, surprised at your un-caring response.
‘ No need, Mr Bruce did that for me’ You admitted again, Graysons eyes widening more than you thought was possible.
‘ What?? Is it on your record?’ He asked almost fully pissed off, his longing for you almost sugarcoating the severity of his tone.
‘ Nope, didn’t have the chance to install it before Mr Wayne came to my rescue’ You answered, tone slightly impressed.
‘ So that’s where you got the suit? Alfred whip that one up for you?’ He asked, eyes scanning you up and down in which you grabbed his shoulder tightly and said;
‘ I know you like it, and yeah he did’ You answered in a low tone, looking down at yourself even more impressed than when you first got it.
‘ Fairly impractical for a vigilante like you, don’t you think?’ He asked, brows contorted in both amusement and confusion.
‘ Right, also about that- I’m off that kinda shit now, thought i’d take up your offer about helping you and the others out’
And with that, Nightwing’s face almost lit up like a flashlight, a genuine smile painted across his face.
‘ You’re fucking with me’ He almost shouted, you having to cover his mouth as you nodded.
You hadn’t expected Grayson to be as happy as he was, let alone even keep you here for as long as he was.
Realising his boyish excitement, he coughed to recollect himself.
‘ So could you explain the scars on your hand?’ He asked, now confidently taking your hand in his and holding it up to his face.
‘ Got into a bad bad bar fight, little did i know the guy had a knife’
Truth be told, you had no clue of the pocket knife in that man’s hand.
After a few moments of observation, Grayson raised his hand in order to lower your hood, your eyes narrowing at the contact.
‘ What on earth are you doing’
Unlike the last time Grayson saw you, your hair was a redder tint that suited you more than he anticipated.
‘ Nice hair’
‘ Why thank you.’
With a swallow, you observed the time on the clock in his dining room, now deciding to leave.
‘ It’s getting late, I should probably get myself to the motel downtown’ You dismissed, now collecting all your belongings from his couch and countertop.
As you began to leave, Grayson decided against letting you go, now stopping you by pushing on the door, leaving you no choice but to turn around.
However when you did finally pivot to face him, his expression was almost disheartened.
‘ Don’t think you’re leaving to some shitty motel, not tonight’
‘ So where would you rather me stay? back in Gotham?’
‘ Stay here. With me’
And you did just that.
A/n: if theres anything specific anyone may want let me know because summer break is so damn boring
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astrologgeek · 3 years
*coughs* fair warning this is kinda big and I always have this feeling like I'm doing something wrong, so if I did do anything wrong, please tell me ;-; My brain isn't really all that good sometimes
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS :o This is huge im so happi ;;-;; dont mind that i said happi and then the sad face, its just how i work Sooo, five things I want you to do with your blog:-
1) Definitely more of astro stupid. I've only gotten one taste of it BUT I NEED MORE. 2) Maybe make a masterlist with everything ordered? :o ( Totally not bullshitting through with these five things) 3) this may be entirely personal (because im just that selfish LOLOL) but plis talk to meh more ;;-;; U seem funny and genuinely nice ;;-;; I'm lonely gorl ;;-;; 4) Maybe more astrology observations? :0 I haven't seen much of em from you and I'd really like to know all that you've observed. But then again maybe you have and it got drowned in all the other posts this is where the masterlist idea comes in woooooooo 5) This isnt really for the blog, but specifically you. I want you to uh take a lil promise, just between us two peeps. If you ever feel overwhelmed and need to take a break, i want you to do it. With gaining followers and stuff I've seen the load of work tightens up too. And damn these blogs overwork themselves so much :o So just keep good okay? hugs
Oop, now that the serious business is done, I'll stop my brain from thinking too much to the point it fails i still need to do math so i cant let it get used up much ;;-;; Five placements or aspects in my natal chart...hmm.
1) Cancer mars, Pisces venus, Aries mercury have been nominated for astro stupid, i fucking love that series and I need to have something in it. Its like love at first read ;-; 2) Sun sextile mars, I would like to know more about this and by more I mean anything because i dont know jackshit about it 3) astro meme for mars in first house because it needs to be made fun of :P
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⚠️I do not give any permission to anyone reading this post to re-post my content nor plagiarize it. This content belongs to me and myself only @astrologgeek ⚠️
1. That's 100% ok like why wouldn't it be?? Ur really sweet, thank u so much ❤🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕
2. THANK U I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH :)) I'm reqlly happi too 💕
3. Answering ur suggestions:
1) Yes ofc I will!!
2) Already did - but u already know that so thank u for motivating me love :))
3) GORL I'M ALWAYS HERE IF U WANNA TALK JUST DM ME!! + Ur not selfish thar doesn't even makes sense!!
4) I know that I can make observations but I actually don't want to ^^ I think that if I have my personal unique thoughts Instead of posting them I'll let them out in my readings and make them even more unique ❤
5) Ur so sweet 🥺💕💕💕 I WILL, AND THAT'S A PROMISE ❤❤❤ hugs
1. In the draft ^^
2. SUN SEXTILE MARS: this aspect gives an easy ego/core personality-anger relationship as sextile is an easy aspect that gives the chart owner much energy, they might be very energetic or know how to channel their energy / anger / motivation into their self-expression. Their self expression works very well here, this person might be charismatic and have great masculine energy that fits well to their ego (depends on the actual placements tho) - might even feed it sometimes so be conscious about these. Sports might be very helpful or easy to you or at least able to help you with expressing yourself ^^ your relationship with men and father might be excellent! You may find it even easier to hand out with men and be around masculine energy. Sex to you might be very authentic and fun, your core-self doesn't seem to have a problem with sex, a thing that personally might bring you enjoyment ^^ but again, it mainly depends on the placements and houses and degrees - and specifically to the enjoyment part? Check if ur mars creates an easy aspect to jupiter. This is my personal analyzation of the aspect - so take my words with a grain of salt ^^
3. in the draft :))
Have an amazing day baby ❤❤❤ your memes will be posted in 2 days 😋💕💕
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tw, slight mentions to suicide, manipulation, (specifically dream’s manipulation), slight violence and/or murder, and curse words
even though techno said sbi (as a family) isnt canon, im still gonna head canon it, because he said that was okay
so, here we go *takes deep breath*
im literally obsessed with how strong sbi is. i mean, of course theyre hilarious and tommy’s a child, but other than that... god damn.
starting off, we have techno, of course. and hes super strong just by himself. (TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD)
then, we have philza. angel of death. killza. he’s insanely strong. like, god.
then, wilbur. wilbur isnt physically strong, but he was always a leader. he started an entire country, for hells sake. he’s smart, a leader, and doesn’t give up. (he also went insane and died, but we dont talk about that)
im gonna think of ghostbur as this kind of seperate entity. (cause he kind of is) ghostbur isnt inherently strong, but no one would ever want to hurt him. hes nice.. a little too nice. now, forgive me if im overthinking here, i feel as if ghostbur might be hiding something. apparently, a few days ago ghostbur joined the server with a new skin, a skin with large goatlike horns.... hmm... little sus...
and, then, of course, tommy. tommy, tommy. the only person dream’s scared of. at the current moment in time, hes super confused. he keeps thinking that dream’s still his friend, and upon seeing the final control room his first instinct was to run back to dream, his abuser. but, techno’s taking care of him right now. hopefully techno can get tommy back on his feet and then they can become a great team.
another thing about philza, he doesn’t really have any allegiance to any country, (*cough* lmanberg *cough*), and he mostly only has allegiance to techno, wilbur, and tommy. aka, sbi. he also recently revealed that he doesn’t think that tubbo isnt actually doing a great job at being president. so, what does this mean for sbi? that once phil gets out of house arrest hes probably gonna go live with techno, tommy, and wil.
oh, lord, am i excited for that.
oh lordy lord lord
im so hungry
what was i doing
oh yeah sbi
anyways, moving on from the immense power in that group,,, um tubbo? i like tubbo
he really cool
i mean, i really dont like the way hes ruling lmanberg right now, but before that he was awesome
i think a lot of pressure was put on him when he became president, especially because he didnt ask to be president and he didn’t even run for president.
and, since everyone else in the cabinet is being more controlling, (possible glatt possestion?), tubbo is seeming less and less like a president as everyone else starts making more decisions than the legit president.
so, i think that exiling tommy wasn’t only a plea for peace, it was also to show that hes the president, that hes in charge and he makes the decisions.
but, sadly he just lost his best friend
also, obviously dream is so bent on controlling tommy because tommy doesnt do what dream says. tommy does what he wants to, what he thinks is best, what he thinks will help his friends.
so, when dream manipulated tommy, and tommy kind of broke, dream thought he finally had him. he had gotten tommy, the uncontrollable hero, under his control.
but, when tommy made the room, dream used that as first; a sign that tommy wasnt completely under his control and second; a way to manipulate tommy even more.
but, that, (at least i think), is when tommy realized that something was wrong.
sitting on that wooden tower, looking at the blown up logsted he realized that... maybe dream isnt his friend.
i honestly cant wait for tommy and tubbo to make up with each other, though.
i really miss the consistent content that they made with each other, and i miss when it was “tommy and tubbo vs dream”
another thing, after wilbur blew up lmanberg, tommy kept saying, “its me and you vs dream,” which i think is kind of ironic. both of them agreed that even before lmanberg, before wilbur, before everything, it was tommy and tubbo against dream. they were best friends and they had a common enemy.
then, they both seperately went to dream for help. tubbo becoming dream’s “ally” while plotting to kill him and tommy being manipulated into being dream’s friend.
obviously, the manipulation isnt tommy’s fault though.
back to more sbi themes
i literally live for how good techno is being to tommy rn
like, literally, he hid tommy from dream, protected him from mobs without a thought, let him live in his house, gave him armor and weapons, and when tommy saw the final control room he said, “its fine, it doesnt take one day to heal,” and got tommy out of there.
tommy’s still a little bitch tho
anyways, tommy’s first response to the final control room was that he wanted to go find dream. this is how manipulators and abusers work. they make you think that you need them, and so when anything bad happens you want to fall back onto them, and that’s what tommy had been doing for the past few weeks, so of course his first thought is, “where’s dream? i need dream.”
luckily, though, techno was there to help him through it, and i just think thats neat.
and, isnt it funny that a sixteen year old minecraft player is representing manipulation and mental illness better than most movies? hmm....
maybe now we can have some incorrect quotes OwO
(im sorry i never want to do that again but i was on a call with a friend and she told me to do that im so sorry god i feel so guilty i hate that i hate is so much i want it to die im so sorry for putting you through that omfg im so sorry)
phil: tubbo.. where’s tommy? tubbo, knowing that tommy is trying to light techno’s house on fire: who’s tommy? phil:
wilbur: tommy, i hate you. you are so annoying, not funny at all, and the worst child ever. you disgrace every other normal child with your weirdness. tommy: wilbur, to literally anyone else: im so proud of tommy and how far hes come. that kid, hes so funny, i dont know how the world will be ready for tommyinnit. he makes great content, and deserves all of the attention that hes got.
techno:  butcher army: im gonna kill technoblade. techno: butcher army: yeah, you are so dead, techno. you better count your days. techno: butcher army: *starts attacking techno* butcher army: *almost gets killed by techno*
thats all i have for now! *fades out of existence*
/rp of course
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song-tam · 3 years
Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz Suffering from Hanahaki Disease
A/N: I just love making my characters suffer, don’t I... but it’s okay, suffering characters are wonderful things. I never thought I could do angsty headcanons, but well, here we are! And, also, this isn’t ship-specific, so you can imagine whatever character you want for these guys to be pining over.
Warnings: Hanahaki, coughing/hacking/throwing up (flowers), death, mentions of dying, mentions of surgery, just full out angst, I think that’s it but let me know if there’s anything else I should tag
The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient’s throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to ‘disappear’ is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can’t be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love). The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals.
~Sophie Foster~
Sophie had no idea what was happening when it happened
After growing up with humans
She didn’t really know much about elven diseases (shh let’s pretend hanahaki’s an elf thing)
So she was very confused when she started coughing up petals 
Maybe something the gnomes had fed her was causing this?
Edaline walked in on her hacking up petals and went pale
Not her daughter, it couldn’t be
But it was 
Sophie started panicking when she noticed Eda holding back tears
And Edaline quickly explained what Hanahaki was
Oh boy was Sophie freaking out then
It was an absolute mess
Edaline and Grady told her about the surgery she could do
It would remove the petals from her lungs and save her
But it would also remove Sophie’s feelings, make her go numb
Sophie accepted
Because it was clear that they’d never love her back anyway
~Keefe Sencen~
Keefe had never really thought he’d ever have Hanahaki
To be honest, he didn’t believe in love 
Not after watching his parents being so distant with each other
And watching them be so cruel to him, his son
So maybe he’d date a few people 
But it would never be anything serious 
Until he met them
He just kept falling harder and harder for them
Keefe knew it was a risky game 
He should’ve shoved them out of his life when he realized he loved them
But he was reckless and weak and couldn’t let them go
And now he was alone in his room, hacking up flowers, their favorite flower
Keefe debated hailing Elwin, maybe he could get the surgery
But he decided against it 
He was still weak and he didn’t want to let go of his feelings 
“I wasn’t worthy of their love anyway.”
Keefe just laid on his bed, coughing flowers, until his last dying breath
~Fitz Vacker~
Fitz had never paid much attention to Hanahaki
In his opinion, the whole idea was bullshit 
Like, what? Why would you fall for someone who didn’t love you too? Was that possible?
Well, it was, and now he’d fallen for a person who thought of him as a friend 
Fitz was paying the price for his stupid feelings 
It had started when he was eating breakfast with Biana 
In the middle of his food he suddenly was hacking up hydrangeas
Biana shrieked and the gnomes and bodyguards came running
His sister was sobbing and Grizel was trying to stay calm and Woltzer was hailing Elwin and everything was just a blur
He’d do the treatment, he decided
Even if it meant he’d be numb
Love wasn’t worth dying for, no matter what anyone said
Taglist: @stardustanddaffodils @dreaminq-out-loud @sunset-telepath @summer-waves9764 @jenniecrushed @jaxtheshade  @real-smooth@scribblesnsketches05 @the-sky-isnt-blueee@spreadyourwingsandfly @cadence-talle @linhamon2 @xonar-verse @an-absolute-travesty @hershis-kotlc @turquoise-skyyyy @blxckh0les42 @completekeefitztrash @gay-paladin-of-etheria  @a-legendary-love-story @the-angel-of-all-storms @bluemallowmelt @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @beautifulnightsahead @you-burned-my-bridges @princess-of-the-pages 
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
U can pick one- whichever you're in the mood for!!
Fluff: maybe zhongli being jealous of a plushie version of himself(and maybe the rex lapis statue) bc the reader seems so fond of it!! Reader doesnt know that he's rex lapis hehe how would he react? BFNFNF would he be fond of reader? A bit frustrated? Accidentally blurt out his real identity?? AAAA THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!
Angst(hurt/comfort ish?): kinda hanahaki au!! the reader confessing to zhongli, but he declines! He dearly loves the reader, but he wants them to live their life to the fullest. He doesnt want the reader to feel the burden of growing up alone while their lover remains youthful. The reader refuses contact with him or anyone for a while!! But they get confused bc why aren't they coughing up flowers? Zhongli doesn't love them back, right? Maybe they confront zl!!
Firstly thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing so much. And I always love to hear ideas, so thank you for sending them my way!
Secondly because the request before this way also about jealousy I decided to take on the second prompt. Though I might stick the other one in my back pocket to write later, if you don’t mind of course.
Now, about the prompt. I’ll be completely honest I didn’t know what Hanahaki was before this request. I’ve probably heard of it in passing, but I did have to Google it to find out what I was working with. Since I wasn’t very familiar with the details of the trope I ended up lifting most of the symptoms from tuberculosis – which I learned is a lot more “common” than I thought, though it’s still considered rare in most developed countries about 1.4 million people die from it a year – which I kind surprised about considering it’s passed via air particles and not by things like foul water but antibiotic resistant mutations, etc.; I digress. Anyways if some of the rules are off that’s why. 
I didn’t talk about the actual disease too much in the end since the reader isn’t supposed to have it. Instead I focused more on the idea of how would somehow act if they thought they were doomed to die. I think it was a very interesting thing to explore, although funnily I think if you really picked through the fic you’d be able to figure out a lot of media I consume, since I feel a lot of my ideas stem from various media I’ve read as to death and love and immortality. 
I also made the ending positive to ambiguous. I might write a more concrete part later, but I felt the ending fit the general atmosphere a little better. Just because my brain took this prompt and somehow ran all the way back to romanticism. 
Speaking of which I thought it was very funny that Hanahaki in some ways reminds me of the romanticization of tuberculosis in the Victorian era. It was just kinda interesting to note.
Anyways sorry for rambling so much, but my thought process for writing this was very extensive and all over the place. I hope you don’t mind me going into it a bit, I think it’s kinda interesting, even if it’s probably not.
Here it is! I hope it’s what you’re looking for and I hope you enjoy!
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Popcorn x cherry Blossom? Pretty rare I know, but it's soooo cute!
Sometimes in life, you just have to sit outside for once instead of watching movies. Okay, you actually like going outside. It’s just that, when someone gets the impression you don’t, it’s kind of hard to refute that! 
So sometimes in life, speaking generally, this is how you can find yourself with some kind of scheduled outing with Cherry Blossom. And by generally speaking, no one is being fooled by this, actually. This is just Popcorn’s life now. This is her life, and she is just going to have to live with that.
“More tea?” Cherry Blossom asks.
“Thanks!” She takes the tea and puts a whole spoonful of sugar in it.
It’s not that she minds. Really! Cherry Blossom is great. Popcorn likes talking with her. They exchange snack recommendations sometimes. But. Even the most out of date cookie has to admit this is kind of...
“It’s nice of you to join me, Popcorn! I haven’t seen you outside in days.”
...sad? Weird? Pitiful? Is this how she’s getting dates now? She is so tired. 
She does go outside. Anyone can tell you that! She just got hooked on a new series, lately, and it’s the kind that has more than 7 seasons. And, come on, she has to write a review on it. The thing’s practically full of plot holes and everything. It’s awful.
Okay, so maybe she hasn’t gone outside lately. But Cherry Blossom doesn’t need to know that.
“I do go out!” She huffs in protest. “You just don’t see me!”
A wry smile shows herself on Cherry Blossom’s expression. She offers Popcorn a plate. “A biscuit?”
She grins, then, and takes a handful of them. “If you’re giving them!”
Popcorn shoves a handful of them in her mouth. In between bites, she says, “Sorry I didn’t bring anything! I don’t think popcorn is the best thing for picnics.”
“Anything’s good for picnics!” She pauses. “Maybe not everything, but popcorn would be nice.”
She takes a note of that. “I’ll bring some next time! Got any faveorites?”
“You have more flavors?” Cherry Blossom’s eyes widen.
“Sure!” Popcorn grins. “I’ll bring a sample size for you!”
Cherry Blossom laughs. “I hope it really will be a sample size! Oh, maybe I can bring some new snacks, too!”
“I can bring the movies,” she says, laughing alongside her. “A screening outside the house! It’ll be fun!”
“As long as it gets you out of the house!” Cherry Blossom smiles. “Not much point in this if you aren’t out with me, after all.”
Who told Cherry Blossom she doesn’t go out. She would like a word with them. Many words. So many, it wouldn’t fit in a typical review of hers.
“I do go out, come on.” Popcorn huffs. “Where do you think I get my awesome cool fashion?”
Cherry Blossom grins. “Online, maybe!”
Popcorn gasps dramatically. “How could you! I go out and buy them!”
“Who’s to say, Popcorn?” she smiles. “Maybe you get them from your friends!”
“They’re not my style.” Popcorn turns around, like a actor in a movie ready to monologue. “Wouldn’t be worth it.”
Then she comes back, throwing Cherry Blossom a smile. “Oh, but your outfit’s really nice!”
And it is. But anything would look good on Cherry Blossom! Seriously, they could swap closets and she would still look good.
“Oh, hey, CB!” Popcorn tosses her glasses over to her. “Catch!”
Bewildered, she catches the glasses in the nick of time. Which is a relief, because she likes those. They’re star shaped and it’s great.
She holds the glasses in her hand, looking at it. “Can I have them?”
“No!” Popcorn says a little too quickly. She coughs, then continues. “I want you to try them on!”
Cherry Blossom tilts her head, then shrugs. She puts the glasses on.
“These are comfortable!” She gasps.
Popcorn smiles, taking out her phone. “Glasses are for wearing! Of course they’re comfortable.”
“A lot of people would say otherwise,” she smiles back. She hands back the glasses to her. “But thanks! Did you get a nice picture?”
“Sure did.” She taps a little on her phone. “I’ve sent it to you! You can check it out later.”
“Aw, thanks!” She takes her phone out anyway, smiling at the picture. “It’s nice to have something to remember this day by.”
“We can always take more,” Popcorn says, waving her phone. “We’ll see each other again next week anyway!”
“That’s true!” She takes a glance at their barely touched food and cups. “Maybe lessen the food? It’s been a while, but we haven’t finished a thing!”
Popcorn sighs dramatically. “If we must. But your biscuits are good!”
“Popcorn!” She laughs. “I can always give you some to take home!”
“But it’s better to eat them with you!” Popcorn lies on the floor. “How can I ever move without your food...”
Cherry blossom breaks into giggles. “So, would Tuesday work?”
Popcorn throws her a thumbs up. “Sure! It’s a date.”
Popcorn goes back to lying down on the floor. I mean, she could probably finish her work before then. And she knows that if it ever gets too much, she can always cancel.
So it’s probably fine! So she continues lying down. In... silence?
"What’s up, CB?”
For a moment, she thinks she sees Cherry Blossom’s face looked flushed, before she sees her duck her head with a smile. “Oh! Yes?”
She tilts her head. “Are you... sick?”
“I’m... I’m fine!” She fiddles with her cup. “That was just a figure of speech, wasn’t it? But I... have something to do in a few minutes.”
Popcorn doesn’t get a word in before she sees her quickly pack up her cups, tablewear and food. She chatters on as she does. “I’ll see you next week, Popcorn!”
Cherry Blossom leaves, quickly and flustered. Popcorn stares after her, confused.
This was just her life now.
and thats what happened on my date with cherry blossom
She knows you’re dating, right?
This isn’t the first time you mentioned a date?
well she asked me out first
Specifically on a date?
are you telling me inviting me on a one on one picnic isnt a date
She does that to everyone.
ok but she looked like people when they ask them out on a date
you know how in movies theyre nervous and theyre blushing
which is fake by the way
but she looked nervous.
maybe she just really wants me to go outside.
Well, that’s a possibility.
So... does she know you’re dating?
she’s been inviting me on dates after i think she would know
oh right. i think shes sick
her face was red after i talked about the schedule of our next date
do you think i should tell her to visit a doctor
she doesn’t think she is but there’s no other explanation
Are you even reading your messages?
Popcorn, does she know you’re dating?
she’s the one asking me out not me!
...So she doesn’t think you’re dating.
ok after this conversation i dont think she thinks were dating.
There you go.
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pirate-patton · 6 years
analogical prompt: logan gets jealous of how much time patton has started spending with virgil and then gets mad at himself because jealousy isnt logical and patton finds out and comforts him (or something along these lines!)
//hi yes jealousy is one of my favorite tropes to play into thank you
There came that familiar ping in Logan’s chest, that nearly burning, strange feeling that welled up in his chest every time Patton got close to Virgil.  Logan didn’t understand why this happened, nor why it was so specifically targeted at the moral side, but it was a very uncomfortable sensation.
“Virgil!” Patton squealed out, stretching his arms out and grabbing at the air.  Virgil snickered and rolled his eyes as he dragged himself over and flopped down beside his best friend, who cuddled him close.  Logan narrowed his eyes at the two, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.  This display of affection was obviously the source of the ping in Logan’s chest, made even worse when Patton dragged Virgil down to lay beside him and kissed the side of his head.
“Really, Pat?” Virgil couldn’t help but laugh a bit and shake his head, but he didn’t try to move away.
That was what caused Logan to get up, he supposed, though he didn’t quite understand why.  He excused himself with a cough, getting up and marching out the room. 
“I’m…going to go check on him…” Patton mumbled, crawling out from beside Virgil.  Patton headed up to Logan’s room and knocked on the door gently.  “Lo?  You wanna talk?”
Logan answered the door a moment later, leaning against the door frame.  “What is it, Patton?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Teach,” Patton said with a soft smile.  “You seemed kinda upset about me and Virge cuddling?”  Logan gave a shrug, so Patton continued to prod.  “Does it have something to do about that crush you have on Virgil?”
Now that was enough to make Logan stumble, slip, nearly fall backward as he tried to take in what Patton had just said.  
“Roman told me that you have a crush on him, it’s so cute!” Patton cooed, giggling at the blush on Logan’s face.
“I-I - Crush?  Virgil - I don’t,” Logan stuttered and stumbled over his words, desperate to make sense of this new information.
Patton’s eyes softened and he had to choke back the little fond laugh that wanted to sneak out.  “So how much you try to help him, hold his hand, or just overall always pick his side for movie ideas and dinner plans has nothing to do with a teeny tiny crush?” Patton asked, and Logan felt his face heat up immensely.
He hadn’t thought of it like that.  It did certainly explain his emotionally charged responses to anyone else being close to Virgil…he was jealous.  Oh, ew.  Oh, this wouldn’t work.  There was no reason to be jealous, especially not over Patton!  This was so stupid, so illogical, so -!
“Maybe if you talk to him about it that little green-eyed monster’ll go away?” Patton suggested in such a sing-song tone that Logan had to narrow his eyes in suspicion.  “After all, Virgil’s crush on you might be even worse!”
“Wait - what?”
Patton hummed as he went back downstairs.
“Patton, get back here! What do you mean his crush on me?!”
“Pat, why?!”
//this is not my best i apologize profusely
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zed-36 · 6 years
i was thinking about this a lot, and normally i wouldnt go so hard on headcanons related to where characters live because usually its not relevant (or usually its established in canon) but WR/Acceleracers leaves a lot vague and with everything centering around driving and the fact a few locations have been named, i got curious thinking about where the drivers all came from mostly during World Race because Tezla really just went a chose good drivers from around the world- so many people probably didnt even live in the states.
so, im just gonna ramble about......locations, more so focused on the state of everyone in Acceleracers. considering i live in LA i felt pretty comfy thinking about the real life locations bc i actually know where those places are and ive come up with some pretty specific ideas based on my experience in socal.
It didnt come to mind at first but we’d have to assume all the Teku members and Metal Maniac members are in California-- simply because Vert lives in cali, and he seems to be able to conveniently go home from where they are based through the movie. i can only guess Tezla’s new base was just placed somewhere else in Arizona, maybe more towards Nevada? but yeah, that sets up the “boundary” i feel is logical. they are probably within socal, Nevada and Arizona. maybe a little for some characters norcal.  thats not to say some of them didnt grow up somewhere else, though.
Teku guys first:
Vert, we obviously know lives near the beach in cali, and my first thought went to Ventura. Its not that far from LA and in Alec’s comic (issue 2) they are driving in LA in what i wanted to assume was on their way back to Tezla’s. i also feel they couldve been going for Long Beach but...i like Ventura more.
Kurt-- while i said everyone on Teku/MM is based in cali Kurt being in WR lets me assume he came from somewhere else and personally believe he lived in like... Chicago, or something. some sort of major city but probably not LA until he came out for WR and got to know Vert after. Though considering he was apparently in grand prix and did lots of racing before i imagine he likely traveled a lot. so id say he now just lives somewhere in LA- maybe like, west Hollywood coughs aka the gay place
Nolo+Tone i immediately felt for San Diego. i love it there and it always brings on such a good vibe- id say “chill” vibe but w how opposite Nolo is of chill for the whole series it wouldnt sound like it matches, but. ya know. 
ok, this one is oddly specific. but Shirako? ok so Shirako always comes off like one of those kids id see in highschool who was like really into their own zone- their super specific interest they had no shame in but everyone kinda always thought he was weird? him and his music and his insanely chill attitude would kinda stick out- probably seems kinda cool but hes just so...like that but no one else is really like that. so i cant help but imagine he lives in a sort of town that isnt very big but small enough that someone like him stands out (my ideas as to why hes in Teku even tho hes so quiet and introverted anyways). idk what town id name but i cant help but think of where i live but smaller so like, the out skirting towns of LA.
At first i had imagined Karma living in northern california or in the middle but i suddenly realized she’d fit in Burbank pretty well, so im goin with that tbh.
Metal Maniacs now..... which were a bit tougher to figure out
Markie...bit of an interesting one because immediately i was like “this guy is not capable of functioning enough to have an apartment or house” mostly considering he was in prison. so i like to imagine Kurt gave him the chance to live with him, but bc Markie is Markie he didnt want to and secretly lives w idk, their grandparents who live in Malibu. (and probably doesnt tell anyone that bc its embarrassing and makes sure no one visits his house) EDIT: reading the comics that came out before the World Race movie, Markie’s comic shows a flashback taking place in New Jersey- he’s racing with Kurt. something i hadnt mentioned or gone over was his very obvious New York accent- which i realize they never mention in relation to Kurt who is his brother... its obvious we can consider Markie lived in New York long enough to get that accent but... why doesnt  Kurt have it??? Mostly stating this to clear up my thoughts on Kurt’s location and Markie-- I’m imagining their parent split up and Kurt maybe moved out of state early in life? Who knows, Hot Wheels canon is a mess.
Tork i dont have much of an opinion on, but want to assume to he probably lives in San Diego, near Tone/Nolo. probably started a rivalry early on.
Porkchop...... took me a bit but i immediatly thought about the most country city/town i know which is Newhall. however i would assume he came from somewhere else and it would have to be Arizona- not sure where exactly.
Monkey. i dont have much to say on him either but probably Arizona, he knows Porkchop so they likely knew each other for a long time and moved to cali over time for whatever reasons. 
Taro is actually a tough one for me to pin down. i feel like Taro is so good he simply Exists.  ok but for real somewhere in downtown LA or maybe somewhere in Hollywood bc i feel like Taro and Kurt both kinda fit those vibes. (always kinda liked to imagine theyre good friends outside of their teams and wanted to live in the same general place)
after all this though the question may be “how do they all know each other? how would they meet if they dont like in the same place??” car meet ups are a thing in many places but they are definitely a thing in socal/LA. mostly modded street racing car meets. my best headcanon is they all met through going to meets and becoming friends and eventually grouping up and forming rivalries. 
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glowstickhaloboy · 6 years
part 2 of that au where lance is a night vision mermaid
hi im back
link to part 1
the next night, keith is waiting when lance sneaks up to the surface. who knows how long hes been sitting on that rock, but he looks massively bored as lance comes out of the water. then he all but lights up. “you came back.”
lance tilts his head to the side. “stop saying things that will ruin my reputation.”
“i didnt know if you would. i thought i might have been c-”
“did you tell anyone about this?” asks lance.
keith shakes his head, shuffles to the very edge of the rock. “no one. please tell me your name.”
“first,” says lance, “i need to know something. why are you out here? you said you were after knowledge, but for what purposes?”
“what do you mean?”
“what kind of knowledge?”
“anything,” keith breathes, leaning closer. the moonlight shines in his eyes and hair. hes so dry, yet he glows. “everything.”
“and what do you plan to do with it?”
again, that question stumps keith. he sits back on his feet. “i...”
so far, this is going well.
“i’ll tell you,” lance asserts, puffing himself up to his full impressiveness. “nothing. youre going to do nothing with this knowledge except keep it for yourself. any secret i trust you with is meant for you, not your animalistic human world. no publications, no research teams, no clamoring for more evidence to build an arsenal of strategy against my people. and, as always, i decide that if i no longer trust you, i get to drown you.”
keith’s throat bobs at that last statement, but it seems bravery has a furnished home inside his chest. he nods. “i wont betray you,” he says. “not even to my team, if you dont want.”
“no, not even your team. you’ll have to come up with excuses for them.”
keith nods again.
“and one more thing,” lance continues. “i dont think its fair that these secrets are free. youre cute, but youre not that cute. so, heres how itll work: you tell me something about you, and i’ll tell you something about me, and when you get tired or the sun starts to come up, i’ll go back under the surface and we’ll meet again when it gets dark. does midnight sound fair?”
keith begins to nod another time, but stops himself. “hold on,” he says. “will you tell me the truth? i have no way of knowing.”
“of course,” says lance. “mermaids cant lie.”
skeptical, keith narrows his eyes, the cogs visibly turning in his head.
lance snorts. “yeah, that wasnt true. but,” he says, drawing close enough that he could drop his voice to a murmur, “i have no reason to lie to you if i know you arent going to tell anyone else.”
keith accepts this. “can i ask questions if i want to know something specific?”
“okay,” says keith. “you said i go first, so what do you want to know about me?”
“what,” says lance, “is it like to walk on those ungodly tools you call legs???”
keith pulls his knee up to his chest. “this? it’s like... well, its different from swimming. ive been swimming before but, uh,, still had to use these to do it, so i dont really know how to describe it. its like... walking?”
“you,” lance says flatly, “are not the most intellectually evolved of your species, are you?”
“i hunt mermaids for a living because i cant get a real job.”
“can i feel it?”
“can i feel your leg?”
if this is a weird request, it cannot possibly be weirder than the event of meeting a mermaid, so keith is unfazed by it. “yeah, sure.”
he sticks his leg out over the water. lance is, at first, a little intimidated by the straightness and inflexibility of it, but eventually he decides that it is basically like a bigger, stronger arm and that humans are very weird. satisfied, he and keith both withdraw.
“okay,” says keith, with the air of somebody about to do something very important after an absurdly long amount of waiting. “what is your name?”
lance smiles. “lance.”
it’s like lance has applied salve to a wound. keith closes his eyes and breathes out through his nose. his shoulders relax. “youre real,” he says, like he just found this out.
“gee, you sure know how to flatter a fish.”
but it starts the conversation. keith tells lance about the practice of cryptozoology and lance tells keith about ocean-bottom culture. keith talks about growing up and going to school, and lance talks about being raised by a family bigger than keith could imagine and learning to provide for each other. keith explains war and lance explains peace.
from there, they go on to ask more personal questions. who is hunk and why would he be upset if he knew you were here? what made you so fascinated with mermaids that you decided to vacation on a rock? keiths eyelids start to droop. lance is getting a little fatigued himself. this conversation is putting even his talking skills to the test, and keiths throat has gone scratchy. its nice. theyre both relaxed. lance becomes aware of how completely comfortable he is.
“its late,” lance says at last. “you dont want your friends to wake and catch you out of your reef. er, bed?”
keith has this look in his eye like hes worried to let lance go in case he doesnt come back.
lance yawns and says, “midnight.”
then he dives under the water.
its strange to think about, but being fully submerged again feels weird after having his head sticking out into the air for four hours. the water is warm on his face. he cant wait to get back to his reef and crash.
except hunk is waiting for him there.
“dude,” he says. “where’ve you been?”
lance’s heart does backflips. WHAT DOES HE SAY?
“hunk,” he says. “you’re here!”
“yeah,” says hunk.
lance tries again for better wording. “what are you doing here?”
“looking for you?? at your house????”
and lance is like, well im fucked.
“i was out,” he hedges. “with, uh, someone.”
“lance, if that were true, you would be over the moon right now and i would have known about it for days because you would never have shut up about it!”
“thats not true! and besides, i wasnt with him like that. well, maybe i was, i dont know... im kind of confused about it.”
“really? you wanna talk about it?”
he doesnt have to fake a yawn. “actually, buddy, i would, but i am super beat. i’ll tell you all about him when i know whats going on. oh, was there something you wanted?”
“just checking in on you. you havent tried sneaking back up to the surface have you?”
“why would you ask me that?”
“because your brain is the ocean’s strongest magnet for horrible ideas.”
“well thanks,” says lance, a little colder than he otherwise would have been. “and i’ll have you know that i have not been to the surface. it’s totally overrated. who’d want to be walking up there on a pair of lame, clunky legs? goodnight, buddy.”
hunk leaves lance to his rest.
and the next night, keith looks different. hes in shorts, the lunatic, with no shirt on and a towel draped around his shoulders.
“what are you doing?” asks lance.
keith merely grunts and slides into the water. he takes a few shuddering breaths and paddles closer to lance.
“i wanted to,” says keith. he holds out an arm. under the waves, lance can feel his clumsy feet kicking and kicking and kicking.
“you know how far down the sea floor is, dont you?” asks lance.
keith says, “im not stupid. i’ll get back on the rock if my legs get tired.”
Legs, Lance thinks with contempt.
“well,” he says, “if youre getting that close, i want to be able to touch you.”
“why do you think i did this?”
and its a great idea until it isnt. it starts off with lance feeling like someone is taking a big risk to be close to him, and his heart tries for a complicated swelling motion before lance manually tamps it down again. he looks at keith’s face and instead of seeing a face which happens to be clearly human, he sees all the fragile features that make it human, and an overwhelming need to protect their delicacy suddenly rises in him.
what simultaneously rises is a wave so strong that it folds over keith and drags him under the water. 
lance’s instincts take control. like lightning, he dives under the water, snatches keith’s arm, and drags him back up to his rock, where he sets him and retreats. keith coughs up water, shaking, and reaches for his towel.
“are you alright?” asks lance.
“you saved me,” says keith, like he cant believe it.
“well, yeah.”
unexpectedly, keith grins at him. “i thought i was just a boring human,” he says. “thought you didnt care if i drowned.”
lance feels an alien heat rise in his cheeks. is the above-surface air getting to him?
“i said i would be the one to drown you,” he argues. “i think thats enough for tonight. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
keiths mouth falls open in protest, but before he can say anything else, lance disappears. he doesnt stop swimming until hes back down at his reef, and even then he feels like the whole ocean can hear his heart hammering. he had saved keith. why had he done that? because he wasnt a bad person, obviously. he wasnt going to just stand by and watch an innocent man die.
but there was something deeper. something that he could not explain and therefore elected to ignore.
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Reunited And It Feels So Good | Jake x MC
This request goes out to @endless-jake. Who would like to see Jake and MC reunited after the ending of book 2. So here it goes! EDIT BEFORE POSTING: I feel this is not what was to be expected, lol, but I hope it is enjoyed all the same.
Warnings: some feels of some kind or another, fluff I am sure, some violence but I will try to keep it mild.
Plot: Okay, so the plot for this request is going to run along the lines of Jake’s idol scene, only during all that technical stuff that Zahra did, she also caused a power surge and thus caused those pods that the hotel guest (And our MC) was in to open and free them from their slumber. This will give MC the opportunity to save herself before Jake gets the chance to. But eventually they will be reunited. :) So this will tie into what @endless-jake is asking. : D Hope that’s alright?
The sound of your bare feet slapping against the tile floors was loud enough to wake the dead, or so you believed. Hopefully, this would not draw any unwanted attention. You did not run into anyone as you ran, which you thought was honestly quite strange, but getting out of this place was your main concern. How you had even managed to escape your pod, you did not really know, nor did you care at this point. After you woke up you found all the pods, that once held the hotel guests, completely empty, every single one of them. You were completely alone. You grabbed some clothing that you had found and threw them on, and that was when you ran. And you were still running, turning corner after corner trying your best to remember the way out of the facility. You finally come to a stop, only because there was no way to continue further. The way was blocked by the ceiling and walls having caved in on each other. But from the looks of it, this cave in happened a long time ago. You stood there staring at the blocked hall, wondering just how long you were in that pod…
Finally you are in the open air, breathing it in, letting it fill your lungs that felt deprived of its freshness for so long. You had made it to the edge of the frozen forest, where you had the run in with the Guardian before. Your feet were still bare as you stumbled through the snow, which was becoming increasingly difficult with each step. It felt like you didnt even have feet anymore and you cursed yourself for not having taken the time to look for some shoes. As you continued to trudge through the ankle deep snow, you hugged your arms across your chest to keep yourself warm and almost did not notice the scene you were coming up on. Perhaps it was the fact that it felt like your eyeballs were beginning to freeze, or maybe you simply ignored the fact you were walking passed giant spots of blood upon the snow. It wasnt until you heard the sound of a gunshot that you snapped out it, finally taking notice of the scene before you.
You were surrounded by bodies, all lying in the snow. Stopping in your tracks you lowered your arms and looked around, examining each body as it lay crumpled upon the now crimson stained snow. From what you could tell, each and every person had been shot, whether it was in the back, chest or even right between the eyes. You could feel panic begin to grow inside you, your eyes darting from victim to victim and you realize now that these were the missing hotel guests. Clearly they too had escaped from their pods, but only to meet this horrific death. Hearing the sound of crunching snow underfoot, along with the reloading of a pistol, caused your frozen feet to move you behind a thick tree. You were sucking in ragged breaths that you knew were not the least bit quiet as you pressed yourself back against the tree. Still all around you the ground was strewn with bodies and that’s when the sound of the crunching snow began to grow louder; closer.
“There’s no use hiding. Didn’t do them any good.”
You recognized that voice, it was Lundgren. Carefully you peered around the tree, catching sight of him a few yards away, non-chalantly sliding bullets into his weapon as he walked around, his eyes searching the area. Every once in awhile he would nudge one of the bodies with his foot as he passed. BANG! You jumped, clinging to the tree for support, your heart beat quickening. BANG! BANG! This was clearly a tactic to flush you out of hiding, but you pressed yourself more against the tree, leaning your head back and closed your eyes. If Lundgren had killed all these innocent hotel guests, there was no telling what he has done to your friends. What he had done to Jake… BANG! The gunshot rang to your left and your eyes snapped open, your hand shooting up to cover your mouth to contain your shriek. This sudden movement allowed Lundgren to catch sight of you and a wicked grin formed on his lips as he began heading your way.
“Ah, it’s you. I was hoping to catch you soon, Rourke specifically wanted you dead.”
As he approached with his gun raised, you quickly got to your feet and stumbled out of the way as he pulled the trigger, the shot hitting the tree you had been leaning against. He cursed and you scrambled to your feet and kept dodging behind tree after tree, eventually coming to a rocky ravine. Lundgren cursed louder, his voice bouncing off the rocks toward you as you stood between two large boulders, a large limb in your hands at the ready.
“I see Wolf has taught you a few tricks about stealth. That will only work for so long, I’ve got a few tricks of my own.”
He knew better than to fire a shot randomly while in this ravine, there was too much chance of a ricochet. You stood hidden, shivering from the cold, almost sure that your rugged gasps for breath were going to reveal your location. You looked by your feet and saw a large broken limb lying there, it was thick enough to do some damage. You picked it up and held it like a bat as you listened carefully to his movements. His footsteps seemed closer, finally when you saw the hand holding his pistol come into view, you waited until his head came into view and the moment it did you brought the thick tree limb you had been holding, crashing down upon it. The impact cause the limb to snap in two with a deafening crack and the moment Lundgren fell to his knees and dropped his gun, you lunged for it.
You felt a sharp pain in your fore arm as you reached for the gun and looked down to see a long knife had gone almost straight thru it, Lundgren’s hand was on the hilt. You let out a shriek and fell backwards, your other hand holding your arm just above where the knife was. Lundgren pushed himself to his feet, blood trickling down the side of his head from where you hit him. He then reached for the knife in your arm and pulled it out roughly, causing you to let out a loud scream. He then brought the knife up over his head with both hands on the hilt as he towered over you.
“I’ll give you that one, it was a solid effort. But clearly not enough.”
He reared back a bit and as he was about to bring the knife down upon you, you noticed he was not wearing that exo-suit that he had been before. He was more vulnerable. You then remembered that you had basically fried him and it, clearly he had survived. Your mind raced on how to defend yourself, what had Jake and Estela taught you that day on the beach? Without wasting another second, you kicked his legs out from under him, rolling out of the way as he fell forward to where you had once been lying. The pain in your arm intensified after you had rolled out of the way, and thus your retreat was slowed. Lundgren growled in anger, the knife lodging inbetween two rocks and the blade snapped from its hilt from the pressure of his fall. His other hand shot out and grabbed a handful if your hair and yanked you back to the ground, his hands went to your throat and wrapped around it. He glared down at you as he squeezed harder and harder, crushing your windpipe. You clawed at his hands, gasping for breath as everything began to fade.
“For once, McKenzie isnt here to save you.”
His grip tightened and now you were no longer able to even gasp, everything was going black. This was it, this was how you were going to die. Of all the life endangering moments you have had on this island, you were going to die this way. Just as you closed your eyes, prepared for your life to leave you, you heard hurried footsteps coming toward you. You opened your eyes in time to see something tackle Lundgren hard, knocking him off of you and your hands went to your throat as you coughed and gasped air back into your lungs. You managed to roll onto your side and saw Lundgren fighting to get free of…you heard the familiar clinking of the dog tags and your eyes focused on the green jacket.
You croaked as you watched him unleash punch after punch to Lundgren’s face. Never wavering nor slowing his pace or showing signs of mercy. You pushed yourself to a sitting position, still with your hand clasped around your throat, taking in as many painful breaths as you could to make up for those you had been denied moments ago. Your eyes widened as Lundgren managed to kick Jake off, sending him flying backwards into the snow. He then unleashed his own assault, landing a swift kick in Jake’s stomach. Jake crouched there, an arm wrapped around his stomach as he coughed and groaned and you watched as Lundgren then came marching over to you. You began to scramble backwards expecting his hands to be on your throat again, but he passed you, coming to where the knife had been, he grabbed the blade, uncaring of the fact it was slicing into his own hand from his grip.
He then went back over to Jake, who had pushed himself to his feet and blocked Lundgren’s arm as he brought it down with the blade. Jake punched him hard in the stomach and continued to block every attempt his assailant made. A thought crossed your mind and you began to crawl over to the ravine where you knew Lundgren’s pistol was waiting. Finally summoning enough energy to get to your feet you searched along the ground until you finally found it. You quickly picked it up and turned to see Lundgren clocking Jake across the face with his fist, also sending a gash across his cheek with the blade. Jake was defenseless except for when it came to his own brute strength and fighting skills. You moved closer with the gun, but knew that with your lacking marksman skills it was a risk of shooting Jake instead.
Helpless, you watched the two grapple, Jake finally managing to knock the blade from Lundgren’s hand, but this freed him up for a sucker punch to Jake’s jaw with his other hand. Jake was hurled backwards, against a tree and then he fell to his knees where Lundgren reared back with his foot, kicking Jake hard in the chest, you were sure you heard a few ribs crack. Lundgren grabbed a fist full of Jake’s hair, pulling him up to his feet and slammed him against the tree, pinning him there. He had managed to grab the blade and while he had Jake’s hair in his hand, he yanked it back so that his neck was more fully exposed. He then pressed the blade against his throat.
“You never learn, do you boy?”
Jake let out a breathy laugh, one that you could hear was painful for him to do. Even in the face of death, your Top Gun was still smirking.
“MC has that effect on me. If it means I’d have to die for her over and over again…then let me die an idiot.”
Lundgren scoffed, about to slice Jake’s throat when a gunshot rang through the air. He stopped, his body tense as he then looked down at the blood beginning to pour from a hole in his chest. He reluctantly dropped the knife and turned to look at you as you stood behind him pointing his own gun at him. He glared at you, not before slamming Jake's head against the tree, causing him to fall to his knees with a grunt. Then Lundgren began toward you, but he stopped when Jake had launched himself at his knees, trying to bring him to the ground. Somehow he got out of it, stomping on Jake’s thigh where you had just noticed had a bullet hole through it. Jake yelled in pain and fell back down, his hands clutching his thigh. You continued to point the gun at Lundgren as he came at you. BANG! Another bullet in his chest, which slowed him down a bit but he was still coming at you. BANG! BANG! He staggered a few times but he was still coming, how was this possible?
“MC don’t just stand there! RUN!”
You could only manage to take a few steps backwards as you took a couple more shots at him. You gasped as his hand found your throat and hoisted you up into the air a bit, and that was when you pulled the trigger once more. The barrel was pointed against his stomach, you watched as his face contorted with pain and felt his fingers loosen their grip on your neck as you both began to collapse to the ground. Lundgren’s now lifeless body completely on top of yours as you lay there quaking, not from the cold, but from the fact you had almost died once again, and you had just killed someone. You didnt move, too exhausted from everything you just lay there until Lundgren’s body was shoved off you and Jake took your face in his hands, riddled with bloody knuckles. You were in shock, your eyes staring off into space as he shook you ever so slightly, his hands still caressing your face.
“MC? MC, look at me! Baby, please!”
You finally meet his gaze and the moment you do, your eyes swell with tears and you wrap your arms around Jake’s neck and you pull yourself close. You sobbed hysterically into the crook of his neck and listened as he calmed you, stroking your hair and rocking you a bit. As you listened to him, you could tell that he was holding back tears.
“I was so afraid. So afraid they had killed you…”
Apparently after the power surge, Jake came to find you only to find some of the pods empty, and some of them still held their occupants, a bullet in their forehead. He had searched every pod, fearing that the next one he would look into he would find you there, just as dead as the others. When he didnt find you, he knew you had escaped and from that point he followed the trail of where most of the footprints lead, out into the snow. He also had come across something else, the remains of a smoked cigar, Havana brand. He knew Lundgren was after the others and as he ran he heard gun shots, fearing he wouldnt get there in time. He came across all the bodies of the hotel guests and was about to search through them for a sign of you, when he heard Lundgren’s voice. Using the code name ‘Wolf’ was all he needed to know; you were the target, and he ran as fast as he could to find where you were. He cursed himself for not getting there sooner.
He pulled back and looked down at you, wiping your tears from your face with his thumbs. His eyes looked down at your neck at the bruises that had formed from when Lundgren had almost strangled the life out of you and you could see the hurt in his eyes, even the hint of some tears forming.
“That bastard. If I could kill him over and over again, I would in a heart beat. Please forgive me for not getting there sooner. I dont know what I would have done if I had been too late… I-”
His voice cracked as he brought your forehead to his lips and pressed them against it and then moved his forehead to press against it after. You managed to give a little smile and then softly spoke as you took a strand of his hair and twisted it around your finger affectionately.
“Just take me to Costa Rica so we can forget that this happened…all of it. I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Jake managed to chuckle and he nodded as he looked into your eyes.
“You got it, Princess. But maybe we should get some first aid before hand.”
You nodded in agreement. The two of you were bruised, bloodied and battered and looked like hell. You were just now beginning to feel your injuries again now that your adrenaline levels were returning to normal.
“I vote we find some whiskey first though.”
“Amen to that, Princess. Amen to that. But first…”
Jake leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, pulling you closer despite his broken ribs. He deepend the kiss for a few moments and then pulled away.
“Sorry, usually I get to do that before the danger.”
You smirked and kissed him again softly, taking the time to bite his bottom lip slightly.
“You can make it up to me at the Lodge.”
“Heh, I’ll try my best to. Just go easy on me?“
“I’ll try my best to.”
You helped each other to your feet and the two of you put an arm around the others’ waist and walked off toward the Lodge, hoping against hope that your friends were all there, safe and sound.
(Enjoy, or not to enjoy, I trust you will decide?)
(*I do NOT own any of the Pixleberry Choices characters or plot lines, I merely love (some of) them. Please don’t sue me, I am broke.*)
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