#this isnt even the first time people have theorized about this with her either
sparklecarehospital · 9 months
i cant answer an ask from last night because of the subject matter and i dont want to put the asker on blast but please keep in mind eve is my self insert and i dont think you realize how rude and insensitive it is to make that kind of theory about both 1. a self insert and 2. a character who is literally a child. thats basically making theories about me being [not saying what it is] so please don't ever fucking do that.
im sorry ifi sound angry or something but im extremely upset about hearing someone say that about my self insert
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shwarmii · 4 months
You know the books and like Clarisse and I haven't read the books yet, so maybe you can explain something for me? They say the gods don't always claim their kids especially if they don't have 'glory' yet, and they say (and I see on tumblr) that Ares doesn't like his girls, and he's overly mean and almost abusive to Clarisse, but she's HIS.
Does it ever say when/why he claimed her? Was it a possession thing even though he doesn't at first like her or approve of her? Did she do something special and he went yup that's my kid I guess?
this ask is referencing this post
oooooh, okay, uh... important things to note: (1) i have chronic memory loss, (2) i havent read these books in years, so let's see how i do from what i remember lmao
regardless, thank you for asking me a question! very sweet that you thought id have the answer
the answer will be a bit of a spoiler in terms of world-building, so lemme just
⚠️ pjo world-building + mild plot spoilers below ⚠️
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so, the last book in the first series ("Percy Jackson and the Olympians") reveals most of the unclaimed kids are actually the demigod children of minor gods
these minor gods were implied to have been fearful of what might happen to their kids if their kids were claimed. because then, their kid would need their own cabin, and a minor god getting a set-up right next to the big 12 could cause anyone in said big 12 to percieve that act as a slight, and might take out that fury on either the said minor god in question OR their newly claimed kid. not even Hestia had a cabin for her kids, and she used to be in the main 12 until she stepped down for Dionysus to be amongst the big 12 instead (when the minor gods are allowed cabins, she gets cabin 21). Percy Jackson is the one who makes the demand that every god claims their kid within a time-frame of arriving at Camp Halfblood, which then gives the minor gods a pass to claim their kid without being worried they or their child will be punished for doing so
Riordan makes this a very small reveal, considering how important it is. but Percy isn't friends with any unclaimed kids really, all the people Percy meets who are new to Camp get claimed within the book they are introduced in. so there's no one to really be our emotional throughline for that reveal, nobody for fans to theorize who such-and-such's godly parent might be. it takes up only a few paragraphs, unfortunately, not much; definitely not a full chapter. i dont remember if there were any stragglers from the big 12's kids who had been unclaimed up to that point? i dont think there were many, if any. it sets up and disillusions in one go that the whole "you get claimed if you are worthy" as having been an assumption the kids made to find "logic" (in a self-deprecation way, similar to how divorced kids or kids of a single parent may "logic" their parental situatuon as their own fault) to their unclaiming
however, the toxic notion of "achieve glory = godly parental attention" is still prevelant in the claimed kids too. it is why Clarisse targets Percy; he comes into camp having already fought a minotaur and won? him doing that sets off her insecurities about not being worthy and makes her jealous, which is why she goes after him so often before Percy's first quest. there's very few chances for kids at camp Halfblood to prove themselves, unless they leave; and they only can leave by either sneaking out (and dying, or at least risking death) or going on a quest (which also risks their deaths). so any chance to prove themselves for glory, in friendly or unfriendly ways, is highly covetted
i mention this because Clarisse HAS proven herself to her dad in some way. her electric spear is from Ares. now, because we dont get a lot of gossip about WHY Ares gave her a gift (esp since he isnt the gift-giving sort. he values violence/battle prowress, strategy, and victory (regardless of if that is an "honorable victory" or not)). she likely proved herself in an above-average way from her cabin-mates but not in a legendary way. if it had been legendary, we wouldve heard about how she got her spear when people were warning Percy about Clarisse. and we know Clarisse didn't earn her spear as a reward for a quest (or as "good luck" gift before a quest), because Clarisse's first quest comes in a later book. but yeah, makes it all the harsher in this world where it is so hard to get godly parental attention that Percy broke the one token of it that Clarisse had (and, no, Ares never replaced it. tho Clarisse does get a new spear called "Maimer"; but all the kids, including her cabin-mates, call it "Lamer" behind her back unfortunately), and Percy breaking her spear definitely adds to her hatred of him. so Clarisse HAS proven herself to her dad once. and it is unlikely that she did something so great that he claimed her and gave her a spear in one go. so the two (her being claimed and her getting the spear) are likely unrelated events
now, did she prove herself in order to get claimed? perhaps. the big 12 gods tend to claim their kids as a reward within their first year or less of being there (fucked up that Poseidon chose "good job humilating that Ares girl who misdirected her anger to be at you" for Percy's, but okay). it isnt until Percy Jackson wins the war that he demandingky bargins for all gods to claim their kids. but yeah, out of the big 12 (minus the Big Three, minus Artemis, and minus Hera = 7 gods), they all are decently prompt when it comes to their own kids. they are implied ot have been, at least. again, very few stragglers, if any, that were not the demigods of minor gods within the books
Dionysus especially was prompt (bc he is AT the camp). which, i know this is a tangent, but i gotta talk about Dionysus as a godly parent because the books barely do. but part of his punishment regarding being exiled to Camp Halfblood isnt just about his punishment being no throwing parties and no Olympus. his punishment is his own kids, and not in the way that initially sounds. Camp Halfblood kids dont live long. theyre considered lucky to make it to college-age, and absurdly lucky to get to their 30s. Percy himself never imagines himself getting older. this fucked up lifespan is resolved in many ways thanks to the "Heroes of Olympus" series. but, before then? Dionysus' exile is about being forced to be a present figure in his kids' life and watch them all die tragically young, being forced to help bury them. he's actually very traumatized from it all. he even begs Percy at one point to keep an eye out for any Dionysus kids during the war's final battle; and he even runs up to some of his kids who survived (i think? it was his twin girls?) and hugs them, crying. we dont get to know any of Dionysus' kids through virtue of none of them being friends of Percy, so we don't get to really know how Dionysus is like as a parent, especially as a godly one that is very present in his kids' lives. we get glimpses of him in the background, and for a guy who misdirects all his bitter anger about his exile onto the campers who are not his kid... he sounds lovely to his own kids? idk, thats at least from what i remember. shitty and bitter to other kids at camp, very loving in a quiet and traumatized way to his own. its not an excuse but it does make sense. (its also why he hates Percy; his presence means dangerous things will happen as long as he is alive, which therefore puts his own kids in danger. ...maybe thats why Percy isnt friends with any of Dionysus' kids, maybe he forbade them from getting close to Percy? idk)
but yeah, the big 12 are all p good about claiming their kids in the book, in retrospect once its revealed that the unclaimed children are largely the minor gods' kids. the timeline Percy forces them into does demand they somewhat untangle the "claimed as a reward" aspect too which is nice, they now just have to claim their kids p much as they are (unless their kid doesnt something great FAST), and not during a moment where it is good for the godly parent's image to be associated with this "moment of glory"
that being said, that doesn't mean Ares is a good dad in the books. the one moment we do see Ares and Clarisse together is in a later book, and she is uncomfortable in his presence and one time even flinches around him. i dont think Ares physically abuses his kids, mostly because i dont think he is present enough in any of his kids' lives to find a fucked up "reason" to hit them (i would not be surprised if the flinch and whatnot was from a sparring match gone too rough the last time they met tho). i think it is more so a flinch because Mrs. La Rue likely has gone after similar men to Ares, therefore making visual markers of Ares (eg. a leather jacket, motorcycle, etc) triggers to Clarisse's mind to be on guard as these other men have been unpredictable and/or abusive; and Ares hasnt been around Clarisse enough for her to trust him not to be the same nor does she trust him enough to be comfortable in general around him (as it's an Event when her dad shows up, not just some Tuesday). and that's in the books. thats not accounting for the tv show deciding "Clarisse will never be good enough to Ares because she is not one of his sons" (which i think makes sense in a representation point of view; but i also think it makes less sense sense about Ares specifically. because Athena is also a god of war, and theres even evidence that Aphrodite is/was a god of war when she was initially worshipped, so Ares is aware of women being equal and capable; Ares was also the patron of Sparta, which was the city-state with the most rights for women, one of which was that it was only one that allowed women to protect themselves against their husbands. and you could also argue, due to some of his actions in his legends, that Ares protected mistreated women. however, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" states that Olympus' move to New York meant that the gods changed to better reflect their enviroment, and Ares is the most likely best-fit to represent the Western/American brand of toxic masculinity. so. his depiction in the books works well enough for a man still in an affair with Aphrodite who upholds glory in battle as the pinnacle of human greatness, and his built-up depiction in the show to be more abusive and sexist does and doesnt make sense. i care more about representation and a good story than i do have Ares be academically perfect to how we understand his lore to have made him out to be, personally). but yeah, in both versions, he's been set up as a shitty dad. he's inattentive and lacking self-awareness at best (and, again, is still actively having an on/off affair with Aphrodite, which no doubt complicates his kids' feelings for him the same way any irl dad cheating and/or paying more attention to his girlfriend than to his kids would) in the books. which does then feed into Clarisse's relationship with him. Ares, like many of the gods, sees their kids as extentions or representations of themselves. so its good when things are good and you make them proud, but then anything you do badly then "reflects badly on them too" which can be really damaging to a kid
the only gods we see as exempt from this mindset of extension/representation (other than obviously Hera and Artemis, as neither have any biological demigod children. Artemis does have her mistresses of the hunt tho) is arguably Dionysus as aforementioned, kind of Poseidon as he keeps trying to connect with Percy (also maybe Hades for the same? we don't see him a lot, so it is hard to tell), as well as Apollo kind of? Apollo had his initial personality kind of backtracked and retroactively better-dad-ified, as he got his own POV book series ("The Trials of Apollo"), which includes a very heartfelt scene for when he got reunited with his son, Will Solace. so the gods arent terrible parents with all the same ideaologies, but they are absent more than they are present (with the exception of Dionysus, whose punishment is to be present and get attached 💔 not an encouraging move, guys)
which brings up another important point: that we dont really get other points of view in the first series, Percy is all we get. and though Clarisse is his ally (i love that Riordan did not have her betray the camp for the war in the first series. she just doesnt fucking like Percy lol), she is his most argumentative ally. in order for the reader to know Clarisse's backstory and know if she had to earn her claiming or not (which again: i dont think she had to. she may have been manipulated to think she did tho via the whole "i will claim you as a reward/i will claim you when it makes me look good and i can have some of your spotlight" bit), as well as learn how she earned her electric spear from Ares that Percy broke, Clarisse or someone close to her would have to sit down and tell Percy about it. and Clarisse wouldnt do that because she is not close with Percy; and nobody close to Clarisse would do that because they know Clarisse would feel betrayed if they talked about her private stuff to anybody, Percy or otherwise. all we really know about Clarisse La Rue's backstory is she was born in Phoenix, Arizona; and the satyr who led her to Camp Halfblood was Gleeson Hedge. that's it.
and i have a lot of complaints about how Rick Riordan writes (mostly how he writes women and people of color, especially women of color. but other parts of his writing does suck too). and part of the novel aspects of the new show is it allows "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" have a new re-write with a team of writers (which does still include Riordan), so there are likely things that will be changing. hopefully, unclaimed children will have a spotlight (i would love to have a show-exclusive character be unclaimed, but thats unlikely to happen). again, i havent seen the show yet, but it is possible that they will not follow the books in the aforementioned claiming details and will instead go "no, all claimings happen in a moment of glory", rather than "it was going to happen if you were a kid of the main 12 regardless, and we are just waiting to do it when it most looks good for us to announce you are ours". maybe they will explain the circumstances around Clarisse's claiming and spear, i dunno. the first series of books are all written in First Person POV and limited to just Percy's, and the nature of television is to be more Third-Person Omniscient, so there is a good chance we will learn things outside of what Percy knows this time around
but yeah! that's the climate around claiming and parenthood at Camp Halfblood, which even impacts claimed kids post-claiming; and everything we know about Clarisse past and her relationship with Ares before Percy Jackson arrives (at least in the books, lol) if you read this far, i do apologize that this is very long and that i kind of meander into some tangents. i have a habit of overexplaining. however, i hope that makes sense!✌️
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nefariousrat · 1 year
chainsaw man chapter 122 thoughts
when i first read through the chapter i noted it was odd that fami ordered so much food until i scrolled through tumblr and saw that @possiblylando (sorry for the random ping/notification if this causes one, im still getting used to tumblr and i didnt want to take credit for an observation i didnt make) made the big brain observation that it's probably to do with fami being famine. akdjjwkxnd good catch. that makes me wonder if fami eats irregularly due to her nature or if she's always hungry?
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we saw earlier that yoru's goal is to make chainsaw man return nuclear weapons, presumably because that will lead to more fear of impending warfare, which will, in turn, give her power boost. we don't know her motivations for this right now. rivalry with the 3 other horseman devils maybe? or something more?
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this probably goes without saying but yoshida's comment about the 7/30 convicts dying this week and what we've seen so far makes me think that the convicts are just going to be fodder in some grander scheme, possibly on a city-wide scale, along with a whole lot of others.
it wasnt exactly made clear but since the devil's body was made using the body parts of the people living in the apartment building, were they killed solely for that or can they be reanimated in some way and used in battle like the dolls from part 1?
im kind of forming a loose theory here, and it'll probably be way off, but i wonder if the ability of this primal fear devil is scent based? at the time nayuta says she smells "the nastiest devil scent... i've ever smelled!" (chapter 121) denji is forlorn and hopeless like we see with the couple who jump off the balcony in 122.
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i also want to point out the menacing shot of denji's building. maybe fujimoto is trying to say something here?
but like with the failed spinal cord sword, denji shrugs it off.
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since nayuta isnt affected and denji also isnt really affected, maybe it has to do with pochita's influence on his physiology?
in that vein, we see asa on the street probably not too far away also extremely down on herself. so much so that yoru even feels compelled to say something.
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keep in mind, this isn't the first time asa beats herself up, but it IS the first time yoru says something about it.
and what's happening right at the same time?
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now, onto the next topic.
nostradamus's prophecy of the 1999 apocalypse. im not going to post the poem since it's already floating around but I'll share some thoughts i had on it.
like others are theorizing, i think its fujimoto's way of laying out exactly what will happen from here on out. blatant foreshadowing.
war wants to find and kill chainsaw man to take back the ultimate weapon; nuclear weapons. the primal fears, plural, will set the stage for the arrival of the final boss, nostradamus's king of terror, aka death, who is also one of the 4 horsemen.
that said, im gonna jump around to the couple's conversation:
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the man started off excited about what's essentially a mundane achievement. his wife? girlfriend? is happy for him until he asks about a car. right here is where we see the change from calm to...not sad but apathetic and acceptingly hopeless. at the slightest negative statement that he would not be allowed to get a car, and it's implied that they've had this conversation before and that it isn't the first time he asked, his negativity overwhelms him, transfers to her through whatever is causing this mental shift, and they go to the balcony to jump.
there he eyes a car that looks...
it looks like kobeni's car.
that's either a red herring because fujimoto is a troll or maybe that's where the actual primal fear devil is? it could also be a nod towards what denji was capable of doing; getting up and keeping going towards the same goal. for denji, love. for this guy, a nice car.
as for which primal fear this devil represents, my guess is despair. in war you must have ambition, especially as a leader, and resolve as a soldier. without resolve, you die. what power does war and emotion have when the opponent is empty and untouchable?
but then i remembered what the four horsemen of the APOCALYPSE aka the four horsemen of death were, and i doubt im going to be right about that. we know this primal fear devil isnt control, because that's nayuta, or famine, or yoru, and most likely, as in most probably definitely, not death.
so i did a light google search and saw that control/conquest is sometimes alternatively called pestilence/plague. maybe fujimoto is making 5 horsemen of the apocalypse? if it actually is pestilence, it could explain the smell. disease has a noticeable stench.
i think that more or less sums up my thoughts on chapter 122.
im interested in hearing your thoughts and starting a dialogue in the comments!
thanks for reading.
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upagainstthesunset · 4 months
Metron x oc talk: AU fic edition
I like AUs alright. They're fine, they're fun. But so often those stories let the personalities slip, which loses me. Just because they're in a different setting shouldnt mean they suddenly act differently as well. Its the reason i usually skip AUs in the infrequent times I read fics.
But sometimes i want to entertain ideas of AUs for Heartbeat and Metron. Some of it's hard bc in all honesty, neither of them are very well fleshed out. And the other reason it's hard is bc their dynamic just doesnt hit as well if one of them isnt a god of vast power. But as an experimental exercise, im going to think through an example just for fun.
Lets go with a classic: flower shop AU.
First off, what tf would metron want with a flower shop? Nothing. Even if he were human. And ngl why would i want to read a fic where metron is human anyway? I wouldnt. So from the get go this is a hard sell.
We'll put Heartbeat in the flower shop then. She owns the place, having learned everything she knows from her late mother. Great, now how the hell do we get Metron there?
There are ways this could go if we keep superhero stuff in play. Theres some alien plant causing problems and he needs help, or a villain is using a spore to control people so Metron shows up for plants that can counteract it. Im not very creative so idk maybe theres something better, but both those seem pretty weak. Either way, maybe he mistakenly assumes HB has masterful knowledge of botany and so whisks her off to help before she can even explain. And okay that could have some potential but theres a problem.. we've left the flower shop. It's just an AU that is only circumstantially flower shop adjacent, and has only altered HB's origins but not much else. So other than that is it really too different than the story they already have going? Not so much to be worth exploring more in my opinion. I might as well put that energy into writing their actual story in that case.
Alright what if Metrons a human after all. Ugh, im not a fan but we'll walk through it anyway. So who the heck is he? Probably a teacher. A brilliant scientist with a lousy personality who works at a university purely so he has access to facilities and resources for his experiments. Im already cringing, like just with this much i feel we've lost so much of his character already. Bleh whatever, let's continue.
Now we need them to meet and have a reason to continue interacting beyond that meeting. The flower shop is next to the university and she sees him walk by every day. Okay sure. She wonders what hes like and starts imagining a personality for him (While You Were Sleeping style), only to have it all dashed against the rocks when it turns out he's an asshole. Maybe she attends some botany thing for work and he's there. She approaches him and he inevitably shows his arrogance. They argue about something he maintains is not possible, but she says it certainly is and she has a plant back at the shop that can prove it (im not a plant person so i have no idea what this macguffin would be). He doesnt believe her so she tells him to come into the shop sometime. He shows up later and is proven wrong but then demands to be given the plant to take back for study. But besides that being such a rude, selfish request, this plant was something HB had put a lot of work into and it was started/theorized by her mom so there's that too.
Um alright so we're now at a point of conflict. Every story needs it. But i dont know how to get us out while keeping people in character and pushing these together in a quasi-romantic way that ideally ends in friendship and one sided attraction on HB's part. Im not a strong writer, and as i said before, not very creative. But that's why this kind of exercise is needed sometimes.
Anyway, uh maybe he tries to recreate the plant experiment thing but just cant get it right, which frustrates him to the point of obsession. He storms into the flower shop demanding this time that HB come work for him, which she has no incentive to do. So more conflict there.
Um something something time passes. He walks by every day still but now he knows she sees him so he makes a point of scowling, and she makes a point of turning her nose up. That goes on for a little while, which makes me laugh, both of them being indignant and caring way too much what the other thinks.
And then im still stuck. What kind of event would cause them to become closer despite themselves? It'd have to be metron showing some appreciation of her, or showing some vulnerability. I mean what, is he gonna walk by in the winter and slip and fall so she has to help him? Im sure that works for tons of fluffy fics but i just dont see it for these two. So in order to save me some grief we're going to skip forward.
For whatever reason, they find themselves together not by choice. Maybe another botany event and they are randomly paired up idk. They first bicker as they go around at this event but eventually find they have more in common than they think. Eventually he mentions the thing he worked on that was a failed attempt at what her plant was, and they talk about that. Their unexpected new found rapport plus the topic of his own experiment incites him to invite her to see what hes working on. She wants to say no but shes also always dreamed of seeing the university's private greenhouse. So at night after this event is over he takes her there. Shes in awe of all the stuff he has going on. Crazy experiments. Lots of weird plants. She thinks its fantastic but doesn't want to admit it bc of his arrogance. He shows her the thing hes working on thats based on her plant and shes ends up helping him to solve his problem bc she sees he truly cares about this stuff. Idk what the specifics are, again im not a plant person, but imagine its a clever thing theyre doing. And so he gains a respect for her, and recognizes that just as important this science is to him, this specific plant thing is to her.
Um then they become friends and visit each other and bicker all the time and nobody can believe shes friends w such an asshole and shes like eh hes alright. The end.
So how was it? How was this little brain storming session? In the end i do think it became out of character and really the story didnt have a purpose other than me wanting to come up with something, anything. But thats how AUs often go. I think this story would be literally no different if it were about other original characters. Like, it doesn't rely on specifically Heartbeat and Metron. It could've been anyone. And to me thats sort of a weak spot in the writing. Likewise, it dint have to be plants and a flower shop, it couldve been any field. Besides that, it was very tropey but thats okay and where a lot of the fun comes from. If i were reading this id probably give it a 5 out of 10. Its not a terrible story, but its unoriginal and doesnt do anything special for the characters. But if the goal is to have the archetypes that represent Metron and HB interact, that was accomplished.
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cayenne-twilight · 3 years
Professor Layton Iceberg Explanation
As I said in the tags of the original, the iceberg I made was a meme consisting of both real theories and satire/parodies/fandom memes. If anyone is interested, I can work on an unironic version that only has real theories.
Buckle in because this post is LONG and heavily saturated with lore and information.
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Actual theories
Parallel universe 1960s where the world wars didn’t happen. There’s an unused file in Curious Village that shows the year as 1960 and the time machine from UF is set to 1973, ten years into the future. The series canonically takes place in an undefined time period (hence the technological inaccuracies and fantasy elements), but it’s based off the 60s. There’s more evidence but we don’t have time to go over every little thing. I linked my “no wars” theory below but TL;DR the outdated airplanes and underdeveloped medicine in the Layton series imply that the world wars may never have happened. https://cayenne-twilight.tumblr.com/post/632205992162099200/outofcontextdiscord-timegearremix-zonosils-war
The real meaning behind the statue in Future London. In UF, the purpose of the statue is to spark Layton and Luke’s conversation about their friendship. Luke is stressing out about moving overseas and sees himself and the professor in the story behind the statue, but in the bigger picture, Clive must have been the one to commission it. Some theorize that the little boy is Clive and the man is either his father or the professor. One idea I’ve seen is that Clive wishes he could be Luke for real, while another is that he wishes he died ten years ago, and another is that he’s literally terminally ill explaining why he doesn’t care about consequence. Personally, I think “the boy succumbed to his illness” refers to his mental illness seeing as he wanted the professor to save him from his madness as he saved him all those years ago.
True location of Monte D’Or. there are no deserts on the British isles to my knowledge, so it makes the most sense for Monte D’Or to be in Southwest USA where English is the default language, they have a desert, and there exists a city famous for flashy hotels, casinos, and entertainment. What makes it odd is that nobody ever mentions overseas travel, and all the major characters are from England.
Loosha’s origins are not explicitly explained if I remember correctly, but the implication was that her prehistoric (supposedly) species was sealed away along with the garden, allowing them to survive all the way to the time of LS until Loosha was the only one left. The garden provided a good habitat and protection from predators, and it’s logical that they’d slowly die out anyways, but there’s no explanation of any specific factors that led to Loosha being the last.
Beasley is not a bee I wrote a post about this one as well, but TL;DR Beasly lacks several defining bee traits whilst having several human ones. He is not human, yet, by definition, not a bee. It’s possible that he is the result of Dimitri’s testing, but whatever his untold story is, he remains an enigma of nature. https://cayenne-twilight.tumblr.com/post/632381715250282496/theory-beasly-isnt-a-bee
Subject 2’s identity is currently unknown. There is a subject one (parrot) and subject 3 (rabbit) so there has to be a second. For a long time, people suspected Beasly to be him seeing as he’s a bit of an amalgamation and definitely not a regular bee (see above). After the release of LMJ, though, people began to suspect Sherl, the intelligent hound who could speak to certain people but not others. That being said, it’s possible for one to be subject 4. Sherl’s memory of a bright flash matches up with subject 3’s memory of being electrocuted. They never explain why the animals were being experimented on, but it was probably Dimitri making sure the conditions of his machine were safe for humans before reliving the incident from ten years ago.
Lady Violet died from the plague from DB. There’s no evidence for this or anything, it’s just an idea. People say she died from the flu but I don’t remember them saying that in the game, at least the US version. Extending off my “no war” theory: it’s theorized that the Spanish Flu was spread by the travlelling soldiers, so if that’s true, it’s possible for the epidemic to have been averted for some decades. Maybe the Spanish Flu reached England later than in real life. The hole in this is that DB’s plague must’ve been close in time to 1918 while Violet’s death was much later, so it would’ve had to stick around.
Bill Hawks is working with Targent and Arthur Cantabella. There was a force in the shadows buying the time machine technology from Bill. Someone with a ton of money who helped him cover up a freak accident and get away with it completely, a feat that involved shady means like violence by hired thugs. Some theorize that it was Targent, seeking power over time in exchange for a little mafia magic. The Labarynthia project was sponsored by the UK government, so as the PM, Bill must’ve known about it. He probably supported dubiously ethical, high stakes (witch pun) psychological experiments like Cantabella’s and helped him stay in the shadows.
All the NPCs in St. Mystere and Folsense are dead. I make fun of this type of theory later, but they’re admittedly captivating. I’m pretty sure the canon in CV is that the villagers are Bruno and Augustus’s OCs that they made robots of and built a town around, but it’s more interesting to think that the village was there before, and the townspeople died of a plague and were replaced like Lady Violet. In Folsense, there really was a plague and they never explain the NPCs there. They’re either real people who appear way younger than they are due to hallucinations (even the ones who already look old ?), or they don’t exist at all, which is pretty spooky. This part of the story is a gaping plot hole. In a similar vein to CV, the edgy yet plausible theory is that they used to live in Folsense but died of the plague and now live on as hallucinations.
Hershel seeing everything as a puzzle is a coping mechanism for all his trauma. This was a joke but I thought about it for more than five seconds and it makes way too much sense.
Plot holes and unexplained questions that we like to overthink because it’s fun
The downfall of the Azran was vaguely explained in canon by people being so greedy that it lead to the civilization collapsing. It’s not a stretch to imagine that happening, but it would’ve been more interesting with a little more detail.
Layton and Luke are programmed to routinely forget how to walk. I didn’t know whether to list this in the joke section or not, but it’s odd that the characters actively participate in the walking tutorial (as opposed to showing a little memo to the player) as if they didn’t know how to before, especially when they go through this several times a year.
The truth behind Pavel. He’s simply a joke character who teleports, is a polyglot (sort of, at least he wants us to think he is) and is mega confused all the time. He’s a fun character to make crack theories about because of his cryptic nature that even he doesn’t seem to understand.
Miracle Mask deleted scenes. The first trailer for MM featured animations that were not in the final game. One was the Randall falling scene, except in a slightly different style than the one we know. Others were completely foreign, like Layton and Luke pacing across a theatre stage as if Layton’s about to expose someone with a dramatic point. Cut content and “could’ve beens” are always curious to think about.
Evan Barde: secret mastermind. Arianna and Tony’s dad is a mysterious character who died under mysterious circumstances. I think the canon is that his death was a genuine accident, but concept art of him making a creepy evil face suggests that maybe he originally had a larger role in the first drafts of LS than the finished game.
The secret to how Paul and Des pull off their disguises is unclear and will remain unclear. There is no plausible explanation for their shape shifting. Unless Paul is just a little dude wearing a human suit like that one Wizard of Oz species and Des is the best quick-changer ever and hides his naturally feminine legs under his cloak.
Alfendi’s mom. When LBMR came out people scrambled to piece together who Hershel had a kid with, but there’s no way alfendi is his biological son. This happened with Kat as well and her biological parents turned out to be brand new characters, so I’m sure Al will get an adoption backstory if his arc continues, be his parents old major characters or nameless, faceless NPCs.
Granny Riddleton and Stachenscarfen are omnipotent deities. Idk which section this fits best under, but these two characters have some serious power. At first introduction, they’re implied to be robots, but they appear everywhere in later games. They follow the Professor wherever he goes and assist him on his adventures, GR collecting puzzles and housing them by some odd magic, and Stachen teaches you how to walk. They both introduce and supervise the gameplay. By extension, I guess this idea could apply to Albus as well in the prequels. GR and Stachen even had the power to appear in LMJ, something no major character could do. I consider them akin to the velvet room attendants from the Persona games.
Clive’s kill count is a vague subject in the game for the sake of keeping it PG. I don’t know if anyone’s ever mathematically estimated the damage he caused, and I sure don’t want to try, but the game appears to push the idea that he didn’t kill anyone at all, saying they stopped him in the nick of time and things like that, even though we watch him raze the city. If they ever want to bring him back post-time skip, I can see them twisting it so that the mobile fortress cutscene wasn’t a linear sequence of events, but instead a compilation of scenes over the course of hours so that London neighborhoods around him could be evacuated and have it make sense. Knowing Level-5, it’s more likely that they wouldn’t think this deep and do something more lazy, though.
Memes and references
Post-time skip Flora is real references the famous L is real theory from Super Mario 64. Like Luigi in SM64, Flora was also a highly anticipated character who didn’t appear in a new game, in this case LMJ or LMDA. In the end, Luigi did become real in the DS port so hopefully Flora is real will be realized as well.
Hershel can’t read is a veteran fandom meme referring to how in the first few games, especially Curious Village, Layton asks Luke to read every document out loud for him. Perhaps this was an exercise to improve Luke’s reading skills and independent thinking, or perhaps he was just too lazy or preoccupied to do it himself, but this grew into the joke that our genius Professor was actually illiterate this whole time.
Layton’s smash invitation is hidden in PLvsAA. It’s no secret that the fandom would kill a man to get the Professor into the smash brothers franchise. In PLvsAA one of the puzzle artworks features a goat eating a familiar white envelope with a red stamp, sparking the joke that either Layton or Wright got the invitation their respective fans desired, but it got lost along the way.
The science board is the mysteriously vague organization Don Paolo got kicked out of for the crime of being evil. It’s the epitome of liberal arts majors and art school graduates trying to bs their way around not knowing any science and failing miserably. “He was very good at all the sciences, but then the CEO of science told him to stop because he was using the power of science for evil science”. They do this again when “Dr. Stahngun” describes his time machine what with the soolha coils and whatnot.
Hoogland is death cult initiation is a parody of “Mario 64 is Freemason initiation” which is ridiculous, just like the creepy human sacrifice subplot of AL.
You can see the reflection of someone watching you in Aurora’s eye references the famous, creepy Talking Angela theory. In retrospect it would’ve been funnier if I said Angela instead of Aurora.
Every copy of Professor Layton is personalized references the famous “every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized”
Clive’s fat ass in HD is a meme that originated from the announcement of UFHD, saying that half of the excited fans wanted to cry again while the other half were simply attracted to Clive. If we want to enter real bottom-section-of-the-iceberg-chart territory then let’s say Clive’s character has some sort of psychological siren properties that draw people to him like a magnet and/or Harry Styles.
Things I pulled out of my ass for shits and giggles
Infinite hint coin hack: I’m sure a tech savvy cheater could hack the game for infinite hint coins, but there’s no easy or interesting way. I don’t know why someone would do that though, considering a lot of the hints suck and there are puzzle guides on the internet.
Cringy, unused Randall villain monologue. This joke is derived from the actual scrapped MM content as well as deleted content being a popular element of iceberg charts, but it’s sadly not real. Would’ve been hilarious, though.
Last Specter Puzzle 031: Light Height tracks and records children’s intelligence level. It doesn’t, but it’s always fun to make fun of arguably THE most ridiculously difficult puzzle in the franchise. (Seriously, do they expect 7+ year olds to know trigonometry???)
Hershel struggles with tea addiction. Hershel from the games drinks tea in moderation, but the manga begs to differ. He has a tea set in the Laytonmobile, and an attempt at teatime while driving causes him to crash.
Folsense is a metaphor for Alzheimer’s. This is inspired by those edgy kids’ show theories where everyone’s in hell or something, but nobody has ever said this.
London Life is reality and the plot of the games is all in Luke’s head. That’s one way to fill every plot hole. How funny would it be if Luke made up crazy characters and stories based off his fellow townspeople Sharkboy and Lavagirl style. “This dude who lives in a castle and asks people to give him all their money for nothing in return is a vampire from 50 years ago involved in a tragic love story”.
Secret ending encoded into Tago’s Head Gymnastics. It’d be crazy if there was, and Dimitri would hound Tago for the secret to time travel. If you didn’t know, the Layton games started as an adaption of Akira Tago’s puzzle series, except they decided to add a story to make it more interesting and marketable.
Daily puzzles datamine your DS. I’m bad with technology but is it even possible to datamine a DS??? Idk, but I think my DS lite from 2008 is safe.
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itsonlystrange · 3 years
So I just took a deep dive on Byler Twitter and realized how many people literally devote their whole accounts just to talk sh!t about Kaypeace and her theories along with Byler shippers in general. Honestly, the duffers would not be proud of this. Is this seriously what our show has become? People are BASHING someone just because they have hope in a ship?
They’re calling Bylers deranged, delusional, lost soldiers, “in need of a rude awakening”, and more! Like who hurt you? How upset do you have to be with yourself to say this about someone just for shipping two fictional characters? They seriously can’t stand the fact that someone has hope for something and that there is actually proof tied to it. I’ve seen countless people say that she’s “digging up dust bunnies and pretending it’s gold.” Or that she’s “deranged and needs an awakening.” Which is just horrible! Why would you say that about someone?! Just letting you know that Finn, Millie, AND Noah would 100% find you HORRIBLE for saying things like this. This ISNT the fandom they wanted to raise. The show is not surrounded by byler OR Mileven and either way the show is phenomenal without either and there are so many more components. The duffers would not be proud of this behavior. You gotta admit, there are a lot of byler clues throughout all 3 seasons and calling us deranged for seeing something like that is terrible of you.
Saying that she needs mental help for picking up on hints that 2 people may be in love? Seriously? What is wrong with those people! Why do people have an issue with someone having hope. It’s not like we as Bylers are doing this for Mileven. I haven’t seen a Mileven Hate account in ages. And we personally do not claim those who do that. But I don’t understand why people seriously have an issue with the fact that two people could potentially end up together. How am I deranged for shipping two fake characters? Finn has said countless times to STOP with the ship wars and that he isn’t proud of it. This fandom is so toxic at times and is so horrible. You cannot deny that there are some pretty solids hints of Byler being canon. Kaypeace is not treating herself as If she is some saint. She has never said that all of her theories will be correct. But hell, some of them have been in the past! And with all of this proof, how are we deranged for seeing what’s clearly there? And how are we delusional for having faith in something? People really just wanna ruin our parade and ruin our happiness just because we see potential in 2 characters dating and being end game. This show is NOT a romance and exists without any love in it! So can we all stop acting like the show runs on Mileven or Byler or Jopper or Lumax or Jancy or whatever! We both can acknowledge that both ships have a lot of proof and that is that. Whatever happens, we cannot change. If people seriously get this worked up over the fact that Mike may not be in love with El, that seems like a personal issue. I’m not saying there aren’t toxic Bylers but the Mileven community from what I’ve seen has been HORRIBLE. They gaslight us and completely invalidate how we feel just because it’s “Delusinal” and “isnt canon”. Like?? What???
Also, please stop using the words “delusional” or “deranged” or “mental help” over FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Implying that someone needs to go to a mental hospital just because they enjoy watching a tv show and analyzing it is HORRIBLE. And also horrible to ppl who actually experience delusions as well. It is not a mental illness to ship Mileven or Byler and none of what either are seeing are “delusions” or “hallucinations”. Google what Delusions means first before being an a$$ about it. The hate in this fandom is SO TOXIC. And if the duffers saw this behavior they would be mortified. The duffers would not invalidate either ship in any interview so can we all just stop. It’s THEIR show and at the end of the day they’ll do whatever they want to it. If that means that your ship isn’t canon, then so be it. But saying that “Milevens are always gonna win” and that “Mileven is end game” and then claiming Bylers are delusinal for shipping 2 fictional characters,,,,,, then doesn’t that make Milevens delusinal for shipping 2 fictional characters too?? None of us are delusinal or deranged or anything. We are all human. Let us all have faith.
And also, nothing, and I mean NOTHING is set in stone. Mileven isn’t endgame yet and Byler isn’t end game yet either. For f@!$ sake, Mike could even end up with Max! El could end up with Lucas! We literally never know! So, stop treating like we know the end of the show. We have proof and we analyze it. Why would the duffers be giving us this much proof if it wasn’t to analyze. If Milevens are allowed to theorize then so are Bylers. Hell, maybe Will AND el die by the end and Mike ends up lonely with 3 cats.
This is STRANGER THINGS. The show is all about subverting tropes. So just take all of your expectations and throw them out the window. Because 99% of the time, we are completely blown out of our minds. If there was any show that was gonna leave us in total shock when the season finale airs, it’s stranger things. The duffers know how to write. And they know exactly what they are doing. If Mileven does end up together, so be it. But if Byler is end game, don’t cry about It. Don’t make up some false reality, because ironically that would make YOU the delusional one, haha. But in all seriousness, nothing is set in stone. Anyone remember how off our theories were for season 3? Or how off our theories were for season 4 compared to now? People were convinced S4 was taking place during thanksgiving break, that Steve was joining the Force, that Robin was getting a girlfriend (I hope!), etc. Everything in this show happens for a reason, the duffers said so themselves. And this show is an ENSEMBLE SHOW. No character is the main character. This isn’t a rom com and the show could very well end up with everyone dead besides Keith! We literally don’t know. So can we stop calling ppl delusional or insane for shipping 2 fake people. We’re allowed to theorize. And just bc it isn’t your opinion doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.
This needs to stop! Millie and Noah and the rest of the cast would not be proud of this behavior. Respect everyone’s ships. And for the love of god, stop making accs just to sh!t on Byler or any theorizer. Be a better person
(Please reblog)
@lolbyler @willthecleric @hawkinsschoolcounselor @kaypeace21
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Stranger Things 4 Theory/Prediction: The Clocks Symbolize Memories
Well shit, here we go again.
So obviously everybody has been going off about the recently released Season 4 announcement, with that crazy heckin’ video with the Upside Down, and the clock, and the light in the distance, and all that good stuff. And naturally, people have been making theories, so I decided to make one of my own, using evidence and clues from the announcement trailer, and evidence from previous theories (about the current three seasons) made by other theorists in the fandom.
So, obviously, the most prominent theory in the Fandom at this point (concerning Season 4) is that there’s going to be a time travel element. And I can see how some people would think that, especially with the clock in the trailer, the Twitter account posting the tweet with the clock, Back To The Future in Season 3, and Hopper’s speech mentioning that he wishes he could “turn back the clock.” However, I myself don’t see how this could make any sense, and time travel would inevitably serve to only make the show more unnecessarily complicated and filled with holes, as time travel is not an easy thing to get right and can be portrayed poorly without very careful planning.
My theory, on the other hand, is that Season 4, and all the clues about clocks and turning back the clock, has nothing to do with time travel, but rather Will’s plotline and his relationship with Mike.
Hear me out:
First, let’s examine this still from the announcement trailer.
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Obviously this isn’t the best quality, but there are a few key things that we can single out: the clock, the Welcome To Hawkins sign, Will’s bike (in the iconic position that everyone has known since Season 1), and what appears to be a newspaper strewn across it. There’s also the light in the distance which could either be Hopper’s cabin, or Hopper himself, but I’ll refrain from talking about that since that’s not what this theory is about.
So the clock is obvious, and it’s been hinted that we are directly supposed to focus on the clock and that clocks and time have something significant to do with this season, primarily due to this tweet:
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Now let’s talk about this tweet.
Again, there’s the clock - this clock coupled with the other clock shows that they’re important somehow, which is obvious by this point. But there’s one thing from this tweet that I never see anyone talking about, and that’s what is placed right next to the clock: an upside-down smiley face.
The announcement trailer takes place in the Upside Down, where we already know time to be somewhat skewed. Mr. Clarke even said himself in Season 1 that the Gate can affect magnetic fields (the magnets and compasses), the environment (the dying crops), gravity, and even time itself. This is very subtly touched on in Season 2 when Will sees the Mind Flayer at his house for the first time, where the clock on the wall is shown to be ticking rapidly - much faster than it should be.
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This could possibly be in relation to what has been happening with Hopper and his time in the Upside Down, but again, that’s not what this theory is about.
Now, this is all well in good, but I think it means something else aside from that. And sure, Time Travel theory is slightly plausible, but, personally, I don’t think that’s what these clues are hinting towards at all - or at least not in the traditional sense. So here’s my theory: the clock and all the hints of turning it back have nothing to do with literal time travel, but rather a way of “turning back the clock” that is far more intimate and relevant to Stranger Things itself - memory.
Ever since Season 2, and even in elements of Season 1, memory has played a big part in fighting against the Mind Flayer. While he was in the Upside Down, Will sung Should I Stay Or Should I Go to himself for comfort, clinging to the memory of listening to it with Jonathan to keep himself sane. When Will was possessed by the Mind Flayer it was the memories of his childhood from Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike that allowed him to continue fighting the Mind Flayer as much as he did. The same method is applicable to Billy, who is able to break free of the Mind Flayer’s control when he is reminded of his happiest memory with his mother. Not to mention that El is able to actively look into peoples’ memories, as she does with both Billy and her own mother.
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Memory plays an important part in this show, and it especially plays a key role with Will and his relationship with Mike, and how it’s going to develop in Season 4.
Let’s start with my first point: memories being important to Will’s storyline.
Warning: Mentions of abuse and sexual assault ahead.
For the purpose of this theory, I’m going off of @kaypeace21​‘s theory that the Mind Flayer represents Will's dad, and that a grand majority of the events on the show represent the past sexual abuse that Will can’t remember due to dissociative amnesia. You can read more about that here and here. Kaypeace does an amazing job on it and goes super in-depth into details I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, so I would definitely suggest reading it if you haven’t.
Throughout season 2 Will constantly references what he says are “like old memories, in the back of [his] head,” and that his Now Memories from the Mind Flayer are “like when you have a dream” and “you can’t remember it unless you think really hard.” This is quite common with survivors of sexual assault, especially if the abuse occurred when they were children. I don’t think I even need to point out the r*pe parallels of Will getting possessed at this stage, so we’ll move on. The point is that Will’s memories of his abuse are there, he just can’t remember them properly - he’s “forgotten” them, in a sense; stored them so deep in the back of his psyche that he can’t bring them back up - and they’re represented with the Mind Flayer who abstractly plays out scenarios that parallel abuse; abuse that Will has gone through in the past.
So in terms of memory, here’s what I theorize is going to happen:
El - likely with her powers returned - is going to end up looking into Will’s memories, just as she did with Terry and Billy, and he’s going to end up remembering everything he repressed.
This definitely isn’t a pleasant idea, not in the slightest, especially with how that will affect Will in the long run; however, recovering repressed memories through clinical hypnotism is an actual method used by therapists for treating people with dissociative disorders. It definitely isn’t the best method of therapy, and is even known to be controversial due to the possibility of creating false memories, but, at times, it still helps people with dissociative disorders to come to terms with what happened in their past and begin to heal from it. Hypnotism is even slightly related to the show with the concept of MKUltra, even if we never directly see it. You can read more about Dissociative Amnesia and treatments for it here.
And why do I think this will happen? Because of another thing I haven’t yet seen people talking about in their posts concerning the announcement teaser: Will’s bike.
Will crashing his bike in Season 1 marks a moment where everything changes - where he’s dragged into the Upside Down, representing his own trauma as a whole along with El’s. And when his bike is found, that changes everything for both his family and his friends - to realize that something happened to him, that he didn’t just skip school or run away. The (what seems to be) newspaper strewn across it is representative of Will’s life changing as well; suddenly everyone in Hawkins knows who he is. He’s the boy who died in the quarry, and then the boy who came back to life, and people are paying attention to him (both good and bad) whether he likes it or not. He’s the most interesting thing that has ever happened in Hawkins, a mystery, a spectacle, and it’s clear that he hates it. Hawkins has never been welcoming to him, and with the Upside Down and everyone looking at him like he’s even “more of a freak” due to his disappearance, Hawkins is the last place he wants to be welcomed back to.
Will’s bike being in the Upside Down in the trailer shows us that, as hard as he is trying to recover and move on, he’s still stuck in that moment. He’s still between the View-Master slides, both in the Upside Down and not, and as much as he’s trying to move on he can’t, not until he’s finally able to face his abuser (the Mind Flayer/his dad).
This leads to my second point:
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How memories are important in Mike and Will’s relationship.
Of everyone that shares memories in the shed in Season 2, Mike’s memory of when he first met Will is the one that really gets through to him, allowing him to break free of the Mind Flayer’s control just enough to send a message. From the camera angles, the lighting, and the acting of it alone, it’s obvious that it’s a very intimate moment between the two of them,
where Mike is at his most vulnerable
to bring Will back -
he’s sharing the most personal memory he has, the one that means the most to him.
And that is significant.
That scene gives us insight into how long Mike and Will have been friends, an indication of
how deep their story goes
, how close they were with each other. It’s not a memory that includes Dustin, or Lucas, or even any of their family members - it’s just them. The scene itself reflects that. They’re close, and they always have been.
And it isnt just that scene either; there are many instances, from Mike going through Will’s drawings after they pull the fake body out of the quarry to a photo - a tangible memory - of the Party (with emphasis on Mike and Will) being what makes Mike realize that El could be the key to finding Will.
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Their memories are important to them - their past and their story are important to them; and, therefore, they’re important to the show. Crucial to the show.
Now fast-forward to Season 3, where Mike has done almost a complete 180 and focuses all of his time on El due to his perception that that’s what he has to do - he has a girlfriend now, he’s grown up (in his own eyes), and that’s all that matters. Mike’s main theme in the season is “we’re not kids anymore,” which he says to Will in the carport - Will, who wants to go back to their younger days; Will, who wants to relive a little bit of what he lost due to his trauma; Will, who wants to turn back that clock, who misses playing board games every night, who doesn’t want things to change.
Hopper, in his speech, wishes he could go back to a simpler time where he and El were closer than they are in Season 3 - when they spent more time together, weren’t distant from each other, talked to each other. And that’s what Will wants, too, throughout the entirety of the third season. He wants to go back to a simpler time where he wasn’t distant from everyone, and didn’t have to worry about the Upside Down or the Mind Flayer, or his friends - Mike - leaving him because they’re getting girlfriends and growing up and he’s stuck by himself - the lonely little gay kid in love with his best friend.
And it’s Mike’s words, and Will looking at the picture - the memory - of them from Halloween when Mike promised that he and Will would “go crazy together,” that finally send Will past his breaking point, causing him to rip the picture directly in half, symbolizing the rift between him and Mike.
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With all this damage done, Mike and Will are a tattered reflection of what they used to be - what we were told about in Season 1 and what we saw in Season 2 - and Season 3 never truly takes the time to amend it. The end of the season shows that they’re clearly on good terms again (what with Will’s flirting and Mike’s fond smile towards him), but that’s not good enough. Not after that catastrophic fight that led to the destruction of Castle Byers and a clear rift in their friendship - that’s not something you can resolve offscreen.
Therefore, I believe that Season 4 will see the proper reparation of Mike and Will’s relationship.
Finally, they’ll talk. They’ll talk about everything - growing distant from each other, barely talking to each other, and the feelings that both of them, Mike especially, have been trying to ignore for years. They can fix the picture, fix the tear between them; the picture will never be exactly the same, but it’ll still be there, and Mike will retell the memory of when he first met Will, paralleling the scene in the shed, but without the Mind Flayer, and without the impending doom. And through this, they can turn back the clock, go back, in a way, to how things once were. They can recreate a time when they were closer, when it was just the two them sitting on the swings, and they can bring back what was so special about their relationship to begin with.
And with the two of them back together and stronger than ever before, Will can finally fully accept himself as he is, for his past and his present, and face the Mind Flayer (his father) once and for all.
This was a really long theory, and one that took me a bit to fully put together myself, but after a lot of research and rereading of multiple theories from Kaypeace, I think I’ve got something pretty solid here. It’s a lot, especially considering that I’m going off of a singular tweet and a 30-second announcement trailer, and there are a couple things that might be a reach, but I think it still has some weight to it. 
Obviously it’s way too early to tell if any of this could be true, so we’ll have to wait for more content, but after all of the theories I’ve read from some of you guys I have no doubt that it’s entirely plausible for some of this theory to be true. Now let’s just hope the Duffers don’t screw us over (which they might, but I will choose to believe they still have half a braincell between them), and pray that we’re on to something. Which, inevitably, we are.
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
What prophecies do you think will play out on the show? What will be the outcome and which character will the prophecy be about?
Hey, nonnie!
Hmmm … very interesting question. And a multi-layered one. 
Of course the show will have to pay-off the prophecies it included from the books. Then there are prophecies that were not mentioned in the show but by the nature of revealing the endgame and by being ahead of the books, the show will either pay them off or at least give heavy hints for what they might be in the books. And then there are foreshadowing elements that aren’t really prophecies per se but serve a similar purpose in the narrative. 
So let’s get started. Warning: this will get long. 
Prophecies mentioned in the show
Azor Ahai
Melisandre: After the long summer, the darkness will fall heavy on the world. Stars will bleed. The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas and the Dead shall rise in the North. In the ancient books it’s written that a warrior shall draw a burning sword from the fire and that sword shall be Lightbringer. 
This is very much in play, having been mentioned as recently as season 7 and I believe that by the end of season 8 we will have a definitive answer as to who and what Azor Ahai is. 
I’ve talked about this before in this post. Here is an excerpt: 
I think it’s far more likely that Azor Ahai is not a hero. He’s a villain and the elemental opposite to the Night King.  R'hllor followers herald Azor Ahai’s second coming with such encouraging words as: “ he will bring an eternal summer” which sounds great if you worship fire but in reality an eternal summer is about as bad as an eternal winter. If the WWs unbalance the world by plunging it into night and winter, Azor Ahai is supposed not to bring balance back but to unbalance it in the opposite direction.
Considering the placement of Azor Ahai in complete opposition to the WW and the obsession with fire of the followers of R’hllor, I’d say that the best candidate for this position is one D*enerys Targareyen, which doesn’t sound surprising since many people theorize the same. The twist is that AA was never meant to be a hero but rather an antagonist. @trinuviel has a fantastic series regarding this topic and I would encourage you to read it. She goes into a lot more detail than I am able to provide.
One aspect of this prophecy that is not brought up in the show is Nissa Nissa: 
To fight the darkness, Azor Ahai needed to forge a hero’s sword. He labored for thirty days and thirty nights until it was done. However, when he went to temper it in water, the sword broke. He was not one to give up easily, so he started over.
The second time he took fifty days and fifty nights to make the sword, even better than the first. To temper it this time, he captured a lion and drove the sword into its heart, but once more the steel shattered.
The third time, with a heavy heart, for he knew beforehand what he must do to finish the blade, he worked for a hundred days and nights until it was finished. This time, he called for his wife, Nissa Nissa, and asked her to bare her breast. He drove his sword into her living heart, her soul combining with the steel of the sword, creating Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.
People have been speculating for years on who might be the Nissa Nissa in the story but because this isn’t mentioned in the show, I’m not really sure this will be paid off. However, considering Melisandre’s obsession with blood magic and human sacrifice, I think there’s a possibility that a candidate will arise. And in my opinion, that would probably be Mel herself. She foretold her own death in season 7 and because of the nature of her arc, the relation to fire, blood and magic I can see her as a willing human sacrifice for the glory of the prophesied hero. 
However, since I don’t think she is interpreting the prophecy of Azor Ahai correctly and that AA is probably not the person that will end the Long Night, I don’t think this human sacrifice in the form of Nissa Nissa 2.0 will have an effect or at least not the desired one. 
In the comments section of the post I linked above, @trinuviel brought forth the idea that the story of Nissa Nissa and Lightbringer is a metaphorical set of instructions on how to forge Valyrian steel. And I have to say that’s a very intriguing idea and one that sounds very plausible to me for several reasons: 
1. Valyrian steel swords are already magical swords and we know they are effective against the WWs. What could a burning sword do that these other swords can’t?
2. The Valyrians were known to practice blood magic and it’s theorized that’s where the source of most of their power came from, including their bond with dragons. 
3. GRRM has purposefully pointed to the mystery surrounding the forging of Valyrian steel in story several times. There must be a pretty big reason why he hasn’t revealed how these swords are forged. 
The Younger More Beautiful Queen
Maggy the Frog: Oh, yes! You’ll be queen … For a time. Then comes another. Younger. More beautiful. To cast you down and take all you hold dear. 
I believe the last time Cersei mentioned her encounter with Maggy the Frog was after Myrcella was killed. So this will be paid off in season 8.
I’ve made the argument in the past that Sansa is the younger, more beautiful queen that will cast Cersei down and take all that she holds dear: 
Sansa has been intimately involved in all of Cersei’s tragedies even though she is not directly responsible. She was the one that carried the poison that killed Jofferey, the war with her brother is the reason why Myrcella was sent to Dorne, Jofferey’s death leads to Tommen becoming king and eventually killing himself. And, by the end of this series, Sansa might end up as queen of the Seven Kingdoms effectively replacing Cersei.
It isn’t that Sansa is directly responsible for what happens to Cersei but that she ends up taking everything from her in a way that no one could have predicted unless you look back at the events. 
There is an aspect of this prophecy that isn’t mentioned but I think will be paid off as well: 
And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
I honestly have no idea why they chose not to include this in the show since it’s part of the same conversation as the younger, more beautiful queen. They might bring it up in season 8 through another flash-back and I think that they should. Either way, I’m pretty sure we will find out who the valonqar is. 
I’ve made an argument for Jaime because I think it will be a fitting end to their story and because of what Cersei told Ned about her and Jaime back in season 1: 
Cersei: Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We shared a womb. We came into this world together. We belong together. 
And by that logic … they will die together. Or at least one will be the end to the other. 
The Prince that was Promised
Melisandre: You should kneel before your brother. He’s the lord’s chosen. Born amidst salt and smoke. 
This is a dicey one because it’s only brought up by Mel as an interchangeable title for Azor Ahai. 
In the books, however, the PTWP is also brought up in relation to Rhaegar and his prophecy fulfilling quest. When D*ny visits the House of the Undying, she has a vision of her brother holding his infant son, Aegon, by Elia Martell and saying this: 
Rhaegar: Aegon. What better name for a king?
Elia: Will you make a song for him?
Rhaegar: He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.
From what we know at this time, Rhaegar never brings up the Azor Ahai prophecy and we don’t know that much about the PTWP. But I tend to think these two aren’t related. 
I believe the PTWP is Jon. His is the only story that is linked to both fire and ice. He is the literal product of the song of ice and fire (the son of a Targareyen and a Stark) and his story is connected to both ice and fire through out. He fights against Ice in the form of the White Walkers and he encounters both the false Azor Ahai (Stannis) and now D*ny, who is the person associated the most with fire in the series. If the Dance of Dragons 2.0 and dark D*ny theories become canon, his song of ice and fire would be his titular role in both these great wars that are about to visit Westeros. He also has “salt and smoke” imagery associated with his death (and subsequent resurrection). 
So I tend to see the PTWP and AA as actually being ultimate adversaries. 
What I’m doubting at the moment is whether or not the show will bother differentiating between these two. I do think that by confirming Dark D*ny and the Dance of Dragons 2.0, they will essentially pay off this prophecy but I’m not sure they’ll signal the distinction. 
That’s about it on the show-included prophecies, I think.
Prophecies not mentioned in the show
The Last Hero
Legends of the north state the last hero and his companions went in search of the children of the forest during the Long Night, thousands of years ago. The only survivor of the company after attacks from giants, wights, and Others, the last hero eventually reached the children and gained their assistance. The Night’s Watch then formed and won the Battle for the Dawn. This ended the generation-long winter and sent the Others into retreat, possibly to the Land of Always Winter. The fate of the last hero is unknown
One could make an argument that this is not a prophecy but rather a story but because the Battle for the Dawn 2.0 is fast approaching, this story/prophecy will most likely be paid off in season 8. 
If anyone is destined to be the hero to save the world from the Long Night that character is Bran Stark and his story is linked to the legend of the Last Hero, who is also identified as Bran the Builder. This connection is not fully established yet but I believe the characters of the Last Hero and Bran the Builder to be one and the same. 
Bran is the Three Eyed Raven, he’s traveled to the Lands of Always Winter and reached the children of the forest. That’s enough evidence for me to assume that his role in season 8 and the defeat of the WWs will pay off the Legend of the Last Hero. Incidentally, Bran the Builder is mentioned in relation to our Bran by Maester Luwin in season 1. 
We might also get a pay off for how the Wall and Winterfell were actually built although I do think part of this story will remain a mystery that will most likely be tackled in the Long Night prequel. 
D*ny’s prophecies in the House of the Undying
… mother of dragons, daughter of death …
… mother of dragons, slayer of lies …
… mother of dragons, bride of fire …
Essentially, I believe all of these will be paid off by the Dark D*ny reveal.
three fires must you light… one for life and one for death and one to love… three mounts must you ride… one to bed and one to dread and one to love… three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love… 
I think it was a huge mistake for the show not to include the 3 treasons prophecy in D*ny’s storyline, particularly since they included Cersei’s Younger More Beautiful Queen one. Because the three treasons prophecy works on D*ny’s psyche much in the same way it does on Cersei’s. 
They both become increasingly paranoid and obsessed with these ominous predictions and are actively on the look-out for potential candidates. 
However I think the pol!jon reveal will resolve the 3rd treason aspect of the prophecy as well as this: 
A blue flower growing from a chink in a wall of ice, filling the air with sweetness.
A great stone beast takes wing from a smoking tower, breathing shadows.
Between the parentage reveal and Political Jon, her lover turned nephew, Jon Snow, will turn from the flower that fills the air with sweetness into the great stone beast that will oppose her.
There’s also a case to be made that the three treasons are actually treasons D*ny commits against other people, as @thelawyerthatwaspromised has detailed on her blog. And by going to war with Jon and potentially turning her back on the fight with the WWs, D*ny would essentially become a betrayer. 
So either way, I think we’ll have a much clearer picture of these prophecies by the end of the show. 
The dragon must have three heads
This is the continuation of the Rhaegar vision D*ny sees in the House of the Undying. 
Rhaegar: He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire. There must be one more. The dragon has three heads.
We don’t know much of anything about what this means or how Rhaegar thought it would link to the PTWP prophecy. I wouldn’t have included it, to be honest, if it wasn’t for the Crypts of Winterfell teaser and the staging of Jon/Arya/Sansa as a play on the original three heads of the dragon Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys. In a previous post I said this: 
The “Dragon must have 3 heads” is generally considered the reason why Rhaegar started his relationship with Lyanna and the main reason why Jon was even born. Details on this prophecy are foggy but the theory goes that at some point Rhaegar became convinced that his three children would be instrumental in saving the world and because Elia Martell was unable to bare another child after her two pregnancies, he went after teenage Lyanna Stark, thus looking to fulfill yet another prophecy: that of the Prince that was Promised whose song is the song of ice and fire.
In trying to fulfill it, Rhaegar named his children after the 3 original Targs that conquered Westeros: Elia gave him an Aegon and a Rhaenys so he went in search of his Visenya. Clearly he failed, because instead of a girl, he got a boy.
However, as GRRM points out through out his story, prophecies are tricky and the more you go out of your way to fulfill them, the more blunders you’re bound to commit. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some value to it but it will most likely come to pass in a way that you did not expect.
It makes you wonder just what the “3 heads of the dragon” might actually be about. Everyone tends to think that this prophecy is linked to the war with the WWs. However, by introducing Sansa into the mix, it changes things a bit …
What if the “Dragon must have 3 heads” prophecy isn’t related to the War of the Dawn at all but rather to the Dance of Dragons 2.0? Because in that war, Sansa would truly be instrumental: by making Jon a Stark, because of her political expertise and her strategic connections all over Westeros. So instead of creating the ultimate Targ team to face off against the apocalypse, Rhaegar not only brought down his father’s dynasty and his own in Robert’s rebellion but also created the circumstances by which, years later, his son would face off against the last scion of House Targareyen and bring about the demise of all living dragons.
While this could simply remain something that will be inferred by the way season 8 plays out, I think there’s a case to be made that we will actually get more insight here via flash-backs of Rhaegar/Lyanna. 
I think it’s also possible that through these flashbacks we will find out more about the situation surrounding the abduction of Lyanna, more insight into the year they spent in the Tower of Joy and even perhaps the name that Rhaegar whispered as he lay dying on the Trident. 
The Lannister gold prophecy
The wealth of the westerlands was matched, in ancient times, with the hunger of the Freehold of Valyria for precious metals, yet there seems no evidence that the dragonlords ever made contact with the lords of the Rock, Casterly or Lannister. Septon Barth speculated on the matter, referring to a Valyrian text that has since been lost, suggesting that the Freehold’s sorcerers foretold that the gold of Casterly Rock would destroy them.
This is a very obscure prophecy and I haven’t seen many people discuss it. The few that I have seen talk about this link it to the Lannister’s long lost Valyrian steel sword, Brightroar. The Valyrians, fearing this prophecy Septon Barth mentions, always refused to sell the Lannisters a sword but they managed to get their hands on one by other means: 
Brightroar came into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria, and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to raise an army.
So people speculate that it was the purchasing of this sword that lead up to the Doom of Valyria. However, I don’t really see this as a possibility because GRRM never really plays prophecies this straight. 
However, one thing we do know is going to happen in season 8 is that Cersei will be acquiring the Golden Company, whose banner is simple golden cloth. She will also be paying for it with what can be described as Lannister gold. 
Also since the show didn’t include the Young Griff story line, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the GC is leaded by Jon Connington, one of Rhaegar’s best buddies and also the guy who was in love with him. 
So if let’s say the GC would decide to join Jon’s forces against D*ny during the Dance of Dragons, a case can be made that Lannister Gold did in fact bring about the ultimate doom of Valyria, by killing off its last real member and putting an end to the dragons. 
Then there are a few prophecies that I believe have already been paid off. 
The mummer’s dragon
A cloth dragon sways on poles amidst a cheering crowd.
By essentially removing the Young Griff from the story line completely, I think the show has revealed that this young man is not Aegon Targareyen but a pretender whose lie, and life, D*ny will slay in the books. 
The girl in grey prophecy
I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will.
I think everyone in the Jonsa fandom can agree that the girl in grey is in effect Sansa Stark and she will flee her marriage to Harry Hardyng and join Jon at the wall. 
The show had Sansa fleeing her marriage to Ramsay and reaching the wall where she was reunited with a recently resurrected Jon. She was also wearing grey which is I think the show’s way of linking back to this prophecy in the books. 
The Ghost of High Heart prophecies
In case anyone is not familiar with who the Ghost of High Heart is, she’s a dwarfish, albino woman who was reputed to be a woods witch in the Riverlands. Arya and the brotherhood without banners camp overnight at High Heart, to meet with the ghost to hear her tell the future, and to learn the whereabouts of Beric.
She accurately predicts a few things that have happened in both books and show. In addition, there are also these: 
I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung
In the books, this is Euron hiring a Faceless Man (and potentially paying for his services with a dragon egg) to kill his brother, Balon Greyjoy, the King of the Iron Islands. In the show Euron does the deed himself, on a bridge that swayed and swung. 
I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow.
This is generally believed to be about Sansa because of the poisoned hairnet she wears in her hair that eventually kills Jofferey. I’d argue that by ordering the death of Littlefinger in Winterfell (a castle in the North where there’s a lot of snow), the show has paid off the later part of this prophecy. 
She also says this directly to Arya: 
I see you. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death … You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!
This could be nothing but the woman noticing Arya’s increasing violence and tendency towards killing but because she mentions Summerhall it’s speculated that she is referring to a future and particularly bloody event Arya will participate in. Assuming that, I would say the show has already paid that off when Arya killed off all the Freys in an act of mass murder. 
This is a bit dubious, though, because of the fact that Lady Stoneheart has been cut from the show. It’s likely that it will be LS that kills off the Freys in the books and the show simply gave that particular plot point to Arya. 
That doesn’t eliminate the possibility that the Ghost of High Heart is potentially referring to a future Summerhall-like event Arya will be involved in and if that is the case I fully expect the show to include it.  
And finally we have what are essentially sayings that are mentioned frequently in the show but because of their implications they act like prophecy in the sense that they foreshadow future events but not in a clear cut way. 
The Long Night
Melisandre: For the night is dark and full of terrors. 
This is pretty self-explanatory. We’ve been told that when the WWs first came 8000 years ago, they brought a night and a winter that lasted a generation. So the WWs are back at it and are going to bring darkness and terror. 
We should start preparing ourselves for at least 3 episodes of almost exclusive night time scenes. This is also supported by the actors saying that they had about 40 days worth of night time shootings which is an incredibly long time for that sort of thing. 
When a Targeryen is born, the Gods flip a coin
This is obviously a saying that came about in reference to the Targeryens being or going mad more often than not. 
However, at this point in the story, we have only two Targeryens left so the duality of a coin flip becomes foreshadowing for Jon and D*ny as foils. 
I wish you good fortunes in the wars to come
This has only been uttered in show by adversaries, first in the Stannis/Mance conversation prior to Mance being burned alive and then in the Ned/Arthur Dane flashback. The third instance is in the Jon/D*ny good-bye scene. I don’t know about anyone else but this indicated to me … Dance of Dragons 2.0. 
Sansa’s red comet prediction
The morning of King Joffrey’s name day dawned bright and windy, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds. Sansa was watching it from her tower window when Ser Arys Oakheart arrived to escort her down to the tourney grounds. “What do you think it means?” she asked him.
“Glory to your betrothed,” Ser Arys answered at once. “See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace’s name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey’s Comet.”
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. “I’ve heard servants calling it the Dragon’s Tail.”
“King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son,” Ser Arys said. “He is the dragon’s heir - and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey’s ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies.”
Yeah, Jofferey wasn’t and he didn’t. If only there was a guy in this story who was the dragon’s heir and whose birth name the show incidentally spoiled as being Aegon. Glory to that guy! And to his queen! 
Suffice it to say I think we will get the pay off from this scene in the form of Jonsa. 
Just a small addendum before I finish: A Song of Ice and Fire is littered with prophecies, prophetic dreams, cryptic messages that can be interpreted to signal future events, etc. I probably missed a lot of them. So if there’s something you want to add here please do. 
Thanks for the ask, nonnie!
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emmieroxuniverse · 6 years
I have been obsessed for DAYS!!! TLH!!! MORE THEORIES! 💗💗💗💗
For the last week or so, ive had The Last Hours on the brain. I think i may be more excited for Chain of Gold to hit the book shelves than i was for the birth of my first nephew. Im not even sure if im kidding or not.
Well if you knew him you would understand, hes terrible, anyways, ive been theorizing along with my bestie and have come up with some pretty cool theories
So here we go! Before i get started i must warn you there are #MAJORSPOILERS for Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy, The Bane Chronicles, Ghosts of the Shadowhunter Market, and other TSC books. Okay lets begin.
One: Grace Blackthorn
There is alot of speculation about Grace Blackthorn. Her last name, the one she is given at birth is Cartwright. James Herondale knew her when she was in Idris. In TftSA he speaks of her and the year is 1899 at the age of 13. He says shes in need of rescuing.
He says she has no other friends, my theory starts there.
I believe thats where Tatiana comes in to play. She is devoted to Tatiana because Tatiana is her saviour. I believe Grace is part fae and that she isnt just any fae, shes part siren which explains the allure she holds over James. She has to be something other than an ordinary shadowhunter because the comments Tatiana Blackthorn made about her in The Bane Chronicles and James' reaction to her when hes older is just crazy. Then of course her cruel words " there nothing i cant make you do" hmmm... interesting
Two: Jordelia Heronstairs marriage
I adore this marriage. I hope these two end up happy and i really hope our little Jamie doesnt end up heartbroken and stuck in a loveless marriage but from what we know so far, hes madly in love with Grace Blackthorn (which i suspect isnt all his doing) Moving on...
I believe their marriage is the arranged marriage that Cassie spoke of. I think that it has to do with saving Cordeila herself and not just the name. We know according to Cassie Cordelia and James marry at the end of TLH 1 and i assume alot after their marriage is crazy complicated. We know already Cordelia cares deeply for James but will he reciprocate those feelings eventually? who knows.
I think they marry because of how severe her fathers crimes were. They were said to be worse than Tobias Herondales and comparing the two makes me believe that the punishment will be as cruel or worse. It makes me think that the Clave will intend to strip Cordeila and Alistair as punishment for Elias's crimes, that or execute them. My theory is that Will and Tessa and Jem along with everyone involved in helping come together and decide that James should marry Cordelia because it will save her life. She would no longer be a Carstairs and the Clave wouldnt touch her.
Three: Lucie Herondale
Now this is a theory i have had for a while. A long while actually. People have speculated about Lucie's powers and i believe i have an idea of what she can do. Lucie has been extremely curious about Jesse Blackthorn for ages. She was lost in the forest in Idris as a child and someone helped her find her way home. I believe this was Jesse Blackthorn. We all know Herondales can see ghosts, my theory is that Lucie can actually make physical contact with ghosts. In TLH its why shes so freaking fascinated with him. He saved her all those years ago but he still looks the same. She could always touch him of course because of her gift but now so can everyone else and thats why everything about him is so intriguing to Lucie.
Four: Grace Blackthorn and Christopher Lightwood marriage? Sham?
I know it sounds crazy but of all of the marriages in TLH i believe this one is the one that is definitely most likely NOT a sham. We know theres a definite possibility it could happened. Think about this... Herondale eyes. they had to be passed down and the only person we know for a fact that has those eyes now is Alec. Alecs ancestor is Gabriel Lightwood and Cecily and how else would the gene get passed unless it was through them?
Anna has blue eyes but i doubt she would marry and have children, no other women have been introduced or spoke of in the slightest who arent related to him so i just dont think it could be anyone else. Aloof but beautiful underneath it all Christopher Lightwood marries mean heffer Grace Blackthorn. I really think that. I know the family tree is missleading but it does give you some idea of how far the familes go back, how many generations from TDA to TMI.
Or....theory Grace Blackthorn and Anna Lightwood.
Ive considered this as well. Ive read pieces where Cassie has commented on the two of them speaking and it makes me wonder what type of relationship they end up having or if she just lets Grace have it for treating James like crap. You see Gabriel and Cecily have a baby named Alexander and it makes me think that maybe thats Alecs ancestor and the map is extremely inaccurate after all ☺
Five: Matthew and Christopher theory.
I believe Christopher and Matthew could be the boys in this snippet.
He took a deep breath, and crossed the floor of blades and constellations to the other boy’s side. He stood at the foot of the stairs, looking down.
“But of course,” he said, very softly, “your sentiments are reciprocated.”
He stooped over him, tilting his chin up. Their lips met. The other boy made a soft sound, almost like surrender, stretching under his body. He slid an arm around his neck and pulled him down onto the stairs.
Because Matthew is always taking responsibility for him. He calls him a genius. Christopher spends time at the Branwell houshold with Matthews father.
Matthew even says he loves taking care of people and hes good at it. He says be takes care of his father. He actually said in TftSA that he took care of Christopher Lightwood. The words spoken do sound like Matthew too.
Six: Love triangles
Recently there was a post about a love triangle in TLH with 2 women and 1 man. My guess is its gonna be with Anna, Grace, and James or it will be with Grace, Lucie, and Jesse. They arent really siblings and ive seen pics like this...
Tumblr media
They make me think that the both of them want Jesse's heart. This photo was on Cassie's Pinterest it seemed to be the sort of photo like "its on" or "may the best woman win" i dunno. The kiss was just...this photo made me think of the two of THEM facing off. Judas Kiss or something.
Another thought was maybe Anna, Grace, and James is because i think the marriage between Cordelia and him could be a fluke at first and maybe he persues Grace still. Anna could end up falling for her as well and theres your triangle. I just have a feeling that Grace Blackthorn is involved in this thing.
Because i hate her.
Like i seriously hate Grace Blackthorn and its sad because i 💙 Blackthorns 😣
Seven: When its all said and done, Matthew Fairchild will not be a Shadowhunter.
I think he will either die, be stripped of his marks, or be turned into a downworlder which i freaking hate, i dont want Matthew to change hes perfect just the way he is and because i love him like a fat kid loves cake.
Eight: In the end when its all said and done Jordeila will be a thing (in love) and so will Jucie Heronthorn?
Is that their ship name?
Anyway that will be all for today. Im sure theres more, in fact i know there is bit theres so many details and i have so little time so have a great day and i hope you enjoy your day!
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beverlyr0ad · 5 years
crimes of grindelwald thoughts
alright obvious spoilers not that it matters bc i have one follower lmao but !! i need somewhere to scream abt this movie
first of all i love jacob and newt so much. best parts of this movie honestly i love them and i want them to be happy 
but to be fair i actually rlly rlly enjoyed watching this movie!! like,, there are a looot of things i dont understand about it and i have no idea how they happened or why theyre happening but thats Okay i would still recommend everyone watch it! its so good!!!
good things:
- grindelwald !! i mean,, no hes not a good thing but i really liked how they wrote his character. like i can UNDERSTAND the power he has over people and how hes manipulating them. hes really not just a Voldemort 2.0 and i respect that a lot bc thats not what an entirely different villain should be like. but casting issues and all aside i really liked this
- i also liked the interaction between leta lestrange and dumbledore that was some good stuff and the actors were rlly good too !!! - i like the direction queenie is going in. i mean i dont actually of course but it seems realistic and i think its important and its good character development n stuff so hhh hope that works out later tho !! i am Suspense
- jacob walked into that movie and i was like !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD i love him so much and it was rlly nice to see him back even if i dont think it was that neat to have him lose his memory of everything that happened for significance and in this movie have everything go like WHOOMP hes back but i uhhhh loved it anyway so this is not a complaint its a good thing - i still loved newt and having a good main character makes the whole movie a better watch in general. ive seen sequels where i just Cant get attatched to the new characters but wow i didnt really have much of a problem with that here
- it was also never boring and i really just loved n enjoyed this movie a lot!!!  okay hhh bad things/things that i personally disliked:
- ive seen different opinions on this but??? what was that blood pact????? what are u doing??????????????? i cant even be coherent properly so here are the main reasons that was rlly dumb
1- w-who does that in a romantic relationship ever :o and yes jkr has literally said dumbledore n grindelwald were in LOVE HELLO feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything but if ur gonna say it u should show it,,,, Continuity Please. anyway separate issue but if u love someone youre not gonna be like “hey lets make SURE we dont fight each other ever” because youll trust that the other person?? isnt gonna fight u???!!!???? im
2- thats literally not the reason he “cannot move against grindelwald” okay like it shouldnt be. this conversation literally happens in dh and dumbledore says he was scared of facing what rlly happened when ariana died!! there was no actual physical thing stopping him!!! the only acceptable justification is that he doesnt want to face this ghosts of his past and that moment and he is SCARED okay so COME ON give dumbledore his faults! hes scared of his past and that IS the reason!!
3- wait how did grindelwald, aberforth, and albus fight if they had already entered a blood pact. like i dont think albus would aim for his own brother EVER but could he even attack grindelwald if they had a blood pact?? not sure how this works lol but who was he aiming for then??? just firing everywhere randomly without intention cause that sounds,,, significantly harder to believe and makes that scene loads messier esp if grindelwald couldnt aim for albus either so
4- the blood pact was so frickin unnecessary im sobbing. like there was the scene where its all like “oh some say you were as close as brothers” and dumbledore is like “oh we were closer than brothers...” and im like OK! the little scene in the air doesnt explicitly reveal anything either so thats ok but the closer than brothers line was rlly revealing for me. at least for like two minutes and then dumbledore looked in the mirror and saw himself making a blood pact w grindelwald. like ok is That what u meant by closer than brothers bc thats what everythings pointing to but it shouldnt be and i.............ugh
5- im honestly just kind of hhhhhhhhhhhh. i can concede that the blood pact might be significant in later films and i look forward to watching them! but. at the same time i. wish that if you were going to say dumbledore was gay it would actually be explicitly referenced in the movie, instead of dancing around that and dropping it in hints and pieces that fans of the series who know this information will understand and others can just dismiss as friendship! there were So Many good places in this movie to include this fact (altho feel free to disagree w me haha) and i think that not including this fact was honestly tiring.
- nagini...........obv this isnt a huge problem bc idk where her story will go next n it might develop n become important but as of rn, i have no idea what her role in this movie is. i wonder if her reappearance in the harry potter series will actually be of significance and if itll be explained how she will end up under servitude to voldemort bc i genuinely dont understand right now. it just seems like a cameo to draw attention in the trailer ghgdjh
- leta lestrange’s death didnt feel right or impactful and im sad . definitely a huge opinion here but it felt like a mandatory character snuff to make the movie sad and ghdsjgfh oh well :(
- little continuity issues?? dumbledore being DADA professor instead of transfiguration bc Boggarts Are Important For Foreshadowing. also how is mcgonagall an adult or actually how is she even alive and um of course the fact that this movie doesnt confirm what jkr has said about dumbledore and grindelwald beforehand. 
- im actually going to totally repeat myself bc this deserves a separate point umm why arent dumbledore and grindelwald actually shown as in love with each other as young men. its completely relevant to the movie and its not hard to put it in there instead of the bLOOD PACT (ask anyone irl ive been screaming abt the blood pact ever since i came out of that movie). anyway i know david yates said he wouldnt be including that as part of the movie as fans are aware of that aNyway but its not that hard to understand. people are asking for actual representation?? not smt vague??? because this is just here to Please People. if u refuse to see this ship, ure just gonna see them as having a friendship! maybe u havent heard about what jkr said or maybe ure choosing to ignore it bc,, idk that says smt about u, or maybe another reason idk! but if u go into this knowing they were In Love and hoping to see confirmation of dumbledore being canonically gay, youre going to hear that “oh, we were more than brothers” line and be like oh yeah we been knew, or more seriously like hey! maybe we’re getting a canon confirmation, not just floaty young people leaning towards each other! like when he looked in the mirror i was like okay This Is It this is gna be confirmation but then it wasnt oop. it was the !!! bloooood paaact !!! which means that people could interpret the “closer than brothers” line as meaning oh we done did a blood pact that means we blood related look at us go! Wow! so this is basically just a half azzed attempt at pleasing people w stereotypical viewpoints and people happy to see representation. hmmmmmmmmmm.. (psst if u actually ship older dumbledore n grindelwald tho What Are You Doing Stop !! thats not a healthy relationship, grindelwald is an awful person and dumbledore deserves to grow from the person he was before!!! he deserves so much better!!! im not saying to ship them but im saying that if we’re gonna say they were in love as young men and if we are going to confirm that dumbledore is gay well,,, lets put that in canon pls!!!! we need canon representation but we dont need to pretend this ship is healthy or good bc its representation either. this isnt shipping this is asking to acknowledge that dumbledore was gay and in love with grindelwald and its confirmed that grindelwald was in love with him too. in the place the story of tcog is now, that relationship is not ever going to happen again and if u actually think it is ure suffering from some next-level delusion. just be definitive and acknowledge that your characters are LGBT tho pls!! u said they were!!! actually i would be so much happier to see a Happy And Healthy LGBT Pairing can we have that? please?)
- big spoiler but hOW IS CREDENCE ALBUS’ BROTHER WHAT IS HAPPENING DKFJDKSH i need to separate my thoughts again
1- AGE DIFFERENCE........apparently dumbledore is like 46 in this movie right?? credence doesnt look over 20. okay percival dumbledore is put in azkaban before albus starts school right?? so the maximum age albus can be is 11. now im gonna say that kendra was not having any more kids w anyone else after that incident fs so the oldest albus can be when ariana is born is 12, leaving room for some other stuff okay. ALBUS AND CREDENCE DONT LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE A 12 YEAR AGE GAP WHAT IS HAPPENINF
2- i saw people theorizing that credence is ariana’s son and NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLS NO
3- not an actual issue but i thought grindelwald said his name was berrylius dumbledore which i later remembered as berrylium dumbledore and anyway thank god for the internet
4- okay at this point i cant tell if this has just been brought in for shock value or smt like. is this relevant to the plot. is grindelwald even telling the truth. w-why did the movie end there. help....... i think thats it but i do want to say that i respect the rights of the creator jkr to do whatever she wants w these characters. its her world! but i can have a whole bunch of opinions n feelings about this movie and still support it. after all, i love harry potter and the whole wizarding world w my whole heart. 
did anyone even read that LOOOL that was so long sorry
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tayegi · 6 years
i have so many theories right now...what if the guys are just trying to win a bet set on the oc? or maybe jk just doesn’t realize he likes the oc and mistakes his own actions as platonic ones? also, as readers, we see the story through the oc’s eyes so we focus on that angst part at the end of chap9, but then again, the oc has stated multiple times to hoseok and so many people that her and jk would never be more. whatever she went trough there, jk could have been trough the same a million times.
ahhhh you guys are the best!!! srsly i am so honored to have so many thoughtful, lovely, incredible asks theorizing about the plot and what jk’s intentions are!!! i would love to respond to each and every one of them, but unfortunately, i am unable to confirm or deny anything!
But i think these are super interesting and i’ve read all of them, and i’d love it if other ppl did as well! MORE ASKS UNDER THE CUT: 
Anonymous said:I know Hoseok wasn’t in this chapter but I feel like Hoseok is gonna play her like jk did and she’s gonna be left in the dust with no one and resort to being even more icy. Jungkook has a lot of problems and it’s really evident that he likes her in that way. Fuckbois are really something else man. They get scared of affection yet lead girls on and make them scared of it. It’s like a constant cycle of insecurity. Damn I wish she was with jimin. He would’ve provided all the love and affection
Anonymous said:lmao why is everyone assuming jk will never change and that he’s going to be an Evil Fuckboi™️ forever. like, we can see how the oc changed throughout the story, so why y’all thinking jk can’t do the same. the story isn’t over, there is more to learn, and the oc and jk have more development to go through. anyway, deep in my heart I’m hoping they’ll get a happy ending 💜
Anonymous said:Why do I get the feeling that Jungkook has slight romantic feelings towards the oc but his fear of not wanting to get hurt outweighs those thoughts. I don’t know though I might be completely off😫Thank you for the update!
Anonymous said:I tried reading the story in JK's POV and I cant help but feel as if he isnt the one at fault for making OC cry. Yes, he rejected her but he's known as a fkboy. He stated clearly that he didn't want a relationship, he thought OC knew that clearly. Thus he thought they were just friends. All the things he said was misinterpreted into a romantic way cause people kept forcing OC to view their relationship romantically. I felt that if ppl didnt do that, OC wldnt have developed feelings for him.
carlyangel123 said:Ok everyone is saying that Jungkook hasn't changed at all and I'm not saying like oh yall wrong or anything😂. But I think, based on Jungkook's showcase of clinginess and affectionate actions through the past chapters, that he HAS fallen for the OC. However, bc of his past (not wanting to go through another possible heartbreak), his assumption the OC would never like him, and just maybe insecurities that he's denying it and forcing himself to be indifferent like the OC did in the beginning.🤔🤔
Anonymous said:Nah nah nah nah lu i refuse to believe that everything jungkook did was all platonic but through oc’s eyes we saw as romantic. Im trying to remember everything he’s done for her and trying to see it from a platonic pov but i cant. So here’s my conclusion: jk likes oc but during the car ride and seeing his hand in hers he had a realization and became fearful of being hurt like he was before. Thats why he put his barriers up again CUZ LIKE HOW COULD THAT BE THE SAME JK I JUST ALDJSKAHALA
Anonymous said:Jin was an ass who only wanted sex, cheated on y/n and didn't care for her, many people think that Jk may've gone through something similar with his ex, but I think JK's ex was totally different, she was in fact... the opposite. Possessive, wanted to be with jk all the time, didn't let him breath, etc... That's why he doesn't want a relationship, he suffered the opposite extreme of what the oc suffered with jin, also this would mean the oc is the complete opposite to jk's ex aka why he likes her
Anonymous said:i’m analyzing NR again and just a theory of my own: jk’s relationship with his ex girlfriend started as a fwb type and jk was the one to develop feelings first, and at first it was good and then severely went downhill? this theory is probably far from correct, but i was just piecing together the fact that he hates hookup culture, but is able to engage in it with OC, maybe jk just wanted the physical emotion or OC reminds jk of his ex? anyways i’m enjoying the story so so much! best wishes lu 💜
Anonymous said:Wait so like OC got reminded of Jin when she met JK, so I thought that maybe JK saw himself in OC? Bc sometimes they REALLY think alike.. Idk man I just had this idea.. I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH LU HAVE A NICE DAYYYY–❄️🐰
Anonymous said:I've been thinking about oc's relationship with seokjin and jk's with his ex gf. We don't know anything about her except two things: the oc reminded jk of her (as jk reminded her of seokjin) and the "don't leave me like she did" he said while drunk. If seokjin helped oc build who she is and what she wants in a relationship, we could say that maybe jk wants something that lacked in his previous relationship, like emotional support or a caring hand. It matches oc's Ice Queen reputation a bit to me
Anonymous said:Omg jks roues are definitely along the lines of “dont fall for anyone”
Anonymous said:so like, i feel as tho hyejin plays a more important role than we’re realizing. why does she seem so obsessed with jk if everyone knows he’s a fuckboy who doesn’t do relationships? why does she think she’s different? why does she think she has a chance? unless they already have a history we don’t know about...?? 🤔
Anonymous said:Personally, I wasn‘t that surprised about Jungkook not feeling the same way as OC. I don‘t blame him, he was honest from the very beginning with her. At the same time, I cannot blame OC either for feeling the way she does. Hookup culture leads you to believe that the person you‘re sleeping with should not care for you. I assume that OC interpreted the signals from JK in the wrong way, and thought he might love her when, in reality, he does care about her, but not in the way she wants. (1) ☀️
Anonymous said:JK has found smn he can talk to, and share smth else beyond sex. At the very end, I think OC might be the one who will push him outside his shell but not necessarily be the one he will fall in love with. (2)☀️
Anonymous said:I feel like oc and Jungkook might be on the same wavelength but because Jungkook clearly hasn’t gotten over his ex and whatever happened he might be pushing oc away. Plus the fact he even wants to stay friends with her is quite sweet in itself. It shows he genuinely cares about her, but probably isn’t ready to have any sort of relationship. You haven’t mentioned him having any female friends either so all of that skinship he does with oc might just be his way of being friendly??
Anonymous said:I feel like Jungkook is not over his ex and maybe he will end up with her, maybe he really does like the OC for the sex and the friendship. That's all.
Anonymous said:What if JK still likes his ex? :O
Anonymous said:Hummm sometimes I feel like in the end they're just going to be experiences for each other. I mean the OC and JK, maybe they will have none relationship at all, not friendship nor fuck buddies nor bf and gf...
dodoesdidwill said:Hyejin's line "You are really good at skating. I'm amazed" what? No way he was practicing after OC took him to skate, right? There must be something we don't know yet...
Anonymous said:Ok, if "New Rules" has taught me anything, it's to NOT judge a book by its covers. I judged Mijoo too harshly & things weren't as they seemed. Not repeating the same mistake with Kook. He was obviously hurt by someone in the past, just like the OC. Sooo... Maybe OC is not the only one with new rules? Maybe Kook was so hurt, one of his rules is to not fall in love again, or to ever put himself in a vulnerable position to be hurt again? Idk but I don't think he's that much of a dickwad
Anonymous said:Okay, so you said that we've been seeing JK through the OC's perspective and that we need to sort through the facts and her assumptions. What the anon who talked about JK having FWBs for the intimacy said really made sense to me and I thought about the fact that, if my memory serves me correctly, we've only seen JK with the OC. We have no way of knowing how he's acted in other FWB relationships. Maybe this is how he's been with all of them??? I dunno.
Anonymous said:i think new rules! jk likes OC too. this thing going on between them isn't just platonic. but the problem is, he really doesn't want to invest in a relationship, as some sort of defense mechanism (kind of like repression maybe?) i can't wait to find out more about his past and see exactly how it's correlating with his actions rn. I'm super hooked in your story lu! you never fail to deliver as always 💜
Anonymous said:I think jk is just as scared of what he feels for oc as oc is scared of what she feels for jk. Like I think oc already went through a ‘I need to protect myself from my feelings for him’ phase and I think jk is going through that now after their time at the hotel. I think he realized that he likes her a lot more than he realized and after coming back he’s trying to shut his feelings so he doesn’t go through whatever happened with his ex again
Anonymous said:JK said he hated hookup culture yet he partakes in it. My theory is that he might've done the same as OC has now done. Maybe had a sort of fwb relationship with his ex and subsequently fell for them, and they broke his heart. But again, idk if that's enough for someone to want to abstain from romantic relationships forever, though it does depend on the person. I'm probably wayyyy off but it's worth a shot :')
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jasondean · 6 years
i'm sending you the first thing i thought of when i tried to think of an ask to send you. so. here's this cursed thing. heathersstuck.
ohhh my god okay first of all im gonna preemptively apologize for how long this is about to be. 
another disclaimer that this is all gonna be based on my knowledge of the alternia that we see in homestuck itself because i havent gotten super into hiveswap yet. and, as we all know, any good homestuck au is one where the contending canon is thrust into the homestuck universe as opposed to the other way around. so im gonna spare everyone the painful ideation of plucking a small handful from the VAST homestuck cast just to put them into the plot of heathers
im ALSO gonna preface that im thinking about the heathers film while writing this, not the musical. and im not gonna go into anything regarding martha, betty, kurt, or ram because i think focusing on the main cast is enough for right now lol. 
anyway, potential positions in the blood caste system as well as god tier assignments under the cut!  
so ive definitely thought about this on several occasions and ive seen some heatherstuck content where the heathers are trolls right. the thing is, the color symbolism from both media dont line up. and the heathers being drawn to keep their original colors just doesnt work out with the hemospectrum. like no way is heather chandler a red blood or mutant blood (imo itd make sense for jd to have mutant blood). the heathers being red, yellow, and green blooded would just make them a group of lowbloods and that doesnt fit with the power structure depicted in either canon. 
heather chandler would absolutely have fuchsia blood! i couldnt imagine it any other way. duke could maybe get away with being jade blooded because thatd put her in the midblood range but also what does that leave for mcnamara? i dont really have a good answer for that right now but - 
the heathers themselves aside, veronica would actually be pretty well suited for being some kind of blueblood (teal or cerulean maybe?) veronica being blue blooded would put her in a position of enough privilege to be taken under chandlers wing but also not privileged enough to naturally be at the top. 
jd would probably be rust or mutant blooded. but its also fun to consider: purple blood? since those in that blood class are more susceptible to becoming more ..unhinged. however, i personally favor rust or mutant blooded since i am partial to reds and it would help play into his hatred of society.
trolls or not though theyd all be destined for something right? so im gonna move onto potential god tiers. 
now this is where my laptop cut out so most of the classpect analyses themselves come with help fom http://dahniwitchoflight.tumblr.com
im imagining veronica as a rogue of space. first of all, space players are CRUCIAL to a session as one of the cardinal aspects (space & time making up the fabric of paradox space). its been said by calliope that space can be a passive aspect that holds great power, “hosting the stage before suddenly in some way ‘showing who the master truly is’” and then collapsing in on itself. space players are essential to sessions because it falls on them to light the forge which is necessary for the process of ultimate alchemy (creating the next universe) - and that aside, the idea of veronica collecting and breeding frogs is incredibly cute to me. 
“Those bound to the aspect of Space are, as the name suggests, concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of ‘wait-and-see’, and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn’t to say that they’re pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before. To this effect, they tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. Catch them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Space-bound, the journey is as, if not more, important than the destination; how they do something is as important as what they do. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague.”    – this description of space players comes from the extended zodiac quiz itself 
rogues invite theft through their aspect or theft of their aspect. they have problems coping with their aspect or their supposed lack of it, they think that they cant handle it which causes them to give it up too easily. the challenge rogues face is to come to terms with their aspect and own it. 
heres a bit on rogues of space specifically: “They might have a tendency to quickly change the subject into others things or cover their interests up to distract from what they perceive to be their failed creations. They may feel uncomfortable with the thought that everything is random and meaningless in the universe, or that it is what you make of it, because they often think they don’t know what to make of it. They may feel lonely at times and feel like they have too much Space to themselves, wanting to fill it up with other people and things. They might lower their standards to the point that they give up their personal Space to someone not worthy enough, just so they won’t feel alone.On the flip side they might feel like they have too much stuff, maybe because they invite others to use up their Space, giving it away too readily, lamenting their lack of impatience with others, or the ability to say no to people. […] a Rogue’s challenge is to learn to be comfortable with their Aspect, and allow the healthy parts of it to enter their lives. They must learn to be okay with what they have right now, that they have it within themselves to change things and make them better. They don’t have to give up so easily.”
jd seems like hed obviously be a prince of doom and this feels self explanatory but. princes are described as being stubborn and pessimistic and they actively destroy using their class / destroy through their class. a princes challenge is to not end up destroying themselves along the way. doom aspect because not only does it pretty much encompass chaos, but the symbol (and the aspect itself has been speculated to be) pretty clearly draws from The Tumor which is. a giant fucking bomb essentially. another fun tidbit about doom players is that they are DEATH MAGNETS they die a LOT and its theorized that for this reason sburb has a sort of game mechanic in place to help balance that out by granting doom players multiple dream selves. i just think itd be really fun to see a sburb session where jd (maybe) cant be kept down by dying. doom is also associated with judgement and sacrifice, and have been said to be “fates chosen sufferers.” “doom players are wise, kind, and non judgmental at their best and bitter, resentful, and fatalistic at their worst.” 
and while i definitely think the doom class is fitting for jd im stuck between prince and bard? bards are the embodiment of the “wild card”. they allow destruction through their aspect / invite destruction through their aspect and their challenge is to not be ruled by the whims of their aspect. and im just now thinking that while this does make sense in its own way, princes and bards are active / passive opposites and i cant really imagine jd being the more laid back of the two. hes just too extra, lol. although i love the idea of jd being in that ridiculous bard getup 
heres some insight to princes of doom: “A Prince of Doom unapologetically pushes people way past their own limits. They are truly passionate, even almost crazy activists. They hate being told no or that they can’t do something, but are more likely to simply destroy or kill the person who said no then prove them otherwise. Depending on what kind of situation or session they find themselves in, and whether or not what they do is really needed at the moment, they can be heaven sent saviors, freeing people from what binds them, or terrifying dictators, ruling over people and enforcing their will wherever they want, letting nothing and no one limit what they do. […] They likely use Bombs and Fire as their main weapons. They have a lot of potential to go down a very destructive or even evil path if they use their powers irresponsibly, but not every Prince of Doom is automatically evil or will Doom their session.“
heather chandler i can definitely see being a witch of rage. witches manipulate using their aspect or manipulate their aspect directly and their challenge is to use their rule breaking powers in a morally conscious way. 
heres some info about witches of rage: “You don’t tell a Witch of Rage anything, they tell you. Anything you have to say they can Reject with Doubt, Negativity and Skepticism and be like ‘No you’re wrong, it’s actually this way.’ They manipulate fear, mistrust and anger, either lowering it or making you believe it’s not all that bad, even if it is. Or they can amplify it, making you paranoid and afraid of even mundane things. […] They can be ‘loose cannons’ and this can be good or bad, depending on how good you are on getting them on your side and keeping them there. Their entire moral challenge lies in the choice between using their powers on their allies or their enemies, like most witches.”  
heather duke would likely be a maid of mind. a maid creates with their aspect / creates their aspect, and a maids challenge is to rely on themself for their aspect. this absolutely isnt to say that duke cannot think for herself at the beginning of the story by any means.
here’s a bit about maids of mind: “At first they tend to defer to the decisions of the group rather than be a part of them and are more focused on watching and waiting and seeing how other people make decisions. […] When a Maid of Mind starts rising to their challenge, they start deciding for themselves what roles they need to play and when. […] They may just have an apathetic and indifferent personality in general. They start letting their thoughts and decision be known and have an effect instead of just referring to others and blending in.” 
and finally heather mcnamara would probably be a page of heart. (i had a hard time coming up with a god tier for her since, if im being honest, shes not a character i pay much attention to.) pages invite exploitation of their aspect / invite exploitation through their aspect. they start with a deficit in their aspect that they overcome through (obvious) overcompensation. their challenge is to keep at things, even if they fail or the journey is slow, to become stronger in the end. 
bit about pages of heart: “They can be very over dramatic in their emotional displays, blowing up every little thing completely out of proportion and giving disproportionate emotional responses to almost everything. […] They can be easily exploited through all of this by other people who either take advantage of the Page’s emotions and empathy, or take advantage of the Page’s obsessions and desires, using it against them. […] When they rise up to their challenge, they start learning to be more balanced and sincere with their emotions, their affections, and with themselves. They learn how to be passionate, sincere and truly honest with themselves and others.”
and all of this is just SOME of the possibilities of what could happen in a homestuck heathers au. would they all be in the same session? would they all be trolls? would the heathers & veronica be in their own session and jd be in his own session that ends up intertwining together? theres literally SO MANY possibilities when it comes to homestuck aus and i love that shit. 
now that ive spent so much time speculating all this its time to deposit myself directly into the dumpster 
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gizmosisbuttons · 7 years
Episode 4 was a fandom wide callout post.
all you fools too busy being pissed bc Coran went all show crazy and basically re-characterized the paladins to what the masses found entertaining, to notice that the entire episode was literally a fandom wide call out post. they literally called us out guys. 
lets go over the list of things Coran said/did in ep 4 and compare them shall we?
let me preface this by saying he literally wasn't himself and i still love him just as much as before, my gorgeous man.
”I worked up very specific personas for each of you. This is going to help the audience connect on a much deeper level with each team member.” 
as if they didn't already have defining personalities that make them very likable and awesome? sounds familiar right? its one thing to speculate and theorize based on what we know about a character especially if we don’t know a lot about said character. the writers put a lot of time and effort into developing these characters and even said during an interview once that one of the things that bugged them about og Voltron was that the only properly developed character was Keith. the other guys didn't get a chance to be loved. and that was what they aimed to do, to give every paladin and character the chance to be loved. since the beginning the fandom has been bad at this. taking one teeny trait from each character and twisting them so that the only thing that matters is that trait. 
         “lover-boy lance”
throughout the series lance is known  to flirt with...pretty much every cute alien girl. of course. hes handsome, charming, girls love him. Coran wipes away all of the actually relatable things about his personality in favor of this charming flirt who would win over girls. Lance is insecure, he’s witty, he is the freaking sharpshooter, the teams sniper and their glue. he’s voltrons right hand now for a reason. he got into the garrison which is a military space exploration base, not just anyone gets in. hes incredibly intelligent and a great pilot. amazing really. bc simulations are always absolutely terrible and rarely help. oh yea, and hes charming.but god forbid anyone forget that hes a flirt. who cares about the other stuff that will actually help the audience connect with him. 
        “science wiz pidge” 
its no secret that pidge is incredibly intelligent. she is one of the characters who haven't gotten their developing points until this season. in one of the first flashbacks we learned she nearly gave up studying because some kid decided to be a dick and bully her. Matt pulled her out of it and encouraged her to work hard. later on in ep 4 coran says that her science doesn't need to be factually correct because noone will understand her either way. he undermined her intelligence because . well. noone cares what she says as long as it sounds smart. fanfic writers do this a lot. like. a lot. i understand that you may not have the same knowledge that the girl who hacked herself into a military school base undercover at he age of 14-15 (if the theory that the garrison is a high school program is correct) because she had gotten banned for sneaking in and hacking into the computer system, but if you really do insist on focusing her on her smarts, do some research. no to mention. pidge may be the youngest, but she really is more than science and calculations. shes intelligent yes, but she can hold her own in battle (at the age range of 15-17 with no prior battle training), shes afraid of the possible reality that all her efforts are wasted and Matt and Sam are dead, she is actually pretty social with the paladins (she can even be seen hanging out in the kitchen while hunk makes glass cookies.) and beyond her intelligence, shes wise. shes not just random science facts, she knows how to hold her own in situations outside of battle and books. shes street smart. 
       “lone wolf keith”
now i know this was said to allura, and ill get to that. but if the keith vlog showed us anything, its that  hes not just a moody loner teenager.  i am very guilty of this myself. i portray keith as a human disaster. we don’t know hen he was left alone, we don’t really know much of his story. i head canon that his dad left him to fend for himself but every month woul drop off food or money or something. i head canon hes terrible about taking care of his body. but at least i don’t call him moody and move on.  i give him a background to fill in the blank space, but sometimes i forget and focus too much on his folded arms and  pouty face. he smiles. he laughs. hes an actual precious bean.  but hes also afraid of being pushed away. hes guarded and does his best to be strong. he hides his feelings and protects his heart with everything he has. (geez boi who hurt you). he is not the human embodiment of “teenagers” by mcr. aka he has feelings too. not to mention he also got into the garrison, and was the top pilot regardless of how he got in, if it happened to be by recommendation like most people think. 
      “humourous hunk”
as a hunk stan this one annoys me the most. throughout the episode hunk is consistently embarrassed, and even protests the fart noises, fart jokes, etc. he is purposely tripped for laughs. the fandom forgets that hes not just the fat funny guy, or just the personal chef. hes overcome so much since babies first lion flight, he used to get sick, constantly had to be the voice of reason to keep his teammates out of trouble,  he is just as intelligent as pidge and is actually one of the only people that can keep up with her science stuff. keith and lance even stated that they didnt understand anything they'd said. hes a fantastic engineer even if he had a few tummy mishaps. hes an amazing pilot too, and extremely sassy. he and pidge probably rigged the game console to work in space, And hes pretty friendly and cautious. he is NOT meant to be the comic relief. (say it louder for people in the back)
     “shiro the hero”
a lot of the fandom has taken to calling shiro daddy, sexualizing him (”now put on this tight shirt”) and focusing on shiro and only shiro (shiros the “favorite character” of corans little show). hes great. he really is. and the man needs a break. voltron is a kids show. he isnt meant to  be sexualized, none of them are. hes more than his arms and his leadership abilities. the biggest issue i have with the whole shiro thing. regardless of if hes a clone, when shiro returned he cut his hair differently, and wore short sleeves. everyone i know, including me, said they'd be fine with the clone if he had kept his hair long and “as much as i love the arm view” and didnt change his outfit. its a kid show. his body shouldn't matter.i am also guilty of this, and ep 4 opened my eyes to it. coran lifted shiros arm as if to prove that thats what the audience really wanted. he treats shiro differently bc hes the real star here and everyone should know it. ofc, hes the black paladin. (i wonder where the whole “the black paladin is the only one who really matters here” mindset came from. looking @ u ‘84). shiros may have ptsd, and hes constantly trying to hold himself together for his team, and its obviously not easy. maybe thats why hes got a cute white floof. the stress. 
      alluras erasure  
another point that always bugged me. the fandom either forgets allura exists, or that she is just stealing lances place temporarily. Allura is the blue paladin. while keith is gone, she is not filling in. shes a paladin now too. for coran to call her keith, and constantly call her keith, even though she obviously has a few choice words to say about it, its distrespectful. she says his plan is working and he replies with “why thank you keith...i like to keep you in character” once again, erasing her existence. now im not as well versed in this particular topic, but id like you to keep in mind that he talks to his princess with that mouth, and that she IS the princess and not a fill in while keith leads. feel free to elaborate on this more. 
     coran “fires “ team voltron. 
this. i find extremely entertaining. remember that legal trouble last year bc of the leaks? and right around that time the klance shipper started threatening them if they didn't make it gayer and put keith and lance together? the  fandom, who wanted all of this to happen their way, were threatening to get it cancelled and such just because things didnt go their way. shiro, the leader, disagreed with coran and tries to shut him down. and coran in fit of rage says:
you're a bunch of quitters! quitters! i’m a visionary! i have thoughts, ideas, i dont need you anyway. ill rewrite the show, get rid of the whole lot of you, replace you with new paladins! and the show will be better than ever before!...except for you shiro, ill never get rid of you, you're our most popular character!
this is essentially what the fandom was saying. now, was this definitely their plan, to call us out with this bit, in not sure, but honestly, its almost too coincidental.
the writers have made it clear that they heard us, and have always been listening. and really, thats why i love ep4. you're angry because you know you got called out but haven't admitted it to yourself. the writers do their best to bring us the best show possible, but they cant satisfy everyone. why cant we just be happy about Actual Meme (tm) Matt, and look forward to season five instead of fighting them because we got our shit handed right back to us. weve gotten a  taste of our own medicine, so chill. i enjoy them keeping us on our toes, surprising us with every turn, theyre great writers.who cares if one or two things pissed you off? we both know youre not gonna stop watching.
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
I'm sick of people saying Sansa isn't "Stark enough" Also tired of seeing how headcanoning Sansa (just in my mind/art) as Queen is criminal. My intention isnt to erase other characters. I personally don't care if she is QitN in canon. I'll just be glad if GRRM gives her a decent ending. But only imagining Sansa as Queen surely cant be a crime. Sansa has given me a lot of hope irl; helped me deal w/ depression so wanting her success,happiness rulership even it's cathartic
Hi! QitN Sansa anon here. I just wanted to rectify that the word I wanted to use instead of cathartic was therapeutic. I think they both mean same but I’m not sure. Sorry. English is not my native language and I struggle w/ it. Thanks for understanding.
Hello Anonny!
First of all, please don’t apologize for your English, it is seriously EXCELLENT! It’s probably better than mine tbqh. Secondly, I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER! I have no excuse, I am The Worst. 
Getting to the down and dirty of your ask… My dear Anonny, I totally hear you; and if it makes you feel any better, you definitely aren’t alone! Your frustration is honestly one of my main ~grievances~ with fandom and why I honestly having a really hard time engaging with like 85% of the ~meta side~ of fandom. I am in some fandoms, GoT/ASoIaF included, that have some incredibly smart and talented meta writers who are so passionate and hardworking and insightful. The things that they come up with sometimes completely blow me away! It can be easy to fall down the meta rabbit hole and get caught up, especially when people are seeing all these interesting things and coming up with all these amazing and intriguing theories that you NEVER would have thought of. But on the flip side, it can be really frustrating when the meta you are reading just doesn’t resonate with you at all. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am Here for meta as a concept and I usually really love seeing what people come up with. My issue is often in the execution. Sometimes it feels like meta crosses that ~fine line~ between showing you one way to think vs. telling you how to think. 
I definitely see the value in discussing different interpretations of stories and characters, and I even enjoy reading most of them. But too often I feel like people forget that meta is still just an interpretation, it’s as though there has become this ~thing~ where calling something meta automatically makes it infallible. But it’s really important to remember that with meta in regards to literature, while it’s generally meant to be an academic and unbiased approach generally, is still just one person’s interpretation of the facts as they see them. Meta has somehow become this competition about Who Is Right and Being the Rightest, and it just completely disregards how inherently subjective and personal fandom is. I will always and forever maintain that is absolutely impossible to be completely objective in fandom; your opinions, your biases, your Faves, are always going to affect your interpretations and and resulting opinions, that’s just human nature. I don’t get this whole demand for objectivity thing; if people were truly objective about fandom, I don’t think we would even be having this discussion, because no one would be discussing much of anything. Yeah, its important to maintain some level of objectivity, especially when you are having discussions with other people about fandom, but tbh being ~completely objective~ all the time sounds pretty boring. Honestly, I feel like most of the time people who claim they are being “totally objective” when they talk about things like character arcs, possible end games, ect. are even less trust worthy than those people who are up front about their favoritism; imo it usually means they are either totally unaware of their own biases, or that they refuse to acknowledge them.  
I also feel you on the whole thing of “headcanoning Sansa as QitN is erasing other characters,” it’s frustrating to me as well. Because you’re right, wanting Sansa to be in a leadership role does not automatically mean you are disregarding other characters. Positions like Q/KitN or Lord/Lady of Winterfell are exclusive positions by nature, there are always going to be unequal power dynamics based on that alone. It’s also like you were saying, seeing Sansa in a position of power and leadership role can definitely be cathartic and therapeutic (I think both words work btw!). As a character who has essentially been completely robbed of her agency and self determination and has been at the mercy of others for almost the entire series, it would be extremely satisfying to not only see her regain some of her autonomy, but also be in a position where she could control her own fate. It would also be really satisfying to see a character like Sansa who has had to rely so much on her more feminine, intellectual “soft power” to be in a position where she is clearly powerful in a more traditional, tangible sense. Does she have to be QitN for these things to happen? No, obviously not. But then it also stands to reason that none of the other Stark siblings HAVE to be in that power position to be important either, the same basic logic applies. To say that Sansa fans are “sidelining” or “disregarding” or “erasing” other characters by theorizing or headcanoning that Sansa could be QitN or Lady of Winterfell then means that fans of ANY OTHER CHARACTER who headcanon or theorize about that character holding a position of power in the North are therefore intrinsically sidelining/disregarding/erasing Sansa based on their own argument. Honestly, debating like that sounds tedious and counterproductive and more than a little annoying. Because honestly, it could go on FOREVER, we could be here for the rest of our gd natural born LIVES arguing about this. People are always going to disagree with you, that’s just life. And they are free to do so, just as you are free to disagree with them. But there is a notable difference between disagreement and downright derision; one is totally fine and can be done respectfully, and the other is kind of a dick move. 
And also, like I was talking about earlier, our faves are our faves. In fandom, you are allowed to concentrate on YOUR FAVE and their significance and where you see their story going. That is totally and completely 100% legit! Characters like Sansa are very easy to connect to and care about, especially for people who see themselves and their own struggles in her story. And I think the same goes for Arya… They are these two young characters who experience similar trauma and abuse and honestly just horrendous things that no child should ever have to experience, and they deal with it in such vastly different narrative ways. Arya takes action and lashes out and lets herself be sad and angry. Sansa rationalizes and compartmentalizes lies to herself and everyone around her in order to get through the day. Sansa is pretty much a poster child for traditional femininity, while Arya’s character has so much focus on defying gender roles (or disregarding gender completely in the case of the faceless men). Both have their moments of weakness and strength, both have their aptitudes and their flaws. Relating to and connecting with either on a personal level, as is common with fictional characters, is completely possible and understandable. That’s one of the most beautiful things about the Stark Sisters imo, together and separately they appeal to such a wide array of readers. 
There is no “wrong way” to fandom, there are no “wrong reasons” to love certain characters or story lines, there is NOTHING wrong with Sansa Stark being your favorite character and caring about what happens to her. And also, probably an ~unpopular opinion~ (but idgaf tbh), there is nothing wrong with caring about Sansa (or any of your faves) more than you care about other characters! It’s natural, you are not doing anything wrong, and your interpretations and opinions are no less valid than anyone else’s. That’s the great thing about fiction, it is literally impossible to have a “wrong” interpretation of a fictional work. You don’t even have to agree with the author to be ~right~ about a work of fiction because according to “death of the author” an author’s intentions and biographical facts should hold no weight in regards to an interpretation of their writing; a writer’s interpretation of his own work is no more or less valid than the interpretations of any given reader. Debate is fine, discussion is cool, dialogue about differences of opinions and interpretation can honestly be awesome. What’s not awesome though, is when people think that their interpretation is not only and absolutely correct one, but the sole correct one. That seems, like, wildly narrow minded and more than a little bit cocky tbh. Fandom isn’t a dictatorship; no one’s interpretations are law that can be enforced, no one’s preferences are superior, no one’s faves are automatically more important, and no one is The Great Supreme Rightest (or whatever a fandom dictator’s title would be idek). 
So the point is Anonny, YOU. ARE. VALID. Fandom is all about connecting with a story and it’s characters because they make you feel things. Something or someone in that story made your sweet little anonny (or in my case, cold dead salty) heart fall in love. So just keep fandoming and loving Sansa exactly how you want in a way that makes you happy!
(And on a totally mature, adult end note: fuck people who say Sansa isn’t Stark enough, what ever the hell that even means!? They are just jealous they don’t look that Boss 👏  Ass 👏  Bitch 👏  decked out in furs like a badass Northern Lady Pimp! QUEEN SANSA OF THE HOUSE SNARK, FIRST OF HER NAME!!!)
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Jan 2 Lost Light Stream - Transformers Prime 37-40
Prowl is slowly working to overcome his fear reaction to the appearance of Insecticons, by focusing on Knock Out instead when they show up. Chromedome didn’t come, which made things easier.
He theorized on why the Nemesis’s reaction to dark energon was different than other bots’, winced repeatedly at Knock Out’s pain, played along when half the room attempted to convince Wheeljack that Prowl is a ghost, and agreed to get pictures for Soundwave of Earth’s progress rebuilding New York City.
Soundwave suggested that Prowl might be able to win a phase shifter in their proposed testing-Soundwave’s-security game.
Welcome to the 'lostlightstream' room. Shockwave II changed their nickname to Shockbox. Shockbox changed their nickname to Shockbox. Rodimus: *music so emo* Shockbox: (( oh boy you guys.)) Shockbox: (( today's the day.)) Airachnid: [sneaks in] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OH BOY OH BOY MY BOY)) Shockbox: (( the day we get to see **the best character** make his first appearance.)) Rodimus: *points at the spide* Rodimus: You been mising! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges in, nods to the others already there, and settles into his usual couch in the back. It's going to be an... interesting night.* Rodimus: We been seeing you be a better Starscream Airachnid: I was otherwise engaged. Whirl: *trots in and immediately stakes his claim of the Whirl Couch* Airachnid: aka mun was playing Moon)) FakeProwl: *appears. today, he's doing a far more thorough check of the room than usual before looking for a seat* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Zori sees Airachnid and shoots RIGHT for Whirl* Rodimus: *rubs chin then smirks* Hey Soundwave I heard this rumour recently... Does you Skywarp push others down stairs? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave pings Prowl hello - no mnemosurgeons that he can see now - and looks to Rodimus* Whirl: *perks up!* Hey, Professor! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Our Skywarp is missing. Again.]] FakeProwl: ((check the rafters)) Rodimus: Huh--- welll when he is unmissing ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lmao)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Sometimes.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((hope you had fun with moon airachnid mun!!)) Shockbox: *He enters and makes his way towards the couch closest to the front.* Windchill: *APPEARS.* Whirl: ((YE 8) )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Buzzsaw settles near his new Intellectual Friend.* FakeProwl: *well. it looks clear. for now.* Whirl: *he will graciously make room for Zori and swivel his head around for the usual crowd* Whirl: *let's jam everyone on the couch tonight. COUCH PARTY* Airachnid: it was! I loved it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Also, you know that whole time marker and description thing? For the Insecticons? Prowl's getting them again.* FakeProwl: *sits with Soundwave between himself and the door* Rodimus: You ever hear stories of -who- he pushed down some stairs? Windchill: *Make room for his butt, Whirl. It's coming.* FakeProwl: *MORE tonight? oh, fantastic. he'll probably walk out into the hall by himself and run into chromedome.* Shockbox: *Nods at buzzsaw.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Just turn your optics off. He can notify you.* Windchill: (( I might be slow to respond to things, my net is being RATHER UNFORGIVING tonight. )) FakeProwl: *that's what he plans on doing* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Knows Prowl is an avatar but will keep the avatar 'safe' anyway. Rumble and Frenzy join Whirl, Windchill, and Zori* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It'd be easier to ask who he -didn't- mess with, Rodimus.]] Whirl: Hey, Rodders, you taking requests? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And not every trick was so lightsparked.]] Whirl: *eexcellent. There's probably going to be some piling up since there's so many people on the couch bbut Whirl is prepared to be a seat if need be.* Whirl: ...*for rumbble and/or Frenzy. And Zori. Sorry Windchill, he'll die if you sit on him* Rodimus: Oh? *snickers* Sounds like you got stories! I been slumming it for new ones myself! FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'll leave my avatar idle while those scenes are on. If he comes in while I'm unalert, warn me.» Windchill: *Many people can be piled on Windchill as well.* Windchill: *Are you calling his butt big, bro?* Whirl: *No. I'm calling it gargantuan and also deadly* Rodimus: *looks over to whirl* Ueah I can play one for you, whatcha want? Windchill: *He will accept this as a compliment.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Understood. If departure not wanted, comfort given during Unicron session returned. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He doesn't know whether Prowl values appearance over distance* Bruin: *has arrived, and remembered his giant cushion so over to the far wall they all go* Whirl: This Magic Moment--the Drifter's version. Whirl: But Lou Reed's ain't half bad, either. Rodimus: ...Really? Rodimus: ok ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There was the time he found Tracks comatose after a battle and replaced his wheels with much, much smaller ones.]] Whirl: Yeah, it's different, but all right. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He was scolded for allowing Tracks to live, but the footage of Tracks' return trip to base -was- entertaining.]] Whirl: He's got a really unusual voice. Haven't listened to a lot of Lou, though. Rodimus: Its so sappy silentsoundy: --heh-- Whirl: ...OH. You mean the song--well, yeah. *deadpan look* A lot of good songs ARE love songs. Just works out that way. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak zooms over to Bruin. Not to his helm though, no. She remembers better.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods a greeting to his alternate.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «No comfort. If I stay, I don't want to give him any indication that we're close.» Whirl: *he will not sing over it, though; the room is spared* Rodimus: *crinkles nose* Erth does mostly write those silentsoundy: --Alternate-- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Understood. Shockbox: *3/4 waves present.* Bruin: *good Spotter is fine with the company so long as no helm perchihng is attempted* Whirl: *shrugs* I mean, yeah, it's sappy, but d'you hear that harmony? Those STRINGS? Whirl: *Whirl doesn't mind sap, either, but he is not gonna ADVERTISE that* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pleased Whirl can appreciate these things* Whirl: *everyone should appreciate the Drifters* Windchill: *He's crossing his legs. Anyone with a mind to sit on him, which is no-one, is losing their opening.* Whirl: *will lean back and prop his feet up on that lap, as per usual* Once again, I offer all denizens of my couch the use of my lovely footstool. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sounds like a Velocitronian song.* Rodimus: I like music that more in time with me I hate slow ones! Windchill: Really? Windchill: I thought you were rather slow. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Heheheh.// Whirl: I like multi-layered songs, myself. Once that have a whle lot of moving components, when they all come together, it's pretty cool. Whirl: ...*SNICKERS; OHH WINDCHILL, U DONE DID IT* Rodimus: *sideeyes WC* What? Windchill: *Banned from the Lost Light forever.* Windchill: I said, I thought you were slow. Whirl: You two should race. Rodimus: Obviously you must be then~ silentsoundy: --oh, this tune he rather enjoys-- Windchill: It wouldn't be much of a race. Rodimus: What is even your alt mode Chill? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage decides to go sit with the alternate. It's been some time and, well. His own carrier unit is occupied.* Windchill: I'm a seeker, can't you tell? FakeProwl: *for the record, Prowl is currently about 85% convinced that Whirl and Windchill have an ongoing Dom/sub relationship of some kind* FakeProwl: *it's the whole living furniture thing they've got going on* Rodimus: That... that isnt an alt mode thats a job ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl's not the only one.* Windchill: It's a frame type, means my alternate mode is a jet. Rodimus: Even I can say "Ima seeker" big deal Windchill: Not where I'm from, you can't. Rules might be different here. Rodimus: I race wheels not wings Windchill: *You people keep your thoughts to yourself, WEIRDOS.* Windchill: Why, because you know you'll lose? FakeProwl: *says whirl's footrest* Rodimus: Heh so you are a jet ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's already shaking his helm. This was one of his former Lord's stupidest moments.* Airachnid: Oh I missed my alternate failing miserably. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Be thankful.]] Whirl: *OMFG PROWL LMAO* Rodimus: *that explains some things* Airachnid: I like to laugh at her. Whirl: He's a Blackbird, presently. Windchill: I already said that I was. Rodimus: Megs dont frag your ship Shockbox: *Tilts his head at the screen.* Whirl: Really goddamned fast. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[In that case, he will send you the relevant clips before you leave.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A question, Shockwave?]] Airachnid: Very well. Windchill: *He'S NOT WEIRD HE'S NORMAl. YOU PERVS.* Whirl: *he'll also swivel his helm around to bob it at Airachnid; her absence was noted* Airachnid: ..hello Whirl. Whirl: *(BE QUIET FOOTSTOOL* Windchill: *NO* Windchill: *NOBODY IS THE BOSS OF HIM.* Whirl: Hey, Legs. Highgloss: Oh! Look what I walked in on! FakeProwl: *don't worry, prowl is accepting of your kinky lifestyle* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Knock Out.]] Highgloss: Lovely. Always a pleasure to remember. Shockbox: Negative. I am merely interesed in this 'dark energon'. FakeProwl: *hECK. it's the hot doctor.* Shockbox: ((*interested )) Airachnid: [cringes] Highgloss: And to you, Soundwave. Windchill: *You walked in on Windchill not being embarassed when he ought, congratulations.* Rodimus: *hops up on the back of his couch and perches* agooddistraction: what's happenin ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The literal fuel of Unicron, Shockwave. A corrupting, enslaving force never to be touched.]] Windchill: Anyway, my point still stands. Whirl: Is. Windchill: Rodimus...is slow. Whirl: Wait, Whirl: Is he... did I miss something. Is he--*antenna pins back* Whirl: *IS HE FUCCIN THAT SHIP U GUYS* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Of all the nights for Knock Out to visit, it's the one with - well. They'll see.* Rodimus: I am not race me on wheels FakeProwl: *side glance at Soundwave. did you hear the thing shockwave just said. obviously you did but Did You Hear That* Windchill: Why should I stoop to your level?
Missed some.
ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He foolishly believed the power he gained was worth losing ownership of his spark and his reason.]] Airachnid: Megatron. Rodimus: Come in a hang out we are watching a case bad choices! Windchill: *Please calm yourself.* Airachnid: Why. Whirl: ...This ship is awesome. Windchill: *Snorts.* agoodidstraction: zapped Bruin: Ouch Rodimus: OH YEAH THAT REMINDS ME! agoodidstraction: yapped his zap Windchill: You say that, but you haven't seen 'im in root mode. Whirl: *snickers* I didn't know you guys' ship was alive. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If only your mouth could be.]] FakeProwl: *idle mode* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Our ship was not alive. It was Trypticon. Deceased. In an alternate form.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...What was your ship, Knock Out?]] FakeProwl: *annnd back* Shockbox: As impressive as this iteration of Lord Megatron is, it does seem he is less...hinged. Highgloss: It was. Shockbox: *muttering.* Highgloss: Regrettably. agoodidstraction: zap the yaps agoodidstraction: oh frag red zapped Whirl: Ohh. Highgloss: Hmm. I always wondered how it got me. Highgloss: One of life's little mysteries solved. Whirl: Hmm. Interesting. When you use dark energon to resurrect a ormal-sized Cybertronian, they're just. ravenous. Dumb. Windchill: *Snorts.* Whirl: But the ship wasn't. I wonder why that is. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He believes it was possessed.]] Whirl: By Unicron himself? Rodimus: Or blow the ship up? Whirl: Seems to have its own agenda, though. Wouldn;t Unicron have immediately just attacked Megatron? *taps the underside of his helm thoughtfully* Whirl: AND THERE, that--Unicron KNEW about humans. Seemed to be able to perceive them. FakeProwl: What would Unicron want with the Iaconian relics? Airachnid: Unicron was most likely still in some form of stasis. FakeProwl: Perhaps those infected with dark energon are reduced to their base instincts. agoodidstraction: doc knock Highgloss: Ugh. Ughhhh. Windchill: *Crosses his fingers.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hmm. These are good points.* agoodidstraction: i'm sorry red Highgloss: UGH. FakeProwl: A Cybertronian's base instincts would be to feed. FakeProwl: A ship's base instincts would be... whatever task it was last programmed for. agoodidstraction: and frag ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, listen to that reasoning. It's good reasoning.* agoodidstraction: anyone here ever fragged a ship before Airachnid: No. Rodimus: *raise hand* FakeProwl: *... he's not raising his hand. it would just encourage wheeljack.* Windchill: *Shakes his head.* FakeProwl: But you said your ship was a Cybertronian? Was his brain module removed or reprogrammed? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Reprogrammed.]] agoodidstraction: fragging a ship would probably just kill you though wouldn't it FakeProwl: *nods* Perhaps that would do it. agoodidstraction: why are humans always toast? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Cuz they burn easy.// Whirl: Well, yeah, but your points, Prowl, would make sense if it was reanimated, like I suggested. Highgloss: I imagine ours would be bad in berth. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pffft.// Rodimus: Your ship seems liek a dom! Whirl: If it was POSSESSED, then it wouldn't have a ship's instincts; it wouldn't have any instincts except for those of the possessor. Highgloss: Clumsy, clammy hands, then he'd go around telling all his friends you loved it. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SO WHEELJACK.\\ FakeProwl: If it was possessed, then it would be doing its possessor's will. Windchill: *the what* agoodidstraction: but is fragging while possessed any good agoodidstraction: yeah? FakeProwl: Unicron, so far as we know, has no need for the Iaconian relics; and he WOULD know to keep an optic out for humans. FakeProwl: Reanimation appears more likely. Highgloss: Apologies, Wheeljack, for how hard I laughed at that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *No, no, Frenzy was insulting you WJ.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Reanimation then. It is still vile.]] agoodidstraction: bj agoodidstraction: no keep laughing Airachnid: Indeed. Rodimus: I dont think i'd analog frag a ship... I PnP'd him agoodidstraction: hey airachnid ya old *** Whirl: *nods slowly; Whirl finds it more interesting than anything else* agoodidstraction: ever spider *** a possessed ship before Whirl: *and he likes the ship's attitude, what can he say* Airachnid: ..... what is it Wheeljack? Whirl: ((THE BUTT)) Whirl: *LAUGHS* Airachnid: I have not. Jitterbun: ((Butt butt) Jitterbun: (And There goes Trypticon)) Whirl: *he is also no gonna join in on this fragging  aship convo* agoodidstraction: would you? Airachnid: No. agoodidstraction: lame Airachnid: I don't exist to amuse you. Whirl: *snickers* agoodidstraction: okay *** ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He must know. Had you already woken?]] Jitterbun: What exactly was it that froze 'em all? Jitterbun: -ah! agoodidstraction: hahhfe hasdbla agoodidstraction: doc Whirl: *LAUGHS AGAIN* agoodidstraction: what just happened Rodimus: Hey KO's got some handy hand holds for humans *smirks* Whirl: Everybody getting their afts handed to em tonight! Windchill: Beautiful. Rodimus: *laughs Ratchet plz* Airachnid: [that amused her a lot] Shockbox: *And the aesop for this episode? Do not feed nonsentient machines with dark energon and make sure your security systems know to check for organics.* Shockbox: *Shockbox feels educated.* Highgloss: Those handy hand holds are *not* for humans. Those were not consensual handy-holds. Jitterbun: Geeze, always with the violence and arms race's with ya'll ItsyBitsySpyers: *Shockbox is a quick learner.* Windchill: *Also, maybe, killing someone and using their corpse as your space boat is a bad idea as a matter of principle.* Shockbox: *Naturally.* Rodimus: *looks Knockout over and then grins* Fair enough FakeProwl: *... that begs the question of who the hand holds are for. sideways glance at the hot doctor.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Now, look. Nobody thought he was going to be doing that.* Whirl: Yep. That's what we're best at, Jitter. *zoops his neck up over the couch to try and locate Jitter* Rodimus: *engine purrs at he other speedster* agoodidstraction: oh boy FakeProwl: *he is, unfortunately, even more attractive in person.* Windchill: RUDE. Windchill: *It's true though, he's never met a personable Insecticon.* Shockbox: *Lost Light Stream: otherwise known as Everybody Wants to Frag Knockout* Windchill: *WRONG.* Jitterbun: *Unphased he nods jovially towards the outstreched neck.* .... agoodidstraction: face man Shockbox: *Correction: The Majority Would Frag Knockout* Jitterbun: Sorry t' speak for all ya, but the Doc's got some high standards. Airachnid: [thank you] Rodimus: ...Even our has subways ItsyBitsySpyers: *"Face man": exactly what Soundwave isn't.* FakeProwl: ((you can't read everyone's minds, jitter)) Airachnid: [then again, she doesn't want to frag anyone] Jitterbun: ((Whopse didn't see the * there) Highgloss: Ugh. I can smell that awful city through the screen. Windchill: *Nods.* agoodidstraction: zap ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What -did- it smell of?]] Windchill: Big feet problems. Jitterbun: ((Purple Eradicons~) Whirl: *also looks over, curious; he's never sniffed a human city* Rodimus: I never been to New York it was trashed before I got the chance! *huffs* Airachnid: [it's not that great] Windchill: That's almost fortunate. Highgloss: Hot dog water, among other things. ItsyBitsySpyers: =Ugh.= Whirl: *LAUGHS* Listen to her! FakeProwl: ((vogel is the best human in the show)) Whirl: Right off the bat, just lying her face blue! What a little trooper. Whirl: ((Fowler tho..................... but yeah Vogel is great 8) )) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Rodimus: [[Your Decepticons managed to destroy the city?]] Windchill: Everything is from outer space. Rodimus: *laughing* Windchill: Even I'm from outer space. Whirl: Not me. Whirl: I'm from Polyhex. FakeProwl: *is attempting to power it through the insecticon screens by focusing on knock out. he's gotta desensitize himself to insecticons somehow.* Jitterbun: What's all this tech doin' on the planet anyway? Whirl: That's cool, the crawling on the ceiling thing. FakeProwl: *it's helping a little.* Airachnid: Who knows. Shockbox: *Everything is technically from space, because everything is technicaly /in/ space.* Windchill: Yeah, it's...something. Jitterbun: *Obviously not watching the pervious epsides leaves him out of hte loop.* Whirl: ((omg careful prowl. You're gonna Pavlov yourself and every time you hear a WALALLA you gonna get honry)) Airachnid: Why Cybertron and this mudball are connected so much who knows. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((OMG)) Highgloss: Dear Unicron, I look good. Windchill: Thanks, Shockwave. FakeProwl: ((better a boner than a panic attack)) Windchill: ** agoodidstraction: yeah you do Whirl: They explained it a lot of episodes ago, Jitter. Long story. Windchill: *Forgot those ItsyBitsySpyers: }}A fine choice of weaponry, Doctor.{{ Whirl: Yeah, gotta give credit where it's due. *swivels his helm around and flips KO a lazy salute* Highgloss: Thank you, thank you! silentsoundy: --motions a farewell towards his Alternate before taking his leave-- Jitterbun: //DELTA// *He'll settle down behind good company now. Those are some vicious mechaoids* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bobs his helm to his alternate. Do come again.* Windchill: *Rubs his eyebrows* Rodimus: *hmm? oh!* @SW ::Let's just said our kinda was very not welcome there! I'll see if I can get pic lata:: Shockbox: *we're back to half of our maximum wave-age* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Acknowledging ping. Thank you, Rodimus.* Whirl: *if you can find room here on the couch Whirl won't kick you off, Jitter. Granted, he's using Windchill as furniture at two minicons are probably using HIM as furniture. And there's a giant scorpion* Windchill: *There's totally room.* agoodidstraction: oh Rodimus: Doc you are pretty sleek--- but seems you may need *winces* agoodidstraction: ouch Airachnid: [LAUGHS] Jitterbun: *WINCES* Windchill: *Curls his upper lip* FakeProwl: *wince. partially at the paint. mostly at the sound it made.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Oof.// Jitterbun: ..y'know, I'm thinkin' iI'm not real fond of the documentary type films. Rodimus: ---Some hand-tohand work. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Glances at Prowl. Inquisitive ping.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HOW COME?\\ FakeProwl: *?* FakeProwl: *counter-inquisitiveness* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl winced. Unexpected. Knock Out: Decepticon. Whirl: (9YES)) Whirl: You've got some pretty good moves with that polearm, though. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «It looked painful.» Whirl: *Whirl is not perhaps as attracted toKO as Prowl & Others but he has his merits* Jitterbun: *There is some releif in watching a fellow twowheeler tearin' up the dirt* Windchill: You gotta admit, Trouble would be a pretty good name. Rodimus: Knock Out whats your earth alt? Or it a costum? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod. This security tape comes with some serious sympathy cringe feelings.* FakeProwl: ((i like how it's Prowl & Others. like everyone else's attraction is a footnote compared to this thirst.)) Whirl: Yeah! I named my Flobster Trouble. Whirl: ((It is. DO YOU REMEMBER LAST NIGHT)) FakeProwl: ((I REMEMBER LAST NIGHT.)) FakeProwl: ((dem seatbelts)) Rodimus: ((roddi's was hte metal on metal noise Windchill: *He's not just saying that because naming things, Insecticons specifically, is something he'll be doing in the near future. Shockbox: (( sounds like prowl needs to take a sip. )) Whirl: ((Highgloss, last night during a stream of mine I put a still of KO's neck on the screen and played "Let's Get it On" in the background,)) Whirl: ((for reference)) FakeProwl: ((and made hearts around it with the cursor)) Whirl: *GRUBCHILD. SOON* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Brief moment of admiration for Arcee.* Airachnid: [gives a quiet hiss at the screen] Highgloss: Beautiful. Well done. Whirl: *CAN'T WAIT TO TEACH NEICE GRUBCHILD BAD HABITS* Airachnid: [why did it have to be Arcee] Whirl: ((yes i did that too. and also did that with Soundwave and his pivot)) Windchill: *WHY DO YOU KEEP STEALING ALL THE GOOD NAMES THOUGH, WHIRL.* Whirl: *BECAUSE I'M EXCELLENT AT NAMING THINGS* Jitterbun: ...do mecha in this universe make a habbit of ejectin' anythign in their cockpits durring transformation, or is it just him? Whirl: Yeah, you guys' Arcee is a badass, too. Windchill: *CURSE YOOOOOOU.* agoodidstraction: kjsdf FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I want one of those.» Jitterbun: *And that's a fairily anDY TOOL dangit poor mecha* FakeProwl: *also: another cringe for knock out.* Windchill: Ow. Windchill: ((HELP.)) Jitterbun: He's lucky thats all that happened. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Perhaps if Prowl wins security game. Whirl: ((VOGEL'S FACE WHEN HE SAYS THAT)) Highgloss: And that one eventually landed me in the operating room. Windchill: (( I think we were all Vogel in that moment tho )) Highgloss: Thank you for that one, Autobots. FakeProwl: *oh well now he's Incentivized* Whirl: You're lucky you were going up against THOSE softies, Doc. Whirl: I don't LET my enemies retreat. Highgloss: And how's that worked out for you so far? Whirl: *this statement would probably seem more badass if Wghirl wasn't buried under a bunch of ex-Decepticons* Rodimus: Alot less enemies Whirl: I'm still here, they're not. So, pretty good, I'd say. Airachnid: [rolls optics] I hate suckups. Whirl: Ugh, I know, right? Windchill: Oh my god, he's back. Whirl: ...also, question. *swivels is helm around* How come he never considered YOU for the job, Chatterbox? FakeProwl: *well, he's got guts.* Highgloss: Oh, you absolute aft...*why?* Windchill: *All good things must come to an end.* Airachnid: What a coward. FakeProwl: *... never mind. no he doesn't.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's plating ripples in a shiver. The antarctic.* Airachnid: I've operated on myself plenty of times. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[For which job?]] Shockbox: *Shakes his head. Of course starscream wouldn't be able to do it.* Whirl: Second in Command. agoodidstraction: who is she Whirl: You obviously were loyal. You seemed pretty competent, too. Ship-related mishaps aside. *that was spoken with faint amusement* agoodidstraction: ydd agoodidstraction: yeehaww!!! agoodidstraction: yeah! Windchill: *Spits.* agoodidstraction: i'm cpabal agoodidstraction: ??? Whirl: Let's see your moves, then, Wheeljack. Rodimus: Megs apparently needs his secound to not be as nuts as him Shockbox: (( oh boy one of the best parts. )) Windchill: *Steeples his claws before his pursed lips.* Windchill: *What is he seeing?* agoodidstraction: i'll show youmy moves Whirl: For the record, I still find the fact that you're a Wrecker the most hilarious thing about your dimension. You know what OUR Wheeljack is like? A nerd. A total nerd. Rodimus: But only slightly FakeProwl: ((his fricking scooter)) agoodidstraction: i used to be a nerd Whirl: ...well, I meant in regards to the documentary, but if you wanna fight, then hell yeah, I'll fight ya. Airachnid: Do you not realize that you went AWOL? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primarily because he didn't want it.]] Windchill: *It's almost hard to believe these two are the same frametype.* Windchill: *Much less the same as HIMSELF.* Whirl: *he definitely noticed THAT* Whirl: *tilts his head* ... fair. And, y'know. It's pretty obvious that you only listened to the SIC when you felt like it. Whirl: *it;'s one of your better qualities* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It was also not a position for a mech like him. His skills were best utilized elsewhere, and... he was not always worthy of being watched as closely as the SICs.]] Whirl: ((...what he noticed what Soundwave listening when he felt like it. Thanks LS)) Windchill: (( Dreadwing's flipping OWL FEET. )) Whirl: *nods again* Gotcha. Rodimus: *pew pew* Whirl: *man it's a shame that Dreadwing's such a disgusting syncophant because otherwise. Wgirl could Properly Appreciate someone firing a weapon like that* Whirl: *alas, his attitude is so UNattractive* Windchill: Why. Whirl: This must be fight night or something. Rodimus: Ha! Whirl: Not that I'm complaining, mind you. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Something like that.]] Windchill: Did he forget he could fly? Windchill: Or is he just slow? Windchill: *Everyone is slow, what is he talking about.* Rodimus: Hawt Whirl: ha. Whirl: ((ALL CAPS REQUIRED)) Whirl: *HA Whirl: Nice, Airachnid: Even Prime hates Starscream's groveling. agoodidstraction: bixx agoodidstraction: soundwave ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What.]] agoodidstraction: who is she ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Who is who?]] FakeProwl: *did Optimus forget that a few weeks ago they were trying to take Starscream in as an ally?* agoodidstraction: reALLy ItsyBitsySpyers: *Evidently. He never understood why they didn't try again.* FakeProwl: *and that the only reason they didn't was because his own subordinate ruined their chances?* Whirl: Ah, what a lovely sound. Airachnid: I think it was a much longer time period. FakeProwl: *it's inconsistent and it's foolish.* Windchill: You would think so. Whirl: Their human guy isn't too shabby, either. Airachnid: Also, Starscream would have just stabbed them in the back eventually. ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is a Prime.* Rodimus: I wish our whip was that cold again.... Rodimus: *EXCUSE YOU* agoodidstraction: whoa Rodimus: ((ship* omg ItsyBitsySpyers: //So they drain him of info 'n terminate 'im before he does the stabby stabby.// agoodidstraction: soundwave you got inhibitors ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't that how it's done?// ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not with him. Why?]] agoodidstraction: i'm gonna die Whirl: Huh. Whirl: *eyes this armor skepitcally* Whirl: Looks awful stiff. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will be sure to play something appropriate at your funeral.]] Windchill: Great, now he looks like a doughboy. Windchill: I'd say it's an improvement. agoodidstraction: if i die you can't kill me ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The Doctor is still here, he thinks. Ask him.]] Airachnid: I imagine it isn't that maneuverable. Whirl: Yeah, ad maneuverability, as you can no doubt tell, is my forte. Airachnid: We get it. You killed Cliffjumper. Airachnid: I don't even brag about my kills that much in front of Acee. Windchill: His lone achievement. *Hand over boob.* agoodidstraction: he's grabbin him like a doll FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The Decepticons invented Apex Armor?» Whirl: I can't even remember all the kills I've made. I didn't get all of their names, either. Whirl: *shakes his head* Must be a sad existence. Being Starscream. Airachnid: I imagine it is. Rodimus: IMa speed and grace guy myself too Windchill: Sure you are. agoodidstraction: hdgkaf agoodidstraction: good one ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Unclear. Early records damaged. Two stories: Solus Prime invented, Decepticons invented. Airachnid: And there are mecha that think his voice is attractive. Airachnid: I pity them. Whirl: Agreed, Legs. Whirl: I will admit--the ship had a nice voice though. agoodidstraction: oh agoodidstraction: wow agoodidstraction: i never fragged up that hard FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Does the armor have any weak point?» agoodidstraction: and my friends are all dead ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): User. FakeProwl: *snorts* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trembles slightly. He's amused by Wheeljack's comment* Windchill: Good grief. Windchill: Swords, man. Windchill: Ridiculous. agoodidstraction: soundwave if you're cold i'll cuddle ya ItsyBitsySpyers: //Man, what's wit' all the-// Rumble flails his arm around. //Can't he jus' sheathe the fraggin' thing?// Whirl: *sighs; it's such a damn shame that his personality is so terrible, because wow. Those moves. THE GUN. THE SWORD* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You will NOT.]] Whirl: *SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT* Windchill: *THE SWORD IS DUMB.* Whirl: Yeah, honestly, like... swords are cool, but all the fancy twirling doesn't impress me. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up and glows just a teensy bit brighter.* Windchill: It's some kind of contest, I think. Whirl: Hack someone clean in half. Then I'll be impressed. agoodidstraction: fineb itch Windchill: "My sword is bigger," you know. Whirl: ((AT LAST))
Missed some.
ItsyBitsySpyers: *PLEASED* Whirl: *snickers at the constant nicknaming* Whirl: Oh, hey, it's you, Chatterbox! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods his helm at Rodimus. Yes, it will. Mostly* ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Peh. Bird sleeping.}} ItsyBitsySpyers: *She drops down and docks on his back.* Whirl: 8AN AERIAL BATTLE? AT LAST* Windchill: *Only took over a season.* Rodimus: *grins @ SW* FakeProwl: *respectable maneuverability* Whirl: *it's passable* FakeProwl: ... "Surveillance drone"? agoodidstraction: heyyy Whirl: *AWW GO LASERBEAK GO* FakeProwl: Ignorance or disrespect? agoodidstraction: it's always time to be hotdogging ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Both.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sees that grin.* Windchill: *He suspects his definition of "hotdogging" is vastly different than what is suggested here.* Whirl: To be honest, I'm not surprised that y'all can outmaneuver that ship. ugh, just LOOK at it. Whirl: It's dreadful. I'm surprised it can even keep UP. Airachnid: [chinhands at Ratchet] agoodidstraction: first time he screamed in the jackhammer FakeProwl: ... *covers mouth. ratchet's scream tho.* Whirl: *flips a mournful salute* Well fought, Bird. Whirl: ...*wow did he just commend a Con. He did. Well.* Whirl: *Stranger things have happened* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave tilts his helm, passes the message on, and... Laserbeak's voice comes out of his speakers.* Windchill: If that's all it takes to down that thing, colour me unimpressed. ItsyBitsySpyers: {{...Thanking.}} Windchill: Also, pink. Whirl: Aaand yeah. Not surprised it crashed. No offence Wheeljack, but your aircraft is garbage. agoodidstraction: i miss my swords agoodidstraction: frag you ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quietly reassures her. She did very well.* Whirl: Not likely, mech. *sly look* Windchill: *Puts up his middle finger.* Whirl: You've yet to impress me. Rodimus: *glances at Laserbeak and thinks a moment then back to the screen* agoodidstraction: oh i'll impress ya agoodidstraction: i'm sexy Whirl: I'll believe it when I see it. ItsyBitsySpyers: =We are not PETS.= Bruin: *angry hissing, leave her alone* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Annoyed growl from Ravage.* Airachnid: Ratchet's so brilliant. Windchill: It's not that grand an idea. FakeProwl: *eugh.* agoodidstraction: noodles agoodidstraction: loud noodles ItsyBitsySpyers: *Appreciates Bruin's hiss. Pings him so.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Feelers.]] agoodidstraction: NOODLES Shockbox: (( i find it a little personally ridiculous this virus thing actually worked. )) FakeProwl: *it's a perfectly pragmatic plan, but eugh.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it IS ridiculous but i have to go with it)) Airachnid: because humans have to be "winners")) Whirl: *SNICKERS* Airachnid: and be better than the bad ol Decepticons)) Whirl: *LET'S STUFF A CHICKEN IN SOUNDWABE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Long stare at Wheeljack. This one isn't responsible for doing this to her, but - such resentment fades slowly.* Whirl: *OPEN WIDE CHATTERBOX* Whirl: Dang, those feelers are versatile, mech. agoodidstraction: *stares back* Shockbox: (( because somehow a script kiddie is just as good at computers as a cybertronian master spy. )) agoodidstraction: *sticks glossa out* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ahh. Here we are.* Windchill: Oh good, time to fight. Whirl: *OHO A FIGHT. BETWEEN THESE TWO?* agoodidstraction: yeah!!! agoodidstraction: *** ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pleased bob.* Whirl: *sits ALL THE WAY UP* agoodidstraction: let's fight Airachnid: [perks up slightly] FakeProwl: *... ooh.* Highgloss: You two couldn't have picked a better setting for it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We really couldn't.]] Whirl: Wicked. agoodidstraction: ohhhhh Shockbox: */Very/ impressive fighting from soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [["Be aware of your surroundings" comes to mind.]] Whirl: *snickers* FakeProwl: *shudders at the noise that thing makes.* Rodimus: I wanta spar you Noddles!! Windchill: *Crosses his arms* Whirl: *well, hot damn. Soundwave, you just went from a 6 to a solid 8 my mech* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You will be a long time waiting.]] Rodimus: *wines* Whyyyyy ItsyBitsySpyers: *Note to self: if he ever recovers another Resonance Blaster, keep it away from Prowl.* Whirl: *WELL HOT DAMN AGAIN HOW CAN HE NOT APPRECIATE THAT PROTECTIVE INSTINCT* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'm beginning to get the distinct impression you were going easy on me when you let me land on you.» Whirl: *he will acknowledge it 0% though* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has plenty of actual fights to keep his skills honed. He does not need to spar.]] Rodimus: *pouts* Whirl: ((i have yet to hear this owl)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Not -easy-. Shockbox: (( soundwave's biolights are so gorgeous in this scene. )) Whirl: ........................ Whirl: *(CAMERA PLEASE NOT WITH THE WIGGLIES* Whirl: *PLEASE* Rodimus: Lewd~ Whirl: Well. ...er-hem. Sorry, Wheeljack. You did not impress me at all. Whirl: Better luck next time. agoodidstraction: oh whatever Whirl: Hey, I calls em as I sees em. Whirl: And I know what I'm about. Windchill: *Rolls his eyes.* Windchill: *SNORTS* Rodimus: *snorts* agoodidstraction: wow Airachnid: [LAUGHS] Rodimus: *inmature snickering* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stare.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What.]] Rodimus: *hand waves* Whirl: *blinks* Shockbox: (( hackers are most usually damn good at security. still can't believe that nonsense.)). Rodimus: Now thats it for the night! Whirl: These documentaries sure love their cliffhangers. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you. He enjoyed the majority of the last one.]] Highgloss: Thank you for the jaunt down memory lane! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Do come again, Knock Out.]] Whirl: And, credit where it's due. Whirl: You kicked some skidplate, Chatterbox. *nods* Rodimus: Your both welcome! Yeah nice to see you back anytime~ *winks* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Wheeljack: [[2-0.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bobs his helm.* agoodidstraction: rematch agoodidstraction: let's rematch Windchill: Sometimes... Airachnid: I do not think that will bode well for you. Whirl: I'll sell tickets! agoodidstraction: REMATCH Rodimus: Nowai! If he isnt going to give me a spar certinally not getting one! Airachnid: But, it'll be amusing. Windchill: One has to accept when they SUCKED the first time. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And destroy his own investment? Please.]] Windchill: And move on. agoodidstraction: i don't wanna spar, i want a rematch Windchill: *Except, nobody's going to let anyone move on, ever.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «You could probably open a space bridge straight under his feet and instantly win.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «And—added bonus—he'd be out of the room.» Whirl: Well, if he won't, I'll fight ya, Wheeljack. Whirl: *will fight anyone, really* Shockbox: (( now you're thinking with portals. )) Whirl: *he'll fight himself if he can find another Whirl* Windchill: WHAT. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl, devious. Soundwave appreciates. agoodidstraction: Okay i"l fight you Windchill: You never seem to get around to fighting ME, *he points at himself.* Whirl: *perks up considerably* Hell yeah! Windchill: But you'll go fight that moron? Whirl: I'll fight you, too. Whirl: Both of you. At the same time. Windchill: I'm offended. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I prefer "practical."» *but there's a thin smirk* Whirl: Anyone else want some? *clicks his claws aggressively* Airachnid: [she needs to find a way to watch this and now] Whirl: You were asking for a sparring partner, Rodders, I'll fight YOU. Rodimus: I can spar you anytime... *bored flop* Windchill: I'm not teaming up with him. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\NAH. TOO EASY.\\ Rodimus: I want NEW ones! Windchill: A three-way, MAYBE. agoodidstraction: did you call me a moron Windchill: I did, moron. Whirl: Pfft, you talk a big game, Frenzy. agoodidstraction: i know you are but what am i Windchill: A loser. Whirl: ((oh *** that reminds me they DID have a fighting thrad)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Maybe wait until they dogpile each other and bridge them all out at once.» Whirl: ((appropriately it was right after whirl said "yeah i'd boink Frenzy")) agoodidstraction: i'm not a loser Whirl: ((I will get to hat)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yes they do)) Windchill: Are you certain? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Be still his beating spark. Prowl, he can't headbump you here. Stop saying delightful things.* Windchill: I believe we all just witnessed you LOSING. Whirl: I'll fight this entire room! Airachnid: No thank you. Rodimus: *sprawling speedster ozzing onto the floor* agoodidstraction: okay i lost this one but Windchill: We know, Whirl, we know. *Pats his foot, reassuringly. We know.* Whirl: Aww, really legs? *swivels his helm over* You look like you'd be a fun fight. Whirl: You've got some moves, yourself. FakeProwl: *politely lifts his feet out of the way of the Rodimus ooze* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Join them, Rodimus.]] Windchill: There's no buts. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It could be amusing.]] agoodidstraction: red agoodidstraction: is he still in here Airachnid: I would rather not. Shockbox: *Clasps his hands and observes the ruckus.* Rodimus: Meh--- just sounds like Swerve's rn and I can get that tommorrow agoodidstraction: knock out Whirl: *also SW we all know what'd happen if you interrupted whirl's fight with a bridge. Doing that means you Join the Fight* Whirl: Suit yourself. Airachnid: Maybe another time. Windchill: Pfft! agoodidstraction: ffrag Whirl: *optic flickers* Hey, just lemme know, mech! Whirl: I'd like that. Windchill: DISGUSTING. Whirl: ...are you talking to me, Windchill? Windchill: Naturally. Rodimus: *so bored and huffy now sitting on the floor* Whirl: *hey, you were given an offer and you turned it down* Windchill: *HE'S NOT TEAMING UP WITH AN AUTOBOT TO FIGHT YOU.* Rodimus: *he can fight whirl whenever! he wanted new ppl!* Whirl: *SUIT YOURSELF* Windchill: Do I not get first dibs? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Why not fight the Wheeljack?* Whirl: And what about you, Chatterbox? I'd take you AND your team on. *swivels his helm again* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would looooove to see that.* Rodimus: *cause he already saw him loss!* Windchill: I will fight. Windchill: If I have to. Windchill: EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM. Windchill: And PROVE TO YOU. agoodidstraction: GO ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You would lose. We -earned- second place in the Pits.]] Windchill: It's me you should be fighting. FakeProwl: *flatly* Pass. agoodidstraction: fight fight fight fight fight agoodidstraction: no prowl fight me agoodidstraction: fight ifght Whirl: You think I'd walk away from a fight like that? Pfft. Whirl: That's all the more reason to DO it. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOMEBODY JUS' PUNCH -SOMETHIN'-, PRIMUS.\\ agoodidstraction: FIGHT Rodimus: *great now it does sound like swerves* Airachnid: [she's gonna back away, just in case] Windchill: *PUNCHES HIS OWN FIST, HAPPY?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *YEAH SORTA?* FakeProwl: ... *sighs* Soundwave, may I use you for a demonstration? You don't have to move. agoodidstraction: *NO PUNCH HIM* Windchill: *GOOD ENOUGH.* Rodimus: Take it to the training halls first I dont have the pits set up here Windchill: Consider me Windchill: MORTALLY OFFENDED. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances to Prowl. What's this then...?* agoodidstraction: punch me ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll trust his ally. A nod.* Whirl: I might never have fought in the pits, Chatterbox, but I survived the Dead End. I wouldn't count me out. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wait, you got a Pit in the hall?// Windchill: *Groans loudly and flops back in his seat, DRAMATICALLY.* FakeProwl: *looks straight at Wheeljack. lifts up one hand. observe.* Rodimus: We got a small one at Swerve's FakeProwl: *sticks hand through Soundwave's arm. waves it around a little.* FakeProwl: You can't fight me. ItsyBitsySpyers: *OH well okay that was. Unexpected.* Whirl: Oh, yeah. We forgot to tell you, Wheeljack. Our ship is haunted. FakeProwl: *withdraws hand.* Rodimus: Porwl ghost Whirl: By the ghost of Prowl, may Heqet rest his spark. Windchill: Yeah, by a big baby who won't fight us. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It would be a fight, Whirl, not a survival game.]] Shockbox: *but will wheeljack presume prowl is using a phase shifter?* FakeProwl: *opens mouth.* ... *shuts mouth. he's not going to argue.* Rodimus: He is really dead--- *shakes helm( So tragic ItsyBitsySpyers: //I wanna see this Swerve Pit. Ain't nobody told me ya got one.// Whirl: Same difference, in the Dead End, mech. agoodidstraction: what Windchill: What what, in the butt. agoodidstraction: ? agoodidstraction: ?? Whirl: If you don't WANT to, you can just say so. But your intimidation talk is having the opposite effect you think it does. Whirl: Sometimes, I think I can still hear his voice... Rodimus: Check the screen ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pfff! Ya call that a PIT?// FakeProwl: *flatly* It was a traumatic end. Windchill: Looks like any old bar, BORING. agoodidstraction: ??? Windchill: Though, granted. Whirl: It was a freak peanut butter accident. Windchill: It's not so boring once you start fighting in it. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Where's all the spires? The flamin' trash piles? The giant spikes?// Rodimus: That middle table collapses in a small pit for wrestling mostly ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave invents an obituary for Prowl on the spot and places it on his screen.* Windchill: You couldn't even fit ME in that thing. FakeProwl: *oh, leans forward to read it.* agoodidstraction: but he's right there????? Rodimus: Guess we didnt get the Koan package mech. *shrugs with a grin* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It's mostly a serious tale of overheating due to peanut butter clogged vents and exploding. There are a few flattering details though.* FakeProwl: *... sits back. covers mouth.* Rodimus: @SW ::May story for his death was better* Whirl: *hand over spark* We're so fortunate to still have his ghost with us. To... share his. Ghostly wisdom. Whirl: And perform humorous parlor tricks. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\WHAT, AIN'T NOBODY TOLJA 'BOUT GHOSTS? AIN'T YOU FRAGGIN' THE BEE WITH THE FLOATIN' SPARKSCREAM?\\ Rodimus: Yeah Jackie--- didn't you know the matrix can make ghosts appear? FakeProwl: Don't lie to them, Whirl. agoodidstraction: what agoodidstraction: yeah but Airachnid: ...what? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Rodimus: [[What story?]] Whirl: *sighs* Okay. Okay. FakeProwl: Everyone knows I'm only good for rattling chains and waking people up at three in the morning. Whirl: He doesn't ACTUALLY--yes, that. agoodidstraction: i mean the prime was always talkin to ghost agoodidstraction: iwhatg Windchill: You're definitely no good for fighting. Whirl: But, you know, if you're already up at three in the morning, he's good for a conversation. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl's story, disregardable berth activity rumor mentioned? Whirl: Chains and moaning aside. agoodidstraction: i'mabut how are you schlurpin that spike if he's dead ItsyBitsySpyers: *You know what's great about visors? You can make any face you want behind them and nobody can see.* agoodidstraction: i know all about chains and moaning ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Which is especially vital after comments like Wheeljack's.* Windchill: *Palm, meet face.* Airachnid: [disgust] FakeProwl: ... Pffft. @Soundwave «No, the rumor of my death is completely novel.» Whirl: *tilts his head and stares at Wheeljack with the blankest expression ever* I don't follow. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Any /living/ rumors about me keeping people up at three in the morning with chains are probably true.» agoodidstraction: what don't ya follow Whirl: Any of that. Rodimus: *snickering* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave will believe rumor when experienced. Whirl: *just blinks slowly; the fact that his expression is just his eye means Whirl can pull off the best poker face imaginable* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Except perhaps the three a.m. part. I prefer to have concluded any activities by then.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage is as disgusted as Airachnid. He can go over to her and keep her company during their nonsense.* agoodidstraction: so anyway oral is amazing Airachnid: Why are you like this? Whirl: Oral? Whirl: *blank. stare* Rodimus: PFT! agoodidstraction: yeah ORAL agoodidstraction: O R A L Whirl: Oral what? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The world needs -someone- to be its fool, Airachnid.]] agoodidstraction: SEX ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Noted. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Well. He's not attempting to fight me anymore. I'm not certain this is an improvement.» Airachnid: I thought that was Smokescreen. Whirl: ...*peers* That's not where sex happens, Wheeljack. Airachnid: Do we need any more? Whirl: I dunno who told you that, but they were yaking your chain. agoodidstraction: ??? Rodimus: *glances at the door thinking a moment of all the slag he still has left* Whirl: *POKER. FACE* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Smokescreen is the unfortunate sap. Different role.]] Shockbox: *This scene has been...extremely amusing.* Airachnid: Hmm. Touche. Shockbox: *But it's snack table time, now.* agoodidstraction: okay tell that to bumblebee Whirl: I don't know any Bumblebees. Airachnid: Be thankful. agoodidstraction: you don't even know mine? Airachnid: They are annoying. Whirl: But, you know. Okay. I'll relebt. *drapes a claw over his chest* I'm being very narrow minded, here. Comes with the lack of peripheral vision. Whirl: Maybe other mecha have their sex organs in their mouths, in different dimensions. ItsyBitsySpyers: *WHIRL* Whirl: That's not where I keep mind. Obviously. Whirl: *WAIT *** OKAY HE FORGOT AGAIN BUT POKER FACE POKER FACE* agoodidstraction: airachnid i'll kick your *** face in *** Whirl: How rude. agoodidstraction: whirl what the frfag did you smoke Whirl: Hey now, no cutting in line. I get to fight her first. Whirl: Smoke? Windchill: Not until you fight me, bro. Airachnid: I would like to see you try. agoodidstraction: why would someone's array be in their mouth Whirl: Well, apparently yours are. Whirl: Since you frag with your mouth. agoodidstraction: i USED my mouth though Windchill: *Raises hand* agoodidstraction: what Bruin: *plating very ruffled up, he's thoroughly pissed about the eppisode still * Bruin: *the normal rediculousness is a nice distraction though* Whirl: I don't get it. Whirl: *continues to blankly stare* How? Rodimus: *face drops into hands* Windchill: Does that mean my giggity bits are in my armpits, because- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Leaving? This time he will not send Frenzy.]] Airachnid: [at this point she isn't surprised by this coversation] Windchill: *he'll just lower his hand, now.* agoodidstraction: whirl what the frag Windchill: *The damage has been done.* FakeProwl: *... okay, this is sad, prowl feels like he has to help out* agoodidstraction: okay whirl do you have uh agoodidstraction: what kind of stuff ya got? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): "Improvement" impossible near Wheeljack. "Status quo" best option. Whirl: Claspers, actually, but they;re in the usual place. *gestures to his groin* agoodidstraction: okay but what do you have down there agoodidstraction: like Rodimus: *checks to room to see if any mechs look bothered with the current chatter* Whirl: I just told you. agoodidstraction: ????? FakeProwl: Whirl, are you familiar with the concept of applying tactile stimulation to a partner's interstate array with parts OTHER than one's own interface array. Shockbox: @Soundwave: Not yet, but soon. May as well add to my stores while the others are distracted. agoodidstraction: no like agoodidstraction: you know how i don't have a spike but bee does FakeProwl: **interface FakeProwl: ((INTERSTATE ARRAY)) Whirl: I didn't know that, actually. Shockbox: *ngl he doesn't get like 60% of this sex talk because that's not how his universe works* agoodidstraction: okay well now ya know Airachnid: I wheezed when I read that)) Whirl: @Prowl: Yes. I one hundred percent am, But I am also one hundred pecent winding him up. agoodidstraction: are you a spike mech or a not spike mech Windchill: You learn something new, every day. *Said as flatly as possible, which is quite a lot.* Bruin: ((interstate? thats a really big spike)) Whirl: *now looks to Prowl* I mean, in theory. Rodimus: We are all no spike mechs ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Understood. He will see this continue if he can.]] Whirl: Well, yeah, I've got claspers. Same thing. Rodimus: *stands up to start putting the fuel away* FakeProwl: @Whirl «... You fooled me too. Carry on.» Whirl: I'm sure I'm not the only one in the room who does, either. *snoirts; that bit is genuine* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Or not. Rodimus, what timing you have.* agoodidstraction: CLASPERS? Rodimus: *snickers spike is such a stupid name for the dongle* Whirl: @Prowl: Don't worry. We can pretend you were in on it. FakeProwl: *he did not think Whirl was capable of that patiently messing with someone.* Whirl: Yes! Shockbox: *He's able to finish taking what he needs before rodimus starts cleaning.* Whirl: Congratulations, you have basic listening comprehension! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Learn something new every day, Prowl.* agoodidstraction: okay agoodidstraction: ya ever let anyone put their mouth on your claspers? Rodimus: *you steal rodimus's fuel again?* FakeProwl: *well then. he'll sit back and let this play out.* Whirl: No. Shockbox: *stealing! haha, no, no. shockwave? never.* Whirl: That seems like a stupid thing to do, with all those TEETH. FakeProwl: *... and now prowl is wondering if he actually has claspers or if that's just messing with wheeljack too* Whirl: Why would anyone even do that. Rodimus: *he will stop you unless you agree to his terms*
Missed a very tiny bit. Maybe none at all. hard to tell.
agoodidstraction: it's not made up ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave knows if Whirl does or not but a) he doesn't know Prowl is wondering and b) he's not sure he wants to admit he knows.* Whirl: *maybe not but his feet feel ALL OF IT* Whirl: *DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT SOUNDWAVE GDI YOU MAKE IT SOUND WORSE THAN IT IS* Whirl: Yeah, yeah. Nice try. I'm ot falling for THAT one. Pfft. ItsyBitsySpyers: *PAYBACK ASTERISKS FOR THE MOUTH ORGAN BIT* agoodidstraction: whirl you're high FakeProwl: *prowl is used to people comparing their mods in bars. he'd just assume whirl went over to soundwave's club while it was open* agoodidstraction: knock out told me how to do it Windchill: Oh, well I'm sure he'd know all about it. Whirl: Anyoine could just CHOMP them right off! agoodidstraction: yeah that's why i asked him FakeProwl: *whoa hello there now prowl is thinking about knock out's mouth. okay. all right. okay.* Whirl: Why would you DO that? Shockbox: *after barely making off with a relatively small bit of fuel, he walks briskly over to soundwave, mostly because soundwave seems to be the safest option at the moment.* Whirl: *GDI WHAT HAVE I DONE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Could be worse. He could be thinking about Soundwave's mouth.* Whirl: ((rodders will u please play Let's Get it On)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods to Shockwave. There's room where Rodimus was.* Rodimus: *yep its a ... pretty open panel policy* agoodidstraction: because it *** feels good what the *** is wrong with you wht *** kind of sad universe do you *** come from that doesn't have *** *** oral mech Rodimus: ((pretend its ic lmao ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not everyone has the luxury of possessing a face, you know.]] Shockbox: *he considers the seat, and then takes it.* Whirl: *stares at Wheeljack. Blank. Optic giving no emotion away* Whirl: *deep, deep breath* Whirl: *BURSTS OUT LAUGING* Shockbox: ........*nods in agreement with slendy's statement.* agoodidstraction: hdkljishf agoodidstraction: what!!!! Rodimus: *silly smirk to himself* agoodidstraction: what agoodidstraction: what mech Airachnid: [she's just going to snicker to herself] Whirl: I DON'T know how I managed to keep a straight face for so long. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave looks up and over at the speakers. HA.* Whirl: Of COURSE we have blowjobs here, mech. Whirl: I mean, I wasn't lying when I said I'd never done it but, I was messing with you. You're VERY gullible. Whirl: Thank you, Rodders. agoodidstraction: i hat eyour *** stupid *** face Whirl: *cheeky salute* Whirl: Everything else was true, though. agoodidstraction: *squints* Whirl: Honest truth. agoodidstraction: you don't really have claspers ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, why not.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah he does.// Whirl: Oh no, I do, and I'm also sure I'm not the only person here who does. Whirl: Not that all uncommon, in my dimension. agoodidstraction: prove it agoodidstraction: ?? Rodimus: Woah! You do WHirl?! I havnt seen that mod in ages Whirl: Mod? *now he looks genuinely nonplussed* Windchill: This really isn't the place, I think. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[...He does not know what greater educational value these moments have, but they do amuse.]] agoodidstraction: prove it *** Rodimus: Earth organic is pretty invouge still here Whirl: See? Rumble knows. Proof enough. Whirl: No mods here. *shrugs* agoodidstraction: no i wanna see with my own two optics Whirl: Oh. Well. I was born with 'em. Rodimus: Sweet--- really?! Whirl: *nods* Rodimus: Arn't you Cold Construct? Shockbox: *he leans back on the couch.* Rodimus: *RODDIMUS* Whirl: And--sorry, Wheeljack, but like I said--*sly look* You've yet to impress me. FakeProwl: *is rather glad the clasper fad died out, personally. they don't work well with his array.* Shockbox: @Soundwave: Amusing is /one/ way to put it. Whirl: ...what the frag kinda question is THAT? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Your suggested term?]] Rodimus: Ours didnt have those arrays mostly til the war. agoodidstraction: show me your claspers Windchill: *Gently, ever SO gently, picks up Whirl's feet and relocates them to HIS side of the couch.* agoodidstraction: i'll show you my thing Whirl: ((i'm so sorry everyone. the dickcapades got out of control)) Whirl: *ever so gently puts them back* Windchill: What the heck. Rodimus: ((meanwhile casual racism rodimus geeze Whirl: Well, impress me, and maybe you'll get your chance. Windchill: *Can't believe this. How did this happen.* Windchill: *Moves them again.* Whirl: *moves them back* agoodidstraction: i'll impress you come on just agoodidstraction: i'll give you lots of drugs ItsyBitsySpyers: //First off, ain't nobody poppin' their stuff out while I'm sittin' on 'em. B, I ain't watchin' Wheeljack show off nothin'.// Shockbox: (( admittedly i have not been paying close attention to the conversation. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He hops off Whirl and trots over to squeeze himself between Soundwave and Shockwave.* Shockbox: ((i have been building a gundam. )) Whirl: Well, obviously, our dimension is different. FakeProwl: Most pre-war cold constructed mechs who were interested in getting arrays did so long before the war. Whirl: Pfft, don;t worry Rumble, I'm not gonna do that. Windchill: Excuse me, sir. Shockbox: *nods at rumble.* Whirl: Not unless YOU asked, of course. *salutes* Rodimus: Yeah no dongles out in the rec room Magnus made it a rule agoodidstraction: okay anyone ELSE got weird arrays? Windchill: Your feet are IN MY WAY. Whirl: What? *looks to Windchill* agoodidstraction: how do you even frag with claspers Windchill: *Raises hand. He's just being honest.* Windchill: I said. Rodimus: *raises hand* FakeProwl: *... again, decides not to raise his hand. does not want wheeljack's attention* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YA CLASP 'EM. DUH.\\ Whirl: Tiime to go? *lifts his feet into the air* Windchill: Seems so. Whirl: *and while they're there, looks to Wheeljack* The usual way. Shockbox: *he takes a moment to think* agoodidstraction: HOW? Windchill: If we're not gonna fight, I'm gonna go. Airachnid: I can only say I do not have any. agoodidstraction: look i'm still learning how spikes and valves work agoodidstraction: i have no idea what i'm doin Whirl: Seeya, mech. Also--I haven't forgotten. next week, you better give me a doctor's note, yeah? Whirl: *sits up* Does ANYONE else in this room have a set of claspers? Whirl: ...wait. Whirl: ((swap the order there)) Rodimus: Ha! Windchill: You're not the boss of me. Rodimus: I think a few in the engine team has some still ItsyBitsySpyers: //They ain't in the room though.// Whirl: I mean it. I'll take executive action if I har you haven't seen a doc. Windchill: What's THAT supposed to mean? agoodidstraction: whirl Whirl: Wheeljack. Whirl: it means I'll kick your ***, Windchill. Windchill: *He stands up, putting him in a better position to deflect any "executive actions."* Windchill: PFFT. Rodimus: !!! WHirl! Do I need to send Volicity down here?! Whirl: *sets his feet down* agoodidstraction: whirl just show me the *** claspers Windchill: I've been trying to get you to do that for years. Windchill: I'm not even convinced that you CAN. Whirl: Look, to get them out, I need to be in a particular mood. And that's not just something I can DO. Whirl: Also, no. Like I said--I'm not attracted to you. Whirl: I'll take a picture or something, and send it, if you want. agoodidstraction: okay let me give ya a lap dance then agoodidstraction: you'll send me a pic??? Whirl: I'll pass, but yeah. In the event, that I get them out sometime soon, I'll send you  a picture. Whirl: But fair warning--last time I got em our was, like, four million years ago. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave just shakes his helm. Be proud of him, Prowl. He risked his life to rescue this.* Whirl: So you're gonna be in for quite a wait. ItsyBitsySpyers: *That's a huge sacrifice.* agoodidstraction: ???????? FakeProwl: *enormous* Whirl: ((truly)) FakeProwl: *also: why* agoodidstraction: why do you hate your claspers Shockbox: @Soundwave: I do not believe any single term would do. It is merely another kind of common exchange. agoodidstraction: get 'em sucked or whatever agoodidstraction: give 'em some air Rodimus: Geeze Wheeljack, I guess you aare new to this interfacing thing cause you got less class than Swerve at this. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ask.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[A reasonable viewpoint.]] Whirl: *holds up his huge claws* Rodimus: Whirl told you no let it drop. agoodidstraction: look i'm good in berth okay Rodimus: And? Whirl: Thanks, Rodders, but I've got this. *nods* Whirl: *that was a genuine thank you* Whirl: I've got huge c;laws. They';re not good for that sort of thing. Rodimus: *thumbs at WHirl* You can take it then. agoodidstraction: *lighting another cyg* *** Windchill: *Time for a goodnight eye roll.* Windchill: Bye, guys. Whirl: Catcha later, 'Chill. Rodimus: See ya. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Seeya.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah. An audio hint.* Whirl: Anyway, there you have it. 've told you just about everything I can about my junk. I hope you're happy. Rodimus: *passive agressive music choices* Windchill: *Leaves.* Shockbox: @Soundwave: In such a relatively relaxed atmostphere, such discussions are an eventuality. agoodidstraction: you're full of *** whirl Whirl: And YOU can't fight. agoodidstraction: i'm out Whirl: *getly untangles himself from Frenzy and Zori and stands up, streeetching* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Now that is a good reason for appreciating a lonely post out on Cybertron* agoodidstraction: prowl, lmk when ya finally schlurp it agoodidstraction: I CAN FIHT *** Rodimus: @Soundwave ::About lessons.... those still on the table?:: FakeProwl: Never. agoodidstraction: zap yaps responsibly agoodidstraction: bye fraggers ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy rolls off and bounces to his pedes. Zori pats Whirl goodbye* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((byeeee)) Whirl: *examines a claw with a mock-bored air* Didn't look like it to me. *now turns his attention to Zori and beeps a farewell* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Rodimus: [[Which?]] Rodimus: @Sound ::I did already pay for one of thtem~:: Shockbox: Hm....*Can feel himself beginning to drift.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Rodimus: [[Ah. Yes. Those are still available, if you wish.]] Airachnid: [quietly gets up to try and sneak out] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage rumbles a goodbye* FakeProwl: *why is this song playing twice?* Whirl: *bosb his head* Seeya, Legs! FakeProwl: *............... oh.* Whirl: Get back to me on the fighting, yeah? Bruin: *time to call it a night, the wolves are all snoring in unison* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Perhaps you should return and rest.]] Airachnid: [nods to a few before disappearing] Shockbox: *Snaps his head up, then nods.* FakeProwl: *stands and looks at Bruin. at least a couple of his team appear to be asleep.* @Bruin «Can you get to the bridge by yourself?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Gets calling his group to himself as well.* Whirl: Anyway! Well. ...what an interesting conversation this turned out to be. But, later, losers. Whirl: *waves adnd turns to trot for the door* Bruin: @Prowl ::Yeah, Sotters' still up, just these lazy bums  asleep:: Shockbox: @Soundwave: Yes. But....If it is not too much, I need to contact you at a later date. FakeProwl: @Bruin «Very well.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[It is not too much.]] Here: a frequency. Bruin: *picks up all three wolves, one over a shoulder and two under arms and heads out* Night ya'll Rodimus: See ya mech! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Goodnight.]] Shockbox: *pings a thanks.* @Soundwave: Do you have a preferred time range? Rodimus: Ah SOundwave. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Any. He will answer the message when he can.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes, Rodimus?]] Rodimus: YOu asked about New york ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. He did.]] Shockbox: *he nods one last time before making his way out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Goodbye nod.* Shockbox: (( g'night. )) Rodimus: It's short I dont have your skills ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh no.* FakeProwl: *... remembers this from the other side. rubs optics* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ping. Prowl need to leave?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Still watching though.* FakeProwl: *no. but he's sitting down again.* Rodimus: Such burns ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He sees.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you.]] Rodimus: That's it for footage but you get it our scale to earth-- and welll--- much less in disguse FakeProwl: We /were/ in disguise before then, for years. Rodimus wasn't on Earth then, so he wouldn't have known. Rodimus: ((that clip seemed the most likely to be easily salavaged lol ItsyBitsySpyers: *On the one hand, part of him wonders why his faction never managed to wreak as much damage as other timelines. On the other, given how much MORE things fell apart when they tried...* Rodimus: *optic rolls* FakeProwl: ((yeah, I figure a few dozen humans with cameras out recording the carnage)) Rodimus: You dont even know what we were talking about FakeProwl: And we went back into hiding afterwords, as much as we could. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He appreciates both viewpoints.]] Rodimus: Yeah they didnt mange to wipe earth's populations due to us! FakeProwl: Then you may enlighten me. Rodimus: Made a pretty good dent thou Rodimus: *hand waves* So anyways I never got to see New York! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And he is given to understand this was worldwide?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Or nearly?]] Rodimus: The fighting wa--- yeah Rodimus: skirmishes mostly FakeProwl: They hit major metropolitan areas all over the planet. New York City was the first and worst. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Have the f... the humans rebuilt?]] Rodimus: Some I guess. Certinally not rolling the welcome mat out to us I here. Prowl know that better Rodimus: He did have a dance with one of their towns... I hear ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks over.* FakeProwl: After the Decepticons were forced out, the New Yorkers were moved to refugee camps nearby. FakeProwl: Over the next few years they began moving back in and rebuilding, but last I was there much of the city remained in ruins. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: [[Earth's coordinates?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's curious. Wants to see this damage for himself, for comparison purposes.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Why?» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: [[Recording. Data addition. Examples needed.]] Rodimus: ((my wife is crying over killing something in her game ItsyBitsySpyers: ((oh nooooo)) Rodimus: ((I am laughing at her FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Earth is armed and prepared in case of a new Cybertronian invasion, and there's an ongoing conflict between small Autobot and Decepticon forces. I recommend against it.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *They LEFT SOME THERE?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks from one bot to the other* FakeProwl: *they WENT BACK* Rodimus: ((omg she cant even retell it without voice breaking FakeProwl: @Soundwave «They've had Cybertronian corpses, prisoners, and collaborators to help them prepare. I don't recommend a tourist trip.» ItsyBitsySpyers: ((give her a hundred hugs)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, there you go. NOW he doesn't want to go.* Rodimus: *helm tilt as he looks between them* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He does not know which of you has access to the Earth, if either.]] Rodimus: *feels like the convo stopped suddenly cause he got left out. frowns* Rodimus: Huh? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If you regain it and go, he wishes to be sent footage of what Earth looks like now.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *"Now" meaning whenever they see it again, if they do.* FakeProwl: I was last on earth a little under a year and a half ago. I didn't bring footage back, but I can see if the Constructicons did. Jazz was there more recently. FakeProwl: *... and there might be others he can call.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod. Even if he doesn't like Jazz.* Rodimus: *huffs now he is sure he was left out cause he isnt following this jump* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Rodimus: [[He would like to know more of what -you- witnessed when your lessons begin.]] Rodimus: @Spund ::Your vectorsigma peek wasnt enough?:: Rodimus: ((wtf fingers ItsyBitsySpyers: @Rodimus: [[You promised him multiple questions.]] Rodimus: *facepalms* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There, there, Rodimus. Prowl is holding one over on him too.* FakeProwl: *he's saving it for a special occasion* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And so he should.* Rodimus: Anyways I got my hands awesome footage of a parraell universe close to ours! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Did they have anything else they wanted to tell him, or should he take the original music cue and head toward the bridge...? Oh! Hmm.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What is it?]] Rodimus: *wiggles fingers* You'll see i am not going to watch it til i share it more fun that way! Rodimus: I mean I lived it! FakeProwl: *should head out himself. pings a farewell to Soundwave, and disappears.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings farewell back.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rude, Rodimus. Getting his hopes up like that. Hmph* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Then he will look forward to it.]] Rodimus: *blicks at hte other just *** off oh ok* Rodimus: *gota keep alluring!* Rodimus: So Waveers... I tihnk I need the control lessons first ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of course you do. You can't do anything else without them.]] Rodimus: I seen some in the shows... how is your decoding abilites? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Sufficient, for one who is not a warship with nothing to do except float and decode.]] Rodimus: *holds his hand up a sec* Just so you know this is a Captainy request ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tilts his helm.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Meaning?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *You're not his Captain, after all.* Rodimus: YOu know... no repeating my words out of context and wrecking ***? Rodimus: *brow raise* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[As long as you do not ask him to do something that will harm his allies.]] Rodimus: Professionial request. *magnus voice* Rodimus: I got some uhm charts...? and designs that look like the stuff on some of those relics in the show Rodimus: Can you read -that- stuff? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods. With Laserbeak's help for the little he does not recognize.* Rodimus: ((its ok if you dont know if he can Rodimus: ((ok! ItsyBitsySpyers: ((if it's primal vernacular i have it set that he's not Great at it but the bird twins are old enough to cover)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((if it's something even older he knows bits and pieces and/or can get help from their timeline's REALLY old bot)) Rodimus: Ok then! I may got some stuff for you to help on I am putting a team to try to decode them! Rodimus: Ok then you are free! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Now THAT'S a task worthy of him.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He will do his best to assist.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rises and nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And unless he's stopped, will head out with everyone docked and Zori tagging behind* Rodimus: ((see ya! ItsyBitsySpyers: ((bye! thanks for hosting :D ))
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asurabackuplogs · 7 years
So I used to read, write, and consume porn of characters that were 15 to 16 years old, because at the time I was 15 years old.
See, growing up young girls don’t really get to have the opinion of exploring their sexuality. That’s considered a boy thing. Even the most liberal progressive mother wont bring up sex to her daughter until the daughter is ready to talk about it, and the daughter doesn’t want to talk about it because they’re told between the lines of everything they experience that they arent supposed to be interested in that sort of thing. But I have literally thought about sex every moment of every day ever since I learned about it at 13, and even before then was obsessed with intimacy even before I know what those feelings meant. I am a very sexual person, and I started having really intense sexual feelings at around 14. Of course I was too young to experience sex at the time physically, but I was still THINKING about it, almost constantly. I had questions, I was confused, and though I was not emotionally ready for sex I was fascinated by the concept. I was too young for a proper boyfriend, and porn was sort of empty and meaningless, I wanted to know what it was like to have sex on an emotional level.
I read Leviathan when I was 14, just between eighth grade and highschool. I was obsessed with Deryn Sharp because I felt that I kinda was her. She looked like me, in that she was tall and blonde, and had similar tomboyish personality. I also spent a lot of my pre-pubescence crossdressing (or rather, strapping down my tits with duct tape in the girls locker room) and was constantly wishing I could be one of the boys. (subtle.)
When I started having confusing feelings of wanting to explore sexual concepts I was too ashamed to see myself in a sexual situation. And similarly to most of the girls in my class, I found it easier to think about sex so long as it was about someone else I could easily project myself onto.
A little known fact in the history of children’s media is that it was primarily developed by psychologists because children have an easier time processing emotions if they’re experiencing it through someone else. There is a reason child therapists often have dolls with personalities pertaining to traumatizing situations, kids don’t want to talk about their own feelings but can still understand and explain those feelings under the guise of explaining a character. Fictional characters in children’s media EXIST so kids can relate to them, and navigate their own feelings through them. When I was 15, I didn’t want to read about an experienced sexually confident 30 year old woman’s sex life, I wanted to know what it was like for someone like me, someone who would be scared and embarrassed and have a hard time communicating exactly what she wants out of a relationship.
As some of you know, in early highschool I started this blog with amateur (and kinda cringey) art asks about my opinions of the book. Most of it was silly, from my infamous ‘fluffy Newkirk’ to ‘crazy femenazi Lilit’ but something I got heat with even back then was my interpretation of Deryn’s sexuality.
In my blog’s canon, Alek and Deryn were at a point in their relationship where they were regularly having sex. I never specified that they were older, as far as I portrayed it the events of my blog took place immediately after the final book in the series, Goliath, ended. I read smut of them on fanfiction.net (incidentally, also written by minors) and even went as far as to publish my own erotic work when I was feeling brave enough.
Now that I am adult, of course, I look back at that shit and shudder. For a while I considered taking the blog down, as it did feature underage sexual content, but ultimately decided it was important that the blog stayed up. I am a huge advocate for keeping children and sexual experiences separate, but I think that it IS healthy and important for children to understand sex before they’re ready to have sex. Someone I’m very close to had his first sexual experience before understanding what sex was like (good little boy, he had never once masturbated or watched porn beforehand) and he said it was one of the most scarring experiences of his life and could have easily been made healthy if he just knew what was going on beyond what a teacher told him in sex ed (which very famously, isnt a lot)
I am uncomfortable with the idea of seeing two teenagers go at it and would never draw someone under 18 naked, but when I was a teenager myself it was validating and satisfying for me. It helped me understand. It told me that I wasn’t bad for having sexual thoughts and desires, and gave me an outlet. Especially since it wasn’t just raunchy porn, but porn of a couple that love and respected each other.
Sexuality on the internet treads a fine line. But I think the important factor about it is that the characters that we are seeing in sexual situations are fictional. This of course doesn’t mean underage smut is harmless so long as its fictional, *cough* otaku  *cough* but I think that the fact that since these characters don’t exist (and furthermore, are shown to be made an appropriate age) means that its safe for young girls and boys to project their budding sexual feelings on them. At 16, I didn’t want to relate to someone who was old and mature, I wanted to relate to someone relevant to me.
And I still heavily relate to Alek and Deryn, and as such still think of them sexually sometimes when considering my own relationships. I think it is very likely that they had underaged sex based on hints in the bonus chapter and what we know about social norms the Leviathan universe.
But that doesnt mean I’m gonna draw teenagers boning.
When push comes to shove I’m an adult now, and really dont have anything to gain from imagining literal children having sex. I’m not into 16 year olds, and I’ve pretty much answered most of the questions I’ve had concerning my sexuality by now. As many of you know I have this whole extended continuity that stretches way into the future and has a plethora of ocs that include Dalek’s children. Where do you think babies come from dudes? Of course they’re still having sex, and of course I draw it sometimes because guess what I like sex.
But the versions of Deryn and Alek that I draw porn of are so divorced from their younger canon counterparts that I often just describe them as OCs when showing the art to other people. In my head they’ve completely changed into adults, not just taller and with bewbs but emotionally as well. I’ve taken liberties in altering their worldview to be more mature, borrowing many of the lessons and trials I myself have picked up over the years. My interpretation of adult Dalek was made through me imagining those characters growing up beside me at the same speed, and really I’ve done more written work of them just existing as adults then I have of them having sex. (Here’s the full timeline, btw.) They’re not at all the same as they were in the book, I’ve devoted time and effort into theorizing their development over the course of literal years.
So yeah. They’re having sex. Teenagers do that. If there are any teenagers on this blog feel free to write all the porn you want. But I’m not putting any here, because me and a vast majority of my followers are either adults who dont wanna think about kids that way. I’m also gonna try and keep it clean for kids who just dont have an interest in sex and would rather read my quality content that supposedly exists.
That being said, please continue to send me prompts to misinterpret. Thats a load of silly goofy harmless fun. Just dont be disappointed when I bend over backwards to make something sexy funny instead.
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