#this makes me want grandpa bobby so bad
munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Bad Blood
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Evan “Buck” Buckley x fem!reader
summary: tension rises as you have dinner with the Buckleys
word count: 1.6k
part one part two part three part four part five
“I’m not mad at you,” Bobby said after taking a sip from his coffee. You and Buck were sitting across from him and Athena because they had insisted that they needed to talk to the both of you. You all sat for twenty minutes, not a single word uttered while you and Buck held onto each other’s hands for dear life.
With the your recovery, there hasn’t really been time to talk to Bobby about the baby and all three of you had just now had time to spare to have a whole conversation. You were very nervous, but you were hoping that he would be happy for you.
“You’re not?” Buck asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Of course I’m not,” Bobby responded with a laugh. “You two are adults and in fact, I couldn’t be happier.“
“Do you want to see the sonogram?” You asked, holding the thing in your free hand.
“I’d love to see the sonogram,” he smiled and you didn’t miss the tears welling up in his eyes. You handed the small photo to him and both him and Athena leaned together to look at it, both of them crying.
“It’s a girl,” you told them and Bobby wiped his tears.
“A girl,” he repeated.
“And Evan and I talked it over and we want her to call you grandma and grandpa.”
“But I’m not-”
“For all the reasons that count, Bobby, yes you are. You were there for me when my dad wasn’t and I want you to be in her life just as much as you have been in mine. And Athena, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but you took me in when I was going through a hard time. You insisted that I stay here while I recover from my accident and I will forever be grateful. And I would love nothing more than for our little girl to call you her grandmother.”
“Damn it, now I’m crying,” Athena laughed before grabbing a napkin from the center of the table. “I will wear that title proudly.”
“Have you told the Buckley’s yet?”
“No,” Buck replied. “We’re going over there tonight.” And you had been dreading it. Knowing what you did about his relationship with his parents, you weren’t exactly excited to meet them, let alone tell them that you were having Buck’s baby.
“Actually, we should probably head out now,” you said. “Don’t want to be late.” The restaurant was over an hour away and there was no way that you were going to show up late and make a bad first impression.
“Well, we wish you luck,” Bobby replied.
“If they give you any grief. Tell them that I’m a cop,” Athena winked.
The car ride was nothing but silent on the way to the restaurant. Music was playing on a low volume, but all you could think about was how nervous you were. Your hands were shaking and all you wanted to do was tell Buck to turn around.
Chimney and Maddie were going to be there for support, so at least there was that. Maddie was the one who offered to be the buffer since she knew that tension was going to be high. You just knew that as soon as you said the words that all hell would break loose and you were terrified that they weren’t going to have a single nice thing to say.
He pushed your chair into the restaurant with Maddie and Chimney in tow and Maddie grabbed hold of your hand, giving it a squeeze before pulling Chimney along to the table where her parents had already been sitting.
They both stood to hug Maddie and Chimney, leaving Buck for last and you could feel the tension rise as they hadn’t even acknowledged you. Buck pushed your chair up to the table and gave your shoulders a reassuring squeeze before sitting to your left, taking your hand and holding it for comfort.
“Evan, who’s this?” Margaret asked, gesturing towards you. “I wasn’t aware that we were having any guests.” Buck couldn’t figure out whether or not his mother was being rude or had genuinely forgotten the whole reason for the dinner which was so that her and Phillip could meet you.
“And where is Jee-Yun?” Phillip asked.
“She’s with the sitter tonight,” Maddie replied, resisting the urge to call them out for their behavior. She knew that if she had, it would have caused a scene and she really didn’t want to embarrass you.
“This is y/n,” Buck spoke up. “She’s my girlfriend.” Both of them widened their eyes. They have never met any of his girlfriends since he seemed to move on so quickly.
“Well, let’s hope this one sticks, hm?” Margaret replied as she put her napkin in her lap.
You sat there quietly, unsure of what to say. How was it worse than you thought it was going to be? How were they even more horrible than Buck and Maddie had described? You hadn’t even ordered drinks and it was already ruined. And you couldn’t even get drunk to act like it wasn’t even happening.
A waiter came by to take drink orders and you panicked when everyone was ordering alcohol. You were going to look suspicious if you hadn’t ordered anything and you certainly didn’t want to tell them about the baby now. You had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t end well.
“And for you?” The waiter gestured to you and your mind went blank, your usual drink order suddenly leaving your head.
“She’ll have a water,” Buck ordered for you and you noticed Phillip eyeing you. Your face felt hot and you quickly glanced at the front door, imagining yourself fleeing the scene, no longer wanting to be apart of whatever was going on.
The waiter fled to the kitchen to retrieve your drinks and the Buckley’s turned to you, finally giving you their attention. You felt like you were in an interrogation room with how intensely they were staring you down.
“So, y/n,” Phillip spoke. “What do you do for work?”
“I’m a labor and delivery nurse.”
“Very interesting. I bet that pays very well.”
“I mean, yes, the money is nice, but I really love what I do. I love being a part of bringing new life into the world.”
“So, what’s with the wheelchair?” Margaret asked and you were caught off guard by the sudden subject change.
“Oh, I was in an accident a few weeks ago and broke my leg pretty badly.”
“Evan, why didn’t you tell us that your girlfriend was in an accident?”
“Don’t really tell you much of anything these days,” you mumbled. “I was a little preoccupied with taking care of her. Sorry.”
“Any other news you’ve been keeping from us?” It was almost as if they already knew about the baby and were just waiting for one of you to bring it up.
“Actually,” Buck gave your hand a squeeze. “Y/n and I are having a baby.” You could see his parents’ faces turn white as sheets.
“A real one this time? This one’s actually yours?” That was the final straw. Buck had told you all about being a sperm donor and you really admired that he had done something so selfless to help one of his friends. And now here his parents were discrediting something that he had done just because they didn't agree with it.
“Yes,” you nodded. “Buck is the father and he’s going to be a great one. Something you’d know nothing about.” Maybe your words a bit harsh, but you didn't care. You loved Buck and were going to defend him with everything you were.
“Excuse me?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
"You're excused," you told him.
"A child out of wedlock?" Margaret asked. "Are you going to at least get married?"
"We haven't discussed it, but if we do, trust me, neither of you will be invited," you glared as you pushed your chair away from the table and turned towards the door. Buck was quick to follow, standing up from the table and giving his parents a glare.
"We are very disappointed in you."
"Well, the feeling is mutual."
He then grabbed hold of your chair and pushed you towards the exit of the restaurant, both of you filled with rage. You knew that it was going to be bad, but clearly you had underestimated just how mean they could be.
Once you got outside, Buck rolled you to the car and squatted in front of you, wiping away the tears that you hadn't even realized had fallen. He then pressed a kiss to your lips before helping you into the passenger seat, grabbing hold of your hand as soon as he got into his, pressing a kiss to it, knowing that if you didn't have anyone, at least you had each other and your daughter.
Everyone else seemed to be happy for you, so why couldn't they? What made them think that they were better than everyone? They had been happy for Chimney and Maddie, so why was Buck any different? Maybe it was because all they ever saw him as was spare parts for his brother and when they lost Daniel, the realized that they just had another son for no reason.
Well, if they were going to treat you both like garbage, then maybe they just weren't allowed to see your baby. If they couldn't accept you both for what you were, then they just weren't going to be in your daughter's life at all, because clearly they didn't think either of you were fit to be parents. Well, you were going to prove them very wrong and show them just how great the two of you could be.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Shine A Light Into The Wreckage
Chapter Four - Not-Bob
Bob Floyd was many things. He was an instructor at Top Gun, a lover of Tolkien books and a huge fan of coffee. But Bob was also clumsy. That was how he bumped into the table, knocking her drink onto her notebook. He felt bad about it. Bad enough to come back time and time again, in the hopes that she would be there. And, every time, she is. Each time looking a little worse for wear. It doesn't take Bob long to realise he has to save her.
Warnings: Abusive relationship! Abusive hair pulling! Abusive choking! Forceful sex! Domestic abuse! Seriously don't read if you're affect by stuff like this! Talks of stalking (but in a non serious manner) (Specifically this chapter has 0 warnings, it's just cute)
Series Masterlist
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"You officially dress like a grandpa."
On the two other times they had met, she had been at the café before him, almost like she was waiting for him. This time, though, Bob was there first. He had her hazelnut latte with oat milk and a black coffee in front of him. 
When she took off her bag and sat opposite him, Bob pushed the hazelnut latte towards her. "You know," she began as she settled into her seat. "I come here to write. You're making it really hard, Bobby," she said, wearing a smile. "But thank you."
Bob gave it a second. "You owe me a name," he said, one hand around his coffee shop mug.
"You're a terrible stalker." She shook her head, grin widening as she took another sip. It was perfect, her exact order. But then she gave him her name. 
Bob repeated it back to her, letting it roll off the tongue. "It's nice," he said. "Nicer than Bob."
"Shut up," she said quickly. But it wasn’t malicious in any way. "If you don't like it, why does everybody call you Bob?"
Bob brought his coffee to his lips. "It's my Callsign," he said as he took in a too big sip, burning his mouth in the process. But Bob ignored the sensation as he looked at her. 
She looked up at him, eyebrows raised. "What's a Callsign?"
"It's pretty much a nickname that's used for identification. There's probably loads of Roberts on a carrier at any one time but I'm the only Bob," he said and adjusted his glasses, a nervous habit.
She folded her arms over her chest, holding her elbows as she looked at him. "Well, I like Bob," she said, reaching for her coffee. "It's... nice." She couldn't tell him it was cute, even if that was what she meant.
Bob looked around at the café. On the two previous occasions they had met, she had been alone. Even now she was sitting with Bob. Not friends, not her boyfriend. She was alone, aside from Bob.
"What do you do for fun around here?" Bob asked as he leaned forward. 
She let out a laugh, but only a weak one. "What do I do for fun? What do you do for fun, Mr Pilot Guy?" 
"I go to The Hard Deck," Bob answered.
He stared at her as he waited for her to answer. But, for the first time since they had met, he had left her without anything to say.
Her eyes met his as she fiddled with her cream, cuffed sleeve of her sweater. "Is it... do you guys really have fun in there?" She asked him.
Bob's brows furrowed behind his glasses. "I thought you said you'd been there."
"I have!" She said quickly. "But, you know, it wasn’t all that fun," the last part she said quietly. 
That look crossed her face again, the one she wore when he had asked about the book. As much Bob wanted to reach across and touch her hand, he didn’t. "You could come with us, if you'd like. I'd make sure Hangman behaves."
"Yeah," she responded quietly. "I might take you up on that." 
She quickly changed the subject, making things light and fun once again. She asked him about Montana, she had so many questions about Montana. Bob answered all of them. He told her about his grandparents farm, about the little house at the bottom of the property. When he was eighteen he had promised his Grandma that he would fix it up, but he hadn't gotten around to it yet. But he had certainly meant to. 
She checked the time on her phone periodically, comparing it to the sky. Watching for when it got dark, Bob figured. He had hoped that, once again, he'd get to walk her home. 
But, when the sky turned orange, she stood and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I've got to go," she said with a smile. "Thanks for the coffee, Bob." 
He stood up with her, bumping the table as he did so. "Do you want me to walk you home? I'm more than happy to," he said, but she shook her head. 
"It's okay," she replied and looked at the sky as it turned orange. "It's not dark yet."
But, still, Bob wasn't quite ready to say goodbye. "It's on my way home. It really wouldn't be a-"
"I said no, Bob," she said suddenly, firmly. "Drop it." 
Bob just watched her as she walked out of the cafe, shoving her hands into her pockets as she walked down the street. As soon as he couldn't see her, he walked out of the cafe and climbed into his truck. He watched her in his rearview mirror, at least until she turned the corner. 
Bob couldn’t help but sigh as he drove off, heading in the other direction to his apartment. He hadn't meant to lie about where he lived and, while it felt harmless at the time, Bob regretted it.
When she disappeared, he let out a sigh and began driving back to his house, back to Frodo. Did she like cats, he found himself wondering. Would she like Frodo if she met him? Frodo would like her. He'd attached himself to the few women that had come into his little house. 
On the Monday, Bob volunteered for the coffee run yet again. He was already patting his wallet as he began walking out to his truck. 
But a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "I'll get it, Baby Bob," said Jake. He gave Bob no time to respond as he climbed into his own car. 
"Wait!" Bob called as he watched the car disappear. "Hangman!"
Jake wasn't getting the coffee out of the goodness of his heart. He wasn't doing it to pay Bob back for all of the times he had paid for coffee. He wasn't doing it to give Bob time to prepare for his next lesson at Top Gun. 
When Bob was gone for all of those hours on Saturday, he and Natasha had been discussing all sorts of theories. After going in circles, they narrowed in on the cute barista with the pink hair. 
Jake parked up outside of the cafe. He climbed out of the car and strode in with the confidence of a saltwater crocodile (a notoriously confident animal).
He didn't spot the cute barista with the pink hair right away. His eyes scanned behind the counter as he stepped up to it. He rang the bell, waiting for someone to serve him. 
The cute barista with the pink hair came around the corner. "Hey there," she said with a charming smile. 
Jake didn't know what Bob's type was, didn't know that his type was sitting on one of the tables behind him, writing in her newly acquired notebook. 
Jake wore his award winning, charming smile as he looked at her name tag. "Hello," he squinted at her name tag, "Mariana," he said, drumming his fingers against the counter top. "Can I get three black coffees?" 
Immediately she turned to make coffee. "Do you like a man in uniform, Mariana?" He asked.
"Sure, hun," she said and placed the first coffee in a cup holder on the counter in front of him. 
"Yeah," Jake muttered as he rocked on the balls of his feet. "Yeah, one of my fellow aviators has been coming in here a lot," he said. "You haven't seen him, have you? These geeky glasses, Callsign Bob?" 
Mariana wore a contemplative expression as she placed the other two coffees in the cup holder.
"Yeah," she finally said, nodding. "Yeah. A hazelnut oat latte and either a black coffee or a tea," she said, looking past Jake. But her eyes quickly went back to him as she rang him up. 
He pulled the money from his wallet. "So, Bob hasn't been flirting with you?" He asked with his brows furrowed. 
Mariana couldn't stop the laugh from leaving her lips. "I wish," she said to him. "Hasn't he gotten a girlfriend? He always gets his drinks and then sits on one of the back tables with a girl in a knit sweater."
Jake picked up his coffees, thanked her and walked out of the cafe. He climbed into his car and looked back towards the café. Girl in a sweater. He was looking for a girl in a knit sweater. 
Of the three people sitting in the café,  none of them were wearing a knit sweater. 
Jake let out a sigh as he drove away. 
She had noticed him the moment he had walked into the cafe. His khaki uniform was the same as what Bob was wearing when they first met, when he threw the coffee over her. She couldn't help but hope it was him, until she looked at his face. 
She was crushed with disappointment.
When Not-Bob started talking to the barista, she tried not to listen in. It wasn't her business what this navy man was talking about. He wasn't Bob, so why should she care? Even if it was Bob, she shouldn't be caring if he was flirting with Mariana. 
But then Not-Bob mentioned Bob's name, and she couldn't stop herself from listening in. The questions that Not-Bob directed at Mariana, she couldn't help but think that they should have been directed at her. 
She sipped her hazelnut oat latte, pen still against the paper as she listened. When Mariana told Not-Bob about her sweater, she grinned, holding back a laugh. Oh yeah, they were definitely talking about her. 
Not-Bob thanked Mariana and walked out of the café. She watched him sit in his car for a moment before he drove away. 
When he was gone, she closed her notebook and tucked her pen into the binder rings. Slipping her notebook back into her bag she stood up and left the cafe, making her way back to her office. 
As she sat at her desk, she stared at the phone. All she wanted was for it to ring, just for something to do. Her notebook, the one that Bob had bought for her, was in front of her, open once again, but she didn't write in it, not with how her boss was staring at her from the office. 
The phone finally rang and she directed the call to the salesman. At the sight of her finally doing her job, her boss looked away and she began writing in the notebook. 
If she had been clever, she would have gotten Bob to give her his number. God knows she would have spent all day texting him if she had his number.
But then, if she did have his number, how long until Ken found out? How long until Ken broke this phone, just like the last phone she had?
She knew she had to get Bob's phone number, but she wanted to put it off. When Ken found out about Bob, there was no telling what he would do. There was no way she would ever see Bob after, and she enjoyed his company far too much for that. 
She would go to The Hard Deck. Ken be damned, she'd go. It was all planned out in her head, what she would do and how she would do it. 
All through the work day she imagined how that night would go. Drinking with him, meeting his friends. It sounded like a perfect night, better than any night she had spent with Ken in a long time. 
But the more she thought about it, the more anxiety settled in her stomach. 
Her boss cleared her throat and she picked up the phone, one she hadn't noticed was ringing.
Taglist: @biancathecool @not-nyasa @burningwitchprincess @darksparklesficrecs @primroseluna @littlemsbumblebee @wretchedmo @imaginecrushes @calpalsbestie
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tiptapismellbullcrap · 3 months
Things me and my friend talked about happening in 9-1-1
- Athena and Bobby rent an apartment from Ravi post season 7.
- I also talked about two bottle episodes: 1) the 118 is helping Ravi with setting up some new equipment for the gym in one of his apartment building and they somehow get stuck there and they don’t have signal. And 2) episode begins with buck excited for his first time going to a gay bar while out. “What’s the worst that could happen?!” Cut to the 118 in a holding cell. The entire episode is them trying to figure out what happened at the bar fight.
- Eddie having a buck 1.0 era and realises he’s queer post season 7. He’s just dancing and kisses some guy and is like. w a i t -
- Alternative queer Eddie realisation. Buck gets invested in queer culture, starts listening to Chappell Roan. Eddie, being supportive of his bi bestie’s hyperfixation decides to listen to her music. He listens to good luck babe. Has a “wait is this song about me???” Moment
- also buck Chappell roan related - he starts saying femininomenon every time he hears the word phenomenon
- need Athena and Bobby adopting maddie as well as buck. Like maybe Bobby is still off work and childcare falls through for madney so Bobby takes jee and Mara and is grandpa Bobby. Maybe maddie all stressed about something so Athena invites her to her and mays mani pedi day (w mays permission ofc)
- I want to see more hen and chim being detectives
- sad one but I can see Ravi being left as man behind while Gerard is captain, using the excuse that he’s the newest to be racist. Chim comforting Ravi and being a supporting role bc he’s been through it and knows how awful it can be, and he is not going to let Ravi feel alone.
- Ravi has a group chat with the friends he made while going through chemo. It has a stupid name
- I also need to see ravis friends and family. He has a baby niece through a sister. They live in another state while he lives in LA with their parents, but he is making sure that he is his nieces favourite family member
- may and Ravi bump into each other at a club one night and their friend groups merge into one big extended friend group, the group chat is a mess. Bobby doesn’t realise that the friends that both may and Ravi talk about are the same people for months, he just thinks the weird stories they tell must be more common than he thought
- Harry does community service at the 118. Clipboard buck makes an appearance
-Ravi having good parents and being shocked about the 118s bad track record when it comes to parents
- lesbian may grant. She gets an athlete girlfriend
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oh my god ok i posted that and then almost immediately logged off to go to a concert 🙈
but girl dad buck! this has been a collaborative effort with my bestest friend @probablynotpoppin that all stemmed from this text
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her name is lily :) she’s 5 years old
her mom was a one time hookup pre-abby. she did intend to raise lily, but exigent circumstances caused her to relinquish custody. that is when buck finds out about her. and of course he takes her. that’s his baby girl.
she was born in october of 2018, and came into buck’s custody only around a month or so before the firetruck bombing. so buck was STRUGGLING trying to take care of himself AND a 6 month old. luckily, his family (namely bobby and eddie) steps up.
but anyway, on to lily!!!!
she ends up with her mom’s dark hair and eyes, but she has buck’s smile. buck thinks she looks just like a little maddie :)
she LOVES bugs. she’s the kind of kid who walks around with worms in her pockets and catches bugs at recess. she wants to be a bug scientist when she grows up (eddie HATES bugs and Will Not let her bring them into his house)
she also loves crocs and the color yellow and having princess tea parties with her dad and eddie (and eventually tommy as well)
the first time tommy meets her, she’s a little shy but he explains that he used to work with her uncle chim and auntie hen and grandpa bobby, and he’s also friends with chris and her uncle eddie. that makes her giggle and hide her face in buck’s neck. tommy asks her what’s so funny, and she tells him through her giggles, “not uncle eddie, just eddie.” then buck asks her if they can be friends with tommy too and she says “ok daddy :)” and that’s that!
chris is definitely a big brother to her, but they don’t call each other that (yet). she tells everyone chris is her very best friend in the whole world. she loves to play video games with him (even though most of the time her controller isn’t even connected)
tommy never thought he’d have kids. first because he couldn’t hold down a girlfriend, then bc he was gay, then bc he was getting older. but he falls in love with lily so quickly and can truly see himself watching her grow up with buck by his side. but the longer he sticks around, the more he sees just how involved eddie is in their lives. that eddie, buck, chris, and lily are a little family, their lives are so intertwined. and the longer he stays, the more he knows how bad it will hurt when he has to give this all up.
(but it’s okay because eddie will love him too and they can be a family of 5 😌)
that’s about all i have for now 🫣 but i love lily so much, she is my baby 💕
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columbiastapshoes · 1 month
hello twin peaks fandom. i just finished the og 2 seasons and for the later half of season 2 i put live reactions in my notes app. here are the highlights <3 (lmk if u want the full version it’s so much longer)
‼️spoiler warning‼️ ALSO if you read me saying ‘evil cooper’ i am talking about windom earle. i did not know there would be a literal evil cooper. at the end of the reactions ‘evil cooper #2’ is referring to cooper’s doppelgänger <3 also also!! the double return means it’s a new collection of notes that i wrote down in the same moment if that makes sense? i wanted to do screenshots instead of the actual text but alas i can only upload ten </3
- "psychological evaluation" he already has an autism diagnosis leave bro alone
- ok hang on. if josie dies and harry couldn't protect her. then. parallels with caroline dying and cooper couldn't protect her. Hm :3 (update! david lynch the man that you are.)
- "what is the greatest gift one human being can give to another?" and bobby and i make the same 🤨 face
- weasel. right. yes. i am following this conversation
- sksksksksk save the weasels
- sorry
- im really sorry
- this is the worst possible person to be helping rn. unfortunately he is incredibly smart.
- earle is dale if he used his autism for evil
- i certainly hate you james fwiw!!
- you guys have started over again like 30473938 times stop it
- "please come home with me" "actually you should go" GUYS
- done with y'all where are the queers
- cooper appears from a bush and goes "you never loved her anywayyyyy"
- christ this is rough where are my boys
- MY BOYS??? oh no it's you :/
- haha you're not gonna tell him right
- ohhhh dear :3
- im going to kms :3
- hello bri ish man would you like a bo'ol of wo'uh
- chess? great! sheriff to fbi agent. they kiss. they both win
- no way they have roblox dress to impress in twin peaks
- i wanna kiss this sad sad man very desperately
- break it with a hammer ??? dumdum
- WOWEEBOB !! !!
- "not all men" ur right pete martell would never
- my boys have not been together as much and it's making me STBERE THEY ARE WITH A HOMOSEXUAL ARM AROUND THE SHOULDER
- oh there's a bomb! ok!
- they touched hands they wanna make out sooooo bad
- the bomb can wait you guys are in love
- cooper so preeeeetttyyyyyy :333
- andy i love you very dearly
- i love how harry is so gentle and kind and patient with lucy and then he's like ANDY SHUT THE FUCK UP
- girls night (cooper interrogating audrey donna and shelly)
- wow thats comforting if i was told this i would burst into tears or flames
- i love it when cooper is in front of a whiteboard
- "for instance?" i KNEW thats how u would approach dirty talk u fancy motherfucker
- why is bro goth what happened
- evil cooper you need to either do normal foundation or all white WHY ARE HIS TEETH BLAAACK
- bro is NOT siouxsie 😭😭😭
- yeah no shit. is this. news. i knew this before u fbi fuckers did
- you could KISS him? okay evil cooper..
- finished my brownie. crave death
- who is bro talking to
- oh leo hi leo
- it hasn't panned to leo yet i think he's like dead and they'll reveal it in a sec
- oh nom worse than dead ow ow ow ow
- dw leo i can take them home. they are my friends
- giggling a lil. about. cooper.
- BY HEAVENS oh my god
- i'm still giggling about cooper but it has turned from "i want him" giggling to "BY HEAVENS!!" giggling
- ok sorry what's the issue i got distracted
- sorry had to rewind two more times BY HEAVENS is taking me out
- i always said this show needed a dance sequence (i never said that)
- jeez u guys suck not u lucy ur eating
- closeup on harry's face pls don't i need GRAND THEFT AUTO.
- sorry pete just said grand theft auto.
- can my cats stop beefing i have a show to watch
- you don't fucking say things got out of hand Michael.
- most useless side plot i do not care
- how is he not crying and screaming in a fetal position that would be my plan
- why is evil cooper #2 kinda.
- why do i lowkey want evil cooper #2
- bobs camera angle looks like a ring doorbell
thank you!
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somehow missed your Thursday prompt this morning but I saw some of the new fic WIPs and I’m so excited!!!! I’m also gonna borrow the idea from other some other asks where they put comments next to their prompts because I love it.
🦮 🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮(cranberry my new beloved. Also is this a multi-chapter fic or one -long[ish] shot? Just curious…sorry if you have said it before.)
⚡⚡️⚡️⚡️(It may be long but I love it so far.)
🚨🚨🚨🚨(glitter in his Eddie will always be famous to me…I hope I’m remembering the right fic.)
🔮 🔮 🔮 🔮 (I love your universe interferes au and this is no exception.)
🌠 🌠 🌠 🌠(Nico and grandpa! Bobby my other beloveds.)
👑 👑 👑 👑(yes for Madney!!! I’m really excited for this one. Especially will be a princess Maddie.)
HEY! And awesome I LOVE the comments.
Thank you!!!!
Here's 24 for 🦮 (it's a very long one-shot, but I may make it a series of one shots:
“Wh-what’s she doing?” Eddie demands, scooching away from Cranberry. 
“Shoot, Eddie, I-I’m sorry,” Buck stammers. “That’s, uh, that’s her panic response.”
She’s not really supposed to do it for anyone else. Sam explained that. Her job is to focus on him, not worry about everyone around him. But he and Eddie have been spending a lot of time together lately. Cranberry adores him. Once he even swung by Buck’s place to take her on a hike on one of his days off when Buck was having a bad pain day, to make sure she got enough exercise. They did a few miles together, just them. Of course she’s paying attention to him. 
“I don’t panic,” Eddie replies. Very unconvincingly. 
“Eddie…” Buck says weakly. “You are panicking.”
Buck watches resignation wash over Eddie’s face, hand-in-hand with a sort of misery. 
“Wh-what do I do?” Eddie asks. 
“Flatten your legs,” Buck instructs. 
Eddie does. Cranberry crawls onto his lap and lays as flat as she can. She puts her full weight on him. 
12 for ⚡ (THANK YOU!)
“I have been thinking about asking Buck to marry me,” Eddie says. 
Adriana grins. “Yes! Eddie, that is amazing!”
“Yeah?” He asks, a little shaky. “You think so?”
“Duh,” Adriana rolls her eyes. “Eddie, you have been stupid in love with him forever. This is the dream, right?”
“I mean, mine anyway,” he nods. “Not that, uh, marriage is for everyone, but… I… Yeah, I want to marry Buck.”
12 for 🚨 (I am not sure what you are saying here but tysm!)
Eddie can’t tell if Chris is becoming more like Buck via proximity or vice versa. 
“They only pee once a week!” Christopher announces giddily. 
“What?” Buck gasps, with put on bewilderment. “Don’t their bladders explode?”
“No! They only need to go once a week!” Chris repeats. 
“Maybe to save on the water bill we start only going once a week, too?” Buck suggests. “What do you say?”
12 for 🔮 (THANK YOU! It's my fav trope):
“Is that really all you have to say?” Buck demands. 
A pang of discomfort lances through Bobby. That’s all? You really don’t have anything to say? 
“Don’t you care?” He presses. 
“Evan, you have no right to speak to us in this tone,” Margaret snaps. “It’s been a hard day for everyone. Why don’t you go to your room and calm down? We’ll call you when it’s time for supper.”
Buck lets out a breathy, exasperated huff, turns around, and storms off in the opposite direction.
12 for 🌠 (A LOT going on for Nico rn):
Chris is not a parent. He’s not sure he ever wants to be a parent. He’s twenty-nine and never felt a strong desire for it. However, he now feels a certain responsibility to act as a pseudo parental figure to his younger brother. It’s not like anyone else is available at the moment. Unless Chris were to unload him on Bobby or Maddie. That is an option. He won’t count it out entirely.
“Do you have any idea how much you scared everyone?” Chris asks. “Did that even cross your mind?”
Nico shifts uncomfortably in the passenger seat.
12 for 👑 (THANK YOU! ANd MAddie may not be the Cinderellla...)
“Who do you think she is?” Chim asks later, driving back to the station from the hospital.
‘Who? The trauma surgeon?” Hen asks. “I think that was Dr. Wen.”
“No,” Chim shakes his head. “The woman at the call. The one who helped.”
Hen snorts. “I think she is exactly what she said. A former nurse who stepped in to help."
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hard-deckpilots · 1 year
Family gathering.
Fandom: Top Gun Maverick/ bad times at el royale/ catch - 22.
Pairing: Bob Floyd × Reader.
Summary: This is Lewis inception. Bob takes you home for the first time to his parents. But he makes a pit stop before home.
Wordcount: 1.07k
Warnings: Softness. Some mention of someone passing away. Bob being sweet as ever. First time meeting parents.
Tags: @sebsxphia
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Bob had finally been given time off. After the mission, everyone was given extended leave. Which meant that Bob could take you home for a family gathering.
Jumping in the car it took you 5 and a half hours to drive from Fighter Town to Lemoore. The air was warm and songs were playing quietly on the radio. It was an easy drive mostly, and you knew you were near when a sign pointed the direction.
"Is it okay if we stop off somewhere before going home? I wanna visit someone first." Bobby asked softly,
"Of course it is honey, this is your home. Don't have to ask." You responded patting his thigh softly.
Bob drove a little longer, and turned into the town cemetery. He stopped along the road and turned the engine off.
"Do you want to go alone?" You asked know realising who he had come to see,
"For the moment. I just want to talk to him, and then I'll let you say hi as well." Bobby replied leaning over to kiss your cheek. You nodded and watched him get out the car. He walked a route he obviously knew, one he travelled every time he was home.
You watched as he walked over to a certain headstone, and watched him kneel down. Bob had talked a lot about his Grandpa. Major was his name. Fought during World War Two as a pilot, and you understood why he wanted to fly so much. He told you how when he was little, he used to sit on his Grandpa's knee making models of planes, tanks and ships.
Bob took a penny out of his pocket and placed it on top of the stone.
"Hey Grandpa. Finally got some time off to come see you and the others. You would've thought that last mission I went on was crazy. Almost lost two, but we managed to get them. Your photo is always there, I know you're with me every time I go up and I thank you for that. In training I had to eject, but I knew you were there." Bob started talking to the stone whilst sitting on the floor,
"I have someone for you to meet as well. I think you'd like them." Bob continued waving you over. You got out the truck and made your way over to him. Walking up to him, you kneeled down.
"Grandpa this is Y/n. Y/n this is my Grandpa Major. I just wanted you to meet them, to let you know that I finally found someone who you would love." Bob spoke softly. You held his hand softly and with your other hand placed it softly on the grave.
"Even though I didn't know him Robbie. I know he would be proud of you." You whispered just enough to hear,
A tear rolled down Bob's cheek. Every day he missed his Grandpa, every day he kept a photo of him somewhere. Or he would talk to him when he needs to vent. You both sat there a little longer until he checked the time.
"We should get moving. Dad can't wait to meet you." Bob spoke,
You nodded and stood up walking away letting Bob have one more moment with his Grandpa.
"Y/n is the love of my life Grandpa." He smiled resting his hand on the stone, then walked off to the car. Climbing into the car he smiled at you softly. Bobby drove out of the cemetery and started to make his way towards the family house.
"Just to pre warn you. My mum and my sister's will be the ones fussing over you. Dad is a bit more shy, but he's a bit of hugger." Bob explained as he pulled into the driveway.
You were a little anxious to meet his family, but he reassured you that they would love you. Especially if you are keeping him safe when at work. Walking through the garden gate, you were welcomed by a cacophony of hello's and shouts from Roberts neices and nephews.
His dad walked over to him, and there was a massive resemblance between him and his dad.
"Hey dad." Bob smiled hugging him, "This is Y/n, my other half." He continued.
"It's nice to meet you Mr Floyd." You smiled, getting wrapped up in his arms. Bob laughed at what he was watching.
"Oh please Y/n, call me Miles." He insisted finally letting you go.
A call from inside got Bob's attention and he went in, greeting his mother. You watched him go inside, and then looked around smiling.
"Did he stop at the cemetery on the way in?" Miles asked quietly,
"Yeah. He introduced me to his Grandpa. But I let him have a moment to himself." You spoke already feeling comfortable around his dad.
"Just after my dad passed. Robert would go there almost every day. When he came home for first time after meeting you, he wouldn't stop talking about you and even went to tell my dad." Miles explained watching Bob, his mum and his aunt come out with handfuls of food.
Placing the food on the tables, Bob's mother walked over to you beaming.
"Finally! Look how beautiful you are. God knows you are treating my Robbie just right." His mum drew you into a tight hug, tighter than his father's was. You could tell that Bob was more like his father, not as loud as his mother.
"Robbie, you better treat them right. I already see grandkids from you two." His mum exclaimed, both of you going beetroot red.
"Mum!" Bob responded watching his mum finally let go of you with a smile.
Bob walked up to you and placed his chin on your shoulder. His family was a chaotic one, but you could tell they were loving. Especially Miles, you could see how protective he was over Bob. He is the third generation of Floyd's to be in the Military, and Miles always hopes that his little boy doesn't have to witness those horrors of what he saw.
"I love your family." You whispered into his ear. You felt a soft kiss to his cheek and saw the softness in his eyes.
The gathering went late into the night, all the children had gone to sleep and the adults sat around the fire. You watched as people conversed, people asking questions about your profession and how you got to know Bob.
This family gathering was definitely something, and you were glad Bob had introduced you to his family.
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thecoddaughter · 1 year
I am here to be cringey and nostalgic...
Here is an entire breakdown of the QSMP as Hamilton characters (and key song that relate to plot moments) Blame my ADHD and my college's power outage that made me not have a single class today... and @thebeesforeleg's encouragement!
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Songs outside of just the names list:
Schuyler Sisters - OG Theory Bros
Right Hand Man - Cellbit and Forever creating Ordo Theoritas
Meet Me Inside - Tubbo and Cucurucho 
History Has Its Eyes on You - BadBoyHalo (opening reminds me of his shared “war stories” with Cellbit)
Dear Theodosia - We all know that is Wilbur and Tallulah's song, but there is a whole second part and I feel like that belongs equally to Forever and Richas / Bad and Dapper
Non-Stop - Dapper & Pomme (as Hamilton) and Chayanne (as Burr)(Burr is this song is tired older brother who’s sick of their overachieving younger siblings)
What’d I Miss? - Wilbur the moment he comes back
Cabinet Battles - feel like the election debates or Ordem meetings
Take a Break - Bad (Hamilton), Baghera (Eliza), Pomme (Phillip), Foolish? (Angelica) 
Say No to This - Foolish… (I AM JOKING! or am i?)
The Room Where It Happens - Foolish (for real this time) after being relieved from the Ordem 
Schuyler Defeat - can I make a third one in a row Foolish? Cause I just picture this:
Richas: Look! Grandpa's in the paper! ‘Builder Foolish Gamers loses presidential life to young upstart Pomme’ Grandpa just lost his seat in the presidential election. Pac: Sometimes that's how it goes  Richas: Daddy's gonna find out any minute Mike: I'm sure he already knows Cellbit [in the distance]: ATTA GIRL
Washington on Your Side - Foolish & Baghera singing about Jaiden
One Last Time - Baghera stepping out the Presidential Race
We Know - Tubbo, Forever, Phil to Bad about Ron Lemons… and him lying saying he’s planning on kidnapping Foolish… “Alexander, rumors only grow…”
Hurricane - Pac (the cure vibes)
The Reynolds Pamphlet - this feels like the Misclick Duo’s divorce trial 
Angelica saying “I’m not here for you!” is so Jaiden saying “This is about justice.”
Burn/First Burn - Forever to Bad
“Don’t take another step in my direction.” “You can stand over there if you want. I don’t know who you are. I have so much to learn.” “And you are paranoid in every paragraph for how they will perceive you!”  “And when the time comes, explain to the children the pain and embarrassment you put their mother through. When will you learn that they are your legacy, we are your legacy!”
Congratulations - Baghera (I know this had to have be what was happening in her head when she met Ron)
“I begged you to take a break, you refused to.” “You’ve redefined your legacy, congratulations”  If she ends up switching sides bc Bad won’t give up Ron, “I’m not here for you… I know my brother like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind.””I love my brother more than anything in this life, I will choose his happiness over mine every time. Forever, is the best thing in our lives.”
It’s Quiet Uptown - Egg Disappearance and/or Bobby’s Death
The Election of 1800 - i feel like i shouldn’t have to say… its in the title… ELECTIONS
Your Obedient Servant - WHERE WE ARE RN… Forever and Bad are somehow exchanging letters while Forever is gone? (I’m not caught up but that’s that the clip seemed to be saying)
Forever: “Now you call me "amoral" A "dangerous disgrace"” “Answer for the accusations I lay at your feet or prepare to bleed, good man” Bad: “am not the reason no one trusts you No one knows what you believe I will not equivocate on my opinion… You would need to cite a more specific grievance. Here's an itemized list of thirty years of disagreements.”
The World Was Wide Enough - Forever’s Proposal that ended in explosions
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Our Story - The Eggs <3
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watchingspnagain · 5 months
Rewatching Free to Be You and Me
Welcome to “Bert is to Ernie as Dean is to…: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e3: Free to Be You and Me
Sam and Dean have gone their separate ways for now, and this episode splits time between the two as they each have their own adventures. Sammy is incognito and working as a bartender, doing his best to stave off the annoying advances of a coworker, who eventually finds out that people who try to get close to him get held at knifepoint by hurt-butt hunters mad at Sam for starting the apocalypse then quitting the biz (or worse - EXPELLED). Meanwhile Dean and Cas go looking for Raphael to pump him for info on where God ran off to, the whole time giving each other Looks and throwing all sorts of poorly-disguised gay references at each other. Just make out, already, yeesh. Turns out Raphael is 100% that d-bag and God’s nowhere to be found. Dean and Cas then have a heart-to-heart in Baby, during which Dean claims he’s happier without Sam around. Cas smells manure. More tortured loving glances. THEN, cut to Sammy dreaming about Jess, who turns out to be Lucifer trying to gaslight his best vessel. Lots of fraught going on here, folks.
Oh Sammy, quit sulking about that tart
I have jealousy issues
well I mean you ARE way better than Jess
I appreciate the support
shuttup not!Jess
oh Sammy.
pets him
seriously, Jess. Baby is the car. WATCH THE SHOW
oof hot and naked and crying I CANNOT
oh I forgot this song is in the show. Jensen sings this a lot at cons
this montage is so good
omg lemons versus vamp blood
and so is that shirt on Sam
aw Dean taking care of his things
HAHAHA boundaries Cas
"Don't do that!" LOLOLOLOL
“hello Dean”
“my apologies"
"personal space" oh hush, you know you like him in your personal space
"can I have my damn necklace back, please"
oh lookit him getting right back in that personal space
TMN angel haaaaahahahaha
come on, people, HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THIS
they are both so pretty
Right? and they look so good together
and Dean keeps licking his lips
Dean just wants roadtrip time with Cas
stop flirting with my stringbean, bitch
RIGHT? even if you do have a cute smile
yes, barman grandpa, it does seem like the end of the world
"that's how you become president" lololol ow
omg fixing the ID
*big (But I’m okay letting but(t) stand)
"pump and go" do they do this shit on purpose? they must
"we all have our demons" lololol Dean
no, Kolchak
“thank you” and the look
“jumps my bones” COME ON
omg Bobby’s snark
"arid" I LOVE HIM
he brought Dean…oil…special oil...
omg Dean is using the last night on earth line HOW IS THIS NOT ON PURPOSE
he is this close to giving him the "last night on earth" line
oh he’s had occasion, but he’s been waiting for Dean
What the HELL would be wrong with "Keith Samuel"?
bitch, butt OUT
i mean I wouldn't PICK it, but it's not BAD?
agreed, esp with the package it’s labeling
God that SHIRT
look, Dean, when you told him he wasn't gonna die a virgin, he was hoping for someone else
he’s all mussed I CANNOT
"this whole industry runs on absent fathers" you would know, Dean
“years…” oh honey
you DO mean to pry stop it
all you’ve been doing is prying you stupid horse
nnnnnngggggg his deep ass voice speaking whatever that is. Enochian I guess?
part fake Latin part nonsense
but yeah the voice is quality
I have an advantage here in that none of it meant anything to me
"I thought you were supposed to be impressive" DEAN
"by the way, hi, I'm Dean" OMG
all casual taking a beer and then turning around and GLUGGING it because he's actually terrified
"don't look at me, it was his idea" and then the look to Cas like "sorry, hon"
look, dude, demons ain't new
it’s not his fault you’re incompetent at your job, idiot
Meh, knife her, we don’t care
okay, she's a pain, but hunters taking civilians hostage at knifepoint? come on, dillweeds
look Raphael, if you think the 20th century was worse than all the rest of history, you have not been paying attention
Daddy ran away- so angels are all prostitutes?
"he didn't happen to work at the post office did he?”
LORD he looks good
omg lookit Cas and Dean all rain spattered
"but today you're my little bitch" DED
mmmmmrrrg little peek at his back
but wtf is wrong with these a-holes?
why can’t everybody just leave my Sam alone?!
he does look kinda hot with blood all over his face though
he really does
and all pissed
oh so EVERYONE is a prostitute in this episode, then
"who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas. what do YOU believe?"
oh Dean
knocks him upside
"and you're not that much fun"
you're not ALONE you DOPE you're with Cas
oh ope. careful what you wish for, Chucklehead
oh hey, Luci
oh god that tatt peeking out of his shirt
they are PLAYING this as homoerotic and it still doesn't hold a candle to Cas and Dean just, like, standing next to each other
ooof. shit’s gettin’ real.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e6 slash fiction (w. robbie thompson)
episode title fills me with dread. good sign. another unfamiliar writer. trademark sam forearm flex
DEAN All right. Well, that settles it. We find these ass monkeys, and we kill them ourselves. BOBBY Wait a sec. Every form of law enforcement in the country has seen your ugly mugs this morning. DEAN Exactly. So what's the point in trying to hide?
what kind of dumbass reasoning
okay so is it slash as in slasher? and just a poke at fans to make them think it's gonna be hot man on man action
maybe don't take the impala, a giant noisy incredibly noticeable classic car. is the slash fiction with us in the room right now? all right well i recognize this dude's name because it's got devereaux in it just like one of my all-time favorite hannibal fic writers @devereauxsdisease - so funny, so good. highly recommend if you're in the mood for some hannigram
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now. the real question. will the new computer have.. say it with me, untitled 1 and 2. also, the actual real question. this was before having any sort of remote storage was common, and they probably had stuff saved on that hard drive. okay okay WAIT. we could pretend that they back up a snapshot to an external drive.. that could conceivably transfer their desktop settings too. it's conceivable sam's on the ball. (however mister devereaux would want to smash that too, whatever)
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seeing jody in her cute little fitted leather jacket and jeans got me wondering how old her actress is - born in 1969 which is the same year as ellen's actress. bobby apparently consistently pulling women 19 years his junior
so like okay with this whole fucking leviathan shifter situation, should they like. stab them to see what color they bleed, before interacting with someone they supposedly know
DEAN You know, it's bad enough that they're ganking people, wearing our mugs, but now this? Have us driving around in this... this caboodle while Baby's on lockdown. SAM It's temporary, Dean. DEAN Nobody puts Baby in a corner.
oh god the eyeroll i did i think i pulled something (i will admit i laughed too). dirty dancing was a very regular part of my childhood. oh, not the lip syncing to air supply. why must they make dean do these things
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LEVIATHAN!SAM I'm serious. It's nothing but Satan-vision on the inside.
all right them ragging on the boys with an inside perspective is funny.
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okay if they're cosplaying the pulp fiction diner robbery, i think that makes dean honey bunny
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whoa jump scare it's teen wolf bad grandpa, my least favorite character! he was on bsg too
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teen wolf - michael hogan as gerard argent
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appreciate they showed us sam's healing scar without it being the focal point
DEAN Sammy. DEAN Not Sammy.
ok that was cute. and the nickname forever and ever warms the cockles of my heart
LEVIATHAN!DEAN You could be anything. You're strong, you're uninhibited. You're smart enough, believe it or not. But you're so caught up in being good and taking care of each other.
oh GOD fucking stabbing jewel staite i had forgotten this is still a dangling source of conflict. THANKS I HATE IT STILL. they better fucking talk about this instead of oh sam's hiding that he knows and dean's hiding that he did it and feels guilty and doesn't know sam knows bullSHIT.
DICK ROMAN Now it's your turn to listen. I'd sooner swim through hot garbage than shake hands with a bottom-feeding mutation like you. You demons are ugly, lazy, gold-digging whores. You're less than humans, and they're not good for much till you dip 'em in garlic sauce. I'd never work with you, Crowley. In fact, if I wasn't busy with better things, I might actively wipe your kind from the face of the Universe. And you'd deserve it. Are we clear?
well i guess that frees up crowley to work with the good guys
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great. what i hate more than them being in trouble with the law, them splitting up/sam walking away. i get it in a variety of ways, but i still hate it. blergh. also what a miserable little outfit he's wearing. sometimes leans into the dadcore a little too much
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
Tag Game About You
Tagged by my love @sunlightmurdock ☺️
Nickname: Robs, bobby, Kate (the only name my mother calls me by), Blackbird (which my great grandpa calls me 🥺)
Star Sign: January Capricorn ♑️ 
Last thing I googled: is it bad luck to put new shoes on a table if they’re in a box? (I did not get an answer)
Song stuck in my head: American Pie by Don Mclean (WELL I KNOW THAT YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HIM CAUSE I SAW YOU DANCING IN THE GYM)
# of followers: 1,069 nice
Wearing: black flares, wine turtleneck, gold chair and black heeled boots
Movie / Book that summarises me: I don’t think I have one? I know that one character I see myself the most in is Amy March but I am not cool enough to feel like a movie or book summarises me I think
Fave song currently: In Dreams by Sierra Ferrell
Aesthetic: this is so HARD but I want to say that I try go for sunday morning, coffee shop core. does that even make sense? someone help me define an aesthetic bc now I’m thinking
Fave authors: Stephen King, tumblr user glodessa (read the church girl series rn), Seamus Heaney, Sylvia Plath
Random fun fact: I used to Irish dance competitively but had to stop when my boobs came in 😭 and I can speak irish fluently
tagging (no pressure tags): @sebsxphia @callsignmayhem @floyd-luvr @glodessa @nobody7102 @rassvetsky
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hessofather · 8 months
Chapter 5: All the Boys Want Me
Growing up I had more confidence than I probably should have. I would strut my chubby 7 year old body around the pool wearing a tankini that made my butt sag, look the male lifeguards up and down, then do a cannonball in the shallow end, to show them just how sexy I could be. I always assumed that they were drooling over me because, well, how could they not? I knew plenty of grown men that wanted in my pants so I just assumed I had whatever it was that made men go crazy.
Men like my uncle. My mom’s brother. Let’s call him Bobby. My uncle Bobby would stumble into my grandma’s house, high off of whatever pills he could get his hands on that day. He would look at me and say “Wow you’re really growing up! How old are you now 18?” I’d laugh because I thought he was just trying to compliment me and say that thing that all adults tell kids which is “you’re growing up so fast!” “No I’m 5 Uncle Bobby!” I’d say trying to sound sassy while rolling my eyes. He’d grab me into a bear hug and squeeze my ass and say “well you could have fooled me!”
Bobby had a raging pill addiction, one he inherited from my grandmother. It wasn’t uncommon to go to visit my grandparents house and he’d be there slumped over in a chair drooling and murmuring about how the family all treats him like shit. I felt bad for him. He must have been the outcast and felt lonely. I knew what it was like to be lonely so I’d make a point to sit with him and talk about whatever I could think of. Most often times it was about plans I had for my future or showing him my latest moves I learned in ballet class. “I’m turning 6 soon so I’ll be moving up a class in ballet!” He’d mumble something about the government and continue to drool and snore. I’d continue dancing and telling my stories.
Sometimes I’d go over to my grandparents house and he’d be there all day. My grandpa would be taking one of his daily naps after the bar and my grandma would be passed out on Xanax or forcing someone to take her to dollar general for cleaning supplies. Which would leave me and Uncle Bobby alone. One day, when he was only about 50% fucked up with pills, he came up with a game for us to play. It was called Disneyland. Disneyland was a game that was just for the two of us and HAD to be our secret. Otherwise everyone else would want to go to Disneyland with us someday.
The game went like this. For everything I let him grope and touch on me, he’d promise a ride on a different attraction at Disneyland. “This one gets you a ride on the tea cups!” He’d say as he groped my nonexistent boobs. “This one get you Tower of Terror” He’d whisper squeezing my butt. “This one is very special. It’s for splash mountain!” He’d laugh grabbing my vagina. I didn’t really like playing this game because it made no sense to me. How did any of these things add up to rides at Disneyland? I had no idea but the game seemed to make him happy and less lonely, and got me a promised trip to Disneyland. So I continued to play it with him every once in awhile when we were alone.
One day I walked passed him getting ready for dance class. He said “mmm” and smacked and squeezed my ass. I didn’t like it when he did that because he always did it too hard and it hurt. It reminded me of the spankings id get at home and it pissed me off. I’d finally had enough of it that day. I went up to my mom later on and said “I don’t like that Uncle Bobby touches my bottom. He shouldn’t get to smack it if I’ve done nothing wrong.” To which my mom looked at me in horror. She wanted more details but I was afraid to get in trouble so all I told her was that “Uncle Bobby likes to grab my butt when I walk passed him and I don’t like it. I also don’t like it when he says I’m sexy because that’s a bad word.”
I remember that night my aunt and uncle came over to my grandmas house. My mom, dad, grandma, uncle Bobby, and his wife all sat in the kitchen yelling while my grandpa and I played outside. I loved family quality time like this. My mom called me into the house and told me to sit on the couch, then left me alone in the room. My uncle Bobby came in and got down on his knees infront of me and said “Sorry sweety for touching your butt. I didn’t know that that’s a no no spot for you.” I sat in silence, thinking “huh, what about the other spots?” I didn’t look at him. “Can I have a hug now?” I just shook my head no and started to cry. I didn’t know why I was crying until he told me. “I guess we won’t be going to Disneyland since you told the secret.” Which made me mad because I DID NOT tell anyone our Disneyland plans. How dare he say I broke my promise.
For years to come after that the family never spoke of the incident. My mom’s biggest rule was that if my uncle Bobby tried to be alone with me I needed to try my best not to do that. I wasn’t allowed to be alone with him and it was my responsibility to make sure that didn’t happen. When he’d come over to my grandmas house I’d run and hide in my grandpas closet. “Watcha doin darlin?” He’d ask. “Oh I just wanted to sit and think in the dark grandpa!” I’d yell out from underneath a pile of clothes in the closet. I didn’t want to get in trouble so I did my best to make sure I didn’t end up alone with uncle Bobby.
It made my grandma angry though. She’d burst into the closet after awhile “why do you treat your uncle Bobby like this?! He’s done nothing wrong and you act like you’re afraid of him!” She’d seeth between her oddly white dentures. “I’ll get in trouble with my mom. Because he touched no no spots.” “HE DID NOT YOU MADE THAT UP!!!” She’d yell. I hated her. I was a lot of things to her apparently. Stupid. A brat. A bitch. Ungrateful. Stuck up. And now a LIAR? I was a lot of things but I was no liar. THAT WAS A SIN.
Uncle Bobby wasn’t the only man who saw the true sexual beast I thought I must have been as a child. Lots of church elders would sneak in a handful of nonexistent boob when giving me a hug. One of whom took me and a few other girls to the park and to McDonald’s one day. I learned that grownups love to share secrets with pretty little girls. Secrets like what color of underwear we were all wearing, or the fact that you can put salt ON TOP of your ketchup before dipping your fries.
We moved churches a lot growing up. Most of the time it was because my parents would find out a pedophile was targeting me. My parents would tell the church council and they’d get “well he’s been a member longer than your family has been so we can’t ask him to leave.” So we’d leave and find a new one. I felt bad that my parents had to deal with having such a sex magnet of a kid like me. The struggle of being THIS sexy was just too much for the house of god and his men to remain pure. I remember when I was 12 and got an email from a 40-something year old man in the church. It read, “ that dress you had on last week looked SOOO nice. You should wear it more often! ;) -love Mark.” I proudly showed my mom the email to prove to her that the dress was a fantastic purchase choice. We left that church after getting the usual reply from the council. Then my mom threw the dress away.
I got my first real, tax paying job at the age of 16. At Pizza Hut. There I felt free. Free to flirt with all the middle aged men that would tell me what they’d like to do to me after my shift. Free to flirt with my manager for free food. Free to escape the hell that was my house. Free to escape the man I called Dad. I found comfort and friendship at this job. Friends of all ages. A few teenagers that I’d go to Walmart with after our shifts ended and buy ice cream and pajamas. But my best friend was the delivery driver. I will not name him. I simply refer to him as “pizza hut guy” now. He was 32 and I was 16-17. We’d stay up all night talking on messenger video. It started out simple. Just him walking me to my car at night to keep me safe and asking if I got home alright.
It didn’t stay simple for long. I revealed the secret about my uncle to him one night after sneaking some alcohol from my parents. He was so hurt by the information that he cried. I couldn’t believe how good of a guy he seemed to be. He was perfectly nice. He always asked if I had taken my meds, even started to video called me to watch me take them every night. Wow, what a great guy. I’d call him on nights where my dad had been angry and throwing things and he’d promise that someday it would be better. Even if it was up to him to make it better for me. We’d hang out all durning our shifts, even coming in on our days off just to sit in the booth and hangout.
That booth was one of my favorite spots. It felt like it was just him and I, and that I could tell him anything. I told him my deepest darkest secrets and fantasies. He’d tell me his too. We’d laugh and cry and spend all night talking in that booth. Then go home after closing time and video chat until 3am. He’d ask me what color of underwear I was wearing and I’d answer him in Spanish to see if he could guess the right answer. He’d ask to see them so I’d set my camera up and prance around my room to show him. He’d tell me how beautiful I was and how if things were different, maybe he would fall in love with me.
Love. I still had no sense of what that word meant. I knew it was sexual. But also cuddly. Hot, but also comfortable. I wanted it so bad. I wanted to know exactly what love was. And if he was willing to teach me, I was willing to learn. We’d sit on the same side of the booth watching scary movies and cuddling he’d put his hand on my thigh and run it along the inseam of my jeans. Sneaking his hand up higher and higher until I’d call it quits. He’d get sad and say “I just want to make sure you know how it feels to be touched the right way before you end up in a relationship someday and have no idea what you’re doing.” It made perfect sense to me so I’d let him continue. Higher and higher his hand would go on my thigh and I’d giggle and he’d squeeze and smile. Until my manager would eventually walk over to tell us that we need to either clock in and work or order something. He’d snap his hand back into his lap so quickly I would try not to burst into laughter.
One night we had a closing shift together and once we locked the doors he asked if I wanted to sit for awhile before going home. I thought this sounded nice so I agreed. He walked me to my car and sat between me and the open driver door. My car was too small for him to sit in comfortably since he was 6’2” and about 350lbs. So he’d sit next to me on the ground often. He said he wanted to play a game and I was intrigued so I agreed. He said “put your hands on the steering wheel and don’t move them. No matter what.” So I did. He started groping my thighs, breasts, he’d put his hand lightly around my neck, then he’d grab my vagina through my jeans and I got nervous. I started to move my hands off the wheel. “Uh uh uh” he said with a smile. “Lay your chair back” I didn’t want to do that. “Lay it back or we just won’t be friends anymore.” I couldn’t loose him. So I did. He then climbed halfway into my car putting his body weight on me and trying to unbutton my jeans. “ I think I need to go home now.” I said trying to not panic. “Just few more steps until we’re done.” He said trying to get his hands into my pants.
I don’t know what happened in my moms brain that night but she forced my dad to drive her passed the Pizza Hut I was supposed to be closing that night. All the lights were off but she saw my car and Pizza Hut guy’s car still there. Just as he was about to fully climb on me my parents flew through the parking lot and he jumped off me and tried to pretend he was tying his shoe. “Get home. Now.” My mom shouted at me. He got up and just whispered “sorry” to my parents. He got in his car and sped off.
I got home and my mom laid into me about how dangerous my actions were and how I must be leading this man on. How she wasn’t stupid and knew I’d been talking to him every night and how he is expecting me to do things now. I was confused. Shouldn’t she be mad at him? I broke down sobbing. “I just wanted a friend mom. He’s not my friend though. He lied.” She called my job the next morning, told them everything and quit on my behalf. I went to return my uniforms and my manager said “ugh now I have to hire two waitresses to replace you. I can’t even go on my vacation anymore.” And that was it. Pizza Hut guys still works there to this day. I can’t walk into a pizza place and not get sick from the smell now.
I lay awake at night often. I think about all the girls that came before me into these men’s lives. And then I get a gut curdling pain when I think of all the ones that were after me. All the ones that my uncle got to. All the ones in the churches. And all the teenage waitresses at that Pizza Hut. I worry that I could have done something to stop it but when I really stop and think about it. I don’t think it was my job to stop it. I think it was my parents job and they failed me and all the other girls. I think it’s the churches that keep loyal money held higher on the totem pole rather than the innocence of children. I think of all these men who are disgusting, vile, and evil vermin who serve no greater purpose than simply paying taxes and dying.
I do get to revel in a few things though. The man from the church that took me to McDonald’s is now serving life in prison due to having 200 files of child pornography on his computer, some of which were homemade. Pizza Hut guy would be 39 or 40 now and is still a fat fucking Pizza Hut delivery driver. Then there’s my uncle Bobby. He died a few years back from an overdose. Everyone cried at his funeral, everyone but me. I even got a few minutes alone with the body to say goodbye. I simply looked at his disgusting, rotting corpse and said “Hope theres a Disneyland in hell. Have fun bitch.”
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Devil in Disguise... Part 24/?
Lee Bodecker x reader series
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<Part 23<
Warnings: 18+ readers, drugging/spiking, Bobby-Ray once again trying to hurt Sugar, implied/possible rape?, Sugar being bad ass
Lee was in a terrible mood and everyone in the station new about it. It was only his second week back working and he was back to working his ass off, picking up the slack. The only good thing about being back at the station was he could get back to working his debt with Leroy off.
Lee had noticed you were worrying about your grandpa after you'd stopped off on Lee's third day back at work. George hadn't been well over the last few days and the house had started to get in a state. He'd also not been eating properly so you were worrying he wasn't looking after himself. Lee didn't want you to worry so he said it was for the best that you went back home, he no longer needed you to look after him as much as you had been doing, although he had been enjoying having you around the house as much as you had been. And to make matters worst, you wouldn't even be at home for him to spend the night with, with you wrapped in his arms where you belong.
You were staying at Lizzy's house for a girls night, whatever the hell that was. He hoped it involved the pair of you wearing silk pj's and having pillow fights as you talked about how lucky you were to have Lee as your man.
His telephone began to ring, making him frown as he looked at the clock. It was well after eleven at night, who the hell could be calling him.
"Sheriff Bodecker," He grumbled in to the telephone.
"Lee, it's me." You hurried, your tone laced with panic.
Lee frowned as he day back in his chair, "Sugar, y'kay?"
"I'm worried 'bout, Lizzy."
"Lizzy? Why?" Lee raised his eyebrow.
"Her friends gave her something and now she can barely stand up."
Lee's brow deepened as he strained his hearing. He could hear music and loud laughter in the background. "Sugar, what's goin' on?"
"Lizzy's friends showed up at her house with all these other people, and now there's this full blown party. It wasn't meant to be like this, and I'm really worried, Lee."
Lee sighed, "What did they give her, Sugar?" He asked as he began to stand from his chair.
"I DON'T KNOW!" You snapped at him making Lee growl low in his chest. You took a deep breath, "I-I'm sorry, Lee, I just... I'm scared. Her, her friends laughed, when I asked what they'd given her... And, they said, they'd put it in my drink too, when I'd gone to the bathroom..." Your voice shook before you sniffled.
Lee's face paled. "They what? Sugar, you need to make yourself sick! Get it--"
Before Lee could finish his sentence the line went dead and the last thing Lee heard was your scream. He yelled into the telephone but it was useless.
Lee slammed the telephone back down, not even checking to see if it stayed in place as he grabbed everything he needed before he threw the door to his office open. "Okay, listen up deputies!"
You tried to hold Lizzy up the best you could as you stared at Bobby-Ray. The telephone dangled against the wall forgotten about. You were trying to think of a way to get away from Bobby-Ray and his creepy looking friend, but it seemed impossible.
"What are ya' doin' 'ere, Bobby-Ray?" You asked.
"It's a party, ain't it." He smirked at you. He looked over at Lizzy, "Looks like she's havin' a good time." He chuckled.
You shook your head as Lizzy wobbled, her head lolling forwards. "If you call bein' almost unconscious a good time then yeah, she's havin' a blast." You glared at him.
Bobby-Ray's friend smirked, "That's the point, Princess."
Your brow furrowed. "What?"
Bobby-Ray chuckled, "Yer supposed to feel like that." He nodded to Lizzy. "It means we can enjoy ourselves." He stepped forwards.
You gulped, panic flooding your body as you looked between the two of them. You glanced down to Lizzy's hand and grabbed the glass bottle she was holding, pretending to put it on the counter beside you before widening your eyes." Sheriff Bodecker!"
The two boys quickly spun around. You took the chance to nudge Lizzy towards the door before you smashed the bottle onto the back of Bobby-Ray's head. Bobby-Ray fell to the floor crying out in pain but his friend grabbed you and slammed you into the wall before you could run. You tried to push him back and claw at his hands but it was no use. So you did the one thing you knew all men were susceptible to; you kneed him good and hard in the crotch.
You pushed him back as he gasped for air and curled over, taking the chance to quickly grab Lizzy whom hadn't made it very far and began to run upstairs to the bathroom where you knew the door had a lock.
The house wasn't very busy with party goers as most of them were outside by the makeshift fire and using the pool Lizzy's parents had. Anyone who was sinside was way too drunk to even notice your distressed state. You were almost disappointed there was no one upstairs when you reached the top of the stairs, but it meant as you heard Bobby-Ray and his friend follow behind you, you were able to get into the bathroom and slam the door shut flicking the lock in place before you and Lizzy fell to the floor against the door.
It was earily quiet as you finally let out a deep breath. The adrenaline slowly wore off and a blinding pain shot through your hand. Tears burned your eyes as you looked down and saw the blood. You'd cut your hand open smashing the bottle over stupid Bobby-Ray's head.
You screamed out in shock and fear as Bobby-Ray and his friend finally tried the door, kicking it as they shouted, cursing you, threatening you with all sorts of things. You tried to block out their voices by talking to Lizzy, trying to keep her conscious but the less she answered and the more the boys kicked at the door, fear began to fill your gutt.
Things seemed to suddenly go quiet and not long after there was a soft knock against the door followed by, "Sugar? It's me."
You quickly jumped up from the floor, helping Lizzy slide across the floor before you opened the door the best you could, leaping out into Lee's waiting arms. "Oh, Lee," You cried into his chest.
"Jesus," Lee gulped as he saw all the blood. "Deputy, make sure, Miss Lizzy, is taken to hospital right away." Lee ordered the young deputy beside him as he held you tight. He kissed the top of your head. "I've got you, baby girl." He let out a relieved sigh, squeezing you a little tighter.
After a short moment Lee pulled back and noticed the blood was coming from you.
"Shit, sweetheart, what happened?" He quickly pulled out his handkerchief and wrapped it around your hand.
"Stupid, Bobby-Ray's, head." You cried. "I hit him over the head with a bottle... so we could, get away n' it cut me."
Lee tried not to grin at you as pride filled his chest. "That's why he was covered in blood." He let out a dry chuckle. "Ya' kick the other guy in the nuts, too?" He asked with a knowing smirk.
You nodded, "They deserved it, Lee."
Lee nodded. "C'mon, Sugar, we best get ya' to the hospital too." He let out a soft sigh.
Lee carefully bent down and scooped you up bridal style, carrying you down the stairs and out the front door.
Red flashing lights filled the street as neighbours watched party goers being arrested and escorted off the premises. You didn't care if Lizzy's friend hated you or what happened to them. All you cared about was your friend that they had hurt.
"Will, Lizzy, be okay?" You asked Lee as he placed you in the passenger seat of his cruiser.
Lee frowned at you and let out a soft sigh as he knelt beside you, "I'll be honest, Sugar, I ain't gotta clue, but I'm hopin' she is." He offered you a loving smile a he cupped your cheek. "I was so fuckin' worried 'bout ya', Sugar." He gulped.
You sniffled, wiping your tears away. "M'sorry, Lee, we didn't mean for this to happen. It was just meant to be a movie and pamper night, y'know? Girls talkin' 'bout boys n' that." You sniffled, feeling silly.
Lee frowned, "This ain't yer fault, Sugar. Ya' did the right thin'." He smiled proudly at you. "I need ya' to keep doin' that for me, can ya'?" You nodded. Lee smiled again at you and brushed some of your hair back. "Good girl. I'll fix this, okay?"
Taglist: @est19xxshit @acciosiriusblack @stucky-my-ship @the-girl-who-want-to-die @greeneyedblondie008 @moonlacebeam @charmed-asylum @insanitybyanothername @quinnmaddie @cc13723things @chrisevanseagletattoo @atashi-no-yuuki @bluebouquetcupcake29 @saphic-susperia @kaylamcd2000
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
Why do you think so many left-leaning people are fans of the modern Persona games? Most regressive otaku-bait Japanese media gets the stink eye by a lot of progressive people but Persona 4/5 are usually given a pass, even celebrated, despite having a lot of nasty homophobia , casual sexism, and sexualizing underage characters.
I follow Bobby Schroeder and she did a series of posts not too long ago that are making me see red flags all over what you're asking here.
Against my better judgement, I'm going to answer you anyway. Don't make me regret it, or it'll be the last one you ever get.
I also want to answer it simply because, like... it's worth saying: who cares? I know good people who still like Persona and they have their reasons. I don't have to interrogate them on that answer. They can just like a thing, even if I don't.
They've already passed my comfort test. Within reason, I know they aren't a monster. (Unlike you, an Anon, who I've never met; my first impression with you has to be the thing you are broadcasting out in to the world, which happens to be this message right here)
Plus, it's like, when somebody still likes Persona in spite of all the bad it contains? I think I can understand it. I personally don't want to play Persona games because they are very long and because of a few bad eggs on staff... but at least those moments of homophobia and sexism and whatever are usually kind of marginal to the overall story.
Like my primary context is Persona 4, where Kanji and Naoto are in a group of seven main characters. Naoto doesn't come in until over halfway through the story, too. In games that are routinely 100+ hours long, those elements are comparatively tiny.
(Unlike Catherine, where "eww, transgender" ends up being one of the central plot points. But that's Catherine, not Persona.)
For some people, the fact those elements exist at all are a deal breaker, but for others, it isn't. It probably occupies the same space as anime having the "horny grandpa" trope. You just kind of pretend it isn't there and try to see around it. An occupational hazard, of sorts.
And you also have to remember the evidence that at least some people on the Persona 4 staff were trying to push for more LGBT representation. There's cut content to suggest the main character could have had something of a male romance, but it ended up getting cut.
Anyway, everybody has different tolerances for that kind of content. And just because they tolerate it doesn't mean they like it or agree with it.
We are all unique individuals. Coming at this from "WHY IS THE LEFT SO CONTRARIAN TO THEIR BELIEFS?" is a bad angle and comes off like you're trying to pick a fight.
I suggest you don't pick fights. Don't start none, won't be none.
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veryrealimagination · 2 years
Day 13 - Nightmares
Posted late because there's a spoiler to day 16.
Julia had a small smile as a set of light footsteps carefully made their way down the steps and over to the couch.
Her mother and father didn’t live in the same house anymore, but they still used it as the center point for all family holidays and celebrations. Her father even stayed in their bed during those times. She had been trying to get her third book written. There were a few bends that she was having trouble with, and she had planned on staying up further than everyone trying to work through a couple.
Llewellyn had Hubert in his arms, a barn owl stuffed animal that he left with Nana. Its ‘twin’, Danny, was at home. He was not, however, merely tired. No, it looked like he had a nightmare, one that scared him. “Hey, Llewie,” she cooed, helping him up on the couch so he could burrow into her side. The throw blanket was tugged and twisted around him, creating a little barrier between the world and him. Only when completely comfortable did she ask. “You wanna tell me?”
He shook his head, then after a minute nodded instead. “I was a defective,” he admitted. Julia quirked a smile at the word he managed to say instead of what he meant. She threaded her fingers through his hair, calmly repeating the motion. It was a worry, that after she remembered their past lives, that Llewellyn would as well at some point. She hoped that he wouldn’t. His past was filled with sadness and she wanted to give him a safe and mostly untroubled one. But, her father remembered, and her mother. John and Ruby didn’t, but they believed Bobby did. Bobby, however, didn’t end down the same hole. Reputedly.
She wasn’t sure about the others, and her father didn’t want her to go in search for them. ‘If we find each other, we do. Otherwise, don’t go searching for them. They likely don’t remember like you did.’ Easy for him to say, he had his wife back. She wanted William. “A detective? Were you a good one?”
He nodded. “I was searching for ev-i-dence,” he parsed out, “That would prove that someone was inn-o-cent. And I found it. A gun that someone had hid-ed. But then there was a bad defective, and he was making me go with him because he had a gun. He had comb-mitted the crime and he was…” Llewellyn sniffed loudly and hugged her tightly, burying his head.
Detective Strong. The previous William had told him about the almost death of the younger man when they worked on a case that Constable Jackson had tackled before his death. He admitted to being afraid that they would lose someone so quick after Jackson, and after Worseley in a way, that he split up the constables in an effort to find them quicker, and then didn’t wait for back up when he found them. When she next saw the younger detective, he appeared sturdy, but events as that always left a mark.
She always wondered about all of the ones he acquired.
“Did he get you in the dream?”
He shook his head and didn’t move. “No,” he mumbled, muffled by her stomach, “He had the gun pointed at me and someone opened the door. But I woke up and the door was closed. But the bad defective wasn’t there either.”
“And you came down to find me?” He nodded. “You are completely safe here. You know that?” There was a tiny hum from his throat. “Grandpa would shoot anyone that came in to hurt you. Grandma would wack them in the head with her iron skillet.”
“And you?”
I would stab them with a scalpel. Like she did in the past, only she didn’t have a supply of those yet. “My medical books would have to do.” A tiny giggle came out, because those books had been used to help Llewellyn sit at the table and Thomas had used them to flatten a few of John’s crumbled up letters before they were able to read them. “Now, do you want to go back to your room, or do you want a story from me?”
The tiny body pulled back and shyly asked, “Story?”
“Ooo, good choice,” she muttered, settling down further into the couch. “So, there was a man named William…”
Llewellyn woke up, terrified as the last part of the nightmare repeated and he shot up to see if his grandfather was anywhere around. He was alone in his bedroom, as was the norm. He shuffled off and grabbed his thickest hoodie and slippers before walking out of his room.
It made no sense, his grandfather threatening to out him if he followed through on his investigation into the innocent man he got hung. Wait, my investigation? He wasn’t a detective, wasn’t planning to become one either. He figured he had read too many of his Mom’s old drafts for her books and incorporated a few different aspect to his out of wack head.
He had recently figured out he was gay, and started telling family around him. Mom was the first, and he almost broke down crying when she didn’t do anything more than said ‘I accept you, exactly how you are’ and hugged him until he felt better. Then, Grandma and Grandpa, both incredibly happy that he felt safe and got hugs from the both of them. Grandpa was softer than normal and he was completely at ease. Why would his mind make him think that Grandpa would out him?
Also, why was him being out a bad thing? There was something weird about the nightmare. The clothing was old, there wasn’t a cell phone or a computer in sight. It was odd to even his standards. There was sort of an unwritten rule, about his gayness and how no one outside of their ‘family’ could know because there were broken laws and lost jobs and-
“Llewellyn, are you sleep walking?” someone asked, startling him out of his trance. His Mom was in the kitchen part of the apartment. It was new, appliances and conveniences, and more room than the previous place. She had saved up from the last two books to buy something better and they would be living in for years to come.
He shook his head. “No.” Walking over, he sat down at one of the bar stools. Either she had prepped for his nightmare, or she had planned on a giant mug for herself, as two mugs of steaming milk were placed on the table. Hers had the darker color associated with melted chocolate. His had a slightly sweeter smell, indicating that she had stirred honey in instead. “Thanks.”
She hummed a welcome before sitting down. “New place getting to you as well?” she inquired.
“No,” he mumbled, “Had a hypothetical nightmare, I think.”
“Oh, you think? That’s not a good thing to do.”
He groaned, “Mom.”
She smiled. “So, a hypothetical nightmare?”
He was quiet for a minute. “Grandpa threatened to out me.” That confused her. “I was a detective, again, and I found out that Grandpa had an innocent man hung for a crime. I, I wanna say I had been shot because of it?”
This, this chilled her. The current Thomas Brackenreid had a stellar reputation, only hindered by a few cases of corrupt and malicious suspects that almost ruined him and the family name. He had immense pride in being one of the least corrupted by the force, and championing LGBT+ members whenever he found out about discrimination. It’s the reason he had been second to her when Llewellyn came out.
The previous one, who became Chief Constable and led William to becoming one of the first Catholic Inspectors allowed in the Constabulary, with Watts serving as an unheard of Jewish Inspector, that man had a few blemishes in his life. Beating up suspects, turning a blind eye to small amounts of hooliganism. Even helping Llewellyn get Jack back was considered a crime then. But getting an innocent man convicted and hung? She hadn’t known about that, and that didn’t sit well with her.
But, there was the time where Watts disappeared, then came back. Neither her nor William asked questions, their own lives in peril before finally settling. What had happened? They could never get it out of the two of them.
He nodded, “I, uh, I think I matched. One on each arm?” She didn’t know. By the time he came back, he was healed, and they didn’t know. “I think it’s because everyone’s been good, and my mind wanted to conjure a worst case scenario.”
“Why this one?” He shrugged, not knowing the answer. “So, Grandpa threatened to out you?”
“It would have ruined my life.”
“Why do you know that?” He gestured at the table, palms up in a symbolic form of ‘I don’t know.’ “How do you know that?”
“I’ve, seen it happen?” Glenn Scott? Jack Walker? “Saw it happen? Another detective was outed and he was fired. I don’t think he could get another job.” She remembered that, unfortunately. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, he leaned a little in to rest. “Everything I had was tied into my place at the Station. My friends, my family. And because I wanted to pursue the right way, I would have lost all of it for his career, his life.”
She squeezed a little. “The man in your nightmare is not your grandfather. He’s a, bad example of some of the people that used to exist. You’re not going to lose anything now.” Julia might have felt him calm down a bit. “You have plenty of people willing to protect you for something you have no control over.”
“Even Grandpa?”
“Especially your grandfather.” Llewellyn had a small smile on his face and Julia pecked his forehead. “Now, let’s finish these and get to bed. The world won’t stop because we’re tired.”
The echoes of his own words filled Watts’s head as he woke from another nightmare. He had spotted Jack earlier, with a newborn in his arms and Clara hanging on him. George had been compassionate in steering him away after he faltered in their conversation, finding a new food cart to try so he wouldn’t have to see the other man. It was apparent, that his mind considered the matter open and decided to prod at it some more.
Sitting up, he saw a strange assortment of lights and looked over to a projector of sorts. Confused, he stood up and picked it up. The cord came out the back side, and everything went dark. His mind immediately panicked, struggling to find the thin item and figuring out how to plug it back. Once it was back on, he relaxed minutely.
The nightmare had been more of a memory, a horrid one that solidified his loneliness. Asking Doctor Ogden to hypnotize him so he wouldn’t feel anything about Jack again, wouldn’t have his heart broken because society said he was wrong. He hoped that he could have a love again, but the universe was cruel in his treatment. It might be possible that he was not meant to have a family his sister, his parents, Miss Marks, Danny and Huey nor someone to love and start one with. But it didn’t work and he was forced to realize that he would forever be by himself, a testament to how some get luck in their lives but he never will.
Watts had never been afraid of the dark, just became more morose as the dark took away a sense and made him delve into his own mind about the current events in his life. But never afraid, even when he had been hunted for his work, hunted for his life. The dark did keep him safe at times.
He was not, however, completely Llewellyn Watts. An orphan that was abandoned by his sister, that left the family forged out of experience because it became unsafe by a man that he considered a fair substitute for a father, that came back when the same man hunted him down to bring him back under his ‘protection’, that died with a fake life since he could never have the one he truly wanted.
No, he was also Llewellyn Ogden. The teenage son of Doctor Julia Ogden, who took to writing more than practicing so she could spend more time with him at home. Multiple best sellers, she had a current series based around a detective named Bison that was an inventor in the early 20th century that was clearly William Murdoch in his previous life. Llewellyn Ogden, who lost his boyfriend because his family business had been threatened until he agreed to pose at the boyfriend, and potential future husband, of Clara Cartwright after the teenage girl managed to get herself pregnant by a shoddy boyfriend and whose family wouldn’t allow an abortion. Llewellyn Ogden, who was kidnapped and buried alive as Doctor Ogden had been in the previous life, by the same person, coming out with a new fear of dark and closed spaces.
He sank down on the immensely more comfortable bed than he fell asleep on to think. It was not 1908, as he remembered his previous night to be. It was 2018. He was meant to be having his last year with the man he loved while pondering what they could do together after school. That was now no longer happening for him. Clara Cartwright once again was getting Jack Walker as her boyfriend and he was once again alone thanks to society. He remembered how Gr- Brackenreid looked as he told them what happened when he came home crying after Jack told him.
Wonderful, he was crying, no, sobbing again over everything. The previous Jack that he couldn’t have, and the current Jack that he would likely never have again. His previous life that hurt his heart more times than he ever wanted to remember and the current one where he couldn’t just avoid Jack when they still went to the same school and he had to see them acting like they were together. And then his mind which decided that today, of all days, he needed to remember his previous reincarnation, and remember his old life and all of the pain he endured and-
“Shhhh,” a voice calmly hummed, and arms wrapped around him. Instinctively, he clung hugged back at the person, burying his face into the neck of the woman that carried him in this life. “It’s okay, Llewellyn.”
How was it okay? How was any of it okay? I have two different lives in my head. His mind, his Ogden teener, tried to simply say ‘Mom’. That’s what he was used to, that’s what was normal for him, it was safe. She was his mother, she would always be his mother here, even if he didn’t go the same route that he did last time. She was proud of him. She loved him even if he kicked her during psych 302, all the meltdowns she had to endure from him, the heart attacks with him once he started dating Jack and several events after.
But Llewellyn Watts didn’t feel comfortable with that, not with all this information jumbling in his head. He wasn’t going to call Detective Murdoch’s wife ‘Mom’ even if in this world, she was. She had a child, a girl named Susannah and William’s son Harry that he had with Anna. Llewellyn Watts’ mother was dead, his father was dead. His sister hated his existence. Miss Marks, Danny and Huey. Jackson. Milo. It wasn’t the same, it was never the same. He didn’t have that anymore. He didn’t get to have that at all. They were all dead, they all died after meeting him.
“Doctor Ogden,” he muttered, “I don’t think it is.”
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Will They Won’t They | Part 4/4 [Reggie Peters]
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Pairings: Reggie Peters x fem!Reader
Words: 6.0K
A/N: oh my god it’s finally here. the last part. our baby. i literally can’t believe it i’m almost in tears. thank you so mcuh for being with us this past week and sharing the joy drea and i have had writing this for you guys. please i’m literally begging you guys to SEND IN MEMES you’ve made related to this series they make our day. anyways lots of love babes - mimi
“(Y/N) excited for a school function that doesn’t require academics?” Rose questioned.
“Someone called the police there’s been a kidnapping!” Alex exclaimed.
“Oh so now you want the police involved,” you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
“How are you still not over that!” Luke exclaimed. “I took you in and fed you, and bought you clothes and loved you,” he said exaggeratedly and you just pushed away his pouting face from yours.
“And how am I not allowed to want to go to a school dance? I like having fun every once in a while. The last time I checked that wasn’t a crime,”
“Yeah it’s not a crime if you’re anyone but (Y/N) (L/N),” Bobby nudged you and you sighed loudly. “Hey where’s Reggie by the way? I thought he was going to come,”
“I think he is,” Alex nodded. “He said something about maybe having to walk, his parents are busy,”
You bit the inside of your cheek hoping the Peters could hold off fighting for one night, Reggie deserved a break. They might not have realized it, but he secretly blamed himself for it all even though it could be nothing further from the fact. You knew that well enough.
“Hey I’m here,” Reggie said, jogging up to the group that was waiting for him so they could head inside the school. “Sorry I’m late,” he apologized. “I got a little distracted when leaving.” You could tell he was lying but didn’t speak up about it.
Luke shook his head, patting Reggie’s back with the hand that wasn’t holding his guitar case. “It’s all good,” he said with a grin. “What matters is that we’re all here, and ready to rock these nerds!”
Rose made a sour face. “We’re still here,” she pointed out, gesturing to the two of you.
“Right,” Bobby nodded, elbowing Luke in the ribs. “Let’s rock these nerds except for our fashionista Rose and (N/N)!”
You beamed. “Thank you!”
“The ultra nerd!”
“Fuck you!” you shot back.
Reggie pulled you into a side hug. “Leave Cookie alone,” he told them. “The only one who gets to tease her is me.”
You rolled your eyes as Luke grabbed you by your wrist. “Hands off my daughter,” he warned. “And for the record, no one teases my child? Say one word and I’ll fight you myself.”
“If someone pulls me like a rag doll one more time it’ll be your sorry asses that get beat,” you threatened.
Luke beamed at you, pinching your cheek. “Oh, she learned how to threaten people!” he gushed. “Like mother, like daughter.”
You pushed them all towards the stage. “Alright, you dorks,” you grumbled. “Get on stage. Make me a happy bunny, or whatever.”
The boys saluted before marching off. “Got it, Lady Bunny!” they cheered as they made it backstage.
You glanced over at Rose who had her arms crossed on her chest as she shook her head. “Those boys,” she sighed. “I can never understand how we put up with them.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you took Rose’s hand in yours. “You gotta admit, they’re growing on us,” you joked. “Now come on, let’s get to the dance floor!”
You and Rose watched as the boys finally got on stage, their instruments ready in their hands. Luke took the microphone and smiled widely at the crowd.
“What’s up, Los Feliz High?” he said into the microphone. A roar of cheers followed, making Luke laugh. “We’re Sunset Curve, and this is one of our original songs. It’s called Now or Never.”
The entire school adored Sunset Curve and their music. By the time they were finished, they were cheering for more. It made you happy to know that those boys were bound to go far with their music.
You and Rose met the boys backstage where they were putting away their things and getting ready to come and join you out and dance.
“Guys that was amazing!” you exclaimed with a grin. “You all played so well,”
“I’m so proud of my little renters,” Rose joked and the guys all laughed, tossing their things aside before dragging you and Rose to the dance floor.
Now that the DJ had taken over, the guys were able to finally dance with you guys. In a circle, the group and you sang along to the music, occasionally jumping up and down and screaming the lyrics.
In the corner of your eye, you saw Rose continuously glancing back at a boy in the back of the gym. Following her gaze, you lit up at who you saw. You pulled Rose down to your level, whispering in her ear,
“Ray Molina, an absolute sweetheart and my coworker at the cafe. Loves photography and apparently you. Now go!”
Rose blushed, shaking her head repeatedly. “No, I can't,” she stammered.
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed her shoulders and pushed her towards your friend. “Ray!” you greeted excitedly. “This is Rose! She loves espressos and photography.”
The shy boy put his hand out for Rose to shake. “Hi,” he whispered nervously. “I like your jacket. The flower is...gorgeous. What is it?”
Rose grinned. “A dahlia,” she replied, finally going back to her normal, extroverted self.
You sent Ray a big thumbs up from behind along with an exaggerated wink before heading back to the boys.
You saw Alex awkwardly shuffling his feet while Luke, Reggie, and Bobby were dancing and making complete fools of themselves, but that was kind of the point wasn’t it.
So you made your way to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him more into the dance floor with you.
“Come on Alex you gotta let loose!” you insisted while attempting to twirl him around.
“Um who are you and what did you do with the real (Y/N)?” he joked and you rolled your eyes.
“Already been over this Mercer! Seriously though, I know you get anxious and nervous, I do too and you know what helps me?” you whispered. “Singing,”
“Yeah! It calms me down,” you admitted. “So come on, you know the song! Belt it with me!”
Alex scrunched his nose and you frowned and started to sing, proving to him just how much it could help.
Slowly he got more comfortable until it felt like it was just the two of you dancing around like friends did and singing Whitney Huston’s greatest hit.
“Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody! Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who loves me!”
Alex, finally out of his shell, danced along energetically to the music with your hands intertwined. Occasionally he would pull you close and spin you like no one was around. You had to admit, the boy had a talent for dancing. He would definitely make Mrs. Leona proud.
Reggie watched you and Alex dance and fool around, laughing with your heads tilted back. Reggie couldn’t help but smile as you belted the lyrics with Alex joining in. He was shocked, to say the least, to see Alex so carefree. You really did bring out the best in people. He would know, you brought out the best in him.
Reggie barely noticed Bobby walk over to him, his eyes following Reggie’s to the dancing friends. The boy smirked, shaking his head. “You got it bad, don’t you?”
Reggie couldn’t help but nod. “Yeah, I do,” was all he could say.
“You gonna do anything about it?” Luke joined in and Reggie shrugged.
“I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if maybe if I say something or do something, that look she has, how happy she is, it’s gonna change and I don’t want that to happen,” he admitted.
“I know it’s a weird thing to ask, but what do you like most about her?” Bobby asked.
Reggie had a stupid smile on his face, shaking his head and covering his mouth with his hand,
“Everything,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Absolutely everything,”
You and Alex had since then finished dancing to the song and ran up to the other three boys who were chatting. You were out of breath with a huge grin on your face when you looked at Reggie who couldn’t stop thinking about how adorable you looked with your flushed cheeks.
“Everything alright Flicka?” you asked.
“Everything’s perfect, Cookie,” he nodded.
And perfect it was.
You sighed as Rose brushed through your hair for probably the millionth time that hour.
“Can you guys at least explain what you’re doing to me?” you whined. “I feel like I’ve been sitting here for ages and have like...a hundred layers of makeup on my face.”
Alex glanced up from the random magazine he found on Rose’s bedroom floor. “Nope,” he responded, sprawled lazily on Rose’s bed. “You’re going to find out soon enough.”
You grumbled to yourself. “If you make me look like a clown, Rose-”
Rose laughed, taking a lipstick tube and swiping it against your bottom lip. “You’re fine,” she reassured you. “Besides, this is my work we’re talking about. I have skills, and I’m going to flaunt them.” You giggled, finally relaxing as the girl continued to fix your hair and makeup.
Nearly another hour passed when Alex glanced at the clock. “Shoot, we have to be at the arcade in twenty minutes.”
You rolled your eyes. “And with your grandpa driving, we’re not going to get there until the next decade.”
Alex rolled off the bed, waving his keys in front of your face. “Who’s the one with the driver’s license again?” he asked.
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Fuck you, my driver’s instructor totally had it out for me. And you don’t even have a real van, it's a minivan.”
Alex flipped you off. “Haha, now let’s get going.”
“One second,” Rose said. The girl reached into your jewelry box, pulling out your horseshoe necklace. Before you could protest, she clasped it around your neck. With an approving smile, Rose pulled you up to your feet. “Come on, Cinderella,” she teased. “You’re ready for the ball.”
“Let’s stop by the studio first,” you said, straightening out your white shirt. “I left my bag in there.”
You and Rose made your way to the studio, parting so that you can grab your bag that was sitting on the coffee table. Rose followed close behind, picking up the lone red flannel on the couch. Walking behind you, Rose quickly tied the flannel around your waist.
“Rose, what’s this for?” you asked, eyeing the flannel.
She waved your question off casually. “It completes the look,” she explained. “Now, let’s get to the van before Alex leaves us!”
You hopped in the van with Rose as Alex drove off to the arcade, much faster than necessary to prove he wasn’t a slow driver, not that you thought this was how he was going to retaliate that comment.
By the time you reached there Luke, Bobby, and Reggie were all waiting by the claw machine.
“What took you guys so long?” Bobby asked and you pointed at both Alex and Rose in blame.
“Wow, I think I just saw the bus that you decided to throw us under,” Rose shook her head, turning it just the right direction to see a certain amateur photographer sitting at one of the tables with a few friends. Immediately, her face turned into a million shades of red.
“Oh is that Ray?” Luke asked, quickly joining in on the conversation.
“Um, can we maybe address that later?” Reggie asked. “Cause I’m pretty sure that’s my flannel,” he pointed to the fabric tied around your waist.
“Oh my God is it? Is it? I knew it looked familiar,” you said while trying to untie it from your waist but Reggie put a hand on yours, stopping you from doing so.
“It’s fine Cookie,” he shrugged. “Keep it, I have a few. It looks good on you,”
You blushed and nodded, tightening the flannel again around your waist.
“Okay, so what’s the first thing you guys normally do?” you asked, knowing them they probably did some sort of voodoo ritual before playing games, they were weird like that. “Oh and Rose you should call Ray over to join us cause if you don’t I will,” you said in a sing-song voice. Rose’s face turned red as she repeatedly shook her head.
Luke called out to the group to get everyone’s attention. “Game plan, kids,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course there’s a game plan,” you groaned.
The guitarist shot you a look before continuing. “Anyway,” he said. “First we start with the basketball shooting game, then we work down the aisle, all the way down to the claw machines. Don’t spend any longer than five minutes on each claw machine game. We all know those games are bullshit. If you have any coins left, use them on the game you’re best at.”
You made a sour face. “Yet you guys call me the nerd of the group,” you scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Hey, don’t disrespect the arcade kings,” Bobby shot back. “We practically own this arcade.”
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“(Y/N) why don’t you come with me and play some basketball,” Alex suggested.
“You’re just saying that cause you know my hand-eye coordination sucks and you wanna see me fail,” you said sticking your tongue out at him.
“Yeah and I’m not even gonna deny it, come on,” Alex said, dragging you over to where the game was and placing some tokens in the machine.
“Alex,” you whined. “I don’t wanna,”
He shot you a grin in your direction. “Let’s play, and the loser has to pay for pizza later?”
You narrowed your eyes in determination. “You’re on, Mercer.”
Time continued to fly by faster than you preferred. You and Alex had played every game nearly three times now and you were running low on coins and energy. Losing count on your wins, the two of you decided to call it a tie.
“Let’s go sit by the skeeball machines,” you suggested.
Slightly out of breath from running down the aisles to race you, Alex nodded gratefully. Hand in hand, you guided Alex through the waves of teens and children to finally find the benches in the quietest — well as quiet as an arcade can get — part of the building.
You glanced over at Alex, his cheeks flushed from playing. “You want me to go get you some water?” you asked, slightly concerned.
“If it’s not too much trouble,” he said, smiling slightly.
Standing up, you made your way to the vending machines, only to be stopped by the sound of a high pitched giggle. Hiding behind one of the game machines, you peeked to see Reggie and some blonde girl talk to each other. They were standing far too close for your liking as the girl pulled Reggie down to her level, whispering something in his ear that made him laugh.
Your face was burning. Something about the two of them together didn’t sit well with you. After a second of thinking, you decided you were upset because Reggie left you guys to go hang out with some girl. You were upset about the band not spending time together. Definitely not because Reggie was talking to another girl...smiling at her the way he does with you, and holding her waist like he did with you during your dance detention, and absolutely not because he’s joking around with her like he used to with you.
Ripping your eyes away from them, you stormed back to Alex, chucking the water bottle at him. The poor boy barely caught it, raising an eyebrow in confusion at you.
“(N/N), you okay?” he asked, setting his water bottle down to place his hand on your knee.
You nodded rigidly. “Of course I am,” you briskly answered.
“Sorry (N/N), I know fine and this clearly isn’t it,” Alex countered, still not understanding what was going on until he stood up to take a quick stretch, seeing Reggie tucked away by one of the arcade games with another girl. “Oh, I see,”
“What do you mean you see?” you asked. “There’s nothing to see,”
“Um I’d beg to differ,” Alex countered yet again. “(Y/N) if you’re upset you should just go talk to him, I’m sure Reggie will be reasonable.”
“Yeah right, reasonable is Reggie’s middle name,” you said sarcastically.
“(Y/N),” Alex said pleaded, “I swear to sweet little baby Jesus just go to him, please, put me out of my misery,”
“I guess you’re going to have to suffer,” you said stubbornly, making Alex roll his eyes and groan.
Luke and Bobby ran up to you guys. “We think it’s time we head back to the studio,” Luke told you two. “It’s nearly dark, and you know how much Alex hates driving at night.”
Alex shuddered. “Fine, let’s go,” he said before turning to you. “Don’t think we’re done with this conversation.”
The entire group filed into the car, Rose giving Ray a kiss on the cheek before joining you. Rose began to tell you about her little date, not skipping any detail. For the time you were together, you started to forget why you were mad.
But then Reggie entered the van. “Hey guys!” he greeted energetically, finding his spot in the back. You remained silent while everyone else said their “hellos.”
“How was everyone’s time at the arcade?” he continued to talk. Reggie glanced over at you. “Did you win against Alex? I know he’s terrible at playing games, but so are you so it’s an equal playing field.”
Normally, you would have laughed. But this time, you didn’t even look him in the eye. “It was fine,” you said stiffly.
Reggie snorted. “Just fine, come on, Cookie, I-”
“Why don’t you tell us about that girl you were talking to the entire time, then?” you cut him off, staring out the window to stop yourself from crying.
“What girl?” Rose asked, whipping her head around and narrowing her eyes.
“No one” he answered quickly.
You scoffed, crossing your arms on your chest. “So it’s okay for you to lie, but not me?” you muttered.
Reggie raised an eyebrow at your weird behaviour, but remained silent for the rest of the ride. If there was something wrong, he’d talk to you properly, and in private.
The moment Alex parked in the driveway, you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and left the van with Rose glued to your side.
“What happened?” Rose asked in a hushed voice.
“Nothing!” you said frustratedly. “You and Alex keep on making things out of nothing. I’m telling you, there’s nothing wrong.”
As the night continued, you were still bitter towards Reggie, occasionally throwing out a sarcastic remark towards him. The group, to say the least, was very confused as to how your friendship with Reggie somehow shattered in just five hours.
“Let’s watch another movie,” Rose proposed after the first movie ended. Everyone else nodded, as Reggie piped up,
“Can we watch Star Wars?” he asked. “I’m really in the mood to-”
You groaned. “Will you just shut up,”
Reggie looked over at you stunned and just before Luke was going to say something Reggie grabbed your arm and looked at you with a serious face,
“Can I talk to you? Alone,” he said cooly.
You were about to respond with a sarcastic retort, but he stopped you by pulling you up and dragging you out of the studio into the brick open-spaced area around the rock garden.
“What the hell (Y/N),” he deadpanned.
“What do you mean what the hell?” you asked innocently and Reggie scoffed, letting go of your arm and looking away.
“Enough of the fucking bullshit (Y/N)!”
“What bullshit Reggie please enlighten me because I wasn’t the one ditching the gang to spend time with some random blonde,”
“You have no right!” Reggie angrily exclaimed, pointing roughly at you. His eyes were dark with anger, unlike anything you’ve seen before. “You have no right to say- t-to act like a child after what happened?”
You rolled your eyes. “What are you talking about?” you demanded.
Reggie laughed to himself, frustratedly running his fingers through his hair before looking back at you. “I don’t fucking understand you,” he hissed. “You’re so frustrating and unpredictable. First, you joke around with me, blush when I tell jokes or better yet flirt, but the moment I step out of line even an inch, you turn around and hate me again! I don’t get it, what the fuck do you want from me?”
“I want you!” you cried out. “Dammit, Reggie. I want you, but sometimes you’re so far up your ass you can’t even tell!”
“Me?” he yelled back. “I gave you so many chances. You wanted time? I gave you plenty of it! I have you so many opportunities that you ignored so don’t you fucking dare pin this on me.” Reggie didn’t bother letting you try and defend yourself. “You said it yourself, you wondered when people will leave you, and that you’ll be left alone again. Here’s the reality, (Y/N). People don’t leave you, you push them away. You put the blame on everyone but yourself, so all you’re left with are your own broken pieces. Face it, you’ve never changed.”
You staggered back, feeling as though you were caught under a wave of emotions. He was right. Every single word he said...was right. And damn, it hurt so much to realize it.
Reggie looked up from his shoes. “I want that necklace back,” he said in a low voice. “I don’t want to see you with it, or any piece of me, ever again. You hear me? I’m done. I’m done with your mind games. I’m tired of waiting for you. I’m done with you.”
There it was. The moment you were waiting for, the reason for Reggie to step out of your life again. Or, in reality, the reason that made Reggie realize you weren’t worth it anymore.
You quickly unclasped the necklace, throwing it on the ground along with his flannel.
Before leaving, you looked at him one more time. “It was always me, wasn’t it?” you whispered in a broken voice. “I was always the reason. The problem. The second choice. Right?” Reggie refused to look you in the eye. You wiped away your tears, a sad attempt to, really. More tears just took their place.
“I tried, Reggie,” you told him in a quiet voice. “I really did. B-but if I’m the only thing that’s holding you back, then let me go.”
Reggie remained silent. Taking it as your cue to leave, you ran down the street, not bothering to say goodbye to your friends.
And just like that, you were alone again. Just like you predicted.
As if your week couldn’t get any worse, the universe didn’t fail you. You had detention with him. And even better, you were forced to sit in silence with him.
Seriously you thought to yourself Did he actually fall asleep while supervising detention.
Mr. Alderman, the gym teacher, was fast asleep, snoring at his desk.
You hadn’t spoken since your fight a few nights ago, the emotions still fresh under your skin, burning your eyes and throat, just making you wish for it to end.
Reggie muttered something under his breath and for the first time in a few days you took a good look at him.
His eyes were sunken and he seemed angry. It radiated off him like light bouncing off a mirror.
“Have something to say, Peters,” you whispered quietly.
“Yeah, I’m leaving,” he nodded, standing up and grabbing his bag.
“You can’t leave,” you said flatly.
“Watch me,” he turned his back and you followed him out of the class and into the hallway.
“Reggie stop,”
“No (Y/N)! I’m not stopping anymore! I’m not waiting anymore!”
“I’m not asking you to do that Reggie! It’s me, I’m leaving okay?!” you exclaimed.
“W-What?” his voice grew quiet.
“I’m transferring out at the end of the week,” you look at him with stone-cold eyes. “Not that you would care.”
“(Y/N), you...Wait you can’t-!”
“Stop telling me what I can and can't do Reggie! I hate that my fucking feelings are controlled by you! I hate that my entire life will be spent trying to find someone to live up to you! I just want some fucking peace and quiet for once in my life!” you sobbed, unable to bottle things up anymore. “I work and I work and I work and I get nothing! I try and I try and I try and I still get nothing! And maybe that’s because I can’t be in control when I’m around you so yes I’m leaving!”
Reggie didn’t say anything, he just stared at you blankly, the only sound in the empty hallways was that of your soft cries.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you choked out, turning around and running out through the back of the school and into the pouring rain, not even bothering to hide for cover under the pavilion; falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around your waist as the most devastating sounds ripped from your heart and soul.
You cried until you couldn’t cry anymore. Scream until your throat was raw. Pulled at your hair and kicked yourself, ashamed and frustrated, until the pain was too much. But even then, it could never match the pain you were feeling in your heart.
It felt good, felt right to feel this way. Ever since middle school, you had been told you were a robot, an emotionless nothing.
Look at you now. Crying like everything had up and left in your life because it did. You were alone, left behind to pick up your broken pieces. Just like Reggie said.
You hated how Reggie was right about everything. You had no right to be mad because it was true. You pushed everyone away, placed the blame on them so that you didn’t have to get hurt. Is this how he felt? Did you ever make him feel this way?
The cold air angrily nipped at your fingertips, your eyes red from the weather and your tears. Turning your head, you looked at the school door, internally hoping that maybe it would swing open. Maybe Reggie would come out of the building and take you in his arms and tell you that everything will be alright.
The door never opened. Reggie never came. You were left alone with your thoughts in the pavilion.
And the rain continued to pour on and on.
Reggie was distracted the entire practice. His fingers would roughly strum against his strings as he stared off into the distance, a faraway look on his face.
Luke, having noticed Reggie’s odd behaviour, stopped playing.
“Hey, Reg you wanna cool it on those strings?” Luke asked.
“Or does he need to mention how much money we have combined,” Bobby added.
“It’s negative seven hundred forty-five dollars and thirty-two cents.” Luke deadpanned and Alex rolled his eyes.
“Are you mad at Alex again?” Bobby asked and for a moment the blond drummer looked frightened.
“No, it’s not that,” Reggie shook his head.
“It’s (Y/N), isn’t it,” Rose said softly, looking at the bassist with sympathetic eyes. Just as Reggie was about to ask how she knew, Rose answered the question. “You keep looking at the spot on the couch where she used to sit during practices,”
Reggie chewed hard on the inside of his cheek while Luke came closer to him, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t need to bottle it up,” Luke whispered. “We’re here for you. You know that.”
“I messed up,” the tone of his voice was wavering as he tried to make sure it didn’t crack. “I messed up so fucking bad. The only thing I’m good at is pushing the good things in my life away until I fuck it up entirely. I’m a time bomb. It’s only going to get worse the longer people are around me,”
Reggie carefully slid his bass’ strap off his shoulder and placed his instrument against the couch where you would normally sit.
“No you’re not,” Alex told him, quickly coming to join Luke next to his friend. Bobby and Rose followed soon after and before long Reggie’s head was tucked in Luke’s shoulder as tears finally streamed from his eyes and his friends surrounded him like a shield from the cruel world.
“Aren’t I?” Reggie croaked. “I can't even talk to you guys without exploding or storming off, a-and (Y/N), she’ll never forgive me for all the things I’ve said and done… I don’t deserve any of your guys,”
“Reggie cariño, everyone deserves a family,” Rose said in a soothing voice. “And we’re each other’s family. Family sticks together no matter what, even if you don’t think they should.”
“And what about (Y/N)?” he whispered. “How could I possibly erase all that?”
“You don’t,” Luke spoke up. “You use it, use it to apologize. Use it,” he repeated, placing his songwriting pen in Reggie’s hand.
Reggie bit his lips and took the pen from Luke, seeing his tattered red book resting on the couch.
He was sure it wasn’t the first time he wrote something for you and it definitely wouldn’t be the last, but it just might have been the first one you’d hear, so it had to be perfect.
And somehow, just like you’d always managed to do, the only thing on Reggie Peters's mind was his Cookie.
“Rose I already said I don’t want to come here,” you sighed as your friend dragged you through the crowd of people waiting to get into the show.
“(Y/N) come on, these are your friends! They want you to be here,” she tried to convince you, but you were still skeptical, and it didn’t help that you didn’t know if you wanted to see Reggie or not right now.
Rose gave you another tug, but you dug your heels into the ground. The girl sighed, giving you a look. “It’s your last day as a Los Feliz high student,” she told you softly. You stiffened at her words, looking down at the floor. “At least spend it with us. Then, I’ll leave you be. I promise. You don’t have to see another gig -better yet, another bass- ever again. Will you do at least that for me?”
You finally glanced up from the ground. “For you,” you answered begrudgingly.
“What’s up Los Feliz High,” Luke said into the mic and was met with cheers.
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Reggie added. “And this is a little something we wrote called I Remember,”
There was a soft opening with Reggie’s bass and Alex on drums, slowly layering in the guitar riff intro before Reggie came close to his mic,
“I remember those nights, stayin’ up late, listenin’ to the radio.
I remember the days, callin’ your name, running to your patio,”
Rose glanced over at you, grinning as you tried to listen to the lyrics, finding a sense of familiarity in the words. Luke and Bobby now joined as backing vocals taking a lower and higher harmony.
“And as the years went by slowly you - left my life and I can’t, I can’t, I can’t figure out why, why?”
Alex led to the chorus with a drum fill before the hard rock beat came in, Reggie, Luke, and Bobby really getting into playing to the beat and rhythm, before all coming in again singing the chorus.
“So tell me, tell me when it all fell apart. Tell me, tell me can we go back to the start.”
The music backing instruments quieted slowly as Reggie leaned into his mic, looking directly at you. Your breath hitched at you finally made eye contact with him. You hadn’t bothered to look at him in so long, you wanted to burn the feeling into your memory so you never forget. His eyes glistened with tears as he began to sing,
“Tell me, tell me what happened to us Cookie,”
You looked over at Rose who only smiled knowingly as you tried to hide the fact that you were most definitely losing your composure, your heart beating faster and your vision becoming blurry.
“I remember I hurt you, a stain on my heart that’ll never go away. I remember I kissed you, my heart said to stay but my feet ran away.”
They transitioned back to the chorus and you couldn’t help but try to push back the lump in your throat as you looked up at your Flicka, singing for you. Reggie took the mic and walked over to you. His hand was stretched out to you, face lighting up in hope. Pushing down all your doubts, you took his hand in yours, squeezing it tight.
“And I promise, I promise, I promise I’ll never go away. And I promise I promise, I promise I’ll be there every day. Just tell me, just tell me, just tell me you’ll look the other way. Cause if I lost you one more time I don’t think that I’d survive,”
Tears streamed down your face as you listened to the lyrics, each word slowly chipping down the walls you put up around your heart. Reggie leaned in close, removing his hand from yours and placing it on the side of your face, wiping away your stray tears.
“So tell me, tell me when it all fell apart. Tell me, tell me can we go back to the start.”
The music slowed and quieted one last time, Reggie’s eyes interlocked with yours as he sang the last line,
“Tell me, tell me, will you be mine Cookie?”
Silence followed as everyone turned to you, waiting for your answer. You glanced over at Rose, who was just as impatient.
Locking eyes with Reggie, you nodded. “As long as you’ll be mine, Flicka,” you whispered so that only he could hear.
Not waiting any longer, Reggie dropped his microphone, hopping down from the stage and taking both sides of your face and pulling you into a long-awaited kiss. The crowd cheered, but your mind blocked them out.
You missed Reggie’s lips that tasted faintly of that cherry chapstick he always used. You missed feeling his hands against yours, warm and comforting.
You missed your Reggie. But now he was here, and he was never letting you go.
“Lady Bunny!” Luke cheered, running up to you backstage and pulling you into the tightest squeeze. “I missed you so much,” he whispered and you held him close against you.
“I missed you too, mom,” you sniffled while Luke pressed a friendly kiss to your hair before you were promptly tossed around the group, hugs and all exchanged along with the chatter of
“You’re gonna stay, right? You can’t transfer now,”
All to which the answer was yes, especially when you looked over at Reggie, the brightest smile on his face.
“Hey guys can I have a minute alone with Cookie?” he asked and they all complied, moving out of the way of the new couple.
“Have something for me Flicka?” you asked, slight teasing in your voice.
“Actually, yeah,” he nodded, fishing out a necklace from his pocket. “I shouldn’t have taken it from you. Or told you that you were the problem. You never were, I promise.”
“Water under the bridge,” you smiled shyly. “What matters is that you’re here now.” You turned around, allowing him to clip the silver chain around your neck, not without sneaking a quick peck to the corner of your lips after turning you back around.
“Perfect,” he told you, his lips quirking up into a smile. “You’re perfect.”
“And you’re overly cheesy,” you shot back jokingly.
Reggie grasped his chest in feigned hurt. “You love me, Cookie,” he pouted.
You went on the tips of your toes, kissing him softly. “Yeah, Flicka,” you whispered. “I do.”
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