#this man confirms my bisexuality once again
shadow4-1 · 4 months
Your hubby let u sleep with his friends ??? okkk girll i see you living the life we all want too (share ur secrets😣)
Oops I forgot I said that. Well...yes it's true. I've slept with a handful of my husband's friends (all of it was talked about beforehand, planned out, etc.)
Both my husband and I are bisexual. All of his friends he's had for years - since they were babies pretty much. They're all exceptionally close and they've experimented a lot together before I ever even came into the picture.
Besides my husband, none of them have girlfriends or wives (they're all in their late 20s now). I used to think it was a red flag but now I just realize they're all just tied to each other and fulfil their emotional needs that way. In fact, two of them are identical twins. They were suspicious when they met me at first (but after I witnessed a couple of them kissing my husband, let's just say they quickly came to realize I was definitely the girl for him).
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(This picture is almost 10 years old. That's my husband in the blue jacket with half his friend group. We went out to a club, so all of us were piss drunk in the back of that taxi.)
Now, I'm not going to generalize Scottish men/people. I'm just going to give ya'll a rundown on what I've learned/observed over my multiple trips to Scotland. I've noticed that they tend to -
- Be chivalrous. Not a single guy I met (husband or otherwise) was rude or didn't use his manners the whole time I was there. And if they were amongst friends they had no issue with calling each other out for their bad behavior. Now that, that was nice to see. (So, yes, Soap's definitely has his manners and knows how to follow decorum well.)
- Be loud. Almost every man I met was boisterous and bright. Even the quiet ones (once I got them to talk) were animated. The culture over there is different than America (where I'm from), everyone seems to know everyone. So no one is seemingly scared of "strangers", they're usually pretty curious. (So, yes, Soap's talkative and interesting personality checks out.)
- Fight. Now, this one is because I spent a lot of time in bars. Again, unlike America, it's different. They don't carry guns (maybe a knife but even that's not the norm). Usually it's just a lot of posturing, yelling, and intimidation. But, if they actually decide to swing, usually the crowd will break it up and/or throw them outside. Fighting over there is kind of seen as a necessary evil. (So, yes, when they say Soap is a bit of a hot head and hops into fights I can definitely confirm it.)
- Welcome with open arms. I'm a plus size POC and most of the people you'll find in Scotland are Caucasian. You'd think there'd be some friction between me and the locals, but no. Not once was I ever treated unfairly by anyone. In fact, people loved to chat with me. I spent a lot of my time talking with strangers. (So, yes, Soap not batting an eye at Ghost and his ridiculous get up is on brand. He cares much more about getting to know the person underneath.)
I could go on. Maybe one day I'll be able to live my retirement years in Scotland. It's beautiful and green and walkable. Also they have Irn Bru, Jammie Dodgers, and my absolute favorite - Bairns Sausage Rolls. I'd immigrate just for those haha!
So yeah, I know a think or two, and Soap is a pretty great Scottish representation in my opinion. My husband is indifferent to him but maybe it's because he seems the similarities haha. If you want to hear more about my trysts I have no problem sharing! I've seen a lot and done alot in my short time here on Earth and trust me when I say I'm not stopping anytime soon! 😂
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
Book recs: Queer horror, part 1
We all like a good horror story, right? You know what's even better? A queer horror story!
A note: queer here does not necessarily mean “guarantee of an f/f or m/m ship with a happy ending”, but rather simply a significant presence of queerness. Some of the books feature no romance but has a same gender attracted/trans/ace spectrum lead, or features an m/f relationship with bisexual, trans or aro/ace characters, or simply features a world-building which is heavily queer inclusive in ways that don’t always compare to our own ideas of sexuality and gender. I have however disqualified works where the only queer presence is along the lines of “gay best friend” or a blink and you’ll miss it confirmation that never comes up again.
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
If you want more book recs, check out my masterpost of rec lists!
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Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle*
Rose, like her parents, believes strongly that homosexuality is a sin, and holds great pride that her home town hosts Camp Damascus, a successful conversion camp for young teens. But Rose is also experiencing strange and terrifying things: memories of a beautiful girl, a demonic figure that shows up if her thoughts stray, flies crawling out her mouth. Something has happened in Rose's past that her parents won't speak of and that she herself can't remember, and Camp Damascus is at the center of it all. Sapphic, autistic main character, as well as a really cool take on demonic lore that is both inspired by and a subversion of christianity.
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland*
Young adult. Something happened to Iris Hollow and her two older sisters when they were little; after having gone missing, they were all returned with no memory of what happened and identical scars on their throats. Years have passed since then, and though seen as strange the girls still lead mostly normal lives - that is, until the oldest, Grey, goes missing, leaving strange clues in her path. As Iris searches for her, a strange man with horns starts stalking her and memories start to rise to the forefront in her mind. To save Grey, Iris will have to find out the truth of what happened all those years ago. Features wonderfully morally grey characters. Bisexual lead, but little to no romance.
Winter Tide (The Innsmouth Legacy) by Ruthanna Emrys*
Aphra and her brother are the only survivors after the government raided their home, Innsmouth. Their only living family are the amphibian people of the deep, whom they will one day join, but until then they are bound to land where they struggle to build new lives for themselves after the great loss of their home and loved ones. Then rumors start to spread of a russian agent seeking dangerous and ancient magic, forcing Aphra to involve herself as they try to stop it. Does contain horror elements but is generally a much more optimistic look on cosmic horror than most lovecraftian stories, told from the perspective of one of his monsters. Lots of focus on found family and rebuilding of community. Asexual main character (however I don’t think that becomes in-text confirmed until the sequel) and multiple queer characters in the supporting cast.
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Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall
Young adult. One year ago, Sara's sister went missing. Since then, Sara has drifted away from her friends, but when she receives a mysterious text inviting her to "play the game" - the same game that supposedly stole her sister away - Sara and her estranged friends all come back together to find her. Together they set off on a path that legend says appears only once a year, leading them toward the ghost Lucy Gallows and, hopefully, Sara's sister. Bisexual main character, told in a faux documentary style.
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon
A young pregnant woman flees a cult that left her body strange and changing in terrifying ways. Hiding from both a world wanting to oppress her and the cult seeking to force her back, she does her best to raise her children while trying to find out the truth of the cult and being pursued by a hunter in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Bleak and scary, Sorrowland is a book that will creep under your skin with horrors both fantastical and very, very real.
Otherside Picnic (Otherside Picninc lightnovel series) by Iori Miyazawa
Sapphic light novel with a surreal and episodic horror vibe. Following the directions of an urban legend, university student Sorawo finds her way to a reality populated by horrifying creatures from ghost stories and modern urban legends (of which I’m sure you’ll recognize many). Here she teams up with fellow explorer Toriko, both to find out more about this strange world and to help Toriko find a missing loved one. Also available as a manga and (one season of) an anime. Sapphic.
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Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Amrfield
Miri thought she lost her wife Leah when her deep-sea mission ended in a catastrophe. But Leah was miraculously returned to her - or so it seems. Because something happened down there, deep in the ocean, and whatever it was, Leah has brought it back with her. Surreal and strange, Our Wives Under the Sea will not answer all your questions, but it will give you a unique experience.
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
Novella. Alex Easton, retired soldier, travels to visit their childhood friends, siblings Madeline and Roderick Usher, after finding out that Madeline is dying. In the siblings’ rural, ancestral home, Madeline walks in her sleep and looks to be fading away, while around it wildlife seems to be possessed by a strange force. With the help of a mycologist and an American doctor, Alex attempts to save Madeline and reveal the truth of her illness. Nonbinary main character.
Alien: Echo by Mira Grant
Young adult. Twin sisters Olivia and Viola’s parents are both xenobiologists, bringing them all over the galaxy. Most recently they’ve settled on a new colony world to study its wildlife, but it proves more dangerous than they could’ve ever imagined. Under attack from alien monsters, the sisters must keep each other alive while also coming to terms with a dark family secret. Sapphic horror. Part of the Alien franchise but stands well on its own.
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Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant*
A research vessel heads towards the Mariana Trench in search of answers of what happened to a ship which mysteriously lost all its crew some time earlier. In the deep dark, something intelligent and hungry awaits them. Very much mermaids of the horror variety. Sequel to a novella, can be read as a standalone. Also contains a sapphic romance, however that is a pretty small part of the plot as a whole.
Alice Isn't Dead by Joseph Fink
Based on the podcast by the same name. Keisha Taylor thought she had lost her wife. She even held a funeral and attempted to move on with her life. But then Alice started to appear, all over America, in the background of every single major tragedy in the country. To find her missing wife, Keisha gets a job as a trucker and sets out on a roadtrip, not knowing what horrors awaits her.
Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Young adult. Over a year ago, the Raxter School for Girls was hit by the Tox, a strange disease that killed off many and left the survivors’ bodies slowly changing in terrifying ways. The island the school is on has been in quarantine since then, and the girls dare not leave the school grounds lest they become victims of wild animals changed by the Tox. But as they wait for the promised cure, one of the girls goes missing, and her friends are willing to do anything to find her. Unsettling, spooky, and sapphic, this is a unique read featuring body horror and messy, dangerous girls.
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Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Once, Andy, Kerri, Nate, Peter and their faithful dog were known as the Blyton Summer Detective Club, until they hit their fateful final case in 1977. Now, the year is 1990, and the group hasn't gathered in years. Tomboy Andy is wanted in at least two states; Kerri, former kid genius, is tending bar; and horror nerd Nate is in a mental institution in Arkham. At least he still has the company of jock-turned-movie star Peter - except Peter has been dead for years. Now they must all come together to find out the truth of what happened all those years ago. Lovecraftian horror with a sometimes absurdist vibe and adult scooby do inspiration. Sapphic romance.
Contagion by Erin Bowman*
Young adult. After receiving an SOS, a small crew is sent on a standard search-and-rescue mission. But what they find are not survivors awaiting help, but an abandoned site, full of dead bodies and crawling with something… monstrous. No romance, but features one sapphic co-lead and one who can easily be read as demisexual (however this doesn’t show up until book two, which has more romance).
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand*
Young adult. The isolated island of Sawkill Rock has secrets. It hosts the legend of a local monster, and the very stark reality of decades of girls going missing, never to be found again. Now, three girls stand at the center of the horrific mystery - if only they can come together, perhaps they can save future generations of girls from a monster that may very well be real. Asexual and sapphic main characters, including a sapphic romance.
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Salvation Day by Kali Wallace
A decade ago, the massive ship House of Wisdom was abandoned in orbit after its entire crew was killed in an outbreak in a matter of hours. Now, Zahra and her family of outcasts hope to claim the ship as their own by kidnapping the sole survivor to gain access. But the danger of the House of Wisdom is far from gone. Horror, no major romance but one of the main characters is gay.
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling*
Possibly one of the most unstintingly claustrophobic books I’ve ever read, and definitely the most claustrophobic. Gyre, a caver on an alien planet, ventures into the dark and dangerous underground, guided only by a woman who has no compunctions on using and manipulating Gyre as she sees fit to obtain her secretive goals down in the caves. Sapphic in the most messy of ways.
Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb series) by Tamsyn Muir*
Gideon, raised as a swordswoman by unfriendly nuns, would rather run away and make her own life, but her services are needed. The Reverend Daughter, Gideon’s childhood nemesis, has been invited to a trial to win a place as an immortal by the Emperor’s side, and she’s in need of a bodyguard. Listen, if you’re on tumblr I probably don’t need to explain this book to you. Trust me when I say it’s exactly as good as people claim. Humorous and spooky but also absolutely gut wrenching and clever with a lot of political commentary. There are also, indeed, lesbian necromancers in space.
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Family Business by Jonathan Sims
By the author behind the Magnus Archives. When Diya's childhood best friend and roommate unexpectedly passes away, Diya falls apart and, among other things, loses her job. When she's offered a position at Slough & Sons to clean up after the deceased, she sees no other recourse but to accept. Her new job is grisly but important, and Diya starts to get back on her feet - until strange visions of a terrifying man and the dead's last moments start to haunt her. Slough & Sons are hiding something, and it's up to Diya to find out the truth. No romance, bisexual main character and trans woman side character.
Sodom Road Exit by Amber Dawn
Starla didn't want to return to her childhood home of Crystal Beach, Canada, but growing debt has forced her to move back in with her mother, despite the trauma hidden in her old home. But Starla is haunted by more than trauma; she is, in fact, literally haunted, by a ghost that may understand her, but may also consume her. Not overly scary, but handles dark subjects such as childhood sexual assault. Lesbian main character and romance.
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson*
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires and deliciously dark sapphic romance inspired by the horrific real-life Elisabet Báthory.
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A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Dracula inspired novella, following Constanta, who’s turned from a medieval peasant to an undead bride. As time passes the relationship between Dracula and Constanta grows all the more strained and potentially dangerous. Teaming up with his two other consorts, she seeks to unravel her husband’s secrets. Sapphic and polyamorous.
Dread Nation (Dread Nation duology) by Justina Ireland
Young adult, alternate history. In this world, the war between the American states is interrupted when the dead start walking the earth and hunting the living. Jane McKeene has been trained at Miss Preston’s School of Combat to become an attendant, skilled in combat as well as etiquette to protect the wealthy. But Jane wants a different life, and in her search for it stumbles headfirst into a conspiracy. Bisexual main character, aroace side character (who becomes a POV character in the sequel).
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin
In a future where those with high testosterone are afflicted by a zombie-like disease, bloodthirsty men have become the enemy. Trans women Beth and Fran and trans man Robbie do their best to survive in this brutal world, where TERF movements seek to exterminate them and monstrous men hunt in the wilds. VERY gruesome and bleak, but also very timely in the present political climate.
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Leech by Hiron Ennes*
Unbeknownst to humanity, a sentient hive mind has taken over the entire medical profession to ensure the health of their host species. One of their doctors is sent off to an isolated location where they’re cut off from the rest of the hive mind, only to realize they’re faced with a rivaling parasitic entity. Leech hands you only just enough information to get by, and whether its historical fantasy, an alternate timeline, or futuristic post apocalypse is hard to determine. It’s spooky and a bit weird and wildly creative, and does some neat things with gender.
The Outside by Ada Hoffman*
AKA the book the put me in an existential crisis. Souls are real, and they are used to feed AI gods in this lovecraftian inspired sci-fi where reality is warped and artificial gods stand against real, unfathomable ones. Autistic scientist Yasira is accused of heresy and, to save her eternal soul, is recruited by cybernetic ‘angels’ to help hunt down her own former mentor, who is threatening to tear reality itself apart. Sapphic main character.
The Gilded Abyss by Rebecca Thorne
Nix Marr is a soldier and damned good at it, but that doesn’t prepare her for her next mission: bodyguard for Subarch Kessandra, beloved royal and Nix’s bitter ex. The two venture toward the underwater city of Fall to seek the cause of a bloody murder spree and a possible deadly contagion. But Kessandra has enemies, the answers she seeks marking her as a possible threat for the nation’s rulers. On their way in an isolated and enclosed underwater ship toward Fall, the contagion catches up, and Nix will have to put her hurt feelings aside if the two are to arrive alive. Sci-fi with flavors of horror and the supernatural and a sapphic romance.
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faerlygraceful · 6 months
So I rewatched all of the “Begins” episodes last night and it only managed to cement my head canons about Tommy, which began forming after we saw him again.
Of course I don’t know if they thought this was going to be where the character ended up when they filled the firehouse back in season 2. I don’t know what Lou thought about his character. I don’t know what the intentions were. What I am doing (since this is my head canon), is taking new knowledge and using it to recategorize previous interactions. I’m queer, it’s what we all do.
So I’m going to share my analysis with all of y’all cause this is the internet, and I’m allowed.
Spoilers for… well everything.
Tommy is one of the three characters who shows up in all three Begins episodes, the other two being Athena and Sal DeLuca. His first appearance in the show is Hen Begins, but as we know Chimney Begins is chronologically first, so we’re starting there.
Chimney Begins
1) We first see Tommy when probie Howie walks in. He doesn’t seem to notice that Howie is a probie, asking who didn’t tip the takeout guy. Gerrard quickly takes the role of antagonist, and that’s when we move on.
2) At one point when they’re coming back from a call after Howie has been there a while, Tommy says, in a surprised tone, “You’re still here?” I think this is less of a, “You don’t belong here,” and more of a, “You’ve been here for weeks/months and haven’t been out once, I would have quit, why haven’t you?”
3) While man behind, Howie helps a guy who was having indigestion and a panic attack at the same time. When the rest get back, Howie tries to bond with them over the call, but is ignored. They are talking about takeout options and Gerrard asks Tommy, when his girlfriend is supposed to come in and cook. Tommy sounds extremely contained during this interaction, gives a a day, and when pressed he stammers and promises. The conversation fades off so we don’t hear what he promises, but he didn’t seem all that enthusiastic about his girlfriend coming in.
- Now this is where we really start getting into my hcs. Either Tommy is bi (which we’ll hopefully find out tomorrow) or he’s closeted. The tightness in his voice (which is all we have to go on because the camera is focused on the POV character), tells me that he’s extremely uncomfortable with the interaction. He’s been put on the spot, and he doesn’t like it. I think the girlfriend is either a) a friend he’s brought by the house once and everyone inferred or b) someone he manufactured in order to get out of team events ie, “Oh I can’t go out tonight, my girl is cooking.” He is uncomfortable with what his boss (a confirmed bigot) is asking for, and the man is pressuring him to produce his beard. If she was actually his girlfriend and Tommy is also bisexual, it could just be that’s he’s uncomfortable exposing her to the environment that the 118 is at that point.
4) Howie starts to try and broach the barriers between himself and the other firefighters, only to be rebuked. At one point he corners Tommy in the locker room, and starts naming off all these topics, stating, “Tell me what your thing is and I’ll make it mine.” Talking about his formidable people skills and asking if that means Tommy just didn’t like him that much.
Tommy tells him, “If I thought about you at all, I probably wouldn’t.” Which tells me that Tommy has already built his mask, his persona, and since the others don’t try to look beyond the surface he’s able to maintain it, but he can’t afford to let anyone in. He can’t think about the new guy on the squad, he’s too busy making sure Gerrard doesn’t find out about his closet. That would be just another person to have to hide from anyway.
This is when Howie gets pulled for the ambulance. Eli tells him that it’s not personal, because friends die and funerals are held. Which makes me also think that Howie stepped into the shoes of a firefighter who died. Maybe one who Tommy was particularly close to? Eli goes on to call Howie a puppy who doesn’t get a name until they know it’s gonna come through.
The next thing that happens is Kevin Lee’s death. Which is incredibly sad and is a big part of how Howie develops as a firefighter, but this meta is Tommy focused so moving on.
5) The garage collapse at the mall, and Tommy almost dies. More to it, Howie saved him. So Tommy decides to share some things with Howie. “Love Actually, monster trucks, and craft beer”. Maybe not a coming out story, but he did declare that one of his favorite movies is a rom com. It’s a start.
Hen Begins
1) Tommy is first seen when Hen walks into the house. He’s comes up to the railing after Gerrard calls for everyone and is positioned between the captain and DeLuca. Now it’s my personal opinion that DeLuca is an ass and that’s backed up by these episodes but even Hen defends him in Bobby Begins Again, and that started with this episode. But again, we’re not here to get into Sal DeLuca’s headspace, this is about Tommy. When Gerrard calls Hen an “diversity” hire, we see Tommy looking very uncomfortable, and Sal is the one to take up some of Captain’s dirty work for him (“For real?”). This is the episode where I truly see Tommy as “falling in line” with the captain. He’s opened up a little to Howie (no nickname yet), a little more inclined to joke, but still is holding these boundaries.
2) DeLuca talks about taking his girl to see some vampire movie and Tommy immediately knows it’s Twilight. DeLuca talks about how he likes Kristen Stewart (with Hen agreeing) before saying something about getting behind that, which makes Hen uncomfortable. (According to this, it would put it in 2008, which means she’s a paramedic for ten years prior to Buck joining which I hate. All those movies came out rather fast but could all be classified as “Twilight” so it was probably at least Eclipse in 2010 especially with the references made…. But then we start to go into how much I hate this timeline because nothing makes sense ever) Tommy talks about how he doesn’t understand the attraction to KS because she’s too… (Sal puts in hot here) broody, and Sal asks him if that means he’s Team Jacob (which is what makes me think it’s at least during Eclipse, I don’t see DeLuca being a Twi-Hard, and so his frame of reference would be movie based), and when Tommy acts confused (not sure if an act or not, he knew what Twilight was, but that doesn’t mean he knows about Team Edward vs Team Jacob), Chimney confirms that he’s implying that Tommy is gay. You. See. Him. Freeze. There is a few seconds where Tommy freezes in place like he’s processing before he makes a joke, blowing a kiss at Sal before laughing. Gerrard puts a stop to the conversation, and Hen takes a seat.
— Remember when Tommy has buried himself in the closet? What happened when someone rattles the door with a gay joke? One where it’s being implied that you are gay? When you’re bigot of a boss is sitting not five feet from you at the same table? You freeze to not immediately deny the accusation in a way that would make you look sus, and then you make a joke out of it. It hurts, so much.
———-Ah shit I’m going to timeline this———
From what we know, Tommy was in the army as a pilot. For Timeline purposes we’re going to assume that Eli leaving is the reason Hen went to the 118. During her med student arc it talks about how she was a paramedic for 10 years, so 2012 makes sense there. It doesn’t make sense with other thing’s because in Lonestar’s Hold the Line (2021 would make this make sense), Hen tells Owen that Denny is 10 and she and Karen and her were married for 8 years, (Same sex marriage has only been legal in CA since 2013). Bobby was their captain for a year in Worst Day Ever, they had a captain parade for two years (six captains) and before that they had a someone who was cleaning up after Gerrard. Also Hen and Karen were freshly back together when DADT was repealed. That makes Denny a baby on September 20th of 2011.
Enlistment periods are 8 years but that’s a mix of active and inactive duty. If Tommy signed up out of high school (18), was an active duty pilot for 6 years (24) and then moved to the reserves for the remaining two while he became a firefighter, it means he could have been a firefighter for two years longer than Hen or Chimney while being less than 10 years older than Buck.
Now none of this helps in placing where these episodes fall in the timeline, but I would say that Bobby’s first day falls about a year before the pilot, and Chimney Begins and Hen Begins butt right up together. Also I have no more information on Eli and how long he stayed after training Chim, and I probably never will because I cannot watch Boston.
More timeline BS. Hen and Karen had to have gotten together during the captain parade because Gerrard would not have let her on a call where she got hurt enough that Chim would make the call to Karen.
——————— Timeline bs over ——————
3) Tommy asks about how “New York bitchiness” could be a compliment after Howie mentioning that she has an East coast vibe, and Hen thanks him for the compliment. And then Howie makes it seem like Tommy’s calling her bitchy, but I don’t see it that way. What’s more likely is that’s the only vibe he knows from the east coast, so when Howie suggests she has it, he’s like, wait you think that’s a compliment? Howie treats it like Tommy’s calling Hen a bitch, but it honestly didn’t come off that way, more like Tommy trying to clarify that Howie wasn’t calling Hen a bitch by saying she has an “East Coast Vibe”. Anyway this conversation quickly devolves in Gerrard being a misogynist, and Tommy and DeLuca quickly scamper off.
4) Not Tommy related, but we do have someone with insight into being an openly gay firefighter now. Casey with the 115. He says that they knew he was gay from the moment he walked in, and it didn’t matter that he was the strongest guy in the firehouse. Here we have proof that it doesn’t matter your qualifications, if you’re perceived as gay, you’re automatically singled out. He said it was so hard that he was told to quit and find a new dream by his partner. Now, there is a red flag about your SO tellingly you to give up your dreams, but can you imagine how bad it would have been for the boyfriend to get to that point? The person you care about coming home every night defeated and downtrodden over something that’s supposed to be his dream? The ease in which Casey shed the boyfriend makes me think that they weren’t together long enough to earn those privileges, but the job also gets a red flag for being so bad that you’d advise your short term boyfriend to quit.
5) Hen’s speech. During this we don’t see him often, because he’s off to the side. The camera is more focused on Gerrard, DeLuca and Howie for the most part. But he does seem very closed off, when you do see him, his arms crossed, not standing defensively or challengingly like DeLuca, but like he’s trying to shrink. Actually it kind of reminds me of another queer firefighter that we all know.
6) We don’t get to see much more of the reactions because we go immediately into a call where a party limo crashed into a flower truck. Which we only know about because Hen went looking for it, saving the life of a little boy. Tommy tells her good job, that they would have discovered the secondary wreck eventually but that it would have been too late. She also has now earned Sal’s respect.
7) When they get back the Chief is there. Now remember, she gave her speech, they went out, they come back out and Gerrard is being removed. Nothing that happened on that call or involving her speech has anything to do with this. She thinks she’s being fired, that Gerrard called while heading to or back from the scene to have her removed, but that’s not the case. Her speech wasn’t actually necessary because everyone was already complaining about how Gerrard treated her. They even talk about someone who compared Gerrard and his behavior to hemorrhoids. Which I’m not saying could be from the army pilot who was probably deployed and had to undergo long-term constipation or diarrhea, but it could be.
Now all in all, there nothing really bad about Tommy’s behavior that we’ve seen. He doesn’t approach Hen, but we’ve seen from her interactions with Howie that she barely accepts his overtures of friendship in the beginning, and Tommy is much more closed off, remembering how he only opened up to Howie after he saved his life. He also doesn’t stand up for Hen to the captain’s face, but as an Army guy, he follows the chain of command. Doesn’t mean he won’t file one or two or three complaints through the proper channels. He just can’t afford to put himself in Gerrard’s crosshairs, can’t afford to undergo his scrutiny.
Bobby Begins Again
1) Hen has started a betting pool on the newest captain. Over under is 6 weeks, making me think that that’s the least amount of time a Captain stayed (about a month and a half and if they had 6 captains in 2 years that’s an average of 4 months). Tommy gives Nash a month and has to run to the ATM. DeLuca is obviously the main antagonizer, it sounds like he wanted the 118 and was denied (Also ABC, maybe bring him back ala Billy Tyson? Might be fun.).
2) Tommy has never worked on a farm, or dealt with toddlers. Cause he was floundering and falling all over himself when trying to catch Maurice the rooster. All in all these calls don’t show much. Tommy follows Bobby’s instructions, even though part of time he’s just parroting what Sal says, no arguments. Adds further credibility to the fact that he follows chain of command. It doesn’t matter that this guys only going to last a month, he’s my captain now.
3) During the Guillermo’s fire, Sal breaks rank to save the kid (which considering who that kid grows up to be, it sucks that he was successful). But when Bobby takes him to task for endangering them all, Sal doubles down. I thought I was paying attention during this scene, but it’s hard with the yelling. At least two people try to get him to cool it, one of them being Chimney who calls DeLuca “Fredo”.
4) They’re all at the bar, talking about Sal getting fired when Bobby shows up and the vibes change. Now sometime over the past twoish years Tommy is single, and it seems chronically at least to the house. Maybe because Gerrard is gone he doesn’t have to maintain a beard anymore, but with the endless captain parade and DeLuca being a tool, he doesn’t feel comfortable coming out? I think he’s also classified the 118 as unsafe, so maybe this lended a reason for his later transfer. But as he says, “Single is easier. Having the scars impresses women, getting ‘em freaks ‘em out.” Which gives heavy implications that like Buck in season one, Tommy isn’t dating but hooking up. If he’s gay, then his partners would have to be okay with the fact that he’s still closeted. And mention of women aside, it’s implied that a longer term relationship ended because he got hurt on the job. (This is why I don’t ascribe to the Tommy dated Abby theory. She implied that her relationship ended because of Patricia, and Tommy implies his last was due to injury. Which could be. He got hurt on the job and she couldn’t handle care giver burden for both of them? But that’s also turning Abby into Shannon Diaz pt 1 and while I dislike both women, they don’t need to be same character different font.) Here’s what I think. He got hurt on the job, and his long term boyfriend couldn’t even go to the hospital to check on him because he wasn’t out to his crew, causing them to break up.
Also for all you Buck/Tommy writers, Tommy canonically has a scar on his right side from a piece of shrapnel that he caught. He says it’s from a factory explosion. I don’t have the ability to get screen shots atm, but it’s pretty.
5) Tommy quotes Fight Club with Chim. So maybe another victim of the Han School of Movie References?
6) Bobby starts with family dinners. Tommy decides to transfer. The cake says, “The 217’s lose is our gain,” and they push his head into it.
The very next scene is Buck walking into the 118.
So all in all, we see Tommy as a deeply guarded character. He doesn’t open up easily, he follows orders, he has a soft side. I don’t really know how to conclude this because I sprinkled my impressions throughout, but I hope that this helps anyone who’s looking for Tommy characterization, and we’ll see tomorrow if any of this is right.
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avaetin · 8 months
(Untitled) AU of an AU
P.S. The thread was getting long, it was difficult to reblog on my phone, so here you go @haiseiscute333.
Also, this is 2k words, which I finished in one sitting, so apparently I'm not burnt out. Just idea and inspiration wise, in regards to my existing works OTL
Break-ups sucked.
At twenty-four, Nico genuinely thought that he was past this stage and on the road of settling down with the love of his life. Well, that was the plan, but the universe obviously had something different in mind. Because after two blissful years of being in a relationship, he and Percy Jackson broke up.
For the record, it was him who broke up with America’s all-time male sweetheart, and not the other way around. Not that that information would ever become public. Just like our relationship, Nico thought bitterly as he stabbed his strawberry parfait with a metal spoon. It was one of the many reasons why they broke up in the first place - he became tired of being Percy’s “mystery partner”. Two years was ample time for Percy to come out to the public regarding his sexuality; Nico highly doubted that the public would persecute their sweetheart for coming out as bisexual. He’s not even coming out as gay, Nico scoffed, stabbing his parfait once more. But no, Percy insisted he needed more time.
To be fair, Nico was fine with that. He was willing to wait for Percy because he genuinely believed that he was the love of his life. They even shared - what Nico considered at the time - a most wonderful and magical summer together as children, for Pete’s sake! Kid Percy even knelt at his feet, professing his love for him, and claimed he would marry him in the future with one of those tacky candy ring pops. Nico wished he could shove it up his ass, along with his many broken promises in the span of two years. But, coming back to the original subject, even Nico had his limits. Percy forgetting his birthday again in their two years of relationship, and going to America’s sweetheart, Annabeth Chase’s, celebratory party was it.
In retrospect, Nico should have ditched his ass a year ago when Percy neither confirmed nor denied to the media of being in a relationship with Annabeth. Or maybe, when he forgot Nico’s birthday because he was busy shooting a film. Or maybe, when he forgot their anniversary because he was booked for photoshoots and interviews. But, for once, Nico had been stupid, just because this was his childhood sweetheart. He really should’ve known better.
Now, here he was, dressed in disguise in ‘Elysium’ - his (secretly) favorite hole-in-the-wall dessert bar - stabbing the poor strawberry parfait in his hand as he wallowed in self-pity. Did he cry over Percy? Of course, he did! But not for the reasons anyone might assume. That fucker made him waste two of his precious years on him, of course he would cry over the time he lost! This, stabbing a parfait, was just part of his self-healing. Tomorrow, he will be a better person. He’d be the industry’s charming darling, as he had been for years. But for now, he just wanted to be human without the paparazzi’s eyes on him.
“If you stab that any harder, the glass will break.” A soft voice interrupted his thoughts, making him pause mid-stab. Scoffing, and with a retort on the tip of his tongue, Nico raised his head to glare at whoever was addressing him, only for him to visibly pause, suddenly at a loss for words as he gazed directly into the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. And that was saying a lot, since there were a lot of genuinely good-looking guys surrounding Nico on a daily basis.
The man before him was either a businessman or a lawyer, or somewhere along those lines. He was dressed for the part, and he exuded an imposing amount of confidence to be the part. He possessed a lean physique, his body adorned by a pristine gray suit that surprisingly complimented his wavy yet artistically messy platinum white hair. But in Nico’s opinion, what was most striking about him was the color of his eyes - those gorgeous emerald green eyes that seemed to glisten under the dim lights, especially so when the man offered him the most pleasant smile he had ever seen on anyone.
There was, however, only one flaw: the man before him looked almost like the carbon copy of Percy Jackson.
“Do you mind if I join you?” The man politely asked, gesturing towards the empty seat opposite of Nico. “I won’t stay long.”
If Nico’s mind wasn’t malfunctioning, perhaps he would have questioned why this gorgeous man decided to sit with him when there were a lot of empty tables and chairs in the nearly empty establishment. But, at that moment, all he could do was nod his head robotically, his traitorous heart doing somersaults in his chest as the smile on the man’s lips widened and brightened in response. Almost immediately, as soon as the man sat down, a steaming cup of coffee and a glass of strawberry parfait was placed in front of him by one of the servers who, just as quickly, made themselves scarce.
“Here.” The man pushed the strawberry parfait towards Nico’s direction, much to the latter’s confusion. “That-” The man gestured with a tilt of his head towards the then unappetising-looking parfait in between them which Nico had been brutalizing seconds ago. “-can’t possibly be appetizing. Please, take a fresh one. My treat.”
Russet-brown eyes narrowed in response, logic and reason slowly starting to return to Nico. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m good with the one I ordered.”
For some reason, the man looked disappointed at his refusal but nodded in understanding. “I see. I won’t force you. But, rest assured, it had nothing in it.” As if to make a point, the man scooped a little bit of everything on his spoon, his eyes never leaving Nico’s as he slipped it into his mouth, his lips wrapping around the utensil.
This man should be illegal, was Nico’s questionable thought, as he watched the movement of the man’s throat, his own swallowing in tandem unbeknownst to him. Emerald green eyes sparked with amusement and delight at his response which Nico failed to notice in his moment of (apparent) weakness.
“So, what brings you to this hole-in-the-wall establishment?” The man casually inquired, pushing aside the dessert in favor of drinking his coffee. He carefully took a sip, his eyes slipping close for a brief moment as he savored its exquisite flavor.
“I could ask the same thing,” Nico countered, still cautious. “What’s a… businessman or a lawyer doing in a place like this?”
“Both, actually,” the man answered, lowering his cup. “To answer your question, I actually own this dessert bar. One of my many ventures.”
“A failed one?” Nico blurted out without thinking, slapping a hand over his mouth a second later due to his slip.
Surprisingly, the man laughed. “Is that what you believe? Success is… subjective. As long as the Nico di Angelo continues to patronize my humble establishment, I don’t see it as a failure.”
At the mention of his name, Nico stiffened in his seat, his eyes widening in alarm. The spoon slipped from his hand, landing on the table with a soft thump.
“What…? How did you…? How long…?” Nico couldn’t finish his statements. He should’ve bluffed, denied the man’s statement, something, but he was certain that it was futile to lie in front of his person. But how did this person figure out his identity? His disguise had always been impeccable. Even the paparazzi had yet to capture any images of him in disguise, only what Nico intended for them to gather.
“I’ve known since the moment you stepped inside all those years ago,” the man admitted, taking another slow sip from his cup. “But, as with any establishments that I own, it is my policy to give any of our patrons utmost privacy. As for how I know…”
Those gorgeous eyes stared intently at Nico once more, as if he was searching for something. It was only for a second, but Nico saw sadness in them when the man, presumably, didn’t find what he was looking for.
“I would recognize those beautiful brown eyes anywhere,” the man finished, his lips curling to a small smile while Nico’s cheeks reddened at the compliment. “You’re rather famous in this establishment, if you must know. But not for the reasons you’re thinking of. You’re… notorious for visiting whenever you’re in a horrible mood, taking out your anger on the food,” the man stated, gesturing towards Nico’s recent victim. “The staff actually sent me over, just to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself, in case you break the glass.”
“I-I’m sorry. It won’t happen again,” Nico said, embarrassed. It won’t happen again, because he mentally decided to never come here again, for the sake of preserving his dignity, or whatever remains of it.
“It’s fine, Mr. di Angelo,” the man said in reassurance. “I’m glad that you can find comfort here. Besides, this place is still running despite being a ‘failed venture’ because of you. If you stopped visiting…”
The man trailed off, but Nico could connect the dots. Great. Suddenly, he had a bunch of stranger’s employment in his conscience.
“Since you know me, I think it’s fair that I should know you as well,” Nico said, picking up his spoon from the table. Since the dessert was mostly liquid at this point, he simply stirred the ingredients inside the glass, combining them together.
“You do. You should…” the man murmured absent-mindedly, but with the clanking of the spoon against the glass, it was lost on Nico. Fixing a smile on his face, the man introduced himself. “I’m Aeon Oceanus. Just Aeon is fine.”
“Oh,” Nico blinked. “Not… Not Jackson…?”
To Nico, it seemed that he had said the wrong thing as those gorgeous eyes suddenly hardened marginally, a slight coldness to them.
“You’re wondering if I’m related to Percy Jackson.” It was a statement, not a question. Guiltily, Nico lowered his eyes to the table as Aeon sighed softly. “It’s fine. I get that question a lot. Perseus, that brat, he’s my younger twin brother. He took our mother’s maiden name since he ‘doesn’t want the family name to buy his position in the industry’,” Aeon explained. “Forgive me but I don’t really like talking about that child. It’s not as if we’re on the best terms either.”
Nico could tell. He had never heard Percy talk about an older sibling, let alone a twin. Then again, they… never had a lot of opportunities to talk. They couldn’t meet too much since that would spark rumors of them dating, which as true as they were, Percy didn’t want to be involved in. And when they did meet, it was only because their work schedules coincide or they were working on the same project.
Was I even in a relationship? Nico wondered, downing half of the parfait-turned-smoothie in one go. Thinking about it, they were more committed to their relationship towards their work than each other. Perhaps, that was why Percy couldn’t come out, Nico had to consider. Perhaps, in Percy’s head, Nico wasn’t offering him enough support as a partner for him to feel safe to come out.
Aeon quietly observed the many emotions that flitted across the younger male’s expression. He might not be on good terms with Percy, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t aware of the… events in his brother’s life.
“I should get going,” Aeon announced all of a sudden, rising from his seat. He fixed a polite smile on his face as he turned to address the young celebrity, handing him his business card. “It was a pleasure to have your company, regardless of how brief it was. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me.”
“Legal reasons? Or business reasons?” Nico asked.
“Anything,” Aeon said. Nico wasn’t fully aware of the weight of his words, but he soon will. “I have matters I need to attend to, but please feel free to stay for as long as you like. It’s on the house.”
“It’s fine, no worries,” Nico refused immediately, shaking his head. “I can pay for myself.”
There was a playful twinkle of Aeon’s eyes as he leaned down, the suddenness of the gesture surprising Nico who could only stare at the older male in stunned silence as the gap between their faces gradually became less and less. Nico barely registered the man’s thumb brushing lightly against the edge of his lips as his sense of smell was suddenly assaulted by the man’s pleasant cologne.
“This is enough payment,” Aeon said, showing his thumb towards Nico, who took a few seconds to compose himself and process what was on the other’s thumb. Belated, he realized with embarrassment that it was a small amount of cream. Before Nico could offer a tissue or a towel to wipe it down, Aeon brought it close to his lips, a pink tongue swiping gently across the pad of his finger. His eyes never left the younger male all this time, his gaze burning… something… pleasant in Nico.
“I’ll see you soon, Mr. di Angelo,” Aeon said, his words sounding like a promise as he bid his goodbye, leaving the flustered celebrity behind, clutching tightly yet preciously onto the business card left in his hands.
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ghostlymarauder · 9 months
Maybe that sounds crazy. Maybe it's been said a million times. Anyway, I'm just ranting about my 3 am thoughts.
I know in G3 we have non-binary Frankie (who also has a prosthetic leg), and the Draculaura doll is more curvy. But as far as I'm concerned, they took everything else that made Monster High inclusive.
For starters, and I know it was never actually confirmed, but still, Clawdeen is lesbian (bisexual at best). Once again, it was never confirmed, but in my opinion is a theory popular enough for the Monster High management to hear about it.
If they really wanted to make it more inclusive, why did they not confirm Clawdeen sexuality and give her a female romantic interest?
No, they had to break up one of their best couples. This leads me to my next point, what the fuck are Cleo and Deuce doing being separated?
The first G1 dolls literally came as a package. If you got one, you got the other. That's how much of an obvious couple they were. And not only that, in the Boo York movie, they broke up for like five minutes before realizing they didn't want to be without each other.
Which, in my opinion, it's so fucking cute because they come from completely different worlds. Cleo is royalty, Deuce is just a normal guy. Cleo is a little too superficial, and Deuce looks like he never showers. But they love each other and that's enough.
And you know who else loved each other and that was enough? Clawd and Draculaura. What do you even mean with "Clawd likes Cleo"? That man was in love with Draculaura, that man would've done anything for her, and you're telling me they also broke them apart?
Especially since they made Draculaura curvy, it would've been beautiful to see them together. Because it would've been a great plot point to have jock, almost-bully Clawd evolve into falling in love with curvy, smart, witchy Draculaura. But no, they just separated them.
On a completely different note. What the fuck is Gil doing without his tank? Do I even have to explain why this is taking inclusivity out of the Monster High concept? He couldn't live without his tank outside the water. Ergo, he was limited without his tank. If you ask me, this is Monster High equivalent to something like hearing aids (and this is just an example, there are many other things you could compare Gil's tank to)
Also, Ghoulia talking bothers me a lot. First of all, she was the smartest of the group, but we couldn't understand what she was saying, which added a lot of comedy since us, the spectators, were only pretending to know what the fuck Ghoulia's plan was. And I repeat, she was the smartest of the group.
The smartest of the group couldn't communicate like everyone else. I won't even explain why that is fascinating in itself, because it just is and it added so much depth to whole story. And to add more to my problem with G3 Ghoulia, why is she standing straight and walking at a regular speed?
Ghoulia standing like a zombie was, again, to me, a form of inclusivity to all the kids out there who had some walking impediment, or, in general, had any chronic illness that stopped them from moving around. And her walking slow as fuck was just straight-up funny (especially that one web episode where she got a motorcycle).
There's a lot of things I do like about G3, as I think it improves the brand in wonderful ways, but they definitely took some of the most essential things that made Monster High what it was.
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porcelainmortal · 3 months
Happy Friday! How about some firstprince and 🩵 Turquoise: Magic? 👀
Thank you for the ask @myheartalivewrites!! I am sorry this took so long, but, well... it is a bit long. This "ficlet" clocks in at 1100 words and I cut it down so many times, but alas. It's a fat ficlet. I hope you love it just the same!! 💕
Selena Martinez, in her little shop below a Jewish deli in the East Village, told a somewhat lost Alex that his dream job was in New York City. Not two months after finishing school in D.C. did Alex land the perfect job. And he hadn't even applied; a former professor of his had recommended him to a colleague in the city and they'd called and offered it to him. It was like magic.
Alex never believed in psychics – mediums, tarot cards, crystals, Ouija boards – it was all a bunch of bullshit in his book. But, he'd visited June in New York City two years ago and she'd brought him to a psychic she swore would change his life and fuck if she wasn't right.
So, now two years and two months after moving to New York, Alex is heading back to Psychic Selena, as he affectionately calls her, to ask about his love life. His time on the New York dating scene has confirmed exactly two things: 1) he’s definitely bisexual and 2) dating is exhausting. He intends to ask Selena where and when he might meet the love of his life.
Selena is exactly as he remembers; a thick Spanish accent, long, somewhat untamed hair, and lots of jewelry. She reminds him a bit of his great aunt on his dad's side. And Salma Hayek. She's a true Bruja, June says, and Alex trusts her. 
She greets him at the door and gets right down to business.
“I'll need a personal item,” she says, holding out a hand. He had to do this last time, too, so he hands her the key from around his neck again. Last time she had commented how it pulsed strongly with his energy and commended him on his choice. She doesn't dole out the same praise this time and part of him wilts a bit in disappointment. 
She steps over to a table against the wall and starts arranging some items. 
“You're not going to read my cards again?” He asks nervously. 
Last time she had just wrapped his key around her wrist, shuffled some tarot cards, and did a fairly quick reading. Alex had worried about how much June spent on it until it turned out to be worth every penny.
“Soulmate magic is a bit more complicated.”
“Soulmate?” Alex asks. “That's a real thing?”
“Mhm," she nods, spooning loose leaf tea into a small teapot. 
“Does everyone have one?” 
“No,” she says, peering at him sideways. “But you do.”
Alex’s heart thuds.
“And you can help me find them?”
“If you're meant to. Seeking the unknown is a risk, and if it’s too soon, this won’t work.”
“Oh,” Alex replies dumbly. Knowing he has a fucking soulmate out there is not helping his impatience.
She stirs the tea in careful circles, murmuring in Spanish that's too low for Alex to hear. He waits, trying not to fidget anxiously. 
“Drink this,” she says eventually, turning to hand him a cup.
“I'm really more of a coffee guy,” he says, staring into the dark brew, which seems to almost shimmer like she'd dropped edible gold dust in it.
“I must read your tea leaves,” Selena explains with a wave of her hand, sitting down at the table opposite him. She takes out her tarot cards and begins shuffling. 
He drinks the tea, which surprisingly tastes pretty good. It's a bit earthy with a hint of something citrusy and almost grassy, like matcha. Alex hated matcha when he tried it once, as a way to curb his coffee addiction, because he thought it tasted like a freshly mown lawn, but this is more of a refreshing flavor. It brings to mind warm summer days at the lake and clear blue waters he wants to swim in.
He downs the tea quickly because Selena has now placed a bunch of cards on the table face down and is eyeing him with thinly veiled impatience. When he hands over his mug, she looks into the bottom of the cup. 
“Oh,” she says with some surprise. “This man is already in your life.”
“He is?”
“Mhm.” She puts the mug to the side and places a few more cards down on top of the other ones. She begins flipping them over, humming quietly to herself a bit before speaking. “You have worked with this man. He is likely tall, fair-haired–”
“So it's not Regé-Jean Page?” Alex jokes. Selena levels him with a look, shutting him up immediately. 
“I get the sense he is not American,” she continues as she flips more cards. “Perhaps descended from royalty.”
“I’m sorry, did you just say royalty?”
“Mhm,” she responds, not looking at him. “You don’t know him well but he seeks you out.” She taps a card.
Alex looks over the cards and recognizes a few from June’s dabbling – The Lovers, the Ace of Cups, The Sun – but Selena doesn’t explain the meaning behind each one. She points to a few here and there, talks about the symbolism of the suits and the body language of the characters, and Alex tries to keep up. She concludes the reading with a soft smile.
“You have a long and happy future with this person, if you commit to loving them. You are twin flames, made for each other in every way.”
“Wait– you said ‘him’ before and now you’re saying ‘them.’ Is it a woman or a man?”
“All signs indicate this is a male lover, but I can’t be entirely sure, you understand.” 
Alex nods, taking back his key when she holds it out to him and looping the chain around his neck. He gets up and heads toward the door, but something stops him. He turns around.
“You said I have a soulmate before you even started the reading.”
“I can sense it in your aura, your soul crying out for its other half.” 
It nearly makes him want to cry. Alex has never considered himself incomplete or missing something, but he has always wished for someone who could understand him and be his true match. Like Nora and June. He exits Selena’s shop and steps onto the sidewalk. 
“Oh, pardon me,” a voice says, as someone exiting the deli knocks into his right. Alex turns in surprise, his reply dying on his tongue as his eyes land on Henry Fox, someone he met briefly through work about a year before and has seen only in passing since then. Alex takes in the tall, blond, British man with eyes like a clear blue lake and– oh. Oh. He smiles.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Well... People are aware that if some are not happy that Michael becomes Michaela and do not want Sophie to also become an individual of the opposite sex, therefore a man, for Benedict... well that's nothing have with homophobia ?
It's quite simply that we cared and care about these characters that are Michael Stirling and Sophie Beckett ?
Personally, I don't care if Benedict is bi. Who didn't suspect it after season 1 ? It didn't shock me at all.
But it's not because he is confirmed bi that some people should suddenly hope that Sophie becomes a man ?! For what ?! Sophie is a great female character ! And I don't want anyone to touch it ! At this point, I've been waiting for years for the Sophie in the book to meet the Benedict in the show (because I find the one in the book bland...). There is the potential for a great love story !
Look, I really understand the desire for representation, but there are other shows for that if you want !
Limit, if Bridgerton wanted queer characters, they could invent or take secondary characters for that ! Brimsley and Reynolds were excellent ! After all, they fill this show with a pretty unnecessary subplot ! They could have completely made up this type of plot which for the most part would have been much more interesting !
Moreover, Benedict could very well have had adventures with men during seasons 1 and 2 instead of always making him change female partners until making him have a threesome with another man, just before the season or he is supposed to marry a woman. No because if this is supposed to be a real arc of discovery and exploration for Benedict... well that's pretty damn botched.
It's almost like it's basically there to just confirm the suspicions about Benedict's bisexuality that have been there since the beginning of the show. There is no real discovery and really in-depth exploration. It's like it's there just to be there.
Again, it would have been much better, if the goal was really to have Benedict discover more about his sexuality, to see him explore it in previous seasons. Or simply from part 1 of season 3 and not just in part 2 ?
And obviously the people who are super happy about that (which is to their credit even if I don't think it was very well written) some want Sophie to become a man and... I clearly say no.
As much Michael we will say that I can accept it, because it makes (technically) sense since Francesca as a widow will not be obliged to marry again m, and I imagine that in this scenario she will surely succeed in having a son by John / fall pregnant shortly before he died so that she could continue to live peacefully in security and then experience her second romance with Michaela to represent the second chance in true love. On the other hand, I imagine that we will lose all this desire for motherhood that Francesca had in the book which had particularly touched me, but we will see what they will write to compensate. Until then I I really like Francesca from the show after all, so we'll see ! And then, I never deprive myself of a good romance between two women, so if it's done well I would surely appreciate it. But nothing will match Franchael's original story in my heart... They were objectively the best Bridgerton romance, as well as the best book. So it’s a real shame not to see it adapted for the screen.
But the central fact is ; Why touch on central romances for beginning ?
Once again, this has nothing to do with homophobia for the most part, but simply the fact of caring about these characters who basically come from the books.
My god, are you aware that some people who didn't want Michael to change sex or don't want the same thing to happen to Sophie are members of the queer community ?!
The thing is, I really hope Sophie doesn't get changed into a man. She is the best female character in the books for me and I don't want to lose her.
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
Not really an interpretation, just a clarification!
ok little Yoshiden fan approaching... I'm afraid we're not happy with the same thing
If I'm shouting Yoshiden content, it's because it's been a long time since Yoshida last appeared. And even longer since he interacted with Denji.
What I loved about this chapter was seeing them in even more opposite positions, but still seeing Yoshida's slightly silly side. Always wanting to provoke Denji and trigger angry emotions.
Now... interpreting an entire scene in a sexualized way is disturbing. I've even seen people say that Fujimoto deliberately set up a strange yaoi-style atmosphere with consent bias. Fans see it as confirmation of a sadistic Yoshida who dreams of having a hold on Denji.
I hope I don't have to go on and on about how strange I find it to interpret these things in this way, not least because Yoshida and Denji are both minors, but also because to interpret the whole scene as gay bating or fan service is once again to miss the point of the chapter entirely.
Let's stop and think. It all makes sense, and nothing but absolutely NOTHING has been set up just for fan service. If Denji is almost naked, it's for two reasons in my opinion. A punishment from Yoshida, but like a frustrated teenager punishing another for not listening to him (Denji showed too much of himself as Chainsaw Man and came close several times to revealing his identity to Asa).
Then, in a symbolic way, to show Denji's vulnerability, as he's left with nothing. Far from Nayuta. Far from Asa. Far from his beloved dogs.
Finally, to contrast with the famous plan to do everything in his power to protect Chainsaw Man. Boom. On the next page, we see Denji in a rather humiliating and dehumanizing position. Symbolizing that NO, this isn't really in his best interest.
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I don't want to unpack this old debate yet, but the reason I'm producing more content about Asaden is because fans see them more as a couple between two teenagers. I don't like the interpretation of Yoshiden fans, who are always on the verge of consent, imagining Yoshida as a sadist in his thirties when he's a teenager whose only way of communicating is through manipulation and provocation. I like Yoshiden because I think it's funny to see Denji explore an unexpected bisexuality. I'd like some sweet content in between.
Denji is a victim of abuse. Yoshida seems like a victim crushed by the equally biased system. I don't want them to hurt each other.
Queer content has to stop being tinged with violence, whether physical or sexual.
It can also just be cute.
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moonisneveralone · 2 months
I'm not trusting y'all again. I got my beef with Kendrick. He's a good artist, but he's still got some hotep tendencies that I can never really accept. HOWEVER. Y'all really had me believing Auntie Diaries was this embarassing no go, when it really wasn't.
I can totally accept that it's jarring. It is. It's like most black people are tired of seeing black people suffer on screen right? I distrust most of these movies, but once in a blue moon you will get a Moonlight or a Get Out. For people who staunchly dislike black suffering on screen (because of real life obviously) it will still be a jarring and uncomfortable watch, but both movies are amazing and well done. They nail their subject matter.
And so did Kendrick. Auntie Diaries is not a song for trans people in that sense. It is pro trans, but again it is not there to meet trans people where they are (ahead of us cis people). Which is why I'm not trying to speak over trans people or telling them they have to like it. It is about meeting cis people where they are. And arguably black religious cis people.
It is also about Kendricks own journey to understanding his family members who have transitioned and how his behaviour harmed his relationship with his family members. Yes he uses slurs, but critically towards the end of the song he stops doing that and censores the slur as "F-Bomb". Because the song is supposed to symbolize his learning curve. He also turns it around and says we can all use it together, but only if we say using the n-word is okay. Something that he has experienced himself. At one of his shows he asked a white fan to not use it and gave her the mic she then proceeded to censor it once and then say it thought the verse.
The end of the song is him saying he chose humanity over his religion. He wants to love his family and that he also wants to stop being a hypocrite.
My personal assesment of him is that he is a hypocrite. But humams contain multitudes right?
He just really isn't a hypocrite about this.
But I also just followed whatever the hell people on here were saying and never confirmed shit for myself so who am I to judge?
Again I'm not saying he deserves flowers for this. Even though I'm very sure this could have been and interesting conversation to have. I also think anti blackness and maybe just a valid general distrust of cis straight men (and to white people the fact that he's black) played into this incredibly uncharitable reading of this song.
And I guess today I'm extra mad about it, because I saw someone come for Megan the Stallion about her not actually being bisexual. How is openly dating a woman as a famous person the standard? How many lesbians who are famous only really go out with their partners when it's long term? How many famous white lesbians can you name that are out in town with women they aren't married to? Yeah, do you think that it might be because the scrutiny is draining and scary? Do they need to show up with a girl so you can tick it off in your little who's really gay box?
I really can't help but feel white LGBTQ+ people don't want us to be a part of the conversation at all. And if we are a part of it it has to be in a demure and simple way. There is no room for complexity or to bring up issues. Truely in a glitzy glam respectability era.
Also stop acting like y'all grew up super unproblematic. I know some of y'all were straight up acting like demons because y'all couldn't accept yourself. If we can hold space for that complicated journey why not for a man who struggled to understand and accept his family members, because of all the conflicting messaging he was getting, but then found his way to love them and put them above his religion?
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gerogerigaogaigar · 4 months
We're almost at the end. Since this is the gay sex website or whatever I've put together a list of lgbtq+ rappers. This list obviously trends a little more towards the modern scene and a little more obscure. But there are definitely some very big names here.
TERROR PACKETS Backxwash is my favorite modern rapper. She's a trans woman who often raps about trans issues. She needs to be more popular. please I need people to listen to her she is so good and I want queer horrorcore to be A Thing.
New York Angel Haze's relationship to gender is "I don't consider myself of any sex. I consider myself an experience." I like the beat on this song, just that fuzzy bass hit and claps to help emphasize his bouncy flow.
Georgia You probably know him from rap crew Brockhampton, but Kevin Abstract's solo work is arguably better for the way it blends hip-hop and R&B. Kevin Abstract is an out and proud gay man and he sings about it frequently.
MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) You know this one. Lil Nas X kinda surprised me when he put out an entire album that was actually good start to finish, but the lead single still stands out as one of the best pop rap tunes I've ever heard.
WAP Once again, You know what this is. Both Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion have come out as bisexual. And when you consider how often both women rap about pussy it's clear they weren't really trying to hide it.
Sugar Honey Iced Tea (S.H.I.T.) Princess Nokia feels like they should be bigger. Their music is catchy, a little experimental and brings a bit of punk influence. Their back to back 2020 releases Everything Sucks and Everything Is Beautiful ought to be on more people's mind. Oh and Princess Nokia is bi and uses she/they pronouns.
Rent Bounce music is still a little way from being mainstream, but once people start paying attention they're gonna be bumping Big Freedia nonstop. You might recognize her voice from Beyonce's hit Break My Soul. Her genre defining style blends hip-hop and dance music in a way unique to the New Orleans club scene. Big Freedia identifies as a gay male, but also is okay with any pronouns and acknowledges that a lot of her style and gender presentation is based on the local drag scene.
Don Dada Cakes Da Killa is one of the more popular gay rappers out there. Don Dada has a groovy house beat that gives his voice a nice bounce.
SORRY NOT SORRY Odd Future alumni Tyler, The Creator had been hinting for a bit that he might be bi and this song from his most recent album confirms it. On top of that it is a great dialogue between the two sides of himself, the one that feels insecure for his past behavior and the side that wants to be proud of himself.
Ladies First The first female rap star recently introduced the world to her girlfriend. So it looks like there have been queer rappers as far back as the 80's. Looking back at her biggest hit I guess it is about loving women when you get down to it.
To Be Concluded ===> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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pseudolife · 6 months
every once and a while on my personal blog i'm reminded of this interview from 2022 where elliot talks about how happy he is to see someone "who looks like me, or identifies like me being celebrated as a hero." in reference to gaz. implying he's gay. and i start to cry because it really be like that. gaz is gay. gaz is gay in canon, and elliot actively ships gazprice. and then i think about CANON LESBIAN KATE LASWELL talking about her fucking WIFE. and bisexual alejandro as confirmed by alain mesa. and how fuckin, neil actively goes out of his way to search and like soapghost on twitter (please, we have ALL SEEN THE LIKES, THE REPOSTS, THE UNPROMPTED AND EXCITED TALKING ABOUT IT) and how sam is EXACTLY IN THE SAME BOAT (and i suspect this is why soap was killed because YA CANT HAVE GHOST BE GAY NOPE he is the cishet male fantasy character despite... everything.), and that yulian ACTIVELY searches the makarov tags on social media (please note: NOT HIS NAME. AND NOT #MAKAROV BUT SIMPLY JUST MAKAROV AND MWIII) and SHARES ALL THE ART INCLUDING GAY SHIP ART with his fans in a group chat in instagram (YES BITCH, I AM IN THAT AND YES BITCH, HE GIVES OUT CREDIT. AND IF HE IS ALERTED TO STOLEN ART, HE CORRECTS HIMSELF IMMEDIATELY AND GOD I LOVE YULIAN MORE THAN I LOVE BREATHING) BUT HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO THAT. HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF IT??? He also ACTIVELY LIKES art he's not even tagged in with ships with Makarov and other characters in the series. (1, 2) (he also.. likes ghostsoap???? again an unprompted LIKE ON TWITTER) but also that stefan (nikolai) has actively liked and retweeted nikprice art before and also he's really into the deadpool/colossus ship and that's a WHOLE ASS OTHER THING SURE BUT LMAO I LOVE! SUPPORTIVE! ACTORS!
I guess what I'm trying to get at is this: COD was probably not made intentionally for us, but the cast has made it so, of their own free will.
They've taken military propaganda and remixed it square enix style for people who don't get to see themselves represented in media ever, especially as heroes. (allow me to borrow Elliot's wording, it's so so so important okay.)
Well, except Vova Makarov.
And, yanno, the fact that the boys are literal war criminals. But you know what I mean aha.
but also for fucks sake can i get some yuri content that man was so barking hot i'm still fuming about it.
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blubushie · 6 months
i am a few days late to the convo but it annoys me how many people are insistent that medic is gay without any confirmation whatsoever. until valve says something else i'm going to keep headcanoning him as bi/pan.
Nah yeah I hate it too. Fucking bi erasure man. And people either completely ignore Medic's wife and say Demo was talking out his arse (fine by me tbh) or people say Medic's wife is his beard which. As a bisexual man with a heavy preference for men. Oh my god shut the fuck up. The bi erasure is real. And you know what, I like seeing the stereotype of Fruity Male broken. "Fuck your stereotypes, this bloke likes women too. You can be Effeminate Fruity Male and still like women." Cuz too many people act like it's the fucking 90s and any flamboyant man MUST BE gay. We haven't come far from calling each other gay at fucking recess cuz someone is doing something "girly", have we? We just parade it as a Good Progressive Stereotype now.
I've said it once, I'll say it again: people treat bisexuals as GayLite/Straight+, like we're exempt from bigotry/oppression/homophobia because we "can play both sides", ESPECIALLY if the relationship is opposite sex/gender but bi4bi and people act like it's not a queer relationship, not to mention the insane amount of biphobia ("bi people are cheaters/whores/etc"). What happened to born this way? What happened to we can't choose who we love? I can no more choose to fall in love with a woman or a man than I can choose to fall in love with a fucking rake. It just happens. What if I happen to fall in love with a bloke? Am I allowed to be considered part of the community then? Or am I still considered something lesser because you think I had a choice in who I caught feelings for? Suck my jorts.
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herschelkrustofsky · 9 months
@artictea asked me about my krusty hcs and i might’ve… gotten a little carried away LOL. autistic rambling about my perception of a cartoon man under the cut
- he’s 6’0 and weighs 235 lbs… big boy
- he comes from a family of ukranian immigrants and used to live in lower east side manhattan. he and his dad moved to springfield when he was about 12
- his mom, rachel, died when he was 7
- he’s a leo and a closeted bisexual
- he was born in 1955, putting him in his mid 30s to early 40s during the nineties when the show is originally set… he’s around the same age as homer & marge and was a young man when hyman kicked him out of the house
- has been in the spotlight since roughly the early 1970s, working his way to the top (will have to speculate more on the specifics of this Soon)
- he has both autism and adhd but his adhd is a lot more obvious; he and bart have this in common
- i personally disagree with the show’s diagnosis of him as bipolar… i believe he is actually suffering from bpd (may elaborate on this more another time) and major depressive disorder
- for consistency’s sake and a myriad of other reasons, i don’t think he’s illiterate, either. he has dyslexia; hebrew tends to be easier for him to read than english. after the krusty gets busted incident, he started seeking treatment for it.
- he used to do a lot more crazy stunts on his show, but a series of injuries gradually put those on the back burner — particularly due to an incident where he was misfired from a cannonball and shattered his left knee, which started a dependency on painkillers (on that note, i think chronic pain is a real issue for him)
- similarly, his cocaine addiction started off as an attempt to treat stage fright and give himself some extra energy to perform
- he sincerely loves sophie and would do anything for her; matt groening himself confirmed that she is the most important person in his life. unfortunately, hersch is often consumed by his own vices, mental illness, and overall self-absorbed thinking, and therefore doesn’t / can’t spend the amount of time with his daughter that he’d like to. he hates himself for it and is gonna to need to seriously dedicate himself to cleaning his act up if he wants to have more than a week of custody with her every year (if we’re to believe take this tidbit from the show at face value and not as a joke)
- he has tried to make peace with erin, but she’s not interested, and the clearer it becomes that sophie isn’t living her best life with her mom, the more determined he will become to get his shit sorted out
- he and bob have a complicated history. prior to krusty gets busted, they’d slept together numerous times, but never “officially” entered a relationship. herschel was very jealous of bob’s sense of security in himself (especially within his sexuality), which unfortunately manifested in being way too aggressive with him on the show and putting bob in humiliating situations. herschel comes to regret his behaviour eventually and acknowledges that he deserved the punishment bob dished out on him (as seen in day of the jackanapes).
- mel once harboured a crush on him, and while it fizzled out over time, he still spends many years craving krusty’s approval. they once tried to sleep together, but herschel was unable to go through with it and started crying (he was reminded too much of bob and it was too soon after bob went to jail); it didn’t help that neither of them were sober at the time. they never tried again.
- though herschel can be quite flippant and dismissive of others, he genuinely does have issues with his memory due to multiple concussions, addiction, and neurodivergence.
- he and lois did date at one point and were in a pretty serious relationship, but she left when herschel’s many issues (understandably) became too much for her to bear. losing her is one of his biggest regrets.
- sees himself in bart, which is also why he isn’t great to him, unfortunately. self-recognition makes him uncomfortable. this gets better as they both get older and herschel realizes just how much bart is struggling at school and at home; eventually, he goes so far as to let bart stay over at his place when he and homer have serious fights.
- speaking of homer, he definitely approaches him around this time and has a stern word with him about maintaining a good relationship with his children. considering that hyman is long gone at this point, i’m sure you guys can understand why…
- is fond of marge, but would never romantically pursue her. not only because she’s married, but because she’s way too good for him and he knows it. she’s been through enough with that husband of hers as it is.
- he occasionally goes to moe’s tavern for a drink and considers him a pretty solid confidant. should they interact more, i could see them becoming a very chaotic pair of friends (or maybe friends who ground each other, who knows!)
- has drank with edna krabapple, too; they both share a similarly cynical worldview
- krusty would def be willing to play matchmaker for moe and mel in a timeline where he’s friendly with both and mentally well enough to think of other people’s needs
those are the major ones but i’m sure more will come to mind at some point!!
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solarwynd · 9 months
Some pjms are immature and let their own desires and assumptions overtake. A lot of them need to remember jimin is a grown man and not their friend. They create ideas of him based on their own interpretations and run with it. It starts with his career. Jimin is not a clueless person. Yes he can get screwed over and he has by his label during his solo era but he's not a child that has no idea what choices to make and he's not miserable. Some solos love playing managers or think they know better than him. Even the art cover for closer than this, which is usual hybe work they were ranting about it but how about letting jimin decide what he wants to do? Idk but I feel like out of all pjms nitpick so much while other solos just eat everything up. Of course we aren't a cult and we don't have to like everything but let's have boundaries and respect him. Also, people need to know the difference between art interpretation and a real person. Saying Jimin's art is queer coded or even interpreting things in that way to is one thing but it's another to make statements on his life using that. We don't know him and it's unfair to speak on someone's private life without their consent. I say this as a queer person. However one express themselves isn't a sign to state things for them. And no I'm not saying he's straight and I'm aware of the bisexual coding. But that still isn't enough for me to speak on the life of a man I don't know. And using the he can't come out argument for me also doesn't work because not everyone even wants to come out or even tries to. As a queer person myself maybe my expression shows in ways I'm queer because it happens for some and it doesn't for others so once again not denying anything but I'm not asking people to speak on it without my consent just because of the way I express myself. That's the thing consent is a big thing with things like this. I know people are curious and I'm not saying this to come at harmless queer fans. But it's not all of us and too many are overstepping and treating him like a fictional character. I'll say it's especially white queer fans and it reeks of racism and western centric ideas targeting East-asian men. And the confirmation bias is a big thing. If you look for something you will find it. Like jimin himself said in his doc filter wasn't about himself personally and just a concept while some were asserting it is to make statements about him personally. I wouldn't care if it wasn't becoming risky for him. Some of the things people were saying on Jimin's behalf regarding his sexuality and private life he never disclosed to us ahead of his enlistment were disappointing to see because it's all projection and some move like they want it to have negative repercussions for him in real life just to validate their ideas. Let me not get into the fetishizing and overly sexual lens with which all of his interactions with men are seen it's like they can't see jimin in a normal lens or let him have male friends or interactions without legit sexually harassing him over it. And I single out pjms because that's his solo fandom and I expect them to be better but this is heavily on armys/shippers too. I hope everyone takes a step back and stop being so invested in Jimin's life while he's enlisted. Because stanning should be a hobby. It's not trying to live through someone else's life. I forgot to add: there's so much biphobia it's awful to see. Because it's really both queer/gay and straight people never acknowledging bi people. It's not lost on me how people react at the idea of jimin being with a woman or even reinforcing mlm stereotypes on him based on his appearance. All because he's a pretty man. Anyways this ended up being too long but I hope for a fandom cleaning in these 18 months and for everyone to get in touch with reality. For everyone's sake and for Jimin's especially. He deserves better and respectful fans and I know he has to talent and potential to have a long and thriving career as a soloist-the best out of korea - when he comes back. I hope fans can support him the right way.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Library Scene
This scene is always interesting to me for many reasons, but one of them is the fact that the ghosts go from “hey maybe it’d be nice to have life around again” to “damn it we need to get rid of them” real fast.  Another is the key elements of the group’s dynamic that is visible throughout the series.  
Specifics Below:
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I love that Sam’s so excited about the library because (as we learned pretty much right away) she’s a writer.  Those things usually go hand in hand.  I only wish we saw more of her reading/enjoying the library. 
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Okay, I love this tidbit.  You can see that Isaac and Thor are looking at Hetty as if waiting for her to confirm that (because they have probably witnessed it), while Pete’s giving her a WTF look because he wouldn’t have witnessed it.
Also, I love the “cartoon Evil” thing since when we meet Elias, he literally feels like cartoon evil - he even twirls his mustache, evilly.
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I love that they establish that Flower is bisexual early on, she brings it up and a lot, and I like to think she and Trevor bonded over their openness regarding sex.  Also, knowing what we know, Thor’s side-eye is interesting.  He mentions boat rules later on, and has a crush on Flower, so he probably finds a connection there, despite not ever talking about it, but a lot can be conveyed in just his look.
Hetty, meanwhile, is looking at her like “are you serious” because despite living with Flower for 50 years, has not been opened up yet.  
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This is hilarious - Hetty, why are you offended?  Clearly, you know your home has been falling apart for ages.  Isaac’s side eye is hilarious.  Like “oh here we go”.
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Aw. it’s no wonder Pete gets along so well with Sam and Jay - he’s a lot like Sam!  Obviously, Jay likes that about Sam, so it makes sene that he’d like that about Pete.
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It’s so cute that they’re coming around to enjoying the possibility of the couple living there.  Although of these four it seems evenly divided on rooting / not rooting for them.
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I love that Isaac is the most freaked out in this scene.  Everyone gasps, but Isaac is freaked out the most.  Which is interesting because as of 100 years previously, Woodstone was a hotel wasn’t it?  Alberta mentions that she wasn’t allowed to stay there because of racism, and that she carried her trunk the night she preformed, so ... Doesn’t that mean, it wasn’t always just the family’s house?  Also, note for the ones below - if it was, wouldn’t Thor KNOW????  
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I love that their imaginations kind of run wild.  There’s ALOT of people in this vision.  But I can’t see a place like the B&B being THAT busy.  
Also, side note, I love how they’re all running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
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LMAO I love Hetty’s response here.  Pete’s like “My death was the worst” and she’s like “OMG man give it up” - this is even funnier when you put it with her response to Alberta “You had a heart attack - not murdered” and “not this again”.  
Also, I wonder - since Pete/Alberta are the only two to constantly bring up their deaths, if the older ghosts find that annoying?  Like are they bothered that Pete/Alberta had most specific/special deaths or just talking about their deaths in general.  Like they believe you have to let it go after a while, but Alberta’s been dead like 90 years and Pete 40 years and yet, they always bring it up.
I may need to check, but I think Flower’s the only other one to mention her death more than once that might NOT get eye rolls from Hetty/Isaac, specifically, although others do it, too.  
I wonder if there’s a certain ghost age that you pass where you stop thinking/bringing it up if it’s irrelevant?  
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Going to pause here for a second - Thor always suggests killing them, and the funniest part isn’t that it isn’t right to kill them to Alberta, it’s that Alberta straight up says “We can’t do it - physically”.  Like they have this conversation more than once.  At least here & in Jay’s sister.  
It’s interesting because Thor & Alberta have a rather opposite sort of dynamic.  Like not rivals, but they definitely have this - can’t agree with you dynamic.  And they’re sort of the first pairing to show this dynamic.  
Also, love Pete assuming that Alberta’s objection is because it’s wrong.  It’s like he doesn’t know her at all.
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OMG I love that Alberta goes into SPECIFICS of the types of deaths she’s been aware of or a part of, and Trevor and Hetty go from agreeing via nods to “WTF are you talking about?”  And Alberta shrugs and says “you hear things”.
LMAO at Hetty being “cartoon evil” per Sam earlier and then Alberta’s murders are definitely “cartoon evil”- esqe.  
Damn, Alberta.  Also, totally love the moment between Trevor and Alberta here because he doesn’t say anything, but he’s supportive until he questions where she’s getting her ideas.  Like, girl?  What did you do in life - serial killer?
I like Pete’s expression, too.  What draws him to Alberta?  Opposites attract? 
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I wonder about these things Isaac says a lot.  Do we think he knows he’s into men, but trying to hide it or convince himself otherwise?  Because it seems that way here, but later on, it’s almost like he’s completely unaware and only realizing it in Thorapy.
Okay, love Isaac, but a major beef for me is that no one brings up him objectifying Jay while everyone gives Trevor crap for it whenever he says someone’s hot.
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I love that it’s the “Baby” of the ghosts that comes up with this plan.  It makes sense that he would do it considering he’s watched movies like “ghost busters” and he’s probably been into scary movies in life.  
It’s interesting to me that he reminds them that “we’re ghosts, we can haunt” because I often wonder, especially as we see Trevor interact with the living world if he FORGETS that he’s a ghost at times.  
I also love the support he gets from Alberta and Hetty.  Alberta is nodding along with the idea, while Hetty seems impressed.  I do think that it’s interesting that he’s so excited about having an idea and being taken seriously.
We KNOW from later episodes that he DOESN’T get taken seriously due to his pants issues, so it’s GREAT and exciting for him to be taken seriously to the point where his idea is implemented.  
It shows a lot about the group as well.  
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Okay, I love this right here.  You can see that Sass is being listened to and given that he’s the second oldest ghost, it makes sense.  He’s combating the youngest ghosts’ probably rash plan and being listened to.  It establishes a lot in the dynamics.  We see Isaac as the “commanding officer” but Sass seemingly has more authority just by the way everyone seems to listen to him.  Is it his age as a ghost?  or is it his ability to tell a great story?  Hmm-mm.
I also love that this is the SECOND pairing to establish a rivals/don’t like to agree set up from the pilot - Sass & Trevor.  Trevor comes up with an idea that Sass says feels wrong, and as we learn in LL, Sass DELIBERATELY chooses the OPPOSITE side to Trevor’s whenever he can.  
We see this especially later on in Season 1 where there are SEVERAL episodes of a brotherly dynamic, that I will get into later on, but this is the first instance and it’s in the pilot - so I LOVE it.  I do have to wonder if it’s because they’re different in many ways - Sass is reserved about sex/Trevor is open about it.  Trevor is fun loving, party bro/Sass is the quiet writer.  Ect.  
Also, I wonder how this dynamic happened given that Sass was actually impressed by Trevor knowing his secret all those years.  I want more on these two.
I really wish we got more into the opposite (not close) relationships like Sass/Trevor and Alberta/Thor.  
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This is so great, we see some interesting reactions to Sass getting walked through.  
A) there’s Isaac protecting himself, hands up and all (and not trying to get Sass out of the way) - that’s another interesting dynamic while 
B) Hetty/Alberta (and Pete?) cringe away and then there’s 
C) Trevor/Flower (and Thor?) are yelling to warn Sass about Jay walking through him again.  
This is interesting to me because they all know how much it SUCKS and HURTS, and yet, those in close proximity to Sass don’t try to save him from it, and it’s two of the younger ghosts trying to warn him.  
Also WTF, when did Sam and Jay leave the scene?  The way the ghosts are standing - this would’ve already happened, no?
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Rough reactions.  Trevor looks like he’s going to be sick.  Poor Sass.
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Okay, they’re all pretty excited about Sass agreeing (and as the second oldest ghost if he hadn’t relented, I wonder if they wouldn’t have done it), but I love Trevor’s response the best.  Everyone is like “yay” and there’s Trevor jumping up and down like a puppy excited for a walk.
He and Alberta are having a freaking party in their little corner and I love it!
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Also, interesting similar hand gestures with the older ghosts.  
Anyway, this is fun - Puppy Trevor to the rescue with a plan.
Although, I get the Ghosts being like “fuck they have to leave” after the hotel vision that Isaac gives - I have to say, hindsight is 20-20, they would’ve been so bored very quickly & probably WISHED someone lived there, BUT without the haunting, Sam wouldn’t know they exist so would that have been better?  
It’s all very interesting.
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
06x13//It’s All Gonna Break - weekly recap
- Maya looking like a lost puppy who really misses her wife was pretty cute, tbh and I love how hard she is trying to respect Carina’s requests and boundaries
- Bailey being ready to cause trouble and Carina’s cute/funny facial expressions were another highlight of this episode
- The team pranking Theo and Theo being a good sport about it - I’m here for that bantering
- probably my favourite scene of this episode: Travis and Theo talking and Theo finding it important to tell Travis that he has grown as a captain and Travis telling him that he’s gonna do just fine and even mentioning Michael in the process. I love that their friendship is doing this well and Travis fully forgiving Theo is everything we need to know - and that is that it’s time to move on from the one mistake Theo made that he will probably feel horrible about for the rest of his life
- Eli burning the notes in the barn, man that exchange was freaking funny, gotta admit that
- Nancy. Need I say more? I love how much of that storyline was portrayed accurately, which unfortunately meant that it was quite upsetting, but it was still right on point
- Carina’s friends showing up in front of the centre to protest, that was pure gold and I loved how happy it made Carina and Bailey
- Oh, and oh man, I am relieved Carina isn’t pregnant. That would just be awful timing at this point, given the fact that Maya and Carina have to rebuild their relationship
- Andy being a good friend to Theo. I love it. Man, I really, truly love it. Andy is always such a good friend.
- maybe an unpopular opinion: I kinda liked Theo’s and Vic’s argument/fight. Not because I love to see them unhappy, but because it felt so normal/realistic. Theo is going through a lot of stuff because of his past, but isn’t ready to talk about it, while Vic sort of pushes him to talk about it/let her in. It’s bound to create issues and whenever they clash, there is no holding back, but so far it has never gotten nasty. Theo was upset because he wanted to be a good captain and because he was likely worried about Vic, and Vic was upset because Theo has a hard time talking/communicating. I’m still certain they are going to pull through this, but for now they just need this time to figure out what works best for them
- Sullivan was behaving like a bratty toddler, nuff said
- BISEXUAL BRITISH BOY DUDE CONFIRMED - FINALLY. Totally saw this coming the day they introduced this dude. And I am MAD. Because Travis and Eli? Perfect. Absolutely great. If it weren’t for the fact that the writers want to screw over Andy once again and are using Travis to achieve that this time around. Why? Just why? Not to mention that we still don’t know British Dude’s true motives. This isn’t gonna end well, and I am mad.
- Maya, hopeful sparkly eyed Maya, asking Carina, out on a date. Yeah, that was cute. Maya was just being cute this week. Just like Carina. Let’s hope they don’t screw that up again.
PS: No, Maya won’t use the pictures to blackmail Sullivan and Ross, y’all need to chill for a bit, okay?
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