#this man made me insecure about my elbows and i let him and i even cried over him like ?????
spacebee · 2 years
i just realised that one time i cried (UNTIL I LITERALLY PASSED OUT!!!!) over someone who had a minions t-shirt…… #rip
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lizslibrary · 3 months
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Summary: Reader is Bucky's next-door neighbor when they hear him having a nightmare. Reader helps him see his reflection in the mirror and reminds him that his scars are beautiful because they are proof that he survived.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the support on my last story, It gave me the courage to write a second one. The last fic I wrote was done in the first person so I thought I would try my hand in second person to see how it goes. Please let me know of any compliments or criticism that you have, it would really help a lot! 🤍
Warnings: Nightmare, PTSD, Bucky being insecure, self-deprivation (Bucky,) Crying, hurt/comfort.
Word count: 1339.
You awoke to the sound of screaming from across the hall, it didn't take long to figure out Bucky was having another nightmare. You prop yourself up on one elbow, rubbing your eyes as you adjust to being awake. Forcing yourself out of your bed, you open your door and step into the dimly lit hallway of your apartment building. You gently raise your fist and knock on Bucky's apartment door, hoping he'll answer.
Not long after, the door creaks open and Bucky stands in the doorway looking disheveled and tired. He was wearing loose sweatpants, and his skin was gleaming with sweat. his eyes reddened and brimmed with tears yet to be spilled. You stare at him for a moment noticing how his long hair is sticking to the sides of his face, and how there were dark smudges under each eye.
"Bucky?" You say softly, almost as if he was a bomb waiting to detonate. "Can I come in?"
Bucky nods quietly, holding the door open a little wider. I look around noticing how messy his apartment is. Pillows and blankets were on the ground, and his boots were on two separate sides of the room, one leaning against the TV stand, while the other was in the corner. The only furniture in the room was a small, grey couch and a little coffee table that sat between the TV and the sofa.
Bucky stared at you silently, his eyes were dark. "I'm sorry I woke you." He said, his voice low and shaky.
You shook your head "Don't worry about it Bucky, it wasn't your fault." You say gently, sitting down on his couch and gesturing for him to sit next to you. "Are you okay?"
Bucky shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair "No" He says quietly, closing his eyes. "They won't stop, every time I try to sleep these nightmares keep coming back."
Your heart began to ache at the thought of Bucky suffering through these awful nightmares, night after night. You recall all the times when he would wake you up screaming, telling you how he had just dreamt about Hyrda, about how these visions of death and violence constantly haunt him.
"You don't deserve this Bucky." You say, observing the way he covered himself up with a blanket.
Bucky turned to face you "I'm a monster..." he said lowly. He opened his mouth but no words came out. Bucky closed his eyes tightly, and tears fell freely from his cheeks.
"No Bucky, you're not." You say, gently placing your hand over his shaking one. "Bucky, you've done nothing wrong, none of this is your fault."
He looked away from you, eyes falling to the floor "I know, but I still did it."
You sigh "Buck, listen to me." You say, keeping your voice gentle. "You were being brainwashed and manipulated. They made you do horrible things that you had no control over."
Bucky remained silent, letting out a deep breath before looking at you. "They ruined me Y/n, my body is filled with ugly scars." He said pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders. "When I go out in public little people, children even, are scared of my arm...It just reminds me of my past and what I've done." He says softly "Hydra ruined me."
You place your hand on his blanket-covered back slowly making circles with my fingernails. "Bucky, you are the kindest most handsome man I've ever met, your past does not define your present." You say, "You have gone out of your way to protect and take care of me even before we became close."
His cheeks tinted pink "Y/n...thank you." He whispered, taking a deep breath "But-"
You stop him "No buts Bucky." You say firmly "Can I show you the Bucky that I see?" You take his hand, pulling the blanket off his back, and leading him gently into the bathroom turning him so that he can see his reflection in the mirror.
"What do you see when you look at yourself?" You ask, keeping your voice soft.
Turning his head away from the mirror, Bucky swallowed hard. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he took a deep breath. "Scars..." He mumbled, unable to meet your gaze.
You nod, rubbing his back "Anything else?"
Bucky peers back to the mirror, his eyes landing on the scar tissue that connects his shoulder to his vibranium arm, he clenches his jaw and grips the sink tightly.
Your gaze is soft as you watch Bucky look at himself, with sorrow and pain. He doesn't reply as he turns away from the mirror, dropping his head in shame.
"Listen to me bucky..." You say, standing next to him in the mirror "Your scars are beautiful."
He glances up at you "How could they possibly be?" He asks, fighting back the tears that welled in his eyes.
You smile warmly "Because you fought your way out of hell, you persevered through torture and you lived; they are a reminder that you survived." You tell him, your eyes never leaving his. "You are the strongest, most beautiful man I have ever met." You say, turning to face him.
Bucky wipes his eyes quickly, inhaling sharply. He stares at you a moment before letting out a deep breath "Thank you..." He whispers, averting his eyes once more.
You squeeze his hand lightly "You don't have to thank me." You say softly. "You deserved to hear it."
Bucky stares down at you, his glossy eyes filled with gratitude, before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. You wrap your arms around him in return, feeling the tension seep from his body. He sniffles "I don't deserve you doll." He whispers, bringing his forehead to rest against your shoulder.
"No, you deserve more."
You weren't sure why, but you felt like you needed to be persistent in reminding him that he was worthy of love and affection, regardless of what happened in his past.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." He breathes, bringing his hand up to your head and running his fingers through your hair.
With a contented sigh, you let your fingers glide over Bucky's skin, tracing his muscles and spine. He shudders under your touch, tightening his grip around your waist. He leans into you, his forehead resting on yours.
"It feels good to hold you." He murmurs, pushing his nose against your cheek.
You smile against his chest "That's sweet Bucky, feels good to hold you too" You murmur.
Bucky lets out a soft chuckle, a light tickle brushing against your ear. You reach up, running your hand through his silky hair, gently combing it out of his eyes. You tilt his head up so that his eyes meet your own.
"Are you ready to go back to bed?" You say, staring into his eyes. You could tell that he was tired, his pale blue eyes looking dull and heavy.
He nods slowly, resting his chin against your shoulder before pulling away and walking into his room "Yeah." He mutters.
You turn around, walking back into the bedroom. As you shut the door behind you, you hear Bucky sigh as he climbs onto his bed. You walk over to the bed and sit down, facing Bucky.
He closes his eyes and lets out a long exhale "Thanks for talking to me sweetheart...You didn't have to stay up this long." He says, his voice cracking slightly.
You run your fingers through his hair "Don't worry about it Bucky, I wanted to." You say, leaning forward and kissing his forehead "Goodnight."
Bucky stares at you, looking at you as if he is trying to memorize every feature.
"Y/n?" He asks barely audible.
"Can you stay here tonight?" He says, his voice hoarse.
A small smile appears as you walk to the other side of the bed and gently crawl under the covers. immediately, Warmth envelops you as you settle into the blankets. You take a deep breath, feeling the heat from Bucky's body beneath the blankets. You lean forward, bringing your lips to his temple.
"Goodnight Buck." You murmur.
"Sweet dreams, sweetheart," he whispers softly, drawing you close to his chest as he drifts into the first peaceful sleep he has had in years.
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daistea · 22 days
I need to make that man jealous. I need to see him riled up. I need to see him lose his cool. I need to be the center of his focus. Kicking my feet, twirling the phone cord, rolling over in bed, giggling, like "What do you think he'd do to me if he found out?"
I got u. rubs my filthy trash hands together 
3,700ish words
tw violence, mildly unhealthy relationship dynamics, language, slightly suggestive, Fleki
gn reader x mithrun, established relationship
 There are layers to Mithrun’s possessiveness.
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Layer 1: Caution
You looked nice. Too nice. While Mithrun had a habit of staring, he never gawked. To gawk would imply a certain sort of pathetic desperation. Mithrun was desperate for you, but not pathetically so. 
How you looked at that moment was gawk-worthy, though. He only tilted his head, gaze roaming over your body as you leaned on the dining table, organizing your belongings. Your legs, your hair, your chest, your arms, your shoulders, your back, your—
It wasn’t acceptable.
“You’re going to Cithis’s house, you said?” Mithrun asked. His voice was level, even, with no betrayal towards the slowly growing flame burning within him.
You nodded and sent him a smile, “Yeah. Did you change your mind about coming?”
Yes? No. Mithrun felt himself tense, “I’ll think about it.”
He had zero interest in a party. He had zero interest in drinking and listening to people chatter all night. What he was interested in, though, was keeping an eye on you.
Mithrun’s fist clenched. He dug his nails into his palm, causing a light sting to run through his nerves. You dressed like that for this party? He trusted you to behave, but he didn’t trust anybody else. The thought of people looking at you, their eyes raking down you; the thought of others desiring you… It filled him with a taut, vibrating anger. He was a rope pulled too tightly, about to snap.
Mithrun was definitely going to that party, and he’d stay by your side the entire time. With his arms around you and his gaze roaming the room, nobody would dare bother you.
He won’t get into fights, usually, he won’t be dramatic or loud, but you know when he’s feeling possessive. He gets a dark look in his eye, he holds you tightly, he watches people like a wolf stalking a rabbit. His expression and vibes are usually enough to scare away potential threats.
Mithrun isn’t jealous out of insecurity. He’s jealous because you’re one of his few desires and he refuses to lose you to anyone. Simple.
He’s very shameless about it. 
The next layer to his jealousy/possessiveness is slightly more intense, though, and a bit more rare. 
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Layer 2: Enter At Your Own Risk 
The streets of Melini were more crowded as of late. New people had come to check out the nation, and it made shopping for simple groceries difficult. 
You’d given Mithrun the task of locating the vegetable stand. He went without question, doing as you asked and slipping through the sea of bodies. With a moment to yourself, you hitched your woven basket into the crook of your elbow and inspected the fabrics stall. The little house you shared with Mithrun needed new curtains. 
 You ran a finger over a certain fabric, admiring the weave pattern. Yet, a shadow cast itself over the stall and a sudden presence to your right stole away your attention. 
 “Hey,” a man said. You looked up to meet his eyes. He was just a guy, perhaps his smile was a little too confident, but he seemed relatively normal. “You wanna know what material I’m wearing?”
Not particularly. But before you could reply, the man continued, “It’s called boyfriend material. Wanna touch?”
That had to be the worst pick up line you’d ever heard. Should you even dignify it with a response? You felt your expression twist into one of disgust without realizing it. And the man tensed as he noticed his lack of success.
“Let me try again!” He pleaded, “I promise, I’m a nice guy, I just wanted to make you laugh. I saw you from across the street and I think you’re beautiful. I couldn’t not talk to you, you know? I just had—“
You didn’t hear the rest of his words. Your focus immediately turned to the approaching storm. It was like watching dark clouds roll in, hearing thunder shake the world. 
Mithrun lifted his chin a little. He clenched his fist. In his other arm were several potatoes, exactly what you asked him to get. The breeze ruffled his hair. It was the worst kind of anger in his eye, the calm kind. Mithrun’s head was clear. He knew precisely what he was doing. 
Slowly, you shook your head, shooting him a warning look.
Mithrun ignored you. 
He stalked closer as his good eye narrowed. His nose wrinkled just a little, betraying his fury. His shoulders were tense and his knuckles were white as he picked up and potato and—
“No!” You commanded. Mithrun froze, obeying you, but he didn’t look happy about it. The flirty guy also froze with wide eyes.
“No?” The guy asked.
“Not you,” you hissed, then pointed at Mithrun who stood behind the guy, a potato in his hand and only inches away from the guy's back. “Mithrun, I swear to god, if you use your teleporting magic to switch out someone’s literal beating heart with a potato again, I’m making you sleep outside tonight.”
Mithrun was pissed. But he knew you meant it. He turned his gaze onto you, challenging you, daring you to stop him. You maintained eye contact, refusing to back down. He could not brutalize the people of Melini just because they thought you were pretty. The guy was annoying, but innocent. 
Finally, Mithrun’s jaw clenched, but he backed down. He lowered the potato of death and took a step away. The flirty guy was staring at him with wide, terrified eyes.
Mithrun nodded his head to the left, “Go.”
“Yes sir!” The man said before scurrying away.
You knew your boyfriend was going to spend the next few hours a bit grumpy, a bit clingy and touchy, but… You actually didn’t mind that. It sent a thrill, a heat, up your spine.
He’ll calm down in a bit. It’s just offensive that someone would even try to take you.
Of course, you remind him that that’s unreasonable. That guy had no idea you were already in a relationship. 
Mithrun does not give a damn about reason and logic right now.
He can be a little scary. It’s nice…
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Level 4: The Danger Zone
Due to being a loyal partner, purposefully making Mithrun jealous was not on your agenda. He would never do that to you, you’d never do that to him. It was cut and dry. Simple. 
Except, an old friend of yours was visiting Melini and had sent you a letter to announce his arrival. The handwriting on the letter was familiar, filling you with warm nostalgia. You hadn’t realized that you were smiling at his sweet words until Mithrun’s voice tore you from your thoughts. 
“Are they announcing another sale at the bakery?” He asked. It almost didn’t sound like a question with how flat his tone was. 
You looked up to see him in the kitchen nearby, his back to you as he slowly chopped at a green onion. His hair was pulled into a stubby ponytail, but locks of white still fell around his cheeks. You swore, sometimes that elf had eyes in the back of his head. 
“You think I’d be smiling like this at a sale announcement?” You asked dryly. 
“Yes, actually.”
He was right. You hated it when he was right. 
You always told Mithrun the truth, there were no secrets on your end. Mithrun, of course, had his little secrets that you would eventually discover. Like the time you desperately wanted a very pretty coat in the store, but someone else had already bought it, and Mithrun had Cithis brainwash the buyer into giving it to you. For months, you wore that coat thinking ‘wow how nice that they just gave it to me!’ 
Or the time the sequel to one of your favorite books was delayed. And Mithrun disappeared for two days without notice, then came back with an unbound manuscript of the book. You asked how he got it, he said he ‘knows a guy.’ In reality, he broke into the author’s house and stole the manuscript. 
The man was dedicated, you could give him that. 
Yet he kept secrets. Mithrun’s moral compass didn’t always point North and he didn’t care enough to fix it. You thought it was cute half the time, other times it caused a bit of trouble. In the case of your old friend, it would only cause trouble. 
So, for once, you decided to keep a secret. 
“No, it’s actually a sale at the butcher’s,” you lied, “buy one get one free on pork.”
Mithrun hummed in thought, “We could stock up and do a special on pork ramen.”
“We could do that, yeah.”
You hated lying. Now you had to somehow acquire an obscene amount of pork for the shop. 
You decided to tackle that challenge later. For now, your friend would be arriving soon, and you had to figure out how to meet him without raising suspicion. 
No matter how hard you try, suspicion rises like the tide. 
Mithrun isn’t paranoid about what you do in your time away from him. He has the tendency to be a bit codependent, but resists that urge (Kabru told him it was unfair to both of you to put all of his happiness on your shoulders. He begrudgingly agreed. Stupid Kabru and his stupid emotional intelligence.)
So, you go to do your thing. Whatever. He busies himself with one of his weird little hobbies, but Mithrun has a certain instinct for trouble. Something inside of him is telling him to beware, making him antsy. He doesn’t like these new feelings brought on by having a desire for you. It makes his knee bounce and his fingers restless. 
He looks at the fireplace. In the hearth, there’s the corner of a piece of parchment. Why was there parchment in the fireplace? Were you burning papers? Letters?
You were smiling so sweetly at the mail earlier…
He’s up and stalking across the house within seconds, out the door and into the streets of Melini. 
 Perhaps you were too trusting. Perhaps you were naive. Perhaps you were stupid. 
Ages ago, this particular old friend asked to marry you. You refused, of course, because you weren’t ready to get married and you didn’t feel that way about him. He asked again. And again. And again. It was annoying, but you decided to stay his friend because of your history together. 
Now that you had taken a moment to look back on said history, you realized…
This old friend had been trying to court you for years. 
“I heard you have a partner,” your friend said. His smile was tight and the grip on his utensil was even tighter. 
You forced a smile, “Yeah. Mithrun. He’s great.”
“Tell me about him.”
Where to start with Mithrun? It was a safe subject, at least. Your old friend knew about your relationship and would hopefully respect it. 
“Well, he’s—”
Your friend interrupted, “Is he handsome?”
Odd, but not unexpected. You nodded, “Yeah, I mean, he’s an elf so I don’t know if handsome is the right word. More like absurdly beautiful.”
Friend tensed in his chair. You saw his shoulders roll as if he was preparing himself for a fight. “Cool. Cool. Is he funny? Does he make you smile? Does he kiss good?”
You were definitely too trusting and naive. 
“Yes to all?”
“Is he good in bed?”
Your hands shot up as if you could physically repel the questions, “I don’t really want to talk about that.”
“You don’t want to talk about your boyfriend?” Friend asked, his eyes widening, “I thought you loved him. Is there perhaps trouble in paradise? You know you can always vent to me about it. I’m a shoulder to cry on.”
Had your friend always been like this? Surely not. You had good times together. There was that one time he made you laugh so hard you choked on water and he got so scared that he gave you the heimlich. Sure, his hands weren’t in the right place for the heimlich, instead landing on your chest, but—
Oh Lord. He’s always been this bad. 
With your food uneaten and a churning in your stomach, you began to stand up from your seat. “I don’t think this was a good idea, honestly.”
His eyes widened again, “Really? I think it’s a great idea. I came all the way to Melini to see you!”
“Yeah, that’s the problem. Listen, our lives have changed and I’m with Mithrun now and—”
Friend shot out of his seat, rounding the edge of the table before you could back away. His face was desperate and he was already breathing heavily. Nearby, the welcome bell rang as someone stepped into the cafe, but the usually pleasant noise was muffled to your ears. Friend put his hands where they didn’t belong, on your waist. That was Mithrun’s spot, that’s where Mithrun's hands went. He yanked you close and dread filled your chest.
This couldn’t be happening. 
His lips were on yours. You tried to pull away, your eyes squeezing shut. His grip was strong and your mind was racing with panic. Your hands landed on his chest to push him back and—
He ripped himself away. Or, rather, he didn’t rip himself, but he was ripped, like a yanked-off bandage. You opened your eyes to see Mithrun, and relief instantly flooded your system. 
But the calming, warm waters of your relief drained as you noticed the look on Mithrun’s face. He was naturally rather blank most of the time, yet at the moment, his good eye was narrowed, his mouth twisted into a scowl. He held your friend by his hair, ignoring the complaints and pleas and insults from the man. Without warning, Mithrun yanked on the man’s hair and began dragging him through the restaurant. It didn’t matter if your friend was bigger than your boyfriend, Mithrun had more strength and determination and sheer will to kick his ass. 
People gasped and watched with wide eyes. Someone panicked. Waiters and workers approached slowly. Yet, the situation resolved itself. Mithrun pushed the door open, the bell rang cheerily, and he yanked your struggling ‘friend’ out into the street. 
Your heart clenched. It felt as if someone had wrapped their cold fingers around your organs and squeezed. Your legs moved before you could give it a second thought, and you were out the door and chasing down your boyfriend instantly. 
Mithrun had dragged the man into a nearby alleyway and thrown him against the wall. Your ‘friend’ was on the ground, hands coming up to hold his aching head. Mithrun knelt down to wrap his fingers around his neck and—
“Stop right this instant!” You yelled. 
He froze, his eye widening. His hair was a mess and his pupils small with focus. Slowly, he stood up straight, taut like a bowstring being pulled. “Why?”
“Because I said so!” Your throat hurt from how desperately you’d yelled.
“That’s not a very good reason," he retorted through clenched teeth.
“Mithrun,” you seethed, “You cannot just grab people by their hair and drag them around.”
His expression darkened, “He kissed you. Against your will, I’m presuming.”
“Of course it was against my will!” You couldn’t help but wave your arms, a little manic and all-too-aware of the gathering crowd in the street behind you. “But that doesn’t mean you can brutalize him!”
Mithrun tilted his head and looked at you as if you were a child spouting nonsense. “Of course it does.”
“Make him pee his pants!” Someone yelled from the crowd.
“Pee his pants!” Someone else repeated.
“Pee! Pee! Pee!”
“Alright,” Mithrun agreed and turned his attention back to your ‘friend’, who was looking around as if he couldn’t believe what he’d been dragged into, terrified and shivering slightly. 
“Do not make him pee his pants,” you commanded, “I swear to the Gods I will—”
“Twist his dick!” Someone yelled.
Since when did the people of Melini get so violent? You glanced over your shoulder only to see that Fleki had arrived and was encouraging the act of dick twisting. Of course. 
“The ol’ dick twist!” She yelled again. 
Enough. That would’ve made you crack up under any other circumstances, but frankly you had no desire to see your boyfriend twist another man’s dick. Mithrun, being himself, was already kneeling down with the intent of twisting. You stomped up to him, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and yanked him away. He allowed it, only making a light noise of surprise and stumbling after you. 
The further you pulled him, the less you could hear of the crowd. They expressed their disappointment, but seemed to be dispersing, unwilling to follow you and Mithrun into the darker parts of the alleyway. You rounded the corner of a building and noted that it was filled with crates and relatively clean. A perfect place to have a fight with one’s partner. 
Mithrun read your mind. He straightened up and pulled from your grip, then folded his arms over his chest and glared--- which wasn’t very different from his usual expression if not for the slight narrowing of his good eye and the hard set of his jaw. 
You returned the look. Unwilling to back down, you met his ink-black gaze and lifted your chin. 
The air thickened. It felt as if your blood had started to thrum, to vibrate within your veins. A rock lodged itself in your throat as you forced yourself to hold the gaze. No backing down. You refused. It had been a horrible day so far and Mithrun’s murderous intent did not make it any better. 
(That was a lie.)
(You didn’t want to acknowledge it, but you wanted him so badly.)
Eventually, Mithrun broke the silence, a rare act on his part in these kinds of situations. “Don’t tell me you actually care about him.”
Your blood thrummed a little higher and you felt a heat rise within your stomach, though whether that heat was from pleasure or anger you weren’t quite sure. “He was my friend at some point, though I’m not sure why. The problem here is moreso that you can’t drag people around by their hair and attack them.”
“He kissed you,” Mithrun hissed through grit teeth. 
“And that sucked, honestly,” you admitted, “but he’s just a pathetic loser.”
“Is this the same guy that’s been in love with you for years?”
You blinked in surprise, “What? I’ve only recently figured that out. How did you know?”
His gaze flattened, “Every story you’ve told me about him gave it away.” Of course. Your cheeks felt warm and you did your best to avoid his quickly intensifying stare. When you had no response, Mithrun continued, “Why did you hide from me that he was coming to visit? Did you like that he kissed you?”
An unpleasant flash of horror crossed through your chest and you gasped, “Of course not!”
Did he even need to ask that? It was absurd. Yet, Mithrun took one slow step toward you. It was the calculated approach of a wild animal on the hunt. Without realizing it, you took one step back. 
Another step forward, and you backed up. Two seconds later, your back hit the wall and Mithrun uncrossed his arms. He pressed his palms flat against the brick on either side of your head.
“I think,” his voice lowered, “that you subconsciously knew he wanted you, that you’ve always known, and that I would be angry at you going to meet him.”
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Heat flared in your lower abdomen and you tried to swallow the lump in your throat. He was so close and you were so weak. 
“Why would I do that?” You managed to ask, though your voice was strained.
“Exactly,” Mithrun said, gravel in his tone. “Why would you do that?”
Curses ran through your mind. The one time you keep a secret from Mithrun, and it ends like this. You’re never doing that again. 
One of his hands left the wall and instead trailed up your waist, slow and savoring. His good eye flickered down to your neck and you had the urge to tilt your head as if to offer him a bite. The thought of him sinking his teeth into you, his body pressed against yours… You were on fire. 
Perhaps you might do this again, on occasion. It could be fun. 
The brick wall was cold on your back. Mithrun’s stare was colder. He leaned in, holding himself up against the wall with one hand, his other hand digging into your hips as if he wanted to sink his fingers through your skin and grip your bones. Harshly, he yanked you closer as his lips crashed against yours. He might’ve drawn a little blood with his teeth. You might’ve had the urge to melt into him. Your legs might’ve almost given out if he hadn’t held you up. 
The heat was consuming. Mithrun’s touch was rough, his kiss hard and laced with the intent to prove a very important point. Every inch of his being was focused on you in that moment. Every ounce of him was yours, and he was determined to prove that you were his in return. He broke the kiss but wasted no time in attacking your neck, hot breath fanning over your skin, teeth and lips scraping down the length and to the curvature where it was most sensitive. As you made an involuntary noise, his grip only tightened. 
And there it was, what you’d been waiting for. He sunk his teeth in. Heat pulsed through your body and you couldn’t help but gasp. You felt what might’ve been his lips upturning into a little smile against your neck. 
But Mithrun suddenly pulled away and blinked, and stared, and let out a soft exhale. The heat died like water dousing a flame. You stared back. He didn’t look ruffled in the least. His cheeks were pale as always, his eyes dull. The only sign that you’d been kissing was the light sheen on his lips. Meanwhile, you were a complete mess. You could only guess how you looked at that moment. Judging by how his eye flickered up and down your body, it was probably a sight. 
Mithrun pulled back. He stood up straight and walked away casually. 
“Where–” the words lodged in your throat and you had to force them out, “Where’re you going?”
He raised a hand as he walked, “The butcher actually is having a sale on pork. I need to get some before he closes.”
Without him to hold you up, you slowly sunk to the ground, pulling your knees to your chest. 
No more secrets, you decided, feeling especially dead inside as you stared at a nearby crate. No more secret keeping. 
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Part 1
Here is part 2!!! I hope you guys like it and it was worth waiting for. Thank you for all the love and support on part 1 🥹 it means the world. Enjoy :) never proofread
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Steve and Eddie raced to the school, anxiety in their veins as Eddie parked the van. Both boys ran into the building, following the sounds of screaming and cheering.
Steve pushed through the huge crowd, arms immediately wrapping around Y/N's body. Yanking her frame off of Jason, who is on the floor groaning in pain.
"STOP. STOP" Steve screamed, trying to keep his grip tight as she wiggled and squirmed to get out of his touch.
Eddie raced behind, going for Jason instead. Y/N doesn't fight unless she's provoked and he had a good idea Jason started it.
But Eddie's attention on Jason got caught short, hearing Steve Y/N's name as she marched down the hall.
Steve didn't waste a second running after her. He let her walk away once, and he didn't want to do it again.
"Please, just stop" Steve pleaded, hand reaching out to grasp her elbow.
She hated that she melted once he touched her. She was mad at Eddie, but Steve hurt her too.
"what Steve? Now you want to talk?" She spat out, turning around to face him. Cradling her own elbow out of his touch.
"I'm sorry, I never should have let you walk away without listening to you first. You deserve to have the opportunity to explain." Steve confessed. He watched her closely. Her eyes were blocked off from any emotion. And her lips were turned down into a frown.
"no, I don't deserve to explain myself, I deserve to have my boyfriends trust me enough to not even think twice about a rumor like that. I also deserve to be treated as my person. Not a shell of the people who hurt both of you in past moments. I'm not Nancy, and I'm not whoever the fuck Eddie thought I was. I'm me, and you both didn't trust her. Fuck both of you. You followed behind Eddie's lead like a fucking dog. Don't you think for yourself, Steve? It's pretty clear where I stand compared to Eddie. " She said harshly, turning back around and marching out of the school.
Steve took the hit, he deserved it. He was a grown man and he should have thought for himself. He knew he was going to hurt her and he did it for Eddie's sake. He was supposed to treat both his partners fairly, and he just put one higher than the other.
Eddie didn't waste much time with Jason. Spat out to leave them alone and followed the direction where Steve went.
Eddie found him alone in the hallway. Shoulders dropped, and Eddie assumed the conversation didn't go well.
"she still pissed?" Eddie asked, arm wrapping around Steve from behind. Steve shrugged him off and created space between the two.
"just don't touch me." Steve sighed, turning to face Eddie. Watching Eddie's face drop.
"what? What did I do?" Eddie scoffed
"We should have been better. And I should have thought for myself. With everything in me, I don't believe she cheated, and I should have told her that. I followed you and I lost her. And seeing this heartless monster you've been, I think I lost you too. If you believe she did it, that's for you to deal with. But I'm not following you anymore." Steve confessed, giving Eddie a small smile and turning to walk out of the school.
Eddie's insecurities cost him both partners. And now it's on him to fix everything.
He always wanted to protect both of his partners, and he's the bad guy who tore it all up.
Eddie wasn't sure how Steve got home, but once Eddie made it in his trailer, he felt alone. He spent night after night in Steve's apartment, never returning home. He went into his bedroom, throwing himself face-first on his mattress.
He wanted to fix things altogether, he didn't want to talk to Y/N and Steve separately. If he was going, to be honest, and break down into pieces, he only wanted to do it once.
Many phone calls later, Eddie got Y/N to answer. Most of his calls were answered with a scoff and the slamming of the phone hitting the wall. He barely could get a word each time. But this wasn't the time to give up. Once he finally got her to stay on the line longer than two seconds, he asked her to come over to talk.
And it wasn't easy. She was stubborn and still pissed off. Calling him every name in the book, dragging his name up and down the block, before finally sighing and saying "Be there in ten."
Eddie knew convincing Steve to come over would be easy, all he had to do was mention he has Y/N on the way over.
The room was silent, and all three of them were uncomfortable. Y/N couldn't look at either of them, keeping her hands in her lap. Steve kept his eyes on Y/N, silently pleading she'll look up. And Eddie kept his eyes on the floor, stomach twisting in knots.
They were in this position all because of Eddie, and he knew that. All the blame rested on his shoulders and his shoulders alone.
"I want to start by thanking both of you for coming and hearing me out." Eddie sighed in one breath. The anxiety filled his stomach.
"yeah, I think it's a nice option to have a chance to explain yourself, but that's not for everyone." Y/N threw out the side remark. Rolling her eyes as she finally looked up at Eddie.
"I'm sorry for everything. Y/N, I'm sorry for attacking you right away, not letting you explain yourself, and turning Steve against you.....I know what I did was so wrong. Deep down I knew I was fucking everything up but I couldn't stop myself. " Eddie voiced out. His eyes connected with Y/N's.
"Eddie, I just don't understand why it was so easy to believe I cheated on you guys. I've been loyal, supportive, and understanding of both of you! I would have believed you guys over anyone. But knowing you chose to believe random high schoolers over your girlfriend is fucked up. And I deserve a real explanation for that. I don't care if you knew you were wrong, it's the fact you continued to be an ass to me. I'm also disgusted by the fact you saw me as someone seeking to hurt Steve and that you felt the need to protect him. Protect him from his girlfriend? That's low." Y/N didn't plan to hold anything back. She spent night after night having her thoughts brewing over and over.
"you deserve an explanation. I need to be honest with both of you and myself. I acted out of insecurity and fear. I....heard the rumor and my first thought was I cannot let anyone know this would hurt me. It's fucked up, and I picked my pride over being vulnerable. I wanted to show I could be unaffected. That the relationship between you and I isn't what I depend on to be happy. But it is, and it's fucked up of me to find that embarrassing to admit. Because it's not. You and Steve make me so fucking happy and show me what love is about. I took all that for granted and tossed it aside like it wouldn't mean anything to me. Neither of you deserved that, and Y/N you didn't deserve to be treated like that. " Eddie took a deep breath before continuing.
"I also want to apologize to Steve, I wanted to protect you but all I did was hurt, everyone. I should have been mature and brought the topic up in a controlled way. I shouldn't have thrown it out in a fit of anger and I shouldn't have turned you against her before she even got home. I was wrong and I was wrong to both of you. I know I don't deserve another chance, I know I didn't give Y/N a fair chance, but I'd like to ask for another chance at being your boyfriend again." Eddie nervously looked between the both of them.
"Before we answer that, I'd like to apologize to Y/N also," Steve sighed out, facing her fully. " You are right, I should have thought for myself. We both know Eddie doesn't communicate well, and I was the only one in that situation that could have controlled the conversation and helped us out. I should have let you explain yourself. You're not Nancy and you've proved that. I also am guilty of letting my insecurities take over and ruining everything we built. I think I speak for Eddie and I when I say, if you give us this chance, we will prove our loyalty to you. And we will always communicate when our insecurities are taking control again. "
Y/N was happy to hear both boys being honest with themselves, admitting that their insecurities got too much and they panicked. It doesn't take away the hurt and damage, but it's a start to fixing everything.
"I appreciate both of you apologizing. Eddie, I'm hurt that you felt that your pride was more important than being vulnerable with me. But I like to hear that you know what's wrong and you are aware that was the wrong thing to do. I know you are trying Eds, and I don't expect you to know what to do all the time. You know you hurt me, and you knew it was on you to fix it. Thank you for taking responsibility for that. I will give you another chance, but I want you to work on your communication. We shouldn't count on Steve for all the communication between us. If you can prove to me that you are working on that, I'm happy for you to be my boyfriend again." She smiled at Eddie, his face breaking out into his smile.
She turned to Steve, a soft look in her eyes. " Thank you for apologizing as well. Thank you for knowing I am not Nancy and thinking over my words. I understand that your insecurities took over and I would also like for you to communicate that to me. I have faith that you can do that. I am also happy for you to be my boyfriend again." She smiled.
All three smiling at each other. Both boys understood they needed to back up their apologies, and show that they meant it.
Eddie knew that no one was ever going to make him as happy as his two partners do. He's lucky enough to have two people fall in love with him. He's safe with them. He can fall apart with them and know neither will judge him. He's flawed and that's okay.
Steve knew Y/N was her person and she was beautiful. She wasn't out to hurt him or Eddie. She just wanted to love them for who they are. Steve knew he needed to think for himself, and speak his thoughts if they happened to disagree with hers or Eddie's.
"Can I kiss you now?" Steve and Eddie asked at the same time, both boys chuckling to themselves as they stare at their girl across from them.
She giggled behind her hands, nodding her head.
"who's going first?" She joked. Knowing a fight was ahead of them.
"ME!" Eddie screamed, shoving Steve as he raced across the room.
@littlefreckles4 @gregre369 @boybandbaby @lightmelikeamatch @sheisjoeschateau @eddiesguitarskills @bibieddiesgf @sadpetalsstuff @sophiaj650 @lillie-1307 @book-of-roses @httpsad4m @kjaxm @pineapplechuncks @5tud10-54r4h
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@depressed-gays-of-marvel @rebecca-johnson-28 @grxcisxhy-wp @hamwrapz @lifecanbehardbutyouarestrong
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idksmtms · 27 days
long story short (Cillian Murphy x reader) - evermore series
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A/N: Surprise oneshot in honour of my being back! I’ve been wanting to write a cute and kind of fun story recently and the idea I had for this gave me inspiration. Also, I tried to write this in a more natural tone, like the way I might actually talk, so let me know what you thought of that style! I hope you enjoy it!
P.s. This is shorter than like every other piece I’ve written on here but I kinda love it hehehe. 
Summary: Your boyfriend takes you out on a date and asks a question that leads to an absurd conversation. 
Word count: 1,515
Trigger Warnings: 18+, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, profanity, men being icky (but not Cillian obvi), just funny made up bad date stories, not proofread but they never are (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is written purely for fictional purposes and for the sake of writing. No disrespect is intended to the real people portrayed/concerned in this scenario. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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“Alright, what’s a bad date you’ve been on, then?” Cillian asked, sipping from his wine glass and raising an eyebrow at you. You laughed heartily, most likely much too loud for this rather dark and ambient restaurant. You leaned back in your chair, clutched your stomach, and beamed at him. 
“I have too many stories, my love,” you jokingly wiped at your eye and he just shook his head, rolling his eyes with a smile before reaching across the table to try and grab your hand. You slipped it quickly into his, grinning as he began stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. 
“Go on then, darling, tell me one at least,” he urged, pulling gently on each one of your fingers. 
“Ok, ok,” you sighed, using your other hand to push your hair over your shoulder. You learned forward onto your elbows and smiled. 
“I’m excited to hear it now,” he chimed in, and you began giggling again. Gosh, he just made you so giddy without even trying.
“Ok, so, about three years before I met you, I was on Hinge and I was chatting with this guy, Eddie, and he was cute and all, not amazing, but I guess we got along. Anyway, he asked to meet up and I kinda said ‘fuck it, sure’ because - to be honest - I was bored. First red flag was that he wanted to pick me up from my house, which I was like ‘no way, no thanks, you don’t get to know where I live yet’. But anyway, he wanted to take me to laser tag! I mean, I thought about it in two ways, because on the one hand that could be really fun and it was such a unique date idea, but then on the other hand it was so weird. Like how were we supposed to talk and see if our personalities matched if we were too busy trying to shoot people?” You threw your hands up in the air as you huffed and you noticed the little cheeky grin on Cillian’s face. 
You had always been a bit of a rambler. You liked to talk it seemed, and you had an awful habit of including unnecessary details into stories. You somehow started three other stories within the original and you never realised until you saw that little smile on Cillian’s face and realised you had begun to veer away again. He always told you he loved it. He always said that his favourite activity was to just sit next to you and listen to the millions of stories you had to tell and the little random details you always added, or the gossip you were much too excited to share with anyone close to you, but it always left you a bit bashful. You knew your tendency to just talk and talk and talk and it made you a little insecure sometimes. 
“Sorry, irrelevant, anyway,” you took a deep breath in and reached forward to hold his hand again. “So I agreed to it, and I am not kidding when I tell you that this man spent the entire time chasing other people and shooting them as if he was actually in a war. I mean, full on sprinting and grunting and just yelling in victory every time he shot someone. Cilli, I am not even joking, he even came and shot me and I sat outside the hall until the end of the timeslot - half an hour by the way - waiting for this man. I was shell shocked! He took me to some cafe, ate like everything on the menu which, I mean, no wonder, he had just gone to war in there. Long story short, I blocked his number and unmatched him and prayed I would never see him again.” 
You let out a long sigh as Cillian chuckled, deep and jovial, your favourite sound. He dropped his head and shook it as he laughed, and when he looked up again there was a pink glow to his cheeks which made you beam. You reached out and gently ran your fingers over the apple of his cheek and those sharp cheekbones of his, before tucking some of the longer strands of his hair behind his ear. 
“God, that’s hilarious,” he breathed deeply, sipping from his wineglass to try and catch his breath.
“It was not. I mean, it is now, but at the time I was just shocked and confused and angry because like what the fuck??” You furrowed your brows and kind of shook your head because it seemed obvious that that was a shit idea. 
“You said there were other ones,” he began, clearing his throat, “what’s another horrendous date you’ve been on?” 
“Hm, let me think about it,” you purse your lips, and tilt your head to the side, eyes to the ceiling. “Oh! Ok, I thought of one. This one was quite bad, actually. I was in my first year of university, so I was like nineteen at the time, and one of my friends - it was Cath, actually! Yeah! So Cath knew this guy. He had gone to sixth form with her but like they weren’t close, they just kind of knew each other from there. Anyway, he was in one of my societies and we got to talking and he asked me out to a cafe and I was like ‘yeah! Sure!’ I mean this was the uni experience, right? Like go out with boys and just have fun? At this point, I didn’t really know if he was aloof or a douche because one time when we had seen him on campus, he just pretended he didn’t know her, even though they’ve literally spoken many times before. I mean, she reasoned that maybe he just didn’t notice her or he didn’t realise it was her, but like she literally waved at him and he just blanked her. Anywayyyy, we went to the cafe and at first it was fine, like we had surface chat and just kinda talked about society stuff, but then I mentioned that I was friends with Cath because she lived in my building and we got along quite well. I kid you not, this man then went on a twenty minute rant about how he absolutely hated her because one of Cath’s friends, not even Cath but one of her friends, went out with him in sixth form once but then never again and she never told him why she stopped talking to him, but then he found out from someone that it was because she thought he smelled and had questionable hygiene!” Cillian pressed a hand to his mouth to control his laugh, eyes squinted as he chuckled uncontrollably. 
Your face now hurt from smiling because it was rare for him to laugh so deeply and unabashedly. Though he was quite free with his smiles and enjoyed a good chuckle as much as the next person, he was rather stoic at times, and when you had first started dating you weren’t sure of how he felt most of the time. While you slowly came to learn the little nuances that exposed his emotions, your life’s mission was to make him laugh as much as you always did. 
“Cillian, how did he have so much to say that he ranted for twenty minutes?! How?!” You laughed, eyes wide. “I mean, I sat there, mouth open, listening to this boy complain endlessly about a girl from sixth form. Like bro, please move on, because she clearly did. Oh my god, and you know what the worst part is??” 
“What?” He wheezed out, pressing a hand to his abdomen as he laughed. 
“He actually did smell!” You began cackling, pressing your forehead down to the table as you laughed and laughed and laughed. 
At this point you were sure people were looking at both of you, wondering what was wrong that you were both laughing like hysterical children, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“That is horrendous,” he finally breathed out, wiping at the corners of his eyes as his body shook with residual trembles of laughter. Every time you looked at each other, you began spluttering again and it took you at least five minutes to try and gather yourselves again. 
 “Believe me, it was,” you sighed exaggeratedly before chuckling and shaking your head. 
Both of you sat there for a few minutes, relishing in the silence. He reached out to hold your hand and smiled down at the table, again just gently stroking your fingers and palms until your entire arm quivered from the ticklish little touches. 
“So, long story short,” you began in a whisper, “they were all the wrong guys, but then I met this gorgeous Irish man, who took me for a picnic, and listened to everything I had to say, and asked me out again, and again, and again-” 
“Long story short, I met the love of my life,” he interrupted, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing it.
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heartsofminds · 1 year
and at every table, i’ll save you a seat -  part i
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“Well, apparently Baby Goose’s been losing his mind ‘round the base about how this really smart and sweet girl invited him to a wedding and won’t text him about it.” or you invite Bradley to a wedding but your big fat crush on him won’t let you actually. . .invite him. 
“and at every table, i’ll save you a seat” - tunes of the gossipy Hard Deck patrons and liking someone so much you feel like you can’t breathe 
A/N: hey guys!!! so in the midst of writing this, i realized how long it actually is and how many dividers i had on my google doc? anyway, i thought it would probably work out so much better if it was released in parts rather than just one, big, fat, HUGEEEE piece that would probs crash on mobile. listen along to the playlist (that will be updated with each writing update) and relish in overly flirtatious bradley with me! which btw, he’s the lover album personified with a dash of red and a hint of fearless! 
“I’m not asking him.” 
Phoenix rolls her eyes before she takes a sip from her Ultra. The thought of it tasting revolting because of its lukewarmness crosses her mind despite her head pounding unceremoniously. She almost speaks up to answer you, but closes her mouth. 
She softly places the bottle back down on the counter instead. 
She can’t quite tell if the pain in her temples is from the sound of excited chatter all around her, the sound of Mickey, Javy, and Bob shittily singing Go Your Own Way on the karaoke machine in the corner, or the sound of your blue glitter gel pen scratching away at the scrap paper you have by the register; frantically carrying decimals for tip calculation and pathetically adding and subtracting since Penny’s “older than dirt” cash register bit the dust an hour prior. 
She almost concludes that the pounding ache working its way to the forefront of her brain is because of your absolute and utter refusal to do the simple and the obvious. But wait. 
I haven’t eaten at all today. Yeah, that’s it. 
A deep breath fills her lungs before she exhales. Her elbows find themselves on the lip of the bar top and her forearms come up to rest her head on her hands. She notices that the scribbling stops from what she assumes is you looking at her. 
An uncomfortable beat passes which is unusual for you two. There’s always some sly remark made or interminable giggling filling the gaps of silence. 
You pop your hip on the corner of the table. Your magenta tank top was far too bright of a pink to be welcome in the warm-hued bar. Your bracelet screams “graduation gift” and you can feel the oil on your face contorting your makeup as your time in the muggy air passes. 
Out of place is always in your thoughts but doesn’t become an insecurity until you’re left alone with them. The absence of Phoenix’s voice makes this fact more obvious to you. 
“You good? Not gonna hurl all over the place?” you cautiously ask, “Because it’s fine if you gotta puke, but I’ll murder you if you make me clean it up.” 
Natasha lets out something short of a laugh but too informal to be considered a huff. “I’m fine,” she says, leaning her head into her hand and adjusting herself in her seat. 
You nod, returning to your scribbling when the man sitting next to her hands his card to you. “You know, if you write any harder, you might permanently etch,” she pauses, leaning over to get a peek at what you had just written, “ten dollars and eighty-three cents into the counter.” 
“Maybe it’ll convince Penny that a new cash register is a need and not a luxury.” 
Natasha scoffs. “Could say the same about your plus one, but hey, if you don’t want my advice, then certainly don’t take it.” 
You hand the gentleman back his card with a smile and a small “thank you” before returning your attention back to Natasha. She digs her teeth subtly into the plush of her bottom lip. 
“I already told you. I’m not asking him.” 
She groans, pushing herself to stand up from her seat. Even dressed in civilian clothes, she looks like she belongs. Her aura demands respect; even in a lacy wine-colored top that Hangman had tried to tease her about earlier when the brood of rowdy pilots had first arrived. 
“Well, you said no to Jake.” 
“You say it like he would be willing to say yes.” 
“You said no to Rueben.” 
“He’s in a situationship with that girl from my spin class. Going with me to a wedding and her seeing the pics on Instagram would just make shit weird,” you start scrubbing at the permanent water stain near the beer taps anxiously, “Especially when I set them up.” 
Natasha rolls her eyes again. She swears that by the end of the night, she’ll know exactly what the inside of her eyelids look like. 
“Whatever,” she huffs, “You said no to Javy and Bob.” 
“Javy would rub the fact that I asked in Jake’s face and they’ll start a pissing contest on how to woo me…and Bob,” you look around to make sure no one who knows you all is within earshot, “He’s sweet. Like, sooo sweet.” 
Natasha tries not to crack a smile before you get your words out, but she certainly knows where the tail end of your sentence is going. “But it’s definitely not believable that we would be together and my aunt is one hell of an FBI agent and I’m sure he’d crack and rat us out and I’d have to sit there and eat my weight in tiramisu to drown my embarrassment.” 
Business is painfully slow for a Thursday evening despite the upcoming weekend. Your eyes dart around the room to look for anyone to come and rescue you from this conversation (and even volunteer to be your date to your bitchy cousin’s wedding next weekend without you asking, but you know to only hope for one miracle at a time). And when your eyes turn up empty for an ample opportunity, your shoulders droop while Natasha snickers at you. 
“Cut your losses and just ask him. I know he won’t say no,” she says, coy smirk at home on her face. 
“No. Absolutely not.” 
“What is so wrong with him that you don’t wanna do it? Huh?” 
You ponder on her statement before shaking your head. You’d rather be shot in the foot with a nail gun eight times than expose your silly little schoolgirl crush in the middle of the Hard Deck in front of his best friend turned your best friend since moving to the area five months ago. 
“Why not Neil or Brigham? Or hell, even Mickey? I know he’s like, engaged, but Mariella is so freakin’ sweet and I know she’d understand so like-” 
“Mmm-mmm. No, no, and hell no.” Your frown plasters itself on your lips faster than you can comprehend at her words. “Rooster or bust.” 
Your spine straightens as you begin to engage in protest before you’re cut off by the man himself. 
“Rooster or bust, what?” he asks, lips coming out to lick the dryness of the San Diego sun away. Your knees start to buckle and you can hear Natasha stifle a laugh as you try to conceal your lack of balance. 
He stands in front of you, hand on his hips and sunglasses tucked on the tight, white tank top underneath his button-down shirt. Today’s print was red with cream-colored hibiscus flowers and you wonder how he could pull them off so well. If it were anyone else, you would have had to try your hardest to keep it together with Natasha in front of you; the jokes about touristy dads and low-budget porn actors in the works. 
You realize he’s waiting for an answer as you see Natasha getting called away to sing karaoke with Javy and the gang out of the corner of your eye. 
Great. Just fucking great. 
“Taking bets on who the best pilot is or?” Bradley speaks, trying to get to the bottom of the small fragment of the conversation he had walked into. 
“I-,” you stammer.
Fuck. Can someone just come to the bar and order so I can avoid this? 
“You?” he looks at you through his eyebrows comically. Everything he does makes you nervous. 
“I-,” the lines in his forehead raise with the infliction of your voice, “I need a favor. Like a big one.” 
“Okay,” he laughs, “How big are we talking?” 
“Like ‘giving you my other kidney’ big or letting you borrow my car big?” he interrupts. 
“Or do you need me to house sit? Dogsit? Babysit?” 
You inhale as you place your hands on the countertop. Your eyes find his honeyed-colored ones and you almost drown in them before your pride kicks in. 
I cannot embarrass myself in front of him. 
“I need you to come to a wedding,” you speak gently. You can see the wheels turning in his head without him having to say anything. Bradley’s face always gave his thoughts away. 
“If you don’t have plans, of course.” 
The realization of what you had just said starts to kick you upside the head the longer you look at him. He doesn’t say anything. His face doesn’t move at all. You’re pretty sure he hasn’t even blinked yet.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! 
“And if you’re comfortable! Obviously!” you start to ramble before you can convince yourself to shut the hell up, “It’s next Saturday in Long Beach near the seaside. You don’t have to say yes or anything but I just thought I’d ask because I had a plus one when I had a boyfriend eight months ago and now-” 
“I’ll go.” 
“-we’re not together anymore and my bitchy cousin is the one getting married who, by the way, makes everything a competition but that’s beside the point. But I know my mom is gonna be pissed if I don’t bring someone because my aunt is her sister and she’ll bitch about how they wasted money and how my mom is running out of time to become a grandma because I’m not married yet and that’s totally not true because I’m not even thirty so my biological clock hasn’t even started ticking yet but -”
“Hey!” he raises his voice slightly, amusement hidden in his tone, “I said I’d go with ya, kid.” He steps forward to put his hands on your bare shoulders. You try not to melt into his touch. 
“S’all good. I love weddings and the beach. Promise it’s not a hassle.” 
You’re dumbfounded by his response and how collected he is about your word vomit, not to mention being invited to a wedding where he’ll meet not only your parents, but your entire extended family in a little over a week. You know for certain you wouldn’t have handled the situation as calmly as he had. 
“You - you’ll…go?” The sound of Britney Spears’s “Toxic” and Jake absolutely murdering the high notes in the back of the bar is the only thing keeping you from spiraling into another dimension. 
“Well, I’m not a liar,” he sits down on the seat Phoenix was previously occupying, “I don’t just say things I don’t mean.” 
Your head nods solemnly in silent understanding, your hands grabbing a glass to pour him a whiskey on the rocks. He raises his eyebrows in suspicion at you knowing what his usual drink is, but throws away the thought to comment on it before it can even develop all the way. The subtle pang in his chest of you taking that much notice of him makes itself known. He would be lying if he was to say he didn’t hold a brightly lit candle for you.
You’re a regular, Bradshaw. Get your head out of your ass. 
“To be honest,” you start, placing the chilled glass in front of him, “that sounds a lot like something a liar would say.” 
He gives you a soft smile as he reaches into his back pocket to grab his wallet. “Well good thing that I’m not one then, right?” 
Your heart flutters in nervousness and with about as much grace as a stampede of elephants. You’re positive that Bradley can see the outline of it beating out of your chest. 
“No, no, no. Your drink is on the house.” 
He shakes his head, forcing the twenty dollar bill that lays in between his fingers next to the scrap paper you have laying near the register. “No, I insist.” 
“No, I insist. It’s on me, Bradley.” 
He cracks a soft smile as he forces the money into your hand. His fingers wrap yours around the beat-up bill that has definitely seen better days. “That just won’t do ma’am.” 
“I”m awaiting Bar results, not living in a shoebox on I-405. I assure you that two dollars and sixty cents won’t break the bank.” 
The loud scrapping of a bar stool against the hardwood floor (which will probably leave a noticeable scratch in the hardwood flooring that Penny will pretend not be upset about) interrupts the cocoon of the world that existed with just you and him. Just you and Bradley…and Jake Seresin’s loud ass mouth yelling, “Bradshaw! What the hell, man? Get your ass over here and sing some Journey with me!” across the bar. 
He shakes his head in disbelief and if you didn’t know any better (didn’t feed into your delusions, is more like it) you would almost think that he was…disappointed? That he didn’t want to leave you and that he was almost as desperate as you to give each other attention; eyes fully and ears solely attuned to the other. 
Hoots and hollers and the sound of his call sign being screamed from his rowdy group of friends make the delusion hard to manage, and the reality finally kicks in that he’s not here for you. He’s here for them. 
You wish you weren’t so good at hurting your own feelings sometimes. 
“Your spotlight awaits you,” you sigh, trying not to show how dejected you felt to him. 
A beat of silence passes before he slides his palms on the front of his jeans. 
“Here.” He snatches your blue glitter gel pen off the table, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth as he begins to write. “Text me the details?” 
He offers a slight smile that makes your words catch in your throat; the butterflies dinging around in your stomach begging you to reach out and touch him. To lean forward. To say something. To do something. Anything. 
But before you can he’s zipped across the bar and the sound of Call Me by Blondie inflates the room. You look down at the cerulean ink with specks of shimmer in it. 
xxx-xxx-xxxx  Call me, kid!  Bradley B 
You’re definitely not gonna call him anytime soon…
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“Sweetheart, I love you, but if you dry those glasses one more time I think I’ll have a brain aneurysm.” 
Penny snatches the dish towel from your hands as your mouth gapes in silent protest. She throws it lazily on the countertop and snags the crate of beer glasses that you were going to town on away from you. The clinging sound of the dishes makes your head droop with disappointment. 
“I wasn’t done yet! They still feel slippery! ”you complain and she just teasingly shakes her head. 
She winks at you and you have to find it in your heart not to be a little annoyed at her for cutting your task off mid-attempt. 
Perfectionism fuels your life and she knows this. She knows that you’re using the glasses to stress clean. She knows that your cousin’s wedding weekend starts on Friday and you’re fighting the urge to tear your hair out. She also knows that you have Bradley’s phone number on a slip of paper that’s burning a hole through your nightstand because you still haven’t called him. 
“So?” you ask, lightly mimicking Penny’s statement, “Someone’s gonna drop the glass because they’ve never learned how to hold it the right way and then there’s gonna be glass shards everywhere and they’ll get hurt and-” 
“You are such a worry wart, my dear. Reeelaaax,” she interrupts, placing her warm, nimble fingers on your shoulders. 
The subtle sunburn you had gotten this past weekend is slowly starting to calm down, but the initial sting still startles you. She can see the small happenings of a frown starting to form on your lips and she decides to frown along with you. She spins you to face her and holds your forearms in her hands, offering them a gentle squeeze of encouragement. 
It’s not a secret that Penny Benjamin takes pride in knowing her staff well and loving them even better. In the five months she’s gotten to know you, she’s taken you in as one of her own without making her love for you about her. That was kind of her thing; knowing all without having to be told and giving so selflessly without having to ask if you were in need. 
Penny just got it, and it’s hard to find people like that nowadays; people who love you genuinely and truly expecting nothing in return. 
The thought of her warmness makes you sniffle, and you’re sure that if the jukebox wasn’t turned on and playing some Beach Boys tune, the tears would’ve made their way down your face at a speed that Formula One drivers would envy. 
“I know what it feels like to have your every movement judged and not being able to say anything to defend yourself,” she starts, “But you’re smart. You’re kind. You’re so important. And you’re nothing less than amazing, so don’t let anyone treat you like you aren’t.”
You can’t muster up the words to keep the conversation alive. You’re sure that all that would come out of your mouth is a blubbering mess you don’t feel like trying to force out in between choked sobs. Besides, the car doors closing in the parking lot alert you both to the Wednesday night crowd making their way in. 
You settle for a small “thank you” before she cracks another smile at you; lips quirked up in amusement. She saunters off to the back to grab the bucket of prepped lime wedges. 
“You never have to thank me for the words you deserve, sweetheart. Those are on the house.” 
You snort before wiping your nose with the back of your hand. Only she could manage to subdue the mini meltdown brewing in the depths of your chest. But Penny was just like that. 
Always calm, cool, and collected. 
The night moves slowly in a frame-by-frame manner (one that emulates the night you asked Bradley to be your date, but you shake the thought whenever it tries to enter your head because you think you may actually puke). It’s nothing too out of the ordinary for a Wednesday night. 
Mickey and Mariella pop in for mango margaritas after their weekly date night. Mickey gives you a small “hello” before flashing you a knowing smirk. You try to ignore Mariella swatting at his chest, but the imagery eats you up inside. You know that he knows and that she knows, and not taking the steps to actually ask Bradley to a wedding you invited him to makes you feel guilty. 
He picks up on your guilt when his eyes catch you twisting your ring around your pointer finger. His eyes soften and he almost considers apologizing to you before he thinks about it. Bringing more attention to it would embarrass you more, he figures. The apology sitting on his tongue is swallowed down with a sip of his drink and Mariella’s kick to his shin. 
“Well, we’re about to head out. We’ll see you Friday?” Mickey declares as Mariella narrows her dark eyes at him. 
Your heart stops and your fingers feel numb. 
Fuck. He wants to bring up Bradley. What do I say? Fuck. Shit. Wait. How does he even know? Has Bradley brought me up? Fuck, wait. He wouldn’t do that. Why would he even be talking about me? He probably told them that I’m obsessed with him and he was cornered and couldn’t say no and- 
“Uh? Are you good?” Mickey looks at you with soft eyes and waves his hand in front of your face. 
Mariella slaps it down from in front of you. “Don’t do that. She’s not a fucking dog, Mick.” 
He rolls his eyes playfully. “Duh. I know that. I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t having a seizure or anything like that.” 
“A seizure?” 
“They’re called absence seizures. Went down a whole YouTube rabbit hole about them a couple of nights ago.” 
You chuckle at their antics and can’t wait for the day they finally have their wedding. At least when the time comes you know you won’t have to forge a story about having a boyfriend. And it’ll be a wedding filled with people you actually like; ones that don’t make you order water out of feeling insecure about how many calories you’re consuming or ones that gossip about the shade of blush you wore making you look too “flushed” behind your back. 
“I go down rabbit holes all the time,” you chide, “I watched this documentary about the Pentagon Papers and the atomic bomb from World War II the other day, and now I’m confident I could get my Ph.D. in like, Historical American Screw-Ups.” 
Mickey and Mariella let out chortles at your statement before starting to head toward the exit. 
“Well, we’ll see you later then. Tell us about that wedding on Monday?” 
Your mouth hangs open as they stride out the front doors of Hard Deck. The shock of what just happened makes your heart beat erratically. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He told. 
Mike Metcalf sits at the corner of the bar top on his regular stool with his sweating glass housing a whiskey neat. He sends you a teasing smirk as you move near him to wipe the countertop down. 
“Still haven’t texted him?” he asks. 
The shock continues to run through your body. You have to place your hands on the edge of the table to keep yourself from stumbling over. 
Why does everyone in this bar know what’s going on? 
Admiral Metcalf was friendly with you - one of those regulars who offer you engaging conversation, tidbits of grandfatherly affection, and generous tips. 
You would tell him not to tip you so much for a single drink, but he would always insist; quoting something along the lines of you reminding him of his granddaughter and that you treated everyone with such kindness and respect that you deserved it back tenfold. 
You take a deep breath, arms pushing you up slowly to stand upright. “I’m scared to ask how you know.” 
He chuckles, a real belly laugh, and you struggle to find out why you can’t piece together a logical explanation for how he would know. 
“Well, apparently Baby Goose’s been losing his mind ‘round the base about how this really smart and sweet girl invited him to a wedding and won’t text him about it.” He shrugs before taking a long drink from his glass. “Thought it sounded like you. I meant to ask about it the other night, but once you turn eighty you forget things at the drop of a hat.” 
“Smart and sweet?” you want to ask, but you know that it would confirm rather than get you the answers that you want. You shake your head to dislodge the thought before furrowing your eyebrows. 
“. . . Baby Goose?” 
The older man plays with the paper coaster underneath his drink. A soft smile blooms on his lips. “We’re talking about Bradley Bradshaw. Correct?” 
You start to drum your fingers against the lip of the bar top. The thought of lying briefly crosses your mind until the sound of James Brown’s shriek at the beginning of “I Got You (I Feel Good)” startles you.  
“Uhh, hello? You still there, kiddo?” 
I have got to get better at answering quicker. 
You straighten your spine and pop your hand on your hip. “Wouldn’t the correct terminology be ‘gosling’?” 
He raises his brows, “Rooster. Baby Goose. Bradshaw. Gosling,” he rattles off, counting the phrases on his fingers, “Does any of this ring a bell?” 
You chew on your lip. The toe of your sneaker slides underneath the sole of your other one. The fidgeting tells Admiral Metcalf all he needs to know. 
“Maybe,” you say under your breath. 
“Maybe?” he questions. He leans forward to investigate your expression with his eyes. 
Another sigh exits your lips. “Okay, well, maybe a little.” 
You sound defeated, he thinks. He decides to investigate even though he can hear his wife’s voice in his head telling him not to. If he turns his head just a little bit to the right, his hearing aid catches the sound of the jukebox. He can’t focus on you talking and his wife’s voice if he also hears the jukebox. 
Sorry, Carrie. 
His chair swivels a little bit and he wipes his hands on his jeans. “It’s certainly more than a little, kiddo. Especially if you asked him to a wedding.” 
You scoff, annoyance painting the inside of your brain. Nosiness is one thing you absolutely cannot stand, and it’s the reason why you insisted on not moving back in with your mom after law school. Working yourself to the bone to study for the Bar during the day while mixing drinks and popping caps off of beer bottles at night seemed worlds better than having your privacy invaded constantly. Tired or private. From where you stand currently, it’s safe to say you picked the latter. 
Or so you thought. 
“So is this just a thing?” You can feel your heart rate speed up as you start to become defensive. “Like, a trend where all you Hard Deck patrons like to gossip and spread rumors?” 
“It’s not a rumor if it’s true.” 
You almost roll your eyes but the politeness you were raised with paired with your people-pleasing won’t let you. 
“Yeah, but it’s technically gossip if you didn’t hear it from me,” you state directly, “How do you even talk to all these people on the base? Aren’t you retired?” 
Admiral Metcalf chuckles. “I may be in bed by 8 every night but it doesn’t mean I’m not social, my dear.” 
“Okay, but why would your connections be talking to you about Gosling?” You lean on your forearms and glance at the cash register to make sure someone isn’t waiting to be served. Your eyes glance back to the older gentleman sat in front of you. “Aren’t you guys like. . .fifteen generations removed from each other?” 
He gently pats your arm with his calloused palm. “You’re a funny girl.” 
“You’re dodging my question,” you frown, sitting up straight and grabbing him his usual glass of water he drinks before he decides to go home. 
He mouths a quick “thank you” before taking a sip. “Did it ever occur to you that I was a pilot?” 
The wheels in your brain start turning to decipher why he would say that and how it would mean that he and Bradley know each other. 
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
“And a Top Gun instructor.” 
“Okay. . .?”  You’re starting to get the hint now, but it still just seems like a lot of abstract events put together. 
“I taught Maverick and Goose.” 
Penny’s “boyfriend, not-boyfriend” who comes in to pick her up or hang out on days when the crowd is as dead as a cemetery. Maverick. 
But who’s - 
“Goose?” you ask, finishing your question out loud.  
“Bradley’s father.” 
And shit. Oh shit. Fucking shit! 
“I- You- Wait-” you stammer. He simply sips on his water, amusement painted on his features at the signs of your internal panic. 
“So that’s how I know. I keep in touch with Maverick and he just happened to mention the absolute mess Rooster’s been the past couple days about this wedding,” he declares, “Which, by the way, is kind of rude to invite someone and then not go into detail about it. Don’t you think?” 
Your mouth opens and closes in shock, the magnitude of your recent revelation being endorsed by the silence coming from you. 
Your brain can’t even begin to wrap around all the degrees of separation and acquaintances and friendships Bradley has from the bombshell of information that was just dropped on you. This place is just littered with people who probably knew him before he was Rooster; all puppy fat and awkward haircuts. You bet there’s probably a series of his prom and high school graduation photos that circulated from eye to eye. 
But this also means that if you go through with it, that if you actually bring him with you to Long Beach this weekend, you’ll become part of that essence of knowing - everyone knowing what Bradley told them and your entire weekend spent with him being a topic of discussion. 
You try to get over the dehumanizing feeling that will come with being called “Hard Deck Girl” after this weekend when he inevitably tells Maverick about his weekend who will then tell Iceman who will probably tell Admiral Metcalf. You can’t bear to think about all the snickers and teasing that will come from Bradley’s group of friends. 
Hangman loves to tease you already. You don’t think you’ll survive more “pigtail pulling” if word gets out about Bradley having to hold your hand and awkwardly slow dance with you on Saturday. 
Admiral Metcalf lets out an impressive-sounding whistle that catches your attention and brings you back to Earth.
“That’s one gorgeous Bronco,” he comments, head turned to look outside the windows of the bar. “Used to have one just like it years ago.” 
Your eyes follow his gaze to see the cobalt blue vehicle parked in one of the empty spaces of the parking lot. The headlights fade as the owner steps out of the vehicle and - 
He has a soft bounce in his strut. His Raybans are tucked into the collar of his white t-shirt. The light-wash denim of his jeans hugs his legs just the right way. His slightly rosy cheeks and tanned forearms bulging from his shirt make him unmistakable. 
Bradley Bradshaw is about to walk into the bar. On a Wednesday night. While the crowd is drier than the Mojave. 
And there’s nowhere for you to run. 
He has a slightly faster pace set to his walk than he usually does. . . Not like you spend your time watching him walk (even though you do, and you’d rather roll over and die than admit that to anyone). 
“Good luck getting him back on that perch,” Admiral Metcalf speaks up. He opens his worn leather wallet and fishes out a fifty-dollar bill. “He won’t fly back up there once he gets off.” 
You follow him to the cash register to ring him up. The drawer is opened and the bills counted for his change before he stops you. 
“Keep it. Part of your tip,” he says, “Least I can do for all the trouble I’ve caused you tonight.” 
You begin to thank him before the saloon-style doors open and Bradley stands dead in the center, hands on his hips and eyes grazing the surroundings. 
“Good luck, kiddo. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it,” Admiral Metcalf says before turning on his heel. He claps Bradley on the shoulder as a brief greeting and continues his stride outside to the parking lot. 
Your heart starts beating in your chest erratically; a tell-tale sign of white hot panic that makes your knees buckle and heat grow on your scalp. 
And you’re. . . starting to sweat? 
Fuck, fuck, fuck! 
Bradley spots you while you stand paralyzed at the cash register. Your fingers are shaky and a lump in your throat starts to form. You feel like a deer in headlights when he begins to stalk forward to approach you. 
“I’ve gotta bone to pick with you, missy,” his voice booms, his steps coming to a halt. 
His hands spread and turn as he leans on the table; eyes locked on your face. 
Your adrenaline kicks in and your feet start to move faster than your brain. A harsh swallow plagues your throat before you book it to the kitchen; french braid slinging heavy on your back and the bucket of lime wedges on your mind. 
Bradley zips around the oval-shaped bar top and grabs your waist before you make it out of the opening. His hands squeeze your sides softly. If you were in your right frame of mind, your cheeks would have flushed.  
“Uh-uh,” he says, whipping you around to face him. His grip falls to your forearms; holding you firmly but not enough to hurt. “What’s your deal, kid?” 
His breaths are exasperated. When he left work today, he had no idea that he would be chasing you around the bar like a goddamn dog who had gotten off its leash. Despite being in good shape (which he takes pride in, given the number of shirtless runs he does in his neighborhood) he still finds himself a little winded. 
Your eyes are almost bulging out of your head. His touch feels electric and you feign the ability to even think about opening your mouth to respond. Bradley Bradshaw is here, right in front of you, and almost holding you hostage. 
Hostage is dramatic, you think. But so is chasing me. 
“I-” you start. Another harsh swallow forces its way down your throat. At this point, you think that swallowing your spit is the only way you can remind your body to breathe. 
Bradley’s eyes soften at your frazzled state. He takes his hands off of you and drops them back to his sides. 
“I- I need to get the lime wedge bucket,” you rush out, the entire sentence sounding like one phrase. 
“Let me come with you,” he says. 
Your eyes widen in surprise. “You’re not allowed back there.” 
“Yeah well, you’re not allowed to ghost me about a wedding you invited me to, but look where we are,” he counters back. His legs start toward the kitchen hidden behind gray steel doors near the back. 
You stand frozen; trying to catch your breath and looking around to still see an empty bar with no signs of life. 
“Are you coming or not?” he calls out, a smile on his face juxtaposed to the annoyed expression he wore a few minutes ago when he caught you. 
And if it were anyone else, you would be utterly annoyed. You would refuse and start rattling off how it’s a health code violation for patrons to be in the back serving area or how it was inappropriate or how you didn’t want anyone to come in and clean out the Hard Deck while you were distracted. 
But because it’s Bradley and because you have this stupid big fat school girl crush on him, you don’t say anything even though you so badly want to. 
He’s already a little annoyed with me, you think. He doesn’t want to hear me ramble on top of that. 
Your sneakered feet follow him into the terracotta quarry-tiled kitchen in the back. He moves to the side to allow you to step in front of him in pursuit of the infamous lime wedge bucket you had your heart set on. 
The silence between the two of you is deafening, but you can’t even rub two of your brain cells together to form a coherent sentence that won’t leave you hunched over in embarrassment. Having a crush as an adult is downright embarrassing. But having a crush as an adult on an older, more refined adult is absolutely humiliating. 
The industrial refrigerator stands sleek and tall. The door weighs as heavy as it looks and you damn near pull your shoulder out of socket every time you attempt to open it. More than often, Penny has to come save you and open it because you can never seem to get the resistance of the rubber door gasket to give way. 
Thankfully, the door opens with a heavy tug and the bucket of limes was left on a shelf you could reach. You pop the fridge door closed with your hip before you start a fast-paced walk back to the bar; leaving Bradley behind to scramble up to you once again. 
In hindsight, your body language and lack of talking makes you seem furious and annoyed. And maybe you are, but it’s mostly frustration and annoyance pointed at yourself because you can’t just be fucking normal. 
No, because you have to be the odd one out of your family. You have to be the one cousin who got dumped by her “perfect” dentist boyfriend (who treated you terribly, but you never complained aloud to your family for your fear of being called ungrateful and unbecoming). You have to be awkward and sensitive and young with a silly-ass schoolgirl crush on a gorgeous man who David of Michelangelo envies.  
The bucket of lime wedges is slammed on the counter before you realize what your hands are doing. 
Bradley rounds in front of the cash register, a sheepish look on his face. “Hey, kid,” he whispers, “I’m sorry for barging in on you like that. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” 
A wave of guilt breaks the tide in your brain. He’s apologizing, and it’s sincere. It’s certainly not anything you’re used to. Usually, everything is your fault and you find yourself pushing your feelings aside to accept a half-assed apology. 
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have invited you to something that’s such a big deal and then refused the details,” you say. 
And you should stop there, you know, but you do that stupid thing you do about having to over-explain everything and keep going. Word vomit to the maximum. 
“I mean, I think I kind of bombarded you about it? I know you said that you would go and that you didn’t mind, but it’s really a lot to ask of someone to come with you and fill in for your ex in front of your shitty family who has a cow because you didn’t get married right after undergrad.” 
You rock back and forth on your heels and you pinch your fingers together to help soothe yourself. The anxiousness exuding off of you is obvious and Bradley can’t help but feel extremely guilty for making you feel horrible on top of what feelings you were already dealing with. 
“You can really say no, Bradley. My feelings won’t be hurt if you do. Honest,” you whisper, finishing your statement. 
Feeling small isn’t foreign to you in the slightest. 
His eyes soften even more. He recognizes the doubt written all over you. He’s felt that way so many times before. 
“I said what I meant, and I really wanna go to that wedding with you. Honest to God, I mean it,” he says, taking a seat on a stool nearby. “I just need to know what the plan is so I can pick you up and everything. Don’t want my suit to clash with your dress now, do we?” 
A small giggle leaves your lips. “Alright, Casanova. You’ve convinced me.” 
He extends his hand out to you. “Deal?” The large palm looks inviting, but you’re sure the adrenaline coursing through your veins has made your hands clammy. 
Your brows knit together and your lips pull themselves into a straight line. “What the hell are you doing?” Suddenly, you’re self-conscious about the potential armpit stains that may have soaked your tank top. 
Goddamn nerves. 
He contorts his expression into one of faux offense. “Making you shake on it. What the fuck does it look like?” 
You let out a breath through your nose. “I mean, exactly that, but don’t you think that’s too. . .” 
“Sophisticated? Formal?” He grins as if he had just won the lottery. 
“Little Rascals -esque.”  
Bradley kisses his teeth before laughing. “You’re never too old to relish in the magic that’s The Little Rascals.” 
“What happens if I don’t shake?” you question, fingers drawing circles on the surface near the cash register, “Will I be a target of the He-Man Woman Haters Club?” 
“Unfortunately, I can’t confirm but I can deny only if you shake on it and promise me a dance.” 
You shake your head before he finishes his sentence. 
“I’m a terrible dancer.” 
“Then I’ll make sure my dress shoes are steel-toe,” he reasons, shrugging his broad shoulders. His biceps subtly flex and you almost bite your lip but the fact that he’s so close and can see your expression makes you withhold. 
“You really wanna go still?” 
“How many times do I have to say yes, kid? I want to go with you and I promise you that we’ll have the best time ever. Is that clear enough?” 
Penny waltzes back in before you can answer. Her eyes hold a mischievous glint as they look at the interaction going on between you and Bradley. She sends you a soft wink before she joins you behind the bar. 
“Bradley!” she greets with a grin, coming to come rest next to you and in front of his seat. 
“Hey, Pen. Mav taking you out on the bike today?” 
She subtly bumps your hip with hers. She’s about to stir up some trouble. 
“No, no,” she sighs, “I have to close up here tonight so we’re going this weekend.” 
Bradley nods as you stand frozen next to her. 
“Speaking of weekends,” she chirps, “What are your plans, Bradley?” 
I love Penny. I love Penny. I love Penny. If I say it enough, I won’t wanna kill her. 
“Oh, the kid and I were planning on going to her cousin’s wedding in Long Beach. We were actually just talking about it,” he answers as Penny lets out a dramatic sigh. 
“Oh thank God. The suspense of if she was actually gonna talk to you about it was killing us.”
“Us?” you ask, voice filled with irritation and concern. 
“Me, Pete, Tom, Mike,” Penny lists, “Jake and Rueben started a money pool. Guess Hangman’s a hundred and twenty dollars richer now.”  
You groan and pinch your nose between your fingers as Penny takes your shoulders into her palms and rubs them. She picks up a crate of shot glasses before turning to leave. 
“Bradley?” she calls, and his ears perk up. 
“Yes, ma’am?” 
“Stay out of my kitchen,” her eyes narrow playfully, “That’s a health code violation.” 
He holds his hands up with a grin. “You got it.” 
“You kids have fun this weekend. Gonna have to take tons of pictures and show them to me!” she exclaims before disappearing behind the same steel doors Bradley had followed you into earlier. 
A beat of silence passes; partly because you’re so stunned by what had just occurred. 
“So,” he clears his throat, “Now that I know you’re old enough to have watched The Little Rascals, what’s the plan? Like is this an overnight thing or a reception thing or?” 
You perk up at his question. 
“Oh, umm.” You subconsciously pick at your cuticles before forcing yourself to stop. Your mom and aunt would be disappointed to see them ripped to shreds. “So I kinda - well, it’s an overnight thing but we definitely don’t have to stay overnight.” 
He nods his head, ears intently listening to what you’re saying. You think he’s nodding his head to queue up a firm decline to your plans despite his insistence on going with you. 
“I mean, you don’t have to! You can like, drive home and come back the next day? Or not go to the rehearsal dinner and just meet me at the wedding? I just know that sleeping in the same room is gonna be weird and I think my room reservation only has one bed because like I said, I had a boyfriend whenever they booked it and I never changed it after we broke up and-” 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” he interrupts your word vomit, “Breathe, kid. Breathe.” 
You take a deep inhale in and you want to kick yourself for doing it at his request. 
Are you just gonna do whatever Bradley tells you to do, or do we actually have a fucking mind of our own? 
“Why would I leave you hanging like that? Huh?” He licks his lips subtly and you have to keep from drooling. “You asked me to come with you and I’m gonna go the whole time and have a blast.” 
You nod your head. Your thoughts and emotions have been bouncing off the wall in a vapid fashion from the two hours you’ve been clocked in. 
“Okay,” you whisper shakily. 
“Okay,” a laugh jumps from his throat and he leans in closer. “Can I get your number, at least? So I can call you instead and make it easier?” 
You’re reaching beneath the bar and grabbing aimlessly at the mason jar full of random gel pens and a roll of open receipt paper that was too short to be put inside the machine but too long to be thrown away. 
Lime green glitter ink spells out your phone number on the stark white paper before you wordlessly slide it over to rest near Bradley’s fingertips. 
He sends you a smile before pulling out his phone and typing the number into the keypad. You have to look away because if you don’t, you’re sure you’ll start hyperventilating. 
Your cell phone buzzes in your back pocket once, twice, thrice. 
“Are you…calling me?” you ask, head tilting to the side to meet his mischievous glint. 
“Context clues, kid. C’mon,” he replies. He holds his phone to his ear as he listens to the dial tone. 
You stand in disbelief in front of him. 
He shoos you with his hands. “Go on! Answer!” he urges. 
You sigh and playfully roll your eyes before slinging your phone out of your back pocket. You click the green phone icon on your screen before bringing it to your ear. 
“Alright, missy. What’s the address I’m picking you up from Friday afternoon?” 
Bradley Bradshaw may not be your boyfriend and probably will never be, but he sure knows how to play the part well enough to fool your family. He may even have you fooled too.
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“Shit!” you yelp. Your upper body tenses up and you slam your curling iron on the countertop of your bathroom sink. 
The strong vibrations of your phone ringing move your device closer to the edge. You scramble to pick it up and bring it to your ear. You didn’t bother looking at the caller ID before answering. Odds are, it’s either your mother or your only cousin that you can actually stand, Hallie.
“Fuck,” you whisper before clearing your throat, “Hello?” 
You flash your neck in the mirror, fingers dancing around the irritated baby pink skin surrounding the already darkening magenta wound. The skin feels hot to the touch and you know that its placement makes it look more like a hickey than anything. Your mind starts to wonder if putting makeup on it would be a bad decision. 
“Hey, kid.” 
Fuck. Bradley. It’s Bradley. I forgot about Bradley! 
“I’m outside.” You take a deep swallow that you pray he can’t hear over the phone. “You said the house with the purple hydrangeas near the front steps. Right?” 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Am I this fucking stupid that I can’t even think of another word to use right now? 
The long pause doesn’t make Bradley hang up. 
“Kid? You okay in there?” The sound of a car door slamming can be heard through the receiver. You listen to the Carlsons down the street mowing their lawn. A few dogs are barking and the sound of Bradley’s shoes hitting the pavement plays a symphony with the bliss of what is a Friday afternoon at 2 PM encapsulates. 
His knuckles rap against your front door and you audibly gasp. Your finger hangs up the phone before sprinting to let him in. The flutters in your stomach make you feel like you might projectile vomit any second.  No amount of pep talks you had given yourself in the past two days can prepare you for the events of this weekend; not to mention Bradley and your big fat crush on him being the cherry on top. 
You swing the door open; a shocked Bradley staring at you and a frenzied heart damn near beating out of your chest. 
“I’m not ready yet!” you exclaim, turning your back and rushing back into your bathroom. You move so swiftly that you don’t even notice the bouquet of flowers clutched in his right hand. 
Fuck! The curling iron is still on. 
Bradley lets out a laugh. “Well, hello to you too.” 
You pick the iron back up and finish curling the piece of hair you had started on before being interrupted. 
“Sorry!” you shout back, “Give me five and I’ll be ready to go.” 
Bradley lets out a puff of air he didn’t know he had been holding in. If someone had asked him a month ago where he thought he would be spending a Friday afternoon in mid-March, he probably said he wouldn’t know for sure. 
Which is true. 
He’s worked out a schedule where he’s able to leave work by 11 AM on Fridays and what he does is often a wild card; his Fridays range anywhere from mundane errands to impromptu skydiving endeavors with Coyote and Phoenix. He might even go for a quick afternoon surf session if he feels up to it. 
He’ll admit, sometimes he imagines spending his Friday afternoons with you. In one timeline, he convinces you to ride down the coast with him at sunset. Another has you laying on your stomach at the beach with your nose shoved in a book pretending not to be ogling him while he surfs. 
Bradley even lets his mind wander to the possible tan lines on your hips and how he would graze his thumbs just beneath your bikini bottoms to feel the fullness of the skin there, but then he realizes how inappropriate that may be, and he lets the thought sit in the back of his brain unwatered and underdeveloped.
Besides, he was raised better than imagining women naked. . .Even though he thinks you’re absolutely stunning both clothed and naked. . .And would love the opportunity to see you na-
That’s beside the point. Get it together, man. 
His eyes survey the surroundings of your living room. Throw pillows and blankets. Candles on the coffee table. Books everywhere. Open windows create sunspots on the carpet. A vintage record player on the shelf of your bookcase and your Tango in the Night vinyl playing softly. 
He likes to think that in another life (he’s hopeful for this one, but he’s learned what having too much hope does to a person) your blue fuzzy blanket has a home on his cream-colored couch or that your Fleetwood Mac vinyl finds solace next to his Otis Redding and James Brown records. 
Bradley takes a seat on your couch. The brown butcher paper holding together the peony floral arrangement he had picked up crunches in his hand. The other pats along to the soft rhythm arrangement in time with “Mystified.” He can smell the faint scent of your perfume and the sounds of life you make, the small gasps and soft humming and whispered curse words, fill him with endearment. 
He’s so wrapped up in melting into your aura that he doesn’t even realize that you had left the bathroom until you stood dead in front of him; curled hair, makeup on, and an electric blue dress laying flawlessly on the silhouette of your body.
You make his mouth dry and any words that he wants to say disintegrate with how amazing he thinks you look. Him not saying anything makes you panic and you wonder if you forgot to blend the bronzer near your neck or if your blush was too pink or if there was a piece of hair you had forgotten or if the dress you had on actually made you look like a frumpy version of Aquamarine (a lot of or, or, ors). 
Bradley, please say something. 
He sits up straighter upon seeing you. The navy blue dress pants on his long legs bring out the green in his hazel eyes. Your heart feels warm at the thought of him matching you; especially after offhandedly mentioning that you were thinking of wearing a blue dress to the dinner rehearsal. 
Your eyes glance to his non-dominate hand and spot the pink peonies wrapped in butcher paper. The simple notion of him getting you flowers makes your knees weak, and the fact that he didn’t get them from the grocery store - that it was an arrangement that he had gotten from a florist - makes you wish you were a better woman and weren’t thinking of dropping to your knees right there in front of him and thanking him with a blowj- 
He doesn’t even think you look pretty enough to say something. Don’t get too ahead of yourself. 
“Oh,” he wipes his empty hand on the fabric of his pants, “These are for you.” He pushes the bouquet forward for your observation. 
A smile is center stage on your lips as you grab them from his grasp. “Thank you. This is really kind of you, Bradley.” You turn to head into your kitchen to grab a vase. 
She didn’t say they were pretty. Does she even like peonies? 
The silence surrounding you both is deafening. If you could ignore the slightly prickly feeling of heat eating away at the hairline on the back of your neck, you can almost forget that Bradley is even here. 
But the thing is, Bradley is here. He’s here and so present and you’re gonna have to give your poor heart a break from beating so fast if you want to survive this weekend without having a stroke. 
All the thought does is make you even more nervous (as if that’s even fucking possible at this point). 
“Okay, kid. If we’re gonna be together all weekend, this,” he points his finger between you and him, “Ain’t fucking happening. We need to tallllkkkk.” 
You swallow. “I -We are talking.” 
“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” 
“Okay,” you whisper sheepishly, your bare toe grinding into the carpet. The friction sends a wave of heat to your otherwise numb toes. It’s unconventional, but at least it’s helping you feel something other than anxiety. 
He nods his head before standing up. His eyes glance at the gold watch on his left hand. “Well, it’s 2:30 and the rehearsal dinner is at 5. We need to get going if we wanna beat traffic.” 
He sighs, watched wrist coming down to lay his hand flat across his stomach. “Talking means more than just saying ‘okay.’ That’s not a conversation.” 
You pause for a moment. The flowers he had brought still rest in between the crease of your inner elbow. More silence ensues. You just don’t know what to say. 
He starts heading down your small hallway. The whiff of his cologne kickstarts your reaction. 
“Hey!” you say, starting to stalk after him, “What the hell are you doing?” 
He snickers. “Grabbing your bags? I was serious about getting a move on. Don’t want your folks to think your boyfriend is a slacker now, do ya?” 
Bradley grabs the two bags you had struggled to set outside your bedroom door with ease. You never forget how strong he looks (oggling at a guy three days out of the six you work will do that to you) but you always seem to forget how strong he actually is. 
You close your mouth before you begin to drool. Bradley will for sure be talking about this weekend with his friends and uncle. You don’t want to add any more embarrassing details to the story. Besides, your awkward preteen pictures from your mom’s Facebook hadn’t even been brought up yet. Some room needs to be saved for your utter humiliation. 
Your feet slide into the pair of heels you had set aside before you scramble to grab your keys and purse. How Bradley can move so quickly is beyond your thinking capacity as you haphazardly take the needle off of your record. Your eyes do a quick sweep over your living room to make sure that everything is turned off so you won’t magically come home to a fire safety example at the conclusion of your weekend. 
Now, if you can just make yourself stop feeling so jittery, you might be able to actually manage to fit your key into the lock of your front door. 
After what feels like three years (and the embarrassment of knowing Bradley probably watched you struggle), the keys are stuffed back into your purse before you pause on your porch. 
A black Ford F-150 sits curbside to your driveway. It doesn’t fit in with the SUVs and small sedans that make up the neighborhood you live in. You had never seen a car like this where you lived at all. Come to think of it, you had never seen this truck ever. 
Doesn’t Bradley drive a Bronco? 
Your eyebrows remain wrinkled with your puzzled expression as he rounds the back of the car; the resounding noise of the back door shutting makes his entrance known. He opens the passenger door for you and stands next to it. 
He squints as he looks up at you. The sun is blazing and he forgot to grab his sunglasses from his side of the door. 
“Cold feet?” he calls. 
You start to head down the stairs and onto the pavement. “It’s seventy-six degrees. I think cold feet is kinda ill worded.” 
“It’s a saying.” 
The crossed arms over your chest signal your apprehension. Bradley stands before you, leaning against the truck and his arm slung on the top of the cab. He raises his brows at you and does a gentle motion of his head to the seat, inviting you to climb in. Even next to the large vehicle, he still looks. . .huge. 
In a good way! In a good way. He’s actually really fit and I’m shaking inside and I’m sure I’m sweating and I have got to stop wearing light colors in front of him because he can probably see the sweat and - Oh God. Oh God, the seats are leather. What if I sweat all over them? 
The lump in your throat is swallowed as you stand before him. “This isn’t your car,” you say lamely. 
He scoffs. “Spying on me? Do you have my license plates memorized too?” 
You know he’s teasing and that he doesn’t mean it literally, but you almost answer, “yes” because you do. Thankfully, you’re in the stage of your anxiousness where you clam up instead of puking your words out. 
You cock your head to the side, eyes narrowed because of the bright sun. 
“How do I know it’s not stolen? What if we get pulled over because it’s stolen?” you wonder, and then the word vomit picks up and - “ I can’t go to jail! I had nothing to do with it and the ABA is gonna pull my Bar application if we get arrested and I spent too much damn money and worked too damn hard to let an F-150 ruin it for-” 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters into a small laugh, “I know you love the Bronco,” he gives you a teasing look, “But the Bronco has no air and I figured that since we’re driving two hours on the highway, you would appreciate not having to ride with the windows down the entire time.” 
“You still haven’t confirmed that it’s your car.” 
“You know, for someone so smart, you are extremely bad at picking up on obvious context clues. Why the hell would I steal a pickup truck and then drive you to a wedding in it?” 
You scrounge your brain for a reply. “. . .For the plot?” 
He whistles and crosses his arms over his chest, mimicking your current stance. “Wow. I have a comedian for a date.” 
“I’m serious. It could be a possibility!” 
“Well I don’t think “felon” looks good next to “painstakingly handsome,” so I’ll pass.” 
You remain standing in front of him. Stubbornness was a quality that your mother both loved and loathed and you know it, but Bradley has yet to see this side of you yet. Your arms wrap around your torso tighter and your eyebrows are raised every so slightly. 
Bradley knows what you’re doing. He used to do it to Maverick all the time when he was growing up. You’re digging your heels in. 
“C’mon. Don’t start poutin’ on me before I even get to disappoint you with my dancing,” he quips. He brings his face closer to yours before flashing you a toothy smile. 
You sigh dramatically before letting him help you into the seat. The gentle “Atta girl,” he gives you pinkens your cheeks. You pray he won’t notice your flushed face when he sits on the driver's side of the car. Every interaction you’ve had with him has kept you tossing and turning at night because of your nervousness. 
So many things you wish you could take back and so many ways you wish you could act normal; a never-ending cycle of “could’ve, would’ve, should’ve,” and the thought leaves a small seed of sadness in your stomach. 
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
Can I Help You
Part 2 / Word Count 3509
Summary: after days of avoiding Luke, y/n has to man up and see Luke in person after she ran away. But of course, things won't go as smoothly when her ex-boyfriend shows up.
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The music pulsed through the night air, the heavy bass reverberating in their chests as y/n and Clarke approached the big white house. Clusters of partygoers sprawled across the front lawn and spilled over onto the stairway, their laughter and chatter mixing with the thumping soundtrack blaring from inside.
The chill in the air nipped at exposed skin, but the revelers seemed impervious, warmed by the electric thrill of the night and perhaps a few red solo cups.
y/n's heels clicked rhythmically against the sidewalk, a sharp staccato cutting through the dull roar of the party. She tugged at the hem of her dress, suddenly feeling self-conscious amidst the sea of scantily clad sorority girls. Clarke, sensing her friend's hesitation, looped her arm through y/n's and gave a reassuring squeeze.
"You've got this, babe. He's going to eat his heart out when he sees you," Clarke declared, her voice raised to carry over the din.
y/n exhaled shakily, her breath misting in the cool air. She wanted to believe her friend, wanted to trust in the liquid courage buzzing through her veins, but the butterflies in her stomach refused to settle.
They climbed the steps to the front door, dodging red cups and overly enthusiastic dancers, y/n scanned the crowd for a glimpse of him. Her heart stuttered in her chest when she finally spotted him across the room, his tall frame unmistakable even in the dim party lighting.
He looked up then, his eyes locking with hers, and the rest of the room fell away. In that suspended moment, she forgot all about her nerves, forgot why she had run away before. All that mattered was the way he was looking at her now, his gaze smoldering with intensity and unspoken promises.
Clarke's elbow jabbed sharply into her ribs, startling her back to reality. "Go get him, tiger," she urged with a knowing grin, giving y/n a gentle shove in his direction.
As Luke's gaze continued to bore into her, y/n felt a sudden surge of panic. She grabbed Clarke's hand and deftly maneuvered them through the throng of partygoers, weaving between the gyrating bodies until they reached a more crowded corner of the house.
The music was even louder here, the bass thumping in their chests, but at least they were out of Luke's line of sight.
 Clarke turned to face y/n, her long wavy blonde hair blanketing her face. Her leather skirt hugged her curves as she planted her hands on her hips, fixing y/n with an incredulous stare. "You mean to tell me the boy you think is hot says he wants you and your first instinct is to run away?" Clarke asked, her voice laced with disbelief.
y/n fidgeted with the hem of her black dress, the fabric clinging to her like a second skin. The bow in her hair bobbed as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, looking unsure of her answer. After a moment, she reluctantly nodded her head.
Clarke's eyes widened, her perfectly arched brows nearly reaching her hairline. "Girl, what are you thinking? Luke is practically begging to get with you, and you're over here playing hide-and-seek!"
y/n sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I know, I know. It's just..." She trailed off, trying to find the right words. "What if he ends up just like Mark? Even worse, what if Mark finds out?"
Clarke softened, reaching out to squeeze y/n's hand. "Oh, honey. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you? Don't let your fears hold you back from something that could be amazing."
y/n chewed on her bottom lip, considering Clarke's words. She knew her friend was right. Now that he had finally made a move, she was running scared.
Straightening her shoulders, y/n took a deep breath. The bow in her hair quivered with her newfound resolve. "You're right. I won’t let my insecurities ruin this. I'm going to go talk to him. And we’re gonna drink and I won’t run away!"
Clarke grinned, her red lips curving into a proud smile. "That's my girl! Go get your man!" She gave y/n a playful swat on the rear as she turned to head back into the fray. y/n took one last steadying breath before squaring her shoulders and marching towards Luke.
As y/n approached Luke from behind, she couldn't help but admire the way his curls shone under the bright kitchen lights. They looked so soft, and she had to resist the urge to reach out and run her fingers through them.
She was close enough now to catch a whiff of his cologne, a heady scent that made her pulse quicken. She breathed in deeply, letting the aroma wash over her, a potent mixture of spice and musk that was uniquely Luke.
Lost in the moment, y/n didn't realize just how close she had gotten until Luke suddenly turned around, his eyes locking with hers. For a heartbeat, the world seemed to stand still. The chatter and laughter of the partygoers faded into the background, and all y/n could focus on was the intensity of Luke's gaze.
His eyes seemed to pierce right through her, sending a shiver down her spine. There was a hint of surprise in his expression, perhaps at her sudden appearance, but it quickly gave way to something else entirely. Something heated and hungry that made y/n's breath catch in her throat.
"Hey," Luke said, his voice low and husky. "I was wondering where you disappeared to."
y/n swallowed hard, trying to find her voice. "I just needed a minute," she replied, hoping he couldn't hear the tremor in her words.
Luke's lips quirked up in a half-smile, and he took a step closer. "Well, I'm glad you're back. I was starting to think you were avoiding me."
y/n's heart hammered in her chest as she shook her head. "No, not avoiding. Just..." She trailed off, unsure of how to explain the riot of emotions swirling inside her.
Luke's smile softened, and he reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. His fingers brushed against her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "Just what, y/n?" he asked gently.
y/n drew in a shaky breath, steeling herself. It was now or never. "Just trying to work up the courage to do this."
And with that, she closed the remaining distance between them, rising up on her toes to press her lips against his. For a moment, Luke went still, and y/n feared she had made a terrible mistake. But then his arms came around her, pulling her flush against his body as he deepened the kiss.
The rest of the world fell away as y/n lost herself in the sensation of Luke's lips moving against hers, his hands roaming over her back, her sides, her hips. She tangled her fingers in his curls, reveling in their softness, just as she had imagined.
When they finally broke apart, both of them breathless and flushed, Luke rested his forehead against hers. "Wow," he murmured, his eyes shining with wonder.
y/n couldn't help but giggle, a giddy sort of joy bubbling up inside her. "Wow indeed," she agreed, before pulling him down for another kiss. As y/n melted into Luke's embrace, savoring the taste of his lips and the warmth of his body pressed against hers, she caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye. Her heart stuttered in her chest as she recognized the familiar figure striding through the doorway.
y/n froze, her body going rigid in Luke's arms. He pulled back, his brow furrowed in concern as he noticed the sudden change in her demeanor. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
But y/n couldn't respond, her eyes locked on Mark as he made a beeline for Clarke. She watched, her stomach twisting in knots, as he leaned in close to her friend, his expression serious as he questioned her about something y/n couldn't hear over the pounding music.
"I... I need a second," y/n stammered, tearing her gaze away from Mark and Clarke. She stepped out of Luke's embrace, her skin feeling suddenly cold without his touch.
Luke's face fell, a mixture of confusion and hurt flickering across his handsome features. "What? Why? Did I do something wrong?"
y/n shook her head, already backing away. "No, it's not you. I just... I have to go."
She turned to leave, but Luke's hand shot out, grabbing her arm. His grip was gentle but firm, his fingers pressing into her skin. "Wait, y/n. Please. Don't run away again."
y/n's heart clenched at the desperation in his voice, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. "Luke, I'm sorry. I can't do this right now."
"Can't do what?" Luke demanded, his tone sharpening with frustration. "Can't talk to me? Can't be honest with me? You keep sending me all these mixed signals, y/n. One minute you're kissing me like your life depends on it, the next you're running away like I've got the plague."
y/n flinched at the accusation in his words, but she couldn't deny the truth of them. She had been running hot and cold with Luke for weeks now, ever since they'd started skating together. Ever since she'd begun tutoring him in math, staying up late to help him grasp concepts that seemed to slip through his fingers like water.
She'd thought she could keep him at arm's length, that she could ignore the way her heart raced every time he looked at her with those piercing honey eyes. But then he'd kissed her tonight, and everything had changed.
"I'm sorry," she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I have to leave."
She tried to pull away, but Luke's grip on her arm tightened. His jaw clenched, a muscle ticking beneath the stubble that shadowed his angular cheekbones. "So that's it? You're just going to run away again? Leave me hanging like you always do?"
The bitterness in his tone made y/n's chest ache, but she forced herself to meet his gaze. "Luke, please. Don't make this harder than it has to be."
"Harder than it has to be?" Luke scoffed, his eyes flashing with hurt and anger. "You're the one making it hard, y/n. You're the one who keeps pushing me away, even though I know you feel something for me. I can see it in the way you look at me, the way you melt into me when we kiss."
He took a step closer, his free hand coming up to cup her cheek. His touch was feather-light, but it burned like a brand against her skin. "Why won't you let me in, y/n? Why won't you give us a chance?"
y/n swallowed hard, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to tell him everything, to confess all the secrets she'd been keeping locked away in her heart. But the words stuck in her throat, choking her.
"I'm sorry," she said again, her voice cracking. "I have to go."
And with that, she wrenched her arm free of Luke's grasp and fled, pushing through the crowd of partygoers as the tears began to fall. She could feel Luke's eyes boring into her back as she ran, but she didn't dare look back.
She couldn't bear to see the heartbreak on his face, knowing that she was the one who had put it there. She approached Clarke and Mark, their voices grew louder, cutting through the pulsing music and chatter of the party. She could see the tension in Mark's shoulders, the way his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he loomed over Clarke.
"Who is that guy, Clarke? I know you're lying to me. Tell me who he is!" Mark's voice was sharp, his words clipped with barely contained rage.
Clarke, to her credit, looked utterly unfazed. She stood her ground, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared up at Mark with a look of disdain. "When is the right time to leave your ex-girlfriend alone? She doesn't want you, you're crazy."
Mark's face reddened, his nostrils flaring. "I'm not crazy! I just want to know who that guy is. y/n is mine, and I'm not going to let some random dude swoop in and steal her away from me."
y/n's stomach churned at the possessiveness in Mark's voice. She'd broken up with him months ago, but he still seemed to think he had some kind of claim on her. It was one of the reasons she'd been so hesitant to let herself get close to Luke, even though her heart yearned for him.
She stepped forward, putting herself between Mark and Clarke. "Mark, stop. Please. You're making a scene."
Mark's gaze snapped to her, his eyes wild. "y/n! There you are. I've been looking all over for you."
He reached for her, but y/n stepped back, shaking her head. "Mark, we've been over this. We're not together anymore. You need to leave me alone."
Mark's face twisted, a mixture of hurt and anger flickering across his features. "Is this because of him? That guy you were with earlier?"
y/n's heart stuttered in her chest. "Luke has nothing to do with this. We broke up because you were possessive and controlling, and I couldn't take it anymore."
Mark scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, please. You loved it when I took charge. When I made all the decisions for us. You needed me to take care of you."
y/n's hands clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms. "I didn't need you to do anything for me, Mark. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."
Mark's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a sneer. "Really? Is that why you're running around with some new guy, letting him put his hands all over you? You're just a slut who can't be alone." The words hit y/n like a slap, and she recoiled as if she'd been struck. Beside her, Clarke let out a gasp of outrage.
"How dare you talk to her like that! You're a pathetic excuse for a man, Mark. No wonder she dumped your sorry ass."
Mark's face reddened even further, and for a moment, y/n thought he might actually strike Clarke. But then he seemed to deflate, his shoulders slumping as he took a step back.
"Fine. Whatever. You two deserve each other." He spat the words like venom, his eyes darting between y/n and Clarke. With that, he turned on his heel and stalked away, shoving through the crowd of partygoers. y/n watched him go, her heart racing in her chest.
She felt like she couldn't breathe, like the walls of the room were closing in on her. "y/n? Are you okay?" Clarke's voice was gentle, her hand coming to rest on y/n's shoulder.
Luke stood there for a moment, stunned and heartbroken. He couldn't understand why she kept running away from him, why she wouldn't let him in. He thought they had something special, but now he was starting to doubt everything.
As he turned to leave, his shoulders slumped in defeat, he found himself face to face with a tall, broad-shouldered guy he didn't recognize. The guy had a scowl on his face and a glint of something dangerous in his eyes.
"Hey, you," the guy said, his voice low and menacing. "You're the one who was with y/n earlier, right?"
Luke bristled at the accusation in the guy's tone. "Yeah, what's it to you?"
The guy stepped closer, invading Luke's personal space. "I'm Mark, y/n's boyfriend. And I want to know what the hell you think you're doing with my girl."
Luke's eyes widened in surprise, his heart clenching painfully in his chest. y/n had a boyfriend? Why hadn't she told him? Had everything between them been a lie?
Anger set in, hot and fierce. How dare this guy claim y/n as his own, like she was some kind of possession? And how dare y/n lead him on, make him think they had something real, when she was just using him to get back at her boyfriend?
Luke's jaw clenched, his hands curling into fists at his sides. He wanted to punch Mark in his smug face, to make him feel even a fraction of the pain that was tearing through his own heart. But instead, he forced himself to take a step back, to put some distance between them. "No, that's not my girl," he said, his voice cold and flat. "I don't know her."
The words tasted like ash in his mouth, but he forced them out anyway. He wouldn't let Mark see how much this was killing him, wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he'd gotten under his skin.
Mark's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a sneer. "Good. Because if I ever catch you sniffing around her again, I'll make you regret it."
Luke just shook his head, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. "Trust me, you don't have to worry about that. I'm done with her."
y/n hadn't gone far when she heard the confrontation between Mark and Luke. She'd been hiding in a quiet corner of the house, trying to gather her thoughts and calm her racing heart, when their voices had carried over the din of the party.
At first, she couldn't make out what they were saying. But then she heard Luke's voice, cold and harsh, saying "No, that's not my girl. I don't know her."
The words hit her like a physical blow, stealing the breath from her lungs. She felt like she'd been punched in the gut, like the ground had opened up beneath her feet and swallowed her whole.
How could Luke say that, after everything they'd been through? After the way he'd kissed her, held her, looked at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered?
Anger surged through her, hot and fierce. She pushed herself off the wall and stormed towards the two men, her vision tunneling until all she could see was Mark's smug face.
Without a second thought, she hurled herself at him, swinging her fists with wild abandon. She wasn't thinking, wasn't planning, just acting on pure instinct and rage.
Mark stumbled back, his eyes widening in surprise as y/n's blows rained down on him. He tried to fend her off, but she was relentless, her anger giving her a strength she didn't know she possessed.
Luke jumped back in shock, his mouth falling open as he watched y/n attack Mark. For a moment, he was frozen, unsure of what to do.
But then Clarke appeared out of nowhere, pushing herself between y/n and Mark. "Stop it, both of you!" she yelled, her hands held out in front of her like a shield. Mark snarled, shoving Clarke aside with a rough push. She stumbled, nearly falling, but managed to catch herself at the last moment.
That was all it took for Luke to snap out of his daze. He lunged forward, grabbing y/n around the waist and hauling her away from Mark. She struggled against him, still swinging her fists, but he held her tight, his arms like steel bands around her.
"Let me go!" she screamed, her voice raw and ragged. "I'm going to kill him!"
But Luke just held her tighter, his breath hot against her ear as he spoke. "y/n, stop. He's not worth it."
y/n sagged against him, all the fight draining out of her in a rush. She felt like a puppet whose strings had been cut, like she might collapse if Luke wasn't holding her up.
"Why did you say that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why did you tell him you didn't know me?"
Luke was silent for a long moment, and y/n felt her heart sink. But then he spoke, his voice soft and sad. "Because I thought you had a boyfriend. I thought you were just using me to get back at him."
y/n's eyes widened, and she twisted in Luke's arms to look up at him. "What? No! Mark's not my boyfriend. We broke up months ago."
Luke's brow furrowed in confusion. "But he said-"
"He's lying," y/n interrupted, her voice fierce. "He's a manipulative, controlling asshole who can't stand the thought of me moving on."
She reached up, cupping Luke's face in her hands. "Luke, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was just... scared. Scared of getting hurt again, scared of letting someone in."
Luke's eyes softened, and he leaned into her touch. "I know. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have assumed the worst."
y/n shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "No, you shouldn't have. But I shouldn't have run away, either.” Luke smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the corners before y/n continued. "Maybe we can start over? Try this whole communication thing again?"
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Do As You're Told
prompt: ( requested ) Billy's less than impressed when his lady decides to disobey his warnings and cuts loose at a party. he might have to teach her a lesson about doing as you're told.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 4.1k [she's a shorty]
note: Billy’s a little OC in this cause I’m a sucker for the whole “dickhead to everyone except my boo” thing. so Billy’s in love with a strong woman but he might push her buttons a little extra at this party…
warnings: author's insecurity to write smut so...my bad for the ending... cursing, degrading name calling, underage drinking, teens being dumb, boys being dumb, um, suggestive language? as always, proceed with maturity!!
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The music was so loud, it vibrated the ground walked or stumbled upon. The house was stuffed full of teenagers all looking to say 'fuck school' and 'hello summer', making it swelteringly hot and for refuge to be taken on the back patio where only a few stragglers were mingling.
Yeah, some nobody was trying to break Billy's keg stand record and started puking around second 13. Though not my usual crowd, it proved semi-entertaining as teenager after teenager drowned their worries and sorrows and increasingly made fools of themselves.
"There you are!" Chrissy giggled as she stumbled out of the backdoor, finding me there, fist clenched and perched under my temple as I leaned my elbow on the arm of the chair. "Wow, someone looks like she's having a great time, huh?"
I sighed when Chrissy crashed drunkenly into the seat beside me, a girlish giggle escaping her once again when my hands jutted out to make sure she actually landed in the chair.
"Think you've had enough to drink, babe," I chuckled lowly, eyeing her cautiously.
"Mh, I don't think you've had enough," she countered. "C'mon, what good is an end of the year party if you're not gonna drink?"
I rolled my eyes, "You obviously don't know my boyfriend."
A sort of shadow crossed Chrissy's face, her expression souring, "I don't need to know him to know he's a dickhead."
"Easy, girl," I warned half-heartedly; even though I knew he was, I didn't like hearing other people talk shit about him. They would never know Billy the way I did but right now, that was fine - if they thought he was a dick, I wasn't gonna bend over backwards to defend him. My eyes returned to the front of me, surveying the party crowd.
Billy had actually ditched me when a few of the 'basketball bros' dictated more of his attention. It wasn't the first time, either, and I get he was a star player and all, but seriously? C'mon!
"Seriously, what's up?" Chrissy asked, her voice softer than a moment ago. "You've been out here all night, looking like someone kicked your puppy."
"I'm honestly just tired," I shrugged. "Billy wanted to come tonight, I didn't. Just kinda wanted to hang at home tonight, Mr. Wilson's final really kicked my ass."
"So, why'd you show up tonight?"
"And what?" I scoffed. "Let all the bitches of Hawkins think my man's single so when he's shitfaced, they can make a move on him? Not likely," I shook my head.
"Well, how much fun can it be, sitting alone, outside, sober, while your man's in there," she pointed towards Tina's house, "having the time of his freaking life?"
I sighed, "It's not fun at all, Chris, but whatever. I'd rather be here than at home, wondering what the fuck he's doing."
"I knew it," she grinned. "So, does that mean you'll let me get you a shot or two?"
"No," I blanched with a shudder, "not since two weekends ago... I don't think I can even smell vodka without feeling sick."
"Well, lucky for you," Chrissy grinned, holding up a plastic water bottle, "I snagged us some tequila."
"Oh, really?" I smirked, pinning her with an amused look - knowing tequila was my weakness.
"Mhm, thought you could use some loosening up, so, I snuck it from Mom's liquor cabinet! C'mon," she pouted, "school's out for the summer - just let loose a little."
I sighed, "I don't know, Billy was pretty adamant I stay sober."
She scoffed, "Why? So, he can have all the fun?"
I shrugged, "I don't pretend to understand the way my boyfriend thinks."
"So?" Chrissy smiled, handing over the water bottle. "C'mon," she pouted when I paused to think.
"All right," I sighed, "screw it, right? Summer's here."
"Exactly," Chrissy beamed, watching as I poured a (healthy) shot into my mouth before swallowing. "You know, it's actually kinda intimidating how you just take that back with no chaser, no lime..."
I shrugged, "We don't drink for the taste, babe."
"Wanna dance?" She beamed.
"Uh, in a second," I nodded, taking a second shot and feeling the liquid warm my stomach before it extended into my veins. "Can we go to the kitchen so I can make a drink?" I held up the half-gone water bottle of tequila.
"Hell yeah," she squeaked with a grin, letting me pull her up with me and link our arms.
"Is Jason around?" I asked.
"Yeah, somewhere," she shrugged. "I wanted to hang with my bestie tonight."
I chuckled, leaning over to peck her cheek, "My rescuer."
"Your hero," she teased, giggling when she locked her hand in mine when we entered the stifling house.
Hordes of teenagers were huddled everywhere.
"Move," I snapped to a few people, unamused by their sloppiness due to my relative sobriety. Knowing I was the designated 'queen' of Hawkins, people parted ways to let Chrissy Cunningham and I pass through them. However, when a few girls didn't get the memo, I was glaring, "You thick in the head or something? Fuck outta my way."
They parted like Moses did the Red Sea.
"Ooooookay we're definitely getting you a drink," Chrissy shook her head, hands on my shoulders now to direct me into the kitchen. "You get kinda mean when you're irritated and sober. Real bitchy."
"I get annoyed when bitches don't listen," I shook my head, grabbing a solo cup and opening Tina's fridge. I scanned the contents before grabbing the orange juice and pouring half a cup, topping it off with tequila and giving a couple stirs before taking a sip.
"You're just mad at your boyfriend. Better?" Chrissy smiled.
"Much," I sighed, holding a finger to her to chug the rest of my drink. I ignored the way her eyes widened and her hands fiddled nervously, lowering my cup to refill it and nod at her. "All right, I'm good."
"Yeah? Feeling loose?"
"Sure," I shrugged with a softer smile; truly feeling my annoyance with everyone at the party dimming to a simmer.
"Loose enough to dance with me now?" She pouted dramatically.
"Yeah, let's hit it, babes," I chuckled, taking another mouthful before lacing our hands together and venturing towards the dance floor. Well, 'dance floor' was hard to call it since it was the darker part of Tina's house that was used for classmates to grind on each other.
Chrissy and I made for the middle, easily creating space around us as she giggled and took my hand before losing herself in the music. It required about half of my second cup before I felt like dancing too, and Chrissy was more than happy to cheer in encouragement.
It felt like the longer the minutes ticked on, the more I drank. It was easy to lose myself in a night of teenage debauchery, feeling Chrissy's hands on my hips as we swayed to the music. She giggled when I ground back on her, swinging my hips side to side, unaware of the eyes glaring daggers into our backs.
Chrissy tapped my shoulder and I turned, leaning in to hear her over the blaring music, "I'm gonna get another drink!"
I nodded, "Grab me one, please - I'm gonna hit the bathroom."
She nodded in agreement and we made a promise to meet up again before parting ways. I had left my empty solo cup on a random end table, stumbling over other feet to push my way towards the hallway.
Only, Tommy H. was standing there, talking to Patrick and Joshua. I rolled my eyes subtly, knowing all three of these boys pined uselessly after me since puberty did a real number on me in the eighth grade. I had a bit of a reputation, being the 'queen' made me a high priority dating target and I was adamant on not dating any of the shit-for-brains dumbasses that populated this town. And so I didn't date. I wasn't interested.
Until Billy fucking Hargrove zoomed into town with his Camaro, bad attitude, and ringlets of golden tresses.
Bastard, I thought to myself.
"OOohhh," Tommy called when he caught sight of me, "lookie here, boys! You lost or somethin', princess?"
"How can I be lost when I obviously have a destination in mind, Tommy?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Why else would I ever come around you guys willingly, if not to get around you?"
"Oh, kitty has claws," Patrick leered with a knowing smirk.
I rolled my eyes, "You guys gonna stand in my way all night, or what?"
"At least she's still a bitch," Josh laughed at Tommy. "Some things don't change, do they?" he pinned me with a look. "I can see Billy winds you real tight, huh? You tellin' me that guys not hittin' it right?"
I scoffed before cooing teasingly, "Awe, someone's jealous they don't get no type of pussy. And jealous I rejected you time and again, hm?"
Tommy laughed, "I can see your man isn't fucking you right if you're still such a stuck up bitch."
"Oh, look, surprise surprise, someone's a little mad they've been fucking the same pussy since, what? 7th grade?" I laughed at his expression, pushing past them. "Settle down, boys, you're making a fool of yourselves."
What I didn't realize was Billy watching the entire exchange, downing the rest of his beer when I walked away. I suppose when I pushed past Tommy and Patrick, he mistook the hand I used to push Patrick's shoulder for a flirtatious move.
After I left the bathroom, I noticed the boys gone from the mouth of the hall and moved for the overcrowded living room again. But before I could step out into the sea of bobbing and weaving kids, someone grabbed my upper arm and yanked me to the side.
The force was enough for my feet to trip over each other, "Holy shit! Hey, jackass - " I trailed off, seeing Billy as I caught myself on his abdomen before straightening. "Billy? What the hell, baby? You wanted my attention, just say it for fuck's sake."
"Oh, if I want your attention, I just gotta ask?" Billy sneered, his eyes rimmed with a red haze alcohol produced. "Did Tommy ask you nicely? That why you were standing there, eye fucking him and his boys, hmm? Tryna disrespect me or some shit?"
A few eyes turned to look at us dude to Billy's volume, but I ignored them and scoffed with a glare to Billy, "You're fucking ridiculous - are you being serious right now?"
"You just say the word, doll, and I'll leave you to your new man, hmm? Or is it your new men? Gonna take 'em all home?"
I rolled my eyes, "You're ridiculous - "
"What's fucking ridiculous is my girlfriend standing feet away from me, flirting with anyone who pays her an ounce of attention."
"Are you - "
"Everyone warned me you were some prude," he sneered, "the way you rejected everyone until I came along, but I'm guessing you're actually just a whore, huh? Desperate for any kind of attention."
I didn't think, and the tequila in my system spurred my actions as my hand just pulled back and flattened across Billy's cheek. The crowd around us 'oooh-ed' in shock as I snarled, "You ever think about muttering those words to me again, it'll be the last time you speak to me. Fucking asshole."
Feeling overwhelmed and pretty humiliated, I turned on my heel and pushed past the gaggle of gawking teenagers and after ignoring the way Chrissy called my name in confusion, ripped open the front door to jog through it.
I practically flew down the driveway.
I felt a few tears swell in my eyes, desperate to get out from under everyone's judgmental eyes after providing them with the start of the summer season gossip. From behind me, Billy charged out of the front door and called my name over and over, but I was in no mood to deal with him. With a hand wiping at my cheeks, I turned down the driveway and started down the darkened road.
"Go away from me, Billy!" I snapped.
"Baby," he groaned, "just c'mere!"
"Fuck off!"
"Don't walk away from me! Let's just talk!"
"Go away, William! Just leave me alone!"
"Get over here! Now! C'mon! Don't be so fucking dramatic!"
"Dramatic!?" I repeated, turning to glare at him; hair fanning around me like the skirt of a dress before falling flat around my shoulders. "You're saying I'm dramatic for wanting to get the fuck away from you because you so effortlessly insulted me in front of everyone? Jesus Christ, Billy! Just do me a favor, and fuck off!"
Billy took a few powerful strides to meet me, his hand grabbing my wrist as I struggled. "I'm not gonna hurt you, baby," he rushed, my hands balled up and pounding into his chest, "hey, hey, it's okay, just let me explain, it's okay - "
"No, it's not!" I snapped. "You're such an asshole and I can't stand you when you're like this - you get the smallest emotion you don't know what to do with and just fly off the fucking handle! I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore, Billy, let go!"
"Baby - "
"No, you wanna call me a whore?" I ripped my hands away from him to glare into the eyes I'll stare into for a lifetime, "Fine! Fine, fucking call me a whore, but then never speak to me again!"
Billy sighed, catching my elbows in his hands, "You been drinking?"
I scoffed, "That's your concern? Get the fuck off me."
Billy shook his head, "I can smell it on you, how much did you - "
"That's all you, jackass. You've been drinking all night with your cronies - "
"Hey," he snapped, tugging me into his chest tighter. "You're not thinking straight, darlin' - "
"I'm thinking perfectly fine, you're the one causing issues," I wrangled myself a step away.
"Just," he sighed, running his other hand through his hair, "get in the car, baby, please, and let me take you home."
"Wouldn't want you to be seen with a whore like me," I snarled, trying to wrangle myself free.
"Baby, I didn't mean it - "
"Oh, fuck off!" I couldn't help the crack in my voice when his hands dropped in earnest shock. I next to never cried, even when Billy and I were fighting after being programmed into the rock solid eldest child my parents ensured I turned out to be. "You can't say shit you don't mean and then try to double back! If you're gonna say something, say it with your fucking chest!"
Billy sighed, nodding, "Your'e right."
"You're right," he sighed again. "I can't say shit and try to backtrack. I didn't mean it, princess, I just got jealous."
"Of what?" I sobbed. "I'm dating you! And since you're so concerned with rumors, why not pay attention to the rumor that I've never dated anyone in this town?"
"Wait," Billy paused. "Hang on, you're serious?"
I scoffed, turning to walk away, "You're so fucking stupid."
"Baby," he frowned, catching my arm again and instead of pulling me, he moved in front of me, "hang on, no, wait. Hang on. Look, you're right - "
"If you want to pay attention to shit, pay attention to how I don't want anyone in this fucking town. I never wanted shit to do with their stupidity and the way they treated me but then you came in." Billy's face softened a little as I couldn't stop the tears down my cheeks, "You came into town, and into my life, and you fucked everything up, okay? You ruined my life because it's only you for me. Fucking bitch."
"Sweetheart, listen," he sighed, "I was way out of line calling you a whore. I'm so sorry - "
"Don't be sorry, just do better," my lungs rattled a bit from the heavy emotion. "I don't understand life after you, you totally wrecked everyone for me, and I don't know how to honestly be without you. You've just - I don't know, you mean everything to me, and hearing you call me a whore in front of everyone just fucking cut too deep. You have to do better, please."
"I will," he swore, "I will, princess, I'm sorry. I just..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair again out of stress as his eyes looked to the side of my head, "I got insecure, okay?" His eyes dropped in shame.
"Insecure about what?"
"About you not wanting to be with me anymore," he muttered. "You've known Tommy, Josh, Patrick, Jason, all those guys your whole life. I just started to think you'll want them, instead of me, who..."
"Who, what, B?" I frowned, feet shifting to keep them from going numb.
"Who knew you, who knew your life, this town... Who could be here for you better than I can."
My brows furrowed, "If I wanted to date any of those dumbasses, I would have. But I didn't want them, I only ever wanted you. But I don't want you if you're going to insult me, belittle me, and degrade me for fuck's sake. I don't deserve that - "
"No, you're right," his hand rose to caress my cheek, the sounds of Tina's party thumping in the background as the lights from her house illuminated us. "You're right, baby, you don't deserve to be treated like that. I'm sorry, okay? I promised I'd treat you like the princess you are, and I'm sorry for not doing that."
I shook my head, looking away from his pleading blue eyes, "Doesn't do me much good now."
"I know," he nodded, "but I really am sorry, okay? I got insecure and for that I can't apologize enough, baby. Sometimes it feels like you can do better than me."
"Before tonight, nobody's ever treated me better," I whispered. "You take care of me and protect me, but I don't think you trust me."
"Of course I trust you," he rushed, head shaking in disbelief, "I just don't trust anyone else with you, I start to think their history with you will overshadow what we're trying to build."
"Billy, if you can't trust me to tell off a few drunken boys who are working on my last nerve, then you don't trust me."
He frowned, shaking his head, "That's not it - "
"Then, why are we together?"
"Because I love you, princess, you hear me? Okay? You make me a better person," he sighed. "But it worries me when you're drinking and... And you're away from me. I can't protect you - "
"I don't always need protection!" I snapped. "I'm capable of taking care of myself! And I can drink if I want to - "
"Baby, the way I don't trust none of these guys?" he stressed, eyes wide. "It triples when you're drinking because I just - I worry, okay? I'm afraid someone's going to take advantage of you!"
I shook my head, "B, the moment someone crosses any line, I'm coming to you. You protect me, you always have, so, if someone even opens their mouth and I can't handle it for whatever reason, I know for a fact you will. And maybe if you didn't ditch me, you wouldn't have to worry so much."
"You're right I shouldn't leave you like that, but of course you know I would help you - I promise," he swore.
"Then can you try a new approach?" I sniffled, wiping tears from my cheeks. "Like, seriously, baby, I can't handle this if you're going to treat me like you treat everyone else."
"No, baby," he sighed, tugging me in closer so I was cradled to his chest, "I'm so sorry, you're right. I'll just... I'll do better. Okay? I'll do better, and I'm so sorry for calling you a whore. You're not, you're the furthest from it - I just get scared and I lash out."
"Well, stop lashing out at me," I mumbled into his chest.
"I promise, I hear you," he shook his head. "You gonna let me drive you home?"
"How much have you had to drink?"
He chuckled, "Enough, but I sobered all the way up just now. Hate seeing you walk away from me."
I sighed, "I hate walking away from you but I hate when you lash out at me more."
"I'm working on it, baby," he whispered, leaning in to peck my forehead. "C'mon, we can get home and watch a movie, hmm? Like you wanted to earlier, right?" He smiled down at me.
My eyes rolled, "Maybe. My place or yours?"
"Yours, Neil told me don't bother comin' home if it's after 11," Billy shrugged, glancing at his watch before throwing his arm around my shoulders. He directed us towards his car while fishing his keys out of his pocket, "Your parents gonna be mad?"
"If they wake up, yes," I chuckled, hanging off his waist so I was huddled under his arm for warmth.
"We'll be real quiet," he muttered, unlocking the passenger door to open it, "but no promises you'll be able to keep that pretty little mouth shut when I'm making everything up to you tonight."
I smirked, the way his mood changes giving me something akin to whiplash but knowing he was just trying to move on from the tense moment earlier. "Maybe you could put something in my mouth to help me stay silent, hmm?"
Billy grinned, "I have a few ideas, yeah. C'mon, princess," he sighed, offering me his hand to hold so I could drop into my seat in his Camaro.
I waited as he jogged around the front of the car, and when he got in, Billy sighed and looked over at me while turning the key in the ignition. "You know," I trailed my hand over his thigh, "you might've been onto something."
"What d'you mean, baby?" He reached to turn the radio off, listening to my words clearly.
I smirked, "Maybe with you, I can be a bit of a whore."
Billy's jaw flexed, eyes flickering between my eyes and lips, "Yeah?"
"Mhm," I leaned over the center console. "But only with you. Right, baby?"
"Damn straight," he breathed, leaning in to press a sweltering hot kiss to my lips. I whined shrilly when his tongue almost instantly swept into my mouth and his teeth trapped my bottom lip, one of his hands snaking around to hold the back of my head in order to control the tempo of the kiss.
"Billy," I chuckled when he pulled away to press kisses across my cheek, around my jaw, and latch onto my ear lobe - causing an involuntary flinch of my shoulder and moan. "Fuck, Billy," I praised, letting my hand ghost over his denim-clad crotch, hearing him hiss in my ear.
He groaned as I wiggled my hand across his waistband; his hips rising just slightly to straighten out and allow me to rake my fingernails through his pubic hair.
"Keep playin', sweetheart," Billy muttered in my ear, "and I'll take you in the back seat right fuckin' now."
"Why move that far?" I smirked, pulling the hand that wasn't keeping me balanced up to his abdomen and drawing my nails over skin; forcing a small shiver.
"Hey, hey," he pulled back, hand fisting gently in my hair to tile my head back and still my hand, "I'm not kiddin', pretty girl, you're playin' a dangerous game."
"What if I want to?"
"Thought you were mad at me?"
"Doesn't mean I don't want to fuck you. And my parents are home, so, you can eat me out quietly later if you really want."
He chuckled, eyes flickering down to my lips as he bit his own, "With all them people in that house? Where any of them can walk by and see what a mess I make of you?"
"You're the one who called me a whore in front of them, maybe you can show 'em how you fuck me like one, too."
Billy sighed for a second, "Never livin' that down, am I?"
"Not yet, sweets," I let my hand move back to cup his crotch rather forcefully. He took a sharp inhale, eyes glaring back at me as I smirked, "Wanna fight about it some more or work it out other ways?"
"Get in the back seat right fucking now, and for the rest of the night, princess," his hand reached to latch around my neck and earn my gaze, "you're actually gonna do as you're told."
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anashins · 1 year
not sure if you take smut request.... but tyong with breeding kink.......pls,, I'm down bad after seeing his gym igstory
Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
Genre: smut, fluff in the end
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: To fulfill your wish to get pregnant with no husband in sight, your friend Taeyong steps in. But he gets way too carried away - by the act and his feelings for you.
A/N: I know exactly what you mean, that video lives in my head rent free 😩 I hope you like it 💗
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“So… how do you want it?”
You looked into your friend’s eyes, equally clueless. If there was a position that would guarantee a pregnancy, then you hadn’t read about anything that was science-based - and you had done years of research on this topic.
For example, you knew that the biologically best age for women to get children was between 20 and 30. That was a science-based fact, and it was an ID card based fact that you were nearing the third decade of your young life already - with no man by your side, but the deep desire to raise an own child ever since you had graduated.
“Let’s just take off our clothes first.”
Taeyong did as he had been told, and you followed. You were asking yourself whether you should turn on some music since it was absolutely silent in your bedroom, only the rustling of your clothes that you dropped on the floor generating a noise, but not enough to drive away the awkwardness that had settled between the two of you the moment you had settled on your bed.
When Taeyong was in front of you with no piece of clothing anymore, you could sense the blush that had crept up his cheeks, and his cuteness almost made you chuckle, lifting the mood. But as your eyes fell onto his lap, the urge to laugh stopped in your throat and you swallowed a gasp. He didn’t seem to notice though.
Taeyong was one of your oldest friends, and you only knew him as a very cute, soft-spoken and rather shy guy, spending his time playing video games, working and cooking. Out of all your friends, he had been your best and safest choice. On top of that, he was insanely attractive. Oddly, you wondered whether he even knew that himself.
You motioned backwards and laid yourself onto the mattress, urging him, “Come.” 
It took Taeyong a few breathers to comply, and for a moment, you feared that he might have changed his mind. When you had asked him drunkenly a few weeks ago whether he would be up for something like this and he immediately agreed, you had blamed the alcohol since he could never say no. But here he was, all in for the game.
The warmth of his body covered yours when he settled on top of you, and your eyes met. You saw insecurity reflected in his gaze, and he lowered his head in an attempt to kiss you as though following an instinct, but stopped right before touching your lips. You agreed, this wasn’t part of the plan. 
Kisses were reserved for two lovers. This was merely an arrangement. 
Taeyong propped his elbows against the mattress to the left and right of your head, and you slung your arms around his neck. His skin felt so soft against yours, and you caught yourself not shivering anymore due to his inner heat. You had often had body contact as friends, but none as intimate as this. 
“Spread your legs,” he suddenly said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
But he didn’t wait for you. With the help of his own knees, he pried your thighs open to a wideness good enough for him, and you didn’t know what caused this sudden horniness, his this bold move alone made you so wet already, he wouldn’t need much effort pushing in.
You hadn’t been with a man in so long, you had totally forgotten what it felt like to be entirely filled out by one, but Taeyong knocked your memory right back in in a way you had never experienced before. Only him entering you in a deliberate manner turned you on so much, you couldn’t hold back a long moan.
“Everything okay?” he asked when he was fully sheathed inside of you. “If you don’t like something, just tell me.”
You shook your head. “Everything is fine. Everything is so good.”
The latter part of your answer let a cocky smile grow on his lips that you only spied when he had won a game. You wondered whether he smiled like that too when you fueled his stroking game with more moans - but only if it was good.
Shortly later, you were sure of three things: First, your friend wasn’t as shy in bed as he usually appeared to be. Second, he was a pro in the stroking game. And third… What was it again? You had entirely forgotten about the third point when you were holding onto the headboard like a lifeline, Taeyong not only making sure that you went out pregnant, but also sore as fuck.
The wooden frame was squeaking under you with such despair when Taeyong mercilessly rammed into you, you didn’t know who screamed louder, the bed or you. You had assumed that you would do it only in one position until he was finished, but he had had entire other plans.
You didn’t know for how long you had been cuming and cuming, but it just wouldn’t stop, and he still stood as strong as in the beginning, having fucked you from four different positions already - and there was no end in sight. You also didn’t complain though as you hadn’t had that much fun in bed in a long time already, enjoying every aspect of it.
When Taeyong’s body strained under you though, his hands pressing into your thighs after you had ridden him for a while, you smirked at him in the same cocky manner he had kept smirking whenever he had made you cum. 
He spilled his seeds all inside of you, and only then you remembered again why you were even doing this in the first place, a certain sadness settling within you when you realized that it was over. But you didn’t admit it.
Moments later, you were lying side by side with a certain gap between you, nobody saying a word, nobody making a move.
It was Taeyong who spoke first. “I’m sorry… I just kind of got… carried away.”
“It’s okay,” you replied hoarsely. “I… enjoyed it.”
You turned your head to your left, then above just to find him already looking at you. Somehow, the awkwardness had entirely vanished, having made place for fondness and a mutual understanding.
“You know,” he then continued, “it’s not certain that it will actually work the first time.”
You nodded. “I know.”
“So… when do you want to do it again? Tomorrow, I’m free.”
Taeyong moved his head a bit, lowering it to your level, but stopped right in front of your lips again. He was awaiting your answer before deciding whether he would do the following or not.
But you had decided already.
“Tomorrow sounds good,” you whispered.
Then, he kissed you - although kisses were reserved for lovers.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Chris Evans x Female Reader
Summary: You rarely argue, hating confrontation you tend to avoid it at all costs, but when a miscommunication happens and you overhear something with no context, tensions bubble over and you’re stuck in your least favourite spot
Warnings: angst, body insecurities, miscommunication, yelling, swearing, slight mention of eating disorder/food insecurity, happy ending<3
A/N: I love a good angst to happy ending, and I decided to give a lil argument a go, I really need to try and get more confident in my writing because I constantly feel like its horrible hahaha, anyway being a mid size gal who has lost a lot of weight, I wanted to write something to include the girls who aren’t thin, and who do have a belly, thicker thighs, because sometimes bigger girls are left out. There is nothing wrong with your bodies, no matter what size you are from a 00-20+ you’re beautiful and you deserve to be loved and accepted for you<3
Word Count: 1,257
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 Being a girl who’s a little on the bigger side, well I guess midsize would be the term everyone’s using these days, you’d often have good and bad days, that was just a part of the journey to self-love and to becoming more confident in your own skin. You were a confident woman, owning your body, wearing what you loved to wear, and you also happened to have a boyfriend who loved you unconditionally, and was your biggest hype man. Reminding you every day how much he loved you, from leaving sticky notes on the mirrors in the house with reminders or little quotes of motivation. If you had a bad day with eating, he’d be right beside you, making small snacks and eating with you, to encouraging and celebrating your little accomplishments with every meal. Chris was truly your number one fan, and always made sure he supported you in any way he possible could, so it certainly surprised you when you accidentally overheard a conversation you felt wasn’t meant to be heard 
“there’s no way she’s going to fit into that…are you kidding me?”
“I mean if only there was a way that would even work.”
“No, it’ll look horrible…”
“I don’t even want to picture her wearing that.”
You didn’t listen in much after that because despite not knowing who or what he was talking about, your brain immediately went to flight mode, and you were in your shared bedroom within seconds. You felt disgusted with yourself, to think Chris would be talking about you like that to someone else, it made your stomach churn, the urge to get rid of everything you’d had to eat that day surfacing up. You didn’t even want to look at yourself in the mirror, taking down all those stupid sticky notes he put on them, because as far as you knew, it was all a lie now anyway. You let yourself sulk for some of the afternoon before going down to the kitchen to get a glass of water, your stomach rumbling quietly but your appetite long gone. Chris was looking through the fridge no doubt searching for something to whip together for lunch 
“Hey baby, you getting hungry?”
You shook your head grabbing a glass from the cupboard in front of you 
“No thanks”
He watched you silently for a few moments as you got your water, his eyes trained on you, the feeling of him staring pausing your movements while you looked at him
“Nothing, it’s just you haven’t eaten since breakfast…are you sure you aren’t hungry?”
So now suddenly he cares if you’re hungry or not?
“Why do you care if I’m hungry or not.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You rolled your eyes not wanting to start a huge fight or argument but before you could leave the kitchen, he grabbed a hold of your elbow gently 
“Honey what the hell is going on?”
“You of all people should know Chris.” 
He furrowed his brows, and you could tell he was wracking his brain trying to figure out what the problem could be 
“Well, I clearly don’t, so If you could enlighten me as to why you’re so angry that would be great.”
“Figure it out.” 
You turned and went towards your bedroom again, Chris hot on your heels
“We aren’t fucking playing this game y/n, I’m not chasing after you trying to figure out why you’re upset, so quit running away and talk to me!”
“I heard you on goddamn phone this morning okay!”
He shook his head his hand coming up to rub his face gently 
“Okay? What’s wrong with me being on the phone…am I not allowed to do that?”
“It’s not the phone, it’s what you said! There’s no way she’s going to fit in that, I don’t even want to picture her wearing that, it’ll look horrible! It doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure out that conversation was about me Chris! I get it, I’m not some stick thin vogue model, I don’t fit into everything, I fucking get that. I would have n-never guessed you of all p-people would point that out to someone over the phone.” 
His expression dropped instantly, and he moved toward you to take your hands in his but you stepped back 
“I get it okay, I’m gross to look at, embarrassing to be around, I already knew a-all of that, I thought i-it didn’t bother you, apparently I was wrong.”
When the tears started to fall down your cheeks, Chris was quick to pull you to him, holding you as if you were going to disappear before his eyes, your body shaking against him as your thoughts ran rampant 
“Oh baby…. I’m so sorry, honey this whole thing is a miscommunication, I wasn’t saying anything bad about you, I would never, but I know why you’d think that I should have worded it differently”
You sniffled against the fabric of his sweater, not moving from his embrace, your silence allowing him to continue 
“I was having something special designed for you, and the company got your size wrong, and I was frustrated because I had told them hundreds of times, I was upset because I knew it would make you uncomfortable and wouldn’t highlight how beautiful you are, but I guess my choice in words were shit. I promise you baby I love you and your body so much, there is nothing horrible about you, there is nothing embarrassing about you. I am so fucking fortunate to get to love all of you every day, flaws and all, even though you’re absolutely perfect in my eyes.”
He pulled back slightly so he could take your face in his hands, a sad smile tugging at his lips while his thumbs wiped away your tears 
“You are everything to me and more pretty girl, I promise you, there is nothing in this world that can convince me you aren’t endgame for me, I love you with everything in me, and I need you to know how beautiful you are to me.”
“I’m s-sorry...”
He shook his head pressing a gentle kiss to your lips 
“You don’t need to say sorry honey, I should have made my intentions more clear on the phone, that’s my fault”
You moved back to rest your head against his chest, and he rubbed his hands up and down your back soothingly, calming you down
“I love you so much, I want you to know that you are perfect just the way you are. Always.”
“I love you too, I’m sorry I jumped to the worst conclusion”
Chris tightened his hold on you hating the fact that he made you feel this way 
“You don’t need to apologize to me baby, I promise…now can I make you some lunch to make up for this?”
Your stomach growling in response made him chuckle quietly, giving him the answer, he needed
“So, lunch and then I need to make some updated sticky notes…seems like some have gone missing.”
Chris stuck to his word, making the two of you some food before sitting down and eating it with you, before grabbing his sticky note pads and writing little reminders on them to stick to the mirrors in your bedroom again. A constant note that would continue to let you know just how much he loved you and everything you offered him, because at the end of the day, you were perfect for him, just like he was for you. 
288 notes · View notes
skz317cb97 · 1 year
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Hwang Hyunjin x Thick female reader
Word count: 7.1k
Synopsis: You're floating on cloud nine when you find out the sorority that lives to torment you has come under fire by Hyunjin's frat and the school. Of course the sisters blame you. Is what seemed to be a set up on your behalf actually karma and Pi's just desserts or did someone set this wheel in motion for you?
A/N: Wow. You guys this is it. The final part of the thick reader series. There have been times that I have been tired and frustrated and not pleased with my work but there have also been times that I've read paragraphs written out about how one of these stories touched someone, made someone feel seen, understood, that it was a story they could actually immerse themselves in because the main character had similar insecurities. Just, the good way way out weighed the bad is what I'm getting at. Anyway I'll stop rambling. I hope you all enjoy this final part, if you do please like, comment, reblog hit my ask box what ever. I love to hear from you all about these stories especially. As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing and strong language, oral sex (m&f recieving), deep throating, unprotected piv sex (please use condoms), cream pie. I think that covers everything. If I missed something please let me know and I'll add it to the list. It's late I very well may have missed something.
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The day after the party you woke up next to Hyunjin perfectly content. The Pi sisters may have won the majority of the battles during your time in university, but you clearly had won the war. Whether they knew it or not didn’t matter to you. You were happy laying there with Hyunjin and THAT was all that mattered to you. Being happy with in incredibly kind and gorgeous man is the best revenge you could ever hope for. You propped yourself up on an elbow resting your head on your hand and watched him sleep for a minute. He was so insanely beautiful. You started to trace your finger along the bridge of his nose gently. His nose twitched a bit, then he settled, still asleep. Your finger traced along his brow, down his nose again and then softly glided across his lips. He took a sharp breath in and jumped a little when he woke up, then he saw you and smiled with his eyes still half closed pulling you close and wrapping you in his arms again. 
“I could really get used to waking up to that beautiful face. Good morning.” His voice was low and groggy from sleep still. You kissed his pouty lips. 
“Good morning.” You giggled as he started to kiss your cheek and then down your neck and shoulder. You could feel his warm mouth leaving a trail of kisses and you let out a breathy moan when his teeth grazed your soft flesh. You could feel yourself getting more excited with every kiss and nibble. Even after the three times you had fucked the night before you wanted more of Hyunjin and him of you. Alas the whole reason you were even awake at that hour was because you had a class that day. So you had to pump the breaks. 
“Hyunjin mmm Hyun...fuck.” You were having trouble forming words the more you felt his pillowy lips touch you, then his hands started to explore your soft body inching closer and closer to where you wanted him most. 
Hyunjin-ah, I have... I havea classmmm... have... haveta get up.” You could feel his lips form a pout on your neck as his hands ceased their journey. 
“You haaave to?” You laughed as he nuzzled closer locking his arms and legs around you. 
“Unfortunately, it’s a very important class that I need to pass. Most of his testing is based on his lectures so you don’t go you don’t know.” Hyunjin huffed and loosened his grip on you. You kissed his nose. 
“Thank you.” You started to get up and he pulled you down for one last passionate kiss. 
“I’ll head out so you can get ready.” He got up and started getting dressed then walked over to you. He cupped your face and kissed you sweetly. 
“Have a good class today beautiful. Text me later when you’re free?” You nodded smiling like an idiot but no more than Hyunjin was. At least the feeling was mutual. 
“Bye Hyunjin.” He waved goodbye as he walked out of your room towards your front door. You quickly showered and got ready for class. Meanwhile Hyunjin was driving back home to take a shower and fall back into bed still wore out from your marathon the night before. Just when he was about to drift off to sleep Hyunjin’s fraternity brother, Jisung, knocked as he was coming in at the same time. 
“Hwang? Where have you been all night? Have you heard?” Hyunjin looked up at Jisung through his sleepy eyes. 
“I was... with a girl.” Jisung smirked. 
“It’s not like you to hook up. Was it that girl with you at the party last night?” Hyunjin nodded. 
“Yea and it wasn’t just a hook up.” Jisung nodded putting up his hands in defense. 
“Got it got it chill. Any way did you guys leave before the shit hit the fan?” Hyunjin shrugged.  
“We’ll I’m not sure was it before you and I delt with the douche bags or after Pi tried to humiliate my date?” Jisung looked shocked. 
“Pi did what?!” Hyunjin sat up.  
“Yea Riyah and Lynn I’m sure the others were in on it too. They told her my asking her out was just a joke between all of us. Add to that, you remember pool girl I told you about second year?” Jisung nodded. 
“Yea that was y/n. They left her in the pool in the middle of the day.” Jisung ran his hand down his face. 
“Naked.” He finished his sentence, he had remembered, Hyunjin nodded. 
“Well, that’s really it for them then, the last strike.” Hyunjin was confused. 
“What do you mean that’s it for them.” Jisung shrugged. 
“Their sorority has been on probation with the school for allegations of hazing, harassment, and discrimination. They’re coming up for review to decide if they get to remain a sorority and to see if their affiliation with our house will continue or be revoked. You know Delta has a zero-tolerance policy for shit like that. So, with the probation, what happened last night, and what they did to your girl, that’s it.” Hyunjin suddenly realized he might have said too much and tried to back petal a little.  
“I’m telling you right now dude, she won’t make a report or statement about it. She never did her freshman year, and she won’t now. What else did Pi do last night?” Jisung shook his head, Hyunjin could tell he was irritated by the thought alone. 
“We saw a few girls leave upset and crying after being seen with some of the sisters. We asked the sisters what happened, and they said they didn’t know. One of the girls came back for her friend and when Chan saw her, he pulled her aside and asked if she was okay. Turns out the sorority sisters were telling some of the girls that we were throwing a ‘Pig Party’ and that’s why they had been invited. Needless to say, when Chan found out he was furious.” Hyunjin was shocked that they were so brazen to pull shit like that right under their noses. 
“He kicked all the sisters out of the party, made an announcement apologizing for Pi and everyone went back to partying, but I knew it wouldn’t be the last of it. Sure enough posted on the bulletin this morning was notice of Pi’s review, Chan works fast. I don’t think it’s going to matter much if your girl makes a complaint or not. I’m pretty sure Chan’s already made up his mind on our end. Even if the school lets Pi slide their ties to our house are cut.” Hyunjin usually checked the board every time he came home but he hadn’t even looked at it when he came in, he had been so tired. Now he was wide awake trying to figure out how to tell you this was happening. He decided he needed to find you, tell you before you found out any other way. Things could look bad if he wasn’t the one to explain what was going on. 
You, of course, were in your class listening to the most mind-numbing lecture trying not to think about Hyunjin and his lips and his body and his... You were pulled from your thoughts when one of the doors to the lecture hall opened. In walked two faces that you were not pleased to see. Riyah and Lynn. They made their way up to the professor, sweet expressions plastered on their perfectly contoured and highlighted faces. 
“What can I do for you ladies, you’re interrupting my class.” They both eyed you and then focused back on your teacher. 
“Sorry professor it’s actually an emergency and we need to escort y/n to the dean.” Your guts dropped. What the hell were they up to? The professor looked up at you. 
“Go ahead Ms. y/l/n I’ll send an audio file of today's lecture just this once.” You hesitated. The teacher spoke up again when you didn’t make a move to leave with the girls. 
“Well now, go on don’t leave the man waiting, I’m sure he’s quite busy.” You nodded, finally grabbing your things and bowing as you headed out the door with the other two girls close behind. You didn’t want to cause a scene in class, so you just left with them, but you weren’t an idiot; you weren’t going to just blindly go wherever they wanted you to. The first hall you came across you ducked down trying to get away from the sisters. Unfortunately, you chose one of the dead-end halls that lead back towards the custodian’s office and supply room. The girls followed you down the hall. Both of them approached you and shoved you against the wall. Lynn was in your face almost nose to nose. 
“Listen up bitch, you’re fucking with the wrong house. Do you know who my father is?” You internally rolled your eyes. Of course, you did, everyone did, she made it known on a regular basis. It was also what kept her out of trouble most of the time. Evidently not this time and whatever was going on you were being blamed. 
“You thought you could just tattle to Chan and that we wouldn’t take action? You’re going to retract your allegations or else the things you called torture will look like a cakewalk. Got it!?” Chan? Statement? What were they talking about? The sisters had heard that a girl they had been torturing told Chan about what they had been doing to her, that was why they were booted from the party and up for review. Lynn shoved you against the wall again hard just as Hyunjin was walking past. When he saw you, he stopped. 
“What the fuck is going on here?” The girls instantly turned on their sweet faces feigning innocence, but Hyunjin wasn’t buying it. He was focused on your face which was downcast. Tears were collecting in your eyes threatening to spill over. 
“You...” He was almost at a loss for words he was so furious. 
“This is exactly why you’re coming up for review, shit like this.” Your head popped up when he said that. How did Hyunjin know already? He walked past the two girls and grabbed your hand leading you out of that hall. You walked out of the building and you both got in Hyunjin’s car and headed towards your apartment. When you got home you kicked your shoes off and immediately turned the kettle on for some tea. There was a tense silence hanging in the air. It had been there the whole car ride and the elevator ride up. Finally, you were the one who broke it. 
“You knew about their review?” You looked upset still, Hyunjin wasn’t sure how to respond he did know but only because Jisung had just told him. To you his hesitation spoke volumes. You turned to him. 
“I told you. I told you I didn’t want to retaliate. That I didn’t want to be Edmond in our story.” Hyunjin shook his head. 
“No, I didn’t...” You shook your head. 
“You told Chan, you told Chan and now they think I told him and are gunning for me even harder than before.” Hyunjin tried to get a handle on the situation. 
“The review, I had-” 
“I think you should leave. I... I need time to process things.” He was starting to panic. You misunderstood him completely. 
“Bab-” You put up a hand and he stopped. 
“Please... Hyunjin please.” You were tired and stressed. He didn’t want to add to it. He needed to give you the time you asked for. Hyunjin frowned and nodded. He walked over, kissed your cheek, and saw his way out without another word. It was so hard for you to do. You knew whatever Hyunjin told Chan, it was because he cared but he should have listened to your wishes. Not only that but now the sisters had a legitimate reason to target you. You decided you would go talk to Chan the next day. See if you could get yourself off Pi’s radar once and for all. 
The next day after your classes you went to the Delta house and knocked. When Hyunjin opened the door, his eyes went wide with surprise. 
“y/n! Oh my god I’m so glad you’re...” He reached out to pull you into a hug and you stopped him. You still were upset that he’d told Chan. Seeing the frown on his face you felt conflicted, you were upset but you weren’t trying to hurt him either, so you leaned in and kissed his cheek. 
“I’m here to talk to Chan.” Hyunjin gave you a small smile and nodded. 
“Of course, uh, I’ll let him know you’re here.” Hyunjin called up the stairs for Chan who came running down them not even two minutes later. 
“Oh hi! You’re Hyunjin’s friend that I met at the party the other night, y/n right?” You nodded smiling at the outgoing man. 
“Yes and the party is kind of the reason I’m here.” Chan’s face morphed into worry. 
“Whatever Hyunjin told you Lynn did it wasn’t...what I mean is Pi isn...” You stopped. Chan looked confused and then what you were saying clicked. 
“Oh God did Pi do something to you too?” It was your turn to be confused now. 
“Wha-? I... Didn’t Hyunjin tell you?” Chan shook his head no and you turned to Hyunjin. 
“I was trying to tell you yesterday; I had mentioned what happened to Jisung but they had already made the decision for the review. I told him you wouldn’t want to report anything. He said it wouldn’t matter, with or without your statement the wheels were already in motion, so he and I never told Chan about it.” You felt awful you had jumped to conclusions without even giving Hyunjin a chance to explain. 
“Hyunjin... I’m, I’m so sorry.” He shook his head and hugged you.  
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You told me you needed time and then you heard me out. There’s nothing wrong with that.” You shook your head. 
“I accused you of doing something you didn’t do...” He pressed his plush lips against yours and you blushed profusely since Chan, who was smirking, was still standing right there. 
“There now all is forgiven.” You gave Hyunjin a serious look and he smiled back at you, his dimples popping out and his eyes morphing into little crescents. 
“What? Kisses fix everything. Didn’t your mom ever kiss your boo boos?” You couldn’t help but smile. Chan cleared his throat reminding the two of you that he was still standing there.  
“y/n? Why are you so adamant about not making a statement against Pi?” Chan asked and you explained your Count of Monte Cristo conversation you’d had with Hyunjin. He nodded. 
“I agree completely but let me ask you this, would you feel the same about the situation if it were guys doing these things to someone? What if a girl was sexually harassed? If it’s another girl that makes it okay?” You shook your head. 
“Well, no not in those scenarios of course not.” Chan shrugged his shoulders. 
“What’s different about your scenario aside from the fact that you’re the victim?” You didn’t have a rebuttal and Chan looked at you knowingly. 
“I’m not saying set them up or get even but there’s nothing wrong with telling someone with authority what’s going on when you’re being harassed, I don’t want them to be able to do this to anyone else, do you?” You shook your head. 
“Then please, come to the review hearing tomorrow, stand up to them. That doesn’t make you Edmond in your story, it doesn’t.” You pressed your lips together still apprehensive.  
“I’ll think about it Chan.” He smiled and nodded. 
“That’s all I ask. I’m gonna go finish preparing for tomorrow. See you guys!” You waved goodbye to Chan as he ran back up the stairs. It was only you and Hyunjin left standing there.  
“I’m sorr-” His lips silenced you. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours. 
“Please don’t apologize. I understand why you thought what you did, it was why I was walking by when I saw you, Lynn, and Riyah. I knew how it might look, I tried to get to you first, but I guess Pi was faster.” You could hear the regret in his voice. You pressed your lips to his again, tilting your head and opening your mouth, allowing his tongue to tease you. He thread his fingers through your hair and deepened the kiss. He nibbled at your bottom lip and your whole body started to buzz in excitement. Just then three of Hyunjin’s frat brothers, Changbin, Jisung, and Minho, all of whom you met at the party the other night, came walking in. 
“Oh shit. Uh sorry.” Changbin apologized for the group. Your face burned and Hyunjin excused the two of you. 
“No problem guys, we were just about to head out. I’ll see you all later.” Hyunjin playfully slapped a couple of the guys on the back as he passed, then they all gave you a small bow and smiled as you followed. You nodded to them and hurried behind Hyunjin, still embarrassed being caught by them. When you both got outside Hyunjin turned to you. 
“How’d you get here?”  
“I rode the city bus, it’ll come by again her-” Hyunjin scoffed 
“Yea I think not. I’ll take you home.” You smiled. 
“You don’t have to.” He nodded. 
“I know but I want to.” You smirked and cocked your eyebrow at him. 
“I’ve got a lecture to listen to, no... distractions.” Hyunjin laughed and feigned offence. 
“Yahh! What do you... that’s not why I offered thank you very much!” You smiled and kissed him. 
“I know baby.” You turned and walked towards his car. Hyunjin did as he said he would and drove you home opting to kiss you goodbye in the car, at least that’s what he called the twenty-minute make out session you had. When you both were finally able to pry your lips off the other’s, you went inside and Hyunjin left. You had hunkered down at your desk and tried to focus on the lecture your professor had been kind enough to send you a copy of, but you kept thinking about all the things Pi had done to you over the years and the conversation you had with Chan. What he said made sense, it did, but it didn’t mean it was going to be an easy decision for you still. When you looked at the clock again it was passed midnight. So much for no distractions, you told yourself. You turned off your lecture and climbed into bed hoping to get some rest and have a clear mind to make your decision the next day. 
It was the day of the review hearing and sleep had done nothing to help you make your decision. You still weren’t sure what to do. While you had a whole internal debate the upper-class men of Delta house, Chan, Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin all got ready to go to the hearing. Since they were the acting counsel of their house it was mandatory for them to be there because of Delta’s ties to Pi. Chan had a thick file of all the complaints and statements from other girls Pi had tormented all too scared to make a statement in person. Chan hoped you would come; it would be better for them to hear it straight from the source. Things went back and forth for quite a while, each statement Chan read off, Pi would have some excuse for. It was infuriating Chan because it was starting to look like they might just get away with all of it. Then the back set of double doors opened, and you walked in. Everyone’s head turned in your direction, Chan and Hyunjin’s faces lit up and the Pi girls looked angry but worried. As they should have been because you had decided not to let these girls hurt anyone else, you had decided to make a statement. The man sitting in the middle of the head table, who you knew to be the dean of the school addressed you. 
“Young lady are you misplaced?” You shook your head. 
“No sir I’m here to personally give my statement against the sorority Pi.” He pressed his lips together and looked at the Pi girls who no longer looked as confident. The dean motioned for you to step forward. 
“Please proceed Ms.?” You bowed as you stepped forward 
“y/l/n, y/n y/l/n.” He smiled at you. 
“Please proceed Ms. y/l/n.” You thanked him. You had difficulty trying to figure out where to start. You looked over at Hyunjin who smiled brightly at you. 
“My freshman year as rush week approached, I heard about the prestigious Pi. I was new here and wanted to make friends, so I rushed for Pi. Instead of building bonds of sisterhood like I was led to believe would be happening, I was forced to do a multitude of humiliating tasks to even be considered for entry. They did it to all the girls but for some reason they singled me out especially for the worst tasks. I withdrew my application to join after an embarrassing pool incident. Thankfully Mr. Hwang had come along and kindly helped me when I needed it.” The dean looked over at Hyunjin and he nodded confirming your story. You continued. 
“Apparently, they weren’t pleased with my withdrawal, so they started targeting me wherever they saw me, at times seeking me out. They spread rumors about me having diseases, dumped things on me, cut my hair, pushed and tripped me every chance they got and so much more. I wasn’t even safe from them at my dorm and eventually had to move to off campus housing so that I wasn’t tormented constantly.” You started to get a little teary-eyed thinking back and realizing how much you had let them get away with. Chan was right this wasn’t revenge or getting even this was doing the right thing.  
“Sir there are so many things I could stand here and list off that these ladies have done to me over the last three years, but I think you get the jist with the examples I’ve given.” He nodded in agreement. 
“Thank you, Ms. y/l/n please have a seat and we’ll continue.” You went and sat by Hyunjin, he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. He was so proud of you for doing what you’d just done. The dean looked over at the Pi girls all of which were fidgeting and nervous. It wasn’t so easy to come up with an excuse when the accuser was right there to refute what they said. 
“Would any of you ladies like to make a statement pertaining to Ms. y/l/n's accusations?” Lynn stood up quickly as if she were going to deny it or make an excuse, but she sat back down just as quickly. The dean nodded. 
“I see. Well then it seems there is no other choice to make. Ladies of the sorority Pi, your house and sorority will be dissolved and any affiliation to the Delta fraternity will be revoked. You ladies have a month to get your affairs in order and find alternative housing.” The girls all looked shocked and angry.  
“That’s not fair!” Lynn’s voice sounded over the mumbling of the others. The dean looked at her. 
“Step forward young lady.” She did so. 
“You had an opportunity to refute her allegations and did not, so that means the things she said, you did in fact do, yes?” Lynn stood there silently which was answer enough. 
“What’s not fair is for a young lady just trying to get an education and make friends to be tormented by the very girls she tried befriending. Now considering you physically assaulted Ms. y/l/n we could also involve the police and have grounds for expulsion, so think the punishment is not only fair but rather lenient. Wouldn’t you say young lady?” Lynn quietly nodded. 
“With that ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we can call this review done. Thank you everyone, you’re dismissed.” You all stood to leave and Hyunjin pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I’m so proud of you.” When he let go you noticed Chan standing there behind you still. You turned to him and smiled. 
“You were right Chan standing up to them doesn’t make me Edmond, thank you for showing me that.” Chan nodded and smiled back. 
“Hey, I just opened the door, you chose to walk through. We were dying until you came in so really, I should be thanking you.” You gave Chan a hug which surprised him but then he hugged you back chuckling. He turned to Hyunjin.  
“You guys coming back to the house with us?” Hyunjin looked at you. It had been a stressful day you were ready to just relax. Hyunjin shook his head. 
“No, I think I’m gonna get her home. I’ll see you guys later though.” Chan gave Hyunjin a high-five pulling him in for a hug, then him, Minho and Changbin all headed out. Hyunjin walked you to his car and opened the door smiling at you as you got in. He slid into the driver’s seat then both of you buckled up and headed towards your apartments. When you got there Hyunjin pulled in and parked. 
“D-do...” Why were you so nervous to ask him to come up? Hyunjin grabbed your hand and took it in both of his. You looked up at him and when he smiled it relaxed you. 
“Do you want to come upstairs?” His smile grew wider, and his dimples made an appearance again. He nodded. 
“I’d love to.” Hyunjin got out, opened your door. He wrapped his arm around your waist as you walked into your apartment building. You were walking up to the elevator when you both saw the sweet old lady that lived up the hall from you standing and waiting. She saw you and Hyunjin approaching and smiled brightly at you. 
“Well, it’s lovely to see the two of you again.” You smiled and Hyunjin bowed. 
“It’s wonderful seeing you again too ma’am” He looked down and noticed some bags around the lady's feet. 
“Are these your groceries? Here let me...” He started to grab the bags and she protested. 
“Oh, now you don’t need to do that.” He shook his head. 
“It’s no trouble we’re going the same direction besides my mom would have my hide if she saw me let a beautiful lady carry her own groceries.” The old lady playfully slapped his arm but allowed him to assist her with the bags. When the doors opened Hyunjin allowed you and the neighbor lady to get on first. You pressed the button to your floor and the doors closed. Hyunjin had insisted on dropping the bags in her kitchen, which he did. While he was setting the bags down the old lady leaned into your ear. 
“Well, I do believe you’ve found yourself a keeper young lady.” You smiled and nodded. 
“I do believe you’re correct ma’am.” You both started laughing as Hyunjin walked back towards the two of you. 
“You two swapping gossip?” He said with a quirked eyebrow. You both continued laughing. You grabbed Hyunjin’s hand and pulled him towards the front door. 
“Something like that. Have a good night, ma’am!” You called back to her as you pulled Hyunjin towards the hall. She waved you off and you closed the door before you and Hyunjin made your way down to your own apartment. You unlocked the door letting Hyunjin in first, you closed it behind you and suddenly Hyunjin felt arms wrapped around his midsection, your face and body pressed against his back. He rested his hands on your clasped hands in front of him. You took a deep breath and hummed a little. 
“How are you so kind and so beautiful. It’s not fair.” You pouted and Hyunjin laughed. 
“Easy, I learned from you.” You laughed now and Hyunjin turned around wrapping his arms around you. 
“Really y/n you’re amazing you know? What you did today, standing up and telling that review panel what happened, preventing it from happening to anyone else. That took guts and I’m so insanely proud of you.” Hyunjin cupped your cheek and kissed you softly. He started to pull away, but you grabbed his face and held it in place as you deepened the kiss. Hyunjin pulled your soft body flush against his and your fingers wove through his hair as the kiss became more desperate by the second. Hyunjin’s lips only parted from yours when they started to trail down your neck. The way his full lips felt against your skin was exquisite. You gasped when he gently raked his teeth across your shoulder. 
“Hyunjin...” You whined. 
“Don’t tease me. Want you.” You claimed his lips again as you started to pull him towards your bedroom while unbuttoning the white shirt he’d worn especially for the review hearing. 
“I won’t tease you baby.” Hyunjin pulled his shirt off then started to pull your dress up over your head, removing it and leaving you standing there in your white lace panties and bra. Hyunjin took in your figure, and you blushed as his eyes roamed your full body. You wanted to cover yourself but then Hyunjin licked his lips biting his bottom one between his teeth. 
“Fuck you really are beautiful you know?” You shied away, and you shook your head no. 
“Well, I'm gonna keep showing you until you do.” Hyunjin led you towards your bed and had you lay back then crawled on top of you placing chaste kisses here and there up your body. He pulled one of the cups of your bra down and took your nipple into his warm mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around it. He pulled the other cup down and sucked on that nipple as well until it was hard and sensitive to the touch. Hyunjin pulled the straps of your bra down as you pulled your arms out so it was around your midsection and he worked his way down your body. He bit the cute bow on your panties and started to place soft kisses on the insides of your soft thighs each one closer and closer to where you ached for him to be. Hyunjin pulled your panties over your ass and down your legs, tossing them and then slid his tongue through your folds, savoring you before diving in and going at you like a starved man. You grabbed his hair gently. 
“Ffffuck Hy-Hyunjin god that feels so good!” He hummed and doubled his efforts which had your hips canting up forcing Hyunjin to spread his big hand across your tummy. 
“Hold still or I might just have to tie you up baby.” He chuckled but you clenched around nothing at his words. Hyunjin of course noticed. 
“Oh? I’ll file that away for a future conversation for now I’m content to make you cum on my tongue.” Hyunjin started going down on you with fervor again and you did your best to keep your movement down to a minimum, squirming under his lips and tongue. You could feel the crescendo to your orgasm. 
“Baby baby I... I’m gonna cum!” Hyunjin grabbed hold of your thick thighs, pulling you closer as he practically growled with excitement sending you teetering over the edge. His grip on you remained tight as he gave you sweet little kitten licks while you started to return to your body. 
“So good, fuck you taste so good beautiful, think you can give me one more?” He didn’t wait for your answer before he started to gently suck on your clit then softly lick it. He had devoured you the last time, this time he was savoring you. 
“Hyunjin-ahmmm oh my god yes! Fingers please f-fingers.” He hummed and slid two of his fingers inside you, pumping them slowly in and out. He came up for air. 
“Let me take you there, let go for me baby, cum for me.” His fingers still slowly, gently, fucking you deep. He leaned back down and continued to savor every bit of you. Your first orgasm was a buildup this one hit you like a Mack truck. Hyunjin’s arms wrapped around your thighs preventing you from moving too much. You shuddered and your toes curled as he softly made out with your pussy then those sinfully plump lips made their way up your body leaving a fiery trail of goosebumps behind them. 
“Fuck you are so gorgeous.” You laid there speechless, breathless, and flushed. He smiled and kissed your cheeks, once on each side. 
“You still with me.” You giggled and shook your head letting out a big breath. You pulled him down into a passionate kiss as you worked at the button of his pants, reaching in and grabbing his cock. He closed his eyes and bit his lip as you started to gently stroke him in his pants. 
“Who’s teasing now?” You smirked.  
“Well then take them off.” You both laughed. Hyunjin got off you long enough to lose the pants and boxer briefs he’d had on before climbing on top of you again. You licked your palm and grabbed him more firmly this time, stroking him faster. Hyunjin buried his head in the crook of your neck. 
“Feels so good y/n. Your fingers wrapped around my cock feel s-so good.” He kissed you and you hummed then whispered against his kiss swollen lips. 
“I think my mouth would feel even better.” Hyunjin laughed but quickly stopped when you ran the tips of your fingers over his balls. He sucked in a quick breath as you started to fondle him. You whispered again this time against his ear. 
“Lay back for me baby. Let me make you feel good now.” Hyunjin wanted to complain when you took your hand off him, but he knew it would soon be replaced by something that was going to feel a hundred times better than your hand. He rolled off you and sat with his back against the headboard. You crawled up between his legs and his cock got harder the closer you came to wrapping those sweet lips around him. 
“Oh fuck, suck me beautiful, please!” You grabbed him again and started stroking him.  
“You want me to suck on this?” Hyunjin nodded. 
“Yes, please fuck.” You didn’t make him wait any longer. You took him in your mouth and started swirling your tongue around the tip. Hyunjin leaned his head back against the headboard. 
“Yes, god yes.” He gripped your hair keeping it pulled up and away so he could see you taking his cock deeper and deeper. When the tip of his dick hit the back of your throat it made a wet sound and you gagged a little. You stroked his cock as you caught your breath.  
“Does it feel good baby?” Hyunjin nodded aggressively. 
“Fuck yes! Do you think you can deep throat it again baby?” You nodded, smiling a mischievous smile. You took him back into your mouth and immediately took him as far as you could gagging, your spit coating his cock, his hands gripping your hair, his hips wanting to move, wanting to thrust and fuck your throat. You gagged yourself with his dick more as you started to fondle him again and Hyunjin thought he might blow right there. You pulled off him again breathless, stroking him. Hyunjin pulled you up so you were straddling his thighs and started to kiss you, his fingertips tracing every inch of your body. 
“Sit on my cock beautiful, ride me ‘til you cum sweet thing.” You bit your lip and nodded as Hyunjin lined his dick up with your entrance. You slowly slid down, taking him inch by inch, savoring the stretch you felt when Hyunjin was inside you. When your thick ass rested against his thighs you rolled your hips. You don’t know who moaned louder what you do know is it set Hyunjin off. He gripped your hips and made you grind against him. It was messy and raw, his cock stayed buried deep inside you as he pushed and pulled against your full hips making you ride him faster. 
“Oh OHOH my god Hyunjin fuck! S-so d-deep ssso ddeep FUCK!” He worked you against him faster, your clit pressed firmly against his pelvic muscles sending you racing towards your third orgasm of the night. Your muscles all tensed, and you threw your head back as Hyunjin helped work you through your climax. As soon as your breathing evened somewhat, he leaned forward laying you back, your legs were now open and pressed into the mattress. Hyunjin held you down and rolled his hips as fucked you harder. 
“God damn so fucking wet for me beautiful. So wet, feels so good.” You gripped Hyunjin’s hair and pulled him down into a bruising kiss as he continued to fuck you deeper, harder. You gently pulled on his hair pulling his head back enough to speak. 
“Cum for me Hyunjin, fuck wanna feel you... God! Please!” Hyunjin held you close his forehead pressed against yours letting out little pants of breath before moaning as he came inside you. 
“Oh god y/n, baby I’m coming, fuck!” Hyunjin rolled his hips into yours slower and softer as he filled you. He slumped down on top of you as he started to soften inside you. You grunted and nudged him laughing. 
“You’re heavy, come on, ugh, off!” He laughed as you struggled but then climbed off you and rested beside you in the bed, eyes already heavy. You pushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. 
“I’m gonna shower.” He nodded eyes completely closed now. 
“Okay baby. I’ll go next.” You smiled and chuckled to yourself knowing as soon as the door clicked closed, he would be out for the count. You washed up and the hot water felt good on your body. After you were all cleaned up and dry you threw on a night gown and climbed into bed with Hyunjin who, as you suspected, was sleeping deeply. He’d rolled to his back and had one arm draped over his eyes. You curled up close to him and, even asleep, as soon as he felt your body next to him he pulled you in close and spooned you. He took a deep breath of your freshly washed and dried hair and squeezed you a little tighter, your soft body pressed firmly against his and he mumbled something. 
“Hmm? What did you say?” You turned your head a little so you could hear him better. You didn’t think he had woken up. 
“Strawberries,” You laughed he was definitely still asleep. He kept mumbling about strawberries until you turned in his arms and placed a soft kiss to his pouty lips. He smiled softly, took a deep breath and seemed to settle. You nuzzled in close to his chest and closed your eyes, just as content if not more than the last time you had been there. 
You were pacing the living room of you and Hyunjin’s shared apartment. You were back and forth on how you would tell him, or if you should even tell him. Eventually he was gonna figure it out. Still, it would be best to hear it from you rather than just springing things on him. You were nervous. You didn’t think he’d be angry, but you never thought to ask about his opinion on the matter either. When Hyunjin got home you greeted him by the door which was unusual.  
“Hey baby, miss me?” He chuckled and kissed your cheek as you nervously laughed along. 
“I always miss you.” He nodded in agreement. 
“I always miss you too baby.” He softly kissed your lips. 
“Uh Jinnie... I uh... well there’s something I need to talk to you about...” Hyunjin only noticed then that you were antsy and the use of the pet name was usually to soften an incoming blow.  
“Okay baby... iiis everything okay?” You nodded heading into the living room and Hyunjin followed. 
“I think it would be best if you sat down.” That made Hyunjin incredibly nervous. 
“Are you sure everything is okay?” You nodded again. 
“Mmhmm yea.” He scoffed as he sat down. 
“That was not convincing, what’s wrong?” You shook your head as you sat next to him. 
“Really baby it’s not a big deal, I just...” You held his hands and looked at him seriously. 
“Look just... if you decided you don’t want it, that’s okay. We’ll figure it out if that’s what you want.” Hyunjin was so confused, want what?! Were you saying what he thought you were saying?! You stood up again still holding his hands. 
“Close your eyes and hold your hands out here.” You pulled his hands in front of him palms up and he held them there. He looked at you for a minute, nervous and unsure of what was happening, then closed his eyes. You walked away a minute then came back. When you walked up to him, he held his breath. He still had his eyes closed. He was expecting a little piece of plastic telling him he was going to be a dad but suddenly Hyunjin felt fluff in his hands, he opened his eyes and looked down to find a tiny puppy. He let out a huge sigh of relief and put his hand over his heart. 
“Oh thank god!” You scrunched your eyebrows and Hyunjin noticed your confusion. He chuckled a little as he pet and cooed at the puppy. 
“I thought you were about to tell me you were pregnant.” Your scrunched up face turned into a frown. 
“And that would have upset you, if I was pregnant?” You could feel tears pricking your eyes. Hyunjin stood up setting the puppy down on the couch and holding your face in his hands. 
“I would have been surprised, scared, but never upset. I’m happy where we are right now and later when we’re ready I’ll be thrilled to find out you're carrying our baby. For now, how about we raise this puppy you brought home.” You sniffled and laughed wiping the tears from your eyes and shook your head.  
“He doesn’t have a name I thought we could come up with one together.” You both thought and finally a name came to Hyunjin. 
“How about Edmond, we could call him Eddie for short?” You smiled ear to ear. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle
“Edmond it is.”  
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part two
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, extremely brief mentions of emotionally abusive ex-bf, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! part two is here! and we meet Bradley today! thank you for the love on part one, I hope you all have a great weekend <3 (side note: if anyone recognizes where I adapted the very last line from, we are now best friends)
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part two - strawberry shortcake
“Can we eat now? I’m tired of waiting for the chicken man!”
“Hangman, he’s five minutes late, and if you keep whining like a baby, you will be the last in line for food.” Mary’s hand shoots across the island, slapping the blonde’s hand away from the food. “Don’t even fucking think about it! Go sit in the living room!”
“Ow! I liked you better when you were too shy to yell at us yet.” He sulks into the next room, holding his hand to his chest. Only his ego is bruised, but Mary can hear him looking for sympathy from his best friend, giggling when she hears Coyote’s less-than-loving response.
“What’re you laughing at?”
“Oh my god!” She whips around, hand flying to her chest in a futile attempt to slow her heart. “Bradley! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry, Miss Mary, didn’t mean to scare ya.” The smirk on his face contradicting his apology.
She narrows her eyes. “Oh, you find this funny, bird boy? Hey Hangman?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re no longer at the back of the line for food! Rooster will be taking that spot from you.”
A celebratory shout comes from the living room while Bradley protests, “That’s not fair!”
“Guess you shouldn’t have laughed at me. Okay! Come get food while it’s still hot!” She’s almost bulldozed by the herd of hungry aviators storming their way into the kitchen. Bradley pulling her out of the way of Harvard and Fritz playfighting to be first in line.
“Careful, wouldn’t want you to catch an elbow with that cute lil nose of yours.” His thick arm wrapped around her waist, and the way he has to bend down to talk into her ear gets her heart pumping. She feels small next to him; she never feels small. Mary pats his arm in thanks before wiggling away to establish order of the buffet she laid out in the Fitches' kitchen, her face feeling as hot as the sausage she’d cooked up.
“Boys, stop fighting.” She thumps Fritz’s head as she passes, “Danielle and Reuben get food first; it’s their house.”
“Traditionally, the hosts go last!”
“It may be their house, but I cooked everything, so I’m the host, and I say the pregnant lady and her husband go first.” Danielle smacks Mary’s butt as she passes by to grab a plate. “This isn’t officially Reuben and Danielle’s anniversary, but it’s very close, so I’ve made a lot of their favorites tonight. All the food is labeled, but let me know if you have questions, and drinks are in the cooler in the yard, so help yourself before you sit down! Coyote?”
“We’re ignoring the slap?”
“Yes. It’s been over fifteen years, and nothing has stopped her yet; it’s just part of my life now.”
Danielle scoffs, “Oh, please. Like you don’t love it. I know for a fact that when you dated-”
“Okay! Hey! Have you guys ever heard the story of how Reuben and Danielle got together? It’s really embarrassing for Reuben.”
“No, but I would love to hear it!” Fanboy pipes up, just like she knew he would, getting Danielle off the topic of her former boyfriend, the one who had a thing for spanking.
“You haven���t even told Fanboy? Your WSO?” Danielle looks at her husband in faux shock. “Well, now Mary has to tell it!”
“Please do not tell this story.” Reuben groans from his seat, realizing his two favorite women aren't joking.
“Picture this. It's August 2007. The Phoenix spacecraft is on course for Mars, Ed Hardy is taking over men’s fashion, and it’s the first week of classes at SUNY Buffalo. I’m waiting outside of my 8AM chemistry lab with like twenty other students, all of whom are lax bros. This tall, lanky kid,” Mary jabs a thumb in the direction of Reuben, “-comes walking up, plants himself next to me on the bench outside the lab, and says, “Yo, I know the formula for table salt; what else could I possibly need to know?” and me, being the wonderful person I am, I took pity on him and made him my lab partner.”
“You just didn’t want to get partnered with those guys from the golf team.”
“I will not lie; that was a factor in my decision. Anyway, it turned out to be a huge mistake because he barnacled himself to me for the rest of the semester and apparently for the rest of my life.”
“I am a delight!”
“I dragged us through that class, kicking and screaming the entire way.” She explains how their duo became a trio after Reuben walked directly into Danielle. “She hit the sidewalk so hard, and Rico Sauvé over there froze, staring at her like an idiot while I helped her off the ground and apologized for him. I wish I could remember what I said… do you remember Danielle?”
“You said, and I’m quoting here, “I’m so sorry about him. I would make a joke about him being so tall that he doesn’t get enough oxygen, but the fact of the matter is that he’s just a fucking idiot.” And then she smacked him in the stomach to reboot him.”
The team erupts in laughter, Yale heckling him. “Bro! You knocked her over? That’s so bad; I can’t believe she went out with you!”
“Oh, I didn’t! Matchmaker Mariella convinced me to give him a shot after she and I became friends sophomore year. He was too scared to ask me out.” Danielle’s statement makes the laughter worse, tears gathering in Fanboy’s eyes.
“And it worked out, didn’t it?” Reuben leans over to kiss his wife. “We’ve been together for fifteen years, five moves, and two kids. Not too bad, huh, baby?”
“Oh god! Keep it in your pants; there are impressionable, young minds present!”
Danielle flips Hangman off, “Annie isn’t old enough to realize what’s going on!”
“Forget Annabeth! I was talking about Bob!”
That begins the biweekly argument of Phoenix defending her back-seater, which then spirals into whose dating life is the most pathetic. Omaha has won the past nine times for his horrible flirting techniques that have a 4% chance of working, according to Yale’s calculations. Mary always takes this as her cue to escape, knowing her romantic luck is the worst of them all, and she would win hands down. This time around, she collects the dinner dishes and sneaks through the back door, making a clean getaway until Bradley turns to whisper a joke in her ear and realizes she’s gone.
He scans the backyard, coming up empty until his eyes hit the kitchen window. For a minute he watches her doing dishes and bobbing her head to the radio perched on the windowsill in front of her, admiring how the pieces of hair that have escaped from her claw clip frame her face. The dark strands making the rosiness of her round cheeks stand out as she cleans up.
She’s so beautiful.
The same thought had passed through his mind eight months earlier when he first met the Fitch family’s best friend. It had been a regular night out at the Hard Deck. Everything was going as expected, except for Payback’s behavior. The normally calm and collected pilot bounced between groups, his neck on a constant swivel to the front door. After minimal prodding, he announced that his wife and his best friend from college were running late. Rooster was expecting another man similar to his teammate; a funny, chill guy, probably someone who had been on the swim team with Reuben.
He was thrown for a loop when Danielle stormed through the door, yelling about the babysitter being late and pulling a gorgeous brunette behind her.
Payback had tucked the mystery woman under his arm and introduced her to the group. “Everyone, this is my bestest friend, Mariella Vertucci. She is a brilliant mechanical engineer, an excellent cook, and an even better baker. Also, she’s single.”
“Oh my god, Reuben, stop it!” She had blushed and tried to duck away; her wide smile made Bradley’s heart flutter. He immediately wanted to talk to her, buy her a drink, play her favorite song on the piano, anything to get her to smile at him like that.
He had been disappointed when he learned she was only visiting for a few days. His disappointment had grown when Hangman and Coyote monopolized her time after finding out she had a knack for darts. The best part of his night was when she sat on the stool beside him for a breather. Bradley bought her a drink and made small talk; his brain unable to create meaningful conversation once he felt the soft material of her dress brush his calf. And then she was gone again, pulled back to the dartboard by Jake, who was happy to have someone to compete against. He had spent the rest of the night watching Jake joke with her. Mary’s laugh was the only thing in Bradley’s head when he went to bed that night.
He looks over at Jake now, where - for his own entertainment - the blonde man is turning the dating life comparisons into a game of cornhole. Content to stand on the sidelines with Annabeth snuggled on his chest and watch what is sure to turn into a disastrously overly competitive tournament.
When Bradley realizes no one is paying attention to him, he gathers the rest of the dirty dishes and heads inside. “I saw you sneak away; you missed my joke about Hangman getting stood up twice in the same week.”
“I try not to give Dani a chance to bring up my past mistakes; it works out better for everyone considering how often she’s set me up on a failed blind date.” She makes a face over her shoulder, making both of them laugh.
“Dinner was great, by the way. I haven’t had a homecooked meal like that in years.”
Mary feels her cheeks get darker at the compliment. Damn him for being handsome and sweet.
“I’m glad you liked it. I always- oh! I love this song; can you turn it up? My hands are all soapy.”
“Big Steve Miller Band fan, huh?” Bradley laughs and twists the knob. “What are we listening to?”
“The oldies station - 105.6 - they play everything from before 1990! I love them; it’s just like when I used to spend the day with my grandparents. They have a Big Band Music Monday, and if I close my eyes when Glen Miller is playing, I swear I can smell my Nona's perfume.” His smile matches hers, the joy of childhood memories splayed across her face as she rinses plates.
“Which towel should I use to dry?”
“You don’t have to-” Her voice gets louder as she talks over him, sensing the protest that’s coming. “But! If you’re going to insist, grab a fresh one from that drawer right there. And don’t worry about the pots and pans; Reuben likes to let those air-dry overnight. I just want to make sure everything else is as done as possible before I bring dessert out; those dishes can run in the dishwasher tonight.”
Bradley pauses where he’s putting silverware away, watching Mary sway to the music. “You made dessert too?”
“Yeah, we’re having my version of strawberry shortcake. It’s a twist on their wedding cake which was vanilla cake with strawberry filling.” She answers distractedly, closely examining a roasting dish that won’t come clean.
“You made their wedding cake too?”
She giggles at his shocked tone. “No, I had just moved to Missouri when they got engaged, so most of my maid of honor duties were performed virtually. But I did help pick the cake flavors out when I was up for the shower.”
“Lots of yelling at vendors on the phone?”
“Occasionally, when it was needed. I’m not a fan of yelling at people if it’s not necessary.”
“You yell at work all the time.”
“That’s because you idiots don’t listen to me! My entire career has been learning the best ways to fix those expensive ass planes you fly in every single day, yet you don’t listen when I-” She cuts herself off and flicks water at him when she realizes he’s teasing her. “You’re not funny, mister.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, it’s just too easy sometimes.” He knows he’s not really in trouble when she can’t hold her grin back.
“Just keep drying so we can have dessert.”
The two work quietly together, cleaning and packing up leftovers, seventies hits floating through the kitchen. As Mary cleans the sink, she looks at Bradley, who is trying to figure out which cabinet the serving platters go in. “When you get those put away, could you grab the strawberries from the garage fridge?”
Bradley hums his agreement, grinning at her when she points to the correct cupboard before heading out to the garage.
“As you requested.” He laughs at the grabby hands she makes towards the green container in his arms as he reenters the kitchen, eyes going wide when she removes the lid. “Shit, those look awesome.”
Mary’s nose scrunches at the compliment. “It’s because they’re super fresh. I picked them up from my favorite farm stand on the way home. And I used the sugar-to-berry ratio my Aunt Denna perfected years ago.”
Bradley watches in awe as she moves around the kitchen with an ease he’s never seen before; it’s like watching a one-person waltz. Her hands carefully fold the strawberries together, gently stirring them so they don’t break. Once combined to her standards, she plucks a sharp knife from out of nowhere and begins cutting the cake into even slices without any measuring. Mary does this while instructing him to get dessert plates out; her hips never stop moving to the music.
She stacks everything onto a serving tray that was hiding next to the fridge. It looks precariously balanced, and Bradley is about to offer his assistance when she swings the tray onto her shoulder and makes her way through the sliding door with no problems. He stands there for a second, stupidly staring after her like a lump on a log when he realizes she forgot the serving spoon.
He grabs the utensil and follows her path to the deck, a cheesy grin spreading across his face as he watches her realize she forgot something. She turns as Bradley brandishes the spoon in front of him like a sword and bows. “For you, m’lady.”
The peanut gallery pipes up. “Oh my god, Bradshaw. That was painful to watch.”
“No dessert for you, Jake.”
“Oh, come on!” Jake holds Annabeth up from his chest. “I was gonna share with little Annie Oakley here! You can’t take dessert away from me! You’re depriving her!”
“Dude, you have got to stop using my kid as a bargaining chip every time you make M&M mad.” The defeat in Danielle’s voice sends laughter through the group.
“For dessert, we’ve got strawberry shortcake with a Vertucci family twist. And a limited amount of whipped cream to go around, so please don’t go crazy until everyone has some, okay?”
A chorus of “Yes, ma’am” comes back at her as she hands the first plate to Dani, who had elbowed her way to the front of the line, using her pregnant belly to her advantage.
Mary is fulfilling Harvard’s request for extra syrup on his cake when Callie’s voice raises the question on several aviator’s minds. “Hey Mary, why is your callsign M&M?”
“Oh… uh….” She hesitates for a second before remembering she can trust these people. “Growing up in a bakery, I’ve always been the designated person to bring treats. Even in college, I was that person. After people found out I was the one who made the food, I would always jokingly get proposed to, and people started the “Marry Me” nickname. Which is such a brilliant play on my name.”
“Which was funny for a while, until a guy she used to date and his group of assholes caught wind of it and turned it into something decidedly not funny.” The anger in Reuben’s voice stops any potential questions.
“Yes, and then my knight in shining swim trunks over there almost got kicked off the team for fighting, and my ex got a knee to the family jewels courteous of the knight’s red-haired partner.” She rolls her eyes at the memory of how proud her two friends were to be in trouble for defending her honor. “Anyway, that pretty much killed the nickname, but M&M took its place.”
The yard is quiet, no one entirely sure what to say.
“I still can’t stand Austin.”
“I’m pretty sure he can’t stand you either after you sent one of his balls back into his body.” Mary snorts, feeling uncomfortable that the conversation about her emotionally abusive ex is still going. “It’s okay, everyone. That was a long time ago, and I brought M&M with me as my unofficial call sign when I started working with the Navy.”
It’s awkward for another minute until Hangman gets cornhole going again, handing Annabeth off to join the women at the picnic table. The game quickly gets competitive between the guys, and the evening returns to normal. As the attention moves away from her, Mary curls in on herself, feeling vulnerable about the information she had shared. The other women notice and make eye contact, a silent conversation passing between them.
“What a dingus. If I was your ex, I would have proposed to you for real after trying your mac and cheese.”
“Callie, I called dibs after she made those cupcakes at Easter.” Natasha protests.
“Absolutely not! Of anyone, I get the first crack at her; I’ve known her the longest.”
“Danielle, I know you’re pregnant, but I will literally fight you.”
It’s enough to break the tension and make Mary laugh. “Ladies, ladies, please, no fighting. There’s enough of my food to go around.”
“And what about you? There’s only enough of you for one of us.” Nat throws an arm around Callie’s shoulders, winking at her fellow aviator, silly smiles spreading across their faces.
“I think if we really tried, there would be plenty of me for both of you.” She winks back before taking a stack of empty plates inside.
The table settles into a stunned silence, Danielle’s laugh interrupting after a few seconds. “I forgot you guys haven’t seen Mary flirt before!”
Bradley’s heart stops from where he’s eavesdropping in a lawn chair. Is that why she never responds to my flirting? He feels like an ass, trying to catch the attention of a woman who potentially doesn’t even like men.
“She flirts with Jake all the time!”
Bradley chugs the rest of his beer.
“No, that’s not flirting. They’re just bantering each other. Besides, Jake is a good-looking guy, but he’s not really what she looks for in a man.”
“Oh! Forget Jake! She is single, right? Because I have a friend who would be perfect for her, she’s a middle school math teacher, and she has the same sense of humor as Mary!”
Danielle lowers her voice, “She is single, and she’s said now that she’s more settled out here, she wants to try dating again. But if everything goes the way I think it will, there will be no need for us to set her up.”
“What do you-” Natasha gets cut off by Danielle pointing at something off the deck.
The three women turn their attention to the backyard. At some point during their conversation, Mary had slipped past them and settled next to Bradley on the two-seater Adirondack chair. They subtlety observe as Mary leans into his side, giggling and whispering in his ear about something as she gestures towards the game. Bradley throws his head back as he laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and dipping his head down to respond. They watch as Mary buries her head in his shoulder to muffle her laughter, and three sets of eyebrows raise in unison as the back of Bradley’s neck turns redder than the strawberries they’d just eaten.
“Wow. I vote that we only intervene if those two take longer than three months to get their shit together.” Callie looks around the table for concurrence.
Natasha grimaces. “Usually, I’d agree, but they’ll probably end up needing a nudge. Rooster moves slower than molasses in January when he’s interested in a woman for something more than a night.”
“They’ll definitely need a nudge, and I’m already working on it because, lemme tell you…” Danielle pauses, her heart warming at the shy smile on her best friend’s face as Bradley pulls her further into his body. “He’s in there with the champ.”
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thank you for reading <3 if you would like to be added (or removed) from the tag list just send me an ask! have a good one!
tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @bussyslayer333 | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @withahappyrefrain | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @genius2050 | @ohtobeleah | @katieshook02 | @hellojameshowyadoin
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writesforfun · 1 year
do you love me too? mark lee
fluff, friends to lover au, mark is a studio/company owner, composer, writer, singer with dreamies, y/n is a cafe owner
You really don't know what it was. It could be his eyes, it could be his smile, it could be his laugh, it could be the way that the darn man could do and nail basically everything, or it could be— as simple as he's Mark Lee.
You and Mark had known each other through Haechan, a extrovert person who's basically friends with everyone anyway. It has been almost 4 years since you two know each other, and you have liked Mark since the third encounter you two have.
He took his precious time to take you back to your house because he was "Worried about your safety if you come back home with an Uber this late."
It was 7 PM, probably even half.
"Y/N? What could you possibly be thinking for you to ignore my words just now?" Mark asks, with a almost cheeky smile never leaving his face. You stopped your stupid little daydream to look at his face properly, then your stupid heart started beating faster than a racing car. Good.
"Oh, uh.. no. I was just thinking if I left the stove on." You answer meekly, which is a stupid answer by the way. But as expected from Mark Lee and his goddamn humor, he starts laughing hard at your words.
"That's really funny. But usually if you think about it, it's not true. Anyways, I was saying if you maybe want to listen to my song demo? Cause you're kind of a reaaaaallyyyyy good music critique." Said Mark. He kind of elbowed you so softly, that like a spell you just nodded.
There's exactly two reasons why Mark would say you're a "good music critique."
First, you and Mark have basically the same taste in music. Second, his first solo album you very strongly said to put out even though Mark was still insecure and unsure about it was a big hit with a whopping 142 million listens on the first day.
And so his hand reaches out to his laptop as he started doing his thing. You took a second to look around his studio, and you then realize he hung the picture of you and him that you two took about four weeks ago from a trip you went with Jaemin, Haechan, Karina, and Giselle. It was just a small trip consisting of his friends and your friends whom happen to be friends with Mark and his friends as well, same goes with you.
"Okay, are you ready?" He asked with a dashingly amazing smile on his face. You answered with a small laugh and a nod, and he's preparing himself by letting out a breath and started playing the song. It started off as a melody— a piano melody that's quite bad you're awfully familiar with. It's you playing the piano. You gave him a look of pure confusion but he didn't spare you any glance. His lips are sealed shut as he drank the coffee you made just for him from your own cafe as he stare at whatever it is in front of him.
You're on my mind again today
What you doing? Are you feeling okay?
I wanna kiss your lips but don't want us to be awkward
You're my everything though I just hope you know
You're the sun to my life
From the very first time I've met you in your cafe
I realize then I've fallen for you
And it's getting deeper every single day
I just wanna be yours every day
But do you love me too?
And then a melody plays, this time a sweeter piano melody which you're sure he played. You don't know how to feel. This all seems like a very you and him situation song and you don't know how to feel. The lyrics are beautiful though, that you just wish it's for you. You know it's a stupid thought, but just perhaps—
"It's for you. The song. I don't expect you to answer or anything but, uh, dude.. I really love you so much and—"
You decided to kiss his lips right away. You took the courage to spare a glance at him, and you saw him wide-eyed with a furrowed brow. It took him a few seconds to relax, and then he started shutting his eyes shut and kissing you back. He smiled a little, his moves are slow on your lips as he started cupping your cheek. You couldn't possibly forget the way you feel. You just know your cheeks are as red as a tomato and as warm as a hot stove. Your heart rate isn't normal either, that you're sure of.
But your heart is full.
He let go of you as he felt your breath starting to hitch, and then he laughed a little and hugged you. "I thought it was a one-sided love story trope and wanted a she fell first but he fell harder trope love story but this works too," You said.
He laughed hard at your word and started to stomp his whole feet. "That's sooooo cute. I love you,"
"I love you too."
"I love you more?!"
"I love you most. Nothing could beat that, Y/N. I'll prove it to you every single day. You're the most beautiful and amazing woman alive. Like, dude, I.. I literally thank your presence every day to God. Like.. s-seriously."
You smiled at that. You hugged him tighter as you kiss his neck. "You are so not gonna release that song. My piano sucks. I didn't even know why you would've recorded that."
He smiled. "I recorded that cause it's you. Anyways no promises!"
"Hey!" You protest as you start to tickle his body. He laughed and hugged you even harder, and your heart warms at that.
You can't believe Mark Lee is your boyfriend now, let alone he actually loves you back sincerely.
But you could get used to this.
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echo's trouble with sleep
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i was blessed with an idea that needed to be written.
warnings: fluff, insecurities, reassuring echo that he's best boi, gn!reader
echo deals with aches and pains in his legs, making it difficult to sleep. thankfully, reader is here to help.
divider by @djarrex
Echo was coming home from the last mission Cid sent him and his brothers on. Ever since he met you, the phrase coming home finally meant something to him. He had a place, a person, a bed, a meaning. 
He always let you know when the ship entered the hyperspace lane that brought him back to Ord Mantell. Even though Echo didn’t expect it or ask if of you, you always had a welcoming environment ready to greet him. His brothers were always invited, but after time they learned to give the two of you some alone time. They’ll come by tomorrow.
A small knock on your door drew your attention. With a smile, you practically ran to the door and pressed the button to slide it open. On the other side was your man, your Echo. 
“Welcome home,” you said as you snatched his helmet from his grasp and with your other hand you grabbed his and pulled him in. 
Echo grinned and instead wrapped his arm around your body, forcing you to drop his helmet as he lifted you up against him and pressed a loving kiss to your lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck and held on tight, even after he put you down on your feet.
“Glad to be home, Cyare,” Echo said as he pressed his forehead to yours. 
You were so happy that there were tears in your eyes. You both locked gazes. 
“Come, I’ve made dinner. I can’t wait to hear about your latest adventure.” You kissed his cheek before heading away.
Echo dropped his armor hastily, excited to eat some real food and sleep in an actual bed tonight.
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That night in bed, after you and Echo shared intimate moments (that was probably a couple hours worth, to be honest), you were sound asleep. Echo had his arm wrapped around you tightly. He was still awake. Tonight was one of the nights where his body ached, especially his legs. It was a difficult problem to have, seeing as how he didn’t really have legs anymore.
The aches were right at the amputation points, not something that can be easily relieved. On top of the phantom limb pains, it would be a miracle if he could find sleep tonight. He must have been adjusting his legs to find comfort a little too much as it started to wake you up.
“Echo?” you asked with a yawn. “What’s going on? Are you doing okay?”
Echo sighed. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You rolled over in his hold so you could face him. You weren't going to go back to sleep until he was honest with you. Your eyes were weary, half-open, but what was visible was full of attentiveness and concern. 
“Darling, talk to me. Is there something I can help with?”
Another sigh escaped his lips. “It’s my legs. It’s just a rough night.”
You propped yourself up on your elbow while on your side. Your other hand caressed his face and then slid down to his waist. Your hand remained there. “Your legs are never just your legs. Would a massage help?”
Echo shook his head. “No, unfortunately. I might have to just wait this out.”
“Explain the pain to me.”
A lot of different expressions crossed Echo’s face as he thought about how to word it. 
In an attempt to help make him comfortable, you brought up an example of your own. “Have you ever heard of restless leg syndrome?”
The question seemed to distract him for a moment. “I haven’t. What is it?”
You smiled at him. “It’s abbreviated as RLS most of the time. It’s something I struggle with, but probably not as much as most people. It’s the undeniable urge and impossible to combat feeling forcing one to need to move their legs. Sometimes when I feel like I can fight it, but it makes it worse.”
Echo’s face did the signature clone scrunch. “Is it painful?”
“It can be. I’m surprised it’s never bothered you. My legs jerk or twitch or cramp up easy. It’s exhausting.”
“I’ve… never noticed.”
You gripped his waist where your hand was still resting. “What I’m trying to get at is–yes, it’s never just legs. This part of your body, be it there or missing, is a part of the whole that makes you up. I could say ‘oh this is just hair’ or ‘yeah it’s just my fingers’ but it doesn’t need to be singled out.” Your fingers started to trace small shapes on Echo. You watched his eyes close and a small content sigh escaped his lips. “Now Echo, explain the pain to me. How can I help?”
Echo felt more at ease now. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous, embarrassed to tell you. He opened his eyes and his gaze fell on your exposed collarbone. His finger traced the pronounced contour back and forth. He looked up at you, and you gave him the smile that he confirmed always made him melt. His hand moved to caress your face. 
“Where the, uh, prosthetics meet what’s left of me, it gets incredibly sore. Sometimes I want to say it’s worse than the phantom limb pain, but it’s not. This pain is still touchable. I can feel it so clearly.”
Sympathetically, your hand slid down to his thigh and rubbed up and down slowly. If it could give any comfort at all, you’d do it. 
“That feels nice,” he whispered to you. His head leaned toward yours, so you met his forehead with a kiss, then placed your forehead against his. 
“Could you remove them? The prosthetics?”
You could hear his breath catch in his throat. “I… I don’t want you to see me like that.”
One side of your mouth tugged down in a frown. There was so much trust in your relationship, but that didn’t give insecurities a pass. “I understand. I want you to know that when I tell you that I love you, I accept you.”
Echo smiled. “Thank you, cyare. That means a lot to me.”
You kissed his lips briefly. “Anything for you, my love.”
You settled yourself into your pillow to find comfort to fall back asleep. There really wasn’t anything you could do for him for now, besides offer some over the counter pain medication. Watching him, you knew he wasn’t ready to try and sleep anytime soon. He was still in thought. Patiently, you waited for his words.
Echo inhaled sharply. “I want to try it,” he said quickly. If he wasn’t able to get it out then, he never would.
You leaned up on your elbow again. “Okay.”
Over the next few minutes, you helped Echo remove the prosthetic legs. You didn’t let your eyes linger in one spot for too long just to grant him more comfort in the situation. Once the items have been set aside, you returned to the bed and instantly brought the covers over the both of you. Anything to make him feel secure.
Echo let out a sigh of relief. He couldn’t believe how much the simple act gave him the release from the pain. He never tried this before. He had removed them before for maintenance, but never to sleep. He always had to be ready to jump up and be ready for combat. But here? He was safe with you. Echo could let down his walls and feel the warmth and love you offered him. 
How long had the two of you been together? He lost track of time, but it felt like a forever. 
The both of you shared a gaze, facing each other as your heads laid on the pillows. 
You spoke up first, “I love you, Echo.”
“I love you, cyare. I’m beyond grateful for you.”
With a grin and a small laugh, you leaned forward to kiss him. It was a passion saved up from the entire time he was gone. Your hand grasped his neck to pull him closer while his hand tightly gripped your hip, pulling your bodies together. You could feel the difference in his legs, but it didn’t distract you. 
With the new development, Echo found sleep coming much easier. He had forgotten how soothing sleep could be. The relief you granted him could never be replaced. He loved you more than anything for loving him, accepting him, helping him. 
Out of breath from the intense make out session, Echo’s hand grasped the side of your head and stared back and forth between your eyes. Your hand landed upon his and held on tight. 
“Sleep well,” you wished him with a whisper.   
He slept so well. The best sleep he had since being rescued.
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@ilovestarwarsmen725 @l-lend @arctrooper69 ❤️
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stinkyme · 1 year
Also, I didn't know if you think I sent a request of smut Yokomizo or not. But, I was just asking😭 🙏 since i didn't get any response,
Can I request Yokomizo smut fic with a partner who's too shy to get vocal during sex and would often cover her face up, especially on their first time? Please and Thank you🫶
I apologize once again for my previous misunderstanding honey, of course you can. I hope I did it justice and I hope you will enjoy. :) <3
** i added bit of overstimulation, i saw you mentioned you like it in fics so I hope that's fine :D
CW/TW: NSFW, fem!reader, overstimulation, reader is shy, sliiight fluff, Yoko is probably OOC since we don't have too much info, choking, one hickey, creampie, I think that's it, if I forgot anything please let me know! :)
I apologize for any mistakes in advance :)
Maybe you need more || Yokomizo Seishi x Reader
It was one of usual days, you were going to Yokomizo's writing room to keep him company while he would write, chatting about your day and his new ideas. Today you came in, as excited as always, ready to spend one more of peaceful days with him. You always liked him, but never dared to say anything scared you will ruin the peace you had with him. Little did you know.
"Oh Y/N!" Yokomizo said in his deep, gentle voice, relieved tone and soft smile on his face.
"Hello Yoko! How are you today?" you asked, smiling back.
"Great as always. I am happy to see you. However, I might be a little off today, I plan to write a lot!" he said and it seemed like he was excited.
"I don't mind at all, I am happy just to be here." you said, smiling at him and after you took shoes off, went to sit on the floor near him.
"You are a weird one, you know?" Yokomizo said and smiled at you, preparing pen, ink and paper to write.
"Weird one? Why?" you asked, as you were confused.
"Hm..well, I don't know one person who would enjoy a company of a man who has nothing to offer but green tea, writing and talks." he said, looking lovingly at you. It made your heart skip a beat.
"Oh..well, now you know one, don't you?" you said through nervous laughter.
"I do and I am not complaining. Are you sure you don't have any hidden intentions with me?" he said in joking manner, but his voice was clear indicator he wanted an answer. It made you blush slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Yokomizo.
"Um..what..what do you mean?" you got really nervous, he was never like this before.
Yokomizo smiled at you reaction.
"Nothing, nothing! Just messing with you a bit." he kept smiling at your blushing face.
"Now, I have to get to work." he said and dipped his pen in ink bottle slowly starting to write. You kept looking at his pretty face and his brown, fluffy hair, admiring him. His eyes were focused on sight in front him; his hand making skillfull and elegant movements leaving beautifuly written sentences behind. Once he finished a page you sat next to him, really close, your bodies almost touching and started reading what he wrote.
"Impatient, aren't you?" he said, teasing your curiosity.
"Do you mind?" you smiled at him innocently.
"Not one bit, Y/N." he smiled back.
You kept reading as he leaned his elbow on the table, holding his tilted head, watching your face.
"Have anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" he said, his voice gentle, not taking his eyes off of you.
Your heart started racing, you were questioning did you hear him correctly.
"Why..why are you saying that?" you said almost through a whisper, your voice shaky and insecure.
"Because that's what I think." he smiled gently at you, closing his eyes for a moment.
"Why would you think about that?" you asked him curiously, your voice still shaky.
"That's all I can think about, Y/N." he leaned towards you and gently cupped your cheek with his right hand, his face near yours.
"It's all I can think about since I've met you. And something tells me you feel the same way. Right?" he whispered as his face got even closer to yours.
Your heart was beating out of your chest, eyes wide and you couldn't think of anything to say so you just nodded.
He smiled and leaned in, pulling you in a kiss, his tongue meeting yours quickly. You cupped his jaw with your hands, gently pulling him in for more. His other hand gently grabbing your waist as he slowly pushed you on the floor, not breaking the kiss. His hand moved from your cheek on your neck to move your soft hair out of the way. He slowly pulled away from a kiss, biting your bottom lip gently and moved down to kiss your neck. His kisses were slow paced, wet and ticklish. He started behind your ear, slowly moving down to your collarbone, then moved to the other side of your neck, kissing you from the collarbone up to behind of your ear. You were silent, but you enjoyed every second of it, slowly getting more wet. He pushed his knee between your legs further, meeting your clothed, wet cunt and he moved his hands on the down edges of your top, slowly lifting it up as you moved up to match his movement. He dropped your top on the side and gently brushed his thumb on your cheek.
"Are you fine with this?" he asked you in tender voice. You nodded.
"Good." his lips curled into a smile as he removed his yukata, putting it to the side and then took off shirt underneath. He had muscular, wide shoulders, his chest were prominent as well as his abs. You couldn't take your eyes off of him which made him smile at your expression. He leaned down and his hand went behind your back to undo your bra, he pulled it down your arms and dropped it next to the rest of clothes. He scanned your naked body, pushing you down gently with one of his hands, meanwhile the other one was behind your head. As you laid back down, he moved both of his hands on your waist and started kissing your chest area and leaving few small licks behind as well. He moved down and licked one of your nipples, gently putting it between his teeth to suck it. It made you quiver and you put your hands into his soft hair, stroking it gently. He moved his mouth to your other nipple, giving it the same treatment as you pressed your legs harder around his waist. He stopped sucking, placing a kiss on top of it. He continued his way down, kissing your stomach. You kept stroking his hair and he gave you a small hickey on gentle skin of your tummy. It made you shiver and you grabbed his hair a bit harder. He placed one last kiss and pulled your bottoms down, alongside with your panties as your hands left his hair. He dropped them too on the pile and put his hands on your knees, spreading your legs. He looked at your wet folds, lustful. He moved one of his hands down your thigh and then gently collected the leaking precum with two of his fingers. His touch made you tremble. He moved his fingers up and down, collecting more of your juices and then moved his fingers on your sensitive clit. He started making slow, lazy circles as he watched your face. You kept your gaze at his hands, trying hard not to make any noise or meet his eyes, your face getting more red. He smirked, finding your reaction adorable and kept making circles on your clit, this time in faster and more steady pace. It made you throw your head back as you covered your mouth with your arm, trying to be as silent as possible, your belly going up and down fast as your breathing got faster too.
"Adorable." Yokomizo said in low voice, but loud enough for you to hear. It made you blush even more.
"How about this, then?" he said and he moved his fingers away from your clit, pushing them inside your pussy, stretching you out more, his other hand pressing on your lower tummy and his thumb circling around your clit. You whimpered in your arm, as his movement started getting quicker, his fingers stimulating your G spot and moving in pace that you loved the most meanwhile his thumb kept moving on your clit and rest of his hand pushing your tummy a bit harder. You kept shivering, biting into your arm as you were getting closer to orgasm, whimpering so low, you could barely hear, but Yokomizo saw movement of your chest and tummy and smiled. He kept going in the same pace, your legs were trembling around him and you bit into your arm even harder as your orgasm approached. Yokomizo could feel your pussy pulsating around his fingers, knowing you were about to cum. He kept going and you reached your orgasm, still biting your hand, your back arching and legs thightening around Yokomizo. As your orgasm passed, you sighed out, face flushed as Yokomizo rubbed your thighs. He slowly leaned down and gave your pussy a kiss.
"You did so well for me, darling." he said looking at you making you look away in embarrassment. He chuckled and got up to grab a pillow. He kneeled back down, putting one of his hands on your hip.
"Up baby." he ordered and you did as told and he put soft pillow under your ass, slightly lifting you up. Yokomizo got up and removed his pants and came back to you. He kneeled between your thighs and leaned down to kiss you.
"Aren't you a shy one?" he said smiling at you. You were to embarrassed to say anything and looked away.
"How cute. Maybe you need more." he said and moved to put his boxers down, and you could see his hard dick, it was just the right size and thickness. He stroked himself for a bit and moved his dick near your entrance. He slowly put it in between your wet inner lips, pushing forward and whimpered at how wet you were. He kept slow pace while going deeper in your pussy, making you cover your face and mouth again. He pushed himself fully, whimpering the whole time. You were still sensitive from your previous orgasm, so as he grabbed under your thighs to put them on his shoulders, making penetration deeper it made you tear up and bite your almost bloody arm once more. He started moving faster, his dick pressing your sensitive spot, stimulating you further. You let out a small sigh as you were holding your breath not to make any noise. His thumbs went down to where your ass met your thighs, rest of his fingers and palms on the sides, as he stretched you more in order to make you more sensitive. He kept his fast pace, pulsating and twitching inside you as your pussy was getting tighter around him. You wanted to move your hand to breath out since you were holding it in again and as he saw that he pushed his dick deeper and harder inside you, which made you moan at intensity and sudden impact.
"Just like that, see you can do it baby." Yokomizo said as he moved one of his hands under your thigh, spreading your legs slightly more in order to stimulate your clit again. You were pretty sensitive already and it was hard to keep your moans in but you tried your best. Few whimpers left your throat as he kept stimulating you further, getting close to your orgasm again. You covered your mouth with your hand, breathing unsteady and your body quivering under Yokomizo's dick ramming in and out of your pussy, as well as his thumb circling on your dick. You were getting closer to your orgasm again, you closed your eyes as they were tearing up from sensations and build up stimulation inside your pussy.
"Do it for me baby." Yokomizo ordered and in seconds you came again, low whine leaving your throat as you dropped your legs off of his shoulders and Yokomizo slowed his hips, but kept playing with your sensitive clit. You were shaking and twitching under his touch and tried to close your thighs as it was too much. Yokomizo stopped you with one of his hands, pushing one of them away, spreading you. His finger kept circling around your swollen and bitter sweet painful clit as you tried to move away but didn't have enough strenght in your body. He kept doing it with slightly more pressure and you couldn't even react in time to cover your face, so you whined out, earning a grin from him.
"You are so cute, Y/N." he stopped stimulating your clit but didn't give you any time to recover as he immediately started fucking you in vigorous pace.
"Do you know how long I have been waiting for this?" he said as he lowered himself to sneak his hand around your throat, putting slight pressure and looking directly in your eyes. You were unable to move your head away properly and as you went to cover your mouth again he used his other hand to grab your wrist, putting your hand above your head.
"Other one too." you obeyed at his order and now both of your hands were above your head, him slightly pressuring them for balance, his other hand snaked around your jaw so you couldn't move your head.
"Good girl." he whispered and kept fucking you in same, fast and ruthless pace making you bite your lip in order to stay silent but you broke down as you felt him twitching inside you, moaning.
"How beautiful." he whimpered out and started pulsating inside you as he was getting closer to his orgasm. He leaned down to give you a kiss, thursting one last time, deeply inside you as he reached his orgasm, his cum filling you up warmly.
You moaned as he broke the kiss, moaning and whining alongside you. He moved thrusted few more times fucking his cum inside you and pulled out.
"Maybe we will need few more rounds to relax you." Yokomizo said and placed kiss on your lips.
The End :)
Thank you so much for reading and for your request, I truly hope I did it justice and that you enjoyed! :) <3
Big kiss on the forehead for you🫶🏻
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raggellion · 2 years
Carlisle Cullen x Bella (Reader)
Part 1
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Notes: Idk I was so bored lmaoaoa
Warnings: Dirty asf, SMUTTT, oral sex and blood (not blood kink tho), Carlisle being hot
Word count: 1.9k
I felt so much guilt. Maybe it was the way that the muscular boy in front of me gazed into my eyes. His chocolate brown iris’ melted into mine as he gazed at me with concern.
It was no secret that Jacob was infatuated with me, hell, even Rosalie brought it to my attention a couple times. My heart always cracked a little each time I’d turn him away.
“I’m fine, Jake. It’s just a little cut.” I reassure him. My attempt at dispelling his fear was void. He gripped the cloth at my wound, which was oozing with crimson horror.
“If you’re really that concerned, take me to Carlisle. He’ll h-“ “Are you kidding me?” The werewolf cut me off.
“I’m not taking you to those freaks! They’ll drain you dry.” He exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing.
“You know they aren’t like that, Jacob.” I attempt to stay calm. Edward and Jacob have always been at odds, so convinced that the other is this monster whose only purpose is to cause me harm.
“Bells… if you think what you need right now is a… blood sucker… I will take you. But I want you to know that I am not leaving your side.” He said slowly, and I nodded, absorbing every word.
Jacob was silent the whole ride over to the Cullens. I could tell he was angry by the way he clenched his jaw, the way his knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel with vigor.
Believe it or not, I really had no intention of stressing Jacob out. It was my decision to want to go to the Cullens. Even though Jake is insecure about my previous relationship with Edward, Edward isn’t really the person he should worry about. We ended things about a month ago… for the better of course.
The tall vampire stood outside his modern home as we pulled up, almost as if he knew we were on our way. I cautiously open the car door, and get out of the vehicle. The cloth that was wrapped around my wound squelched with every press of the fabric, crimson liquid daring to seep out of the fibers. I gave Edward a questioning look as I held the cloth to my torn skin.
Golden eyes danced between Jacob and I, he didn’t know which look to address first. “Alice…” he mumbled, revealing that the petite vampire had a premonition of my little accident. Great… someone else had to witness that.
The door swung open, revealing a certain pale, blond, vampire doctor that had recently been the main character of all my dreams. My heart leapt in my chest at the sight of him. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the veins that ran up his forearm.
Flashbacks of last night’s dream came crashing down on me. My eyes clouded as I remembered gazing at Carlisle, his toned body on top of mine. I knew this Carlisle was merely a figment of my own imagination, but damn it felt good to even picture it. To hear him say my name over and over again.
Bella… Bella… “Bella!”
Jacob exclaimed, shaking my shoulders, forcing me to exit my dazed state. “God damn!” He yelled in relief as I finally responded to his attempts to bring me back to reality. I took a look around me. We’re inside now? “Okay, Jacob. I think it’s time to give Bella some space and let me take a look at this wound here.” Carlisle said softly, his velvety voice made me slowly melt.
“I’m not leaving her alone!” Jacob retaliated. God, can he shut up. “I’m fine, Jake.”
It was sweet of Jacob to be so concerned but I really was not in danger. Especially not with Carlisle.
Jacob glared at me, flickering his gaze to Carlisle before turning around and slamming the door. I sighed at his discourteousness. “I’m sorry about him… he’s just…” I begin to apologize to the wise man before me.
“Territorial.. almost like a wolf.” He finishes my sentence with a light hearted chuckle before continuing. “It’s quite alright Bella… Let's see what we have here.” He said, carefully removing the red stained cloth.
“Do you mind sharing what happened?” He asked softly.
“I was out in the woods with Jake… I… slipped on some rocks.” I say, struggling to make out the words under the pressure of his gorgeous honey eyes boring holes into my entire being.
“Good thing is, I don’t think you’ll need stitches. Just a couple bandages and you should be on your way.” He said with a small smile, eyes trailing off. “I noticed some blood on your shirt… do you have another wound?”
I did.
“Oh.. It’s probably nothing.” I laughed nervously.
“Come on, Bella. If you’re injured, I need to take a look.” He said somewhat sternly. The tone of his voice sent shivers up my spine.
My hands shakily removed my top, pulling it over my head to reveal more skin. Goosebumps rose against the surface of my bare arms and stomach as my upper body now merely wore a bra.
My arms wrapped around my body as he gazed down at me.
“Bella, I am a doctor. There is so need to be ashamed.” He coaxed, slowly easing my arms away from my body. The wire of my bra painfully clamped over the wound.
Carlisle’s large hands came up, cautiously hovering around my back. “May I?”
I nodded, maybe a little too eagerly. One hand alone unclasped the 3 hooks in the back and the padded material fell to my lap. My exposed nipples harden immediately at the touch of the cool air.
A small breath escaped my lungs as I was now topless in front of the eldest vampire.
He’s a doctor, Bella. There’s no other reason for him to be doing this. But here, half exposed in front of him just felt so right… even if it wasn’t.
The large man slowly dropped to his knees. I shifted uncomfortably on the table as his fingertips softly grazed the underside of my right breast, examining the small gash underneath.
My skin blazed with a trail of passion where he touched me as he lightly circled the wound with his pointer finger. His other large hand came up to rest on my hip.
“Hmm… doesn’t look too deep.” He almost whispered, yellow eyes peering up at me from his kneeling position on the ground.
His honey eyes dropped from my gaze, right down to my breasts as if he were taking in every detail. The vampire’s throat bobbed as he gulped before swiftly standing up and breaking eye contact with my exposed bosom.
It didn’t take long for me to notice the peculiar sight in front of me. The growing tent in his trousers, an ironically human feature, was quite eye-catching.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said quickly as to avoid any awkward silences. I nodded as he returned to his kneeling position.
“I hear things didn’t work out between you and Edward.” He diverted, grabbing a warm, damp cloth to gently swipe it over the torn area of skin. The motion stung the wound and I found myself biting my bottom lip to keep from hissing out. Carlisle continued to steadily sterilize the wound.
“Edward’s a good guy,” I say, not daring to move my eyes as I studied his every move. “It’s just better this way.”
He raises his eyebrow as his free hand digs into my hip. “Well what else would you need from a man?”
I scoff at him, only taking my eyes off of him to roll them sarcastically. “Uhh, I think there’s a lot more on my checklist than just being a nice person.”
Carlisle chuckled as if he found amusement from my discomfort. “I can understand that,” He said, grabbing a bandage and ripping the paper cover on it. He strategically placed it over the gash. “Besides, I’m not one to talk about relationships with the state my marriage is in.”
My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he rose to his feet once again. “What do you mean?” I ask him, to which a solemn smirk spread across his lips.
“I think you know, Bella.”
Why would I know? If I knew then I wouldn't ask…
Sensing the confusion still displayed on my features, Carlisle sighs. “My wife is many things, but she is not clueless.” He stated, inching toward me agonizingly slowly.
“She’s not dumb.” He moves his body closer to mine until the tent in his pants pushed against my clothed core, achingly.
He leaned down, so close. His face was inches from mine. “She knows that something…someone… has been on my mind… and I just can’t seem to get them out.” He whispered. I could smell the fresh mintiness of his breath as he dipped in ever so slowly, planting a sweet kiss on my lips.
The embrace was warm and slow at first. Our lips moved in perfect synchronization. I could feel the cravings deep within my soul being satisfied as his tongue darted out to deepen the kiss.
I could feel his icy hands making their way to the hem of my pants, fingers dancing around the edge. His two digits dipped down below the fabric of my pants and panties, making immediate contact with my aching heat, a significant contrast to the chill of his skin.
Carlisle seemed to swallow my soft moans as he slowly rubbed me from inside my clothes.
A wince left my vacant mouth as the vampire pulled away, trailing his mouth down my neck and collarbones, right to my breasts.
He took one in his mouth right away, working his tongue around the pebbled skin as he kneaded the other with his free hand.
Ecstasy overcame my body as more pleasure was being delivered to me than I thought was humanly possible.
Better than Edward for sure.
Carlisle removed his mouth from my chest, trailing his sloppy kisses down my stomach. Removing his hands from my arousal, he swiftly yanked my pants and panties down in one go, returning to his knees for the third time tonight.
My knees were propped up, resting on the older man’s muscular shoulders. His face was so close to my entrance; I could feel his breath fanning on my glistening folds as he eyed me carefully. His tongue darted out, licking a stripe up my blazing heat. I almost cried out in agony, barely stopping to remember that there were vampires and a werewolf outside with advanced hearing.
Carlisle chuckled against my swollen core, sending vibrations swirling around my body in the most delicious way as his mouth began to attack my tender flesh.
His tongue expertly lapped at my clit and I struggled to contain the sounds that were persistently spilling from my lips. The tension burned deep within my stomach as I tensed up, never wanting this feeling to stop.
Carlisle’s face was buried between my legs as my heat began to spasm, becoming overridden with pleasure. One hand tangled in Carlisle’s straight, blond hair as the other came up to clamp my mouth shut while I road out my high, Carlisle’s tongue eagerly lapping at the liquid that oozed out of me.
His mouth finished cleaning me off as I lay on the flat surface, chest still heaving.
I shot straight up as a sturdy knock sounded at the door. “What’s taking so long in there?” Jake yelled through the wooden barrier. Carlisle handed me my clothes and I swiftly slipped them on just in time before Jacob barged through.
I was fully aware of the blush on my face, the redness of my lips.
“She’ll be fine. Nothing major.” Carlisle said, glancing at me, before exiting the room we committed those acts in just moments ago.
What the hell just happened?
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