#this movie made my aro heart really happy what can i say
unpopular opinion but i actually really enjoyed that drea and eleanor didn't kiss in do revenge. they hit that sweet spot that makes me go insane, of characters who are extremely close to each other, have a complex, deep (and fucked up) relationship, could probably be called the most important people in each other's lives and are in no way romantically involved. i love how physically affectionate they are, how drea says that the only times she'd been happy that year had been with eleanor, how they can't stand each other and love each other so so much. i love how much they've deliberately (and not) hurt each other and how they can't atone for that but they can move on and be better together. i also love that they're unhinged.
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nex-is-sleeping · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day !
This post will be my Valentine's special, a huge load of headcanons for a lot of Sonic characters and maybe a little fic, idk- But without further ado, Lets go !!!
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•He would be really excited for Valentine's !!!
•The pet names he'd use are love/babe/baby
•Sonic is the type to take you out, like on a little romantic picnic.
•He'll make sure to bring your favorite food and drink ! And for himself obviously some Chili Dogs and Pepsi (His favorite drink is Pepsi bc I said so)
•After, You two will lay down and look at the clouds ! Or, if it's night, stargaze !!
•Today he will be spoiling you and you have no way of stopping him.
•He'd lavish you with compliments and affection
•"God, how did I end up with such a beautiful, handsome, pretty, amazing, and overall perfect partner ?"
•"I love you so much, babe !!!!"
•As I said before, it's puppy love 24/7 with Sonic
•He just loves you so so much- like he would do nearly anything for you.
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•He'd be so stressed out to be honest 😭
•The petnames he'd use are darling/hun/honey
•Tails just wouldn't know what to do for you.
•So, he went to his best friend, Sonic, for help !
•Sonic wasn't much help either.
•In the end, he would make this mechanical heart that would open up, and inside the words are "I love you, Y/n !"
•Please compliment him on it !! He worked really hard on it and tried to make it perfect. Perfect is the only thing you deserve, nothing less !
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•Knuckles would have so many ideas !
•The petnames he'd use for you are babe/hun/sweetie/love
•You two could perhaps go to the theater ?
•Or or, a movie night at home !
•You two ended up at home, watching your favorite movie with your favorite snacks and drinks.
•Knuckles argued with the characters in the T.V. can you blame him ? They where going the wrong way !
•After the movie was over, you two built a pillow fort, and ended up sleeping together in it- JSKDKFKG
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•The petnames she'd use are love/darling
•Amy loves Valentine's day and it's also her favorite holiday !!
•She'd bake you your favorite pastry
•She had to make sure it was perfect ! Every little detail mattered if it was going to be given to you !
•She'd also spoil you- She would give you tons of presents !
•Not only with gifts though, with compliments too !
•"I love you so so so soooo much, darling !!"
•"I wouldn't trade you for the world !"
•She truly means everything she says and loves you with all of her heart <3
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•He'd take you out to a nice restaurant for sure !!
•The petnames Silver would call you are darling/my love/baby/sweets
•He'd take you to his favorite, Olive Garden he lives off of those breadsticks
•Order whatever you want ! It's his treat !!
•Silver will pay. No matter how much you insist, even if it's just a penny.
•You make him so nervous, but it's the best kind !
•He'd definitely sneak a bite off of your plate
•If you got spaghetti, he'd try to do the lady and the tramp thing, yk when they both eat one pasta noodle and end up kissing ? (He'd miserably fail)
•He'd give you so many kisses anyways ! Why ? Because you deserve it, dummy !!
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•I headcanon her as aro, so I don't have much for her, sorry 😭
•Her petnames for you would be love/darling/treasure
•You guys always spend the day together on Valentine's because that's actually the day she asked you out !
•Her love language is gift giving, so be prepared to be overloaded with gifts-
•But her top thing is flowers ! All in purple, white, and in your favorite color !
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•He'd prefer something just you and him
•His petnames for you are My Love/Babe/Starshine
•Shadow LOOVES cooking, but doesn't admit it.
•He'll surprise you with a dinner he made himself !
•Saying everything was perfect was an understatement to say the least, I mean, why wouldn't he make the best dinner for his love ?
•You will catch him several times throughout dinner staring at you
•"Why wouldn't I stare at the prettiest thing in the world ?"
•He literally did everything for you that day
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•You two would have a date at home !
•Her petnames for you are sweetheart/babe/baby/jewel
•She would put on a playlist that she herself made
•And you two would slow dance together !
•She really wanted to do something that involved in you two getting close together, her love language is physical touch after all
•She did that little dip at the end of the playlist and kissed you, and WOAH
•"I had such a fun time tonight, my jewel, we should do this more often <3"
•You two ended up cuddling the rest of the night
And that's all !! I really do hope you all enjoyed ! Have a great Valentine's day !!! And remember to request !!!
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here!
A/N: not superhero themed. I just read midnight sun and had this idea and I don’t feel like making another blog so.... hope you like twilight lol
There will be a part two, and just a reminder, I’m still looking for beta readers so DM if you’re interested!
* It probably starts with you reading midnight sun, you remember reading the books/watching the movies when you were younger.
* Man, you really forgot how bad this book was. The writing itself is good, but the plot...
* It’s like everything revolves around Bella, everything is created for her.
* You almost feel bad for the other characters
* Well, whatever, you’ll finish the rest of the book tomorrow and never think about that awful franchise again.
* When you wake up you feel an ache in your head. But you didn’t drink last night, maybe you’re dehydrated
* You shift, noting the smooth silk of the covers. Now you’re alarmed.
* You don’t have silk sheets
* You see a mirror in the corner of the room, and rush over
* The face that looks back at you is different then yours
* It’s the same in some ways, but different all the same
* The curve of your nose is slightly off, your lips are thinner, eyes a little closer together.
* The memories begin to flood in, in this world you were on a graduation trip with your parents, you got an all inclusive package. Three days of sightseeing in Volterra.
* You got sick on the last day, when you were signed for a tour of the castle, your parents went without you
* That was the last you saw of them
* You dumbly followed, asking question where you shouldn’t. And ended up at the volturi’s door
* Aro had grasped your hand to see how much you knew, only too see nothing. Likewise Jane’s powers did not work as well
* They were astounded by this, it appears this was several years before Bella was introduced to the story
* And so, you became a prisoner of the tower
* Your soul must have been in this body for quite some time, but you’ve only remembered now, that’s the only explanation for why their powers didn’t work on you. Your consciousness is not of this world.
* There’s a short knock on your door
* “Are you decent?”
* You call back and Alec pops his head in.
* “Ready to go to the library?”
* He looks so kind. The boyish grin that stretched across his face as you shook your head.
* It was in direct contrast to the sadistic personality you had become accustomed to in the books
* “I need a few more minutes”
* You half expect him to lash out at you for being slow. By he only nods, closing the door and waiting outside for you to finish.
* He was you friend. You realized
* He IS your friend
* You think back as you turn on the faucet. He didn’t like you at first, being assigned to guard a human was insulting
* But he started to warm up to you once he heard you play the piano
* This body was quite used to the ivory keys. And so you charmed him as best you could, half for your survival, because the happier you kept him the less likely he was to kill you.
* And half because- you were so lonely, the Loneliness echoed in this body like an ache. Suddenly an orphan, in a continent where you knew no one. All you had was this boy.
* How long have you been here? You kept a talley at one point, but abandoned it after the thirtieth day. What was the point? You would either die or become one of them
* A shiver erupts through at the thought, in your past life you were a vegetarian, you didn’t relish in the idea of killing something alive and moving.
* You pull on a sweatshirt, ripping of the chanel tag. They bought you the nicest things money could buy, the most lavish food you could have.
* They did the same thing with the tourists they lured, keeping them happy and well fed, the same way the cows that became wagyu beef might be cared for. That way when it came time to slaughter, the meal was that much more delicious.
* You suspected this was similar, that should you be an unnecessary addition, you would make a meal suitable for their palette
* Alec basically talks your ear off the entire way to the Volturi library, mostly about literature
* “What are your thoughts on Anna Kerenina?”
* “That the patriarchy needs to be burned to the ground.”
* “That is.... valid”
* He even talks when you’re at the library, much to the annoyance of a few of the other patrons
* “Which book are you looking for now?”
* You stop mid motion on the ladder and turn to look at him. His ruby eyes glowing, he looks bloated. Like he’s fed too much.
* “Alec, why are we friends?”
* You really should keep your mouth shut. Alec was the only real ally you had, you shouldn’t say anything that might put him off
* And yet, it unnerved you, because the Alec in front of you was a very different character then the one you had come to see.
* He looks at you like you hung the moon,
* “Because you’re the most interesting human in the world”
* You burst out laughing, earning several glares.
* “I-I’m sorry Alec, but I’m not, I’m just the most interesting human you KNOW, there’s way more people who are more interesting than me.”
* You expect to see him offended, and he does, but there’s a twinkle in his eyes
* “I’m not so sure about that”
* The days creep by, reading books, eating snacks, it’s nice
* You learn, that Alec hasn’t talked to a human in a very long time. Outside of the screams he heard after devouring one.
* He hasn’t been outside the castle walls in many years, possibly a century.
* “What’s the best part of the human world?” He asked you once
* It’s the 90’s, so smartphones haven’t been invented yet.
* “One tree hill and friends”
* “Well you have a friend right here”
* “No friends the show”
* “The what?”
* And that’s how you got Alec hooked onto cable television
* Who knew the cure to vampire- sadism was a healthy dose of Jennifer Aniston fumbling about on screen
* “Is this what life is like?”
* You shrug, it was what college had been like for you in your past life.
* “It’s kinda what schools like, but i never got to be on my own”
* This body was only 18 after all.
* Alec doesn’t say anything, but his expression falters
* Alec’s only now starting to understand the life you will be denied once Aro decides when to turn you
* Jane joins later
* One day when you and Alec are lazing around the library when she appears, she says nothing, just sits down next to Alec and reads a book
* You’re sure they hear the uneven thumping of your heart as you turn back to your book. Her power doesn’t work on you, you remind yourself
* Not that she even needs it, she could snap you apart like a Kit Kat bar
* And if it came down to it, you’re sure Alec would let her, he might like you but his loyalty’s always remained with his sister
* “So... you watch human television together?” Her bright red eyes flickered from Alec to you.
* You nodded, never sure what exactly it was that would set Jane off
* You had seen enough in the books to know her moods were compatible at best.
* “I would...like to join” she awkwardly looking away, and you were sure if she could, she would be blushing.
* Honestly it’s kind of cute.
* “Sure, the more the merrier”
* And that’s how you basically adopted the sadist twins
* It’s a little harder to get Jane to open up, but once you make a comment about how Phoebe was the best character in friends, she starts to open up
* “Humans are cruel, even when they’re kind it’s only because they want something from you.”
* “Is that what you think about me? That I’m only nice to you because I want something?” she meets your eyes for a few minutes before turning away
* “I’m not sure”
* You understand very gradually why they’re so twisted
* They’d been treated terribly during their human life, in every kind act lingered a dark shadow, in even minor misunderstanding the image of a monster
* Their centuries in the Volturi didn’t help. Under Aro’s ruthless tutelage, and Caius’s sadistic tendencies, They had no one they could trust but each other.
* They were only surviving just as you were
* “Sometimes I wonder how much of my loyalty is real, and how much of it is Chelsea.” She whispers one day, so quietly you barley hear it
* You rest your hand on hers, it’s the only comfort you could think to offer
* When Jane grasps your hand in hers, she breaks every bone in your hand
* She doesn’t understand the pained screams or your mangled hand fit a second, and then she realizes what she did
* Alarmed she carries you halfway around the castle screeching for someone to help
* You pass out from the pain, when you come to you’re in your bed, a very cold hand holding your own
* “How are you feeling?” You don’t recognize this vampire, but you don’t really know anyone outside of Alec and Jane.
* You feel light headed, a warm feeling washing over you, you must be on some strong drugs
* “My body’s still grieving, but my mind is sharp.”
* It’s incoherent at best, but there’s truth to it, your body is still grieving for your parents and the life you’ve lost, but your otherworldly mind is ten steps ahead, cross referencing every action.
* The man offers a short chuckle
* “You really did a number on your hand. I’ve done what I can but...”
* You look down to your hand, half surprised by the bright yellow cast encasing it
* You had figured you would wake up to be a vampire, it just made sense, these were unfamiliar human aches to them after all and vampirism was a simple and effective cure
* They must want something from you, if they’re keeping you human
* You suspect it’s something along the lines of how they waited until Jane and Alec were burning at the stake to save them, so their power would be that much more potent
* Maybe they’re doing the opposite with you, trying to make you as happy as possible to see what effect it has on your ability
* It’s too bad you don’t have one
* “Thank you for your hard work.” You mumble, being human for a little bit longer is well worth the pain.
* “How did you break your hand?”
* “I held Janes’ hand”
* Your doctor let’s out a short laugh
* “That sounds about right”
* You smile, it does sound right, of course you would break your hand that way
* The conversation flows naturally after that, you talk about all sorts of things
* “You think vampires have souls?” He quirks an eyebrow
* “I’m of the opinion that a soul is something you create through hardship and struggle, being able to live longer means that you have more opportunities to have the experiences that result in a soul”
* “That’s an intriguing notion, I wish I had brought my son with me.”
* You’re about to ask about his son, when you’re interrupted by the door swimming open
* “I heard you were awake, are you alright?” Alec rushes in, his eyes frantic
* “Yeah these drugs are top notch” you press the button that releases the pain killers and let out a giggle
* “Is that alright? Humans are awfully sensitive.” Jane pipes up from behind Alec, you hadn’t noticed her in your haze.
* Your doctor chuckles
* “I’m aware,” he’s smiling but it’s strained
* “What’s wrong?” You ask, he was so calm until a second ago, he doesn’t answer you
* “I’ll give you three a moment.”
* You only register he’s gone when you hear the door close
* The twins rush over to you, Jane is kneeled by your side, while Alec hovers over you
* “I-I’m sorry I hurt you, I forgot-I didn’t remember.” You we’re sure Jane would be crying if she could
* “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it.” You raise your cast encased hand and give her a gentle pat on the head. “From now on, physical signs of affection will just be one sided.” You joke, which makes Jane grin
* “I’ll practice with some animals before I try touching you again”
* The three of you chat for a bit, they’re both surprised by your cast and ask several questions about its “primary function”
* “I didn’t know there was a doctor here” you murmur, feeling drowsy
* “Carlisle’s not with the Volturi, he’s from another coven in the new world.”
* Your drowsiness flies away in a second
* “That was Carlisle?”
* Jane looks somewhat confused but nods.
* A flutter of hope erupts in your chest, it’s so strong even your grief stricken body feels it
* You might have a chance. It’s slim, Carlisle has a family he loves and needs to protect. But still, they were strangers once too. No different than you.
* It’s a way out of here
* The next few days follow in a drugged haze, Alec and Jane visit every so often, and Carlisle engages you in occasional conversation while checking progress on your hand
* “Why are your eyes gold?” You know, but well, you need him to believe the lie
* “It’s a bit of a long story” he says with a wary smile.
* “I’m not going anywhere”
* He sighs, a genuine smile encompassing his face as he recounts the tale.
* Even though you’ve already heard it all before, it still makes you cry
* Even in the haze, you know something’s.... off
* There’s something about the way Alec won’t meet your eyes when he talks to you, and the uneasy weight that lingers in the air whenever someone else is in the room
* On the third day, it’s Aro who visits you, Alec and Carlisle in tow behind him.
* “Oh my, all that internal bleeding, how awful”
* Even you can feel the insincerity, but it’s the first you heard about internal bleeding
* So that explains it, the drugs and the aches all along your body, it wasn’t just your hand, you were dying
* “Don’t worry, we’ll save you” Aro’s smile is cruel “won’t we Alec?”
* Alec looks afraid, almost pained, but he nods
* Ah, so this was punishment for Alec too. Until that moment, when Jane broke your hand, Aro must have been ignorant to how close the three of you had gotten.
* You close your eyes, you knew this would happen eventually. There were only two ending to this story, and it seemed one had finally been picked
* You feel a pinch on your neck, right above your collar bone, no worse than a flue shot.
* You wait for the pain, the vivid screams you remember from the books and movies, but it never comes.
* Instead it’s just a warm numbness that spreads across your neck and left shoulder.
* “It doesn’t hurt” you murmur, you feel a cold hand rest against your forehead, Alex’s hand.
* It’s so gentle, he must have practiced on some animals first, you think.
* “No the pain comes later.”
* And so you drift into inky black unconsciousness, the last sleep of your human life in this world.
* You dream that you’re sitting at the bottom of a tree, a fig tree, like the one Sylvia Plath wrote about
* Each fig a different path, half of them have already fallen off, dark, as they rot at your feet
* “How do you do it?”
* You look to your side and find the person who’s face you see in the mirror, they’re hugging their knees to their chest, dark circles under their eyes
* “How do I do what?” You ask, they bite their lip
* “How can you be so strong when you’ve just lost everything?”
* You see their eyes brim with tears, and you look away, to the tree that looks over you both
* “I don’t know” It’s the truth, you have an unfair advantage in this world, because you know all the secrets each person carries, while yours remain shrouded in darkness. And yet... it’s not why you persevere
* “All I do know, is that I want to give them hell”
* Your counterpart grins at that, and to your surprise, you feel a smile stretch out across your face
* Yeah, it’s not about power, you just want raise some hell in this backwards misogynistic world.
* “I guess that’s the one you’re picking then huh?” Your counterpart points to a fig, it’s on the tallest branch of the tree, so far out of reach it almost seems unobtainable
* But you only nod
* “Yeah, I think that’s the way I’m going to go”
* They look at you and smile.
* “If you ever get the chance, I hope you punch that jerk Aro right in the face”
* You laugh.
* When you finally awake, you’re still laughing. A smile etched onto your face.
* Everyone’s there, all looking at you with concerned glances.
* Yeah, you’re going to have a lot of fun in this world.
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therealvinelle · 4 years
Hi, love your metas and your fic. I think you mentioned somwhere that at the end of BD Aro was trying to prevent the fight. What were his motives? According to Edward, the Volturi are cowards, but I didn't get this feeling. Caius was begging for a battle, the guard vocally proclaimed willingness to die for the cause... hell, Jane had to be restrained from running to Bella and punching her in the throat. And I find it unlikely that their leader is less brave than them. Explain Aro's brain pls
Thank you so much! That’s really nice of you to say. And sorry for the late answer.
And explain Aro’s brain, whew. That is a very big question with a very long answer and this post will be a manifesto by the time I’m done. But you wanted Aro’s brain explained so manifesto it is.
So, before we go anywhere I have to make the distinction between Aro of the books and Aro of the movies. Those two are different people.
Starting with appearance, because casting does a lot for me and if a big deviation is made it better be like Ruth Wilson as Marisa Coulter, which is to say it better fit the character. Also, disclaimer, I think most of Twilight was miscast, and especially the Volturi. I’m forever dying at Caius looking like Lucius Malfoy. However, this is an Aro post, so we’re highlighting Aro.
Aro of the books is a twenty-something Greek with skin that has petrified and eyes covered in a milky sort of film, which totals to him looking perfect, as all vampires do, yet frail. When he walks it looks like he’s gliding. This is an otherworldly, ancient, inhuman being. He’s energetic and excitable, yes, but if anything that should add to how very other he is. Casting Michael Sheen is a clear signal that the movies were going in a completely different direction with Aro. Sheen is a great actor who played what he was given perfectly, but what he was given was a very different character.
In New Moon the book, Aro first rejects Edward request because this is Carlisle’s gifted son, and more, this is not what the Volturi do. They are not hitmen. It’s just a big no all around.
Bella enters, and the Aro she meets is a very polite and gracious man who’s delighted to see the human still alive, and pleased Carlisle’s son won’t be suicidal anymore. However, Edward fully intended to step into the sunlight in the middle of Volterra, specifically to provoke the Volturi, and he has broken the law with Bella. Further, Edward makes it clear that he fully intends to walk out of Volterra with his human still human, and that she’ll die of old age if he gets his way. Edward’s contempt of the law could not be more clear. However, Alice shows Aro that Bella’s fate is sealed, she turns or she dies. The law will be upheld. Aro is glad to hear it, and lets the Cullens all go home.
All in all, it’s a very tense occasion where Edward has put Aro in a difficult position, because he’s trying to force him to kill his best friend’s son, and Aro goes “YES THANK GOD” when Alice finally gives him an out.
New Moon of the movies was not this. Starting with the flashback (because I’m being thorough), Aro executes a lowly criminal himself.  I object to that, I think that’s a menial task and Aro doing it himself made the Volturi look less regal, not more. Cut to the present day, Aro rejects Edward’s request because he doesn’t want to waste his gift. We get the whole meeting with Bella, and Aro… well I don’t know why he does any of the things he does. This guy never mentions his friendship to Carlisle, tries to kill our plucky heroes three times in the space of one minute (one, gives Felix the order to kill Bella, stopped by Edward. Two, moves to decapitate Edward, stopped by Bella. Three, he’s about to eat Bella, stopped by Alice), and when he lets them go it feels terribly convenient.
This was a guy written to be the villain of the series, and it showed.
Cut to Breaking Dawn part I’s ending scene, and while I love the song choice for the scene, and fully agree that Aro considers misspelling Carlisle’s name to be a capital offense, the scene itself… we are presented with a villainous, power-hungry megalomaniac who’s just waiting to strike against the Cullens.
We then get Breaking Dawn part II, and I haven’t seen that movie in years but I remember the fight scene well enough. Aro kills Carlisle with the biggest grin on his face, and gives the go-ahead to his Volturi to kill the surviving Cullens and their witnesses.
Contrast that with canon, where Aro’s first words to Carlisle are «Nothing would make me happier than preserving your life today». Now, he’s making it very clear that this meeting will most likely end with Carlisle’s death, but he’s not happy about it. He’s certainly not going to kill him with a smile on his face and laughter in his heart.
The movies needed a hammy villain, and that’s what Michael Sheen played. It is not who Aro is, at all. And he’s not the only character this happened to, but again, this is an Aro post so I’m not going to start raging like Don Corleone about what they did to my boys.
So, with the movies firmly expelled from the post, let’s look at the Twilight series from Aro’s point of view.
Or, rather, we’ll have to start earlier because Aro’s decisions throughout the series are pretty clearly motivated by Carlisle. And that means considering, “why is Carlisle so important, anyway?”
Consider these things: one, Aro is gifted with the power of knowing every single thought a person has ever had. He knows your soul. Two, Aro is the leader of the supernatural world, he has been for over a thousand years.
How many friends does a person with that power and in that position have?
Three, who does Aro even come into contact with?
Starting with number three, for Aro it’s going to be 1) criminals, 2) Volturi guard hopefuls, 3) Weirdos like Laurent who are wasting Aro’s time.
(“But what about the guard!” Well, while we observe close interpersonal relationships between Aro and Jane, and Aro and Renata, and one can assume Corin to be close to the wives, the distinction between Volturi coven and Volturi guard remains. The guards are servants, in some cases beloved servants, but servants nonetheless. It would be inappropriate and weird for Aro to start slumming it with Demetri and Felix)
So, Aro doesn’t get out much, which brings us to point two. The people he does meet, and who are willing to entertain a friendship with the Volturi leader, are going to be people who want something. And that might work for some rulers, Louis XIV built Versailles specifically to make his subjects do this for him, but he had something to gain politically from that. Aro does not, his power is supreme without a need to tolerate brown nosers. More, with his own and Marcus’ gifts, he’ll know right away that he’s being used for power. He would get nothing out of it.
Finally point one, Aro’s gift. Say that we have a vampire who’s not a weirdo and who thinks Aro’s a cool dude. Well, the question now is, who would ever want a person in their life who knows all there is to know about them? I wouldn't want anybody to know every thought I've ever had, I certainly would never seek out a person to know me that deeply when I could just go find normal people to be friends with instead. Not to mention how incredibly unequal such a friendship would be.
In short, I don’t think Aro has any friends.
Enter Carlisle a very amiable person who cherishes Aro for his personality, and doesn’t mind having his mind read. Aro just found a unicorn. Carlisle on his end likes Aro so much that he lives with him for decades. Even if you want to read their relationship as platonic, that’s still a very strong friendship.
Point being that Carlisle is unbelievably precious to Aro, and so very unique. Aro has lived for over three millennia, and never met anyone like this before. There won’t be another Carlisle.
This in turn makes him willing to stretch as far as he can to preserve that friendship and, as the plot thickens, keep Carlisle alive.
Fast forwards to 2006, and Aro is sitting in Volterra minding his own business when Carlisle’s son walks into town demanding his own execution. He has not committed any crimes. Not only is assisted suicide not something the Volturi even do, but this would ruin Aro’s friendship with Carlisle. Even if Carlisle was miraculously understanding of Aro killing his son (which I can’t imagine he would be), this would never leave the air between them. Carlisle could never be around him again after something like that.
So, Aro turns down Edward’s request. “Stupid Volturi man ruining my dramatic suicide, I’ll show him who’s boss!” Edward replies, and runs shirtless into the sunlight. I’m sure Aro was just dying, you had “The Sound of Silence” playing as he stared into nothingness because how is this happening to him. A whiplash of an hour later, Bella is alive again, Aro is happy, we can be done with this now, right? Right?!
No, Edward says, we cannot be done with this. He’s still refusing to turn Bella.
And so we get that whole New Moon exchange where Aro very tellingly shoves the part where Edward WALKED INTO THE SUNLIGHT IN VOLTERRA under the carpet and out of the conversation (for comparison: Irina is executed for false testimony and Bree for breaking a law she didn’t know existed), and he even allows Bella to leave human when he could easily have bitten her himself to keep the Cullens honest. This guy went out of his way to be lenient and show the Cullens good faith.
And then a few months later Irina walks into Volterra, bearing memories of what is unmistakably a Cullen immortal child.
Aro may care for Carlisle, but this is the guy who killed his baby sister so he’d still have Marcus’ gift. He will bend far, very far, for those he cares about, but he will not break. It’s duty above love, Volturi above Aro’s personal preferences. An immortal child is not an offense that can be tolerated, and so it’ll be Didyme 2: Aro Kills Someone He Loves Boogaloo.
By now I think it should be quite clear why I think Aro was trying to prevent the fight. Battle would have meant Carlisle’s certain death.
(And that’s even assuming the Volturi won the fight. With Bella there, there was a chance the Volturi wouldn’t prevail. But even before Bella started showing off, Aro was very much hoping this wouldn’t be another Didyme situation.)
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
Headcanon - Dating Jane
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Warnings: Fluff
You meet Jane at an evening Art class at the community college
Jane’s throat burned the moment you entered the room; the moment she caught your alluring scent she wanted to drain you dry and felt her self-control waver a little bit
Everything changed though the second Y/C eyes met her brown eyes (she’s wearing lenses) a soft gasp leaving her lips as the realisation hit her, you were her mate
She hated the fact that after waiting a millennium to meet her mate, Fate had given her a human for a mate
Jane hates humans due to her past but tolerates them when it suits her, like when she takes courses to keep busy in her down time  
She refused to get to know you, scowling at you as you neared the empty desk by hers
You see the scowl on her face and leave an empty desk between the two of you
You felt a little drawn to her after your eyes had met but had no idea why
You sneaked glances over to her desk to look at her and her work, she was a talented drawer
She would see you glancing at her due to her heightened peripheral vision
She would sneak the occasional look at you too, admiring your artwork also
Two weeks after you first ‘met’ Jane your tutor paired you with her for a group Art project – Paint someone or something you admire. You can use any style or technique you wanted as long as you had prep work as well as your final piece
Jane both hated and liked being paired with you for the project, you on the other hand were a nervous wreck as you were pretty sure she hated you, you just didn’t know why
Jane suggested painting her ‘Uncle Marcus’ as someone she admired as he had lost his wife but was still able to raise his ‘son’ Demetri alone whilst holding his position in the ‘Italian Government’ You agree because he sounds like a great guy and you can’t think of another idea
Marcus felt very honoured to find that Jane admired him and was looking forward to seeing this ‘someone’ that Jane cleared liked but wouldn’t admit to it
You found the more the time you spent with Jane, the easier she became to talk to, although she still had her walls up
Despite this you found yourself falling for Jane, she was beautiful, talented and funny; not to mention you loved her smile (the rare occasions you saw it)
Jane didn’t want your first date to feel like a first date so she invited you to accompany her to the Art Gallery “It may help with inspiration for our project” She gives you as a reason and you feel your heart skip a beat at getting to spend a whole day with her
Once the ‘date’ is over you ask to the movies the following weekend and she accepts with a small smile but she feels all warm inside knowing you want to spend time with her
You notice her skin is cold and firm to touch when you reach to hold her hand during the movie and although she tenses and waits for you to reject her, to her surprise you don’t you just look at her and smile
Jane decided that night she would tell you her secret and if you took that news ok, she would tell you that the two of you were mates
“I knew there was something special about you the moment I saw you” You smile at her and you chuckle at the shocked expression on her face. She didn’t expect you to take the news of her being a vampire as well as you did, let alone call her special.
She told you all about vampires and their mates and how you were hers and that she wanted to spend forever with you, although she made it clear that she wanted you turned sooner rather than later
Once she told you a little of her and Alec’s past; their history with humans, you suddenly understood her initial reaction to you in the Art Class and her changing moods with you depending on the day she’s had or how she was feeling
Sulpicia took a liking to you the moment she saw you “Ah my beautiful child” She cupped your face in her hands softly “You and Jane will be very happy together”
Sulpicia thought of you as a daughter, knowing that Aro thought of Jane as a daughter
Jane prided herself on her self-control, although Demetri’s was better but she put that down to his gift and the fact he spent more time around humans than the rest of the guards
Jane calls you sweetie as a term of endearment, you call her hunny in return
The two of you spoke about you becoming immortal and you agreed to be turned as soon possible…but on one condition…you both got to travel to New York for Christmas one year to shop and see the sights, once you had gotten through your newborn phase
Jane agreed instantly, “It’s the least I can do, seeing as you have accepted me for who I am and agreed to be changed soon”
Jane also liked the idea of Christmas in New York as it meant no exposure risk and neither of you would feel the cold
She then went on to explain that when it came to you her self-control waivered sometimes, which you understood and apologised for “Don’t apologise sweetie, it isn’t your fault. I love you too much to risk harming you so I’m asking someone I trust to change you on my behalf” “You love me?” “What? No.” You look at her an eyebrow raised and she looked down at her shoes and mumbled “Maybe.” You chuckled a little “I love you too hunny” You kiss her cheek and she smiles wide
She asked Demetri to turn you just as Alec had asked him to turn his mate six months before
Demetri agreed and even offered to train her privately as he did Alec’s mate, Jane and his own mate being the only other vampires in the training room
You noticed Felix was sulking around Jane and you by extension “What’s up Fe?” “Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that the twins don’t trust me to turn their mates” He glared at the two of you “What’s so damn special about Demetri?” He grumbled
“I think of Demetri as a big brother and being that he turned Alec’s mate, I thought it may be nice for Y/N to have the same sire” Jane replied and Felix continued to glare at you both and mumbled under his breath “I wouldn’t want to be the sire to your little mate anyway” Jane let that comment go given that he was clearly upset with her
A month after you’re turned you and Alec’s mate run into the library smiling wide, a mischievous look in your eyes “Happy Father’s Day Dad” You both hand Demetri a Father’s Day card that says ‘The World’s Best Dad.’ Felix doubles over laughing as Demetri smiles at you both “Thank you girls” His chest puffing out with pride at his ‘little creations’ as he affectionately refers to you both as you’re both a lot younger than him
Jane and you aren’t able to have children and as Jane said before: she’s not really mum material so adopting a child won’t work. You agreed with her as you don’t feel very maternal either
You both return from a shopping trip a few days later with your ‘fur babies’ having purchased two kittens; Mittens who was grey with white paws and Buttons who was grey with white spots on his back
“Hey dad, meet your ‘fur grandbabies’” You tell Demetri smiling and his heart melts a little “Look darling, I have ‘fur grandbabies” He says proudly to his mate who smiles lovingly back at him “Technically, they’re yours too as you’re his mate” You tell her with a smile, one she returns before replying “We’re very happy for you both”
You and Jane then proudly show your ‘fur babies’ off to the Kings, Alec, Felix and their mates
Jane may not have liked you when you first met but she is absolutely head over heels in love with you and is happy knowing she gets to spend forever by your side
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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demiromanticmickey · 3 years
Tagged by @ralbeleren 💕
1. Your all time favorite BL & why
Until We Meet Again. I just love it idk. The soul mates trope is not one I usually go for but they made it so unique what with the reincarnation, healing from generational trauma/homophobia, the fabulous friend groups and families, focus on consent and safe sex, two bi boys (one of which actually says he's bi), and so much more I'm forgetting. Like, this show had everything. It was incredible. It helps too that they emphasized soul mates are made, not found.
UWMA was also the first Thai BL I watched (that I also stumbled onto as it was airing) and my reintroduction into BL so it forever has a special place in my heart for that.
2. That one BL that scarred you for life
I mean, there's stuff from way back in the day I'd love to forget but I don't remember the names of the series/movies or the full plots even. But like the general BYG, age gap, inc*st-y, r*pe kinda stuff that was in pretty much every BL manga/anime. :/
3. Is there any BL that made you feel single?
As an aro, I don't even know what "feeling single" means. Never had that experience in my life!
4. If you could change one thing from a BL, which would it be?
For miss Mame to not take over writing for ACTL and ruining TinCan!
5. That one BL you detest.
I don't "detest" any BL I've watched since getting back into the genre. And if I'm not enjoying my time with a BL, I'm dropping it. Rather not waste time on something I don't like.
6. Your Top 5
1. Until We Meet Again is always number one.
But the others, in no specific order: The Untamed (YES IT COUNTS), Sotus s1, I Told Sunset About You, and Color Rush. Although Not Me has had me in a chokehold since the mock trailer so I'm likely going to have to rearrange this later.
7. That trashy BL that you lowkey like
I'm gonna go with Tonhon Chonlatee. LISTEN. I know it's awful! But Khaotung and Podd really sold that shit! And ugh, RIP Mike & Toptap 🏳. We'll probably never know just wth happened between them.
8. Your favorite Korean BL
It's a toss up between Color Rush and Where Your Eyes Linger. Tbh I only didn't include WYEL on my Top 5 list because I needed to make room for ITSAY.
9. But also your top 3 for KBL
I've only watched three. So, the ones I just mentioned plus Mr. Heart. But I would not include Mr. Heart in my top 3. It was fine, just not for me.
(Would love some recs tho! As you can see from reading through this post, I'm into mostly that sad, slooooow burn type of shit w a happy ending.)
10. Season 2? Which one?
Eh, the only s2 of a BL I've watched and that I think surpassed s1 was Still2gether. But, I wouldn't say it's a favorite despite how much I liked it and how much I like Sarawat.
And I know some people hate it but I loooved Friend Zone s2, although that is not strictly a BL so... 🤷🏻‍♂️
11. A bunch of dramas will air soon, which ones are you the most excited for?
BETWEEN US, KinnPorsche
Also that new BL with Zee. Cutie Pie, that trailer did look kinda good 👀
From GMM 2022: Moonlight Chicken, Never Let Me Go, The Eclipse.
*And shout out to the GLs I wanna see too: Gap the series, The Girlfriend Planner.*
12. I tag
Look, I only follow like 60 ppl on this thing and that's how I like it. If you follow me and you watch BL consider yourself tagged.
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jougogo · 4 years
young & beautiful - iwaizumi hajime
a/n: hello. this broke me when i wrote it. literally, 3am and full on sobs. also, a large part of this fic was inspired by a book called hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet by jamie ford. it provides a lot of insightful views about japanese internment camps in the united states during wold war 2, so if you’re interested i would highly recommend reading it! this is a songfic to young and beautiful by lana del rey but i would recommend listening to summertime sadness as well, also by lana del rey. CLARIFICATION; this fic is set in the ww2 time period! and i like to think that iwa is a lil younger here, so maybe like 15-16? anyways ENJOY MWAH 
warnings: mentions of war, racist ppl >:( and v angsty!! 
wc: 2.1k
I've seen the world, done it all
Had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel-Air now
Hot summer nights, mid July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child
he knew that this would be the last time he sees you.
the same one wearing those new blue jeans even though it’s mid-july and the air is sickeningly humid, sitting with bare feet dangling over the edge of the rooftop at 4am, with hair softly rustling from the occasional cool breeze that made the hot california summers more bearable. 
"hey, i guess this is the last time we’ll meet on this rooftop, huh?" you said, looking out at the sleepy city.
"don't say that! you know it’s not true," he quickly chided you, but the break in his voice told you the opposite of what he was trying to convince you. what he tried to convince himself
hajime put his arm around your shoulders and sat down next to you
the two of you looked out peacefully at the quiet streets of san francisco from the top of your shared townhouse building. 
it was almost like little stars, the way that spots of brightness from the city lights were scattered sporadically through the darkness. 
"you know, if we get caught for being out this late at night, we would probably die. if the police catches us for not respecting the curfew, we would be in so much trouble. especially with the new relocation orders that the president signed, and the war hysteria, and not to mention the curfew that the government set-" he started, but was interrupted by your dreamy voice.
"i know. but i've seen the world. i've had my cake, you know ? i'm content if this is the way it ends, even if it's not me wearing diamonds and having a mansion in bel air, " you chuckled.
"hey! those were movies. they don't count as seeing the world. and also, diamonds and bel air? pfft, as if you could ever," he rebutted playfully. ever since he was a kid, he would always make it a point to take you downtown to the movie theatre and watch whatever happened to be playing that day. to be honest, he would've never stopped if it weren't for the war.
"oh, hajime. just let me dream a little, alright?" you huffed dramatically, earning a small smile from him.
the dim streetlights from the road provided just enough light to illuminated your features. oh, how he wished he could burn this memory into his mind forever. the way your eyes reflected the moon, the corner of your lips turned upwards just so slightly, a couple wisps of your hair framing your face with the rest pulled back into a lazy braid, held together by a single red ribbon. 
the color red.
it brought him back to one of his favorite childhood memories; when the every neighborhood in their little japantown would come together to celebrate new years. 
the popping firecrackers, the festive lanterns and fiery signs hanging by the doors.
a time when he would explore the different stores, hand in hand with you, and later chasing you down the sloped streets for taking a bite out of the snack he bought. giggling as adults scolded them for being reckless and wild. his mouth watering as the women of the neighborhood carry out trays upon trays of delicious food, the feeling of present a warm meat bun in his hand, chimes of “itadakimasu” ringing around him. not a care in the world, just pure joy and happiness. it was always what he looked forward to as a child. 
oh, what he wouldn't give to go back to those days
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothin' but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
"will you still love me when i'm not young and beautiful?" you asked softly, pulling him out of his thoughts. he felt your small fingers wrap around his, clasping his hand. "what if the next time i see you, i'm old and wrinkly like a raisin?"
"well, i'd be a wrinkly old raisin too. so what? it doesn’t make a difference in how much i love you, " he replied nonchalantly
"then will you still love me when i’ve got nothing left but my soul?" 
upon hearing you ask yet another question, hajime stiffened
"stop asking silly questions," he finally managed to mumble out, hugging his knees closer to his chest.
"you know. they force you to leave behind all your belongings. they take everything away, iwa-chan." you spoke softly. "i'm leaving behind all my important stuff at the basement of the panama hotel. they're really nice people, you know? for letting us keep our stuff there. maybe, if we both come back, they'll still be there and we can look through our old pictures together." you said quietly, twiddling your hair ribbon between your fingers. your hair was wavy from being in the braid all day, and now they were finally freed.
free. how he wished he could be free from all these restrictions again.
he tried to think about happier memories, but everything became painful as the realization dawned on him that he will lose everything. it was inevitable. the little grocery store around the corner owned by that old married couple his mom always talks to? they were escorted away weeks ago. the ice cream parlor he loved because they would always give him extra whipped cream for ordering in japanese? shut down by the government's order. he remembered the harsh words he had heard from a group of protesters when he biked past the golden gate park on his way to run an errand for his mother.
"all japanese are dangerous. they are traitors to the country,"
and that’s when he noticed their pointed glares at him.
“i was raised here! i’d never be a traitor!” he so desperately wanted to yell. but his body told him to keep pedaling away, as fast as he possibly can.
seeing people with these horrible prejudice against him, a stranger, even a kid whom they’ve never met, felt like a stab to the heart
but it also angered hajime to no end
it was the biggest lie he's ever heard. dangerous? that's not true. ok, maybe there were a few pervy geezers, but he knew that this community that he loved was anything but dangerous.
so why are they the one being punished?
he knew he would lose everything eventually. he just didn't think he'd lose the love of his life so soon.
her family had gotten the notice two days ago. 
"sacramento. and maybe oregon. probably washington, even idaho" you had told him.
somewhere far, far away from him
he had heard that the concentration camps, or "relocation centers," as the news had put it,
were cold. 
the images of concrete, barbed wire and cramped spaces, the stories of families working relentlessly from day to night only to be treated like prisoners, and the thought of sleeping on the freezing floors filled his mind. just thinking about it made him shudder, but the scariest thing was that he doesn't know when his family will be next
growing up, your family and the iwaizumis had been neighbors. he lived on the first floor, and you lived above him. the two of you had bonded over your parent’s chatting, and having each other for dinner was a common occurrence. his parents treated you as their own child, and your parents did the same with hajime. heck, no one would bat an eye if you announced that you were going to sleep over at his house because you two practically lived together. 
you were his first love. his best friend. every moment of his childhood, had been spent with you.
you were the ribbon that held him together through his messy life, and now he was losing you
overwhelmed, he could feel his throat began to tighten. his breathing became heavier as he tried to blink back the tears that welled in his dark green eyes.
"hey. you can cry on me, if you want." you comforted him. it was like you could read him like a book, because he frantically sputtered out an excuse
“what are you talking about? and also, to answer your dumb question, i'll love you no matter what. i don't care how long it takes, or what we look like, or-"
you hovered your finger above his lips, gently shushing him.
"i know you will, haji, i know that you will," you said softly as you caressed his cheek. he looked away, but he couldn’t help but choke out a sob
you patted his head and pulled him into a hug, burying his face into the crook of your neck. warm tears dampened the sleeve of your shirt.
"please. please. i don’t want you to leave," he mumbled into your shoulder as you ran your fingers through his messy black hair.
Dear Lord, when I get to heaven
Please, let me bring my man
When he comes, tell me that You'll let him in
Father, tell me if You can
All that grace, all that body
All that face makes me wanna party
He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
“maybe, one day we'll see each other again.” you said when he finally lifted his head. 
you stood up and held out your hand to him, an offer to help pull him up since he was probably sore from sitting for so long
however, he didn’t let go of your hand once he stood back up. 
“dance with me?” he asked, sniffling and wiping away the last tear.
you nodded, and he began to sway to the faint sound of jazz music coming from the nightclub a few blocks away. 
“hey, this is our swing dance routine from PE in 7th grade,” you smiled fondly at the memory as he twirled you around him, only to twirl you back into his arms. nodding in confirmation, he dipped you gracefully, his strong arms wrapped around your waist. 
that’s when he noticed the tear trickling down your cheek. it faintly sparkled in the moonlight, similar to how a diamond would.
“i’m going to miss you, hajime iwaizumi from the first floor. thank you for making me happy,” you whispered, looking up at him. he pulled you back up, and held you in his warm embrace. 
“even if we don't see each other again in this life, i'm sure i'll find you again. if you’re good, maybe i’ll see you in heaven. be good, haji. be good for me. promise?” you muttered into his chest before pulling away to look him in the eyes.
“no promises. you might have to beg god to let me in.”
“ok. i’ll see you in heaven, hajime,” you whispered, cupping his cheek
and that’s when you pulled him down for a kiss. it was a light, almost featherlike, brush across his lips. your elbows were resting on his shoulders, and your forearm crossed behind his neck. hajime leaned his forehead against yours, the tips of your noses just barely touching 
“can we stay like this, for a little while longer?” he asked breathily, still reeling in shock from his first kiss
“mhm. i love you, hajime.” you answered, gazing into his pretty green eyes as they fluttered open. 
in the distance, you could see that the had sun begun rising over the horizon, enveloping the two of you in the warm light of morning. you basked in the serene orange glow, admiring every feature of the beautiful boy in front of you. 
“i love you,”
he can’t wait to find you again.
tags!! @deadontheinsidebut (ilysm mwah ty for supporting me!!) @aka-a-shii (here you go i hope you enjoy bby!!!) @toshisgarden (mwah mwah ilysm)
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Can you do a little text with your opinion about the Volturi members? What you like and dislike, they personality, they story... Would be interesting! Kissessss and have a great day! 💜
Imma have a little fun and throw the very young me into the mix to. Let's see child me vs adult me's opinions on the Volturiiii.
Fun fact: I wasn't team Volturi until I was like fifteen. Before that I was team edward... I don't want to talk about that 🤔😒
Also I'm a sucker for villains. If it isn't obvious already, I like the villains more than the heroes. (We all love a bad boy though, don't we?--- TIK TOK NOW IS NOT THE TIMEE.)
So everything i say is just my opinion and should be taken just as that.
Aro: Younger me was like "this...is a terrible person. There really is no need to expand on this." However adult me has been like "GUYS this guy is possibly the SCARIEST character. This man rips off heads AND SMILES ABOUT IT." He gives me child snatcher vibes (from the movies in particular). I thoroughly enjoy the power hungry persona. He's really fitting to be the puppeteer behind the Volturi. Even if he makes it seem it's a group effort with himself, Marcus and Caius. Realistically, Aro gets what he wants and isn't afraid to do what it takes to get it...sorry Didyme. What's even darker about it, WHICH I LOVE, is that he isn't heartless. Smeyer wrote that Aro genuinely loved his sister. It's all good to have a character that's a evil heartless monster but what's more terrifying to me is the ability for someone to do evil despite their love and emotions. It doesn't hold them back and that's what I find particularly frightening now that child me didn't comprehend. Micheal Sheen, from what I remember of his interview years ago, played on the idea that vampires of Aro's age kinda begin to lose their mind. Which, hell freaking yes. However there is one thing I hate for Aro's character that happened in the movies. Breaking dawn part 2. That fucking laugh. Don't get me wrong, hilarious. I can't not laugh but for his character I felt it was too 'hey hey I'm a crazy man hehe'. It was a but too much, even for an eccentric Aro. However, I'm not to mad at it because again, it was funny to watch. I thoroughly enjoy the ‘friendship’ Aro and Carlisle share and i love that it is ‘maintained’ throughout the books. I think it’s just a really nice detail. (I love lore. I am a sucker for it.) The one thing that didnt sit right with me is Aro marrying someone so that he wasnt the alone one whilst his co-leaders were very much in love? Was a little off for me but i suppose that just adds to the character.
Caius: child me would shrink into the seat because what did I do to this man? High key still think I wouldn't want to be Caius' child because imagine doing something wrong and you get that glare? No thank you! Scary angry man. As an adult... "He's an angry boi but...DAYUM WHY IS HE SUDDENLY SO HOT?" Just...don't get angry with me. You'll get annoying real quick and you're too pretty for that. I enjoy the taking-no-shit attitude he has but felt it could have been a little more prominent in BDP2 where Aro asks if Caius' is challenging him. I full believe Caius to an extend would be like "yes, yes I am. Don't be an idiot Aro. Use that braincell!" Which is why I adore the meme vibes I see every now and then of Caius hating Carlisle because why does Aro love that blonde so much? CAIUS HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT LOYAL-- Anyways, I can totally get why Aro wants him on his team. Caius is so angry and has so much hatred that he’s a good asset to the coven, even if not having a special ability.I do find it hard to imagine that Caius is a century older than Aro though. Although I cant picture him over forty years old lol. Although i do personally enjoy the whole Caius x Athenodora route. IT’S TRUE LOVE! Okay so maybe thats a little dramatic but its better than Aro’s lmao.
Marcus: movie Marcus is absolutely not nineteen years old and that's just a fact. If anything, he's the forty year old one lmao. Child me couldn't care about this man. He was the man who said nothing and slumped on a throne. That was Marcus. That was his character summed up. Then adult me rolled in and OMG NO DON'T DO THIS TO THIS SWEET MAN. LET HIM BE IN LOVE. As an adult i definitely became more attached. I feel like i was too young back then to get why Marcus was in the Volturi. He seemed very out of place and like a filler co-leader more than anything. However as i’ve gotten older (and written for him), I recognised that's the point. That’s Marcus’ evident grief. He isn’t there by choice and losing Didyme caused him to fall out of line with the coven. He’s lost point or purpose. Almost like its become meaningless because the love of his life was gone and he couldn't save her.So what was the aims of the Volturi to protect vampire kind when they couldn’t protect their own? He couldnt protect her. I had never heard of anything like bond identification and once i had- i was shook, like it became clear why he had been so necessary in the first place. That really is handy to understand everyones bonds in a coven, he could direct Chelsea and the two alone could destroy covens by bonds alone. Marcus makes the Volturi more realistic in a lot of ways. Like in a family, there is the happy times, goofy people like Felix, the twins representing a close bond. Afton and Chelsea, love that cant be divided. The list really goes on. Marcus represents love and heartbreak, pain, loss grief, the sad moments every family goes through. In that way he makes the coven seem less invincible, a group of people who at the end of the day, have their own weaknesses and immortality doesn’t mean a perfect existence. Especially when, in my opinion, Bella fantasized about immortality and how perfect it would be. Even after her change, she waited for her happy ending because that was somehow guaranteed in some level. Which in the end, she got but not everyone gets that happy ending we all want. I also personally think Marcus is the most feeling of the Volturi, despite being apathetic. A result of heartbreak. It’s shown he can still feel more in his own ways when he voted against Renesmee being destroyed. Furthermore, he advocated that vampire hybrids were a lot like vampires. He made that relation openly before anyone. Its almost as though losing Didyme helped him value a life?
Jane and Alec: Child me thought these two were  badass...and that still remains in my adult life. It’s always been uncomfortable to me that someone so young is so sadistic and powerful. Jane is the older twin with the ability of pain illusion...yikes. Her ability was evident in her human life along with Alec’s. His gift is sensory deprivation and these two were my favourites in the whole Saga. Still kind of are if im honest. I thoroughly enjoy the twins backstory. It has the most detail. I have a tag for the twins. Canon!twins is the tag for the twins in their book age. Unless this tag is present, the twins have been aged up :). They are very much canon but I put a bit more emphasis on tantrums. If they get angry, they both have tantrums. So whilst (unless tagged) they aren't children they can be very childish and these tantrums are pretty deadly. They’re also very possessive? I dont even know if thats the right word i’m looking for in all honesty. Lets say they get very attached if they like you. These two are probably the most secluded out of the whole Volturi.
Felix: Felix! High ranking guard due to strength and speed. I am a major supporter of Felix being a gladiator when he was human. He as a lighter grey cloak meaning he isn’t as high ranked but is so good at what he does that he’s been kept for centuries...and a lot of them. Personality? FINALLY, WE’VE GOT ONE WITH PERSONALITY!! (Im writing these out of order and i’ve just finished a chunk of Volturi members who have personalities as invisible as Afton.) Flirtatious and Light hearted, we love flirtatious and light hearted! Basically a comedian! Helllll yes, keep it going! Extremely vicious and highly aggressive? You know what? I still like it. He wouldn’t be a Volturi without a dark side. Cold blooded murderer. Yes. 10/10. Finally, someone Smeyer seems to actually care about. He flirted with Bella a couple of times in the books and i was FOR IT ALL THE WAY. I was very sad i saw none of it in the movies but im used to heartbreak by now. Im in this fandom after all. We were robbed of a lot. Strongest vampire in the world? I believe you, he’s also a hecking treeeeee. HE DO BE A TALL BOI. He actually makes Demetri look small and that’s still hilarious to me. Demetri is actually tall. However, if it isnt obvious we clearly traded backstory for personality. I cant get both smh. So...as i said before I fully believe Felix was a gladiator back in the day, hence his physique and height and excellent fighting abilities he has even as a vampire but then it kind of ends. I will say from the dawn of time, i don’t think Felix is the most academic man, just because of his era. I also think majority of the Volturi couldn’t read of write in their human lives and had to learn much older, most learning as vampires. Felix was one of these vampires, Although even now he isnt the most great at it. Then a wonderful writer known as @wallwriterstuff included it and now it’s canon in my eyes. I fully believe Felix is a slow reader and writing isn’t his strong suit either. Wallwriter also includes the possibility that Felix could be dyslexic which im all for too. For a very long time i’ve considered writing a dyslexic reader with the Volturi but have always hesitated because i don’t have it and wouldn’t want to upset someone for any misunderstandings or inaccuracies. However what i will say is that i think vampires would be the most understanding to humans with dyslexia. Learning things like that in later development or as an adult is difficult and they wouldnt think any less of you for struggling with reading, writing, numeracy- you name it. You’ll probably find they’re with you in the struggle at least half of the time. He’s also the goofball of the Volturi, even though he’s not really a goofball in our eyes, he’s the closest to a goofball out of the whole Volturi ...Emmett beats him in the Goofball wars.
Demetri: Oh yeah, it's Demetri's turn! So Demetri was previously in Amun's coven. When Chelsea gave him the old razzle dazzle...I've said Chelsea's gift so many times at this point it's getting old. I have two characters left after Demetri 😂😂 Anyway, with that Demetri was like "welp, I'm in the Volturi now." And now that they had a better tracker the previous one was kicked out. He isn’t much of a talker, polite and formal. He’s elegant (more graceful than i could ever be) and charming...yeah he is, you can say that AGAIN. He is also very calm, when next to Felix, i think everyone is calm but you know, we’ll say he’s a very calm person. I like how he was originally in the Egyptian coven with Amun. Given Amun’s goals this a pretty nice detail. NOW LETS GO TO MY VERSION. He’s very charming, calm, polite, formal and even a lil’ but quiet, i kept him pretty canon because he actually had a description to go on :))))))))))  Moving on. Demetri can be a very successful flirt when he wants to be and does have a Casanova reputation. However beyond the charming Volturi guard who has a brutal side like the rest of them, he has a chewy centre, deep down. I added that he had a child in his human life, one he doesn’t remember and very few people know about. He remembers that they died of an illness very young (around six?) but can’t remember what they look like. For that reason he doesn’t like talking about his child, he feels awful he doesn’t remember them and the loss still hits a pang in his chest. 
Heidi: Alright im ready for this one! Child me didn’t necessarily enjoy Heidi? I was rather passive about her. It was all ‘pretty vampire used for her looks’ in my eyes back then and i was never comfortable with that. I’ll get into my take on Heidi in a moment, roll on the backstory!  So Heidi knew Victoria as they used to be coven mates and we’re going to continue on as though Heidi didn’t care when she was killed? Like...its genuinely a burning question in my mind! If she didn't care, could that show the extent of Chelsea’s power in action!? (can we tell im enthusiastic about this coven yet?) It’s quite smart to have someone lure in prey. I wont lie, Heidi has quite the badass role in the coven. I wouldn't have thought about that I reckon. I’ve always thought that showed a kind of superiority. Oh you guys need to hunt your prey? pfft, ours literally comes to us. Her backstory really starts with Heidi being mistreated in her human life...a common theme Smeyer has. It can get old- i wont lie but when i give it some thought it kind of makes sense. Rosalie said it herself in eclipse, if any one of them had their happy ending, they’d be six feet under but i’d love a little bit more creativity. I could go on about how male vampires ended up being changed in comparison to female vampires but i’ll swiftly move on because that’s a whole other thing alone. Heidi was changed out of pity. (Which kinda infuriates me just to type, a pity change? Really? Really Hilda? we’ll see why it annoys me when i explain my take on Heidi.) Heidi was happy in her coven with Hilda, Victoria etc, which is hell yes. We love that. This is around the time she discovered her gift. Vampires were attracted to her and humans fell prey to her easily. Yup okay. I’ll take that. After a newborn vampire caused ‘too much attention’ Aro spared Heidi and Chelsea used her gift on Heidi. Nice, very nice aaaaand that’s where it stops and im left hanging.  Personality time with Smeyer! Lets goooo.  From what i remember and can find- she didn’t fucking have one. Apparently being pretty is enough for everyone.  Which in hindsight, fair enough on a human Bella’s perspective, its literally Heidi’s gift to lure you in no matter what. She could tell you she’s a serial killer (and technically is lmao) and is about to sell your kidneys on the black market as to which you’ll be like ‘sign me the fuck up, want my liver too? Here, let me lie on the table for you. I’m down.’ without even realising what just happened. But even beyond that...Heidi has no personality traits mentioned. In New Moon she appears to be a little flirty which im all for, why the hell not? But...thats it? Thats all I get? Then we get into fanfictions, because i read them growing up. Heidi was depicted as flirtatious, promiscuous and then it varied between manipulative or she wasnt very smart. Which i’m knocking absolutely no one for. I think you can get a badass character who is incredibly dumb. I think all characters are actually valid whether they’re a genius or flat out dumb. I love them all. However it never really sat with me. I was never quite satisfied which i was fine with until i started writing for myself. That’s when i knew i’d have to really think about what my version of Heidi would be or i’d never be happy with my work. That and you also begin to fill in the blanks? The more you write the more you flesh out a character for yourself and so that rolls into my version of Heidi! So for my Heidi, she often gets the same trope of ‘she’s pretty and rich, those types of girls have easy lives who always had everything given to them.’ Then when it’s discovered she didn’t have a good human life. It turns to the next assumption of ‘oh she’s pretty and stupid enough to be used and manipulated’. In a lot of ways, that’s what Heidi wants everyone to think. Underestimate her, please, its all the easier to manipulate you if you do.  She’s actually very smart and her rough human life made her more tough and intelligent. She’s very manipulative and yes she’s very flirty. You can look but you cant touch! She enjoys the attention her beauty gets her but if only these people would care more about what she’s like as a person. She’s not a barbie doll she will play you if she needs to. The only one who’s actually gotten far enough to sleep with Heidi is Demetri and even then the two don’t see each other romantically. They’re good friends who thinks the other is very attractive but that's where it ends. They’re basically friends with benefits some times lmao. However, Demetri got that far because he see’s the intellect Heidi actually has and acknowledges it. He thinks shes a queen who should be treated as such. She could take anything she wanted, a storm that people can only hope to survive in one piece.  Secretly she enjoys a family setting. Whilst she never really wanted children (especially when she was expected to when human), she couldn't help but melt inside seeing little human children with their loving parents. She wants that for all children. Whether that's because she lacked such affection growing up, no one knows. She’s also a really good friend, you bet she’ll have your back. Crappy ex? Well we’ll show them, wont we (Y/N)? She’ll be a bitch and enjoy every second of it. She also loves the single life, believe it or not, you’ll have more difficulty getting Heidi to settle down than you would Demetri which speaks volumes.  So yeah, move past her gift and really get to know her and you might have a very good friend.  I also don’t see Heidi having a preference between male or females and that’s in all honesty. Times have changed and if she is attracted to another female then she wont be ashamed of it. She never has been (Demetri was the first to figure that out, Felix may be the last.) Even when the times weren’t approving of different sexualities, she didn't care. She will flirt with you and find it ridiculously cute if you get flustered.
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Sulpicia: Sulpicia was an orphan which i used to develop my own version of her. Sulpicia grew to love Aro which im on the fence about but yup, i’ll take it. You’ll see what happens with my version in a bit lmao. and that’s where it stops. I get no personality again but do you know what we do in this fandom? We create one and fill in the blanks baby! So i write Sulpicia very materialistic and vain, she’s most snobbish of the wives and due to the other two, also considered the meaner one. She didnt have such things as a child being an orphan so when she got the opportunity to have it-she jumped. She isnt easily impressed and married Aro not for love but for immortality, money and status. (He’s only married you for your money, princess Jasmine! HE ONLY MARRIED YOU FOR YOUR MONEY! Damn it tik tok, but make it princess Aro) Which works well, because Aro doesnt necessarily love her either, he just wanted a mate so he wasnt the odd one out.He literally created her because he was like “Yup, you’ll do.” The two recognised they made a great team and image so they kinda grew to love each other? A little bit? Sure we’ll say its love...sorta. ANYWAY, It’s a highlight to Sulpicia being locked in that tower where she doesnt need to see Aro every little moment, it’s better than having a husband who she’d need to see everyday. ...Yeah my Sulpicia is something else lmao.
Athenodora:  Athenodora is one of the oldest vampires in existence which kinda has me shook but I'll take it. She met Caius when he was fleeing from the Romanians, the two travelled together until they met Aro. Whilst on their nomadic travels they seemingly became mates. That's all we know about that. As to which the Volturi coven was made. Athenodora is completely loyal to Caius as well as highly dependent on him and I think that's very realistic given her circumstances. That's where their story ends...maybe for Smeyer but not for me! 😁 So I picture Caius and Athenodora being different sides of the same coin. Athenodora really mellows Caius, she is no where near is violent and sadistic as he is but due to her unwavering loyalty and dependency, she doesn't feel inclination to go against him...also because of Chelsea and Corin but I've said that so many times in this post I think we get the point. I think she's actually more gentle and soft spoken but that being said. She is very reserved and if she were to be angered she'd very much change. She could cut you down with words alone. Caius loves it. However beyond this is someone who is very maternal. Caius would appreciate it more if the two had children but instead it has created empathy. Caius doesn't want that when he can rip their head off. She struggles a little more with the 'no second chances' and that's another reason why Caius keeps her locked away and away from it. These two love each other more than words can describe. After being through so much with someone, the love can only grow. The two would happily risk their life for the other. Caius is saddened that he could never give her the family she wanted. He knows that to this day, Athenodora tries to reign in that side of her. He's a very supportive husband who's very different around his wife. He's much more tolerant, and angry. Simply more at ease. If anything happened to Athenodora, to put it simply...there would be hell to pay.
Didyme: Married to Marcus and Aro’s biological sister. Cute, me likely, keepy going. Her gift was happiness induction. VERY ADORABLE- Dont be as menacing as your brother...please. She was born several years after Aro and was changed by Aro ten and a half years after he was turned. (Dont tease me with all this lore Smeyer, I know what you’re gonna do) Aro was deeply disappointed her gift was just to make people happy- its okay Didyme, we love you. Aro is just...Aro. Her gift made many fall in love with her and its so freaking cute i CANT- but she only felt the same feelings for Marcus. MY HEART IS SO WARMMMM. Unfortunately they were so happy together that they lost interest in anything Volturi and were ready to leave. (Uh oh.) Aro, being the sneaky fellow he is, was like “I’m really happy for y’all of course you can leave. I love you my babies. My best friend and my sisterrrrrrr, I am the captain of this SHIP.” but was actually like “wait, no, no, no, not my Marcus. D-D-Did-Didyme I NEED him.” Think Sid the Sloth from ice age in the first movie when Sid really wants the baby. So this man is like...gonna have to do it to em and murder. He killed Didyme secretly (dunno how he pulled the secret part off- like i know how he did it but how did no one hear or see anything or even suspect anything IT WAS LITERAL FRIENDLY FIRE but we love the drama so continue.) Ironically enough she was very close with Aro and the two actually did love each other, Aro is just...murderous apparently, to the extent that even his sister isnt safe. And that’s it. That’s Didyme. Which im like...alright Smeyer i see you. I like this and expanded on this with my Didyme.  i get the vibes that Didyme is the most innocent and kind of all the Volturi. Losing her meant losing the consciousness within the Volturi making them all the more ruthless because there was no one to say. “Guys, maybe lets rethink this? and quickly because i cant get Caius to put down the torch thats currently on fire.” Losing Didyme made Marcus mostly become passive and would rarely stop anything that happened. I often wonder if that provoked a lot of guilt for Marcus later on. (However thats a spoiler for something im currently writing...;) ) I also think of her as a major daydreamer and the most soft, gentle person anyone will ever meet. Like its difficult not to like her despite being in the Volturi, even the Romanians would have struggled if they met her. So in the long run...i hate nothing about Didyme, only find more and more love lmao.
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Corin: So im going to be honest and tell you i have no idea what Corin would look like. I’ve got nothing and when i was younger i wasnt even sure if Corin was male or female. Like a lot of these names, i had never heard of the name ‘Corin’. I dont write for her as of yet because im still trying to figure her out. I think she’s quite quiet, she lets her gift do most of the work for her in keeping the wives, Chelsea and Caius when he doesnt get to go on a rampage, content. She was brought in also after Didyme died but Marcus refused her gift.That’s all i’ve got for her. Her gift is amazing, pretty underrated in my personal opinion since like Chelsea, she really helps keep the Volturi unified but other than that, I dont have much to say about her. :(
Afton:  Another character i basically filled the blanks in for myself. So what we’re told is that he’s Chelsea’s mate and has the ability to disappear . Whilst thats a pretty cool trick...the volturi dont necessarily need it but they have to keep Chelsea happy and she demands that Afton stays so welcome to the family Afton! I also recently learned that if you hide behind Afton and he goes invisible infront of an opponent, you too will also be invisible. I figure that is until the opponent moves and basically changes their perspective but i could be wrong with that last part. That’s all we get so time for my unnecessary input!  SO AFTON IS A TOTAL SWEETHEART. He’s very shy but polite. This is a complete opposite to his mate Chelsea. It’s actually what she liked about him. At first is was just be flirtatious to the shy vampire but when she actually got to know him... she fell hard. It was also Chelsea who had made the first move since Afton was so shy. Of course she’d never say so and Afton would never want to embarrass her so that was never really disclosed to anyone who wasn’t around at that time. She brings Afton out of his shell a lot and it wasn’t long before the two were mates. Chelsea is the light of his life. Hands down. He puts up with a lot for her and is happy to do so. She could ask anything of him and he’d do it and she doesn’t even need to use her gift. He buys are anything she wants almost instantly. He cant help but adore her passionate personality, like how hooked she can get on era’s such as the 1920′s, her love for jazz music and her ability to gush on and on about anything. The two had what the other lacked and that made them an excellent team. I love their relationship. I cant help it. However, as i said before Afton is very shy and tends to keep to himself. Sadly that, paired with Chelsea’s demand to keep him in the Volturi has left Afton a little bit outcasted. All the other permanent guards were wanted and considered important whilst Afton...not so much. Although that isn’t to say the other guards are mean to him or anything. They aren’t! (Except the twins who are...the twins.) Felix and Demetri tried to include him a lot but it was very difficult to break him out of his shell. That doesn’t mean to say they wont invite Afton when he’s around. Chelsea always appreciates their efforts. Afton is notably good friends with Santiago, who often preferred solitude as well. 
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(Guard to the left is who I imagine Afton is)
Chelsea: So supposedly Chelsea’s original name is Charmion? When i was younger i didnt really care much about her. I only really knew her gift and that she was the reason Afton was kept in the Volturi, since they were mates. From what im aware Chelsea basically wasnt in the movies/not identified. There wasnt much said about her in the books either. So since then i’ve kind of developed my own persona of Chelsea that could be completely inaccurate to canon but canon was my foundations with characters like these. She was always a red head in my eyes with ringlets, a copper kind of red head. I also pictured her to be small. However the newest addition to her character would have to be the mid-Atlantic accent. I blame Poppy Hill for this one. That character screamed Chelsea to me. She was very close to how i imagine Chelsea to be. So now Chelsea has an accent that i have no clue how she managed to maintain being in Italy so long and being born in Greece. LMAO. We’ll say she was very attached to that time. However, I think the time she joined the Volturi was actually very good for the story. She first came around just after Marcus had lost Didyme and Aro had her use her ability to keep Marcus in the coven. it’s really cool how she could really make or break the coven. Although, Aro was smart enough to not fully rely on her, using Corin’s ability on Chelsea to make sure she’d be happy and stay within the Volturi. Thats where the information on Chelsea really ends Over the years Chelsea has appeared in my writing and so beyond this point, Chelsea’s character is only my depiction.  I figure Chelsea is a talker, like she can talk her way in and out of situations with ease. She enjoys being manipulated and even more so, being needed.Much like her gift, she gets under people’s skin- not in terms that she’s annoying but more so she can figure out people very well. Her mate is the complete opposite and so she often speaks on the behalf of them. Chelsea is very social and charismatic. She along with Heidi are the only two Volturi members who will be out and interacting with humans if necessary. Heidi for her ability but Chelsea purely for her social skills. She’s also the most interested in human culture. She loves the parties- the 1920′s being her favourite era in terms of fashion. She has no issue changing her name and has done so multiple times when the names run out of fashion.It’s like playing dress up! I’d actually love to write more about her. I’ve really grown to love her character, even if i filled in some blanks for myself. I think she and Afton’s relationship is one of the best, up there with Carlisle and Esme- despite the two being very different. It’s a part of their dynamic!
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(I always imagined Chelsea to be a red head but Poppy Hill from THOHH is a very close depiction to Chelsea in my eyes)
Renata: A stressed little bean that lives on stress. I remember thinking when i was younger she was the big threat since she was Aro’s shield but now that im older i see...a stressed little five foot bean. I have no idea what she looks like but always imagine her dark hair tied in a tight bun, looking almost painful. Another who wears heels, like Heidi but she is very rigid just as she has been described. Her uncle is a bit of an ass considering he begged her to go with the Volturi so there wouldn’t be a threat. Dude, can you not just...hand over your niece? At least hesitate! Just like that, thanks to Chelsea, she’d give her life to protect Aro and...I have nothing else. Yes it does drive me mad that there are two named guards i know next to nothing about.
Santiago:So what’s known about Santiago is that he doesn’t actually have an ability. He’s just very good at battle techniques and fighting which is why he’s kept around. If they need fighters, they’re top three are Felix, Demetri and Santiago...in that order. Santiago is also much faster than a regular vampire (as shown in breaking dawn part 2- he caught up to Jacob and Renesmee quite fast despite the two having a running start and wolves supposedly being very fast- much like a vampire) That’s all we know of him so then i got in there and this is how I write Santiago. I gave him the background of coming from a superstitious family. Like he would be told tales of demons and witches growing up as well as things like voodoo. He knew an awful lot of urban legends and whilst he stopped believing in the bad luck his family taught him, he still held interest and couldn’t help the instinct of unease when witnessing such things as rituals. It’s ironic really. However Santiago always deems that humans have it all wrong. These forces are beyond human understanding and shouldn’t be played with. In that way, perhaps Santiago still has some belief in things such as superstition. He’s very secretive about it and would never clarify it for you. Santiago keeps to himself and can be quite standoffish. He can also be blunt even if it’s insulting- he doesn’t tend to care. Although he and Afton became quite good friends since the Afton was an outcast and Santiago didn’t enjoy large groups, or most people in general.
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invaderdoom78 · 4 years
New Moon Night part 2
“So what’s with all of the guns on the wall in the basement?” Bella asked as they sat down to eat the pizza Peter had ordered for them
“Oh, uh, I hunt vampires”
“Really?” Bella asked
“For a few years now. It’s actually how I met Aro”
“So” Bella started taking a bite of her pizza “is it hard killing vampires?”
“It varies from vampire to vampire,” Peter said “but if I get them in the heart right away with my steak gun that normally takes them out”
“Really?” Bella asked raising an eyebrow “Edward told me that vampires can only be killed by dismemberment and setting their bodies on fire”
“That’s true for some of them but if you use something that’s got witch's magic on it then it’ll kill them regardless of their, I guess, species. I could teach you how to shoot a gun if you want”
“...Yes,” Bella said, well aware that Victoria was still a potential threat to her life “uh, where should we go shoot?”
“There’s a spot out in the desert,” Peter said
“Is that legal?” Bella asked
“No idea,” Peter said taking a drink from his soda “but I’m not the only one who uses the spot”
“Ok,” Bella said ignoring the image of Edward that appeared, telling her not to do it
“You wanna pick out the gun?”
With their lunch finished the two made their way back down to the basement so Bella could pick out her gun. Now Peter didn’t have the most impressive collection of firearms, a couple of shotguns, a revolver, his steak gun, and a wrangler and because of the small selection he was fully expecting Bella to choose the shotgun, especially since it was the best choice when dealing with vampires, but that wasn’t what she picked.
“Where are you two going?” Aro asked eyeing Peter as he put his shotgun and the wrangler Bella had picked out into their carrying cases
“Out to the desert to shoot some guns,” Peter said
“Did you put on sunscreen?” Aro asked already knowing the answer
“No” Peter scoffed
“Do you remember what happened last time?”
Peter did, he’d taken the twins out to shoot as well and when they got back home almost his entire face was burnt and the twins kept insisting on poking at it until it started peeling.
“It’ll be fine”
“No,” Aro said firmly
“...Fine” Peter gave in after a brief staredown with the vampire, walking over to an end table grabbing two bottles of sunscreen out of the drawer “here Bella” he handed her the smaller one
Walking over to the hall mirror Bella stood in front of it as she put on the sunscreen, watching as Aro tried to help Peter put the sunscreen on his face while the hunter insisted that he could do it himself.
“There,” Peter asked once Aro was done “you happy now?”
“Very,” Aro said smiling
Turning around Bella held out the bottle of sunscreen she’d been holding and was about to set it onto the coffee table, but Aro stopped her.
“Hold on a minute, dear,” Aro said reaching out to wipe in the small amount of sunscreen she’d missed on her cheek, rubbing it in the rest of the way with a gentleness that she never expected from someone like him
Once they reached the spot in the desert Peter realized that he didn’t have any protective wear for Bella to use, so they had to improvise with a pair of Aro’s big sunglasses to protect her eyes as the vampire covered her ears with his hands and just like he did with Jane, Peter showed the young woman how to hold the Wrangler and where to position her feet before she shot at the five soda cans he’d set up; managing to nick all of them on the side.
“You’re a very good shot, dear,” Aro said resting his hand on her shoulders as Peter took the rest of them out with his shotgun
“My dad used to teach me how to shoot his gun a long time ago, but my mom found out and told him to stop”
“Did he teach you anything else?” Aro asked
“You mean like self-defense?” Bella asked setting down her gun “not really”
“Then allow me to show you,” Aro said
The vampire showed her the basics of self-defense poses, having talked Peter into being the practice dummy.
“Good” Aro praised as Bella delivered an elbow strike to Peters jaw, having enough self-control to stop herself from actually hitting her new uncle
Despite how quickly Bella was picking up on the techniques, it was quickly becoming apparent that training out in the middle of the desert probably wasn’t the best idea as it didn’t take much longer after that for Peter and Bella to become coated in sweat, so much so that it had almost completely soaked through their clothing. It was at this point that Peter decided that they should go home and get changed into something that wasn’t going to stick to their skin, both Peter and Bella hopping into the shower when they got home. Stepping out of the bathroom Peter dried his hair off with a towel as Aro sat on the edge of the bed running a brush through his long hair.
“It seems like Bella has settled in rather well,” Aro said
“Yeah,” Peter said tossing the towel at the hamper by his closet door
“I, overheard the conversation you and Bella had earlier,” Aro said as Peter crawled onto their bed
“I figured you did,” Peter said crawling up behind Aro, peppering the vampire's shoulder and the side of his neck with kisses
“We have laws that have been put into place solely to keep the existence of our kind a secret and it clearly states that vampires are not supposed to let themselves be known to humans”
“So should I be worried?
“If you hadn’t befriended Elizabeth then yes. Being what she is, the people that are associated with her and her family have immunity to our laws. Lest we risk facing a half-demon's wrath”
“Is Bella in danger then?” Peter asked resting his chin on the vampire's shoulder
“That depends,” Aro said taking hold of Peters wrists wrapping his human's arms around his waist leaning back into the embrace
“On what?”
“Whether or not the Cullens have any enemies”
“What about your lot?”
“Well if one of my guards discovers her she will be brought back to Volterra for a trial to determine whether or not she will be turned or executed” he felt Peter tense up behind him “don’t worry darling if it ever does come to that I will make sure that her life is spared and that she has a home in the castle”
“It's a good thing she wants to be turned then”  
“You know, you really are so much more caring than you want people to believe” Aro hummed “it's rather sweet actually; you treating Jane and Alec as if they were your own, helping Amy through getting the polluted blood out of her, reassuring your friend Charley that she would be safe. It’s a good thing I was able to snatch you up when I did”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, darling” Aro said nuzzling Peters cheek “just thinking”
Aro untangled himself from Peter's arms and got off the bed.
“Where’re you going?” Peter asked reaching out for the vampire
“The day is still young,” Aro said softly, placing a kiss on Peter's forehead knowing what he wanted
Flopping back onto the bed Peter watched Aro walk out of the room. Groaning Peter forced himself to get off the bed and get dressed before going out to the living room where he saw Bella and Aro sitting on the couch together, the vampire brushing her semi-dry hair. Sitting in front of them was the chest he kept all of his movies in, Bella looking through his collection.
“You have any preferences?” Peter asked taking a seat on the couch with them
“I like Stephen King stuff”
“I have Stephen King, but Lizzy has The Shining and all the IT movies so I’d need to get them from her” Peter said pulling out his phone so he could ask her for the movies
“Oh” Bella started but was interrupted by the front door opening and Lizzy stepping through, holding the DVDs “you don…”
“Here,” Lizzy said tossing the cases to Peter 
“Thanks, bitch” Peter said, catching them noticing how Lizzy and Bella were kinda staring at each other “that’s Bella. Bella this is Lizzy”
“Hi,” Bella said
“What’re the kids doing tomorrow?” Peter asked
“I think they’re all off,” Lizzy said, still looking at Bella like she was trying to piece some things together “why?”
“I’m trying to help Bella find a hobby”
“Cool,” Lizzy said giving Aro a two-finger salute before she left
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Aro said standing up
“Oh come on,” Peter said, grabbing the vampire's sleeve “at least watch The Shining or Misery with us. I’m sure you’ll like them”
“Alright” Aro sighed
“I’ll make some popcorn then,” Peter said standing up walking back to the kitchen, waiting for the popcorn to pop when Lizzy texted him
                                           Demon Bitch (Lizzy)
So has Bella shown any interest in vampires?
                                                        Yeah she said she wants to be turned
                                              And Aro told me he cant see her thoughts
That makes sense. 
One of her great grandparents was either a vampire themselves or one of their parents was a vampire so that’s why she can use her mental ability as a human and why she’s so keen on being turned. The vampire part of her DNA is calling out because of how close she’s become to, who I’m assuming are the Cullens as they’re the only coven I’m aware of that live up in that area of the US. It’ll probably also make the transition and blood lust easier.
                                                                    You gotta be fucking kidding me
                               The fuck am I supposed to do with that information
Just thought I’d let you know.
“Ok,” Peter said, slipping the phone back into his pocket “Lizzy’s sending me farts again!”
“You are the one that decided to befriend her” Aro called back from the couch
“You say that like it’s my fault”
“Would you rather her come and do it in the house?”
“No,” Peter said walking back into the living room with popcorn
Aro only stuck around long enough to watch Misery as while he did agree that it was a good adaptation and movie he still preferred the books. It was about midnight when Aro noticed that Peter hadn’t come back to bed yet, so he got up and walked out to the living room, spotting  Peter and Bella both asleep on the couch, Peter slumped back into it, head tilted back, Bella slumped against his side.
“Oh” Aro chuckled quietly approaching the piece of furniture
Picking up the remote Aro turned off the TV before gently lifting Bella off of the couch making sure not to wake either as he moved the young woman to her temporary room, tucking her under the covers before back out and doing the same for Peter. The next morning Bella woke up more confused than Peter had, as he was used to it at this point, wondering how she’d ended up in bed when she remembered falling asleep on the couch. Kicking off the blankets Bella changed into her clothes and went out into the kitchen, looking through the fridge to see if she could find anything that she could make for breakfast when Peter came out of his room wearing his sleep pants.
“Morning” Peter yawned getting to work making himself some coffee
“Morning” Bella said, grabbing a carton of eggs “where’s Aro?”
“Taking a shower,” Peter said watching as Bella started cooking some eggs for them 
Taking a seat at the counter Peter pulled out his phone, scrolling through it as he waited for the eggs to finish cooking when Aro came out of the bedroom, fully dressed and looking like he was ready to go traveling.
“Where’re you going?” Peter asked, eyeing the vampire 
“I have to go back to Italy” Aro sighed grabbing his cloak out of the closet by the door
“For how long?”
“Hopefully not long” Aro said placing one hand on his humans cheek placing a kiss on the other before walking over to Bella “it was wonderful meeting you” he hugged her “take care and maybe we’ll meet again”
“Maybe” Bella said, feeling a bit saddened that the vampire was leaving so early as despite Edwards warnings about him she had grown to enjoy the vampires company
Giving Peter one more kiss Aro stepped out of the house so he could head off for Italy.
“So do you wanna go over to Lizzy’s today?” Peter asked pouring himself another cup of coffee 
“Sure” Bella said as Peter grabbed a key out of the bowl by the front door 
Aro called several hours after Bella had left.
“Hey” Peter said, answering his phone as he slouched on the couch watching his T.V. “how was the flight?”
“Fine” Aro sighed “though I don’t see why I was needed. This was a simple matter. How is Bella doing?”
“She’s out with Michael and the others” 
“Oh good” Aro said, the smile obvious in his voice, “is she getting along with them?”
“Don’t know. I haven’t heard from her since she left” Peter said noticing Bella as she stepped into the house out of the corner of his eye “hey I gotta go Bella just came back”
“Alright, good bye, darling”
“Bye” Peter said, looking at the fading cut on Bella’s cheek “the hell happened?”
“I killed a ghoul and then Eleanor made us dinner. Here” Bella said handing Peter a tupperware container “she told me to give this to you” 
“Cool” Peter said taking the container 
“What have you been doing?” Alice demanded storming into the living room from the basement door “why haven’t I been able to see you and then all of a sudden I see you being attacked by that thing and now Edward thinks you’re dead!” 
“Who the fuck are you and how the fuck did you get into my house!” Peter demanded, mentally going over where he’d hidden the guns on this level of the house, moving so that he was between Bella and Alice 
“Alice?” Bella asked confused “what are you doing here?”
“Edwards going to the Volturi!” Alice said, eyebrows furrowed “he wants to die too” 
“Realy?” Peter asked looking unamused “he breaks up with her the way he did and his first thought when he thinks she’s dead is to kill himself not, oh I don’t know, call Charlie and ask about it or even come back to investigate it himself?”
“Apparently” Alice shrugged “but we don’t have time to think about it!” Edward plans on revealing himself so the Volturi will kill him”
“Alright” Bella sighed “I’ll help”
“Wot?” Peter asked looking at Bella in disbelief 
“Can you wait for me out in the car” Bella said to Alice who did what she was asked 
“Ok I get it” Peter said, placing his hands on Bella's shoulders “I get it, but for the love of God don’t take him back. If he really does want to get back together with you make him work for it” he pulled her into a hug “and be careful. I have no idea what might happen over there and Aro can only do so much”
“I will”
“Call me when you get there” 
“Ok” Bella said before hurrying out of the house
Bella P.O.V.
I can do this. I thought to myself as Alice tore out of Peters driveway. I can face Edward again and even if something does happen I have Peter to turn to, he knew what I had going through and I had new friends now, ones that I didn’t have to lie to about Edward or werewolves or anything that has happened to me since I got to Forks. And if worse did come I had two options one, I could agree to be turned and live in Voltera with Aro or I could tell them about Lizzy and maybe that would give me some type of immunity, for now, but that option could also bring up some issues with Edward and his family especially considering how hostile the relationship between werewolves and vampires is, I can only imagine that it might be the same with witches and demons and that could create a whole other layer of problems. Either way the next few hours would definitely prove to be interesting.
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captain-yeet · 5 years
Oops, That Happened - Part 2 (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
Summary: After Italy and the unexpected encounter the two of you shared, it was safe to say that Demetri was on your mind a lot. Luckily for you, the feeling was mutual. You only hoped someday you could see him again...
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: NSFW, swearing, very very adult themes. If ur a kid or under 18 don't read pls shits about to get Nastay. But with fluff at the end! Merry crimmis, folks.
Part One
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Months have passed by and you went about your business as normal. Bella was in her final year of high school and after Italy, it felt as if any vampire drama was wrapped up and dealt with in a nice little bow.
Except it wasn't.
One, a band of newborn vampires had come to search for your little sister, breaking into your house while your father slept on the couch and taking an item of her clothing. To say it infuriated you that once again your sister's life was at stake would be an understatement.
Secondly, you had yet to hear any word from Demetri, and as the weeks turned into months going by your hopes waned and your heart ached.
The surprise intimate moment the two of you shared played back in your mind's eye almost every night. Whenever you would be laying in bed, in the shower or going about your business his handsome face would pop into your mind accompanied by the memory of pleasure that coursed through you in that finite moment.
Did he even want to see you again? Were his words a lie? You had no idea but despite your doubts and insecurities, you wished to see him again. You longed for it.
Today Bella would be staying at Edward's house; nothing unusual there. You walked with her to her truck. "Don't get up to too much trouble, you hear me?"
Bella rolled her eyes. "Yes, Mom," she groaned. A tiny smile played on her lips, however.
Giving her a hug, you stepped back from the truck and watched your sister drive away. A sigh escaped your lips. You still hated that damn Cullen boy with a fiery passion, but you knew she would be in safe hands.
Night came and with it complete boredom. Your father Charlie was passed out cold on the couch and would be there till the sun rose. As for you, you were laying in your bed in just an oversized t-shirt that you refused to part with.
Again, as he did every night, Demetri's face popped into your mind. You closed your eyes, trying to push him out. If he still wanted me he would have made contact by now, you reasoned with yourself.
Tap. Tap.
The sound of something gently hitting your window roused you from your thoughts. Sitting up, you glanced over to your bedroom window only to cover your mouth in shock at the face peering in.
The one who had plagued your thoughts, was balancing on you could only guess was a tree branch outside your bedroom window. You had to be dreaming, surely? Or going insane.
Rushing over and yanking the window open, you leaned out of it. "What are you doing here?" You whisper-hissed in the quietest voice you could manage.
"I'm happy to see you too, love," he chuckled, "mind making some room for me to enter?"
"What, need my permission to come in?" You teased.
"Vampires don't work like that, gorgeous."
You stepped back away from the window, crossing your arms a little self consciously as you watched Demetri clamber in through your window. You were now suddenly very aware of what you were wearing; the shirt just brushed halfway down your thighs.
Demetri stood straight and studied your appearance, also taking note of your bed attire with a faint hint of a smirk. "It's been a while, you look good."
You bowed your head. "Same to you... it really has been a while, huh?"
An apologetic look crossed his face. "Forgive me. I would have been in contact sooner but my masters forbid it."
"Forbid it'?" You echoed, brows furrowing in confusion.
He nodded. "After you left Italy... let's just say that the Cullens aren't in Aro's good graces as of right now, given that you and your sister are still human."
You bit your lip. Another reminder about my mortality, fantastic.
Sensing your apprehension, Demetri slowly, cautiously as if testing the waters, approached you. "You have nothing to fear from my coven, Y/N. And especially nothing from me."
"Why are you here, Demetri?" You challenged him, meeting his eyes finally. "Because with everything I have going on right now the last thing I need is a reminder that I need to die or become a vampire."
Demetri's jaw clenched and you suddenly regretted snapping at the gorgeous but lethal vampire very much. Taking you by surprise however he sighed and took a seat at the side of your bed. Clutching his head in his hands, your concern grew as he let out a pained whine. "This is not going how I thought it would..."
"A-are you okay, Demetri?" You asked, taking a step toward him hesitantly.
Another whine, but quieter this time. "God, even just the mention of my name coming from your lips is driving me insane."
What? Blinking, you were suddenly in focus mode. Kneeling down in front of him, you forced him to look you in the eye. "What does that mean? Please tell me, I'm so lost..."
"You remember our... encounter, yes?"
You nodded in reply. How could I forget?
You watched him swallow thickly, his eyes staring intensely into your own. "Ever since that day, that moment, I've been at a loss. To think I'd get so distracted and frustrated by a simple human woman."
The last few words began a pang of pain in your heart, but a cold gentle hand cupping your face quelled it. "You are no simple woman, though Miss Swan. I've snuck way on my own accord from my group here in Washington to see you. To get closure. Tell me if you don't share my feelings, or if you do."
If your heart could spontaneously combust from excitement and nervousness at once, it would have at this moment. Here was a man - an incredibly handsome immortal man that could kill you with a flick of his wrist - confessing his feelings for you. Feelings of inferiority made you self-conscious. He was out of your league, a literal ethereal creature whereas you were quite simply, a normal human being.
"Since we, you know, did that thing together in Italy," you began, stammering over your words, "you've been on my mind ever since." Getting to your feet, you joined him on the bed. "Every night before I fall asleep when I wake up, hell even in the damn shower or washing dishes the memory will pop into my head and I find myself missing you."
Demetri took in your words, choosing not to interrupt you. He watched with an expression you couldn't identify. Curiosity? Hope? Maybe even a hint of amusement.
"I know that sounds crazy," you continued, heat blooming in your cheeks. "We barely know each other and here I am pining."
"It's not crazy in my world," he murmured in reply.
"What does that mean?"
"My kind have mates. Some immediately feel a pull towards their significant other, others feel it developing the more time we spend together."
You thought about his words for a moment. "... So where does that leave you and me?"
He smiled at you; a playful smirk. "Would you like to test the waters?"
Your heart skipped a beat. If he was suggesting what you thought he was... The ability to speak left but you nodded in consent.
Demetri scooted closer, keeping his eyes locked on yours. Your faces were so close, the air between you electrified. Leaning in very slowly, he checked in with you one last time. "Are you sure?"
Biting your lip, you suppressed a laugh. "Hundred percent."
He continued leaning in until his lips brushed lightly against yours. Demetri held his position like that, and his lack of action made you whine in protest. So, you took the initiative and kissed first and holy shit how you missed this feeling. You missed him, especially and the need you'd been harboring for him took over your rational thinking.
You pulled back a moment only to place your hands on his shoulders as you straddled his lap. Any restraint Demetri had now left him and he hungrily kissed back, hands firmly grasping at your thighs, running slowly up to your hips, resting at your waist. The coldness of his skin made you let out a small gasp against his mouth, making him smirk. The hem of your shirt had ridden up with his movements.
"I think it's my turn to take charge," he said in a low, smooth voice.
"God, please do," you whimpered. The need for him to touch you grew stronger, especially where you needed him most.
In a flash you went from straddling Demetri's lap to laying flat on your back, head resting comfortably against the plush pillows. He pulled back so he was on his knees between your legs, hands caressing the sides of your thighs. You squirmed a little under his touch, making him chuckle.
"You're rather impatient aren't you, love?" He teased you, observing you closely.
"Can you blame me?" You quipped back breathlessly.
He shook his head. His handsome face wore an admiring expression. The way his eyes took you on made you feel warm inside like he enjoyed what he saw. You felt comfortable.
"I can't say I do."
His hands moved from your thighs to his own clothing and you swore he could hear your heart stop as you watched him remove his coat and his shirt within moments of you blinking.
You'd seen many shirtless men before - magazines, TV shows, movies, the damn swimming pool. Sure, some men were very... well built and you couldn't lie and say that they didn't look good, but nothing drove you crazy. Demetri, on the other hand, was sculpted to perfection in your eyes.
You sat up a little, and raised a hand hesitantly, looking up at him shyly. Sensing what you wanted, he smiled and took your hand, placing it against his torso. The skin was hard but surprisingly smooth, not a single blemish, dent or imperfection to be found.
Unconsciously, your hand began to drift lower, reaching the leather belt of his pants. Looking up at Demetri, you took a shaky breath to steady your nerves. "Can I...?"
"You may."
The simple confirmation of consent stoked the embers of flame that had begun to arise within you, and you eagerly unbuckled the belt and unbuttoned his dark trousers to get to your reward.
Demetri's long and large erection sprung free and he laughed at how your eyes widened at the sight.
Blushing furiously, you lightly slapped his torso. "Shhhhh, my dad is asleep downstairs!" I wouldn't want to explain why I have a naked man with red eyes on top of me.
Cupping your cheek with one hand, he bit his lip trying to stifle laughter as he looked down at you. "I'm sorry, it's just... your face -"
He broke off into another, quieter this time, fit of laughter and you pouted.
Oh, I think it's time for you to shut up, you thought haughtily. Your defiant embarrassment needing to be defended outweighed your initial shyness, and you took his cock firmly on your hand and began stroking it. His laughter ceased and you looked up with innocent eyes as your tongue darted out and lapped at the head. You marveled at the taste; you expected bitterness but was pleasantly surprised to find that it tasted sweet.
Eyes growing dark, Demetri bit back a groan at the sensation of your tongue swirling around the head of his cock. You had moved from your sitting position to being on all fours in front of him, working him with every precise movement of your tongue and lips. Being mindful as not to hurt you he placed his hands on either side of your head; one stroking your hair while the other cupped your face, holding you there.
You were enjoying the feeling of his cock in your mouth, taking as much of him as you could while you bob your head back and forth. You decided to really push your luck and changed your technique. With every bob of your head, you let your tongue lick the underside of his cock.
He groaned, almost a growl in pleasure. You looked up through your lashes to watch as his perfect face contorted in ecstasy, closing his eyes blissfully. Gotcha, you thought smugly, kicking your motions up a notch and increasing the speed.
"Shit that feels good," he moaned, eyes open once again and watching you work him with wonder.
You pulled back to catch your breath and grinned up at him. "Am I doing a good job?" You couldn't keep the smug tone out of your voice.
He pulled back from you, and for a moment you felt insecure... until he reached for your shirt and began working it up over your breasts. Sitting up straight, you lifted your arms over your head to help him get the damned piece of fabric off your body.
Before you could even process the fact that you were now completely bare before him Demetri's mouth was on yours again, a newfound hunger in his kiss. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you tight to his chest, parting your legs further with his knee. You began to wonder what exactly he was doing until you felt his free hand snake its way down to where you ached for him.
"You are so in for it now, cara mia," he growled into your ear, sending more heat down your spine. He cupped you gently but firmly making you gasp in shock and pleasure, a small squeak escaping from your lips. You buried your face in his shoulder as he began moving his fingers in a circular motion, rubbing your aching pussy.
"Do you have any idea how many nights I've laid alone in my quarters imagining doing this to you?" he whispered against your hair, never ceasing in his motions. "This and so much more?"
God this feels amazing, you thought weakly, grinding yourself on his fingers. The way he was talking, how good it felt to have his hands on you...
It was better than any of your wildest imaginings and more.
He moved his hand away, and you felt like you could have cried at the loss of his fingers working you. "Lay down, Y/N. On your back, get comfy."
A jolt of excitement shot through your veins and you nodded, clambering back to your original position on your bed.
Was this the afterlife? Had you died and gone to some kind of lust-filled utopia? It felt as so, as you watched Demetri lay down and position himself between your legs. One of his hands reached up and groped one of your breasts and your hand to cover your mouth with your hand as you let out a loud moan. While he worked your breast with one hand, what really sent you to heaven was when he slowly ran his tongue up along the sensitive spot between your legs.
"Oh fuck," came your muffled cry, eyes widening once again at the new sensation. Your positive response made Demetri chuckle, the vibrations of his laughter making you instinctively thrust your hips against his mouth.
Very briefly, Demetri lifted his head to look you straight in the eye. "I'm going to take care of you since you've been such a good girl." The pet name stirred the embers once more. He brought his hand back to your pussy and pressed his thumb against your throbbing clit, making you choke on your suppressed moans. "Is that what you want, Y/N?"
"Yes, yes it's what I want," you practically mewled in reply, squirming desperately for some friction. "Please."
"What exactly do you want me to do?"
Oh the asshole is enjoying this, isn't he? "Please eat my pussy," you hissed.
Demetri grinned, victorious. You felt like helpless prey in the talons of a predator, but in all honesty, it turned you on even further.
He wasted no time putting his face back down there and got to work, lapping at your wet pussy. You arched your back and closed your eyes, spreading your legs as wide as you comfortably could. He had kept his thumb on your clit and was moving it in circular motions while his lips sucked on your labia, his tongue darting between the folds to taste you. The fire in between your legs grew unbearable and soon you had both your hands gripping Demetri's hair, shamelessly gyrating your hips against his face.
He didn't seem to mind. You felt his thumb disappear from your clit only to be quickly replaced with his lips. Opening your eyes, you looked down and saw the hand he was using to pleasure you with was now being used to stroke his cock. You could feel that he was enjoying this as much as you were.
Something changed in his rhythm and it made you become a panting mess. You could feel your release coming and quickly. "Shit, please keep doing that," you whimpered, sitting up a little to watch him.
He obeyed and turned up the tempo to his actions. His tongue was now buried deep inside of your soaked pussy, nose rubbing your clit, his head moving in a shaking head motion and it took all of your restraint not to scream the house down.
If there was something you were going to take away from this, it was that Demetri was amazing in bed.
Demetri brought his face away from your throbbing pussy, his eyes almost black in color. Hand now rubbing your clit again. "I've got you, Y/N. Let go for me."
You couldn't hold it back any further. It almost pained you to hold back the scream that was building up in your throat as you came all over Demetri's fingers, rocking your hips as you did so, practically riding them.
You felt something hot and wet touch your thighs. Opening your eyes wearily, you saw the Demetri had brought himself to finish too, the hot cum coating your thighs dangerously close to your own pussy.
Heart beating fast and hard, you kept your eyes closed, breathing deeply to calm your erratic heart. A cool, wetness wiped away the mess on your thigh and between your legs, gently dabbing it all away. A few moments later, you felt the bed dip beside you and a blanket being laid over your naked body.
Rolling over, you open your eyes to see Demetri laying on his side, propped up on his elbow staring at you with complete adoration in his eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Hi," you whispered shyly.
"Hi to you too," he replied, the smile growing wider. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, I think so." You bit your lip a moment, pondering whether or not to request of him what you wanted at the moment. "Demetri?"
"Hmmm?" He hummed in response.
"Is... is it okay with you if I uh, lay on your chest a bit?" You squeezed your eyes shut, blushing. Ahh, stupid question Y/N! Stupid question. Way to come off as clingy.
A quiet chuckle. Then, the bed dipped slightly. "Of course," came his reply, "come here, love."
Smiling, you opened your eyes. Shimming over, you nested yourself into the vampire's side, curling up happily. He wrapped his arm around you and held you close to his chest, savoring the moment. "I could get used to this, you know."
"I feel the same," Demetri confided, fingertips tracing patterns on your back. “It pains me that I’ll have to leave eventually.”
That woke you up a little.
Sitting up, you fixed your wide-eyed, now panicked gaze on him. “You’re leaving? How soon?”
Demetri shushed you softly, stroking your back more to comfort you. “I disbanded from my traveling companions under the guise of hunting and I’ll have to return eventually. And secondly, your father is downstairs. I don’t think he’d take too kindly to find a stranger naked in bed with his daughter.”
You ducked your head, nodding in agreement. “True,” you agreed, laying back down. “But for some forewarning, you better leave me your number or a way to contact you before you leave, mister.”
He buried his face into your hair. “I wouldn’t dream of it. You’re mine and I intend to keep it that way.”
Your heart soared at his words. With a happy smile on your face, you lay back down and curled up on his chest once more. “Glad to hear it, especially after that. I’m all yours if you’ll have me, sweetheart.”
With that, you let sleep take you, drifting off into a peaceful sleep in the arms of someone that made you feel as if you were on cloud nine after the night’s antics. Unbeknownst to you, Demetri held you a little tighter once he felt you drift away into a deep sleep. He would cherish this tender moment with you while he had the chance.
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joopiterjoon · 4 years
Adored and Nothing More
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Pairing: YoonJin Queerplatonic
Genre: PG, Slice of Life, Fluff?
Warnings/Tags: Aro!Jin, Ace-Spectrum!Yoongi, handholding, YoonJin complaining, self-discovery
Wordcount: 3k
A/n: I wrote this based on a joke with @kpopfan-antics... and then turned it into a fic.. and made it soft because what else is new.
Part of FicsWithLuv’s FWLBingo!
“Coffee?” Yoongi’s voice draws Jin out of his intense focus on the game that’s been in his hands so long they’re cramping. Jin blinks a few times before he fully registers the small man in his doorway. He leans on Jin’s doorframe, hair a mess and hoodie on despite the summer heat. It’s a typical contrast to be seen in the apartment- Jin in his boxers and a sweatshirt while Yoongi’s bundled up head-to-toe.
The most recent apartment suits them well. In college, the soft pastels of Jin’s side seemed comedic compared to Yoongi’s all-black-or-bust space. Now, Jin’s room faces the sun, while Yoongi’s faces the adjacent apartment building. Jin can look out into the day, and Yoongi’s room is kept cool by the lack of light.
Jin gives a small smile to his roommate before heaving out of the bed for the first time all day. He groans as he stretches.
“Old man,” Yoongi teases.
“Hey, that’s rich coming from you,” Jin argues as he shucks his hoodie and pulls a shirt over his head. “An old man would wish he looked this good.”
“Well, “ Yoongi begins despite walking into the living space towards the door, “You must be that good looking old man ‘cause only old guys groan like that when they stand.”
Jin frows as he trots after Yoongi’s huddled, waddling form.
“Like this?” Jin imitates the sound again while he bends to put his shoes on. “Or this?” He does it louder with his whole chest as they head out. “Or like-”
Jin stops abruptly when he sees their neighbors in the hall, startled by Jin’s noises. His ears burn as he bows deeply. “Sorry.”
Yoongi snickers, tugging Jin along with a loose grip on his hand. Jin’s amazed that in all his layers, Yoongi’s fingers are actually cold. He grips tighter to warm them.
“Hey,” Jin pipes up as they get on the street. “An old man would never shout like that either, you know?”
Yoongi side-eyes him and pulls a baseball cap lower over his eyes. He got a haircut last week, and the hat shows off his undercut well. But Jin knows how chaotic his hair is underneath. Still, somehow Yoongi looks cute with his hair fucked up and askew. “Mhm, sure.”
Satisfied, Jin bounces along next to his roommate. It’s a nice day out, Yoongi’s favorite kind. Good weather and few people. They stay quiet, taking note of the small changes in their neighborhood since the last time they left the house. Both introverts, Jin and Yoongi make a dangerously homebound pairing. If it weren’t for Yoongi’s dire need for specialty coffee, they would barely leave the house in the summer.
They head toward the small coffee shop that Yoongi chose as “his” coffee shop. Yoongi had a tendency to do that. He picked something he liked and stuck with it. Like Jin, his eternal roommate. And seeing as Jin and Yoongi had similar preferences in activities and lifestyles, Jin became what Yoongi stuck with very often. Jin would tease him, but really, he appreciated it. He’s comfortable with Yoongi. Content. He frequently finds it hard to balance his affection and sincerity with friends, yet Yoongi has always seemed to understand how Jin works.
“Woah,” Jin says as they enter the shop. It’s almost empty. He checks the large, driftwood clock hanging in the back of the small space. “Yoongi, it’s 3 pm.”
“Correct,” Yoongi answers curtly. They shuffle between the little square tables for two and up to the front.
“Yoongi, I’ve been in bed until 3 pm?”
“Why didn’t you get me sooner? I haven’t eaten all day!” Jin whines. He throws his arms up in distress and nearly knocks over the little, inconveniently empty case of muffins on the counter.
“I’m not your keeper, old man,” Yoongi retorts and smiles politely to their barista.
“Just for that comment, you have to come and get naengmyeon with me after this,” Jin sniffs. 
“Awh,” she giggles behind the counter. “You two are always cute together.”
“Oh,” Jin and Yoongi both say. They give each other an up-down, then focus on their conjoined hands. It’s not the first time they’ve been mislabeled. It’s happened so often that they know exactly what the cashier means by “cute together.”
“Oh,” the cashier repeats, covering her embarrassment. “Are you not dating?”
Both of them open their mouths to respond, but neither say anything. They just stare, blank-faced and slack-jawed, at the barista. There’s not usually a pause here. One of them is quick to correct. The pause gives way to another pause as they both consider the weight of the first.
“I don’t think so,” Jin finally says.
“No,” Yoongi says more firmly yet still too late.
“No?” Jin’s a bit offended at how assured Yoongi sounded.
“Did you think we were?” Yoongi curls his lip in frustration. “You just said you don’t think so.”
“Yeah,” Jin agrees, his ears tinting pink. Sure, he doesn’t. But…
Are we dating? It’s a question that’s made Jin nervous his whole life. He always gets close, closer, closest to people. He feels happy, content to have someone close who knows him and values his presence. But, then, there’s always that “next step” others ask for. Something he never recognizes is there until after he confronts these kinds of situations. Situations like romance. Where someone wants him in a way that implies so much more than what he wants. The awkward moments when someone leans in for a kiss and Jin has to say explain there’s been a miscommunication. 
He never thinks they’re dating. He doesn’t feel a need to date, or what people mean by date. He just likes to be close to people he cares for. Jin’s thought about it many times. Why what he wants exudes wanting more to others when he likes what they have.
He thought Yoongi felt the same. Years and years of closeness.Someone who felt good to cuddle when they watched a movie. Someone who he could always talk to. Someone who never made him worried he might want more, that something people want that Jin just doesn’t. And now... “I thought you might think that we might be what we aren’t.”
“Yeah, I get that.”
“So you do?”
Yoongi’s lip curls in confusion. “No?”
Yoongi blinks a few times, pout prominent as he becomes confused. “No what?”
They both let out a frustrated sigh. At this point, the barista slinks away to make their drinks, the slightest bit guilty for whatever she just caused. Jin turns to face Yoongi. Yoongi’s slouched against the counter, nonchalant, but his eyes dart between Jin’s trying to read him. Jin asks again, “Are we dating?”
“I don’t know,” Yoongi says, rubbing at his other arm since he can’t cross them as long as they are holding hands. He finally looks away, and Jin’s heart jumps a bit at the nerves he’s showing. “You tell me.”
“I think…” Jin startles a bit at the sound of the latte machine. He hopes for a reprieve, the noise too loud for them to keep talking, but he doesn’t get that. The quartet of grinding beans and pressurized air quickly ends. Maybe it’s a sign to keep going. He really doesn’t want to do this in a coffee shop, but… “I think sometimes we are.”
Yoongi sighs again, but he doesn’t look back up, just waves Jin off. “Well, tell me when sometimes turns to a definitive.” 
“Nah,” Jin says, shaking his head, “I like how things are. Can we just keep doing this?”
“Alright then,” Yoongi nods. He drags them down to the open side of the counter as the barista cups their drinks. “Still want to go to dinner?”
“As a non-date date?” Jin asks, perking up. Whatever doing this is. That is a date usually, but it’s not a date for them.
“Jesus,” Yoongi crinkles his nose. “If that’s a date, we’ve been dating for years.”
“Maybe we have,” Jin says, blinking a few times. Maybe he’s right. If this is what they want to call it, it’s been a while. An apologetic barista slides two coffees across the counter as the two stand in silence for a moment. “That would be ideal. But I thought we weren’t-”
“Do not start this again,” Yoongi cuts him off and turns to find a table.
Jin doesn’t. He sits with Yoongi while he drinks his coffee. They check the weather to search for a time to go camping. They’ve tried to plan a trip three times this summer. Jin loves camping with Yoongi.
Late at night when they wait for the coals to cool in the fire, Yoongi talks the most. He talks about the world more when he’s not really in it. Being deep in the woods can feel like being in a different world. Jin likes taking Yoongi camping to help him gain perspective and for them to be out but with no one around. And on those trips, Jin’s thought about it. How if he had to be stuck with one person forever, it would be Yoongi. 
They toss their drinks and head back out. It’s quiet again as Jin follows the GPS on his phone. He tries to focus, but now there’s an idea in the back of his head. Is it this easy? Is this… okay? Is Yoongi going to want more? He’s never wanted more all this time. Jin’s sure he doesn’t want more.
Finally, after they get to the restaurant and order their food, Jin can’t take it anymore. He talks to Yoongi about anything and everything directly. He can talk about this. They are eternal roommates. It’ll be fine. They already addressed it before. Just not as much as he wanted.
Still, he can’t find an in, a moment to clear the air. So he gives up distracting himself, which seems to be what Yoongi’s doing because he won’t put his phone down.
“Why are you on your phone?” Jin asks.
“Googling us,” Yoongi says. He misses his straw a few times while he keeps reading.
Jin blushes. “Look, if anything strange comes up about a GoFundMe from 2012-”
“That’s not what I mean,” Yoongi says, crunching on an ice cube. “It’s called Queerplatonic.”
“That wasn’t the name of my GoFundMe but it’s kind of close.”
“I don’t want to know,” Yoongi says. “This. The thing we do. Are doing. Think we might… nevermind.”
Yoongi huffs out his frustration and flips his phone over on the table. Jin leans over the rickety bar table toward his pouty roommate. At this point, Jin had half a mind that what happened before was a joke for the barista. Now he finds out Yoongi’s been pondering the same thing in his head all afternoon. “Yoongi, you do want to date me, don’t you?”
Yoongi grumbles incoherently as he scratches at his ear. Jin leans back in his seat with a sigh. Ah. “I’m telling you, it’s fine. Everyone wants to date me. And apparently everyone thinks I want to date them. You are not immune.”
Yoongi’s head pops up, irritated as usual by Jin’s ego, and reminds him, “Earlier you literally said you’d be fine dating me.”
“I’m fine non-dating dating you,” Jin says.
“Queerplatonic,” Yoongi clarifies, waving the phone.
“Give me that,” Jin takes the phone from Yoongi. It’s some stylized Wiki page. He glances up at Yoongi, ears a bit pink. “You’re sitting here deciphering us without including me?”
“You’d talk so much I wouldn’t be able to read,” Yoongi shrugs. “Plus, I’ve seen you staring at my nonstop. I know you are thinking about the same shit over there.”
“You say that like you don’t talk all the time,” Jin pauses to nod in thanks to the waiter who sets their beers on the table. Jin drinks a bit more than he should off the bat. “You even talk in your sleep!”
Yoongi petulantly purses his lips. “If you aren’t going to read, give me my phone back.”
Jin leans back with the phone close to his chest and reads through the article. As he goes, he feels tension in his shoulders unwinding. 
What he’s reading in his hands, this is him. Moreover, it’s what he and Yoongi have. And some people, apparently, are okay staying this way.
“Yoongi,” Jin breathes, scrolling further. Yoongi doesn’t answer, he just keeps eating and watching Jin’s face nervously. “Is this… I think I’m this.”
“What is this? There’s like, 20 definitions on that site,” Yoongi gripes.
“I don’t know… something on this?” Jin says, scrolling again.
When he hears Yoongi put his beer down, he glances up. Yoongi’s hand is out on the table, palm up, inviting. Jin takes it hesitantly. He’s always liked holding Yoongi’s hand. There’s nothing implied. Nothing extra expected. Just touching someone. He takes it.
“Are you telling me you’ve never considered your sexuality?” Yoongi asks, wiping his mouth. Jin glances around at the other tables chattering and laughing over assortments of comfort food. No one’s really paying them much mind.
“Um, I mean, I guess I thought this wasn’t a sexuality? More of a libido thing. Not for me. I still like sex and stuff, but maybe every other month?” Jin trails off. Honestly, it’s something he’s tried to ignore thinking about.
“Well, I don’t really,” Yoongi says bluntly. 
“Why didn’t you say something?” Jin asks.
“I did,” Yoongi tries to sound nonchalant, but he hides behind his beer.
“When?” Jin asks, exasperated.
“Do you remember when we were watching that Avengers movie that made no sense?”
“Yoongi, for the millionth time, you can’t just choose to watch Civil War without watching any of the other--”
“That’s not the point,” Yoongi groans over Jin until he stops talking. “We were sitting there. Just chilling. And I said I liked this. And you said you, too. And then you held my hand, and I... leaned my head on your shoulder and shit.”
“That was…” Jin rubs his chin. “That was a confession?”
“I mean,” Yoongi shrugs, but he looks a bit annoyed.
“I was pretty sure you were aromantic,” Yoongi continues, “or at least something of the sort. I mean, didn’t you google it?”
“I don’t google this stuff, I just deal with it,” Jin scoffs, but he feels his ears burning. He glances at Yoongi’s phone again. Aromanticism (or aromanticity) is an orientation in which someone does not experience romantic attraction. Aromanticism is often confused for asexuality, but asexuality is only a lack of sexual attraction. Not all asexuals are aromantic, nor are all aromantics asexual**. That.
He reads it aloud. “I think that’s me. Like, maybe both. But not all the time? But most of the time.”
“Okay, well, that’s cool,” Yoongi says. Simple. The simpleness of it all almost makes Jin urge to create something more. Not exactly drama. But now he’s finally talking about it, he wants to know a bit more. Especially now that he knows he and Yoongi have been on different pages about who they were to each other for almost a year. And he’s a bit overwhelmed with the fact that what Yoongi wants is to just stay how they are. It’s a bit too surreal to be reality.
Jin chews on his lip. “Do you like me?”
“I don’t like anyone,” Yoongi clarifies. He fumbles with his words a bit, frowning while he gets his thoughts together. He settles with, “But you’re okay.”
“No, I mean,” Jin takes a deep breath in. He laughs nervously. “Isn’t it scary? It feels like… I’m broken. Like I’m supposed to like you more than I do or in some, I don’t know, some other way I can’t fathom?” Jin chuckles nervously. He inhales the salty air mixed with the familiar smell of burning grease. “I didn’t expect to admit something is wrong with me and my dick at a dive restaurant.”
“Nothing is fuckin’ wrong with you,” Yoongi squeezes his hand. Jin glances away at the small compliment, which sounded more like a command. It makes him flustered. “First of all, I’m disappointed you are falling into the ploy of a nuclear family or some shit. The idea of some kind of ideal romantic relationship is commercialized and definitely benefits the economy. The entire dating culture. Don’t even get me started on gifts.”
“I already know how you feel about gifts,” Jin cuts in.
“Exactly, you know me, and I like to think I know you,” Yoongi says, his voice getting quiet at the end. Jin glances up to see something rare. Dusted pink chubby cheeks. He wants to pinch them, fidgeting in his seat.
“Jin, I like being with you, if that’s what you mean,” Yoongi sighs. “I like that we can just be us. I like doing things with you. I don’t want to put a label on it, just like I don’t want to put a label on myself. But the whole romantic thing? Not me. What we have? That fits me. I want to keep doing that. Do you want to keep doing that?”
Jin nods immediately. Yes, yes he does. He loves doing things with Yoongi. “But aren’t we supposed to do more? Get somewhere with it? I don’t know, profess our love?”
Yoongi drops back in his chair with a groan. “Jin, we aren’t supposed to anything. We can do what we want. Tell me what you want. You be you. I’ll be me. We always speak our minds, right? We just be ourselves. Talk to each other. Be, uh, together.”
Yoongi’s words start to drown into the sound of the restaurant, his palm sweaty in Jin’s. Jin smiles softly. He’s nervous. Cute. “Wow, I’m the worst. Here you are having to guide me through all this.”
“You are the worst,” Yoongi agrees. “I can deal with that, though.”
“Okay,” Jin says. He inhales and lets out a shaky breath. “Yeah, um. This is what I want. What I like. What we’re, you know, doing. Coffee and eating and living.”
Yoongi nods. “Alright. That wasn’t so bad. Now let’s eat and go stargazing or some other shit. The weather’s too nice to go home yet.”
Jin smiles softly. The food comes to the table and they both separate, picking up their chopsticks, and dig in. It’s easy. Comfortable. Content.
**This information came from this website [the website will be here in a bit. Tumblr is flagging posts with links so i’m waiting a bit before inserting it]
© July 2020 JoopiterJoon. Protected by Creative Commons. If you repost my work in any form or say “credit to author” I will find you and ruin you :D
Characters only borrow name and likeness from the members. Do not copy, translate, repost, or reuse this work.
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oflgtfol · 3 years
i just cannot emphasize enough how utterly alienating it is to be aspec, especially aromantic, especially non-ace aromantic. like i have never ever ever met another aro person in real life. i know of maybe five ace people but i never personally talked to them, and i have never even knowingly been in the same room as another aromantic person
and everywhere i look there's reminders that i'm not like literally any other person i know in life. love songs on the radio, plotlines in tv shows and movies, family members asking me when i'm going to start dating, my peers in school pestering me about crushes when we were kids and then as we grew up they all started dating and even getting MARRIED? the whole narrative that's pushed in all these things - media, people i know irl - saying that everyone has that "special someone" they'll meet one day, that life isn't worth living without that someone. i was told as a kid both implicitly and explicitly that the only way to be happy in life is if i grow up, marry a nice man, settle down in a house with a white picket fence and have 2.5 kids together. the existential terror i felt when i realized that that wasn't going to be my future, that i was never going to live that life. i was ten years old and feeling like i will never be happy in life, i'm going to die alone and nobody will even notice i'm gone. laying awake every night praying to god to make me normal like everyone else just so i can know what it means to be happy. and through all of this over all these years, i can never talk about it to anyone because at worst, i'll be called stupid or evil or soulless, or worse i'll be pitied because oh, poor me will be alone and sad for the rest of my life isn't that so sad. and at best i'll simply be faced with blank looks and uncomfortable glances and an awkward change in topics because nobody else knows what the fuck i'm talking about because they have never had to question it before.
and then the ONE (1) space where i can finally see that there are people like me, i'm not alone i'm not soulless and evil because there are other people like me....... we're made the butt of all jokes. people make war criminal moodboards with our flags, mock our experiences, tell us we need therapy or that we're this way because of trauma, that we're sick in the head and the heart. people send anon hate and sexual harassment over DMs and even target MINORS with these things. and i reblog one thing about being ace when i was like 15 and i get one rude ask about it and suddenly i'm terrified to talk about being aspec at all in case one day it'll get worse, more intense than just a single rude anon. and i go years staying silent on my own blog, which is the one place i can feasibly talk about it. to the point that even though i so desperately want to meet other aspec people irl, i feel like if/when that happens i won't even be able to talk about any of these things because i'm so used to just keeping my mouth shut. that when i'm finally presented with someone who's like me, i won't even know what to do because it's never happened before
it's to the point where i don't even fucking care about lgbt inclusion vs. exclusion anymore because either way, nobody actually cares. even most inclusionists never actually listen to us and any time i try to actually connect with other lgbt people i always feel so absolutely alien in these spaces because either i'm going to be met with hostility and active exclusion or i'm going to be "welcomed" but not actually listened to and then i'm just gonna sit in the back of the room silently and never actively participate so am i even like, included at that point? isn't that just another form of exclusion? so i really only ever feel a sense of belonging in explicitly aromantic spaces - but, again, the problem is i have never ever met another aro person irl and our spaces online (the only spaces that exist at all!!) are consistently ridiculed and mocked and harassed so like. lol 💚
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rulesofthebeneath · 4 years
Hey guys!! 
Here’s the new thing I’ve been writing! I hope y’all enjoy lmao this started as a dumb idea but now I’ve been really emotionally invested in it. I’m gonna try to post about twice a week. Let me know what you think, please!!! Tags: @abunchofbadchoices, @mrsbhandari, @lilmissperfectlyimperfect 
The first time he’d ever told anyone, it was his first boyfriend, and he was met with a sarcastic snort.
“Come on, ‘Jay. That’s just what gay guys say when they’re scared to come out all the way. You can’t be both gay and straight, you have to choose.”
He was fourteen, and had no idea what to make of any of his feelings, much less the weird ones that made his heart beat faster and made butterflies storm his stomach. So he accepted that, and listened to Jake, who was older and wiser than him.
“Are you sure?” he’d asked.
“Yeah. Wait, ‘Jay, do you not like me anymore?”
“What? Of course I do.”
“Oh, good. I was scared you were trying to break up. But I don’t know why you’d say something as crazy as that. You know you can always talk to me, okay?”
Ajay nodded, but deep inside he sincerely doubted that. In retrospect, it was the first of several red flags that had led to a less-than-happy ending for him and Jake.
The next people he told were his parents. As far as Indian parents went, they were pretty open-minded, and hadn’t really cared about him liking guys. He’d even been able to bring home boyfriends or school dance dates without making too many waves with his parents. They didn’t really understand why he couldn’t just date a nice girl, but they loved him anyways, and he knew he was lucky.
But when he’d said he liked both guys and girls, he was met with polite parental confusion.
“What? But you only go out with boys, putra,” his mom had said. “You’ve never brought a girl home. How do you know you like both, hm?”
It was an excellent point. Ajay couldn’t explain how he knew he liked girls, just like he couldn’t explain why he liked guys. But he just did.
His father shook his head. “No, no, no. You’ll have to choose someday. You don’t have to hide yourself and pretend you like girls just to make us happy. You know we love you.”
Ajay hadn’t even known how to respond to that one, so he’d just nodded and excused himself from dinner. He’d never brought it up again.
He’d posted anonymously on a forum for gay youth that he’d found, but hadn’t recieved much other than “that’s not real”, “you can’t like both”, “you have to choose”, “so you’re a cheater?” and “you’re just saying that because you’re scared of committing to life as a gay guy”.
It wasn’t long before he’d just logged out completely, questioning himself. Did he just think he was attracted to girls because he felt like he had to be? Because society said guys were supposed to like girls? Was it true that he was scared of being gay, because of all the homophobia he’d have to face? Especially as a second-generation Indian, he was expected to life the perfect heterosexual American lifestyle, getting a good job and having two or three kids and making his family back in India proud of their success story. Even though his parents knew he was gay and didn’t care, nobody else in his family knew. He hated to think what they’d say about him if they did. They already talked smack about Ajay’s only openly gay cousin, Aditya, and Ajay knew he was basically dead to the family.
So was he just pretending he liked girls to escape the full ramifications of being gay? It was possible, he thought, but probably not. He’d never had a girlfriend or even been on a date with a girl, but that was due to an unfortunate outing incident orchestrated by his ex (another of those red flags he’d ignored).
Despite the fact that he was outed, though, he’d found a group of friends who had thoroughly supported him. Rory, in all of their genderfluid nonbinary aro/ace glory, Clint and Natalie whose sexualities seemed to be oriented towards whichever gender Rory presented as on a given day, Skye who was a goth sapphic icon, James who was the token straight ally, Trevor who was so deep in the closet that Ajay doubted he’d come out this century, then two mysteries.
One was Erin, Ajay’s longtime best friend. He knew she liked guys, but he didn’t know if she only liked guys or if she liked other genders too. He wasn’t about to ask, though, because asking her would lead to her asking him, and he wasn’t quite prepared for that.
The other was Grace, James’ twin sister. As far as James was known as a heartbreaker, Grace didn’t appear to have dated anybody. Or at least, she didn’t talk about it and neither James nor Rory, who’d known her since childhood, said anything about it either. And again, he wasn’t about to ask because of the possibility of the awkward return question.
All his friends would pick on him, good-naturedly, about just how gay he was– how he always dressed sharp, his hair was always neatly combed and occasionally slicked back with gel, how he liked theatre way more than a straight guy could ever, the fact that he couldn’t do math, how his best friend was a girl, his taste for iced lattes, his distaste for anything athletic. Erin had even caught him doing a facemask one morning, and had teased the living hell out of him for it. Ajay didn’t see the big deal– he just wanted to keep his skin clear– but was willing to accept that basic hygiene and skincare were not something that straight men typically did.
It was all in good fun, and Ajay knew that, and he would even laugh along with his friends when they pointed that stuff out. It was funny, he could admit that. And he was gay— that was the only part of his sexuality that was easy for him to admit. He’d found comfort in that label, even though it wasn’t the full story.
In all honesty, he was scared to be openly bisexual. Coming out as gay to his parents after being forcibly outed at school was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, and he couldn’t imagine doing it again. And how would he explain that he liked both guys and girls? He’d seen what they said on TV and in the movies, even in some books. Bisexuals are promiscuous, bisexuals are cheaters, all bisexuals choose to be either gay or straight eventually. It’s just a phase.
In previous years, in weaker moments, he’d wished he could just be gay. After a particularly disastrous encounter with a girl named Kelly and his very unfortunate crush on her, he’d cursed himself for liking girls when everyone knew he was gay. He tried to convince himself to be gay, to just only like guys, but it never took.
It never took, and it was one of the reasons he resented Rory, who was unapologetically themself. Rory didn’t care what people said, and either way they weren’t interested in dating. Rory had it good, anyways. They had parents who loved them, accepted them unconditionally, and had even thrown them a coming out party. They were just a far braver person than Ajay was, and Ajay wished he could have their accepting family and their confidence and just be who he was.
Ajay sat down heavily at the lunch table, having gotten there surprisingly early. Rory sat there, picking at their lunch absent-mindedly while scrolling through their phone. Grace sat beside them, twirling her hair around her finger and completely ignoring her lunch in favor of staring at something across the cafeteria. Ajay followed her line of sight but only saw the new poster advertising their spring musical, The Tempest.
Grace had snagged the lead role of Miranda after making her high school theatre debut as the lead in their fall play. It was her sophomore year, after she and her brother transferred from a school in Seattle when her parents decided to move back to their hometown and start their own business, a small diner called the Golden Griddle. Grace herself was an impressive actor, and even though Ajay didn’t want to admit it, she was an impressive person as well.
She turned her head as if snapping out of a trance, looking towards Ajay.
“Hey,” she greeted him. “Just checking out the new posters. I didn’t see them before.”
That’s right, Ajay reminded himself. Of course she might not have seen them until now. She had been noticeably absent from rehearsal yesterday, where Skye and Mr. Olsen had presented the new posters and the entire group had spent the last half-hour putting them up all over the school. It hadn’t been a huge deal- there were plenty of scenes that needed blocking, and Ajay had just had Skye stand in for Grace where it was needed. But he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t concerned, especially since he’d seen her twin heading home from soccer practice.
“Yeah, we put them up during rehearsal yesterday.”
“About that,” she started, looking uneasy. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to rehearsal yesterday. I… wasn’t feeling well, and I had to go home early.”
Ajay furrowed his brows. Grace looked so uncomfortable while she was saying that that it was obvious it was a lie, or at least not the entire truth. He wanted to ask her about it, but then James loudly sat down beside her, chatting with Erin, and he dropped it. Grace looked relieved at her brother’s interruption. Ajay shook it off– it didn’t really matter anyways. But he was worried all the same.
“Stop pouting,” Erin interjected,shooting him a ferocious glare. He was so surprised that the frown slipped off his face, causing the whole table to break out into giggles. Even Grace, which eased the worry a little. He shot a fake glare Erin’s way, then had to dodge another glare.
Skye, Natalie, Clint and Trevor showed up not long after, and Rory finally looked up from their phone.
“Hey,” they said. “How was everyone’s morning?”
Skye groaned. “Math test. Kill me now, before my parents see my grades.”
Grace rolled her eyes. “You know you got this, Skye. You knew everything on that test when we were studying last night.”
“Test anxiety is a bitch, though,” Trevor added. He prodded Skye’s shoulder. “I get it. We can’t all be the modern-day Einstein.”
“I resent that,” Grace mumbled, though a small smile remained on her face.
“I signed up to take the SAT at the end of the year,” Erin interjected. “I’m starting SAT prep tutoring this weekend. Three hours on both days.
The entire table except Ajay cringed. “Me too,” he admitted. “I’m gonna need a lot of help if I want a good score on the math section. I can’t make heads or tails of some of this trig stuff.”
Privately, he’d been thinking of asking Grace to help him out after rehearsal. She was already helping Skye on weekends, and though he couldn’t pay her like Skye’s parents could, he thought he’d offer to buy her dinner if she agreed. But that thought remained stuck inside his head, some part of him inexplicably nervous about being alone with her.
While he was caught up in his thoughts, wondering why the girl made him nervous and furiously trying to ignore that part of him, the conversation at the table had continued on without him. James jabbed Grace with his elbow and she jabbed him back. Erin and Rory talked about the college application process, Erin admitting that she wouldn’t be trying for any BFA Drama programs. Clint and Natalie hung on to Rory’s every word, echoing their indignation that Erin wouldn’t pursue drama in higher education. Skye and Trevor talked about set design, Skye even whipping out her sketchbook to add in some details.
By the time Ajay regained attention of the conversation around him, triggered by Erin asking him about that week’s rehearsal schedule, Grace had already zoned back out of the conversation, staring at the poster again. Ajay frowned again. What was up with her?
“Earth to Ajay”, Erin said. “We were arguing over which team was better, softball or soccer. What do you think?”
Ajay quirked an eyebrow. “Erin, I don’t do sports.”
“I don’t know why not. They’re fun! Even just to watch.”
“You know full well I have a complete aversion to any physical activity. But I guess if I had to choose, I’d say soccer.”
Erin nodded knowingly, a smirk playing on her lips. “I can see that. Scoping out the hot guys, are we?”
Ajay sighed “Sure,” he said, trying to sound as defeated as possible. Erin knew how he’d dated Jake a while ago, and he was now the team captain in his senior year at Berry. Erin had a theory that he still held a torch for the guy, though, which couldn’t be further from the truth. The only games he went to anymore were the ones that the whole theatre group went to with Grace to support James. Even though James wasn’t cast in the musical, he was an honorary part of the crew, having stepped in with his calm demeanor during various theatre emergencies. Everyone liked the guy– it was impossible not to– and they made up the loudest group on the bleachers cheering for him.
The only reason Ajay still liked soccer was because it was the only sport he understood. Jake had made sure he’d known everything about soccer, talking about it constantly. Ajay knew his ex planned to play pro soccer in Europe after graduation. Ajay had grown into a soft spot for the game that didn’t end when his relationship with Jake had.
The bell rang to signal that lunch was over, and everyone got up except Ajay and Grace. Ajay, because he was still reeling over the exchange, and Grace, because she was still lost in space, staring at that poster.
“Hey,” he said to her, barely able to make himself heard over the chatter in the cafeteria. “You okay?”
Grace’s eyes snapped to Ajay’s, looking startled for a half-second. “Oh, yeah, just distracted,” she said unconvincingly. She started to gather her stuff, and Ajay echoed her.
He fell into the crowd beside her, trying to make their way through into the hallway. Ajay screwed up all his courage to ask her about tutoring, because he really did need that extra math help.
“Hey, so, I was wondering if you’d be able to help me with my math stuff? I’ll be working on the SAT problems on the weekends but I’m falling dangerously behind in class again. I can’t really pay you but I can buy you dinner or something?”
Grace looked over, a little surprised. “Oh, yeah, sure. You don’t need to buy me dinner, though. I don’t charge my friends.”
“You don’t? But don’t Skye’s parents pay you?”
Grace looked a little embarrassed. “They insisted, and I tried to resist but Skye told me it was just a drop in the bucket for them. So really, I don’t need anything.”
“If you’re sure,” Ajay said. “But if there is anything I can do to repay you, I’ll do it.”
Grace paused for a moment. “Um… if you could help me with English it would be great. I don’t know what any of these old British writers are saying.”
“Sure, that stuff can be hard to digest. Sounds like a good deal for me.”
“Alright. Think we could hit up a coffee shop or a fast food place or something, say twice a week after rehearsal?”
Ajay nodded. “Thanks, Grace.”
“No, thank you,” she smiled. “See you at rehearsal.” Then she ducked her head and disappeared into the crowd.
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
House Rules
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Word Count: 2,241 Demetri x reader Oneshot Warnings: Fluff, a little NSFW
The idea for this one came from a post of @wallwriterstuff​ & the conversation that followed with @volturidoll13​
Demetri met Y/N when he met Gianna after one of the Art classes, she took on a Thursday night. Aro didn’t like the idea of Gianna walking home alone in the dark and had asked Demetri to go meet her. He knew Y/N was his mate the moment he saw her; his throat burned at the smell of her blood but the need to taste her was overruled by his desire to protect her. Y/N was attracted to him the moment she saw him. He had given her a warm smile and his voice had made her weak in the knees. He walked her home that night too; in fact, every Thursday night he walked Y/N home before he and Gianna continued on their way to the castle.
Demetri had taken Y/N out on a few dates before telling her that he was a vampire and she was his mate, his one true love “So you mean I’m the key to your ‘happily ever after’?” She asked and he chuckled “Yes, exactly” He replied smiling at her “Ooh I don’t know Demetri…forever is such a long time. What if I get bored of you?” He knew she was teasing him but feigned offense anyway, his hand going to his unbeating heart “You wound me, Y/N” She laughed a little “I’m sure someone as old and strong as you will survive” She gave him a wink, he growled low and replied “I would never get bored of you nor would I ever allow you to get bored of me” One of his hands moved up her thigh, his little finger brushed her clothed centre as he nibbled her ear before placing a kiss below it, she bit her lip to supress a moan escaping them. He smiled against her skin “I can’t wait till you’re beneath me and I can hear all those little noises you’re going make whilst I’m inside you” He whispered “Me neither…but I don’t have sex on a third date” She whispered back “You’re sure about that? I can tell you’re aroused” He replied low “You’re not playing fair…Vampire” She breathed the last word and tapped his nose “I never said I would sweetheart” He kissed her cheek “Come on. I’ll take you home” He added and helped her with her coat.
A month later Demetri moved Y/N into the castle with him, excited that he was finally getting to live with his mate. Y/N was amazed by the size of Demetri’s quarters and liked the natural colour scheme of the room, a blood red rug in front of the fireplace accentuated the room.
“I need to discuss some things with you now that you’re living with me” Demetri said taking her hands in his “Ok, I’m all ears” She smiled at him “House rules; 1. Every other Wednesday between 12 and 2pm, please do not leave our quarters as it’s ‘tour’ day. The next ‘tour’ is this Wednesday” “Ahh, yes. Human take out day. I’ll be sure to stay here” She replied “2. Please do not leave the castle without me or Gianna with you. I need to know you’re safe” She nodded “Only the two rules?” She teased “3. Trouserless Tuesdays, where pants are optional” Demetri says, winking at her “By optional you mean it’s negotiable?” She asked “No. It’s not negotiable. As I said pants are optional on Trouserless Tuesdays” He smiled at her and she shook her head “You’re terrible” “Maybe, but I’m all yours” He replied and kissed her.
“Are you ready for family movie night?” Demetri called out “Yep. Whenever you are” She replied walking out of the walk-in closet dressed in her ‘Tinkerbell’ pyjamas and a pair of Giraffe slippers “What the F…” He trails off as he eyes her from head to toe “Are you wearing those downstairs?” “If you don’t accept me wearing my Disney pyjamas and giraffe slippers, then I’ve agreed to be railed by the wrong vampire for all eternity” She responded, Demetri’s mouth dropped open in shock. He shook his head and moved to stand in front of her “I accept you, no matter what you wear mi amore” He replied and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. “So, what’s this about agreeing to be railed by a vampire for all eternity?” He asked, one eyebrow raised “I thought that was part of the ‘mate’ package you offered me. Was I wrong?” She replied looking up at him through her lashes as she took her bottom lip between her teeth. He growled low and deep, his thumb removing her lip from her teeth as he captured her lips with his in a passionate kiss. “You weren’t wrong, I just don’t remember using that phrase” “Well, you are getting on a bit. I hear memory problems are common with the…ancient” She whispered the last word, teasing him again. He chuckled and scooped her up and put her over his shoulder and slapped her ass “Ooh” He dropped her carefully onto the bed and climbed on top of her, propping his weight on his elbows and rolled his hips against her, the button of his jeans rubbing her clit. “You should respect your elders, young one” He replied and kissed her again “And if I don’t?” She bit his bottom lip “I could make you” He bit her lip in return “That sounds like it could be fun…oh ancient one” She replied smiling at him “Is that my new nickname?” “Yep, seeing as you called me young one” “You started it sweetheart” He smiled and rolled off her and kissed her cheek “We’ll finish this later” He said and smacked her ass as she got off the bed “Counting on it” She turned and blew him a kiss.
He went into the closet to change into a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt. “Come on movie night’s about to start and you old people have trouble staying awake the later it gets” She called over her shoulder, smirking “Kids today. They have no respect. I blame the parents” He retorted with a smirk on his own.
He took her hand in his and they made their down to the family room ready for movie night “What are those on your feet?” Felix asked shocked as Y/N and Demetri sat beside him on the sofa “Felix meet Eddie and Annie” She replied and wiggled her feet, Felix laughed “Y-you named th-them?” “Don’t laugh at her” Demetri warned him “But she named her slippers D” Felix continued to laugh “Felix” He growled low “I think it’s endearing” Demetri added and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close “Just ignore him, we do” Alec called out as she snuggled into Demetri’s side.
Y/N decided to buy Demetri a present and gave them to him upon his return from a two-day mission “Welcome home Dem. I’ve missed you” She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck “I’ve missed you too sweetheart” Demetri replied, kissing her. “I’ve got you a gift” She led him over to the sofa and handed him a large gift bag. He opened the gift bag and removed a box, lifting the lid revealed a pair of Wolf slippers “I’ve even named them for you ‘Fang and Hunter’” She smiled at him, he smiled back at her, although he seemed nervous “You don’t like them Dem?” She asked “It’s not that. I love them thank you. It’s just vampires and Wolves don’t really get along” He replied “Oh, Oh…sorry I-I didn’t know. I just thought as Wolves are predators and you’re a predator, they’d be perfect” She apologised and seemed sad “Oh no, sweetheart. It’s ok really but Master Caius will have my head if he sees me in these!" He replied and pulled her onto his lap, holding her close and kissing her cheek.
Demetri decided he’d wear his slippers around his room, that way Y/N was happy and Caius couldn’t kill him. Y/N took pictures of him in his new Wolf slippers on her phone as well as a few of them together in their slippers “We’re making memories Demi” She smiled at him and he melted inside as he enjoyed making memories with her, even if some are a little silly.
“House Rule Number 4. We only wear our animal slippers in our room” Demetri tells her as he looks into her eyes “Ok, that sounds good…something just for us” She agreed and kissed him. He liked that he had made her smile and that she understood that the new house rule meant they were keeping something as innocent as Wolf slippers a secret from Caius.
However, Demetri became a little stressed at the situation he found himself in because the love of his immortal life had bought him a gift; one which he loved and seeing that noone had ever bought him a gift before, they meant something to him but the problem was if anyone knew the Wolf slippers existed and Caius found out, he would surely torture him in some way.
Felix entered Demetri’s room one evening to see the couple sitting on the sofa watching a movie in their pyjamas and slippers. “Not you too D?” Felix asked as he sat on the other sofa “Y/N got them for me and they’re quite comfortable actually” Demetri replied waving his feet about “Did you name them too?” Felix’s tone was a teasing one “No, I named them before I gave them to him” Y/N responded and Felix started laughing, so much so Y/N thought he may actually wet himself “You tell anyone Fe & I’ll kill you” Felix nodded but continued to laugh.
Y/N enjoyed living with her vampire mate as there was never a dull moment in the castle especially with Demetri to keep her company. She enjoyed the sunset picnics on the castle roof, the shared bubble baths and showers as they always led to something more. Date nights were always fun no matter who planned them.
The masters needed Demetri to track a coven in England and Caius made a special trip to the tracker’s room. He knocked on the door and entered “Good evening Demetri” “Good evening master” He replied and bowed “I need you to track that small coven in England” Demetri concentrated for a moment before replying “They are currently in Oxford, master.” Caius nodded “Thank you but I must ask what on earth are those on your feet?” He asked “Y/N bought me the Wolf slippers as a gift, she owns Giraffe ones” Dem replied “I know, I’ve seen hers but why would she buy you Wolf slippers?” Caius asked “Wolves are predators and I am a predator and she thought they’d be perfect” Dem responded, Caius nodded “I understand but I’m not sure I like them though. They are not to be worn around the castle” “Yes master” Demetri agreed, knowing he had no plans to do so. “Nice pyjamas” Caius smirked when he saw Y/N leave the bathroom in Beige pyjamas with Cocktail Glasses and Palm Trees on, that just so happened to match Demetri’s “Thank you Caius, they’re known ‘couple pyjamas.’ It allows couples to wear matching nightwear” Y/N responded and bowed her head a little. Caius found it amusing that the World’s Best Tracker and his human mate wore matching pyjamas. ‘How sweet’ he thought to himself.
Caius decided to punish Demetri in an interesting way after he discovered Demetri’s Wolf slippers. Demetri was over 1000 years old and found himself ‘grounded’ and ‘remanded’ to his shared room with Y/N for one week. “Use this upcoming week to bond more with Y/N” “I will thank you” Demetri replied, Caius smiled and left the room.
The week Demetri spent in his room with Y/N was one of the best weeks of his life, that Demetri could recall; they did become closer, their bond strengthening as a result. They binged watched TV shows and films and well as reading silently on their own or sometimes aloud to each other. They also spent many intimate moments together, neither one able to get enough of the other.
“It’s Tuesday why are you wearing trousers? Have you forgotten House Rule number 3?” Demetri asked as Y/N walked out of the bathroom “I remember House Rule number 3 and these are not trousers. These are Capri Pants” She replied smiling & twirling “Pants? What the EVER-loving hell are those?” Demetri says as he looks at her “Panties, I’ve heard of those. Yours are currently on our bedroom floor…” He winked and nodded over his shoulder “…But pants? Never heard of them” “So, that’s where my panties went?” She replied, winking at him and he growled at her. Before she knew what was happening, he was in front of her and she felt him tear her pants off “Hey” She cried out “Trouserless Tuesday” He replied and gestured to his naked lower half before pushing her against the wall; lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he entered her in one slow long stroke “Ahh…” She breathed “See, this is why we have House Rule number 3” He continued to thrust in and out of her slowly, making love to her “Oh, unrestricted access to one another?” He nodded at her “I think Tuesdays may just be my favourite day of the week” She added with a wink “Mine too sweetheart. Mine too.”
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gffa · 4 years
Hey, firstly, I love your blog! Secondly, I just found out that you're aro; I'm wondering if I may be aro and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I was wondering if you could maybe share how you figured out your identity? If you don't want to that's totally fine, I get it, and thanks anyways!
Hi!  Thank you for the kind words, you’re very sweet!  And, to start with, I hope that you don’t feel pressured in that you absolutely have to figure this out, because it’s okay that sometimes we just don’t know what we are, that sexuality is complicated and there aren’t always clear-cut answers.  It sounds like you’re probably not falling into that trap, but if anyone else needs to hear it, I hope that I can help encourage people to be a little more okay with not having answers. It’s scary not having answers sometimes, because there’s this whole part of you that feels like you just don’t know who you are, I spent a lot of years with this sort of wobbly feeling because I couldn’t put my finger on who I was, I couldn’t form the words for it, and it really itched at me a lot.  It was hard to come to a place where I could be okay with not knowing, but it was worth the time I spent navel-gazing about it, because I’m a lot more settled in my skin for it. I’m so admiring of people who all this figured out, who are even more settled in their skin, that’s fantastic!  But it’s okay if you only have some stuff figured out, if you have none at all figure out, if you’re just starting or if you’ve been at this for years.  And it’s okay if you think you’re one thing for awhile but your understanding of yourself evolves later and you realize you’re something else.  It’s all okay. That said, I have done a lot of work on figuring myself out and much of that was done through just asking myself some questions and putting forth some scenarios in my mind and letting them settle there for awhile.  What I mean is--what I would often do (and still do) is I would think of someone I found wildly attractive, like say Ewan McGregor or Chris Hemsworth or Beyonce or Idris Elba or Alison Brie, someone who made me feel like my thoughts were kind of fizzy over how attractive they were.  Okay, take one of those people and imagine myself on a date with them.  Imagine myself sitting on the sofa watching a movie with them.  Imagine myself in a situation where they were eager to have sex with me.  Do I want any of this?  Do I feel a drive towards it?  Do I feel like, oh, yes, I would totally bang this person!  Or do I feel, oh, yes, I would totally want to make that specific type of heart-eyes at them that’s about romance? I let the question sit there for awhile, there’s no rush to answer, but I always keep coming back to:  Eh, I guess I wouldn’t mind?  It wouldn’t be awful?  But I really don’t crave it, I don’t feel drawn to it, I don’t feel like there’s something that I’m missing when I turn away from it.  I love watching their characters in romantic relationships, but when I set that aside, when I think about me with that person, that’s the question I use to figure things out.  (It doesn’t matter that I don’t really know them--I could do this with fictional characters, too, like, “Let’s say Obi-Wan Kenobi was real, would I want to be in a romantic relationship with him?  Do I feel like that would satisfy some part of me that is unfulfilled?”--because it’s entirely about using a scenario to self-reflect.) That’s the best advice I can give--ask yourself the questions like, “Do I feel some part of me is missing some kind of relationship with another person?  And what would make that part of me feel satisfied and fulfilled?”  If you’re not in a relationship right now, do you feel like you’re craving something that you don’t have?  Set aside your interest in, say, fandom shipping things or enjoyment of romance storylines within fiction (if you feel these things, many aro people don’t! but many do! it’s not really about that), what do you want for yourself?  Craving companionship and friendship can be incredibly difficult to tell apart from romantic feelings, I’m not sure I could find the words to delineate those feelings (especially when they absolutely can overlap for some people). But if you feel like a romantic relationship would be more hassle than it’s worth, if you’re not really driven towards the idea of one, if you can go for years without being in a relationship and you don’t miss it at all, if you’re perfectly fine with focusing on your friends and family and all the love you get with them, then you may well be aromantic.  And I find asking myself, in a perfect world where I don’t have to work for any of this, if I was just handed this perfect relationship that was all about me, do I actually want that?  Would I be happy if this person was in love with me and we were dating/married?  Specifically about romantic feelings?  And I find the answer to those questions can be very illuminating for me.
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