#this one fits them so perfectly no one touch me
xoluvx · 2 days
hii!! i absolutely adore your writing <3 could you *maybe* do a fic on billie and reader being best friends and both having pent up tension?? and as r or billie finish they accidentally say i love you and they’re just confused but admit their feelings too? ily <4
yesss enjoy baby this is so cute 💖
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"sorry," you mumbled moving your hand away when it touched hers. the spot where your hands brushed burned. it scorched your skin sending tingles down your arm. she glanced at you giving you a small smile grabbing some popcorn before moving her hand. eyes focused on the tv. she leaned back on the couch. you tried looking at her discreetly but she caught your eye as your hand rested limply in the popcorn bowl.
"you okay?" she asked nonchalantly. mouth full of popcorn, brows raising with concern as you swallowed and nodded quickly looking away. your heart was beating rapidly. heart caught in your throat. the feelings bursting out of your chest.
"this popcorn is good," you said holding a fistful in your hand. you tried shoving the entire thing in your mouth like an idiot too embarrassed to drop it back in the bowl.
billie furrowed her brows. lips curling into a smile as she laughed a little watching you closely.
"god, i love you-" she whispered shaking her head in disbelief. were you even real? she felt so overwhelmed with feelings. every little thing you did made her heart grow. made her reconsider her entire life.
"what?" you asked mouth full of popcorn. mouth dry. eyelids fluttering as you wiped you mouth trying to chew rapidly and swallow. billie rubbed her eyebrow and squinted looking off into space. oh god, what had she done?
"you- it was just like-" you couldn't find your words as you wiped your hand. eyes wild trying to find a way to justify all this. the feelings. the words. the glances. the touches. you were going for it. even if it broke your heart and she laughed in your face.
"i love you too," you inhaled holding your breath waiting for her response. your head was spinning. hands clutching your knees.
"wait-" billie straightened up scooting closer. the popcorn bowl sinking into the couch. "-like love me?" she whispered as if she was afraid to hear your answer. she was. she was terrified.
"yes i love you-" you nodded smiling small "-like i want to be with you billie. i want all of you," you added feeling bold. her eyes lingering on your lips. absorbing your words and feeding off of them as her hand cupped your cheek.
your bodies scooted closer. popcorn scattered on the couch. spilled like your feelings. your noses brushed. breaths mixing. lips so close they could touch.
one inch closer and your lips molded together. fitting so perfectly. salty and sweet. soft and warm. teeth pulling on lips. noses clashing. hands wrapping around bodies. touching small parts of skin.
and 'i love you's' scattered between kisses.
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thenamesblurrito · 7 hours
so. Transformers ONE was a good movie
i HIGHLY recommend going in blind, i do think it's incredibly effective with as few spoilers as possible beforehand! seeing it on the big screen is really really nice too, i encourage you to watch it in theaters without reading up on it first if you can!
long full-spoiler review and dissection of elements below (i reached the text block limit a couple times oops):
general stuff:
gorgeous. just genuinely visually gorgeous. so many details, colors, textures, everything was so beautiful. the stylization itself may not be my favorite but it was executed so well that i ended up loving it. their optics! their colors! their movement! the way the visuals serve the lore and the story is extremely well done too, i felt like everything i was seeing was deliberate, relevant, and a treat for the audience instead of just "ooo visual noise look at how powerful our cgi rendering is" (which is how i felt about the "live action" Lion King prequel(????) ad they showed before). all the little cameos and repaints and everything in the background? mwah. GORGEOUS MUSIC TOO AAAA THE WAY THAT TFP'S MOTIF IS IN THERE AAAA
the visual effects and action, the way they USED their roboticness/transformation sequences/vehicle modes in fighting and moving and emoting, it was VERY GOOD. Orion grabs a Death Tracker and RIPS THEM INTO PIECES BY TRANSFORMING AROUND THEM AND FORCING THEIR FRAME TO SHATTER. insanity
this is ABSOLUTELY the origin story movie the fandom has wanted. even if it wasn't your preferred origin story, this movie SHONE with love and respect for the franchise and drew on so many influences to craft a powerful version of the beginning we all wanted to see
in some ways i wish we had more, i think it would've been extremely effective to see things expanded upon, especially D-16's emotional descent and maybe some more Quints. actually looking at the content and pacing of the movie though, and the audience it's aimed at, i don't think there's anything they should've cut in favor of other stuff. i understand why it wasn't dwelt on more, but hooooo i would've liked to see Dee breaking apart a little more thru the middle of the film. apparently the novelization has more scenes of this and i would love to read it
i had so much fun watching this movie. it was a rollercoaster. it was a TREAT. i was sitting there enjoying every second both times i saw it because it was a good film that rewarded me greatly for being a Transformers fan, giving me so many easter eggs and injokes, while also being perfectly understandable and fun for a complete newbie. excellently balanced appeal to old and new fans alike
there was no wink to the audience about how stupid and childish a movie about robots is, there was no lampshading of how silly sci fi is, there was no betrayal of the emotional tone of the film. so many stories now kneecap themselves by mocking their very concept, and the audience watching them, in a very cinema sins-style irony poisoned way. this movie never does that. its humor is fitting, its drama is real, its emotion is all SINCERE and i love how i was never mocked by any part of the movie for engaging with it sincerely
this movie loved being a Transformers movie
anyways. specific stuff:
love how Wheeljack managed to explode everything despite not even being a scientist. he's just THAT good
THE INJOKES AND REFERENCES. "you don't have the touch OR the power." calling them Gobots. the corny More Than Meets The Eye bits. "don't be a glitch" is a headcanon swear i've been using for years now and they canonized it!! "High Guard, eject". "paging doctor Ratchet." the new take on "all are one". the really interesting way that the term Transformers is an actual significant in-universe name, and how Orion and Dee ARE NOT Transformers at first!
the sheer number of cameos is ASTOUNDING. what an excellent mix of masc/fem designs too, they really made it normal on this Cybertron which i appreciate! apparently Blurr exists here, his name was on the leaderboard!!!!!! good job Chromia i am so proud of you for winning. and the shots of the bots getting cogs at the end was aaAAA!!! <<33 my HEART! Jazz's little smile looking at his new doorwings!!
I GOT ALL MY SILLY OLD DEMIGOD FAVES I GOT THE THIRTEEN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM AAAAAA ALPHA TRION MY GRANDPA god i'm so sorry you're dead but i can't believe you showed up on the big screen <<333 you and your rockin rhino unicorn lion alt mode. and your superpowers. god you're so cool. "old timer" NUH UH HE'S STILL BETTER THAN YOU!!!!! using Zeta for the thirteenth was an interesting choice! i did think he was Overlord for a hot second. it's the lips. Solus wasn't fridged by virtue of everyone else died too yippee!! ALSO MEGATRONUS THE COOLEST ONE WOOOO HES NOT JUST A FIERY EVIL GUY!!!!
the way Dee himself was, in a way, the Fallen of this continuity.... 😭
the way Sentinel was handcrafting his downfall with each touch of the blowtorch. carving the sigil of the Decepticons into the one who will kill him. dooming Cybertron in a moment of petty mockery. AND HE DOESN'T EVEN DRAW IT WELL IT'S LIKE A MESSY CRAYON DRAWING CMON
planetformer Primus in a blockbuster movie? CANONICAL EXPLICITLY STATED PLANETARY ROBO MPREG BIRTH IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES???? THEY USE THE WORD BIRTH. BORN. we are never escaping the reproductive insanity in this franchise
Shockwave you whiny tantrum throwing wuss. let Elita beat him up more. it's good for him. also love how that could be construed as a ref to her G1 resistance force
Elita was perfect, no notes. i would not like her if i met her but i respect her so much. she really is better in every way and down to business. Best First indeed
so much cool implications and fascinating timeline confusion. 50 cycles since the Primes were slaughtered? the way Sentinel leveraged their reputation to make himself beloved, casting himself as their peer? the way he didn't choose to villainize them, the way he apparently openly admitted to the loss of the Matrix and how it impacted the planet? when did cog theft start, and how old is Orion since in the novelization it states his entire generation is cogless? who remembers the og Primes? who is in the know about it all?? hoooghhghhh fascinating.
the implication that the High Guard worked with the og Primes?? the possibility STARSCREAM was a loyal guard for Cybertron's DEMIGODS????
okay i was not expecting a backstory for STARSCREAM'S VOICE in this movie but holy. god. the shippers will be going insane over this one. hoogh holy fit. what is wrong with you. the utter contradiction of being both an instigator and a coward when he gets in over his head and immediately backpedals
also obviously this is the I Love Divorce movie and megop shippers will be having a field day but i DEEPLY appreciate just how solid a friendship Dee and Orion have and how badly they fall apart, even thru a strictly platonic lens. i also appreciate how there was no forced comphet attraction/romance!! i was dreading the possibility of it, i mean Oplita was RIGHT THERE but they didn't force it at all thank youuuuuu. i would rather have this dynamic with its zero intended romance than awkward, OOC attraction shoehorned in to detract from the plot
Bee was actually good! like yeah he's def the kid appeal character and i prefer it when he's in a younger gen and not OP's peer, but he was wayyyyy less annoying than i was expecting! i think he fit the movie and did his job in it well, and i absolutely laughed at him multiple times. "i get to work for the GOVERNMENT! :DDDD" bee. please. the fact that he's been going insane and desperate after isolation for so long really helps make his character work instead of being just irritating
Airachnid you are so cool. you are TOO COOL. PLEASE TONE DOWN YOUR COOLNESS. i adore how she is not good at facial expressions thank you evil autism moments. love how her signature move is stabbystabbystabbystabbystabbystabby
Sentinel. god. Sentinel. SENTINEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need to draw him getting ripped in half. it's like they distilled the worst parts of every single iteration and combined them into a SuperBad version. horrifically realistic kind of guy. i love to hate him. real Metro Man from Megamind energy. and megachurch pastor energy. the IRONY that Orion and Dee were probably actually helping him, that he was probably being genuine in the medbay when he said he loved what they did by racing, that he may have been honest when he said he was gonna have them fixed up in his own facilities and had them tour the mines! because them racing increased energon production by 150% and Sentinel needed that!!! he needed that for the Quintessons!!! i think he was being genuine when he first met Dee and Orion and then Darkwing ruined everything!!!
Darkwing is the curly straw of this continuity
the Quintessons were hoooooooooooooooo. whoooooooooogh. hoohhhhhhhhhhhh. the biomechanical. the shapes. the textures. eugh. icky. creepy. excellent. the way their ships looked like the Nemesis. the way they're STILL a looming threat. i wanted to see more of them but i get why the movie wasn't about them. i hope we see more in the future
the way Orion is the kind of guy who, in an attempt to be selfless, keeps making selfish or thoughtless decisions was SO INTERESTING. it set up the dynamic of his and Dee's friendship very well, with Orion always wanting the best for his buddy but ultimately overwriting or ignoring what Dee says!! the way Dee clings to the social contract of protocol for safety because that's all he knows and his ANGER when it's broken, even when it's Orion breaking it, because that's not SAFE it's an UNKNOWN it has CONSEQUENCES WHEN YOU DEVIATE. and then it's revealed that the social norms have been a lie the whole time and Sentinel has "broken protocol" more than ever and Dee has no safety left because it was always broken. Orion wanted to be more, he could feel there was more. Dee just wanted security
Dee spent so much of the movie complaining and arguing and it was very funny and good characterization but it was also a hint at how much bitterness was under there the whole time. so much of his complaints were threats of violence. he always had Orion's back and then when he learns the truth he abruptly. stops. do you notice he doesn't really have Orion's back after this? he's no longer by his side? he's there, but he's not... there. he was the first to shoot an enemy and took joy in it. all of his emotions were so justified and then what he does with them is what makes it a tragedy. he didn't have to do this. augh
i really, really like the fact that they managed to pull off the ending without it fully turning into a "boohoo if we do anything violent we're as bad as the bad guys waaaa". the specific phrasing of "rebuilding cannot start with an execution" went HARD. and it's demonstrated in their actions too like, Dee was out for REVENGE and it was PERSONAL, Orion was fighting for JUSTICE and it was UNIVERSAL. Sentinel was beaten, everyone knew the truth. it was over. but Dee in his (very justified!) anger and broken trust was too overcome to back down. they were given the power to change their worlds, but Dee was thinking only of his world. Orion was thinking of everyone
ironic that as soon as Orion starts thinking of other people and considering what they need instead of forging ahead, Dee decides to center his own feelings and actions to the point of murder. even after Sentinel was dead, he just kept shooting, he did NOT AT ALL care that some of those shots were clearly hurting innocent civilians/going wide and shooting out into the city/damaging actual important infrastructure and not just Sentinel statues. i believe it's Bee who said "he's gonna kill everyone" and he proves it by attacking Elita and saying "I won't stop until every last one of his followers is dead". THE FACT THAT HE FELL SO FAR AS TO SEE ELITA, HIS PEER AND FELLOW FREEDOM FIGHTER WHO WAS THERE WORKING AGAINST SENTINEL WITH HIM FROM THE START OF THIS QUEST, AS ONE OF SENTINEL'S FOLLOWERS.... by the end of it, Dee really was nothing but blind anger
and the way kneeling was a common thread!!!!! aaaaaaa. Sentinel betrayed the world by kneeling to the enemy. Dee won respect by refusing to kneel. Orion gained followers by willingly kneeling to his peers. hooghh
Orion jumping and stumbling and falling this whole movie because he just THROWS himself into things because he BELIEVES in things, he's the one to take leaps of faith, to take that step out into the unknown! and Dee refusing to save him as one final nail in the coffin, so clearly feeling like Orion jumping in front of the blast was yet ANOTHER way Orion is forcing his hand, corralling him into doing something he thinks is best but did not consult him on, finally FINALLY saying NO and leaning in to the tragedy!! and in the exact same way Sentinel handcrafted his enemy in Dee, Dee has now handcrafted his enemy in Orion!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and now that Orion took that last leap of faith and fell, now is when he RISES. ONE SHALL FALL AND ONE SHALL RISE. god. it reminds me of Spiderverse, the way they use falling and rising
the way the tragedy is worse for how well everyone was working together.... for one shining moment, the miners and the High Guard, the rescue mission, it was going so well. they were doing it. they were winning. it didn't have to turn to slaughter. if there was to be an execution it should've been by trial, by the voice of the people, not Dee deciding for Cybertron as Sentinel decided what truth was. augh.
in an abruptly different note, the way they have characters move and fly is so cool. i love the jetpacks. i love how flight is not "flyer" exclusive. it's fascinating and i think really fitting for the general city of Iacon itself. all those towers going up and down
THE TRAINS!! THE MOVING ROADS!! HOW COOL IS THAT!! LOOK AT THAT WORLDBUILDING IM OBSESSED WITH THIS CYBERTRON HOOGH. this movie was VERY good at building a rich, functional world of detail and making it very alien in a way i want to chew on forever. the moving mountains and greebled energon mines. the living planet. the deer!!! ooghghh. PRIMUS LOOKS LIKE A STAR
i do like this Primus actually, yeah it was a deus ex machina but that's the POINT. Optimus himself is an act of god and his presence heralds miracles. Dee couldn't bring justice to Cybertron because justice is restoration. justice is healing what was hurt and doing right by the wronged. yes that often means consequences upon the perpetrator but that's NOT what Dee was doing, he wasn't even THINKING of anyone else!! would killing Sentinel get ppl out of the mines? would it restore their cogs? would it bring equality to a clearly oppressive society? like he LIVED this (cogless bots with limited options, the talk of tiers as if they are social castes you can be demoted from, lower city levels where ppl can be banished, etc) but it was Orion who ultimately addressed this. i'm sorry if it feels like insult to injury to rub his Primacy in your face, Megatron, but stealing a cog just like Sentinel and declaring the age of Primes over, when it was the age of Primes ending that made you cogless and oppressed in the first place, is only an extension of your trauma, anger, and violence, and is not solving the problem!
a cog stolen from him at birth! and then he steals it from Sentinel in symbolic revenge, stolen again, but even that wasn't Sentinel's, it was stolen too! the way he discards the cog from Onyx, willingly gifted to him, to continue the trend of desecrating the dead! man. MAN. the name he took, the cog he took, the symbol he took, all from his hero, the one he looked up to, the coolest Prime, and THEN DECLARED THE AGE OF PRIMES OVER
the gilded pompous showmanship of it all was so gross, the way Sentinel's face was everywhere, the way he had instant access to everyone in Iacon via announcements that took over the media. but this was clearly derived from the previous Primes!! we see their statues, we see their stately tower, and unless Sentinel had all that built in "mourning" (which is totally plausible imho) he was really just setting himself up as an inheritor of that hyperwealthy standard! we don't know anything about the rule of the og Primes beyond that they're favorably remembered and loved (possibly because of propaganda but i think it was also genuine) and that they may have been losing the Quint war (considering that info was from jerkwad supreme i find it suspect) but just by comparison to Sentinel i think they HAD to be better rulers. there weren't cogless bots forced to mine for 20 shifts in a row back then!!! Sentinel is stealing their aesthetic as if that gets him the same power and acclaim. he's trying to steal their legitimacy. he paints himself across the face of Iacon to hide the fact the planet itself went into a coma because of him. he has ALWAYS been rejected. i call him a megachurch pastor but really symbolically i could say he's a fallen angel, and his visual design really fits too
i'm coming back to the deus ex machina thing bc i know it may be considered weak in a plot construction sense but i want to engage with it as literal. like, there is a literal in-universe god in the machine. they know it. they worship it, at least a little bit. i would consider this story to be analogous to Prince of Egypt, in that the deific is a real and tangible character with impact on the plot, and not a meta excuse to save the day. Orion made his choice, and as a result Primus made HIS choice. it's not necessarily a happy ending but if even Megatron acknowledges that GOD mandated this guy to be a Prime and the planet itself responds by COMING BACK TO LIFE.... i keep thinking of it like a cityspeaker, how they're the ones who commune with Titans to know their needs and tell them what needs to be done. is a Prime just the cityspeaker of Cybertron, able to help it remain healthy and functional?
the divine right to rule is REAL on Cybertron. you can like it or not but you have to contend with that when discussing fair leadership, political accountability, and representation of the masses re: Cybertronian government and Primacy
god i'm still so obsessed with the Thirteen i need to see them better i need to look at them. i love them. insane. i really need to invest in a chewtoy
also i know it may be a throwaway line but i'm very curious why Primus had to transform and sacrifice himself to save the universe. Unicron, maybe???
also how did Alpha Trion narrate the archival stuff telling the fake story of how the Primes died and the Matrix was lost. did Sentinel get a deepfake of his voice?? is that part of how he made the transition to power?? AUGH THE DISRESPECT KEEPS COMPOUNDING
Alpha Trion. my blorbo. my old man. holding you so tight. like an ancient rescue dog. im gonna groom you and give you treats and buy the biggest plushest dog bed from costco for you
good movie, guys
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penkura · 1 day
Scared of Doctors anon again.
I now raise you: Law during his time at Punk Hazard finding y/n while they're still a subject.
Honestly I have too many thoughts about this. It's helping me wait for the dub to come out
Such good ideas though, omg. I'm thinking and more is coming to me for this, it's such a good prompt. There's so many ways it could go!
But for now...
Law had not intended to save you when he came to Punk Hazard. He had a plan, one that would hopefully bring down this Devil Fruit factory and help him get his revenge, it didn't include meeting and getting to know you little by little in the time he was there. You had run into Law by accident when trying to escape, making him curious about what was going on.
You look scared when you first run into him, having turned a corner abruptly and colliding with the young doctor, asking him for help.
"Please, help me get out of here!"
There's a fear in your eyes he doesn't like seeing, while you grip his coat tightly and plead with Law to save you, somehow. He knew Caesar was conducting experiments, obviously with the SMILE fruit and everything, but he didn't know the extent, and now he's more curious seeing you.
You look perfectly fine and healthy, there doesn't seem to be a reason why you should be afraid of anything. Most of the people that Law has seen through the lab are willing participants, or they've been bribed by Caesar with something for him to use them. You don't seem to fit either bill, unless there's something hidden that even he can't see.
But his powers should tell him, right? The brief scan he does shows nothing is wrong, though he can see some kind of drugs in your system. He'd have to do his own testing to figure out what they are and what they're for, but you're interrupted by Monet a moment later.
"Oh, I see you've met our oldest patient, doctor."
Law's concerns grow when you immediately remove your hands from him, looking towards the ground with more fear than before. Monet explains you'd been sick with a highly deadly virus three years ago before she and Caesar took you in, away from your home and family, and have been working ever since to find a cure. He watches as you back away bit by bit, turning more into yourself and apologizing, before turning around and running back where you'd come from. When he asks Monet at the illness was, she beats around the bush and doesn't give a straight answer, Law knows something is wrong with this situation but he's not in a position to figure out what it is.
Not until the Straw Hats and the Navy show up anyway. The distractions provided by them allow him the time to find you again, though you still seem fearful of him. He holds his hands up where you can see them, making you tilt your head.
"I won't hurt you. I won't touch you at all. I can use my powers to see about your illness."
"...why bother? I'm gonna die anyway."
How strange, to hear words he'd said so long ago said to his own face, but in such a different situation. After Law explains how his Devil Fruit powers work, you consent to letting him do a proper Scan, and you're confused when he tells you there's no sign of any illnesses in your body. He still sees those drugs in your system, but he doesn't have the time to check what they are yet.
"We're going to destroy this place. You'll have to come with me if you want answers from Caesar."
You really don't know if you should trust him or not, he hasn't given you much of a reason not to apart from being a doctor, like Caesar and Monet had claimed to be. Your voice is shaky when you ask Law if he promises to find out what happened, and when he does, you're almost crying as you nod. Law lets you take his hand, once you've calmed down and agreed to go with him, he starts to lead you to a safer area.
"I won't let anything happen to you, all right? Not until we get you the answers you need."
For some reason, you decide to trust him.
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
Vent post. Because i feel like kicking a hornets' nest.
Honestly im just tired of how people will call someone ignorant/uneducated and will go for the throat for every little thing, while they themselves say shit like pierogis all the time. If you're going to point fingers at others, you yourself should be without fault.
The question is... can you?
#im just so tired of all the shit that i constantly see on the internet#ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEY DIDNT DRAW SOMETHING PERFECTLY#or ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEY USED A DIFFERENT COLOUR PALETTE#ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEIR IDEA OF A FICTIONAL CHARACTER ISN'T UP TO FANDOM'S STANDARDS#i bet other people also get shit like that all the time#for example my friend is a writer and he just happens to be a cisguy and whenever i mentioned it to people#they would instantly start saying that they are sure he writes shit like she breasted boobily down the stairs#or i remember how i got told off for making trahearne lives au because apparently#messing with canon is just as bad as falsifying information in history books#just stop for the love of whatever's devine#this has been boiling in me for so long i cant even express it#sorry for going off in the tags in case you decided to read them#peace out imma go and read a book and touch grass#finally its green and soft again after so many rains and storms so it will be a nice chilling time outside#oh btw proper plural is pierogi without the s. singular is pieróg. you want to add s - say pierógs#ngl that pierogi-pierogis is one of my biggest pet peeves#like i wont be stabbing you over it or throw a tantrum and i will just move on with my day i have better things to do in general than#than throwing fits and also im not omniscient myself#like i dont know all the words in english and my german knowledge is very scarce#so i in no way demand others know about pierogis#just give people some room to breathe for gods sake#ok ok ok i think im overwriting this and i cant edit tags on phone so now fr im gonna go and enjoy outside and watch the squirrels
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fairy-angel222 · 4 months
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐯! 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
He’s been stealing your panties since the week he met you. Collecting them in different pretty colors and fabrics. Using them to jerk off every night with the groan of your name. Stuffing them under his nose or using them to stroke his cock, either way had him cumming to the thought of you all the same.
He takes your stuff and holds them over your head. Watching your tits bounce as you whined and struggled to reach. Smirking widely as he teased, “if you want it back so bad then kiss me.” Blood rushing to his cock when you actually get on your tip toes to kiss him shortly, forcing your lips to stay on his when you try to pull away.
Who pretends to be asleep until he hears your soft moans at one in the morning. Quietly cracking open your door to watch you touch yourself, his hard cock already in hand as you moaned and mewled so fucking prettily. Stroking at the pace of your desperately working fingers till you two orgasm at the same time.
Who ‘accidentally’ sends you a video of him lazily jerking off on his bed, his lip in between his teeth and his other hand behind his head as he looks directly into the camera. The message coming through followed by a small “oops, sorry sweetheart, wrong person”
Who starts getting bolder and bolder even after you suspect him of being the reason for your missing underwear. Leaving slight yet noticeable touches to your ass and boobs whenever he had the chance. Always laughing it off and joking about how soft you were and about how perfectly your tits fit in his hand.
Who calls you up to his room when he’s about to cum, his lips parting in heavy breaths as you walked in clad in your short pajama set. Your eyes widening as he fisted his length, eyes meeting yours with a loud groan as he spilled onto his hand. “Shit, can you grab me that box of tissue?” Letting out heavy breaths with a dark grin.
Who starts walking around the house with nothing but low hanging sweats to get you flustered. Brushing up against you or wrapping his toned arms around your body. His rock like abs against your back as he whispered into your ear. “Well these shorts are shorter than usual.” Loving the way your face heated up for him.
Who starts to make you sit in his lap for everything. Saying that you weren’t allowed to watch tv unless you did it from his lap. Or that you couldn’t seat at the table to eat breakfast unless it was again, on his lap.
Who suddenly wants to spend all his time with you so that you couldn’t go out as often. He wanted you, and would make you his at some point.
Who finally sinks his cock into your tight pussy after teasing you subtly all day. “Waited so long for this.” He grunted, his thumb running over your bottom lip which was swollen from all his rough kissing. “Feels even better than i expected.”
You cried out loudly, small whimpers falling past your parted lips as his hold on your legs tightened. Holding them in place over his shoulders as he fucked into you harshly. Thick cot brushing against your g spot as it hammered deep.
“That’s it, just take it baby. Please mama? Take it f’me yeah?” He breathed, his head in your neck as he licked and sucked dark marks onto your skin. Snapping his hips into yours in oute need, not being able to get enough of the moment that he dreamed for so long about.
“Does that feel good baby?” Watching as you nodded with a teary cry, your eyes fluttering shut as your back arched off his sheets.
“Look at me.” he groaned, your eyes peeling open to meet his as you both filled the room with your noises. “Wanna fill you up so bad, pussy’s so fucking perfect.”
“S-satoruu— nngh,”
“Oh fuck baby, let me hear my name again.” He breathed, hand snaking lightly around your neck. Your choked moans and babbles getting louder as your stomach tightened. Gojo never slowing his pace as he fucked you dumb.
“Haah, Sat-oruu, ahh,” you mewled, your pussy tightening as your body began to tremble. Gripping onto the sheets at your side at the orgasmic build up.
“Can feel you getting close, squeezing me so tight,” Gojo grunted, lewd squelching sounds filling your ears each time his cock bullied its way deep. “I’ve got you baby, cum f’me.” His hand squeezed down on your throat, your wet eyes meeting piercing blue ones with a chant of his name. His cock twitching inside you as your pussy messily thanked his cock.
“O-oh fuck- ‘m never letting you go you know that? Wanted you for way too long.” His eyes fixed on yours as you shook your head.
You felt so good, and he found him self unable to come to a stop even as he got close.
“C-can’t baby, feels so good, shit— gotta cum in you.” Pressing his lips onto yours to muffle your whines as he gave his final sloppy thrusts. His hips flush against yours as he buried himself deep inside you with a moan. His eyes rolling back as he spilled into you, pumping ropes after ropes of the sticky substance onto your walls.
Gojo pulled away with a satisfied breath, swiping his tongue across his lips with an unapologetic smile at the look on your face. “Sorry princess.”
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bunnys-kisses · 3 months
"ex" husband
simon "ghost" riley
cw: pwp/smut, ex husband!simon, possessive!simon, dark themes, mirror sex & other smut, major red flags, proceed with caution, bad husband!simon, manipulation
bunny says: once you fuck crazy, you never not fuck crazy
simon didn't believe in divorce. he made a vow to be with you till death, he wasn't going to skimp out on the years you could spend together. he wouldn't accept that you wanted to be without him.
he had you on the floor of your shared bedroom, you were holding onto him behind yourself while his hands were on your hips. he was rubbing his cock up against your slick entrance.
"have you had any other guys over? fuckin' them in my bed, in my home that i paid for?" he held it over your head as he watched your face contort with pleasure. he continued to rub his tip up against your slit.
"no, simon." you panted. your heart raced with every moment that passed. your body was hot all over. "i haven't had anyone else, not since you." your pussy clenched around nothing in anticipation for what was to come. you were almost certain that your cunt was formed to the size of his cock.
"good, good. i don't want some fuckin' prick comin' to my home and fuckin' my girl." his voice was low as he got a hand between your legs and touched your clit with his rough fingers.
you arched your back and moaned out loud. you could be as loud as you needed to be. he kept his wife in a home far enough from everything that you could whimper and whine to your heart's content. your eyes fluttered closed as you felt the thrill of pleasure through your body.
"nothin' can have ya. no stupid asshole who thinks he can have what is mine. you made a promise, love. to be loyal to your husband." he growled as he gripped your jaw with his other hand and made you look into the mirror, "i don't think someone who wants to leave her husband would be lettin' him fuck her in their bedroom."
"simon, please." you whimper.
"nah, nah, love.' he said, accent heavier due to the immense lust in his body, "i was a good man to you. lovin', carin', did everythin' for ya. and you turn around like an ungrateful brat and try to leave me." his voice was getting deadly. his hand still held your jaw and his other played with your clit. you were stuck to him, "fuckin' slag. surprised you haven't fucked your way through the neighborhood to find a new man. because you'd never find one like me. or you're scared. scared i'd find him, and make him go missin'."
you swallowed, fear struck through you, "simon. i didn't sleep with anyone."
he buried his nose into your hair and groaned as his cock still prodded your pussy lips, "i know, i know. you don't actually want to leave me. your girlfriends got these thoughts into your head that i don't think are true. better without me? love, i made you."
you panted heavily, it was hard to look into the mirror with his hot words into your mouth. maybe he was right, maybe you didn't want to leave him. he had given you everything throughout your entire marriage. why would you sacrifice it?
he pulled his hand away from your pussy and guided his cock into your pussy. the stretch had you gripping onto him. the angle was awkward but he had you contorted to fit his pleasure.
"my good wife." he purred, "i'll always love you. even when you're not usin' that head of yours right. but don't worry." he kissed your cheek, "i'll always take care of my girl."
you held onto him as he thrusted into your from behind. you felt the air leave your lungs whenever he pushed into you. it was an intense feeling on your behalf. you had never imagined that fucking your soon-to-be ex-husband would feel so good.
"like that, love?"
you nodded meekly, "it feels good."
"that's a good girl." he groaned, "made perfectly for me. you are such a good girl for me, love. why would you want to go anywhere? stay with me, keep your vow."
your thighs quivered from the intense feeling of pleasure. your breathing was heavy and your head felt full. your heart leapt every time his cock nudged against a sensitive spot.
"please, simon. i can't be your wife."
"you can. and you will." he took you by the face and tilted your head back so he could kiss you passionately.
you melted into the kiss, as did the last of your resolve. your core throbbed with a need for him. he melted away all your problems. the more he fucked you, the more you wanted to stay with him.
he was your husband after all.
the sex between you two was hot and messy. it made you core soaked as he continued to bully his cock into your sweet cunt with every hard thrust.
"say you love me."
"i love you." you replied, your eyes hooded.
"good girl." he groaned, "i want to hear that every day until you can no longer speak." he licked across your bottom lip, "my good girl."
you whined as your body shook with each thrust of his hips. your pussy clenched around his cock. you felt your mouth to be dry and you voice strained.
simon loved taking you apart, only to put you back together. he continued to fuck you with abandon. he gazed at you with his nose in your hair as he thrusted up into you.
your noises were so cute, you really just were so small compared to him. you needed him! what were you thinking leaving him? you needed your big strong military husband to make sure that you were safe. don't be silly now!
he kissed your neck as he felt the surge of pleasure in his gut. his heart hammered with each every thrust. you were made for him. as he kissed the tip of your ear, he felt the blush that spread across your skin.
"please, simon."
"i got ya, love." he said, "i got ya." with a few more thrusts that hit in just the right place. you saw stars as you climaxed around his cock. his was soon to follow as his cum hit the back of your womb.
where it belonged.
as you rested your face on the carpet of the bedroom in an effort to cool down, simon grabbed your hips and started to thrust into you once more. his cock still painfully hard.
"you've done enough damage, love. so just sit there and let your husband take care of you." his voice was low and deadly. your best option would to just let simon do what he wanted.
"so mrs. riley. you've decided against the divorce. any particular reason why?"
you relaxed a little bit in the sleek office chair across the desk from your lawyer. your hand was on your middle as you smiled, "well, we're having a son soon, and he needs his father in his life. so i reconsidered."
"the case against your husband is fairly strong. broken locks on the door, his overly possessive behaviour, the text messages and voice mails, all of it. you could be granted a divorce quite easily."
you shook your head, "no need. we've worked it out." you smiled at the lawyer. you knew your simon was waiting for you in the car. his words echoed in your mind as you assured your lawyer that her services weren't needed.
you and simon were properly a family now. you didn't need to tear it apart. after all, how else were you going to end up with many little rileys running around?
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celestiamour · 1 month
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ it's a gift (you keep those) ]❜
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ft. logan howlett x f! reader — xmen, marvel
╰₊✧ giving him a plushie that reminded you of him┊1k words
setting: deadpool & wolverine (2024) worst! logan contains: fluff, crushes, probably ooc but he’s so cute & wade is hard to write for, written for dp&w logan so idk if he got gifts in xmen, i forgot about laura, they are in touch and have a wonderful father-daughter relationship, i’m so sorry, edited
➤ author's note: i have so many thoughts but too incompetent to write
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logan’s never sure who will appear when he opens the door as wade’s quite the extrovert, either vanessa or one of his many other friends whom he’s now become somewhat acquainted with, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to meet the familiar eyes of the cute neighbor who lived a few doors down. he nervously scratched the back of his head, suddenly becoming aware of his shabby appearance, “uh, are you looking for wade?”
“no, i was actually looking for you!” god, your smile is so bright, it’s blinding. he normally hates perfume of any sort as it’s so overpowering to his heightened senses, but the one that you wore smelled so lovely like always. is that a new shade of lip gloss you’re wearing? it really suits you. (why on earth is he noticing all of these details out of the blue? he needs to snap out of whatever spell you put on him after being introduced when he first showed up and only interacting in passing since then).
“looking for me?” he repeated, in disbelief, trying his best not to allow his surprise to slip into his voice. considering he isn’t from this dimension and not the most agreeable person to be around, he had no friends of his own yet and hasn’t been visited by anyone since he got here. a beat of panic struck him, thinking that he was in trouble for something and you came to complain. he really couldn’t think of any other reason you were here for him even though you were so cheerful.
you were carrying some shopping bags with you, dropping them on the ground before reaching into one and pulling out a large fuzzy plushie of a gray cat hidden under layers of glittery tissue paper, “i saw this cutie when i went shopping with my friends and thought it looked like you!” you held it out for him to take, looking so proud of the stuffed animal.
he hesitated for a second before accepting it, trying to take in the fact that you were reminded of him in your day-to-day life. it made his heart flutter, and he found himself dumbfounded by the feeling. he was frequently teased by his roomate about his little “crush” on you, claiming that it was oh so obvious and that the sooner he accepted it, the better, but he never realized until now how pathetic he was when it came to you. was the wolverine really getting butterflies like a fucking schoolgirl in his old-ass age? thank god no one was home right now to bully him about it, he would never hear the end of it.
“it does not look like me,” he scoffed playfully after a quick examination.
“no, it definitely does! it’s a big, grumpy kitty—” you took a step closer to hold it with him, pointing at all the similarities you observed, although it was clear you were exaggerating for laughs. “see the little frowny face and ears? it could be your identical twin separated from birth! willy mentioned that you act like a cat most of the time, and i think it fits perfectly!”
the smile he didn’t realize was plastered on his face faltered at the last piece of information, grateful that you didn’t notice. that idiot has been talking about him to you? he might as well forget about any chance of getting with you, because knowing how he yaps without a filter and loves to play matchmaker, you probably think he’s a freak of some sort. “only good things, i hope…”
you giggled, the sweetest sound he ever heard. “of course, he’s really fond of you… well, maybe a bit too fond, but you already know about that!” you opened your mouth to continue the conversation or say something else, but your phone started ringing and you excused yourself, looking a little shy as you grabbed up your bags. “i’ll talk to you later!” you sounded so excited about the prospect of it before leaving, your voice and footsteps becoming fainter as you walked back to your place.
“wait, you didn’t take back the cat—”
“it’s a gift! you keep those!”
“oh… right…”
he lingered for a moment, unable to say much in response since you left in such a rush. when was the last time someone gave him a present? staring at this brand new item, he still couldn’t see the resemblance in any way, but knowing that it was a gift from you gave him a rare feeling of happiness which returned every time he looked at it from then on among his few possessions. 
“oh my goodness, what is this adorable thing?!” wade exclaimed when he saw it sitting on the couch where logan slept, picking it up to gawk at before tossing it up in the air and catching it before it hit the floor. “ooh, let me guess, it’s a gift from her, isn’t it?” 
the mutant groaned at his mocking tone. “put it down before you ruin it with your grubby hands,” he commanded, snatching it from his grasp (rough enough to make his point clear, but carefully enough not to tear it apart). his roommate didn’t even bother pretending to be offended like he usually would as he was simply overjoyed that his “ship” was coming true. “it doesn’t mean anything, don’t make it weird.”
“it doesn’t mean anything?! how can you say that when it’s going to be the first gift you give to your first child together—”
“first what??”
“nevermind, what are you gonna name it?”
“i have to name it?”
“have you never owned a stuffed animal before? you have to name it! how heartbroken is she going to be when she asks what you named it and you say that you haven’t done that?! she’s gonna think that you don’t value her gifts!” you would think the world was going to end if he didn’t do so if you heard the way he was speaking.
“fine, i’ll name it…” he looked deeply into the toy’s soulless eyes, noting how soft the outer material was against his calloused hand, “... fluffy…”
“that’s such a shitty name—”
“shut the fuck up, it’s been decided.”
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babyleostuff · 29 days
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
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𝜗𝜚 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄: fluff, established relationship, down bad wonwoo (he’s a certified simp) 𝜗𝜚 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: idol!wonwoo x fem!reader 𝜗𝜚 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1.6k
⦗💌 ⦘ though it didn’t bother wonwoo that his girl wasn’t a gamer like him, he was over the moon when one day she proudly declared she started gaming. one thing he forgot to ask - what kind of games she was playing.
𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: guys if i play dress to impress does it mean im finally a gamer?
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wonwoo was having a stroke. 
months ago, when you first started going out, he of course had to mention his love for gaming and computers, no matter how lame it made him - he figured if it bothered you then you simply weren’t fit for him. but, thankfully, you didn’t find it unappealing whatsoever, you even asked him questions about games and whatnot, sounding genuinely interested. 
and he wouldn’t lie - it’d be cool if you were a gamer as well, but… 
“no, it’s not for me,” you said when he asked if you played. “i don’t really get the hype, and to be honest i just suck really bad.” 
…but wonwoo understood that you didn’t have to share his every passion, besides - you had your hobbies, he had his, and that was perfectly fine. he was more than happy to indulge in activities that you enjoyed and getting to know you even better through them. 
during the course of your relationship you still didn’t show any interest in his games. well, maybe except for when you wanted cuddles, then you suddenly took a great interest in what was happening on his computer, but wonwoo didn’t mind. it was cute how you tried to keep up with the game though you had no idea what it was about, especially when you were sleepy.  
sometimes, though, you felt bad that you didn’t share his passion, that you didn’t know about all of the new updates, and gaming terms, or what the different keys on the keyboard were responsible for, but wonwoo was always quick to shut down those silly thoughts of yours. “i don’t mind, honey,” he always said and kissed your cheek. “i really don’t”. 
so it was safe to say that he had never expected to hear, "i'm a gamer now, baby. i play games," with a proud smile on your lips. 
wonwoo’s day had been long and hard, his muscles were aching from the hours spent on dancing and moving around the stage, and his head was begging for a moment of silence from all the yelling and yapping of his members. 
but that, that just woke him up like no amount of coffees or red bulls could. 
“huh?” he managed to say in utter confusion. 
he didn’t like how you were smiling. there was something sinister about it. 
“there’s this game everyone is playing now. i saw some videos on tik tok,” you had to stifle a giggle seeing your boyfriend’s expression upon the mention of the app he considered cursed, “and it looked fun. so… i’ve been playing it ever since you left for work.” 
well, maybe you did find it on tik tok, but a game was still a game, so wonwoo figured he should count that as a win. 
“let me show you,” you declared and took his hand with an excited grin, before he could say anything else, let alone ask you what kind of game you were talking about. 
you quickly pulled him into his bedroom, totally dismissing mingyu’s “hello”, and made him sit on his gaming chair. 
“i know you don’t like it when people touch your computer-,”.
“you can use it, honey, i don’t mind,” he cut you off and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. as ecstatic as wonwoo was about your breakthrough in gaming, he could wait to go to bed and finally get his well deserved cuddles from you. 
“okay okay,” you said and unintendedly ran your fingers through his hair. “so here it is,” you pointed at the screen behind him. 
wonwoo had no idea what game could have finally caught your attention. even the adorable characters from animal crossing weren’t cute enough for you to spend more than five minutes on the game, but what he saw on his computer...
"what, uh," he gulped. "what is that?"
“dress to impress!” 
well, it certainly did not impress wonwoo. 
“it’s like a dressing up game,” you added, when your boyfriend didn’t say anything. “here.” 
you rolled him a bit away from the desk so you could take your designated place on his lap, and disconnected the headphones from the computer, which made everything so much worse. the music that was playing in the background had to be one of the worst sounds he had ever heard. 
“look,” you pointed at the timer at the top of the screen. “the game is starting.” 
he could feel how you were buzzing with excitement, clapping your hands in tiny, waiting for the time to run out. 
“okay, see? here’s the theme,” wonwoo nodded sceptically, but nonetheless tightened his grip on your waist. 
album cover. 
then the screen changed to what looked like a large walk-in closet the size of his and mingyu's apartment. a bunch of other characters were running around, and the god awful music was still playing, and you started to run around as well, and, “oh my god, what was going on?”. 
“who should i dress up as?” you bit your nail, clearly very focused. wonwoo took a peek at your furrowed brows, and small pout and for a second he drowned out the annoying sound coming from his computer, just to focus on your adorable expression.  
“i can do you!” you said, and turned around to quickly place a kiss on his cheek. “from the “face the sun” concept photos. technically it’s not an album cover, but… no one here is ever on theme anyway”.  
wonwoo could only watch as you slowly changed your outfit into something that was supposed to resemble one of his concept photos, only in a more cutified version, because as you said, "you're a babygirl". with the minutes ticking by, he couldn’t help but smile at you being so focused on putting the whole outfit together. 
"okay, it's done," you said, leaning back so you were resting against wonwoo's chest. "now it's show time."
one by one, the characters walked the carpet, presenting their… whatever their outfits were. 
“ugh, this fit sucks ass,” you groaned, and nuzzled your head into his shoulder. “wait til one of them hits the twenty eight pose,” you said, and by the tone of your voice wonwoo did not want to see that. 
“why are you giving everyone one star?” he asked, confused. “that one wasn’t that bad,” he pointed at the character that dressed up as ariana’s dangerous woman. 
“you never give anyone more than one star,” you stated as a matter of fact. “oh, look,” you squealed. “it’s me.” 
indeed it was you, and for what it was worth - your outfit looked the best in wonwoo’s opinion. but then again you were best in everything to him, so his opinion didn’t count. and then the screen turned black again. 
the winners are… 
“now we’ll see who placed on the podium,” you explained, and grabbed his hand that was still resting on your waist. 
wonwoo nodded and put his chin on your shoulder. “i’m sure you’re going to be first, honey.” 
“huh,” you huffed. “i wouldn’t be so sure about that.” 
and yeah, you were right. in the first place there was a character that wasn’t dressed up at all, in the second someone with the vip sign dressed as if they were going to the circus, and in the third there was a very creepy character of a man.
you clicked your tongue annoyed. “told you.” 
well, that was an experience wonwoo had never thought he’d have the, uh, pleasure to go through. 
“so,” you got up, and just when wonwoo was about to whine about the lack of your warmth, you straddled his lap. “what do you think?” you cupped his cheeks and smiled at him brightly. 
he wasn’t sure he was thinking at all, at this point. 
the annoying music? unbearable. the clearly not on theme outfits? hideous. the weird poses that freaked him out? he was sure he’d get nightmares from them. 
wonwoo must’ve been thinking too long about his answer so as not to hurt your feelings, because the smile slowly started to disappear from your face. "you think it's weird, right?" you asked and looked down.
"what? no, it's not that, it's-,".
"sweetie, i understand," you laughed quietly. "it's a game for kids, and a little cheesy at that but-,".
"no no," wonwoo quickly said and grabbed your face in his hands so he could lift your head. "i just didn't expect this. you always said you didn't like to game and i didn't know what to expect."
"yeah, but still-,".
"oh could you be quiet for a second?" he smiled when he saw the corners of your lips lift up. "i didn't mean to make you feel bad and i'm sorry if it did.” 
yeah, the game might not have been his style, and he would never have played it himself, but you liked it. and that was all he cared about. he had never seen you smile like that when he was gaming - your eyes were practically heart shaped when you were dressing up your character, and if this wasn't the most adorable thing ever he didn't know what it was. 
if it made you happy, then it made him happy too.
"you have no idea how glad you found a game you like," he ran his thumbs over your cheeks. "and you know what? if i played myself i'd definitely give your outfit five stars."
you giggled, and wrapped your hand around one of his wrists. "thank you, wonwoo."
"of course," he muttered and pecked your forhead. "now tell me, is there a way we could play it at the same time?"
"wonwoo, you don't have to-,"
"but i want to," he said.
for a moment you just looked at him with a raised brow, as if you were trying to figure out if he was really telling the truth. and he really was. wonwoo would survive any horrible outfit and that annoying music just to see you so excited and happy again.
"are you sure?"
he quickly nodded.
"okay, then let me get my computer."
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei @honglynights @jihoonsbbygirl @uhdrienne @bloodcanbehot  @iamawkwardandshy  @icyminghao @heeseungthel0ml @goyangiiwonu @bath1lda @ruurooozz @ny0sang @luuxian @onerubii @iamawkwardandshy @hurrican3-insert-nam3 @mekuiikore @luvseungcheol @thenotoriousegg @yuuyeonie @soffiyuhh
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velvetcrimsonkisses · 3 months
Suguru Geto × Satoru Gojo x Fem!reader
Cw: smut, threesome obv, blowjob, pussy eating, spit, eiffel tower, exchange of cum, boys kissing, fingering, multiple orgasm, creampie, unprotected, squirt, nipple play, pwnp
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A threesome had never come to your mind not before, the two guys offered themselves and how could you tell them no. Having two pretty men in your bed felt like it could only be a dream.
“Isn’t she pretty?” Suguru looks over to a pouty Satoru as two of his fingers lift your chin to look at him. “Stop, don't be selfish. Let me touch her too,” Satoru remarks furrowing his eyebrows as he takes your hand and pulls you closer to him on the bed. Suguru swiftly pulls you out of Satoru’s grasp, bringing you into a sloppy kiss. His hands moving down to hold your hips, gently pulling you down on top of him. Satoru watches the kiss intently, feeling himself grow hard at what was unfolding but, with a hint of jealousy scattered across his perfect face.
“And what about me huh?” He cocks his head to the side, lips pout. “Not my problem…” Suguru mumbles, not wanting to pull his lips away from you. Satoru scoffs, moving towards you, trying to wedge himself between you both, his lips wandering onto your neck, soft kisses sensually moving to your jaw and finally to your lips, meeting you and Suguru in a kiss. Tongues swirling with each other, smacking together, and different moans all mix together. Both sets of large hands explore your body, savoring your soft skin, delicately pressing themselves deeper into you. Enthralling you in their arms, as if they were fighting for possessiveness over you. Suguru starts to mouth at your collarbone, nibbling on the sensitive skin as Satoru presses open-mouth kiss against the skin on your cheek, stopping near your earlobe before giving it a small bite. Satoru feels a wave of confidence come over him as you moan, dipping his hand down your pants.
“Are you wet princess?” His hot breath against your ear makes you shiver. “We should check, Satoru…” Suguru reaches down to spread your legs open, allowing both his and Satorus' hand to fit perfectly in your cunt. Both of them on either side of you, they have you locked in as they begin exploring your heat. Suguru’s fingers graze over your clit as Satoru explores your entrance, allowing a finger to slide in. “She is,” Suguru teases you as he slides a finger between your slit. “Look she’s talking to us,” Satoru smirks, stuffing you with another long digit. The sound of your wetness and moans echoing between all of you as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
Suguru fingers graze your exposed back, reaching for the hem of your shirt to slowly pull it off. Throwing it across the room as Satoru removes your bottoms, dropping them to the floor. His blue eyes falling to your lacy panties. He looks at you with needy eyes, lowering himself face to face with your cunt. Suguru lays you down between his thighs, you feel his hard chest up against your back as he uses one hand to spread your legs open even wider. One hand reaches to massage your exposed chest as the other reaches down to open up your pussy and expose your throbbing clit to the white haired man in front of you. Satoru looked like he was starving, licking his lips as he intently watched Suguru continue to roll your clit between his fingers. The stimulation from Suguru’s fingers was already enough to drive you crazy but once Satoru layed on the bed, mouth directly lined up your heat and you could feel his hot breath against it. You were done for. Suguru moves his other hand up back to your chest, twirling your nipple with the tip of his fingertip to allow Satoru to start eating you up.
“So sweet princess…” Satoru spits on your clit, sending a vibration from your cunt all the way to your spine. Suguru grabs you softly by the neck so he can take a good look at your face, bringing you even closer so he could kiss you while Satoru continues making out your pussy. The way he moved his tongue in and out of you, with a rhythm he knew would have you creaming in no time. He was fast and so needy to please your pretty little cunt. Not to mention the other man trying to stuff his tongue down your throat, Suguru’s kisses were fiery and intense. Each man trying to claim as you their own at each end. You couldn’t think about anything else as you came for the first time that night. Your legs close around Satoru’s head. He could’ve sworn this was heaven as your legs trembled with the immense pleasure of your orgasm. You hold onto Sugurus biceps, digging your nails into him, arching your back. Desperate for some stabilization as you come down from the overwhelming stimulation.
Suguru breaks the kiss, his hand coming down to pull up Satoru from your pussy by his hair. “Look at him. She taste good, Toru?” Satoru doesn’t use his words to respond, he just simply nods, his face covered in your slick. “Lemme try…” Suguru pulls him up, both of them meeting in a kiss, exchanging your cum with flicks of their tongues, leaving you to just stare at them, jaw dropped at what was unfolding in front of your eyes. “You were right…” Suguru breaks the kiss, pushing Satoru to the side. A smirk spreads across the blue- eyed man’s face as he lands back onto the bed. “I told you,” Satoru grumbles, wiping his face. Their eyes fall back onto you.
“Can you take me now, pretty girl?” Suguru palms himself over his sweatpants. A quick nod was all he needed before his pants dropped to the floor and he was pumping himself. A deep red flush spreads across your face as you examine just how thick and heavy his cock was. A crimson red color on tip, veins protruding up and down the entirety of his length. “All fours babe..” he takes your hand helping you roll over. Satoru was still watching with a stupid grin plastered on his face, as he undresses himself, giving you a show as Suguru lines himself up behind you. He teases your entrance, rubbing his cock up and down your wet folds, causing you to groan as you move your ass back to rub on his pelvis. A silent plea telling him you needed him inside already.
“We did a good job prepping you baby… pussy was made for us,” He easily slides in, throwing his head back as he feels your cunt throb around him. The delicious stretch of his cock fogs your brain. The only thing you can focus on is how he fills you up inch by inch until you see Satoru standing in front of you, cock hard and free from his boxers. He wasn’t as thick as Suguru but his length definitely made up for it. A bubble gum pink color and a small pool of pre cum on the tip. “Don’t overwhelm her Satoru,” Suguru scolds him as he slowly grinds his cock into you at just the right angle, already making you roll your eyes to the back of your head. “I won’t Suguru, just showing her. Why don’t you kiss it, pretty girl?” He coos, moving your hair out of your face.
By the smirk on your face, Satoru knew you weren’t just going to kiss his cock. Peppering small kisses on the tip, the man above you becomes like puddy in your hands. Feeling your warm mouth around him was leaving him a babbling mess. “F-fuck so good,” his hand holds your head to make sure you don’t decide to tease and stop. He looks into your eyes, with a pleading look on face. You were gonna tease him, until you felt Suguru pick up his pace again. Both of them were close. Really close. As you fixate on the way Sugurus hard thrusts become more sloppy into you, Satoru’s cock twitches in your mouth causing you to gag. Your eyes become glossy from the tears that threaten to fall down your face. The immense pleasure of both them on either side of you, fucking you, with such skill drives you insane. “You want our cum baby?” Suguru grunts as Satoru is lost out of his mind. “Cum around my cock…” Sugurus hands tighten around your hips, holding you up.
Finally the knot deep inside you comes undone, causing you to squirt all over Suguru as he fills you with thick ropes of cum. One after another, pronounced with a deep thrust so he's sure it stays inside you. Not long after Satoru cums in your mouth, silky ropes of cum made it easy for you to swallow. Both men pull out slowly, Satoru watches your face contort into the very picture of bliss and content. Suguru on the other side watches his cum deliberately drip down your thighs, bringing his finger up to your hole and stuffing it back in.
Satoru falls back onto the bed as Suguru catches you with his strong arms before your legs give out. “I got you baby.” he coos, laying down on the bed with you. Satoru wastes no time in covering you in kisses, buttering you so he can ask you a very important question…
“My turn?”
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nanaslutt · 9 months
Somno w/ perv!Gojo
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contains: fem reader, somnophillia (having sex while one party is asleep), pre-established consent, fantasizing, ass play, unprotected sex, so much dirty talk, cum eating, whiny!gojo
note: I wasted no time w/ plot, straight into the smut babyy
Your door creaked open, the light from the hallway leaking into your room and revealing your sleeping frame, snug underneath the covers of your bedsheets. Gojo tip-toed into the room, careful to not wake you before the fun even started.
Gojo had brought up to you earlier in the week he wanted to try fucking you when you were sleeping, but he didn't want to tell you when he was going to do it, instead the man gave you a vague timeframe-- 'sometime this week', he claimed it would 'make it more exciting'.
You gave your consent, resulting in the biggest grin spreading across his face. Promises fell from his lips that he would make you feel so fucking good while you dreamed about his cock inside you as he actually had his way with you in real life.
Your upper half was clad in one of Gojo's t-shirts, the cloth having scrunched up your body from your movement as you slept, revealing your midriff. Gojo crept through your room, palming his already hard cock through his pants as he made his way to the opposite side of your bed. With slow cautious movements, Gojo slipped under the covers and wrapped his arms around your body, his hands resting on your tummy, his fingers rubbing the soft skin soothingly.
Satoru bit his lip as he felt you up, his cock pressed snugly against your ass as he cuddled you, trying to get your sleeping body used to being touched before he actually fucked you. Gojo was so aroused by this situation. You trusting him enough to touch you while you were asleep made his cock so hard it threatened to rip through his pants. You looked so pretty, so vulnerable, all for him.
Gojo humped his hips into your ass slowly as he fondled your sleeping body. His hands slid under your shirt to grope your tits, his warm hans engulfing the fat of your chest as he massaged them in his large hands, his cock twitching at how soft they felt in his grasp.
"Fuck… you're so pretty baby…" Gojo whispered, kissing the back of your head before he placed his head in the crook of your neck, watching his hands move under your shirt, feeling up your chest. His eyes slid over to your face as he watched your eyebrows scrunch slightly when he pinched your nipples between his fingers, rolling the stiff buds.
"Does that feel good?" He whispered, biting his lip as he kept his eyes glued to your face, desperate for any other small reactions you had in your sleep. "You dreamin' about me right now?" He asked, knowing he would get no response. "Wonder what 'ur dreamin' about…" Gojo pondered, pressing his hips harder against you, his clothed cock fitting perfectly between your ass cheeks.
"Hmmmm," Gojo mumbled into the quiet room, the soft sounds of air breathing through the vent on your ceiling. "How should I take you?" He asked himself out loud, one of his hands retracting from your tits to slide down his body, grabbing the band of his pants.
Satoru slid his checkered pants and boxers off with one hand, his hard cock springing free and slapping against his abdomen, the precum already accumulated on his tip and smearing onto the skin of his pelvis. After his pants had been kicked off, discarded somewhere on the ground, Gojo grabbed the base of his cock and slapped it lightly against your panty-clad ass.
"I could fuck your tight asshole right now and you would never know, huh?" Gojo whispered, pulling the covers off of your body before he grabbed his cock once more and pressed his fat tip against your covered asshole, pressing against it. "Unless you woke up, heh." He laughed to himself, slowly thrusting his tip against your ass.
"Would you want that?" Gojo whispered, wrapping his arms around your body once more, his naked cock being pressed between your soft cheeks as he rolled your body so you were laying fully on your stomach, your legs closed together as your ass was presented nice and pretty for him. Gojo placed his hands on the bed next to your shoulders, his hips pressed snugly into your ass as he dry-humped his cock against you, his pre-cum being smeared against your skin.
"Would you be scared if you woke up to my cock inside your ass?" Gojo groaned, his cock twitching at the idea. You made a small noise in your sleep, your eyebrows scrunching together once more when he pressed his cock harder against you. "Yeah?" Gojo giggled at your perfectly timed reaction to his words.
"Don't worry baby, I won't do it… this time." He reassured you, even though you didn't hear a word he said. Gojo humped his hips hard against your ass, keeping his dick pressed against you for a moment before he pulled away and sat on the back of your thighs. "Gotta get you ready for me, pretty girl," Gojo said, his long fingers sliding your panties down slowly off of your body. The small cloth sticking to your cunt from how wet you were as he peeled them away.
A string of your slick connected to the cloth, a sight that Gojo's eyes did not miss. "Oh fuck, you already wet for me, princess?" He groaned under his breath, his cock twitching at the sight. It was at that moment that Gojo decided he needed to have a taste of you, just working you open on his fingers was not going to be enough.
Gojo shook his head as he slid threw his leg over your body, both of his legs resting on one side of you as he peeled your panties down the length of your legs, slipping your feet out of the holes. Your comforter got dragged off of you from Gojo's ministrations, leaving your body at his complete mercy.
Gojo grabbed your shins and peeled your legs open from the end of the bed, his hands sliding up and up and up your legs as he made room for himself, your legs spread just enough for him to lay down between them as you laid on your stomach, your cunt and cute puckered hole exposed for his all-seeing eyes to feast upon.
"Your pussy is so fucking cute, baby." Gojo praised, shaking his head in disbelief as he spread your ass apart, your pussy lips spreading in tandem. "You can feel all of this huh? 'S that why you're so wet? Am I touching you in your dreams right now?" Gojo teased, his words only egging himself on.
Gojo placed both of his massive hands on your ass, massaging the fat in his hands, his watchful eyes taking in the way your pussy squished together as he groped you. He leaned his face close to your cunt, inhaling deeply as he took in your scent, his cock squished between his tummy and the sheets twitching when the sweet scent of your cunt reached his nose.
His eyes rolled back in his head as he groped and sniffed you like some pervert. He wanted to take this time when you were asleep to do things you would otherwise be too embarrassed to let him do while you were awake. "Let's see if this wakes you up," Gojo mumbled before he leaned in fully, suffocating himself between your ass, his tongue poking out between his lips to taste your cunt, the appendage running up your folds.
He heard you whimper when his tongue brushed your clit, the small sound spurring him on, making his cock twitch against your sheets. Gojo shut his eyes as he pressed his face harder against you, his tongue wasting no time in hastily licking all around your pussy. His hands spread apart your ass, the pad of one of his thumbs dangerously close to your puckered hole.
Gojo moaned into your folds, your legs twitching at the sensitive feeling when the vibrations sent shockwaves into your clit. Gojo pulled away, his greedy eyes taking in how wet and sloppy your cunt looked from just a few seconds with his tongue. "God, you taste so fucking good." He groaned before he dove back in, his face burring deeper against you, suffocating himself so he could take your clit into his mouth, his tongue flicking against it as he sucked it between his lips.
He felt the little thing throb in his mouth as he beat his tongue against it, making him giggle. The pad of his thumb got more bold as he went on, the digit pressing against it slightly, rubbing teasing circles against it, not daring to push any further. Gojo rut his hips into the bed, unable to hold back his arousal from how much this situation was turning him on.
He shook his head against your folds before he pulled back with a gasp, his jaw dropped open as he heaved air into his lungs. "How are you staying asleep, huh? Thought my tongue would wake you up for sure." Gojo whispered, astonished. While he caught his breath, getting ready to dive back into your cunt, a small bottle on your bedside table caught his attention. The bottle being illuminated perfectly by the light seeping in from the hallway like a spotlight.
The little white label on the bottle read 'sleeping pills'. Gojo licked his lips, groaning into the air when he realized why you were sleeping so well. "You're so fucking naughty. You really wanted me to have my way with you while you're asleep huhhh~?" Gojo cooed, feeling his cock leak pre-cum into your sheets at the revelation. "Didn't even try 'n hide it." He giggled.
"Alright, I'll give you what you want," Gojo mumbled before he leaned back in, his tongue immediately poking at the entrance of your cunt. His tongue slipped in with ease, your walls squeezing around his tongue as he worked you open, thrusting his tongue in and out of your tight hole. "Mmmm-" Gojo moaned, one of his hands leaving your ass to slide under his body to wrap around his cock, his hips thrusting into the tight hole he made with his fist, his eyes rolling back as he fucked his hand while he drank up your juices.
As much as Gojo was enjoying eating your pussy like this, he didn't know how much longer he could go without being inside you. His fist usually did the job of tidying him over while he stretched you out for his cock, but it just wasn't doing it for him right now, he needed to be inside you before he lost his mind.
Gojo continued to stretch you out on his tongue, his hand jerking over his length, smearing his pre-cum over his cock as it leaked continuously from his tip, making a mess of your sheets. He opened his mouth against your pussy, sticking his tongue into your cunt as far as it could go and shaking his head against you one last time before he pulled away and sat up immediately.
"I can't take this shit anymore." Gojo groaned, his cock throbbing in the air as he used his large hands to press your thighs together, his hips straddled the backs of your thighs, right under your ass as he got ready to give you his cock. "I know you want it just as bad as I do, isn't that right?" He cooed. Gojo grabbed the base of his cock and slapped his leaky tip on your ass before he pressed his cock between your legs, his cock being hugged by your thighs and pussy from the position he had you in.
"Fuckkkk…" He grits through his teeth, rubbing his tip along your pussy before he caught his tip in your entrance. "Take my cock baby." Gojo groaned as he began feeding his cock into your tight walls. He groaned at how greedily your pussy sucked up his cock, your walls hugging around him each time he pulled out like you didn't want him to leave as he got you used to his cock.
"You want me bad huh?" He whined, taking pleasure in the feeling of your thighs squeezing together, your body trying to bring you relief even in your sleep. Gojo leaned over your body, his arms perched on either side of your body as he fucked the entirety of his cock into you, keeping his hips flush against yours as he relished in the feeling of your walls pulsing around him.
"Fuck baby, 'ur killin' me." Gojo let out a lengthy groan, tipping his head back as his eyes rolled back in his head, his eyelids fluttering around them, his body struggling to deal with the intense pleasure. You always felt so fucking tight in this position, it drove him crazy. "Thank god you're asleep… I'm not going to last very long. 'Pussy is squeezing me like crazy, fuck-." Gojo moaned to himself as he pulled his cock out a couple of inches before thrusting it back into you.
You gasped in your sleep, your cunt clenching around his cock as he repeatedly drilled right into your sweet spot. "Ngh-! Loosen up baby, c'mon…" Gojo whined, biting his bottom lip between his teeth, his thrusts pausing as he fought to not fill your cunt with his cum so soon. It would be a shame to end this so quickly.
You didn't listen, of course, your cunt continuing to squeeze and pulse around him, even when he kept his hips still against you. "Fuck… just what are you dreaming about?" Gojo giggled through a groan as he pulled his hips back, humping them against your ass, the fat rippling from his ministrations.
"Better be dreaming about me," Gojo said through his teeth posessively. Gojo dropped his eyes down to look at where the two of you were connected as he picked up the pace of his hips, the squelching from your pussy reaching his ears and making his face heat up, a deep blush spreading across his face.
Gojo felt his balls tighten with his release the longer he watched his cock fuck in and out of you, a white ring of your cum forming around the base of his cock each time he thrust inside you. Gojo was fighting to keep his whimpers and whines at bay. Barely five minutes inside your cunt as he was a pussydrunk mess, his jaw slack as moan after moan fell from his lips.
"Fuck- fuck- fuck- ohhhh my god-" He groaned, inhaling sharply through his teeth. "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum- I'm gonna cum-" He moaned, his fingers digging into the sheets by the sides of your body, his breath picking up, his breathing raising in pitch. He sounded so pathetic and fucked out as your pussy absolutely milked his cock.
He tried not to be too rough, he knew those sleeping pills did a lot, but if he really manhandled you and abused your cunt like he wanted to as he got closer to his orgasm, he knew you would wake up. "Fuck I'm gonna cum inside you- take it for me, take- fuck-" Gojo's words got cut off as his hips stilled against you, his orgasm hitting him like a train.
His arms shook with the pressure of keeping his torso up, trying not to let his body fall and crush you completely. Gojo groaned as he rolled his hips against yours, releasing rope after rope of his hot cum deep inside your pussy. "Nghhhh~ Oh shit, are you c-cumming right now?" Gojo whimpered, watching your pussy pulse around him, the feeling alarmingly similar to the way it did when you came.
Your legs were also shaking, your thighs pressing together slightly as your own orgasm washed over you. "Oh yeah baby cum, cum for me." Gojo praised, watching with a slack jaw as your body shook, small whimpers and whines falling from your lips, your eyebrows scrunching together in pleasure.
When you loosened up around him, Gojo slowly pulled his cock out of you, the cum he just fucked into you chasing his cock, some of the white liquid dripping out of your pussy. Gojo tsked, his long fingers coming down to scoop up his seed as he thrust his fingers into you, stuffing his cum back inside of you. "Keep it all in. Want you to know exactly what happened when you wake up in the morning." Gojo said to your sleeping body.
Your breathing had gone back to normal, the only thing noticeably different about you being the blush that was dusted across your cheeks from cumming so hard. Gojo pulled his fingers out, holding them in front of him as he turned them around, watching in awe at how they shone under the light from your combined cum coating them.
Gojo took one more look at your face, making sure you really were asleep before he sucked his fingers into his mouth, moaning at the taste of himself combined with your cum as his greedy tongue licked his fingers clean, swallowing up the slightly bitter liquid.
Gojo's cock twitched with interest at the taste, a part of his brain telling him to finger you again so he could taste more of himself. The majority of his brain, however, was begging him to go to sleep. It was the middle of the night, after all, he had waited quite some time to make sure you were fully asleep before he came to fuck you.
With a sigh, Gojo reached over to the side of the bed where he had placed your panties. He leaned down and thread your feet through the holes as he dragged the material up your legs, over your hips, and back into place snuggly against your cunt like nothing had happened.
Gojo pat his hand over your sensitive cunt, "Keep my cum deep inside you like a good girl~" He teased, smirking before he leaned down to grab the comforter, sliding underneath it with you as he laid it snugly over your body, manipulating you so you were laying on your side, Gojo's body wrapping around yours like a koala.
"I love you, pretty girl. Thank you for trusting me." He whispered, pressing a kiss to your head before he buried his head in the back of your neck, squeezing your body as his brain quickly fell asleep, the two of you staying pressed snugly against one another until the next morning when you awoke to Satoru's little present that he left inside of you.
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ashleysturn · 2 months
changing room - matt sturniolo
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context: you go shopping for a new swimsuit with your best friend matt
i have a huge crush on my best friend matt. he’s taking me to the mall today because he’s been out of town filming all week with his brothers. i know this isn’t a date but i wish it was. i don’t want things to be weird between us.
i hear matt’s car pull into my driveway. i scurry to put on some lipgloss and spray my favorite perfume. i grab my purse and walk downstairs.
i hear a knock at the door
“come in!”
my front door opens “hey y/n!”
“hey matt!” i run up to matt and hug him, i’ve missed him.
“you ready? i left the car running”
“oh yeah sorry!” i slip my shoes on and walk out to the porch. i lock the door behind me.
“so how was the trip?” i ask matt as we approach the mall
“pretty good, glad to be home though. nicks gotta edit all weekend”
“yeah i bet” i smile at him. god i’ve missed seeing his pretty face.
“so which store you wanna go to first?”
i look around the map of the mall. i haven’t been here in forever.
“i need a new swimsuit” i point to a summer shop on the map
matt takes a deep breath “okay.” he follows behind me into the store
i start looking around at the different options. i grab a few to try on and set them in my basket.
“i’m going to try these on” i smile and hold up the few swimsuits that i had picked out.
he nods his head “alright. i’ll just wait here.” he leans against the wall outside of the changing room.
i go into one of the little rooms and set down my basket on the bench. why do they make these rooms so small?
i try on the first bikini- it’s baby pink. the bottoms are high waisted and has that scrunch that defines your butt. the top has thin straps and is almost too thin of a fabric.
i open the door to the changing room “i’m not sure about this one.” i step out to show matt
he turns around and his eyes widen as he looks me up and down.
“what do you think?” i do a little 360 to show him the back
“i- uh it’s cute” his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows
“not the one though.” i shrug, heading back into the changing room.
the next bikini is periwinkle with a floral pattern of other shades of purple and blue. the bottoms fit me perfectly, hugging my curves. the top is strapless with some frill.
“i like this one!” i say through the door as i check myself out in the mirror
“can i see?” matt says. i step out of the room
“woah?” i repeat back, smiling
“you like it matt?” i do another 360 to show the back.
“yeah i do” he scratches the back of his neck
am i making him flustered?
“i’m going to try on the last one” i step back into the changing room.
the last swimsuit i grabbed wasn’t a bikini, it was a one piece but i figured i’d give it a try because it looked great on the mannequin. it was one of those swimsuits that had the cutouts on the sides to emphasize your curves. the back was open aswell.
i slide on the swimsuit but the straps get tangled in the back
“hey matt? can you help me untangle this?”
“are you dressed?” he asks
“yeah the straps are just tangled” i unlock the door and he steps in
he closes the door behind him and steps towards me. i’m standing facing away from him in front of the mirror.
obviously flustered, matt asks “uh what am i supposed to do again?”
i laugh “the straps.” i pull my hair over my shoulders revealing the back of the swimsuit and the twisted up straps.
matt runs his fingers over the hem of the swimsuit and starts untangling the straps
the gentle touch of his fingers brushing against my back and neck sends goosebumps raising all over my body.
“there” matt says stepping back
“thanks. what do you think?” i say, turning to face him
matt looks me up and down. he reaches out his hand to trace my curves
“i like the cut out” he says quietly.
“let me see the back again” he suggests
i turn around and he takes in the view.
“damn y/n” he shakes his head
“we’ve got a winner?” i laugh
“mhm” he nods. “i’ll buy it for you”
“oh really?”
he nods. “yeah of course”
“thank you!” i turn around and hug him. he wraps his arms around my waist
“you’ve gotta take it off for me to pay for it though” he whispers into my ear, tightening his grip on my waist.
his voice sends shivers down my spine. “can you help?” i tease
“oh of course” he laughs, turning me back around to face away from him
he runs his fingers over my shoulders and pulls the straps down my arms.
i pull the swimsuit the rest of the way down and discard it on the floor
matt comes up behind me and runs his hands up my exposed body. i reach back and tug at the waistband of his sweatpants. he promptly pulls both his pants and boxers down
he pushes on my back and i bend over, using the bench to hold myself up. he runs his hands down my back and grips onto my hips
“you don’t know what you do to me y/n” matt groans
i arch my back and he steps forward, lining himself up with me before pushing himself into me in one thrust, not giving me any time to stretch around him
“fuck matt!” i yell out from the mixture of pain and pleasure.
matt pumps in and out of me, the sound of our skin slapping together fills the cramped room.
he has one hand gripped onto my hip, the other intertwined in my hair.
“oh fuck y/n, mmmh” matt whimpers.
my stomach ties up in a knot and my walls pulsate around his dick. “fuck matt-“ i moan.
matt pumps inside me a few more times, letting me ride out my orgasm. he then pulls out and paints my. back with white, letting out low moans.
he lets his grip on my waist and hair go, his hair sticks to his forehead as he pants, catching his breath.
“let me clean you up pretty girl” he wipes off my back and gathers up our clothes. he gets dressed and steps out of the changing room, allowing me to gather myself.
i step out of the room, now dressed, carrying the black swimsuit.
“ready to check out?” matt reaches for his wallet.
“yeah” i laugh
“i’ll have to take you shopping more often.” he winks, leading me to the checkout counter.
quick-ish one today, i lovedddd writing this. hope yall like it 🫡
send reqs 😚
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aamircoeur · 3 months
kissing, i hope they caught us ー Ken Sato.
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wherein ken sato finds himself waiting for the calls of his fuck buddy.
SMUT, read at your own risk. one-shot. female reader, UNEDITED.
"same time, uh, tomorrow?" ken said from behind you. you slipped into your blouse and turned to him, who was currently topless and fastening his belt, his hair pointed in all directions.
"tomorrow? we just fucked, ken." you laughed light-heartedly. "i'm a busy woman."
kenji looked at you while he sat at the edge of his bed, rubbing his shoulder. "n-next week?" he offered.
you sighed and smiled at him. finishing the top button of your blouse, you walked towards him and grabbed your purse from his nightstand. "i'll call you." you said, kissing his cheek as goodbye.
liar, kenji said to himself. it has been well over two weeks since your last interaction, and he has been anxious to meet you again, to feel you. to touch you, to have you on your kneesー god damn it.
sighing deeply, he ran his hands through his jet-black hair and slouched on his couch. he had his phone on his couch with his tabs revealing your, [name] [surname], japan's hottest supermodel, social media accounts. he had his television opened and has been playing various movies over the past hours, but he seemed to pay no mind to them with how often he was refreshing your accounts for the hope of any updates of your whereabouts.
shit, he even stooped to a new low, stalking multiple fan accounts of yours on twitter to see if they had any clue. the opened laptop in front of him was stuck to his direct messages with you, revealing how he replied a thumbs up to your message saying, "thank u for tn ;)".
he felt stupid. should he have been more open? maybe he should've responded differently. who even responds to a girl with a thumbs up? real mature, kenji.
he was anxious, bouncing his leg as he kept sighing over and over. why weren't you messaging him? he was the ken sato. did he kiss you too hard? did he fuck you too roughly?
leaning back into the couch, he ran his hand once more for the nth time this evening. he was overthinking. he couldn't have all these thoughts with the upcoming tournament that he's been looking forward to for the past two months. but lately, all he seemed to think about was how good it felt to be inside you.
sighing again, ken had his phone in his hands and went back to refreshing your account. to his absolute surprise, you had a new post on instagram, uploaded sixteen seconds ago. it was an image of you with a bra that fit you so perfectly, baggy jeans that rested on your hips, and underwear that seemed to grip on your waist with the brand's name on the garter.
the baseball player stared at his phone with a blank face before knitting his eyebrows together and groaning, adjusting his pants with the sudden uncomfortable feeling. this is bad.
"my scan tells me that your blood circulation has been increased at a certain area—"
"i did not need a scan, mina!" ken gritted, frustrated. "i'll be back late!" he shouted as a way to drown out whatever mina said next as he shut the front door on his way out. ken walked towards his motorcycle, fitting into his black helmet before quickly driving to a nearby bar.
upon arriving, kenji took off his helmet and gave it to the valet parker, with along with his keys and some cash. "take care of her, alright?" ken said, referring to the bike. the valet nodded. kenji held the sunglasses that he hung on the front of his shirt and put it on before walking towards the entrance.
seeing the long line behind the stanchion, kenji smirked and walked towards the bouncer who blocked him from coming inside with his arm. "name?"
ken raised an eyebrow and lowered his sunglasses. "sato." he said. the bouncer gaped and got his arm out of the way and opening the doors for him instead, apologizing for not recognizing him earlier.
ken was met with beaming lights within the darkness of the place, the air smelling of alcohol and the loud sound of the song that the dj played bouncing off the walls. ken took a deep breath in and sighed, and after a few steps in he was immediately accommodated by a blonde hostess, handing him a glass of champagne before latching on to his arm as she giggled and guided him to an empty table.
it was already past midnight and ken surprised himself by not drinking to his limits this time. there were women holding on to both of his arms, some handing him fruits while one held the bottle for his drink. he was also accompanied by strangers that seemed to need a breather. "hey, pretty, care to get me another glass?" kenji said to the brunette on his left with a sly smile.
the brunette giggled and pulled down her skirt before standing up "sure thing, ken." she smiled.
"there's no need for that, sweetie." he heard someone say from behind them. almost immediately, ken sato turned his head and his eyes widened at the sight of you. fuck. it was you. "hey, kenji. what brings you here?" you smiled and walked around the couch and made your way towards him. everyone at the table stood up and walked towards another unoccupied table, knowing the protocol.
"[n-name]?" ken stuttered, his hand running through the side of his hair as he fixed his posture. you giggled at him and took the brunette's former seat, taking the almost-empty tall glass of champagne that he held and sipped on it. "what, what're you doin' here?" he slurred, tipsy.
"oh, nothing. just here with some friends." you smiled and placed the glass to his lips, making sure that it was the same spot that you drank from. taking a deep breath, ken leaned into the glass and sipped, some slipping from the corners of his mouth. you placed the glass down to the table and wiped the trail of champagne on his chin. kenji only stared at you. flustered, you looked down at his hands and held it. "i missed you, kenji." you said.
kenji stared at you. he forgot how beautiful you were. how could he ever forget that?
kenji held your hand and interlocked your fingers. "yeah, well, you didn't seem to wanna let me know that little fact of yours over the last two weeks." he said, his cheeks reddening as he avoided eye contact.
you laughed at his shyness and held on to his hand tighter. "'m sorry, baby." you smiled and leaned in to his ear. "but, i can let you know just how much i missed you, baby." you whispered. "my place?"
it has been yet another two weeks since your last night together. kenji was one week into the tournament that he has been preparing for and he has been busy as ever. coach shimura has confiscated their cellphones to give the yomiuri giants their well-needed concentration on their trainings and game days.
after a weekend long of back-to-back games, coach shimura has finally given back the players their phones to reward them of their zero losses so far. upon unlocking it, kenji was met with multiple messages from you, telling him how much you miss him, telling him how good he looked in the field, letting him know of what you did while thinking of him . . .
he was flushed after reading everything, and in between messages he also received missed calls from you, and one voicemail.
"baby, can you call me back? it's so lonely in my mansion."
taglist: @boomboom-tanjiro2019 @ttulipwritezz
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justatypicalwizard · 1 month
Virgin Bakugo x reader, suggestive
Imagine Katsuki who’s a total and complete virgin. His brash and aggressive exterior fooled others into deeming him a playboy. Handsome, successful and proud, what else would he need to perfectly abide the stereotype. Except, ever since he started UA, ever since he dreamed about becoming a pro-hero, ever since he laid his eyes on All Might, Bakugo had nothing else in mind except hard work. He bent his neck over homework, he cracked his knuckles before training and he broke his bones during missions, everything for the sake of greatness. Love didn’t exactly fit into his schedule.
It started when he was a kid. Other boys kept weird magazines under their beds and looked at girls wishing they got a lock of silky hair to keep. Katsuki didn’t understand. Girls in his class at school were weird and annoying. They always had to move in a group, went together into toilet stalls and whispered as if they couldn’t talk like normal people - loud and straightforward. What did his friends see in them?
Later, in middle school Katsuki finally discovered a few throughgoing differences between him and a set of new girls in class. His friends’ magazines turned into online videos that Katsuki despised. They felt unnatural and shameful. So he cut the topic short, deeming the girls in class boring and stupid. And honestly, that’s how he felt about them.
When a particular shortie with deep black hair, cut a few inches above her chin, stopped him in the middle of the track field, Katsuki sighed. What now? The girl confessed her crush, digging a small hole in the dirt with the heel of her shoe, and Katsuki felt almost nothing, maybe slightly uncomfortable with a tiny pinch of pity. She teared up but mumbled a sorry, to which he responded with a grunt and a ‘better not talk to me again, this is awkward’. Until the end of middle-school, no other girl built up the guts to confess to him.
UA made Katsuki feel like home. He was a cog, awfully clattering one, nonetheless a well working. When he moved into the dorms he was closer to girls than ever before, and once again it changed nothing. The blonde felt satisfied with himself, able to satisfy himself, with no need for another person turning his perfectly working plan upside down. He listened to his friends stories about kisses and, later, first times without much regret. When he gets to the top women will throw themselves to his feet, like Hawks or Endeavour. No need to stress about it, it’s not like he likes back any of the girls that lay eyes on him when he flexes and bends during workout.
This was the biggest lie Katsuki made himself believe. Time flew by and suddenly his friends were no longer making fun of each others’ stories about awkward first kisses or boob touching. They were no longer excited about relationships, they no longer made a big fuss out of every glance that lasted a second too long. It became events of the every day for them, and Katsuki felt left out.
When asked he turned a blind eye, he built a thick wall around his love life that no one was allowed to cross. Friends and family accepted the distance, deeming it yet another Katsuki thing. Given how handsome and successful he is, the man had to have a girlfriend or two, or three. They were simply kept a secret, nothing new for a pro-hero.
And so it went. Fear crept up Katsuki’s bones every time he imagined a botched relationship, an awkward one-night-stand, an adult-virgin first kiss. Girls were no longer girls, they were women, all grown up and knowing what they want. All expecting experience or mastery even from someone like him. All making him freeze, his body betraying, retreating in a defeated manner masked as brashness. ‘Dream on’ he used to say when an intern or a model from a small company approached during hero-themed parties.
Showing someone how utterly inexperienced Katsuki was, letting someone open up this new and fragile part of himself started to merge with the feeling of defeat. Quickly, the blonde decided that if anyone ever learned about his weakness, it would be the end of him. He saw, with the eye of his imagination, the headlines honking about Virgin Dynamite! Is it possible for the top handsome ranking pro-hero to be a virgin? Who stole Dynamite’s first kiss? And so on.
Out of options, Katsuki decided to let it go, unsure what to do, fed up with trying to find a solution.
That was until he found himself, thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder, on this painfully tiny couch, with you. There was a party, a fancy tuxedo one. There were people and drinks and perfectly glossed lips. There was music and vodka on rocks. And then suddenly there was none, only you and him, in a room forgotten by the ever-moving crowd.
Did the party end? Were there limousines lined up in front of the gold-dripping hotel, waiting patiently for their pro-heroes? Was there a villain attack and everyone went to the rescue? Was there a natural disaster happening? Where did these damn people go when Katsuki needed them? Where could he vanish when you were so close and so warm?
The blonde wanted to get up and walk away, spitting some bullshit in your face but his body froze. There it was, his secrets in danger. Despite not having much romantic experience himself, Katsuki was not stupid, he knew when lust filled his veins, he knew when someone wanted him. Right now you both felt the same way and while in fear of losing his pride, Katsuki couldn’t move away.
He couldn’t budge when you laid your palm on his thigh, he kept still as stone when you turned to face him fully, he stopped breathing when you moved close enough to let him feel your breath on his cheek. All the while he dug his fingernails into your knee.
Was it the uneven breathing that gave him away? Was it his hand that felt so lost on your skin? Or maybe it were his eyes that fought a battle between looking away and straight into your bust. The blonde wasn’t sure but when you glanced at him, with this frisky look in your eyes, he knew he was doomed. Katsuki nearly started waiting for a laugh when you tugged at his tie letting him fall over and cage you on the couch that was still painfully tiny.
“First time?” You breathed into the skin of his neck, climbing higher, pawing at his back and chest for support. Before he could answer your lips were on his in a hasteful and eager kiss. It was messy and all over your lips and cheeks and necks, all over the place. It was over in a blink of an eye.
Is this how a first kiss feels like? His friends told him stories about long, sweet and innocent pecks. This was nothing like the blackening memories at the back of his head. This felt like him, felt like his first kiss. Angry, bursting and forceful. Katsuki loved it.
“So it is.” Your voice, so close to his ear, tore him out of his head. You were still awaiting a response, one that would make him crumble, one that would destroy this perfectly unbalanced moment of lustful chaos.
Later Katsuki will wonder whether experience meant knowing what to say and do in the right moment, because you certainly knew how to do just that.
Gripping the collar of his shirt you tore the highest button, letting it fall down between your breasts for the blonde to find later. It were hands and knees everywhere for Katsuki, hotness and short breaths.
“You know what.” You asked, making him hum deeply into your skin. “If this is your first time then I cannot wait to see what you’ve got. After all an animal is the most aggressive, the most carnal when it’s starving.”
The little giggle that followed your smart remark made Katsuki grin widely. Fuck cliche stories about awkward frist times, fuck shy kissess and fuck confessions spoken with trembling lips. Katsuki will have to live with the fact that someone, that you, took away his virginity and you knew damn well about it. He will have to get over the loss of his mysteriousness (if you two are to date officially). Katsuki will gladly accept that. How could he not when once again he came out of a battle victoriously.Maybe it was his first time but it was his first time, his rules, his game and his girl.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Can I request headcanons for Logan and Wade with shy gn s/o please?
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I’m going to assume separate unless told otherwise as poly relationship between Wade/Logan and reader would be cool too, but again unless specified I’m just going to assume it’s separate.
Wade Wilson/ Deadpool
Wade found your shyness adorable but found your reactions to his teasing and flirting.
And he abuses the shit out of that to his hearts content.
Mouse was a nickname that you were given almost immediately from the moment you met as you were quiet and cute as one too that to Wade it just fit you perfectly.
Wade; stop being so fucking cute!
You: huh?
Wade: you heard me! It should be illegal to be as cute as you! You should be locked up for the thing you do to me, but I’d rather keep ahold of the details because half of them might make you faint little mouse.
You: oh. 😶🫣
Wade will make it a tradition to take you by surprise, whether it be by randomly kissing you, hugging you from behind, playfully smacking your ass, it didn’t matter because your tendency to whine his name out in embarrassment ‘waaaaddde!’ Before hiding your face in his chest as he laughs and whispers teasing words into your ear that only makes your flustered state worsen.
Wade didn’t mind that you were shy, he really didn’t as he found it to be one of the many things he loved about you and wanted to protect, he didn’t want you to feel as though you should have to change to better fit him when he was more content with you being you.
He’s never had as much fun nor laughter in his life like he did when he was with you, and Wade considered himself lucky to have someone as soft and sweet as you that he often times thought you’d be better off without a fuck up like him in your life but he’d kept it to himself, disguising it with humour and teasing you instead.
Logan Howlett/ Wolverine
Logan finds you being shy amusing to say the least.
It brought his protective instincts out as someone as soft and shy and softly spoken as you would need him by your side 24/7.
He’s your guard dog, scary dog privilege in the form of a very traumatised man who’s became more familiar with pain and heartbreak than the tender affection and touches you give him.
So you found it best to be patient with Logan and give him time to become familiar with your love and affection until he felt ready to reciprocate in his own way. And Logan appreciated you for that and would let you know his appreciation by planting a soft kiss to your forehead.
Logan is a softy with you and while he’s quick to bite back at other people, with you he’s much softer with his words that they’re practically sweet murmurs whispered within your ear, as he held you against his chest protectively as you both drifted off to sleep.
He more or less acts as your voice whenever you felt discomfort, he’d could easily tell from your bodily language and would immediately step in, and voice your discomfort for you in your stead for Logan knew that you’d rather avoid conflict then delve headfirst into it like him.
However Logan would be the type to try and teach you ways to defend yourself and how to stick up for yourself when he couldn’t, this is probably out of his fear of losing someone dear to his heart again, but he wasn’t about to risk looking you when he could give you the tools to keep yourself safe while he was away.
He gives you his jacket, just make sure that the point gets across that you were his and not theirs, after all he’s a possessive man who doesn’t like sharing what’s his with anyone else.
He didn’t care about anyone else, you were the only thing he gave two shits about alongside Laura Kinney (x 23) other then you two, nothing else mattered to Logan. He just wanted you to be happy for as long as possible.
Side note: he’d love it if you and Laura got along, it’ll mean all the more to him.
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thesongoficeandfir3 · 2 months
The coronation
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Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Wife!reader
AU where the blacks won
Warnings: none, just Jace and his wife reader being cute before his coronation
You make your way down the long corridor of the Red Keep’s ancient castle halls, your steps echoes loudly off the stone walls and floor. You soon approach heavy oak door where two knights stand and upon seeing you they immediately pull the large doors open. When you walk in you are met with a scene that takes your breath away. There in the center of the room your husband Jacaerys stands, dressed in a long, heavy, and expensive red and black regalia, fit for a king.
When you entered the room you were met with the back of him standing still. He was surrounded by several maidservants who are busy adjusting and fastening every piece of his attire, ensuring they fit perfectly for this very crucial day. There are large glass windows in the room and the bright morning light cast a glow on Jacaerys who stands in the center as if the gods themselves are casting their blessings on him for this important day.
His red and black robes are a vision of opulence and power. The material is thick and heavy, a velvety red silk that drapes him gracefully. Sewn into the sleeves, are subtle but intricate designs of sea horses and dragons, to represent both of his houses, each carefully crafted out of shimmering black thread. The back of the robe is longer than the front, pooling on the ground behind him in a dramatic train.
Your own gown had matched Jace’s, something Jace was very insistent on when it came to the designs of them. You are not sure when it started, but sometime during the first year of your marriage you found a lot of your and Jace’s outfits subtly match whether it was a big occasion or not. Your gown though less elaborate than your husband's, it still a vision of beauty fitted perfectly for a queen.
As you silently stand behind him, he meets your eyes in the reflection of the mirror he’s standing in front. A small smile dances across his lips and his dark eyes glitter with affection. It's the same look he gives you every morning when he kisses you awake.
Jacaerys holds up a hand, the gesture causing the maidservants to stop their movements in an instant. "That's enough," he says, his deep voice firm and commanding. "You may leave us."
They curtsey quickly and walk away, shutting the door behind them. Once they are gone, keeping your back straight as much as you could and your head bowing low you curtsey.
“My king.” you say with a teasing grin.
“Stop that.” he playfully rolls his eyes walking over to you. He places a hand on your chin with a tender touch, lifting your head and gesturing for you to stand.
“You look ethereal.” you whisper out, looking into his dark brown eyes with nothing but love and admiration.
“As do you my issa prūmia.” he leans down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Are you nervous?” you ask.
He moves his hands down from your face to holding your hands squeezing them slightly.
“Just a little.” he answers, his shoulder dropping not realizing he was tense the entire time.
You notice this and move one of your hands to caress his cheek to help calm him.
“You should not be, your grandsire and mother were wonderful rulers and they passed everything they know on to you, so I have no doubt you will be just as good.”
He nods leaning into your touch, the warmth of your words and touch calming him a little, but still a small part of him is nervous.
“So does this mean from now on I have to bow when I enter every room you are in.” you tease hoping to lighten the mood.
“Hmm,” he pauses for a moment pretending to think. He then leans in slightly. “Yes, I think you will have to bow before me….Every…..Single……..Time. He says each word deliberately slow meeting your teasing banter
“Oh?“ you quirk and eyebrow feigning surprise. “Does that mean I must always call you my king as well?” you lean in closer causing your lips to be mere inches apart.
“Of course my darling,” he says reaching out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear being very careful not to mess with the elaborate hair do, his fingers then trail along your jawline “I am your king, after all.” He smirks down at you.
“And I am your queen” your eyes had yet to leave his during your entire conversation.
“And a beautiful queen you are.” he presses his lips to yours lingering for a few moments before pulling away.
“And your child and rightful heir.“ you take his hand pressing it to your growing pregnant belly.
Jaceaeyrs feels a rush of emotion at the feeling of your belly under his palm, his eyes drifting down to where your hands meet before looking back up at you, His expression softens further. “Our child” he corrects a protective hand still resting on your stomach.
Your heart swells, though such a small gesture you can’t help but feel emotional that he said ‘our’ instead of his.
He suddenly kneels before you his fingers splaying on the swell of your stomach gently kissing it before resting his forehead on it.
“Our future king or queen.” He whispers out.
Your breath hitches at his unexpected action.
“J-Jace,” you stutter out. “This is unbecoming you are to be king” you say feeling extremely flustered.
He chuckles the sound deep and rich.
“Out there I am, but in here with you I am just a man who loves his wife and unborn child dearly” he plants one more kiss on your bump before standing. He places his hands on your hips bringing you close once more.
You reach out and grab the livery collar, each piece being one of the kingdom’s house sigil. You carefully place it over his shoulder before fastening the last button of the robe and smoothing a hand over his chest.
“Now then, let us get you to your coronation.” You smile
“As you command my queen.”
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t1oui · 3 months
i love the headcanon that james runs warm regulus runs cold so they're perfect together BUT what if it's the other way around.
james is this big cuddly looking strong guy and he is constantly FREEZING. he's so touchy not just because he likes touch but because literally everybody is warmer than him. he grabs regulus or lily or mary or pandora or remus's hand (any of his friends. any of them) and they immediately jump bc his hand is so cold.
then there's regulus. he's tiny and frail and everyone is always telling him to bring a jacket because he'll freeze but he WON'T. he's out in the snow in a long-sleeved t-shirt and slacks and nothing else and he's FINE. he might even roll the sleeves up.
when jegulus gets together james gets even clingier than usual the second he realizes how warm regulus is. people tell reg to bring a jacket when he goes out in the cold and he brings one for james. all of his hoodies are oversized b/c gender dysphoria (me too man, me too) and james steals them because they fit him perfectly.
just. cold james and warm reg
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