#this one has been sitting as a wip for months;;
alltheyoungmoons · 2 days
The Gift
G - WIP - Part 1/? - 1k words - ATYD timeline compliant.
Is this a fic? Because there's barely any plot. This is the first part of one single scene and it's already long as fuck, because I am nothing if not verbose. Based on this headcanon. Hopefully I won't drag it out too much. Enjoy and lmk what you think!
Sirius Orion Black the Third had heard his best friend singing the praises of one Lilian Jasmine Evans for so long that he never thought there would come a day when the two of them would amicably be having a private conversation. 
It’s not that he thought bad of her - they had just never seemed that compatible. She had been an annoying swot in their early years at Hogwarts, and she was friends with Snivellus of all people, which, in Sirius’ book, couldn’t be a good sign of character. Thank Godrick people change, and if he had been surprised when James and Lily finally got together, imagine his shock when he realised he had, in fact, grown fond of the redhead himself. 
Remus, of course, had predicted it. The bastard was always right.
The clever bastard was, incidentally, the topic of conversation that morning in the library. They had come back from Winter break a fortnight before, but the third years already managed to wreak havoc in the dungeons - Slughorn had previously confessed to the seventh years how the Slytherin-Hufflepuff third class was particularly inept this year. So class had been cancelled for that morning, as the Potions professor tried to take care of the sour batches before they exploded all over his classroom. Potter used the free hour to take care of some Quidditch business, and since neither Sirius nor Lily had other urgent plans, they decided to spend the time revising in the library. As he glanced at the freckly girl across the table, Sirius thought it was probably the first time they were spending time alone, ever. He couldn’t recall any other instance anyway. 
They had been sitting quietly for a while, reading, but the novelty of having a spontaneous hour off was evidently bothering Lily:
“Ugh I just can’t focus at the moment, this free has really thrown me off my schedule” she sighed, rubbing her eyes. Count on Lily to look at a free hour like a hindrance.
“That’s exactly what Moony would say” he chuckled. He found that now that all his friends knew, it was so easy to make comments like this, without worrying about the implications. Still easier with Lily, who was similar to Remus in many ways - both analytical planners, worryingly devoted to their to-do lists, but who crumbled under pressure if anything didn’t go to plan. Sirius and James, on the other hand, were the think-on-your-feet types. He privately thought they had all paired up quite well. 
Lily had blushed slightly at being compared to Remus; she probably thought it was high praise, and Sirius was inclined to agree. He could only have intended a compliment, if the other boy was involved. 
After a moment's silence, Lily’s eyes widened a bit, as if she had just remembered something, and leaned forward across the desk. Sirius put down his book, glad to be done with the pretence of doing something useful and instead turning his attention to something more exciting than the legislature around Veritaserum. 
“Speaking of Remus… his eighteenth birthday’s coming up,” Lily said, somewhat expectantly.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at this. Sure, March was more than a month away, but did she think he didn’t remember?
“I know, he’s my boyfriend.” He stumbled through his defensive tone. It was the first time he ever referred to Remus as such, out loud anyway. He felt the top of his ears warm up - he had surprised himself with this choice of vocabulary. Lily’s cheeks had become bright red as well; it was new territory for all of them. 
“Of course, I was just wondering…if you have anything planned? Gift-wise?” There was a tinge of nervousness in her voice “I know we went all-out last year, but eighteen is when you come of age for muggles, and I thought he would maybe appreciate if someone put some effort to celebrate this…I know it sounds silly, but I would…” she shrugged. Sirius could see she truly cared about this, and that she was putting a lot of thought behind it. He always held in high regard all his friends who didn’t abjure their muggle origins, even more now, in the middle of the war. Moreover, any birthday was a good enough reason to spoil your loved ones, no matter the cultural implications of the age they were turning. 
“Yeah - I, um, already got him something, actually” he answered apologetically, remembering the detailed instructions he wrote to the Goblin goldsmiths. Lily’s shoulders slumped at this,
“Ugh, I should’ve known,” she looked very defeated “I have been wracking my brains for weeks trying to come up with a gift, but with everything that’s been going on I never have more than five seconds to properly think about it…” Sirius tried to now dwell on all the things "everything that's been going" could entail.
“Well… I’m giving him a cigarette holder” he supplied, expecting Lily to disapprove. She and James were always giving out to him and Remus for the terrible habit. 
“That’s perfect!” She gasped. Sirius was stunned. She then buried her doll-like face in her hands “That’s perfect for him. He’ll love it. I’ll never find anything as good.”
“Aren’t you putting too much pressure on yourself? I’m sure Moony will appreciate anything you give him.” This was true, but unfortunately didn’t sound as comforting now that he’d said it out loud. 
“I know he will, but it’s not just that… I want this to be special, you know? Something useful, yes, but also meaningful.”
Meaningful. Sirius was looking into Lily’s green eyes, her gaze tired but solemn. 
Since the Diagon Alley attack, meaning had been an elusive concept to capture. It wasn’t the same as purpose, it was much more fickle. In the face of the terrible evil that was making itself increasingly more present, meaning seemed to escape entirely. Asking "why" wasn’t an option anymore, if any answer to it seemed impossible to conjure. The lack of certainty in the present translated itself into an imbuing of meaning in the small, mundane things. Thus, a simple birthday gift could, and did, hold this much weight. 
He straightened up, a fire newly lit within him.
“Ok, let’s brainstorm.”
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tishawish · 1 year
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Touch Prompts - 9. Listening to the other’s heartbeat
squeezing in one last geraskier piece before the year ends! thank you for following along with me this year<33
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bebzbrainw0rmz · 10 months
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Ughhh smth smth eat the two headed sacrificial lamb uhhh second coming of christ ?? Idfk kid named Funger just got hungry!!!
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thefablefoxart · 9 months
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The goodest boy 🐶
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upsidedownsmore · 3 months
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Hollowframe 55 (+ Umbra) - Qorvex
so uh
i may be deviating from the hollow knight style a bit with this one lmao
I'm still really happy with how it turned out though! I loosely had in mind the Black Egg, those big ancient Abyss shells, and like some kind of infected ancient variation of a Kingsmould (making him the fifth kingsmould inspired hollowframe now lol, sorry they're cool and he has the cod piece for it). Kind of a mess of inspirations but I think it came together well enough visually
Post with a bunch of wips here
The previous Hollowframe addition that added Dagath:
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kuurake · 8 months
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togtober day 1 — slayer
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jamalambbamm · 1 year
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help I cant think of a wity caption
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phierie · 1 year
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guy who wears a bucket hat and talks about his therapist
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neverevan · 7 months
Inspiration Saturday 🎄
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Aaand this would be the aforementioned second christmas fic; the rough draft is already done and it's just over 2k so I expect it to total out somewhere around 3-4k. Anyway, please enjoy this tiny snippet:
Buck sat in the waiting room, his eyes vacantly following the line of fairy lights running under the edge of the reception desk. They flickered every now and again.
Well, not just every now and again, but every thirteen seconds. Buck counted it out 67 times already.
He just started again, but he only got to six when he heard the voice he was waiting to hear for nearly 15 minutes now.
tags under the cut 💛
I was tagged by the lovely @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck thank you my dears and for all the bunch of people tagging me for FIF too mwuah 💛
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @heartshapedvows @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @jamespearce9-1-1 @evanbegins @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley
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fishbloc · 2 months
actually so funny how ive made so many stardew save files for rp reasons but i have not once recreated the flower valley in it
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bluberimufim · 4 months
Guys, I think I'm in the final 2-ish chapters of DoS and I'm actually so scared
(ig this warrants a taglist: @little-mouse-gardens @wildswrites @cheeto-flavoured-pasta @fleurtygurl @joswriting)
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abcwordsurge · 1 month
still working on rewriting my Houston / Miami / New Orleans fic, and?? it's getting longer in the rewrite??? I've heard of this happening to other writers but I thought it was just a myth. this has never happened to me before.
I added like a whole nother side plot with Houston and Texas (who's her dad in this one). I think it'll be 10 chapters instead of the original 4 or 5. I'll almost definitely go over 10k words, which is almost unprecedented for me (I'm a one shot kind of writer, only have 1 fic on AO3 over 10k)
I'm getting there though. I have three chapters ready, and each of the other seven are outlined and sort of drafted. it'll be done someday
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celestial-toys · 3 months
crawls out of my writing cave on all fours, disheveled and holding a twenty-four-thousand-word-long document between my teeth
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opening5equence · 1 year
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the loml!
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tokkias · 7 months
hand over Pollen Lucy 🔫👀 (please 💗)
wip game . open
yes ma'am 🫡
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“Is this helping?” He asked, gaze moving up to meet hers, a worried expression evident on his face.
Lucy frantically nodded her head as she bit down on her lower lip, worried that if she gave him a verbal reply she might let out a moan.
When she finally felt that she would be able to contain herself, she spoke up again. “Um… would you mind, you know…” she trailed off, embarrassed that she would even think of asking for more when he was already going out of his way to help her with this.
“Mind what? What do you need, Lucy?”
“H-harder,” she requested, “please.”
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masonscig · 4 months
wip wednesday
i haven't joined in one of these in forever but i've been working on something that i can hopefully share soon – i'm not tagging anyone but if you see this and want to share, tag me! cw for mentions of an injury (predictably this is mason x sofía)
He tears his hawk-like stare away from the calm monotony, tries to soothe his rising temperature. Shreds of his favorite burgundy thermal cling to him by a thread. It’s not worth saving. In a swift yank, what’s left of his shirt is abandoned at his feet. He’s nearly healed now. He rotates his arm, watches the remainder of his wounds close up. From red, to pink, to a scarred tan – and finally, his freckles bloom. It’s not punishment enough.
self flagellating mason anyone
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