#this one is very bittersweet
inebubble · 8 months
I met the sweetest borzoi youngster yesterday and his owner allowed me to say hi. He was VERY friendly and when he realized I knew where the best scratching spots were he all but jumped into my arms for cuddles then kissed my face with his long nose. He was so different from Liocha, but it was so good to hold a borzoi again, to feel him move in my space like Liocha did. At first I was all joy and after we said goodbye it hit me full force in the chest that I actually had felt again something I was so sure I’d lost forever - the feeling of his coat between my fingers, the shape of his body against mine. I broke down in tears and I still haven’t completely recovered.
I’m not sure how I feel about it. Weirdly, I feel a huge relief that this sensation (the silky silky borzoi hair) is something that I can experience again. For some reason, I thought it was lost forever and that I’d never feel it again. But that’s not true. I could meet another, and interact with them again, and this perspective feels as much like a dream as the first time I decided I wanted a borzoi. On the other hand, it’s hard to let go of the guilt associated with wanting another dog, especially another borzoi. It feels like a betrayal.
I think I’m ready for another dog, but I know I don’t want a borzoi right now. One because I haven’t let go of that guilt, two because logistically it’s not possible for me. I hope one day I’ll overcome both and be able to let another of these magical beings into my life.
God almighty I miss him though. Most of the time I feel better, and then sometimes it’s like my chest rips in two at the thought of never seeing him again. He single-handedly rekindled my hope that life after death is real and that I’ll hold him again someday.
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puppyeared · 1 month
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renaissance dogys
characters belong to @canisalbus
#i love i loveeee ludovica sm shes so cute. ive only known her for 5 min but i fell in love with her design and i love her friendship#with vasco ^_^ i think them having each other makes hiding their sexualities a little less lonely so thats sweet#ik in modern au shes considered an old friend of vascos but i originally assumed she and vasco fake dated in college or smth#to get their parents off their backs until they came out properly and continued to stay in touch as friends after LMAO#im not very familiar with period fashion so i had to look at renaissance costumes as reference. but i have to admit i love the#high waistlines used in some of their dresses.. i have a minidress with a similar high waistline pressed against the chest and sleeves#also if u squint machete is holding a little paper bag in the 2nd photo which is supposed to be his lunch courtesy of vasco <3#idk what ludovica would wear in modern au but i thought poet shirts might suit her because theyre like somewhere evenly between#masc and femme. to me anyway.. based on observation lesbians seem to love poet shirts and i think she looks good in one#these are all shitposts.. ill draw serious art of them one of these days i promise#i listened to fools rush in and it reminds me of them.. especially when it goes 'though i see the danger there / if theres a chance#for me then i dont care' like its so poignant and bittersweet.. a little indulgent when u think of those small moments they have togethr#save me gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries save me#my art#myart#doodles#fanart#others ocs#canisalbus#fur#furry art#machete#vasco#vaschete#ludovica#sfw fur#furry#anthro
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wonderrosss · 6 days
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Thalia and Grover hanging out years in the future.... 😁
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Assisting Acquaintance Acquired.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#Ignore how Wen Ning's hair looks here because I messed it up. Let's pretend he just sported a different hair style for a brief moment.#I am not exactly great at consistency but I am trying very hard to work on that (immediately messes up again).#Absolutely *love* how Wen Ning clearly remembers and admires WWX...who does *not* recognize him.#This is the best day for Wen Ning and it means *nothing* to WWX. A painful one-sided crush made worse.#It is bittersweet to realize that we care about someone more than they care about us. Sometime we pour love into a relationship-#-with someone who just can't reciprocate. It isn't always a conscious things either. Some people just aren't aware we care.#And painfully - so painfully - You can't make them aware. No act of kindness or gift or self sacrifice will make someone care about you.#You can martyr yourself for someone and they will continue on unchanged.#I think a lot about the parallels between WN and LWJ. Not foils - just reflections. A theme repeated.#People who give so much of themselves to someone who doesn't have the capacity to give any part of themself away.#I will die on the hill of 'Wen Ning would be the love triangle romance if that trope wasn't being avoided'.#And to be honest - thank the stars above that is the case. I do not know any good love triangles in media.#We are skipping some of the sad Jiang Cheng content because I really want to finish season 2 before May.#Sorry JC emo moment lovers...I'll deliver another time.
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creekbed-burial · 3 months
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Do You Ever Really Leave Your Hometown?
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iedistis · 5 months
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30 seconds before disaster
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amartworks · 1 year
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Been thinking a lot about Miles' eventual reveal and about it being something as simple as his dad recognizing his son in the most mundane way
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nartothelar · 11 months
But for the vampire au, have you considered Emmet getting Severely Hurt™️ and Ingo turning him to keep his brother alive?
Or do they have an agreement to just let things happen?
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“No.” Emmet responds simply, decisively.
The answer is expected and yet, the disappointment Ingo feels is an unwelcome heaviness, his constant frown turning genuine without it meaning to.
Ingo had asked the very same question thrice times now.
Once was when they were kids. It was casual inquiry that came with little prompting; he had asked out of curiosity more than anything. Ingo had asked Emmet after they had defeated a trio of challengers off hand. Emmet had laughed, light and airy, when he answered. They had gotten ice cream using their winnings after.
The second time had been following a much more harrowing experience. A safety check forgotten, a simple mistake by a depot agent newly hired, had resulted in a derailed train. Fortunately only a few were injured. Unfortunately, one of those few was Emmet.
Ingo had asked him with bags under his eyes, something quite silly since Ingo didn’t even need to sleep. (Was that makeup? Emmet had joked with an exhausted smile.)
Emmet, laying in that hospital bed, IV's in his arm and a cask around his left leg, had responded much the same, a chuckle rather than a laugh. Perhaps his headache had come back to manage much more than that. Ingo didn’t attempt to change his mind and offered him the chicken noodle soup Elesa had brought for him.
And the third time was right now: Ingo sitting across from Emmet in the dining room of their shared apartment. It was morning and even though the windows curtains were drawn, the room was illuminated with a soft glow. In front of his brother was a plate of eggs and toast, him nursing a cup of black coffee. In front of Ingo was just a cup of tea, untouched and cooling.
“But why don’t you want to be a vampire?”
“But why don’t you want to be a vampire?”
The way he asks shows his cards far to easily. Whoever had said Subway Boss Ingo was hard to read must have not tried at all.
His brother looks at him, assessing him, and then looks away.
Emmet is silent for a minute, simply gazing at the cup in front of him. His food was getting cold.
Most would think Emmet was being hesitant when answering, that this was a sign he didn’t want to answer at all. But Ingo knows him well. He knows he wants to go over what he will day and that he voices his thoughts properly.
Ingo is patient and waits. Finally, Emmet answers.
“I like the sun.” His brother says, looking at him. The color of his eyes haven’t dulled all these years. “It feels warm on my skin. It feels good.”
“I love eating. The taste, the action. Yup!" Emmet picks at his plate with a hum. "I want to eat what I like, when I like."
“I like my independence." Ingo's tea leaves an ashy taste as he sips it - a floral chamomile bag floats at the bottom of it. "I do not want to be dependent on others. I do not want to be dependent on things out of my control."
"I know that I will have to sometimes." Emmet really looks at him now. "And that is ok. But I still feel the same way.”
Ingo squeezes his mug, before he relaxes his grip. Emmet notices.
Emmet lays his palm on his chest, closing it into a fist near the middle.
“I like being human.” It sounds final, the words like a gavel to wood, the way it echoes in his mind. “I do not want to be a vampire.”
Ingo wants to argue. To convince him that the pros outweigh the insignificant cons, but he does not. No. Usually Ingo is more eloquent with his words, but the fear that rises up in his throat makes his usually well thought out words more brisk, more succinct, more honest as he says the obvious.
“But you are aging.” Ingo says. You are dying, Ingo tries, fails, and a refrains to add.
Ingo hands are smooth, his face without a wrinkle. He looks as the same as he as when he first became a subway boss. He has since he was sent to Hisui. Forever youthful. And Emmet.
Emmet's hands are calloused, wrinkled from years of maintenance at gear station. His hair is thinning and his temples were turning white. His stride not as brisk as it was years ago.
“I am.” Emmet replies. “And I will continue to age.”
Ingo knows Emmet. He is stubborn, just like himself. That is how he is. He knows he will not change his mind. And that makes him clench his jaw, look down at his cup with furrowed brow.
Ingo snaps his head up, fear turning to anger that makes him feel sick. He should not be angry, but he is.
“Then you plan to reach your final stop?” Emmet’s smile dims. Ingo continues anyway. “Leave this station?” Without me? Ingo clamps down before he utters the accusation.
“You....you will have me wait here for you to die? And do nothing?!”
And there it is. Ingo barring his greatest fear since he got turned. The thing that has plaguing his mind since he stood at the grave of his old clan leader in Hisui, at the cemetery where his other wardens were laid to rest. What he had realized as he saw time passes by, years of constant goodbyes and tearful farewells.
It was that, no matter how grand his ideals, the simple truth of the matter was that he was utterly powerless to the passage of time.
Ingo doesn't realize that he has stood up until he is already towering over Emmet's seated form. His fangs barred and he suspects his eyes are slits.
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And despite that, Emmet looks calm. He looks...sad.
“I didn’t ask for this.” Ingo says softly, deflated as the anger leaves his body. To live on as those around him pass. To see enjoy his life without the people he cares most around him.
Ingo feels arms wrap around him and he wraps trembling arms around Emmet too, his head laying on his shoulder. They stay like that for a moment, simply holding each other, not letting go.
"I'm sorry I never gave you the choice." Emmet finally says. Ingo's hands grip at Emmet's shirt. "We were young. You were dying. And I was desperate. I did not want to lose you..."
Emmet pulls back after that, not all the way, but enough to look into Ingo's face. His fangs have retracted, his eyes normal again. "But those details do not matter now, do they?" Emmet sighs out, that sad smile still there.
"They matter. Of course they matter." Ingo protests, but he doesn't elaborate pass that.
Emmet looks at the floor, thinking about his words and looks at Ingo again before saying, "Everything reaches its final terminal."
"Not me." Ingo says. It comes out bitter.
"Everything does." Emmet repeats, shaking his head. He squeezes Ingo's forearm before he lets go. "I did not give you a choice. but you can choose for yourself now."
His brother’s crows feet, a result from decades worth of smiles, crinkle at the edges as he looks at him. "Just as I choose for myself."
Ingo dwells on those words, on what his brother is offering. A choice and a decision to make. Emmet looks at him and Ingo understands.
With a sigh (a concession, a compromise), Ingo nods and accepts Emmet's answer.
That heaviness Ingo feels is not fully gone from his mind, but it has lightened, the tension of the room dispersing like the morning fog.
Emmet notices, smiles, and sits back down to finish his breakfast. Ingo follows. And then the silence is filled anew with his brother's latest retelling of yet another dealing he had with a rude passenger yesterday.
Ingo listens and they both laugh and talk and all is right and as it should be that morning, in their shared moment of time.
Him and his brother were a two car train, always have been, no matter their differences. And no matter what, he was going to be there with him until his brother's final destination.
And then after that, once that engine has long gone cold, Ingo would decide when his last stop was too.
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stephadoo · 1 year
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Happy birthday Bernard Cribbins - 29 December 1928
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saccharinescorpion · 5 months
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i found these tweets the other day and they made me really (frantically nodding my head) so i wanted to share them (with a few little tweaks to the translation to make it more readable lol)
if you would allow me to indulge in the self-humbling act of rambling about being touched by a Pokemon game... lol...
i think reading these made me realize exactly why i liked all the Arven stuff in Scarlet and Violet so much. every once in a while i've seen people say that the last scene of the Area Zero plot was way too abrupt and cheerful after the final confrontation with the professor, but i never really agreed with that. i guess that i didn't think that the hopeful tone of the ending overshadowed the sadder parts- they just kind of coexisted
and i believe the epilogue really proved that-- as the Twitter user said, "there's no way anything can be done in a short amount of time," causing him to still have issues like jealousy and possessiveness in spite of his "happy ending." it's true that the epilogue plays it mostly for comedy, but i don't think that changes the fact that Arven's anxiety over the protagonist having a new friend was extremely realistic, and made a ton of sense considering his backstory- again, "sincerity about the seriousness of the problem"
there's still a lot of sorrow there, but it doesn't mean Arven can never find happiness. i think that's a pretty sweet message, and an especially important one to impart to children (who are, yes, still the target audience of Pokemon lol)
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the-lonelybarricade · 4 months
I love Breaking & Entering! I want to know if he finds out. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you darling, I'm so glad you enjoyed!! I might have started working on a part 2 👀👀
At a loss for words, all Elain could think to say was, “My condolences for your plant.”
Lucien smiled. “Don’t worry, there’s humor to be had in it. You see, I kept a spare key just beneath the soil. If my thief had taken a moment longer to investigate, they might have saved their feet from getting cut by the glass.”
“They sound like a very poor thief,” Elain said, not looking up from the streaming surface of her tea.
“Exceptionally,” Lucien agreed. “I’ve been wondering all morning—who breaks into someone’s home with bare feet?”
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i need to share the absolute fucking Experience i had playing minecraft tonight. i'm gonna be emotional about it for days
so me and my friends like to play on this server that's pretty much just a bunch of minigames. one of them is Murder Mystery - of a group of - i think its 13/14 people - one person is randomly selected as the murderer (spawns with a sword), the other as the sheriff (spawns with a bow). the rest are innocent. the innocents can gain a bow by collecting coins. no one knows anyone's status unless the player shows their sword/bow. i'm doing a quest where, in order to get points, i need to kill the murderer.
so as the game start countdown begins, me and my pal are checking out this Red Link skin. it's pretty neat! we're all crouching and punching at each other, as one does. i feel a connection form with Red Link. we're buddies now. we're in this together.
so we're all running around the map. every time i see Red Link, we crouch and punch at each other. the game is going fine, we're having fun. i'm delighted that i've made a one-game friend.
then my friend says that Red Link is the murderer, and i literally have a hard time believing it. Red Link? my Red Link? no, they must be mistaken. we were together at the start. they had ample opportunities to kill me. it can't be Red Link. but whoever the murderer killed was the sheriff, and i needed to complete the quest - picking up the sheriff tombstone grants me the bow.
so i run, trying to find it, and i turn the corner.
there Red Link was, standing at the end of the hall, by the tombstone, with a sword in hand. i froze. i was so upset - not Red Link! not my dear companion! i was so sure that was it.
but i walked forward anyway, thinking that maybe if i dodged around them, grabbed the bow, and turned and shot fast enough, i could get them. the thought was actually distressing! Red Link didn't put the sword away. they watched me slowly approach. we stood on either side of the tombstone, and i expected Red Link to cut me down. i was well within reach of their sword.
Red Link calmly, still looking at me, moved to the side and past me. i panicked and grabbed the bow, ran to the corner, turned and drew - Red Link was already at the other end of the hall, running away. i didn't want to shoot, but i needed the kill - who knows when i'd get an opportunity to complete the quest again. it's a tough one.
i missed, thank fuck, but man. i was in shock. i thought i was a goner.
then, after the game where awards are given - the murderer, who killed them, who collected the most coins - i went up to Red Link and crouched. they crouched back.
then they left the game.
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sapphorror · 7 months
zim outliving dib but keeping an ai download of his personality around in the same manner as tak's ship... hmm
AI!Dib being at best apathetic to its own existence and at worst resentful of Zim for making it into an unwilling crutch for his grief. Zim eternally unsatisfied by this stripped down version of Dib that isn't quite a person and can't touch him or hurt him or chase him. Zim putting the thing in charge of almost all his tech as compensation, just to keep life interesting, just to have something they can fight over.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
i'll come tackle the monsters
Pairing: Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz (911)
Word Count: exactly 4.5k lol
But Buck didn't seem ready to talk. He just shifted, moving so he could drop his head to Eddie's shoulder, before nodding slightly and hiding his face on his neck. That is also new, Buck allowing himself to seek comfort. So Eddie waits, lets his hand find Buck's hair, fingers lazily moving through it until he relaxes against him. “I thought you were dead,” Buck mumbles into his skin, still hiding, almost as if he's hoping that if he stays like this, it can't hurt him. “It was just a bad dream,” Eddie tries to reassure him, fingers still moving on his hair, but he shakes his head. “No, not- not now, I mean, yes, in the dream too, but when you- I thought you were dead. You went down and you were looking at me, but then you weren't and I- I thought you were dead,” Buck explains and Eddie breathes out a soft oh once he understands what he means. “We never talked about it, about how it was for you,” he says, carefully, because even if Buck seems to be in a more open mood, he knows how fast he can shut down. or Buck has a nightmare and they talk about the shooting.
read it on ao3
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In The End
[Scene: BadBoyHalo sits next on a hilltop, looking forwards. Behind him, in the far distance, you can just see the tips of the outermost builds.]
[A waystone noise.]
[Enter Foolish, stage left. He carries a glass of red wine in each hand.]
[BadBoyHalo holds out a hand. Foolish places a glass in it, then sits down. They do not look at each other.]
Foolish: Phil left already. He said to share the last of the wine between us.
BBH: all these cycles, you'd think eventually he'd stay.
Foolish: Nah. You know how he is - likes to pretend there's hope and remember them whole.
BBH: I know. But it's so pretty when it comes!
Foolish: And you'd like not to be stuck with me. Well, tough I guess. I didn't want to be stuck with you either.
BBH: aww Foolish don't be like that! You're my favourite enemy.
Foolish: yeah sure.
[BadBoyHalo sips his wine. Foolish does not.]
BBH: Do you think, next time, we'll win?
Foolish: Maybe. We won this time, didn't we?
BBH: Did we?
Foolish: Dunno. Feels better if we did, though. Doesn't it?
[Foolish sips his wine. BadBoyHalo does not.]
Foolish: Do you think it'll ever end? Or are we just going to keep finding our way here again?
BBH: Foolish, we're immortal. Of course we'll meet here again!
Foolish: No I meant.... Never mind.
[Foolish leans his head on BadBoyHalo's shoulder.]
BBH: Huh?!?! Foolish?!?!
Foolish: Ehx shut up.
[A long pause. In the quiet, there is a slight rumble in the distance.]
BBH: Thanks.
Foolish: Huh?
BBH: It's beautiful, but it gets lonely sometimes.
Foolish: Oh. Right yeah. [Laughs] I think I'll miss this one.
BBH: I'll miss them.
Foolish: ... I'll miss them too.
BBH: Not you, though. I'll never miss you.
[BBH leans to rest his head atop Foolish's]
Foolish: Yeah same. I still hate you, you know?
BBH: Awww thanks Foolish! I hate you too.
[Another pause. The rumbling is closer now.]
[BadBoyHalo holds up his glass.]
BBH: To next time?
[Foolish clinks his glass against BadBoyHalo's]
Foolish: To next time.
[They drink.]
[The rumbling is not a rumbling, it is a screech. The stage fills in bright, shining light - front the front, not behind. In the last moments before it consumes all vision, you can just see the ground crumbling and falling into the abyss, two laughing figures falling with it.]
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
"Jealousy and other pathetic feelings"
(Zolu/Sanuso fanfic)
Luffy’s like the sun. So bright and hot that it burns if you approach him enough. Everybody wants to stare at him, but only Zoro is brave enough to get blinded and melt in his rays. Usopp, on the other hand, is so domestic and fragile Sanji fears he might slip in between his fingers like sand. It’s delicate. Both things are. - Zoro and Sanji pining over their boyfriends and moping around with jealousy because Luffy and Usopp are acting closer than usual.
This is a silly fluffy prompt that @leiatroublecat gave me and I turned it into a bittersweet, character analysis, angsty fic because I am a menace to society! That being said, I hope you all enjoy it!! <3
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