#this one ran away from me a bit ngl
papanowo · 4 months
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honestly getting to see spock go crazy go stupid saves this whole movie for me
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ellemj · 7 months
Needs & Wants - Sex Pollen Trope Pt. 6
Bucky Barnes x Reader
**Read parts 1-5 first for the full effect!**
Summary: Bucky doesn't want to take advantage when you're no longer feeling the effects of the chemical, even if he's still feeling them.
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, oral sex, profanity, angst, sex pollen (dubcon), mutual pining, dirty talk, kinda cockwarming, use of y/n, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Special thanks to @littlemiss-yeehaw for helping with the warnings <3
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires more warnings.
Word Count: 3.3k
Author's Note: AHHHH ngl I had butterflies down deeep while writing certain parts of this, I hope it was worth the wait for y'all. For the millionth time this week, thank you for all of the likes, reblogs, comments, asks, EVERYTHING. I wouldn't be writing this without you amazing people.
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Everything hurts. You feel like you ran a marathon, hit the gym, and then rolled down a mountainside. After a few seconds of being completely still, you realize it isn’t pain from the chemical compound. No, it’s just the after effects of the night that you’ve had. It’s the kind of soreness that you should expect to have after a night of sex with someone like Bucky, and after all of the intense physiological chaos that the chemical exposure caused. You don’t feel any cramping, stinging, or unbearable discomfort anymore. Breathing out a sigh of relief, you focus in on your current position. You lay on your side, dressed in only your t-shirt and Bucky’s dog tags, with his body so close behind you that you can feel the increasingly familiar warmth of breath fanning across the side of your neck. You’re worried that the way you’re feeling right now might be temporary. What if the chemical hasn’t fully cleared out of your system yet? Or worse, what if it has? What happens when Bucky wakes up and you both have to face each other after everything that’s happened tonight?
            You shake the anxiety-laden thoughts from your mind and decide the best way to soothe yourself is to check the time. Time is going to be the best indicator of how likely it is that the chemical has run its course for you. Unbeknownst to you, when you lean over and retrieve your phone from the bedside table, you moving those mere three inches away from Bucky interrupts his slumber. He blinks his eyes a few times as the dim screen of your phone becomes visible over your shoulder. 5:03 am. It’s been nine hours since you were both exposed. You recall Banner’s estimates, remembering him saying that it could last 8-10 hours for you and 8-12 hours for Bucky. How you’re feeling combined with it having been nine hours since exposure, you’re sure now that it’s worn off for you. Or at least worn off enough that you won’t be jumping your partner anymore. You set your phone back down on the table and rest your head on your pillow once more, remaining on your side. Maybe you can get another two or three hours of sleep before the team starts calling to check in with you both.
            Bucky, however, won’t be going back to sleep. Though he lays behind you with his eyes shut and his face giving the impression that he’s asleep, his lower half is very much awake and it’s keeping the rest of him awake now. He doesn’t know for sure if it’s worn off for you yet, but if it hasn’t, it will very soon. Why does the thought of that make him almost sad? He shouldn’t want more of what went down tonight. God, he wishes he didn’t want more. But with you lying inches away from him, wearing that damn t-shirt and his dog tags, and your panties probably still on the bathroom floor…all he can think about is repeating every second of the last time he was inside of you. It replays in his mind in flashes. You let him slide into your tight, wet cunt when you’d barely woken up and then you moaned his name before he was even fully inside you. You let him take his time, you didn’t rush him one bit as he memorized the way your pussy gripped his shaft and drew him in for more every time he tried to pull out. And fucking hell, when you leaned back into him and hooked your leg over his, giving him the perfect angle to please you. Yet somehow, all of that was background noise when you kissed him. You kissed him. He thought working his name out of your pretty little mouth was the triumph of the night, until he tasted your lips.
            He can’t ignore how hard he is any longer. Not when you’re lying there without anything underneath your t-shirt and especially not when his mind is giving him a slow-motion replay of the events that occurred just over an hour ago. He wants to find his relief in you, but he fears that you’re no longer under the influence of the chemical that gifted him with the best night of his life. He won’t take advantage. With it being so close to the ten-hour mark, he can’t bring himself to ask you for anything more than what you’ve already given him. He’ll take care of this one himself.
            You feel Bucky shift on the bed behind you a few minutes after you’ve set your phone back down on the bedside table. You stay still, hoping he’s just moving in his sleep to get more comfortable and that he isn’t really waking up after so little sleep. He has to be exhausted at least as much as you are, if not more. He needs sleep. When you feel cool air seeping into the covers, you know he’s not lying behind you anymore. You sit up quickly, turning your head to see Bucky standing beside the bed, pulling his boxers on in the dark. The feeling that spreads over you can only be described as dread. Did it wear off early for him? Is he going back to his bed to sleep through the rest of the morning now that he has no need for you anymore? Why does it bother you so damn much that he’s about to walk out of this room?
            “Bucky?” He freezes at the sound of his name leaving your lips in such a soft, timid tone. You sound worried and he hates it. His back is to you so you haven’t seen the way his cock is once again fighting to escape the confines of his boxers, you don’t see the way his cheeks are flushed or the way sweat is glistening across his forehead. He can make it out of here before you notice any of it.
            “Go back to sleep. You can probably get a few more hours in before Sam and Fury want to hear from us.” Why does he sound so distant? And why the hell won’t he turn around and look at you? You feel utterly sick now. After what you both did last night, he can’t even look at you. Can you blame him? God, you were so fucking stupid. Where did all of your self-control go? You were supposed to lock yourself in the bedroom and ride it out alone, not ride it out on him. Suddenly, his dog tags feel heavy around your neck. Bucky takes two steps toward the door, still refusing to look at you.
            “Wait.” You remove the dog tags from around your neck, holding the chain in your palm as you climb out of bed. He sighs but still doesn’t turn to you. What a fucking ass. “These are yours.” You say softly, walking to the foot of the bed and holding them out. He takes two more steps forward, stopping once he’s in front of you. You hold out the dog tags, studying them as they sway above his open palm. As you watch the metal tags collide with his skin, you feel hollow inside. You can be as cool and as calloused as him, you decide. You’re about to turn on your heel and climb back into bed, alone, when you mistakenly let your eyes drift down to the front of his tented boxers. The chemical hasn’t cleared his system yet.
            He knows you know now. He watches as your expression changes from one that he couldn’t quite decipher to one that he’s become fond of tonight: need. It’s different this time though. You don’t need him to fuck you. Instead, you feel the need to take care of him. You don’t want him to suffer through these last couple of hours. You can’t let him suffer after all of the ways he helped you.
            “Bucky...” Your voice trails off as you turn your gaze up to his face. He’s looking into your eyes but instead of seeing his blue irises painted on with a lust-tinged brush, you see the hard, stoic look he’s always had around you.
            “I said you should go back to sleep.” He reminds you, his fist tightening around the dog tags that remain in his flesh hand. Why is he acting like this now? You should feel hurt, maybe even embarrassed that this is how he’s treating you after everything you did with him, but the only thing you feel is anger that he’d walk away now. That he’d walk away when he’s so clearly in need of something that you can give him. You’re contemplating what to say to start the argument that’s about to take place, but you know words won’t be enough to make him stay. Not when he has that cold look in his eye.
            Bucky’s frozen in place when you get down on your knees.
            “Y/n…” His warning tone doesn’t do shit to stop you. You’re already on the floor, sliding your hands from his knees, up the fronts of his thighs, and then lightly raking your fingertips back down to where you started. You think you can almost feel him trembling at your touch. “You don’t need to do this.”
            “Everything else I did tonight was because I needed to do it. I’m doing this because I want to.”
            That was it. Somehow, he thinks that’s the best thing you’ve ever said to him. Now, as you pull his boxers down at a painstakingly slow pace, that lust-filled look is back where it belongs, clouding his gaze as he watches you intently. You maintain eye contact as you wrap your hand around his thick length, stroking it once, twice, three times before leaning forward and dragging your tongue over his slit. He watches as you taste his precum. It lights a fire within him that he fears will only be stoked by every fucking thing that you do from now on. He never would’ve thought that the mouth that gives him shit on a daily basis would be wrapped around his cock like it is now. You work your hand over the base of his shaft as you take him further and further into your mouth. You were going to stop halfway and pull back, planning to give him a nice, clean blowjob. But when you make it halfway and look up at him through your eyelashes, the way he’s looking back down at you causes every thought to flee your mind. You relax your throat and take the last few inches in slowly, until you feel your nose brush against his lower stomach and his cock hit the back of your throat. The groan that rips from his chest encourages you to pull back and do it again. You’re about to do it a third time when he fists his vibranium hand in your hair and pulls your head back, forcing his cock out of your mouth. As he looks down at you, your cheeks and nose pink, your eyes watering ever so slightly, his dog tags feel heavy in his right hand. He loosens his grip in your hair and lets his vibranium hand slide over to the side of your face. He runs his thumb across your cheekbone.
            You stare up at him with lust and longing written all over your features. Can anyone really blame him for what he’s about to do? Fucking hell, he can’t help himself. He stops stroking your cheek with this thumb and you watch carefully as he fingers the chain of his dog tags in front of your face. Your eyes catch onto the inscription that you’ve rubbed your thumb over so many times tonight: James B Barnes. He gently places the chain back around your neck and then hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him again.
            “So fucking pretty with my name around your neck.” He breathes out the words. Now you’re the one trembling. When his hand falls away from your chin, you lose the last shreds of self-control you were clutching onto and place your hands on his thighs as you take him back into your mouth. You bob your head back and forth eagerly, loving the breathy groans and curses that fall from his lips every time he hits the back of your throat. Still, you want to give him more. You reach up and grab his flesh hand, guiding it to the back of your head as you still yourself with only the tip of his cock resting in your mouth. He narrows his eyes at you, knowing what you’re about to let him do but not completely sure that you can take it. He was just about to ask you if you were sure, when you gave him the most innocent look that he’s ever seen, and then he was ruined. He tangles his fingers in the hair at the crown of your head and forces you to take every inch of him in. He holds you there for two seconds, trying harder than he ever has to keep from cumming when he feels your throat tighten as you gag on his cock. You let him take complete control, guiding your head back and forth at the pace he chooses. It takes less than a minute for him to nearly come undone. You feel his cock twitch in your mouth and you don’t have any plans to make him stop. You hope he’ll cum in your mouth. Of course, he abruptly pulls your head back before he finishes. But he doesn’t stop there. He pulls you to your feet using his hold on your hair and shoves you onto the bed.
            “Shirt off, now.” He commands, his chest heaving as he runs a hand through his messy hair. In an instant, your shirt is on the floor and you’re sitting on the bed with your weight resting back on your hands. He crawls over you while stroking his cock in his right hand, and you follow your instincts, lying down underneath him as he leaves you no other choice. Your legs spread and you find yourselves in the missionary position, just like the first time you fucked. “You were going to let me cum in your mouth, weren’t you?” He asks, bracing himself with his arms on the bed on either side of your head and leaning in close to you. He leaves wet kisses just underneath your jaw as he patiently waits for a response.
            “Yes.” You answer honestly. Your eyes are nearly rolling back in your head at how good he is with his mouth. His lips feel so soft against your skin and you just want to taste him again. You let your hands travel up his sides, over his chest, and then you rest them along the sides of his jaw, pulling his mouth to yours. He captures your lips with his, your mouths moving in tandem as heat begins to spread throughout your body.
            “Would you have swallowed?” Bucky wonders aloud, breaking the kiss to look into your eyes. You stare up at him as a playful smile turns up the corners of your lips.
            “Every drop.”
            The words have barely left your mouth when you feel Bucky lining his cock up with your entrance. You moan before he’s even inside of you and he can’t stop the smirk that spreads across his face. He has you wrapped around his finger in this perfect, unforgettable moment. He forces his cock inside you, his head falling down to the crook of your neck as he bottoms out.
            “Fuck, Y/n. It’s so good, I can’t…” His voice is tense as his sentence goes unfinished. He’s not even thrusting into you, he’s just grinding his hips in circles, letting his cock rub against the walls of your pussy. “I just want to stay like this.” He groans. For a second, you wonder if he means that he wants to physically stay like this or if he means something else entirely.
            “God, Bucky…” You start grinding up into him just like he’s grinding down into you and within seconds, you’re a wreck beneath him. “Please, fuck me.” He can’t deny you. He starts fucking his cock into you, obsessed with the way you pull him tighter against your chest with every thrust. Bucky was already seconds away from cumming when you were sucking him off, but now he’s hanging so far over the edge that he can feel himself losing control. You can sense how far gone he is as he buries his cock in you with what can only be described as pure primal need.
            “Shit. Shit, I’m gonna cum.” He groans, nipping at your collarbone as the headboard begins to knock against the wall. You wrap your legs around his waist and snake your hand down between the two of you, rubbing your clit to ensure that you’ll cum at the exact same time as him. You want him to feel the way you clench around him, the way your walls flutter as aftershocks tear through you.
            “Oh my god, Bucky. Cum inside me, please fucking cum for me, baby.” The words fall from your lips so freely that someone overhearing would think you’ve been sleeping with each other for months. “Don’t pull out.” Your last words flip a switch inside him and he starts driving his cock into you with so much force that you hear the headboard crack. When he cums inside you just a second later, you fall over the edge right along with him, your orgasm so strong that tears form in the corners of your eyes as he fucks you through it.
            That. That was earth-shattering, life-altering sex.
            You stay connected like that, with Bucky on top of you and his cum trapped inside of your cunt by his still hard dick, until you both drift off to sleep.
            There aren’t many things that you hate more than being woken up by your phone ringing. It’s always immediately put you in a bad mood. However, when you wake up this morning to the sound of your phone ringing and vibrating on the bedside table, you find yourself tangled up with Bucky. Completely naked.
            Fuck. You’re facing each other, with your leg hitched over his hip and his thigh pressed against your wet pussy. Wet? Holy shit, it’s his cum. His cum has been steadily dripping out of you since you fucked earlier, and with the position you’re in, it’s been dripping out of you and onto the skin of his thigh. With the light of early morning starting to peek through the curtains across the room, you can see Bucky clearly now. He’s scrunching up his face in annoyance at the sound of your phone ringing. Shit, your phone. You twist your upper body and retrieve your phone from the bedside table, tapping on the screen to answer it before checking to see who’s calling.
            “Tell me you both made it through the night.” Sam’s voice fills your ear and Bucky must hear it too, because his eyes snap open in an instant. He doesn’t move and you can see the wheels in his mind turning as he goes through the same mental gymnastics you just went through about your positions and what exactly is on his thigh right now. You bite your lip so you won’t let out a laugh.
            “We made it through the night.” You tell Sam, your voice raspy from the various moans and screams you let out last night.
            “And you’re both okay?” He asks.
            “We’re fine.”
            “I tried calling Bucky first because I know he never sleeps, but he didn’t answer.” Bucky’s eyes widen as he overhears Sam’s words. He didn’t answer because he slept in your bed, and his phone is still back in his own bedroom.
What the hell are you going to say to Sam?
Next Part
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promiscuouscutie · 5 months
Marking His Territory
Ethan Landry x shy fem. Reader, Ethan being possessive and jealous, HE IS A GHOSTFACE IN THIS, SMUT
Word Count: 1766
Warnings for this part: non-consensual videotaping, P in V sex, fingering, unprotected but no finishing inside, biting, if you don’t like controlling behavior this isn’t for you
A/N: I’m kinda iffy on this ngl. I think I could’ve dragged it out longer but this was all I came up with. I still hope you enjoy :))
You thought you and Ethan were pretty similar. You both were pretty reserved, and that’s what drew you two together. You found yourself more comfortable around him when it was just the two of you doing assignments together, eventually going on late night walks around campus. You remember the fluttery feeling in your stomach when he held your hand for the first time, pulling you close to his side under the dark sky.
To you, it was like fate! You were always a bit of a romantic, liking the idea that there were strings attached to souls, connecting people with their true match. When he cupped your face and kissed you in your dorm for the first time, you couldn’t imagine being without him. You were nervous to ask him out, but that was okay! He ended up asking you to be his girlfriend the next night and giving you a bouquet of roses.
You and Ethan had gone through the honeymoon phase of your relationship, loving every minute of it. You thought it would last forever, but it didn’t. You started to notice Ethan acting different in the relationship: he was starting to control your life. Well, you wouldn’t put it like that. But anyone who noticed would disagree with your constant efforts to brush it off.
If you didn’t answer his messages right away, he’d blow up your phone. He’d walk you to each of your classes, walk with you to lunch, and come to your dorm to make you dinner as you both worked on assignments. You’d see your friends on the weekends; he never objected to that, unless they were guys. The male friends you had at the beginning of the year had faded from your life because of Ethan’s presence. Well, all except one guy: Lucas.
Lucas was someone you used to be very close to, until Ethan claimed he was into you and wanted to get into your pants.
“Baby you can’t seriously be this naive,” he scoffed. You lifted your head off his shoulder, sitting up in his lap. “What?”
“Lucas wants to fuck you. You realize that, right?”
Now you were the one to scoff. “No he doesn’t. We’re just friends.”
“He doesn’t look at you like he just wants to be friends.” You dart your eyes down to stare at his chest, playing with the buttons on his blue shirt.
“Do you think I’d cheat on you or something?” You asked. His gaze softened and he cupped your face.
“No baby no. I know you’d never do something like that to me. You’re a good girl.” You smiled at the praise, feeling reassured. You kissed his cheek and leaned against his body again, going back to watch the movie. Ethan ran his fingers through your hair, glancing at the incoming messages on your phone. Every single one of them was from Lucas, which made Ethan clench his jaw. At this rate, Ethan was gonna add him to his kill list.
After that conversation, you didn’t talk to Lucas as much. When he’d ask why, you’d say you were just busy and it was nothing personal; he’d believe you, but still push to talk to you. Ethan didn’t like that one bit. He just wanted him to give up and move on, find some other girl to leech on. You were his, no one else’s. His hatred for Lucas only grew, but it reached its peak when he found out he invited you to a study session.
“You’re not going.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re busy. Just tell him that.” You sighed, putting your buttoned-gray sweater over your black tank top. He comes up behind you and hugs you, holding you in place. You sighed, leaning your head against his body.
“Stay here, with me. C’mon baby, forget about Lucas,” he whispered.
“I’m just gonna help him with his project, and then I’ll come back here.” You turned around and put your hands on his shoulders. “Will you wait for me here?” He dragged out a sigh, but eventually nodded. You smiled and kissed his cheek before grabbing your bag with your notes.
When it’s time to say goodbye, you kissed him deeply with an embrace. “I’ll see you later!” Before you could put your hand on the doorknob, he grabbed your hips and held you in place. You could feel his body against you from behind. You could smell the perfume of yours that lingered onto him.
“That’s all you’re gonna give me?” He faked a sad voice. One of his hands snuck under your top and rubbed your lower stomach.
“Ethan,” I let out a breathy laugh. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, placing kisses along your skin.
“Just stay with me. Lucas can fend for himself.”
“Ethan that’s not very nice.”
“Just a few more minutes, please.” His grip on your hip grew tighter. You winced as he bit down on your skin, leaving teeth marks on your neck.
“Ethan!” You wiggled out of his grasp and touched the throbbing mark on your neck. You looked at him in shock; he had never bitten you before. “What’s gotten into you?” You gape at him.
He no longer had his doe eyes. His face had hardened, but his eyes were filled with desire.
The phone in your pocket started to buzz. You took it out and saw Lucas’s contact; he was calling you. Ethan took your phone out of your hand and answered the phone for you.
“Uh hey! Who’s this?”
“It’s Ethan, her boyfriend.”
“Oh…hey man! I just wanted to check in and see if she was coming over soon. She’s got the notes, so..”
“Oh, well she’s not coming.”
“She’s not?”
“No, she can’t make it.” You had been trying to grab the phone out of his hand, but he was much stronger than you. You groaned every time he pushed you away.
“Are you sure?” Ethan looked at you, noticing your pleading expression. You mouthed the word “please,” making him bite back a sigh.
“You know what? She will be there. Just give her some more time to get ready. Is that cool with you?”
“Yeah! That’s totally fine with—”
“Good talk,” Ethan hung up. You stared at him and held your hand out, waiting for him to give you your phone back. But he doesn’t, not yet. He looked at Lucas’s number, memorizing it in his head. He took your hand and led you back into your room, pushing you onto the bed.
“Ethan I thought you said—”
“I know what I said,” he said as he unbuttoned your pants, “but you have to do something for me.” He yanked your pants off and threw them onto the ground. You closed your legs immediately, feeling the cold air hit your thighs.
“I know I haven’t been very reasonable when it comes to him,” he admitted. He pulled you closer to him by your legs, placing him in between them. He pressed his lips against your skin, leaving those kisses that gave you butterflies.
“All I ask…is that you promise me something.”
“Okay..” you trailed off. You didn’t understand where this was going, even as he moved your thighs further apart. He could see a damp spot on your panties, making his cock twitch.
“Already?” He smirked. You averted your eyes, not wanting to respond. But he could see the blush growing on your cheeks.
He moved your panties to the side and exhaled heavily at the sight of you. He traced his finger down your slit, making you quiver. You laid back on the bedspread, looking at the ceiling as he continued to tease your pussy. He traced circles on your clit, prodded at your hole a few times before pushing the finger inside you. You let out little whimpers and whines, sounds that Ethan enjoyed. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted you to be louder.
What you didn’t know was that he began recording you on his phone, a little homemade video.
“Flip over, on your stomach baby.” You do as you’re told, whining at the loss of his touch. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring out free. He rubbed his tip against your pussy, pushing it inside you for a fleeting second before taking it out.
You would cry out his name, wanting to feel him inside. “I know baby, I know. It’ll be over soon, I swear.” He pushed himself inside, letting out a loud moan as he felt you clench around him.
“Oh my god,” he gritted his teeth. He could barely take the feeling of you around him as he started to move his hips. He could barely handle the sight of you grabbing your sheets, muffling your noises. He grabbed his phone that had sitting on the bed, only recording the sounds you were making. But now, he would capture the sight of you two fucking.
He’d save the video for himself, of course. But he had another plan in mind. He would send the video to Lucas as you left to go to his place. That would send the message to him, and you wouldn’t be the wiser. You’d have no clue, and that was how it would stay.
He truly was capturing gold with his phone. He was fucking you so hard that you couldn’t muffle your moans. You didn’t even care that your neighbors could hear you; you felt phenomenal.
You felt Ethan’s weight on your body, leaning closer to your ear. He wrapped your hair into a ponytail and pulled you closer. “Lucas could never fuck you like this, right?”You shook your head and continued to whine.
“Say it,” he panted.
“N-no! Never! He could never make feel this goo—holy fuck!” Ethan almost dropped his phone as you babbled out those words. He couldn’t contain his excitement; he was ready to cover you in cum.
And that’s exactly what he did: he pulled out so fast and let his cum drip all over your ass, letting it drip down your thighs. That was probably the fastest fuck he had ever had with you; he couldn’t help himself. He let out a breathy laugh as he smacked his cock against your hole a couple times before ending the video.
He’d clean you up, help you out your pants back on, kiss you goodbye, and send you on your way. He’d have the video sent to Lucas before you arrive at his home.
He could only imagine the look on his face.
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dracoxsworld · 11 months
Can you do a fic where ron was jelly bc the reader was being too friendly to draco and had to show her who she belonged to ?
Hello friend! Thank you so much for the suggestion! I hope this is good enough for you :) I’m doing some requests as I prep the next part of arranged, I’m very excited.
WARNINGS: dom!ron x sub!reader, kinda rough sex ngl, jealousy, angry ron, p in v, oral sex both sides receiving, fingering, reader has female anatomy.
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photo edited by me :)
You and Ron have been together for quite a while. Everyone knew you were together, no one even questioned it. Ron liked it that way.
You were his and nobody could do anything about it. He had always had a slight jelousy for his best friend, Harry Potter. He always got everything he had wanted. Ron thought Harry could get any girl he wanted with ease. So when Ron met you and got into a relationship with you, he is never going to let you go.
This was his opportunity to show the school, his family, the world, that he wasn't Harry Potter's lame and single best friend, he had the prettiest girl in school on his arm; and he was particularly protective.
Some of your peers liked to use you to annoy Ron; or try to make him feel insecure. This of course, included Draco Malfoy. You were a tad naive to realize it. You were simply thinking he was just trying to be your friend. It started out as you both being assigned as partners in potions. Draco was well aware of you and Ron being together; and used that to his advantage. He’d flirt with you, constantly talk to you, all while Ron would watch, just thinking.
“So Y/L/N, what’re you doing after class today?” Draco asked, side eyeing Ron, who was seated with Seamus. (Not a good mix, by the way.)
“Oh! I’m not sure, I need to study for Transfiguration…I’m struggling a bit.” You said while chewing on your bottom lip, reading the inked-in instructions for the current potion you both were assigned.
“I can help you with that, you know.” Draco suggested. This had caught your attention, you looked up from your potions book and smiled politely.
“Oh, no I’m okay, I believe Ron is assisting me,” you declined, looking over at your red headed boyfriend; who was watching you both the whole time. His arms were crossed, his eyes were darker than usual.
“Are you sure?” Draco voiced again, stepping closer to you, sliding the potions book away with one hand. You got nervous, just before you could respond, Professor Snape announced that class had dismissed, and you’d have to finish todays project tomorrow.
You swiftly grabbed your bag and ran out the door, leaving some of your belongings on your desk.
You ran to your dorm room, feeling a sense of panic. You were hoping Ron wasn’t think you were engaging with Draco’s behavior, that you weren’t flirting back.
You shook your head at the thought. Ron knows better, you told yourself. He would never think I’d do that.
Does he?
You had opened the door to your dorm quickly and slid in and slammed it, locking it. You set your bag in the floor and flung your body onto your unmade bed. “Stupid Y/N. It’s so obvious he was flirting with you.” You mumbled to yourself, your face squished into your duvet. You sat up and looked in your body-length mirror.
Your hair was a bit of a mess, probably from you flinging yourself onto your bed. You ran your hands through your hair to make it look a bit nicer, and gave yourself a small smile of reassurance.
Knock knock knock knock
You jumped, and turned towards your door. “Please don’t tell me your name is Draco Malfoy.” You groaned.
“You’re damn right it isn’t.” Your boyfriends voice boomed through your door. It startled you, it was his voice but it sounded different. “Ron?” You fled out.
“Yes, open the door.” Ron demanded. You did as you were told and unlocked the door and peeked through. You saw your beautiful boyfriend looking down at you, looking not too happy.
You looked down and noticed he had the belongings you had left at your desk in his arms. Some potion bottles, your book, and some quills. You then noticed his knuckles looked slightly stained with red, and bruised.
You looked back up at him with your lips parted and eyebrows furrowed, still peeking through the small crack in the door.
“Are you going to let me in?” Ron asked impatiently. You nodded and let him in, closing the door behind him. Ron set down your supplies on your desk neatly. Setting the potion bottles up on their designated shelves, putting your quills in ink you had, and setting your book in your built in shelf in your desk.
He turned towards you and slowly walked up to you. You were picking a hangnail, unable to get even a sound out. “Draco has taken quite a liking to you.” Ron seethed. You shook your head. “I disregarded him, Ron. You know I’d never—“
“I’m not worried about you, pretty girl.” He specified, his hand lifting your chin towards him. You licked your lips, looking at his. He smiled down at you. “I’m going to show him that you’re mine, he’s going to hear you. He’s going to see you all fucked up from me.”
Your underwear was wet, your eyes widened and you rubbed your thighs together at his words. “On the bed, pretty.” He prodded you, pushing you towards the bed. You listened, wanting him to do whatever he wanted to you. To be honest, you loved it when he got this way. There was something about it that immediately turned you on.
He took off he belt, keeping his eye contact with you. You sat up on the bed, your eyes scanning him up and down. He took off his uniform pants, sliding off his shoes with them. He crawled on top of you, his hands beginning to fiddle with your button up shirt. “These bloody buttons-“ He grumbled before crashing his lips into yours, it was aggressive but loving all at once. It was demanding, you stood no chance of taking over. You let him have control.
He got fed up with your shirt at one point he just ripped it off, buttons flew everywhere. “Ron!” You exclaimed, breaking the kiss.
“Shut it, you have hundreds of those blasted shirts.” He spat. He kissed you again, harsher, and unclasping your bra. He threw it across the room carelessly, not taking any attention off of you, he pushed you back toward the headboard of the bed, putting you in his lap so you were straddling him. His hands were everywhere; your hair, your waist, the hem of your skirt, etc.
Ron’s fingers crept past your skirt, and they lightly grazed your clothed heat. You moaned in his at the feeling immediately. “You drive me fucking crazy, do you understand?” Ron mumbled in the kiss. You nodded, hardly containing your sounds of pleasure from his fingers teasing your soaking wet core, your panties still acting as a barrier. “I want to hear your response.” He prodded. “Yes Ron, I understand,” you whimpered. Ron’s hips grinded upwards towards yours, as his finger continued to tease your core still clothed.
“Please–“ you begged him in the heated kiss. You wanted him now, you didn’t care how. Ron broke the kiss, still teasing you “Please what, princess?”
“I want your mouth,” You pleaded, your face pink from embarrassment. “What a perfect idea, pretty. Only if you moan my name loud enough will determine if I let my pretty girl cum, how does that sound?”
You moaned, his fingers were still lightly touching you. You needed more, this wasn’t enough. You tried to grind towards his fingers more, and he immediately took them away. You whined, it felt like torture. “Don’t be a brat.” He demanded. He slid himself out from under you, so you were laying in the pillows and on your back, and flipped your skirt up into your belly. He laid on his stomach and inches himself close to in-between your legs.
He teasingly licked slowly up the inside of your thighs, making you moan his name, your hands in his red hair pulling it like reins. He hummed as he got closer to your core, with your now saturated panties. You felt lightheaded, this wasn’t fair, you needed him desperately more than ever. Your core was aching for his mouth. “Fuck Ron, please please!” You cried desperately. He finally complied, hooking his fingers under your soaked panties and pulled them off.
“My goodness, excited are we?” Ron teased, licking his lips. Your pussy was dripping, begging for him to clean you up. He went in immediately afterwards, slowly licking your core up and down. Focusing on each inch. In circles, his tongue went. He planted a few kisses, and went back to licking up your juices. You threw your head back and screamed his name, forgetting you both didn’t set a Muffliato spell. Oh well, Draco’ll definitely hear you.
He hummed as he ate you out, making it even more pleasurable. “Ron, fuck!” You moaned loudly, felt like you shook your dorm walls. You saw him smile and he was licking every inch. His tongue abused your hole, going in and out as his thumb played with your clit. “God, Draco wishes he could lick your cunt like this, fuck Y/N.” Ron groans
You felt a knot forming in your stomach, your legs were shaking violently. “Ron, I’m close!” You moaned. He immediately backed away. You moaned in frustration.
“Ron please, I can’t take much more,” you begged. Your boyfriend shook his head at you and laughed. he took your jaw in his hand “You’re going to earn it, you’re going to learn to not even look in Malfoy’s direction. Understood?” Ron demanded. You nodded, tears falling down your cheeks. Your core was dripping, making a wet spot on your sheets.
“You’re going to pleasure me” Ron announces.
You got up on your knees, which were very weak. Ron’s hard cock was easily visible in his boxers, he slid them off letting it free. He got up from the bed and stood towards the edge. You got on your stomach with your legs in the air and crossed behind you, taking his length in your mouth immediately, licking off the pre-cum.
“Fuck baby, you already know what to do.” Ron groaned, collecting your hair and making a ponytail with his hand, wrapping it around his fist. This made you groan in his dick, rolling your eyes back, but still staying stable enough. You pumped him with your hand and he guided your head, bobbing it up and down on his dick. He again, had a majority of control. That bastard.
His dick was hitting violently against the back of your through causing the urge to gag. You free hand was balled up in a fist with your nails going into your skin making crescent-shaped indents, trying to distract yourself from the urge.
“Take it, look at me.” Ron demanded, your eyes fluttered open and looked at him. “Malfoy couldn’t fuck your mouth this could, could he? Huh? You’re stuffed with my cock.” You made noises at his response, rubbing your thighs together. You shut your eyes again trying to focus on not orgasming right there, even with the absence of his touch.
“Eyes on me, I said.” Ron’s voice boomed again. You whined and opened your eyes agin and looked at him. He threw his head back, his mouth agape, “Pretty girl, I’m close,” He groaned, eyebrows together. You bummed around his dick, head being pushed on it up and down violently by his hands gripping your hair. His hand pushing you on his dick started getting off beat and sloppy, you knew he was very close.
You went faster and faster, ignoring the tears and sweat rolling down your face. You felt his warm liquid roll down your throat as his dick twitched and his loud moans were all you heard.
He hands gently ran through your hair, he pulled out of your mouth and looked down at you. His smile was wicked, but you still saw the love behind it. “On your back, on you go.” You excitedly complied. Your body was aching for him, begging him to fuck the shit out of you. you flipped your skirt up to expose your cunt, soaking wet from his sexual torture. Ron hovered over you, his arms on both sides of you, he leaned down and left sloppy kisses on your neck and collarbones, leaving bite marks. You moaned his name and begged for him to pleasure you.
“You’ve been patient enough, pretty girl,” Ron said sweetly, he likes himself up to you, and teased your slit with his cock. You whines and dug your nails into his back.
He entered into you, giving you time to adjust. You felt so full, so good. “Ron, fuck.” You whined.
“Pretty girl, you feel so perfect; so warm and tight, fuck.” Ron groaned into your neck. His pace was slow, it hit the right spot, he knew you so well. The room was full of your moans and the smell of sex.
Ron had sped up, the sound of your skin slapping together joined the sounds of pleasure you both were making together. His dick was hitting your g-spot like a arrow on the middle of a target. Over and over again. Meanwhile, he continued to leave hickeys on your chest, collar bones and shoulders.
He then sat up and tossed your legs over his shoulders, exposing you more. He railed into you, more aggressively now. Your eyes were full of tears from pure pleasure. The knot in your stomach was forming again.
“Ron, please– let me-“ You moaned, looking him in the eye.
“I am too, cum in my cock baby, come on,” Ron grunted.
After a few more thrusts, you both hit your point, both of you groaning simultaneously, Ron then pulling out and collapsing next to you. You both were covered in sweat, and each others fluids. Ron’s hands ran over his chest that was rapidly going up and down.
“Y/N?” Ron perked up, holding himself up by one arm, looking down at you.
“Yes, Ron?”
“I love you, you know that, right? I just can’t stand Malfoy talking to you like that..”
“Of course, Ron. I love you too. He’s not really interested in me, he just does it to piss you off, I think.” You replied, your hand on his cheek. He gave you a doubtful look.
“However, I should talk to Malfoy more often, that was quite fun.” You chuckled. Ron rolled his eyes at you, and gave you a kiss on the nose.
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kitten4sannie · 8 months
Hi congrats on 3k :)
Soo I’ve been thinking about sub Mingi quite a bit lately and if we’re going to get spooky lol what if he’s a clingy ghost that haunts and constantly comes around when he wants your attention and body? ;) Picture this: it’s 3 am and you wake up out of your sleep to see him gingerly pulling at your sleep shorts with a cute lil pout <3 He’s whining and pleading, “Y/N, can you please fuck me? I’m so lonely </3”
hehe thank you ^-^ 💞 ALSO EXCUSE YOUUU – NEEDY ?? SUB?? GHOST?? MINGI ???? 👁️👄👁️ i’m literally on my knees for you and this concept anonnie rjwjhw i hope i can deliver something worthy of this thot provoking ask <33
⛧ seance smutfest ⛧
w.c: 2.1k
warnings: pouty subby baby boy mingi :((, big dick mingi, also he’s a ghost so he has ghost? features? lol, dom! reader, reader’s kinda mean ngl jssjs, so many pet names omg, some possessive language, light degradation, teasing, begging, praise, some pet play dynamics (everyone lets say thank you to @lemonhongjoong for making puppy ghost min a thing <3), drooling, brief mutual masturbation, grinding, cum eating, brief oral (receiving), doggy style obv, overstim, multiple creampies
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Your roommates tend to keep to themselves these days — most notably when the sun goes down. They can’t bring themselves to tell one another about the things they’ve been experiencing without sounding like they’re crazy.
How could they possibly explain that they feel like they’re being watched when they’re taking a shower and laying alone in their beds? That they hear their names being whispered into their ears just as their eyelids grow heavy enough for them to drift off to sleep? How could they possibly let anyone know about the howls and wails they hear coming from somewhere in the house late at night?
How could you tell them that it had one of the most complicated, yet simplest answers? The answer being the (very needy) apparition that had appeared in your room for the third time that week. At 3 am, no less. A groan tumbled out of your dry throat as you tried to blink away the darkness and make out the figure that hovered above you.
“Y/N…wake up, so you can fuck me…” he whispered in a deep, breathy voice, the edges of his words thick with desire.
“You can’t keep doing this, Mingi…” you croaked, feeling the odd heaviness and simultaneous lightness of his body pressing into yours.
The ghost frowned, his head lowering slightly. “But I need you.”
You grimaced, your cheeks growing warm. “I need sleep.”
He whimpered, his fingers already pulling down your sleep shorts past your hips, looking down at you with an intense, unwavering gaze, his bluish plump lips forming a signature pout. You could already feel his heavy cock pressing into the side of your thigh. “Y/N, please. I’m so lonely.”
The fire inside you was lit — just like that. This was why you were never able to say no to him. The ghostly brat was so good at begging for your attention and body, you couldn’t possibly deny him. Though, he would have to work for it.
“If you want me so bad,” you began somewhat mockingly, feeling his cold hands settle on your hips for a moment and squeeze them slightly, a trail of goosebumps immediately forming where he touched you. “Then you’ll just have to get off in front of me first, ghostie.”
“D-don’t call me that,” Mingi murmured, blowing a few strands of whitish blond hair out of his eyes, biting his lip at your proposition. He would’ve blushed if he were still alive. “…Call me yours…”
“You know what, Mingi?”
“What?” he whined, his head drooping more, his bottom lip jutting out just enough to make you fall further underneath his spell, though you were determined to get the most out of this paranormal encounter.
Giggling softly at his reaction, you took his hands and slowly ran them up along your curves, up and under your hoodie until they were just underneath your breasts, feeling his fingers press slightly into your ribcage. He stared hard at you in the darkness, the whites of his eyes practically glowing as you gazed back at them with your own half-closed ones. “I’ll call you mine as soon as you cum for me. Can you do that for me, baby? Can you play with your cock?”
Mingi throbbed inside his sweatpants as he pulled at the drawstrings, letting them fall until his long, veiny cock sprung out and curved up into his lower abdomen.
You smiled at the sight of it, your eyes trailing his thick length until you settled on the flushed, pronounced tip. “That’s a good boy.”
Mingi bit back a moan, his cock twitching on its own, the head leaving a strand of pre-cum behind when it made contact with his lower abdomen.
Sighing softly, you couldn’t help but give in and stroke your ego a little. “That’s all it takes, huh, Min? A little praise and you’re ready to spill your load for me?”
“Yeah, it makes me feel really good,” he answered in an oddly shy manner, despite his hand already closing around the base of his cock and jerking upwards, another thick bead of pre-cum oozing out of the bluish tip. “Fuck, I need you so bad."
You licked your lips, letting your hand slip down into your panties to rub your wetness around. “What do you need exactly, ghost boy? Enlighten me.”
“Need to be inside you. Need to fuck your cunt. Feel it squeeze around me when I fill you up. And, fuck–” He groaned harshly, his eyes centered on your moving hand, whimpering at the sounds of your slick, his wrist beginning to hurt from how roughly he was pleasuring himself. "Nnngh, does it feel good, Y/N? Knowing I’m gonna cum just for you?”
“It feels really good, Min,” you breathed out, rubbing your clit in between two fingers, tilting your head to the side, some of your hair falling into your eyes. “But, you know what would feel even better?”
“What?” he inquired as soon as the words left your mouth, his own mouth starting to hang open to let drool drip out, his cock throbbing away.
“If you rubbed your cock on my cunt, Minnie.” You smiled at the mess he was already becoming for you, lowering your panties just enough so that he could make out the slick glistening on your folds. “Do you want that?”
An airy whine left Mingi’s lips, his hips already starting to move on their own, practically using his hand as a fleshlight. “Yes, please.”
“So obedient,” You giggled, reaching out to run your index finger up along his stiff length, watching it twitch a bit once you swiped your finger up and over his cockhead. “And so sensitive. How cute.”
Mingi seriously would’ve turned into a tomato at this point, but you didn’t have to know that. He simply pouted and rutted himself against your upper thigh, getting his pre-cum all over it, pleading for you until you eventually tossed your panties to the side and spread your thighs apart for him.
“Get to work, Min,” you purred, running your fingers through his shaggy hair.
Like a dog hearing the dinner bell, he sprung into action, resting his hands near either side of your head, his chilled body flush against your heated one, his cock already rubbing deliciously along your cunt, more pre-cum leaking out of the tip. “Feels so good, so good, so good–”
“Aww, look at you, getting all worked up for me. What a needy boy.”
“Need you so bad,” he reassured, blowing a few bangs out of his eyesight. “Wanna fill you up.”
Wiping away a bit a sweat from your forehead, you couldn’t help but to let out a few breathy moans, the tip of the ghost’s thick cockhead sliding against your clit in a way that sent electricity through the rest of your body. “Cum for me and i’ll let you inside, Min, I promise…”
Mingi suddenly pushed himself up and grabbed onto your hips, thrusting forward so quickly, the springs in the mattress began to creak underneath the both of you, your combined slick allowing him to steadily bring you to your peak. “Gonna…cum…for you, Y/N…”
“Yeah, that’s it, just like that,” you praised breathily, feeling your lower half getting lifted up from how desperately he began to fuck himself on your wet cunt, your head dropping back when your high took over you, barely able to listen to all of the whiny moans that began to leave Mingi’s drooling mouth. “Such a good boy, my good boy…”
“Your–nnnngh–good boy,” Mingi echoed weakly, his body shuddering, his fingers leaving bruises in the flesh of your hips, holding you still as he left spurt after spurt of his release on your already dripping cunt and lower abdomen.
Once Mingi lowered your body back down on the bed, you ran your fingers through the warm liquid he left behind, giggling softy at the sound of his heavy panting and the sight of his pretty glistening lips when he licked his cum off of your fingers without you having to ask, his spit dripping down them. “What a naughty boy you are.”
“Just for you,” he nodded, trying to lick up the saliva that had dripped down his chin.
“Oh, sweetheart, you want to fuck me so bad, you’re going to drool all over yourself?” Your eyes sharpened, knowing you were about to reignite his fuse. “Are you a puppy or something?”
Mingi let out a shameless moan from your words, his previously half-hard cock coming back to life and throbbing steadily. If he had visible pupils, they would be blown out by now. “Yeah, I’m a needy puppy…I need my Master’s cunt.”
“Then, clean up your mess, puppy,” you chimed, his title for you giving you so much satisfaction you almost came right then and there. You spread your thighs apart, sending an inviting smile his way. “And then you can fuck your Master dumb, okay?”
Mingi’s mouth was on your cunt before you could take another breath, his wide tongue collecting your juices and his own cum as he brought it up and down your cunt. “Mmm, fuck…”
“Good puppy,” you praised, your cunt pulsing around his tongue once he shoved it inside along with two fingers that slowly spread you apart, almost losing your composure from the way he began to vigorously tongue-fuck you. “Fuck, what do you think you’re doing, Min?”
“ ‘M just cleaning up my mess,” he moaned against your cunt, swiping at your clit with the tip of his tongue, making you throb again. “I wanted to get you nice and stretched out for my cock too. Don’t want to hurt my Master.”
Mingi’s filthily adorable words drifted through your lust-drunk mind, encouraging you to spread your hole open for the sweet spirit, gazing up at him. “I’m ready for you, puppy. Come and get it.”
You couldn’t remember how long you had been there for, taking Mingi’s cock from behind, your thighs trembling underneath you, the side of your face squished into the cum-soaked mattress, your sore wrists being held taut in the ghost’s tight grip, your throat growing more and more dry every time he sunk back into the tight heat of your cunt. You didn’t even have to worry about your moans being heard by your roommates. Mingi’s moans were much louder, much more whiner than yours.
Poor Mingi couldn’t help it. It just felt so good being balls-deep in such a tight, warm hole he could fuck and fill until he had no more cum left to empty out inside you. His eyes wandered down your back, fixating on the milky liquid that dripped down his length, slamming himself into you until it got pushed back inside where it belonged. “Gonna cum, gonna fuck you so full, it’ll be dripping out of you during breakfast tomorrow,” he warned in a weak, breathy voice, massaging and squeezing your hip with his free hand.
“Do it, Min, fuck me so full,” you cried out, feeling your entire body begin to shudder and throb with pleasure, catapulting over the edge along with Mingi once he began to slowly fuck his load into you until it joined the others still coating your used inner walls. “One more time, baby, fill me again…”
“ H-hold on…’m too sensitive…right now,” the ghost informed in between pants, idly licking at the drool that wanted to leak out past his lips. He let go of your wrists to wipe at his mouth, not prepared for the way your cunt suddenly clenched around his length.
“One more, Minnie, you can do it,” you encouraged through slurred words, lifting yourself up so that you could began to drive yourself back onto his cock, growing wetter just from the filthy squelching of your combined cum, Mingi’s sudden gasps, and his equally cute high pitched, airy moans. “That’s right, feels so good, huh?”
“S-so good,” Mingi choked out, running his hands up his body and holding onto himself periodically, hyper-fixated on the space where your slick bodies connected, whining each time you slammed yourself back onto him and took his cock inside as far as it would go. “Oh my goddd…you’re gonna make me cum again.”
You looked back at him, admiring the way his glistening lips were stuck in an ‘o’ shape, the way his eyebrows were screwed upwards, the look in his teary, half-closed eyes that told you not to stop. “Cum for me, baby, come on, give it to me,” you moaned out, fucking yourself on his cock until you clamped down on it, your own release spilling out of you and down your inner thighs.
“Y/N, fuck…!” Right on cue, Mingi let out a shamelessly loud wail, a few tears escaping his eyes, as you fucked him through his intense orgasm, milking his cock until he unloaded every last drop into you.
You were brought out of your cloudy headspace when Mingi’s body landed near yours on the mattress, suddenly compelled to wipe the remnants of tears away from his drool-stained face. “What a good ghost boy you are,” you whispered teasingly, yours fingers resting against his clammy cheek, rubbing it gently with your thumb.
Mingi squished his opposite cheek into the pillow, not knowing that it was flushed with a deep blue hue. His eyes crinkled at the edges, giving you a wobbly smile.
“Your ghost boy.”
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© kitten4sannie, 2023.
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milkywaydrabbles · 8 months
19/21 and 26 with........Haitani's!?!?!??! 🫣🫣🫣
I just can't stop thinking of them 😩😩
A/N: It was a little hard for me to start this one ngl, I was unsure how I'd be able to write the brothers sharing like THIS but I guess it's okay. I hope you enjoy it!! I brought the exhibitionsim out more with the enjoyment of being recorded instead of a public setting or someone else actively watching (the ending also kind of ties back into it) ANYWAYS MWUAH
Double penetration (one hole)/threesome/exhibitionism x Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou
“Ran you fuck--didn’t you ever learn how to share?” The younger Haitani snarled, shoving the older brother away from you. “It’s my turn.”
You don’t know how you got in between them--two of the most dangerous men in the entire country. You’ve heard stories of the terrors they got into when they were younger in Roppongi, how they climbed the ranks through different gangs, how they ended up as executives for the nastiest crime syndicate on this side of the world. It should terrify you, really, how you’ve gotten yourself tied up with these men. They could throw you away in an instant, kill you if you looked at them wrong--make you disappear from the life you know and use you as a drug mule. A thousand things can go wrong. 
And yet, you can’t help but smile whenever you’re with them.
You landed a job as a bartender in one of their clubs, normal job for the most part. You’d go in, do a bit of flirting, fight off a few way too drunk guys, and go home. You had no idea you’d been being watched for the better part of three weeks by the brothers themselves. You didn’t know what kind of place the club was until well after they formally introduced themselves as the co-owners, the Haitani brothers. Even then, you treated them the same way you’ve treated any other boss-with respect, but minimal interactions (as best you could, anyways.) They liked that, how you didn’t try to get money out of them, or sleep with them. They liked to keep it playful with their staff, but the women (and men!) would throw themselves immediately and it was such a turn off--Rindou would usually fire them the night after. They kept showing up at the clubs during your shifts, keeping a close eye on you. Ran started becoming bold and flirting with you on the job, which you brushed off as best you could. 
It wasn’t until an unruly patron tried to grab you after your shift that the men really intervened with you, Ran pulling you close into his chest to shield you (kind of) as Rindou pulled the trigger between the pig’s eyes and called in a cleaning crew to get rid of the body. It was then that you understood who they were, who really owned the club. They steadied themselves to hear grating screaming come from you, girls were usually scared after seeing something like that. Instead, you wrapped your arms around Ran tight, gripping at the back of his shirt and letting out a shaky ‘thank you’ before steadying yourself and (attempting) to go home for the night.
They hadn’t left you alone since.
And now you find yourself caught in between them most nights after your shift, in one of their beds. Tonight was different, you’ve noticed, because Ran started pulling out his phone and setting it up on the dresser across from the bed. “Mind if we record it, pretty girl?” His voice always sent shivers down your spine. “Go ahead-” your voice came out shakier than you hoped, hearing the younger brother attached to your neck chuckle. “Already so worked up, baby, barely even started.” He teased, kissing and biting at the juncture of your shoulder, fingers dipping underneath the band of your underwear. You whimpered, fingers combing through his wild locks and tugging at the root, bringing him up from your neck enough to press your lips against his--all tongue and teeth as he bit down on your lower lip leaving you breathless. He took the opportunity of your parted lips to shove his tongue in your mouth, licking at your own. You tried to keep up with his overwhelming pace, suckling on the tip of his tongue making him groan. “Fuuck baby, got so lucky with you didn’t we?” Rindou’s voice was ragged, much different than the smoothness of Ran’s--his was nearly scratchy in the best way possible. It made your hair stand up on the back of your neck. His hands came up to your throat, one wrapping around the back while the other grasped at your lower jaw, keeping you attached to him. You felt two taps on your ass cheek, and hands prying your underwear lower until it hit your knees. “Come on pretty, help me out and take these off.” Ran joined in, and you lifted each knee one at a time off the bed to let him remove the clothing fully. Your hands clawed at Rindou’s chest, trying to keep yourself afloat as the elder Haitani pressed open mouth kisses on your shoulder blades, trailing to your back. “Don’t think we can ever let you go, sweet girl.” Ran mumbled against your skin, raking his nails over the fronts of your thighs towards your weeping cunt. You broke away from Rindou enough to gasp for breath, nose to nose when you let out a small cry at the feeling of Ran’s hand slapping at your clit. 
Your lower half jolted away from the stimulation, but when Ran pressed himself against your back you had no choice but to take each smack he gave you. “Gotta take everything I give you, angel. Now be good for me, yeah?” Two fingers suddenly shoved themselves deep into your pussy, and Rindou had pressed his lips back to yours to muffle your cries. Even after all the times you’ve been in their beds, their fingers are a stretch to begin with. You’re dripping wet, but his fingers are so long they hit so deep. Ran starts off slow, sucking hickies into your shoulders and neck as he finger fucks you, smiling against your skin when he feels you fucking yourself back onto him. “There you go, beautiful~” He coos, scissoring his fingers inside of you rubbing at your walls so good. Your closed eyes open to look at Rindou in front of you, eyes already wild as he watches you meet each thrust of his brother’s fingers. A hand traveled lower from your jaw to grasp fully at your throat, fingers wrapping around and squeezing. “You can take some more, right baby?” Your eyes fluttered, barely able to nod while he was holding onto you like this, mouth dropping open. 
Rindou pressed his thumb against your nub, unable to move you had no choice but to take the stimulation--spit pooling at the corners of your mouth the same way tears did in your eyes. “R-Rindou-aah, please” You begged, though your brain couldn’t conceptualize why. A harsh smack to your ass left you squealing. “I’m here too, pretty.” You could hear the jealousy in Ran’s voice, and you knew you were right when you saw Rindou smirking. “Do better and maybe she won’t forget.” A slew of curses left Ran’s mouth before smacking at your ass again. “S-sorry! I’m sorry, Ran, I didn’t forget--honest.” You whimpered, doing your best to turn away from Rindou and crane your neck to look at Ran over your shoulder. “Aw, I know sweetheart. Gimme a kiss.” You occupied yourself with kissing Ran, who kissed you much slower than his counterpart. While Rindou was a wildfire, Ran was like flowing water. He kissed you slow and steady, taking his time to lick at your mouth and taste you. While Rindou was overwhelming, Ran was dizzying. Regardless of who was on you at any moment, they made you feel just as good. 
Ran kept you distracted enough for Rindou to push his ring and middle finger into your cunt alongside his brother’s fingers--filling you and stretching more than they had in the past. “Oh fuck” You breathed out, trying yout best to keep up with Ran but Rindou was shoving himself into you so harshly already it was difficult to breathe. Rindou’s fingers were thicker than the elder brother, filling you up as Ran’s fingers hit deep. Ran let you go, and you turned down to see Rindou’s fingers pumping in and out of you, juices oozing onto his fingers with each fuck. Your forehead hit his chest, a hand reaching back and grasping at Ran’s wrist for some sick form of grounding--spreading your legs more to give them easier access to your sloppy pussy. “S’this feel good, baby?” Rindou questioned, curling his fingers towards that gummy spot in your cunt. “A-ah, yeah, fuck, yeah” You whimpered, clenching around their sets of fingers. Ran laughed behind you, “Yeah? Like when we fuck you with our fingers, angel? You want more?” Nodding against Rindou’s chest, they removed their fingers from your cunt--creaminess covering their hands. “Look at that~” Ran whistled, making a show of spreading his fingers and letting your stickiness web between them. He turned your head towards the camera, and the brother’s chuckled seeing how fucked out you looked in the camera. “Lick ‘em clean, beautiful.” Ran spoke first, presenting his fingers in front of your face as you greedily sucked at them, taking them deep into your mouth to the knuckle and making sure you sucked them clean. You watched yourself in the front camera lapping at his digits, clenching your pussy around air. When Ran pulled his fingers out you immediately turned to Rindou and stuck your tongue out--expectantly. “What a good girl you are” He teased, shoving his fingers into your mouth until you gagged, and turned you to face the camera again. “Go ahead baby.” Stray tears fell down your cheeks as you licked around his spread fingers tasting yourself on him. 
Ran moved off the bed to bring the phone closer, now on the night stand as he laid down, bringing you with him. You understood immediately what he wanted, and lined yourself up to his cock as he filmed you lowering yourself. He bit his tongue holding back a moan while your pretty sounds filled the air, steadying yourself on his chest before your arms are ripped back behind you. “Come on baby, you can do it right?” Rindou taunted, kissing at your shoulders while you kept a steady pace bouncing on Ran’s cock. The older brother had the camera right at your hole, watching the way your pussy swallowed him up and drooled around the corners with your juices. His free hand held onto your hip, Rindou pulling you back to lean more against him as Ran started meeting each bounce on his lap with a thrust of his own, a webbing of white covering his dick each time he pulled out. “Fuck baby, look so good taking my cock. You think you can take another one?” You weren’t sure you understood, and before you had time to think more about the question the phone was placed back down on the stand and Rindou pushed you towards the other, Ran grabbing at your face and making a scene of kissing you sloppy in view of the camera. “Look at yourself, pretty baby.” He whispered against your ear, holding you by the jaw towards the camera when you started feeling Rindou prodding at your already stretched out cunt with his own cock. Your eyes squeezed closed with your brows scrunched, mouth hanging open as he pushed himself into your hole alongside Ran. “Ooh my god, fuck! S’much, wait--wait it’s so much!” You cried out, Ran slapping you lightly on your cheek to get your attention.
“Open your eyes, pretty girl. Look at yourself while you get fucked by us.” Your eyes were fuzzy, unable to fully focus as you watched yourself drool, tongue lolling out and tears rolling down your cheeks as Rindou filled you inch by inch. You should be embarrassed, feel shame as they made you watch yourself like this--being used by two dangerous men. But you couldn’t feel anything except turned on, looking at your own reflection drooling and crying uncontrollably on their cocks filling you more than they ever have. You subconsciously tightened your walls around them, and their groans filled the air. “Fuck! So fucking horny watching yourself, huh baby?” Rindou snickered, leaning over and angling the camera to your lower bodies, pulling you up for a clear angle of both cocks pumping in and out of your pussy. Just like you did Ran’s, Rindou’s cock was covered in your creamy cunt, squelching and gushing with each pap, pap, pap of their cocks fucking up into you. You couldn’t do much but take it, sobbing with overwhelming pleasure as they used you like a sleeve. Rindou’s fingers came around your front to rub and pinch at your swollen nub, and in no time he had you crying out and creaming over them, each push in and pull out of their cocks leaving with a squish. Ran’s hands had a strong grip on your hips as he fucked up into you, and last minute pulling out to cum on your tummy, painting your front white with his cum. 
With only Rindou now inside your cunt he quickened his pace and fucked you harder, tugging at your biceps and pulling your arms back as leverage. Ran moved the phone again, for full access to your body and face as the younger brother left you a mess. “Ready for me, baby?” He grunted behind you and you nodded with a sob, suddenly feeling him leave your pussy and make a mess on your ass, grabbing the phone from his brother and recording him slap his cock on your ass, smearing his mess around. Giving the phone back, Ran recorded up to your face now. “Smile at the camera, pretty girl.” Panting, you looked up at yourself again in the phone, lazy smile playing on your lips--fucked stupid. Ran scooped his cum on a finger while you were still watching yourself and lifted it to your mouth, watching you lick him clean and sticking your tongue out as proof.
He stopped the recording and Rindou lowered you onto the bed, mumbling to himself how ‘gross’ it was to share a hole like that with his brother. “Whatever dude--she felt good.” Ran called over to the younger Haitani as he left to grab something to wipe you down with. “You good, baby?” He whispered to you, smoothing down your hair as you nodded with a smile. He fiddled with his phone as Rindou wiped you clean, kissing your forehead and praising how good of a job you did for them. His phone pinged, before Ran spoke saying “Sent it to you.” When he finally took a look he saw it was in the group chat they had with Sanzu, snapping his head up to look at his brother who already had a grin like the devil and shrugged.
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cheollipop · 1 year
just a warm-up
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navi | taglist
pairing: athlete!jung wooyoung x fem!reader
w.c.: 1.6k
tags: smut, a dash of fluff bc woo and reader are in love &lt;3
wooyoung was weak to your compliments, so when you mentioned how good red looked on him, your peaceful lunch turned into a little warm-up for his upcoming game.
warnings: soft dom!wooyoung, public sex, exhibitionism, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), creampie, gagging (with fingers), praise, nicknames (pretty girl, sweet girl, dirty girl, baby; woo), overstimulation, multiple orgasms (f), praise, some begging, a little bit of aftercare
A/N: I'm ngl I saw that picture and my fingers started typing on their own (after i threw up and screamed into my pillow for an hour straight). I believe this was the fastest I've ever written anything. and it's all @hwaightme 's fault (you enabled me, and now everyone has to suffer the consequences).
nsfw under the cut - minors dni!! 🔞
The soft melody strummed steadily in your ear, the corded earphones tugging slightly every time you leaned forward to bite into your lunch. Wooyoung held on to the other earbud, securing it in his ear while his other hand tapped at his phone. Looking over at him, you chewed your lunch while admiring his side profile – the curve of his nose bridge, the soft flutter of his eyelashes every time he blinked, the single mole gracing his high cheekbone, the sharp edge of his jawline, and most importantly, his freshly dyed hair. Your fingers reached out to brush the red strands off his face before you could think twice, smiling when he twisted his head towards you, wide eyes blinking back at you before turning his phone off and placing it on the desk by your lunch box.
“I really like this new colour on you,” your words sent a wave of warmth to his face, a soft red spreading over the soft skin to match his hair.
“You were against it at first, though,” Wooyoung teased, leaning into your space and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Well, I’m not anymore,” you ran your fingers through his hair, stopping at the back of his neck and keeping your hand there. “You look really sexy like this, Woo.”
Wooyoung leaned in even closer, sucking the grain of rice stuck to the corner of your lips into his mouth before burying his face into the crook of your neck. “Mm, go on, tell me more,” he muttered against your skin.
You scratched at his nape, eliciting a soft hum from the man, leaning in to whisper directly into his ear – knowing just how much your words affected him. “You know, it took everything in me not to get on my knees and suck you off in front of Yunho this morning..." You felt Wooyoung gasp against your neck, so you pushed it even further, wanting to see a brighter red painting his cheeks. "I can’t wait to sit in the audience later and watch everyone swoon over my beautiful boyfriend, knowing that I’m the only one who will get to fuck him later.”
Wooyoung growled into your skin, his ears flushed and his hands beginning to wander over your body. He gripped your hips with one hand, dragging your chair closer to him with the other. When he deemed you close enough, his fingers inched their way up your thigh until and fiddled with the hem of your skirt, dipping under to tease at the soft skin. You giggled at his ministrations, cupping his cheek and moving his head away from you to look into his eyes, taking pleasure in the warmth coating his face.
“What are you doing, Woo?”
“It doesn’t have to be later," he looked at you with hooded eyes, glazed over with lust, his hands squeezing at the your hips and waist. "You can fuck me now."
You ignored the rush of heat coursing through your body and straight down to your core, shifting on your seat and making Wooyoung’s grip on you tighten, a subtle smirk curling his lips. You knew your praise was Wooyoung’s greatest weakness, but now, you've come to realize that there were consequences to using that power so recklessly.
“Woo, there’s people around, and- and you have a game later!” You tried to reason with him, but he only pushed you back against the backrest, hovering over you until his face was mere inches from yours, his warm breath blowing against your mouth.
“Then I better start warming up, don’t you think?”
Wooyoung had you bent over the desk, panties around your ankles, your skirt flipped over and bunched around your waist so he could watch his cock pound into you, the skin of your ass rippling at the impact. His fingers danced around in your mouth, pressing against your tongue before pushing down your throat – using the need to remain quiet as an excuse to feel you gag around him.
“Ah- this pussy, fuck. Taking me so well,” he grunted in your ear, leaning over you until his chest was flush against your back. You moaned around Wooyoung’s fingers, your knees shaking as his cock pressed against your g-spot every time he pumped his length into you.
He pushed his pants further down his legs until the fabric gathered around his knees, allowing him more space to move, the slide of his cock against your fluttering walls making your back arch under him, jolts of pleasure surging through your abdomen.
Wooyoung recognized the signs of your impending orgasm and slowed down to a laggard grind, rocking his hips against yours and basking in the muffled moans sending ardent vibrations down his fingers as he persistently pressed his cockhead against your favourite spot. “Is my sweet girl going to come?” He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, growling lowly at the line of spit connecting them to your lips, pulling his length out halfway before pressing back into your cunt. The moan that left your mouth was downright sinful, his cock twitching inside you and his fingers – still slick with your spit – squeezed your cheeks together and twisted your face towards him while he continued his slow, torturous thrusts. “Shh, there’s people around... or do you like that? Does my dirty girl want them to know how well this tight pussy is taking my cock?”
“W-woo, baby, please- nghhh, I’m so close-” you pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts, trying to chase your high, receiving a firm slap to your thigh as Wooyoung’s hands gripped your hips to keep you in place.
“Be good,” he bit down on your shoulder, sliding one of his hands under your shirt and bra, tweaking your nipple between his thumb and index while he swiped his tongue over the marks his teeth had left. ”Answer my question. Do you want the people outside this room to know how I’m 'gonna fuck you full of my cum, hm?”
“Y-yes, yes! I do, I want them to know h-how good your cock feels inside me, please, Woo- hnnnghh!” Spreading your legs further apart with his knee, Wooyoung began to piston his hips into you, his thrusts sloppy as he chased his orgasm, panting and groaning in your ear while his hand squeezed your tit mercilessly, his thumb flicking your clit desperately. “I’m gonna- fuck, Woo, I- aa-ahhh!”
You writhed under Wooyoung as your orgasm finally washed over you, your thighs shaking violently while he continued hammering his cock into your abused cunt, breathing a series of airy moans into your ear when you squeezed around his throbbing length. He exhaled a mixture of curses and repetitions of your name, shuddering and moaning when he finally emptied his load inside you, the warmth of his release spreading through your belly as ropes of cum painted your walls. He pulled his cock out until only the tip remained trapped between the tight ring of your entrance before pushing back in, fucking his cum into you with shallow thrusts. Your knees quivered, your hips trying to pull away from him as overstimulation sent shocks of pain to accompany the pleasure of being split open by Wooyoung’s cock.
“W-woo, give me a s-second- nghh-” your hips jolted when Wooyoung's thumb brushed over your swollen clit, gathering the cum leaking out of you and pushing it back inside your cunt alongside his cock, hissing when his thumb slid over the underside of his length.
“You’re so hot, ah- so fucking beautiful when you're stuffed full of me. I just want skip the game and f-fuck you dumb on my cock until you’re crying and begging,” Wooyoung muttered, almost like he was talking to himself. He leaned over you, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear, running his tongue over it before whispering, “if we win, will you let me fuck you the way I want? Hm, please baby, I’ll make you feel so good, I promise, can I?”
Your brain was fuzzy, Wooyoung’s words echoing in the back of your mind – the pleasure of his cock and finger stretching you open driving you towards a mental blank, his cum warming your insides, some leaking out of you and onto the desk. “Yeah, yes- god, Woo. You can use me... fuck me all you want- h-haahh-” You mewled desperately, moaning pathetically as another orgasm punched through you without warning, shaking your entire body. You gripped the edge of the desk and rocked your hips against Wooyoung, extending the shocks of pleasure shooting through your abdomen and curling your toes. He left you to ride out your high, bearing through the overstimulation as he watched your ass bounce on his cock, your arousal mixed with his cum coating his length.
Wooyoung kissed over your clothed shoulders, smoothing a hand over your lower back as he pulled out of your used cunt, quickly dressing himself before tending to you. You exhaled deeply, slumping against the desk while Wooyoung wiped your thighs with a tissue before pulling your panties up and your skirt down to cover you.
He squatted by the desk and brushed his knuckles over your cheekbone, cupping your jaw delicately – the smile gracing his lips so soft, it contradicted his actions five minutes ago. Wooyoung leaned in, peppering loving kisses all over your flushed face, brushing the matted strands off your forehead and pressing his lips to the slick skin.
“I need to meet up with the rest of the team to prepare for the game,” he smiled at you, his eyes glimmering with adoration as they took in your content expression; and yetzm, you should have never believed this man had the ability to be chaste for even a second. The sly smirk playing at his lips was enough proof of that. “Finish your lunch, okay? You’re going to need the energy when you’re screaming my name after I win that trophy later.”
apply for my tag list here (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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l0v3tast3 · 11 months
If you could do more !pervoldertoji hcs that would be amazing
aa sorry this is kinda short and that it took awhile !! kinda ran out of steam for writing for toji a bit ngl :c but thank you for the request and i hope you enjoy!! <<33
✎ tags: mdni! nsft, f!reader, age gap (r is 18/19, toji is late 30's/early 40's),
✎ word count: 800 words (not proofread)
masterlist | requests are open!
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✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!toji who rents a hotel room for you both every once in awhile. the first time he takes you to one, he's opening the car door for you after he'd taken you to dinner and pauses, taking a step so your bodies are nearly touching and tells you his plan lowly. he's got a smile that you can't tell comes from the thought of his latest fantasy or to reassure you. after the receptionist glares at you with a mix of jealousy and judgement and a handsy elevator ride to the fourth floor, you're in your hotel room and toji is already hiking up your dress.
✧ ˖ ° you end up with your chest and palms pressed onto the glass of one of the windows, toji drilling his fat cock into you to lurch you forward. one hand pulls back your neck to make your back arch and the other holds your hips up to meet his. he'll do his best to make sure your eyes are rolling back and your tongue lolls out (as usual, he does a good job).
✧ ˖ ° if someone happens to walk through the parking lot to the front door, toji makes sure you see them, taking your jaw and moving your head for you to point them out. "see'em, princess? y'think they saw you?" when your eyebrows crease and you tighten around him and lets out a breathy laugh. "ya want me to open the window and make sure they do? y'like them seeing you, don't you? ha, can't lie to me when i have my dick in you, little girl." he loves seeing you get flustered and shy, trying to press into him and away from the window and grabbing onto the hands keeping you up. toji will just shake his head and push you back, laying his back over yours so he could trap you against the glass.
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!toji who takes you with him to casinos and the races when he goes gambling. he'll tell you that you're his lucky charm, that he wins a lot more whenever you come with. maybe he doesn't win as much money as he always hopes to, but what he does win is the looks of jealousy from the other men around the two of you. the gorgeous little girl clinging onto her boyfriend's arm, dolled up in a pretty dress and makeup to match, was a sight of envy for most of them, and toji loves how he can say that you're his.
✧ ˖ ° when you get anxious and grip his arm a little harder, scoot a bit closer to him, toji will grin and pull you onto his lap, chuckling when you scold him and try to squirm off. in doing so, you always doom yourself to being caged against him with a muscular arm wrapped around your waist. he pulls you tight against him so you can feel how hard he's getting the more you wiggle. a kiss gets planted under your ear and he'll mumble so only you can hear, "don't be nervous, baby, they won't touch ya as long as y'stay close to me. just sit pretty a little longer, we're almost done."
✧ ˖ ° once he trusts that you won't slip away back onto the chair cushion, toji will slide his free hand to grip and rub over your thighs. he only ever grazes his fingertips under the hem of your dress, just close enough to your core to get you as worked up as he is. the men sitting around the table know what's happening, they can see how you get squirmy again and your failed attempts of keeping your grip on his wrist under the table. of course, they won't say anything. they know who toji fushiguro is.
✧ ˖ ° as soon as the game is over, toji collects whatever he needs to and practically drags you out of the building. to your bewilderment, before you reach the parking lot he'll pull you into an alleyway just out of sight of the street, but you're questions are answered as soon as he's picking you up and holding you against the concrete wall. his hand will already be pulling your underwear aside to shove two wide fingers into you. "y'just act all shy to get on top of me, don't ya princess? just wanna get me hard in front of everyone, you're that desperate for my cock? y'want me to fuck you in front of 'em? they wouldn't be able to stop watchin' your pretty little ass bouncing on my dick. or should we show them how good i got your mouth trained?"
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muchosbesitos · 8 months
amarte a la antigua
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pairing: miguel o’hara x reader
warnings: none, just fluff :)
author’s note: purely self indulgent ngl, but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless 🥸 (working on forbidden pt 2 and the two requests i got 🫡)
word count: 2085
Miguel took some time to get himself to acknowledge that feeling love, accepting it, is human and that he deserved it despite everything he went through. He spent months isolated from contact after what happened with Gabriella, processing the loss on his own and not wanting to put himself in that vulnerable position again. The concept of falling in love was abnormal to him, putting all your trust in some person and expecting them not to use it against you.
Miguel thought you might be mean by the way that you didn't bother to speak to no one else at work or try to hang out like some of the other workers. Then again, he also saw the way your eyes sparkled and the way you opened your mouth when someone said something interesting only to shut it when you heard someone else start to talk. He found you interesting to say the least, a stark difference from the loud and energetic coworkers he has to constantly deal with. He quickly came to the realization that it wasn't that you didn't want to seem mean, but you didn't know to approach the people here.
While everyone was off at happy hour, Miguel had stayed back to work on some research for his newest project when he ran into you. You were shaking the vending machine to get the stuck bag of chips, causing him to let out a small chuckle. You turned around, your eyes widened as the bag of chips finally fell. "Sorry about that, I spent my last dollar on that thing and I wasn't gonna let it steal it," you muttered, grabbing your bag of chips. "I have some leftover pizza if you want," he suggested, unsure of why he wanted to help you.
Miguel led you to his office, watching from the corner of his eye with an amused smile as you ate your chips. He turned on the lights, going over to one of the desks to clear up some of the paperwork. "Sorry about that, I was doing some research," he mumbled, putting the papers to the side before walking to the microwave in the corner of the room. He grabbed two pizza slices, glancing over at you. "Do you want me to heat it up?" He asked, opening up the microwave door. "Who eats leftover pizza warm?" You remarked, grabbing the slice from him as you sat down at the lab table. Miguel rolled his eyes at your remark, putting his pizza in the microwave and started to heat it up as he tried to ignore your teasing giggles.
The two of you continued to talk for most of the night, your research completely disregarded. "So why didn't you go to happy hour?" He asked, throwing away his empty plate before sitting back down. "I don't know, I guess I feel like the outsider in this family, y'know? And it's not like I don't want to talk to people, I just don't know how," you replied, helping him clean up a bit. "And why didn't you go?" Your question surprised him a bit, but he tried not to show just how much. "I’d say it's kind of the opposite for me, I just don't see the point of pretending to be friendly just for drinks," he shrugged, looking over at you. He saw that you wanted to ask him something, your eyes shining with curiosity, but he decided not to coax it out.
You and Miguel had spent more late nights together, talking and eating leftovers from whatever restaurant he picked. One night while the two of you were eating empanadas, he saw that you were a bit more agitated than usual. "What's wrong?" He asked, setting down the sugary treat as he looked at you. "Dating apps, man. I swear all the men there suck," you replied, looking at him as you set down your phone. Miguel wasn't sure why, but he felt his blood boiling as he heard you talking about dating someone else. "What type of flowers do you like?" He asked out of the blue, wiping his mouth with a napkin. As you told him what you liked, he made sure to take note of it as you two continued to talk through the night.
Miguel left some of the flowers that you liked next morning at your desk, grabbing one of them so he would know when it was time to get a fresh bouquet. He felt his heart beating faster at the way you beamed, hugging him tightly and thanking him for the flowers. Usually, he wasn't that much of a hugger or a fan of general physical contact, but he couldn't help but hold you a bit longer as you hugged him. The scent of your perfume hit his nostrils as the hug lingered on, the combined scent of you and the perfume making his brain fuzzy. "I'm glad you liked the flowers," he said after you pulled away, a small smile forming on his own lips as he saw how happy you were. A selfish part of him was hoping that you'd delete those dating apps after you saw how good he could treat you, better than any of those men.
During these little dinner dates, he also learned more things about you such as what songs you had on repeat and what books you were reading. He felt like a love-sick idiot when he walked into the romance section of Barnes and Nobles, picking up the romance book he saw you reading earlier on your lunch break. He wanted to engage in some of the things you liked to do so you'd have someone to talk to about you liked, wanting to see the excited spark in your eye when you rambled.
The next time Miguel left flowers on your desk, he decided to try out writing a letter. The letter was simple, just telling you how much he appreciated your friendship and telling you all the little things he appreciated about you. The way you made sure he was okay whenever someone's kid at the lab had a birthday and leaving him small snacks whenever he had a late day at the office. At the end of the letter, he asked if you would do him the pleasure of letting him take you out on a date, since he couldn't trust himself to get the words out effectively. "Of course I'll go on a date with you," he heard you speak when you stepped in his office, a smile appearing on his face. "I'll pick you up at Friday at 5."
Miguel felt his heartbeat in his ears as he waited outside of your apartment building, looking in the rear view window to make sure his hair wasn't sticking out. He felt his throat grow dry as he saw you step out at exactly five, the dress you were wearing highlighting every curve. He liked seeing you in your everyday lab attire, but he couldn't deny the fact that you just looked so beautiful dressed up. He got out of the car, handing you a fresh bouquet of flowers with a smile and opened up the door for you. When you smiled at him, he felt like he couldn't get enough of it and he was determined to get more of those smiles just for him.
He pulled up to a nice restaurant in Queens, opening up the door for you once he finished parking. He extended his hand out as he helped you get out of the car, taking note of the warmth of your hand and how well it fit around his. He opened up the restaurant door, stepping in behind you before a waitress led you two to the table. Miguel had called ahead to get some candles lit up around the table, providing with the perfect romantic atmosphere since he wanted to top all the other dates you've had.
You two fell into easy conversation as you shared a meal, the way you spoke and enunciated your words sounding like a melody to his ears. "Have I ever told you just how much I like being in your company?" He asked you, brushing a strand of hair from your face. he saw the way your brows raised in surprise and let out a small chuckle, taking a sip from his drink. "Eres tan dulce para ser tan timida," he added, putting his drink down. He wiped some spaghetti sauce that had dribbled down to the side of your mouth, his gaze on you as he licked it off his thumb. (you're too sweet to be so shy)
His eyes wandered off to the atmosphere of the restaurant, eventually landing on a small jukebox in the corner. He got up from the table with the excuse of needing to use the restroom before walking over to the jukebox. He put in a dollar, flipping through some of the songs that were available before selecting "Amarte a la Antigua" by Pedro Fernández. He walked back over to the table, extending a hand out with a smile on his face. You grabbed his hand and allowed him to lead you to the middle of the restaurant, slowly moving to the melody of the song. He gently hummed some of the lyrics, looking into your eyes as he spoke.
Amarte a la antigua
Entregarte mi vida
Llenarte de rosas, cantarte canciones, pintarte caricias
Even though some of the guests at the restaurants were clapping at the two of you, Miguel kept his gaze directly on you as he took the way your eyes sparkled under the lights. "Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, not wanting to scare you away just yet. He knew that you weren't exactly in your comfort zone with all these people staring, but he had an overwhelming urge to taste you. You nodded, leaning into meet his lips as he kissed you. He felt like he was on cloud nine with the way you kissed him, tentative and slow like you wanted to capture his essence just right. His hands moved to your waist, holding you in place as his lips moved against yours. The taste of your cherry lipgloss overwhelmed his senses along with the way your hands wrapped in his hair, pulling him even closer to you. He pulled away, his chest slightly heaving a bit and his cheeks flushed as he smiled at you. He couldn't wait to do that again.
The two of you left the restaurant shortly after and he noticed the way you had folded your arms across your chest, trying to keep yourself warm. He took off his jacket, putting it on your shoulders as he led you to the car. "You can keep it if you want, it looks better on you anyways," he said, watching as you put it on and got warm. The drive back home was mostly silent, the soft jazz filling up the atmosphere. He turned to look at you once he stopped at a red light, his hand gently stroking yours. "I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable at the restaurant. I know you're not comfortable with that many people looking at you, but I just wanted to express how much you mean to me," he spoke up, his gaze on you as you turned around to look at him. "I liked it. even if it was out of my comfort zone, I appreciated it a lot," you replied, your eyes meeting his as you spoke.
He arrived at your apartment building a couple minutes later, watching as you unbuckled your seatbelt. He grabbed your chin, kissing you once more. this kiss was more for him than anything else, he just needed to feel you one more time before you left. Your lips felt plush against his, the softness of the kiss breaking away any reservations he had towards you. He pulled away a couple seconds later to catch his breath, his fingertips lingering on his mouth just to make sure it was real. "Thank you for the best date I've had," you whispered, leaning into kiss his cheek. He watched as you got out of the car and went up to your apartment building, not wanting to leave until he made sure you were safe. From that moment, he quickly realized he was falling hard for you. He learned why people put themselves in that position of vulnerability.
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mypimpademia · 11 months
— You Like My Voice?
Bakugo x black!reader, Todoroki x black!reader
TW: Swearing
Note: this idea came from that sexyy red audio that’s trending on TikTok ngl !
⇶ The thing about Katsuki is that he pays a lot of attention to you
⇶ Like a lot.
⇶ He knows what you like and what you don’t, and takes mental note of it
⇶ Hell, he could confidently say he knows almost everything about you
⇶ So it’s guaranteed that he knows you like his voice
⇶ Unless you’re play arguing, Katsuki pipes down around you, so you hear his normal speaking voice more than anything
⇶ His speaking voice is actually fairly quiet, especially when he’s with you
⇶ His tone is much softer, and he tends to grunt and grumble a lot if he’s preoccupied or trying to multitask talking to you and doing something else. And his natural voice is actually a bit raspy, and probably a little more than it should be from his constant yelling
⇶ It fits him perfectly, and you feel a bit bad when you don’t fully take in what he’s saying to you because you’re too busy staring at his pretty face and listening to his voice without actually listening to him
⇶ When he notices you not paying attention, he always sucks his teeth and asks if you’re listening
‘He’s so pretty… I’m so happy he’s my man.’ You thought to yourself.
Your eyes searched around his face, taking in all his features.
His well groomed brows, carnelian eyes with long lashes, perfectly shaped nose, soft lips that were slightly pink from his cherry chapstick, and a jawline that could cut steel.
And god, his voice was music to your ears.
Truthfully, you had no clue what he was saying. But you could make out his voice through your haze of admiration, and it sounded like heaven .
You were so far gone that you didn’t even realize that you were smiling at him like a dope, and literally kicking your feet as you spun back and forth in your chair.
“‘N’ then I had to go talk to Aizawa about it ‘cause…” Katsuki trailed off as he met your eyes, and then he kissed his teeth.
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” He grunted, leaning towards you to search your eyes for some sign that you were paying attention.
“I’m listenin’ baby, just keep talkin’,” You feigned.
“Oh really, then what was I saying?” He questioned you, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Erm… I know you said something about Aizawa!”
Katsuki ran his tongue over his teeth, pushing his lips out as he stared at you with a deadpan expression.
You guilt-fully looked to the side with a downward smile, knowing you’d been caught.
“I should kick your ass,” He chuckled as he threw his head back and crossed his arms.
“Bruhh! Just keep talking I’ll listen this time! For real, for real!”
⇶ Katsuki knows you’re far gone when you keep using that ‘just keep talking’
⇶ Sometimes, he’ll do it entertain you, and so he can see that lost look in your eyes
⇶ Other times, he’ll feed into it just because he knows how much you like it
Katsuki leaned in close to your face, so close that you could smell the mint on his breath and feel it fan against you.
Your eyes widen at the suddenness of his close proximity, and he pressed his large, calloused, hand against your cheek.
“Everythin’ okay, doll?” He asked you, thumb rubbing back and forth on your face.
You nodded, too hypnotized by him to speak.
“Y’sure? You look lost,” Katsuki persisted, feeling your face heat up against his palm.
“M’fine. Just looking at you baby, you’re so pretty, and I could listen to you all day,” you told him, before leaning in for a kiss.
“Oh baby, I think you’re the pretty one.”
⇶ Always pulls away during make out sessions just to whisper in your ear about how good you look and how much he loves you and everything about you
⇶ Comes up behind you a lot just to get in your ear too, and sometimes it’s not even about anything in particular. He just asks what you’re doing but he knows it makes you crazy regardless of what he says
⇶ The most amazing sleepy voice award needs to go to him because he just sounds so good when he’s tired
⇶ Not much of a talker in the mornings, so he gives you a lot of grunts and short noises rather than speaking, but once he’s woken up a bit more you always stay in bed together talking about nothing
⇶ The sound of his voice makes you wanna sleep again because it sounds so heavenly, you feel like you’re sinking into the mattress
⇶ Let’s you lay on his chest while you talk about the dreams you had and he messes with your bonnet
⇶ Sends so many voice messages when he’s not with you, it’s ridiculous actually
⇶ Tells you random details about his day as they happen. Something cool he saw, something that pissed him off, something that he did, and so on
⇶ Its like your personal 24/7 podcast
⇶ Always FaceTimes you instead of texting too
⇶ You’ll sit on the phone for hoursss together and sometimes you won’t even talk to each other for half the time
⇶ But he’s usually playing a game w the bakusquad so you always get to hear his voice, even if he’s just yelling
⇶ Really though, the moral is that he just goes the extra mile if he knows you like something
⇶ This poor clueless thing has no idea what he’s doing to you
⇶ Doesn’t talk too much when he’s in class or in pubs in general, but he gets a bit more chatty when you two are along because he’s comfortable with you
⇶ But even then, Shoto is still fairly quiet volume wise, and his normal talking voice is nearly a whisper
⇶ Because of this, you often find yourselves leaned in close to each other just to hold a conversation
⇶ Not that you mind being close to your boyfriend, but his two toned eyes piercing through you do make you a little nervous
⇶ And Sho hasn’t the slightest clue why you stare at him in such a daze when he talks to you, thinks there’s something wrong :(
“… Y/n… Y/n,” Shoto softly called out to you.
Blinking out of your entranced state, you hummed at your boyfriend in response. His brows furrowed with concern, and he frowned at you.
“Is everything alright, love? You seem unfocused,” he said.
You nearly chuckled at how concerned he was, he really has no idea.
“M’okay baby, I just really like your voice,” you told him.
Shoto raised his eyebrows at you in confusion, cocking his head to the side.
“You like my voice?” He asked you.
You nodded, a small smile gracing your glossy lips before you leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“Now finish your story baby, I’m listening.”
⇶ Shoto has never been one to pay any mind to himself
⇶ Doesn’t give any thought to how attractive he is, or what others think of him (besides you, really, but he missed this one thing!)
⇶ He is, however, extremely attentive to you and your needs and likes
⇶ So when you tell him you like his voice, he takes note of that
⇶ He’s still quiet when out and about, but he’s made a clear effort to talk more when the two of you are in private
⇶ He complimented you a lot before, but he compliments you almost constantly now
⇶ Catches you by surprise most of the time, walks up behind you, tells you you’re beautiful, kisses your cheek, then leaves
⇶ And Shoto knows that you know you look good, but he also knows that you just like to hear it, and likes telling you so it’s a win-win situation
⇶ However, he’s a bit over the top, and if you give him an inch he’ll take a mile
⇶ Does nothing but send voice messages and face time you when you’re not together
⇶ You really don’t mind the voice messages, they’re honestly a huge step up from him texting normally because he’s lowkey a dry texter
⇶ Hardly uses emojis, and only says ‘lol’, not ‘lmao/lmfao’, his responses are never more than 3 sentences unless it’s important
⇶ So yeah, voice messages are definitely preferred
⇶ He sends a lot of short ones of just him chuckling after you say something funny and they make you melt
⇶ You secretly listen to his voice messages back when you miss him
⇶ Shoto is the type to FaceTime you when he has something to say that could’ve been a text message
⇶ But you bear with it because he’s your man
⇶ Shoto is very gentle with you, and treats you as if you’ll break
⇶ So when you two make out, it’s just soft and romantic
⇶ He’s not rough with you at all, and actually takes the reigns to guide you through it so you can just relax and melt into it
⇶ But he gets a bit overwhelmed and flustered, and has to pull away at some point to catch his breath
⇶ Always takes that time to call you beautiful while his face his flushed red, and once he catches his breath he peppers feather light kisses on your heated skin
⇶ Has a habit of touching your hair too, he won’t do it often if you tell him not to, but his hands normally find a way there a few times a day
⇶ Never sticks his whole hand in there, he just gently plays with a small section, or lightly pulls at the soft hairs on the back of your neck
⇶ But he does move your hair out of the way, without messing it up, to burry his face in your neck and tell you how much he loves you
⇶ Sho just loves to give you the room to be soft and feel loved around him, even if that means dragging out the little things you enjoy (not that you mind)
Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!🫶🏾
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lillylvjy · 5 months
Be my (be my baby)
notes; hey! So this is long over due- was supposed to be part of Halloween but never got to it. Also this fic is a bit fucked up but, recently I’ve been doing research over horror movies and how they’re created and written. I’ve also done some analyzation over serial killers and criminals in college so I used all my knowledge to write this and- I hope you like it! And I know there is some plot holes and details missed, if people like this I’ll do another fic like this, it was super fun to write and yeah! Yes this is very inspired by Carrie and scream. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS!!!! If it’s not for you, don’t read it.
warnings; DEAD DOVE: do not eat!, murder, massacre?, blood, bleeding out, choking on blood, insanity, feeling good about killing someone, Simpbur low key manipulates reader a bit, someone tied up, reader stabs someone but doesn’t kill anyone, simp kills a shit ton of people, simp and you go insane at the end ngl, kissing, cheating?, bets, trying to sleep with someone, suggestive, and if I missed anything please tell me! This fic is already fucked up as it is so please tell me!
ALSO!!! I suggest 16+ for this! But I don’t control what you guys read so read with caution. And please for god sake, READ THE WARNINGS!
wc; 2.5k
who; Simpbur x reader
edited: yes. (As much as I could)
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It all happened in a blur. One second you were laughing and dancing, and the next you were screaming and crying as random people started dropping to the floor, blood slowly seeping out of them.
Soon random people became almost the whole student body that attended. People scurrying to get out, none made it, the doors were locked.
Quickly running to the next close exit, you tried to push it open. And again. And one more time.
You quickly looked around to see more people on the floor, gasping for air as the blood painted the gym floor, walls, bleachers. Looking across the gym from you, another exit, leading to the hallways. You quickly took off your shoes and ran like hell.
‘Why didn’t they come after you yet? What was this for?!’ Your mind screamed over the loud music still playing on the speakers. Of course the dance had to be Oldies but Goodies themed, with various fifty and sixty love and dance songs playing.
Running at the door with full impact, taking notice that you were the only one left really alive, busting the door open and looking both ways, one leading to the cafeteria and one leading to the back of the school. You took your chances.
You took a right to the back of the school, thinking it’d be an easier way out and hiding from whoever the fuck was doing this. As you ran, the music transferred to the speakers all over the school.
Be my baby by The Ronettes blasted as you heard an ear piercing scream be cut short by gasping and gurgling a couple feet away. Halting your run, panting but being as silent as you can, you slowly turn around and see a girl lying limp on the ground, blood pooling all around her as she stared blankly at the ceiling , life seeping out of her every second.
You placed a hand over your mouth to hold back sobs as you lean down and closed her eyelids, not wanting to look into the plain eyes anymore. The music felt like it got louder as your head pounded at everything going on. Where were the teachers? Where was all the trusted adults you were supposed to have? Or did they-
No. You needed to stop thinking and start running and finding an exit. Quickly getting up you, turned around and started jogging before turning right again and running into something, or someone.
You screamed as you hide yourself, getting ready for the sharp impact of a knife or something.
“Y/n? Oh my god-“ you heard the person say and arms engulf you into a hug. You quickly opened your eyes and pushed the person away so you could see them.
Pulling him back into you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and hid your face in his neck, wanting to hide from whatever the fuck was happening.
Wil has been your best friend since you were babies, both of your moms being best friends as well and wanting to have you both grow up with each other. That worked out as to see you both were inseparable since day 1, him being a couple months older than you. Now you didn’t know whether this would be your last time holding him or not.
“Wil, what’s happening?” You asked the tall man in front of you as he cupped your face.
“I don’t know but we better start going if we want to get out alive, I have a place we can go and hide, trust me?” Wil held his hand out for you to take as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“Always.” You placed your hand in his as he nodded and started to run with you, side by side, desperately trying to get out of any situation that’d lead to be face to face with the person doing this.
As you ran, you saw each teacher attending the dance in their classroom, lying limp on their desk or sitting in their desk chairs with blood soaking their clothes and eyes still open. A shiver tan down your spine as you placed a hand over your mouth, holding back a sob.
Wilbur took a quick left turn up the stairs and dragged you to the last classroom in the hallway. The science lab.
As he turned and got into the classroom, he quickly stopped. You followed in shortly looking at him questionably.
“Wil what- oh my god, Luke!” You quickly rushed over once you saw him in the chair, a rag towel in his mouth and rope binding him to the chair. Luke was the guy you were going out with as to recent and the lead quarterback of the football team. Nothing romantic yet just some dates here and there to get to know each other more. He was your date to homecoming that you thought ditched you for some cheerleader but apparently he’d been kidnapped by god knows who.
You quickly pulled the towel out of his mouth and cupped his cheek as he slowly came too. “Luke? Luke, hey can you hear me? Wil I need help! Luke who did this to you?” You asked as he slowly opened his eyes and looked relieved to see you.
“I don’t know, I think I blacked out.” He said, his voice hoarse and gone. You quickly sighed as you examined the ties in the rope.
“Ok, Wil can I please get som- Wil?” Your voice lowered as you saw Wil looking at the two of you, eyes full of dread, anger and revenge. You quickly stood up as you slowly walked towards him but stopped once he slowly started laughing and a smile appeared on his once blank face.
Wilbur reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a knife, one that was still ridden with blood. He looked at it before point it at you. “You know, this all happened because of you darling. You did this. You decided to ignore all my affections and admirations for this prick who doesn’t even care about you! I care! Not him! I did this for you.” Wil got close enough to you that you could feel his breath against your face. He brought the knife closer to your face and gently ran it down your cheek one as you stood there stone faced. “And you’re going to finish it, isn’t that right darling?”
Your cold, unfazed face quickly turned into one of excitement and joy as a smile adorned your face and you bit your bottom lip to contain it. You quickly grabbed his tie and pulled him down to your level and pushed your lips onto his, not minding the gasp they both heard from the unwanted guest.
You quickly reached into Wil’s jacket and pulled out the extra knife you placed in there earlier that night as you tugged him closer to you, one arm around your waist and one hand around your neck.
Wil pushed you away slightly. “Hmm not now, we still have business to take care of love.”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to do this in front of him? Make him suffer even more?” You asked the man in front of you as you fixed his tie. Wilbur smirked as he looked down at you, amused at your sudden demeanor change. He loved it.
“Yes I did, but let’s do it after we deal with this fucking cunt.” Wil whispered in your ear as he pecked your neck and turned you around. “Now darling, what do we do with people who think they can just come in here and expect us to just forget all the shit they’ve put us through with their charm?” Wil asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder.
You pretended to think as you brought the knife up to your lips and tapped lightly. “Um… oh! You make their life a living hell.”
“Exactly, good job darling! So, wanna do the honors?” Wil asked as he placed his hands on your hips and stepped away from you.
“Can I say something to him quickly?” You asked your partner as he hummed, agreeing with what you wanted. He let go of your waist as you started walking forward.
“Don’t you dare come near me.” Luke hissed out as you walked up to him. You smiled at him as you meant down, face to face with him as you tapped his cheek with the blunt side of the knife.
“Oh but I thought you wanted me near you all the time? That’s why you started going on dates with me yeah?” Luke looked away from your eyes as you brought the knife to his forehead and moves pieces of his hair back. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I heard what you did. Made a little bet with your friends to see if you could get in my pants? Think I’m worth it now? After everything you did to me and called me? Think I would just accept something like that from you so quickly?!” You started to tear up as thoughts ran through your head. Frustration and sadness ran through your whole body. He didn’t understand that what he did still had an effect on you. It will always have an effect on you. He humiliated you throughout he school years and thinks he can just come in here and get some? Hell no.
Wil came up with this plan after you came to him crying about the whole situation. You knew the second he asked you out something was up, and your suspicions were right when you over heard the stupid cheerleaders making a fuzz about it in the back of class. Making fun of how small you were and how you were “easier”.
Wil was just as, maybe even more, angry than you were. That was when Wil told you he liked you and begged you not to say yes. You weren’t going to in the first place and after all that happened, you definitely weren’t. After that Wil came up with the idea for you to go out with him, play with him and drag it out as much as you could. Wil didn’t like hearing you shared a kiss with the bastard once or twice on the dates, but he let it slide when he saw you after and rid of the scent of his nasty cologne and disgusting kiss on your lips.
But after Wil over heard Luke in class with his gang of idiot, taking in the information, he was fuming. Texting you immediately after, telling you to meet him at his car immediately. He told you all of it. Luke’s plan to finally get some and leave you after. It disgusted him knowing that he wanted to do that to you. His darling. He told you to avoid all forms of contact at all cost, not to let him to close but close enough not to be suspicious.
The plan was working. Get him to tired so he leaves you alone. But Wil wanted more, something else.
Revenge. For all of it. So he sat you down and told you the plan he had, and to say that you were terrified at first was an understatement. You were scared of Wilbur. But after you continued hearing things and going on dates and hearing all the stupid lies coming out of his mouth, you started to understand the plan. The reason behind it. So after Luke asked you to go with him to homecoming, you immediately went to Wil after a couple days of no contact or conversation and told him you were in. And to say that he was happy was an understatement. He was ecstatic. He had his partner in crime back.
Which leads you here, in this moment on the verge of seeing red and snapping this mans neck.
“You ruined my years in school since I was a kid because you convinced everyone that I should be a loner and i deserved it, since my dad never loved me and my moms a drunk. I was the weird kid yeah? Remember those words? I do. They’re engraved in my fucking mind because of you!” You screamed in his face as he flinch back. You quickly stood up and looked down at him with a flat expression. “And I believed it. Until I met Wil. He actually cared enough to get to know me. He cared enough to be my friend. And that’s more than I could ask for. But you, you can’t get enough of seeing me suffer yeah? Seeing me crumple into a little ball and ruining my life. Well buddy boy-“ you lightly pat his face as Wilbur comes behind you and smiles at the boy. “That’s exactly what we’re going to be doing to you but in a more… painful way.”
You finished off as you plunged your knife into his stomach, feeling a rush adrenaline run through you. You didn’t want to do this, but he deserved it, for all the pain he put you through. And you guys already did enough damages so why not a little more.
You took the knife out as you heard him gasp and hiss in pain and uncomfortable.
“You’re fucking crazy.” Luke said as curled in on himself, trying to stop the pain at any cost.
Wil scoffed as he pulled the man’s head back by his hair and leant down close to him. “Go to hell.” He hissed in his face as he shoved the knife into the blondes chest and stepped back as he yelled and the gasping started.
The scene wasn’t pretty. The boy had blood running out of his mouth and down his tux, not that it wasn’t already ruined by the wounds he sported. Yet the adrenaline kept rushing through you like a wave that never stopped. It almost brought you joy to see him like this . To see him slowly dying as all the tension and heartache from the past years slowly drain out of you.
You didn’t know you were crying until Wil cupped your face and cooed at you, wiping your tears away as he put your head in his chest, running his hands through your hair.
“We did the right thing love. These people were not kind to us. They deserved it. You’ll realize that soon, I promise. But now we have to leave, ok? We can get food and crash at my house and talk about this all. Ok? Trust me?” Wil told you as the music over the speakers continued but you weren’t focused on them. Only on the man in front of you and what he was saying. You trusted him with your whole life and if you had to do whatever he said, you would. Always.
You took his hands and pulled him out of the room, making sure everything that you guys brought and used was in hand. “Always. Now where are we eating?”
Wil smiled as tightened his grip on your hand and walked in line with you. “What about burgers?”
“Yeah, I could go for a burger.” You said with a smile on your face.
A smile that had nothing but pure joy and insanity as you tucked the knife away in Wil’s coat.
lowkey forgot who was on my taglist; if you wanna be added feel free to ask or dm me!
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
is there a part 2 to Strong maybe bit of smut
Strong pt.2
Aegon ii Targaryen x Strong!Reader
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Previous chapter: Strong pt.1
Warnings: Targcest, Explicit language, NSFW content, Blood, Aegon beats up Aemond(not that bad, I swear)
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
Additional info: Instead of Rhaenyra escorting the Strong fellas back to Dragonstone, they all stay in the Red Keep(just imagine it for a sec that Alicent begged her ass off and got Rhaenyra to stay, cs she wants to spend more time w her(this is my fkn world and in it, these two make up idc)
A/N: Ooop, here it fkn issss!!! Ngl, I was cackling like a middleschooler while writing the spicy part of this one. Welp... Cheers, you horny bastards!!!
P.S. I fkn lied, this is nowhere near close to the req. Sorry, dear Anon.
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A choked up sob came out of the Prince's mouth as he rubbed the linen washcloth over the bitemarks on his neck. Tears welled up in his eyes, but Aegon was quick to blink them away, before the woman could see.
She was sat across him, on the edge of the bed, watching him as Aegon dabbed away the blood. She was already dressed, in a long, bell-sleeved green gown that showed off every curve of hers. Aegon sneaked a glance at her deep neckline, then quickly averted his eyes.
The woman noticed it immediately, eyes never leaving his face. She ran a soft hand over her shoulder and pushed her long, dark hair out of the way, so it could trail down her back.
"Our mothers, along with your sister, Baela and Rhaena are in the gardens." She said, voice gone back to its usual cushiness. "They invited me to join them. I trust you will behave?"
The silver haired man flinched at her question. His hands dropped down to his lap, pulling at the washcloth as his eyes looked down at the dirty sheets.
Behave. Behave. Behave.
"Love?" Her eyes narrowed, word coming out rough and low.
Aegon flinched again. He looked up at her, head shaking up and down violently. She let out an amused hum, then got up on her feet.
"Good." She was now standing next to him, one hand reaching up to his face. She took in the angry bruise she'd awarded him with the night before. Then the faint imprints of her hand that covered his face, neck and chest. The rest staying hidden from her eyes by the sheet Aegon had covered his lower half with. "You're so good."
Aegon whined, the pathetic sound reverberating in his head. Before he had time to curse himself out for it, her fingers hooked under his chin. He turned to face her, hands clutching and pulling at the washcloth.
"My brothers are with Aemond and Ser Criston, in the training grounds." She said, thumb running over his bottom lip. "You'll join them."
It wasn't a question, but an order. One he wasn't brave enough to not follow. Not after the things his sweet,sweet wife had done to him throughout the previous night.
"That's it." The woman laughed out as she bent forward, lips meeting with those of Aegon. "I must go, my love. Get ready, then head down. You'll find clothes on the chair over there."
His pale eyes shot open, following to where her hand was pointing at. He nodded once more, head falling down after. The Prince put the washcloth on the nightstand as he got up.
Although he was a few good inches taller than her, Aegon felt incredibly small. Weak. Worthless. Undeserving.
He hissed as her hands wrapped around his wrists, successfully getting her to pull away. For a bit. Then she grabbed him again, this time much more gently, and brought them up so she could take a closer look.
The porcelain skin was now red and swollen. The ropes had left behind thin, angry traces where they'd cut in, marring the blank canvas Aegon was.
"I am sorry, my dragon." She whispered as she peppered his inner wrists with soft, apologetic kisses.
"It's fine." The Prince finally spoke out, his voice hoarse and trembling. He was smiling down at her, trying to bite back another hiss. "I...enjoyed it."
The brunette looked up at him, plump lips meeting with the red skin for the last time before she let go. Her arms wrapped around his neck, body pressing close to his.
Aegon rubbed his bruised cheek against hers, melting in her hands.
"My dragon..." She trailed off, pulling him impossibly close to herself. "I love you."
Aegon whined again, the tears now falling freely from his eyes. His hands reached for her hips, nails digging into the green silk of the gown that covered them.
"Say it again..." He was falling apart, body shaking with the intensity of the sobs that left his mouth. "Please."
The woman kept quiet. The fingers that were rubbing small circles on the back of his head, stopped moving.
"Please." Aegon needed to hear it. Especially after the cruel words she'd punished him with the night before. "Tell me you love me. Please."
Love me. Love me. Love me.
But she didn't say it. Instead, she unwrapped her arms from around him. The Prince almost fell to his knees at the loss of contact.
"Get dressed." She turned around, walking towards the doors of their chambers.
Aegon became painfully aware of the pitiful state he was in- naked, crying and begging, covered in endless amount of bruises, scratches and marks. He tried to put himself back together, to wipe the broken expression off his face. But there was no point.
In just a few hours, she'd completely destroyed whatever it was, that was left of the Prince. He had no ground to stand on. Not anymore. He could yell in her face, break her to pieces, even kill her. But she'd die, knowing she won. Knowing that she'd broken him in, taken him down to being this sad, miserable excuse of a person.
"I love you." Her voice reached Aegon's ears. "I truly do."
Then she was gone.
"What happened to you?" Aemond asked as his brother approached him. He lowered his sword, signaling to Criston he'd take a break.
The knight offered a small nod, then turned his attention to the younger boys who were standing off to the side.
"Got into some trouble last night?" The one-eyed prince teased.
Aegon's head shot up, eyes staring up at his younger brother in shock. How did he find out, he heard his trembling voice inside his head. His legs almost gave out at the thought of Aemond knowing what she'd done to him. His brother already looked down on him, what must he be thinking now, that he knew his big brother was used like a whore.
"Told you that you shouldn't be going out into the city alone..." Prince Aemond said, hand reaching for Aegon's shoulder.
Aegon bit down a groan as his brother's hand came down on one of the bitemarks. He shook his head, his usual smug grin coming back on his face to cover the pain.
"It was nothing, don't worry about it." A relieved breath escaped through Aegon's words. Fortunately, Aemond didn't notice it.
The long-haired man lowered his hand, eyeing Aegon up and down suspiciously. There was nothing out of the ordinary. His brother looked a bit tired, a bit disheveled. Nothing he hadn't seen before.
He looked away for a second, then his eye came back to Aegon.
"What in the Seven Hells are you wearing?"
Aegon was sporting a high-collared black doublet, black pants and leather boots. That's not what shocked Aemond. It was the red shirt that showed underneath the doublet. The red cord it was embroidered with. The three-headed dragon pin on his chest.
Then his eye trained on Aegon's hands. The ridiculously large gold ring was resting on his little finger of his right hand. On his left thumb, however, was a simple steel band ring. One that had the sigil of House Strong on it.
Aegon turned red as he noticed the way his brother was inspecting him.
"Leave it be." He whispered, eyes going back to their nephews, who were now swinging at Ser Criston. "It doesn't concern you."
Aemond wrapped one gand around the back of Aegon's neck, eliciting a pained growl from his brother.
"You didn't get that nasty bruise out in the streets, did you?" Aemond teased, eye darting to his brother now and then. "No shame, brother. I honestly expected for your Strong lady to put you in your place way sooner."
Aegon didn't dare say a word. He stood there, allowing his baby brother to make his cruel joke.
"Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond..." Criston's voice rang out. "Would you join us? We have to even the odds."
Aemond turned nodded, then took a step forward. He turned suddenly, spinning on one heel.
"Would anyone blame me if that little bastard lost an eye whilst sparring?" He said with that smirk of his. "Do you think your Strong lady will come after me, do to me what she did to you?"
And there it was, the straw that broke the camel's back. Aegon's back.
He lunged at his brother, knocking him to the ground. With his newfound strength, it only took a few blows to the face for Aemond to pass out, his head bouncing up and down with every hit.
Ser Criston, Luke and Jace reached them in no time. They tried to pull Aegon off, but the Prince simply refused to let go. The rage had blinded him, all he could see was his brother's bloodied face.
But it wasn't the cruel jokes. Nor was it Aemond threatening to take their nephew's eye out. It was him, suggesting that the Princess would put her hands on Aemond the way she'd done to Aegon.
That was for him. The pain, the humiliation,the punishment. All his. No one else's. His alone.
And just like that, Prince Aegon let go. He allowed for Criston to pull him to his feet and away from Aemond.
All his. No one else's. His alone.
He shook off Cole's hands, then turned to stare at her. Waiting. For her to storm over to him, and show everyone where his place was. To show to his mother, his sisters, his cousins, his nephews.
But nothing came. She stood there, at the top of the steps, staring down at him. One hand extended out towards Aegon. Drawing him, guiding him.
He didn't notice how Alicent ran past him, nor did he see how she dropped to her knees, next to Aemond's unconscious body. He didn't notice the scared and confused looks on his nephews faces or the way his half-sister, Rhaenyra, looked from her daughter to him with a smug grin.
All he could see was her.
Aegon followed the woman into the Red Keep and up the steps, towards their chambers.
"Why?" She asked, flopping down on the bed.
He didn't respond. Aegon was too busy trying to undo the clasps of his doublet to notice she'd said something.
"Come here..." She murmured, hand reaching out for him just like it had out there.
He heard her this time. Without wasting any time he strode over, only stopping when he had to look down to get a good look of her face.
They stood there like that for a bit, neither saying a word.
Then she spread her legs slowly, making room for him.
"Closer, I can't reach you."
The Prince took another step forward, now standing between her legs.
"I asked you a question." She said softly, fingers quickly undoing the clasps, then the buttons of his shirt. "Why did you do it?"
"He threatened to take your brother's eye out."
"I don't like it when you lie to me, Aegon." Her whole demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. There was no gentleness to her anymore. She tugged at the strings of his breeches, untying them with one swift move. "So why? I want the truth."
Aegon Targaryen had never shied away from a woman's touch the way he did when his wife's fingers ran down his happy trail. He sucked in a breath.
"He..." The Prince turned to look out the opened windows.
"What did he do?" She looked up at him, two fingers hooking at the front of his pants and tugging down.
"He asked if you'd do what you did to me, if he were to take his eye out." Aegon admitted, shaking his clothes of his body.
"And that made you knock Aemond out cold because..." The woman almost laughed at her own words. Aegon got him good, she couldn't deny it.
She watched as his breeches fell to the ground, freeing Aegon from the tight grasp they had on him. He let out a hiss as the cold air touched him, his already hard cock slapping against his lower abdomen.
Aegon looked away again, too ashamed of how much effect she had on him.
Two hungry eyes were staring down at the head of his cock, deep shade of pink and already leaking.
"Because...?" She teased, hand wrapping around him.
Aegon let out a deep moan, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. His pale face was turning red, making the purple bruise on his cheek stand out even more.
He hissed as she dragged her hand up and down the length of his cock at a painfully slow pace. The soreness of the night before still lingered, making every inch of his body scream in agony. Still, he found himself coming to love the feeling. The pain. The humiliation. The punishment.
"Because I don't want you to touch anyone else the..." His breath hitched as the brunette bent down a bit and licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock.
She felt him twitch slightly, making her let out an amused huff. A shiver ran down Aegon's back when he felt her warm breath hit him. His hand came to rest at the back of her head, gently massaging the skin underneath his fingers.
The sensation of her wet tongue dissappeared once she reached the tip, leaving the man to thrust his hips into the air. Then her full lips wrapped around the head, her tongue circling around it. She let out a low hum, the sound reverberating throughout his whole body.
"I don't want you to do what you did to me last night to anyone else!" He cried out, almost toppling over at the feeling of her tongue rubbing over the slit of his cock. "Just me..."
Her lips left him with a loud pop, the woman laughing softly at it. She wiped away the mixture of precum and saliva from her lips as she looked up at him.
"Just you, my dragon." She said as her hands wrapped around his wrists gently, guiding them towards her shoulders. "Help me get it off."
Aegon looked at her with a dumbstruck look on his face. His confusion didn't prevent him from sliding down the garment past her shoulders.
"You're not angry at me?" He asked.
"Quite the opposite..." The brunette said as she got up, leaving barely any space between their faces. "I'm proud of you, my brave dragon."
Another whine escaped Aegon as he slid his hands down her body, ridding her of her green gown. He pulled her close, their chest pressing against together.
He hid his face in the crook of her neck, planting wet, needy kisses on the skin there. Aegon lifted her up, the woman wrapping her legs around his waist quickly. He climbed on the bed while still holding her.
"I'm so sorry..." He said as he pulled away to look at her. "About yesterday. I didn't mean it, I just wanted to get a reaction from..."
She cut him short, pushing him off of her and then climbing on top of Aegon. On hand reached up to cover his mouth, the other going to his throat.
"I know." The Princess said, grinding down on him.
Aegon moaned from behind her hand, thrusting up. The grip she had on his throat got stronger. He stilled, his breathing did too.
The hand on his face turned, until her thumb was pressing down on his lips. He opened his mouth, tongue swirling around the single digit, cheeks hollowing as he sucked in.
"So good..." She whispered, her other hand sliding down his body and dissappearing between them. "So fucking good. For me."
Aegon's eyes fluttered shut as she wrapped her fingers around his cock, head shaking up and down with a choked moan.
"So brave..." The woman raised up slightly as she guided his cock to her, rubbing it over her slick cunt. "My brave dragon."
He bit down on her thumb as the tip of his cock entered her. The woman hissed, but didn't pull away. Instead, she hooked her other fingers under his chin, then shook slowly.
"Try not to bite it off or I'll have to return the favor." She joked, eyes darting from him to where their bodies met.
Both let out a chuckle, the sound soon getting replaced by Aegon's whines.
"Move." He unwrapped his lips from around her thumb, teeth still holding it in place. "Please."
"As my Prince commands..." Her breath hitched as she slammed down on him.
Her free hand trailed back up and then down again, nails digging in. Soon his porcelain skin turned to an angry shade of red, blood prickling.
Aegon couldn't hold back anymore. His hips snapped up, meeting with hers. Her palm collided with his face. He bit down on the digit in his mouth again with another hard thrust.
Another slap. His cheek was staring to sting. Then he did it again.
"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" She hissed out as she bounced up and down.
Aegon hummed, tongue rubbing against the pad of her thumb.
She pulled her hand away from his face, his teeth dragging over.
"I want to hear you." She said as she dropped down to his chest, legs giving out. "Say it."
Aegon mumbled a few incoherent sentences before wrapping his arms around her waist tight. He set up a painfully fast speed, skin hitting skin as he chased his own high.
Her mind went blank at the first thrust, hands pushing up as she tried to pull away from his grasp. She almost slipped away, but Aegon was quick to follow her. His head dipped down, lips wrapping around one of her nipples. He bit down and then sucked in, just as she'd done to him the night before.
A hiss came from the woman. One of her hands sneaked over his shoulder, then pulled his head back by his hair.
A thin string of saliva trailed from his mouth and down to her bruised nipple. He offered a toothy, devilish grin before licking his lips clean.
"I'm close." She stuttered, eyes shutting tight.
Aegon laughed out as his bruised cheek came to rest on her chest, his eyes closing. He kept the same pace, the sweet aching in his hips coming once more.
"Princess, the feast..." The doors flew open, one of her maids barging in. "Oh, Gods!"
The girl left just as quickly, blush creeping up on her face.
"Don't stop!" She moaned out as Aegon's thrust stuttered. "Don't!"
He laughed again, hips snapping. Then he stopped completely.
"It would seem I still don't know my place, wife." He craned his neck up as his mouth left behind a hot, blazing trail from her collarbones to her jaw.
"You'll learn..." The woman looked down at him, hand going back to wrap around his throat. "...husband."
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
hello, can i request octavinelle reacting to a s/o who bit them to see if they taste like octopus/eel? (Separately)
      OCTATRIO x gn human reader
    『 azul ,, jade ,, floyd ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> biting them to see if they taste like eel / octopus
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, hickey warning on floyds part 🫣 ,, biting 😈
  — omg 😭🫶 tysm for being my first request !! hope i did it good 🫣 feel free to send more in 🤞♥️
-> azul
• you were both chilling at the vip room in mostro lounge ,, you scrolling around on your phone whilst azul was going through paperwork
• he had been too caught up in work to notice you behind him ,, until you bit him
• bro yelped ,, jumping a bit in his chair before he stared at you wide eyed with flushed cheeks
• when you tell him the reason for it ,, he sighs saying youre no better than the tweels
• scolds you a bit about just biting him out of nowhere ,, and from that day forward he's on guard in case you do it again
        " why would you do that ?" he yelped ,, swiveling in his chair to face you with a shocked expression . " just wanna know if you tasted like octopus ,," you replied with a shrug .
      " angelfish ,, please ,," was all he said before letting out a long sigh . " at this rate ,, youre no better than the tweels . what am i going to do with you ?" he crossed his arms ,, trying to scold you but it wasn't working too well ,, because the moment you wrapped your arms around him he melted . " im sorry 'zul ,, it won't happen again ."
-> jade
• he knew what you were up to ,, maybe not taste testing part but he did have a feeling you were going to bite him with how often you were kissing his hand
• he didnt stop you one bit ,, letting you carry on with your actions
• and when that bite came ,, and your scrunched up face ,, he smiled even wider
• for this man put hand sanitizer on ,, the nasty one in schools that smells like old peanut butter ,, and you got a tongueful of it
• he'd chuckle to himself and ask if you enjoyed it ,, eyes tinted with mischief as you grumbled at him
• note to self : dont bite the man ,, he tastes like grandma hand sanitizer
      " my ,, how bold you are ." he chuckled ,, looking at your disgusted face as you stuck your tongue out . " that should give you a warning ,, pearl ,, before you decide to bite me again ."
      you just stuck you tongue towards him ,, crossing your arms and puffing as you turned away . " i just wanna see if you tasted like eel ,," you mumbled . " is that so ?" he replied.
-> floyd
• he bites you all the time ,, and thinks you biting him is your way of reciprocating his feelings
• he'll enjoy that little bite ,, before trapping you in his embrace and placing more bites on you
• when he asks about it ,, he'll laugh at the reason ,, poking your cheeks as he asked if he tasted like eel
• short answer ,, he doesnt ,, he tastes like saltwater if anything ,, fish pee water
• will pout if you pull away from him though :(
• might ask you to bite him again ngl
• though he'll fain innocence ,, pretending to be helpless as you bite him
      " haha shrimpy ~ how cruel of you ,, biting little ole me ,," he giggled into your neck ,, arms tight around your shoulders . keeping you on his lap ,, his tongue ran over a spot on your neck ,, pressing a kiss before taking a little nibble . " i guess that means you like me huh ?" he licked over the bite mark left behind .
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aostahni · 1 year
rating: M— Mature
setting: jungle, omatikaya clan— post reef village
love interest/character(s): fem!omatikaya reader, (20) neteyam, & sully family
warnings: post atwow, little bit of angst, blood, violence, knives, guns, bombs, worrying/protective neteyam?, mentions of death, arguing, sadness, crying, & fluff.
synopsis: neteyam and other omaticaya warriors were out scouting the perimeters of the forest, until they were met with dozers and heavily armed machines tearing down lush forest and vegetation to expand their land, neteyam and jakes plan to end their operation and set out an mission to destroy the humans upcoming operation. You neteyam’s lover and a fellow warrior participating in the mission steers away from the plan to finally end the sky people’s plan unveiling a reaction from neteyam you’ve yet to see.
author’s note: ngl this was a little different for me, writing romance and angst has always been slightly difficult for me & i took some research 😭. also, I’m always open to criticism and advice long as it’s respectful. hope you enjoy!
- p.s. i thought about adding smut once the argument was settled, but i may just make into a separate part for the ones who just want a wholesome oneshot. just lmk what you guys prefer! enjoy!
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❝we are warriors neteyam! warriors! ❞
the sky around you had darkened from the smoking machines, and the vibrant forest burned from their torches. There was an ear splitting commotion surrounding you as dozers exploded, guns ringing as they’re bullets ricocheted, and fellow warriors released battle cries throughout the thick suffocating atmosphere.
it was one of the most brutal operations you’ve participated in, but you’d never back down. You scanned your surroundings as you glided through the smokey air on your ikran— mìäylli. you spotted two dozers continuing their destructive path with a couple recoms surrounding them, torching the vegetation alongside them. quickly you called it in, pressing your throat comms.
“ma teyam! there’s two dozers that changed course.”
“copy y/n. what’s their position?”
“about four clicks from you and the other warriors.”
“we’re getting hammered here my yawne.” he hissed, sounds of bullets and screams echoing in the background. “we’ll have to wait.”
“neteyam i can take them mys—.” you retorted but neteyam quickly cut your rebuttal short. “no!”
“you should get out of there, don’t engage without backup!”
only his words went in one ear and out the other, you wouldn’t leave these sky people to cause more damage when you could handle them yourself. You pulled out your bow, readying yourself for landing as neteyam continued to rant in your ear. he voiced worrying concerns as your chest heaved, moving up and down as you took slow deep as your ikran guided you closer toward the dozers.
“do you read me y/n?” neteyam yelled, “do not attack!”
ignoring his order, you and your ikran dove toward the scene, drawing your bow and impaling two soldiers within seconds. your ikran swayed around the other side of the dozers as you picked up the last soldier and slung him off into the distance. Once the surrounding sky people who were protecting the dozers from the ground were no longer a worry, you leap down gracefully from your ikran against the metal surface releasing a quick arrow in the process shooting one of the demons off its side.
You hurriedly ran toward a metal pole for cover, bullets ricocheting off its side as the soldiers sought to kill you. crouching down you took a look at the area around you, noting every soldier and weakening areas of the dozer. The other one beside it has the same exact layout, you took a deep breath nodding to yourself as the three soldiers drew closer. Once they were close enough you swatted your bow, one of the soldiers' bones cracking at the impact while the others were swept off their feet dropping their weapons.
you encased one's head in the bow, snapping their neck as you threw their limp body across the dozer while kicking their guns off its side. the second soldier drew a knife from behind, running towards you. your ear flicked up with alert at the never ending footsteps thumping against the metal surface. you turned swiftly earning a piercing nick across your chest, you hiss wildly before stabbing variously into the soldier's fleshly stomach, their blood squelching as you shoved the knife deeper with a twist. the soldier gasped, gripping fondling with your hands before gripping tightly as you watched life leave their eyes with a sharp gaze as your head tilts.
you released your hold, dropping the recoms limp body with a loud thud. A groan sounded in the distance and you hurriedly crouched into your defensive stance only to realize it was a soldier you immobilized, reaching toward a knife. you walked over kicking away the knife, landing a hard punch knocking him out. You pulled two grenades over his vest, quickly running toward the running jets atop the dozer. you released the pins hauling the grenades in between the vents as you called out for your ikran. A screech in the distance let you know she was close as you sprinted toward the edge of the dozer leaping out onto the back of the ikran.
you ascended to great heights watching as the two dozers went up in flames from the explosion as you whooped pumped your bow in the air with celebration. distant war cries let you know the battle was over, and in the na’vis favors as you made your way to high camp. As you came down from your high and the adrenaline and coursing blood settled you felt a sharp pain in your chest. you winced as you adjusted yourself on your ikran, looking down your chest reveals a gash. long, deep, sensitive, and throbbing around its jagged edges as blood pooled out staining your intricately woven top by neteyam.
“shit…” you hissed softly, knowing it’d be a long night.
·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳
once your wound was treated by mo’at, you quickly made your way to your hut, drowning the dried herbs the tsahìk provided you in some water for a tea to help ease the throbbing pain. soon you heard a screech from your mates ikran and a thud as the blue soles of his feet collided with the ground. erratic breathing and footsteps were heard outside the hut as he searched for you within the crowd of celebrating na’vi.
“where is she?” he question, voice full of irritation with the unknowing responses. “is y/n here? have you seen her?!”
as few whispers floated within the air before he abruptly stood in the entrance of your shared hut, you stood quickly startled as you took in your mates appearance. he was covered in blood and dirt, his hair wild, and fist unclenching as he looked over you the same.
“are you okay?” the worry along his face fizzled away as he approached you quickly scanning over your body. “why didn’t you respond?”
he turned to you around to examine your back before engulfing you into a hug pressing your body against him. “don’t scare me like that.”
“i am fine, neteyam.” you winced as your gash came in contact with the dirt and debris along neteyam’s body, his ears flickered up as he quickly reeled back. he held your tensed shoulders against his palm as he pointed toward your top. “your piece is soaked in blood…”
you said nothing, eyes staring at the crackling fire as the burning wood shifted. you wanted to tell him, explain the events of taking down the dozers on your own, but you knew he’d only grow furious that you didn’t respect his wishes to stay safe. he pulled your top to the side lightly, revealing the gash just above your breast stretching to your collarbone, his pupils blown wide in disbelief as he gazed burned in yours. “y-you..”
“you were inured and didn’t tell me..?”
“neteyam.” you gritted out, irritation boiling to the surface. “i didn’t want to worry you, you’ve been so stresse—”
“So instead you fight skypeope alone?” he scoffed, retreating his grazing hands from your wound, and suddenly the loss of his touch made you feel so cold. “and hide injuries from your mate?”
“neteyam what was i to do?” you hissed, voice growing louder by the second. “leave the dozers to cause more damage?!”
“you were to follow my order!” neteyam growled, jaw clenching as burning irritation scratched at his throat. “not take stupid risks that could’ve gotten you killed!”
“we are warriors neteyam! warriors!” you yelled, grabbing ahold of the bow that lay against the wall of your hut. “the ones who take risks to protect eywa, the people..!”
“ugh, Y/N!” he hissed frustratedly pacing before he slammed a hand against the wall, making you jump from the noise. his face was full of rage and his eyes darkened as he whirled toward you with flared nostrils. “we are na’vi! we move as one and don’t stray!”
“neteyam do not speak to me as if i’m just some member of your squad!”
“i am your mate!”
neteyam back away a few paces, with a deep inhale before exhaling through his nostrils. He slowly approached your unmoving body, sighing deeply as he raised his hands to cup your cheeks, his gaze softening as he watched your blown pupils, the distant fire reflecting in them.
“i could have lost you…” he gently whispers, voice slightly hoarse from the yelling.
“i am here ma yawne..” you cooed, pressing your forehead against his, as you closed yours eyes breathing in each other's air.
his stray hand raised between you, touching the wound that lay between his chest. a constant reminder of where taking a risk led him, what it gave him— a bullet with death's name on it. he fumbled over his words as recalled the events three years ago in awa’atlu, a event that seemed to be a part of another life. “r-risks.. risks are dangero—”
“risk are what you take for the ones you love..” you reassured him, your eyes fluttering open as you watch his face twist with sadness. “ma yawne…”
“i’m sorry..” he sniffled, tears clumping in his lashes as his eyes met yours. the wound was a constant reminder to him that he’d protected his brother’s, a wound he flaunt proudly knowing that he’d been a warrior to cheat death but yet the havoc and grief it caused never left his mind. the pained faces and cries he’d heard late at night from his parents and siblings as they feared he wouldn’t make it. it was too much, but he’d never bring himself to voice it, so he curled his tongue into itself. “t-three, three years ago y/n.”
“i saw all the pain I would've left behind..”
“I-I can’t deal with that, not alone.” a stray tear fell down his cheek, barely cooling his heating cheeks. he exhaled shakily as flashes of oil filled waters, raging fires, and metal on his tongue ran through his senses. “i wouldn’t be able to bear the pain of losing you, y/n..”
your breath hitched, tears burning in your eyes at his confession. you slowly pulled him into a hug, his sniffles growing constantly as his emotions boiled to its highest. you ran your fingers through his wild hair as he cried into the crook of your neck, your heart pained that your mate had not yet healed from the trauma. “i could never imagine how you felt, ma neteyam..”
“the fear that surrounded you in that moment..”
“but i want you to know.” you cupped his jaw, pulling up his soaked face to yours, as you met his tear filled eyes. “our love is eternal, a love that will last many lifetimes through the connection of our great mother.”
“even if my body is gone, i’m always with you.” you gaze over his softening features, your thumbs wiping away the tears stained on his face. “i will live with you in spirit within eywa..”
“you will never be alone.” you nod reassuringly and he soons follows, nodding with you. you take in his features, as he closes and exhales shakily, gathering his composure. “i love you, neteyamur..”
“i love you..” he declares, fluttering his wet, clumped lashes open drinking in every detail of your reassuring eyes. he places a soft kiss against your lips, running his knuckles over your soft skin as you lean into the touch. “so much..”
He continues kissing, moving his mouth from your mouth to your nose, eyes, jaw, and finally your neck. his soft lips running over your skin as carries you into your hammock, snuggling into you before he claims your lips in a deep kiss as you two share soft sensual touches into the late night.
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impactedfates · 8 months
hii! a platonic mini scenerio with blade taking care of teen!reader who is sick?
reader is a stellaron hunter, but they sadly have a tendency to get sick easily, blade is their main caretaker, like how jing yuan is to yanqing
thanks in advance!!
A/N: Hello! :D Your wish is my command, I hope you'll enjoy this >:)
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Intended Found Family (Big Brother Blade >:D)
Format: Mini Scenario (356 WC)
Warnings: None
Extra: I have no explanation on why reader slept in the snow, they're just a silly billy
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“[Name] just drink the damn medicine”
Glared the swordsman, his red eyes staring into your own eyes. You mumbled and crossed your arms, turning away from him.
“No! It’s so bitter and…not tasty at all”
“It’s not MEANT to be tasty”
Blade sighed out, trying once again to put the spoon of bitter medication in your mouth. He didn’t know why you were like this, you often got sick so you should be used to the medication that you were given right?
“Give me the strawberry flavoured one, that’s nice”
“We ran out of that one. Plus you're not prescribed that one”
He explained, eventually putting the spoon down carefully to the slide so the liquid wouldn't spill out. He crossed his arms at you, narrowing his eyes as he silently examined you.
You were definitely sick, no amount of you pouting at him would change the fact your appearance gave away how deathly sick you were.
"I told you not to go out in the snow, and what did you do? You SLEPT in the snow"
He finally speaks up with a small groan, despite how cold he seemed, he still had a soft spot with you. He looked at you again before speaking in a softer tone.
"I know the medicine is bitter, but I want you to get better sooner...I...care for you okay?...If you drink it, once you get better I'll go out in the snow with you, but this time you HAVE to wear a coat"
You thought for a bit before finally nodding, agreeing. Reluctantly you opened your mouth and drank the medicine, you physically retract from it in disgust and stick out your tongue.
"There, that wasn't so bad was it?"
"It was..."
Blade shook his head and simply let out a rare chuckle, ruffling your hair.
"Right, okay I'm going to make chicken noodle soup for you, I'll be right back"
You nod, leaning back in your bed before calling out to him before he leaves.
"You do promise to take me out in the snow once I'm better right?"
"Of course, I promise"
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First request since I opened them eheheehheeh. I hope you like it! Ngl got paranoid about the WC until I remembered it was a mini scenario...
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It Was Always You | Levi Week Day 7 - Royal!AU
ngl i did not have confidence that i would actually finish/get to writing this but i did hooray
#: @leviweek2023
✧ word count ➼ ~2.3k ✧ notes ➼ royalty!au, soulmates!au, forbidden love, fluff, princess!reader, knight!levi, slightly suggestive at the end but sfw overall
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The walls of the castle were damp and gloomy. This wasn't new. It was old. It looked fine during the day when sunlight could light up the corridors and there were people roaming the halls to simulate the illusion of livelihood, but it was currently nighttime, which meant the only things lighting up the hallway were the dim lanterns hanging off the walls and the torch that your knight held behind you.
You didn't ask to be a princess. You didn't want it. You remembered you had gotten whisked away by some bandits a few years ago and found yourself thanking them for it. You ended up experiencing the world and found yourself having a good time traveling with them, learning about the unique struggles that commoners had that you were never exposed to, being forced to live within the depressing walls of the castle.
You glanced back towards your knight and felt a small hint of pride upon seeing his unamused expression. You had ran off outside the palace walls again into town. There was a small celebration and you were curious, so you put on some commoner-like clothes and snuck out. You had only arrived in town for about an hour before Levi found you and dragged you back home.
You sighed as you stepped into your quarters, slightly smirking once you heard Levi also step inside and shut the door behind him so you could talk more freely.
"Quit running off like that," he scolded, scowling at you.
"Really expect me to just be cooped up in this gloomy castle?" you asked dryly, rolling your eyes.
"Where you're safe? Yes."
You looked at him with an exasperated expression.
"Safe from what?! My own shadow?!"
The scowl and look of disapproval on his face was unwavering.
"Just doing my job, Your Highness."
You grimaced at him addressing you by your title. You were close enough with your personal knight that he usually just called you by your name. The only time he ever referred to you as a formal princess was when you were being bratty.
Seeing that you had no intention to leave again and given how late into the night it was, Levi began turning, opening up the door to leave your quarters. His duty was to drag your reckless ass back into the castle, and he had done exactly that.
"Wait," you blurted out before he could fully open the door.
He paused, not turning back towards you, but not making any further motion to leave either.
"Stay?" you asked.
He looked at you over his shoulder.
"It's late."
"Please?" you whispered as you stepped towards him. "Just for a bit."
He clenched his jaw, knowing that it wasn't going to be "just for a bit", but he went ahead and shut the door again.
You've known Levi for years at this point. You remembered getting taken away by some mercenaries a few years ago after you had foolishly left the castle on your own. Unlike the bandit group you hung out with, this group wanted to hold you for ransom, having been hired by an enemy nation.
Levi was quick to rescue you. It was precisely the fact that he was forced to have that experience of having to chase after you because of a casual misstep of yours that made him so pissed about the fact that you still left the castle at the first available opportunity. He couldn't rest for more than a few minutes without having to be worried that something had happened to you.
When Levi first started guarding you, he was nothing but irritating. However, as much as he irked you, you couldn't stop talking to him. You found yourself always going to his side whenever you saw him around. You got to know him, and he got to know the parts of you that no one else did. You got close, and eventually chose him as your personal knight.
Somewhere along the way, you fell in love with him. You knew that deep down, but you didn't want to admit it to yourself. It was too painful.
You were engaged to someone else.
Being a princess meant you had responsibilities, whether you liked them or not. You were due to be married off in a few months to some royal from Marley in a desperate attempt to maintain the rapidly deteriorating peace between Marley and Paradis.
"I can't bear being trapped within these walls," you hissed through clenched teeth. "Day in and day out, it's about Marley this and Marley that."
You paused from your rambling and scowled. The mention of recent politics reminded you of your very undesirable engagement.
"You don't want to marry him, do you?" Levi asked quietly, now leaning with his back against the door, listening to you.
You scoffed in response, as if you were astonished that he even had to ask the question.
"Of course not! Why would I?" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air in frustration. "I'd lose what little freedom I have and just be drowned in politics and be reminded every day that I was-"
You paused mid-sentence to take a breath, getting more and more upset about the topic.
"-that I was essentially sold off for political value. It's bullshit, and I hate thinking about it because-"
You suddenly cut yourself off, glancing towards the ground, unsure if you should continue. You were getting more and more frustrated and you knew your only source of relief was something you weren't allowed to have.
"Because what?" Levi asked, although some part of him deep down knew what you were going to say.
"...because I'm in love with someone else," you whispered.
Levi slightly parted his lips as his body ever so subtly tensed up. While he wasn't surprised by the news that your heart had been taken by someone other than your political fiancé, he still found the words harsh as they came out of your mouth. He wasn't sure why he cared, but he had been your confidant through the years, so he undoubtedly cared about you in some regard.
His body further tensed and he shuffled in place a bit to adjust for the discomfort that was rapidly arising within him as you slowly walked towards him.
He was curious as to who it was. He had a feeling that he knew.
Like you, he has felt that unnatural pull towards you. He always told himself it was inappropriate, but anyone observing could see that he was gentler with you than he was with anyone else. He would spend hours listening to you and talking with you, even when he didn't have to, just so you didn't feel as lonely.
His only duty was to make sure you didn't run off and get yourself into trouble outside the palace walls, but he always stayed and listened, even providing you with advice from time to time.
As a result, he knew what you were about to say. He's felt it too. It's like the universe was trying to push you together despite how wrong it was.
Levi was always there for you. He's picked you up when you were down, both literally and figuratively. He was likely the only person in the entire castle that saw you as a person and not just a princess. The idea of leaving this palace and never seeing him again while pretending to be happy with another man hurt you in ways you couldn't describe.
You slowly walked right up to him, never taking your eyes off him. Once you were right in front of him, your hand raised up to his cheek and you let out a small exhale upon the skin-to-skin contact. Upon looking directly into his eyes, you could see that there was some sort of mutual understanding there.
"It's you," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "It's always been you."
You couldn't deny that some part of you felt like you were meant for each other. It didn't feel like a case of accidental love. It felt like the universe was giving you all of the signs that you were meant to love him, and that the only thing keeping you apart were the politics that were shoved onto you the minute that you were born.
He let out an unsteady breath as he processed your words, desperately trying to keep himself from reacting to finally feeling your touch.
"Tell me the truth, Levi," you muttered, looking directly into his eyes. "Can you honestly say that you haven't felt this too?"
He immediately averted his gaze upon your question, trying to resist the feelings that were rapidly arising within him.
"Tell me."
He had always shoved those feelings away. He'd banish them to some dark corner of his mind, and he was successful for years, but now he couldn't keep those feelings from being at the forefront of his mind.
When he finally looked into your eyes again, you could see the turmoil and conflict within them. You knew the answer, even without him saying a word. A selfish part of him wanted to answer and tell you that he was in love with you too and that he could never keep you off his mind. He wanted to tell you that he felt like hell every time you ran off, being plagued with worry over if you were okay.
He wanted to tell you the absolutely sting that he felt in his heart when he heard the news that you were engaged to someone else.
It was wrong. It was selfish. You were already betrothed to another man, but the thought of being with someone else made you feel nothing but despair. However, this current moment, looking at the man right in front of you gave you a sense of hope and peace that you had never felt before.
It was always Levi.
You brushed the hair out of his eyes, with the flickering of the torch on the walls reflecting off his gray eyes that were gently gazing into yours.
It was selfish.
It was selfish, but you pulled him forward, and leaned in to gently plant your lips on his.
Feeling him on you made your heart want to jump out through your throat. It made you feel excited, but also nervous.
Levi took a subtle, but sharp inhale upon feeling your lips on his. He hesitated, knowing how wrong this was, but also knowing how right it felt.
He hesitated, but it wasn't long before he returned the kiss, his hand falling onto your waist.
What started off as a gentle, loving kiss quickly deepened into a more passionate one, with your own lips parting as you fully pressed your body up against him. His palm on your waist sent shivers throughout your body, and the more that you kissed him, the more that you realized just how badly you needed him this entire time.
You gently bit at his bottom lip, but before your hands could begin roaming elsewhere, you felt him suddenly pull away, breaking off the kiss and turning his head to the side.
"Shit," he whispered, breathing heavily. "We can't be doing this."
"Why not?" you challenged, leaning towards him as he pulled away.
"You're a princess," he said sternly. "You're engaged, and I'm-"
"You're what?" you asked with a scowl, not letting him finish what probably would have been a self-deprecating statement. "'Just' a knight? The only person I can trust in this whole damn palace that cares about me and not just my title? The annoyingly overbearing knight that saved me all those years ago?"
You stared at him intensely as you spoke, refusing to accept his comment of not being allowed to be with you, although you knew that was the reality surrounding you.
"...The man I'd much rather marry," you continued, your voice dropping down to a whisper. "The love of my life? My soulmate?"
Levi remained quiet as you spoke. He felt it. He's always felt it, even when he didn't know it.
You knew that if you were with Levi, it'd cause nothing but trouble. Sleeping with him could even cost you your claim to the throne if you're caught, but a small, selfish part of you wanted that. You longed to live a normal life, and living that normal life with Levi was your definition of a happy ending. You couldn't care any less about your political power. You'd throw it all away in an instant without second thought.
Even the thought of being on the run with Levi sounded better than being forced to live the life that everyone around you expected you to live.
You pressed your forehead against his as you whispered again.
"If you asked me to run away with you, I would do so in a heartbeat."
He scoffed, but didn't pull away.
"You do plenty of running away already."
"I mean it, Levi," you said as you pulled away, looking into his eyes again. "I'd run away for good. I'd gladly leave this place and never come back, especially if it meant that I could be with you."
You pulled him into another kiss before he could respond. This time, he didn't hesitate in returning that kiss, as the both of you quickly got lost within each other's touch and presence.
You were meant to be, and your relationship would cause nothing but trouble, but you knew that it'd be all worth it in the end if it meant that you could live that normal, mundane life with Levi Ackerman: your knight and love of your life—your soulmate.
#: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @moonmalice @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @belovedackerman @bejewelledd @sad-darksoul @ackermendick @aomi04 @apolloshaiku @laraackerman @pulpolicia @raenacreates @nube55 @roseofdarknessblog @saenora @noctemys @sixpennydame @sleepyfairyxo @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @catskze @levis-squishy-cheeks @dumbfound-princess @evas-leslas @kokosmiles @mrsmiagreer @nixie-writes-aot join my taglist!
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