#this one seems like they're competing as groups the show isn't wanting to make a ''new'' reboot group or anything
littlecafe · 2 years
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me, a jtbc music survival show and nugu group enthusiast’s time has come!! or it will...once this airs in 2023...................
#the producer is the one from sing again...cant say im a fan of sing again's format even tho i rec the show (1st season)#but it's a whole new series so i'm excited!! jtbc always focuses more on the music side and like behinds process of the performance#so that makes me happy bc that's the whole reason why i watch survival shows like just for the creative processes and cross interactions#this one seems like they're competing as groups the show isn't wanting to make a ''new'' reboot group or anything#so i guess it'll lean close to mnet's kingdom gig?? but jtbc has to do better than that omg that show was.....it was a show i guess#but has jtbc ever done a full blown idol survival show?? all the ones i've watched some have idols in them but the focus is not idols#mostly just unknown/indie/normal people which creates a naturally organic atmosphere i think#anyways i like the more organic artist focus jtbc usually does for their shows so im so excited tryna think which groups would go on omg#but i feel too many groups i knew of are too old for this now but jtbc does pull a pretty different crowd compared to mnet#also their channel audience skews older (that can also be a reason they don't do the drama edits lmao) like the target seems late 20's-40's#so maybe the older groups will come out!! fingers crossed!!#i feel it won't be just 4th gen like it has to have 3rd gen there who knows which gen will be the predominate but that seems like fun#i don't think the stages will be on the scale of mnet and 3rd gen did not have the same performance dance oriented focus#so i wonder how the stages will look what the song choices will be will their be cross group stages despite it being a group vs group show#i think i'm going to have so much to say when more info comes out we still have a long time unless they plan on airing in jan or feb#whatever first half means to them but yea i will be going feral in the text posts#delete#tea talks
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
guys. we are missing out on the potential of an elementary school PTA au for qsmp. think real housewives kind of drama. quackity is the PTA president because he's old friends with a lot of the school board even though he doesn't show up to like half the meetings because he's busy. there's so much gossip about who the father of his kid is and he definitely gets judgemental side eye from the other parents about it. tilin is doing well at least? even if they do spend more time at roier and jaiden's house than their own sometimes.
bad is another other single parent but he doesn't get gossiped about because he always runs the bake sale fundraiser and does a great job at it so no one wants to upset him. bad and dapper are the type of parent child duo where bad keeps dapper up to date on ALL the drama going on with the other parents (to a child friendly degree) and dapper is going to grow up to be the worst gossip just like his dad.
no one knows what the fuck is going on with charlie and mariana's marriage. if you ask charlie they're in the middle of a divorce. if you ask mariana they're doing perfectly well they just got into a couple's spat this week and charlie is dramatic. what do you mean it happens every week? no no you misunderstood they're doing fine they're definitely not getting a divorce. literally the only thing they have going for them is how both of them went to bat for juanaflippa when she told them she was a girl it's the sole reason the other parents respect them. what's a more pressing issue is that juanaflippa keeps trying to start fights on the playground and instead of discouraging her charlie and mariana both cheer her on and give her lessons on how to punch people.
phil is one of the older parents and is already experienced since he has an adult child and wasn't planning on having another, but he's done the parent game before which is probably part of why chayanne is at the top of his class while also excelling in his karate classes, softball practice, cross country team, etc. missa is his trophy husband who's just happy to be there. literal "she's everything / he's just ken" moment.
yknow when there's that one mom in the PTA group who is very stereotypically attractive and everyone is convinced she was the mistress for her current husband and caused his last divorce? that's foolish. no one trusts him to be around their partners despite the fact that he didn't cheat!!! at the same time, the minute doors are closed everyone is trying to flirt with him and gets frustrated when he insists he's loyal to vegetta. at least leonarda seems happy.
jaiden and roier are like the picture perfect parents with bobby. he and chayanne constantly compete for the top spot in their class. both jaiden and roier work as lawyers and there was a rumor going around that they were representing charlie and mariana respectively for potential divorce number 3 but this didn't seem to cause any tension between them. roier takes over to lead the PTA meetings when quackity can't make it while jaiden sits in the corner awkwardly trying to keep charlie from getting into an argument with mariana again.
no one has seen spreen in ages. there's another rumored divorce going on between him and fit but instead of making it as public as charlie and mariana's problems fit just makes snide comments about his absent husband here and there.
tallulah transferred to the school in the middle of the year and phil invited wilbur to the PTA meetings so he could be involved in the school. quackity and wilbur are exes and while wilbur insists tilin isn't his kid no one quite believes him. he's a very young single parent though and clearly has no idea what he's doing so even if it's a bit strange that his kid is almost the same age as his little brother chayanne, the other parents are relieved that phil seems to be taking the reigns to help him out. also wilbur is a famous musician and he's gotten asked for autographs from some of the other parents of kids in tallulah's class.
dan and maxo only showed up to the first PTA meeting and never came back. trump transferred schools and no one has heard from them since.
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yakuzacanons · 3 months
ok ok ok ok ok ok hear me out.... fem civillian reader stuck in a love PENTAGON with kiryu, daigo, majima, akiyama and saejima (am I crazy? Not at all) and hear me out! They all seem to get along as a group as they keep finding excuses to stay with her, they also do bicker alot with eachothers or try to steal her away for some time (none of them admit their crush to her tho), only ganging up when someone's bothering her. For some reason, Kiryu always manages to steal the show from his friends. (Oh my God I'm so sorry this is getting out of hand)
PLEASE this is so funny to me, I have been sitting on this ask for MONTHS now thinking about it. I am so sorry it took me so long but I finally have the goods, so here ya go!
First of all, the boys generally always do get along. This group dynamic is always fun to hangout with. Of course, YOU know who they are and their professions, etc. It was kind of scary at first; chances are, it was Akiyama that introduced you to the gang, as he's the only civillian there anyways.
Even though Akiyama was the one who started all this, you're pretty much equally close to all of them, the exception maybe being Daigo as he's the quietest and works the most. Chances are you just don't see him as regularly as the others.
You see Majima and Saejima the most and usually at the same time since the two tend to travel as a pair. They also bicker and tease each other (and you) the most. They're really into picking you up and carrying you around (Saejima IS better at this, by the way).
Kiryu and Daigo are more a mixed bag; sometimes you see them alone and sometimes they show up as a group since they work together. Both are always very kind and gentle around you but Daigo is the most noticeably shy at first. However, ironically he's the one that opens up the most around you as time goes on.
Akiyama is the first to notice that the other boys seem to like you as more than friends. He NEVER mentions this to you directly but he does love to stir the pot and ask you what you think of the other guys. He sometimes teases the guys as well, but only when you're not around. Mostly because he's fully aware he's had a crush on you for a while now and he can't blow his cover... but he also totally wants to sniff out how you're feeling or how they're feeling.
Kiryu is the hardest one to detect, man's stoic as hell. Honestly, he'll be the last one to realize he has a crush on you. Most of the time he's like "What? This is just how I am..." only to fully realize much much later that he is in fact only this way with you specifically and therefore you're really special to him.
Majima's the most likely to get physical with you but not in a sexual or uncomfortable way. He's a hugger for sure, which only makes Saejima and Daigo jealous in particular. Leans his head on your shoulder a lot too. Generally speaking, he's good at getting into close proximity with you.
Majima and Saejima compete the most. Very much "anything you can do, I can do better" deal which is hilarious for you and Akiyama to watch especially. There's been a couple times where the two of them bit off more than they can chew in a drinking challenge or something like that.
Akiyama teases them about it often, which only makes the three of them bicker more. Bickering just makes Daigo kind of shake his head or he'll try to make them make peace with each other which only makes them bicker with him, and so it goes on and on to your amusement.
Leave it to Kiryu to, whether he knows it or not, use these moments to get closer to you. He'll kind of just sigh and say something like "Ah, they're at it again, aren't they..." and joke about it with you. It isn't until the other four are done having their little tussle that they realize you'd spent the whole time just talking to Kiryu instead.
No one gets upset about it, although Majima might make some comment about Kiryu hogging your attention. It's always a little strange seeing some of the top brass of the Tojo Clan making a fuss over you; after all, you don't think you're all THAT special. Problem is, you are, very much so, to all five of them!
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gffa · 7 months
Can I ask your opinion on something? It's about Jason and the way hes written in a lot of batfamily comics, because I can't shake the feeling that in a lot of stories he's in theres is this rather... condescending attitude towards Jason. They are always writing him as this angry impulsive idiot who can't deal with a case or have plan of his own and basically needs Bruce and the others to save him.
For example, take Cheer, a lot of people been calling the best story Jason had, but it still repeats so much of the annoying tropes that Jason gets: He's written tob e really impulsive and dumb and prone to mistakes that the others would never make, and who Bruce to explain him to not attack drug addicts, and them you have to flashbacks that are there to retroactively insert instances of him being a "bad robin" who would torture a random person for no reason and killed someone before he even became robin. And whole story gives the idea that the only reason Jason can be good in anyway is because Bruce stopped from going bad.
then In the failsafe arc when Bruce is praising Tim he has to make a mention about how Jason hated training as a robin, which is not the first time Bruce has compared Jason negatively to prop Tim.
And now in The Gotham War, Jason gets brainwashed by Bruce with that failsafe thing. And it's treated as this big awful thing... until one issue has passed, and then Jason's already resisting the symptons long enough to try to save someone but not enough to actually succeed at by himself, and Bruce saves him by giving him a piggyback ride that treats Jason like child. And Bruce leaves without fixing what he did.
Like compare Jason now with the way he was before the New52 in stories like Under the Hood or the Lost Days. Jason back them as more often than not a villain, but he was a good villain, he was intelligent and competent in a way he is simply not anymore, and makes so mad that nonee these modern stories seem to actually respect him as a character and just make really made and it just ruins most Batfam media for me.
Take this for what it is--someone who is not as deeply into Jason's character as others are and who is more of a general fan (and specifically a fan of my own Blorbo)--but my feeling with Jason's character is that DC doesn't really know what they want to do with his character and so he gets written as incredibly inconsistently by various comics because of it. So often when I look at the bigger scope of his appearances, it's not clear if he's supposed to be a villain, a villain on the way to being reformed, an antihero, a misunderstood hero, or what. And that also tends to influence his relationship with Bruce on a narrative level, how much Bruce is "right" or "wrong" about Jason or even often how he acts around the other Batfam members, especially if he gets an author who is a fan or if he's just there to be the impulsive hothead who needs others to step in. To some degree, that's just how comics are--every character is written as the dumb idiot sometimes when they're not in their own book. I often Suffer as a Dick Grayson fan or a Tim Drake fan or a Barbara Gordon fan, when I pick up another character's book for them. There can be great appearances in non-titular characters' books! But a lot of the time, when I'm reading, I have to look at the title and go, okay, Blorbo's not going to be treated as well as they should because this isn't their book. And I think that's a big chunk of what happens with Jason, one that gets exacerbated because it's not really clear what his role in the group is meant to be.
(Like, there is a VERY noticeable difference in the way Jason is written in Task Force Z--a book designed to center around him--versus when he shows up in a cameo in another book. Or there is a VERY noticeable difference in the way Dick is written when he cameos in a Batgirls book versus who he's written in his own central title. Comics, you know?) So, you're not wrong that Jason gets written weirdly a lot, but I don't see it as totally unique to his character, because it's somewhat just kind of part of the landscape of comics and somewhat just that Jason gets it more intensely than other characters because he never really had the solidification of who/what he was supposed to be in the comics, like even when Tim is written really badly and they refuse to let him evolve, at least you understand what his role is in the family, so a lot of authors have a baseline for how he should be treated. (And I don't know how well he actually does/doesn't sell comics, which is often a big influence in how a character will get treated in stories they appear in, like Bruce is probably DC's single biggest seller, so he's always going to have a baseline of being intended to be cool and heroic--mileages vary on how that comes off, but I think the intention is there, even when writing him as fucking up sometimes--like Jason is tremendously popular in fandom, but does that actually translate to selling comics? I have no idea.) I think it's fair to say that, look at almost any character in the Batfam, and they'll have a period where a lot of fans feel like they're being written the way you're describing Jason being written right now--I could probably find you people who would say similar things about Dick, Tim, Damian, and Babs right now, too, that they're being written as incompetent and like they need someone to hold their hand just to cross the street without messing it up. But also that you're not wrong that Jason is probably getting the worst of it and it's one of those things that I often have just had to learn to roll with when it comes to comics or else just walk away. (Sooooo many times I had to nearly walk away from comics because I dislike what's happening at a certain point and, often times, I have had to walk away. I walked away from DC because of it. I walked away from X-Men comics because of it. I walked away from Thor comics because of it. It's only recently that I came back to DC to give them another chance and, honestly, I'm only staying because I'm getting what I want for my Blorbo. That's kinda how comics often are, if you're here for a Blorbo, rather than here for the entire roster. /says without judgement, as I know what I am too)
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dolphin1812 · 10 months
This is such a wonderful line:
"He [Marius] heard the beating of his arteries as one hears the ticking of a watch in the dark."
Hugo's decision to give us the lead-up to the ambush is great for building tension; we knew something was coming in the last chapter while Marius followed Jondrette, and now that we're only half an hour away from it, Marius (and by extension, we as readers) is much more stressed. The repetition of "dark" adds to this suspense, but it also conveys Marius' idealized view of the situation:
"He thought of the double march which was going on at that moment in the dark,—crime advancing on one side, justice coming up on the other."
It's fair to say Jondrette is "crime advancing," but Javert as justice? His conversation with Marius was probably the best he's appeared so far (competent and knowledgeable, somewhat reassuring to Marius because he might be able to help an innocent person), and he's still rude, callous, and dismissive (he ignores Marius' [legitimate!] fears and refuses to intervene in advance because it'll decrease the possibility of an arrest). His dramatics are entertaining, but he's certainly no representation of justice.
To return to the question of suspense: animal imagery is back! Marius keeps feeling the guns to remind himself that he's not "prey," implying that M Jondrette and Patron Minette are predators on the hunt. The moon description suggests that they're like wolves, although it's not explicitly stated until later ("like wolf whelps in the absence of the wolf"). The parallel works well with their general link to crime throughout the novel. The Jondrettes are also described with animalistic language in general: their home is a "den," and the girls "yelp" rather than speak. Such language has been used before, but it feels more sinister now in the context of Marius trying not to be a hunted animal of prey surrounded by wolves.
Mlle Jondrette entering Marius' room is also an incredibly tense scene, but it's a sad one, too. She's not that interested in searching for him for a number of reasons. Of course, one could be that she simply isn't that interested in her father's scheme and doesn't want to bother or implicate Marius, who's been kind to her. But another seems to be that she's still a child. As she goes deeper into the room, she remembers the mirror, and - just as she did when she first came to talk to Marius - she begins to play in front of it, singing to herself. She wants to entertain herself now that she has the rare opportunity to do so, and she won't squander that time looking under the bed. Dawdling in the room may be an attempt at self-preservation as well, as her father expects her to stand watch in the snow outside. Staying in Marius' room "investigating" is time spent indoors, where it's a bit warmer.
Spoilers below:
I find it hilarious that M Jondrette/Thénardier specifies the group's readiness for the ambush like so:
"“The mouse-trap is open. The cats are there.”"
Jean Valjean is far from a mouse. He's compared to a cat (housecat or wild cat) so many times! It's a small comment, but it does show how Thénardier has once again misjudged Valjean. He assumes that he's defenseless in this kind of situation because he's been outnumbered and caught off-guard, but Valjean was shaped by similar pressures to Patron Minette's members and, consequently, is a "cat" himself. A mouse-trap, then, is an inconvenience and can hurt, but it's not tailored to catching him in the way Thénardier thinks it is.
Of course, he'll also be caught off-guard by Valjean's strength and his attitude of "you can't defeat me because I'll defeat myself," but his strength is always unexpected, and his tendency to make himself a martyr is more his problem than Thénardier's.
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lensman-arms-race · 2 months
You don't like Dafuq's scenario about humans turning into robots because they are smarter or because they are cruel and dark. I see that in your fiction, Cameraman scientists are all stupider and less professional than Human Phaeton (actually it makes sense, the scientist who created Titan was a human who transformed into a robot, not a robot 100% operated by artificial intelligence)
I'm having trouble parsing the first sentence of your ask - I don't know if it's meant to be a statement or a question (and whether it's meant to be an either/or question), and I don't know which group (humans or robots) you're referring to with 'they'.
If you're asking me "How come you dislike the idea of humans becoming robots?" the answer is because robots are cool in their own right. I want to appreciate robots for what they are - a cool robot is cool because it's a robot, not because it used to be a human. It reminds me of stories where you think the message is 'anyone can be a hero if they're in the right place at the right time and they have the courage to do what's right' (hell yeah) and then you get bait-and-switched with 'actually the character is a hero because they were the Special Chosen One all along.' It's the same kind of vibe. Also I don't want Camera Matriarch to be called Cathy or Plunk to be called Dave!
Doubleplus, as I said in a recent post, a lot of the comedy in my writing comes from the differences between organics and hardwares, as does a lot of the characters' personal development as they learn about and accept each other's differences. If the hardwares already know everything about being human because they used to be them, all of my fun gets farted out the window!
I'm curious about where in my fiction you get the impression that Camera scientists are meant to be 'stupider and less professional' than Phaeton - that wasn't the impression I meant to give! There are themes in my work of humans being better than hardwares at 'improvise, adapt, overcome', but the hardwares aren't stupid.
If you're referring to the fic ('I'm made of metal, my circuits gleam') in which Titan TV states that it normally takes 3 of the engineers from Antlia-Four Base to match Phaeton's output, bear in mind that that's also the fic in which Phaeton says "Antlia-Four's a Bumfuck Nowhere base, and it shows. My skills compared to the workers in the main Camera Base are probably just average." The engineers from Antlia-Four aren't less competent than Phaeton because they're Cameras and Speakers; they're less competent than Phaeton because they're from a minor base that's basically a dumping ground for units that the major bases don't want. Phaeton is probably average compared to a typical Alliance scientist; they just seem clever because they're in the company of relative dumbasses. (Which is pretty much how I feel in my job in real life.)
If you're referring to the fic ('After hours in the core chamber') in which Phaeton outperforms the TV engineers, bear in mind that they were overworking themself, and the chief engineer calls Phaeton out on it and tells them to pace themself (and even makes Phaeton take a longer break). Phaeton isn't being hyper-competent, just working at an unsustainable pace that would bite them in the bum if they kept it up.
As for the scientists who created Titan Camera being former humans who were transformed into robots, we don't actually know that yet. It's a possibility given what we saw in episode 73 part 1, but DFB hasn't revealed the humans' role yet.
Thank you for reading my fics! It makes me happy that people do that!
(New readers, there's a link to my fics in my pinned post if you want to see. But, fair warning: the two fics I named above are smut. Hell, most of my fics are. I reckon they're all clearly labelled on my site and on AO3 so you can avoid those if you'd rather.)
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eclaire-went-bam · 2 months
i'm gonna post this here bcs initially i posted it to cf on instagram but frankly i have too many cfs who don't know i'm Disordered™ in this way LMAO
this isn't a super emotional vent & shouldn't have any triggers However it is a super annoyed one
i think i try too often to be "silly" scary & mean & Obviously i don't Actually Try to be either of those, i just like being annoying. i find i do this automatically with "friends" who aren't an ep — if everyone else leaves and i'm stuck with just an ep, i suddenly act like a normal person again LMAO
but anyways point is: in this act, i act really stupid on purpose. i act like a cartoon character. i'm a creature of Show✨. i often make subtle jokes abt murder & stuff that'd probably be seen as angsty teenager cringe. i tease people in a very well-meaning but annoying way. this is my persona that has been established in these circles. i want to make it clear, people do not get offended when i'm like this & when they do i make sure to ask about it & apologise bcs that's ~Healthy~ & at the end of the day they usually seem to really enjoy the way i act (some ppl actually seem to enjoy the attention from teasingly psychoanalysing them A Bit Too Much haha)
but SOMETIMES someone takes the act a bit too seriously?? thinking i'm actually Trying to be mean or threatening or whatevs??? & goes "ur gonna have to try harder than that!! it's not working!!!!" and i'm like okaaaayyyyy big boy
& then i actually do what they say & suddenly it hits a wound a bit too deep. just one single sentence.
this just happened 2 days ago & i get it but idk maybe don't get too proud when it's clear it's just fun&games (the same fun&games as Always) & then get shocked.
frankly, i will not feel bad
& i often don't even realise what is “too far” (it's either probably the autism or the low empathy + egocentrism = i wouldn't be hurt if someone said it to me, so why would others?) most times so maybe don't make it a competition bcz then my narc brain Will compete & then try to make me feel bad abt it
me when i'm in friend groups where i constantly intentionally do & say things so everyone thinks i'm stupid & then i act like i'm not for once ;;;
listen. i may not feel guilty for my actions. i may even think you're Unwise for making your ticks so obvious & then proceeding to act like they aren't. however i would greatly appreciate it if you didn't make it some competition that you can't be scared or offended when you very clearly Can Be, you just think you can't be by me bcs you think a cute little afab like wittle ole me is incapable. & then it all gets soooo awkward afterwards even when i try to apologise but they keep going on abt how it was Too Far and That Hurt & when they finally stop they're just awkwardly quiet until they leave
i can understand getting competitive like this & doing whatever necessary to "win" is not a healthy trait & is probably a result of x y & z npd stuff & yes i did feel very ugly when they started belittling me out of Nowhere but idkkk right now i'm just annoyedddd
usually if someone gets like that i have an ep w/ me who knows i'm a narc i can dm to tell them what i Wanted to say & they can laugh w me (sometimes just acting stupid with others but in the know with an ep makes the feeling go away without actually needing to risk doing anything toxic) but they weren't there this time </222
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Update #1
I’m hoping to start the tournament on Sunday the 16th, but I will post a more concrete confirmation of the schedule once I get it 100% sorted
For now I wanted to talk about the songs that are included and excluded, and how I’ve set this up
What didn’t I included? Well the only two concrete answers were anything that was just a dance performance with the original song in the background (Single Ladies, Bubble Toes, etc), and any song that was album only with no filmed scene to go with it (Dancing On My Own, I Was Here, etc)
Some musical moments I left out might seem hypocritical. I left out songs by rival glee clubs that basically only served to show that yes, there is a third club competing, here’s ten seconds of their song (Broken Wings, Starlight Express, etc) but I included ten second snippets of songs from main characters (Respect, Mr. Cellophane, etc)
I also didn’t included (most) songs whose only purpose was to be bad or get cut off which unfortunately cuts out half the times Tina got to sing. Some exceptions are Crush (because we at least got a full studio version) and Pink Houses (which we heard enough of in the episode). But things like The Climb or Revolution will not be found here
Lastly, songs in deleted scenes. These were cut or kept in based on what I thought was more popular. I can understand someone being miffed if Santa Baby or I Want You Back wasn't included, but I doubt anyone would care as much about Oklahoma or Mr. Monotony (if you stan the latter two songs, I'm sorry). So I only kept in the ones I thought were more well known/liked
If you're upset about one of the above songs not being included, or think I'm not being fair, you should know that there will be 340 match ups consisting of 681 songs in round one alone. I only trimmed the tiniest amount of fat, and I promise there are still plenty of songs for you to vote on. But hopefully everyone can understand where I'm coming from and just accept what got cut x
Now, with hundreds and hundreds of songs in the mix, I wanted to do something a little more interesting than just throwing a million random match ups your way with no rhyme or reason. Bc 1) It could get boring and repetitive and 2) It could be harder to follow if it weren't split up in some cohesive way. That's where the categories come in
What are the categories? Generally speaking, they're the ways I've broken down the polls into themed sections. Hopefully this will make everything easier to follow, plus who doesn't love some good theming?? Specifically, the categories are...
Holiday Songs. All the Christmas songs + the one Hanukkah song. If you hate Christmas music, feel free to skip this round
Original Songs. Basically just any songs that aren't covers, whether it's the humorous or serious ones
Mash Ups. All the songs that are two songs combined
Same Songs. The songs that were covered multiple times on the show, pitted against one another. The only round that isn't matched up randomly
Tributes. Songs by artists/from musicals that the show frequently paid homage to (RHPS, WSS, Grease, Beatles, Britney, Fleetwood Mac, the Jackson fam, Madonna, Whitney, Stevie Wonder)(also the songs are from all eps, not just the one(s) that served as the actual tribute ep)
Musicals. Songs from musicals not listed in the last bullet point
Rivals. Songs performed by opposing glee clubs (The Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline, etc)
Guest Stars. Songs performed by, or heavily featuring, any of Glee's numerous celebrity cast members
New Directions. Songs performed by the main club. (Not necessarily a group number. Could be sung by half the club, or even two or three people, but as long as the rest of the club is there vibing, it counts)
Solos. Songs sung by one main or recurring character
Duets. Songs sung by two main or recurring characters
Misc. Everything else! Mostly trios, quartets, or group numbers that go beyond just ND
Of course there are plenty of songs that could fit into multiple categories. For example, "Somewhere" could fall under Tribute, Guest Star, and Duet, but will only be included in one of those. So if you think I left something out of a certain category, don't worry, you'll see it pop up in a different one later!
So I think that's all the basics so far. If you have any questions you can send them here or on my main @angelhummel
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wrestlingisfake · 2 months
Homenaje a Dos Leyendas preview
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This is CMLL's annual show paying tribute to two legends of lucha libre. Every edition of the show homages Salvador Lutteroth (who founded the promotion in 1933), and the other spot features a different legend ever year--in this case, Tony Salazar.
The main attraction tonight is the arrival of several big names from AEW. CMLL is very particular about who they work with--they can afford to be, because they literally own Arena Mexico, which gives them the leverage to run their business exactly the way they want. So as much as wrestlers dream of wrestling in Madison Square Garden or the Tokyo Dome, Arena Mexico right up there on the bucket list.
To my knowledge, the only legal way to watch this show live outside of Mexico is on CMLL's official Youtube channel, when you join the "Fan Leyenda" tier for $34.99 USD per month. I haven't heard if there'll be English commentary, and I wouldn't hold my breath expecting any. The show kicks off at 10:30pm Eastern time, so plan on staying up past your bedtime.
Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli & Matt Sydal vs. Mistico & Volador Jr. & Blue Panther & Ultimo Guerrero - As is traditional in lucha libre, this match is scheduled for the best two out of three falls. Originally this was supposed to be all four members of AEW's Blackpool Combat Club coming in to fight four luchadors. But Wheeler Yuta still isn't medically cleared to compete, so Sydal is coming in as a last-minute replacement.
The BCC has had it out for CMLL in general since January 31, when a group of luchadors (including Mistico and Volador) attended an AEW show at ringside. Moxley flipped them off, and they ran in to clobber him. Since then we've seen a number of AEW vs. CMLL matches on AEW television, mostly involving Moxley, Danielson, and Castagnoli. (Sydal has been doing jobs for the CMLL guys, which probably has a lot to do with why he was chosen as Yuta's alternate.) Now the BCC has come to Mexico to take the fight to enemy territory.
The CMLL side is about as loaded as they can get it. Mistico is such a big deal in Mexico that WWE signed him in 2011, and although his run as the first Sin Cara was a misfire, he was able to come back and pick up where he left off. Panther, 63, and Guerrero, 52, may seem too old to be headlining, but Danielson has been waiting for a chance to work with Panther, as has Castagnoli with Ultimo. Volador, in comparison, feels like "just a guy" here, and I assume his role is to carry a lot of the match to compensate for Panther and Ultimo, and possibly to lose a fall.
My gut feeling is that CMLL will want the BCC to lose here, to make up for all the times that the BCC went over CMLL guys in the past couple of months. Clearly Sydal is here to make it easy for the AEW team to do the job while protecting Moxley, Danielson, and Castagnoli. The big question coming out of this match is whether this is a one-off, or if AEW talent will keep coming in. If the AEW side wins, I think that will tell us that more is planned for the future. But even if there are plans, CMLL's side could win and they could just set up an angle post-match.
Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. vs. Mascara Dorada & Rocky Romero - This is the final in CMLL's annual Torneo Nacional de Parejas Increíbles, where technicos (babyfaces) and rudos (heels) are forced to team up. The concept should be painfully familiar to AEW fans who enjoyed the unlikely duo of Adam Cole and MJF in a similar tournament last year. I have no idea what the stakes are for this tournament; in the US you'd need to offer a tag title shot to get the heels and faces to put aside their differences, but for all I know in CMLL they're just doing it for the sake of competition and tradition.
Outside of Mexico, Dorada is mainly known for his runs in WWE, AEW, and ROH as Gran Metalik, though of late he's returned to the Mascara Dorada name. Atlantis recently lost to Chris Jerich on AEW television. Atlantis and Soberano were teammates in New Japan's 2023 World Tag League tournament, which didn't go well for either of them. Soberano and Romero are in a heel faction together; I read that Soberano recenly asked Rocky to help him become a US citizen, which is pretty damn heelish for Mexico. Behind the scenes, Rocky has been a key player in smoothing out relations between New Japan, AEW, and CMLL.
I'm not sure what to expect here. Seeing a US promotion do a parejas increibles match probably can't prepare you for the real thing in Mexico, and the ones I've watched in AAA were such chaotic brawls that it didn't make much difference who was on what side. I guess this could go either way.
Willow Nightingale & Tessa Blanchard & La Catalina vs. Stephanie Vaquer & Zeuxis & Lluvia - This will be determined by the best two out of three falls. Willow is the big name coming in from AEW. Blanchard seems to have burned her bridges all over the US, so if you've been wondering whatever happened to her, she's in CMLL. Catalina is from Chile, which is interesting since I've heard there's a pro wrestling scene over there but I haven't seen much from it.
Vaquer is the CMLL women's world champion, and recently she captured the STRONG women's title from Guilia, who won it from Willow. She and Zeuxis are the CMLL women's tag champions. I didn't come up with any info on Lluiva, but I think she's the only technico in the match. Maybe she and Willow will bond over being true-blue good guys, but I doubt it. I'd personally book Willow to pin Vaquer to set up a championship match, but CMLL may not be ready to commit to that.
Pierrothito vs. Pequeno Olimpico vs. Acero vs. Angelito - This is a four-way match where the loser will be compelled to unmask and reveal his true identity to the public. I'm unclear on the rules here. I suppose it could be like a four-way in the US, where there's only one fall to a finish. But if may be a deal where each man eliminates himself from the match by scoring a fall, and the last man left is the loser.
I've seen this billed as a minis match, but as far as I can tell all the participants are at least five feet tall, so I think Mexico just kinda stretches the definition of "minis." I don't have any info on these wrestlers, but it's always a big deal when a luchador loses his mask, so that alone should make it entertaining.
El Barbaro Cavernario vs. Averno - Averno is challenging for the CMLL world light heavyweight title. Barbaro has a caveman gimmick, which is such an awesome idea and I can't believe he and Caveman UGG are the only ones in the world smart enough to do this.
Cavernario and Averno are both rudos in rudo factions, but their factions have been feuding nonetheless. I assume Los Barbaros and Los Infernales will do run-ins and shit. I have no idea if they'll do a title change, but I'm pulling for Captain Caveman.
Esfinge vs. Zandokan Jr. - Esfinge is defending the Mexican national light heavyweight championship. So, okay--CMLL has multiple sets of title belts. There's the CMLL world and regional titles, the "world historic" titles (based on the lineage of NWA belts that CMLL used to feature), and the national titles. The national championships are technically sanctioned by the Mexican athletic commission, but as I understand it the commission lets CMLL control them.
AEW fans will remember Esfinge from the February 10 episode of Collision, when he and Star Jr. lost to Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. New Japan fans will remember Zandokan from the 2023 World Tag League tournament, when he came in to team with Yota Tsuji. None of that gives me any sense of how this match will go, but I like Zandokan so I guess I'm rooting for him.
Magnus & Rugido vs. Brillante Jr. & Neon - This is for the Mexican national tag team title; Magnus and Rugido are the defending champions. TheCubsFan says this will likely be a pre-show match on Facebook, but if that's the case I don't think I'll bother trying to make sure I see it. The champs both appeared on the March 1 episode of Rampage, where Magnus qualified to appear in the scramble match on the Revolution pay-per-view. I have no idea who wins, but I suppose I'll punt and pick the champs to retain.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
beloved, could you please expand on poly krbk
ohhh man
i have A Lot of thoughts on krbk as a dynamic bc i take issue with how it is portrayed but i think the best way to describe your relationship to them is sooo very hot and cold. like dfjsksd it is so stressful in the sense that you NEVER know what your relationship standing is with them completely. every time you see them its something new.
tenatively you are definitely friends. but like. logistically? who fucking knows! not you and definitely not them. i think a lot of this has to do with how long krbk had been dating. until like other dynamics who i feel really don't date until well into adulthood, krbk has been dating since highschool. and they've known about each others feelings and tenatively explored them together since like... first year at least to me.
so in that way, krbk is the most inseparable of the poly dynamics. they grow as individuals sure - but they're so intertwined with each other it's hard to expect one without expecting the other. they've had the same friend group, same goals, same life for so long that it really is the hardest dynamic to snug yourself inbetween. they befriend you in complete earnest, though. like they both just happen to really vibe with you.
like i said, tentatively you are FRIENDS. they enjoy your company, and you hang out with the two of them. they're "the couple your friends with." and for a long time - there's no need to change that relationship. what makes it so difficult is that they both notice changes in each other, maybe far before you do and that inevitable disruption really fucks w their relationship.
krbk doesn't really know life without each other. for them, it was life before each other and life after with no real breaks in the middle. so something like a third person completely breaks the both of them for different reasons. it's all very messy and everything SEEMS fine and it is fine. in a way.
what happens is probably something along the lines of - you get into an accident or situation of some sort -> they disagree on how to handle it -> huge fight ensues. and sure it's about the situation but it isn't. not really, anyway. it's a very messy situation, lots of breaking down and anger but they realize they both want the same thing which is you and they have 0 clue on how to handle that. luckily for you, they have this big fight RIGHT in front of. so yk. you are right there to help mediate.
it's like a talk where you're going all night long and everyone is really getting to have a heart to heart even bkgs fussy ass. after you resolve, bkg is the one who rlly puts himself out there in terms of being your bf officially bc he really wants to show out and give room for the new dynamic. it's very different but not in a bad way, but you can tell they're not being as careful around you. kirishima is adorably nervous the whole entire time </3
he will at least ask for stuff like hugs and kisses but w bkg u just gotta spring it on him cause he's TOOO embarassed otherwise. they really struggle with how they're supposed to proceed now though like. if you have to inevitably return home and they're back to being w each other they suddenly realize how weird it is WITHOUT you around and are like "damn we're idiots" and they're antsy to see you again. dumb cute. kirishima is very clingy naturally and enjoys showing off how absolutely huge he is to you every single day. bkg is the same but with the size of his triceps lol they compete a lot for attention.
AND THEY'RE ATTENTION HOGS LMAOOO please. like they always leave first bc they are besties but you have like . other friends and that makes them so annoyed ESPECIALLY bkg like what do u mean u care about other ppl. they should die. so cute lol.
the sex is overwhelming to put it lightly. kirishima is unintentionally rough but bkgs commitment to pleasure kinda softens the blow a bit. a very switchy dynamic but bkg is a bit of a bossy bottom. kiri is LETTING him do that but sometimes when he's pissed at bkg he'll fuck the attitude out of him and let you do what you want. kirishima is much more lenient w u than he is w bkg and the inverse is true for bkg LMFAOO it's craziness. you are always worn out.
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Hi again! Weird question, but if you could rewrite HTTYD: THW, what would you change?
Ohhh that's a really good question. This answer might get a little long, sorry about that <3
There was a lot that bugged me with this movie. To keep this a little simpler, I'm not going to include the characters from the shows because they seem to be trying to keep those separate so that people who only watch the movies don't feel lost, but you can imagine that all of the characters from the shows (particularly characters like Heather and Dagur would be featured prominently)
Things I would do differently;
Maybe mention something offhand to explain away the lack of support from the outcasts, berserkers, defenders of the wing and wing maidens in the event that they aren't included
Hiccup wouldn't have let the village get that overcrowded. Seeing as we see him relocating dragons to different islands all the time across the course of rob, dob, and rtte, I don't think that he would have let it get this bad.
Astrid and the rest of the gang would have more of an active role in the plot. Astrid was really reduced to being Hiccup's inspiration and very little more than that this movie which bothered me. In the last two movies, though admittedly trivial, Astrid and the other riders have had something to do in the plot. (Specifically in the 2nd movie, getting caught by Drago, turning Eret to their side etc.)
Maybe they're trying to take out some of the other leaders that are working alongside Grimmel to weaken him
Snotlout would be totally different. He would retain the maturity that he had gained through the course of rtte. They don't even have to cut him having a stupid romantic subplot in this movie just keep the Ruffnut thing going and scrap the Valka/Eret love triangle thing completely.
Ruffnut wouldn't be that stupid, she would have led Grimmel somewhere else, or have known Grimmel would have been following her and sent him on a wild goose chase or something. We see her being much smarter in rtte, and even without the rtte thing I refuse to believe that after everything they've been through she's still that dumb.
I wouldn't have reduced every character down to one joke. Fishlegs' character is about more than the stupid baby, Snotlout isn't obsessed with Valka, Tuff isn't obsessed with his beard and Hicstrid's relationship etc. We've seen these characters be funny in several situations in rtte. They have the chemistry to make funnier, more diverse jokes
Instead of making the conflict that Hiccup and the gang just straight up don't know how to work together (because we've seen in both the movies and the shows that by now, they absolutely know how to work together) I would make it them trying to balance their new positions in the tribe and how they were struggling to work together in the light of the fact that they are newly all at the head of the tribe, and this a new kind of responsibility
Maybe they're all overwhelmed enough that they aren't focused so much on working as a team but on convincing Hiccup that their ideas are the right way to tackle the Grimmel situation altogether, which causes more problems in the long run until they reach the end and start doing their jobs and working together like the well-oiled machine they are
I feel like that would make the 'you guys are the best i've got' line more impactful. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that part, but that is heavily influenced by the fact that I actually like the characters and have seen them actually being friends and being competent in the shows. (and lets be honest, what movie only fans actually like the gang? The movies didn't make them feel like a group of friends or competent characters without the context of the show imo)
But seeing them competent and struggling to work together before finally coming together might make that line hit harder
Toothless would not be so willing to leave Hiccup (his best friend for SIX YEARS) for a female dragon he met six minutes ago
He would want to go to her, he might even go with her to the hidden world after Hiccup gives him the ability to fly on his own, but he would want to return.
the light fury would look cooler
Maybe Grimmel would follow Toothless to the Hidden World and start attacking it. Maybe he captures the light fury. Toothless, panicked comes back, and Hiccup and the gang have to take the fight to Grimmel at the Hidden World. Grimmel dies, but they realize that people will always find the dragons no matter what they do and that they're stronger together
For that to work ^^^ then maybe we have Hiccup beginning to think that they brought this on the dragons and maybe the right thing to do before the final fight at the Hidden World.
You know how we had a fake-out happy ending where it looked like maybe Toothless and the light fury would be able to stay before Grimmel comes? It's like that, but we think Hiccup might be preparing to say goodbye to Toothless
This is really scattered and messy, and I don't know how clear any of this is, but that's what came to mind. I really hope that answers your question! If anyone has anything to add or to say about my critiques I'd love to hear it.
Thank you so much for all of your asks, every time I get one it legitimately makes my day it's just so exciting. Thank you so much <3333
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Main Character Changes
First change is that there is no longer just three main characters, but five; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Astoria
Changes to Harry
He is mixed, South Asian-Irish
He is Bisexual
He actively has trauma from, his time with the Dursleys, his time at muggle school, and everything that happens at Hogwarts
Because of the bullying he got in muggle school he has a lot more extreme reactions to students at Hogwarts not liking him on a mass scale, he's fine with individual characters not liking him but if the entire school is against him he will not like it to say the least
I actually establish why the sorting hat was conflicted on where to put him not just say it was conflicted and only focus on Gryffindor and Slytherin. He's still brave and chivalrous but he's also loyal and finds it hard to choose sides when his friends are fighting (Hufflepuff), his sarcasm is his Ravenclaw trait and I plan to show more of Harry's ambition more
He holds a hell of a grudge against people (and it's viewed as an actual character flaw)
It's a lot more obvious that he's an unreliable narrator
Changes to Ron
Ron is trans(ftm) and gay
Like Harry he's stubborn and holds a grudge (again this is a character flaw)
Suffers from a severe inferiority complex (not just random plot point, actual character flaw with arc addressing it)
Because of his big family he finds it harder to make friends outside of his family, making him a little clique-y with the few friends he has outside of his family
I'm going to actually build up to Harry and Ron's falling out in Goblet of Fire instead of it coming out of nowhere (like seriously dude you know the one place Harry would want to be is the spotlight)
The Weasley family as a whole is probably going to be getting more exploration.
I honestly want to explore Ron's interests more because other than being interested in a couple games and being the jokester of the original trio there isn't much there.
I want Ron to seem more like a separate character to Harry, with separate interests, an example of what I have planned is that he actually doesn't want to be in a quidditch team, he just likes watching it and playing casually with his friends and family
Changes to Hermione
She is a black, Jewish and Demi-Sexual
She was sorted into Ravenclaw because one, I wanted Harry to have friends from every house, two, the way Harry, Ron and Hermione become friends doesn't have anything to do with they're house, and three, Hermione being in Ravenclaw would give a good excuse to explore the Ravenclaw common room
She is still the smartest wizard of her generation but she does still struggle in some subjects; Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology (she struggles in these subjects because most of them she can't figure out just through theory, essentially for these subjects she's good at the theory but bad at the practical)
Hermione and Neville become friends before she befriends Ron and Harry, Neville also sides with Hermione whenever she gets into a fight with Harry or Ron
I enhanced her stead fast views and more questionable nature, aka she's the one of the group to actually question Dumbledore's competence
Like Harry she was also bullied in the muggle world but whereas Harry's bullying was more physical, Hermione's had more to do with exclusion
She isn't whiny (cause she is described like that in the books) but she does have a hard time accepting people who have a different view points then her, often getting her into fights with other classmates and some teachers (not just people in Slytherin)
Changes to Neville
Honestly nothing has changed about Neville other than his importance to the story
He was sorted into Hufflepuff, same reasoning as Hermione
Draco actually doesn't target him unless he's with the others, Crabbe and Goyle are the ones who target him
I go into both his family life (cause that boy was also being abused, he was angled out a window for Merlin's sake) and the fact that he could have just as easily have been in Harry's position
More moment of him talking about his parents, the group also go with Neville to visit his parents (mostly Hermione)
Out of the entire group he is the least likely one to hold a grudge, though that does make him a bit of a doormat (at least in the first few books)
The group usually study in the Hufflepuff common room cause it's quiet and it's the easiest to get to from the Great Hall
Changes to Astoria
Astoria is Bi, she was sorted into Slytherin
She is introduced in Chamber of Secrets and she befriends Harry first, then Neville, Ron and Hermione take some time to actually accept her as part of the group
She is the sportiest of the group (I add more sports then just Quidditch), she also has a constant tan because of this
She and Draco knew each other when they were younger because he and her sister Daphne were betrothed but after the reveal of her blood curse the arrangement was called off, Astoria and Draco were forbidden from seeing each other again
She still comes from a blood-purist family but she abandoned those views from an early age. She became the black-sheep of the family, this was only increased by the diagnosis of her blood-curse
I will explain blood-curses in a different post but Astoria's blood curse directly effects her ability to cast magic, leading her to need specific charms and potions to medicate so she can cast magic normally
Blood curses are more likely found in pure-blood families, despite this those with blood-curses are seen as "tainted" by pure-blood society
The reason Astoria is so invested in sports is because it one of the only things she can do without having to worry about her curse
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers Episode 2: Gobo Gobo!
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So I know the first episode is typically a litmus test for a series, but with Magical Destroyers the first episode is more like getting ready to jump off a cliff, and the second episode is doing just that. It takes the plunge into Inagawa's mind in earnest, and introduces more of the various aspects that punctuate his art. Just how far does the episode go though, and how far are we going to be taken?
I think the answer to that question is: as far as the opening goes. Why might that be the answer? Because the opening is in the episode. Specifically, when Otaku Hero and Co go to get Pink back, we see that her little hideaway is the same as the building that was featured in the opening. I'd show the opening but its' so messy you can't even really make it out that well.
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What you can make it well though is the women with exposed brains. These too seem to be a penchant of Pink-chan's.
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And I think that's a pretty solid example of this second episode. It's caught up to the vibe of the opening, and is expressing some of the core aspects of Ingawa's work.
Would I say it's a really great representation of it, or that it's executed wonderfully? I wouldn't, no. Bibury is hanging on for dear life with this series already in the second episode and I think there's a world of stuff out there that could be better done with a more competent studio, but I'm not going to laugh in the face of a golden opportunity.
Regardless of that, re-winding to the start of the episode, I really enjoyed Blue's characterization this episode. They're able to lean on her sex drive as a comedic aspect without making her out to be anything gross or whatever. It's nice and light, and they even use it to play into the expectation subversion of the series.
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On the other hand, we've got Pink who is a personification of Inagawa's vision, only somewhat bastardized. I find it really funny that the only one that isn't articulate "normally" is the one that expresses the most of Inagawa's direction. Of course, it's in a way that enables Pink's escape from reality though. Because there's no way there was gonna be a "perfect" character. With that in mind, Pink is a rather normal style of character compared to the other two. Exhausted from the expectations of Otaku and other nerds and people, she can't stand what they want of her and wanted a place where she can be herself.
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Though Pink doesn't really understand the net that's cast by expectations. Even running away to her own paradise, she's held up by expectations for her to be who she is, to be the person that holds their group together. Thankfully at the end, we see positive reinforcement from the people that surround her, that use their power to encourage Pink to return to Otaku Hero and the other Magical Girls.
Getting past that, I think the concept behind Pink's mind battle vs Anarchy and Blue was a fun idea, with good parts for sure, but leaves a bit to be desired considering how off the rails the OP was.
Oh, and the ending for MAD is pretty damn amazing. Wild that MAD is most likely going to have both opening and ending of the season.
Overall, I think there's less to comment on in this episode than the first because we're settling in. People are figuring out what Magical Destroyers is going to be all about, and a lot of what is presented ends up a bit self-explanatory. The concept is really solid, but it's going to be quite rough around the edges, if people are cool with that then that's cool. If not, watch the OP and ED and you'll get the majority of what Magical Destroyers is trying to put down.
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sweetmoonstorm · 11 months
HELLOO!! I saw that your requests were open so I wanted to request something for Ninjago!!
Basically a hc where the ninja see the reader as their baby sibling (so obviously platonic) and they would do anything for them and protect them on missions or if they got in trouble with others! Just some sibling fluff because we are in need of this stuff!
Hopefully that made sense and hopefully you're having a WONDERFUL day! Thank you❤️
Yw + Ty!! <33
There r gonna be spoilers for certain seasons in this-
So Basically for hcs with a reader that is viewed as a lil sib to ninjas.
You will definitely be treated like a child/baby.
This is just assuming you're one of the youngest in the ninja group, (including Lloyd), or you're a bit childish, whatever it would take for the ninja to view you as a younger sib.
Most likely, you're very close with them, or at least most of them, and know lots about them, and they know lots about you!
That being said....
There most definitely will be light hearted teasing/joking about you being 'the youngest' of the group no matter your age, and that may be annoying at times.
If you dislike the teasing/jokes though, they'll (tro to) stop.
So, into the ninjas relationships with you.(Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay, including Nya)
Personally a fav of mine, Zane is really the guy to go to when you need help in the brains department.
He's also an excellent cook, who'd be willing to give the youngest sib something to eat whenever you're hungry.
I see Zane as the one who's although not the best at understanding emotion, will try to comfort you if you get upset or annoyed by one of your other brothers/sister, or are just having a bad day in general.
"Stay Calm y/n. Good things come to people who are able to stay calm."
"...you got that from Master Wu, right?"
"Yes, I did. Did it make you feel better?"
"...Sorta. Thanks Zane."
"I am here anytime you would like to talk, little sibling."
Allow me to add-
Even if you get scolded for getting into trouble, Zane will have this kinda look towards you that's like :
'That was very brave of you, y/n', or 'Good job defending yourself.'
He'll probs talk to u abt the event after it happens too just bc-
So we got the master of lightning.
If you're the type to tease, then here's the guy-
Aside from Lloyd, Jay's the only one who's ' element' isn't actually an element-
Cue you messing around with him and playfully joking abt his element.
Now if your element isn't actually an element either, well be prepared-
For more fluff stuff, Jay and you will probably compete against each other along with the other ninja, or maybe he's just gonna pester ya while you're doing something.
For the whole when he gets the hots for Nya, Jay may or may not ask for dating advice. Depending on how your love life is n stuff.
Now according to generic protection, Jay will try n seem a bit tough, beat up the evil with his nunchucks, y'know?
Keep the youngest safe (not that it really matters how old you are, you're gonna be the youngest to the master of lightning-)
Now, I feel you'd get along best if your element had something to do with earth, or you're just a nature enjoyer in general.
But for the general subjects.
Personally, I'm able to imagine Cole as like, the older brother who didn't realize what was going on, though that role may fit Kai or Lloyd better.
He and you may have disputes at times, along with Jay, but y'all get along in general.
And while I didn't really talk about this in the Jay section, when the time comes to where they're arguing over Nya, you could just be a lil sneaky and tell Nya legit all about their arguments over her as a youngest sibling would,
Or you could ignite the arguments a lil more, or who knows??
It's really up to you-
During battle, Cole will act similar to Jay, tryna show off some, but he may check on you a bit more often, quick glances to make sure you haven't run off to fight an enemy in Narnia or some bullsh-
Ima just jump to the protection start bc I've got more ideas for this fiery boi-
Seeing as Kai's lil sis, Nya, is also in the group, he'd probably be the most protective out of them all.
While all the Ninja care about you, Kai's the one who actually has experience with his lil sis Nya, and likely knows the best ways to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble.
Tbh, he'd probably treat you the same way he treats Nya.
Telling you to 'stay back so you don't get hurt', or to just don't do stuff that'll get you hurt, making sure you're alright, getting defensive over you when the others start arguments, etc.
It does NOT matter what role you play or how good/bad you are in battle, Kai's gonna treat you like his bio lil sib
Well, i suppose that would depend on how long he'd known you, but, stillll
That would actually prob be the main reason he argues with you.
Despite wanting you to be safe, along with Nya, Kai still has that fiery personality of his, to match with his element.
But for general, Kai can be a fun guy to be around!
Kai would like it if you got along with Nya too.
Not only would he get an additional lil sib, said sib gets along with his bio sib! Win-Win!
Ok so
This one is the youngest if we ignore the part where you're seen as the youngest sib/are the youngest.
Since he never actually 'grew up', and had to deal with some sorta potion that deals with ages(it's froma certain episode I don't exactly remember) I feel Lloyd would be more... Eh, awkward.
Assuming you were with the ninja from the beginning, Lloyd joined in later on, and it'd probably feel weird to him seeing he can now refer to you as 'lil sib'.
Maybe you'd be the one that got him back into mischief making.
Not too far to the point where y'all end up summoning even more legendary tribes, but harmless pranks and such.
Or you'd be able to help him adjust to life as a grownup! Who knows?
Lloyd, I feel would be one who tries to deal with things more... Idk, his way.
When protecting you, the amount of power that goes into his attacks depends on the level of danger, but the main priority is to keep everyone safe, which includes you.
Seeing as the ninja often made him stay behind on missions when he was still a kid, I think Lloyd would sympathize more with you on the whole having to stay behind bc "mission to dangerous for lil sib" thing.
This gonna be a lil shorter-
Will sympathize with you as well in the whole having to stay behind missions thing.
(Og Ninjago fans will remember what she did in s1 during that whole samurai thing)
During that time period, she'll maybe help you w your own contraption so that you can do missions as well.
Oho but during the part she found out she got her mom's powers?
She bout to go ham on those tryna hurt her lil sib ':)
And that's all I got. I hope this is likeable, and I apologize for this being rather very long anon!
(new signature)
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
A scenario where Seri is asked to join a group of heroes because they need her unique skills and strength as a clansmen, but she is torn between wanting to do good and stay working with Munakata, please?
Why did I immediately envision this as a super sentai team wanting her to join them XD Maybe post-ROK there's like a group of Strains who have decided to try creating a superhero group and working for justice, they don't want to join S4 but would rather work on their own as like their own private group. They do their best not to intervene with S4's business, like this isn't like Kounomura's group trying to show S4 up or anything, maybe they even have their own government backing so while they're not specifically a police force they do have some 'official' capacity to do their work. The Strains have been doing well on their own but they could use some assistance in the leadership department. One day there's an emergency and the superhero Strain group are trying to help but they end up getting in trouble, that's when Awashima shows up leading some S4 members and cleans up the whole mess. The Strain group are so impressed with her that they decide to ask her to join them, they could really use her strength and leadership skills. Of course Awashima immediately refuses because she has a place in S4 but the Strains are very persistent, like they've heard S4's leader is scary competent so aren't you just being wasted there, he would be fine if you left but we really need you.
Awashima doesn't want to entertain the idea at all but the Strains tell her they'd like if she could at least think it over for a few days. Awashima's resolve is originally very firm but imagine there are some other emergencies in the next couple days and Munakata himself starts assisting, Awashima finds herself wondering if she really is needed when there's a genius like Munakata and even Fushimi there to lead S4. She's proud of her abilities but she knows that she's not extraordinary the way they are. Munakata notices that she's been looking troubled the last few days and wonders if she's okay, Awashima finds herself asking him if she's truly needed in S4.Munakata's surprised to hear that from her and Awashima quickly tells him it's nothing, she just spoke without thinking, but Munakata feels that if Awashima is truly troubled by such thoughts he would like to hear why. Awashima mentions that the Strain group invited her to lead them and Munakata says if she wishes to do so she's welcome to, Awashima's surprised that he doesn't want to stop her and Munakata says it is her choice and she should do what she feels is best.
This just makes Awashima even more conflicted and maybe she ends up stopping by Kusanagi's bar for a drink. She tells him about what happened and Kusanagi says it's just like Munakata that he would tell Awashima to do what she wants and not to worry about him. Awashima wonders if that's his way of telling her that he doesn't need her and Kusanagi says Munakata seems the sort of person to say it straightforwardly if that was the case, isn't it more that he knows if he told her to stay she would follow his recommendation regardless of her own feelings. Munakata wants her to make her own choice and do what makes her happiest. Awashima says she's happy being at S4 and Kusanagi says isn't that your answer then, if Munakata is the King you believe in, and that he's never known her to be someone whose loyalty wavered so easily. Awashima considers that and admits that even if she isn't a genius like Munakata she still wants to be someone who supports him and Kusanagi says that seems to be her answer then. Awashima smiles and thanks him, calling the Strain group and telling them that she's sorry but she cannot accept their offer, because there's someone she believes in strongly and she can't just leave that person.
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arabe · 4 months
it's a lot to think about. right? how many failed auditions and attempts have crossed her path already? but she can't give up. ara isn't the youngest sprite around anymore, but that... that doesn't mean anything! the girl can still compete and do her best. her toughest competition should be herself, but she knows that the crowd that also attends the same auditions as her also are in a mindset of their own. it's a whole ordeal and it's so massive. she'd missed out on the first season already, and marvelled at that whilst following up with it in between her lessons and job. if she's lucky... she'll make it in to at least learn more skills through the show, or at least be memorable enough. it's especially daunting when all the large labels are there.
they're split into separate groups and ara finds herself with with lime entertainment. they want a performance, she will give them a performance. somehow, there's an inkling that this is the most straight-forward part of the process. ara knows how to dance, and she's practiced how to keep her voice steady whilst dancing. sure, there are areas where she can improve in singing or rapping, but she can be molded into it. she's got the base. she can only improve. she has to think positively because nobody else in this industry will do it for her. for her solo, ara performs a part of the choreography from k/da pop/stars, a dance she is rather comfortable with and has danced to before. she wants to showcase what she has, so she also chooses to sing for the audition. despite not being the best singer, that she is on tune and can maintain her breath while dancing. the sixty seconds feels like the fastest and longest minute, all at the same time. and then she's whisked off to the audition portion with SR media. the time to absorb what actually occurred is lost on her as the transition was much too fast, with the questionnaires next. this - this definitely is more difficult than the performance part with lime. but it's important too. quite like a job interview, where she never practices the questions and wings them. that is... definitely what this reminds her of.
"what style of music/performance suits you best and why?"
ara clears her throat before responding. although it's not practiced, this is something she's thought about before. "i really enjoy upbeat music and performances with complex choreography. i would say that while i enjoy listening to ballads, i may not be the best at performing one at this moment. a song that is harmonious with a thought out dance? i am all for that. upbeat pop, rnb, hip hop. cutesy, even, as long as it is energetic. i enjoy expressing myself through dance the most."
"why do you want to become a kpop idol?"
"this sort of relates to the last question but i enjoy dancing a lot. i enjoy performing on a stage, and i enjoy being in the spotlight. i've danced in a group before and i loved performing on stage and in competitions for that, but i aspire to make a career out of it. to be able to spread it with fans, and a group to become our best selves. that would be cool."
"would you rather go to a tropical island or to the north pole?"
"i would go to the north pole. i've heard that depending on when you go, the days can be mostly daylight, or night and dark. that would be marvelous to experience and quite fascinating, something that i haven't been able to experience anywhere else thus far! also i'm not very good at swimming... so the north pole intrigues me the best." she wonders what this question has to do with the rest of the questions that have been asked so far, but it seems that not all questions were about performing. it
“What is the most interesting place that you have been to wearing the shoes that you’re wearing now?”
"oh... the most interesting place with this pair of shoes.. well.. i actually wore a specific pair of shoes from my collection." it was one of her few dance sneakers. not the freshest pair, but a bit well loved and definitely danced through. "the dance studio that i work at! that would be the most interesting place. i teach very young kids in beginner dance and lets just say, there is never a day that is the same. i am very privileged that way." she wished she had something more exciting to say about her shoes but this pair were well-loved, and not that well-travelled in her opinion.
surely, studio delta's audition was last for a reason. ara wasn't sure what to expect, the initial video such a daunting warning. something that she can do beyond... dancing or singing. ara had some tricks up her sleeve, but what would make her stand out? well... she didn't actually prepare anything with her but luckily she does know how to juggle. looking through her bag, she tries to find some things that would make do for juggling. it's the best she can do with what she has. it's been a while since ara's done this too, so she's rusty too. heavens. she has a lacrosse ball for whenever she accidentally hurt her foot, and... a makeup compact, and she unclips a plushie chain off her bag. this will have to do. "i... can show you how i juggle!" the items were different weights so she might be a bit off kilter, but ara knows she'll have to do it. if anything falls, she can laugh it off ( but again, positivity here. she can do it. ) she starts with the ball first, and then lumps in the lightest item which is the plushie. so far so good, before tossing up the compact too. she better not drop that. seven years of bad luck? hell no. but once the momentum picks up, ara's able to continue doing it again- just like riding a bike. after doing it for some time, she pulls back, extremely relieved that nothing dropped through the bit. "and no, i wasn't apart of a circus act before!"
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