#this poll goes for a week so i will be annoying everyone and reblogging it
mangoisms · 1 year
ok. let’s just do it now. just so i can get it out of the way.
this is for wwt, my current daiya wip. it’s at 6 chapters now, each about 5k words or so. i’m thinking it might be 8-10 chapters total. it’ll naturally be posted to ao3 and wp but…
i’m still working on it truthfully so things might change! but i don’t know if anyone is liking having dgfh posted here in addition to being posted on ao3 and wp
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genderful-ghoul · 1 year
So this happened… (Important petition for the Ghost fandom!!)
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AO3 now includes fics where lead guitar ghoul’s character is called “Sodo” in searches for fics where they’re called “Dewdrop”.
For fans that call the character “Dewdrop”, this now means the “Sodo” fics are unavoidable. For those that call the character “Sodo”, this now means the “Dewdrop” fics are unavoidable.
To be honest, grouping the tags is just uncomfortable and clumsy for everyone. You ever search for a fic and the results show fics where a character you know by one name goes by another name, and you can’t easily just filter those out? And when you try to read them, the flow of reading is disturbed if you’re not used to it? AO3’s tagging system is revolutionary and very widely used by most users on the platform. By combining these tags, it renders the tagging of this character useless for those who are looking for a specific name.
For those that feel uncomfortable hearing the character called “Sodo”, these fics aren’t only annoying to see, they’re disturbing. A good number of ghesties feel uncomfortable calling the character they write/read about (often in intimate settings) a name the person playing them goes by in their personal life. They feel this breaks the widely accepted ghestie code of keeping the nameless ghoul characters and their headcanons separate from the people who perform onstage.
Personally, I am uncomfortable. For one, the idea of having to scroll past a bunch of fics that are too clumsy for me to read is a stressful thought. And, more importantly to me, I am a person who finds it uncomfortable when a ghoul character is referred to by their performer’s real name. I personally do not want these tags to be grouped, and I know I am definitely not the only ghestie who wants them to be separate tags.
Here is a poll petition. I am going to make an appeal to AO3 get these tags separated. The people who keep AO3 running for us are busy, and we understand that there are more pressing matters that must be dealt with. Our request may take a minute to get to, and we are okay with staying patient; but we do want our request to be taken seriously. One person writing to AO3 making the request is not going to be taken as seriously in this case. We need proof that the ghestie community as a whole wants this change for the management of our fandom’s fics. Please vote in the poll to show AO3 that the Ghost (Sweden Band) fandom wants the character tags “Dewdrop|Fire Ghoul” and “Sodo|Fire Ghoul” and any congruent tags to be separated from what is currently “Dewdrop|Sodo” to their original separate tags of “Dewdrop|Fire Ghoul” and “Sodo|Fire Ghoul”. By voting for either of the two options, you are signing a petition to enact the request bolded above. The poll ends in one week, but if we can get a good couple hundred votes before then, it will be sent earlier. Please spread this post as far as the internet can reach. We need the Ghost fandom to speak on this matter. We need everyone to work together to make change.
Formally written request:
The Ghost (Sweden Band) fandom wants the character tags “Dewdrop|Fire Ghoul” and “Sodo|Fire Ghoul” and any congruent tags to be separated from what is currently “Dewdrop|Sodo” to their original separate tags of “Dewdrop|Fire Ghoul” and “Sodo|Fire Ghoul”.
The tumblr post made by user @genderful-ghoul tiled “So this happened… (Important petition for the Ghost fandom!!)” details the current AO3 conditions which prompted the fandom to make this request, as well as an explanation of why the fandom wants this change.
A transcript of the email request I will send to AO3 will be posted here the day it is sent for full transparency to the fandom. Everything is so fancily worded because it is a formal business request, and AO3 needs to be able to fully understand the situation from an outside-of-the-fandom perspective, as well as be able to accurately locate the tags we want changed out of the millions of tags on the platform and accurately understand the specific changes we’re asking for so that they can get it right for us. I hope we all collectively agree that there are bigger problems in the world that need their petitions to thrive so that they can make change. Even AO3 has bigger problems than our tagging issues right now, so let’s be polite and understanding to AO3. This is a frustrating matter, but I guarantee that the reason the two character tags were combined was because someone outside of the fandom recognized that the two separate names were being used to refer to the same character, and assumed there was no significant difference between the two tags and believed that combining them would only make tag organization more efficient.
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waterspoutskies · 1 year
If my blog dies or is shadowbanned let it be known that I died fighting to explain to staff that the hellsite doesn't have to become instagram
Re: Today's staff announcement (And what I sent staff in feedback under the cut)
Staff's latest announcement at: https://www.tumblr.com/staff/722477242948747264/tumblrs-core-product-strategy
Aside from the obvious concerns about the following tab being removed and the chronological feed being removed (let me tell you how annoying it is on my newer blog having to change over to the Following tab instead of the For You tab each time I log in because there's not a way to permanently enforce that change), there are a few major issues.
1) Absolutely NO notification emails if push notifications are turned off. I turned them off. I don't want emails if I turned off notifications. This is the dumbest thing I've seen proposed in quite a while. Not even Instagram and Twitter send emails when you have notifications turned off for the site.
2) Bring back picking blogs to follow in the introduction steps, not just tags. This should be a no brainer. This site is unbelievably easy to use if you know that following blogs = content on your dash.
3) Don't collapse reblog threads. We make reblog chains for the humor of it. And if you must, you better make that toggleable the way collapsing long posts currently is. I want to see my reblog threads. There's a whole culture around this, which you might take the time to dive into if you wish to understand how things are being used by the userbase.
4) The same goes for hiding duplicate reblogs. First of all, doing it multiple times can be for the humor of it. But also? People use that as a timed post system to reach different parts of their audience based on the time of day. And it's much easier to promote an old post about your commissions than make up a brand new one each time. Your "creators" function much better the way things are than they do on sites that don't allow this- And you can ask them about it. Once again, if you must, make that toggleable.
5) Speaking of reblog issues. You want to clean up reblogs and make post chains easier to follow? Bring back our ability to click on usernames to track back through reblogged additions to posts. Don't take me to their blog. Don't take me to their frontpage. I want to see what they said on the post, and THEN I'll consider following them, not the other way around.
6) Y'all seem to be under the impression that the majority of us "create content." If content is us musing our random thoughts aloud and shitposting, then you'd be correct. Not everyone coming on here is coming to gain a mass following and monetize themselves-- I would bet, if you used one of your polls on a staff post, you'd discover that a majority of us are not doing that. We're here to socialize using a form of online media.
7) Since we're bringing up feedback issues, toggles should be permanent. If you make something toggleable, I do not want to go back in once a week and have to change it back. This applies to 3 and 4. And certain other issues.
8) Staff, I know y'all are getting a fair bit of hate for this, since y'all just make the announcements, not so much the upper level decisions. Especially not the corporate drivel lingo in today's. So let me address this one directly to the corporate overlords: If you want to make money off of users and improve the traffic of the site, you might try asking the userbase at large what keeps them on the website. Not what they want to see improved, what keeps them there. Tumblr succeeds because it isn't going the way of other social media websites. Don't be just like everyone else. That's why we're here in the first place.
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ciestess · 6 years
Bittersweet Interruptions
"REQUESSST! Shinji meeting up again with his (female) SO in the world of the living after 100 years!! (AND his SO thought he was dead aaaall this time)" - @whosmae​
A soft sequel to the earlier OSW “Lazy Breakfast”
Previously, on OSWs…
“Wow, everyone’s really energetic this morning, huh?!”
SHE woke up. And when she heard that Kensei had lost his breakfast to the birds, she remembered.
“Well, we can just have some cake from that new store that opened! You promised you’d buy me some if you lost, remember, Shinji?”, Mashiro turned to him, smiling.
Well. So much for his lazy morning.
The new store Mashiro, and now the whole team, wanted cake from as his punishment wasn’t even in Karakura town! It was practically HALFWAY ACROSS FREAKING JAPAN!!! … Ok, maybe he was exaggerating, but it was FREAKING FAR AWAY!
He didn’t even make it there, either, before getting interrupted by a hollow attack. Normally, he’d have just let the resident soul reaper take care of it, but of COURSE they were nowhere to be seen! And, well, he needed to let off some steam.
He had been playing with it, mocking and cutting, for a few minutes, when he was interrupted for the third time that day. By yet another female soul reaper, no less.
She came and sliced the thing in half, almost taking some of his hair with it!
“Hey! What’s your deal, I had it!”
“Yeah, I’m sure you DID, SHINJI HIRAKO!”
“Huh…? How do you know my name?”
“...” If looks could kill, Shinji would have been deader than he already was in that instant… Until the look was replaced by heartbreak… And then cycled back to anger.
While the stranger was going through this cycle, Shinji was just struggling to figure out why this girl looked so familiar. … Unfortunately, he didn’t figure it out quickly enough.
She lunged, sword aimed straight at his throat. He dodged easily.
“Hey-” She spun and attacked again before he could finish. When her sword came near him, he grabbed it. “Hey, I asked you a question!”
She kicked at him, and he grabbed her ankle with his other hand.
“Will you just let me finish!? How do you know my name? I don’t recognize you, so you must not have been in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads when I was there, so-”
“You IDIOT!” She spun again, her other foot crashing into his skull and sending him flying into the roof of the building under them. Before he could recover, she pinned him by the knees and neck, her sword a few feet away, forgotten.
It was only pinned like that, that he finally recognized her. “K...K-Koharu!?!”
“Oh. So NOW you remember the woman you dated for FIFTEEN YEARS!?”
“You… You DIED!?”
“It’s been a hundred years, Shinji! And apparently you were dead THIS WHOLE TIME and FORGOT TO MENTION IT!!!”
“ .  .  . ”
“ . . .  Well?”
Her voice was sharp, her fury masked by civility like a candy-coated razor blade, “If you’re trying to think up an excuse, might I recommend just going with the truth? I HAVE had one hundred years to get over it. If you’re honest I MIGHT be able to forgive you. But if you lie, well…” Her grip loosened.
Shinji swallowed, remembering exactly why he had fallen for this human to begin with -- now that he thought about it, he didn’t think he’d ever seen her angry. Until now.
“It, uh… Might be better just to show you.”
Koharu, now sitting on his stomach, watched as Shinji donned his hollow mask.
“… Wh… Uh… How…?”
“Mind if I explain on the way? I was in the middle of an errand.”
Stunned, the rookie soul reaper agreed. He had managed to buy the cake (Koharu agreeing to help carry) by the time he got to the part that answered her real question.
“Our gigai age as we do, so we have to move around every few decades, or people get suspicio-”
“So you had to fake your death, and-”
“Y’know, I’m getting really tired of being interrupted! That’s, like, the eighth time today!”
“Sorry, haha!” Koharu smiled at him, then sighed. “Jeez… I’ve missed you.”
“-Huh?” Shinji stopped walking and stared at her.
“Talking like this. I’ve missed it. Especially seeing you get all flustered and annoyed! If I remember…” Her voice lowered. She stepped close to him, smirking and fluttering her lashes. “I was one of the only people who got to see you like that.”
Shinji smirked back and leaned in, his view of her feet blocked by the boxes of cake. He felt a sharp pain in his shin.
“Gah! … I take it that’s a ‘no’ to getting back together?”
“One. Hundred. Years.”
“Yeah, I should’ve figur-”
“You should have.”
He glared at her.
“So Hachi, Lisa, and the others are alive then, too?”
“Yeah. The rest of the world may have changed, but we haven’t.”
They exchanged stories the rest of the way: Shinji about the visored and Koharu her life, death, and soul reaper training.
“I need to get back. I’ll come visit, though!” Koharu set the boxes down on the front step.
“Sooo… I’m ‘friendzoned’ then?”
She leaned in close, smirking and looking at him through her lashes again. Shinji tensed, ready for another kick (or worse).
She pecked him on the cheek and whispered in his ear, “Yep!” popping the ‘p,’ before flash-stepping away.
“Well…” Shinji sighed, “I think that’s the best breakup I’ve ever had.”
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{This is part of my “OneShot Wednesday” project - I’m trying to write a one-shot every week that other people have requested! Original Requests one week, and Fanfic Requests the next.
To vote for the next OSW, go to my Tumblr, Twitter, or Website to find the current poll!
While I will try to keep track of all the requests I receive regardless of how they’re sent, you should send Fanfic Requests through the pinned tweet on my Twitter, and Original Requests through either my email ([email protected]) or my Patreon (if you’re a patron) if you want to make sure I see them.
Just about everything goes -- I’ll tell you if there’s a problem. But if you want to know more about how they work, you can read about Original OSWs here, and Fanfic OSWs here.
So please send me ALL the ideas!!! I will make sure to recognize whoever’s idea/request it was in the work – just ask if you want to remain anonymous.}
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