#this post has been made by the please reblog my stuff gang
mellosdrawings · 3 months
Hii!! So sorry for going on an absolute spree liking all of your posts ;; your art style is super expressive & I love the way you use crosshatching! As well as all your headcanons (you are so real abt cane user azul, i didnt realize how many cards he's sitting in!!)
I was curious, do you have any headcanons with Ruggie & Jamil? Especially with your N2 squad theories and their canon interactions durin GloMas, I'd love to see what you think of them~
First, never apologize for any liking/reblog/other spree, you have no idea how happy it makes me to have someone like what I do so much that they dig into my previous stuff!
And thank you so much for the compliments I'm ansbsjsbsjsn about them 💕
For Ruggie and Jamil, I have a whole bunch of different headcanons depending on the situations.
First their GloMas interaction gave me life. I found it so perfect, just the two of them finally letting their inner gremlins take over without worrying about their image. It was PERFECT !
I also love that their Signature Spells have the same "manipulation" base, but Ruggie is about the body while Jamil is about the mind. (I usually love adding Jade to the mix with his ability to force the truth out of others. I call the three of them the "Manipulation Gang". I'd love to see the three of them actually gang up some day.)
Jamil and Ruggie also have the same servants-to-spoiled-rich-kids background. I feel like they'd have the most terrible gossip while washing clothes or something. I just can't really imagine them not be friends of sorts. Just pestering about the latest wild nonsense their master has been up to, wondering if they should exchange their burdens (pre chap 6, Jamil would never agree after that) and just generally let the worst of them show to the other coz they don't mind.
In the context of the N2 Squad, Ruggie would definitely be a needed push for Jamil. The kind of "Please just date him, Leona’s mood is only getting worse and I'm tired and if I hear 'im moan about you once more I'm gonna murder you both" or something like that. Ruggie knows the inner workings of Leona, knows the inner workings of Jamil too from their laundry-gossip, and while I can imagine him strive in chaos he would immediately go complain to either Leona or Jamil if their turning around each other made his job harder. After the N2 Squad starts dating though, I can def imagine Ruggie try to profit off being friends with Jamil to get favors from Leona (and maybe Vil too coz why not?)
(Also Ruggie is def Jamil's first fan when it comes to cooking and always tries to have him give him spares from a previous party or whatever.)
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322 notes · View notes
nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
(Or my reaction to Episode 61 of Wolf359: Brave New World).
Well gang, we did it. We've reach the end. Sorry for how my reactions went from super spaced out to speed running the finale in a number of days, but I did warn you that I'm just sporadic like that. Though I have been semi-putting Brave New World off, because as much as I want to know how Wolf359 ends, I don't want it to end. I love these characters. I want good things for them. As much as I hate what they did, I wish that Hilbert and Maxwell had gotten the chance to get the redemption arc that Jacobi got. Hilbert had plenty of opportunities, but Maxwell was young and its not fair. I don't know how much more sadness they are gonna throw at me, but I'm guessing its a lot and I can't listen to it all in one sitting, so I'm just mentally preparing myself.
I also don't want this to end because I've loved giving you guys these reactions. Thank you all for reading my rambles and enjoying them. It means a lot to me, and I hope you were entertained. Thanks for coming on this journey with me, and please know that the second this is over, I am gonna figure out how to unblock the wolf359 tags (I did it so long ago I forgot how I did it, oopsie-daisy), and I am am gonna be reblogging and going crazy over all your posts and fanart and stuff so I hope you're ready for that.
Plus finishing the podcast also means it's time for me to deliver on those fics I promised y'all, which have been very carefully written (in my head). I will write them out eventually, but if there is anything my tmbs mutuals will tell you, my wolf359 mutuals, it's that my ideas tend to lead to other ideas, which means my fics do tend to be a little long, but (based on the reviews I've gotten) worth the read. So it might take a while to get them on AO3, but when I do, I hope you enjoy them!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 61: Brave New World
The fact that Brave New World was written in 1932 and Cutter and Pryce are old and the fact that the message of Brave New World is about humans losing their humanity...already we're setting the stage.
And based on Kepler's earlier declaration, why do I suspect that this is the part where Doug's daughter's life and Minkowski's husband's life are finally on the line. I know Cutter and Pryce won't hesitate to aim their guns at them (and probably the rest of the planet too).
That moment when you can't tell if Wolf359 starts with sad piano music, or if this is just an ad for another podcast.
Oh it's the intro. Hi Hera! Or Miranda...oh wait I genuinely can't tell if this is Miranda talking about herself or Hera talking about her.
Clouded eyes, weak heart, child genius, orphan, no friends...I see. Obsessed with making things stronger and better. Yeah, except for herself I bet. Oh. She made her friends. Because she could control them. "Never left her behind, never talked back, never were afraid of her...except when she wanted them to be." "The one thing she couldn't fix was herself" see I called it!
Until? Oh no. Marcus.
And Old Man? Almost as clever as her? "Hello little girl. I want you to make a doll for me. You're very best doll. It must look like a real person, and sound like a real person, and be a real person." "And if I can?" "Then you and I will fix the world. I will be young and you will be whole and the world will finally be everything it could be. Everything it should be."
Okay. Thoughts.
When I made my jokes about Pryce being Cutter's evil science girlfriend, I was not assuming a romantic relationship, I was trying to use that language to insult Pryce and Cutter by making them sound like the kids they hate so much in a frivolous, juvenile and toxic relationship. Then, I was told by a few of you that given this assumption, it’s important that I know that I shouldn't assume that Pryce met Cutter when she was young based on this story and it was meant to be "fairytale language", which does make sense given that Cutter being willing to call Miranda his "work wife" when he's known her since she was young enough to be his granddaughter is incredibly creepy.
I appreciate the clarification, but also, I really don't think it matters whether this is hyperbole or not. If it is, then okay. Pryce and Cutter's relationship is still weird. If it's not, then Cutter's a creep, what a surprise. Tell me something I don't know.
"And so they did. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end."
The fact that it's Cutter that interrupts Miranda's story to give that closing line and declare this the end adds to the creepiness. Miranda says what Marcus's promise to her was, but never says whether she agreed before Marcus jumps in with "and so they did". Also, if Miranda was dying, Cutter was her only chance at survival. It also sounds like she was a kid with a pretty messed up view of the world. Doesn't excuse anything she did, but see Cutter? THAT is how you give a good sad backstory, and she did it in five minutes. You spent a whole hour with Nash just so you could cry that the government took your precious telescope.
"THAT'S the evil plan?" Care to fill us in Doug?
"That's THE plan, yes." Shut it Rachel. It's evil and you know it.
It's...so evil. And so...planned. Doug's words might be simple, Rachel, but sometimes simple is better. It gets to the point and cuts through the BS.
"It's real and it's happening" And ARE you happy about this Kepler? And why tell them?
Good question Kepler, why are you here? Please tell me you're going to take Rachel away.
"You're going to help" "of course I am" Are you Kepler? Oh please tell me he gets a redemption arc and betrays Cutter.
Does anyone want to fill ME in on the plan? No one? Okay. :(
"Where's the trust?" That's not for you, Rachel.
"I really don't like her" I don't either, Doug.
We can't stop them, so let's see our families again. No, Minkowski, you can do this! I believe in you! You can't just go home, we have two hours left! That's plenty of time to stop them.
It's been a long...years.
I forget how long they've been up there. And that everyone on Earth believes they're dead.
And not do anything about WHAT? WHAT IS THE PLAN PLEASE FILL ME IN.
What was that sound?
Oh Doug is in the comms room. Oh yikes. It's okay, Doug. We've all broken very expensive lab equipment before.
"Living in a cuckoo clock" you have no idea, Doug.
"I wouldn't do that." Is that Pryce or Hera? And yeah why is there gas?
"Good boy" oh good it's Hera. Hera calls him good boy, Pryce just calls him boy.
"Who are you?" OH THIS IS DOUG MEETING HERA FOR THE FIRST TIME. At first I thought that Doug...forgot her? Or something? I was confused.
Ultraviolet halo? Contraband cigarettes. 😂
"Just ask. I'm here to help." Aw that was sweet.
Ew Rachel. I'm gonna start using "----" breaks to cut off sections.
"Actually he's in quite a lot of pain. Back to work." Always charming, Rachel.
"Thanks for saving our lives-" Kepler, that's a great question. What IS this? Where was the concern for brainwashed Jacobi or better still, WHERE WAS YOU CONCERN FOR MAXWELL? Or Jacobi dealing with her death?
"And do what? Get myself shot? Get you shot? No. I played the game." Was it worth it, Kepler?
"That's the lie you tell yourself. The truth? The truth is that you were afraid. And the only thing YOU did was try to save YOUR hide?"
Dang this dialogue is amazing.
"You're not wrong." "Which one?" "Both of you." This isn't YOUR conversation Rachel.
Momentary weakness?
Oh my gosh, the good food too? Why does Cutter hit so many show Curtain parallels? He might torture, enslave, and kill people, but he's gonna get them a good meal first.
Good for you Doug, turning down the wine. I'm proud of him.
This is a sweet moment between Doug and Lovelace. I gotta say, since I'll be reacting to this section by section, it's nice that they have it broken up a little like this so I can reach a section and then get to a stopping point if I need to.
I'm just worried about who is going to die. These conversations feel like goodbyes.
Minkowski. I know you miss your husband. But...yeah, ARE you ready to go back?
YEAH WE'RE DOING THIS! To borrow from Eris's words: "Let's beat the bad guys 🥳"
Quiet Rachel.
Wait. Destroy a whole species?
Are they talking about humans?
...are they ecofascists? Eugenicists? Pryce is literally disabled, how the heck...
"Only stay if you have to." Well, it sounds like you all have to.
"Hera what did you say to her" "Something a friend once said to me" 🥰🥰🥰
"I'm starting to think these guys are my kind of stupid" GO JACOBI!
"Adorable corpses 🥰" Rachel you suck!
"Come with us. You're still people, you're still on our side, even if you don't think you are." Very true. What do you think Pryce and Cutter will do to YOU when they have what they want? They'll dispose of you too.
"You're allowed to make mistakes as long as at some point you admit that they're mistakes!" "I was wrong and people died. All I can do is not be wrong again" "You knew what you were getting into" "No I didn't. I didn't know I was getting into mind control and reducing people to nothing. There's a line. And you're almost out of chances to get on the right side of it." PREACH!
"There is no line. Forwards. Always forwards." FORWARDS TO WHAT RACHEL? WHY HAS NO ONE SHOT HER YET?
"Thank you, Daniel, and goodbye." Oh so that's how it is. Goodbye Kepler. I look forward to your last minute sacrifice.
Character arcs woven like a quilt.
"We're going to crush them" Yeah, let's do it!
A full reboot? Worth the risk? That kind of stuff always worries me.
Is this Maxwell's notes? It's hard to recognize the voice on the recording. "She really was something special" Oh it is Maxwell.
Ah. Another flashback! Jacobi meeting Maxwell.
Looks like Kepler got an important text.
"Cool stuff with robots" good work Maxwell. The best scientists can always dumb it down.
"The Whiskey speech" 😂
"You're one of the best. You're gonna do great things. It's the last nice thing you'll ever hear from me. Except: you need anything I got you're back. No matter what happens, I've got your back. I'll take you up on that." 😭💔
Oh it's okay. Take my heart. I didn't need it.
"Are they going to do the smart thing?" "Well who are we to deny them an agonizing death?" Shut it Cutter.
They put a tracker on Jacobi? See I knew Rachel was a snake. So is Kepler, but at least he's gonna take a bullet for someone or something. My money's on Jacobi, but I could be wrong.
Yep. Eiffel logs everything.
"I never got the chance to say I'm sorry. YOUR DAD LOVES YOU, YOUR DAD LOVES YOU SO MUCH." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You can go so far. I wish I could be there to see it. I love you Ann. Always and forever."
Time to go? Oh. The comms room? Oh, right. Poor Doug.
"One more day, and then we're done." This is so sad.
"Go home Eiffel, hug your daughter" OH HE CALLED HER RENEE!
This leaves me with so much feeling.
Eiffel can't leave he's the main character. Who will make pop culture references? Who will save the day through the power of random associations, luck, and good intentions?😭😭😭
I hate that they the bad guys know exactly what happened too.
"I'm so sick of this happening!" Use too Doug.
Oh "For god's sake just let me change the flight plan!" So that's what the F stands for. The lore I've been waiting for.
"People need to know what's coming?" Minkowski...I get why you did what you did, but HERA DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE.
Is this Minkowski's flashback?
Oh when Minkowski met Hera.
"I heard units prefer to go by their serial numbers..." "I don't" Good for you Hera!
I love this. I love these flashbacks, but they just make everything so much more sad!
Ah. More piano music. Does this mean we're back to the bad guys, or...?
Is this Cutter playing the piano?
"The Tempest. Do read a book sometime. Is this the best use of our time?" Pryce and Cutter are really the most toxic people.
"A storm is coming. And on the other side..." "Oh Brave New World." "That has such people in it."
Yes, Pryce and Cutter. People. As in humans. As in: NOT YOU.
"How have they decided to throw their lives away?" "By destroying the device"
WHAT DEVICE? What are you talking about?
Heck yeah a harpoon! I hope Cutter gets it.
"This is Minkowski. I love schedules and musicals and that man who I married." 😂 1-2-3-4-5? It was a good guess Doug. Would have worked in my fanfic.
Okay here comes Victor...
...um what is happening? What is this?
...a surprise party? Sounds fun! 🪩🥳
Oh right, the bio tracker. I'm happy to see Jacobi pulled one over on him. Now shoot him! Please tell me that was Victor that got shot.
They...they trapped him in the room. "Tell me this before I kick your ass" Why on Earth would he ever tell you anything Victor?
Okay, so they are blowing up Pryce and Cutter's evil device, but...what is the device? What ARE they doing? Did I miss it? I'm sure they're doing something to enslave or kill all of humanity, but I'd like the specifics.
"The Hephaestus has almost fallen out of the sky so many times, it's hard to believe it's happening." Well...the show isn't over until it's over.
Is this a Lovelace flashback? A date? A date with who? Oh, Hilbert. Not that kind of date then. Oh, this is her introducing Hilbert to the crew he's going to betray.
"Prudent to keep things formal" to avoid the guilt.
Selburg. Once again with the constant fake names. Dmitri. Matthew.
Though I think Miranda has always had hers.
Yeah Doug. You've listened to her say it so many times. This is like me trying to drive in my hometown. No, I wasn't paying attention in the car as a kid, I was not the one doing the driving. I just zoned out and we got from point A to point B by magic.
Oh, Minkowski. "Get up and do it already. You can do it."
Yes you can Doug. You are the main character. You are the guy that's gonna swoop in at the last second when Cutter pulls one over one them. So you CAN do it. I believe in you, Eiffel.
"Victor Uniform Lemma Charlie Alpha November VULCAN" I knew it must stand for something! Good work Doug!
Oh dear. More of Pryce and Cutter's marriage falling apart.
"Time to change the world." Or you could not. Maybe you could just not.
Please explain this? Oh of course he has a speech.
Oh he's talking to the dear listeners, not the Hephaestus crew.
Ah. The Decima virus. Thanks a lot Hilbert. DEPLOY THROUGHOUT THE EARTH? He wants to cause a pandemic????
Automatic, can't be stopped, destruction of human race? But why would the aliens care? Oh because Cutter wants them to talk to HIM? But the aliens prefer Doug.
As do most others it would seem. Hurts, doesn't it, Cutter? All those years of experience and work, and yet, you still just can't have what he has, can you?
Ah. It's Bob. Did he just shock Bob? No temporal jumps, no disintegration?
"Remarkable and cold" No Bob, you saw Doug! It's just them. They don't need to be cold.
Willing to disrupt species survival??? What piece of tech do they want? Surrogates?
They want to fill the world with people they can control?
"You can't make duplicates of our species." Bob, they are worst than you can ever imagine.
"We're going to make better humans." "That is not the way that-" "Random part out of the equation" That's a bad idea. Do you know how evolution works? Do you know the negative side effects that have come out of selective breeding of animals? The unintended consequences? To quote Miranda from earlier in the episode: READ. A. BOOK.
"Our Humanity" Gross.
Oh here is comes. Betraying Rachel and Warren.
"Your brains can't handle it without modification. I cannot with my limitations. Do you have Doug Eiffel?"
Oh boy...oh Cutter is gonna snap. If only Doug had just kept going...
Oh wow okay Cutter has lost it. What happened to emotionally playing the piano and giving speeches about how the time had come?
oh geez no, Doug is back. Doug, no, they need you for the evil plans. This is a good idea, but very bad timing.
"He wouldn't" Oh he WOULD. He really really would.
Show 'em how it's done Dougie Boy!
"I'll get it" No you will NOT Miranda.
Kepler, now is a great time to betray Cutter and Rachel. A really good time.
Also is Victor dead? I'm trying to keep track of how many bad guys are gone.
"You're the only person who can receive the data Pryce and Cutter want" Oh dear.
"With my life darling, with my life" 🥹💕
So what is Hera going to do?
"Lets make sure at least someone makes it through this" YOU ALL NEED TO MAKE IT.
"Let's go get our idiot back" That's the spirit baby!
Oh dear. Jacobi. "Terrific for an SI-5." Wow.
"I'm gonna win!" I hope so Jacobi. But it sounds very not good.
Oh and here's Doug. And um...other Doug. Aka Bob.
Bob. Do not do this.
That was it? "You shall not call me again" "No Bob. I shall not."
"I hate loose ends"
I mean, I saw that coming, but dumb idea. I'm SURE Bob's family will be cool with that! Oh right, he just...recreates himself. But this has got to be trippy for Doug because Bob takes his form. Imagine watching a clone of yourself die.
"Let's make a deal 🥰" Wow Pryce is the worst. Again, very trippy how much she sounds like Doug.
Wait. GOING IN? What does. What does "going in" mean? Don't go in, I don't like going in?
Ah yes. Going into someone's mind. I've done that in my fics before too. Fun stuff. And um...it's because you're disorganized Doug, I hate to tell you.
"That was...that was...that was..." OH SHE DESTROYED THE MEMORY. OH SHE TOOK THE MEMORY?
This is...horrifying. She could take his daughter away. She could take Hera, Minkowski, and everyone and everything away.
Oh my gosh is she actually here? Like as a person?
This is everything.
Ah yes, confrontation with Cutter.
Cutter has modified his body or he has a magic shield.
He can catch bullets? Of course he can.
I wouldn't try hand to hand combat either. I bet he gave himself super strength.
There has to be a weak spot. He has to have a weakness. But what could it be...
...what is the opposite of a chai latte?
Ah. Back to Jacobi.
Kepler this would be a GREAT TIME to come in and get your arc. "I'm not a good guy" oh Jacobi. What's happening now? Oh has he been pretending to lose this fight to buy them time? What is happening? It's hard to tell.
She's always been interesting, Pryce! You’re just noticing now.
"You don't look like me." Disappointed, Pryce? Sad that she’s better than you?
And the fact that all these AI want human forms...this is so sad. They structured them based on human consciousness so of course they want human bodies and experiences, that's just cruel.
Wait Doug got beat up in the 2nd grade? The Star Wars Prequels? "I might be okay without that one" No one tell him about the sequels 😂😂😂
"Of course you can. You can do anything." 💕
"You and what army, 214?" The sounds in this really makes the fight sound super epic. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing.
Oh gross not Rachel again. Why is she still here?
And Kepler. Dude, you wanna hurry it up? Grab your arc or go, the clock is a-ticking.
"We're changing what humanity can be." you suck Rachel.
Pulse beacon, half power? What does that mean? The signal wouldn't have made it back to Earth?
"We have tell Mr. Cutter." "Do we?" KEPLER THIS IS IT!
He gave you a chance, Rachel. He gave you a chance. "After all, I am still a person. I'm on Jacobi and Minkowski's side. Even if they don't think I am"
And even if they never know you were.
Is she gonna blast him out the airlock? Rachel, you're dying, it's over! You were wrong! The best thing to do is let him live!
He's literally drinking as he goes out the airlock. My...my wish came true. But this isn't how I wanted it to... why now? Why like this? 💔
It's a true sacrifice though. Because even though no one will ever know, he still did the right thing.
You became more than just a Whiskey Boy in the end Kepler. You became so much more.
Rachel, no so much. You were never anything. It doesn't matter if Warren was not as good as you. Because now you're both dead. And your life, well...you were never anyone. Or at least, you haven't been anything or anyone for a long, long, time. So be quiet now.
Silence at last.
Well this isn't good.
Ah yes. Back to Jacobi. Looks like Kepler's not coming to save him. But at least he took care of Rachel.
Explosives? Fireworks? Oh this is a party! 🎆🎇🧨
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Well that was a grand surprise party! But um...does this mean Victor and Jacobi are dead now?
Ah back to Lovelace and Minkowski!
"It's...side wave radiation!" Okay, thank you Cutter, now we know what we need to shut down.
"Humans who do exactly what we tell them to do" "You're crazy"
Yeah. He is literally crazy.
OH SHE SHOT HER??? Oh no....Oh no please tell me SOMEONE makes it out of this.
What really did happen the night of Doug's junior prom? Sounds interesting.
Fishing with Dad? Okay these memories are getting personal.
Wait, what did Doug do?
What are they going to do? Oh they could delete the memories Bob put in there. But they need to find them before Pryce.
Shut up about the stomach wound Cutter. No one cares. This isn't rewriting a person. And THAT'S NOT WHY PEOPLE CARED ABOUT HER YOU IDIOT. And without your intelligence and tech, who. are. YOU, CUTTER?
Renee Minkowski! YES! Tell him!
Lovelace you can fight this. I know you can.
Shut it Cutter. No one cares.
"Sooner or later, you're gonna do as your told" And sooner or later, you are gonna lose everything, Cutter.
"You really think I'm afraid of you?" "THE BEAUTIFUL THING IS I DON'T NEED YOU TO BE"
Please tell me they have the harpoon gun.
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"That's...not...how...this is suppose to..."
Yes, it is Cutter. Like you said. You know how these stories end. The good guys win. They might lose a lot in the process, but, they win.
Is he dead now, like, for real dead? I don't want to celebrate too early but MAN what a way to go.
He and Rachel even died in similar ways to. It's like they short circuited when they realized they didn't win.
Ah Pryce. "I don't need to beat you. No matter how much I want to, no matter how much you deserve it, it wouldn't change anything. What I need to do is make sure you're not going to hurt anyone else again ever." That's right!
"Clip your wings a little. Goodbye Dr. Pryce."
So...Hera's gone now. So what is about to happen?
Oh no. Is she...is she gonna delete both their memories?
"Bye bye to my memories?" Oh Doug, oh poor Doug. His daughter, everything...oh Doug this sacrifice will not be forgotten. 🫡 This is so Milligan coded of him (@/tmbs mutuals).
"You can't. Don't do this." "Oooo...sorry buddy, we gotta" YEAH THROW IT BACK AT HER EIFFEL!
And goodbye. I hope you have a second chance with your daughter. I hope you never remember the trauma. All a bad dream. All a bad dream.
"Do you have any idea what you've...I'm sorry...what was I saying...where...where am I?" Oh my gosh the way her voice changed...and she apologized. Oh my gosh. She's literally a new person.
So...memories gone? Where does this leave her? Oh this will be fun in fanfics. Imagine having no memories, and people are weird about it, and then finding out that before you were basically the worst person to ever exist. How would you even mentally cope with that?
"Yeah commander, it's going." No, Doug! Doug!
"It was an honor, sir" Oh this is so sad.
"Hera...Hera I...I..." You know Hera. You were in his mind. Please tell me you know.
Oh. He's gone. 💔
Oh it's her and Eiffel meeting, okay.
"Are you just asking if I'm the commander? Yes." I love Minkowski and Doug's friendship.
"Never use one word when ten will do" oh Doug...never change. Even if your memories are gone, I hope you find yourself again.
He didn't know you couldn't smoke in space? Oh Doug...at least now you can quit.
"Do I know you?" Yes Doug. Yes you do.
She's briefing him. He...he doesn't remember Star Wars???
Well. At least he gets to watch it all again!
Wait. What's happening to the station? Are they...are they going into the star?
Oh no. So it's up to the dear listeners to save them, or...they just die here. Heroes. Heroes that everyone on Earth thought were dead already.
Oh she's rebooting now.
"Should we be doing something?" Oh did Renee pass out?
So...is Doug on the ship alone without his memories? What's happening?
Where is Renee now? Lovelace? Where? What? The Urania? How?
Did they leave Pryce on board? Did Jacobi get out?
Oh good Hera, Minkowksi, and Lovelace made it. Jacobi did it! Nice work, Jacobi. Oh gosh he's so dramatic 😂
So I assume Doug made it too?
"What about Kepler" "No." Oh so, they must have found Rachel and discovered what he did. "You can't save everyone I suppose"
But you did save him, Jacobi. You did save Whiskey Boy.
And then where is Doug?
Oh he's listening to himself.
"I was a jerk" There's a lot worse things you can be, Doug.
It does make you wonder. If you looked at your life with a blank slate, what would you think? How would you be kinder to yourself? How would you be more critical?
"Am I still that same person?" If you want to be, Doug. If you want to be.
And what happened to Pryce? Please tell me you did not give her to the dear listeners.
Oh Hera and Pryce. "Your voice is like mine, isn't it?" "Nice to meet you, Hera." Oh. Oh my gosh. Pryce calling her Hera.
"And I'm...I'm going to tell you a very, very long story about the two of us, okay?"
I hope this ends well...
...please be a good guy, Pryce.
Hey guys. Guys. Quick question.
Why are there 10 minutes left?
I um...I like this ending. They're going back to Earth, all is well. Please tell me nothing bad happens.
What happened with Pryce? Hera hasn't glitched at all? She did it. She conquered her fear. GO HERA! But um...what about Pryce? Is she...is she good?
Minkowski needs to find her husband. And yeah...you guys have a lot to figure out.
Lovelace...yep. Take Goddard down. Good idea. Explain to your friends you're an alien with extended lifespan...might want to break that gently.
Take who out?
Oh the ship. Is this it? They're going home? Please tell me they're actually going home. Don't tease me like this.
Oh right, what will Hera do now? I'm sure you'll find something.
And yeah. Doug might not know who he is, but he knows there are people he should see. And then...he'll figure it out. They'll all figure it out. "Am I still Doug Eiffel? I'm not sure. Want to find out together?"
Yes. I love this. 🥰
I also love how it connects to "will I miss you, when you go away forever Doug?" Yes, but he's not gone Hera. He's not gone.
Five minutes left. So...what is that for? Do we finally get to meet Doug's daughter and Minkowski's husband...or…
That was wolf359! Oh it’s just the credits!
Great ending. But...wait. No wait. I'm confused hang on.
How did Jacobi escape from Victor to get the Urania? How is Hera going to survive on Earth? How did they fix those wounds? If the Hephaestus went into the star...
Wait. These aren't more alien copies are they? Oh wait, no Hera's here, sorry y'all I panicked for a moment. They duplicate human lives, but as far as I know, not AI. Also, if this was a happy dream sequence, why would Pryce be there? Okay, phew, we're good. We're...finally good.
And even if they are alien copies...the process will take 14,000 years. So. For the rest of their lives, at least. Especially since...they're still using Lovelace to spy on Earth. For the next 14,000 years. But I guess that’s a problem for future generations.
Okay. Great ending. Thoughts:
Cutter got what he deserved. So did Rachel, but I feel a bit sadder that she never realized the pointlessness of her life until it was too late (and really not even then). Also love that Cutter's original last name was "Newman" since he keeps making himself into "new men".
Kepler's sacrifice was great no notes. I hope he enjoyed the Whiskey.
Blessie should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Eris should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Are the Dear Listeners just going to leave Earth alone now? If the Hephaestus went into the star...does that mean they can make Rachel and Cutter copies? Because I don't like that...
I love that the aliens weren't the biggest threat in the end and Cutter was always the real monster.
Is Pryce cool now? She doesn't want revenge, does she? Like what do you even do with her at that point? (I have plans for this, don't worry).
How do they dismantle or repurpose Goddard? Cutter probably has guys still loyal to him on Earth or people who are gonna try to be the next Cutter now that he's out of the picture. How do you deal with them?
Okay...so the decima virus can be used for great good and great evil. Cutter apparently had stations with it set up all over the Earth. I hope no one stumble across one of those anytime soon. What exactly are they going to do about decima? It's still swimming about in Eiffel's blood.
Is Minkowski's journalist husband going to blow this case wide open? I hope that after her brief phone call with his secretary, Cutter didn't kill him to keep the rumors from spreading.
Will the families of all the other astronauts that died ever get closure? I know we don't want this getting out and causing panic, but they deserve answers too.
When. Is. The. Empty. Man. Going. To. Show. Up???? /j /It was Cutter the whole time because he has no humanity
Well that was fun. Again, the fanfic will probably take a good long while (I put off a lot in order to listen to this ending), but I look forward to mapping it out.
Once again, thank you all for listening along with me. This has been fun.
Now, to figure out how to unblock those pesky tags...
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ancha-aus · 2 months
Welcome to my new Masterpost! This time including all information on everything on my tumblr instead of just one AU! Asks are always open and I am happy to answer questions <3
Tumblrsona has been made. The icon is still being made :3 The amazing @a-whispering-echo also made a drawing of her <3
AO3 account over here
AUs and stuff.
Ancients and Champions AU - Masterpost Here The big one! My main one! Story is finished and readable over here
Careful. It is a long story with many sidestories. All in the story tab <3 All the information I got concerning that AU is over in the masterpost <3
Real Age Au - First prompt and start of story Here This one doesn't have a masterpost. It is a drabble series I only upload on my tumblr as it are all first drafts and not always uploaded in order.
Drabble which doesn't have a plave quite yet in when it happens in the timeline.
Summary: Nightmare gets deaged, or better said, reversed aged towards his real age. Six years old. Join him and his gang as they discover how to deal with it and learn to be a family.
My own doodle for this work over here <3
@spotaus has made amazing fanart and a sweet fic in line with the AU.
@mikimakiboo as also made some sweet fanart here and here as well as fanfics over here and here
@driftinbubbles Has also made a very cute drawing!
The tag is RealAgeAU <3
Spirit Soul AU - A fic idea I had with info here and here An AU idea I had which is inspired by both Omori and Life is Strange
Bitty Surpise - An idea and very lose concept because I had bitty brainrot. A story in the works and I may eventually upload or draw more of. Very little aside from a doodle at the moment.
Ghosts & Medium AU - Technically a collab because @mikimakiboo helped abunch wiht some of the backgrounds :D - Dust is a medium who helps spirits moves on as his job. trouble appears when he meets spirit!Killer. First message in reblog train & ask & general roles of everyone. And people made some doodles, here and here! Link and Link in the same thread. Another trhread over here, here, here, and here - About Dust. - About Killer.
Drabble: First Encounter - Killer and Dust meet (and the part 2 of that little drabble)
Drabble: Exorcism Backfire - Cross joins the party. Very unwilling mind you.
Drabble: The Necromancing Medium - Dust and Ash's backstory - 18+ because it is heavy on trauma and heavy subjects. Please mind the warnings.
Drabble: Sleepover - Dust, Ash, Killer and Cross get to Dust's apartment to relax and regroup. Mostly to sleep.
Drabble: Research - Dust gets some work donw to make some progress. Eventually.
@mikimakiboo wrote a great story about the introduction of Horror to the group! Which i am sneakily accepted as canon so check it out!
DoubleNoot (name pending) - Turns out that Nightmare that the multiverse knew, was not just Nightmare. Instead it were two beings. Corrupt, the being everyone knew. and Nightmare. The same young skeleton from before he ate the apple that changed the course of the multiverse.
And now they are split? It changes their lives as well.
First Drabble here!
Idea for a possible story/series. Posts are here, here and here.
@mikimakiboo once again made an amazing drabble with the idea! and it is amazing!
Little story for @somegrumpynerd and their amazing comics where Dream and Nightmare get body switched <3
Little drabble for @spotaus because they made their own version of RealAgeAU but wiht knights <3
That was the stuff I have actual posts about that I can share. Overall progress on other things below:
Ancients and Champions - 100% writen. 100% edited. Fully uploaded.
Mermaid prompt list 2022 - 100% writen. 95% edited. Uploads ever Sunday on my AO3
Bitty surprise (name pending) - 100% writen. 25% edited. Needs to be finished (also needs another drawing of Horror Bitty)
Family Ties - 30% writen (ish?). 20% edited. General storyline in my head, just need to actually write the thing
Real Age AU - ??% writen. 0% edit (No edit or beta we die like men with this one) No real goal and just a fun drabble series <3
Story ideas that seem fun to me/ stuff i am thinking about writing:
UT Zombie apocalyse story.
Background story on Error and Geno and their time growing up - A&C related
Story on what would happen to the multiverse if there was NO negativity, the consequences to an only positive multi-universe
another mermaid story but pairing focus dustXsans
story where all the sanses are just actors and they do a series together (no idea how i would make this work in writing gonna be real with you)
Classic Dust ship story where Dust finds the original timeline and hangs around and watches Sans (I can't find my own original post with the idea anymore. It is lost to the void.)
That is all for now folks!
Edited 20 September.
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i was going to send this to crispyrepellent but they have anon off and I really do not want to out myself as the person behind crystallinebulwark (not to mention I've had about enough and my mental health actually cannot take it anymore considering everyone wants to drag stols through the mud so ive deactivated knowing that the important stuff has been reblogged by others but that's not why im here)
i'm here because there's something i privately told soy that really upsets me and i think its time i said something regarding shep and the behavior they like to pull.
shep has been going about claiming that someone has been rping a minor muse in nsfw situations and said that they actually admitted to it without any proof. now i dont want to put their URL out there for the sake of not wanting to send attention towards that person, but id like to state that i did ask shep if they had proof if it was a minor character or if they were told directly and while they said yes, shep never provided actual screenshots when asked to do so.
in my year or so of knowing shep, they actively trash talked anyone they didn't like to such an extreme degree that they mocked them if they were no longer on tumblr, claiming "they won" and the like. they often spoke with much malice whenever upset, be it with me for simple mistakes I've made (forgetting tone indicators) or about others for this that and the other.
also i'd like to note while im not 100% sure on this, a lot of people I spoke to regarding it believe that shep may have been fetishizing trans people regarding their yandere oc. however, i am not sure if this is the case or not or its on the borderline of it, but very often did i see that oc get sexualized quite a bit to an uncomfortable degree.
when i read the documents and the screenshots on both ends, i was appalled to see that soy was targeted for their character being antagonistic, and i actually spoke with someone else whos very familiar with earthbound and they told me that character is just like that.
shep and co was not being bullied, soy had their character acting as he would and that's that. shep and co took that as personal attacks despite it being ic, and even when soy dialed it back for them it still wasn't enough.
they bullied a minor. simple as that. and that very minor handled the fact they ganged up on them way better than i would've if i was in their place.
Posting as is and I genuinely hope you find peace and things get easier for you! Please take care of yourself.
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Dr. Buckley | Robin Buckley x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 0.7k
warnings: sprained ankle, robins mad at Steve for a sec, idk
summary: you sprained your ankle and Robin isn’t happy about it
“Y/n/n?! Are you limping?” Robin said as you came out of the shower. You had just come home from hanging out with the gang, and she was noticing you walking funny as you looked for clothes to put on.
“I- I ended up getting trapped in a big pillow fight and my ankle has been hurting since. I probably just put too much pressure on it or something” you said and slipped on a pair of shorts. You stumbled slightly trying not to put pressure on your ankle.
Robin rolled her eyes and said “y/n- stop you’re gonna hurt yourself more…” She got up and scooped you up, bring you to the bathroom and setting you on the counter. She bent down and gasped, your ankle was swollen a little and was pretty bruised up.
She pressed on it a little and you yelped, moving your foot away from her. She sighed and said “I think you sprained it, babe. Hold on, I think I have some stuff that’ll help” “Rob, it’s just a little limp. I’ll be fine” you said and she shook her head, kissing your forehead before she left.
She came back shortly after and iced it for a while, trying to numb it slightly. She wrapped it up and put a brace on it, kissing your calf soothingly as you winced and whimpered. “Bubba…it’s okay I’m done now. Try to move it a little, see if it helps” she said, your face twisted up in pain.
You tried to move it but quickly shook your head, breathing shakily. She saw a tear slip and instantly stood up, wiping it away and kissing your forehead. “Hey, hey it’s okay….relax. What can I do to help?” She asked and you whimpered.
You sniffled and said “just uhm…help me over to the bed” She nodded and scooped you up into her arms bridal style, which you were not expecting, and brought you to the bed. She carefully set you down, making sure that your ankle wasn’t bent or squashed by your other leg.
“Thank you…” you said and sighed shakily, waiting for the pain to subside. She gave you some pain meds and let you cuddle into her chest as you took deep breaths, trying to relax and manage the pain. Once it felt better and you weren’t as tense she got up and made you your favorite soup, because it was the one thing she knew she could make to perfection, as she had done it a million times for you in the 8 months you’d been together.
Robin was going to call you out of work at Family Video tomorrow, but you insisted you could still work. All you had to do was balance right and you wouldn’t feel the pain, but your walking was so unstable Robin stood behind you with her hands on the other side of your waist because she was certain you were going to fall.
But she said yes, only because she had a plan to keep you off your feet. She carried you around the apartment and helped you shower and helped you get your clothes on, and then carried you to the car as well.
When you got to Family Video, Robin set you on the counter and yelled at Steve for spraining your ankle. “Rob, he wasn’t even there he was getting food” you said and she sighed. “Why were you with all the kids by yourself? Now you probably won’t be able to walk properly for weeks” she said, obviously upset.
You pulled her close and said “Steve say sorry before Robin has a stroke” “I…am so very sorry” he said and Robin rolled her eyes. You chuckled and said “it’s okay, Robbie. I’ll be fine. Especially when I’ve got Dr. Buckley herself taking care of me”
You kissed her temple and she smiled, blushing a little. “I still hate you Steve” she said and playing with your hands that had wrapped around her waist. He shook his head and said “you love me, shut up” “no…all my love is reserved for her and her only” she said and you giggled, kissing her cheek.
Taglist: @amberputh
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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Ello! I'm Cyrus, and welcome to my blog! This is a side blog to post art and Thoughts™.
☆○°•°○☆ Read First! ☆○°•°○☆
@spacewasnotagoodidea is my main blog! It is 99.9% reblogs (hence why I made this blog) so go there if you want to see me go crazy over fictional characters :>)
@ask-the-metallics is my ask blog for my AvA OCs! There's nothing there yet (so please ask me questions). There is an into post, though!
☆○°•°○☆ About Me! ☆○°•°○☆
Names: Cyrus and Tea (nicknames welcome)
Pronouns: She/They
Age: Miner (Thats all you get >:>)
My labels: Demi-Girl, Lesbian, AroAce
Other things: I get unseasonably obsessed with things, Like to do art, has undiagnosed something, I'm bad at summaries and have been here for almost 2 years now!
☆○°•°○☆ Fandoms! ☆○°•°○☆
More or less from most obsessed to least obsessed: Animation vs Series, Henry Stickmin do you see a pattern?, The Magnus Archives/Protocol, The Mistome Museum, Generation Loss, Shorts Wars, Ranboo Live, Cookie Run, Slimecicle, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Ace Attorney, Hermitcraft, Doug Doug, The Amazing Digital Circus, In ___ With Markiplier, The Stanley Parable, Welcome to Night Vale, ULTRAKILL, Dream smp.
Damn that's a lot
☆○°•°○☆ Art Stuff! ☆○°•°○☆
I'm doing Art Fight this year! When I get all my stuff done, that will be my pined post. But till then (and after), this will be pined.
I am taking doodle requests (Unless stated otherwise)! I will try to get to them quickly but the Horrors™ might get to me first.
☆○°•°○☆ Music Stuff! ☆○°•°○☆
I'll do art for most of my fandoms except for the following (I'm bad/don't wanna): Shorts Wars, Cookie Run, Stardew Valley, Ace Attorney, The Amazing Digital Circus, Doug Doug, The Stanley Parable, Welcome to Night Vale, ULTRAKILL, The Mistome Museum and Dream smp.
My music taste can be split like this: 30% Indie, 35% Nerd Core, 25% Soundtracks and lyric-liss songs, 8% Japanese Songs, and 2% Sad stuff.
I also make playlists!
"Thank you" (Generation Loss)
"And I fell in love Instantly" (WTNV)
"I can't lose you, _nala" (CyberAttack (an AvA au)
A Playlist that Reminds me of Captain (In Space with Markiplier)
My current Favorites!
☆○°•°○☆ AUs! ☆○°•°○☆
Way of the Wind Au (AvA) - Four fatality wounded teens wind up in front of the Wind God's temple are able to mutter out one last prayer before collapsing on it's front steps
My OCs Au (AvA)- A small gang of meet a new member (and friend)
Zombie Au (AvA) - There is a zombie apocalypse on the canvas but everything's fineeee, as long as we don't talk about Florida.
☆○°•°○☆ Tags! ☆○°•°○☆
Magical Girl Au (AvA) - [I'm not to sure how to explain it but it's like kid show magical girl show. It's sweet tho] Coming soon!
Bendy and the Ink Machine Au (AvA) - Very much just "What if the BATIM characters were also AvA?" so it's simple.
Hear the Stars Wispers (Charlie Slimecicle) - Charlie's new job is doing numbers on his mental health. Maybe there was a reason this place was abandoned for a few months. (Inspired by his Voices of the Void stream)
Break the 4th Wall (AvA) - Yellow's machine didn't break; more like did something it wasn't supposed to do. Something that lead to Kaori to frantically call her husband. Today's going to be a long day. (The sticks end up in the real world and Alan was just trying to get groceries.)
Main TADC Au (AvA) - Today hasn't been fun. First someone broke into his house. Then said person knock them out. And now he was here, in this circus place. He doesn't even know how he got there. Worst of all, he might have a concussion; he can't remember his name. (Alan in The Amazing Digital Circus)
Second TADC Au (AvG) - Look, they were just trying to film a video and now they're stuck. They were just trying to play Minecraft and for some reason it didn't work! Why are they in a circus?? (Alan and DJ in The Amazing Digital Circus)
The Amazing Animated Circus (AvA) - "What if the TADC characters were also AvA?"
A Different Path (AvA) - I throw Alan back to like a month before chosen's creation. What will he do? (Inspired by @/i3utterflyeffect's Untitled-3 Au)
Also feel free to ask about my head-cannons! (This goes of all fandoms!)
#Baps you cutely - Reblogs
#Space Rambles - Text posts
#Art Fight - Art Fight stuff!
#My Art - Art
#Asks - Ask responses
#Doodles - Doodles responses
#Way of the Wind AU #WotW AU - Au stuff
#Zomble AU - Au stuff
#The Metallics #AvA OCs - AvA OC stuff
Fandom specific tag are the same as they are across tumblr :3
#Magical Girl AU - Au stuff
#BATIMxAVA - Bendy and the Ink Machine Au
#Hear the Stars Wispers AU #HSW AU - Au stuff!
#Break the 4th Wall AU #BT4W AU - Au stuff!
#Main TADC AU - Au stuff!
#Second TADC AU - Au stuff!
#The Amazing Animated Circus AU #TAAC AU - Au Stuff!
#A Different Path AU #ADP AU - Au stuff!
#My OCs - All my OCs!
#Extra Extra! - Stuff that doesn't fit under anything else.
☆○°•°○☆ Banners! ☆○°•°○☆
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many-but-one · 2 years
hey there! furiousgoldfish is a terf and has advocated for literally sterilizing people with personality disorders. she hides the evidence so its totally understandable you may not have seen this, but if you just search her username youll find the callout posts. stay safe!
Hi anon, I was aware that she was pretty against people with NPD which is why I avoided her ableist posts about NPD because I myself have NPD. I've found that some of her resources that don't talk about NPD specifically are pretty good, and some of the things she posts are relatable to myself. The only callout post I found about her was her reblogging something onto a TERF sideblog. Of course, I'm also trans so this is not something I support.
Have not seen anything about the sterilizing people with personality disorders thing that you mentioned. If you'd like to provide receipts rather than just say "she hides the evidence, so that's probably why you haven't seen it." I searched her username and haven't seen it but perhaps I'm missing it entirely. Brain is pretty soupy today. (definitely a clinical DID term haha. /j)
That being said, I will work on deleting the posts I've reblogged by FG because while I did find the non-NPD posts helpful in some degree (FG's posts were actually what made me realize I had repressed CSA memories and mentioned it to my trauma specialist, and many years later I got the DID diagnosis that I'd been needing my entire life) I definitely feel like the combo of ableism toward NPD and TERF behavior is indeed a deal-breaker for me.
I appreciate you letting me know. This does sadden me. Her non-NPD related posts are often very good and informative and relatable, which is why I was willing to turn away from the icky stuff and only reblog the things that were rooted in the trauma experience rather than spewing hatred about people with NPD. While I understand my doing that could be considered anti-NPD since I'm reblogging something from someone who is anti-NPD, I want to assure followers that is not that case, as I mentioned, I have NPD myself and am very anti "narc abuse." I believe my most popular post on this blog is in support of people who are cluster B.
I apologize to folks who may have been upset by me reblogging FG's posts regardless, and I will cease to do so moving forward. I realize that my actions, despite not aiming to hurt people with NPD, actually were, as I was lifting the platform of someone who is severely anti-NPD and while not spreading their posts about NPD, I was still giving her a voice where people could look at her ableist narc abuse posts and therefore spreading the hatred. This will be discontinued now, and I will work on pruning her posts out of my feed, though this may take time and I please ask for patience, as I'm having personal life/mental health issues currently. I haven't been on Tumblr making my normal content very often lately for this reason.
Thank you again, anon. Have a splendid day.
-Blurry gang
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twsted-princess · 2 years
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I posted 5,514 times in 2022
502 posts created (9%)
5,012 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,506 of my posts in 2022
#twisted wonderland - 1,581 posts
#the princess aesthetic - 1,247 posts
#twst oc's - 752 posts
#others art - 531 posts
#others work - 530 posts
#my work - 512 posts
#fate/grand order - 227 posts
#fire emblem heroes - 217 posts
#genshin impact - 209 posts
#ffxiv - 205 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#basically i'm sitting here panicking cause i gotta make sure my neighbor's cat isn't dead and my mom (who's at the yacht club) has the keys
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pov: You're getting Valentine chocolate from the Ramshackle gang.
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Melanie: "(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you here? Oh! There you are! How are you doing? Did you get any chocolates yet? W- Well........here. I- I know we're good friends but...I really like you a lot!! So...do you want to be my valentine?"
Petva: "Here ya go. See ya........huh? What? It's Valentine's day and I wanted to give you something. Look I- I'm not good for this kinda stuff. But I kinda...like you a lot and if you don't wanna be mine that's fair. But gimme a chance?"
Mori: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got something for you!!!!!!! Do you like it? Do you? I made it all by myself!! You know what this means right? Let's go on a date!!!!"
Regina: "Ah, you're here (Y/N). You're probably wondering why I asked you to come here. Well.....it's valentine's day. Here......this is for you. I know I know, this might seem out of place but I do admire you deeply. Every time I see you my heart aches to be by your side. Of course you're free to reject but please.....I wish to be your valentine."
Allison (platonically): "Waaah!! Oh it's just you. Seriously (Y/N) don't sneak up on me like that. *Sigh* Today's valentine's day. I wonder if the others had confessed yet? Have you gotten something nice? H- Huh...me? Oh no no, I'm not that interested in this kinda stuff. I'm just happy to see everyone else have fun. But I do have some candy, do you want some? Think of it as...a symbol of our friendship."
Alto: "Yo, (Y/N)!! I see you got some chocolates, being a heartthrob now huh? You got the school wrapped around your hand? Gehaha I'm just pulling your leg dude!!! Here, got you some more. Don't worry this isn't gonna be a confession. I just think you're pretty rad! Come on, let's go see if Forte found somebody!"
Forte: "(Y/N) can you come here for a second. Don't worry I won't bite you silly. Here I want you to have this. Ah, your blushing face is so cute!! Yes yes I want to be your valentine. You're not dreaming. You're dear to me you know, I've been planning this for a while. How about we talk about this over dinner~?"
@crestbaby @rookvonhunt @fumikomiyasaki @ellovett @sugarandmelody @zackcrazyvalentine @just-an-otakus-blog @sakurablossoms10 @thetwstwildcard @honey-milk-depresso
43 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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"Hey! Maybe we'll beat Ace to class today, let's go!!" "But then we'll run the risk of being scolded for running in the halls Grim." "Now now you two. I'm sure we can make it on time and get there before Ace and Deuce."
Sooooooooo ya girl commissioned @chibichibisha and LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO CUTE AND SHINY AND I JUST LOVE IT!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
43 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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Guys have you ever gotten art so fucking gorgeous I've left speechless and wanting to scream?
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70 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
As the newest set of Birthday cards are coming in soon here's the Groovys of all the Dorm Leaders 2nd birthdays!
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See the full post
2,715 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cassifictional · 2 years
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Tumblr like to reblog ratio reminded me of this
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bridgehouse-clan · 3 years
I felt like this is important for every plural system out there. These are useful tools (which can be as well for fun)
Pluralkit on Discord: Pluralkit is a bot on discord that helps you make "multiple accounts" without having to sign in or out or switch accounts. With just typing a symbol in front or after a message the bot will indicate which account has to post the message. The absolute great thing about PluralKit is that you can connect your pluralkit-account to other websites and apps, which means you can use it on multiple places and multiple ways. link to website
Simply Plural: honesty, I don't know much about this one. But the app will help you keep track on switches! (Connectable to Pluralkit) link to app
Twinote: Twinote is an app that is basically exactly like twitter. EXCEPT the fact this is not online, it is fully intern. It was originally made to keep notes, but you can easily make multiple accounts and 'tweet' stuff. It's pretty practical for keeping notes or just if your gang is switching a lot and want to keep track on what happened during that time. you can even comment, favourite and retweet posts. link to app
Private Discord Server: A private discord swerver is a must for your system. You can make chats for specific usages. Personally I have a "chat" chat. a chat to keep a ranking (using pluralkit's message counts, so I can see who has been more active that day). Note channels, all my mindmates got a specific channel where we can put notes about or for them, things to keep in mind.
Plural discord servers: There are a lot of plural discord servers you could join, either for socialiation or for information about plurality. Just try to find that certain server that suits you and the gang.
Tumblr: Tumblr, well I assume you know tumblr since this post is on tumblr. But the option for making multiple blogs are a great purpose. Half of our gang has a tumblr page (and of course we have our grouppage).
spotify/youtube playlists: well, a good way to get to know each other is listening music together. Of course it can be you have different music tastes, so make a playlist on spotify or on youtube!
Daylio app: Daylio is a mood tracker, something that I have been using since 2015 (which is now 6 years ago), for a mood tracker you can make categories, one of my categories contains the names of each person. we just click on the person being in front or effective for the mood/activity we are currently doing. with the search button you can look for all 'mood's' made by a certain person. It's a good way to keep track on health and figure out what the role and function is about the system member for the system. link to app
I hope this was a good help!
Please feel free to comment/reblog/send-an-ask with other sites and apps useful for the plural community. (so it could expend this post)
- Ann
posted: May 23th 2021
Plural/System social media project support page
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poppubaburu · 3 years
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Here are a SPAMTON of content, [tumblr/twitter/instagram/tiktok sexy man!!! I’m kidding. He’s more of our Tumblr’s silly man! But whichever is your preference...] I made and did (Aha! see what I did there? ahahaha...(nervously laughs))
Spamton artwork description and lore from top to bottom
1. This is my very, very first Spamton NEO post. Please discuss and comment me what you think, please, Spamton enjoyers. I’m looking for more DELTARUNE community people and artists to talk to and share a common liking. 
It’s your preferred depiction of Kris encountering Spamton NEO in either Pacifist/Snowgrave Route. Either way, he’s gonna FINAL ATTACK eat Kris’s soul, spit it out, and repeat. 
2. There was a moment where I battled him, pacifist route, and FluffyGuard was on me, or the soul, while getting through Spamton Neo’s final attack. I headcanon thought he was sneezing at me with those attacks when I was spat out. It hasn’t left my mind. I guess Ralsei’s fluff was super effective. 
3. A bunch of Spamton lore all in one canvas page. Oh boy! Spamton enjoyers! Sit down, relax, and Wow! I have my head cannon stories and AUs to tell ya! 
An Addison AU moments where I wished the Lightner characters can bring him along on their journey and maybe...just maybe...rekindle with his friendship with the Addisons. Sure, Spamton would be incredibly resentful and embarrassed about it, but he slowly opens up and of course, there’s food. 
(1st battle sequence moment what if. Spamton being such a tease) Spamton has something in his mouth. You’ll never know...or maybe you already did know...
Canon that when Addisons abandoned him, he drinks. One of them happens to be Lemon Drop. Nvm. He’s already been drinking and hungover many times while with the Addisons.
Canon what his Addison appearance looks like before his current appearance.
The day he was over intoxicated of booze, he gets infected by Virovirokuns making his speech patterns, mental, and physical state worse. It’s uncommon, but this would happen multiple times. Poor fella.
I had a headcanon where Spamton has to pull off a disguise with Noelle to avoid Queen’s detection. Kris is just bored as fu--- throughout it but tolerates and actually enjoys Spamton’s snazzy/spazzy company. 
Spamton likes Ralsei. If left with Ralsei, he’d interchange between Dealmaker glasses and his usual normal form; There are times he gets paranoid that FluffyGuard attack/defense is on him; he shouldn’t need to sneeze. That or his smell/senses are that sensitive. 
If during Snowgrave route, I’d like to see and imagine offscreen moments of Spamton lurking (kinda like Sans did in Undertale) and observing Kris’s odd behavior towards Noelle; as well as witnessing Cyber World Darkner characters freezing, or dying. At the end of the ordeal of Noelle encountering Berdly, she meets Spamton or rather Spamton hesitantly approaches Noelle, not fully aware of her power and strength to kill him. She embraces him, whispers “I’m sorry”, and spares the salesman. She runs off to HOME, Queen’s mansion. Also, I’d like to mention how she is fascinated by dolls; and horror movies canonically. So, seeing this guy wouldn’t exactly faze her.
If there was a Pacifist AU moment where Noelle and the Lightner gang lets Spamton see fireworks. 
Kris is not exactly much taller than Spamton, but Spamton is slightly lightweight and can sit on the Lightner's shoulder and head just fine like a Pokémon buddy; a comforting beanbag. 
4. Headcanon that Spamton meets Noelle (Pacifist AU) and I kinda want hilarity to ensue between these two. Something between Netflix “Inside Job” bestie and platonic relationship or “The Ghost and Molly McGee” kinda thing. 
***Some other stuff Spamton and DELTARUNE series related are on my Twitter and Deviant-art page. *** Thanks for viewing. Please reblog; heart it, comment, or view it. Please and always give me credit as the artist if wanting to share. 
P.S. I don’t interact very much on Tumblr. I’ll do my best to. But I interact most on Twitter and sometimes Deviantart. It’s a little hard to manage tending to all different eggs in different baskets of social media. 
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Okay, I’m not sure if what I was trying to say in my last post was said very well.
I completely understand the tagging situation from the First Wave with the DC fans. That’s discourse that is mostly solved and we can’t do anything about those who are forever gonna be bitter or lazy. I’m not talking about that stuff.
The stuff I want to prevent/limit is the hate that comes after our fandom deliberately. And yes, I know I can’t stop it. None of us can stop bitter, antagonistic people from being bitter and antagonistic. None of us can stop people who just want to be angry.
I’m not talking about stopping them, though.
I’m talking about what we can do to protect ourselves as creators and consumers in this fandom. As people who love and appreciate what the creations and people in this fandom have to offer. In simplistic form, I’m saying we need to learn how to shield ourselves from bullies. And there are methods we can use to make ourselves less of a target to the people who go after us, and methods to cut their attacks off short. None of these methods are fool-proof, but they will work to filter out a good majority of the shit we would otherwise be showered by, like a big umbrella against Assholery. Sure, the wind might still blow some in our face and we might splash in a puddle or two by accident, but at least we aren’t soaked.
So let me list the various things that can help you shield yourself from hate/harassment/antis who might just be out to get you.
1) leave the fandom.
The most effective, but least attractive method possible. This is limited to being a last ditch effort, if things have just gotten too hard to handle. I’m covering it first though, because we have to acknowledge that it is a viable method. If you feel trapped, hated, bullied, I’m sure all of us in this fandom would prefer you take a break and leave us for a while in the sake of your own health and safety then stay where you are miserable. This is less of a problem for us though, because mostly this option is gonna be for fandoms where the discourse and attacks are internal. Maribat is largely a peaceful and supportive/healthy environment once you’re inside our little bubble, the main discourse comes from outside in. So let’s focus on the main point of this post— how to keep our bubble from popping.
2) Make it apparent right away that you are Unapologetic.
Whenever you post content or are approached by someone about the topic of your fandom, don’t you DARE ever apologize for liking what you like or posting unproblematic content. You need to make it clear right off the bat that you are not gonna be swayed, bullied, or shamed out of your fandom. Stand with pride and make it clear, but don’t be verbose about it. A simple “Don’t like, don’t read” is classic but sometimes if you’re posting/talking during a more confrontational period of the fandom, you need to up your game to reflect that. The funny thing is, people can easily be intimidated by swearing if it isn’t directed at them or clearly antagonistic. If you’re swearing in a joking, casual or even in a manner that shows you’re not taking yourself too seriously, people will usually avoid picking fights with you. For this, my favorite lines to use on my work include;
“Don’t like, I don’t fucking care. I fell down the rabbit hole.”
“Don’t bother reading if you’re not into this, this shit bitch-slapped me and dragged me along on it’s adventure.”
“I’m addicted to this fandom, don’t bother trying to save me. If it bothers you, I don’t give a fuck. Save yourselves.”
3) Don’t approach or interact
Unless someone comes at you first, never try to persuade someone away from hating us. That just makes you a target in an empty field, for the vultures to surround and gang up on. If someone approaches you with provocative but not overly insulting or intelligent language— I.e; trying to start a fight, vague insults not always relating to the fandom itself, trying to insult your character/judgement— do not respond. Delete the message, block the account, and surround yourself with fluffy good stuff to forget the wanna-be harasser. These people are often not brave enough to outright start a fight, and want you to get defensive first so they know the weak points in your armor to exploit. Defensive statements declare your own insecurities, don’t get defensive. It gives them a way to win without having to defend themselves or feel vulnerable— it’s like exploiting type differences in Pokémon. You wait for an unfamiliar Pokémon to expose it’s type, then snipe it with the moves it’s weak to. Then, you have a near sure-fire win even with under leveled Pokémon on your team.
Don’t be a proud Infernape that gets sniped by a weak-ass level 5 Piplup. We’re strong, don’t show them the chinks in our armor.
4) Have a support network. Even if they don’t know they are your support network.
The fandom as a whole serves this purpose, and this is mostly gonna be a tactic you use when the discourse is inside the fandom, but there can be uses for this in discourse from outside the fandom as well. If someone tries to act like they like your story/art “but...” they passive aggressively state things they “would prefer” or they try to make it sound like you made stupid mistakes (a tactic to make you insecure about yourself) instead of kindly pointing out errors or offering constructive criticism (ex: “you know you put your trigger list somewhere where it’s useless right? Love your story though.)—THESE ARE ALL PROVOCATIONS. They are trying to make you insecure so that you change things about yourself, your work, or jump through hoops to try to “make it up” to them when you did nothing wrong and there are no problems to fix. Do not fall for it! Instead, politely as possible, bring the issue into a public space where you feel safe/trust the people in that space to keep the bullshit from escalating. For me, I straight up explain my reasoning for the placement of my trigger list as if I’m advertising a particularly boring but important product that I’m selling, then offer places for them to bring the issue into a discussion with others. I send them to a discoed group or right here to my tumblr, and I immediately make the issue into a big discussion (do YOU think there is anything to change? Let’s ALL talk about it) so that I am no longer isolated and easy for them to harass. They might refuse to join the discussion and further try to pressure you, but do not cave. Merely say that a public discussion has been started, and if they are actually, legitimately concerned about the way you do things then they can debate it in a public setting. This way, you have back up. 9/10 people who try to target you this way will back off and never enter the conversation you started.
5) Do not fight back.
This sounds counterintuitive, but a lot of the time once discourse gets this bad, arguing/defending/ trying to prove your point only fuels their rage more. I have found that people hate very little in this world more than they hate being wrong. And people who hate being wrong will fight to the bitter death about their opinions, no matter how invalid or hurtful they are, in the favor of their blissful ignorance. Remove yourself from harmful discussions or those that seem to be going in circles as soon as possible, and try to surround yourself in your support group. Never let people make you feel stupid, your opinions illegitimate, or your likes/dislikes invalid or evil.
6) Try to learn how to recognize bullies in disguise
It’s too much for me to try to cover here, but you need to PLEASE look into how to spot gaslighting. Tactics of gaslighting are often used to attack others and try to make them feel like their own opinions are invalid or their mindset untrustworthy. People will often approach you in the guise of friendship/support/ “I am not into this, but...” and while this is not always a red flag, we have to keep our eyes open for any signs of this person or their approach being rooted in anything other than legitimate curiosity or kindness. Not all suggestions that say they are out of concern actually ARE. Keep an eye out for warning signs, and cut off interaction once things seem like they may lead to an argument or you being in a vulnerable position if you continue interacting.
(Brief mention of s**cide and threats in the section below)
7) If all else fails, BLOCK THEM.
No hesitation, we don’t need this shit. They make a second account? Block that too. Don’t respond, only take screenshots or reblog if it is directly harmful information that can/should be documented (words that encourage suicide, threats, insults that seem a little too specific for comfort) and give the evidence to someone you trust to look out for you. A therapist, a family member, or even the authorities if you deem that necessary. Just don’t handle it alone.
We are not responsible for other people’s actions, opinions, or anger. Take the steps to protect yourself instead of trying to reconcile. Sometimes, reconciliation isn’t an option. Both parties have to be willing to reconcile, and it is clear they have nothing in mind but hurting us. So raise your shields and protect yourself and your friends, we’re not gonna lose a war to petty jerks.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
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Thunderfam Appreciation Post
I’m giving this a new post to prevent scroll city, but the original and several reblogs can be found by clicking the above link. Also, it’s an excuse to post a piccy of Virg cos any excuse, really :D
Many thanks to @willow-salix for writing this question list :D
Before I start, I just want to say that I value every member of this fandom. I’m often hopeless at communicating in group settings so I don’t speak to many peeps, but that is my failing, not anyone else’s. You are an amazing group and you have supported me and each other just brilliantly over the last nearly three years that I have been hanging with you guys. Thank you ever so much for all your wonderful support and encouragement. I’ve had so much fun and created so much stuff…you guys are amazing. Thunderfam rock!
Please note that my memory is pathetic and I will fail to mention everyone. Please do not take any offence if you aren’t listed below. That does not mean I don’t value you, I do, it just means I have swiss cheese between my ears.
Your favourite writer of your favourite boy.
@i-am-chidorixblossom  You are a whumper and comforter after my soul. You speak the Virg :D @vegetacide I adore your turn of phrase and your description is to die for.
The person who's stories you will always read.
I try to read most fics that come across my dash, but there are a few that have me jumping up and down. @i-am-chidorixblossom , @vegetacide , @tsarinatorment , @scribbles97 , @the-lady-razorsharp , @janetm74 Of course, I regularly fail at this as some of you write a huge amount of fic and I am often playing catch up, but fic!
Who wrote the first fic you read in this fandom.
I landed on FF.net back in May 2018. I immediately ran into @the-lady-razorsharp who I knew from another fandom ten years prior and she was absolutely wonderful, drawing me in and introducing me around. I gobbled up several of her fics in the process.
Person you can talk to for the longest without a break.
I am hard to get started, persistence is required, but once started, it is usually hard to shut me up. @scribbles97 @vegetacide and @tsarinatorment have all discovered that. Dangle a Virg, a plotline and stand back.
Person you can't be trusted to be left alone with.
Um, @vegetacide and I have plotted out the entirety of Warm Rain together…poor Virg. Add @the-lady-razorsharp into the equation and Virgil ends up with a beard, dressed in leather and riding a Harley – that was a hilarious evening.  Between @tsarinatorment and @janetm74 Virgil gets grey hairs and has to go rescue Scott – because Scott inevitably ends up in the story :D  @scribbles97 gets the blame for Gentle Rain – expand your horizons she said ::headdesk:: But then there was the time I left one random line about Eos visiting Virgil in the shower and went to bed. I woke up to hilarity and chaos as Thunderfam took the idea and ran with it! Love you guys :D
Person whose fic made you cry the most.
I know there were at least two fics that made me cry, but for the life of me I can’t identify them. I did cry writing my own fic – Flannel – and don’t tend to reread it for that reason. Purupuss traumatised me with A Quiet Day to the point I had to put it down and walk away for a bit ::wails::
Person whose fic made you laugh the most.
I have no idea. I know there are fic out there and I know I’ve read it, but without a complete list of everything I’ve read, I don’t have a clue.
Person whose fic made you think the most.
Aaaargh, I don’t have a master list so can’t remember everything. Staring at my paltry favourites list on FF.net (which was mostly gathered three years ago and never maintained), Purupuss’ ‘Brothers in Arms’ and her whole Quiet series has me wanting to write a Scott-Virgil telepathic fic (and she has given me permission to run with the idea, I just haven’t actioned it yet). Counterpoint by Swallow and Amazon is amazing and likely contributed to Sotto Voce.
Person you have laughed with the most.
I’m really not liking this ultimate one person idea. I’ve laughed with a lot of people in this fandom. I’ve candy cannoned a bunch of you as well :P There has been mad plot cackling, evil conspiring, fic written to stir pots and delight on purpose. Hell, I’ve even written fic that was purposefully a giant virtual hug because I’m so far away that even if half the world wasn’t in isolation, I couldn’t hug most of you. Sure, I talk with some of you more than others, and there is laughter in those chats…oh, god, so much cackling, poor, poor Tracy boys. But then there are also so many smiles both vocalised and not. Thunderfam is one of my happy places. Bring on the belly laughs :D
Your comfort fic that you'll go back and read again on a bad day.
I will often resort to my own fic when I’m really down simply because it helps me get to sleep :D and it is kinda tailored to me ::grins::  (and my memory is that bad I often forget what I wrote anyway – yes, it is that bad) But there are also a few on my FF.net favourites list. Mostly hurt/comfort in a Virg flavour. Cheesycheese, nhsweetcherry, A Small Rescue by Nalina, Breathe Easy and Under the Weather by @loopstagirl – several of hers, in fact – the Virg ones :D Pretty much anything that has Virg fainting and being looked after apparently :D Chiddi and Veggie fic, of course.
Favourite piece of fan art.
I have never been so honoured by artists before. This fandom has some amazing skills and I have been gifted some beautiful works. You guys are amazing (I keep saying it like a broken record, but you are).
Again, I’m stuck on having to list one and I can’t. I think Fanart Appreciation Month in January pretty much summed up my opinion.
Who have you known the longest in the fandom.
@the-lady-razorsharp followed by @vegetacide both wonderful peeps. I can’t miss out on @weirdburketeer either for her amazing support almost from day one.
Favourite OC.
I have to say that I really enjoy reading about Ray from @i-am-chidorixblossom ‘s fics :D He is so gentle and kind and just ::sigh:: Virg likes him lots :D Selene by @willow-salix is, of course, a major presence in the fandom and amazingly written. @hedwigstalons ‘ Claire is lovely.
Person who supports your work the most.
The Thunderfam? There have been some wonderful people who support all the time. @hedwigstalons  @cg29 @janetm74 @weirdburketeer in particular have been amazing support liking and commenting on just about everything I write. I honestly don’t know how they do it. Plus several peeps over on FF.net and Ao3 who support me over there.
And then there are the poor souls who put up with me in chat and listen to my wibblies and whining and character checks and field random chunks of writing that get thrown their way. @scribbles97 @vegetacide @the-lady-razorsharp  @tsarinatorment @i-am-chidorixblossom @onereyofstarlight @godsliltippy  @willow-salix @janetm74 all have had random passages thrown at them at all times of the day and night by a crazy me begging for feedback. Does this work? Is this in character? Am I insane? What the hell is Scott doing? Is this John??? I give up, tell me what to do? Virgil is driving me insane! So, um, yeah
Person who's progress you are the most proud of.
I love those peeps who appear in fandom who start off poking around commenting and generally being lovely and then all of a sudden get out their own pens and start writing and they are frickin’ amazing! Both @janetm74 and @hedwigstalons come to mind in this department. Like holy cow – ‘here is my first fic and I’m not sure’ ::reads it:: Omigod! Where did you come from? That was amazing. Sit down here now, keep doing that writing thing, bloody hell! I think being brave enough to pick up a pen and join in is a major thing :D
Person who's story you think is underrated and should be read by more people.
If I find fic I like, I reblog it and shout about it. What I like is definitely skewed in a Virgil direction and this dictates often what I’m going to read first. I can’t reblog what I haven’t read. So, this equation will always be skewed by ‘reasons I haven’t read a fic’ which mostly involves either Virgil or the fact I’m juggling RL. So, my answer to this is if I think a fic needs to be shouted about, I shout about it.
Something you think people would say about you.
She’s nutty.
Silliest 'thing' you do with someone.
I’ve been known to write fic on the fly directly into chat windows to try and distract peeps going through shitty times.
Favourite pairing you now Stan because of someone's fic.
Virgil/Kayo because of @vegetacide for reasons I have blamed her for multiple times. @the-lady-razorsharp and @weirdburketeer were accessories to the fact.
Favourite headcanon from someone's fic.
Um, Virgil and coffee? I got that from somewhere and it has infiltrated my fic…a lot.
Ultimately, though, I feel most people I interact with contribute to my fic and how I’m feeling. This has been a wonderful experience. I try to return the support as much as I can, but sometimes it is a juggle between writing more, my stupid fluctuating mood, the demands of RL and my own creative drive. I hope I’ve helped a few peeps, because you guys have certainly helped me ::major group hug::
And yes, I hug a lot, because to be honest, I have no other descriptor to communicate how I feel, so you get buckets of hugs :D
Tagging the Thunderfam. Feel free to grab these questions and run with them. You’re all part of the gang whether you write, read, art, gif, screenshot, chat, babble, stare at Virgil all day...I know I do a lot of staring.
(Thunderfam rocks!)
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azaffranist · 4 years
Frozen 2 deleted/early content
On the road to F2 there were tons of leaks and I saved as many of them as I could in the fear that Disney would delete them (because they loved to shut down whole websites because of that back in the day). As a result I have a lot of pictures saved on my phone and looking back on them... some don’t sound quite right because it’s definitely not what I saw in the movie. So here’s everythinggg I have. I did my best to organize stuff a bit but there are so many things it was... hard. Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs, replies and such!
Something to note is that we won’t take into account the “officially” released deleted content, which would include everything that’s in the Blu-ray, because basically everyone already saw that (Home, I Seek the Truth, Get This Right, Unmeltable Me, the Secret Room scene, Hard Nokks, etc). Generally, we won’t be analyzing deleted scenes from the official trailers, either, because of this very reason. Something “official” that we will consider, though, are the deleted clips animators have been releasing on Instagram and other sites, because those aren’t that popular.
Before starting here’s the link to all the deleted F2 lines I could find as well as some other additions. The post itself has even more links to other posts containing deleted content so have fun clicking on links. 
Last thing to mention, none of the merch photos here are taken by me. I got most of them from the leaks channel of the Arendelle Kingdom server during 2019. If any image in this post belongs to someone here and you want to be credited please let me know and I’ll edit the post.
This post is long. Like really, really, lagging-my-browser-as-I’m-writing-it long. So grab some popcorn and get comfortable or just take a look at what interests you.
So without further ado, let’s get started!
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Deleted Artbook Content
One of the most exciting leaks we got were definitely these sample artbook excerpts. None of these pages made it into the final artbook, though.
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This piece definitely belongs in Iduna and Agnarr’s backstory, in which the Northuldra leader wasn’t an ordinary man but a shapeshifter.
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The biggest picture in this page points to yet another version of Iduna and Agnarr’s backstory. It’s possible to deduce Bruni hadn’t been fully developed yet or created at all since the fire isn’t pink.
The one on the bottom right seems to be an earlier version of the “forest freed” scene in the final movie, or maybe it happened in another moment altogether.
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The most interesting of the three, though, is this one. Nothing in the movie points to the existence of a place like this. It’s interesting to note that this peculiar house looks very similar to Iceland’s “elf houses”, tied to the myth of the Huldufólk, “hidden people”, who were said to be small and live in a parallel world, being able to make themselves visible at will.
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These are definitely the inhabitants of the Enchanted Lands, who look completely different than in the final movie with their long cloaks, hoods and staves. They look like mages. Were these the very first concepts of the Northuldra, or another group of characters altogether that ended up being scrapped? Only Ahtohallan knows...
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Even though the tree and the vegetation illustration is in the book, there’s one missing and that one is the bottom left. One of the most popular theories in the fandom regarding that illustration is that it was an Arendellian military camp tied to the expedition to the Enchanted Lands. I think what we got in the movie is a watered down version of a much more violent and sinister endeavor to invade the Northuldra. The above mentioned deleted scene of the battle of Arendellians agains Northuldrans is proof of that.
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This one shows the Arendellian gang and most likely Mattias looking at the walls of a cave with drawings on it depicting the Nokk among other things that I can’t quite make out. I’ve heard people say that an earlier version of F2 involved the gang encountering Mattias in a volcanic cave and that’s where this scene would go, but I don’t know if those are rumors or there’s an actual source. If someone happens to have knowledge on this topic in particular please let me know and I’ll update the post.
Incomplete Frozen Fan Fest books and their alternate scenes
As I’ve mentioned in another post, Frozen Fan Fest happened on October 4th, 2019, and it was the official release of the movie’s first merchandise. We were all super excited to look at the storybooks and read the ending!
Except there was no ending and the books ended abruptly right before Olaf’s death, completely skipping over Show Yourself.
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You hear that? “Elsa bravely dives into the Dark Sea”. We know the Dark Sea scene was shortened and that’s more proof.
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This section of a Frozen 2 storybook explains how it went a bit better. After Elsa was defeated twice by the ferocious waves she climbed up some giant rocks and dove back in. Only Ahtohallan knows how that would be effective in this situation and not a waste of strength, but hey, I’m sure it looked super cool and I’d be down to see it.
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”Elsa trudged through terrible winds and thick snow”... um... she didn’t? This might’ve been created when Show Yourself wasn’t a thing yet and her path through Ahtohallan was just that, trudging through terrible winds and snow, and not an inspiring song about self-love and finding yourself. I wonder how that scene would’ve looked.
Maybe we can find something relating to that “unused” section of Ahtohallan in a book called “Anna, Elsa and the Secret River”. Basically Iduna tells them that there’s a secret river out there and after the lullaby Elsa and Anna go nuts and try to look for the river outside. Seems like it was all a shared acid trip because next morning they seriously consider it was a dream.
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Maybe here they didn’t realize they were in front of a river, because “Glaciers are rivers of ice” and this is what that Ahtohallan Elsa ventured into originally would’ve looked like? The white river doesn’t know...
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This is by far one of my favorite ones. I wouldn’t exactly describe post-Show Yourself as a moment of calm and peace. Maybe peace but definitely not calm. Then it says that the signal meant that “she managed to cross the sea”. That’s a really weird way to describe “horrifying ice statue of colonialist grandpa killing an innocent native man”. I don’t know if they’re hiding the actual plot here of if they hadn’t yet worked out all the details of SY and the moment Elsa found the truth.
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Anna has her cloak on as she finds the truth. Readers have no idea what this enlightening truth is because the ice statue is indistinguishable.
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As it shows here, the original Iduna being Northuldra reveal was going to happen in a different way. I’m glad we got that final version... Because wow, Elsa and Anna are completely unable to connect the dots here. Anna was smart enough to figure out what to do after receiving Elsa’s message, c’mon! This should’ve been piece of cake...
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 Iduna called Elsa “Little Snow”. This points to an alternate All is Found scene and we’ll talk about that more in depth later.
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Same scene. Translation is: 
“While tucking the little princesses in, Queen Iduna sang them a lullaby about a far-away river called Ahtohallan, which holds all the answers about the past.
“Does Ahtohallan know why I have powers?” asked Elsa her mother.
“If it exists, it definitely knows that and much more,” answered the Queen.
So in this earlier version, Elsa has always asked herself if Ahtohallan had the answer to her powers... Doesn’t this make Show Yourself work even better? Here she always looked for that answer and she’d learn that she is the answer. I wonder why they took it out because it makes a lot of sense and would give buildup to Show Yourself.
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Here what really matters are the squares with text. Olaf never ran through moss or became covered in it. Olaf never looks down a brook to be met by Nokk’s gaze from below. Maybe it’s an alternate When I’m Older?
And relating to that particular piece of merch:
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Seems like in an earlier version, the Nokk was associated with waterfalls.
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Everyone shut up there’s SWORD ANNA here. Found in a coloring book. I don’t speak Italian but Google Translate says: 
“Anna is a brave one: she does not hesitate to draw her sword to defend her sister Elsa and her friends from any new threat.”
GOOD FOR HER! This is definitely from the version we were shown in the teaser, when Anna wielding an actual sword and slicing someone with it was still a thing. Man, how I wanted that to happen...
Alternate fully animated scenes found in animators’ posts
After the release of Frozen 2, animators started to post scenes they had worked on and showing the process behind them. Some of them were deleted, are different in the final movie, or have a completely different score accompanying them.
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A post shared by Adam Green (@agreenster) on Apr 6, 2020 at 5:31pm PDT
A completely different dialogue during the boat scene. Pretty heartbreaking and it’s even more buildup for TNRT, when Anna was left by literally everyone she loved in the planet.
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A post shared by Trent Correy (@trentanimation) on Apr 14, 2020 at 8:50am PDT
Apparently, for whatever reason, Gale was going to appear in the castle first.
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A post shared by Trent Correy (@trentanimation) on Mar 29, 2020 at 10:51am PDT
Olaf’s revival was going to be way different, and this implies that his death might’ve been different, too. Maybe his snow just dissipated and didn’t go anywhere? Maybe instead of being neatly placed by a waterfall, it fell all over the Enchanted Lands? I have no idea.
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A post shared by Mariusz Furmanczyk (@mariofurmanczyk) on Mar 21, 2020 at 7:11pm PDT
I absolutely LOVE this one, okay, and I have no idea why they’d leave it out. Turn your sound on and listen to the much more tragic alternate score. But more importantly, pay attention when she turns to solid ice: just like in F1 with Anna, her last breath is visible. Beautiful parallels, poetic cinema, and I’m hurt and confused and I want it in the movie. Excuse me while I call the police.
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A post shared by Mariusz Furmanczyk (@mariofurmanczyk) on Feb 26, 2020 at 5:47pm PST
Here the only change is the different score as she unfreezes. I love it so much. It’s so tragic, heavy and powerful. You can basically hear the fragility of Elsa’s fate as the ice breaks and she falls. Help. Here, here, and here, you can see other glimpses of this beautiful alternate score. Once again I’m calling the police and telling them Disney hurt my feelings by leaving this out.
I’ve hit the 5 videos limit already, but here is a link to an animation by jdublish. The change isn’t the scene itself but the completely different siren call Elsa hears. Much more ominous and creepy and I also love it, even though I have to admit the final siren call sounds catchier and more iconic. Also, kids under five won’t start crying of fear when they hear it.
Then there were also plenty of changes in the Elsa vs Nokk scene and we got to see one. Thanks to @justlookatthosesausages for pointing this out and letting me use her gif! The original video was set to private for some reason so I can’t post a Youtube link, but this is @justlookatthosesausages‘ gif:
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Elsa struggled way more in the original version. Go to her post to see a comparison with the final version.
And now the awaited All is Found alternate scene! Thanks a lot to @lovewillthaw-j who helped me collect all the scenes. 
First two scenes from the trailers: the Official one, Elsa looks up and Iduna gazes at the northern lights.
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The Japanese one, in which Iduna kisses Elsa’s hands. @catloafs pointed that out after F2′s release so thanks!
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And the last two were found by @antoineharrakblog, so thanks for that! Here and here.
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BUT there’s no need to click a bazillion links because @lovewillthaw-j‘s post reconstructs in a single video what the original scene would’ve been like. Go watch it!
UPDATE: Additions by @antoineharrakblog​. Thanks a lot!
Here we can see that originally, as the elements fled and Kristoff held Olaf, he yelled, “Wow, you’re heavy!”. Don’t know why this would be removed. Maybe they wanted to keep the scene serious? Maybe they needed to shorten the movie so that it didn’t exceed 100 minutes and cut little jokes like that?
 And here, showing Elsa seeing how Iduna saved her father, there’s some deleted dialogue: “Get the prince out of here!” “King Runeard, what did you decide?” in addition to a much more tense score in general.
UPDATE: Screencaps of deleted/alternate scenes
Thanks a lot to @antoineharrakblog for bringing all of these pictures to my attention! Multiples screencaps have appeared in different magazines or books that clearly didn’t make it to the movie.
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Anna never makes that movement in the final movie. There’s more proof of an alternate/extended “Elsa and Anna talk” scene.
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This is another one. There exists a lower quality version of this picture which I can’t find right now, but it shows that Anna and Elsa are sharing kransekake in this particular scene (the particular food that we can see at the beginning of OFA).
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These are all part of the All is Found scene we’ve been talking about. In the final movie we can see that All is Found serves as a sort of “bridge” between the past and the present, as it transitions from Iduna singing the song to Elsa to Elsa in the castle, reminiscing. But originally, Iduna finished singing All is Found in the past. There’s proof of this here. 
UPDATE: Novelization deleted content
This information was provided by @theupsidedownpyramid​ so thanks a lot! There are some really interesting deleted scenes in the novelization.
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In this one, Elsa felt the urge to release her magic after hearing the voice at the end of All is Found.
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In the novelization Mattias and Yelena’s (or Yelana? Disney will never decide) relationship was a lot deeper than what was shown in the movie.
For more information and a more thorough analysis, read @theupsidedownpyramid​‘s reblog!
So there’s only one image in this section but believe me, it’s so worth it. 
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An animator casually mentioned that there was going to be a head kiss scene. Process it. Can’t? I can’t either.
Wow I’m TIRED. I must’ve missed something but that’s all my brain can handle as of now. Thank quarantine for giving me the opportunity to work on this post all day.
Disney committed war crimes when they deleted some of these scenes. I have only one question: Why in the world would they do that? And more information might see the light of day in the future. I’ll never get tired of trying to piece together the convoluted puzzle that is the original Frozen 2.
I will update this post if I remember something else or if someone else has more content to share. Let’s reconstruct F2 together to visualize that movie Disney deemed too cool for us!
UPDATE: Into the Unknown: the Making of Frozen 2 Documentary finally has a concrete release date, June 26th. Let’s hope we can see more stuff then!
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dimigex · 4 years
Current WIP/ Drabbles list
So, I have a day in my writing schedule that is dedicated to working on stories not Altered Reality, Healing Hands, Heart in a Silver Cage, or Losing Control, but I have so many that’s it’s hard to choose. I went through and made a massive list of the current projects that I have (and realized I need to complete more and jump around less). Everything on this list is at least over a thousand words and most are considerably more than that. 
I kind of wanted to open this up to see if any of these descriptions get my followers excited in the ‘omg tell me more, why isn’t this finished yet’ way because there is only so much time each day to work on things. If you see something you want to know more about or really want to see me post sooner rather than later, please, Please, PLEASE inbox me (you can even use Anon to do so) or reply or reblog or whatever. I want to work on things that other people will be excited about too. It’s no fun alone. I mean it kind of is, but feedback is the best and if you’re excited you’re more likely to comment and engage. 
Works are below the cut because I have zero self control and the list is long. Keep in mind this is nowhere near the full amount of stories I have in docs, only the ones that are well developed and/or written or close to being finished (or have a chapter or more if it’s a long story)  
Big Stories (things that would be split into multiple chapters/parts):
Clean - KakaSaku, Sakura comes back to the village with an infant daughter and a big secret, one that she’s sworn never to tell even if it makes her life miserable. This is a study on the things we do for love, even when it hurts us. This story also has some previous SasuSaku undertones
Dark Side of the Moon - KakaSaku, this is basically the flip side of Altered Reality. Kakashi lived in a happy world and is suddenly thrust into a reality where nearly everyone he cares about is dead and he’s in a relationship with Sakura. With everything upside down, can he figure out what happened and get back to his family before it’s too late? Or should he move on with the new normal?
Here With You - Kakasaku, A 10k follow on to my oneshot Distraction which is mutual pining (and mutual self pleasure while thinking of the other). Kakashi and Sakura are tired of dancing around their feelings for each other, but neither knows what to do about it. With a little help from Ino, Genma, and maybe some alcohol, they’ll figure it out. 
Mortal Flaw, Fatal Sin - KakaSaku (with a heavy dose of anti-SasuSaku, Sasuke really does come across evil in this one) Sakura returns to Konoha after over a year with little to no contact with anyone. Pregnant and alone, she turns to Kakashi to try and figure out what to do with her life and tempers flare when the truth starts to come out. (this one will have a lot of trigger warnings, it’s a dark take on SasuSaku)
Run to You  - Jiraiya/Tsunade, snippets of their lives through the second war and forward (Niwaki’s death, Dan’s, the first time they hook up (because let’s face it, it happened)
Shattered - This starts as a SasuSaku morphs into a KakaSaku and NaruSasu. After the war, Sasuke is held in prison in Konoha for treason. Kakashi is Hokage and he didn’t ask for this mess with his former team, and he certainly didn’t ask to start developing feelings for Sakura as she’s doing her best to save Sasuke from himself. 
She is the Sunlight - KakaSaku, Sakura is unhappy with life in the village after the war (and Sasuke) and wants something more than just her medical work at the hospital. Eventually she latches onto the idea of Anbu which Kakashi strongly opposes because he wants to protect her from the horrors of it. (this is actually a combination of two stories I have where Kakashi catches the feels and doesn’t know what to do about it and Sakura kind of self-destructs before he figures it out)
Starting Over - Kakayama, Tenzo doesn’t know what to do with himself after the war and ends up helping at the hospital. When an orphaned infant isn’t doing well, Tenzo puts in some extra effort and maybe falls in love with the idea of being a dad if only he can convince Kakashi that it’s a good idea. 
Empire - Gabriel centric, dealing with his pre army life with his family, initiation into a gang, conversion to the army, marriage and daughter, then ending at SEP. This is a wild ride from start to finish honestly. 
Through the Glass - Genji/Mercy, their time during his recovery after Overwatch saved his life, then probably reconnecting later as an epilogue. 
(You Held the Gun that) Fired First - Reaper76, starting with the founding of Overwatch, the slow decay of Jack and Vincent’s relationship, the chaos of Jack and Gabe together, ending sometime around the start of the game probably. I’m not planning to follow canon heavily but there will be a lot of stuff happening here including but not limited Jack planning to ask Vincent to marry him, a massively public break-up, Vincent gets attacked and nearly killed, Ana’s death, the explosion. Honestly I haven’t decided on the ending point yet 
Drabbles (smaller, one shots that don’t need additional chapters, probably): 
Beautiful, Perfect Disaster - KakaSaku, all the tension between them finally snaps into a first kiss that might be the start of something wonderful 
Blame it on the Blood Loss - KakaIru, When Kakashi and Iruka go on a mission together, the latter is badly injured and rambles confessions he never meant to share
Innocence - KakaSaku, Kakashi and Sakura have been dating for a while when she shocks him by admitting she’s never been with anyone before and wants him to be her first (and last), not going to lie, this is mostly smut 
Interrupted Affections - KakaSaku, Kakashi and Sakura have just started dating and the days on missions without being able to touch is killing both of them. Sneaking away from Tenzo and Naruto, they try to find a little alone time to reconnect. It goes about as well as expected 
Let It Go - NaruSasu,in which Naruto tries to convince Sasuke to stay in the village and Sasuke has some convincing reasons on why he shouldn’t 
Letting Go - Kakayama, set in their Anbu days where Tenzo pays the ultimate price to save Kakashi’s life and Kakashi goes a little crazy as a result 
Memories and Hope - Genma/Kakashi, on the anniversary of Minato’s death Genma and Kakashi realize they have more in common than they realized. 
Saying Goodbye - Kakayama, Tenzo reflects on all the could have beens at Kakashi’s funeral 
Shadows and Sunlight - KakaSaku and NaruSasu, This is a follow on to my story Lightning and Starlight (in which Sasuke uses chidori on Sakura on the bridge when she tried to kill him, aka Kakashi got there too late). It follows the fallout of that day when everyone catches feels and realizes relationships are complicated
Surprise Advances - Tenzo/Anko, a train wreck mission leads this unlikely pair to fall into bed together (a spin off from Heart in a Silver Cage)
The Monster You Made - Kakashi/Obito, after the war (in which Obito doesn’t die, obviously) Kakashi saves Obito from execution for his crimes and realizes that he has some unresolved feelings for the teammate that he thought he’d lost years ago. 
The Photograph - Tenzo/Obito (set in Altered Reality universe) where an Anbu mission makes Tenzo rethink his opinion of his captain 
The Story of Your Scars - Kakayama, this is a follow on to Find Me in the Dark (in which Tenzo was captured and tortured by Orochimaru) where Kakashi tries to help Tenzo deal with the trauma of it 
Undone - Kakashi centric, young Kakashi wakes up in the hospital after his failure to save Rin (honestly this is about the shattering of Minato and Kakashi’s relationship) 
Undressed - KakaYama, Kakashi comes home broken up after a mission and Tenzo helps him remove his armor, in more ways than one
First Impressions - Reaper76, after the SEP injections which Jack has a difficult time with and Gabe helps him get through 
Shattered - Vincent learns about the explosion at the Swiss HQ and that Jack is missing in it 
War is Hell - Reaper76, the fallout after another bad Blackwatch mission where Jack is left picking up the pieces 
Apocalyptic - Genma/Fynta (swtor crossover) where Genma is trapped in the Star Wars universe just trying to survive (co-written with Cinlat)
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yeah-all-of-it · 3 years
Thanks so much for the tag, @arrowflier! I actually don’t think I’ve been tagged in anything before so, woohoo!
1. Why did you choose your url?
It’s multi-faceted. The fruit rounds part is for the consistent existence of generic Froot Loops in the Gallagher kitchen over the years, and Ian’s love of them. The freedom part is partially from Outlander (“Freedom and Whiskey gang thegither.”) and partially because of the freedom Mickey found being with Ian (“Ian, what you and I have makes me free.”)
2. Any side blogs?
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I lurked for a long time under some generic url before deciding to start actually creating and writing and interacting. But only a few months altogether.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I... don’t know what that is.🥴
5. Why did you start your blog?
After binging Shameless for the first time in late 2020, I was searching online for Shameless and Ian/Mickey content and discussion and came across some beautiful gifs that got me hooked. No one I know in real life watches this show so I was basically looking for people who shared this common interest with me to create, dissect, and discuss the show. I enjoy connecting with people who have similar interests and this seemed like a great place to do that.
6. Why did you choose your pfp?
The border scene is such a beautiful moment (especially since we know it’s not really the end). It’s beautiful both in its content and it’s just so aesthetically pleasing. I added a Sheila quote which has nothing to do with Gallavich in canon but I feel like it so perfectly fits Ian and Mickey’s relationship.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Fruit rounds, obviously.🥣
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Definitely this one. It’s one of my favorite gif sets I’ve made because I live for Cam and Noel goofing around and making each other laugh. (ETA: I feel the need to clarify that I don’t “stan” them. I know they are heterosexual irl, I just love their friendship. I’ve seen some creepy stuff out there from people wanting them to be a couple and I just want to state I am not one of those people, lol. Over-explaining and rambling is also a toxic trait of mine, I’m sorry.😬)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know how to find this out?
10. How many followers do you have?
I’m going to go along with everyone else and not share but it’s a number that I’m pleased with given my mediocre content😂
11. How many people do you follow?
41, I think? I’ve been trying to follow a few new blogs each week because there is so much great content out there but I get overwhelmed easily, lol
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I don’t think so? I’ve ranted a time or two and I don’t know if that counts or not. So maybe?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Probably too much considering I have kids, but they’re in that angsty pre-teen “we spend all of our time in our rooms and don’t want to hang out with Mom” phase so I have some time.🤷🏻‍♀️
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No. I am extremely non-confrontational, even online and would probably break out into hives if someone tried to engage in an argument or was hateful with me. I try really hard to keep things nice and kind so hopefully that’ll never be a problem.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen one, but it’s not likely something I would do.
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
Also yes!
18. which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
Not sure what constitutes Tumblr famous? But I do know I see a lot of @mickeygifs stuff outside of Tumblr; does that count? Don’t think they are a mutual, which is totally cool but I stand by this statement, lol
I’m going to tag a few that have probably been tagged already but here goes: @gardenerian, @gallavictorious, @wildandwired, @matteoamiras, @gingit-cake, @ianandmickeygallavich. And anyone else who wants to answer, consider this your tag!💜
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