#this post is about THE CAT. THE GODDAMNED CAT
heartslobbf · 11 months
have you guys thought about the cat lately. i have. its the way that nanami carries her guilt forever, and convinces herself that every issue in her and touga’s relationship stems from it. its the way that touga clearly cared about the cat (and the one that anthy gifts him, too) but is unable to see it as anything other than a gift, an object, something to be owned by him: this is of course how love works. it is a tiny little animal abandoned and unloved and taken into a home and a family that will kill it even as it is loved. it is favourited and scapegoated at the same time. it’s the greatest gift of all. we should live to help each other, shouldnt we? man oh man. touga protected the cat from nanami but nanami protected touga from the cat. and who even is the cat anyway? something cuter, easy to remember nicer style kitty? juliano? miki and touga’s dialogue in episode eleven about treating your sister well (like a pet cat?). the cat being hidden away in the box, the cat with its wide and innocent eyes that nanami cannot forget. forgive me. forgive me. anyway yeah ive had some thoughts about the cat i guess
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communistkenobi · 11 months
I do miss theoryposting on here. I need to just get a lot more belligerent and rude until all the annoying people following me leave and I can get back to talking about it with the rest of you without having to worry about moderating the replies to every post I make
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apelcini · 9 months
good morning to bottled up jewish kids ready to explode like a mercury switch bomb at any moment, hellbound pastor’s sons, rabidly feral punk lesbians, autistic girlbosses building their weed empires, sociopathic libra girls, gay idiots who belong at weenie hut jr, boys with eldest daughter complexes, everyone who’s ever become the de facto first aid friend, emotionally broken single milfs, and of course, lesbians who are turning into their fathers.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Now the rest of the 501st too can experience the wonders of taking care of a giant eel that behaves like a mischievous puppy/kitten!
It's not a family bonding experience with the Were-eel unless someone at some point screams "STOP EATING THAT YOU ABSOLUTE WEIRDO!!!" while trying to pry a mouse droid or crate from those death-grip jaws.
They now understand why Hevy, Cutup, Echo and Droidbait looked so dead tired at least once (depending on where they were at the time) month. They were trying to make sure their brother didn't poison himself.
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theharuspex7 · 1 month
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maergo, apple of my eye
art by me
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Listen I am absolutely not losing my fucking mind over the new SATAN BEACH CARD
Like HOLY SHIT he's so fucking hot and they've never given him a beach UR+ card before and I'm like frothing at the mouth because I need it
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So in honor of his new beach card I made a video
So enjoy me being a simp lol
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corvidexoskeleton · 9 months
Turning into the joker because both of my landlords keep threatening to kick me out every single time i have a slight disagreement with them or dont do exactly what they want
#text post tag#both of them keeo independently threatening me with homelessness for the stupidest fucking reasons#its honestly so fucking irritating and annoying and its pissing me off so much#but i cant even have a simple fucking conversation with either of them because they both think that i should just#roll over and do exactly what they say without protest and im fucking sick of it#reek will actively try to puff himself up and act like a big tough alpha male and tells me to get out if im not gonna ''respect'' him#and my sister will threaten to make me homeless just because i dont want to be the only fucking person the house who does dishes#and because she doesnt like that i have trouble keeping up with the dishes of three adults#two of which dont fucking rinse anything and just pile everything into nasty standing water#and shes mad that i have trouble getting down on my knees to clean the cat boxes out - esp since now theres a bunch bc pf the fosters#when i famously have knee problems and cant be on my knees for very long or often without it causing intense physical pain#and she never even fucking helped me clean any of them out even when it *was* just our own cats#not to mention that she keeps getting pissed off at me because i dont like thay she keeps throwing fits and being out of line with how#she reacts to every single fucking thing that stresses her out#like its my fucking fault that shes hitting her dog with a shoe or its my fault that shes screaming at her baby#reek doesnt even fucking do anything around the house when hes home#and hes almost never home#and he thinks he can lecture me about how i dont do anything and they have to do everything for me?#as if he has any right to think he has any authority over me whatsoever or as if he has any fucking right to treat me like a child#i fucking hate the both of them so goddamn much#im just constantly pissed the fuck off but i cant do a damn thing about it because everything i do is bad or wrong to them#to my sister i cant do anything right because the only thing i know how to do is escalate and make things worse#i am so fucking mad
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handlewithcharacter · 7 months
I'm in my "say fuck it, quit everything, pack a single bag, and go move to a small seaside town in New England" feels again
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starberry-fag · 10 months
they should make meds you don't have to taste and showers you don't have to stand up for and lights that turn off on their own and a bed that makes itself and laundry that is always clean and water that you don't have to get and food that's always ready and they should make a body that takes care of itself
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tradingjack · 8 months
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guys don't worry the days are gonna keep going by
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nickcassldy · 8 months
wanna scream
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wizardpigeon · 9 months
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It is rare that I take this much physic damage over something that isn't intentionally reblogged to cause it but what the fuck
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flame-x · 1 year
The One Where We Get Inside Alonzo's Head
Summary: A short glance into a morning in Alonzo’s life while the threat of Macavity is a rising one. Munkustrap and Alonzo deal with unrest from cats who distrust the ones who used to work with Macavity. Hypothetical murder is plotted. Set about two years after Grizabella’s Ball.  cw: discussions and plotting of hypothetical murder, discussion of betrayal
“Macavity is getting stronger,” Munkustrap said grimly, getting straight to the point. That was Alonzo’s second indicator something serious was wrong. The tribe’s protector loved to hear himself talk, which was fair enough because he was a fine orator. The entire tribe loved to hear him speak. The first indicator had been the instructions he’d gotten from Munkustrap about half an hour earlier to call all the cats, bar the patrolling ones and the kittens (and Jellylorum, who was currently minding them) to the Stage. 
“He’s taking more and more territory and properties on the other side of the river. He’s been recruiting cats, specifically Jellicles without allegiances. He’s preparing to attack.
“No cat is to venture outside the Junkyard alone. There will be an increase in patrols— one at 9am, one at midday, one at 3pm and one at 6pm, one at 3am, plus the usual dawn and dusk patrols. There will also be one at midnight. The number of cats on each patrol will be increased from three to four.
“Cats are advised to stay in the Junkyard for their own safety, but you can of course stick to your homes instead. Kittens, unless they have homes, are no longer allowed to leave the Junkyard until Macavity is dealt with.” Munk looked around at the gathered cats and Alonzo met his gaze, blinking encouragement. “Alonzo and myself will have the patrols organised by midnight.”
“Is the Ball still going ahead?” Asparagus called. Alonzo smirked internally. Coricopat owed him a mouse— he’d told the other tom that somecat would ask that, but he’d remained unconvinced, sure that they’d obviously know the Ball wouldn’t be cancelled. They’d bet on it.
Munkustrap nodded. “Of course. Mistoffelees is going to put precautionary alarms and set-ups in case Macavity decides to interrupt again this year. We will be prepared this time. Are there any other questions?” Of course, there were. 
“What about Old Deuteronomy’s safety?”
“Will the kittens be allowed to participate? It’s tradition!”
“Hardly! It isn’t safe!”
“What are we going to do about the cats who used to work for Macavity? Surely they can’t be allowed to stay. What if they’re spies?” 
Alonzo rounded on Spike, who’d asked the last question. “That’s enough out of you!” he spat. 
“It’s a valid question, Checkers,” the constant pain-in-his-ass drawled. “How do we know we can trust them? Why, Macavity probably fathered two of them!” Spike glanced meaningfully at Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, the former of which had his arm around Victoria. Alonzo bared his teeth. Always hitting where it hurts.
“The cats who formerly worked with Macavity have proven their loyalty time and time again,” he ground out, “They’re nothing but faithful.” 
“Of course, of course. But if one of our own cats was working for Macavity, how can we know for sure that they aren’t? Not to mention the white cat. We all know both of the mates she’s had work with Macavity, or have in the past.” Spike lifted an eyebrow at him, a challenge. 
“Alonzo,” There was a warning note in Misto’s voice as he appeared next to the tom. Alonzo swished his tail angrily and stood down. “Don’t do something stupid. Don’t—”
“Don’t let my temper get the better of me, I know,” Alonzo grumbled, tail swishing, “Don’t scold me, Misto.”
Munkustrap’s voice rang out over the murmuring. “As I said, Misto is going to put precautionary measures in place to ensure everycat’s safety. Therefore, as usual, we will all be present and taking part. Macavity will not scare us into cancelling. We’ve dealt with him before, and we’ll deal with him again. As for you,” he fixed Spike with a cold gaze, “Alonzo is right. The cats who formerly worked for Macavity have proved their loyalty time—”
“You would say that, one of them is your mate!” Spike interrupted him. 
“ —and time again,” Munkustrap swept on, ignoring him. His eyes flashed dangerously, and Alonzo was reminded just how formidable and authoritative their gentle protector could be. “On the other paw, to throw unfounded accusations around about another cat is quite serious. Do you have any proof of Victoria working for Macavity? I assume you do, otherwise you wouldn’t say such things. Well?” They glared at each other for a few moments until Spike finally yielded, lowering his eyes in reluctant submission. 
“That’s what I thought,” Munkustrap said icily, “Are there any other questions?” His eyes swept across the gathered cats, all traces of anger in them gone as quick as it’d arrived. “No? Then this meeting is over. Patches, Coricopat, Greycat and I will take the next patrol, at 3pm. Alonzo will organise the next few, and the night watches.” He stepped down from the tyre he had been speaking to them from and made his way over to Alonzo and Misto. 
“Well that was certainly eventful,” Misto muttered. 
Munkustrap sighed. “You’re telling me.”
The cats around them began to disperse gradually. There was still some mutterings, and a few shot glances at Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, Victoria and Demeter as they left or gossiped. Alonzo’s tail swished angrily as he noticed the group around Spike, all talking quietly and staring openly at Mungojerrie and Victoria. 
“Look at that,” he murmured. Munk and Misto glanced in the direction he was looking in. “We’ve got trouble.”
Spike and AJ appeared to be the ringleaders. Asparagus, Victor, Tabbygirl, Murad and Jonathan were listening to them speak, though to their credit, most of them looked hesitant. 
“Well at least we know Tabbygirl is only there because she fancies Spike. Murad is definitely only curious. And Victor, he feels betrayed by Plato and Socrates,” Munkustrap said quietly. 
“Not good that Asparagus is there, though,” a familiar voice rumbled. Tugger approached, sliding an arm around Misto’s waist, who nodded in agreement.
“Bet you anything Patches doesn’t even realise AJ is involved in this,” Alonzo murmured. That tom’s head was too high up in the clouds to notice most things. 
Misto let out a low chuckle. “Alonzo, I’m beginning to think you’re a gambling addict.” 
“Excuse you, Mr. Magic Feet,” Alonzo said playfully, “At least I always win my bets!” 
Munkustrap’s lips quirked up at the corners. “Alright, that’s enough of that,” he said mock-sternly. “I have to get going on patrol. ‘Lonz?” 
“Whatever you do, don’t put Spike and AJ together on patrol.” 
“Noted. Wouldn’t have anyway.” 
“Thanks. Try not to kill Spike.”
Alonzo mock-pouted. “Fine.”
Tugger smirked as the grey tom faded out of earshot. “He never said I couldn’t kill Spike.” Misto smacked his arm. 
“Much as I’d like to, I don’t think Munk would forgive us.”
“He wouldn’t need to know it was you,” Alonzo mused. “I could hypothetically tell you where to hide his body.”
“Ooooh, now I’m intrigued. What has Alonzo the Good, Kind and Faithful, right-hand cat of Munkustrap, done that he knows a good place to hypothetically hide a body?” Tugger teased. Alonzo smirked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I don’t think I want to know what’s going on here,” a gravelly voice said. The newly-arrived Admetus shook his head at them as he and Demeter joined them, chuckling.
“Oh, just discussing a good place to hide Spike’s body. Hypothetically, of course,” Misto said breezily. Demeter chuckled again. 
“I like the sound of that,” she mused thoughtfully. Alonzo sighed dramatically. 
“Much as I’d love to stay and keep plotting hypothetical murder, duty calls and I have several patrols to organise. I’ll talk to you all later. Admetus, can I have a word?” The two toms walked towards Alonzo’s den. Once they were out of earshot, Alonzo spoke again.
“I’m putting you on the six o’ clock patrol with Hysperia, Cassandra and Victor. I need you to talk to Victor, to set him on the straight and narrow.”
Admetus’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? What’s he done?”
“Nothing yet,” Alonzo sighed, “But he’s getting involved with Spike and what he’s saying. I take it you didn’t see the little group surrounding him after the meeting?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Well, Munkustrap and I think it’s serious. Munk reckons Victor feels betrayed by Plato and Socrates and that’s why he’s listening to Spike. He’s lost. I want you to talk to him. He might listen to you, and the other two will be discreet. They’ll give you privacy if you signal for it.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to him.”
“Thanks. Things could turn nasty soon. We need to try and get as many cats to see sense as possible before Spike really starts undermining Munkustrap. Victor is a good place to start.” 
“Who else do we think is lending an ear to Spike, if you don’t mind my asking?” Admetus rumbled.
“Victor, Tabbygirl, Jonathan, Murad, AJ and most worryingly, Asparagus,” Alonzo answered, frowning. They arrived outside his and Cassandra’s crate. “Cass is inside, I think. I’ll tell her to give you space to talk to Victor this evening. She’ll let Hysperia know, too.”
“Right then,” Admetus stretched. “See you later.”
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tyrian-callowz · 1 year
bees kiss tryna cover for how painfully mid the whole “alyx and the cat are evil” twist is
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cartoonpigeon · 10 months
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undermycoat · 1 year
i'm wayyyy too sympathetic to arthur in magic reveal fics where he doesn't react with immediate acceptance. mostly bc he must feel so alone, y'know? especially in magic reveal fics post-morgana's betrayal, like
he's always been different from everyone and it's hard enough for him to find a true friend – to even think he can have a friend, honestly – just because of his status. and then you have him constantly trying to live up to his father's expectations and wanting him to be proud, and then you have morgana growing more and more distant and finally turning on him. so you've got him feeling like he'll never be good enough, and that he's failed his father, and he's failed his sister, the one person he could probably feel safe to call his friend before merlin arrived (and even then he can't openly call merlin his friend bc right, prince and servant, right).
then here comes the one person who he's shared everything with, revealing that actually, i've been hiding this huge ass secret from you all along, and to an extent, how can arthur trust that anything else he's said is ever true, but more importantly – how could merlin not trust him like that? forget the magic, that's not the bad part. arthur clearly is sympathetic toward magic more often than not. but merlin didn't trust him. he shared everything with merlin – every fear, every joy, every ache – but clearly the feeling wasn't reciprocated. also, maybe he didn't fail merlin in a traditional sense, but i definitely think it could be taken that way? like, clearly he couldn't prove himself to merlin, couldn't earn the other's trust; that's definitely a type of failure.
so arthur's just lost his best friend. and then – and this is what gets me – his knights so clearly prefer merlin. maybe not the knights he inherited, but the ones he knighted because he believed in them and knew they could be – that they are – great, the ones who were supposed to be the closest thing he had to friends. to an extent, it's the best thing ever, knowing that merlin is so fiercely cared for by people other than him, but at the same time, who loves him like that? (merlin, once maybe, or so he thought.)
like, arthur has always been alone, even when surrounded by others, and he'll forgive merlin because of course he will, but in those days following, that ache must be awful. he may not be anyone's last choice, but he's definitely no one's first, not even merlin's, and that's what hurts the most.
this is all probably projection and arthur has made me something of a boymom where even when he's clearly in the wrong i want to take him into my arms, but like C'MON PEOPLE. who cares if he had a hand in genocide that's my babygirl
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