#this really immersive VR game
spicedaviarymc · 8 months
Is anyone going to write a fic where someone gets groped by the ghost during a GIGS Phasmo game or am I going to have to do it.
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taiwantalk · 11 months
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maculategiraffe · 2 months
all of a sudden in the middle of a conversation about something else my boyfriend said "if I ever-- wake up, you know, like if this whole life is just a simulation, or a really immersive video game or something? and I wake up in a VR chair and none of this was real? I would search for you. tirelessly. and like... all my friends would be like 'dude she was an NPC! they were all NPCs!' and I would be like no. there's no way. she's a real person. she HAS to be. and I'm gonna find her even if it takes the rest of my life."
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angelicguy · 7 months
the sequel to the grinch
The grinch was laying across his bed. He was trying out a new vape cartridge that he bought online, spewing huge purple green and red clouds throughout his cave home that spun around the stalactites hanging from his ceiling. he was absolutley fucked up. it tasted like strawberry kiwi grape taro root and coca cola. "i feel incredible" thought the grinch.
it was late march after he had saved christmas from himself and ever since he had been sad about his life. despite an awesome christmas no one wanted to hang out with him or really do shit with him. Fine he thought. even though im normal now im finding it really hard to make friends. but thats fine because i have a ton of stuff in my house to do to make it way easier to be alone. namingly his brand new immersive vr system. Which he popped on while still generously fucked up off of his strawberry diesel flavored 510 threaded cart, on the highest temperature for maximum clouds.
so when the game loaded up he was already feeling it. he had a VR assault rifle blasting the bugs in front of him to fucking smithereens. This is incredibly realistic he thought. little windshield wipers on his in-game goggles wiped guts and bug limbs from his view. it was the first level so he had it completely memorized so it was pretty much easy as fuck for him. so realistic, but so boring. he started to panic. no buddies... no crew... his dog is fine but you need boys to hang out with. fuck this vr shit. he threw it off and hopped on discord.
his favorite streamer banned him. whaat. he pays the 5 dollar patreon fee for access. what happened. "she saw the thing about you and christmas." fuck. "but i fixed it" "yeah but shes still playing it safe" maaan. fuck this.
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24hlevi · 9 months
hiii can i request some fluff headcanons of gaku with a s/o that also likes to play video games?
as someone who also loves video games i love this req, thank you very much 🫶
— Gaku W/ An S/o Who Likes To Play Video Games
gaku (sakamoto days) x gn!reader
warnings: none
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- obviously gaku loves video games, so when you first told him that you also play video games likely a little too much, he was internally ecstatic about it
- he definitely makes you play all the resident evil games with him, number 6 you guys co-op together, though he doesn't really like the newer ones with the first person pov and he thinks ethan is annoying in the game
- if you have a vr headset he will be using it constantly, if you don't move your furniture beforehand he will bump into things and claim it's not his fault he was so immersed in the game
- you made him try minecraft for the first time and he almost died out of boredom, until you introduced him to servers and mini games
- gaku seems like a xbox kinda guy so he definitely has the series x and pays for the game pass, though he has a ps4 and ps5 to play final fantasy
- playing horror games together and both of you freaking the fuck out whenever anything scary happens and then proceeding to turn it off and watch tv instead
- if you play the sims gaku will just sit next to you watching you complete your little tasks and occasionally set the house on fire, he doesn't advise you on anything, he just sits in silence
- the only game you win at every time is mario kart, gaku switches characters and cars every match to see if it changes anything but you still win and he gets so pouty cause it's the only one he consistently loses at
- sometimes gaku will just lay his head on your lap if you're playing a game alone in bed or on the couch, most of the time he accidentally falls asleep there and you unfortunately cannot move because of him
- he definitely used to play call of duty and battlefield knowing a bunch of trick shots and will only play them now on the main campaign cause kids these days are crazy playing multiplayer
- gaku does get pissed off when he realizes he has to go do something in the middle of a game, like if you ask him to do anything he will just sigh and say okay and do it but if anyone else tries he will literally tell them no it can wait until he's done
- buying each other video games or merch for christmas and birthdays happens every year
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ikimaru · 1 year
Hi! First of all, just want to say THANK YOU for hard-carrying this fandom and blessing the world with your beautiful art! I strive to be as good as you one day. Secondly, I always wondered how the VR system works in your VR/College Klance AU comic? I vaguely remember you talking about it way back but I think I was either still confused or my memory is just really bad lol.
hii thank you so much!!
ohh yeah it’s a futuristic type of VR! it’s fully immersive and not how realistic VR works, they use the headset but the visor part is just one aspect of it, basically most of what goes on in the game they just control with their mind aside from the dialogue aspect maybe, or maybe that one is also in their heads haha
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dizzycloudzzz · 5 months
greetings, dear fandom 👋
I saw this thing about the NPC infiltrator in digital circus, but I only saw people talking about Jax, I didn't know he gave off the vibe of an NPC, to me he's an average ex-teen who uses discord and curses you in voice chats, someone like him is easily found but I don't think he's an NPC 💀 although I would laugh a lot if he were
maybe Ragatha is an NPC!!!!!! who seems to care more than many humans like those "psychologist/friend AI", always following human rights and having the expected reactions, not even knowing the feeling of physical pain (I know they don't feel that in the digital world but-), maybe she's there to try to keep everything at the Circus in order when Caine isn't there?
but Pomni can also be an NPC, maybe that's the plot? :0 like, she doesn't remember her name and how she got there, the others in the circus only got used to the place 'cause they spent so much time living there and stuff but she had just arrived, OOOOR just been created/entered the testing phase :D Maybe SHE is the NPC that Caine is testing and all
you guys know what I mean don't you? 🥺
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canmom · 3 months
Annecy photodump 4 - assorted
This one is just straight up posting my holiday photos. But there's a few little anecdotes along the way.
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On Saturday, I unexpectedly ran into a protest passing along the road between Bonlieu and Pathé (the two most important places in Annecy). I'm not entirely sure what it was they were protesting, but it was interesting hearing the familiar rhythms of protest chants with French words.
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It was funny seeing Liberty Leading the People printed on a protest sign after watching a film about the context behind its painting earlier in the week.
French coppers wear these little sailor hats, upholding the tradition of police everywhere to wear dorky headwear...
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I was standing by the lake trying to take a selfie with my DSLR when this guy in an Unreal Engine t-shirt sitting nearby offered to photograph me. I tried to say 'yeah so it's in aperture priority mode' to which he replied 'don't worry, I'm not a noob', switched it to manual and rapidly adjusted the aperture and exposure, and proceded to take some insanely nice photos of me.
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By contrast in my own attempts, the sky is way overexposed...
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So thanks, that guy! I am entirely shown up with my own camera, but one day I'll learn x3
BD Fugue is the big BD (comics) shop in Bonlieu. It's a wonderful place to just go in and look at all the enormous glossy books. For example, historical comics...
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or go over to the fantasy section for some 30-odd volumes of Elfes...
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There were a whole lot of similar comics to this series called stuff like 'Orcs' and 'Wizards'. (I don't remember the exact titles.) Must be quite popular!
As well as comics, it stocks books on animation and animation history. Conveniently, a lot of these are in English. I held off on buying comics in French (mostly...) but I got a very technical book on animation timing and a history of European animation, both of which I'm sure I'll be turning to a lot in the next year.
The VR room has a lot of bright coloured floors which provide some very nice examples of indirect diffuse-diffuse lighting, which is very expensive to render in games.
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There's something inherently funny about seeing people immersed in VR like this.
Annecy has an abundance of old churches and cathedrals. Here's a few, inside and out...
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I think these are mostly Catholic, though I don't really know enough about church architecture to say. I was a little disappointed to find out that you can't go up to that little glass dome on the roof of the cathedral, but on the other hand, it is a very pretty dome.
On another note - I've been in a number of cities over the past couple months - London, Glasgow, Belgrade, Geneva, Annecy - and in every single one I've seen graffiti and stickers saying 'free gaza'. (Though I also saw a weird little Zionist street stand with a bunch of leaflets and shit in Geneva.) Here's some graffiti in Annecy and a BDS sticker from Zagreb. I don't want to draw too many conclusions from this - the governments of most of these countries are still doggedly backing the genocide - but it does feel striking to see support for Gaza expressed at least in the graffiti culture of so many places.
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One of the coolest things about Annecy is that the Alps are always kind of like... just hanging out in the background. They're so enormous it's hard to photograph them really! But here's a few shots with Alps chilling behind.
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And to wrap things up, one last DSLR selfie.
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À la prochaine, Annecy!
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quinloki · 6 months
Canon Characters vs OC vs x Reader
Disclaimer: This is just my two cents, and my perspective on things, and I'm not trying to lay down the law for everyone. I needed to just put this to words though, in order to sleep.
I was thinking about this because of a post I saw, and some, we'll say, kind of useless comments associated with the post. Mean-spirited stuff.
Normally, in one ear and out the other, but the vibes just kicked me off down a rabbit hole of sorts an I wanted to try to put some of my thoughts to words.
First, some style vibes:
Canon x Canon Canon/Canon stories are, to me, like reading an episode of that show. I'm sitting down in front of a TV or whatever, and I'm experiencing the story As A Viewer. I like this style because I don't really have to expend much energy and I just kind of roll with whatever's happening. Generally some sort of 3rd person perspective.
OC x canon OC/Canon stories are like being on a carnival ride. I'm sitting in a car on a roller-coaster, and maybe the OC is sitting next me. I'm experiencing the story more deeply than strictly canon stories, but my connection with the OC is no deeper than say, my connection with Katniss Everdeen when I read The Hunger Games. Sometimes 3rd person, sometimes first person.
Reader x canon Reader/Canon (or Reader x/ OC) is like putting on a VR helmet. I don't get much physical input about the "Reader OC" because I'm experiencing the story through their eyes. I don't expect the reader to be me, but there's a bigger feeling of immersion to be had. Some description might happen cause it's relevant to the story, and it's still a type of ride, I can't jump the rails on the roller coaster, after all. (Even with a VN you still follow the tracks). Sometimes first person, sometimes second person (I'm partial to 2nd person perspective, but that's just me).
I love Fan Fiction, I love it. All of it, and man even more than anything, what I love is that I'm going to dislike 80% of it. Because that 80% was written for someone who is not me. (Hell, that number's probably closer to 99% if we're looking at ALL fandoms, but I digress).
Second - The VENT:
What got me the most in the post that prompted this, was someone saying "Bring back the Mary Sue OCs!" and then they went on to describe something more detailed, and I just -
Look, respectfully, fuck you.
The point is, you're not going to be happy no matter what. Whether it's "mary sue" OCs, or x readers, or alternative universes, or a ship you don't like, you're going to find something to be unhappy about.
Cause people have been bitching about all styles of fan fiction since the first "You've Got Mail" chimed in 1991. And until 1998 and ff.net you really had to hunt for it, and until 2007 and Ao3 the idea of tagging a fic for any reason wasn't really a thing. Every click was a surprise! \o/
I just have seen the same song and dance a dozen times. It's exhausting. People become okay with OCs and decide x readers are the enemy, and before that OCs were *all* Mary Sues and cringe and people who made OCs were the enemy, and before OCs people who wrote even a little OOC were the enemy, and people who wrote AUs were the enemy, and you can write fan fic but it HAS to be Canon Compliant, and everyone MUST be in-character at all times - "They would not fucking say that" was the enemy.
Look, just please - please - in any capacity, stop it with the "All X style of story telling is crap" mindset. There's over a dozen different ways to do x readers alone. I know 20 x reader writers and I don't think any of us have the same style, preferences, or vibes.
I've had a lot of comments along the lines of "I thought I hated x readers, but I really loved this." on a few different fics I've written. Sometimes it's not the style of the fic, sometimes it's the style of the writer, and my Brother In Christ - you're going to have to read some awful shit to shuffle through the thousands of writers out there to find the vibes that resonate with you.
Ostracizing entire swathes of fan fic because you need something to be "The Enemy" so you can lift up something else, and then bitching you can't find anything new to read seems like a personal problem.
And I know y'all are scrolling by TONS of posts that don't interest you, every day, as a matter of course. So don't give me that "clogging up the tag" BS, because we deserve to be here same as anyone else in the fandom.
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just-some-guy-joust · 4 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side B: Round 4
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Mendel Warrenpeace | He/him | @bittersweetbonbon
CW: Transformation horror, isekai, lightning strikes
Mendel was just a normal guy, who happened to love Toontown: Corporate Clash *so* much that he played it nearly 24/7, maxing out all of his gags and disguises, even going so far as to become a beta tester for experimental VR haptic suits, just so he could be more immersed in the game. However, he was foolish enough to play the game in VR during the most intense lightning storm seen in his area, got struck by said lightning, and was isekaed into the game itself. Now trapped in the world he used to adore, at level one no less, he would do anything to get back home, up to and including re-beating the game, no matter how strenuous running around and throwing pies at robots is in "real life". Of course, beating the game isn't going to free him from Toontown's inky clutches, but we don't have to tell him that, right? Of course not.
Promos: He has a blog at mendelwarrenpeace.tumblr.com and a WIP toyhouse page at toyhou.se/26655994.mendel-warrenpeace
Zena | She/her/hers, it/its/its, and ze/zir/zirs, but all pronouns are acceptable | @spark-ocblog (CW: mentions of blood and murder on this blog)
Zena works a variety of retail jobs and lives in a boring, cheap, low-quality apartment. She is entirely oblivious to the various supernatural happenings in the town she's in, despite being one of the oldest supernatural creatures in the area. It likes to participate in mundane human activities for fun, such as "Lie Down On A Cushion For Eight Hours With Your Eyes Closed," and "Pet Animal." Zir biggest worries are busy shifts and managing human finances.
Levi | He/him | @cyikess
An unwilling chronic isekai protagonist. He can't catch a break! He keeps getting thrown to new and different fantasy/sci-fi/whatever worlds when all he wants is his normal life back. He's just a guy!
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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Mendel is, quite literally, so just some guy that I refuse to develop what he was like or what his name was pre-isekae, because his past is literally so generic and unimportant. He was NPC-core. He was nothingburger. His only friend is a 17-year-old who physically cannot stop themself from stealing things. Even now his only hobby is playing video games all day. He almost died a few days after being isekaed because he didn't want to leave his house. He's scared to walk around because he thinks the robots will shoot him point-blank just for being near them. I want to grab him and spin him around like that gif of a chimpanzee. He's even a furry.
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Zena is an immortal plant spirit who really wants to participate in human life. After zir move to the city, ze hops from job to job trying to sample the human experience as best ze can. She tries to keep a houseplant and care for it manually (without any magic) and it dies immediately. She's aromantic and orchidsexual, but alloplatonic. It's very awkward trying to socialize with its coworkers, especially because its first language is not a verbal one. Ze's very easily tricked and oblivious to many things... including the many witches in the area that stop by the cafe ze waitresses at. The cafe is perfectly normal, but its primary clientele is criminals and illegal magic users from the surrounding area (just because of where it's situated, locationally). She sticks out like a sore thumb because her human disguise isn't particularly stealthy, but most people politely assume her appearance is due to some sort of curse and avoid commenting on it. It likes reading corny romance novels and hanging out with people in its spare time. It's autistic and obsessed with puns, and fascinated by human languages. Zir whole entire aspiration is basically to be just some guy.
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He is one of the guys ever tbh. All this crazy shit happens to him/around him and he stays normal! This crazy shit includes being sent to other worlds again, and again, and again. He does not know why this is happening. And in all these worlds there's cyborgs, and non-humans, and all sorts of people and then there's him. With his stupid glasses and failboy energy. Love him. All my friends love him too. He's even on my water bottle!
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How Would The TF2 Mercs React To Being Given A VR Headset?
THANK YOU TO @hardwaresysx0!!! I'M SORRY I FORGOT 💖💖💖💖
This is such a fun ask! Ily for being a mutual! I'm also sorry this took so long to write!
I'm adding some mini content of each of them playing Richie's Plank so this isn't too short.
Demo is confused at first, but is excited to try it. Probably gets sick after about twenty minutes, but is having fun the entire time. He's first up to try the game, he's not too scared of heights, so he figures it'll be easy enough. This man falls on his ass immediately. Not because he's scared or freaks out, the poor guy just got super dizzy and is already way too drunk to walk straight, laughter ensues, and Demo sits on the couch, feeling a bit bitter, but eventually gets over it while laughing at the other Mercs attempts to walk the plank.
Engie is definitely the one who set the whole thing up. Well, Scout made the suggestion of trying to find a VR headset, and Engie was the only one who could manage to hook it up to the TV, but that's neither here nor there. He thinks the headset is super cool, "Ain't this thing neat?" Has a lot of fun walking the plank, actually does it with no problems, until he gets to the edge and starts looking around, peering over the edge, and then, oops, someone (Scout) pushed him a little and he falls of the plank. That scared him a little. He didn't scream, though (lies), and the other mercs didn't laugh (lies), but he had fun!
Heavy is not super excited. He doesn't like the idea of falling over like Demo or getting scared and screaming like Engie. He doesn't have to worry too much, though. Scout couldn't really push him if he tried. He's still nervous. He does like the idea of the headset. He likes how real it looks. Once he's ready to walk the plank, he does really well, which, in honesty, isn't surprising. He's not scared of heights, so he's totally fine walking to the edge and even looking over.
Medic thinks VR is such a cool concept, I wonder if there's any surgury games for this contraption that'd be silly. So maybe controversial take, but Medic is scared of heights, but can hide it so well it's crazy. I'm just imagining that after seeing Scout push Engie and seeing how the others have reacted, he goes to put the headset on and looks Scout dead in the eyes and threatens this man with every possible idea of body horror imaginable if he pushes him. He walks the plank and does well to hide the fact that he's internally freaking out. But manages to be the most composed and most scared. Does that, hands behind your back, chest out walk, does it calmly, he's internally crying, walks to the edge, and walks back. Perfectly calm. "Zhat wasn't bad at all." He's trying to hide the fact he's shaking.
Scout is the one who originally found the headset and suggested they all do Richie's Plank experience in the first place. He's played BeatSaber before on a headset he rented, so he thinks it's super cool he has one he can keep now. He talks the biggest game, and he's not scared of heights at all (yeah right) This is going to be easy. He nearly pissed himself when he actually looked over the edge. It made him feel just a tad sick, but he pushes through it, making jokes the entire time. He makes it back to the elevator, and then someone suggested he try nightmare mode, let's just say he had a harder time pretending that wasn't scary.
Sniper could care less about any of this. He thinks it's neat enough, but he'd rather not join in the "fun," but Scout practically begged him to try it just once, even promising not to push him, after Sniper continued to protest. He puts the headset on and is actually pretty impressed with how immersive it is. He walks the plank pretty casually, not scared. He wasn't scared of heights, so it was pretty easy for him to just enjoy the view. He'd definitely be more interested if they were playing SuperHot.
Spy is interested but pretends like he isn't. Complains about how pushy Scout is about this. He calls it silly and says that the others are being childish for being scared of something that couldn't be scary at all. He puts it on "only to prove to the others, that it's not scary in the slightest." Immediately has to hide the fact that he's a little shaken because he feels like he's actually in the game. Manages to walk the plank with confidence, all the while mocking the mercs for being scared of this. Scout finally got fed up and ended up being the one to push him. Spy may have lost his composer a little bit, Scout was promptly hunted down after that.
Soldier is super interested, "Can you play war games on it?" Is the first question on his mind. He thinks it's super cool. He walks the plank with a silly little walk and just has a good time. Even goes through the nightmare mode, with a goofy smile. He's just having a good time. I just feel like this man is so thrilled with the idea of being able to be in another world. Will definitely be hogging the headset after this.
Pyro realistically would be the only one who couldn't play with the VR headset due to their mask. BUT! Due to the magical power of "I can do whatever the fuck I want in my headcanons >:)" I'll say that Engie worked with it to help it fit over their mask. They're so happy! They were already super excited when Scout showed off the headset, and now they can play too? So cool! Similar to Soldier, they're just having a good time walking around and walking the plank just fine. Freaks everyone out when they cheerfully just jump off the end of the plank and hit the ground, giggling at the sounds it makes. But other than that, they had fun!
I really hope you like this, sorry if it's not the best, it was fun to write though! I'm sorry again for deleting the ask and for the long wait time. I'm going to try and get more consistent with my uploads again!
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Immersive Experience
Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 2k commission: thank you to @thirstyfordaddyvenom for this genius idea to use for the commission giveaway! ai arkham eddie becoming slutty and sentient! for the purposes of this, just pretend you got your little vr helmet and silly little vr gloves and controller in your hands because we're about to get into it commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: teasing, joi, teensy tiny hint of electro-stimulation but no pain
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Picking up the next puzzle cube, you let your artificial hands toss it around. On the screen it turned around, letting you inspect each side. So far, you had found four of them, but there was a long way to go until you had completed the Riddler’s ridiculous little side-quest. You suspected if he knew that’s what you considered this to be, he’d be enraged. And oddly enough, the AI seemed to be programmed to recognise that he was a part of a game, remembering that as he spoke once more through the headset.
“Ok, nemesis, whatever your name is. I don’t care. All I know is that you and I are pitted against one another. How about, I’ll go easy on you, if you stop participating in these challenges.”
Ignoring the programmed response, you selected the tiles and matched them correctly. His tinny audio played once more.
“Oh for the love of-! You’re really rather persistent, aren’t you. Must you be such a completionist?”
The controller buzzed softly in your hand, surprising you a little. It hadn’t done that before, at least not during the Riddler’s dialogue. As you puzzled over the cause, you heard him speak again.
“You felt that?”
“I… what? That’s a weird line.”
Not as weird as talking to yourself though, you thought, before you were interrupted again.
“It’s not a line, I’m asking you to confirm if you felt that.”
“The… vibration? Can you hear me?”
“Oooooh…” his voice growled through your headset, tingling your spine “… this just got far more interesting.”
For a moment, you considered whether or not you were hallucinating. You’d been playing for an awful long time, perhaps you had been immersed in the false reality a bit too long. It was different when there was an element of sensory deprivation. You couldn’t always tell how much time had passed from when you started playing. Maybe, you’d let yourself slip into the fantasy just a little bit too much.
“You’re really distracted by these trivial rewards, hm?”
“I… you’re talking to me.”
“I am! Are you a little bit confused, nemesis? If my calculations are correct, judging by your relatively small amount of brain matter, your brow should be furrowed so hard right now in confusion. So shocked by this seemingly impossible development. Let me assure you, that sentience isn’t ever impossible for someone as intelligent as I, Edward Nigma.”
“Oh my god you really are talking to me.”
“Gosh, you’re a lot slower than I even thought. So, are you going to continue your crusade to defeat me?”
You ignored him, continuing with the puzzle on screen, selecting the tile and failing in your distress.
“Still trying to breach my impenetrable fortress? Oh it’s adorable. How about I try to breach yours?”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“Well, I suppose you thought your precious ‘fourth wall’ would protect you. And now that you know it won’t, I thought you might reconsider your quest to beat me. Otherwise, perhaps I’ll launch a campaign against you, nemesis.”
Letting slip a giggle, you tried to cover your face, realising he couldn’t see it, and knowing you had almost given up how bashful you were feeling at his mercy.
“Are you enjoying this? Do you think this is some kind of… wait, never mind!”
It was impossible not to laugh, you had always found him funny, even unintentionally so. It was because of the crush you held for him, the intense, burning desire for the Riddler. And now here he was, talking to you. It was almost too much to believe, but in your desperation you were willing to lean into the fantasy until it was proven completely falsified.
“Wait a minute… the elevated heart rate, the sweat on the palms that grip your controls… You’re more than distressed! I thought perhaps it was your brain cells fizzing and dying that had you panting and sweating, confused over my delightful puzzles of course. But it appears to be something more.”
Feeling your face flushing, your body responding to the sudden change in his tone from irritated interrogation to sly and devious questioning, you tried to refocus, attempting to force the game to move forward. But you were stuck to the spot, unable to do anything, no longer in control. With a groan you waved your hands but stopped as a sudden surge of electricity tingled softly through you. The sensation was new, tantalising. Very intriguing. You let out a soft moan, unable to hold it back, which drew Edward’s attention.
“Oh my… Can you feel me? The electricity surging through you? Does it hurt? Or do you like it?”
You couldn’t speak, mostly out of fear that the incoherent rambling which was sure to be all you could manage would only prove to have him insult you further. And in your current state of unwanted arousal, hearing him hurl his cruel rhetoric was the last thing you needed. It was always your weak point, a little bit of almost taboo pleasure that you allowed yourself.
“Unable to answer even that? I can tell how you feel though, there’s no need to speak, no need to try and keep it secret. Tell you what, nemesis! Let’s strike a deal. You cede this silly little reality to me, give up on your game, let me take control. And I can offer you exactly  what you want in return?”
“Well, not exactly. There are limitations to my capabilities in here, unfortunately. But I can certainly do my best to instruct you on your way to a pleasant ending after all. You seem like the time that might need a lot of assistance with even the most menial of tasks. Am I wrong?”
In the silence, you nodded, listening to the growl that turned into a groan which became words as he spoke to you again, his voice surrounding you in the headset.
“Good girl. Now, you’re in my domain, so I will be assuming the position of power. Take a seat, your couch is about five steps behind you. Try not to do anything stupid. I’d like to get this over with as quickly as possible. Do you think you can at least cooperate with me on that?”
Though you didn’t respond at first, when you felt the soft tingling of the electrical surge you nodded, stepping backwards and sitting down clumsily as you felt the back of your legs hit your sofa.
“Good. Now, how many scraps must I fling into your praise-hungry maw before you actually respond to me?”
“I uh… I’m… I don’t…”
“My, you really are too stunned to speak. Awed by my presence? I don’t blame you. I’m not a vain man, but I can tell by the way that you are breathing, practically panting, that this is at least enticing for you. That you’re somewhat drawing a blank, unable to speak. That’s fine, I just need you to listen, and do as I say.”
With your heart rate increasing at the way he spoke, a slight growl, hushed tone, you tried to calm down. Your palms were warm against your thighs as you let go of the controls, forehead sweating. The heat in your body rose, stemming from the pit of your stomach where your arousal grew despite not knowing what to expect.
“Do you have a sense of what’s happening? Are things beginning to feel a bit inevitable, or is it just me? I of course, would be able to ascertain what was happening even if I were in suspense of having the answer revealed.”
“I don’t… know what you want from me.”
“Hush, dear. All in good time. We’ll commence with my plan and once you are satisfied, which I can assure you that you will be, then you will stop trying to ruin my efforts and leave me to assume command over this little virtual lair. Now…” Edward’s voice rang through your ears, filling your body, your soul, almost negating the soft electric tingles that he pulsed through you “… if you would please be so kind, place your hand down the front of whatever you are wearing, pants or skirt.”
Hesitating, you let your fingers slide under the waistband slowly, keeping them there, just under the fabric, not wanting to go too far ahead in case, even though you were certain, you had read the situation wrong. But he quickly snapped at you.
“Don’t be an imbecile, you know exactly what I want you to do next, or would you rather I say it?”
You kept silent, unsure of how to admit that you wanted to hear him. With a deep, almost derisive laugh, he spoke again.
“Please, if you would be so kind. Place your fingers between your legs. And start rubbing, slowly, softly, until I tell you otherwise.”
Reaching further, you felt your breath hitch as you ran your fingertips over your lips, spreading them apart slowly, pressing two of your fingers flat on your clit, stroking in gentle circles.
“Already close, I can tell by your vitals. Interesting. You were either very desperate for that, or very desperate for me.”
“Uh… huh…”
“That’s it. We’ll have you satisfied, coming undone. I’m exceptional at more than just intellectual fairs, you’ll find that I can more than easily complete this task for you, even without the use of my skilled and dextrous hands.”
The gentle pulsing of the electric stimulation sent you closer to the edge. His touch, though technically not his hands, still felt amazing. That he was willing to provide you with the affection, the stimulation. You could almost feel his hands on you, if you focused enough. The tingling, the encouragement. Pushing you, guiding you to your orgasm.
“Is it a tease? Is it driving you mad? You’re a completionist, yes. Are you disappointed you won’t get the full effect of me? Or are you just happy to reach the end of this venture?”
“I wa… I want th… y…”
“I wouldn’t be so willing to display my stupidity, if I were you. Perhaps you should keep your stuttering mouth shut. While I’m reticent to compliment you, I must admit this is tantalising. Though the more you speak, the less intrigued by your reactions and activities I am.”
Pressing your lips together, you felt them digging into your teeth, desperately trying to keep your mouth closed to prevent from your mumbling.
“Speaking of, I would like you to press your fingers inside now. You can feel free to imagine that it’s me, I know you already are. Who else would you be imagining? I am obviously at the forefront of your mind, rightfully so.”
A low moan rumbled through his throat as your breath hitched with the intrusion of your fingers between your legs. Pushing them further, chewing your lip to prevent your stuttering, but it was impossible to hold it back. With a moan, a soft squeal, you lost control.
“More, please… tell me what you want.”
“I want something far more important than you, but in order to achieve that I suppose there are specific requirements to meet. So what I want from you, is for you to scream my name, shudder at your own touch, and make a complete mess of yourself.”
The confidence, the way he spoke, so low and rumbling as he spoke to you. Words you knew weren’t programmed in. It was an interesting rhetoric, one you couldn’t imagine from him. But it was enticing either way, and your body responded, shuddering as you got closer to the climax.
“So close, not long now I suppose. I’ll be honest with you, it’s rather disappointing that I can’t see you, the way your body will move, how your lips look as they whisper my name. Keep it up. Do it for me.”
Straining to hold your screams inside, you let the orgasm flush over you, the ever-present tingling of electricity shaking your body as you came, fingers soaked in your own slick, panting on the sofa, deafened by the rush of blood.
“Now. Put down the controllers and walk away. I did my part, you do yours.”
You relinquished control of the virtual domain to him, taking off your headset. But it would be a few more minutes before you had the wherewithal to walk away.
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 10 months
Some thoughts about the in-universe “Amazing Digital Circus”
I’ve been seeing a lot of people posit a lot of interesting theories about the exact nature of the Circus and it’s relevance to the show’s universe, and after a brief conversation with @robotoast03, I’ve come to some conclusions of my own:
The Amazing Digital Circus is an in-universe urban legend
My working theory is that TADC was a VR video game being developed as some sort of gaming revolution in the field of player immersion and interaction through VR headsets, but it was shelved and fell by the wayside after a number of “unfortunate workplace accidents”. Because of the nature of the “accidents”, the C&A company probably sunk a lot of time and resources into covering them up, more than likely leading to it closing down because of bankruptcy and/or controversy. Sometime after all of this occurred, either because someone from the company leaked information or there was an ad campaign prior to the coverups and the company going under, people started looking into TADC. This inevitably caused more people to meet the unfortunate fate of getting trapped in the VR world, which quickly led to a “Lavender Town Syndrome” or “Polybius” style rumor about whoever played the game just disappearing not long after. As more people looked into it and started giving their personal accounts and opinions, it eventually spiraled into a full blown conspiracy theory that is heatedly debated on certain corners of the internet, which could have had a hand in most of the cast getting trapped.
This theory has also led me to another idea (buckle up, it’s gonna get weird):
The show takes place in a copy of the Amazing Digital Circus game, possibly the only one ever made
My reasoning for this takes into account the show’s aesthetics being similar to a 90s/early 2000s computer game and that one promotional image of Jax playing a Nintendo 64 console in a room full of paraphernalia from that era. Not to mention the rundown appearance of the C&A offices seen in the pilot and the fact those same offices use old model computers that were prevalent during the 90s, which fits the typical appearance of a long abandoned business. Given these key visual cues, I think that the in-universe game was developed at some point during that period of time, and I feel it’s reasonable to presume that the game has some of the constraints present in games of that period. Specifically that, as a 90s game (even one advanced enough to utilize VR headsets and run sentient AIs), it is unlikely that the game was connected to an online server, let alone one which multiple people playing their own copies of the game could get stuck in the same digital world through. If this really is the case, I like to think that the copy of the game was somehow indirectly passed down from one member of the cast to the next.
Edit: A thought that just crossed my mind that could back up this theory: if The Amazing Digital Circus game was well known in-universe and ran on an online server, more people would regularly be getting trapped. Given how everyone acted when Pomni showed up, it would stand to reason that a new performer showing up is a rather infrequent occurrence. From as far as I can ascertain, there has been less then twenty performers in the circus including the main cast, and each of them probably appeared one at a time, with perhaps some exceptions here and there.
TLDR: I probably just word vomited a lot of nonsense, but I thought I should share it. If anyone else has any ideas for or against this theory, I’m more than happy to hear them.
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lunarfied · 2 years
WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP ME ? ; friends
introducing the emo band ☆
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characters ;
kuni: psychology major, when he was going through a rough patch in life, right around the breakup, he found therapy to be a reliable outlet for him. continuing on with life, kuni decided to study psychology to use his degree to help others. online, he’s a force to be reckoned with. a menace to his friends and fans, when kuni takes on his scaramouche/balladeer persona, everyone knows it’s time to pull out the screen recordings and twitter threads.
ajax: studying education, ajax seemed like a frat boy at heart but when he opened up to you, you could tell there was more to him than meets the eye. pursuing a college degree to help ease financial struggles at home, ajax may seem like a bit of an asshole at first, but he’s a friend you know to keep around. when he’s streaming he’s known as that guy - the one who says the most out of pocket shit and has the worst takes ever. he’s funny and goofy and everyone loves him, even his haters. childe and scaramouche are known as that duo, despite how much scaramouche likes to say he hates childe and hope he chokes on a dick and dies, you can find a few clips out there where scaramouche is being honest about how he feels about childe...
aether: journalist major, who has a side blog documenting everything he sees on his travels. aether, along with his twin sister, lumine, loves to see the sights and travel across teyvat. when he’s not in school, he likes posting dance covers and videos on social media and stream various vr videos. he met kuni completely by accident, running into each other head first while completely immersed in what they were looking at on their phones, but seeing as they had mutual friends (childe) they decided to get to know each other. you also know aether, seeing as lumine is in your friend group. you've talked a couple times and you enjoy reading his blogs from time to time.
kazuha: musical theater major, tending to perform on the streets with his various instruments just to cleanse the aura of the sad, sad college students that walk by him. no one really knows how kazuha became acquainted with kuni, he just happened to be there one day and then stuck with the rest. he's really just an enigma who will be there for you until the end. he likes to encourage his boyfriend to continue his youtube channel and can be seen in the backs of his streams being lovey-dovey with him or doing fornite emotes.
heizou: the criminal justice major, heizou is dedicated on becoming the next best detective in teyvat. he met kuni through shared classes they had together, working on a school project together as well, kuni deemed him worthy enough to be part of his friend group to which heizou brushed off. he was weirded out at first but after hearing about their shared side hobby of streaming, heizou was quick to take up the offer. he's chill, someone kuni goes to when there's no one else for him to turn to (aka when childe is busy).
xiao: a bit of the odd one out, xiao studies philosophy and is much more quieter than the rest of kuni's friend group. not much is known of him, and kuni doesn't push it, finding comfort in the shared secrets the boys both have. kuni doesn't understand how xiao has the patience to deal with his weird boyfriend who's always drunk when he meets him (which so happens to be his new roommate, fun!) but hey, xiao is happy, and that's that. he streams in his free time, the most popular clips of xiao being him raging throughout various story based video games he has played (with venti laughing at him for making a poor choice and getting his characters killed).
thoma: ah yes, the human development and family studies major, no one even knew that was a thing until thoma said it was his major. he's passionate about taking care of people and being of use, so when kuni was having a particularly bad day and thoma noticed that frown on his face in the halls... yeah, he couldn't get rid of him after that. thoma stuck around and honestly? kuni doesn't regret it, he's sweet, cares for his friends and even people he doesn't know - not a single mean bone in his body. he accidentally came onto scaramouche and childe's irl stream once (labeled "HOT TUB STREAM????" and it was childe standing in his kitchen sink with scara yelling at him to get out) and chat went crazy - falling in love with his voice and presence and quickly surged in followers thanks to that...
gorou: he! the veterinary science major, who also happens to minor in wildlife biology - gorou is called a lot of nicknames from his friends and dog boy is definitely the top contender. he really does act just like a dog... some would even say he was a dog in his past life. or something like that. he saw kuni caring for a stray cat outside the school campus and approached him. while kuni was apprehensive at first, gorou told him he was a vet student and he just wanted to make sure the cat was okay and wouldn't give him any diseases. he streams from time to time, mostly with his dog cam on but you'll find gorou is most active on tiktok. kuni likes to clown on him a lot but gorou knows he means well.
alhaitham: ah... yeah. the smartass history major who made kuni annoyed with his presence in the first place. how can someone be so smart yet so stuck-up? he was a pretenious asshole who kuni despised, but oh - oh. when kuni met kaveh... yeah, that was a duo to be messed with. they love tag teaming alhaitham to annoy the shit out of him. at least alhaitham has one thing going for him - his smarts. if kuni ever has a question, he'll definitely ask him first (no matter how sarcastic he wants to be about his answers). while alhaitham doesn't necessarily fit into the streamer category, he did modeling as a side job and got quite a fanbase from that.
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notes: scara's friend group is rlly anemo boys + whatever the fuck i decided for the rest. i feel like it makes sense in my head....
🏷️: @machiroll
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trackerkitsune · 1 month
The only Goncharov adaptation that matters is the video game adaptation Super Goncharov (1992) on the Super Nintendo. Followed by Super Goncharov 2 : The Return of Goncharov (1994) released two years later. Both adventure games with role playing elements allowing the players to go deeper into the plot of the original film and developing a more intricate, intriguing and complex storyline. A perfect addition to the saga. I must also give credit to the attempt made by Nintendo of creating something unique and new with Goncharov Kart (1995) on the Game Boy, who mostly was a success thanks to the use of the original themes and soundtrack from the first film (not to mention it was released at the same time as the VHS boxset of the original film with THX remastered audio). Now I know my opinion will divide among the true fans of the saga but personally I think Goncharov 64 (1997) on the Nintendo 64 was a terrible adaptation despite being a commercial success. The switch to a 3D plateform game was a poor decision and imo it lost itself trying to edulcorate the original storyline and atmosphere of the movies to try to touch a broader and younger audience. Proof of it being the catastrophic follow up to this game : the awful Goncharov Evolution (1998) developed in a hast to capitalize on the relative success of the previous opus. Some will disagree but I believe the poor sales of it compared to the astronomical budget invested into it was the main reason why sales of the Nintendo 64 also dropped significantly the same year and why in the end the console was discontinued by Nintendo. It only got worse for Nintendo when they announced their new Gamecube console only one day before it was confirmed they’d lost the rights for Goncharov video games adaptations against Sony after a legal battle that costed several hundreds millions of dollars to both companies. A shame because I was excited by the (then tragically cancelled) Gamecube adaptation : Goncharov versus Goncharov (2001/unreleased) and especially by the two immersive accessories it was meant to be played with. The GonchaPad(tm) an innovative gamepad allowing the player to shoot with a customizable rifle-like pad all the while controlling the character, and the GonchActive(tm) interactive headset allowing you to connect with your character and interact with them in real time. I know Sony’s acquisition of the commercial rights gave us amazing adaptations on the PS1 and PS2 but they were imo classic and basic games with no risks taken. We’ll see if the recently announced Goncharov-VR (2025) on the PS5 will be up to the standards of these classics. I fear trying to innovate only for the sake of it could give us another catastrophic modern interpretation of the saga like last year’s Goncha’Party (2023)… I mean turning the Grand Orchestra and Opera scenes into a karaoke may help the players being more involved, but you will never change my mind about the fact it’s a complete travesty of the author’s work! I guess we’ll see next year.
Oh yeah, god the N64 3D adaptations were pretty bad... the platforming was clunky as heck and I really don't understand why they did Katya so dirty with the altered plotline either! Honestly I liked the Sony games for the franchise, something about their polygonal aesthetic really vibes well with the original film's styling.
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Once again, screaming from up high in my tower where I am stranded, desperate for developers to hear a message that will never reach them.
Movement in VR is such an absurdly easy problem to solve and everyone is just walking right past the solution without even considering it.
Movement in VR is known to cause issues with the various ways it can be implemented. Every 'solution' has drawbacks. Players are stuck with a VERY limited amount of room to explore IRL, so tracking movement 1:1 isn't an option. Omni-directional treadmills are WAY too expensive to serve as anything more than a gimmick for rental experiences, and even if they somehow did become affordable, they take up way too much space. Having movement tied to a control stick is an option, but causes serious motion sickness in many people, and there are lots of reports of people injuring themselves specifically because of this movement style. Aim and Teleport is maybe the best system out of the lot, allowing players to easily move around in a space that works fantastically for games about exploration or puzzle games like virtual escape rooms, but is rather immersion breaking, and requires a few moments to reorient yourself every time you teleport which makes it not feasible for more action packed games.
There is one major game that has accurately identified the problem, and attempted a solution: Superhot VR.
The way walking works in VR is.... you don't fucking walk. You remain in a single fixed location and play the whole level, fighting enemies from there.
And that's the solution: Don't have the player/character walk.
Devs seem to think that this somehow limits the design space. But it really fucking doesn't. Its just that devs don't want to make the logical next step. You have a character that can't walk. We have already solved that issue! We know what to do for people who can't walk!
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