#this seems to sum me up and the handful of people i follow
aladaylessecondblog · 12 hours
Red Mountain Waffle House, pt. 14
Author's Note: Angst & misunderstandings
Somehow or the other she had been drawn to the Shrine of Azura. Before falling in with that group of former slaves in Zebabi, Sadara had looked into where the shrine was, and figuring Azura would have some answers, headed over that way.
The priests sold her some glow dust, and she made the offering as the sun was going down.
"Azura," she said, "I don't ask for you to do me any favors - I just want answers. With the prophecies, and all that - was I the Nerevarine? I mean clearly I'm not fulfilling them, so did I have ANY purpose here? What was it?"
There was a pause, a slight breeze, and then a voice in her mind.
"You have served the purpose I set out for you."
"What purpose?"
"You ensured Nerevar's bones were brought to Dagoth Ur." A pause. "There have been many Nerevarines, and you were meant to be the last. So many have failed, and you remain...the cycle repeated, in my vain hope one of you would follow the prophecies. But there have been too many failures - and so I have chosen a different path."
"What path?" Sadara felt her stomach drop. You have served your purpose.
"Nerevar will surely follow my will and destroy the Tribunal; he was ever faithful in life, and I see no reason that his loyalty should fail now. I am glad of your assistance, but your part in this is done."
She turned away without saying anything more.
Fuck Azura. Fuck everyone...except maybe Jiub.
Nothing had changed. Nothing would ever change.
Traveling about and killing cliffracers was okay for a week or so, but on using her name in Molag Mar, she'd drawn some attention. The healer had looked up, and gone, "Sadara? What're you doing here?"
"Working," she said, "Cliffracer plumes sell for a decent amount."
"You're working? Why?"
"For a living? Why does anyone work?" she shrugged.
"There are some people looking for you--"
The moment her wounds were closed she left, and bought a cloak to cover herself a bit better on the way out. Why would they be looking for her? They had the bones, the moon-and-star, the heirloom ring of Dagoth Ur's. What more could they want her for? Gilvoth had made pretty clear she wasn't wanted there. But then something else occurred to her--the Tribunal temple would probably want to see her gone still, despite her showing no inclination to fulfill the prophecies. She'd handed over Nerevar's bones, they might have linked her to the one who'd stolen the bones in the first place...b&e, theft, some sort of heresy charge, that'd put her away for a while. And that was if the ordinators didn't outright kill her.
Whatever goodwill she'd built with Vivec when she'd done that favor of getting the tattoo was surely burned away now...and Almalexia, she was another thing entirely.
She left Molag Mar, and thereon stopped using her name.
When she cleared the slavers' cave of Zebabi and freed the khajiit and argonians, they had asked her name. She'd thought for a moment, and said, "Nammu."
Finding out about Fyr's offer to pay for blood had come as a result of one of the argonians, Chalureel, who'd said the slavers had dragged him up to Fyr to give his blood. He was some rare type or the other, and seemed overwhelmed with the idea that the sum paid to the slavers would go to him now.
Sadara agreed to stay with them until they all figured out what they'd do with their newfound freedom. The presence of a Dunmer could handwave some things away, avoid some types of trouble...
The morning after she cleared the cave she asked Chalureel to go up to Tel Fyr with her.
"It's a city unto itself," he said, after giving a description of the route they'd need to take, "There's a lot of things there we could get ahold of, especially if your blood's a type they want."
Fyr was a reclusive sort, but those that worked for him obviously needed places to stay, and a tiny medical school of excellent reputation had popped up, and then there were all the services THEY needed--
The point being, there would be plenty of places to hawk what they didn't need of the slavers' things, and to buy what supplies they needed. She'd sold enough bandits' gear after coming to Morrowind to have a reasonably good discerning eye on the most common stuff. Daggers, leather armor, spell scrolls.
"Alright, so do we have enough water here? Not the salt kind," Sadara said, "How many bedrolls do we need to buy? You all deserve to sleep on more than just the ground like you've been doing."
A list was put together of the things they'd need, and while she and Chalureel were going to Tel Fyr, the rest would head to the shore to do some fishing and foraging.
"It rains fairly frequently here," Chalureel said, "So a rain barrel might be a good idea. The water in the cave...is not exactly clean, because of those slaughterfish the--slavers were keeping. We could boil it, but..."
"We can buy some bottled water at Tel Fyr and get a rain barrel, or something like it, and boil the water here if it's absolutely necessary. There's some cooking supplies here, so we've got a pot for it...we've got the list, so let's head out."
The blood donation didn't take all that long. It was mainly filling out the forms and negotiating for things other than money that took extra time.
In exchange for a reduced payment she managed to wrangle out getting a couple potions and to be taught Restore Health with the first donation of her own blood. Fireball she figured would be next - that would make the campfires a bit easier to start up. Then a frost spell, so they could have form up a crude refrigerator somewhere in the cave.
They were kept another hour and give some orange juice, and healed up just to be safe. Then they went shopping.
The rain barrel angle didn't pan out, but they got several jugs and bottles of water, as well as some dried fish, a couple kwama eggs, saltrice, and some shein. A box of rations from a surplus store. It felt like a wealth of food, what was in that box...
But the real treat came when she spent what she'd put aside for herself. It wasn't much, only twenty gold, but she got a new robe, the first bit of clothing she'd bought in ages that wasn't from a secondhand store.
And a green candle. There had been red ones. Smelling them had given a scent of cinnamon and memory of Jolene--Dagoth Ur, her mind corrected her. That look in the picture that had buoyed her for a little while, made her feel adored, what might have been the first stirrings of love, but which now--
Surely you understand it has always been Lord Nerevar that he wants?
The words reminding her that she was to stay in her place, that she was not to reach for anything better.
She put the red candle back and hurried along with Chalureel, whose own treat seemed to be four bags of cheese puffs. The remainder that they weren't saving went to a couple bottles of soda and some off-brand chocolate the others liked.
At last they headed back, and she thought that evening, on looking at what had been the slave pen and was now her room, that all things considered this was better than she'd had in a while, even if there wasn't any plumbing here.
It was a roof over her head, food in her stomach, and a safe place to sleep. That was all it used to take to keep her happy, and it would have to be enough now.
If she just kept believing it, maybe it would be true.
When Jiub saw the golden-skinned mer approaching the Waffle House a week after the last sleeper, at first he wondered why an Altmer that clean was coming out here.
Then the door opened, and the new waiter dropped to his knees. "Saint Nerevar!"
"Rise," the mer, Nerevar apparently, replied, "I have--to speak to your cook."
"Of course, of course." The waiter moved in close and said, "Be on your best behavior."
"Right." Jiub shrugged, and the waiter headed off to clean the bathroom, or smoke, or something - he didn't really pay attention. Once the man was out of earshot he looked to Nerevar.
"Is Sadara not here? The Sleepers keep saying she doesn't work here any longer."
Jiub scoffed. "And their word wasn't good enough for you?"
"Where is she?"
"She doesn't live with me anymore, if that's what you mean. Do you want coffee? Eggs?"
"Where--where did she go?" Nerevar's voice was more insistent now.
"As if I'm going to tell you."
"Look--" Nerevar's tone went stern, in what Jiub supposed was his military-leader voice. "--you need to tell me where she is."
"Why should I do that?" Jiub turned, and kept one hand in his right front pocket, where he'd moved his box cutter to. "Huh? The volcano man not quite what you expected?"
"There has been a misunderstanding--"
"Misunderstanding!" Jiub laughed harshly. "Oh yes, Sadara didn't even come home afterwards, I'd say it was more than just a fucking--get out. Now."
"Who do you think you are?"
"The man who knows where she is. So I suggest you keep your hands to yourself. I fucked up your wife, I can fuck you up too."
"She's not my wife anymore, I don't--this isn't about her. I want to know where Sadara is, so I can bring her back to Red Mountain."
"What, to be mocked some more? Do you need a punching bag so you don't get bored?"
Nerevar glared in a way Jiub assumed was meant to intimidate him. It didn't work.
"That was never what was intended."
"Really, what was intended? Because whatever was said was bad enough she didn't even repeat it to me, and she tells me everything. Just said it was nothing we hadn't heard before." Jiub crossed his arms. "Why should I tell you fucking anything when you're the reason she's like this?"
"The person she talked to--did not--" Nerevar groaned, and buried his face in his hands before looking back up. "How do I convince you I don't mean her harm? I only want her to take the place that's rightfully hers now. I thought--we hadn't seen her, so we assumed she must not have been interested in being Lady Dagoth. Then one of the Sleepers let us know she DID show up, and we simply hadn't been told about it."
"Yeah, she delivered your bones," Jiub replied, "You'd think you'd be more grateful."
"I didn't KNOW! One of Voryn's brothers turned her away and--look, I just want to correct the situation. I want to make things right. Then you won't see me again."
"It's her seeing you I'm worried about. Why should I trust you, eh? Give me one good reason not to hurl your ass out like Jazz." Jiub thought for a few moments, then cracked his knuckles. "Tell you what...if you kick my ass well enough, I'll tell you where she is."
A pause.
"Are you game for it? Or are you a big golden chicken?"
The kagouti hunt was not going very well.
They had enough to eat, but Sadara had headed out into the blight storm since she was immune to the blight, saying it'd probably be a good idea to get some fresh meat anyway. The slaughterfish in Zebabi's water (Gish, oddly enough, seemed to think of them as children) were happy enough with scraps, but...leftovers surely weren't healthy for them
In reality she preferred not to while away her time in Zebabi. Even with the others around it was too quiet, and if things were too quiet she'd start thinking.
And if she started thinking, she'd just end up making herself miserable. No. Better to get outside and actually DO something, until she was tired enough she'd go right to sleep when she got back.
But the blight winds were thicker than usual--or at least, thicker than she was used to--and she found herself stumbling along the paths, groping along the rocky mountainside to keep a sense of which direction she was going in. She was almost afraid to pull out her phone. Suppose it blew away, in all this wind?
Sadara took another step, leaned harder when a gust of red ashy wind blew right in her face--and fell into darkness.
"FUCK!" she screamed, and thanked any gods who might be listening that she'd had the Fyr people teach her the Light spell last time she was up there.
It looked like she'd fallen into some kind of hallway...a long corridor, there were visible doors along it. She'd think it was a dwemer ruin if it wasn't for the tombish look about it, and the lack of brass accents.
She set her quiver down to mark the spot, and then headed down the hallway. The doors opened, and she saw ash pits, with offerings covered in dust. Clearly, no one had been here in ages and ages.
A ghost or two rose...but gave her only a look before meandering about the room.
Probably a really old Hlaalu tomb.
She'd been to one or two tombs and left small offerings, but had never actually seen the ghosts wandering around like people had reported. Here, though...they seemed to be everywhere here. Some of the older looking ones ignored her, while a young one or two followed her for a while. Most vanished when she looked at them directly.
Then she came to a larger room--and the ash pit here was much, much larger than any of the others she'd seen.
As with some of the others, a ghost rose from the ashes.
This one, rather than looking at her and then quickly away, fixed her with a keen gaze that didn't once break away.
"Who are you?"
"My name's Sadara," she said, "I'm sorry, I fell into the tomb from the outside. I don't mean any disrespect. ...though I assume you must all know that already, since no one's attacked me."
"You must have married into the house," the ghostly woman said. "There is no other explanation."
"This isn't a house Hlaalu tomb?"
A snort.
"Oblivion, no. This is a House Dagoth tomb."
Sadara immediately started to back out of the room. "Well, I guess...I guess I'm technically one of you, but the marriage...isn't going to last."
"Isn't going to last? When the one you married has been rude enough not to bring you here to introduce you to the family..."
"It wasn't the one I married, but one of his--brothers that told me." Sadara shrugged. "I married him drunk, his brother said it was a mistake, and with Nerevar there again--look, I'll get out of your hair."
"No, no, stay. Stay, tell me what happened. The man you married, was it one of Voryn's brothers?"
"It was Voryn himself, and one of his brothers to--why am I telling you? It's probably getting annulled soon, I won't be part of the House for much longer."
"You shouldn't let yourself be shoved out so easily. Any Lady Dagoth should be strong enough to form herself a place. Voryn's brothers have ever been overprotective of the family honor and nobility--they tried to push off Nerevar, and now they are trying to push off you. With the same tricks, I imagine. But just like Nerevar, you--"
Sadara turned and bolted out the door, back down the hallway, ignoring every attempt by the ghosts she passed to call her back.
Just like Nerevar.
Just like Nerevar.
All she wanted was to escape that name, to escape his shadow, but every attempt seemed to deepen the trap she was in.
How long do I have to live in his shadow?
The blight storm hadn't let up in the least by the time she returned to the cave--and with her arm raised to protect her eyes she didn't nothing the ordinator standing just inside the cave. He stood straight and pointed his spear at her when she approached.
"Who are you?"
"S--Nammu, I live here!" Sadara corrected herself, "Don't tell me it's been seized!"
"Not seized. ...temporarily commandeered," the ordinator said, "Go inside...but there are more of us in there, and if you step out of line you'll be dealt with."
Great, she thought, just great. As if I needed more problems right now.
She went on inside, noting there weren't that many extra ordinators inside, or rather, not as many as she expected. Nuralg was the first to see her, and shook her head on being told the hunt hadn't gone well.
"This one could have told you it was a bad idea to hunt in blight winds. The only thing one can catch out there right now is a blight disease. Dinner will be ready in a bit...but there is someone occupying your room. You'll have to have a chat with her."
The her in question was entirely a surprise. No sooner did she open the little door (which was flanked by two more ordinators) than she laid eyes on--
"Queen Barenziah?"
Both were equally surprised to see one another. Sadara walked forward, trying to think of how to not explain the situation to her.
"What are you doing out here?" was the queen's first question.
"The job didn't pan out. What're you--this doesn't seem the kind of place you'd frequent." Sadara gave a faint smile.
"I was making a trip to Tel Fyr for an injection...I've got something called rheumatoid arthritis, and I would far rather have the doctors do it than trust the job to a maid or to my shaking hands. The blight storm grew stronger while we were trying to sail by, and...well, we took shelter here, not knowing anyone had already made it a home."
"It's not too bad here, provided you fluff your pillow up well enough. And have a good bedroll. Maybe it's a bit too quiet, that's my only complaint."
"Besides not having running water?" Barenziah laughed slightly. "It reminds me of the old days, but...I prefer not to go back unless necessary."
There was a pause, and for that silence Sadara thought that no more would be said.
But of course, she would later think, she could not be so lucky.
"Hunting cliffracers?" she asked, "I expected you could find another job waiting tables up in the north, with your experience."
"I wanted to get away from the region," Sadara replied quietly. She shrugged a moment later. "Lot of drama went on...Almalexia turned up, and there was...a time I got very drunk, and...it's all behind me now."
Barenziah fixed her with a Look.
"What?" she asked, "I think I actually prefer living here over that shithole I was living in. It's by the ocean, it rains more often, and..."
No response.
"I do pay attention to the online discourses, you know," the queen mother started again, "And I can put two and two together."
"I don't want to talk about it," Sadara replied quickly. "Please, let's just talk about something else."
Literally anything else. She simply wanted to keep her mind off the Situation. Eventually that ache would peter out and everything would be as it was before. Everything went down the drain anyway, eventually this would too.
"Answer a few questions, and then I will speak no more of it. I already know about this infamous marriage of yours, and I simply want to know--"
"Do I have a choice?" Sadara slumped slightly.
A few questions and then this'd be over. Barenziah would leave, and she'd get on making the best of this place.
"Did you get thrown out?"
"Not out of my apartment, no, I just didn't go back. There wasn't much to go back for."
"And Dagoth Ur?"
"I haven't seen him since the night the wedding happened. When I visited the--that palace he lives in, all I saw was his brother. If I hadn't left he'd have put me out."
"You poor thing," Barenziah's tone was sympathetic, "This is what I was trying to warn you about. These men will use you and cast you aside the moment you are no longer useful to them."
"I...I brought him Nerevar's bones. Thought we'd have to talk anyway. But...I guess he didn't want to talk..."
You have served the purpose I set out for you.
She gulped slightly. "Anyway...I suppose you'll be staying overnight. We can feed the lot of you, but it'll be a bit tight...not what you're used to, I'm sure."
"We've got some stores of our own to add, if you're inclined to make a stew. Or if you're not, I like my entourage to be well prepared." There was a pause. "I apologize for pressing, but...if you'd like the marriage annulled, I'm sure--"
"No, let him live with the stain." The venom in her tone surprised even Sadara, and she shook her head. "The only revenge I can have right now is that my name is still linked with House Dagoth. He has Nerevar now, and he'll want to marry him soon, which'll mean he'll want my signature on the divorce papers."
She'd seen how easy it could be to get a divorce in Morrowind. Thirty days apart--and they were fast closing in on that number--no matter how short a time it had been since the wedding--with papers signed, and that would be that.
It could be as if it had never been.
"Maybe I can get a bribe out of it. They want to call me a gold-digger, maybe I should just quit trying, and...and give them what they're--"
She took in a sharp breath.
Barenziah's open arms was all it took.
Sadara sank into them, sobbing, and wasn't aware of very much else for a long while afterward.
Just this time. I will let myself be sad just this time. But no one else will get to see it. No one else.
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Is there a place around here for someone who is not a larrie but enjoys larry as a thought experiment and occasionally indulges in tinhatting about stuff that happened in ye old band days but who also likes both Harry and Louis as individuals and wants to see them do well in their separate life journeys? It’s hard to make friends in these parts because it seems like everyone is pretty entrenched in their battles.
Uh, yeah, there is, at least in terms of people you can follow, I mean!
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choslut · 21 days
˖ ࣪ ، ◞ せ ⌇ SHARING IS CARING. featuring s. kong + t. fushiguro.
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↻ shiu gives toji an offer too good to refuse.
tags : voyeurism, phone sex, male masturbation, dirty talk, cowgirl, mentions of threesomes, slut shaming // wc. 0.7k
author’s note : there isn’t enough shiu content out there ‘m afraid, and it HURTS MEE considering i love him from infinity 2 infinity. toji and shiu are the BADDEST 2man out there and i for one would not mind gettin backshots from both ;p as always, notes n reblogs are much appreciated !! (and thank you for 300 followers!)
this work is NSFW. minors and ageless blogs DO NOT INTERACT.
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for TOJI FUSHIGURO, finding work is hard. he can’t exactly just stroll into the next place that’s hiring and hand in his cv like every other person, because unlike every other person, toji’s cv would be filled to the brim with the names of all the people he’s killed.
toji fushiguro is an assassin, and it would be a lie to say that sometimes he doesn’t hate his fucking job.
“you got anything for me?” he sits on his beaten up couch, chopsticks in hand and horse races on the television as he slurps up the last of his cup ramen. “c’mon, boss. there’s gotta be somethin’. everybody wants somebody dead these days.”
“i’m afraid not.” his boss, or more, his contractor, SHIU sighs on the other end of the line. “i told you i’d call if i had anything. work’s tight for me too.”
the line goes silent, and although shiu hasn’t quite hung up yet, toji throws back his head and groans. how hard is it for an assassin to find somebody to kill these days? the whole gig isn’t particularly helpful, either. he gets paid in lump amounts with no idea when his next job is coming through, and at times like this, toji does in fact consider paying a visit to the job centre.
just as he’s about to thank shiu for jack shit and hang up, a muffled whine on the other line drags him out of his thoughts.
“you got your girl there with you, boss?”
“i’m at home. ‘course she’s here with me.”
toji smiles. “hi there, lil’lady. whatcha up to?”
on the other end of the line, you bury your head into shiu’s neck, face flushed as you halt all movement on his lap. “nothin’.”
“don’t sound like nothin’ to me, doll. he treatin’ you good?” toji hears shiu laugh quietly through the phone.
“she doesn’t answer to you, idiot. and for the record, i’m givin’ her everything she needs and more, isn’t that right, baby?” he grinds his hips upwards and you gasp at the feeling of his tip nudging your sweet spot. “tell him how good ‘m treatin’ you.”
by this point, toji’s muted the races and put down his chopsticks, switching his phone to loudspeaker and balancing it on his shoulder so he can hear every sweet sound you’re making. his cock is out of his sweats in no time, precum staining his shirt as his tip presses up onto his abdomen.
“ ‘s g-good,” you hiccup, tears in your eyes as shiu rests a hand on your ass and starts to move you back and forth on his length. “so good, ‘n so big.”
“mm, bet that’s right, angel,” toji drawls, hand occupied with fisting his cock in time with the faint shlicking sounds echoing through his speaker. “how ‘bout next time, you get two cocks instead of one?”
“don’t get too ahead of yourself, zenin. she’s my bitch.” shiu’s tone is sour as he bucks his hips upwards, causing you to whine out.
“yeah, but I bet that slut would take it if we gave it to her.” toji grins, hand quickening when he hears you groan on the other end of the line. “sounds like she’d like that. ‘n i already told you, it’s fushiguro.”
“same difference.” it sounds like shiu’s struggling to maintain an even tone when he feels you clench down on him hard, teeth gritting as your nails dig into the fabric of his suit. “but i agree, it seems like she likes your idea. next time, instead of paying you a lump sum, i’ll let you fuck her instead.”
toji smiles, head tilting backwards as he feels his stomach begin to tighten. “nuh-uh, i still want my money.” his thumb flicks over the slit on his tip, swiping up the precum and spreading it along his pulsing length. “but i’ll take you up on your offer. cant want to try out her sweet cunt.”
on the other end of the line, you squeal, walls clamping down on shiu as you reach your climax. a loud slap resounds through toji’s phone and he grunts, ropes of white painting his knuckles as he finishes in his palm.
“she came too early. only started fuckin’ her since the time you called.”
“sounds like you haven’t been treating your bitch too well, boss, otherwise she wouldn't have been so desperate.” toji smiles, looking at the mess on his hands and shirt. “call me when you have another job. can’t wait to get my sweet reward.”
and with that, he hangs up.
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PREVIOUS : DRESS UP DOLL ft. satoru gojo NEXT : FWB ft. aki hayakawa
liked that? check out the WE’RE SO BACK main masterlist.
© choslut 2024 — do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
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roseluxxx · 1 year
Come on in.
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) X Reader
Warnings: 17+ content, sexual mentions, sexual actions, not explicit like full on but high key rubbing, language, british people
Word Count: 1k
Before Reading: Hypatia was a beautiful philosopher who was killed by men after she gained influence over a Roman ruler, You are dating alr in this and you come over to his place for the first time.
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“Aight, come on in; it’s messy but it’s sum’.”
The room was littered with colorful, sporadically placed punk rock posters with great philosophers and artists, including Van Gough and Hypatia, scattered throughout them. You followed Hobie in as he went straight for his bluetooth system, changing the music to one of his favorite songs.
*Wow. Never thought you'd know Hypatia, much less like her." Hobie nodded mindlessly as he scrolled through song after song, switching between an infinite amount of genres that had no correlation.
"Yeah, men are dicks. She was a brilliant mind; would've loved me you know.”
You laughed in agreement, plopping on his bed as you took in every painting on the ceiling and pattern filling the room.
“Damn, this place is amazing." Your comment was met by a laugh, almost a scoff as he tossed you his spotify playlist and told you to pick something, he didn't care.
"Amazing is an understatement. This place is art." He shoved his hands in his vest pocket and stalked to the bed, having half the mind to kick his shoes off before he made himself comfortable.
You observed the clashing colors and wonky furniture pieces that seemed not to go together until you looked at it from exactly that angle. They weren't meant to go perfectly hand in hand. Except that some of them did. Didn't look like a set but the textures and patterns matched beautifully.
Whipped out of your trance in an instant, you looked up to see Hobie snapped his fingers in-front of you, a bored look on his face.
"Hello? Anyone home? If ur tired just take a nap I don't mind, truly.”
You shook your head, grabbing his hand out of instinct and pulling him closer to you.
"I'm not tired but if you wanna lay down for a bit.. whatever."
He smirked, “Yeah it's never whatever with you but.. whatever."
He slid in next to you, laying on his back as you cuddled up on his chest, his hand finding your hair and playing with it loosely.
The windows placed on cornering walls had their blinds open just enough for the last rays of the golden sun to shine on the bed. Thankfully not in your face.
You finally spotted Hobie's guitar when you felt his hand slip under the hem of your shirt.
You looked up to a face still staring at the ceiling with an almost bored expression (but you caught the glimpses of a knowing smile peeking through).
You guided your hand on top of his, pushing it that much further down your torso as you tried your best to steady your breathing.
Feeling his other hand pull a pillow to cover his lap from behind him, you urged his hand lower.
A mumbled curse fell from his lips and he flipped himself over on top of you, facing you head on and removing his hands in favor of placing them right beside your head.
"Let's not play games now, yeah? I know what chu’ want," he looked at your lips distracted before he refocused himself, "and frankly I want the same. So let's not have a jest and be honest about it."
He sat up, grabbing your hand to let you follow suit as he let a few feet of distance separate you two.
"Just be honest with me darlin’.”
You took a deep breath. He was right. Just be honest.
" want you to fuc-"
Ok not that honest.
"I want you, Hobie."
He smiled, your face growing hotter by the second.
"Now that’s what I like to hear, yeah?"
He was on you in a moment. The soft fluttering kisses he laid across your face, starting at your forehead, made your heart pound. You extended your neck, closing your eyes as you let soft breaths fall when he crossed a particularly sensitive area.
He kissed down your collarbone, his hands falling to the hem of your shirt as he stopped instantly to look at you for any signs of hesitation. You nodded softly, a small smile leaving its mark as your shirt came swiftly off.
A moment passed as he just sat and admired you, his eyes roaming your body in an almost shy way. Like he's received a gift he's not used to getting but has never been so thankful to get it.
"Thank you," he whispered it like a prayer. Like a secret he's telling to just you.
He looked up, making eye contact at last as he repeated the phrase. You nodded telling him if he doesn't get on with it you'd never stop teasing him.
He does. Slowly. Sensually. Taking his time to explore every part before he reaches for your sweatpants and is met with a frantic halt and you sitting up on your elbow, an alarmed look blasted across your face.
"What? M’ going too fast? If you want you can take off my-"
"No, no- I mean yeah i'd love to- i mean, you know, if you'd want that but-“
Hobie takes your hand in his, a gentle expression staying on his face. “Nah, come on, get out of it. What’s up?”
You sighed avoiding eye contact as you allowed yourself to get to the point for once. Mumbling, you told him the issue, "it's just that i haven't shaved and i know we haven't talked about it but-“
Hobie stopped dead in his tracks, his face slowly lighting up with realization and.. laughter?
He evaporated in a contained outburst of chuckles as he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Baby, be honest with me, yeah? I swing around saving the world, almost dying a dozen times a day, and you think i'm gonna get scared off by a little hair on my girl?"
You let your shoulders relax, resuming breathing though you never noticed you had stopped.
You laugh softly, pushing your hair out of your face as your body physically relaxed.
“Yeah, I didn't think about that."
He tugged on your waistband and you helped him take your pants off, letting him kiss down your stomach and skip over to your inner thighs, moving down to your knee as his fingers traced patterns over your skin.
“Fuck you’re beautiful, you know that?”
Thank you for reading!
Feel free to leave a comment or check out my latest Hobie fic here!
A/N: y’all’s comments are wild 😭
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moonlight1110 · 7 months
My Best Friend, König
bestfriend!König x reader ; college!au
Your best friend, the person you trust the most in the world to protect you, and most importantly, be there for your needs <3
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Tags: afab!reader, König x reader smut, throat fucking, blowjobs n shit, smut to fluff, far from canon König, quick read, college!au, secret lovers, aftercare, no german aside from the petnames bc i dont wanna embarrass myself, not proofread
Notes: exams are done so i can finally shake sum asss 😩, i have so many ideas i wanna write for simon and konig im going insane, but expect that in the next few days or weeks, love yall <3
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You were always known as the loud mouth. The most bubbly person anyone's ever met, and it was often meant as a compliment. You always knew how to light up a room the moment you walked in and it just seemed like no one ever had anything bad to say about you.
It seemed like you were able to catch anyone's eye, and that was reflected by the amount of attention you got whenever you would walk around campus. Turning heads and whispers followed you whenever you went, and that was especially true in your classes. But with your extroverted nature, it was a question in everyone's mind why your best friend was the total opposite of you.
König was your best friend, it was like you were both attached at the hip with how you never went anywhere without him to the point that people thought you were a couple. You two would debunk these rumors of course but that just showed how close you two were.
König was quiet, introverted, and intimidating, he was like the perfect bodyguard and that was one of the reasons you loved being around him, because of how safe he made you feel and how he always made sure you were okay, of course it was natural that you'd return the favor.
"K-König... Wait..." A soft moan slips past your lips, you can't hold it in with how good König was fucking you on his tongue right now. He chuckles, humming against your weeping cunt as he pinned your hips down on the mattress, one hand digging into the flesh of your hip as the other rubbed circles right on your twitching clit.
"You want me to stop, meine Schatz?" His voice dripped with desire and cockiness, knowing he was the only one who could see you in such a vulnerable and fucked out position with your legs trembling and draped over his shoulders as he ate you out and fucked you open on his tongue and fingers.
"No... No, don't stop!" you cried out helplessly, tugging at his hair. He growled, sliding his tongue out from your cunt with a satisfied moan from the pressure building in his scalp.
"On your knees, let me fuck that pretty mouth, meine Liebe..." He groaned, gently pulling your hand away from his hair and kissing your palm as he led you off the bed and on your knees in front of him, making space for you between his legs as he stroked himself in front of you. Up and down, slowly.
He was big and it made your mouth water as you inched closer on your knees. You couldn't help the small gasp that slipped when you slowly wrapped your delicate fingers around him.
"That's it... You know what to do..." He chuckled, intertwining his fingers with your hair to encourage you while he looked down at you with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Scheiße... Such a good fucking girl..." König's voice seemed to deepen at the feeling of your soft hands slowly pumping him, his grip on your hair becoming just a little bit tighter as he moaned your name, throwing his head back in ecstasy.
You could feel the heat pooling between your legs when König looked down at you, his eyes blown out with his lip between his teeth and it was clear he was resisting the urge to buck his hips into your mouth, force his dick right into the back of your throat with the way you were doing such a good job for him.
When you slowly wrapped your lips around him, he moaned breathlessly, his shoulders slumping at the feeling of your warm mouth around him. You couldn't help but close your eyes as you started to take him deeper, it was just too much, but he didn't like that at all.
"No, no... Keep your pretty eyes open... Keep looking at me..." He tugged on your hair lightly, forcing you to wince at the pressure but you followed his words of course. When your eyes fluttered open, you were met with the sight of König's chest heaving softly, his mouth opened just a bit as he groaned.
"Ja, that's it... Good girl..." He chuckled, humming as his grip on your hair softened, replacing it with a gentle massage on your scalp as you took him deeper, keeping your eyes on him the whole time.
Your started to bob your head in a steady rhythm, pumping the rest of the length you couldn't take. König, as much as he tried his best to keep his composure, was a mess for you. His chest was heaving and low growls would rumble from his chest every once in a while when his hips would buck into your mouth ever so slightly.
"Can I fuck this pretty mouth, baby? Please..." He pleaded as if he was even waiting for an answer, almost sounding like a drawn out whine when he started to buck his hips into your mouth, he just couldn't help himself, he couldn't resist you at all when you looked so pretty for him.
Your hands found purchase on his thighs, nails digging into his flesh as your eyes rolled into the back of your head when he started to push his cock deeper into your throat, making you gag on him.
"Feels so fucking good, Liebling... I can't help myself..." He moaned as he threw his head back, he was getting rougher now, giving you his cock deeper and deeper as he whispered his praises, telling you how good you are and how much he'll reward his darling after he's done.
Your jaw was starting to hurt, and despite his early instructions, you couldn't help but close your eyes as he pushed your head down with a deep groan. Your fingers were digging into his flesh that you were certain it'd bruise by the morning, but even with how your jaw was starting to get sore and with how your tears were staining your cheeks, you just fucking loved it.
"Shh, shh... You're doing so good, Schatz..." He cooed with a mean chuckle as he wiped your tears away with his thumb. What a gentle man your friend was, carefully pulling your head from his cock as he praised you. "Breathe, baby..." He whispered as he caressed your cheeks, letting you catch your breath as your hands relaxed on his thighs.
"Sorry... I couldn't stop myself..." He apologized after a few moments, carefully picking you up from the cold floor and onto his lap in a bridal position almost. "Was I too rough, Liebling?" He whispered affectionately, gently caressing your thighs as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek as you nestled your head against his shoulder.
"Nothing I couldn't handle" You laughed quietly, relaxing in the warmth his body provided while his hands soothed your thighs and hips.
"You're right... You did so well, like you always do" He chuckled against your hair, kissing your head with a hum.
"Let me take care of you tonight, darling... You deserve it"
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Late Returns | Dom!Lisa x Sub!Male!Reader
A/N: I sat down today, set a 45 minute timer and told myself: Alright, content, a smutty short. Don't think, write. Well, 45 minutes turned into an entire day and roughly 6 pages of text. Is this graphomania? T/C: Femdom, clothed female nude male/CFNM, facesitting, cunnilingus, electrostimulation, amazon position, use of a condom.
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While the Academy of Mondstadt was far from the level of strictness expected in Sumeru, it certainly wasn't easy. Notes, deadlines, classes, practice, essays and books. Books upon books upon books, stacked in every corner of your house. The knowledge they contained was crucial for passing the many exams you had yet to face, making each book priceless - literally, as copies sold to students have price tags that still haunt your sleep. 
The only option was the Favonious Library. 
You couldn't say you were the most diligent of people. That in of itself was bad, but combined with the diligence of the head Librarian, Miss Lisa, it was a nightmare. You did your best to keep track of the due dates - among the mess your studies constantly created - and you succeeded… at first. Later, as the year got more and more hectic, you would forget about tomes and turn them in after the appointed date. It was only due to Lisa's kindness that you were spared from the occasional thousand or two Mora fine. 
Still, you couldn't help but feel she was losing her patience with you. She grew more and more smug, probably knowing that your entire livelihood relied on her not asking for her due payments. She even started calling you a cutie, something you found fairly flustering. You could only hope to stay on the good side…
… but obviously it had to go down sometime. 
This month has been so busy you were forgetting your very own name. By the time you got a grip and took all of the late returns to the library, you knew you had a bomb on your hands. No amount of smiles or tea parties could get you out of this kind of debt. 
“Ah… Sorry, cutie.” Lisa said, browsing through her record book. “These are very overdue I'm afraid. If anybody would see me going easy on you, they would certainly feel unjustly treated…”
You rubbed the back of your head, looking hopefully at her. “Miss Lisa… I don't have much money at the moment… Could I maybe pay in installments?”
She smacked her lips, slowly raising out of her chair. “I'm afraid that won't do. But, if Mora isn't the way, I'll think of other disciplinary means.” You could tell you saw a small flicker in her emerald eyes as she took your hand. “Follow me.”
There was no time to refuse. You sighed in defeat, going along with her as she led you to the back room. Taking your seat at the small table, you watched as she drew a key and locked the door behind you. You swallowed, nervous at what the sorceress had in store for you. 
Lisa drew a piece of paper and tallied up your due, revealing a shocking, six digit sum. How in the world were you to pay that up…
“As I said, we can change it into something less monetary.” Lisa joined her hands on her chest, looking at you from under her wide, purple hat. “You could do library duty, public works, cleaning or, say, help me specifically.” 
You nodded at the last one - it seemed the least strenuous and, if truth were to be told, you loved spending time with her. Even if it wasn't to earn favors. 
“Excellent choice, cutie. Let's start now.”
Lisa approached you, an eager smirk on her lips. With a gentle tug she stood you up from the chair. You could feel her warm breath on your skin, causing it to heat up with a blush, eliciting a chuckle from her. So responsive, she said, as her hands traveled over your arms and down your back, coming to rest on your hips. 
You felt her fingers creep behind the waistband of your pants but lost focus as soon as her lips touched your cheek. Hidden under the wide rim of her hat, Lisa kissed each inch of your cheek, slowly going up to your ear. The tip of her tongue tickled your earlobe, riddling your skin with goosebumps as her other hand continued its quest. Her fingertips rubbed your thighs through the fabric of your boxers, following a trail from the outer to the inner part of your leg. 
While her tongue continued its work, Lisa's other hand found its place behind your pants and with a slight tug, she pulled them down. You meekly took off the article of clothing, letting her hands grope whatever part of you that struck her fancy. She gently raked her nails across the soft fabric covering your buldge, a nervous hum slipping out of your lips. You allow your hands to wrap around her waist, granting her permission to go further. Her index finger starts trailing up and down your clothes cock, swelling up under her gentle tease. Lisa's lips withdraw from your ear and move closer to yours. Your eyelids lower; your head tilts in expectation. You draw closer, so close, you can barely taste her lipstick, almost…
Your body jumps back on reflex as a spark of electricity goes through your sack. Lisa smirks, seeing you close your legs and grip your package protectively, all with that adorable look of - fittingly - shock on your face. She turns around, humming. 
“Don't forget this is a punishment, cutie~” She flashes you a smug look and turns towards the couch. “Over there, Y/N. Lay back, will you?”
You obey her command, feeling excitement bubble in your veins. Lisa nods in approval. Her hat is removed with gentle touch and placed securely on the large table, the centerpiece of the room. While unbuckles the chain connecting her top, she lets her Vision drop and fall between her bountiful mounds. With a quiet moan, she slowly drags it out by the small chain still attached to it, letting the cold metal drag across her burning hot skin. The clothes are discarded on the table; Lisa steps out of her heels and waltzes up to you. 
“Mm~” She touches the tip of your cock, struggling to break free of its confines. “I have a feeling you're aching to get out of these, aren't you?”
The purple glow in her eyes causes your pulse to jump. Fearing another shock, you clumsily pull down your boxers, getting rid of the shirt for good measure. The witch's gloved hand grips the tip of your shaft, pushing her thumb into the flat of it. You feel your veins bulging under the pressure, causing your dick to throb in her hand. She laughs. 
“Look at this little cutie, so eager for my touch…” She drags her palm across your erection, moving it to rest on your stomach. “But I'm afraid he'll have to wait. Your punishment begins now. Are you ready?”
You nod. 
“Good boy.”
Lisa steps up onto the couch. She stands still for a moment, letting you gawk up at her like a helpless puppy. She turns around, the cloth flaps of her corset doing a painfully good job of hiding her assets. She holds the back one in her hand, revealing a set of black, laced lingerie under. It hugs her fatty thighs tightly, almost threatening to come apart with a crouch. The silk holds firm, though, as her ass lowers and settles right on your face. 
Your nose is pushed into the crevice of her ass, your mouth feeling the pressure of her fatty lips, separate from you only by a thin layer of fabric. You take a breath, and your nose fills with a strong, tangy scent of her arousal, soaking the silk of her panties. 
She shifts her hips, smothering you as she looks for a comfy position. Her attention turns back towards your manhood. Lisa takes pity on your cock and wraps her hand around it, using your chest as a support as she gives it a few test strokes. 
“Who would have thought that a cutie such as yourself carries something so…” She leans down and takes a whiff of your cock, taking in the musky mix of precum and pure lust. “Mm~... Intoxicating in your pants. The thick shaft, the bulging veins, and the delicious, thick head… Ah, I would love to feel it pushing my lips apart as it forces its way into my pussy~ Wouldn't you, too darling?”
You make a noise in response, the words drowning in the fat of her hips. 
“I'm sure you'd love to empty your naughty balls inside me… I've noticed the way you've been looking at me ever since we met, Y/N. Know that I would love to take advantage of that too~”
Lisa brings your cock closer and presses her painted lips tightly to your head. When she pulls back, the lipstick leaves a nice mark of her kiss. 
“But first thing first… Your punishment. For being such a handsome, shy and absolutely tasty little cutie - and for the books of course - you'll eat me out. If you'll be a good, diligent boy, I'm sure I'll have an appetite for a second helping. I'm sure you'll handle it.”
You mumble yes, miss into her ass, your mouth salivating at the prospect. She giggles, wiggling her hips to bury you deeper in. You move your hands to her waist and, as soon as you touch her, you yelp in pain at the zap delivered to your cock. You whine, and immediately off-hand her. 
“Bad boy. Use your teeth.”
Lisa rubs the skin right above your cock, grazing the base with her immaculate nails, promising more if you behave. You open your mouth, bite down on the fabric and, with utmost care, pull it away. The fabric digs into Lisa's skin, exposing her just enough for you to get in. Feeling your way around her slit, it isn't long before you find the wet, expecting lips. With the tip of your tongue as your guide, you slide between her inner lips, feeling the salty taste of her excitement. A few humms of approval escape her lips. You use all of your mouth to fully expose her pussy. 
She doesn't guide you this time, and instead wraps her hand around your cock to signal her satisfaction. You feel her hand squeezing your dick as Lisa pumps it up and down with frustrating deliberation. Knowing that the pleasure or torture of your cock is at stake, you dig in. 
“Ah~!” She moans as your tongue dives between her eager folds. 
You dine, switching between gentle flicks and strong, full licks. As you tunnel between her lips, Lisa cranes her neck back, her blonde hair cascading back as pleasure builds within her. It's not long before her needy cunt demands more and Lisa begins rocking her hips, matching the length and direction of your tongue. Her body heats up, her beautiful, deep moans filling the room. More, she says, now resting on your entire body as your fingers dig into the fat of her ass, stabilizing her hips for better access. Your tongue dances around her bud, sliding between her folds before locking onto the clit, lips wrapping around it and sucking. Lisa whimpers and her grip on your dick becomes tighter. You squirm, pain pulsing through you yet never slowing down your service. Her heart rages in her chest and her breath quickens as she grabs your balls with the other hand. 
“Keep… Mhn~ Keep going now… Don't get… distracted~” Your skin crawls as you sense Electro buzzing between your legs. Your grip becomes tighter, legs trembling as you feel the energy pulse down your cock and spread to each of your nuts. You shift your hips helplessly, desperate to keep your mouth working as your shaft hardens even further, balls churning even more cum at the painful stimulation. 
You feel her thighs growing tighter around your head so, with the last gasps of air you push your tongue into her core. Lisa lets out a gasp as her pussy tightens, her legs trembling around you as you eat her to completion. 
Lisa releases her hands, cutting off the electricity. Your cock throbs and bounces, both relieved and missing the stimulation. Lisa groans as she lifts her ass up, freeing you; you gasp for fresh air, coughing. With half lidded eyes and a dazed smile, Lisa looks back at you. 
“Good job, cutie.” She turns around, taking a seat on your thighs. “You know how to please a lady, don't you?”
You nod weakly, letting your hands drop to your sides. You feel Lisa prop up your aching dick with her slender hand. 
“All that licking, sucking and eating was delightful… yet my body wants more. It looks like I went a little hard on your cock, didn't I, darling?”
She strokes the head of your cock comfortingly. You wince at the sensation, instinctively tightening your thigh muscles as you watch her. 
“Aw, don't be scared. I won't punish you anymore. You did what I asked, didn't you?” She leans down, placing a light kiss on your frenulum. “You're a good boy.”
Relaxing, you lay back and focus on the feeling of her hands going up and down your legs. The calm doesn't last long, however. 
“Legs up, big boy~” 
You raise your head, shooting her a look of confusion. She smiles in response, sliding her hands under your ass and gently pushing up. You go along with her signal and raise your legs. Lisa shifts closer, gently caressing your inner thighs as she fumbles with her corset. Before she drops it, she reaches between her breasts and pulls out a small, brightly colored pack. 
“Miss Lisa…” You say, eyes never leaving her hand as she tears the foil open and pulls out a condom. “Why did you keep it there?”
“For special opportunities like this, of course. A woman has to be prepared for a sweet catch like yourself, doesn't she? It doesn't happen often, but when it does, well… Better be prepared, hm?” she coos as she slides the rubber over your raging hard-on. 
Lisa rises up, pushing her hips against yours. She steps over your legs and squats down, pushing them to hang in the air. Lisa sends you a teasing wink as she reaches under the flaps of fabric hiding her sex and grabs your dick. Your imagination runs wild before it stops completely, mind blanking out as you feel your dick finally sinking into her sloppy cunt. Your vision goes blurry for a brief moment before it's brought back down as Lisa raises up and falls back down. You see stars as your cock slams against her cervix, making you moan in unison. 
Without delay Lisa begins moving her hips up and down, her walls eagerly sucking you in as she fucks you. Her hands hold onto your ankles as her ass plops down on you again and again, the clapping growing sloppiers as each thrust coaxes her insides to drool all over your cock. Holding onto the couch for dear life you moan as she rides you, bent over and completely helpless. You could only moan and whimper in response. Lisa keeps her pace steady, looking down at your flushed face with satisfaction. 
“Such a good boy, letting me fuck you like this~” She says, reaching out to tilt your head up. Your eyes meet. “Now cum, cutie~ Empty your balls inside me~”
Tenderized by her earlier torment, your balls fail to endure her pace and tighten in preparation to bust. Your mouth cannot form a coherent word other than cum. Lisa presses her body flat against yours, holding your cheeks as she pounds you into the couch. 
“Good boy… That's it… Cum for mommy~” she whines out as you safely unload inside her, her slick walls pulsing in rhythm to coax every drop of cum from your body. When you can shoot no more, your tired form goes limp against her. 
She chuckles, placing a kiss on your forehead. She slowly stands up with a satisfied, drawn out whine. You look up only to see the condom gone from your softening cock. Lisa smirks as you look at her for an answer. She lifts her front flap to reveal the end of the condom stuck inside her pussy. 
You follow her as she graciously steps down from the couch and heads towards the table. Lisa picks up her hat, making her way over to the armchair put up against the opposite side of the room. She sits down, resting her legs on the footrest. Her hat is lowered back on its rightful place.
“Consider the fees settled, cutie. But if you’d like to discuss… extended terms, feel free to come in for a cup of hot tea~”
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Thanks for reading!
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shadowskulls-blog · 7 months
Carmilla Carmine x (gn or fem, doesnt matter) reader smut. Reader is vaggie's height. The two are already dating and one day, reader is being a bit of a brat, so carmilla pins them to the wall with her legs because why bend down when she can just do the splits against a wall and hold someone in place like that. However, it just makes readers brattiness go up and they kiss her thigh, long story short they eat her out while she's doing the splits standing uptight-
Only if you wanna write this, of course. But I think it's a funny and silly idea
Ohhhhhh. Yes... but yeah. It's gonna be a GN, so, yeah. I haven't written a lot of brat stuff, but I hope this is a good first try. I usually do smug, but hey, I will do the best I can. But my guess is they're like Velvett
Carmilla Carmine x GN reader
"Carmilla, come on! Can you just tell me the reason why you wanted to keep this stuff secret!?" You ask loudly as you couldn't understand why keeping something as angels can be killed a secret! We could finally win against those angels and she wants to keep it in the dark!?
Carmilla sighed as she pinched her nose. You walked behind her until you both entered your shared room. With you closing the door behind you.
"I will not let this news get out and possibly put everyone into war." Carmilla said as she turned around, looking down at you. Seeing as you were still pissed.
"Isn't that what you sell guns for? I get it ain't war, war, but. It's fights and everything. You have guns that can kill demon royalty for Satan's sake! That's war, ain't it?!" You shouted at Carmilla, walking up as you kicked a stoll out from the vanity, then kicked it in front of you. walking on top of it to be at a sum what eye level with her.
"While angels, the monsters that could have killed you or our daughters! You didn't want the fact that their own weapons could kill them. For fucks sake. I would have told people!" You said as Carmilla glared down at you for a moment but walked away as you followed her until she was facing the wall with a portrait of her and her daughters. She noticed how you said "our daughters"
"Then what would happen? We all go into war. A massive war, if that happens, do you have any idea how many we could lose? We could lose over lords. People we love. I could lose my daughter's and you along with it! We both know how fights go, I will not have war come down and kill every last one of us!" Carmilla explained as she turned around and looked down at you. She will not have this be brought down and have people killed, and during extermination. anyone could be killed!
She will lot let her friends, daughters, or you die because of something she did that brought war up. She holds everyone she loves dear to her. If she lost you or her daughters, it would mean the end of the world for her
"But with the weapons that can kill them, we have a chance! By my logic, it seems like you want people to die -" you shouted back, but Carmilla had finally had enough of you, kicking you against the wall and slamming her leg up above you. You groaned a bit as you looked up at Carmilla, the shadows making her red eyes glow as she stared down at you
"You know that isn't true. You have known me for years, and you know I'm not that type of person. If anyone should know that it's you! And I will not let war be brought down on us. If you're too dense to understand that..." Carmilla said as you breathed heavy, you moved your left hand up to gently crease her thigh. Feeling the angelic steel along with her clothing
Carmilla stopped talking as she looked down at you, wondering what you were doing. You laughed a bit as you looked back up at her, leaning your head a bit to the side
"I get it. But...didn't think I fired you up enough to pin me with your legs..." you said with a smirk as you leaned your head against her inner thigh, giving it a kiss as you smiled against her clothing.
Carmilla's eyes widened slightly as she couldn't understand this sudden change. One minute ago, you two were fighting now. You're getting turned on by being pinned to the wall by her leg...
"If anything, I can tell this is bringing stress on you," you said as your hand slid up going from the her thigh to her pussy. Your sharp nails set on her clothing, ready to tare it off as you looked up at her with a smirk
"What are you doing?" Carmilla asked as she looked down at you in confusion with her blushing a bit. Your fingers rubbed against her clothed pussy as you continued to smirk up at her
"I'm just saying. You've been stressed out, and...your teasing me by putting your legs in my face." You said as you dug your nails into her clothing, taring away the clothes that covered her pussy.
Carmilla groaned as she felt the warm air hit her now unclothed pussy, as you dropped the fabric to the ground. You chuckled a bit as you saw she was a bit wet.
"See. You like this as much as me..." you chuckled as your fingers went to go crease her wet flaps gently, your fingers getting wet by the touch as you heard Carmilla moan by your touch. Her leg tensed up against your body as she relaxed again.
You smirked wider as you shoved your ring and middle finger into Carmilla, her moans getting louder as her hand went on the wall for support. her fingertips gripped onto the wall. You noticed that. You were always amazed at how she could even stand in those shoes in the first place but...
"I'm gonna make sure you lose your balance in those shoes," you said as you connected your mouth to Carmilla's pussy, your fingers still inside of her as you moved your fingers inside of her. Your tongue hitting against her clit slowly
Moans filled the room as Carmilla's free hand dug into the leg that was supporting her up, her moans and groans getting louder as she felt your tongue run across her clit as your fingers rubbed inside of her.
"I don't get... how you could go from a brat...to this, " Carmilla said, stopping so she didn't moan out loud. You smiled as you opened your mouth, licking your lips as you looked up at her. Seeing her glowing red eyes and flushed face as sweat started to form around her face.
"Like I said. Tease me with your legs, I'll take it.." you said with a smirk as you went back to eating out Carmilla, your tongue hitting her clit faster as you twisted your fingers around, spreading them every two seconds as Carmilla's moaned became louder a more rough. Making her leg push more against you
You moaned into her as your fingers began pumping in and out of her. Your tongue pushing into her wet folds as you sucked and kissed, tasting her bit of her as your fingers kept pumping in and out, pushing further up each time.
Until you pumped in again, hearing Carmilla moan out louder and her back arch as her nails clawed into the wall.
"Damnit!... right there!" Carmilla moaned out as her hands kept clawing at the wall, her back arching as you kept going. Your fingers worked around her spot as you moaned into her. Your fingers then pushed down into her as that was enough to make her reach her limit
Carmilla then used her free hand to put on your back, making sure you wouldn't pull away. her fingers clawing into your back as she yelled out in pleasure, her climax hitting her as she came around your fingers with your tongue being coated in her cum.
Carmilla breathed out in moans as she pushed her right hand into the wall making sure not to lose her balance as she opened her eyes to look down at you. Seeing you pull away as you breathed heavy with a groan escaping your lips as your back muscles tensed, feeling Carmilla's claws in your back
Carmilla pulled her hand away gently as your blood was on her fingers. You gasped as you felt her claws leave. You licked your lips as you chuckled a bit as Carmilla tried to stand without shaking.
"I got you tall, Mama." You said as you put your hands on her hips, giving her support as you walked her to the bed. Setting her down as she breathed heavy. Taking a minute to catch her breath as she looked at you with an annoyed glare.
"Sometimes you annoy me," Carmilla said with a groan as she looked down at you. You only smiled as you chuckled a bit
"But you love me~" you said as you smiled, walking up to Carmilla and smiling. Carmilla sighed but smiled as. It was true.
Well, since it's valentines Day. Happy valentines Day special.
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jeansplaytoy · 9 months
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part three.
if you haven’t already, please read part two and one first. warnings: physical + verbal abuse, language, fluff (in the beginning), mentions of alcohol, lots of angst. if this is too much for you, please don’t read it.
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‘i wont get too drunk, i still have to go home.’
that’s what you told yourself every five minutes when you went to pick up a drink. and every five minutes, you changed your mind about that drink.
‘fuck, i have to go home.’ you thought to yourself while checking your phone. 1AM. “shit.”
but you stayed sitting on the couch, regardless of the fact that it was already getting out late, and you were supposed to be out studying.
but those thoughts were brushed away when you felt someone sit down beside you. “what’s wrong?” ony asked, looking at you. you slowly shook your head. “nothing… just worried about what my moms gonna say when i get in the house at three in the morning.” you said, staring at the ground with your lips softly pursed together.
ony smacked his lips. “you know she ain’t bouta say shit bout it. she gon be cool.”
“you can think that cus we not related. if you really knew how she was, you’d picture her like i do.” you said, shaking and scratching your head.
“you tryna go home?”
“not really.”
“then why you complaining? go find armin or sum.” ony softly smacked the back of your head. you groaned. “i don’t wanna talk to armin. he already think i’m a hoe.” you looked at ony as he grabbed your wrist and led you through the crowd.
“well… you could’ve fooled me.”
“armin yo future girl lookin for you. she said you think she a hoe.” ony nudged armin and brought you into view. you looked at him with an annoyed look and then at armin while rolling your eyes.
armin chuckled. “wassup.”
as ony walked away you dramatically sighed. “you uh.. ready to go home?” you asked armin while tilting your head. “why? you tryna go?” you shrugged.
“we can leave if you wanna go.” armin shrugged, putting his phone in his hoodie pocket. “yeah.” you nodded, almost rushing out of the party. you left through the front door and hurriedly made your way down the walkway.
“damn, hold up.” armin held up his arm. “you know yo back pack still in ony room, right?”
you sighed, anxiousness filling your heart. “fuck. can you go get it? you don’t have to.” you rubbed your eyebrows. “i’ll wait for you.” you said, adjusting your crop top to stop the sweat from forming. armin nodded, going back to the house.
it was only a few minutes when he came back out, holding your backpack. “my fault. people was crowded and shit.” he said. you nodded. “thank you.”
you let armin hold your backpack as the both of you walked down the street, since that’s how you got to onys house in the first place. you walked quickly, armin following beside you. he seemed calm. like this was something he did everyday.
“why you so nervous. yo mom can’t be that irritating.” he mumbled.
you shook your head. “this the latest i ever been out. she strict as hell and i know it’s finna be a never ending argument when i get in the house.” you exhaled and rubbed your hands together.
“me and you both. dad bouda be on my ass.” armin raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “fuck. i hope he sleep right now.”
“me and you both.” you repeated his words with a quiet voice. armin seemed the notice it and glancing at you before looking forward again. “we can get yelled at together.” armin shrugged. “i thought you said you ain’t have no curfew when we first saw each other again.”
“no curfew before 11, yeah.” you shook your head.
it got quiet as you both continued to walk. you started to slow down a little, realizing it was already too late to start rushing home.
“i was playin when i said that stuff about you lookin at me. i know you don’t do that to everybody.” armin suddenly spoke. you hummed. “what made you think about that?” you asked. he bit his top lip. “when ony told me you said i think you a hoe… sumn like that. i know you ain’t no hoe.” he said, looking down at you as you walked. you didn’t look up from the concrete.
“it’s whatever.”
armin heard your tone and inaudibly sighed. “if it makes you feel better, i can talk back to my dad so he can yell more. yknow, so he can yell his ass off for the whole night, and you can rest knowing i’m still getting called names and shit.”
“don’t put yourself at risk to make me feel better.”
“i’m not risking nothing. that’s the thing.”
“you risking the relationship between y’all though, so…”
armin pursed his lips together. “ain’t no relationship between us no more. he been gettin more fuckin’ irritated by the days.”
you hummed. “oh.”
only a couple more steps forward and that’s when you made it in front of your house. “well. here we go.” armin clicked his tongue, starting to walk towards your backyard. “you gon keep my backpack?” you asked. armin shrugged and looked back at you.
“call me.” he mumbled.
“no number.”
he paused and hummed, reaching in your backpack and pulling out a random piece of paper and a pencil.
he wrote down his number, barely being able to write it down because of the fact that he had to put the paper on his palm. he passed you the paper, putting your pencil back.
“when we get done getting yelled at.”
you put the piece of paper in your skirt pocket and nodded with a small smile.
knocking on your own door, a few seconds came your mom. with a worried, but more angry look on her face. “get in this damn house. right. now.” she pointed behind her. you sighed and walked in, rubbing your forehead.
she slammed the door behind you and frowned. “you said you was going out to eat, so why the hell you coming back in my house at 1 in the morning?” she said, blocking your way to the stairs.
“i went to a party at onys house, it’s not that serious.” you mumbled.
“not that serious? i almost called the police because i thought something happens to you, but it’s ’not that serious’? and i bet you was out there with a bunch of damn boys, huh.” she squinted. “a bunch? what you tryna say? i’m some kinda thot?” you frowned and tilted your head. “i went to a party, had some drinks, and lost track of time. i barely did anything at the party anyway, so i don’t know why you tryna make it seem like it’s the worst thing in the world.”
“and you might be just that.” she mumbled.
you frowned in confusion. “what?”
it took you a minute to realize she answered your first question and disregarded the rest of your words. “because every damn time, it’s something else. then you gon end up pregnant with no help.” she shrugged, continuing to stand by the stairs.
you scoffed and shook your head. “yeah, right. i’m gon get pregnant, fuck a thousand boys, cus i’m a thot right?”
“you need to find you something else to entertain yo damn self with.” she pointed her finger in your face. you started getting irritated. “can you move?”
“no i cannot. because i don’t know who the hell you been hanging around that’s making you act like this, but you not going out no more.” your mom continued to yell in your face. “you a little ass girl-“
“first of all i’m 18 years old, damn!” you smacked your lips and pushed past her, going up the stairs.
“i wish a had a damn son. don’t know why little ass girls like you act like this. shoulda knew that from the time you was born.”
for some reason, those words struck you somewhere you’ve never really been hit before. now your moms said a lot of fucked up things to and about you, since you were young. but to basically say she wished she never had you? it was weird.
“cool.” was the last thing you mumbled before walking into your own room and shutting the door, locking it behind you.
meanwhile there was armin, listening to his dads yelling. still listening.
“i don’t know why the fuck you come in and out of this house when you feel like it, but next time you do that shit, i’m gon’ fuck you up, you hear me, armin?!” his dad yelled outside his locked door.
“i heard you the first time bruh.” armin mumbled.
but he guessed he heard what he said perfectly, because he jumped at the loud pounding on his door. staring at his door knob, which looked like it was about to practically break from the sounds it made and the way it moved.
he looked like a deer in headlights.
the sound of his mom yelling and the sound of his dads silence, mixed with the banging of the door, it made armin go silent, and put his phone down beside him on the bed.
suddenly, his moms yelling and muffled and his dad broke down the door, going straight for him. before he could even flinch, he felt his self getting thrown into his dresser. “i’m sick of this disrespectful ass kid!”
he felt his dads grip on his hoodie, as he got thrown into the wall, where a big hole laid when he was swung off the wall and into the door, nearly breaking it off the hinges. “you disrespectful son of a bitch! you need to learn some respect!”
as armin tried to fight back, he threw a punch to his dad, which landed. and hard.
it only made him more pissed.
armin felt his self being slammed to the floor, which he was glad was carpet because his head hit it instantly. he squinted at the pain before throwing full punches at his dad, who did the same on top of him. and was much stronger.
the sound of his moms yelling still didn’t blink in yet.
“get off of him, he didn’t do anything wrong!” his mom yelled, face almost soaked with tears.
“you need to learn respect, you fucking hear me?!”
his dad pinned his arms down to the floor. “get the fuck off of me! i fucking hate you!”
armin kicked his legs and screamed, but it was no good. that’s when he felt tears flood his eyes and roll down his face. his room was filled with nothing but yelling from him, cries from his mom, and harsh words from his dad. he was basically throwing a tantrum now, kicking his legs around, knocking things off of his dresser.
his dad suddenly yanked away from him, standing up and running his hand across armins dresser, sending all his things flying.
his dad pushed past his mom as he laid there on the floor. armins mom, shaking, slowly shook her head, sobbing as she slowly left the room.
armin, heavily breathing, fists balled, sweating and still crying, suddenly started to yell again, this time at his self. he was mad. more than mad.
throwing things around his room as he yelled, kicking his lamps over, throwing glass around, tearing curtains, and more. “i fucking hate this house!” he yelled, tears still dragging down his tired, red face. he sent a punch towards his bathroom mirror, completely shattering it. throwing things around his bathroom, he panted, walking back in his room and grabbing his phone and his charger. he grabbed his backpack, shoving any clothes he could fit, along with his toothbrush, deodorant, things like that.
he put on his shoes, and swung his door open, breathing heavily as he made his way downstairs, leaving and slamming the front door behind him.
and you? you stared at the ceiling, thinking back on your own mothers words.
for a few minutes, you were lost in your own thoughts.
until you heard a knock on your window.
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part four here.
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romaevelizz · 5 months
Crush Culture˖ ࣪⊹
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I. Nervous
sum: Tsukishima minding his business until he runs into someone while on his way to the bathroom.. why was his heart beating so fast, why where his hands so sweaty. Was he nervous? gross.
warnings: cursing, tsukishima having and attitude and reader having an even worse attitude, flirting, Blk!coded reader!
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
A practice match against Nekoma, karasunos rivals. Everyone was excited well mostly everyone. The bus ride was long enough, and now he had to play, fun! Tsukishima was never one for the loudness that came with his team the stupidity that came for the two other first years to go along with it always got in his nerves. Lost in thought as he grabbed his bag tuning out the loudness. The school was big, I didn’t help people were just leaving classes as they arrived. The stares the team received, the whispers as they followed, a few girls here and there pointing out Tsukishima a fawn giggle leaving their lips as he continued walking.
“Annoying..” he muttered putting his headphones back on shoving his hands in his pockets.
Nekomas team captain had shown them a team room they could change and leave their stuff in, more spacious than the one at school. Leaving his stuff behind he went to hunt down a bathroom, he just wanted to wash his face and fill his water bottle.
He mentally punched himself for forgetting his headphones making himself seem approachable. Why would these school girls think that? After the multiple no thank you’s as he walk, he was going to lose his mind. These girls didn’t even know him yet felt the could walk up to him a simple ‘hey I think your cute.’ Would get him into their Snapchat. Yeah no. Maybe he was a dick but he simply didn’t care, he didn’t want the attention he didn’t ask for it nor put himself out there.
A solid thud to his chest knocking him back was enough to knock him out of his thoughts “For fucks sake watch where your going.” He groaned.
Looking up his eyes met a girls who was now giving him a dirty look, once an apologetic one. “Ya’ know I was gonna apologize until you decided to be a dick about it, god didn’t your mother teach you to have some manners.” She scoffed, her voice wasn’t high nor low but was still a bit deeper then what he expected a nice medium.
“Excuse me?” He glared at her.
“Your excused baby, but watch who you’re talkin’ to with that tone.” She spoke, her arms crossing across her chest as her hip piped out to the side.
Her attitude pissed him off, the red track suit she wore fitted tight different material then most track suits it hugged her body yet was still modest, on her thigh read ‘Nekoma Vollyball’ a spot on her chest ‘Manager’. Your fucking kidding me he thought. His eyes soon met her her dark ones giving him a nasty glare as he stood up straight, his eyes now examining her, her complexion was dark, the way her makeup sat in her face making her look nice and glowy, her lashes were long extensions maybe? The makeup around her eyes Smokey with a sharp wing, her lips lined and filled in slightly a dark cherry gloss coat over her lips. A gold hop in her nose matching the sets in her ears. Her hair was straight, parted to the side slicked back behind her ears her hair was a little past her shoulders.
He was definitely starring to hard because the snap of her fingers brought him back. The sound of her Acrylics making the snap a bit louder, “hello? I’m still waiting for an apology.” Her tone snarky he could see the little smirk in the corner of her lips.
He scoffed “I’m sorry?” His voice felt shaky.
Her lips pulled up quickly into a smile “thank you! And your forgiven, don’t be to late warmups will start soon.” she said walking away waving her fingers at him giving him a toothy grin, making Tsukishimas stomach tingle. Cocky little fucker. He scoffed, did that really just happen.
“What the fuck.” He said to himself his eyes wide, a half smile on his face. “What the fuck just happen.” He laughed irritably his hand touching his chest, god his heart was beating fast, are you kidding me. Did she just make him nervous. Gross. A girl being snarky and irritated towards him made him nervous.
Looking as his hands rubbing them together they were cold and clammy, no fucking way. He groaned whipping his face dramatically. He quickly opened the bathroom door. It wasn’t even the way she looked at him, her big eyes getting small as she glared as him, how her lips frowned as she crossed her arms. This is gross, disgusting actually. Why was he nervous he didn’t even know her. Plus she had an attitude her voice was annoying, but why did it continue to ring through his ears when she called him ‘baby’ her being obviously sarcastic with how her tone held it. Calling him that in a mocking manner. And he didn’t say shit back.
“I don’t know who’s fuckin’ son that is be he needs to be popped in the mouth.” She scoffed walking up to Nekomas team captain.
“Who needs to be beat up.” Kuroo asked. Getting the attention of Fukunaga, Yamamoto, and Lev.
“Some blonde kid tall lanky.. glasses. He’d be cute if he didn’t have a mouth on him.” She admitted turing away from the boys grabbing a clipbord.
“THAT SCRAWNY FIRST YEAR!” Yamamoto yelled.
Her eyes looked back at him raising an eyebrow “He’s a first year? Interesting..” she said smirking.
“I thought we were taking a break from boys.” Yaku said standing next to her his hip bumping hers.
She gasped dramatically “Yaku you act like I’m boy crazy have some more faith in me.” She smiled. “Plus I’m not into blondes.”
“It’s just that he’s blonde not even younger than you.” Kuroo said crossing his arms a teasing smirk on his lips.
She shrugged her shoulders “I’m both, Cougar, panther. I like my men well dressed, good music, treats me well and my dad has to like him.” She spoke simply her index finger tapping her chin, her gaze leaning Kuroo as the said blonde walked in to the gym his eyes meeting hers quickly, only to break eye contact immediately. She smiled amusingly “Plus he won’t know what to do with all this.” She spoke confidently her hands tracing her body.
“I hate you both. The only real person I like here is Fukunaga and maybe lev,” legs head Turing quickly about to say something only for her to cut him off “depending on the day.” She pointed at him.
“I’m gonna throw up on you.” Kuroo and Kenma said.
“So you hate me.” Yaku said, “no bae it not like that!” She fake cried.
“No no I get it.” He scoffed.
Tsukishima watch from the other side of the court how she laughed with her team mates, helping them warm up. He watched how she tucked her hair behind her ear moving it out of her face. How she talked to guys helping them with something when they came to her asking about form of how the should fix it. Her voice was faint but it was kind, unlike earlier when she spoke to him. Her eyes were the same, his heart dropped when her eyes met his, a smirk meeting her lips as she raised a brow as in saying she caught him looking again. He only scoffed shaking his head paying attention to his own team again.
Even during the match he kept stealing glances. How she sat next to the coaches talking to them while pointing at players them nodding and taking in what she said. “Yo! You got a problem blondie? Staring at our manager, I get she’s pretty but she’s not into blondes.” Yamamoto said making a face at tsukishima earning a smack to the back of the head from Kuroo.
“Don’t mind him but he’s right. Plus she’s to old do ya kid.” Kuroo smirked.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes she’s older? Third year maybe? To bad. “keep her I don’t want her. Plus she’s not even my type. I cant stand snotty little brats.” He smiled.
The two glared at him “ better watch your mouth.”
“Oh I did, I don’t like brats.” Tsukishima said popping the t.
Daichi quickly grabbed him “Sorry he’s not great with words, excuse him.” His tone apologetic as he patted Tsukishima on the back passive aggressively.
Tsukishimas snarky comments about the team’s manager obviously got back to the rest of the team and her because that whole team had it out for him. Maybe he was a bit of a dick but it’s just how he was. After saying their thank you’s he watched as the two managers, walked up to each other hugging. Saying goodbyes. As Kiyoko walked away his eyes met hers for the last time, her giving him a mocking smile waving as him with her fingers the acrylics on her nails making it seem more dramatic. He glared Turing his back to her, the tips of his ears hot, as his heart thumped heavy.
There’s no fucking was she made him nervous. Gross he doesn’t even know her name as he makes his hands sweaty and shaky.
This is bullshit.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
OMG NAVYYY HII HOW ARE YA😭😭😭 ever since i watched seb's scene in ghosted ive been so... well... there's no way to say this diplomatically but anyways it got me thinking- you know god spends a lot of time waiting.. for his targets or sum shit.. he must get... bored(wink wink) ya know??? so maybe sometimes his gf comes along with him.. to keep him company.. in that car😏😏😏 and i dont think i need to say anything else you can work ur magic✨✨✨
Not too bad, nonnie! Hope you're well and hope you enjoy this.
Gentle Sin
Pairing: God the Bounty Hunter x Female Reader Summary: You keep God company. Word Count: Over 1.05k Warnings: S/mut, c/ockwarming, p/ossessive behavior, talk of v/iolence, God the Bounty Hunter (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Um. This was unexpected! Happy Sinday, lovelies? 🔥 Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. ❤️ Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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It wasn't unusual for God to hide in vehicles or other places to track and collect whatever criminal or individual he was responsible for. The private agent possessed a certain level of patience suited for his job. It didn't mean he always enjoyed waiting, even when the payoff was more than enough. Which is why you were only half surprised when you got a message to meet him in the back of some random car.
"Come keep my cock warm, Angel."
It wasn't a suggestion and his demands weren't something for you to ignore.
"You know one of the things I love about you? You act as if this isn't where you belong, but your pussy knows exactly who she belongs to."
Fucking traitor.
You breathed in and out slowly through your nose as two of his fingers slid across your tongue. He hardly spoke a word when you showed up in the darkened parking lot, both of you careful not to draw too much attention to yourselves as you shuffled around in the backseat. He didn't have to tell you to lose the panties. They were gone the moment he reached out. 
"Did you know there are two main reasons why it's painful for people to wait for things?" he asked, changing the subject.
Loves the sound of his own voice.
"Mmm," you replied, unable to say anything with his fingers pushing deeper into your mouth. What would he do if you bit them? You could figure that out another day.
"One reason is the unknown. They don't know what's coming and they can't stand it," he said, rolling his hips beneath you. Your warm pussy didn't seem to distract him from his mission, the gun in his other hand ready for him to use. "The other is dealing with something they don't want to deal with in the first place."
You moaned when he brought his mouth to your neck and dragged it along your skin, the light scratch from scruff bringing goosebumps to the surface. Every sound you made, every clench of your wet walls fueled his ego. The sin he carved into you was gentle in comparison to the wrath you knew he unleashed on others.
You were special in his eyes. 
"You think you know what's coming, Angel, but I have a surprise for you," he said as he removed his fingers.
"And what's that?" you asked, wondering if he planned on using his ring tonight. "Me coming on your cock and you coming inside me? Not much of a surprise."
Was it too much to admit you loved how he filled you to the brim? That you craved when he spilled hot and thick inside you and claimed every inch of you as his? But you carried power, too. Your cunt did wonders on this man and it was a weapon you enjoyed wielding.
He brought his wet fingers under your skirt with a grunt, seeking out your clit with an expert touch. You didn't have to see the smirk on his face when you arched your back to know it was there. It was a look engraved in your mind the moment he made you his. "That's not the unknown. We already knew the night would end like that because I always get you off."
Cocky bastard. I get you off, too.
"Then what is it?" you asked, whimpering as he teased your bundle of nerves. Your essence soaked the curls as the base of his cock at this point as he tapped the glass with the gun. 
"Your ex-boyfriend skipped bail," he answered, his voice softer and deeper than before. "I don't have to tell you his name and I better not hear you say it."
You managed not to shriek when he pinched your clit, a ripple of pleasured pain causing your toes to curl. You knew exactly who he was talking about and it was one of the reasons he was your ex. Funnily enough you'd end up with someone who is both worse and better. "God, is that why you wanted me here?"
He had no lesson to teach you because you did nothing wrong.
"Partially why. You'll worship no one else before me and I want you to remember that," he said, tapping the glass again like he wasn't playing you like a finely tuned instrument. You wanted to point out you didn't even know the bounty hunter when you dated your ex, but you bit your tongue. "And I have to wonder if I'll shoot my load into you before or after I shoot him."
Was he going to kill him for merely skipping bail? Wasn't he supposed to bring him in alive? Why did the thought scare you and turn you on?
You gripped his arm for purchase when your body began to shake. During one of his ramblings to you, he mentioned he attuned his senses to everything around him. The orgasms he pulled from you proved that and you understood where some of his confidence came from at least. He also knew how to keep you on the edge without sending you over. 
God, just let me finish. 
"My beautiful, wet angel. Does that get you off? Knowing I want to shoot someone just because they touched you?" he lightly taunted, pressing an affectionate kiss against your shoulder. "Wasn't the tune you sang when I shot your partner, but I changed that, didn't I?"
"Don't talk about him," you snapped.
"Still sore about me doing my job?"
You shut your mouth. You couldn't fault him for that, but it was bad enough you willingly slept with the guy who killed your partner. Would good sex ease your guilty conscience?
"Well, your ex has no idea what's going to happen and he doesn't want to face his crimes. Too fucking bad," he said, pulling his fingers away as you teetered on the edge. "And I want him to see what it's like for a god to take you apart. I want him to see you're mine now. Then I'll take him in. After shooting him for good measure."
He shoved his fingers back in your mouth before you could respond. 
"That's it. Taste your sin on my fingers. Plenty more where that came from before the night is through."
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I couldn't help myself! Love and thanks for reading. 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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leafofkudzu · 9 months
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Hello and Happy New Year!!! The first Saturday of a new month will soon be upon us, which means it's time for another art party hosted by my guild, Verdant Shield [VS]! But this one is extra special, because exactly one year ago was my first real foray into the world of event hosting - that's right, it's the one-year anniversary of [VS] Art Party!!!
The very first [VS] Art Party was held January 7th 2023, and was a very quiet experiment with no visible tag, announced only two days before and hidden away in an obscure corner unlikely to be noticed by non-participants. I was nervous, but with a modest 20ish-person turnout and a chill energy not dissimilar to the current EU parties, it seemed to go over great! As art trickled into the tag over the following days and weeks, people started asking about future parties, and even about hosting ones on EU servers, which I could certainly do since I already had an EU alt. And so, a monthly tradition was born!
For those unsure of what an art party is, they're a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all kinds to hang out, chat, and create together! Grab your character and outfit of choice, head to the party location, find someone that inspires you, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! The tl;dr I've been repeating since the very first announcement post is simply this: the 'goal' of an art party isn't to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
It's a bit tricky to get to if you're F2P, but there was no way I wasn't returning to the location of the original party - the uninstanced asura home instance in Rata Sum, the Applied Development Lab! I've even dusted off my original map image, complete with hand-drawn arrows:
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(That's Magustan Court Waypoint, by the way.)
This area is only accessible via flying mounts or with the use of a Teleport to Friend, so be sure to have one (or both) handy when the time comes!
Time & Squad Details:
As per usual, there will be two 3-hour parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People do tend to arrive early though, and those with multiple accounts often jump directly from one to the other, so don't be surprised to see things running late and/or starting early!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 3pm Eastern Standard Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Paranomalous Plexxi for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (aka 1am Central European Time or at in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Teekzi for an invite.
Closing Words:
The engagement, energy, and love in these events always blows me away, and words can't express how happy I am with what we've all created together. I'm so glad that I took that first step last year and extended an invitation to what would've likely just been a throwaway guild event to the best section of the GW2 community I know. GW2 tumblr, keep being amazing. I love you guys so much, and I can't wait to see you guys on Saturday, and for many more first-Saturdays-of-the-month to come!
Ever your diligent cat herder,
Meka ♥♥♥
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Hehehe I love you’re writing, here’s another request, angst with a happy ending
7. I told you that I fucking loved you and you stood there and laughed at me (angst prompt list)
9. “I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you.” (Fluff prompt list)
Reader confessed their love, Bo laughs (it’s out of disbelief reader doesn’t take it that way) reader leaves, Bo comes home in the evening, obviously dude sucks at his emotions and they argue and then Bo ends up word vomiting a love confession too, little kissy at the end :3
Ooooooo. This is a nice one! Had to think about this one for a moment, but I think I have something for this :3
Bo x grey reader
What a Fool
Tw: sfw, confused Bo, mention of future killings, mention of murder/using a person, lovely Bo at the end,
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When you told Bo how you felt in the garage, he had to take a double take on you. He looked at you in a mixture of disbelief and... hurt? Why does his baby blue eyes look so hurt when you said you want to spend the rest of your life with him?
"Say that again, honey?" He asked, wiping his hands over his pants, oil stains on his face. He was working on a 2004 Jeep today, and the motor was giving him trouble. "I think the heat is gettin' to my head."
"I said," you take a breath, "I love you, Beauregard Sinclair." You felt butterflies fluttering around your stomach and head. The way the golden afternoon light touching his skin and his wrist made him look like a saint. "I love you so much it hurts sometimes."
The corner of his lips twitched as a goofy smile cracked. At first, you thought he was happy, but when he started laughing hard and held him stomach, your confidence fell. He looked at you, trying to keep a straight face, and laughed harder.
He wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh, y/n--what? Did Lester put you up to this? Goodness me, darlin'. You're the funniest human alive." Bo turned back to the jeep. "What a joke."
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
You burst into tears, turning on your heels, and left the garage. You didn't mean to start crying, but a cry escaped your mouth as you ran out the garage, pushing Lester aside as he brought visitors to the station. Lester raised a brow at you then looked back at Bo, who was following you behind, confused as ever. The group--two girls and one guy--watched as you ran up the hill towards the house. You want to throw yourself on the closest thing like a Disney princess does in a moved when their love denies them. Is this what it feels like to be broken hearted?
One of the girls didn't stop watching you go until Bo said, "Don't mind 'em. They're actin' funny."
"I don't think they are, mister," the blonde said. "I've seen a broken hearted person, and that one," she thumbed over her shoulder, "just lost all of their love all at once."
The red head girl nodded. "Yeah, man. The hell did you do to them?"
Why don't you mind you own business? Bo wanted to snap, but he had to keep the good southern charm on. Maybe they won't do anything about it?
"It don't matter," Bo said, waving it off. "Y/n just said they love them."
Lester's eyes lit up like a puppy being given a bone. "Really? That's great!" He had the biggest smile on his face. "They were real nervous about it but I told 'em 'at y'all love 'em, too, Bo!"
Oh... no. "They weren't lyin'?"
Lester's not one for violence, but... "Wha did ya tell 'em, Bo?"
Bo's blood ran cold as he covered his mouth. Man, did he feel like a prick. "I thought they were jokin' an'--"
"Don't tell me you laughed at the poor thing!" The blonde said in disbelief. "Please say you didn't?"
"Yeah, I did." Why is Bo talking to the people he's going to kill? "I thought they were jokin' an' Les put 'em up to it!"
The man shook his head, clicking his tongue. "That's cold, brother."
"Ain't your brother," Bo snapped, pacing back to the counter then towards the group, covering his mouth. "Really fucked up 're."
"Yeah! Crashed and burned seems to sum it up," the red head said. She nodded at the door. "You should go after them and say your sorry."
The blonde nodded in agreement as she checked her phone. "Yeah, mister. If you go now, you can beat the rain." She then held up her phone. "Cause, like, it'll be cheesy as hell if your run through the rain to get to them."
Lester had to nod in agreement. "Yeah. Super cheesy."
Then the man held up a hand, asking, "But do you feel the same about them? Like, do you love them?" He shoved his hands back in his sweatshirt. "Because if you say it and not mean it, it'll be Oversvile for you."
"Brendon's right," the blonde girl said. "Because that could make this worse and you might lose a friend." She then looked at the red head and asked, "Remember Will did that, Macy?"
Macy, the red head, nodded. "He played me like a fucking room after that, Percy." She then looked at Bo. "You better figure it out, man."
Bo chewed the inside of his mouth as he placed his hands on his hips, thinking. What did he think of you? Sure, he would laugh with you, talk with you, sleep and hold you. Part of him wanted to kiss you when you dragged him outside to watch the fireflies dace over the wildflowers. The way you spun in the flowers as you tried to catch stars in your hand and held yourself so soft and gentle around them, your smile always warm. Cracking up laughing when Jonesy jumped up to lick your face made his heart swell like no other. Every time he was around you, he felt so calm and lighter. Bo's heart ached when you would curl up closer to him at night, hugging his wrists and scars with so much love. He hated when people looked at you wrong, and he hated when you were taken away from him just to talk to a group of people. When you fell down the spiral stairs and hurt your knee, he wanted to bend over backwards to make you stop crying. He hated to hear you cry, to see your sadness, to see your frown... He hated seeing you run out of the station, holding her face, crying. It felt like a bullet to the chest.
So, why did he laugh? What made him think that it was a joke?
Then it hit him: Trudy said it and never meant a word. The only love he's every felt was... was with you.
"Oh, shit," he said under his breath. "What did I do?" He then looked up at the group then at the door. He heard the soft rumbles of the thunder and flashes over the sky. Fuck the killings, fuck the group... he wanted you. Sweet, perfect, beautiful you.
Macy seemed to be reading his mind. She stepped aside, and held her arm out as a path to the door. "Well, get after it then!"
That was all he needed to hear. He hurried pass them and started up towards the house. The group be killed or not, it doesn't matter. You were in that damn house alone crying. What a fool he is! A damn fool! Here you were, in the shop, looking nice than normal, all dolled up for him, just for him, to ruin something that's been building up in his chest for weeks!
What a fool Bo Sinclair is.
"I'm an idiot, Vincent!" You sobbed in your pillow. He sat on the edge of your bed and rubbed your back. "A dumb, love, stupid-stupid idiot!"
You scared him when you slammed the door, causing him to drop his coffee mug of tea. It hurts seeing you cry, but it hurts more knowing your crying over his dumb twin. Vincent just wanted to hit Bo with the tow truck--
"Y/n?" Bo called from downstairs, closing the door. "Darlin'?"
"Go-go away!" You chocked out, yelling back down. "I-I don't wan-wanna talk to-to you!" You heard his boots coming up the steps as rain pattered against the glass. You hugged your pillow tighter as you cried.
When Bo saw this scene, his knees didn't feel right and he felt sick. He did this to you. He made you cry. Goods, he's like his father--
Vincent glared at Bo as he stood. His hands moved quickly. 'Talk to them. Y/n's hurt. Fix it.' He stops at the door then looks back at Bo. ‘Fix. It.’
Bo took a deep breath and nods as he brother past by him, his eyes lingering over your crying form. He took careful steps in your room and sat on the edge of the bed. He folded his hands as he listened to your tears. The hallow pit in his chest caved in faster as you flinched away from his hand touching your knee. He hated himself more. He hated himself more than anyone.
"Hey, darlin'," he hummed softly, his voice echoing inside his chest. "Wanna talk to ya."
"Why?" You sniffed. "What? You wanna laugh at me more?"
Those words were like daggers in his heart. "No, no, y/n-- I didn't mean to laugh."
You turned on your side and sat up. You brought your legs close to your chest. He brought his leg up on the bed and shook his head. "I told you that I fucking loved you," you wiped your face, "and you stood there and laughed at me, Bo."
Thunder rumbled against the roof. "I didn't mean to, honest."
Your eyes were so red and puffy that he didn't want to look at you. "What am I to you, Beauregard?"
"What do ya mean--"
"What. Am. I. To. You?" You didn't mean to sound tired or angry. You didn't mean to curl your fingers into a fist. "Tell me. What?" You used your arm as a tissue to wipe away the snot. "Do you see me as a play thing? Want me in-in the basement like the rest?"
He felt disgusted. "No, no!" The near thought of you strapped down in some place horrifying like that nearly broke him.
"Then what am I to you?" You snapped, making him jump at the suddenness. "Am I a joke? A dumb person you thought it'll be fun to play with?" Then something clicked and your mind didn't want to go there, but it did. Your body started to shake. "Are you waiting for the perfect moment to kill me?"
Lightning flashed over his eyes, his blood running cold. Your voice being defeated. Your heart breaking in his hands all because he laughed? Calling them a joke? You. Perfect you. Breaking for a damaged Bo. Why? Why are you doing this to him? His arms reached around you and pulled you into a tight embrace. He held your head against his chest, his hand covering the back of your head protectively. You could hear his heart hammering against his chest.
You struggled against his grip to wiggle free, but it felt so safe, so loving. Luckily, your struggling failed as you cried in his arms. He hushed you softly, kissing the top of your head.
"Wanna know wha' you are to me?" He whispered as rain pattered like bullets. "Yer my first thought every morn. My last thought every night. Yer the reason I git outta bed to mak' coffee. I-I fucking live to hear ya say 'good mornin' ' to me, and it drives me crazy when ya don't say it." He held your head up and cupped your cheek. You were looking up at his beautiful eyes. Those baby blues that made you hit the ground harder. "I thin' 'bout ya when I work on the cars. I thin' 'bout ya when I smoke, wonderin' if yer cooking or bakin'. Shit," he couldn't help but chuckle at thought, "I've said yer name out loud with my last name: Y/n Sinclair." He blushes. "An' it has a good rin' to it, yeah?" You found yourself nodding. He rested his head in your hair, smelling the flowery shampoo you used this morning. "I don't know what ya did to me, and I like it, y/n," he looks down at you. "I like ya a lot."
"So," you hiccuped. "You love me?"
"I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you, darlin' y/n," he answered, laughing. There's a sparkle in his eyes when he asked, "Mind if I show you how much I love ya?"
You managed a nod as your cheeks flushed red.
He leaned down, brushing your lips gently with his rough thumb, and kisses you. His lips were cracked, but they felt like the softest pillows under you. The storm under your skin calmed when you pulled yourself closer, running your hands over his shirt sleeves, tugging him closer. He held your back up as he deepen the kiss. He took you in as if you were the last glass of cold water in July. His head spun as the thoughts of you twirling in the ran sent his mind a blaze, taking you as you were, putting his mama's ring on your finger to forever call you his.
"I love you, Beauregard Sinclair," you breathed against his lips.
He smiled against your skin. "Say it again?"
"I love you, Beauregard Sinclair." And you would say it until your dying breath.
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fiveredlights · 7 months
we should be worried i’m listening to moon song by phoebe bridgers and thinking about maxiel…i’m giving it twenty seconds before i can think of a fic to write (i lied i already have a plan for the fic if you wanna hear it, if you don’t too bad it’s here)
okay so it starts with maxiel breaking up around 2021/2022 or 2018 i haven’t decided yet, but i wrote a bit that i think sums up with they broke up:
“I would’ve given you everything,” Max says quietly.
He knows. Daniel knows it so deeply. “You were a kid and you looked ready to spend the rest of your life with me.”
“Don’t call me a kid.” Max bites back, angry and hurt. He’s digging his fingernails into the palm of his hand and Daniel reaches out to unfurl them, like he used to do a thousand times when they were younger. He regrets it, instantly.
He forgot how much he liked holding Max.
The world always seemed a much quieter place with Max in his hands.
i can’t decide if it’s max or daniel who calls it off, because i think the whole reason daniel would call it off is because how scared he is of max—in the sense that he would literally do anything for him. daniel probably wouldn’t know what to do with that so he does what he has always fallen back to and it’s to run. max, i can’t think of a reason rn but that’s a future me problem.
anyways cut forward to the future, daniel’s back at red bull etc etc he retires in 2026/7. but during this redbull s2 stint they start falling back into old habits. they’re not together, far from it but it’s so achingly reminiscent of their relationship in the beginning. max is also dating someone else during this time and daniel knows if he said anything max would break up with them in an instant, so he’s very careful to draw these lines.
max’s wedding is in 2028 and daniel’s invited because of course he is (and he attends because he loves to hurt himself.) you know that part where it’s like “if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace” daniel is looking at max who to his horror is looking right back at him. like he’s daring him to say something. nothing happens, they get married and it’s probably the final breaking point for daniel, he can’t still be thinking about max a decade on. he goes radio silence and moves back to perth.
2030, max divorces his wife and shows up in perth unannounced. daniel closes the door on him because he knows what max is here for. a couple hours later he opens the door to leave and max is still there on his veranda. it’s a bit pathetic, daniel thinks—but he takes pity on him and lets him in. they argue, they fight, max still tells daniel he loves him and it hurts so much. for the words to come out so easily like they’re still people with absolutely nothing left to lose. then max hears a baby crying and the floor falls beneath his feet. he very tentatively follows daniel, to where he’s bouncing a baby in his arms, trying to get her back to sleep.
it’s there for the first time where max realises (for the first time in his life) that daniel has always had the option of moving on. he did, so why did he feel like daniel couldn’t? and max does what daniel to him ten years ago and he runs. he leaves, has to start properly closing the chapter on daniel ricciardo. he sits in his airport rental car on daniel’s driveway and wonders where did it go so wrong for them. he sits there for a good thirty minutes before daniel knocks on his window and sits in the passenger seat next to him.
and for the first time in probably three years daniel talks. he talks and he talks and he talks. he learns that it’s just daniel and his daughter. she’s about three months old. tentatively, slowly, max reaches across the console to hold daniel’s hand. daniel allows him.
they can’t be the same people they were ten years ago, but they also can’t start from the beginning. they’ll start in the middle, relearning everything about each other. it’ll be slow, it’ll hurt but they’re together now.
this whole thing revolves around these lyrics:
And if I could give you the moon / I would give you the moon / You are sick, and you're married, and you might be dyin' / But you're holdin' me like water in your hands
this will literally take me 6+ months so like daniel ricciardo trying to lower everyone’s expectations about the performance of VCARB—don’t hold your breath….
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- pregnancy, 18+ words and themes overall. Angst, death of husband, not prof read apologies for any errors, mention of sexual assault.
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
previous chapter here
Chapter 19
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Somewhere along the coast line the temperature became more fridged than it could’ve ever needed to be. You’d packed a few warm items but layered up heavily none the less. The boat at port long ago and the carragie and horsemen’s ride to castle black was nothing short of ‘fucking freezing’ as joss had put it. 
You arrived safe however. The gate immedetly opened at the hint of your arrival and despite the men being rapers, murdering, thieves and criminals they welcomed you with bows. 
“Welcome your highness your presence here blesses us all.” John speaks as he walks up to you before bowing. 
“You don’t need to do that.” You say helping him stand again. He chuckles nervously. 
“I want to thank you. For letting me stay here i recon with the long days I’ve been over seas the plague in volantis and the other corners has long since gone.” You say 
“you can never be too carful.” He says smiling you smile back to him before opening your arms he pulls you in for a hug but pulls away for a brief moment only to look down a bit where your stomach is hidden under your large cloak. 
“Are you…” he trails off you nod. 
“Wasn’t by any ill hand if you're insinuating. ‘Twas my husbands doing.” You say he frowns with hint of a smile and confusion. 
“We have much to discuss.” You say he chuckles and nods. 
“Apparently.” He laughs. 
“Y/n!” You hear a voice as John move out of your way Sansa hurriedly walks to you before hugging you but once again pulling back realizing your stomach. 
“Sandor.” You say she smiles and hugs you again. 
“Ive missed you so much” she says not letting go. As if you were. 
“Me too.” You say taking a few more seconds to hug your best friend before pulling away. 
“You found your way here after the fight in kingslanding?” You ask. 
“Yes but not on my own i have news to share with you much news.” She says you smile and nod. 
“Oh. This this my head lady in waiting Lucy, this is Sarah, and Meleesa. This is my squire joss stilwood” you introduce they Curtis and bow as followed. 
“Lets get you out of the cold first and ill show you your quarters and then i can share with you the much needed to speak about news.” Sansa says. You smile to her as she takes your hand leading you. 
“queen of the north..why arnt you in winterfell then if youre queen. Why isn’t john?” You ask 
“we have people holding down the fort. And im much more rather be stationed here at castle black more to do, however we will be going back there in the next month before the winter gets rough and id like you to come with, better rooms less men crawling about.” She says giggling at the last bit you laugh as well. 
“you dont look the same.” You say Turing to her. 
“Neither do you.” She replies. 
“What? Is it my large belly?” You joke she chuckles and shakes her head. 
“N-no..you…you seem sadder.” She says. 
“As do you..what happened after black water Sansa?…” you ask quietly. She takes a seat on the bed next to you before taking a breath. 
“Jeoffry was bethrothed to someone else the lady Margery Tyrell of house highgarden-“ she begins 
“lady olenas granddaughter?” You ask she nods 
“Tyrion and i married.” She begins again 
“you married Tyrion Lannister?!” You ask shocked as ever. 
“I still needed to marry a Lannister per my fathers death note. He was kind, didn’t touch me kept me pure. At Joffrey's wedding he was poisoned and killed. Lord belish grabbed me and ran with me away from the gruesome sight i was put into a boat and we left for the vale to my aunt Lysa…but…only a few days there and- well we left eventually and he..he sold me to Ramsey Bolton. He wasn’t so kind in the marragie. He raped me abused me. But he got his dues.” She says 
“hes dead?” You ask. sansa nods a bit to proudly. 
“hounds.” She says as he is well known for his love of using dogs to tear apart his vitcims. 
”then i ended up here little finger is with me but i hope not for long, john barley trusts him and good measure too anyone who trusts littlefinger is fool.” She says.
”i heard about the battle outside of the Bolton fields. Im glad you won.” You say. She dodges the scentece and asks you about yourself. 
“What of you? Your pregnant and showing for the gods sake. I rembering sitting on your bed you covered in bruises from him and now you carry his child.” she says 
“alright first of all it wasn’t like that you and i both know that Sandor didn’t bruise me for power it was an accident you’ve seen him, hes a lot larger than most assume.” You say. 
“In all honesty are you sure hes not part giant or something how can a man be that large and not be.” She jokes leaving you two to share another laugh before you continue on. 
“After black water Sandor joss and i were heading to volantis, home, but we got separated in princes pass by a theivery ambush he sent joss and i with the horse away while he fought the others off. We were supposed to meet at sunspear but the horse had an accident so we had to sale off at salt shore. We arrived in volants not long after porting and stayed for a while before the sickness hit. my father died from it and the last i saw of my mother she had it.” You say. 
“Then…what of volantis?” She asks. 
“Im next in line since my brother is gone and sandor is to reign with me but, if my mother passes on as well i do not want to sit on a throne the rest of my life and bark orders at people. I dont want to be queen and i can reassure you sandor does not want to be king.” You reply. 
“What of sandor any news from him?” She wonders. 
“…no…out paths haven’t crossed, hes not arrived in volantis and i fear the worst for him. I cannot be certain of his demise as theres not raven sent or sign but…” you trail off as she take you hand. 
“You’ll see him again. I know you love him and that’s enough to hold to. Dont you think?” She says you nod. She smiles. You nod giving her a quick hug before she speaks again and hops up. 
“Come on! There’s someone i want you meet another lady. A lady knight.” She says you raise you eyebrows confused. 
“Can ladies be a knight?” You ask. 
“She is! Come on.” She exclaims. You get up pulling you cloak on and following her out of the room and through the halls.
“lady Brienne!?” Santa calls to her as she pushes the sparing mate into the pile of snow before turning to face Sansa. 
”lady Sansa.” Brienne says bowing slightly. You admire her features strong yet still faire shes very tall and could almost apose sandor. She wears armor with a cloak to keep her a bit warm. 
“This is princess y/n of volantis, house vixen, married to house clegane by friend. We met in kingslanding when both had a debt to pay from our parents. Y/n this is Brienne of Tarth.” Sansa introduces you. Brienne gets down on her knees and lowers her head as soon as the word princess and volantis are uttered. 
“Your highness its an honor” Brianne says. 
“Oh no please..” you say asking you up she obeys and takes her stand. 
“She will be living with us till the foreseeable furture.” Sansa continues. 
“Pleasure to have you along.” Brienne speaks. 
“Lady Brienne this is my squire joss stilwood. If you should need anything of battle value joss may provide.” You reply to her. 
“My lady.” Joss says bowing a bit. 
“This is my um..squire podrick.” She answers. 
“Your highness.” Podrick says 
“weren’t you tyrion lannister's squire?” You ask him. 
“Yes your highness i was. He relieved me and i offered my useage to lady Brienne.” He replies to you. 
“Hmm you and joss should have much to talk about two squires from kings landing with royal practice.. should be fun.” You say a smile on your face. 
“If you dont mind my ask who did you squire for before?” Brianne asks joss. 
“Ser Gregor clegane then his brother sandor clegane during the battle of black water.” He says to her. 
“Y-your highness you said you married into the house clegane?” Brianne asks you. 
“Yes. You ask this why?” You ask. 
“F-forgive me but erm.. your husband, He was large dented metal armor, ugly, scruffy… he had his face scarred on the left.” She says. You nod. 
“Ser sandor clegane..” podrick says in a ‘oh shit’ sort of way 
“Why?” You ask a slight winge in your voice. 
“Your highness. While It was means to get lady Sansa’s sister back to her safety, we fought, hard, I was scared I wasn’t going to win, but I’d hit him with a rock and kicked him off the cliff…..I….I didn’t see him move at the bottom.” 
“What..” you voice strained as tears threaten your eyes.
“I-im sorry…you um…are you sure he was dead?” Sansa asks briskly. A lump forms in your throat  as she asks you wait for the impending answer. 
“Yes…i-“ before she can finish her apology you shortly gather your dress ends up with a whimper and hurry away from the others tears running down your cheeks as you run outside the gates as they open for other coming into the fort your hand clutching your stomach as you fall your knees sobbing into the snow.
“Y/n..y/n” Sansa says hurrying twords you kneeling to you pulling you into a hug as you sob in her arms.
“Shh-sh” she shushes as you sob in her arms. The pure thought of the love of your life your husband who’s reunion you’d been keeping up hope for was dead. All you had of him now was his child. He will never get to see his son or daughter. He will never get to see you.
Next chapter here
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probablylia0 · 1 year
Pumpkin duo Pet names?
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((This might suck im not very into quackity lol))
He’d probably call you many things in like spanish n shit.
Like ex: Amor, princesa/príncipe, mama, mami/papa/papi
But maybe like english wise he’d be like probably call you like babe or baby.
His viewers would probably catch wind of this shit cause you’d probably walk in during a stream to give him water or food or sum other shit and he’d be like “Thank you Amor,” while giving you a slight peck on the forehead or just blowing a kiss at you.
Imagine..? ⬇️😨
Quackity had been streaming for a while now and you start kinda over thinking about him. A shit ton of questions run through your mind such as, “Is he hydrated” or “what if he’s hungry…”, “when did he last eat..? “So you decided to be a good person and make him ramen or something. You’d finish the ramen and get a glass of water then head up to his room. After many failed attempts at getting the door open with your hands full, you finally open it and it seems he didn’t notice you walked in. He jumped a little when you placed food on his desk but then asked “For me?” You smiled and nodded and he smiled warmly back. He stood up and hugged you “Thank you amor.” And followed it up with a kiss on the forehead. Suddenly the next day you and quackity’s ship name was trending on twitter… 👀
Jschlatt 😉
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Oml this man😩🙏
Nicknames are a mess for this man.
It’s either “aww c:” or “what the hell-“
Like its either Sugar, honey, baby, Angel, babe, dear, pumpkin, beautiful/handsome.
Broad, bitch , maybe whore😨
Like you’d be like checkin up on him cause you heard a crash in his office, (probably throwing a fit over a wii game😭) and he’d be like “Don’t worry pumpkin, im fine.”
Or you’d be on his stream or something as a special guest to play mario cart and you’d be in the back distracted by something before the game starts and he’d say “Get over here broad, the games about to start.”
If you beat him he’d quietly say into the mic “Fuckin bitch..” and when he wins he’ll stand up and yell “HAHA SUCK MY COCK YOU FUCKIN WHOR-”
Schlatt had asked you if you wanted to be a special guest on his stream, of course you agreed knowing he’d convince you anyway. Turns out it was a mario kart stream. (Yippee🥳) As soon as the stream started you’d talk for a while and you be in the back drawing messing with his shit while he sets up the game. He’d begin the match and notice your in the back and he yells “GET OVER HERE YOU BROAD IT’S ABOUT TO START.” You scoffed and said, “Alright you big baby im coming.” He was baby raging most of the race and you were just chilling there. When you beat him you threw your arms up and yelled “YAYY I WONN!!” And he’d throw something behind you guys, making you gasp. He starts rubbing his forehead and mutters under his breath, “ Fuckin bitch..” you’d probably smile and giggle knowing he’s joking but if you show any signs that your upset he’d wrap his arms around you and whisper “Im sorry pumpkin, i didnt mean to make you upset.” You’d hopefully hug him back and forgive him. This started trending on Twitter and saying that people loved it would be an understatement.
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Other info!!⬇️⬇️
This is my first serious post on tumblr so i apologize if it isn’t good. I hope to post more though! Maybe some nsfw?? 😨
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Black B- PASS- Special Issue - The GazettE - NINTH Reference book - (part 3 - Members interview translation)
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■ Interviewer: Finally... after three years, a new original album!!
Aoi: Why are you trying to force the excitement? (laughs)
■ Interviewer: Please don’t tease me (laughs). Since this band interview will introduce the magazine, can you tell us your first thoughts upon completion?
Ruki: First thoughts? All I could think of was "death." There was nothing but death (laughs).
Uruha: (Laughs)
■ Interviewer: Death, you say (laughs). So you felt utterly spent.
Ruki: It felt like a posthumous work.
Reita: (Laughs) When it was done, it felt like, “Ah, we made it through.” When you’re extremely sleepy, it’s like…
Ruki: Turned to "nil" (laughs).
Reita: Yeah. And it’s amazing we finished in time.
Ruki: Anyway, I was thinking, "We have to make it in time!" But even when we did, it didn't feel like we could take a breather.
Kai: That's true. There was a sense of relief, but also a feeling of, “Did we really do everything we could?” (laughs). Now that some time has passed and I’ve listened to it repeatedly, I feel like we made a good piece of work. Of course, there were no issues (laughs).
Uruha: For me, after the mastering was finished and I listened to the final version, my first word was, “Fast.”
■ Interviewer: What do you mean?
Uruha: It’s about 45 minutes long, but it felt shorter. Like, “That was quick.” Even though we spent so much time on it, I thought, “Is that all?” (laughs). There was a sense of ephemerality in those 45 minutes.
Ruki: Your words just summed it all up... Thank you very much.
■ Interviewer: No, we’re not done yet (laughs). What about you, Aoi?
Aoi: If I only talk about the moment we finished... it was like I passed out, and then it was over (laughs).
Reita: That’s right (laughs).
Aoi: But everyone really did their best. By the end, everyone was working purely on willpower. The mixing took a long time, working from noon to morning, and then starting again at noon. But those behind-the-scenes stories don’t really matter to the listeners.
■ Interviewer: Since you’re all saying it was that tough, does that mean this was the hardest production process ever?
Aoi: The production process seems to get harder each year. Not just the music, but everything we release takes a considerable amount of time.
■ Interviewer: In recent years, it’s not just about judging the music but also doing more hands-on work yourselves, right?
Aoi: We want to release something we think is cool... because we are people who want to show everyone something we find cool. It’s a natural flow for it to take time. It’s not about how others evaluate it, but about showing everyone what we think is good. We want people to listen and feel it, so we get particular about it regardless of the time it takes. Of course, the workload varies, and we hardly saw each other towards the end, but being together for 16 years made it possible... Is it okay if we wrap up here?
■ Interviewer: Hahaha! So, we're still in we're still in the introduction part (laughs).
Ruki: Please structure it with bold letters like this.
Reita: Shall we move on to the personal interviews then? (laughs).
■ Interviewer: No, no (laughs). Let's go back to the topic. the GazettE is often seen as a band that emphasizes its worldview, but you are also a band that follows what you want to do at the time, making you quite free. From "TOXIC" to "DIVISION. BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY," and "DOGMA," what direction were your desires headed in with "NINTH"?
Ruki: "DOGMA" was a conceptually strong album, so the songs had a certain direction. This time, we wanted to show that this is our ninth album, something that reflects our journey from the first album to now. Rather than focusing on a musical genre, it’s more about showing our life perspective—something that reveals the history of the GazettE.
■ Interviewer: So it’s a condensation of the GazettE’s trajectory.
Ruki: Yes. We’ve done many things to get to this point, and now we’re straightforwardly showing that. Without aiming for a particular image or how we want to be seen, we wanted to say, “This is the GazettE now.”
■ Interviewer: When this kind of guiding principle—being both a theme and not a theme—was presented, what did you all think?
Kai: It fit perfectly with being a theme yet not a theme. However, we didn’t specifically discuss it like we did with the "DOGMA" concept.
Ruki: Yeah.
Kai: It wasn’t something that could be understood simply. I kept wondering if there was something more to it. Of course, I knew it was our ninth album, but I initially thought the title “NINTH” was temporary. But when it was officially decided that the title would be “NINTH,” my thinking shifted to what RUKI mentioned.
Ruki: Regarding each song, I think we were talking about their positioning in live performances, whether they were fun, intense, or whatever.
■ Interviewer: I see. So, while it's full of aggression, there are also ballad-like, melodic, and melancholic songs.
Uruha: Yeah. At the initial stage, it was like deciding a setlist, keeping live performances in mind. That was always the foundation. Since the previous work "DOGMA" was such a strong image-driven project, we knew we weren’t going in that direction again. We thought it would be natural to go in a more straightforward direction this time. So, we naturally came up with songs while considering live performances. As the songs gradually came together, we sometimes felt a certain atmosphere was missing and created new songs to fill those gaps. But the basic approach was natural.
Aoi: So, while we were mindful of live performances, there wasn’t a clear overall vision. It was more about putting out songs and adjusting as we went along. Even when you talk about a “live feeling,” there are many different forms that can take.
■ Interviewer: So, as time passed, "NINTH" gradually took shape, and everyone started to share a concrete overall vision at the same time?
Uruha: Well, we might not have had a clear overall vision until the very end (laughs).
Aoi: Yeah, I think we didn't have one this time.
■ Interviewer: That’s surprising. Didn’t that make it more challenging?
Ruki: There was the difficulty of creating songs that fit, but we weren’t particularly aiming for a unified world view throughout the album. When you listen from start to finish, the flow was already good. It’s because we had “DOGMA” that we ended up this way. Instead of a single story like “DOGMA,” this album is more purely about the current the GazettE.
Aoi: That's right. It's different from saying we have no concept.
Ruki: Exactly. If you ask if there's no concept, it's more like, "Hmm..."
■ Interviewer: So, because you have 16 years of experience, you can naturally express what’s inside and shape it into an album?
Ruki: Yes… So, it was like making a typical album. Creating a piece with a beginning, middle, and end. The title reflects this too. It's not about having some big overarching theme, like the title suggests, but rather each song has its own world, expressing what "the GazettE of 2018" is about, I suppose.
■ Interviewer: I wonder if there's a deep meaning behind the word "NINTH" here.
Ruki: Well, that might have been typical for us in recent years. But honestly, I can't really say anything much about it this time (laughs).
Reita: Haha, yeah, that's true (laughs). Also, we've always been conscious of making something that shines in live performances, but I feel like that standard keeps getting higher each year. So, this album might just be a collection of things that meet that standard.
■ Interviewer: When the songs started coming together, did you all naturally understand and play them in sync with each other?
Ruki: How was it?
Reita: In terms of being in sync... This time, we really only gathered for pre-production at the very beginning (laughs).
Uruha: Well, there were parts that went smoothly and parts that were challenging. But we introduced a system for smoother data exchange this time, which made interactions between members less stressful than ever before.
Reita: Yes, we’re fully modern kids (laughs). It was very convenient.
Uruha: In the past, we’d email files, and if you missed the email, it could be a problem. This time, we had a place where the latest data was always available, so we just had to check there.
Ruki: Certainly, when the members gathered, there was always the task of taking something home with you, so the process of finalizing things was probably less than usual.
Reita: And (with emails), sometimes when you tried to download the data, it would already have expired.
Ruki: That happened a lot.
Reita: But that doesn’t happen anymore.
Uruha: It's hard to ask for a resend, so sometimes you just had to wait for the next one (laughs).
All: Hahaha!
■ Interviewer: You wouldn’t have to say, “Send it again,” which can delay things (laughs).
Aoi: Haha. But, it's really convenient, huh? Especially because corrections could be made quickly.
■ Interviewer: It seems like this approach really suits the current state of the GazettE. Just from this segment, it sounds like everything went incredibly smoothly, but...
Ruki: Actually, it was quite difficult (laughs). Especially the process of producing the songs. It’s like harvesting vegetables.
■ Interviewer: I see, starting from planting the seeds.
Ruki: Yes. And the cooking after harvesting is quite challenging too, waiting for the final product to be good.
■ Interviewer: So here we have 12 carefully selected masterpieces.
Ruki: Yes. There were some songs that weren't completed until the very last moment to ensure they were satisfactory. It's like that song from “Kiteretsu Daihyakka” - “What happened to the cabbage?” (laughs).
■ Interviewer: Which song was completed at the very last moment?
Ruki: ……………… Oh, it just smoothly went by. (laughs).
Reita: Ahahaha!
■ Interviewer: Oops, I should have reacted more! (The interviewer was not familiar with the opening theme of “Kiteretsu Daihyakka” called "Cooking March")
Ruki: It's okay. The 11th song, "ABHOR GOD."
Reita: That one was tough.
Ruki: It's the crucial part that leads towards the very end.
■ Interviewer: I heard that the whole band composed this song together, which is rare for the GazettE.
Ruki: Yes. Because I was working on the lyrics, I wasn’t able to join the band for that part.
Reita: Well, he was kind of like remote control (laughs).
Uruha: There were about three different versions... no, maybe more.
Kai: Yeah, there were more.
Reita: And in the end, it mutated suddenly.
All: Hahaha!
■ Interviewer: I see (laughs). The sing-along chorus “Wow - Wow” is also fresh for the GazettE.
Ruki: I recorded that part after everyone had already heard it. I didn't have time to let them hear the demo, so I presented it after recording it, saying, "Here it is." On the contrary, I was curious about how the four of them had created it together. When I asked Uruha, he said, "REITA jumped around..." and "We made it so that it would be jumpable."
Reita: Well, I just jumped around. And the next day, I had muscle pain.
All: Hahaha!
Aoi: I watched the process closely without getting too involved.
Ruki: This part was handled by Kai, this was what REITA mentioned, parts where members were involved are well reflected, I think.
Reita: When I sent the data and asked, “How is it?” RUKI responded with, “How do you all feel about it?” (laughs). He wrote something like, "Are you guys having doubts?"
Uruha: Well, we were (laughs).
Reita: RUKI probably had a different idea in mind. It wasn’t quite that… more like…
Ruki: Well, rather than different…
Kai: It was more like I received directions from RUKI saying, "I want it to feel like this," so I gathered up those keywords and started thinking from there.
Ruki: I thought it should be fun and intense, but the first sounds that came were quite maniacal. I thought, “Oh, maybe they’re struggling with it.”
All: Ahahaha!
Aoi: Especially these two (URUHA and KAI), they really felt responsible (laughs).
Uruha: We felt it, we felt it.
Kai: Yeah, yeah, yeah (laughs).
Ruki: When the song started to come together, it was quite dark at first, which made me feel a bit down.
Reita: (laughs) Sorry about that.
Ruki: There was just one phrase, an intro part in the original song. I personally thought, "Oh, that's good." So, I called and asked if it would be okay to use that as the intro.
Aoi: The rest was no good (laughs).
Ruki: No, no (laughs). We kept that part and just made the tempo a bit faster.
Uruha: Speeding up the tempo was tough.
■ Interviewer: That’s really a collaborative process for a song.
Ruki: If you say so (laughs). It might look like we flipped the table.
Reita: It felt like someone just ate the strawberries off the shortcake.
All: Ahahaha!
■ Interviewer: I see (laughs). That fun atmosphere can be felt in the sing-along parts.
Ruki: I thought it would be good to have that kind of vibe.
Aoi: So, it’s not us but the audience singing that part?
Ruki: I didn't think about it that far. Do you think they’ll sing it? In our case, even if we include such parts, our fans don’t usually sing along.
Reita: That’s true.
Ruki: It's like with "Maximum Impulse.” The members' faces just get redder and redder.
Reita: Yeah, especially me (laughs).
Aoi: Oh, I need to listen to the new chorus parts.
■ Interviewer: Yes, the new work seems to have a lot of chorus parts.
Ruki: We’ll verify it during rehearsal.
Aoi: Are there any parts that seem too difficult?
Ruki: I don’t think there were any.
Reita: Well, you say that every time (laughs).
Aoi: Sometimes, if the rhythm is completely different while playing, it’s the most tricky part.
■ Interviewer: I see. The new album also features melodious and emotionally charged songs with a straight beat, like "UNFINISHED," which might not have been possible in the previous album. Were you concerned that such impactful songs might overshadow others?
Ruki: No, not at all.
Aoi: Oh, we have a new perspective here.
■ Interviewer: Oh, really? (laughs) Did you also have the intention of showcasing the original coolness of visual kei, which is your forte?
Ruki: No, we didn’t have any intention of appealing outwardly. We just did what we thought was cool at the time. Things that might have seemed unconvincing or outdated before now feel better. We’ve always thought it’s better to be a band capable of various types of songs. After “DOGMA,” people might have assumed we’d continue in a certain direction, perhaps towards a more metal sound, but we didn’t think that way at all.
■ Interviewer: So, it wasn't intentional.
Ruki: Even if we’re good at something, it’s not intentional. On the contrary, sometimes we intentionally avoid certain things. During “DOGMA,” we purposely didn’t include audience singing parts. So, this time, it's more standard, I suppose.
■ Interviewer: Understood. And this time, you released the music video for "Falling," the practical opening track, ahead of the album. This is unusual for the GazettE, but it seems to show your unwavering confidence in the band now.
Kai: We weren’t particularly conscious of confidence in the band, but when RUKI created “Falling,” we all recognized it as the prologue of "NINTH." We felt it was the beginning.
■ Interviewer: Ah, so it's similar to the fans' perspective.
Kai: So for me, during the process of creating the song, I listened to "Falling" with the mindset that this is the prologue.
Uruha: And by not selling it, but instead choosing to release it for free, I think it definitely increased awareness. I think "Falling" was good because I heard that the evaluation of the song was high, which raised expectations for "NINTH." So, that song became a very good introduction, and I hope the album will continue to surprise with different approaches from "Falling" to "UNFINISHED." It feels like it was well-calculated, so it's ultimately alright.
■ Interviewer: Showing a glimpse of the album in advance didn’t have any negative impact; it made it more effective.
Uruha: Exactly. The album doesn’t continue with the same type of songs, so there’s no disappointment.
■ Interviewer: Aoi, how do you feel about the songs lined up in the album?
Aoi: There were parts where it was difficult to grasp the overall picture until it was completed, but the final result is very satisfying. Honestly, I didn’t expect it to fit together so well, but it turned out to be an album with a solid story.
Reita: Yes, it’s easy to listen to and has everything. We will perform other songs on the tour, but there won’t be any sense of discord when they’re combined, and I think this is the current ideal form of the GazettE.
Kai: As for me, the process was unusual and we were pressed for time, so I had mixed feelings. There were moments of anxiety, but also relief when it was finished. This album is packed with those feelings, and it’s different from anything we’ve done before. The process felt simultaneous with our emotions, rather than trying to catch up with them. The songs felt like they progressed alongside us, and I felt that strongly this time. It’s quite refreshing.
■ Interviewer: I see. How about you, Ruki?
Ruki: I poured a lot into each song, so I can’t look at them objectively yet. I have strong feelings for each song. But I can say that I put everything into it. Even though we were pressed for time, there was no compromise. It was a situation where we either compromised or didn’t sleep, and I think we managed to push through to the end. This applies to the staff and engineers as well. If I were in their shoes, I would have definitely quit. Normally, engineers don't stay overnight.
Kai: Haha, they might have felt like we were punishing them.
Ruki: So, I think what we've done up to this point won't happen again, and I feel like this album embodies that dedication.
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All scans are from The Archive (rad-is-more) Interview translation is ChatGPT.
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