#this show is too much for my bi ass to handle.
relzxency · 7 months
currently going insane over jack russell and elsa bloodstone
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chaussetteblanche · 10 months
If you still write for kit, can I request something where the reader is kits gf and comes out to him as bisexual, and is really nervous about it even tho he’s super accepting (like are you sure you’re okay with it) bc they get scared but he’s super reassuring 🥺
hi love ! yes, i still write for kit ! of course :) thanks for requesting !! sorry for taking so long to answer !
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pairing : kit connor x female!reader summary : you come out as bi to kit word count : 1.2k warnings : none, i think
You'd first felt it when you were younger. You loved the Totally Spies and spent your afternoons watching the show when you'd come home from school. And you especially loved Britney. She was like the perfect mix of Sam, Clover and Alex. Who wouldn't love her ? But you didn’t think anything of it back then.
Then you had the same sort of feeling when you'd first watched Pirates of the Caribbean as a young teenager. Will Turner was gloriously handsome, of course, but you felt the same way about Elizabeth Swan. She was graceful, not to mention beautiful, and could handle her own in battle, she could shoot, kick ass... What couldn't she do ? You didn’t think twice about it then, either.
Same happened when you met a girl at camp. She was nice and beautiful and really funny. You were so happy to be her friend. You didn’t realize what the butterflies in your stomach whenever she touched you meant.
You'd never thought too much about these feelings, figuring everyone felt the same. It's totally normal to wonder what it would be like to kiss your female friends, right ? Everybody did that, didn't they ?
A lot of your friends came out over the years, so you grew more familiar with the LGBTQ+ community, sexualities and gender identities. But you never questioned your own. And why would you ? You were now dating Kit, had been for a few months, actually, so why would you even think about questioning your sexuality ?
And then Kit got cast for Heartstopper. And with him, you dived even deeper into the world of queerness. And more than once, when helping him rehearse his lines, you'd read the script and thought : hey, I feel this way sometimes, too. But still, you didn't think too much about it.
And then, Heartstopper finally came out. All of the cast gathered to binge watch it in one day. You had been invited too, along with the other significant others. Everyone had to bring something, so you and Kit had made a heart-shaped chocolate cake that morning.
You were all snuggled up on the couch and Joe finally pushed play on the first episode. You were leaning in Kit’s side with your legs laying over his lap. He wrapped an arm your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your head when the intro started.
You squealed along with everyone when Joe first appeared on the screen. Everyone screamed and laughed whenever a new character would appear on the screen. You watched episode after episode, glee filling your being and shining with pride as you watched Kit’s amazing performance.
You got quiet when Nick started questioning his sexuality. Your heart sped up when he did the “Are you gay” quiz on the internet. You quickly excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
You tried to take deep breaths as you locked yourself in the bathroom. You’d felt the same things for women that Nick felt for men. Was it possible that you weren’t- straight ?
You locked the door behind you and leaned on the sink. Did you- like girls ? You looked at yourself in the mirror and winced at the look on your face. You didn’t like this. You didn’t like not knowing. A knock at the door startled you.
“Y/N ? You alright, love ?” Kit. You splashed some water onto your face and flushed the toilet, drying your face. “Yeah, just really had to go all of a sudden,” you lied as you unlocked and opened the door. Kit looked down at you and chuckled. “Oh, sorry, my love.” “It’s fine,” you laughed, “no worries, babe.”
You couldn’t get it out of your head for weeks. Did you like girls ? Were you pretending to ? Were you a lesbian ? No, you liked Kit. What were you ? You talked it over with your friends a lot. They all told you the same thing : “With time, you’ll know.” Maybe you would think you were bi for a while and then discover that you didn’t like men at all, or the contrary. It frustrated you to not know. No one else but you could know what your sexuality was. And the answer wouldn’t magically appear on a silver platter, as much as you wished it would.
Kit noticed your change in behaviour. Your temper was shorter than usual and you acted distant from him. After worrying for a few weeks, he finally confronted you. You were in the kitchen, making some instant ramen when he finally talked to you about it.
“Y/N ?” he asked tentatively. “Yeah ?” you hummed absent-mindedly. “Is something going on these days ?” You tensed at his words. He noticed immediately and touched your arm. “I don’t mean to upset you, love, but I just want to let you know that if something’s the matter with you, with us or with me, I’m here and you can talk to me about it you want to.”
You wanted to cry at his kindness and thoughtfulness. “I-“ Your voice caught in your throat. A ball formed in your stomach as you thought of voicing your thoughts and worrying. How would he react? Of course he'd understand, but- What ifs flooded your brain as you spluttered like a fish out of water. He took your hand in his, bringing you back to reality as he kissed your knuckled. "You don't have to talk about it if you're not ready to, you know." "No, I- I want to." You took a deep breath. Kit looked at you, giving you his undivided attention. "I've been feeling like this for a while now, and it only got stronger when we watched your show together because it really put it in front of me. Like I couldn't ignore it any longer, you know?" Kit tilted his head to the side, somewhat confused as to what you were speaking about. "I- I think I'm bisexual." The word felt alien in your mouth. "I think I like both boys, especially you, of course, and girls. I- I'm attracted to both."
Kit smiled at you, squeezing your hand. "Thank you for telling me. I know it's not easy." "No," you chuckled, wiping a stray tear from your eye, you didn't even know why you were crying, "it's not. But you make it easier." "And how do you feel about it?" "I- okay, I guess. It's good to know there are others like me, like us. H-how do you feel about it?”
“I think it just gives me one more thing to love about you,”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” you asked nervously, worrying your bottom lip. Kit nodded, still smiling. "Not in the slightest. I'm so proud of you. Can I kiss you?" You nodded. "Of course, this doesn't change how I feel about you in the slightest." He hummed and leaned forward, wrapping you up in his arms as he pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling and comfort he brought you. He pulled away. "I don't think I'm ready to tell everyone yet, though." "No, of course, you don't have to tell anyone you don't want to. You don't owe anyone anything."
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unhelpfulfemme · 11 months
Halt and Catch Fire is the best show ever and you should watch it if you haven't.
It has amazingly deep and three-dimensional and tender characterizations and a plot that's structured kind of like a spiral, in that you observe the characters over the course of ten years where they keep ending up in similar situations and you can see how much they have or haven't grown since the last time they had to face a similar thing.
It gives you a new appreciation for the wild west days of IT of the 1980s and 1990s, which is something I keep seeing people mention but have actually never experienced on my own unless you count searching for pictures of the W.i.t.c.h. on dial-up and playing some kind of pop the bubble game in 1999.
It has amazing female characters that aren't perfect but also don't have flaws that are sexist stereotypes. The two female leads are an angry punk girl and a hyperfeminine Southern girl and they are both presented as equally competent and given equal importance, even though the hyperfeminine girl gets underestimated a lot in-universe (she has a STEM degree and is as good with computers as the other one, but gets relegated into a "team mum" role a lot).
There is A LOT of focus on friendships and business partnerships and found family - it gives these relationships equal focus to the romances, and they are all realistic and grounded in the characterizations of the leads. In fact, the last episode focuses on the two girls' partnership, not their respective romantic lives. But the romances are amazing too, I have never been invested in a pair so hard the way I currently am in Joe and Cameron, if I weren't bi already they'd be my bisexual awakening. They seem like total opposites but have so, so, many parallels between them, and they have realistically sad backstories that aren't the stock "I was beaten by my mean dad" type. And they have amazing chemistry. And I love how the show is aware of the fact that they need to go outside of their relationship to grow and address their shortcomings because they kind of have the same flaws too, and even though they're still kind of pining after each other they only come back to each other when they're capable of having a stable relationship. This is especially good beacuse the girl is in her early 20s at the beginning and it was so so good to see the show let her grow into her own, on her own, rather than leaving her stuck in an endless back-and-forth with a messed up guy who's her boss and 10 years older than her, but then also respecting the connection they have.
All the characters are realistically flawed, and their flaws come back to bite them in their asses in the end, and the setups for this are strewn across several seasons. And it all makes sense for the character as a whole - for example, the punk girl is rebelling against pretty controlling parenting, but she obviously never learned how to handle relationships except in terms of the dominant person and the one who obeys, so she'd rather live in anarchy and never form any kind of power ladder in the first place. However, when she is forced to do so in order to handle the people who work for her punk IT startup she becomes very autocratic and controlling, and when people try to give her ideas she replies with, "Well, I'm the boss so we'll do what I say."
Why does she do that? Because she obviously doesn't know how to argue constructively. She knows how to a) aggressively overwhelm you, b) get up and leave (as she did to her family) and c) submit (unacceptable).
She does b) to her smarmy yuppie "it's complicated" man who is also one of the main leads - he does something to break her trust, she just abandons him and that's it. But then she gets into a fight with her next boyfriend, and she just assumes that that's it, and he says, "Woah, we're not breaking up, we're just arguing, have you never done that before in your life?"
At the same time, she forms a partnership with the girly girl and the girly girl starts just going around her whenever she hears the "I'm the boss so we'll do as I say" thing because she's frustrated that she has no say in things. This leads to several fallouts because spiral plot structure, and they're all mostly over one of two things: Cameron (punk girl) is being autocratic or Donna (girly girl) is being manipulative. Eventually they run the company into the ground because they can't listen to each other, and the plot always varies which one of them is right and never paints one of them as the 100% villain because they're both being kind of assholes but also deeply sympathetic.. But over the course of all this Cameron kind of learns how to be more functional in her partnerships, which then helps her with both her love interests AND her career. And then other things happen to address and highlight other flaws of hers, and this happens to all of the characters - three marriages fall apart in the course of this show, several companies with really good ideas are run into the ground and a guy commits crimes and then commits suicide because he bought into a Steve Jobs-type bulshitter's cool aid too much.
It has what I'd call great queer rep because one of the leads being a bisexual man is treated very casually and yet the rare instances where homophobia is touched on fit into the rest of his character and backstory so well (he insults a homophobic business partner at some point, and he also has an AIDS scare, and he recalls being bullied at school and how it affected him, and he makes friends with a queer teen because he notices she's like him and that's it). Like, there's an episode where his ex boyfriend comes into the picture and the plot doesn't revolve around them both being men - the plot revolves around his current girlfriend feeling insecure about the guy still having feelings for his ex and coming off as flaky and untrustworthy. The genders of the characters are incidental.
Like seriously this is the best show ever and I don't know why people don't talk about it more, current stuff like The Bear and Succession can only wish to be this nuanced.
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teadrop-12 · 2 months
I really love the headcanons they're honestly so spot-on and very fun to read through if its not too much can I have hcs from you of my girl Dos🙏🙏🙏
YYESSS MY BELOVEDDD OMG omg u already know a lot of hcs n u made me have a lot more so ty 4 that omg
right off the bat. does not get along with kids. either that. or she is the cool mom to them. but her experience with every kid in the show says otherwise
her real name is MAYBE Dahlia.
bi. 100% bi, with a preference for women
terrible at math but good at everything else
when i said shes bi i mean like. kinda stereotypical bi. with like the leather jackets and also falling head over heels with a woman at first sight but it takes her months to actually start to like a guy
like. i adore acaiberry right.
and rizdos
but u know how dos went and infiltrated MATA and Bakar tried to flirt with her n like she was uninterested. what if like she ran into the most ethereal woman ever (geetha,,maybe i dunno,,,,just a suggestion,,,)
and that just causes her to almost fail the entire mission because of ONE OLD ASS LESBIAN
well geetha isnt that much older than her bc shes like,,,the same age as rizwan?? apparently?? but this isnt about her
owns a motorcycle. much cooler than rizwan's, like its got purple lightning on it and stuff.
if i was to compare her to a toh character shes like eda and lilith combined. like she takes wildly unnecessary risks but also completely stoic and unwavering at some.
but really she also reminds me of elle from tlou2
has a lot of jewelery, just rarely wears it
i said before she is not good with kids but her skills at makeup and being fucking awesome are what get her by. like she can get any kid to like makeup and motorcycles in three hours
really close with trez, again, thanks to you bella i have this headcanon. but like hes like her brother, maybe they grew up together?
she brags about being in a band but really she was only in it for a month (girlfailure)
never really caring unless its someone she knows like family, like MAYBE Trez, Rizwan is an exception
either she doesn't like music or she listens to heavy metal, but like with her partner she'd have their own music taste in her playlists and stuff
whoo time for some cringe dark heartwrenching headcanons!!
when she was in the numeros she was unknowingly cloned because before rizwan she was the strongest of the numeros. but that backfired bc it turned out to be a child.
and im not saying who that is because bella you know this headcanon all too well and no one else can know until i've fleshed out everything but a hint is she was homeless until MATA
like the clone ran away when she thought she'd be terminated and thats why she was homeless.
genuinely cries a lot when she thinks of losing people she loves. like she'd go in private and cry her eyes out and come back like nothing happened
when she dated jenny she had a plan in the back of her head to run away with her and off the grid from the numeros.
we all know that can't happen now
shes been through so much shit as a kid and always thought she was so mature and that she should have been able to handle it so if she ever has her own like single or adopted or with someone i dunno, she would cry because she realized she was that small and innocent once and she didn't deserve that
i hate it here
i might be projecting
i dont even have this many headcanons for my spiky haired daughter
i might be projecting on this one a little but i also got this hc from a comic by catboymoments
anyways!! i think thats all for now but if i think of any more i'll add them ilysm bella also feel free to ask anything else!!
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vinetae · 1 year
Can we get a part two of my love? 😭❤️
A/n: Yes you can! Had to decide whether I wanted JK to care for Y/n or them both be sick together. Hope you like it! Thanks for the feedback <33
Warnings: Light makeouts, fluff, reflections on the confession, and more fluff. Y/n tasting like Jungkook's mother's chicken noodle soup lmao. Gross metions of sick symptoms (nasty coughs and detailed sneezes).
Part 1
"Son of a bi-"
Your eyes were itchy and swollen, nose running faster than Niagara Falls, and body all achy and stiff. Thanks to Jungkook, you'd gotten sick two days after he had. Now here you lay, tangled up in his Matte black big comforter, with snot just oozing out both of your nostrils.
Your nose felt fuller than when you go to an all-you can-eat buffet. Nose felt more stuffed full than all the things the girls from high school whispered about you behind your back.
Nose feeling fuller than-
"You look so hot right now." Jungkook giggles, erupting into a nasty fit of phlegm filled coughs. His chest sounded more wet than he makes you.
and that's hard to beat.
Your head slowly swivels to the side, eyeing his delusional self in retort. "I am extremely hot. Your duvet is too fucking big."
His lips curve into a smirk as he reaches across to your side of the bed, blowing his nose into a once, pure white tissue. "That's what she sai-" More coughs to come.
It was like an episode of the Three Stooges. Dumb and Dumber. Super Troopers, and all of those stupidly comedic shows we all loved as a kid.
His black locks fall into view, as his hand runs along Bam's curved back. The small -big- puppy -dog- had hotdog-ed himself right in between the middle of you two, making it impossible to cuddle anymore. Who cared anyways? The last thing you wanted to do was-
"Jungkook.." Your eyes take to the right side, eyeing the small little tent caught between his legs. Your eyes roll. "Are you seriously hard right now?"
A small blush flushes his cheeks, lifting his knee up to make the errection a bit more concealed. His voice, tiny and guilt-traced. "Noooo.."
A chuckle erupts from your chest, finding this whole ironic situation one of the dumbest things you've ever done. You're probably wondering what happened after your little makeout-confess-sesh that you two had shared a few nights ago. well, it went a little something like-
"Fuck, you're so hot, baby-"
Your head lulls back, as his lips press open, heated kisses along the side of your neck. Hands traveling to the innards of your loose fitting Tee, while your hips bared down onto his. Bam had gone out of the room, to give you two some space. -He couldn't handle the bed shaking so much, poor little puppy-
Your fingertips trace along the roots of your scalp, nails lightly grazing as you press your forehead to his. Lips crashing into one another's like a crazy, unannounced storm in the middle of the ocean. All had been going well, until-
"aH CHOO-"
And that's how Jungkook ended up sneezing into your mouth. Pretty crazy -mostly nasty- huh? Yeah, you weren't so pleased either. I mean you've heard of rainbow kisses but not phlegm kisses. That's a new one, for sure.
Jungkook's fingertips extend out, tracing along the heated skin of your exposed thigh which had been using the cooling air as a sort of way to lower your body temperature. You groan, twisting over to the other side, not wanting to deal with his horny ass right now.
Right now, you just wanted to sleep.
But noooo.
This fucker had to go and get hard by you coughing.
"Babeee" He whines, chest still clogged from the infection you two are sharing. He's quick to shoo Bam to his own bed at the entrance of Jungkook's bedroom. The dog lazily rises, mouth hanging low from sleep still halfway controlling his movements. However, once he's gone, Jungkook's quick to take his place. Wrapping you up in his arms like a Christmas present.
You groan out, arms extending to try and pry yourself from his arms, as he's trailing light kisses along the straights of your neck. Moans eliciting from his chest, as his mouth moves downwards. He's quick to crawl on top, towering your body with his own, largely defined and built one.
Your hands push at his chest lazily. "I thought being sick lowers people's sex drive."
A tugs his lips, as his mouth collides onto yours, not giving a damn about your bad breath. Kissing you, had been like reward for him.
And he wanted first place.
Your conscious looses control, hands coiling around his neck to bring him in deeper. Tongues sharing a sloppy but romantic exchange in the midst of this sick fest.
Once you two pull away -both having a heaping cough exit- his head gently presses to your chest, as his body drapes over yours. The blanket you didn't know you always wanted.
"I'm sorry for getting you sick, baby." The tip of his index finger draws lazy figure-eights to your arm, using one of his many talents to create a piece only he could see. Spoiler Alert: It was of you.
Your arm slings around to catch his body in a loose hug before responding. The air-conditioner clunking in the background, as you two lay there, listening to the sounds of one another's heartbeats.
"You know.. if we hadn't gotten sick, would we have even gotten together in the first place?" His head raises at the question, thinking for a second.
"No, most definitely not." Your eyebrow quirks at his answer, body moving to prop up just a bit as you look down at him with a certain expression. One that had been a mix between hurt and confusion.
"Why.. not?"
A smile tugs the corners of his lips, before scooting on up to cover your entire body once more. Supporting his weight onto the faith he held in his greatly defined biceps. "Because you would've turned me down."
"What? No I would not."
He hums. "Mhm, you would've. You clam up when you get out on the spot."
"Psh, everyone does that." You push his body to the side, kicking the comforter away as a wave of sickly heat runs it's coarse through your body.
He twists to lay on his side, one arm supporting his head as he continues. "Yeah, but I saw you doing that little thing you do with the ring your mother got you."
"The spinning one?"
He nods.
"Hah, it's just a fidget." He scoots closer, lips, grazing across yours before backing you into an imaginary corner.
"Mhm, a nervous one."
Rolling your eyes, you push at his chest once more. A little nudge towards the way you wanted him to go. Changing the subject quickly. Today wasn't a -'let's get into past traumas' kinda day. Maybe another time.
"Yeah yeah, go brush your teeth. You taste like chicken soup." He chuckles, walking over to your side before scooping you up bridal style. His head nuzzles close to you, as he walks towards the bathroom, setting your bum to the counter.
Hands trapping you on both sides, as he leans in close, pressing a light peck to your nose tip, before exhaling a relieved breath.
"I'm so glad I got sick."
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bleachcakes · 6 months
Grandmaster Blueberry Ice - Fanfic Advertisement
Fic Chapter Excerpt - Read in Full on Ao3 
Bi-Han is the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, a powerful and serious man with all the skills to back up his aggression. He has always known exactly what he wanted in life… hasn’t he? When faced with the annoying Hollywood actor Johnny Cage Bi-Han starts to feel unsure of himself for perhaps the first time in his life. What does he really want out of the actor? Bi-Han certainly wants them to shut up, but there’s more than one way to do that.
A/N—Sometimes you look in the mirror and go- ooh they hate eachother so much, I wanna make them kiss. And then you do it. Chapter Lengths will vary a lot :p
I have only written smut once long ago before this so please do not judge my writing, I am simply a silly asexual
(Current) Entire Fic Word Count: 32,661
(Current) Number of Chapters: 14
Chapter Word Count: 1,617
Pairing: Johnny Cage / Subzero (Bi-han) - Mortal Kombat 1 2023
Fic Warnings: Canon typical Graphic depictions of violence, (one-sided) enemies to lovers, Powerplay, sexual fantasys, nsfw
Chapter 1 [Chapter 1] 
Bi-Han observed the training field with crossed arms, watching as some of the prospective Earthrealm champions trained with the Shaolin monks. They hadn’t been there long, but already he was fed up with them. Their blows were weak and moves uninspired, making Bi-Han blow a disgruntled puff of cold air through his mask, shaking his head. He couldn’t see why Liu Kang had so much faith in these people to fight for Earthrealm, and it annoyed him to no end that many of his skills were wasted simply to train others. 
But Liu Kang was a god, and Earthrealms protector, so surely there must be some bigger picture. Bi-Han was getting more and more impatient waiting for it to show itself though.
“Yo! Subby!”
Bi-Han cringed, his brows furrowing in agitation as he offered only a cursory glance over his shoulder to show acknowledgment. Johnny Cage was certainly not the ‘big picture’ he had wanted to show up. The actor jogged up to him, dressed in the monk's yellow robes and sporting an obnoxious grin as he often did.
“Hey,” Johnny greeted again as he got closer, slowing down his jog to a walk, forcing himself into Bi-Han’s line of sight, always managing to take up space in a way people’s eyes naturally had to affix to him. 
“What is it Cage,” Bi-Han growled. 
Johnny smirked, looking quite proud of himself which only ever spelled bad news. “Fireball” (Liu Kang, Bi-Han's mind filled in) “wants you to do a little training with me. Y’know, check my progress, some one on one fight’n.” As emphasis, Johnny did a few air punches, playfully shimmying his body. “Liu-Liu says you held back when we first fought, but I think I can handle you now,” Johnny gloated, “y’know, knock your ass flat.”
Bi-Han's eyebrows arched into a tight furrowed glare at the flaunting actor. “You couldn’t hope to match me in your dreams.”
Johnny scoffed, “Yeah ‘cause I’m too busy doing it I-R-L. My dreams are reserved for getting down with some sexy ladies.”
Bi-Han only growled out a grunt in response. He was used to the crass way in which the actor talked, especially about their sexual exploits which were entirely absurd. The man just couldn’t go two seconds without talking about himself and his so-called achievements, whether in acting or bedding. 
As much as it annoyed him, if Liu Kang wanted him to spar with the other then it would be done. If anything, he could turn this into an opportunity. Beating in the others face might just do wonders to relieve his stress. 
Turning he only uttered a deep, “Come,” before walking away to find a place to practice, Johnny Cage following eagerly on his heels like a dog.
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energysoda · 1 year
Breaking Bad Theory: How Walt Could've Gotten Away With It by Pretending to be Gay (Spoilers for the Entire Show)
Okay this has been on my mind for AWHILE. Since I was still watching season 5. Walter White could have potentially convinced (or at least given an alibi to) Hank that he wasn't Heisenberg by saying that he liked men. Particularly, Gale.
So, to set up the scene in Season 5 where Hank finds the Walt Whitman book and then connects all the dots to Walter. Walt goes and confronts him about the missing book, and Hank admits he figured out Walt is Heisenberg. Instead of going with it, Walt could have said this story:
He was bi. Or at least bicurious. Gale was one of his lovers. His whole life he had pushed down his attraction to men, but the cancer gave him a crisis because he believed that it was the end for him. So, thinking he was going to die soon, he started experimenting with this attraction with men. His whole "fugue state" was just another part of that crisis, he spent that time out of town talking to various different guys. Trying to figure himself out. This was always his reason for the two phones. And maybe he met Gale during his fugue state, or maybe it was a bit later. But either way, Walt could say they ended up getting involved.
He had absolutely no idea that Gale was involved in the meth business. He thought he was just a failed potential mind for science like himself. So when he found out that Gale was dead, and that they found those lab notes basically confessing to the crime-- he was shocked. It was hard to believe. He didn't say anything because he was ashamed of being gay. He was scared that Gale could have been shot as a hate crime, as well as if he told the truth that Hank would be homophobic to him: something he just couldn't handle since he was already experiencing so much in his life. He already lost a lover, he didn't want to lose his family too. Plus, it is already known that Walt has a huge ego and is extremely prideful, he could play into that if he thought to.
And the best part is, this would make a lot of sense. It would explain the fugue state, the second phone, his issues with Skyler-- Walt's weird behavior in general. Hank already thought he was having an affair, so why not go ahead and confirm it but with a twist Hank couldn't have expected? The time that Walt got drunk after Gale died could be explained as him grieving, and his saying that he didn't think Gale was Heisenberg could be explained off as denial that his lover could be the mastermind behind the Heisenberg case.
And Gale isn't exactly the text book example of a heterosexual man. Nah, he's gay as hell honestly. And that little note in his notes about W.W. being his shining star and perfect silence, could definitely be interpreted as a love note. And hey, the notes already had random stuff like doodles and brownie recipes so why not add other unrelated stuff like love notes in it?
His gift of the Walt Whitman book to Walter could also help support this. Walt Whitman was speculated to be homosexual or bisexual, particularly because of his poetry. Walter could totally explain the gift as a symbol of their relationship, especially with the note "to my other favorite W.W."
Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk, I guess it was never meant to be though since Walter White's stupid ass pride would never allow him to go with this. But it's interesting how well it would have worked, and honestly I do think Gale did have some sort of feelings for him. Tbh. Because that Walt Whitman thing and the love note and just Gale being Gale in general is very compelling evidence to me.
But yeah, I guess this is just another example of how if Walter's ego and pride got in the way, and how he could have made a lot smarter moves and would have been able to keep himself going if he wasn't so stupid about that pride. Another example of how ego destroys intelligence.
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 22 - Discuss Owen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
under the cut for length xD
im actually gonna try to keep this short bc g-d knows like 80% of my brain power’s gone into constantly babbling about owen for the last year. so im gonna speed run this. main opinion? he’s character of all time to me. hes mentally ill hes mean he thinks love is weakness he loves so hard he’d burn down the world for it hes a bitch he cares for his friends sooo much hes good at his job hes bad at his job. hes misogynistic hes a woman hes homophobic hes gay he prioritizes casual sex hes a little bit in love with all his friends hes tries to save others he wants to be saved hes wants to die he gets angry when hes killed he wants to contribute something good he destroys everything he touches hes loyal to a fault he judas’d jack. everyone he loves leaves him he nearly destroyed the world to keep from being abandoned his parents didnt want him his mom never liked him. hes just some guy he’s the most insane bitch to ever exist. hes transmasc shes butch hes a straight guy she could be the worst woman ever hes a bi imbicile. hes mean and bitter and angry and awful and he tries to remind everyone and himself of it but hes good hes good hes good in the end.
other opinions uh… i think the writing handles him irresponsibly at times, and is disrespectful towards him, although maybe they thought it was justified cuz hes an ass sdjkfhds. but the undead arc is fucking mean to him in a lot of places. dmw in particular is like… idk it just strikes a particular tone at his expense, i don’t like it. it’s cruel. but torchwood isn’t exactly a show that respects its characters much. something that particularly bothers me is the way he oscillates between being fucked up and fine in a way that’s like… not realistic, it’s obvious it’s just a writing issue. like, the way he’s magically better and healthier and less of a prick after season 1, and then again after the undead arc. like that’s not how it works. that character growth wasn’t earned. that’s a pet peeve i have, and also kind of why s2 owen exists in a different place in my head as s1 owen. the main owen that lives in my head is him at his worst, not a version of him who’s randomly and inexplicably doing better and being kinder, and as a fic writer i like starting at that unhealthy baseline and trying to actually put the work into making him better, too. lord knows the show didn’t care enough to do it well. then again, it’s torchwood, yknow. the characters aren’t the focus. unfortunately. 
my fav and least fav owen moments are my fav and least fav eps of the whole show fdshfkdjs so they can be found here and here. but tldr, fav moment is everything that happens in the last two eps of s1. least fav is every time he interacts w tosh. lolol. dude i could list sm moments of his that i love i have like five compilations of him on my phone. im ill lmao. there are 11k mentions of his name from me on discord across all my servers ;-; guy im deranged abt fr
unpopular opinions 
i think he’s easily the best written character (not the best character, that's subjective ofc - but i also lowkey think he's the best character. but also im slam dunking him into a dumpster cuz he sucks)
tbh i don’t completely like his backstory? but it is what it is. i just think s2 owen feels very different from s1 owen and they worked so hard to make him more likeable which is nice and all but it’s almost at odds with his original characterization. like i said, s1 owen and s2 owen are practically diff characters to me
mmm and i dont like s2 owen quite as much ;-; i much prefer him in s1. i do like his undead arc though. well. i like aditd. dmw 😒 my beloathed
in general i dont like nice owen fdhfjsdhfkd which i think is an unpopular opinion. im just v picky abt him tbh
i fucking HATE adam!owen he’s not cute. i loathe him. talked about that more here.
(THIS one’s controversial but imho!) him and jack have a very unhealthy + borderline abusive relationship but! it’s in a lowkey fruity way and not a, gag, paternal or brotherly way. ill talk about this more at some point, i wanna do an analysis of their relationship but i don't fully have my thoughts on it together yet. but i think they have smth a bit psychosexual (in the tomgreg definition of the word. where my succession freaks at) going on.
(in general i HATE the fatherly jack & owen angle it makes me super uncomfortable when jack flirts w him in canon. this is the horny show dude. why does authority figure automatically equal father figure to ppl. weird. jack's his commanding officer, guys. also the inherent homoeroticism of being someone's second in command. yknow. he brought him back from the fucking dead, dude. that was fruity with gwen & suzie and it was fruity with jack & owen idc.)
slightly adjacent - i think owen’s a lot gayer than he lets on / than people see him as. i don’t think he’s women-leaning at all, i think he’s more of a 50/50 bi, he’s just got some p heavy internalized issues going on. he’ll sleep with men, if the opportunity presents itself (so he can justify it, lawl), but i think he has issues with the idea of loving and dating one. but i think he’s just as attracted to men as he is to women. 
that being said, i dont think he’d call himself straight. one of my biggest pet peeves is fics where owen’s like “im not gay btw” he wouldnt fucking say that. i think if you asked owen about his sexuality he’d do a hand wavey motion and thatd be that
tosh x owen bad btw ive made my opinion on that clear. i like him with suzie and gwen and martha and even diane, but not tosh. not a cute dynamic. 
and speaking of, he doesnt secretly like tosh lol. ive seen ppl who think he’s secretly very fond of her - i don’t agree with that at all, cuz canon sure says the opposite. he respects her but he doesn't particularly like her very much. (cuz hes a bad taste MORON imagine not liking tosh. what a fucking freak.) which SUCKS i want them to be friends. i want them to be nerd buddies. but nooo. 
in general he’s a “bisexual man who treats women like shit therefore im shipping him w men till he learns be behave” type of character to me
gay love would fix him. btw. i think he needs a boyfriend i think it’d heal him
hcs… i have a lot but a lot of them r private OR i eventually intend to pepper them into my fics so im kind of hoarding them… but i do have some like
for starters he’s a bpd icon
also hes audhd af
he was rlly into punk shit as a teen + played with gender a little bit back then, + sexuality (kissing his guy friends in public to make a statement / piss someone off, that sort of thing). that was kind of his first experience with queerness + figuring himself out + bc of that it was born from a place of defiance that he never fully got over. helped him feel like he was taking back control over smth that made him feel like shit (his mom was. Not an ally. to say the least)
in fact a lot of his behavior is a result of his mom believing he’d always be a fuck up, that he’d never amount to anything. he wears spite like a badge. being a poor kid who became a doctor and getting engaged at 23 were both ‘fuck yous’ to his mom. 
he dabbled in playing drums as a teen (i stole this from burn but i mean owen already canonically skateboards just cuz burn brought his on-set. the rest of burn’s interests owen would probs find dorky tho). he still drums his fingers + pens on his desk a lot this drives everyone crazy. he needs fidget toys
oh he chews on pens also. and hes a chronic leg bouncer. (gwen also has anxious stims actually. if u get those two together on a bad day its a lil cacophony of sound. shes more a nail biting sort tho)
i dont come up with stuff for undead owen much cuz it bums me out but one of my few hcs is he gets rlly into gaming cuz its smth to do. cant skateboard anymore cuz he might hurt himself so he picks up thps *taps temple*. also he shreds at guitar hero but only privately (he thinks its cringe). hes mainly a ps2/ps3 player but tosh builds him a gaming pc (partially just cuz she wants to like the reward of getting to make smth w her hands dhfkdsj). he also gets into doom + postal from his youth again. hes a little more wary of shooter games now that it's his career but also its good for his anger fff
in my owandy verse he has an english bulldog named alfie and he babytalks him but its a very “no one will ever believe you” situation HFSDJHFSDKJFK
i think about owen and pets a lot bc it amuses me <3 i dont think hes a very pet-oriented person but i like the thought of him with reptiles or ferrets. i think he should be a ferret dad. ive been trying to weasel this (ha) into my owento verse bc i think ianto would be displeased. 
ok ill stop before this gets too long.
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spellboundspook · 1 year
I'm mental ill so here are a bunch of my Sweet cap'n cakes headcanon
I'm not really sure where I should put this Headcanon but I Headcanon them as brothers there also all 15 in my headcanon
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-Cap'n is non-binary he uses He/They pronouns and he's bi (convinced that their straight is in full on dental)
-they have autism and anxiety
-Cap'n favourite type of music is basically Toby fox's kind of music he has a very video gamey style of music he likes
-Cap'n is terrified of bugs any bugs Sweet and K_K never thought it was a big deal till they found him sobing on the dinner table at 7am cos he saw a spider somewhere
-their dask is always a mess they can never find anything on it it drives them mad but they despise cleaning
-bottles up all their emotions to a very unhealthy degree
-when they get mad they tend to just storm out of the house and destroy things at the trash zone
-they only drink soda (and milk when they need to be healed)
-they love sweet foods the tried a Taki once and they felt like they were dieing from the spice (or as sweet calls it being dramatic)
-he thinks he's the leader of the band (he's not)
-flirts with everything that moves he's is also unintentionally creepy with the flirting alot of the time but he'll stop if you ask
-his flirting only worked on one girl and she didn't even show up for the date
-he almost cried fr didn't help that it was on valentines day
-he dance with Ralsei when they first had their fight... he felt things but he's not gay right (spoiler alert he's bi and in denial)
-speaking of his love life he may flirt alot but if someone dares flirt back with him he became a sweating nervous blushing pile of stuttering
-cannot handle flirting to save his life
-really likes video games has a shit sleep schedule cos of it
-cap'n swears a lot (I mean he calls the Berdly status shit in the Japanese version of the game)
-he also suffers from nightmares he tends to go out on a lot of midnight walks
-he also has shitty eyesight (yes those are prescription glasses)
-K_K kindly tells him to watch he's fucking language
-Sweet is non-binary and they use they/them pronouns their aroace and romance repulsed hate it
-they have autism
-sweets favourite music is musicals like Heathers, Beatle juice and ride the cyclone
-Speaking of they hateing romance they cannot sit though a romance film without nitpicking every little detail of the film
-they are a total perfectionist every need to be perfect on their desk cap'ns mess ass desks drives them insane
-Sweet is some kind of horror their mouth is also their eye retractable teeth they didn't really do it as a kid but they just did it one morning at breakfast and the only one they was freaked out was Cap'n
-sweet ironically love spicy foods like curry and Takis
-when they talk they pace up and down helps the train of thought
-sweet is the leader of band they are the full on brains of the operation
-The one that holds the braincell
-if sweet has too much sugar they go full hyper feral mode their too small can't handle too much suger
-they will bite, scream, kick, hiss do anything to get more sweet stuff K_K is the only one that can contain the feral beast
-they collect shiny rock and necklaces and shit
-basically a box of random crap they like
-Cakes is non-binary and she uses she/he/they their an aroace lesbian
-she has adhd and Autism
-Cakes favourite music like cap'n is also very video gamey music but she also loves vocaloid music
- Cakes desk is organised chaos to everyone else it look terrible but to K_K can just find whenever they need
-K_K is a chronic sleepwalker and talked Sweet and Cap'n lock the front door but K_K somehow always unlocks it
-Cakes isn't actually as dumb as she pretends he's actually really smart she just tends to zone out a lot
-very terrible sleep schedule wakes up at 5pm and falls asleep at 6am they try and fix it but their an insomniac so if they wake up during the night they're not going to fall back asleep
-K_K has a tendency to wonder off like their talking with Sweet and Cap'n one minute and their walking through a random alleyway the next
-they were the one that met spamton first tried to sell her car insurance she fucking ran for the hills
-spamton scares him... a lot
-K_K is the only reason that sweet hasn't choked out Cap'n
-cakes can be scary when she wants to be like when she's mad she'll just glare at you with a blank smile
-doesn't help they she tends to loom over people
-he's also really quite when they walk like they just appear behind people
-stay with me but I headcanon that Queen has always wanted kids
-so she just kinda kidnapped K_K made them sign adoption papers
-and now she's Cakes (cool adopted) mom
-sweet and Cap'n did not take this news well when they found out
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aroacesigma · 2 months
Why do you hate the Loki series I’m genuinely interested
OH BOY HERE WE GO. I didn't watch season 2 so just note that.
I'll shorten it cause I'm on mobile and I really can't type as much as usual but if you look it up on my account there's some complaining somewhere
1. Horrible characterisation
As a long time Loki fan BC of his character, since I'm not one of them horny bastards (respect y'all but not me), it was literally a disgrace. The producer didn't know much about him and it showed. The writing team made it clear they had your average annoying base level interpretation that he's full of himself, self obsessed, etc. And again it showed. Obviously if you watch thor 1 it's obvious that isn't true, the self importance is an act to cover up a lottttt of insecurity. They also made them kinda wimpy at times too? And I can't understand why. Trust me if you followed those morons on twitter around 2021 it was rage inducing .
2. Sylvie.
As a comics fan, Sylvie is literally an abomination . She's a terrible mashup of Sylvie lushton, Amora, and fem presenting Loki. I'll come back to that last one. Her romantic role in the story could have been covered by Amora, and have another version as a variant, much like agent of Asgard, a comic which delved into some similar topics muchhhh better. Plus, Sylvie lushton is like. Resented. Why would you add her into the mix.
3. Genderfluid rep
Ok this one hit harder cause I identified as that back then. So anyway, comics Loki is genderfluid. Explicitly. Again, agent of Asgard handles this well. Prior to the show, the producers did say there would be representation of this. The representation in question turned out to be splitting boy Loki and girl Loki into two people and making them kiss. Which was weird and obviously not representation, especially when all the variants were like shock !! Horror!!! Surprise!!! Upon finding out there's a girl version. Also a couple of my mutuals had this happen to them personally and observed it on tiktok, genderfluid ppl getting weird ass comments under their videos about selfcest like bruh 😭😭
A few more minor gripes with plot holes and the crappy bi rep but overall those were my main issues with it. Wow I wrote more than I thought i would.
Basically the only thing I liked was Owen Wilson and the soundtrack. Natalie Holt is the fucking best she named the song when Sylvie and Loki kissed 'stop' and she named one of the songs lokius which is Loki and Mobius ship name 😭😭 literal icon
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tiredjams · 2 years
More T4T Alenoah since people actually seemed to like the last one! :3
Okay so when I said Alejandro had been pretty sure Noah was also trans from the beginning I mean apart from just ; ✨vibes✨, this happened on the way to Japan ;
Noah desperately hiding behind his teammates to avoid Harold and more of their plane facts (Harold thinks they’re friends. Noah does not.) and he’s like ; “THANKGOD they’re gone. Harold’s actually so fucking annoying I will literally kill myself if I have to so much as breathe the same air as them again.” And then Izzy was like ; “oh haha yeah no that guys actually so weird and ! I’m like- so surprised he hasn’t gotten thrown out of the plane yet!”
And then Noah just looks at her super weird and is like ; “Izzy, Harold actually made a twitter post last month saying they prefer they/them pronouns and are more comfortable with androgynous language, at least when we’re not filming, or when talking to the producers” (Harold is non binary and definitely writes think pieces on gender and why we need to break free from these concepts I DARE YOU TO FIGHT ME ON THIS IM PREPARED)
And Izzy is just like ; “oh haha okay theyre so quirky! Anyways like I said; you literally hate them, im surprised they haven’t gotten thrown out of the plane already lol”
And then Noah immediately went back to talking shit (while using Harold’s correct pronouns). And like when Tyler asked Noah’s just like ; “oh, no I don’t respect Harold remotely, I despise them and wish them misery and misfortune and if I never had to hear their voice again it would be too soon. …. But I’ll still respect their pronouns, duh.”
Alejandro was just in the corner like ; 😳. (When he’s a sarcastic know it all but understands disliking someone is no excuse to misgender them >>)
Also cause alenoah friendship REALLY started when they were leaving Egypt and Gwen made a bi joke (which Cody’s obnoxious bisexual ass ADORED btw) Sierra was like ; “oh haha I personally am ✨🥰cOdYsExuAl😚✨” and then Noah from the corner was just like ;
“More like embarrassing. And a lesbian suffering from comp het. But whatever, you’re not ready for THAT conversation.”
And when everyone else was frozen in shock you already KNOW Alejandro was stifling CACKLES. He was also the only reason Sierra didn’t beat Noah up for saying that (he used his big muscles as a shield Les gooo) and whispered to Noah so no one could hear ;
“They hated him, for he spoke the truth 😌” Noah choked.
And then they were friends! C’mon. We see them in the background talking and laughing with each other WAAAY too much for me to buy that they weren’t friendly.
Personally I’m convinced the reason we didn’t get more alenoah interaction was because they were talking a lot about trans solidarity and being obviously in love with eachother, and this queer phobic show just couldn’t handle that smh
(Yes I am insufferable about them thanks for asking!) okay so Noah was taking his testosterone pills one day after he dropped the singing comment and confirmed it, when Alejandro was just like ; oh yeah! I actually used to take the shots lol, switched to patches while on the show” and Noah was like ; “BRO WHY????”
Cause WHY WOULD YOU PUT YOURSELF THROUGH THAT??? (The answer is because Alejandro has issues) but anyways it lead to Noah bringing Heather into the argument so she could help him tell Alejandro ; ?!? No I don’t take my hormones through shots??! I’m waaaay too hot to suffer like that”
Anyways Alejandro and Noah totally just spent that first half of the season bonding over trans masc stuff.
Like Alejandro spent SO much time complaining about how his sweat used to smell like flowers, and how he definetly doesn’t miss the dysphoria but he does miss that.
Noah’s like ; yeah I actually kept some of my skirts because they’re waaaaay more comfortable than pants, but I don’t wear them outside cause then people wanna be queerphobic! Like yeah I’m a guy in a skirt, deal with it.
And they bonded over how they understand misogyny and rape culture in a way cis men really NEED to. And talk about all the male privledge they’ve noticed they’ve gotten (they got overheard and caused several debates on gender theory and politics between contestants that was pretty eye opening for some of them)
Anyways London happens and Alejandro has to get his trans homie eliminated cause he knows too much yeah yeah. So these two were still being petty and bitter, but this definitely happened after the wedding challenge ;
Alejandro and Courtney were debating about which dress had been the best, which then sparked a debate between all remaining contestants on masculinity and stuff:
And in the end Alejandro gets fed up; leaves, AND THEN COMES BACK IN THE V NECK WEDDING DRESS, looking hot AF (just look at slipper slopes fanart if you want a visual) and turns to Duncan, strokijg his soul patch and smirking like ; really chico? dresses make me any less of a man?? then why am i still far more one than YOU.
duncan contemplated on his actions and sexuality a lot that day. And then came away from the experience causing far less micro aggressions :3
And Noah totally saw because Chris definetly rehired him after his elimination (personally I believe he makes a point of firing Noah at least twice a week, it’s a thing at that point) and so he was helping the poor poor overworked (starved crazed desperate) interns in the editing room and was just like ;
Dammit you’re still a slimy eel who got me eliminated and I’m mad at you… but I would REALLY like to make out with you rn unfortunately , this sucks.
Oki! So I have more, and just more trans TD headcannons in general; but this is already a lot TwT lemme know if anyone else wants more.
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Mabel's Marvelous Sexventures! CYOA Part 2
The following story is pornographic in nature. All characters depicted are over 18. This story is for adults only.
19, Mabel was 19. An adult who does an adult thing. Like mix too much rum into her Mabel Juice. Even being in college, Mabel and Dipper made a promise to make their way to Gravity Falls each summer. They even still shared that old attic in the Mystery Shack. Of course sharing a room as adults did have awkward moments.
As Dipper laid in his own bed across the room, his penis stood fully erect. And what a penis!! After spending two years in college, Mabel had seen quite a bit of erect penises, but none were as big as her bro’s. And with how his sheets were spread out, Dipper was fully exposed to his sister. Not that Mabel herself was no slouch herself. Her boobs were roughly the size of her own head. Mabel knew she had to handle this delicately.
"Dipper wake up, I can see your ding dong!"
He shot up. "Wha?" He looked down at his crotch. "Aaah." He shoved himself back into his boxers while he blushed.
"I'll let you take the first shower since you need more."
Dipper left the room grumbling. Mabel wondered if she might have had to do with Dipper’s boner. Her sleepwear consisted of an old tee shirt that doesn't fit anymore, showing off her boobies. And an old pair of panties. She wasn't exactly leaving much to the imagination here. But could her own brother want to fuck her?
He came back soon, towel around his waist, showing off his hot body. Years of monster hunting did wonders for his physique.
Mabel went to the bathroom and quickly stripped. Dipper left her plenty of hot water. She lathered soap on her bare breasts, washed her ass, and her other parts too. She shaved her legs and pits, leaving them nice and smooth. She did trim her mound, but only to leave the patch of brown hair manageable. After she was clean and dry, Mabel dressed in a pair of matching pink bra and panties, jeans short shots, miss matched sneakers with long socks, and a purple sleeveless blouse that showed off her cleavage nicely.
She joined Dipper in the kitchen. “Any plans today?”
“Some gnomes told me there been some strange plants in the forest. I asked around town and there was an old greenhouse around that area abandoned back in the 2000s. I was going to check it out after breakfast. Wanna come?”
“I dunno. I don’t wanna spend my day looking at plants.”
“Think about it,” Dipper told her as he left the room.
Once alone, Mabel turned her attention to her cercal. While she was eating breakfast, there was a knock at the back door. “Pacifica!” Mabel shouted as she opened the door. Paz had stopped dying her hair years ago, leaving her a dirty blonde. Her outfit consisted of a pink tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. She had a good sized bust but it paled in comparison to Mabel’s. Where Pacifica did shine was her ass. It was huge and shapely in all the right ways. It was thicc with a capital ICC. Looking at that ass helped Mabel realize she was bi. And the jeans Pacifica was wearing was doing wonders for it.
“Paz!! What can I do for ya girl?”
“I was gonna go to the mall. I was hoping we could go together.” Pacifica brushed as she brushed her hair out of her face. Her blue eyes sparkled.
“That sounds fun! But I might have other plans. I’ll get back to you.” The blonde nodded and left.
Mabel was running the cash register in the gift shop when a familiar face wandered in. “Wendy!”
“Dude!” The two hugged. Wendy was still tall. Even taller than Dipper. And while not bulky, her muscles definitely had some definition. Her ears and several pieces and her arms and neck had some tats. She had a thin white tank top with some blue jeans. Mabel could see a nipple piercing underneath her top. “I was going to go to the woods to do some hiking. I just wanted to say hi.” With a wave she was gone.
Hiking alone seemed like a bummer. Maybe Mabel should have gone with her? She had so many different things she could do today.
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
Hidden Agenda Ep 7
Word on the street (lol) is that this is actually going to be 12 eps, which I am thankful for because Only Friends is going to start bringing that promised messiness beginning next week (I hope) and I will need more time with a palate cleanser.
Oh don't get me wrong I'm going to love every second of OF, but also I know me and I know I am going to be very frustrated so it'll be good to have this cute tropefest to look forward to after the mess.
Would a promotion to win headphones get me? Yes it would, because I am one, cheap, and two, always up for a challenge. Also I like rollercoasters so it wouldn't be too much of a hardship for me. Unless I had to get on the swings. *shudders* We don't do the swings here.
Is this the same theme park they go to in every drama? It's just making me want to ride rollercoasters.
Lol there's always the one who can't handle them.
Ah, my old friend product placement. It's weird to miss you but there you go.
These rides are not that challenging! Boo. I was hoping the fourth one was a free fall ride - I love those and it would be hilarious to see the faces Joke would make - bet he would scream too - but alas.
Pfft Joke definitely has Zo's number. He totally liked that line.
Wait is that a wild Title? Yes, yes it is. Pfft, now that GMMTV has him in their stable they're just gonna put him in all the things, huh? Not complaining. Although he's again playing an ass, lol. Are we gonna typecast him already?
Aw, heartbreak at a theme park. I am sure that there are worse places to have that happen, but still. Yeesh.
I find it interesting that Zo's hesitance with Joke wasn't due to freaking out about these new bi feelings though. That's nifty.
Sometimes, I just love me an uncomplicated, cozy romance, and honestly I feel like these two deliver on that front. They did it in SIMM too.
I love how they're always alone in mazes like this. In reality it's a freaking crush, and there's always the two or three girls in front of you who scream at literally everything so they cast all jumps at them and you're just kind of behind them feeling a little bored and checking out the decorations. I still love 'em, though.
If he doesn't go for the photo cheek kiss...
Huh. Literally every other trope but not that one, show?
AOU AND BOOM! I almost forgot they were in this show. I want to care about this hiding plot. I do. But the problem is we get so little of them that I just...don't. I don't know if there was supposed to be more of them and then they cut it out or couldn't film it for whatever reason or what, but I just don't feel like I've been given enough to care. And that makes me sad because I was especially looking forward to Aou.
Okay so is grandma homophobic or just not impressed that Joke didn't tell her that Zo is his boyfriend? My guess is the former since the whole thing with Jeng but who knows, really. At this point it could swing either way, really. I would guess it's the latter because this show is fairly straightforward romance but! But. Sometimes the straightforward romances will hit you with that kind of serious thing out of nowhere.
Aw go Zo. I like his optimism.
HEH. Nope we're going simple. That is not a complaint. Grandma is fun. Also what do you mean you're not dating, Zo? You literally just went out on an amusement park date! There was a headphones winning montage and everything!
Yes you know what I agree. Competence is hot.
Hahaha okay I love Joke. Literally any chance to get his shirt off around Zo. And his pathetic attempts to clean himself like he's never done it before. Oh Joke you transparent fool.
Oh yes the academic scholarship. I forgot all about that too. Why is he so devastated? Does he think that he surely won't get the Finland trip if Nita is also competing for it?
Joke dude. Chill out he probably just passed out after studying all night. Good lord. You are embarrassing.
Pottery date!
I am Old but all this paying by QR code freaks me out.
Oh hey Title's back. I guess I knew that would happen.
Okay NO. No, it is not your place to go off on the asshole former friend, Joke. Come on. What he did was wrong but it's been ages and if Zo wants to know what happened then it's on him to find out, not you. I do not like his high handedness sometimes. He really really needs to quit it with that.
Yeah I'd have blocked him too. I am super petty and I have blocked people for less.
"You could have been honest without being cruel." No but for real. This should be printed on a card and distributed because I swear sometimes people just don't get that memo.
Oh just make out already.
Thank you.
Hahaha all right, point to Zo. That was a good one. And since it ain't OF, I'm pretty sure Joke's not gonna turn around and sleep with someone else lol. So you know, it's a win. :D :D
Look, I make fun but like I said, sometimes you just need something sweet and uncomplicated and fun. And i firmly believe that there's room for both this and stuff like OF or even Dangerous Romance. We can have gritty and realistic, mean and fraught, and sweet and simple! They can coexist. In the same weekend even!
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strawbrygashez · 9 months
even though 1999 wasn’t all that long ago at all somestuff has changed, so, do you have any sort of modern fight club head-canons? (I’m terrible at asks, my apologies)
Hmmm. U mean like if fight club was set in current day? What they’d be like now? :0 I’ll answer both if like it was made today and if they’ve just been together during the 1999s and what they’d be like now!!! If u meant this another way I can make another post :D
If it was set in current day:
• Tylers stupid ass would be a influencer. I’m sorry but he just so would be. He knows what to say & how to get people to love him and look up to him so it fits. He wouldn’t be like those weird af sigma podcasters, he’s yknow openly bi or whatever and talks about what he thinks is wrong with the world (he has the same opinions he has in the movie). When he’s not making videos or posting his opinions, he’s making videos about his thrift hauls because people are always asking him about his outfits.
Now if we wanted to get goofy with this idea, I think it would be kinda funny if he started a ‘online cult’ that gets out of hand.
•The narrator would probably still be working the same job he had in the movie. I don’t think much changes about him other than he feels a little better about accepting his sexuality. In his free time he does watch boring YouTube videos though and when he’s trying to go to sleep he’ll watch those like 5 hour videos going over something or another. They rarely do ever make him actually fall asleep.
•When him & the narrator get together & it’s been a while, Tyler has to show him off to the people who follow him online. He’s so excited to but the narrator is a little nervous. he isn’t used to attention and was surprised Tyler has a huge following. Tyler loves taking pictures for his social medias so tons of the pictures he posts are of them both. Maybe he’d introduce the narrator thru a video tho. Man probably has the narrator on his lap the whole time too smh.
•I’m not sure how well the idea of the underground fight club would work in current day. Eh probably the same. I think in modern day tho most of Tyler’s focus would be on getting his followers to start shit with other people. (He doesn’t care much about keeping his plans to spread stuff like that around a secret this time)
•He’s gotten almost cancelled before after saying something about ‘do we need another woman’ or something along those lines. He apologized because he just worded it wrong. (Why am I picturing the diary of a wimpy kid ‘I’m sorry women’ thing 💀💀)
•The narrator would do a lot of Tyler’s online ‘dirty work’ for him. Tyler is the face & speaker but the narrator handles other things. He deletes mean comments too bc he doesn’t want Tyler to have to see them even tho Tyler doesn’t give a shit about them 🙄🙄 so protective.
•The narrator gets such a kick out of seeing comments being jealous that they can’t be with Tyler. It’s strokes his ego.
•The narrator doesn’t get internet slang at all while Tyler can catch on pretty quickly.
•The narrator is terrible with smart phones. He texts like a old man and takes unflattering selfies from weird angles. Tyler is a bit better than him at using smart phones so he’s helping him or he just yanks his phone and plays around with it.
•Tyler hates how nothing has really changed that much besides the fact he sees more people think the way he does on a lot of stuff. He gets mad af when it comes to how capitalism is still going very strongly.
•(If Tyler wasn’t a real person) the narrator would have a better grasp on understanding his mental health issues since it’s probably easier to find and hear information about whatever he has. He feels more at ease about just going to therapy and whatnot.
•Tyler is going to be one of those people who complains that people aren’t ‘living in the moment’ that much anymore. He’ll glare if he’s trying to have a conversation with someone or is at a dining table with someone and they are on their phone. He’ll grab it from them depending on who they are.
•Tyler would hypothetically like to share his thoughts online but he doesn’t wanna ‘waste too much of his time’ on the internet. He’d much rather find something to get up to with the narrator.
•Tyler gets more complements on his fashion style nowadays compared to back then bc people are less worried about how someone dresses (for the most part) now.
•Someone can easily trick the narrator into saying weird shit to Tyler. Like if they tell them to tell Tyler he’s ‘caked up’ and explains it means something other than it actually means, he will go say it. Tyler goes red or just laughs.
•I think Tyler would like mostly taking pictures with phones. In his mind it’s probably the only thing they are good for (besides listening to music). He takes tons of the narrator and outside.
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safyresky · 11 months
I am once again venting below the cut, please enjoy this Jacqueline in the meantime:
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GOOD LORD!! CIRCULAR CONVERSATIONS ARE GENUINELY SOOO FRUSTRATING. I've had my new car for a WEEK and for a WEEK it's been the SAME SHIT between the hubbers and the MIL:
He mentions the car bc he's excited about it
She goes on an emotionally charged RANT about how concerned she is that we went and bought this car and how she's worried about all the debt we have and that we won't be able to "just vibe"
He assures her we went over everything (which we did) and that it's affordable for us (it being the bi-weekly payment)
It stops there. He laments to me. I reassure. I boost him the FUCK UP LIKE HE DESERVES TO BE! 😤
He brings up the car again with her in the hopes she'll be like I'm also excited about this for you!!
She instead once more lectures us on debt
He once again reassures her
He comes to me lamenting once more
I am stuck watching this circle and smacking my head against the wall
And he's NOT explaining this bit to his Mom, and keeps being like w/e her opinion doesn't matter
I hate circular arguments y'all. They make me want to explodE. My entire morning/afternoon has been reassuring the hubbers and trying to point out how the convo is circular bc he's looking for her approval and excitement but she is looking for Something Else BC she's worried about our finances. Guys, imma be real with you. This is an affordable payment for us. It's literally only coming out of MY PAYCHECK since it's MY CAR and they BOTH seem to be forgetting that and it's causing this stupid discussion that won't end until either:
He tells her he's heard her concerns and asks her what she's looking for (since despite his reassurances and walking her thru the process we went thru last weekend and showing her the numbers and how it all works out fine she STILL keeps voicing her concerns, to the point where I haven't even talked with her about it but am dying to yell WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO DO MARGE, GET RID OF THE CAR??? Because really, what WOULD you like us to do and it's presumptuous of you to assume we can't handle it and will need your help)
He tells her he's heard her concerns and asks her to just listen to his and please show some excitement because he's excited about it, so why can't you be
They let it die and never talk about it again the end OR
He understands that this is another one of those Margie being Margie scenarios and he's not gonna get her approval or excitement, and accepts that all he needs in this scenario is his OWN acceptance and excitement, and find a way to be OKAY with that
And I don't know how LIKELY any of these are going to be in the near future (and dw, I texted him that blurb already so hopefully it's on his mind and he makes good choices, good choices being either 1 or 4 bc this isn't gonna get resolved any time soon with my MIL's old fashioned REPRESS UR EMOTIONS ass 😤) so I am instead FUMING about situations OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL bc as an outsider Incan see how it's going and after 4 years of therapy I can see what needs to be done bc I'VE BEEN THERE TOO
This situation has me so down it's making me wanna call and vent to my Mommy and that's how you KNOW it's yucky tbh
#dani speaks#dani vents#i don't often call my mom to vent these days bc she can be very similar to Richard's mom re: ur childs feelings#BUT MY GOD. I AM AT A LIMIT#anyway if u read the vent ty for reading I appreciate it 🩷#we'll be okay! i know Richard will read those options and see what's going on and choose what works best for the time being#BUT MY GOD WATCHING THE CROSSFIRE?? IS STRESSFUL#I'M LIKE#THIS IS SO STUPID GUYS PLZ#anyway if anyone wonders why I wrote blinter the way I did#THIS IS WHY. I THINK PARENTS SHOULD MAKE UP WITH THEIR ADULT CHILDREN AND UNDERSTAND THE TRAUMAS AND THINGS#AND BE SUPER SUPPORTIVE#I THINK PARENTS NEED TO STOP THE AGE OLD HANDING OVER OF TRAUMA TO THE KIDS#GENERATIONAL TRAUMA IS AO FRUSTRATING AND SO EASILY AVOIDABLE BUT IT DOES ENOUGH DAMAGE THAT IT KEEPS GOING!#FUCK THE CYCLE ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE CYCLE#and if anyone is wondering. i am VERY excited about the new car#being able to drive again without breakdown anxiety and in a car that isn't crumbling to dust around me#is STELLAR! I WANT TO CRY HAPPY TEARS! I HAVE MY FREEDOM BACK! THE MONEY WE'LL SAVE ON SUDDEN REPAIRS#IS GONNA BE SO NICE#I'm 😭😭😭#it's just so reliving and I feel so annoyed that MIL doesn't see it like that and is focusing on 'startung ur marriage out in debt'#sweetie. I've been paying student loans for 5 years. We were ALREADY starting with debt and our payment plan is FINE#WE HAVE JOB SECURITY#OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT#AND IF WE SUDDENLY DON'T#WE SELL ONE OF THE CARS#Boom. done.#ANYWAY. IMMA GO GROCERY SHOPPING NOW#BC I CAN BC MY CAR IS RELIABLE!! AH!#out of context jacquelines
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organic-guacamole · 2 years
this is a dumb excuse but last night I was showing my sister how to type with a Korean 10 key keyboard and then hit my phone stuck on it and that's why I'm late...
yay jet doing the recap
before this disaster begins I just gotta say I love the background music at the start. the stringy rendition of shallow lake is so nice.
ON 3 OR AFTER 3!!!!! if this finale has any more callbacks I will not stop screaming
imagine if ricky did get a heart attack though...🤔
not saying he should but like, it would be original (unlike a certain recycled love triangle plot)
my best friend is old enough to vote now too and it's actually insane
but this isn't about me, BIG RED YESSSSS
how'd he come though, Ricky stole his car 🤨🤨🤨
idk what's happening now, it would be cool if they fleshed out Jet and Ricky some more but they didn't so now it's awkward the way Jet is asking Red.
EJ I love you.
"where's Gina" *punches pillow, mattress, wall, door-*
no wonder EJ his busting his ass to make sure the show is perfect. Ricky is the male lead and doesn't know the name of the kingdom in frozen? chile please
miss Jenn? do people not have other things to do in this show (me being petty about every little thing because I'm pissed about the storylines of this season)
why are all these elders jumping in the kid's solo smh smh
Channing showed up with like 20x more gay and he's so cute
why would they livestream this wth
shut up Richard, I'm so tired of his snarky comments this whole time
and then don't apologize for assuming he'd throw them all under the bus after the 2 weeks of him working so hard to make sure they excel I'm so angry I'm gonna cry
Nini? I'm not even surprised atp
she's not coming back.
"these things don't go away in a night" THANK YOU KOURTNEY
why is the crowd laughing so hard I do not understand (nitpicking)
thanks Channing 🧍🏽‍♀️
I know redlyn won't break up but it's scaring me.
not the sign saying no spitting in the middle of the emotional scene between Alex and Kourtney
no Channing not now
why does Nini have to stand there, isn't it more conspicuous than sitting in the audience?
yes Gina beat that man to the ground
I'm so happy rn.
"we missed you so much this summer" literally no one thought about her (petty guac is back)
Channing is such a fun character, his dialogue is almost always hilarious
and now EJ has to witness THIS. seriously just twist the knife in his heart atp
I love Val why isn't she in season 4😔 (Actually no cuz then they'd ruin her character)
*marches down the path with lanterns and pitchforks* KILL CASH CASWELL KILL CASH CASWELL
EJ deserves so much more than they give him and I'm so upset that not only did he lose the girl he really liked, but also can't even get his dad to say something as simple as "you're not a disappointment"
seriously. born to be brave is just making me nostalgic for s1 and I can't handle that rn
Not Ms Jenn actually being in hsm, didn't Mr Mazzara prove that she wasn't? anyways um
just like that? Corbin switches sides? redemption?
why is miss Jenn pulling every 40 something man in this show
is it just me or does Ashlyn have the bi colours in her hair
I hate the last day of camps like this, I've been to 2 and I cried so hard whole waiting for my ride, like those people you just spent days and nights with you might never see again but the bond is just so ✨
BRO LOOK AT THIS? WHEN THEY FOUND OUT NINI WAS THERE DID YALL SEE RICKYS FACE? HES NOT OVER HER (not in the sense of wanting to be with her still, but just not over that relationship and probably craving that feeling again. hence lily and now Gina? why why why should they be the rebounds for him and why is the narrative making it seem like a good thing.)
like this guy that has had his eyes on Gina and only Gina for months is not right for her! fine! but does that automatically make Ricky, the guy who is like the opposite of boyfriend material bc of where he is in life rn any better? no???
I also just realized this is the longest hsmtmts episode to date, that's cool, literally what we've been begging for since s2 but sure.
no stop. that documentary is not complete within 1 month, no way. especially not after what they said about in a month the trailer will come out.
and can we talk about the meta-ness of this? what show am I even watching rn? hsmtmtsftmtd?
"ok Ricky Bowen and you're watching Disney plus" *does the wand movement* ain't no way son
oh no it's gonna have the Ricky confession scene isn't it
oh jeez not the reality show edits
love how jet's own can't even be excused by some editing
this show has gone off the rails but the documentary trailer is killing me
the awkward shots of Ricky grinning at the camera while Gina says that she wants one thing I'm dying I'm deceased yes.
BIG RED IS BI WE KNEW THIS BUT ITS CANON NOW WOOHOOO (why he got an interview segment? no idea)
"good for him" so true
EJ my man... *shoulder pat*
oh Rina is still gonna happen?
no jeez why is it always the girl confessing to Ricky
nonono, don't get me started
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