#this song is such a vibe omg
brianskangs · 10 months
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"I'm always gonna be Forever gonna be I'll never leave summer" — let it be summer (Young K)
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folklore-girl · 5 months
pretty bitches love me & ugly hoes hate me <3
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aurorangen · 2 months
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Riku and Oscar are best friends and they share a love of winter sports. During their evening jog, Oscar asked about training the next day. "Actually, I have a date," he replied. Now Oscar knows his friend has been unsuccessful in finding love and hopes that this time will be different. "Hey, how's your love life going? Anyone you interested in?" In the past 5 years they have known each other, Riku has never seen him in a relationship. "Eh same old. You know what," Oscar thought for a moment, "There is someone on my mind."
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
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merakiui · 8 months
get ready mera tomorrow is the day you will expect me camping in ur inboxes bcs the horny demons WILL have me by the neck
being made into a marionette/puppet/doll by the fellow guy and having all emotion draining in poor reader’s eyes!! they’ll be so pretty!! the “princess of the circus” !! an eye candy for the audience (and the boys especially) and at the end of the show, you will be giving them “special services” fellow being paid to have you give all the boys head!! heck have your holes stuffed to the brim by ALL of them at once!! and maybe behind the scenes, fellow will have a taste himself 🤭
HI HI, LOVELY ANON!!!! 💖💖 omg,,, your thoughts are so good. I am ready for you to camp in my inbox. I will set up the tent for you and include many luxuries so the camping experience will be enjoyable!!!!
But omg the thought of being turned into a mindless sex doll for the boys and you can't complain or fight back. You're so pliable and obedient; it's in your nature to serve them and be fucked by them. <3 since Playful Land is a place in which you can indulge in fun day after day, why would any of the guys ever want to leave? Some of them (Trey, Leona, Cater, Jack, etc) are hesitant. Of course they want to use you, fuck you, kiss you, stuff you full, and do so many things they may not be able to do at school, but part of them knows this isn't the real you and you're just being controlled by Fellow. But time passes in Playful Land and eventually, whether they wanted to resist or not, they'll fall into Fellow's palm and indulge in you and your body. :) it's only a matter of time before the obsession wins out over restraint.
I think Fellow likely fucks you way before the rest get their chances. >:D he wants to have his fun first. Omg just imagine how many possibilities that opens up for Leona and Fellow rivalry. Two beastmen, one of them a sly fox and the other a protective lion, and they both want you. 😵‍💫 Leona respects you, of course, but he has to stake his claim to ensure that Fellow guy won't take what rightfully belongs to the king. >:(
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saragrosie · 1 year
Do y'all think this is how they argue in his head
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windydrawallday · 6 months
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Another Music Album Design, but this time commissioned by @/glamouruniverse (IG) so, I put the extra mile into making this gorgeous! To the point it even surprised me, and wow… took a whole month in contrast to Lockdown's half a month process 🔥. Still, was WORTH every careful design decision because… just look at that!!
A shame this time the photo session was a bit so-so because my amazing brain said "Let's use some cloudy backgrounds" and so the white light bounced A LOT and made it difficult to take clear-sharp shots tsk. But really: in hand looks beautiful. But I had fun! Especially when using those tiny golden doves (I sculpted them myself!) to accompany the compositions x3. I learned a ton with this too, and to be more careful next time I work with more of these in the future (for now, I'll wait until next year and prep a better comm sheet) because… it's quite taxing, not gonna lie haha ay.
Once more, thank you for the support to my client and anyone who enjoys my experimental works and wishes to see more of them 💖.
To the ones who know my work: what happened that I avoided putting a Depeche Mode song in the playlist?
Oh hohoho, I DID! But is a sort of Bonus Track, signaled in the Spine as "VIII"... and is the title of the whole album. I love that song so much:
"Stay as you are, the Darkest Star Shining for me majestically."
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bj-wnjn · 11 months
seeing n*w je*ns in any context makes me want to rip my skin off !!! the aesthetic they use is being seen as their own and it's tiring seeing everything be compared to them. WHO CARES??????? THEYRE CHILDREN !!!!!!!! i see them on my dash and i see them on my pinterest and i CANNOT ESCAPE THEM !!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM LEAVE ME ALONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gay-little-cloud · 2 months
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some ss from the mv + lyrics i liked and wrote down. the song is so good it gave me goosebumps !
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breadhao · 1 year
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05-14: The 10s of 2022 ↳ Generation by Acid Angel from Asia.SSS
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an-angels-fury · 4 months
Two Men in Love
Hey people! Guess who came back with a fresh new Caspeter fanfic?! 😘
A big thanks for @eds-gryff for making 👉 THIS AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL VIDEO 👈 that inspired me to write this piece (that with some luck will receive like... 5 notes or something like that).
I'm really considering to start posting my fics on AO3. Who knows...
Anyway, good reading! 🫶
P.S.: A friendly reminder that English is not my first language, so don't fuck me up, okay?
P.S. 2: The fic's title comes from the song of same name by "The Irrepressibles" (THIS IS THE CASPETER ANTHEM I WON'T ACCEPT CRITICISM! 👌)
P.S. 3: The photos and quotes used on the aesthetic were all found on Pinterest, but the edit was made BY ME. DON'T FUCKING REPOST IT!!! 😡
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The afternoon sun was already reaching its peak when Peter took the same usual route back home. He had left early in the morning to travel the long distance to the small village where he cared for his patients. The start of the day had been peaceful and, luckily, no particularly serious medical cases had to be dealt with, just minor incidents such as a 7-year-old girl with a broken ankle after falling from a tree, a lumberjack with a dislocated shoulder and an old fisherman who had some difficulty breathing - a problem definitely related to his advanced age and his addiction to smoking. Unfortunately, no matter how many times Peter warned him about the consequences of excessive cigarette use, it was a harmful habit that the old, stubborn man was not willing to give up.
The doctor was climbing the hill, coat and suitcase in each hand, admiring the green, undulating mounds that decorated the landscape that was beginning to form before his eyes. He couldn't imagine choosing a better place to spend the rest of his life - well, actually there was another place, but it was the only place he already knew he could never return to. For a moment, Peter found himself downcast, the weight of melancholy taking over his chest. It was a feeling he was already familiar with, although it became less constant with each passing year. A king could leave Narnia, but Narnia would never leave him as long as he lived. He was absolutely sure of that.
A loud noise woke him from his cloud of thoughts, and suddenly the bittersweet feeling in his heart disappeared. A dog with yellow fur and big ears came running towards him, barking at the top of his lungs, and the blond man didn't hesitate to drop his things and opened his arms to welcome him. When he least noticed, Peter found himself flung to the ground, laughing like a child as the animal on top of him licked his face, wagging the tail happily. When the dog calmed down from his euphoric state and allowed the poor man to recover, Peter sat down on the grass and scratched the animal's head right behind the ears - exactly in his favorite spot.
- I missed you too, big boy - he said with a big smile on his face.
That sweet moment was interrupted by a whistle coming from not far away. The dog turned his head and remained quiet for a moment, just looking towards the supposed place where the sound had come from. Soon after, a man's voice was heard, calling him by the name. Peter would recognize that beautiful voice from any corner of the world.
- Rhidon!
The animal didn't blink before barking and running away again. Without rushing, Peter got up and walked a few more meters until he finally saw the small cottage that, a few years ago, had become his new home. In front of the door, there was a very happy Caspian carrying Rhidon in his arms as if he were a giant baby. Peter couldn't help but laugh at such an adorable scene. The dark-haired man smiled back at him and made room for him to come in.
- I hope you're hungry. - Caspian said.
- Starving. - Peter joked.
The smell of fresh bread coming from the kitchen reached his nostrils, which quickly remind him that there were still some sweets and baked goods left in the special basket the baker's wife had given him in thanks for taking care of their sick son. Peter sat down at the table and allowed Caspian to serve him.
- Bon appétit. - Caspian placed the plate in front of his companion and leaned over to give him a little smootch.
The young telmarine had no cooking skills when he arrived in England, which was expected of a prince who spent most of his life being served by others around him. Fortunately, because he was a curious person and fascinated with everything that was different and unknown to him - one of the many reasons why Peter had fallen in love with him -, Caspian was quite willing to learn, especially having Susan and Lucy to help him. Although neither of the two boys were masters in the art of cooking, they loved creating new recipes and dishes whenever they had the opportunity. It was one of their favorite pastimes.
The cottage in which they lived was a simple but no less charming place. The walls were painted a beige tone and the windows were adorned with white shutters and small pots of wildflowers outside. It was possible to hear the slight creaking of the boards when walking on the wooden floor, but this was never considered a nuisance for any of the residents - on the contrary, it was considered a relaxing and even inviting sound for both. In the living room, there was a couch and an old armchair where the boys usually sat at the end of the day to relax in front of the cozy heat of the fireplace. 
The location of the house couldn't be more perfect either. The cottage was built in a rural area, surrounded by nature and relatively far from any sign of human life. On the other hand, the place still had a considerable distance between the village where Peter always worked - and where he and Caspian went twice a week to buy the supplies and food necessary for their daily lives - and Professor Kirke's mansion, who had become a great friend, confidant and tutor for the two young people since their last adventure in Narnia. He was responsible for helping the Pevensie siblings teach Caspian everything about their reality - he still remembered fondly from time to time of the prince's shocked expression after finding out they all lived in a round world! -, as well as being Peter's greatest guide during his journey to build his career in medicine. The couple made frequent visits to the master's house, where they also met up with Lucy and Edmund - and sometimes Susan as well - to spend the afternoon drinking tea with cookies, telling stories and even plotting little pranks to make fun of the Professor’s poor housekeeper Mrs. McCready, who had already grown new strands of gray hair since the last time they were there. Sometimes it was as if they had never stopped being children.
But the best part of it all was that Peter and Caspian no longer had to worry about hiding their love. They could court, exchange passionate kisses, walk across the field hand in hand, rest their heads on each other's shoulders, lie embraced in the meadow in the sunlight. They were free to express all the affection and intimacy that other lovers shared when were together.
The two sat at the table without saying a word for most of the meal, just exchanging shy smiles and affectionate looks. Even after all these years, they still felt and acted like two teenagers in love.
- And you? Aren't you going to eat? - Peter asked, noticing that Caspian hadn't picked up a plate for himself.
- I had already eaten before you arrived. - Caspian explained - You came back early today. How was your afternoon, doctor?
The blond one smiled at the other man's playful tone and moved his hand towards his, interlacing their fingers. From there, Peter began to tell a little about the patients he had seen that day. The two continued talking for a while until, a few minutes later, they got up and went to the couch in the living room. Peter decided to take a new book from the shelf to start reading - one of those lent by Professor Kirke -, while Caspian allowed him to lie down on his lap and just stayed there, running his fingers through his lover's golden hair and carefully watching the change in his expressions as he flip through the pages of the book in his hands.
Caspian recalled that one of the things that surprised him most when meeting Peter was seeing with his own eyes who the man behind the legend was. From idealization to disappointment to acceptance and, finally, to love, he reached a point where he realized that Peter Pevensie - the flawed, vulnerable being who was willing to carry all the burdens of the world alone for the protection of those he loved most, even that this meant putting his own pain aside and suffering in silence - was much more fascinating than the heroic and majestic figure of "The High King Peter the Magnificent'' that he had learned to adore and idolize since he was a child. He felt honored to be one of the few people to know details—intimate secrets—that couldn't be found in any dusty old history book: like the way Peter's shoulders relaxed when he lay awake at night, incapable of surrendering to sleep, sitting against the window frame watching the stars; the unique and special glow that lit up in his smile whenever Lucy was with him; all the wonderful sounds that escaped his mouth when Caspian touched and kissed him in all the right places every time they made love.
Every touch, every gesture, every perfect imperfection made Peter, his husband - perhaps not officially recognized by the law of men, or even in the eyes of God, but real to them and their dear ones - the extraordinary man he loved so so much. And Caspian hoped he had the rest of their lives to show him that.
After a while, Peter got tired of reading and, in one quick movement, closed the cover of the book and sat down. Curious, Caspian remained quiet, looking at the other man, who soon spoke with a voice full of enthusiasm:
- Let's go outside!
Before he had a chance to react, Peter was already pulling him off the couch and guiding him to the front door. It didn't take a second for Rhidon, who was previously asleep on the floor, to wake up to his owners' excitement and quickly follow them. The three of them ran out into the open air, their messy hair flying in the wind and barefoot, feeling the earth, the fallen leaves and the dew on the green grass under the soles of their feet. At that moment, they were not gentlemen of English society, nor soldiers rebuilding their lives in a chaotic world ravaged by war, much less kings of a land full of talking animals and magical creatures. They were just two happy, carefree boys with indomitable spirits and fire in their hearts. They knew they had everything they needed.
When they were both exhausted and out of breath, Peter and Caspian lay down together and watched the way the setting sun painted the sky in strong shades of orange, pink and red. Well, just Caspian, actually. Peter had all his attention focused on the young telmarine's face. The former prince's beauty never went unnoticed in his eyes, even at a time when he still believed to despise him with every fiber of his being. Honestly, the fact that the High King felt so captivated by those piercing black pupils, that tanned skin, those long dark locks that fell over Caspian's broad shoulders in beautiful waves only served to make him even more annoyed with the other’s mere presence.
Not that this was the first time a man had made Peter feel this way. Apparently, romantic relationships between people of the same gender had always been seen as something natural in Narnia, which surprised him at first, considering the fact that he was raised in a world where such an attitude was seen as something abnormal and, at worst, a crime. He remembered the few occasions he had got the attention of some members of the court and messengers from neighboring kingdoms during his and his siblings' reign. There were times when he corresponded and even took the attraction game further. But none of his suitors had ever made Peter feel what he felt when he was with Caspian. And at first, it terrified him. It did because, even after so many years, he still heard voices whispering in his mind, calling him cursed names.
Sick. Unclean. Aberration. Sinner.
But with Caspian, something changed. Those aggressive words began to lose their force. All it took was the sweetness of his smile or hearing him call Peter’s name and suddenly, all the noise inside him was reduced to the purest silence. Now, he could hold Caspian's hand without feeling dirty. He could say "I love you" in its truest meaning without feeling the weight of guilt taking over his heart. He finally allowed himself to feel pleasure, not shame, in being hugged, kissed, touched and, above all, loved by his partner.
You love him and he loves you. You are happy. You are not hurting anyone. There is nothing wrong with that.
You are not broken. You don't need fixing.
Peter stayed like this, lying on the taller man's shoulder, admiring the calm and dreamy expression on his face.
- That's what I love most. - Caspian broke the silence, his voice calm.
- What?
- Moments like this, where we can be alone. Just you and me.
And then came the smile. That damn stupid, charming smile that always made a warm blush rise to his cheeks. And there was only one thing Peter could - and desperately needed - to do about it. He propped himself up on both elbows, held Caspian's face between his hands and pressed his lips against his, giving him a long, slow, fervent kiss.
That's what made Caspian so beautiful, the blond man told himself: it wasn't just his physical beauty, but all the color and beauty he brought to Peter's world. And he had no words to describe the extent of his gratitude for having this wonderful human being by his side.
The night was calm. The only sounds in the room were the continuous music playing on the radio station and a gentle breeze that blew against the glass of the closed windows. Even after they had already eaten dinner, Peter returned to sit at the table in the kitchen to pay attention to issues related to his work. He was analyzing some notes he had written over the last few weeks related to the project of a new clinic. For a long time, Peter saw medicine as a chance to wash his soul of all the blood he had shed in his former existence, to use his hands to heal and save lives instead of taking them. He wanted to prove to himself that he could be much more than a weapon, an instrument for violence and death. And in the end, he succeeded. But he wanted it to be just the beginning of an even bigger plan.
The young man was so deep in his thoughts that he almost jumped out of his chair when he heard the clinking of the saucer being placed on the table. Peter soon felt the hot steam from the teacup being blown into his face.
- To keep you awake. - Caspian's gentle voice reached his ears.
- I'm not that tired. - Peter replied without looking up from the papers - You know, you don't need to pamper me all the time. I'm already grown up.
Caspian just snorted at his husband's typical petulance. It was a silly behavior he was already quite used to.
- But that's how our relationship works: you take care of everyone. And I - he paused his sentence to approach and kiss Peter's left cheek and only then completed - I take care of you. So, accept this at once and stop complaining.
All Peter did was roll his eyes and simply accept his lover's affectionate gesture.
- Thank you. - Peter said, this time in a more delicate and less irritated tone. In return, Caspian held one of his hands and placed a kiss on his fingers, letting his lips take time to caress that pale, soft skin. When that contact finally ceased, the telmarine was taken by surprise when he noticed the way the man sitting in front of him stared back at him, following his every slightest movement, without ever looking away.
Peter's eyes were the first thing that caught Caspian's attention when they met. Those blue eyes, deep and clear as the ocean, sometimes calm and peaceful, sometimes restless and stormy, where giant waves crashed and broke against each other. Caspian always felt like he found a new adventure every time he looked into those eyes, a new secret to be revealed, a new dark corner to be found, an infinite number of possibilities and mysteries that would be impossible to discover in a single life. Even those who called themselves the bravest explorers would be intimidated by the sight of those turbulent and unpredictable waters, but Caspian wasn't one of them. He came from a long lineage of pirates, the daring and danger of the seas ran through his veins. He was not afraid of drowning - in fact, he gladly embraced this possibility.
Suddenly, a slow, romantic ballad started playing on the radio, waking the two lovers from their frenzy - or maybe it was just carrying them into a new dream.
- Would you give me the privilege of follow me in this dance? - Caspian invited him, speaking in a low, deep voice in a way that let his Spanish accent even more evident. He knew very well the effect such seductive move used to have on Peter and how to use it to his advantage.
- The tea will get cold. - the other one stammered in a failed attempt to disguise the desire that took his breath away.
The dark-haired man just chuckled cheekily.
- Just shut up.
Peter didn't even try to retort as he knew that any form of resistance would be futile. He just stood up and let Caspian guide them to the little slice of Heaven the two of them shared.
Since the first time he and his siblings were sent away from Narnia, Peter didn't believe that he would ever be able to feel such genuine joy in worldly things again, like taking an afternoon nap in the shade of a tree, inhaling the scent of the pages of a book when you open it, feeling a snowflake melting on your tongue or even practicing small acts of altruism and kindness on a daily basis that were capable of transforming lives in miraculous ways - he also quickly learned that he didn’t need to be a powerful hero to help those who needed it most.
And of course, dancing at night in the middle of the kitchen with your love. It was another one of his favorite pastimes. Two bodies united, moving in time and space. Heart against heart, beating like drums, sharing the same melody. They were flames, burning and turning everything around them into shadows and smoke, until there was nothing left but the music and two souls naked in the starlight.
The tea was left forgotten on the top of the table, along with all his responsibilities. At that moment, Peter's only reality was Caspian's hair tangled between his fingers, those strong arms running around his hips and the heat of the young man’s lips brushing the skin of his neck. He had never felt so much pleasure in being totally surrendered. All Peter could do was close his eyes, sigh deeply, and just exist.
After that, it's not known exactly how much time has passed. Any sense of hours or minutes became completely clouded and scattered. One moment, the two men were standing in the kitchen and the next, they had been magically transported to the bedroom, taking off their clothes and continuing their dance, but this time, to a rhythm that only they could hear. It was an old song of which only they knew the notes, the rests and the chords. They were the only ones who knew which parts of the body they needed to touch with their hands or mouth to make the other moan, scream and sing.
At the end of the act, the two found themselves thrown onto the messy bed sheets, sweaty bodies intertwined in the darkness. Peter rested his forehead against Caspian's collarbone and closed his eyes, inhaling the scent of his skin and concentrating on the heavy rise and fall of the boy's chest. Then, he felt Caspian wrap his arms around him and slowly slide his hands down his back, massaging specific points on his spine with circular movements of his thumbs. It was a calm, relaxing sensation that made all the tension in the blond's muscles disappear, allowing him to sink into a deep sleep.
It was still something strange to him, being with someone who made him feel safe, protected. In most situations, it was Peter who was forced to take on the mantle of protector, as the eldest brother and as king. It was a challenge to give up this role that he had imposed on himself for so long. It took patience and reflection for him to finally understand that his family was no longer in danger, that the war was already over. That he didn't need to fight anymore. Of course, there were still days when he was haunted by terrible echoes of the past, nights when he woke up to the sound of his own crying and the screams in his head, afternoons when he walked very attentively down the street or stood still for a minute in front of the cottage’s door in an unusual state of alert, as if he feared that something bad was about to happen at any moment.
Now, everything had changed. Peter had found someone he could show his demons to and he knew they wouldn't run away. Not that he had never been vulnerable when he was around his siblings. It was hard not to be when the four of them knew each other better than anyone else: Susan could read his thoughts with just a single look. After years of fighting side by side on the battlefield, Peter and Edmund's minds worked as one, always predicting and preceding each other's every move and strategy. Lucy's presence was enough to calm the storm of emotions that shook his insides.
But with Caspian, that feeling had a different flavor. It wasn't better, nor worse, it was just… new. Peter would face a thousand armies out of love for his family and his kingdom. The love he felt for Caspian made him want to lay down his sword and strip off his armor forever. It was the kind of love that made him want to live, not just survive.
Yes, sometimes all a king needed was a safe haven to lean on. Sometimes, what a king needed most was just someone he could be weak with.
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aq2003 · 1 year
songs that i think the vox machina would sing really really loud in a karaoke bar
vax: love from the other side by fall out boy
vex: who's gonna save u now by rina sawayama
keyleth: paradise by coldplay
percy: love me normally by will wood
grog: all star by smash mouth
pike: holding out for a hero by bonnie tyler
scanlan: the short king anthem
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sus-panicattac · 8 months
cabin 10 gives every new camper a pair of headphones thats very bedazzled or in some way fits their vibe and a playlist that also matches their vibe
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beemisangry · 7 months
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I got My Little Pony and Trolls 3 on the mind
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wolfmoonmusic · 6 months
Hi! So I'm writing again. Yes.
And while y'all wait. I hope you've already heard this but if not:
Tagging: @queenofmistresses @pinchofhoney @ancientbeing10 @lokisgoodgirl @peaches1958 @padfootagain I am obsessed.
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walkscornelia · 7 months
suburban legends is just a whole story in one song how does she do that
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