#this time it is full size sans in all his glory
fudgelling-away · 5 months
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I've got a lot of respect for Sans. I swear, I really do, it's just… oh my gosh I want to coo at him like at a little kitten.
And come ooon, it's Sans, he's not gonna crumble because of some playful teasing. I don't even think he'd be flustered, I think he'd quip right back at us without missing a beat. But I really enjoy drawing his grumpy and threatening expressions.
I need to create something silly in-between works with serious emotions. I don't feel any pressure with these comics - no references, no nothing, just doodling and trying new things, and I need that.
Anyway, the question - see the next post :) I'm just looking for one more platform and need help with choosing.
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count-alucard-tepes · 7 months
Hi iam sure if did one before but iam pretty a 100% sure that you once give a description on how op hotties tits look like.
These were definitely my favorite posts to make…just saying, this girl appreciates tiddies 😍
Oven Charlotte 🍞
Oh we all saw what they full baked baby daddy’s chest looks like in all his glory! He has some fine hair on his chest and he likes to keep it because it makes him feel manly. His nips are pretty pink and sensitive so if you graze them…he’s melting. Also he loves having his S/O lick melted chocolate off his tiddies but be careful! You don’t want to burn your tongue if he blushes too much😜 8.5 out of 10 for face smothering.
His tiddies are defined along with his abs but he’s on the leaner side since he doesn’t like to bulk up too much. It doesn’t fit his aesthetic! He does have hair on his chest and he doesn’t mind it at all, his partners always think it’s cute. He has bright pink nips. 8 out of 10 for face smothering.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
He has a pretty lean body and he tends to show his tiddies because he gets hot often. He’s got a light tan and doesn’t grow much hair on his chest. His nips are cute and light pink. 8 out of 10 for face smothering.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
We were lucky to see tiddies in all its glory, usually we just get to see his cleavage from his boob window! He doesn’t like hair on his chest so he makes sure to keep himself groomed. He burns easily so he has pretty pale tiddies and that’s not by choice! His nips are pink and one of them are pierced. 10 out of 10 for face smothering😆
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
Ah to be the handsome sibling is always a plus when he’s a sweetheart too! Since he’s a marine, he has to be physically fit all the time and this resulted in him having amazing tiddies for us to enjoy! He’s pretty pale and doesn’t like being out in the sun because he burns too easily so his tiddies never see the light of day! His nips are pale pink and he does have light hair between his tiddies. 9 out of 10 for face smothering.
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹
Oh this pink haired baby daddy! How I wish he had more screen time! His tiddies are firm and well defined because he works out all the time and does karate to keep fit! He has tattoos that go down his arms and legs, he loves the look and feel of it. His nips are light pink like his lips and they’re pierced. 1000 out of 10 for face smothering (let me be your baby mama already!😭)
Gecko Moria🦇
When he was younger, he has amazing pale tiddies with pierced nips. He’s not a hairy guy so they were always smooth and he liked it that way. He had a well defined body that worked well for his height. 9 out of 10 for face smothering.
Under those fabulous suits is a lean but defined body that only our favorite sexy mayor could have! He has dark pink nips and he’s actually pretty hairy. He does have chest tattoos around his tiddies that join to his shoulders and even down his abs to his hips. Only his partners would know that though😉 10 out of 10 for face smothering for our sexy ice-daddy.
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
He’s very particular about his body so he makes sure to do lots of chest exercises so that he can maintain his perfect tiddy size and have the body of a God! He isn’t a hairy guy so his chest is smooth to the touch and he loves to flex his chest so that it feels strong. His nips are dark pink. 100 out of 10 for face smothering! (Omg lemme motorboat you, Gild😭😭😭)
Rob Lucci🐆
His chest in his non-kitty form is pretty lean but still defined as he just prefers the look for when he’s wearing his suits. He has brown nips and some fine hair growing between his tiddies. 9 out of 10 for face smothering.
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1bringthesun · 1 year
My theory is that Gaiden takes place ~1 year before the start of the main manga, because Chuuya references meeting Tsujimura in Dead Apple (calling her "the chick from way back"), and because there are no mentions of any of the chaos that occurred after Atsushi joined the ADA anywhere in Gaiden
--Anon who is very not normal about Gaiden and spends way too much time picking it apart and has also spent a ton of time thinking about when it could be taking place
that’s what i decided on too. it makes sense: Chuuya in all his short glory could be mistaken as a “boy” when he’s 21, Dazai’s infamy would have time to rise, and indeed the “man-eating tiger” isn’t brought up a single time although the ADA is, thrice.
but, then i want to know more about this foreign organization that Ango was called back to Yokohama to deal with. if it took place a year before canon, it means that it’s an unmentioned organization, right? i wonder if gaiden will hold any plot relevance.. i’ve been wanting to see Ayatsuji in canon for ages, and jumped for joy when Tsujimura got a cameo in the dead apple movie. Ango as well is a mysterious figure, and being able to see the professional side of him completely removed from Buraiha was exciting…
i think, anon who is normal about gaiden, that perhaps the we’re a little similar…
actually, i just thought of this: gaiden ended with Tsujimura-san saying that her shadow being would regrow to its full size “in a few years,” right? given her hefty governmental status, amazingly strong ability, and tendency to watch her daughter from an unseeable place, do you figure she’ll get reacquainted to the plot in the f
GAGGHHHGHHHHHHHSHSHDKFKDJDHWHWBDJDK!!! i just want my gaiden beloveds to be in canon….
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sullina · 2 years
Meliodas squeaked and struggled a bit, not expecting the hug, before settling down a bit. His purrs became stronger after that while Zaratrus ruffled his hair before pulling away,
"Now. How's those wings look now."
Gilthunder quickly backed up to give Meliodas room as the demon hesitantly spread his wings, the wingspan taking up almost the entire room and still somewhat damp feathers shining in the light. He carefully beat them, flinging water droplets everywhere to dry them heedless to Zaratrus' undignified squawking and Gilthunder's giggling as they were buffeted. The broken wing flared in pain as he gritted his teeth, but it was necessary to dry the feathers.
Undried festhers are very uncomfortable.
Once dried the feathers fluffed up again, making it so that Meliodas has to try to comb through them again. Zaratrus shook his head, coming up to help him and Gilthunder gleefully joined them,
"Sorry to ruin your work, Zaratrus."
"I'll just have to remember to bathe the wings before preening next time."
"N-next ttime!?"
"I'm hardly going to just leave you to it after spending all this time getting them on order now, Meliodas." Zaratrjs raised a brow at the demon's incredulously look. Did meliodas really expect them to just do this once? He should know better, if not himself than his teammates would assist him, he need only ask.
It was around this time the Sins, sans Ban and finished with what few duties they had for the day, came to visit.
Zaratras, Gilthunder and Meliodas worked together to comb through the feathers again and were done by the time the Sins arrived. By that time, the little dampness that still clung to the wings had also faded.
Meliodas showed the now dry wings off again for his two friends and had to admire how they looked. With dust and dirt gone, they were almost midnight black and if you looked at them in the light, you could see a purplish sheen to them. The demon had almost forgotten what they looked like altogether when properly cared for.
"Woah, they're so pretty!" Gilthunder exclaimed, petting the soft down feathers and admiring the long flight feathers. "Indeed", Zaratras couldn't help but agree. They truly were amazing and not just in size. Despite being so dark, one could clearly see the structure of the individual feathers now.
"Hey, Captain!" King called out as he knocked before coming in. "Woah!"
"Hey guys", Meliodas greeted them, feeling the reflex to hide his wings but being unable to with Gil still hanging onto them.
Every Sins, except for Ban, had come into the room and were seeing Meliodas' wings (or the one not broken at least) in their full glory. And they were truly a sight to behold.
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The Most Beautiful Person He Had Ever Seen
Hello, all. I made another AU last night.
I had wanted to go to sleep at a good hour.
Guess what I did NOT do?
This thing I wrote? It’s around 13 pages long when using Arial at size 11 font- 5,000 words.
On the font and font size I typically use when writing a chapter, this behemoth is 22 pages long- that's more than 2/3rd of one of my typical chapters.
And you want to know something even more terrifying?
It’s not even done yet.
I won’t be finishing this just yet, nor will I be working on other chapters for a very long time, so I won’t be posting this on archive of our own- enjoy this incomplete work I grinded out on what I can only see as a fantastical event where the stars alined to let me write- just not on my actual current work! Argh…
Feel free to ask any questions- I’ll try my best to answer any that come up. I have a few ideas for where the story could possibly go next, but who knows when I haven’t written it all out yet? Everything could end up veering off into an entirely different direction. 
Shall I also use my first instance of a poll? Hmmm… we’ll see.
Without further ado, here’s what I wrote!
It had been a rather ordinary day- visiting his friend Alphys- when Sans turned to look at a heavily neglected part of her lab to see the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyelights on.
He didn’t know why he turned to look- he had never had the inclination to look that way unprompted before, unless Alphys wanted to show him whatever half finished project she was working on at the time. Otherwise- it was simply an unused part of the lab- one that was scantily used or even thought of by anyone- used so infrequently in fact that he often forgot that the dusty curtains his friend and colleague had hung up even hid something behind them.
What came over him? Why did he decide to turn back?
Was something calling him? Something telling him that he would see something that he would never forget?
That he would find himself looking at the first thing other than his brother and his community of other monsters that was just as important- key to his life, even? Something that, once he had, he would never be able to live without?
And, what were the chances- that on this day in particular, when he happened to have an odd urge to look back at that unused part of the lab- there would be something so wondrous- so glorious and lovely- to look at? 
That the curtains that had hung for years without once falling- that just on this day, they would fall, just as he turned?
He did not know- and at the time, he did not realize that he would ever even think about the possibilities besides as a quick, passing thought when it first happened.
But now…
He prayed to whatever god made that tiny, infinitesimally small chance occur- thanking them so heartily and insistently that a casual observer probably would have thought he was an extremely devout believer.
Thank you- thank you! You- whoever you are- you glorious bastard! Thank you so- so much! I don’t know who you are- and I doubt you even care, or even exist- but if you do…
Thank you.
Just what was it that Sans saw, in that musty, dark and cramped corner of the lab?
“Oh, th- the curtain! O-oh well… seems I’ll have to put it back up later- but- t-that’s not important! You- you’ve seen her, haven’t you?!”
Alphys rushed towards the curtain, ripping the rest of it down- now revealing that thing in its full glory. 
“Oh- isn’t she just such a cutie?!”
Alphys let out the squeal of a fangirl, delighting in showing off what she had found to her friend. 
As Sans gazed at the thing in front of him, He found himself having more difficulty controlling his expression than usual. It seems that Alphys picked up on this- as well as the question he was about to ask- although it seems she opted to pretend she didn’t see the former.
“W-Where did I find her? I-I found her in a dump! It seems that humans have been using Mt. Ebott as a dumping ground for things they’ve decided to discard for a while now- and such a waste in this case, too! W-who would throw away an almost fully functioning robot?!”
Sans half nodded.
“A robot…”
“Mind you- S-she’s was so badly damaged when I found her- pieces of her just strewn about everywhere- body parts almost completely severed and twisted in many places- t-the circuitry was completely shot- most of the delicate wiring was completely chopped to bits and looked like those noodles I just love to eat- haha… ha. And- and some of those wires- just straight fried! Not just that- the list goes on and on- now… that I think about it- maybe calling her an almost fully functioning robot is a bit of a stretch on my part- but I know y-you get what I mean!”
Alphy’s seemed to simmer down a bit then, becoming more contemplative- sad, almost.
“You know… to be honest- when I found her, with her head sticking out of all that garbage- I really thought I had just stumbled on a human body… There- in those dumps near monster territory- our homes- a.. A murder scene! I was almost afraid of what would happen if I approached her… as if- s-some human boogeyman was going to- pop out- from behind a nearby pile and accuse me of m-murder!” 
She grabbed her shoulders with her arms, shivering slightly.
“T-to be honest… the thought of it- it still terrifies me. What would have happened if she really was a human body…”
Sans was able to recover a bit from his stupor, quickly moving to comfort his friend, giving her a pat on the shoulder.
“Hey, don’t worry about it! We might have gotten into a human-gous amount of trouble if that really did happen, but it didn’t. But I promise, if it did, I and the others would have helped you out- no matter what. I and the others always will.”
Alphys gave a gleeful smile, trying to resist laughing at her friend’s corny joke- but failed horribly.
“Haha! Really… Thanks for that Sans- with what's going on right now, t-that really means a lot. I-I mean it- and… I’d do the same for you.”
Quickly, the pair turned back towards the robot, where Alphys quickly regained her train of thought as the pair began to walk closely to marvel at the robot up close.
“I was able to repair her only just recently- all the bells and whistles- power supply, wiring is spotless, perhaps my best job yet- circuitry repaired or replaced where necessary- and yet- she still won’t turn on… I just can’t seem to figure out why.”
Alphys pointed to each part, explaining what she was able to learn about each thing- their functions, possible hiccups or mistakes she could have made, and even hypothetical upgrades to increase the performance in the future. 
Sans listened dutifully as his friend nerded out- and in his mind, he was too.
He thought carefully about each individual part- even having Alphys move the body around on the table and open up parts of it for a better look. The wiring? Impeccable- truly the best wiring job of Alphys’s he had ever seen, and he knew how hard a project Mettaton was. The circuitry? Although he didn’t necessarily understand what each part was supposed to do, he trusted his friend knew- everything he saw on that front was solid work- no glaring flaws. Each part he checked was exactly how they should be- until he came upon the power supply.
When Alphys showed him what she said was the power supply, he had no idea what he was looking at- it looked nothing like anything he had ever seen- and certainly not Alphys’s work. It was located deep in the robot’s upper back, wedged in behind the spine- near where the heart and lungs would be on a human. Not having any way to look inside what looked to be a hard outer casing, Sans found himself trying to make sense of just what he was looking at.
“This is the power supply? Is that really what I’m looking at right now?”
Alphy’s shakily nodded.
“This- this isn’t your work, is it? Was it already a part of her? How do you even know it’s working-”
“-no- no! I’m certain of it- it’s the one other part left still perfectly intact!”
No… focus- I’ll get the answers soon, I’m sure.
Alphys had interjected quickly, in a manner that showed to Sans that she was extremely worried about the current conversation. Not wanting to stress out his jittery friend further, he waited patiently for her to explain.
“Y-you see… I ran some diagnostics and- those wires, you see those? I hooked those up to the supply directly and- There- well… the test I ran showed that whatever powers this- this thing- no no, this girl- It can hold charge just fine- I-in fact- uh… well… you see- this power supply- it already is running! Just… just… it just isn’t running anywhere else… f-for some reason!”
Sans noticed Alphys’s eyes darting to and fro, the signs that she was beginning to panic, and very much so. Not to mention that she was starting to sweat on her brow- and her tail, which was normally still, was swishing to and fro across the ground, too- something that only happened when she was either extremely excited or extremely stressed. He could already tell that there was something she was hesitant to tell him about, but he just couldn’t fathom what it could be.
What could be making her so nervous? And the power supply is on? could it be that what is worrying her has something to do with that? What does all of this mean?
“Well, if whatever is inside that power supply is faulty, why don’t you just open it up and check? Or, why not just take it out and replace it with something else? You were able to get Mettaton’s power supply working just fine, so why couldn't you do the same here? I’m certain you would be able to-”
She vigorously shook her head- taking a quick moment to adjust her glasses with her shaking hands, before hesitantly yet adamantly responding.
“-No! I-I can’t. I-I couldn’t possibly- i-if I messed up- s-she could! Y-you don’t- y-you haven’t seen the scans!”
Sans could sense that she was beginning to have a nervous breakdown- he tried his best to reach her with his voice.
“Alphys, please- I can’t help you if you don’t help me understand- just what did you see when you performed a scan? Did you see something inside the power supply? Is it dangerous?”
She continued to mumble to herself, speaking quickly as she began to bite on her nails.
“I-It was unlike- a-anything I had ever seen- I just couldn't possibly- w-what could I do? An alternate power supply transfer might work- b-b-but I don’t know how much power she needs to- I-If I messed up! S-she could-”
Sans took her shoulders with his hands, giving her a gentle shake, snapping her back to reality.
“Alphys- I get that whatever you saw has you worried- please just let me know what you saw, so I can help you find a solution! I promised you, right? That I would help you? I need you to trust that together we can find a solution. Alright?”
Alphys, regaining her composure, relaxed her body, took a deep few breaths, and nodded her head.
“It was… when I ran those scans.”
He nodded his head, letting her know that he was listening, and that she could continue.
“Well, to be truthful Sans… what I said before? Well… it- no- she- she isn’t just a robot.”
Sans was curious but was carefully keeping his same old expression, not wanting to put any undue pressure on his friend.
She always seems to address the robot in a manner similar to how she would Mettaton- why is that?
“I’m listening.”
“Well… when I was attempting to find out what was inside the power supply, I did a ton of different tests- and I mean it- a ton! Countless times and countless different ideas to find a way to see past whatever metal this protective layer was made out of-” she used her knuckles to knock on the metal she was referring to slightly, “And let me tell you, this metal is practically indestructible! Not that that mattered anyway- I didn’t want to in any way risk the integrity of the power supply- so- I tried everything to sneak a peek at what is hidden inside this shell- and… nothing. Nothing worked- no matter what I tried, I couldn't see anything conclusive.”
Sensing that she was not yet done, Sans gave another prompting.
“Go on.”
“But… on one of those scans- well, I accidentally included some of her neck and the bottom of her skull in the range. And to my surprise, I could actually see inside! I took another scan right then and there! And what I saw… oh stars… I know you’re not gonna believe me on this, but you’ve gotta trust me when I say I didn’t initially believe it either. how do I put this…”
Alphys seemed to be thinking very heavily, even scrunching up her brow muscles enough that Sans feared she would give herself a tension headache. Finally, she seemed to have decided on what to say- or perhaps it was that she had gotten the resolve she needed to speak on what she saw.
“Sans…inside that girl’s skull is something akin to a human brain.”
Before Sans could even respond or react, Alphys rushed to give clarification.
“Of course- they are in no way the same- They are similar in structure for sure, yes- but her brain is not made of any biological matter from what I can tell.”
She scrambled to turn the table holding the robot in place, allowing Sans to see the back of the robot’s dainty looking neck. The back panel had already been removed during their analysis, and Alphys’s familiar wiring was peaking back at them, as it had before. However, when Alphys began to push some of it aside, Sans found himself looking at a far thicker, more metallic looking wire, one that could more reasonably be called a cord- one that undoubtedly ran down into the power supply. With the context of what Alphys said she saw, the part of the cord that went up the neck and out of sight likely went directly into the robot’s brain- that is, if that really is what it was. 
But, a brain? Really? If that really is the truth- could this thing really even be considered a robot?!
The way Alphys has been referring to it..
To her- this was of referring to her-
-it was because of what she saw…
“Then the reason you feared touching the power supply is because…”
Alphys took another deep breath before responding.
“Y-yes. Currently, the only thing her power supply is transferring power to is the…”
“The brain?”
Alphys nodded.
“Another yes, I’m afraid. This really would have been so much more simple if the power supply allowed itself to transfer power to more than just her brain- but, I honestly can’t blame it for what it is doing right now. From what I can see, the only thing keeping her… well, keeping her ‘alive,’ so to speak- is the fact that her brain is constantly being powered by her power supply.”
Sans scratched his head. 
“I see why you were so worried- especially because we have no idea what that power supply is even running on right now. For all we know, it could turn off mid conversation- and that would be that!”
Alphys gave Sans a glare.
“Stars sans- don’t say that! I didn’t even consider that possibility- oh no- what if you’re right- and it- and it-”
“-it won’t. She has almost certainly been in that dump for a very long time- I’m sure that, considering that the power supply and that cord is made out of a metal you’ve never even seen before, it can surely handle powering that brain just as it always has. Now… we just have to figure out how to coax it to power everything else…”
Alphys clutched her head, tapping her foot. Her tail thumped quietly along with her foot- showing to me that she was really thinking hard.
At least it isn’t swishing anymore- she isn’t nearly as stressed right now, and she doesn’t seem to have tired out, which is good.
‘Tired out.’
Could it be? 
Alphys turned her head towards Sans Inquisitively.
Sans’s expression shifted slightly- yet more than it had in front of anyone else other than him in the mirror. His face, practically sparkling with excitement, almost took Alphys aback.
“Alphys, have you perhaps considered that maybe the power supply required more than just electricity to power the whole body? Did you do any tests to check for magic at all?! Perhaps the power supply is low on its other fuel source!”
Alphys’s eyes grew wide, and soon, her face too was full of gleeful excitement. 
“No- I haven't! I never even considered- I thought that humans would never use such a thing to power their machines- but it is definitely possible with all that we’ve seen- Sans! That is such a good idea! I’ll run a diagnostic on it right away!”
Sans and Alphys rushed to uncover the tools needed to perform the diagnostics, with Alphys rushing to turn on the machines- as the pair waited for everything to boot up and get ready, the pair both squealed with anticipation- Sans inwardly, and Alphys outwardly.
As soon as the machines were ready, Alphys got them running as soon as she could. Soon, the dark corner of the room that had not seen light in some time was now bathed in the light of the diagnostic. Little robots excited their cubbyholes and began to hover around the area of the girl’s current resting place like flies, carefully scanning the whole body for any traces of magic.
Both waited with baited breath, until, surprisingly quickly, they got their result.
The pair looked at the screen.
“Oh- oh my! I never thought- and look! Right there!”
Alphys pointed to the computer screen, zooming in on the robot’s power supply. Compared to the limbs, which had only a faint glow on the screen, signifying that there were only faint traces of magic found- likely from when the robot was still operational- however long ago that was- the power supply was quite the opposite.
“T-there’s something in the core f-for sure- a-and whatever it is- it’s lit up like a Giftmas tree!”
Sans looked at the robot’s body again- and it was then that an idea came into his mind.
Part of the power supply seems to be different than the rest- more protected- like a core. But something tells me that the way to get it to open is more straightforward than it appears!
“Alphys- I have an idea on how to get her to wake up- It’s gonna require me to have a way to directly touch that power supply- likely from the back. Can you get her on her front for me?”
Alphys, delighted to see that Sans had an idea of what to do, was quick to do as asked.
“Of course!”
She turned the robot easily, as if it was as light as a feather. That raised questions in Sans’s head about just what the robot was made out of, but he set that question aside to be answered later.
When Alphys turned the robot to her back, it was exactly as Sans had thought- there seemed to be a spot on the back- between the soft groves that made up the girl's spine- that looked like it could be opened. 
How yet, he wasn't quite sure, but he had a pretty good idea.
As he came closer to the robot, he realized that he had not as of yet actually touched any part of the robot’s body- for some reason, this realization embarrassed him far more than he thought it should have.
Was it because of his thoughts upon initially seeing the robot for the first time?
Or was it because, even now, it was almost as if he was feeling… enamored with her? 
The thoughts only made his hesitation to touch the robot even worse- he almost felt like smacking himself for even thinking such things, but he didn’t want to give away his discomfort to his friend. Sans knew Alphys would tease him relentlessly if she found out that the first thing he ever felt attracted to was a robot- and one that looked like a human of all things! 
A human. 
The first person I have ever thought of in that manner- something that currently looks like the most beautiful thing in the world to me- and it’s a robot that looks like a human? Is something wrong with me?! I must be going crazy! 
And- I shouldn't be thinking these sorts of things about a person who is completely unaware and defenseless- she’s sleeping for god's sake!
He quickly quelled all thoughts on the matter, deciding to think on it another time.
Perhaps when she wakes up…
Wait- there I go again! Ugh- damn it…
Alphys’s voice helped him quickly recover his wits- allowing him to remain looking perpetually unbothered, as he always did.
“Don’t worry, I got it- I was just thinking about what I need to do.”
“And what do you need to do?”
Sans came closer to the robot and carefully examined her back one more time before finally finding the courage to take the next step.
Gently, his skeletal hands trailed her spine, carefully pushing up her hair out of his way. He was surprised to find that her hair was soft, but he tried his best to not think about it too much. He just knew that if he continued that line of thinking, he would end up with a flushed blue face- and he never wanted Alphys to see him embarrassed- he was certain her first reaction would be to tease him.
As his hands touched the grooves of each metal vertebrae, he was able sense it- and just where he expected. Although Alphys knew a little bit about Sans’s full power, she did not know everything- like, for example, that his magical aptitude was far greater than he made it seem. His phalanges could feel magic buzzing, almost like…
No- there’s no way that can be right- maybe this time I’m wrong.
I hope to the stars above that I’m wrong.
Because if I’m not…
Maybe this really was a murder.
Just under the buzzing, he was able to trace a small, discrete panel- and the fact that that panel most certainly had to be opened with magic.
“Well Alphys? This is what I need to do- you might want to cover your eyes for this one.”
As soon as he spoke, he began to fill the room with magic- so much magic in fact, that wind began to form, pushing everything back. The flaps of his coat moved back and forth quickly, as did the billowing parts of Alphys’s lab coat- anything not held down began to fly back violently, including the curtains that had once hidden away the seldom used corner from sight. 
“Whoa- sans! You shouldn't do too much- you know what could happen!”
As sans continued to pour out the blue tinted magic that caused the robot’s metallic sheen to reflect bright light, he responded as casually as one would to an invitation for lunch.
“Nah- you worry too much. I’m fine- this much is easy.”
As Sans continued to pour magic into the robot, he watched as her back began to open, finally revealing what was inside. In less than a second, he stopped his magic, staring down at what he saw in shock. When he unconsciously reached to touch it, he found that the casing protecting it shocked him- only further leaving him with confusion and dread.
That shock I felt- why now? 
Now of all times- and with this robot of all people? 
What human would ever think to use… could this be considered one of their own?
I just can’t fathom it- who would have thought that humans would have made something similar to Mettaton?!
Why am I seeing what I’m seeing right now?
Is this even happening? Is this another one of my nightmares?
I just… 
I don't understand.
As Alphys quickly came beside him and took a peak at what had been so carefully protected within the casing of the power source, she too fell silent, in shock at what she saw.
Much of the inside- especially lower down on the contraption- was full of those same sort of metallic cables that they had already seen before, with each one connecting to some part of the body- legs, arms, and head- like the veins of a human. They were even able to see what gave the power source its electricity, with some sort of contraption- completely alien to them- seen, full of glowing white and golden light. 
But the thing that shocked them the most was a small canister oriented up-to-down in the body, found in the place where the human heart would be. It was fastened tightly and connected to the generator’s cables, seemingly using the same lines to transmit its magic to everywhere else.
Inside that canister, bobbing up and down- not in the correct orientation but instead in line with the body’s orientation- was a little, metallic silver soul- one that looked almost synthetic- as if it was made in a lab.
This soul was not angled upside down light that of a monster’s, even if it possessed a similar color to that of one.
No- instead, this soul was angled like that of a human- which could only mean one thing.
The pair looked at eachother. Sans watched as Alphys’s face contorted to that of terror and grief. 
“T-That- that can’t be right! Oh Sans- This cannot be- it just can’t!”
“Alphys- please calm down- we need to make sure everything is in place before she wakes up.”
Alphys nodded meekly, as if she had been told to kill someone under the threat of death. She was on the verge of tears and shaking like a leaf, tail and all- Still, she got up and quickly helped Sans fasten all of the pieces they had moved back into place.
Not long after they were complete, The robot seemed to boot up- parts of its body made of that special metal began to light up brightly before dimming to a faint glow, as if she was a computer on the startup screen.  
After the light mostly subsided to that glow, another step seemed to start- very suddenly, the various plated that made up her body rapidly reoriented themselves- shifting back in forth from different shapes and sizes as if the metal that had once been so hard to move was now as soft as dough- seeming to be making the proper features and proportions of the robot as they should have been the whole time. 
No longer was each piece bulky and diagonal- now the body had substantially more curvatures, with each limb now sleeker and proportionally correct. Now the robot’s body seemed to actually have skin- albeit still visibly shiny like metal, but still much more natural looking nonetheless. Parts where bones would be seen from under the skin and other deeper tissues now seemed to hint at bones that were not actually there- an illusion that the two scientists watched with fascination. Her hair remained mostly unchanged, as did some aspects of her body- for example, the fact that the pair did not find it necessary to cover her- as although she did have the proportions of the female body, there was not actually anything to see. 
However, even still, the pair began to realize that although there may have been nothing to see, they were still ogling someone they considered to be a lady- and one without any clothes! 
However, as soon as Alphys thought to go get a sheet to cover the poor girl, another step began.
Rapidly moving pieces came from slits that suddenly appeared in the robot’s body- these pieces quickly moved to begin forming what looked to be a dress- one that covered the parts that a lady would have covered in public- the metal slithered its way across the girl’s body until it had reached all the places it apparently needed to, before those pieces began to form together. The malleable metal took on the colors of multiple other metals, gold and silver being the most prominent- only for the metals to suddenly soften, as if they were transmuted into fabric. The fabric puffed out slightly in some areas, like the bottom and the back, but otherwise stayed rather consistent. It looked just like real fabric- and extremely comfortable too, contrary to what the pair had just seen that fabric start from. 
As if to add a few finishing touches, various decorations in the form of jewelry and other items began to adorn themselves on the robot’s body, including ribbons that moved to put up the girl's hair, a soft looking pair of dress slippers, earrings, and… a choker?
Sans found himself questioning just what sort of person would design a body for a person this way, but he could not complain, given that he apparently shared similar tastes. 
“Oh- she looks like a magical girl- kyah! So kawaii! Look at her- isn’t she just gorgeous?”
The first time I’m attracted to anything, and it’s this?
I really must be more screwed up than I realized- but still, I must admit…
She’s even more of a beauty than before she transformed- and even before then, she was still quite the sight!
“You’re right, Alphys- she really is gorgeous.”
Alphys smirked at him devilishly.
“So you found someone you finally like, huh? Took you long enough!”
Sans, being very good at hiding his expressions, did his best to mislead Alphys from the correct answer that she had just found.
“Not necessarily- I just agreed with you when you said she was pretty. It would be like you agreeing with me that Undyne is strong- that’s just a fact.”
Critical Hit!
“Oh yes- that’s a good point Sans- Undyne is strong! She’s also cool, and she’s got big muscles, and she’s so pretty too- wait… forget I said that part!”
Sans grinned.
“Of course- it is now completely erased from my memory. Though, I strong-ly suggest you get better at resisting the urge to talk about Undyne- You’ve got the urge part, now you just need the resist part!
Mentioning Undyne was enough to distract Alphys from the truth, helping Sans escape from being found out for a while longer.
It seemed that now that the body was complete, she began to stir for the first time since being taken by Alphys out of the dump.
With this wonderful news, Alphys was not able to stay worried for long- after all, their effort had paid off, and the robot was most certainly alive! 
“Oh, look Sans! She’s finally waking up- I’m so glad! This is such good news- I can’t wait to ask her some questions.”
“Me too.”
As the robot moved, she looked shaky- like someone waking after a long sleep. 
It was then that the pair heard her voice- it sounded partially robotic, which did make sense- but other than that robotic sound, her voice was soft, sweet to the ear, and currently, confused.
She moved to fully sit up- and when she did, her eyes fluttered open.
“O-oh my…”
Alphys and Sans looked at the girl’s eyes, which were just too interesting to ignore. Her eyes did look very similar to that of a human, but were the color and sheen of various metals, giving away her man-made nature. Gold, and perhaps platinum in one iris- copper and bronze in the other. Those eyes seemed to not fully be aware of their surroundings- likely because she was not yet fully awake.
“Where… am I?”
As one of her hands moved to her head and the other to the table, she tried to stand- wobbling first, and then nearly falling- however, Sans was quick to catch her.
“It’s alright- I’ve… I’ve got you.”
She really is… so light.
And her dress really is soft- who would have thought a metal would be able to soften like this?
“G-good save Sans! Now, how should we approach this…”
Sans carefully guided the robot back onto the table, where she sat back down.
“Thank… you.”
Once she was sat back down, she looked at the odd pair standing before her with a hint of surprise.
“Who… who are you?”
Sans grinned.
“Well, kiddo? We’re the ones who saved your life.”
That’s all I have written for now- and I even added a bit more, to get to a better stopping point. Did you like what you read? Now that I think about it, maybe that should be the subject of my first ever poll! Hmmm… let's see- how do I make one of those? Aha! Got it! Here’s your assignment, dear readers who read to the end! How did you like what you read? And would you want to read more?
I’ll be taking this practice test very seriously- the actual test will be next monday, so be sure you all studied the material! Lol.
Now, it’s time for me to pretend that I’m not a writer again, hiding in my little hobbit room with my blackout curtains, reading webcomics and playing video games- like only the best of the best procrastinators can! Contrary to how it may look, I actually have been busy a good deal- and aside from little things that pop into my head for a bunch of different stories, a lot of which aren’t related to Undertale, I haven’t been able to write what I want at all… 
Let's hope that changes soon- I hope to break out of my Procrastination Chrysalis and finally awaken as a Productive Butterfly! Even if only in my dreams… T^T
A girl can HOPE, right?
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today's Daily Encounter 11th August 2022
Kindness Without Exception
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”1
James Moore tells about a man named George. George was a peacemaker with a big heart and wonderful sense of humor. Everyone loved George at church, and he was respected at the hospital where he worked. The reason why so many people loved George was because he was always kind and respectful to everyone he met.
George’s children clearly remember the days George spent in the hospital before his death. The administrator of the hospital paid him a visit. They spoke as though they were old friends. A few minutes later one of the janitors came to visit George. They too had a nice visit.
When the janitor left, one of George’s children said to him, "Dad, did you realize that you treated the president of the hospital and the janitor just alike?" George smiled, chuckled, and then said, "Let me ask you something: If the administrator left for two weeks and the janitor left for two weeks, which one do you think would be missed the most?"
Then George called his children around his bed. "Let me show you something I carry in my pocket all the time," he told them, "even when I mow the lawn." George pulled out a pocket-sized cross and a marble with the golden rule on it. George said, "On the cross are written these words, ‘God Loves You,’ and on the marble are these words, ‘Do unto Others as You Would Have Them Do unto You.’ The cross reminds me of how deeply God loves me, and the marble reminds me of how deeply God wants me to love others.”2
God makes no exception of persons, and as His chosen people, we are to do the same. Each person we encounter deserves to be treated kindly, even when they are not kind! These are actually the people that need kindness the most, as they desperately need to be shown the way to Jesus. The Bible says we were ALL sinners and fell short of the glory of God. Jesus died to give salvation to any person who accepts it.
So, whenever the Lord puts someone in your path, regardless of who they are, remember to show the same compassion and kindness that He has shown you.
Suggested prayer: Dear God, help me be an example of your love, patience, and kindness to all those I encounter. Only you know the struggles someone may be facing, and one simple act of kindness can give them the encouragement they need. Use me to bring them to you. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Colossians 3:12 (NIV).
James W. Moore, WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS…, (Nashville: Dimensions for Living, 1993), p. 78.
Today’s Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
ACTS International P.O. Box 73545 San Clemente, California 92673-0119 U.S.A.
Phone: 949-940-9050 http://www.actsweb.org
Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International.
When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
hole in the wall
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In a party for the ages, Shouto comes across a room with hole in the wall that has him coming back for more.
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, PWP, cult activity, drug mention, alcohol consumption, glory hole, cursing, degradation, praise, possessive jealous!shouto, stuck in the wall, spanking, overstim, bruising, bleeding, breeding
word count: 7,831
a/n: read the fucking warnings bro, im tired, I hate formatting, here’s to finally writing what I wanna write! also, this is for a lovely bnharem collab that kept getting pushed back... make sure to read the intro to understand my story! anyways, gloryholes is peak anonymous sex and I just,,, if thats the only way imma get to suck shoutos cock, I will. I had something else to say... I forgot. oH THIS IS WRITTEN IN A NEW STLYE-ISH??? porn from shoutos pov!!!
Traditionally, when people think of the connection between heroes and cults, they expect that the heroes eradicate the cults, not that the heroes are a part of a cult.
It was somewhat ironic that a group of people who advocated for public safety, for the wellbeing of every citizen of the country - the world - would demand compensation in areas that didn't involve financial compensation. Heroes saved the day countless amounts of times, but when they needed... help at night because they've been so busy saving the world, there needed to be compensation.
It had shocked nearly everyone within the hero community when none other than Yaoyorozu Momo brought them a solution. For nothing more than loyalty to saving the day, all heroes granted the benefit of joining the Savior of Eight Million, an… organization brought forth by the prodigious hero. It had shocked the hero community at first that the once thought of a modern-day princess, putting together a wicked group that served the beastly needs of heroes, was almost laughable. But as time passed, as trials tested the organization (cult), the more heroes realized how lucky they were that it was Yaoyorozu who created this.
The Yaoyorozus, in all their riches and connections, made this group untouchable.
Police were bought off, apprehended, silenced.
Heroes with the savior complex were put down.
Villains were never believed.
The Savior of Eight Million held ties with the greatest, the most esteemed people in the world. The parties were unworldly, dripping with diamonds and gold, the sweet smell of champagne barely drowning out the bitter acidic and burning plastic smell of the drugs used vicariously at their gatherings. All heroes joined, politicians and celebrities fought to get in, and commoners wished they could be the servants of the night, whether that meant they would be serving food, drinks, or drugs, or allowing the heroes to do what this was all started for: to fuck them.
Of course, it didn't help that each commoner was paid for their service, discretion, and loyalty. Those who attempted to give away the secrets of the nights were always taken care of, and every gathering after someone tried to snitch, there was always a complaint that a sex slave just wasn't good enough.
Yaoyorozu Momo was a sweet girl, a helpful woman. She was a hero.
Heroes far and wide grovel at her feet in thanks, and even more surprisingly, even her old class supported this. Oh, how great life was when you were the most significant, greatest, and most untouchable cult in history.
To Todoroki Shouto, well, he didn't really have an opinion on this all, not really at least.
The cult - the organization, was created to help out heroes such as himself live comfortably while having such a busy lifestyle. His sex drive had never been that high, with his twenty-fifth birthday approaching, he could count on his two hands the number of times he'd been attended to with the help of the organization within the past five years.
Yes, two years after debuting as heroes, Momo had approached the graduate class with her plan. Todoroki Shouto could never deny a friend, especially not someone as smart and intentional as Yaoyorozu Momo. He had been one of the first - if not the first - voice to approve of her project.
However, the fifth-anniversary gathering (it was not a party) was finally here. Two months ago, the first round of reminders came around in the form of a beautifully handwritten card by their fearless yet kind leader. Shouto wondered if she really had handwritten each and every card, or if she had created it with her quirk - while he wasn't that heavily involved, he was not ignorant to the numbers of the cult, group, organization.
The letter had been kind, inviting, and so fleeting it made Shouto feel like he needed more from one of his most missed and trusted friend. Still, there would be time to catch up with everyone, no use in pushing now.
Grabbing his phone, Shouto typed in Momo's contact name into the search bar, tongue swiping his lower lip while he typed in his message and sent it. He had never been one for these parties. Too often, there were just too over-the-top. The festivities and friends were fun, but having to fight the impossible crowds for a moment of peace kept him from attending.
A truly mundane member.
But this was different after all, it wasn't every day that they celebrated five great years of service.
I'll be going, Yayorozu.
Two months went by before Shouto had even realized it.
In those two months, he had received a formal invitation with a day and time. 
2X28, OCTOBER 23
Of course, the lack of an address is a precaution for keeping their organization out of the limelight should they be betrayed. Events of all shapes and sizes were always planned by the upper board of the organization. Only a specific few knew the place where the night would befall, and the rest of the members would be brought to the festivities by a chauffeur provided by the Yaoyorozu's. Getting to and from the party was always stressfree, no matter what befell that night, their safety of getting home was still safe.
The invitation was tucked away into the inside pocket of his jacket, it was his ticket to getting into the party, and it was best to not leave it behind. 
With the invitation now securely placed into his jacket, the smooth inflexible material stiff against his chest, Shouto stared into the mirror he stood before.
An elegant full-length mirror reflected his image to him, and truth be told, he was impressed with his presentation.
A charcoal grey Italian suit trimmed glinting silver nearly gleamed against the white light; the jacket was undone, exposing the white-collared long-sleeved shirt underneath. Typically, Shouto was a tie man, but the sleek black tie he was to wear lay hanging on the hanger, the first few buttons of the shirt undone. It highlighted his toned chest, the few pale scars on his chest just visible enough on his exposed skin to look like it was intensional. He looked good.
His fingers touched his hair, the once long style had been cut in a recent fight with a villain. It hadn't mattered much to Shouto, and in fact, the sudden haircut had spiked his overall ratings. It was short now, just long enough for his fingers to graze through the locks. It was slicked back, the swirl of red and white mixing and strands of red falling into his sight.
“Todoroki-sama, the car is here.”
Shouto didn't bother turning to the attendee, his gaze taking him in one last time.
"I'll be there."
His footsteps were quiet in the hallway, his waxed shiny black shoes gleaming in his hands as he walked to the front room. He slipped on the tight shoes and looked up to his servant, who stood at the front door with a patterned, black mask.
Nodding, he grabbed the mask and slipped it inside of his jacket as well.
A kitsune.
"Safe journey."
"I'll be back tonight."
And into the car, he went, the warm smell of leather and spices filling the backseat of the self-driving car. Shouto relaxed against the black leather, his eyes staring at the road while he slipped the mask out from his jacket. There was no reason to don the mask while stepping out of the house, being caught with it at his home always smelled trouble. 
In the car's silence, his fingers rested onto his lap, his lips set into a firm line while his thoughts lingered to what was to come at this party. 
The last time Bakugou and Midoriya hosted anything, it had ended with an overall disaster. Thankfully then it had been for their agency's founding party and not something dealing with the organization. But before he could muster the will to seek out further information on the private event, he realized that the car was already pulling into the large mansion where the event was being held.
People emerged from the cars before his own, the sleek masks donning on their faces, keeping their identities from unwanted eyes. The covers were specially made by none other than Yaoyorozu with the assistance of Hatsume Mei to ensure that those who wore it would be unrecognizable unless they were within a certain radius.
A small puff of air escaped Shouto's lips as his car pulled up to the unloading zone, and his strong fingers slipped on the mask before the car door opened. With the confidence and power, only those who worked as a top-ranked hero had Shouto emerged from the car immediately greeted by the entrance staff. 
With his hands moving to button his jacket, he nodded his head when receiving information on what to expect upon entering. Shouto felt like he nodded forever while making his way up the entrance of the event, his hand reluctantly offering his phone and wallet over and receiving a ticket for retrieving it. Of course, the ticket came the bundle of condoms.
An eyebrow arched under the mask, and Shouto couldn't help the amused smirk that befell his lips as he pocketed the condoms.
The fuckers made this a sex party.
Why they even bothered to deny that they were a cult was beyond him at this point.
But as the grand doors opened, Shouto couldn't help but tense at the room's mixing aroma.
The sweet smell of champagne bubbled in his nose, wafting in powerfully with the perfumes secreting from every person in the room. If it had been his first time at an event like this, Shouto would have missed the undertone of burning plastic in the air. His eyes followed a civilian dressed up in a zebra zentai bodysuit holding a silver powder with most definitely not cocaine to who looked like the Prime Minister since he had his mask on.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto walked further into the room, ignoring the offers of drugs and alcohol as he carried on. 
"Todoroki, my man! You made it!" came the loud and energetic voice of Kaminari Denki.
It shouldn't have shocked Shouto to immediately be swarmed with who looked like Kirishima (who wore a mask resembling a bear) and Kaminari (who had his mouse resembling mask resting on around his neck), who by the smell at least, were not sober.
"You're the last one to show up, dude! We almost thought you were gonna flake!" Kirishima added, his hand coming to land on Shouto's shoulder, his lips perked into a broad smile. "Everyone else decided to join the orgy room a few minutes ago, but this guy here—" he made a pointed jab at Kaminari's chest. "Was causing a large enough disturbance that we were kicked out."
"Bro, it's not my fault that those dummy civilians can't handle a few jolts of pain!"
"You literally electrocuted everyone in that orgy and left everyone unable to speak for a solid minute, bro!"
"Everyone else is here?" Shouto interrupted rather impressed to here that even Mineta was invited to this party - or maybe he had snuck in - choosing to ignore the mention of an orgy room.
Typical cult things, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, Denki and I don't have to go in tomorrow, so we pre-gamed at his place before coming. Sero did too, but after a few minutes of talking with some trapeze girl, they went into a room and well…" Kirishima trailed off, letting Shouto put two and two together. "Mina is flirting with the crown prince, Yaomomo and Jirou are in the orgy room, Bakugou and Midoriya seem to be micromanaging everything—"
"Those two need sex the most out of the entire class! Have you ever seen a bigger work pole up anyone's asses than in those two?!" Kaminari groaned, his fingers roughly rubbing the skin of his face, and Shouto laughed softly in agreement. It was somewhat ironic that their virgin classmates were the ones who organized and put together a sex party.
"I can't begin to imagine Midoriya having sex. Although that man is basically becoming sex on legs," Kaminari continued to gripe, Shouto grunting softly in thanks when Kirishima handed him a cup filled to the near brim with a copper liquid that burned smoothly down his throat. Shouto grimaced as he managed to down the entire thing. "I can see Bakugou just blowing a hole into the wall and fucking it and considering that sex. Ain't nobody normal who can — OH MY GOD!"
Shouto looked at his friend with nearing annoyance; however, the alcohol already taking a humming effect over his body made the annoyance slip easily.
"Bro, you're gonna get us kicked out of this party, and that's gonna be the shittiest thing!" Kirishima groaned while Kaminari spazzed with what seemed to be the biggest lightbulb of an idea.
"The hoes — the holes! For the glory!" Kaminari slurred with how fast he was speaking, his hands fisting into both Shouto's and Kirishima's jackets, his yellow eyes burning bright in his excitement.
Shouto tried to keep his annoyance down, and the itch to rip Kaminari's iron grip from his shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about—" Kirishima tried again, his hand resting on Kaminari's ribcage to steady him. 
"Ei, the gloryholes!"
Shouto numbing mind searched the banks of his memory to figure out where that word came from and why it sounded vaguely familiar.
"Oh, fuck," came Kirishima's strained approval, and Shouto looked at his two friends who were grinning pervertedly at each other.
"What's that?" Shouto asked, his lips buzzing slightly as the alcohol was fully absorbed into his bloodstream, and somehow the smell of sex filled his nose, and the noises of unadulterated carnal lust filled his ears.
"Oh man, Todoroki, if you don't know," Kaminari trailed off, his lips pinched into an elfish smirk, and electricity coming off his hair in his evident excitement. "Just trust me, you gotta experience this shit!"
Shouto wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that thrummed merrily in his veins or the knowing glint in his friend's eyes that whispered to him to find out just what it was, but he felt his head nod without his full awareness. The feeling of their hands on his upper shoulder felt fuzzy as they took him away, intent heavy in every step they took.
He could barely take in the passing rooms as they went, the aerial artists, the sex rooms, the orgy rooms. There were so many rooms designated for just about every kink imaginable that even the stoic Shouto felt his cheeks flaring in embarrassment. With each passing step and opened room, the smell of sex, pheromones, and lust grew in Shouto's nose; the more the sticky sweet moans and screams of the cult members clung to his skin.
For a hero that was never too hot or too cold without his own ministrations, his skin was feeling feverishly hot with cold feet when they finally stopped in front of the only closed door in the hallway.
"Welcome!" came a cheery voice, Shouto blinked, and a woman appeared from nowhere.
She wore a powder blue ava tea dress; it was elegant, sleek, yet too old-school for an event such as this one. Shouto immediately assumed that she was not partaking in the sexual activities, but was instead acting as a hostess of sorts.
"Just you three patrons tonight?" she asked, her head tilting to the side and Kirishima speaking up in agreement for the group of three. "Good, good. We do have enough openings for the three of you, most people haven't found our little… hole in the wall, if you would," she took a moment to giggle joyfully, her gloved fingers pressing to her ruby red lips and Shouto fought the urge to walk away. "So please, feel free to look around and stay as long as you want!"
Her words were light and breezy, but still, there was rising suspicion and tension in Shouto's spine at her small quip.
With an innocuous smile and a glint in her eyes, she opened the door with a gentle, "have fun," and Shouto's friends ushered him in.
His initial reaction? What. The. Fuck?!
The room they entered was large and spacious, or well, at the very least, Shouto assumed it would have been if it wasn't for the obviously installed maze of walls. But with every wall, there was a collage of pictures. Faces of women, men, humans, mutants, everything you could think of plastered above a hole. Curiously enough, the images above one hole were of the same person.
His eyes swept the room, and he saw a few spots already taken, men with their pants and underwear dropped to their knees pressing up against the wall so that their noses were smushed to the makeshift walls.
Shouto blinked.
Gloryholes? Pictures of random people?
Were they fucking ghosts?
"This is paradise!" Kaminari groaned in pleasure, his arms spacing out as if he had come with fantastic news. "These normies always look at you so weirdly when you fuck at orgies, here… you get the nut and don't have to have them staring at you!"
Shouto stared as his electricity wielding friend approached a hole that adorned photos of a girl with hooded eyes and a tongue piercing. He dropped his bottoms before sticking his hardening cock into the waiting hole with two raps of his fist. At this point, Shouto wasn't sure if what he had drunk was actually alcohol now. 
"These aren't dead people, are they?" Shouto couldn't keep himself from asking, his palms sweating while Kirishima laughed deeply in his chest.
"Not at all, man, it's real people, I promise! Pick your hole and have fun!" Kirishima encouraged, placing a solid pat on Shouto's shoulder before approaching a hole with a picture of a girl with bright eyes and a bright smile.
Nodding numbly to himself at this point, Shouto meandered the different walls, his eyes absorbing the various pictures on the walls.
But he fell on the spot with a picture so vivating that drew him in. The chasms of your eyes defiant yet shy, a smile that called him in, and lips that looked supple and strong.
He stood no chance in defying the itching, burning need to follow suit of every other person in this room. Shouto approached the hole, his fingers pulling at his belt, quickly lowering his charcoal grey slacks and black boxer briefs. He stared into your pictured eyes, mesmerized by them, and grasped onto his hardening cock.
A soft shudder invaded his skin as he pressed his cock through the awaiting hole, the skin of his heated cock scraping against the hole, making him strangle a grunt in his throat. But when the wet heat of your mouth enveloped his cock past the hole in the wall, Shouto's face nearly crashed against the wall.
Shouto wasn't sure what to have expected, but he had summed up that this was some over-glorified handjob, a vigorous clumsy jackoff he could have done himself. But he did not expect, in any sense of what this was, to be met with warm, wet lips and a tongue that pressed underneath the head of his cock.
A guttural noise slipped past his lips, and Shouto's palms pressed against the wall, his head spinning dizzyingly from the sensation.
Shouto's breathing was erratic, his cock hardening more, twitching within your mouth as he felt your head begin to bob against his length at a slow, leisurely pace. 
His hips thrust toward the wall, his vision spinning from what this heightened sensation of what he always thought to be a mundane act. Shouto's slacks were too far up his thighs; however, the fabric spread to his max despite his attempt to lower down. He wanted to get closer to the wall, get whoever you were past this wall to take in his entire cock without an issue, so mindlessly, instinctively, he shoved the slacks further down, grunting with relieved pleasure at being able to spread out further, at getting closer to you.
"Holy shit," Shouto grunted, his forehead pressing against the cold wall, undoubtedly crinkling the paper of your photos. His hips came forward, hitting the wall dividing him and you with low, vibrating thuds, and you let him, allowed him to keep his rutting hips at the pace they were. You took him in as if it was nothing, the smooth skin of your lips gliding against his throbbing length, your tongue running alongside the bottom of his cock, tracing the veins of his skin, twisting against the sensitive skin, providing new sensations and shivers.
Shouto knew immediately that you were letting him fuck your mouth however he saw fit.
He felt you moan around him, a long, deep, undeniable noise that somehow drifted through the hole, vibrated against his cock, and could be felt against his curling toes. The sound and sensations were proving to be effective, a pooling heat building in his balls, simmering up and down his spine and neck. How he wished to grab you by the back of your head and drive his cock down your throat without mercy.
Snarling in the back of his throat, suddenly fueled by the image of fucking you, the thought of you on your knees, tears built in your bright eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks feeding him. And as if you knew what he wanted, Shouto's knees near bucked out when your mouth took him in even further, the soft choking noise, the feeling of his cock pressing against the back of your throat sending his fingers digging into the wall.
He drilled in faster, grateful for your ability to keep up, the feeling of his cock pressing down the back of your throat sending his jaw flying open, curses and praises spilling past his lips with every inch you took him further down your throat. The area of his cock unable to be taken in your mouth was surrounded by your fingers — by god, what fucking fingers you had — warm and robust, they held his skin, sliding effortlessly against the spit lubricated skin.
"You can hear me right, whore?" Shouto growled against the wall, the hot air of his breath almost fogging the area he was standing in. Somehow, he heard the choked noise of agreement, the bobbing head vigorously nodding, sending you into a sputtering choke from the awkward angle. But Shouto liked hearing you choke, liked hearing the needy tone in your whining agreement, and he swore he was feeling his heartbeat in his balls. "You're not here entirely on your own will, are you? Came here for money, to suck some rich mans' cock?" His hips stammered when you sucked your cheeks in around his length, his eyes rolling in the break of his concentration, his blood pumping in his hormone pumped euphoria. "I want you to fucking choke on my cock, you hear that? Take me all the way in, don't be scared, I know you probably don't see much cock, but I promise if you can handle me, you'll never want other cock, slut. Take me all, and I promise you, you won't regret it."
A hiccuped breath came from your side of the wall, and Shouto almost wanted to simply burn the wall down to claim you for all his need and glory, someone with a mouth as gifted as yours definitely needed to be fucked correctly. Still, his hips reigned down, slamming against the wall so that the thuds of his impeding hips were heard softly in the other areas. 
And you? Behind the wall?
He could feel the weight of your head pressing forward, the feeling of his length sliding further and further down your throat. The pulsing of his cock ridiculously stilled with the restrained muscles of your throat, and the almost excessive drool and spit that dripped from his length with your choking movements.
More, he wanted more, he needed more.
"Fuck, slut, you're taking me so fucking well. You almost have me entirely in your mouth," Shouto growled, an inch or so of his cock still not entirely in your mouth, but not letting your tight fist work his cock. "Don't give up, take me all, I know a whore like you who shows up to be a sex slave can take my cock."
A whine (was that a horny or a frustrated whine?) emitted from the wall, and with a strained noise, Shouto felt your wet, hot lips make contact with the base of his cock as he continued to drill into you. Spluttering groans poured from his throat, the feeling of your hot cavern and resisting throat, sending him over the edge.
"Yes," Shouto gasped, the smell of sex, electricity, and barely burning walls simmering in his nose. "Fuck, yes, just like that."
Shouto could feel his nerves being shot out, the feeling of the compliant mouth keeping him pumping into the hole, his fingers digging further and further into the wall into it cracked and crumbled, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, to break through the wall to get to you. He was almost there, so close, but needed to get over the hill. And then Shouto was swallowed completely when his slamming his stopped, he could feel your lip press to his skin hidden by the hole. He had no doubt that it must have been sorely uncomfortable for you, yet you were doing it to the point where he was fumbling for words, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your tongue wrapped around his cock, massaging the skin. Fuck, fuck, "Fuck!"
His head dropped back with the shooting electricity in his blood, sweat dripping from his temple and you, the stranger behind the wall, gave one vicious, strong suck, your mouth only surrounding the head of his cock, your wet tongue flicking the slit on his head, and he was spilling over.
Hot, thick, heavy ropes of white cum spurted from his cock and Shouto shuddered, his shaking breath echoing in his ears, and he could still feel your tongue moving, coaxing out the finality of his orgasm, teeth scraping against his sensitive cock just enough to have him seeing stars.
But the giggle that erupted in your throat was well noticed by Shouto, and he grunted in slight annoyance. Pulling away, a soft, almost unwanted pop echoed on the other side of the wall.
Shouto watched as his spit and cum covered cock pulled back to his side of the wall, and he grunted unwillingly. His forehead still rested against the wall, and he looked up to his left side with a disgruntled noise to see that he did, in fact, scorch his fingertips into the wall.
As he tucked himself back into his underwear and slacks, Shouto's blissed-out eyes fell onto the hole where your hand was perched out of it, your pinky the only finger visible.
"Pinky promise you'll come back later?" your raspy voice asked, and Shouto wondered if that was how you usually sounded or if it was from what happened.
"As long as you promise to do something like that again," Shouto smirked, his pink taking yours anyways.
He could promise that to the hole in the wall.
Shouto slips out the door and is immediately greeted with a bummed out Kaminari and a profusely apologizing Kirishima. He later finds out that Kaminari let out yet another round of voltage of electricity (he's banned from fucking anyone that can't absorb his quirk without damaging themselves), and that Kirishima in his blissed-out state accidentally went into his unbreakable mode and tore a hole into the wall. Shouto didn't bother telling them of the scorched walls and left with his friends.
It only felt like a few minutes before Shouto found himself outside the same closed door of the room with gloryholes. The alcohol had long since been burned from his system, he is practically positive that you managed to suck it out from his bloodstream.
For the past two hours, he had been around the mansion, aiding Kirishima in his objective to keep Kaminari from accidentally killing a sexual partner. It had been for the best, Shouto believed. He was no prude and definitely didn't hate indulging in the occasional orgies - especially at parties like this. But for some reason, as strangers attempted to shed him from his clothes, lips, and fingers roaming his scarred, heated skin, he thought of you and only you.
Your tantalizing mouth and fingers.
He had exited the orgy room faster than All Might at his peak. 
He was strangely obsessed with a stranger, a person who was no more than someone past a hole in the wall. Who knew if your picture was what you looked like, but he sure hoped it was.
But when Mina had appeared out of nowhere, her perfectly manicured fingers pressing against Kirishima's chest as she emerged from behind him. She was, obviously, one of the few easily discernable members of the cult. 
"So, the crown prince does not know how to use his dick, and I am disappointed in men all over again!" Mina pouted, but her usual sly grin was back on her face before Shouto could ask if she needed help scouting potential 'dick appointments' as she so fondly calls them.
This was where things got strange in that Kirishima pointed out that Mina should just fuck a woman to teach men how to fuck women properly. Kaminari filled Shouto in with a horribly done stage whisper that the two of them had fucked before and that despite the experience of any man, Mina was never truly satisfied. 
"Alright, student Kirishima," Mina had thrust her finger into Kirishima's chest. "Follow me to the hole-y wall and watch the master do her job!"
Once more, Shouto was outside the door, the woman seemingly materialized from thin air in her same powder blue ava tea party dress and ruby red smile. 
"Welcome back! For four patrons this time?" the woman gleefully smiled, her gloved fingers clasping below her chin.
"For one, actually," Mina spoke up first, "I'm teaching these boys—"
"I've actually never had a problem," Shouto spoke up, his calm and collected gaze unwaveringly met the hostess despite the chilling horror and embarrassment of his words that crawled up his spine. At the same time, Mina looked up him and down with a small, small smirk. "I'll be taking a spot."
"Ho ho, well, excuse me," Mina giggled, turning back to the hostess with a brightness to her stance. "Two spots then. I have boys to teach!"
"Of course!" the hostess spoke unaffectedly by the group's dynamics. "Please enjoy yourselves! This part is a special treat for you lovely patrons, don't forget to be mindful of our poor angels stuck in the wall!"
The door opened, and in the group of four walked in.
If Shouto had been taken by surprise the first time, he was beyond belief the second time he entered this same room. His first time coming, there had only been those beautiful glory holes, but this time? There were no material holes.
Where the holes used to be, there were only large holes where the person assigned to the area was now presented to the public.
Asses curved to the sky, asses pointed to the ground. Cocks leaking, limp, and red with overstimulation, cunts soaked, throbbing, and swollen with overuse. It was indeed as if these individuals had been stuck in a wall, and Shouto already felt his cock twitch in his carnal lust and need to see just how you were positioned. How he prayed that you were at your spot, laying on your stomach, ass hanging out to the world waiting for his cock to claim you, waiting for him to ruin you. He wanted to feel your liquid lust drip from your cunt, splashing and trailing down your inner thigh.
Shouto didn't bother saying goodbye to his friends, the smell of sex, and his own lust switching his brain onto a one-track mindset with the growing need to get to you immediately. 
And almost to his raging hormonal anger, he came to the aisle where you were parked, and while his heart hammered with the growing pleasure to see your ass hanging in the air, your thighs pressed to the wall, his vision turned red at the sight of some no-named man rutting his ugly cock between your dry folds.
In no time flat, Shouto was behind the man, his hand fisting into the collar of the man's shirt and tearing him away from him.
"Mine." he all but growled, his aura darkening while he glared at the red-faced idiot who attempted to cover himself up in the act of running away.
It didn't matter that what Shouto did was probably entirely rude and could result in him getting thrown out, you were his, and no way was someone going to fuck you when he was there. The weirded out gazes that fell upon him temporarily did nothing to Shouto, his focus back onto your squirming bottom, no doubt weirded out by the sudden lack of contact.
But with a sigh, his fingers combing the few falling free strands of hair out of his face, Shouto stood centimeters from your shifting thighs, watching you continue squirming until he finally moved. His hands pressed against your supple, smooth ass, enjoying the way you fit against his hands perfectly. 
He stepped forward, allowing the bulge of his strained cock to press against the top of your ass — the perfect height for him. Shouto leaned forward, his forehead once more pressing against the cold wall, his eyes taking in the still visible scorch marks he had left behind and chuckled deep in his throat.
"I'm back, my precious whore, I bet you missed me," Shouto spoke through the wall, hoping that you would respond back to him. He thought he could hear an agreeing sound on the other side of the wall, another layer of muffled, and he wondered if maybe you had been gagged. The thought made him exhale slowly, his hips strained from rutting against you, but against his belief, your ass ground against his hardening cock, sending waves of pleasure through him. "You did miss me, huh?"
His calloused fingers moved from your supple ass to the outsides of your thighs, feather-soft touches skimming your skin, leaving behind trails of goosebumps and twitching nerves. Shouto's gaze remained hard on your body, watching how you completely stilled when he found his fingers against the inner part of your thigh and just shy of the excessive heat that was radiating from your cunt.
And he leaned down, his lips pressing against the curve of your ass, his eyes partially hooded when he felt you relax against his hold. But the relaxed position you held quickly erased the moment his teeth sunk into your skin, and his finger pressed against your swollen clit. 
Immediately, your body arched, a weak attempt to buck out of his hold while he heard a muffled cry from the other end of the wall. But Shouto was a hero, he was some with extreme control over his body, and as his tongue moved to soothe your throbbing ass, one finger continued to delicately dance against your clit, while the other shifted over to your softly beating cunt. 
Shouto groaned against your skin, his pants feeling too tight, the material of his underwear too hot and stiff for how strained his cock was right now, yet it was nothing to the feeling of your tight, wet, hot cunt. In and out, he pumped his finger, curling the long digit against your puffy spongey walls, the thumb on your clit circulating in slow, intentional figure-eights until you were pathetically rising and falling against his finger, a garbled whine for more barely audible through the wall. He chuckled at the feeling of your inner walls forcible clenching against his intruding finger, and he rewarded you with a second finger.
"Doesn't this feel good?" Shouto groaned, his body straightening back up so that he was flushed against your ass, his forehead resting on the wall, and his now free hand slowly grinding your ass against his crotch.
He watched you with the intensity of a predator stalking their prey, his mouth twitching into a smirk when your toes curled with a sudden drag of his fingers over a ribbed area of your core. Growling in need, Shouto's hips slammed into you, mindlessly fucking you even with his clothes on. His fingers doubled in speed and intensity until the rapid clenching of your walls was unignorable around his fingers.
His forearms ached slightly with his continued fingering, his thumb almost stiff as he continued to assault your clit, but with the arching of your back, the stuttering of your hips as an impeding orgasm was growing bigger and stronger. Shouto barely registered the sight of his own hand rising and falling heavily onto your ass, the sound of the spank echoing loudly, but that had pushed you over the edge.
A loud mewl sounded from the wall, your legs trembling entirely uncontrollably against Shouto, who still drove his hard crotch into your soaked cunt. He didn't care if you were to wet the expensive suit, his mind now solely on the fact that he needs to claim you, needs to sink his cock all the way in, and make sure you were bruised for days to come. 
Wasting no time, Shouto sheds off his pants and his underwear, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud before aligning his already hard and swollen cock head to your clenching, sopping cunt. Shouto nearly shivers as he grips his fingers into your ass, his eyes mesmerized with how your flesh molds to his grasp, moving and shifting accordingly. With only a moan as a warning, Shouto wasted no time in pressing his cock to your cunt, and thrusting in with a single, sharp thrust.
If he had thought your cunt was tight with just your fingers, if he had thought the instance where you had vacuumed your mouth while sucking him off was tight, he was in a world of surprises when he came through from entering you. Your cunt was hot and oh so fucking tight around him, milking him dry of all and any precum that he had gathered at his swollen slit. Your inner walls flutter around him, intensely and quickly trying to adjust to the monstrous thickness that he was, and he could hear the pained panting pleasure of you through the wall, and he almost lost it at the keen whine on your tongue.
He shifted, moving his hips just so slight as to regain what little sanity he had left to ensure that you were thoroughly and roughly fucked. 
"Fuck," Shouto moaned, his fingers digging bruises into your skin, his skin feeling sticky and sweaty as he felt you continue trembling beneath him. "For a fucking whore, you have a really tight cunt. I bet you wished I had used fucking lube, huh?"
Shouto took a tentative thrust into you, his legs quivering at the feeling of the way your cunt gripped his cock, making it almost impossible for him to move as he did. "Should've made your pussy wetter then," he spoke in a near whisper to the wall, unsure if you had heard him as he began his conquest in fucking you.
With his fingers gripping your hips, he enjoys the way you bruise against his hold, almost as much as he enjoys the way the wall rocks with every slam of his brutal hips.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping cunt send loud, wet noises ringing in his ears, sending a few other nearby patrons to turn their heads to look at him - to look at him in his conquest of claiming you as his. It only fueled him on, and he picked up his pace until there was a medley of sounds: his thighs crashing against your ass, the squelching of your wet cunt against his thick cock, and your thighs slapping the wall. 
Shouto growled at the feeling of your cunt stretching for him, the tremble of your legs, the way your feet twisted and curled against his knees, almost as if in a silent beg to get him impossibly closer, to make him fuck you impossibly faster, harder. 
His gorging fingers break your skin, and Shouto delights in the painful, garbled scream from your side of the wall. Your body is weak against him, yet he can still feel your hips jutting against his rutting hips, your body desperately trying to keep up with his insane speed and lust.
And when his hand presses to your lower back and the other right above your crotch so that he can raise you higher, the new angle of penetration sends Shouto fumbling for strength. It's then he can feel the head of his cock pressing against your cervix, your toes digging into his skin as he continues to pound away at your cervix, and he takes the rolling shrieks and moans from your mouth like a good thing. 
"Such a good fucking whore, I never found many of you who enjoyed when I literally rearranged their guts," Shouto huffed, his fingers tweaking and yanking at your clit until you were shaking in his arms. "You're enjoying this so much, I bet you wanted this the entire time after I left, didn't you? You wanted my cock in your pussy, I wanted to have my seed pumped into you until everyone knows that you're mine. You'd look so pretty pregnant with my babies, your stomach swollen, and your tits just fucking leaking milk for our children, huh?"
It's then that your cunt around his cock becomes a vice grip, and Shouto shudders at the feeling of your orgasm rocking through you, your pathetic keens barely audible in his blood rushing ears. And he continues, Shouto could feel the familiar sensation of his nerves being shot out, the feeling of your cunt desperately trying to milk him of his seed and worth as you grew limper in his arms, his fingers raking raised lines against your ass, forever marking himself against you, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, his mind solidifying over the need to somehow appear where you were now so he could fuck you with no restraint. He thought of your crossed eye gaze, the possible spit pouring from your mouth as you took his every drop of seed greedily into your cunt. He imagined seeing your eyes spilling with tears, seeing your fingers rip into the fabric as he fucked you with no restraint, and with his imagination, he lost himself.
Shouto continued to blindly ram his cock into your cunt, a savage, insane last attempt to spill himself into you, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your cunt pathetically clenched against his hammering cock, finally sending his left hand to the wall, fire bursting from his palm as finally his orgasm tears through him. Shit, shit, "Shit!"
Shouto's temples are damp with sweat, and his vision swims with his overwhelming desire for you and the need to get to your room without destroying the wall to completion.
He picks up his pants and underwear, quickly fixing himself up so that he's almost remorse in the way that he can't appreciate watching his cum spill from your cunt, but the lack of you on his cock is enough to have him zipping up his pants and racing to where the hostess appears.
She doesn't stand a chance when both fire and ice bite against her neck.
"How do I get into the rooms?"
After being caught flirting with whoever you had pinky promised, you had been gagged. It wasn't a bad thing per se, that man had been the last person to visit you when the room was still functioning as glory holes. With the new stuck in the wall theme, it only invited men and women to be aggressive, and a part of you guiltily and ashamedly enjoyed how rough they would get in there attempt to hear you against the gag.
But you couldn't help the flutter in your cunt and in your heart when the familiar voice of the pinky promise man sounded through the wall. Right now, however, your body felt wholly and thoroughly used. Every inch of your asscheeks and cunt was abused, but the orgasm that came with his fucking was otherwordly. 
There was still nothing to prevent the shameful clog in your throat when he abandoned you after a single orgasm, but then again, you didn't expect the door to your cubicle to be thrown open, and a man stood there with a black kitsune mask. You wondered who it was, but there was the distinctive, infamous red and split white hair behind the cover, and you whimpered at the sudden shame at being caught like this by a Pro Hero you absolutely adored. 
The mask was torn from his face, the door closing behind him, and you were ripped back into the tight cubicle, pressed flush against his chest as he sealed off the hole with his ice. You were speechless as his obviously hard cock pressed against your diaphragm, and you trembled upon hearing the zipper of his pants coming down.
And the voice of one Todoroki Shouto sent shivers down your spine, reigniting the flame in your cunt.
"I got to fuck your mouth and your cunt through other people's rules, I think it's about time I get to fuck you however I see fit."
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binxyu · 3 years
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Desire. The word of many meanings. Lust? Money? People desire what they can not have. You? You desired power. The power to hurt those who had wronged you. San? He desired to have you and if offering you your desire would get him that then he was going to give it.
>>Pairing: Choi San (dom) x fem!reader (sub) | demon!san x power hungry!reader
>>Word Count: 3.6k
>>Genre: Oneshot / Smut
>>Warnings/Kinks: Demonic themes, yandere themes, bondage, branding, biting, blood play, choking, cockwarming, corruption, creampie, degrading, fingering, marking, murder (graphic), oral (receiving), overstimulation, size kink, slapping, and spitting/saliva
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“Do it”.
The voice rang in your head as it always did. It was similar to a little devil on your shoulder. Someone telling you to do the worst you could do.
“Come on, sweetheart. You know you want to”.
You closed your eyes, the gun shaking in your grip. You had nothing against this person but the voice in your head knew how much you enjoyed the thrill.
The thrill of pulling the trigger.
The thrill of having the power to do so and end someone else’s life.
“We had a deal, baby. Each kill I help you with in your favor will result in one kill for me. Kill him”.
Your finger felt controlled, a silent pull to just come forward a little. Just enough to send a bullet into the man’s chest.
He looked at you with such pleading eyes, coated in the finest ocean blue that could have any other woman in his hands.
Not you.
You were in love with the voice in your head.
A voice you couldn’t explain. A voice that offered you power in exchange for completing their dirty work.
Finally, you let yourself fall to the desire and pulled the trigger, a bullet flying into the man’s heart.
“Good girl”.
It was a raspy voice, one full of authority and mischief. You knew the voice better than you knew your own family’s.
A wave of relief overcame you when the voice went quiet. You looked at the man in front of you and wondered what he could have done to have been so worthy of death.
The gun was placed back into your pocket once the safety was on and you simply walked out of the place. You couldn’t dwell on what you had done. It was all worth it in the end.
Miraculously, the deal between yourself and the voice was true and, as you killed upon their request, you gained more power. More reputation and strength.
There was odd downsides to this deal, however. Like the dreams that occurred every night.
Dreams about the same man that left you wanting so much more when you woke up.
“Oh, it’s you again”, your voice seemed to echo in your own bedroom as you looked at the familiar... creature.
“Who else would be here?”, there it was. The same voice that appeared in your head throughout the day.
You felt witless. He was right. No other thing or person visited the realm of your dreams as often as he did.
“You did well today”, was all he muttered when you remained silent. All you could do was stare at him as he walked closer.
His wings were a masterpiece on their own, a marvelous display of black. It was a beautiful way of showing he was rather symbolic of darkness.
His eyes glowed a blood red as they looked into your’s, his pupils blown out due to his hunger. You winced as his fingers gripped your jaw, tilting your face to examine you as if he was deciding if you were worthy of another night with him.
“You still won’t tell me what or who you are”, the creature chuckled, a sound so unfitting for him.
“You’ll find out soon”, and he was gone.
Another unspoken rule of the deal between you and the creature was isolation. You were not permitted to speak to others.
That much was clear when one of your co-workers was found drained of blood, a horrific sight to anyone but you. You had seen it before and that’s when you realized you were literally in a deal with a devil.
So, you avoided others in hopes that the little devil on your shoulder would keep quiet. No one would get hurt that way.
You were wrong. Horribly wrong.
You hadn’t realized but people slowly disappeared when they were around you. Just because the little devil wanted you all to himself.
“Y/n, come here. I need your help”, your boss ordered you and you felt an itch within you. An itch and desire for that control you were used to.
Reluctantly, you walked over and picked up the heavy box.
What is this guy moving? Rocks?
“Where to?”, your soft voice asked politely, sucking up to the man that could potentially give you more wealth than you could imagine.
“My office obviously”, his tone was cold as it always was and you nibbled your bottom lip in annoyance. You turned around, about to make your way out of the meeting room and to his office when you heard his screams.
Your head whirled around to see him on the floor, his finger pointing in sheer horror at something across the room. The door slammed behind you and your eyes finally found what he was screaming about.
“Hello baby”, there he was in all his unholy glory. The same man inside your head and your dreams.
“I figured I’d take care of your little problem here”, you shook your head, either from shock, fear, or denial. You couldn’t tell which.
“N-no you don’t have to”, the creature laughed at that and with a wave of his hand, the boss’s throat was slit. He quickly bled out and his body fell in a heap on the floor.
“I didn’t ask”, his smile was insincere, a warning to watch your mouth. You noticed it and shut up, noticing how his wings were not as perfect as they had been previously in your dreams.
The bone seeming to hold them together to his back was unnaturally bent, looking horrendous and painful. The feathers surrounding those areas were anything but perfect. Yet, he seemed effortlessly attractive.
“What do you want?”, your voice came out small and weak, a contrast to the usual powerful voice that came from your body. It was obvious the creature could take away your power just as he had given it to you.
“Surely you remember why I’m even here to begin with, little one”, the nickname shocked you as the memory resurfaced once again.
The shovel was cold in your grip, causing a bone chilling spark to run down your spine as you covered up the box. It was the standard recipe.
The bones of a dead black cat, a photograph of yourself, and graveyard dirt. All compacted in the small box now buried deep in the center of the crossroads.
You were younger at the time by a few years, a little more gullible. A little more desperate.
As the blood moon rose, you could feel the presence of someone else in the area. Well, more like something else.
The red light shun on him gracefully as he sat on the hood of your car, not caring how dinted it could become. Your eyes trailed down his body, engulfing any feature you could take in to remember him by.
At the time, his hair was a light brown and his eyes were not that blood red you had grown used to. They were a warm brown. They were so welcoming.
“Are you the devil?”, you wanted to keep your distance from him, but it felt like an invisible string was pulling you right to him. Your body soon stood in front of his own, barely away from being considered between his legs.
“No, little one. Just something awfully close. Now, what are you selling your soul for?”, the demon expected many things. Things he had heard so many times before. Money, love, saving, etc.
What he didn’t expect you to say was that you needed a way to get revenge on the murderer of your mother.
“What? You don’t strike me as the revenge type”, his infamous chuckle came after the words and you huffed. You hated being considered too weak or kind. People already played around with you for that reason.
“Are you going to help me or not?”, your hand found solace on your hip as you waited for his response. He hummed as if in deep thought before tilting his head in a teasing manner.
“Depends. What do I get in return?”, you noticed how his gaze had lingered on your hand, watching how it softly kneaded the flesh there.
“Keep our options open? You can have my soul or whatever you want whenever you want. I just want that man in the ground by the end of the week”, he didn’t expect the hint of sass in your tone but he loved it.
“I’ll need to put that in writing darling, but you have a deal”.
“Why did I not remember you before?”, you were sure you had never had that memory before now. The demon only smirked before walking towards you, his hands holding your waist. He rubbed them up and down as if he was memorizing every curve.
“I couldn’t have you running off. Besides, it was so precious to watch you think you had killed that man. You seemed so... proud”, he bit his lip, admiring you.
“It’s been you, hasn’t it? The voice?”, the demon nodded and took your jaw in his hold, tilting it every which way as if he was deciding to auction you or not.
“Yes. Your power comes from me and I think I’ve finally decided what I’ll be requesting for your end of the deal”, a thick lump formed in your throat, hoping that this wasn’t going to be your last day on Earth.
“You have been doing my dirty work for years now. No one is more fit to be my prophet than you. I want you to be mine. My little prophet”, your eyebrows furrowed as his words processed in your head.
“Prophet? For what?”, you had to sit down, walking over the body on the floor still and sitting on the desk.
“To be the next crossroad demon. Imagine it, baby. All the power you have now will be tripled, you’ll be immortal, and we’ll be together forever. I can tell you desire nothing more than power”, you found yourself nodding before you could even register any consequences. He had you at the power being tripled.
“How insatiable”, the demon tapped his fingers against the desk as he hovered over you, “if I didn’t know better than I’d consider you a deadly sin. I think you’re more greedy than actual greed is” before you could argue his lips were pressed against your own in a feverous manner. It filled your body with warmth from the tips of your toes to the very top of your head.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed him back, feeling how his body got impossibly closer. You moaned into his mouth when you felt his crotch rub against your own.
“Unless you’re even crazier than I thought, let’s do this somewhere there isn’t a dead body”, he laughed once he pulled away, your eyes going to the forgotten body on the floor. Your cheeks went red as the demon picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
His wings wrapped around your body, encasing you in a makeshift shield as black smoke surrounded you both. His wings opened up to reveal your bedroom and you realized something as your back landed on the soft mattress.
“Wait- what’s your name?”, contrary to popular myths, demons had no trouble sharing their names. He had just simply forgotten.
“San”, his lips latched onto your neck, sucking and biting the skin there as if you already belonged to him.
“San”, you repeated, testing the name and a rumble came from the demon’s chest. It was so similar to a growl that you had to look around the room to make sure no animals were there.
“Fuck, say it again”, his hands gripped the thin fabric of your shirt but he waited.
“San. Please”, there was a hint of desperation in your voice and it was something San had never heard from you. It made his eyes go blood red for a moment.
“Are you sure you want this? It will change everything”, you stared into his eyes and, for once, there wasn’t any fear in you. They were warm as they stared back at you, a sure fire way of San telling you he would never betray you.
“I’m sure. Let’s be powerful together”, you nodded and the demon smiled, ripping the fabric of your shirt apart like it was just some dusty old rag. Your hands held onto his suit and then you remembered something.
“Can I see them?”, San stopped to ponder what you meant. That’s when you lowered your hands to the small of his back, your hands gliding over the cuts on his back. That’s when he knew what you wanted.
“I didn’t think humans liked them”, he chuckled as he took off his own shirt, his wings springing out soon after. He kept them tucked towards him to avoid hitting anything on your end tables and all you could do was admire them as you laid there.
“I love them. So beautiful”, your fingers gently stroked them, trailing along the curve of the bone as if to memorize the feeling of them under your touch.
San nodded with a sincere smile, one you had yet to see. It took you off guard but you loved it. San pulled up your skirt and groaned when he saw how wet your panties had become. They were stuck to your folds, showing everything to him.
“You’re so wet, baby”, you whimpered when he trailed his finger up your folds and back down again. He simply pulled the panties to the side and you gasped when you felt his spit coat your opening. He then plunged it into you with his tongue, thrusting it inside of you and swirling his tongue to cut your walls with his saliva.
That’s when he realized you were already clenching around him in absolute sensitivity and pleasure. He looked up at you as he slowly pulled his tongue out, watching how your eyebrows furrowed.
“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”, you flushed red from the question no matter how simple it sounded. San already knew the answer but he still wanted to hear it from you.
“Yeah, I am”, you sit up a little on your elbows, expecting the demon to stop. However, all he did was smirk and thrust his tongue back inside of you, causing your head to fall back. He swirled his tongue, searching for that certain spot inside of you that even you had never found before.
His fingers pinched and rubbed at your clit as he prepped you, causing your sweet moans to fill the room. The only thing San could think about was how badly he wanted to ruin you.
Eventually, he felt you were ready and he replaced his tongue with his fingers, scissoring you open. Then, he hit it. That special spot deep inside of you with his middle finger.
“Right there! Please”, you had never felt so good and your back arched as San kept hitting that spot with his fingers over and over like clock work.
You clenched around his fingers and he kept his pace steady as you came all over his fingers, coating them with your juices. He had you ride out your high and watched as you shook from the stimulation, barely holding onto his humanity.
He took his fingers out and you whined, feeling so hopelessly empty without them there. San licked one of his fingers, humming from how sweet you tasted. Then, he had another finger in front of your mouth.
You opened your mouth and he put the digit inside, your lips closing around it as you sucked on it to taste yourself. You did taste perfectly sweet.
“Sorry sweetheart, I can’t wait any longer”, you gulped when you saw something inside the demon snap. His hands quickly pulled his belt off and he tied your wrists together with them, attached to the bedpost.
You were too in awe from the sight of his cock to even care about the rough leather rubbing against your skin, his tip red and angry, coated in pre-cum. You wondered how it would even fit.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be just fine”, before you could even wonder what he meant by that, his lips were on your’s as he lined himself up with your pussy. He slowly pushed in and you began to fill the pain until... you didn’t anymore.
It was as if the kiss was enough to blur your nerves and, before you knew it, San was all the way inside of you. The sight of his bulge was prominent in your stomach and, when he pulled away from the kiss, you could feel the tip brush against your cervix.
Your feelings rushed back in and you felt the stretch but it was no longer painful, your cunt used to being stuffed now. As he realized you were fine, San slowly started moving, groaning as your walls hugged his dick. You were so small in comparison to him and it felt perfect. You felt perfect.
Restraint inside of the demon slowly disappeared as he pounded into you, his hips snapping against your’s. His hand wrapped tightly around your throat when you got louder, squeezing it to cut off the air going to your lungs a little. Your eyes rolled back from all the pleasure and stimulation.
“Such a pretty whore. You feel so good”, San chuckled darkly, licking his lips as he looked down at you. Your breasts bounced from the force and he watched them, almost mesmerized by the movement as his tip continuously rammed into your g-spot.
You winced when San slapped you, a red hand imprinted on your skin. The sting only seemed to add to the pleasure and he noticed, deciding to slap your clit just as hard.
“Fuck! San!”, your breathing got caught in your throat as he continued to slap it, hitting the nerve over and over to watch your reaction. You clenched around him again as you began to feel overstimulated, the knot in your stomach releasing all over his cock.
San followed soon after, filling you up so much that you could see the bulge stay in your stomach even when he had pulled out. Your heavy breathing was all you were able to let out as San undid the belt.
You expected for it to be over but the demon simply gripped your hips and spread your legs to straddle his lap. You could feel his hard cock rubbing against your pussy lips and a rush of arousal went to your core again, his cum covering your thighs as it leaked out of you.
“It’s not over baby. I wanted to really look at you when I mark you”, your eyes went a little wide when San moved your hips to grind against his erection.
“Mark? What does that mean?”, San just shushed you and gave you his mischievous smile.
“You’ll see”, you were too needy to even care as you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, feeling for the first time how it truly stretched you out. San gripped the back of your head and pressed his forehead against your’s in an attempt to distract you from any pain.
“Ride me and you’ll be all mine”, his words made you roll your hips faster even if you already knew you were putty in his hands. You were already his and have been. He made sure of that.
Soon, you began to get tired and San smiled, gripping your hips to keep you moving. He didn’t seem angry but you could tell his impatience was coming through.
“Useless whore. You can’t even ride a dick properly”, you looked down in embarrassment from his words. It was the only time you enjoyed not having control, when San had it.
The demon took control and thrusted up into you, controlling your movements to meet his own. The new position made your mouth hang open in a silent scream, your body too overwhelmed with pleasure to even let out sounds.
Even without words, San knew you were close with how your nails dug into his shoulders and your little cunt clenched around him. As you both approached your orgasms he nuzzled his face between your neck and shoulder.
You came together and he bit you, causing a scream to erupt from your body. Your body thrashed against him but he held you still as he slowly pulled his teeth out.
The bite slowly healed to reveal a distinct ‘S’ marked into your skin. San smiled and watched as the blood from the wound went down your body and stopped at the curve of your breast.
“Good girl. Finally being put to use”, the demon leaned his face down and licked up the blood from your breast to the mark on your shoulder, sending pleasant shivers up your body.
He was still buried inside of you as he maneuvered you both to lay down, spooning you to keep you warm.
“Now you’re all mine. Remember that. Or this deal may not last”, you could tell the end was meant as a threat. You belonged to San and that was that.
“I’m all your’s”, you nodded and closed your eyes, trying to calm your body.
“That’s right. Forever”.
“Even in-“, you were cut off when he pressed a kiss to the back of your head.
“Even in hell. Then it will be...”, he hummed as he thought.
“Infernal desire”.
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peasofgreeniguess · 3 years
Don't know if you're taking requests or not but if you are, can I please ask for headcanons for how UT Papyrus (and others if you want) is with a plus size/chubby S/O?
i am always taking requests! lets do a full papyrus hc post!! 
papyrus -   he loves his s/o! he randomly picks you up and gives you a hug, whenever you mention you might break him he loudly replies “NONSENSE MY DEAR, I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!” then proceeds to pick up the couch with sans on it. he makes you custom clothes with the words “ bone parent #2″ because and i quote “HUMANS KEEP CALLING ME ‘BONE DADDY’ SO I MADE YOU SOMETHING TO GO WITH MY NICKNAME!”, he just loves you so much.
stretch - he likes to sit you in his lap while you two watch tv, blue sometimes comes in with a new game he finds from the store to play with you two. Over all its really domestic, he likes to come up behind you and give you a hug while you are washing dishes. Blue mentions allot that his teeth will rot from all the sugar in this house. sometimes when he sees you being insicure he comes up and gently kisses you hand all the way to you neck, and between each kiss he says one thing he loves about you.
Edge - he loves to spoil you, he will take you to all the nice places and even takes you to mtt hotel! he once even hired a “musical valentines card” to your work! along with the biggest bouquet of roses. red sometimes tells you that he has never seen anyone other than you who makes papyrus so happy.
Rus - you are his muse, he draws you all the time in all your glory. Every little detail on your body is captured in graphite and watercolor in his paper. sometimes he suggests you should go into the modeling industry if it wasent so shitty in what it values. you and him often go to the local coffe shops to just sit in confutable silence 
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ryanellisphoto · 3 years
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#231 - Detroit Street Photography Session #231 - Saturday, November 13th, 2021 - Nikkor 35mm f/2 (ca. 1981) et Sakar 400mm f/4.6 (ca. 19??) - Renaissance Center study from afar and less afar
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬   Renaissance Center
Radioactive Sakar
Michigan’s tallest building from 8,000 feet away
(and closer) with a 400mm lens
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Arrived @ 11:00 AM
Departed @ 6:00 PM
843 photos (& 11 videos) taken in 7 hours with as many as 160 “keepers” among them. This rendered a masterclass-level 120.42 shots per hour with an Elisha-nearly-blushed 19% “success” rate (I hope for at least 100 shots per hour with at least a 10% “success” rate).
What Happened Today —
There is this place, called Detroit, and I went there for a while, starting in the late morning and ending somewhat just beyond the start of the evening. I took pictures and videos, and one of the videos I took was to record some crooners calling out to the corner civilians passing by and give them a melodic composition to consider the rest of their weekend. Of the pictures I took, you might notice the Top Ten best shots are all 400mm shots, though I used my 35mm for the singing duo to decent-enough effect. My even-more-favorite shots of the day have yet to be posted. Stay tuned for them!
Path Taken:
Greektown — I checked my reflection in the black-tinted glass of the Starbucks street side at Greektown Hotel
Monroe Street  — I spent nearly no time here, but it is my first sight in Detroit most weeks, so I start to acclimate myself to being a shooter of photos in Detroit by what I see down this street
Gratiot Avenue — I talked to Lee on the phone as I put one foot in front of the other northbound toward the market and Lee
Lee Canady’s place — Lee told me that he had maybe fifty dollars in his pocket and maybe one-hundred-and-fifty in the bank when he took a couple of loans to buy a few hundred records and a fancy sign to start his record shop. Lee has a VERY important matter to attend to this week, so pray for legendary Lee Canady!
Eastern Market — Tijani (sp?) was not around, so I passed on my hello’s nonetheless. I talked to Shawn about the hustling life in Detroit when I crossed the footbridge over the highway. I got amish jam and asparagus and pears and romaine and blackberries 
Germack Coffee  — None other than Jordan Blanchard and Tessa Patterson sang aloud to the Lord lovingly and lovely was their work (oh, and I filmed the pair amidst their glory in glory to God [and in glory to God])!
Gratiot Avenue  — I found a couple of skateboarders and photographed them from maybe five hundred feet away, and they were in on it of course! I asked them if they liked the Lord of the Rings, and they enthusiastically said, “Yes!” I explained that my long lens full body portrait of them would make the world behind them look huge, sort of like the forced perspective used to make normal-sized humans appear hobbit-height. 
Greektown — I offloaded the weight of my Eastern Market goodies, and I mixed San Pelligrino (Clementina) with Pure Leaf unsweetened black tea, which was not awful and certainly woke me up for a good second wind!
Monroe Street — I followed Monroe until I rounded a quarter of the roundabout that spilled into Woordward Avenue (I saw an ad on the stock ticker for Non-Fungible Tokens, which have no commodity and are as fiat as a federal reserve bank note, and I thought about the possibility of my time lapses turning a profit during and after my lifetime in the form of NFT’s).
Wooward Avenue — I followed Woodward so I could see the progress of the Hudson Building, which is shooting up fast! I realized I had not the lens I would prefer to get a time-lapse of the building, but I did take a pretty series of shots of an American flag on a crane assembly making geometric goodness in front of the inner core of what will be Michigan’s second tallest building once built in all its ugly glass and steel awfulness. 
David Klein Gallery — It was the opening of a new exhibition, which featured Mica rock affixed with glass resin onto birchwood “canvasses” (and these pieces had gold leaf and pewter and sequins among other considerations added to them). When you moved laterally past the works, they changed color. They were priced between maybe $4,000 and $40,000 for the pieces or pairs. I was humbled to be let in without an appointment, but I have gone there for nearly six years. I complimented the gallery’s director for her taste! 
Washington Boulevard — I admired the Whitney Building as I spilled out of the gallery. I hate the modern window display they had that replaced one honoring The Supremes. If you have got it, flaunt it, and new Detroit seems not to “get” what made it great, so the only flaunting is of decadence, which new Detroit has “gotten” like a virus.
Woodward Avenue — I showed Red Wing fans my LGB Buffalo Plaid scarf, which tickled them. We talked “Let’s Go, Brandon!” talk. 
Mack Avenue — I turned onto Mack and tried to avoid the weird homeless freaks that are especially rude to strangers compared to other homeless folks I have met in the city. It seems the more you move away from Campus Martius, the crazier things get (then again, a couple months ago, a brawl broke out at the Shake Shack at Campus Martius Park). 
Brush Street — I carried on a study of the Renaissance Center with my 400mm lens that will better be published (Lord-Willing) shortly.
Monroe Street — I avoided cutting the corner when I turned from Brush to Monroe, because I do not want trouble in exchange for a shortcut
Astoria Bakery — I got four items for about twenty-dollars, which I thought was a deal given the supply crunch of late. A cop I know followed me into the bakery and stared me down. I ignored him because of the awkwardness without explanation on his part, and when I hit the street again, I remembered I took an amazing set of shot of him a couple weeks ago, and I NEED to give him prints of those shots as soon as possible! 
Greektown — I sat for a minute before I left. I thought about all the grinning I had done that day. It is nice to grin. 
“Inside baseball” locations and concepts talked about in this Detroit Street Photography Session  —
●  Buffalo Plaid - This is the best plaid. It is black and red (or red and black). 
• For my latest and best videos, please visist me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/rellish
• Support me on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/seedetroitlikeido
• To see my earliest political work up to the present, you must find and follow me on BitChute:https://www.bitchute.com/channel/t9HSaUg8woPj
• Check out my curated short video works on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rellish3214
• View my most-neutral content on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWGEXMZfJn5tutCOgK_dtg
• Admire my Detroit street photography on Tumblr: https://ryanellisphoto.tumblr.com
• I most love the alternative social media website, Minds, and I would like you to subscribe to mine after you make your own (do it now!) Minds: https://www.minds.com/rellish
✦  If you ever have any questions, feel free to email me. I am here for you.
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Head up, smoots below!
So I know this is late but it was this or nothing yeah? Anyway here is my Pride for Sins week!
If you don’t want the lemons, read it on Fanfiction or AO3 as they are edited. I know most don’t care but I KNOW I have a few readers that aren’t into lemons and I didn’t have any warnings. I wasn’t sure I was going to do smoots. I wanted them but I wasn’t sure I’d get them in. That’s the main reason this is late actually, it takes longer to write a lemon than a clean chapter lmao.
It’s also on my Patreon for free in it’s full glory so if you have preferences, I have given you many choices I think, yeah? And don’t forget to check out the collection! It’s where you can easily find all the Sins Week contributions. Art, fics, it’s amazing!
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Lovely Sins Art by @clearwillow! Thank you to the mods; @lemonlushff, @neutronstarchild, and @ruddcatha!
Also, I made a playlist. I know no one really ever looks at these but it’s my thing okay, let it go! LOL! This is me procrastinating btw.... it’s here if you wanna take a listen.
@underwater0phelia@lavendertwilight89 @mamabearcat @nartista @nopenname22 @echobows@superpixie42 @smmahamazing @redflamesofpassion @jme-chan@cstorm86 @cicleydark-light @ruddcatha @lavaffair @kirrtash @sistasecbhere@inusgirl @obsessandfangirl @britonell @lordofthechips @mcornilliac@faolenwolf @classyhumanathletepalace @keichanz @phoenix-before-the-flame @artisticloveexpressitsall @lamuertadehambre @noyourenotreal @mitty-san @thenoammonster @little-deeluna @royaltrashpanda @sailorbabydoll92@storyweaver2017 @malditamigs @adorabubblesblog @lilms-obsessed@petri808 @anniehcresta @fan-dumpp @itzatakahashi @utakuprincess@theschultinator @all-too-ale @little-inukag-obsessed @theseagullqueen@queenofthesquirps @inusgirl @jolinaaa00 @knowall7k @neutronstarchild@fawn-eyed-girl @eringobroke @sapphirestarxx​ @clearwillow @dangerouspompadour @anxietyaardvark @bluejay785 @arcprz @whoisresponsible @zelink-inukag​ @lady-dark-69​
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“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.”
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
None of us said a word the whole way back to our apartment. Kikyo was still with us, walking in behind Inuyasha and I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her to get the fuck out. If she was staying, then I had no problem spending the rest of the night in my room. I already had high hopes for doing that. 
We made it to the living room before, shockingly, Kagome turned on Kikyo. “You need to go home…”
Before she could finish, Kikyo jumped on her. “You guys are overreacting! I was helping them! Doing something good for them! You’re both just too full of yourselves to see it!”
Kagome was calm to a point that it was scaring me. Slowly shaking her head at Kikyo she took her time and chose her words wisely. Something I never would have had the willpower to do in a million years. “I get that you think that, that you think you were helping them but…”
“I was!!!” Kikyo spat, cutting Kagome off again “Don’t you get it? These guys, they’re vir...gins. As in pure and innocent?! That’s the last thing you want and what they wanted, not knowing their way around a woman’s body? I was helping the two of you out too…”
This time, Kagome cut off Kikyo and it was not pretty. “You did exactly what you wanted to as always, Kikyo. They’re our mates, not yours but you’re so determined to make them into the men you think they should be that you’ve lost your own mate.” I was sure Kagome had never yelled at Kikyo that way. It was honest and it was clear Kikyo’s pride was broken getting scalded in front of so many. Kagome sighed and grabbed her shoulders tight. “You need to go home because Naraku is waiting for you there. Go talk to him, please.”
Leaving it at that as well as the rest of us, Kagome went to her room and we all stood there awkwardly for a moment. Kikyo silently sulked towards the door so I went for mine. Last thing I wanted was to be left alone with Inuyasha and Miroku. 
Fully planning on getting my shower, I made it across my room to my hamper before I was no longer alone. I knew it was Miroku. Process of elimination as well as just knowing. “Just because you spent the day watching naked women shake their asses at you doesn’t mean I’m okay with you seeing me naked too. Get out!”
I refused to look at him, keeping my back to him and trying to get my shaking under control. Everything hurt and I wanted a hot shower even more. It had been a long day and the sun was only now heading for bed. The bright orange light filled my room with light and silence as he chewed on my words. He was still there, the door hadn’t squeaked like it always did when opened. Even if it didn’t do that, I knew he was there. 
I could feel him. 
That, above everything else, bothered me the most. It was clear we were connected to each other. The cocky man behind me was my soulmate and he was going to break me. It was inevitable. If my past had taught me anything it was that men like him use you up and spit you out. And I was tied to him? How was any of this fair, we should have never done that stupid spell!!
“Kikyo…” his voice was soft and unexpected, making me shiver at the sound of it, “she was only trying to help.”
I laughed hollowly and watched as I twisted my fingers together painfully. “Help. Right. All she did was help me to see your real needs.”
He took a step closer. I knew not because I heard it or saw it. I could feel that he was closer to me and my skin began to heat up in an unpleasant manner. “She was right. You are nothing but hubris. You think because I am your Mate that there is no work required to be together when all you’ve been is work for me.”
The knife he planted in my back, right in my heart, caused a numbness to slowly spread across my body. Now, his nearness didn’t burn at all. 
I felt nothing. 
“Then she did help you. Helped you to escape ‘the work’ of being with me as I want nothing to do with you anymore. We’re done.” He was still there though and the last thing I wanted was to give him another pair of breasts to look at and compare. So I faced him, planning to strip in the bathroom and his eyes were dull and lifeless. “You should just go back to where you came from.”
I made it to the bathroom in one piece, stripping as if my life depended on it. Because I felt like I might freeze to death if I didn’t get in the warm water soon. The hot water helped but I felt like I was getting sick. Having a demon from unknown origins touch you all over had to spread germs, right?
The stream had chilled so I turned up the heat when my curtain squealed back on the rod. I squealed too, covering all I could of my front and backing up into the corner for the rest. Miroku ignored me, stepping into the shower, naked as when I met him. 
“What are you doing?! Get out!!!!”
He continued to ignore me, stepping into my water and getting good and wet. His hair free, I watched with trance like fascination as it dampened and stuck to his skin. The black made his skin look a little paler and I found myself looking at other parts, like his shoulders to start. Then his chest, wide and thick. Then his belly which wasn’t rippled like Inuyasha’s but soft and comfortable looking. But then I wrenched my eyes to the ceiling. 
Don’t look at his penis, don’t look at his penis, don’t look at his….
“You can look, you know? You’ve seen it before and I really don’t mind.”
He was smirking, watching me and I glowered back. “Finish your shower and get out.”
Miroku clucked his fucking tongue at me and I nearly pounced on the cocky bastard. “That’s not very nice. But I know you don’t mean it.”
“I do!!!”
Chuckling, he shook his head at me and grabbed my elbow. It was either release my breasts and push him back or let him fold me into him. So I let him pull me in, unable to allow him the satisfaction of my naked body. I looked at the wall while he looked down at me, his hot breath warmer than the water we stood in as he panted on me. “Sango… why are you clinging so hard to your ego?”
Scoffing, I tried to step back but he held firm. “It’s not my ego, it’s you! How am I supposed to even look at you without seeing a naked woman on your lap?”
“By evening the odds.” Now I looked at him, utterly confused. “How many men have you had? Before we met, how many men have you slept with?”
“That’s none of your business!”
“I see. So it’s a lot?”
I slapped him then slapped myself when I covered my chest again. “That’s not the point! I didn’t know you yet!”
Biting my lip at my slip, I let him digest my words but he didn’t take long. “How am I supposed to function? Knowing that you’ll be comparing me to all those men? I have no experience, Sango. You are my first everything.”
“Not your first breasts!” I spat venomously. 
It wasn’t fair and I knew it but I couldn’t stop myself. Miroku was right, my pride had been wounded. Before, I would have had no problem stripping for him and showing him all of my body. If I had known he was a virgin, I wouldn’t have hesitated, all my body issues would have melted away knowing he would have nothing to compare me to. But now? He had a hell of a lot to compare. And it was all fresh in his mind.
Grabbing my chin, I was forced to look at him. But once I met his dark blue eyes I felt trapped, unable or willing to look anywhere else. “If there is one thing I’ve learned today, it’s that no one is as beautiful as you, Sango.” I huffed as his cheesy line but he frowned. “No one.”
His mouth crashed to mine and my body reacted, wrapping around him just like an octopus. He wrapped around me as well, bending me back with his passion as he kissed the hell out of me. But the wicked thoughts remained in my head as he ran his hands over my back to my ass. Like what he thought of its size? The dips of cellulite? Was my skin smooth enough or tight enough? It was enough for me to push and pull from him, backing up into my corner again and catching my breath. 
Now he could look at me fully, standing a good distance from him. I had my hands on the tops of my thighs to try and hide even if foolish. I had no problems with my stomach or my breasts. They weren’t as great as some of the strippers but they were a good size and shape and my belly was flat even if not toned. It was everything below my waist I struggled with. And Miroku had zeroed in on that part of my anatomy from the start.
I watched the floor and his feet, feeling his eyes drink me in so hard, it burned. He took the small step to me and my chin was grabbed again. I swear there was red in his eyes. A strange ember that was burning around his iris. It was scary but thrilling at the same time. And it had me back in my trance. 
“No one compares to you.” He mumbled, stuck in the same trance with me.
Cornered, Miroku mushed into me, pressing his entire body against mine. He felt nice, not too hard and not too soft. Just like his kisses, heating up my body with his intense but gentle lips. His cock, which was pressing into my belly, was not soft at all. It was very hard. A voice whispered in my head, wondering if he got like this because of me or the other women he saw today? So I pressed my tongue to his, trying like hell to silence the voice, my ego speaking loudly in my brain. 
His mouth trailed down my skin, pressing hot lips to my pulse. While his hands lifted my breasts into his hold, testing their weight before messaging the lumps. Miroku’s wet hair was wrapped around my fingers, grabbing and leading him around to where I wanted his mouth. I was fully ready to give everything to this man, my body, heart, and soul and I had known him for less than twenty-four hours.
Pushing as gently as my hot need would allow, I had him poised over a breast, wanting him to do everything to it. He grabbed my wrists first, pulling my hold off his head before barely licking my nipple. I arched on instinct, wanting more, but I suddenly found myself facing the wall. Miroku had flipped me around and now had my ass facing him.
I tried to spin back around but he held me still, my wrists in his hold and above my head. I was trapped. “What are you doing?!”
He was still pressed against me so at least he wasn’t looking at me. “Giving you what you need.”
This wasn’t what I needed. I fought against his hold but he just put my hands into one of his large ones and stood back. Miroku was examining me, looking over my weakest point of myself. The flame I had, the one he ignited, was quickly going out and all I wanted to do now was cry.
The hand that didn’t hold me still ran down my back, feather touches to my spine until it hit the top of my ass. “You’re so beautiful, Sango.”
Hot tears fell down my cheeks and I whimpered as his hand settled over one of my butt cheeks. “Liar.”
“I’m not.”
“How do I know? How could I ever know? And how could I ever believe you when you were soooo happy with those other women today?”
He squeezed my ass hard and groaned. “How would you ever believe me if I hadn’t? I could tell you till I was blue in the face that you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. But if you were the only one I had seen, then you would never believe me.”
He was right but I still couldn’t give in to him. Call it condescension, I just couldn’t let him win. “If I was the only woman you’d ever seen then I would be the most beautiful to you. And that would have been more than enough.”
Miroku was pressed against me again, his dick digging in between my lower cheeks. “Sango, you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Every part of you is perfect. Will you please be my first?”
My hands were released and I slowly turned to face him. His eyes were glowing now, thanks to his smile and the red fire inside them. It was nothing like the smile he had given to the girls at the club earlier. There was something more to it, something else inside it that hadn’t been there before. It made me feel warm and gooey inside. And in between my legs, the urge to find out what his strange penis felt like strong. 
Guess he would be a first for me too, I’d never had sex with a demon before.
I don’t know if he just knew my answer or didn’t care, cause I had said and done nothing when he grabbed my ass and lifted me up. My back was flush with the wall and I watched as he lined himself up. Seeing him at half mast didn’t prepare me at all, his cock now full of blood and raging. Most penises were a bit red when ‘angry’. Miroku’s was slightly purple. I didn’t know if that was from years of wanting or from all the teasing today but neither explained the large bumps along his shaft. 
He looked like a dildo.
The water on it made it glitter like one too, looking just like the one I used to have before a jealous boyfriend got pissed and threw it out. He didn’t want to be compared to a toy and, given my body issues, I couldn’t argue with him on it. Wonder how he would feel knowing I was about to fuck the near copy of that dildo? 
Probably nothing since he was happy with his tiny new wife.
Having that dildo was a blessing in disguise, because I was sure most would be freaked out or terrified by Miroku. The look he gave me when I remained calm but needy told me I was right, he had body issues too. That made my heart pound like crazy in my chest, a beautiful man like Miroku, who was full of pride, struggled with parts of himself too.
He was eager, getting his tip in slowly but then rushing the rest. In a blink, he had my pussy full of him but I didn’t mind. It wasn't my first time and he was struggling to contain himself. That, and shit he felt good. Better than the damn dildo. Miroku was warm and alive, pulsing and twitching inside me just like I was.
Frozen, he groaned with every slight movement so I remained still so he could recover. All I did was encourage, stroking his hair and kissing his temple and cheek. 
“I’m sorry…” He groaned after a few moments.
I found his ear and pressed my lips to it. “It’s okay. Take your time.”
That was all he needed, my encouragement, to rally. I felt every delicious bump of his shaft as he pulled out of me. He was slow to pull out but fast to thrust back in. As if he hated to leave me. It wasn’t long until he had a rhythm, tickling me from my entrance to my dam as he bounced me. 
Wrapping my legs around him, I used my hips to help him, putting our bodies flush and getting him deeper. It had him pressing hard on my clit with his pelvis, my walls twitching and juice flooding from the change. 
Miroku released one hand from my ass and grabbed my hair instead, pulling my head back to get my neck. He was growling, biting and sucking to leave many marks on me. I didn’t care, I was seconds away from one of the best orgasms of my life. 
“You feel… so amazing… oh Sango, I’m glad I waited…. You’re perfect… so perfect…”
Miroku was a talker, mumbling words into my neck while his tip danced, coming right before me. I grabbed his hair now, pulling his face back to look him in the eyes. “Don’t you dare stop!”
He didn’t. Instead, he grabbed my ass in both hands again and lifted me up and down on him. While he continued to thrust. It had him pounding my clit and rubbing my spot. All of him rubbed me actually, the man growing after coming and stretching me around him more. I was sure I was ripping out hair but I couldn’t stop, euphoria shaking me to my core as white overtook my vision. I heard Miroku groan again but I didn’t know if it was my grip on his hair or my grip on his cock, my pussy squeezing him as I came. I was still convulsing around him when he stopped, letting my walls press against him over and over again. It was like nothing I had ever had before, sometimes needing to finish myself with past lovers. 
There was no need with Miroku, I was boneless as it was, unable to move in his arms at all. He continued to hold me tight to him, both of us out of breath. I registered him turning off the water, leaving it on the entire time we fucked. But then, Miroku pulled us from our corner and didn’t put me down. Not even to pull his cock from inside me. 
“What are you doing?!”
I cowered a little at my bruskness, he had just given me the best sex and I was already yelling at him again. But he took it in stride, not losing his gorgeous smile. “Thank you, Mate, for a memorable first time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will now take you as many times as I please.”
The loftiness of those two. Just because they finally have a man, they think they're better than me. Was that all I was to them? A good time? I was always there for them in the bad, getting them dates and taking them out when they got dumped. 
God, they were just as bad as men, getting what they wanted from me then moving on.
Who needed friends like that? To lie to my face, just to get rid of me too. No way was Naraku just sitting here wai…
I stopped dead in my tracks, Naraku leaning up against my door. It was easy to forget the crazy, bird moment he had earlier, looking so sexy with his dark waves standing out on his white undershirt. He still had on his jeans, the hoodie he left in gone. He must have gotten hot and taken it off. And just how many women did he have wrapped around his finger after today?
Even though I never asked, I was pretty sure he wasn’t a virgin when we met. He was far too eager and sure of himself when we fucked. There was nothing that was just mine, I had to share my soulmate too.
He moved to the side so I could unlock and open the door. But that was all he gave me, silent as he followed me inside. My place was the same size as Kagome’s and Sango’s but it was all mine. They never asked me to room with them but I liked living alone anyway.
Naraku stood, annoyed, just behind me as I moved to my bedroom and stripped off my jeans. “What are you doing here?”
His response was to enter deeper into the room, standing up to me. Grabbing my hips, he pulled us flush against each other. If I had protests, I wouldn’t have been able to voice them as he captured my mouth at such a speed it would’ve been impossible. 
We both moved, backing me around to the bed. When I fell to it, he remained standing to strip and I watched. The way he stood, naked with his cock straining at attention, there was no way I was his first. 
I let that thought linger while he crawled over me, ripping my top off me in my daze. He was already inside me when I woke up from my revelry, slowly pulling in and out of me like lovers. It felt good. Amazing really, especially with the attention he was giving my breasts, licking and sucking them. But I just wasn’t in the mood.
I flipped us and he didn’t complain, putting my weight on his shoulders to angle myself perfectly. It was what I did when I just wanted to get off, my clit pressed to his hips and my nipples rubbing on his chest. All while I pushed his dick into my g-spot. Now, it felt amazing, tipping towards my end quickly. 
Damn if the bastard didn’t flip us again. I glowered up at him as he held himself over me. He smirked back, grabbing my knee and pulling it up to my chest. When he rammed into me, I was surprised. That’s why I cried out. Not because he was revolutionary or anything. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he made my head spin. 
Naraku was going at my pussy hard now, really fucking me and I was seconds from falling into bliss again, when he started squawking. 
Fuck it was distracting, grabbing his face in my hands and stopping all movements and sounds. “Don’t do that!”
He grinned, slowly moving his hips again and teasing me. “It’s a compliment. I don’t let out my animal side for anyone.”
“You did this afternoon….”
“That was different. Just shut up and let me enjoy you.”
Talking was over and I was partly glad. I didn’t like talking in bed. Naraku went back to ramming and squawking and I closed my senses off to it, focusing on his dick as much as possible. My orgasm hit and I moved against him, trying to get as much as possible from him as I came. He dropped my leg and ground his pelvis against my clit, making explosions of pleasure shoot through me until I finished. The last thing he did was pull out to come in his palm, rushing off to the bathroom a few minutes later.
I was pulling on fresh clothes when he returned, looking me over as if confused. Did he think we would cuddle? Or go again? I wasn’t in the mood for either at the moment, a bit pissed at myself for falling back into bed with this man so easily. “Why did you come back?”
He shrugged, “I was told to return.”
I swallowed the bitterness that was in my mouth from that statement. “What does that mean?” He was silent and I tore my eyes from him back to nothing. “If you don’t want to be here, then leave.”
“I’m supposed to talk to you first.”
Great, I hated it when men said they ‘wanted to talk’. It was never good. Especially right after sex. “Let’s get this over with then.”
Naraku moved to sit on the bed, flopping in a manner that I could only describe as not sexy. “You’re unfaithful. How am I ever to trust you as a mate?”
“Me?! You’re the one propositioning Kagome right in front of me,” his eyes went wide and I grimaced at him, “I could hear you, you idiot.”
“Impressive hearing for a human. Especially one that only listens to themself.”
I growled back at him, “how would you know? You’ve barely spent ten minutes with me where you weren’t fucking me…”
“And who’s fault is that? You left me with others to go on a date!” Now my mouth hung open. “I could hear you too, you idiot.”
“Arrggg, I never should have summoned you! I don’t want you!”
Your cunt says otherwise! If it wasn’t for Master’s commands, I would be long gone!”
“Wait, what?” I squeaked. 
I expected a fight or something but he was all too willing to fill me in… as usual. “Kagome. She is our Master and it’s for the best that we obey…..”
“Does she know this?”
I stared at him, searching his face for a lie. But he had never lied to me and now wasn’t different. He shook his head to say he wasn’t sure but I was. In a rush, I grabbed my jeans back up and started shoving them on. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to Kagome’s. She needs to be stopped before she ruins In… others.”
If I hurried, I could stop Kagome from controlling Inuyasha. Whether she knew it or not. And he could be mine instead.
I went into my room but I didn’t really have much of a reason. Other than wanting to be alone. It was way too early for me to go to bed. I probably should have showered but I could hear Sango’s shower going. The apartment was older and didn’t allow two showers at once. Unless you wanted a cold one. 
With nothing more to do, I changed and got in the bed only to lie there. I was exhausted. A day from hell. But my brain would not shut the fuck up.
From the moment I met Inuyasha, to his jealousy over Naraku, and to him dancing on the stage I thought about each and every moment, marking when I said something to him to influence him. Was it only when I spoke? Or did it go off my thoughts too? I had wanted him to hold me and be here for me. I would be happy with being friends too, just a good, strong male friend that could comfort me like my friends couldn’t. There was just something about a man that cares for you that a female can’t cover.
I was so lost in thought, I missed when I stopped being alone. The bed shifted and before I could turn, Inuyasha spooned against me. His arms wrapped around me, filling me with comfort that quickly soured. I didn’t know if he was here because he wanted to be or because my thoughts brought him. 
As gently as possible, I pushed at his hold. “Inuyasha, I think you should sleep on the floor.”
“Why?” I was biting my tongue, not wanting to command him to do anything out of fear he would follow. “Is it because of that place? Those women?”
I really didn’t care that he went to a strip club. He was the main attraction there anyway, dancing better than the midday B squad. 
He misunderstood my silence. It wasn’t that I was angry, I was terrified to speak! But it didn’t deter Inuyasha, his nose digging through my hair until he found the back of my neck. “Don’t be mad, Master.”
I cringed and stiffened, trying again to pull away from him. I felt sick but Inuyasha refused to let me go. What could I say? Nothing. It would force his hand either way. He was rubbing his face into me, up and down the back of my neck. His lips grazed my skin along the top of my spine and I felt my entire body catch flame. None of me wanted him to stop and I didn’t know if he knew that. If he could feel it and was compelled by it. 
“Can you… hear my thoughts?” He froze and shook his head, his nose going side to side on my neck. “So you don’t know what I want?”
“I wish I did.” I felt it was obvious but he was innocent and naive. “I want you, Master. No one else. You have to know that, right?”
I wanted him too, my body was practically screaming for him. “I… I…”
Clamping my mouth shut, I stopped myself from saying anything. Anything from my mouth could sway him and I didn’t want that. The last thing I wanted was to control him and make him do anything with this power I had. One that I didn’t understand but was there.
His hands were starting to move, going up to my ribs and turning around to go to my hips and back. He wanted my permission but I couldn’t get my mouth to move to give it. Each time his hands landed on my hips, they twitched, trying to move his touch elsewhere without saying a word. His hips moved too, pressing into my ass with a rhythm that I was meeting. His hardness was between my cheeks, grinding. And I ground back. 
“Master…” he moaned and I whimpered back, “tell me what you want…”
I was going to die. I wanted… no needed him but he was waiting for my command. I refused to give it, I wouldn’t do that to him ever. “I want… you to stop calling me Master.”
He growled, “Kagome,” and I swear I nearly came from that alone. Then he grabbed my knee, slinging it over his hip and putting his hand flat on my inner thigh. I was now spread out for him on my side.”Show me what you want… what to do…”
With his hand inching closer and closer to warmth, I didn’t need more to understand. So I took the hand he had on my thigh and pulled two of his fingers free. Using my fingers, I pressed him to my folds. My panties were already wet and they were only getting wetter as I showed him what to do. He took over in a few shuddering breaths, placing a hand over my mouth instead so I didn’t get too loud. 
Sango was still in the shower for now but who knew when she’d get out and be able to hear us. 
He stopped but only so he could slip his hand inside my panties instead. A finger slipped and neared my entrance, but what was an accident caused me to whimper loudly and Inuyasha to explore. His finger slid inside me with ease and my body reacted, my hips twisting to get more. 
Maybe it was curiosity, seeing pairs of breasts earlier that day? Or that I was panting and mine were bouncing, but Inuyasha took his free hand to cup a breast and squeeze. It caused me to squeeze his finger with my walls. To which, Inuyasha growled again and slipped another finger inside me, gripping my breast tight. 
With all this attention, my nipples were standing at attention through my shirt. When Inuyasha started strumming it, my mind started spinning. I was pretty sure I was hopping on his fingers, wiggling against his touch. 
He stopped again, pulling his fingers out of me and his hand out of my underwear. This time, it was to rip them in half, my cloth panties now strips of nothing. He gently pushed my leg off of him to shift behind me, getting his pants down. Soon, he had his cock pressed against my ass with nothing between us. It was hot and large. I wanted to look at it but with him behind me, it was impossible. I didn’t need to, I could feel it’s length and girth. 
Inuyasha was huge.
My leg was back on his hip again and his fingers were in my folds, splitting them until he found my clit. The hard nob stood out and I jumped when he pinched it, telling him he had found what he was looking for. 
With his hands occupied, he had to put himself in without assistance. Lining himself up, he twisted his hips around then pushed. I could feel him, pressing my entrance but then slipping past it. I was wet and ready but he was big and struggled to go inside. 
So I reached down and held him in place. 
Every inch of him forced me to stretch around him, my body expanding to accommodate but doing so willingly. Once up to his hilt, I felt impossibly full. Now Inuyasha was the one whimpering, his husky sighs of want vibrated my ear and neck. With him still rubbing my clit, I was pulsing around him. It wasn’t going to take me long to come, not with his large cock and stroking fingers. I didn’t expect him to last long either, what with it his first time. 
He started moving and my entire insides fluttered. It was like being on a roller coaster, doing a loopty-loop. And I loved roller coasters. Inuyasha was giving me one hell of a ride, twisting his hips to move more. I pushed on the bed, backing up into him and holding myself still against his thrusts. I wasn’t going anywhere, his arms locked around me, a hand in my snatch and one on my breast. But I felt like I was falling so I held on tight. 
Wrapping his finger and thumb around it, Inuyasha rolled my clit around and hit my lovely spot inside at the same time. I was crying, begging him not to stop even though he hadn’t so much as hesitated. Coming hard and strong left me saying crazy things.
Heat was spreading through my bones and Inuyasha was still pumping more pleasure into me. The last of my orgasm squeezed all of me tight, my body tensing and Inuyasha moaned loudly in my ear. With us both still, I could feel him as he pumped into me, coming just as I finished like a good lover. 
We didn’t move, still wrapped up in each other and catching our breath. I don’t know how much time passed but I did notice that Inuyasha was still hard. Impossible to miss with him still inside me. “Was that�� good?” He had to ask? I couldn’t help but giggle at him and nod. Inuyasha squeezed me tighter and rubbed his lips along my neck again. “Can we… do it again?”
I wanted to. Dear god did I. But I needed a minute, pushing gently on him to get free. “Some water first, please?”
Turning to face him, I caught the brilliant glow of his eyes before he pressed a hard and fast kiss to my lips. He kissed me a few times, trying to start round two now. With a little pushing I got free of his lips, giggling when he continued to try. He gave up soon, getting to his feet and quickly fixing his pants. I could still see his hard on inside his sweats.
When I tried to get up, he gently pushed me back down. “I’ll get your water. You stay and keep your clothes on,” he said suddenly and I looked at him to question, “I want to be the one to take them off you.”
Even with us just having sex, I still blushed at his words. Inuyasha was gone a second when the door flew open again, Sango flying into my room. I caught the wild look of her hair and the towel she had wrapped around her and found myself once again confused. “Did you just get out of the shower??”
“Kagome, you have to help me. He won’t stop.”
I was stunned to my bed, not wearing much more than Sango, when Miroku stormed in. He wore a towel too, thankfully. Seeing him naked once was enough for me. 
He was grabbing Sango, trying to pull her into his arms and Sango was trying to turn him down. It looked like she didn’t know how to tell him no. I struggled to understand just what the problem was. “Miroku! Listen to Sango!!”
My stomach turned when he stopped and did as I ordered, gently holding Sango instead of pulling her to his mouth. “I need a break!”
“But… I want more…”
“So do I but I need to rest at least a little bit!!!” Sango screamed.
If they were talking about what I thought they were, they needed to do it elsewhere. I was still trying to calm my stomach as it was, getting off the bed to search out Inuyasha. He wanted me to wait for him here but I was pretty sure he didn’t know where the glasses were. 
I had to push the couple out of my way to get out only to glance back at them in confusion. Was I asleep or something? Or had I hit my head? Did Inuyasha and I not just make love? Or was all of it in my head starting from his care for me?
I was questioning everything but that’s what happens when you walk out to your soulmate kissing another woman, Inuyasha and Kikyo mid makeout while my heart cracked into a million pieces. 
No guarantees on another chapter today guys. I’m going to try but it’s not looking good already. Sorry!
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In My Own Write: Burma
Yes, I made a Beatles reference let me cope.
So, as you may know, Burma has been taken over by the military on the 1st of February 2021 and it got a really bad reception, to say the least. Seriously, I’m pretty sure that even Movie 43 was received better.
Anyroad, one of the ways to communicate said reception is to organise peaceful protests, which the fuckers (read: the police and the military) would always try to “disperse” in ways including but not limited to:
Using water cannons
Using tear gas
Using stun grenades
Using air guns
Using rubber bullets
Arbitrarily arresting peaceful protesters
Beating up said protesters
Arbitrarily arresting bystanders
Beating up said bystanders
Breaking into homes
Sending thugs out to create chaos
Shooting into the crowd
Shooting at bystanders
Shooting into homes
Shooting at hospitals
Using live ammunition
Taking headshots
Using snipers
Using machine guns
Using fighter jets
Fun times./s
Therefore, to hinder these fuckers, we have to think outside the box. We improvised barricades of all different sizes. We stuck photos of MAL on the ground because we found out that they daren’t step on his face. And last but not least, we hung up htameins (female longyi, the Burmese traditional skirt) because it’s considered bad luck for men to walk underneath a woman’s garment, especially if it’s supposed to be worn below the waist (i.e., it reduces their power or something, y’know). This introduced a very serious topic into the mainstream — the antiquated concept of hpone (glory/power) and the implicit, and sometimes explicit, misogyny inherent in our society. As such, many people are reexamining their belief systems and changing them when necessary.
This brings me to my next point — the role of ethnic minorities in Burma. We have over 135 ethnic groups here. Normally, that sort of diversity would be celebrated, right? Well, let me introduce you to a process called Burmanisation, where non-full-Burmans are forcibly assimilated into Burmese culture.
Take me, a Sino-Burman, as an example. I am registered as a full Burman to avoid discrimination. My family went to great lengths to ensure that I learn the Burmese language. I went to great lengths to avoid displaying any stereotypes associated with Sino-Burmans. I prevented myself from fully enjoying anything Chinese. Don’t get me wrong; I wasn’t trying to hide who I really am because I can easily tell people my race when asked, but I felt guilty whenever I immersed myself in Chinese culture. All that, just because of the simple fact that it is easier to be a Burman. And I came out relatively unscathed.
Because other ethnic minorities... they have it so much worse. The Rohingya genocide is the most notorious, but for decades, various ethnic minorities have been oppressed by the dominant Burman ethnicity, which makes up over two-thirds of the population in Burma. We have had to survive in a system rigged against us on all fronts. Standardised testing made it more difficult for ethnic minorities to do as well as ethnic Burmans due to language barriers. Non-Burman culture isn’t taught in schools. Ethnic languages aren’t taught in schools. Prominent non-Burmans were only featured if they had an effect on Burman history, and even then, they wouldn’t be covered as much as Burmans. Otherwise, the amount of non-Burman history in textbooks can be summed up as ‘zero, zip, zilch, nada’. This fosters ignorance of the significance and even the existence of other ethnic groups, thereby perpetuating a more subconscious form of racism, y’know; after all, you can’t make an effort to include something if you aren’t even aware of said thing. And more often than not, brute force is used by the military to oppress ethnic minorities, causing mass displacement and yielding countless casualties.
Let me give you a little history lesson. Back in the days of old, Burma was a powerful empire with various dynasties and racial and religious segregation was already a thing (tm). For instance, some kings banned Islamic ritual slaughter. But for some reason, nationalism wasn’t as widespread back then. Then, everything changed when the British attacked. Methinks it awakened some sort of dormant patriotism or something, y’know, because Burman nationalism was initially just directed against the British and those affiliated with the British (it included Indo-Burmans because Burmans believed that Indians migrated to Burma as a result of both India and Burma being British colonies). And then, the British government allied themselves with other ethnic minorities such as the Karen, Kachin, and Chin peoples, who converted to Christianity en masse. This led to a more ethnoreligious form of nationalism, where the dominant idea was not only to establish the dominance of the Burman ethnicity, but also to establish the dominance of Theravada Buddhism, which the majority of Burmans adhered to. As such, further disenfranchisement of ethnic minorities soon followed and now we have the longest-running civil war in history (*whispers* it’s still ongoing).
Then came General Ne Win’s coup and along with it came the Burmese Way to Socialism, a ridiculously isolationist, nationalist, and xenophobic ideology that aimed to whittle down foreign influence to nil. Fulbright? Goodbye. World Bank? No, thanks. Asia Foundation? Well, you get the idea. It actively pursued Burmanisation as a policy. It nationalised almost all industries in Burma, which had an adverse impact on other ethnic minorities like Anglo-, Sino-, and Indo-Burmans who had carved out comfortable niches in the economic sector up to that point. Then, there were the anti-Chinese riots in 1967 that led to expatriates and those of mixed background either fleeing Burma or using Burmese names and passing themselves off as Shan. And ever since then, Burmanisation has thrived both implicitly and explicitly in our society.
That’s not to say that there were no attempts to create a federal republic, because there were. The most famous of these attempts was the Panglong Agreement of 1947, where the idea of a Union of Burma was signed. But General Aung San, the leader of the Burmese interim government and one of the main proponents of the agreement, was assassinated before we achieved independence so there’s that. But even then, the plan wasn’t perfect; for instance, the Karen and Karenni (Kayah) weren’t represented and there was no consideration for the Mon, Rakhine, Pa-O, Palaung, and Wa peoples for various reasons (the Mon and Rakhine states were part of Ministerial Burma at the time, and the Pa-O, Palaung, and Wa were under the umbrella of Shan states).
But now I see lots of Buddhist Burmans realising how privileged they are and apologising to various ethnic minorities for not speaking up for them sooner. I see people reassessing their past behaviour and making amends if necessary. I see people pledging to do better and to fight for the rights of ethnic minorities as well. While there is still a few people who still claim that the general population are all oppressed (which is true to a certain extent because nobody apart from the military junta benefitted from the various coups), there are more who now recognise that the extent of said oppression varies based on ethnicity and religion — the former group is the exception, not the rule.
If there’s one silver lining in the coup, this is it. It has sparked dialogue about topics that were previously taught to be taboo. It has given marginalised communities a chance to have their voices heard. It has led to reassessments of beliefs inculcated in us by decades of religious segregation, class divisions, and racial barriers. This is a turning point in the history of the country, a time of unprecedented unity among people regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender identity, and sexual/romantic orientation. So, it seems as though the so-called Tatmadaw has succeeded in their apparent goal of national unity — they’ve united everyone against them.
In conclusion, we don’t want to go back to the status quo. We don’t want a return to ‘normalcy’. What we want is an inclusive federal democracy and equal rights for all.
Thank you all very much, you’ve got a lucky face.
The end.
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soranihimawari · 4 years
Iron Willed Royalty
Hot Cocoa & Coffee
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A short story of how Moniwa’s neighbor & Aone’s classmate/friend,Asagao becomes acquainted with the idea of being Date Tech’s co-manager.
Word Count: 2.3 k
Special thanks: @vbcshenaningansnwritings, @oitoorus
Inspired from @tkags’ manager!chan discussions//asks (:
Today was the mark of the first day of spring classes. I chose to wear my favorite mint coloured hoodie underneath my uniform sweater. It was the third of March and in the words of your best friend, that month comes in like a lion. That morning was a chilly one, luckily for you, your father was working from home and made you a cup of warm drinks. With the liquid poured into the thermos, your father waved good bye since you realized you were running a bit behind your own schedule.
Outside your house stood your walking partner since you both started high school together was seen glancing down at his phone. 
“What’s the story morning glory?” his way of speaking was always respectful. You were quick to brush off the allusion to your favorite flower by extending a cup to him. Your partner brought a chocolate chip cookie and biscotti for the morning walk to your mutual campus grounds.
“Honestly, what am I going to do with you after you graduate Moniwa?” I ask taking my cookie from his hands.
“Ask Aone to walk with you instead?” 
“You’re impossible. Wait, why don’t we all walk home together then,” I said, bopping my head along with my friend. After Moniwa, I did develop a sort of friendship with a gentle giant after being in the same classes for a majority of our first & second years at Date Tech. Just like how his teammates can tell his moods by the way he face constricts apart, I opted for an indirect approach. Aone and I developed our own short hand via sms messaging. He and I often hang out on days where Moniwa was preparing for university exams. Although Moniwa was captain for the club, I suspected perhaps Takanobu might have confided in him an interest in me (friend or not, yet I knew he was a kind-hearted individual).
“But you’re right. I’ll ask him later. Maybe Aone will convince Kenji too.”
“Hah, yeah. You’re my neighbor after all, so I expect you to be there cheering for us, because I know you love it when we win, my morning glory.”
“Call me your morning glory one more time and you owe me a team jacket with the Kanji for my name on it, Moni-kun.”
Moniwa took a bite of his biscotti and a swig of his beverage. I paused for a moment and thought he had considered it judging by the way he knitted his brows. 
“Asagao, would you like one?” his voice was playful. A mischievous grin happened to come across his lips. I feel his pout growing on me and Aone; I have an inkling having Moniwa around was going to be interesting regardless of how the rest of our high school career was going to proceed. Little did I know how different my second year was going to be. Moniwa was a year older than me and Aone, so I assumed naturally after he graduates, I will watch over our stone-faced friend.  
I slapped his arm before I nodded. We walked for a few more blocks snacking and reminiscing on the last game you came to watch them play. The Iron Wall of Date was proven to be a force to be reckoned with. It was enough for the members of the team to have the backing of their peers, including me. At the beginning of the volleyball season of my neighbor’s senior year and our (me & Aone’s) second year, Moniwa decided it was imperative his two closest friends get to know each other during a free day after classes concluded last autumn.
A sticky note appeared on my desk that day with an invitation to watch the volleyball club practice. The memory lives on at the back of my mind, but considering life went on around the club, someone had been ambushed (read as cornered you) to have notes the club missed due to away games e-mailed to the second years. 
“Moniwa. Don’t say things you don’t mean,” I said drinking the rest of my hot cocoa when we reached the intersection across our school grounds. “But I don’t mind whose jacket I wear, so long as I get a front row seat at the game venues, I’ll cheer for you and Aone.”
Lunch came around as quickly as the morning classes ceased for the rest of the day. The afternoon ones were just around the corner and my phone buzzed continuously since Moniwa was in another section of the school. Takanobu was in your adjoining classroom along with a few of the other second years being close by. 
Apparently, the rest of the team sans their captain and intimidating middle blocker, had an idea. A trap of sorts if you will. During this time of year, it was brought to their attention I didn’t do any club activities. Honestly, it was mainly because I was personally recruited by a few subject teachers to deliver the course work the team had missed during the season, unofficially of course. The trap that was aforementioned never really was used because I was completely oblivious to the boys’ outlook on my relationship with their captain (being my first friend) and in befriending Takanobu after we were praised for an English project in our first year.
The thought of them falling behind was not an option. In my head, I always fancied myself the brains behind their make up lessons post games. Moniwa wanted to know if I can draft up a tentative schedule for tutoring or study groups once the matchups were scheduled. It’s been quite some time since our school went all the way to the Spring Inter-High Tournament, but with being the school with number one blocking in our prefecture (ever present), I think the guys would appreciate seeing a friend in the crowds later on.
Around campus though, there was a flip side in me perpetually hanging out with the notable members of the volleyball club. Especially since there are times where I was recruited (along with various other girls) to be the deliverer of love notes. It does the soul good when I see their adoration and dedication (whether it was toward the girl or the game, Irma the principle of the matter) go noticed by other classes.
Their teammates, especially the first years, noticed how I were often spotted with Moniwa & Takanobu having a full conversation with both of them. First time anyone made any sort of comment between your friendship with the other two was when you walked into their closed practice (on their coach’s orders).
“Oi! Moniwa! There’s this girl outside the gym looking for you and Aone?” their junior setter’s jovial voice exclaimed. I definitely saw him around campus before as he was known for his bright and friendly demeanor to everyone on and off the court.
“Hey, is that anyway to talk to your senpai?” I raised my voice pushing through in the doorway with my backpack slung over my shoulder. Moniwa was quick to call for a break and thankfully coach agreed.
“What are you teaching your kouhai Moniwa? Hey Aone.” 
The silent, yet respectful giant and his captain gave me a smile when they both came closer toward my side of the court. We were making a rudimentary study plan that needed to be fine tuned as needed. I just needed a few ideas as how to best teach certain lessons that the team would be collectively missing when the official matches were going to be posted. Moniwa, as per usual, spearheaded the conversation with various ideas and I held up my left hand in the air to have him shut up for a few minutes as I fumbled through my bag fishing out a pen and my graphing paper (for engineering classes). The other members of the team gathered together after picking up their water bottles.
“OK,” I said brushing my bangs behind an ear with my right hand. Aone immediately turned his back toward me and knelt down so I didn’t have too hard a time trying to steady my handwriting (he was more like a pedestal at this point, which Moniwa pointed.) 
“Clearly, this is amusing you Moniwa, but as I was trying to make sure my friends pass this term so they can continue playing the sport they love.” 
This earned a decisive hum from Aone. I began scribbling a tentative schedule rotation for every member of the team categorized by years and give Aone a tap on the back to signal you were done borrowing his services.
“Alright, alright. I yield,” Moniwa said shaking his head. I hand my handwritten schedule to the captain who gave it a once over. “We can discuss this later after practice.”
“Fine by me,” I say with a nod. I fold my arms over my chest once Aone and Moniwa stood in front of me again.
“So, about that thing we discussed earlier on the way here,” Moniwa began. “What size is that hoodie you’re wearing?”
My mouth was agape in faux shock as Aone started blushing just as hard as Moniwa’s cheeks dyed a peachy hue. I pushed up the sleeves of my hoodie and made a fist with my left hand. I swore I would never hit the guy, but seeing Aone’s reaction to the question was enough punishment to quell my annoyance.
“Moniwa, for all that good and holy in the world, I will punch you one of these days. You’re lucky it’s not today.”
I chewed the side of my cheek before moving on to another topic. 
“Want me to wait for you guys? It is getting late after all and I have delayed your practice long enough.”
“Asagao, it’s been like ten minutes,” Moniwa reminded me. Aone’s eyes rolled to the clock adjacent to where we were standing. “But, sure. You don’t have to remind us twice.”
While all this was happening, Moniwa, Aone, and myself were unaware we were being observed by the other members of the team as a whole. Yes, we may have our own language within the fine tunes of our friendship, but I remember a time when both of them taught me it was ok to have a will of iron. It comes with the territory according to their coach and even their manager at the time too.
“Do you think she knows?” one of the outside hitters (Onogawa) asked, nudging their setter (Koganegawa) who greeted me at the door. 
“Even if she does, she has two hands Onogawa,” Koganegawa said in a friendly tone. He was implying that we did hold hands at one point during a school festival at one of the classroom presentation games (class 3-4 did a haunted house last year which is where the three of us hand-holding became a thing). “What do you think, Nametsu?”
Observing how the three of us were talking, it seemed like we were going to be inseperable as of right now. Graduation is a right of passage and it was one none of us wanted to talk about at the moment.
“We all know that those three are inseparable as ionic bonds, besides, look at how different the two members of our team are.The stoic blocker and his captain adore her, but they might be too proud to admit it just yet,” their manager said, efficiently making his appearance to collect their bottles. 
“You can tell in the way Moniwa teases her like family and Aone seems like the type to have formed a crush on her since they all started walking home together after practices last year,” Nametsu continued. “C’mon, there will be time to grill Moniwa later.”
“Let’s get back to work,” Coach Oiwake says with a strict clap. Then he made a gesture to call  me over to where he was sitting close by the court. We were a few feet away from the main huddle of the team. “Asagao. You stay.”
I was a bit caught off guard by the coach’s deliberate order. Jeez, coach-senshu was a bit scary.
“Moniwa and Futakuchi mentioned off hand you were free from any club activities during the season. I wonder why is that.” 
I shrugged and before I could explain, coach-senshu continued: “so I took the liberty of speaking with your year’s academic advisor and we agreed it’s about time we have a secondary manager.”
“I see,” I said, placing my hands at my side while observing the practice game commence. “Wait a sec. Are you asking me to--?”
“Might help make Nametsu’s job a little easier,” he rarely chuckles at the mistakes his team makes, but he did let out a low rumble. “Date Tech’s co-manager has a nice ring to it, don’t it?”
“I’m flattered,” I muse while I observe the game in motion. 
A ball came whirring down close to the boundary after a good rally on both sides of the net and the call was a close one. In an official match it would even be a close call, meaning the point would have been given to the team who did not touch the ball last. I had a basic knowledge of the game given the company I keep, yet a brotherly fight was going to occur if no one kept a keen eye. I dropped my bag by the chair meant for our coach to sit in before I rolled up my other sleeve of my hoodie to observe.
“You deserve to be standing there with them too,” Coach Oiwake said and I couldn’t argue with that at all, so I nodded as a response to his proposition. “Good. Welcome to the club. We’ll get your measurements from the records department later.”
“Futakuchi, how many times have we told you to watch where you’re hitting those spikes of yours!” Nametsu exclaims, anger seeping through the last few words. He was watching from the side of the net by the score card. I picked up one of the balls that had rolled away close by where I was having that chat with their coach and gave it a good bounce or two before throwing it into a near by bin. Moniwa and Aone quietly backed away when I approached their outside hitter.
“You hit your cross spike that close to the line again Kenji and see what happens,” I said firmly. He froze in slight terror. I never was one to dish out harsh scoldings, but this one was worth it. At the sound of my voice, the argument that would of began immediately ceased. 
“And,” I turn to where Obara was standing, “you should of at least tried to return it too, Obara.”
“Sorry, Asagao…” there was a pout there, but in all honesty, Kenji really did look defeated, however Moniwa and others snickered. Personally, I think it was because Kenji would have gotten an extra scolding or two by his captain or manager if I didn’t say anything.
“Manager-san,” I corrected him, a smug smile spread across the entirety of my countenance. At this, Moniwa and Aone both seemed at peace with this development, before breaking out in a triumphant chest bump.
“Ow~Give me a moment Aone, I’m fine,” Moniwa says rubbing his chest cavity. 
“I-I beg your pardon?” Nametsu says in a nervous manner. “Am I being replaced?”
“Nope,” Coach Oiwake clasps his hands together to dispel any other form of chatter amongst his team. “Quite the opposite really. Asagao just accepted the position to be our co-manager about three minutes ago.”
Nametsu breathed a sigh of relief while the rest of the roster flipped out and gave me a round of congratulatory praises. 
“‘Bout time,” Moniwa said. “Right Aone?” 
“Yes.” Aone smiled and Moniwa nearly fainted. 
“I think you broke Moniwa,” I stifled a laugh. I took the opportunity to seize both of my friends’ hands in earnest with an unyielding grip to which they both let out a nervous chortle. (My hands were interlocked with theirs). “Will you allow me to stay within the Iron Wall?”
Afternoon practice for the team commenced shortly thereafter. 
“God bless the Queen,” Coach Oiwake said to himself. It was going to be an interesting season after all.
4 notes · View notes
hpoelzig · 4 years
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Director Michael Dougherty amply demonstrates his credentials as a Godzilla fan in bringing to the screen a film that lovingly references myriad aspects of the various Toho series since 1954. This lavish and detailed homage to the legacy of Godzilla is full of nods that aficionados will find delicious and our favorite daikaiju have never looked more conscious and gloriously alive. It is crafted in an American summer blockbuster style in its breathless pacing so that one has to be quite sharp to spot all the goodies he’s woven into this third episode of Legendary’s MONSTERVERSE. While Gareth Edwards’ 2014 GODZILLA employed a Spielbergian touch, Dougherty offers the most Toho-esque installment so far in this franchise. 
Essence of Toho
In my review of the 2014 Edwards film, I had speculated that a MONARCH-centered approach would be best going forward, and indeed that has been the case with both KONG: SKULL ISLAND and this film. Dougherty has taken that Toho Showa series’ leap into “super science,” with defensive masers, secret bases around the globe enveloping recumbent daikaiju, and the ORCA device, meant to communicate with the Titans. This approach, sort of sci-fantasy, enlarges the sandbox in which he can play and recalls what has been part of so many prior Godzilla outings. MONARCH’s Argo, an immense flying wing, seems to echo the various “Super X” vehicles from the Heisei series, the Marvel Comics S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier Behemoth from their Godzilla: King of the Monsters series, as well as being a nod to both the flying wing from George Pal’s THE WAR OF THE WORLDS (the Northrop YB-49) and to the name of the ship from JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS, so well depicted by Ray Harryhausen. One particular delight for me was the Osprey’s arrival at the Castle Bravo facility, recalling the opening of DESTROY ALL MONSTERS, where a helicopter descended into a similar circular vertical tunnel to reach the hidden base on Monster Island. And, as Toho had done with its production design, these MONARCH scientific/military installations are full of gigantic screens surrounded by flashing lights from which “officially concerned” humans can monitor the global monster action at a safe distance.
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Eggleton’s Impact
I was impressed by the painterly cinematography in this most Eggletonian-looking of Godzilla films—I actually expected to see Bob acknowledged in the credits as his visual style so permeates many scenes. Fans of his paintings cannot miss how much of the imagery is flavored by this extraordinary artist’s numerous works. That impressionistic sensibility Edwards had captured in the HALO descent to San Francisco scene infuses much of this movie. And his method for viewing the Titans from human perspectives to make their scale apparent was also deliberately maintained by Dougherty. Despite so much care having been lavished on the sweeping imagery, these sumptuous frames fly by in fractions of a second, which has sadly become the standard action film approach to editing and pacing. That for me is a disservice to those who clearly worked diligently to craft impressive and iconic visuals—such splendor should not be snatched away so swiftly from our hungry eyes. Lingering just a bit longer on some of these fantastic moments would have been so much more satisfying. When King Ghidorah seizes Rodan’s volcanic aerie and regenerates his missing head in a very bizarre, placental manner, his dominance over a foreground cross suggests his demonic power, much as FANTASIA’s Chernabog perched atop Mount Triglav—a gorgeous and potent symbol. He then sends out a call to rouse the world’s Titans to do his bidding as their “usurper king.” That pivotal moment passes far too quickly. Would that the two flanking heads have paused and then looked to the central dominant head, who would return their gazes, then look skyward and begin voicing “the call.” Then the other two would join-in, very deliberately, with some unearthly new sound reaching out to be that irresistible global conscription summons. That could have kicked the scene up significantly. The triple voiced sound used in the film was less of a command, rather a sort of keening, which quietly lingered in the following scenes of the other Titans awakening. For my tastes it should have had more of a dramatic emphasis—and have been audibly unique to the moment. Even somehow having King Ghidorah take note of his new troops as they each arise and perhaps respond audibly to his summons would have made his dominance much clearer and more exciting—perhaps cutting back to him as his heads express a knowledge of each new disciple’s activation?
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Daikaiju Design
The designs of the quartet of classic Toho stars move to the top of my favorites, as each are detailed, expressive, and dynamic. Tweaking Godzilla’s look to enlarge his dorsal plates and having them flicker even when not powering up for a blast of nuclear plasma works well—he crackles with latent energy. While the 2014 look is an excellent, naturalistic one, changing the primary row of dorsal plates to repeat the 1954 design and then bumping up the secondary rows to Heisei-styled size makes him more in line with earlier Gozilla incarnations. I’d still like him to sport a proper tertiary row of plates that are clearly defined, which has been a common aspect of many incarnations of the King of the Monsters. Taking those sauropod-esque feet and enlarging the claws for more of a predatory aspect looks fearsome, and I like the shortening of the whip tail of the 2014 version to be more like the standard Godzilla profile. And having a new climactic revival of “Burning Godzilla” was a fine choice, reigniting that concept from GODZILLA VS. DESTOROYAH. King Ghidorah is masterfully realized, a proud successor to DRAGONSLAYER’s Vermithrax Pejorative, who can fly, stride or wing-walk with sinuous beauty. That aspects of his wings echo a William Blake image of the Red Dragon really makes for such resonance. The three heads being somewhat independent with unique personalities was also a superb concept. Ghidorah’s condescending curiosity regarding those nasty, puny humans he was seeing for the first time—even to licking their corpses to explore them—brought forth his diabolically sinister consciousness. His gravity beams and the neck-glow charge-up are splendid. Mothra in her bioluminescent glory is stunningly conceived, from impressively carapaced larva to majestic moth-mantis-wasp imago—magnificent, mysterious, and with a feminine puissance. Rodan as the fantasy firebird, a magma-veined pterosaur, fiendishly skeksis-esque in angry avian awareness, has such presence. Bowing like a courtier to both the usurper and finally to the true king, he exhibits a calculating, conscious persona. His thrilling barrel-roll to take out the pursuing jets was about the most spectacular image we’ve seen of him, ever.
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As Toho had done in SHIN GOJIRA, Godzilla’s roars from the various series were employed, as well as his roars from the 2014 film. I was hoping for more of the very deep vocalizations from the 1954 original. Mothra sounded as she always has, with plaintive chirrups and screes. The cries for both Rodan and King Ghidorah were not the originals, and were for me a bit more “generic giant monster” voices. I would have loved to hear new recreations of those readily recognizable Rodan yawps and cackles, and much more forward versions of KG’s triple toned “bidi-bidi-bidi” voice—rather than the faint references buried in the raucous sound design. I rather expected more original Toho monster sounds than were used for both of them, since Daugherty was employing past iconic sounds for both Godzilla and Mothra and seemed to be teasing that during the film’s production. 
A Grim Setting
While there is some humor—not all of it apt— intended to break tension, the plot of this film builds upon the global revelation to the people of Earth that past super species were essentially their “gods,” knocking present day humans down a few notches on the dominance pyramid. The context is alarm and terror, though the MONSTERVERSE also offers awe and wonder as viewed through some of those studying the returning Titans. Serizawa remarks in a senate hearing that humanity should be viewed as Godzilla’s “pets”—and he means it. He respects “all forms of life” and sees our world as one that must have a balance which is inclusive of its natural organisms, regardless of where we might end up in Nature’s organic tapestry. Over the course of the film, much is learned about the fascinating past history of human societies who lived in harmony with the Titans. Toho implied some of this in their films—Mothra was regularly portrayed as an eternal goddess for the islanders she protected—but here it is made quite explicit and detailed. Godzilla’s temple lair in submerged Atlantis, with gigantic friezes and sculptures honoring him, is surely an enrichment of this ongoing saga. There is a dark side to this scenario wherein some see humans as being abusive to their world and thus in need of being forcibly “tamed,” and then there is the collective might of the military who want to subjugate these creatures and restore man’s preeminence—behavior that began in the original GOJIRA and sustained throughout most of the films. 
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Dr. Emma Russell is an oddly polarized primary character. To begin, she seems a concerned mother who has rescued her daughter Madison from her husband’s descent into alcoholism, which had been incited by the death of their son Andrew during Godzilla’s San Francisco battle with the Muto’s. An aside: That plot aspect is reminiscent of a similar character motivation in the third of Kaneko’s Gamera trilogy, wherein a young girl’s commitment to invoking the destructive daikaiju Iris is sealed by her parents’ collateral death during a monster rampage in the first film where Gamera, an Earth defender, destroys his adversary Gyaos. That Emma is no “mother of the year” is quickly exposed when Allan Jonah’s eco-terrorists arrive to snatch she and her daughter (and her Titan controlling ORCA device) after they execute the innocent MONARCH crew studying Titanus Mosura. Emma has indoctrinated her daughter to comply with her pursuit of shattering mankind’s toxic presence by releasing the Titans as “antibodies” to the virus that is human kind. And Emma is in cahoots with these extremists, her obsession being the first cause setting in motion the slaughter of her MONARCH colleagues in China, Antarctica, and Mexico as well as the other locations wherein the Titans are roused to destroy their containment facilities. And countless others then perish around the globe as the revived Titans rage. The script makes her somewhat sympathetic as a mother—she is shown to love and be concerned with her daughter and mournful of her son—but one could not give her a pass for the oceans of blood on her hands. Nor should she be forgiven for making Madison a victim of Stockholm syndrome. Madison, comprehending the grievous practices kindled by her mother’s theories, does awaken to reject Emma’s deeds and then she strives at great risk to use the ORCA to solve the global catastrophe wrought by both Emma and Jonah’s fanaticism. There is a cut scene in the video release of Madison training with the eco-terrorists which would have underlined her submission to her situation—I would have included that for the parallel with Patty Hearst it presents. Madison ultimately is heroic, and her father Mark renews himself by stepping-up to guide MONARCH’s efforts to understand and control the Titans. He provides some crucial insights based on his knowledge of animal hierarchy and behavior. Ultimately, Emma seeks atonement through her sacrifice, which brings some justice to her character’s story, while Mark and Madison are reunited in a world reeling from cataclysmic destruction. A rather “heavy” arc to this family’s journey, and properly symbolic in dealing with present social concerns. I think that it seemed to be missed by many viewers who were more concerned with the pyrotechnics of the battling Titans, but for me it is a properly grounded human story which offers a grave context to the monster spectacles.
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Homages A Plenty
There are so very many references in this film, both visually and via dialogue—“Easter eggs” abound! I’ll touch upon a very few, leaving exhaustingly listing them to other obsessive fans. I enjoyed the numbered MONARCH outposts having significance—the release year of the film in which the Toho daikaiju there contained was a delight and also the fun nod to THE THING in the Antarctica outpost numerical designation. Modernizing the Shobijin by having Doctors Chen and Ling, and generations of twins in their family, as “priestesses” of Mothra is an excellent touch. The new Titans are gleeful references to mythology and cryptozoology, demonstrating that many cultures have embraced daikaiju throughout history. Intriguing archaeological mysteries are touched upon such as 12,000 year old Göbekli Tepe, hinting at past humans dealings with Titans. Even an article in the jam-packed end titles is authored by Steve Martin, the character played by Raymond Burr in the American version of the 1954 film which was first to be titled GODZILLA, KING OF THE MONSTERS. 
MONARCH’s mission critical submarine is named USS Scorpion, after an American nuclear submarine which was lost under mysterious circumstances, and it has a Captain Crane, like The Seaview in VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. Its conning tower likewise has Seaview-esque planes and shape. The skeleton of Anguirus has a cameo, briefly glimpsed outside of Godzilla’s temple lair, and if only we’d gotten a better look at more of the Atlantean art paying homage to Godzilla—there seem to be monumental figures with Godzilla heads atop humanoid bodies holding some sort of ceremonial weapons which Serizawa passes on his way to revive his “old friend.” A sculpture of Pazuzu is glimpsed atop a step pyramid in that lost city—such artifacts all sadly obliterated to revive Godzilla. Some more time to drink in this elaborately detailed majestic setting would have been appreciated.
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Several key plot events here are reshufflings from past Godzilla films. The concept of one daikaiju sacrificing itself to revive another was pivotal in GODZILLA VS. MECHAGODZILLA 2. There, Godzilla is tortured to near death by electrodes from Mechagodzilla which pierced his body and fried his secondary enlarged ganglial areas. Fire Rodan, nearly expired from his conflict with Mechagodzilla, as a dying act drapes himself atop the fallen Godzilla, evaporating into a sparkling mist and then both healing and resurrecting Godzilla, who now has an even more powerful, red-tinged plasma beam. In GMK, Godzilla is the “heel” who fights the more positive trio of Baragon, Mothra and King Ghidorah. Godzilla seemingly kills King Ghidorah, so Mothra makes a direct, suicidal flight at Godzilla who evaporates her with his plasma breath—shared imagery with Daugherty’s film, though here King Ghidorah and Godzilla have reversed roles. In Kaneko’s film, Mothra’s energy descends upon King Ghidorah in a sparkling cloud, reviving him and enhancing his wings and gravity beams for the final combat with Godzilla. That Godzilla thrives on exposure to radiation has long been part of the basic lore of many of the films, and his revival and enhancement through extreme exposure was no surprise as being primary to the MONSTERVERSE’s mythology. And the scene wherein King Ghidorah “powers-up” via biting electrical cables in the Boston battle reminds me of Kong being electrically revived in the original KING KONG VS. GODZILLA. Godzilla’s expression as King Ghidorah takes that bite, and then the massive arcs of electricity that spread out from his wings to clear the attacking human’s jets are both such memorable moments—which could have been given just a bit more time to accommodate earned “oohs and aahs.” 
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The novelization of GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS goes into detail about some of the Titans only glimpsed or simply listed in the film, and one hopes they’ll emerge in the next or further MONSTERVERSE installments—if any. There is a beautiful, brief passage in the book which is told from Godzilla’s point of view. We see through his eyes his responsibility as the lord and protector of this world—the globe is his domain and he is aware of the entire planet, sensing time passing through the shifts in Earth’s tectonic plates. He is aware of the much younger Kong, but unconcerned as Kong is only responsible for Skull Island. We know Kong is the last of his kind, and Godzilla also seems to be as well, though in the comic prequel to this film the story of the Godzilla-esque skeleton infested with the two Muto spores was explained as being Dagon—perhaps his elder “cousin”? The Muto which killed him was vanquished by Godzilla between the 2014 and 2019 films in that comic, which also serves to explain the change in his dorsal plates, which Dougherty has said are continually growing, like antlers. It would be a delight if the Kraken, snoozing as it embraces a sunken nuclear submarine, and Mokele-Mbembe, designed according to the legends as part serpent and elephant, had scenes in the films to come. If Godzilla at some point must sacrifice himself to save the world, discovering another younger member of his species in the Hollow Earth regions would not be surprising and would also embrace that “son of Godzilla” concept used in Toho’s series. The sunken Atlantis being part of the subterranean world evokes Verne’s JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, and of course the 1959 film adaptation concludes with a gigantic lizard menacing the remains of the Lindenbrook party in its ruins. Perhaps there are other humans (humanoids) “down below” as well, in fascinating antediluvian cities, much as Toho posited with the Seatopians, or even like the subterranean Sumerians from THE MOLE PEOPLE? Possibilities abound!
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The Score
We’ve been quite fortunate that the scores for Hollywood Godzilla films have been powerful, thematic, and thoughtfully composed works wrought by talented composers. Both Arnold and Desplat crafted magnificent music that expressively carried the action. McCreary’s is the first MONSTERVERSE score to incorporate iconic themes for both Godzilla and Mothra from the Toho scores, and these quotations were well-timed and heightened the drama. Additionally, his new themes are both strong and memorable. The thematic material for King Ghidorah constantly iterates the number three, and the general rising melodic line is even kin to that of Holst’s “Mars, The Bringer of War” from THE PLANETS. The chanting monks’ voices offer a mysterious sense of religious awe to support the diabolical “destroyer of worlds.” Rodan’s theme features whooping horns, as if to echo the “Samurai of the Skies” cries. Even the film’s opening quiet theme has that “Go-Ji-Ra” rhythm that was used in both the 1998 and 2014 films to craft memorable new musical signatures for the King of the Monsters. Most touching was the gorgeous choral music accompanying Serizawa’s Spock-esque sacrifice—which even visually rhymed the descent of the mini-sub with the photon torpedo casket sequence from THE WRATH OF KHAN. The MONSTERVERSE’s Serizawa is essentially a transmogrified Dr. Yamane from the 1954 GOJIRA, a man who studies and appreciates Godzilla as a living being. By having him sacrifice himself not to destroy Earth’s dominant Titan, but to revive him with a nuclear weapon and thus save humanity, works as a pragmatic inverse linking him to the original Dr. Seizawa, the self-immolating physicist who conceived of far too deadly a weapon in the Oxygen Destroyer. McCreary’s “requiem” suited that sequence to perfection. When Godzilla rises again and blasts forth his plasma beam into the sky, the Ifukube-based accompaniment was deeply moving, and the moment Godzilla looked to his human saviors was delightful. He seems to acknowledge their role, much as that of the people from a past civilization who had idolized him, and the soundtrack even has a fleeting phrase of Ifukube’s Godzilla theme much as it was scored for high woodwinds in the requiem from GODZILLA VS. DESTOROYAH—a very brief and subtle nod. McCreary’s triumphant symphonic apotheosis of his own opening Go-ji-ra theme over that concluding acknowledgment of the Earth’s true monarch brought me chills. Being followed immediately by McCreary’s magnificently over-the-top arrangement of B.O.C.’s song “Godzilla” to commence the end titles was fan service of the highest order. Its refrain, “History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man!” is of course the underlying theme of the Legendary MONSTERVERSE. “Bravo!” Maestro McCreary!
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Could Be Bettered
Some minor cavils. I prefer to hear the word Ghidorah pronounced in the more euphonious Japanese manner, with the three syllables (ghi-do-rah) given equal emphasis and the first one slightly higher in pitch. One can hear it when watching Toho’s original Japanese prints with English subtitles. Americans emphasize the second syllable (Ghi-DOR-ah), and thus the middle one sounds like the English word door, while the Japanese put the R on the third syllable. I’d have dropped that weak gonorrhea joke, and the “very long fortune cookie” line was a tad clumsy, and a bit out of place for the dignified Serizawa. In this film he seems to take a bit of a back seat to Dr. Mark Russell, once he’s on the scene, which is a bit of a disservice to his character for me. And that his sidekick Dr. Graham is so quickly dispatched by King Ghidorah during his emergence seemed a bit too casual—her character was a fine one, and I’d have enjoyed more from her going forward.
The film brings back the Oxygen Destroyer, a wonderful nod to the original, and they hint at it being tested in the news crawl Madison and Emma have on in the background in their opening domestic scene at the China base. The news commentator’s reporting of “mass die-offs” must be from the military testing it. Rather than having it come as a surprise announcement when the incoming missile is announced by Admiral Stenz, I think that viewers should have been clued-in earlier, and rather easily. The audience primarily sees things from the point of view of the MONARCH characters. But if we go to that senate hearing scene, from which the MONARCH crew departs having been alerted to the eco-terrorist attack on their Mothra temple base—despite being warned that there will be consequences, that scene could have briefly continued. Admiral Stenz would reveal to the committee, once Serizawa and crew have departed, that the military now has a prototype weapon that they think could be used to exterminate the Titans. We’d cut from the blurred footage of the Mutos on the monitor to a graphic of the Oxygen Destroyer (what we saw later when Stenz alerts the Argo team), while Stenz declares this is their tested proposal for conquering the Titans. If one wanted to flesh it out, then perhaps running some brief footage of it killing fish or other forms of life with some dark accompanying music would be a strong punctuation. But even that wouldn’t be required, just that graphic and a Stenz voiceover would have done the trick. So, rather than ending on a weak joke about blurred Titan genitals, we’d have the Oxygen Destroyer’s revelation as added tension for its eventual use.
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With such wonderfully detailed renditions of the Titans, particularly the four Toho guest stars, I think they went a bit too far in trying to fit them into their environments by surrounding them with clouds, mists, and fog. This gives the Titan scenes an overall soft and painterly feel, and I can enjoy that aesthetic choice, but seeing the creatures that were so very carefully designed, and whose movements are crafted in such a convincing manner, being obscured far too often I think was an error. Dialing that back somewhat would have been a wiser choice—show us what you’ve got! Particularly in the expert choreography of the battling Titans—which in some scenes appears to have been inspired by Matt Frank’s compositional style—being able to see how the tussles and tumbles progress with greater clarity would have enhanced the viewing experience.
Wishful Thinking
I would hope that there might eventually be a “director’s cut” in some future boxed-set home video release of the MONSTERVERSE films that would relax the pace of this film somewhat—taking time to linger on the beautifully crafted images so that we won’t have to freeze-frame to savor the glories on screen. And the storyboarded but unfilmed mid-credit scene of another Mothra egg being sung to by twin young girls in another hidden temple space beneath a modern city should be added-in or at least exist as part of the extras—possibly an animated version? If the box office returns from the next installment don’t justify further live action films, it would be fun to have a MONARCH-centered animated series exploring the numerous Titans and how humanity must deal with them. The cartoon series that followed the 1998 Emmerich GODZILLA film was quite an improvement over its progenitor, so I suspect something similar could happen with this franchise going forward once live action films are no longer produced.
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The Coming Conflict
Daugherty has reportedly had some plot input towards Wingard’s upcoming GODZILLA VS. KONG, and so the end titles give us glimpses into what might be to come via various briefly shown illustrated articles. One explains that the newly emerged Titans were being drawn to Skull Island, so one has to wonder if that locale could at the conclusion become the “Monster Island” of the MONSTERVERSE? That it is a gateway to the Hollow Earth is an exciting prospect, for more mysteries abound there. Already the rumor that the APEX corporation, which funded Colonel Alan Jonah’s eco-terrorists, is now behind the construction of Mechagodzilla (the toys of this character have been leaked already), who will have an ORCA variant built-in to lure Titans to the slaughter. 
King Ghidorah can regenerate in an unearthly manner and the director has mentioned in interviews that his consciousness is spread through his body. Daugherty has said that whatever might have fed on the carcass head could perhaps become some sort of mutating “legion,” perpetuating King Ghidorah, from flies to any sea creatures that took a nibble, if the series goes on. The rumor mill suggests that materials from the brain of this dead head have been used to create a bio-tech controller to enhance Mechagodzilla. Now that we’ve gone to a Showa series sensibility, the film makers have a great deal of latitude for referencing some of the more fantastic concepts from earlier films. With the biggest blockbusters today being super hero fantasies, one need not try to pretend that MONSTERVERSE films are bounded by the laws of our Universe. The relatively more “realist” approach of Edwards’ 2014 GODZILLA has been evolved into a broadly fantastic approach, which reflects much of what Toho had done in all of its series.
Fan Reactions
It seems some Godzilla fans on message boards are now turning on Dougherty’s epic—everyone seems to want each new film to be their vision of the perfect Godzilla film and then disappointment sets in when it isn’t. Yet so many of the films throughout the ongoing saga of Godzilla have been silly, cheesy, daffy, and sometimes just dopey—yet many of we aficionados embrace them all for their charms, after all, we get to see more of Godzilla and his fellow daikaiju. They appeal to quite a wide range of viewers of all ages, and as one ages, different films might head a favorites list based on one’s evolving tastes. Better that more Godzilla tales are wrought and released, regardless of whatever flaws we might find. In GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS the incarnations of our old favorites and some intriguing new Titans are truly extraordinary, brought to vivid life with contemporary effects capabilities. Never before have these sorts of films been graced with such mammoth budgets and been seen by such large audiences around the globe—a golden age for Godzilla is upon us.
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Huzzah Daugherty!
Despite its flaws, I find so much to love in this film, particularly that final scene. After Godzilla has vaporized his age-old rival and literally “smoked” his final head, the Titans summoned by Madison’s activation of the ORCA in Fenway Park arrive. Godzilla, battered and weary from his strivings has exhausted the energy gifted to him through his ally Mothra’s sacrifice—like Heracles after his many labors. This unbowed victor is at last confronted by the other awakened super-species. It looks like a further battle could ensue, as Rodan swoops down at last. But, that canny firebird knows his place and thus submits to the true king, with a nod and almost a courtsey-like gesture of his cape-like wings. The other Titans then “bend the knee” and Godzilla bellows his triumphant “skreeonk” as McCreary’s music superbly supports this coronation scene. I felt such a powerful frisson at that moment and do with each repeat viewing. The Titans demonstrate their consciousness, intelligence, and their sense of natural hierarchy in what is one of my favorite conclusions in the entire canon of Godzilla films.
So, I salute Daugherty and all the others involved in what for me is a grand outing for all of the Titans and a very fine addition to the roster of Godzilla’s adventures. I’ve watched it many times since I saw that first Thursday night preview screening, and I continue to enjoy it immensely. Like all of the earlier films, I don’t dwell on what I see as flaws, but I celebrate the unique wonders that have been wrought, and these abound in this Toho-redolent GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS. 
The bar has been raised. Batter-up, Adam Wingard—let the MONSTERVERSE continue!
—Peter H. Gilmore
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sleepy-giggles · 5 years
The Impostor (a continuation of Ch. 26 from FT 100 Years Quest)
OHMYGOSH GUYS, I’ve been so excited after the latest chapter that I literally couldn’t sleep until I wrote my little version of what’s going to happen next!! I know we’re unlikely to get another gruvia-dense chapter after the GLORY that was Chapter 26, but I still have a full week until the next chapter comes out to dream ok? *o* 
Click here to read on FanFiction.Net!
Lucy and Wendy shuddered as the icy waves of doom and darkness emanated from their friend's body. The poor girls who sat on either side of him could only shiver silently, unable to escape the sub-zero temperature that extended within a 3-feet radius from Gray. Neither had the courage to say anything; they could tell that it wasn't a good time.
Erza, as well as Happy, were soundly asleep against a boulder furthest to his right. Luckily, having taken Erkis' place in the play earlier had tired Erza out completely, or else she would've smashed his skull open for being so careless with his magic.
The ice mage's right leg shook restlessly as he stared intently at the bluenette who sat directly across from him. They were separated by a campfire that unfortunately illuminated the unsightly scene in front of him all too well.
Yes, unsightly was the right word.
To say that he was in a sour mood right now would be an understatement.
"U-um," Wendy said meekly, barely above a whisper. "A-are you okay, Gray-san?"
He didn't hear her. It was safe to say that at that moment, he only had eyes and ears for one person, or rather two, to be accurate.
The neglected chicken wing he happened to be holding on a skewer engulfed into flames, but even then, his eyes never left Juvia's smiling face as she listened adoringly to Natsu's exaggerated retelling of how they defeated the Water God Dragon.
What. The. Fuck.
The scorched skewer in his hand snapped in half. He didn't know if he was overreacting because he hadn't seen her in a while and was simply more sensitive than usual, or if there really was something fishy going on.
Ever since Juvia showed up out of nowhere on their train, she hadn't been acting like herself. First of all, she didn't pounce on him immediately after she found them. This part wasn't all that strange since even Juvia had her calm days. But after explaining to the team why she was there —apparently, she had taken up a solo mission close by because she just couldn't bear to be away from her Gray-sama another second— she then had the audacity to sit down next to stupid Natsu. Without so much as hugging the ice mage.
Ok fine, he'll admit that to outsiders, her behavior didn't seem out of place at all. Perhaps to the rest of Team Natsu, it just looked like Juvia was holding back more than usual and keeping her feelings in check. But they didn't know her, Gray did. The two of them had been separated for an insane amount of time. She surely would've missed him just as much as he missed her, if not more. But to his utter disappointment, other than a few polite acknowledgments and gentle smiles his way, Juvia had, for the most part, ignored him.
And now, as they're settling in for the night, the water mage had once again plopped herself down beside flame-brain. Even when there was a huge vacant spot next to Gray, which he had purposely kept free just for her.
Juvina-sama's words echoed in his mind.
"Don't think she will wait for you forever, lover boy!"
He shook his head to get rid of any unnecessary thoughts. No, there was no way she moved on already. They had been through too much; they literally died for each other. And besides, even if Juvia finally got tired of waiting for him, it was ridiculous that she would choose the pink-haired idiot over him, of all people.
And yet…
"Wow, Natsu-san is so powerful!" Juvia giggled. "The Water God Dragon didn't stand a chance, huh?"
The dragon slayer let out a boisterous laugh, his head doubling in size at the compliment.
It took Gray everything he had to not plant his foot in Natsu's face right then and there.
He glanced over at Lucy, who had been sitting quietly at his left. The celestial mage's eyes were also glued to the unlikely pair across the campfire.
Shit, even Lucy looked worried. And this made him worried because if anyone was an expert at reading these types of situations, it was her.
The blonde emerged from her thoughts when she felt like she was being watched.
"So you noticed too, huh?" Lucy gave a forced smile and tried to sound cheery. "I didn't know they got along so well!"
Gray said nothing.
An elbow nudged him in the chest. "Don't tell me you're jealous?" Lucy winked at him.
He scowled and looked away, knowing that a blush was making its way to his face. "Shut it."
"Oh? You're not even going to deny it?" Lucy laughed and this time, it was genuine. "You've come a long way, Gray Fullbuster."
Gray grunted but smiled back. "Stop, you're starting to sound like Juvina-sama."
His friend, now more relaxed, looked back towards Natsu and Juvia happily chatting away. "Alright, since you're having such a hard time, I'll be generous and help you out before you freeze us all to death."
Wendy and Charle, who were currently cuddling close to the fire after Gray had unknowingly unleashed his cold wrath, turned to Lucy and gave her their best look of gratitude despite shivering.
"Um, Juvia!" the blonde called out. "You and Gray haven't seen each other for a while, I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do. Why don't we switch spots? Natsu here doesn't know when to shut up once you get him started on dragons."
"Hey I don't talk that much!"
The bluenette looked startled for a second as if realizing something. "Ah yes, Juvia indeed has missed Gray-sama so much!" She turned to face the ice mage and gave him her best, loving smile. "Juvia can't wait to hear all the stories Gray-sama has to share, later."
Gray's heart fell. Lucy, Wendy, and Charle looked on with shock. Heck, even Natsu's jaw dropped slightly at her response.
Without sparing him another glance, the water mage turned back to the dragon slayer. "Please continue, Natsu-san. You left off at a most exciting part!"
Natsu let out a nervous laugh and reluctantly continued. In turn, Juvia shifted closer to him until her bare knees pressed snuggly against the clueless man's thigh.
Very. Snuggly.
The campfire froze.
Everyone turned their attention to Gray.
"Hey ice princess, what's your deal?!" Natsu immediately blew a mouthful of fire at the block of ice, restoring the heat a little.
Lucy peered up at her friend cautiously, but couldn't see his eyes as they were hidden under his bangs.
She noticed his tightened fists shaking and digging into his thigh, and placed a comforting hand over his white knuckles.
The girl jumped when the ice mage suddenly grabbed her wrist instead and tugged her closer.
"Sorry, Lucy," Gray said under his breath. Confused, she followed his line of sight until her eyes landed on the bluenette. The dots quickly connected as she realized his plan.
So Gray was going to test Juvia's reaction. Lucy relaxed slightly and tried to play along. By now, Juvia's love rival senses would've been tingling and any minute now, she'd probably fly across the fire to put herself between them.
However, to their surprise, the water mage didn't even notice the fact that they were holding hands. She couldn't have, because she never once looked their way.
Lucy was thoroughly freaked out at this point. And Gray was getting desperate.
In one swift motion, and a little more aggressively than he had intended, Gray threw his arm around Lucy's shoulder and slammed her body into his. This earned a loud squeak from the celestial mage. Wendy's face turned red, and finally, Natsu and Juvia paused their conversation to see what's up.
The pink-haired dragon slayer was the first to react.
"GRAY!" he roared and shot up from the log he was sitting on. He then pointed an accusing finger at them. "What do you think you're doing to Lucy?!"
Gray ignored him and continued to direct his piercing eyes at Juvia. No one can tell except probably Lucy, but he was fuming right now.
Suddenly, the hair on his body stood up.
Although it was gone as quickly as it had appeared, Gray could've sworn he saw a flash of irritation across Juvia's face. But it hadn't been the look of jealousy like what Gray was expecting. No… it was a look of annoyance directed at him for interrupting her conversation with Natsu.
She can't be serious….
Just what the hell did he do? Was Juvia actually giving him the cold treatment? Was this all because he went on the 100 years quest without considering her feelings?
Ok, that kind of made sense. But regardless, this was still out of character for Juvia no matter how angry she was with him! And Gray knew her more than he would admit. The girl who proved that her love for him was strong enough to break even Invel's Ice Lock was not someone who would play mind games with him. Like water, Juvia's thoughts were transparent and people can read her like an open book. She was refreshingly simple in the sense that she spoke her mind and behaved in ways that felt right to her. She displayed her heart for all to see, believing that there was no shame in telling someone how much she loved them. Juvia was different from Gray.
So why then, is his woman cuddling up to his best friend and—more importantly—not losing her shit over the fact that he literally has her "self-proclaimed" love rival practically sprawled across his lap?!
Another second passed, and Juvia was making no move to do anything about their compromising position. However, just as Natsu was about to march over and start a fight, Gray stood up, making poor Lucy lose her balance and fall on her stomach.
"It's getting late. Let's call it a night."
"HUH?! Oi popsicle head, I'm not done with you ye—"
"Natsu, stop!" Lucy snapped as she tried to pull the fire dragon slayer away. "You've done enough for one night, now let's go get some sleep!"
The blonde all but shoved Natsu into the boy's tent.
"Wendy, Charle, do you think you two can manage carrying Erza to her bed?"
"Don't worry, Lucy. We'll take care of it," Wendy said with one arm already under Erza's shoulder. She seemed relieved to finally escape this 'adult drama' that had unfolded a few moments ago.
As the crew slowly retired to their respective tents, only Juvia and Gray were left.
"It's been a wonderful night, Gray-sama," she smiled at him brightly. "Juvia will see you tomorrow!"
"Wait." His hand shot out and pulled her back.
His eyes were pleading. "What's with you? You're acting different."
"Am I?"
"Yes, you are," Gray stressed. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other, and you're treating me like a stranger."
"You're worrying over nothing, Gray-sama. You can never be a stranger to Juvia."
There it is, that fake smile again.
The ravin-haired mage narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"Juvia," he leaned over the wooden fence that stood along the edges of the hill, and stared off into the faded landscape as dusk settled in. "Has that scar healed yet? I still feel awful for accidentally stabbing you that day."
The blue-haired beauty had a troubled expression on her face. "Gray-sama, Juvia will be sad if you keep blaming yourself. It was nothing more than an accident, and the scar is healing just fine."
"Oh really?"
Her skin crawled when he turned slowly, eyes glowing bright red in the dark. His arm and the majority of his broad chest was covered in disturbing, black markings. She backed away.
"Gray-sama? You're scaring Juvia—"
In a split second, his long fingers were around her neck and she found herself choking.
"Your acting was pretty good there, almost had me fooled," the devil slayer seethed. "Too bad it just wasn't good enough."
She struggled and clawed at his tight grasp.
"You're not Juvia. So who the fuck are you? Some sort of shape-shifter?!" he bit out threateningly and released his hold just enough for her to be able to talk.
"Please… Gray-sama…" Her tear-stained face twisted in pain, and almost immediately, Gray released her.
His heart beat heavily in his chest from the adrenaline. Shit, what if he was mistaken? What if—
A chilling laugh escaped the water mage's lips. With a hand still massaging her neck, she gazed up at him with a smirk.
"I'm impressed, I didn't think you'd catch on this quickly. You're not as dumb as you look."
Gray froze and his blood ran cold when the unfamiliar woman in front of him confirmed his worst fears.
"I'll ask you one more fucking time," he rasped out as his whole body shook with barely restrained rage. "Who are you? And where the hell is Juvia?"
"Who I am is not important."
The woman stepped towards him. "But your sweet little Juvia…" she took his hand and placed it over her heart, "is right over here… Gray-sama." She whispered the last part tauntingly into his ear, and Gray realized that he had escaped a crazy dream only to end up in a nightmare.
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redgoldsparks · 4 years
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January Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
Gideon The Ninth by Tamsin Muir
This book checks off a lot of boxes: fantasy goth aesthetic but set in space; spooky and gory but full of Buffy-esque quips. In the opening scene we meet Gideon, an orphan raised in a horrible moldy tomb of a planet called the Ninth House. Gideon has lived 18 miserable years in this dark, decrepit hole and plans to get out, once and for all. She's set up an elaborate escape scheme and plans to enlist in the Cohort, distinguish herself on the war's front lines, and get piled with glory, hot babes, and cold hard cash. The one thing standing in her way is Harrowhawk, a necromancer bone witch, first daughter of and heir to the Ninth House. Harrowhawk is a year younger than Gideon and they grew up as the only two living children on the planet. They have been fighting, kicking, screaming, hating and plotting against each other since they could walk. But Harrowhawk has been called to the service of the Emperor, and each necromancer needs a swordsman cavalier. Gideon is the only option and so the enemies much become distrustful allies to solve a murderous challenge on the the Emperor's home planet. If they survive, they will be raised to the highest positions of the empire. If they loose, their souls will probably be trapped in a hellish prison forever. No pressure.
Theater of Terror edited by Justin Hall and William O Tyler
Horror isn't my favorite genre, but there are some real standouts in the campy, horny, queer comic collection. I loved "The Burr Tree" by Geov Chouteau, a mysterious little fairy tale; I loved "Sanguine" by Emeric Kennard, a wordless story of a beautiful bat being driven insane by cursed mask; I was chilled by "The Shepard" by Justin Hall and Alegra Figeroid, an excellent vampire story; and I laughed at Justin Hall's ridiculously silly and delightful "Full Moon", which mixes up werewolves and sailor scouts in an only-in-San-Francisco way. (I also illustrated a short story for this collection, "Werekat", written by Rachel Pollack which I think turned out pretty good!)
From Truth With Truth by Lawrence Lindell 
From Truth With Truth has all of the handmade love of a zine, expanded to the size of a full book. Lawrence shares glimpses of his childhood and adolescence including his early love of comics and music. He handles the difficult parts- divorce, depression, PTSD and Bipolar disorder- with gentleness and humor. If we could all treat ourselves with the kindness that Lawrence offers to his younger self, the world would be a brighter place!
Princess Jellyfish vol 7 by Akiko Higashimura
This series continues to be incredibly charming. This deep into it I don't want to give any more spoilers in my reviews, I'll just say this is the first manga series I'm on track to actually finish in like a decade. Go start at the beginning!
Japanese Notebooks: A Journey in the Empire of Signs by Igort
Visually pleasing, narratively a bit scattered. Igort is an Italian comic artist who published extensively in Japan, and spent various periods of his life living there while working with the publisher Kodansha. This book is a collection of short comics, memories, movie and book reviews, and anecdotes related to his experience/obsession with Japan and it's history. I can relate to his engagement with Japanese culture, but I'm also vary of reading too much into this male, Western interpretation of the country. Also note that the majority of Igort's time in Japan was in the early 1990s.
Cosmoknights vol 1 by Hannah Templar
Quick, fun and beautifully drawn. Pan is the daughter of a mechanic on one small world among many bustling spaceports. Her best friend, Tara, is a Princess- which doesn't matter until the day comes that her hand in marriage is going to be given away to the winner of a tournament. Pan helps Tara escape in a cargo ship and never sees her again. Five years later a pair of injured tournament fighters end up on her doorstep- two women who fight to free Princesses. Pan sees a chance to get off world and fight for freedom with them, but nothing is ever so simple. A message from her past and an untrustworthy ally confuse her future.
The Farthest Short by Ursula K Le Guin by read by Rob Ingris
This one took me a lot longer to finish than the first two books of the series. I had forgotten that I don't like the central conflict/villain in this one quite as much. Le Guin's conception of the world of the dead is very grim, and I don't like dwelling on it. But this book also has one of my absolute favorite Earthsea passages, which is when Sparrowhawk and Arren spend time with a group of people who live year round on rafts, following the seasonal migration of whales. They celebrate the Long Dance as guests of these people and it's a beautiful and magical interlude in their often stressful journey.
The Nib Magazine issue 5: Animals
Another strong issue of The Nib magazine! The standout stories for me from this collection were "Cages Lives" by Mansoor Adayfi and Kane Lynch about the animals seen by prisoners in Guantanamo; "Bleating Heart" by Arwen Donahue about raising goats for milk and meat; "The Legend of Boto Cor-De-Rosa" by Laura Athayde about a Brazilian myth of a dolphin who transforms into a seductive man and how it covers a culture of male violence; and "Stealing Rainbows" by Dorian Alexander, Sarah Mirk, and Levi Hastings about the illegal smuggling of tropic birds.
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