#this took over an hour to answer yikes
missmeinyourbones · 1 year
cw: arguments aren’t fun :( suna is bad at communicating :( reader is frustrated and a tad insecure :( angst to fluff tho i swear, i was mad so i took it out on paper (and on rintaro)
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The small crack of light creeping through your curtain feels equivalent to the burn of a hangover. 
The clock reads a reasonable almost ten in the morning, but your body dismisses the concept of time and aches for twelve more hours of sleep. You barely slept last night, tossing and turning for hours on end, all because of your stupid boyfriend. 
Suna’s terrible at communicating, no matter how many times you tell him. He’s human, prone to making mistakes and having his fair share of wheels that need greasing, but his avoidant communication skills are often the core of a handful of your arguments.
This time around, he’s been away for the week traveling with EJP—and while the travel is nothing new, you’ve only received a single phone call and four texts within the past week. 
Waking up with a pounding headache, you instantly groan at the thought of pulling yourself out of bed. Rintaro won't be home for another day, which means another night of no sleep and spiraling worry. 
At this point, coffee may be your only saving grace.
Trudging into your kitchen with knotted hair and morning breath, you barely even open your eyes as you mindlessly navigate your way to the savior that is your coffee machine. 
However, your apartment isn't as empty as you left it last night. 
“Yikes,” an unsuspecting yet familiar voice practically wheezes at your appearance. “You look like you slept well,” the voice oozes of nothing but sarcasm and instigation. 
Cracking open a tired and cranky eye, you see him through blurry vision. He’s comfortable on the couch, phone placed on the coffee table and hands on his knees as he sits up, now knowing that you’re awake. 
He looks good, and as relieved as you are to know he’s back home safe, you don’t have it in you to be merrily surprised. 
“Why’re you here?” you growl. 
Rintaro bites the inside of his cheek. He’s not too surprised at your cold greeting, but winces all the same at your harsh tone. 
“Ouch,” his hand covers his chest in hurt. “Is that any way to greet your sexy boyfriend first thing in the morning after he’s been away?”
“When I’m pissed at him, yes,” you snap with a burning annoyance. You sound tired, and Suna ignores the ache in his chest that knows it’s because of him. 
Standing quickly and making his way toward you, his eyes follow your every move. You walk by him without so much as a glance and make your way over to the coffee machine. Turning it on, you sigh against the counter and wait for it to warm up. 
“What are you doing here, Suna?” 
His breath catches in his throat, “Suna? Since when was I demoted?” 
He must have been slowly inching himself towards you, because he now stands beside you in the kitchen. He moves to press a kiss to your temple—testing out the waters—but you immediately step away and hold up a hand that wordlessly tells him to back off. He makes a mental note of the silent message. Sailor’s warning, rocky seas ahead. 
“I’m serious,” your eyes remain locked on the coffee machine whirring before you.
“So am I. Suna?” he tries again. His nails scratch at his stubbly jaw in thought, “Nope, never heard of him. Don’t know who that is.”
As if your tone isn’t clear enough that you're unimpressed with his antics, the scowl on your face solidifies any leftover room for interpretation. 
There’s no point in playing along with his games, so you fold. “Maybe that's because he’s been away for almost a week and has barely responded to any of my texts.”
Rintaro exhales. And there it is. 
The reason you’re giving him the cold shoulder after a week of being apart. The reason he wasn't met with the comforting weight of your frame jumping into his arms and a kiss filled with enough love to feed an army. The reason you didn’t answer his last three texts of:
surprise!!! trip ended a day early. boarding rn, can’t wait to see you :P
landed safe and omw, love u <3 
here so wake up and let me love you :/ coward
Rintaro inhales. It’s all making sense now. 
“Huh,” he frowns, “he sounds like a dick.”
You look him in the eye for the first time this morning and it sends an instant chill up his spine. A cold glare of anger and exhaustion and hurt. 
Suna doesn’t like it one bit. He loathes it, especially when it's directed at him. He decides that this has gone on long enough. 
He wraps an arm around your shoulder in an attempt to pull you into his chest. “C’mere, I’m sorry. My schedule’s been crazy.”
You resist, but not enough to actually mean it, so he holds your head in place against his chest. 
Noticing you're not yet hugging him back, he mumbles the confirmation into your hair, “Today’s practice got canceled. M’all yours.”
And suddenly, as if he’s been balancing on a wavering piece of glass and finally applied too much pressure on a crack, the panel shatters and you're pulling away from his hold with a shaky sigh. 
“I’m not in the mood to be your second choice today.”
The apartment falls silent, aside from the comedic timing of your coffee machine deciding to start drizzling the dark liquid into your ceramic mug. Your confession (followed by the deafening silence that shows no sign of you taking back your words) makes him swallow down the bile quickly rising in his throat.  
“Baby,” he breathes, voice now devoid of all airy humor it was laced with a few moments ago, “that’s not even funny. M’done with the bit now, c’mon.”
“I’m serious,” you snap, and the step Rintaro takes forward is frozen mid-stride.
“I haven’t seen you in days, barely talked to you. You said you would tell me when you landed safely in Brazil and you never did. You left almost half of my texts on delivered when I was only checking in on you, and—” 
“Shit, I know,” his voice comes out harsher than he means it to, and when the coffee machine turns off and makes his outburst all the more sour, he makes a mental note to break it later. 
The look of shock that flashes across your face is gone before he can address it, but it was there and now he’s afraid he’s going to see it every time he so much as closes his eyes.  
His tone is softer the second time around, “I know, and I’m sorry.” 
He thinks about taking another step closer to you, but the tears of frustration threatening to slip from your lash line tell him not to. So he keeps his distance and tries to speak as calmly as he can.  
“It’s been hard for me, too. Fuckin’ coach keeps changing the dates around on us, but when I’m not playing, I’m eating or sleeping. That’s all, you know that—”
“It’s not about that,” you coldly cut him off, upset that he’d even insinuate something as foolish as infidelity. That’s not where your mind was, and you both know that. 
Your head falls into your hands as your elbows rest against the chilly countertop. “That's your job, I know what is signed up for.”
He watches you close your eyes in disappointment and (what he knows to be) embarrassment, “But I worry, and I know that you know that.”
He doesn't miss the crack in your voice and the way it instantly creates a crack in his heart. He continues to watch, helplessly, as you bare yourself to him beneath the crumbling pressure.  
“And when you don’t answer, it makes me feel like I’m annoying you, like you don't want to talk to me. And if that’s the case, then maybe you shouldn’t have to deal with me being clingy and insecure and—”
“Yeah, stopping you right there,” he crudely interrupts, pulling your now malleable frame into his arms.
He coos at your shaky inhales against his chest, and it makes you feel like a wounded child. “You could never annoy me,” he promises.
And you know he means it, no matter how frustrating these past six days have been for you. 
“I’m sorry I blow at communicating,” his voice weaves in and out of your ears as he whispers into the crown of your head, “but please know that even when I’m busy and exhausted and practically a fucking zombie, I still want to talk to you. Always do.”
You believe him. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but you believe him. 
“Well, do a better job of showing it,” you mumble against his sweatshirt. It’s weak, but it’s there.
His hand finds your back, drawing mindless circles and pushing you further into his hold. As if you’ll slip out of his grasp like a bag in the wind if he's not cautious enough with you.
“Anything for you, baby.”
He holds you there for a moment, and the kitchen is filled with nothing but the sound of your sniffly breathing and the smell of steaming hazelnut. 
Eventually, his voice comes quiet, muffled from the crook of your neck as it vibrates your skin. 
“Do you really think I put my work before you?” 
“No,” your response is immediate because it’s true, “I don’t. I just missed you, Rintaro.”
You bite your tongue when you feel his smirk against your skin, and its not a second before he’s pulling away and you see it on his face. “Rintaro, huh?” 
You roll your eyes and go to push him off of you, but he’s too fast. His quick reflexes come in handy as his fingers catch your wrist mid-shove.
“Come on, just a little more, gimme what I wanna hear.”
“No,” your stubbornness wins as you twist your wrist in his palm. 
“Please, baby,” he begs without hesitation. “Just shorten it a few letters. S’all I wanna hear.”
“You’re annoying me.”
“I have a week’s worth of annoying you to catch up on,” he easily retorts.
Amid your bickering, Rintaro has backed you up against the counter, pinning you beneath his weight as he childishly slumps on top of you.
“You’re heavy,” he feels you groan.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Get off, Rin.”
His heart instantly swells at the sweet name falling from your lips, and his grin mirrors the internal organ as it grows three times in size. 
“There it is,” he coos as you try to shrug his hands away from cradling your face. You roll your eyes, but your smile is evident. “There she is, my pretty girl.”
You let him press his lips to yours, and while you tell yourself it to shut him up, you’d be a liar if you said that was the only reason. He tastes like the drugstore cherry chapstick he uses and the cinnamon gum he chewed on the plane ride home. 
“Missed you,” he presses another sweet kiss to your lips, “I love you.”
You swallow his words without remorse. “Love you too.”
He lifts you onto the countertop and laughs when you jump at the cold granite on your exposed skin. Next to your now lukewarm coffee, he picks up the mug with one hand and carefully passes it to you. He watches you take a sip, and hums into the beverage when you hold it up to his own mouth and let him have a taste. 
Between brushing noses and coffee-tasting kisses, he breathes. “Wanna help me unpack?” 
On command, your eyes roll. “You’re on thin ice, Rin.”
He wouldn't have it any other way, so he shrugs into your neck. “Good thing I know how to skate.”
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
four weddings and a funeral — part five
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist | Series Playlist
⮡part one | part two | part three | part four
Series Summary: You and Danny haven’t spoken in years. When the two of you stumble upon a week of weddings, funerals, and the hotel rooms in between, will fate rekindle your friendship or put the old flames out altogether?
Chapter Summary: Danny's leaving tomorrow. You still have another wedding to go to, but can you bear to be so close to him knowing it's your last night together?
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Reader, Sam x Birdie | Genres: friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, mutual pining, angst | Word Count: 8.5k (yikes) | Chapter Warnings: drinking
A/N: Danny and Sunshine are back in the house!! This chapter's kinda long, but I think it's really cute and emotional - I hope you enjoy all the twists and turns! ♡
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You woke in a tangle of sheets to a pounding headache.
It took you a minute to get your bearings; the sun was shining through the breezy curtains, bright and pretty but also kind of painful. You were still in your dress, but your jewelry had been taken off; a cautious touch to your face revealed that your makeup had been cleaned off too.
You turned your face away from the sunlight and found Danny close, his expression relaxed in sleep, his curls mussed and soft.
“Danny,” you said softly.
He gave a sleepy hum. “Wassa matter, sunny?” The hand that was resting on your hip pulled you closer, and it made you realize that your leg was hooked over his thigh.
You felt yourself blush at how close you were to him, how warm and steady he was beside you. You didn’t dare move, afraid to wake him and make him realize for fear he would pull away, afraid to pull away yourself if he wanted you close.
His eyes fluttered open when you didn’t answer. “You okay?”
His voice was gravelly and warm, and you hid your face against his chest to keep him from seeing how flustered it made you.
He chuckled. “What’s wrong, sunshine? You don’t feel good?”
You shook your head. “Headache.” Your stomach also felt like a butterfly rave, but that might have been more from the way he still hadn’t pulled away from you than from your hangover. 
He hummed in agreement. “Me too. Maybe we should take it easy at the wedding tonight.”
“Oh!” You’d completely forgotten about your flight back home and the wedding only a few hours after you landed. “What time is it?”
He groaned a little as he turned to grab his phone from the nightstand. “Early, still. I set an alarm so we wouldn’t be late to the airport, and it hasn’t gone off yet.”
You relaxed then, thankful he’d seemingly taken care of everything when you’d been out of commission last night. He turned back to you again, making to pull you close; you wanted to rest against him and get a little bit more sleep, but your headache wouldn’t leave you be, and you were restless.
Danny noticed. “Let me get you some tylenol,” he offered, untangling himself from you and the sheets as gently as possible. “Be right back.”
He came back from the bathroom with his water bottle and some medicine. “Sit up, honey.”
You did, letting yourself enjoy the pet name, and took the medicine before handing him his water bottle so he could take a dose too. He tied his hair up in a messy bun, his faded band tee riding up over the hem of his shorts, and you blushed as you looked away.
“Here,” he said, handing you his water bottle back. “You gotta hydrate.”
You did as he said, pulling a little at the sleeves of your dress that were rubbing uncomfortably over your shoulders. You must have gotten more sun yesterday than you thought.
He gave you a sympathetic wince. “Yeah, I didn’t know if I should get you into pajamas last night, so I erred on the side of caution. I’m sorry you’re uncomfortable.”
He rummaged in his bag until he pulled out one of his huge, soft t-shirts. “Try this. It’ll be loose enough on you that it won’t bother your sunburn, hopefully.”
“Thank you,” you said, catching it when he tossed it to you. You gave him a teasing smile. “Are you sure you trust me with more of your clothes? I still haven’t returned your jacket from the funeral, remember?”
He smiled. “It’s all a part of my master plan,” he said. “The more clothes you steal, the more reasons I’ll have to see you after this wedding tonight.”
You felt a mix of emotions at that. You were thrilled that he wanted to keep seeing you, but you were also reminded that the wedding tonight was the last concrete plan you had to see each other. After tonight, what would realistically be enough to keep him from jetting back off to his fancy rockstar life without you?
You decided to set that thought aside for later, determined to enjoy what could very well be the last of your time with Danny.
“It’s a good plan,” you agreed. “I just think you better count on not getting any of these clothes back.”
He laughed. “I’m not that worried about it, sunny. I think it’s a fair trade, don’t you?”
A car ride, a plane ride, and another car ride later, you were standing blearily in front of the mirror in your bedroom, freshly showered, wondering how on earth you were going to make yourself presentable in less than two hours. This next wedding was sure to be filled with Danny’s swanky, rich, fashionable friends, and at the moment, you looked like you’d been run over by a truck.
Your phone buzzed with a text from Danny.
Text me what you want from Starbucks, the message read. I’ll be over around 6 to pick you up.
You smiled to yourself. You’d fallen back asleep on the plane, and he’d been very patient with you as he handled your bags, his bags, and your still very sleepy state in the airport after you landed. You sent him a message back and tossed your phone on the bed, gearing yourself up for a deep-dive into your closet for something to wear.
“That’s it! I’m not going.”
Danny frowned as you came out of your bathroom, looking you over head to toe with a thoughtful gaze.
“Why not?” he asked. “That’s a cute outfit.”
You cringed. “It’s not cute, Danny. It’s possibly the worst wardrobe choice I’ve ever made in my life.”
He smiled. “Dramatic, much?” 
You huffed and went back into the bathroom to try on the next outfit, starting to get a little panicked about time and trying to prevent a major meltdown over getting ready. Since he’d gotten to your apartment, Danny had been patiently sitting on the edge of your bed; he hadn’t breathed a word of complaint as you tried on practically your entire closet in an effort to find something to wear, and he hadn’t even felt the need to remind you that both of you were going to be late if you didn’t hurry. He had also given you sweet, heartfelt compliments on every outfit right before you decided you hated it, and then he’d hung every discarded article of clothing neatly back in your closet. You almost didn’t know how to interact with a man who did things like that.
You decided not to read too much into it, though, not least because you were overwhelmed with the simple task of finding something halfway decent to wear. You slipped on the last dress you had, hoping you wouldn’t instantly hate it as soon as you looked in the mirror; it was a gauzy, fluffy thing in shades of pink and champagne, and you were surprised at how pretty you felt when you looked in the mirror.
Danny’s eyes widened when you came out to show him.
“Woah,” he said, looking a little like he’d taken a blow to the head. “That’s... uh, you look really pretty in that, sunny.”
You blushed and gave him a bashful smile. “This is the one, then?”
He nodded, still kind of dazed and dreamy. “Please don’t change out of that one.”
You laughed, amused and pleased at his request. “Okay.”
He came into the bathroom with you as you put the finishing touches on your look, watching you in the mirror for a minute as you put on dangly gold earrings and a shimmery lip gloss.
“Should I wear a different necklace?” he asked, brushing his fingers across the strings of pearls that rested over his black turtleneck. “I don’t match you with these.”
“No, keep them,” you said, a little embarrassed at how quickly you’d said it. There was something about a man as tall and broad as Danny was wearing something so pretty. “I... I like them. Keep them.”
He smiled. “Okay. I’ll keep them.”
You both spent a few more moments getting ready, adding glamorous touches to the soft beachy glow you both had from the wedding yesterday. You noticed that he looked at his watch, but he still didn’t hurry you along, and you were grateful for his patience.
“Okay,” you said briskly, taking one last look in the mirror. “Good?”
He smiled. “Good.”
He ushered you out to his car and opened the door for you, making sure all the fluffy tulle from your dress was safely out of the way before he closed it.
“Music?” he asked as he got in, handing you his phone. “The code’s 5480.”
“Oh,” you said, a little surprised that he’d just handed it over. “Uh, sure. What do you want to listen to?”
He put his hand on your headrest as he backed out of your driveway. “You pick.”
You tried to think of what to put on, a little distracted by the heady scent of his warm and woodsy cologne. You looked over at him for approval when you put on “The Boy with a Moon and Star on His Head,” and you were pleased when he smiled.
“I wonder what our stick figure couple is getting up to these days,” he said, as if you hadn’t just made them start a band last night.
“I guess we’ll have to see what this wedding brings,” you said. You were about to set his phone aside when a text popped up on the screen from someone named Emma, and you couldn’t help but skim it.
Can’t wait to see you tomorrow! it read, complete with a kissy face on the end.
You sucked in a breath. You felt bad for having read it, but all of a sudden, it felt like somebody had your heart in a vise grip. You locked his phone and set it in the cup holder, willing yourself to forget you’d even seen it.
Neither of you talked much on the drive to the wedding; Danny hummed along to the Cat Stevens playlist, and you looked out the window and tried not to think about Emma who couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow. You shouldn’t even know about it, let alone catastrophize because of it; it wasn’t your business who he texted or who texted him, kissy faces or not. He’d made no commitment to you or even hinted at making one. Danny was free to see anyone, anytime, for any reason. You had absolutely no right to be upset about it.
That didn’t stop it from hurting, though. You glanced over at him, watched him drum on the steering wheel in perfect time with the song. He looked over at you and smiled, and for a moment, you forgot how to breathe.
“How’s it going, sunny?” he asked. “Feeling down to clown tonight?”
You couldn’t help but smile. “You know me. I’m always ready to party.”
With a monumental effort, you pushed the thought of the text aside and promised yourself you’d have one last night of good memories with Danny. You felt a little nervous, though, as he pulled into the venue’s parking lot; you fidgeted with your sun necklace, the one you’d yet to take off since Danny had given it to you, and looked wide-eyed at the people milling around outside the place. It must have cost a pretty penny to rent it out, and you weren’t surprised by the lavish display of wealth in the guests that stood outside. All of a sudden, you felt just how “small-town” you were compared to everyone else there, including Danny.
He pulled into one of the last spots and turned the car off, sitting with you for a moment.
“Don’t be nervous,” he said.
You weren’t surprised that he’d noticed. You tried to stop fidgeting with your necklace and smoothed your hands over your skirt instead.
“Sure,” you said. “I’ll just waltz in there with all your fancy friends and feel totally cool and confident.”
He smiled. “You should,” he said easily. “You look beautiful, you’re smarter than anybody in there, and you’ve got me.”
You breathed a laugh. His presence would help more than he knew, and you planned to stick by him the entire time.
He offered his hand, and you smacked your palm against his.
“We got this,” he said.
You squeezed his hand. “We got this.”
He only let go of your hand long enough for both of you to get out of the car, and then you looped your arm around his and pressed close to his side. 
“Please don’t try to introduce me to anybody,” you said.
Danny smiled as he looked over at you, amused and sympathetic as you tightened your grip on his arm.
“I only have two people I want to introduce you to,” he said. Before you could protest, he added, “I promise you’ll like them.”
You could tell it meant a lot to him that you at least spoke to these friends, and though you dreaded the thought of small talk with complete strangers, you would do it for Danny.
“But only those two, right?” you asked.
“Right,” he agreed. He gave you a teasing smile then. “Let me know if you change your mind, though. There’s plenty of people here to awkwardly introduce yourself to. Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
You hid your face against his shoulder. “No way. That sounds so horrible.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, sunny. I wouldn’t be so cruel to you.” He patted your hand where it rested in the crook of his arm. “Besides, I barely know anybody here myself.”
You looked up at him as you came inside the venue, content to let him find your spots for the ceremony. 
“What are you talking about?” you said. “I thought this was one of your good friends who was getting married.”
He shrugged, a little distracted as he looked around the venue but still paying attention to you.
“He is, but I don’t really know any of his other friends.” He took a tastefully sleek program from one of the ushers. “He and his wife — well, almost wife — hang out with really artsy, fashionable people. I always feel kind of clumsy and awkward around them.”
You smiled. You could see how Danny might feel like a bull in a china shop sometimes, but you thought it was endearing. 
“You don’t think you’re artsy and fashionable?” you asked.
Danny huffed a laugh. “No.” He caught sight of someone on the opposite end of the room and waved, a handsome smile lighting his face.
“I’ll show you somebody who definitely thinks he is, though,” he said. “And you’ll have to decide if his style is as goofy as I think it is.”
You bucked up your courage as Danny led you through the crowd, trying to guess which of these swanky wedding guests he was going to subject you to meeting. Maybe it was the guy in the bejeweled sweater vest, or the lady with the obscenely high heels. Maybe it was —
“Oh, shut up.”
Danny looked over at you. “What?”
You smacked a hand against his chest.
“Ow!” he laughed. “What was that for?”
“Hello!” you said, gesturing to the guy in a flowy red suit and sunglasses. “ That’s the friend you’re introducing me to? Freakin’... Sam Kiszka?”
Danny grinned. “I thought you said you weren’t a Greta Van Fleet fangirl.”
“They’re called gresties, Daniel,” you informed him, intentionally not telling him that you’d started to talk to other fans on Tumblr since the funeral. “I’m surprised you didn’t know that.”
“Gresties?” he repeated. “Like... what? Greta Van Fleet besties?”
He laughed out loud. “Hey, that’s pretty good. Gresties. I like that.” He took your hand. “Let’s go tell Sam about the gresties. He’ll love to hear that.”
You hesitated, still a little nervous. Sam was watching the two of you with interest, leaning to talk to the pretty girl who stood with him, undoubtedly talking about you.
“Hey, sunny.”
You tore your gaze from Sam, looking up at Danny as he squeezed your hand. “Yes?”
He gave you a sweet smile. 
“Don’t be nervous,” he reminded you. “It’s just Sam. He’s not as cool as you think he is.”
You managed a hesitant smile back. “That’s easy for you to say. You know him.”
“I want you to know him too,” Danny said sincerely. “Trust me. He’s gonna love you.”
You took a deep breath. “I must like you or something,” you muttered.
Danny grinned. “I like you too, sunny, so I guess that works out nicely.”
He held your hand as you went to meet Sam, and you tried not to let your nerves get the better of you. It made you feel better to see that the girl by Sam’s side looked a little shy too, and the two of you exchanged nervous and excited smiles even as you both sort of hid behind your guys.
Danny put a comforting hand to your back. “Sam, birdie — this is sunny.”
Sam pushed his sunglasses up into his hair and gave you a charmingly boyish grin.
“Nice to meet you, sunny,” he said. “I know we probably met a few times in middle school, but that doesn’t really count.”
You gave him a bashful smile back, still a little starstruck that you were meeting Sam Kiszka. 
“Well, it’s good to meet you in a way that counts,” you said, and you earned a smile. “I know this is kind of lame to say, but... I’m a big fan of your music.”
“Not lame at all,” he assured you seriously. “I love to have my ego boosted.”
You laughed, and Sam’s girlfriend rolled her eyes, fondly exasperated and drawing confidence from her boyfriend’s humor.
“He’s not kidding,” she said, affection in her voice. She gave you a smile. “It’s wonderful to meet you, sunny. I’m birdie. And I promise I’m absolutely normal.”
You laughed. “Sweet. I love normal people.”
Sam looked at her with an amused gaze. “What do you mean, you’re absolutely normal? As if I’m not?”
“You are a famous rock star,” she reminded him. “I’m still a small town girl, so I’m less intimidating. I hope.”
“It does make you less intimidating,” you admitted. “I love your dress, by the way.”
She touched a hand to the shimmery rust-colored cocktail dress she wore. 
“Oh, thank you! I haven’t had a chance to wear it yet, so this is the trial run.” She put her hand on her hip and posed next to Sam, even though he was talking with Danny.
“You don’t think we clash, do you?” she asked you. 
Sam noticed she was posing and immediately posed too, obviously a natural ham. “Where’s the photographer, sweetheart?”
“I’m letting sunny judge our outfits,” she said. “Danny too.”
Danny tilted his head, seeming to take the task seriously. “Looks good. What’s wrong with them?”
“Well, we’re in the same color family,” she said. “I couldn’t decide if it was a good move or a fashion nightmare. What do you think, sunny?”
You smiled and shook your head. “No, I think you look great together.” Side by side, their reds, rusts, and golds gave a warm and inviting aura of a confident, lovely couple, one you wanted to get to know better.
“See?” Sam said. “You worry too much, birdie. You know you’re pretty enough for both of us, no matter what we wear.”
She gave him a slightly bashful smile, pleased with his compliment. “Thanks, honey.”
He gave her cheek a big, goofy kiss, and she giggled and pushed him away. Your chest felt a little tight at the display, endeared at their affection for each other and wishing you had someone to share such tenderness with.
Danny took your hand again, and your breath caught a little.
“Come on, lovebirds,” Danny teased his friends. “Let’s go find our spots.”
You got settled in one of the middle rows, and Danny and Sam fell into conversation almost immediately. You enjoyed listening to them talk and laugh together; their friendship seemed so natural and close-knit, and Birdie was obviously a good friend of Danny’s too.
They tried to include you in their conversation, and you were thankful for their kindness, but you were too distracted to really engage with them.
“Oh, sunny!”
You looked over at Danny, wondering what could have gotten him so excited. You smiled just because he was.
“What?” you asked.
“I totally forgot I brought you a present,” he said, reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer. “I didn’t know if it would go with what you were wearing, but I figured you might want to try it.”
He pulled out a beautiful pearl ring, one that matched the string of pearls he wore. He held it in his palm and offered it to you, and for a moment, you couldn’t think of anything to say.
“You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to,” he said, his voice unsure, his fingers closing reflexively over it. “I just thought you might — ”
“No, I do,” you said quickly, reaching out to take it from him. Your throat felt tight when you took the ring from his big, warm palm and his fingers traced over yours.
“It’s beautiful,” you said softly. “I was just surprised.”
“Why?” he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. “Pretty things should be worn by pretty girls.”
You bit the inside of your cheek and tried not to cry. It was so stupid — it was just a little gift, a bit of jewelry he’d let you wear. It didn’t mean anything. You wondered almost absently if he’d ever given jewelry to Emma, the girl who’d texted him in the car.
“I think it should fit you,” he said. “It’s a little small for my big strong drummer hands.”
You managed a wobbly smile as you put it on the middle finger of your left hand. One more finger over, and...
You held your hand up for Danny to see. “How does it look?”
He smiled and took your hand in his, brushing his thumb over the surface of the pearl.
“Beautiful,” he said. “Just like you, sunny.”
You looked over at him. “And now we match,” you said, trying for lightheartedness when all you felt like doing was crying or kissing him.
He grinned. “As we should.”
You couldn’t tear your gaze away from him. He was beautiful in the orange and gold light of sunset coming through the high windows, all warm and sweet and genuine as he smiled at you. All of a sudden, the uncertainty and the longing and the awful fear caught up to you — Danny was going home tomorrow, and despite his reassurances that he wanted to see you again, you knew you’d be left with nothing but a ring on the wrong finger and the pieces of your heart in your hands.
His brow knit with worry as he looked at you, and you knew you weren’t hiding your feelings as well as you wanted to.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
You didn’t know what you should say, or if you should even say anything at all. “Danny, I — ”
Music started to play, cutting off your quiet plea and drawing everyone’s attention to the back of the hall. You and Danny stood with everyone else, but he didn’t take his eyes off of you.
You shook your head, trying to tell him it was fine, that he didn’t need to worry.
He looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn’t say anything; after a moment, he held out his hand, wanting to comfort you without even knowing what was wrong.
You felt the sting of tears and blinked them back. You took his hand and let yourself be comforted by his touch, even though you knew it would be better to get used to being without him.
He held your hand through the ceremony, and you watched his face with an ache of loneliness as his friends exchanged their vows. Even though you knew how unreasonable it was to care for him so deeply after only a few days, you couldn’t deny what you felt; you’d love him forever, together or not, and the pain of losing him had already started while he was still holding your hand.
You barely registered the end of the wedding. You thought you heard Danny tell Sam and Birdie that you’d catch up to them at the reception, and then Danny put his hand to your cheek.
“Hey,” he said gently. His eyes were impossibly kind as he studied your face.
“Hey, yourself,” you said.
He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “What’s wrong, sunny? Do you feel okay? You want to go home?”
You shook your head. “I feel fine. I want to stay.”
“Are you sure? We don’t have to. Maybe you’re ready for a break.”
“A break?” you said bleakly. A break from what? It wouldn’t be a break; it would be the end, and you wouldn’t hurry it along any faster than it was already coming.
You looked up at him and managed a smile.
“I’m okay, Danny, really.” You put your hand over his. “Let’s go drink and dance and have a grand old time.”
He looked a little doubtful, but he didn’t press. He took your hand as you walked together to the reception in the next wing of the venue. 
“But you let me know if you want to leave, okay?” he said. “You promise?”
You nodded, knowing you wouldn’t. “I promise.”
The reception was slated to go all night, and for all of their classiness, the guests certainly knew how to party. You lost yourself a little bit in the booze and the dancing, sticking with Danny and Sam and Birdie as you moved from the bar to the dance floor and back again.
“Hey!” Birdie said, tugging on Sam’s hand. “There’s no line for the photo booth if we go right this very second.”
He followed her happily, and you and Danny went too. You let Sam and Birdie go first, grinning to each other at the sounds of bubbly laughter from behind the curtain, and weren’t surprised when Sam stepped out with his face covered in lipstick kisses.
Danny laughed. “You look like you’re in a cartoon, Sam.”
Sam beamed as he got their pictures, happy as could be when his girl took his hand and to lead him onto the dance floor again. “Some cartoon, huh!”
Danny held the curtain back for you. “Shall we?”
The two of you tried to squish together in the little booth, both of you laughing and tipsy and flushed. One of you must have accidentally pushed the button, because you heard it counting down to your first picture. 
“Hurry!” you said, both of you laughing breathlessly as you tried to get into place before the shutter sound. You tripped over Danny’s feet and grabbed onto his shoulder to keep from careening out of the booth; to the same end, he took you by the waist and plunked you down on his lap.
“Settle down now,” he said, trying to be stern but unable to keep up the act as you started to giggle. He smiled up at you, laugh lines crinkling at the corners of his eyes, flashing those little fangs you loved so much; he looked at you like you’d hung the moon, and as you cradled his face in your hands, you felt the fragile part of your heart finally crack in two.
“What is it?” he asked gently.
I’m dying of love for you, Danny. “Nothing.”
You moved your hands and leaned your head against his. “Let’s get one picture where we’re actually looking at the camera.”
He squeezed you tight as the last photo counted down. “Big smile!”
When you got your strip of photos, you almost couldn’t bear to look at them. The joy you felt at being with him was captured there in black and white — a blurry picture of your laughing attempts to fit in the booth, the surprise on your face and the grin on his when he’d put you on his lap, the tenderness in your expression when you’d touched his face, both of your big smiles when you pressed as close as you could get to each other. You swallowed past the tightness in your throat and handed the strip to Danny.
“You don’t want them?” he asked.
“No, I — ” You cleared your throat. “Um, I don’t have anywhere to keep them. Will you hold on to them for me?”
“Oh. Sure.” He tucked them in the inside pocket of his jacket. “Where to next, sunshine?”
“The bar,” you said. You needed another drink. You needed a whole bottle.
He followed you without complaint, and when you got another round of drinks, you hardly tasted yours. You felt caught somewhere between giddiness and a terrible urge to cry, hysterical and drunk and just barely able to keep from telling Danny Wagner in front of god and everybody that you were in love with him.
“We should dance,” you said, needing an outlet for the jittery, anxious pressure building in your chest.
Danny didn’t move from where he’d leaned up against the counter, watching you with an amused smile.
“Where do you get all this energy from, sunny?” he asked.
You took another sip of your drink, feeling so keyed-up you thought you might go crazy. Didn’t he feel anything between you? You thought you would suffocate if you didn’t get out from under the weight of how much you wanted him.
Your hands fluttering nervously like the wings of a bird, you reached for him.
“Come on,” you said, and the words had barely gotten out of your mouth before somebody knocked into you from behind, sending you straight into Danny’s arms.
“Woah, hold on,” he said, hurrying to catch you even as your drink sloshed over the sleeve of his jacket and the front of your dress.
You heard a heartfelt apology from behind you, and then Danny’s assurance that you were both fine.
“Right?” he asked you, still holding your arms to make sure you were steady. “You’re good, sunny?”
You couldn’t answer, suddenly overcome with tears, trying in vain to clean his sleeve off even though it was soaked.
“Sunny?” he said again, a little worried this time. He ducked his head to see your face. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” you said miserably, “but your jacket — I’m sorry, Danny.”
He glanced over at the sleeve you were trying to fix as if he’d only just noticed it. “My jacket?” he said. “Sunny, I’m not worried about my jacket. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you lied. You didn’t know why this had been the final straw, but all of a sudden you were overwhelmed with everything, exhausted and completely overcome.
“I’m s-sorry I spilled my stupid drink on you, Danny,” you all but sobbed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey.” He took your now-empty glass from you and set it on the bar, then framed your face with his big hands and made you look at him. He was searching your face with such worry, and your expression crumpled like a little girl’s.
“Sunshine,” he said, at a loss, unsure why this had upset you so badly. “Please don’t cry, honey. It’s really not a big deal. I’m not mad at you.”
“You’re not?”
He looked so bewildered you felt a slash of pity for him. “Of course I’m not. It was an accident, and it wasn’t even your fault.” He drew back just enough to look you over. “Oh, and you got the worst of it, too. You’re soaked, honey.”
You hadn’t even noticed. You looked down at the front of your pretty dress and saw it was dark and splotchy.
“Now, you don’t have to cry about that either,” Danny said quickly, a little panicked as he tried to avert another crisis. “I don’t think it’ll stain, but we’ll rinse it out just to make sure. Come on.”
You looked up at him, trying to catch your breath and stop crying. “Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer for a moment, looking around for something at the bar; he grabbed a few napkins and did his best to wipe the tears from your face.
“I gotta start wearing a pocket square,” he said under his breath, gently blotting the napkins against your cheeks.
You couldn’t help the watery laugh that escaped you. “Why, so you can get my mascara all over it?”
He gave you a gentle smile. “No, so I can have something soft for you when you cry.”
That almost started you crying again, but you managed to stop after only a few tears had streaked down your cheeks.
“Okay, sunshine,” he said tenderly. “Let’s go up to my room so we can get you cleaned up.”
“You’re staying here?” you asked. You didn’t know the venue had a hotel too, but you were glad you didn’t have to travel anywhere in your wet dress.
He hummed in agreement and took your hand. “Come on, sunny.”
You followed his lead, content to let him find a path through the carousing guests; you didn’t meet Sam and Birdie on the way, but you saw that Danny sent them a text to let them know you were headed upstairs.
It was much quieter when you got out of the reception hall, and you were thankful for it even though your ears were still ringing with the music. You leaned against Danny in the elevator, holding tight to his hand; you still felt fragile, like you were liable to shatter to pieces at any moment. Danny gave your hand a reassuring squeeze every once in a while as you made your way to his room.
Inside, Danny left you for a moment to turn on the bathroom light.
“Is that too much?” he asked when he came back to your side. “I think I’m a little overstimulated. I figured you’re probably feeling that way too.”
You nodded, sure he was right. “That light’s fine,” you said meekly. “Thank you.”
He hovered for a moment, seemingly unsure what to do to help.
“Let me get you something to change into,” he said, going to search through his luggage. “Yeah. That seems like the smart thing to do.”
You watched him with an incredible ache of tenderness, not sure why any man would care for you so selflessly, not sure anything in the world could keep from tying your heart to his for as long as you lived.
“Here,” he said, handing you a stack of neatly folded clothes. “I don’t think I have any bottoms that would fit you, but...”
“I have biker shorts under my dress,” you said.
“Oh,” he said. He looked less sure of himself than he ever had. “Well, good. You can pick whatever you want out of that to wear, and if you want something else, just let me know.”
“Thank you.” You hesitated before you turned to head for the bathroom. “Um, Danny?”
You felt shy to ask, for some reason. “Could you unzip my dress? I can’t, um...”
“Of course,” he said, and you felt that his hands were shaking when he brushed your hair over your shoulder and pulled the zipper down.
“Thank you,” you said again. You turned to face him; for a moment, in the quiet darkness of his room, there was nothing in the world but you two and the few inches of space between.
You shook yourself. If you’d stood there a moment longer, you’d have done something that couldn’t be taken back, and you couldn’t decide if it was wise or incredibly foolish to have let the moment pass.
“Right,” you said, flustered, raw with emotion. “Um, thanks. Again.”
You fled into the relative safety of the bathroom, kicking yourself for being so awkward, so girlish, so in love with him it made you act like an idiot. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror; you were a wreck, makeup smudged and tear-streaked, dress soaked and bedraggled. You winced.
When you’d rinsed your dress in the sink and hung it over the shower curtain, you washed your face and dressed in Danny’s clothes. He’d given you a t-shirt and a soft fair isle sweater and a pair of black socks way too big for you. You wore them anyway, the heel part coming to the bottom of your calf, and felt much more relaxed in his comfortable clothes that smelled like him.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed when you came out, his jacket discarded over the back of a chair but otherwise still dressed in his wedding outfit. He looked as tense as you’d felt downstairs, and you wondered what was bothering him.
His phone lit up with a text where he’d set it on the bed. He quickly turned it off.
Oh. You felt kind of numb to it now. Maybe it was Emma again, or maybe it was some other girl who couldn’t wait to see him when he was done having to take care of you.
He gave you a weak smile. “Feel better?”
You nodded and scrubbed your face with the too-long sleeves of his sweater, tired and starting to sober up. “A little. Do you have a hair tie?”
He took one off his wrist. “Come here.”
You did, not entirely sure why, standing between his knees like you’d be able to handle it. He gathered your hair with gentle brushes of his fingers, but he couldn’t get the angle he wanted; he stood and towered over you again, and for all your numbness, you could no more keep from hugging him than you could keep the stars from shining.
He breathed a laugh. “You okay?”
You nodded against him, hugging him tighter. You felt tears start again and valiantly managed to keep them from falling.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you said.
He finished putting your hair up and hugged you to him, running a soothing hand over your back. “You’re welcome, sunny. It’s my pleasure.”
As much as you wanted to stay close and let him comfort you, you made yourself pull back from him. You took a deep, shaky breath; it was time to rip the band-aid off, and you promised yourself you wouldn’t cry.
“If you’ll take me home,” you said, “I’ll change out of these clothes and get the other things I borrowed. That way you don’t have to make another trip tomorrow.”
He blinked. “Uh... I mean, of course I’ll take you home if you’re ready to leave. But I don’t mind coming by tomorrow. My flight’s not until later.”
You shook your head, wishing he wouldn’t drag it out any longer. “That’s okay. It’ll save you the trouble.”
His phone buzzed again, but he ignored it. 
“It’s no trouble,” he insisted. “I thought we... I don’t know, that we might go for that coffee date we keep talking about.”
You’d forgotten about that. You’d been too busy daydreaming about your fiftieth coffee date to remember that you hadn’t even had one.
“Danny, I...” Your throat felt tight again, close to crying. You didn’t want him to think he owed you some consolation prize; he could just go, and these last few days would be nothing but a fond memory. “We don’t have to.... You don’t have to...”
His hopeful expression shuttered into one of resignation and something like hurt.
“You don’t want to,” he said, and it was a statement, not a question.
You couldn’t think of how to tell him that going on a stupid coffee date with him was the most important thing in the world to you, that it meant so much more to you than just one date. His phone lit up with a text, again, and the tangle of hurt and fear and longing in your chest finally burst apart.
“Why don’t you answer her?” you asked, gesturing to his phone. “She’s obviously trying to get in touch with you.”
He frowned. “Who?” He looked behind him to where you’d gestured and saw only his phone.
“Is it Emma?” you asked, knowing it was bitter and petty to bring it up, but you were unable or unwilling to bite your tongue any longer. “Or is it some other girl waiting for you as soon as you finally get rid of me?”
He looked at you with utter bewilderment and a hint of frustration. “What are you talking about?” he asked. “There’s not any other girls, and I’m not trying to get rid of you.”
Another text. You felt lightheaded.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” you snapped. “She’s ringing your phone off the hook, Danny. She has been since she told you she ‘can’t wait to see you tomorrow’.”
He didn’t say anything, and there was a storm of emotion in his expression that you couldn’t quite make out. Anger, confusion, anxiety, embarrassment — you were surprised to see each one in the flash of his dark eyes and the tight set of his jaw.
He picked up his phone and handed it to you. “Read the texts.”
“She doesn’t want me, Danny.”
“Read. The. Texts.”
You took his phone, startled into obedience by his tone. You saw the texts were from Sam, not from Emma or some other girl, and immediately felt guilty.
“Never mind,” you said, trying to hand his phone back. “I don’t — I’m sorry, I — ”
“No, go ahead.” His voice was low. “Read them, sunny. Since you’re so sure you’ve got me all figured out.”
You looked helplessly at the screen, skimming dozens of texts between him and Sam. Your gaze snagged on one phrase, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
I love her. It was right there in front of you, a message from the boy you loved to his best friend. I love her. I don’t know if I should tell her.
You looked up at him, afraid to ask if it was real. “What is this?”
He gave you an incredulous look. “What do you mean, ‘what is this’?” he said. “What does it look like, sunny?”
You looked back down at the texts.
Tell her!!! Sam had replied. Birdies says you should too.
It’s not crazy?? Danny had sent back. We haven’t even kissed! No way. It’s insane. I can’t tell her.
Come on man, Sam said. When you know you know. Tell her tonight. Don’t wait.
Danny hadn’t sent anything back after that. You guessed that had been when you’d walked in, and the messages you’d been so bothered by had been Sam pestering Danny for an update.
Suddenly the messages blurred in a wash of tears, and you pushed his phone back into his hands and covered your face.
He sighed. “Sunny...” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Look, this doesn’t have to be a whole thing. I’m sorry I lost my temper and made you read those texts. I’ll drive you home, and then you never have to see me again.”
You looked up, awash with tears. “You don’t want to see me again?”
He looked stricken at your voice. “No! I mean, yes! I mean...” He held his hands out to you, helpless, pleading. “Of course I want to see you again. I want to see you every single day for the rest of my life because I love you, sunny. But now you’re crying again, and I have no idea how you feel about me saying that, and — oof!”
He grunted a little as you all but threw yourself into his arms, surprised but still steady as he caught you against him.
“What is this?” he asked, repeating your question from earlier.
You pulled back just enough to look at his face. His expression caught between fear and hope, and you loved him more than you could ever say.
“What do you mean, ‘what is this’?” you said. You touched your hands to his cheeks and gave a watery laugh. “I love you too, Danny.”
No sooner had the words left your mouth than he’d taken you in a tight hug and stood to spin you around.
“Yes!” he yelled, exultant, boyish and sincere. “Yes! Oh, thank god!”
You giggled as he spun you one more time, dizzy and happy and so in love with him you could barely stand it. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined you would get such an enthusiastic response to a love confession, and you adored him for it.
He set you gently on your own two feet but still held you close.
“I love you,” he said. “Is that crazy?”
You laughed. “No. I don’t think it’s crazy at all. I love you too.”
He took your face in his hands and kissed you, warm and passionate and sweet. When he finally let you come up for air, you looked up at his beloved face.
“I love you, Danny,” you said softly. 
He smiled. “I love you too, sunshine.”
He kissed you again, and you could have stayed like that forever if Danny’s phone hadn’t gone off over and over again.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Danny muttered between kisses.
You smiled, affectionate towards Danny’s friends who just wanted to make sure he was happy.
“Tell him,” you said. “He’s not going to stop until you do.”
Danny gave you a few more kisses, attempting to leave you after each one, drawn back to you irresistibly and met with your laughter and sweet kisses in return.
“Go,” you laughed, giving him a light push towards the bed where his phone lay with several texts on the screen.
He did, reluctantly, but he was pleased that you came to sit next to him at the end of the bed as he scanned through Sam’s texts.
“Look at this,” Danny said with a fond, mildly exasperated laugh. He showed you the text thread and scrolled through a number of texts all bearing virtually the same messages: did you tell her? how did it go?
“What are you gonna say?” you asked.
He showed you the text he sent. I told her. Is it possible to die of happiness?
“Aw, Danny,” you said softly. You gave him a gentle kiss, and he melted against you.
Sam texted back, and both of you laughed when you read it.
HOLY SHIT??? to answer your question I don’t think so otherwise birdie would have killed me by now but CONGRATS BROTHER!!!!
A few seconds later, he texted again. Birdie says she wants to have lunch tomorrow and hear everything from both of you but for now we’ll shut up and leave you to it!!!! Go get ‘em tiger!!!
“Oh, god,” Danny said with an embarrassed laugh. He locked his phone and tossed it on the bed. “Well, there you have it. The thrilling saga of texting my friends who apparently made it their personal mission to see that I told you all my dirty secrets.”
He laid back on the bed, and you remembered there were still secrets you hadn’t gotten the answer to. You were content to forget it, though, not wanting to bring up anything that might ruin the perfect balance of happiness and excitement between you.
“What is it?” he asked.
“What do you mean?”
He gave you a knowing smile. “You’re thinking real hard about something, sunny. Tell me. Do you want to ask me something?”
You didn’t know whether to like that he could read you so easily or to blush at the thought that every emotion played across your face as you felt it.
“Kind of,” you admitted, “but it doesn’t matter. It’s not a big deal.”
“Should be an easy thing to answer, then.” He tugged very gently on the necklace he’d given you. “You should know right from the beginning that you can talk to me about anything, sunshine. I promise.”
Your heart wobbled a little. “Thank you,” you said, and you meant it.
“You don’t have to thank me, but you’re welcome.” He tenderly brushed his knuckles against your jaw. “What do you want to ask me, sunny?”
You took a deep breath. 
“Who’s Emma?” you finally asked. “The... the girl who can’t wait to see you tomorrow?”
He gave you a kind smile. 
“She does my hair,” he said.
You felt a searing flash of embarrassment. “No she doesn’t.”
He laughed. “Yes, she does. I’m getting highlights tomorrow.”
You winced, mortified at yourself and your overreaction. You covered your face with your hands. 
“Oh, Danny. I’m really sorry.”
“Why? You don’t think I’d look good with highlights?”
You couldn’t answer, and he chuckled as he propped himself up on his arm, pulling your hands away from your face with his free hand. 
“It’s okay, sunny,” he said consolingly. “I get it.”
“I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions,” you said. “I’m sorry, Danny. It wasn’t any of my business who you were texting or who was texting you anyway.”
“But she sent me a kissy face,” he said sympathetically. “I understand why you were upset, sweetheart.”
Your heart jumped at the pet name, and you couldn’t stifle the nervous, giddy laugh that bubbled out of you.
He grinned. “What was that cute little laugh for?” he asked. “Did you like it when I called you sweetheart?”
You covered your face with your hands again, blushing hot. “No.”
He chuckled. “Come here, sunshine. If you hide behind your hands every time you blush, we’re gonna be in trouble.”
He tugged gently on your wrist, and you followed until you leaned your head against his shoulder with a soft thump. 
“You are my sweetheart,” he said tenderly, amused and affectionate. He kissed your cheek. “My baby love, my dearest, my pretty girl. My honey bunch.”
You smiled. “Your honey bunch?”
“Yeah, you like that one?” he said with a soft laugh. He peppered gentle kisses over your cheeks. “Let me take you on a date tonight, honey bunch. A real one, not a wedding.”
“But we like going to weddings.”
“We do,” he agreed. “But I think we need something a little more low-key, like some late-night Thai food.”
You lifted your head from his shoulder. “I actually know a good Thai place around here.”
“Sweet. Let’s go.” He gave you a quick kiss as he stood, and you were a little stunned with how easy it was, how casual and wonderful it was to be kissed like that.
He looked mildly worried when you didn’t stand with him. “You okay? You want to go somewhere else?”
You shook your head. “No.” You took the hand he offered you. “Can you kiss me again?”
He smiled and pulled you close. “Sunshine, I’ll kiss you until you’re sick of me.”
“Not possible.”
“Oh yeah?” He leaned close to kiss you again. “Well, I guess it can’t hurt to find out.”
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danny taglist: @tearsofbri @busybeingtrash @myway-late @gotavansleep @gretavanbri @stardustchxrds @pxppylove @mariegvf
fic taglist: @streamsofstardust
gvf taglist: @malany-gvf @spark-my-nature @eearevee @madneedshelp @demonrat444 @josh-iamyour-mama @honeyandsweettae @mydarlingdanny @gretavandann @sacredjake @myleftsock @joshskittytickler21 @hellowgoodbye @watchingovergvf2 @fearfulspirit @mywaysoon @carbondancingthroughtime @caprisunsister @eraofstardustchords @sacredthefran @shesawomaninadream @serendipiti @demonrat444 @wildflowerxx-x
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Some Hawks fluff because he's such a dork.
Hawks catches Reader sobbing over some low-level punk partner.
Cw; fluff, Hawks x Reader, light hurt & comfort, GN!Reader
Every flash of that vivid fight is what keeps your tears fresh and flowing, slipping down your slightly chubby cheeks as you curl up deeper into the couch you've practically grown into.
It's been about 3 days since you've last seen the sunlight, depression hitting you like a bus after being dumped by someone who you thought was the love of your life. Yikes, never making that mistake again, huh?
The bags under your eyes more vibrant and visible than ever, the small cartons and plates of fast food places from whenever you would starve yourself to the point you were so hungry you were tempted to eat yourself.
To put it simply, everything went to shit for you. And you honestly couldn't care about anything right now, even the soft glow of your phone and the constant buzzing of notifications vibrating your coffee table.
All you wanted to do was mope, cry, mope some more, cry some more, sob, eat if really necessary, cr—
You flinched at the sound of a familiar voice, one you didn't expect to hear at all at a time like this. You slowly pulled the blanket just below your eyes to make sure it was the person you were thinking of.
And sure enough, red apple colored wings along with a small flurry of feathers immediately captured your attention from across the living room.
His head immediately snaps towards you before he came rushing to your slump figure on the couch.
"Y/n, are you okay? What happened? Why aren't you answering any of my texts?" The hero panicked, placing a hand just on your jawline, gently leading you up to look at him.
"Slow down." You mumble, yawning before slowly and reluctantly getting up from your dent in the sofa.
"Sorry, okay.. What's going on baby bird..?"
"You know I know what you mean when you say that, c'mon now, I know you better than that songbird."
You grumble quietly before sighing and finally looking into his golden-brown eyes.
"They dumped me."
"They dumped me."
He froze, simply zoning out before a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes took over his concerned expression.
He quickly shook his head before the frown reappeared. He hesitated for a moment before clearing his throat and sitting beside you to your left on the sofa with a small grunt.
"I know it hurts, but if I'm being honest about this, as a hero, and as your friend, you seriously shouldn't be doing this to yourself." He lightly scolded before fluttering his wings and wrapping one around your side.
You huffed, yanking your blanket from underneath him. "Not as easy as you think, playboy."
"Hey, I've quit my ways a long time ago." He quipped back, sending a feather to grab your blanket and pin it against the wall nearby.
You gaped before glaring up at him and reluctantly getting up to chase after your blanket.
"Ah, where do you think you're going?" He hummed before pinning your shirt to the sofa with another carmine feather.
You pointed to the blanket, and he chuckled before using his wing to pull you closer, unwinding your shirt in the process. "Listen, how about instead of you moping here, we go out for a little fly and get some fresh fried chicken."
"Do we have to?"
He silently cheered, pumping his fist down in front of him with a grin. When you gave him a look he cleared his throat and sat up straighter.
"Alright, I'll be a second, I need to do something real quick. Go on and get dressed, baby bird. I'll come get you in 15."
You couldn't help the smile on your face before you nodded and hopped up off the couch for the first time in 7 hours.
A giggle erupted from your lips when Hawks sent a feather to tickle you as a soft see you later. One last playful glare at him and you're off.
And that's when his expression darkened.
"Now, where does that bastard live."
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
More Than I Should {pt. 2}
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pairing: riri ✘ black!fem!reader
chapter summary: headaches, everyone gets them! your most recent one stems from poor decision making. but the one that reoccurs has a name: riri williams. she's in your head, and alone time with her only causes more pain, and more problems.
word count: 12.9k (juh vibe twin)
chapter contents: angst(barely tbh), cussing, arguing, more of riri being an asshole, reader says something vaguely homophobic, VERY brief mention of menstruation
tags: @verachii @rxcently @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @blackgcomica @n7cje @shurisbbymama @bestfriend491 @mocha-aya @uhwhatsay @shinsousliya @bratydoll @shuriri4life @letitias-fav @axailslink @chidinma @xoxo-dede @percsane @generallysapphic @mbakuetshurisprincess @quintessencewrites @adeola-the-explorer @dejaonline @bubshri @zayswriting @la-reine-insane @shurisjournal @shurismainbxtch @playhousedistee @cafehyunji @bigbigbigfan @andibecamethestars @saintwrld @mysticalmarss @sweetalittleselfish-honey @ogbells16 @marsolgy @randomhoex @chatitajens @cuddl3s4shur1 @abenomeiiii @6-noir @melanated-queen @yamsthoughts @lppriceisright @shuriislut @playgurlxoxo @kya-rose @shuriszn
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: okay i'm keeping this note short and sweet. hope y'all like this literal dissertation lmao. also sorry if you asked to be tagged and i didn't, just learned i can't tag more than 50 people soo yeah, yikes! love you still though. enjoy! mwah mwah!! <33
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There was hardly any action that came without consequence. An irrefutable fact, you knew this. But knowing a fact, and acknowledging a fact, differed vastly from your ability to care about it. This was the manner in which you behaved last night, there was no care for repercussions, no worry about aftermaths; the promise of consequence fueled you as you ignored your burning throat and staggered steps.
You could not, however, ignore any of it now though. The pounding in your head made sure of that. Heavy eyelids stayed hammered shut, rejecting your pleas for them to open, and your body ached in sync with your throbbing brain.
The night was but a distant memory as you tried, and failed, to recall its events in full. Small flashes appeared behind your locked lids: Music. Dancing. Hakeem’s hands on you, his lips. He smelled good. Drinking, lots of drinking. You were alone and then you weren’t. Riri. Her hands. Her eyes.
Riri had driven you home, held you close, and made sure you were safe. You mulled that thought over, surely that couldn't be right. The rattling in your skull made it hard to discern if your mind was just conjuring things, filling in blank spaces with what you wanted the truth to be. And your phone’s neverending pinging on your cluttered nightstand only worsened your splitting headache.
You groaned, eyes finally peeling themselves open, and reached for the device. It was nine in the morning and you had work in an hour. Great. Tired eyes adjusted to the blinding brightness and fluttered down to the notifications rolling in.
Keem: I'm sorry
Keem: Baby please don't be mad
Keem: Text me back, I’m sorry
Keem: I should've come back I know
Keem: Can you answer the phone, please
Keem: Riri said you got drunk and she took you home
Keem: Are you okay?
Keem: Are you awake yet? Want me to bring you breakfast?
Keem: I know you're mad at me, can we just talk?
Keem: At least leave me on read so I can know you're okay?
That string of texts solidified it all. You were not making anything up. Vivid glimpses flooded back to you now, one apologetic message after the other. Hakeem had left you. You were at the party only because he’d asked, a party in which you knew no one, and he just left you behind. No call, no text, and with Riri of all people. With the girl who despised your presence, though some of her behavior last night could counter that claim. You granted Hakeem’s request, tapping the messages app on your phone and leaving him on read.
The notifications stopped coming after that. It made you smile a little, knowing he was anxiously waiting for you to acknowledge his messages. He was aware you were awake, he knew you'd read his texts, seen the missed calls, and he would have to sit with your decision to willfully ignore him.
You pushed your cozy pink duvet off your body, preparing to stand. Truthfully, there was no recollection of falling asleep inside your head. Everything after getting into Riri’s car was foggy. And there it was, that sensation you'd experienced only a handful of times, but each occurrence came with such intensity, you recognized it instantly. Dread. It was collecting inside you, pooling in your stomach and mixing with your growing nausea as you tried recounting your conversation with Riri. Surely there was one, you talked a lot when you were drunk.
If your past encounters with alcohol were to be used as evidence, there was no doubt that you'd made a fool of yourself.
So maybe this hangover was a blessing, certainly not the one that arrived in disguise, no. You felt every ounce of pain, every whir inside your brain, and your world shifted when your toes dug into the carpet. Nothing about this was concealed or covered, you were well aware of everything going wrong inside you, but it was a blessing all the same. Anything that provided aid in your forgetting a drunken conversation with Riri would be deemed a blessing.
Another groan, this one long, this one annoyed as you wiped your eyes and trekked to the bathroom. There was absolutely no way you'd be turning on the light, the sliver of sunlight peeking through your curtains would have to be enough. But even that was too much.
You spared a glance at yourself in the mirror and you rolled your eyes. One of Hakeem’s shirts draped loosely over your tired exterior, making you all the more irritated the longer you stared at your reflection. “Ahh fuck.”
Sleeping in makeup, another thing that has never once worked out for you. Your eyeliner was smudged off at the ends, no longer holding its sharp winged shape. There was one strip lash stuck to your cheek, and the other one stayed put, sitting pretty right along your lash line. Your hair, oh your hair. She was doing her own thing, and you thought it best to leave your frizzy curls alone. Everything about your appearance was disastrous, coordinated perfectly with your innards. A matching set, both scheming with plans to demolish you. And it was working, their scheme.
There was no desire to fight back, not even a pinch. Brushing your teeth was painful. Washing your face, exhausting. Warm water cascading down your body though, that would remedy you, all of you.
It was immediate, your mind's trailing to her, to Riri. You’d hardly stood under the drizzling showerhead for long before your thoughts decided to betray you. But the two of you resided on different pages as of late, which was a thing you weren’t used to, considering your brain was usually your best friend. The muddling of that relationship was all your doing though, with your recklessness, and your impulsiveness. One could also blame Riri for your being at odds with your head. She always clawed her way in, in spite of all your efforts to keep her out.
You tried not to think about her as you lathered your wash rag, closing your eyes in attempts to push her away, but her face stood fierce in your mind's eye. Riri’s face. Despite the permanent scowl she wore when around you, Riri was very beautiful. It was an objective observation, calling her anything but would be a lie.
As you washed your body, as you let the soapy streams from your rag trickle down you, you couldn't help your drifting thoughts, couldn't fight them. What did Riri’s face, her beautiful face, look like last night as she drove you home? She was probably annoyed, that was a given. What did you say to her on the drive? There were remnants of accusing questions on your tongue, the taste they abandoned in your mouth rancid as it blended with the minty freshness of toothpaste.
Being curious about what you’d said to her was reasonable, it was rational. Your mission was to make her like you, get Riri to be something resembling a friend to you, and if you’d said anything to offend her last night, wanting to know was a warranted response. Right? No matter the level of embarrassment. Especially given that she was gracious enough to take you home. She didn't have to, she didn't want to, but she did. You ran the warm cloth along your neck, your shoulders, across the small of your back.
She’d touched you there. That you remembered. It was dizzying: the press of her digits, the way they indented your flesh. Riri was kind in her embrace. You were still having a hard time accepting that Riri Williams would be kind to you. Why would she be kind to you? Perhaps it was pity that drove her. The girl abandoned by her boyfriend. Drunk. Sad. Lonely. Of course she pitied you, you gave her ample reason to. If only you retained more, if only the specks behind your eyes would arrange themselves accordingly.
You decided to end your shower, your headache was subsiding, but thinking about Riri, trying to understand Riri was pulling it back. The shower had to remain your sanctuary, a safe place that she was not allowed to infiltrate. You deserved that at least.
Once you were dressed in your work uniform: blue polo with the Freeda’s logo, tan khakis, and your beat-up black vans, you exited your room. Dealing with your hair, you decided, would be tomorrow's problem. Your body still housed exhaustion, but the Tylenol you swallowed alleviated some discomfort. Opting for a low-tension hairstyle was your best bet: a low, very loose puff that poked out the back of your matching Freeda’s cap.
When you emerged into the living room, the sight of your roommate lounging on the couch with a bowl of Lucky Charms cradled in her palms, startled you. She had not been home in days and you’d grown used to living alone. You also enjoyed having the food you paid for to yourself as well. “Talia, what I tell you bout eating my shit?”
Her eyes did not leave the Tv screen as she scooped another spoonful into her mouth. You eyed her, watching as droplets of milk tumbled from the utensil to the cushions, growing annoyed with her lack of effort to clean it, or eat at the table. “I thought you bought it for both of us.”
You rolled your eyes, heading to the kitchen to fill your water bottle before leaving. There was already too much bouncing around in your head, and you refused to add Talia being a slob to that list. The time on the clock read 10:15. You were already late. Fantastic. A quick text to your manager would at least buy you some time, an hour at best, but you couldn't complain.
“Oh, those came for you.” Your gaze followed Talia’s finger and landed on a bouquet of flowers sitting on the floor, leaning against the door. The image pulled a memory to the forefront of your mind, the memory of you in that same position. Your back pressed flush against the door, you trying to catch your breath.
Something about last night made your heart race, even now. Your mind omitted that part, maybe it was best you couldn't remember, even though a small part of you yearned to know. Riri was involved, undoubtedly. Her essence always found itself present whenever your heart sprinted.
Your groan made your roommate turn her head, clearly more interested in your relationship drama than the show on the screen. Did Hakeem really think flowers, you picked them up and examined them, with a corny note would fix things? He was unbelievable.
“He dropped them off when you were in the shower. I ain't let him in though. He was fidgeting and looking all forlorn, so I just guessed y’all was fighting or something.” She stood, taking her bowl to the empty sink, and instead of washing it, she just set it down. Another thing that irked you about Talia. But she was real, the closest thing you had to a friend on campus, which was sad. Maybe this was why you sought after Riri so much; you needed female friendships. Talia would do for now though, even if she was messy and she ate all of your food.
“We are. But it’s whatever,” You lied, reaching for your bag. “I’m finna head out, and please wash that damn bowl T. You see it wasn’t nothing in the sink.”
“Don’t do me, Ima wash it, damn.”
Taking the bus did not tend to be an activity enjoyed by most, and that was understandable. The fumes, the strangers, the waiting; these were all deterrents. None that affected you, however. The smells: burnt diesel and other mystery aromas were not favorites of yours, and the waiting was certainly not ideal, especially when you were almost an hour late to work already. But, you enjoyed people watching, guessing the destination of unknown persons. The authenticity of taking public transit was a lore that enticed you for some reason.
And it had ever since you were a child. It was not a stretch to say you loved taking the T. It cleared your head, made you think less. The morning rides consisted only of you and Steve Lacy massaging your eardrums. Quite literally no thoughts, solely vibes. This was your constant, a constant that never varied. Until now, as you sat, head vibrating against the window of the rumbling bus.
Your trip to work was one you looked forward to, it was your peace. Dealing with entitled customers was a stressor, evidently, so you reveled in your tranquil journey. Your music calmed you and kept you sane until you had to face the inevitable.
But Hakeem’s likeness being present in your mind only served as a source of agitation, his audacity. Flowers? Flowers were supposed to make you forgive him? Had he bothered to get your favorites, then maybe you’d be willing to hear him out. Did he even know your favorite flowers were Tulips? Ignoring your bubbling annoyance was near impossible, your brain refused to erase the image of wilted weeds on your floor. Using The Lo-Fis as an instrument of escape was not working either.
The texts were back, and every buzz felt from your phone tucked between your thighs made your eye twitch.
Keem: You get my flowers?
Keem: You at work yet? Can I swing by after I pick up my car?
Keem: I miss you baby
Keem: I know I fucked up, but can you please talk to me?
You: I hate Daisies.
The vibrations ceased and you grinned, but your leg continued its aggravated bouncing. The elderly lady seated next to you shifted some, clearly uncomfortable with your movements. Could she feel how angry you were? Possibly, but she would just have to deal with it. Two more stops until you got off. So much for enjoying your bus ride to work.
Your eyes rolled at the mere thought of Hakeem's face again. His pretty face, his pretty stupid face. Were relationships supposed to feel this way? This could very well be standard. It wasn’t like you’d know, you had nothing else to compare this one to, no other notches in your belt. Couples fought, your parents did, but they still loved each other.
It was possible you were overreacting. Many of your friends from high school would be urging you to forgive Hakeem. Should you? A question you pondered as you stepped off the bus and into the busy street. Forgiving him so soon didn’t feel right, primarily when you considered the severity of the situation. He left you alone at a party with dozens of strangers. Any number of things could've happened to you in that house. It was a huge fuck up, he knew this, and it was not something you were prepared to move past. And certainly not without a conversation.
But there was no desire to speak to him, so a conversation was off the table. Blowing up your phone would not change that.
Steve Lacy still sang sweetly to you on your upward trek, the question still thunderous in your mind. Your walk was short and familiar enough as you approached your destination. Daze ended, effortlessly transitioning into Out of Me Head, and you knocked.
Once. Twice. The door flung open right as you prepared for a third. “Yo, I told you to give me another hour, why you–”
Riri’s stunned expression forced you to smile hesitantly. “Hi, Riri.”
She glanced over her shoulder quickly, then back at you. Emotionless eyes on a stern face took you in, and you watched the way she sifted through expressions. Riri peered behind her again, before stepping completely out of her garage and shutting the door. She stood in front of you now: arms crossed and biceps flexing in her white tank top. Her braids were in a ponytail today, accentuating her facial features. The style brought those cheekbones out of hiding, simple, but cute.
She sounded bored when addressing you, “Aren't you supposed to be at work?”
It dawned on you then, that you were indeed supposed to be at work, and some of that off-the-hook buzzing your phone was doing could very likely be Benny. Realization settled in when you assessed your surroundings. You missed your stop, unconsciously, and somehow ended up here. At Riri’s garage. This wasn't something that's happened before. You never missed your stop, not ever. Every day, you rang the bell two stops after passing the KFC on the corner of Anchor Street, then you walked ten minutes up the road to the crosswalk, before finally arriving at the back of Freeda’s.
This was your routine, it had been for months. Usually, you followed a strict schedule, one that you rarely ever strayed from. Organization was important to you, punctuality was important to you, so it was safe to say you felt thrown.
But these were the consequences stemming from your decisions last night, the ones you claimed not to care about. The waking up late, the unsatisfactory ride, and the ending up here. All repercussions of your actions.
“Oh! Um, y-yeah I–” Stumbling over words around Riri was apparently your brand, you were trying, but the way she eyed you intently made it difficult. More difficult than need be. Damn those eyes of hers. Striking, intense, and curious. Enunciating in her presence was an impossible feat.
Staring back at her with the same intensity, that was your body's defense. Involuntary, but it seemingly did the job, because she shifted, and her arms loosened.
Riri cleared her throat, pushing her fists into the pockets of her sweats. It was only now that you realized she seemed fidgety. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was sweaty. She huffed, but it wasn't in annoyance, which was a first for her. “Um, what are you doing here?”
“I came to uh, say thank you. For taking me home I mean. I know you didn't have to but–” Was that why you were there?
She shook her head, “Nah it's cool. Not like I was gon leave you there.”
Ouch. That stung, and you could tell she knew that, that's why she said it. Riri only studied you like she was breaking you apart, digging beneath your surface in search of something. Something she wanted and could only find in you. It iced your skin, even in the warm air and you hugged your middle, making her chuckle knowingly.
“That all you came for? To say thank you? Cause I got shit to do today.”
You nodded, and she took that as her cue to leave. Desire to ask her about last night scorched your throat, the things you’d said. There was little reason to believe you hadn't embarrassed yourself, any time you had alcohol swiveling in your system, this was a given. So it was not a matter of if you had, but more so the extent. Riri held all the answers, but you weren't entirely confident in her willingness to bestow them upon you. Every encounter with her was evidence to back this claim.
Riri Williams enjoyed having the upper hand, in every situation really, and with everyone, but dominating you — besting you, scratched a particular itch she seemed to always have. It did not take long to pick up on this fact, and you knew she would dangle the answers you sought over your head if need be. You decided to ask anyway because what did you have to lose? Dignity? Shame? Surely you’d already lost those in Riri’s eyes.
“Actually th–” The door opened before she could turn the knob and you gasped.
A girl, almost the same height as you, maybe a few inches taller, emerged gracefully from inside the garage. Stunning. That was the only word your brain allowed you to think. She was stunning, breathtakingly so.
Tattoos covered her arms, twisting, turning, stretching, and connecting with the ones on her neck and chest. Each one of them a chapter in an overarching story. You wanted to read that story. They complimented her deep complexion well, so did the gold jewelry in both her nostrils, and the ones that ran along the length of her ears. A star-shaped ring poked through her septum, and it matched the one dangling from her belly button. And when she spoke, you took notice of the bead in her tongue.
“Oh hi! You're cute, who are you?” The compliment struck you. Hard. Her smile sucked you in as your eyes scanned her body. It curved in all the right places, all the places yours did not. This girl — this woman — exuded self-assurance. All the confidence in the world belonged to her, and she wasn't opposed to sharing, but only if you deserved it. You had to earn it. You wanted to earn it. Desperation drove your need to absorb the beams flowing off her person, and your face said as much.
Riri’s sly smirk did not go unnoticed, your awe amused her, but it was something you'd pay attention to later. Right now, all efforts were focused on her mystery girl. She made you feel small and insignificant, but there was no doubt she would build you a wall of security if you begged. You wanted to beg: for her name, her friendship.
Dark eyes and fiery hair colored your world as you racked your brain for your name. You had one and you knew it up until a second ago, the syllables danced right on your tongue.
You blinked. She was dead set on getting an answer, but you hadn't one to give. “I'm…”
Riri pulled the taller girl in by her perfect hips, fingers sliding over the many waist beads decorating the base of her spine. “That's Keem’s girl.”
Mystery girl’s arms draped Riri’s neck. She dragged them along her damp skin and your eyes chased her short manicured nails; you watched every move they made against Riri. How her thumbs grazed her jawline, how fingertips pushed against the nape of Riri’s neck, brushing the stray curls sitting there softly. She smoothed her palms over Riri’s throat, and the scientist grinned darkly. “Ahh, Keem’s girl.”
Your existence slipped their minds, this you were sure of. And you were proven correct when Riri squeezed Mystery girl’s ass in her flared, patterned, yoga pants. When you gasped again, Riri flicked her eyes to you, but it was only briefly. Her smirk, the one you'd witnessed hundreds of times over the past three months, was now in its deadliest form. She shot it directly at you with the intent to kill. And if you hadn't known better, you would have thought yourself dead.
Riri nodded against Mystery girl’s forehead. “Yup, Keem’s girl.”
You did not enjoy the way they placed emphasis on his name, Keem’s girl. They slurred it like you belonged to him, something possessed and owned. The two of them behaved as though you were some part of a secret only they shared, and you despised that too. How did this girl know you? How well did she know your boyfriend?
Mystery girl pulled away from Riri, but Riri yanked her back. The image of that exchange sparked a flicker of familiarity inside you. Riri was strong, her hold willful. You knew this from experience and you felt sorry for the girl. She did not at all look perturbed by Riri’s grip though, in fact, she looked as though she enjoyed it.
“Ri baby, I gotta go.” She whined, but Riri refused to let her go.
She giggled when Riri got on her tippy toes to kiss her neck. “I know.”
“So let me go? I was with you all night.” She giggled again, this time from Riri’s hands trailing her exposed back. She was with Riri all night? After she dropped you off?
This was an intimate moment between two women who were comfortable with each other in every way imaginable. You should look away, you should leave, go to work. But your pupils were locked on their embrace, locked on the way Riri showed affection.
“I'm seeing you later?” Riri laced her fingers through Mystery girl’s hand and she smirked down at the smaller girl.
She stayed silent for a beat, only eyeing Riri, making her anticipate an answer. And Riri was very much on her toes as she waited, eager to know. You too, found yourself anxious to know as you pursued her unspoken words. Would Riri indeed be seeing this Crimson-haired goddess later?
She bit her lip and Riri gasped, “Ion know. You wasn't really nice to me last night.”
“You know you love when I'm mean.”
Your body's reaction to that line was odd. A strange feeling, one you were unaccustomed to. A whimper? You swallowed it back down and blinked, you should really get to work. But your feet were planted in the gravel, unmoving and awkwardly standing as the two women devoured each other before you.
Riri was the first to break the kiss, and she exhaled. “So I'm seeing you later.”
“I ain't say all that.”
She wiped her lip with the pad of her thumb, “But I am seeing you.” A statement, not a question. Riri was confident in this, she was certain of it.
Mystery goddess girl rolled her eyes and kissed Riri on her cheek, “You gon see me Ri baby.”
“You know I love when you say my shit like that.”
The girl smiled and backed away slowly, eyes still locked on Riri’s frame. “Yeah? I’ll make sure to say it like that tonight then.”
“Bye Keem’s girl.” And with a flirty wave, she was off, strutting toward a jeep that rivaled her afro’s flames.
Her scent danced past you as it followed her, lingering in your air, permeating your pores. She smelled of shea butter and incense. Jojoba oil and fresh vanilla. It was all too much, too heady, and that throb from this morning returned. Only this time you welcomed it, this time the pain was necessary if you planned to keep her aroma in your memory. “B-Bye…”
Your eyes scurried after her, widening at the way her hips switched. Your own hips couldn't — wouldn't — move that way if you dedicated your life to making them. It was obvious she was a lot, but a lot was enough, it would have to be if you planned to make Riri’s gorgeous, goddess, mystery girl your friend.
Riri watched you watch her girl, and those searing eyes of hers rose in temperature the longer you stared. She’d been eyeing you for a minute, so long you were beginning to sense her bustling...annoyance, was it? When you spun to face her, you learned you were indeed correct, Riri was annoyed.
Funny how that worked. Minutes ago she was making out with the most gorgeous girl, blissfully ignoring your existence, and now, your existence was all she paid attention to. Her quick way of shifting between emotions was truly something. She scrutinized you in that tense way she did, and you wanted to shy away from her glare.
“Why are you still here again?” She didn't wait for your response. Riri opened the door and stepped through, so naturally, you followed her like the lost puppy you were.
The garage was messier than when you were there last. Riri’s tools were scattered about, half-done sketches and crumpled sheets of paper littered the floor, scrap metal too. Dull, clunky, and unpolished.
There was a lack of organization, lack of structure in the way the parts were disbursed, like she’d just dragged them in and left them wherever. You stepped over each of them carefully, inspecting them intently. It was eerie really; you’d imagined what Riri’s brain would look like if it were to explode countless times, and the scene before you now, matched your conjured scenario perfectly. The accuracy astonished you.
The endless scribbles on her board were to be expected, dimensions for something she was clearly building, or rather something she was enhancing. The dented steel and iron plates in the corner told you as much, but identifying the something was another task entirely. It had your gears turning though, your own mind alive and brimming with possibility.
Fighting the impulse to touch her things was hard, they were pretty, and you were curious. But you heeded her previous outburst; upsetting her once more was not in your plans.
Riri disregarded you completely, attention stolen away by her work on Hakeem’s silver Toyota.
That stupid Toyota. He’d kissed you for the first time in that car, after your second date. He was sweet, so gentle in the way he'd held your face and brushed your lips. The pair of you had many memories wrapped up in that car, but now, you only wanted to smash it. Break the frame you placed it in, the frame that housed your memories, and undo all of Riri’s work on the vehicle.
“Ugh.” Your scoff was loud and apparently alarming enough to perk Riri’s ears, and she let a chuckle slip.
She seemed fine with your still being there, unperturbed and content to continue ignoring you. Why were you still there? Why weren't you at work? You’d texted Benny a half-assed lie about cramps, he didn't question you, and it made you grateful for the terror menstruation awoke in most men.
So now here you stood, aimlessly gazing and fidgeting around Riri’s safe space, a safe space you'd infiltrated twice now. As your brain spun in deliberation, you shifted your weight from your right leg to your left with a huff. You still wanted to ask her about last night, but you could not decide on the best approach.
“Bruh, if you just gon stand there looking lost, can you just be quiet or something? Damn. All that heavy breathing.”
Her admonishment caught you off guard, you weren't aware she was paying attention to you and you truly didn't know what to say. “Uh...”
Riri’s head emerged from under the car’s hood and she leaned on the front of it. Her eyes were glued to you immediately after, scanning your work uniform up and down. Yours, however, panned to every other thing that occupied the same space as the two of you: the car tires, the cloaked bike sitting unbothered next to her car, her computer screens.
Another staring match would not be smart, you hadn't the stomach for it. The goal was nonchalance, but it was a failed attempt, you knew this the moment you caught her snide chuckle.
“If you insist on being here, for whatever reason, you could at least help me.”
Surely you didn't hear her correctly. Riri Williams wanted your help? Your face must've given your bewilderment away, because she rolled her eyes and parted her lips to clarify, “I meant like hand me tools and shit. No way Ima actually trust you to work on Keem’s car. You might fuck around and pour peroxide in his gas tank or something.”
You bit back a laugh and she quirked a brow. She wasn't wrong, fantasies about sabotaging his motor, slashing his tires, and removing his spark plugs were rattling around in your head, especially with it sitting right in front of you. But you'd never do anything too crazy.
“Peroxide in the gas tank is definitely an idea. Luckily for him I'm not insane.” You stepped over to her hesitantly and stood beside the vehicle, awaiting instruction.
Riri huffed, holding in her own laughter, “Right...” Gloved hands pushed off the car’s hood and her head disappeared again.
“Hand me that ten millimeter.” Riri outstretched her palm, waiting for you to press the tool into it.
She loosened the bolts with the socket and you watched her wrist twist with practiced precision, popping them all off one by one, and a line of sweat trickled down your back.
“His alternator is fucked up, ain't it?” Your neck craned nosily as she examined the way the serpentine belt was wound, paying close attention to its connection to other components around it. You knew she'd have to reroute it again once finished, back around all the engine pulleys. Once she had the belt removed completely, she scanned it for frays. And just as you’d suspected, there were many. She’d have to replace that too.
All those times you’d warned him about his dimming headlights, the countless times you'd pointed out his check engine light, his battery light. Hakeem’s dashboard always twinkled and blinked. And he promptly ignored all of the flickering. You knew something was up with his car, long before that grinding noise emerged too. His car was old, and with old age came problems, but a lot of this could've been avoided if he wasn't as stubborn as he was.
“Yup.” Riri plucked the corroded car part off the side of the engine and presented it to you. Luckily, replacing it was a quick fix, even quicker with Riri at work. She bit her glove off before swatting sweat from her temples with her bare hands and you swallowed harshly.
You coursed each of her motions, watching as she walked over to her messy work table and rummaged through the clutter for the replacement part. Her shoulder blades flexed as she dug around and Riri spoke to you with her back turned. “So, you gon tell me the real reason you showed up here? And why you ain't at work?”
“Just to say thank you. For last night.” She was in front of you again, swirling the part in her hand and your mind alike. It was larger than her entire palm, but she fisted it like a pro.
That smirk was back, less murderous, still as sly. “You sticking to that, huh?”
“You think there's another reason I'm here?” The warmness of the garage and the heat radiating off Riri who stood impossibly close were on a mission to strangle you, you were sure of it. She inspected the alternator in her palm, then her eyes panned to you. She inspected your posture, assessed your breathing, then shook her head.
Your hip was still pressed into Hakeem’s car, the socket wrench still dangled from your digits. Averting her glare was never a thing you could do for long, so eventually, your eyes met. Amusement clouded her pupils, amusement and intrigue. Something else too, but you wouldn't touch that, not now.
She bit her lip, eyes still taunting you. “I know why you're here.”
“Why am I here?” Immediately, you regretted the question. The tilt of her head, the curve of her lips, and the narrowing of her eyes alerted you that her answer would not be one you enjoyed.
“You wanna know if you said any weird shit in the car when I drove you home. If you revealed your deepest darkest secrets to me and what not.” She snorted.
You didn't speak, too stunned at her blatant expression of knowledge. Were you that readable? Were you that predictable? Your inhales were uneven, Riri knew this. Her focus on your floating chest told you that. Your polo cloaked your sternum, sheltered those previously exposed parts from the night in question, yet somehow Riri Williams still stripped you bare with those brown orbs of hers.
Riri stepped away from you and back to the car, but her eyes lingered on your bearing, marking down its abrupt shift. “You ain't say nothing for real. I mean you said stuff, but not like nun crazy. Well, I mean...”
“What did I say?”
“You wanna hand me that?” She pointed to the belt tensioner bar with a grin and you obliged anxiously, though you could tell she had no plans to answer your question.
Gloved fingers grazed yours delicately, and the sensation tugged on a raspy exhale. You knew this contact; the feeling, the picture was fresh in your memory, albeit skewed. Hands, fingers, reluctance to let go. Riri’s hands, Riri’s fingers, Riri’s reluctance to let go. Of you, of your hand. You blinked, struggling to arrange your thoughts behind your lids.
Another blink. A snapshot of an image. The image of Riri at your door. One more image. Riri’s palm protectively holding yours: tentative, reassuring, grounding.
Fingers snapping in your face pulled you out of your head and back into the world around you. You had to adjust to the lights and your eyes panned down to your boyfriend's car just in time to see Riri replace the battery. She tightened the hold down bracket as a final step and shut the hood, making you jump.
“Aye, can you go start the car for me real quick? The keys are on the seat.”
You nodded slowly, mouth agape, and those amused irises stalked you as you hopped in the front seat. When you turned the key, the engine roared to life, and missing the little self-satisfied smirk that formed on Riri’s lips was impossible. She was proud of herself; it was endearing. You were grinning soon after, voluntarily, as you watched her clean her hands with a nearby rag.
She was thorough with it. She swiped the cloth between her greasy digits and your mind ran back to the detail you uncovered moments ago: Riri Williams held your hand. Those same fingers held yours. What were you to do with that information?
“Aww shit, my baby sounding nice Ri.” The chipper chime of Hakeem’s voice caused your eyes to roll, and it returned your irritation at full force. His footsteps approached the car and you shoved the door open before he could speak to you, jabbing him right in the abdomen.
You were beginning to understand Riri’s love for a good scowl, the one you tossed his way was dangerous, and seeing him recoil satisfied. Hakeem held his stomach, watching you exit his vehicle winningly, and without so much as a word. You caught Riri’s expression, and you were stunned to see her laugh. This laugh was real, one that harbored no sympathy for her best friend. She was genuinely delighted at the sight of him doubled over in pain.
Having Riri on your side made your empty stomach flutter. You’d made her laugh. A step in the right direction, you thought. Possibly.
“Damn baby, not gon say I ain't deserve that, but damn.”
You rolled your eyes again at his words and backed away when he tried pulling you in for a hug. “Fuck away from me.”
Hakeem threw his hands up, “Aight, aight, you got it. But why you not at work? I was gon pull up after I got my car.”
“Ion know what would make you think I would want that. Ion even wanna see you now.” You spat, and his eyes pleaded with you. It wasn't working though, it wouldn't work this time. “And if you must know, I'm not at work because I came here to thank Riri for making sure I got home safely after your bum ass left me to go do whatever the fuck you was doing with random ass niggas last night.”
He tried stepping closer, but you cut your eyes as a warning, and he stepped back again. “I shouldn't have left, but I can't lie, I knew you'd be good with Riri.”
“Aht aht, leave my name out of it.” Riri had taken to tidying up her clutter a bit, tossing things she had no use for. The moment Hakeem mentioned her name however, she readily put a stop to it, and her scolding eyes knocked her best friend down a few notches.
You nodded, letting his words sink in. “So no apology, no accountability? Right, okay. Yeah, fuck you Hakeem.”
His steps were quick behind you as you trotted toward the door, you knew they would be. A small part of you wanted him to follow you. When his fingers brushed your wrist, your legs halted and he spun you. “I'm sorry. I am, I'll never do no shit like that again, that's a promise.”
“Anything could've happened to me in that house Hakeem. I ain't know them people,” Your glare remained stern. “And your bitch ass just decided that it was okay to dip. And let's not forget you did say you were coming back. Didn't you say that?”
Your words were nails, spiteful as they hammered into his chest with force. You took note of the way his face twisted as you recounted his wrongdoings, he was hurt and disappointed in himself. Good. He deserved to hurt, you wanted him to. “I should've believed Riri when she told me you weren't coming back.”
“I'm sorry. I know it ain't enough, but I really am sorry baby girl.”
That rogue baby girl tossed in there should do the trick, it should be the thing to compel your immediate forgiveness. Because those remorseful eyes, and those dimples he kept hidden weren't holding it down on their own. His pretty frown did not move you, so he relied solely on those two words. Unfortunately for Hakeem though, you would not be so easily swayed. It just would not happen, not on his terms.
“You can be sorry. I believe that you are, but you're not forgiven.” You spared a glance at Riri who'd stopped what she was doing. She listened to your word exchange with your boyfriend, and her eyes dazzled with something akin to pride.
She cleared her throat, crossing her arms as she leaned against the parked Toyota. “Y’all done? Cause Keem I need you to get this relic out my garage. Just sitting here it's devaluing all my other shit.”
“Yeah and I gotta get to work. Bye Riri, thanks, again for not being a lame ass piece of shit.”
He reached for your wrist once more, and you let him, despite all of your fibers fighting against it. “Please, just let me drive you? Just let me do this one thing before I leave for the weekend?”
Your eyeroll was to be your yes. It was all he’d get. He grinned softly, and fuck, there they were. Those fucking dimples. Why were you so weak over a division in a person's zygomaticus major? You would have to conduct a study on this very question eventually.
He moonwalked away like a dork, a very cute dork, and you reprimanded yourself for nearly giving in completely. “Alright Ri, talk to me. What's wrong with my baby?”
She regarded him with disgust, and the sight was nice. Seeing that glower directed at him and not you made you blush a little, and you scolded yourself for that too.
“Well ain't shit wrong with her now. But you had hella misfire which was cause of your rusty ass alternator. I replaced that. And your serpentine belt cause that was tore up. Battery was damn near fried. Ima be honest Keem, I really don't know how you was getting around in this car.”
He laughed, because only Hakeem would find hilarity in a situation so dire. “How many times I done told you about that damn car Hakeem?!” You yelled from your spot at the door, arms crossed in annoyance.
“Ain't my fault I'm God's favorite.”
Riri scoffed at the same time you did, and she met your eye line briefly before turning all her attention back to your boyfriend and his death trap. “You not nobody favorite.”
“Nigga did you sleep here?!” You became alarmed by his immediate disregarding of his car. Seconds ago his voice held its signature cheery beat, now though, Hakeem's tone dipped far below the octave you were familiar with. His eyes turned erratic and accusing, darting between Riri and the pillows and blankets on the tattered couch perched at the back of the space.
She tensed instantly at the question. Her jaw locked, there was a gulp, and you studied the measured way she exhaled. You recognized panic, exceedingly well, and that's what Riri did now. She panicked. Hakeem’s question flared fright inside her, and she stumbled over a reply. “Nigga why you in my business?”
A deflection, and a weak one at that. Hakeem thought so too, his expression unimpressed and demanding, but it softened as he looked at her. “Ri, did you sleep here for real?”
“My girl was over last night.” This was your first time hearing her voice emerge so small from her throat. Riri, who always seemed sure of herself, sounded meek, and wounded. Shame stormed her eyes and she flinched when Hakeem spoke again.
He shook his head, “That's not what I asked you.”
“Hakeem, if you wanna drive me to work Ima need you to get on that like right now. Cause I'm already late.”
He ripped his stare from Riri to you, contemplating. You could tell he wanted to continue hounding his best friend, but he also wanted to ease back into your good graces. And if Riri’s quivering lips were an indicator, she wanted an out from this conversation, needed one. So you decided to grant her that by stealing Hakeem's attention. It didn't take long for her to catch wind of your gesture, and those eyes of hers brimmed with appreciation. Riri appreciated you.
You tried not to read into it. You fought your smile. And you lost.
Watching her only broadened it, and you could've sworn there was a slight rise in the right corner of her lips. Or maybe you just wanted there to be.
Hakeem grumbled, “Alright baby let's go.” He glared at Riri. “But we ain't done.”
You walked over to where they stood, and climbed into the front seat with your bag. Riri pressed the garage door opener, and her thumb stuttered. She was still shaken. Miraculous. It was miraculous that you caught that, it was such a subtle thing, barely anything. But you were attentive, you noticed most things about everyone. Observing was a hobby, and it was a hobby you exceeded at.
Hakeem climbed inside and turned the key, cheering when the vehicle revved awake. He rubbed the dash, pressing his face to the wheel and you groaned. “That's my girl. I knew you still had some fight in you.”
As he backed out, your anxiety grew. After having a look under his hood, you weren't entirely confident in this car’s ability to take you anywhere. The bus was safer. “If you kill me in this thing Hakeem we done for real.”
“Ima see you Ri.” He laughed and you waved hopefully at Riri. She didn't return it; expecting her to was wishful thinking
Hakeem was zipping down the street moments later. Your nausea was back now, and with it came that same dread from this morning as well.
Fifteen minutes later, Hakeem pulled up to Freeda’s. All his attempts to talk to you on the drive were proven failures; you drowned him out with your airpods.
“Thanks.” It was emotionless, but you feigned that. Emotions were in fact flowing through you, bubbling ones, ones that scorched. But you swallowed them and allowed them to simmer. He was leaving the city in a few hours. You wouldn't see him and he wouldn't hear from you for the next two days, longer if you had any say in it.
Hakeem's hand grazed your thigh as you moved to get out and you shot him a look. “Just, can you do me a favor while I'm gone?”
“No.” You shifted again, but he pulled you back. “Nigga, don't–”
He reached for your hand, you wanted to snatch it away, but a tender kiss to your knuckles softened your hard exterior. Damn him. “What do you need?”
“Check on Riri for me? Just swing by her dorm, make sure she good?”
You laughed, but his face never moved. Hakeem was authentic in his concern, making you sigh. “Riri don't like me, Keem. And she damn sure won't want me checking up on her.”
“Just, please. She got some stuff going on and I just wanna make sure she don't work herself to death or nothing. That's it.”
Unrest on Hakeem was not a sight you were used to, and it was all for Riri. It made you revisit the panic you witnessed in her eyes. That was strange for her, strange for the Riri you knew. The Riri you’d grown to know carried herself with unshakeable confidence, and you’d never seen even a crack in that. Until today, until Hakeem questioned her about where she spent the night.
It was a question you saw no fault in, if you had noticed the scene he did you would've wondered the same. Inquiring about it would've been off the table, you didn't share the relationship they did, so you couldn't. But it would've been a thought.
Something about that sentiment bothered you. “Okay.”
“Thank you baby.”
You moved for the door again, but you stopped. Your own question barring you this time. “Keem, do you know a girl with a red afro, lots of tattoos, lots of piercings?”
Your description of Riri’s Mystery girl was kept vague on purpose, surely if he knew her that would be more than enough to garner you an answer though.
“Kinda tall, big ass…” He trailed off and you tilted your head, urging him to continue, daring him to try you. “Big ass smile, um, that's what I was gon say. Yeah I know her, Zariyah. She got a big ass smile.” He was audacious. Dumb and stupid and immensely audacious.
“And how you know her exactly?” Your brow quirked, and he shifted uncomfortably under your scrutiny.
Hakeem cleared his throat dramatically and your eyes rolled. “Uh that's Riri’s girl.”
“As in girlfriend?”
He made a curious sound as he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb and it served as nothing more than an irritant. “I mean…”
There was no doubt your face displayed confusion. Was it not a simple yes or no question? “Do you know her in the way Riri knows her?”
This made him chuckle, and it was loud too. “Oh nah nah nah. Zariyah do not swing that way.”
“She’s gay. Like, gay gay. And she's all about Riri.”
Gay gay. And all about Riri. Okay… The way she spoke earlier made it seem like she knew Hakeem personally. But maybe you read into it too much? Her energy was obscuring that's for sure, and that could've been a factor in your misunderstanding. “She's a lesbian?”
“But she’s so pretty.” It was the wrong thing to say. Hakeem's face told you as much. You didn't plan to say it, but the words were on your tongue and out of your mouth before you had the chance to bite them back.
He let your hand go, practically shoved you away, and it startled you. “What you mean by that?”
“No, she's like, I–” Fuck. Words, you needed words to explain your slip up, but even they wanted nothing to do with you now. They avoided you; disappointed and disgusted, and it was with those same emotions that your boyfriend looked at you.
“Bae, you can't be saying shit like that.”
You nodded, you agreed with him. The mere utterance of the sentence crawled your skin. You were trying, unlearning. “I know. I didn't mean it like that. I know pretty girls can be lesbians I just–”
Your breathing increased rapidly and you spluttered nonsensical words. “Baby relax. You're good.”
“I'm sorry.” He guided you through an exhale with a small smile and once again those dimples centered you. Hakeem grounded you just by being, it was a skill, your favorite thing about him. He’d learned you so wholly and the ease in which he did it astonished you.
“You're good. Just, don't say nothing like that again.”
You nodded once more, and this time you smiled back at him.
He squinted at you in that mischievous way he often did and you mentally prepared yourself for what would come. “Why you asking about Riy anyway?”
“So she's Riy now?”
It sank in for him then, and your drive to crawl into a hole was at its strongest. “Oh, she's jealous. You jealous of Riy baby girl?”
Were you jealous? You rolled your eyes at him, “Don't be doing all that. Ain't nobody jealous. I just saw her with Riri earlier and she seemed to know you, and me. So… I was just curious.”
“Mhmm. Okay. We already done established she’s gay as hell. And don't look at nobody who ain't Riri. And if she know anything about you, it's cause I be talking bout you a lot, so you're good, I promise.”
He grinned and you groaned, “I gotta go.”
“Can I get a kiss?” The pearly whites were on full display, so bright and blinding that you almost gave in. But then you remembered you were still angry with him, and he was not forgiven.
You opened the door and leapt out, then slammed it. That was answer enough, but his grin did not waiver. He smiled at you the entire time, waiting for you to make it all the way inside before pulling off.
After your shift, you craved only a single thing: your bed. Your comfy duvet, the plushness of pillows against moisturized skin. Aching muscles yearned for that sensation, to sink into your mattress and be whisked into slumber.
Unfortunately, this luxury was not awarded to you. Because you had homework. And you happened to be a good girlfriend. Which is how you found yourself at Riri’s dorm clutching your backpack and preparing to knock.
Your knuckles rapped at the wood and it took less than a minute for the door to open. Riri’s nose was in her phone, grinning as she swiftly typed a message, and curiosity got the better of you. Prying eyes stole a quick glance at her screen before she caught you and she stuffed the device into her back pocket. The only information you were able to gather was the contact name: Z Baby.
Her decision to acknowledge you was not one made lightly, her grimace displayed that. Her decision to acknowledge you with contempt, however, that you knew came with ease.
“Bruh, you have got to be kidding me. The fuck do you want now?”
You swallowed hard and cleared your throat. You came prepared for this question, for this reaction. “Hey Riri.”
“What do you want?”
Stern irritation glazed her words and you could empathize with that. This was the second time in one day you’d shown up at her door. Well, doors, plural. And you did so unprompted, though your being here now was only to bring your boyfriend comfort. “I thought maybe we could do our homework together?”
“And why the hell would you think I would want that?”
You hadn't expected her to say yes. Yes was easy, and Riri was everything but. “Ion know, I kinda been struggling with some of the concepts and since you're pretty good at this stuff, I just thought maybe you could help me?”
This was not entirely true. Yes, some of the concepts in your differential equations class were hard, but they were supposed to be. You were fine with that, it didn't hinder your ability, you were only looking for a way into her room.
Riri tapped the small whiteboard pinned to her door with her pointer finger, gesturing to the problem written on it. “What does that say?”
“Collatz Conjecture has never been solved, Riri.” You rolled your eyes. So much animosity in such a small body, no way she wasn't exhausted.
“Then why did you knock? The instructions was right in your face. Solve, or don't knock. You know, the way you keep showing up kinda feels like that.” She pointed to the board again.
“What? Like I’m putting you in the 4 2 1 loop?”
She smirked, “Exactly.”
You huffed, growing impatient with her antics. Instances like these reminded you why you avoided her, but that ceased to be the case these days. “Look, I know you don't like me but–”
“Oh? You know that?”
You sighed again, “But, my roommate’s out with her friends, Keem’s out of town and we aren't really in the best place anyway, as you know. And I hate studying and doing homework alone so I wanted to study with you. We have the same class so it makes sense.”
Most of that was a lie. Being left alone was something you enjoyed a lot. You hated unwanted persons being in your space, which was why you understood Riri’s attitude towards you showing up out of the blue. But again, you were a good girlfriend, and Riri deserved to have someone check on her. Even if she made the deed impossible.
“You don't got friends?”
“No.” You spat it harshly, but it was a truthful spit. Something shone in her eyes at your admission. Understanding? Relation?
Riri shifted, pulling her phone out and checking the time. “I got company coming over in an hour, and you gon be up outta here before she get here.” She stepped aside, allowing you in and you shot her a winning smile, one that she scoffed at.
“Sit on the bed, don't touch shit.” Powerful words, shaking words. They drilled into you, her tone laid their foundation, and you did exactly as you were told.
Once settled, legs crossed and bag unpacked, you jumped straight into your work. You chewed on your eraser, deep in thought as you pondered over the questions before you. Riri sat inches from you at her desk, submerged entirely in her phone screen.
Surprisingly, she hadn't shifted her eyes to you one time in the past twenty minutes. This, you weren't expecting. Riri’s exacting gaze was one you’d found yourself used to, one you anticipated whenever you were around her. Whether she shielded it, which she hardly ever did, or not.
But now, even as you sat, unattended on her bed, she paid you no mind. It wasn't an action that you were bothered by, just one you weren't prepared for. It was new, but you could adjust to new. A sigh escaped you as you moved on to the next problem on your homework, and you looked over at Riri. Her smile was still resting on her face like something built in and permanent.
“Your girlfriend is really pretty.” The rumble of your own voice startled you with the drawl of each syllable. This was not something you'd plan to admit, but it was out, and the statement had Riri’s attention.
She spun in her chair to face you, and there they were. Deep brown globes; melted and murky, and forceful as hell. They forced their way beneath the surface of your skin, scanning, searching. “What?”
“Your girlfriend. She's really pretty and seems really cool.” You’d been thinking about Riri’s Mystery girl all day. Her aura, her fragrance, that gold bead punched into her tongue. She was an unforgettable being. A being, you’d found this was the best way to describe her. Otherworldly.
Riri laughed, shaking her head as she eyed you. “Yeah. Zariyah is real cool.”
“She looking for friends by any chance?” You knew your eyes bore desperation. It was hard to care though.
“You wanna be friends with Zariyah?”
You nodded, excited. “I mean, well, yeah.”
“Riy would eat you alive.” And the way she said that sparked a thrill of intrigue. “You ain't ready for that.”
“Ready for what?” Desperate eyes turned curious, and you squinted at her.
Riri’s laugh was always a tad jeering when it was genuine, and you noticed that now with the way she chuckled at you and your request to befriend her girlfriend? Was Zariyah her girlfriend? Hakeem hadn't exactly clarified that for you. “Focus on them problems you working on and stop asking bout my peoples.”
“Can I ask about last night then?” You watched as she sucked in a breath and visibly tensed. Glazed eyes froze on you; their amused tint disappeared, and now, Riri regarded you with uncertainty.
One eye twitched, only for a second, but you saw it. Her panic from earlier brewed beneath that twitching eye, preparing for a spill, but Riri was not the type to let it boil over, especially not in front of you. You weren't Hakeem and you had no exacting effect over her emotions. None that were positive anyway, and none that got her to open up. She could hide whatever was going on from you, and feel no guilt or shame.
That's the other thing you noticed earlier. Shame, painted so prominently across her beautiful face. It complicated her features, blurred them sort of. Shame did not belong there. You couldn't comment on it though, not now. Because that wasn't why you were there. You showed up only to ease Hakeem’s mind, not to pick at Riri's.
“Last night?” Her question was guarded, like she was waiting for something.
You sighed with a nod, “You said I didn't reveal my deepest darkest secrets.”
“You didn't.”
“But I did embarrass myself?” This question’s answer existed already, but you asked anyway because apparently you had a humiliation kink.
Her eyes stilled, relaxing once she realized your inquiries weren't going to be about her. “Oh most definitely.”
“What did I say?”
Riri tilted her head curiously, allowing her pupils to fill with mirth. “You really don't remember what happened last night?”
Your own words of the night eluded you, that was correct. Something else cloaked them. Riri’s hand on you, in yours, those images transcended anything you could've said. Those you had no choice but to remember. Riri’s touch lingered on you still, the heat of her caress was…so much. It was mainly the shock of it really, because you didn't understand it. She puzzled you with her hot and cold, and you didn't like that.
You shook your head, and her body loosened some more, regaining her signature nonchalant slouch. “Well, you cried. Like a lot. And you screamed at me to get away from you, and not to touch you.”
“I think I would remember crying.” You didn't, but it tracked.
“You did, and you tried to run away from me, then you fell, so.”
You groaned at this, slamming your closed textbook against your forehead. “No...”
“You also accused me of being in love with my best friend, which was just…yeah.”
Another groan, this time accompanied by a heated blush. “Fuck...”
“Then you choked yourself with the seatbelt tryna get out the car after tryna convince me you was strong quote ‘like that iron girl from youtube.’” She let herself laugh as she recounted your behavior, and you did the same, even though you were stewing in a pot of embarrassment. It was nice though, seeing her this lax. It gave you a semblance of hope. Maybe you hadn't screwed things up so terribly, and Riri was not entirely closed off to the idea of friendship.
You did, however, pay attention to her purposeful omission of certain details. She did not mention embracing you, nor did she bring up her lingering fingers.
“Was that all? Please tell me that was all, god I can't take anymore.” A test.
One that she failed. “Yeah. I think that's it.” Probably the first test Riri Williams had ever failed in her life. It left you more perplexed than before, but you were beginning to suspect constant confusion would be your new normal when it came to her.
Like her warm fingers, Riri’s gaze lingered on your body as you sat with your legs crisscrossed on her bed. Your laughter subsided, and the cycle was spinning once again. Your skin prickled and tightened. She blinked and you exhaled. Riri licked her lips, fixating specifically on your thighs. And suddenly, the air in the room was too thick to breathe in. Your shorts felt too short and you regretted not opting for sweats. Goosebumps crowded your arms and your neck heated the longer she watched you.
When her phone pinged, it stole her attention and you thanked the universe for making that happen. If Riri stared at you for any longer, you were sure spontaneous combustion would be the end result.
She was once again consumed with her phone and the conversation happening within it. And she'd done it again, flicked the switch that made you an afterthought. The action only cemented how trivial you and your presence were to her.
Returning to your homework was a smart idea, though it took you a minute. You were waiting to see if she would turn around again, but she did not. So you copied her, letting your work consume you and you tuned out her small chuckles whenever a new text message rolled in.
Your professor had assigned some tough problems, but they weren't anything you couldn't handle. A few sighs of frustration did slip whenever you hit a roadblock, though. Which was where you were now, stumped by a particular equation. You sighed again, this one long, this one grabbing Riri’s attention finally.
“Bruh, you gotta shut up or go. You fucking with my concentration.” You weren't entirely sure what she'd enraptured herself with at her desk, but it was not homework. She tinkered with something, and it buzzed lowly. Truthfully, she too was fucking with your own concentration, but you couldn't tell her that, not when she was allowing you to be in her room.
“This problem is really hard, it's just taking me a minute.”
She huffed and you could only assume an eyeroll came along with it as well. “I don't care. Like I said, shut up or get out.”
“Is it in your nature to be bitchy all the damn time?” You dropped your pencil, eyeing her back.
Riri made no move to turn, she only grumbled a response, shoving her face closer to her desk and whatever she was fiddling with. “You in my space blowing your hot ass breath every five seconds. I got the right to be bitchy.”
“Ugh. I’ll go once I solve this.”
“Well hurry up. And I'm not helping you, if that's what all that huffing and puffing is about.”
You scoffed at her, there was absolutely no way she thought you were begging for her help. “Girl, ain't nobody asked for your help.”
She laughed smugly and you watched her fingers clamp around a small screwdriver. “Oh, you didn't?”
“Nah.” Tossing her infamous line back at her made you feel triumphant, because it seemed to still her movements. She dropped her tools and wheeled her chair closer to where you sat on her bed, intrigued. Riri snatched your notebook, scanning the page and the equations you had scribbled on it.
“You got some shitty ass handwriting.” Once she was finished, she tossed it back at you. “And ain't no way you solving that tonight.”
“I can.”
She stood, spinning the chair so the back was facing you before sitting back down with her front pressed against it. Her eyes screamed for a challenge, and you were prepared to give her one. “You really believe that you can, this is so interesting.”
Your glower made her laugh some. You were one eye roll away from yet another splitting headache, it was draining, but Riri Williams was relentless. “You know we're in the same class right?”
“Yeah, but I done seen you almost break your neck tryna stay awake in there.”
“Doesn't mean I don't know the material.”
“I've never seen you confident before.” The way she spoke her sentence made your insides bustle. There was some underlying meaning, but it wasn't one you could figure out. You were focused on the problem at hand, and you were focused on proving yourself.
Your quipped response made Riri’s eyes flare. For a second, it shook you, but only slightly. You stood firm in your declaration because you knew your potential. “I'm confident in my ability to solve this equation.”
“Bet money.” It flew out of her quick and you groaned. Of course she would take this route. A childish one, but you were willing to indulge.
“Five dollars says I can.”
She shook her head, unconvinced, “That's baby money. And for a problem that long, nah.”
“Well Riri, that's all I have in my wallet right now.” You whined. She was truly impossible.
“Fine. Five bucks, but you gotta solve it in five minutes.”
You rejected this proposal, because it was insane. “That's not fair.”
“Well.” She shrugged and you could tell that she wouldn't change her mind. Accepting was your only way out. You would not be bested, and you quite liked the idea of being five dollars richer.
“Okay, fine.”
You grabbed your pencil again, this time determination fueled you. Before, you were ready to give up, eager, but Riri’s taunting put a stop to all that. You would show her, she would see just how capable you were.
Examining the equation before you with a straight face was not easy. Honestly, a lot about what you were looking at puzzled you, but Riri didn't need to know that. Your eraser tapped your chin, mind whirring. “Okay… so I can't separate it because there's two terms on the bottom.”
“This is hilarious because it's so easy.”
“Bruh shut up! I'm tryna think.” Her eyes widened, and she flinched at your outburst. You startled yourself with it too, but it only seemed to make her already existing grin wider.
Again, you went over the different ways to solve it, there were a few, but you were after the easiest route. Time was of the essence. “Fuck, substitution!”
Riri hummed approvingly beside you, “There you go.”
“All I have to do is let u equal the square root of y, but then I’ll have to find du, ugh!” You looked at your work, then over at your laptop. Two minutes, you had enough time. “Okay, okay square both sides. Now I have u squared equals y. Take the derivative, so 2udu equals dy…”
“Times ticking ma.” She was so smug about it, so sure you’d lose. It enraged you. Having others doubt your capabilities was not something you were used to. If it happened, you were never made aware. Until Riri. She doubted you, and merely for her own enjoyment. You envisioned smacking that smirk right off that pretty face. You could do it, right now. Her strength rivaled yours, sure, but she wasn't very big. You could do a lot to her, a lot that she would not be able to counter.
You scribble the last of your answer right as she called, “Time.”
She reached for the paper, inspecting it thoroughly. Her eyebrows raised and your face grew hot the longer she revised your work. Now you were doubting yourself. Did you make a mistake? It was possible. A mistake would throw the entire answer off. And Riri would catch a mistake, however minuscule. You studied her face, searching tirelessly for a tell, anything that would let you know where her head was at.
No. You wouldn't do that to yourself. You refuted the idea that you’d failed. That was not a possibility. You did the work, you studied the material and Riri Williams would not make you feel–
“Damn. Guess I owe you that five.”
Your smile spread like a Cheshire cat’s. It consumed your entire face, every corner, and Riri only watched you, eyes colored with something resembling wonder. “I told you!”
She wheeled her chair back over to her junky desk and plucked a crisp five dollar bill from her wallet. She then presented it to you, only to snatch it back when your fingers grabbed for it. Riri rested her chin on the back of the desk chair, smiling softly to herself at each of your failed attempts to capture the cash. God, she was annoying.
You frowned and on the seventh try, you’d finally had enough. “Just keep the damn money Riri.”
“Slow ass. Here.” She awarded it to you: palm up and bill sitting still inside it. You could seize hold of it, but how were you to know this wasn't another trick? You squinted, and she smirked daringly. It was sick, the way she gained pleasure from taunting you. You reached for the money anyway, and Riri didn't snatch it back. Instead, she captured your hand, lacing your fingers together. Your eyes instantly shot to hers with a low gasp, only to find she was already watching you.
Riri held onto your hand for what felt like forever, and you let her. She kept those deep browns on you, picking apart your reaction to her touch with a soft grin. Your own eyes were locked on the way she clasped your fingers. Something about the stark contrast of your long lavender acrylics, entwined with her short silver nails entranced you. The bill was still pressed between your palms, but its feel was lost on you. You just felt her: the heat of her palm, the tight of her grip.
She eventually let you go, she let you take the money too, and not once did she speak a word. But there was reluctance in her release, just like there was the night before. And there was a stutter in your chest. Your body blazed under continued inspection. How the hell did she do that? Why?
A ding sounded from her desk making the pair of you jump. She regarded you quickly before scooting over to check her messages. You needed to exhale; you were becoming lightheaded from all the gasping you’d been doing.
Anxious eyes panned around the room, and a picture in a bizarre looking frame on her nightstand stuck out to you. You ran your fingertips along it, it was crafted with care, you could tell. Cute. The picture residing within it was of a tall dark skinned man and two little girls with pigtails. He embraced them both as they stuck their tongues out. You smiled at the image, knowing immediately who one of the girls had to be. “Oh, is this you? Baby Ri–”
“What the fuck, don't touch that! I told you to leave my shit alone!” Riri flew to your side, yanking the frame from your hands. A hurricane of emotions flooded through her, its waves were rapid, and it worked hard to drown the Riri you knew from moments ago. This unforeseen monsoon altered her entire demeanor before your very eyes. Her shoulders knotted, she tightened her jaw, and there was lightning in her irises.
The picture was obviously important, and this reaction shouldn't be one that surprised you. You’d gotten comfortable, a foolish move. Your own guard was let down, and you’d assume Riri was doing the same. This assumption was an inaccurate one.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to–” Your outstretched arm was to be an olive branch, but her body jerked away from you, and your hand collided with the frame instead. You watched it plunge to the floor. You waited for the clatter, for the sound of glass breaking. The shattering of shards pierced your ears and you winced, letting your eyes flutter shut.
Terror stirred inside you as you honed in on the tatters of the picture frame. Meeting Riri’s gaze right now struck real fear into you. You could already feel her rage, taste her fury.
“Get out.” She whispered it. Two words made every hair on your body stand tall and you shivered under their hiss.
You found her face for a few seconds, and you gaped at her. Words had forsaken you once more, and you couldn't blame them. “Riri, I–”
“Get the fuck out of my dorm.” She dragged her hands down her face in attempts to wipe away some of her exasperation. “Why the fuck are you still here? I said get the fuck out!”
Riri’s voice cracked at the end of the sentence, stretching your guilt, widening it until it encompassed you and stiffened your entire being. But you obeyed her demand nonetheless, and you began gathering your things in the silent room. Even sound knew to make itself scarce in order to avoid Riri’s wrath. Her eyes were glued to the shards on her floor, and she barely moved.
You mumbled nervously under your breath as you repacked your bag, “I told Hakeem coming here was a bad idea, fuck!”
“Hakeem told you to do what?” The deepness there in her tone was enough to immerse you in the abyss that was now the space you shared with Riri. Or rather her space that she shared with you, and it put a stop to your movements.
“What?” You stared hesitantly at her and she narrowed her eyes.
“Did Hakeem tell you to come check on me? Is that the whole reason you showed up here to fucking bother me and break my shit like a dummy?” Venomous, each word intended to puncture and kill. “You know what, ion care, don't answer that. I'm sure your answer will just piss me off even more. Just fucking go.”
Your inability to leave well enough alone would be your demise one day. You nodded, and headed for the door. “I really am sor–”
Riri slammed the door angrily in your face, and you sighed. You’d deluded yourself into believing a breakthrough was made tonight, that you’d scratched the surface on some of her walls. You sought her friendship, but after tonight, there was no doubt she'd built new barriers. Fences that shot up to the skies. Walls that were impenetrable. And remain that way they would, for their sole purpose was to keep you out.
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Clay wasn’t sure what held him back. Upon the evacuation of the Golf Course, he had taken the rear of the group and although he knew Viva had found some help to get them to some place of relative safety, he had no idea who they were. Or even where they were going. It wasn’t until everyone had gotten away from the course, hours later and the world getting darker, that he started to find out things. He helped his people get settled down for the night, creating makeshift tents and shelters for the night. Everyone was scared. Of course everyone was scared.
They had lost their home.
They had no idea where they were going, what was going to happen, how their future was going to change yet again. First the escape of the Troll Tree and now the evacuation of the Golf Course, everything and anything was uncertain.
Everyone was well settled into a well-defensible clearing. He had heard Viva let a few scouts go around the edges to make sure things were okay and keep an eye out. He eventually found Viva settling in next to a fire with a couple other trolls - both familiar and unfamiliar - huddled around on logs dragged from the forest. He took a breath and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to collect himself, letting the smell of the fire and the crackling of the flames fill his senses.
“And here we thought Johnny here was the last pop troll around,” one of their guides cackled. He had some sort of strange accent Clay couldn’t identify and he couldn’t quite make out the form of the troll from the shadows, despite the illumination of the fire.
He could see Viva rather clearly. She looked a little confused but also curious. “What do you mean?”
“Well… Johnny left home for a bit and when he came back? Everyone was destroyed,” the troll responded. Another troll draped in shadows tensed. It was all Clay could make out from him. “Some of us saw a bit of it… it was… yikes. And after what he told us about… those giants? He thought that everyone had been eaten.”
Viva looked nervous. “The tree looks that bad?”
There was a hesitation. Another troll, who hadn’t spoken yet, let out a quiet, low, “Yes.”
“It was rough there for a while,” the first troll said, continuing to speak. “For him, I mean. Spent years with the gray and you know what comes with that…”
“I do?” Viva echoed.
Grayness wasn’t exactly a very common phenomenon around Pop trolls. They were naturally optimistic and happy, easy to forgive and extremely adaptable. Not everyone knew much about grayness and it was hardly mentioned in school work. Clay knew a bit about it, with some of the sad novels he read, but even he didn’t quite understand it all. He supposed, he had never really quite tried either.
“Hopelessness,” the troll said. “It’s only in the last few years, he’s gotten some of his color back.”
If the subject of their conversation seemed to have any objection to being talked about - and his struggles - he didn’t say anything. Viva looked between the group, the other Putt Putt trolls exchanging uneasy glances. “How… long-?”
“Uh,” the second troll - Johnny, Clay thought he remembered him being called - trailed off, uncertainly. “Over ten years? Maybe thirteen?”
“That…” Viva frowned worriedly. “We escaped about 14 years ago.”
“I wasn’t gone long.”
“And you thought your family was dead this entire time?” One of the Putt Putt Trolls - Flora - looked something akin to horrified with a touch of understanding and empathy. No one was entirely sure if anyone else escaped. They all suspected but no one knew who had survived and who had not. And no one was quite brave enough to go out and try to find them.
“If… If you survived, perhaps my brothers did as well,” the voice was barely a whisper and had a flicker of hesitant hope. “But I don’t want to count on it.”
“Why not?”
“He doesn’t want to be struck down again,” the first troll answered for him, understanding. “False hope can be devastating.”
“Other pop trolls survived,” Viva said, strongly. “The escapees. We were caught by Bergens and then escaped. There are others but we just don’t know where they are.”
“If they’re out there, they are exceptionally difficult to find.”
Clay followed John into the woods, his big brother humming a slow, unfamiliar tune. It sounded almost sad but that didn’t make any sense. He had never known his brother to listen to any sad music. John just started piling sticks next to a tree.
He had waited, momentarily, when John left the fire. Viva had glanced at him, a little confused but she trusted him. They talked about John almost like he wasn’t even there and although they talked in abstract riddles, Clay tried to piece together some things. Like his brother came back to the tree - for them - and thought his entire family was dead. Had for well over a decade. Just the thought made Clay sick to his stomach.
“John Dory.”
His brother turned around but his face just fell into a disappointed but almost concerned frown. Okay, so Clay wasn’t sure what he was expecting but he wasn’t expecting that for sure. It was like John was unhappy to see him. Perhaps he just should have known better. They had separated on terrible terms and John had said goodbye forever. The talk around the fire made it seem like he wanted his brothers back, to be alive. The look on his face told a different story.
“Oh. I guess I should have seen this coming.”
That was really not what he was expecting. “What?”
“One mention of my dead brothers and my brain decides yeah, lets hallucinate again,” John’s chuckle was hollow and without humor and it made Clay’s stomach turn over at least a dozen times.
John squinted at him, slightly confused. “You don’t have to sound so shocked. I know you know.”
“I know?” Clay echoed, far more confused.
“Well, get on with it.”
“Get on… with?”
“I'd rather you leave quickly so I don’t have to take hallucination medication again. It messes with my memory and I’d like to keep whatever memories I do have at this point.”
“Get on with what?”
John tilted his head. “You’ve never acted this way before.”
“In your hallucinations?” Clay asked for clarification. “How does it usually go?”
“Lots of yelling, upset remarks, blame anger, etc. Guilt. Not you but me, obviously.”
That wasn’t obvious to Clay.
“Then you usually spout out how much you hate me and I just laugh.”
Clay’s stomach dropped. “Laugh?”
“Of course.”
“Why would you laugh?”
“Because you could never hate me as much as I hate myself.”
Clay sucked in a breath. “I don’t hate you.”
John looked mildly surprised, like he wasn’t expecting that answer. Clay wondered how many times John’s mind had told him that, using Clay’s face.
“Do you miss me?”
John snorted again. “That is a dumb question.”
Clay tried not to look hurt. “You used to tell me there was no such thing as dumb questions.”
“There isn’t. Except for that one. Well… except another one too but you haven’t asked me that one. I’m grateful for that.”
“What is the other dumb question?”
“Asking if I love you.”
Clay blinked. He had never really thought to ask that. No matter how much answer and resentment he held onto, for no matter how long, that never crossed his mind. And he was grateful for that. “I don’t need to ask a question I already know the answer to.”
He was pretty sure John was holding his breath. He was scared.
“I know you love me.”
And he let it out. “I do. Although I am a little surprised my brain is trying to assure me of that. That you know.”
“Do you think you have enough sticks?”
“Are you sticking along? Sometimes Pete is an ass about it.”
“About what?”
“The hallucinations.”
Oh right. John didn’t know he was real. “I won’t be obnoxious.”
He sighed. “Well, I can’t get rid of my guilty conscious so whatever.”
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wonderwithin-us · 11 months
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The dream you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Guess who got their phone broken 💗 but it's alright, it's all ok now & I noted down all I did in the past 3 days. My exams were a little bad, really bad to be completely honest, but it's alright, it was my first time giving exams this semester and I learnt what I need to do.
11th of July, 2023 💕
100 days of productivity — day 5, week 1
Economic exam preparation ~ I was so confused, there were so many concepts I'd missed because of my sickness but I tried YouTube and notes online. Procrastination really did get the best of me. I need to lessen my use of insta, seriously, I think Tumblr is more safe in that regard.
Microeconomics — Introduction & Consumer's Equilibrium
Statistics — Introduction & Organisation of Data
I need to work on my graphs, practice more and overall concepts of microeconomics. Also, clear up my concepts on stats. It's easy, but revision is needed.
12th of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 6, week 1
Economics exam, yikes. Next exam was Psych the next day, so I was really nervous because I wanted to score well in it! ❣️
Procrastination got to me, again. I studied for a while then thought it was too easy and I could do it at night, which, evidently, I couldn't.
I think rather than seeing easy topics as something to skip studying or take easy, I should put more effort in them so I can get them perfect and let it pay back to me.
What is Psychology? & Methods of Enquiry
I need to work on my basic concepts, esp in ch-2, and notes. Visual learning works best for me, and making my own notes is essential to my learning 📖
13th of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 7, week 1
Dear god, I think my psych exam was the most terrible. Which hurt me the most.
I really did lose hope after this. Not only did my incredibly unclear concepts and no notes not help, but the exam was extremely tough, the questions were really vague and I didn't understand them, and the worst of all, I literally forgot I had a whole section to do as objective even after rechecking. I lost 5 marks from that, maybe more.
That really hurt.
Tomm was English exam! I had seen what had happened in the last papers, so I really worked hard here.
I mostly focused on literature, since the creative writing formats were mostly very easy and took less than an hour.
Chapters with details are hard!
Anyways, I was really anxious until the end, and kept a few detailed chapters to the morning after to revise.
I really need to work on studying chapters I've missed before the exams come. It was so messy and frustrating trying to understand all these chapters with online notes and summaries, especially when the chapters are so open ended and the teacher is so strict with answers 💌
14 of July, 2023
100 days of productivity — day 8, week 2
WAR!!! IS!!! OVER!!!!
Final exam day, I was nervous but it was actually quite alright!
I absolutely need to work on my speed, though.
Also, I almost always exceeded the word limit in answers. So, I need to practice my creative writing more, not just in my head, but actually on paper, and be more perfectionist in my answers in literature.
I went out with my big brother to eat street food and it was all very lovely 🍝
I also wrote a lot of poetry, which I'm really quite proud of. I also received some really good news! 💕
New week! The first week was really, really overwhelming, and I don't want my future self to end up like that again. It was exhausting and hurtful and I want to get better.
In the end, I've got a lot of stuff to work with and I'm really proud of my self to survive all this! ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* I hope nothing but peace upon my future.
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Hi, I wonder what her daddy’s would do if she did something „bad“ but also something to worry about?
Like eating a lot more Christmas cookies then she was allowed to and now ofc her stomach hurts. Would she be in time out or how would they handle it? ☺️
Merry Christmas to you!!! 🎄
And a Merry Christmas SUPER late right back to you, Nonnie!! So I think I've established that I'm very slow at responding to asks (and this is my first night off since Christmas YIKES), and for that I apologize and thank you all for your patience. I know you asked for Christmas cookies here but since we're so far past Christmas, I'm using iced sugar cookies. But you can totally pretend they're trees and snowflakes and reindeer if it makes you happy! <3 
Also, if you’ve submitted an ask for a story, I will get to it, I promise! Thank you in advance for your patience <3 
How the Cookie Crumbles
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, reader is bratty due to an extreme sugar high, scolding, upset tummy (nothing else along those lines, I promise), scared reader, angry Steve, runny nose and blowing it, gentle discipline, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
This was pretty close to exactly what Heaven was like. It had to be.
You inhaled deeply. A fresh batch of sugar cookies had just come out of the oven, and you hopped down off your little kitchen step stool and leaned towards the still-hot tray in Steve's hand, lured in by the siren's call of its intoxicating smell.
There was a big Avengers Family get together/potluck tomorrow, and you three had been assigned desserts. Once you heard that, you badgered your daddies incessantly to make cookies for everyone, because in your mind there was literally no better dessert in the whole entire world. They had given in, but had not anticipated the lengths that your cookie craving would take you to...or how much you would live up to your nickname.
"Trouble," Bucky warned for the 32nd time in the last hour as you took a step towards the stove. You instantly stood up straight, looking at him with your widest and most innocent Bambi eyes.
"What?" you asked adorably, tilting your head. Bucky's eyes just narrowed at you. "I was just SMELLING 'em, Daddy!" He rolled his eyes.
"Quit trying to get close to the pan," he scolded, ignoring your excuse. "You're gonna get burned."
"No, I'm not!"
"Katie," Steve said this time, in HIS warning voice, turning to face you as he set the pan down on the stovetop to cool. "We've been having lots of fun decorating these cookies. Please don't start being naughty and make us stop."
"Not bein' naughty."
"Arguing and talking back to Daddy and me is being very naughty, and you know it."
Unable to refute that, you huffed and crossed your arms, pouting with all your might. Bucky raised an eyebrow at you as he stepped in closer. "Guess this means it's time to stop decorating," he said evenly, reaching for you. You instantly dropped the pout and your arms.
"No, no! I sorry, I be good!" you pleaded. "Please can we decorate more please?"
"You gonna stop being naughty and do as you're told?"
"Yes, yes! I sorry Daddy! I be good."
"Okay, then. We can do some more. But-"
"BUT-" Bucky said loudly, over your cheering. "You be on your best behavior, got it, Trouble?"
"Got it, Daddy!"
"Alright. Get your cute little butt back up here."
All attitude forgotten, you hopped back onto your stool gleefully. Steve turned to Bucky, smirking at his husband. “You believe me now that she’s had too many cookies?” he asked as he crossed his arms, grinning. 
Bucky rolled his eyes playfully, but before he could answer, you chimed in. “NEVER!!” you shrieked dramatically, ruining your theatricality with a giggle. “Never too much cookies!” You jumped off the stool again, and started racing around the kitchen island. Steve tilted his head with his favorite I told you so look as Bucky heaved a world-weary sigh. 
“Okay, yeah, you might be on to something,” Bucky conceded grumpily, his eyes never leaving you as you continued your sugar-crazed laps. You’d only had 2 cookies....and the 2 that he didn’t let Steve see you sneak. That he was very much starting to regret now. Along with all the tastes of the decorations. Oh geez. “We gonna finish these or are you gonna keep practicing for the Indy 500, munchkin?” he called out loudly to you. He chuckled as you screeched to a halt and climbed back up on your stool. You reached out a finger to dip in the delicious soft pink icing you’d been using to frost the cookies, but Steve’s hand stopped you. 
“No, no more taste testing, angel,” he said firmly but gently. “You’ve had enough sugar for today. And possibly tomorrow. And the next month.”
“But I gotta test it, Papa! It could be poisoned.”
“It hasn’t been poisoned since the last time you tested it. Or the other 3 times before that, either.”
“You can never be too sure,” you replied back solemnly. Steve just brought your fingers to his smiling lips, giving them a quick kiss before leaning in so you were practically nose to nose. 
“No more sugar tonight, Katie,” he said in his no-nonsense voice. It was your turn to sigh heavily and dramatically. 
“Yes, Papa,” you conceded in a hang-dog tone, before letting your eyes slide over to Daddy, and going full Bambi on him. Bucky pretended he didn’t see as he picked up another cookie and started smearing icing on it. You gave up, and turned your attention back to the rainbow sprinkle decorations, and once you were sufficiently distracted, Steve and Bucky silently made eye contact as well as a game plan to get you down off your sugar high before bedtime. 
An hour later, you were wrapped in your rainbow blanket on your daddies’ bed, sprawled out over both Steve and Bucky, watching Tangled. Your head was upside down on Bucky’s right thigh, watching the movie intently, while your right foot was propped up on Steve’s shoulder. Usually, there was something about that movie that could put you right to sleep- a trick they often employed when you were fussy at nap time- but you had so much sugar in your system that you were wide awake, and flopping around every few minutes in whatever weird position struck your fancy to get comfortable again. 
In truth, you were thinking about all those delicious cookies, so pretty with the sprinkles and icing and chocolate chips and colored sugar....”Gotta go potty,” you suddenly declared, rolling over Bucky and off the edge of the bed. Bucky caught you with his lighting quick reflexes before you hit the floor. He chuckled as he set you upright. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Trouble,” he teased as he let you go. You giggled and raced away to the bathroom down the hall instead of theirs, hollering that you’d be right back. You didn’t really need to go, but you had a plan...
You tiptoed into the kitchen, quietly climbed onto your stool still next to the kitchen island...and there they were. A whole big plate of frosted heaven just begging for you to eat them. 
Well, what else were you supposed to do? 
After the 3rd cookie, your face was covered in frosting and your stomach was starting to hurt. You bit your lips against the whimper that wanted to escape. Your tummy was really gurgly, but you couldn’t tell Papa or Daddy. If you got caught, you were going to be in so much trouble. There was only one thing left to do. 
Steve and Bucky had just finished the scene where Flynn and Rapunzel escaped out of the cave. Bucky chuckled, thinking how much you loved to reenact it when you were swimming at Tony’s. It suddenly dawned on him you’d been gone longer than you should have been. He looked over at his husband. “She should have been back by now,” he said nonchalantly. After exchanging a quick look, they both bound out of bed. Bucky headed straight for the bathroom, but Steve headed for the kitchen. Once he saw the crumbs and the gap on the cookie plate, his suspicion was confirmed. He put his hands on his hips, angry. 
“Kaitlyn!” he bellowed. When he didn’t hear you respond, his eyes started scanning the area for any indication of where you might have gone. He took a deep breath, trying to tame the anger he felt at your disobedience. Finally, his super soldier hearing caught the tiniest rustling sound from your bedroom. He stormed his way over. He stopped in the doorway, his eyes scanning the room when he didn’t immediately see you. You weren’t in the pile of blankets at the foot of your bed, nor under your bed, you weren’t in the mountain of stuffies in the corner...then his eyes landed on the closet. It was open just a crack. 
Steve got to the door and yanked it open, and sure enough, there you were. Huddled on the ground in the fetal position, pinching your eyes shut tight. Because if you didn’t see him, he wasn’t there, right? But you could still hear his weighty exhale. 
“Young lady, get out here right now,” Steve ordered. You just whimpered and curled in tighter on yourself. Instantly, he realized something was wrong. “Hey,” he said in a much softer and gentler voice, kneeling down. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”
The sudden calmness and change in demeanor did you in. You tearfully peeked one eye open. “Cookie Monster, Papa,” you whispered. 
Papa’s eyebrows raised. “What do you mean, ‘cookie monster’, honey?” he asked carefully, unsure of what you meant. 
“Cookie Monster in my tummy,” you mumbled, squeezing your eyes shut in both shame and pain as your stomach rumbled again. 
“Oh boy,” Papa said, and you could hear a lightness that wasn’t there before in his tone. “You ate too many cookies, and now you have a cookie monster in your tummy?” You nodded pathetically. 
“I sowwy,” you whispered, keeping your eyes shut to block out the disappointment you just knew was on his face. Instead, you felt his strong arms scoop you up and lift you, then transport you to your bed. He laid down beside you on the bed, putting you on your back. You tried to turn away so you wouldn’t have to face him. 
“Nuh-uh, none of that,” Papa said softly, turning you back. He started rubbing your tummy gently, and when you tried to push his hand away, he carefully moved your hands so they wouldn’t interfere. “This will help, angel,” he said. You just kept your eyes shut tight and tried not to cry. You felt one hand move to your forehead and linger there, as if he was checking your temperature to make sure it was just a stomach ache and nothing more. Once he was satisfied, you felt him relax as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and resumed rubbing your stomach. 
You peeked one eye open again when you heard Bucky at the door frame. It only took him a second to realize what had happened. You squeezed your eye shut again as he pinched his lips in irritation of your naughtiness, but you missed the concern that came immediately after it. “Buck, can you please go get her some Alka Seltzer?” Papa asked calmly, and you heard Daddy turn to go. 
“Now, baby,” Papa began in his light tone. “What did we say about no more sugar tonight?”
“N-not to,” you managed to get out, trying to wriggle away again as the scolding started. Steve’s hands gently pinned you down again. 
“Stop,” he said calmly, but with a firmness that you knew better than to argue with. Once you stopped wiggling around, he put one arm underneath you to cradle you, and used the other hand to resume rubbing...and the talking to continued. “That’s right. We said not to have any more sugar tonight. Now do you understand why we said no more?” You nodded and wiped your runny nose with the back of your hand. You felt a tissue pressed up against your nose. “Blow, please,” Papa said. You did as he asked, and he gently wiped. “I want to hear your words, baby.”
“Yes, Papa, I understand,” you said miserably. You carefully opened your eyes to see his crystal blue ones staring down at you kindly. 
“Good girl.”
“Are you really mad at me?”
“I’m not happy that you chose to disobey,” he said evenly, but softly. “But you’re definitely learning the consequences of your actions, aren’t you?”
You moaned and turned your face into his chest. “Yeah,” you whined quietly. “Best behavior,” you mumbled again, shamefaced. “Won’t do it again, I mean it, Papa.”
“That’s right, baby, best behaviors will keep you from getting a cookie monster, or getting hurt, or lost. This is why you need to listen and obey when we tell you to do something. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Papa. I sowwy.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, squeezing you gently. “You’re forgiven.” Just then, Daddy returned with the glass of the bubbly water. You wrinkled your nose and glared at the medicine. They made you take Alka Seltzer before when you’d had a rumbly tummy, and even though it helped you still didn’t like the bubbles that tasted salty to you. 
Daddy shook his head as he sat down at your feet. “None of that, Trouble,” he chided gently, but with a smile. “You brought this on yourself. Drink up.” He grinned as you wrinkled your nose just once more, before sitting up and taking the glass. You swallowed the fizzy water as quickly as you could before flopping back against Papa’s arm with a theatrical groan. “At least all those cookies  didn’t hurt your flair for the dramatic,” he teased. He leaned in and took the glass from your hand, silently exchanging a look with Papa, before turning his eyes back to you.
“Alright, Trouble, here’s what we’re gonna do,” Daddy said. “You know when you disobey, you get a timeout, right?”
“Yeah,” you replied miserably. You really didn’t want to sit in the corner, but there was no doubt you’d earned it. 
“Well, we’re not going to do that tonight since you obviously are learning your lesson and don’t really need the time to think about what you’ve done. You’re gonna come back to our bed and sleep with us tonight, so we can keep an eye on your tummy.”
“On the Cookie Monster?”
“The...what?” Daddy asked, looking up at Papa for clarification. Steve gave him a look that said just go with it. “Okay, on the...cookie monster,” Daddy continued. “But no more cookies for the rest of the week. And that includes dinner with everyone tomorrow. If you’ve been good and don’t try to steal any more cookies, we’ll talk about having them again next week. Understood?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Alright then. Wanna go finish Tangled?”
Too exhausted by the stomach ache and the sugar crash to do much more, you nodded into Papa’s chest, your thumb heading straight for your mouth. Papa quickly replaced it with a paci as Daddy pulled out a soft blue nightdress and scooped up Jellybean. They took you back to their room, and by the time they’d changed you into your pajamas and cuddled you back in between them, you were sound asleep to the soft music of the beautiful floating lights. 
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Caught In A Web ~ 10
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,815ish
Summary: Tony officially takes you out for the first time.
Notes: Please let me know your thoughts and reactions!
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Your eyes were closed as you lay on the bed. Your injured arm was laid out straight, pointing away from your body. Helen’s cradle was over it, working its magic. None of this night had gone as you had planned. You thought it was going to be an easy night, spending time with Tony in a way that you were completely comfortable with. Now, you were injured in the med bay, and your secret was out to the whole Team.
Sensing Tony coming in, you didn’t bother opening your eyes. You and Tony needed to talk but now was not the place or time. Tony came in and sat down on the chair beside you.
“So… do they all know now?” You whispered though you knew the answer.
“They do,” Tony replied. “But I told them not to bother you about it… When did Romanoff and Maximoff find out?”
You sighed. “About a week ago. I snuck away to meet up with you in the middle of girl's night.”
“Yikes,” Tony winced. “I could have told you that was a bad idea.”
You turned your head in his direction and looked at him. “I’m sure.”
Tony looked at you, really looked at you. Something took over him before he could stop himself. “I’m taking you out.”
“What? You are?”
“Yes, tomorrow night.”
“Tony, I don’t know—“
“Nowhere fancy, just this hidden little place I frequent. It’s open 24 hours, but we can go at our normal meet-up time.”
“I… are you sure?”
“Y/N, honey,” Tony grabbed your free hand, “I’m sure.”
Helen cleared you about an hour later. Tony was very insistent that he escort you back to your level. 
“Thank you, Tony,” you said as the elevator door opened on your level. 
“No problem,” he responded.
You walked out of the elevator and realized that he was following you. “I’m okay, Tony.”
“Oh, I know. I’m just making sure.” 
You looked at Tony quizzically as he contradicted himself. He ignored you as he walked past you and toward the couch. He sat down on it and made a disapproving face before standing back up.
“I paid for that?” He muttered, shaking his head. He pulled out his phone and frantically typed. 
“What’s the matter?” You questioned, just confused at this point.
“The couch is shit. I didn’t realize that I spent money on such shitty furniture for everyone.”
“So you just…”
“I just ordered new ones. Yours will be here tomorrow.”
“I need a good couch if I’m going to be spending more time up here.”
“Oh, so you’re just inviting yourself now?”
“It is my place, technically.” He sat back on the couch, eyes locked with yours. 
“Well, I’m going to bed.”
“That’s fine. I’ll be out here if you need anything.”
“Tony, my arm is practically back to normal and that was all that was hurt. You do not have to stay here with me.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, you’re stuck with me tonight. If you feel bad about it, you can always invite me into your bed.” He winked.
Your breath caught in your throat at the thought of sharing a bed with Tony. “I—I’m—“ You cleared your throat as you began backing up toward the hallway where your bedroom was. “I’m going to go to bed.”
“Okay.” Tony wasn’t breaking eye contact with you. “Goodnight… spidey girl.”
“Goodnight, tin man.”
The faint sound of an alarm and a vent sucking up air woke you up in the morning. As you sat yourself up, you could also hear Tony’s voice. You stretched before fully getting out of bed and heading for the kitchen. You stood at the end of the hallway watching as Tony tried to wave black smoke away from where it was billowing up from the stove.
“Um… morning,” you greeted when you finally decided to come closer.
“Shit!” Tony mumbled, jumping slightly as you scared him.
“What’s going on here?”
“Well, I made you breakfast.”
“I see,” you nodded, glancing at the burnt food in the pan on the stove. “What is it?”
“It’s an omelet.”
“Fine, I get it, it’s awful.”
“No, it’s not. It’s just, well, burnt. But thank you, Tony, it was thoughtful.”
“Excuse me, Boss,” FRIDAY interrupted. “You are already thirty minutes late to your meeting this morning.”
“Right, shit.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got to go.” He looked back up at you. “I’ll be back to pick you up at our usual time.”
“Our usual time,” you repeated quietly. “Right.”
You watched as Tony quickly headed for the elevator. Once he was in there, he turned around and winked at you as the doors closed. Your heart was beating out of your chest, making you realize that you were more in love with him than you originally had thought.
You were growing more nervous as the day grew on. The nervousness was causing your abilities to go into overdrive. A migraine had put you back in bed, in the dark, early in the afternoon. Every little sound was like a bomb blast and every inch of light felt like the sun was right next to your eyes. Then there was the fact that your hands were sticking to everything you touched.
About an hour before Tony was supposed to pick you up, you tried to get ready. You had to focus on calming yourself as you ripped the first two outfits due to the stickiness of your hands. It was down to the wire, but you were finally ready by the time FRIDAY informed you that Tony was in the elevator, waiting for your approval to enter your level.
“Go ahead, FRIDAY,” you told the AI as you placed yourself in front of the elevator.
The elevator door opened to reveal Tony in a black suit. But instead of a dress shirt underneath his jacket, there was a grey-blue t-shirt. His hands were stuffed in his pant pockets and red-tinted sunglasses covered his eyes. A small smile crossed his lips as he caught sight of you.
“I like this look on you,” he complimented, walking toward you. “Why haven’t we met like this more often?”
“Tony…” you looked away shyly. 
“I’m serious, honey. Not that I don’t love the suit, trust me, I do. But this is… this is just different.”
“Good different?”
“Very good different.” He moved so that he was at a better spot to over you his arm. “Are you ready?”
You nodded, with a smile, as you slipped your arm into his. Tony smiled back at you as he led you to the elevator.
The diner made you feel like you were transported back to the 50s or 60s. It was off the beaten path and not busy. Tony wasn’t kidding when he said he frequented the diner as all the staff greeted him by Tony. There was a booth off to the side that was already set up for the two of you.
As you looked over the menu, Tony shared with you all of his favorites. He made sure that you knew that money wasn’t an issue and that you could order anything and everything that you wanted. Tony ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. You ordered what you wanted as well.
“Do the webs come out of you or do you make them?” Tony suddenly asked after the waitress walked away.
“Sorry, what?” You questioned, trying to process his words.
“Sorry, that just kinda came out before I could stop myself. I have been wondering about it since I met you.” You nodded. “Don’t feel like you have to answer, I was overstepping. Let’s change the subject. Like to your favorite color or what you like to do in your spare time?”
You laughed. “I don’t believe that really changed the subject. The subject is still me.”
“Do you not want it to be?”
“No, it’s fine. It’s just… I never imagined us here… on a date.”
“I did, but only because I never let an opportunity go.”
“Oh, so I’m just an opportunity?”
“Not what I meant.”
“It’s what you said.”
“Okay, I take back my words… when I caught sight of something I want, I try not to let it go.”
“You want me? You know, that sounds a little wrong, tin man.” You smirked, knowing that you were messing with him.
He shook his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I cannot get this right.”
“You’re good, Tony. I’m just messing with you.”
“I just— I can’t afford to mess this up.” 
He looked at you, allowing you to see the hurt and sadness behind his eyes for a brief moment. It was clear to you that Pepper had done a number on him and he was doing his mess to not make those same mistakes.
“Tony,” you reach across the table and took one of his hands. “I really don’t know what this is yet, or what this will become, but you aren’t messing this up. And if either of us messes up along the way, we’ll figure it out together. Well, if that’s what you end up wanting. I don’t want to make any assumptions.”
Tony moved his hand so that he had a better hold of yours. “It’s what I want… you’re what I want.”
“I think we can both agree that we need to know each other a little better. But… yeah, you’re kinda what I want too, tin man.”
The two of you sat at the booth getting to know each other for another three hours. It was fun of laughs and thoughtful listening and excited rambling. When the two of you got back to the Tower, Tony escorted you all the way to your level. The elevator door opened but you weren’t able to get out as Tony gently took your hands and faced you toward him.
“I need to admit something to you,” he said softly.
“Okay,” you whispered with a nod. 
“At any other time in my life, I would kiss you and probably take you to bed. We’d have sex and then I’d head to my lab after you fell asleep… I don’t want to be that person anymore. You don’t deserve me being that person. I want to take my time with this. I really don’t want to mess this up. So, I’m going to kiss you and then you’re going to head out and we’ll see each other later.”
You were speechless. The great playboy Tony Stark was opening more of himself to you. He truly had changed and was making it a point to let you—and himself—know that. He leaned in and kissed you softly. The kiss didn’t last long, which you didn’t mind.
“Goodnight, spidey girl,” he whispered.
You stepped back, onto your floor. “Goodnight, Tony.”
next chapter >
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] Main Story S4Ch1 ‘Setting Sun’ - Part 1
reliving the heath angst era 😔✊
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Chapter 1 
-starless office-
narration: The second anniversary performance ended, and Starless returned to normal business hours. The next show was planned to be Team B, but—
mizuki: What!? No one told me this. Who the fuck decided that?
unei: Yikes, it was the Boss of course...
mizuki: Who gives a fuck about that shitty owner. The next show is ours!
saki: (Apparently the next show which was planned to be Team B was suddenly changed to Team K... I wonder what's going on.)
-kei and haseyama walk in-
kei: Be quiet. Your voice could be heard all throughout the hallway.
mizuki: Oi, the hell are you planning, stealing B's show like that?
haseyama: What's this, Kei. Did you not get his approval beforehand?
kei: Do not jump to conclusions. I'm not stealing anything, Team B's show has simply been postponed to a later date.
mizuki: Post what now?
kei: It's been pushed back. You will eventually get to debut your show.
mizuki: So it hasn't been cancelled or anything then... Well, I guess that's fine.
saki: (That's good, it looks like things will be settled peacefully.)
-heath appears-
heath: We won't be postponed. Why should our show be pushed back for Team K's sake?
saki: (Heath-san...?)
heath: Don't insert yourselves into our show.
haseyama: My you look quite displeased there huh, Heath? In that case there's an easy solution. Just take over Team K's show by force, you lot are good at that aren't you?
kei: ........ (not happy)
heath: Why did you change the schedule on your own accord?
kei: I got approval from your team's leader.
heath: That's not an answer. B will perform, don't make any changes to the schedule.
haseyama: Oi, the announcement for K's show has already gone out. If you're performing too then it needs to be made a versus.
mizuki: A versus... Heath, are you all good with that?
heath: Yes.
mizuki: Then, it's a versus between K and B. Better prepare yourselves, Team K.
-heath and mizuki leave-
saki: (A versus... Somehow this situation seems different from usual though.)
kei: ........ (frustrated sigh)
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Chapter 1 extra
-starless lobby-
sinju: I know it's a bit late to be realising this, but there sure are a lot of last minute changes made at this store huh. Stuff that's decided in advance rarely gets carried through.
ginsei: B were told that their show was postponed though, why make it a versus? If it were me I'd choose postponement over a versus. Ah, take that poster down.
sinju: This B one? Ok. But I mean, that's just cause it's B right? They have an image that makes it seem like they enjoy doing versus’.
ginsei: Just how much do they like them then... Here put this K poster in place of the one you took down.
sinju: Oh? Woah, K's posters are always so cool.
-he puts the poster up-
sinju: ........
sinju: Say, Yakou's in Team K right now isn't he? I was happy when he came back for the second anniversary performance, but honestly... I'm a bit conflicted. Like, why did he join K?
ginsei: ...Kei must've had a reason for it.
-mokuren walks in-
mokuren: You're still putting the posters up? Get on with it already, don't leave the trolley behind.
ginsei: Sorry, we're just about done.
mokuren: Sinju, extra flowers were delivered out back. We need to go get them.
sinju: Ok.
-mokuren and sinju leave-
ginsei: (looks contemplative)
Chapter 1 SideA
-voice training room-
rindou: Kei? Good day. ...The way you changed the show schedule like that was quite forceful of you. That's why I don't understand the reasoning behind making it a versus? Why did things end up like that?
kei: It was better for K to take this performance rather than B. That was simply the conclusion I had come to. The ones that made it a versus was the other party.
rindou: Is it because they didn't know why you came to that conclusion either, so B opposed you?
kei: Rindou, if you want to make idle chatter then move to the break room. I need to train here.
rindou: ...I may not know what it is that you're burdened with. But if there's any way I can be of help, then as work colleagues please don't hesitate to tell me.
kei: ..........
Chapter 1 SideA extra
-city, day time-
taiga: Hey what the hell? What are you doing out here!?
???: Chill chill, don't use such a loud voice, you'll startle the people around us. What's the matter?
taiga: As if I can chill, I went to the hospital to see you only to be told you'd already left. Quit messing around, making a shut in like me run around this much... Why'd you get discharged without saying a word to me? Are you planning to up and disappear all over again? The entire reason I joined Starless was to find clues about your whereabouts. And yet you still haven't explained a thing to me!
???: Sorry, I've caused you a lot of grief huh.
taiga: ........
taiga: Anyways, what are you even planning to do now?
???: First off all I'm going for a job interview. I'm bringing my resume to Starless, I'll be returning to working there.
taiga: You're what...?
???: What about you? If you don't like the place then you can quit now right? Your goal has been achieved after all.
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taiga: Huh? Ah, that's...
???: Well, it's your life at the end of the day, think it over yourself. I'll be going now, see ya.
-nekome leaves-
taiga: Wha... Wait... Huh? HUUH!? What the hell is he on about? I don't get a single thing he's saying!
Chapter 1 SideB
-rehearsal room-
lico: What...? A versus? Over what?
mizuki: Huh? It's already been decided so don't go complaining.
lico: (big sigh) ...I told you already, did I not? No more versus'.
mizuki: Oh shut up, our show was going to be pushed back for no reason. Do you think I'd let them look down on the strongest team this store has like that?
lico: Could you not use your dumb ass logic here? For starters, quit deciding things without getting any consent from your number 2. When did I ever say you could just decide whatever you want cause you're the leader?
mizuki: Huh? Become the leader yourself then, quit whining.
lico: Are you giving me permission to take over? Wow I'm honoured.
mizuki: Fuck off, I'm the leader. B is my team!
lico: I'm not your freaking property.
-heath cuts in to stop them from fighting-
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heath: Wait, stop it. I'm sorry for doing something selfish and not discussing it with our number 2 first. I was the one who rejected it. I didn't want to back down and let Kei have his way in postponing us. ...That's why I'd like for you to cooperate with us in this versus.
lico: (big sigh) ....This is the worst. I'll forgive it just this once.
heath: Ok.
mizuki: Who needs your forgiveness?
lico: By the way, are you even feeling up for it? You look pale as hell.
heath: I'm fine, the same as always.
lico: Whatever you say. Don't go collapsing on us again, it'll be pretty annoying.
-ran runs in-
ran: Woohoo, here I am~! Hey hey ain't this crazy, we get to do another versus? Let's beat the hell outta K!
mizuki: Hell yeah, I'm glad you get it, Ran.
lico: Tch, none of them are taking this seriously.
Chapter 1 SideB extra
-break room-
kongou: (drinking) ....Phew. Sigh...
saki: Good work, Kongou-san. Was rehearsal difficult?
kongou: Ah, no, it's not like that.
saki: Um... Is everything alright with Team B? The show suddenly turned into a versus... Even though Kei had said your show was just postponed at first...
kongou: I would've just accepted the schedule change, it's something that used to happen all the time when I was still a pro wrestler. That's why the fact they turned it into a versus because of the postponement is a mystery to me. I don't really get why there was a reason for it.
saki: Yeah...
kongou: Sigh... Why do things always end up like this?
saki: (Heath-san was acting strangely too... I wonder how this performance will go.)
Chapter 2
-starless office-
kei: This is Team K's performance schedule.
-kei hands it to haseyama-
saki: I see Yakou's a standard member.
kei: He will be put in the fifth position this time, that's all. Whether he properly becomes a standard member or not shall depend on his efforts from here on out. Yakou himself has already been informed of this.
haseyama: Harsh as always ain't you, Kei-sama. Don't you agree, little lady?
saki: Uh...
unei: Ah, stop! You can't just walk in unannounced, the boss is in the middle of a meeting!
-nekome appears-
???: If he's here already then that's perfect. Excuse me~
-he steps into the room-
???: Um, so you're the owner right? Hey there, I've brought my resume with me.
haseyama: Who the hell are you?
???: Oh, it's written right there on my resume. Hm? There's a young lady here too, could you be—
-nekome introduction cg-
nekome: My name's Nekome, nice to meet you. Hey, could you back me up here? I want to work here y'see.
saki: (So this person is Nekome-san... Wait, he just gave me his resume as well...!?)
-kei pushes nekome aside-
kei: Don't get so close to her.
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nekome: Ah, did I frighten her? My bad.
haseyama: I've heard that name before. Taiga's older brother was it? Thanks to you dealing with the aftermath of the store was a massive pain in the ass, you know that don't you? Trespassing, arson, property damage. Just how many digits do you think I should charge you, huh!?
nekome: Ah, you've got it all wrong. The only thing I committed was trespassing, so just charge me with that thanks. Well, nevermind the circumstances, I understand that I've caused the store trouble. I want to make up for it. It'll be just fine, I can handle whatever. I'll wait for your call once you decide whether or not to employ me~
-nekome leaves-
unei: W-wait just a moment!
-unei chases after him-
saki: (Taiga-san's previously missing brother has returned and wants to work here?)
Chapter 2 extra
-break room-
kokuyou: .......
nekome: Hey there, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: You... Why are you just roaming around the store like it's normal?
nekome: Ah, before we get into that, could you lend me a light?
-lights cigarette-
nekome: Thanks. ...Say, this store's pretty big isn't it? I was surprised, you could go adventuring in here. Though it's pretty funny not a single cent was spent on the back end, I don't hate it.
kokuyou: Oi, answer my question already.
nekome: Well that's cause it seems like I've caused everyone a lot of trouble? So I want to make up for it by working here. —That's all.
kokuyou: Does Taiga know?
nekome: Mm, it's not like I need to explain every little thing to him, right?
kokuyou: ...So you didn't even tell him the bare minimum then.
nekome: So strict~ You haven't changed at all, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: ...Neither have you. So, then where have you— No nevermind, what are you planning to do by returning here?
nekome: So you're not asking about the past but rather the future, that's just like you. I plan to do exactly what I just told you, work here and pay back the trouble I've caused.
kokuyou: ....... 
kokuyou: You really...
-takami walks up-
takami: Kokuyou, breaks ending soon, we need to get back to the floor.
kokuyou: ...Got it, coming.
-kokuyou leaves, takami looks at nekome before he leaves-
nekome: ........
Chapter 2 SideA 
-starless kitchen dining area-
ginsei: Hey Gui... Hm? My staff meal is different today, is this fried rice?
gui: I made it myself.
ginsei: Huh? You made this?
gui: Kongou taught me how to.
ginsei: Is that so... Is that why it's got these conspicuous burnt bits in it then... But still, I never imagined you'd get into cooking.
gui: Ginsei, try it.
ginsei: You want me to eat it? Ah well... I don't have very good memories when it comes to fried rice so...
gui: .........
ginsei: ...Ok fine, I just have to eat it right? I'll try a bite then.
ginsei: ........ (eating)
ginsei: Hm, it's good. I’d say it’s passable.
gui: Passable... Next time I'll make sure to char it more.
ginsei: Um no, this is burnt enough as is. I think it's more how everything is mixed together? That you need to work on. What did you think? Do you think the food you made tastes good?
gui: ...I don't know. That's why I got you to try it for me. I'll be careful not to burn it next time, thank you.
ginsei: Cooking's all well and good, but how are you going with our show? Are there any parts you're unsure about? Like about the original text...
gui: Yakou was very thorough in his explanation, he's told me a lot.
ginsei: ...I see. I guess he is also someone that's into books.
gui: Also, you've taught me about 'Carmen' before Ginsei. Carmen was a shameless and devilish woman, so Jose stabs her to death.
ginsei: Wait, no, that's not how it is. Well nevermind, thanks for remembering what I'd said. If there's anything you don't understand just ask me, I'll teach you.
gui: Ok. I'll be going then.
-gui leaves-
ginsei: ...I need to do my best too.
Chapter 2 SideA extra
-starless restaurant area-
kasumi: I heard Nekome showed up at the store recently.
sotetsu: That's quite the sudden topic to bring up.
kasumi: Seeing the restaurant reminded me of him. This is where he was found injured right?
sotetsu: He was found covered in blood by Kokuyou wasn't he? It may be repaired now but this place is totally the scene of the crime.
kasumi: I wonder why Nekome was here.
sotetsu: If you mean about earlier, I heard he was here hoping to get hired. Or I guess in his case it would be returning to work here. I saw Unei holding a resume and making a fuss, so I'd say this is accurate information.
kasumi: Huuh, is that so... At this store then.
-maica walks up-
maica: There's going to be a new menu added today, so please update each of your tablets.
kasumi: Roger~
sotetsu: I'm interested to see whether or not Nekome will be aiming to be a cast member now that he's returned.
kasumi: Guess we'll find out~ He has no reason not to after all.
maica: This Nekome you're talking about, he used to be a cast member at the old store didn't he?
kasumi: Yep~ He's one of the oldest members along with Kokuyou.
sotetsu: I actually heard that it was Nekome that dragged Kokuyou into helping him out with the store.
kasumi: Oh~ If that's true then that would make Nekome the original member then.
maica: Hmm, so how come this guy who no ones been in contact with for two years has returned now? Not to mention he appeared whilst there was a fire burning this place down. It doesn't make any sense.
sotetsu: Don't worry, I'm pretty sure we're all wondering the same thing.
maica: ...I wonder where the owner who disappeared at the same time as him is.
kasumi: I know right~ I'm intrigued by that too.
sotetsu: For now I'll stay in the observation party. There's bound to be drama if Nekoke ends up joining us again.
maica: Looks like you're enjoying yourself already.
kasumi: You've got bad taste as always~
sotetsu: What are you talking about, I'm enjoying myself plenty right now. Yakou got added as our number 5 for this show. Kei said whether he becomes a standard member or not will depend on his performance.
maica: ........
kasumi: Do you have mixed feelings about it, Maica?
maica: Hm? Oh, no... nothing like that. Everyone at this store has their own desires. In that case Yakou would be the same. Something must've happened for him to return to the store. I just need to keep singing, and if he decides to get in the way then I'll knock him down. That's all.
kasumi: Hahah, looks like you've been corrupted by this store too.
Chapter 2 SideB
-starless balcony-
akira: (smoking) Haa~ A smoke when you're skipping out tastes great. I can leave those heavy beer kegs to that muscle gorilla, ok ok~ (yawns) Ah... I'm so sleepy... Hm?
-screen pans down to behind starless, akira is watching from the balcony-
heath: ...Get out of my way.
kei: Did you look at the contents of that envelope?
heath: And what if I did?
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kei: Is it still too difficult for you to make a decision?
heath: This may just be something insignificant to you, but to me it's my life.
kei: The faster you come to your decision the better. The risk of side effects will be lessened.
heath: Only 'lessened' huh.
kei: It's not something that you can fight against without there being any risks. You yourself must already understand that too. What I'm trying to say is that you should make up your mind as soon as—
heath: Are you trying to make amends? I don't give a shit about your regrets, don't try reaching out to me now. Just keep feeling bad about it for your whole damn life!
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heath: (coughing fit)
kei: Heath. 
heath: Don't touch me! (coughs, heavy breathing)
kei: ...The burden of that sin from back then will never be lifted. I will carry it with me for my entire life. However Heath, you are still able to fight it...
akira: I can't really hear what they're saying but man... that's one intense convo they're having. I can't go intruding.
-behind starless-
heath: If you care so much then win the versus and order me to do it.
kei: .....Fine. It's the same as always then. We'll come at you with full intentions to win.
-kei leaves-
heath: ...Godammit! (hits something) The one who's gonna win isn't you. As if I'd let you do whatever you want...!
-heath leaves, akira appears-
akira: They finally left huh. That sure was freaky. What the hell were they talking about anyways. This envelope... He threw it away but I wonder if that's ok... It sure didn’t seem like it.
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Chapter 2 SideB extra
takami: I was surprised to be invited out by you.
taiga: You're the only one who can help me out here.
takami: Well, what did you want to talk about? Though I can pretty much already guess.
taiga: My brother decided to discharge himself from the hospital, and now he's apparently returned to Starless already. I still don't know why he disappeared, and he keeps dodging the question of why he came back. I keep getting a really bad feeling about it, it's unsettling if I just leave things be. 
takami: You want to know every little thing about your brother do you?
taiga: Could you not make it sound gross? All I want to know is stuff in relation to his disappearance. It's the reason I joined the store after all. I have a right to know.
takami: Nekome didn't get you involved. You're the one that chose to get yourself involved. So I wouldn't say you have a right to know anything.
taiga: We're siblings.
takami: Ahaha that's a fitting response. It's definitely something someone looking for their brother would say. However, being 'siblings' with someone is where the depth of the relationship starts and ends. You can still have different values and outlooks on life, you could be completely different people. You have a right to ask for an explanation, and Nekome also has a right to refuse you one.
taiga: You're really just gonna keep taking his side aren't you?
takami: That's not my intention, I'm just saying that's how things are.
taiga: Tch....
taiga: That night, maybe if—
-flashback, old starless back room-
taiga: Hmm, doesn't seem like there's any shady external devices connected. Time to look around in the logs. It's been a while since I last saw you, PC-chan. Sorry, but please allow me to lay my hands on you once more~ 
-time pass-
taiga: Hmm...?
takami: Did you find something useful?
taiga: Nope, nothing. It's just it looks like the data I extracted last time wasn't damaged in any way. For now I'll just make a copy of the entire hard drive.
-takami gets a phone call-
takami (on phone): ...Hm? Kokuyou, what is it? ...Huh? (gasp) Where are you right now? Yes, yes ok, understood.
-takami ends call-
takami: Taiga, they've apparently found him.
taiga: Who, what?
takami: Nekome.
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-flashback end, cafe-
takami: You wonder how things would've gone if you had been at the store to find your brother, that's what you want to say right? Do you think that would've changed something?
taiga: I'm... not sure. Big bro was out for the count so he wouldn't have been able to tell me anything anyways. But the person who was caught in the accident with him, I might've been able to verify their identity. I think I'm done with worrying over my brother.
takami: I heard that your reunion didn't go as you'd expected. How do you feel about it now?
taiga: He's alive so it should’ve been a happy occasion but... That wasn't all.
-flashback, city-
nekome: What about you? If you don't like the place then you can quit now right? Your goal has been achieved after all.
-end flashback, cafe-
taiga: I can't just go ahead and quit whilst things are like this. I can't just leave it alone. Big bro is planning something.
takami: ...Is that so? Well, you're the one that's decided that.
To Part 2
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hookingminor · 2 years
"I was worried something happened to you" with pierre-luc dubois
"I was worried something happened to you."
It was an unfortunate series of events, truly. 
Ice in the winter was deadly, but you never expected to be carrying groceries with your roommate when she slipped on the stairs leading up to your apartment, effectively shattering her leg.
An ambulance was called immediately, and you rode the entire way to the hospital with her. Due to the late hour, the emergency room was operating at its lowest capacity, leaving you in a waiting room chair for hours on end while you waited for an update. The EMTs declared her tibia had broken, along with some pieces of her knee splintering off. Conclusion? Emergency surgery.
It was almost midnight when you received a call from your boyfriend, who was on a roadtrip on the west coast. You presumed he was calling you before heading to bed, but you’d been so preoccupied with your roommate that you forgot he had even played a game tonight.
“Hey, baby,” Pierre’s scruffy face greeted you. He immediately took in the unfamiliar off-white walls behind you. “Where are you at?”
“The hospital,” you answered with a sigh. “It’s been a long night. I’ve been here since eight—”
“What the fuck are you doing in the hospital? What happened? Are you okay?” Pierre went into full panic mode, sitting up from his relaxed position on the bed and bombarding you with questions.
“Well I was with Carrie—” Just then, a doctor rounded the corner and called your name.
“Hold on, Luc,” you said. “The doctor’s here. I gotta go. Call you later.”
You hung up before Pierre could say goodbye, eager for any update the doctor had. You sprung up from the chair with shaky hands.
“Is she okay?” You asked.
“Surgery was successful,” he answered with a smile, immediately calming your nerves. “We had to remove the splintered knee fragments and reset her tibia, but she is fine. She should be waking up from surgery any minute now if you’d like to see her. She’ll make a full recovery but it will be a few months.”
The doctor ushered you to Carrie’s room and found her lounged on the bed, broken leg elevated in a fancy contraption and a tired look on her face.
“Yikes.” You couldn’t help but make fun of her situation.
“God, I know right? Wasted fifty dollars worth of groceries, and I won’t be able to walk for months,” she chuckled dryly. “At least I’m so medicated I can’t feel any pain right now.”
A nurse brought in a padded chair at that moment, sliding it over to you since you requested if you could stay the night with Carrie. You didn’t want to leave her in the middle of surgery to wake up alone, and with it being so late, it didn’t make sense to go back home.
Exhaustion washed over you now that you were reassured your friend was okay, and she gave you the extra blanket on her bed for you to curl up with.
In all your worrying about Carrie, you completely disregarded the phone buzzing away in your bag and the tens of text messages and missed calls from Pierre. You fell asleep in that hospital room with Carrie, oblivious to the heart attack you were about to cause your boyfriend.
A knock woke you both up around eight in the morning, the same nurse from last night making her rounds to check Carrie’s vitals. Her prognosis was good. They decreased the morphine in hopes of getting her off it completely, and when the doctor came back in an hour later to check in, he supposed she’d be able to be released the next day so long as everything went smoothly today.
A few seconds into his discharge instructions, a hurried figure rounded the hospital room door and bursted in.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Pierre cursed a breath of relief when he saw you, clutching his laboring chest.
“And you are?” The doctor asked not unkindly, but he didn’t appreciate the interruption.
“Luc? What are you—” You turned to Carrie and the doctor, feeling rude about the interruption yourself. “I’ll be just outside.”
You grabbed Pierre by the wrist and tugged him into the empty hallway, and his hands immediately cupped your face to search for any sign of injury. “You had me worried to death,” he said, still in the process of catching his breath. He’d clearly run from somewhere, probably through the hospital to find you.
“Of course I’m okay,” you said. “What are you doing here so early? Weren’t you supposed to fly back today?”
“I was,” he answered. “Until you told me you were in the hospital then proceeded to ignore all my messages, so I booked the first flight back. I was worried something happened to you.”
“Oh.” Realization dawned on you. “Oh, I meant I was in the hospital with Carrie. She broke her leg last night and had to have surgery. I’m so sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he sighed. “I mean, I feel bad for Carrie, but you nearly sent me into cardiac arrest.”
“I feel terrible. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you, but it was late when she got out of surgery and we were so tired.”
Pierre brought you into a tight hug. “I understand.” He kissed your forehead. “Please don’t do that to me again though.”
“Promise,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his torso. “Would you mind taking me home so I can take a shower and grab some things for Carrie?” 
“Of course,” he replied. “I better let the guys know you’re okay. I think I freaked them out last night.”
“Oh god.” Remorse washed over you in waves. You hadn’t even spared him a second thought after that phone call because you were worried about Carrie, and here he was worrying all his teammates and coaches that something terrible happened to you. 
But there was another part of you that wanted to cry over your boyfriend’s concern. He flew all the way from California in the middle of the night just to check on when you wouldn’t pick up.
“We should get you home then. You’re probably exhausted.” You took note of his messy hair and tired eyes.
“I think I lost about five years off my life after that,” Pierre said dryly, obviously too fatigued to put more effort into his joke. “If I never step foot in a hospital again, it will be too soon.”
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Part 3 of The Gotham Puddle Boy: Danny Fenton
(Ages bc I didn't clarify before: Jazz 18, Danny 16, Tim 17, Duke 15, Jason 20, Damian 12, Bruce 40, Alfred 70, Dick 25, Cassandra 20 - Idk anything about the Batman timeline or Cass so I'm winging it [ha, winging. Bats])
Duke POV
Duke shared a look with Tim as Jason - Jason - took over the conversation with Tim’s guest, wrangling prank details out of him and talking up Alfred’s cooking as he led the way to the dining area.
Danny lightly elbowed Jason as he suggested he take part in the prank, causing both Tim and himself to stiffen, but Jason only laughed despite the contact.
"Sure kid," and he snorted and ruffled his hair at the indignant 'I'm 16!' "Bruce could do with a little pranking. Tim already fill you in on the basics?"
"Yeah, I got an hour crash course basic family facts and which utensils to use when - which, yikes." The part of his face that Duke could see scrunched up in displeasure.
"You're playing the part of 'another adopted son that's already been here a while and how could he forget you.' You want my advice? Don't bother with utensil orders. Just eat however - the more comfortable you are the more convincing you are, at any rate. It's social engineering 101. Damian's the only one who really cares, anyway."
Danny took a moment to glance back at Tim, who shrugged. Danny shrugged as well.
"Sounds like a plan, J-man." At that, both of them grimaced.
"Just. Call me Jason - it's an inside joke. Bruce'll have a fit."
"Jason, got it."
At that point they arrived in the dining room, Damian and Cass already present.
"Danny, I presume?" Damian asked, zeroing in on the guy before he could even cross the threshold.
"That's me! Here to assist with all your parental pranking needs," he gave an exaggerated bow. "Nice to meet you - Damian and Cassandra, right?"
Cassandra gave a small wave in reply. Damian declined to answer, turning to Tim and raising a brow meaningfully before his eyes flicked behind them.
"Yep!" a bright voice chirped, causing the four of them to yelp and whip around. "I'm Dick - but we might want to save the chatting for after the prank since Bruce is finally on the way up."
Tim scrambled to sit next to Cass, shoving Danny into the seat next to him even as Dick chuckled and walked to his own seat next to Damian.
Duke settled down next to Dick, all of them trying not to stare as Jason sat directly next to Danny and started up a conversation, asking about the convention he'd mentioned earlier.
Dick openly stared before glancing at himself and Tim. They both shrugged.
Everyone cut off as the dining room door opened once more, Bruce finally arriving.
"Alright-" he cut off, staring straight at Danny - Alfred must have followed Tim's request to stay quiet after he'd texted Bruce that his friend had left an hour ago. He hastily plastered on a pleasant smile, asking, "And who is this?"
Danny immediately made a noise like he'd been shot, bursting into tears and curling into himself to bury his face in his hands.
Tim and Jason move as one, each rubbing a shoulder soothinly as the latter glared death at Bruce, who stiffened in place, visibly stuggling to maintain a neutral expression.
"You forgot Danny again?" Tim questioned incredulously.
"Of course he would, that unreliable leech is the most pathetic of the lot of you," Damian sneered at the sobbing boy.
"Damian." Dick reprimanded. Duke decided to focus on sinking into his chair, glancing breifly at Cass, who seemed content enough to simply observe the chaos.
"Well it's true."
Dick's reply was cut off as Danny croaked out "It's o-okay. H-he's right anyway." Duke could almost admire how real he'd made it seem, progressing carefully from bursting into tears to slowly getting them under control.
"It is not," Jason spat. "It isn't your fault Bruce can't be bothered to pull his head of his work long enough to remember his family."
"IT IS!" Danny positively shrieked, jolting up out of his chair and knocking the hands from his shoulders to look Jason in the eye, tears visibly streaming down his face. "I-I'm not athletic and my grades are garbage no m-matter how much I try to fix them and I-I can't do anything right-!" His voice cracked on the word as he cut himself off, clenching his fists.
"I- excuse me," he said quietly, tossing the napkins he'd put in his lap onto his plate before weaving around the stunned Bruce and out the door. Alfred must have been nearby with the food as they could faintly hear him call out "Master Danny," at which Bruce's eyes widened a fraction as the other sat in silence a moment, stunned by the performance.
"I'm going after him," Tim and Jason spoke in unison, standing from their places.
"And what are you gonna say to him, Replacement," Jason sneers, "'Sorry Bruce doesn't care about you?' At least I know what it's like to be a throwaway Wayne," he stares dead at Bruce at the last bit, shouldering his way past the man as Tim sits frozen in place.
"Jason-" Bruce turns, cut off by the dining room door slamming shut in his face.
Bruce POV
Bruce had pulled all-nighters before - too often, according to Alfred. He was familiar with the effects, and hallucinations weren't meant to begin until hour 72; Bruce was barely on hour 30.
Despite that, Bruce had entered his dining room only to be faced with what was most definitely the boy he had seen vanish into a puddle the night before.
He was young, somewhere in the 15-to-20's range, though likely on the younger end. Bruce was relieved to see that he was okay, but suspicious. The water had tested normal every time, and while people did tend to respect his no metas rule this was likely a teenager - with the greater tendency to disregard authority that entailed.
Tim had said his friend had left already, and he was generally truthful. Still, with the sudden appearance of the boy the night after he'd seen him disappear into a puddle - and keeping in mind that it was well within Duke's abilities to manipulate light and make him appear to vanish - it was entirely possible they were playing a prank on him.
Still, better not to make assumptions. So he started simple: by attempting to prompt an introduction.
Instead of an introduction his question had been met with a deluge of tears and accusations that even Jason was taking part in. The boy's speech before disappearing was worrying - even if the context was wrong there was a hint of truth in every lie, and the lack of self-worth evident in his words….
But it was Jason's parting shot that hit him like a knife to the heart. As if he had ever wanted to lose his son - as if he ever wanted to lose any of them.
It was only Alfred opening the door not three seconds after Jason closed it that prevented him from spiraling further. Alfred might keep quiet and allow the kids to prank him, but he would never answer dishonestly, which meant he could make sure this wasn't some sort of mind control/memory alteration event.
"Alfred, have I ever adopted a boy named 'Danny?'"
"Not yet, Master Bruce."
Alfred merely glanced around the room at his children - black hair and blue eyes for all but Duke's black-and-brown - before pointedly raising a brow.
Bruce scowled before looking back at his children, noting the grimaces and hunched shoulders - "Who was that, really?"
"Danny," Tim spoke up, "The guest I mentioned earlier? He didn't really go home, I just texted everyone about him so we could prank you." He paused, winced. "I…didn't think about how the prank might hit a sore spot for Jason." He concluded grimly. At that, everyone grimaced.
Bruce took a breath before trudging on. "And the puddle incident last night, was that a prank as well?"
Dick, Duke, Tim, and Cass shared a look while Damian merely raised a brow. "No? Why would that be related?" Dick finally questioned.
"Because 'Danny' is the person I saw disappear into the puddle."
"Another meta?" Duke asked, perking up.
"Why come to Gotham, then?" Damian tagged on, face twisting in dissapproval.
"Because his parents dragged him here for an engineering convention," Tim filled in. "The one Jason was asking about earlier. If they don't know he's a meta he might not have been able to come up with an excuse to be allowed to stay home."
"Full name?" Bruce demanded.
"Danny Fenton," Tim answered, not missing a beat. "But seriously, Bruce. He's sixteen and he's only in town for a week because of his parents - and it's already been like three days. He's not doing anything - we literally spent four hours playing Damned-"
"Tim." Bruce cut him off, not looking away from his phone as he opened up a background check. "I'm not going to chase a random teenager out of Gotham - but if there's an outside meta in the city it doesn't hurt to know what to expect."
"Uh," Duke spoke up, "Not to put a damper on things but. Jason's been acting…weird."
"Weird how?"
"Not in a bad way!" Tim defended, "He's just been calm. Which is a nice change of pace! Maybe Danny has some kind of calming aura?"
"For Jason specifically?" Dick asked, raising a brow.
"But he wasn't calm," Duke says softly.
"Because he was confronted with a stranger in the house-"
"No," Duke cut off Tim's response, "He froze before either of you came into sight, before we could even hear your voices. I watched him stare at the stairway for a solid ten seconds before you ever came into view. And you saw how he wouldn't even talk until he suddenly just… switched to friendly-mode. A mode I didn't know he had, by the way. Isn't it odd that Jason is the only one affected less than 24 hours after Bruce sees the person likely causing the affect disappear into what he thought was Lazarus water?"
"You think he's related to the League of Assassins somehow?" Bruce narrowed his eyes, humming as he looked at the screen.
"We've been playing video games alone for four hours, Danny's been nothing but nice. And I'm the one who invited him here - he didn't ask about it, he was just leaving when I offered to hang out. And he had four hours to stab me if he wanted to and didn't." Tim shot back.
"Still, it won't hurt to run a quick background check while he and Jason cool down - every lie has a grain of truth," He frowned sadly, thinking back on Jason's words, "And unless that was scripted they probably both need a minute."
The room winced, frozen quietly in place as Alfred passed out the food and Bruce typed away.
Danny POV
Danny scrubbed his eyes as he retreated to 'his' room - a guest room he and Tim had spent some of their prep time making look lived in earlier. It was the designated retreat room for after he completed his tearful speech - Tim would follow soon enough to tell him if Bruce was actually falling for it or if he should drop the joke and come say hi.
He tried to tell himself that it was only for dramatic effect when he slammed the door behind him. He slid down the adjacent wall to hug his knees to his chest, doing his best to ignore the pang in his chest in favor of thinking about the look on Bruce Wayne's face when he'd fled the room.
He heard a few doors open and close before 'his' door opened, and he looked up to find Jason looking down at him instead of Tim - expression just as heavy as Danny's.
"Hey," he said, taking a glance around. "Nice digs."
Danny snorted. "Thanks. What happened, I thought Tim was going to come get me?"
Jason closed the door behind him, sliding down to sit crisscross on the floor against it in an echo of Danny not ten seconds earlier. "Prank's probably canceled. I said something that… hit a little too close to home." He grimaced.
"Yeah." Danny muttered, looking away from him to stare blankly at the window a moment.
His brows drew down as he mulled that over, pushing away his own feelings for the moment. Tim had mentioned the rooms were soundproof, so with it just being him and Jason, now was the best time to ask.
He turned to rest his head on his knees, looking at Jason as he asked, "Do they know?"
"Know?" Jason echoed, turning to look him in the eyes.
"You know," Danny said, flashing green eyes.
Jason jolts out of his seated position, putting another ten feet between them even as he sees his own eyes flash green from a mirror in the corner of his vision.
The feeling of calm and safety hasn't disappated but he won't let that stop him from reacting.
"You're from the League?" he questions, even though it sounds wrong the moment he so much as thinks it.
"What?" Danny asks, baffled. "I don't think the Justice League accepts scrawny teenagers."
"What? No! The League of Assassins!"
"…isn't that one of the optional add-on groups for Dragons and Dragons?"
"What? NO!" Jason runs a hand through his hair in exasperation. "Okay, what is anyone supposed to 'know' here? Something about Lazarus water?"
"Lazarus water? Is that like, some kind of alternative holy water?" Danny's face scrunches up before he shakes his head. "Whatever, not the point. I mean 'Do they know you're liminal?'"
"Liminal." Jason echoes again, face blank before his eyes narrow. "Does that have something to do with why I felt like I was about to be murdered before you introduced yourself?"
Danny freezes, face cycling through embarrassment, confusion, and realization before settling on dawning horror as he paled. "YOU don't know? You don't know? Ancients. Okay. Alright, okay, quick question - a few questions. They are very important and you need to answer honestly."
Jason narrows his eyes at the demand, "What?"
"Okay, starter: your eyes just flashed green-" Jason stiffened, blinking "-were you aware that happens?"
"Maybe my eyes just look green in different lighting," he deflects, "why do you want to know?"
"Because I want to help you," Danny says grimly. "Because if you're liminal and you don't know then you're in danger. And you are liminal - I couldn't sense you until I saw you because your signature is so small but it's obvious to anyone with the ability or the technology for it. And I'm sure you could sense me even before that. You thought I was 'going to murder you' because your liminal instincts told you that I could have-" Jason tensed. "-and you relaxed because I satisfied that liminal part of you's fear by making it clear that I wouldn't - that I won't. That I was - am friendly."
"Great. If you don't want to murder me then why does being 'liminal' put me in danger."
"Because it doesn't matter how small your ecto-signature is, the fact that you have one at all classifies you as an ecto-entity-"
"'Ecto?'" Jason cuts him off, raising a brow.
"As in ectoplasm; the thing ghosts are made of."
Jason flinches as if slapped. "Ghosts aren't real. I'm not a ghost. I'm alive."
Danny's face softens, and Jason hates it. "You aren't a ghost. But something happened - whether it was… an injury… of some kind, or a contamination by exposure."
Memories of his death play behind Jason's eyes, along with memories of his revival, hazy agony-fear-confusion weaving through each like a nightmarish mockery of a carousel.
"You have an ecto-signature, which means you're maintaining your own ectoplasm levels by producing it. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, your ecto-signature means that the Anti-Ecto Acts apply to you. Which is why I need you to tell me if you've noticed any suspicious guys in white suits and sunglasses around recently - or if you've tried to donate any blood since… whatever caused this, if you know?"
"Anti-Ecto Acts?" Jason asks, mind still reeling.
"I'll be happy to explain, but the other two things are way more urgent if we want to avoid being vivisected-"
"IF WE WHAT!?" Jason shouts, grabbing at the weapons in his pockets to calm himself.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so used to that kind of threat I didn't think about how it might be…concerning to hear. Look, I won't let anyone vivisect you. The GIW are incompetent idiots anyway. But if you get on their radar and they know your identity it'll be a problem - assuming you want to keep your current life and identity instead of changing your name and moving to Mexico or something. So: white suits, blood donations? Any yeses?"
"Great! Then let's walk through the Anti-Ecto Acts, starting with your new classification in the eyes of the government as a non-sentient being incapable of experiencing thoughts or feelings - or pain!"
Anyway my tags got put in a different order on two other posts so sorry if they look wonky :\
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ageless-aislynn · 1 month
From @mrtobenamedlater
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! ☀️
How about 3 random Halo facts about me? 😎👍
There are so many characters that I know woefully almost nothing about ( and who several of my fellow Halo friends write about). If they come from the books, Halo 5 or Infinite, chances are that I'm seriously winging it on who they are. A couple of times I've had to look them up to see who is a canon character and who's an OC. On the plus side if you're a writer for any of them, you're obviously great at it because I can't tell the difference between your OCs and canon characters, lol! Good work, keep going! 😎👍
2. I'm legit not kidding that this is one of my proudest moments:
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I have a bit of a tremor in my hands, sometimes worse than others, so I really didn't know if I'd be able to play well enough to even finish the first game on Easy. (I ought to record it sometime just so y'all can see what I mean as my reticle is BouNcINg aLL OvEr thE plAcE on a bad day while I'm trying to aim, lol.) But I figured out strategies based off of Youtube tutorials that helped me to mitigate it as much as possible, helped me figure out my strengths as a player and then sometimes I just devoted a lot of time to grinding it out, trying to get through. Halo 2's Regret boss battle took me about 2 weeks to get through on Legendary. Halo 3 ODST's Coastal Highway was almost a month. Learning how to get on the rooftops to avoid the Jackal snipers on Halo 2's Outskirts is a MUST, lol! (And they'll still sometimes snipe you from, like, the other side of town! 😧😜) Mastering grenade jumps made me so happy and I adore learning ways to break out of bounds!
3. I do love every Halo game in the MCC but the only one I routinely play from start to finish without skipping any missions is Reach. There's just something about it that makes it such a joy to me, I can't even explain it. Though it's not a joy if you're trying to do the Legendary speedrun achievement. I still haven't gotten even close to getting my total time under 3 hours. 😔
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From just under 8 hours to under 6, so at least I'm getting better, though! (And look at Heroic, I took its Fastest Clear Time from over 11 HOURS 😱to under 3, so that made me happy!) So, hopefully one day! 🤞😣🤞
Bonus Halo fact: I really adore these games. They came into my life at a time when I desperately needed something to distract me, something I could learn, was ABLE to learn, something that lets you be creative, to challenge yourself, to play it easy, to play it hard. I will always be thankful to the MCC for that. I hope to one day be able to play 5 (currently is not available for the PC) and Infinite (borked up my previous computer, yikes) but even if I can't, the 6 beautiful games of the MCC will hopefully be with me for the rest of my life.🤗🤗🤗💖
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kookznoona · 2 years
Blessing Or A Curse || Part 1 || Jeon Jungkook SMUT
Pairing: Sub! Jungkook x Dom! Reader
Rating: 18+, Smut, Swearing
Warnings: SMUT, Mature Language and Mature Content
Genre: Gender swap!AU, Witch existence! AU, Boyfriend!Jungkook, Sub! Jungkook, Dom!Reader, Shy! Jungkook
Description: A lil' Brat taming, Edging and Squirting, Y/N has a Mommy Kink, Jungkook has a Degradation Kink + Dumbification Kink
Word Count: 1.5 K
Summary: A Trulon girl always spells trouble
"I'm home~" Jungkook Chirps
"You're home early today, How was your day at work?"
I ask him while helping him take off his coat and placing his broom in the rack
"It went okay, I caught a few Sirens again, being a Trulon is always about protecting others, Some Sirens are Harmless but the majority of them are witches, casting spells unto the innocents, but today was quite weird actually" he says
"What happened bun?" I ask
He holds my hand and says, "I need to tell you something Y/N"
"Go on sweetie" I say
"A girl had confessed her feelings for me and asked me out on a date almost two years ago, I still remember, she used this cheesy pickup line, 'are you a magician 'cause when you're around everything else disappears' I didn't even know who she was, but I knew that she was a siren descendant because of her scent" he says chuckling
"Can't Believe she said that like Jeez, what was she? A nine year old?" I laugh
"So, I obviously rejected her because I already fell in love with a Trulon girl already, that's You, Y/N and also because Sirens always spell trouble" he says
"Okay… and…" I ask
He sighs and says, "I ran into the same girl today, her eyes Turned green, she whispered something in my ears and I fainted at my desk, I woke up an hour later and left immediately" he says
"Yikes, baby, she isn't a girl, she's a witch" I say
"I realised that later, I'm so scared, what if I lose my memory and I don't return back home from work tomorrow because her?" He says worriedly
"Baby, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, we'll sort it out till then, I've gotta take you over to the sorcerers to get it undone, who knows what spell she casted on you, let's go meet Namjoon" I say
"Mommy I'm really tiwed, cwan I twake a shower, and twhen we'll go and visit the wizward?" he baby talks, flashing his puppy dog eyes
"How could I ever say a 'no' to you, my precious babyboy" I say, pecking his forehead
Jungkook enters the shower and I begin to clean the room
"Aaaaah" he screams and startles me
"Kookie, are you alright? Is everything okay?" I rush towards the bathroom door
"No mommy, things are not okay" he sobs
"Baby, you're scaring me, please let me come in" I say knocking the door and turning the door knob
"No, you'll leave me and go" he cries
A part of me breaks inside while hearing him cry, not knowing what my next move should be, I sit pained against the door and hear him cry as the water pours in the bathroom
"Kookie, baby please, just unlock the door, I won't ever leave you no matter what, I promise" I say
He unlocks the door to reveal himself in a Maid Outfit
"Oh my God, are you okay baby? Why are you in this outfit?" I ask confused
"M-ommy I think it's the wit-witch's doings, I don't have a-" he cries
"You don't have a what?" I ask
"I don't have a cock anymore mommy, I've got a pussy" He says, looking at me completely lost and shy
"Gosh, can Mommy see you?" I ask, pointing at his crotch.
He doesn't utter a word, pulls off his pants and lies on the bed, spreading his legs apart.
"Baby, you've got such a beautiful pussy" I say
I see his face flush pink as he tries to hide himself
"Mommy, I feel all wet down there, it's weird" he says
"Gosh, what got you so aroused, little one?"
He hides his face in his hands and I spank him
"Mhhm" he lets out a whimper
"Answer me when I ask you a question you bad boy"
"Mommy, I was missing you, so I opened my gallery to see your pictures- it was the na-ughty pictures we took together, and then- I found your silk panties Mommy and I-" he says and covers his mouth
"Okay, you found my silk panties, and?"
"I'm not telling you more Mommy" he hides his face and looks away. I grab him by his jaw and force him to look directly in my eyes
"What about my silk panties?" I ask
"I wr-rap it around me to get myself off, but I realised I didn't have a cock anymore" he feels his face burn in embarrassment and looks down
"Well, at least now I know who stole my favorite panties" I roll my eyes at him making him feel even smaller than he already was
"M-mommy please help me" he says
"Help you? You touched yourself without permission numerous amount of times brat, Help Yourself" I scoff
"Mommy please, I miss my cock, I feel so needy and I have no idea what to do with this pussy, it hurts so bad and I wanna cum so bad" he says
"Aww baby, Mommy is gonna make you feel so good" I say
I slowly begin placing kisses on his inner thigh
"Mommy, please" he says
"Please what?"
"Please don't tease me"
I spread his glistening folds apart, mesmerized by His Beauty. His lip quivering and worn out with all the nibbling, his hair damp with sweat against his forehead and his skin flushed red.
I kiss his swollen clit making him moan
"Baby, keep your eyes open and look at me" I say
I rub circles on his clit. He starts to shudder under my touch.
"Mhmmm feels s'good" he moans
"Want Mommy to fill you up Lil' one?" I ask and he furiously nods
I easily enter two of my fingers in his wet pussy
"Ahh, just like that Mommy, play with my clit"
I remove my fingers from his hole and sharply spank his clit making his back arch
"Now baby, whose pussy is this?" I prod a finger at his entrance
"Yo-urs Mommy" he says
"So whose clit do I touch?" I say raising my eyebrow
"Your clit M-ommy" he says shyly
"That's better" I say and slip my finger out of his hole and go towards my dresser
"I'm sorry Mommy, please don't leave me hanging" he pleads
"Sit" I sternly say, grabbing a vibrator and kneeling on the bed
I swiftly wave it in front of him, his eyes glittering at the toy
"Mommy~" he whines
"Yes babyboy" I say playing with his hair
"Mommy please touch me, I wanna cum so bad"
I place the buzzing toy on his clit
"Oh My God Mommyyy" he starts to grind his hips against the vibrator
"How does it feel, babyboy?" I ask
"Mm-ommy Gonna cum"
And I pull my hands off him and deny him of an orgasm
"No no no Mommy" he cries in frustration, his thighs shaking and cunt clenching around nothing
"Momm-my w-hy d-id you do th-that, I just wan-na Cum- please" he sobs, his breathing faltering and words getting broken up
I feel amused by his behaviour, there's been only a handful amount of times he's cried during sex, It makes him look even more vulnerable; It's Addicting, He sure is Needy as Hell
"Shh babyboy, breathe, I'm gonna make you cum so good baby, I'm gonna make it up to you"
"You better" he sniffs
I place two of my fingers and begin pumping his pussy slowly, and place my tongue on his clit, swirling on his bud
"Ahhh, feels amazing Mommy, please don't stop" he says grinding against my face
With that, I begin pumping faster and suck his clit harshly and his moans start getting erratic and he cums on my face.
"That felt amazing, Thank you so much, I Love You Mommy" he says and pecks my cheek
"I Love You Too My Baby, Let's get you cleaned up and I'll call up Namjoon and Ask him how to fix all of this"
"Hi Joonie" I say
"Hey Y/N, How's Everything?" He asks
"Something's going on and I need you help" I say
"What happened?" He asks concerned
"A witch cursed Jungkook" I say
"Oh no, is he alright?" He asks worriedly
"He is fine, kinda, fine-ish" I say
"Y/N just tell me what's wrong" He says
"He told me he passed out after it happened" I say
"Any change? Like behavioral or physical?" He asks
"Yikes, how do I say this?" I say, scratching my head
"Gosh Y/N, when did you become so shy?" he asks
"Jungkook's got a vagina now" I blurt out
"Ah okay, I have an antidote for that, I'll send it over with Jimin today, he'll do the spells and chants, don't worry, Jungkook will be fine" he says
"Wait what? Is it that simple?" I ask perplexed
"Yep, it's the basics of sorcery, he'll be alright" he says
"Thank you Namjoon" I say
"Um- Y/N, There's a catch though" he says
"What?" I ask
"If he has sex under the spell, his soul gets tied to the partner" he says
"What do you mean?" I ask confused
"Whoever he has sex with under the witch's spell, they become his soulmate, also, his sex drive will heighten, just wanted to let you know so you can warn him, so he doesn't do any um- experiments" he says
"Joon, I feel so happy right now" I say
"Why?" He asks
"Him and I are soulmates now" I announce
"Jesus Y/N, what the fuck?"
Read Part 2 Here
Hey Guysssss~!
I'm sorry I've been gone forever, I literally had so much going on and was facing a huge writer's block, but guess what? I'm back now, although tbh, I'm not feeling so well, so yes I'll try to post more often with new updates as much as I can 💕
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thepropertylovers · 1 year
A Family-Filled Fun Day
Yesterday felt like it was the perfect way to spend a day with our kids before we leave to go out of town.
In case you don’t follow us on Instagram, we mentioned earlier this week that we’re leaving to go out of the country today actually (!), and it will be the longest we’ve ever been away from the kids. And we’re nervous. We’ve never been away from them for more than three of four days, so the thought of being gone eight or nine days feels strange.
We keep asking them if they will be okay or if they think they will miss us too badly and be sad or scared, but (luckily) they just keep saying they can’t wait for us to leave so they can do things like stay up a little later and chew gum, haha. They will be staying with our moms as they take turns watching them for the next week and a half, and they are a little less strict than we are, which I’m happy about. Everyone needs a break every now and then.
So I think we’re the ones who will have a hard time being away from them for so long, which I am also happy about. I would much rather us be the ones crying over them than the other way around.
Yesterday was spent with fun and exciting times with each of the kids in a totally unplanned way. We started with Allan.
His entire 2nd grade class took a field trip to our farm!! That’s right, we had 40 or so eight year olds running around Ocoee Farm and it was the biggest burst of joy for a few hours. They all took turns petting the chickens and holding goslings (they found a way to keep pooping on me over and over again). They fed the sheep and pigs carrots and celery and laughed/screamed when the donkeys sneezed on them.
Allan had a blast showing the kids around the farm, his playground when he gets home from school every day. I know how much joy he must have felt to have all of his friends and teachers in his happy place, a place he’s been to a million times but that they’re seeing with fresh, curious eyes. To him, it’s his backyard. To them, it was the reason for an entire field trip.
There was time for a Q&A and PJ answered about 100 questions on the pavilion about our animals and the farm. It was so cute to hear their little questions about everything and nothing. I love the way kids’ minds work. So curious. And PJ did so well!! He used to be a camp counselor and is used to speaking to and educating groups of kids, so he was a natural. All his old training came back to him, or seemingly never left? Either way, he was fabulous.
Beau was there to help out, too, and even grabbed some photos of the morning. Thank you so much, Beau!!!
After that, we got a message from Anna’s teacher saying they would be getting out of school early because their A/C is broken and it was 80 degrees in their classroom. Yikes. So we headed to the school to get her. We spent an hour with our girl, just the three of us, as we listened to her tell us about her day and watched her eat her new favorite snack: a giant heated-up-in-the-microwave marshmallow. The girl has an affinity for sweets.
After about an hour and a half, it was time to head back to school for Riah’s kindergarten program. It’s crazy to me that he will be in FIRST grade next year. What? How? When did this happen and where was I? Our youngest son can’t be in first grade already. Time hasn’t made sense for the last few years, but the fact that he will be a first grader in just a few months is something my brain can’t comprehend.
We sat in the first row as he and his classmates performed quite a few songs in front of a crowded auditorium of proud parents and supportive family members. It was the cutest. Riah had the biggest smile on his face the whole time, in between looking a little reserved and nervous. He did so well, though. There was also a slideshow of the whole year with the background music being “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift, which was a perfect choice by his teacher, if I do say so myself.
Then it was time for certificates. The principal called each of the kindergartners’ names and they took turns walking across the stage, collecting their certificate in the process. Before kids, I had always thought of kindergarten graduations as pointless and silly. Now though, I thought it was the sweetest thing ever, and I know we were both so proud of him for such a wonderful year. He has had the best teacher and we wish she was still going to be in the same position next year so that Anna could have her!
After his program, we checked him and Allan out of school for the rest of the day to spend it together at home before we all headed out to eat and go to Walmart for last minute things before our trip.
Now we are at the airpot waiting for our flight, and I am writing this from one of the seats in the terminal. It’s only been a few hours but we’re already missing them so badly. Walking through the airport and seeing all the little kids running around with their little suitcases is only reminding us of traveling with our kids, and how much we love it. They do so well in airports and on planes and it really is so fun to travel and take them places and show them somewhere new. Hoping for a lot of that this summer!!
Next time we check in will be from Barcelona, so here’s to a safe flight!!!
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ejzah · 2 years
A/N: Just a little story revolving around some of the tidbits we’ve been given about the upcoming season and Roberta’s welcomed return.
Learn From Me
“Hey, we’ll see you in a couple hours,” Kensi called out. Deeks took a step back from his current home improvement project—staining the woodwork—to kiss her cheek as she rushed by towards the front door, car keys in one hand. Rosa followed more slowly, moving more slowly than usual, shoulders hunched.
Kensi shot him a look that was the visual version of “yikes” and ushered Rosa out the door to take her to her art class.
Once they were gone, Deeks sighed, raising his stain sponge again. In the last few weeks, Rosa had expressed interest in striking out on her own more frequently. She reasoned that she knew the area around their home and school well enough to navigate on her own. None of her friends had nearly as much parental supervision as she did.
That was all true, but Kensi and Deeks had remained firm. They or one of the moms would provide all rides and stay for any extracurriculars.
Rosa did not take it well. Instead of yelling or slamming doors, she went almost completely quiet, a deep sense of disappointment settling around her, and that was far more effective than anger.
He hated that Rosa was unhappy, but he didn’t see another way of doing things. Not without putting her in potential danger.
Glancing down at his work, Deeks examined the latest piece of trim he’d just finished, frowning at the slightly uneven tone. Damn it. He grabbed a jug of varnish remover and a sanding block.
The front door opened behind him as he started in on removing the stain, and he turned, glancing over his shoulder.
“Mama, hey. Kensi already took Rosa to her class,” he said, unsurprised by her unannounced visits these days.
“Oh, I know,” she answered. “Just though I’d come over and see how things are going.” She looked around at the dismantled pieces of woodwork with a nod. “Not too shabby, kiddo.”
“Thanks. You were here yesterday. And this morning. I’m pretty sure you’re caught up on all the news.”
Deeks dropped a hand to his knee, regarding Roberta with a raised eyebrow while she dropped her pocket book on the couch and made herself comfortable.
“Well, maybe there’s something I missed,” Roberta suggested with a overly innocent shrug.
“Mom, what do you know?”
“Mama…” he fixed her with a warning look, and she sighed, giving in easily as usual.
“Oh, alright. The last month or so, Rosa has been talking about how she wants to maybe joint the theater club at her high school or get a part time job,” she explained. “I told her it was a good idea, but she says you and Kensi won’t let her.”
Deeks sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could just imagine how those conversations had gone down.
“Ok, that is not what we said at all,” he said with more patient than he felt. “Kens and I fully support Rosa interests, but we can’t leave her unsupervised. And you know why.”
“Oh come on! Martin, she’s a responsible kid. Give her a little space. What’s she going to do?” With a roll of her eyes, Roberta waved off his concerns with a single sweep of her hand as she stood.
“I’m not worried about what she does, mom. I’m concerned about all the criminals who could attack her to get back at us. There’s real danger out there and it doesn’t matter how responsible or smart Rosa is.”
“So, what are you going to do? Bubble wrap her until she’s 50?” Roberta asked sarcastically. “You two need to calm down for once in your life.”
Deeks stared at her in disbelief.
“Seriously? Mom, don’t you think that’s pretty hypocritical after the way you hovered over me when I was growing up? You wouldn’t let me go to day camp when I was 10 and didn’t want me to take driving lessons.”
He felt just a tiny bit bad when Roberta’s expression fell and she tugged on the hem of her jacket.
“You were a different situation,” she insisted. “With everything that happened with your dad, and hanging out with Ray, I thought I needed to make up the difference. Besides, you know you got into 10 times as much trouble as Rosa ever will.” She shook her head, muttering, “Stealing a car.”
“Again, I don’t think that Rosa is planning on taking a car for a joyride, petty theft, or any of the other things I was unfairly accused of as a teen.” He gave Roberta a pointed and she sighed.
“What I’m trying to tell you kiddo, is not to make the same mistakes I did.” She smiled grimly when Deeks gave her a confused look, her voice softening. “Even though I had the best of intentions, I clung too hard sometimes. I didn’t let you breathe or take risks, and in the end that pushed you away. Which I regret to this day.”
“Mom, you didn’t…” Deeks trailed off, surprised by unexpected dismay in her voice. He’d never imagined that she’d feel that way about her parenting choices post Gordon.
“I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad,” she continued quickly, reaching to squeeze his hand. “It’s the trust. And I don’t want the same thing to happen to you two and Rosa. Cause you guys are an amazing family and nothing should come destroy that.”
“Wow, that’s, uh, thanks mom,” he murmured, dangerously close to tears. “We can try, but I still don’t see how we’re going to get around the safety issues.”
“Oh, just get her some of those gadgets you got in your office and Fatima to screen her friends with that fancy computer she has,” Roberta said with a shrug. “Get her a whistle, some pepper spray, and teach her some judo.”
“Oh my god, mom. First of all, you’re not supposed to know about how we operate. Secondly minors can’t carry pepper spray—“
“Like I said, you take things too seriously,” she interrupted loudly. She gave Deeks an affectionate look. “My point is, you’ll figure this out, and in the meantime, give Rose a little space. Ok?”
“Ok,” Deeks agreed softly. “We’ll try to worm something out. In the meantime, can you please try to be a neutral party in all this?”
“Then I suppose you’ll want me to hide the job applications I picked up this afternoon, huh?” Roberta asked, earning a groan from Deeks.
A/N: This turned out a little more angsty than I intended. I don’t want Kensi and Deeks to be too overbearing, since I think they both come from backgrounds where they experienced that at times, but I can understand if they’re overly cautious with all the bad guys running around.
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softbobamilktae · 2 years
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The Strings of My Heart [18] - Hello, Baby
← Chapter 17 | Chapter 19 →
Pairing: Zoro x Jupiter
Genre: fluff, angst, f2l
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: birth complications, mentions of custody battles and trauma
Summary: Zoro’s moved to sunny California for college to escape from the life of fame for a little while. But when he loses his violin case in the second week of school, he’s sure his college experience has just gone up in flames. What will he do when, despite all odds, his case is returned to him?
Jupiter awoke to chaos the next morning.  The nanny was late.  There had been a power outage and the alarms hadn’t gone off, and Stella was chasing Bella around the house trying to get her ready for school.  It seemed that Venus and the boys had made their buses, but Stella had stayed behind to keep an eye on the three youngest kids.
Jupiter had about five voicemails on her phone.  One from Zoro, wishing her a good morning and promising to call her that evening, one from the nanny who was explaining that she’d be an hour late because she’d missed her alarm as well, and three from the hospital.  She listened to those as she went to make breakfast for the two youngest kids.  Apparently, they’d done an emergency C-section.  The baby was ok, and her mom was out for the time being.  It sounded like she’d be ok from what Jupiter could gather.  She’d head up there as soon as the nanny was here, and Stella and Bella were at school.
“Who wants apples?” Jupiter hollered down the hall.
“Meeeeeee!” Aurora exclaimed as she ran out to the kitchen, tiny Comet on her heels.
Jupiter dropped Bella off at school over an hour late.  Stella was nearly two hours late by the time she made it in.  Jupiter drove to the hospital after that.  She was so glad her mom and new baby sister were ok.  She’d gone to bed extremely worried the previous night after that call.
Her phone was ringing a few moments later, and she hit the “accept” button when she saw Zoro’s name.
“Hey there!” she greeted.
“Hi!  I’m headed to orchestra now, but I thought I’d call you.”
“Yeah, what were you doing up at six this morning?”
He laughed. “I had a paper to finish, and Jiho wanted to call.  I was more surprised that you didn’t answer.”
“We had a power outage last night and none of the alarms went off this morning.  Stella and Bella were both late to school.”
“Yikes.  Are you headed to work now?”
“No, I’m on my way to the hospital.  My mom had to have an emergency C-section.”
“Oh no!  Are they ok?”
“Yeah.  Baby is fine.  I think my mom’s gonna be ok, too.  I’m hoping I can talk her into giving up the baby.” Jupiter took a deep breath. “I can’t see that going well.”
“Good luck.  I hope it goes well.  It’ll make things a lot easier if she’s on board with it, right?”
“Yeah.  It’ll be a lot easier if I just get guardianship with her permission.  I’m sure she’ll give it for most of the older kids.  I’m just not so sure about Comet and the new baby.”
“Well, call me after you talk to her, ok?” Zoro asked. “I’ve gotta go now.  Love you.”
“Love you.  Bye-bye.”
Jupiter found her mother’s room fairly quickly after arriving at the hospital.  The baby wasn’t in here, and her mom was still unconscious.  Jupiter crossed the room and stared down at her mom.
“Please don’t make this hard for me.  You’ve made my life very hard, and I want to make sure the kids don’t go through that.”
Jupiter heaved a deep sigh.  After a few moments, she left.  She was going to go meet this new baby.  The nurses were very helpful in her quest to find the baby.  Part of her felt a bit uneasy at this, but she supposed her ID was enough to prove who she was.  Soon enough, she had a little tiny baby girl in her arms.
“Did my mom name her yet?” she asked.
“Andromeda Stellar.  A very…interesting name, I must say.”
Jupiter suppressed a laugh. “Of course.”
“Are there more of you?”
“Oh, yeah.  Eight more of us.  We all have space-themed names.”
“Oh, wow!”
“I’m the oldest.”
“I’m sure your family is lovely.”
Jupiter wished she could agree with that.  Right now, her family was a mess.
Jupiter’s mother awoke a few hours after Jupiter arrived at the hospital.  This was probably not the best time to have the guardianship conversation, but Jupiter knew it needed to happen sooner rather than later.  Especially with the new baby.
Jupiter found herself jittery as she sat in front of her mom.
“Glad to see you’re ok.”
“I thought the baby wasn’t going to make it.  There was blood everywhere!”
Jupiter glanced up at her mom. “That’s not good.  Did they tell you what was wrong?”
“Uterine rupture.”
Jupiter’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Yeah.  I can’t have any more kids.”
Jupiter held back her ‘thank goodness’. “Mom, I wanted to talk to you about something.  I need…to have guardianship.  Over all the kids.”
Her mom glanced at her. “Yeah.  That’s fine.”
Jupiter’s eyes widened in shock. “What?”
“You can have them.  I don’t want to take care of everyone anymore, and with the new baby….”
“No, Mom, all of them.  That includes Andi.  You can stay and look after her while she’s little, but if you need a break, you should take it.  I need to have guardianship over her in case you need that, though.”
Truthfully, Jupiter didn’t want her mother around the house, but formula was a fortune and it seemed unethical to take Andromeda away from their mother when she was so young.
Jupiter expected some argument about this, but her mom just shrugged. “Ok.  Do we need to sign paperwork?”
Jupiter cleared her throat. “Um, yes.  I think we need a court to deal with it.” She was really hoping this wouldn’t wear off before she could get guardianship. “Should I look into it?”
“That’s fine.”
“Uh, well ok!  I need to head to work now, so I’ll be back tonight?”
“See you tonight.”
“Zoro, you won’t believe this!  She said yes!”
“She did?” he asked in astonishment. “This is worth a celebration!  Forget cafeteria food!  I’m getting In-N-Out!”
Jupiter laughed. “In-N-Out, eh?   Enjoy it for me.  I haven’t had that in months!”
He hummed. “So, what does this mean for you?  Does her permission make this easy?”
“I think so.  My mom and I will have to talk to an attorney about this once she’s out of the hospital.”
“That’s great, honey.”
She sighed. “When does winter break start?  I miss you.”
“There’s about a month and a half of school left, then I’m all yours.  I told my family I’m not coming home for Christmas this year.”
Jupiter gasped. “Zoro!  You don’t have to do that!”
He sighed. “I do.  I’ll be visiting them in the spring.  My mom will be very happy to see me over her birthday, and I think we need to get your siblings settled before I go anywhere again.”
“Zoro, this is my family.  You don’t need to feel like you have to help me out.  It’s difficult, but I’ll manage.”
“Jupiter, they’re my family too now.  Don’t you get that?  They’ll be my siblings too when we get married…”
She flushed at the mention of marriage.  So, he’d been thinking it too.
“…and of course, I want to help you.  I’m sorry I’m not there now.  I just…”
“I get it.  You’re not ready for New York yet.”
“You knew?”
“Of course, I knew.  I was shocked you were willing to stay for as long as you did, honestly.  I adore you for helping me, but I get it if you need more time.”
“Am I that easy to read?”
“No.  I just know you, and I’ve seen how you’ve reacted to things.  You were shaking at the airport in August.”
He was silent for a few moments. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize!”
“I should’ve been there for you, though.  I’m being selfish.”
“You’re not.  They’re not your responsibility.  If you want to help out, I’ll gladly let you, but if you don’t want to, don’t feel like you’re obligated to.” She sighed. “If I’m being honest, it’s not as bad as it used to be.  First of all, I have free reign to do whatever I want, including hiring a nanny.  I have a bunch of little helpers who want to make dinner, and if we’re not in the mood to cook, I can just order food without having to beg my parents to let me.  Everyone is a bit older now, and I think the vast majority of them now understand why it’s important that we need to stick together as a family and help out.  I could never have survived the summer without you, but now that they’re all in school and we have a nanny for the younger two, it’s ok.”
“I know.  That’s why I’m coming back for winter break, though.  I know you need help, and I think it’ll be a lot easier on you if I’m gone during a few weeks of school in March and April instead of at a time when the kids are all off of school.”
She laughed. “You’re not going to let me win this, are you?”
“No!  Definitely not!  If I wanted out of this, I would’ve left you months ago.”
She sighed as tears filled her eyes. “I know.  Thank you.  I think I’m a little disappointed we don’t get to see your family for Christmas, though.”
He chuckled. “Trust me, they’re disappointed too.  I already know Hyeon is plotting something.  She said she’d going to do a bunch of online shopping.”
“My family down in Florida is probably going to expect me.  I don’t want to see them.  My aunt lives down there, and so do all my mom’s cousins.”
“We don’t have to go.”
“I know.  I’m just…really bad at saying no.”
“I think it’ll be good for all of us if we just stay in New York.  And that’s…not just my fear of your aunt talking.”
She giggled. “You’re right.  I’m not going to let her get within a ten-mile radius of you, though.  She doesn’t even know I have a boyfriend.”
“Wow!  Really?”
“No.  I’m sure she’ll find out eventually, though.  Venus doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut.”
“It’ll get better as she gets older.  Jiho used to be like that too.”
“I can see that.  She’s already a lot better than she used to be, honestly.  She keeps asking when you’re coming back, though.  I think she likes you.”
“I did teach her the trades of cooking.  She really enjoyed that.”
Jupiter smiled. “They all really love you, Zoro.  Especially the boys.  The three of them have mostly only had each other for their whole lives, so I think having an older guy in the house has really benefited them.  Especially with how…neglectful my dad was.”
“Did you ever see their bedroom after I left?”
She laughed. “I did!  They were telling me ‘you have to see what Zoro did!’  It reminds me of the bedroom at your grandma’s house.”
“They kept saying they wanted a secret hideout.  We went to the department store and got a bunch of curtains and wood and paint.  They had a blast building it.”
“I was shocked when I realized how little you’d drilled into the wall.  You’re very talented.”
“Well, my grandpa does a lot of carpentry work now that he’s mostly retired.”
“I think I’ve noticed.  Did he finish the shed?”
“Yeah, they’ve got a shed in the backyard now.  Grammy is very happy about that.  I think the garage is a lot cleaner now”
“That’s good.  Have you seen them recently?”
“I was going to head down over fall break, but I ended up painting my apartment instead.”
“That’s my fault.  Sorry.”
“Don’t be!  It was like I had you here with me for those months.  I’ll be seeing them all for Thanksgiving, anyways, so they won’t miss me too much.”
“That’s good.  Hopefully I can come see them soon.  I really enjoyed my time with them.”
“I can assure you that my grandma will not be visiting you in New York, so yes, you’ll have to come here,” he laughed.
“Does she not like New York?”
“Nope.  She’s not a huge fan of big cities.  She hasn’t even come up to LA to see me because she hates all the traffic.”
“What about Seoul?”
“She doesn’t have to deal with the traffic there much, so she’s visited quite a bit.”
“I see.” She huffed. “I’ve gotta get to work now.  Usually, I’m in four hours earlier.”
“That’s all right!  I have class in about half an hour, and I’m on my way to get lunch.”
“You said you were getting lunch twenty minutes ago!”
“Nah, I was planning lunch twenty minutes ago.  I’ve been going through all my loose papers from last semester to see if I can get rid of anything.  My apartment’s a mess.”
“I can’t imagine your apartment being messy, honestly.”
“I’ll send you a photo later.  Peyton’s been staying the night every other weekend, and I’ve been tutoring one of the freshmen in my building, so I haven’t had much time to clean between that and all my classes.”
“Oof.  Is he not having a good time with his grandparents?”
“I don’t think so.  His sister has been popping into town every so often as well.  She goes to Santa Barbara, so she comes down every so often.  His parents are still fighting over their house up in New Jersey.”
“Wow.  Well, I’ve gotta go now.  Maybe we can call tonight?”
“Call me whenever you’re free.  I don’t have any night classes this semester.”
“All right.  I love you.”
“Love you too.  Talk to you later.”
“Bye bye.”
Chapter 19 →
This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
Series M.list
A/N: so this is like...3 months overdue but it's here now :D
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