#this trailer is so amazeballs
bnomiko · 1 year
Nocturne S2 (and beyond?) predictions
(I started writing this before they dropped the S2 trailer, so… yeah. Good timing? I guess I'll address that at the very end of the post.)
Some of these I think have a good shot at happening, some are just very random, and some are me just messing around otherwise (though the last one would be amazeballs). This would make for a fun bingo board tho.
**SPOILERS** ahoy for Castlevania: Nocturne, S1.
Immediate start to S2 will be Richter & co. all showing up at Juste's to regroup, for lack of anywhere better to go.
Juste will tragically die, probably protecting Richter, because two Belmonts is one too many. This of course just makes Richter sad.
Maria gains a Seiryuu summon in a predictable "oh shit, we suddenly have need for a dragon spewing ice" sort of moment.
Richter finds a stopwatch. *cue Za Warudo sound effect*
Edouard becomes the founder of a night creature village somewhere. A very operatic village. Think musical episodes of "Xena: Warrior Princess."
The abbot meets his predictably banal end, probably crushed in the burning rubble of his church or something.
Tera begs to be staked, probably by Richter since that'll just make him sad again, because she doesn't want to exist as a vampire.
In that same vein, the aimless crying count will continue with like 1-2 scenes per episode. This has the side effect of making Alucard seem downright NOT depressing in comparison, because he did all his crying 300 years ago. Until he suddenly has a flashback of his days with Trevor and Sypha, then I guess he can join in on the crying too. At least he cries pretty unlike the majority of this cast.
Annette obviously has to get knocked up because apparently Belmonts are constantly on the verge of going extinct (you'd think they'd prioritize producing more than 1 kid a generation). If she starts cursing and screaming, "You did this to me!", or if Richter suddenly says, "I love you," over the side of a cliff, expect a baby in the next 7-8 months or so. I've heard Trefor is a wonderful name.
I want Olrox & Mizrak to just fuck off the storyline at some point and get a Morana & Striga type ending. But realistically… do gay men ever get a happy ending? No, because only lesbians get to live -_- So one has to die, probably while trying to protect the other : (
Conversely, I want a scenario where Richter and Olrox have to work together to accomplish something, and they only manage to pull it off because Richter's telling himself repeatedly he'll just kill the bastard afterwards. He doesn't, of course, because the shrieking of the fangirls would be deafening.
And what I think would be REALLY fun (since the original animation appears to hold up as canon for Nocturne), what if we get a "Daddy's home" moment and Dracula joins in for whatever passes as the final fight against Carmilla Erzsebet (assuming she's the end boss)? He doesn't necessarily have to fight for the humans, but perhaps he might be a bit miffed that someone (his niece, in game canon, though they appear to be completely unrelated here) has taken his place on the top of the hierarchy. I would love to see what he could do one-on-one, without holding back.
Post Nocturne S2 teaser trailer viewing
Are Speakers delicious or collectible or something?
Are we really leaving Alucard and Maria alone without a chaperone?
Hmm, back to the Belmont Hold manor? I think we've seen this S2 before…
OLROX WHERE ARE YOU we need you don't make Alucard carry the entire damn show on his back it has to hurt by this point *froths*
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
So I didn’t have time to watch the episode last night but I’m kind of afraid to watch it. Apparently the chemistry wasn’t there and rhae didn’t look like she enjoyed the sex scene. The marriage proposal was purely for political reasons and power so daemon is basically doing her favor. Mysaria is shown in next week’s trailer with a guy in gray hoodie aka people think it’s daemon so they’ll probably have him cheat on her. Idk obviously alicent and rhae shippers will say that but some dameon x rhae are too 😭
Why are we worrying about next week when this episode was beyond amazing for Daemyra!? And why are you listening to others who can’t enjoy the FABULOUS FEAST that the Daemyra fam was fed last night? I mean, my good anon, we have literally been given win after win after win. Don’t let the haters and downers in the fandom rain on the Daemyra parade. The episode was AMAZEBALLS for Daemyra.
I'm just going to link to my post about the love scene here: Now THAT was a LOVE scene
And THIS splendiferous post that covered the love scene AND the wedding (OH MY GOODNESS! It was so beautiful I nearly cried! -- and this post nearly made me cry!!)
Rhaenyra didn't enjoy it?!?! What the everloving---?! Dear lord! That woman looked like she was seeing the gods! She was enraptured. She was touching every single inch of that man she could get her hands on. And, fools, let us not forget she literally just gave birth not too long ago. And Daemon just lost his wife--this is LITERALLY TAKING PLACE AT HER FUNERAL! And, yet still they were out there banging it out. No, I will not sully that beauteous lovemaking. Cuz that was it, they were making the love. SO MAKING THE LOVE!
I mean, it appears that the people complaining about this love scene expected a raunchy, burning, sexy, hot, fun, getting it on fuckfest. And I'm like... whu?!?!? Were you even paying attention to the last episode?! They were fucking miserable. M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. They spent ten years (FOLKS, TEN YEARS!) denying themselves. Denying their fire, denying their true heart's desire. They had sublimated who they truly were. They were also grieving, in pain.
Daemon had walked away from her -- yes, by the way, I called it. Totes 100% called it that we WOULD get an explanation for what happened in episode 5 with Daemon leaving, as I said, patience, grasshopper, patience. They were both miserable. But now at last they were together. They treated each other with reverence. When they made love... and it was absolutely, inesapably making love... it was damn-near worshipful.
And the wedding? Yes, they got married for political means. Him marrying her helped strengthen her claim, but WHEN they got married? OH. BE. STILL. MY BEATING. HEART.
The peace radiating from them. The joy on their faces. The looks in their eyes. The smiles. The lean in to the kisses. The cupping of the faces. The way she caressed his cheek, his chin. The kisses. DEAR LORD UP IN HEAVEN! THE KISSES! THE KISSES! OH MY HEAVEN!! THE KISSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was the most soulmate of soulmatey weddings ever! They were like radiating the purity of love. It was just.... AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
I mean, if that was not Daemyra heaven, fam, I don't know what is. I do not know.
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undividcd · 1 year
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anonymous asked @nezemny (hype someone up meme)
I was delaying this just a bit. What can I say, Zirka is amazeballs. We haven't gotten to speak a whole lot! Which I 100% blame on myself, but I adore seeing them on my dash. I really enjoy their muse choices, specifically the Rainbow 6 Siege muses. But I am also really wanting to interact with one or all of their OC's. I also don't know much about Atomic Heart, I saw the trailers & some gameplay from a friend. But I am hoping to see more of their takes on the characters they picked up from the game! Their editing also always seems on point. I currently keep looking at their mobile banner, I just love it so much. It looks so unique!
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damnredthing · 2 years
The mother of all trailers
If the show is anywhere near as good as the trailer, we are so going to be in for a hell of a ride.
This post will contain a lot of ramblings, guesses, what ifs and a bunch of observations. I’ll try to keep the topics chronologically to the scenes as they appear in the trailer, UNLESS I think scenes belong together. I’ll also borrow from some of the other trailers when I remember something that fits in here.
First off – the soundtrack
Will that actually be the soundtrack of the show? It sounds so unique and awesome. It totally adds to the hype. I actually felt like my heart was vibrating when the subwoofer went into hyperbole mode. The soundtrack has been stuck in my head since I heard it for the first time, arrrrgghh!
 Cuteness overload
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Nuff said.
The nurse onesie is not a Chapel trademark
This pic of the very cozy looking lounge shows that the nurse onesie Chapel is wearing in her promo trailer is not exclusively a Chapel thing (which I am a bit sad about).
On a side note, look at those reflections on the floor! I love the level of detail here.
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Touching the space egg is never a good idea
I think the guy touching the space egg and getting a free flight in return is (for a change!) not Pike. I thought he was at first (because he is a trouble magnet), but at a second and third look, I think it’s a science officer. The away team consists of 2 reds (Uhura and La’an) and two blues (Spock and unknown science officer).
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Here you can see it’s clearly not Pike.
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My guess is it’s the guy on this picture next to Uhura.
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And I go even further and call him Lt. Dever from episode 1.5 according to IMDB played by Graham Parkhurst:
I love this job
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I know this scene is meant to be funny and cute, but oh man am I glad to hear Pike say these words!
It is so good to see him come to terms with his fate, at least to the degree that he can allow himself to enjoy his life as long as he has it. Remember, he thinks he is going to die. He does not know what we know. He could also fall into a deep depression over this knowledge, but it seems he chooses the opposite path and makes the best of his life.
This whole dark fade shadowing over Pike is like a shadow over the whole show. He is such a lovable character, and yet we all already know what’s going to happen to him. Even though Pike will be able to live with Vina in the illusions created by the Talosians, it still means he will be exiled from Starfleet, Earth and everyone else he loves. It is not a happy ending in my book and I still hope they gonna retcon that… or rather continue to tell the story of what happens after Pike stayed on Talos IV for a while. It wouldn’t even be a retcon, just a continuation!
I mean, the producers said this show would be utopian and filled with positive vibes. Let the show end in a positive way, too, by finding a better solution for Pike and Vina, pretty please?
More additional badges!
Remember the additional badge I mentioned in one of my last posts, the one Ortegas is wearing?
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The new trailer shows also Chapel, M’Benga and Pike wearing them:
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I have no idea what that badge is. But in all scenes the crew seems to be stressed out. Sickbay is busy and crowded, Ortegas is very focused on piloting the Enterprise and Pike sits in a dark ready room or his quarters, probably due to power outtages. He also looks a bit sweaty. You can hear him conjuring his crew, motivating them. I am thinking this is a disaster scenario that probably involves a radiation leak or something like that, and the badges are maybe some sort of dosimeter.
Deserted base?
I think the scene with Spock and Pike on the sandy stormy planet is from the same episode as the scene in Una’s and Hemmer’s promo trailers:
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The constructions look like earth design. It’s probably a deserted human colony.
What made me chuckle is how Uni hails the Enterprise telling them that the storm is only getting closer, and who do we actually see ending up in the storm?
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Of course…
Have I already mentioned how much I love those jackets? I want one! I totally do! I’ve never been a cosplayer, but I want one of those jackets.
Alien infestation on the Enterprise?
It looks like the Enterprise is going to have some trouble with alien critters invading the ship.
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Okay, I probably am weird, because I find this alien cute, too (minus the teeth)!
The sheer amount of aliens presented just in the few minutes of the trailers is amazing! Strange New Worlds, people. We really get what we asked for!
Okay people, we need to talk
This scene is what keeps me thinking about this episode for days now.
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Besides that it looks absolutely beautiful, the one thing that sticks out to me is that you can see Pike on the right side standing next to a lady. That alone is not what makes me thinking, but the fact that he is the ONLY one from the Enterprise crew on this picture. And if you look at all the other scenes that (I think) belong to this episode, it’s always just him.
From the looks of it, there seems to be royalty involved. The boy in the foreground is probably a prince or the new young king or some such. The lady next to Pike is maybe his mother?
I wonder whether she is also the lady in ahem… this scene:
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Why I think both scenes belong to the same episode?
Because you can see the bedroom again in a later scene:
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First of all you can see the bed on the right side. The overall interior looks the same. Also, Pike shielding a woman (THE woman presumably), again being the only visible Enterprise crew. There are 4 guards (one of which is about to be vaporized) with lance weapons, I assume they belong to the royal guards. We do not see the attacker. I hope it’s none from the Enterprise because I want to see as few deaths as possible in this show, especially not caused by Starfleet crew. However, these guards are the same in their appearance as these 3 people here:
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They are running on lawn. I guess this is part of the exterior garden we’ve seen in the first pic. I wonder who they are chasing.
Maybe this guy?
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All these scenes combined and the fact that we only ever see Pike on that planet makes me wonder what’s really going on there. I gotta admit I was struggling with the picture of Pike and that other woman that is not Vina. My headcanon is now trying to find an excuse for that. :P
What if the royal family just doesn’t want Pike to return to his ship and somehow produce an interference signal that prevents him from communicating and beaming. The guards are probably trying to apprehend him. Who else should Pike point his phaser at? Also look at the two onlookers in the background. If there wasn’t a fuss to catch their attention – say a group of guards trying to apprehend someone – they wouldn’t even notice that Pike was threatening someone. No, there must be something going on that is enough of a disturbance to make them watch.
Maybe there is some trickery or seduction or aphrodisiac or mind fucking involved to keep Pike on that planet and to make him interested in that woman. As royals they maybe think they can have everything they want.
I know I am grasping at straws here (I really want Pike to be with Vina). I am curious what it will turn out to be in the end.
What is going on here?
Are Una and La’an standing on the Enterprise’s hull without EV suites? How is that even possible? Is that alien entity doing that? Or is that a force field bubble in the background? Or did the Enterprise maybe land on a planet? I have so many questions…
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Diplomacy disaster
This is not going to be Pike’s diplomacy moment of glory. This could cost him a lot of diplomacy skill points for his Timelines cards. :P
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I love Ortegas’s sass. I hope she’s going to walk that slippery slope without falling flat on her nose. Sass can get quite close to insubordination.
What is going on here 2.0?
Now this looks interesting!
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And what a wonderful easter egg! Ortegas is the pilot of the Enterprise, and she is a fencer.
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And Sulu – who is probably going to be Ortegas’s successor – is the pilot of the Enterprise, and he is a fencer.
But what in the heck is going on here on the Enterprise? This IS the Enterprise, the hallway, the floor and the red door all look like the Enterprise. We also see sickbay slightly modified as well:
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We see Ortegas and in the background Hemmer.
We see Uhura, probably as the Queen. And is that La’an on the right side as one of her guards? I wonder who Queen Uhura is looking down to (I have an idea though).
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And we see Una mastering her crossbow skills.
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I wonder what Pike’s role will be, maybe the harlequin?
Or maybe he is the only one who is normal and finds himself on a totally changed Enterprise with his entire crew in other roles.
I think this is going to be a comedic relief episode.
Ooookay, we need to talk… again!
How can this
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and this
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lead to this?
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I mean, come on! Pike beams over with 4 (!) redshirts and he is the one who gets captured? How did the other 4 even make it back to the Enterprise (presuming they did) and Pike not? Beam trap? Cold knock-out?
Pike’s company here is everything but good news. We have one Orion – who is probably the leader of this group – and maybe a Reman(?) who is doing the dirty deeds, and then a humanoid holding Pike, who we cannot see.
What do they want from Pike? Did they just grab the only one with the shiny golden armor assuming he must be a big shot? Or do they know who they captured and it was maybe even an assignment? We know from IMDB there is a piracy episode. Piracy in our times works like this: Get the ship under control, dispose of the crew, keep the Captain as the most valuable “asset”, demand ransom from the shipping company. Maybe there’s something like this going on here.
But then again, there is an Orion and that alone makes me nervous. It is a nice backlash to “The Cage” though, in which Pike pondered about running a business on the Orion colony (meaning joining their slavery business). And now here he is tied and on his knees with an Orion pirate staring down on him. Right in yo face (like, literally!).
This “conversation” must have been going on for a bit already, as the multiple bruises on Pike’s face and his disheveled hair suggest:
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My first question is: Why - of all people - did Pike go on this mission into non-federation space with 4 redshirts? And if the pirates planned to capture the Captain all along, how did they manage to lure him on this mission? (okay, that were 2 questions)
My second (third) question is: What are they trying to get Pike to do that requires torture? Do they want his security codes (which would be useless because if the Captain gets captured, what is the first thing Number 1 is going to change on the Enterprise)? Do they want him to do anything else? Or are they just being a$$holes on a power trip?
The Orion guy is holding a small bowl in his hand. Maybe this is some “eat this dog food, or we make you” thing.
Whatever it is, Pike is in a quite hopeless and very shitty situation there.
I hate violence (especially directed at people I care for), I already struggled with this when I watched Hell on Wheels. But I also understand that this is an often used tool to create drama and suspense. I just hope Pike won’t get roughened up too much here and he gets freed fast. It is never a good thing to be around an Orion on the losing end. Never!
And please don’t let this be the last episode of the season ending in a cliffhanger. I swear to god, I would go batshit crazy.
 I wanna close this thing by wishing you all a happy First Contact Day! LLAP
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ssa-steverogers · 3 years
black widow reviewish? but it’s just my thoughts™️
i just watched black widow thursday night and i am shook. i'm going to do two separate reviews; one WITHOUT spoilers and another WITH spoilers. the one without spoilers will be here and the one with spoilers will be beneath it.
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here are some stuff i guarantee to you:
you will miss nat
other than that? it was really good. i think it'll be in my top 5 marvel movies. obviously, it takes place before she dies lol and she deals with her past. it was funny, action packed, and the COMPLETE opposite of boring. literally the shortest 2 hours of my whole entire life. there was no scene where i was like 'damn this is taking a long time', like i said, ZERO BORING PARTS.
i would so recommend this movie, although, for people who haven't really watched the mcu or care for it might not enjoy it as much as they should but this movie really connects into the mcu timeline. we learn so much about her past and things are starting to make sense again. black widow definitely answered a lot of questions about her past which made me feel so happy because nat has been treated as a 'sidekick' for so long and to see her finally have a black widow centered movie? wow.
also, yelena????? (aka florence pugh's character) i am in love with her. i love her so much. i hope you will too because she's really funny and relatable.
also, keep in mind that this movie is supposed to explain natasha's past because i feel like a lot of reviews that criticize the movie are forgetting that
damn, well all that is left to say is that i cried and that i hope you love the movie <3
omfg guys this movie shook me. i cried multiple times. i have so many things to say!!!!1!1!
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first off, critics that are saying that the whole idea of a villain in this movie is weak. i somewhat agree??? taskmaster seemed to be a lot less important than portrayed in the trailers. then again, this movie wasn't supposed to focus on hero vs. villain i think? like it literally takes place after civil war because marvel needed to have a redo on their misogynistic take of nat. but also this movie is to show us her past. if anything, the movie was hero vs. their past. taskmaster was there just because but was not the main villain.
it's cool if you disagree with me because i haven't read the comics and whatnot. i do wish that they used taskmaster better but the movie obviously had a purpose to focus on (nat and her family/backstory) so too much could've just been a distraction.
also thought it was cool that taskmaster could copy the fighting style of everyone. as i was watching it i was like 'oh, wakanda forever! captain america shield throw! black widow pose! winter soldier knife throw!"
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anywhooooo, i cried the most when yelena was at the table with the fam fam and they were hurting her feelings without even realizing it. and then when she was like 'the best years of my life was fake and you didn't even tell me' i was so gone. i was dead. i really understood her in that moment and i wanted to hug her so bad omfg.
also????? i just want to know... did they teach the girls how to braid their hair in the red room? was there a class for that? everyone's hair was so fucking good lol
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parts of the ending also gave me super captain america: the winter soldier vibes. like when nat lets taskmaster out from the room and she's like ya know don't fight me pls it's like steve with buck in tws. and the fight being the sky just reminded me of the helicarriers from tws. but then again, steve and nat were cool buddies so it's not weird that they became similar.
FIGHT SCENES. oh my god, action packed amazeballs. like i wasn't even expecting that. mcu has great action/fight scenes but in black widow? DAMN. what specifically amazed me in this movie is that in the past, they've downplayed the aggressiveness of fighting. but they didn't hold back for black widow. every punch, kick, and throw emitted so much power and rage, which is exactly what you'd expect coming from a bunch of russian spies. i loved that aspect so much.
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THE CREDIT SCENE OH GOD. throughout the 2 hour long movie, i fell in love with yelena and i'm not even kidding. i love her so much. i just want to hug her (as stated before lol). to see her there at nat's headstone. i started crying then fricken valentina showed up. i was shocked while at the same time i was fricken like jesus then could've been a sad and touching moment for yelena. i also wonder if they meant for valentina to be introduced in black widow first or tfatws first? like which one was the original original idea? because of the bonk bonk release dates. i seriously want to know.
more onto the credit scene, the time in between yelena whistling and what SHOULD’VE been nat whistling back? longest like 5 seconds of my life. the silence was deafening. i fucking cried.
black widow is fucking great but i still wish we got to have her funeral :(
omfg i can hardly think of anything else, i am just so overwhelmed by how good that movie was. i'm going to miss natasha so much but at the same time i'm so happy that we are SO definitely going to get more of florence pugh as yelena. and yelena is such perfection i love her :) anyways, when it comes out on disney+ for free i will rewatch it a million more times :)
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almondbiscotti · 4 years
Stuff I’ve Watched this CB
Sorry, really got a lot. I’ve ranked them from most recommended to least recommended. And separated movies from series. And have included some shows I’m planning to watch! 
Kim’s Convenience S4 I LOVE APPA. Was a bit appalled I didn’t know S4 was out on Netflix because it’s one of my favourite shows on Netflix. It’s REALLY GOOD. So many laugh out loud moments, the characters are WONDERFULLY fleshed out and the chemistry between the actors is through the roof. Story telling is also amazeballs. 10/10 would recommend.
Dirty Money S1&2  10/10 would recommend! I really liked Dirty Money because I learned so so so so much from the show! I do think the producers had no intention of being unbiased and presenting a neutral stance on the “villains” because I wanted to punch every single “villain” every damn episode. If you’re looking for objectivity and “both sides of the story”, I don’t think this show is for you. But that said, everything presented is factual so I did learn a lot. Supplemented with additional reading post show, I felt like a whole new world was opened to me. :) 
Only issue I had was how damn ridiculous it was that whenever a horde of zombies were running towards our protagonists, they’d just stand there and do their typical Korean AISSSSSHEEEEBYEFUCK stance for like a full 17342154 minutes while the music and tension builds and the zombie horde comes closer and closer and closer and THEN they finally decide to run. Eh friend, what siah. Also, I concluded from watching Kingdom that if there ever was a Zombie apocalypse, I’m completely and utterly FUCKED. But I live in ridiculously hot Singapore surrounded by water... so I guess I’ll be alright? 9.5/10 
Derry Girls S1-2 Irish Catholic School Girls, I’M SOLD. I mean, come on. How can I not LOVE this show? It’s HILARIOUS. And having spent 10 years in an all girl catholic school, Derry Girls really really resonated with me. The characters are laugh out loud hilarious, and all really likeable! The only issue I had with it is that the characters don’t really grow very much over the course of 2 seasons. So season 1 first episode vs season 2 final episode, it won’t matter even if you watched it backwards.
Because the seasons are very short, only 6 episodes per season and there are only 2 seasons so far, it doesn’t matter very much. For now. But I reckon if they had like 7 seasons, it’s going to get VERY repetitive. But at the moment, ISSA GREAT! 9/10
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency S1 8 Episodes of ABSOLUTE CRACK. It’s based off something Douglas Adams wrote so I wouldn’t expect anything less. Acting isn’t great but the storytelling is riveting. If you enjoy Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the book), it’s very likely you’d enjoy this. It can get quite frustrating sometimes though because it’s so ridiculous so if you’re looking for a detective series based on solid logic, look somewhere else. But if you just want some fun and silliness mixed with some smart, this is wonderful. 8/10 
Never Have I Ever S1 I had a lot of trouble liking the main character but on retrospect, it might be because the character doesn’t even like herself that much to begin with. Had quite a few laugh out loud moments and the Asian family moments were very relatable.  THE MOTHER. THE MOTHER IS EVERYTHING. She’s my favourite, I would watch an entire series with just her. The main problem with Never Have I Ever (in my opinion) is that it tried to do a lot of things to prove the same point. So it does get a bit frustrating after a while. By the 3rd episode, I’m just like GET ON WITH IT I GET IT. I GET THAT FAMILY IS MOST IMPORTANT, I GET THAT SHE’S NOT GRIEVING HER FATHER. So... it can get a little cliche and repetitive. To me la. But still funny, still good. :)  8/10 
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt S1-4 The opening track really really grows on you. UNBREAKABLE! They’re alive, damn it! IT’S A MIRACLE! Created by Tina Fey, this show is silly and full of fun.
I really liked S1-3. It’s a very light-hearted show that makes you feel really good watching it because it’s just so positive and optimistic. S4 got a bit too ridiculous for me and the characters started doing some really weird shit that is a bit too incredulous (it was never a logical show based too much on reality to begin with but S4 was really a bit much). But if you like shows like The Good Place, I reckon you’d like Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. 8/10
The Circle USA Can’t remember why Housemate and I started on this but it was actually not bad! I think it’s because the OG characters were really likeable! JOEY! JOEY IS A PRECIOUS PUPPY THAT NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. It’s not very intellectual and I was never too invested in any of the characters or relationships. BUT! great if you don’t want to think too much and just watch some mindless TV that isn’t absolute trash. (TOO HOT TO HANDLE I’M LOOKING AT YOU.)  7/10 
Tiger King S1 SIEOW ONE THIS SHOW. It’s an absolute MINDFUCK. I started with many questions, I finished with A BILLION more. I don’t even know how to describe or explain this show. IT’S MADNESS. There are big cats, gay husbands who turn out not to be gay, tiger queen who allegedly killed her husband and fed him to her tigers, crazy dude who tried to pay some other dude 5k (i think? or 3k? seriously it’s crazy) to kill tiger queen, big guns and expired meat and pizzas?!?!! Yah, Mindfuck. CRAZY/10
Cable Girls S1-4  Season 1 and 2 were BEAUTIFUL. The characters have so much depth, the acting is impeccable, the costumes are AMAZING, the cinematography is inspiring, the story telling was riveting. Then season 3 and season 4 happened and... I will pretend the show ended in S2. -_- Character development took a major hit from season 3 onwards. But I would still recommend Cable Girls because the acting, the acting is AMAZING. 10/10 for s1&2. 5/10 for 3&4.
Money Heist S4 Was quite hyped for this and was really quite let down. The beauty of Money Heist has always been structure in chaos, elegance in the mess. S4 was very frustrating because it didn’t have that. I felt like they were trying very hard to make you think the heist team was going to fail and started to fill in weird impossible things to ensure the plot was still able to proceed. Did not enjoy S4 as much as I thought I would. :(  But if you have invested in the previous seasons, you know you’re gonna watch it even if it’s absolute crap anyway. 6/10
The Letter For The King S1 Ep 1&2 Premise was quite interesting, trailer was interesting enough. But DEAR GOD WAS IT SLOW. And also, literally ALL the characters were unlikeable! I don’t understand why anyone would make a show with entirely unlikeable characters. I couldn’t get past the 2nd episode but I went ahead to read a few reviews and recaps. Yeah, was a good idea to stop at episode 2. Would not recommend. 2/10
Game Night  Rachel McAdams is QUEEN. A really loltastic film. Is a really good post dinner wind down to end the day film. And particularly because I can relate to how competitive our main couple was. :) Some parts don’t add up and there are a few times I think the story becomes a bit too much for itself, trying to layer upon layer of twists, but still a good fun movie! :) 7.5/10 
The Half of It Heartwarming. :) Enjoyed it because i think the main protagonist is very likeable. And she’s so... plain and relatable. I hate to say this though but... I found the whole movie quite forgettable. Like, it didn’t feel very deep to me though it did touch on quite a few intense and deep topics of first love, family, self acceptance etc. But it’s just doesn’t reverberate through every cell of my being. The whole movie is just so gentle and because it is so mild, it becomes forgettable. Acting is good, character development is okay I guess. But generally... just mediocre to me. But not bad. I just wished it wasn’t so... light and airy. I wish it made me cry. 7/10
Cabin in the Woods Housemate wanted to watch it because it’s horror-esque. I was okay with it cos it’s horror comedy. And also Chris Hemsworth. :D Was quite loltastic. Though SPOILER ALERT Chris Hemsworth’s character dies a bit too early for my liking. I really liked the over the top inclusion of various different monsters near the end. Was fun trying to identify them. Fun movie! Not very scary but quite a bit of gore that’s peppered with lots of humour to make it okay. 7/10
Extraction LOTS OF CHRIS HEMSWORTH. But plot wise... hmm... Housemate enjoyed it because he said the fight scenes and the things our extractor does are very real and is what a trained professional would do in the high pressure situations he finds himself in. They probably had a great consultant to keep things realistic.  I didn’t enjoy it as much because I felt that our hero was... too powerful and the bad guy was too bad. Almost caricature-ish. Difficult to have character development like that. But hey, I didn’t watch it for depth, I watched it for Chris Hemsworth’s face so... very much satisfied. :) 7/10 
Other Stuff I’m Planning to Watch 
After Life S2 I liked S1 so... just a continuation I guess. Typical English humour. Also, I watched S1 dealing with a death of a friend so the show does have some sentimental meaning for me.
Hollywood S1 New show seems promising! There are blacks, gays, sex, extortion, glitzy costumes, glamour and really blonde blondes. Also the guy who plays Sheldon Cooper in BBT. High hopes, I have high hopes! 
Whoa fuck, I really watch a lot of Netflix. 
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cassatine · 5 years
Did the trailer change your specs for TROS?
I mean per my last post on the subject it’s not like I have anything but the vaguest speculation:
there’s gonna be glowstick fights and cool ships and the heroes will save the day from the biggest bad of the franchise and the pseudo-bad guy will get a degree of redemption probably because skywalkers are Special TM, and the final message is gonna be that love is good and hate is bad or something equally profound and daring. That’s about it.
I haven’t seen anything in the trailer that makes me think that’s not what it’ll boil down to. But again, it’s about as basic as spec can get, so you know. Not much to change there? I’d have been pretty surprised if the trailer had given me grounds to ngl. I still think chances are high it’ll disappoint a lot of people, partly because expectations are high and sometimes very specific, partly because I expect it’ll try to please the widest possible audience, which could go well but also could backfire. 
My own expectations are pretty low, obviously, but my relationship with Star Wars is a lot smoother when I don’t expect much from it, and the trailer did get me excited! It feels a bit big bigger biggest and I’m still meh on Palpatine and kinda dreading to see Rose completely sidelined and my stormtroopers uprising hopes have long been dashed and I’m not hot at all for a dark side Rey bait-and-switch, but… whatever, it’s fucking Star Wars, I’m here for the epic drama and I don’t doubt IX will more than deliver on that end, so I’m pretty much game for anything. Plus the Death Star ruins are already my favourite setting in the whole damn saga, the charge on prehistoric horses looks to be batshit crazy and I’m there for it, the blue filter version of the Mustafar fight is gonna be amazeballs and I wanna know what’s up with Rey and Kylo these days and what’s going on with Palps and what’s the C3-PO thing about, and I’m curious to see how many references to RotJ Abrams managed to cram in there, and every time I start the trailer I see that helmet fall in the first shot (I think it’s a helmet?) and I think back to Rey on Jakku, old rebel helmet on her head and I have a major attack of feels.
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nightglider124 · 6 years
You know what...
Something I keep noticing with all this hype around Titans is bothering the shit outta me. 
All people have seriously got to learn to back the fuck off. 
And I’m not siding here in the slightest. 
Titans fans, leave people who are not hyped about and aren’t really caring about it alone. I’m seeing so many people who are really excited about Titans being proper arrogant and rude and hateful towards those showing displeasure or dislike for the show.
People are entitled to their own opinion. If someone doesn’t like the look of the show, it doesn’t automatically make them a racist or a negative person or someone just wanting to start shit. Some people might just see the flaws that have been exhibited in the show via trailers and promo pics and not like it. 
They’re allowed to voice how they dislike it or what they don’t particularly like about it and shouldn’t be demonized for how they feel.
These people shouldn’t be getting hate sent through just because they don’t like something you do. Like, that’s basic shit. 
I’ve seen quite a number of people being so bloody rude and disrespectful to those who are not fans of the upcoming show, the minute they say a bad word against it. There is room for improvement in the show, there are things that don’t look good about it and no, some of the promo material has not helped the show’s case. The recent trailer done by Netflix actually looks pretty decent and it definitely made me turn my head whereas the first one definitely did not. 
You can’t jump down someone’s throat because they simply weren’t impressed with the marketing material released via DC’s streaming service or whatever. It’s not perfect and it’s also not a final product so it doesn’t need to be perfect but don’t start giving people grief if they’re pointing these things out. 
Things like trailers are supposed to be the thing to get people hyped for a show or film; the first trailer didn’t deliver to a big range of people because it wasn’t the best. They could have pieced it together better. Like, c’mon? That second trailer blew the first one away. Right? I’m not alone in this thought, am I??
It’s okay to admit that it doesn’t all look amazeballs, even if you are excited for it. Most shows suck in promotion until they’ve actually got the ball rolling on them.
But, a lot of people are going on about how the non-fans are being oh-so negative but it runs in circles. Of course people are going to be negative when the second they say something about it that the fans don’t agree with, they’re getting bombarded with anger. 
You can’t treat every critique of the show as “being negative” when in fact, some are just pointing out opinions and/or facts. I get that you’re excited about it but don’t shut someone down and label them like that when they’re just sharing their thoughts. Like, that’s not cool.
Same if someone is like, “Oh, idk, I’m not the biggest fan of the cast.” You can’t just jump straight to anyone being “racist” etc. That’s one of the worst things I have seen. Someone is allowed to dislike one of the cast members without it automatically leading back to being a personal reason. People may just not like their acting skills or might have had a different actor/actress in mind. 
Unless people are actually hating on the cast members for specific reasons like with Anna Diop and all the awful racist messages and hate she was receiving, then let them be. If they aren’t a fan of who was cast as a specific character, then they aren’t a fan. Again, shouldn’t get hate just for not being super duper excited over the cast choices.
Personally, I never had expectations on who was cast as the team so the actual acting lineup doesn’t really phase me that much. I’m sure they’ll all do a dandy job because why wouldn’t they? Like, it’s honestly fine to me but I know others possibly had people in mind and are just disappointed which again, doesn’t mean they’re hating on the actors themselves. It’s just a personal preference of who they would have liked to see?
But, the fact I have seen some really nasty and arrogant fans is actually what is putting me off of the show. I mean, it doesn’t look the greatest, again, just my opinion so don’t go blasting me for it but I don’t think it looks the best but it’s not the worst either? No one will know for sure until it’s released anyway but, there are fans I’ve seen that are being negative towards non fans and I’m not being funny but that’s not the way to get people to see the good in the show. 
If you’re being an asshole to someone simply because of how they feel about what they’ve seen so far in regards to Titans, then of course they are going to be horrible back because it’s coming across as “my way or no way” which isn’t exactly welcoming. 
And, I’d like to point out, this isn’t directed at the entirety of Titans fans. There are some who are lovely and who, like me, just want everyone to chill and get along bc you know, this isn’t preschool?
Like every corner of fandom, there will always be some dickheads who just can’t help themselves and feel the need to lash out at those who don’t agree with their opinions. 
I know it’s just the way it goes.
Also, it’s worth noting that no, a good portion of people who didn’t like the first trailer but did like the second didn’t go and give the actors shit. Like I just said, there are a very small slither of non-fans that did/are doing that so don’t generalize either because it’s not all non-fans and the ones who were off spreading hate to the actors themselves are toxic and trust me, the nicer non-fans don’t want them affiliated either. We’re with you there.
No one likes a prick.
All I’m saying here is, let non-fans dislike the show or at least the things they have seen of it so far. They’re entitled to be disappointed by what has been given so far, just as the fans are entitled to like it all they want.
Adding to that as well...
On the flip side, just so this post doesn’t come across as hate for Titans fans (because that isn’t what this is at all), I will point out the other side of this argument.
Non-Titans fans. 
This is a two way street. If there are people who are excited and really pumped for Titans to air, let them be.
It’s not up to you to dictate what they are allowed to express joy and excitement for and vice versa for them and us. They are allowed to post gifs and pictures and videos etc for this show. 
They’re entitled to their opinion as well and they can like the show as much as they want and they shouldn’t be mocked or get hate for that either. It’s not fair and it’s not cool.
You might see a post on your dash about someone being ultra buzzed about Titans coming out but instead of seeing it, leaving a nasty message and making the person feel crappy about liking something, here’s a thought; just scroll past it.
It’s really not that difficult?
Don’t get me wrong, I have seen a number of non-fans being complete and utter dickheads to Titans fans and it just asdfghjkl winds me up because it is just such basic behaviour to keep scrolling and nod your head like, “I don’t agree but that’s okay.”
You don’t need to comment or spread any kind of hate or negativity. You accomplish nothing other than making those of us who aren’t particularly interested in Titans all look like massive douchebags. Those of you non-fans spreading shit and being dicks just give us all a bad name, really. 
Keep your spiteful comments to yourself.
There is a big difference to being hateful and expressing dislike.
Hateful: “Wow, this show is so shit and any fans who like it are dumbasses. The actors deserve hate for this so ima go do that.”
Dislike: “Mm, not too interested in this but it’s cool that others like it.” 
The first is a big fat no no. Just... ugh I can’t express how much I hate people who just can’t let things rest? It’s the same with shipping wars. Like, you see your notp. It doesn’t mean you need to automatically go and shit on the op and their post. Just shrug and keep scrolling??
It’s that simple, jheez. 
The second is just expressing an opinion which there is nothing wrong with. Be an adult and assess the comment and the difference before labeling something as “hate”.
And that goes for both Titans fans and non-fans. 
Non-fans... whilst you might not like trailers and promo pics, others will be shaking from excitement and it’s just cruel to crush their happiness for doing something as minuscule as liking and supporting a TV show. There is absolutely no need to throw shade at people for liking the show.
I get it; it’s a little in your face at times and it fills the tags etc so when you aren’t a fan, it can get annoying. But, if you’re having that much trouble blocking it out, just blacklist the tag or block people. Others might see that route as childish but I see it as the better option. That way, you won’t be tempted nor will you go ahead and give someone loads of shit for a simple post and turn something small into a huge thing that it doesn’t need to be. 
It’s just really shameful that non-fans actually feel the need to tear those who are fans down to make themselves feel better. Differences in opinion involves being an actual grown up and respecting that other people might feel differently to you about a subject such as Titans. 
Non-fans and the cast choices? Where to begin... if you don’t like who has been chosen to play specific roles in the show, that’s fine. You don’t have to and feel free to voice it.
However, don’t be doing what some of the minority of shitheads in the non-fans department are doing and going after said actors and giving them abuse.
The shit I saw people commenting about Anna Diop and to her no less was absolutely atrocious and anyone who joined in on that should be fucking ashamed of themselves. I saw a bunch of nasty racial slurs, simply because they don’t like the fact she is black. 
If you don’t like her playing Starfire, fine. That’s fine. You don’t have to and you’re not racist for not liking the cast choice. What does make you a damn racist is chatting shit about disliking her because she is black and then proceeding to send her personal threats and hateful messages and abuse about how she looks and the skin colour she was born with.
Like, damn... I actually couldn’t believe some of the stuff out there and those “non-fans” are the ones I want nothing to do with. Whether you like her as Starfire or not, don’t be a dick and do that.
None of the actors deserve hate. 
If you don’t like how they’re dressed or the dialogue, the actors are not to blame. They’re doing their damn job at the end of the day and they certainly do not deserve bullshit comments from some of the assholes. If you dislike it, take it up with the show’s writers or whatever. 
The fact some people can’t fathom that is beyond me. Like what the actual fuck. Again, b a s i c.
Also, if you had specific actors in mind and you didn’t have that fulfilled, don’t be going round spreading hate about it. Like, keep your toys in your pram and move on??
I could rant about that forever but moving on.
Non-fans aren’t perfect, much like a good load of the Titans fans aren’t perfect either. I’ve seen plenty of non-fans just being grade A asses and it’s not cool.
In fact, it’s tiring because then you’re saddled with, “oh great, this is how we all look to the fans of this show.”
Sure, as Titans fans keep pointing out, it isn’t the final look. But, you are allowed to comment on your dislike of what you have seen so far. Trailers and promo pictures are supposed to be top notch to get you buzzing for an upcoming show. It not being a “final look” isn’t an excuse for you to be shut down on your thoughts. Again, be respectful and don’t outright blast the show because that’s rude to the fans who are looking forward to it. But, you don’t have to love everything and Titans fans also need to respect that, just as we need to respect that they may like everything they have been seeing. 
And, like I’ve said in the first half of this essay... Titans fans, or some of them, sorry, can come across very high and mighty and do not come across as very welcoming so it can be easy to be defensive and get your back up.
But, try to be equally inviting. You get an asshole Titans fan? Be civil and just brush it off bc unnecessary. 
Same for Titans fans. You have a non-fan that’s a right douche? Ignore them and keep going. 
You have every right to blog and post about how excited you are. Whilst some may have differing opinions, you shouldn’t be silenced but also understand that it works both ways. Be respectful of those who don’t like the show without immediately calling them this and that. 
Bottom line I’m trying to make clear with this huge ass post is...
Just be nice to everyone. 
It doesn’t matter if you like the look of Titans or if you hate the look of it; be respectful to others and understand that others can and will feel differently to you on certain topics.
I’m just so sick of seeing all the bullshit with Titans getting closer to release. Fans and non-fans just getting at each other for literally no reason??
Like I said, unless they’re being outrightly unreasonable and have no reason for acting a certain dickish way, keep scrolling and don’t get into anything.
It’s so not worth the time and energy??
Stay in your own lane if you are unable to communicate and respectfully converse with people who share differing opinions about the show than you.
It doesn’t hurt to be fucking nice to one another.
In the end, we’re all human beings and should be treated as such; especially over something which is supposed to be a good thing. TV shows and movies are supposed to bring joy etc.
Fans and non-fans shouldn’t ruin that for others.
Got something nice to say? Then say it. If you don’t? Then keep your mouth shut and move on.
If you’re unable to comprehend that basic principle of minding ya damn business, then you’re probably too young to even be on here. Just a thought.
But yeah, just.... sigh... just be nicer to each other, okay? 
People are allowed to like/dislike things that you do not like/dislike.
They shouldn’t get shit for their innocent opinions and thoughts.
Hope this doesn’t offend anyone. I’ve stayed fairly quiet about Titans because I’m kinda just “eh” about it but I’m not over here, trolling people who like it because I’m not an asshole :)
Anyway, I’m sure I’ll get disagreement but I wanted to just vent.
Ironic, the thing I have seen most about this whole Titans thing is just fans and non-fans having it out with each other in the comments sections. Not the content or anything, just the spite and arguments.
Sad, but there you go.
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solarstark · 6 years
i cant the trailer was amazeballs!!!! 
Coulson with hair was hilarious and so was Fury.
Carol omg u badass woman u r amazing. i just cant. 
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Amazeballs Arijit Songs
Link: https://bit.ly/2JZJ1u7
Aashiqui 2 had enormous shoes to fill after the business and across the country achievement of Aashiqui in 1990. The film saw Aditya Roy Kapoor combined with Shraddha Kapoor. In any case, what made the motion picture a hit with the majority was the profound melodies sung by Arijit Singh. New on the square, individuals went wild about the title track “Tum Hi Ho”. It’s as yet an exemplary right up ‘til today and is certain to pull at your heart’s strings!
Despite the fact that Hansal Mehta’s 'Shahid’ was not a business hit, it was a film that was profoundly hailed by pundits. In spite of the fact that the motion picture was of a more genuine tone, it opens with this wonderful number by Arijit. The melody, which has an extremely ambivalent feel to it, will influence you to sit up and pay heed to the non-commerciality in Bollywood!
Some portion of why Barfi associated so well with groups of onlookers all finished isn’t simply because of Ranbir Kapoor’s acting cleaves, yet in addition the stellar tune list this motion picture had. The tunes were so profound and nostalgic. Arijit Singh completed a repeat adaptation of the “Phir Le Aya Dil” track from the film and obviously, it will take you on a ride loaded with goosebumps!
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani pass on had one of those playlists in which each melody had its very own appeal and none of them neglected to incite some genuine feels. This variant of “Kabira”, arranged with vocals by Rekha Bhardwaj and Arijit Singh, is supernatural to an unheard of level. The music, combined with the stunning vocals by the two artists, is for all the affection feathered creatures out there!
“Smash Leela” gave relationship objectives to many individuals when it hit theaters. The motion picture saw the power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone meet up for an epic romantic tale. “Laal Ishq” comes at once, when the darlings are confronting an extreme time and there’s no better voice to serenade a misery adore than Arijit. The moderate rhythm track sees Arijit take a moderate pace and a more established approach towards the tune. Basically lovely!
In spite of the fact that the motion picture “Big stake” wasn’t precisely a group top pick, it would be putting it mildly to state the tunes didn’t make a blemish on the general population. By this point it had been demonstrated that regardless of the film, on the off chance that it had a tune in it by Arijit Singh, it would have been a surefire hit. That is precisely what occurred with “Kabhi Jo Badal Barse”. The tune went ahead to end up one of the greatest sings from the vocalist!
Indeed, even before he took off with “Tum Hi Ho”, the artist made his check with the exact out-of-the-container tune “Raabta” from the motion picture “Operator Vinod”. The melody sees Arijit receive an alternate style of singing with no holes in the middle. The video in the motion picture sees a solitary take and the tune just matches delightfully with it. The melody without a doubt went ahead to end up an enormous hit that year!
“Fitoor” turned out in 2016 and didn’t do great in the cinema world. It had adequate gorgeous sight however as Aditya Roy Kapoor and Katrina Kaif. Also, once more, the music created by Amit Trivedi does marvels to the motion picture. “Yeh Fitoor Mera” discharged before the motion picture and figured out how to earn enough consideration, all because of Arijit’s virtuoso voice!
2015 was likely Arijit Singh’s greatest year and saw him discharge and sing tunes for a portion of the greatest blockbusters of the year. One of them was with Alka Yagnik for “Tamasha”. In the event that you don’t tear up tuning in to the melody, you ought to likely check in the event that you show at least a bit of kindness. A smooth and melancholic track, the track hits excessively near and dear!
Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has been all the rage since the trailer dropped and after that to top everything of and influence individuals to go insane, the title track dropped again with Arijit Singh behind the mike. The track turned into all the rage soon enough and we’re certain it will be the melody of the year once more. All things considered, it has Arijit’s enchantment assimilated in it.
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jenroses · 7 years
just got back from Thor: Ragnarok. What a delightfully smash and boom movie. I can deal a lot more with the unbelievable when it’s over the top on purpose. Being pompously self-important and wrong is a lot less tolerable than gleeful fuckery. I’m trying to remember if there was anything I didn’t like about it and nothing comes to mind. Excpet maybe that I started feeling like I had to pee about 2/3 of the way through and that was distracting. I missed the end bloop after the credits. But oh my god, the Black Panther trailer in 3d. WANT to see that move so much. Also the Star Wars trailer in 3d was about 500% more amazeballs than it was on the computer. Will I ever fail to get emotional when I see Space Mom on tv? No, no  I won’t.
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jesbakescookies · 7 years
Too Hot To Handle: Chapter Twenty Two
So I kinda wrote a different kind of fanfiction. It’s nothing as in depth as my other fics so I am going to post it here. ENJOY!!***Actor, Real Person Fanfiction, Walking Dead RPF***Featuring: Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Original Female Character, Norman Reedus and others.. (FYI this is total fiction, as in I know nothing about JDMs life or that of his real SO and son etc. Because of this, for this work of fiction, they don’t exist. Jeffrey’s been a typical actor playboy dating fellow stars etc. This is written for sick daydreaming pleasure.)
Aria St. James is a busy woman with a thriving restaurant. She thought she had everything she needed until a few famous faces visit her dining room. A tall, dark and handsome actor decides Aria’s just what he’s been looking for.
Rating: Mature : NSFW **dirty dirty**
Tumblr media
Aria stood inside the department store dressing room trying on a few dresses for Megan's party. The slinky black dress was gorgeous but way too sexy for the engagement party. She could see Jeffrey enjoying it though, so she set it aside to buy for a different occasion. She found a blue satin dress with pretty black lace edges, that hugged all her curves and wasn't too revealing for a party at Megan's high strung mother's home. Taking a picture of herself in it, she sent it to Megan with a question mark. 
"Looks hot!" Her friend replied as well as a bunch of flame emojis. "Jeff will total propose to you when you wear it."
"Fuck off." Aria texted back, a smirk curling her lips and a flutter filling her chest. She wouldn't admit it but the idea of Jeffrey proposing to her was exciting. Aria wanted him to, even though they'd only been together half a year. Maybe she was getting soft but the idea of calling him, her husband, stoked a fire in her guts. She wanted it, she wanted him and she wanted him to claim her.  
“Don't lie. You want him too just as bad as I do.” ~Megan
“You're way to invested in this supposed proposal.” ~Aria
“No such thing and we both know you're just as excited as I am.” ~Megan
“Fine. Okay. The idea is… nice.” Aria hit send but scoffed at her wording. It wasn't nice, it was fucking awesome. 
“Nice? Jesus, we need to get you a thesaurus. Try fucking amazeballs on for size.” ~Megan
“I don't think that's a real word.” ~Aria
“Shut your mouth and buy the goddamn dress. Make sure you have something sexy for underneath because after you say yes, that fuckhot man is going to take you hard and fast. I just know it.” ~Megan
“Jesus. Stop thinking about my boyfriend like that.” ~Aria
“Are fucking kidding me? I've been thinking about your boyfriend like that ever since Grey’s and I'm not stopping now!” ~Megan
“Ugh fine but I don't wanna hear about it.” ~Ari
“Fine.” ~Megan
“Fine.” ~Aria 
“:-P” ~Megan 
“:-P” ~Aria
Aria arrived at the restaurant after dealing with the bank deposit and found a few photographers hanging around. Sighing deeply, she checked her reflection in the mirror before exiting the car. She kept her sunglasses down and she approached them with a smile. "Hi guys." Aria greeted, smiling despite the desire to tell them all to get a life. She just didn't understand the draw of photographs of her walking across a parking lot. "Aria, where's Jeffrey this morning?" Laughing lightly, she replied, "Probably sleeping in!" "Aria what's your reaction to all the chatter between fans. There are some who dislike your relationship with Jeffrey." "To each their own. Me and Jeff are happy and that's all that matters to us." "How did you react when they called you the Yoko of the Walking Dead?" Snorting, Aria smiled and replied, "I thought it was clever. Look guys, we're just normal people living our lives together. Jeff and I love each other, what the internet thinks of us doesn't really matter. Now I've got a lot to do, so thanks for coming out." Sliding into the door before locking it behind her, Aria huffed out a irritated breath and strode to her office. "Fucking Yoko of the Walking Dead." She scoffed angrily. "Bunch of little jealous bitches."
"I'm sorry." Cheryl exclaimed before clapping her hand over her mouth as though trying to stop the words but too late. "What happened?" "There's these girls at table fifteen and they were talking shit about you." "About me? They didn't like their meals?" "No! About you and you being with Jeff." "Oh." Aria mumbled before asking slowly, "What did you do?" Cheryl shook her head as though refusing to say. "Cheryl how bad am I going to have to grovel?" "I told them to stick their opinions up their fat, skank asses." She confessed quickly before biting her lip painfully. Aria tilted her face to the ceiling and asked the dark metal surface why life hated her so much. Taking in a slow deep breath she started rattling off her to-do's. 
"Okay so I need to give Jeff a heads up because I'm sure this is all over Twitter or some other fucking popular bullshit site, he'll probably call his publicist who will hate my guts because I'm some no name asshole causing Jeff trouble, when he should date some starlet who knows how to be famous. Meanwhile I need to go apologize to these customers for... I don't know, being alive, while swallowing my pride and soul, one tiny piece at a time, like broken glass dipped in alcohol." 
When she was done, Aria found that everything in the kitchen had stopped. Looking around at them she realized she had spoken every word out loud. Blinking a few times she felt a weight lift as she decided what she was going to do. 
"I'm not going to do this anymore." She announced. "I'm done doing this."
"What? Ari no!" Cheryl exclaimed.
"No really its over. I'm done being this person."
"Fuck, Ari don't do it. You can't break up with Jeff. He's amazing!" Javier urged, his eyes wide as she stared back blankly. 
"Break up with Jeff? What the fuck? No! No..." she scoffed shaking her while taking her apron off and unbuttoning her chef coat. "No. I'm done playing this game."
"What're you gonna do?"
"I don't know yet but I'm going out there and we'll see what comes out of my mouth but I'm not apologizing for being in love with a man who loves me back. What we have is fucking real and what everyone else thinks doesn't matter but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. So that stops now. I'm done feeling hurt." Swallowing thickly, she combed her hair with her fingers and asked Cheryl, "Gloss?"
The blonde handed it over instantly, the woman's eyes filled with regret. "It's okay, Cher. I'm not mad. I'm... I don't know. It was rude of you to say that but I understand.. thanks for sticking up for me."
Without waiting for a reply, Aria strode out onto the floor. She found the table near the center of the dining room and realized that whatever was about to happen, would be in front of every other customer in the restaurant.
"Fuck." She muttered under her breath. 
Coming to a stop at the table, she smiled politely and greeted them, "Hello ladies. I heard there was an... unfortunate incident."
"Your waitress is a bitch." A girl snapped, her eyes narrowed and lips smirked. "I mean, I guess it makes sense. She works for you."
Aria clenched her jaw but kept a smile on her lips. She gestured to a chair at the next table and asked the other patron nicely, "Would you mind terribly if I used this chair, sir?"
"No, of course not." The older gentleman replied, "and I have to tell you, this is the best pasta I've had since our honeymoon in Italy."
Smiling widely, Aria replied, "Thank you very much. I actually backpacked through Italy. I learned that technique, the curl, from a skinny little Italian who had to be in his nineties. Francis Francisco, if you can believe it."
The man chuckled and patted his wife's hand. "Well thank you. It took us back." "You're welcome. Thanks for coming in." She answered before pulling the chair over to the table of young women. 
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"So, look. I appreciate that you're fans of Jeff's. Believe me, I understand it. He's an amazing actor, a great person, nicest man I've ever known. And I mean look at him." She trailed off with a chuckle and a genuine smile. "I get it and I appreciate the enthusiasm. Back in the day I loved Christian Slater, no joke. I wanted to marry him and have his babies. I was obsessed with him, knew everything, anyone could know."
Looking over the women watching her with narrowed eyes, "I think what gets lost is that stars are all real people. I mean they're on your tvs, your laptops, your cellphones. You can pay money to meet them, talk to them, take photos with them. Famous people are so available to be fawned over that it starts to feel like you know them. You know how they feel, what they think, what they like and that's all well and good but they're real people. They've got families, friends, spouses."
The women shifted in their seat, the ring leader looking less moved by the words but still regretful. 
"I get by having them so ingrained in your lives you become protective and invested in what they do and who they see but I mean this world is filled with such tragedies and hardships. We've all been through shit, so why would you ever wanna stop two people from being happy together? I mean it's pretty rare and me and Jeff are just two people who were lucky enough to find each other."
"I get that you don't like me." Shrugging her shoulders Aria looked them over and said, "But I'm no better or worse than any of you. I'm a high school drop out from a trailer park in nowhere, Nevada who worked her way up by tooth and nail. I spent my teens up into my twenties pretty much homeless, washing dishes and mopping floors to feed myself while sleeping on park benches and under bridges. Everything I have today, I've worked myself to the bone for but I'm just a person like any of you."
She looked them over seeing chewed lips and wide eyes. Aria was beginning to understand that they were expecting something completely different, a confrontation rather than a peaceful discussion.  "All I'm asking is that you give us the respect and privacy that you feel you deserve. Now, I apologize for what your waitress said. It was inappropriate and she'll be reprimanded for it. I don't take customer complaints lightly. So dinner is on the house this evening and you're welcome back anytime."
Smiling at them, she stood up and without waiting for a reply, returned the chair to the table behind her, giving the man a nod. "You two have a good evening. Get the tiramisu, another recipe from Francis. You'll love it."
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Jeffrey had just sat down to get changed out of his Neganware after a photo shoot, when his phone blew up. He had text messages and notifications popping up while it rang. Seeing his publicist calling, Jeffrey answered but before he could get a word out she said, "We've got another situation."
"What now?"
"Your girl went rogue."
Chuckling, he asked, "what'd she do? She didn't hit anyone did she?"
"No but she confronted a table full of fans."
"Shit." He sat forward, pressing his elbows into his knees. "What happened? Is she okay?"
"Apparently there was a confrontation between the fans and one of her waitresses. It's all over Twitter and Tumblr. Aria then came out and sat with them. There's a video. Truthfully... I don't know if I could've done it better." Jeffrey smirked and asked, "What'd she say?"
"You should just watch it. I'm sure someone's sent it to you. You're girl is very well spoken Jeffrey. I'm I'mpressed.”
"Alright. I'll call you back."
Thumbing through the countless messages, Jeffrey found the link to the posted video. He watched as someone set their phone up to record the conversation, they'd obviously planned whatever was about to happen. He smirked as he watched Aria walk up with a friendly smile that did reach her eyes. 
He listened to her speak to the older man behind them, soaking up the little tidbits she'd share about her life when it came to food. She was an open person but would only talk about her past when asked. They'd shared many nights talking over the phone or on the laptop, both finding out about each other slowly. He knew the broad strokes of her life but there was still the nitty gritty that one only learned over time. 
When she began speaking to the girls, he leaned forward and watched carefully. "They've got families, friends, spouses." She spoke, the words ringing in his ears. Chewing his lip, he watched her continue and learned more about her youth than he'd known before. It surprised him but explained the strength and perseverance he loved about her. The reasons he wanted to marry her. 
Swallowing thickly, he sunk back into the sofa and watched as she walked away. 'Well fuck,' he thought, rubbing his mouth and jaw in thought. 
Closing the video, Jeffrey called Aria and tried to steady his mind and calm his voice. He wasn't sure how she was going to take the revelation that she had been filmed and it was all over the internet already. 
"I'm sorry." She greeted him with. "I fucked up and I understand if you hate me."
"You done?" He asked gruffly, a smile tugging at his lips. "You know what they say about people who assume things right?"
"Jeff, come on. Not only did I go out and make a scene, I didn't notice them fucking filming it? God I'm such a dumbass."
"Sweetheart, you're a lovely, well spoken woman, who not only confronted a bunch of bullies but did it with class." He drawled, cocking his head to the side as he replayed her words in his mind. "I'm a lucky fucking man to have such an amazing woman in my life."
Jeffrey could hear her breath hitch and the sound of her sitting down heavily. He listened to the kitchen noise in the background, his own breath stilling as he waited for her to speak. 
"So you're not mad?"
"No darlin’. I'm deeply and utterly in love with you."
"Jeff." She gasped. 
"It's true. Watching you speak... it's just clarified what I feel for you. I can't see my life without you, Aria."
"I love you too." She murmured, her voice turning soft and sweet. Jeffrey leaned forward and offered, "I say we go to Megan's engagement party and afterwards we take a vacation. I have a friend with an awesome beach home. Me and you and empty sands."
"That sounds amazing. I'll start working on clearing my schedule." She spoke with a sigh, relief obvious in her tone. "How long?"
"I want to say forever but probably a four or five days if you can."
"Oh I'll make it happen." She laughed. 
Jeffrey could picture her smile and twinkling eyes. When his dick twitched at the thought of her in a bikini, he offered, "I'm really good at applying suntan lotion so feel free to wear as tiny of a bikini as you can find."
Snorting, Aria replied, "Bikini? Who said anything about a bikini?"
Find Chapter Twenty Three Here:
I started posting this fic over on AO3 also. I will probably post in both places since I’m still figuring out AO3 formatting etc.
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karmilarostov · 7 years
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happy sunday lovelies! here are some movies I’ve been loving and will hopefully continue to. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I have!
1. Inside Out
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Synopsis :  Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) is a happy, hockey-loving 11-year-old Midwestern girl, but her world turns upside-down when she and her parents move to San Francisco. Riley's emotions -- led by Joy (Amy Poehler) -- try to guide her through this difficult, life-changing event. However, the stress of the move brings Sadness (Phyllis Smith) to the forefront. When Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches of Riley's mind, the only emotions left in Headquarters are Anger, Fear and Disgust.
Starring : Amy Poehler as Joy Released : 2015 Language : English Running Time : 1 hour and 34 minutes Reception : universal acclaim  Trailer Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMwpP0yeu4
This movie is essentially a spin on the classic questions you have in your head “ I wonder what she’s/he’s thinking of” or “ What is going on inside my head?” It is so so lovable as much as it is sad. You’ll go through all the feels when you watch this. The characters are amazing and well thought-out, it’s like you’ve known them since forever. Here’s one of my all time favourite movie quote from my favourite disney character, Bing Bong : “ Once we traveled back in time, we ate breakfast twice that day.’ 
2. The Little Prince
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Synopsis :  
The Aviator introduces a girl to a world where she rediscovers her childhood and learns that it's human connections that matter most, and that it is only with heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye
Starring : Jeff Bridges as The Pilot Released : 2015 Language : English Running Time : 1 hour and 48 minutes Reception : critical acclaim Trailer Link :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEPqgSNLfK8
This movie is based on  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince. Its a movie that you’d never get bored of, regardless of the times you’ve re-watched it. It’s perfect if you want to watch something light & easy. The visuals are amazing. You’ll love it, trust me. 
3. Kubo and the Two Strings
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Synopsis :  Young Kubo's (Art Parkinson) peaceful existence comes crashing down when he accidentally summons a vengeful spirit from the past. Now on the run, Kubo joins forces with Monkey (Charlize Theron) and Beetle (Matthew McConaughey) to unlock a secret legacy. Armed with a magical instrument, Kubo must battle the Moon King (Ralph Fiennes) and other gods and monsters to save his family and solve the mystery of his fallen father, the greatest samurai warrior the world has ever known.
Starring : Art Parkinson as Kubo  Released : 2016 Language : English Running Time : 1 hour and 42 minutes Reception : universal acclaim  Trailer Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vex0gPFnBvM
Amazeballs, I don’t know what else to say tbh. This movie is mostly about Kubo and the adventures he has. The visuals are gorgeous, the characters are realistic & lovable, the storytelling is beautifully executed and its just so good, guys. Its perfect for movie night. 
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a lil somethin somethin for you, hope you loved it.  see you soonest
love, k ♡
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bending-sickle · 7 years
so i watched dahmer (2002)* because i’d rather that than to keep reliving thursday afternoon and
it’s okay?
[trigger warning for serial killer shenanigans of disturbing proportions]
i mean i liked that there wasn’t gratuitous use of the post-mortem modus operandi. there’s the head in the box, saran-wrapped, halfway through, and off-screen dismemberment in the last twenty minutes, and zero allusion to the cannibalism or body preservation, which, yes good, well done. (but on the other hand, it really plays down how batshit fucked up he was)
the other violence is either montaged (sedative-aided rape at a club), non-lethal (strangulation), off-screen (again, strangulation), or in silhouette (blunt force trauma)
so it’s not, y’know, the fucking nightmare gorefest it could’ve been.
the two separate time-lines (with the flashbacks going in reverse order) were a bit confusing at first and i had to rely on previous knowledge to know what was happening when. like, “oh, okay, this is when he was starting, and this other scene is the first guy, and - wait, wha- oh, this is towards the end of his run”. 
also there’s scenes where if you don’t know the whys, then you’re just left going what the fuck oh god what the fuck why (case in point: the drill). which for a 2002 film about a serial killer who was active 1978 to 1991 (and apprehended 1991), maybe consider your audience won’t know all the deets?
there is a moment where dahmer’s talking and obviously projecting about his issues, and the film is too blunt about the whole “i’m gay so i’m weird so i get picked on so i turned into a monster” like, ummmmmm.
but. but.
holy mackerel in a tin can, batman, did jeremy renner do an amazeballs job. especially with the voice and accent. it was eerie how pitch-perfect exact it was to dahmer (at least from is stone philips interview).
(senator-kelly-from-the-x-men who played his dad, however, didn’t even try.)
* trailer ; wiki ; streaming
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randommusingsmomma · 7 years
Last night was our wedding anniversary and the first night out with out kids since Veda has been born. We didn't do anything glamorous. Dinner and a movie. We decided on Applebee's since neither of us has been there in years and a new one was just opened near us. Nothing special and probably won't go back again. It was no different from a Friday's or Ruby Tuesday's and the food/menu was lackluster. But the movie, Gaurdians of the Galaxy was amazeballs. Absolutely love that series. The cast must have so much fun together. I never really go to the movies any more since I work there and who wants to be at work on off days but I saw some trailer of movies I'd like to see. I love action movies and the trailers were all action movies. Next up Wonder Woman.
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oadara · 7 years
OH!! I was watching the trailer with my headset on and realized during Jon's voiceover, the "together" part is said by Dany! Jon's voiceover is from 2 different scenes bc the audio is noticeably different after Dany says "together".
Hi anon,
I’m at work right now but when I get home I’ll listen to it with my headphones. If anyone else has heard this let me know, because if so, it’s going to me amazeballs. 
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