#this was a random thought after watching the lets play video
itendtothinkalot · 2 days
confession 3.0
Summary: reader has suppressed her feelings for huening for so long, believing that she could manage without confessing. sooo how will she react when she discovers that kai had gone on a blind date.......
Genre: fluffy
Characters: huening kaix f!reader
Words: 6202
a/n: suUuUuper busy at work rn but i managed to write something rly quick today! i didnt rly proofread or edit this so i'm sorry if thrs errors! also stream #ggum!!!
Completed (oneshot)
Kai, It’s hard to find the right words when I’m about to say something that could change everything between us. But here I am, thinking maybe, just MAYBE, you would feel the same way. (Though, I’m on my period, so maybe I’m reading too much into it.) We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember. You’ve always been my rock, through every high and low. Maybe that’s why it’s taken me so long to see you as more than a friend. But now, I think I’m ready to face the truth. I like you—probably more than a friend should.
It’s been two years since you wrote that letter. You and Kai had just graduated. Maybe it was the adrenaline from graduation, but you wrote it the night he kissed your cheek after you were named valedictorian.
“THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!” you heard him yell from the seats. You rolled your eyes as you walked up to get your diploma, but you couldn’t ignore the look in his eyes as he mouthed the words, “I’m so proud of you.”
“The letter’s collecting dust,” Beomgyu teased, lying on your bed, reading the letter you wrote for Kai all those years ago.
“You come to my house, rummage through my memory box, and take out this hellish letter?” You glared at Beomgyu, who knew you were getting irritated. “What are you trying to achieve? If you want me to cry, just call me dumb. I’m on my period anyway.”
“TMI, but I’ll let it slide since I am a huge female supporter.” He chuckled, “But here’s a thought! Give him the letter.”
You snatched the letter from him. “And why would I do that?"
"Why not? It's cute!"
"In what way?" You asked.
"It has like words. And stuff." Beomgyu paused. “Besides, you two belong together! Plus, I need some drama in my life. Ever since Soobin and Yeonjun went to study overseas, things have been so boring.”
"Are you insinuating that Kai, Taehyun, and I are boring?" you asked, deadpan.
"I'm not insinuating. I'm literally telling you that," Beomgyu chuckled, draping his arms over your shoulders like he hadn’t just insulted you.
"You’re an idiot," you scoffed, shaking your head. "Besides, I’m perfectly fine with how things are."
"Oh, you mean staring at him lovingly while he’s eating?" Beomgyu teased, widening his eyes and pouting dramatically, doing his best imitation of you watching Kai.
“I could kill you.”
“But you won’t.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, knowing he was right. It was cruel—the way you felt about Kai. Almost comically so. Falling in love with your best friend felt like a cosmic joke.
“Do you think he likes me back?” You sighed.
“How would I know?” Beomgyu rolled his eyes.
“Well, for starters, you three have guy’s nights.”
“We talk about games. Football. You know, guy stuff. Do we look like the kind of people who talk about feelings?”
“Kinda. Yeah.” 
The living room was filled with high pitched screaming (mostly from Beomgyu) as the four of you—Beomgyu, Taehyun, Kai, and you—were completely absorbed in a random game Kai had discovered in a video he had seen somewhere.
Taehyun, with a mischievous grin, leaned back on the couch. “Hey, did you guys hear the news?” 
“What news?” Beomgyu asked, his eyes still locked onto the TV.
“Kai has a girlfriend~” Taehyun sang, before getting elbowed in his stomach.
“Dude!” Kai said, his eyes shifted to you and then to Beomgyu. “It was just a blind date my sister set me up on. It was stupid.” 
Your fingers froze. You glanced over at Taehyun, still grinning as he played, and felt a sudden surge of jealousy. Your hands fumbled with the controller, struggling to keep your composure as your heart raced. You shot a quick look at Kai, whose focus wavered as his eyes were still locked onto your every movement as if waiting for a reaction.
"Why would you bring that up when we’re about to beat the last level?” Kai sighed, his brows furrowing in mild annoyance as his hands tightened around the controller.
Taehyun smirked, leaning back lazily against the couch. “Would you have preferred I brought it up on the first level?” he teased, eyes gleaming with mischief.
Kai rolled his eyes, exhaling in frustration. “It wasn’t a big deal,” he muttered, his voice casual, but there was a slight tension in his posture as if he wanted to brush the subject away quickly.
“So it did happen?” Beomgyu exclaimed, freezing his character mid-air on the screen.
“A couple of days ago,” Taehyun said casually, his attention still on the game. “I was surprised too. He didn’t mention anything about it, I only happened to walk past his little date at the cafe I frequent.”
Kai shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Yeah, it was just a setup my sister arranged. It was... fine.”
You felt a pang of jealousy and frustration, struggling to ignore the growing lump in your throat. You shifted in your seat, trying to refocus on the game, but your movements became increasingly erratic.
Your fingers pressed random buttons, desperately trying to regain control, but it only made things worse. The game character on the screen flailed aimlessly.
“Stop dying! You’re pulling us down!” Taehyun yelled, clearly exasperated with your lack of focus.
The criticism hit a nerve, and you snapped, unable to keep your frustration in check. “Oh, sure, blame it on me, Taehyun! Maybe if you hadn’t brought up Kai’s stupid blind date, I wouldn’t be so distracted!”
Taehyun looked taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“It’s just... annoying!” you shot back, your voice sharp. “I’m trying to focus, and all I can think about is how—”
You suddenly noticed the three boys staring at you with wide eyes.
Realizing you’d let your frustration get the better of you, you quickly backpedaled. “I mean—sorry. I was just distracted,” you said, your voice trailing off awkwardly as you tried to recover from the outburst.
Beomgyu, ever observant, immediately noticed the shift in your demeanor. He shot you a sideways glance.
“Hey,” he said quietly, leaning in a bit closer so only you could hear, “I know you’re upset. Just take a deep breath.”
You met his gaze and saw the empathy in his eyes. 
“Thanks,” you murmured.
Meanwhile, Taehyun was still chatting away about the date, completely oblivious to the tension. “So, how did it go, Kai? Did you have a good time?”
Kai shrugged again, looking a bit uncomfortable. “It was okay. We talked, had dinner. Nothing special.”
You clenched your jaw, trying to mask the jealousy. You had no right to be upset, but the idea of Kai with someone else was expectedly hard to handle.
Like you said, curse.
It had been a couple of weeks since you last hung out with Kai, and you'd been avoiding him, using work as an excuse. You hoped everyone bought it, though Beomgyu didn’t seem convinced. But you didn’t care. You had already turned down Friday night dinners twice in a row, and there was no way you could get away with skipping a third time. So here you were, back at their place, feeling a knot of nerves twist in your stomach.
You wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you were terrified it’d be awkward with Kai. Ever since you found out about his blind date, your feelings had been gnawing at you relentlessly, making every thought of him more painful. You feared how being around him might make those emotions harder to suppress especially since you almost gave yourself away the previous time.
But when you arrived at his house, all your worries evaporated the moment Kai pulled you into a tight bearhug. "I missed you so much!" he exclaimed, his voice warm and genuine. You found yourself melting into the embrace, forgetting every ounce of awkwardness and jealousy. For a brief moment, all that mattered was the familiar comfort of his arms around you, and everything else faded away.
You loved being in his arms. Kai felt like a giant teddy bear, soft and comforting in a way that made you feel safe. You had thought about it many times before—if comfort could take the form of a person, it would be him. His hugs were the kind that melted away stress, and being close to him felt like home. No matter how anxious or upset you were, being in his arms always made you forget, even if just for a little while.
“I missed you too," you fumbled out, your voice softer than intended.
"God! It's been two weeks, but it feels like a year!" he laughed, pulling you over to the sofa. His excitement and warmth made you feel like you’d never been away. 
"I knew you were busy the last couple of weeks," he said, reaching for his phone and opening the notes app. "So I made a list." He grinned, scrolling through it. "Here are just some things you missed during our dinners."
"You wrote them down on your notes app?" you giggled, genuinely amused by the thought of him keeping track of everything just for you.
"Of course," he replied with a playful glint in his eyes. "I can’t leave you out."
You don’t think he realizes just how sweet he is—or how incredibly frustrating it is that he's constantly this sweet. You're pretty sure he has no idea how much you want to scream every time he makes you feel this way. It was maddening, really, how effortlessly he could make your heart race with just a few words or a simple smile.
It had been about an hour since Kai filled you in on the events of the past two weeks. From what you gathered, Beomgyu sharted in his pants when he had diarrhoea from eating at a place down the street and Taehyun got drunk and wasted $500 sending TikTok gifts to Yeonjun during a live dance stream.
It seemed plausible enough. You missed them. Two weeks had passed, but it was more than enough time for you to fully feel their absence. Sure, they checked in on you every day, flooding the group chat, but you didn't respond—afraid you'd accidentally reveal your feelings for Kai. You weren’t about to make that mistake.
Still, you were starting to realize that avoiding them felt incredibly immature. You had forgotten just how much you loved your friends—and how much they loved you. Every part of you wished they wouldn’t change, not even a little. You wanted them to stay exactly as they were, unchanged and constant.
It was possibly why you were so adamant about keeping your feelings for Kai to yourself. The thought of confessing felt risky, one wrong move and the most precious friendship you’ve ever had could shatter. You couldn’t bear to be the one who ruined that.
Still…you wondered, how long you could take before you finally cracked.
“Do you think… we’ll still be friends when we’re older?” you asked, your voice soft and a bit uncertain.
Kai tilted his head, considering the question. “Like Yeonjun old or like my dad old?”
You laughed, trying to clarify, “Like, y’know, further into our adulthood.”
“Like when we have kids?” he asked, his tone casual but with a hint of curiosity.
“We?” Your heart skipped a beat, suddenly racing. The idea of him envisioning a future with you was both exhilarating and terrifying.
“Yeah?” He paused, looking at you with a thoughtful expression. “Like when you have your own family and I have mine.”
You nodded either way.
Kai looked at you with a genuine, reassuring smile. “Why wouldn’t we be?” he asked, his eyes warm and sincere. “We’ve been through so much together. Why wouldn’t we stay friends?”
Sure, you took some sort of comfort from his reassurance but there was a part of you still grappling with the realization that your feelings might never align with his. 
You took a deep breath, forcing a smile as you met his gaze. “Mhm.”
Kai’s smile widened, and he playfully nudged you with his elbow. “C’mon. We’ll still be annoying each other, like always.”
You laughed softly, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
"We won't change."
As you looked over at him, your eyes began to well up with tears. You looked away, pretending that you weren’t actually about to sob. 
Kai’s gaze softened when he noticed the glistening in your eyes. He placed his hands gently on your thigh, as if sensing that something was troubling you, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.
“I promise,” he said softly.
“Right…sorry..I’m just–”
“It’s fine. I get it.” He nodded, cutting you off. “You don’t have to explain.”
You often wondered how someone who knew you so well didn’t have any idea that you liked him. The thought was both comforting and frustrating. 
“Anyway, there’s still like 3 more things on my list.” Kai said, showing you his notes app.
You nodded, “All ears!” 
Despite enjoying Kai’s animated recounting of the ridiculous things Beomgyu had done the week before, your mind was a tangled mess of thoughts about his recent blind date.
You tried to focus on the present, nodding and laughing along, but the image of him with someone else kept intruding.
You hesitated, your fingers nervously tracing patterns on the armrest of the sofa. You took a deep breath as you waited for Kai to finally finish his last story. 
“Hey, Kai, can I ask you something?” you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for his response.
“Sure, what’s up?” he replied, still looking relaxed and upbeat.
“So, about that blind date your sister set you up on…” you began, your tone more serious now. “How did it–um– go?”
Kai’s expression shifted slightly, and he leaned back, thinking for a moment. “Oh, that. It was... okay. We had dinner and talked a bit. It was nice, but nothing special.”
You tried to mask your disappointment, nodding slowly. “I see.”
Kai looked at you with a hint of curiosity. “Why? What’s up?”
You shrugged, forcing a casual tone. “Oh! Nothing. I was just–uh–curious!”
“Well, to be honest,” he started, “the date was actually kind of fun. She was really nice and pretty. We had a good time talking and hanging out. She’s been asking me out on another date, but I’m not sure if I should go.”
You felt a wave of jealousy bubbling inside you, but you tried to keep your voice steady. “That’s nice!” you said, forcing a smile. “You should go.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you winced inwardly, realizing the absurdity of what you’d just said. Here you were, encouraging the guy you had feelings for to go out on another date.
You looked down at your hands, trying to hide the flush of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks. “I mean… it’s your choice. Do what you think is right,” you stammered, trying to backtrack.
You tried to shake off the discomfort, but the conversation with Kai had left you feeling unsettled. As your phone rang, you seized the opportunity to shift focus.
“Hey, Beomgyu. What’s up?” you answered, trying to sound casual.
“Hey!” Beomgyu’s voice came through the speaker. “Just wanted to let you know we’ve got a busted tire. We’re going to be home 2-3 hours later than usual.”
“Shit, you guys okay?” 
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Beomgyu replied, chuckling. “Taehyun’s totally losing it with his insurance company. It’s kinda hilarious. I’ll send you a video in the group chat.”
You heard Beomgyu laughing, and then Taehyun’s distant shouting.
“Fuck. He’s coming over to yell at me to delete it,” Beomgyu added quickly.
“Yeah, okay,” you said, trying to ignore the awkwardness from earlier. “I’ll see you guys later.”
You hung up and looked over at Kai, who was watching you with a curious expression.
“Well,” you said, attempting to lighten the mood, “looks like it’s just us for dinner tonight.”
Kai grinned, clearly unfazed by the earlier conversation. “Perfect. More time for us to catch up.”
Whatever he had just said did nothing to quell the storm of emotions swirling inside you. You couldn’t help but think, Curse you, Huening Kai, you perfect son of a bitch, as you watched him move about the kitchen, completely unaware of the effect he had on you. 
“Can you pass me the salt?” “Hey…” “Dude!”
You suddenly felt a flick on your forehead and snapped out of your thoughts, turning to Kai, who had been trying to get your attention for a while.
“Oh! Yep. You should!” you blurted out. “You should totally try a new hairstyle.”
Kai laughed, the sound warm and reassuring. “We’ve moved on from that topic.” His expression softened as he leaned in, gently placing his hand on your forehead. “You alright? Are you feeling sick?”
His hand was surprisingly warm against your skin, and if his touch lingered even a moment longer, you were certain your cheeks would be hotter than the soup you were drinking. You nodded quickly, trying to brush off the heat rising to your face.
“Are you sure? It feels like you’re getting warmer,” Kai said, his voice tinged with concern.
Embarrassed, you pushed his hand away, the warmth of his touch still lingering. “It’s probably just the summer heat.”
“You sure?” he asked, still looking worried.
You nodded again, trying to sound more convincing. “Yep.”
“Hold on, you have a little…” He leaned in and gently used his thumb to wipe a small crumb from your lip.
The unexpected touch of his thumb against your lip sent a jolt through you. Startled by the sudden closeness and the tender gesture, you fumbled with the bowl of soup. In your flustered state, your hand slipped, and the bowl tipped over. 
You abruptly stood up, wincing as a sharp, stinging pain shot through your foot. “Fuck,” you cursed under your breath, your voice tinged with frustration.
Kai’s face immediately filled with concern. He hurriedly rushed over to your side of the table, reaching for the spilled food and trying to help you clean up. “Are you okay?” he asked, his tone anxious.
“I’m good!” you said quickly, trying to push his hands away. You didn’t want him to see how flustered and embarrassed you were. His touch was warm, but right now, you just wanted to avoid any more attention.
You noticed a flicker of hurt in his eyes before you shook your head, trying to reassure him. “I didn’t mean to—I just—I should go get this cleaned up.” You quickly made your way to the bathroom, your heart pounding as you tried to escape the situation.
You heard Kai’s footsteps follow closely behind you. As you entered the bathroom, he called out, “The first aid’s under the sink.” There was a sigh in his voice, a mixture of frustration and concern. “You sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you through the closed door. “Yep,” you called back, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
Silence continued between the two of you as you carefully bandaged your scalded thigh. The faint rustling of Kai’s movements outside the door made it clear he was still there, waiting.
Then, you heard him whisper, almost too softly to catch, “There’s something wrong between us.”
You stayed silent, not trusting yourself to respond.
A moment later, his voice grew a bit louder as he repeated, “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yep.” You replied.
“You sure we’re okay?” Kai’s voice softened.
You didn’t answer, letting the silence stretch between you. Each second felt like an eternity, your mind racing as you tried to gather your thoughts. You could hear the faint rustling of Kai’s movements outside the door.
Finally, you took a deep breath and emerged from the bathroom, the bandage awkwardly wrapped around your leg. Kai stood there, looking at you with a mixture of worry and something else you couldn’t quite place.
“Sorry about that,” you said, forcing a smile. “It’s just a minor burn. Nothing to worry about.”
Kai’s eyes softened, though he still looked concerned. “It’s not just about the burn, is it?” He stepped closer, his gaze searching yours. “Something’s been off for a while now. I can’t help but feel like you’re distancing yourself from me.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, the vulnerability of the moment making it hard to speak. “It’s complicated,” you finally admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve been dealing with a lot of emotions lately, and I didn’t want to drag you into it.”
Kai’s expression shifted from concern to understanding, and he reached out, gently touching your arm. “You don’t have to go through things alone. If something’s wrong, I want to be here for you. I care about you too much to let things stay this way.”
His words struck a chord, and you felt your resolve begin to crumble. The warmth of his hand on your arm, combined with the sincerity in his eyes, made it hard to hold back your feelings.
“I—” you started, but the words caught in your throat. You looked down, struggling to find the right way to express what you were feeling. “I just… I didn’t want to make things awkward or complicated.”
Kai shook his head slightly, his gaze never leaving yours. "Please,” he whispered. “Just let me share the pain you're going through."
You met his eyes, finally allowing yourself to be vulnerable. “I… I care about you a lot, Kai. More than I thought I could.”
Kai’s expression softened further, and he took a step closer. “I care about you too.”
He didn’t get it. He didn’t understand the implication of what you were trying to say—that you liked him. That you cared about him differently from how you cared about Beomgyu and Taehyun.
You forced a smile. “Thank you. Let’s get back out there.” You nudged his shoulder.
He shook his head. “No.” He gently pulled you back, stopping you in your tracks.
“No,” he repeated, his grip firm but gentle, careful not to hurt you. He guided you to the wall and leaned you against it softly. “I don’t want to leave it like this. I don’t know what this is, but I don’t feel like we’re okay.”
“We are.”
“You’re lying,” he sighed.
“I’m not—”
“Your eyes,” Kai said softly, “they tell me everything I need to know.”
“Are they telling you anything else?” you asked, your frustration clearly showing. “Since you know me so well, can you read anything else in my eyes?”
“Why are you getting mad at me?” Kai asked, his voice getting slightly louder, confusion and hurt in his voice.
“Because!” you snapped, your voice rising with anger. “Because!”
“Because what?!” Kai shouted back, his own frustration surfacing. “It’s like you don’t even want me around anymore!”
“And who said that? Stop assuming everything about me!” you yelled, your voice trembling with emotion. “Stop acting like you know everything about me!”
“Don’t I?!” he exclaimed, frustration evident in his tone.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “You’re always going on about how much you know me, but do you really? You can’t even—” You paused, the words caught in your throat.
“Can’t even what? Notice that you’re avoiding me?” Kai’s voice was tinged with hurt and confusion.
The room was charged with tension. Your heart raced as you faced each other, your eyes locked with his despite your desperate urge to look away. His voice dripped with anger, and his eyes shimmered with a deep, wounded hurt. 
“Have you or have you not been avoiding me?” Kai asked, his voice dropping to a deeper, more serious tone.
“I wasn’t igno—”
“You’re lying.”
“I wasn’t intentionally ignoring you,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper, filled with apprehension.
Kai’s shoulders slumped in defeat, his voice cracking with vulnerability. “W-why? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? Listen, whatever I did, I’m sorry—”
"You didn’t do anything." You sighed, burying your face in your hands.
"Then... why have you been avoiding me?" Kai gently pulled your hands away from your face, lifting your chin so you’d meet his gaze. His eyes searched yours.
"You don’t think I’ve noticed? How you've barely been texting me, or the group? We used to talk every day. And now, for the past two weeks, it’s just been me... constantly asking about you. And the only person who seems to know anything is Beomgyu. Not even me." His voice cracked with frustration. "It used to be us. Just the two of us against everything. But now—"
“I—I’ve been going through some things on my own. You don’t have to know everything about me, Kai,” you said, your tone sharper than intended.
It almost felt ironic, and just as infuriating, that he stood there acting as if he truly understood you, when he didn’t even realize the most important thing—your feelings. 
“We’re supposed to be best friends. What happened to being friends till we grow old?” Kai’s voice cracked, as if the weight of the words would somehow pull you back to him.
“Some of us don’t want that,” you snapped, your self-restraint finally shattering. The words left your lips before you could stop them, sharp and unforgiving.
Kai froze, staring at you in disbelief. The hurt in his eyes was unmistakable. Slowly, the grip he still had on your arm loosened, his hands falling to his sides, as though the very act of holding on had become too heavy.
“Kai—” you sighed, realizing your words had gone too far.
“No. I’m—I—” he cut you off, sighing heavily as he pushed his hair back. “I’m an idiot.”
“Kai—” you tried again, your voice softer, unsure of how to fix what had just happened.
He stayed silent, inching away from you slowly. Then, without a word, he knelt down to look at your injured leg. “Feel better,” he murmured, gently tracing the edge of the hasty bandage wrapped around your thigh.
He stood up to walk away, the silence between you growing heavier with each step. But just as he turned, your frustration finally boiled over, pushing you past the breaking point. You couldn't hold it in any longer.
With a voice raw and desperate, you shouted, “I LIKE YOU!” Your eyes were wide and your chest heaved with the effort of the outburst. The words seemed to crackle in the air, and your hands clenched into fists at your sides, trembling slightly as the intensity of your emotions took hold.
Kai froze in his tracks, his back still turned to you. The air between you crackled with the weight of your confession, the echo of your words hanging in the silence. You stood there, heart racing, unable to believe you had actually said it.
Slowly, Kai turned to face you, his eyes wide with shock and something else you couldn’t quite place—hope, maybe? Confusion? Possibly.
You swallowed hard, “I—I didn’t mean to shout,” you stammered. “But I’ve been holding it in for so long, and I just… I didn’t know how else to say it.”
Kai’s expression softened, his brows furrowing as he processed your words. “You like me?” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he wasn’t sure he heard you right.
You nodded, “I just thought if I kept my distance, maybe it would go away… but it didn’t.”
He took a tentative step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I was scared,” you admitted, your voice trembling as you spoke. Your hands fidgeted, fingers twisting nervously. “Scared that it would ruin everything between us. Scared you wouldn’t feel the same. And the blind date that Taehy—”
“It wasn’t even that serious to begin with, my sisters were just sick of hearing me complain about–well about you.” he interrupted, his tone gentle but firm. He took a step closer, his expression softening as he reached out, his hand almost brushing yours.
Kai let out a breath, his shoulders relaxing as the tension between you began to fade. “I never knew,” he said softly, taking another step closer. “But… you didn’t have to be scared. I—”
He hesitated, his voice catching in his throat, before finally meeting your gaze. “I like you too.”
“Yeah. Oh,” Kai mumbled, awkwardly scratching the back of his head, clearly unsure of what to do next.
You laughed, the tension breaking slightly. “No one ever tells you what to do after… a confession.”
Kai chuckled softly. “I figured Beomgyu might know what to do. He’s been egging me on to tell you how I feel.”
“He has?” you asked, surprised.
Kai nodded, and a brief silence settled between the two of you, heavy but not uncomfortable. Finally, he spoke again. “I’m sorry.”
“What? Why?” you asked, confused.
“I should’ve told you sooner, when I had the chance. I didn’t realize that keeping it in would hurt you, and that was never my intention.” His voice softened, regret evident in every word.
“That makes the two of us,” you giggled shyly. “Well, I wasn’t exactly broadcasting my single status and going on blind dates, but still—” you teased playfully.
“For the record,” Kai said, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin, “my sisters were only sick of me complaining about how much I like you and how much of a coward I am for not telling you.”
“Oh. What exactly have you been complaining about?” You teased.
Kai’s cheeks pinked, “N-nothing. Nothing important.”
“Really? You do know I have Hiyyih’s Insta. I could probably just ask her myself,” you said with a mischievous grin.
“You wouldn’t.”
You nodded, a playful glint in your eye. “I absolutely would. So it’s either you give me a summarized version and keep the details to yourself, or I get the 100% detailed account from Hiyyih.”
“It’s not even—I just… you have to promise me you won’t laugh. Or make fun of me.”
“Promise.” You said, pretending to zip your lips with a playful wink. 
Your eyes were filled with genuine adoration for the man standing before you. His vulnerability was written all over his face, and it only made your heart swell. Your gaze softened, allowing the affection you'd kept hidden for so long to shine through. After years of bottling up your feelings, you could finally show them, even if only a little.
“Well, uh… this is so embarrassing,” he mumbled quietly to himself, taking a deep breath to steady himself. “I’d tell them how… uh… pretty you looked every time we went out together,” he said slowly.
“Uh-huh…” You nodded, encouraging him to continue.
“And I’d tell them how you didn’t deserve the guys you were dating. How they were all assholes,” he went on, his voice growing louder and more passionate as he gained confidence with each word.
“And I’d tell them how much you deserve someone who genuinely loves you, someone who knows how funny you are, how quiet you get when you’re overanalyzing something, how loud you become when you're passionate, and how loving and protective you are to the people who matter to you.” He gulped, his voice shaking with emotion.
“How… much I deserved you,” he finished, his gaze searching yours.
You stood there, feeling a rush of warmth flood your cheeks. Your mind raced, but no words came. All you could manage was a soft, hesitant “Umm…”
Kai’s gaze was fixed on you, a mixture of hope and apprehension in his eyes. Seeing your struggle to find the right words, he took a deep breath and gently took your hands in his. 
You hated to admit it, but Kai seemed to be winning the confession game you had inadvertently started.
As his words settled, you found yourself slowly leaning in, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Kai’s eyes fluttered shut, and he met you halfway. His lips gently brushed against yours, the kiss starting soft and tentative.
Your hands gripped his, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. You felt Kai’s arms wrap around your waist, guiding you gently against the wall.
“God, I like you so much,” he whispered into the kiss.
Just as you were losing yourself in the moment, the abrupt sound of the door slamming open ruined the moment the two of you had.
Taehyun and Beomgyu burst into the room, their eyes widening in disbelief as they took in the sight of you and Kai locked in a kiss.
“What the—” Taehyun’s voice came out as a high-pitched yelp, his hand flying to his mouth in shock.
The room was filled with a jumble of screams—your and Kai’s shocked cries mixing with Taehyun’s and Beomgyu’s high-pitched shouts. The noise was deafening, with each of you trying to out-scream the other. 
“DO YOU EVER KNOCK?!” Kai yelled at the two of them.
“Enough about us! What the heck are you two doing? Spit-swapping in front of us like that?” Taehyun yelled.
You and Kai stood there, red-faced and speechless, your hands still intertwined but your mouths firmly shut. The embarrassment was palpable as you both tried to avoid eye contact, your cheeks burning with the sudden realization of being caught.
The two of you glanced at each other, then back at Taehyun and Beomgyu.
“Spit it out!” Beomgyu rolled his eyes, clearly impatient.
“We like each other?” Kai managed to fumble out, his voice trembling slightly.
At that moment, the room erupted into a new kind of chaos. Taehyun and Beomgyu, now visibly relieved and overjoyed, screamed with happiness.
“FINALLY!” Taehyun shouted, his voice a mix of triumph and excitement. “I KNEW IT!”
“Oh my god!” Beomgyu exclaimed, clapping his hands together in delight. “We can finally sleep in peace!”
“No more emo Huening Kai nights!”
“No more sad songs!”
Beomgyu and Taehyun grabbed each other’s hands, jumping in circles and celebrating for reasons you couldn’t quite grasp.
“Emo Huening Kai nights?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Every time you went out on a date with someone, Kai would come home with this sad look on his face,” Taehyun explained. “He wouldn’t want to play any games or do anything fun.”
“He’d just pout, act like a baby, order Chinese takeout, and then moan about how the guy you were dating didn’t deserve you,” Beomgyu continued, trying to hold back his laughter.
You looked at Kai, who was now blushing deeply and rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. “Well, that explains a lot,” you said, chuckling.
“When you both explain it like that, it makes me sound pathetic,” Kai said, shaking his head.
“But it was pathetic?” Beomgyu asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think it’s cute,” you said with a smile.
“Gross,” Beomgyu said, scrunching up his face in mock disgust. “Wait, does this mean we’ll have to see this more often? GROSS!”
“I can’t believe Huening found a girl before us,” Taehyun sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“It’s possible that the two of you lack a certain charisma,” Kai replied with a teasing grin.
“Oh, and you have it?” Taehyun laughed, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, I do have the world’s greatest girlfriend,” Kai said, glancing at you with a proud smile.
“Girlfriend?” You teased, your eyes twinkling with mischief. “Who said anything about me being your girlfriend?”
Kai’s face turned a shade redder as he stammered, “Well, I—I just thought—”
“Thought what?” you interrupted, a playful smirk on your lips. “That I’d be your girlfriend even if you didn’t ask? I’m not that easy.”
“I’m sorry,” Beomgyu interjected, “You’re a little confident right now. Aren’t you the same girl who messaged me about how Kai looked like he had the most pillowy, kissable lips you’d ever seen?”
Your cheeks heated up. “CHOI BEOMGYU!”
“Oh, and also that cute little private TikTok you did after you cried over Kai…? Really cute,” Beomgyu continued, his grin widening.
In a desperate bid to stop him from revealing more, you clenched your fists and lunged at Beomgyu. You jumped onto his back and covered his mouth with your hands, muffling his voice before he could spill any more secrets. 
Taehyun and Kai erupted into giggles, but Kai's laughter suddenly faltered as he realized, “Wait… what TikTok?”
“She did a TikTok where—” Beomgyu started, but you quickly shoved your hands over his mouth, pressing down firmly to silence him.
Unfortunately, Beomgyu was way stronger than you. With one swift move, he had you slung over his shoulder, your legs flailing as you tried to wriggle free.
“Fine. I won’t tell. Yet,” Beomgyu said with a mischievous grin.
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centeris2 · 9 months
I wonder which game (franchise) is more nonsensical lore wise: Star Stable Online or Garten of Banban
Garten of Banban is truly some nonsense, with each new "chapter" (a new game that costs more money to buy and play) adding new characters and "story" that make less and less sense. They even skipped Chapter 5. Just straight up didn't release it, they went right on to Chapter 6 because??? I guess the devs got so ahead of themselves they forgot what number they were on, so the games go from 4 to 6. But it does not actively go back and release the previous games, requiring people to rebuy the game from the beginning to see the "new lore" to understand the "new" and updated story.
Star Stable, meanwhile, also has a great deal of nonsense and lack of foreshadowing so you can't guess where the plot or next story beat is going. Their magic system is so soft and irrational (or veers very deep into Looks Cool rather than Solves Problems, depending on how you want to 'classify' their magic system) that there is basically no way to guess what new magical plot development is going to be pulled out to save the next installment. This is further frustrated by constant retconning and full on redoing intro quests, to the game and NPCs, that can only be accessed by making a brand new account with a new email and buying the game all over again. What's the story in SSO? Hell if I know, when I started my character was there for the summer before starting college in the fall at the Hippological Institute and Anne was missing for 2 years.
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darylsfavoritegirl · 20 days
warning: age!gap (reader is in her 20s, Logan is in his 40s)
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Logan loves your thighs.
Logan locked eyes on you all along, from the very first day you had joined the x men as a mutant.
You had tried to have control over yourself many times, not give in with the wolverine for he was much older than you.
Though harmless flirting couldn't harm anyone, you believed. There would be plenty days where you would play along with his fancy words he'd utter, trying to get a reaction out of you, fluster you next to others.
It turned into a brittle, passive-aggresive game easily. If he was trying to get under your skin by putting you into tough situations next to others, you were going to do the same.
One day he was in the kitchen of the apartment you were in for a quick meeting together in washington with the others, he was sipping a cup of water as he put it on the countertop, his hands resting on it. You had to grab yourself something to eat quickly as you hadn't eaten a piece all day. You had to reach to a cupboard he was standing infront of, when you murmured "Logan, could you-" softly and before even letting him move even a little, you got infront of him as your ass grinded against his jeans and he had to take a step back as he looked down at your hair. He smelled in your perfume, for a second he had to close his eyes, not letting his animal urges control him when you were obviously doing this on purpose. He was fine with it all when he had set eyes upon you, looking at you like a piece of his favorite meal and working towards having it, nevertheless, you had never responded back for quite a time but once you did, he had your game figured out. Yet it was only driving him more insane.
The way you'd wear the skimpiest shorts and skirts and bend over infront him on a windy day, the way your thighs would be much times larger when you sat down, the way you were inside of his head all times and he wouldn't complain, the way your eyes would form that special look of yours you'd have whenever you flirted with someone else, the way your hair would look after a shower, the way your skin send off a radiant, pure, angelic smell and the way it was so soft and he'd get a feel of them whenever you'd stand next to eachother, the way yours would graze his. All of this would cause him to want more of you, crave you and your body and everything of you.
You couldn't believe yourself how you'd feel a flicker of jealousy sparkling inside of you whenever you'd see him with other women. Whenever he'd have one next to him, entering his own room at a random hotel you stayed.
"Busy as ever, huh?" You'd joke
He would raise his eyes and point the woman he was with in an insinuating manner. He was a charming man after all, women would drool all over him as he knew how to have his way with them.
The second he was out of sight, your smile would drop leaving you with a stoned face. You'd keep working on your plans to shrug off the distracting thoughts in the lobby.
One of those days, you found yourself on his bed all dazed, all eager for his hands on you. "I've finally managed to steal you for the night, baby." He'd say slowly as he was undoing his belt and jeans.
He loved stretching you out with his girth, he loved making you watch yourself take him all in on a mirror, or a with video he begged to take. The more you would take him deep in your cunt, the more your eyes would roll back, so overwhelmed with him in you, the way he forced you to have an eye contact with him, the way he wanted nothing but to study your face and expressions as he was balls deep in you, going deeper and deeper. The way your cunt released juices, coating his cock and wetting down your thighs.
The way you'd whimper, the way you'd moan, the way you'd stutter his name between shaky breaths, the way your brows would crease against his touch would make him lose it.
And oh did he adore your thighs.
Some mornings you'd get ready together to go wherever you were needed. You'd put on your panties on first and before even letting you put on anything else he'd call for you.
You'd go to the room he would be in, he'd usually be sitting down on a chair next to the bed, topless. He'd wrap his hands around your waist, right above your hips as he'd bury his face at the bottom of your stomach and he'd stay like that for a few seconds as you'd run your fingers through his hair and feel his beard tickling your belly, and his strongs arms welcoming you in.
He'd place kisses on the front of your thighs as one of his hands would be grabbing your ass.
Sometimes he'd find you lying down on his bed, he'd sit down at the end of it, eyes deviantly roaming your legs. And then he'd pull you to himself by grabbing your thighs, with his body placed between two of your legs, he'd lean in, gripping your thighs as he'd travel his kisses up your body, from your thighs to your lips.
He'd bite your inner thighs softly time to time, enough to make your face grimace but nothing more as he'd chuckle while his head being buried between your thighs.
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darnell-la · 25 days
Wolverine forcing you to squirt for the first time?? Pretty please?
note: if you’d like an older Wolverine, you can request again. we wrote this one too fast and made it the younger Wolverine. it’s still hot!
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
“Can’t tell me you’ve never squirted before and expect me to move on with life,” Logan said after placing you on the bathroom counter he had dragged you to during a drinking game.
The party was loud and you could still hear people playing Truth or Shot. After one of the girls asked if a man had made you squirt, and you answered that you hadn’t even done such a thing, Logan knew he had to do something about it.
He had made an excuse, asking if you could come fill up his cup with him. Of course, you came with him. He was a good friend, but you didn’t know he’d throw his cup away and drag you to the nearest bathroom.
“L-Logan -- Calm down,” Y/n gasped as his teeth sunk into her neck. “Ah uh,” he crowled, needing to give her what she deserved. “Can smell you, baby -- Can’t just leave you like this,” the man’s hands ripped at her panties after he pulled her dress up.
The young girl let out a low and shaky moan as his finger pushed inside of her. His eyes glued right on her face, watching her fall apart on his fingers in an instant.
“C’mon, baby, give it to me,” he growled, as he turned and twisted his finger in and out of her. “Too much,” she said whined as her hands fell on his shoulder. “Fuck, there’s no way,”
Logan couldn’t believe it, It seemed like she was a virgin. There’s no way one finger would make her get like this.
“Don’t lie to me, baby — Just tell me another man’s made you cum,” Logan wanted to know, but he knew the answer already. His eyes still locked onto hers, as her eyes drifted away every few seconds. She felt high, but she hadn’t smoked or drank tonight.
“N-No one has, Logan,” y/n took a while to admit, but thankfully for him, she got it out. The young girl's mind was going crazy. Logan hadn't ever shown a lick of affection towards her, yet now he was worried about whether a man had touched her?
She was confused, but he wasn’t. The thought of another man making her squirt first was unacceptable to him. He couldn’t let that happen.
Logan let his ego get the best of him, but so what? He was going to make her squirt tonight, tomorrow, the day after, and then the days after that. He was going to be the first and then last.
“I know you can take another,” the man said as he pulled out, instantly pushing two in next. “Logan!” The girl moaned at the burning feeling of her walls stretching. She was wet, but she still had to get used to the new and unfamiliar feeling.
“Fuck, yes, baby,” Logan couldn’t get over her. She looked so damn pretty. He wished he had done this months ago. He’ll gain those days back. He’ll spend every day licking at her cunt until she drowns him.
“P-P-Please,” y/n stuttered hard, trying to close her legs, but the man used his free hand to push them back open. He gripped her tightly. She wasn't going to stop him. He needed this.
“Keep your fuckin’ legs open, or I’ll fuck this cunt dumb,” the man threatened, wanting nothing to get in the way of feeling her drench his fingers. She has already coated them with slightly white and clear liquid. She never knew a man would like how much she leaked.
“Logan,” the girl gripped his shoulders tighter with a sob, feeling the knot in her stomach getting harder to control. She was embarrassed, but he wanted all over her whether she wanted to give it to him or not.
“Be a good girl — Make a mess, and I’ll clean that shit right up,” the man told no lie as his two fingers curled. Within seconds, y/n’s mouth parted as her head leaned back. Her eyes crossed as she felt her legs go stiff and her toes curled.
“Augh,” she let out a choked cry as she released on the man’s fingers. “Oh, that’s it, baby — That’s it!” The man finger fucked her cunt a bit harder to get every last drop out of her.
“P-Please,” the girl pushed at his wrists, needing a break, but he wouldn't stop. She gave up after a while and decided to pull the man into a tight hug as she struggled to breathe.
Y/n was still leaking down his hand. She couldn’t stop. He had made the girl go on for almost an hour until she passed out on his chest. breathing lightly from the exhaustion.
Logan couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing he had the girl dumb and cute, all for him. She was his. She marked him, and later when he sweet talks her into taking him as hers, he'll mark her.
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octoberautumnbox · 2 months
The Sultry and Pervy Soda in Apartment 307
tripleS Seo Dahyun & Male Reader (ft. Kep1er Seo Youngeun)
Categories/warnings: smut, voyeur, masturbation, buncha others maybe idk I forgor
Word count: 6.1k
a/n: thanks to @thewritingrowlet for beta, to @sinswithpleasure for making me get off my ass to write this, and to @midnightdancingsol for the more-than-welcome poking me with a stick y'all r awesome :DDDD
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Street lamps flickered to life as the sun shone a golden hue across the sky. The festivities were just about ending and people were exchanging goodbyes and good nights, clearing out slowly – one by one, then pairs, then swathes of people vacating the increasingly empty street. It was a grand stroke of luck for you to move into the neighborhood right before the street fair, and the moving guys didn't mind too much about the tricky navigation and maneuvering once their plates piled high with biryani chicken and jasmine rice. 
After helping stack up the chairs and fold up the tarps, and of course waving at the other volunteers, you spot a girl struggling with a particularly tall tower of dirty paper plates. You rush over to her to lend a hand, but unfortunately for the both of you, the tower topples over and a splattering of soy sauce covers her shirt. 
“Ah, Dahyun-unnie’s gonna kill me…” she whines, and you rush for as many clean tissues still on the tables that haven’t been cleared up. 
“You okay? Anything hurt?” you hand the tissues to her and start picking up the plates, in two piles this time. A cursory glance to her and you find a volunteer’s nametag on her upper left.
“Fine, thanks,” she says as she wipes as much of the liquid off of her clothes as she can, “but if you don’t mind, I need to get changed or else I’ll never get this stain out.”
“No worries, Youngeun. Just get your stuff sorted and I’ll finish up here.”
She smiles and bows just as you get up from the ground, and she rushes off without much more fuss. You drop off the trash in the proper bin, dust off your hands, and after the organizer’s reassurance that they can handle everything else, you head on off to your own apartment. 
Your door clicks shut behind you, and you not-so-gracefully crash into your bed. After the week you've had and the stress from the move, it just feels right to bury your face in your hands and groan in exhaustion. Once you let out a particularly satisfying sigh of fatigue, you let your arms fall to your sides, spread-eagle on the mattress, and drum your fingers into the soft cushioning.
You stare at the ceiling, making vain attempts to distract yourself by thinking random thoughts: “Should I get ice cream tonight?” “How long has the window been open?” “Is the ceiling cream or beige?” “Why does jacking off feel good?” “What's Wooyeon been up to lately?”
The last one does give you an idea, and you reach for your phone to check. Their comeback is just recently out, and you have to say, in one particular fancam she looks a bit too good to not stare. The way her outfit hugs her body, accentuates her curves, shows off just the right amount of skin…
The video plays on, and you casually strip yourself of your pants and underwear. Sitting up properly, you intently watch Wooyeon's performance, paying close attention to her creamy-looking thighs, her cute, glazeable tummy, and her pretty, ruinable smile. In no time at all, you're rubbing your cock to her performance, as if she's dancing just for you. Every wink she does sends another spark of lust through your system, each jiggle of her thighs another wish that you were in between them and eating her out. You keep a steady pace as you jack off to the woman on screen, lazily moving yet dead set on blowing your load to her.
The song draws to a close, the confetti flies, and Wooyeon strikes her ending pose. You admire her body one last time, paying special attention to her cute chest. She bends forward ever so slightly, the perfect tease, before she flashes a show-stopping smile as the camera zooms in on her face. 
You reach your limit, and in no time at all you're shooting your cum into your hand. You had the sense to prepare a roll of tissue paper in your room just for moments like this, and it's not like you'd be admonished even if you weren't living alone. Catching your breath, you reach for the tissues on the desk and clean yourself up. 
A breeze wanders into the room, and you look up to find its source: the open window. Mentally curse yourself, not to let this sort of thing happen again and embarrass yourself. As you make to close it, you find, just across from your own window, another open one that frames someone else. The girl standing in her own room in the building next door has her eyes fixed determinedly on you, her head tilted, her lower lip caught between her teeth just a little bit, and a mysterious smile on the corners of her mouth. 
Immediately you feel heat rise up to your cheeks, and you're sure you've just turned a bright red. The girl's eyes wander up to meet yours, and the smile on her face vanishes. Her expression quickly turns into shock, then she shuts her eyes hard before pulling her curtains closed. Remembering you're in the same situation, you pull yours closed as well. 
If anyone was going to admonish you for anything, it would be yourself, for letting this happen to yourself – What a fucking idiot.
You rise groggily, rolling off of your mattress like a dolt, but you’re at least able to catch yourself before you hit the cold ground. The heat got to you, and the floor seems a much better alternative than your bed at this point. 
Righting your posture and laying your head on the tiles though, you decide this is no way to spend the night no matter how cold they are. Stumble around in the dark for a bit, deciding that it isn't worth the effort to turn on the light, and just resolve to navigate around your new bedroom in an unfamiliar apartment before dawn. Good start to a new life, you joke to yourself.
“Ah, fucking shit,” you grunt in defeat, before getting up and making for your window again. You slowly pull apart the curtains, the rings clacking against the bar much too noisily for whatever time it is now, and open the window to finally let in a cool night breeze. 
The air fills your lungs and nips against the skin of your back, forcing momentary goosebumps before it all settles down and your body relaxes. You head back to bed, considering maybe the blanket you brought down on the floor with you can stay there, when your attention is snatched by a strange noise.
Your eyes drift around the room lazily, but you can't find anything out of the ordinary. Just then, you hear a faint yet distinct set of words in a singsong voice from somewhere just out of sight: “Mmm, fuck yes, daddy…”
It jolts you awake, and the thought hits you. It's dangerous and embarrassing and not at all okay, but you have to know. Just a peek.
You freeze at the window, with nowhere else to look but right at her. “Yeah, it's good, shit…” she moans, seated precariously on her gaming chair, her legs apart and on the armrests on either side of her. She covers her eyes with her hand as her tongue goes crazy, dragging around her lips whenever she's not breathing heavily or saying whatever.
Her other hand works diligently at pumping a dildo into her glistening pussy, intermittently chanting “Just like that…” it seems whenever she hits a particularly good spot and her back arches forward off of the chair. 
Her breath hitches and her back arches just a tiny smidge as she comes to her high. “Mmm… mmmmfuucckkkk– fuck, fuck, yes, hngg~!” Just then her body seizes, her hips jerk slightly, and she pushes her dildo as far in as she can take. She pulls it out recklessly and it's followed by a quick stream of her squirt, then a cream flowing from the freshly fucked hole collecting on the seat of her chair. 
She lays for a moment just like that, out of breath and seemingly satisfied. She licks her lips a couple more times, savoring the feeling of having just came, vying to get her breath under her control once more. Once she's satisfied, she works up the strength in her yet-weak legs to start cleaning herself up: first the tissues for her cunt, then her seat, then she wobbles over to what you assume is a bathroom to wash up.
“... Fuck. Fuck.” You realize you just watched your neighbor pleasure herself, and she has no idea. However, your guilt never surfaces, never forms, having quite enjoyed the show. You can't think of anything else; her cunt is beautiful, slick, creamy, probably sweet to the taste, and if she sounds like that with a dildo, your mind couldn't race fast enough to think of how she'd sound with your cock.
A sharp gasp rips your attention back to the window opposite, and in it you find her wide-eyed and staring right back. Her mouth hangs open and her cheeks shine a bright red, and you feel the responsibility of breaking the stalemate falls on you and you alone. But what the fuck do you say in a situation like this?
You rush for something – anything – to try and salvage the situation, just one thing to say and hopefully be able to face her tomorrow morning like nothing happened. However, your words fail you, and blank after countless blanks are drawn from your head. Panic rises in your chest, your cheeks just as red as hers, and your eye contact with her becomes almost unbearably painful. 
So you break it, albeit accidentally. Your gaze floats down to her flat tummy, admiring how her waist curves like the perfect handles to grab onto while you pull her onto your cock. Even lower still, and you find her exposed pussy, clean shaven and silky smooth to the eye, and for just a moment lewd thoughts intrude your mind once again: the images of her taking her dildo flash before your eyes, leading you to think that however good she felt would be nothing she’s ever had before if you had a shot with her. Inadvertently you lick your lips at the sight of her sex, and you swallow your spit to try and get yourself under control. 
You finally snap out of it, and you notice her staring back at you with a common intention. She’s biting her lip again, her head tilted ever so slightly to the right, and she grips her lap to give you a better view of her pussy lips. Or, it could just be your imagination that she’s showing herself off to you. You’re pitching a tent in your boxers, “Shit, I’m only in my boxers,” and she watches you like her beautiful round eyes are all yours. You stay there for a moment, basking in the lustfulness of the woman before you, and you can only be sure she’s doing the same. 
Her eyes widen again, a different emotion this time, and she takes a panicked look behind her. A bright light enters her bedroom from somewhere you can't see from her window frame, and she hurriedly pulls the curtains shut. Your show is over now, and you’re left with nothing else to do but shut your own window and relieve yourself with the memory of the pretty girl in the next building, half-naked and checking you out. 
“This is stupid,” you scold yourself, “what would I even say to her?” The question lingers in front of you as your feet bring you to the building next door. “Hi, I'm sorry I watched you cum last night.” A poorly constructed string of words for sure, but it is what it is. You toss the thought around some more, but before you know it, you're face to face with the door to the apartment of the girl who you, for lack of a better term, watched cum last night. 
Two quick raps on the wood, right next to the plate inscribed with “Seo Residence,” and you close your eyes. “I'm sorry I watched you cum last night, I'm sorry I watched you cum last night,” you repeat silently. Even with your hopeful attempts to make it sound less absurd, you know it's so irredeemably bad that not even the most heart-wrenching apology would make up for it.
“Can I help you?” The sudden voice shocks your eyes open. The moment you're dreading is delayed for a few more minutes, as the girl that greets you at the door is not the girl from last night. 
“Hi, Youngeun, I'm from, um, the next building,” you stutter out, “I need to talk to, uhh…” and it occurs to you that you don't even know her name. You stare at each other for a good few seconds, when it finally ends with her connecting the dots. 
“Ah, you're here for Unnie,” she concludes. “Dahyun-unnie, the guy from the street fair is here to talk to you.”
“There’s no point in pretending. I know you saw me, and I’m okay with it– I liked it, even. Now, you either come clean and tell me what you saw, or I go around and tell people how you perved on the poor girl who accidentally left her window open on a hot night.”
You gripped at her bedsheets, your fingers just as tense as the breath caught in your throat. It was a good threat, you had to admit, and if only you weren’t on the receiving end, you’d even applaud her. Instead, she stood over you with debilitating authority and a venomous tone. Her smirk did you no favors, highlighting her alluring features, including her gaze as sharp as the edges of a ripped up tin can. She had you.
“Alright,” you surrender, holding up your palms in defeat, “I admit. All I saw was you on the chair, legs apart, dildo in your pussy. That’s all.” It only comes as an afterthought that you did technically watch her cum, but rocking the boat and adding new information unprompted seems like a dangerous move. Instead, you sit still, breath held, and wait for what she might say next.
“... Okay, I believe you. Your secret is safe today.” Hearing that, you release your breath and replace it with new air. Dahyun backs off and relaxes her arms to her sides, and fails to stifle a giggle at watching you fail to decompress. She saunters back over to her chair, the same one you watched her get off in, and crosses her legs. 
Her thighs peek out from under her skirt, forcefully drawing your attention, and the pit in your stomach opens again: keep this up and she’ll have another card to play against you. 
You make a feeble attempt to look her in the eye, and it works for a moment. Once you meet her gaze, you find the same mischievous smirk on her lips, still taunting or teasing you or just showcasing her amusement of the situation. The corners of her mouth curl upwards dangerously, and her eyes thin to scrutinize you as you shrink in the face of her earlier threat. 
“Easy now, I said you’re safe today,” Dahyun giggles. She rests her chin on her hand, still decoding your thoughts with much more ease than you’re comfortable with; all she’s doing is looking at you and somehow you’re unraveling in front of her, getting pushed to stranger and stranger thoughts. You try in vain to find something to protect yourself against her latent mind-reading powers, but once again, nothing comes up. Your stuttering fills the silence of the room for no good reason; your handle on the situation shrinking weaker and weaker. 
The only thing that takes up space in your mind is the memory of her smirking at you after her fat pussy lips were pushed apart, taking her sex toy like it was nobody's business, pleasuring herself while being vaguely aware that you were watching. It was a dangerous skill she was using against you, and for all the wrong reasons, it turns you on even more. 
She suddenly rises from her chair, a hand on her hip once more, and you’re forced to give her all your attention again. She flashes an evil smile at you, one that you could never in your current clouded state ever read, and she places a light yet daunting hand on your shoulder. She inches her face closer and closer to yours, and in no time at all, you're out of space for backing away.
“I already told you I wouldn’t snitch. Why are you so nervous? What do I need to say to calm you down?” She finally takes a seat on the bed right next to you, and she less-than-gently shoves you so that you face away from her. Her fingers dance around your shoulders, finding tense spots you didn't even know were tense. 
“Listen,” she whispers nearly right into your ear, “I won't tell anyone, but you have to do better than that. What exactly did you see? And what did it, erm, make you… feel?” Dahyun plants a kiss right on your nape, and then starts massaging your shoulders and back delicately. She lets out another giggle, but different this time: it's less one of manipulation and more of pure amusement. 
The way she squeezes and rubs your muscles weakens your defenses even more. She expertly maneuvers her fingers, picking the flimsy locks of your psyche, toying with you like you're nothing. You're completely in the palm of her hand, and there's no way out but farther into her grasp. 
“I… You're hot, Dahyun, and I wish I could've seen more,” you finally admit, just as your eyes grow weary. The calm colors of her wallpaper and the faint fragrances of her bedroom lull you into a dangerous sense of serenity. “I just thought… how good it would be,” her massage intensifies ever so slightly, coaxing out more of your confession, “to have you bouncing on my cock.”
Seemingly satisfied, the girl kisses you again on the nape, her lips lingering on the skin of your neck, and it sends shivers outwards, down your spine and across your body. Her arms come under yours and wrap around your chest, and her hands fall gently, non-threateningly, to your belt. She finds her way under your shirt, and she feels up your stomach in soft touches, as if luring you into a trap.
“I was thinking the same thing, Oppa,” she sighs, and before you notice, your belt clacks onto the floor and you hear your jeans zip open. “I thought about how a guy like you should never need to jerk himself off, especially when a volunteer is just next door.” Just like that, she's already stripped you of your pants, and you couldn't be more vulnerable. Dahyun makes her way to your ever-hardening cock, and she takes it in her hand. “Perfect… we're gonna have fun, aren't we, Oppa?”
She kneels on the floor in front of you, and she makes a show of licking and kissing all over your cock. Her plump lips meet your shaft again and again with each kiss, and every so often she takes short drags of her tongue on you to get some much-welcome spit on your cock.
“Fuck, Dahyun,” is all you could put together. Dahyun looks nothing like the type of girl that'd do this to some guy she didn't know, and yet here she is, sucking you off like it’s her sole purpose on this Earth. She shoots you a lustful look, and amongst the closing her eyes to savor your dick on her lips and tongue, she shoots you a sexy wink that nearly makes you fall in love. 
In an effort to not blow your load too early, you grab her by the hair, strands tangling around your fingers and trapping you just as well as you’re trapping her. You pull her off your cock with a yank, and the sudden jerk of her head makes her choke on her own spit. She tries admonishing you, but between teary eyes and a momentarily scratchy throat, she can’t say much. 
Use this to your advantage, jump at the opportunity to gain the upper hand. Stand as quick as you can, throw her onto the bed. Amidst everything, she’s unable to react, only fully grasping the situation after her last cough, when she’s laid flat on her mattress with a pillow beneath her head. Huh, who knew you had such good aim.
“Tough guy, huh? Never would’ve guessed; Youngeun sang you praises for being so sweet when she stained her shirt. Or was that your plan all along?” Despite the situation, she doesn’t try to get up or take back control. Instead, she blinks prettily at you, licks her lips, smiles a sultry smile. 
“Accusing me of being a pervert, even though you started it when you watched me jack off first.” Hide the shakiness of your voice, reclaim the breath she so easily stole away. Your hands slide up her legs, from her calves to her things and finally to under her skirt. Find the garter of her underwear, tease her by slipping your fingers under. “Projecting, aren’t we?”
She lifts her hips off the bed to help you strip her, the slow rise of her ass and the clumsy reveal of her pussy lips leading you to believe maybe she’s still the one pulling the strings. Despite all this, your appetite grows as her glistening cunt comes into view, and all you can think to yourself is how much more delicious it looks up close. Ridding her of her underwear, there’s nothing else to do but to dive right in. 
It doesn’t take long, not at all, before Dahyun is squirming against your tongue on her clit. She runs her fingers through your hair, settling on the back of your head. Not long at all, and it’s just a few swipes of your tongue against her sex before she holds you in place with her legs, her thighs you couldn’t get enough of earlier now like clamps preventing your escape. Your hands are firm on her hips, making sure she doesn’t get away either, and your onslaught finally begins.
“Fuck, I knew you’d be good at that–” she sighs, savoring the feeling of finally having another person get her off. She moans her love without shame; an audience through her open window is nothing compared to you right between her legs. A horrid sense of shame comes over her as she watches you watch her squirm and thrash from being eaten out: her face reddens, her lip quivers, her pussy leaks more and more to entice and keep you from leaving her forever. Never mind that she forgets that you need air to breathe; you almost agree that right now Dahyun is the only thing keeping you alive at all.
She’s starting to buck her hips, her thighs nearly crushing your head between them, her back arching to signal her impending release. Any moment now, she'll lose control and her floodgates will open; she'll threaten to drown you with her love, she'll tug at your hair and grind against your face as her orgasm overtakes her. Fight to keep her down, struggle against her thrashing to hold her hips steady. Your determination to receive the reward for all your hard work drives you: relish in the smoothness of her skin under your fingertips, savor the slick that she releases just for you. 
“Mmf, fuck yes, please, oh my god, oh mmm–”
“Hnnggg– Aaahh!” Another voice interrupts Dahyun's, and her attention whips to where it came from. The door swings open behind you, or at least you hear it, as Dahyun squeezes you ever harder right as her climax arrives. 
“Youngeun, what are you– Aaaaahhh!” She explodes right onto your tongue, and for a moment the world fades around you. Her nectar floods your senses with perfection you could never find anywhere else, the hauntingly succulent mix of sweetness and sin drawing out your own moans as she thrashes against her mattress. You force out more of her juices with relentless laps at her sex, while the frenzied pulling at your hair and pushing against your forehead tells you she doesn’t know what she wants past letting out everything she can. 
It takes just a little while longer before she settles, and as she releases you from her legs you get a grasp of what just happened. Youngeun is unsteady at the door, a hand on the frame and the other still in her shorts. The look in her eyes is one of shock and embarrassment like you’ve never seen, and by the way Dahyun stares back, frozen and equally wide-eyed, you gather the situation at the very least isn't what they were expecting either. 
Tension hangs heavy in the air, and neither of them move an inch. You're only still in the middle of recovering from having your breath taken away, but it grows more uncomfortable for you most of all. As far as you're concerned, they're stepsisters, and the younger one who thought you were sweet for helping her in the street fair just watched you eat out her elder sister and got off like some porn video. 
Youngeun is the one to break the ice: “Shit, unnie, I'm sorry, I'll go! Just forget I was here–” before getting cut off herself. “Hey,” Dahyun reigns, “sit.” She motions her sister towards the gaming chair, and Youngeun, judgment clouded with fear, takes sheepish steps to approach it. 
Dahyun pulls you up to her eye level, keeping hands on your cheeks, and meets your lips with hers delicately. “Mmm, bet that was just as good for you, huh?” She runs her tongue over your mouth to lap up her spent essence, and you meet her halfway, deepening the kiss.
Still, the presence recently known is now a presence impossible to ignore. Despite Dahyun’s love spreading from her lips to yours, her heat bringing your temperature up all the same, you can’t help but be wary of the girl on her gaming chair taking after her sister, legs on the armrests and fingers in her dripping cunt. Dahyun tries in vain to pull your attention back to her, only her, and how could you resist either one? 
“Mm, Youngeunie,” she sings, breaking away momentarily, “behind you, on the right, top drawer, it’ll help.” She returns to the kiss as easily as drawing the curtains to show you, while off to the side you hear the shuffling friction of wood against wood as her sister pulls out the drawer.
“Unnie, this is…” she says, but the thought is lost and replaced with a prolonged moan. Dahyun slips her tongue into your mouth, grunting as she feels your cock throb against the lips of her puffy cunt, coating your shaft with her liquid heat and coaxing you into a worsening state of mind. Her pussy quivers against the underside of your cock, chipping away at your common sense, until…
Meet your forehead to hers, make sure she stays how she is. Your left hand wraps around her neck, controlling her air and keeping her still, while your right dips into her sex to draw out her slick for you. Stroke your cock at the evil you’re planning, line up your tip to her entrance, and with absolutely no warning, no mercy, no reprieve, push your head past her welcoming glistening lips and into her tight, loving pussy. 
“Mmmm, fuck, shit, oh– Oh my god, oh my god!!” Dahyun’s pleasure comes in the form of unsteady grunt and weak scratches against the hand on her neck. Her face takes on a light shade of red, her forehead creases, and her tongue is only nearly starting to stick out. Her pussy squeezes around your cock like it never wants to let go, her tightness driving you crazy with how good she feels, that you maybe wouldn’t mind putting a fucking baby in her. 
Your hand leaves her neck and immediately she pulls you down to kiss the bruises you almost left there. Keep pounding into her, feeling her slick all over your cock, throbbing hard and hitting her good spots while sliding in and out of her pussy like it was all yours. 
The moment her fingers relax then tense in your hair, you’re given just enough freedom back to see what’s gotten her so distracted, only to find–
Youngeun slumps further back onto the chair as far as she can without falling off. Her toes curl in the air as she diligently and roughly pumps the dildo in and out of her own cunt. Her top is pulled over above her chest, and she pinches and tweaks her nipples nonstop while cupping and squeezing her tits. “Unnie, unnie, fuck, he’s so hot…” she moans, dead-set on fucking herself with her sister’s dildo to the sight of you railing her beloved unnie. 
“Fuck, Youngeunie, you’re such a pervert for getting off to this…” Dahyun again lifts her back off the mattress, and you know by now what this means. Her grunts turn erratic just as quickly, her pussy clenching tighter around you, practically begging you to stay inside her.
“Hngg, unnie, h-how good is he? I bet he f-feels so big…” “He really fucking is,” she sighs, waiting for the inevitable, slowly letting her sensibilities go. Her lips crash onto yours once more, slipping you her tongue like retaking its rightful place in your mouth. The sight of it causes you to throb inside her again, and amidst the thrusts in and out of her cunt along with Youngeun's own jerking off to your side, you feel your time's drawing to a close. 
Make the most of it, who knows if you'll ever get this chance again. Pull Dahyun up to sit on your lap, force her to bounce on your cock. She follows like a good girl; savoring how you feel inside her, making sure that your cock is snug and comfy between her tight, slick walls. Your hands slide under her top to grope her chest, and she lets out a sultry moan of approval at how you're handling her so well. Her nipples are taut and hard against your fingertips, and the circling around her sensitive mounds only does you favors as she gets wetter and wetter, taking your cock like a champ.
“I can't fucking take it anymore,” she grunts out loud, and in one swift motion her top leaves her body, exposing all of herself to you. Before you could even dive in yourself, she pulls you onto her chest, and as soon as you're able to, you get her nipple in between your teeth. Her boobs bounce against your face as she rides you even harder, desperately chasing her own release, seeming to forget everything and everyone else. 
“Fuck, fuck!” Youngeun switches hands; poor thing must be getting tired. A quick look back over to her and you find the dildo covered with slick and cream, her pussy red and puffy, her nipples sore and just as hard as her unnie's, and her eyes near tears. A quick bout of desire to get off to the sight of her overcomes you, but Dahyun tears your attention back to her, switching to her other nipple, just as she starts grinding against your dick like she found a better spot to hit inside her.
“Unnie, I-I'm close, please, you’re so hhhhot,” the younger begs in reckless need. Her toes curl and uncurl in weary need, tears starting to streak down the sides of her faces, just as her hair sticks to her forehead at the drops of sweat only starting to form enmasse. 
Dahyun pulls you away, back to her, and rests her head on your shoulder, “Oppa, I’m close too,” she says with incessant sighs and gasps, curiously in sync with her bounces on your cock, “i-indulge me, would you?” She looks at you with the same weary love, the same tired, impatient persuasion. 
Steel your resolve in the face of her begging. You’re finally in a winning position, with the pretty neighbor girls in the palm of your hand. A different emotion seeps into your head, one of responsibility: to finish what you started, to make good on your promises, to show both of them a good time. Dahyun’s half-lidded eyes flutter open and shut with every suckle and bite at her breasts, while Youngeun’s thighs jiggle with every forceful jerk of her hips against her toy. They’ve had enough, and you’re reaching your limit too.
“Keep your window open, got it?” A surge of confidence laces your voice at the most unexpected time, and brings out a lustful groan from the girl on your lap. “Yes, oppa, watch me all you l-like…” 
“Good girl. And you,” your attention shoots to Youngeun, who you find has her lower lip between her teeth and nearly drawing blood, “you’re fucked in the head for getting off to this, but I kind of like that.” Upon hearing it, her eyes shut as she pistons her dildo as hard and fast as she can into her pussy, screaming “Fuck, oppa, please! Watch me too!!!”
The perfect opportunity reveals itself, the strings pulled taut against both of your puppets in a cruel dance for your pleasure. A bite on Dahyun’s neck and a mind-numbingly deep thrust into her sex is the last straw to finally send her over the edge as well. 
“Oh shit, oh shit, I’m cumming!!!” A beautiful cry rips across her throat, and her pussy squeezes tight around your throbbing cock. Her juices flow out of her cunt generously, spraying all over your lap and the bedsheets underneath you. She buries her face into your shoulder, her teeth finding and marking flesh where her lips surround. Dahyun constricts around you, her body seizing and gripping onto you tight as her hips jerk with every stream of her girlcum that sprays out her sore cunt. Her fingers dig into your back, in no way hard enough to draw blood but only as hard as to leave marks, while her legs wrap around your waist in dire need to keep you in place and draw as much of her pleasure as she humanly can from you. 
“Hngg, hahh, haaaAAAHHH!” Off to the side, Youngeun’s climax crashes over her as well, causing her toes to curl and her eyes to shut as hard as she can. She twists and turns the toy inside her pussy, hitting her good spot again and again as her cum gushes out of her in messy streams down onto the seat of her chair and floor in front of her. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and her tongue hangs free from her mouth, her ass jiggles with every jerk of her hips forward, and a prolonged and mindless moan snakes its way through her throat like music to you and your partner’s ears. 
After all this, Dahyun’s whimpering finally brings you over the edge too. Her weak cries are the signal of her surrender to you, and what better way to claim her than to give her what she wants? Your grip on her waist tightens, and surely your handprints will stay on her sides for her to admire and recall when she misses you, but for now you keep her still just as she does to you. One last thrust into her is all that’s left, hit her good spot one last time, and it all comes crashing down. You erupt into her pussy, filling her with a burning heat that spreads through her entire fertile body. Each spurt of cum forces another groan of love from her, and she savors the feeling of being filled with your seed like it’s what she was made for. Your forehead meets hers and you capture her lips, and more of her tiny grunts and sighs slip through as your tongues dance around each other.
Once it ends, and you feel your cum stream out of her from the sheer amount alone, you crash sideways onto her pillow with her. She stays wrapped around you, breathing heavy and looking satisfied, just like her stepsister on her chair just a few feet away. Youngeun catches you waving her over, and she takes the spot on the bed opposite her unnie to cuddle up next to you as well. Dahyun snores quietly on your left, while Youngeun snuggles your chest to your right, and with two of your pretty neighbors bare and spent thanks to you, you drift off to sleep with them knowing you’d always enjoy a show the moment you ask. 
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lovelettersfromluna · 3 months
Champagne Coast
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Summary: Ellie’s a dickhead that knows exactly how to make you feel good….go figure.
an: this one is a little short, but I have lots planned for the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy regardless 🤍
Warnings: MDNI!! 18+ ONLY, smut!, angst!, Ellie is…she’s really bad at the beginning of this one I’m sorry, mean!Ellie, reader has a brother (he’s a sweetheart but also a moron), new girl in town who is very mean to reader, jealousy, slight sub!Ellie if you squint, needy!Ellie, tribbing? (Idek if what they do is considered tribbing you let me know if it is), lazy make out, mentions of weed and alcohol, Ellie is TIPSY not fucked up during the sex scene I promise, Ellie sucks on readers nipple, please lmk if I missed anything!
Taglist: @elliessgfsstuff @gaylittleellie @quinnister @hopelesssheaven @beelzcutiie @luvrluvrr @mikaaj @lasmirabels
You can read part one here!
If you thought the events that took place at the party last weekend was going to change yours and Ellie’s dynamic in any way shape or form…
You were sorely mistaken.
You weren’t entirely sure what would happen after that night with Ellie, or why it even happened to begin with. It hurt your head to even think about it, any attempt at trying to figure out why the hell Ellie of all people would ever want to do those things to you was headache inducing. You even questioned your own sanity for a bit, wondering if it was all a hazy dream as a result of your drunken state, because surly that made more sense than Ellie following you up to your room to eat your pussy until you saw stars.
But no, not even you had an imagination strong enough to create a feeling like the one Ellie gave you that night.
So if she did come up to your room to kiss you like that, and touch you like that, and make you feel like that then…
Surly things would change, right?
You didn’t even look too deep into things, even though the circumstances called for it. You didn’t think this meant something more than it truly was, like it was Ellie’s sick and twisted way of dangling you by a thread for nearly your entire life just to blow your mind one night at a random party to admit that she has a crush on you or something, there was no way that was the case. Ellie was a lot of things, but she wasn’t that good at hiding her feelings.
Which was why you knew that wasn’t this. You knew Ellie didn’t like you, you knew that you’ve been nothing more than a constant bump in the road that stopped her and your brother from doing all the things they wanted, she had made that clear to you from the moment she met you.
But that didn’t mean you didn’t want to at least talk to her about things.
Talking to Ellie became nearly impossible after that night.
Sure, her and your brother were never really at home. They had very busy schedules being who they were, they were almost always invited to different outings or parties that people around town had, so their presence was rather scarce almost all the time.
But that didn’t mean that they weren’t ever home, there would be ‘rest days’ where they would rot on your couch playing video games and eating left over pizza, nursing a nasty hangover or hiding away from a particularly hot summer sun. There would be at least two days out of the week where you weren’t all alone in the big house.
It had been almost three weeks since the party, and you hadn’t seen Ellie or your brother since.
You got small glimpses of Ellie dragging your brother out to his car early in the morning when you were just waking up, or pulling in to the driveway late at night long after you’d gone to sleep, giving up on trying to wait up on them to watch a movie or something.
And you weren’t an idiot, you caught onto the sudden disappearance of the two very quickly, and it was clear to see that this wasn’t along the lines of their usual summer festivities.
No, Ellie was avoiding you.
Which made things all the more confusing. You weren’t sure if she was doing it for you, or for her own comfort, or if she was just embarrassed that it had even happened, regretting the events so much that it was driving her away from the place that she was staying at.
But it had gone past even wanting to talk to her about it. You still did, and you’d take the first chance that you got to do it, but you missed them, Ellie and your brother. Even just knowing they were both downstairs brought you comfort, allowing you to know you weren’t falling asleep in the giant house by yourself. Despite the taunting and the teasing, it was nice simply having them around.
It felt like you were being punished for something you didn’t even do.
Alas, you were spending another night alone, one you could have been spending out in the city with your friends, hopping from one moody bar to the next before you all inevitably trudged back to your cozy apartment to keep the party going until you all passed out in your living room while watching Star Wars.
Instead you were carrying out the familiar routine you had set up for yourself. You found a new recipe you wanted to try earlier in the day, drove out into town to grab a few groceries and a bottle of wine, came back and cooked, ate dinner and showered, putting yourself in your comfy pajamas before retreating to the living room to finish your glass while watching a movie to fill up the thick silence that filled your house.
You let out a gentle sigh as your eyes drifted over to the large clock on the wall, seeing that it was already almost midnight. You had long since given up on wishful thinking, hoping you’d at least catch a glimpse of your brother before you went to bed. They wouldn’t be arriving until anywhere between two and four am.
After washing up the last bit of your dishes and turning off all the lights (all except the patio light, a silent gesture to the two of them that acted a bit as a ‘goodnight’ from your end) you made your way up to your bedroom, went about your night time routine and tucked yourself into bed for another night of rest.
You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, allowing the warm glow to lull you to sleep and fill your brain with nonsense in a way that made it easy not to think, when you heard the sound of your brothers Jeep roaring into the driveway, paired with his sound system blasting whatever dumb song he was obsessed with this week.
It made you frown, surly you hadn’t scrolled for that long. Derek and Ellie wouldn’t be home for another three hours, you had to exit out of the app you were using to check the time-
It was only 12:03
This was very unlike Ellie and Derek, so much so that the first thing you felt at their sudden arrival was worry. Was something wrong? Did one of them get sick? Did they suddenly have a change of heart and wanted to spend some time with you?
You needed to go downstairs and check
Your sock cladded feet padded along the wooden stairs as you made your way down, hearing as the front door creaked open, allowing the sounds of your brother and Ellie’s voices to fill up the space, paired with the sound of a few unfamiliar ones.
Now, did you at all think this through? No. Did you even stay at your window long enough to see who exactly was coming out of your brother’s car? Of course not.
Did you see that it wasn’t just Ellie and Derek coming into your house?
Unfortunately, no.
Before you can think any of this through, you’re standing at the bottom of your stairs, arms crossed over your chest as Derek and Ellie lead in about eight other people into your house, their chatter filling up the room and nearly distracting them from seeing you.
But you can’t worry about that right now.
“Derek?” You call out softly, your brows gently furrowed in soft confusion as your hands cup your bare arms from the chill of the air conditioning.
He’s mid laugh when he hears you, his smile slowly dropping once he turns around, his eyes finding you at the bottom of the stairs, the image of worry clear on your face.
Your brother would never admit it, but his heart tugs over the fact that this is his first time seeing your face in almost three weeks, and the only emotion you’re expressing is worry over him.
He clears his throat, his lips tugging into a lazy smile before he lets out a slight chuckle. “What are you doing up? Isn’t it past your bedtime?” He chuckles out, causing the group of people to snicker behind him, which only makes you frown further.
You ignore them though, instead looking at your brother.
“Are you…okay? You’re never home this early” you question, the look of concern still on your face.
Derek opens his mouth to respond, but he’s quickly cut off by an unfamiliar voice.
“Didn’t know you had a second mom, Derek” a low and sultry voice calls out from behind him. When your eyes trail to where the sound comes from, you finally notice the girl that it belongs to.
She captivates you almost instantly. Her flawless complexion, her perfect hair, her glossy lips that are pulled into a taunting smirk as she watches you, eyes filled with judgment raking down your body, taking in the little fruits printed onto your pajama set.
Perfect legs settled on Ellie’s lap.
Your eyes shift from that, to the way Ellie’s hands caress her hip, fingers toying with the exposed skin where her top ends and her designer denim jeans begin.
When you finally look up at Ellie, shes resting against the couch, bottom lip tugged beneath her perfect teeth as she practically bites back a smile, watching you as the girl in her lap presses her fingers against her lips to push back her giggles.
Your attention is forced away from your brother, now shifted over to Ellie. You have to ignore the pretty girl on her lap and her intense stare. Her eyes smolder in a way that makes your insides flip, and it makes you wanna run away and hide for the rest of your life. But you promised yourself that the next time you saw Ellie, you’d take the first chance you had to speak to her.
No matter how embarrassing it was doing this in front of all these people.
You inhaled deeply before you cleared your throat, making your way over to Ellie and the girl on the couch.
“Can I…talk to you in private…please?” You ask quickly, your voice low as you practically mumble out the words.
Both Ellie and the girl on her lap laugh softly together, and you watch as Ellie tries to muffle the noise by pressing her face to the girls back.
“Anything you need to say can be said here…so what is it?” She practically spits out, her tone making you frown deeply as you try to swallow back the nasty words you have for her.
“Seriously Ellie I just need like five minutes-“ your quickly cut off by the girl in her lap, pretty eyes staring up at you from her spot on top of Ellie as she juts out her bottom lip in a fake pout, one that she’s using to clearly mock you.
“Awe…does the little baby wanna confess her crush? That’s so cute…go on, you can tell her” she mocks you as she pours her words out, her words followed by a soft giggle, which only makes Ellie laugh with her.
You scoff at her, your arms crossing over your chest as you finally look over at her. “Who even are you?” You challenge her, which only makes her raise her eyebrows in surprise before she giggles softly.
“So she does speak…I’m Hazel it’s nice to meet you princess” she drawls out, her tone making you frown further.
“Is that all you needed? I’m dying to hear what’s so important for you to take Ellie from me…” she hums out, her fingers toying with the hair at the nape of Ellie’s neck.
Ellie hums softly, her lips creeping up to work against Hazel’s neck as she pulls her close to her chest.
“As if she could ever…” Ellie mumbles against her skin.
Her words send a shiver down your spine.
It makes you want to say things that you’ll regret, because Ellie didn’t feel that way when she was settled between your legs, her mouth working against your cunt as if it were her last meal, as if her fucking life depended on it.
But you know that no one in the room would believe you.
You inhale deeply before you let out a gentle sigh, shaking your head. “Forget about it…it was nothing” you mumble out before you turn around, your eyes drifting over to your brother and giving him the biggest ‘fuck you’ stare of all time before you make your way up the stairs.
“Cute pjs by the way!” You can hear Hazel call out when you’re halfway up, followed by a plethora of laughs that follow, all of which belonging to your brothers idiot friends.
Ellie being the loudest of course.
You make sure to lock your door when you’re in your bedroom, your throat burning with the familiar feeling of tears as you shove your face into your pillow, embarrassed at the fact that Ellie even had the power to make you feel so low, so fucking cheap that she used you for a night before going back to her cruel ways.
You knew one thing was for sure. You were completely done with her.
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You weren’t exactly sure what Ellie was up to, but you knew that it was pissing you off.
You would give anything for the quiet and empty house you had when Ellie was avoiding you. It was lonely and honestly kind of scary at times but you were alone! And you didn’t have to deal with anyone or anything that you didn’t want to.
Now you couldn’t remember the last time you were alone.
Because ever since that night with Hazel, Ellie had been bringing her over almost every single day. It was like she was fucking moving in for the summer.
And it wasn’t like there was a problem with that. There were many times your brother and Ellie would bring girls over, using each other as a wing man to hype the other up. Sure, you’d feel bad for those poor girls because they picked the two dumbest people your town had to offer, but there was nothing wrong with it.
But Hazel was a fucking bitch.
She wasn’t nice at all. You didn’t need her to dote on you and put on some show to make her seem nicer than she actually was, your opinion didn’t fucking matter, but it was like every time she saw you roaming around the house she made sure to clock in with another one of her snarky remarks about either your appearance or your overall presence.
She was even worse than Ellie.
And god, it was like every single time they were together they were making soft core porn on your couch. You had already lost count of the amount of times you’d walked in on Hazel straddling Ellie’s lap as she practically dry humped her while they made out. You always scoffed at the image, only to be followed by Hazels annoying giggle and Ellie’s encouraging chuckle.
You’d become a permanent resident of your bedroom, since it was the only corner of your home that wasn’t plagued by Ellie and her disgusting little summer fling. It allowed you to sulk in your room without either one of the morons commenting about how much you were pouting.
It wasn’t at all because of the tinge of jealousy you felt when seeing it.
But was it even jealousy? Or was it the fact that she was pretending like everything between the two of you didn’t even happen. You should have known from the moment she left you there to simply eat you out and go back downstairs to whoever she needed that you didn’t mean anything more to her than a quick fix.
You couldn’t think about it any longer, because you weren’t going to allow Ellie to give you any more headaches.
The sun had already set, and it was getting closer and closer to your usual time of getting ready for bed, and you hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. You sighed softly as you grabbed your phone and left your bedroom.
You knew that your house was once again occupied with at least your brother, Ellie, Hazel, and probably more of their idiot friends, so you knew that you had limited time to go downstairs and grab something to fill your stomach before you slept. So you quickly rushed downstairs in an attempt to slip passed them all without being noticed.
You hoped they were doing something that required their focus, like watching a movie or playing video games, something that would make it easier for you to slip into the kitchen and slip out quickly without having any nasty remarks hurled your way.
But of course, life wasn’t so easy.
You frowned softly when you made your way at the bottom of the stairs. Everyone was dressed up like they were about to go out. Loud music was playing as they sat around the living room, some of them in the kitchen getting more drinks, all of them laughing and chatting with one another. It wasn’t enough of them to be a party, and your brother didn’t bring out the speakers for it either.
Your lips were set in a near permanent frown as you watched him call your name, only bringing the attention of everyone else to you as well.
“Hi?…” you mumbled out softly before you moved to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and bringing it to your lips.
He practically hurdled over the couch to get to you in the kitchen, the older man clearly excited to see you after you’d been ignoring him for the past week or so.
“Hey…are you coming tonight?” He breaths out, which only makes you frown further before you shake your head, closing the fridge as you make your way to the pantry instead.
“I sure hope not…” you hear Hazel quip from behind him, which is only followed by the snickers and laughter of the other people there. It makes Derek huff softly as he turns around to glare at Ellie, which makes her chuckle softly with the girl and give her hip a gentle tap to quiet her down.
You sigh softly before you shake your head. “Definitely not…I didn’t even know you were going out” you hum out softly before you reach out to grab some crackers and a bag of chips. You turn around and give Derek and unamused look.
“Can I go now?” You question in soft annoyance, your tone making your brother frown deeply.
He feels bad, and you can see it clearly on his face that he feels bad. He’s supposed to be your big brother yet he’s simply sat back and watched as his best friend continued to torment you.
You didn’t blame him for it either, and that made him feel even worse. You were too fucking understanding, and it made him feel sick to his stomach that his little sister was being more of an adult than he was.
“I’m sorry Ellie’s being such an ass she just-“ his words are cut off by the music stopping, followed by the rustling of the group behind him.
“Bro c’mon! We’re gonna miss the party” you hear an annoyed male voice call out, the rest of the group groaning in agreement as they stand and wait for your brother.
You don’t miss the way Ellie’s arm drapes over Hazel’s neck, keeping the girl close, her eyes refusing to drift anywhere near you as she lets the girl litter her throat with kisses.
Hazel looks at you though, a taunting look in her eyes as her perfectly manicured fingers wiggle in your direction, giving you a cheeky wave.
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite princess!” She calls out, Ellie snickering quietly as she leads her outside with the rest of the group.
Your eyebrows are furrowed as you watch them before you let out a soft sigh, shutting the door to the pantry and gesturing towards the door. “Your friends are waiting for you…” you mumble out softly before you slip past your brother to make your way upstairs.
You’re halfway up when you stop and turn around to face him, an expression that could only be described as conflicted written all over his face.
“And please don’t make too much noise when you get back…some of us actually sleep” you huff out softly before you trudge your way back up before he could get a response in, closing your door behind you and flopping down into your bed.
You try your hardest not to let images of Hazel and Ellie linger on in your head, or think about what the actual fuck her motives were (Ellie and Hazel…you couldn’t crack either one of them) because frankly, it’ll just keep you from sleeping.
And you’ll be damned if you end up losing sleep over anyone, especially those two.
A bag of chips and a few episodes of Girlfriends later, and you could feel the familiar feeling of fatigue taking over your body. You quickly take advantage of it, going about your nightly routine as quickly as possible, tugging on an old sleep shirt of yours and hopping into bed, allowing sleep to fill the spaces of your brain that were once plagued by thoughts of Ellie.
It’s the middle of the night when Ellie and your brother come home. It’s just the two of them, having dropped off or left everyone else at the party when they were ready to go.
Your brother was sober, knowing he was titled with designated driver for the night, on top of feeling guilty about the situation with you, he couldn’t really bring himself to drink, especially if you ended up texting him needing anything. He wanted to be in the right state of mind for it.
Ellie on the other hand? Not so much.
She wasn’t belligerent by any means, she could still carry out conversations and she’d definitely remember everything in the morning, but she was much softer, a slight sway in her stance as drunk giggles passed her lips whenever your brother would say something to her.
She felt nice. She also felt needy.
So needy in fact, that after she and your brother stumble in through the front door, your brother quickly grabbing a bottle of water before bidding Ellie a goodnight, that her mind begins to drift off to a particular girl that had been plaguing her mind from the moment that she left the house.
And maybe these thoughts are what drive her up to her room, stumbling inside and tugging her jeans off, switching them out for a pair of shorts and a t shirt, then making her way to the bathroom to clumsily gargle some mouthwash to clean out the smell of smoke and liquor on her breath….
And peak her head into your bedroom to see your sleeping form.
She tiptoes towards your bed once she closes the door behind her, silently thanking you for not locking your bedroom door as you usually did.
Soon she’s standing over you, taking a moment to simply watch you sleep. Your face is pressed into your pillow, forcing your lips into a pout that makes Ellie want to kiss you until you can’t breathe. Your hair is messy, sticking in every which way which makes you look all the more endearing. You look so fucking serene and soft and…
God…had you always been this pretty?
It makes Ellie pout softly, mimicking the form of your lips as her hand comes down to brush a bit of your hair out of your face. The touch of her cold hand on your warm skin makes you groan softly, your unconscious form shifting a bit as you try to push her hand away, shying away from the cold feeling.
When you do this, it gives Ellie just enough space to slide into bed with you. Your bedroom is cold and she knows it’s nice and toasting under there with you, and she’s drunk and she’s needy and…
All she could ever want right now is you.
Another drunk giggle bubbled past her pretty lips, her hand coming down to tug your plush blanket up as she crawls into bed next to you, cold hands instantly slipping under your t shirt to rest against your naked hips, pulling you against her chest.
“Mmm…so warm…so pretty…” she mumbles mindlessly against your hair, her lips coming down to press against your neck as her thumbs rub small circles into your skin.
The foreign feeling of someone pressed up against your back paired with the cold hands running along your skin is quick to make you stir out of your sleep. Your mind is foggy and the heavy affects of sleep still weigh in on your body, making it hard to fully register what was actually going on.
Your hands trail down to rest atop of the ones splayed against your hips, it’s then that you’re able to make out the feeling of plump lips working against your neck, making you frown deeply.
“There she is…hey baby…” Ellie hums lazily against your neck once she feels your hands laying on top of hers.
The sound of her voice has you blinking your eyes open, your brows furrowed in confusion. Was this a dream? Were you seriously fucking dreaming about Ellie now? Was your brain really betraying you by filling your mind with thoughts of her even when you were in sleep?
You feel her grip your hips a bit tighter, forcing your body to turn around and face her. It’s then that you realize the usual hazy fog and dull feeling that comes with dreams isn’t present.
Ellie is there, in your bed, with her arms wrapped around your waist.
You bring your hand up to rub your eyes, your brows still knit together as you try to focus on the girls face in the dim light of your bedroom. You see her crack a smile, her eyes low as she tugs her bottom lip between her teeth. One of her hands go down to grip your thigh before tugging it up to hook over her own hip, a low hum of approval leaving her lips at the feeling of you so close.
“Ellie? What…what the hell are you doing?” You groan out softly, yet with no attempts at stopping her from moving you about as she pleased.
She hummed softly, leaning in to press her lips against the base of your neck. You can feel her tongue swipe across your skin before she begins biting and sucking, the feeling making you gasp softly as your hands reach down to grip her t shirt.
“Missed you…wanted to see you…play with you a little bit…” she hums softly against your skin, soft moans leaving her lips at the sounds you make.
When she’s this close, you can smell the faint scent of liquor and weed swirling around the both of you. And it suddenly all starts to click.
Ellie was drunk.
You frown deeply as you try pulling away from her, which makes her whine softly, hands still tugging at your hips to keep you close.
“You’re drunk…not to mention how much of a fucking dick you’ve been to me” you huff out softly.
She whines again as she desperately pulls you closer. You catch the image of her lips forming a pout, an honest to god pout that you aren’t sure you’ve ever seen Ellie do before.
“Took like…two shots and I barely smoked…m’just…feelin’ nice that’s all” she explains before she leans in again, her hands slipping under your shirt and pulling you closer.
You roll your eyes at her explanation. “Cool…then go get Hazel…you’ve been very occupied with her lately” your voice has a tone of bitterness that even shocks you, not fully realizing how upset you sounded until you hear Ellie chuckle softly before she pulls back a bit to look up at you.
It almost takes your breath away, how fucking pretty she looks. Her pretty green eyes are low and gleaming up at you, a pretty pink blush covering her freckled cheeks, plump lips tugging into a smirk as she watches you.
It makes it so much harder to fucking resist her.
“Awe…you jealous baby? Upset I haven’t given you any attention since that night?” She teases you gently, her words making you frown down at her as she giggles softly before she leans in, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips.
“Gimme a kiss baby…I’ll make it up to you…I promise” she sighs out against you.
Her warm breath against your skin sends shivers down your spine, your eyes fluttering shut as you take in just how fucking good her hands feel pawing at your hips. She hums softly before she parts her lips, pressing a soft kiss to your bottom lip before she tugs it into her mouth, sucking on it.
It makes you moan softly, which has her nodding in approval as she begins working her lips against yours.
“That’s it baby…lemme take care of you…lemme apologize” she sighs out against you before she presses her mouth against yours.
Your eyes flutter shut when she does this, melting and giving in to the girl as your mind clouds with want and need so strong, you feel like you might explode.
The kiss is slow and sensual, her tongue rubbing and lapping against your own as you enter a steamy make out session that has arousal pooling in your panties.
“Fuck…taste so good baby…missed you so much” she groans out against you, her hand slipping under the covers to tug at your panties, pulling them down your legs. You help her by kicking them off once they’re around your ankles.
Her words confused you, because if you remember correctly, Ellie was laughing in your face with Hazel on her lap a few hours ago, and now she’s in your bed, moaning about how much she’s missed you, and how she wants to apologize for it?
You can’t even dwell on it for long, because you let out a soft gasp when you feel Ellie’s fingers press against your clit, a soft hiss leaving her lips at the feeling of your slick coating her fingers.
“So wet already…been dreaming about this pussy baby…fuck…c’mere” she moans softly as she tugs her own shorts and panties off, leaving both of you only in your shirts.
You feel her tug one of your legs between her legs, the feeling of her wet pussy pressing against your thigh makes you moan softly, because you can feel just how desperate she is for it to, just how needy she is for you as you are her.
“Ellie…fuck…” you moan softly, the girl nodding as she tugs your other leg over her hip so your pussy was pressed against her upper thigh.
“I know baby…I need it too…here…like this” she moans out as she grips your hip, tugging them up and down to find a good rhythm, one that she quickly matches with her own hips.
Soon you’re both moving in unison, Ellie fucking her pussy down onto your leg and yours onto hers. The feeling makes you moan softly, your hands going down to tug at the hair at the nape of Ellie’s neck, keeping her close as you chase your high.
“Fuck…feels so good baby..I…” she moans out loudly, her hands feverishly pushing your shirt up before she presses her lips to one of your boobs, catching your nipple into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it, sucking on it as if her life depended on it.
Your skin muffles her needy moans, and it’s a side of Ellie you aren’t sure you’ve ever seen before. She’s rutting against your thigh desperately, pretty eyes staring up into yours as she moans and whines against your nipple, silently begging not only to cum, but for you to cum with her.
“H-huh…want you…to cum all over my leg Ellie…need it…mmm…fuck!” You manage to make out between loud moans and gasps, your eyes fluttering shut as she nods eagerly, sucking harshly on your nipple as she moves her hips faster, slick covering your thigh.
Her other hand reaches down to grip your hip as she forces you to go faster, matching her pace as you feel your orgasm grow closer and closer.
Her lips unlatch from your nipple with a loud pop, the sound of her moans working in harmony with yours as she too feels her orgasm growing closer with your own.
“M’so close…I…fuck….im gonna cum baby…you’re gonna make me-“ her words are cut off with a loud moan. It’s high pitched and whiny and so fucking pretty, nothing compared to her usual deep voice that she speaks in with your brother, or when she’s insulting you.
The sound makes you moan loudly, your back arching as you cum hard on Ellie’s thigh. Your hips slow down, your pussy slowly growing with the familiar feeling of sensitivity as you ride out your orgasm, Ellie matching the slowing motions that you carry out as well.
It ends with the both of you gasping softly, chests rising and falling as you trying to catch your breath. Ellie takes the opportunity to press sloppy kisses against your lips, tongue lazily working against yours as she moans and whines into your mouth.
But if this is anything like last time, you know what’s coming.
So you’d rather it happen now than later, especially when Ellie has the power to rip away the beautiful feeling of her lips against yours. So as she’s kissing you, you silently break away, pull your t shirt down, turn over so your back is facing her, and tug your blankets further over your shoulder as you settle into your pillow.
“Close the door on your way out” you mumble out as you close your eyes, thankful that the orgasm Ellie just gave you tires you out so much that it’s easy for you to simply shut your eyes and go to sleep before you can overthink things, or sit with the sinking feeling that settles in your stomach over the fact that you let Ellie waltz into your room and played with you as she pleased.
You especially don’t catch the shocked expression on Ellie’s face when she hears the words the fall from your lips.
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inf3ct3dd · 11 months
streamer!ellie headcanons
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warnings: yo no se
content : streamer!ellie headcanons 🔥🔥
authors note : the streets r calling and they’re telling me to write streamer ellie hcs….
- def started off as a faceless streamer. she wasn’t really comfortable on camera, and she just thought it would be way easier. you can only see her shoulders-down leaving her (deliciosu. scrumptious. yummy) arms in the cameras view.
- her twitch user is “creeperewman” cuz shes like…discreetly hiding her initials and referencing the best minecraft parody ever 😕!!!
- bought the most random shitty mic and webcam and started streaming 🔥🔥 she never got rid of either of them its part of her odd loser charm
“‘fartmaster69:it’s probably cuz your camera’ it’s probably bc of YOUR CAMERA!!! theres nothing wrong w my camera bro 😞”
“don’t listen to them…ur perfect 🤫 IM NOT TALKING TO U GUYS IM TALKING TO MY CAMERA”
- only had a few viewers the first couple times she streamed, and it was some random 10 yr old who kept spamming “yassss” in the chat and some dude who said she was shit at minecraft 😞 he was LYING
- started off doing minecraft speed runs (or trying to) and got like way good over time
- she randomly started getting more and more viewers, because people kept posting abt her and calling her fine on tiktok , making edits of her hands and her voice 😭😭 (real)
- as she got more and more viewers, she started branching out more with the games she’d play. def loves shooter games like cod and pubg, but she’d also play like indie horror games like faith (omg markiplier fans would know)
- she has a orange cat she named garfield (cuz…of course she does) and he’s always sitting on her lap during her streams or messing w her setup 💔💔
- def put stickers all over her headset and showed them off all proud on stream
- designed her own cute banners and stuff for streams 😞!!!
- def had a subreddit/disc server with her viewers where she’d let them give her game recs or make memes of her
- ppl saw her guitar in the back of her streams and BEGGED HER to play it and she had her own lil concert stream !!! she was so freaking nervous and messed up a bunch the first like minute or two but like after that she was in the ZONE
“‘ewswife: i wish i was that guitar’ oh!! you guys are so…kind!!!”
- when she INSANELY hit 1k, she did a face reveal and she hit 10k the same day 😦 the amount of edits that ppl made was actually insane. ESP ONES MAKING FUN OF DREAMS FACE REVEALLLL
- started doing much more random shit on stream after she got more famous. she LOVES cooking on stream, and she’d start reacting to random shit ppl sent her on the subreddit
- she cut her hair on stream once, and everyone in the chat kept spamming “yo bob…is fye” for like 5 minutes 😪
- “you’re at work watching me? i hope you get fired. i mean. i hope you don’t get fired 😞”
- she gets so many thirst comments and like…is terrible at responding to them
“‘ewleftbicep: you look so vulnerable today’ WHAT”
- she has her own apartment cuz of her awesome streaming money 🔥🔥🔥 soundproofed walls too cuz she’s. loud.
- one day, you were walking on campus to a class. you had your headphones on, listening to your main playlist on shuffle, when you got stopped by someone. you pulled your headphones off your ears and gave the man in front of you a confused look. you looked down to his hands, holding a tiny mic, and another dude holding a camera.
“what song are you listening to?” he held the microphone towards you, awaiting your response.
you quickly responded “uhm, last goodbye, by jeff buckley.” and stood there awkwardly, pushing a piece of hair out of your face.
the man quickly thanked you and you walked away, slightly suprised.
- after a couple hours, the video had blown up and the comments were filled with people complimenting you.
pickleluna: jeff buckley girl is so fine
minyonlala: 3rd girl is so bad
and unknown to you, someone else found you on their fyp.
creeperewman: guys what is the 3rd girls @. im literally BEGGING BRO PLEASEEE
- ewsgirlf: random tiktok girl stole my wife 💔
- elliewilliamsidechick: guys im literally the 3rd girl 😂😂😂
- it didn’t take long for your phone to be blown up with people sending you the video, tagging you in funny comments, and finding your instagram. you watched the video, and saw ellie was the top comment. you checked her profile, and saw how FINE she was, and immediately responded
- y/nmainn: guys 😳😳😳 what if i was the third girl 😳😳
- ellie checked her phone and saw thousands of people tagging your comment, and she wasted zero time following you on tiktok. and your instagram. its not stalking if its in your bio, right?
- you two immediately hit it off, and ellie loved the fact that you had absolutely no idea who she was. to you, she was just some hot girl. not some famous streamer you were obsessed with.
- she didn’t even realize you two went to the same school until she saw you in her astrophysics class one day, and she almost had a heart attack when you waved at her and walked over to sit next to her.
“what a coincidence.”
- she took you out on your first date to a planetarium, and not even a week after, asked you to be her girlfriend.
- she definitely teaches you how to play her favorite games. but she gets wayyyy defensive when you beat her.
“im just letting you win.”
“beginners luck.”
but shes SO COCKY when she beats you
“hey, don’t be so hard on yourself after this. not your fault im a professional!”
“aw, maybe one day you’ll be as good as me”
- definitely helps you build your own pc.
- loves watching you play things like animal crossing or stardew valley, always lays on your shoulder while you’re on the couch.
“why are you being so mean to gaston :((“
“because hes UGLY and he has an ugly house and he’s ruining my village.”
“wowww you’re bullying a little bunny man because he doesn’t fit your aesthetic 😒 so mean”
- if you like more aggressive games like cod, she loves listening to you talk shit while you play and always makes fun of people with you. (she thinks its hot when you’re mean to people)
- her chat absolutely loves you, and every time you stream together its a continuous stream of “me and who” and “when is it my turn 😪”
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catboyieejeno · 8 months
gameboy :: p.js — one
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genre: gamer! jisung x gamer! reader, college au cw: female reader, fwb to lovers, explicit smut, pervy jisung, male masturbation, oral (m and f receiving), unprotected sex, inexperienced jisung, cum play/breeding kink, pet names, slight humiliation kink, size kink, creampie, probably more wc: 18.257k
join the taglist for part two
18+ minors do not interact!
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The red letters that flash across your screen read ‘Defeat’, illuminating your dimly lit room with a shy, red hue. The instant the word appears on your monitor, a voice blasts through your headset, erupting in emphatic complaints and protests. You can hear the clatter of a keyboard and mouse being shoved around on the other end of the receiver, and it takes everything in you to stifle your laugh. 
“We definitely could’ve won that!” the boy scoffs, “I swear, sometimes it feels like you and I are the only people with any fucking game sense.” 
“Wow, thanks for the validation,” you joke, instinctively queuing up for another match. Your eyes trail up to the little icon in the corner of the screen that glows green every time he speaks.
“You know what I mean,” he grumbles, and you imagine he must not look all that different from the little crying cat picture he set as his discord icon. The thought makes you snort, but he ignores you, stating, “I think this is my last game,” 
You nod even though you know he can’t see you, “same, I have class tomorrow,”
“First day of the semester for you, too?”  
You nod again. “Unfortunately. My days of gaming until four and sleeping until noon have come to an end.” 
He laughs, leaning forward in his chair as he realizes something, “You know, I never asked what you’re studying,” 
“Oh,” you blink, “Well, the first class I have tomorrow is just a random credit I needed, but I’m actually majoring in-” 
It takes less than a few seconds for your words to drown out into a muffled buzz, and the only thing Jisung can focus on now is the silky, smooth sound of your voice. 
He would never admit it, at least not out loud, but your voice makes his heart beat just a little faster. The way each and every word rolls off your tongue makes his breath hitch, imagination running wild at the thought of what your lips look like when they mold to form each syllable and sound. 
Every night like clockwork, Jisung finds himself rocking side to side in his desk chair, eyes hanging low and round lips curved up into a smile as he listens to you speak.
It’s so easy to talk to him, too. By now, you’ve lost count of how many nights the two of you rambled off in voice chats, watching shows or playing video games or simply oversharing the details of your lives. It’s only been a few months since you met in a game chat, on that night where he practically harassed you for your discord after you carried him up a rank in-game. You’re secretly grateful he did, though you wouldn’t let him know that; the two of you effortlessly became part of each other’s daily routine, and now, calls with you are his favorite way to end the night. Tonight is no exception.
Jisung begins to mindlessly swing in his chair as usual. He’s humming passively between your small pauses to encourage you to keep going as his hands automatically start caressing his torso. It’s a somewhat innocent gesture, or at least it starts out that way: his palms sliding across the ridges of his abdomen as he listens to your voice. It’s better than music to his ears, and it urges his long fingers to dance closer and closer to his waistband.
“–and I thought about changing it, but I think with an degree in Lit, I could probably get a career in–”
Lost in your voice, Jisung slips his hands into his shorts, holding his balls as he fully zones out of the conversation. He knows you’re saying words and forming actual sentences, but his social awareness has dwindled completely and he absolutely can’t seem to get past how sweet you sound, and how much sweeter you would sound under… different circumstances. He moves up to hold his dick gently and furrows his brows. Almost accidentally, his thumb brushes along the underside of his tip, teeth clamping the inside of his cheek and gnawing on it to ground himself. Just as eager as its owner, Jisung’s dick jolts in his palm, progressively swelling up until it’s flushing bright pink. 
“You’re into English?” He manages to stop daydreaming and hone into the conversation for a fleeting moment, just long enough to ask you that simple question and keep your attention off of his rapidly shifting breath.
He’s blatantly playing with himself now, ever so distractedly. It’s an autonomous act: the way the pad of his middle finger trails over his slit to collect a bit of the pre-cum that has begun to dribble out in pearly beads. He hisses, then quickly snaps his mouth shut in hopes that you hadn’t heard him. 
“Yeah,” he can hear your smile in your words, “I think I always have been. I used to read all the time and—I swear, if you say I’m boring, I’ll personally come over and choke you–” 
As he acknowledges reality for a quick moment, his pace falters. His brows pinch, and he feels confused as he realizes he can’t stop or even moderate his actions, despite the shame slowly beginning to wash over him. The more you talk, the harder he grows. His grip is getting tighter, his strokes needier… he must be losing his mind. With a gulp, he thinks to himself, what would you do if you could see him touching himself like this to you? Would you think it’s sick and twisted or would you offer to help him out? His head begins to throb as the room spins around him, but he really can’t seem to slow his motions. By now, he’s bucking his hips up and into his hand while the other covers his mouth, silencing the whines that threaten to leave his throat. He’s breathing heavily, praying to god you don’t somehow notice his perverted actions. Despite knowing that he isn’t thinking straight, Jisung can’t help the thoughts that continue to fog his mind, rampant and obscene. 
Could you hear the squelching of his hand pumping his cock, covered in his pre-release? Or the way he’s practically panting, reduced to nothing at the mere sound of your voice? He’s not sure whether or not his mic would even pick that up, but even so, the corner of his lips curl into a lazy smile as his mind continues down his twisted rabbit hole. 
In spite of not knowing what you look like, there’s no denying that he wants to give you all of him. He wants to feel himself buried deep inside your throat, your pretty voice vibrating around him as you choke on his length. He feels himself twitch in his palm and he subconsciously nods, picturing it's your walls around him instead of his own inadequate hand. Jisung huffs out once, fucking his fist wildly, picturing how much he’d like to feel himself bust inside of your warm, tight pus-
“Sung? Sung!”
“Huh? W-what?” As he yanks his hand from his shorts, the waistband snaps against his skin and he yelps out at the impact, “Sorry! I promise I was listening, it-its just, I got a little caught up with–” words are tumbling out of his mouth, before he can catch up to them.   
“It’s fine, it’s fine! Hurry, just pick your agent before the match gets–” but the timer runs out, and the lobby screen appears once more as you sigh, “–canceled...” 
Jisung glances down at his hand, separating his fingers and watching how the sticky pre-cum leaves webbed strings between each of his parted digits. His stomach is also wet, and the tent in his pants is growing increasingly painful with each passing second. 
“What were you fantasizing about, huh?” Oh, fuck. The teasing edge in your words makes his nerves tingle, and he throws his head back as you hum into your mic, “Hmm. Well, I guess it was more interesting than what I was saying. Can’t blame you though, the topic of school is boring me too, and the semester hasn’t even started yet. Also, that can’t count as your last game. I literally won’t allow it.” 
You queue up for another game and Jisung sighs, watching the timer on the screen tick away. The picture changes, and the two of you are prompted to start a game. A few kleenex wipes collect the mess on his hand and torso, and he settles back in his chair after tossing them, deciding his neediness will have to wait for now.
Bidding you good night is harder than usual tonight, but he knows you need to get to sleep—you mentioned you had an early class and he had his own, so his selfish urge to keep you talking until he came in his hand would, unfortunately, need to take a raincheck.
After logging off of his computer, Jisung drops his head into his hands with a sigh.
What the fuck even was that? 
A mix of shame and arousal take over him as his cheeks begin glowing a deep shade of red. He lets out a small scoff, shaking his head to himself as he gets up from his chair. His dick is still as hard as a rock, and he can’t help but feel flustered at the fact that he has, quite literally, blue-balled himself. 
With a towel swung over his shoulder and a clean pair of sleeping shorts clutched in his fist, Jisung walks up to the dorm’s nearest communal bathroom. He turns on the faucet, freeing himself of his clothes. The moment his boxers come down past his thighs, his length slaps against the skin below his navel, making him hiss out as he steps into the shower. The cold water, running down against his heated body, seems to be doing the trick of clearing his mind, that is, until his hands find their way to his stomach, rubbing the soap over it.
It’s so hard to expel the thoughts of you when they’re so intrusive and tempting, and Jisung lets his mind drift off once more, imagining how it would feel to be touched by you, sucked by you. All the soft noises you would make are weirdly familiar; he can practically hear them. His head falls back, lips caught between his teeth as he twitches and gives himself an experimental stroke, shuddering as his thumb glides across the slit of his sensitive tip. He clenches his eyes shut tighter, letting out a shaky sigh and letting the water continue to trickle down his body. He doesn’t know what you look like, other than your hair color which you mentioned the other day. Despite that, he still tries desperately to piece an image of you together behind his eyelids, picturing what your lips are like. And just like that, thoughts of you flood him, and he shudders at the vision of you on your knees, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes, begging to taste him and take all of him. He longs to feel you swallow around him—to grab either side of your face and thrust into your needy mouth until the tears slip from your eyes and your pussy is dripping from the need to be fucked.  
Getting lost in the moment, he doesn’t even realize how loud he’s becoming and how fast his fist is working his dick. Jisung's highly anticipated release is only seconds away when a loud knock startles him, lunging him right back into his body.
“Yo, man! How long are you gonna take in there?” His friend and next door neighbor, Mark, shouts from the other side of the door, knocking again and ruining Jisung’s fantasy once and for all. 
The boy takes a moment to clear his throat and swallow, not trusting his voice to not crack otherwise, “Uh.. Sorry. I’ll just be a minute.” 
It takes everything in him to slow his hand to a stop and pry it off of his shaft, deciding that perhaps, he shouldn’t entertain his filthy thoughts any longer. He quickly finishes showering with another unnecessary interruption from Mark, then drags himself back to his room and gets into his bed, forcing his eyes shut in an attempt to sleep. The longer he lies there, however, the more restless he grows. 
His dick feels sore to the touch and it’s driving him absolutely crazy. Every time he adjusts his shorts or moves his legs, his balls throb from how full they are. Knowing he has class to get to the following day, he tries to convince himself that maybe he needs a release to get to sleep. It’ll tire him out, and then finally, he’ll be able to get some rest…There’s at least a bit of logic to that theory, or that’s what he tells himself, anyway. 
Against his better judgment that pleads with him to just shut his eyes and count sheep, Jisung huffs out and slips his hands into his shorts to begin touching himself for the nth time tonight. This whole time, he had been unknowingly edging himself and now he’s so, so undeniably and incredibly desperate to cum that it literally hurts. 
His free hand brings his phone up and unlocks it, thumb swiping quickly in search of the discord app where your contact resides, the little green bubble next to it signifying that you’re still online. He hovers over the call button, taunting himself with the idea of making a call to you at this time. One little click, and he’d hear your voice again. Just one click and he-
sung ᨐฅ started a call. Today at 11:54 AM
Shit, shit, shit. 
He rushes to hang up, but you’ve answered no more than a ring later. 
Jisung holds his rather unsteady breath, staring wide-eyed at his phone. His dick pulses in his palm that now rests still. 
As gently as possible, he lays the phone down on his puffed up chest, letting out his breath slowly so that you don’t hear him.
“I’m gonna assume you called me by accident… ” you sigh out in disappointment, growing quiet in uncertainty. For a second, Jisung is convinced you’re gonna hang up, but when you stay on the line, he peers down at the screen curiously. 
Your icon lights up green and there’s some shuffling on your end, presumably from you getting comfortable in bed. 
He hears you yawn and smiles fondly. 
“I’m tired,” you mumble, “are you asleep? I was actually excited that you called. Maybe it’s my fucked up schedule… or, maybe I’m just dreading tomorrow, but I couldn’t sleep. I don’t know…” 
You’re speaking slower and quieter than usual, but you’re speaking, completely oblivious of the fact that he’s thinking of the dirtiest things that involve you, getting off while you think he’s sound asleep. 
“It’s always easier to sleep once we’ve talked so,” you pause, then sigh out jokingly, “I guess I'll just talk your unconscious ear off until I fall asleep…You don’t mind, right?”
God, no, he thinks.  
Jisung silently celebrates your decision with a pump of his hand, shuffling a bit to get comfortable as you go on about genshin and cats and other things he can barely pay mind to. It takes no more than a few strokes, shallow ones where he caresses the angry head of his dick to the velvety sound of your slurred and drowsy mumbling, for him to bring himself to come so fucking hard. 
His knees lock as his cock springs up in his clutched palm, spewing streams of white cum all over his stomach, chest, and thighs. The muscles on his abdomen ache from the way they contract, eyes and jaw shutting tightly as he challenges himself to remain quiet. The sheets aren’t spared from his thick load either, his nut dripping down the sides of his tummy to make dark, round puddles on his bed. His toes curl as he tries his hardest to not gasp out when the pleasure dissolves into sensitivity, digging his head back into the pillow with a hand clasped over his lips. 
A few minutes later, the blurriness in his vision is relieved, along with the ringing in his ears. You’ve stopped talking; instead, the receiver picks up your short and shallow breaths, as if you’ve fallen asleep with your mouth open. Cute.  
As he assesses the aftermath of his much needed release, he wishes he could snap a picture and send it to you, so that you’d wake up knowing this pathetic mess he made was all for you, because of you.
Alas, he can’t, and he hangs up once he’s completely sure you’re resting. With his eyelids feeling much heavier than before, he manages to toss his phone onto the nightstand before he, too, drifts off to sleep.
The following morning, Jisung wakes up in a bit of a panic. The first thing that throws him for a loop is the fact that his alarm didn’t go off at all. He quickly realizes he forgot to set it amidst the activities of the night before. The second thing that strikes him is his own hand that rests on his stomach, stuck in some kind of damp, sticky liquid. In his half-conscious state, he lifts his fingers and his puffy eyes widen as he identifies the clear fluid that decorates his tummy as his drying release from the night before. 
“Ugh…” He grimaces, sitting up in his bed. His phone, which is less than half full of battery since he forgot to plug it in, blinks back the numbers 8:38 at him. Jisung’s eyes widen as he remembers that his first class of the day, of the semester, is at 9. 
“Fuck!” In a flash, his blanket is flung off of him and his legs are swinging over the edge of the bed. He moves to grab some tissues from his nightstand, making aggressively desperate attempts at wiping away his cum. When the Kleenex sticks to him instead, he digs around his drawers for a pack of wet wipes, snatching a pair of pants off of the floor at the same time and practically yanking them up his legs. 
Despite almost falling over, he manages to get them on and clean off his torso… for the most part. A random sweatshirt is tugged on over his head and he runs his hand through his hair a few times to tidy it before passively telling his reflection, this will do. 
Moments later, he’s rushing downstairs and outside of the dormitory with his unzipped backpack hung over his shoulder. He rushes to unlock his bike, cursing as he fumbles with the keys. Once he’s on, he starts pedaling to the Science building on the other side of campus, heavily dreading checking the time in fear it’ll read some absurd number and he’ll wind up being much later than he anticipates.
The breath that’s been caught in his throat all morning is only released when he steps through the door of the lecture room to see that the professor hasn’t walked in yet, and that the clock reads that he’s 6 minutes early.
Finally slowing his rushed pace, Jisung does a quick once over the room to scan the faces of his fellow students before taking his seat somewhere near the back. Thanking the heavens that his notebook and textbook didn’t go tumbling out of his bag in the midst of his previous hurry, he tugs them out, flipping them open and writing the date on the first page. His laptop, which is where he had planned to take notes on, sits in his dorm room where he left it on his desk. Everyone else has theirs out, but he’ll just have to bring his own next time. 
There’s a distant click, and the door on the lowest level of the lecture hall opens. Through it walks a relatively tall and slender lady, heels echoing rhythmically as she strides over to set her dark bag down by the podium. Her hair is tied back high and tight, so much so, that all of her features look like they're blending into her hairline. She looks like she’s somewhere in her mid-to-late fifties, and from the instant she walked in, the entire class went silent.
She clearly has a presence that commands attention and undoubtedly, she fits the visual profile of a strict college professor quite well, especially when she picks up the chalk and scribbles her surname onto the green chalkboard beside the larger projector screen.
“I’m Professor Hwang. Welcome to AST1002, also known as Descriptive Astronomy. If you’re here, that means you took AST1001 with Mr. Kwon last year. He has since transferred to a different department.” 
There’s no audible response, although some disappointment does flash across the faces of the students in the room, all of whom did have (and seemingly would miss) Mr. Kwon. Professor Hwang doesn’t seem to notice the lack of responses, and continues speaking as she pulls some papers out.
“Firstly, I’ll take attendance. Then, I’ll pass the syllabus around. I would like for you to note,” she pauses to place a pair of red glasses high on the bridge of her nose, “that attendance is mandatory for my class, and worth 20% of your grade. I’ll go over pop quizzes and weekly quizzes, as well as the initial class project, when each of you have a copy of the syllabus. That being said, I look forward to seeing you all here every class. Please call out when you hear your name.” 
As she starts to take attendance, Jisung takes the time to sigh into his hands, both exhausted and dreading the fact that he’d have to spend three days out of the week rotting in a lecture hall to attend a class he expected to be fun, or at the very least a break from his much more difficult core classes. By the looks of it, that’s no longer the plan. 
It’s easy to zone out quickly while his mind is still foggy, no doubt from the lack of sleep and the subsequent abrupt awakening that followed. He had just begun an attempt to read the syllabus when something made his ears perk. 
Immediately, his head snaps up in pursuit of a soft and airy voice that just responded to Professor Hwang. It’s so quick and in passing that he almost thinks he might have imagined it in his delirious state, but the way the hair on his limbs stands on end is unmistakable. His eyes dart around the room, hitting his classmate’s heads like targets, but there’s absolutely no way to identify the individual who just spoke. 
Could it be… No. No way. 
Jisung is no stranger to daydreaming about you, but he isn’t completely delusional. He knows the chances of being not only in the same city, but the same university and class as you are absolutely slim to none, so he stops that train of thought dead in its tracks. 
It does segway him into thinking of you, though. You’re obviously not here, so he wonders instead what class you are in at the moment. He tries to picture what you’re wearing on your first day of class, trusting you look more put together than him in his old hoodie that is slightly sticking to the dry cum on his stomach. Do you like your classmates? Your professor? He sincerely hopes you have a more tolerable one than he does. 
“Park Jisung?” 
With a slight cough, he spits out a weak “h-here.” and instantly grimaces, raising his shoulders autonomously as if he would get scolded for stammering so pathetically. The professor, to his relief, doesn’t even glance up from the roster. Then, he feels quite silly for even thinking he would get reproached for that to begin with. In his defense, she’s a rather intimidating woman, and his inner monologue is so loud and flooded with thoughts of you that he fears she may have heard it. 
She finishes calling for attendance, resorting to striding up and down the aisles as she begins to dissect the syllabus. In an effort to pretend he’s paying attention, Jisung glances down at the size twelve font on the page, skimming over the words without really taking anything in. During one of the professor’s paces, a pen she had resting on her ear slips and falls towards the ground with a slight clatter, and it seems a student picked it up for her, because there’s a slight mumbling, followed by a sharp “thank you,” and a very, very recognizable,
“You’re welcome, Professor.” 
His eyes widen at once. Alright, call him crazy, but now he thinks that it really might have been your voice. The familiar timbre, warm and delicate; a sound he’s heard for months on end and knows embarrassingly well… The thought of being in the same room as you out of sheer luck and coincidence makes his abdomen twist and his palms sweat so bad, he has to wipe them on his pants.
He hates that he can’t fully tell, in fact, he’s almost ashamed that he can’t; before today, Jisung would have sworn up and down that he knew your voice better than even his own, but you sound so far and so quiet that he can’t completely bet all of his marbles. Then, he quickly realizes calling it ‘your voice’ definitely makes him sound delusional, even in the safety of his own forgiving conscience. He decides to call it ‘the voice’ for now, at least until he’s a hundred-percent sure. 
An irritatingly long hour and half later, the only sound that continues to ring around the lecture hall is Professor Hwang’s monotone one, reciting each and every itemized assignment and rule on the never-ending syllabus. There’s less than fifteen minutes until class is over, and she shows no signs of stopping her dissertation. 
“As for the class project: In pairs of two, you will research a constellation extensively to create a presentation on its formation, who cataloged it, and the Greek myth that may accompany it. Please note that this is the first and last time we will talk about constellations in this class, since they are not cosmic phenomenons but instead, a mere roadmap to the objects and themes we will be focusing on. Consider this strictly as an opportunity to familiarize yourselves with another classmate and show me your interest and effort in the subject. That concludes our syllabus,” Thank God, Jisung thinks. 
 “Any questions?” She glances around at a hand that floats in the air, near the front of the room, “yes?” 
“Will we be able to select our partners?” 
“No. Partners will be assigned at the end of the week. Yes?” She calls on another hand. 
“As for the constellations,” Wait, that’s it! That’s the voice—that’s your voice, he’s completely sure of it!  “Will you assign those as well?” 
Jisung elongates his neck to try and peek over the heads in his way. It is you, he’s positive now, but you’re turned away from him, and he can’t fully make out which ‘back of the head’ is your ‘back of the head.’ The echo in the hall makes it nearly impossible to pinpoint who just spoke which means he can’t pinpoint you. For some reason, he finds himself slightly panicking, desperate to finally see you in person.
He follows Professor Hwang's line of sight as she answers that she’ll assign the constellations on Friday too, and finally finds you, seated between a few other students. A few more questions are thrown around, but his eyes never leave you, anticipating the moment he catches a glimpse of your face. 
Naturally, his first instinct is to approach you as soon as class is out, but when he sees you spin around to pick up your bag that hangs off your chair, he finds himself glued to his own flimsy seat. Feet stuck to the ground, legs not budging, and air hitched in his throat at the sight of you. 
You’re so, so much prettier than he could have imagined with whatever unoriginal features he tried to piece together in his lacking mind, and that fact makes him both exhilarated and completely nauseous. 
He’s barely been looking at you for a few seconds when he feels his insatiable cock growing fast in the confines of his pants, with no regard for its owner and the fact that he has to stand up within the next minute or so to exit the hall. Jisung curses under his breath, awkwardly rising to his feet when most of his classmates leave, his bag clutched tightly in front of his groin. He prays you don’t glance over, not even because he has a semi-hard on he’s failing to hide with dissimulation, but because he’s staring at you like some sort of freak and can’t seem to look away. 
There’s nothing he wants more than to come up to you and say hi and confess he’s the person you’ve been gaming with for months. He’s pictured it countless times before, you’d think he’d have it down by now, but your beauty is intimidating, and he simply cannot and will not make a fool of himself in front of you by greeting you with a raging boner. 
You walk out of the classroom and Jisung’s heart settles in his chest as he sits with his decision to stay anonymous for now. 
“She was obnoxious, you have no idea!” 
“My teacher wasn’t much different,” he admits, a small, knowing smile toying at his lips, “she seemed like a real bitch,” 
It’s later that same evening, and talking to you doesn’t really feel the same anymore. It’s much harder, because now, Jisung can vividly picture you, sitting in your chair with your hands on your keyboard and mouse. Every word you say, his imagination is right thereafter, picturing your pretty face clear as day in the forefront of his mind. 
The moment he got home, he fucked his fist until he came in his hand. It took about five minutes, and then he pumped another one out in the shower, (a much needed shower, at that) where he finally washed away the remains of the night before. 
After he had lunch with Mark and the other boys from his floor, they had invited him to play basketball. At the same time, however, he received a direct message from you, explaining you didn’t have any other classes for the day and asking if he could get on earlier. 
It’s a little ridiculous, but now that he’s seen you, now that he knows you’re so much closer than he initially thought, he can’t wait to talk to you again. And so he quickly came up with an empty excuse related to his studies, took the berating from his friends like a champ, and rushed upstairs to log into his PC and open up your chat. 
“Not only do we already have a project, but we don’t even get to pick our partners.” 
I know! He thinks. 
“Like,” you start, and he pictures the way your cheeks fill up with air as you let out a huff, “what if I get stuck with some weirdo?” 
Instantly, Jisung stops palming himself, letting his hand climb back up to the mouse slowly.
He probably shouldn’t let that innocent statement affect him as much as it does, but he can’t help it. He has the advantage, right? Or, at least it seems that way. 
When everything is laid out, he has the upperhand of knowing who you are—you haven’t seen him, yet… but what if you did see him, and he wasn’t at all what you were expecting? Or even worse, what if you got paired together for the project and you thought he was weird or the two of you didn’t get along? That option is far less likely, since there are well over fifty students in AST1002. 
“I don’t know,” you start, “I’m considering switching out of the class-” 
“No!” Wow. Good going, Jisung.
He catches his slip-up and quickly blurts out, “I-I mean, it might not be that bad! You should… at least give it a shot before you try to switch out, right?” 
“I guess you’re right… The add and drop period at my school is until next Friday, so I'll try it out until then.” 
Great! Perfect! Good save. The only problem now is: Jisung has a little over a week and a half to somehow convince you to stay in his class and at the same time, not completely butcher his introduction to you. Approaching you now seems practically impossible, but he needs you to stay in the class, even if it means he has to come up to you first. He can’t be bothered to care that his insistence is for his own selfish intentions, if it means getting to see you three times a week. 
“But anyway,” he clears his throat, changing the topic as quickly as possible, “how did your other class go?” 
“Much better than the first, the teacher let us out early once he covered the books we’d be analyzing this semester and attendance isn’t mandatory since most of the material is online or in the library. I think I’ll swing by there one of these days to see if I can get ahead on some of the assignments.” 
“Oh, so you’re a nerd?” You gasp and smack his character in-game a few times. He laughs, calling out, “okay, okay, truce! You’re not a nerd then, just an overachiever.”
“How so?” 
“We’re barely a day into the semester and you’re already trying your homework that I’m sure isn’t due for at least a few weeks,” 
You roll your eyes, knowing he’s right. With a bit of playful flirtation twisted into your tone, you hum out, “What can I say? I like to please.” 
One of his eyebrows perks up, “is that right?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He can hear your smirk through the screen, and now, he can vividly picture it, too. 
Jisung scoffs, backing away from your character so that he’s out of your sight. He cowers into a corner in game;  this way, you don’t notice how he stops moving when his left hand leaves the w,a,s,d keys to cup and rub his needy bulge. 
Wednesday’s class is somehow packed and entirely uneventful at the same time. The first of Professor Hwang’s dragging lectures is so loaded that Jisung actually thanks the heavens that he remembered to bring his laptop. Otherwise, his notebook would have been about halfway full already, and his hand? It would have fallen off. 
On another relevant note, he’s struggling to stay focused because today, he is sitting much closer to you. Intentionally, of course. There’s still a few rows between him and you, but in this new seat, he can glance at you as often as he’d like without straining his eyes or stretching out his neck to make his gawking painfully obvious. He can clearly make out your smooth skin, along with other details he wasn’t able to notice before like your beauty marks and your dainty earrings. You’re paying unfaltering attention to the class for the first hour, but after the sixty-minute mark, you appear to have become bored. He catches the way your pencil starts doodling along the corners of your notebook and it takes everything in him not to snort when you scribble down a wonky looking cat. 
He’s so distracted by you, that every couple of slides, he glances back to the projector to see that the class is now on an entirely different topic than the one he last managed to jot down. He doesn’t mind, though. You’re a much more enthralling sight than quasars and supernovas. 
Halfway through the lesson, you decide to peel off your little black cardigan and hang it on the back of your chair, exposing your arms and neck and shoulders to him. Your hair is tied up neatly right after, giving him all the more to gawk at and envision. Jisung has to remind himself that he’s in a classroom just so that he doesn’t start fantasizing about how it would feel to grip your hair up in a similar fashion and fill your throat up with his dick.
With great difficulty, he directs his focus to the board instead, typing quickly into his laptop all the notes he manages to catch before the slide changes again and Professor Hwang’s narrow eyes can scan the room to see who’s paying attention. 
When the class is over, you start talking with the girl next to you, aimlessly reaching back for your bag. The gesture makes your cardigan fall, and Jisung has to fully bite his tongue to keep himself from calling out your name and giving himself away. He waits to see if you’ll notice, or if someone nearby will alert you, but neither one happens. Instead, you stand up, still engrossed in your conversation, and make your way towards the door. Instantly, he jogs down the aisle and between the seats to grab it and wordlessly hand it to you, but by the time he makes a move to head in your direction, you’ve already left. 
He feels disappointed at first, but the feeling quickly shifts into relief. Wordlessly hand it to you? Does he want your first impression of him to be awkward and borderline rude? No and definitely no. This problem has a simple solution—it’s a blessing in disguise; he’ll take your cardigan home and bring it to you on Friday and maybe, if his courage allows, he can introduce himself then. 
“Hey! I noticed you left your sweater here last class. I brought it for you. Oh, and by the way, it’s me! I’m @sung.ie. How did I know it was you? I can recognize your voice across a huge lecture hall.”
Yeah… he’ll think more on that later. 
With your cardigan clutched in his fist, Jisung sighs, making his way outside and towards his bicycle. He tucks the clothing item into his backpack and pedals back home, wondering how he’s going to manage to give it back to you since you always get to and leave class before him.  
He knows some of his friends and dorm-mates have their own class today, they had exchanged schedules during lunch a few days ago, which leaves him to hope and pray you’ve decided to skip your class and get online. As he parks his bicycle downstairs and locks it, he slips his phone from his pocket and opens discord, but your bubble remains gray and cold. You’re offline. 
Maybe you haven’t gotten home yet. He checks his phone again when he gets upstairs, and again when he goes inside his dorm, tossing his bag aside and crashing on his bed. He checks after losing a round of candy crush, and again after replying to a text from his mom. 
By the looks of it, you were in class, or at the very least, not available for the moment. Jisung sighs, pretending he’s not actually as disappointed as he feels. It seems a bit dramatic to feel the need to kill time until he gets to talk to you again so he resorts to doing physics homework—a short baseline his teacher assigned that wouldn’t be graded—and tricking his brain into thinking the former is not what he’s actually doing. 
When he pulls his bag off his desk chair to grab his laptop, your cardigan comes into view, and he pauses to look at it. He sits like this for a moment, wondering if he should fold it nicely on his dresser so he can remember to take it to you, but his hands act before his mind can catch up, reaching in and basically shoving the material toward his face. 
With his nose buried in your scent, Jisung inhales deeply, sinking into his chair as his legs grow weaker. The trace of your floral softener is the first aroma he gets, and then, the smell of your perfume peeks through, soft and sweet and very fitting for you. Once more, his treacherous hands are acting for themselves and he’s suddenly undoing his belt single-handedly. 
Once his dick, growing by the minute, is out and clutched in his palm, he finally retracts your sweater. With little hesitation, he wraps it around his erection and pumps once, throwing his head back in immediate relief.
It’s a fucking miracle that his room is the last one at the end of the hall, and that his next door neighbors, Renjun and Jaemin, are both in their afternoon lectures, because nothing would have been able to muffle the wanton moan that rips from his chest as he strokes himself with your scent. His hips are bucking up into the air, and in only a few minutes, he’s broken a slight sweat. His balls tighten from sheer sensitivity at the act of fucking something directly related to you. 
A cry of your name, followed by a few more pumps and he’s coming inside your mangled cardigan, his white release breaching the thin material. It seeps through it like light through a veil, gathering thickly on top before spreading into a dark, wet patch. There’s a shudder that passes through his bones as he sits back, burying his cock into the fabric and keeping it there until he’s given up every last drop. 
The only thing that snaps him from his post-nut bliss, is the distinct discord ring-tone that blasts through his headset. His computer monitor turns on as your icon appears and simultaneously, his heart and dick both twitch. 
“Hello?” With his output device swung over his head, he presses the green ‘answer’ button and speaks into the mic, hiding his slight shortness of breath with a yawn. 
“I’m so glad you answered,” you beam, and he does too, “I was worried I had called while you were in class or something,” 
As he speaks, he wipes the remnants of his cum off with your cardigan and puts it aside on his desk, tucking his softening (and still very sensitive) dick away into his boxers, “No, you’re good. I had a class earlier today but now I’m free.” 
“What a relief,” you sigh, “Would you want to have a little homework ‘sesh’ with me? I just found out the library doesn’t have any available labs. I doubt I’ll be able to concentrate much with you but at least I'll be in good company.”
“Like an e-date?” 
“We can call it that,” you grin, then he pictures your expression becoming a gloom one to match your slightly sadder tone as you admit, “Sometimes I wish we went to the same school so we could meet up and study at a coffee shop.” 
He snorts, unable to help but crack a joke, “Like a real date?” 
Your laugh makes his heart swell slightly. When you reply, “Maybe,” it starts flipping wildly in his chest. 
God, you can’t even begin to imagine how badly he wants that. 
“That would be nice,” he agrees humbly, a blush creeping on his cheeks. “What class are you gonna study for?” 
There’s a pause before you speak again where you hum in thought, flipping through a few pages and shuffling through your bag. Jisung joins you, grabbing his laptop and school supplies, “I have a project for my astronomy class. It’s related to constellations and I wanna start researching them so that I can make an outline for the assignment,” 
He looks through his math notes with his brows furrowed down, “I thought she was gonna assign them on Friday?” 
Your icon flickers as you reply, “She is, but I want to—wait. How did you know that?” At your words and the realization of his untimely slip up, Jisung’s body goes rigid. He can only imagine the confusion on your features, and he’s quite relieved you can’t see the look on his. If his eyes were to open any wider, he’s sure they might just slip out of his head. 
“Oh, um,” he clears his throat mechanically, then gulps in an effort to lubricate it and keep his voice steady, assertive, certain. “You mentioned it on Monday, remember?” 
“Did I?” You didn’t, but he really hopes you think you did. “Probably,” At that, he lets out the air he’s holding, shaking his head slightly at himself for being so careless. 
“But um, yeah,” he starts before you can give it any further thought, “If she’s assigning them Friday why are you working on it today?” 
“Cause she’s also assigning partners on Friday, and I don’t really know anyone besides the girl who sits next to me and I doubt I’ll get paired with her. I want to make sure my grade is secured, you know? I’ve never liked group projects. I feel like all the work gets dumped on me.” 
He’s still not entirely sure what you mean to do, or how you intend to create a blueprint of sorts without knowing what it was for, and so he stops flicking through his page of notes to look up at his monitor and ask, “But if you don’t know which constellation you’re gonna work on, how are you gonna make an outline?” 
You ponder his question for a moment, then mumble out, “She didn’t mention a rubric or anything, so I figured that as long as I plan out the different sections and give the project a structure, half of the work is cut out, right? I can just assign parts at that point.” 
“You’re that kinda person in a group project? I’m sorry to whoever gets partnered with you,” He’s not sorry, not at all. He’s rather envious, actually, despite his attempts to sound indifferent or amusing. Being granted time to spend with you at your place or his, or at the library or the local campus cafe, would be a no less than perfect ice breaker. Jisung would make sure you never felt like all the research and assembling depended solely on you—in fact, he could see himself now, spending countless hours perfecting the details of his assigned part and inquiring about other suggestions to improve the project, just to impress you or at the very least, satisfy you. The reality that someone else would get to do all of that in his place is disheartening. 
You guys had rarely ever talked about school before now, since neither of you actually were enrolled in any classes when you started chatting, but now that it’s relevant, he feels like he understands a whole different side of you. You’re organized, and obviously very studious. Hell, you’ve been itching to get started on assignments that haven’t even been assigned yet. You’re responsible, dependable, funny, beautiful, and every time he thinks of you lately, he realizes that his innocent crush is slowly becoming an insatiable one.   
“Hey! I’d be very nice if it was you, you know. Show you some favoritism,” the corners of his lips twitch upwards—“But I’m also glad it’s not you,”—and fall down again. 
“What? Why?” He tries to not sound too offended. 
“I’d end up talking your ear off, Sung.” 
“I’m already used to that, don’t mind it. Kinda like it, actually.” 
“Yeah.” He nods curtly, even though there’s a monitor and an entire school campus between you and him and he knows you have no way of seeing his gesture. There's a moment of silence that you spend taking a brief breath as a glow tinges your cheeks. 
With a stifled laugh, you open your mouth again, “I think it’s just because you like me that you tolerate my rambling,” 
“No.” He’s quick to clarify, “I really do like it.” He loves it. 
“And me?” your voice is much quieter, almost giving the impression that you’re shy in asking something so decisive and direct. Jisung, emboldened by your vulnerability, and the distance the screen puts between you two, answers with certainty. 
“I like you, too.” 
 “The constellation project, as I mentioned during your first class, is a tool for you to acquaint yourself with your classmates. It will be due in 3 weeks, and you can check the syllabus for specifications regarding that. After today, there will be no changing partners or constellations so should you need any changes to be made, you have until class is dismissed. Listen closely as I read out the pairs for the project. I will not repeat myself.” 
The sharp tone he’s growing more and more distaste for by the day drowns out as Jisung glances over at you. Today, you’re sporting a bone-colored long sleeve and corduroy pants with half of your hair held back in a shiny clip. You look ravishing. Truthfully, he can’t really tell if you’re wearing makeup or not—although he concludes it doesn’t matter. Your features are soft and pretty nonetheless, and your cheeks have turned rosy from the dropping autumn temperatures. 
“Yu Karina will be partnered with Lee Heesung. Your constellation is Cassiopeia.”
When you walked into the lecture hall this morning, there was a hot coffee cup with the campus cafe’s logo on it clutched in your hands, which you sipped on while shivering. Taking your usual seat, you greeted the girl next to you, who Jisung now knew was called Yu Karina. 
The dark haired girl perked up when Professor Hwang called her name and waved down the aisle at who he can only assume is Lee Heesung, her partner, then whispered something to you. You looked over at the boy and back at Karina, nodding and giggling with her. 
“Jennifer Huh, partnered with Ning Yizhuo,” Professor Hwang referenced her other list, “Constellation: Cancer.” 
The two girls greet each other with a look and a smile, but Jisung pays little mind. He’s listening intently—for the first time—in anticipation of hearing one of your names be called. He doesn’t exactly know your full name, only a nickname he refers to you as, the one attached to your discord handle. Otherwise, pinpointing you that first day of class would’ve been much easier. 
“Park Jay and Lee Sohee, your constellation is Orion.” 
Sitting there, he realizes that in all the months you’ve talked, he’s never once asked for your full first name. Is that strange? What kind of friend is he if he doesn’t even know your name? In all fairness, you never asked for his, either, so he supposes it’s okay. Would have been useful to know, though, at times like this. 
After his small confession of ‘like’ on Wednesday, the two of you went on studying your respective subjects, with the occasional (and inevitable) distraction here and there. Admittedly, he thought his comment would be forgotten rather quickly. It wasn’t like he outwardly poured his heart out to you, so he figured you’d move on and just crack a joke or two about it later. There was a change, though; a strikingly obvious one to Jisung, who hangs on your every word like it’s a tether that keeps him from floating. And, even if he didn’t pay such close attention to you, there’s no way he could have missed the new flirtatious ambiance that flourished afterwards. Flirting with you is not uncommon by any means—the two of you playfully tease each other with frequency, but it’s nothing he’d allow himself to look into too much, for his own sake. 
That changed in the hours following his comments. All of Wednesday evening, the two of you went back and forth, feeding each other compliments in the form of banter. Again, he thought it would end there, but on Thursday afternoon when you logged on, he asked how your progress was going with the outline, to which you texted back, “I was thinking of you all day. Didn’t get around to doing much else.” 
It wasn’t the only message from you that nurtured his feelings, either. There were enough substantially flirty messages from your conversation that night, that he was able to scroll through them and reread them a few times before bed. 
ynn ᓚᘏᗢ: yesterday at 6:49PM
hi did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now
ynn ᓚᘏᗢ: yesterday at 8:22 PM
you’re so cute
i can barely think 
ynn ᓚᘏᗢ: yesterday at 9:14 PM
i feel like my day doesn’t make sense if we don’t talk 
ynn ᓚᘏᗢ: yesterday at 10:58 PM
i should get to sleep 
but i don’t wanna stop texting you
ynn ᓚᘏᗢ: yesterday at 12:02 AM
goodnight, sung <3 miss you til’ you’re back
Now, as he eyes you with a boyish, lovesick gaze, watching you doodle your stupid little drawings as you await your assignment, he finds himself praying for the courage to come up to you after class.
Professor Hwang calls your name next, something he only realizes at the fitting similarity of your nickname and the way your pen meets the table in alert to being called on, head lifting up and eyes blinking expectantly. 
“Your partner will be,” 
Jisung holds his breath, chanting in his head ‘please, oh, please let it be me,’
 “Lee Chan.” 
Wishful thinking never got anyone anywhere, then. He ignores the way his heart sinks into the pits of his stomach, unable to help but observe your curious gaze as it looks around the filled seats. For a fleeting moment, you meet his eyes, but he doesn’t react or claim to be Lee Chan who you so evidently are in search of, and so you pass him and keep studying the aisles. After a few seconds, you find no one gazing back, even after you slightly stand to peer above the nearby heads that obscure your view. 
“Your constellation is-” 
With a cautious raise of your hand, you interrupt Professor Hwang gently, “Excuse me, Professor, but I don’t think my partner is here.” 
For a moment, her lazer-like gaze looks like it could light you on fire, a consequence of daring to interrupt her, but it softens only slightly as she realizes the truth in your statement, scanning the room herself and calling out for the missing boy. Upon receiving no call back, she thinks for a moment, then looks back down at her clipboard and crosses something out. 
“I did mention attendance was mandatory, didn’t I?” This she mutters to herself, “No matter. Instead, you’ll work with,” she gives the paper another once over, then clicks her pen and speaks, “Park Jisung.” 
In an awkward burst of both excitement and confusion, Jisung darts out of his chair. His knee hits his desk with a clang, and his laptop would have gone flying if it wasn’t for his quick hands that catch it before it can fall. The loud ruckus turns several heads in his direction, including Professor Hwang’s and more importantly, yours. 
Feeling an awful lot like a deer caught in headlights, Jisung blinks as the two of you make eye-contact, then he takes his seat again, very quickly by the way. “Uh, that’s me,” he announces, heat spreading across his face and eyes darting around, “Sorry.” 
Does he feel more sorry to his teacher and classmates for disrupting the classroom, or to himself and you for the absolute fool he has just made of himself? As much as he’d like to tear his gaze away from yours and cast it to the ground in embarrassment, it remains stuck on you, awaiting your impending reaction. 
You’re rather unsure how to feel, though given, a little surprised at the commotion. You offer him a small smile through pursed lips, and Jisung nods, willing with all his might for a hole to open in the ground beneath him and swallow him.  
“Thank you, Mr. Park, for your remarkably clear confirmation. Your constellation is Gemini.” 
You turn in your chair to face the front again, scribbling down his name in the corner of your notebook, as well as the constellation you’d been assigned.
“He’s cute,” Karina comments to you as you look over at her, and you finally let out a small laugh you had been holding in. 
“He is. Clumsy,” you snort, “but cute.” 
“We both got cute partners. We should meet up at the library later and all get started on the project together,” 
You nod enthusiastically, going back to your outline that sits at the ready on your laptop screen and making quick work of labeling the different sections evenly. If it wasn’t so obvious for you to spin around and steal a glance, you might have done so again. You’re certainly tempted to, thinking back to seconds ago and realizing you hadn’t really noticed him the last two classes. 
Jisung watches your exchange with his dignity at serious risk. He’s entirely unable to hear or make out what you’re saying to each other, and it makes his pulse pick up and his mind race. He considers many things as he watches the two of you talk: firstly, asking to change his partner, but then realizing that would be an awful idea. Once you knew who he was, how would you ever forgive him for immediately ditching you? Absolutely not. Cowering had gotten him nowhere so far. 
Then, he considers switching out of the class himself, and disappearing, never to reveal himself to you—but that wasn’t the right thing to do either. Incapable of checking out of your life so quickly and denying himself the treat that is seeing you three times a week (and now, possibly more), he cans that idea, too. 
As Professor Hwang finishes reading off the list of names, he begins planning what he’ll actually say to you, as that conversation is just minutes away. There’s less than a half-hour left of class, which means he has to think hard and fast. 
As he busies himself with the grueling task of picking an appropriate and redeeming introduction, he doesn’t hear the new instructions from Professor Hwang, which are to find your partner and begin brainstorming, as well as exchanging schedules to set aside time outside of class to work on the presentation. A shadow falls over his desk and consumes his work space in darkness. When his curiously squinted eyes trail up to find the source, only to land on you, hovering above him with your things clutched in your arms, he grips his seat to keep from jumping out of it for the second time today. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
So much for having time to figure out how to approach you. His heart does a leap of surprise in his chest in place of his physical body, and he resists the urge to clutch it.
“No.” He replies shortly. 
With your unfaltering, kind smile still present on your face, you laugh softly and place your things down, introducing yourself. 
“You’re Ji-sun, right?” 
“—Sung.” he politely corrects you. When you don’t immediately react, he wonders if you had even heard him. He doesn’t put it past himself to have imagined that he replied to you, between his sweating palms and nervous jittering, and your pretty self sitting just a foot away, he’s barely keeping it together.  After a moment that feels infinitely longer than it actually is, you raise your eyebrows slightly, round lips parted to ask your question with a palpable hesitance. 
“Jisung,” he quickly replies, pronouncing the ‘g’ clearly and masking the way his eyes widen with a heavy blink that honestly, may not serve as any better of a guise. He pleads with himself to get his shit together but luckily, you don’t seem to notice. 
“Oh, sorry… Sorry, It’s just—nevermind. Hi, Jisung.” 
“Hi, Y/N.” He savors the way your name feels on his tongue but keeps his enjoyment brief. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” you start, lifting the screen of your laptop to reveal the very same outline you had started working on during your last call with him, “but I already made an outline. If you wanna scrap it and start all over, we can—” 
“No, It’s fine, we can use this,” when you give him an unsure look, he smiles reassuringly, “It looks brilliant.” 
“Thank you.” There’s a pause that is filled only by you clearing your throat, “Ok, I have a literature class right after this one on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of my classes are online, so I’m free at any time, really. I usually like to study at the computer labs in the library, it’s nice and private there and I find it much easier to focus. But if you don’t want to go there, we could always go to the cafe or the square for some fresh air. Oh, and either one of our dorm rooms works fine if you’re okay-” 
To experience your presence on a phone call is one thing, but to experience it in real life, with your clear voice so arresting and your silky, smooth lips within reach, is absolutely mesmerizing. He’s fighting the urge to glance down at your mouth, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to sustain eye contact, as lovely as he decides your eyes are. Another thing that is becoming exponentially harder, and more sensitive all the same, is his cock, springing to life with an eagerness to greet you. 
There’s a bit of panic that flashes across his features as he senses the strain it’s causing in his pants, and only when you look down at your outline does he dare to sneak a glance down at his own groin where as expected, a noticeable imprint was beginning to develop. In a desperate gesture, he slides his notebook over his lap, suppressing a hiss, and leans forward to pretend to use his own laptop. 
“Any of those work for me,” 
“Okay, great,” You notice the time and turn back to him. “You can just message me when you’re free.”
“And here’s my number—” you reach over, sliding the protective notebook from his lap and placing it on your desk, scribbling your number in the corner. Jisung immediately readjusts his hoodie, throwing the hem of it over his boner. Professor Hwang dismisses the class as you pass it back. 
“Call me whenever you’re free.” With a spin of your heel, you wave goodbye to him and rejoin Karina, who waits for you  at the door with her partner.
Jisung lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and looks down at the number you wrote. Beside the digits, written in very neat handwriting, might he add, sat perched on a wobbly branch a little black cat that he recognized from his hours of staring as one of your doodles. 
The time is 4:33PM, and Jisung has drafted over a dozen messages on the iMessage app addressed to your number. None of them have exactly made it to you yet, courtesy of his thumb that keeps pressing backspace and wiping out any trace of a remotely embarrassing text. It’s the next day and no introduction or invitation to meet up seems like it’s good enough to send, though he knows that inevitably, he has to text you first. You left your number behind with the doodle that he has since stuck to the corner of his PC monitor, but you never took down his; so now, the ball is in Jisung’s court, and he knows that if he waits too long, you’d think he was avoiding you or the project altogether. 
Realistically, he knows a simple “Hi, it’s Jisung,” will suffice, but he can’t bring himself to send you such an unoriginal and boring message. After pondering for a moment, he then decides the best solution would be to do some research, and then call you with his findings—this way, his interest in the project would be clear, and he knows how important that is to you. 
At once, he peels your cum-stained cardigan off of his lap, though not before stealing a glance at the day’s new additions, and places it aside. He tucks his spent dick into his short and turns on his monitor, typing the name of the constellation into Google and investigating nearly every website he could find with any useful information. 
In the nicest handwriting he can manage, Jisung bullets a list of all the facts and history he could find on ‘Gemini’ within the hour, including the stars that make up the constellation, the myth behind it, and other relevant statistics. It isn’t until he has filled up an entire page front and back—partially—that he picks up his phone again and makes another attempt at contacting you. 
Feeling slightly more confident, he types up his message. 
To: 555-111-0205
hi, it’s jisung from astronomy. i did some research and i wanted to show you what i found. let me
know if you’re free to exchange notes. Sent at 5:52 PM.
Jisung rereads over his message for any flaws, though there’s nothing he can do about it now that it’s sent, anyway. After he deems it an okay first message, he takes a breath and moves to put his phone down, but it buzzes in his hand instead. 
Incoming call at 5:54 PM From: 555-111-0205
“Hi! Sorry to just call unannounced but I’m walking to the library with all my stuff and I can’t really text. I was able to book us a computer lab for the next two hours so If you want, we—can you hear me?” 
He sits up straighter, “Yeah! Yes, I can hear you,” 
“Oh, good, so—wait, hello?” Your voice shifts in volume and proximity, as if you pulled your phone from your ear to check the call screen, then brought it back, “Oh, sorry. I-I thought I had accidentally called someone else… nevermind.” Instantly, Jisung realizes instantly that you must have recognized his voice. It makes sense, seeing as you’re used to hearing it specifically on calls. You seem to show no further suspicion as you continue speaking, though, but perhaps, he should keep talking on the phone with you to a minimum. 
“Do you think you can make it? Otherwise I can go work on my own. I saw your text and instantly booked the room. Sorry for not checking in with you first,” 
“I’ll meet you there,” He replies quickly, grimacing at the instinctual effort it takes to try and make his voice deeper. 
“Okay! Great. I’ll see you there, then.” You hang up, and then your text message comes through with the lab room information just minutes later. 
Jisung all but lunges out of his chair and rushes to face himself in the mirror, taking in his reflection. Besides his hair that looks slightly disheveled, he looks alright. He doesn’t want to make you wait long for him, so he quickly grabs his laptop and his notes, shoves them all into his bag, and flies out of his dorm room with the laces of his sneakers left untied.  
In the brightly, yellow-lit hallway, Mark and Chenle are popping out of their respective rooms, a basketball clutched under the younger boy’s arm.
“We were just about to come grab you,” Chenle starts, “Let’s play some ball. Jeno’s meeting us at the court,”
“Can’t,” Jisung shakes his head, “I’m going to the library,” he tries to not get offended at the way the two boys snort loudly in disbelief, looking at each other as if they’ve both had the same thought. 
“Yeah, right.” Chenle scoffs. 
With a blink, Jisung replies meekly, “I’m serious.” 
“Since when do you go to the library?” Mark brows pinch and he adds, “It’s the start of term. You’re already studying?”
“Since now, I guess. I have a project for a class so I’m gonna go meet up with my partner at the library, but I’ll catch you guys later.” 
“Alright, alright. Oh—remember there’s a party next week at Jaehyun’s frat for syllabus week.” 
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” His answer doesn’t seem to fully convince Mark, Chenle, or even himself, but they seem satisfied enough, because they let Jisung go without any more pestering. He flies down the flight of stairs and out the front door of the dormitory. 
The cold September air is biting at this time in the evening, feeling particularly cool on the apples of his cheek, which glow from the light layer of sweat that develops during his jog over to the library. It’s a considerable distance away, which is part of the reason why he, in his two years of being a student at the university, has never seriously stepped foot inside of it. Studying in his room is much more convenient, but you seem to like the library, so the twenty-minute-walk there, or in this case, fifteen-minute-jog, will simply have to be adopted as a new way to get in some brief exercise a few times a week. 
More than likely, you have already arrived, and Jisung doesn’t want to make you wait too long for him, especially since there’s a two-hour time limit on the room and he intends to spend as much time with you there as he can. He wipes his cheeks with his gray sleeves and climbs up the stairs of the building quickly, swiping his student card at the door and stepping inside. 
The ceiling is massively tall, seemingly taller than when he once saw it during freshman orientation, and the endless rows of shelves are filled with books, ranging from thin, colorful novels to thick, leather-bound classics. It’s quieter than he expects it to be, even for a library, and he clearly can hear the pitter patter of his feet as he follows the sign labeled ‘Study Rooms and Computer Labs.’ 
The guy at the reception desk in this section seems to be a volunteer, his student ID and name tag shining on his shirt. He glances up from his book when Jisung approaches, nodding once. There’s an awkward silence that feels rather loud as Jisung fumbles with his phone, flipping it between his clammy hands as he searches for your message. 
“Computer Lab 4C?” 
Wordlessly, the boy nods again, then slides over a clip-board with a sign-in sheet clamped to it. 
It’s surprising to see how many lab spots are filled up so early into the term, names scribbled along the lines and time-slots. Your name stands out, partly because of your familiar handwriting, but particularly because of the empty line beside it, where he signs in before handing the clip-board back. 
“Down the hall, second door on your right.” 
It’s Jisung’s turn to bob his head once and the boy looks back down at his book. He makes his way down the hall until he reaches the correctly labeled door. His hand reaches for the handle, but he withdraws it. Should he knock? Or maybe send you a text? Or both? 
To: 555-111-0205
hey again. i’m outside :) Sent at 6:18 PM.
The door creaks open from the taps of his knuckles bumping against it, and he peeks his head in timidly, finding you sitting in one of the desk chairs, nearly hidden behind your laptop and a stack of books. You look up over the screen, eyes squinting in a smile. 
“Oh, I had left the door open for you,” you stand up, holding out a cup for him, “and I got you coffee… didn’t know how you liked it so I just got you the same thing I order,” 
There’s a fluttering in his stomach as he sets his bag down. There’s no chance he can manage to meet your eyes after such a gesture so he casts them to the ground instead, graciously reaching out to receive with both hands the drink you offer him, “You didn’t have to,” he mumbles, “but thank you. I’m sure your order is great,” 
“I wanted to! It’s just—I mean, I did drag you out of your room in the cold and on really short notice—A hot coffee was the least I could do,” you shrug, “One of my friends works at the cafe and I was there doing some work for my literature class before I got your message and I figured I’d grab us both something before I headed over here… Sorry, I’m talking too much. Here, sit down.” 
He’s not exactly sure what to say, so he takes his seat beside you in silence, but not without a small smile decorating his face. The notes he had taken down to show you are retrieved from his bag, as well as his laptop. There’s a low screech of your chair dragging across the floor, and he turns to find you’ve scooted closer and you're leaning forward with your cheek resting on your palm, eyes intently looking at his research. 
“It isn’t much. I’m sure whatever you found is much more substantial, but I couldn’t show up empty handed.” Jisung explains, sliding the paper over to you. As your eyes scan the page, you make a few comments along the lines of ‘Oh, this is a good point,’ or ‘We should mention this.’
You seem to be very carefully reading his work. Meanwhile, he takes advantage of your preoccupation to let his eyes rake over your person. 
The first thing he notices is that you’re wearing a different cardigan, and he suddenly remembers your black one is still on his desk, unwashed and covered in his cum. Your hair looks soft, and when you mindlessly swing it over your shoulder, he catches a whiff of your lavender scented hair wash, and it makes him gnaw the inside of his cheek. You’re not quite close enough for him to catch the perfume you’ve decided to wear tonight, though he can vividly picture the gentle florals that linger still on your cardigan. His eyes trail down, and it’s only then that he notices your skirt—or blatantly, the length of your skirt. Your smooth thighs are exposed, full and fleshy and pressed together, and he suddenly wishes they were wrapped around his head. 
“Jisung? You okay?” 
“I–Yeah, sorry.” It’s clear that you’ve noticed his staring, and he all but rips his eyes away in embarrassment, “I was just wondering if you were cold,” He gestures down at your legs shyly, pretending the content he’d written on the paper was more interesting the sight of your plush thighs. 
For a moment he expects some harsh comment or outburst, but you laugh instead, smoothing the material down a bit, “No, not in here, at least. And the walk over was short, so,” His lips are pursed and his cheeks are burning, but you spare him from any further humiliation when you reach across him to turn the page over and quietly gasp, muttering some surprise under your breath at how extensive his work is. “This is really good. We can use pretty much all of it.” 
Failing to hide his beaming at your praise, he snaps his head over to you, “You think so?” 
“Yeah, I mean—,” The screen of your laptop changes over to a page of notes, “I pretty much wrote down all the same things. I’m actually so relieved, I was worried I might get paired up with someone who wasn’t gonna contribute.” 
“Bet you’re glad you didn’t switch out of the class now, huh?” 
Distracted in the notes and in the taste of his coffee, he misses your quick, confused glance his way. Smoothly recovering before he notices, you slowly nod and present to him the layout where you had already taken the liberty to assign him his designated parts. Not that he expected anything else; it’s endearing to see his name labeled over specific sections, color-coded in a blue, bolded font. He wastes no time in pulling up the screen of his computer, exchanging emails with you so the two of you can get to work on the shared document.
The time passes quicker than he hopes, and he realizes just how much he likes spending time with you. Talking with you online is one thing, but sitting beside you as you sip your drink and hum mindlessly, fingers typing away or flipping pages in a book? Completely different game. He’s sure that if it wasn’t because he relieved himself earlier today, he might have popped a boner from the simple act of being in your presence. 
Every once in a while, you make an occasional comment regarding a point or two you thought was worth mentioning or adding, and he’d oblige, making a note of it and sharing his thoughts here and there. Occasionally, he manages to steal a look at your thighs, which he swears you’re bouncing and squeezing together on purpose, but for the most part he keeps his focus on the task at hand. 
Towards the end of the night, there’s a moment where your hands brush his as you point something out on his screen, and Jisung swears he’s never felt more like a teenage boy in his life. He practically flinches at the contact, failing to mask his awkward reaction and pretending he really meant to fix his hair.
Bidding you farewell is possibly the most difficult of the tasks this evening, even more so than pretending he isn’t completely infatuated with and aroused by you for a whole two hours. When you stand from your seat and walk with him out of the study room, and subsequently, out of the library and into the cold, Jisung faces another of his many dilemmas related to you. He’s not sure if he should offer to walk you back to your dorm, or at the very least halfway there. Perhaps, offering you his jacket would be appropriate, since your skirt wasn’t doing much of a job at keeping you warm. 
“You live close by?” 
“Yeah! Just a 5 minute walk,” you point your index finger, “In that dorm right over there.” 
Jisung nods once, then decides to indulge his impulses. “Here,” he slides his hoodie off with a little less coordination than he would’ve liked, holding it out for you to take, “so you aren’t cold.” 
He can’t tell if your cheeks are red from the temperature again or from his gesture, but he hopes it’s the latter. The moment you take his sweater, pretty eyes wide in thanks, he sucks in a breath. It’s much chillier now that the sun is gone, and he fights the urge to chatter his teeth when he offers you a lopsided smile. 
“T-thank you,” you tie the sleeves around your waist, covering your lap. 
 “I’ll see you in class?” he asks. 
“Yeah,” you nod, flashing him a final grin before you spin on your heel to head home. 
The twenty-minute-walk-fifteen-minute-jog back to his room feels eternal. All of his hair is standing on end, but picking up his pace too much means that the icy wind, which has so graciously decided to blow in his direction, would just become harsher. His palms soak up the little warmth on his stomach, tucked under his t-shirt, as he alternates between speed-walking and jogging. The minutes drag on and on until finally, his building comes into view and he breaks into a run. 
The following morning when he walks into his astronomy class, he follows his usual routine of checking for you in your seat and is almost distraught when he finds it to be empty. It’s not like you to miss a class, and he contemplates reaching for his phone to check-in on you. It isn't until he pans his vision over to his own chair that he spots you. You’re accompanied by Karina and her partner, Heesung, taking up the empty seats beside his own. 
On your desk sit two coffee cups like the ones from last night, and he pulls his lip between his teeth to hide the grin that fights to break out.
You look up when you spot him, and Karina and Heesung look up, too. 
“Hi! Jisung, right?” Karina extends her hand out and he takes it, nodding to confirm, “I’m Karina and this is Heesung.” He mumbles another small hello to the boy, who acknowledges him before looking back at his computer.
“Good morning,” you greet as he sits, placing his cup on his desk. “You never told me whether you liked it or not, but I figured you’d grow to like it eventually.”
“I-thanks but,” 
“I know: Didn’t have to, but I wanted to. So just say thanks, yeah?” 
There’s a familiar burning on his cheeks that always seems to make an appearance when you’re around, but he doesn’t bother masking it this time. 
“I wanted to ask you if you would be free to study tonight?” 
Instantly, he bobs his head up and down, and you book the study room on your computer just moments before Professor Hwang strides inside the classroom, her glasses on the tip of her sharp, pointed nose. 
The frat house where the seniors stay is practically next door to Jisung’s dormitory, which is why when Mark, Chenle, and Jeno come banging on his door on Saturday night, he realizes he can’t use walking so far in the cold as an excuse to stay home. He also can’t use studying as an excuse anymore, since Mark had already caught him leaving the dorm a few times throughout the week to go study with you. That, and he ran into Jeno as he was entering the library just the night before. 
“You’ve been studying plenty,” they’d say, or “We told you about the party last week, no way you’re not going.” 
Anyway—the point is, he’ll have to endure tonight, despite his wishes to stay close to his PC for the chance that you’d want to hop into a game. He’d prefer to spend the night talking with you, but that’ll just have to wait until tomorrow. With a somber look on his face, he shrugs on a jacket and opens the door for his friends, who practically drag him outside. 
Jeno slings his arm over the taller boy’s shoulders as if to prevent him from fleeing, and the four of them climb down the stairs and onto the path toward the frat. If Jisung strains his ears, he can already pick up on the sounds of the party, even from here. 
“You think Chaewon will be there?” Mark asks no one in particular, but the boys all respond simultaneously with groans of distaste. 
“You dated her three semesters ago, why do you care?” Chenle starts, “isn’t she seeing Jungwoo now, anyway?”  
“That’s exactly why I care,” Mark grumbles, foot kicking a rock along the pavement. “He’s one of the RAs. If he’s there—” 
“He’s always there,” Chenle interjects, earning a glare. 
“—then she’ll be there, too.” 
“So, what happened with… what’s her name,  Minjeong? Why don’t you hang out with her?” 
“Nah,” He turns to Jeno, “She’s sweet and all, but I found out from Giselle that her and Chaewon are friends, so,” 
There’s a chorus of understanding, albeit a bit pitiful, “aah’s” and “oh’s” as the building comes into view. A few people are gathered at and around the entrance while others litter the parking lot with phones and solo cups in their hands as they wait for friends. Among them, and Jisung has to do a double take to make sure, he spots Karina, who waves someone down from the direction of the main courtyard. For a moment, he thinks it might be you who appears from between the treeline, but it’s Heesung who jogs over to meet her and he realizes how silly his thought was in the first place. 
In the months he’s known you, you’ve never once brought up a party. In retrospect, you don’t seem like the type to like partying at all. He can picture you clearly now, tearing through textbooks or novels for your literature class, or maybe even typing away to him on Discord and asking if he was online. 
He isn’t and can’t be tonight, and he’s very sorry about that, for the record. 
Maneuvering through the crowd of tipsy college students isn’t too difficult,and neither is their entry. The door is propped open, and Jaehyun, with his signature snapback that he wears backwards on his dark hair, calls them over from the drink bar. 
“First problem I see here,” he starts, “is that none of you have a cup in your hand.” 
“We’ve barely made it through the door, man,”  Mark laughs, clapping up Jaehyun and moving aside so he can greet the rest of the guys. 
“That’s no excuse, you should be sipping on something by now.” He waves his arm, “Take a look around, boys! This is what life is gonna look like for you guys next year—and the year after for you, Jisung.” 
Jisung gives a curt, disinterested nod amidst being handed some fruity, fizzy, white claw resemblant that probably wouldn’t taste much different from an Alka-Seltzer. He cracks it open upon being prompted to by Jaehyun, who initiates a “cheers” between the friend group. The moment the alcohol touches his tongue, Jisung grimaces, taking a few long chugs in hopes that the effect will kick in quicker and make the long night that awaits him a little less long. 
“Do you know if Chaewon is here?” 
Wordlessly, Jaehyun fixes his cap and points a single finger toward the couch, where Chaewon sits besides Jungwoo, leaning in to hear him over the music and giggling at whatever he says in her ear. The boys look over at the couple, then quickly glance back at Mark, whose face falls despite the fact that he knew to expect this. 
“Tough,” Jeno gives him a pat on the shoulder, “Hope you have better luck the rest of the night. I’ve gotta bounce,” 
“Yo, what do you mean bounce?” 
He gestures toward a girl standing near the beer pong table, who looks slightly familiar to Jisung, though he can’t quite put his finger on it, and smirks, “She smiled at me the moment we walked in. I’ll see you later, but I honestly hope I don’t.” 
The realization that his friends, in search of their hook-ups for the night, would eventually be abandoning him one-by-one kicks in just then, inviting Jisung to down the rest of his bubbly drink in one go. 
Mark rolls his eyes, “You ever notice Jeno is always the first one to get a girl?” His comment earns a few hums of agreement.
“I’m gonna go find Jaemin,” with his phone clutched in his hand, Chenle turns towards the door, “he just texted me he’s outside with Sullyoon and her friend.” 
“Wait, Jaemin is—he’s setting you up and not me?” Chenle only shrugs at Mark’s question, replying with a blunt and concise “yeah.” 
“I’m not a dog like Jeno though, so I’ll definitely see you guys later.” 
As if noticing he was facing the same unfortunate fate as Jisung, Mark turns to the youngest boy with a fearful look in his eyes. Jisung only shakes his head and takes a quick look around, “I’m not planning on hooking up with anyone here, so…” At this, the boy sighs in relief, handing Jisung another drink in solidarity. The two lean against the counter as Jaehyun looks between them, snorting. 
“Mark, there’s so many girls here.” 
“I know, but—” 
“But Chaewon.” 
Mark nods, echoing Jaehyun in a quiet, maybe even embarrassed voice, “But Chaewon…” 
“Don’t worry, I get it,” he adds sympathetically, “I’m caught up on my ex, too.” 
“Uh…” there’s a pause. “Which one?” This comment lands Mark a shove, playful, for the most part. He rubs his shoulder and hisses while Jaehyun, on the other hand, sloshes around the little liquid left in his cup and grabs the closest bottle of alcohol to him, along with whichever random mixer he finds first.
“The only one that really mattered.” He tilts his newly filled red cup back to drink from it, but his eyes peek over the rim and he pulls it from his lips to sigh out,  “Speak of the devil and she doth come,” he raises his brows and announces, “there she is now.” 
Following his line of sight, Jisung trails his vision toward the front entrance and at once, the sight makes each and every one of his limbs seize up. There’s a twisting and turning in his stomach that almost invites the seltzer he chugged to make a reappearance, and he’s pretty sure the color has drained from his face as he watches you walk inside the frat house behind Karina and Heesung. 
So many things go through his mind in such a short amount of time that he fears he may have had some sort of out-of-body experience or hallucination episode; it wasn't really you he was seeing, it couldn’t be. The way your skirt clings to your hips makes him grip his cup tighter within his sweating palm, and the lacy, corset top you’ve decided to wear, which shows off a tasteful bit of cleavage, causes him to swallow down the saliva that had pooled on his tongue. 
It was a more provocative outfit than he’d even seen you wear, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Jaehyun opened his mouth to speak, he’s sure he would’ve instantly become bricked up. 
“And of course she’s wearing that shirt…” Jaehyun fixes his cap for the second time tonight and straightens out his shirt, “Alright, wish me luck.” 
It’s not like Jisung would have interjected anyway, he didn’t really have the grounds to, but he couldn’t even entertain the thought before Jaehyun headed in your direction with decisive confidence. Part of him hopes he was referring to someone else as his ex, perhaps even Karina, since there isn’t another girl in your immediate vicinity besides her, but his bit of hope is crushed as he spots Heesung’s hand intertwined in hers. Surely, Jaehyun wouldn’t be coming up to her if she showed up with someone to his party. It leaves him to reach his regretful conclusion just as his friend and you make eye contact, recognition flashing across your features, along with something else. 
Unable to torture himself further by watching your exchange, Jisung tears his eyes away and grabs another drink to make this very, very long night ahead of him somewhat bearable. He turns to Mark, who he didn’t even realize had been talking this whole time, but the loud music and the cloudiness in his mind muffle out his speech. 
“—I mean this just sucks! I guess we still have each other, maybe we can find some girls who—” 
When did you even date Jaehyun? You hadn’t mentioned him once in the months he had known you. And also, why  did you date Jaehyun? Not that there was anything wrong with him, other than his habit of cycling through girls every semester. Mark’s “Which one?” comment had some truth to it, but he would have never expected you to have been on Jaehyun’s roster. It takes him a second to remember that Jaehyun is still his friend, but even then, he can’t fight the bitterness that settles in his bones. What did he mean when he said that you were the only one that mattered? How significant was your relationship with him? There’s too many questions circling his mind, and it isn’t until he downs the fifth drink that they start to blur. 
Currently, he’s passing the time conversing with Mark and following him around the party, but more importantly, avoiding you in fear he’ll steal a glance and you’ll be locking lips with your ex. He spots Jaehyun by the bathroom a bit into the night, but thankfully, you aren’t near him. It’s in the middle of a beer pong game with Mark when he dares to glance around in search of you. 
First, he spots Karina and Heesung, making out on the couch where Chaewon and Jungwoo once sat. You aren’t near them. Then he spots Jaemin and Chenle dancing with the girls they had met up with, but you aren’t dancing, either. 
He’s relieved to find you aren’t with Jaehyun when he spots him, finding instead that his friend is flirting it up with a different girl who is certainly not you. The sight completely pisses him off, and somehow makes him feel immense relief simultaneously. Right around this time, he decides he’s had more than enough of the party. You aren’t here anymore, and Jaehyun’s face is making him fucking sick. Mark is slurring his speech enough that he wouldn’t notice if Jisung just slipped, so he does just that, though he does make sure to mention to Chenle that he’s leaving on his way out so he can keep an eye on Mark.  
Outside, the cold is unbearable. The previously crowded lot is empty for the most part, except for a few people puffing clouds of smoke into the air by a bench. Not even the alcohol in his system is enough to warm him up, so he can’t even imagine how a joint could be worth sitting outside for.
The only other person sitting outside is squatted down by the curb with their knees curled up to their chest. As the autumn leaves crack under Jisung’s feet, they turn their head around. 
“I told you I don’t wanna—Jisung?” 
Your big eyes widen in his direction, and you shoot up from the ground. Jisung’s brow lowers in concern and he notices the only thing you have to cover up is a flimsy cardigan. You and your damn, flimsy cardigans. 
“What are you doing out here?” 
“Sorry for snapping I—sorry,” you shiver involuntarily as a gust of wind blows through, wrapping your arms around yourself, “I thought you were someone else.” 
There isn't a sliver of hesitation before Jisung shrugs off his leather jacket and begins to wrap it around you, grumbling, “Are you crazy? You must be freezing,” 
“I’m fine—“ 
“This should help,” 
“But- Jisung, how many of your jackets am I gonna take—” 
“As many as you need to.” Your lack of a response makes him look back up to meet your eyes, round and much warmer than the rest of you was right now. He clears his throat, guiding your sleeves into the arms of the jacket as he jokes, “or until you bring your own.” 
You smile, muttering a small ‘thank you’ as the warmth engulfs you, along with the smell of him and some cheap cologne only a college student would buy. He’s tugging the collar closer to cover up your exposed neck and chest, eyes flickering down at your bare skin despite being well aware that you’re looking. Where this newfound boldness came from tonight, he doesn’t know. What he does know is that his boldness is always rather short-lived when it comes to you, and tends to appear and disappear like random spurts of energy—he’ll take advantage of it this once. Especially now that he knows you’re Jaehyun’s ex and the most he might even get to do is gawk at you, he intends to make it worth it. 
“You must be freezing now, though,” you start, “should we go somewhere warm?” 
“How about the library?” 
You laugh, looking at him in disbelief, “The library isn’t open at this time, much less on the weekend,” “Right…” 
“Wanna go to mine?” Your suggestion makes his breath hitch for a second, but he manages to respond with decent clarity. 
“You live by the library, though. That’s like a half-hour walk. I don’t think you’ll make it that far without turning into an icicle,” 
“Well, I don’t really wanna go back inside…” he knows why, so he offers something else. 
“My dorm is five minutes away. We could go there if you want, b-but if you’d rather go somewhere else—”
“Okay,” you nod eagerly, “let’s go.” 
As Jisung leads the way, speed-walking to beat the chill that spreads through his newly uncovered limbs, he turns his face to you, watching as you tuck the lower half of your face into his coat. 
“I don’t know if you want to work on the project or—” 
“God no,” you huff, rolling your eyes, “I’m not that much of a buzzkill, dude.” You jog a little to catch up to his longer strides, “Besides, I have like three shots of Pink Whitney in me,” 
“I know. Can’t think about a project right now,” 
“I’ve had a bit to drink, too.” he admits.
“I can tell. You’re stumbling.” 
He snaps his head around, down to his feet, then back to you. “What? Am I?” 
There’s a small, stupid smile on your face as you shake your head. “No.”
He can’t pinpoint why this banter with you is so easy, why it feels so right. Or perhaps, he can, but regardless, his heart leaps in his chest as he scoffs, not fighting the shit-eating grin that spreads on his frosted cheeks. 
"It’s that building right over there,” he points.
“You weren’t kidding when you said it was close,”
The two of you climb the stairs and he opens the main door for you, watching you sigh out in bliss as you step into the warmth of the hall. You bounce around in a cute way that once more tugs at his heart-strings, still looking all puffed up and adorable in his jacket that entirely engulfs your frame. He leads you up another flight of stairs and onto the floor his room is at, and once the two of you stop in front of his door, he pats his jean pockets. 
“Oh my uh- my keys are in the pocket of the jacket.” 
You mimic his recent action, patting around until you find his keys, holding them out for him to take. 
Somewhat awkwardly, he fumbles with them until he manages to fit it into the lock, opening the door with one hand. He gestures for you to enter his room with a small shrug, “Make yourself at home.” 
As you step inside, Jisung makes it a point to quietly thank whatever higher power compelled him to make his bed this afternoon. The rest of his room wasn’t perfectly organized by any means, but at the very least, his bed, which you now sat at the foot of with your legs bouncing, was neatly made. 
“You have your own room?” You mutter in surprise as you look around the small space and notice the lack of a second bed. The tall boy beside you just shrugs again, toeing off his shoes in the corner as he pulls the door closed. 
“Yeah, uh… I’m one of the RAs for the sophomore class.” 
“Wow,” you sigh, “I wish! I mean, I love sharing a room with Karina, but it’s nice to have space for myself sometimes.” 
“That’s why you’re always at the library?” 
You nod, sliding your palms across his duvet, “It’s nice and quiet,” your fingers move to grip and release the material, and he blinks harshly to erase the sight of that from his mind before it causes him to spiral. It didn’t prove to be very useful, though, because your still-exposed thighs move and press together, just as they did at the library, and his dick gives a little twitch in response.
“I’ll get you some clothes to change into, that way you’re more comfortable.” he decides, more for his sake than yours. You don’t answer, continuing to look around, taking in the details of his computer that flashes in a bunch of different colors. 
“You know I gave up extra storage in my bedside table to be able to keep my PC? I let Karina take it to her side of the room so I’d have space for my setup.” 
Rummaging through his drawers, he pipes up, “you game?” as if it wasn’t something he already knew about you. 
“I love it. I stayed here for most of the summer just because I had my computer here.”  
Jisung picks out a pair of sweats for you and one for himself, along with a t-shirt he knows he recently washed, then he turns, handing it over to you. “I’ll change in the bathroom down the hall and then wait outside. You can crack the door open when you’re done,” 
“Thank you, Jisung.” 
There’s a gentle sincerity in your tone that makes him wanna say “anything for you,” but he settles for pursing his lips instead, leaving to let you change before he can embarrass himself with any baseless comment you wouldn’t really get. The effect of the drinks still hadn’t completely faded, and he fears he’s capable of saying just about any of his stupid thoughts out loud right about now. 
You weren’t completely sober either, not by any means. The trashy vodka your ex offered you in an attempt to reconcile was as bitter as the end of your relationship with him, and it was flowing through your veins and giving you that light-headed buzz. You stand up and slip off your boots and Jisung’s jacket, along with your skirt. Your top requires a bit more precision, the lace getting twisted and tangled in your uncoordinated fingers. There’s little huffs and puffs of frustration that leave your lips during your struggle, and you’d almost consider asking for help if it wasn’t completely inappropriate. 
Finally, though, you manage to get it off and slip on the change of clothes Jisung has so graciously provided. They’re warm and they smell good, and they’re much more comfortable than your outfit which is now folded on Jisung’s gaming chair, alongside your purse. 
When you look up in admiration of his impressive keyboard, which looks to be custom made, and your eyes trail up to his monitor, you notice something on the corner of the screen. The mindless doodle you had drawn beside your phone number that day in class had been very carefully cut out and stuck onto his screen with tape. 
“You okay?”
His voice calls from outside, quietly as if not to disturb you even though it’s you who is occupying his room. 
“Yeah, I’m almost done!”
“I thought that she was gonna assign them on Friday?”
Sung had asked you that on call, in regards to the constellation project you mentioned you wanted to start working on. Not Jisung, Sung. Sung, who is not in your astronomy class and would have had no way of knowing when or even what your professor would be assigning. 
“You’re Ji-sun, right?” 
The nickname sounded very right coming from his lips, from his voice. You never gave his nickname too much thought, because truly, Sung could just be a display name. And if it is his real name, it could stand for anything: Sungmin, Sungwoo, Daesung, Ilsung, Jaesung… Jisung. 
And then, you recall the time you spoke on the phone—specifically, the time you had to do a double take at your screen to make sure you hadn’t actually called Sung. It was the first time you had spoken to Jisung on the phone, and it’s the only way you had even spoken to Sung… something about it seemed so, so strangely familiar. 
Could it be… 
“Alright, I’m done!” Your announcement comes after the realization that he’s been waiting outside for a few minutes already. 
“Coming in…” He warns, eyes still cast to the ground in case you weren’t decent. They slowly make their way up, and something flashes across his features at the sight of you. You try to ignore it, still preoccupied by your growing suspicions. His computer is on… meaning…
“Let me let Karina know I left… I kinda just walked out on her.” 
Jisung nods and takes a cautious seat on his bed a few feet away from you. 
As you open the discord app on your phone, you scroll to the top to find his contact and type out a simple Hi, clicking send with your heart beating faster than usual. It’s an impulsive act, but you can’t help yourself. If there’s even a chance… 
Instantly, his screen lights up and through his headphones you hear the familiar chime of the notification coming in. 
“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” 
If it’s possible, Jisung’s face grows even paler than it already was naturally, and even more gloom than it appeared earlier in the night when he identified you as Jaehyun’s ex. All of his features are alert and in shock, watching as you spin around to face him. 
“Sung? Right? That’s you?” 
He’s struggling to read your expression, and it’s beyond obvious. The only change in his demeanor is the now tensed up shoulders and the redness that takes over the white on his cheeks. 
“I—” Are you mad? Should he apologize?
“Did you know all this time? That it was me, I mean?” 
He nods slowly, unable to find the appropriate words to say. 
Two things happen just then. First, your hand smacks his arm, hard. “You fucking idiot!” and Second, you topple into his arms, hugging him. Initially, his hands hesitate to wrap around you, hovering above your waist as you squeeze his neck. 
“You’re not mad?” He asks shyly. You shake your head against him, then lift off with your hands on his shoulders to take a real good look at his face. 
“No! I’m so glad, I thought I was going crazy. Why didn’t you tell me?” 
He shrugs again, a gesture he seems to do a lot around you. 
“Since when did you know it was me?” 
“Since I heard you speak on the very first day in class. I recognized your voice.” 
Your eyes soften at this small confession, and you look back towards his desk, “So, this is where you were this whole time while we played? This close? A twenty-minute walk away?” You shoot up from the bed and cross the small distance to the desk, swiping an index finger along the surface, then his mouse, then his keyboard, and all of his other equipment. Your eyes are beaming, looking around and familiarizing yourself with his things. All the things you wondered about him are now laid out in front of you, and it’s exhilarating. 
“I was so excited when I found out,” 
“You should’ve told me,” you repeat, still taking in his pictures and personal items, your profound curiosity surfacing within you. 
“I was worried about making a good first impression, you’re…” 
“I’m…?” you press, turning to him for a moment. 
“You’re really pretty in person.” 
In that moment when you turn away to hide your blush, with the words “you’re really cute in person, too” ready to spill from your tongue in a sweet and shy whisper, a small black pile on the corner of his dresser catches your eye. 
“What’s that—” 
“Oh nothing! It’s just—” 
“Is that my cardigan?” 
Forget distraught, forget embarrassed, forget every possible synonym for the word humiliation. Not a single one would do what he’s feeling in this moment even a sliver of justice. Jisung is convinced his soul has left his body, that he’s passed on or that the ground has swallowed him whole. In fact, he’d prefer it that way. He has never felt more panic in his life as you quickly approach the cum-stained cardigan that he took from you, that he pleasured himself with countless times, that he still hasn’t washed…
“You dropped it in class, and I-I meant to give it back to you, you know, a-after I washed it, but then—” 
As you turn the material over in your hands, taking note of and examining the stains, Jisungs breath completely cuts off. You spin slowly on your heel, facing him. There’s an unreadable expression on your face, and it takes every bit of the little pride he has left to not squeeze his eyes shut. 
“Are these—” His voice is no more than a sputtering squeak, “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry. Fuck, you must think—” 
“I didn’t mean to keep it for so long, or-or at all, really, it’s just—”
“Jisung.” He’s pretty sure you can hear him gulp. “Were you using my cardigan to get off?” 
“Were you?” You ask sternly. 
He sucks in a breath, unable to look at you any longer as the faintest of yeses leaves his pouty lips. 
There’s a moment of silence. A terribly long, excruciating moment of silence where Jisung can think of no way to make this up to you. He’s beyond ashamed, palms clasped together and sweating, face red with horror, inside of his cheek clamped tightly between his teeth, the whole nine miles. So much for mulling over how he’d reveal who he was to you, and so much for all the overthinking he did, all the times he planned out exactly what to say to you and how. Now, it’s all coming to an end because of this damned cardigan. He should’ve just washed it and given it back to you after the first time—no, he shouldn’t have used it at all. His mind is filled with thoughts of everything and nothing at the same time, and he’s already beginning to mourn the loss of your friendship when you say the unthinkable: 
“Show me.”
*. * ·
taglist: @heartlvrrss @albedoloser @zp00ks @simpforarmihn @toroufriteh @quokkatss @jising-jisang-jisung @camstqr @tangerinehyuck @ma-riiii @minlvrpage @hancafe
there are some users that couldn't be tagged, as tumblr did not recognize their accounts. sorry :((
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euovennia · 2 years
"what's so funny?" | task force 141
this blurb has been on my mind so much ever since it first appeared in my inbox and i'm so happy to have finally written it, my dumb little gen z brain couldn't resist. thank you for requesting, and as always, i hope you enjoy <3
pairing: youngest!reader x (platonic) task force 141
warnings: none
summary: the team gets curious when you seem to having just a little too much fun while scrolling through your phone. (based on this request)
The team doesn't seem to notice your small huffs of laughter at first, and if they do, they don't seem to give it a second thought. Why would they? You laughing at random videos on your phone had practically become second nature to them by this point. So, they remain quiet, each of them doing their own separate thing in the common area. Gaz reading some random article about sharks on his phone, Ghost and Soap watching some low-budget action film on the television, and Price busying himself with some random crossword from a book of puzzles he'd picked up for himself not too long ago. They don't bother to interrupt your screen time as you sit propped up in the corner with your phone in your hands. They've come to learn you're often far too enthralled with the minute long videos you religiously scroll through to give them more than a quick smile of acknowledgement. They don't mind, however, it seems to make you happy.
Even so, they can't help but each feel a little curious as your faint smiles of amusement turn into small fits of giggles that you can barely contain with a painful bite to your lip. By the time Gaz finishes up reading his article, you're practically bursting at the seams as you try to contain your laughter. He watches you from across the room with great interest as you give your phone screen another swipe with a swift movement of your thumb. He keeps his eyes concentrated on your smiling face, eagerly waiting to see your reaction to the video you're currently watching. He's glad he did, because he's first to witness the way your resolve practically shatters as you fall into a loud fit of laughter. Each of the men give each other a shared look before Ghost stands up from the uncomfortable couch and makes his way over to you.
He stops just a few steps shy of you, "What's so funny?"
You give yourself a moment to calm down and take in a deep breath before handing him your phone with a large grin. He watches the video, his brows knitting themselves together in a state of confusion before he looks back down at you once the short video is finished playing.
"You're kidding me."
You grab your phone from his hands and haphazardly place it back onto the small table before standing up and grabbing his wrist.
"We need to do that, now."
He lets out a grunt, "We're not fuckin'–"
He's cut off by you reaching forward and grabbing onto his wrist with a soft touch.
"Please? I really wanna do it."
His eyes flicker back over to the video that's looping itself on your phone before settling his gaze back onto you who's staring up at him with a dopey grin and hopeful eyes. He's found he has a hard time saying no to you nowadays.
He sighs, "Fine."
Your face glistens with delight at his words and you're quick to pull him away from the room with the rest of the team still being able to hear you say something like, "this is gonna be so funny!"
Price, convinced you've whisked Ghost away to take part in something diabolical, quickly gets up from his chair and makes his way over to your abandoned phone. He picks it up with a careful grip and watches the video that's still looping.
Soap is the first to speak up after a few moments have passed, "What was it?"
Price's face is one of pure confusion as he turns the phone to face the men awaiting his response, "It's just a slice of bread falling over."
Gaz's face lights up as he gets up from his seat, "I wanna see some bread fall over," He cheers before rushing off in the direction of where you had taken Ghost.
The remaining two men watch him scurry off before turning to each other, the eldest of the two looking exceptionally confused as he speaks out, "Is this meant to be funny?"
Soap shrugs, "I prefer the one where the bread is having flashbacks, but the original one is fine too."
Price gapes at the Scotsman, "Flashbacks?!"
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thewosoway · 18 days
Missed you - Lena Oberndorf x reader
* based off of the video from the olympics of Lena showing up to the hotel to support germany*
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With Lena injured you became the one who cared for her aside from her parents obviously. That was until you needed to go to France with the German team to play in the Olympics. You had sat together and thought about how you could support her from France, deciding on multiple FaceTimes and matching bracelets you had made together so you would always feel connected with them.
Lena made it obvious that she wouldn’t be able to come because of rehab and you had become ok with the idea of going alone and hanging out with other players like Jule and Lea instead of Lena.
Before the USA game you had been spending the day going around with Laura, taking pictures of random things and the team. After the pictures you both decided to go sit in the chill room of the hotel and play a card game while watching a movie.
Around half way through the card game you got up and told Laura you needed the bathroom and then you were going to come back and finish the game. She nodded and off you went, passing through the lobby on your phone unaware of the car having just pulled up containing your girlfriend.
Lea saw you walking past and panicked you were going to see what was happening and ruin the surprise. You kept your head down while sending Lena a message asking how she was feeling and that you were worried about her. Lea sent a quick text to Alex popp asking her to distract you and walk you back to the chill room the other way not through the lobby.
Coming out of the bathroom Alex was stood there waiting for you. “Hey y/n, just wanted to come find you and have a little prematch chat” you nodded and went with her talking about how you felt about the match and different things.
Lena had gone with Lea to the chill room where you were originally and sat down on some beanbags at the back of the room, out of sight from the door and where you were sat with Laura.
You walked in finishing your conversation and gently throwing a breakfast bar at Laura that you had picked up on your entry before sitting down in your previous spot and continuing the game. Completely oblivious to your girlfriend watching patiently at the back of the room.
Laura decided to start a conversation about Lena and how her recovery was going, talking about her and other things.
“I love Lena with all my heart and this knee issue is just a minor setback for her. Shes doing good with recovery so far, I just miss her so much. She gets a little annoyed at my constant hovering around her since she got hurt” a small laugh escaped as you talked about her small temper which showed itself more often on the pitch.
Lena sat at the back of the room listening to you talking about her and how her injury was affecting you but all around listening to you constantly repeating how you missed her. She watched as you and Laura stopped playing the card game and stood up going to the pool table while you typed at your phone sending her a message checking on her even though you just checked in, hearing a small cough to get your attention you looked up and in the direction of the sound.
“Lena?” She nodded and smiled “hi love” you dropped everything and ran to her. “What are you doing here?” Holding her close to you like she was going to disappear if you let go “thought id come see the girls play and support my favourite girl” she held you tight being careful of her knee
“I missed you” she kept hugging you and holding you close to her not letting you go. “When you guys are done I wanna play pool” Laura watched from her position at the pool table laughing slightly at her comment and Lena’s reaction of putting her middle finger up to her. “Just got my girl back.. fuck of Freigang” she mumbled into ur neck.
You held onto each other and stayed hugging for a moment before Lena started to get uncomfortable stood on her injured leg which you noticed and lead her to sit down on a beanbag so she could relax for a moment. “I love you Lena, I’m so happy you’re here with me as you should be. I missed you”
Lena made sure to keep you close like you were going to disappear and you would be apart again. You sat together cuddled into her side wrapped together talking to Lea and Laura before the rest of the team walked in to have a chill before the match and talk about tactics. It wasn’t until guilia looked over to the back of the room hearing voices in deep discussion “obi?” The team looked up from where they were stood and saw her with their jaws dropping as each of them looked up to see Lena sat with you half asleep in her arms just listening to her voice and her heartbeat happy to have her back and be in her arms.
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
kenma fatherly headcannons
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i thought it would be interesting to think about what kenma would be like as a father 🤔
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look, im not even gonna be nice with it, i definitely dont see kenma being excited at the idea of having a kid 😭
definitely was like "are you being fr 😟?" when you told him
he obviously wasnt an asshole about it, but he couldn't help his feeling and indifference about the whole thing
the two of you had a long talk about it
the whole time he was more or less "are you sure about this"
hes not a horrible person/partner, he wasnt about to force you to do an abortion
he just wanted to make sure this was actually what you wanted to do and if you were actually serious about it
after you were stern about keeping the baby, he was fine with it
he was more worried about how he would be like as a father because he's very much scared of little kids and struggles to bond with just anyone
also a little peeved at the thought of his alone/free time being taken away
doesnt like the idea of his alone time with you having a literal permanent third wheeler but wont admit that to anyone but kuroo 🌚
during ur pregnancy, he was actually really okay with it
he would check up on you various times of the day, asking how you feel
yeah, he wasnt really excited for it, but that doesn't mean he wont try for it
would pause his games and go to wherever part of the house you were in, eyeing your baby bump with those wary cat eyes of his, all "..how are you feeling..?"
tbh i see you getting pregnant before marrying him because the two of you were kinda lazy with being careful 😅
he kinda facepalms because now hes like "why didnt i think of the possibility of pregnancy🤦🏽‍♀️"
while it doesn't speed up the whole process, he'll now begin taking the thought of marriage seriously
he'll bring up the idea of eloping, or a small wedding because he doesn't like the idea of a big and elaborate wedding ceremony/party
he didnt really care about gender, but he did care about baby names because he didnt want the baby to have a stupid name
now i see him being very curious tho
so he'll ask you a bunch of questions about how it feels to be pregnant, eyes wide when you tell him all the gruesome parts 😭
will also spend some time looking up more information about pregnancy and childbirth
now i do think he'd be aware about how he should change himself for the better
he grew up kinda isolated, and he 100% didnt want that for his kid, especially considering the fact that his child will most likely be an only child too
aw sleeping in kenma's arms while he plays video games cuz hormones made you sad
he'll like announce ur pregnancy to his followers/fans, it was so random he was like "yeah guys im having a kid 😪 kinda scary ngl" during one of his livestreams
really appreciates and is totally surprised when he's gifted money and baby supplies by his fans
maybe posts short little clips of you sleeping in an odd position or doing random things because he thinks its funny how you now do things differently because your bump prevents you from doing things in a certain way
i think it would interest him in the way your baby bump grows
he would be a little mortified at the way he would poke your bump's skin and watch his indent stay there long after he pulled his finger away
would be kinda "??? 🤔🤨" when he first feels the baby's kick/movements
he would "begrudgingly" walk to the store for you late at night if you were craving something
acts all annoyed but lets bffr kenma we know ur a softie 🤣
okay for the birth tho he's so mortified
definitely doesnt want to watch but obviously will be there for you because he knows better
the whole time he feels secondhand discomfort for you and feels your cries in his deep in his core cuz ur in pain and he doesn't like that 😕
this might sound weird, but i see him bringing his portable gaming system to the hospital so you can play with him and get ur mind off things
not saying his feeling towards the baby will change after the birth, but he'll definitely be like "oh wow 😳" when the baby is first born
have u ever seen that clip of steve irwin first looking at bindi when shes born and hes all amazed and awestruck by her?
its like that but its less noticeable and its more like "this is my child?"
a little scared to hold the baby at first because he's afraid to drop her
but once he does he'll look down at it and be like "ur not so bad afterall 😪"
DEFINITELY doesn't get any sleep during the first few months because he'll for some reason take late night feedings/crying upon himself
hes all "ur such a pain bro 😒" while rocking the baby back and forth to soothe it, all cuddly and gentle with it
tbh i cant decide whether it be a girl or boy so its up to reader to decide
omg hes mortified after the first belch spit hes gone afterwards
literally condemns the baby to hell
hates changing diapers but does it for the sake of the baby's comfort and health
when he's alone with the baby, he'd be like "ur kinda ugly 🤔" while playing around with it
tbh i see him getting random bouts of urges to play with the baby and speaking to it in a baby voice secretly
gets really embarrassed if hes caught and acts like it never happened
when ur not there to watch the baby while he's gaming he'll actually be okay with the baby sitting in his lap while he games
if he wins he'll be all "lets goooo 😝" all up in the babies face 😭 lifting it up into the air and just being such a gamer dad
also starts teaching the baby how to play games real early on, making them hold a controller or something and teaching them game logistics
the baby is like 5 months old and doesn't know about taxes but knows about dnd 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
i see him like announcing the birth of his kid to his followers/fans a couple weeks after the birth
only shows what the baby looks like when its like 6 months old and crawling all in the background, he'll turn around and be like "wanna see my baby?", lift up the baby and put it's face all up close into the camera 😭
does 0.5 and only 0.5 photos on the thing 😅
does a couple more streams afterwards when he "games" with the baby and blame loosing on the poor thing 😅
aw i can see him and the baby having matching outfits when he goes out with it
he's not the best dad, but he'll try his hardest
on a sweet note, if kenma feels lonely when ur away, he'll allow the baby to sleep in the bed he shares with you as a "substitution" and cuddle with it
yk that tiktok audio that goes "leave me alone baby 😒" and then goes "ur my baby i love you ☹️☹️🥰😘" yeah that hes that
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emssturniolo · 19 days
talk to me
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pairing: matthew sturniolo x reader
summary: matt knows you too well, especially when you aren’t being yourself
a/n: this was a request but i kinda gave it a little more plot :)
you did’t know what happened, really. one moment you were sitting on the couch at the triplets’ watching tiktoks aimlessly on your phone, and the next you were uncontrollably crying and shaking - to a person from an outside perspective, it might have seemed as if you had just fallen into frozen cold water, but you hadn’t. it was just your mind playing foolish tricks on you.
see, you and matt have been dating for a while - and you trusted him, so much - but this was a rare occurrence where your mind was doubting what it believed so thoroughly.
amongst the many tiktoks you had scrolled passed that night, one of them seemed to blur the vision of whatever in your head kept you thinking straight - it was a tiktok of matt… obviously, with a girl who seemed so so much younger than you suggesting that matt and some random influencer had been secretly dating.
the video had intense details, and things not even a mastermind would have thought to put together - which is probably what made you believe it - it suggested that matt and this influencer had met at tara’s party a while back, and displayed evidence of matt and her started liking each other’s posts not too long after the date of party.
now you weren’t one to usually believe these things, but it was so unrealistically possible, that your mind decided to play tricks on you, and there’a a high probability that your lack of sleep the previous night did not help.
matt was currently out with his brothers, filming a late night car video, and the shitty thing was that even if he wasn’t out - you couldn’t never get yourself to talk to him about something like this. you loved him so much that the possibility of him taking it the wrong way was too much to risk.
so when matt came back home later that night, and your mind was still racing, you had ultimately decided to suck everything up - but he knew you, maybe even a little too well, and when he noticed you weren’t laughing to his jokes as hard as you usually do, and that you weren’t as excited for the mcdonald’s he brought you home that night, he just knew something was up.
so he laid beside you on the couch when both nick and chris had gone down to their rooms for the night and asked you a simple question… which may have just sent you downhill.
“hey, what’s up? something’s wrong, i can tell.”
and with that, you broke down. anxiety flooding through your body, causing you to shake and stutter trying to respond to his question. in attempt to act like you were just fine, you failed. miserably.
“no-nothing. i’m- why?”
and with that he let out a harmless chuckle, purely to the fact you thought that he would believe your stuttering mess of a sentence.
“c’mon, angel. something's wrong.”
“you can take your time, just talk to me. please, i don’t want to go to bed worrying about you.”
your mind was moving fast. very fast. but you knew he wouldn’t drop it unless you told him exactly what was bothering you and what he could do to help.
“i just- i may or may not have seen a tiktok- god this sound so stupid-“ he cut you off the second those words left your mouth.
“hey no, nothing you say is stupid, just tell me”
“to be clear, i am fully aware you aren’t cheating on me- but there was a tiktok and it suggested you and some influencer were dating and i’ve just been dying all night thinking how i would actually survive without you if that ever happened and- i don’t actually know, i just panicked.”
his eyes widened at the word ‘cheating’, and then softened when he realized you were just overthinking, and then turned into this type of frowny shape when he thought of you having to doubt his never-ending love for you.
he didn’t know where to start from, so he just didn’t think about anything and let his heart speak.
“oh angel, you don’t ever ever ever have to worry about anything like that. i am so so so lucky to have you in my life, let alone call you mine, why would i ever trade that for anything else?and you know i understand more than anything that your anxiety is speaking right now, but please don’t worry so much over a tiktok made by some girl who’s probably twelve years old. if you don’t mind, can i see the video please?”
and with that you showed him the tiktok, the look on his face as confused as yours the first time that you had seen the video.
“i have never seen that girl in my life, angel, you can go through my phone if you want to feel better, but i promise you i haven’t.”
but there was no need to go through anyone’s phone - you trusted matt with your whole being, and now you yourself are doubting why you didn’t just a few minutes ago.
“no, matt,” you let out a slight breathy laugh “i trust you. i’m sorry, i think I just panicked, i don’t even know what was going through my head.”
matt made a gesture with his head, silently asking if he could hug you. you just put your weight onto him and he caught you with his warm handstand reciprocated the hug.
“you’re good, sweetheart.” he kissed the top of your head, and picked you up swiftly in one motion moments after, carrying you to his room.
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 6 | ‘Til We Meet Again ft ITZY.
length: 14k words ✦
ITZY & Male Reader.
genres: blowjob, oral sex, sixsome, hard sex, handjob, anal, creampie, bit fluffy, voyeur, facial
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"Huh? U.S.A?" Yeji asked, puzzled, standing by the glass door that led to the Jacuzzi, one side of her face illuminated by the sun, "Why?"
Chaery had gathered the girls in the living room for something that in her own words, was something of the utmost importance. They all thought it was something related to her or the group, or something more delicate like some family stuff, but everything had resulted in her telling them what you told her the day of your 'date'. All of them were gathered there, some sitting on the sofa and others, like Yeji, standing.
"Is he going on vacation or something?" Ryujin asked, seeing Chaery while hugging her own legs attached to her body, at one end of the sofa.
"Uhm… yes," Chaeryeong nodded, "but not exactly," she sighed, going to sit on the edge of the sofa with her gaze lost to the floor, "Noze has her eye on him, I think he'll leave with Aespa."
"WHATT?!" they all yelled in unison, with faces ranging from astonished to disgusted.
"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe," Chaery sighed, "but that's what he told me."
"God, he must be fucking stressed carrying all that pressure," said Lia, who was eating a green apple while cutting it into pieces with a knife.
"I'm not surprised Noze has her eyes on him," Yuna said, taking pieces of the apple from Lia as she cut them, "his work is impressive."
"That's true, but has he even seen the girls in person?" Yeji asked, going to sit next to Ryujin, who spread her legs to rest on top of Yeji's thighs.
"Obviously not," Chaery replied, "he's been busy with us all this time, this has to be a manager-nim thing."
"Fuck, I almost forgot he's close with Noze," Yeji clucked, "that's what we get for not pretending to stay stressed and irritated all the time, manager nim realized how helpful he was to us with his services. "
"Now those bitches are going to take him away," Yuna said with a disgusted tone, then spoke with a piece of apple in her mouth, "it's not fair."
"It certainly isn't, but it's not like we can do anything about it," Lia said, eating the last piece of apple, "it's still a job for him, after all, and it would be a great opportunity," they all nodded in agreement. 
"We can't do anything," Yeji reaffirmed, "however, we can do something for him in the meantime..." her face lit up with a mischievous smile.
The tide at your job had been pretty flat that week, you took the whole weekend to be home, rest, and hang out with Chaery again on Sunday. This time your date had no interruption or inconvenience, you took her to your apartment, you had a nice lunch, you played board games and you watched random videos on Youtube until the time to take her back to her house came.
The road was undoubtedly a moment that you were going to treasure for many years, driving at night with Chaery, listening and singing your favorite songs, among which Ne-Yo's Because of You stood out. Your eyes were fixed on the road, but every moment you turned to see her you were met by a beautiful and happy face illuminated every few seconds by the streetlights. Few moments in your life had been as happy as that, she made you feel comfortable, she made your heart feel in the place where it always wanted to be, and you didn't know where all that wave of emotions and feelings was going to end, but what if you knew it was that you were willing to do whatever it took to not let it die.
However, the week following your second date with Chaery had started out anything but calm. It was Monday at 8 in the morning when you received a message of what you considered at that moment, it was Lucifer himself going for your neck: Noze, and she told you something that left you completely paranoid and lunatic for the rest of the week. The first had been a message of encouragement, telling you that you had been doing an excellent job and that she was certainly impressed, but the second was that there was one more test to pass.
That was not what made you paranoid, it was the fact that she told you that during that week a mystery client was going to visit the spa, she did not tell you who she was, or what day she was going, she just dropped that bombshell on you out of the blue, so that you could decide how to process and cope with that information.
As expected, you didn't swallow that information well at all. Throughout the week you seemed like a complete lunatic always looking to give the best deals and overexerting yourself with absolutely every single client that came with you. You were sure that it had become something strange for someone, but in your paranoia for not knowing who it was or receiving any kind of clue, you never thought about it.
That same week two separate clients arrived that made your head ache when you came home later. Kim Taeyeon, and Red Velvet's Yeri, both SM idols, labelmates with Aespa. In your head it was them, they had to be, you also thought it would be too obvious from Noze, but that didn't stop you from behaving like the lord of sex himself when the two of them presented themselves before you with their towels wrapped around their incredibly hot bodies. You did not know if they were the mystery clients, but what you were sure of was that they had left your spa room well satisfied and de-stressed. Yeri even allowed you to eat her tits as a thank you.
Friday finally arrived, that day when you knew that all your worries had disappeared and your mind would go to a completely different plane. That morning you did not stop looking at your phone, waiting for the long-awaited message that certainly did not take long to arrive. You got Yeji's text just as you were clocking in at work. She told you to go home as quickly as possible after leaving the spa, and also to bring a backpack with clothes to spend the whole weekend.
At that point you didn't even care if you passed the test or not, you were so stressed and tired that just thinking about spending the whole weekend with your current favorite girls was like a sunny day after the storm. You completed your day satisfactorily, a fairly normal day considering what you were used to lately, where more and more famous idols arrived, and you signed your departure time at the reception before collecting your things and driving directly to the girl's house.
You expected to notice something strange when you arrived, but curiously everything seemed too quiet and in order, you even noticed that the surroundings of the house were better cared for and maintained than before, they had cleaned up dead leaves, bushes and weeds, which before made it look like the house in the middle of a Silent Hill forest. There was also no trash of any kind, and all the walls had had a fresh paint job.
After parking the car and you got out to go inside, that's when you noticed the first big difference. Behind the glass door was a sky-blue rug that stretched in a path and around one of the hallways leading upstairs, suspiciously too similar to the same kind of rug you used at work. You frowned in confusion, and followed the path until you reached the corridor where it turned, meeting a pretty woman with shiny hair.
"Good afternoon sir," Lee Chaeyeon said in a polite and calm voice, dressed almost exactly the way the receptionist at your spa would dress, dark blue button-down scrubs and pants from the same color, "it's good that you have arrived."
"Uh… may I know what you're doing and why are you dressed like that?" you asked with a frown due to the confusion. Chaeyeon's hospitable little smile disappeared for a moment, she sighed.
"Please play along, the girls put a lot of effort into making something nice for you," she said, smoothing her uniform down with her hands and standing upright, hands behind her back. You already had an idea of what it was all about.
"Oh, okay okay," you nodded slowly, and then cleared your throat to face her again, "Good afternoon miss," you said back, and Chaeyeon returned to character.
"You have an appointment with the five hostesses of this establishment," she said, "may I take you to your room sir?"
"I'd be delighted, miss, please," you replied, smiling back at her.
"Follow me," Chaeyeon turned and started up the stairs, and you followed her.
You reached the second floor and immediately turned to take the following stairs to the third, the carpet continued to mark the way up there, you turned through a couple of corridors, until you reached the door of a room that you already had more than familiar with. It was the spa room.
"Are you going to join us, miss?" you asked, when she stopped in front of the door next to you.
"The hostesses did this between themselves exclusively for you, I have no place there," she said with her hands clasped on the pit of her stomach, "besides, I agreed to do this because my little sister asked me nicely, and I see how happy you make her. "
"Thank you so much, I'm sure it meant a lot to her," you smiled.
"Don't you dare leave without saying goodbye to me, okay?" she broke her character once more and grabbed you by the shirt to give you a little kiss on the lips.
"You know I never would," you winked at her.
"Yeah, you'd better," she let go of your shirt, and put her hand on the doorknob to open it wide, "your room, sir," Chaeyeon smiled, and took a step back.
The girls were waiting for you inside, standing side by side in nothing more than a sexy uniform black lingerie set for each of them, and both the bra, panties, and thigh-high stockings were see-through. The door closed behind you, and you were left alone with your five hostesses. The first one you saw was Chaery, who winked at you with a small smile on her face, you smiled back.
"All in us! Hello, we are ITZY," they greeted at the same time, making their typical hand sign before a bow.
"Hi!" you greeted back making a small bow, "thanks for having me."
"Thank you for coming to take our services, sir," Yeji said, hands clasped at her crotch.
"Should I explain what today's session will consist of?" Lia asked, looking at Yeji, who nodded, "Okay, we have a total of 4 stations, first we'll give you a handjob, then a blowjob, then you'll have access to our pussies, and finally we'll end with anal."
"I'm more than happy with that," you replied, scrutinizing the girls' bodies one by one, each one looking utterly hot and irresistible with the pieces of lingerie on.
"Should we start then?" Ryujin asked, clearly eager to get her hands on you.
"Yeah, undress him girls," Yeji ordered with a nod to you, and just like a pride of lions, they began to surround you as they undressed you.
Chaery made sure to take her place in front of you, making sure your eyes were on her as you pulled down your pants and she took off your shirt. You wanted to kiss her, but she stopped you.
"Nuh-uh," Chaery put a finger to your lips, pulling you back a few inches from her face, "you're not supposed to kiss me, darling, not yet at least," she giggled, then knelt down in front of you along with the other girls and they lowered your boxer shorts with a single pull.
"Lie here, sir, face down," Yeji said, the girls stood up, and when she removed the towel covering the mattress, you saw the same damn hole from last time there. It was that again.
"Oh shit..." you muttered, and took a few steps forward to stand next to the bed, you stared into Yeji's eyes for a moment, and she couldn't help but flash an evil smile. You did as you were told, and lay face down on the bed, making sure that your cock and balls had gone through the hole.
"Go ahead girls," Yeji ordered, and you watched as Lia and Chaery crawled under the bed.
"Don't worry darling, we're not like Yeji, we'll take good care of you," Lia said, and Yeji frowned, not expecting that roast. You smiled, holding back a laugh.
You didn't have time to say anything when you felt the first hand wrap around your still flaccid cock, and seconds later, another one went to your balls to cradle and massage them slowly and carefully. You didn't know whose hand each hand belonged to, but you did notice an obvious difference in the treatment they gave you compared to the one Yeji gave you. Despite trying to be careful, Yeji simply could not put aside that rudeness and coarseness that characterized her, instead, Lia and Chaery being the ones who appreciated you the most, made their hands feel as if they were lined with the softest of wool.
The hand around your cock began to move slowly, gradually making it completely hard while the other hand was replaced with a mouth, which doled out little kisses and licks on your balls. You felt how they switched places when you felt a different hand around your cock, but you also stopped feeling the kisses on your balls. Now one hand was holding the base of your shaft with two fingers while the other moved slowly from the tip to the middle.
The hand that was stroking you separated and immediately after you heard a spit, that hand returned to your cock, and began to spread saliva as it moved with more and more intensity. You gasped, already starting to feel tingles all over your body. There was another change, and now you felt the other hand move much faster than the other, which returned to your balls to squeeze and caress.
Your slippery cock was already throbbing between hand and hand, and your constant panting let them know they were doing an outstanding job. Soon the delicacy disappeared, and the two of them just concentrated on making you feel your best with quick and precise movements whose main intention was nothing more than to make you release a thick and powerful load.
You no longer even bothered trying to guess who was masturbating you at what time, you just closed your eyes, clenched your fists and pursed your lips between small grunts as Chaery and Lia gave you one of the best handjobs you could ever receive. Your blood began to pump towards your cock, and you saw fit to let them know you were about to cum.
"Girls, I'm so fucking close," you said against your clenched teeth, and soon you felt a pair of tongues press against the tip of your cock as they used their hands to stroke it quickly.
A few seconds passed when between frantic strokes your load began to shoot out in thick spurts against the tongues of Lia and Chaery, who took turns taking a little more of your cum each, as you moaned loudly since they continued moving their hands rapidly through your orgasm. It wasn't until your cum stopped coming that they stopped, and you let out a deep breath.
Lia and Chaery came out from under the bed, and you saw them with their mouths and chins smeared with little strips of white liquid, which they wiped away with the backs of their hands.
"Was the first phase satisfactory for you, sir?" Lia asked, licking her lips, "you came a lot."
"Fuck… yes, yes I did," you sighed, feeling your cock still throb slightly.
"Then you'll enjoy the second phase even more," Yuna chimed in, exchanging knowing glances with Ryujin, "could you stand up over here sir, please?"
"Sure, but could you give me a second? I need a breather," you propped yourself up on your elbows, then ran a hand through your hair.
"Sorry sir, breaks have no place in this spa," Ryujin said with a false wail, "as you understand, we have limited time," what a fucking liar, you didn't have limited time, they didn't even count the minutes.
"... As you say, Shin Ryujin," you said after a little silence as you sighed, then got off the bed, and stood in the middle of the room. Lia and Chaery stepped back with their hands clasped across their bellies, giving way to Yeji, Yuna, and Ryujin, "Wait, can Yuna be in the middle?" you asked before they crouched down, not wanting to give Yeji the spotlight you knew she wanted.
"Uh… sure, sir," Yeji snorted, trading places with Yuna.
With their positions established, the girls got down on their knees in front of you. Ryujin on the left, Yuna in the middle, and Yeji on the right. Yuna started taking your semi-hard, still slippery cock and brought the tip of it directly into her mouth, without any kind of foreplay or warning. She sucked just the tip, swirling her tongue around it and moving her lips just the necessary inches until your cock returned to full hardness.
Ryujin and Yeji got in on the action too, with wet little kisses and licks on either side of your shaft as Yuna took more and more inches of your cock into her warm mouth. You gasped, placing each hand on Ryujin's and Yeji's heads as your erection slowly filled with their saliva. Yeji moved to your balls, and Ryujin followed seconds later, each taking one of your balls into her mouth to apply slow sucks and licks that made you gasp for breath.
Yuna deemed it the opportune moment to take more than half of your shaft into her mouth, you locked gazes with her, and she gave you a mischievous wink before beginning to slowly pump her head. Meanwhile, Ryujin and Yeji were making sure your balls were really drenched, also using her tongues to stimulate them and the back of your shaft as Yuna moved her head back with each pump.
It didn't take long for your mind to completely weaken thanks to the deadly combination that was playing with your cock at that moment, Yuna had improved a lot since the last time she gave you head, and Ryujin and Yeji knew more than well how to use their abilities, that never changed.
Yuna continued to pump her head faster and faster for a few long seconds until she pulled you out of her mouth, grabbing your cock at the base to press it against your abdomen and kiss the back of it.
"Do you like it that way, sir?" Yuna asked seductively, rubbing the tip of your cock up and down before joining Ryujin and Yeji in licking and kissing your balls and the rest of your shaft.
"I don't have to answer that question, brat," you gasped, as the three of them coordinated to lick you from base to tip, where they met to swirl their tongues in a triple kiss with your cock in the middle. You moaned out loud, tensing your entire body at the whirlwind of pleasure you were experiencing.
"Actually yes," Ryujin said, as Yuna and Yeji kissed with your dick between, "otherwise we'll have to change the method, sir," she gave a mischievous little smile.
"Don't you even fucking dare," you growled, your breath getting heavier, "yeah, I love it that way, just keep going."
"Oh of course daddy," Ryujin didn't mind going out of character just to tell you that, and in a slight act of selfishness, she took your cock and removed it from Yuna and Yeji's mouths to now take it inside hers.
Ryujin brought her lips almost to the base of your cock, and started pumping her head frantically giving you a messy and extremely rough blowjob, but it still felt so fucking good. You moaned, holding Ryujin's head while Yuna and Yeji just watched intently as she devotedly slurped your cock.
"Hey! Don't be a selfish bitch!" Yeji protested, as Yuna sucked and licked your balls and Ryujin pretended not to hear her, "I want to too!" You couldn't help but smile for a moment, knowing that you had done well not to leave her in the middle.
After a few seconds Ryujin gave you a short deep throat, which made you growl and throw your head back, at that moment, she finally took you out of her mouth to give someone else's turn. Yuna tried to take you again, but Yeji was faster and she directly caught you with her mouth without even grabbing you first.
Already having you inside her mouth, the first thing Yeji did was take you directly to her throat, keeping eye contact with you at all times while her nose rested against your pubis. She showed no gag reflex, and after a few long seconds, she took you out of her mouth with a strong gulp of air as she furiously masturbated you. While Yeji rested, Yuna took the opportunity to suck on your dick for a few seconds, but soon Yeji stopped her to replace her mouth with hers.
"Daddy, are you going to paint our pretty faces with that delicious fucking load?" Yuna asked with a sexy and innocent tone seeing how you had your mouth ajar as you panted, "I bet you must be very close," she also didn't mind breaking her character at that moment.
The overload of stimuli didn't allow you to answer Yuna's question, just like Ryujin, Yeji was sucking on your dick frantically with long and quick movements of her neck, letting the saliva spill from her mouth straight down her thighs. Yuna was certainly right, you were too close to cumming, but you didn't have enough mental strength to announce it out loud, so you just made a hand sign that Yeji immediately knew how to interpret.
"Oh yeah, daddy is going to paint our pretty faces," Yeji stated, pulling you out of her mouth and placing her hands on her thighs with her tongue sticking out. Ryujin did the same as Yeji, and they both came together towards the center while you quickly stroked your cock in search of your orgasm.
"Huh? He's not your daddy, fucking sl-" Yuna was about to complain to Yeji, but at that moment she was interrupted by the long and thick strips of cum that came from your cock. She completely forgot what she was going to say and joined Ryujin and Yeji to receive your load, which you distributed between each of their faces between loud moans.
You made sure that their faces were painted with your cum as evenly as possible, most of your load falling on their tongues and noses. Once you had emptied your balls again, the three girls swallowed the accumulated cum on their tongues and plunged into your cock to leave it clean and shiny, taking turns taking you inside their mouths.
"Oh god, I'm going to miss swallowing your cum so bad, sir," Ryujin said, wiping her chin with the back of her hand, giving you a mischievous smile.
"You..." you looked at Yeji, "did you really call me daddy?" you asked with a teasing smile.
"I don't know what you're talking about, stop slandering me," she huffed, licking her lips to get to her feet.
"You called him daddy indeed," Yuna said with a hint of jealousy.
"Shut up, slut," Yeji snapped, "you two," she pointed at Chaery and Lia, who had been watching the whole thing in utter silence with thighs clenched together and legs twitching slightly. You already knew them well enough to know how horny they were.
"You don't even have to say it," Lia interrupted, taking a step forward and pushing her to get in front of you. Chaery rushed in to join too, and nudged Lia away with her forearm only to cup your face in her hands and kiss you first, "Agh I almost did!" Lia complained, somehow knowing that this was going to happen.
You wrapped your arms around Chaery's toned little body, still covered by the sexy, tight lingerie set she was wearing that you were eager to take off. She moaned against your lips as you shared a fiery kiss, your hands caressing her back and then down to her ass, giving each cheek a hard squeeze. You felt another set of hands on Chaery's body, but it was just Lia, who was helping you remove all of Chaery's lingerie while you focused on her lips.
When Chaery's body was naked in your arms your hands went to her ass once more, only to bring one hand between her buttocks and rub her pussy and her butthole with your two fingers. Not wanting to be left out but wanting to help both of you, Lia took your cock with one hand and began to rub it up and down against Chaery's pussy, which felt extremely wet. It took her a few long seconds, but finally your cock was fully hard again, your tip moving up and down between her folds.
"Okay stop, please fuck me honey," Chaery begged, rubbing her thigh between your legs.
"Yeah, go ahead sir, it's time for you to enjoy your next station," said Lia who was now standing behind you, giving you a little kiss on the shoulder blade.
"God, am I in heaven?" you asked, looking at the ceiling, and then meeting Chaery with a smirk.
With your arms around Chaery's body, you lifted her up into the air causing her to wrap her legs around your torso, and you sat her on the lower edge of the massage bed. Chaery spread her legs wide and leaned back with her elbows resting on the mattress, she watched you intently, as you took your cock and slowly rubbed it up and down between her folds, and with a subtle movement of your hips forward, you slid your cock inch by inch into the pussy you were lately addicted to.
"Fuck!" Chaery moaned, pursing her lips and throwing her head back, "I'm the one in heaven," your cock completely disappeared into her folds, you gasped, feeling the silkiness of her pussy walls caress your shaft from every angle.
"Hey, stop making me jealous, I know his dick is amazing," Lia said, climbing onto the massage bed with Chaery to sit behind her and caress her hair while watching how you were balls deep inside Chaery.
"Hey, don't be jealous darling, you'll have some dick soon too," you winked at her and she blushed, then concentrated on cradling Chaery's face in her hands as you held on to her waist and began to rock slowly back and forth.
"Fuck, I wish I could go with you on that stupid plane," Chaery moaned, watching your cock slide all the way in and out of her pussy. She leaned her back against Lia's abdomen, letting her play with her tits and her pretty nipples. You brought a hand to her face, inserting your two fingers, with which you were rubbing her pussy before, into her mouth.
"Quiet sweetheart, just enjoy the moment," you said, biting your lip as she sucked and licked your fingers into her mouth. You rested your free hand on her left thigh, squeezing the soft flesh between your fingers and giving her pussy faster and faster thrusts.
"Sweetie, please fuck her with all your might," Lia asked you, her mouth agape, her brow furrowed with excitement and her cheeks flushed, "my pussy is dripping and I need something inside me as soon as possible," you looked into Chaery's eyes, her expression imploring you to fuck her like you always did, with love and sensuality, but Lia was right, and you didn't want to keep her waiting so long. 
"I'll take you home later, baby, don't worry," you winked at her, took your fingers out of her mouth and clung to her tight waist with both hands. Chaery held on to Lia's thighs, which were now on either side of her body, and she pursed her lips to stifle a loud squeal as you began pounding her pussy fast and hard.
Chaery arched her back and covered her mouth with her hand, moaning against it as you pumped in and out of her pussy harder than any time you'd fucked her before. A small bead of sweat ran down your temple, which then fell on your cock and joined the rest of the fluid inside her pussy. It was obvious that she wasn't used to that roughness because at first she had a small wince, but as the seconds passed her face relaxed and turned into one of pure pleasure.
Lia kept playing with Chaery's tits while she shook in her arms with each of your thrusts. You brought both of your hands from her waist to hers thighs, pressing them back and using all your mileage to fuck her as hard as you could, making the bed shake as well. Chaery tensed her thighs under your fingers, and also slightly lifted her pelvis in an omen of what would be her imminent orgasm.
"That's it honey, don't stop," Lia gasped as well, then leaned forward to help you rubbing Chaery's clit with her index and middle fingers, while your cock hammered into her pussy, "your girlfriend is so close to cumming, drive her crazy."
The word 'girlfriend' made you and Chaery blush in the midst of all the frenzy, you and she stared at each other, and it only took a slight nod of your head for her to explode around your cock. Her body went crazy between spasms and screams, you considerably lowered the pace of your pumping, and she, despite writhing in Lia's arms, sought every possible space to look into your eyes while her orgasm passed.
"I never thought I'd see Chaeryeongie being fucked this hard, what an accomplishment," Ryujin said from the corner of the room next to Yeji and Yuna, who were watching everything between small smirks.
"So girlfriend huh?" Yeji teased, raising an eyebrow, followed by a giggle.
"Shut up bitches," Lia snapped, laying Chaery down on the bed and then getting off, standing facing the opposite edge, "if you want to tease him, do it later, I need that cock inside me."
You had a hard time getting the blush off her cheeks, Chaery just kept looking into her eyes, and when you got out of her pussy, you couldn't help but stand next to her and lean down to kiss her forehead.
"Awww!" Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna said at the same time, putting their hands to their mouths. You didn't know if it was genuine tenderness or just trying to get on your nerves. You rolled your eyes, and went to stand behind Lia.
"Hey, you look like an idiot," she said, looking at you over her shoulder, you were still blushing, and with her right hand she gave you a small slap on one of your cheeks, "you make it very easy for them."
"Do I need to remind you that it is your fault?" You pressed your erect cock against her lower back, and she leaned her torso onto the bed, pressing her chest into the mattress and leaving her juicy ass exposed to you.
"I'm not to blame for anything, I was just stating the obvious," she said, "now put that dick in there, you're torturing me."
"And I would keep doing it if it wasn't for the fact that I’m crazy about you," you took your cock and rubbed it a few times between her buttocks, brushing your tip against her wet pussy.
"Wait, you wha-" you didn't even let her speak as you slid with one firm thrust inside her, "Oh fuck!" she moaned, clutching the sides of the bed, and you gasped as you felt her silky smooth pussy again.
"Exactly what you heard, don't ask," you said, brushing her blonde hair off her back and tucking it behind her right shoulder, allowing you to see every inch of her pretty back.
After doing that, you placed your right hand on her lower back and after a few seconds letting her ass rest against your pelvis, you began to move your hips back and forth slowly, stretching Lia's walls with every single inch of your manhood, she looked over her shoulder at you and moaned, as she felt your cock caressing her inside.
"So you're crazy about me huh?" she asked between moans, with a seductive and sexy tone before biting her lower lip, "it's because I'm the only one who treats you like the sweet boy that you are and not like a sex toy, right?"
"You're not the only one, but fuck yeah, and I love that," you gasped, looking into her eyes and then watching as your cock disappeared between her round buttocks.
"It's because you're the sweetest boy ever, honey," she pulled her back up to press against your chest, you wrapped an arm around her neck to hold her upright, and she turned her head to meet your lips.
"You telling me that only turns me on more, Julia," you gasped mid-kiss, moving your hips faster and faster and causing your pelvis to slam into her ass with each single pump.
"Then you should fuck me like only you can, honey," she moaned, biting your lower lip and holding on to your forearm with both hands as you pounded into her pussy.
You pulled away from the kiss and put a hand on her back to lean her body back against the bed, then grabbed her left leg and pulled her knee up onto the bed. She stared at you, and you gave her left ass cheek a spicy spank that made it jiggle like jelly, Lia moaned louder, and then put your right hand on her waist to fuck her now with all your might, pumping your cock in and out of her dripping pussy from that hot new angle.
Chaery, who had her head on the side of Lia's, turned to cup her face with both hands and kiss her, Lia muffled her moans against Chaery's lips, and you gave her ass another hard spank that made her squeal. Second by second your body began to fill with a light layer of sweat due to the intense movements of your hips. Seeing the hot scene of Chaery and Lia sharing a sensual tongue kiss made you grunt with pleasure, which instinctively led you to spank her other butt cheek.
Lia's ass was full of bright red marks on both sides, and just like Chaery a few minutes ago, she was holding on to the black-haired girl with both arms while you pounded her pussy at full throttle. You could have been watching them kiss all day, but you needed to make Lia cum as soon as possible, and in order to do that, you grabbed a handful of her blonde hair in your dominant hand and yanked it back, pulling her away from Chaery's lips and making her scream.
Lia's entire body began to jerk with each slam of your pelvis against her ass, and once again she clung tightly to the side edges of the bed. Your hand went to her waist as the other continued to pull back her hair, and it wasn't long before Lia smacked the side of the bed hard as her orgasm electrified her from head to toe.
You released her hair, letting her seek refuge in Chaery as you now clung to her waist with both hands, very pumping slowly in and out of her pussy as she sailed through her orgasm with intense spasms and shrieks. Her silky pussy choked your cock with her tight walls, and you had no choice but to pull out of her before you came.
"You're both going to get my load, come here," with your cock in hand, you stood on the side of the bed, Chaery and Lia's faces just below, one with her body to the right and the other to the left. They both stuck out their tongues, and after a few seconds of rapidly rubbing your cock, you came all over her pretty, exhausted faces.
You made sure that most of your charge landed inside their tongues, intentionally feeding more of it to Chaery, who gobbled it all up as did Lia. The rest of their faces, from their noses to their cheeks were covered with thick white liquid.
"Thank you for thinking of both of us, you're so sweet, honey," Lia told you with a smirk and then she winked at you.
"Why don't you help each other to get clean?" you asked, looking at Chaery, who bit her lip and nodded.
They both settled so that they were kneeling on the bed facing each other, and in a scene that you were sure would never be erased from your head, they began kissing and licking each other's faces to clean and share your cum between their mouths.
"Damn, that's fucking hot, I'm not going to lie," Ryujin said from behind you, "but it's about time our client got their last station, girls," she waved at Chaery and Lia, who glared at her before helping each other off the bed and going to rest.
"Sir, I hope you don't mind that my two colleagues are inexperienced in anal," Yeji said standing next to you, already completely naked with her lower back resting against the edge of the bed and a bottle of massage oil in hand.
"Not at all, it'll be quite fun," you smiled, watching as Yeji was joined by Ryujin and Yuna, also stark naked next to each other.
"Do you need to get some rest, sir?" Yuna asked, standing in front of you and caressing your shoulders, "you look quite exhausted."
"Fuck, I am," you sighed, looking at your limp, fluid-soaked cock.
"How about preparing us for what's to come while your cock rests for a few minutes?" Ryujin said, spreading out a large towel on the floor and getting down on her hands and knees on it, with her ass facing you.
"That's not a bad idea at all, actually," Yeji said, shoving the bottle of massage oil into your hand and then moving closer to your ear, "you know what to do, big boy," she whispered, and went to get on her hands and knees next to Ryujin. Yuna followed them, landing on Yeji's right.
You knelt behind them, Yeji's ass just in front, Ryujin's on the left and Yuna's on the right. You opened the bottle of massage oil, and in a patient job, you began to lubricate each of their asses as best you could, leaving the three pairs of buttocks shiny and slippery.
"I'm," you said, giving Ryujin a very hard spank making her moan, "gonna start," now the spank went to Yeji, who let out a small squeak, "from left to right," the last spank went to Yuna, who just looked over her shoulder at you and frowned in pleasure, "understood?"
"Yes sir!" They all said in unison, all three leaning on their forearms with their backs arched and their asses perfectly raised and appetizing to you.
With that being said, you started with the fun part. You filled your fingers with oil and started dilating her buttholes one by one, Ryujin took it perfectly like the good slut she was, you used three of your fingers at all times with her, and you were surprised how easy it was to get her used to it. Yeji was already more than an expert at it, so you didn't have to spend too much time with her. The real challenge for you was Yuna, who wouldn't stop complaining and whining when you were only using one finger, with the passing of the seconds she gained confidence, and you ended up using three fingers with her as well as with the other two. She had been the one who had complained the most, but for some reason you felt that she would end up enjoying it more than Ryujin.
"Alright, are you ready, fucking slut?" you asked Ryujin, kneeling behind her with your already fully hard cock between her buttocks.
"I'm always ready for your cock, daddy," she winked at you, and rocked her ass from side to side, playing with your cock.
You put a hand on her waist to keep her still, then with your free hand you took your cock and positioned the tip of it in her butthole, rubbing it a few times before pressing forward with your hips. Ryujin tried to play tough when your cock began to slide into her ass, but when half of it was already inside her, she couldn't help but groan with a little squeal of pain.
"You said you were always ready, right?" Yeji teased, playing Ryujin's chin with her fingers, "take that cock, you fucking bitch."
Ryujin seemed to take that as a challenge, as her countenance completely changed to a serious and concentrated one.
"Put it all inside me, now," Ryujin ordered, looking into your eyes.
"I'm certainly not going to say no," you said, and with your hands on her waist, you drove the rest of your cock deep into her ass with a single thrust. Ryujin growled and clenched her fists, her eyes closed and her face wrinkled.
"That's a good girl," Yeji said with a wicked smirk.
Wanting to test her, you started pumping in and out of her butthole, not too fast but not too slow either, just at the perfect pace to start warming up as she got used to having something so thick inside her ass.
"Oh my fucking god," Ryujin moaned through pursed lips, "it hurts, but I have to admit this feels good."
"You'll feel even better when the pain goes away," Yeji assured.
"It's already going away, actually..." Ryujin stared into your eyes as you began to pump your cock slightly faster in and out of her ass, your hands gliding in circles on her butt cheeks between little squeezes, "and fuck, I can understand why you love it so much."
"And you enjoy it more when someone else plays with your pussy..." Yeji gave a mischievous smile, reaching under Ryujin's body and reaching for her pussy, rubbing up and down her folds before inserting her two fingers inside her.
"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me!" Ryujin dropped her face against the towel, and soon began to whimper with her two holes being fucked faster and faster.
It didn't take much effort for you and Yeji to work together and drive Ryujin crazy. You spanked her again, and then planted your feet on either side of her knees, now hammering her ass up and down with strong pumps, while Yeji finger-fucked her pussy with frantic movements of her wrist.
From that position it was easy for you to lean forward a bit to grab fistfuls of Ryujin's hair with both hands, pulling her head back hard. She started moaning like crazy, and for the first time in your memory, you had managed to make her cry with pleasure.
"Come on bitch, cum on daddy's dick and on my fingers," Yeji said in Ryujin's ear, pumping her fingers rapidly in and out of her pussy, while you kept a firm grip on her hair and a constant aggressive pump against her butthole.
Ryujin squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on her own pleasure, letting herself be carried away by her body until she was completely still and silent, a fact that preceded the strongest and most violent orgasm you had seen her have since you knew her. You released her hair, letting her face fall back against the towel. You didn't notice it at first, but once her orgasm passed and you came out of her ass, you saw that the towel under you, Yeji's hand and wrist were completely drenched from a Ryujin squirt that you couldn't see.
"Holy shit, you did like it, right?" you asked amused, with your breath agitated while you looked at Ryujin and she looked at you out of the corner of her eye, with her eyes full of tears and her messy hair.
"Yeji had a lot to do with it... but fuck yeah daddy," she closed her eyes, concentrating on regulating her breathing and swallowing hard after you'd destroyed her ass.
"Speaking of Yeji, are you ready, ma’am?" you asked, looking at her.
"Actually, I think I'll give my turn to Yuna," Yeji looked at her as she just looked at you and Ryujin with a worried face.
"Oh yes? And why is that?" you asked, you didn't expect Yeji to give her turn to anyone.
"Our pretty maknae must try getting fucked in the ass, right?" She cocked her head at her looking at you, "I wouldn't want to make her wait that long."
"Mmm, I understand," you nodded, looking at her with some suspicion before looking at Yuna, "are you ready, princess?"
"Not quite, but if you promise to be patient with me, let's do it," she sighed, and you were about to kneel behind her to take her like that, but she stopped you, "uhm… I want to see you, can I?"
"Of course baby," you let her roll over and lie on her back, spreading her legs wide for you and playing nervously with her hands on her chest.
"I know it's easy to say, but you need to breathe really well and relax," Yeji said, lying on his side to Yuna's side, leaning on her elbow.
"You better not say anything, okay? You make me more nervous," Yuna said, taking a deep breath, watching you position yourself between her legs with your cock in your hand.
"Hey, just trust me, you'll like it," you told her with your free hand resting on her flat, toned abdomen, "here I come."
You repeated the same as with Ryujin, pressing the tip of your cock against her butthole and pushing forward as slow and steady as you could. Yuna let out a small cry when only your tip was inside her, and she placed a hand on your lower abdomen to stop you.
"Fuck, it feels so different to your fingers," Yuna was already starting to breathe harder than normal, "be careful."
"I'm being careful, Yuna," you said, looking into her eyes, "you're too tense, calm down."
It was a constant tug of war for a few minutes in which you were extremely patient, but thanks to your perseverance, soon your cock was completely inside Yuna's incredibly tight ass. Every single inch.
"Oh my fucking god," Yuna clung tightly to your wrist, still assimilating that she had something so big up her ass, "Oh my fucking god!" she screeched, bringing her other hand to her mouth.
"The hardest part is over, pretty girl," Yeji affectionately caressed Yuna's hair as a reward, "now just enjoy it little by little."
And she certainly did. You placed one of her hands on her waist and the other on her hand, holding her firmly to give her confidence as you began to move slowly in and out of her. Her grimace was one of pain at first, and at a certain moment you thought she was going to tell you to stop, but just like Ryujin, the pain disappeared as soon as she expected it, that's when she realized that your cock was hitting sensitive places for her that she would never have known she had until now.
"Fuck daddy..." she moaned through her mouth, gasping as she watched your cock move in and out of her butthole faster with each passing second, "I didn't know this was going to feel so fucking good!" she arched her back slightly, and you let go of her hand to now place both on each side of her small waist.
"I told you," Yeji said with a giggle, giving Yuna pecks on the temple and discreetly playing with her tits and her pretty nipples. At first it was just that, but as you fucked Yuna's ass harder, her hand discreetly went down from her tits to her abdomen, finally reaching her wet pussy, that's when you realized her true intentions.
"You're fucking amazing, Hwang Yeji," you just said with a laugh, before concentrating on frantically pounding Yuna's tight ass.
"Oh yeah? Why am I amazing?" she asked, bringing two fingers to her mouth and then taking them to Yuna's pussy, where she rubbed her folds and also began to rub her clit little by little. You didn't even answer. The reality was that Yeji had given her turn to Yuna just to make her cum quickly so that you wouldn't have time to cum. She was making sure that she herself was the recipient of your load.
"Don't fucking stop daddy!" Yuna moaned loudly, going crazy as your cock hit every sensitive spot inside her ass and as Yeji knowing her so well also rubbed her pussy in a way that was perfect for her liking, "I can't believe how fucking good that cock feels inside my tight little ass!"
Yeji went from rubbing her pussy to now taking those two fingers inside her, she had no mercy on her, moving her wrist as fast as she could to fuck her pussy while you complemented your thrusts with two hands on the maknae's neck. Yuna's face was completely distorted with pleasure, and she could no longer even produce a sound from the firm grip of your fingers around her neck.
You didn't think it was possible, but Yuna's ass tightened even more around your cock, you growled, and squeezed her neck harder as you and Yeji fucked her two holes as fast and hard as you could. Yuna clung to both of your wrists, and seconds after her orgasm hit her as hard or even harder than Ryujin. Her entire slender body jerked and she began to spasm violently beneath you, Yeji immediately pulled her fingers out of her pussy, letting you slowly fuck her through her orgasm.
"That dick sure is magical, huh?" Yeji teased, kneeling to one side of you and reaching between your legs to cradle your balls and squeeze them gently as you gave Yuna the last few thrusts. You removed your hands from Yuna's neck, letting her take a long breath of air.
"Fuck... I really regret not trying this sooner," Yuna moaned under her breath, watching your cock come out of her ass, "I might develop a fixation now," she looked into your eyes, biting her lip and giggling.
"Then I hope my cock will always be the owner of this tight little ass," you slumped forward in front of her, placing your hands on either side of her head to place a small kiss on her lips.
"Of course, daddy," she agreed with a smile, "I was all yours before."
"Blah blah blah whatever," Yeji said from the side of you, "it's my turn daddy."
"He's not your daddy!" Yuna exclaimed with a frown.
"Aha, whatever you say slut," as you knelt up Yeji put her hands on your shoulders and pushed you back, you fell backwards out of the towel, and like a skilled cat, she straddled you, pinning you to the ground, "hope you don't mind me taking control this time daddy."
"Not at all, but you have to stop calling me that before Yuna scalps you," you laughed, placing your hands on her waist.
"Gosh," she snorted, rolling her eyes, "you're so boring," Yeji planted both feet on either side of your hips, cupping your cock with one hand to straighten it up and press it against her butthole. Within seconds she was completely impaled on your cock, "Oh fuck yeah honey," she moaned throwing her head back with a sexy smile and eyes closed.
You both moaned in unison, and instinctively your hands went to her perky tits to cup and squeeze them hard. Yeji began to move her hips slowly up and down, hitting your pelvis hard with her ass every time she pushed down. She placed her hands on the sides of your abdomen, slightly digging her nails into your skin and staring into your eyes before beginning to move faster.
"You should be up more often," you gasped, as you stared at each other with lust and desire, "you look fucking sexy being in charge."
"True?" she tilted her head, tossing all her hair to that side to lean her body forward and start to give you little kisses, "I don't know why they say I have delusions of grandeur," she murmured between kisses, as she bounced faster and faster against your cock.
"I won't comment on that," you smirked, bringing your hands to her buttocks as her hips rocked up and down harder than she had a few seconds ago.
"Yeah, you better not do it and give my ass that fucking load," she said pulling away from your lips to look into your eyes, mere inches from your face. She pulled you out of her butthole, only to turn her back to you and get into the exact same position, only this time you got a better look at her pretty buttocks.
Yeji impaled herself on your cock again, which you saw disappear between her buttocks straight to the bottom of her ass. She rested her hands on your thighs, and in a matter of seconds she resumed the hard bouncing of her ass against your pelvis. The room was filled with the sounds of meat colliding, and you graced it with sharp spanks to each of her buttocks, which made her squeal and dig your nails into her thighs.
You were already conditioned by your turns with Ryujin and Yuna, so you weren't going to be able to hold your ecstasy for much longer, especially considering that Yeji was putting all of her soul and dedication into jumping on your dick. You weren't sure how close she was to her orgasm, but you wanted to make sure, and in order to do that, you grabbed her shoulders to make her lean back, she rested her hands on your chest, and all her hair fell in your face, but you didn't care.
"Huh? What are you doing?" she asked between moans, but you didn't answer, and you brought a hand between her legs straight to her pussy as she continued to jump frantically on your cock. You decided that the best thing was to give her her own medicine, so you rubbed your fingers a couple of times between her folds, feeling how wet and lubricated she was before putting your two fingers inside her pussy, "Oh you motherfucker!" she complained, yelling at the ceiling.
Then a fierce war began between you, her jumping as hard and rough as she could on your cock and you moving your wrist as fast as you could, fucking her pussy while your cock did wonders in her ass.
"Two can play the same game, whore," you smirked, holding onto her waist with your free hand.
"You cheating bastard!" she whimpered, clearly going crazy with pleasure but not wanting to lose her pride.
"Shut up and cum with me," you growled, squeezing hard around her waist and pumping your fingers in and out of her pussy.
Despite being stubborn, Yeji took each of your orders always and without question, so it took a few seconds until she exploded against both your fingers and your cock. Her nails dug even more painfully into your chest, and her shrieks were so loud that even Yuna and Ryujin to one side of you covered their ears. Just seconds after Yeji reached her ecstasy you followed her, and without announcing anything to her, you planted your feet on the floor and gave her ass a hard upward thrust, starting to shoot all your thick load inside her butthole between loud moans.
"Holy fuck yes!" she growled, feeling her ass being filled with your cum, "give me all that load, fuck!" she dropped her back against your chest relinquishing control to you, which you used to move your hips up and down while letting every drop of your seed inside her.
Seconds ticked by, and as your ecstasy wore off, you pulled your cock out of her ass so that all of her cum poured out in a thick waterfall.
"Girls, come clean up," you said to Ryujin and Yuna, who got up quickly to do your bidding, they got down on their hands and knees, leaning forward between your legs to collect all your accumulated cum on your pubes and still pouring out of Yeji's ass, which they also kissed and licked without hesitation.
"Fuck, be careful, I'm still very sensitive," Yeji complained, grabbing both of their heads.
"I would have loved to have that load for myself, but you're a fucking cheater," Ryujin said to her, and Yuna nodded.
"Oh come on, you're too whiny!" Yeji defended, sitting on your abdomen, "you have to wake up, that was a very obvious dirty move on my part!"
"And that's why daddy paid you back, you fucking bitch," Yuna said and then looked at you, half dead and gasping for your own breath, "oh god, we drained him to his very soul," Ryujin, Yeji, and even Chaery and Lia across the room laughed at your condition.
"I'll take care of him today, get off him you whores," Lia said, standing to one side of you, "it's not optional, it's an order," you were used to Lia giving authority over everyone else, but not Yeji, who got off of you in a matter of seconds. You looked up at Lia, dazzled by her figure and how fucking sexy it was to see her act like that.
"And why you?" Ryujin asked, wanting to challenge her with no argument, just wanting to annoy.
"And who will do it, you?" She raised both eyebrows, "You're a fucking nympho, Yeji is extremely rude and carefree, Chaery will have him for the rest of the week to herself like she deserves, and Yuna couldn't even take care of a helpless little bird without it dying the next day."
"Hey! It wasn't my fault what happened to Tango!" Yuna complained, crossing her arms with a frown.
"Say it several times until you believe it," Lia laughed, and then squatted down to look at you, "come honey, let's take a bath," you didn't have the energy to say anything, but you were more than happy to have arms as safe and warm as Lia's caring for you.
Later that night, after taking a nice and peaceful bath with Lia, you all gathered in the living room just to chat and drink hot chocolate in comfortable pajamas, you didn't talk at any time about your trip or anything like that in order not to get sad on a weekend that was supposed to be your potential farewell, instead you just dedicated yourselves to coming up with funny topics and getting to know a little more about each of them and about yourself.
However the night ended quickly for all of you due to how extremely tired you all were, only you, Chaery and Lia were left.
"Uhm... I know that wasn't in your plans, but can I sleep with you?" Chaery asked, sitting across from you two, she was wearing one of your t-shirts and pajama bottoms just like Lia.
"Of course, but he will hold me at night," Lia clung to your arm, leaning into your shoulder.
"But that doesn't mean you can hug me," you winked at Chaery, who gave a charming little smile.
"Then come on, I'm dying of sleep," Chaery was hugging a cushion, which she put next to your pillow to lie on.
You settled on one side of Chaery, your head resting on your pillow as did Lia, who turned her back to you and snuggled her whole body against yours, you lay on your side, pressing your chest against her back and hugging Lia's soft, warm body with your arms. Chaery also lay on her side, and you felt her snuggle against your back and then hug you tight.
"I love you girls so much, really," you murmured loud enough for both of them to hear, "you're amazing…"
"We love you too, darling," Lia turned her face to place a peck on your lips, "rest well."
Chaery didn't say anything, but you were sure she was pressing her flushed face against your back. In this way, you three cuddled close together, and with the wide blanket up to your shoulders, you fell asleep peacefully and calmly.
The next morning your body completely lost track of time. You woke up alone on the sofa, with the sunlight filtering through the wide windows and disturbing your vision when you opened your eyes. A few minutes passed before you could finally open your eyes normally, you sat up, letting the blanket fall into your lap to reach over and pick up your phone from the floor. There were no new messages, but it was 1:12 PM.
You stood up and went straight to the kitchen to drink a glass of water that refreshed your dry throat, after that you went to the bathroom, not finding any of the girls on your way. You brushed your face and teeth, and when you went out to the living room again you went to the window that led to the jacuzzi to slide it and go outside. That's when you knew where the girls were.
The residential area in question was quite calm and quiet, so you could easily hear how a few floors down near the entrance how the girls were giggling and splashing the water over and over again, you couldn't see anything from that balcony, so you immediately went down to the pool.
You expected them to be playing in the pool in a healthy and innocent way, but you didn't even know why you expected such a thing from them. The five of them were in the pool, completely naked, playing with a volleyball and some pool toys.
"Oh, look who's awake!" Yuna announced as she noticed your presence while you were standing at the edge of the pool, with your hands behind your back and looking at them with an amused expression.
"Come here right now!" Yeji invited you, waving to them.
"Do I have to be completely naked too?" you asked smiling, looking first at Chaery and Lia, who nodded to you discreetly.
"I don't even know why you're asking that, idiot," Ryujin said, a large water-spewing rubber shark in hand.
They all had their eyes fixed on you, and you had no choice but to happily give in to the social pressure they exerted on you. You quickly undressed, and took a few stepping steps to join them in a splash that splashed them all and made them whoop in celebration.
Your games started out innocent and quite funny, you joined them in their game with the volleyball, making teams of three at all times. You, Chaery and Lia against Ryujin, Yeji and Yuna. Everything was going as normal, but in a pool with 6 naked and wet people things started to heat up much faster than you expected.
You and the girls were kissing intensely and passionately in the same circle where Chaery stayed by your side at all times. You kissed each one of them, but in a matter of seconds couples began to form in every corner of the pool, Ryujin tried to convince Chaery to go with her for a second while you stayed with Lia, but Chaery flatly refused, clinging to your body with arms and legs, so Lia went instead.
Things got intense next, the girls were touching themselves underwater, and Chaery was slowly masturbating you, while she was giving you little pecks on your neck and you were playing with her ass. Everything was going downhill, destined to become one big orgy, but something happened that you would not have imagined under any circumstances. You heard the gate beep several times, the same beep it made when it was about to open.
The gate began to open, and you tested all your agility to get out of the pool as quickly as you could without breaking your neck in the attempt, you managed to get out, but when you were about to grab the towel to put it on, you saw someone standing in front of the gate out of the corner of your eye. You were screwed, and trapped. But it wasn't the fact of being trapped that screwed you the most, it was the who. Noze.
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She looked as beautiful as you remembered her, this time she wasn't wearing a hat, but her hair loose with bangs that suited her quite well. She was wearing a long-sleeved black polo shirt with white patterns and dark brown pants. You didn't have time to see her in detail, because all you saw was her astonished face.
You were all completely paralyzed and surprised by the unexpected situation. The gate began to close behind her, and when you finally reacted and tried to put the towel on your hard cock it was already too late, because she had taken the phone from her and had taken a picture of you unawares.
"Fuck, please delete that!" you begged, putting on the towel and covering your erection with your hands. Your cheeks felt too hot, and to your right, in the pool, you heard the occasional giggle. What a fucking shame you were going through.
"Mother of God, Jiminnie is going to love you," Noze stated, biting her lower lip and giggling. You grunted bitterly knowing that you couldn't do anything, and brought both hands to your face to rub it a couple of times. The girls had also come out of the pool in a way that was too serene, and had sat on the nearby beach chairs, not caring to remain completely naked in front of Noze.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked confused, unable to even meet her eyes out of embarrassment, "why didn't you text me?"
"Well, the girls' manager told me you were here and you hadn't left yet, so I figured this was a good time to come over," she looked back down at your cock, then back at the naked girls with hungry eyes, "but my calculations were off, apparently."
"And what about the message?" You raised an eyebrow, taking a few steps towards her, "I've been waiting all week for a measly message in the midst of fucking absurd paranoia."
"The news I have for you isn't the news you give out in a text message, boy," she crossed her arms, daring to stand very close in front of you, "SM approved you, you're going on tour with us," she said, looking into your eyes. You instantly felt a headache, and that the world began to spin around you. You already knew that this would be the most likely, but still you could not believe it.
"Oh... well, that explains everything," as you said that, Noze's phone started ringing with multiple notifications one after another, she checked the messages, and smiled as she watched a chat.
"Congratulations, the girls approve of you too, pretty boy," she laughed, still looking at the screen of her phone, which she showed you after a few seconds.
It was a group chat where she and the girls from Aespa were. Noze had sent the photo that she had taken of you to the group telling them that it would be their toy for the tour, and the reactions were not long in coming. Ningning just responded with some: "🤤🤤🤤🤤". Winter made a joke about how big your dick was and how it could perfectly break her in half if you wanted to. Giselle asked if they really had to wait for the tour to start before they could try you out, and Karina just commented that she was genuinely impressed.
"At least Winter is funny," you sighed, resigned to all that lay ahead.
"Everyone is in their own way, don't worry about it pretty boy," Noze winked at you and patted your shoulder, "anyway, I gotta go, I'll see you Monday morning at 10 am to sign all the paperwork and meet up with the girls," she started to turn to leave and walk towards the gate, "I'll send you the location as soon as I get home," you stared at her leaving, and just as she was about to leave, she looked over her shoulder at you, bit her lip, and blew you a seductive little kiss.
You remained completely still, with your eyes lost and your arms crossed, there was silence for a few seconds, until suddenly the girls burst into cheers from the other side of the pool towards you, applause, shouts of encouragement and so on, all of them managed to transform an awkward moment into one that managed to make you smile broadly.
They infected you with happiness very quickly, and it was then that you realized that this was a huge opportunity for you and your professional career, but that also made you think that this would be the last time you would see them for a long period of time.
"Wooooh!" Lia yelled at you, "that's my boy!" all her faces were illuminated by a smile of genuine pride, but among all of them, Chaery looked the least happy. She cheered and applauded you just like the others, but you could clearly tell the difference in mood.
"Why don't we go to the living room? I have the perfect way to celebrate this," Yeji said with an innocent smile, and after drying off, you all went to the living room.
While there you all sat on the sofa still extended after you had slept there. Yeji reached for the remote control of the TV, and after a couple of buttons and selected options, she began to play a very detailed recording of your session from the night before, with cameras from all possible angles.
"What the fuck?" you said, with your mouth ajar. You looked at the girls, who were just as shocked as you.
"I thought after my session you'd want to see yourself getting fucked too, so there you have it," she said with a giggle.
As expected, the sparks were lit in the blink of an eye, and you were all turned on from your little interrupted pool session, but this time there was absolutely nothing stopping you. One thing led to another, and you all ended up fucking like rabbits, all with each other.
After an intense session of unadulterated sex of about two hours, you all took turns bathing in pairs, Yeji bathed with Yuna, Lia bathed with Ryujin and you bathed with Chaery. You were all completely fresh now, damp hair and comfortable clothes, and even though you wanted to stay another night, it was time to go.
You were in the parking lot outside the gate, right next to your car. You already had your backpack on your back, and the girls were all gathered a few meters from you, the only one who wasn't was Chaery, who was waiting next to you. It was already afternoon, the wind was blowing pleasantly, and the sun was beginning to hide behind the mountains.
The first in line was Yuna, who looked at you with a small affectionate smile.
"I don't even know what to tell you, oppa…" she started looking into your eyes, "I think I should just say thank you," you smiled, and so did she, "thank you for teaching me so many things about my body that even I didn't know. And… uhm, I'm going to miss you so much," she wrapped her arms around you in a warm hug that you gladly reciprocated.
"Take care of yourself princess, please don't do anything stupid and don't kill any other little birds," you teased, and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Hey!" she complained, and you pulled away with a giggle. Next up was Ryujin. You crossed your arms, and raised an eyebrow as you stared at each other.
"Well?" you asked.
"Well what, fool?" she was also crossing her arms, imitating your expression.
"Don't you have something to tell me?" you cocked your head.
"Mmmm, yes, I'll keep the sweater you left here the first time you stayed over," she said with an innocent little smile, and you had no choice but to hug her yourself. She returned your hug with pleasure, and you knew perfectly well that she was going to miss you too, it didn't matter that she didn't tell you.
"You better not fuck any other asshole in my absence, baby," you murmured in her ear in your embrace.
"I won't daddy, I promise," she murmured back to you, and you broke away from her to go to the next one, Lia.
"God, I'm going to miss you so much darling," Lia hugged you immediately, burying her face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around her, imbuing her with your warmth before she looked up to see you from her, her hands on your chest, "Please eat well and sleep well, just stay healthy, okay?"
"I promise I will, Julia," you gave her a peck on the nose, "thank you for being so kind and attentive to me from the beginning, you're a wonderful girl," you said, looking straight into her eyes. Lia blushed.
"And you're a wonderful boy," she pursed her lips, and just then her eyes turned teary, "Ahhh god! I didn't want to cry," she complained, and you laughed, wiping her eyes before her tears fell, "please call me often, don't you dare forget my existence, boy."
"What are you talking about? That will never happen, always keep an eye on your phone, okay?" you cradled her face with both hands, and gave her a little kiss on the forehead.
"I will," she nodded, and she released you to go to the last girl, Hwang Yeji.
"Ever since I saw you I knew you were a born fucker, look where you are now," she teased, and they both laughed, "enjoy, ok? an opportunity like that doesn't fall from the sky."
"Oh believe me, I'll really enjoy it," she spread her arms wide, and you went straight to hug her tight.
"You might enjoy it, but they'll never fuck like we do," she said into your ear, followed by a giggle.
"I have no doubt about it," you laughed, "take care, boss, I hope you treasure those recordings well."
"Yeah yeah, now go away, my baby is patiently waiting for you there," she pulled away from you, and jerked her chin at Chaery, who was dressed and ready to go with you, two large bags to one side of her and her hands clasped on her belly. You walked towards her, and you stood in front of her.
"Ready to go, honey?" you took her from her hands and gave her a little kiss on her lips.
"Of course I am," she agreed with a little smile of pure happiness.
"Then get in the car, I'll put this in the trunk," you said, taking the bags from her. She nodded, and you went to store her bags while she climbed into the passenger seat.
"Bye girls, we'll be in touch, I promise!" you said, saying goodbye one last time before getting in the car and starting it.
"Bye oppa!" they said goodbye in unison, waving their hands to you.
You pulled the car straight onto the road, and looked at the girls one last time before driving away, away from the house and soon out of the suburbs, Chaery holding your hand the entire way to your apartment.
That night in your apartment, after unpacking Chaery's things, showing her around the house, making dinner and watching a movie, you two were ready to sleep peacefully in your bed, which you found extremely surreal, since you never thought that a kpop idol would ever be lying in that bed, and certainly not one as famous as Chaery.
"Honey, I have something to tell you…" Chaery said, her chin on your chest and one of her hands timidly playing circles on it, "well, I think it's pretty obvious, but I'd like to make it clear."
"Oh yeah? The what?" you asked, patting the back of her head, she hadn't even said anything when her cheeks were already red with embarrassment.
"It's just... you really drive me crazy, really," she said, still avoiding your gaze, "I like you, a lot... and I already know everything your job entails, that's why I'd like you to be honest with me if you ever develop feelings for... you know, one of the Aespa girls."
You also blushed before Chaery's words, and you were stunned.
"Chaery... we feel the same way," you said, "I like you a lot too, I don't think there are words to describe how happy you make me," you started giving her little kisses on her face, "my heart belongs to you, to no one else, and none of those girls will be able to change it."
Chaery's face turned into an adorable pout and a pair of teary eyes, she was about to burst into tears, and you were ready to snuggle her.
"But please, promise you'll tell me if it happens," she said, two tears already rolling down her cheeks.
"I promise to tell you darling, but it won't happen, trust me," you gave her multiple pecks on the nose, and wiped away every tear that ran down her cheeks.
"Thank you so much sweetheart, it's just that I'm madly in love with you and I don't want to let you go," she sighed, finally calming down and wiping at her own eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, silly," you snuggled her against your chest and placed a long kiss on her lips, ending with a peck, "let's sleep, okay? I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, me too," she agreed, leaning her cheek against your chest and closing her eyes, "rest well, darling."
"You too, darling..."
From the next few days, you and Chaery spent the rest of your remaining days in Korea together, living as a perfectly functional and happy couple in everyday life. Living together was always a typical problem that many couples faced, but the chemistry between the two of you was more than perfect, you complemented each other perfectly, and Chaery was simply the most tender, empathetic, loving and understanding being in the world.
The day on which your flight with Aespa was scheduled began like any other. You and Chaery were doing your usual routine, a healthy and nutritious breakfast adjusted to your tastes while watching the news and ready to go to the airport, but the routine was interrupted by an anomaly, constant horns from a car in the street below your building. You two exchanged confused glances, and you went to look out the window.
"Should we go downstairs? He won't stop honking," you said to Chaery, "maybe it's another Noze master move and that car is from SM."
"I highly doubt it, honey, but let's go," she sighed, and you packed up and put everything in order in the living room and kitchen before going downstairs, suitcase in hand and backpack on your back.
As you got downstairs and were walking slowly toward the waiting car parked at the curb, the tinted pilot's window rolled down slowly. And you three burst out laughing. It was Chaeyeon.
"Did you order a personal driver, sir?" Chaeyeon teased with her hands on the wheel.
"Not really, but I appreciate the gesture," you laughed, "are you seriously going to take me to the airport?"
"Well yes, what do you think?" she saw you with a poker face, wanting to tell you that you were an idiot without telling you that you were an idiot, "get that thing in the trunk," she said, pressing the button that opened it.
You left your suitcase inside the trunk and got on the passenger seat, Chaery got on the back seat, sitting right in the middle so she could see you both.
The way to the airport was one of the situations in which you had felt the most anxiety in your entire life, you did not stop asking Chaery if you had not forgotten anything at home, and making up to four verifications that all your documents were in order. When you arrived at the airport the atmosphere became heavy and sad. Chaeyeon helped you get the suitcase down from the trunk, while you and Chaery were standing on the sidewalk holding hands.
"Time will pass faster than you think, my love, you'll see," you assured, rubbing the back of her hands with your thumbs, and once again, Chaery was crying.
"Please be careful, honey," she clung to you in a tight hug, "you're one of the most beautiful things that's ever happened to me, just don't forget about me," she said against your chest.
"That won't happen babe, you have my word," you said, cradling her face in your hands and giving her a little kiss on the lips, "You take care of yourself too, and take care of the apartment and the car too, okay?"
"I'll take good care of everything, I promise darling," she nodded confidently, taking a small step back away from you, "go, I don't want you to miss your flight for me," she wiped away her tears.
"Okay," you smiled and nodded, then looked at Chaeyeon as you picked up your suitcase, "'you can stay in my apartment with her if you want."
"That's good to know," Chaeyeon smiled, reaching out to give you a warm and loving hug, "take care of yourself donkey, we'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too," you gave her a peck on the cheek, and then parted ways with your suitcase in hand, walking towards the airport entrance. You looked back once more, with only a face in your line of sight, you waved for a second, and finally turned your back on the Lee sisters, heading into the airport and going straight to catch your flight. It was then that you couldn't help but shed a couple of tears.
Everything in your documents was perfectly in order, you passed all the controls faster than you thought, and in a matter of a few minutes you were boarding the plane. Your seat was nothing more and nothing less than first class, which certainly surprised you but didn't make you complain either. You walked through the plane, until you finally reached the first class floor. You went through a couple of doors, and when you got to your corresponding row, you were faced with the four wolves sitting together around your seat, all four of them staring at you from head to toe.
"Welcome to our world, sweetness..." Karina said, and then all four of them giggled.
Spren Notes:
Well, with this first part of the series we say goodbye to ITZY for a long time :'). Honestly this was a pretty wild and crazy ride, but it's definitely been fucking fun. Thank you very much to all of you who follow this series and show your love continuously, I hope you enjoyed this last piece!
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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j-onedrabbles · 1 year
What do you think about Stray Kids and partner privileges, what do they let their partner get away with the other members can't? This keeps me up at night I won't lie to you
Hmmmmm good question lovely. Here are my thoughts;
wc: 0.7k
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Chan ♡ chan definitely let's you get away with distracting him from work. He knows you’re really just trying to get him to take a break and take care of himself, but he rarely listens to anyone else when they do that. You could walk over to him when he’s busy working on a track and just pull the headphones off him, don't forget to kiss his cheek too! “Break time baby.”
He’ll immediately pull you down into his lap and cuddle up with you. He may try and keep working but the way you're giving him little kisses when you see him go for the computer mouse has him stopping and just loving on you until he moves you guys over to the bed.
Lee Know ♡ partner privileges with Lee Know are pretty much the same as Han privileges with him. Just a lot more kisses and cuddle than Han gets.
literally whatever you want from this man, at anytime, it’s yours. there's times where he will quite literally drop everything for you too, even if he's working. He will figure out a way to get you want you want or be where you need him to be
Changbin ♡ you could get away with getting him not to go to the gym. But even then, he'll opt to just take you with him and you just watch until he's done with his work out— he will smother you in sweaty kiss and hugs after though.
But if you're staying over and he plans to go to the gym, just through some puppy dog eyes and pouty lips his way and he'll do it later. His baby is more important than some weights, same thing if he's staying over at yours. Cuddle > gym when he's with you
Hyunjin ♡ jewelry sharing. He has so much omg. But he thinks it's cute when you ask if you can barrow a necklace just because you think it would good with you're outfit that day.
At some point would offer a piece of jewelry when you felt like your outfit was missing something. He'd take one look and just now he has a piece that would be perfect. Also just finds it a little funny when you guys are out and someone compliments his jewelry on you.
Han ♡ drink sharing. Man loves his americano's. My lord. I don't think he would share his coffee with anyone but if you asked for a sip, he could never say no. As long as you give him a kiss after!
It would be any drink too, especially if it was something you didn't drink often and just wanted to try that he had, he doesn't mind. Just random every day things when you're just parched enough for one sip of something and he just happens to have a drink. He'll share a little.
Felix ♡ video games! man's possessive of his computer probably—i mean, he did build it himself. It would probably start with just sitting on his lap while he plays then him asking you if you want a turn.
Even if you aren't good at whatever he's playing, he'll teach you. Always will offer you to go a round when you're hanging out and he was playing before you showed up. Find's games you could play together too! Might even offer to build you your own pc if you want
Seungmin ♡ clothes! I don't him really sharing his clothes with any one but his s/o. But he loves when you ask to borrow a shirt or a sweater from him. He will help you style it too.
He will sit there for hours with you planning out outfits for you. Maybe he'll even base it around a piece of jewelry you had. He's always offering a shirt, sweater, jacket, or whatever of his. Has so much fun with it
I.N ♡ You are the only person he willingly cuddle with. Rejects the guys all the time but you? He's just as clingy as the rest of the guys. Always wanting to hold onto you somehow.
Comes home to you and lays his head on your chest and hugs your waist. The first time it happened, the guys were really confused but gradually got used to it, thinking their maknae was starting to actually like kinship. After an attempt of trying to kiss his cheek and him shoving them away, they figured it was just because it was you
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taglist: @junebug032 @the-sweetest-rose @hanjingin @hyunjinshairband01 @miintmochii @ohish @changbinisabigboy @dreamingaboutjisung @tattywood @stepout-09-15 @cello--190 @just-randomm-stuff @greysweaters @hazyspirts @mhasimp666 @slay-and-gay @smally97 @bloom4yu @itstorimf @linoyouknow @fjseung @jungsodesjoyyy @jjwhorehouse @carinathefairy @litepowee @babyphotos @inniecore @jeonginssa @dolceem @stvrfir3 @tasteskz-sworld @ultimatestayandminoronce @seungincore @tinyelfperson @greyyeti @dimpledsatan @camixiez @chansbabygirlsstuff @thatlonelyalto @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @donut-crazs @meloryme @rubyshoedpixie @cecepop15 @punks-rad @somsungiex @mcratyomama @lilylouise @stayconnecteed @kiko-o-luck @hyunjinswifeee @red-airhead @niaalove @emyferra08 @lovesunshinefelix @bunniieesstuff @enhaskzbtstxtsvt @nandinxoxo @producedbyy3racha @squiishymeow @luvrhyune 
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alphajocklover · 19 days
Genie Glory the Game
(A [Very Late] Trade with @bigwishes. I hope you like it!) 43 followers. Rich Donaldson, also known as TF2Twink on Twitch, had 43 followers.Rich had been streaming for over 3 years now and only had 43 followers. 43 measly followers. It made him feel pathetic. It made him feel like he was useless. Yet at the same time, Rich was incredibly grateful for every one of those followers. 
Rich Donaldson had wanted to become a gaming streamer since he was a kid. It hadn’t really been a real thing until he was a teen, and most people thought he was crazy for thinking he could make money that way. Some people doubted it was a real job, some thought it was too competitive, some thought it was just a dumb idea in general. No matter what the reason, everyone in Rich’s life agreed that Rich wasn’t going to make it as a streamer. Especially his hyper religious, video game hating parents. Still Rich refused to give up. He knew it would be hard, maybe impossible, but he was passionate and felt like he had to follow his dream. That was what everyone in the movies did after all. Rich moved out, cut contact with his parents, went into debt buying the best streaming gear he could… and immediately regretted it. Rich didn’t mind losing contact with his parents. They had never been the most loving people, so he hadn’t really lost much. Except things weren’t working out like they did in the movies. Rich wasn’t making it, and worse than that he wasn’t getting any better at streaming. He was good at the games, so he knew that wasn’t the issue. The issue was… he was incredibly, painfully, horribly shy. Rich didn’t have the confidence that a streamer needed. He could barely get a word out during the stream without starting to awkwardly ramble, and even when he did he came off as awkward and weird. He wasn’t just unconfident, he was a downright nervous wreck. Still he didn’t give up. He couldn’t after everything he had thrown away to get this chance… all the sleepless nights working part time jobs to stay above water… he was in too deep. So he kept going “Hey chat! S-so t-today…” Rich took a deep breath, trying his best not to ramble “T-today I’m going to be playing a new game. I-it’s not very well known, but i-it looked cool and I’ve heard a lot of people are playing it… S-so let's get into ‘Genie Glory the Game!” Rich said, trying to be excited. Barely anyone was watching, and it was getting hard to pretend he wasn’t incredibly depressed, but he kept smiling. Genie Glory was a pretty simple game with a simple premise that had been baffling gamers for months. It was a pretty simple idea based on a classic scenario. You play a random guy who has discovered a genie’s lamp and now has 3 wishes. You make a wish by typing it into the computer, and the genie grants the wish, but usually in some twisted way that is accompanied by a pixelated animation of the player's fate. The goal is to get through all 3 wishes alive. What made the game so popular was that no one had beat it yet. Whatever AI the game used was incredibly clever and strangely creative, and to make it even more difficult, the game only allowed you to play it once. Popular streamers, actually geniuses, and even philosophers hadn’t been able to beat the game, so Rich knew beating it would make him famous.
“Ok chat. I-it’s time for our first wish… And I’m taking suggestions…” Rich said. Rich wanted to beat the game, but… he wasn’t sure how to beat this game, so he’d take all the help he could get. A few suggestions actually came across the screen ‘BasedBro69: Wish for your muscles to grow!’
‘GenieGay33: No way, that's the way to open ended! The Genie will make him grow until he pops or something’
‘MissTaken27: That's such a basic idea. Might as well ask him to wish to be a frat boy or something.’
Rich laughed at this. He knew most of his followers' usernames by heart, but BasedBro69 was new. Still the conversation he had started was kind of funny, and he figured… why not? “Ok then, why not! Lets make me a frat boy!” He said, snickering as he typed in his computer. He tried to be as specific as possible to avoid the spell being twisted “‘I wish I was an attractive, stereotypical frat boy.”
Rich laughed as he watched the pixelated version of himself grow muscular, his clothing changing to a tank top and backwards cap. He watched as the other version of him rushed a frat. Rich was certain something would go wrong, afterall he knew from first hand experience that hazing could get fucking intense, but surprisingly his character survived and got through the first wish without any incident. Rich grinned widely. Most people never even made it through the first wish, but he, a relative nobody, had managed! He stood up straighter as he watched people start to flood into the stream. He checked the chat happily. ‘GenieMan33: He actually made it with that wish? I’ll never understand this game, but good for you!’ ‘MisterRichD27: Kind of an ironic wish considering you are a frat boy. No offense.’ ‘BasedBro69: I fucking knew that would work bro! You can do this!’
Rich blushed slightly at MisterRichD27’s comment, and his flirty name. While he didn’t tend to think of himself that way, he was technically a frat boy. He had joined one after heading to college in the hopes of finding some friends. His frat brothers could be… kind of obnoxious, and very stereotypical, but they had helped him come out of his shell somewhat and even get in shape. He was still fairly shy, but he never would have gotten this far in college or with his streaming if it wasn’t for them. He chuckled at the chat, slightly embarrassed “I’ll admit, that was a weird wish, but hey, it worked so who cares!” Rich said cheerily “Ok, so what's the next wish going to be? I’m trusting you on this chat!” Rich said with what he hoped was a charming wink. ‘GenieMan33: Maybe something basic like money? That doesn’t usually work but you seem to be on a hot streak.’
‘BasedBro69: No way bro. He only gets to play once. Wish for something like fucking confidence or something. Something fun!’
‘MisterRichD27: IDK, Basedbro69 was right last time. Maybe you should wish for confidence?’ Rich shrugged. He could think up even more ways that this could go wrong, but this game had never seemed to work on logic in any of the videos he watched to prepare for this. So with a grin, he typed in his second wish “I wish I had the kind of cocky confidence that ladies love.” he said with a chuckle. He hoped it would be obvious that it was a joke, since his Twitch username, FortnightOtter44, made it obvious he was gay. He watched as the little version of him grew a big head, quite literally. Rich was worried this was leading to some type of game over, but his head deflated, his muscles grew, and a bunch of pixelated girls in bikinis ran up to the pixelated him. Rich grinned wide and tried not to cuss in celebration, not wanting to get demonetized (again). He had fucking done it! He fucking got past wish 2! He smirked as he watched the chat explode as more people tuned in ‘GenieStud33: Fuck yeah! RDH fucking did it! Knew you had it in you bro!’
‘MissRichD27: RDH is the best gamer ever! And the hottest! DM me!’
BasedBro69: HELL YEAH! You can do this bro!’ Rich, known as RDH to his fans, or RichDaHunk on Twitch, smirked, as he saw the comments roll in. He fucking knew he could get this game. He may not have been the most popular streamer on twitch, but he was a fucking good gamer and a total stud. He flexed his biceps, getting the chat riled up again in a frenzy of lust and admiration. Rich didn’t bother to look at the chat this time. He gave a smarmy, cocky smirk at the camera “I know what to put in next bros. I’m gonna wish for something fucking inevitable.” he said cockily.
He quickly typed in “I wish I was the most popular gaming streamer on Twitch”, and watched with a practiced cool confidence as the pixelated version of him gained millions of followers. The chat exploded with awe and wonder as what Rich had always known was going to happen, happened. He had won the game. He flexed his muscles for the stream, celebrating with his 43 million followers. He didn’t understand why they were all shocked. He was the coolest, hottest, douchiest gamer on twitch. Of course he fucking won!
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coryosmin · 8 months
Lights, Camera, Action
Modern Coryo x Fem Reader
summary: coryo’s roommate had a job that he didn’t know about. until one day, after he had subscribed to a random woman’s onlyfans and she had finally spoken words during her videos. and suddenly, coryo realized his roommate was the woman he’d been jerking off to.
warnings: masturbation, cam girl reader, horny coryo, coriolanus has such a big dick, coryo’s horny thoughts, p in v, unprotected sex, modern au, etc.
3,400 words
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When Coriolanus had moved into his apartment, he realized that he would need a roommate pretty early on. He couldn’t afford the rent just on his own, especially because he was a full-time college student and worked a part-time job after his classes, he needed someone who could help provide that extra income that he needed. So when he met you, he thought you were perfect.
You hadn’t told him exactly what you do for work which was fine, he didn’t particularly care as long as you had the means to pay rent. You had only told him that you had a steady flow of income to live comfortably and that was enough for him to allow you to stay with him. There were other factors that played into it. Such as the fact that you were quiet, and neat, and didn’t annoy him whatsoever. With the other applicants he had interviewed, they were all just so obnoxious. You were not. Eventually, the two of you were able to become friends.
Coriolanus often wondered to himself how you made so much money. You were also a full-time college student and you didn’t seem to leave the apartment much. Maybe you just came from a rich family so they sent you money often? Regardless, you were the one paying for groceries, paying the internet bill, and paying the electric bill. And Coriolanus couldn’t complain because honestly, it was really good Wi-Fi. He could stream all of his favorite shows in high quality and could attend any Zoom meetings he needed to without any issues.
Laying in his bed on a lazy Saturday afternoon, Coriolanus scrolled aimlessly on his phone. He had nothing to do. He had finished all of his assignments for the week, he didn’t have to work as he only worked Monday through Friday, so he had the whole weekend to himself. He sighed to himself, bored. Coriolanus felt like he constantly had to be doing something and the fact that he was finally not doing anything was strange to him.
As he scrolled on his phone, he thought about what he could possibly do at the moment. And in his bored, twenty-year-old brain, Coriolanus realized that he hadn’t actually jerked off or had sex in a while. He licked his lips as he opened up X on his phone. He knew not to go on Pornhub. He didn’t want viruses on his phone, thank you very much. He opened up one of his favorite porn accounts. It was just an account that posted people’s porn videos and would tag the creator if they knew who it was.
Coriolanus scrolled through the account, looking at the videos of women getting railed, riding dicks, or masturbating. He felt his cock stiffening in his sweatpants as he watched some of these videos. And as he scrolled, he came across a video of a woman wearing a red lingerie set. She wasn’t showing her face, just sitting in front of the camera as she massaged her tits. Coriolanus pulled his sweats down enough to let his cock breathe, gripping the base with his right hand as his phone with his left.
He watched the video. It was a short video, only about two minutes and thirty seconds. The woman unclasped her bra, revealing her beautiful tits to the camera. Coriolanus inhaled sharply, not giving himself the satisfaction of jerking himself off quite yet as he continued to grip his cock. The woman began to massage her nipples, letting out small whimpers as she did so. And by the minute and thirty-second mark, her panties were pushed to the side, fingers deep inside of herself. She was so wet and her moans were so cute. Coriolanus began to stroke himself slowly, relishing in the beautiful sounds of this woman.
When the video ended, Coriolanus checked the caption to see if she was tagged, and much to his luck, she was. He pressed on her X account, seeing numerous videos posted though they were never any longer than fifteen seconds. There was one video, a two-minute one, where you could see her fucking herself with an average-sized dildo. Coriolanus clicked on it to begin watching the video. Again, her face wasn’t revealed to the camera as she began the video by teasing her clit with the tip of the silicone cock, moaning softly. Coriolanus began to rub the tip of his cock, imagining it was him rubbing his tip against her clit. God, he needed to have sex with someone soon.
Coriolanus continued to watch the videos of this woman, stroking his cock to the rhythm of her fucking herself. And within minutes, he was cumming to the whimpers and moans of this woman’s voice. When he finished, he breathed heavily, deciding to go onto the woman’s OnlyFans and subscribe to her. Really, it was only $10 per month and he had $30 in his account so it wouldn’t be bad of him to subscribe right? So he did it. He created an account and subscribed to the woman without a second thought before closing the app and turning his phone off.
Coriolanus usually wasn’t driven by his hormones. But in the days following that Saturday, he was getting hard easily. When you walked out of your bedroom on Sunday morning in just a large shirt and pajama pants, Coriolanus couldn’t help but think back to that woman on OnlyFans. Maybe it was just the way your thighs looked. Anyways, it made Coriolanus so hard.
And when Coriolanus would be laying in bed after a long day of school and then work, he wanted nothing more than to just fist his cock and then go to sleep. So he pulled up that OnlyFans account, his cock already out and in his hand, and saw that the account had posted something new. It was a video taken on a couch that did look a bit familiar but didn’t think much of it as the woman was dressed in a pink lingerie set this time. The camera still never showed her face, only showing her thighs to right above her tits.
The video began with her spreading her legs, moving her panties to the side to reveal her beautiful wet pussy. Coriolanus let out a soft groan as he saw how wet she was, wanting nothing more than to bury his face into her cunt. She began to rub her clit, making Coriolanus begin to stroke his cock. She let out small whimpers as she rubbed her clit, sounding heavenly to Coriolanus’s ears. God, he really needed to fuck someone.
As the woman entered her fingers into her pussy, the sounds of it squelching could be heard. She was so wet! Coriolanus moaned at the sound, closing his eyes as he listened to the woman pleasure herself. The sound of her fingers going in and out of her pussy turned Coriolanus on so much. And she must’ve found her g-spot because Coriolanus heard her moan out “oh fuck!” which made him pause. She never moaned out actual words in her videos.
He knew that voice. He definitely knew that voice. But it couldn’t be, right?
The video continued playing as Coriolanus continued stroking his cock slowly. As the woman continued to pleasure herself, Coriolanus looked at the video with concentration. And it wasn’t until she moaned out loud again that Coriolanus was able to realize. “Oh my god!”
It was his roommate. Oh my god Coriolanus was subscribed to his roommate’s OnlyFans. Coriolanus was jerking off to his roommate’s pussy.
And suddenly he was cumming, hard, unable to help the moans escaping his lips as his cum landed on his stomach. When he came down from his orgasm, he breathed heavily as he realized who he had been fantasizing about for the past week. Fuck, he roommate was a cam girl. It all made sense as to why she constantly had money without having to go out much.
The days following that realization were full of Coriolanus busying himself. He invested more time into his schoolwork and his job. You were busy with your own studies that Coriolanus was able to avoid you the best he could. That was until he came home late on Friday night and you were sitting at the kitchen island, typing away on your computer. You glanced up at him as he walked through the apartment door, a small smile on your lips. “Hey,” you greeted.
Coriolanus jumped at the sound of your voice, not expecting you to be awake. It was almost one in the morning. “Hey,” he replied back thickly.
You were dressed in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top that revealed some of your cleavage. And Coriolanus’s mind immediately went to the fact that you’re the woman he keeps jerking off to every night. Though he’s tried not to jerk off since he found out it was you, it didn’t work. Not jerking off at night led to him thinking about you during the day while in class. And he had a little incident on Tuesday when he came in his pants in the middle of class simply because he thought about your wet cunt. It was embarrassing. So he went back to jerking off at night.
“How was your day?” You asked, looking up at Coriolanus.
Coriolanus swallowed, trying not to think about what your lips would look like wrapped around his cock. “I-It was good,” he mentally cursed himself for stuttering. He felt like he was hitting puberty all over again. It was so pathetic. He was twenty-years-old! “How was your day?” He asked, trying to play it cool. He could have a normal conversation with you. You were his roommate.
You smiled. “It was good! I had my abnormal psych class today which was really fun,” you exclaimed.
Coriolanus gave a small smile. “That sounds like fun,” he exclaimed. “I’m going to go get ready for bed now. Goodnight,”
“Goodnight, Coryo,” You exclaimed before looking back at your computer screen. Though Coriolanus thought he could see a smirk on your face, he quickly shook it off. You couldn’t possibly know that he knew about your OnlyFans, right?
Coriolanus made it to his bedroom, closing the door behind him as he put his stuff down. He quickly undressed himself, kicking off his jeans that were just too tight on his hard cock. Sighing in relief, Coriolanus grabbed his phone and sat down at his desk chair, gripping his cock. He pulled up your OnlyFans, seeing that you posted a new video. You were wearing an oversized shirt this time while playing with your pussy. And as Coryo watched the video, he noticed that it was one of his own shirts. Oh my god you fucked yourself in his shirt.
Coriolanus fisted his cock fast and hard, watching you fuck yourself with your fingers. He was so involved in what he was doing that he didn’t not hear the small knock on his door as you walked into his room. You watched for a moment, smirking before speaking. “Seems you’ve found what I do for a living,” You said, standing in Coriolanus’s doorway.
Coriolanus jumped, dropping his phone and using both hands to cover his cock as he looked over at you. “What the fuck?” He said, furrowing his eyebrows in embarrassment of getting caught getting off to you. “Why didn’t you knock?”
You laughed. “I did,” You exclaimed. “But clearly, you were too busy to notice.” You said, walking into the room to stand right in front of Coriolanus. “Did you like the video?”
Coriolanus swallowed, still covering his cock with both of his hands. “Y-you were wearing my shirt,” He replied.
You smiled, nodding your head. “I was.”
“Because I figured you found my account,” you exclaimed. “You’ve been avoiding me this week, making excuses and such to not have dinner with me or trying not to stay in the same room as me for long.” You licked your lips. “Only explanation was that you’d found my OnlyFans. Figured if I showed you that I knew you knew, you’d be more inclined to speak to me.”
Coriolanus bit his lip as he listened to you. “Sorry,” was all he could muster to say as he didn’t know what else to say.
You smiled, shaking your head. “No need to be sorry,” you said. You sunk down to your knees in front of Coriolanus. “Move your hands. I want to see you.” Coriolanus did as he was told, revealing his hard cock to you. You licked your lips. “Fuck, you’re so big,” You whispered.
Coriolanus couldn’t believe that this was happening. He thought that you’d be angry with him. He had been jerking off to your OnlyFans. Any normal person would be disgusted by his behavior. But instead, you were on your knees looking at Coryo’s cock. He inhaled sharply as you complimented his cock, it definitely inflated his ego to hear those words out of your mouth. You looked at his cock and then up at Coryo’s face. “Can I touch you?” You asked and it took everything in Coryo’s power to not whine.
“Please.” He whispered, looking down at you.
You wrapped a hand around Coriolanus’s cock, jerking him off slowly. Coriolanus hissed in pleasure, his eyes still on you. You leaned your head forward, licking the tip of Coryo’s cock. Coriolanus couldn’t help the small moan that left his lips. “Oh,” he moaned out. You continued to jerk him off while licking the tip of his cock until you slowly eased him into your mouth. Coriolanus brought a hand up to your hair, entangling his fingers into it. “Fuck,” he groaned, feeling the warm and wet feeling of your mouth on his member.
You began to suck him off slowly, bobbing your head up and down. You couldn’t fit him completely into your mouth, only being able to go halfway so you jerked off the rest of his cock with your hand. Coriolanus groaned again, his eyes fluttering shut as you sped up your movements. Coriolanus couldn’t believe his luck. He needed to get laid but he hadn’t expected a blowjob from his roommate at all.
He felt the familiar tightening in his abdomen. “Fuck, I’m close,” he moaned, his fingers tightening in your hair.
You moaned around his cock before taking him out of your mouth, causing Coryo to let out a small whine. You smirked, looking up at Coriolanus. “Wanna fuck you,” you said. Your eyes were glinting from arousal while your lips were swollen from sucking his cock. “Is that okay?”
Coriolanus licked his lips, nodding his head. “More than okay,” he replied, breathing heavily. “Wanna taste you,” he said.
You stood up, smiling. “Maybe later,” You said, taking your clothes off. “Just want you inside me.” Both of you were desperate for each other. You had been wanting to fuck your roommate for weeks. And honestly, him finding your OnlyFans was a blessing because clearly, he wanted you too.
Coriolanus watched you as you took off your clothes. He grabbed your hand when you were completely naked, guiding you close to him. He was still sitting in his desk chair, ready for you to sit on top of him. You hovered over him when he brought his other hand up to your pussy, his finger spreading your wetness. “You’re soaking wet,” he murmured, looking up at you with his pretty blue eyes.
You let out a soft moan, nodding your head. “Been thinking about you a lot,” you murmured. You grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his as you sat down in Coriolanus’s lap. “Been wanting your cock for a while.” You murmured. Your other hand reached between you, grabbing Coryo’s cock and lining it up to your pussy. You teased yourself with his cock, rubbing the tip against your clit, causing the both of you to moan in pleasure.
Coriolanus let go of your hand, reaching to grip your hips. You slowly sunk down on his cock, moaning as he stretched you out. Coriolanus let out a groan, feeling your tight heat around him. God, you were so fucking wet and tight. Coriolanus closed his eyes in pleasure.
When his cock was all the way inside of you, you stayed still for a few moments, adjusting to his size. Coryo was bigger than the toys you used and you knew that. You looked at Coriolanus’s face and he opened his eyes to look at you. And then you both leaned in to kiss each other. The kiss was hungry and desperate, much like the both of you. You began to move your hips, causing the both of you to moan at the feeling. Coriolanus was so big and it just felt so good.
Coriolanus gripped your hips, kissing you like he needed you to breathe. The feeling of your tight heat around his cock just felt so good. He’s truthfully been fantasizing about this all week. God, he was so desperate and horny and he’s just so happy to finally be getting his dick wet. You’re so hot. He pulled away from the kiss to look at you. Your cheeks were flushed, your lips were so plump, your tits were bouncing with your movements. “You look like such a slut,” Coryo breathed out, slapping your ass.
You whined, clenching around his cock at his words. “Oh fuck,” you moaned out as you bouncing up and down.
Coriolanus chuckled, unable to help himself. “You like that? You like being called a slut?” He asked, guiding your hips onto his cock. “Fucking slut, so tight around my cock. Finally happy to have the real thing and not those stupid toys?”
“Feels so good, Coryo,” You whined, throwing your head back in pleasure. “So big, so so big.”
“Yeah?” Coriolanus said, wrapping his arms around your waist and fucking up into you.
This caused you to moan loudly, leaning forward to put one hand on the back of the chair and the other on Coriolanus’s shoulder. The feeling of Coriolanus thrusting in and out of you was amazing. His cock was hitting you so nice and deep, filling you up so good. “Mhm,” you replied. “So close, Coryo, so close,”
Coriolanus moaned, loving the sound of your words and the thought of you cumming undone on his cock. “Fuck, me too, baby, me too,” he said, thrusting into you. He moved his hips up into yours faster, hitting your g-spot repeatedly with his cock. You were just a moaning and whining mess on top of him and Coriolanus loved it. He adored it. You make videos of you fucking yourself with your fingers and your toys, giving these soft whimpers and moans. But only he can make you moan so loudly from just his cock.
After a few more thrusts, you were clenching hard around his cock, thighs quivering and moaning loudly as you came. Coriolanus watched as you came undone on top of him, arching your back and shaking. He came inside of you, not caring at that moment to ask if that would be okay. He was groaning as he spilled his seed, fucking up into you through his orgasm.
And when you both finished, you both relaxed against the chair. You moved so that Coryo’s cock left your pussy, causing you to let out a small whine from the loss of contact. You were both breathing heavily, your head rested on Coriolanus’s shoulder. His arms were still wrapped around you. “Fuck, that was…intense,” he murmured, kissing your forehead.
“We should film it next time,” was your response.
Coriolanus couldn’t help but chuckle. “Are you saying you want me to be in one of your videos next time?”
You smiled and nodded lazily. “Yeah,” you replied.
And the next time you guys had sex, you filmed it. Coriolanus was pounding you into your mattress and when he saw that the video had been uploaded, both of your faces were blurred out. Thankfully. And the video was an absolute hit. So let’s just say from then on, Coriolanus was hooked on fucking his cam girl roommate.
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