#this was my own targeted ad today and i do find it amuseable
laylajeffany · 7 months
targeted ad - microfic
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Wednesday stepped into her shared bedroom after the sun had set one evening, finding Enid holding out a little blue bag with orange drawstrings. She wore a beam of a smile so big, it practically hurt Wednesday’s eyes as much as the offensive color scheme of the package clashing with her overly printed sweater.
“Finally, you’re back! I saw this on Insta, and I know you’ll think this is totally lame and not your thing, but it’s also - fully you.”
Wednesday tried not to wrinkle her nose. “I believe we’ve spoken about you giving in to targeted advertisements on my behalf. You have to stop allowing corporations to get the best of you, Enid. The American dollar is worth less every day, partially due to the over consumption of cheap goods manufactured overseas.”
Rolling her eyes, Enid pulled open the strings of the bag, still wearing a smirk. “These aren’t cheap, okay? And yes, it was targeted at me, for you, and I’m aware I’m playing capitalist games, or whatever,” She said in Wednesday’s classic deadpan voice. “But this one got me right through the heart and I couldn’t help myself. You only accept dead-accurate shots. So, reach in!”
Giving her own eyes a spin, Wednesday placed her backpack on Enid’s colorful quilt on her bed and closed her eyes, reaching into the bag. Her fingers gripped around something surprisingly soft and squishy. Pulling it out, she stared harshly at a six-inch wide plush raincloud, with a severe frown stitched onto it with a face and…feet.
“Isn’t it so cute!? And what totally sold it – guess what the name of it is?”
“Sunny,” Wednesday quipped flatly.
“Amuseable Storm Cloud! That’s what your dad calls you sometimes!”
“I can’t say I find it amusing,” She grumbled, placing it flat on her palm, taking in how the legs sort of dangled over the edge while it pouted.  
“Well, I think it’s very fitting. Thing likes it!”
The hand gave a thumb up from where he appeared over Enid’s shoulder. Enid picked it up the plush with a little squeak of a sound, squishing the sides of it together before holding it up next to Wednesday’s face, giving a delighted nod. “Yup – as I expected. You’re twins.”
“The doctor said I ate mine in the womb,” Wednesday argued.
Enid continued to glow, skipping across the floor and putting it on a shelf next to one of Wednesday’s taxidermized squirrels. “Not your usual sort of stuffed creature, but for sure – less likely to decompose.”
“I’m very good at my craft. You don’t know what chemicals they put in the polyester stuffing. No doubt some sort of acidic compound that could burn through your skin and lead to necrosis. I’d argue that’s worse than decomposition of the dead.”
“Sounds like a Wednesday Addams personal challenge,” Enid teased, bringing the stuffed storm cloud back and waving it in front of Wednesday’s face. “Give it a hug – see if it causes you to burn from inside to outside!”
When she didn’t move a muscle, Enid carried on, “Unless, of course – you’re scared to hug a plushie. I get it. Very intimidating to show such vulnerability in the privacy of your own room.”
Without betraying a single movement of her face, Wednesday reached out, squished the plush creature to her chest, then threw it across the room when Thing snapped a picture of the moment on one of Wednesday’s old timey cameras and the flash went off.
Enid chastised him and picked it up as Wednesday sat herself at her desk, pretending not to be any further fazed. Enid sat the plush beside her typewriter and slid a hug over Wednesday’s shoulders, holding on for about ten seconds. Just when Wednesday felt her about to pull up, she lifted a hand, clutching her arms together over them before turning her face upside down to look at Enid – where her frown would be a smile.
“Thank you for thinking of me.”
“Always, Storm Cloud.”
Black Menagerie Update coming tomorrow  | buy your own Amuseable Jellycat Storm Cloud here
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lythea-creation · 4 months
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader (Chapter 27)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
word count: 2.227
“I'm sorry. I ruined the mood”, I apologized feeling sad and guilty.
This trip had been so much fun until I had ruined it.
Johanna had jumped down and hence finished the parcour before getting rid of her equipment, running after me, finally finding and climbing up to me.
“You didn't ruin anything. Thanks to you Peeta and I got rid of our fear, didn't we?”, Finnick declared.
“Yes! Without worrying for you we could've never moved like that”, Peeta agreed with a smile.
I had the greatest friends.
Johanna was looking out of the window absentmindedly, although she was still holding my hand.
“Hm?” She turned to face me.
“Thanks” I smiled gratefully at her.
She sighed. “I'm still mad at you.”
“You are?”, I reassured disappointed.
“Yeah. Running away on your own is a bad habit. You could've at least taken me with you to make sure you … um … you know what I mean”, she brushed it off.
That made me smile again. She had been worried about me again.
“Oh, before I forget it”, Finnick interjected. “Max is annoying me all the time when you two are going to visit us again as you didn't show up last time.”
Johanna grinned. “Maybe we should let him suffer a bit more”, Johanna addressed me.
“You know I can hear everything, right?”, Finnick noted.
“That's the point, idiot”, Johanna shot back laughing.
“Stop that nonsense!”, I scolded her while shaking my head still smiling.
“How about we visit you after the election instead of returning to 7 immediately?”, I suggested.
Finnick smiled brightly. “Approved! Peeta. If Katniss gets acquitted, you two should definitely visit us too sometime.”
“Yes, that'd be great”, he agreed.
After returning to your apartments, I decided to go to the old training center, which had been turned into a gym. Of course Johanna insisted to accompany me.
When we entered the gym many people started staring at us. We had been famous before due to our games, but now that we had become representatives it had gotten worse.
“So what are we here for?”, Johanna wondered.
“It's not like you're into fighting”, she added.
“Do whatever you want to. I'll go to the shooting range”, I declared and walked off.
I was feeling strange. My speech for Katniss had moved something inside me and it unsettled me.
A gun in my hands made everything else vanish. My full attention was on the device, on observing, aiming, shooting. So it was only natural for me to go to the shooting range. After all without the training I would have gone insane in 13 back then when Johanna had been at the Capitol. It had become a way to cope.
“Sorry, but you can't go there today. A competition is going on”, a guard enlightened me.
“Then let me participate, please”, I requested.
I could see that he was suppressing his amusement.
I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude, but this is a training competition for the best snipers of the whole country. Even if you're famous, I can't just let you in”, he clarified.
I pushed past him and approached the other people. They were currently shooting at a 600 meter range. Child's play. The one shooting right now hit the bull's eye five times in a row with five shoots.
“I'd like to participate”, I addressed all of them.
“This isn't a playground or anything”, one of them mocked me.
“Hey! Don't you recognize her? Don't forget that she's a former victor and soldier. Maybe she's worth our time”, another one objected.
“I doubt that”, another one chimed in.
“What do I have to do to qualify?”
“Can you manage bull's eye at this range? One hit would be sufficient”, the first flashed me a sly smirk.
He was obviously underestimating me. It was not like I cared. Actually I just wanted to shoot in peace, but this was better than nothing.
One of them handed me his gun and I positioned myself in front of the target. It only took me a few seconds to shoot five times at a new target. So everyone could see what I had hit.
When I joined the others again, the first man was still smirking arrogantly at me. “Not bad. You got your hit, although you needed five attempts.”
A frown appeared on my face.
“Do you need glasses? She didn't need five attempts. She hit the exact same spot five times in a row!”, someone else interjected.
“No way!”
From that point on I had to do all kinds of challenges and I succeeded in all of them.
When I turned around to leave, the arrogant man stopped me by grabbing my arm. Out of reflex I flung him over and pinned him to the ground. They all looked shocked. Maybe I should have apologized, but he had touched me first.
“How did you learn to shoot like that? I've never see anyone this good before”, the man stood up and faced me.
My hand automatically moved to my head as it started to hurt due to the flashbacks I was trying to suppress.
“I pushed through excruciating pain and used experiences from life-threatening situations”, I mumbled and left.
What was up with me today? Apparently Katniss' case was bothering me more than I wanted to admit. And it reminded me of my past.
“Dammit! (f/n)!”, Johanna yelled and slapped me in the face.
Tears blurred my sight now. Did she just hit me?
Sure. Johanna appeared pretty aggressive, but I would have never expected her to harm me, at least not consciously and physically. She was still not the best with words after all.
Just now I noticed that I was sitting on the ground and she was kneeling in front of me.
“(f/n), what's up?”
Why did she sound so caring? She was contradicting herself.
“You ...”, I could not get myself to say it out loud. That she had hit me.
Her hand gently cupped my aching cheek as a tear slipped from my eye.
“Let's go somewhere private first”, Johanna suggested as everyone was staring at us. I could not blame them.
Back in Johanna's apartment she handed me an ice pack and I held it to my cheek.
“We need to talk. Right now”, Johanna insisted.
I simply nodded.
“What was all of that about? You behave strangely since the incident at the high ropes course.”
Suddenly I felt extremely irritated.
“You slapped me”, I reminded her, still in disbelief.
“(f/n), you didn't breathe! I didn't mean to hurt you, but I won't let you die!”
I was completely confused at her statement.
“You had a panic attack. When you returned from the shooting range, you suddenly broke down and started hyperventilating. I tried talking to you, calming you down, but nothing worked. I only hit you to get you out of this state, to make you breathe properly again”, she clarified.
Johanna looked guilty and desperate. It must have been hard for her too.
“I'm sorry”, I whispered. “I dunno … so many years have already passed and yet ...”
I snuggled into her arms and let her hold me.
“You didn't take any time to recover mentally after all”, Finnick reminded me.
Wait! What was he doing here? And since when …?
I sat myself up straight again.
“I've been here the whole time. I saw everything and accompanied you. Didn't you notice me?”, he wondered shocked.
I shook my head. I had been distracted by the disturbing fact that Johanna had hit me and the basic inner turmoil I had already had before that incident.
“Never mind. You always bothered to solve all problems of Panem, but after everything you experienced, did you ever bother to deal with your mental health?”, he questioned.
“I had a break before becoming a representative”, I justified myself.
“But you rather tried not to break down again, didn't you?”
I could not reply anything to that. Finnick knew me too well. I was afraid that I would not be able to put myself back together if I let myself break down.
“You have to process your past if you don't want it to define your present and future.”
“Did you turn into a psychologist now?”, I questioned with a chuckle.
“At least he knows what he's talking about”, Johanna noted.
“Did you just compliment him?”
Johanna crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Something has to change. If you continue like this, it'll only get worse.”
“What about you? You also struggle with your past”, I reminded her.
“Don't distract from yourself again!”, Johanna shot back making me flinch.
“My struggles don't restrict my every day life. Don't forget that I worked on my fears together with you. I'm not freaking out when it starts raining anymore and I can take a shower and sometimes even a bath. I went with you to the high ropes course despite being put in ropes. And I fucking talk to you, maybe yell at you. But at least I'm facing my problems instead of running away!
You didn't visit your family even once in district 11! They always have to visit us because you can't get yourself to work on your grief and pain”, Johanna scolded me.
Finnick did not even bother to add anything.
Suddenly I felt pathetic. They were right. They had both worked hard on themselves and were able to live now. And here I was breaking down because of things that had happened years ago. Snow still had me in his grip. All I was was a broken toy.
I hugged my knees and started crying at this realization.
“You're right”, I cried. “I hoped it'd just go away. That I'd wake up one day and the pain inside of me would have vanished. Actually the hope has only settled inside of me because there are many moments I feel happy now. Happy, loved, precious, understood. Thanks to you.
And every time I think it's getting better, it's getting worse again. Sometimes I get drowned in unbearable sadness without an obvious reason. I wake up wishing I hadn't, although I love spending time with you. But it just feels too much to handle.
And I try to push through it and it works most of the time. But sometimes it doesn't and I lose control. I'm afraid of it. Afraid that I can't handle the pain. I know that I can't handle it on my own. That's why I suppress my emotions.
You did so much for me already. I can't burden you anymore.”
“You're such an idiot!”, Johanna yelled at me. “I know I can be a pain in the ass and you still stayed with me all the time.
You trained and opposed Coin to persuade her to get me out of the Capitol. After that you were always there to comfort me. You helped me working on my fears and never judged me, but gave your best understanding me.
Do you know how many people hate me because they misinterpret my actions? Why don't you let me help you now?”
“Yeah! The same goes for me! I'm not even talking about the fact that you saved my life. You helped Annie and me so much already”, Finnick agreed.
“Don't forget that we're allies! You can trust us”, he added with a grin.
“Can I? I know what a great act you two can put on”, I joked and let go of my knees.
“We already recognized that my act doesn't work on you and Johanna isn't even able to act properly around you”, Finnick teased her.
“Thin ice, Odair”, she warned him.
I burst out laughing. Our relationships might be odd, but I loved it this way. None of us would judge the other and that was a privilege.
A few days later the results of the election were about to be announced. As Paylor had done a great job as the temporary president, she had become some kind of leader between us representatives. She did not have more power or anything, but was administering us and was therefore the one who would proclaim the results.
“I'm glad to declare that the election was very clear, which means that the majority of you should be happy with the decision that Katniss is from this moment on set free again. Let us all live together in a free and united Panem! Thank you for your support!”
The cameras turned off and we celebrated this huge success.
“Well done, (f/n)”, Paylor praised me and the others chimed in.
“Without you this wouldn't have happened.”
“The people trust you.”
“Your words moved them.”
“You did it.”
It was overwhelming. But the relief and happiness made up for it. I had fulfilled my last task to revolutionize Panem.
Finally we had achieved true peace.
Next Chapter
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italeean · 2 years
What we don’t do for friends...
You can find the plot here
NOTE: Hi everyone, everything alright? Sorry if I’m late with this fic, yesterday I had the chance to hang out with my sister and I couldn’t miss the opportunity... spero mi perdoniate 💚🤍❤️ (I hope you’ll forgive me). Anyway, today’s fic was a request and I gotta say that the (platonic) couple I wrote for was very particular but really interesting, too. I hope you enjoy my piece of work, suggestions and support are always appreciated ^_^    A big hug to everyone!!
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it’s not to your taste I don’t suggest you read it
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Everyone in Liyue knew about Childe and Zhongli's relationship, and they knew it was... turbulent, but in the best way possible. The redhead was always looking for a challenge like a walking tornado, which never ceased to amuse the Geo Archon, who couldn't find it more endearing. We could say they complemented each other in some way.
However Childe was pretty hard to deal with when he was in his mischievous mood, and the brown-haired man found himself to be the target of said moods way too often for his own good. Especially since his lover found out he was ticklish. Zhongli wasn't used to that sensation, so he couldn't even try to resist it, which the younger guy found both adorable and amusing. 
Which is why he took it as a personal mission to tease his lover 24/7, no matter what he was doing, or if they were in public.
A poke to the side while he was buying something, a squeeze to the knee while they were sitting at the restaurant, a jab on the ribs here and there, wiggling fingers to anticipate what was coming... and the list went on.
One day Zhongli was talking to Xiao and somehow they found themselves discussing about relationships, especially the Archon’s one. ‘So you’re saying that he tickles you all the time?’ the man nodded at the adeptus’ question ‘And somehow you can’t bring yourself to do it back to him because he always finds a way to retaliate and you want ME to do it for you?!’ Zhongli nodded once more and added ‘I see you’re both confused and annoyed, but you gotta understand that being in my position can be quite hard and it requires some measureheheEHEHES’ as the amber-eyed man was finishing the sentence, his lover decided to make his entrance with one of his signature attacks.
‘So, he must be an adeptus, right? Why don’t you introduce me?’ Childe asked. ‘Right’ Zhongli said ‘Xiao, this is Childe, my partner from Snezhnaya; Childe, this is Xiao, one of my adepti and a friend of mine’. ‘Ah Zhong, as formal as always. Anyway, I’m sure we’ll get along perfectly...’ Tartaglia replied.
Two challenges to a duel, some sarcastic and teasy talk and uncountable signature smirks later, Xiao was at a loss of words. As the redhead was leaving to cause chaos somewhere else, the black-haired guy asked only one question to his friend ‘Do you still want me to do it?’
Some days after the encounter, the two guys met up to spar (since the redhead had the glorious idea to challenge Xiao to a duel). They were going all out, everything was allowed as long as it followed the ethic of fairplay, which is why they went to somewhere particularly secluded to avoid making damage or worse, hurting someone. They started almost immediately and the duel lasted some time, but it ended with Xiao on top, straddling his opponent’s hips. There was a problem, though, the Hydro holder didn’t intend to give up at all.
‘Give up already! I’m starting to get annoyed’ the adeptus said grumpily, but then he remembered why he was even there and the glint in his eyes changed from irritated to ominous and evil. ‘Actually, let’s see how long you’ll last before actually giving in’ Childe was confused, even though he didn’t feel really threatened since his lover would’ve turned into a statue anyone who even had the thought of hurting him. ‘Oh, I almost forgot, your lover sends you his best reagrds’ Xiao added, and the Harbinger started to understand where the situation was going. But it wasn’t possible, right? 
This question got quickly answered by the dark-haired guy, who wasted no time and dug immediately ten evil fingers into the redhead’s stomach. ‘Dihid Zhong ask yohohou to dohoho thihihis?!’ Childe asked between his giggles, but Xiao didn’t answer and focused on wiggling his fingers all over the Harbinger’s tummy, trying to find the most sensitive spots to use at his advantage. ‘Ohohoi!! Ahahahansweheher meheheEEK!! Nahahahat thehehehrehehe’ the blue-eyed guy found out how hard it was trying to sound intimidating with five fingers wiggling softly and teasingly on each underarm.
‘WHAhahat aharehEHEehe yoHOHou dohohoihiHIHING?’ Tartaglia asked, while his laughter was getting more high-pitched and squeaky. ‘I’m obviously tickling you. And you seem to be rather ticklish here. Does it tickle more if I use a gentle touch or a rougher one?’ the Anemo holder asked in such a natural and blunt way that no one could tell if he was effectively teasing or genuinely asking... maybe it was a bit of both after all...
To make thing worse, he had the idea of keeping a harder touch on one underarm and a more delicate one on the other to never let the Harbinger get used to a specific sensation, and it was working. The different sensation were driving the guy up to the wall. ‘StahaAHAHAHahap ihihit ahaHAHAHlreheahadyehEHEHEHE’ Childe tried in vain to demand. ‘You know what to say if you really want to stop. Or perhaps you don’t really want it to stop...’ Xiao’s neutral tone was almost more flustering than a teasy one!! Was he teasing or actually making assumptions? No one could tell.
Actually, the adeptus didn’t have that much experience with tickles, so the second option was more likely to be true, but the redhead had a more important matter to handle. The yellow-eyed guy’s right hand darted to his upper ribs, scratching every bone and meticulously digging into every groove, while the other one went to his side, skittering his fingers on the soft skin and giving quick squeezes to the hipbone.
‘Hahahahahahaha ohohohoh Ahahaharchohohon stahahahap ihihihit’ Childe exclaimed. ‘I hate repeating myself, you know what to say if you want it to stop, if not, just stay still and suffer’ the adeptus’ straightforwardness was honestly disarming! And the phrase “stay still and suffer”? The Harbinger was sure it was necessary to remove it from the common language as soon as possible. However, there was a more important problem at the moment. Xiao’s hands were getting way too close to a dreaded spot that Childe found himself unable to protect.
A not-so-manly shriek made the Anemo holder understand that he’d hit the jackpot. And he went straight for the kill. He dug his fingers into his opponent’s lower ribs, not too gently and not too roughly, which was killer for the blue-eyed boy. ‘HAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHASEHEHEHE’ Tartaglia was starting to beg. ‘Now you’re saying please, huh? Seems like I’m on the right path...’ ‘SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUP AHAHALREHEAHAHADYEHEHEHE’ the predicament was really getting unbearable! ‘Yelling like that won’t get you anywhere, Tartaglia’ Xiao replied as bluntly as always.
‘OHOHOHOH MY AHAHAHRCHOHON IHIHI’D LIHIHIKEKE TOHOHO SEEHEHEH YOHOUHUHU IHIHIN MY POHOHOSIHITIHIHIOHOHON HAAHAHAHA’ Childe tried to sound angry and irritated, but all that laughter and the clearly fake mad tone only made him sound more distressed and hopeless. ‘Well, I’m clearly not in your position right now, so it’s in your best interest to say what I want to hear, unless you want to see the real mean me.
Of course the Snezhnayan guy was too stubborn to listen to the tickler and decided to keep up the tough act. However, after a good ten minutes the adeptus lost his patience and unleashed his final attack, the one that would end the duel.
Without stopping the tickles on his lower ribs, Xiao inhaled deeply (enjoying the look of pure dread on the redhead’s face), lowered his head slowly but inesorably and, ignoring any kind of pleads he heard, he blew the biggest raspberry ever directly on Childe’s bellybutton. ‘HAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHAHSEHEHE IHIHIHI GIHIHIHIVEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOW STAHAHAHAP OHOHOH MY AHAHAHARCHOHOHOHON’ as expected,the Harbinger was going ballistic.
‘Took you long enough...’ the dark-haired guy huffed, although he wasn’t really annoyed. He immediately got up and gave his defeated opponent some time to breathe and recover. While he was leaving, he turned around to look at the Hydro holder, who was still laying on the ground, and said ‘If you ever feel like redoing this, let me know’
Childe was sure he was smirking and... did he seriously wiggle his fingers?! The poor guy felt the blood rush to his cheeks, which he tried to hide in vain and almost ridiculously (but fortunately the adeptus had already left). After he recovered from the brutal attack, he got up and went straight to find his boyfriend.
Zhongli had a storm of revenge tickles coming for him.
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Nemesis: Retribution (3)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: EVENTUAL SMUT. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS. (18+ ONLY), polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, lots of angst, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, strong language, mentions of trauma, character death, fluff if you squint
A/N: We’re playing fast and loose with canon here people. Also thank you for the interactions. I love reading what you think and it helps me write the next chapters better. Also, I enjoy having someone to freak out with. Highlight of my life I swear to god. Enjoy!
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
Series Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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1:3 Hard Candy
Natasha stormed off the jet and into the conference room where she knew the rest of the team were waiting for them, fury radiating from her small frame. Catching sight of her target only made her grow angrier. She immediately ran up to Steve and growled up in his face causing him to immediately take a step back. Sam and Bucky were immediately alarmed, standing up to intervene and the latter's black vibranium arm whirring in preparation but Steve held up a hand to stop them.
"What the hell, Rogers? You send me on a mission with zero intel and this is what I find? Did you know?"
Steve's eyes narrowed down at her, the thick beard and longer hair adding even more to his already commanding presence. He knew exactly what Natasha was talking about and he did expect her to react this way.
"I wasn't sure, Nat. And I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up if I was wrong."
"And if you were right?" she scoffed.
Steve swallowed hard before he answered, the blue in his eyes calming considerably. "I thought the three of you deserved to be the first to know."
"What the hell is going on?" Bucky asked, arms crossed on his chest and brows deeply furrowed. They didn't even know about any mission.
Natasha chuckled humorlessly and backed off from Steve. She ran a hand through her hair, the red bleeding into the old blonde color, and gestured toward the door at the approaching people.
"Well you weren't wrong, Steve."
That was the overall theme of the day it seemed. None of them could hardly believe that you were actually standing at the doorway. It's been ten long years and you were like the ghost haunting their dreams during that time, a pure and kind soul taken far too soon. Hell, they told stories about your selfless sacrifice to the new recruits. You had unknowingly become a legend.
A legend turned ghost story.
Now you looked more like a nightmare; dried blood caked your clothes and skin, a cold smirk lifting the corner of your lips, and a dangerous unhinged glint in your eyes.
"Well, I'll be damned," Sam breathed. "Y/N?"
"Hey, Sam," you said, the almost flirtatious lilt in your voice sending a shiver down their spines. "I go by Nemesis now."
"Nemesis?" Bucky snapped out of his daze, brows raised high and his jaw clenched, features seen clearer now with his shorter hair. "The notorious mercenary Nemesis?"
"I prefer private contractor."
While they had been honoring your memory, you had been building a ruthless reputation of your own that was widely considered on par in violence with The Punisher but with the added disturbing fact that you could be hired. Of course, no one but a select few knew who you actually were.
Until today.
Nemesis. The Greek goddess of divine retribution and revenge. A name that suited the dark avenging persona you had adapted and the only purpose you now lived for. In a twisted kind of way, you were doing the same work they were only with far less finesse and none of the righteous for the good of mankind purpose they usually had.
You shrugged, sitting yourself casually down on the nearest chair on the other end of the long table from where they stood. You have had a long night, your feet were tired and they were still looking at you with absolute confusion and disbelief. This looked like it would take a while.
You rolled your eyes as you unbuckled your stained bulletproof vest, throwing it haphazardly on the table. You hazarded a glance at each one of them as you made yourself comfortable, noting the changes in them too. The years had given way to a solemn maturity to each one, it seems things had changed for them too.
"Now that I'm here, you have 12 minutes."
"12 minutes? Until what?" Steve stammered.
He couldn't keep his eyes off you, couldn't for the life of him reconcile the person he was seeing in front of him with the person he knew. From your expressions to your movements and even to the tone of your voice, you were just so different and yet it just seemed to make you a more magnetic presence. Fresh guilt washed over him, knowing that he had failed you as your Captain. They should have kept looking for you.
"You'll see. 11 minutes now. Either ask your questions or tell me what you want."
"We all thought you were dead," Steve muttered, taken back by your hostility.
"Well that obviously didn't stick. How did you find me, Cap?"
It was Steve who found you. At first he couldn't believe it was really you, but the split second glimpse he got of your eyes from the body cam on one of the field agents weeks ago drove him to obsessively dig further. It was a shot in the dark when he sent Natasha and the twins on the mission tonight.
"By chance," he admitted. "We've been chasing a group of people suspected to be manufacturing and selling the super soldier serum. Our agents have had a few close encounters with you. I think we're going after the same people."
"So you're asking for intel?" you snorted, absentmindedly picking at the bloodstains on your sleeves.
"No," he said cautiously, wary at how relaxed yet tightly coiled you looked. "I'm offering you your spot back with the team."
You almost choked on the laugh that just escaped your lips. You couldn't help the short bark of laughter at the ridiculous proposition. Looking at their faces though it seemed that the offer was serious, although the reluctant look in their eyes at your transformation showed their inner conflict. You straightened your features and shook your head, the amused smile still on your lips.
"Look, I'm not exactly on brand for you guys anymore." You leaned forward with your arms on the table and landed your eyes squarely on Bucky's, the venom unmistakable. "Besides, I seem to recall I was deemed not cut out for this team."
Bucky felt like his soul left him at your words. There was a Molotov cocktail of emotions raging inside him; surprise, shame, relief, anger, guilt, and longing. It was killing him knowing that he had a hand in how drastically you had changed. He was deathly afraid of finding out your full story. He wanted to talk to you, wanted to beg for your forgiveness and make things right. How many chances would anyone get to redeem oneself with a ghost? He couldn't find the words though, his throat going dry and his tongue heavy in his mouth.
"Y/N, you know that's not the truth," Steve tried to insist.
"I'm not Y/N anymore and I already have a team." You waved a hand dismissively. "Also your 12 minutes are up."
All at once the power cut out in the Compound, drenching the room into darkness punctuated by the flashing emergency lights. You felt yourself get lifted off your seat and the next moment you were standing behind a formation of Avengers in the arms of the resident speedster, your arms on his chest to steady yourself from the daze of the sudden movement. His muscles were tense beneath your hands but his expression was gentle as he looked down at you.
He had wanted to rush over to you the moment you revealed your face. He wanted to hold you, jump for joy, speed around the entire city with you in his embrace. How you were alive didn't matter to him.
Only that you were.
It was only at Wanda's warning for him to stay back that he did. She showed him that you weren't the same person anymore and that they weren't sure whether you would still be friend or foe. To Pietro though, you weren't different.
You were just angry.
To him you were still his little star despite the others thinking you were closer to a supernova now. His little star was just hurting and he decided that he would do everything in his power to help you heal. He held your head tighter to his chest, intending to protect you from the anticipated danger and ready to get you to safety at a moment's notice.
"What the damn hell is going on?" Sam yelled, readying his guns.
A figure silently jumped through the window and rolled on the floor to stop right in front of the group, jolting the Avengers to defend. He stood to full height and took a fighting stance; clad in head to toe red, billy clubs at the ready, and horns glinting in the sparse light atop his head.
The Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
"Let Nemesis go," he growled.
Natasha stepped forward, snapping her own batons in place. The crackling of the electricity from it sent lights to dance on the menacing expression on her face. The rest of the team watched closely the other entry points, expecting more to come in and if the first was any indication then they were in for a real fight.
Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway, loud and not at all trying to be concealed. Walking straight through the front door, were two towering men in heavy military gear each holding an assault rifle aimed at the group. The sneer on one lent a dangerous taunting aura to his surprisingly handsome features as if to say just fucking try me. While the other had a burning steely focus that instinctively made anyone back off, the emblem on his black vest told them exactly who he was.
The Punisher.
The Avengers snapped to attention, each one drawing their weapons and aiming back. The air was crackling with animosity and fingers that itched to pull their respective triggers. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the first to break the standoff in the enclosed space. Willing for someone to break it.
You laughed.
The disorientation at your reaction was palpable across the room. You patted Pietro's chest, grinning up at him in reassurance that everything was fine. He released you from his hold reluctantly and let you step out of the protective cluster they had inadvertently formed around you. The three newcomers visibly relaxed the slightest bit at the sight of you.
"Weapons down," you said calmly, eyeing each one in the room. No one budged. "All of you. Now."
Steve being the first one to lower his shield was the catalyst in diffusing what could have been the fight of the century. As outnumbered as the newcomers were, they lacked nothing in skill and precise brutality. Frank followed in lowering his weapon and soon everyone did the same. There was still tension but at least it was now reduced to intense glaring.
You tutted and shook your head as you strutted your way to your three rescuers. "What I needed was a ride home, Frankie. Not a goddamn full extraction op."
"Sorry, sweetheart," he said, not sounding at all apologetic and knowing you weren't really angry if the tired amusement on your face was anything to go by.
He smiled at you, that small open quirk at the corner of his mouth that was always accompanied by a roll of his tongue. He reached for you when you got close enough, drawing you close with a burly arm around the back of your shoulders. He kissed you on the forehead, a lingering gesture that clearly showed an intimacy between the two of you. The soft look on his face was reserved only for you and when he raised his face to the Avengers it was back to the cold threatening glare.
"Can you blame us though?" His voice came out gravelly, a favorite sound of yours. "The last time you were with these guys you were captured and tortured."
The word hung heavy in the air and though your back was turned, you could imagine the look on the faces of your former team. They didn't know about that yet. How could they when they had believed all this time that you died in the explosion?
"You forgot to mention blown up," Matt added, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his lips.
He removed his helmet, floppy brown hair instantly softening his persona. He peppered kisses on your palm and the inside of your wrist as he breathed in your scent to calm his own anxiety. He almost lost it when Billy had called saying that you had been taken. He was usually the last one to jump to immediate violence in your group, but the thought of you gone filled him with irrational fear. The possibility that history could repeat itself was unacceptable to him.
"I should have come with you."
"I could handle it and Billy was with me."
"Lot of good that did," he scoffed, switching to lightly biting your wrist. This wasn't unusual. Being blind, he relied on a more intense physical reassurance that everything was still as it should be.
"They weren't gonna hurt me, Matty," you argued, but it was more to help settle his nerves.
"All right, leave the foreplay for later," the last of the trio said, pulling you by your other hand closer to him.
He held you tightly by the waist and pressed you close, molding your body to his in a practiced motion. The smile on his face was scandalous and the mischief in his eyes was one that spelled trouble. The cheeky bastard winked at you before dipping his head to lay open mouthed kisses on your neck up to your ear right along your old scars. Shivers went down your spine and you couldn't help the low hum as your body reacted instinctively to him, stepping closer still until you could feel the heat of his body through his gear.
You knew exactly what he was doing. He was always the quickest to show affection in front of company, but this was a particularly golden opportunity for him to stake his claim in front of people he believed did not value you enough. Billy wouldn't be Billy if he didn't take it.
"Hey, pretty girl."
Across the room, the Avengers watched on with blatant curiosity at the apparent intimately familiar exchanges. It wasn't as much the fact that three men were bathing you with affection, but more that this cemented how far removed you were from their memory of you. They knew you as a starry-eyed recruit who stuttered at light teasing and preening at the slightest validation.
"Y/N," Steve called for you, forcing you to step away from Billy for the moment. You turned around to face them but Billy didn't let you go far, slinging his arm over your chest and this time contorting his body to yours.
"I told you, Steve. I'm not Y/N anymore," you said, a fleeting sadness flashed in your eyes before it was replaced with a firm pride. "And this is my team."
"We're taking our girl home," Frank declared, the threat underneath didn't need to be verbalized. If they took you again, it wouldn't end well for anyone.
"Wait!" Steve said urgently, halting your exit. "We'll hire you."
It was a last ditch effort. He was grasping at straws to keep you from disappearing from their lives again. He knew that if you walked out that door now there was no chance of ever getting you back. He just could not let that happen. This would only be temporary at best, but at least it would buy him time to convince you of a more permanent arrangement.
"Not interested."
"Nem." Matt as usual cautioned you from being too hasty. "Is this about the syndicates?"
You sighed. Matt was like a dog with a bone now. There was no choice but to let him chew on it. This was particularly important to him because the syndicates had been running amok in Hell's Kitchen and he was starting to find it difficult to keep his backyard clean.
"Yeah, apparently the stuff we found in the shipment yard was for making super soldier serums. The Avengers have been following the trail too."
"Why not just join forces then? We can get this done and over with a lot faster with their help," he reasoned.
"We're doing fine on our own, Matty."
"Matt has a point, sweetheart," Frank cut in. "We've been chasing this for years. I know a part of you is just itching to end all of this."
"It might help us find him faster. Do you really want to spend another ten years pulling at threads?" Matt added.
You closed your eyes, hands clenching at your sides to control your anger. It grated at you when they ganged up on you like this, but your anger was more because they were right and you knew it. You hated it, but they were right.
It was Billy who intervened, pulling you again to hug you from behind. His hold was firmer than before, aimed more to calm your shaking body. His voice came out calm, but resolute. His first priority was always making sure you were okay and you obviously weren't okay with this.
"You heard the lady. It's a no."
Frank and Matt sighed and shook their heads, but backed off. They weren't about to push you about this no matter how much they knew this would help you. They'll try again to convince you later, but they weren't optimistic. It was fortunate for them that there was more than just one stubborn person in the room.
"Please," Steve interrupted. You had almost forgotten that there were other people in the room. Almost. "We need your help. They have someone who keeps getting in our way and every time we get close he either fights us long enough for the trail to grow cold or leads us on wild goose chases. We can't let that serum be available to whoever can pay for it."
He didn't know what it was that he said that made all of your heads snap in his direction. Your eyes in particular were suddenly wild with barely restrained fury. He would take it. At least he had your attention.
"We can't let that happen, Nemesis," he finished, making sure to use your preferred name. Anything to possibly get himself into your good graces.
"Do you have a name?" you ground out.
"A name, Steve. Do you know who this guy is?"
"By the way he fights he seems to be a merc too. Looks like military background though from where I'm not sure," he said slowly, carefully choosing his words in the hopes of you changing your mind. "He goes by Salvacion."
"We're in."
Earth's Mightiest was stunned at the sudden reversal of your decision. As firm as you had rejected the offer, you were jumping at it now with the addition of your own team.
"Let's get one thing straight though, Cap," you began, the rage still burning in your eyes like wildfire. "My team and I will work with you. It's all of us or none of us. We'll help you lock up the syndicates and destroy the serum. We'll play nice, but Salvacion is mine."
Steve took a deep breath, relieved that you had agreed but also deeply concerned at your visceral reaction to a name. He had to ask.
"Because that's the motherfucker who killed my sister."
A/N: I feel like you guys have more questions now. Come freak out with me through the comments and reblogs! I write faster when people freak out with me. It’s the truth. Now that you’ve seen our girl with ALL our strapping men, what do you think? Who are you most curious about now?
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
(This is an excerpt from my unfinished but fully outlined Reign of Vader fic, in which Darth Vader assassinates Palpatine and then finds out that unfortunately this means he actually has to rule. After Luke is captured by the Empire, Vader reveals both his heritage and a desire to fix things in the galaxy. Luke is wary, but it's not like he has anywhere to go)
Darth Vader was not a man of infinite patience, and the Ruling Council was growing ever nearer to discovering the limits of his tolerance. 
"Day-to-day procedures are a delicate matter, Majesty," Greejatus was saying, "It would be an unprecedented disaster to force change upon all offices all at once. May I recommend a gradual shift as your reign takes root?"
"Yes yes," Sate Pesage agreed. His eyes glittered out of his gaunt face with ambition. "This proposal to outlaw slavery, for instance-"
"-Is non-negotiable," Vader interrupted. "It was an idiot's decision to legalize it in the first place. My empire will have no need of slave labor."
"Of course!" Pesage bowed. He was beginning to sweat under that ridiculous hat of his. "We are eager to begin this journey into the future your reign promises, Majesty. But the galaxy is vast. Perhaps it is best to...phase the law in slowly? It takes time to bring new ordinances all the way to the Outer Rim."
Vader had heard quite enough for one day. 
"Enough. The decree goes into effect tonight." 
He stood, and all five members of the Council jumped a little. 
"You have until then to review the revised legal codes I have provided for you."
With a sardonic lilt to his voice, he added, "The rule of the Grand Vizier through the Moffs has ended, gentlemen. If you do not feel that you are adequately prepared for the task ahead, I will accept your resignation and begin the process of finding your successor."
He waved a hand. "In the next week, we begin hearings for the Alderaanian Massacre. You are dismissed."
There was a certain satisfaction in watching Palpatine's five advisers bowing and trembling on their way out. After decades of putting up with their snide comments and inane commands, it was nice to see the shoe on the other foot for a change.
Of course, they hadn't covered much. Just an overview of what the Imperial Ruling Council actually did. Once Vader mentioned that he intended to sell his secondary residence in the district and distribute the funds as reparations, the meeting had devolved into excuses and protests for the next two hours. Luckily, he was far too stubborn to pay any attention to their complaints.
While he had no strong feelings about most of his actions in the last nineteen years, neither hatred nor regret, he was willing to acknowledge that not all of his targets had been legitimate in a military sense. For Padme's sake, he would make amends if possible. 
Naturally, it was uncomfortable to try putting a price on life. But the sale of that ridiculous "castle" Palpatine insisted on him staying in would provide a good starting place.
It took about fifteen minutes of calculating, but ultimately Vader decided there was more than enough in Palpatine's personal accounts to cover about 17,000 wrongful death settlements, with additional funds in the cases of recurring medical bills. 
Arranging reparations for Alderaan would take more work. Vader quickly decided he was going to delegate that to the department of finances.
(They...did have a department of finances, didn't they? Surely Sidious hadn't done his own bookkeeping.)
With that settled, Vader's itinerary consisted primarily of a meeting with the Hands to make sure they knew their boundaries. After that, a remote consultation with a newly-renowned surgeon living in one of the lower districts. It would, unfortunately, take up the majority of the day. But for now, at least, he had two hours to himself.
The emperor closed his eyes and stretched out with his senses. It took several seconds before he was able to pinpoint his son's location. Luke's presence was dimmed, slightly. Muffled.
The reason for this became apparent the moment Vader found him.
Inside the library, on the lower level, Luke was sprawled across one of the ridiculous armchairs the nobles had favored. A book lay open on his chest, rising and falling gently. A small stack of texts encompassing everything from speeder repair to adventure novels sat on the floor, just next to where one of Luke's hands dangled off the edge of the arm rest. Clearly, he had been in the library for several hours before falling asleep. 
Sleep had softened the boy's features, painting him in a far more vulnerable light. The fear and caution of the previous night had been wiped away, leaving someone who seemed far too young, and far too small. How could he be twenty? How could Padme's baby already be twenty? 
It was tempting to leave him there. To let him sleep. But the chair was not the most supportive frame, nor was the library the most secure chamber of the palace. Reluctantly, Vader bent to touch Luke's cheek. 
"Luke," he said quietly, "This is hardly an appropriate place to sleep."
Luke's eyelids fluttered, but he did not fully awaken at once. Carefully, ever so carefully, Vader took hold of Luke's shoulders and guided him back into an upright position. 
"Your spine will thank me later," he said. 
Luke shifted, then opened his eyes with a groan. He didn’t seem to register Vader’s presence at first. One arm stretched up over his head, and the other came up to rub at his eyes.
“What time is it?” he yawned.
“Nearly noon,” answered Vader. The meeting with the Council had taken far longer than he would’ve liked. “Are you hungry?”
With a garbled sound, Luke waved a hand from side to side. “Don’t know yet?” he said in a still sleep-slurred voice.
After a few more seconds, he finally noticed just who had woken him. Instinctively, he straightened his spine, and looked a little bit nervous.
“Oh,” he said, very quietly. “H-hello, Father.”
“Hello, son.” Vader sounded amused. “Was your choice of reading that dull?”
After a moment, Luke nodded. He made a face. "I know there's supposed to be a famous musical made from this or something. But a whole chapter on how the sewer system of Ryloth's capital city works doesn't seem like good song material."
He jumped when Vader laughed. It was a warm, rich sound, utterly at odds with his austere appearance. 
"Poor boy!" He gently took the book from his son. "That was required reading for our literature studies when I was a boy. I loathed it. Very few of my peers sought it out voluntarily."
"I guess I can see why," Luke admitted. "But it seemed like it was going to be a good story."
"Then you are better served finding an abridged copy, I think," Vader chuckled. "Come. You should eat something."
Luke pushed himself up out of the chair. “Do I...need to put the books back?”
Vader leaned back on his heels. He looked at the books, then at the shelves. “I...will leave that to your best judgement. I do not know where you got them from.”
It was such a normal sounding conversation! Why?! 
Why did you have to be like...like this?! Luke fought a surprising burst of frustration. I have no idea how to talk to you! 
Serious and formal one moment, then laughing the next? Vader? Laughing?! It was as if the man he’d met on Cymoon and the man idly examining his stack of books were two completely different people.
Luke set the books on the console with the Holonet terminal eventually. Vader had suggested that he learn the cataloguing system of the room at a later time. At least that seemed to mean that he would be allowed to go back to the library again. Luke thought about his conversation with Artoo. Perhaps his father was trying to be kind to him. Whether that kindness would extend to anyone else was a different matter.
“I thought you were still meeting with dignitaries or something,” Luke said.
He trailed along behind Vader up an ornate staircase with his hands in his pockets. He was still uncomfortable walking too closely to the man. For all that he acknowledged that the new emperor was, indeed, his father, he was still a force to be reckoned with. 
Luke took a moment to internally groan at his unintended pun. Han would probably have elbowed him in the ribs for saying something like that. Chewie would think it was hilarious. 
Luke’s attempt to stay safely out of range failed quite suddenly. Vader deliberately slowed his steps so that Luke couldn’t hang back without being extremely obvious about it. He didn’t want to offend the emperor, so he tried to ignore his fight or flight instincts shaking his insides and kept pace with his father.
“I have several more meetings to endure today,” Vader said casually. “But the most onerous of those has been dealt with.”
This was not quite true. The Ruling Council was too full of Palpatine loyalists. Just intimidating them into compliance would only work for so long. They had connections, and they had money, and that could prove to be a headache if not dealt with sooner. Vader needed to replace at least three of them.
He had almost considered appointing Luke as Vizier in Amedda’s place, but had quickly thought better of it. Such a position would almost guarantee that Luke would never have time to fly again. Cutting a Skywalker off from the stars for good seemed too cruel. 
His son had not had the childhood he could have had if his mother had lived. If Palpatine had died much sooner. Let him enjoy his youth while he could.
But the problem of finding a Ruling Council that Vader could trust would still be waiting.
“The stupid hat club, right?” Luke asked.
He was unsettled by Vader’s proximity. Vader could sense that. He understood: the armor had been made to terrify. Perhaps one day he would have the option of seeing his son with his own eyes, but for now the boy would have to acclimate himself to the sight.
It was not often that Vader found himself cursing the cold, impersonal nature of his mask. He would have liked to smile at his son.
“Yes. The...stupid hat club.” He settled for letting his amusement be clearly heard in his voice. “That is not an inaccurate description. They run the day-to-day matters of ruling an Empire. But as they were all close to the former ruler, I find that I’d rather not trust them in matters of delegating governance.”
Luke grimaced. “That doesn’t sound like a good idea,” he agreed.
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fics-by-caroline · 3 years
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Magical!Reader
Summary: You and Loki are part of the Avengers, but the pair of you have different ideas of what justice entails than the rest of the group; i.e., more horror, more drama, an eye for an eye. And man, do you two ever look sexy covered in blood.
Category: Smut (18+ only, please!)
Warnings: Smut (blood kink, oral sex -- f receiving), rough sex, porn with some plot), language, graphic descriptions of violence, gore, smoking, alcohol consumption, mention of human trafficking.
A/N: This is my first time writing smut, so please be nice 🥺
   Taking a drag from a cigar in the corner of the dimly-lit speakeasy, your target looked you up and down. Even without tapping into his thoughts, you could tell that he liked what he saw; how the black dress you wore hugged your figure, how you had crossed your legs in a way that allowed him to catch the red bottoms of your heels, red that was reflected in your lipstick and nails. You turned to make eye contact with him, and were immediately hit with hearing him imagine you on your knees sucking him off in one of his fancy cars and afterwards kicking you out onto the street.
   Typical, You thought with disgust, finishing your martini. You could feel his eyes on you, burning into your back. Feeling him get up and walk towards you, you shot a knowing look at Loki across the bar.
   “Can I buy you a drink?” The man’s voice was dripping in disgusting salaciousness. He sat beside you, reeking of the over-application of cologne, whiskey, and cigar smoke.
   You shot him a demure smile. “A dirty martini, drier than the Sahara.”
   The man waved down the bartender before leaning closer to you. “Michael Ashbourne.”
   You suppressed an eye roll, taking instead to lighting a cigarette. “I know who you are, Mr. Ashbourne.”
   “And what is it that you know of me?” Ashbourne stroked your hair with a drunken finger.
   Uncrossing your legs, you turned to face him. “That you are one of the worst Midgardian men alive today. You cheat people out of their winnings in various casinos around the world, making yourself and your friends — no doubt the ones who surrounded you in that corner over there — some of the richest men in the world, while managing to operate under the radars of your enemy governments. You sell weapons and drugs because you always want even more money on top of the billions you already have, not caring about the damage you cause. You drink the most expensive liquors, sleep with all the women you please, and leave people eating the dust in your wake. But what brings you to the epitome of disgusting actions is your engagement in the trafficking of girls, once again, for even more money.” Even though you kept your voice low, you made sure to lace every word with biting poison.
   Ashbourne pulled back in shock, unmoving and speechless.
   You smirked at his silence. “Your cunningness is almost impressive, especially for a human. You manage to remain one step ahead of the mewling mortals who are left to crawl in your fading footprints. Bravo. Unfortunately for you, however, I am not one of them.” You waved a finger, from which a small ribbon of white magic followed.
   “Who the hell are you?” Ashbourne hissed.
   “A hero in the eyes of the people you have crossed, and the villain in yours.”
   Ashbourne scoffed condescendingly. Stupid bitch, you heard him think. “Speaking in mysterious riddles just makes you look stupid, missy. I don’t know how you know what you know, but it’s a bit too much for my liking.” He raised a hand, beckoning over the large men who had accompanied him.
   You sighed, unimpressed. Before they could so much as reach for their belt, you pulled the pistol from your garter stockings and fired silenced shots in between their eyes, before holding a dagger against Ashbourne’s throat. The speakeasy froze in horrified silence.
   With a small chuckle at the sudden shock and fear in Ashbourne’s muddy eyes, you called to Loki. “Darling, are there others?”
   “No darling, not here … but we can’t have witnesses, can we?” Loki sauntered up to you, kissing you on the head. He looked around at the few bystanders in the bar, terror keeping their feet rooted in place.
   “Loki, is that really necessary —”
   You were cut off by Loki launching towards the horrified bystanders like a cat pouncing on prey, his daggers slicing through their necks gliding ease. He finished off by throwing a knife into the bartender’s skull, silencing his terrorized mind that shrieked in your own so annoyingly. Loki looked back at you with an amused glint in his eyes, blood on every surface of the speakeasy, including Loki’s own body. Gesturing around him, he noted dryly, “They were dead in seconds, no suffering.”
   You rolled your eyes before turning your attention back to Ashbourne, who sat with eyes wide and mouth agape. You smirked and applied a bit more pressure to the blade in your hand, drawing small beads of blood. You snuffed out your cigarette and stood up, toying with his bowtie as your heel dug into his foot. You could taste the fear that drenched his mind. “What’s this?” You cooed. “Feeling scared?”
   “Ah, you’re so right, my love,” Loki smiled, looking around the room at the bloody mess he created. “Not using magic is so much more fun. I missed getting my hands dirty.”
   You chuckled lowly. You couldn’t help but stare at him hungrily; there was something in the way the blood splatter stood out against his pale skin that awoke an arousal in you. Shaking your head, you turned back to the man under your knife and cocked an eyebrow. “How do you think I should do this? Stabbing is too classic, going for the neck is too neat.”
   “Unzip him, dear,” Loki hummed. He shot a bolt of green magic towards the man, binding him in glowing ropes that wrapped around his pitiful body. Noticing your dry look, he shrugged. “I want a proper view of your handiwork, and I can’t have that if I’m holding him.”
   “Fair enough,” You said. After a moment’s thought, you waved your hands, making Ashbourne’s shirt disappear in a white flash of your own magic.
   “Wait, wait, stop. What do you want? Money? I have money. What do you want?” Ashbourne pleaded.
   “I want ...” you said coldly, “to hear you scream.”
   You stepped forward and sunk your dagger into his lower abdomen, slicing upwards smoothy, careful as to not sever any major blood vessels. Ashbourne screamed in agony — music to both yours and Loki’s ears. You grinned at the blood that spurted out to meet you, and tossed the dagger onto the surface of the bar. You looked at the open mess in front of you and sunk your hand into the open cavity, making Ashbourne wail.
   Loki smacked Ashbourne’s face with a deadly glare. “Stay awake, you.”
   You reached farther into Ashbourne’s gut, quickly finding the pulsating aorta. You looked up at Ashbourne’s paling face, cheek now sporting a bloody handprint from where Loki had slapped him, and pulled on the artery, which snapped and spurted hot blood all over you. Loki released his magic binds, leaving the body of the man to collapse like a rag doll onto the floor, very much dead.
   You could hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears as you discarded the shred of aorta in your hands onto the lifeless body. You turned to look at Loki, who was smiling back at you with a familiar, blazing fire behind his eyes. He reached over and picked up your discarded dagger from the tabletop. He looked it over once, then swiped his tongue up one side of the blade. You groaned in arousal at the sight.
   “The taste of justice, my dear,” He said, licking his lips.
   He turned his fiery gaze back on you, holding the knife out for your taking. Without breaking eye contact, you licked up the other side, the metallic taste of Ashbourne’s blood spreading through your mouth only adding to the wet ache between your legs.
   “Fucking hell,” Loki breathed, the large bulge in his dress trousers clearly evident.
   You took the dagger, swiping away the rest of the blood that stained it on your finger and licked it clean. A deep rumble escaped from Loki’s lips before he smashed his lips onto yours, your tongues trading the tastes of blood and saliva. With a sharp tug, Loki tore your dress down and pinched your nipples between his bloodied fingers as he backed you up onto the bar. While normally, he would take his time with you, tease you at a torturously slow pace, make you plead and squirm beneath him, he now was fuelled purely by an animalistic flame, his lips and teeth marking your lips, jaw, neck, shoulders, collarbones. You broke apart only for you to render the pair of you naked by way of a flick of the wrist and a flash of white light. You stared at each other, both of you breathless and admiring how the blood that drenched your clothing had stained your bodies in a beautiful pattern of death.
   “I love you so much,” You whispered.
   “I love you too,” Loki said, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip lightly.
   In a flash, the momentary gentleness was gone as Loki pushed two fingers inside of you and curled them. You shouted out in pleasure, then gasped when you felt Loki’s tongue on your clit.
   “Fuck, Loki!” You hissed, throwing your head back and grinding deeper onto Loki’s fingers and tongue.
   The most audacious and obscene sounds filled the speakeasy as Loki twisted his fingers inside your cunt and attacked you with his mouth. You moaned unabashedly and Loki in return groaned against your body. His nips against your clit were anything but gentle, his fingers fucking your cunt so deeply, so gloriously, that your entire body sparked with invisible electricity.
   “You’re going to cum for me,” Loki growled, “you’re going to cum for me and make me drink it as you do.”
   You nodded into the air, gasping, panting, writhing under him. You clenched around his head, locking Loki into place, and came on his face, rolling and thrusting your hips against his mouth. Loki held your hips and drank your release until your orgasm finally finished washing over you.
  Before you could begin to catch your breath, Loki seized your neck in one large hand and pushed himself inside of you in one fluid motion, causing the both of you to moan loudly. He started moving his hips immediately at a quick and relentless pace, splitting you apart in pleasure. You reached up to wrap your arms and legs around him desperately. As he hit that sweet spot that no other could, you brought your nails down his back, no doubt drawing blood. All thoughts had disappeared from your minds, pure animalistic pleasure and arousal clearing everything else out. Your combined energy made the lights spark and flicker, furniture going flying as your grip on your magic became weaker. Loki slammed into you, your walls tight around him, his pelvis grinding in such a way that he moved against your clit. You were only barely registering how you clung onto him for dear life, the most indecent noises pouring from both of your mouths, bodies slick in blood and sweat sliding against one another. Your connection into each other’s minds let you both know that the other was just as close to their climax without speaking. Expletives punctuated your shared groans and screams, Loki’s grip on your body so tight that bruises were sure to follow, your teeth and nails marking his skin.
   “Loki, I — fuck — Loki!” You cried as you felt your body begin to tremble uncontrollably.
   “I know, I — ah! I know —!” Loki groaned, biting your neck.
   You exploded again with a scream and you slammed your hand onto the table, releasing a huge pulse of magic that levelled the room around you. Green explosions set off around you as Loki lost control and spilled into you with a stammering thrust and deep groan. Even though your eyes were both closed, you could see each other in your minds, totally blissful and exhausted, chests heaving. Loki’s lips found yours in a loving kiss.
   “We should ... we should clean up here before the others come by,” You said, still out of breath.
   Loki nodded wordlessly. He pulled out of you, causing you to whimper. We waved his hand, and the speakeasy righted itself in a glow of green light. Tables and chairs fixed themselves, light fixtures hung back up on the ceilings, blood and bodies disappeared, until the only remnant of your activities was the gore that still covered your naked bodies. You stood up and cricked your neck before cleaning yourself and Loki up, and dressing the pair of you in the dress and tuxedo you two were wearing. 
   “What will we say to the others when they ask about the sudden disappearance of everyone here?” You asked slowly.
   “Don’t worry, love,” Loki grinned, “we can tell them the truth. We’re both too valuable for them to kick us out of the group.”
   You laughed and took Loki’s outstretched arm, walking out into the cool night.
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bbangsoonie · 4 years
just u
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member: sunwoo genre: fluff word count: 1,903 synopsis: sunwoo thinks you’re a flirty drunk but doesn’t notice you only flirt with him.
a/n: oc’s facial flush after drinking alcohol is mentioned once in the fic
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Eric: giant sleepover at hyunjae’s tonight
Hyunjae: this is news to me ??
Eric: be prepared to pull an all-nighter because we are doing everything from watching movies to playing games to ✨drinking✨
Sangyeon: his house is also my house ???
Eric: y/n, can you pick up some snacks and drinks with sunwoo?
You: sure
Sunwoo: this is news to me as well ?
Eric: see you all at 6! i know no one has classes today and tomorrow’s saturday so i expect full attendance :)
Juyeon: again, our house is not just solely hyunjae’s ???? younghoon and i live here as well ;-;
Eric’s impromptu gathering was in no way organized but he knew everyone would go along with it. Your group of friends consisted of the most spontaneous people you’ve ever met. They were always down for anything, anytime.
That was how you ended up going grocery shopping with Sunwoo and Haknyeon after you stopped by campus for your professor’s office hours. You ran into Haknyeon there who wanted to tag along to make sure you bought his favorite snacks.
“Any requests for chasers?” you called out to the boys who were an aisle away. You scanned the shelves of sodas in front of you, trying to recall who liked what drinks.
“Chasers are for babies,” Haknyeon scoffed as he made his way over to you.
“I’m baby,” you proudly pointed at yourself.
“Are you referring to the Kirby meme right now?” he blinked. When you nodded, he pretended to gag, making you slap his back.
“Do you guys think this is enough alcohol?” Sunwoo arrived with a cart full of bottles. You almost laughed at the amount of cases. Anyone passing by would think you were shopping wholesale. Which honestly didn’t sound like a bad idea for a group of 12.
“Should be,” Haknyeon shrugged, taking over the cart. “Now time for the good stuff!”
You and Sunwoo watched as he threw in bags of chips and jelly into the cart. You only picked out one or two for yourself since Haknyeon was essentially just getting everything. There was a wide variety for you to choose from anyway. Sunwoo had to physically stop him from adding more stuff, insisting that there’d be dinner as well.
With Hyunjae in charge of ordering food, it was no surprise that you walked into his house smelling like chicken. Eric greeted you from the kitchen and you hollered out a “hey” before joining Changmin and Chanhee in the living room. They were in the middle of an intense round of Super Smash Bros and by the looks of it, Changmin was winning. When the game finally ended, Changmin shrieked with laughter while Chanhee dejectedly collapsed onto the sofa.
Jacob and Kevin walked in not long after, exchanging greetings with everyone else. Sangyeon, Juyeon, and Younghoon emerged from the staircase after finishing their assignments upstairs in their own respective rooms. With the whole group together, Eric gathered you all in front of the TV to have a Super Smash Bros tournament.
“Only people who suck at playing games pick Kirby,” he yelled as you picked up a controller.
“I do admit I suck at games and love Kirby,” you stuck your tongue out as you chose your character, making Chanhee groan.
“All you do is spam down b!” Kevin whined.
“Well no one wants to teach me other moves or how to play other characters,” you shrugged.
“I tried,” Hyunjae sighed. “You’re an impossible student.”
“That’s because everyone kills me off while I try to learn!” you huffed.
To your amusement, you won the game by avoiding everyone in the air while they battled amongst themselves. Then you constantly attacked Younghoon with the same move until he eventually died. He screamed in frustration when your victory flashed across the screen.
Unfortunately for you, everyone decided to target you in the beginning for the next round. After easily finishing you off, they enjoyed what they called a “true fight” that Eric ultimately won.
The long night officially began with the mountain of boxes of chicken in the kitchen. It was easily demolished before Changmin won rock, paper, scissors to put a horror movie on. Before the film was even chosen, Sunwoo was complaining about how he hated jump scares.
“Bro just say you’re afraid and move on,” Eric snickered.
“I’m not scared! I just don’t like being surprised,” Sunwoo insisted.
“Pft, if you’re a true man you can watch it,” Chanhee teased, unaware of his embarrassment to come.
The next couple of hours was chaotic. Chanhee screamed at every noise, making everyone else scream as well. Haknyeon and Sunwoo ended up watching the movie with their ears closed and Jacob gave up entirely by trying to nap instead. You had the unfortunate seat next to Younghoon and became his ragdoll that he clung onto and shook every time he got frightened. You didn’t even get to react to the movie because he kept screaming and grabbing onto you.
Eric and his mischievous instincts spent the whole time trying to startle Juyeon who ended up chasing him around until he promised to stop. Changmin, Sangyeon, Hyunjae, and Kevin were the only ones who truly enjoyed the movie.
When the lights came back on, Chanhee and Sunwoo pretended that it wasn’t scary at all. Hyunjae laughed, reminding them of their reactions to which they feigned oblivion to.
“I need a drink,” you groaned. “Younghoon stressed me out more than the ghost did.”
“Everyone go slow and steady,” Eric warned. “I want to be playing until the sun comes up.”
“My body is too old for this,” Sangyeon mumbled as he began taking the alcohol out of the fridge.
“Hey, Y/n, can you pass me a bottle?” Sunwoo asked. You felt your heart skip a beat when his fingers brushed past yours to take the drink from your hands. The exchange made you blush and you quickly took a shot to mask your tinted cheeks with the flush of the liquor.
Spending the night with your friends meant that you would be spending it trying hard to not fall in love with your budding crush. You tried your best to keep a safe distance from him, relying on Chanhee to be your trusty barrier.
After a series of drinking games (that mostly resulted in your loss), you were beginning to feel the effects. With Chanhee and Haknyeon by your side, you were slightly swinging in your seat. You were all sitting on the floor in the spacious living room to start whatever game Hyunjae had suggested. His words had gone in and out of your ears while you were finishing your last punishment drink.
“So basically one person will ask another person a question and that person will say their answer out loud. The answer has to be the name of someone in this room. Those who are curious about the question will drink to hear it,” Hyunjae explained.
“Can I go first?” Kevin excitedly asked. With the majority agreeing, he happily went up to Jacob to whisper in his ear.
After hearing his question, Jacob thought for a second before saying your name. The boys teasingly “ooh”ed, making you roll your eyes. Sunwoo, Eric, and Changmin were the only ones curious enough to drink for the answer.
“Aw, Y/n, you don’t wanna know why he picked you?” Kevin pouted.
“By the look on your face, I think I get the gist,” you chuckled. “Any questions involving girls only leaves me as an option. And to be brutally honest, I don’t really care what he thinks of me.”
Jacob, faking pain, clutched his heart.
“Ouch,” he joked.
Jacob asked his question to Younghoon, who answered with your name again. This time, you were slightly intrigued.
“Me again for the second time in a row? Now I’m kinda curious,” you pretended to think hard.
Eric drank again and eagerly asked for Jacob’s question. Trying to elicit a response from you, he acted shocked and grabbed Younghoon by the collar. Laughing, you gave in and drank to hear the question.
“He thinks you’re gonna be the first to get cuffed,” Jacob whispered to you.
“Ah, unfortunately no,” you shook your head at Younghoon, sitting back down.
This time, Younghoon asked you a question. He asked who you would date if you had to choose from the friend group.
“Sunwoo,” you said almost immediately. His jaw dropped at how fast you made your decision and he gave you a smug look.
Again, Eric couldn’t hide his curiosity. His reaction made the rest of them interested and everyone ended up drinking to find out what Younghoon had asked you. Hyunjae hooted but the alcohol in your system left you unphased by all their teasing.
After their excitement died down, the game continued until each person had a turn. It ended with Eric drunk crying thanks to Juyeon picking him as his most cherished friend. Seeing him cry made Sunwoo cry as well and Changmin was having a blast laughing at them both.
Not wanting Sunwoo to also turn into a crying drunk, Sangyeon took his cup away from him. He reminded him to keep his pace, prompting him to sulk. As soon as Sangyeon looked away, however, Sunwoo stole it back and downed the rest of his drink.
“Sunwoo, no,” Sangyeon groaned.
“Sunwoo yes!” Sunwoo exclaimed with glee.
The group then split off into subgroups to take a break from drinking. You, Younghoon, Juyeon, Changmin, Sunwoo, and Eric propped a phone up to make TikToks together. Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were just chilling on the couch, laughing as they watched you embarrass yourselves.
Subconsciously, you ended up with your arm wrapped around Sunwoo’s neck for most of the stupid 15 second video. You honestly weren’t sure what you were filming or why you were so close to your crush but you were having too much fun to care.
Chanhee, on the other hand, definitely noticed. He smirked as you rested your head on Sunwoo’s lap and Sunwoo’s face reddened. He nudged Jacob to point it out and made fun of how oblivious you two were.
Before reconvening, you stepped outside to get some fresh air. When you didn’t return after 10 minutes, Sunwoo was sent to retrieve you. You lit up seeing him join you on the veranda and beckoned for him to sit down next to you.
“It’s cold out here,” he said. “Let’s go back in.”
“So then you should hold my hand to keep me warm,” you giggled, holding out your hand.
“You’re drunk,” he commented as he raised an eyebrow.
“Drunk on you,” you winked, making him shyly look away. He cleared his throat to rid himself of the awkward tension between you.
“You know, you’re a flirty drunk,” he mused.
“Only to you,” you shrugged. “Haven’t you ever heard of drunk actions reflecting sober thoughts?”
Taken aback, he stared at you in silence. You pouted at his lack of response and got up to go back inside. Before you could open the door, he finally spoke up.
“I’ll think about it if your sober actions reflect your drunk thoughts,” he said.
“Really?” you beamed.
“As long as your drunk self is only flirty with me,” he teased.
“Oh please, have you ever seen me like this with the other guys?” you laughed. “I only like you. Just you.”
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Yellow, Black, Blue and Warmth
Kanene’s note: I am very proud of this sdfghjqswerty.
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to the anime/manga Boku no Hero.
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic. ^w^)b
* This is Lee!Toshinori with Ler!Hizashi + Ler!Aizawa. Platonic or Romantic. Around 4.500 words.
* This has mouth tickles (raspberries, nibbles, tickly kisses...), teasy nicknames, use of the spotlight system (green, yellow and red) and baby talk. If there is anything that needs to be tagged just lemme know! 
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Tell someone that makes you feel safe how much they matter to you. If you want, no words are needed. Sometimes just an emoji or ‘this reminds of you’ is needed. Don’t forget you’re especial to someone, as well. <33
 His arms twitched on their position above his head and, not for the first time, he felt himself starting to lower them in a desperate urge to hide his flaming face adorned by a soft, uncontrollable kind of smile that only a few people in the world could claim the happiness of seeing.
 A warm hand rested on the right side of his ribcage and nails positioned themselves under his toes, two playful gazes looking at him, warningly.
 “Let’s-” a quiet gasp escaped from his lips when he tried to make a placating gesture with his hands and lowered them further, making the nimbly fingers start to wiggle restlessly on his spots. “I aham sure we can think another solution for this p-problem!”
 Goosebumps ran freely across his body in a wave of warm and excitement as the concentrated, evil black eyes blinked lazily at him, their owner not dignifying himself with an answer before he shoved his face back on the right side of his stomach, nuzzling and humming calmly, his nose exploring, drawing shapes on the ticklish skin, the adult being extremely careful and attentive enough so every vibration seemed to buzz on every and any of his so, so sensitive nerves, leading his back to arch with the unbearable sensation and the “attacker” to smirk in his quietness.
 “I-I beg f-for you to reconside-eek!” He squirmed harder as a low ‘oh’ was pronounced, trying - with not nearly all his strength, if he was being honest, but no one needed to know that - to dislodge the other adult from the newly found sweet spot right next to his hip, which was currently being rustless attacked with soft, barely there kisses that, no matter how much he buckled, refused to move. “Please, please. Yohou don’t have to d-do this!”
 His barriers were starting to crumble, quiet sounds beginning to find their way out of his firmly pressed lips, red growing more on his face as an awed cooing researched his ears and the long, awfully long nails lightly scratched the arch of his feet, making themselves known. They prodded, scribbled and danced skillfully across his sole, circling the weak spots that, for the way the blonde’s grin widened every time he stumbled in a new one, wouldn’t be forgotten that easily.
 And then Toshinori giggled. 
 That was when he realized he was doomed.
“Aw, but I do think we do! Who wouldn’t want to hear more of that cute laughter of yours, my dear squeaky listener?”
 “Yes, my wiggly wiggley bear? What is the matter? You seem rather smiley today. ~” Hizashi sing-sang, an only one finger focusing at that lovely spot right under the ball of his feet that made him squeal in a poorly hidden delight, his laughter starting to overcome his titters. Especially as Shouta decided to be a little more hands-on and weak, almost maddening touches were spidered on Yagi’s right side, not helping at all the flow of high pitched squeaks escaping from his mouth. “Does that tickle? Huh? Does that tickle tickle tickle you so much that it makes you want to give us all that amazing squealing squeals and cute yelps? Aw, isn’t that so kind of him, Shou?”
 “You think that after so much hero work the Symbol of Peace would have gotten at least a bit of a resistance.” Aizawa pointed, not bothering to lift his head so his words wouldn’t be muffled as they hit directly Toshinori’s tummy, not even a drop of remorse on his tune as his act made the aforementioned to crackle, kicking as a series of ‘nonono’s filled the room. “Don’t you agree, Toshinori? Just a few well placed tickles here and there and then All Might would be begging for mercy in a few seconds. Tsk. So ticklish, so helpless, so cute.”
 Aizawa didn’t call them cute often. He did, however, reconsider his choice when his gaze quickly locked on Yagi, a nice feeling bubbling in his chest with the other’s half whine, half giggle, his wobbly, happy smile almost disappearing under all the blush that consumed his features.
  “Right!” Yamada experimentally squeezed his calf, beaming when a guffaw answered him, the leg tugging halfheartedly on his grip, arms hugging himself to not push them away. “But that is no problem! We are teachers, after all. Teachers very capable of teaching him how to increase his endurance, and I think I have the perfect idea of a lesson to help him.”
 Yagi was dying. Part of himself wanted to flee away from all the attention, all the warm, caring touches and compliments and that absurdly insufferable sensation that still tingled his body even now, when Shouta and Hizashi stopped to loom over his form with matching evil smirks, making it almost impossible for him to not hide his face and curl in a silly, rather giggly ball.
 The words of the previous finally sank in his mind and he fiercely shook his head, not trusting his own mouth and trying to not let the amusement he felt blooming on him to drip on his move.
 “Awesome! Thank you for agreeing, tickly listener. It’s amazing to know you’re also as eager for this just as we are!”
 “But I did not-” A true shriek cut his words as Aizawa dug his fingers on his armpits, resulting in a sea of wild giggles to overtake him. The tickles being mean enough to be able to completely dissolve his protests, although also the right amount of light so Yamada’s teasy words would still be able to be heard above him.
 “So!” The Voice Hero clapped joyfully, getting even more excited at the other's reactions. “The best way to be prepared for any situation is to train! Practice! You need to be prepared to all resist to any and every trickys tickly tickle technique that exists, which means scribbles, scratches, squeezes, kneads, nibbles, nuzzles, kisses, spidering, nursery rhymes, and ooooh, of course, raspberries!” Hizashi nodded once, determined.
 “I can’t!” Yagi threw his attempts of forming entire, coherent sentences out of the window, his brain basically short-circuiting on Hizashi’s first examples. “Please, please, I swear! I cahahan’t!”
 “Oh, don’t worry my dear sweet, squirmy listener, it’s really a lot of work to do... But! You will not be doing it alone! Me and Shouta will be here cheering and helping you for hours and hours and hours until you master the whooole lesson. And," the blonde got closer, lowering his tune until his words were just a breath on Yagi's ears, teasing the sensitive spot no matter how much he shrugged and shook his head. "If you get something wrong all we need to do it's just start aaaall over and over again, right, Shou?!”
 “Oh gohod.”
 “Of course, I don’t waste my time with someone who doesn’t have potential.”
 Aizawa’s predator smirk and tone maybe would be scarier if it wasn't broken by Yamada’s loud cooing, the taller coming back to his previous position as he rested a quick squeeze on Shouta's hip, fishing a surprised snort and a warningly glance from the black haired man, who, on his turn received an innocent whistling as an answer. Toshinori chuckled in amusement at the scene, gratefully taking the breather.
 “Better be careful,” Yagi’s tune was innocent, with a titter dropping here and there, still, a dangerous shine gleamed intensely on his blue eyes, “so that lesson won’t backfire on you in the future.”
 Aizawa stared at him, the tip of his lips curling in a barely there grin that heavily contrasted and complemented Yamada’s dramatic gasp in betrayal.
 “Very well.” Eraserhead said, positioning himself on top of his legs, successfully pining him on the mattress. "Let's take care of any riot that might happen right now, then."
 Suddenly, All Might senses all the confidence he felt not a few seconds ago to transform in butterflies flying in despair on his stomach. Shouta’s shadow stood above him, the usual bored expression plastered on his features as his face lowered closer and closer of the blonde, stopping just a few centimeters from his ear.
  Toshinori held his breath in anticipation.
 Something… something he couldn’t really nominate melted in his heart and for a moment he forgot how words worked.
 He really loved them both so much.
 Shouta chuckled.
 "Good." He adjusted himself, resting their foreheads together and capturing those blue eyes to himself. "Giggles, titters, whines… every sound you make I will be able to hear clearly so be very, very careful and don't laugh.”
 Toshinori gasped when the feeling of skilled hands, scratching and kneading his side shoot through him. The offending fingers danced slowly, taking their time on each weak spots before switching to another one, a bit too close of his stomach or his spine, completely oblivious to how Toshinori's chest already shook with trapped sounds. Toshinori realized, maybe too late, how their new position prevented him to perceive where Aizawa would attack next, every time the black-haired hero changed his target to an unexpected spot adding a tear in his barriers, the squeaks and crackles getting stronger and harder to contain.
 “So, sweetpea, how would you rate your ticklish experience from one to ten, so far?” Yagi couldn’t help the way his body twitched and squirmed involuntarily at Yamada’s voice, his imagination unhelpfully whispering that, at any moment, any moment now, Hizashi would give up from his purely verbal teases and be touchier. “One being ‘That Is All You Can Do?’ and ten being ‘This Is Everything I ever Dreamed About Please Don’t ever Stop?’” 
 “That is not a number.” Aizawa observed, jumping in his friend’s teasing at the same time he stopped, thinking about something until his eyes shone. His voice was velvety, almost as a purring. “But that can be helped. Here, I will refresh your memory.” A finger pressed on the lowest rib on his right and the blonde’s eyes widened, a snort flying from his lips, his head shaking from one side to other, a pleading gaze.
 “Wait! Aizawa, please, wait! I will do anything!”
 “What.” Suddenly the finger was replaced by the whole hand shaped as a claw, the spot where it touched tingled in anticipation. “Did you call me?”
 Aizawa was adamant about very few things, actually.
 Hizashi chuckled darkly, free of any pity, next to him. “I think he is asking for it, Shou.”
 Do not mess with his cats. Do not mess with his kids. Do not wake him up. Do not eat his jelly porches and, of course, if he gave you the permission to call him by his first name, use it.
 “No, no, no! I meant! I meheheant Shouta!”
 Of course, except for the first two, he didn’t actually care that much for when the others were ignored by his close friends, but - he curled his fingers, watching as Yagi continued to squirm and snicker at every twitch of his fingers - that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have his fun with this slip. 
 “And also,” again, Yamada pipped in, “he just giggled, didn’t you just said him to not laugh?”
 “I did.” 
 “Please! Anything! Anything you want! Just name it! I will givehe you anythihihihing.”
 Aizawa adjusted himself so his lips would rest on Yagi’s neck, he sighed deeply, relaxed. 
 “Then give me your laughter.”
 And he started.
 The fingers dug on his spot, prodding and scribbling in attacks which danced in a perfect synchrony with the fast nibbles assaulting all the sensitive skin he could reach, expertly dodging from all the trashing, the attacks seemingly to only be fueled by his shrieks.
 “An autograph!” loud, booming laughter exploded, snorts and an intelligible mix of half English and half Japanese painting his words stumbling and falling nonstop from his mouth. Yagi lost track of what he was saying the moment a raspberry was placed right under his chin and the hand tased his side, vibrating and vibrating and vibrating there for what seemed an entire eternity. “Rare merchandise! My house! Anything, I swear, anything but this!”
 “Oh my god.” Hizashi braced himself on the wall, his conflicted heart torn between cooing and teasing the other for how much adorable he was being and giggling in joy with his funny reactions. “Oh my god. Shouta, please, don’t ever stop tickling him, this is the most precious scene I witnessed in my whole life.”
 Shouta felt tempted to agree, however, after a couple of minutes, he stopped, shoving his face on the other’s shoulder to hide his own soft chuckles, being accompanied by the residual, bubbling giggles. They waited until his breath became steadier before the one with black, deep eyes stared at the watery, gleaming blue ones.
 “Just one more spot, okay?”
 Toshinori closed his eyes, nodding before trying to hide his expression under his hands, being stopped by Yamada, who took each one of them gently and gave a kiss on his knuckles, lacing their fingers, knowing very well Yagi wouldn’t attempt to pry them away like this. 
 “No hiding your beautiful face, remember?” Yagi wanted to huff in annoyance at the unprompted tease, but it was being said with such lovely care that he couldn’t help but melt under it, especially when Shouta began to bombard the place behind his ear with kisses and small raspberries, descending him in quiet titters and silent laughter sprinkled with sporadic guffaws.
 After a few more of kisses, tickles and fast, inaudible giggles he ceased his attack, giving a last nibble on his ear before getting up from him, letting the Symbol of Peace recompose himself between his blush and gigantic smile, offering a cup of water when his laughter stopped to fly across the room, all of them enjoying the silence as Toshinori drank the liquid, thanking Shouta.
 “Green?” Hizashi asked, stepping a little closer, a shy grin on his lips.
 “Oh my… Why do you have to make me say that?” Toshinori squeezed their hands, huffing and deviating his gaze. “Green.”
 The blinding smile that was sent in his way seemed to have enough shine to light up the whole house. “Let’s jam!”
 The Voice Hero tried to untwine their hands kindly, blinking in surprise when the other only held them more fiercely. He tried again, same result. Behind them Shouta snorted, amused.
 “Giggly bear, my sweetpea, you will have to let go of my hands.”
 “Absolutely not, you will attack me.”
 Yagi stared at him with a challenge in his face, daring the hero to do something about that.
 “Well…” Hizashi winked playfully. “I always have my mouth, and, you know? That wiggly wiggley yummy tummy of yours seems to be asking for a couple or maybe a dozen of raspberries… ~”
 “Wait, no!” Toshinori squirmed, instinctively sucking his belly. “Don’t!”
 “Aw, but that is such a pity! I was thinking about being a bit merciful today, you know? Maybe some skittering under your knees, being sure to give enough attention to every inch of both of them, I mean, we don’t want anyone feeling left out of the fun, of course! Then I would give one or two squeezes on them, a swift under your wiggly wiggley toes, a few scratches on your squirmy feet and voilá! A happy, silly, giggly Yagi ready to go. But, well, now I believe I don’t have another choice except place all the mean raspberries aaaall over your unprotected stomach and sides and ribs and sides and neck and ribs and-”
 “Stop, stop!” Toshinori let go of his hands in order to hug his tingling torso, curling in a defense ball, trying to stop the feeling of the imaginary tickles. “J-just get over it!”
 “Aw,” Hizashi placed a kiss on his temple, smiling softly for a piece of moment before letting it turn into an evil grin. “Your wish is an order, my adorably ticklish bear.”
 He positioned his hands in each leg, grazing his nails from the bottom of his calves and lightly scribbling their way up to the wonderfully sensitive spot under his knee, taking his time to draw spirals and rivers on the skin, being very content to feel the other squirm under his touches, huffs of laughter puffing from his lips. “Hey, Toshi, can I ask a question?”
 “Fuck,” he squeaked when an unexpected pinch was placed on his hip before Hizashi innocently continued his previous attack. “Y-you may.”
 “Right! But, first of all, let me take care of this two...” Yamada smiled, completely unfazed as he sat on the bed, holding both ankles and lifting before resting them on his shoulders. “There you go, squirmy toy! All comfy and unable to wiggle away from my curious, tickly fingers!”
 “He is going to kick you.” Aizawa rolled his eyes, getting closer until he could get a firm, yet gentle, grip on Yagi’s ankles, truly preventing him from moving them. “Here. Now ask your question.”
 “Thank you, babe.” Hizashi relished on the way Aizawa’s ears were painted in red before beaming again at Toshinori, who kept trying to pull his legs away from his predicament, and seeming to take the fact that he wasn’t laughing his head off as a personal offense. He rested his hands on his knees again, one of them squeezing them skillfully while the other scratched the sensitive skin underneath it. “So, Toshinori, what do you think it tickles more? When I squeeze, squeeze, squeeze those adorable ticklish kneecaps or when I tickle tickle tickle them silly?”
 “No, no, no!”
 “No?! Aw, I am afraid that isn’t really the answer I am looking for, darling… But that is okay! Do you know what I am going to do now, Toshi? Huh? Do you know?” 
 Yagi just shook his head, knowing pretty well that anything said would just fuel the evil words dripping freely from the other’s mouth.
 “Not even a guess?” He changed his technique to lightly tease with plentiful of scribbles the sensitive spot with just the tip of his fingers. “An itsy bitsy tiny guess? Awn.” A fake pout adorned his face. His fingers ascended a bit more, now tormenting the thighs, their owner smiling wide as the squirms began to get stronger, drawing circles around the little weak spots he knew that would fish the wildest laughter. “But I will tell you anyway! Because the Tickle Monster is feeling very kind today. I am going to get those sensitives calves riiiight here!” 
 “Hizashi!” Yagi tried to pull his legs again, his giggles becoming more frantic as he realized they didn’t even buckle from their spot. “I can’t. I promise you, I can’t! Hihihihizashi!”
 “But I do think you can! I believe in you, Toshinori. You’re such a strong, nice tickle bug. I think you definitely can take some good cootchie-coothie-coos right here!” He poked. “And here” Poke. “And here, and here, and here, here, here!” 
 Suddenly a sea of pokes - just that, just tiny, harmless, quick pokes that shouldn’t be able to make him feel even more ticklish than he already was - assaulted his calves, some surprising pinches and clawing also making an appearance and disappearing just as fast as they came.
 “Shut up, please, shut up!” Throwing his head with loud, squealing chortles, Toshinori pleaded, his mind overtaken with how much it tickled and how unbearable it was and how amazing all of this felt. 
 “Gasp! Toshi! How can you say that? The Tickle Monster thought you loved his teases. Why would you want them to ever stop? Do they make you feel more ticklish? Huh? Do they? Do all my silly teases and tickly attacks make the big, strong Yagi Toshinori become a very lovely and adorable mess of those cute sounds? Huh?”
 “Don’t you think how great would it be if we just stayed like this forever? Me, here, playing with you and your awfully helpless toes,” at the mention of the new spot Yamada changed his target, making the other to arch his back and shriek in belly laughter as fingers attacked under his toes, tickling and digging unmercifully at every single one of them. “and hearing this wonderful laughter! Don’t even make me start about your laughter! It is music to my ears.”
 When nothing but a series of snorts and loud laughter answered him, the blonde decided to stop his tickles, slowing them until his warm hands just rested there, peacefully.
 Toshinori wiped the single tear that traveled to his hot cheek, just a quick glance in Aizawa and Yamada’s general direction being enough to make his giggles start a-new.
 “I am not even doing nothing to you.” The tease couldn’t be helped, especially as his giggles got stronger and, consequently, quieter.
 “Your hands!”
 “My hands? What about them?” Hizashi shouldn’t be allowed to feel that much smug nor powerful.
 “They’re just…” A flow of intelligible noises fell from Yagi’s lips, and he decided to try again. “They’re just there! It tickles!”
 “Now, it does?”
 “I would never have guessed.” Aizawa deadpanned, watching as the other wiggled and squirmed in protest.
 “Right? I mean, they’re just chilling there. No moving, no tickling and Toshinori attacks them like that! I would feel wounded, but I guess he is really just a very ticklish giggle bug. Shouta, what are we going to do? The lesson clearly isn’t working… Oh, I wonder if there is something I could do to stop tickling him...”
 “Just take them off there!” Yagi gasped when the fingers started to skitter around his ankles, another newly discovered sweet spot that erupted a new round of snorts. “No!”
 “I don’t think there is anything that can be done. We could just stop and stare at him and he would be laughing uncontrollably in three seconds.” Aizawa remarked.
 “He is just too much sensitive, ya know? Just an itsy bitsy touch and you get him all giggly and blushy.” 
 “Am nohohot!”
 “And helpless too. Cute and helpless.”
 “Shouta, plehehease, let me go!”
 “Yean, absolutely.” Hizashi agreed, shaking his head with fake sadness, a tiny grin blooming on his lips. “I guess this is our fate, Sho, to hear him laugh and squeal and snort and giggle-giggle-giggle at anything we do.”
 “A pity.”
 “Enough!” Both stopped, hearing the light of tiredness painting Yagi’s tune. “That- haha, that is enough, please.”
 “Red.” Toshinori smiled, feeling yet too shy to find their gazes with his. “I'm just an old man with one lung.”
 Hizashi snorted, offering him a bottle of water and heading to the kitchen to make his special tea - after all, no one knew a better recipe for tired throats than the Voice Hero himself, - and Aizawa just rolled his eyes, sitting on the mattress and massaging his feet, a calming gesture that helped both to relax as they enjoyed the silence with the phantom laughter and reminiscent giddiness that still ran on their veins.
 “Shouta,” Toshinori lightly hit the other’s thigh with his free feet until the black haired one turned his attention to him, not even slightly prepared for the soft, incredibly soft, expression and gleaming, energetic eyes which found his. “Thank you.”
 Aizawa scoffed, quickly trying to brush off the warmth engulfing his heart and smile that tried at all cost to appear on his features. 
 “It was very… enjoyable.” Toshinori pressed further, tipping his head to the side in an attempt to see his expression. “Your technique is very effective! You don’t rely a lot on verbal teases but the way you can mix different attacks and keep track of which spots bring the most reactions is very impressive! Not to mention-” A squeak broke his thoughts when a mean squeeze was delivered on his calf, Aizawa huffing before massaging the local to make the tingles go away.
 “Continue with this and I will not be above ganging up with Hizashi to wreck you, again.”
 “If it’s Complementing Eraserhead hours and you’re being too stubborn to accept the deserved nice words I think it’s very clear who I will end up helping.” Hizashi remarked as he got into the room, distributing the tea before squishing himself between them, almost spilling the drink as a warning tickle on his stomach made him jump.
 “Hey!” The one being called just quirked an eyebrow at him, almost challenging. Hizashi just shrugged. “It would still be worth it.”
 “Yagi,” Toshinori blinked, surprised at being pulled on their usual bickering, staring Aizawa above the rim of his mug. “Analyses about Hizashi as the ler.”
 An inhumane screech flew from Yamada’s lips. “Don’t you dare!”
 When he was over, sneaking one and other praise for Eraserhead here and there, they were all laid on the bed, limbs entangled due both the magnetism that seemed to pull them together and the fact that if it wasn’t for it, Yamada would have already fled from the room on the shine of Yagi’s first word.
 “I don’t like you.” The one with long, blond hair complained, grumbling when his sentence only made the others snuggle closer, snickering. “None of you. You’re both very mean and dirty traitors and I am going to scream.”
 “Don’t.” Aizawa slurred from somewhere behind Toshinori, his tune showing he was almost asleep. Hizashi, who already forgave them for their “betray” searched for his waist, resting his arm on it and very lightly scratching the base of his back, a spot he knew would make the underground hero absolutely melt. Toshinori captured his free hand, coming close and humming softly as his finger traced the lines on his palm.
 Soft. Good. Warm.
 At some point of the conversation, someone had turned the television on, and for a few pieces of moment the show playing in the background was the only thing that filled the silence.
 “Hey, Toshi.”
 “I know you don’t like a lot of attention when the tickling is over but… thank you.” A quick kiss was delivered on his forehead, happy to see no trace of discomfort on the other’s features, only a tiny, timid smile. “Thank you.”
 “Go to sleep, Hizashi.” And then he kissed his knuckles, just like Hizashi did back then, and Shouta murmured something, pulling them closer and Hizashi smiled and the television started to grow more and more silent.
 After that, everything was soft, good, warm.
* That entire AllEraserMic tickle series that I absolutely live for
* The teases from the fanfics of that amazing author
* A very especific post about cute reactions when the lee is being tickled but I can’t find it so please enjoy Onion’s blog (the op)  instead. His blog is gold.
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Son of none
Based off this post: Aka Percy Weasley was abandoned by his family and I don’t think they realised just how much danger an 18 civilian blood traitor son would be when stuck behind enemy lines. Well never fear, a fic is here as if I don’t have any other drafts...any whoooo
Warning for blood, torture, self loathing. Mentions of bullying and neglect. Cursing.
(Also while writing this I was listening to Polaris by Natewantstobattle and...yeah if you want more angst while reading this listen to them and think of Percy :)  )
Percy deserved this.
Knowing that didn't change things. It didn’t make it easier to make it duck past the office that had once belonged to Barty Crouch Sr without feeling dread and greif. As harsh as the man could be and that he had not bothered to learn Percy's name... Percy still mourned his loss. For all that he was, Barty Crouch Sr had been a good man.
Life at the ministry taught him quickly, that kind of wizard was few and far between.
He wondered if the look Barty Crouch Sr had shared with his son before his death wax the same his father had shared with him the day he left.
Maybe it wasn't wise to compare yourself to a deranged murderer, but if that's the kind of wizard his family thought he was...
It was stern, drenched in spite that was not unlike his old potions professor. But sadly even Snapes treatment of him in class did not hold a candle to what was happening now.
Percy lifted his head, it felt heavy. Infact all of him felt that he was on fire. The figure infront of him came into focus, not that Perch could quite recall his name. Edward? No that didn't seem right. Not Edward was his wand in hand and looked very annoyed, his dark mark was on full display.
Percy became very well aware in that moment that he couldn't move. He was bound to a chair in a room that looked very much like a cellar. He was still in his ministry robes, though they were dirty and tattered and stained in something.
It took Percy longer than he should've to realise it was his own blood. Not that he knew where he was bleeding from. "You Gryffindors and your bloody stubbornness" sneered Not Edward, he was a broad man, towering over Percy.
"You're wasting my time, and yours of you don't hurry up and tell me where your family is hiding." Percy shook his head, defiantly even if his body protested at the sudden movement. "Like I said before, even if I did know, I would never tell you." 
And than Not Edward would shout profanities all the while using his subordinates to use Percy as target practice till he passed out. That had been the cycle for... Well he wasn't sure for how long. Apart from the first time when Percy had weaved a convincing story about the family heading to Romania to hide away with Charlie...a whole false hunt that ended with the brand he now had on his arm. 
But this time was different.
Not Edward smirked "thought you'd say that, no matter. We've found out how to get there attention, and they'll hand themselves over." Percy laughed, it was a strangled and it sent another wave of pain through his body.
Not Edward was still smirking, in fact if anything his confidence grew. "And better yet, you're going to the bait that brings them here." And that stopped Percy laughing at once, he was quieter. "What makes you think they'd come" the words were barely above a whisper that echoed throughout the room.
Not Edward (Percy really needed to learn this man's name for his own internal monologue's sake) rolled his eyes "don't pull that on me, you Weasely's are more attached than a bunch of grapes. Rest assured, they'll be coming one way or another."
With that he left. Percy tried not to think about the fact a death eater had more confidence in his families arrival than he did. His mind wandered to the day he left, guilt pooled in his stomach. No amount of head trauma would erase the disgust and rage in Arthur’s eyes, Percy knew at that moment he had lost all right to call the man father. 
He could never look him in the eye again, he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror without seeing him staring back. His mothers eyes haunted him, she’d been the only one to try to reach out but he had slammed that back in her face. Not that Percy should have been surprised, he’d always been a parasite. 
If anything they must’ve been relived to be rid of him. 
They wouldn’t come, he knew that. Than why did his heart race, did tears threaten to fall and his stomach churn at the thought? Percy thought of his siblings, young and old...they wouldn’t have given him a second thought. Fred and George would mourn the loss of their favourite target, but they would move on they all would if they hadn’t already. 
For Percy though, this was the end of the line. 
Weasley family dinners were always something else, Bill knew this better than most. He smiled to Fleur who sat at his side, amusement on her face as they both watched Molly do as she does best. It was organised chaos at its finest, and while Shell cottage was a far cry from the Burrow, somehow it all came together. Harry was laughing at a story Ginny and the twins were telling, Charlie and Hermione were actually helping Molly along with Arthur. 
But even with how familiar it was, it was missing a certain brother rolling his eyes at the story and telling the true ending to the annoyance of the twins. Who would than direct the others to helping out with dinner to there mothers amusement. 
Ever since the watch, a muggle watch at that had arrived on his wedding day, with no name for the sender but only Bill’s name signed by an all too familiar handwriting...Bill hadn’t been able to take his mind of his little brother. His absence at his wedding and just seeing him around the house stuck out like a sore thumb to Bill. He wasn’t the only one either, he could see how his Mum would pause her eyes searching before looking down and moving onto something else.
Much like now when she put down the plates and realised that she’d left a little extra to the side. “Mum, I get that you miss him but you can’t keep doing this. Percy’s not coming back” the first to say it was Charlie, his voice soft like he was talking to an irate dragon. “Good riddance” that came from Ginny, in that whisper that wasn’t even trying to be quiet. 
Instantly Molly became much like a dragon. “Ginevera Molly Weasley, don’t you dare speak about your brother like that!” She yelled, hot tears burning in her eyes. “Molly...” Interjected Arthur, putting a calming hand on his wife’s shoulder “you can’t blame her for her anger. Come on, let’s dig in.” And that should have been the end of it but Molly turned to him, her own temper boiling. 
“Don’t you start, Arthur. Don’t you tell me I should be sat eating dinner while my son is out all alone.” She spat. “Mum, it’s fine Percy’s probably having high tea with the new minister, talking about the importance of  cauldron bottoms” snickered Fred, “pfft yeah, just sat around telling the dark lord about his book report” agreed George. Bill frowned, as did Fleur but that was nothing compared to Molly. 
Her gaze hardened and the twins shut up instantly, they’d never seen her this mad. “I dont care if you hate him, I don’t care if this isn’t my home...you speak of my son following HIM, get out of my sight now.” She said, slumping into a nearby chair. Bill stood up, putting his own hand in his mums which she took gratefully. “Percy may be the most ambitious lion around, but he wouldn’t join you know who. He left to join the ministry because that's what he believed in, death eaters isn’t even in the equation.”
And Bill meant those words. More than he ever thought he would. 
“Though is there any difference between the death eaters and the ministry anymore?” Asked Harry, the place was filled with them after all. “Yeah? Might be but they’ve kept the employees, not that I know what’s going on in there anymore.” Said Arthur, adding his 2 galleon’s into the mix. “And there not going to take kindly to a Weasley” Said Hermione, making everyone look down as if they hadn’t just realised that. 
It didn’t matter if Percy had disowned himself, his family was very much publicly fighting the people he was now stuck with. 
And that was when fate decided to be extra cruel and the radio burst into life. 
“Greetings from the Ministry. Our daily transmission has already been received today but we have an exceptional treat for the wizarding public. We will be instead hosting an interview with one of our newest employees, give a hand folks to Percival Ignatius Weasley.”
Everyone in the room froze, and yet Ron who was the only one of the family minus Fleur not to speak, ran to the radio and put the volume as loud as he could. 
“Say hello your family, Percival.” Taunted the voice, it was very gleeful as it spoke. No response was heard. “Oh, silly me I forgot how many hours you young people work, not to worry let’s get him up boys.” 
A splash was heard and a shuddering scream. “Morning Percival, sorry do you prefer Percy? Don’t care, lets start the interview. So Percival, how are you finding the ministry?” Everyone sat with baited breathe.
And yet it was there Percy who, through shuddered breaths managed to whisper a “fuck you...fuck you and your ministry”
“Well that is very rude, and here I thought your mother would have taught you manners” “don’t...don’t you talk about her.” Said Percy, Molly broke down into tears and Bill held her close. Unable to tear his gaze from the radio, no one could. 
“What do you want to say them? I’m sure they’ve missed you. In fact, just for you we’ll be hosting a party. And there all invited to the ministry, so long as they bring a certain Mr Potter.” 
There was a silence before “don’t come...don’t. Whatever you do, don’t... it’s fine. I’m fine, I love it here.” He laughed, everyone cringed at the sound he made, as if he was choking. “It’s fine, don’t come...parties are overrated yeah.” The transmission started cutting off, Ron frantically along with the twins tried to get it working. 
They heard “too busy. Don’t come, Harry don’t...stay where you are!” Before the  transmission cut off.
No one could speak, horror was etched into all of there faces. The twins were scrabbling over themselves with wand in hand to track where the transmission had come from. 
The Ministry. 
“We’re going...now” said Molly, standing up. Her tears were gone, grabbing for her wand and coat. “Molly...be rationale, we need to plan this.” Said Arthur, Molly spun on her heel and glared. “I am not going to sit here while those...monsters torture MY son! Planning will take to long, did you hear him Arthur?! Did you hear your son crying out in pain...he doesn’t have long left...��� Arthur looked down, unable to respond. 
Molly looked at the rest of the family, her gaze saying it all: You can come with me or you can stay. The first to stand was Bill, closely followed by Fleur who met his thankful gaze with a determined smile. Charlie and Ron were next, grabbing there wands with Harry and Hermione following. Ginny and the twins exchanged guilty looks but stood. Arthur couldn’t look at any of them, he simply picked up his wand. 
“Harry, I understand if you wish to stay” said Molly, he shook his head. “I might not know him well but Percy’s family 2...I cant sit here while you guys go even with the danger.” He replied, and somehow that was all it was, Percy was family...enough said. 
And so the family of lions got up and left, to find the one they left behind. 
Percy was terrified.
A part of him argued that he should be grateful they came at all for him. Maybe it was out of pity, out of ensuring that he wasn't able to be used against them.
Yes, that's all it was. He was nothing afterall, he was merely a civilian in a war.
And yet hearing Molly tearfully and frantically whisper his name. Hearing Hermione yell the counterspell to his imprisonment to Ron who did so perfectly. Seeing the light of spells cast by Ginny and the twins to stun Not Edward... (Who was apparently called Edgar... Eh close enough.)
Feeling Charlie carry him in his arms, mumbling curse words. Smelling Arthur's cologne.
It all felt right. It was warmth that he couldn't remember experiencing. It was enough to lull him to a facade that everything was fine.
But when his wounds were healed and he saw them all looking at him... Percy knew he had to shelf that dream. "I told you not to come" was the first thing he said, averting his gaze. (Couldn't look them in the eye)
"And you must've lost a few screws if you thought we wouldn't" said Bill, meeting Percy's gaze. "You shouldn't have" is all he replied. "And what, let you be killed by the ministry?" Gaped Ginny. Percy shrugged "wouldn't have made much difference, you've only gone and put yourselves in more danger."
"Are you... Are you fucking with us right now?" Asked Fred, incredously. "No, im too busy ranting about cauldron bottoms to do that." And if Fred paused, Percy didn't see it.
Seeing as no one was getting anyway, Bill sat beside Percy who immediately felt on edge. "Thanks for the watch" he said simply. Everyone blinked in confusion and than realisation as no one has known where Bill's new watch had come from. Percy smiled faintly "You're welcome, reminded me of you."
"Although, I do wish you could've gave it in person" continued Bill, testing the waters. Percy surprised him by shaking his head "no you wouldn't have. It was your day, I wasn't going to ruin it." Bill frowned "is that what you think?" Percy shrugged again "it's what I've been told."
"You are way to chill after being tortured" said Charlie, Percy looked at his bandaged arms and snorted. "Eh? It's nothing new. That guy was just there for the theatrics, sadist if you ask me." Charlie raised an eyebrow "nothing new?" Percy nodded "yeah, what you think the ministry that's so far up Voldermorts ass would allow me to work there without some 'interviews'."
Everyone paled.
"But than why stay there?" Asked Arthur, Percy froze. Steeling himself, switching from calm to panic to calm in an instant but they all saw. "I've got business there, things I need to get done and ensure are done. Speaking of which, thanks for the rescue but I should be off."
He didn't belong here. Not anymore.
"Percy, you can stay." Said Molly, already standing up to get his room prepared. "No, I can't. I have work, I have a duty... And I'm no longer part of this family." When he said that, Percy felt like the wind was knocked out of him but stood his ground. "Percy... That's not true.."
Percy met Arthur's gaze, his father's eyes. "Really? Than pray tell why did no one tell me you were all in hiding... Or a warning? And don't say it was impossible because I managed to send a parcel to a location I didn't even know about nor knew existed."
No one could answer that.
"I'll be off, and don't worry I won't tell them anything. Just do what you do best, and leave me alone." Arthur managed to grab Percy's wrist though he hissed in pain and pulled his arm back like he'd been burnt. "Don't.. Touch me, Arthur Weasely."
Arthur recoiled, Percy looked away. "I spent my whole life wanting to be someone you could be proud off...I listened to all the critism and yes I was a prat. But the moment I made my own choice you already made me aware I didn't belong in my own house. I’m sorry...that I’m not athletic like Ginny, I’m not smart like Ron or as successful as Bill and Charlie, I’m not a hero like a Ron or fun like Fred and George. That I’m just plain ol prat Percy.”
He began to walk away. Just like he did before.
"That choice was against following Dumbledor, turning against the light." Said Molly, wanting him to understand. Percy laughed, with no humour at all but glaring hard. Rage emanated from him.
"I'm sorry if I choose not to stand behind an old coot who routinely sends an abused boy to his abusers, who nearly got 3 11 yearolds killed because he wanted to weed out a possibility. Who nearly got thousands of children killed and did nothing to save Ginny with the chamber. The man who wouldn't give an innocent man a trial and got him sent to the worst prison for 12 years... Who put teenagers in a death game and let an underage kid join because why not. That man is a monster and I refuse to follow someone like that. But no that means I'm blindly following authority." He sneered, staring at them all.
"And the ministry? Because as corrupt and fucked up as it is I know I can do something. That changes can be made in the systems to benefit everyone, Dumbledor is someone who breeds child solider’s and let's a known abuser teach at his school and somehow I’m the only one who isn't okay with that."
And with that Percy left, no one knew what to say. They simply sat in silence, absorbing everything they just heard. Ginny thought about how Percy had profusely apologised after she was free from the chamber, how he’d made time for her since than. Ron thought of all the times they’d have an adventure and Percy would watch over them like a mother hen. 
Bill and Charlie recalled when Percy would still come to them for help before he started Hogwarts. When they found him bruised and broken from bullies except this was because of them. “He really thinks that doesn’t he...?” Said Fred, George nodded. Neither could smile, guilt pooled in their hearts that they didn’t think he felt like that. 
Molly sobbed for her son who was once again lost and Arthur wondered where he had gone wrong to lose his son all over again. 
Meanwhile Percy entered a muggle flat in London. Alone again just like he belonged, laying on his bed and looking at the brand on his arm.
'Son of none'
And if that didn't hurt most of all.
Suffice to say they all things to think about for when they’d meet again. 
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nevertheless-moving · 4 years
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27 Part Two - Suicidal Misunderstanding AU
Continuation of this 
By the time the hovercar finally pulled into the temple, Obi-Wan’s tremors had mostly quieted. Cody awkwardly manhandled him out the vehicle door. Obi-Wan didn’t resist; he mostly seemed to be dealing with the overwhelming situation by refusing to open his eyes. 
“Master?” Cody absently noticed that Anakin’s robe was tied modestly, with no other layers peaking out underneath; wherever he was before Cody called, he had left half-dressed and in a hurry.
Obi-Wan started shaking again, burying his face into Cody’s pauldron.
“Yeesh- you’re really a wreck,” Anakin observed bluntly but not without sympathy. “Honestly, you’re taking all the fun out of the situation. What’s the point of getting drunk if you act so pathetic that your smug padawan can’t even mock you afterwards?” Anakin hesitantly laid a hand on his master’s shoulder.
It was uncertain whether it was the words or the touch that succeeding in garnering a positive response, but finally Kenobi seemed to pull himself together. With a deep breath, the high general straightened up, opening his eyes to look Skywalker square in the face. He continued to hold eye-contact, expression gradually shifting from steely resolve to open faced delight.
“ANAKIN!” Obi-Wan flung himself at his former padawan with obvious joy. “OH ANAKIN! IT’S YOU! IT’S REALLY YOU!” They staggered with the force of Obi-Wan’s enthusiastic bear hug.
“Were you expecting someone else?” Anakin managed to get out, shocked by his Master’s uncharacteristically loud and emotional greeting, as well as slightly breathless from the intense grip. Obi-Wan didn’t answer; he just held Anakin tighter. 
“Man, what did you drink?” he tried to ask instead, deciding to return the hug fully and deal with any later consequences later.
Obi-Wan shifted back enough to make eye-contact again. His brow furrowed in thought. “Just some Jawa beer to wash down the spice doses.”
“SPICE DOSES?!?” Cody and Anakin both shouted in alarm. Anakin grabbed at Obi-Wan’s face, examining the man’s pupils before pulling back his lip to look at his gums. “You don’t look like you’re dosed up. And the only thing you smell like is middling quality alcohol.” he concluded doubtfully. “Are you sure that’s what you took?”
Obi-Wan stopped to think again “The Jawas that sold it seemed pretty confident. I would be more likely to entertain the possibility that I was ripped off were you not standing here with me.”
“I- Wwhere- When would you have even bought spice from Jawas?” Anakin asked, exchanging bewildered looks with Commander Cody. 
“They seem to like stopping by my hut, even when I don’t have anything to steal or buy. I suppose there’s not many opportunities for sentient contact out on in the wastes,” He mused.
Anakin only looked more confused, reasonably confident that he would have known if Obi-Wan owed a home on Tatooine. 
“Heart rate was slightly elevated to normal on the ride over, sir.” Cody added dutifully. “Well within average human normal, and not consistent with spice use or alcohol poisoning.”
“His presence in the force is... strange,” Anakin said while patting Obi-Wan soothingly on the back. “I’d have to take him to the healers to confirm, but my best guess is he's having a bad reaction to something he drank. There are certain alcohols that can cause side-effects and unexpected reactions in force-sensitives. Though I can’t believe that after all the lectures he’s given me, he would be stupid enough to drink one.”
“He...did have an unknown mixed drink a bartender gave him on the house,” Cody said with a sinking sense of failure. “Could this have been a targeted attack?”
Skywalker clearly looked pissed at the idea “If it was, then that bartender committed an act of treason.” Only the fact that he was still supporting Ob-Wan’s weight (in what was rapidly approaching the second-longest hug they had ever shared) kept him from taking command of the troopers to interrogate a bartender. 
“Sir, do you want me to accompany you to medical and make a report?” Cody asked.
Anakin hesitated, thinking while Obi-Wan rested his chin on his former padawan’s shoulder. As amusing as the idea was in theory, he didn’t really want to humiliate a vulnerable, emotional Obi-Wan by dragging him through the heart of the temple to be gawked at and judged.
“No.” He finally decided, “Even if he somehow managed to miss the fact that he was being poisoned in a civilian bar, he’s more than capable of processing toxins on his own, and I’m more than capable of monitoring him overnight. We’ve got a full field med-kit in our quarters- I can take a blood sample tonight, and ask him what he wants to do with it once he sobers up in the morning.”
Obi-Wan readjusted slightly as Anakin shrugged, “It’s also possible that he just, you know, overdid it drinking, which isn’t anyone’s business but his own. I mean, he hasn’t exactly had the opportunity to cut loose when he’s a High General all the time; his tolerance might not have been where he was expecting.”
Cody saluted in acknowledgement of the command decision. He ruthlessly quashed any doubts, reminding himself that General Kenobi had, in fact, asked for General Skywalker by name, and Skywalker was likely to better informed on Jedi responses to alcohol. 
“Master, let’s get you to our quarters so you can sleep this off,” Anakin reluctantly pulled back from was now officially the longest hug Obi-Wan had ever given him. “Can you walk by yourself, or do you want me to help?”
The unusually peaceful smile Obi-Wan was wearing started to slide away. “Our quarters? Our quarters were destroyed. There’s nothing to find there now but ash,” he stated, as if gently reminding Anakin of a known tragedy.
Cody, still standing by, sucked in a breath.
“Besides,” he continued mater of factly, “You were barely ever in them at this point anyway. Even for a dream, it would be a lot more realistic for me to go to my quarters and sit in the dark trying to memorize casualty lists, while you’re out somewhere unknown, carousing with Padme presumably.”
“Carousing with Padme?! I - why would you- Master!” Anakin fumbled out, addressing the last point first before processing the rest.
“And is that seriously what you do when you have time off? Just sit and memorize the names of everyone who died during the war? That’s - that’s seriously sad Obi-Wan, we are talking about that when you sober up.” Not giving Obi-Wan the chance to defend his extremely sad hobby, Anakin plowed on. 
“And our quarters are fine, I know that- uh- I know I haven’t been around a lot, but I was just in there earlier today, they look practically the same as they did when I was a padawan. Whatever you saw, here and now - I promise you - here and now the temple is fine. We’ll talk about your vision or your hallucination once you sober up, I promise.” Anakin ended emphatically, gripping Obi-Wans shoulders and staring directly into his eyes.
The miniature rant seemed to work. 
“That sounds nice,” Obi-Wan said smiling, “I would love to see our old rooms- I know it didn’t really matter either way to you, but I always took comfort in the fact that you never bothered with requesting a new room after you were knighted. I know, I know that between how rarely we were temple based and Padme, it probably just didn’t cross your mind, but it was nice to have some tangible reminder of our connection, even as the war and the growing darkness stole everything else.”
Anakin truly didn’t know how to respond, the raw emotional honesty somehow even more painful than the crushing hug. Obi-Wan reached up to smooth back his hair like he was still a child. He then walked a few steps to face the extremely out-of-depth Commander Cody.
Not hesitating, Obi-Wan pulled Cody into a tender hug which he couldn’t help but lean into. The commander brought his arms up and around but hesitated to actually make contact, instead ghosting his hands along the general’s back.
“I always wanted to do that,” Obi-Wan whispers into Cody’s ear. “I can never thank you enough for all you’ve done; I never would have gotten through the war without you. I wish...I wish I could tell you that I consider you one of the best of men, and one of the best of friends. But... I can’t. Even if I abandoned my last mission to search you out, even if I succeeded in finding you, you would never allow me close enough to do this.”
Cody’s heart is racing, trying to decode the General’s words over the ringing white noise in his ears. He stops breathing entirely as Obi-Wan shifts to press their foreheads together, allowing him to focus entirely on the feel of the general’s breath, the sight of tears trickling again from red-rimmed eyes. “Goodbye, Cody.” he finally exhales.
And with that he turned and walked away, not looking back.
Next (Part Three)
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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↝ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ: y/n pinning them against a wall - prompt inspired by this twitter post
↝ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: kuroo x f!reader + sakusa x f!reader 
↝ ᴡᴄ: kuroo - 1000+ sakusa - 900+ 
↝ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing, aggressive behaviour-ish. 
↝ ᴀ/ɴ: I’ll be doing this prompt for Osamu, Akaashi and Yaku too soon ~ I just like it a bit too much haha. also I edited this 3 times so if there are still errors, I am sorry pls ignore. lmao. 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
A low rhythmic hum vibrated inside of your throat, to accompany the track playing from your phone. Those who were fortunate enough to catch the melody trailing along with you, would often find a smile on their face. Between the tranquility of the sound and the bliss warping into your aura – your presence accidentally had an impact on many. Those in your university only knew you as the kind singer who would offer sincere smiles, free of cost. It was a reputation you did not mind adhering to – maybe it was better that they did not see the darker shades that coloured your soul. So, generally, a smile would remain sewn into your visage – unwavering until you were within the safety of your home. Where you could release the other parts of you that were deemed “not school friendly.”
Though, today your calculated barrier between the two worlds would disintegrate, due to the careless words of your best friend, Kuroo Tetsurou.
Upon reaching the corner that would connect you to the hallway where your class room was situated, you plucked out an earbud and placed it back into its case. Since this was a course you shared with Kuroo, the two of you held an uncommunicated agreement to wait for the other before entering the room. The thought of your close friend twisted a knot inside of your chest with threads of adoration, excitement and hope. It was quite clear that your relationship was not merely platonic. The issue was that neither of you had initiated the first step to test the boundaries.
But you would try today. You would try after class.
“So, what’s going on between you and l/n?”
Hearing your last name, you paused before switching hallways. How many other l/n’s were at the university? It was certainly a conversation about you. 
So the question was, who was the one posing the question, and who was the one about to answer it?  
“We’re just friends.”
Okay. Easy. That was Kuroo. 
The nonchalance laced into his answer fueled the flame igniting in the pit of your stomach, yet you continued to conceal your presence from the pair. 
“So you don’t mind if I ask her out?”
“It’s not my place to say anything.” Even without a visual, you knew your best friend would have added a shrug to accompany the statement. Somehow, that irritated you more. 
Rolling your eyes, you stepped past the corner for your grand reveal. “Hi there, boys. You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed Tetsurou for a second, would you?” 
Your sudden emergence had startled Kuroo, but what had his chest constricting was your use of his first name and the hallow laugh that was spilling from your lips. 
“Uh, sure…”
It took you a second to realize who the other male was – he was an acquittance of yours, one you shared two classes with. One who was mostly forgettable not due to a lack of charm, but solely because he wasn’t Kuroo.
“Perfect. Thank you.” Curling your fingers around your best friend’s wrist, you dragged him down the hallway, not caring for the confused glances thrown into your direction by those around you. When you reached the area between the staircase and corridor, you gently pushed him against the wall before placing both of your palms on either side of him. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but you were quick to drown out his voice with your own.
“No. You don’t get to do that. Just friends? That’s bullshit.” The concoction of emotions weaving into your bloodstream had given you a headrush. But at the center of the varying feelings was fear. Because you wanted more than a friendship, and you were about to risk your entire relationship for that desire. You tried to suppress it, but over time it became overwhelming. And now – his words had awoken something inside of you. Something you could not contain.
The black-haired male blinked down at you, his irises moving from your arms walling him in, to the death glare your eyes were partaking in. “Isn’t that what we are, y/n? Friends?”
Out of the options available to him, Kuroo had selected the one for a coward. Or perhaps, he was testing you. Either way, your irritation with him had increased tenfold.
“Fuck you.” Lowering your hands on either side, you stepped away from him before turning back into the direction of your class.
“I wasn’t done yet.” A sigh left his mouth as he caught your wrist with his hand, tugging you towards him. Once your back aligned with his chest, he repositioned his arms to curl around your stomach. Heat spread throughout your entire body, and you were unsure whether it was from your anger or due to his close proximity. “We are friends, y/n. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be more. You’re right, it is bullshit. But I can’t exactly go around telling everyone in the school that I’m in love with you, now can I?” Feeling you become incredibly still in his arms, he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss against your head. “But if I had known you would get that pissed off so easily, I would have said something stupid earlier. Because pinning me against the wall – that was hot.”
“Shut up.” Breaking away from his hold, you spun around to face him. A half smirk was tugging at his lips, one that communicated how much he enjoyed the situation. “You are horrible. What would you have done if that guy asked me out and I said yes? Hm?”
“I’d probably cry and then say on to the next one!” To further instigate you, he dipped an eyelid into a wink.
“Really. Horrible.” With your passion deflating, exhaustion crept into your muscles, bringing a groan to sound. “Let’s just get to class.”
“Nuh huh. We can ditch one class. Plus, you still haven’t said it back.” Tilting his head, he proceeded a step forward to close the distance once more. He then tapped on your chin, allowing your gazes to connect. 
Inhaling a deep breath, a faint smile was presented towards him.
“I love you too, idi-.”
The remaining half of the insult did not leave your mouth, rather it was replaced with a muffled protest as Kuroo gently caught your lips with his. As you tried to break the exchange, he tangled his fingers in your hair, keeping you secure against him, before mumbling. 
“That’s boyfriend to you.”
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Sakusa Kiyoomi 
The repetitive interaction between the laminated flooring and the leather training balls had resulted in a dull ache in your temples. As the manager of a professional volleyball team, you were well accustomed to the noise but today, your patience was running thin. Practice had officially ended two hours ago, and yet your boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi continued fine-tuning his serves. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you scanned the male for any indication of exhaustion – something you would have capitalized on, in order to reason with him. Except the outside hitter’s reserve of energy was far from being depleted. It often surprised you how resilient he was, he certainly did not have Bokuto or Hinata’s stamina, but that did not keep him from pursuing his goals. Whenever he would discover a new technique or target, he would work on it relentlessly. It was an admirable trait, one that made him one of the best players you had ever seen.
And let it be known, supporting him was always your intention. But at the moment, you were passing your own limits and remaining calm and composed was not an option. Between the throbbing on either side of your head and the acids chewing away at your stomach lining from hunger, you were seconds from raiding Bokuto’s secret snack stash.
“Omi, you’re done. Go take a shower.” After swapping your clipboard for a towel, you proceeded across the court, before offering it out to him.
The outside hitter stared at you in response, indicating that he heard your commands but was electing to ignore them. Returning his attention to the volleyball within his grasp, he began prepping for another serve. A sigh mixed with a growl rattled inside of your throat as you twisted the towel in frustration. When the ball landed on the opposite side of the court, an eerie grin stretched onto your mouth.
“Omi. You little shit.”
With each step you took forward, Sakusa intuitively took one step back until his back was met with the padding attached to the wall. You were quite aware of your height difference, although that did not matter. You planted your hands on either side of him, purposefully caging him in. Knitting his brows together, confusion swam in his dark irises.
“What are you doing?”
“What are you doing? I’m not asking you to finish up. I’m telling you. We finished practice two hours ago, and I am starving. If you do not go into there and take a shower this instant, I will not be responsible for what happens to you. You know what they say – you’re not yourself when you’re hungry.” After gesturing to the locker room with your head, you squinted at him, attempting to seem menacing. However, you were only met with amusement.
“Are you saying you will eat me?” The question had Sakusa battling a smile. Was he really supposed to find that scary?
“We both know someone like you would taste delicious, so I’m not saying that isn’t a possibility.” Maintaining a deadpan expression while spouting nonsense was not a task for the weak – but after having countless conversations with actual idiots, you had mastered it. You would not provide your boyfriend any satisfaction.
“Okay. I’ll go.” His admittance of defeat was joined with the raise of his eyebrow, communicating that he expected you to “release him” now. You were about to comply with the silent request when he dipped down and placed a fleeting kiss onto your mouth. The sudden display of affection had erupted a volcano of butteries inside your stomach.
“What the …”
Leaving you there baffled, the MSBY player slipped past your defenses, smiling to himself. 
Two could play at this game.
Later that night:
After gifting you an apology meal at your favourite fast-food joint, you both elected to walk home rather than taking a taxi. His fingers were intertwined with yours loosely, and since the streets were mostly abandoned, he had removed his mask, permitting his lungs unrestricted access to the fresh air. Now that your mood had elevated significantly after satisfying your human needs, you were ready to question your boyfriend on what occurred earlier inside of the arena.
“So, why’d you kiss me?” Kissing was generally an activity he preferred to engage in after showering. And therefore, you were puzzled by his recent actions.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Shifting his gaze to the row of streetlamps that framed the sidewalk, he lifted his shoulders into a shrug.
“You liked that I threatened you, didn’t you?” A gentle laugh danced past your lips as you shook your head. That seemed to be the only explanation you could think of in the moment.
“No. You looked cute trying to seem scary.” He joined his retort with a scoff, although it was evident, he was suppressing any physical indication of joy.
“I am scary!” Resisting your urge to pout, you squished his hand to reinforce your statement.
“Yeah, sure you are.” Refusing to bestow upon you his full attention, his eyes travelled to the sky above. While he would not vocalize it, he found most of your antics to be ridiculously adorable. It was what he loved about you. And there was no denying that you could certainly scare others when deprived of food – but not him.
“I will eat you. Don’t tempt me.” A small pout forced its way to your lips to display your mild annoyance. Though, the emotion was easily defeated when Sakusa in a quick swoop, stole another kiss. This time, however, he lingered, enjoying the taste of your lips. 
It turned out that maybe his rules around kissing required some amending. Because he wanted to kiss you, whether or not some of his pre-conditions were met. Guess that was a consequence of being in love.
Once he pulled away, he exhaled a chortle.
“Yeah? I’m looking forward to it.”
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General taglist: @haikyuufairy​ @newfriendjen​ @lvoejimin​ @moonlightaangel​ @gyozaaaaa​ @byun-nies​ @thevillagehiddenintheinternet​ @amberalisa​ @graykageyama​ @yourstarvic​ @chaichai-the-weeb​ @chibishae34​ @haikyuusimp91​ @volleybloop​  @rajablast​ @idiot-juice-enthusiast​ @melonmayhere​ @cuddlesslut​  @athenarosaline​ @memes-and-money​ @coconut-dreamz​   @elianetsantana​ @tsumume​ @tsukkismamagucci​ @the-golden-jhope​ @camcam1617​  @elephantloser​ @dreamstormings​ @anejuuuuoy​  @fantasycantasy​ @aquariarose​ @bloody-bella​​ 
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INEFFABLE - Kaz Brekker
Chapter Five
If you would like to read this on Wattpad, it’s on there as well, my @ is in_my_feels_probably and there’s a few visuals and better descriptions and stuff on there. otherwise, enjoy, let me know what you think, and you can check out my masterlist for updates and more. don’t forget to read the prologue, it’s important to the story!
INEFFABLE – Kaz Brekker
ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of. 
Chapter Five
Early that morning, the Crows were on their way through Novokribirsk, West Ravka, in a carriage. Elham had the unfortunate pleasure of being squeezed in between Jesper and the Conductor.
Kaz peered at the Conductor. “I didn’t hire you simply to get us across the Fold. You’re with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the Little Palace, and that’s the location of our target.”
Elham felt a pang of guilt in her heart. She kept telling herself that she would tell Kaz about her abilities one day, that she would tell all of the Crows, but she didn’t want to scare them away, or have them feel betrayed. She wasn’t entirely sure of how to control her abilities herself, and she already hated her powers enough. At the Little Palace, she was frequently talked about. General Kirigan often referred to her as an anomaly, but she felt more like a freak. And people talked. When the time was right, she would fess up. But until then, it was her little secret.
Elham sat up straighter, leaning closer to Jesper and further from the Conductor. Jesper noticed her discomfort, scooting closer to the carriage wall to give her room to move over. Something about him unsettled her, and she knew Kaz didn’t trust him, which furthered her discomfort. Kaz was grumbling about the Sun Summoner, or alleged one, and Inej was content to hold strong in her beliefs, that this was the Saint she was waiting for. Kaz changed the subject.
“You said you have a contact who can get us inside. A Heartrender.”
The Conductor nodded.
“How do I know we can trust her?”
“Nina grew up there.”
Elham sucked in a breath. One of her closest friends in the Little Palace had been a Heartrender named Nina. Elham had fled long before Nina had chosen to leave the Little Palace, and she had missed her very much. She was one of the only people in the entirety of Ravka who made her feel normal, wanted.
Elham tried to stifle her surprise at the name, but Kaz glanced in her direction anyways, raising a brow. “Most Grisha grew up in the Little Palace. Very few would betray their general, and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession.”
The Conductor smiled. “Nina’s a radical. Thinks Grisha should get to choose if they serve the Crown. She despises involuntary service more than she does Fjerdans.”
Elham longed to see Nina, but she was secretly crossing her fingers, hoping she wouldn’t find her in front of Kaz. Only Saints know how’d he react finding out his longest known friend was hiding the fact that she was secretly Grisha. As they approached the inn, Elham crossed her fingers a little tighter.
Once in the room that Nina should have been occupying, Elham felt both a sense of relief, and dread. If she wasn’t here, then where was she? The Crows walked around the room, looking for any sign of Nina.
The Conductor looked around, confused. “She knew to expect us.”
“She isn’t late, she’s gone.”
“Yes, but her things are all…” The Conductor lifted the bed sheet, moving the trunk off the bed, to reveal a small medal wolf's head lying in the sheets. He sighed, sounding distressed.
“Drüskelle. They are ruthless Grisha hunters.”
Kaz scoffed. “Explains the Fjerdan krydda the innkeeper was counting when we arrived. It’s likely he ratted her out.”
“She’s probably halfway to Fjerda on a ship right now.”
Elham’s heart sank, fearing the worst. She cursed herself for wishing that she wouldn’t see her friend today, all because she selfishly wanted to keep her little secret. Now she would most likely never see her friend again. She added the Fjerdans who took her to her list of people she would come after.
Inej leaned towards Kaz getting his attention. “They had a clear line of attack.”
Kaz nodded. “Take a look. Make sure there aren't any more surprises.”
Inej nodded, pulling her hood up, leaving out the window by the balcony door.
The Conductor sat on the bed, huffing. “Well, that’s that. We’ve lost our way into the Little Palace.”
Kaz sighed, his eyes drifting off as he thought of a plan. Elham picked up on this, leaning over to Jesper, whispering. “Scheming face.”
Jesper chuckled at that, quickly quieting down when Kaz turned to leave the building. Inej had jumped down from the balcony rooftops, giving the all clear.
The Conductor caught up to the Crows. “This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun Summoner plan.”
Kaz whipped his head around, eyes raised, voice determined. “Abandon? We’re in this now. And I know what a million kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?”
Kaz was determined. If he didn’t get this kruge, and he somehow made it back to Ketterdam, Elham would belong to the Menagerie. There would be nothing he could do to get her out, just like Inej had been indentured. Kaz would cut down the whole of the Barrel before he let his Valkyrie step foot into Heleen’s clutches.
“Freedom.” Inej answered.
“Fun. Like at least a few months.” Jesper smiled, earning a wary look from the Conductor.
Kaz’s eyes landed on Elham. He knew what a million kruge meant to her. Never stepping foot into the Menagerie. Making sure Inej never had to go back, and that Kaz would get to keep the deed to the Crow Club.
As much as Elham dreaded making it back empty handed, if it came down to it, she was more scared of seeing the disappointment on Kaz’s face when he would see the symbol of the Menagerie branded onto her wrist, just like Inej’s. She was more scared of having to leave the Slat, not being a Crow. She would rather spend every night of her life as Heleen’s little fawn before not getting to see Kaz every day. Not seeing her family. Getting this kruge meant everything to her.
She only put a smile on her face that didn’t meet her eyes. “The chance to see Pekka Rollins choke on his greed.”
Kaz almost grinned. He moved his stare to the Conductor.
He pondered a bit. “Retirement.”
“Right, so we press on. You get us across the Fold and I’ll figure out the rest on the other side.”
“Fine. To cross, I’ll need twenty pounds of alabaster coal. A peck of Majdaloun jurda, not the kind from Kerch, it’s too weak. And, uh...a goat.”
Jesper made a face, and Kaz glanced around the group, gauging to see if he was kidding, before looking back at the Conductor, who was writing down the things he needed on a list. The Conductor looked up, oblivious to the Crow’s scrutinizing glances. “Now, we meet in the dead of night. There’s a wreckage of a skiff northeast, on the edge of town. So, who gets what?”
Kaz didn’t falter. “Inej, jurda. I’ll get the goat. And Jesper, just the coal, no detours. Am I going to have to send Elham with you, or are you capable of doing this on your own?”
Jesper smiled, ignoring Elham’s snickering, taking the kruge out of Kaz’s hand. “I’ve got it, Boss. Don’t worry. No detours.”
Kaz hesitantly nodded. “Alright. Elham, follow Inej, scope out anything that looks suspicious.”
She grinned. “You look suspicious.”
Kaz, not in the mood for her usual sarcasm, glared, and she quickly retracted. “Sorry, sorry. Inej, jurda, scoping out, I’ve got it, let’s just go.”
An hour later, Elham was in town with Inej, who had long since filled the task that was set for her. Elham stood by her as she was looking over a wall of names, not paying much attention, instead scoping out the crowd, listening to the rambles of what looked to be a General, warning about the so-called Sun Summoner, and the fate of Ravka.
She was getting bored, when she turned to see Kaz standing in the middle of the square, a goat under his arm, staring back at her. She stifled a laugh when she saw his not so amused face. It was quite the sight. Dirtyhands, the Bastard of the Barrel, holding a baby goat under his arm.
Kaz started making his way towards her, when he turned his head. Confused, Elham followed his gaze, only to see Arken, the Conductor, shaking hands with the General, being invited into his tent. He was plotting against them. She muttered under her breath. “Damn it.”
Kaz glared, rolling his eyes, before turning back to Elham, making his way to her and Inej. Inej was still scouring the list of names, and Elham turned to get a good look at them for the first time, eyes widening when she realized what it was. A memorial. To those who died in the Fold. Inej was looking for her family’s names. Elham quickly laced her fingers with Inej’s turning to let Kaz stand next to them.
Inej had just noticed Kaz’s presence, eyes landing on the goat. “He’s adorable.”
“Don’t get attached. I didn’t think I’d have to specify no detours to you.”
“Even if just a few minutes could end a lifetime of questions?”
Elham piped in. “She’s right, Kaz, just give her a minute. She deserves that.”
Kaz’s eyes softened. He stepped towards them. “Your parents are Suli. They don’t cross the Fold, they go around.”
Inej glanced away, and Elham gripped her hand tighter. “I know. I just thought that if I saw their names on there, I could let the idea of them go. This thing? This was all that I had when I was sold to the Menagerie, and if it was worth anything, Heleen would have taken it.”
Inej held up the necklace she wore, a simple chain, simple pendant.
“It’s beautiful, Inej.” Elham murmured, and Kaz’s eyes ghosted over her, before turning back to Inej.
“But this was just a simple token of faith that my mother stitched. Kaz, this is all I have left of them. Unless--”
Kaz butted in. “Hope is dangerous...It clouds your judgement. Pray, scream, do whatever you have to do to push this out of your mind, and move on. We all have debts to pay.”
Inej sighed, tucking her necklace back beneath her cloak, letting go of Elham’s hand, stepping away from the memorial steps, heading back towards the meeting point.
Elham sucked in a breath. Hope was just about all that was getting her through this heist, hope that it would pay off and she would never be indentured to the Menagerie. “Did you have to say all of that? There’s nothing wrong with having a little bit of hope. Saint’s know I need it right now.”
Kaz’s jaw clenched. He knew he had misspoken, and he knew he couldn’t take it back, because he really believed in what he said. Hope is dangerous. Hope is what brought him to the Barrel, and it’s what was left dead in the cold waters when he dragged himself out of the harbour the night the Rietveld name died with it. He had been clinging to that last bit of hope when Elham came into his life, and she was one of the only bits of hope he had left.
Elham was dangerous, though, and he knew it. Not in the sense of her being physically dangerous, however, even though Kaz knew that she could easily take him down if she wanted to. No, she was dangerous, because he let himself care about her. He let her be his hope. And his hope could be taken away from him. If this heist didn’t go well, she would be taken from him. His last bit of hope.
Elham watched Kaz open his mouth to speak, waiting to hear whatever excuse he had come up with, but one never came. Instead, he just tapped the end of his cane against her leg, and any resentment she was feeling melted away. She hated how he could do that.
“Come on El, let’s get back. I’m sure Jesper’s gotten himself in enough trouble by now.”
They began walking after Inej, and Elham laughed.
Kaz tried not to relish in it. Tried. Tried, and failed, despite himself. “What’s so amusing, hmm?”
“You should have sent me with Jesper. I’m the babysitter, remember?”
Kaz’s lipped curled up into the faintest of grins. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances over the next few days to get your fill of looking after Jesper. Now hurry up, we don’t have all night.”
A/N - here's chapter five, i hope you like it! let me know what you think, i'm excited to get into the actual heist part, and to get into elham's backstory. also, it's gonna get a little angsty, so i'm excited to get to that point, and to finally be able to put some of the quotes and moments in that i've been so excited to put in. anyways, i hope you enjoyed, as always, comment or message me with anything, and thank you so much for the support!
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innocence - 02
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: i’m still stunned at how many of you are enjoying this story. thank you so so much for your support. much love xx
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Bucky always woke up at 5AM and waking up at 5 AM was already considered a victory for him - to sleep through the night. Once the digital clock flashed 5 AM in electric red, his eyes were wide open, the sight of constant darkness being the only thing he could see. His routine was precise, as precise as time itself and it barely changed - gym then a dark cup of coffee followed by reading whatever coffee side table book Steve would linger around.
Y/N, unlike him, didn’t have a precise routine. She enjoyed routine but her mornings were always her own time, away from everything. On her free days she would try to wake up by at least 10. After she was fully awake she would turn on the TV in her bedroom and turn on the kettle for a nice tea. She would then lay in bed, surrounded by her blankets and dressed in an oversized cardigan while some random show played.
Bucky’s mornings were always filled with people coming in and out, that was life living in the Avengers headquarters. Some mornings he thought about moving into the apartment in Brooklyn but that would just upset Steve. Heck, he didn’t even know Bucky had bought the apartment, it had been an impulse buy and he would go there every week to check on it. However, Brooklyn wasn’t as close to Y/N’s in SoHo so he guessed he would stay. Y/N’s mornings on the other hand were quiet, too quiet. It was just her, just her in a two bedroom apartment in the middle of wealthy SoHo.
      - Morning, Buck. - Steve, like always, walked into the kitchen, coffee mug saying number one dad in hand. He always had this smile that Bucky couldn’t find the words, a smile that was almost glad that he was still alive yet pitiful. The pure look of someone who’s been burdened, a mother to a child’s look, one she didn’t want. - Excited for guarding your first client?
      - Feels more like guarding property. - he mumbled over the dark coffee, chugging it all before anymore questions could be asked. 
It shouldn’t be a hard day, he thought to himself, mostly looking after her if she decided to go out for anything. He had looked into her profile, she was an easy target. Almost always wearing heels, flowey clothing, things that wouldn’t help her if someone was after her. Anyway, looked like an easy job, easier than saving the world.
Meanwhile, Y/N was laid in the middle of her covers, remote in hand as she skimmed through the channels. Looking around she noticed the loneliness she was in, the empty walls decorated with her own choosing but still empty. No sounds, too quiet. 
She rose from the bed, big socks touching the cedar wood floor as she padded up to the kitchen. The agency had had everything decorated and the fridge stocked but as she opened the door she couldn’t find a single thing she wanted to eat. Disappointed, she closed the fridge, leaning against it to look at the rest of the flat. It was quiet, too quiet, filled with the sounds of quiet if that was even a physically possible thing. She let herself slide down the fridge front, sitting on the floor as she thought about what to do. She didn’t have her script yet, or at least more than two pages of it and going outside was the least thing she wanted to do today.
Y/N was about to fall asleep on the ground against her fridge, she heard footsteps. Quickly, she got onto her feet, rushing over to the door so fast she almost slipped. Pushing the peep hole away she put herself on her tippy toes to see if one of the neighbours was home.
     - Y/N, are you staring out the peep hole? - the person whose steps belonged too was definitely better than any neighbour. Quickly, she unlocked the door, pushing the metal that held it shut to the wall and opened it to see Bucky in a much more casual attire than before. Red henley with some loose dark jeans looked better in her opinion. - If you hear someone it’s always a terrible idea to use the peep hole. Almost always let’s them know someone’s in.
     - Then what are peep holes for? - Bucky playfully rolled his eyes but not before observing what she was wearing. She looked more comfortable. - Do you wanna come in? 
     - Miss Olson said I am to wait outside your door until you want to leave the apartment.
     - What if someone broke my window and took me?
     - Trust me, Y/N. I would know and would win that fight. 
     - You sure you don’t wanna come in? I could cook you some breakfast. Whatever you like. - she had that shine in her eyes, Bucky couldn’t explain it. He just knew it didn’t felt forced but she surely was nervous judging by the pushing of her oversized cardigan’s sleeve to cover her hand. - The agency filled my fridge with so much food I don’t know what to do with it.
     - I’m not a breakfast kind of person, Y/N.
     - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. - her small hand came to rest over his wrist, pulling at it so he would go inside. He found it amusing how someone who was much shorter than him, head barely hitting his collarbones, would try to move him. Although, surprising wasn’t the fact that he moved but the fact that she touched him, she touched the Winter Soldier.
Bucky wasn’t a kid anymore, he wasn’t naive and he lacked Steve’s “all good” view of the world so he knew what people thought of him. They thought he had been of use but at the end of the day he had been the Winter Soldier for 70 years. They didn’t dare touch him but her she was inviting him into her home and touching him as if he were an old friend.
Once he got in, he immediately looked at everything. There were fake flowers everywhere in little glass jars, if they were broken and she were trying to escape she would get hurt, too many windows and not a lot of mirrored surfaces, people could look in. 
     - Would you like some pancakes? French toast? - her voice interrupted his inspection. - My mom was a cook, I can cook pretty much whatever you want. Can’t promise it will be as good as a cook’s but it’ll be edible.
     - You really don’t need to feed me, Y/N. - his gaze returned to her apartment, open doors everywhere.
     - I just thought ... since you’re going to be around a while we should be friendly with each other. - she looked down at her feet before looking up again, head slightly looking to the side. - I don’t know anyone in here, I didn’t even pick this apartment so I thought I would at least get to know you.
She felt ashamed, heat seemed to radiate from her cheeks to her whole body. Back at the theatre everyone knew each other, they all had show themed hoodies and would say hi whenever they came in and left but things in Hollywood were different. In her first movie she had made friends with only one cast member who still spoke to her but everyone else did their job and returned to their lives without a single hello. She thought that maybe knowing Bucky would make having someone constantly in her life a bit easier but she understood his position.
Bucky himself seemed to read that all on her face and as he did a thought popped into his head “they are gonna eat her alive”. 
     - Let’s try that French Toast. - she smiled at his answer, once again pulling his hand towards the kitchen. It was spacious for a SoHo flat, with cut edge technology and also a very visible knife set. He would have to tell her to put that somewhere else. 
She on the other hand quickly assembled all she needed, placing it on the marble countertop, a happy grin on her face as she started to prepare the meal. It reminded him of memories he had tried to suppress.
     - Mum’s a cook, why are you an actress? - those memories were still memories he wasn’t ready to get back and as such he reckoned speaking with her would keep it out. 
     - I don’t really know how to explain it. - she smiled, pulling a few hair strands behind her ear. - My mum took me to a musical after I didn’t get cast in the nativity play. It was Phantom of the Opera, I just remembered that chandelier rising and crashing and the energy of the performers. There was just ... that was time stopping and rushing at the same time. And the look on the performers faces as they finished a piece, god it was just, I had never seen and I don’t think I have ever seen such passion in someone’s face. 
Bucky moved his head ever so slightly, she seemed to be lost in her own memories, a daydream gaze washing over her features. He wondered what it was like to have memories to be proud of.
     - I’m sorry, I must sound like a sap. Why do you become a bodyguard?
     - I like a challenge.
     - That’s what you told me yesterday. - she placed a beautiful set plate in front of him. Beautiful things make beautiful things, that’s what his mother once told him. Maybe she was right.
     - What can I say, I’m not that interesting. 
     - I don’t know if that’s true. - she added a coffee cup to the French Toast, before pulling a chair. - You know, if I’m at home you don’t need to be outside my door, you can come in.
     - I wouldn’t want to intrude on your personal space.
     - It’s not really my personal space. The agency bought the flat and decorated it themselves so I guess it’s just the space I live in. I don’t really know the city yet so you’re mostly waiting outside for nothing. - she shrugged.
    - How long have you been in New York?
    - A little over 5 months. I was in California during my last movie and prior to that I was living in Haymarket in London. How long have you been in New York?
    - I was born in Brooklyn, about half hour away from here. Lived here my whole life ever since ... at least the part of it I could control.
Bucky waited to see that pity look, the one everyone in the team seemed to give them whenever they looked at him but she didn’t. She merely wrapped her hand around his, caring smile of someone who almost looked proud he existed or proud he was alive. They’re gonna eat her alive, he thought to himself once again.
    - Hey, you could show me around. - she suggested, jumping from the high chair onto the floor.
    - I don’t hang around SoHo, Y/N. 
    - Well, you could show me Brooklyn. Isn’t Coney Island in Brooklyn?
    - You wanna go to Coney Island? - he chuckled. - I don’t think your agency would enjoy that. Too public.
    - They don’t need to know. - she smirked playfully. - If you don’t tell them they won’t know.
    - You’re a celebrity, trust me you’ll be noticed. 
    - You said on your CV you were good at blending and disappearing into a crowd. Please, I’ll get you whatever you want in Coney Island.
    - Whatever I want? - he furrowed his eyebrows at her and she nodded. - Alright, Y/N.
taglist: @disasterbii @lookiamtrying @buckysteveloki-me @nsfwsebbie @americasass81 @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @lostinthebeans @mariahthelioness29 @buckyandsebastian @peaches-roses-sins @theadorasabditory @sipsteacasually @tonystankschild @saiyanprincessswanie @booktease21 @noiralei @learisa @everythingisoverrated @uglipotata72829 @naturalthrone22 @husherstan @mandiiblanche @vicmc624 @newyorkgoddess​ 
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eunjidrabbles · 3 years
Hello! I've just started getting into Dreamcatcher recently and have fallen for the charismatic rabbit Jiu! I was wondering if I could request a scenario with her? DC is in like a show and 8th member reader is a big fan of the other guests/MCs. She has a nervous habit of picking the skin on her lips so Jiu stops her anr holds her hand to keep her from doing it more. Thanks for your time :))
(No problem! I only got into Dreamcatcher like, a month or two back too so we got that in common! ^^ Can our Jiu biased folks raise their hands 👀 
Edit: Look forward to a little something I have coming up that will be posted tomorrow. Hope ya’ll will enjoy this thing that I planned out.)
Word count: About 2.6k
Being an idol, you were taught to keep your reactions in check from your time as a trainee. You remember sitting through hours of classes on etiquettes and how you should reply to questions that might put your reputation at risk. Your managers also knowing how you were easily excited and hyped along with the energy would always constantly remind you to keep your calm before sending you on stages and shows with a gentle pat on your back and cross their fingers. It was an amusing scene to watch sometimes when Bora starts revving up the engine and you would follow right along, which causes a chain reaction back to the hyper dancer. Usually, it’d end up with chaotic screaming and laughter exploding throughout the studios. You were as much of a ball of energy as Bora was, according to everyone who has interacted with you. Sitting comfortably just a month younger than Yoohyeon, you were happily babied by your unnies and were always seen playing around with Yubin and Gahyeon. You were not one to shy from challenges thrown your way, which balanced out the team dynamics when it came to being invited to variety shows. You were unsure of your place when you were added into the group a couple months after Dreamcatcher’s debut, but every time you look around you now, you knew that there was no where else that you’d fit better than with your second family.
Since young, you’d watch the idols perform on stage and you’d be mesmerized by the way they took to the stage. The way they called for attention to themselves without outshining their other members amazed you. You clearly remember watching a stage that blew your mind and stole your breath away, and the idol’s name that would be your bring-up name whenever you were asked in interviews who your idol was. It was during the promotions of Dreamcatcher’s latest album did you receive the news from your managers. Your jaw dropped along with your small pint of ice cream in shock, and you could barely recognize the laughter coming from your members knowing that it was your dream come true. You were going to be promoting the album along with the idol that inspired you to step into the life of an idol. You took a slow but deep breath and let out a screech in excitement before looking at your other members, some covering their ears and some unluckily slow to recognize your change of behavior before you destroyed their hearing. Ending your screech in an awkward chuckle as you realized that the teasing was about to start once they get over the damage, you nudged your head back towards your room, signaling that you were heading back and bolted away before anyone could respond.
Everyone in the same car as you were could literally feel you vibrating from excitement in your seat as you were being driven to the location of the studio. Trapped in a moving vehicle, there was no way to escape the teasing of the older members so you just submitted to your fate, occasionally throwing glances over to Yubin to beg her to help you out. She’d then look up from her phone and a look around the people teasing you before raising her hands up, giving the clear sign that you were on your own. Seeing how you were abandoned by the rapper, you gasped loudly with a “You brat. I’ll get you back later.” which earned you an amused hum in reply before you unwillingly locked eyes with Bora on your way turning back to face the front.
“So, how does our little sunflower feel about finally meeting her idol?”
You could see her grin turn into a smirk as she watch you start squirming, unsure of how to answer her question. Your lips grew dry, trying to find the right words to use to cut the teasing as soon as you could. In the end, no words came out of your mouth as you shrugged and casually turn back forward, ignoring the little “Ya! Look at me when you answer a question!” From Bora. Pretending to fiddle with your phone and silently observing her from the reflection of the screen until she got bored and turned behind her to harass Yoohyeon, you let your thoughts drift. There was no way you could remain calm this time no matter how much pep talk you were given. The thought of merely given the chance to interact with her made your heart beat anxiously, not less to say that you were there to promote your album, in which she has heard and complimented according to the letter sent. Shifting in your seat, you reached your free hand up to brush your slightly dry lips, making a mental note to reapply some more lip balm before entering the studio in a short bit. Right. The studio where you were going to meet your idol. That’s no big deal, the entertainment industry is just this big, you’ll eventually get to meet them one way or the other. Subconsciously, when your fingers brushed over a slightly chapped part of your lips, you begin picking at it. It was only until the van came to a stop did you realize what you were doing and pulled your hand away, licking your lips to moisturize it.
By the time the entire group was gathered in the lobby, you were yet again buzzing with excitement, and possibly fear. Feeling arms wrap around your waist and a head landing on your shoulder, you glance to the side slightly to see Siyeon staring at you with a small comforting smile on her face. Taking a few deep breaths with you in her embrace, you managed to push down some of the nervous feeling knowing that your members although teasing, won’t push the line.
On cue following Minji’s lead, everyone slowly piled into the small studio room, with you waddling slightly as Siyeon has yet to let go of you. Energetic music was playing to bring the atmosphere up, and along with that Bora started bouncing to the music, prompting for everyone else to join in. You were laughing as you struggled to get out of Siyeon’s arms to start the chaos when you looked past your members to meet with the amused face of her. Your mouth suddenly felt dry, and you could feel your throat tighten when the reality hit. It was like a switch in you was hit, and you were conscious of your every action. As the music faded out, everyone took their seat on the couches chuckling at each other’s antics and waited for the next cue.
“As you all know, a few of these members has been guests of our show already but I have finally managed to invite the whole group back into our studio tonight. Let’s welcome... Dreamcatcher back to Studio Moon Night!”
Following the countdown of Minji, everyone did the group introduction. “Dream of me, hello we are Dreamcatcher!” According to the script, everyone was to do a short introduction of themselves starting from Minji who was seated next to you. You glanced at each member as they did their introduction and your eyes occasionally drifted to your idol who was sitting across the group. Being in the same room as the Moon Byuli was honestly more mind blowing than anything, you decided. Her presence was jaw dropping-
A sharp nudge to your sides snapped you out of your daze as you inhaled sharply and look around at your members and their amused faces, trying to hold back their laughter. “H-hello everyone, I’m Dreamcatcher’s sunflower, (y-y/n)!” Chuckles were then heard coming from Moon Byul when you felt hands land onto your shoulders from behind. The introductions continued to the younger members when you look back, you could see a smirk growing on Bora’s face, as your smile dropped, knowing what she was planning. “Actually, our dear sunflower here admires you a lot, Byuli-unnie!” Your eyes widened, not daring to look in the direction of your idol as your face flushed red.
“Is that so, (y/n)-sii?”
Darting your eyes to your idol, you blink blankly and tried to clear your throat and find the right words. Only managing to nod to not embarrass yourself, you hid your face in your hands to drown out the laughter shared.
“Our little sunflower is usually very loud, but look at her now!”
Whining, you peeked out between your fingers and pouted to your leader sitting next to you. Chuckling and giving you a little pat on the head, she threw a look over at the younger member to cut the teasing and let the radio show continue. Finally relenting with a huff, Bora eyed the rest of the members as if to contemplate who to target next once Moon Byul continued the script and prepared to start the actual interview. There was a series of questions that were quickly fired to different members, and in order not to make a fool of yourself again, you kept yourself on edge and alert to whenever you were called upon. Such focus given had you become uncharacteristically quiet that you were barely aware of what you were doing without thinking. Your posture was rigid, and whenever you felt that a question was about to be fired your way, you would reach up to brush and start picking at your lips in attempt to busy your mind to keep it ready.
“(Y/n)-sii! What is your TMI for today?”
Jolting up slightly with your finger still on your lips, you blink blankly at the unexpected question. “My TMI for today...” Glancing over to your leader once again pleading for help, you saw her gaze lowered down to your finger on your lip. “Ah! Jiu-unnie made coffee for everyone this morning!” Pulling your fingers away from your lips, you made a peace sign and beamed. “I drank 2 cups of coffee that Jiu-unnie made!”
“Is that why you snuck into the room and jumped onto me while I was still sleeping, unnie?” Yubin whined from the side after hearing your comment, realizing your reason for your high energy early in the morning. Everyone laughed at her contribution, and you waved it off chuckling along with everyone else. Once the attention was off of you, your fingers automatically made their way up again to your lips but this time it was caught midway with a larger hand interlacing fingers with yours. Blinking blankly at the act, you traced the hand to it's owner to see Minji smiling at you. Bringing your held hands to her lips, she turned it and pressed a soft kiss onto the back of your hand before lowering it onto her lap, clasping it with her other hand. Watching her gently brushing her fingers across your knuckles and smoothing her thumb across the back of your hand, you looked back up to see your leader nod at you before turning to answer a question given to her. The gesture, although a little awkward for someone like you who needed to move around to express yourself grounded you down. Feeling the constant movement on your skin helped you relax and you were slowly going back to chipping into the interview with little comments here and there.
During a song break, everyone was reading through the live comments and causally grooving to the music of your group’s latest song, and exchanging glances with Sua, both of you started doing the upper body half of the song’s choreography. Since Minji has yet to let go of your hand, you both chuckled when you pulled your hand to cover your eyes only to have hers come along to cover half of your face. As the song came to an end, you winked to the camera and leaned towards your leader, giving her a little peck on her cheeks while energetically waving both your intertwined hands between the both of you.
“Wow, that was-” Chuckling as she tried to reorient herself, Moon Byul threw a look over at the comment feed on her screen and back to you. “I noticed a little something, and even everyone watching is saying, (y/n)-sii.” Clasping both her hands together, Moon Byul brought it into the air for the camera to see. “Both of you have been holding each other’s hand for quite a while now. I thought I was your favorite idol.” Pretending to look upset, you started stammering in fear of actually offending your idol.
“I was the one who wanted to hold our dear (y/n)ie’s hands, since she is always so energetic, she is always very warm and I forgot to take my hand warmers onto set.” Pouting back herself, Minji pulled you into a quick hug and nuzzled into you. Seeing this, the rest of the members started chiming in on how they never received such affections from their leader and that you were her favorite. Happily laughing it off, Minji smoothly redirected the conversation back to Moon Byul once again to keep the show going.
When the PD signaled that the cameras were cut, your members started nudging you towards Moon Byul who was packing up her interview cards and scrolling through her phone. Looking back at your leader for reassurance, she gave your hand a tight squeeze and slowly released while nudging you forward. Taking a deep breath, you approached your idol, heart slowly starting to pick up its pace. Seeing you approach, Moon Byul put down her phone and focused her attention on you. “You did good, kid.” Seeing your eyes light up at her compliment, she chuckled again and continued. “I’ll look forward to your next comeback. In the meanwhile...” Picking up her phone again, she held it out for you. “Let’s keep in contact?” You nod vigorously and quickly keyed in your details, only to look up at Moon Byul again. “Can I take a picture with you please?” Ruffling up your hair slightly, as she took back her phone, she gave a nod with a playful grin and quickly snapped a photo of the both of you. Feeling your phone vibrate in your jacket pocket, you pulled it out to see a new message from an unknown contact with the photo of both of you. Bowing low, you started bouncing on the spot. “Thank you so much!”
With a pat on your back, Moon Byul nudged you back to your teammates as you let out a squeal and dived back into Minji’s open arms. Groans and were shared between those that failed to cover their ears in time again as the rest laughed at the antics.
Still clinging onto your leader as you both were the last to leave the elevator, she ran her hand through your hair as the other rubbed your shoulder. “Unnie.” Calling for her attention, Minji looked down at you in her arms and pointed to her own lips. “Ya, your lips won’t look as pretty anymore if you keep picking at it.”
“I know, unnie. Thank you for today.”
Pulling you closer to her, she shook her head. “Not just today. Whenever you feel like wanting to pick at your lip again,” Gentle pats land on your head as you leaned your weight against your leader’s. “My hands are for you to hold, alright?”
“You’re the best, unnie.” Nodding, you felt yourself relax at the soothing actions. “I know.” Frowning, you looked up with a pout to meet the grinning face of your leader. Deciding that you don’t want for her to take back her offer, you huffed in half agreement.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 15
It's already September and I can't believe this fic isn't finished yet, I swear May was like. Last week.
Anyway, this chapter is full of soft touches because yes, hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 15: In which the real pining begins
“Hey Chat, it’s LB, I might be a little late for tonight’s patrol, I’ve been running all day and I still have a couple of things I need to take care of… Could you maybe get some pastries? I’m starving, you’ll forever be my absolute hero (and of course I’ll pay you back, I just can’t swing by a bakery right now). See you in a bit!”
Chat Noir paused as he finished listening to Ladybug’s message, slowly wrapping his head around the fact that she probably wouldn’t be the only one arriving late, despite his best efforts at being early. He looked at her profile picture pensively. His partner had absolutely no idea, but even she was trying to get him to do the right thing, namely: sending him to Marinette.
Well, to a bakery, but he knew very well that he wouldn’t find it in him to bring anything less than the best pastries in Paris to his Lady, especially if it meant getting a grip and owning up to his actions.
Because yes, he was ashamed of admitting it even to himself, but he’d been a coward ever since the fight against Hostzilla. He’d avoided Marinette for almost two weeks (as Chat Noir, obviously, although the past few days had seen his guilt increase so much that he’d struggled to even hold her gaze at school), partly because of last minute additions to his schedule, but mostly because he’d gotten cold feet anytime he’d come remotely close to her building.
It was time this stopped and that he bit the bullet. It wasn’t like Marinette could easily make the first step; even staying up to scrutinise the skyline would have been fruitless: he’d made some convoluted detours on his way home from patrol to avoid a rerun of the fateful night that had brought them into their fake - no, not fake, complicated  relationship.
He’d had enough time to mull it all over, and it was clearly time to do something about the situation.
This tiptoeing around the issue ended tonight.
The bells jingled quietly as he pushed the bakery door. The warm backlighting and the sweet smell of rising dough welcomed him and made him relax a little, as did the sight of Marinette tiredly stretching behind the counter. He smiled softly. There really was something about this place that made him feel at ease, safe, even.
Marinette straightened up at the sight of Chat Noir awkwardly shuffling near the entrance of the shop, leaning forwards to take a look at one of the displays, and bit back a smug smile at the thought that her plan to lure him in had worked perfectly. His stomach grumbled and she stifled a giggle. The sound was enough to draw his attention; their gazes met, and both felt their cheeks pinken.
“Hey, Chat,” Marinette said almost breathlessly after what seemed like a thousand years of just staring into each other's eyes. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Even though her tone had been void of any accusation, he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, making her melt slightly. “I’ve been pretty busy lately.” It wasn’t a complete lie, but he still felt bad about leaving her hanging for so long.
“It’s alright, being a superhero is a full time job, after all." She cleared her throat. "How can I help you today?” She winced imperceptibly at her cowardice. They were the only ones in the bakery, it was stupid to ignore the elephant in the room. Still, she grabbed a paper bag and a pair of tongs, and looked at him expectantly.
“Oh, erm, I need pastries. I’m on snack duty for patrol.” He chuckled nervously.
“Ah, well, I can't let our beloved heroes starve, can I? I wouldn’t want the responsibility of another Feast on my hands.” She winked.
"Don't remind me.” Chat shuddered at the memory of the sentimonster’s gooey tongue.
“Is there anything I can get you in particular?” She stifled a giggle at the same image.
“Well, you know me, I can’t leave those chouquettes on your hands, it would be a waste.” He eyed the relevant basket hungrily.
“Are you sure you want all of them? This is... 500g, the equivalent of six portions.”
“And?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Right, nevermind.” She shook her head, an amused smile spreading to her lips. “Anything else?”
“Hmm, could I have a collection of macarons for Ladybug? Anything but passion fruit, she always gives those to me so I’m not sure she likes them, and since I already have the chouquettes... I think I'm covered.”
Marinette rolled her eyes as she picked the sweet delicacies for herself. Leave it to Chat to believe that her leaving his favourite macarons aside was because she didn’t like them.
“Will that be all?” She cocked her head to the side when she was done packing the box.
“To ring up, yes.” He paused. “But I was actually wondering if you purr-haps had time for a quick chat?”
“With you? Always,” Marinette flashed him a relieved smile as she handed him the pastries and signalled for him to follow her towards the back. She saw he was about to protest, so she added: “If you’re thinking about paying for this, I’m pretty sure my parents would cut me off if they found out I’d sold anything to you or Ladybug, so I'm not risking it. And don’t worry, it’s been a slow night so I don’t have to stay at the counter - we’ll hear if anyone comes in. You said that this was going to be quick, right?”
“I did.” Chat scratched the back of his head nervously as they sat down on the bottom steps of the building’s staircase.
There was a pause as the both of them tried to organise their thoughts and put them into words that would lead to a definite, yet delicate rejection. Marinette smoothed the fabric of her apron as she did, while Chat fiddled with the pastry bag.
“So, the other night, huh?” He awkwardly cleared his throat, wincing at his sudden lack of eloquence. He decided to go for the half-lie route rather than delve straight into their kiss. If he was already this tongue-tied while keeping his thoughts about it at bay, who knew what mentioning it would do. “I couldn’t find you at the hotel after the fight… Were you hit by the akuma?”
Marinette’s head shot up and she squinted at him, calculating her next move. Chat’s hypothesis provided good foundations to build on. Maybe he’d even get to the conclusion she wanted him to reach on his own.
“You can tell me, I promise I won’t be mad.” He smiled softly.
“Fine,” she sighed dramatically. “I overheard Hostzilla say she was looking for me just after you left, and I thought I could placate her a little so I went out in the open. She didn’t even see me, I got knocked out by a fancy table almost just as I came out of the hotel.” She rolled her eyes, hoping her lie was believable enough.
“Meowch.” Chat winced, before gently cupping her chin and tilting it to either side, trying to assess any remaining damage.
“I’m fine though, don’t worry! Ladybug’s cure got me right back on my feet.” She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, then reluctantly pushed Chat’s hand away.
“I knew it wasn’t like you not to show up at some point during the fight.” He smiled triumphantly to himself at the thought that his vigilance during the battle hadn’t been completely uncalled for. He frowned and cleared his throat before continuing. “But it’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about. I’m not entirely sure why you were targeted this time, but I’m just afraid that if we…” He trailed off, suddenly unsure of what to say next. They’d never actually elucidated their relationship status; if they went forward, would they be continuing to date, or just starting? Would Marinette be offended if he used the latter?
“If we… continue on our set course?” Marinette offered.
“Yes, exactly, thank you.” He flashed her a quick smile. “I’m afraid that if we continue on our set course, there might be more opportunities for you to get caught up in fights, especially if word about our relationship gets out. I don’t want to put you in harm’s way, Marinette, I couldn’t bear you getting hurt because of me.”
Marinette was struck by the apparent anguish in her partner’s eyes as he looked at her. She instinctively reached for his hand.
“And I don’t want you to have to worry about me. I… I got my hands on footage of that battle, and I saw how distracted you were. You already have so much on your mind… I wouldn’t want to be a burden and put your safety in peril.”
“You could never be a burden, princess.” He absentmindedly ran his thumb across the back of her hand, but smiled sadly. “But I suppose you’ve reached the same conclusion I did.”
“Taking this relationship further would be a mistake.” She nodded gently.
“I’m sorry, Marinette.”
“Whatever for?” She took a deep breath and smiled bravely. “It’s not your fault. Just… Bad timing, I guess. If a hero-civilian relationship was ever supposed to work.”
“You're probably right.”
Marinette sighed and looked at her watch. “Anyway, you should probably go, Ladybug will wonder what happened to you.”
They both stood up, and walked slowly towards the bakery door. Marinette opened the door for him, but he paused and turned around before he’d crossed the threshold.
“For the record, I really enjoyed being your boyfriend while it lasted.” He felt his heart rate pick up as the words tumbled out of his mouth.
“It was really nice.” She smiled gently. Then, feeling a burst of braveness, she took a couple of steps forwards to stand face to face with him.
She stood on her tiptoes before she could process exactly what she was doing and lose her nerve, tenderly kissed his cheek, and took a step back with a soft, if slightly sad, smile. Chat gasped slightly, his hand flying to his cheek. The point of impact of his… friend ’s lips felt like the epicentre of a wave of warmth, just like it had the last time she’d pulled something of the sort.
“Maybe we can make it work one day.” She looked down and blushed, rocking on the ball of her feet.
“Maybe one day,” he echoed.
He gave her one last, longing look before taking off into the night, afraid he might throw all caution to the wind if he stayed any longer.
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meatpope · 2 years
anyway since i'm on the subject, here's a snippet of another rat queers fic i started last year, the idea was an outsider POV fic where all of billie and c's friends find them to be a deeply fucking annoying couple, then deeply fucking annoying exes, and then a deeply fucking annoying couple again.
Sol stomped into the darkened kitchen, squinting against the light of the fridge. Beer, condiments, a mouldering takeaway container shoved up the back. He considered his options.
All right, beer for dinner it was, then.
There was a soft creak of a door opening.
“Hey, Solomon?”
Sol fought not to roll his eyes as he turned to face his roommate.
John, head sticking out of his room like a rabbit in a burrow, beckoned him over.
“I just wanted to give you a heads up, I think Cornelius has got a girlfriend.”
Sol felt his eyebrows rise.
“A girlfriend?” he asked. “Are you sure?”
“No, of course I’m not sure, that was a guess. But the two of them were definitely doing something in there, and it sounded like it went well enough that they might be planning on doing it again. So consider yourself warned.”
“Huh,” said Sol.
In the couple of years they’d known each other, he wasn’t sure C had ever been in an actual relationship, so he suspected John was probably overstating things there. But C also hadn’t been bringing people home much lately, at least not that he’d noticed.
Not that he was keeping track or anything.
“And while we’re on the subject,” John added, “can you please talk to xem again about walking around in the common areas with no clothes on?”
Sol smothered a laugh. “Yeah, sure, I’ll have a word with them.” He wouldn’t, of course— out of all C’s inconsiderate habits, that was one he actually didn’t mind. And it was a right laugh to watch John freeze up and blush and stutter every time. If Sol had C’s utter lack of shame— and apparent inability to feel cold— he might even try the same himself.
“I appreciate it. Xe won’t listen to me,” said John, despairingly. “I think xe just thinks it’s funny.”
“Y’know,” said Sol, “you really don’t have to use those pronouns for them. They were just fucking with you.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to be disrespectful,” said John. “Xe said cisgender people had to call them— I mean, call xe— oh, bugger.”
“Yeah, cause they thought it would be funny to watch you tripping over your own tongue,” said Sol, amused despite himself. “Case in point. Trust me, I know how C operates.”
“Someone say my name?”
Speak of the devil. Sol wouldn’t mind betting they’d been lurking on the other side of the bedroom door, listening in for the best moment to make their entrance.
“See you’ve put some trousers on, at least,” said Sol, giving C a glance up and down that he hoped came off as disparaging rather than appreciative.
“Figured I’d already given John enough of a scare for today,” they said, swaggering over to wrap a calculatedly casual arm around Sol’s shoulders. It drove Sol mental, how deliberate they were with their body, with physical contact. He couldn’t figure out whether this particular display of fraternal affection was targeted to discomfort him or John, but it certainly seemed to be doing the trick for both.
It also seemed that John was right— C had been fucking. Sol could smell it on them. He couldn’t help himself, reflexively breathing it in as they settled comfortably against his side.
“Well, I’d appreciate it if you showed the same consideration all the time, from now on,” said John stiffly.
“I’m with him on this one, C,” said Sol. Somebody had to be. “I don’t care what you get up to in your own room, but let’s keep things decent outside of it, ey?”
“All right, if the two of you want to be the enemies of freedom and self-expression,” said C, in their patented wounded-martyr tone. “Where’s Magnus? We should at least vote on it.”
“We are not voting about whether you need to wear pants outside your room, it’s basic human decency,” said Sol.
“I think they’re at study group,” said John, at about the same time. “But you could probably text them.”
“Excellent idea, John,” said C, completely bulldozing over Sol’s objection.
John beamed at the compliment. Bloody hell, that boy was embarrassing. For all his quibbles about nudity, his hopeless crush on C was so obvious it could probably be seen from space. Sol shook his head in despair at it, he really did.
“I’ll text them right now, and we can settle this,” said C, whipping out their phone. Their tongue poked out from between their front teeth as they slowly pecked out their message.
Sol leant over to read the text, and had a realisation. “Oi!” His hand flew down to clap against the pocket of his jeans, where he was sure his phone had previously been, and wasn’t any longer. “Is that my phone?”
“Yep,” said C. A whooshing sound effect heralded the message’s departure. “Mine’s outta credit.”
“What the fuck, C, when did you get your greasy little paws on my phone?”
“Lifted it off you just a moment ago,” said C, unconcerned. “Not my fault you’re too thick to notice when someone picks your pocket.”
Outraged, Sol made a swipe for the phone, but C dodged out of his reach. Oh, I’m gonna pummel that thieving bastard, he thought.
“Lighten up, mate, I just wanna see Magnus’ reply!” C called out, scurrying down the hallway. Sol gave chase.
“I swear to god I’ll rearrange your teeth if you don’t give me that fucking phone back!” Sol bellowed. C grinned, and feinted to one side, then the other, as Sol tried to grab them.
“Come on, let’s not have an altercation, just give Solomon his phone,” John pleaded, ducking in between them. His placating hands made glancing contact with C’s bare chest— and Sol’s chest too, and even such a light touch was still an electric shock through the layers of hoodie and t-shirt and binder— and then John retracted both limbs back inside his personal bubble like a snail fleeing into its shell.
“Um,” said John.
C stared at John, with the sort of look they got on their face when they were plotting something that would work out terribly for everyone involved.
Sol, with the benefit of greater reach, snatched the phone from C’s hand.
Their group chat conversation, visible on the screen:
tosser today at 2:34pm
Hey mags it’s c we need your vote on if everyone needs to always wear pants in the dorms
Magsy🦄 today at 2:34pm
I don’t really mind, I think everyone should wear whatever’s comfortable :)
“Ha!” C barked, craning their neck to read it too.
Thanks for fucking nothing, Magnus, Sol thought.
“Hold on,” said John. “That’s still only a tie. Two against two.”
Sol shot John a quick grin of approval, for standing up against C for once. Well, it was funny, like. But John was right. C really needed to show the rest of them a bit more consideration.
“Four against two, actually,” C said smugly. “The rats voted pro-nudity.” The matter settled, they hooked their thumbs into the waistband of their jeans, and strolled off back to their room.
“Well,” said John, sounding a little defeated, “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
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