#this was so funny he's just like uhhhhhhhh
lncarnon · 4 months
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ . / sable @ joey.
The authority which permeates her voice leaves the Legion at an utterly complete loss. Beneath the fabric skull mask his brows furrow, and the knife of which he had intended to use, lowers down to his side. Yeah, he hadn't met a survivor who was bold enough to simply tell him no. It's not in the play book; they were supposed to run and scream and beg for their lives not stand their ground.
"I.. uh- alright," he falters again. "Wait.."
His mind churns with indecision and he tests the boundaries, as if she was the one wielding the knife instead. This isn't what he wants, anyways, the killing had never been his idea. Taking a tentative step towards both Sable and the generator that she stands before the killer doesn't let his gaze stray from her own intense glare.
"I don't have to listen to you."
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soukokumychildren · 3 months
Any funny stories about Chuuya that Dazai can share? Or vice versa?
Basically what my shorts are for Hmmmm. Theres plenty of variations of Atsushi being unfortunate enough to find Dazai and Chuuya fucking (they do it daily it was only a matter of time. The rest of the Agency just knows and just...doesn't e x i s t near them when it happens), and then getting killed until Yosano was done reviving his corpse. Uhhhhhhhh... Times Poe got so embarrassed he was steaming from some teasing, I'm sure Like being told about him being a bottom--wait shit this is about soukoku AUHHHhh There was one time Chuuya (turned dragon form) was looking at his size, and Arahabaki was wailing at how small he was down there and Dazai was laughing his ass off (Because apparently Arahabaki's history, size meant status. Hense another reason why he was king. Lol.) I drew this once but Adam finally met 16 Chuuya and carried him like a big pillow Just held him around the waist, picked him up with his wings squashed in between robotic armpit and Chuuya's own self, and then he began flailing like a mad-man screaming and squawking for Dazai to rescue him LMAO Another story I already wrote as a short form is Atsushi and Chuuya can communicate via animal language (through growls) and Dazai is really jealous he can't partake (though, through body language from Chuuya, he can kinda tell what's being talked about). One time Atsushi swore at Chuuya colorfully and Chuuya wasn't very happy Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh And then there was the fact Dazai jumped casually into the river (again) to meet Atsushi (kinda) on accident, which I did write the section for in actual writing format rather than Chuuya: hi Dazai: fek u Chuuya: fek meh ya coward So That's all I got at the top of my mind F....ooorr now
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wazzappp · 6 months
I drew. a lot for this. Also heads up for non RE mutuals this is going to be. confusing for you. I'm going to do my best to annotate and provide context but you are in for a wild ride.
Anyway long ass lore post for how Lisa and Robbie go from fighting to working together in this AU.
In the RE8 cannon all of the Dimitrescu daughters are made at the same time but for the sake of ✨the situations✨ I am going to change that. Lisa lived the longest as a human before being assimilated into the mold with a Cadou (infecting extension of the Megamycite). Technically her 'sisters' are older than her, as they were assimilated a while ago. Lisa has been a member of house Dimitrescu for about 2 years now. This puts her in this. Weird middle child zone. She wants to make her 'family' proud but she's also aware that what makes them proud isn't really the most achievable thing in the world (expecially with Bela to contend with. Older sibling overachiever to the maximum). She's got a certain degree of distance from them and sometimes wonders if she wasn't better off before all of this. Her memories are fuzzy but still there for the most part. She cant remember faces or names but she remembers feelings and situations. She doesen't remember families being like this (she wants OUT).
Chasing prey brought in is fairly standard for her. It's some of the only entertainment she gets. So when she catches Robbie exploring around the castle she has no idea that he's special in any way. He's just some new guy she gets to mess with before eating and DAMN he's FUN. If she didn't know any better she could almost think that he has experience being chased around (he does. he very much so does. all of RE7's worth). What she ALSO doesn't know is that Mother Miranda (big bad. Different from Lady Dimitrescu, who she refers to as 'mother') is planning on using Gabe (who is replacing baby Rose in this) to try and resurrect her dead kid with a 'perfect vessel' and this requires. uh. disassembly (in the base RE8 gameplay the reason Ethan goes to each house is because uhhhhhhhh his infant daughter has been dismembered and stored in jars and he needs to collect them so he can put her back together.... yeah). Robbie intervenes before this can get going and is instead going house to house because if he wants to get out of this stupid fuckass villiage he needs to collect the key components to unlock the gate keeping him in here (i need him to have a reason. to kill everyone. its important to me ok).
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When Lisa finds out this random, but fun guy, she's been chasing who she thought was JUST SOME NORMAL GUY killed one of her sisters she mentally goes 'Oh. OH. THERES A CHANCE FOR ME TO GET OUT OF HERE'. That in conjunction with discovering Mother Miranda is planning on FULLY DISMEMBERING A CHILD she uh. Makes some decisions.
What you have to understand about her plans of matricide is that neither Lady Dimitrescu or her sisters can actually really fully die. Sure, their bodies are gone, but their consciousness is stored in the hive mind and they can reform later after gathering their strength. If she has to put her kinda shitty found family in time out for the sake of getting herself out of here + keeping her newly revived conscience clean she's absolutely going to do it.
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(fuckin. backgrounds. dialogue. fuck. why can things not just take place inside of the void. DUKE MY BELOVED WE LOVE AND RESPECT DUKE IN THIS HOUSE HES A REAL ONE fuck now I got it in my head that he keeps trying to play matchmaker for them and i need to. go draw that because its too funny not to.)
Lisas plan involves this lab I had her mention in the comic above. It's where Robbie needs to go to synthesize more poison for the dagger of deaths flowers, and SUPPOSEDLY where a medicine that might allow her to go outside again might be (enemies of Lisas type become SIGNIFICANTLY weaker in the cold. She could try to bundle up but its still really not a good idea). She would love to go there herself, but it's in an area of the castle thats exposed to the cold of the outdoors.
The Two of them make a fairly decent team and Lisa finds herself having a LOT more fun hunting with someone else than she does on her own. They balance each other out pretty well; Robbie works primarily with guns so he can watch Lisas back while she's up close wrecking any grunts they run into. It's also pretty helpful having someone who can turn into a swarm of flies for puzzle solving purposes.
After all this Robbies trust for her increases SIGNIFICANTLY. He's still not really sure about her, but she's moved out of the 'active threat' classification into the 'kinda helpful' zone.
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Lisa's plan has three ways it could go:
They all fail miserably and get sent to mental and physical time out in the megamycite.
They win and get to go free but either the medicine isn't there or it doesen't work. In which case she's just planning on getting as many coats as possible and Try-or-Die-ing it.
The medicine is there and she actually gets to roam free
Luckily for her, the medicine IS there, it DOES work, and Robbies sense of honor / noticing her usefulness (its hard to wage a one man war on an entire community of mutants ok you cant blame him for appreciating having some ACTUAL HELP for once) all align for the best possible scenario.
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The cold does still affect her; her healing isn't as quick as it usually is and her increased strength / speed is a bit reduced, but she can go!! outside!!
She decided to stick with Robbie in getting out of the village as a whole. She doesen't really know what the world outside is like but anything has to be better than here (plus if she stays here she's probably getting shoved into the Megamycite by Mother Miranda PERMENANTLY and that just. wont do).
Also yes Lisa being with Robbie for the rest of his adventures means that she is there for Heisenbergs 'proposal'. She uh. Does not like that much.
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this all made. more sense in my head I hope it at least makes a little sense out loud.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
hey can i get a uhhhhhhhh a small serving of 'chuuya with gn!reader who cannot stand wine because i'm sorry chuu wine is not very tasty' if that is alright with you :) - nobody in particular
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Gn!reader // Any gender reader Warnings: wine ig?? swearing bcs i cant go a post without swearing Authors Notes: Diluc and Kaeya dynamic but make it romantic so true <3 (no im not a kaeluc shipper)
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He loves you, he really does BUT DAMN HON- WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT WINE?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT VERY TASTY?! THAT'S THE TASTIEST, MOST BEST OF QUALITY OF WINE!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU 'Dont like the taste of wine'??? That, my guys, is something that your dear local ginger cannot comprehend
And please, its just so funny to have you guys as customers in a bar. The bartender's words not mine. Like- ESPECIALLY when Chuuya's drunk, hes just BEGGING you to try this new wine and you're like ''Chuuya, ily but ew no thank you''
Or other times when you guys bicker like 5 year olds
He acts like a parent trying to get their kid to eat their veggies and their kid not liking veggies LMAO
But seriously, he respects your opinion and doesnt force you to drink it. He just asks if you wanna try it to which u respond with ''no thanks'' and the cycle just kinda continues 🧍 HE BUYS YOU YOUR FAV DRINK THO SO 🤷 Just make sure to deal with his drunken state after he drinks a glass or two, he might cause a scene at the bar
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[223 words]
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endenope · 8 months
If we’re gonna talk about his voicelines but in bed, have you heard his healing/revive voicelines in EN? Cause. Uhhhhhhhh https://twitter.com/drratiodaily/status/1743855698935480396?s=20
yep i already know of it heheh the way he gasps this is just so....(link for mobile)
ratio out of breath coming down from his high, hair a mess, face flushed, bruised and bitten lips curving into a smile as he praises. "...well done....10 points" aughhh
now i have the mental image of him on his back, head thrown back, thighs locking as he cums hard and violently but instead of moaning or just gasping out a name or smth like "right there-" or whatever, he just yells "full mark!" and its so funny AHHAH
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baconcoke · 1 year
quick give some sniperspy headcanons or i will DIE hurry u got this !!
Sniper has bad days at night, so he's went to leave his camper just to find Spy and rest in his arms
Spy has resorted to either sleeping inside of Sniper's camper because of this, or just sleeping with him in bed
Spy secretly thinks Sniper's a little charming, but never has said a word to anyone about this, and most likely never will (although his head over heel glances explain it enough)
Sniper stares at Spy from certain areas (like across the map) a LOT, his team has noticed this and found it kind of funny
Spy wears very expensive perfumes and has a well decorated smoking room
Sniper's camper looks very untidy and sort of smells? maybe it's from the piss jars/j
Which is surprising to Spy considering he has a smoking room that somehow is better
Sniper and Spy are hugely different appearance wise and all. Spy keeps himself clean as if his life depended on it, while Sniper sometimes holds off showering for weeks/J
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zenuloo · 5 months
Can you write a medium to long, friends to lovers ff about woo wonjae 🎀🎀🎀🎀
can't believe you're making me do this...
anyways, im staying true to my bio LOL so yes. its kind of rushed but uhhhhhhhh I hope its ok. it's more were-friends-but-i-dont-want-to-be to almost-lovers than friends to lovers I hope u don't mind..... I can write a part 2 if u want me to js lmk. ok I'll shut up now here u go. also im tagging u for SHAME @therealbobbyshloby
(1k words)
The semester was ending and so was my patience. 
I still remember my first day. It had been a tiring day, the only physical outstand of my want to continue with it being a five-foot-eleven, blonde, basketball buff sitting at the desk in front of mine. I had never spoken to him, never even exchanged glances with him, but nothing stopped me from filling my boredom with scenarios of our future meeting.
‘You’re smiling at him again.’ Wonjae whispered from beside me, just below the volume that no one else would hear. I felt his gaze pressen against the side of my face and only hoped in a twist of reality that he would give up and turn away. But he remained unmoving, an irritation. Like always, he would try to speak to me, and like always, I had no desire to answer.
Wonjae was the only friend acquaintance I had made at college, though I didn't speak to him often, it was trusting to know he was there, despite his own large circle in which I had no interest in ever becoming a part of. And so, everytime he would try to indulge in conversation with me, I would murmur an uninterested response in hopes that he would leave me alone.
‘Shh.’ I couldn’t look at him. Not like this, not when I didn't know why he was yet again interfering with my longing at the man sat in front of me in class, the man he somehow knew I would do anything for a chance to speak to. And so I said nothing, only listened as he chuckled at my irritance and returned his attention back to the professor. 
When class was over, he followed me in confidence. We weren’t close enough to be together alone, yet I felt somehow comfortable in his unwanted presence.  As we were walking, I felt his eyes linger on me once more. Although, this time, I felt the need to know why.
I stopped walking. As did he.
‘What’s going on?’ I asked, warily.
His eyebrow quirked at my question. ‘In life, or…’ 
I'm not doing this, I told myself in reassurance, but my own mind betrayed me. I shut my eyes in an intake of breath and allowed myself a moment to calm before responding, but it did no help for my growing frustration. I dead-panned. ‘Yes, in life. I’d love to know about your life, Wonjae. I think it’d be really interesting for me to stand here and listen to you talk about your life for like an hour and then maybe we could go to a cafe and you talk about your life some more.’ 
The smile that rose to his lips was shortly replaced with a vacant look of displeasure.
 ‘You’re funny.’ He said, reproducing my sarcasm. ‘But seriously, what do you mean, what's going on?’  His eyes searched mine like floodlights, scanning for my answer between my features. I kept them stone, unmoving. I couldn't believe his naivety to question my question.
‘With you! You’re being… weird.’
‘Weird? By talking to you?’ He laughed again and the sound made my stomach sick as if it knew he was mocking me. ‘Is there something so wrong about wanting to be your friend?’
I felt stupid. ‘No.’ 
‘Then good. I’ll see you in tomorrow's class.’
The ignorance I had given to the pure innocence in his sudden closeness made me feel small, unworthy of his attention. He just wanted to be my friend. Yet something sinister still felt like it was bubbling below his intentions and I felt an urge to figure him out. An urge to understand why he kept trying to talk to me, why wanted to be my friend.
I spent the night scrolling mindlessly on my phone, photo after photo of students I hadn’t wished to learn the name of flashing up on the screen. My mind stilled when I laid my eyes upon a familiar trail of black thorns, cascading up the neck of a man whose face I had never truly studied before, despite my knowing him. He wasn’t as smug behind camera, wasn’t as teasing or intimidating when caught in still motion; I didn't feel the looming chaos that he could expose my crush at any moment, ridicule me for all my flaws. He was just a guy, uninvolved yet present. 
My heart subsided when I noticed the arm of the man beside him.
My class crush. 
They were friends.
My fingers stilled above the screen, sending pangs of indescribable shame to course through my body and send shocks that dulled my former attraction to him to substitute themselves for embarrassment. Wonjae would have told him. That's why he befriended me; to laugh about my crush with his friend.
Leaping to my feet, rage enveloped me. It was an emotion I had never felt before, humiliation; an emotion I had never allowed to form beneath the depth of my brain, deep enough to drown. This was why I never spoke to him, this was why my unresolved disgust for Woo Wonjae had settled so elegantly within me. But nothing had saved what I was trying to protect, stolen from within me - shame, pity, embarrassment.
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
I met him outside, prior to our class. I had to know.
‘Didn’t know I had to… You sure like to ask me questions, sweetheart.’ He laughed.
I didn't know how to feel, I didn't know if I should be angry at him for not telling me, or angry at myself for not asking.
‘Don’t call me sweetheart.’
‘Why not? Wish I was him instead?’ His laugh reached his eyes, curling up and forming dimples in between his brows. 
No. I wanted to say. I just want to speak to you without the fear that you'll taunt me. Why I want to speak to you, is a mystery upon myself.
‘Why didn’t you sit with him on the first day? Why did you constantly irritate me when he was right there? You could have sat with him instead’, was what I really said, concealed to me that this would be exactly where the truth would lie, waiting, waiting, waiting.  
He shook his head. 
‘You really have no idea, do you?’
I could only stare back.
‘I don’t want you to look at him.’
‘Look at me.’
Look at me. 
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
oh and also speaking of wuwa. what is it with chinese gachas these days and their one (1) random fucking Dude With A Finnish Name For No Apparent Reason
like theres welt from hi3rd and hsr. aka originally known as joachim nokianvirtanen. whos presumably half german half finnish. but the worst fucking thing about it is that like. while joachim is a very standard german name. ""nokianvirtanen" is NOT a finnish surname. its like an amateur writer looking up random finnish words to mush together into a surname with 0 research into what finnish surnames actually sound like. now by themselves. nokia? virtanen? oh absolutely that works 100%. together? it literally sounds AI generated it makes me cry 💀💀💀
(It could also just literally be nokia-virtanen or virtanen-nokia with the hyphen and work. but nokiaN is possessive form . but NOBODY is fucking called "nokia's virtanen" WHAT. THATS NOT HOW IT WORKSSSSS or like if theres Any legit surname w a possessive form in it which there prolly are some its a Very specific thing not sth broadly applicable at all)
whereas sampo koski is like. honestly peak bc its the complete fucking opposite. this name is like. this is literally Just A Dude. Theres probably like hundreds of actual fucking sampo koskis out there whose linked ins have been permanently buried under Rail the Stars game search results on google i literallg NEED to meet one irl someday and ask them about it its so fucking funny 😭😭😭
like. okay koski is just an uhhhhhhhh. its a type of a waterfall in a river . Rapids? but yeah its a very standard surname. Except not like this SUPER common generic googled the top 10 tier name bc its genuinely an authentic name you run into that sounds natural. Like it doesnt sound like A Character surname its too normal. and then sampo refers to a mythical miracle machine in karelian and finnish folklore with 3 corners that each makes riches of the ocean (represented w salt) the soil (w grain) and the earth (w gold) freely for whoever owns it. In lore some ppl fight over it long story anyway louhi was right. which is again its not some uber common name but its a Very natural one its so weirdddd ive had a sampo for a classmate its cursed 💀💀 and have prolly known a koski at some point too
Anyway point being. Sampo koski is literally the Quintessential normie This is a person not a Space Gacha Game Character name idk HOW they just. came up w it it feels so weirdddd. this is like if boothill was just called like. Josh.
anyway my only real issue w sampo is just that he doesnt fucking act finnish. yes its true reducing nationalities to caricatures is bad but. Listen if you rep us. it HAS to be all the stereotypes actually. we arent all antisocial and depressed for half the year bc its too dark and insomniac and pissed off the other half bc its too bright just to get some fruity fucking aha follower with a name youd see on the employee list of the most mundane fucking office job . i like sampo i just cant claim him . he talks too much and dresses too flamboyant hes an impostor
which brings us to. Wuthering waves. and like as we can see hoyos finnish names have had their interesting moments for sure. so like hows kuro games faring?
Oh they called him--
They Called The Random Finnish Name Guy Of The Wuthering Da Waves Game---
AALTO?????????!??!??? AALTO?????!?
honestly idek if i should be insulted or just like. Amazed by the sheer balls it takes to just call him half the title of ur game and be like ah. Perfect. represented the feeble finns again
anyway tho unironically. While he also (to my knowledge at least) has the like. cocky lighthearted menace personality which like. No. at least the way he looks is peak acceptable like yeah this is a random finnish guy animefied and airdropped into this post apocalyptic scifi fantasy world. the quintessentially finnish awful out of fashion speedy sunglasses (this is a cultural in joke that i will Not be elaborating on). the sensible tactical gear. i respect him the white long hair is clearly a survival tactic its camouflage. hes fine. also props for having an aspect of camouflage in his kit w the taunts bc yes historical reference winter war the finns are indeed out there blending in with the environment wahoo. no particular thoughts tho i did pull him so ig legal obligation to build his ass
anyway aalto is also an university. lowkey the students there should just do a power move and make an aalto cosplay like the secondary uniform alongside haalarit itd be funny
but yeah am i going anywhere with this? Making some serious critique god forbid? Not in particular i am just. Continuously baffled w this. bc its not like these characters Are finnish by any metric. They just get random fucking finnish names and its like every single chinese gacha now needs to have a token one and im just here like.but why . What is the purpose of it . what is so effervescent about googling random finnish names and slapping them on your male characters . I do not understand
+ honorary mention to ukko the frostarm lavachurl in genshin. Another folkloric reference (ukko the sky/thunder god) . couldnt even give us a fruity guy in that one. though sitting in your bespoke isolation in a freezing hellhole and beating the shit out a random traveler disrupting your peace is way more finnish than a single sentence most of these characters have uttered so like. Fair actually that Is a mood. king behavior
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maddgical-boy · 3 months
madd ask game!! (from @scuttledusk!) yet another lantern eclipse guy because. well. i’m brain rotting i guess BUT!
his name is Pearl Artair! He’s 32 years old and uses he/him pronouns, and his faceclaim is Ncuti Gatwa <3 he’s so babygirl
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Pearl is the owner of the Visionary, a queer nightclub/bar in the Violet District! He’s incredibly charismatic and capable of making just about anyone feel comfortable around him, and he also gives off distinct old money vibes (mostly through the way he speaks and dresses) despite that being entirely false lmfao. Big academic words, an English accent, and faux-designer clothes can get a guy a long way yk??
Pearl is undeniably a very kind person!! He cares about everything and everyone all the time so much that it hurts!! He does however have the unfortunate tendency to mask all that hurt behind a little charming smile, so. owie. He also has the need to feel like he’s in control of everything happening in his life, but he’s also very good at being in charge so most of the time it’s a win/win. And!! He’s got book smarts AND street smarts! double package baybee
sorry if this is wildly incoherent it’s uhhhhhHHH late here 😭 BUT! picture me slowly pushing him towards u across a poker table <3 here’s his collage
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he is perfect. i shall matchmake him with ME /j
i think he would be a perfect match with my para august fitzsimmons! his faceclaim is shane madej, one of my favorite internet funny guys
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august is a religious studies professor! (the science of religions) he strives to be a really good educator to all of his students and wants them to feel like they can come to him for any problem. (though, his kindness means he can often forgive people too much or be taken advantage of.) he loves learning new things about the world and telling people fun facts, as a treat :>
pearl and august would be so cute together imo, just two sweet guys out on the town. singlehandedly could create world peace HAVSKSJDF
but seriously they would be like that cute little couple everyone knows and thinks is wholesome. they both have issues with repressing negative emotions but knowing them, they would probably just take turns talking to each other about it lol
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rpgworldcomic · 4 months
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Welcome to Dragobucks
Howdy! Hey. Howdy & hey! Howdyhey. (Howdyadoo.) I'm tired. I just got back from Chicago (the land of where the chicas go) and I was tooootttalllly gonna take a nap. And I was like, I'll just schedule the page real quick! And then it was like! I hadn't made the page yet!!! So I had to make it!!! Just now!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D !!!! :D !! :D
It's fine. We've got a special bonus page! A Coffee Shop AU. Those are popular, right? Those are "in" with the "in" crowd? You people over at AO3 are still into those right? Where Elsa and Shrek work at a coffee shop managed by Steve Harvey? And then they all kiss? No? … Well you WILL! When I WRITE IT!
I'll call it---…. I'll c-call it… um… MY FROZEN SWAMP: What Are You Doing In It, And Also Can I Get You Some Coffee, and Steve Harvey is Here (He's My Manager) [50,000 words, slow burn]
… Wait it should say slow ROAST! Yeah, yeah, now we're cookin'…. (scribble, scribble…) What, you're still here?
Fine. Chicago trip was dope. Hella dope! 10/10 weekend. I don't dole those out often. I made friends with an eldritch god. (He's funny.)
Uhhhhhhhh I don't know what else fams! That's it. I'ma go nap. BYEEEEE! (waves)
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quietbluejay · 3 months
Vengeful Spirit 1
(sample bits here) so Russ wants Loken to go back to Horus and figure out his weakness
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lol, lmao even
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this is some flavour of dramatic irony
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for a hot second i forgot about the mechas and thought this was a dude ew gross our knight pilot is married to his sister, who is a chaos cultist knight pilot dude is hunting these giant predators that ate 300 people yikes there's one survivor
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and knight pilot dude finally has the chance to kill his father yay he's now in charge of molech
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horus is now
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mcneill would like us to remember horus' many muscles
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o w o note from future bluejay: what was UP with all the references to murder what am i missing
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horus is still horus you know i keep forgetting that it's not actually canon that his soul got yeeted but this book is making it clear it was just bad writing uhhhhhhhh
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ohhh i don't like this at all also this horus definitely has a more casual way of speaking than before Vengeful Spirit's Horus would say fuck were it not for the unhinged ratings that allowed waves hand at so much stuff but no swearing
oooo 13th legion on molech given they're on the other side of the galaxy (…right???) i don't think they've been in contact with guilliman oh, nvm, it is in ultima segmentum
McNeill: "oriental inscrutability" is a genetic trait dude
okay a dude is climbing a cliff
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after a certain point, the purple prose cannot be contained i guess so this is an ex-librarian blood angel
oh wait we had a POV switch this was written very confusingly okay so ex-librarian is muscle dude's boss and is tired of his shenanigans muscle dude just really wanted to go diving oh wait nvm muscle dude is the captain there was more purple prose describing the dive managed to do icarus comparisons without actually saying icarus
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also mcneill at it again misusing terms they're not mendicants, mendicants are wandering these guys have a fixed abode
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oh??? another iron warrior loyalist?
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lmao oh okay so there were SM from all the legions stationed on terra and they locked up all the ones from traitor legions? i guess? and let out tubal because he passed the screening
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why couldn't we get this guy's story instead of Garro
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do the heresy-era space wolves ever do anything that isn't appointing themselves commissars
okay so what are the sons of horus up to
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ah human sacrifice at least he's not naked this time
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ah yikes ah they're going to turn gerradon into a twiceborn i always forget what the other canon term for this thing is ah daemon is here lmaooo
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uh uhhhh suddenly the daemon being a smartass is less funny
owo time for emperor and malc to speak
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malcador: btw the dark angels are heading to ultramar emperor: not terra??
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i'm still thinking about that AU where the civil war ends up three sided but not because Guilliman wants it to
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having had multiple primarch POVs….i don't know whether to laugh or to cry
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sjdkhflsdfh the Emperor may not have ordered Russ to descend on Prospero with fire and sword and completely remove the chances of having any decent force of SM psykers for the Imperium, but he's very cool with it
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man sucks to be Jaghatai do you think the Emperor ever got over him going "ok, well, that's stupid" about the Imperial Truth ah Lucius even when he's not here, he's here and you know what past me was so on the nose with that loyalist!lucius AU
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as you do
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oh no it's gonna be mersadie loken: this is the most depressing place i've been in my life
mersadie was put in the worst prison ever despite managing to escape from the murder of the remembrancers just because she was on horus' flagship
to be continued!
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shadowcatzone · 5 months
Thought of something that might be a little funny: ok so for reasons Dan Feng can uhhhhhhhh breastfeed and he thinks it’s fine it’s a natural process no big deal but stubborn preceptors be stubborn and think it’s “improper” so he does it somewhere closed off when he can but anyway
He’s trying to take care of a newborn Vidyadhara (bc uhhhhhh eating / dietary issues I guess??) and Yingxing is looking for him and Dan Feng calls to him “It’s fine, you can come in” and Yingxing just
He’s so confused. “How????? Is— Are you— Men shouldn’t be able to do this???????”
Baiheng just tells him it’s probably a Vidyadhara thing and to not question it too much or he’ll get a headache.
And then Dan Feng, medical expert that he is, adds that even if he wasn’t Vidyadhara, it actually is possible for men to make milk! (Because of a condition my medical school professor mentioned I forgot what it was called.)
And then a Cloud Knight guarding the room immediately steals a glance at a visiting Jing Yuan thinking “Is that why his tits are so big!?!?!?! 🤯”
Dan Feng though doesn’t have that condition but he can still do it anyway because ✨ High Elder ✨
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Th- either you two have incredible (and creepy, btw) timing, or you're the same person. Still, this is funny.
Yes. You're absolutely right. Only i think df wouldn't care about the preceptors that much. But one of the hcq (jingliu, probably) would've told him it's better to feed the baby in private, for multiple reasons.
I mean even if the child hatches from an egg, it might still need milk, bc, well, human. Half. So... yeah.
Yingxing will probably get used to it because, at first it's weird, yes, but also, ...it's natural?? Also it's his spouse so he won't be too weird about it. The bigger problem is probably the hormones... dan feng being like "oh, we wouldn't dare want to embarrass the master craftsman... let's go [baby]" which is gonna be not only ridiculous but also make yingxing endlessly apologetic.
But dan feng can't stay mad at him for long, so it rather turns to playful teasing.
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luckyedie · 1 year
Soooooo I answered some Hancock prompts and did a doodle for @gloomytk.
LOVED writing these. Thanks gloomy! 🫶
How do you feel about glitter?
Why? Wh-….you ‘ain’t got any on ya, right? Tell me you don’t have glitter. Sister, you gotta burn that stuff when you see it, you gotta burn it! It-it-it gets in the skin, listen I’m a ghoul, it’ll stay there forever! I-I’m just gonna stand over here until I know you’re clean. Nuh-nononono! You stay over there, yeah. Just gonna, climb this…in case it gets on the floor.
What do you think of as you fall asleep?
I’m usually worryin’ Shaun is gonna sneak in and put a pillow over my face.
Hah, don't look at me like that! I'm just messin'.
That’s a tough question though…uh. The booze used to help out with that, but since I cut back I just try to think of blue skies, lighthouses. Y’know, peaceful shit.
Do you know the Brotherhood has a giant robot?
Christ, they have a giant robot?! Man I really needed to keep a better eye on those guys. Well that just spoiled my whole day.
What are your thoughts on Deacons pathological lying?
I 'aint tryin' to be rude, but if I was that guy I would wanna pretend to be anyone else.
Hm…I guess I was tryin' to be rude.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Sister, when you've hallucinated as much as I have, you become a really bad case study for paranormal activity.
If you could get a tattoo, what would it be?
I used to have a bunch but they all kinda fell off. If they can get the tattoo to stick I'd get somethin' original this time, like one of the kids' names, or a heart with barbed-wire around it or somethin’.
Why are you laughin’? You like the funny ghoul?
Would you ever quit smoking cigarettes?
I’d only quit if you wanted to kick the habit. Cancer is the least of my worries, but you gotta keep an eye on those free radicals sunshine, and I 'aint referring to me.
Have you ever thought about owning a Time-Share?
What? I don't got a watch.
Do you think Deathclaws are capable of being tamed?
I dunno, ask Baby, she's likes talkin’ to the wildlife. I think she’s gonna grow up vegantarian.
What's the best high you've ever experienced?
He proceeds to disappear into his own mind for five solid minutes.
What's some of your pet peeves?
Bad catering at an orgy. Next question.
Do you have games on your phone?
Huh? What, like phone sex? Sugar, the phones don’t work anymore, but we can talk dirty over the radio if you wanna.
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Is that a book or somethin'? You been to the library? Hey, next time you go can you find out what a time share is?
What would you say to someone going through extreme trauma?
Uh, I'm pretty slow on the uptake with the emotional side of things. I'd usually offer chems I guess, but with a gal though, I'd just hold ‘em and be there, and try not to flap my mouth too much.
How do you feel about the totality of human existence?
People are funny. I like ‘em. There’s a few bad apples, but they stop being a problem after they stop being alive.
Do you consider yourself a monster (as in monstrous personality, not appearance)
Sometimes. Yeah... Sometimes I think I'm a hot commodity. Never got the balance right.
What’s with all the questions? Are we doing the pillow-talk first today?
How do you want people to remember you?
A decent guy who left the world a better place than how he found it.
Chocolate or Peanut Butter?
Chocolate survived the bombs better. Peanut butter went wrong. Dunno what it used to be like but now it’s…eugh… I know you told me it used to taste good but - Let's change the subject, I went out last night and I'm feelin' kinda nauseous as it is.
What makes you feel alive?
Nearly dying is a rush. Dying not so much, I wouldn’t recommend it. Yeah I know I didn’t, technically.
I am tryin’ not to get shot quite so much these days.
No, no no. See, that guy came outta nowhere. That doesn’t count!
What's your favorite smell?
Hm…you smell good in the morning. Maybe not the breath quite so much.
Ow, careful with the bullet wound.
How do I look?
Delightful, as usual. Oh, you want me to elaborate? I like watchin’ ya walk away in that vault getup sunshine, I could eat ya right up.
Will you please drink all of this purified water bottle?
Only if you order me around.
Forest or Beach?
Beach. The forests kinda give me the creeps. I get jumpy.
Will you drive me to the store so I can get some gluten-free ice cream?
Yeah. What flavor? Hey we can eat them on the docks and watch the dead dolphins float. It’ll be romantic.
Does the hat stay on during sex?
Hah! Until it falls off. We could give it a test drive later if you want, see how long I can keep it on my head.
Can I wear it?
Well look atcha, cute as a button. You look about ready to instate a political system of some kind. Politicians are supposed to be cute, right? That’s the angle I was going for anyway.
What is your honest opinion of Kent Conolly?
Considerin’ you were one of the few things that got him outta the lounger, I’d say he's got a little crush on you. Don’t blame the guy either
Why have you never started a community garden in Goodneighbor?
Because Codsworth would come and micromanage the hell out of it. I heard about the fiasco in Sanctuary, with the gnomes.
What's your favorite swear?
Ah man I like ‘em all. Hm, blasphemy too….That shit’s got tenure. Goddamn rolls off the tongue quite nice, don't ya think?
I know, I'm so classy.
Can I hold your hand?
Sure, don't pull too hard though, it might fall off.
…Hey, wanna go make out behind that dumpster before the raiders get here?
What does your skin feel like?
Uh… dunno. Just feels lumpy to me, my fingers are all messed up. You tell me, hold up, I'll unbutton my shirt.
Lumpy. See? That’s what I said! Okay and warm. Mm. This is nice.
What's your opinion on Fisto?
Hah! What? Fisto? Is that like a punchin' bot?
Can I leave him here? Thanks.
Ohhh! Frank mentioned this guy! Haha! Put him right next to the drinkin' buddy and we got a party right there.
During really scary and stressful moments in life, what do you remind yourself of to stay strong and keep cool?
Usually when shit goes down, it’s instinctual. I’m in the moment and not really thinkin’ of much at all. After, I’d just walk it off with a cigarette or lock myself in a room with some Jet or something to get the heart-rate down. I guess If I died… it was my time, and that was it.
Since we’re doing the family thing though it’s fuckin’ different. I’ll tell ya that much. Soon as I get home, I go to pieces if I think I put you or the kids in danger. Yeah I do. You think I’d let you see that? See, now I said it, you’re gonna worry about me too, and now it’s a whole thing.
Socks on or off?
Off. Socks on if I wanna make ya laugh, but it’s kinda a mood killer.
Do you pay Ham, or is he just part of The Third Rail?
Haha he just came with the place. Nah, really, I paid him good money. He got extra if there was a lotta blood or some broken glass to deal with, to be honest he probably took home as much as Mags did.
You shoulda seen his apartment in Goodneighbor, he kept it all real neat and tidy, liked to keep stuff perpendicular.
Can you give Edward Deegan my number? I need someone to come fix my plumbing. Thanks, man.
Hah! He has been looking for work lately… what? You don’t trust in my DIY abilities? I can be a porn extra. That guy looks the part but he’s always so serious, he might even fix the pipes and not try to sleep with ya.
Why's the sky blue?
Because…is it sky uh, bacteria? Cloud…particles. Listen sugar, I can think of better and more naked ways to pass the time than tryin' to figure than out right now.
Will you hold me while I cry?
Hey, hey. Was I bein’ a jerk just now? What’s got you upset? No, you don’t gotta say a thing. C’mon let’s go sit down for a sec, over here. I gotcha. Yeah you get nice and comfortable on me. Just like that.
S’all gonna be okay, sunshine. I’ll always be here.
I'm sorry if I pass out on your shoulder; I'm just mentally wrecked…
Stay as long as you need. I live a long time, I mean I might need to go to the bathroom at some point…but - see? That’s the smile I fell in love with.
You go ahead and zone out.
What's your favorite kind of fight?
Gahh this is a tough question.
As a spectator I like the clumsy brawls with guys that don't usually throw hands, y’know? That just tickles me. As a participant though? Who doesn’t love a knife fight?
Let's blow up the Brotherhood balloon together.
Hell yeah! Let's go right now! Shaun has blueprints of the whole place, I got a bag packed and everything.
Fuck…I’m gettin’ all misty. Oh shit, don’t look at me right now, I didn’t expect to get emotional. Been wantin’ to do this for a long time…
Sunrise, or sunset?
Both. They're both romantic as hell, don’t ya think? Hey, wanna hang out on the beach this afternoon? I’ve been starin’ at that view for a while and I could use the company now I got it.
How do you get over your fear of the unknown?
Eh. It’s kinda like people. The unknown is only scary until you get to know it. You didn’t know me once and I ‘ain’t that scary now, am I?
But, other people still think so, right?
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
The next episode itself is a two-parter, and I think that rather than split them up I will just watch through, which might mean I have to reblog this post multiple times.
Finishing out season four!
s4, eps 12&13 Destiny
Usual reminder: this is a REwatch and there’s spoilers ahoy, I make a lot of bad jokes (some of which are Adult In Nature), I reference other cartoons, I make random asides.
(also, this time specifically, I had some alcohol)
Tbh? it's a lot like watching things like this with me in person aaahahaha I always want to pause and infodump shit -_-
lol Emily is destroying Shadow Weaver's garden
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Emily acts like Mal the cat does sometimes. WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH you are not supposed to have that! Get out of there!
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it's easy to forget how BIG Scorpia is??
LOLOL oh my god I went downstairs for like an hour and a half talking to my partners about the most random shit and then playing with the cat and also: I've had most of a can of wine.
One of these:
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YEAH (that's a huge image)
so if these get weird: blame the wine I guess
oh also @corpseauthority and I picked out fake fur and minky fabric for the ears and tail of my Catra cosplay :D :D :D I'M SO EXCITED
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the only thing better than Scorpia's "huh?" is Shadow Weaver's flat "what"
Shadow Weaver: no we need the other princesses Glimmer: well they're gone but-- Scorpia, Shadow Weaver, and Emily: WAIT, WHAT???
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okay but is the guard telling you this Double Trouble
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that thing was not meant to hold four humans and a horse with wings
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why are you SNIFFING HIM
Entrapta: "I don't know you" Micah: "Yes, you do. You stole my food." Entrapta: "OH YEAH! It was delicious :D"
oh god Adora's like "....but are you okay? we came here to find you 🥺"
and she's like YEAH I'M GREAT
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"each more deadly than the next??? it's PARADISE"
I love her so much oh my godddd
Bow: "We're here to rescue you" Entrapta: "didn't I just rescue YOU?"
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Bow mentions Hordak and Entrapta pulls her little new bug-eye mask down :(
Adora: so hey we uhhhhhhhh really need your help due to a terrible secret of the First Ones that nobody but us knows
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"WHy didn't you say so???"
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well that's a callback to s1 ep1
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anyway Kyle, Rogelio, and Lonnie come in and Catra's like OH UHHH so...what's happening
Lonnie: "we just got back from conquering another Rebel town" Kyle: ":D You should've seen us!! It was all:"
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and then he kicks Scorpia's old locker, with the drawings on it, and Catra gets mad
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Ironically the degree to which Catra is UPSET is making me ship them harder lol
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bb you need a break you are getting feral
Man Lonnie has her number lol. "What is wrong with you? We're winning! Even you should be happy."
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god I love when she's this deranged
she slams poor Lonnie against a locker
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john cena dot gif
but also OH DO THEY REMIND YOU OF WHO YOU USED TO BE? HMM? what you really wanted??? what actually gave you something like joy or contentment????? are you trying to just erase any part of you capable of feeling good?????????
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Kyle is RIGHT
The cinematic parallels between Catra and Glimmer in this episode ("forget my friends I'M IN CHARGE HERE and YOU NEED TO FOLLOW ORDERS") are *chef's kiss*
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Catra realizing this isn't what she actually wants: part ....a lot
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The other three leave, she yanks the drawings off Scorpia's old locker, then THUMPs her head on it. And then Double Trouble shows up!
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okay wait tho the way she pauses and then thumps her head on it is so funny I wish I could gif it, it's so cat-like and also Very Emo
I don't think this is supposed to be funny but it IS and I cannot stop rewinding and laughing. I blame the wine.
help i've rewatched it like five times now
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lol right??
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Me, when I was info-dumping my own fic at myself: is it weird to imagine these two banging??? Me now: nope
Double Trouble: "Apologies for the delay, kitten. I got ...held up...in Bright Moon"
Anyway they give a little speech about how the Princesses keep fighting and She-Ra is away
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(now THERE's an old fandom reference ahahaha)
"We can't let them return to the Fright Zone!" TOO FUCKING LATE
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Anyway they argue about the possibility of Glimmer taking Scorpia back to the Fright Zone
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lolol I am. like. less than ten minutes into the FIRST OF TWO EPISODES and i've hit the image limit.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
can i get a uhhhhhhhh datekou swimming headcanons? can or cannot, swimming vs diving vs just floating around, how they do it, pool behaviours, beach behaviours, lake behaviours, river behaviours, anything you have is fine, for the whole team btw, please and thank you 🍪
anon i want you to know this is probably the most random most specific ask i have ever gotten and that makes it extremely funny thank you
also i feel like i need to add the quick disclaimer that i can't swim nor do i frequently visit rivers and lakes so like. i am VERY much out of my depth here (but i do love the beach!)
okay first let's divide between who can or cannot swim
can swim: moniwa, futakuchi, nametsu, aone, obara, sakunami, kamasaki (kamasaki and futakuchi will IMMEDIATELY start a race and will rope entire strangers into it) cannot swim but can at least float: onagawa, sasaya, fukiage only knows how to doggy paddle: koganegawa
a beach trip would be SO intensely chaotic btw the logistics are a fucking nightmare
if they took the train/bus they'd take up half the space. they'd need to take two separate cars bc there are eleven of them. i guess they COULD take whatever van it is they use to get to away games but who in the world is going to drive them, oiwake??? no way in hell they give that man enough migraines DURING school he does NOT wish to be tortured outside of it
(is what he says. but he loves this team and he cares about this team and he tells them that they deserve a break, so why not? it won't stop him from grumbling about needing to take like five cans of coffee with him tho)
oiwake immediately regrets his decision when futakuchi rolls up in oversized sunglasses, one of those big floppy straw hats, and an open hawaiian shirt over a tank top that says "sun's out buns out" a la terribly translated english misprints. futakuchi has no idea what it means
aone has a matching tank top too and on the other hand he DOES know what it says he's just praying that nobody asks him because he has no idea how he's going to explain it
i can see onagawa just being the type of guy who sits and chills under the umbrella with a book and occasionally wanders off to get food, especially shaved ice
he attracts a lot of attention anyways bc his swim trunks look like they belong on the floor of an american retro-style arcade (shoutout to @prick-love-for-pricking for that)
he DOES get up to join the others in dunking futakuchi underwater after sakunami called it a "team bonding exercise"
everyone worries about sakunami btw because "oh my god what if he falls down and gets washed away WHAT IF HE DROWNS WHEN WE'RE NOT LOOKING HE COULD LITERALLY GET KNOCKED OVER BY A WAVE"
futakuchi suggests getting a balloon and tying it around sakunami's wrist like that one picture of the turtle walking around the office or whatever it was
they don't do this but moniwa DOES get a pair of horrifically neon-orange sunglasses and makes sakunami wear them on his head like some kind of beacon
kogane is constantly sending pictures to his fellow first-year mock sports camp club btw and most of the others won't admit it but they are SUPER jealous
kamasaki, while everyone is lounging in the ocean: "so . . . . have any of you guys seen jaws?" futakuchi: "if you don't shut up right now i WILL drown you"
when aone gets tired of the ocean he recruits anyone on land to build a sand castle with him and somehow ends up roping, like, five little kids into helping him build the ultimate sand fortress
so he ends up with obara, kogane, nametsu, and oiwake and a little army of five-to-seven-year-olds
those same kids BEG to play volleyball with everyone once they hear that they're a team btw
so everyone - third years and nametsu included - divides into teams of littles vs high schoolers and ask oiwake to keep score
(the little kids are SUPER impressed with sakunami. one of them tells sakunami that they want to be a libero just like him and sakunami doesn't cry, exactly, but it's a close thing)
they keep rotating people in and out and across teams so that aone is on team a one match then switches with fukiage on team b for the next and so on and so forth and honestly who even cares about who's winning or losing when they're all having so much fun?
they fall asleep on the ride home, all curled up on each other and heads resting on shoulders and all that. oiwake wishes he had his hands free to take a picture, but oh well. some memories are better off swept away with the moment.
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I re-read my post about chapters 22-30 and I realized that theres so much I just fully forgot to mention, mostly relating to the inner circle so heres a quick summary of my thoughts about each ic member now that Im about halfway through the book and have spent some time with them. To briefly recap my previous thoughts, I think their group dynamic is insanely uncomfortable because of how apparent their hierarchy is and also none of them seem to actually like each other all that much
I dont dislike her in the sense that I dont dislike her personality or the basic concept of her character, but I do hate that shes in the inner circle at all. Like, whats this eldritch creature trapped in a body thats not her own doing hanging out with all these boring people ass people FOR 500 YEARS dude, if I had to spend 500 years with Rhysand I would destroy the entire night court regardless of whether or not I had Amren-levels of power. Like, why on earth would she be satisfied playing second fiddle to Rhysand and living in an APARTMENT in his stupid °•~City of Starlight~•° when shes supposed to be like a billion years old and a thousand times more powerful than him. I feel like itd be interesting to explore that but I know that we really dont from watching cari can read's summaries, so she just ends up being a character thats supposed to be interesting because shes so mysterious but is actually so shrouded in intrigue that it turns around and she just becomes boring again
When I first met her I said that something about her bothered me but I couldnt put my finger on what it was, but that I still kinda liked her because she atleast annoyed Rhysand. She really hasnt annoyed Rhys in any way since her and Feyres first meeting so I like her less because of that and also because shes mostly just boring to me at the moment. I think another reason why I dont particularly like her is that she feels so intrinsically tied to the misogyny of this world that just suddenly materialized in this book and its really annoying, I would like to avoid that subplot as much as possible. She basically just exists to give Feyre a female friend at the Night Court and to show her that you can totally girlboss your way out of a misogynistic system! But you cant dismantle the system because uhhhhhhhh. change is like a glacier because its slow
Also, shes obviously meant to parallel Ianthe, like shes supposed to be the better version of her, but I cant even imagine her and Feyre making out sloppy style toxic yuri edition so I cant really see her as any kind of improvement. sorry
One of my least favourite character types is Fratbro But You Put Him In A Fantasy Setting so Im not the biggest fan of this guy ngl. The one redeeming quality he has is that hes very obviously crushing on all of his friends bisexual style, especially Rhys and Azriel. Its almost a little sad but mostly its just very funny. Like whyd you wanna take their clothes at the illyrian camps so badly huh? You like seeing pretty boys squirm around naked?
Unfortunately, I know that hes gonna end up with Nesta and that hes not even gonna treat her well, my guy is gonna go from being gay because he likes men to being gay because he hates women and I am not looking forward to it
Speaking of Nessian, a lot of sjm critical anti nessian people say that Nesta and Cassian used to be so good and so genuinely romantic in ACOWAR and that their relationship got completely ruined in ACOSF and. I mean, granted they dont ever talk about Cassian behaviour towards Nesta during the meeting at her house in ACOMAF but I hated the way he was just so angry at her on Feyre's behalf when she wasnt even that mad herself, she just felt weird and bad. Of course, I havent read ACOWAR yet and I might change my mind in the future but right now, I'll just say it doesnt surprise me that Cassian would laugh at Nesta falling down the stairs
My favourite guy!!! Out of this bunch I mean. My favourite guy in the entire ACOTAR series is probably Lucien, but if we're just talking about the jokers from the Night Court, then this guy is my favorite
I really wasnt expecting much from him, I thought he would have absolutely no personality from what Ive heard other people say about him, but hes basically exactly what I want in an edgy traumatized shadow boi. Ive talked about this before but I really dislike Rhysand and part of that is that I normally really like the archetype of the tortured edgy love interest with shadow powers but he makes it so goddamn annoying by being so flirty and cocky I just want to see him dead. But Azriel is quiet so he doesnt bothr me and also theres some intrigue about his backstory and the extend of his powes but he feels like a solid enough character that he doesnt become boring to me like Amren
I will say though, theres something particularly uncomfortable about watching anyone from the inner circle interact with him and vice versa, I think its because he seems like he doesnt actually like them more than anything else. Ive said this in a previous post, I think Cassian wants to be in a relationship good friends with him and he seems to think they have some good sunshine guy/grumpy guy banter going on but to me it just seems like Azriel genuinely dislikes him. And then he obviously doesnt trust Amren and I feel like hes in love with Mor and has been for a really long time but doesnt actually like her, I honestly feel like hes just sticking by Rhysand because he feels like he owes him and because it gives him an excuse to be close to his crush
Yknow, that I think about it maybe thats why I like him so much. I dont like the Inner Circle, he doesnt like the Inner Circle, thats a relatable king right there
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