#this was why Varric kept hawke a secret from the inquisition
morallygaywarden · 1 year
Hawke: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face.
The Inquisitor :
The Inquisitor : I like you.
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broodwolf221 · 8 months
it's been so weird to play dai again after finishing trespasser bc like... I already knew from the end game that he's the dread wolf and that he lied (by omission, as is his way) to everyone throughout the whole game. the utterly tragic dynamic between him and a romanced lavellan was ROUGH.
but y'know what's been the most painful, what made even the next playthrough really hurt?
his agents.
he has agents. he gathered them. they've infiltrated the inquisition and presumably elsewhere. I guess... maybe that one hurt more because it was a total surprise to me, but that aches.
he's not necessarily working against the inquisition, just toward his own goals, which may or may not lead to the destruction of the current world, but it's so... idk. it hurts. you're traveling with him and he has his agents and he's doing his thing.
it's really not that different from everyone else... until/unless he's declared tal-vashoth, bull is obviously associated with the ben hassarath. leliana has far more agents than you could ever know. morrigan is nothing but secrets. varric kept hawke secret and is very possibly keeping his other friends secret. vivienne has secrets and ploys throughout the whole game. sera has the red jennies. dorian might be one of the only companions with no current connections, but he eventually returns to tevinter and establishes his own political movement. blackwall's entire fucking arc.
not all of these are bad, granted. but it's also like... solas really isn't that different. so why does it hurt so much? maybe it makes everything he does feel more... idk, deliberate? maybe it's bc it paints a picture of an "active" betrayal rather than a "passive" one? maybe it's bc now it's undeniably happening during the events of the game, rather than before and after the main plot? maybe because it makes it clear that he never really stopped, even head over heels in love and desperate to confess?
I genuinely don't know why it bothers me so much. I've given it a lot of thought and not come up with a satisfactory answer.
but I do know that its spawned ~65k words of bigfic that's still growing
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
What makes the interrogation a bit worse is that Cassandra had Varric brought to the Hawke estate. Varric was in his absent friend's house, probably trying to resist any and all flashbacks, while Cassandra threatened his life.
Oh, absolutely. She drags Varric into the home of his "missing" (Varric absolutely knows exactly where Hawke is but he's not saying that) friend and straight up holds a knife to his throat and threatens him to tell her everything. And while I don't get the impression that Varric was necessarily fighting off flashbacks (although it's hard to tell; he is a very good liar, after all, and the way the framing device is handled means that technically the entire game is one big flashback to begin with) there's no denying that he was being forced to go over some very traumatic and deeply personal events in his life and the lives of all his friends, probably in a fair amount of detail. This all becomes slightly hilarious in Inquisition when we learn what an entirely useless interrogator she was (Varric very successfully kept secrets from her to the point where she didn't even suspect he knew where his best friend was until he was like "Uh yeah actually I sent word to Hawke to ask them to help"), but it's still Not Cool. Also the fact that she once again starts threatening Varric for lying about not knowing where Hawke was when she gave him no reason to believe she meant Hawke anything but harm, and in hindsight he clearly made the right call, given he's entirely correct when he says that if he had let Cassandra get the Chantry's hands on Hawke then they would be dead same as everyone else at the Conclave except the one poor sucker lucky (or unlucky) enough to have happened to hear Justinia's voice before the whole thing went boom is... a thing. Yeah, how dare he not hand his best friend over to the woman currently threatening to kill him if he doesn't tell her where Hawke is. Can't imagine why he might have concluded that giving her Hawke's location would've ended badly for, I repeat, his best friend.
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daitranscripts · 2 years
Cassandra Cutscene: From The Ashes
I Should Have Known
Cassandra Masterpost Related Quest: Here Lies the Abyss
The PC approaches Cassandra at Skyhold.
Cassandra: Have you met this “friend” of Varric’s, Inquisitor?
PC: Not yet, no.
Cassandra: It had better not be who I think it is. I will wring that little bastard’s neck.
PC: Why? Who do you think it is?
Cassandra: Someone Varric claimed he could not contact. Someone the Inquisition—indeed, all of Thedas—desperately needed. I’ll reserve judgment until I know for certain. No need to have that rogue screaming “persecution” yet again.
After the PC meets Hawke, they come upon Cassandra chasing Varric around a table in the upper floor of the armory.
Cassandra: You knew where Hawke was all along!
Varric: You’re damned right I did!
Cassandra: You conniving little shit!
Cassandra swings at him but he ducks out of the way and runs to the other side of the table.
Varric: You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! What did you expect?
Dialogue options:
General: [Intervene.] [1] + Varric approves
General: [Stay out of it.] [2] - Varric disapproves
1 - General: [Intervene.] PC: Hey! Enough! Cassandra: You’re taking his side? PC: I said enough! [3]
2 - General: [Stay out of it.] The PC crosses their arms and shakes their head. They remain silent. Cassandra: I expected you to tell the truth! I told you what was at stake! Varric: So I’d just hand [them] over on your say so? “It’s okay, Hawke! This zealot isn’t crazy, I promise!” Cassandra: (Cry of rage.) Cassandra flips the table, and Varric runs to the PC. Varric: Look at her! She’s finally lost it!
Dialogue options:
General: Stop this fighting! - Cassandra slightly disapproves PC: All right! You’ve both made your point. [3]
General: This is funny. - Cassandra disapproves PC: (Chuckles.) This would be funny if it wasn’t also kind of sad. [3]
General: Leave me out of this. + Cassandra slightly approves - Varric slightly disapproves The PC steps back and shakes their head. [3]
3 - Scene continues.
Cassandra: We needed someone to lead this Inquisition.
Cassandra (HoF survived DA:O): First, Leliana and I searched for the Hero of Ferelden, but [they] had vanished. Then we looked for Hawke, but [they were] gone, too. We thought it all connected, but no. It was just you. You kept [them] from us.
Cassandra (HoF died in DA:O, Hawke sided mages): Hawke was our only hope. [They were] the Champion of Kirkwall. The mages respected [them].
Cassandra (HoF died in DA:O, Hawke sided templars): Hawke was our only hope. [They were] the [Vicount/Vicountess] of Kirkwall. [They] commanded respect.
Varric gestures at the PC.
Varric: The Inquisition has a leader.
Cassandra: Hawke would have been at the Conclave! If anyone could have saved Most Holy…
Dialogue options:
General: Cassandra, back off! [4] - Cassandra disapproves
General: Varric’s not at fault. [5] + Varric approves
General: What’s done is done. [6]
General: Varric, you bastard. [7] - Varric greatly disapproves
4 - General: Cassandra, back off! PC: You’ve made your point! [8]
5 - General: Varric’s not at fault. PC: Varric’s not responsible for what happened at the Conclave. [8]
6 - General: What’s done is done. PC: You can’t change the past, Cassandra. Cassandra: So I must accept… what? That the Maker wanted all this to happen? That He, that He… [8]
7 - General: Varric, you bastard. PC: You did that out of spite? [8]
8 - Scene continues.
Varric (friends with Hawke): I was protecting my friend! Varric (not friends with Hawke): What do you want from me?
Cassandra: Varric is a liar, Inquisitor. A snake. Even after the Conclave, when we needed Hawke most, Varric kept [them] secret.
Varric: [They’re] with us now. We’re on the same side!
Cassandra: We all know who’s side you’re on, Varric. It will never be the Inquisition’s.
Dialogue options:
General: We need to work together. [9] + Varric Slightly Approves
General: That’s unfair, Cassandra. [10] + Varric approves - Cassandra disapproves
General: Varric’s earned his place. [11] + Varric approves - Cassandra disapproves
General: I’m well aware. [12] + Cassandra approves -  Varric disapproves
9 - General: We need to work together. PC: Attacking him now won’t help us, Cassandra. Varric: Exactly! PC: And you better not be keeping anything else from us. Varric: (Sighs.) I understand. [13]
10 - General: That’s unfair, Cassandra. PC: That’s unworthy of you. [13]
11 - General: Varric’s earned his place. PC: Varric’s earned his right to be here, Cassandra. Varric: Thank you. [13]
12 - General: I’m well aware. PC: You don’t need to tell me that. Varric: Oh, like I have no reasons to help the Inquisitor finish this? PC: For the moment. Varric: Fine. For the moment, I’d like to do what I can. [13]
13 - Scene continues.
Cassandra (med/high approval): He did bring Hawke. Late, perhaps, but Hawke is with us. As are you.
Cassandra (low/neutral approval): I must not think of what could have been. We have so much at stake. Go, Varric. Just… go.
Varric goes to leave, but pauses at the top of the stairs.
Varric: You know what I think? If Hawke had been at the temple, [they’d] be dead, too. You people have done enough to [them].
Varric leaves.
Cassandra: I… believed him. He spun his story for me, and I swallowed it. If I’d just explained what was at stake… If I’d just made him understand…
Cassandra sits.
Cassandra: But I didn’t, did I? I didn’t explain why we needed Hawke. I am such a fool.
14 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: What if it had been different? (selecting this will remove the flirt option) [15] + Cassandra slightly approves
General: Don’t blame yourself. [16] + Cassandra approves
General: We’re all fools, Cassandra. [17] + Cassandra approves
General: We need to do better. [18]
Flirt: I still like you. [19]
15 - Investigate: What if it had been different? PC: What if you hadn’t believed him, and you tracked Hawke down? Cassandra: Honestly, Hawke might not even have agreed to become Inquisitor. Cassandra (Hawke sided mages): [They] supported the mage rebellion, after all. [They] wouldn’t have trusted me for a second. Cassandra (Hawke sided templars): [They] supported the templars in Kirkwall, but [they] had so many enemies. I could have been one of them. Cassandra: But this isn’t about Hawke, or even Varric. Not truly. I should have been more careful. I should have been smarter.   I don’t deserve to be here. [Back to 14]
16 - General: Don’t blame yourself. PC: You’re too hard on yourself, Cassandra. Cassandra: Not hard enough, I think. PC: You can’t believe that. [20]
17 - General: We’re all fools, Cassandra. PC: Have you looked at our Inquisition, Cassandra? We’re all fools, here. Cassandra: (Choked laughter.) Is that supposed to make me feel better? PC: More at home, maybe. [20]
18 - General: We need to do better. PC: We can’t afford any more mistakes. Cassandra: You think I don’t know that? PC: I’m making sure. [20]
19 - Flirt: I still like you. PC: Good thing I still like you. Cassandra: I’m serious! PC: You think I’m not? [20]
20 - Scene continues.
Cassandra: (Breathes deeply.) I want you to know, I have no regrets.
Cassandra (HoF is alive): Maybe if we’d found Hawke or the Hero of Ferelden, the Maker wouldn’t have needed to send you. But He did. Cassandra (HoF is not alive): Maybe if we’d found Hawke, the Maker wouldn’t have needed to send you. But He did.
Cassandra (med/high approval, have flirted): I don’t know how it will end, but I would have it no other way. Cassandra (med/high approval): I don’t know what’s to come, but… you’re more than I could have hoped for. Cassandra (low/neutral approval): You’re… not what I’d pictured. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that I know less than nothing.
Scene ends.
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lumienyx · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
i was tagged this week by @pinkfadespirit (thank you💜), and i’ve got.... many things to share, but i’ll settle on a very silly snippet from a fic titled A Witch of the Wilds, the Hero of Ferelden, and an Old God Baby Walk Into a Tavern...
hefty title i know XD featuring mostly just... banter between my warden Deimos Amell, Anders’ ex and best friend, total menace; Morrigan who is surprisingly quick to team up with Anders to make Deimos’ life miserable; and bby Kieran whose secret is known only to the three of them, but the whole Kirkwall crew can see there’s something quite special about the boy👀 excerpt below the cut ⬇
(note: Varric nicknamed Deimos Frosty because his favorite element is ice)
tagging @apostatefrog @gingergreencoffee @storywestistrash @storybookhawke @magepride @nirvana-war-queen @magicsewerman @nobloodneeded @myucaloveschoclate @mywitchcultblr @tsuraiwrites @wardenari (pls tell me if i’m annoying you with tags dsjklfs) and anyone else who sees this and wants to join!
“Hey, Frosty,” Varric says, "tell me. How come every Grey Warden that’s ever killed an Archdemon ended up dead—and yet here you are. Sitting with us, drinking, cracking jokes—”
“And giving you all the opportunity to marvel at my dashing good looks?” Deimos says, somewhat of a too self-satisfied grin plastered on his face.
Varric chuckles. “And that. But stay on track, I’ve had enough evasive conversations with Blondie over there.”
This earns him a swat over the shoulder from Anders, which he ignores, too busy pinning Deimos with his most inquisitive glare. Deimos contemplates the question over the last remnants of his wine, taking a torturously slow sip, before saying,
"Trade secret, actually," which prompts a few groans across the table and a chuckle from his wife. "But I'm a fan of your works, Varric, so I'll share it with you."
Morrigan and Anders share a worried glare that the others are too busy to notice, while Deimos continues talking with his most serious expression in place.
"See, all those other Grey Wardens rushed head on with their swords and spears and got so fatally wounded by the Archdemons not any kind of healing could patch them up afterwards. That," he says with a sigh, "was monumentally stupid. I'm a strategist myself—Anders, stop laughing—so I kept my distance. Attacked it from afar. Used the most intricate spells in my arsenal. But most importantly, I brought fourth the enormous collections puns I've gathers during my year of travels—Ferelden's finest, by which, of course, I mean terrible—and annoyed the fucker with them till it dropped dead. They are sentient, you know. Worked wonderfully."
"Don't you mean," Anders cuts him off, barely holding in laughter, "worked pun-derfully?" Deimos shoots a stream of snow his way, which Anders is quick to melt in a burst of flames.
"I hate you all," Fenris groans, lamenting his state of sobriety, as Varric’s hopeful expression crumples into one of annoyance. 
“Frosty, I swear—”
“Just deal with it, Varric,” Isabela says, “he won’t tell you, and he’s too taken for me to bribe him with sex.”
"I would call your bluff," Hawke says to his cousin, "but I've heard enough from Anders about the shit you've been through to know that may well actually be the truth."
“Wait, he was lying?” Merrill says with a frown which Isabela rushes to kiss away.
Deimos rolls his eyes. "I assure you," he says, "whatever he's told you, I'm not that much of a fuck up."
"You are," Anders says.
"You're worse," Morrigan adds.
"True, that," Anders concedes. Morrigan clinks her glass with his.
“Hey! My best friend and wife can’t team up to bully me.”
“And why not?” Morrigan asks.
“Well—because," Deimos starts. "Well. I mean. You’ve known Anders for three bloody hours, damn you!”
Morrigan shrugs. “Kieran likes him. He's passed the most important test.”
“Well, Kieran loves me. He wouldn’t appreciate you tag-teaming me, isn’t that right, precious?” Deimos coos at Kieran, who gazes at him silently and dispassionately from Morrigan’s arms.
“Give it a few months and Anders will become his favorite uncle and father figure,” Morrigan says, ignoring Deimos’ indignant spluttering. Anders preens. “I think Kieran’s also quite fond of Justice, too, aren’t you, little man?” Kieran lets out a delighted giggle.
"Anders uses puns too,” Deimos says, trying for a scowl to suppress his pout, “that pisses the shit out of you."
"He uses them ironically," Morrigan explains like he dared imply the sky was green.
Anders nods. "You get me."
"Cheers,” Morrigan says, and they clink glasses once more.
Deimos sighs, sagging in his chair. “I’m not nearly drunk enough to deal with such treachery.”
~ ~ ~
lmao they can’t fucking leave him alone, guys he’s been through a blight have mercy. Alas, this whole mercy thing doesn’t seem to be Anders and Morrigan’s style x)
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crqstalite · 3 years
after adamant.
ugly little fic that i wrote in the middle of the night a while ago and shared with a friend. post-adamant about my inquisitor trying to rationalize their losses at the fortress and in the fade. nothing’s capitalized, so if that annoys you, this isn’t the little fic for you.
chose not to use warnings? im not quite sure what to use here, so tread lightly.
dragon age inquisition. 
she stays strong, after adamant it’s all everyone needs. she sees to the few wardens that had been at the keep, had offered inquisition aid.  they thank her thousands of times over, as uneasy as they are.
their senior warden, alistair, won’t meet her eyes. deep brown orbs looking anywhere but at her, even with a smile on his face. he thanks her, quietly. bandages wrapped around his side, muttering that he’d need to get a letter out to the hero of ferelden — tabris.
she leaves him, offering to let leliana find her. to let leliana send the message and get it back to him as soon as possible. he agrees, numbly is when she swings a leg over the elk in the morning, sun peaking over the rise in the distance.
she knows that look that settles in his dark brown eyes, that look that cries it should’ve been me. but she’s sure he knows what he must do now, to lead the wardens properly against corypheus. she thanks him.
he doesn’t say it, but he does respond that hawke’s sacrifice would not be vain. that shatters a part of her, seals her lips all the way back to skyhold. thankfully, marzeyna is lucky enough no one else is in a talkative mood. but they will be, with questions, with reactions, maybe with thinly veiled anger.
she’s not sure if she’s lucky or simply being lied to when varric seems more despondent than furious with her. he simply responds there are letters to write, to bethany, to other friends she’d made in kirkwall. they’d been close. she bites her lip hard enough to draw iron laced blood to keep from crying.
he hugs her.
though he’s not mentioned, marzeyna doesn’t make the request to send a letter to the mage anders. though he will be left in the dark, surely varric would know how close they’d been. the way hawke spoke of him, with a wistful tone laced with uneasiness, she doesn’t want to look into his eyes and tell him she was the reason reyna hawke would not be coming home.
she makes her rounds. to cassandra, to blackwall, to dorian. then to the others who learning of it secondhand, to leliana, who’d been hurt over justinia. to sera, to bull, to vivienne, to solas, who was fascinated about her journey into the fade.
she doesn’t indulge him. any other day, she might’ve, but not today.
marzeyna has to put on a brave face when she’s nearly hit with what she assumes to be a lyrium kit when she visits cullen. to think she’d thought she’d get any miniscule amount of comfort from anyone after her return, she would’ve thought, just maybe, that it would be him. but no, her nerves are shot and she’s terrified and can’t think straight. she hasn’t slept since before adamant, doesn’t even want to think about dreaming in the fade. and yet, she’s able to give cullen the strength he needs to go on. 
she wavers. her tiny form struggles to make it back to the war room after the moon has long risen in the sky. working, bent over the war table. they’d head out for the exalted plains in the morning. switch out her ground forces, get to work.
get her mind off the blonde woman that haunted her thoughts these days. piercing storm cloud eyes with dexterity over daggers that she’d never seen before. a determination to save mages from the templars that burned white hot within her, flames licking everyone she met.
her voice never wavering when she’d accepted her fate. a strong nod when she drew her daggers for the last time.
she shoves the knife meant for josephine’s diplomatic mission into the table deeper than she’d intended, grinding it into the table with a groan. her fire red hair falls into her face, her once tight ponytail loosening into a lump of curls at the base of her neck.
magic crackles at her fingertips, papers flying off the desk and fluttering to the floor. lelianna’s secrets, cassandra and solas’ requests, josephine’s agreements, cullen’s reports.
yanking off her gloves in front of the fire in her quarters, she grits her teeth when she can’t yank a swollen finger out of it’s respective sleeve. eyebrows knitting together in frustration, fire climbing her thoughts.
why hadn’t she been quicker? why hadn’t she forced them ahead with magic? she could’ve done something, done anything different. could’ve fade stepped them past the bastard. but no, she hadn’t done any of those things. she’d knowingly sent hawke to her death, not fought alongside her and alistair, but sent her away so she and alistair could get away.
the glove comes off, pain reverberating through her hand in waves. she kicks off her boots, the pair thumping away somewhere in the darkness.
she should be the one in the fade. running for her life, terrified in the darkness of the spiders she saw racing towards her. reliving nightmare after nightmare.
marzeyna was a mage. she could’ve handled it longer before she went mad. reyna was not, she was a young woman from kirkwall. a rogue no less. so stupid, marzeyna should’ve been the one to stay behind. from what little she understood of the tensions between varric and cassandra, hawke could’ve been the inquisitor. hell she probably was supposed to be. or alistair’s love, tabris.
both were older, wiser than she was. with only twenty five years on her, she wonders if some God with a sick sense of humor had decided it should be her. things had only gone wrong when she appeared in haven, half alive and delirious. justinia had died, the mage/templar conflict in the hinterlands that she couldn’t solve, alexius.
then they lost haven. and so many people. the smell of wood burning around her and screams of people being cut down by red templars. her advisors asking for orders, her mind spiraling in a thousand different directions.
she wonders if cullen saw the terrified look in her eyes when he’d spoken to her. saw her fumbling for answers, saw the little girl that had been given too much power, much too soon. had second thoughts about her being the so called herald of andraste. had wondered why he put his faith in her.
marzeyna lavellan. she was a mage. and a dalish elf. two of the most marginalized statuses you could have in thedas, and so many people still looked up to her. asked her what to do, trusted her not to lead them astray. 
hawke had trusted her. marzeyna had promised her she’d get her out alive, had promised she’d get her back to bethany. to anders. that they could do this.
she yanks a box, some sort of box, maybe empty off the desk and throws it, chucks it into the wall just off the windows. it crashes, shattering into splinters of oak. then something else holding an ink quill, lighter, easier to throw. that too shatters, ceramic maybe. it’s satisfying almost, anger and regret and everything in between flooding her emotions like a tidal wave. they drown her, choking her when she screams like a caged animal, chucking another small box into the wall. raw magic dances at her fingertips and lights her ablaze, body glowing a gentle white as hot tears slide down her face in rivers.
justinia. maybe. she’s needed her and there was nothing she could do. she failed her.
every single person in haven believed in her. they needed her when corphyeus arrived with his forces.
hawke had believed in her. smiled at her. told her jokes. at first skeptical, as any non andrastian would be. but quickly had become her friend. her first real one that wasn’t asking her what was next all the time. someone she could go to when her advisors were too much that day.
her hands clench into fists in her hair, sobs heavy and heaving as she slides to the floor in a heap against one of the walls. now hawke was gone, and it was all her fault. just like it’d been before. another person who’d gotten killed because of her.
she’d tried to justify her decision. the wardens would need someone to lead them through this possible blight. tabris would need him when she got back with her research into the fake calling. 
nothing answers when she thinks about hawke. she can’t justify her death. she was a good person, supported mages to a fault. didn’t seem the type to kick puppies. was friendly to everyone, had a sister, had a friend in varric.
then, why isn’t marzeyna dead?
she has nothing. clan lavellan maybe, but they’d surely replaced her by now, it wasn’t as if she was coming back now. it wasn’t like they were clambering to see her again. she’s a mage, she’s already being persecuted anyway. and it wasn’t as if what she’d started with cullen couldn’t be forgiven. it wasn’t anything serious, he could meet someone else.
sure, she was young. younger than most in the inquisition. but others still had most of their lives ahead of them. she had nothing. no future beyond what lie inside of skyhold.
hugging her knees, the pants legs begin to wet with the fat tears rolling down her cheeks. the anchor was the only thing that made her important, that kept people from actually wanting to get her killed. people put their lives on the line for her. and she couldn’t even return the favor.
her nails dig into her biceps, curling in on her herself as a draft whips into the room. a shiver after the fire chases it away. 
then why is she still here? she’s nothing, no one. 
and right now, she doesn’t want to be anyone. she doesn’t go to bed that night, reading reports until she can’t. staving off sleep to keep from drifting into the fade against her will. eyes blurring and burning when she dresses herself in the morning, she avoids varric’s gaze following her down the corridor to the war room. josephine follows, rattling off things she doesn’t understand. nobles. treaties. alliances.
lelianna and cullen join them a few minutes later. if they notice her hands shaking, they don’t say anything. a glimmer of concern in cullen’s eyes, josephine outright with the words on her lips, gently biting them back.
she should be dead, she chants when they arrive in the plains, i don’t even have a right to be alive. she should be here, and yet i handed the situation to her like the scared child i am.
it’s the beginning of many restless nights.
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bossuary · 4 years
Having just finished Tevinter Nights, I have un fucktonne of questions and theories. But, below are a few of the subjects/problems that I can’t stop thinking about.  I’m curious how other people interpret them, or if I’ve missed some critical details, because it seems like there’s some retconning going on.
so, spoiler warnings apply, since i’m about to discuss the Big Doings below the cut.
The most immediately relevant items come from the final story, right? BUT, because of the nature of the characters, I sort of assumed that much of “The Dread Wolf Take You” is a study in unreliable narrators. Can any of the tales be believed after Charter exposes the Bard? Do we move forward assuming the puzzle pieces we’re trying to fit together are the correct ones, or tread carefully on the word of a known liar?
Nothing about the Assassin’s Tale fits the facts we know: 
Meredith’s corpse didn’t actually stay in the middle of the square in uptown Kirkwall. Her remains were taken away to The Black Emporium. (iirc, Varric mentions this in one of the recent comics)
Pieces of her sword (Certainty) were re-forged for Samson to use in service of Corypheus, a sword which eventually passes to the Inquisition.
A shard of the idol continues to exist outside of Meredith’s remains, or her re-forged blade. Depending on worldstates, the shard is either a weapon rune--forged by Sandal and given to Hawke--or it was given to Varric (who then gave it to Bianca to study, I think). 
In the comics, and in a few of the short stories, the fiasco of Fen’Harel’s agent losing the red lyrium “item” is cleverly handled from a lore-continuity perspective. It’s only ever referred to as a “weapon,” which could mean a lot of things, and allows for greater freedom in describing it in later media. Until the Assassin’s Tale, I firmly believed they were talking about Certainty. Now we’re supposed to believe it’s been the magically re-formed Primeval Idol this whole time, freshly revealed (by the equally untrustworthy Mortalitasi) as a go-go-Gadget ritual blade.
So, are the Tales a cheeky narrative lie, or is it all lore retcon? If it’s a retcon... -What ritual could the blade have originally served? -Might it actually be a key, as lots of people have theorized? -Is there really a potion that can melt lyrium? -Does Solas actually have the idol now, or was his entire story a lie to cover the truth that he still hasn’t found it?
Also, uh. . .Can Solas just. . .kill people while they sleep/dream, even dwarves? I mean, he has demonstrated the ability to create a “dreamlike” state for a dwarf Inquisitor. But, this power seems OP, even for him, and narrative reach. Possibly it’s further evidence that nothing in “The Dread Wolf Take You” can be trusted. 1. If the plans for the Fade are already underway, what does this mean for people like Evangeline, Anders, Grandin, and Sigrid, who’re possessed by spirits/demons? It’s possible they’ll be forcibly separated. Those (like Evangeline) who’re only alive because of their spirit, will likely die. Without Justice, Anders might finally succumb to the taint. 
There are probably thousands of people across Rivain and Seheron, and among the Avvar and the Dalish, who’re contentedly hosting spirits. Would these spirits allow their mortal hosts to be harmed by Solas? Or could there be resistance to his plan from the Fade side of things?
Lots of the stories in Tevinter Nights include the theme of outliers breaking ranks from within a seemingly monolithic society: the Ben Hassrath don’t support the Antaam in their campaign, the Venatori and their supporters operate in defiance of Tevinter, the Crows had one of their Talons disrupt a centuries-old pact.
Going forward in the next game, we might see a spirit faction that, for any number of reasons, acts against The Dread Wolf’s plan to sunder the Veil.
2. Why does everyone in this book describe the red lyrium idol as having only two figures, when every depiction of it that we’ve seen clearly shows three? The crowned figure is (if Solas is to be believed) comforting one person, but no mention of the other poor soul, an even more skeletal figure who seems to be missing their left forearm, and is stuck on the other side of the large ring. No love for that dingus, I guess. Very curious.
And no mention of the serpentine shape that surrounds all three of them.
3. The sea is going to be a big part of the next stage of this story. 
-Mythal’s origin has her emerging from the sea. -In “Luck in the Gardens, the 8 Venatori who were tasked with keeping the “formless” monster in its sealed prison each wore a clay amulet depicting a thin four-winged dragon rising above a sea. -“The Horror of Hormak” describes the viscous gray transformation fluid (and the monsters it creates) as stinking of brine. -The Mortalitasi’s Tale includes a reference to The Dread Wolf screaming about the Sea of Dreams. -The Executors appear to be stepping into the action, finally. They are known as ‘those across the sea.’ -Among the murals discovered during Trespasser, there are some that include imagery of flowing water: The Death of a Titan, and  Lifting the Vallaslin -Before ascending to godhood, Ghilain’nain killed all of her creations. . .except the giant monsters in the deepest waters. Lore says “Pride stopped her hand,” which could mean that she spared them because she was too proud of how perfectly-made they were. Or, that an aspect of Pride (as a demon or spirit), convinced her to let them live.
4. I’ve always thought that the painted murals of Trespasser and those completed at Skyhold are actually of a different sort, in a very specific way. Much of the ornamentation, symbology, and iconography that’s used in the various frescoes in Trespasser. . .isn’t found in Skyhold’s frescoes.   My feeling, based on these differences in style, and the uneven quality of the paintings in the Vir’Dirthara, is that the murals in Trespasser have been painted-over. 
-Thanks to Gatsi, we know that the mosaics we worked so hard to complete for the Inquisition were all re-carved by several hands over the ages, making it difficult to get an accurate interpretation from them.
-During “The Horror of Hormak,” Ramesh and Lesha encounter mosaics depicting elven kings and queens, and their subjects. But the mosaics shift and change the longer they stare at them. The scenes transform from a glittering parade of nobility offering succor to their subjects. . .to a death-march of tyrants forcing magical torments on their slaves. 
-In “Genitivi Dies in the End,” our industrious well-traveled Brother is humbled when he discovers an elven tome that depicts the continent of Thedas in superior and, crushingly, more correct detail to anything he’s ever seen. Which means that either the continent has changed dramatically, or all the maps that exist in modernity are based upon a flawed (altered) source.
There’s an established trope of people from all parts of Thedas altering relics in order to change history’s interpretation of them. So, why would the frescoes/murals be any different? I believe that either Solas, or someone loyal to Solas, altered the murals in order to obscure the truth behind them. 
If we believe Philliam, a Bard! (though, again, an unreliable narrator), the Qunari Rasaan disbelieves all of the names attributed to Solas, either by his enemies or himself. As Philliam posits, to know Solas’ true name would be know the best and worst of him, his flaws and weaknesses, and what he’d “failed to be.”
Essentially, I think we’re being misled at every turn. And this leads me to. . .
5. None of the stories in Tevinter Nights expands on the role of dwarves in past and future conflicts. We get lots of new and juicy stuff on Tevinter, Nevarra, mages, elves, the Crows, the Lords of Fortune, even the Qunari. Noticeably and glaringly absent is any mention of dwarves, titans, and how they fit into the unfolding lore.
One of the largest and most influential groups of dwarves in all of Thedas (The Ambassadoria) lives right in the heart of Minrathous. Above ground. Vulnerable to the invading Qunari and Fen’Harel’s agents.
Dwarves are as tellingly absent in this set of stories as dragons were in all the Evanuris revelations.
The one place where those two things intersect. . .is out in the Hissing Wastes, near the Sunstop mountains (which has always sounded to me like the same naming convention as Skyhold).  
Out there, we come across a dwarven thaig, the only thaig to have been built above ground, that pre-dates the first Blight. It’s called Kal Repartha, which means ‘a place where we may meet in peace.’ Paragon Fairel and his sons appear to have built the thaig as a way to escape some huge conflict in the Deep Roads. 
Statues of Mythal’s dragon form are arranged in places of honor outside Fairel’s tomb. As if in protection. 
Fairel was a rune-smith, one of the greatest who ever lived. Mythal might have worked with Fairel toward some common goal, relying on his skills to make devastating weapons, runic keys for hidden places, or repositories of knowledge best kept secret. She might have protected Fairel as a respected friend and ally.
Reaching a little deeper, Mythal may have helped separate the ancient dwarves from the hivemind control of the titans, freeing them to create their own vibrant society, far from the “witless, soulless” existence they lived as drone-like workers. 
(As an interesting aside, Fairel wrote about dragons, proving that dragons, dwarves, and the Evanuris existed at the same time)
It just seems like the root of this unfolding elven lore is the Titans themselves, the life they created in the dwarves and the tangible world, the innate power of their blood, and the knowledge that was stolen from them. Why don’t dwarves feature more heavily in the anthology?
That’s it. That’s my tinfoil haberdashery at the moment. Thoughts? Corrections?
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esmeralda-juniper · 4 years
i know you're going to post it later but i must know asap #49 and #27 and #26! It can be for Alada 1 or 2, whomst, i would one day like to know the au differences! xoxo take ur time :))
Thanks so much, it took so long because I decided to do it for both! Ask list here
The short(ish) version is both Alada(s) escaped the circle but Alada(2) met someone and had two daughters with him. Alada didn’t and is kind of like the hardened version of Leliana! More under the cut because it’s long lol
26.  Hmmm so trust and Alada do not really go in the same sentence lol. For 12 years she’s been on her own and only trusts herself and uses her talents so she is super quick to write someone off. Everyone has hidden intentions to her and it’s only a matter of finding out what they are to her. To even start a relationship of trust, someone has to impress her. That can mean a lot of things though, but for example Bull just went out and said he’s with the Qun and a Ben-Hassrath. He didn’t bullshit her and told her the truth so she immediately liked him. Alada also has opinions on people straight away (looking at you Cassandra and Cullen) and can’t see through them no matter what. But if you can earn some respect from Alada she’s more than willing to start small with trusting you until one day she fully trusts you if that makes sense. Think of her like a cat honestly. Give her time and space and she’ll come to you eventually but it might take some time. Alada knows someone’s really trying if they stick with her to get to know her better. 
Alada(2): Lol it’s kind of cheesy but she trusts what her daughters feel. She fully believes children see more or different things than adults do. If they say something is up with a person then Alada just says nope and moves on. BUT they’re not with her all the time so she trusts her gut more than anything. She decided to trust someone on pure instinct before and that led to her finding her husband then starting her family. Also someone needs to be “nice” in a way. If you’re not completely rude or an ass to her or someone else, then you’re on her good side already. Alada builds full and complete trust with someone over time though, which is why by the time they defeat Corypheus she trusts all her followers and advisors way more than the first few months.  
27.  HELL NO. She and Cassandra aren’t on the best of terms anyway so I doubt she would ask Alada anyway. Alada would have to throw hands with the nearest Seeker when she found out about reversing tranquility. She’s seen good friends made tranquil before and knows how horrible it is to watch those you care about be like and she couldn’t imagine losing emotion that way either. She hates the Chantry with all her being and knowing that their police force let this form of torture persist isn’t surprising but makes her angry anway. Alada can’t see anyway for the Seekers to change even with people (or maybe just Cassandra) willing to change it. She doesn’t want templars to exist so why would she continue an organization whose job it is to look over templars? No she wants the circles/templars and hell even the Chantry to fall, so she doesn’t want the Seekers rebuilt. If Josie would let her, she would make an official Inquisition statement saying the Seekers can get Fucked. (the tldr version: In game I said “No”) 
A2:Internally no. She does not trust or like Templars, and Seekers are supposed to police them and in Alada’s view they haven’t done that at all. Outside of the circle she’s heard all about the other Circles in Thedas and knows the system of abuse it is. Again, she also had a bigger reaction to finding out the cure to tranquility (fuck you BioWare lol) and can’t believe the organization kept that a secret. (Not sure of its canon but I bet the Divines knew about the reversal) Alada does like Cassandra though, they grew closer than both thought they would so she’s on the fence. She does believe Cassandra could turn the organization around for better BUT she doesn’t want templars or circles to imprison mages. Ultimately she tells Cassandra to do what she thinks is best and if she could, Alada wouldn’t let the inquisition support her openly. She let the mages join as free allies, so supporting another arm of the Chantry would feel like going behind their back. (In game though I just said rebuild it)
49. Not sure if they mean main foe or not so I’ll do a little of both! I honestly think they would both hate fighting the rebel mages. More than anything they want to speak with them and tell them she’s on their side. It honestly urges both of them to hurry up and go to Redcliffe to speak with the rebel mages. She wants to tell them that she may be called “The Herald of Andraste” but she is not associated with the Chantry.
Alada thinks it wack she has to fight Florianne after letting her assassinate Celene. She doesn’t like her by any means, but the one thing they could agree on was that Celene had to GO. If she could, she would have captured Florianne and made her work for the Inquisition. How? Idk but I bet she could get Leliana to do something about it. BUT it was ultimately a good idea to kill her to tie off any loose ends and play the part of “Oh no Celene is dead, I was too late to help, my bad!” It was a pretty easy fight with Blackwall, Dorian, Varric, and her all going in on her though, “Like come on Florianne let me have some fun at this ball.”
A2: She doesn’t want to fight Samson actually! She’s listened to Cullen but she also talked with Hawke and Varric about what Samson was like in Kirkwall. She knows he helped mages escape the Gallows and he could be considered a “good templar” but that’s not saying much. She also read the messages she found from him to his soldiers, and knows he cares for him. She doesn’t think anyone is completely evil and that he must have his reasons for supporting Corypheus but she’s not exactly sure. At the Well she fights him from letting him take that knowledge to C but she doesn’t want to hurt him BUT she can’t let him have use of the Well.
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whereismywarden · 5 years
OC Masterlist
@kiraia​ pointed out (rightfully so) that I made quite a few vague posts about my OCs, but that I’ve never properly introduced them. It’s true, mostly because I tend to wait until they are well developed to properly do anything with them, which doesn’t happen all that often. So consider this a formal introduction to my current OCs :)
(Under a cut because there are quite a bunch of them. I hope it works on mobile, because otherwise yikes! I’m very sorry.)
Sad Mages Worldstate
It’s probably the one I talk about the most. It’s the most developed worldstate, with the most developed OCs and I’ve written a lot of fics about them.
The Warden: Ana Surana [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Ana x Daylen Amell (friends with benefits), Ana x Alistair (DAO romance), Ana x Carver (current pairing, now married) + I occasionally throw Isabela into the mix because reasons.
Born in the Gallows and taken to an orphanage in Highever until her magic manifested.
Grew up close to Anders, Jowan, Amell and (to a lesser extent) Finn.
Had a baby that she was forced to give to the Chantry.
Main DAO choices include: romancing Alistair, getting her heart broken after making him king, stupidly refusing to do Morrigan’s ritual and watching him sacrifice his life for her.
Later she starts dating Carver (whom she actually met at Ostagar where they had a brief fling before the Battle).
Takes part in the Mage Underground and helps Anders build his bomb.
Starts hearing the Calling shortly before DAI.
Is Hawke’s contact during HLtA.
The Champion: Alwyn Hawke [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Alwyn x Anders (DA2 romance, on and off), Alwyn x Cullen (one time), Alwyn x Rylen (post DAI, considering making them endgame, not sure yet).
Purple Hawke.
Carver becomes a warden.
Supports the mages.
Develops a close friendship with Ana.
Breaks up with Anders after the Chantry explosion, wishing he’d trusted him enough to share his plan with him. They do get back together later on.
Is the first one to learn about Ana hearing the Calling.
Stays behind in the Fade during HLtA, but eventually finds a way out.
He was found by Inquisition scouts in the Western Approach, suffering from amnesia.
Later falls in love with Rylen.
(Note that I still need to update that last part into his bio.)
The Inquisitor: Violette Surana [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Violette x Orsino (once twice), Violette x Samson (current partner).
Ana’s mum.
Orlesian who grew up in Ferelden during the occupation.
Was taken to the Gallows at age 13.
Was a close friend of Malcolm Hawke.
Had her baby (Ana) taken by the Chantry. Later escaped.
Hates the Chantry.
Attends the Conclave in the hopes that Ana might be there.
Starts sleeping with Samson after his capture because he basically said fuck the Chantry to her face and it turned her on.
Hardened Leliana becomes Divine.
Other OC: Neriah Amell-Hawke
Is Ana’s daughter. She got her out of the orphanage after the Blight (thanks, Leliana).
Her father is Daylen Amell. Carver adopted her when he married her mama.
Is 18 as of Trespasser.
Second Chances Worldstate
This one started off as an AU for a fic starring Ana and Alistair which is why these two worldstates are so similar. The point of divergence is that Jowan went to Amell for help instead of Ana for some reason.
The Warden: Daylen Amell [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Day x Ana (friends with benefits), Day x Morrigan (DAO romance and while I did consider for a while not having him follow her through the eluvian, I changed my mind. There’s too much growth potential.)
His father was Maurevar Carver, because I say so.
Main DAO choices include: Sparing Loghain, Alistair becoming a drunk, not doing Morrigan’s ritual because he can just throw Loghain at the Archdemon (which he did).
Helps Ana get their daughter out of the Kirkwall orphanage. Bails on them right afterwards.
Does follow Morrigan through the eluvian and actually ends up being a decent dad to Kieran.
Does not become Ferelden’s Warden-Commander.
The Champion: Alwyn Hawke (yes, again)
Like I said, this was originally an AU, so it made sense to keep the same Hawke. There are quite a few differences, however.
pairings: none.
Does not bring Anders to the Deep Roads. Carver dies.
Suffers from severe depression afterwards.
Goes from purple to full blue after Leandra’s death.
Stays behind in the Fade. Probably won’t make it out in this worldstate.
The Inquisitor: Asaara Adaar [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Asaara x Cullen (starts before DAI, now married).
Meets Cullen shortly before the Chantry explosion. They fall in love.
Not going into too much details because it will be part of Second Chances’ main story.
Other OCs: Ana Surana and Neriah [Main fic | Other fics]
Again, can’t go into too much detail because spoilers.
pairings: Ana x Carver (before the Deep Roads expedition anyway), Ana x Alistair.
Day brings Ana to Kirkwall shortly after the Blight to meet their daughter. She ends up staying after they get Neriah out of the orphanage.
Single mom. Works as a waitress.
They find drunk Alistair in their garbage. Ana wants to help him get better.
Other OC: Issala Adaar [Tag]
pairings: Issala x Varric (post-DAI).
Is Asaara’s overexcited little sister.
Likes to tinker with explosives.
Built a handheld cannon. It’s clunky, not very accurate and is prone to misfire. In other words, it still needs a lot of work.
Varric thinks she’s adorable so he made her his personal bodyguard.
Angry Dalish Worldstate
The Warden: Shaelyn Mahariel [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Lyn x Tamlen (Origin), Lyn x Bethany, (considering Lyn x Alistair between DA2 and DAI but even that might be too cruel.)
Doesn’t want to be a warden.
DAO choices include: Alistair remaining with the wardens because he doesn’t want to be king.
No in-game romance, she was too heartbroken after losing Tamlen.
Eventually starts dating Bethany.
Travels to the Free Marches after the death of her clan to kill the man responsible.
Almost dies in the resulting fight against Hawke (thank the Creators Anders was there).
Goes home and confesses to Bethany that she almost killed her brother and that she would have done it had he not been so badass. They break up.
The two of them reconcile post-DAI, after Hawke and Merrill’s wedding.
The Champion: Kris Hawke [Tag]
pairings: Kris x Merrill (now married).
Blue Hawke.
Sadly couldn’t save Merrill’s clan.
Didn’t want to hurt Lyn that badly during their fight, he was just defending himself. Deeply regrets it afterwards.
The Inquisitor: no one specific yet, but likely a Lavellan romancing Solas.
Alistair stays behind in the Fade.
Elves in Luuuuv Worldstate
The Warden: Kallian Tabris [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Tabs x Alistair (DAO romance)
Probably the most canon-compliant OC.
Main DAO choices include: making Alistair king with Anora as queen and becoming his mistress.
Madly in love.
Will have a happy ending.
No Hawke or Inquisitor yet.
Homecoming Worldstate
The Warden: Elaine Cousland [Tag]
pairings: Elle x Nathaniel (pre-DAO, now ex-husband), Elle x Leliana (DAO romance), Elle x Sebastian (current).
Was BFF with Anora during their childhood.
Actually met Sebastian before he was sent to the Chantry. The two of them had similar lifestyles back then, so when Elle visited Starkhaven with her father, the two of them developed a rivalry of sorts in their romantic pursuits (think Merteuil and Valmont, but a lot more light-hearted). They do spend one night together after learning that he is going to be sent to the Chantry.
Eventually fell in love and married Nate. They kept their relationship a secret, however. They divorced after the Blight.
Main DAO choices include: romancing Leliana, making Alistair king with Anora as queen, sparing Loghain and performing the ritual.
Her relationship with Leliana didn’t survive the distance.
Leaves the Wardens after the Chantry explosion and basically goes on the run from everyone because she feels responsible for what happened.
Helps Sebastian reclaim his throne. They fall in love. (I’m currently writing a fic about this, actually)
Still unsure about her DAI fate. Either she replaces Hawke in HLtA and stays behind in the Fade, or she becomes Inquisitor.
The Champion: Violetta Hawke [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Letta x Isabela (DA2 romance).
Yes, she was totally named after Violette.
Is Kris’ sister.
Carver becomes a Templar.
Spared Anders.
Sails into the sunset with Isabela.
DAI fate will depend on what I decide to do with Elle.
The Inquisitor: no one yet.
Loghain survives HLtA.
I am considering having Neriah (yes, again) be the Herald with someone else as Inquisitor since she’s only a kid. In this worldstate, she grew up in Kirkwall’s orphanage before being taken to the Gallows. She escapes the massacre and Carver eventually takes her under his wing.
I'm planning to have two additional worldstates (I want one per warden origin). One called "Happy Dwarves" with a male Brosca romancing Zevran and one called "Dead Heroes" with a male Aeducan romancing Leliana (and probably Alwyn again, idk). I also have a couple of Cadashes that I want to put somewhere, a woman romancing Josie and a man romancing Divine Cassandra. Idk yet if they'll be Inquisitors or if I'll just add them to one of the existing worldstates. Odds are one will be Inquisitor while the other just tags along.
I probably missed a few things here and there, but that’s basically the gist of it. Thanks to anyone who actually stuck to the end, lmao.
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mocharoll · 4 years
Dragon Age: Inquisition character alignments
Cassandra Pentaghast: Neutral Good
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-I do nothing that is not worth doing with all my heart.
-One day, they may write about me as a traitor, a madwoman, a fool. And they may be right. 
-The Circle of Magi has its place, but needs reform. Let the mages govern themselves, with our help. Let the templars stand not as the jailors of mages, but as protectors of the innocent. We must be vigilant, but we must also be compassionate to all peoples of Thedas, human or no. (...) If we are to spread the Maker's word across the world, we must do so with open hearts and open hands.(...)That is what I would change.
Varric Tethras: True Neutral (barely missing Neutral Good)
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-To be honest with you, she’s just a better spymaster. The truly great ones can keep their distance. They don’t get attached to their people. Me, I always wind up babysitting my informants and worrying about their families. We’re in better hands with her.
-(If it was that bad, why did you stay? Cassandra said you were free to go.) I like to think I’m as selfish and irresponsible as the next guy, but this… Thousands of people died on that mountain. I was almost one of them. And now there’s a hole in the sky. Even I can’t walk away and just leave that to sort itself out.
-Heroes are everywhere. I've seen that. But a hole in the sky? That's beyond heroes. We're going to need a miracle.
-(You knew where Hawke was all along!) You’re damned right I did!
-You know what I think? If Hawke had been at the temple, s/he'd be dead too. You people have done enough to her/him.
Vivienne de Fer: Lawful Evil
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- The Divine must set the example for all Thedas. She must seem to be the embodiment of the Maker to the faithful. She needs the authority of the Maker and the charisma of Andraste.
-I never worry, darling. A leash can be pulled from either end.
-Your failing-- among many-- is that you presume I desire approval. Power does not require that I be "liked.”
-Act first and teach them to fear us.
The Iron Bull: Lawful Neutral (Slides towards True Neutral if Tal-Vashoth)
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-Dragons are the embodiment of raw power. But it's all uncontrolled, savage... So they need to be destroyed. Taming the wild. Order out of chaos.
-It's like being a block of stone with a sculptor working on you. One day, the last of the crap gets knocked off, and you can see your real shape, what you're supposed to be.
-My people don't pick leaders from the strongest, or the smartest, or even the most talented. We pick the ones willing to make the hard decisions... and live with the consequences.
Sera: Chaotic Good
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-Someone little always hates someone big. And unless you don't eat, sleep, or piss, you're never far from someone little.
-Bad things should happen to bad people. We find someone not so bad, maybe he’ll end up not so dead. 
-Watch out, yeah? The hole in the sky didn't start their war. Stupid people did that.
-Blah, blah, blah! Obey me! Arrow in my face!
Dorian Pavus: True Neutral 
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-In the south you have alienages, slums both human and elven. The desperate have no way out. Back home, a poor man can sell himself. As a slave he can have a position of respect, comfort, and could even support a family. Some slaves are treated poorly it's true, but do you honestly think inescapable poverty is better?
-If I truly believed my homeland was beyond all hope, I wouldn't miss it so much.
-Living a lie... it festers inside you, like poison. You have to fight for what's in your heart.
-I'm here to set things right. Also? To look dashing. That part's less difficult.
Solas: True Neutral
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-Sometimes to achieve the world one desires, one must take regrettable measures.
-War breeds fear. Fear breeds a desire for simplicity. Good and evil. Right or wrong. Chains of command.
-One moment, I see heroic Grey Wardens lighting the fire and a power-mad villain sneering as he lets King Cailan fall. The next, I see an army overwhelmed and a veteran commander refusing to let more soldiers die in a lost cause.
Blackwall: Neutral Good (During Inquisition)
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-“You are who you choose to follow.” Someone told me that once. Took me years to understand what he meant.
-At the heart of it, all a Warden is, is a promise. To protect others... even at the cost of your own life. 
-(What can one Grey Warden do?) "Save the fucking world if pressed.
Cole: Neutral Good
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-It is dangerous when too many men in the same armor think they're right. 
-It doesn't matter that they won't remember me. What matters is I helped. 
-(What of Magister Erimond? Do you sense a secret pain in him?) No. Erimond is an asshole.  
Leliana: Neutral Good (if unhardened), True Neutral (if hardened)
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The Chantry has committed many injustices. If we're going to change it, why not change the whole thing?
I've known mages. Some of them were better people than me. And yet I'm free and they're not. It's not right.
No one is without worth. Whoever you are, whatever your mistakes, you are loved. Unconditionally.
Josephine: Neutral Good
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- We face a dark time, Your Grace. Divine Justinia would not want her passing to divide us. She would, in fact, trust us to forge new alliances to the benefit of all, no matter how strange they might seem.
-(I can only imagine the bloodshed if it escalates further.) I’m afraid history holds many examples of what will happen if it does.
-But it was such a waste, Inquisitor! When I took of his mask I knew him. We’d attended parties together. If I’d stopped to reason, if I’d used my voice instead of scuffling like a common thug...
Cullen Rutherford: Neutral Good (even more so if kept off of Lyrium. Lawful Good if he takes Lyrium)
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-The templars should have restored order, but red lyrium had driven Knight-Commander Meredith mad. She threatened to kill Kirkwall’s Champion, turned on her own men. I’m not sure how far she would have gone. Too far.
-(Why did you join the Order?) I could think of no better calling than to protect those in need.
-(I doubt the Commander believes there’s anything worthy left in me.) You’re not wrong. But you served something greater than yourself once. Perhaps you can be made to remember that.
-Shouldn’t they be arguing over who’s going to become Divine?
Morrigan: True Neutral
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-No son of mine would be raised in a marsh, bereft of contact with the outside world. His future will be difficult enough without my adding to his burden.
-The magic of old must be preserved. No matter how feared.
-What I fear, what all should fear, is not that Corypheus believes he can succeed; ‘tis that he actually may.
-Mankind blunders through the world, crushing what it does not understand; elves, dragons, magic...the list is endless. We must stem the tide, or be left with nothing more than the mundane. This I know to be true.
Corypheus: Neutral Evil 
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Know me. Know what you have pretended to be. Exalt the Elder One. The will that is Corypheus. You will kneel.
-I have gathered the will to return under no name but my own, to champion withered Tevinter and correct this Blighted world. Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty.
The Nightmare: Chaotic Evil
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The Divine: It is the Nightmare you forget upon waking. It feeds off memories of fear and darkness, growing fat upon the terror.
-Are you afraid, Cole? I can help you forget. Just like you help other people. We're so very much alike, you and I. 
Cole: No.
-You think that pain will make you stronger? What fool filled your mind with such drivel? The only one who grows stronger from your fear is me.
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dragonagecompanions · 5 years
DAI- The companions and advisors reaction to coming face to face with an Inquisitor who betrayed them before being utterly defeated. 
I love Evil!Inquisitor with all my heart. (Mage Inky uses a dagger now because yes. I feel as tho romances would be the same. I also couldn’t find the original ask for this and I may or may not have spent more than 12 pages writing this.)
-Mod Other
(Guys, this is as far as Mod Other got. She is not writing as much for the blog, but we wanted to share what she finished before stepping back)
Cassandra- If someone had told her that after Have, the Inquisitor, was working with the enemy and would betray them, she’d laugh. But now standing in another destroyed village she would believe them. Corypheus, the Inquisitor, and their army always seemed one step ahead of them. What remained of the Inquisition looked hopeless, felt hopeless but she would not give up. they traveled to village after village with no avail. Night began to fall on their camp, she and Varric were the only Inner Circle members there, the others were all in their own camps or on a mission. She lingered in her tent, nerves of uncertainty filled her. The thought of failure all to real. Still, they had a long day tomorrow and sleep called for her. When it was finally going to take her she heard telling from outside. It was not the normal commotion of a camp, but the rousing’s of battle. Sleep went away and was replaced with adrenaline as she quickly put on her armor. As she went outside, of all the people around her, she only saw just one. The Inquisitor, the one who had caused all of the pain and suffering. They did not look anything like how she remembered. what was once an inviting face was now looked cold and uninterested with the world around them. She could see the red in their eyes and the corrupted veins on their hand and face. They saw her and a twisted smile spread on their face, as if they finally found someone worth fighting. She could only stare before the anger came and she charged at them, but they were ready. Their fight seemed to last for hours, but it was just mere minutes. Her body ached with every successful strike they landed, the Inquisitor only seemed to get stronger with every hit. As she prepared to land another blow, she lowered her shield, and she felt it. Hot, searing pain in her abdomen. The smallest of all noises escaped her lips as she fell to the ground, she did not know what hurt more, the blade going in or it going out. All she could do was watch helplessly as they walked away. All she could think is that they won. Corypheus and the Inquisitor have won, the Inquisition failed. For the first time since Anthony died, she feels tears burn her face as she falls into darkness.
Varric- Writing letter in the middle of a war was hard, even more so when you’re in the middle of a battle. The camp was cold and dark but it didn’t bother him. He needed to try and contact the other Inner Circle members given that he and Cass were the only ones in the camp. He didn’t want to admit it but the Inquisition was loosing. So many had died, Ferelden and Orlais were falling apart, and Hawke and the Hero of Ferelden were missing. He was so lost in his letters that he barely noticed when his tent opened and in came the former Inquisitor. Then he could hear it, the yelling, fighting, steel on steel, magic being cast. He could only stare at them. they weren’t the person he knew. They stood still, blood dripping from their blade, and traces of red on their eyes and face. “Hmph, what took you so long?” He said oh so softly. He makes no move as they draw closer to him, he was tired of running,of fighting. Closing his eyes he remembered all the good in his life and felt a tear slip down his face,”Maybe, things could’ve been different.
Blackwall- When his own secret was revealed, the Inquisitor took him back, “You had good intentions, perhaps the wrong way to act upon them, but you did try.” He didn’t understand why they didn’t just leave him to die, he thanked them, now believing that anyone could find redemption. But, he didn’t want to give them a chance. While he impersonated a Warden,they were the reason a war had started, why it had gotten worse. The battles were hard fought, lasting for days. He didn’t know how many had been killed, but he knew that Cassandra and Varric had gone dark. He didn’t want anymore to die but would only want the blood of two others. When he came face to face with the Inquisitor at a village by themselves, he felt only hate. They seemed so lifeless, as if they were just a puppet, moving to the commands of its master. Bodies were scattered around them and they were covered in blood. He steeled himself, as much as they were an evil bastard, they were once a friend. He raised his sword, shield, and he charged. They deflected easily and unleashed their own attacks. Steel on steel rang in his ears, and after a series of successful hard blows he knocked them down. As he raised his sword to land the killing blow, he felt a sharp pain in his back followed by another and another. He looked behind him and saw Venatori and red Templar Archers as he looked back down at the Inquisitor they had a sadistic smile on their face. They pushed him to the ground and stood up smoothly. They picked up their own weapon and dangled it close to his neck before walking off. He heard them yell something to the archers and when he turned ot face them he saw them all with their bows drawn. He closed his eyes and prayed for the first time in many years and asked the Maker to forgive him.
Vivienne- She was leading a group of mages back to the remains of an Inquisition camp. They were to look for survivors, but she knew what they were going to find. Cassandra and Varric hadn’t responded to any correspondence but they all knew what that meant. Blackwall was also missing afer he set off on his own. Still, she kept her calm facade when in reality she was terrified.When they go to the camp she immediately noticed something was wrong. Thats when the Red Templar horrors came, making quick work of the less skilled mages. She fought them off, using her skills as a Knight Enchanter and ice magic. But she was the only one left standing and the horrors stopped. she could feel someone behind her and when she turned she saw the Inquisitor, “Quite the show, Madame de Fer, but not quite good enough I’m afraid.” Just by the lines on their face she could tell that red Lyrium was taking their mind. “Thank you Herald, but I’m afraid that you won’t be alive long enough to watch the rest of it.” The laughed darkly and only said,”My, my, Vivienne, quite the bravado, ‘Afraid that won’t help you. Just ask Cassandra, or Varric, or Blackwall. Oh, silly me. I forgot they’re dead.” She felt the disgust boil up inside her. As she charged a spell in her hand, she forgot about the red Templar horrors behind her. She did’t understand why they didn’t move until it was too late, the claws ripped through her back and burst through her chest. The spell discharged and she could feel fire inside her. “Oh Vivienne, you should have listened.” They walked away as the horrors continued to rip through her and she felt tears slip down her cheeks. Yet, she found solace in knowing that she would rejoin her beloved Bastien soon.
Iron bull- He was angry. The Ben-Hasrath warned him but he didn’t listen. Now he led the Chargers through an old ruin on a scouting mission. They needed to find a safe place to hide and regroup after getting word that more of the Inner Circle members were dead or missing. The Inquisition was falling apart with each new day. He was terrified but wouldn’t let it show. In the ruin it felt off, it felt too quiet, too calm. He signaled for the Chargers to get into formation. They moved slowly into the main chamber and into the center of the old building. That’s when the first shot came. It hit Skinner right in the chest and she fell to the ground with a soft thud. Stitches rushed to her side as Krem blocked them both with his shield. Grim, Dalish, and Rocky began to move to where the arrow was shot from. Bull remained calm and gestured to the far left hand side of the building. Yet, before they could reach it, a hail of arrows rained down on them. None of them stood a chance. Krem and Bull only standing because of their armor, but they were hurt badly. “Oh how the morning mighty fall.” He knew that voice. It was the Inquisitor. “Come out you coward!” He could hear their footsteps echo in the empty hall. They stood over him, evil in their eyes. “You think you’re so great? You don’t even do your own dirty work, Boss.” “What would it matter who kills you? We all die in the end.” They lifted up their marked hand and in the quiet he could hear archers drawing back their bows. He closed his eyes and waited for a sting of pain but it never came, instead, a noise from beside him and Krem laid in a pool of blood. “I’LL KILL YOU!” He pushes through the pain and charged but before he reached them, a Red Templar Knight came in and knocked him to the ground and dragged him to a crumbling pillar. “This will be your tomb.” They walked away with their minions in tow. When he watched the doors close behind them, he had hope that the remaining Inquisition members would come for him, but then the walls around him began to crumble and crash all around him.
Sera- She knew this was serious and her normally carefree and joking attitude was gone. Even more with the death of so many Inner Circle members and missing Red Jenny’s. But she was still reckless, which is why she was at a Venatori camp by herself. The remaining Jenny’s said that he Inquisitor was there, and she just wanted them dead for hurting so many people. She saw them sitting on the outer edge of the cam away from everyone else. She felt the hate burn in her and so she took aim with her bow, but before she could draw back fully, she was yanked back by an unseen figure and pulled to where the Inquisitor was. She fought against them and as they neared the Inquisitor they seemed angry that their peace was ruined, but then they saw her and just smiled. “Well, what a lovely surprise, but you were never one for subtlety.” “Go to hell.” “Such a temper. Oh Sera, what am I to do with you?” She spat in their face but they made no move other than wiping their face. “Tsk. Shame your on the wrong side, we could have used someone like you. Just toss her in the hole, she doesn’t deserve to die by my hand.” The templars dragged her but she didn’t go easy. When they reached the ‘hole’ they tossed her in. Sera only thought she was afraid of ‘The Nothing’ but, the dark was too much.
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abysslain · 5 years
Hawke’s relationship with Anders was an interesting one. Almost from the very start he took a great liking to him, they got along extremely well --- almost like they’d known one another their whole lives. It was likely due to both of them not only being mages, but spirit healers as well, a daring and difficult specialization that requires a strong heart, a strong mind, and a strong desire to help others.
Not to mention, Hawke was always, always very loudly pro-mage to the point it made his family fear for him and attempt to quiet his very loud mouth. He never hid his distaste for Templars, even if he was forced to play nice with them during his time in Kirkwall. It was a wonder that he didn’t get forced from his estate and tossed into the Circle. So he was always in support of Anders’ own feelings regarding Templars, the Circle of Magi, and the overall plight of mages in Thedas.
He viewed Anders as one of his closest companions ( the other two being Varric and Fenris, because fuck BW for what they did with Fenris’ development, it’s my city now ), to the point where he even offered that the other mage could live with him if he wanted to ( regardless of whether their relationship was romantic or platonic ). Because he cared about him, and wanted him to be safe, and Hawke had enough influence to keep the Templars off of Anders’ back. To the point where he opened up about his own trauma, his own emotions he kept bottled up, all of the pain that clawed at his heart and mind; as everything grew more intense over a decade, as his emotions became harder to control and hide away.
So with tensions threatening to burst between the Templars and the mages that was fueled by the Knight-Commander’s abuse of power, Anders’ behavior growing more unpredictable, secretive, the amount of stress and pressure on every person in Kirkwall caused a slight rift in their companionship. At least one that was big enough that Anders didn’t tell Hawke the truth about his plans.
And when it happened, when he looked upon that mighty explosion that lit up the sky with red, he was filled with shock, with rage, with hurt. He felt lied to, used, betrayed. What did those last few years mean, then? Hawke had to wonder if at the end, Anders only saw him as a tool, his mind too clouded by Justice’s judgment while Compassion desperately reached out to Anders to soothe and understand, only for Hawke to lock it away from someone he cared so much for.
But he allowed Anders to live, he allowed Anders to remain and fight so long as he agreed to leave if he did not die in the battle.
His anger was less about what Anders did --- because he understood why such a drastic measure was taken, he knew peace was getting them nowhere --- and more that he was lied to. That this secret was kept from him. That Anders never told him what he was planning while also having him help with his plans. In fact, he may have even still willingly helped if he knew. Here’s banter I wrote for a meme on my old blog last year:
Some time after the main events of Inquisition, before Trespasser.
Hawke: It takes a lot of bravery to show your face after what you did. Anders: I have no reason to be ashamed. My only regret is having lied to you. Hawke: No need to start waxing poetic about how oh-so terrible you feel about manipulating me. Anders: I knew if I told the truth, you wouldn’t help me. Hawke: Wouldn’t I?
Even despite his anger, he still cared. If he didn’t care so much, he wouldn’t have gotten as angry as he did. After the battle, after Hawke and his companions scattered throughout Thedas to throw any opposing forces off of their trail, he lost any contact with Anders and figured it was for the best. He was still angry, and knew that anger would take a long time to fade-- if it ever did, of course.
Meeting him again would be difficult, but he knows it will happen sooner or later.
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gremlinquisitor · 5 years
I have a prompt for you! “Are you jealous?” with Alistair :)
for @dadrunkwriting and @will-and-her-fandoms, after far too long - Cullen and Alistair at Skyhold, with a brief mention of Hawke. 
~1800 words, Cullen/Alistair, good for all ages, fade to black (if I upped the rating it would likely never get posted)
Read it here on AO3
“Come in.” Cullen doesn’t look up from the reports at the knock on the door. This time of night most people are asleep. Those who aren’t are welcome, and those who wouldn’t be welcome wouldn’t knock.
And those who wouldn’t be welcome, but would knock, are at least worth letting in before he fights them.
The corner of his mouth quirks up, and he shakes his head. It must be late; his mind is starting to wander. But he wants to have read all of these at least once before the morning, making notes in the margins, suggestions to bring to the table tomorrow. The Inquisitor’s independence grows daily, and he’s glad to see it, but he’s more glad when they come to decisions together around the war table.
He looks up, curious to see who other than him is still awake. He’s met by a familiar uniform in blue and iron grey, and a face somehow more and less familiar at once.
“Alistair.” He sets his quill aside and falls back in his chair, all but knocked back by surprise to see his old roommate. “They really are just letting anyone into the Inquisition these days.”
Alistair shrugs, lines at the corners of his eyes when he grins. He’s only just inside the door, arms folded across his chest, regarding him with a warm gaze that Cullen isn’t sure what to do with.
“I heard that Hawke had a friend, a Warden, that would be coming here to help us, but I never thought--” He stops himself, shaking his head and smiling back at Alistair. It’s a lie. Cullen had thought, as soon as he’d heard. Alistair had been the first name he’d thought of, even before the Hero of Ferelden. He’d thought, but he hadn’t dared to hope. It seemed too much to ask for after all this time. Alistair deserves peace, and he won’t find that here. But then it turned out to be true, and Cullen retreated to his office, his fear of what Alistair might think of him now overwhelming his desire to see him again.
“Oh, I had to come,” Alistair replies, taking a step towards the desk and settling his weight. “I had to see it for myself. Cullen Rutherford, Commander of the Inquisition’s forces? Teacher’s pet, finally given up on the Order?”
“Weren’t you supposed to be King or something?” Cullen fires back with a grin, hands folded on his chest. His heart flutters underneath them, every word feeling like a victory, a triumph that he’s able to speak at all.
“Nah.” Alistair scrunches his nose when he shakes his head, as if Cullen asked about a second helping of vegetables rather than the crown. “Queen Anora does a fine job without me, and I’m happier in this life.”
Cullen believes it, too. Alistair looks older but no worse for that, the last of the boyish roundness gone from his face, an easy confidence in his stance that Cullen doesn’t recall from their days together. He’s grown into a fine soldier, no doubt. He was never ambitious but always dedicated, wanted to be good at everything they were learning. And he was.
He’d been more of a natural at it than Cullen, but Cullen had kept up by sheer force of will, practicing at all hours, reading, sleeping, breathing the training until it started to feel like instinct, until he’d stopped having to think so much. It had frustrated him, that what he’d always wanted had turned out to be so difficult to achieve; even more so knowing that Alistair’s heart wasn’t in it.
“What about you?” Alistair asks, head tilted slightly. “How have you been?”
Cullen sighs, running a hand through his hair to scratch at the back of his neck. “Eleven years is a long time. Where do you want me to start?”
“I hear things,” Alistair replies. “I was in Kirkwall, briefly. I couldn’t believe you were there,” he breathes. “I couldn’t believe you were in another Circle.”
He crosses the room as he talks, arms falling to hang loosely at his sides, his steps slow, heavy. Deliberate, as he comes to stand beside Cullen’s chair, resting his weight on the corner of the desk.
“After Kinloch, I thought--”
Cullen looks up at him. “I couldn’t just leave. I… I wasn’t ready to stop being a Templar.”
It’s more complicated than that, and Cullen suspects that they both know it.
“And now?” Alistair asks, watching him with a gaze that Cullen would almost think was knowing, but his lyrium abstinence is a closely-held secret that not even Alistair would know.
“Now I’m doing this,” Cullen replies, spreading his hands wide. “I couldn’t keep following the Templars, not after…”
Alistair nods, the corners of his mouth pulling down. He saw Kirkwall, and what he hasn’t seen, Cullen assumes he’s heard.
“So… you and Hawke.” He’s had the words sitting on his tongue since he knew that Alistair was in Skyhold, and he hasn’t come up with a way of putting it that doesn’t sound like he’s asking about something he doesn’t want to know about. Or at least that he’s told himself he doesn’t want to know about.
Alistair sees through him immediately, one corner of his mouth pulling up into a smirk as he tilts his head, looking down at Cullen out of the corner of his eye. “Yes. She tracked me down to ask for my help with this red lyrium.”
Cullen is careful not to nod, doing his best to look surprised. With Hawke in Skyhold, Leliana saw an opening, sending Varric and some help to rescue two of her people from the dungeon of the Keep. The Prince’s research into red lyrium could be useful, but Cassandra insisted that asking for it would get them nothing. He suspects her mistrust is a holdover from when she went to him in search of Hawke, but Leliana had agreed to sending agents. He’s not surprised to hear that Hawke was helping Sebastian, but he is surprised that she would think a Grey Warden could be of use with their investigation.
“Why you?” Cullen asks. “You never even started taking it before you left for the Wardens.”
Alistair shrugs. “Desperation, I suppose. The Wardens need lyrium, even if I don’t. Deep Roads, Blight… Warden stuff.” He sighs. “I couldn’t help much, though. Warden-Commander Clarel was-- is looking for me, so I had to disappear for a while.”
“What do you think of her?” A dozen different ways to ask that question and that’s the one his treacherous brain decides on. It’s as if the mantle on his shoulders shrinks when he flushes under Alistair’s curious gaze; he’s too warm in his skin and everything he’s wearing fits poorly. He’d meant to ask if Alistair thought she could be trusted, if she seems stable. If she’s still haunted by Kirkwall the way he is, or some other way.
Alistair slides off the corner of the desk and steps up close into Cullen’s space. “Are you jealous?”
Cullen sputters, but doesn’t manage an answer before Alistair continues, smug and grinning.
“I think you are jealous, but for the life of me I can’t tell of whom, or why.”
Maker’s Breath, but he wants it to be a ridiculous accusation. There’s nothing there to be jealous of; he and Hawke were unlikely last-minute allies in their best moments, and he and Alistair… Well. A few stolen kisses behind the healer’s cabin all those years ago hardly give him any right to be jealous.
“Hawke’s a capable fighter, but she’s not you. She’s got a quick mind, as well, but she’s still not you.” He leans down, so close that his nose brushes against Cullen’s cheekbone, and his breath is warm on Cullen’s ear. “I could’ve stayed in that cave in Crestwood, you know. It’s a better hiding place, but you’re not there.”
The kiss is little more than a brush of Alistair’s lips to the corner of Cullen’s mouth. It could almost seem like a mistake. He can’t be sure that Alistair thought of him at all since then, and if he has, what sort of thoughts could they have been? Cullen curled up on the floor of Kinloch Hold, begging for death? Cullen in Kirkwall, broken but obedient, complicit in the start of a war? Is that what he wants Alistair to think of, if he thinks of him at all?
Cullen turns his head to catch Alistair’s mouth before he’s moved away. He thrills at the soft, delighted sound that Alistair makes when his kiss is answered, when Alistair smiles and pushes back just enough to eliminate any thought that this might not be what he wants.
The angle is awkward, but that’s solved easily enough when Cullen surges to his feet, catching Alistair’s face in his hands. He brushes his thumbs along Alistair’s cheeks, breathing in the scent of leather and metal and the road as he kisses him. Their noses bump as they both move at once, trying to figure out how they fit together now.
“How far under here are you?” Alistair mumbles as he tries to find somewhere on Cullen’s sides to touch that isn’t covered in armor or layer upon layer of cloth. He settles for grabbing hold of Cullen’s hips and pulling, not closing his mouth again after he’s spoken, catching Cullen’s lower lip between his own.
It sends sparks through him, tickling under his skin and lighting up inside him, and Cullen finds himself smiling back at Alistair.
“Stay the night and you can find out.”
Everything stops. Alistair goes still against him, then pulls back to look into his eyes. Cullen’s smile wilts, and he lets go of Alistair’s face as he takes a step away. It was too bold a suggestion, too soon, if it would ever have been wanted at all, and he feels panic squeeze a cold hand around his throat.
Alistair studies his face for a moment, wide-eyed with furrowed brows. “You-- Would you really want that? Me, here?”
Cullen nods, his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth and not nearly enough blood going to his brain for him to form a more cohesive answer.
This time when Alistair kisses him, there’s real force behind it, need and intent as he wraps his hand around the back of Cullen’s neck and starts to guide both of them towards the ladder.
“You sleep up there?” Alistair mutters, and Cullen nods again. “Still under a pile of furs that would warm half of Ferelden?”
Cullen chuckles, breaking the kiss when they reach the base of the ladder. “Why don’t you get up there and see for yourself. I’ll be right behind.”
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bisexualryder · 5 years
@bosmerie I hope you don’t mind I borrowed your girl, seeing this post gave me a small spark of inspiration. It’s terrible, unedited, and really just a rewrite of the scene that I vomited onto evernote in an hour, but enjoy?
"You conniving little shit!"
Cery grimaced on her way up the steps. 'A disturbance in the smithy' that sent her here was a tremendous understatement. It seemed, however, Varric's constant fear of Cassandra killing him - especially now - were not without warrant. As the scuffle grew even louder, she began to take the steps to at a time to arrive quicker. She didn't even pause, to wait to know what was going on.
"Enough!" She commanded, her voice ratcheting off the rafters.
"You're taking his side?"
"I said enough!"
Blissful, albeit awkward, silence settled for the moment in the wake of her final shout. For all anyone knew, there was an avalanche happening somewhere nearby to Skyhold after a commanding boom like that. Not that she'd come here with intentions to yell at either of them, but necessity dictated the act regardless of her feelings. Cery took a breath and, now, took a moment to examine the scene. One poor table barely kept Cassandra and Varric apart. One of the chair was laying haphazard against the railing, another against the wall by the stairs. She frowned.
"Is this really helping matters?"
Cassandra spoke first, her voice was low and laced with frustration. "We needed someone to lead this Inquisition. First, Leliana and I searched for the Hero of Ferelden, but she had vanished. Then, we looked for Hawke, but they were gone, too. We thought it all connected, but no. It was just you." A growl sat at the back of Cassandra's throat as she took half a step toward Varric. "You kept Hawke from us."
"The Inquisition has a leader," Varric countered, gesturing to Cery.
"Hawke would have been at the Conclave! If anyone could have saved Most Holy..."
"We don't know that," Cery cut in, though her voice was soft. A star contrast against her entrance.
Though she hadn't exactly intended to agree with Varric, he nodded and seemed to jump on the opening. "I was protecting my friend," he added.
"Varric is a liar. A snake." Cassandra curled her lip, venom dripping from her tone. "Even after the Conclave, when we needed Hawke most, Varric kept their secret."
"Hawke's here now! We're on the same side."
There was a slight sway in Cassandra's step. For the first time since she arrived, Cery began to wonder how much she may have had to drink before this. She shrugged it off for the moment and took a step between them.
"Attacking him now won't help, Cassandra."
Varric smirked. "Exactly!"
Cery whirled her attention on him. "And you better not be keeping anything else from us."
Cassandra had finally deflated, sighing and turning away from both of them. "I must not think of what could have been. We have so much at stake." Another sigh escaped her lips. "Go, Varric. Just... go."
He hesitated, then turned and headed toward the stairs. When he paused, as if he was going to speak again, Cery shot him a look that could murder a cleric. Varric reconsidered immediately, silently departing from their company.
When he was out of earshot, Cassandra began to speak again, breaking the silence. She sounded defeated, more so than Cery had ever heard from her. From the woman who so confidently believed in her, told the Chancellor to back off, who declared the rebirth of the Inquisition. In that moment hearing the weary, defeated tone, Cery felt her heart break for Cassandra.
"I.... believe him. He spun his story for me and I swallowed it without question." She sighed, turning and heading to sit on the one chair still sitting upright. "If it's just explained what was at stake... if I'd just made him understand..." she sat down, slumping forward in the chair. "But I didn't, did I? I didn't explain why we needed Hawke. I am such a fool." Her voice trailed off nearly into a whisper.
Cery followed her over, kneeling in front of her and setting her hands on Cassandra's knees. "It's not your fault. You had no way of knowing."
"This... isn't about Hawke, or even Varric." Cassandra admitted. She avoided eye contact a moment, staring down at her hands. "I should have been more careful. I should have been smarter. I... don't deserve to be here." She shook her head, shifting her eyes up to meet Cery's gaze.
Cery offered a reassuring smile. "Have you looked at our Inquisition, Cassandra? We're all fools here."
She was rewarded with a gentle laugh, even if it was only half-hearted Cery took the small victory. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
For a moment, Cery paused and thought, then shook her head. "No, but this is." Leaning forward, before she lost her nerve, she pressed her lips to Cassandra's in a kiss. Happily swallowing her startled gasp, she shifted her weight to one hand, freeing the other to reach up and trace a finger along the scar across Cassandra's jaw. There was a sweetness Cery could taste, answering the lingering question of whether Cassandra had consumed alcohol first, but Cery found she didn’t quite care anymore.
A deep, surprisingly content, sigh escaped Cassandra's lips when they pulled apart. Without hesitation now, she looked into Cery's eyes. "You should know, I don't have any regrets." The barest hints of a smile touched her features. "Maybe if we'd found Hawke or the Hero of Ferelden, the Maker wouldn't have needed to send you."
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mythalsknickers · 5 years
“Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.” For DA DWC for any pairing you wish! :D :D
Title: In the Darkest HourPairing: Cullen x Drysi AmellRating: TWord Count: 1329Warning/Tags: Not Inquisitor Character, Blood Magic Mention, Hawke does not die, or LoghainCC: @dadrunkwriting
This was honestly very interesting to write, I thought it was going to be sweet and fluffy. But Adamant seemed to be the one that needed to be written. I could not kill off my Hawke or Loghain. I hope you enjoy this.
Adamant. She had never thought she would get to see the fortress. After all, why would she ever need to go to the Western Approach?  Drysi clenched her hands as rocks slammed into the walls of the fortress. Sucking in a breath Drysi outstretched her hands, watching them shake.
“Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and do not falter.” She could feel it as the fade struggled under the assault. Blood Magic. Her hands tensed, she was forcing the shaking to go away. Taking a deep breath she pulled on the magic, willing it to knit this soldier’s skin together.
One by one, sometimes more then she could count the wounded were brought it. This she could handle, killing men she knew though, or knew of that was worse than facing another blight.  Her body ached, craving just a drop from the blue vials on her belt. She had her limit any more, and she ran the risk of her magic depleting too fast. Reaching up to her neck,  her hand wrapped around the amulet. Her eyes closed with worry. Cullen. He was a brilliant tactician, and he and Loghain had both gone over the strategy thousands of times. It didn’t stop the worry that clung to her.
“Commander Amell!” Her heart froze, and as her eyes snapped open, they were as hard as ice. A scout stood at the edge of the tent seeming to try and pick her out. Glancing at the other healers she quickly beckoned one to her wounded.  Grabbing her grimoire from the table she quickly fastened it to her belt, followed by her staff being slung across her back.
Her strides were long as she quickly weaved through the nurses, healers, and surgeons. Reaching the edge of the tent she looked up at the scout. It had been enough time for Drysi Amell, Healer to be replaced with the Commander of the Grey. Taking a breath she met his eyes.
“Report!” it was familiar, a habit that had developed during the blight, and then during the Darkspawn incursions in Amaranthine.
“Commander Rutherford and Inquisitor Lavellan ask for you at the front… Sir! er Ma’am…er Serah…My Lady!” The poor scout, he couldn’t decide on a title. Shaking her head she sighed.
“Sir is fine, Commander is easier. Are you to escort me?” She tilted her head, short dark waves of hair covering one icy eye rather rebelliously. Cullen was alive. Thank Andraste’s Blessed Fire and the Maker.
“No Commander, Commander Rutherford is waiting at the Fortress.” She nodded, slipping her gloves on. As she walked past the scout she patted him on the shoulder.
Each step brought her closer to the inevitable truth. The Order had gone too far.  They had kept secrets from the most senior members, allowed a single vulnerability to the order go unchecked for maker knows how many years, and now this. As Adamant loomed over her little more than smoking ruins. Drysi knew in her heart, she could no longer in good conscious call herself or her men Grey Wardens. Everything they had stood for; gone because they played themselves into this hand.
Soldiers and Scouts alike jogged in and out of the Fortress, many carrying wounded.  Stepping around the siege equipment and the remains of ancient walls.  She spotted him, hand resting on his sword, golden hair well beyond being tamed and his red mantle. Her lips pulled at a slight smile.
“Cullen!” she called walking over to him, it was informal but all of Skyhold knew they well were something more then friends. At her call, he stopped issuing orders and jogged over to her.  There was no hesitation as he pulled her into his arms. Drysi clung to him, it only lasted a moment but it was enough.
“Drysi, the Inquisitor, is asking for a Senior Warden. The surviving Grey Wardens have no one to turn to. She is also asking your recommendation on what to do with the order.” He was apologizing, she could hear it in his tone of voice and see it in his eyes.
“I understand.” she gave a firm nod, so it fell to her. While Loghain held a senior rank here…she was a Commander of the Grey.  She was the only one who could say with definitive authority what to do with these wardens. “Go with me?” she tilted her head hoping he would.“As long as you hold my hand, my lady.”  He offered her hand, and she gave him no hesitation. Taking his hand, she let him lead her through the ruined keep. As they walked a quiet hush fell over the Wardens. They knew she had their fate in her hands, her uniform, her scars told them exactly who she was. The Hero of Ferelden.  Veteran of the Fifth Blight, Vanquisher of the Archdemon Urthemiel. Titles she knew by heart.Letting go of Cullen’s hand she stepped onto the dais with the Inquisitor, gesturing for her to turn away from the crowd. They spoke privately. She needed to address them. They were terrified, they believed they failed, this defeat had shattered their resolve. As they turned back towards the crowd she shook the Inquisitor’s hand with a smile.“In war victory, in peace vigilance, in death sacrifice.” She licked her lips looking over the crowd of mages and the few warriors who had survived. She barely caught Loghain’s reassuring smile. “A wise woman, once told me we are not just standing vigilant against Darkspawn, but the hubris of magic gone astray. The magic we fight against from the moment of our joining, the Blight. Today we have failed.” The crowd began to murmur and shift and she could see some of the mages beginning to reach for their own grimoires and tomes.“I am not here to cast judgment on the ritual done here,” she announced raising her hands. “I am here as your sister, to make you see reason. It was not just one failure that brought you to this defeat, this miscalculation, this terror, and this false calling you now feel!” She screamed her chest heaving. “I live with it every day, and I am here to tell you The Grey Wardens of Ferelden, have no blighted blood or calling. There is a reason a Warden King sits on Ferelden’s throne unaffected by fighting in the last blight!” The crowd fell silent, awe and curiosity replaced doubt and fear. There was no clattering of plate or jangle of scale mail.
“It was not  Weisshaupt that found this cure. It was Wiesshaupt that kept Corypheus a secret, it was Wiesshaupt who fell silent. We were failed by the very order we pledged our lives to!” She turned to the Inquisitor giving a soft smile.  “I humbly recommend Lady Inquisitor, that the Grey Wardens of Orlais be absorbed into the ranks of the Grey Wardens of Ferelden. Under my command to be reformed into a new order to protect against the blight with a modified joining.”The silence hung through the air, and tensions mounted. She could see it in the Wardens, they were worried, some doubted her. However, they wanted to know what the Inquisitor would allow. “I will permit this Commander Amell, however for the time being it will be with Inquisition supervision.” She smiled as the wardens all seemed relieved. 
It was one battle. She turned smiling at Cullen stepping down to him. With him at her side, she could face it all. As she wrapped her arms around Cullen’s neck, the fade tore another rift opened and behind them. A bloodied Carys Hawke stumbled out the rift.“What’d I miss?” She staggered, holding her broken staff in her hand. “Oof! Varric!” the woman cried as the dwarf barreled into. Only her cousin.
“I am never going to escape your Cousin am I?” she smiled at Cullen and shook her head. No, he wouldn’t Amells stuck together through everything.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 5 years
Consider This (1/?)
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Varric/Marian Hawke
Rating: T
Summary: As far as Varric is concerned, Cassandra's been reading too many romance novels. There's no way he could be in love with Hawke and not know it. That sort of thing doesn't happen in real life. Besides, Hawke's just his friend, right?
...Uh oh.
[ @servantofclio suggested the premise of Cassandra figuring out Varric is in love before he does and I had to write it]
AO3 link | I do commissions!
Cassandra slammed him against the wooden railing so hard it almost knocked the breath out of his lungs. Her nails dug into his shoulders through the thick leather of his jacket. If Cassandra had been a mage, Varric was pretty sure she’d have burned a hole through his skull with that look.  
“You knew! You knew where she was all along, and you lied!”
He shoved her off of him and glared right back. Normally this was the part where he would try and defuse the situation, or get away, but not this time. Not about this.  
“You’re damn right I did!”
When she balled up her fist and swung, Varric reconsidered his stance on running. At the very least, he should be out of arm’s reach. Only once a table was firmly in between the two of them did he say “I wasn’t going to hand Hawke over to you on a silver platter just because you asked!”
“I did not ask, I arrested you!”
“Exactly!  You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! Did you seriously think after everything you put me through I’d willingly let you get within five hundred feet of her?”
Varric wasn’t sure when Adaar had arrived at the top of the stairs, but she was there now, looming as only an angry qunari could. Varric was relatively sure she wouldn’t throw him out the window, but even pointed at Cassandra, that look made him nervous.
“You can’t be taking his side!” Cassandra protested.
“Enough.” Adaar’s voice was sharp as steel and brooked no argument. Varric kept a wary eye on Cassandra all the same.
“He is a liar and a snake and he cannot be trusted!” the seeker snapped.
“I was protecting my friend!” Varric snapped.
And then something...weird happened. Not all, but some of Cassandra’s anger drained away. Her expression softened. The look in her eyes was still angry, still betrayed, but also sad.
“I know why you did it, Varric,” she said and the tone of her voice was just as strange and upsetting as the look. “That does not make it right.”
Which was weirder, the sudden change in her demeanor, or the fact that she was being downright reasonable (for her, anyway)?
“What is, is,” Adaar said. “Yelling changes nothing. Neither does hitting him,” she added sternly. Cassandra huffed and looked away. Adaar waited another moment, but when no further reaction came, she looked at Varric. “I want to trust you. No more secrets.”
Varric started to protest, but, shit, she was right.
“I know. I was-- I know. But I’m on your side!”
Cassandra was giving him that look again. It was more upsetting than the violence.
“Varric has his own priorities, Inquisitor. They are not the Inquisitions, and I doubt they ever will be.”
Varric finally recognized the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes, and was horrified to realize it was sympathy.
He couldn’t stop thinking about it. The conversation kept replaying over and over in his head as he desperately tried to pinpoint what had changed Cassandra’s mood so abruptly. She’d been ready to if not kill, then at least seriously maim him, then the next second she was...sympathetic. To him. About lying to her.
Had she gone crazy? Gotten so angry she just snapped completely? It was hard to say for sure, since she’d spent the last two days avoiding him. He was just fine with that, thanks, not quite trusting her not to decide to finish the job she’d started, but there was one line in particular that he kept getting stuck on.
I know why you did it.
Not, I understand. I know. Like it wasn’t new information. Like she’d known something like this was going to happen. The accusation about his priorities was also galling, mostly because he had the unsettling suspicion that she was right. He could put all of his time and energy and resources into the Inquisition, work himself to the bone to build it up, and he would. He’d be proud of that. But Varric knew, in his heart, that if it ever came down to choosing between the Inquisition and Hawke, he wouldn’t hesitate. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to.
I know why you did it.
More than anything the curiosity was killing him. The sneaking and the avoiding his eyes and the sympathy (he was still freaking out about that). After two days of wondering and worrying and overthinking, he had to recognize that there was no way he was going to figure this out on his own. Also, it was consuming a little too much of his attention -- Hawke was starting to complain that he was letting her win their card games.
There was nothing for it: he was going to have to ask.
He knew he couldn’t just waltz up to Cassandra in the middle of the day and expect her to spill. Or, slightly more concerning, she would and it would be something he didn’t want other people to overhear. His best shot at getting answers was to get her alone -- normally something he avoided in the name of personal safety, but needs must.
"Seeker," he said politely, maintaining a safe distance as Cassandra swung her sword. She jumped, startled, and the flat of the sword bounced off the dummy's wooden neck. When Cassandra whirled around to glare at him, Varric took another step back. But when she saw it was him, her eyes went wide..  
"Oh," she said. "Hello. How...how are you doing?" She said it like she'd read it in a book labelled 'how to be polite'. A book she had skimmed and abandoned halfway through.
"Are you--" He was about to say 'being nice to me', but changed his mind at the last second. Answers first, mockery later. Or much later, depending on how angry she still was. “I wanted to talk, about the other day.”
Cassandra went stiff. She pressed her lips together and turned back to the training dummy.
“I have said all that I intend to on the matter. You know my feelings. I know yours. It is done.”
“I know why you did it.”
Shit, he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. But it might have been the right idea, because Cassandra actually looked at him. She was startled, and it showed. An off-balance Cassandra was a Cassandra who could be tricked into saying more than she meant to.
“What did you say?” she asked. Was she paler than usual?
“You said that to me, while we were arguing. About why I didn’t tell you where Hawke was. ‘I know why you did it’. What did you mean?”
Instantly Cassandra turned away from him, now staring out at the courtyard.
“I meant I understood your motivations. Hawke is your...friend, and you were trying to protect her from a threat.”
Maker, the woman was a terrible liar. And he had definitely noticed the little pause before ‘friend’.
“But you didn’t say ‘I understand’, you said ‘I know’. That’s different.”
Cassandra glared at him. Not a great improvement, but at least she was making eye contact again. Was that a good thing? Varric wasn’t sure.
“What difference does it make if I say one word or another?”
“Implication is everything, seeker. And you’re avoiding the question.”
“I--!” Cassandra suddenly sighed and put her sword back into the sheath. She twisted her fingers together, something experience had taught Varric meant a mixture of nerves and social anxiety. “It is not my place to say.”
“Since when has that ever stopped you?”
“This is different. It is...personal.”
“You’re not going to confess your undying love or anything, are you?”
At ‘love’, Cassandra flinched, and Varric experienced a moment of pure terror so strong he thought he’d pass out.
“Oh sweet Maker, please tell me you aren’t actually--”
"No!" she snapped. Don't be ridiculous! It wasn't about me!" Then Cassandra subsided. Hunched her shoulders. More finger twisting. Okay, she wasn't in love with him, that was good, crisis averted. But somehow the anxiety wasn't dissipating. In fact, it was getting worse, crawling up his spine, making his muscles tense like he was ready for a fight. Or to run. Probably run.
“It’s not my place to say,” Cassandra said again, in the tone of someone who really, really wants to.
“How will you know if you don’t say? Come on, Seeker, tell me what’s on your mind. I promise I won’t be offended.” Varric put on his best cajoling tone, the kind he normally used on animals and Carta assassins.
Cassandra turned abruptly and moved to the stump next to the training dummies. She sat down. Stared at her feet. Twist, twist, twist. Varric approached with caution, and waited. At last Cassandra took a deep breath and straightened.
"Varric, has it ever occurred to you that you might be in love with Hawke?"
Varric's jaw dropped. He stared at her. His mind was blank, a silent void that could barely comprehend what he'd just heard, let alone find the words to answer. He was vaguely aware of his mouth trying to form words. Nothing could come out. He grasped around futilely in his own head for a response, any response. At last he found an old classic, certainly appropriate for the situation.
People on the other side of the courtyard turned to stare. Not ideal, but at least the outburst had dislodged the rest of his words.
"Do I think--" Too loud. He cut himself off and his voice down to a furious whisper. "No, I'm not in--! Maker, you can't just say things like that!"
Cassandra puffed up indignantly, looking so much like an angry bird of prey it would have been funny, if things could be funny at that moment.
"I wasn't going to say it, you asked me to tell you!"
The initial shock began to wear off, and now that Varric felt less like he’d walked into a wall, he had to admit it was kind of funny. In love with Hawke. The very idea of it was so ridiculous, so absurd, he had to laugh. It was a slightly strangled laugh, but it was a laugh.
“Why would you ever think I’m...that?”
“Everything you have done, has been for Hawke. You knew if you told me were Hawke was, I would let you go, but you still refused to tell. You accepted the danger, so she would not have to.”
“Seeker, that’s what you do for a friend. You would know, if you had any.”
Cassandra ignored the jab.
“You tell stories about her, and only about her. Even when you tell stories about other people, she always ends up involved somewhere.”
“All my good stories involve Hawke because I spent the last ten years doing nothing but follow her around!”
“Oh, I see. You have completely disproven my assumption with your evidence.”
“Don’t try sarcasm, Seeker, you’re not built for it.”
“You spend all your time in Skyhold sitting around moping--"
"--and all your time outside of it complaining. The only time you don't do either of those, you're talking about Hawke."
Varric sighed. “That’s not love, Seeker, it’s nostalgia.”
Cassandra folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. She didn’t do a very good job at it, and Varric had to fight back the urge to laugh again.
“And nostalgia is also why all of your stories revolve around how wonderful you think Hawke is?”
“Every story you tell is the same. Hawke does something heroic, and then she says something clever and charming and you talk about how she’s the greatest person you’ve ever met.”
“That’s because she--” is the greatest person I’ve ever met, he did not finish because no. No, no, no. No. That was not-- It wasn’t like he was making stuff up about Hawke! He wasn’t lying when he told those stories, or at least no more than his usual edits and embellishments. Varric didn’t need to exaggerate how funny and charming and clever Hawke was. She just was those things!
Besides, he would know if he was...that. People didn’t not know they were in love. This wasn’t a romance novel, it was real life! He wasn’t an idiot.
Varric realized he was frozen mid-gesture, and staring blankly at Cassandra’s belt buckle.
“I...have to go be. Somewhere else. And do. Something. Not here.” Without waiting for an answer, or daring to look up at Cassandra’s face, he fled.
Varric shut the door to his room very carefully behind him, and hurried over to his desk. Paper had been hard to come by where Hawke was, so she tended to write her letters to him on the backs of the ones he sent her. He rifled through the pages, eyes skimming over his own writing, occasionally skipping words or whole sentences in his haste to find a lack of proof.
I wish you could have been there; you would have dropped kicked him right off the cliff, like you did with that slaver captain.  
We could have really used that spell of yours, the one where you toss people into the air? Our fights would be over a lot faster with you around, but then nobody else would have anything to do.
I’m sure you’ve got a quip for that, let me know what we should have said and I’ll remember for next time.
The Inquisitor gets the job done but he just doesn’t have your finesse, or your sense of
It wasn’t a bad time but I would have liked it if you were there
Everyone keeps talking about how flashy Dorian is, but until he figures out how to weaponize a light display he doesn’t even come close to
Don’t worry, she’s nowhere near as smart as
can’t tell the others but I know I can trust
not as good as
just wasn’t the same without
better when you
The letters began to crumple as Varric’s grip grew tighter. Each one was worse than the last. Maker, in this one he told her he missed her three times on one page! Here he’d spent an entire paragraph describing how the fight would have gone if she was there and most of it was about how she’d show everyone up... And- oh no, he’d stopped halfway through describing the people at the Winter Palace to tell her that they weren’t as pretty as her, why? It wasn’t even relevant!
Varric dropped the letters and stood up so abruptly he banged his knee on the corner of the desk. He winced but didn’t stop, tugging open the chest at the foot of his bed. Down at the bottom, mixed in with a few of his other books, was a copy of The Tale of the Champion. He pulled it out and flipped through it hurriedly, tearing a page in his haste.
I'd planned for nothing more than a business deal, but the moment I saw her I knew she was going to be so much more than a helping hand on an expedition. It was her eyes. They’re the color of lyrium, that impossible blue, and when she looks at you, you can sense the strength hidden in her, power concealed but just below the surface, a promise and a warning all in one.
Varric was in love with Hawke.
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